ozziyo · 1 year
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Thus from my lips, by thine, my sin is purged.
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character-babblings · 7 months
i am once again on my Luke Castellan bullshit but listen hear me out.
Luke who is so in love with the daughter of Eros. he swear she put every single star in the sky. he's always watching from a distance. he's so obsessed with the way she just floats around campus. watching her sit in a meadow when she thinks she's alone. he watches as she eats fruit and how it stains her delicate finger tips. the way the sun just glows on her skin. it drives him crazy. he just has to have you. and he does everything from picking flowers to making cute little gifts for you. finally caving and saying yes to being his.
and you both love each other so hard. like romeo and juliet style. you do anything and everything together. like when you play capture the flag he's making sure your hear is all right and tight before giving your helmet a kiss and telling you to be safe in your designated area.
then that night you two sneak off and make your way to the water. and he just lets you talk about anything that comes to your mind ever. occasionally chiming in or tucking some hair behind your ear and making you blush. he just fucking loves you.
and when it came to making love he was willing do whatever you wanted. he can eat you out for however long you can take it. he loves eating you out on the beach (with a blanket under you of course to protect you) kissing every inch of your body and telling how much you mean to him. he's a whiney mess sometimes. like if you get on top and ride him doing slow and deep strokes as the moonlight just makes you fucking grow. he's reaching grabbing for the back of your head with hooded eyes so he can kiss you.
"oh pretty girl. you're the most beautiful woman i've ever seen. everything about you is so gorgeous. look in my eyes and tell me what you need sweet girl." when you tell him you need him so back he's quick to flip you over. his thrust picking up slightly as he can practically fucking feel you cream all over him. "fuck i can feel you getting wetter sweet girl. do you feel me right here?" guiding your hand to the bulge in your lower tummy as you whine. "oh princess don't whine like that. i'll blow inside you way too fucking quick. just be patient little one." he grunts in your ear as his teeth tease your ear lobe. as he soaks in every inch of your naked body. he's so obsessed with every curve, with every stretch mark, with every mark or scar. he's obsessed with fucking you.
and sometimes he just really needs to fucking give it to you. when he's frustrated he likes to use you. well actually you like it A LOT when you let him do whatever he needs to do. and of course he loves his little fuck doll. his fuck doll who just gets so insatiable sometimes. pawing at his pants in the middle of the forest begging to put it in your mouth as his hand goes to caress your face.
"of course you can, my pretty little slut. you can suck on it as long as you want. but i'm cumming so deep in your pussy. my pussy i should say. because this sweet little dripping thing? belongs to me. let me hear you say it sweet girl..." he trails off. "your pussy sir." you mumble. he sighs giving your face a slight sharp tap. "that's not how you should say it. open" as he spits in your mouth before prompting again. when you finally correct yourself he smiles before just wrecking your mouth
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night-market-if · 11 months
Spoiler Ask
So I'm going to address it all here under the cut because I've gotten a few asks in that are pretty similar and I'm sure I'm going to get more. So I thought instead of answering the same thing over and over, I'd just do a response below. Warning, spoilers for the end of book 1.
Full disclosure. I am sick. We are going through a lot of family things at the moment. My patience is probably thin.
For everyone that says MC is already too forgiving of Milo. Milo has not even come into the story yet. You've only observed memories of him. If you feel like you need an inner dialogue to tell you how angry you are over this "betrayal" or "death", I don't know what to say here. Because MC is literally just observing things at the moment. Any options that have been put forth to comment on Milo and what has happened, have been more to lay ground work and to also give a scope of the type of emotions that will be offered in the game. But literally, Milo has not even shown up yet into the story in a real capacity. So please stop sending me asks about how you are upset that MC has "forgiven" him because there has literally been no real interaction between Milo and the MC.
As for this betrayal and death thing. I am going to state this now for those who aren't going to like where my story is going so you don't need to read if you don't want to. As the Night Market, you knew you were going to die. You gladly came down and wanted to experience death. You looked at what Milo (a non magic user) was doing, and said "hey, this would be a cool experience" and then you came down here. So, yes, you are going to feel the full range of emotions that come with it. But you are also going to need to take some personal accountability for your actions. That is what is going to be explored in this book. An entity that didn't realize what emotion actually meant, came down thinking it wasn't going to be a big deal to die, and it turned out it was a big deal. A big fucking deal, in fact and that by doing so, they actually hurt people they loved. So, don't forgive Milo. I'm not forcing anyone to. But, I will not be writing an MC that puts all the blame on him. Because guess what? The Night Market would have died if he didn't do what he did. So, everyone also saying that he killed the MC? No, he literally saved the MC and billions of people. And I don't care what way you spin it? One person is never worth a billion souls. And with the MC being someone that literally cut themselves open over and over again to save most of the people living within the world, I would think they would probably not be too keen on Milo sacrificing them so they could die together in some bullshit Romeo and Juliet act.
Now, I am all for exploring how an MC comes to terms with the feeling of betrayal along with the feeling of needing to take responsibility. I am all for exploring an MC that goes "holy shit this emotion thing is way bigger than I thought and I'm angry and confused". I'm there for it. I'm excited to write it. But, I will not be writing a willfully ignorant MC that doesn't take into account that they did this to themselves as well. And yes, if you choose to not acknowledge it in game, others are going to acknowledge it for you. If you want to not read because you can't become a villain, rock back and forth in a corner and weep, or violently get mad at someone who saved the world? That's cool. I'm not offended by someone not reading it. Anyone coming into my ask box and saying "I just am not going to read now because you aren't doing xyz" I wish you a good night and hope you find something else for you because there are thousands of stories out there.
I am not interested. Nor will I ever be interested. In writing a story where I add to the plague of ignorance that is this world. Aren't we kind of all struggling enough with that in our own lives? MC is a being of compassion. They will always be a being of compassion. That is going to shift and change based on circumstances and there are going to be moments where that compassion can fall into question. When it comes to Milo, it is going to be a messy bit of confusing emotions because there is so much more than just the black and white strokes of "OMG he killed me" that seemed to be the rhetoric on here. Now, you don't want his character around? Alright. Other than when you have to see him for Gatekeeper purposes, you probably won't.
To all of you guys complaining or sending me ask after ask stating how you don't like what I am doing. I am going to tell you this and it will not ever change. If you don't like reading this, then don't read. I am not here to write a story for you specifically. You don't like the direction of a work and can't ever broaden your scope of fiction to give it a shot? Then please don't. But to have this kind of messages coming through when literally we are a chapter in? Seriously. The instant gratification is bullshit. I'm going to suspect this is coming from the younger half of my audience who is way too accustomed to a confirmation bias internet algorithm and who has had a very small scope of real life. This is of course not all of the younger crowd but it's starting to seem like a pretty good amount.
I love having conversations with everyone. My discord is always open but most of you anons hide because you are far too scared to come at me with your user name or engage in a conversation feed where more than just me can answer. I mean, you guys send me asks, citing others user names, to call them out through me. It's laughable at this point.
I love having discourse with all of you but I'm not going to keep answering the same thing over and over again and justifying my work when it doesn't need to be justified. This is a small little bit of fiction in a vast sea.
If I sound pissed, it's because I am at this point. And I'm sure I'll get more asks in that are stating they are jumping ship or that they are disappointed in me or what not. I'll delete them and move on with my evening.
To all of you who are here for the ride and just want to experience what I'm writing? Thank you. Fiction is just meant to be a form of entertainment. I am not writing anything profound. To anyone that is looking for something more, move on. I'll see everyone who wants to get mad or saying I'm too harsh, in my inbox, I am sure. Thank god you can block anons.
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manic-pixie-aquarius · 3 months
So I'm doing a season 3 rewatch and I've noticed some things (some ramblings about 3x01)
1. Hopper goes to Joyce and makes her write the heart-to-heart to Mike and El, nothing super significant about that alone (and of course Hopper actually ends up writing his own letter). I just think it's interesting how later on Will is the one to create a heart-to-heart "from El" to Mike... The Byers are always solving everyone else's problems lol, I love them but babe you needa focus on yourself and your happiness too😭
2. Also, when the party + El and Max are going up the hill to use Cerebro to talk to Suzie, Dustin mentions that Suzie is Mormon. He explains that: "her parents would never approve. It's all a bit Shakespearean. Like Romeo and Juliet. Star crossed lovers". I thought this was interesting because you could say the same about Mike and Will being gay in the 80's in a small town where being in a gay relationship does seem forbidden. And when Dustin says, "her parents would never approve" El is cut off from the frame... Idk the fact that she's the only one out of frame is interesting to me, especially since she's clinging right onto Mike's arm the whole scene. Instead, the two people in the back of the group who aren't engaging in the conversation are Mike and Will. Then she comes back into frame when Dustin mentions Romeo and Juliet. Now the thing about Romeo and Juliet is that it's regarded as a romantic tale, but I disagree with that perspective honestly... R + J love for each other is so intense and passion filled that they ignore everything else, even important things like family and other responsibilities. Their love is destructive, kind of like Mike and El's love. In Hopper's letter he mentions that he misses when he and El would spend time together and is feeling her distance because of her new relationship. Similar to how Will, Lucas, and Dustin recount that Mike is being super distant and annoying because he is neglecting the group to makeout with El all the time. Max opposes them by stating "It's romantic". Max is also the person who's been in the group the shortest amount of time, the boys who have known Mike since childhood state, "It's gross" and "it's bullshit". Mike is severely neglecting his friendships in the name of love, El is doing the same to her paternal figure.
3. Another thing I love about this season is how Lucas is quick to call out Mike on his bs. When Mike makes the excuse of "I was spending romantic time with my girlfriend" Lucas says "Yeah well I'm spending romantic time with MY girlfriend" (whilst still spending time with his friends) But it's also funny because Lucas is insinuating that this theater going experience is romantic, like everyone has pointed out by now, this was essentially a Byler + Lumax double date (like this scene didn't HAVE to happen, they could've waited until Dustin got back to see a movie together, and once Dustin does return we already see how neglectful Mike is being towards everyone. So, what was the point of this whole mall movie theater scene...well to establish the mall setting and the new characters, thats first and foremost, but it was also to show that Mike is still trying to at least put in some effort into his relationship to Will. It shows that he still cares and is at least kindaa keeping his promises from the previous season (making sure his best friend is feeling safe).
4. The hand grab Joyce does to Hopper to reassure him... Byler heart-to-heart vibes...
Question: Why aren't there more Nancy and Mike scenes when they share the same passion of writing???
Anyways this episode is just so funny honestly, I love how angry Hopper gets at Mike. All their scenes together in every season are so good. We missed out on those in season 4, I hope we get some more in s5
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distort1xn · 2 months
Ain’t Been To Heaven (But I’m Close)
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“What’s with the get-up?” Cat-Man-Do returns, not turning.
Staring down at himself, Anthony’s annoyance skyrockets. Fuckin’ Bennie with his baggy, thuggish bullshit. So what if Anthony’s suits are fuckin’ pastel? At least they fit! Bennie’s shit makes him look like a kid playing dress-up, for Christ’s sake.
“I guess my father was hoping it’d make me manlier – more intimidating. Pinstripes and suspenders seem more your speed, though. I feel like I’m going to church.”
He’s babbling like a nervous idiot, so he throws back half his drink. Fuck, if it isn’t the best one he’s ever had.
This time, kitty’s smirk reaches his eyes. He looks amused. Anthony’s breath catches in his throat.
“Catholic?” the cat-demon makes conversation.
Anthony doesn’t know how he’d planned to answer, but it isn’t with, “I seem the type?”
In that same chattering-about-the-weather voice, his host answers, “You seem like you have no problem getting on your knees.”
Mob!Anthony meets Overlord!Husk and we get what Shakespeare should've done with Romeo & Juliet.
Yo yo yiggity yo.
This is a multi-chap fic and I am queueing the chapters to post one per week (if my patience holds) until I'm done with the story. Should be about 10 chapters, but will keep y'all posted.
You'll eventually find a reflowable epub of this fic with a self-made cover here that'll work on just about any ereader you use. Would recommend the epub version for cute quirks like my cute formatting and the 'novel' feel of it all, but maybe I'm biased since I'm the one making the thing.
It takes me a while to write. I write by hand before I type it all up. Yes, I know that takes longer. No, I don't care. Read my epic prose and then tell me I need to 'streamline my technique'. That's what I thought. This being said, I am done with 6 of the 10 chapters and therefore should have enough time to write the remaining 4 (already busy with chapter 7). If I 'run out' of postables at any point, I'll leave a notice in a chapter note.
Each chapter will be adequately trigger-warned and smut(tiness) will be bolded for ease of skipping purposes. Skipping it will not impact your reading/understanding/following of the story. It will flow seamlessly around the smut every time. This being said, do read the trigger warnings, as sometimes it's just some heaviness and not actual smut and it might add some flavour to my Huskerdust. Ya feel?
Last, but not least, I don't make a habit of adding OCs into my fic. So, they really do only exist for plot purposes and really have no bearing on the story aside from furthering the narrative. Saying this, there might be a few names you don't recognize. Let me get those out of the way now:
Alfonso/Fonso – Angel/Anthony's father (non-canon name)
Bennie – Arackniss/Angel/Anthony's brother (non-canon name)
Tiffy – A hooker OC who doubles as Angel/Anthony's beard for a time
Miranda – Husk’s wife when he was alive
If there are any more, I'll add them here!
Oh, also: comments and kudos are always and forever craved and appreciated. Even if it's just a descriptive emoji. A picture speaks a thousand words or whatever, right?
Title and chapter titles taken from 'LOVE IS A...' by PVRIS.
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bangtannism · 3 months
Tkkers are the biggest jkkers there have ever been. They're the very embodiment of yelling "I'm not mad" while punching a hole in the wall. If their moments don't mean anything, why are you so mad? But they know that km's moments are significant which is why they desperately play down their relationship, call it fanservice, foist jm off onto other members (liking shipping ymn), anything to make it not real, because they know as well as we do, that if what km do is real and not scripted fanservice, then it blows apart their romeo&juliet fanfiction. For example, if its all real, then jk was drunk spinning jm and jm gave his best friend's "boyfriend" a hickey, and how would that make sense when tae and jm are still so close and loving on each other? If its real, then jk chose to spend the next 2 years with his "boyfreind's" best friend and not him, and how does that make sense?
The problem with tkkers is that they have built this perfectly insulated little belief system where they believe not in what they see, but in what they don't see, which is a nebulous relationship that supposedly exists only in private (I mean they literally brand tk the private couple). They don't even have to be based in reality or think critically because they've come up with convenient explanations for everything. If tk say something that goes against the tkker narrative, well that was the company forcing them. If they say or do something that supports it, well that was them being bold and fighting back. If interactions with another member don't threaten their ship, then that's fine and cute. If it does, well then that's just fanservice pushed by the company. They decide what is the "truth" based on if it already supports what they believe. I firmly believe there would be almost no tkkers today if they didn't stumble upon tkker accounts and become indoctrinated with the ideology because just watching content, seeing their actions, and listening to the boys talk (and believing them) would never lead you to thinking tk are romantically involved.
If its any consolation though, I do think way more army (not just km shippers) do acknowledge km's relationship being unique or sus at times, they just don't say it as much on tkker dominated spaces like twitter, where even using their duo name gets you branded a shipper and makes them mad. Like here on tubmlr, I've only checked the tk tag a handful of times out of curiosity, but the km posts and blogs seem to get waaay more engagement. Or even on reddit, I've see users make comments "like I hate shippers and I would never actually claim they're together, but km do make me questions sometimes LOL" while tkkers coming in hot with their crazy bullshit get shot down immediately there. Also this is anecdotal, but I wasn't involved in the fandom for a long period because of personal stuff (I still kept up with the member's solo projects though), and I was surprised at how much engagement km fan twt accounts get now or just how many big ones there are. At least from my memory a couple years ago, I don't remember km accounts (not just "shipping" stuff, but also accounts for km moments, etc.) getting as many likes and followers as they seem to have now, so I do wonder if the tides are turning (would make sense given recent events, rumors, etc. for tkkers to lessen imo).
They decide what is the "truth" based on if it already supports what they believe.
that's really the entire crux of the problem, nonny. instead of regularly examining their own beliefs and assumptions based on information as it comes out, they simply figure out how they can fit the information into the belief. the ways they come to their conclusions are filled with so many fallacies that it's usually not even worth addressing because if someone is willing to twist themselves into that many knots over their beliefs then theyre not actually going to listen to logic.
and dont get me wrong, shippers of all kinds do this, but i have never seen it with such frequency and aggression as the tkk crowd. once i saw someone on tiktok claim that jk only ever mentions th on his lives. when they were told that jk does indeed talk about other members on live (they'd know if they watched og content instead of just socmed clips), the person actually refused to believe it. that's not only absurd, but it brings me to my whole conclusion about why tkkrs constantly write off and redefine moments from other pairings (and obviously especially jikook):
if tkkrs took in all the information without trying to fit it into a pre-established narrative, their ship would fall apart. even if we assume that every other pairing in bts is platonic only, tkk does not hold up. the things they do for each other, say about each other, the things others say about them, the amount of time they spend together and activities they do, the way they touch and cuddle and joke, none of it truly stands apart from the rest of their friendships. especially when we take vmn and jikook into consideration. so the only way to make romantic tkk make sense is by simply ignoring or rewriting reality.
they have to imagine that jk only cooks for th, only sings for th, only spends free time with th, only does this that and the other thing for th because if they acknowledge that jk doesn't do these things for th exclusively, what do they have? (also it's really fucking weird that their entire ship seems to hang in the balance on what jk does – they really are so threatened with how jk behaves with jm that they're constantly trying to redirect that attention from jk to th.)
as a jikooker, i am sure you have heard so many of us talk about exclusivity and consistency, and tkk just does not have that. 🤷‍♂️ i enjoy seeing tkk together and i enjoy their friendship but at the end of the day, that's all you can glean from their interactions unless you start making stuff up.
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as for engagement from army in general on jikook, i do think that a lot of the time the lack of it comes from fear because fandom culture as a whole has become so volatile towards rps. but why is it that jikook comments are automatically seen as more shippy than ones about other pairings? that's what doesnt make sense unless everyone else is seeing what we're seeing. talking about the "sus" stuff between jikook forces people to acknowledge that it is actually sus and that makes them uncomfortable because nobody wants to be branded a shipper in our current fandom climate.
but yes, imo there has been a turn in tides for jikook within the fandom. i talked about it before that jikook began gaining popularity quickly in 2017 which was then solidified with gcft. i think that the 'jikook wave' so to speak probably won't ebb unless we actually see a shift in their dynamics or they start dating other people. i am really curious to see the state of the fandom and jikookers after military service tbh.
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theimpossiblescheme · 11 months
Back on my Adapting Twelfth Night For My Own Production bullshit, and I'm remembering one of the oldest bits of Shakespeare Discourse(TM) outside of whether Romeo and Juliet is actually satire (it's not)--the "Be not afraid of greatness..." line. Some say it's just a dick joke, some say it's not, and honest to God you're both right.
Because that line shows up in the play twice.
The first time, it's in a letter supposedly written from Lady Olivia to Malvolio, her head of household who harbors a secret crush on her. Here's the context of the line:
If this fall into thy hand, revolve. In my stars I am above thee; but be not afraid of greatness: some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon 'em. Thy Fates open their hands; let thy blood and spirit embrace them...
Here, it basically means, "Don't be intimidated by the fact that I'm of higher social status than you--you may very well achieve that status yourself someday." So, inspired by this, Malvolio proceeds to dress up in the gaudiest way possible, go find Olivia, and make a move on her. And he manages to make Olivia rather uncomfortable in the process, coming on way too strong and responding to pretty innocent questions with double entendres ("Wilt thou go to bed, Malvolio?"/"To bed! ay, sweet-heart, and I'll come to thee.") So when he quotes her supposed letter back to her, specifically the "Be not afraid of greatness..." bit, he absolutely means it as a dick joke.
Say what you will about ol' Billy Shakes, but he did not let a good possible innuendo go to waste.
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yours-etc · 9 months
Pancakes For Dinner
Short little ficlet based on this song <3
Pt. 1, Pt. 2 (coming soon)
Eddie is pacing his living room back and forth back and forth back and forth back and—
“Dude will you sit down you’re making yourself more stressed!!” Chrissy yells at him from their couch. 
“I don’t know what’s wrong with me Chris, I'm a writer this is what I do! So why is it so fucking hard to write a best man speech for my best friend, besides you of course Chris” Eddie adds to the end in quickly to cover his ass. 
“probably because you’ve been in love with him since high school eds! And you need to tell him, because if you don’t he will marry that stupid rich bitch his mommy set him up with who he’s only marrying to make her happy and because he thinks he has no shot with you! And somewhere down the line probably 6-10 years in they’ll get a terrible divorce and he’ll have an early midlife crisis and buy a boat or a condo in Florida. he’s settling and he knows it and you are ignoring it.” 
Eddie stops in his tracks and looks at Chrissy. they grew up together, practically siblings. eddie’s mom nannied for her family and eventually, Eddie was born and so was Chrissy. Raised together like siblings as Chrissy was the youngest of 3 sisters who were all moved out by the time Chris could walk. she has been here through every broken bone (4), every school play (6), a gay crisis, and one big fat crush on his guy best friend.
Steve and Eddie meet in freshman year English class. well, not Eddie’s freshman year, Steve’s. Eddie was two years older than Steve and so ended up being his English tutor to get extra credit in his own lit class. Eddie was smart, he just hated school. And yeah he repeated senior year twice making him and Steve graduate at the same time, but they both got the same degree in the end. 
“I just don’t get it!” Steve would yell about Romeo and Juliet and Huckleberry Finn and Frankenstein and Dracula and pretty much any book he had to read…
Eddie would always smile and say “Don't worry steve-o, that’s what I'm here for”
Eventually tutor sessions turned into to hang out sessions turned into smoke sessions turned into crashing on one another’s couch. and yeah they’ve woken up a few times in… not totally platonic positions, but they were high and half asleep, no one could be blamed, so they didn’t talk about it. but Eddie and Chrissy did. 
“Chris he doesn’t like me like that!” Eddie finally says responding to her. 
“Bullshit! If he’s not in love with you then Robin and I are a straight couple!”
“That doesn’t make sense—“
“Shut up it doesn’t matter. how about you write two speeches. one where you pore you’re heart and soul out to him declaring your undying gay love, and then write the one that’s appropriate to say at his wedding. I would say just tell him now, but you know it’s your life, all I know is you need to get it off your chest one way or another.”
She was right. Eddie kissed her on the head and walked to his room and locked the door. 
Eddie didn’t even make it two steps into the bar before Lucas, Dustin, Mike, and Will, some kids Steve started babysitting in high school to make some extra cash who grew up to be both of their favorite gaggle of kids, cornered him by the door. 
“so what are you going to do?” Dustin asks
Eddie looked at all four of them, “I plan to get him shitfaced, hold his hair back when he eventually throws it all up, and have the perfect hangover cure for him waiting in the morning so he can… make it down the aisle.” 
Mike rolls his eyes, “You know that’s not what we are talking about.”
“We are talking about you stopping Steve from marrying the Richie Bitch!” will whisper yells. 
The envelope in Eddie’s coat pocket suddenly weighs about 100 tons. He didn’t know why he brought it. The letter is about three pages long with lots of chicken scratch and eraser marks, but it’s all of Eddie on paper. And maybe he’ll give it to Steve, maybe he won’t. He hadn’t quite decided yet. “What makes you think I can stop him?” Eddie asks. 
“Because you’re the only one he listens to, besides Robin, but even she’s getting desperate!” Lucas pipes in. 
“Guys, I’ve tried, We’ve all tried. He’s not budging, all we can do is be there for him through all of it. Eventually, it will crash and burn but until then, we put on fake ass smiles and we are happy for him.” Eddie says addressing all of them, “Now I’m going to grab a table, order a round of drinks, and I expect all of you to just focus on making Steve’s party the best part it possibly could be.”
He shoved past them to grab a booth, set his jacket down, and went to the bar. And yeah he downed a couple, maybe a few, okay a handful of shots, for confidence, that's all. The longer he sat there the more he wanted to pull his hair out individually by each strand. He knew he couldn’t let Steve go through with it, but he didn’t want to lose Steve completely, because that would break him. Like completely and totally shatter him into a million pieces that would get scattered into the wind. And yes, Eddie was aware of how cliche he was starting to sound. 
Eventually, he made it back to the table with a round of drinks for everyone, Steve walked in looking, well looking gorgeous. It’s like that moment in the movies where the whole room disappears and it is just the two main characters. There’s a love song playing, except this is a crowded dive bar and they are playing some Zeppelin song that Eddie can’t take the time to name because Steve walks in with too tight a shirt and too tight pants and Eddie is only a man. 
And suddenly the envelope in his pocket is not only 100 tons but also on fire.
Pt.2 coming soon...
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avonsdrabbles · 5 months
Hi! I seem to have rambled on to your blog
Weird question! How did you get into (if you ever did) examining and taking apart literature?
For us it's Merlin BBC cuz nothing new has come out for it in over a decade. It's 5 seasons long but at some point you just run out of content but yk, still wanting to talk about it we started drawing on narrative themes picking apart and inspecting the dialogue to figure out each character's intention. I'm glad to say it held up really well
& we're asking people whom have interacted with the degree that forces literature upon you how they started cuz it's interesting
On ask? On my main? It's more likely than you'd think--
Anyways, hi, love the snakes, love the planet, love the ask! It's unsurprisingly a little complicated for me, so bear with me.
I knew I liked English in middle school, but that wasn't dissecting text, that was writing. But that's where a love for language formed, and I started writing more and more. Back then, tho, I HATED dissecting literature, because it felt so pointless. "What did the author mean by this?" I don't know, I can't ask them, Margie! Ugh.
But then, I had the worst English teacher in my entire life in high school. She was, simply put, batshit. She rambled on and on about how fairies were going to take her soul and stole kids things, how cameras were the work of the devil and could also take your soul, how English would heal people's souls...
Really obsessed with souls ngl. Bit weird.
Anyways -- she was god awful. And she changed the curriculum multiple times so we could read what she wanted. The year I was supposed to read Romeo and Juliet, we read Midsummer Nights Dream instead. And by god, everything this woman said pissed me the fuck off. SHE FOCUSED ON THE IMABS? IMABIC PENTAMETERS???? I'm sorry, woman, can we discuss the puns here?! Can we discuss the authorial context of Shakespeare making this play within a play something commoners could enjoy while mocking nobility and the scandals at play, while (sorry, foaming at the mouth in rage and lust over literature).
Needless to say, I dove straight in. I'm one of the lucky ones who could understand Shakespeare without trying. It didn't take any energy on my part to parse the iambs, and I found a lot of beauty in the poetic nature of it all.
The next year, I was ready to fight, but I promptly had the best English teacher of my entire life, the one who taught me more about teaching than anyone else, and who I cite as the reason I became an English teacher. And she really fucking opened my eyes to the intricacies of subjectiveness in English. See, I'm a very stubborn person, and I'm very my-way-or-the-highway. I used to be very mathmatically inclined because there's only one right answer. Sure, you can get that answer a lot of different ways, but only one thing is right. English frustrated me because it seemed like I could say any fucking bullshit and have someone nod and say "Profound."
This is the teacher that taught me that's a feature, not a bug.
Through a little something called Waiting For Godot.
It is, by far, the worst play I've read. It's also my favorite. What sort of 10th grader gets to read an analysis of God that features pet play BDSM? THIS one. (This was also outside of the standard curriculum, but it was the end of the year, so all bets were off I guess).
This was the play where we dove in, read it, and without any discussion of the play, had to write an essay about the theme the author was presenting. All of us felt so lost. The symbolism didn't make any sense. There seemed to be no theme, beyond maybe "Waiting for someone who will never come is painful."
And then, the day before we had to write the essay... We had a substitute, following her lesson plans, and he was one of my favorite SEIAs (special ed instructional assistants). He was the exact same level of batshit as I am.
He SLAMMED his hand on the whiteboard, stared at us as we looked back in shock, and screamed, "ABORTION." He then went into a 40 minute diatribe about how the author of the text was very clearly explaining pro-life VS pro-choice mentality, leaning pro-life, but conversely making a pro-choice argument through the use of the discussion of Christian free will. He used sources. He used text evidence. By the end of the talk, all of us were nodding, clapping, acknowledging that he HAD to be correct!
And he stopped, stared at us, and laughed. "That was all bullshit."
He'd pulled it all out of his ass. And it made perfect sense to us all.
That's when I figured out that literature is what YOU make of it. Literature is all about interpretation; sure, there's tropes to follow that help guide our interpretations, but at the end of the day, words mean whatever you think they mean.
THAT'S what got me into lit analysis.
(And, oddly, homestuck)
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(Lefty wall of text incoming 😔 sorry)
Your stance on raising the age of adulthood is fucking retarded bro. None of the issues you raise have anything to do with raising the age of adulthood. Your solution would punish competent young adults and reward the behaviour of the unmotivated, as well as punishing parents by making them responsible for the young adult's choices during a pivotal period for them. Accepting your own place in the world and the responsibility you need to take as an adult is a lesson best learned as young as possible, and young adults will make mistakes. If the parents are still considered legally and financially responsible, then it will push back that crucial lesson to much later in life.
There are different labor laws for adults and minors. I had my first 45 hour a week job when I was 18. Under your system, I wouldn't have been allowed to have that job, which would have made me dependent on my parents for longer. That's fucking retarded. I'm not in school after I graduated high school, I didn't want to go to college, and now I'm not allowed to work full-time. That's insanity. Trying to classify 21 year olds as minors while keeping their labor laws different from other minors is ridiculous and is extra bureaucratic bullshit we don't need. Don't classify 18-21 year olds as minors and keep moving.
The age of consent in some states is as young as 16 as well, which would mean that teenagers would legally old enough to have sex but have to wait 5 years before they're old enough to get married? I can't see that as anything but encouraging more single-parent households without the second parent involved.
Aaaaaannndd most importantly it would make even more self-righteous windbags call relationships between adults with an age gap "pedophilia". That innocuous relationship between a 20F and a 25M now counts as grooming a minor, so I hope you're happy with all the brand new pedophiles you've just created lol.
And yet none of this addresses the actual problem of so-called "adults" being almost no different from adolescents. You're also making a wild amount of assumptions here. You think most 18-21 year olds are like you, but that's just not the case. Most don't want to get married, most go to college, most don't have any idea how the world works, yet they still vote. They still end up holding the same jobs they would have gotten at 16 even after college. They still can't function like an adult should. They still sign up for the military while having zero idea what that actually entails.
You say
Accepting your own place in the world and the responsibility you need to take as an adult is a lesson best learned as young as possible, and young adults will make mistakes.
but 18-21 year olds don't do this. They actively stop maturing at 16 and refuse to engage with the real world at all. Mostly by escaping to colleges that just enable all of the worst childish behaviors that they have. If that's not going to change, then these supposed adults should be treated like the children they act like.
Trying to classify 21 year olds as minors while keeping their labor laws different from other minors is ridiculous and is extra bureaucratic bullshit we don't need.
Wild assumption. Why would we create a new set of laws for 18-21 year old minors? They would just be covered under the same child labor laws we have now if the age was lowered.
The age of consent in some states is as young as 16 as well, which would mean that teenagers would legally old enough to have sex but have to wait 5 years before they're old enough to get married? I can't see that as anything but encouraging more single-parent households without the second parent involved.
Romeo and Juliet laws are a thing in most states. I would of course support more of these laws to deal with this issue.
Aaaaaannndd most importantly it would make even more self-righteous windbags call relationships between adults with an age gap "pedophilia". That innocuous relationship between a 20F and a 25M now counts as grooming a minor, so I hope you're happy with all the brand new pedophiles you've just created lol.
The only real good point you have here. And yeah, it's a problem. But R&J laws will sort some of this out. As for the rest? Well, you seem to think that people are mature enough to be adults at 18, so why do you also think that most adults wouldn't see how ridiculous this is? Seems like you're assuming adults will default to childish behavior except when you want to argue against raising the legal age. Either adults are adults and can interact with the world as adults and should be treated like adults, or they can't and they shouldn't. You can't have it both ways.
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bloopdydooooo · 5 months
i'm asking you abt your version of hamlet but you have to ask me about wtnv ghosts OR kris dreemurr, deal?
for this, i will ask you about both.
(it got too long i hid it under the read more)
ANYWAYS i had a breakthrough like. ten minutes ago cause i was thinking about how i'd put a spin on hamlet. cause i was talking w my director for romeo & juliet a while back and he said how important it is in shakespeare to have something that makes your production just a little special a little unique so people will keep coming to see it. if it's the same plays over and over presented w the same contexts and worlds and everything, no one will want to see it. (i mean i would but i'm. uh. abnormal). and i've been agonizing over what my spin on hamlet would be, were i to direct it (an idea which has taken control of my brain and will not let me go. this has become my dream in life and i'm literally an actor not a director). point is i found it.
i was thinking about Shitty College Kids hamlet and then i was suddenly struck w the passing thought of crime family. and then it kept coming back. and i think i might be a genius. hear me out:
hamlet's family, the royal family of denmark, is actually a crime family. gertrude may be the one who technically runs the show but really she's a mob wife she doesn't exactly make use of her power, instead letting her husband do it. her husband claudius, who has hamlet sr. killed and then marries his sister in law (the kind of wild bullshit i can imagine happening in a mafia movie, of which i have watched none (but will for research)) so he can take control of the family business. it adds a darker, grittier level to basically everything in the play; taking them from high society – royalty, even – to a shady crime family, and fits perfectly with my vision of the play: i crave violence in hamlet, and i think he deserves some blood and gore. its enrichment for him. with a modern take we can give him a gun to kill polonius with, shooting him through something more significant than a curtain (i wouldn't do a mirror obviously but hamlet (2009) i fucking love you for that) and the stakes are all heightened when bullets get involved. plus it really pushes the whole bit where hamlet is sent off to england (and would, i guess, be someone else's territory?), because in this everyone would know he was going to his death. there would be no naivety, no shock horror when he says he was sent to his doom, just people standing by and watching as this kid is sentenced to death. 5.2 is a knife fight, quick and dirty and scrappy – none of the class of a rapier duel – and it raises the stakes a lot. there are rules and regulations in swordfighting, not so much in a rage fueled knife fight. hamlet, in the end, stabs his uncle with either his or laertes' blade but im thinking his. there is no poison it is just a brutal, bloody slaughter. it gives me the darkness and violence i've been hungering for but were harder to push for in the context of a castle, of high society. they still have the power, the influence, but they're taken to a place where i can have all the grit my heart desires without it feeling out of place.
it also makes relationships between characters so much more interesting. hamlet, for example, is still a scholar, a highly emotional college kid who talks in flowery prose and has a passion for theater, but now he's supposed to be inheriting the Family Business and not a kingdom, where all his gayboy bullshit wouldn't be very out of place. it pushes him further as an outsider, as someone that people would turn against, would throw to the wolves. who does that make horatio? hamlet's friend from school, maybe tangentially related to the family but only really through hamlet? how about ophelia? daughter of the councilor to the 'king', is she actually someone that they would want hamlet to marry? and what to make of laertes, who seems to abandon denmark for france? he comes back and is almost instantly accepted back into the inner circle despite having requested leave and happily departed, is claudius gunning for him to take hamlet's place as next in line? rosencrantz and guildenstern? clearly hamlet's friends from within the business they're also at his university, did they follow him there or did they all happen to find themselves in the same place? we're there greased palms to get them in? what about hamlet? and gertrude! the family line ascends through her, it must or claudius wouldn't need to marry her to get the power, but she shows no real desire to exercise it, even when her son is in danger. what's her deal, what's her story? she must have one, she's a fascinating person.
tl;dr the version of hamlet i've been craving is apparently a mob boss au. and you know what? it's awesome.
also. consider the costuming opportunities. they are infinite, and they are fabulous.
i have so many more thoughts but sadly it is 3am and they will not all form properly so i will leave it at this
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shit-talker · 6 months
So, I use my tumblr drafts as a note app pretty much (because I dont like my notes app on my phone) but sometimes I will get distracted by something and will jot something down and then never come back to it, and I was cleaning our my drafts and I wanted to share some of this bullshit because it is ridiculous.
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I have zero idea what this is about. None. Clearly, I wasn't that obsessed. Also, why the hell have I started a word and not finished it?? I can assure you, nothing in my life is that urgent that I need to leave a word unfinished.
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Again, I have no clue. At least I finished this one (maybe??) I haven't ever read Romeo and Juliet, so I'm not sure why I would ever have such strong opinions about it. Who knows.
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Rather cute, but I don't remember who I wrote this about or what I intended to do with it. I don't really write ship stuff, so really, this confuses me to all hell.
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Apparently, I was feeling philosophical? I can't remember what I saw that was so bad that I felt the need to write this down or what gave me the idea that humans are naturally kind. Grammer is decent, though, so that's good.
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I'm... okay. I can't even explain this one.
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darkcrowprincess · 1 year
Fair warnings to Harry Potter fans that follow me:
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I'm a snape and marauders fan. I like both get over it.
I hate Ron and Ginny Weasley as characters and love interests.
I'm very anti jk rowling but still a harry potter fan. I just the series is my everything.
I'm a drarry fan with a soft spot for harmony/harmione. But overall drarry is my otp
I'm a slytherin on the inside while looking like a hufflepuff on the outside.
Slytherin and proud of it. Just because your a Slytherin doesn't make you dark and evil and I'm living proof.
Dumbledore was the real villian all along but I appreciate his character. Have a love hate relationship with Dumbledore. Sometimes I hate him. Sometimes I love him. But one things for sure he's got style and terrible taste in men.
Luna Lovegood is my spirt animal.
I love Emma Watson version of Hermione more so than the books. Just Emma is such a wonderful actress and I love her. Her version of Hermione feels more true to me than Jk Rowlings, which basically feels like a self insert version of herself looking back now. Overall Emma is and will always be my Hermione Granger.
Reminder, again drarry is my otp, I'm a sucker for enemies to lovers trope.
Reminder I love Severus Snape. He is one of my favorite characters.
Reminder I also love the marauders.
The gryffindor and slytherin feud is so stupid and I headcanon that Salazar and Godric were lovers.
Dracos dad was an abusive asshole.
Draco deserves a redemption arc.
Draco is a mama's boy, and has a badass mom.
Narcissa and Lily probably would have bonded over their firce love and protectiveness over their sons, that's my headcanon and I'm sticking to it.
I ship jegulus.
I also ship snily.
In general I just love gryffindor x slytherin forbidden love pairings. Give me that romeo and juliet level drama bullshit that I'm always a sucker for.
I'm all for the family drama that is the Nobel and most ancient house of black. It's fucking hilarious and gives me vc andrews vibes and I love the drama. Wizards witches magic and old money family drama! I love it!
I love Voldemort as a villian. He is the best villian ever. I headcanon him as not believing in the pure blood bullshit though. Voldemort hates muggles of course. But he doesn't buy into that bullshit. Plus Voldemort only cares about power and himself. Easy way to get followers, pretend to care about those beliefs. That's my opinion and how I see the character.
I hate the Christian religious symbolism in harry potter that I can spot now that I'm older. And 100% ignore it. Love aus that explore into dark and gray magic. Bringing pagan or other other Wiccan type magic beliefs into harry potter aus to explore is always my favorite.
All witches and magic movies, cartoons and shows are just all connected to me in the harry potter universe. Its a multiverse of witches and I'm loving it.
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tequitoclown · 1 year
I have listened to this video a few times. It's the credits theme to Akira (1988). I just now scrolled to the comments and read the fucking description. This is the best, most aggressive thing I've ever read.
(Long, angry description below the cut.)
I bought the DVD back in 2018 and got the idea to edit some of the OST in the film a short Music Video.
Copied the file and edited it on my FREE Da Vinci Resolve 16 Editing Software.
I really don't fucking care if I got demonetized, really, I'm not even here to make money,
This is my second channel anyway so go ahead claim my fucking video, Make money off of this or whatever the fuck you usually do to even ORIGINAL content creators, Just don't fucking remove this video from your half-asses copyright detector bullshit.
Like it's a 1988 Film it's just ridiculous,
Even the Romeo and Juliet copycats play that was initially made in the 1500s could get their own copyright.
How the fuck can't I get a Fair-Use excuse?
Anyway, personally, I don't believe this shit really gets brought up in the US Courts I mean come on, I'm halfway across the fucking continent.
What the fuck are you going to do if it were somehow proven to violate the copyright law? Delete my channel? I could get another one. Send US Marines across the ocean just to imprison a fucking boy who just uploaded a fucking video on youtube?
Get a grip on yourselves you fucking clowns.
I REALLY, don't need to provide my "Rationale" excuses for your bitch-ass conglomerate sissies, In fact, it should be you whom I should question your rationality.
Are you really going to remove this fucking video? Less than 5 minutes Music Video with no bloody fucking view made by yet another insignificant person in your whole fucking Scamming Empire? Think about it will you?
and uhh, while you're at it I must go to take care of some BUSINESS,
Because unlike YOU what so-called HUMAN who claimed to have a full-time JOB,
My profession actually provides a REAL impact on the society of which you live in,
Of which people that served you on the McDonald Drive Thru,
Of which people that sent your package you bought online,
And of which of those people that working their asses off during this Global-Fucking-Pandemic.
So here's my conclusion in case you have a short attention span, (Assuming you have one to begin with.[which is very fucking unlikely.])
FUCK YOU, Yeah? FUCK YOU. And your fucking Copyright System, Policies, your MONEY-MAKER PUPPETS those called themselves "CREATORS" With their Perfectly-Crafted-Informative-Totally-Not-A-Clickbait Videos that YOU COUSIN-FUCKERS put your AD on. (So you can make money off of that Hell-Hot Fucking GARBAGE, ain't you sneaky BASTARDS.) FUCK YOU. Your whole, FUCKING, Empire. Fuck. you.
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asktherdmcrew03 · 2 days
(Bear): Ooo~ I see we now have a blog to ourself"s *giggles cutely* I wonder how many people would ask us questions..
(Hilda): I hope theres some for me..im interested into some handsome boys~
(Punk): How are we not surprised... YOU DONT SHUT UP ABOUT IT!!
*Hab just cover his ear while Punk yelled at Hilda*
(Calypso): Punk lower the volume a bit.. please your scaring Hab
(Punk): *sighs* Fiiiine
(Hobo): So, what was the point of this post? I'm very confused
(Bear): I don't knooow I just stol- I mean borrowing Death's Phone..So I decided to post something..
(Hobo): What's with you and peoples phones...first you stole mine then you stole Hilda's..now Death's..do you not have your own phone?
*Bear was extremely silent*
(Punk): It's probably a hobby he has of stealing peoples shit..
*Bear stares at Punk for a bit*
(Punk): It's the truth man..no need to be slick about it..
*Hab giggles*
(Bear): I'm actually surprised you didn't noticed anything weird from your closet~ *giggles evilly*
(Punk): Teddy..What did you do..
(Bear): You'll see when you find out~ *giggles evilly*
*Calypso whispered to Punk*
(Calypso): I actually watched them stole a few things from your room..
(Punk): I'm honestly not surprised at this point Calypso..
*Bear chuckles evilly*
(Bear): Good luck finding them~
(Punk): I'm just not gonna fucking bother with his shit..
*Punk walks away*
(Bear): Aww ..He always ruins it for me..But I love his anger..Hehehe~
(Hilda): I'm so glad no one simps for you..
(Bear): I'm not into the Romeo and Juliet bullshit anyway... I'm more into the Halloween murders~
(Hilda): well no shit sherlock..
*Death in the next room "Hey has anybody seen my phone? I swear I left it here.."*
*Bear evilly chuckles*
(Death): Let me Correct myself.. Teddy do you have my phone..
(Bear): Nooo~
(Hobo): They do have your phone Death!!
(Bear): DAMIT HOBO!!!
He got his phone back after(serenity)
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bustyasianbeautiespod · 11 months
Hello! I found your absolutely wonderful podcast a few weeks ago and binged it and tried to resist the urge to watch season 2 but alas. So I have currently watched ep 4 and ep 1 and I am so so baffled by Nina and Maggie. It is just insane to me that Gaiman can understand the Crowley Aziraphale relationship enough to understand how to write it (mostly) consistently without understanding what makes it appealing in the first place?? Like where's the affection? The forbidden love? The Romeo Juliet ass love story that they created in season 1??? Something they could have done without significantly altering the characters was make them loser children of two rival family owned chain stores. Like they're both running rival businesses next to each other and there's this family feud between them but they're so removed from main office (due to being the family weirdos) that they end up bonding but still keep up pretenses because they still want family approval and slowly start to realize that all of this is bullshit and idk combine their businesses or something. That's not a developed plot because I literally just came up with it but it's something! Sorry I'm just so mad at the lost potential with this relationship. Anyways I love your podcast it's literally a highlight of my week!!
hello to you too! and ah I'm so glad you enjoy us i often find recording to be the highlight of my week so hell yeah!
loser children of business rivals is sooo so funny. they should be out here vandalizing each other's signs with incorrectly placed apostrophes then feeling bad and going back to clean it off
i also think that another way to do an a/c parallel would just be. to have maggie and nina already be friends? like i feel like the realization crowley eventually has during nina's talk w him in 2.05 isn't about him and aziraphale being on opposite sides, it's about how their existing friendship dynamic looks like a romantic relationship, so the two of them trying to get two friends to confess to each other would also serve the right purpose
i think that overall though i would just rather the two of them not parallel a/c at all so that the relationship and the chars can be Their Own Thing instead of constantly in service to a/c bc i think that's where some of the lack of effort in their writing originates. i will literally take anewthema, lesbians edition, over this. or my idea of anathema/nina (link)! and if they really want to do parallels, there's still free will and familial obligation on anathema's end and toxic relationships on nina's end to parallel aziraphale and heaven
thanks again and I'm so sorry we caused you to watch s2!
- Crystal :)
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