#kirby still tagged because mentioned
starflungwaddledee · 4 months
Ah, guess there aren't many night owls in Dreamland, huh? Sounds like it would be tough to be sleeping during the day. Good thing you and Coo can keep each other company! Is he nice? Never met an owl before.
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poll results: up we go! to the stars! they certainly think of each other quite fondly
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Kirby Star Allies is one of, if not my absolute favorite Kirby games, and I recognize while it's on paper one of the weaker entries in the core series, it appeals to me personally on multiple levels and I think I should revisit it more
#musings#kirby#no the reasons don't begin and end with 'dark meta knight is playable'#but that is a very big reason#to expand on it i think the dlc dream friends were amazingly designed#they still fit into the structure and playstyle of a playable kirby character but they also still feel like bosses#using dmk as an example they took his boss fight from triple deluxe and made it into a playable character#preserving most of his moves and adding new ones in the same vein#before unlocking dmk i played as marx and was surprised by how faithful he felt to his boss fight#and of course being able to augment these characters' movesets with elemental upgrades makes it even better#guest star allies was a great addition because if i want to i can play through the whole game in one sitting#as dark meta knight with fire powers#that's like my ideal kirby experience right there#did i mention the dlc was all free and very well-crafted?#that's not a given nowadays so i'm very appreciative of that#i also like the mage sisters and the lore implications the game offers#fransisca and flamberge are quite possibly the first lesbians in a kirby game#and they're ALSO playable! with their full boss movesets!#you can even tag out to the other elemental nuns whenever you want#so they're three very strong characters in one package#i seriously need to finish completing my save file in star allies so i can just start up a dmk or mage sisters run whenever i want#that would be nice i think#but of course because of the main mechanic being related to having teammates i can bring both characters with me#including in other guest star allies runs#because if i want to i can just ride their back and control them that way#i wonder how easy it would be to cheese a hard guest star allies run by piggybacking off an op dream friend
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Kirby and hyness are you two ok?
Kirby just stood there, seemingly a little spaced out. He could hear Hyness and Javez talking in the distance, but the words weren't registering in his head. He was holding a Friend Heart, but it appeared to be...cracked?
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He quickly hid the heart behind his back.
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Kirby: "Oh, and...don't worry about the Friend Heart, poyo. It's fine. Not like it even matters, poyo..."
...Ok, something was definitely wrong. He was almost completely grayscale, and he was acting strange.
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ohraicodoll · 2 years
i just wanna start off by saying i am obsessed with your feral reader series. ever since i started the show ive had a strong urge to write something with an unhinged character similar to your red but never found the energy to, and your work has fufilled that urge lol.
anyways i was just wondering, if you think ellie would ever lash out at red for her selflessness? ellie obvs has abandonment issues, and as her and reds relationship evolves i can see ellie start to become more and more frustrated with reds lack of will to live. simply because ellie doesnt think she could handle loosing red.
what are your thoughts?
Thank you so much! I'm just so thrilled people enjoy it all and the character! I think it would take a while for Ellie to lash out. Joel makes himself an easy target, but its almost more intimidating with Red. But I think it would take them being settled in Jackson for a while, Ellie realizing she's going to be with them for the rest of their lives, and seeing how Red is still being reckless with herself before she finally snaps. Because it's not getting through to her that she matters and is needed. And because yall are so nice, here's a little drabble of it! (I live purely off yalls comments and messages and tags like a fanfic Kirby)
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(Feral Masterlist)
The walk back into town was quiet, tension filling the space between the three as they turned in their horses to the stables and made the walk back to their house. For once Ellie wasn’t talking, wasn’t chatting their ears off, didn’t even make mention of the new book they had found that she had been eager to grab since it was the first of the series. Not the third or the second or fifth. First. A rare find. No, instead she was walking ahead of them, face pinched and moving with a heavy stomp with each step. Joel wasn’t in a much better mood, brow heavily furrowed and scowling at the ground. She was used to their lackluster sunshine attitudes. It’s not like she was much better, but now it seemed distinctly aimed at her. She was left to pick up the rear behind them, trying to ignore the looks of the townsfolk as they stared at her, gritting her teeth. She knew Joel was angry, but Ellie seemed to be as well and that felt odd. It had been a quick scout. They’d been trying to search further and further away from Jackson to comb through whatever resources they could. Eventually they would do farther scouts out of state, but they wanted to make sure everything had been picked clean. The area had already been swept multiple times and Ellie had wanted to come with them, saying she didn’t want to get soft and lose sight of what it was like out there. They’d let her come. It wasn’t a new spot and they both were there. If she was safe with anyone, it was them. But they hadn’t counted on infected moving into the area, traveling there. There’d been a few and when Ellie had accidentally tripped and fell, one going for her, she’d tackled it to keep her away. They’d wrestled hard until her knife found its home in its head and it had slumped off of her. It wasn’t anything out of the usual. They’d had closer scrapes and harder fights on the way to Utah. But Joel had ripped into her on the way back for pulling a stupid move instead of shooting it, for the thousandth time since she’d known him, and Ellie had been quiet the entire way back. She was used to Joel’s anger, but wasn’t sure about the teenager’s. Ellie was hardly ever mad at her and she wasn’t sure how to feel now that she was its target. They both entered the house ahead of her and she quietly shut the door behind them, chewing on her lip, feeling the tension build. Ellie threw her backpack into the corner of the living room roughly, stomping towards the connecting kitchen. Joel caught her eye and then shook his head, huffing before dumping his own pack in the downstairs bedroom. “So I have to deal with both of you being pissy?” In the safety of their home, she could be more direct. But there was no confidence in her voice, the sarcasm flimsy. Even with them, she had a hard time communicating sometimes. 
Ellie slammed her hand down on the kitchen and spun to face her, cheeks red with anger, “You can’t do that, Red!” She swallowed her sigh, back stiffening as she clenched her jaw, “Do what?” The teenager growled out a loud groan and stomped back to her, using as much of her height as she could to get into her face, “Be that reckless! Joel gets after you all the time and you keep doing it!” “Ellie,” she bit out sternly, but the girl didn’t stop. Joel stood in the back, looking at the scene but not interfering, arms crossed as he leaned against the wall. He would be no help to her. “Why didn’t you shoot it?” Ellie shouted, “You could have gotten bit! I’m immune but you’re not and you just fucking threw yourself on top of it!” “Yes, you’re immune, but it can still hurt you,” she argued back and put her hands on her hips, not knowing how to fight with the one person who seemed to be her constant defender. It seemed obvious. Ellie was in danger so she stopped it. She wasn’t sure why this was suddenly not okay. “So what! We get hurt all the time, but it can kill you!” Ellie’s voice was rising and she could see her shaking, lips pinching and eyes getting glossy. Her throat caught, a lump forming at seeing the passion and anger in the kid’s face as she adamantly continued to argue even as her voice choked up, “If it bit you, we’d have to fucking put you down. Do you get that? And then I’m stuck with fucking Joel alone and who the fuck is gonna take care of us?” Her eyes lifted to find Joel’s as Ellie shuddered, ducking her head and trying to swallow her tears. His face had softened, some of the anger gone, lips pursed. The look was frustration, exhaustion, sad pulling his lips down. So many times he’d yelled at her to stop being so careless, to stop treating herself as if she didn’t matter, and she had shrugged it off. Because Ellie was all that mattered. If something happened to her, she had Joel and it would be fine because they had each other. They had each other before she showed up and they would have each other after. But there was no mission anymore, no goal to get her to the Fireflies, nothing. There was only life. Living in Jackson together for the rest of their lives. She was still throwing herself in harm’s way though, because even if Ellie wasn’t going to save the world, she was her kid. And she couldn’t let anything happen to her. She hadn’t considered what it would do to Ellie if she was gone. Had remembered her argument with Joel when he tried to pass her off to Tommy. Everyone had left her or was dead. The tears won out and Ellie’s shoulders shook even as she desperately tried to look tough and hold it together. She didn’t say anything, didn’t console her that it would be okay. She just ran her hand over her hair and tucked her head into her chest. Ellie’s arms were a vice as she wrapped them around her waist, a steel band around her body, the flood gates opening as sobs broke through and she cried into her shirt. She only held her tightly, combing her hand over the loose strands of her ponytail and resting her head on hers. “I’m sorry,” she whispered, feeling her shake even harder, “I’m sorry.” Through her muffled sniffles, so quiet she almost didn’t catch it, she heard the reply, “Don’t leave me.” Her heart broke a little and she watched as Joel came a little closer. In that way they always could communicate silently, always seemed to be on the same frequency, she understood the look on his face. His eyes flickered to the kid in her arms, staring at her with a sigh, but looking back at her and giving her a nod. “Do better for her,” it seemed to say. She swallowed hard, pressing her face into Ellie’s hair, before nodding back. “I will.”
_____________________ Taglist:
@alouise20 @faceache111​ @hawsx3​ @taxidriversainz @iluvbunnyhops @mrfitzdarcyslover @emlovesya  @agent007knight @spaacerabbit @namgification @wonwoosthetic​  @wxnderingthoughts @sagggy
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spiderlandry · 1 year
it’s a sad song (but we sing it anyway) — ethan landry
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Description: “Someone has to leave first. This is a very old story. There is no other version of this story.” (Richard Siken)
Or, Ethan tells you his true identity.
Pairing: Ethan Landry x GN!Reader
Warnings/Tags: angst, no happy ending sorry guys (but i dont think it’s that bad tbf), canon typical violence, mentions of death, extra warning for those who have watched psych s7 ep7, unedited but i might edit soon
Word Count: 1.4k
Author’s Note: someone should hold me back from using hadestown lyrics as fic titles .
Ethan is going to hell.
He had never believed in the idea of righteousness or salvation, not even in karma or the rule of reciprocity. But you’ve broken down the walls he has worked years to put up, leaving him vulnerable and wondering how you managed to destroy his years of work in mere seconds. Now he doesn’t know what to believe.
There is no version of this story that goes well for him, he realizes. He has turned it over in his head a million times, and it ends with you—or him—leaving.
He hesitantly steps onto the crime scene. Though nervousness is part of his act, he can’t help but think it’s also because he’s afraid to face you. He ducks under the yellow tape and his eyes flit to your figure sitting at the edge of the curb a few feet away from the others, a blanket around your shoulders. You pull it taut, looking at the ground, shivering, no doubt in shock.
He blinks and then he’s pushed up against a van, his angry roommate demanding answers. Ethan gives his alibi mindlessly. He had practiced it, he doesn’t need to think. It’s not like he can think, because once his gaze lands on you, your eyes widened at Chad’s outburst, his mind clouds with you. Only you.
What’s worse is that once Chad is off him and Ethan is squatting in front of you, you look into his eyes without a hint of fear. Not even betrayal. Because you don’t suspect him. That’s what shakes Ethan—he lies to you, and you believe him without so much as a thought. Isn’t this what he wanted?
Then why doesn’t it feel right?
He reaches out to you, hand hovering over your shoulder, silently asking for permission. You nod.
You’re cold to the touch, even through the blanket he can feel the chill radiating off you. He ends up rubbing your back to help you get warm, and there is a split second where you’re searching his face.
You jump into his arms, and he stumbles onto the ground as you cling to him, not even minding the stares you’re getting.
He relishes in your trust, knowing you won’t be safe with him for much longer. Hell, you were never safe with him. The difference will be that you’ll know.
Shortly after getting checked out by the medics and exploring the abandoned theatre with the rest of the group, Ethan is surprised to hear you ask if you can go to his place for a bit.
Obviously, he says yes. He can’t possibly turn you down. But he has a bad feeling, maybe it’s intuition or something else.
The view is familiar. You’re laying on him, a hand over his heart, feeling its steady beat while he squeezes your side for comfort. If the comfort is for him or you, he doesn’t know.
You’re both supposed to leave in a few hours to meet up with Kirby and the others to hopefully track down ghostface through a phone call.
“You can’t leave my side,” You finally say after a long stretch of silence, palm still smoothed over his chest. If you feel the sudden change in his heartbeat, you don’t mention it.
“I won’t leave you. You know that,” And he means it. He hates that he means it. It’s not him. It’s not who he’s supposed to be. “We’ll get him.” He whispers, pressing a kiss to the crown of your head, relieved from the comfortable sigh that you let out. It’s a promise he knows he will break. Kirby’s plan is bound to fail—it’s a heavy stone in his heart, and he keeps it there because he knows he deserves the burden of carrying it.
You get up to take a quick shower, he heads to the kitchen for a drink. His throat is dry.
For the first time in his life, Ethan is clueless.
About ten minutes later, he hears the shower shut off, and you exit the bathroom after a moment, wearing his clothes. He almost smiles, but you’ve got something in your hand. He doesn’t process it just yet.
He never saw it going like this. Not in a million years, not even in the scenarios he ran through in his head.
Your face is devoid of any emotion. Numb, as you throw the dagger at Ethan’s feet.
He stares at the weapon on the floor, a speck of blood on the otherwise shiny surface, a spot he missed. He recalls haphazardly throwing the knife under the sink to move for later, but it is that moment he realizes he’d forgotten.
His head snaps toward you, and it’s then he figures out you’re shaking. But you’re still emotionless—maybe that’s what scares him the most—you’re the easiest to read. He can’t possibly read you now.
“Explain this,” Your voice doesn’t falter, and there’s a brief staring contest between the two of you before Ethan picks up the knife.
His body carries him. He no longer controls himself. You step back, much to his dismay.
You watch while he runs it under the water, unable to look in your eyes.
“Ethan,” you call sternly. “Ethan, are you listening to me?” When your voice breaks—
He breaks, too.
There’s a loud clank that sounds when Ethan slams the weapon into the sink. It makes you flinch.
His jaw clenches upon seeing the tears in your eyes. “Falling in love with you was never part of the plan, okay?”
It’s the confirmation you were looking for. The actual name to his secret is not even uttered, the word never said. It hangs in the air.
“This all started because my brother died,” The venom rolls off his tongue. “But—but then I met you. You’re—you were—” As he struggles to find the right words, he expresses his anger through a shout. “You fucking broke me!”
“What are you talking about?” You stand your ground, to his surprise. “Are you telling me this is all a lie?”
“Please don’t make me answer that,” He whispers.
This whole time, he has carried the guilt of being the reason for the torment you’d experienced. He carried it, thinking it would be worth it, long as you never found out. The goodbye never mattered—long as the image you had of him wasn’t tainted.
But now it is.
Marching toward him, what hurts is that there’s no anger on your face. “Yeah,” you nod, voice finally tapering. “You broke me, too.”
He doesn’t register the slam of the door until seconds later.
This was originally going to be longer, but since I don’t think I’ll write the rest this is how it goes:
Ethan doesn’t tell his dad about you knowing he’s ghostface, he just shows up to the park like everything is normal, half expecting that there’s police waiting for him there but since he’s practically given up he goes anyway
He’s surprised to find that things are normal, you’re just avoiding him. You haven’t turned him in.
You take Mindy’s place on the train, you get stabbed by Quinn and get rushed to the hospital.
Ethan is forced to make the decision of staying at the hospital or going through with the plan. He picks the latter.
It could have gone one of two ways (I didn’t decide):
The plan is successful, the family manages to kill the sisters and the twins and Kirby.
Ethan knows what this means. The mission ends with you. Ethan and Bailey have this standoff where they exchange silent looks, Bailey is practically saying, If you don’t do it, then I will. ‘It’ referring to killing you.
Ethan chooses to kill you at the hospital, not wanting for his father to do it. It reminds him of his first kill—his mother. He lives with it for the rest of his life.
Or, alternatively:
It goes according to canon, Ethan dies. You’re still at the hospital, unconscious, unaware that Ethan died. When you wake up, your friends are at your side, and you’re conflicted on if you’re relieved—then flashbacks ensue of how real your relationship with Ethan felt. You’re alive but you’ll never be the same again.
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luwritesomething · 2 years
Heyyyyyyy can you do a Mickey Altieri x gn!reader and they are both in the same film class and the reader and Mickey are rivals and they get paired on a project together and after they get a good grade on it they realize that they really like eachother and they kiss at the end 😍
But if you do end up doing this thank you so much!!!!!
Also the reader and Randy are besties
I will be back with Stu and Billy requests later ☺️
Mickey Altieri x Reader: happy fools
Warnings: Swearing (probably), mentions of food (no ed), reader doesn’t eat because they have no money to afford it (no ed), reader has money problems, reader has a scholarship that pays for a big part of their living, sucky boss, money problems, mentions of the theater murders and the woodsboro murders, no mentions of mickey being part of the murders but no mention of him not being part of the murders either.
Tags: academic rivals to lovers dynamic, reader dislikes mickey more than mickey dislikes reader, mickey is annoying but loveable, randy is reader’s best friend, cici is perfect and we love her for that, reader ends up liking mickey, group project
Reader pronouns: Non stated.
Word count: 3767
Summary: Mickey and Reader have been rivals since they started college, but they’re paired up for a Film Theory project together.
Author’s note: SORRY FOR TAKING THIS LONG @alexhostghost. i loved this req!!!!!! rivals/enemies to lovers all the way!!!!!! i think i made this reader a bit more specific with the whole schoolarship and money problems thing, but i hope it's still good and liked <3 also i listened to happy fools on a loop so there you go. graphic is mine !!
criticism, comments and reblogs are always appreciated! requests are open, especially for scream! hit that anon button and tell me your ideas. in the scream fandom, i write for billy loomis, stu macher, randy meeks, tatum riley, sidney prescott, mickey altieri, kirby reid, chad meeks martin, mindy meeks martin, tara carpenter, anika kayoko and laura crane.
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“No, it’s a perfect example of life imitating art, imitating life.” Mickey interrupted Cici matter of factly, with that assholish grin you had learned to roll your eyes at. Cici opened her mouth to debate that, but Mickey was faster, following with his reasoning. “It’s really not that difficult to understand, guys.”
It all had started when Professor Robinson had asked all of you if you had heard the news of two campus students getting murdered in the opening for the new, flashy slasher film, Stab. The movie was based on true events, which had transcurred at a town called Woodsboro less than a year ago — your friend Randy, from your same major, had been one of the key survivors of that same massacre —; and its reality had quickly become a topic of discussion for your classmates. 
Mickey, one of Randy’s friend and who you barely could handle during classes because God was he always trying to be better than you, and other boys had started arguing that the murders had been a direct consequence of the nature of the film, to which Cici Cooper had instantly replied calling out their absolute bullshit. You couldn’t agree more with Cici, but Mickey’s attitude diminishing what your friend tried to very politely explain had made you scoff and straighten in your chair.
“Life doesn’t and shouldn’t imitate art.” You found yourself saying, rather loudly. Mickey’s eyebrows shot up your way, and you guessed you could continue talking, as now Professor Robinson was looking at you expectantly. “And also, calling that Stab movie is such an overstatement — it’s trash. Even the book on which is based, The Woodsboro Murders? It sucks dick. ”
“It actually happened.” A girl from one of the front rows said, and you clicked your tongue.
For a second or two, your eyes drifted to Randy, who only scrunched his nose slightly to show he was actually listening. You couldn’t imagine how discussing the murders he had seen less than a year ago felt for him, but you weren’t about to stop — and Randy wasn’t one to stop a good debate from happening, either.
“No shit?” You inquired, sarcasm dripping from your tongue, and Cici by your side laughed as the girl that had spoken just rolled her eyes. “What I’m trying to say it’s the writing itself sucked, I can’t do anything about the real story. The thing is violence, and less along murder, can’t be excused by the argument of ‘they watched too many movies’. It just doesn’t work like that.”
Cici pointed at you with a smile on her face. “Thank you!”
“Whoa, there.” Mickey called out from the back of the class, forcing you to turn your head slightly to look at him. “Nobody was trying to excuse it.”
Your head cocked to the side. “Why won’t you just admit that you’re wrong?”
Humdrum bursted into the class, as light whistles and laughter could be heard from your comeback, slowly easing a little grin into your face while you stared back at Mickey. His lips corners also raised, amused with how you had slightly caught him red handed, and you ended up turning your head to the front of the class when Professor Robinson took everyone’s attention by coughing fakely.
“Well, I’m just going to chirp in during my class to remind you that you guys can actually share your opinions outside of class.” Mister Robinson said with a smile on his face. 
When Cici chuckled under her breath, like many others, and nudged you in your side, you just rolled your eyes. You could tell the class was close to end as people around you started subtly gathering their things, and also by the way Mister Robinson glanced at the clock in the classroom before he stopped leaning onto his desk.
“Before you all go,” he said, stopping everyone’s movements. His hand pointed at the cork board in the back of the classroom, rather lazily. “I wanted to tell you that the pairs and subjects of this term’s project are already available for you to check in the back of the classroom. Remember you must do well on your presentations, since it will not only count as half of your grade, but your classmates’ too considering all the subjects will be parts of the upcoming exam.”
Most groaned, but you just looked away and started gathering your things calmly, knowing most of your classmates would rush to the cork board and wouldn’t let you see until some minutes had passed. Mister Robinson had already left the classroom when complaints about the partners or the subjects started to rise between the students, and you only heard half of what Cici was telling to the other girl about her subject, Auteur theory. 
Once you had your things, you lifted from your seat and dodged the other desks and chairs to reach the cork board where, among others, was Randy. You knew you hadn’t been paired up together from the moment he turned to look at you with a funny expression you couldn’t quite crack, and that was truly a pity — you two had grown pretty close for the last couple of weeks since your first project together, in that same Film Theory class.
“You’re gonna like this.” He muttered once you placed yourself by his side, making you frown.
“Why?” You asked, but before he could answer, your eyes started scanning the list printed and hung on the board, searching for your name. Oh. Your lips pursed instantly, eyes rolling to the back of your head. “Oh, fuck.”
You could already feel his presence behind you, his stupid and annoying grin as Mickey said, “Looks like we’re gonna have to stop fighting.”
“You could be a great team.” Randy agreed softly as he searched for your eyes, but you rolled them again — it’s funny, you realized as he chuckled softly. It’s funny for him, because Randy didn’t have to work with his so-called rival, you did.
Without saying anything to either of them, you turned around and walked out of the classroom with your mind too occupied with all you have to do other than stay around with a jerk and your friend. Your rent is due and the money from your scholarship is not coming for some reason, and you also have a ton of homework and extra shifts to cover for the lack of money — you literally did not have the time.
You were already out of the building, deep in your thoughts, when you heard someone calling out your name. You recognized the voice, so you barely turned to see Mickey jogging towards you with his backpack on only one shoulder and his dumb camera on his left hand — you didn’t even stop walking, which absolutely made him call out your name again.
“Hey, hold up!” He chuckled with that wide grin of his, the one you were used to rolling your eyes at. However, this time you held yourself back, having done that too many times in the last minutes, and now you actually listened to him, stopping your walking to let him catch up.
Mickey flashed a smile when he reached you, accommodating the strap on his shoulder to make sure his backpack wasn't falling to the ground. “We have to cooperate now, we’re a team.”
“Lucky me.” You muttered, and after checking he was finally willing to walk, you resumed your pace with him by your side.
“When are you free?” He asked, choosing to ignore your lack of enthusiasm. 
You truly didn’t understand it — you didn’t hate Mickey, or you guessed so. He was just annoying to you, always saying the exact opposite of what you said just for the hell of getting under your skin. Just a few weeks of classes, and he had finally won the position of your rival, so his amusement for the situation wasn’t really something you could understand.
“Not today.” You chose to say, head shaking to get rid of your cavilations. If you hadn’t known Mickey better, you could have sworn he looked taken aback, so you added, “But Formalism is an easy theory, so we can start researching by ourselves meanwhile.”
“We still have to pick a date.” Mickey insisted, his head cocked to the side and without taking his eyes away from you.
You snorted softly. “What, do you really have a busy enough life to need everything planned to the minute?”
“You’re not getting rid of me.” He replied with a sing-song, without answering your sarcastic question.
“Do I have to tell you now?”
“Yeah, kinda.”
“Fine.” You stopped dead in your tracks, surprising him, but he immediately turned to look at you, your arms crossed on top of your chest. “Tomorrow after lunch, outside of the library.”
A smile crossed his face, and you could have sworn he blinked at you as he walked away, saying, “Perfect. See you there, then!”
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You were late, you knew, and it irked you. It hadn’t being your fault, if you saved the part in which you had agreed to do an extra shift at your job to get some extra money — you were in dire need of cash, and still, your boss hadn’t paid you after that, arguing he would give you all the money he owed you when the official time had come. So, you were tired, late to your date for the project with Mickey, hungry because you hadn’t eaten in the whole day and with no extra money.
At least you hadn’t been late enough to make Mickey leave from the library doors, which relieved you as you quickened your pace to reach him. Mickey watched you without his usual smile, probably annoyed because of the solid fifteen minutes he had been waiting for you; but he only frowned when you folded once you arrived to his side, catching your breath. Have you been running? — Mickey searched for traces of sweat in your forehead and skin, and he found them, little pearls of rushed sweat that exposed you to him forming near your hairline.
“I’m sorry.” You said, before he could open his mouth, and you tried your best to straighten yourself so you could look into his eyes. “I’m late, I’m sorry.”
“It’s alright.” Mickey assured with a curious glimmer in his eyes. His head tilted to the side as he watched you breathe heavily. “Is everything alright? You shouldn’t have run.”
“I didn’t run.” You lied rather dryly, and you pushed your hair off your shoulder and away from your face. The sound that came from your starving stomach wasn’t too loud, but Mickey heard it, which only mortified you more — how more could you embarrass yourself? “Sorry, I haven’t eaten anything today. Anyways, should we–?”
Mickey interrupted you quickly. “What do you mean you haven’t eaten?”
You blinked once, processing his question. “I’m running low on money and skipped lunch to do an extra shift at work.”
“What about breakfast?”
“Mickey, drop it. I had no time, and it's not like my fridge is full. We need to work now, I’ll eat something later.”
When you tried to dodge him to finally go into the library, his hand grabbed your wrist, stopping you. “You’re not going in there without eating something first.”
“Excuse you?” You hissed, a frown becoming visible between your eyebrows, astounded that he would have the audacity to tell you what you could and couldn’t do.
“If you die, I’ll have a bad conscience.” Mickey replied, with a little smirk that was even more annoying than the way he was trying to control you. It was for a good reason, sure, but still. “We’ll work at a café, where you can have something to eat.”
You scoffed, and moved your hand away from him so he would let go, which worked. “What part of I’m running low on money you didn’t understand, Altieri? I can’t afford lunch at a café.”
“My treat.” He insisted, as his smirk dropped. It made you realize, that gesture, that he was completely serious about what he was saying.
But for some reason, owing him money of all people made you feel terrible. “I’m not letting you buy me food.”
Mickey rolled his eyes, now as equally annoyed as you were. “Then you’ll pay me back once you get your hands on your money, alright? Please? We’re wasting time here.”
You couldn’t help but click your tongue, but when you took a glance at the watch on your wrist, you realized he was right. With your lateness and the bickering, you two had already lost more than twenty minutes in which you should have been working on your Formalism project. He was right, and you hated that.
“Fine.” You grunted lowly, and he only smiled, before he led the way to one of the cafés outside of campus.
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It was awkward, having him buy you lunch. You had always liked to think of yourself as a very independent person, and honestly, you thought you were. College life was stressful but a blessing in this aspect, although the money and tuition fees were certainly something worth bawling your eyes for. You had always had money problems and managed and planned your life on campus around that, but it was also true that you had never gone without having something for breakfast or lunch because of having to save money for something more important. Fortunately, that very same morning you had received a warning that your warning would come late but still come, but that didn’t make the fact of having Mickey behind you and watching what you would choose for him to pay any better.
“You can choose whatever.” He said, after you spent five slow minutes trying to figure out which sandwich from the ones displayed in the cafe’s counter would be less expensive. You looked at Mickey from the corner of your eyes, but he wasn’t looking at you, maybe to make things easier for you. “It’s not like I’m gonna go broke for buying you lunch.”
With a hum, you acknowledged his words. You stared at the sandwiches ahead, and murmured, “Thanks.”
After you had chosen two different sets of sandwiches and some juice that looked delicious — and after Mickey had ordered a coffee with a ridiculously little amount of milk —, you carried your tray to one of the empty tables in the back of the establishment while Mickey paid. You put the folder of information you had found about Formalism next to your tray and started eating without waiting for him.
You watched him walk towards your table, coffee mug in his free hand, while the other carried his black wallet. Now that you were eating, you no longer felt embarrassed for having someone paying for your food once, and for a second, you forgot how little you were used to getting along. It’s not like you hated him — if you did, you wouldn’t have let him buy you anything.
“Better?” Mickey asked as he slid into the seat across from you.
Shortly, you nodded. “Thanks. I’ll pay you back, I promise.”
“There’s no rush.” He said, before he took a sip of his coffee. When you found yourself staring at him too much, finding his unshaven stubble more attractive than usual, you forced yourself to look away. “I know how expensive tuition fees are.”
“Yeah, well, I have a scholarship. The money should be coming, that’s the thing.”
Mickey watched you curiously. “I did not know you had a scholarship.”
“I do.” You murmured. Outside of class, you had never really talked to him much. He was close friends with Randy, sure, but the timing had never been right between you two — and you were always busy, something for which Randy always teased you. “Anyways, I have been doing some research about Formalism. It’s an easy subject, but we’re going to have to explain it really well.”
“Oh, yeah.” Mickey nodded, agreeing with you, and he once again took a sip off his coffee. “Is that folder what you found? You finish your food and I’ll start reading.”
With a hum, you nodded your head and Mickey leaned in to grab your folder and open it. His eyes started scanning over the documents you had printed, and you went back to focusing on your sandwiches, but you noticed the slight smile that appeared in his mouth once he saw your calligraphy in between the documents.
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Mickey was actually someone nice to be around, and you slowly discovered that your rivalry had been wrongly directed to a fake image you had of him. If he had ever been annoying with you, arguing for absolutely every single thing you said, it was because he was that kind of funny; and it was rather easy to befriend him after the hours you spent together on the Formalism project. Sooner than later, your project was finished, and college life continued like it always had before that.
Mister Robinson took a whole two weeks to mark all the projects after all the pairs’ presentations were done. Randy had actually confessed to you, after you and Mickey had explained the theory that had been assigned to you with a slide presentation that had been his idea, that you two had probably been one of the best presentations — after his, of course. It was still a compliment, coming from him.
“Star Trek is better than Star Wars, I don’t care.” One of the girls in your class insisted, prompting a bunch of booing and another bunch of claps.
When you lifted your head from laughing at the improvised debate that had formed something Mister Robinson had said while explaining the main themes in film for the last few years — the poor man was probably sick of these debates, but he always listened, aware it was important for his students to communicate their ideas eloquently —, you found that Mickey was profusely shaking his head at what the girl had said. 
“Star Wars is just George Lucas inserted into a different, low budget and worse Star Trek universe.” Another boy said, backing the girl up, and now it was Randy who was shaking his head.
“Comparing Star Wars to Star Trek is absurd.” Randy said, pitched raised slightly so he would be heard. “Not because of one being better than the other, that’s not the point at all. You wouldn’t compare The Godfather with Goodfellas, would you?”
Even Mister Robinson laughed at that, finding that Randy was right — once again. You just shook your head as you laughed when Cici turned to look at you with an incredulous eyebrow raised, like you could actually control all the shit that came from Randy’s mouth.
“Before you leave.” Mister Robinson called out, his eyes raising to the clock on the wall, like he was used to doing now due to the constant introductions during his classes. The humdrum around you, caused by the people gathering their things, didn’t stop you from listening to what he had to say. “You can find the marks for your projects in the cork board.”
You waited seated, recalling the time in which he had said the opposite — that the pairs and subjects could be found in that same place —, and knowing that you wouldn’t be able to see anything if you went with all the people who wanted to see it right then. It surprised you seeing that Randy and Cici made their ways into the masses of people, and then left once they had taken a peak at their marks.
Once the classroom started to empty, you got up from your chair and walked to the cork board, dodging Mickey and another boy talking back at the first’s desk. Before you made your way to the board, the boy left the classroom, and it was only you and Mickey.
“Mickey.” You called out as soon as your eyes identified your names together, your voice almost coming strained. “We got the highest grade.”
“We did?” Mickey laughed, getting up from his desk and walking towards you, his eyes focused on the sheet of paper. “Oh, holy shit, we did.”
You couldn’t help but chuckle, but your voice came out as a mutter. “Wow.”
“We make a hell of a good team, then.”
Holding back your smile, you looked up to him — Mickey wasn’t hiding his smile, letting it shine over you, and you didn’t feel the need to roll your eyes anymore. Lately, as you spent more and more time with him, you had forgotten about your need to be annoyed by him, and instead grew into an urge to wrap your arms around his neck and kiss him. It was like a positive intrusive thought, although still scary.
You blinked once when he called out your name. “You’re staring.”
“Is that bad?” You let out before you could stop yourself, but you started to feel embarrassed.
Before you could look away or cringe at what you had said, Mickey’s smile turned softer as he looked at you. “You tell me.”
You chuckled softly and looked away while shaking your head slightly. It was weird feeling your heart beat so fast against your chest, but you pushed through the feeling.
“Listen, I still have to repay you for that lunch and I was thinking…” Your head lifted again, so you could lock eyes with him, and you almost went breathless when you saw the intensity with which he was looking at you. “Would you have dinner with me?”
“Are you asking me on a date?” Mickey asked, his smile growing impossibly wider.
The nerves got the best of you, as you started to stumble, “I mean, it doesn’t necessarily have to be a date but yeah, it could be if you wanted to–”
“I’d love to go on a date with you.” He said, interrupting your embarrassment, and you smiled as a thank you. Mickey looked so pretty as he lowered his head slightly, like he was telling you a secret. “And I’d really like to kiss you right now, if that’s okay.”
Oh, what a rush of dumb happiness was your body receiving right now.
“Yeah, you can kiss me.” You muttered, and as soon as you said it, Mickey moved closer to you.
His hand rested on your waist, pulling you even closer to him, and his lips pressed against you in the exact same way you had imagined — just a few times before — they would. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you kissed him back.
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Hi hello!!! Idk how these work very well still so. Lemme do this to the best'a my abilities zzz
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This is my sona! I draw 'em a lot (I have like. 2 more main ones but they're not important,,,zz,zzzzz,zzzz,,,,)
Detailed info under cut!!
♤ I'm Yōmakai, Yomo, Res, any variation of my user really (* ̄∇ ̄*)
♤ ENG/ESP, learning JP, but certainly not enough to hold my own yet wahaha ! ;=u=
♤ I use Any Pronouns, and no particular honorifics! Get creative w it for all i care ((o(^∇^)o))
♤ My posts are sometimes very frequent, or maybe I'll go months without one!! Hard to tell augahjfkrif
♤ Chronic user of caps, emojis, kaomojis (the cool little face things I love em,,, ( =^ω^)), emoticons, etc. So basically pretty informal language y'know y'know.
♡ Maaaaaajor hyperfixation AND special interest in Yokai Watch!!! (all interations)
I also like;;;;
♡ Swan Lake (1981 Toei Version)
♡ Kirby (all iterations)
♡ Pokémon (all, pref. Johto, PMD, Kalos)
♡ Everything But Your Life
♡ Homestuck (I'm pretty new tho!)
♡ Way of the Househusband
♡ Yakuza (Just 0 for now! Also new djgjeoe)
♡ TMNT (1980's, 2003, 2012, RISE, MM, Bay!)
♡ Yu Yu Hakusho
♡ Oswald the Lucky Rabbit
♡ Entomology
♡ Cephalopods
♡ Grammar
♡...And more! But. I'll keep this not too long..,,.
◇ HAVE BASIC DECENCY (Not okie doki to be racist, homophobic, proship, etc...I wish mental recovery and healing for all those ill-learned.)
◇ I'm like. Really awful at responding to messages. Personal reasons and generally I keep busy!
◇ Please don't DM me unless you either A: Ask permission please,,, or B: Are a mutual, I'm more comfy w/ y'all bc most'a you know I'm Insane and Fantastic already/j/lh
◇ Sorry if I Spam sometimes!!! I get a lotta motivation in bursts sometimes so you might see like 5 things in a day. Or if I'm doing requests =u=!!
♧ Don't be afraid to tag me in anything! (Within reason ofc ofc)
♧ NEVER HAVE TO ASK TO DRAW OCS....GHHAGSH.....If you do @ me please ^u^
♧ Trad. and digital art will be posted!! May not be the best but it's my favorite hobby :)
♧ OH!!! SPEAKING OF HOBBIES. Wanna know some of mine? I like art, singing, crafts, writing, and hanging out outside,,,
• YomakaiResidentials - Tiktok (I,,, get the most anxious on this one. Don't expect much response!! If you want me to see your cool stuff, absolutely mention me or send me the video :> just try not to spam ghhhgagsg)
• ナガバナ愛 - Pixiv
• roughraffspompadour - Insta (best for messaging!!! Worst for posting EXPLODES)
• There's a secret other two but. They're more personal so Only Close Friends!!
• Not a social but I also have a blog called @askbabblong ......Babblong Ask Blog As You Can Tell
I organize all my posts and reblogs into tags because it's easier and I'm used to tagging things like on Ao3 and Fortelling,,,, I expect that if someone needed something specific they could sort it by the tags 🍌💬💜
☆ [● Posts from Yomakai] - Well. Posts by me!!!
☆ [• nagareblog] - Reblog tag! So if anyone wants ta see what else i like and or block it I GUESS....SIGH..../j
☆ [♤ Resident Rambles] - My yap sessions or general speaking tag. I chose the spade cause it's my favorite suit :)
☆ [☆ Favesposting] - Anything including fave characters....my little guys....
☆ [¤ Summoning...] - Friend stuff! Most (all) of these are yokai related if you couldn't tell wahaha!
☆ [Yolo Watch 2!] - Had to make a ykw specific tag because,,,,ghhshhdjd yokai,,z,,
☆ [|| refs 4 l8r ||] - Forgot about this one for a while....Refs for characters i wanna draw sometime!!!
☆ [¥ Aus I like! ¥] - WAHHH ALSO FORGOT THIS ONE! Typically the reblog for au masterposts or first encounters with'a cool thing EEEEYAAAAGH
☆ [《Cool Features!》] - Specific things I really like! Colors, future inspo, amazing stuffs....so much so it's hard to decide whether or not to put it in sometimes ghgahahhhgg...
☆ [~ Helpful!] - Info that can be helpful for future stuff
☆ [♧ Shameless Self Promotion] - promotions for stuff I make or just. In general things related to me (;´∀`)
☆ [◇ Important] - Donation posts, Gaza, fundraising, etc!!
☆ [♡ babblong's stand up] - (wow. Subtle with this reference huh) Anything funny to me.....remmeber.....my humor is bad/lh
☆ [` repo reblog rule `] - Repo related stuff from rottmnt because!!! HIM!!! kinda turned into a general tmnt tag, but mainly repo
☆ [{bugging}] - bugposting when I remember!!
☆ [¡quene!] - stuff from the Yōmakai backlogs,,,, aka my quene!
☆ [₩ delete later ₩] - if the second hand embarassment is really bad or if it's vent-adjacent then. After a while. Into the bin/post privately section it goes %o%!!
WOWZAS. I YAP A LOT!!! Can you see why i like Babblong....my little guy. Thanks for reading! Enjoy your stay :] tell me if there's anything i should add!
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icedragonlizard · 9 months
More information about my headcanon universe's home planet for Susie
In some of my earlier tumblr posts, particularly ones that largely involve Susie, you may have noticed how I keep talking about how I headcanon she has a home planet. That there's a place she lives at.
Well, I figure it'd be best that I make an entire tumblr post about my interpretation of her home, since there's a lot of details that I did not mention in those earlier posts. I've seen some people interpret her being a nomad post-PR where she just lives in a spaceship that goes around the cosmos, but I don't do that. In my universe, she has an actual planet that she calls home! And so I'll begin in explaining it.
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This visual comes from a "It's Kirby Time!" book that just recently released in Japan if I'm not mistaken. It's more or less about Kirby going through many other planets.
This ended up being long, so have a 'Keep reading' tag.
I don't have an official name for this planet. I guess we can tentatively call it 'Haltmann Star' or something. Which is hilarious to think of this family being bold enough to name a planet after themselves, LOL.
It's quite a ways away from Popstar, but not too far away to stop Kirby and a few others from giving her a visit every now and then.
Susie's home is a very mechanical planet. It basically looks like a planet that has been mechanized by the Haltmann Works Company.
This planet acts as the HWC's headquarters. This is where the HWC's main base of operations resides in. It was also disconnected to Star Dream while the company was in its rogue phase of Max Haltmann being the president and mechanized planets across the cosmos.
And because the company's headquarters was disconnected to Star Dream, it was able to survive when the machine got destroyed at the end of KPR. All the planets that have been invaded and mechanized have been restored back to normal after Star Dream's destruction, but the HWC's main base of operations was able to avoid dissolvement.
Therefore, Susie wasn't without a home after Star Dream got destroyed, and had somewhere to resort to after Planet Robobot's events were over. The remaining Haltworkers that survived also resorted back to the HWC's headquarters alongside Susie after KPR.
However, while the headquarters managed to avoid dissolvement, it didn't come out unscathed. The enormous universal scale of Star Dream's debris harshly damaged it. Susie and the remaining Haltworkers had a lot of work to do in fixing up the headquarters back to its former glory. It also wasn't mentally easy to fix up the headquarters, to say the least... considering Susie was going through an horrible grief period of mourning her father's death, including that her self-esteem was damaged due to his death largely being her fault.
Star Dream was what made it possible to mechanize other planets in the first place, so that threat was just about eliminated entirely when Star Dream got destroyed. The only way the HWC could mechanize planets again is if they rebuild another machine similar to Star Dream, but Susie didn't want anything to do with another machine like that ever again considering what the last one did to her family. She would revive the HWC without Star Dream, although at first she didn't really know what direction she wanted to strive for...
... Until when she (painfully) remembered memories of her and her father before the Another Dimension accident. At that moment, she was able to recall when Haltmann originally talked about wanting to be innovative with technology and science to the fullest, and to use that to consensually improve planets and people. When she recalled this, that's the direction she decided to go for when reviving the HWC. While the company is unable to mechanize planets anymore, they can still industrialize to be able to achieve the new, more altruistic goal that it wants to do under Susie's rule. When she worked to revive the company, she rebuilt everything from the ground up.
Once Susie began recovering from her grief, fixed up the headquarters and revived the HWC, her home planet is perhaps now in a better place than it's ever been before. She's heavily changed it up to her liking. She's in charge of the entire planet, after all, so she just did whatever she wanted to make the planet look how she wanted to look, as the Haltworkers helped configure it all to her personal liking.
The appearance of her home planet isn't actually just dull grey of metal coloration-wise like what you may think. As the HWC was brought back with Susie being the new president, the company became more 'pink' and 'teehee cutesy' so to speak. A lot of the buildings in the headquarters are literally painted pink in coloration. Susie, being a pink fanatic, could not help herself but to paint some of the HWC's assets pink. She even went as far to as to make changes to the "H" logo of the company, as it's now shown in two different ways: its orange coloration is now replaced with pink, but there's also instances where the original orange coloration still exists but it's surrounded by a pink background. This woman literally went through with "I'm the CEO, so I can do whatever I want with this now!"
She sure went to have fun when entirely revamping the company!
Not joking about the "teehee cutesy" stuff either. Susie installed literal kaomojis on the Haltworkers now and sometimes giggles to herself about it. She's also given the headquarters some general sense of kawaii-ness. She even goes as far as to participate in the holiday cheer when the holidays show up and will decorate the headquarters accordingly (whether it's Halloween, Christmas, etc.). Although at the start she initially didn't do anything about holidays, because her time stranded in Another Dimension made her forget all about holidays. Others in the Kirby cast had to teach her about the holidays. But once she got the hang of it, she went nuts about it when decorating at the appropriate times. She smiles when looking at all the Haltworkers wearing santa hats when it comes to be Christmas.
The main building of interest in the headquarters is a miniature version of the Access Ark. It's the main office building, basically. It's where Susie resides, it's where she does her presidential work at, and this building also houses her bedroom that she goes to sleep in. And by the way, her bedroom is all pink and teehee cute with stuffed animals and shit. No joke! Some of her childhood stuff is still there that she patched up. Susie technically didn't get to mature the proper way due to her ruined past, so even though she likes to display a peppy/professional demeanor, deep down inside she's still kind of childish and cutesy, despite being a grown-ass adult woman in her 20s. It would not be wrong to say that she is kind of a womanchild.
Another notable building interest is an ice cream shop. Yeah... the headquarters has an ice cream shop. Susie just has to have nearby ice cream. One could say this maybe adds on to the cutesiness of Susie's version of the HWC, especially considering that the company goes as far as to make ice cream factories for some planets.
The cutesiness can also sometimes claw its way into consensual robotic upgrades for people. The HWC under Susie's rule has not stopped 'mechanizing' people albeit it's consensual and they always ask people first before actually doing it... although initially they were a bit too insistent about it and were like "you sure you don't want it?" that they've needed time to get past doing, but at least they haven't been forcing it against people's will anymore. Anyways, at the instances where someone actually does accept a mechanical upgrade, they then get asked if they'd like a kaomoji installed onto their upgrade or something. LOL. Funny enough, there's instances where that kind of thing doesn't get declined... people who are into cute have allowed it to happen to them. Hahahahahahahahahahaha!
Some hilariously unhinged combinations can be done with the cutesiness and the company's technology. So, one of the things that the HWC does is mass produce robot toys... let me mention it also mass produces weird super customizable furbies. I made an entire post about how I headcanon that Susie makes fucked up furbies and she kinda just projects it onto the universe by mass producing furbies, LOL. It's anyone's guess as to how people in various planets react to these furbies. Although I'll mention some people have gotten into furbies thanks to her! Might as well call Susie a 'furby queen', tbh.
Susie's home planet regularly gets visited on occasion by Kirby, Magolor, Taranza and the mage sisters. Those are her closest friends and the only ones she's been willing to disclose her home to. Visiting her home isn't the only time they see her, though, as she will occasionally vacation outside her home to see friends in other places.
But the other notable characters in the Kirby cast do not know that this is her home because she doesn't bother telling them. She generally doesn't talk about much of her personal life to a lot of people anyways, she's not comfortable enough to do so.
Well, actually, there is another notable person in the cast that knows where her home is: Ribbon. This is because of a particular circumstance. Susie and Ribbon aren't close enough to be legitimate friends, but their respective home planets are actually closer to each other in location than either of them is to Popstar. When they both found out about this, they had a conversation about it that had something to do with being cordial about any future big threats.
If a new big universal threat came around, they'd contact each other about it before getting to Kirby. And it helps that Susie has set up an entire militia of Haltworkers that can work as a defense against a future threat unless the danger becomes more than big enough to feel the need to inform Kirby and others in Planet Popstar.
But yeah, aside from that, her friends are the only ones who visit her in her home, and that's how she likes it. Kirby gets there through a warp star whenever he chooses to visit. Taranza and the mage sisters are able to float all the way there by themselves. Magolor, however, chooses to use the Lor Starcutter to get to Susie whenever he feels like visiting, and she was like "WTF" the first few times it's happened.
Anyways... I think that about wraps up everything I wanted to talk about about my headcanon universe's home for Susie? She has a home in my world! It's technically a mechanized planet with teehee cute pink stuff added to it, but no other planet has to worry about being mechanized again. Susie uses her business suit as her means of transportation, and she's upgraded it to be capable of moving around at stellar speeds to easily visit other planets for vacations. But wow... her friends care enough about her to visit her home sometimes! At least she's not alone. She has people in her life now.
Thank you if you've gotten to read all this. See you for the next one.
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thefatedthoughtofyou · 4 months
Say Cheese!
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Gator Tillman x Kirby Rivers x Win Lewis
♤ Summary: Just some headcanons about this little trio and the things they get up to with Kirby's old Polaroid camera.
♤ Warning: Gator x oc x oc, ot3 oc pairing, trans oc, Kirby uses he/him pronouns, masturbation, mentions of sex, poly relationship.
♤ A/N: heyooooo @jozstankovich lookkyy hereeee! (I may or may not have added some stuff at the end! Thanks to your idea about the risqué pics from Win!!! Hehehe!) Enjoy! Oh and! @thecreelhouse i hope it's okay to tag you too!
Okay so basically, i feel like they would all have like, certain feelings about having their pictures taken. And like most people it's either serious and chill or goofy and silly.
Like Gator 100% takes those douchy lookin pics, especially selfies. But if Kirby or Win catch him right and just go "say cheese" he will legit take the prettiest pictures with his genuine pretty smile. Because no matter how he acts sometimes that boy is so beautiful and photogenic.
And Win either poses all cute, and sweet and looks like an angel. Or they get her looking like a feral little goblin doing some silly shit. There literally is no in-between and her boys love it that way.
And Kirby. Sweet sweet Kirby. Has three settings. He either cheeses it up nice and good. Smiles all dorky and weird. Or he has no fucking smile at all. Sometimes because he's being silly, sometimes because he wants to rip the camera or phone out of the person's hand and just trash it.
Cuz he's got issues with self image still and sometimes he hates having his picture taken. But when he's goofin the serious bits, the others love it!!
And then the third setting he has, is them catching him laughing and just his genuine bright smile. And he tends to cover it a lot because he's sensitive about his little crooked teeth but some days they catch him at just the right moment and they capture that bright ass smile just right and they both just fucking swoon.
And Win and Kirby are the ones that probably start collecting the pictures. Cuz Win finds Kirby's old Polaroid camera and starts takin pics and he pins them up on the fridge. But then it's covered. So he starts pinning them to his bulletin board. And then THAT gets full. So he starts just putting them on his wall in his bedroom and lets Win and Gator add to it and do whatever they want.
And eventually the whole wall is full of just happy silly stupid moments they've had. And they all love looking at it and adding to it and sometimes taking things down when they need more room for new things.
Gator sneaks a lot of pictues down. Takes them home and hides them under his bed in a shoebox before he gets away from Roy. To have some nice things at his house.
There's a whole little section of Win and her cooking mishaps. And a section of Kirby out working on cars because Win's thirst for him when he's out there is insatiable, and she's dragged Gator into it now too, so it's getting out of hand.
And Kirby loves taking pictures of the other two sleeping. Especially Gator. But he adores Win so much that he loves taking pics of her when she's doing anything and not paying attention to him. There's lots of her reading, or working on her music. Cuz she gets a little crease between her eyebrows and sticks her tongue out in concentration and he LOVES it.
There's tons of Gator sleeping cuz he looks soft, and happy, and relaxed when he's with Kirby and Win so Kirby just... keeps taking pictues of it.
So Kirby's house, and probably Win's as well, i imagine it bleeding out of Kirby's house out into the other's. Win's more so at first. But once Gator gets his own place he has a wall of his own. Some of his are more risqué pics of them all. But he has literally no shame and Win and Kirby fucking love him for it.
Just... all three of them having walls covered in the others and their love. 🧡
And Win 100% would send more risqué pics when she knows the others are busy. Just to get them all flustered on purpose. It would be so much worse for Gator though. Cuz his job is actually around others. Kirby literally works from home. And the amount of times he sends back,
"I understand your intentions but if you think I don't receive these and just straight up go inside and rub one out, you're out of your tiny little mind. I am immune to your childish antics!!! Mwahahahhaha!"
Meanwhile Gator is at work in his cruiser squirming and flustered and bothered and they're talking in the group chat so he saw Kirby's answer too and it's NOT HELPING!!!
So Gator sneaks off, either hides in the bathroom at work and jerks off, whining into his arm, biting into his bicep when he feels his phone vibrate in his pocket cuz he knows they're bothing commenting on how they know exactly what he's doing.
Sometimes he sneaks off in his prowler and drives way way out into the middle of nowhere and does it there instead. So he can be as loud as he wants. Sometimes Win and Kirby call him and just listen to him fall apart on the phone. Encouraging him and telling him how good he's doing.
Kirby 100% is also touching himself, but Win only can if she's not around people at work. So she sneaks off sometimes too, into the bathroom, and shoves her hand down her pants and whines into her arm too. But sometimes she can't and her plan totally fucking backfires and she ends up all hot and needy.
But it's okay cuz she knows Kirby and Gator will take good care of her when she gets home. And they do. Multiple times. Kirby always so smug like,
"You see what happens when you play games? You get horny. And Gator gets horny. And I'm the only one who can get off without incident." He says all this while snuggling into her naked back of course. And Gator snorts and is like,
"Without incident. Like we don't know you've fallen in the fucking shower getting off and nearly given yourself a concussion." He's shaking his head but he reaches over, across Win where she's pulled against his chest, and grabs at Kirby's waist, making him squirm. Kirby bites at his arm and is like,
"Worth it." And cuddles even closer, pressing kisses to Win's shoulder before gently sinking his teeth in, making her squirm. And she reaches behind her, wraps her arm around Kirby as best she can to pull him closer til he's grinding his hips against her, hums into Gator's chest and says,
"Totally worth it." All dreamy and cute as they fall alseep all tangled together.
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nine-of-words · 1 year
Something Borrowed (Part Three)
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M Gargoyle x M Reader
Wordcount: 3815
Content Warnings: Discussion of a Breakup/Divorce
Are you the type of person that wants to read several hundred words worth of descriptions of various baked goods? If so, you are in luck! Also, I promise not every story I post to this website will revolve around divorce.
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Kirby had told you that you couldn’t stop living because you were cursed. You had told them that you would keep it in mind.
While you do keep that in mind, you certainly don't act on it during any of the encounters you have with Carlyle over the next few weeks.
Maybe if you weren't still so devastated from your breakup and the threat of your curse ruining any attempt, you'd have the courage to ask him out yourself. But as for now, you stay rooted in the comfortable little routine you've built.
Your next attempt is still something that is a perfect pairing for coffee, but slightly more involved. You prepare a tender batch of coffee cake, with a hearty ribbon of cinnamon swirled through the middle of the loaf, and crumbles of cinnamon streusel on top to to match, forgoing any glaze or drizzle that might have otherwise ended up finding its way onto the cake.
Still too sweet. Way too heavy, too dense of a crumb. But cinnamon is clearly a welcome flavor. Maybe something more elegant?
The week after that, you tried a ginger-pear gateau, hoping that the sweetness of the honey would be more permissible than normal sugar, with the heat from the ginger to balance out what sweetness there was. You painstakingly arranged the thin slices, the whole thing baked to perfection and kissed with citrus zest.
He didn’t like that either; but he does seem to like the burn of ginger, commenting on the underlying warmth.
And he may or may not be the type of guy that eats with his eyes first, given how impressed he was with the admittedly beautiful layering of fruit slices.
The next thing you tried was an opera cake. An almond sponge soaked with coffee, which you already know he’s quite fond of. Layers of cream and dark chocolate ganache diligently stacked and cut neatly serve to pleasantly enhance that already present espresso flavor.
You had even piped two Ss, elegantly connected with an ampersand, for Sugar & Spice- the current name of your shop, as of moving locations- in immaculate script across the top. If most of these are going to go into the case, you might as well make them on brand.
He seemed to like this one the most so far, taking a lot longer than ever before to decide its fate.
But he doesn’t like any sort of application of buttercream, it turns out. You should’ve known better already, you suppose- he doesn’t like frosting- he doesn’t even take cream in his coffee, why would he like cream layers in a coffee flavored cake, either? 
It wasn’t a complete loss, however, because he seemed to really enjoy the addition of cardamom that you had used to compliment the flavor of the espresso, at least enough for him to point it out. 
And honestly, the praise he heaped onto you for your careful penmanship and attention to tidy little details takes any hint of sting from the failure away instantaneously.
You’ve already figured out he likes citrus- specifically oranges- and almonds. He prefers a fluffier crumb to a denser one. No heavy glazes or frostings or cream layers.
With the culmination of your last few attempts, you've put together another critical detail: he likes spiced things.
Cinnamon. Ginger. Cardamom. Clove. Nutmeg…
Those flavors seem to be the one big unifying element of what he’s liked of your baking.
Mixed spice.
You’re making some progress, finally.
But what to make him that can test your theory? Cinnamon buns? Too sweet, surely. Gingerbread? Too dense, no go. You could always make a simple spice cake, but it would probably seem sad and bare without frosting, which you’ve already confirmed that he despises in all forms. 
Not to mention that any of these options will make your shop smell like a Yuletide market, or a candle store… And it's the height of summer…
“Wowie, don’t think too hard over there!!” You snap back to attention upon hearing Kirby’s lively voice through your mental fog. You realize you’ve been silently ruminating for quite a while. “You’re frowning so hard your face might break! What’s on your mind?”
“Trying to figure out what to make Carlyle for Tuesday.” You tap the end of the pen you’re holding onto the notepad in front of you. “Can’t think of anything.”
“Hehe, can’t you just bake this man a nice loaf of crusty bread and call it a day already? Everybody loves good bread.”
“Hah, no. It has to be a sweet baked good, I’m afraid. No need to worry though, I’m just a bit stumped at the moment. I’ll figure it out.”
“Oooo, I can help you decide on something!! I’m awful at cooking anything but I’m pretty good at the whole deduction thing, hehe~”
“Oh, no- I couldn’t ask you to help me with something so frivolous. You’re doing actual detective work.”
“A little distraction now and then can be good! Especially when you’re as stuck as I am right now with these leads…” Kirby looks almost forlorn for a moment before any lack of cheer is immediately erased from their expression. “Sometimes thinking about something else entirely can help get you the breakthrough you need!”
“Well, is there anything you’d like me to make?”
“Ooo! Ooooh!! I would ask for baklava but that’s probably way too sweet for your man.”
“Hah, well, maybe I can make you some baklava too, if this goes over well.”
Kirby grins wide, their ears flicking back and forth in excitement.
“Yes!! What’s this guy like again? Gimme something to work with.”
You quickly summarize your previous findings.
“Hmmm… You know what that sounds a lot like? My Oma used to make these little Yuletide cookies that sound a lot like that, with the spices and the orange peel.”
“Huh. Those do sound familiar.”
“I dunno, I forget…”
After a cursory scroll through your respective devices, Kirby manages to find the name.
“These, these! Pfeffernuse!” They exclaim in excitement and shove their device towards you, pointing to the screen with their other hand.
“Ah- I can whip these up for sure...” You reply, scrolling down to skim through the ingredients list.
The cookies come together relatively quickly- you could knead dough in your sleep after growing up in your parents’ bakery. And, as expected, they make your shop smell like a Yuletide candle stall, which it seems every customer you have over the course of the afternoon seems to feel compelled to comment on- It doesn’t get old at all.
“Here they are.” You present the serving dish filled with pfeffernusse to Kirby, then take one of the small, shiny cookies for yourself.
By general standards, they’re quite good. Very flavorful.
But for your specific purposes; the shiny glaze is too sweet; and the cookie itself is too heavy and too dense. There’s no way that Carlyle is going to like these…
“Oh, wow!!” Kirby says your name in a shrill tone, almost a squeal around a mouthful of cookie. “Amazing!! Divine!! These are absolutely perfect, just like she used to make!! If he doesn’t like these, his tastebuds are broken!!!”
“Hahah- I’m glad you like them.” You feel the smile spreading out onto your face.
“You’re the beeeest-”
Honestly, seeing your new friend’s reaction makes it worth it to have made them anyway, even knowing from the start that they weren’t going to bag you a win. Luckily, you manage to reserve some for Carlyle to at least try later, before the ecstatic faun manages to devour the whole batch.
Later that day, the dwindling overcast daylight from the encroaching evening creates a lonely, gloomy atmosphere in your empty shop. The uneasy feeling that always seems to reappear when you’re alone starts to creep back in, and you can’t help but worry that Carlyle’s not coming today. Perhaps the on-and-off rain is keeping him from stopping by. You’ve only seen him show up on foot, and even if he drove there’s not any ample parking on this street.
Or maybe he’s not coming back, period. Maybe he’s gotten bored of whatever this little thing between you is? You couldn’t blame him.
After all, you don’t know each other all that well at all. You’ve only seen each other a total of five times now, basically in passing. You wouldn’t even know he was a lawyer if he hadn’t specifically used the word ‘case’ when referring to his job and mentioned the courthouse before.
And the curse… Well. You know what the letter said by heart now. Withering before blooming, and all of that.
It’s nearly to the point of you giving up and just going about your normal closing procedures when the familiar jingle plays. And while the notification sound and the name on the order is familiar, the order itself is not at all.
Usually, as you’ve learned, you see an order for half a dozen cupcakes- always a variety, except for whomever always orders your lemon meringue flavor without fail.
But this evening, he’s ordered… a disposable cutlery kit.
No cake, no cupcakes, no other items at all. Just that.
You tilt your head at the screen, wondering what it could possibly mean.
After a bit of deliberation, you take a single cutlery kit from the open box and set it on the counter top. 
Moments pass as you stare at the lonely item on the counter, contemplating the situation with only the ubiquitous smooth jazz playing on the overhead speakers to keep you sane.
…Should you brew coffee?
But the minutes tick by, with still no sign of Carlyle.
You decide not to, not wanting to waste it if he's not coming. You fight the urge to either break into uncontrollable laughter or equally uncontrollable tears.
The rain has picked up enough that you can hear it audibly pattering against the panes of your shop windows.
Time marches on.
You sigh. You drum your fingertips on the counter top. You glance at the clock. 
It's two minutes past close.
You’ve finally moved to turn the neon sign declaring your shop as open off for the evening, and just as you’re standing there pressing down the switch you see Carlyle a few paces down the sidewalk, walking towards the shop underneath the protection of a clear umbrella.
He stops in his tracks, looking at the darkened sign and then back down at you on the other side of the glass, seeming at a loss for how to proceed.
After a second of stalemate, you push open the still unlocked door.
He finishes the rest of the walk as quickly as he can without splashing through the accumulating puddles in his leather shoes.
“Hey. Sorry I'm late."
“Hi! I’m- I’m sorry, I wasn’t sure what you meant by a cutlery set.”
“I planned on going home early today, so no cupcake order from the ladies this evening. I wanted to let you know I was still coming, but I realized I had no way of knowing what you’d make to order it for myself, so.” He smirks faintly and shrugs beneath the umbrella, the shoulder pads on his suit lifting up slightly with the motion. “That was the solution I chose. You eat with cutlery, so: I'm still coming to eat.”
“It's okay. That’s actually pretty clever." You beam. You don’t care in the slightest that you’re already closed- you’re just happy he showed up. You motion with your hand for him to enter. "Come in, come in. You’re going to get soggy.”
He obliges, closes his umbrella, then shakes it off before he steps completely inside.
"I suppose the weather held you up?"
"Yes, the train was delayed. There was a large rain spirit blocking off the tunnel, it was an entire ordeal.”
“Well, that would certainly explain the sudden rain. It wasn’t on the forecast this morning.” You chuckle nervously.
“I don’t want to intrude, since it took me long enough to get here that you’re closed now.” He motions to the sign. He’s always been courteous enough to punctually depart when you’ve turned the sign off, cutting off your conversation far earlier than you’d like at times. “We don’t have to do this today if it would be a hassle.”
“Oh, no, it’s no bother- it’s pouring out now, you can’t walk back to the station in that- even with an umbrella. At least stay until it passes.” You reach out and gently touch his forearm for effect. Then, you recoil like you’ve touched a hot stovetop, realizing you’re probably being a bit too comfortable with him when you don’t even know how he feels about physical touch from a relative stranger. You move the culprit to stroke the back of your own head for comfort instead. “Er, if you wanted to, of course. We could sit at one of the tables for a while and have a chat…”
"That sounds like exactly what I need right now." He gives you one of his characteristic bright smiles, and you're so close you can see the outline of his wide, slightly protruding canines. He places his contained umbrella in the bottom of the coat rack.
"Why don't you sit down? I'll go make you some coffee."
You do just that, returning with coffee for you both; his in his claimed mug, and yours in one from the regular marbled set. You can’t help but laugh at the stark difference between the color of your respective drinks, perhaps being on the very far end of the spectrum in shade, seeing as he likes his with no additions and you with as much cream and sugar you can reasonably put into yours.
When you return, he’s sitting at one of the tables, looking out the window. He’s removed his suit jacket and draped it across the back of the chair. You nearly drop the mugs as you’re coming down the stairs as you miss the last step on the flight, because you’re too focused on the how aesthetically pleasing you find the sight- emotionally evocative, like you’ve taken a wrong turn in your own shop and walked into some sort of sad, tragically beautiful painting.
After delivering the (thankfully unspilled) coffee, you turn back to the counter to grab the plate of pfeffernusse. You set the cutlery set down, as well.
“I don’t think you’ll need this for the cookies, but… you did already pay for it.” You say with as straight a face as you can manage.
Carlyle laughs a deep, rich laugh- somehow gravelly and smooth at the same time. He takes the cutlery kit and slides it into the breast pocket of his jacket where it’s hanging on the chair behind him with a pointed smirk, before turning his attention to the cookies on the table in front of him.
You take a seat across from him, hoping you don’t look as obviously captivated as you feel.
You’re used to having a countertop between you, so this is a new experience. It certainly feels more intimate, like you’re having a coffee break with a friend rather than a customer you’ve developed a bizarre crush on. You’re close enough now that you can’t help but notice all the subtle details of the stone texture of his face- the small divots and minor cracks, and the faint lines of erosion where water must have chosen its path down his face countless times.
“These look a bit familiar somehow.” Carlyle selects one of the cookies and rotates it between his fingers in observation, watching the overhead light glint off the shiny coating.
“I don’t think you’re going to like them.” You say, watching him inspect the small treat through an inquisitive look on his face. “But I made them for a friend earlier, so I thought I’d have you try them anyway.”
He’s quiet for an uncommonly long amount of time as he eats the cookie- but not in the good, stunned-into-silence way you’ve been dreaming about seeing. He looks tired. He looks wistful. He looks sad.
It goes on so long that you wonder if you should say something, until you finally do.
“Hahah… Sorry, spaced out a bit there. I’m sort of a mess today.”
“Is everything alright? You seem unhappy.” You may not be very familiar with him yet, but you’re not so dense as to have not noticed he’s acting much more muted than normally. “I hope the pfeffernusse weren’t that bad…” You laugh quietly to try to lighten the mood. 
“Oh, no- Not at all. Nothing you’ve made has been anywhere close to bad in quality.” He smiles, and you try desperately not to reel from the compliment. “It’s just too sweet for me. Too heavy. The flavor is great, though. Smells like Yuletide morning as a kid.”
“Did you also have a grandmother who made these?” You laugh. “It seems like everyone who’s come into my shop today has had one.”
“Ah, no. My Mom made something kind of like them, but they were rolled in powdered sugar instead.” Then a realization clearly lights up his brown eyes. “So actually yes, I suppose I technically did have a Grandma who made them. But I didn’t know her before she was a statue.”
“Oh- Did you hate sweets as a wee little stone man as well?” You can’t help but laugh, covering your mouth picturing an overly formal gargoyle child. “I bet you did.”
Your laughter is infectious, and you can see his beige spaded tail swishing around the chair legs animatedly.
“I did! Mom always left some out of the sugar for me.”
“Damn, that’s smart. I should’ve thought of that.…” You ponder, tapping your lip with your fingertips and avoiding his eyes.
“No reason to, honestly. They were still a little too sweet, even when she didn’t. I’m sure your friend enjoyed them though, so they fulfilled their main purpose.”
“They did… So, if it’s not my baking, what’s got you so down, then?” You ask, then hastily add: “If you don’t mind me prying.”
“Work.” He says simply. “Work has been difficult for me lately.”
“Understandable. I imagine being a lawyer must be quite stressful.”
“Not only that- I’m a divorce attorney.” He sighs, rubbing his fingers restlessly along the mug’s handle. “I see people when they’re going through what’s likely the worst time of their lives, every single day. And because of the nature of the job, I can't even offer much in terms of support. I’m not a therapist. Ultimately, all I can really do is make sure my client isn’t being shafted.”
“Oh, that does sound draining.” You look down into your ridiculously milky coffee to try to hide the wince. You can’t help but wonder if you would’ve needed a divorce attorney if the curse had destroyed your relationship later than it did. You can’t help but feel perversely relieved- at least you didn’t have to go to court over your heartbreak. “What made you choose that field?”
“I didn’t, really. I used to do criminal defense. I was moved to civil cases a few years ago. I do enjoy my job, for the most part. Most of the time, it’s easy enough to separate myself. …It’s when something is hitting a little too close to home- that’s when it’s hard.”
“Close to home?”
“Yes. My parents were married for thirty-five years- owned their house, fully grown kids, perfect example of a good relationship and they decided to just- get divorced a few months ago, out of nowhere. I mean clearly it wasn’t out of nowhere to them, logically, but it was a shock to me.”
“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. That must be hard to come to terms with, even as an adult. Especially when it’s a surprise.”
“The irony isn’t lost on me, believe me.” He swirls his half-full coffee in the mug, a grim smile on his face as he takes another long sip. “Sometimes I feel like I’m cursed.”
“Cursed?” You say, barely louder than a whisper. You haven’t told him about your own curse- so you know he must not know the weight of using that word with you, but it slices into your chest all the same.
“Yes, not literally of course, but as if working with geasa all this time has rubbed off on me- like the magic itself has backfired on me somehow.” He takes a deep breath of air and shakes his head. “I know I’m just being dramatic. I would know if my magic was off. I was fine when they told me months ago, then- It just didn’t feel real until I went to help them pack up my childhood home this past weekend. I’ve felt down ever since.”
“I know how that feels…” You quickly course-correct. “I mean, how hard that is- packing up a place you loved like that. It’s like having to physically detach from part of yourself.” 
“From such a heartfelt description, I assume you’ve had to as well?”
“Yeah. My fiance broke up with me last autumn. Lived together for years, and I was the one that moved out- That’s how I ended up opening shop here.”
“I’m so sorry.” Carlyle says, genuine concern in his voice. ”That must have been incredibly hard for you.”
“It was… But it’s in the past.” You lie with a sad smile. Maybe sometime soon, you’ll manage to convince yourself…
“Do you want to talk about it?”
“I’d rather not.” It’s bad enough feeling like that loss will swallow you whole at any moment. It’s only even more mortifying to be reopening the wound once again in front of the handsome regular you’re crushing on.
Carlyle nods, clearly intrigued but not pushing you for any more information. There is a short, surprisingly comfortable stretch of you both sitting in relative silence apart from the rain pattering on the shop window and the low background music of the shop. 
Carlyle finally clears his throat.
“At least there’s always coffee,” He sighs in catharsis. 
“True. In your favorite mug, at that.” You chuckle, eyes resting on the familiar lettering. Strangely, seeing it in Carlyle’s hands, it doesn’t fill you with nearly the same heart wrenching sadness as it used to.
“I hope you don’t find it tasteless that I’ve claimed it, given what sounds like the painful context.”
“Ah, no, not at all- If anything, it’s making me feel a lot better about the whole thing.”
“I’m just saying- he can’t change his mind and come back for it now.” Carlyle smiles at you from behind the cup. “I’ve become very attached.”
You somehow manage to speak through your flustered laughter and your heart trying to race out of your chest.
“Haha- I don’t think you have to worry much about that…”
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voiddemon · 2 years
can i ask what is kinyarn 😭
I think it's about time I explained Kin-Yarn to the new generation instead of jokingly brushing it off and making people do their own research.
Please note I will be spelling Kin-Yarn with the hyphen, as god (me) intended. Kinyarn is still hella valid and the more commonly used name. I also wont be going into my interpretations too much since it's complicated and long i do not actually ship it i promise.
Kin-Yarn is the greatest Kirby ship of all time. It's the ship between Yin-Yarn from Kirby's Epic Yarn, and Kine the fish from hell. There isn't anything canon for it, these characters have never and will never interact in HAL's eyes. However we, the fans, know better.
After reading my thesis I'd strongly recommend checking out all of the content the long dead kin-yarn fandom has to offer. Most of it is like, really old, since those around for Kin-Yarn's inception have either left tumblr, moved onto new and cooler fandoms, or don't think it's that funny anymore. (It isn't because it's a fandom in-joke from two years ago.) Thankfully there are many great relics of the past, of the days when new Kin-Yarn content showed up every like five posts on your dash. AO3 has most of the Kin-Yarn fanfiction that's been written, but some of it is hidden away within blog archives and dusty links to google docs. Kin-Yarn videos also exist, including some (two) AMVs and the classic Kin-Yarn ASMR made by yours truly. The Kin-yarn/Kinyarn tag on tumblr.com also has a lot of posts so just go through that.
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Kin-Yarn was made at some point in October 2020. Out there on the internet there is a site called FanficMaker. It's a pretty basic website. I don't know exactly how the creators found the material to make this, but there is a okay-ish sized pool of sets.
These sets are fairly generic stories, with the program plugging in the names of characters you input into specific slots. There's a surprising amount of variation between these sets, but after you play with the site too long you start seeing the same ones over and over.
So Voiddemon a few years ago found this website, and decided to make some fanfiction and upload it to tumblr.com. On one occasion, the website generated the sentence "It was Yin-Yarns gay wedding party..." It didn't say who he was marrying, but I found it funny and uploaded it to tumblr.com. On a separate day, in a separate prompt, I put Kine in and it gave me a similar result. "Meanwhile, Susies mind was wondered back to the past. It was Kines gay wedding party..." I also found this funny because. Kine. And uploaded it to tumblr.com.
Here are the two screenshots together <3
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I will now introduce Ninikins (Who has since changed their username and moved on from the Kirby fandom), who suggested that the two of them were getting married to each other. Everyone in my circle online at the time found the idea hilarious because.
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From here everyone went crazy and just started. Kin-yarning all over the place.
II. Fan Interpretations
Memetaknight, creator of the greatest Kin-yarn fanfiction of all time Yiracle (It's my favorite :shrug:) created a Kin-Yarn Essay. Today it is a great time capsule that brings us into the culture around Kin-yarn in the past. It's just over two years old now so happy birthday Kin-Yarn essay. It delves into the two primary interpretations around the ship. I'll just quote the most important bits of it since I'm lazy you can go check my sources ok.
"A common Kin-Yarn characterization is to ship either both brothers with Kine (as a V shape relationship), or just one of the brothers with Kine... This interpretation has many specific tropes... but it has one extremely interesting idea that is unique to it. In the spirit of Kirby’s Epic Yarn’s final battle... it has been theorized that something similar could apply to Kin-Yarn, in which the brothers would catfish Kine .. Kine, either on purpose or on accident."
"The other interpretation sees the yarn body previously mentioned as a third entity... which is referred as Yin-Yarn separate from the needle brothers. This characterization idea arises from the fact Yin-Yarn is referred as a singular character"
There is a third interpretation that stems from the two of these, which is that both the Yarn Body or puppet is in love with Kine and so is at least one of the knitting needles.
Often in Kin-Yarn works, it is unclear which one of these the creator interprets the ship as, since artwork and fics include all three characters (The puppet and the two needles) with no clear distinction between them. A distinction being drawn is more commonly in artwork, due to the nature of the medium.
III. Love and Marriage
For the most part, Kin-Yarn is portrayed as a perfect relationship. With Kine and Yin-Yarn being madly in love. The nature of one being a hero and another being a villain is not often explored, but when it is explored the most common interpretation is Kine accepts Yin-Yarn despite his past wrongdoings. Oftentimes Yin-Yarn will reform and become good for Kine.
they also have sex
III A. Who are Prince Fluff's Parents?
Prince Fluff (Also from Kirby's Epic Yarn) has no stated or seen parents within the series. Originally KEY was called "Keito no Fluff", and featured Prince Fluff himself as the protagonist. He was supposed to be searching for his mother, but this was removed from KEY so he has. No parents.
A semi-common headcanon within the Kirby fandom is that Prince Fluff was created by Yin-Yarn, which is what originally spawned this interpretation. A few perceptive Kin-Yarnians noticed that Kine and Prince Fluff have the same exact color scheme. Like it's kind of uncanny actually Kine is just a little desaturated.
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This caused the creation of the Yamily Tree, an. absurdly large family tree but it's kinda bloated and not that funny anymore. Here's the condensed version
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Usually Prince Fluff is not actually biologically related to Kine. Since that has horrifying implications. Instead it implies that after Kine and Yin-Yarn are married, they adopt Prince Fluff (Which he usually isn't happy with).
Ok so Kine Kirby is married to Mine canonically. However we haven't seen her in a very long time, and in Kirby Clash Kine is sleeping on a bench. Leading to the idea that he and Mine got a divorce. This is accepted by everyone who ships Kin-Yarn because Kine cheating on his wife isn't a laughing matter, but Kine leaving his wife for Yin-Yarn is. (Usually the interpretation is Mine leaving Kine)
Even though Kin-Yarn is interpreted as perfect most times, other interpretations are that after they get married the relationship becomes volatile. At the core the two still love each other, but due to one reason or another they've grown apart. This is best shown in the Kin-Yarn Fanfiction named after the ships national anthem, "The One That Got Away" on AO3 by HeavyLobster77.
This is very popular both for the drama and because it's very funny.
IV. Historical Kin-Yarn Events & Holidays
-The Great Kin-Yarn Porn Scare of 1969 Someone uploaded an explicit Kin-Yarn fic on AO3 tagged as explicit with very SUS tags. It wasn't real though and the fic is just among us.
-Kin-Yarn Discord There's a Kin-Yarn discord out there that's dead as hellll and I'm. Not sharing a link good luck finding it
-Kin-Yarn WORLD TOUR I blazed a Kin-Yarn post when tumblr Blaze first came out. Spending real money to force people to look upon Kin-Yarn was a powerful move.
-Feared Anon creating the best AUs of all time Kinederella (Technically theres no real au just funny images)
-Kin-Yarn Blog Wars ok i cannot find many of the blogs but for a bit everyone made blogs dedicated to loving or hating kin-yarn. Also KinYarn-Archives was created at some point around this time I think.
-Kin-Yarn BANNED from the Shipping Wiki Tumblr user Kaissauce tried to create a page on the shipping Wikipedia, but it was deleted by the mods lmao. Here's what the page originally looked like.
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-Urban Dictionary somehow it got on fucking urban dictionary. this was my doing but it should never have been allowed to happen.
-Kin-Yarn: The Movie Released on July 29th 2021
no comment needed we've all seen it
-Kin-Yarn Day Kin-Yarn day is a national holiday beloved and celebrated by all, on February 14th. No other holiday is celebrated that day <3
V. Conclusion
idk how to end this thing. love wins and it shouldn't. do your own research
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starflungwaddledee · 11 months
hii!! i just wanna say your comic and starspeak lore are SO cool omg!! the way you incorporate the essence of the starfolk culture into their language is incredibly creative and very fitting auauagahsahdbsnsnn <3
i'm pretty interested in all the grammar of the language!! i think you mentioned that there's a question particle that kind of works like mandarin chinese, do other final particles exist? little tone indicators in the language seems like it would help mutual understanding between a bunch of mystical star-beings :0
also, if it's been developed yet, how do verbs work in this? granted, i don't know a lot about greek/latin languages or if you're basing the grammar off of them too, but does it lean more towards romance language's crazy conjugations, or a simpler "subject verb noun" structure?
sorry if this is a lot haha i know the language is still a wip, but it's such a cool concept! i think languages are really interesting and the way you incorporate it into kirby is so mmbdbbrnzmxfh✨✨
alright, this one took me a very long time to get to (because i knew it would be long and i've been working on it on and off for a while) and i'm so sorry! thank you so much for your patience veve! and it's been a little while since we've had a starspeak post so let's go!
(i will preface by saying again that the language is still very much a wip which i could change at any time, and that i'm no trained specialist; i'm just doing this for fun and there's a high chance i fully have no clue what i'm talking about 😅)
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❓ i'll start with the easiest one of these and go for the question particle!
i think that Celestials are not often doubtful or questioning things, but when they do the particle is an opener rather than a sentence-final (such as ma (嗎/吗) in mandarin chinese). it otherwise works extremely similarly in that it is tagged on to turn a sentence into a question.
so the most common starspeak question particle is tc, almost a mouth sound than a word. the letters are a combination not often used elsewhere in their speech patterns, which i like to think also wraps back around to them being fairly certain of most things they open their mouths to say.
tc is predominantly used when seeking clarification about someone else's experiences, which is probably one of the more frequent times they wouldn't know something in (self-presumed) absolution.
combining it with some other things we've learned; épios (see) and eu (you) we can ask someone what they're seeing presently, where the target of the speaker (eu) is in active possession of the seeing action and vl is an active tense:
"tc vlépios eu?" // "(what's) seen (by) you?" // "what do you see?"
unfortunately in the conlangs current state, moving things around even a little bit throws out the meaning of sentences a lot, which is something i could probably iron out more with significantly more time 😅 "tc eu vlépios?" for example would be closer to "you're seen?" and "tc vlépios-eu?" would probably be like.. "what sight possesses you?", which is... still kind of the same i suppose but it's just an unnecessarily intense way to say it 😂
🥰 okay! question particle done and it was not actually the easiest but anyway; onto the personaliser! "ki".
i'm not 100% sure if this sort of thing exists in other languages or what it might be called to begin researching, but it's ostensibly a way to turn an external item or concept into something internal or individualised
asté (star/s) for instance is a very overused word in their language, understandably. you can use it to refer to gaseous bodies, other Celestials, other non-Celestial beings, or even a specific individual rank within a relationship system. ei asté applies an amount of ownership over the star/s, but still does not make them an individual in their own right. you would most likely use this if you happened to be carting around an actual giant flaming ball of gas
ei astéki however immediately makes the star something more personal, a little soul-deep. maybe it's a warm light inside you, or maybe it's the beating heart of another living being. dropping the 'ei' you could use this as a nickname, though it'd be kind of like calling someone 'person'.
"ei astéki skotei koris eu" // "my stars dimmed lacking you" // functionally just a really big ham "i missed you"
🤏 alright rolling on, last one: a diminutive. this one's easier i think; maybe i ought have started here. oh well!
like it says on the tin, this is to make things small and/or cute! the particle is ró and it is usually tacked on at or towards the end of a word. much like in english i think this is usually done affectionately. though it could be done a little pettily or rudely, being small in size is significantly less of a negatively-judged-concept by Celestials than being low in brightness.
here's some examples, probably the easiest way to go about this one! all of these are actively affectionate, not unlike a pet name?
moiydísró - (small) cheeky one astéróki - small star (personaliser; makes this a clear nickname) ei Vaýtitaró - my little gravity
💬 and then to wrap up, this last part about verbs and conjugations!
answering this one with complete confidence would require that i were a bit better at this and had it more fixed and figured out, but i'll do my best!! i'm not really basing the grammar off any one language in particular (I only use translations to form a rough sound/word and go from there), just kind of what feels like the right sort of vibe.
because i was just doing this for myself and for fun i didn't start out with any rules, just rolled with what i enjoyed! if you were doing conlang more seriously i think it would help to set those rules up at the outset 😅
in its present state, my starspeak seems to me to be a topic prominent language with less individual conjugations and more modifiers; including significant reliance on sentence order and word placement
so instead of having many different words for see (seen, saw, to see) it's more about the placement, word combinations, and other modifiers;
ei épios - me see (a request, often used in place of 'wake up') vlépios ei - seeing by me (active tense added by vl but it's not strictly necessary) eu épios - you see (the speaker sees the target) épios-koris eu - without seeing by you (sight possesses a term for "lack", so the sight itself is lacking. "you don't see clearly", ostensibly.) épios ei prioto - seeing by me before (i saw it earlier)
this is sort of a necessity because right now the overall variety of words is limited; both by the earliness of its development and also because i think that this is a species that might not have needed a lot of words.
maybe they moved the same few hundred words around and minced them up in new ways rather than making lots of new ones. maybe they might have communicated through body language as much as with words (despite how much galacta knight clearly loves the sound of his own voice) or maybe i'll change my mind and they'll be a talkative bunch and we'll have dozens of new words soon 😂
anyway, i hope this is a ~fun and cool answer~ that you will enjoy despite its incredible lateness and sprawling length!! thank you so so much for asking me about the language; as you can tell i dearly love to talk about it despite its nebulousness, and i'm sorry it took me so long to get this out!
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queensectonia · 2 years
please avoid reading further if you wish to remain spoiler-free! all spoiler posts from me about the remake will be tagged “spoilers” and “dreamland deluxe spoilers”.
so this is where i’m going to expand on that interesting point i mentioned in my other post
i think HAL is trying to pull a fast one on us with the magologue, lads.
so basically, at the very start of the magologue, when you get the flashback cutscene to magolor being defeated and going poof, it's actually magolor soul being shown.
now, we know that for as much as HAL loves to write agonisingly vague figures of speech and outright leave things out, they don't get little details like this wrong - especially not with this game. making it be magolor soul in that cutscene was an informed choice.
this comes around to be very interesting during the credits sequence where we see magolor supposedly crossing over into the clash universe.
magolor soul is from an exmode. exmodes aren't canon - HAL has told us this many times, that they are “what if” experiences exploring alternate ways things might go down. they've never been canon, and it's really only been as recent as "exmodes" becoming whole actual self-contained Entirely New Stories (specifically, HiAD and Isolated Isles) that you can even make an argument for them being canon.
(and even then, Isolated Isles is... dubious, but that’s a topic for another post.)
so i think the magologue actually happened in two slightly different ways.
magolor from the canon game went through the magologue, and at the end his portal out lead back to popstar, or wherever the fuck in the real world, and he went on to build his amusement park and get back in with the good guys like we're all familiar with. magolor from the exmode went through exactly the same thing, but his portal out lead to the clash world.
the concept of magolor going through his whole purgatory thing and ending up in the clash world instead is weird. it completely fucks with both the pre-remake established canon of him coming back and being a good guy, and with what the REMAKE ITSELF establishes with magoland!
speaking of magoland, there’s definitely some weirdness going on there, but most of it is explainable by out-of-text reasons.
firstly, the entire concept of unlocking magoland practically the second you start the game is just one big instance of “haha hey everyone, please ignore the giant continuity hole this makes, we just wanted to get our crazy-popular character who is arguably the entire selling point of this game front and centre! thanks lmao have a good day!” understandable, frankly.
they even go out of their way to tell you this, to your face...
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this wording is clunky, but it gets across the necessary point of “please pretend this happens after you clear the game” because, well, it does.
the pop-up you get initially telling you that magoland is open contains something that might be a mistake? in the context of the introductory spiel and everything else the game shows us.
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saying that magoland is on a “distant planet” is just... not true?? dream collection downright tells us it’s on popstar, and the remake explicitly shows us where it is! it’s still on popstar! you can literally see magoland in the background of levels. it’s not even floating in the sky or on its own little planet, it’s whole ass on the ground.
which makes me wonder if saying it’s on a distant planet was a small misunderstanding on the translators’ part regarding the whole “different world (figurative)” vs. “different world (different planet)” distinction.
either way, that one tiny touch of showing magolor soul in the opening cutscene instead of his main game design is both deviously subtle and explains this apparent discrepancy.
it was exmagolor who ended up in the clash universe as shopkeeper magolor, and it was the real magolor who came back to make magoland on popstar and mend his friendship with kirby.
this even fits in perfectly with exmodes being “what if” scenarios and the clash universe being so self-referential.
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awhorrerstory · 1 year
My sister’s best friend
Jill Roberts x f!Kirby’s little sister! Reader
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Warnings: smut, brief mention of Jill being horny from killing, sad ending
Jill x Kirby’s sister reader
I smile as my sister pulls me to the girl I’ve been crushing on for the last 3 years, Jill Roberts. I never thought I had a chance until her boyfriend Trevor cheated on her and I caught him. I sat next to Marnie in chemistry class and I saw get pictures from Trevor and I told Jill and she of course was pissed but I couldn’t let her date a loser like that. Kirby, Olivia, and I consoled her the best we could and that’s how Jill and I finally got close. I couldn’t help but want to be around her, she made me so happy. Kirby was the first to notice my crush on Jill in her sophomore year, me a freshman. She teased me about how excited I got when I found out Jill was coming over and when I insisted I’d tag along on any of their outings. At first Jill was probably annoyed but she got used to me and started to talk to me more and more, but since she’s a grade above me and a few months older it was hard for me to get her away from Kirby. When I told her about Trevor she was crying and pissed, and Kirby just made her angrier so Jill kicked her out but asked me to stay. We watched horror movies and she told me so many factoids about the movie causing me to smile at her horror expertise. She looks at me and sighs, “why do you like being around me?” Jill’s question confuses me but I think for a moment before answering; “because I love being around you. You’re a great person and you listen and I think you care about me…” I say the last part shyly as I look away from her, “If you saw who I really was would you still feel the same?” Jill asks, more serious this time, “What do you mean?” I ask her facing her fully, “What if I’m not the person you think I am?” Jill presses, anxiety lacing her tone. “I know if you’re different then what you show, that I’d still…” I pause trying not to say the big word, “still what?” She says, her green eyes boring into mine. “I’d still…care about you.” I finish after a few silent moments. Jill touches my hand causing me to look up at her, “What if I…was like them?” Jill asks pointing at the screen, Michael Myers about to stab someone and I look back to her, and she was dead serious. “M-my feelings for you wouldn’t be different but…” she looks at me and cups my cheek gently, “What feelings y/n?” Jill asks, her eyes darkening. When I’m about to answer my phone starts ringing and I smile at Jill sadly before picking up, knowing it’s my big sister. “Are you okay y/n???” I roll my eyes, “yes Kirby I’m still at Jill’s, why?” Kirby sighs in relief, “okay I’m coming to get you, you have school tomorrow.” I groan causing Jill to giggle. “Kirby I’ll be fine, okay?” “You can stay the night.” Jill whispers into my ear causing me to blush. “Jill said I can stay over.” I say to Kirby. I could practically hear the smirk in her tone, “okay, have fun then. But if she hurts you I’ll kill her.” I nod smiling, “I’ll be okay Kirby, see you tomorrow.” We say our goodbyes and then Jill looks at me with an unreadable gaze, and her eyes glance from my lips to my eyes and I feel butterflies in my stomach, “Jill…” she smiles softly, breaking our weird tension. “Let’s watch the movie.” I relax against the pillows and get comfortable under Jill’s covers. “Thanks for telling me about Trevor.” Jill says after a few minutes of silence. “Of course, you deserve soo much better Jill, someone who’ll treat you right and treasure you instead of that dick.” She chuckles, “Did you have someone in mind?” She asks and I look to her, blushing. “Well um…” She smiles and looks at me, her eyes flickering between my lips and eyes until she kisses me.
I cup her face in my hands and we continue kissing, Jill’s hands slipping around my waist, “I knew you liked me.” She mumbles causing me to giggle. “Was it that obvious?” Jill chuckles and nods, “kinda.” I smirk and go in for another kiss, “mmm Jill…” I mumble softly as she kisses me harder. She lays me on her bed and we make out, Jill holding me close to her. “Be my girlfriend.” Jill says looking at me and giving me a small smile. I nod and hug her, “yes, yes…I’m so yours.” I say excitedly.
Jill smiles and kisses me once more before going back to her arm around me and watching the movie. “I don’t want to tell anyone about us for now okay? I’m not ready…” Jill says looking over to me. I nod and give her a quick kiss, “Don’t worry, just promise you won’t cheat on me.” Jill smiles and kisses me softly. “Never.” I snuggle into Jill and listen to the quickness of her heartbeat to fall asleep.
The next year was the best of my life, Jill took me on dates to the movies and restaurants and randomly bought me gifts for seemingly no reason and Kirby took notice, she saw how happy I was and always pushed me on who the lucky girl was and I felt guilty I couldn’t tell her. She noticed Jill’s mood lighten too and she put two and two together quickly especially since Jill couldn’t keep her hands off me in front of her. When Kirby called us out Jill’s face turned bright red and I confirmed it causing Kirby to squeal and hug both of us excitedly; “I’m so happy for you guys!!” She said. I smile at my sister but Jill looks worried; “Just don’t tell anyone okay?” She says anxiously, “why? You know your mom wouldn’t care.” Kirby looks at Jill confused but Jill shakes her head, “it’s not about her, it’s about the guys and the rest of the school.” Jill says worriedly. I hug her to comfort her, “your secrets safe with me, just don’t hurt my little sister.” Kirby says smiling at Jill. “I don’t plan on it.”
Today is Jill’s 18th birthday!!! It was Kirby’s a few weeks ago and we went with Robbie and Charlie to horror movie bingo at a bar and we won of course, free wings for the rest of the night and $50 each, pretty great. Kirby wouldn’t stop going on about her horror movie prowess and though it was annoying I’m glad she’s happy. Jill wants to spend the night with me, and I think she wants to have our first time together. I knew Jill wasn’t a Virgin and I’m super nervous to disappoint her but she’s reassured me so much and I want her too. We’re doing our usual routine of watching movies and eating popcorn and leftover wings from our dinner with the guys and Kirby. During the movie when someone was being gutted Jill slips her hand onto my thigh causing my breath to hitch in surprise. I turn to her and she kisses me instantly, gentle and loving. I let her take control and wrap my arms around her shoulders. She pushes me against the couch and moves my leg up so we could grind against each other, the only thing we’ve been doing really…
Jill moans softly but I push her away gently, “Is something wrong babe?” She asks me worriedly. “No I just…I have something for you.” I say sitting up and looking at her with a smile. She smiles back, “I told you not to…” Jill says blushing, “You’re my girl, I had to.” I say taking out a small black box, and handing it to her. She smiles and kisses me, opening it and taking out the necklace I bought her, “babe…This is too much-“ “No, I love you and you deserve it.” Jill takes it out and looks at it closer, it was a small gold circle with a heart carved into it on a gold chain. “Y-y/n…” she stutters as she looks it over, “I saw you looking at it a few weeks ago when we were at the mall to get Kirby a gift, so I had to get it for you.” “No one’s ever…” She pauses but then kisses me passionately and I hold her as she does until she pulls away gently, “put it on me? Please?” She asks turning around. I put it on her and kiss the back of her neck gently, “perfect…” I say to her softly. She turns back around and kisses me passionately, “Let me thank you.” She says seductively kissing my neck slowly causing me to whimper, “Jill l-“ She cuts me off when she begins sucking and nibbling on my neck, “mm babe…” I moan softly and hold her closer and she smirks and pushes me on the couch, “yes?” She teases as she pushes her thigh against my cunt causing me to moan again, “can we go to your room?” I ask her softly as she rubs my breasts and kisses my neck. She giggles, “you scared my mom will catch us?” She licks my neck after she says this and I whimper and nod. She pulls away from me and gets up, “let’s go then.” She says pulling me up and holding my hand bringing me to her room. She pushes me against the door the J on it clanking from my weight hitting the wood and she kisses me once again, grinding against me as her hand fumbled with the knob, “fuck, c’mon…” she curses before finally being able to push the door open, and she pushes me onto the side of her bed causing me to giggle as I look up at her. She places on knee to the side of my thigh and the other between mine before pinning my hands to the bed and kissing me more roughly now. She whimpers softly as she grinds down on my thigh and I look at her in surprise as she never had made noises like that before. I feel myself get more excited and I kissed Jill’s neck as she grinds against me and pushes her thigh against my cunt, “mm…” she moans and looks at me lustfully, her eyes turning almost purely brown with it as she humped me.
“This is so much better…” she mumbles as she whines and hugs me. I blush at her words and turn her head to kiss me and i unbutton her shirt, pushing it to the side to reveal her black bra and perky breasts. I look at her, and I feel her tug at my shirt too as she kisses my cheek, “I love you…” she mumbles softly as I kiss her and nod for her to take it off. She gets my t shirt off completely and puts her head on my breasts as she pulls off her flannel and tosses it aside with my shirt, “are you okay?” She mumbles as she kisses my jaw and rubs my sides soothingly. I nod and smile at her caring side and kiss her, “yes Jill…I want you to touch me…” I whisper causing her to smirk, “where?” I roll my eyes and Jill pushes my bra up to rub my nipples, “here?” I moan as she pinches teasingly but then nod, “y-yes…a-and lower…” I mumble, “oh, like here?” Jill rubs her hands gently on my thighs and I whine and buckle my hips towards her, desperate for her touch. “Jill please…” she chuckles and presses her thigh against my cunt, “relax darling. I know what you want.” She says as she pulls down my pants moving away from me to pull them off me before hovering over me again. She looks to my panties and notices how wet I am, “you’re so good for me baby…” she says as she kisses me and rubs my clit slowly, “oh Jill…” I moan and buckle my hips towards her, “be patient baby…” Jill mumbles kissing down my neck. She starts getting aggressive and starts sucking at my neck, probably leaving hickeys. I moan softly as she cups one of my tits and started to slowly massage it, making my nipple harden under her touch. “I-Jill…” I moan, her hand moving to my panties as she kisses down my body, looking up at me mischievously as she kisses along the waistband of my panties, “god…you’re so pretty…” Jill mumbles, kissing along my stomach, “please fuck me…” she chuckles as she pulls down my panties, “I want you to scream my name baby…” Jill says as she begins to lick around my sensitive clit, my body shuddering as she pleasures me. “J-Jill…” I gasp and let my hand slip into her hair, wanting her to go further. She looks up at me lustfully as she plants a gentle kiss on my clit before leaving more wet kiss all over my aching, twitching clit, and sucked it gently. She moans and shoves her hand down her pants causing my hips to buckle. “Fuck Jill~” my voice cracked as I watch her eat me out and touch herself. I couldn’t help but wonder if Jill’s thought about this too…
I feel Jill grab my thighs, spreading them apart and her head dipping down between them. She first slides her tongue through my folds moaning as she tastes me and then begins thrusting it in and out of me, “yes…Baby oh my god.” I moan playing with her hair as she eats me out. I feel myself getting closer and I feel her smirk against me, “cum for me baby…” Jill says as she pulls away from me then looks at me as and she rubs my clit. My hips buckle and I Cum against her and Jill smirks licking it up before she continues to rub my clit, my legs shaking as I wrapped them around her and she pounds her clit against mine causing her to grunt and let out small moans of pleasure. She continues until I cum again just from her cunt hitting mine. She smirks before she positions herself between my thighs once again and laps up all my cum before looking up at me and shoves 2 fingers inside me causing me to moan out as she expertly curls them. “You’re fucking mine y/n.” Jill says kissing my thighs before sucking my clit hard causing me to yelp, “say it y/n, who do you belong to?” I whine as she continues to lick my clit and fuck me hard with her fingers, “Jill! Fuck baby I belong to you!” I moan out and whine, grabbing a fistful of her hair as my thighs squeeze around her head, “Good, cum for me again you whore.” I moan and squirt for the first time ever on Jill’s fingers causing her to smirk and give a kiss to my clit, removing her fingers and licking them clean before lapping up my cum.
She grabs her flannel from the side and wipes her chin and then my aching pussy, causing me to tense slightly, Jill giving me an apologetic smile. She tosses her shirt aside before She sits up and I sit up too, surprising her when I push her onto the bed. She blushes causing me to smirk as I kiss her. I slip my hand into her pants and feel how wet she is just from pleasuring me, “Jesus Jill.” I comment before I begin to rub her clit slowly, a bit unsure of what I’m doing but guessing I’m doing good by the way Jill shifts her hips and closes her eyes in pleasure, “fuck.” She curses as I rub her and I bite my lip. Jill has a bit of a dominant personality so seeing her like this made me so crazy. I pull down Jill’s pants and panties in one go and she helps me toss them to the side. Jill smiles shyly at me and I kiss her as I rub her clit, my free hand cupping each of her breasts and circling her erect nipples. Jill’s soft moans fill the room as I played with her clit, two of my fingers slipping inside of her and thrusting in and out slowly causing her to moan out, “please…” Jill whines and buckles her hips towards me. I giggle and go faster causing her to moan and whimper but move her hips to match my pace. “I’ve thought of you fucking me like this for so long.” Jill mumbles against my neck through gasps and pants, her arms wrapping around my neck and pulling me into a kiss. It was messy and passionate, Jill’s nails digging into my back causing me to groan, “Baby…more please.” She begs her voice cracking slightly. I add a third finger inside of Jill, thrusting fast and hard, curling my fingers hitting her spot, “oh fuck! Yes baby right there!” Jill rocks her hips into my hand, her clit rubbing against my palm as I finger her. I feel her squeeze around me and she moans, “don’t stop.” She says, moving her hand to my neck and choking me slightly. “Wouldn’t dream of it baby.” I say, my voice strained. Jill’s brows knitted together, her mouth falling open with a loud moan as she came all over my hand. Her warm cum leaking down my fingers onto my legs as she kept rocking her hips against my fingers. “Holy fucking shit…” She breathes out as she rests her forehead in the crook of my neck.
“So-much-better-than Trevor.” She states between short loving kisses, the statement causing me to smile proudly. I pull away and Jill holds me to her chest, my arms wrap around her and I snuggle against her boobies. “So pretty.” She says kissing the top of my head. I kiss the crook of her neck as we hold hands, “I love you y/n.” Jill says as I play with the necklace I gave her, “I love you too Jill.” I say moving up to kiss her.
The next few months Jill’s been acting kinda distant but I don’t know why. We still have sex and Jill is happy to take me on dates and give me affection but she hasn’t been around me as much which worried me. Jill assured me that everything was fine and that she’s just been busy with SAT preparation. I accepted her answer and just enjoyed my time with her. When Jill and I first saw the news coverage about Marnie Cooper and we’re both surprised but carried on. The next day Jill fucked me, roughly and passionately and edged me for a while. I was surprised but happily surprised. Over time Jill grows very overprotective of me, keeping me around her all the time. Kirby finds it comforting to know that Jill wants to keep me safe so she lets Jill stay over every night or I go to Jill’s with Kirby’s constant calls and texts to check in. The night of Olivia’s murder I was actually with Robbie and we were gaming in his ‘man cave’ which is just a tv and game system in his parents’ basement but still cool.
“How are things with Jill?” Robbie asks genuinely but I look at him in confusion; “what do you mean?” I ask him absolutely surprised he knew, did Kirby tell him??? “C’mon y/n, it’s obvious by the way she looks at you and I remember you telling me last year how much you liked her.” I blush and concentrate on the game trying to brush it off. “Don’t be stupid Robbie, it’s not like that…” he sighs and shrugs; “if you say so, but if you’re not hooking up you should try. I think she likes you too.” I smile softly to myself, “thanks Robbie.” I say as our team wins the game. I got a text from Jill 5 minutes ago;
J- Pick up
And one from my sister;
K- y/n?! Answer please!
I get an incoming call from Kirby and answer immediately, “hello? Kirby??” “Hey y/n…it’s Olivia, she was killed by Ghost Face.” I gasp, “are you and Jill okay??? What the fuck!” I ask frantically worried about my sister and girlfriend. “W-we saw the whole thing y/n… it-It was so crazy. Jill got stabbed but it’s not bad she’s really shaken up though and Trevor’s here again.” I roll my eyes at his name but I leave immediately, telling Robbie I’ll talk to him later. I go to the hospital and go to Jill’s room immediately, “Jill!” I say in a panicked voice but she gives me a gentle smile, “I’m okay baby…” she says hugging me. I look to her arm where she was hit and take a hold of it, “I’m sorry I should’ve been there, I should’ve protected you-“ “No, if you were there I would’ve been more worried about you and Kirby would have too.” I nod but look at her, “I was just so worried about you Jill…” I whisper cupping her cheek. She leans into my touch but pulls away as we hear footsteps and Trevor comes in and I roll my eyes as he goes over to Jill. She looks at me, silently telling me to give her a minute so I leave the room and go to the bathroom and when I come back Jill calls out for me so I go back into her room. “So?” “He’s still trying to get me to be with him again. I’m so sick of it.” She rolls her eyes and smiles as she pulls me to her and kisses me gently, “I’m all yours I promise.” She says sweetly causing me to smile softly. I cup her face in my hands and kiss her more passionately and Jill wraps her hands around my waist and holds me close as we kiss. “I love you.” I say to her softly, nuzzling my face into the crook of her neck. “I love you too.” She says back kissing me again roughly. After a few minutes the doctor walks in on us causing us to break apart quickly and he coughs awkwardly, probably knowing what was happening. He tells Jill she’s safe to leave and she tells me she’ll meet me in the car and that she was going to visit Gale before she left. I nod and kiss her before heading to the car and parking it outside of the hospital to wait for Jill.
When she gets to the car she gets in and we go back to my house where Jill and I make love again. As we lay in bed Jill hugs me and kisses my face and neck then lips, telling me how much she loved me as she looks at me. Our bodies pressed together as we look at each other, Jill cupping my cheek and pulling me into a gentle kiss, her hands gently resting on my waist as we do. “You’ve been rough lately babe…” I tell her softly as we cuddle. Jill gives me a kiss, “I’m sorry…you can tell me if it’s too much.” She says sheepishly. I shake my head, “No I love it, I’m just surprised I guess.” I say rubbing her back soothingly. “I don’t know I guess I’m just comfortable.” She says smirking slightly. I get up from the bed and grab one of Jill’s shirts and an extra pair of panties I kept at her place, “where are you going?” She asks worry laced in her voice. “I’m just going to go shower, you can join me if you want.” I give her a wink as I walk to her bathroom quickly to avoid unwanted detection.
As I begin showering I expected Jill to come in but she doesn’t and after I finish and go back into her room she was gone and her laptop was left on her bed. I open it and put in her password and see that Kirby texted her, asking her to come over. I found it weird that Jill would go over since she had me at her house and I was a bit upset and confused at why my sister hadn’t texted me. I look for my phone and can’t find it which is also weird. I sigh and decide it’s best to just go home so I walk back home. When I go in I see Jill, Charlie, Robbie and Kirby watching Stab and my eyes shoot to Jill immediately and I’m pissed. Jill’s eyes widened and she got up, “Hey y/n.” She says awkwardly. I ignore her and push past her going up the stairs where I bump into Trevor and I just grow more angry, “seriously? Him too?” I say not caring if our secret would be exposed. Jill sighs and shakes her head; “What are you doing here Trevor?” She asks him in an annoyed tone. I take the opportunity to start going up the rest of the stairs and hear him say; “you asked me to come!” which triggered my tears. She wanted to be alone with him. That’s what she wanted… I think as I go into my room and close the door. I lay in bed and cry and after a while there’s a knock on the door, “baby, let me explain please…” Jill pleads through the door. “Go away.” I say to her, my tears only increasing when I hear her voice. After a few minutes my sister comes in and hugs me, “i don’t think it’s what you think.” Kirby says softly as she rubs my back soothingly, “It’s just weird Kirb, we were at her house, why would she leave me there alone?” Kirby sighs softly, “maybe she thought she was protecting you? I’m not sure…” I sigh and fiddle with the ring Jill gave me on our anniversary, “I just think it’s weird Kirby.” I mumble as Kirby takes my hands and looks at me, “She loves you y/n, just talk to her. She wouldn’t cheat on you because she knows how it would feel, and I know she cares about you by the way she looks at you ” “Really?” “Of course! How do you think Robbie found out? It’s the way you guys look at each other, I’ve never seen Jill soo smitten.” Kirby giggles and I do too. “Thanks Kirby.” I say hugging her. “Of course y/n, now come watch stab 2 with us, it’s just starting!” I giggle and shake my head, “I’m just gonna sleep, tell Jill to come up I’ll talk to her first.” Kirby nods and leaves. After a few moments Jill comes up to my room and she knocks, this time I let her in. I look into those sweet hazel eyes I’ve grown to love and she looks into my y/e/c eyes. She’s the first to look away and clear her throat, “why didn’t you tell me you wanted to go to my house Jill?” She sighs softly and wraps her arms around me. “Because I knew if I kept you at my house you’d be safe.” Jill says her eyes dilating slightly, “Why wouldn’t I be safe here and why would you come here if it’s not safe? You’re not making sense Jill…” Jill cups my cheek and kisses me softly, “because…you’d be safe from me…”
Jill whispers before her hands wrapped around my neck and squeezed until I loose Before I do I whimper Jill’s name and go to cup her cheek, “You’re not gonna die, I just need you out of the way.” Jill’s words are emotionless and her eyes are sunken in as I fall limp in her arms.
I wake up later on the floor, Ghost face straddling me with a knife. I could tell by the weight of the person that it was Jill and my heart broke. I cupped her cheek through her mask and she leans into my touch, “Don’t do this Jill…” I beg her, looking into the black eyes of the monster. She leans in to me and I lift the mask so I can see her but as I push up the mask above her lips she kisses me. I give into her instantly and kiss her back. She pulls away, looking at me her eyes blank and her face expressionless, “I don’t need you y/n, I just need fans…”
“Jill no!”
She stabs me. Over and over again. The worse part is that I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way. She still looked perfect, her muscles flexing as she stabbed me, the glimmer of mischief in her eyes.
She finally finished and stood up, wiping off the knife like Ghost face did in stab. “How could you…?” I breathe out looking towards my girlfriend, seeing her black boots and the bottom of her a ghost face cloak. She stops in her tracks and looks to me, “how could I what? Kill you?”
“N-no…How could you let me love you?” She says before coughing. I know she’s dying, I stabbed her at least 6 times. At this moment her words sink in and I feel a change. A slight twinge in my heart, what was this? Empathy? I turned to her shaking body, kneeling back down in front of her“I’m sorry, I loved you more than I was supposed to y/n.” I state, a tear running down my cheek as I look at my girlfriend bleeding out, “h-how much w-were you supposed to?” She asks, her breaths were rigid and her eyes struggled to stay open, “I wasn’t.”
When Kirby finds out you were killed She never forgave herself for putting you in danger with Jill. She blames herself for your death and use it to motivate her to become an fbi agent. She won’t let the killings happen ever again.
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askthekirbysquad · 1 year
So, I finished the Magolor Epilogue yesterday! Thoughts Time, and also time for some notes on how I'm gonna work it into this blog's continuity, given its ending.
I won't be tagging this post with any spoiler tags, but I will throw the rest of this under a cut in case anyone else was late to the game like I was! ...And also because it's Long dgdgshs
First off, the mode itself was excellent! It might be my favourite of the "play as someone other than Kirby" modes now. I like the whole collection aspect and upgrading Magolor's abilities a lot (along with all the little things he has to say about it—Magolor likes puns confirmed! Which makes sense. Yet another way to harmlessly annoy his friends lmao), and I definitely strongly prefer the combo mechanic as a way of determining score over the time attacks that Metaknightmare, Dededetour, and such have. ...And I do also just adore Magolor and playing as him dhdhshf (though I love Meta Knight too!)
Getting Platinum ranks on Electricky Dooter and Hydriath was absolute hell though. I have no idea why those two bosses specifically took so many damn tries, but they did.
As for plot stuff, it's cute that they tied stuff in with the Kirby Clash games and offered a bit more of a backstory behind the Gem Apples. And also given the newly added conversation that you get from collecting all 120 Energy Spheres in Extra Mode, it's nice to see him follow through on what he told Kirby and actually set up a shop (even if in doing so he becomes more evil than he ever was before by forcing Microtransactions upon us). I also loved getting to see the origin/creation of Magolor's Ultra Sword attack from Star Allies in the battle against the Master Crown!
But! The ending also causes some slight issues for this blog's continuity, given that here, Magolor is chilling at Dedede's Castle with everyone else. And obviously, I'm not gonna change that.
I've got multiple ideas on how I could adjust things to make everything work! I haven't decided on which one to go with yet.
My initial thought was to create a timeline split. Instead of going to the Kirby Clash universe, this blog's Magolor was sent to somewhere in the main series' timeline (along with the Gem Apple still, of course). Halcandra was my first idea, since that would work best with my original plans for him that I think I've mentioned in an old ask (Magolor talks to Landia, who tells him a bit of what they know about the Master Crown. They also banish him from Halcandra for his crimes, but allow him to take the Lor with him as long as it agrees to it (which it does!)). And then from there, Magolor warps to Dream Land using the Lor Starcutter.
I could see the Epilogue's extra level being a pathway back to Dream Land/Planet Popstar, given the presence of Waddle Dees and (more importantly, since maybe there were Waddle Dees in the other Epilogue levels that I've forgotten about) the fact that Magolor is going through a lot of the Another Dimension Sphere Doomer sections from the Story Mode, which are connected to Popstar and Halcandra. So I could see that being the way Magolor gets back home. Maybe he decided to stick around in Another Dimension for a little while longer instead of taking the portal into the Clash universe? So he could gather more magic energy and fully restore his powers before leaving (so that, say, he's not permanently stuck without infinite flight). And eventually he discovers the extra stage, which takes him back to Popstar. He never does learn what was on the other side of that portal that appeared after he destroyed the Master Crown, and sure, he wonders about it from time to time, but ultimately, he's with his friends now and right where he wants to be.
The problem with Magolor being transported directly to Popstar, though, is that he wouldn't have the Lor with him anymore. ...Well, technically he would get it back once Merry Magoland happens (since I'm treating that as part of the continuity for this blog rather than an alternate universe), when it shows up at the amusement park like «HELLO MAGOLOR. COOL PLACE YOU HAVE GOT HERE.» dgdgdshf. But I have Merry Magoland set as the latest thing happening in this blog's timeline, taking place sometime after Forgotten Land, so Magolor and the Lor would have only recently reunited.
But I guess, given that the extra stage has the Another Dimension Sphere Doomer Story Mode sections (I Do Not Know What To Call Them, I'm sorry dhdhshf) from both Popstar and Halcandra, it might be fine to just say he followed the pathway and the portal at the end took him to Halcandra instead! And then once again, he got the Lor back from Landia since it was willing to accompany him, and then they went back to Popstar so Magolor could make up for what he did to Kirby and the gang (and also because he was exiled from Halcandra).
The other option would be to say that Magolor did go to the Kirby Clash universe, but eventually made it back to Dream Land later on. Since I mean, it's now canon that Magolor goes to Kirby Clash after Return to Dream Land, but there's also the already established canon that Magolor makes it back to Popstar since he's playable in Star Allies. So either there's a timeline split, or Magolor leaves the Kirby Clash universe sometime after its story is complete (...which. I've never finished either of the Kirby Clash games actually dhdhshf).
Magolor does mention that he could potentially warp to other worlds if he upgraded his Dimensional Vanish beyond the in-game maximum, and while that could certainly be exaggeration on his part, that could also be the way he gets home? He managed to further power up his warping abilities during his time in the Kirby Clash universe, and once he's no longer needed there, he decides to use those new powers to go find Popstar (and Halcandra?), which he succeeds in doing in time for Star Allies to take place.
Or alternatively, maybe Kirby summoned him home in Star Allies? If the Dream Rod is able to reach Dark Meta Knight from within the Mirror World and Ribbon from over on Ripple Star, then why not grab Magolor from the Kirby Clash universe too? Plus, I do have to admit, that would make for a pretty cute reunion scene, because Kirby wanted Magolor back and specifically tried to summon him, even after all of the horrible stuff he did.
I dunno! I'm sort of leaning toward the first idea (this blog's Magolor never goes to the Kirby Clash universe at all, spending longer in Another Dimension until he eventually goes through the extra postgame stage, which leads him to a portal to Halcandra), but I still haven't fully decided. Going with the second option (Magolor still gets transported to the Clash universe, but eventually gets summoned back to the main series' universe by Kirby in Star Allies) would mean that he isn't present for the events of Triple Deluxe or Planet Robobot, but I guess that isn't necessarily a bad thing? It'd mean I wouldn't have to decide what he was doing during those times and why he wasn't helping Kirby, since he'd be busy in the Kirby Clash universe. ...But at the same time, for Robobot specifically, I think it'd be funny for Magolor to be there and be torn between going "ooooooh cool tech 👀" and "hey can you guys maybe not destroy Popstar please" dhdgdfhshdhfs
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skeleton-in-a-hoodie · 6 months
A thing that I think about a lot in DDMG is the Turtles and the rest of the extended family buying Splinter clothes, and how their tastes in fashion ends up getting reflected in the outfits Rat Dad wears.
I think the second winter the boys know Splinter, they save up money and get him a thick jumper and some warm trousers.
Splinter doesn't really know what to say to this, and his brain goes straight to "These are orphaned children who don't get much of an allowance and these clothes are good quality. How much did these cost? What did my sons give up to afford this?"
Which prompts a conversation, because Splinter didn't feel he could accept it in good conscious, and look, the tags are still on, you could take them back and spend the money on something you four want. And the answer he gets is that they're not going to take the clothes back, because they wanted to get him something.
The trousers need some adjusting so his tail can fit, but they fit surprisingly okay. The jumper is good too, but his proportions are weird and he's tall as hell, so the Turtles went a size above what they thought he'd need, so whilst it's long enough and fits well everywhere else, it keeps slipping off one of his shoulders.
One day, when Raph is in the city, he finds someone selling Ratman merch and can't resist getting Splinter a hoodie. Splinter is mortified but still wears the damn thing because his son got it for him (and it's really soft and comfy, and he ends up chewing on the strings to stim).
Casey gets Splinter heavy metal and punk band t-shirts, and doesn't know how to feel when Splinter actually wears them. Like she's seen him wear the stuff Raph buys him, but at the same time Casey really didn't expect Splinter to actually, like, put the shirt on.
Robyn, Casey's little sister, is quite young, so she just picks stuff that makes her think of her rat uncle. These also get worn, even if the colour she selects aren't something Splinter would chose for himself, but it makes his niece happy. As long as the material isn't too smooth it's all good.
Whenever Kirby goes through his wardrobe for things he doesn't wear anymore, he'll give anything he thinks Splinter would like/ will fit to him. This is how Splinter gets a lot of cardigans. Kirby, April and Mikey also form team "Let that old man be comfy" and get Splinter as many warm jumpers as they can. Mikey tries to find brightly coloured stuff for Splinter, whereas April is like "I think this is cute!"
Donnie is responsible for the overalls, and Leo the short sleeved button up shirts and to be honest anything practical. Tseng gets Splinter Hawaiian shirts, saying it's part of Splinter's old man training.
Socorro ends up in a years long battle with Splinter over the issue of wearing shoes. Her argument is it'll stop him walking on broken glass again, his is that shoes are sensory hell and he'd rather chew his own leg off. The battle is won when these two remember sandals exist. Socorro does not bother with slippers, and settles instead for "You need a warm winter coat." "I AM LITERALLY A FIRE GHOST."
Generally speaking they all try to pick out clothes in dark colours, or maroon, because his kimino is that colour and he seems to like it. There's also a lot of green after they find out its his favourite colour.
Also they find out Splinter really likes scarfs and half-finger gloves, so he has a ton of them. Most of those are from Raph, who learns how to knit and crochet, but the rest of the family will bring Raph wool in different colours so he can make fun patterns and stuff. He learns how to make dragon scale gloves, makes some modled off godzilla, which results in a lot of happy stimming from rat dad.
His wardrope ends up having a lot of skirts too, because those are easier to adjust so his tail fits okay than trousers, and sometimes it's nice to have new clothes you can just wear straight away and not have to tailour yourself.
It's also worth mentioning that Splinter does not separate these styles out and just wears whatever is most comfy/ he feels like that day.
Also he knows how to embroider, so chances are at least some of his clothes get hand stitched designs on them. Same goes for his sons' clothes, cause if they have something that needs fixing he tries to make the mend at least look nice. Leo's jeans end up having so many stars on them from when Rat dad had to patch them and tried to make it look good.
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