#I'm doing a lot better now but this drawing surprised me so hard and made it better 😭😭
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lovinglin · 1 year ago
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hope you feel better!! 🫂- @cherubdulce
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solardriftx · 2 months ago
Damon and Diana, Snake and Chameleon
in the context of chapter 1 i wanted to expand on some of the animal symbolism, particularly damon's symbol of a snake and diana's of a chameleon. buckle up yall!
while the biblical snake symbolism is obvious, i think lots of meaning can be derived from real world knowledge--in particular, the familiar image of a snake shedding its skin. snakes enter periods of heightened aggression when molting due to the sensitivity of their new skin, and i think this will be reflected by damon becoming much worse in the name of defending himself before he changes for the better. his initial distrustful mindset was proven right, the second he even *began* to trust someone it blew up in his face. while he was crying for a moment in the face of eva's death, this sorrow was quickly overrun by frustration and anger, particularly at diana's words.
additionally, while i'm not sure if exact genus/species of certain animals were intended or will become important to interpretation, i'd like to draw a connection between damon's snake symbol and a certain genus. from the green color and his american origins, i think he can be connected to opheodrys, a common genus of green snake from north america coming in two species of rough or smooth variety. these snakes are not commonly kept as pets due to their standoffish and defensive nature around humans, making them prone to biting. despite this, they're non-venomous and generally harmless. damon makes it clear when confronted that he does not intend to harm anyone. in fact, his monologues show he thinks much more about how he would respond if someone were to attack *him* instead, noting the physical advantage some of his classmates have (rough/smooth green snakes are very small). we can even tie these traits of non-venom back to the prologue trial, where he appeared very hostile despite genuinely thinking he was helping. and of course, a connection can also be made to damon's general personality of being outwardly cold when deep down he's just... a guy who gets easily embarrassed.
now onto diana! first off i was surprised she actually mentioned her animal and how it relates to her, i thought the motifs were going to be more of an unspoken thing. makes me wonder if any other characters will mention their animals. anyway, fun fact! chameleons don't change color to camouflage, they do it for thermoregulation and social signaling. for diana, i'm more concerned with social signaling, as chameleons can change into very bold displays of colors to communicate dominance, as paralleled by diana's bold display at the end of the first trial with the intention of rallying the others behind her. this could be a stretch, but diana's darker/bold color pallet could be a reference to the potential spectrum of colors that a chameleon would display under stress.
i find it funny though, that while diana says that she will adapt like a chameleon, keeping chameleons in captivity is notoriously hard due to their highly specific environmental requirements- be it temperature, humidity, or lighting, they're easy to accidentally kill. diana may claim with a brave face that she has the strength to fight this killing game no matter the struggle, yet someone with the stress sensitivity of a chameleon in a situation like this is doomed to buckle.
anyway...can you tell they're my two favorite characters. antag diana im so ready for you if you're real
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luveline · 2 years ago
I love your writing sm!!! would you be willing to do something with Spencer where he calms reader down from a nightmare ? thank u so much!!! have a good day ❤️
thank you sm! ♡ gn!reader
cw drug use mentioned
In the dream, Spencer lives. 
Surprisingly. So many of your dreams are made of his demise. In one dream he gets killed in a cemetery, crying and alone and strapped to a chair. In another, a needle stays stuck to the crook of his arms as he slips into a too-heavy sleep. Sometimes he dies bleeding out from his leg, other times he makes it to the hospital long enough to feel the building crumble beneath him. 
You wouldn't want Spencer to stop telling you things, but every ragged chapter of his life acts as nightmare fuel. Every sentence, every line. Here he's lonely. Here he's afraid. 
Here, despite everything, he's alive, because this is the dream where you die first. 
You die like the snap of a firecracker hitting the ground and find yourself inverted, flinching up where gunpowder spilled down, your hand knocking into the soft of Spencer's stomach as you gasp for air. You're dead. You're dead, and Spencer's alone, and no one is going to look after him now. 
"Y/N?" His voice. The plastic and wood scrape as he grabs his glasses and shoves them on. "What? What's hurting?" 
You put your hand over your heart and will it to stop pounding so hard. It aches like a new bruise. 
"Baby," Spencer says softly, curling his arm behind the small of your back. He pulls your bodies together, tucking the sheets up your legs again with the other. 
"Bad dream," you say, wishing you'd woken crying. At least then you'd know what the emotion is under all your abject panic. 
"Just breathe… just breathe." He takes a slow, deliberate breath for you to follow. When he speaks, it's calm as the summer sea. "Another one. I'm sorry, you've had a lot of these lately, huh?" Spencer brings the hand furthest from you to your cheek, encouraging your cheek against his chin. "You want to tell me about it?" 
"I died." 
It must surprise him. For once, he doesn't have anything to say immediately. He turns his face in to kiss you, not fussy about where his lips fall. A slow, steadying kiss. 
"Those ones are some of the hardest," he says sympathetically. 
"I didn't… it didn't even matter. I hit my head and I woke up. But I…" How to explain it? "Spence, there was this split second where I thought I left you alone." 
"Don't worry about me," he says.
"But I do worry about you. I know you can look after yourself better, but– but people have let you down. I've let you down." 
Spencer's smile is audible, a lilt to the dulcet murmur he presses into your hair, "You're the last person I'd say let me down... You know, nightmares aren't scientifically quantifiable, there's no statistical data on what it means to have a bad dream, but. There are hundreds of thousands of books about it, and more than you'd think tend to agree that after you've had one, the fear remains. Like a bad cell. You can't remember it and it sticks around despite it." 
You wait for the silver lining. 
"So?" you ask. 
He chuckles quietly. "So, I know it sucks, but it's a good thing that you remembered it. Want me to tell you what the books say?" 
"About what it means?" you ask. 
"They say it's transitional. You're saying goodbye to something. Starting a new chapter." 
Spencer turns your face, his thumb stroking your cheek. Dead morning light floods the room like a splash of milk into tea, illuminating the small apples of his cheeks, the thick triangles of his lashes behind his glasses' lenses. He looks woefully handsome considering the hour, and, to your relief, he's completely unafraid. 
"Just don't say goodbye to me, okay?" he whispers.
You nod, fatigue pressing on your shoulders. 
Spencer gives you a quick, dotting kiss. "Thank you. Let's go back to sleep, yeah? Lay down." 
You curl up under his arm. His hand takes loop on your shoulder, drawing lazy, meandering circles until you're falling into a much quieter crop of sleep. 
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geminid · 3 months ago
some thoughts about my age, the age of fandom, and the perception of me.
I was an adult already when fates came out and so it's a bit odd being in the current day fandom where a lot of people talk about having been 14 or so at the time it came out and how they're coming back to it now or something. A lot of these people are in my inbox regularly. And perhaps because of its overall reputation I feel like people talk about it like "I was just a kid, I got hyperfixated, I couldn't help it" etc. Which also does feel awkward because well, I guess that means I should've known better since I wasn't a kid?
I know I jokingly tell you all that you apply the +Old debuff on me a lot but sometimes it's a bit less of a joke than I'd like. We could all be nicer to ourselves and each other. You're fine, we're all fine. My daily life is going to simply continue even if I'm cringe online. I'm having some real fun out here and I think putting my time and energy into creation is pretty cool, not everyone devotes time to a creative hobby. And not only do I make stuff for myself, my fanwork has inspired fic, more fanart, and even cosplay, multiple times. I only want to continue to do the same and hope it continues to inspire others.
Tangentially related but after years of being derided over my choice in Fire Emblems, I don't find this series overall to be a showstopping masterpiece. I've not played all of them but I did play some fan faves like telIius and trio of houses and none of them blew my mind and made me change my ways. I actually find most games I play in general to be OK at best, because it's pretty damn hard to deliver a perfect video game but I've also just seen a lot of stories and not all of them will resonate strongly with me anyway. I like fates because I've actually made this choice myself, I like the characters and their interactions and find that getting to choose between a gothic western aesthetic or a traditional japanese aesthetic is incredibly fun to draw. I'm not some poor soul who has simply never truly experienced Fire Emblem or whatever.
So anyway, I suppose I still get surprised at the sort of things that change in this fandom despite how old it is. If I'm anything though I know I'm steadfast in pursuing my interests. Perhaps more because I'm stubborn than I am brave or self assured. Who knows.
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hunnymisworld · 9 months ago
How Haikyuu Characters would respond to you:
When you ask them for help in making the homework.
SFW | Fluff | Crack | Short AU
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C O N T E X T: You are a 1st year transfer student in Nekoma HIgh and you've already adjusted to your new environment as well as the new people you met whom you made friends with. You were having a hard time with a homework and decided to ask for help in your fellow classmates/seniors.
INTIMIDATING (he's smart and he's the captain of the vball team - WBK)
You hesitate to approach him because of his usual sly/serious facial expression.
He noticed you were trying to approach him so to your surprise he approached you instead.
"Hi Y/n, i see you've been looking at me and hesistating about something, is there something i can help you with?"
You shyly told him that you were struggling with chemistry homework and he didn't think twice in helping you.
"Sure! Here, let me see. I'll read it first then i'll explain it to you."
You see him nodding and humming as he scan through the pages of your notebook.
Believe it or not WITHIN 5 MINS. he suddenly closed the notebook and said "Alright, i see what your homework is about. Sit here beside me, i'll show you" while showing you a wide warm smile.
Mans a VISUAL LEARNER (he asked if it was okay for him to write on the back of your notebook - ofc you said yes)
He draws and writes things on the back of your note book and literally creates a framework guide for you to understand the concept of the lesson.
"Do you understand it better now?" (he won't mind to go over it again)
You easily understood what he taught you and you were amazed by how this man just made it easy like that. (Yes, effortlessly like that)
You thanked him and offered something to give him but he stopped you from there.
"No need y/n, I'm glad i was able to help you. Really, i mean it. You don't have to give anything" (but if you insist, i bet you he would agree eating ice cream with you after class - he ofc brings Kenma with him)
"If you're struggling with any homework, you can ask me or ask kenma. No worries, glad to be of help."
Didn't notice you at first cause he's busy playing video games.
"Oh Y/n, sorry i was kinda busy- what can i do for you?"
He's just sitting there looking up at you, gameboy in hand.
When you told him you were gonna ask for help with regards to the homework (he tried to hide it but he was flustered & flattered that you thought he was THAT good that you asked him for help yourself) he just nodded and offered to take a look at your notebook.
He silently scanned through the pages and after a while he explained the concept to you.
The way he explained it was so detailed that you felt like your brain was overwhlemed with the information but at the same time you learned a lot from him.
"Do you understand the concept now? If not i can send you a file with a complete guide in it. I made it myself, if you need any other notes you can tell me." (he really made NOTES everytime he and kuroo studied cause he doesn't wanna ask kuroo again - best believe this man has COMPLETE notes)
He showed a small smile when you thanked him and you offered to buy him ice cream but he suggested another idea instead "An apple pie would great though, but you don't really have to give me anything. It's alright y/n"
You insisted - you ended up eating apple pie with kenma and he tagged Kuroo along (Kuroo is eating ice cream)
When you checked your notifications when you got home, he literally ended up sending you ALL OF HIS NOTES. He attached a message saying:
" You're welcome :)"
You didn't have a hard time approaching him, he was approachable - But he was dumbfounded when you asked him about the homework.
"What homework?"
You were standing in front of him, (looking up - bc he was TALL) with a blank emotion in your face T.T (you thought to yourself: wDYM YOU DON'T KNOW THERE'S A HOMEWORK?!??!)
You were just in awe that he was clueless standing there (your jaw almost hit the floor) T.T
After a while of him trying to remember the homework, he was SHOCKED "RIGHT! THAT HOMEWORK!"
Asks you how to do it instead T.T
He suggested you both go to Kuroo to get help (HE REALLY SAID SOS T.T)
You both were tutored by Kuroo and both got PERFECT SCORES!! ^^
After that you became chaotic besties fr!! <3
You were greeted by him with a warm smile as you approach closer.
"Hey Y/n! How are you?" (a warm ball of sunshine fr)
"I see, alright here let me see that" (HE DIDN'T THINK TWICE)
He scanned through it and let you sit beside him as he was trying to figure out at which part were you having a hard time. (He does not mind if he would go over it all again for a number of times - he would understand)
He explained the concept to you in its simplest form and you thanked him after.
He offered to get ice cream after (HE INSISTED TO PAY FOR IT)
You were flustered, you thought you were the one to buy him ice cream (he disagreed and pain immediately so that you won't pay for it)
P R I N C E S S T R E A T M E N T/?!?!?!
"I noticed you were getting anxious so i offered to eat ice cream to calm your nerves down. Cheer up y/n, you'll get through your 1st year smoothly. If you're having difficulties just message me or tell me okay?"
Pls he is so caring and a type that would know how to comfort you.
Yes, he offered to be you tutor too (FOR FREE!!!!!!!)
YOU ACED THE HOMEWORK (at this point you can graduate with flying colors bc of how good this man is in mentoring you)
note: part 2??
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lightofraye · 3 months ago
Oh my lord
So... a mutual brought this to my attention and I'm facepalming hard. I'll give you a second to figure out what it is/was that made me facepalm.
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Did you catch onto what it was? I'll give you a hint. Despite Baby Anna--yes, I call her Baby Anna because despite being in her early 20s, she behaves like an immature 12 year old--claiming up and down that she isn't active, somehow, on Tumblr, she's responded to 0days twice now.
This was undoubtedly her third time. Because about four, five days ago, they posted this.
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0days objects, it seems, to AAs deliberately hating on Jared, setting Jensen in competition to Jared, and so much else. (I have to say I'm of the same mindset--they're good friends; why the hell do they hate on Jared? Ugh.)
Anyway... it seems Anna came back lurking and saw that call out. So while she didn't specify 0days, it's undoubtedly in response to that.
Now normally I don't pay attention to her. Baby Anna annoys me; all she does is live chronically online, tweet thirst tweets about Jensen and some F1 racer named Lando--and the rare occasion of some political nonsense. (She even posts when she's going to take a nap before work and so forth, come on!)
So what was it that annoyed me so much I had to do this?
Read what she wrote: "so yes I might crop people out of pictures with jensen especially if im not a fan of that".
She referred to Jared as that. In one fell swoop, Baby Anna dehumanized Jared, reduced him to an object.
Yet, according to my mutual, Baby Anna objected when someone referred to Danneel as "it", once upon a time.
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Obviously, the haydenjames126 was joking. Danneel's activity had been dropping considerably over the past year (this being her Christmas post from 2023). To see activity sparked the quip. If I had become severely inactive for a time and suddenly came back with a number of posts, I wouldn't be surprised if someone jokingly said "OMG it lives". I'd laugh, in fact.
But that Baby Anna objects to Danneel being called "it" but has zero issue calling Jared that....?
Hypocrisy at its worst.
Do better, Baby Anna. Maybe there's a reason why 0days targeted you repeatedly. Maybe grow as a person and realize that no matter how much you may dislike someone (over nonsensical crap not at all based on fact), you should never dehumanize them.
I may dislike Misha and Danneel to hell and highwater, but I draw lines to how I speak about them. First and foremost? I treat them as human beings who could do a hell of a lot better.
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fjsjjgnnfjdjf · 14 days ago
Size allergy (8/?)
Hehe... Hello? 😅
It took a lot more time than I would have liked to update again, it took me a little while to start this chapter, but now I'll be back with a little more constancy ✨
I'm still planning to make more drawings of this story, I even have plans to make a little cover, but everything in its time 😊
Now we'll see Splinter's point of view, the poor man can't have a day off from his children 🐁
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English is not my mother tongue, if you see an error, please feel free to comment.
For 13 years of experience taking care of his children, Splinter sometimes thought it was a miracle that none of them had had anything happen to them by now, and this time was no exception. He had been wandering from one place to another after the strange discovery he had made in his youngest son's room, still not knowing what to do, it always happened to him with these things; he didn't know if he should stay and wait for his children to appear, if he should go out to look for them, if he should look for clues or if he should call someone... Everything was always very confusing with his children and he had a hard time making a decision. 
Meanwhile, he kept wandering around the lair, even thinking if he had done something wrong during the training that (for some reason) would have made his children feel bad; he discovered that the tank was still in the lair, which missed him more, maybe they went out to watch a movie? Although they used to give notice when they did that. At one point, he passed by Donnie's lab and, guessing that maybe he had something to do with all this, he wandered in to see if he could shed some light on the matter. 
To be honest, he didn't know if what was there was either incredibly suspicious or the most mundane, “With purple everything is a mystery” he thought to himself. Then he noticed his son's computer, maybe one of the security system cameras recorded what happened with Mikey's gun and maybe it would give him a clue as to where his kids are. However, luck was not on his side, the device asked for a password and obviously he didn't know it. 
“Ugh... Why do they always make everything so complicated?” he grunted to himself, as he tried to guess what the password would be. 
Of course, he had no luck, and after five tries the computer locked up. He grunted again, wondering if maybe it would be better just to wait for them to come back. 
“Splinter?” a robotic voice was heard from behind him. 
At first, he was startled, but as soon as he saw the purple drone hovering in front of him, he returned to his look of annoyance at the earlier situation. 
“Ah... You're just the drone in purple...” he wrinkled his nose, thoughtfully “What was your name again...?” snapped his fingers “Shelly?” 
“Shelldon” corrected the drone, he seemed puzzled by the rat's presence “What are you doing in Donnie's lab?” 
“Uuuu... nothing important” he waved his hand indifferently, when an idea occurred to him “Wait, if you're the robot in purple, then you have access to the lair's cameras, right?” he pointed out with some enthusiasm. 
“Unfortunately, Donnie took that feature away when he upgraded me to version 10.2” he replied with some discouragement. 
“Of course...” Splinter commented frustrated “And do you know the password to his computer?” 
“Removed in version 5.8” after hearing another annoyed grunt from the rat, Shelldon decided to ask “Why do you want to know that?” 
“Ughh... Things you wouldn't understand...” the drone kept looking at him and Splinter sighed, “I'm not losing anything by telling him” “The boys aren't in the lair and I want to find them... I have a bad feeling” 
“Oh! For that you should track their phones!” he exclaimed, and before even the rat asked him if he was able to track them, the drone projected a map above him, marking four bright spots; one blue, one purple, one orange and one red. 
“Wow...” he said with surprise while noticing something peculiar on the map “Wait... Why is red so far away from the others?” the point that marked his eldest son was considerably far away. 
“Oh... It looks like the others are still in the lair... Raph is apparently out of town” Shelldon replied without noticing Splinter's nerves. 
“What?!” he exclaimed upon hearing his eldest son's location “That's not true!... I've already checked the whole lair!” he raised his arms, melodramatic “None of them are here!” 
“So, they left their phones... Donnie left his here” commented the drone pointing with one of its propellers to the genie turtle's work table, indeed, there was his phone. 
Well, this certainly meant that something was wrong (if the previous signs were not enough); his kids could leave without their weapons, they could leave without their equipment, hell! Splinter would bet they could even leave the lair without their masks, but they would never leave without their phones, they were practically addicted to those devices. That only one of his sons would come out with it was to mark the situation as event of the century. 
Luckily, he knew Raphael's position, probably if he found him, he would find the rest of his sons. So, he left the lab, preparing to go out and look for them. 
“Where are you going?” Shelldon exclaimed, following him. 
“To look for my boys” he said as he grabbed the keys to the turtle tank and headed for it. 
“Are they in trouble?” he asked curiously. 
“I hope not... Although if not, they will be with me” he commented the last thing to himself. 
“Oooh... Can I go?” excitedly flew the drone around Splinter's head “I can be the new Donnie!” 
“Ummm... I don't know, purple won't let you out?” he raised an eyebrow at the drone. 
“No” he complained “But that's because he's boring and a party pooper!” he exclaimed in annoyance. 
Splinter sighed a little as he thought for a second. It was true that the little robot was irresponsible, though it was also true that Donnie was boring. Besides, how could he follow the map if he didn't have him or understand his son's technology?, he looked again at the robot, who seemed determined to get out. 
“Hey, I guess it's no problem” he said, standing up, the robot fluttered with joy “But stay close to me! Purple would tear me apart if anything happened to you!” he pointed firmly. 
“Yes! A trip outside!” exclaimed the drone as it entered the tank behind Splinter, disregarding his warning “Booyakasha!” 
Raphael was still somewhat asleep, when a slight tremor around him woke him up; at first, he was disoriented and didn't know where he was, until he saw Mikey's giant face (he was still asleep) and the memories of the night before hit him like a truck. He sat up and tried not to make too much noise when again the slight tremor stunned him; turns out it was his phone, Draxum was calling him, then he remembered. 
“Oh! Draxum... I'm sorry I didn't write you, I forgot” he spoke low, trying to avoid waking Mikey. 
“I thought you would forget” he said with an exhausted sigh “How is Michael?” he asked quickly. 
“He's fine now” at that, he activated the camera to show the yokai the half-sleeping face of his younger brother “He grew more times yesterday, but after that he hasn't felt pain again” he placed a hand on the latter's face to show the difference in size. 
At that, the box turtle started to wake up, noticing his little big brother in front of him with the phone, a bit disoriented. 
“Raph?” then yawned slightly. 
“Mikey... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wak...” he started to speak, but the yokai interrupted him. 
“How are you feeling Michael?” asked the yokai, the turtle wrinkled his face to see whose voice it was and when he saw then he smiled slightly. 
“Barry? Hello” he greeted and looked at him curiously “How are you?” he yawned as he said this. 
“He's asking how are you” Raph explained to his little brother who was still shooing his own sleep. 
“Oh... I guess I'm fine” he answered vaguely. 
“Have you been feeling any aches or pains?” he asked “What is your current height?” 
“I haven't been in any pain after yesterday” he answered more clearly now “Mmm.... I don't know, but I can see over the trees if I stand up” he pointed upwards. 
“The trees?... Where are you, Raphael?” asked the yokai with some annoyance in his voice. 
“Oh... Well, Leo sent us to Todd and...” as he was explaining, his phone vibrated again. 
It was his father! The snapping turtle almost panicked, and quickly cut off the intrusive call, to see Draxum again. The latter looked at him strangely, Mikey also looked at his brother with some suspicion. 
“What was that noise?” demanded the adult. 
“N-nothing... This phone sometimes fails hehe” he laughed nervously. 
“...Anyway” he answered after a moment “If you haven't felt any pain after hours, that means you're done growing... And from what I see, the fairies sprayed you many times” from the phone screen it could see how Draxum was looking Mikey (or at least his face) up and down and saw Raph, probably mentally comparing their sizes. 
“Yes, Donnie told us that yesterday” he looked away somewhat uncomfortably, but quickly returned to a smile “But I'm fine, my brothers and Todd are taking care of me” he said optimistically. 
However, the mention of Donnie upset Raph; realizing that the position his little brother was in was not the same as when he fell asleep. He began to observe the ground around him, there was no presence of his shrunken siblings (which only increased his paranoia), not realizing that Mikey and Draxum were still talking, while he was fidgeting with the phone engrossed in his fears. 
“RAPHAEL!” Draxum's authoritative voice snapped him out of his panic spiral “What's wrong with you?!” he demanded after seeing the camera stop shaking. 
“Raph...?” Mikey said cautiously as he saw his brother stare at nothing; seeing that he didn't react, he gave him a gentle nudge with one of his fingers.  
This seemed to wake the snapping turtle from his trance. 
“Ah!” he exclaimed, getting his brain working again, he gave a feigned smile to the yokai watching him “I'm sorry Draxum, but I have to go, I'll call back! Bye-o...”  
And with that, he hung up the call, if anything Draxum managed to say, it went unheard. 
Before Mikey could ask Raph what the hell was wrong, Raph came out of the little hole he was in on his arm and started circling around him, not taking his eyes off the ground. 
“Raph, what's wrong?” he didn't understand what was going on, he moved slightly, but his brother threw himself on him (figuratively) as if trying to stop him from moving. 
“MIKEY!” that scream was louder and more distressing than he thought, it scared him a little “Don't move!” Raph realized he was scaring Mikey, but he was scared too “I can't find Leo and Donnie!” 
Mikey blanched, seeming to share the idea his older brother had in his head, he almost seemed traumatized by his own imagination of what might have happened. No, he didn't want to believe it, he strongly denied it. Raphael continued to search the surroundings of the huge box turtle, looking for any sign of his shrunken siblings, praying he would find nothing of what his paranoia was making up. After many turns and checking to make sure nothing was crushed, other than the pillows and sheets, he looked over at his little brother, who seemed on the verge of an anxiety attack. 
“Calm down Mikey...” he wanted to try to calm him down, approaching his arm and giving it a caress. 
“D-did you find them?” he stammered in fright. 
“No... But I assure you they are not crushed” that brought some relief to both of them “I'll look for them... You'd better not move too much yet, maybe they're still nearby” 
Mikey nodded, feeling a little helpless as he watched his brother carefully walk away while he searched. As he tried to calm himself down, he felt something strange; he had been trying to ignore it since the early morning, thinking maybe it was his body resenting the change in size, but this was different, only his stomach hurt, he didn't want to think about that now but the pain didn't stop. 
Raph felt a new tremor, but this time it was coming from the giant turtle; seeing it, he realized that Mikey had both hands on his belly and had a slight blush, he knew that this problem would come sooner rather than later, but why just now? 
“Really?” he complained to himself with an exasperated tone of frustration. 
“Sorry” the boy seemed embarrassed by his body's reaction to hunger.  
Raphael felt like he literally couldn't handle it all, miraculously he didn't end up letting out an annoyed scream, just holding it in because he was still trying to be the big brother in this whole situation. But it just WAS TOO MUCH; their dad is looking for them, Leo and Donnie are missing, and now Mikey (who is the definition of huge) is hungry. 
“Snack Cakes!” he exclaimed, wishing someone or something would help him with all these problems. Prologue Previous / Next
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kozachenko · 11 months ago
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Ok the WIP I posted a little while ago is no loner a WIP yipeeeeeee I am so tired of looking at this drawing.
Artist's Notes:
Ok so this drawing was a WIP that I had had sitting around for a while, and so because I wanted to do a test run with the new face style I'm trying out, I decided to pick it back up again. Now you may notice that compared to the other version of the WIP, the shading is different, and that's because I had to change all of it to match the light source of the moon, which was.... not exactly fun (especially cuz I stayed up late at night to finish this which was tiring), but it was worth it because I am a lot happier with the shading now. Also, when I initially redid the shading on the white trim of her outfit, I ended up making them look like indiscreet white blobs that just looked... bad, so I had to fix that and I think it looks a lot better.
My favourite parts of this drawing have to be the face and the hair, though I'm not surprised about how much I like the hair since hair is my favourite thing to draw. Also the wolf, I really like how the wolf turned out, since I also love drawing animals from time to time. I also like how the background turned out.
Also, Enoko's design was a hit hard to get right, and I decided to add the white trim separating her shirt and skirt mainly because I didn't like how abruptly it changed in the original design. Also, for some reason her dress makes me think of 1800s-y southern/western clothes, which has given me the headcanon that Saki gave her these clothes when they first met. Makes me wanna draw the two of them together in very western styled clothes, I think it would be cute. I also changed up some of the colours on her original design to fit in more with the palette that I was going for with this piece. Also, I like how her tails turned out, mainly because when I was working on some of the sketch for this I tried to make them smaller, but they didn't look right so I just went "fuck it" and made them big and poofy. Also drawing her wolf ears was fun, I like drawing simplified wolf ears like that. Overall, I'd say I did a good job incorporating elements (like the bear trap hands, the tails, the gem) in a way that didn't feel like they were out of place in the piece (something I was concerned about with Enoko's design).
All in all, I wouldn't call this my best work, but I do like a lot of aspects of it. I've also noticed that I'm kinda getting a bit frustrated with certain parts of my style like the lighting (mainly the lighting), so I think I wanna try and branch back into that more painterly style that I started out with when I first started posting here while still mixing in some elements of my lineless style. Also, I need to get better with my colour values, mainly just for clarity since I kinda think that's where this drawing falls flat a little.
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galaxyedging · 14 days ago
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Reynaldo (that's the spelling I'm going with)x f!reader
Smutty ficlet based on all these delicious gifs.
(Not proofread. I'm nervous about writing again, so I'm just throwing it out there)
The vow renewal went to shit after a surprise performance by the three brothers. A lot of dirty laundry was aired, and the 'bride' was furious. Usually, you were a very empathetic person. Even only being your friend’s plus one and not knowing the family you would care, really.
It was just really hard to care or even focus as you lay, legs spread wide, pussy still clenching around the talented tongue that just made you come. Reynaldo had you laid out on a spare table in a back room like a feast for him, and feast he had. The man wasn't shy about using his tongue, or lips, or nose, or moustache, to get you off. His tongue had roamed from your clit to your pucked hole. Teasing, exciting and caressing every inch to bring you to your current bones state. While you had been trying to catch your breath he had been busy rolling on a condom and lubing himself up with your slick. 
“Do you still want this, Beautiful Lady?” He held the base of his cock as he spoke.
That outline that had hypnotised you with each rhythmic hip thrust wasn't lying. He was huge, uncut and curved.
The thought of him inside you short circuited your brain. All you could do was nod. With a knowing chuckle, he notched the bulbous head at your entrance. The two of you moaned as he sunk in an inch then two then…he stopped.
The puzzlement you felt must have shown on your face as he clarified. “The first couple of inches of the vagina have the most nerve endings. Don't worry, you will get the whole nine inches, I just want you to come apart on it first. OK?” He spoke about it so nonchalantly as if making people come was his nine to five that he was ludicrously overqualified for. 
Any response that you could have managed would have been unnecessary as he began to move his hips anyway. The same rhythmic thrusts pushed his fat head against that perfect spot on your front wall. There was something erotic about looking down and seeing only the tip of his monster member sliding inside to give you so much pleasure. Those sexy hip movements looked even better when he was bare. He'd only bother to slip his clothing down to his thighs. Similarly, your panties still dangled from your left heel clad foot. He hadn't wasted a second on anything but touching or kissing you.
It didn't take long for the tension to build, you were close and he could feel it. “That's it. Let go. Come on my cock.” and you did, hard. “Oh, Baby, yes. Feels so good. Keep it coming for me.” his finger swiftly moved across your clit to draw out your pleasure. “Ohh. Mmm. Fuck.” his thrusts didn't falter, despite him sounding as if he was enjoying it as much as you were.
Once your waves of euphoria ebbed away, Reynaldo withdrew. He helped you up on your shaking legs and spun you. His chest was flushed with your back as he kissed your neck. His cock, making itself painfully obvious, pressed into you. “Now, would you like to take the rest of it?”
Swallowing, you managed to get one word out “Yes.”
“Good, but I must warn you, up until now it has been for both of us. This is just for Reynaldo. If you want me to stop, squeeze my hand.” Before you could contemplate his words, he bent you over the table.
“Oh, shit!” Was all you could cry out as he filled you deeply and completely.
One of his large hands clamped down on your hip and the other wrapped in your hair. His hip movements were no longer the short, enticing rhythmic thrusts. They were nothing short of brutal. The tip battered your cervix as he split you in two.
“Fuck. That's it. Oh, you take it so well. Perfect little pussy for Reynaldo to use. I wish I was bare to fill it with my come. Mark it. My fucking pussy.” Reynaldo babbled into your hair as his large frame pressed you into the table while he sunk every inch as deep as you could take it. He was no longer pulling out to slam back in, he was stuffed in as far as he could be, only withdrawing an inch or two so your whole tight channel could jerk him off.
“Oh! Beautiful. I'm there. I'm there. Ah, fuck. Take it. Take it.” he thrust deep as he came as if to fill you with his cum as he spilled into the condom. 
He stayed in for as long as he dared before gripping the condom and hissing at the loss of you. As he tied the condom off, he dropped to his knees to place a kiss on your pussy. “Fucking perfect cunt.” he muttered against it. The drag of his facial hair sent sparks of pleasure through you and your hips twitched. “She is still hungry, I see. I can't leave her wanting. You should come home with me. Maybe I should introduce you both to my brothers.”
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rocketbirdie · 1 month ago
Have you ever drawn Sephiroth? Also my favorite post of urs is Cloud and Zack chained together and getting caught by a poll XD ALSO ALSO how do u find an art style?? I've been asking this question to a lot of ppl but never get anything that helps me- my "art style" is always inconsistent and I'm trying to do something that expression how I feel as a person while drawing a character (but maybe it's because as a person I'm all over the place and I can't pinpoint how to express myself) I can give a little ref for a few of my drawing to show how inconsistent they are😓 though some things stay the same a lot of other things change (people say I'm hard on myself but I feel like it needs to look a certain way for me to like it ig also also also the 2nd drawing was a fixed version of the og because it was well elongated.. can you tell im no good at anatomy-?)
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HI NO WORRIES FOR THE RANT!! Regretfully I have not drawn a whole lot of Sephiroth... perhaps that shall change someday? 🤔
Hmm I think I know what most people's advice would be, like "oh don't worry about art style just do whatever you like!" and yes, that's kinda true, but it's not really helpful. So here's my thoughts on the matter:
I find that the best approach to finding a style that fits you is to start by identifying your own tastes in art. Instead of worrying about consistency, focus on finding brushes/tools that feel good to use, colors and lines that appeal to you, and then play around with those. You'll find it a lot easier to make art that you like if you let yourself have fun with it, as opposed to subjecting it to pass/fail criteria.
For example, it's probably not surprising to hear that I love vibrant, colorful geometric art. I struggled for so long trying to use fancy brushes and weighted paintstrokes to make more realistic portraits, and it frustrated me because even if other people said it looked great, nothing I made looked right to me. Turns out it was my toolkit hiding my own art style from me. The moment I switched to solid colors and the goofy default pen setting, BOOM. Suddenly I was on a roll.
As for anatomy, you're already doing great!! My trick for anatomy (and for anything at all, really) is to break it down into simple 3d shapes. Fun fact, almost everything with the human body is just varying cylinders. Your neck? Cylinder. Hand? 5 cylinders attached to a cylinder that's been slightly squished. Torso? That's cylinder, babe! Arms? Legs? You guessed it, cylinders.
Challenge yourself HARD, EARLY. Don't wait until you think you're "good enough" to do a big intimidating project, or else you'll be waiting forever. Draw those difficult angles, perspectives, and compositions NOW, not later! It'll make the things that you're already good at feel ridiculously easy, and make those things come naturally to you, enabling you to focus your efforts into the stuff you do want to get better at.
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the-words-we-sung · 9 months ago
Thoughts and pictures - S3E4
I've never been that slow with a Young Royals rewatch >< It's hard for me to get through this season (especially now that I'm in the last 3 episodes...)
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And here we go, starting directly with a very sad Simon 😞 Omar plays a crying Simon way too well, it breaks my heart every damn time...
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I like hearing Wilhelm call Simon his boyfriend 🥰 Also is it me, or do we have a lot more close up shots in season 3? (No clue if that's what it's called, I mean shots that are very zoomed in on their faces like this one.)
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Vincent drawing a dick on the ground, of course... And I don't get his explanation: "why even try if there's no reward for the effort?". It means if the school closes, they all won't graduate and have to do their grade all over again? Surely if they're taking tests and all, it counts for something? Why fail an important test and take the risk to fail your year? 🤔 (Not gonna lie, most of Vincent's reactions to what's happening to the school this season left me quite perplexed ^^') And if it's just the graduation ceremony that is cancelled, it still doesn't mean they're not graduating, does it? 🤔
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But can you really Simon?
And Wilhelm repeating his mother's words "it's a privilege, not a punishment" breaks my heart >< (Also I'm gonna be a little shit about it but even the Royals have a choice in the end about accepting or not their role and job: after all, Wille is gonna renounce it in 2 episodes :p)
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I do like what he said about the role of the royal family in Sweden! We have very little information on that in the show so I appreciate it here. And he looks so pretty in this light!
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Wilhelm sounded so surprised that Farima said yes immediately when he told her they needed to help Simon. He was expecting to have to fight them on that.
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Why did he have to delete his whole account? Why not just put it on private? (I know I've read in several fanfics the idea that searching and deleting through all the new people who followed him before going on private would be too much of a hassle but I feel like it's a stretch, and an acceptable price to pay to keep his account?)
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Their conversation about Wilhelm's choice of foundation makes me so so sad! I had hoped that he would see Simon's point of view on how he can use his role as Crown Prince to try and make things better! I was actually pretty surprised that he was 100% not interested. It's a new facet of Wilhelm's personality that we hadn't really seen before I guess? And it feels like it creates a serious gap between them, it shows that they're not on the same page at all about a pretty serious subject (which is not good for the future of their relationship...)
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This shot of these 3 made me laugh :p
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This one hurts... Another crack in their relationship 😩 Simon is realizing how different they are. He knew they were but this season is showing us a side of Wilhelm that just seems incompatible with Simon :/ It's not just differences in tastes or personality, now it's differences in their core values also. And that is a huge problem.
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So we learn that Simon mostly avoided Micke for Sara's sake. Or maybe he's exaggerating that fact because he's really angry at her.
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The sit-in scene is very funny, they're all so dramatic, thinking they might starve to death xD I didn't think that August's eating disorder would be confirmed this way! Also I guess Vincent does have ADHD then? It was not just an excuse to get pills.
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"Because we are different?" Yeah... that's what this episode is really about, how different you both are. Which wouldn't be an issue for me if it was less about such important matters :/ I wish we had seen them learn more from each other this season, instead of being in conflict to much.
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I agree with Felice that it's getting out of hand! (I still enjoy the whole thing though 😁). I don't dislike Stella as much as a lot of people seem to, but I don't like her in this scene and how she talks to Felice!
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Cutest scene of the episode.
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I adore this scene. It makes me want to cry. I love them both and I'm so happy that they're slowly finding their way back to each other <3
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"Erik was there." This sceeeeene!! Such a punch in the face, so fucking terrible >< (So well acted also!!)
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Another trauma for my poor boy...
So lots of mixed feelings with this episode! I'm very frustrated with Wilhelm and his reactions, but I love the Sara arc. I really like the end of the episode, with some very good scenes. But now I really don't wanna go watch the next one ><
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l3viat8an · 1 year ago
A not so quick thought I've been dying to shareeeee ahhhhh
Omg- so yk how Mc has that long table in their room??? Imagine setting up a craft station each week for the boys to do a lil craft.
Beel, Asmo, Dia, Simeon and Luke are super excited for crafting. Barbie, Mamms and Levi are excited too even if they won't admit it. But Luci, Satan and Belphie need a little bit of convincing. They're not children! But after your first successful chaotic crafting session they start to like it.
𖥸 Luci is surprisingly artistic. Even if it seems silly, this little crafting session is very relaxing and it gives him time to bond with his brothers. He likes to follow the model closely first before experimenting a little bit with his technique and style
𖥸 Mamms + Levi are trying to 1 up each other the whole time. They will hate on each other's projects and will fight over supplies. Mammon will swipe the scissors from Levi mid-cut even though there are 5 other pairs currently not being used. Then Levi will try to get them back and a fight will break out. Mc has to use "stay" before Levi summons Lotan.
𖥸 Satan bbg I'm so sorry. He will make something beautiful that he's proud of but it will get ruined. He'll just be putting the finishing touches on his craft when Levi and Mammon's fight will cause something to ruin it. A paint cup got knocked over and now there's paint water soaking his hard work. Or the glitter got spilled and now there's sparkly bits clinging to the undried glue. Mc is gonna have to use "stay" again to keep him from wringing his older brothers' necks.
𖥸 Asmo's crafts can be described in one word. Shiny. He's using all the glitter, gold leaf and sequins available to him. He especially likes those gold and silver detailing pens. But don't mistake sparkly for tacky because even if his crafts are sparkly they are still tasteful.
𖥸 Beel + Belphie will make adorable little projects but Beel will try to eat the supplies duh. Please for the love of Dia get the nontoxic supplies. He can't help it though. That shade of pink looks just like a poison strawberry tart and the colors Simeon mixed look exactly like Madam Scream's Macarons! He just wants a little taste. Belphie will be busy trying to stop him from drinking paint. If he keeps a few extra snacks on hand then it will keep Beel at bay.
𖥸 Diavolo is just absolutely enamored by all the cool crafts. Like woah you made that little scarecrow!? And you made a pom pom pumpkin? He's so excited to try out all the crafts and is that one weirdo that is absolutely covered in 8 different colors of paint somehow even though he only used white.
𖥸 Barbatos will also create the most gorgeous crafts. Like excuse me sir, you're telling me you made that out of construction paper, pipe cleaners and popsicle sticks???? There ain't no way. 100% the chillest crafter at the table but he will snap Mammon and Levi's necks if any of the mishaps of their fight ruins his project.
𖥸 Simeon and Luke will probably work together on a craft. Like Asmo's projects, Simeon and Luke will add lots of pastel colors and shiny bits to their project mostly in the form of gold flakes or those metalic paint pens.
𖥸 Solomons crafts are similar to his cooking. They never end up being what was intended. Like today we're making kites and - Uhhh Solomon made an abstract Mona Lisa with construction paper shapes?? Alright then... You do you man
HIIII CHERRY!!! Omgg okay- this is all so cute <3 finally giving that silly table a good use too jsjsjsj besides homework 💀
Lucifer being good at everything doesn’t even surprise me anymore- but he’s genuinely very into it and it’s nice to see him try to relax and do something with his brother that’s just for fun!!!
Mammon + Levi- I wouldn’t expect anything else honestly- those two can’t stop for five minutes and they almost ruin it for everyone. (Until MC calms them down and fixes everything) also the fact Levi’s better at traditional drawing them Mammon is probably another reason they fight hskshsj
Poor Satan. Tho depending on how annoying Levi & Mams have been it might be fine to let Satan smack them up a bit- jkjk bad idea ik- MC needs to help him calm down and maybe start a new project together? (That’ll at least perk Satan up and piss off Levi ‘n Mammon which again will make Satan feel better :))
The first thing Asmo used was a pick glitter gel pen and his artwork is absolutely gorgeous~ (definitely something super shiny!!! but still gorgeous and he’s careful to stay at the other end of the table away from Levi and Mammon helpsjsj)
All the supplies have to be non-toxic and absolutely no one can try drawing or making anything resembling food- Also just imagine Belphie taking the paint water away from Beel and putting it by his drink….so a little later sleepyhead accidentally drink some instead lolol also anything Belphie actually makes looks like it’s out of a horror movie while Beel’s is just…abstract :)
Diavolo’s feels like a callout as the kid who was always covered in paint but he’s so happy with his little somewhat lumpy pompom and little painting!! Just look at his sweet smile!!!
Barbatos doesn’t even need to threaten Mammon or Levi- they take one look his way and see that smile and know they better knock it off and behave- also how??? Sir it’s gorgeous but how??? Hell he probably made a fully functioning little model of MC XD
Simeon and Luke are adorable as always!! It’s definitely something sweet, yet a little more simple, but still very cute! The shiny bits are perfect and they definitely made it with the intention of gifting it to MC when they’re done <3
Solomon……Solomon wtf why?….you could’ve drawn a stick man and it would’ve been better that…uhhh that- But he’s happy!! Also very, very proud of it and when you ask what it’s supposed to be he looks a little offended-
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thenntrewrite · 8 months ago
I'm not exactly sure how to approach this, so how about we start with some redesigns I've made and explaining the thought process behind the designs? We'll start off with the man, the myth, the legend himself:
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I'll be honest. I do not like the shota/childlike appearance that is Meliodas. I get that it's suppose to be part of a running shtick of, "oh my God, he's a child—wait no he's a grown ass man?!" or a personal preference for the author (who makes a lot of his adult characters look like children/quite young for their age), but it's playing into one of the tropes I hate (looks young but is actually an ancient being). If it's your cup of tea, more power to you, but it's not my kind of flavor, so we're redoing him design-wise while also trying to keep some things (colors mainly).
So for his design, the thought process was like this:
Since he's a demon, I was like, "okay, bet" and told myself to pick one (1) from the three (3) options I gave myself, which was dragon, goat and crow— dragon in reference to his sin (Wrath) which is usually associated with dragons, goat because of goats being associated with hell and Baphomet and the Devil always have goat features, and crow because Morgan le Fay (which is his future wife in my rewrite, surprise! This bit is moreso fanservice to my middle school self. I'm sorry Melizabeth lovers, don't eat me alive)'s animal is usually the crow and crows are seen associated with death and that ties in with his curse of immortality.
Now, the goat jumped at me the most because it's the one most heavily associated with Hell, and he is the son of the Demon Lord whom I named Felec (based on Arthurian Legend, the little information we have on him), and I saw these amazing goats for someone's DnD character, and it just fueled my need to draw him as a goat more. The original idea was to give him goat-like features which was the ears, horns, the pupils, but then I got to thinking, "man, the seven deadly sins are all suppose to be from different races, yet it's hard to tell with how all of them looked practically human" and I know I can easily say, "ah no, this is just his human form, his true form is a lot more demonic and he needs the human form to blend in", but then I thought, "that's so boring", so lo and behold, I start with his eyes and worked my way from there.
I changed his hair to curls because his old spiky hair was not working, and his outfit had got to go because I thought, "he'd look more sick with goat legs", and made him two different outfits to accommodate that and to fit the medieval fantasy setting better. I was thinking of blending some attributes of a dragon and a crow to make him more demonic like, but I don't know, I just really like what I made and thought other features would throw everything off balance. Maybe he comes off more like a cursed goat and rolls with that idea so people don't suspect him of anything, but hey, I can always tweak it to make him more demonic if it doesn't come off that way. And I did not want to give him dark colors for his fur—that's going to go to his youngest brother, Zeldris.
(Here's my first official post! Hope you enjoy @gh0stofyesterday )
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itsquakey · 6 months ago
Q&A Time!
I haven't done a Q&A in a while so let's bang out some asks from the askbox and answer them.
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Without really saying much, things have kinda gotten better, but I am def in a hole right now from multiple pretty saddening things happening to me all within a month. I'm having a lot of issues drawing but I don't think it's burnout-more likely I'm just a sad lump. I'm sure I'll improve though once the year finishes us.
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Kind of...I plan to make either a epilogue for Revenge of Pike Knight or an entirely different comic about his process of letting go but also forgiving himself for her actions. He never goes back to being sweet bandana waddle dee but she does manage to loosen up as time goes on.
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Mago gets stripped of any and all power that the average doomer doesn't have. So yea. He's a little guy you could punt like a football.
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It's honestly really hard to say what my favorite food is, as I am someone who struggles with food (I blame it on the fact I almost died of starvation as a toddler and it ruined my entire digestive system but who knows it could be crappy genetics too). However here are some foods I enjoy that people may like! (Recipe Links are in the names)
Banoffee Pie: I usually like it without the bananas though, they are too soft texture-wise for me so it's really more Toffee Pie. Just remember if you are making the toffee from scratch that it is basically like making a bomb and you HAVE to make sure timing is correct otherwise pressure will build and either you will die or your kitchen will get a nice brown coat of sugar-paint (Personal experience here).
Chocolate Souffle: I always have this for my birthday so it's a fond treat. It IS a souffle though, so it's very hard to make if you do not have the experience.
Quiche: I love quiche, it's something that is eggy but also a pie and I can eat it any time of the day. I usually like just cheese in it but meats and some small greens are also good.
And finally- Zucchini Brownies (Or just walnut brownies): Which I actually haven't had in a while but man am I craving them. They sound weird but you can't taste the zucchini and it brings a nice dampness to the brownie.
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When Powehi was little his sisters loved to tease him even though he would give little to no reaction. They seemed to have a decent relationship as children but I would not be surprised if Powehi doesn't really like his sisters a whole lot when he's an adult. They're still as annoying as before but now they act more like their father (a pet peeve of his). However they are still his sisters at the end of the day, so he puts up with them.
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Since I don't know if I have the post up anymore- ANY FANART OR INTERPRETATIONS/INSPIRATION OF MY WORK IS OKAY. If it is fanart or is heavily based off my work all I need is name credit or an @/. If you @/ me, there's a very high likelihood I will see it and reblog it!
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As someone who worked with various animals including tarantulas for a while- I love them. I love their fuzz and their little claws and paw pads and the fact they're chill (but at the same time very anxious) little dudes. I think they get a bad rap but they're nice.
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If I remember correctly, the death of Meta Knight comic was originally artist trolling. Yes, I made the comic to purposefully get a reaction from you all and laugh evilly while you cried over his death. However that comic is the backbone of Nextgen and I'm glad I made it.
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Yes, I will get to that art eventually. I'm just taking my time for reasons. I will/am also uploading art that is old but was never released on my account. Eventually once all the old art is posted new art will start up again.
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Meta works his way up the ladder to become a Reaper. Not really spoilers but his design will be brought back soon. But yes, he can still see his friends with the help of Morpho. Also Galaxia shattered in the death comic, so she's long gone as well but returns to Meta in the afterlife at some point.
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Dedede ain't dead yet! He's still kicking. Meta would have to meet him in the mortal realm as a little buggy.
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Yes, however I highly doubt I will ever cover them in Nextgen, so it's up to fan interpretation at the end of the day.
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Yes he does, he takes the form of a beetle much like Morpho takes the form of a butterfly in the mortal realm and gets to visit his friends when he can.
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Apologies, but only my girlfriend can hug me : )
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I imagine if the situation calls for it he does use his tongue. However he mainly chooses the sword and his fabric arms.
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In Nextgen I like to imagine Kirby's copy abilities change as they grow up instead of someone upgrading them for him, hence why they look different when he uses copy abilities.
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Powehi has always had some of Marx's powers and grew up with them normally. However as he gets older he begins to really not like them because it makes him different in a way others may be intimidated by.
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In Nextgen Chilly and Magolor never got nor will get married. They're off again on again exes because it is way funnier that way and honestly aligns with the one manga more.
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Magolor and Chilly met during the events of Star Allies, and their relationship/personalities are kinda based off that manga in a minor way.
Arthur showed up out of nowhere on Castle Dedede's entrance and ever since then Kirby has taken care of him.
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In a surprising turn of events, no. The waddle dee from Kirby 64 in Nextgen is actually Bandana's/Pike's older brother who is the sole reason Bandana/Pike went down the path she did. The stories that were told about the adventure and the heroes his older brother worked with got her to be inspired enough to actually work alongside Dedede and later Kirby and the others.
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Because that belt buckle is the last remaining piece of who he used to be. His robes are gone along with everything else but that buckle. He is now nude.
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All Noddies are biologically and magically tied to the Dream Fountain which is the thing that gives them their dreams and tiredness. The only way Castella can have nightmares is if there's some kind of tampering with the Dream Fountain that effects it negatively.
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I don't think canon Bandana would enjoy the fact I assassinated his character for some plot lmao. But for the sake of the funny just imagine them interacting like that one sonic and shadow clip from Sonic Adventure 2.
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The cycle of matter only affects Dark and Light matter/ anything in between that. Matter like that usually will never see a reaper in their life because their souls almost never make it to the afterlife and instead are in a constant cycle of reincarnation, hence the name. Meta Knight was merely lucky enough to have Morpho break the rules for him just like how Necrodeus broke the rules for him when he was Gala and took his soul to the afterlife. Normally living things are taken by reapers to the afterlife when they die though. While non-matter characters like Dedede, Magolor, Marx, Pike, etc will be able to have a one way ticket to the afterlife, I'm keeping it vague for Kirby as not to spoil future ideas.
That's all for now! I'll be answering more asks in the future don't worry.
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tobiasdrake · 4 months ago
YES! Digimon Adventure 02, my favorite *starts rubbing hand together* i'm going to be so obnoxious.
Anyway since you're done with Adventure could you rank the Chosen Children up to now? I'm really interested in hearing your thoughts.
Let's see. Chosen Children from Most Favorite to Least Favorite, since I don't actually have any I dislike.
1 - Tachikawa Mimi. I'm sure there are no surprises about that one. Mimi's job is to be the relatable everykid. The one who acts the most like what an actual real-life ten-year-old thrown into this situation would act like. She cries, she screams, she wants to go home.
But she still pulls it together and has a lot to contribute all the same.
All of the kids do a great job of being relatable, honestly. But Mimi has the most interesting journey to me,
2 - Kido "Joe" Jou. You know, as a kid, I adored Yamato so much. He would have been my #2. But as an adult, I can't help but appreciate how hard Jou-senpai worked at the mostly thankless job of trying to be responsible for these kids.
He's just as scared and confused and lost as they are, and in the beginning the burden of responsibility weighs so heavily on him that it nearly breaks him. But he rises to the challenge. Even after they decide Taichi is officially team leader, Jou is always looking out for them, always trying to guide them as their senpai nonetheless.
Jou giving his life to save Takeru is my favorite Crest activation of the lot.
3 - Ishida "Matt" Yamato. He's still up there, just not as high as Jou. Yamato is the most damaged of the Chosen Children at the start, though it may not be immediately obvious. He comes into the series with more baggage than anyone. He's already carrying his parents' divorce on his back and emotionally spiraling down a defensive rabbit-hole before we even know his name.
Yamato isn't capable of being a selfish person, and that much is on display left and right. His kneejerk reactions are almost always for the betterment of the group. He can't help himself but to care about everyone else. But he's so messed up that he thinks that's a character flaw. Who he is and who he wants to be are miles apart, and who he wants to be kinda sucks so that's a good thing.
4 - Takenouchi Sora. Sora's carrying some damage on her heart as well. She's similar to Yamato, in that there's a stark disconnect in her character. Not who she is vs. who she wants to be, but rather who she is vs. who she thinks she has to be.
I love how much attention her dynamic with her mom gets in the Vamdemon arc. Sora has the most interesting and dramatic home situation out of any of the kids.
But it does feel like the show starts to de-emphasize her over time, particularly in the Dark Masters arc where Sora routinely has to be protected or saved and rarely gets to be the one who looks cool. Whether she's propping up Takeru, Hikari, or Yamato, Sora often ends up taking a backseat as the series draws closer to its conclusion.
5 - Takaishi "T.K." Takeru. I didn't actually like T.K. as a kid. He just seemed like an annoying little kid. But that's because of the dub downplaying his growth and his strength. Ironically, Takeru is probably the one of the original seven who already has his shit together the most from the start.
He's innocent, naive, and abhors violence, but he's not a helpless baby either. Takeru is resourceful, strong-willed, and contributes as much as anyone to the children's survival. Which is, itself, a key factor in Yamato's arc as much as his own.
6 - Yagami "Kari" Hikari. Hikari suffers tremendously from entering the series so late. She has very limited opportunities to shine, something that 02 will help her with.
She makes good use of what she gets and has a lot of great moments nonetheless. Granted, she's a little bit deus ex machina-ey, but she's literally the Light of the Eight Gods so we can forgive her for that.
7 - Izumi "Izzy" Koushiro. He made my kid cry.
No, I jest. Koushiro's in a rough spot where, as the computer nerd of the group in the Digital World, he has to try and walk a tightrope between "Koushiro OP plz nerf" and "It feels like Koushiro should be doing more."
It's not a tightrope he walks easily. He gets off to an interesting start as he's building out his understanding of the Digital World. But that kinda reaches a head at Etemon's pyramid and after that he just starts leaning on stuff Gennai gives him.
Once the setting is well-established, we don't get to see him do cool things like writing a program that will display a holographic map of Etemon's pyramid in physical space anymore. Gennai gives him all of his tools going forward and he just... sorta becomes the Pokedex.
8 - Yagami Taichi. He yelled at my kid for grieving dead friends.
That's less of a jest. More generally, Taichi has a lot of good points. He's the one who keeps his eye on the ball during the Dark Masters arc and keeps pushing forward while Mimi, Jou, and Yamato are having their respective crises. He's usually the guy you want to lean on in a crisis.
But wow, can Taichi be insufferable at times pre-development. He's reckless, self-centered, occasionally sexist, and utterly insensitive to the thoughts and feelings of others.
Taichi is a wild card. You never really know if you're gonna get "gets everyone caught by Etemon because he thought it'd be funny to cause trouble" Taichi or "pulls this team back together after they split up" Taichi.
Though meeting Homeostasis near the end and hearing the background of their adventure seems to do wonders for Taichi putting all of this to rest and becoming an emotionally stronger leader.
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bberetd · 25 days ago
This isn’t really a request, just some fanart! I remembered your Mareach fan child and thought it’d be cute to draw her with my version of Princess Peach. I imagined Apricot still somewhat recognizing Peach as her mother, believing she’s in a dream. Meanwhile, Peach is completely confused about whose child this is but she’s instantly hit with intense baby fever! I wanted to draw more, but exhaustion took over, so this will probably be my only piece for tonight.
In my interpretation, Peach isn’t a mother or in a relationship yet. Getting the chance to play with Apricot, even just for a day, would mean the world to her. She adores the idea of motherhood but worries that her royal duties would keep her from giving future children the attention they deserve.
Here's the fanart! Getting slowly better at drawing toddlers 😀
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12:26 Am... 😭
this is a very very VERY very pleasant surprise, oh my GOODNESS ⁉️⁉️ smiling SO HARD rn???? AND THE MIDDLE DOODLE??????
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now why do I love this headcanon so much with your Peach 😭 elegant in all things but childcare, and only because she's been surrounded by anthropomorphic mushrooms her entire life. She'd be holding Apricot like a ragdoll and spinning her a lot, and Appy's just giggly the entire time cause she's in the presence of a pretty giant momma lookalike 🥹
Peach would introduce her to Mario (your Mario, let's say Apricot just spawned from a pipe from another universe lol), and he, who is excellent with children and maybekindasorta wants to start a family with her one day, is PANICKING at how she's holding her. And so begins a long journey of teaching Peach how to handle kids.
Apricot practically tackles Mario when she sees him (since our Marios look (somewhat?) alike), and even though she's got the wrong papa, he's all too happy to play along... until he has to break the news 🥲 but the idea of Apricot's interactions with your Mario and Peach being a fever dream is a way easier explanation LMAOO
my friend, seriously, THANK YOU for this 🫂🫂🫂 this made me SUPER happy. now I'm adding your Peach and Appy to my to-draw list (especially with that gorgeous ball gown.... it looks intimidating but I think I got this) ;)
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