#I'm gonna be honest with you all... I haven't read much with these two interacting??
abisalli · 2 months
Since you're taking requests... will you consider drawing Steph and Jason hugging? Or the whole dead Robins club? I love their friendship and I think they should hang out more. (If you're not inspired by this, then no worries! Just wanted you to know I love your art and I hope you're having a great day)
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thank you so much! have some Jason and Steph hugging :)
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dceasesd · 3 months
why juni ba’s the boy wonder has my favorite jason characterization of any contemporary comic run: a needlessly in-depth analysis (pt.2)
alright here we are with part two! i promised i'd be quick with it, didn't i? you can find part one here. thank you guys so much for all the nice comments, i love yapping to a receptive audience :D
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so, if you haven't read part one, i've been going over the common critques of ba's characterization of jason, the main three being:
the typical boiling down of jason's character to "the angry one"
his lack of strategy going into the fight with the demon is out-of-character
the neighbor's kid interaction
in the first part we went over #1, so now were gonna look at #2!
so, a problem people have with the story is how ba writes jason's reaction to the fight with rok (white tophat demon guy); damian and jason jump into the fight with seemingly no preparation at all, "underestimating" rok and paying the price for it.
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i'll be honest, i do agree with this critque a bit. jason, if he is nothing else, is an obsessive planner and strategist; his back-up plans have back-up plans, and so on. we see this in plenty of his comic renditions, especially in lost days and under the red hood, where there are numerous examples of jason's competency. despite this, many comics fall into the habit of treating him as the "reckless, stupid robin", once again reducing his character to just his anger, usually to make the other robins more competent. looking at his actions in utrh & lost days, however, makes him jumping into a fight with no information uncharacteristic.
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so, i sort of agree with this critque. HOWEVER. i will attempt to rationalize this part of ba's writing (because there are still parts of it i disagree with and it's more fun than just agreeing and moving on)
alright, to begin, lets look at these three different series; utrh (under the red hood), lost days, and the boy wonder. there is obviously many other examples out there, but i'm just gonna focus on these three for now because otherwise we'd be here all day.
in utrh & lost days, jason is driven by an obvious goal with an obvious end result; in utrh his goal is making bruce kill the joker & taking over gotham's underbelly, and in lost days it is getting skilled enough to complete the previously mentioned objective. i also chose to highlight the scene where jason puts a bomb underneath the batmobile in lost days, intending to kill bruce, because it's another very clear example of jason's strategic prowess. the whole bomb thing even happens before jason starts his murder training, making the feat even more impressive.
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ba's jason, though, exists in a reality post-utrh; his plan failed and he must live with the consequences and implications of that truth. the recklessness that he presents in the fight in the boy wonder could be a representation of him grappling with this idea-- his supposed failure and banishment obviously must have had an effect on his psyche, and ba is attempting to portray that. ba plays a lot with the sadder side of jason's existence in the comic, so it's a plausibly theory, even if it is admittedly reaching a bit.
additionally, referring back to the earlier conversation about jason's anger in the first part of this discussion, i have the same sentiments about portrayal's of jason's recklessness. he can possess a strategic mind while still being reckless; it's his numerous paradoxical character traits that make him such an interesting character (at least to me). he's a mess of contradictions.
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furthermore, while jason's actions are reckless and brash in this specific instance of the story, that does not mean that ba presents him as a reckless character. there's a difference between a reckless character and a character being reckless, and i feel like jason mostly falls into the latter. while maybe not super obvious, jason's tactical-ness is still present in ba's portrayal. this is represented through damian's responses and reactions to jason.
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the fact that damian goes to jason for help in the first place is baffling. as a prideful kid desperate to prove himself, damian is not predisposed to asking for help, which is clearly presented in the first issue when he interacts with dick and babs.
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damian's willingness to work with jason could be a result of him recognizing their similarities; he's more approachable than dick "golden boy" grayson. beyond that, he goes to jason because he needs a certain set of skills to help him catch the demon.
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while jason is not able to fully present his usefulness at this task because the demon finds them first, he is clearly seen taking charge of the situation and dictating their plan to locate the demon, and damian actually defers to him. while brief, this instance represents that despite his recklessness in the battle against rok, ba still accurately presents jason's tactical skills, underscoring the intelligence he has that so many author's ignore or downplay.
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i could go into how this plays into jason being a foil character to damian, but i'll save it for another day. sorry if this post is a little nonsensical, i did my best. i'll finish up my analysis in part 3! :)
part 1 / part 3
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kaledya · 5 months
so,I check your latest community post and I really charlie being a bigs sister to Octavia and also the fact you make Stella care about Octavia in your au because let's be honest,we need this very much. Because I crave for canon Stella interacting with her daughter but sadly we can have any good things due to the fact canon Octavia is gonna be a plot device for canon stolas. Well,at least I can read your au because I really love this.
I'm glad you liked my post!
and I agree with you on this issue, I really think we need to see the interactions of Stella and Octavia, the two of them have not spoken even once in the series. And since Via is one of my favorite characters in HB I would really like an episode where we learn about her
and I can put a recent question here about my opinion on stella.
Q: - Stella isn't that hateable
A: Right now the show is just trying to portray her as a hateable character and right now she is, because we haven't gotten into the past and the layers of the character(Maybe we will maybe we won't idk maybe she is pure evil who knows) . but at least for my AU, as much as Stella hates Stolas now, she is a character with layers and she didn't want to marry Stolas when she was young either . She was forced into this marriage too and gave birth to Octavia when she was very young yes there was never any real love between them but for the sake of Octavia she tried to have a peaceful marriage but when Stolas cheated on her she unleashed all the anger she had been building up for years ��I wasn't happy in this marriage either I wanted to love someone but I didn't cheat on you but you cheated on me with an imp!)
also Stella is a really good mother even though she is a young mother, she did her best to take good care of Octavia even though her own mother did not take care of her.
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changbinsboobs · 20 days
If you had to use one word to describe each of skz’s dorm mates dynamic living together what would it be? I feel like some of them would be super chaotic and others super chill (Felix and seungmin lol)
Used the 3rd Eye Tarot. I didn't do the one word thing cuz I'm too lazy to get my creative juices going so i just did a short reading on it:)
*For entertainment purposes only!
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SKZ Dorm Pair Dynamics
Chan + I.N - Knight of Cups, 10 of Pentacles, 5 of Swords
They keep their interactions at surface level. As long as they do that their co living goes well. Since they have quite different visions on the world and just overall. They don't see eye to eye and never will - as in u will never see the world the same way your grandma will right, cuz both of u are from different generations. U still love her tho:) as long as y'all don't go into too much depth. Same goes for those two.
I think if they spend too much time together and go to deep in their interactions they'll get pretty pissed at each other pretty quickly😅
I'm also seeing some love stuff going on in there so someone might be inviting their love interest over there.
Lee Know + Han - 6 of Wands, 2 of Wands, Ace of Wands
Very active dorm.
Both of them interact a lot with each other and have plans for places they'll go visit, food they'll try, hobbies they'll do together etc.
Changbin + Hyunjin - 4 of Cups, King of Wands, Death
A funny mood overall.
But actual jokes and fun actually just happen on occasion. Not all the time.
This is a bit difficult to decipher to be honest cuz im not picking up on a consistent energy.
Thats why i think they have like phases (?) they go through. So if they have a lighthearted phase they joke and have fun together.
But then they go back to their hermit mood and each one goes into his own world and hivernate for a while and have their own small rebirth, and then when they're done with that they go out of it and have fun and interract again.
I think thats not something they really are conscious if. If you were to ask them i think they would tell you they're constantly together and having a blast. Cuz those hibernation phases they have, tho long, i think for them feel like one afternoon or something like that. So for them it feel like they're constantly having fun together cuz its like the hibernation phase doesn't count, its like sleeping😂
Felix + Seungmin - The Devil, The Tower, 7 of Pentacles
Honestly seeing those cards scared me a bit, i thought this dorm was gonna be the most lighthearted one but it seems like the heaviest most strained one.
I think each one's in their own world and they have little to no interactions. Each of them works in themselves and their own stuff.
Idk if its something between them that has happened, or one of them had a really nasty experience that they are preoccupied with.
I think one's just minding his own buisenss, not engaging whatsoever in the drama of the other.
While the other is sunken deep into his own suffering and filth and despair.
Its giving victim complex tbh.
Im seeing strong mental health issues. And toxic ways of handling himself and the situation. With every step he tales he sinks more and more into it.
And the whole tragedy thing - i don't think it really exist(?) its more like in his head than in reality. And he brought it on himself (thats why the other one doesn't seem to care that much, im getting the vibe of putting his hands in the air cuz he thinks the other one's just a hopeless case and he should learn to deal with it by himself), from lack of boundaries.
I wasn't planing on saying who it is cuz its none of my business but ya'll already know I think it's Felix so I'll clarify that based on this current energy, and the energy I've sensed from felix before i assume its him. I haven't specifically read about that/ confirmed it with the cards. And i don't intend to do it, cuz i just think we shouldn't stick our noses everywhere. I think the cards just give out enough energy/info for us, and i pick on just as much as i should. If something isn't confirmed by itself, i don't like pestering the poor guys and harassing them to tell us.
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dnalt-d2 · 7 months
(TW for racism/xenophobia, as well as what's going on with Cellbit right now. For anyone who wants to know about that, I put the documents he put out in the replies for the post, as well as TWs for what it contains)
You know, I gotta say I'm really glad I'm hardly on twitter and BARELY know how to navigate it. Because I never actually SEE any of the drama going on over there, I just hear it from tumblr people coming here from over there, and that's definitely the case here as well as well
And I know I haven't really talked much about QSMP Drama before, but what's going on right now is hitting me a little harder than I would've thought, so I do wanna give my two cents on it
For starters, I read through the entire document that Cellbit put out and I feel absolutely horrible for what he's going through right now, and for what he went through in the past. Especially since I've been through something similar to one of the things he mentioned. Not to mention the fact that I'm also most likely asexual as well. (This is kinda why I wanted to talk about it at all, if I'm being honest) I really hope things get better for him, and I mean that from the bottom of my heart
And as for the apparently rampant xenophobia that's been targeted towards the Brazilian community, I honestly feel absolutely terrible that this has been happening. And I really hope that people can come here and find a better part of the community to interact with, if they choose to stay at all. Which I can certainly understand anyone choosing to leave, however unfortunate that is. Either way, I'm really sorry this has been happening to you guys, and it never should have happened in the first place (And anyone else who's experienced this, you have my sympathy as well, even if I know it isn't really gonna help much)
For anyone that stays, I'm really sorry things have been so shitty. Obviously there's not gonna be any place that's completely safe and tolerant, but I certainly hope things over here are better than on twitter
QSMP has been an amazing experience for me, and the fact that I've learned so much about so many different cultures has been absolutely incredible. I'm not the kind of person who can just learn this kind of stuff by reading up on it, so this has really been a great way to learn about things that I either never thought to look into, or just wasn't able to understand for whatever reason
Anyone that sees this sort of project, which has been connecting so many different communities and cultures, and decides to still be so intolerant and hateful, are just a special kind of awful. And frankly, they're the ones losing out on something incredible
(Btw I'm not sure what all to tag this as, since again, I don't really talk about drama stuff all that often, so if anyone wants me to tag a specific trigger or anything else, please let me know)
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ghost-husbands · 2 months
I have Thoughts™.
My perspective of Payneland and Cryland, under the cut because knowing me, this is gonna get long probably.
Before I begin, I wanna leave a little disclaimer and say I am not here with the intention of bashing any ship or any character. I love Charles because he's my favorite and that's that. I love Edwin as well. I think Payneland is fantastic and they really carry the whole show. I love it. I also like Crystal and the struggles she's had, the way she's carried them and survived them. I do have a soft spot for Charles x Crystal. I love them all, just to be clear. Not hear to bash anybody or throw shade...okay let's get to the other stuff.
Okay so I've always been one to pay a LOT of attention to the little details that the writers/directors/actors themselves with acting choices etc put into the portrayal of characters. Whether that's body language or dialogue or whatever.
When I think about what incites me to ship or not ship a pairing, I realize that it's a couple of things.
The chemistry that may or may not be there. It could be a pairing that interacts or does stuff together, and if they get along and it just seems so natural and doable, I can see that. This will usually be me thinking "Oh god, these people are perfect together. Look at the way A is looking at B! It's obvious B is in love with A" or whatever.
The circumstances - They could be two characters that the plot itself is driving together. Maybe star-crossed lovers or A pining for B etc.
And then there's the matter of the emotions/reactions that you can see between said characters. Now this fascinates me.
Taking a look at the Charles/Edwin dynamic and Charles/Crystal. I'm not so much intending to compare the two with the end of saying "this one or this one" when you can say "why not both?" Because frankly I love them both but differently. It's more to look at the relationships and those ideas I mentioned above in respect to these characters.
Charles x Edwin
Historically, they have a LOT more time together, by each other's side for 30+ years after Edwin finds Charles on the brink of death in that attic in 1989. Charles isn't ready to go and refuses to leave Edwin alone. From then on, they never part. As for what happens between their first meeting and when the show begins, I'm not extremely familiar because I haven't read the comics and all I do know is from what I've seen.
You can see that there is deep devotion between the two of them. They will protect each other (even if that's mostly Charles taking the beatings to keep Edwin safe) for sure, that notion is there. Edwin knows he can count on Charles and vice versa. Edwin definitely has feelings that he's struggling with through the season (being honest with himself as to what they are and dealing with the impossibly hard to bear burden of keeping those inside his heart bc he, prior to 1x07, doesn't know how Charles will react to this). Charles, on the other hand, cares very, very much for Edwin and would probably tear the universe apart if that was necessary to make sure that Edwin was alive, safe and sound by the end of the day. I've heard different things, but it seems to me that Charles also has these feelings, but it either didn't occur to him before or he didn't know how to identify or put those into words. That's perhaps why he said 'I can't say that I'm in love with you back' not 'I don't love you' or 'I'm not in love with you'. It was definitely NOT a rejection, I don't think so. Anyway, this is thought spilling for another moment.
A particular detail that hasn't left me alone since I saw it pointed out here...the fact that both Charles and Edwin, when they are embraced by other....BOTH of them, in those separate moments lay a hand over their heart. It affects them, they feel something there in the heart. What that is, I have no idea. I really want to know, and it's a delicious left-to-us-to-think-about sort of thing which in a way is much more fun than simply explaining it away with words. But that is contact (which, mind you, in theory, ghosts don't have) they wouldn't, theoretically feel.
And yet. When Charles hugs Edwin, Edwin afterward lays a hand over his heart and reacts as if something happened there, and I'm pretty sure it did. Same for Charles, when he hugs Edwin after they find out they're staying where they are...he feel something there.
Charles x Crystal
I know that this isn't a common ship (at least not nearly as popular as Payneland) and most will look at it from a perspective of "Not possible, he's a ghost, she's a human being. That's going to fall apart at some point". Some would also probably say that it's not something essentially romantic (that's looking at it and saying that what is there isn't love but could be friendship, other third thing whatever). I just want to look at Charles and Crystal as Charles and Crystal and pick apart the stuff we see.
Charles is compassionate, warm and has a big heart. I saw that from the beginning. He's the one who steps up and to Edwin's chagrin, announces that they'd be taking Crystal in until she's recovered. They go off on a walk and he enjoys it, even laughing when she's essentially mocking him, trying to be "mean".
The alley scene
His compassion really just struck a chord with me because of that moment in the alleyway. Now Edwin is upset (and I think he's right to be. Perhaps not in a shouty way but he's a little bit right) because the rhythm he's accustomed to with Charles has been turned on its head with Crystal's arrival. They have a demon to deal with on top of the cases they're working on, inconvenient stuff happens because of the little human being Charles has taken in, despite Edwin's displeasure. (Edwin is dear to me, and I love him. Not trying to bash him in any way...) So he's upset and he snaps, distinctly unhappy with the unnecessary problems the DBDA is met with because of Crystal. Crystal's patience is worn thin (poor girl had a nasty run in with demonic ex-boyfriend only moments before) and she gets mad. She snaps, and walks off. Charles watches her go, and Edwin makes a comment about how Crystal was yelling at "them" but Charles clarifies that it wasn't "them" as in, she wasn't yelling at Charles so much as Edwin. Anyway, all this is besides the point.
My point is that Charles at that point, follows after and listens, attentively, to Crystal relating how she feels that she can't go back to her home, that without her memories, that's how she feels. He looks pensive, considering what to do. What does he do? He wants to show her something. Tells her they need a mirror.
He shows her his parents, there in the mirror, and basically tells her that he relates. He knows what it's like. It just strikes me that he's being a little bit vulnerable here. We later find just how deep that stuff is inside of him, and we even get a little hint of that when he explains that his dad wasn't a very nice person. But he's showing her that he's listening, he knows what she means to a certain degree and just the act of doing that is reaching out, in a way, that's how I take it. His compassion.
The scene outside Jenny's shop
Crystal is shaken from what's just happened, and can't help but remember David and the toxicity of that relationship. Charles is there for her, and as I've said before, I think it's really interesting what he does next. He's sitting beside her on the curb and he just puts an arm around her. This is a comforting gesture, he knows, for her. Can he feel it? Aside from maybe physical pressure, no, not really. He just does it, for her. He doesn't get anything out of that.
The kisses - (or his attempt and her rejection, and the goodbye kiss)
Another point of interest for me was the kisses. It's established, confirmed in the canon by 1x07, I believe, that ghosts can't actually physically feel stuff like touch, a kiss or anything of that ilk. Earlier we see that when Charles tells Edwin he kissed Crystal. Edwin asks whether or not he felt it, and Charles (and this really is something that's been bouncing in my head) points to his temple, and says "...but I felt it here". Emotions? The emotional impact of it, rather than the physical effect it would have on him. Memory? He remembers what it's like to kiss and considers that, but still can't quite feel it.
Then, there's the moment when Crystal wakes up from that nightmare. (Part of me, not going to lie, thought, Charles would never hurt you...I don't understand how he could end up in a dream like that, confused with David the demon, but Crystal's trying to sort herself out). Charles goes in to talk to her, and the first thing he does is lean in as though to kiss her. Again, he's not gonna get anything out of that. It seemed to me like simple affection he wanted to show her, because we know he damn well won't feel anything. Not really. She pulls away because that nightmare really shook her and she's just not ready to pursue anything. (Which was good writing on the part of the show, it's realistic.) Just caught my attention that that had crossed Charles' mind to do that.
And then, the goodbye kiss.
Now this is more of a question from me. Why?
We see clearly that Charles isn't happy to see her go. He cares about her. She's his friend, he just doesn't want her to leave. Like 'he grabs her bags and holds them out of her reach "Nope you're not going"' doesn't want her to go. To his question of "Why does this feel like a goodbye goodbye and not a 'see you in London' goodbye?" she answers with a kiss. Doesn't say anything, just kisses him.
He looks a little confused, uncertain, trying-to-solve-a-puzzle about it. Which I think was an interesting (but not out of character) response to that, because he wouldn't have been able to feel it. But that begs the question, what exactly is it in his head that he does feel...
My final thoughts: I think Charles and Crystal are cute. According to show canon, no, it just can't happen on a logical level, according to where she is in trying to step back into her life and discover herself, and just the fact that he's a ghost. It wouldn't work. As friends, I think it's something sweet and I also think that the affection there is something real, something that they both need. And the characters as well. Affection, love and understanding are things all human beings need, and it's a lovely thing to see that given and received among all of our loved characters.
In the scope of fanfiction and the free creativity there, I'm open to possibilities because of the existence of AUs, different times, different places.
I certainly don't think that there's anything toxic to this relationship, but that's just me.
If you came to the end of this, bless you. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.
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mangosaurus · 3 months
Hi! Love your jwcc fanarts! (Hope u don't think my question is to annoying lmao 😭❤️)
I wanna ask u what do u think about that theory abt Ben gf being a catfish? Maybe one of that people that have been hunting them idk. Some posts claim it's actually Brooklyn trying to keep herself updated about the whole situation?? TO MUCH THEORIES
Also if the gf is actually real I'm curious about your opinion. Like I saw a post saying that Ben could be Bi, Pan, etc, but really, I am bisexual myself and there is no bi subtext on that boy... and it's not like they suddenly are gonna officialize he is bi/pan, or give him this type of subtext at this point of the franchise. Is not cool when people call "bi/pan" a media trying to avoid dealing with a character queerness. It's just painful that people think this is a real way of portrait of a bi/pan experience. It's not!!
AW thank you so much! i know i haven't posted much art lately but it still makes me really happy to hear that people enjoy it. and your question isn't annoying at all, don't worry about it :) i love receiving and answering asks, it doesn't matter what they're about
the more time that passes the more plausible the catfish GF theory sounds to me. if i had to guess, ben probably met his girlfriend online, possibly through dark jurassic (which a lot of the fandom seems to be in consensus about). as for it being brooklynn ... not too sure about that one! i've mostly treated it as a crack theory up until now, if just because of how absurd it sounds on paper, but i wouldn't put it past brooklynn to pull something like that. keeping in touch with ben is probably one of her only links back to her friends, besides her contact with ronnie (who is only partially connected to darius at this point, since he quit the DPW). i'd recommend giving these two posts by kitabearuwu a read if you're interested in exploring that theory further.
now if the girlfriend is real: i obviously can't speak for you or other bi/pan/otherwise mspec people, but i've come to not care all that much, if i'm being honest. it was definitely a shock to hear, as was the intended effect, since darius, sammy, and yasmina all initially reacted with surprise. but my question is what harm does ben having a girlfriend in chaos theory pose? like, does it play into any negative stereotypes? does it communicate a dangerous message about queer people? i've seen some people argue that it perpetuates the notion that mlm relationships are "icky" and shouldn't be portrayed in media, but i have to disagree, respectfully.
i think it's also really important to remember that subtext is ... ultimately kind of subjective, and is totally independent of the creator's intentions. that's the whole point of subtext—it exists below (hence the prefix sub-) the underbelly of the text. you have to be looking for it to see it, basically. and for a long time, the fandom (or at least the queer part of the fandom) subtextually read ben as gay! a lot of that had to do with his rather intimate interactions with the other boys, juxtaposed against the way he rejected yasmina when he thought she had a crush on him ("i like you, but i don't like like you ... i'm just now starting to find myself"). but ... i don't know, if we want to start citing text, you could also argue that ben's whole thing about not putting him in a box circa jwcc s5 could be a point towards him being generally unlabeled, which leaves room for him being mspec.
if i had to make some definitive statement on the matter, i guess it'd be that this fandom gets really bogged down by the specific labels of these characters, when it's really not all that necessary. this is still a gay show made by gay people featuring unapologetically gay characters in explicitly gay relationships, of which has been some of the best gay rep i've ever seen in media. and having that kind of representation on TV matters more to me than knowing what ben specifically identifies as, even if it doesn't align with my headcanon. it doesn't have to! but i also don't know for sure if it doesn't align with my headcanon, because we haven't gotten the full story yet. ben's girlfriend is most likely gonna be of some importance, given that he mentioned her twice without going into much detail about her. that leaves a lot of room in future seasons to expand upon who she is and her role in both the greater narrative and ben's life specifically, including his identity. i just think it's best we reserve judgement at this point, basically
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amoneki-ramblings · 9 months
Um. Uh. Hi, Amoneki blog, pinned post let's go (very important please read !!)
This is probably the most important thing by Far: I haven't actually finished the manga yet; I recently got a :re box set but I (at the time of writing this) only just got to :re volume 10 and I don't have a lot of time on my hands to read !! (I've already gotten spoiled a lot cough while trying to look for content cough cough but I'd still like to avoid as many (mostly for major plot points/character deaths especially) as I still can)
Having said that please try to respect that as much as you can !! It's already really tough avoiding spoilers for a series like this (which is why I'm laying pretty low with this fandom, but I'll try to get through the manga when I actually have time)
I'm gonna be honest anything amoneki is pretty much fair game though the tumblr tags have already told me. A lot This mostly applies to. Everything else in the series. If that makes sense? (I hope it does at least orz)
Asks and interaction are greatly appreciated !! (Just a warning that if I get started on these two I can hardly shut up) I love rambling about my silly guys (both individually and as a ship, these two drive me absolutely insane)
If you have headcanons or thoughts you want to discuss or share, please definitely absolutely share !! I want to hear them really really badly trust me !!!! Let's spiral into insanity together :))
Okay that's all I think
Tags for future organization: amoneki doodles/amoneki ramblings / amonhaise CCG AU
Also. 1.5K word amoneki ramble because honestly it sums up a lot of my thoughts about them if you're interested, here
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adracat · 5 months
So I have a feeling I'm gonna ramble on here, so tl:dr is basically I love your writing, thanks for sharing. With that out of the way:
I started by reading your G Witch myth analyses here on Tumblr. TBQH a lot of it went over my head, but I enjoyed them all (went through a mythology phase in like elementary school, so it's been a minute, but I still casually enjoy learning about myths). Then I saw you have fics on AO3. And as a millennial on the interwebs I am aware of the site, but as someone generally in the ace sphere of things I haven't actually spent any time over there. Anyway, I found your Law of Causality series and because my Sulemio brainrot is boundless I read As Above So Below. And boy howdy did I enjoy that. Like, read it a few times. The story telling is really good, and I love the little notes you stick on at the ends of the chapters. Now I am not a Prospera fan, so I didn't read Chaos and Night for a while. But eventually I decided I liked your writing enoughto give it a try. What can I say, I truly enjoy the world you concocted and wanted more of it. I'm glad I did, because I think that may be my favorite of the three stories. Still don't like Prospera as a person in general, but you wrote her so well. Like, girl, don't go making those stupid-ass choices. But obviously I see why she did, because her characterization comes through so strong in your stories, so she really had no choice in her decisions (tragically, yes). But, not to state the obvious or anything, Notrette is the one who steals the show. My favorite of your characters. The times where she is so open and honest and vulnerable in sharing her feelings with Prospera kills me every single time. She gets the best lines due to those situations. Like there are at least three times where she bluntly asks Prospera to stay in the garden, and that's not even counting the handful of times she asks for them to be a family. Damn. We all know what's gonna happen, but it doesn't make that knife's edge any less sharp. I have many favorite lines of hers, but up there is when she come back from Delling and tells Prospera she was only able to do it by thinking of her. Man, that whole interaction gets me every time and I gotta take a moment to pause and reflect. Absolutely heart wrenching. Anywho. Their toxic, tragic relationship is just so dynamic. Plus, again, all your mythology easter eggs were delightful. I thoroughly enjoyed looking up the different names and stories as I came upon/recognized them. (I'm actually naming a new character of mine in an upcoming ttrpg I'm joining after one of the gods I learned about and then did a deeper dive into late one night.) I'm sure there was quite a bit that slipped past my notice, which is a testament to your vast knowledge of a wide variety of deities across different cultures. Theophany was like a sweet afterwards/gift when it came out. Loved how it ties in the two stories, and how the two relationships mirror each other. Devastatingly so, and also in a beautiful way. I will never get over Prospera always being so firmly rooted in the past that she kills off so many healing futures she might have had. And how Suletta refuses to do the same, even without knowing her mother's tragedies, and is able to focus more on her present with a certain amount of forethought as well. Ugg, cycles indeed. I have, of course, read your other G Witch fics (the finished ones anyway, will get to the last one when it's completed). Those are great as well, but I mostly wanted to gush about your Law of Causality. I have read each story multiple times now. Just last night I finished reading all of them, in order, in their entirety. I can't get them out of my head (kinda want to go and reread my favorite parts again already) which is what lead me to reaching out to you. I'm not sure if this is poor etiquette or whatever, and I'm not an elegant writer like you, and it's certainly obnoxiously long, but I figured I've gotten so much enjoyment from your writing I ought to let you know. So. Thanks.
This made my day! Thank you so much for the gushing praise. Law of Causality possessed my soul while writing it, and I honestly think it may be the best thing I've written purely on a cohesive and thematic level. I wanted people to dive deep into everything I was doing there and think about why certain references were chosen. I'm looking for a moment to actually do a lengthy write-up on the stuff that may have been too obfuscated lmao. The two pairings are complimentary and contrasting tellings that I loved bringing to life. Prospera I knew would be a hard sell for people, but I'm glad you gave it a chance! Notrette's lines were a treat. (Ngl I reread too for them) I'm glad I wrote her saying the wildest off-the-wall shit to contrast Prospera's self-inflicted misery brainhole. It's incredible to know my work is seen and appreciated <3
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sotvtaughtmehowtofeel · 3 months
20 Questions for Writers
Thanks for the tag @autumnwoodsdreamer 💜
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Prospect. I used to write for The Last of Us but alas, the rot has shifted
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Uncle Joel
Tell Her
These are all short little one shots for tlou
5. Do you respond to comments?
I really try to but I think the honest answer is no 😭 every once in a while I go on a bender and respond to like 50 comments but I get so anxious responding because I'm like hiii thank you 🧍‍♀️ the best way to talk to me is on here tbh but please please don't stop leaving me comments I love them with my entire soul
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably Joel. It's a death fic, but honestly it's not very good lol I have a death fic for Prospect that is mostly written that's gonna be wayy angstier, I just have to finish it
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
To see myself reflected in your eyes 💜 Cee and Ezra deserve to live a happy life thanks
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I haven't, I've been lucky. People have been super supportive and so so nice on my fics (I love you all).
tbh I don't think my writing is popular enough to get hate lol.
9. Do you write smut?
10. Do you write crossovers?
I have written so many crossover fics that will never ever see the light of day lol I do not have any on ao3
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I know of (again I don't think my writing is popular enough for either of these things to happen haha)
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Tumblr user tlouobsessed and I cowrote a fic (sobbed in our dms together). I took all the ideas we had talked about and wrote a little ficlet from them and I consider that cowriting
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
Oh, how to answer that. Willow and Tara (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) were my original OTP, I shipped them before I knew what shipping was. Nomi and Amanita (Sense8), couple of all time. There are more but I think those are my top two.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
No Light 😭 I have ideas but no rot left. Maybe season 2 will reignite it, but I just don't know. Also, Stolen Future, the Prospect death fic I mentioned earlier. Idk why but I'm having so much trouble just finishing it. I do hope to actually finish that one day.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I can write some good dialogue and fight scenes sometimes
I think I do a good job with storytelling sometimes? Combining different threads across a story to bring it all together. I'm thinking of how the present and flashbacks interact in By Midnight Time and something from Stolen Future
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I cannot describe things to save my life. All of my fics happen in empty white rooms good luck I hope your imagination fills everything in. It's such a fundamental aspect of writing that I am so so bad at lol I'm trying to learn from my friends and reading published books but it's hard!
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Prev also said this but I agree, italicize other languages. Otherwise, go for it, but do your research if you don't speak the language
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Buffy the Vampire Slayer back when I was a teenager. Didn't know what fanfic was, but my sister and I had a LOT of feelings about Buffy and we had to express them somewhere so we wrote our stories.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
By Midnight Time. Now I just need to freaking finish it 😉
Although I'm also very very fond of Blood of the Covenant and Water of the Womb, a one-shot told from both Ezra's and Cee's pov
Absolutely no pressure tags: @orangechickenpillow @blooming-gwens @dilf-din @ellies-little-gun @ellies-enrichment @outer-edges @steeb-stn @wicked--loving--lies
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annbourbon · 4 months
oh my god I just read ur askbox rules I’m so sorry ummmmmmmm
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It’s not really a rec but here 🤲 have a woosan (look at these goobers I love them) and a Kazuha ft yunjin
Okay~ first things first: don't worry about the men thing. The post is there as a warning that I won't really hold back with people who are gross. Unfortunately, it is on men, who are, most of the time, really gross. I was gonna say pigs but that would be insulting the poor pigs lol
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Seconds~ feel free to interact with me and my content as much as you want. I think people forget that just because you're young doesn't mean you don't know. You're learning and you cannot do it if people keep sheltering you. Just saying that there might be some triggering content. I try my best to keep things relatively friendly and make sure to put trigger warnings on things but maybe something it's gonna trigger you? Truth to be told trigger warnings are helpful guides but not when you have for example, like me, thalassophobia (being deeply afraid of the sea) or entomophobia (afraid of bugs) and they just mention things like it's nothing~ then it's not gonna be really helpful right?
So, in any case~ I trust you'll be using your brain and, no, I don't mind your age. I have a lot of friends who are minors, others are simply younger but no minors and they are more bold, have more experience in life or are more knowledgeable than me. I have lived a very sheltered life to be honest lol
Thirds♡ Thank you for joining my dynamic!!
I'm totally checking them out ASAP!! Thank you! I really don't know who the first two are but it's always interesting to know more♡ do you think you could recommend me a dance from these two groups? I know the girls but only for their names, I haven't heard anything from Le Sserafim. I want to learn a new dance though~ thanks!!
Since I rambled a lot and all that~ you get a free shot to ask for something:
♡ a pic
♡ a personalized gif
♡ challenge me to something
♡ a video
* The only condition is nothing NSFW or harmful. So hit me with your best shot \^♡^/
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It's up to you to answer this or not. As a new Valenfield stan, I'm wondering why our ship is not as popular as other ships.? Because Chris and Jill haven't had many games or movies together? I love your ship so much I'm disappointed 😕
i'm so sick and tired of the online discourse of people being like I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU DON'T LIKE THIS THING I LIKE - THAT MEANS YOU'RE A HORRIBLE PERSON
anyways i will be honest
so i am not super interested in the jill or chris only games. leon was my first introduction into the re games all the way back in like 2004 or whatever and then 2012? when re6 came out. i was never really into 0 or 1 or any of the other games.
from what i understand, is that (valenfield) is a ship that's generally liked (but i agree it's a small group.) but also i feel like it's super strange(? as a ship) because capcom has never really implied that they are romantic (as opposed to aeon which has had several romantic implications.)
TO ME, i feel like valenfield are coworkers that COULD maybe become a thing but there's SO little in the lore that makes me feel like it would happen. i feel like NOT ONCE has there been an overt romantic action done between the two characters.
that doesn't mean i think it can't happen - but i think this is why the ship is unappealing to me
if i will be blunt, it's just a ship that's a hr violation imo. OR i guess a friends to lovers trope (which if you know me, you know that it is one of my least favourite tropes)
now i wouldn't necessarily say that i hate it or anything like that, it just does very little for me. and in terms of popularity, i really just think that there isn't a lot of a push for romantic content? (even from capcom's pov?) they're pushed as coworkers and friends a lot and it's always just kinda been implied by devs/directors that they're just friends.
there's still def lots of fan created content for them? but i do think that the ship for jill x carlos had grown more after re3r came out.
i feel like if they wanted to make the ship (valenfield) more of a thing, then in death island or something they should've had chris and jill interact more and have some sort of romantic implication put in place?
i dunno. also character x character ships are usually generally less popular as opposed to character x reader ships if you're talking about fics. but yeah. i dunno. i'll def read fics with valenfield in the background and i already have. but i don't really seek them out.
i also just don't find chris to be a very complex and interesting character (I'M NOT SAYING HE'S BAD OKAY)
on the other hand though, i do like jill, and i kinda enjoyed her plotline in death island but i wish they actually didn't do the whole avengers thing and have everyone else involved because death island should've honestly cut leon and (maybe claire) leon def should've been cut and have the film focused on jill
but he makes the big bucks or whatever so i get it
capcom has never been great with character writing
their most complex characters are women and are sidelined half the time or they have their plots reduced to just character tropes so they can fit the plot device that they need. it's exhausting sometimes to write for the characters because they can feel so bland and slate like. i have to figure out SO MUCH STUFF cause some of the characters are so empty personality wise.
gimme some complexity dude
but i get it i get it
capcom is writing for american audiences so they have to dumb down literally everything :|
okay anyways sorry lol
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loregoddess · 3 months
Aqua for the character breakdown?
How I feel about this character LOVE HER probably my favorite character from KH, she just so GOOD. But also girl please rest and stop trying to take on a world of responsibilities bc you somehow got saddled with the "most mature of the group" role.
All the people I ship romantically with this character I'm gonna be honest, no one really? I get the appeal of the Aqua x Cinderella ship, and I do think it's cute, but for KH in general there's like three, maybe four, ships I'm actually partial to, and none of them involve Aqua. KH is a series about the power of love and friendship, and a lot of that love reads platonically to me, which is part of why I love KH so much.
My non-romantic OTP for this character Love her dynamics with Terra and Ventus, I really hope they get to hang out as a semi-normal family in future games. Her student-teacher dynamics with Eraqus are super interesting to me too, even if he is partly the source of her "I need to take care of everyone" mindset (Eraqus needs to chill too, no one in this family has any chill).
We don't have anything in the games yet, but I would LOVE to see Aqua interact with Kairi, maybe as a mentor or maybe just as an older and more experienced friend to Kairi. It would be cool if she could meet and maybe become friends with Namine and Xion too.
My unpopular opinion about this character Haven't haunted the KH fandom long enough to know the popular and unpopular opinions, and given that I got into the series after KH3, I wasn't around for any weird drama surrounding any of the games that prominently featured Aqua, so I dunno honestly.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon. As stated above, I think Aqua should hang out with Kairi, Namine, and Xion, and also that she should get a break eventually. I also hope that future games take some time to have Aqua and Terra sit down and just like, talk, really talk, about everything that happened, bc like, that was a lot, and I think the two would have an easier time healing together if they really talked about everything they went through and all the miscommunications that led to things getting as bad as they got.
I also really want to see Aqua and Terra's reaction if it's ever revealed that Ventus is from a waaay earlier era than anyone realized, and that his body got mecha-piloted to murder someone.
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bunnygirl678 · 9 months
I feel like doing a silly interview of myself so I'm just going to straight up answer these lmao
Fanfic Writer Emoji Ask
😅 What's a story or scene you've created that you're a smidge embarrassed exists?
i wrote mpreg, it's Red, it's bad, i mean the writing is great, lots of emotions but holy shit i don't even like mpreg but i did it for an omegaverse, it just fit, for the record he has twins
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
idk usually when green is upset about his parents, or when they finally work out their issues
🤡 What's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh?
Anytime Green/Rai/Leon get together and drink
😈 Has there been a point in a story where you did something just to be playfully mean to your readers?
literally all the time, in ode to my soulmate, it was originally going to end after they got together, none of the angst (or the failed attempt at a cliffhanger lmao)
✍ Do you have a beta reader?
I typically don't have use one, but occasionally will ask my homies to take a look, there are a couple i'm working on that i'm worried are too technical so those will need betas to make sure it's understandable by a layman
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
Green is rich, Red can't cook, there are certain phrases i use a lot, almost always have some kind of star gazing trope (at least in the longer fics)
🎢 Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
skfdhsdfhj blood bank or under the alolan sun, but the wild parts aren't published yet?? Or maybe the ones i haven't published idk
✨ Give you and your writing a compliment. Go on now. You know you deserve it. 😉
i have a nice ass, i'm great at world building, compliment for me and my writing ^_^
💋 First kiss fics. Love em or hate em?
Love them, but love first time fics more
🎶 Do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately?
most of the time, christmas music,
🛠What tools/programs/apps do you use to write?
docs, i switch between my phone and computer a lot,
⛔ Do you have a fic you started, but scrapped?
Only one, i was trying to do too much, my writing skills weren't back up to par yet, i think it helped me get to where i am now, the plot was too much, idk, i might steal a scene or two for other fics, but i'm not going to spend any time trying to improve the writing or plot. There are a bunch that i started a while ago and haven't touched in months, but i'll head back to them eventually, i have to be in the ~mood~ to work on a fic
🙋‍♀️ Do any irl people know you write fanfic?
Yeah, multiple people know, but they don't know my username
🍦 What's the sweetest fic you've created so far?
ummm that's published, under the alolan sun maybe? or maybe Lost, that's not published, single riders will be paired (coming sometime next year lmao it's a high school au super cute i'm really nice to green in it, red is a shy mute kid with no friends who ends up getting stuck on a roller coaster ride with green who is the most popular boy in school, green's actually super nice and the rest of the day kinda turns into a date, they go to school and red's like oh he's gonna be mean but he's not and it's really cute and sweet, and red gets accepted into the group and lajfdl;sjdf)
🍷 Do you drink and write?
yeah and then end up scrapping everything lol,
🍆 Do you write the spicy stuffs? If so, what's your most popular nsfw fic?
yes, i'm still working on improving my skills, but most hits/kudos ratio (let's be honest someone can do kudos once and read 15 times so not the best metric but what else do we have), is make you feel my love, but i'm working on one that will be published by valentines day where green gives red head in his neochamp outfit
🌞 Do you have a preferred time of day to write?
all day? When the adderall hits? idk it's really just when i have time, when i have my kid i really only get to at night when she goes to bed, but on her dad's weeks i write after work.
💖 What made you start writing?
i wanted to read stories that weren't written, i have lots of aus bouncing around in my head
💌 How do you feel about comments and feedback?
dopamine hit
❌ What's a trope you will never write?
ummmmm idk, used to be mpreg, but that ship sailed, i don't really love poly romance, i like the smut but am not really interested in writing it as a romance
💲 Would you ever open commissions?
no, i found that i do my best writing when i want to, which is why wips take forever for me to finish because i bounce from idea to idea as i feel like it
🧐 Do you spend much time researching for your stories?
not really...I'll google a fact or two, i mean unless you count game time or reading the manga, but like googling little details not so much.
🏆 What's your most popular fic?
gonna do for reguri, when the wind stole my walls, i never felt less alone; it's my longest finished fic
🎃 Do you write fics for certain holidays? Which is your favorite holiday inspired fic?
yesh, i really liked Lost, and Auld Lang Syne, but also i threw in a couple Christmas themed chapters to Under the Alolan Sun, which was fun
🎯 Have any of your readers accurately guessed major plot points? Care to share which?
ugh yes, lmao, blood bank, they didn't guess the exact details but the general idea, i was like oh shit i'm glad they picked up on the crumbs i threw lmao
🎨 How do you feel about fan art of your stories?
Always an honor! I might even make some one day, if my art ever improves enough for me to feel comfortable tagging it lmao
📈 How many fics do you have?
37 on ao3! I'm not going to include the ones on ff.net cause i can't remember my username, i have 50 open works (some as basic as an outline, some have 20k+ words) sitting in my docs that haven't been published
🦅 Do you outline fics or fly by the seat of your pants?
Depends, usually outline, i typically start writing then add an outline later,
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
This one i stared on a while ago, the actual writing needs a lot of edits but i'm obsessed with the plot, after Green loses he flees to Kalos, changes his name to Blue and becomes the champion there, everything is great until Red randomly shows up to learn how to mega evolve his charizard, Red obvs knows who he is, they deal with things, red can't mega evolve at first, it's fun orrrr my hs au that i mentioned earlier, or the ones where green becomes a coordinator, either after losing or instead of battling, in 2024 i'm releasing more pokespe works and branching out on some of the ship stuff, gonna publish a few silver/gold, lance/cynthia, and a few others,
🤗 What advice would you give to new fanfic writers that are just getting started?
Just keep writing, not everything will be amazing, but everything can be edited and rewriten
💞 Who's your comfort character?
Green oak i like to see him cry <3
🧠 Pick a character, and I'll tell you my favorite headcanon for them.
Red: He can't cook to save his life
🤩 Who is your favorite character to write?
Green, duh
🤲 Would you please share a snippet of a wip?
Green loses his memories after an accident during a battle
Red felt a tap on his shoulder, who would be bothering him this late? He turned to none other than the person he had been avoiding.
Green smiled up at Red. Red looked around for an exit.
“You’ve been avoiding me.” He stated flatly, a finger poking Red’s chest.
“Maybe.” Red said, looking away. He attempted to make eye contact with any of his pokemon to get them to create a distraction.
“It’s okay, I know why.” Green said, Red stuck his hands in his pockets and looked down at the ground. 
Instead of retreating, Green got closer right inside of Red’s personal space. He placed his hands on Red’s chest. Red was suddenly worried Green was going to push him. Was he angry? He wouldn’t have had any memories of the championship would he? Maybe he read up on it? Red knew he was physically stronger than Green, but Green had been hurt recently, and he really didn’t want to have to get into a fight with him tonight.
“I may not remember all of the events that took place to get us here, but there’s no way I could forget these feelings.” And with that Green crossed the short distance and pressed his lips to Red’s. 
Wait, what?!
Green pulled away and looked up at Red through his long eyelashes. He leaned up and pressed another chaste kiss to Red’s lips. 
“Sorry Red, I don’t remember anything about you except for how much I love you. I look at you and I get the warmest most wonderful feeling in my chest. I feel like I’m flying on the clouds when I think about you. I love you Red.” Green wrapped his arms around Red’s waist and laid his head against his chest. 
😬 Which of your fics would you be most horrified for friends, family, or coworkers to stumble upon?
My omegaverse mpreg red one, that's not even published lol (may not ever be published hahaa)
🎉 What leads you to consider a fic a success?
probably kudos and hits, but really it's if i go back and reread it over and over again, everything i write is self indulgent so
✅ What's something that appears in your fics over and over and over again, even if you don't mean to?
i can't think if it, but there's little phrases or hcs that pop up in a ton of them
📚 Would you ever want to turn writing into a career?
nope i do it for fun, if it became a job it wouldn't be fun anymore, although i am published it's technical accounting writing, and i do eventually plan on getting my phd once princess is older, so maybe? But that writing is research not fiction lol
⌛ How long does it take you to write a fic, or a chapter?
I'm a ridiculously fast typer, 34 words per minute is my average, 10k is a typical length, but my achilles heel is that i skip around a ton from fic to fic, so it may take months to get a fic done even though it's only 12k words
🤯 What's a genre you struggle with as a writer (ex. romance, action, etc.)?
I suck at writing battles, working on improving my smut skills though!
💔 Is there a fic of yours that broke your heart?
Yes, cried writing ode to my soulmate, Lost (cried a bunch on that one and ended up calling my cousin and we talked for a few hours because i miss him), then this one break up fic called RIP that i'm not sure how it's going to end, i usually write a happy ending but i might leave them broken up idk
💥 How do you feel about criticism?
I don't handle it well, i don't like it, it makes me not want to write even if it has good intentions, sometimes i'll read wips that stopped posting years ago, and i'll check out the comments on the last chapter and i'll see criticism and it pisses me off cause i think, 'hm did the author give up because of this shitty comment??'
🤭 Do you have a favorite tag to use when posting your works?
I am so bad at tagging, like minimal tagging, i tag triggers but the rest i suck at, i don't do any of the cutesy ones
🥰 How do you feel about reader interaction? Are you open to receiving questions about your fics?
Friends, romans, countrymen, lend me your ear, please do this. i will happily write out a writers commentary of my fics, or maybe if my voice wasn't so annoying i'd make a video with a dramatic reading and a dvd style commentary
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eartheats · 2 years
so uh. i can't promise that i'm not going to have all of these gone within the next two weeks
[picture: a haul of chocolate boxes on a slightly messy kitchen counter, all have clearance stickers]
heeheeheeheehee~ ahhh, truly the best thing about having a house for yourself is being able to do all of the things you couldn't dream of as a kid! yes, i will have enough candy to drive a man to shock! i'll be reasonable about it and ration it out, and give some out to people, but it's alllllll mine to do with!!
... ... ...
though, to be honest with you guys...well, actually, i'm gonna put this under a cut. i don't like talking about my parents very much but...
((ooc: cw beneath; parental abandonment, general issues of being poor and executive dysfunction. no talk about scarvio spoilers, but if anyone talks further in the post i'll tag further interactions with that))
i've been thinkin' about them a bit, as of late.
i kinda went into it once but...well, after dropping out of uva, they just kinda up and left me in the night. i don't remember, like, a lot about that time, because i didn't exit the house outside of going out late at night and making sure lulu could stay healthy for at least a couple years. i didn't know what to do. i knew i was a failure, and i knew this was just kind of them tellin' me to sink or swim but...i don't know. i started sinking and i probably would'a kept going
except i heard about mom and dad becoming successful in cinnabar and just...something in me got like, so so mad?? was i really holding them back that much from success?? i got so angry at them, at the world, at everything that happened, and i'm pretty sure i wound up getting that job in montenevera out of sheer spite. heehee. but i spent a long time wanting them to feel the pain i did, even though i knew it was wrong
and then cinnabar volcano erupted, and...i haven't heard about them since.
a lot of people lost their livelihoods then. nobody lost their lives, but...i'm pretty sure mom's family lost their whole lab, and i haven't heard anything about their success or just...anything, in years. i cut off all communication with them and that's why i'm working so much now, and it feels like it's never enough with lulu's medical problems and mine. even with the crystal caves, with just...everything, it never feels like it'll be enough to be comfortable, because life really can kinda just. take it all away in a moment, can't it?
i wonder how they're doing. i wonder if they've heard anything about what's happening here. i wonder if they're just...in the same position as me, but in a different place. dad was just a miner in this town, but a really successful one, and i feel like he had the most to lose...
...i don't know. um. if you've made it this far, thank you for reading this ramble. i think i'm gonna enjoy some chocolate and go cave hunting.
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pagesofangels · 2 years
Hi hi! Late to the game, I know but! Have these emojis, and I humbly await your replies ;)
⛔ Do you have a fic you started, but scrapped?
🎉 What leads you to consider a fic a success?
😈 Has there been a point in a story where you did something just to be playfully mean to your readers?
🤯 What's a genre you struggle with as a writer (ex. romance, action, etc.)?
⛔ Do you have a fic you started, but scrapped?
It's complicated, because I've chosen to shelf the current version of "The Mirage of the Opera" that's up on Ao3 and FFN. I like many aspects of it, but I'm not happy with it as-is. It was my first Phantom fanfic ever, and I'm much more fandom savvy now. So, I have plans to one day re-write it and finish it. I told myself years ago I'd finish it, and I hope I wasn't lying. Still don't know what I'm going to do with the current fic that's up.
🎉 What leads you to consider a fic a success?
I could be humble and say success is getting any readers at all, but I'm not. I'm going to take a risk and be brutally honest with myself here:
I consider a fic a true success when I get interactions about it outside the comments section (asks, dm conversations, fanart, rec lists, etc.). When someone proves to me they think about my writing after they're done reading it is what I consider a true success. It makes me feel good, knowing I'm more than just a see-it-and-forget it experience for someone.
I honest-to-god think I got spoiled with "Mirage". Back in 2016, when I first published it, I had some legit fans on here. I was getting recced alongside my favorite authors, and made a lot of friends from people finding me here from FFnet and Ao3. I had two different people like Rachel (Raoul) and Christian (Christine) from the story so much, they created RP accounts for them. Sadly, those users are long-gone and I haven't heard from them in years. I'm aware it sounds self-absorbed, but I would consider having an actual readership a success for a fic -- especially an on-going one. I miss my fic-writing "glory days", and I'm not going to pretend I don't anymore.
😈 Has there been a point in a story where you did something just to be playfully mean to your readers?
Not in the Phandom, actually, but the first fanfic I EVER WROTE was -- from the conception -- meant to be mean to my readers. I was for the anime Elfen Lied and it starred a Mary Sue. I was in 6th grade, don't judge me. The Mary Sue was a friend of the MC, and the whole plan going in was that she was going to die shortly after the MC does (they do in canon) and then get reincarnated (like the MC does in canon) and be best friends with the MC again.
Not gonna lie, I actually cried while writing that final chapter. It was an incredibly emotional experience for me, writing that scene. And, hey, my readers felt the same. Not bad for a 13-year-old first-time fic writer.
🤯 What's a genre you struggle with as a writer (ex. romance, action, etc.)?
Comedy. I feel goofy if I try to write something that's purely a parody/satire/comedy. I like to write more serious things, even if comedy is frequently sprinkled in. I like being taken seriously.
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