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thelaundrybitch · 2 months ago
*cackles madly as I drag this into your inbox*
Thank you for your patience. You shall thus be rewarded with some smaller chunks so you don't choke. Wouldn't want to lose you after becoming friends now would we? You've still yet to find me. 😏😎😈
So without further ado, thanks to you and all other interested parties, I present to you part 2! 🫡😘
(Addiction Pt. 2 with pt. 3 coming soon!)
Relapse (N) a deterioration in someone's state of health after a temporary improvement, to turn for the worse
They say that the first step to overcoming a problem is to actually acknowledge that there is a problem to begin with. Which is all fine and dandy and totally makes sense. Except for one teeny tiny itty bitty little factor...
Acknowledging problems wasn't exactly Leo's forte. He had a nasty little habit of being in the business of actually creating problems.
Especially when it came to himself.
And this...thing...he had concerning with you was no different.
The fact Leo had "willingly" through the skin of his teeth and only after countless of sleepless weeks, admitted that he maaaaaay have had a slight addiction to you was actually a big step forward!
Personal growth even! He really ought to get a reward or something for being so self aware, cause like come on! This was some major serious self improvement!
So when you had told Leo and his brothers about your up coming girls trip out of country, Leo was totally not worried in the slightest.
He was proud of you for getting out instead of being holed up with your books of all things. It would be good for you to have some alone time with your girl friends.
Because as much as Leo just loved having a monopoly of your time with him and his brothers, Pizza Supreme in the sky, even he knew that spending constant time with them all could be a biiiiiiiit much.
They were just like THE coolest mutants in town and whatever. Obviously the close proximity to such heroes could be a bit emotionally draining to such a poor damsel as yourself (he wants to be your hero so bad it's not even funny)
So it made sense why you'd need a break.
If anything, it would be a good time to try and figure out his head (his heart) and his plan moving forward concerning you. A small period of abstinence, if you will, just to test himself. Get himself in the clear and whatever.
Besiiiiiides it was just a couple of days with your friends right? As his dear nerd of a brother would say, "Exasperated SCOFF!"
No biggie at all.
Because like sure, Leo was addicted to you, but he wasn't like...you know obsessed with you or anything.
He could handle a couple days without you, no problem.
However, once again in concordance to the luck of Leo's life (and that meaning none at all) you had just laughed and fondly reminded Leo that due to the additional traveling time, you would actually be away longer than a couple days, almost closer to a month.
And not to mention, while you'd be away for an aDdiTiOnAL COUPLE oF wEeks, you'd also be traveling through so many time zones and weren't exactly sure when and if you'd have Wi-Fi, so you wouldn't exactly be able to text them all as frequently as was custom.
Leo had just blinked at that for a moment, his brow ever so slightly furrowing as he mentally processed what exactly that meant...
Basically an entire month of little to no contact. With you. Period.
This...this was fine. Just... A small set back. Leo... Leo could handle this. The Faceman would have no trouble saving face.
In fact, the only outward sign of his slowly growing inner turmoil was the slight twitch in one of his eyes and the fractional tightening of his hands resting on the bulge of his tensing biceps.
So Leo did what Leo does best: he had just forced a small laugh and shook his head, smirking at you with a playful nudge of his elbow, warning you not to have too much fun without him.
It was just a couple extra days. Nothing to worry about. Nothing to worry about at all...
One and a half weeks later down and with one and half more still to go, Leo lay awake on his plastron with his face buried in a pillow, restlessly clawing at his sheets and cursing the name of friendship.
He should have never let you get on that damn plane, travel the with your damn girlfriends, having what he could only imagine was the damn time of your life.
If you really wanted to travel, FINE! You could travel. Take one of his stupid portals for all he cares. You could go where ever the shell you wanted to go and be back in a literal flash with enough time to spare to still go to dinner.
It would be better than knowing you were spending ridiculous amounts of time with people he didn't know about (and at this current moment could care less to meet since they took you away from him) and having fun with them when you could be back here, where you belonged, with him.
The handful of pictures that came through every couple of days with your bright smile and your now sun kissed, rosy cheeks was down right torturous.
You looked so happy, so carefree. Like an entire weight was lifted from your shoulders.
And Leo hated it.
He wanted to be the one to that kind of smile on your face (you didn't like them better did you? Had more fun than with him?).
Though he couldn't quite be sure what exactly he was feeling at the moment. Pettiness maybe. Loathing perhaps? Jealousy, most likely, if Leo were to be honest with himself. You know, for once.
Whatever the stupid feeling was, Leo knew that the spark was so hot and intense that the very thought of someone else taking your time and making you smile caused his shoulders to lock and his hands to subconsciously dig further into the blanket with a small groan.
This really was one of the worst ideas you had ever come up with, and Leo (the poor baby) had to live (suffer) with the consequences of you being gone.
He buried his beak further into the pillow with an angry huff, his arms wrapping around the padded squish and not for the first time, wondered if this is what it would feel like to hug you around your waist.
Would you let him press his face into the soft and plump skin of your stomach? Leo was sure it would make one helluva fine pillow. Much better than the limp piece of frabric he was currently strangling to death. Probably smell better too.
Would you cradle him against you? Hold him in your arms as he got comfortable? Gently scritch your nails down the back of his head and run your hands over his shell?
Would you let him get close to you like that? Both literally and metaphorically? Would being close to you like that finally give home the closure needed to let him drops his walls once and for all? Give him the rest that he so desperately yearns for?
Leo thought he was fine. He thought he could do this without you! This time apart was supposed to help him go cold turkey! Break this stupid, stupid, stupid addictive need to be with you.
But here he was restless, agitated, hurting and unable to sleep (for weeks thank you very much) so cursed was his ache without you.
He'd never needed anybody, never craved for anybody's presence the way he did with you.
Leo sighed again, grumbling into pillow with a small agitated whine. Why oh why did you have to go?
And take all of his peace with you?!
Being addicted to a person, Leo finally decided, finally admitted, was just...the absolute worst.
But these relapses?
Leo let out a small whimper and pulled the pillow over his head as he all but retreated into his sell.
He really didn't know how he was going to make it through another day without you.
All my love and happy suffering,
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MAN do I love me a tortured, pining, jealous Leo.
It's like you know me or something *squints*
I'm very excited for the next part 👀👀👀
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the1crazybat · 10 days ago
Hey, have you seen the1crazybat s transformers au? It's actually really interesting and I urge you to go check them out if you haven't yet!
It's really cool!
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scimagic · 3 months ago
Bro, you genuinely have no idea how much your “Pride and Joy” fic means to me.
As a guy, I’m not really the target audience for it considering the reader is fem (I know you were self-indulging and that’s freaking awesome /sincere) but, man, I love it so much. I personally struggle with having the confidence to show literally anyone, even my very closest friends, my self-ship with Puzzles because of how little I see him being self-shipped with a guy. So, to have a fic were Puzzles outright says that he likes dudes means so much to me.
I know the the reader in the fic is fem and Puzzles stays with her (as he should! Gotta make sure my girlies get all of his stupid tv love) but, my god, the little acknowledgment of him liking men means a lot to me.
So, keep up the good work as always!!!! And keep up with your delicious art!!! It’s all truly stunning! Five stars five stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
(and I’m really sorry if anything in this made you uncomfortable or weirded you out. I’m really not good with my words when it comes to stuff like this, haha)
I want you to know this is one of the biggest honors you could ever give me;; It makes me so so SO DAMN HAPPY to hear how much it meant to you. Even if you're not in the demographic for that specific fic, you are so very welcomed into my audience and I appreciate and love you so much!!
No matter my demographic, I want you to feel safe and loved unconditionally, I want you to have a space that makes you feel comfortable and seen because I DO!! I see you!! I see all my guy self-shippers who struggle with lack of content made for them, with finding safe spaces in the community, who might receive backlash even!! I salute and appreciate every single one of you!!
I've been gushing over your nice words for literally 3 hours I genuinely don't think a thank you is enough!! So I made you a little gift!!
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I promise you Mr. Puzzles would love you just as unconditionally, and just as loudly too!!
Anyone has my permission to use this base for themselves but this one... is catered specifically to you, dear anon <3
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navree · 8 months ago
Incorrect, the fact that Biden has dropped out and a candidate with history of supporting medicare for all and being more receptive to a ceasefire in the I/P conflict has made me go from "I cannot morally support the Democratic nominee" to "I am voting for the Democratic nominee despite the fact she isn't perfect in every respect." I'm really happy this played out. The Dems for the most part abandoned the old Obama platform and it feels like its possible an actual progressive agenda could come to pass in my lifetime.
Kamala 2024!
If you weren't going to vote Democratic in this election before Biden dropped out you're a dorkass loser who does not care about any of the issues you're yammering about here and also a fundamentally bad person, and I hope you get run over by a bus.
But you got one thing right in all of this gibberish, Kamala 2024.
#personal#answered#anonymous#i mean let's be clear here no president is gonna attempt to be progressive ever again within my lifetime#because joe biden tried to do like 25% of that and got ZERO fucking credit#he did so much on healthcare on reform on loans on so many social issues and for all his litany of failings on i/p#he has been distinctly harsher on netanyahu than a good chunk of dems and certainly the entire republican party#for the first time since i was four we are not involved in any wars as americans and that is thanks to joe biden#but the thing is that he gets no credit for any of it!#him pulling out of afghanistan caused his approvals to tank in a way that never recovered#and leftists gave him FUCK ALL for it#they gave him nothing they just continued whining that even tho he cancelled a bajillion in student loans#he didn't actually cancel a QUADRILLION dollars so both parties are the same and voting is the most arduous task known to man#no democrat who is running is going to forget that catering to leftist/progressive policies gets them zero leeway with those supporters#that it not only tanks numbers but you still get constant haranguing about it anyway#so they're not gonna do it#we are gonna get fuckall for at least a good fifty years#and anything we get will be utterly in SPITE of people like you anon it will happen in spite of everything you've done#mostly because of people like me and mine who understand that voting is the bare minimum#and that for the democratic process to work the way you want it to you need to participate and not pitch a fucking fit#like a four year old who was told they can't go to disney this weekend#like i know you ratfuckers are happy this played out because this is all a game to you and you don't actually care#but that's why i've got zero faith in you people and why i'm glad it's my kind of folks#actual die hard democrats who have always been hardliners for supporting democrats in every possible election#who are picking up the slack and donating to harris and supporting her agenda#which is the exact same as biden's because she's his vice president and they share they same platform#because that's what they were both running on! twice!#anyway fuck you please feel free to find a necktie and test how tall your doorframe is
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bixels · 1 year ago
While I do think anon was rude, I do think it's pretty shitty to set up all this stuff you were going to add the au and then just drop it. It's disappointing. Definitely unfollowing.
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#ask me#anon#once AGAIN.#I am not dropping anything#the au is not getting cancelled. more than likely i'm gonna take a break from it until i find motivation again#But I've been drawing the AU for half a fucking year#In that time I've only drawn 5 things that aren't mlp related#I'm getting tired and my last few posts didn't do as well as I'd hoped#And I'm not about to burn myself out on mlp au art even if I really do love making it#I'm still gonna make comics. I have a bunch of ideas.#Tulli and I still wanna do the limited run merch shop#Discord is still coming. Sunset is still coming. Sombra is still coming. I have so many ideas#But I need to do something else for my own sake. Did you know I was supposed to get the background 6 designs done by now#But I didn't because I'm TIRED#I've been keeping myself on a schedule to keep content pumping despite travel and school and family and I'm tired#what i'm getting isn't matching what i'm giving and that's nobody's fault. i'm not frustrated at anyone. a slump was bound to happen#drawing the au was fun until it become my Thing. Because when your Thing––your identity––starts to faulter#it can really make you freak out#And that's not healthy for the project or for myself. I need to find the fun again and I'm sure I will#I'm really appreciative of everyone's support in my inbox and replies it really does mean a lot especially given that about 2/3 of my#followers followed for mlp. But if you're gonna react to me saying “i'm gonna cool down on mlp art and draw my own stuff” with “i'm#disappointed in you." then Leave! I think it's good you're unfollowing#you are not obligated to stick by my side! But don't act like I'm doing you a disservice by turning my attention elsewhere#I didn't promise anyone anything and I definitely didn't say I'm breaking any promises.
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randomfoggytiger · 1 month ago
Dear Tiger, I have always recommended your blog to many people who are interested in the X-Files. My recommendation goes something like this: “Brilliant analysis, well-founded opinions, without unnecessary judgments about the actors' private lives. But beware! The blog is very fond of David and can't be impartial. It's not hostile, but, even unconsciously, it minimizes Scully's importance and Gillian's talent, to the detriment of Mulder and Duchovny. Imagine the blog as if it were a proud mother talking about a beloved child, extolling (and greatly exaggerating) their qualities, and ignoring their flaws. In conclusion, if you allow for this fierce protection of David, it's one of the best - if not the best - blog about the X-Files.” When I read his analysis of the questions posed by Anon, I couldn't help but smile and remember this recommendation of mine. Duchovny is lucky to have such loyal and positive fans, who get to see the best version of him, always. An excellent 2025 to you Tiger, I'll always keep coming back and recommending your blog.🥰🥰 PS: On this particular topic, I think about 85% of your analysis is correct - but there's about 15% that I disagree with, I think it's more of a speculation/interpretation favorable to Duchovny, than exactly the reality.
I was reading this feeling all fuzzy before I got to the "impossible to be impartial" bit. XDDDD
Ah, well. Do I come across as partial? o.o Hm, I can tone down my language in future if needed-- don't mean to come across as if I hero worship (or mentally coddle) DD. His personal life isn't intertwined with mine, for one; and he's also a man who behaved selfishly, made terrible mistakes, and didn't learn gratitude until AA. He's probably still selfish because all humans are; but he's also made personal changes, has grown a lot, and continues to prove-- via his work and actions and interests and mindset-- that he isn't regressing. I give him the charitability I hand to any other person I deem 'good' and 'doing their best'. Ultimately, I just get super happy for others who are trying and are succeeding or are on the path to their own version of success. :DDDDDD
I will say, you do raise a point I've been mulling over: I don't talk about Gillian as much as I do David solely because I haven't found a blog that gives me all her work/projects/interviews/etc. up front. Though I will stipulate that I don't see the sense in taking his side over hers-- there aren't sides in their relationship to me. And I'm fond of her, too! :))))))) She did incredible work on The X-Files, and incredible work afterwards. And she powered through the 90s as a divorced, single mom with mental health struggles, which is worthy of an award. Again, I simply have less easy access to her work. I do heavily disagree that I minimize GA's importance and talent, unconsciously or not: she's part of a team; and she carried the show on her back in David's absence. That more than wins her a medal of honor. Moreover, Scully is irrefutably a woman so forward-moving and inspiring in her own right that the Scully Effect was created in her honor. (She also inspired me to take better care of my nails. Her manicures are spectacular.) You can't have the show without her.
Now that I've got my comments out of the way, thank you so, so much for dropping in to let me know your thoughts! Your words were (and are) so kind; and the knowledge that you spread my work to others, and that they might enjoy it, too, is... it's wonderful. And if you have to buffer my blog ahead of time however you need, go ahead. As long as others know what they're getting into, I suppose. XDDDD It really does mean the world. We all have days where we wonder if we're just shouting into a void; and some days the void is wider and darker than others. But knowing that you and others think my meta is worthwhile... it puts a lot into perspective. And being described how you've described me is.. thank you. So, you know what? I'll wear "loyal and positive fan" with pride, even if you punch on "Impartial"-- it's how you honestly see me; and I'm not at all offended about that. Now that I've thought about it, I'm downright amused.
Lastly, disagreement is always welcome! If you want to share, I'd be curious to know what the particulars are-- it keeps me on my toes by forcing me to double check my own opinions. >:DDDDD
I'll definitely be rereading this ask in future when the void gets bothersome. Thank you, thank you!
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pikahlua · 11 months ago
So many plotpoints I just don't understand in this arc. Why have bkg die? Why have him fight afo? Why have izuku lose his arms? What purpose has any of it served???? At all???????
Todorki and ochakos fights were handled so well and streamlined and benefited their characters and arcs but bkgs and dekus have been a mess all bcus hori is a coward who won't just let them fight together bcus ig save to win and win to save meant nothing at all
Why have bkg die?
I think it's pretty clear from the way that whole thing was framed that the purpose of Katsuki dying was symbolic. This is a staple of Japanese drama running all the way back to kabuki. It is a trope for a main character to die to shed their mortal incarnation and come back to life as their deified form. Katsuki's death runs perfectly parallel to Tomura's from the PLW arc right down to the part where they are both responsible for their own resurrections. It's probably one of the best cases I can think of where a character's death actually did further that same character's arc without fridging them for the sake of someone else.
Why have [Katsuki] fight AFO?
Because AFO was set up as a "what if" scenario or cautionary tale for Katsuki, the other side to his "villains and heroes are two sides of the same coin" storyline. AFO in his physical form has a different character arc and story utility from AFO the quirk vestige. He provided a lot of backstory that allows us to infer the subtlety of how Katsuki is likely some sort of reincarnation of Kudou, the mechanics of which we will never need to revisit because they're unimportant. It was about karma and personal growth. It was about showcasing how Katsuki is an heir to many legacies, All Might's included.
Why have Izuku lose his arms?
Again, it's symbolic. It's been foreshadowed pretty heavily that Izuku would risk losing his arms in reaching out to save someone. This was a demonstration of his willingness to take on that risk. It also provides a moment for Eri to get in on the "everyone contributes a little bit to the fight" action all the other characters have been allowed to have. We don't even know yet what state Izuku will actually be in when this is all over, so it'd be premature to jump to any major conclusions about all of this. The story may still have a lot to say about this.
What purpose has any of it served???? At all???????
To entertain me specifically.
Todorki and ochakos fights were handled so well and streamlined and benefited their characters and arcs but bkgs and dekus have been a mess all bcus hori is a coward who won't just let them fight together bcus ig save to win and win to save meant nothing at all
Bold of you to assume you've read the final chapter in the story yet.
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orionsangel86 · 11 months ago
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blacktofade · 2 months ago
David. Don't ask I already feel bad for this
Screaming!!!! Thank you for your service anon! I have a 10 hour flight home tomorrow and I'm gonna be rotating this in my mind the entire time!!!
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b0nelessdoodles · 3 months ago
You alive man?
Just wanted to check as it's been bout a month or so since your last post
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no i'm dead but don't worry about it. tis the season and all that shit ya know?
(all that shit includes, but is not limited to, seasonal depression, art block, retail and food service worker hell, the election, 5 stress induced nightmares in the space of a week, managing a new relationship [first time], living in a capitalist nightmare, etc.)
[more rambles in the tags, as i am often to do]
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clannfearrunt · 8 months ago
guys you can't come in my inbox on anon and accuse random people of being a zionist without actual sources other than "they are jewish" if you're gonna make serious accusations the burden of proof is on you and that is not it.
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pardonmydelays · 1 year ago
Hi so i only recently got into hamilton and really liked lmm in it but ive been seeing a lot of pjo fans talking about not wanting him as hermes and you are a lmm expert so i wondered if you knew why people are hating on him for being casted in pjo?
first of all, i am actually flattered that you called me an expert (i am literally not but i do know a lot, i observe, i go through lmm tag every day, i get mad when i see people talk shit about him, basically i'm super loud about my love for this guy so there's that some call it dedication, i call it obsession lol).
there are a lot of reasons actually but all of them are just so silly to me. for example, some people say he is a bad actor (if hamilton is not enough for you, please go watch his dark materials, he is excellent and i will fight). others say he can't sing (he can, he may not have the most incredible vocals ever, not like most broadway stars and i know a lot of people compare him with the best singers out there, but it doesn't mean he can't sing, also, he is much better now than he used to be years ago, for example i'd recommend listening to vivo soundtrack, especially keep the beat or one more song, i mean EXCUSE ME BUT MY MAN CAN SING). another reason: some people say he is annoying because he puts raps everywhere. ok, and? he is a great rapper, i'll say more: he is also a freestyle rapper, very talented indeed (i recommend checking literally any freestyle love supreme video on youtube or you can just go through my fls tag here. making up rhymes on the spot? pretty insane if you ask me). there is also a group of people who think he is cringe, his rhymes are cringe, some of his songs are not good, etc etc (i bet those people can write better songs). i think he is one of the greatest composers of our generation and i will, of course, fight (haters, please shut the fuck up about the scuttlebutt, this song was supposed to be annoying, you just don't get it apparently? same with my own drum actually. can we just stop pretending that he is talentless because of those songs you guys literally have no taste and you hate fun and also shut tf up). oh, and also, people these days very often say he is everywhere and it's annoying (this is literally his job but whatever). and my all-time favourite: some people are mad that he was playing hamilton because they think he didn't deserve it (he literally wrote the whole thing but ok). one more thing: i have never read pjo, i literally just started reading it only because of lin, so i know nothing about hermes, but personally i really hope he will sing/rap, just because i want to see them all suffer.
there were also other controversial stuff (with in the heights, hamilton and puerto rico) but we are not going to discuss it on my blog, sorry (mostly because i have my own opinion about it and i know i will get a lot of hate for speaking my mind). one thing i can say is that nobody's perfect, we all make mistakes sometimes and i will always fight for him, no matter what.
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gxlden-angels · 1 year ago
do you have any thoughts on the story of abraham and isaac? my parents talk about it and praise abraham for being willing to kill his son which..... scares me to say the least, and i'd love to hear your perspective as someone who seems more well-adjusted
Where I am now, it disgusts me more than anything. The interpretation of "I'm willing to sacrifice your life if I was told to" feels like the step before "I put you into this world and I can take you out of it." It's entitlement to a child, who is an independent individual, just because they are dependent on you for survival. I prefer the interpretation of understanding the actions you're taking and the reasons why (like how there's multiple religions that don't eat pork because it was so unsafe to eat at the time), especially if it's at someone else's expense.
Where I was in the thick of it all, it gave me morbid comfort that scares me now. I had fantasies of being a martyr for the church and the idea of being the next Isaac was just so appealing. Being a hand-selected sacrifice chosen by the Good Lord Himself? Sign me the fuck up, babey!
I think if I admitted that to my family, they'd be horrified.
It's another one of those stories or beliefs where I think the majority of christians just regurgitate what they've heard. It's a point of pride and devotion, but there's no personal reflection or cross-cultural awareness of it. Lean not unto your own understanding and whatnot. It's the potential that scares me the most, like the Quiverfull movement with the Duggars or Turpins. I'm sure there's stories now, but I can't remember them off the top of my head
(Also I will be telling my therapist someone on Tumblr called me "more well-adjusted" thank you anon)
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valhallavalgrace · 6 months ago
since leo is eternally 15, wouldnt he be on floor 18? since Floor 19 is for everyone who died at 16.
fun fact I actually was just running through the HoO timeline to figure the ages thing out (mostly, honestly, because I wanted to figure out Jason's arrival and where that would place him). to Leo's end, that actually does place him at 16 years old (something I've already kicked myself for lmao), since his birthday passes before the battle with Gaea.
that said, regardless, general fanon belief of Valhalla has been that teenagers are grouped in mixed floors that are mostly age-appropriate (that is, for however many floors make up the youngest ages up to 19 years old). I imagine this is mostly a preference people have since, say, high schoolers all hang out with each other as an age group that is not inherently restricted to their particular age.
it's also probably derivative of our main canon description that is "you're in the youngest tier" which is a broader categorization. characters like TJ and Halfborn are mostly described as teens and not necessarily one age (with Halfborn in particular looking "maybe 18, tops" SoS 116)
now, I HAVE consistently mixed up both Jason and Leo's ages at the beginning of TLH and into BoO. while I'm with my copies of SoS and HoT to do my best with MCGA world building and consistency (or at least, be aware of when I'm breaking rules on purpose[ish]), I can't move my copies of BoO back to school with me (and frankly, wouldn't have the time to cross reference those books anyway).
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literally me right before I decided I would spend 4 days dusting off my mcga hardbacks, cracking open photoshop, and launching this:
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barbatosgossipsection · 1 year ago
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tmf-confessions · 1 year ago
confession #232
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Unpop opinion but I don't think drew has daddy issues :/ (not extreme ones at least) I mean his parents being neglectful in some way would definitely make sense considering his control and attachment issues but I don't think it's as extreme as people make it out to be 'cause in episode 1 when Hailey says that Liam, Jake, Henry and drew haven"father issues" they all scream "oOoOO!" As in "wow what a roast". If drew was meant to have father issues he would probably have averted eyes, or at least look a BIT unsure, or just go quiet, or at least not react the same way the other jomies did at that roast, but no And I say this as someone who loves hypoanalyzing all the character's facial expressions - like Lia not wanting to bully others as much as Zoey or maria was foreshadowed ever since episode three, while Milly was singing redemption. In one scene, in a flashback, we can see maria and Zoey laughing at Milly, while Lia just frowns, looks to the side with sad eyebrows. what I'm trying to say is rosyclozy would put a different facial expression in that scene on drew if she actually wanted to write him that way. But she didnt
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