#I’ve NEVER voted dem because of that
chewwytwee · 10 months
Voting democrat will do nothing to stop the genocide in Palestine. However it’s still disingenuous to pretend that democrats being in office is somehow no different than republicans being in office
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carsonjonesfiance · 10 months
I feel like I trust leftists from red states far more than leftists from blue states. Maybe I'm biased (I consider myself a left-leaning personand I'm from a red state), but lately, a lot of blue state leftists have been showing their asses far more often
Ever since 2016 I’ve been slightly wary of blue state leftists and I think the best way to explain is to compare AOC to Doug Jones
Alexandria Ocasio Cortes is from a district that leans so heavily Democrat (IIRC it’s something like D+15) that she can say some truly leftist things without fear of losing her seat. This is why she can afford to be the face of things like the Green New Deal, but rather than acknowledging that privilege she’s taken her ability to win in her district as proof her politics can win anywhere. We see this attitude in the way she insists on primarying any and all Democrats with more progressive candidates regardless of their local political viability.
Doug Jones, who narrowly won out against a Republican pedophile and did lose his seat to a Republican football coach who is now holding up military appointments over abortion policy, is a lawyer who put away the KKK members that bombed the 16th Street Baptist Church. He’s been a civil rights lawyer longer than I’ve been alive, and he only won by 20,000 votes because of how deeply red most of Alabama is. Part of that was being pro gun and steering away from anything more harsh than background checks and being very quietly pro choice.
There are risks that blue state Democrats can take that red state Dems can’t and that principle guides us Red Staters to more pragmatic realist politics like Senator Jones. I’m sure there are Blue State Dems that get that what works for their district doesn’t work everywhere but a not insignificant portion of them have not learned that there is a reason Bernie Sanders represents the state of Vermont and not Wyoming.
When you expand that divide to a national level you get Red State Dems much more understanding of Moderate Presidential Candidates and quietly Progressive policies (I.e. literally anything that the Biden administration has done in the past two years) while Blue Staters don’t get why we can’t go further because their idealist, maximalist policies are never challenged in their area. It’s like an IRL version of an internet echo chamber.
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beardedmrbean · 4 months
Black Americans like me are often guilted into defaulting to supporting the Democratic Party — but with friends like the Democrats, who needs enemies?
No matter the paternalistic garbage they regurgitate into party talking points about our existence, we’re supposed to hold our noses and show our support for our political frenemies.
And now the stench of racial-rhetoric bile has emitted from the mouth of Gov. Hochul, with insulting and ignorant comments about black kids.
While speaking onstage in a California forum about her desire to have more of a diverse workforce in artificial intelligence, she attempted to highlight the disadvantage some have — but instead made an unfounded presumption about them.
“Right now we have, you know, young black kids growing up in The Bronx who don’t even know what the word ‘computer’ is,” Hochul said.
“They don’t know, they don’t know these things,” she continued.
“And I want the world opened up to all of them.”
Of course, her statement about black children’s knowledge of the existence of computers was met with swift backlash, even from lawmakers within her party.
“Deeply disturbed by @GovKathyHochul’s recent remarks and the underlying perception that she has of Black & brown children from the BX,” lamented Bronx Assembly member Karines Reyes on X.
“Our children are bright, brilliant, extremely capable, and more than deserving of any opportunities that are extended to other kids. Do better.”
While many want to translate this moment as being a gaffe, I believe it served as a window into the mindset of many mainstream elitist Democrats.
Hochul inadvertently revealed how she’s a country-club Democrat who perceives anyone who isn’t a member of the upper class as being beyond ignorant and incapable.
To smother the mild guilt they feel for being fortunate, such people pretend to understand the plight of the unfortunate with leftist virtue-signaling.
Ironically, her twisted belief that black children are ignorant of a word reveals her ignorance about the world.
It would be bad enough to presume black children in The Bronx don’t have computers, but she verbalizes an even more putrid belief that the word “computer” isn’t anywhere to be found in their vocabulary.
It makes me wonder: How deep does the pit of Democratic condescension go?
Does she believe black people in The Bronx use rotary phones because they never discovered the wonders of an iPhone?
Would she be shocked to know that black people don’t walk barefoot in New York and that shoes are readily accessible to them?
There has yet to be a day that I regret leaving the Democratic Party and choosing political independence, because I know that this mentality of seeing people who look like me as expectedly pitiful — and being shocked when we are successful — is rampant.
Hochul and her country-club Democrats pass themselves off as being the saviors of black people when we didn’t ask them to be.
They’re self-serving narcissists who use our likeness for social clout and voter-base bragging rights — when, at the end of the day, we are nothing more than the help that caters to them at their exclusive clubs.
The party I used to support still argues that black people are less capable of getting a government-issued ID to vote, when I’ve yet to meet a black adult in my entire life who didn’t have one.
And now it makes sense: They think we can’t Google where the DMV is because we don’t have a computer to complete this task. I mean, what even is a “Google”?
I have a problem with being led by elitists who’ve disconnected themselves from the reality of the average American because they often invent falsehoods about our existence — as it’s more comforting for them to use their imaginations than to leave their gated communities.
I spent part of my childhood poor and homeless, yet I’ve defied the Democratic odds of not only knowing how to use a computer but previously having an entire career in the information-technology field.
Being poor is not the same as being incapable or unintelligent and lacking resources, and it doesn’t determine your outcome unless you want it to.
Gov. Hochul, that “black people not knowing about computers” line might get applause from your golfing buddies on the sand trap, but it doesn’t jive with anyone outside of those gates.
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barzfrommarz · 29 days
I’ve been seeing a lot of discussions/discourse on tumblr and twitter surrounding kamala/voting for kamala so I want to put my two cents in as someone who will have no actual influence towards the outcome of the election
(important parts with be in bold)
Let’s look at the hypothetical that trump wins because the vote was split or people simply just refused to and kamala didn’t gain enough votes to win.
In the scenario, I want every person who decided it would be better not to vote or vote for a random third party candidate who has no shot at winning who only comes up during election years to say all of the “not like the other guys” talking points to explain to not just me but every queer, trans, disabled, non white, AFAB person who is now at severe risk why you chose to not vote to help them have rights. I want to see your explanations if trump wins. you also cannot use Palestinians suffering to make yourself seem better than you actually are
My point is that if trump wins because your delusions lead you to believe that you can single handedly change the way elections work in this country by “sticking it to the dems” and trump wins and we become a facist state, I want to hear what you have to say when we all start loosing rights and palestine gets wiped off the map
“Well we won’t let that happen” Good fucking luck. In project 2025 im pretty sure there is a section about how we basically won’t be able to protest anything anymore, not only that im also pretty sure trump has talked about deporting pro palestine protesters specifically!
You cannot be a single issue voter in this election and in many elections to come. Change doesn’t happen overnight and you need to wake up and realize that kamala will be the start of actually getting more progressive candidates and policies even if it’s not enough right now at this very moment. We all have to actually start putting in the effort instead of sitting around on our asses complaining
If we get kamala in, we won’t have to worry about our country becoming a facist state therefore we can worry more about palestine and putting more pressure on the dems than there already is. That should be a no brainer to some of you
This post isn’t praising kamala or trying to idolize her in anyway, always be critical of politicians. This post is more of a message to the preformative leftists on tumblr and twitter who have zero knowledge on how the US government works.
It’s kamala or trump this november. We cannot change that less than 100 days away from election day
Should I repeat myself? I hope you can understand that.
I’m not trying to bash anyone for continuing to put pressure on kamala and the dems for being complicit in bombing children. That’s not who my post is about like I already said
I think that all the protests outside of the DNC are especially important because it shows we have not forgotten and will continue to put pressure on the dems to do the right thing for once
but like I already said, it’s kamala or trump. Third party candidates are either grifters who only are there to get money and trick gullible leftists or candidates who have never been in any lower level political positions who think they can automatically garner a shit ton of support to win when they can’t. Your other option is to not vote which is arguably worse
I’m not trying to be the one to change anyones mind but I hope this post can help you reconsider your options and start facing the reality of this election
You have an important choice to make this november. I hope you can make the right one
edit: im not trying to beg anyone to vote for kamala or make anyone who is against her because of her handling of Palestine vote for kamala, especially if you are Palestinian yourself. Im not trying to make anyone feel bad about it either. Thats not the point of this post. The point is that change needs to happen now and this election is a perfect start to do so. We cannot have good change under a second trump term. I know im just repeating myself at this point but I want to put this out there incase I come off wrong or offensive. Also, I dont like the dems at all. I dont align with their party but you shouldnt even care abt what party I align with most. Im not a pro activist whose been in the game for 10+ years, im just a trans boy who has essentially been forced to pay attention to the shit going on in the country because of who I am even though it shouldn't concern me nearly as much as it does.
second edit: check out this tiktok and this persons other tiktoks abt palestine and kamala
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lesb0 · 2 months
Kamala is the first time I’ve seen the young people in my family really get interested in politics (a few are abstaining from voting because if her stance with Palestine which I totally get) I think she has a real chance but the way people hate women makes me not want to hope. Plus the racism that’s already ramped up and there are months to go. What do you think?
denying your own suffrage will never help Palestinians. it's actively against Palestine not to be politically engaged in voting. not calling on delegates to support Palestine is contributing to Dems complacency. Outside of leftism, racism and misogyny is constantly dying and losing in the real world every day. the Republican people are moving on to much more sophisticated forms of hatred because their own cohort are increasingly comprised of black men and Serena Joys
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the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 10 months
by Emily Crane
A North Carolina Democratic progressive caucus leader has come under fire for declaring that allowing a Jewish caucus would “end” the party because “they control everything.”
Ryan Jenkins, who is president of the state party’s progressive arm, took aim at the North Carolina Democratic Jewish Caucus after Democrats voted last week against recognizing the group as an affiliated organization, WFAE reported.
“If the Democratic Party caves to it, that’s the end of the Democratic Party. We’re not Democrats, we’re the Jewish Caucus. We’re a Zionist group. Because they control everything,” he told the outlet Friday regarding the vote.
Since the vote, Jenkins claimed members of the Jewish caucus — whom he described as “rich white people” — had been attacking Democrats who had abstained. Seventeen Dems voted no, while there were 16 yes votes and 17 abstentions or no-shows.
“(If we approve the caucus) we’re telling them very clearly they are allowed to threaten and bully us and they will get their way every single time and that our rules don’t apply,” Jenkins said.
In the wake of the failed vote, several Jewish caucus members emailed supporters with the subject line “North Carolina Democratic Party to Jews — Drop Dead!” and said the meeting had been hijacked by what they slammed as the anti-Jewish left.
“What you are seeing is basically a very small group of rich white people who have never been held accountable for anything, who have never faced consequences for anything, throwing a temper tantrum because they are facing consequences for once,” Jenkins said.
“And their only mode is, ‘Oh well you must be antisemitic — because I’ve never done anything wrong.’ ”
The Jewish caucus’s leader, Jeffrey Bierer, was among those to slam Jenkins’ statements as “baseless incendiary remarks.”
“We are deeply disappointed to see these attacks from someone whom we believe should be an ally,” Bierer said. “The Jewish Caucus was started to combat antisemitism, help fight fascism, and support a two-state solution to the conflict between Israel and Palestine.”
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gentil-minou · 9 months
hi! I hope you’re doing ok! I’ve never written an ask before so I have no idea how to do this, but you’re one of the only people I follow who is posting about Palestine, so I wanted to ask. And as a brown person I’m really worried rn.
Elections are next year and I’ve seen so many saying that people should vote for Biden because he’s at least better than Trump which is… I don’t know what to say, but it’s completely absurd. This is going to be my first time voting and all I get from people is the same “lesser of two evils” rhetoric. It’s genuinely disheartening to see that these are the only options that are shown to people. I was wondering about what you think of what’s happening, and whether voting third party seems possible
I’m sorry if this was rude to ask you, but thanks for taking the time to read this!
It's not rude, I'm glad I made you feel safe enough to ask this!
I only have one answer for you: Do not let anyone tell you who to vote for or make you feel like an evil person if you choose not to vote for the person they want you to.
Vote, definitely vote!!! Especially in local elections, those are the best ways to get people you want in power and they are in charge of a lot of important changes.
As for the presidential elections, I've had so many people I thought I admired or at least felt comfortable around attack me for my choice not to vote for Biden. I've had people claim I was spreading "pro-Trump propaganda" (which is just ridiculously bad faith in all ways), tell me that I—a queer POC—am anti-LGBTQ, and tell me I'll be deported.
They do this all while ignoring and invalidating the very real anger and hurt the Muslim and Brown populations of the US are dealing with, all because their comfort is being threatened. And instead of pressuring the party that's doing that harm and try to listen to why we feel so betrayed by Biden, they double down and attack us. In fact, they are showing their true colors. They, like Biden, only ever pretended to care about us. So I am going to vote for people who actually do care about me, even if they say I'm going to "waste my vote"
Here's the thing; as long as you vote for who you feel the most supported by, as long as you go into that voting booth and step out feeling good about your vote, then you are not wasting it.
Putting this under a read more cause it's getting long
Personally, I'm voting third party. I've had my eye on the Socialist Party but am also keeping an eye out for the others and whether or not they stand out to me
At this point, unless the DNC decides to put another candidate forward, which they most definitely won't, the Democratic party has lost me forever. I'm lucky that my Dem representative has at least shown they're on the right side of history, but I don't think I will ever vote for the Dem party again. I've forced myself to do it for the last decade and I've been disappointed or betrayed every time, so no more.
I agree this two party system is a joke and we are all being made to be a part of it when no other democratic nation has something like this. Even other countries say our "progressive" party is just centrist. And that just doesn't reflect my values.
Liberals and "vote blue no matter who" are going to tell you that you're wasting your vote by voting third party, but in actuality they are the ones supporting a flawed system that only benefits itself, not the people. The more people who vote third party, the more the dems will be pressured to put forth progressive candidates like AOC or Rashida who are actually on the left. By voting third party, you are saying you won't stand by a broken system any longer
does this mean Republicans might win and we get another trump administration? Yes, probably, but here's the thing: when you look at the last 3 years, and I mean really look at it, have things improved all that much under biden? I, as a queer poc can't say that it has. Both are evil, one just pretends not to be. At this point I see no difference between Trump and Biden. Both don't give a shit about me.
The lesser of 2 evils is still evil, why vote for them? Why would I vote for either of them?
Why would I reward anyone who support genocide and cheers for it? Both Trump and Biden openly do. Their only difference is Biden is a better actor.
If my people were the ones being slaughtered (and they were. For a long long time they were), would I be okay with sitting back and letting these parties walk all over me? No, I don't think I would be.
The fact of the matter is that change does not come fast or easy. These things take time and pressure and a refusal to give in. Voting for Biden after all the horrible things he's done the past couple years is just rewarding a system that is fundamentally broken. You can keep trying to chug along on a broken wheel hurtling you towards doom, or you can take the time to force it to change.
I do believe the younger vote has a big chance to change things, to pressure our government to actually support its people, not just the white ones with money.
Ultimately you get to decide who to vote for. Use your right to vote, don't ignore it and don't waste it by voting for someone you don't actually believe in.
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whatiwillsay · 10 days
Are you not asking Taylor to completely excise Brittany (an apparent Trump voter) from her life? If not, then it seems I’ve misunderstood your criticism and expectations of her.
If you are asking it of Taylor, shouldn’t the same be expected of others (other celebs, readers of this blog, etc.)?
yeah i definitely think you have misunderstood!
on the pod i talked about how I don't really care if she sees brittany in private due to her near familial connection to travis but it's important that she not soften trump's image by palling around with her publicly while staying politically silent. if she wants to come out and loudly endorse kamala then I don't really care who she is seen with, in the grand scheme of things if she's endorsed kamala strongly she's done more good than harm IMO.
we've also had lots of conversations about how taylor is not a normal person and does not have a normal life or job. maybe it's unfair but she's at least well compensated for it. with her position comes great responsibility. far more than a normal person. we've talked about how many normal people have to have trump supporters in their life and how that can even be a good thing! but taylor isn't a normal person. obviously, behavior prescriptions for one of the most famous billionaires in the world with a huge influential platform that branded herself an activist 5 years ago will be different than prescriptions for the average reader of this blog. (although I have suggested everyone donate to dem causes if they can and to sign up to volunteer... we can all do our part!)
the issue is not taylor having a trump supporter in her life and I'm sorry if it came off like that.
the issue is brittany and by association trump (why do you think he tweeted ab her thanking her? it's not because he gives a fuck about her, it's because of her proximity to taylor) being able to use taylor's platform to propagate their message.
basically, taylor either needs to full throatedly endorse kamala (and there's still plenty of time for her to I still believe she will) OR at least take care to not appear sympathetic to trump's evil message. she's got to do one or the other.
there is a reason he posted this:
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taylor swift is good for business.
she catches eyes, commands headlines, and can swing votes.
it's her responsibility to make sure she is protective of her power and she must not let trump co-opt it and harm millions of vulnerable people if he gets elected. ESPECIALLY when she complained in miss Americana about how bad she felt for not speaking out against him.
the average reader of this blog and even the average celebrity has not released a documentary where they talked about how important it was for them to use their platform for good in the world of politics.
it's far beyond "taylor shouldn't be friends with a trump supporter." it's about her platform and what it's being used for.
so basically 1. i'm not prescribing taylor cut brittany out of her life and 2. even if I were obviously I would never say the average reader of this blog needs to do the things taylor needs to do.
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The Loudest Pundits Don't Talk to Voters. I do...
Jess Piper
Jul 6
Tysons, Virginia.
I was invited to speak at a summit just outside of DC, and just got back a week ago. The Women’s Summit is a large annual conference hosted in part by Network Nova. I have to tell you something: the message from rural America never fails to captivate an audience. Especially an audience filled with activists in a solidly Democratic city and region.
But I am not writing to tell you what I spoke about. I am writing to tell you what I heard when I listened to the voters and activists in the room.
What you’ll hear me say is not at all what the pundits are saying about Biden after the disastrous debate. It is the opposite of the narrative being furiously flung at us each day by everyone from MSNBC to CNN to the New York Times to the nightly news to opinion pieces across the country.
I speak to actual people…the pundits feed off each other. I work with grassroots organizers to spread Democratic messaging…the pundits write clickbait headlines and stoke fear.
The debate.
First of all, I did not watch but a few minutes of the debate live. I chose to watch it in clips and videos afterward. I was horrified. I felt like I was watching a trainwreck in slow motion. Biden performed terribly and Trump lied continuously.
Honestly, I wish Biden had never accepted the debate premise because it’s pointless to debate a liar. It just gives Trump the runway to lie even more, and without pushback from the moderators, the debate went nowhere.
The voters and activists I listened to in Virginia weren’t wondering if Biden should step aside and none of them were kidding themselves about what they witnessed during the debate. They are solidly behind the Biden administration. Solidly.
The summit in Virginia was diverse. Hundreds of women gathered and many were Black women. I like to hear the viewpoints of folks who are neither rural nor white — I am not in enough diverse rooms. I get a different POV and that’s important. What I heard was real and heartfelt. They are behind Biden.
I listened as several Black women spoke about their admiration for Gavin Newsom and Gretchen Whitmer, but how pundits holding them up as replacements for Joe Biden is condescending and irritating. Joe Biden has a Vice President. A Black woman — Kamala Harris. The women wondered aloud if there would be such a push to replace Biden on the ballot if his VP were not Black.
They wondered why journalists and politicos demand that Biden step down, but not Trump. They wondered why so many articles are being written about Biden’s age and fitness, but not the same about Trump. They wondered why Democratic strategists are making voters fearful instead of leading with a steady hand. They wondered why Biden is taking all the hits while a felon with a rape conviction, his opponent, is not even addressed.
The biggest takeaway from the folks outside DC is they are angry that the “same shit” that happened in 2016 is rearing its head again. Several stated they are tired of the line “The DNC chose Biden.” They reminded me that primary voters picked him…Black voters picked him. They are sick of repeating it.
These voters and activists did not waver when they repeated over and over again that they have no hesitation in voting for Biden in November.
From that group of over 600 suburban folks to a group of about 20 rural Dems…
You know I am rural and I often speak in rural spaces. Most of these spaces are older and White. When I listen to voters in these spaces, they have zero doubt about who their candidate is…even after the debate. Do they doubt that it was an awful showing? They do not. They watched it with their own eyes. Do they wish Biden performed better? Seemed younger? Spoke more clearly and concisely? Yes. Will they still vote for him? Also yes.
Not one rural person I’ve spoken with wants to remove Biden from the ballot in favor of another candidate. They believe in the administration and they are fearful of another Trump presidency. They think Biden can beat Trump.
This is what rural voters have told me: Biden has been good for ordinary people. He’s worked for public schools and the LGBTQ community and student loan forgiveness and infrastructure and rural broadband. They’ve seen highway projects funded. They remember that Biden curbed COVID deaths and consistently pushes for union jobs. They know he will not sign away reproductive rights.
Listen, I am not paid by the DNC and I don’t earn a dime from my state party. I am a Democrat because the party aligns with most of my views, but I am not a party first person…I am a country first person. I can see with my own eyes what the Republicans are about and I already know what a Trump presidency will bring. We all know what it will mean.
I will never forget the maxim: Democrats fall in love. Republicans fall in line. I know many of us are not in love, but can we come together to beat a certain autocrat? To overcome the fascism and Christian nationalism creeping in?
I was as scared as any of us after the debate. I had a feeling of doom bearing down on me. After talking to so many voters since, even after reading so many terribly divisive pieces, I feel more calm. The voters I’ve listened to are not doing what the pundits claim they are doing. They have said that replacing Biden on the ticket will almost certainly divide the party. They have faith in the Biden administration. They have faith in his VP.
I am tired of pundits creating a narrative that I don’t see in real life. I don’t know why they do it? For clout? For clicks?
I hate that each of us is exposed to the fear every single day. I hate that many in the media are driving a wedge between Democrats with this incessant message of doom and gloom and the need for a new nominee.
I have no crystal ball, but I do have neighbors and friends and I know organizers across the country. I hope we can make it through this with a nominee intact and a win in November. I hope we can listen to our neighbors and mute the pundit-class.
Our country can’t manage another Trump presidency.
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eowynstwin · 8 months
hi i sent the ask about voting, i didn’t mean to make you angry and i’m sorry. like i said i’ve never voted before and i’m not really sure how any of it works and i don’t really have anyone to ask, which i suppose isn’t fair to just ask you instead, so i apologize. you make good points about emotional votes it’s just frustrating that the only parties that seem to exist here and red and blue
as for the censorship i did it because i’m relatively new to tumblr and i figured outright saying trump or biden would get the post flagged but i suppose i’ve got more to learn on that front as well
again i’m sorry for making you angry, i probably just shouldn’t have asked at all but i appreciate your response anyway, i’ll take it to heart. i hope you have a good day/night
It’s not entirely your fault I was angry and I want you to know that. In fact, I’m glad you’re asking questions even so young. A lot of people your age don’t—I certainly wasn’t. I want to encourage you to keep asking, even despite the emotional reactions of others, because that’s genuinely the only way you’re going to learn. You can even keep asking me stuff! I have a huge ego and I don’t know when to shut up.
The reason I was angry, I want to explain, is because Dems/progressives voting third party is what put Trump in the White House. I was literally watching the vote tally live in 2016 and it was brutal. I will never forget that day. I will never forget, leading up to the election, people on Tumblr proclaiming that if your heart told you to vote third party because you hated Hillary so much, you should.
Here’s the thing—my family is a Republican family. I know how average Republicans felt about Trump. They hated him too. But they rallied behind him because they didn’t want Hillary to win. They did not want Obama’s promises to be carried out by another Democrat president. They understood what bleeding heart progressives don’t—that their vote is for more than just a president, it’s for an entire administration, and it’s for choosing who you believe is more likely to listen to your demands as a constituent.
It’s really ironic because the Republican Party is THE rugged individualist party, but every election they suddenly are able to show the Democrats how collectivism is done. Meanwhile, Democrats act like their vote is some grand spiritual gesture that will somehow change the world AND determine whether they go to heaven or hell in the afterlife.
Needless to say, that’s not how it works. You’re not voting for who you want, you’re voting for who you’d prefer between the only two candidates who stand a chance to win. You’re voting that way because you personally voting third party this year is not going to magically transform the US into the socialist utopia we all dream of the very next day. You have to play the game with the pieces you’re given, not the ones you’re fantasizing about having.
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tra-archive · 4 months
I know you’ve already blocked sincerelyyellingback but someone asked her if she was an antivaxxer today (presumably wanting proof for the anon message you got earlier today) and she replied “hell yeah” - so not only is she ignorant, she’s proud of her ignorance. And also now she has a “both sides are the same coin” post pinned to her blog due to the criticism she’s receiving for voting trump. I’m so sick of people in this community outing themselves as the dumbest, most bigoted people alive smh.
I decided to check that out to verify. I had to use my simblr😩
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I never claimed she wasn’t a feminist. I asked how she could call herself a radical feminist while knowingly voting for a man who has several anti-woman positions, anti-abortion being a huge one. Do you really think Trump won’t get into office and take that choice away? If you think it’s bad now, just wait.
Also I’m sorry but you can’t claim both sides are the exact same. Both are full of misogynists, yes, but one side wants women, gay people, and POC to lose all their rights. “Repeal the 19th” is a huge thing among conservatives right now. Florida has been attempting to stop gay/bi teachers such as myself from being allowed to even mention our same-sex partners or even say the word gay to our students. Abortion bans are going to kill women and children.
Dems need to fix a lot of their priorities and there are more than enough sexist liberal men, but you can’t claim both sides are the same when one actively wants you back in the kitchen as your husband’s slave.
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I’m begging GCs to realize that conservatives don’t care about single-sex spaces because they care about women. Conservatives don’t even criticize trans ideology for the same reasons we do, they hate trans people because they’re homophobic and hate the idea of a feminine man or masculine woman- notice how they only care about “men in dresses” and not the inherent sexism of gender ideology. They don’t care about women getting our own safe spaces. Trump is the same one who said “grab them by the pussy,” he doesn’t care about women being and feeling safe.
Also as much as I’m against what’s going on in the Middle East and just want peace, things really won’t change with a Trump presidency. I don’t think either one of the two old fucks really cares about the innocent people being killed, if we’re being honest. Radfems are known for being anti-war so idk why she thinks we’re out here cheering on Biden for his part in the Israel/Palestine conflict.
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She’s trolling here, still weird though. Also a lot of people think only being against the covid vaccine is different than being “anti-vax,” but it’s the same thing. Not saying that’s what she believes but it’s what I’ve seen many say.
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I haven’t trashed you. You shared an opinion on a public social media platform and I shared my thoughts on that. I was not hateful towards you- I expressed my frustration with your choice to vote for Trump, but nowhere did I insult you or call for anyone to hate on you. It’s your choice to vote for who you want and it’s also my choice to talk about it.
Trust me, I know how to trash people- ask any of the TRAs who have sent me threats- and that is not what I did here. 😂
I’m so fucking tired bc it seems like every week someone on radblr shares an opinion that’s bigoted or privileged (revived-frogs being pro-forced birth, redberry being racist, etc) and then gets mad when the rest of us call it out.
Don’t post things publicly if you can’t handle it. Maybe it’s because I’m a rudefem but I won’t hesitate to call out opinions I think are hateful, and that goes for radfems too.
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longwindedbore · 5 months
The problem is laws crafted by white conservative males WITHOUT input from physicians and the public
So that when a tidal wave of outrage occurs the same conserve-a-turds issue half-assed placebo useless exception (also without physician input) thinking it solves the problem the brain dead MAGAs created out of thin air.
In an Emergency situation in the ER room with life or death measures in minutes, Florida requires
“…two physicians certify in writing that, in reasonable medical judgment, the termination of the pregnancy is necessary to save the pregnant woman’s life or avert a serious risk of substantial and irreversible physical impairment of a major bodily function…”
Fukking assholes! It will take two doctors longer to perform all the requirements than it took both houses of the Florida state legislature to pass their willfully ignorant and gleefully malignant abortion ban.
It took 12 hours after one of my grandmothers brain waves flatlined to get two doctors to certify taking her off of life support. Because those had MORE IMPERATIVE MEDICAL CASES. As soon as theyvhad time to do the examinations and fill out the paperwork ‘…in writing…’ they did so.
What the hell can Florida doctors do in an emergency?
Doctors are solving that question by LEAVING NEO-DARK AGE DYSTOPIAN STATES to instead save lives in States existing in the 21st Century.
Remember, there are NO ABORTION DOCTORS. That’s a bullshit term made but by conserve-a-turd Christian demon-fearing dark age cults.
An obstetrician gynecologist cares for a women’s health and is the leading provider of the post RvW pre Dobbs treatment healtcare pallitive of voluntarily ending a pregnancy.
The imbecilic abortion bans target the D&C process to remove a clump of cells that remain when Nature - or the cult’s God- causes a natural termination of pregnancy.
Not having D&C available is one reason why in the great days of prayer before modern medicine 250 times as many women died in the process of child birth.
ObGyns are leaving dystopian States in droves. Abortion is but a small percent of the medical devices they were providing women.
Some women develop leukemia during pregnancy and the available drugs can cause termination of pregnancy. So farewell to Hematologists in Florida.
Some pregnant women develop complex medical procedures requiring cardiologists, pulmonologists, endocrinologists. So farewell to these specialties because vile MAGA politicians passed laws they couldn’t begin to understand the implications thereof.
In emergency room life saving procedures to end a pregnancy anesthesia may be needed. Farewell Anesthesiologists.
The draconian laws are reversing medical care for males, females children in these death-cult States.
Which may be the intent: in all these Red States the larger cities are bright Blue. I suspect they think that these people are ‘woke’ New Yorkers or ‘socialistic’ Californians reverse-colonizing their States.
Taking away health care MAGA believes will drive them out of the State.
HOWEVER. The MAGA plan wouldn’t work if ITS NATURAL FOR PEOPLE WHO MOVE WITHIN A STATE TO A LARGER CITY DO SO FOR JOB OPPORTUNITIES AND A BETTER LIFE. Thereby, rejecting the deviant MAGA bigotry and nostalgia for a time that never existed.
TO SUPPORT THE FOREGOING simply look at the post-Dobbs tidal wave sweeping MAGA from school boards as well as local and state offices in every 2023 and 2024 after these laws were instituted.
If we vote against MAGA in every race in 2024 and EQUALLY IMPORTANTLY every Congressional, Senate and State & Local races in the off year 2026. ONLY THEN can we rid purses of this infestation of malignant bigots.
The unfortunate pattern I’ve 3 decades has been a blue wave elects Clinton, Obama, and Biden but millions fail to vote the down tickets. Then most Dems and independents don’t show up for the off year.
So Clinton, Obama, and now Biden had two years with both houses and the rest of their administrations with a divided or hostile Congress.
We the majority with our purity tests and indifference to ‘smalller’ elections.
Not the minority of bigots whom we empower with how we approach elections.
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eowyntheavenger · 8 months
was going to vote blue as harm reduction while openly saying i woudln't vote for biden unless he calls for a ceasefire to try to influence his foreign policy. you know, as a threat, to leverage my only power in the scenario to get what i want out of my elected official. but after seeing all of you useless fucking liberals chide people over just THREATENING not to vote for biden, to try to end a fucking GENOCIDE, making endless posts about how you'll vote for whatever genocider the dems elect as long as it doesnt bother your precious domestic policy, i'm actually not going to vote for him now! congratulations, trump is going to win the fucking election because of people like you who are so spineless they don't even realize that committing a widely unpopular genocide is going to lose someone the election no matter how much you finger wag at the voters for being repulsed by it. if you want biden to win, fucking force him to change his foreign policy, nothing else will work.
This ask is stupid on many levels — partly because you’re lashing out at me for things I’ve never said, and partly because you contradict yourself.
I have never said that threatening to withhold your vote, while planning to vote blue anyway, was a bad thing to do. I’ve only said that ultimately refusing to vote blue was a bad thing to do. And I have encouraged putting pressure on the Democrats on Palestine and other issues. If you took a look at my blog you’d know that.
You apparently understand what harm reduction means, but then decided to…not do that. What you’re planning to do now is basically cutting off your nose to spite your face. “Trump is going to win the election because of you” — no, if Trump wins it will be because Trump supporters voted for him while people like you sat on their hands.
Another thing you’re getting wrong: I have never finger-wagged at people repulsed by genocide. I am one of the people repulsed by the genocide and Biden’s support to Israel. I also know that if Trump is elected, not only will he make things in Palestine even worse, he will make things so much worse in America that we will all be fighting even harder for our lives rather than being able to spend that energy helping Palestine.
“I want people to put pressure on Biden to fix his foreign policy” and “I will ultimately vote blue in the presidential election” are statements that can and should coexist.
You apparently used to understand what harm reduction meant. I suggest you try to remember.
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genevalentino · 9 months
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bisluthq · 9 months
ryan and blake are very weird to me - they got married on that plantation and blake had that whole romanticising the antebellum south era that’s personally too uncomfortable as a grown adult woman not to feel icky about promoting. they kinda give covert republican vibes imo. I watched a good video essay recently about actors turning into brands and how it’s beginning to negatively affect them and the rock & ryan were the two main examples
The plantation thing does give me the ick and idk if I would call them covert Republicans but they seem like the kinda people who’d be like “I’ve never voted in my life because no politician ever resonated with me” people if Trump hadn’t happened so now they had to make a bit of a stand but I don’t think they give much of a fuck. Fwiw I’m not sure some sitting Dem senators do either so like 💀
I saw on CNN (lol I watch too much of this shit) that The Rock is considering running for presidency and I’m just like ?????? So I guess I kinda get that too like the whole brand beyond person thing.
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faustocosgrove · 1 year
so here’s the news from the christian conservative front. some say “i voted for trump the first time around but by God i’d never do it again” and some are still parroting the “he’s not a politician, he’s a business man” bullshit that was going around in 2016. had a bit of fun saying “all his businesses were failures. he’s a loser.” repeatedly until they shut the fuck up, but what’s interesting is that the people who say they’d vote for trump to get biden out of office are also saying that if someone was running a pig for president they’d rather vote for the pig.
like i don’t get it. clearly from every previous political conversation i’ve had with my co workers they should be able to glean that i’m left of center. but i’m saying the dems and the gop are both pieces of shit and they’re also saying that both the dems and the gop are pieces of shit, but then the thoughts stop. there was no lightbulb moment. there wasn't even a “if they’re both shit who do we vote for?” question.
and like i said the other day i am just so out of practice for these kinds of political discussions. i feel very comfortable talking a leftist into supporting the land back movement, but i just about fell flat on my face again. i wasn’t even on the ball enough to bring up third parties!
…maybe i should go easier on myself, i am severely outnumbered. and this is sort of drowning out funny shit that happens too. i was making fun of the one girl for having bad tastes in men because she tried to hook me up with a guy twice my age. and then she asked me how old was too old, like how high would i go. one of these days i’m going to point out to this lady that she has two sons, one my age and another 2 years older, who are single. ….on a scale of one to ten how weird would it be to find these guys on facebook and tell them that their mother is trying to hook me up with a guy twice our age so i want to prank her back by going on a date with one of them?
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