#I’m tagging ace week cause I feel like it fits but this is also for aros
rel312 · 2 years
So queer people are fruits, right? Well I think aspec people are tomatos. Like they are a fruit but everyone forgets that and still lumps them in with the vegetables.
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soldrawss · 4 years
So I’mmina start this off by saying literally all your aus/drawing make me smile. They’re all so fascinating and sweet and so,SO well thought out! That being said, not to be that person that brings angst into a fluff buffet but... in your Movie Star Dad AU, do the boys every have mixed feelings about their father suddenly appearing in their lives after a prolonged absence? Also would Christof Von Bradford be an issue for the fam, considering his active competitive jerk energy he has with Lou?
Hi, thank you for your sweet words!!! I literally think about my rottmnt aus every waking moment, no joke, so I’m glad that you think they’re well thought out! I do my best! (also always bring angst. I always have a lot of angst in these au’s, I just also try to even it out with just as much fluff) The boys were YOUNG when Yoshi came into their lives, and each of them have their own perspectives on it, so at the time, they didn’t really have any huge negative feelings towards their situation before Yoshi found them because his absence wasn’t really,,, prolonged.
Mikey was literally a baby, barely a year old, so he doesn’t ever remember a time when Yoshi wasn’t in his life. Yoshi is the only parent Mikey really knows, and he’s completely fine with that. If Mikey has any mixed feelings, it’s towards his late mother, who he has absolutely no memories about, and only really knows her through the pictures Raph kept and the stories Raph and Yoshi would tell about her. He sometimes feels bad that he doesn’t feel as sad about her passing as Raph or Yoshi does, and he sometimes feels bad about not remembering her at all, but it’s also weird cause he knows he shouldn’t feel bad about it, cause he was too little to remember anything anyway and that’s not his fault, but the weird gross feelings in his stomach are there all the same when he thinks too hard about it. So he tries not to think about it. And just blissfully goes about his days with his doting dad and his overindulgent big brothers. 
Raph was nervous and distrustful of Yoshi at first, because of course he was. He was 4 years old, sitting in a hospital bed alone with just his tiny baby brother in his arms, nursing a concussion and ugly road rash on his arms and legs while also nursing a broken heart after just losing mama. And then suddenly this man appears, the man in the movies that mama always loved to watch, except he’s not wearing the flamboyant jumpsuit he’s always wearing, but a maroon sweatshirt and old jeans. His signature styled pompadour and orange shades replaced with a disheveled ponytail and bags like bruises under his eyes. And a lot of people come and go throughout the next couple of weeks. Doctors and therapists and child services and lawyers and all of their faces begin to blend together in a dizzying swirl and Raph has a hard time focusing on anyone who isn’t Mikey. But the man stays the same. His face stays intact, and he follows them wherever they go. And then suddenly Raph and Mikey are allowed to go home with the man, and he tells them how he’s their dad. And how he didn’t know they existed, but he’s going to make up for all the lost time tenfold. And he promises he’s gonna love them enough for both him and their mama. Which Raph doesn’t think is possible, and so he’s suspicious and untrusting at first, cause no one can love them more than their mama did. But the man tries. Boy, does he try hard anyway. Tries to win every smiling giggle Mikey shoots at him and earn Raph’s faith that he’ll be there for them. That he’ll protect them. That he’s going to love them forever. And over the weeks and months, through every tantrum and screaming fit and long sleepless nights, he proves it, little by little. He stays. And he loves them. And Raph’s faith in the man grows with every bedtime story and piggyback ride and half-cooked pancake with too much syrup, and Raph’s guard slowly goes down until it’s fully surrendered over to this man who is their dad, and it’s never raised again.  Donnie knows the routine. He’s been through it approximately 27 and a half times before, through all the foster care homes. A new family takes him in. He messes up something. The new family gives him back. Lather. Rinse. Repeat. He’s been here before. He knows this isn’t going to last long, despite all the promises the man with the thick accent says. And Donnie doesn’t really register that this man was his biological father. He doesn’t really care to, to be honest. What was the point? His own biological mother had willingly gotten rid of him, Donnie’s snuck a peek at his record, he knew it all. So what if this man was his dad. That didn’t mean anything. He was gonna get tired of Donnie the same way all the other parents did. Tired of the constant questions. Tired of the broken appliances and half baked reasons why he took them apart in the first place, because apparently “I wanted to see how they worked” wasn’t a good enough answer. And Donnie was three years old and smarter than anyone ever gave him credit for and you know what? He was tired of it too. Tired of getting his hopes of a family finally understanding and accepting him. Tired of wanting a family who would love him back. Tired of getting his heart broken time and time again. So he wasn’t going to get his heart broken this time. He wasn’t going to accept anything of this man, with two boys already that shared Donnie’s eyes, and he wasn’t going to let himself be the fool again. And as the weeks went by, this cold shoulder game he was playing was getting harder and harder to keep, because dangit, this man really did try everything to prove that he was the real deal. The forever family. And Donnie’s new ‘brothers’ were always bright-eyed and curious about everything Donnie did and said, and actually wanted to play his weird word games and puzzles and wanted to spend time with him, and Donnie felt something short circuit in his brain because he wasn’t used to this feeling in his chest. This warm and light feeling. Something must be overheating in whatever engine was running inside of Donnie’s chest, and Donnie didn’t have a clue how to fix it. He also didn’t know if he wanted to fix it. But of course, it didn’t matter anyway. Because Donnie messed up. It was bound to happen eventually, Donnie got to brazen with how comfortable he was getting in the large house, and when he was running in the hallways, chasing after Raph in an impromptu game of tag, he accidentally slipped and knocked into the t.v stand, sending it straight to the floor where it broke into a hundred different pieces of glass and tiny wired parts. Donnie was mortified, knowing this would definitely send him back, and he got on his hands and knees and tried to collect the parts and put it back together but there was no time. The man that Donnie was half tempted to call dad half the time was already in the room, searching for the source of the loud crash and when his eyes finally landed on Donnie and the broken t.v behind him, Donnie couldn’t help but burst into tears. And he tried to explain, tried to apologize and he promised he’d fix it, he promised, he’d fix it up brand new and then the man wouldn’t have to send Donnie back. He’d be good. He’d fix this. He promised. Just please don’t send him back. And Donnie didn’t see the way the man’s body flinched at Donnie’s sobbed confession, and didn’t see the man lurch from where he was standing to pick Donnie up and hold him in a tight embrace saying all kinds of things that didn’t make sense to Donnie. Because the man was supposed to be angry. Angry like all the other parents eventually were. Angry and disappointed and tired, not... well... whatever this was. Which was holding him close, and running shaking hands through his hair and rubbing circles into his back and saying “Are you ok? Did you get hurt anywhere? Did you touch the glass? Shhh, shhhh, it’s ok buddy, breathe, you’re ok. You’re not in trouble. You don’t have to fix anything. It’s just a t.v. As long as you’re unhurt, then it’s ok. You’re ok, sweetheart. I got you.” And Donnie could feel the man press kisses into Donnie’s hairline that made the 3-year-old cry even harder, and press his face farther into his dad’s shirt as he clung to him for dear life. Because it’s never been just ‘ok’ before. Never. And for the first time, Donnie was starting to learn that with this family, with this man, being ‘ok’ might just work out after all.
When Leo meets Yoshi for the first time, it’s with a heart already filled to the brim with excitement and acceptance as he fully lets him into his life. Because Leo’s 3, and doesn’t know where he came from like most of the other kids in the halfway home. All he knows is that he’s always lived in this cramped house, sharing a room with a broken AC unit with 4 other boys around his age that just loved picking on Leo because of how small he was and how his skin was two different colors. He’s used to the house, and strict rules about eating and playtime, and the mean older kids that come and go while Leo always stays. He doesn’t want to be used to it, but he is, and his lonely daydreams and nights wishing upon all the stars in the sky are filled with thoughts about a life where he gets to leave this place. Dreams about a mom and dad or even a cool uncle or caring grandparents or literally anyone, coming and rescuing him and taking him far away from this place. Dreams about finding a home, with someone there calling him theirs. Belonging to someone, and having someone belong to him too. And then on a dusty and warm afternoon, that very person showed up, and Leo smiles at him hard enough to hurt his face. And he was looking for Leo, Leo specifically, not someone around Leo’s age or who looked like Leo, but actually Leo. And the man wanted Leo. Wanted him like no one had ever wanted him before. And wanted to take him home and call Leo his forever and Leo would have thought he was still dreaming if he hadn’t kept pinching himself the entire 6-hour flight to New York. And not only did Leo get a dad, but he got 3 brothers as well! 3 brothers, who all looked different than Leo but shared his brown eyes all the same, and didn’t mind that Leo talked a lot or made a lot of jokes and didn’t bully him for being or looking ‘weird’ like the other boys he grew up with did. And even though dad says that Leo’s his, and Raph and Donnie and Mikey want to hang around and play with him, Leo still finds himself pinching himself every night just in case. Because this is almost too good to be a dream. It couldn’t be real, right? Did Leo deserve this? Was it really his to have? To call his own? Was a kid like him, who grew up with nothing, who grew up as a nothing, allowed to have everything, and be somebody worth keeping around? Leo wasn’t sure, but if this was a dream, it was the best one he’d ever had, and he hopes he doesn’t wake up from it anytime soon.
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puppy-phum · 3 years
#10YearPromise - pingxie blabberings
bc i wasn’t able to answer these questions throughout the week (as i’ve been traveling around while being extremely busy), i decided to just collect all of my answers under one post! i never tire talking about pingxie so this was extremely enjoyable ♥ am also practicing some very shameless self promo in this so be prepared!
thank you for @laireshi​ for organizing this event (i take it’s you alone? am not sure, sorry for my laziness) and being amazing in general ^^ i won’t be able to join as i am still very busy and summer is always pure chaos for me, so i can only hope that other ppl have fun! if you are not aware of 10 Year Promise Pingxie Exchange, you can find the original announcement post here. join in if you have the time and inspiration ^^ 
and then to my answers which i will be placing under the cut bc i don’t want to flood anyone’s dash with me going bonkers over these two idiots. enjoy tho if you decide to read this :’D ♥
I. What made you ship pingxie?
Back when I got into Reboot bc of ZYL (as has happened to many ppl probably) and then saw stuff about pingxie once I started going through that drama’s tag on tumblr, my first thought about them was that they had to be a crack ship. The way Reboot portrays them as well as their actors and their huuuge age difference affected this a lot, and I was actually cackling at them bc all their moments in Reboot made me just go “oh, socialist brotherhood at its best” in my head. But then I finished watching Reboot’s 1st season (as the 2nd one wasn’t out yet) and started reading some fics. I learned more about them and the canon storyline. I learned how damn devoted they are to each other, and after that, many moments in Reboot gained new meaning in my eyes. So, I think what made me ship pingxie was a mix of Reboot (especially the hallucination moment where Xiaoge dies and Wu Xie loses it bc that’s my jam as I later on became to notice) and then the amazing fics I dug out during that time. After that the love grew stronger as I watched the other dramas, and these days I’m a lost cause. I feel like I spend most of my awake time thinking about these two and their love. They are amazing. I cry rivers for them.
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II. Which pingxie version is your favorite?
After finding pingxie, I fell in love with them properly during TLT2. There is just something about that stage of their relationship for me, the stage where both of them are still very tentative about everything but they have deep down accepted that they’re tied now. Wu Xie is figuring out so many things, coming to terms with being betrayed by his uncle and slowly realizing that something bigger is going on behind the scenes. Meanwhile, Xiaoge is learning how to trust Wu Xie and how to accept that he cannot leave this naïve boy behind. It feels very fragile, and I have so many emotions about TLT2 bc of this. Xiaoge is so soft and feels very multilayered. Wu Xie is still his naïve self but is slowly gaining some sharper edges as he comes to face the cruel world. I like how Cheng Yi and Hou Minghao have portrayed this dynamic. Also, TLT2 is just very extra with all the pingxie scenes, who would be able to resist loving them? So, I have to admit that my favorite pingxie is these two, tho Ultimate Note comes very, very close.
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III. What’s your favorite pingxie headcanon?
Headcanons are a bit hard for me as I don’t know enough of the canon. I have not read the novels so most of the story I’ve just patched together from all the bits I’ve read from somewhere (here, on twt, in fics) and through the scenes the dramas have shown me. I feel like the whole world is lowkey made of headcanons for me :’D But hmm, my favorite pingxie headcanon… I’d say there are two and then one bonus bc it’s more a Wu Xie related headcanon than just pingxie. The first one is that the pingxie confession happens after the Bronze Gate. It feels like the only moment when they’re both ready for such a thing. I’d say Xiaoge comes to realize his own feelings a lot earlier and he might tell something to unconscious Wu Xie before leaving for ten years, but he will not actually leave Wu Xie with such a burden. He doesn’t want to ask anything when it sounds like he doesn’t even believe that Wu Xie will be willing to wait for him, and I’d say that for him, his feelings are going to be fine even if Wu Xie never learns about them. He might even wish that Wu Xie never learns about them bc he’s not able to promise much as an immortal and amnesiac being (he outlives Wu Xie, most likely forgets him). For Wu Xie however, I’d say he needs time. He really is way too naïve and I’d say that he needs those ten years to realize that he’s in love with his best friend. I dunno who confesses first after Xiaoge returns but I think that only after that decade their relationship is “mature” enough to hold the weight of a confession (even if I also love to play around with the thought of them getting together during the events of Ultimate Note bc that drama offered many good chances for that). Another headcanon for me is that Xiaoge will find a way to die when Wu Xie does. After learning about them more, I feel like Reboot implies this too. Xiaoge is very accepting of Wu Xie’s death but in the last moments, when he really thinks that this is going to be it for Wu Xie, he hesitates. We see a spark of desperation there, and I’ve come to think that his initial plan, the plan he came up with once he got that call from Wu Xie and knew he would join Wu Xie on his last adventure, was to see this through for Wu Xie’s sake and then leave and die alone. I don’t know how much there would be left for Zhang Qiling after Wu Xie is gone. I feel like this is also what Wu Xie fears. But would he really resent Xiaoge for joining him in death after living such a long and hard life? I’d say no and I’d say that even Pangzi accepts this as one of the most likely outcomes. The bonus one then feels very personal to me. I don’t usually talk about this bc I feel so unsure of even mentioning this but I’ve seen others with similar thoughts so am sharing! I’ve never before gotten any vibes about a character’s sexuality in a drama I’ve watched but Reboot Wu Xie looked at me once in the eye and all I could hear was my brain yelling “asexual”. So, that is just my personal headcanon for Wu Xie. He’s ace and proud of it. He can flirt etc. but sex makes him go naah. He doesn’t need it or want it. He can appreciate beauty and hot ppl without wanting to sleep with them and I think his relationship with Xiaoge fits very well into this. I don’t have any personal experiences with being ace but I feel like Wu Xie has read the name once, shrugged and gone, “guess that’s me” and continued on with his life. He’s badass like that and I love him for it. (take a very relevant meme lol from this post)
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IV. What’s the ideal pingxie date?
Ah, christ. I dunno if I’ve ever thought about them going on a date? In the middle of tomb raiding, hospital trips and fighting against powers bigger than themselves, I’ve rarely seen any time for them to do something like that lol. But after Ultimate Note, I’ve thought about star gazing a lot. Just them, the infinite night sky and some lonely hilltop. They would probably take a blanket with them, huddle together and talk about things in hushed voices. Wu Xie would go on a ramble about all the constellations and their meanings and mythology behind them and Xiaoge would just nod at him and watch Wu Xie talking. Maybe he would offer some tidbits in the middle of the rambling, making Wu Xie smile brightly. It would be relaxing and comfortable and loving. They would make out a lil bit. Would maybe lie down and play with each other’s hair. All their worries would feel insignificant. Wu Xie would fall asleep for a moment and Xiaoge would wake him up with a kiss to get him moving again so that they don’t need to sleep on the cold ground. They would return home and drink something warm and then go to sleep, cuddled together and happy. relevant edit x
V. What’s your favorite pingxie getting together scenario?
I guess I already talked about this a bit but let me elaborate then! As said, I’d see it happening after the Bronze Gate. I am not sure if it would be right away (they’re both going through so much trauma at that point) or if it would happen after Reboot (maybe we would still need Wu Xie almost dying for them to get their shit together), but I’d say it happens in a rush either way. It’s one of those “I have to tell you something before it’s too late” -type of moments. Or one of those “Bc I love you, you idiot!” -type of moments. I feel like I keep thinking that maybe Wu Xie would have to confess first bc as said, Xiaoge wouldn’t like to burden Wu Xie with his feelings when there’s so little he can give in the sense of normalcy. But then again, I have written a oneshot where Xiaoge is the first one to confess and that always feels better for me. That at some point Xiaoge feels secure enough to tell Wu Xie about his own feelings. That he feels confident and comfortable enough to say it out loud while still expecting nothing in return bc he knows that Wu Xie won’t abandon him either way. But no matter how that happens, I always see it as this dam breaking. The emotions finally become too strong. Something happens that reminds them that life is too short. Something happens that makes them finally talk it out and ah, Pangzi can finally take a break, what a joy
VI. What’s your favorite pingxie moment?
Every adaptation has its own good moments so let me make a list (like I saw someone else do too):
The Lost Tomb:
Xiaoge rescues Wu Xie from the shibie
Wu Xie worrying over unconscious Xiaoge plus taking care of him in the hotel room
The Pingxie MomentTM aka Xiaoge saving Wu Xie from falling and then cradling the boy to his chest while thumb rubbing his shoulder
The Lost Tomb 2:
Xiaoge revealed to be Baldie and Wu Xie yelling at him about it
Lowkey the whole underwater tomb arc bc holy shit that’s gay
Wu Xie losing it when Xiaoge doesn’t come up from the underwater tomb, diving after him and then almost dying himself + Pangzi getting angry at him for being stupid
pingxie ft. magical skype in the bronze tree cave (and Xiaoge being emo about the 1000yo warrior guy right before that)
Xiaoge rescuing Wu Xie from drowning (they shared air, you cannot convince me otherwise) + Wu Xie giving Xiaoge his watch in the hospital (relevant edits x x)
Wu Xie’s face when he sees Zhang Buxun in the coffin bc I love pain :)
Xiaoge not shooting Wu Xie despite not remembering him in the mountain village
Wu Xie grabbing Xiaoge’s jacket after being kidnapped and the Iron Triangle reunites in that old Chen guy’s cabin, asking, “Is that you?” from Xiaoge to make sure that he remembers again while looking like the biggest puppy (relevant edit x)
also some relevant memes x
Ultimate Note:
The hand over mouth reunion in the Golmud Sanatorium
“Xiaoge will ignore anyone else but you”
Xiaoge pretending he isn’t Losing ItTM throughout the whole time Wu Xie is in the Devil’s City with A-Ning
more hand over mouth with the gigantic snake
“The goddess has ascended”
Wu Xie protecting Xiaoge after he returns from the jade meteorite 
“Do you remember me?” “Wu Xie.”
Wu Xie promising to help Xiaoge find his memories no matter what bc Xiaoge’s business is Wu Xie’s business 
“Maybe you can return home with a wife today.” Wu Xie: proceeds to stare at Xiaoge, horrified
“Take me home.”
The sword gifting scene (especially Xiaoge denying the possibility of him killing Wu Xie or them harming each other, relevant edits x x)
other relevant edits for ultimate note x x
Wu Xie telling Xiaoge about his sickness and then Xiaoge coming back and promising to join Wu Xie on his trip (relevant edit x)
the death hallucination bc am a masochist 
Wu Xie’s death dream where Xiaoge calls to him but then accepts his choice to move forward bc am a masochist pt. 2
pingxie reunion in the Thunder City forest where Xiaoge saves Wu Xie & co. from the poisonous gas 
the moment in Thunder City where Wu Xie sits outside at night, eating the peanuts Pangzi gave him and then notices Xiaoge, offering him the peanuts and smiling 
when Xiaoge leaves for the last time and then gets reunited with healed Wu Xie against all odds
the train scene and their softest smiles to each other  
Time Raiders:
Wu Xie being the best bean and just wanting to befriend this mysterious man while seeing right under his skin and making Xiaoge baffled and fall in love in approximately 0.5 seconds
Xiaoge, catch! *proceeds to save only Wu Xie when they fall into that shibie horror chamber*  
Xiaoge’s desperation to save Wu Xie from the crumbling ground 
their death waltz at the end of the movie plus Xiaoge’s sacrifice
+ Sand Sea: 
“Don’t you dare call him Xiaoge!” 
Wu Xie offering his friends and then himself as comfort to Li Cu when he’s scared while smiling very softly at the memory of Xiaoge 
“But isn’t his surname Wu?” Hei Xiazi: You have seen nothing yet, you sweet summer child
Wu Xie talking about Xiaoge’s past in the temple (aka the Tibetan Sea Flower story bc I just adore how pretty they’ve made those scenes) 
VII. What is the best gift Wu Xie and Xiaoge could give each other?
I haven’t really thought about this type of stuff either bc we have already seen a ton of gifts being exchanged! I love the watch Wu Xie gives to Xiaoge in TLT2 as mentioned (it’s so silly but also so sweet) and I love it that Wu Xie gifts Xiaoge with a new sword in Ultimate Note. Also, I feel like I can count the food Wu Xie leaves for Xiaoge in Ultimate Note and that one moment where Xiaoge offers his knife for Wu Xie as a “pen”. They would give anything for each other as long as the other asked (which they never do) so I dunno what type of gift would matter the most. As it’s so hard to say, let me talk about one more headcanon that I’ve been thinking about ever since the infamous Bazaar photoshoot for Ultimate Note/XYL & ZSX. So, we see them having matching rings and necklaces in that photoshoot. I think jewelry would be kind of difficult for Xiaoge to wear when he needs to fight, as jewelry could be a hindrance in that type of situation But my brain won’t shut up about “pingxie married!!!” when I ask this question from it. To be honest, I do not see pingxie getting married in the traditional sense. They don’t need something like that after everything they’ve gone through. But I like to play around with the thought of promise rings. Just them exchanging rings for fun, for their own sakes, to have something concrete that reminds them of their promise to each other and of their feelings. Maybe even Xiaoge could wear that ring under his gloves idk. But am a sucker for that thought so my answer to this is then simply: a ring. relevant edits x x
if you read this far, thank you so much! I hope this gave you something and thank you once more for organizing this and allowing everyone to share their love for pingxie ^^ ♥
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loserholland · 4 years
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Pairing ➺ Spencer Reid x SSA!Reader
Warning ➺ None really, just flashbacks to episodes from season 7 
Word Count ➺  6,408
Summary ➺  When the Reader needs a date to her sister’s wedding, Spencer volunteers to be her date.
A/N ➺ Please enjoy! Maybe I’ll do a part two, who knows! But the bold text are the readers thoughts (:
✿ 𝓟𝓮𝓻𝓶𝓪𝓷𝓮𝓷𝓽 𝓣𝓪𝓰𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓽 ✿ - @loveyathreethousand @taronxfiction @killerqueen-gunpowdergelatine@spideyyypeter @lou-la-lou @babebenhardy @rivervixenbaby @acklesholland@zabdisamor @keepingupwiththehollands @sweet666pea @sspider-parker@jackiehollanderr @caro0512 @thewinchesterchronicles @cporter003@kisses-holland @spideysnugget @cryszus @sunflowerharrystyles@peterunderoos @jessybellsworld @spider-mendes @ohbabycal​ 
@iloveyou3000morgan @random-things-i-love
*The strike through your name just means I couldn’t tag you, please message me if anything*
☞  Masterlist  ☜
Garcia shouted as she placed a the tray onto the table of the booth, it had been one hell of a long week and they finally had a free night. And with a free night meant head to the local bar make it one hell of a night.
Everyone reached for a shot glass whereas Reid raised his glass of Arnold Palmer.
The bar was slightly packed, mostly by FBI agents, the sound of music plus the amount of chatter in the club brought a smile to everyone’s faces. It’s been a while since they had gone to the bar as a team.
The booth was filled with laughter, the team had been talking about anything and everything, passing around jokes about one another.
Originally it was supposed to be a girls night, but the boys had begged that they allow we allow them to join. Well Rossi and Morgan were the ones who pleaded and insisted on dragging Reid and Hotch along.
(Y/N) felt her phone vibrate causing her to bring it out of her pocket wondering who was texting her at this time.
𝘚𝘰 𝘸𝘩𝘰’𝘴 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘸𝘦𝘥𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘥𝘢𝘵𝘦?
She groaned loudly reaching for another shot placing her phone face down on the table. Morgan raised his brows lightly noticing her sudden mood change.
“What’s up with you (Y/L/N)?”
(Y/N) leaned back into the booth drawing out a long sigh before answering “Nothing, my sister was just asking who’s my date to her wedding which is next week.” 
Rossi chuckled lightly before asking, “Who’s the lucky fellow?”
Yeah that’s the thing
There was no lucky fellow.
“Funny story..”
The team had just gotten back from Atlantic city. It was one of those cases where Hotch had given the team a long weekend off.
(Y/N) sighed lightly opening the door to her apartment kicking her boots off as she entered and locking the door behind her. Shrugging her coat off and placing it on the coat rack, she walked over to the kitchen placing the stacks of mail she had gotten before coming upstairs. 
After one hell of a week, she opened a new bottle of red wine and poured it into a glass before heading into her room for a nice hot bath.Once she was done relaxing she headed back into the kitchen, sorting through her mail till she stumbled upon a wedding invitation.
𝗝𝗼𝗶𝗻 𝘂𝘀 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘄𝗲𝗱𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗼𝗳 𝗥𝘆𝗮𝗻 𝗔𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗼𝗻 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗦𝗰𝗮𝗿𝗹𝗲𝘁 (𝗬/𝗟/𝗡)
“𝘋𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘧𝘶𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘢𝘤𝘤𝘦𝘱𝘵𝘴”
“𝘙𝘦𝘨𝘳𝘦𝘵𝘧𝘶𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘥𝘦𝘤𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴”
“Are you bringing a date?” (Y/N) mumbled to herself as she read the options to check off, of course only Scarlet would want to include that.
Not, number attending but are you bringing a date. Letting out a deep sigh her eyes gaze over to the pictures scattered over the fridge. (Y/N) was the second oldest of four siblings. She was the one out of four siblings to not be:
One- Married
Two-Soon to be married
and Three
Recently engaged.
Without thinking, she grabbed a pen and checked off to where we are now.
Morgan bursted into a fit of laugher before saying in between breathes “So, what I’m hearing is you don’t have a date?”
She glared at Morgan sticking her tongue out at him like a five year old child. It was already bad enough that every time she goes home to visit her family will ask: “Found anyone special?”
“Yeah, I don’t.”
It was a simple mistake, and well that simple mistake left her with no date. The last thing she wanted was to text her sister, “I actually have no date lmao.” because if that were to happen bridezilla would make quite the show. And she’d also never hear the end of that. Now, she has a week to find a date. That can’t be that hard right? Just who?
Morgan could barley catch his breath, (Y/N) kicked his ankle in annoyance “It’s not funny Derek! All I hear from my aunts are, oh you’ll find someone sweetie or you’re getting order you’ll find someone soon enough!” she leaned her head against the wall continuing to glare at Morgan.
“I could be your date.” Spencer spoke up trying to ease the tension that filled the booth.
Emily used her foot to nudge (Y/N) leg, she glared at the woman sitting across from her who wore an amused smile. (Y/N) glanced over at Penelope and JJ who also had the same expression on their face.
His brows furrowed, he didn’t see anything wrong with what he offered so- why was everyone staring?
“What? I-It was a suggestion.. that’s all.” His nose crinkled as he spoke pressing his lips into a thin line focusing his attention to the table in front of him.
Spencer may have an IQ of 187, and (Y/N) may be the youngest and second smartest of the team. These two are blind. Literally blind. It was quite obvious that boy wonder and miss.young and beautiful (well said from the one and only Penelope Garcia) have feelings for one another. 
If there was someone who can talk Spencer down, to get him to bring his walls down, it was (Y/N). Just a few months ago when everyone found out that Emily was in fact alive and not dead, everyone was happy that she was alive but that also came with being questioned by the Senate Committee for our retaliatory action.
But before Emily had came back everyone was dealing with her death differently.
There are five stages of grief:
With those five stages, everyone deals with their emotions differently. (Y/N) and Garcia did as much as they could to honor Emily’s name. Whereas Morgan felt guilty, telling himself he if he were there a second early he could’ve saved her. Spencer took it the hardest, he had gone to JJ’s house crying for almost 10 weeks.
Now with Emily back, the team felt back to normal. Well, some what back to normal. We had been called to Oklahoma, and it wouldn’t be a lie to say Spencer was not Spencer adding into the conversation or throwing in "Did you know.. facts”
He was quiet, distant.
“It’s too late alright!”
“Reid?” Emily spoke only watching as walked away.
(Y/N) looked at Hotch before saying “I’ll go talk to him.” giving her a nod of approval she grabbed one of the car keys and headed out towards Spencer.
Running out she watched as he continued to walk away, “Spencer!” she shouted yet no response.
“Spencer Walter Reid!”
The nearly 6’1 genius continued to walk away ignoring your calls. 
“Hey loverboy! I am talking to you! You know I don’t like being ignored!”
Spencer stopped in his tracks throwing his head back lightly “I don’t want to talk.” he spoke without turning around.
The heels of her boots clicked against the sidewalk once she was next to him she linked her arm with his pulling him towards one of the SUVS.
“Who said I wanted to talk? What if I wanted to get some coffee.”
Luckily there was a coffee shop that was a few blocks down the road, the car ride was silent- comfortable silence. (Y/N) never pushed Spencer to talk, she waited patiently for him to bring it up on his own.
In which, he did.
“I cried.. for ten weeks (Y/N).. ten weeks back to back.”
His voice barley above a whisper.
(Y/N) brought her right hand forward taking ahold of his left giving him a reassuring squeeze.
“Spencer, Hotch and JJ kept Emily safe. The less people knew that Emily was alive, the better because Doyle was still out there. If he found out Emily was still alive, he would’ve gone after not only Emily but the rest of the team as well. Trust me, it’s odd to have Emily back I mean we ‘buried’ her for christ sakes. But she’s here, with us again. Not six feet. under. I can’t speak for JJ but, I know she never meant to intentionally hurt your feelings or make you feel vulnerable. We were bound to find out sooner or later Spence.”
Truth be told, (Y/N) hated seeing Spencer sad and angry. Something she never saw all that often but knew him being sad made her feel sad.
They had spent an hour an a half in the coffee shop, now they were walking back into the station. Slowly Spencer had opened up more, she let him go uninterrupted allowing him to speak as she listened.
“Thank you by the way.”
(Y/N) smiled nudging him with her elbow, “Anytime loverboy.”
"Look at pretty boy go!” Morgan chuckled raising his enclosed fist towards Spencer who awkwardly fist bumped him back. She watched as he pursed his lip his gaze fixed on his drink avoiding eye contact with the rest of the team and especially (Y/N).
Hotch sighed lightly glancing at his phone before giving Rossi a nod, “I better get going, I don’t want Jessica to stay too late. Have a nice weekend guys, I don’t want to see any of you at the office.” 
It was just fifteen minutes past eleven and everyone was ready to head home and call it a night. Stepping out of the nearly now packed bar greeted by the cool air of Washington D.C. They had bid their goodbyes and headed to their cars. 
All she could think about was what Spencer had said, “I could be your date.” I mean, there is no problem with him being her date right? Beside the fact that you have a huge fat third grade crush on boy genius. 
Once she got home she kicked off her boots padding over to the kitchen for a glass of water placing her belongings on her couch. A loud ding echoed throughout her apartment, it may be her sister again wondering who her date is.
Grabbing her phone out of her purse the notification flashed across the screen:
A message from Scarlet. Swiping her thumb across the screen unlocking her phone to read the message.
𝘏𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘰? 𝘋𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘪𝘨𝘯𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘮𝘦, 𝘸𝘩𝘰'𝘴 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘥𝘢𝘵𝘦?
𝘈𝘳𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘢𝘸𝘢𝘬𝘦?
𝘊𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘮𝘦 𝘵𝘰𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘳𝘰𝘸.
𝘈𝘳𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘺𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘮𝘰𝘮 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘥𝘢𝘥 𝘰𝘳 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘨𝘰𝘯𝘯𝘢 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘺 𝘢𝘵 𝘢 𝘩𝘰𝘵𝘦𝘭?
𝘐'𝘮 𝘵𝘪𝘳𝘦𝘥, 𝘤𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘮𝘦 𝘵𝘰𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘳𝘰𝘸 𝘰𝘳 𝘦𝘭𝘴𝘦.
𝘗𝘴, 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘺𝘢𝘩 𝘸𝘩𝘰𝘳𝘦!
“Love you too whore.” (Y/N) mumbled placing her phone onto the coffee table walking away to her room to get changed. Another loud ding caught her attention, “I thought she was going to sleep?” (Y/N) thought to herself.
Instead it was a message from Emily.
𝘚𝘢𝘺 𝘺𝘦𝘴! 𝘛𝘦𝘭𝘭 𝘩𝘪𝘮 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘩𝘪𝘮 𝘵𝘰 𝘣𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘥𝘢𝘵𝘦!!
Plopping herself onto her couch running her fingers through her hair.
He’s awake right? I mean it’s only twelve-fifteen? She held her phone in her hand tapping it lightly against her thigh contemplating whether or not to call him. 
“Just call him.” she mumbled to herself
Her family didn’t have any problems with Spencer. The one thing she’ll never forget is when he had told you father "The number of pathogens passed during a handshake is staggering. It's actually safer to kiss." The look on your fathers face was priceless.
Besides that her family had no problems with Spencer. They just describe him as being bit awkward and rambles on about well anything. It’s almost been four years since she joined the BAU. She was lucky enough to join at the age of twenty-three. And she’s been with them ever since.
When (Y/N) first joined the team Jason Gideon had just recently retired and David Rossi had returned voluntarily. You know that new kid feeling? New school, fresh faces, no friends? Yeah, that was the was her current feeling.
(Y/N) had barley gotten any sleep the night before. She felt anxious, tossing and turning the almost the entire night only to get about three hours of sleep. She had gotten up thirty minutes before her alarm, and had gotten there thirty minutes early.
Now she was currently sitting in SSA Aaron Hotchner’s office. You’ve heard many amazing things about his team, they are truly one of the best. Brushing her hands against her skirt for what felt like the hundredth time.
Pull yourself together, there’s nothing to be worried about.
“Agent (Y/L/N), would you like to meet the team?” Hotch spoke, (Y/N) turned her attention to the door giving him a nod of approval. Standing from her seat she followed him into the conference room.
“You’ll be fine.”
(Y/N) chuckled lightly, “Sorry, I’m just extremely nervous.” he smiled lightly opening the door to the conference room, the only person she knew was David Rossi, the BAU wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for Gideon and Rossi.
“SSA (Y/L/N), this is SSA-”
“David Rossi, I’ve read your books and they are magnificent.” Rossi chuckled lightly sticking his hand out for her to shake in which (Y/N) gladly shook. She had just met one of the greatest profilers of all time.
(Y/N) looked up at Hotch before quickly apologizing “This is SSA Prentiss.” The beautiful raven haired woman smiled “Emily, nice to meet you.” moving to the man standing next to her “SSA Morgan.” he smiled shaking her hand “Derek.”
“(Y/N).” she replied.
“Our Communications Liaison Jennifer Jareau.”
“You can call me JJ.”
“Our tech analysis Penelope Garcia.”
Finally, the last person whom she had grown closes too.
“And Doctor Spencer Reid.”
That was your team. And they were more welcoming than you thought they would be, they were your second family. If you guys weren’t on a case, you’d be at the bar raking up Rossi’s tab. You were able to talk to them about almost anything, if you needed time off Hotch understood.
The first year she had worked with the team, they were very welcoming. Hotch had partnered you with Spencer most of the time, either you two would check out the M.E or stay back at the police department. It was safe to say it was a bit awkward at first when you were partnered with Spencer. But, she wouldn’t have wanted to be partnered with anyone else.
Shit! He’s awake. Wait, when did I call him up?
Say something, he knows you’re on the other end of the line.
“Are you okay?’
Are you having a stroke right now? Say something!
“H-hi, sorry to bother you so late.”
It was fifteen minutes to one, did it really take me almost thirty minutes to call him?
“It’s fine, just getting a little bit of reading in. Did you need something?”
She bit the bottom of her lip getting up from her seat on her couch, just say it! Tell him you’d love to have him as a date.
“If your offer still stands.. I’d love to have you be my date.” she paced around her living room. Please say yes, this would be totally awkward if you said no but- you did offer to be my date?
Spencer smiled widely “Yes! I-I mean of course, I mean- I’d love to accompany you.” though (Y/N) couldn’t see him she knew he had his hand covered over his eyes mentally curing at himself.
“Great! I’ll text you the details tomorrow? Thank you again Spencer, I appreciate it.” 
“Y-yeah cool cool, um good night, sleep tight.. don’t let the bed bugs bite.” 
He could be such a dork sometimes. A cute dork. Rambling on until someone says something or he’d catch himself and apologize. Usually the team would exchange looks but, you’d sit there listening intently. It’s amazing that someone so young has already three PhD’s and as the genius said himself “I just keep getting PhD’s”
“Good night loverboy.”
Spencer had his nicknames, from Pretty boy, boy wonder, kid, doc etc.
Loverboy however, kinda just slipped. They had been working a case and Spencer was deep in his thoughts, she had been trying to get his attention for the last five minutes. When she had said it, he cheeks were painted a deep shade of red. Ever since then, the nickname just stuck.
(Y/N) tossed her phone onto the couch squealing loudly, surely enough she knew one of her neighbors would file a complaint against her but she didn’t care. All she cared about was the fact that Spencer Reid was her wedding date, and she couldn’t be more excited.
The entertainment capital of the world
Sin city
Fabulous Las Vegas.
Home to Spencer and (Y/N), the two were going to be staying with her parents since they live the closes to the venue. The drive to her parents house meant passing by her high school, and without a doubt she knew Spencer would have something to say.
“Isn’t that your old high school?” 
She glanced at Spencer for a short moment before answering, “Yup, class of 2003.”
About a month ago the team had gone to Boise,Idaho where a serial killer is murdering the survivors of a high school massacre that took place exactly ten years earlier. Hotch had sent (Y/N) and Spencer to examine the crime scene. 
“The unsub has to be tied to the school somehow. Maybe a current student, alumni, or a family member who lost someone?” (Y/N) mumbled as she scanned the crime scene 
“It could be a Slade groupie celebrating his hero. He taped nails to the exterior of the bomb. Specifically to rip open flesh-” Spencer spoke turning his head slightly to see (Y/N) examining the various pieces of nails.
“That’s a Slade detail of Slade’s the unsub copied.”
“Except he tricked Givens into blowing himself up.A groupie probably wouldn’t show that much self-control.” (Y/N) pointed out her eyes looked from the ground to the ceiling.
“But someone with an ax to grind against the principal would. Maybe he’s a surrogate for the tormenters in high school he can’t punish...” he examined the photos he held in his hands, “who were yours?”
(Y/N) chuckled reaching forward to touch the piece of nail in the wall, “I don’t even remember.” she mumbled.
Spencer raised his brow in confusion, “You don’t even remember?” his voice filled with disbelief. He stepped forward still stuck on the subject, “Wait, were you one of the mean girls?”
She turned around in surprise her eyes widened at his question, “What? No!” Okay maybe there were some people she was a bit rude to. That only being her  younger brother who was a freshmen when she was a senior.
“Track star with a full ride scholarship to UNR and was accepted by many universities, one of the valedictorians of her class, and the student body president? That not only screams popular but you could’ve been one of the mean girls!”
(Y/N) gasped loudly walking past Spencer to get to the other side of the room, “Could’ve been, I was actually one of the nice popular girls! I was even friends with guys like you!” 
“Guys like me? I'll have you know that my social standing increased once I started winning at basketball.“ now that was hard to believe.
“Spencer Reid playing basketball no way.” (Y/N) snickered causing Spencer to press his lips into a thin line, “Okay, I coached basketball. I broke down the opposing team's shooting strategy.” Now that sound more like Spencer.
“Is that why Morgan kicked you out of the pool last week?“ Rossi held a BBQ last Sunday, inviting the entire team over and Spencer and Derek were going at it in the pool bickering with one another.
“Yeah. Took him three rounds to realize I was hustling him.”
(Y/N) pulled into the driveway shifting the gear into park, she turned slightly to face Spencer. “Spence.” she whispered, he turned his head in confusion. Spencer had met her family, but he was about to meet MORE of them. As much as she loved them to death, they could be a little too much.
“First off, I wanna say thank you so much for being my date. Second, my family.. they are loud and can get very.. touchy? If you feel uncomfortable in any given moment please tell me because I don’t want you to think you made a mistake by coming.” He gave her a warm smile, placing his hand over her’s.
“(Y/N/N)!” a voice shouted causing (Y/N) to jump slightly pulling her attention away from Spencer. Her mother smiled happily, she was beyond excited to hear that (Y/N) was bringing Spencer as her date. The two exited the car retrieving their luggage from the trunk. 
“Hey mom!” (Y/N) shouted as she closed the trunk watching as Spencer waved hello to her mother.
“Hi Mrs.(Y/L/N).” 
“Oh Spencer! How have you been? Come in get settled Steven and I are treating you two to dinner tonight!” She watched as her mother followed Spencer into the house, it would be an understatement if I said my mom loved Spencer.
I mean who wouldn’t?
Later that night when they had gone out to dinner they just so happened to run into one of her family members that every so gladly invited themselves to dinner. 
And the immediate question was, “So (Y/N), who’s this?” that lead to a somewhat awkward dinner. You know how everyone has that one favorite cousin? Then there was that one cousin that was a tattle-tale and much of a show off? That was the cousin that was at dinner tonight. 
“This is Doctor. Spencer Reid, he’s my partner. I-I mean the partner on my team, a-
“So what I’m hearing is you’re single?” Gwen questioned causing (Y/N) to gasp lightly watching as Spencer shifted in his seat “Um- well yeah but-” his voice had gone up a couple octaves. Drawing his hand away from the table watching as Gwen’s cheeks tinted a deep red.
“Gwen quit it, you’re making him uncomfortable!” (Y/N) snapped annoyed with her cousin’s behavior. This was the last thing she wanted Spencer to feel, uncomfortable. She didn’t want Spencer to think he made a mistake, before she could say anymore he glanced at her for a second before whispering “It’s okay.” If only she could strangle Gwen right here, right now. The table was filled with awkward silence, (Y/N) mother chuckled lightly before quickly changing the subject “So, who’s ready for tomorrow?”
The only thing (Y/N) always looked forward to was the reception. Her least favorite part was the ceremony where most of her family members would be asking her one too many questions. She had spent half of her morning mentally preparing herself for what’s to come today. What she was not prepared for was the suit Spencer had worn, well the velvet suit jacket to be exact. It had matched perfectly with the red dress she had worn.
Spencer sat with (Y/N) siblings watching as she chased around her niece and nephews, “I’m gonna get you!” she shouted causing her niece to squeal loudly running father away from her aunt. (Y/N) had always gotten along with kids, they’d easily adjust to her. When they had cases dealing with kids, it would either be Spencer, JJ, or (Y/N) to be the ones to talk to them.
“Remind me, the next time Garcia tries to get me to go to a shoe sale I need to say no.” (Y/N) spoke in between breaths settling next to Spencer, Wonderful tonight began to play bringing almost everyone to the dance floor. She took ahold of his hand dragging him up from his seat, “Spence we need to join them!” 
The sound of his heart beat was music to her ears, beating softly. The feeling of being so close to him, left butterflies in her stomach. It felt so, domestic? It’s not an everyday thing to dance with Spencer Reid.
“Do you see yourself having kids some day?”
(Y/N) pulled her head away from his chest looking up at him with a raised brow. That was a bit out of the blue.
“Just the way you interact with your niece and nephews, you’re good with kids. i’ve noticed that when we work on cases dealing with kids. you’re patient with them.” Spencer glanced down at her, she looks so beautiful.
(Y/N) sighed lightly before answering, “Yeah, ideally... I want to have kids by the time I’m thirty and well, I have three more years to make that happen.”
Spencer hummed at her response allowing (Y/N) to continue.
“My parents... they had told my siblings and I that I would be the first to have kids, and well-“
Her eyes gaze over to her older sister whom was the first to have kids, her beautiful niece and nephew. Seated at the same table her brother whom was recently engaged and his fiancée awaiting their first child.
And now her younger sister wouldn’t be too far behind.
“I’m not a profiler, but aren’t those two completely oblivious about their feelings for one another?” Isabelle commented watching as her sister dance with her date.
“That’s what I was thinking the entire time! The FBI should hire us, we’re good!” Cole exaggerated lifting his hand for Isabelle to high-five.
(Y/N) turned her attention away from her siblings back to look at Spencer. If only she could hear her siblings conversation.
“I’m gonna be the last to get married.” she said with a light chuckle.
There was no one to blame, i mean at this point she was married to her job and she knew the pros and cons. But there’s still time for her, time to find someone, to have kids.
“What about you doc? Do you want little geniuses?”
Spencer sighed lightly moving his right hand that was resting on her waist taking ahold of her left, spinning her around.
He held her hand for a moment swaying the two from side to side, “Of course, as much as I love being a godfather.. I wanna have kids of my own. An entire soccer team as one may say.”
That was something the two had in common, being a godparent. (Y/N) loved spoiling her goddaughter, even before she was asked to be the godmother.
(Y/N) giggled at his response, any woman would be lucky enough to have a child with Spencer. He’d make a wonderful father, he’d be ever so patient with his little boy or girl.
“Well your future wife is in for it.”
He felt a slight tug on his suit jacket, he looked down to see (Y/N) niece Lyrical, “I wanna dance.” the four year old said moreover demanded.
(Y/N) gasped lightly before letting go of Spencer’s right hand and moved to wrap her arms around him.
“No he’s mine.” she joked sticking her tug out at the four year old.
If he was standing in front of a mirror right now, he’d be as red as a tomato.
“No! My boyfriend!” Lyrical huffed wrapping her chubby arms around her chest with a pout. That was something Lyrical basically established during prior visits.
Whenever they’d have cases in Vegas the night before they leave the team goes to hangout with (Y/N) family. Her second family meeting her well family
(Y/N) drew back her arms from him as she looked between Spencer and her niece, “So- who’s it gonna be loverboy?”
Spencer hummed at her question before picking up Lyrical causing her to giggle lightly wrapping her arms around his neck swaying from side to side.
She held onto him, her fingers slightly tugged at the back of his hair. (Y/N) smiled, the warm fuzzy feeling she felt earlier was back again.
If Spencer’s first born child is a girl, she’d have him wrapped around her fingers before she was born.
She walked up to her niece peppering kisses onto her chubby cheeks earning a burst of laughter, the song changed into a more upbeat rhythm causing almost everyone to come to the dance floor.
“So, who was going to tell me they were dating?” Scarlet questioned, walking over to sit at the same table her siblings were seated. Isabelle snorted reaching for the glass of water in front of her.
“Why would we? They aren’t dating.. yet.” Cole answered sarcastically earning a slap to the back of his head. He glared at his younger sister, “I answered your question why did you have to hit me!” Scarlet shrugged lightly taking a sip from her champagne glass.
(Y/N) looked over to her siblings, who were bickering as usual.
“I’m gonna go sit for a bit.” Spencer nodded watching as she walked back to sit with her siblings before turning his attention back to the four year old.
“Woah Lyrical stole your date.” Cole snickered causing (Y/N) to roll her eyes playfully, “I know, better watch out she’s gonna have boys waiting on her beck and call.” The table rose with laughter, as they moved onto a different topic.
It felt like old times, sitting around with her siblings as they talked about childhood memories and embarrassing moments. She needed to come home more often instead of having them fly out to only spend a day or two.
Her eyes gazed over to Spencer and her niece who were stilling dancing, that warm fuzzy feeling. It’s unexplainable. She couldn’t help but imagine, what if. What if her and Spencer do end up together? Oh would their daughter be his princess. He would do anything for her. Whoever get’s to be the future Mrs.Reid would be the luckiest women in the world, his kids would be blessed with such a wonderful dad.
Scarlet looked over to her older sister who was too deep in thought as she watched her date dance with their niece. She couldn’t help but notice the smile that tugged at (Y/N) lips.
“So does that mean you’re next?”
Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion, her train of thought coming to a screeching halt. Next?
“For?” (Y/N) questioned back, unsure of what Scarlet was trying to lead on.
“You and that handsome Doctor Reid.”
(Y/N) eyes widened causing her to shake her head from left to right, “What? No no, we’re just friends.” she tried to suppress the smile that dared to paint over her lips.
Her siblings look between each other before bursting into a fit of laughter, “Sure keep telling yourself that.” Cole spoke in between his laughter.
Y/N rolled her eyes crossing her arms over her chest before responding “Hey! We’re just friends.” 
Cole leaned back into his chair raising a brow at her, “So, you’re telling us you don’t have any feelings for him? Zero, nada, zilch?” she glared at Cole kicking his ankle lightly. He winced at the sudden action reaching down to sooth his ankle.
“I don’t have feelings for him.”
Isabelle rose her brow at her younger sister, “You’re doing that thing.” If there was one thing she was bad at it would be lying. You’d think for a profiler she’d be better at lying and would be able to keep a poker face.
“What thing?”
Scarlet sighed loudly, “(Y/N) you may be a profiler but, we’re your siblings we know when you’re lying.” That only caused (Y/N) to scoff loudly and shake her head at her siblings.
Why are they attacking me right now?
“You cross your arms over your chest and you smile, A LOT it’s kinda no it IS creepy. Plus you get defensive, like very defensive.” Cole pointed out only for the rest of her siblings to agree.
Let’s forget what I said early about visiting more often. They can continue flying out to D.C.
(Y/N) got up from her seat slipping her heels back on causing Cole to flinch slightly, growing up the only boy meant dealing (Y/N) scared him. A lot.
 “I wasn’t going to hit you ass clown!”
Maybe, just maybe she was spending a bit too much time with Rossi.
 “I’m gonna go for a little walk.” 
The three siblings looked between each other. If there was something she knew all too well of doing it was avoiding her feelings. Not opening up to others, building walls high enough so no one can look over and see what she’s feelings or thinking. 
“Don’t close yourself off! Say what needs to be said!”
It felt like deja vu. 
Emily had told her the exact same thing a few days ago.
"Oh my sweet angel face (Y/N)! You and boy wonder are blind!” Penelope slurred as she attempted to place her glasses on (Y/N) face. JJ couldn’t help but laugh at Garcia’s actions.
“My vision is 20/20 as a matter of fact!” (Y/N) answered earning another laugh from Emily, “Pen is right you know? Don’t close yourself off! Say what needs to be-”
“Hey, you missed the bouquet toss.”
(Y/N) blinked a few times before looking up to see Spencer.
“Did you know the tossing the bouquet is a tradition that stems from England. Women used to try to rip pieces of the bride's dress and flowers in order to obtain some of her good luck. Today the bouquet is tossed to single women with the belief that whoever catches it will be the next to marry.”
This was one of the many things she loved about Spencer. The amount of knowledge he holds in that huge brain of his. Usually the team isn’t much of a fan when he rambles on but, you loved it. The way he uses his hands to explain what he was thinking, or how he basically has an answer for well everything.
“Who caught the bouquet?”
He chuckled lightly taking a seat next to her, “Well Scarlet kinda threw it at me and said you know what to do. But your mom made her redo it, got a laugh out of everyone though.”
“Pretty sure you’re suppose to catch the garter.” (Y/N) giggled turning her head slightly to look up at Spencer who was laughing along with her. There was a sudden cool breeze causing her to wrap her arms around her chest.
“I knew I should’ve brought my jacket.”
Spencer shrugged off his dress jacket draping it over her shoulders. It was ever so slightly bigger on her she slipped her arms through the sleeves
“Thank you... and another thank you for being my date. I really hat- dislike attending weddings.”
“Did you know the first recorded evidence of marriage ceremonies uniting one woman and one man dates from about 2350 B-“
Her eyes fell towards the ground in front of her. Fixated on the shoes he was currently using.
The converse she had bought him for his 30th birthday, well belated 30th birthday. Not only was he using the converse she bought him but the mismatching socks as well. The team had been called to San Francisco to investigate a possible Zodiac Killer copycat. There was something up with Spencer however, he was quieter than usual. 
But it was only because he had doubts on why he’s in the FBI, questioning that he should be doing something more in his life with the amount of knowledge he had accumulated over the years. The team didn’t even realize they had missed his 30th birthday, and (Y/N) felt so bad for it. She was the one to always bring in the birthday boy or gal their favorite donuts and a cup of coffee. 
When the team had gotten back to Quantico she had stopped by to get him a new pair of converse and of course mis-matched socks.
“How did I not notice you’re using the shoes and socks I gifted you?”
His brows furrowed,“Is something wrong (Y/N)?”
(Y/N) sighed ignoring his question “I read that a crush only last four months. But if it last longer you are considered to be in love. is that true?”
“Actually, many people often mistake crushes and infatuation with love. The initial feelings of crush and falling in love are very similar. The rush of euphoria happens in both cases. The butterflies, and the feelings of pure joy at the sight of them happens in both cases. It’s easy to see how the two are mistaken for love because the feelings are so intense, but there is a difference. Crushes and infatuation go hand in hand, and are very similar-
He paused for a second catching his breath before continuing, “-a crush is defined as a brief but intense infatuation for someone, especially someone inappropriate or unattainable. Infatuation is defined as an intense but short lived passion or admiration for someone or something.
Involuntarily she rest her head against his shoulder, “What about love?” she questioned. You glanced up for a second watching as his tongue swiped across his bottom lip.
“Love is truly seeing and accepting their object of affection. It’s an intense feeling of deep affection. to be patient and understanding, love is forgiving. It desires a deep connection. When we truly love someone, we see their flaws, and we accept them. there are thoughts of a future together, and realistic expectations of ea-“
JJ sighed, “Just tell him say I love you. Not as a friend. But I love you, on a deeper connection. What’s the worst that could happen?”
“I’m in love with you.” her eyes fluttered shut, her heart was pounding in her ears, she felt Spencer tense at what she had just said. Oh god did I make a mistake?
She pulled her head away from his shoulder, tell him why just tell him.
“You’re the most sweetest, yet awkward guy I know. Not only are you sweet, you’re also so smart. I love to hear you ramble on about, honestly anything. You’re so caring, and kind. It hurts me when you beat yourself up, I just want to hug you and tell you why you’re wrong and tell you that I love-” 
Spencer placed his hands on her cheeks pulling her into a slow passionate kiss, everything happened so quickly it took her a moment to process what was happening. Wrapping her arms around his neck pulling him deeper into the kiss, the feeling was so surreal.
He pulled away slowly his hands still on her cheeks as he rest his forehead against hers, “I love you too.” he spoke as he stared into her (Y/E/C). (Y/N) smiled from ear to ear, stealing another kiss from Spencer.
“Finally!” a voice spoke startling the two. (Y/N) peeked over Spencer’s shoulder to see Cole standing there with well the rest of her siblings, oh yeah she was never going to hear the end of this. 
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hqmoonsun · 4 years
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i met you at 24, i lost you at 72.
genre: fluff, angst
pairing: angel!bokuto x gn!human!y/n
word count: 4.2k
warning(s): implied death, cussing
synopsis: freedom is something you heavily value, to soar and to fly. maybe, that’swhy you’re so fascinated with angels. beings that navigate with their wings, lifting them off the ground, using the air to control their course. you weren’t sure whether the rumors of them existing in the same planet as you are real. but one thing’s for sure, you want to encounter one. it’s just not the person you’re expecting at an unexpected time and place.
24 hours
summer break.
those two words alone bring students a sense of euphoria and freedom. it’s what liberates them from deadlines and stress. it signifies the time to be able to have fun at no costs. and of course, you sure as hell won’t take that time for granted.
you often fantasize of being an angel. they’re rumored to be roaming around the earth and a part of you wishes that’s true. creatures that are crafted filled with kindness and knowledge, you seek to learn from them. you want to learn how to fly, like they do with wings like theirs. to you, to be an angel is to be free.
that is why right now, you are standing in front of the subway at exactly 12:00 am on july 21st, the very first day of summer break. as expected, only a few are around and they are mostly foreigners who had just arrived for vacation.
this year, you plan to take the subway on the first week of summer break and let it take you anywhere. you like being spontaneous and this is exactly what it is.
the sky is still dark and the stars are still sparkling. you stand idle as you patiently wait for the train to arrive.
from the corner of your left eye, you could see a familiar build of someone’s back, yet you can’t place your tongue on who it is. a second passed and they finally turned around, revealing the one and only bokuto koutarou.
you furrow your eyebrows secretly, wondering what on earth is the school volleyball’s ace doing at the train station in the middle of the night. you can’t exactly ask him because well, it’s bokuto koutarou. there is no way that he would recognize who you are. after all, you’re just a nobody.
“hey, i know you!” he suddenly points at you. for some unknown reason, he sounds relieved.
“uhm, hi?” you awkwardly greet him.
“it’s midnight, what are you doing here?” he asks, cheerful as ever.
“spending my summer break, you?”
silence falls between the two of you and the faint rumbling sound of the train from a distance is all you could hear.
“so, where are you going?” he opens up the conversation again.
“anywhere the train goes,” you admit shrugging your shoulders.
“can i tag along?” he asks, pursing his lips after.
that definitely caught you off guard. but this is definitely spontaneous and who are you to turn down such an opportunity?
“of course you can,” you smile at him. for a moment, time seemed to stop. the train in the distance halted in its tracks along with the heels clicking behind you as the both of you got lost in each other’s eyes. if it weren’t for the train hissing loudly as its doors open to welcome passengers, no one would have looked away.
“after you,” bokuto lets you enter first, following after you.
“what an angel,” you let out a giggle at his gesture.
you point at an empty seat five rows after the entrance, perfectly situating you in the middle of the vehicle.
“next stop, shibuya,” an automated announcement voices through the train speaker.
“how long is that?” bokuto leans in to whisper. you could feel his breath tickling your neck.
“uh, don’t know, maybe 30 minutes?” you stammer. you could feel how close he is from the corner of your eyes. your pulse can’t help but race rapidly.
“wake up,” a voice softly whispers.
you slowly open your eyes to the view of bokuto’s reflection on the window. you planned to stay still for a while until you realize the soft object you’re leaning on is his shoulder.
“fuck, sorry i didn’t mean to sleep on you,” you break away, now fully awake.
“it’s okay,” he giggles while shaking his hands, “your snores were cute,” he adds.
your eyes widen in horror.
“i’m kidding,” he retreats, giggling even louder.
“i hate you,” you playfully roll your eyes at him.
then, the train comes to a halt. outside, the sky is still dark and the stars still glistening. in contrast to your city, shibuya is filled with tall buildings.
you two get off the train with no exchange. no one spoke, yet you both could feel the excitement in the air.
“the most spontaneous adventure of my life so far is here,” you exhale with a wide smile.
“it hasn’t started when i asked to come?” bokuto pouts.
you wanted to reply, but nothing came out. bokuto laughs it off and takes your hand. before you know it, you’re out of the train station and stand somewhere in shibuya, where only a few shops are open at this late hour.
“hungry?” bokuto points at a ramen shop. his hands are still intertwined with yours. his grip tells you he’s not letting go anytime soon.
“this is amazing,” you giggle with your mouth full, causing you to choke a little.
bokuto immediately hands you a napkin, so quick that he almost flipped the table.
“careful,” he scolds gently.
“my bad, i was too excited.”
“can’t blame you, this shit’s awesome.”
you stare into each other’s eyes, both of your lips curved into a smile. time seemed to stop again until the old lady working interrupts to serve you tea. she exchanges looks with the both of you and smiles.
“ah, young love,” she sings as she struts back to the kitchen.
you two make no noise. just your hearts racing faster and faster by the second. bokuto lets out a dry cough to lessen the tension and you two resume eating.
it hasn’t been long, but this is the second time you’ve gotten lost in each other’s eyes. you don’t understand why, but the moment both of your eyes meet, they can’t seem to lose each other.
when finished with your late meals, you step back outside. it’s still the same as before you went in. quiet and dark.
“so,” you start.
“so,” bokuto continues.
“where are we headed?”
“hey, i’m just tagging along.”
“are you tired?”
“no, i’m restless.”
“let’s go see the sunrise then,” you glance up at bokuto, who towers over you. he’s already looking at you with a smile. again, your heart does that thing, where it tumbles over and over again.
“you’re good with directions, right?” bokuto whispers behind you.
“are you scared of getting lost?” you turn around and raise an eyebrow.
“yes, it’s a waste of time.”
“no, we’re not lost,” you confirm, “but if we were, good thing you’re with me, i’ll make it worth your time.”
you’ve never been to sunrise course before, but you’ve read up on it for this moment. it was two months ago. ironically, it was when your friend took you to one of your school’s volleyball home game, which bokuto played in. halfway through the first set, you caught yourself yawning constantly. that was when you had the idea to search up places to visit during the summer break. one of your goals is to watch the sunrise and this course is the best place for it. it’s set atop a golf course facing east. it’s a public place often visited by many, yet only you and bokuto are the only ones present right now.
“it’s all to us,” you close your eyes and spread your arms to spin slowly.
“living the coming-of-age stories?” bokuto laughs as he watches you turn.
“yes,” you stop and look at him in the eyes.
“let me live it with you.”
as the sun shines, you exchange smiles with your eyes staring at each other’s. when the sunlight obscures your faces, bokuto stretches his arms and reaches for yours. the two of you have become two bodies connected into one, spinning slow enough to catch blurry glimpses of each other and the illuminating sky above. none of you made noise, just the sound of birds chirping and the air whipping from your turns. everything seems perfect, peaceful, and serene. you don’t wanna let go, but at the tenth one, you both get dizzy. you grab his arm for support, but since he’s also losing his balance, you two fall butt first on the golf course’s fake grass. the impact is so shocking, you immediately look at each other, eyes wide and in surprise.
then, you burst into laughter, throwing your head back to let your face feel the light. without you noticing, bokuto examines your pretty, illuminating face, the sunlight uncovering the glow that hid within. he’s never found someone so beautiful, so carefree, and so perfect.
“that was fun,” bokuto smiles, short breathed.
too tired to talk, you nod and smile at him as a response.
“tired?” he tilts his head with a face of worry.
“a little bit,” you reply before yawning.
“come on, let’s get you some rest.”
bokuto stands up and offers a hand that you willingly take.
48 hours
even with your eyes closed, you could feel the warmth and see the sunlight peeking from outside. the city is now awake. you groggily open your eyes and turn over to face away from the sunlight. to your surprise, the other side of the room greets you with a small kitchen against the wall of the bathroom. your eyes widen, realizing that the room you’re in right now is the only vacant room the hotel could offer. the problem is, it only has one bed, so where did bokuto sleep?
you quickly sit up from the bed to look for him. and there he is, sleeping peacefully right below you, cuddled in a spare pillow and blanket. as if he could feel your stares, bokuto’s eyes slowly open to meet yours. he smiles at the sight of you.
“good morning,” he greets with a husky voice, his morning voice.
you melt at his gaze and smile.
“i’m so sorry,” you shut your eyes as guilt overcomes you.
“for what?” you could hear him sit up.
“you slept on the floor!” you reply in embarrassment. “i’m so sorry,” you repeat with your face buried deep in your hands.
you peek at him in between your fingers, he blankly stares at you before bursting into a fit of laughter.
“what?” you raise your head out of confusion.
“it’s cute how you’re more upset about it than me,” he giggles while running his hands through his hair. it looks like cotton candy with its volume and messy ruffles.
“so, you are upset.”
“no. i don’t think i can ever get mad at you.”
“just admit it, i understand. i’d be mad too if i had to sleep on the floor after a tiring trip.”
“seriously, don’t get so hung over it. i’m not mad.”
“i’m so-“
“shh,” bokuto cuts you off with a finger against your lips. “let’s just get ready for breakfast and enjoy the day,” he adds before stretching his hands for you to take, lifting you up and out the bed.
“what’s the plan for today?” bokuto whispers in your ear as you two line up for breakfast. you could feel his breath against your neck, it’s cold and smell of mint.
“for the first half, i was thinking we could visit hachikō, maybe shop? then have a picnic at a park.”
“sounds fun, i’m totally in.”
“even if you weren’t, you have no choice but to come along,” you cheekily say, lightly bumping his chest with your elbow.
“why do you say that?” he lifts an eyebrow.
“because you changed my mind.”
“on what?”
“on doing this trip alone, ever since you asked to tag along.”
“rest assured, i never and will think of backing out.”
you hold up your pinky finger, signaling you want him to promise his words. without hesitation, he intertwines his pinky with yours, sealing the promise.
“there it is!” you excitedly point at the bronze statue of hachikō, a dog whose loyalty was so strong that it visited the station everyday for nine years, waiting for their owner who has passed.
“how is there so many people already?” bokuto mutters under his breath, his eyes scanning the crowd, a mix of natives and foreigners.
“let’s line up for a picture,” you grip bokuto’s wrist, dragging him closer to the statue.
“haven’t you seen this before?” he asks, pulling out his phone to visit your social media page.
“it just never gets old,” you turn around to face him with a smile. “don’t worry, no one from school will know we’re spending some of our summer together, i won’t upload it anywhere.”
he doesn’t say anything, his hands just make their way to pet the statue as if it were alive. you fight the urge to gently lay your hand on top of his, your fingers slowly intertwining.
“say cheese!” you yell to help snap out of your thoughts. it’s barely even a day yet, you cannot be forming feelings for him already.
the two of you hold up peace signs, wide grins stretching across your faces. bokuto sneaks another one with his phone.
“is it a good picture?” bokuto’s voice emerges from behind you.
“huh?” you lean closer to him, sneaking a peak at the picture he’s talking about. your heart jumps, so high it might just pop out of your chest. your phone vibrates in your back pocket, informing you about a notification. upon seeing the alert, you could feel your cheeks heat up uncontrollably. a picture of you and bokuto, uploaded to his feed, publicly seen and viewed by everyone.
“so many interactions already,” he gasps as if his other posts don’t get the same, if not, more attention.
“everyone’s gonna think you’re hanging out with a loser,” you turn away to examine the picture closer.
“you’re not, what the hell?” bokuto quickly retorts.
“calm down, it’s a joke,” you chuckle, scrolling through an endless amount of confused comments under the picture.
“do you not like it?” bokuto peeks out from your shoulder. he’s close, dangerously close. you could feel your cheeks heat up again.
“no, i like it,” you double tap at the screen, “i like it very much,” you bow your head lower, covering up your crimson cheeks.
for the rest of the afternoon, you’ve decided to practically visit every shop you could find.
“here’s a challenge,” bokuto rubs his hands together. you can tell he’s excited about something.
“i’m down, what is it?” your eyes widen out of excitement.
“at every store we go in, we have to buy one thing for each other,” imitating your actions earlier, he sticks out a pinky for you to seal.
“accepted,” you grin, sealing it at once.
for the thousandth time, your eyes meet again. the buzzing of the busy street declines and those who surround move slowly. you didn’t believe that someone could stop time for you, but there they are. effortlessly, bokuto freezes time.
what is it that you’re feeling? is it genuine? or merely an infatuation? secretly, you hope it’s the former.
“in three, two, one,” you count down the seconds you reveal what you got each other.
piles and piles of random objects clatter on top of the wooden table, some even spilling out the corner.
“how many did we visit? holy shit,” you laugh, astonished at the amount of souvenirs you bought.
“somewhere around uhm,” he scrolls through his camera roll, where snapshots of every store you’ve gone to are stored.
“never met someone so sentimental,” you rest your face on top of your clasped hands.
“about 17? shit, that’s a lot,” he bursts into a loud, contagious laugh that you couldn’t help but giggle along.
“let’s alternate, i don’t care if they’re from the same shop, there’s too many to match them up,” you propose as you try to sort out the clutter of objects.
bokuto eagerly nods at you. you can tell he’s excited and cannot wait to show off what he bought you.
“i’ll go first!” he volunteers, raising both of his arms. yep, he’s definitely excited. “first one is this sticker sheet,” he starts as he flaunts a glossy paper, marked with smiley faces.
you snatch it from his hands, sticking a smiley in each of your cheek.
“how is it?”
“i got you it because i love your smile, and you’re smiling right now, so i’d say very pretty,” bokuto explains, his eyes sparkling.
“if you keep complimenting me, i’m really gonna think i’m the hottest person to ever exist,” you lightly slap his hand.
“then so be it,” he quickly responds.
“okay, my turn!” you busy yourself, rummaging through the stuff you bought to hide your embarrassment. bokuto really knows how to give you butterflies. “ooh, this one, it’s very you,” you say as you pull out a volleyball figurinel.
“that’s so fucking cute,” bokuto’s eyes widen.
“right? when i first saw it, i knew i had to buy it for you.”
“aren’t figurines expensive?” he asks, closely eyeing it in your hands.
“there was a 70% sale, the store was trying to clear everything,” you boast proudly, handing it to him.
“i love it,” he takes it, handling it like it’s the most delicate piece to ever exist.
for hours, all you and bokuto did is exchange souvenirs to each other. not even a second did you feel bored. he knows how to hold a conversation so well. with bokuto, everything is filled with laughter.
next stop, some random park to have a picnic at. technically, it’s not random, since you’ve known about horizon square. it’s a popular spot, there’s no way you wouldn’t know about it. what’s great about it is that there’s a lake situated at the middle, making the atmosphere of the place even more serene. you can’t wait to visit it.
“how did i not know about this?” bokuto gasps next to you.
“not a man of culture, huh?” you tease.
“thank god for you, i have someone of culture with me,” he winks.
the butterflies that have dissipated earlier comes back, bigger in numbers.
“the sun’s setting again, y/n,” bokuto points out. he sounds sad and it’s not usual for someone extroverted like him to convey such a tone.
“lost track of time,” you collapse on top of the red gingham blanket you and bokuto share. he follows after you.
“every second with you feels like a movie,” he says with his eyes focused on the clouds.
“what kind? a slice of life? coming of age?” you question, listing possible genres. “don’t tell me horror?” you sarcastically gasp. a chuckle leaves his lips.
“romance?” he squints his eyes, avoiding you gaze.
as soon as you hear the word slip out of bokuto’s mouth, blood quickly rushes to your cheeks, tinting it redder than the roses that bloom across the lake.
“sorry,” he apologizes, then gets up to sit to hug his knees close to his chest. it’s an unfamiliar image, but he looks fragile. bokuto has a lean built, but right now, he resembles that of a fallen angel.
“for what?” your face has cooled down, so you sit up to get a closer look at him.
“i’m falling for you,” bokuto confesses, his eyes staring off into the distance.
you’re left speechless and all you could do is look at him with eyes in disbelief. no way. you never saw this happening, but again, just like he said, this trip was already spontaneous the moment he asked to come.
“if you feel uncomfortable, i’ll leave now,” his voice trails off and he stands up, getting ready to leave.
“don’t,” you reach for his hand, “stay.”
he stays still for a moment, conflicted whether he should listen or not. if he does, the pain will grow, maybe not for you, but definitely for him. but you’ve become his weakness and he can’t bring himself to reject you, so he sits back down, surrendering to love.
“you’re not the only one who’s falling, you know?” you bump his shoulder with yours.
he turns to you, surprised at what he just heard. no way.
“can i kiss you? for the first and last time?” bokuto suddenly asks, catching you off guard. you turn to him, not saying a word, just nod for consent. at that instant, his lips crash into yours. they feel exactly what they look like, smooth and soft. you could just kiss him forever.
“wait, did you say last time?” you pull away, realizing his wording.
“forget about that,” he pants for air, his tone desperate for your lips. you give in, melting at his soft kiss.
you’re lips have broken contact and the two of you are just peacefully laying on the blanket, stargazing, both eyes reflecting the night sky.
the moon and the stars have come out, glistening above you. right now, everything feels magical. no, it is magical. you hope everything stays this way.
bokuto then stands, dusting his hands after. he glances at the stars and then to you. you watch him in awe, pretty boy standing right before you.
“wanna dance?” he holds out his hand for you to take.
“of course,” you take it and use it for support to stand.
you wrap your arms around his neck and his hands find their way to your hips. in unison with each other, your bodies sway at the same time and rhythm. it’s slow, you could hear an old, love song playing in your head. the kind that’s played when the main couple at a romantic movie dances at night, candles encompassing them.
bokuto fully wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to him. like instinct, you bury your face into his neck.
“is it bad if i said i love you now?” you mutter without thinking.
“absolutely not,” bokuto replies, his hands running through your hair.
“then, i love you.”
“i love you too.”
you’re not one to admit feelings, in fact, you hated it. the thought of telling someone you love them irked you. but with bokuto, it’s so easy to say, like those three words only belong to him.
72 hours
the sunlight seeps inside your room, blinding you even with your eyes closed. you sit up, eyes scanning the room for bokuto. he’s nowhere to be found.
“where’d he go?” your furrow your eyebrows as you reach for your phone, expecting a message from him, but you’re greeted with none.
the bathroom is empty, his clothes are still here, but so is his phone. anxiety creeps inside you at the sight of it, but you don’t know where its roots are coming from.
a slip of crumpled paper is pinned beneath it, catching your attention. you take it, expecting a message, explaining that he’s going for a jog or buying some extra snacks. no, it’s a letter, specifically a long one.
“what is this?” you mutter under your breath, confused at why he left you one.
‘dear y/n,
i don’t know how to start this because i never planned on doing this in the first place. frankly, i decided on spending my remaining time alone. sorry, i asked to come with.
do you believe in angels? yes, like the ones in heaven. kind beings with wings desired to be acquired by many. it’s silly, i know. but do you? because i am one. i was sent here to study humans, your way of thinking and the way you hold yourself, it’s all fascinating. this study trip is three years, first year to third year of high school. at first, i thought it was too long. after you, i realized it wasn’t enough. again, it’s silly, i know. and no, you’re not going crazy.
i was built with the intent of giving love, platonic love. but as my days with you progressed, i found myself slightly, but surely transforming into someone that gave and craved the romantic kind. and you didn’t fail to receive and give.
actually, i take it back. i might sound selfish, but i’m not sorry for asking to tag along. i do not have any, not even an ounce of regret at all. with you, i watched the day start and the day end, our bodies swaying to imaginary music. it’s a great memory. i hope you don’t forget it.
so treasure this phone, it’s where our story is documented. at the very least, you have something to remember me by and that i was once real. an entity in the form a human, someone capable of knowing and be loved by you.
goodbye, y/n. i love you. i’ll love you in the form of stars, of the moon, and of the sun. forever and ever. until we meet again, y/n.
- bokuto
you hadn’t noticed it until you’ve finished reading. tears have fallen from your eyes, soaking the paper, slowly crumpling it even more.
“what the fuck?” you let out a laugh, denying of yourself the truth. “this isn’t real right? it’s a joke, right? bokuto you can come out now, wherever you’re hiding, come out,” you plead, hoping that he’ll reveal himself.
“i wanted to meet an angel,” you collapse to the floor, sobbing, hugging your knees close to your chest, “but i never wished to lose one.”
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leah-halliwell92 · 3 years
Daughter of Darkness
Summary: Leaving the island had been a backup plan…and a last resort. She didn’t want to leave home, but by Hera had their actions driven her to. She’d grown restless with their stares and whispers…no more. But little did she that leaving had set her on a path she could never have imagined.
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Chapter 1
“Oh it did,” Dick said laying back down, “He was beyond pissed, but I passed out from the blood loss before I could see or hear anything else.”
“She…made me chose in a way,” Bruce said quietly as he stared off avoiding any and all eye contact, “After killing the Joker, she asked me if letting him live was worth the risk of losing Dick…of losing my son.”
Chapter 2
The following morning Bruce woke with a painful grunt as the hits he took the night before made themselves known. He looked around rubbed his eyes as he remembered he’d fallen asleep next to Dick’s bed in the batcave. He went to stretch to take off the suit’s under layer and winced. 
“You should take the day off Bruce,” Dick said from place on the bed as he let out a yawn, “Those look bad.”
“The batman can take the day off I guess,” he conceded before giving dick an affectionate pat on the shoulder.
“You know they’re gonna call right?” Dick said as he adjusted the bed’s back to sit up. 
Bruce gave him a look and pulled up the grey under shirt of the suit. At Dick’s audible gasp he knew he needed an ice bath. 
“He got you bad man,” Dick said softly, “Speaking of getting...who was the girl?”
“That’s good question,” Bruce said, “And a better question is how she knew where we were at all.”
“Think she could be meta?” Dick asked with a shrug, curiosity in his voice.
“Has to be for her to not only know where we are but help us the way she did,” Bruce said making his way to the main computer.
“Hey! Don’t leave me here when I can help!” Dick called after Bruce.
The older man had to chuckle at his boy’s antics, and realized he’d be sad to see him go back to Blüdhaven. He also knew that if Dick didn’t return to said city then they’d both have Barb to deal with...and that is not something either of them need at the moment. So he saved himself a second headache and brought the bagged dagger up to where Dick is so they could at least make some basic observations on it.
“Awww and he takes pity on my crippled form,” Dick said dramatically, cracking a grin.
“Ha ha ha,” Bruce said cracking his own grin despite the joke, “We both you if you wanted to be out of that bed you’d have gotten up the second you saw me leave.”
“And risk having Alfred and Barb jump down both our throats? No way man,” the younger man said hands up in mock surrender, “I like not having a headache so soon after waking up from getting stabbed. Plus its not like she won’t yell at us anyway for the same thing.”
Bruce had to give Dick that one and said, “Might as well take advantage of this while we can then.”
Dick started out laughing before it turned into a violent coughing fit.
Bruce checked his bandages making sure nothing had been torn in that hacking fit, and to make sure Dick was ok for himself.
“I’m fine Bruce,” Dick said waving the older man away back to his chair, “Just need to remember to not laugh so hard.”
Bruce shook his head and passed Dick the dagger.
Dick took it and turned it over in his hands.
“It looks old,” he said after a moment of consideration, “And not that it is old time wise. But that this looks like it was made recently if how well the blade and hilt are when you think about usage. It doesn’t look like anything I’ve ever seen from anywhere we’ve been. If it was made on earth it has to be from either a lost culture or a culture that has yet to be re-discovered.”
Bruce nodded and took the dagger back.
“Is there any information on it?” Dick asked with a yawn. 
Bruce gave the young man a half grin, God knew how he had lived this long to raise such enigmatic boys.
“Sleep, if there is I’ll wake you,” Bruce said standing to let Dick get the rest he so desperately needs, “As for information...I’m pretty sure Alfred’s had that running before we got out of bed this morning.”
“Come one B!” Dick called out to Bruce, “At least promise me you’ll knock me out fully if Barb comes by! Please!?”
Bruce walked away chuckling as he did. He forwent going to whatever scrap of information there was on the blade and decided on taking it easy for once. Lord knew he’d need what little strength he had for when the rest of the family called.
Anna was laying on her hotel bed doing some work for the exhibit that opens the following day when the Skype screen popped up with a call.
She heaved a tired sigh at the caller ID, and thought about whether or not she should fall prey to that childish desire to not pick up. 
In the end she decided the reprimand was not worth it so answered and with a tired smile said, “Bonjour Diana.”
“Good evening Anna,” she said with an equally tired grin, “You look like you’ve taken on something.”
“As do you...Wonder Woman,” Anna replied with a playful smirk.
Diana sighed at this still not used being as in the open as she was.
“He’d have loved seeing you live Diana. There’s no need to live hung up on a memory,” Anna said treading carefully as she spoke.
To her surprise, Diana nodded and said, “I’ve lived so quietly for so long, that...”
“Being out there and showing that there is someone there to fight for them is as difficult as staying in and living that quiet life,” Anna finished for her with an understanding nod.
Diana nodded and said, “You are in Gotham for the week yes?”
“I am...and I’ve already had a run in with the Batman,” she said, a small smile appearing on her face as she thought back to those moments.
Diana’s eyes widened, “You...”
“I did not go looking for him Diana,” Anna said sharply, “I had no sooner gotten to my hotel that I’d...felt this chill in the air. It’s summer Diana and I felt as if I’d walked into solid ice. No it’s not the room’s AC, I checked it, this felt as if...as if someone was going to die.”
“A premonition?” Diana asked incredulously.
“Not that but...a feeling, then the Shades arrived all referring to three souls and one they hungered for,” Anna explained as she thought back.
“What happened?” Diana asked both curious and worried.
“As we do as amazons...I went to investigate,” Anna said with a sigh, “I was lead to a warehouse on the pier. Diana I swear I heard the laughing from outside.”
Diana closed her eyes and shivered. It had been years since she’s come across a foe that enjoyed killing enough to find it laughable.
“Diana...it’s been an age since I had come across a man who enjoyed torturing other beings as much as this one did,” Anna said wrapping her arms around herself, “He reeked of death Diana. The Shades that were with me flew about the batman and his partner as one would expect of such warriors but nothing compared to how they reacted to who held them hostage.”
“I’ve heard that one of the most known criminals calls himself the Joker,” Diana said evenly, “An unconventional criminal, with a very long trail of deaths behind him.”
Anna nodded at this somberly and said, “Psychopath Diana, he was a psychopath. It was clear he had tortured both men but for how long I do not know.”
Diana gasped as Anna went into detail of what she’d seen, how the Joker behaved and how he clearly enjoyed breaking the Batman from the inside out.
“What happened next Anna?” Diana asked when Anna went silent, “Adanna!”
Anna looked up at Diana and heaved a sigh and said, “I was not going to ferry the young man’s soul across the river Diana.”
Diana’s eyes widened at the implication.
“I...Killed the Joker,” Anna said simply, “The mental and emotional connection between him and the Batman was one I had not seen between foes in some time. And to a degree I understand why hesitate in killing him even in self-defense.”
“Would he not have killed the Joker?” Diana asked, “I’ve heard rumors that he has a tendency not to kill those he captures.”
Anna nodded at this and said, “That’s just it! It felt different when it came to the Joker for some reason. He acted as if I’d severed a tether he needed present to keep going no matter how much damage it made.”
“We’ve all had those Ann,” Diana said with a sigh.
Anna wanted to say how her’s was thrown in her face everyday and how it haunted her to this day but held her tongue. That was not a conversation to have though Skype. And not a topic she wanted to touch on while she was still reeling from her encounter with the Joker and the Dark Knight of Gotham. 
So instead she settled on, “I killed him Diana...and whilst I do not enjoy taking life, this one I had no qualms in taking.”
Diana cocked a brow at her her righteous morals about to reprimand her sister when Anna cut in.
“Don’t even think about it,” Anna said eyes darkening, “He would have killed that boy, and then no one in Gotham would have been spared the Batman’s wrath. There is a heart under that armor Diana, I felt it. He would have suffered greatly for the loss and worse being that the Joker would have bathed in the blood spilled and pain he’d caused. So do not lecture me on the righteousness of justice.”
Before Diana could say more Anna hung up and closed her laptop with a shake of her head. 
“You have seen so much and have grown so much Diana...but you still need to learn that sometimes death is inevitable,” she said out loud before turning in for the night.
Tomorrow is the banquet presenting the exhibition, the following day the opening, and then maybe she could rest...if the city let her that is. 
Tag List:
@flanagirl​ @xbreezymeadowsx​ @enigmatic-ravenna​ @alisinchainmail​ @disneymarina​ @thebeautyofdisorder​ @fandomgalcentral​ @wonderbat-official​ @lovelyyroseeee​
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seachanqe · 4 years
write the softest words and kiss them
My first entry for Aspec Martin Blackwood Week, using the prompt “Poetry”!
Tags/Warnings: Internalized Acephobia, Aro-Ace Martin Blackwood, Demi-Aro Martin Blackwood, ace relationship, Non-sexualized intimacy, Post-159
Relationship: Martin Blackwood/Jonathan Sims
Summary: Jon had walked into the Lonely and saved him from his own personal hell; he saw Jon, he felt the force of that love. It was all-encompassing, a choking, bright explosion, and after everything, Martin's afraid. He's afraid he's not a worthy recipient of those feelings, he's afraid his own version of-- of-- that emotion won't be enough for Jon. But Jon's Seen him, and he's still here. That-- it has to mean something, even if it's out of misguided pity or obligation.
Or: As they both recuperate from escaping the Lonely, Martin shares with Jon his feelings and fears related to love, through an explanation of his relationship with love poetry.
Read on AO3 or below
Pale, pink dusk light filters through the dust-filled air of Martin's neglected-of-late flat. Martin flicks on the hall light, blinking as he adjusts to the sudden flood of light. Routine kicks in and he toes off his shoes. Out of the corner of his eye, he sees that Jon follows his lead, though he makes sure to untie his first before setting them neatly next to Martin's. Martin's mind stalls on the sight of Jon's shoes next to his, though he can hardly process why at the moment. The warm weight of Jon's hand settles on Martin's back.
"Martin?" Jon murmurs with unconcealed concern, and steps closer; Martin knows the simple utterance of his name is many questions at once: Is everything okay? Are you still here with me? And-- and-- He flinches away from the emotion seeped into every syllable Jon utters; it's just too much, everything feels too much, especially when what he feels might not be enough for Jon. Jon had walked into the Lonely and saved him from his own personal hell; he saw Jon, he felt the force of that love. It was all-encompassing, a choking, bright explosion, and after everything, Martin's afraid. He's afraid he's not a worthy recipient of those feelings, he's afraid his own version of-- of-- that emotion won't be enough for Jon. But Jon's Seen him, and he's still here. That-- it has to mean something, even if it's out of misguided pity or obligation.
Martin takes a quick, deep breath, before nodding in what he hopes is a reassuring manner. "Yeah, yeah. I'm--I'm fine."
Jon appears unconvinced but nods back, his eyes never leaving Martin's face, his hand clenched in Martin's shirt as if he's afraid Martin will disappear in front of him and he'll need to pull him back. Martin simultaneously relishes and shies away from the attention; it's everything he's wanted and at the same time too much for him to handle. He had spent months purposefully withdrawing from his own life, and he's suddenly being properly seen, by the person he cares most about in the world. And although it's overwhelming, he can't help but also be drawn into it, like a moth to the flame. So few people in his life have offered to love him so freely, he can't help it. He tries to bury his dread, at least for now, for what he sees as an inevitable fallout; later, he tells himself, later .
Martin's flat is small; the short hallway they stand in leads to a combo kitchen and living room, and a door off the left to his room and bathroom.
"Jon? I--" He looks apologetically at Jon, with a quick glance over his shoulder where he can feel Jon's hand. "I need to close the curtains and turn the rest of the lights on."
"Mm? Oh, oh right, sorry, of course." Jon pulls his hand away, to rub at his own neck instead, in a familiar, awkward gesture that unexpectedly brings a smile to Martin's face.
"Thanks," Martin says softly, before retreating. He makes quick work of it and, out of instinct and a bit of embarrassment, begins to tidy up a bit. Books, used tea mugs, chipped plates with crumbs, haphazard pieces of trash, and random articles of clothing are all strewn about the living room. Martin had hardly been expecting guests; he honestly hadn't expected to still be alive, let alone have Jon in his flat.
"You don't-- Martin, it's fine."
Martin glances up at Jon, his arms full of clothes. Jon had been not-so-surreptitiously looking around while Martin had started cleaning, and was currently standing by his old, rickety desk.
"Is it?" Martin asks, and he can't stop his voice coming out higher pitched than usual. "It's a mess, Jon, I'll just--"
"--put these clothes away, and finish tidying up the coffee table and end table--"
"It's fine, Martin. Really. You're tired. I'm tired. Please." Jon's voice drops to a pleading tone, and as much as Martin wants to be stubborn, he feels himself giving in. Jon's right--he's tired. And he doesn't want to keep Jon up either.
"Okay, fine, but only cause I already cleared the couch. And I'm making tea first no matter what you say. Then we can sleep"
Jon breaks into a fond, albeit weary, smile. "That's-- that sounds nice. Thank you, Martin."
While the tea is seeping, Martin looks up to see Jon holding one of his notebooks, an odd expression on his face. Tilting his head to read the front, Martin squints at the notebook in Jon's hand and immediately has a minor heart attack.
"Jon!" he blurts, starting forward. Jon flushes, nearly throws the notebook back on the desk, and immediately raises his hands, apologetic.
"I-- S--sorry, I didn't mean, I just-- I saw it and I--I suddenly knew -- I knew ," Jon says in a rush, "I didn't mean to know, I swear, I just-- it just happened."
Martin snatches the notebook from the desk, holding it so tightly he could feel the edges dig into the palm of his hand.
Biting his lip, Martin looks down at the notebook. It had been a while since he had opened it and read its contents, and even longer since he had written anything in it.
"What do you know?" he asks, heart in his throat.
"I'm so sorry, Martin. All I know is that it's-- it's some of your poetry," Jon says shakily.  "I missed it," he adds, softly, like a wish, almost to himself.
Martin meets Jon's eyes, searching for deceit, for some proof that this is a joke, but Jon's earnest and pleading in a way Martin's never seen before.
"You've missed it?" Martin asks incredulously. "When have you ever-- "
"Oh god--" Jon's blush has spread to his ears, and Martin tries to ignore how adorable it looks. "Uh a few years ago, when I thought--" He sighs. "It doesn't matter. I was going through the trash, and found a few of your poems."
"Of course you did," Martin says with a sigh. "And then you read them."
"Yes," Jon whispers. "But," and his voice grows more loud, more certain, "I-- I liked them Martin. I missed having those little pieces of you around. I--I missed you ."
Martin can feel himself turning red now, and jumps on his immediate instinct to change to the subject.
"Tea's ready! Here," he says, tossing the notebook back down on the desk. "Go sit on the couch and I'll bring it over before it gets cold."
Jon murmurs his agreement and thanks, but doesn't comment on the change of subject.
Both too stubborn to take the couch, they end up agreeing to share Martin's bed. Too exhausted to change the linens, Martin halfheartedly apologizes for the musty sheets before collapsing into bed. He tries not to think about how this is the first time he's ever shared a bed with anyone, let alone someone who he--he... cares about so much.
The next morning, they decide to continue to hide away in the flat, both unwilling to risk being discovered until they hear from Basira. Martin gets to work after breakfast tidying up the flat with Jon's help.
"When did you start writing poetry?" Jon asks nonchalantly, no compulsion in his voice, as he folds freshly laundered bedding. Jon had insisted; apparently among Jon's many talents was folding a fitted-sheet perfectly.
Martin nearly drops his washcloth, and glances over at Jon, eyebrows raised. "Where's this coming from, then?"
Jon bites his lip, and gives a little shrug. "I--I don't know everything, Martin. Not the things I want to know."
Martin shakes his head. "Why would you want to know about this?" Martin asks, unable to keep the self-deprecation out of his voice.
"Martin," Jon says, in that damned voice, soft and laced with pure emotion. He had no idea Jon could even sound like that until a few months ago. Jon sets down the sheet he had been folding, and walks over to him, arms outstretched. Martin almost flinches away, but when Jon hesitates before him, clearly waiting for an okay, Martin sighs and gives a little nod. Jon wraps his arms around Martin, and runs his hand up and down Martin's back soothingly. "Martin," he says again, just a whisper, before pulling back, his hands falling to Martin's waist. "Is this okay?" Jon's warmth is a comfort, an anchor.
"Yes, yes. But, you still haven't answered my question."
Jon's hand, so assured, moves to his face, cupping his jaw, cradling his head. Martin squeezes his eyes shut at the casual show of affection.
"Because it's important to you, Martin. I--I love you." Martin's heart jolts, and his throat feels full of cotton, and he swallows, jaw clenched, refusing to cry. "And because of that I want to--to know everything about you."
After several long moments, when he's sure he won't start crying, Martin finally responds, glancing at Jon before quickly looking away. "Okay," he says, more raspy than he would like, "Okay. I, uh." Martin winces. "Jon, I, I care about you a lot too, I-- fuck."
He pulls away from Jon, his hands clutching the back of the sofa. Jon lets go of him, apparently reluctantly, and steps back, concern etched across his face. "Martin, its fine, you don't have to--"
"I-- It's complicated, Jon," Martin interjects. "I do... love you? I just," Martin runs a hand across his face, exhaling slowly. "Let me answer your original question. It will explain things better."
Jon nods, no less concerned, but waits, watching Martin intently. Martin's used to that though, it's almost comforting, the normality of it.
"When I was 9 or 10, I guess? Used to write instead of listening to the teachers. Kept at it even though I was never able to take any formal classes, but learned by trying to emulate poets I admired: Dickinson, Blake, Frost, Whitman, Keats."
"That's admirable."
Martin squints at him, unable to help being wary for a sign of any mocking. Jon looks stricken. "Martin, I'm serious I promise. You didn't-- You didn't have the opportunities that others had, but you still-- You did it anyway."
"I have a harder time reading modern poets. It's hard-- it's hard for me to sort out the good from the bad. And there's," Martin winces, "some stuff I'd rather not read."
Jon's interest is clearly piqued. "Like what? If you don't mind sharing."
Martin gives him a pained look, a feeling of dread in his gut. "Love poetry-- don't laugh-- It's just-- I hate the tone of it, and then there's all those break-up poems and heartbreak and I just… I don't get it. It's not for me," he finishes, a touch too defiant.
Jon tilts his head slightly, questioning and bemused.
Under his scrutiny, Martin folds inward. He grasps his hands together, his head bowed. "I don't-- I usually don't feel that way. And I didn't like to read what I'm missing," he says in a small voice. Jon says nothing, but his hand twitches, like he wants to reach out. Martin takes a deep breath, and continues.
"Jon, I don't usually get crushes-- I, uh, actually never had one before you, and all this time I wasn't even sure that it was an actual," Martin couldn't help how his voice curled with aversion, " crush . All I knew is that I wanted to see you happy, I wanted to help you, protect you, I-- that I would do anything for you. I care, I care so, so much, I may even love you. I just-- I don't know what that is, and I don't want to promise anything that might-- that might go away. And, Jon, I'm terrified ."
"Martin," Jon says, voice raw and aching, and it's too much, Martin's terrified of what Jon will say. Jon will leave him, walk away, and, if he's being honest with himself, it's probably for the best.
Jon reaches forward, gently covering one of Martin's hands with two of his. "I get it--or at least I think I do--this… stuff," Jon says, echoing Martin's tone of aversion, "is complicated, ephemeral. I have similar struggles with trying to define how I feel when it comes to relationships, love, though I do not wish to claim it's exactly similar to your experiences."
"If you still want a relationship, if you want to try this, being together, I want that too. Any version of us would make me so happy. But if you--if you aren't comfortable with it, if it's too much, that's--that's fine. A world with you in it is enough for me."
Martin bites his lip, considering what Jon's said, wisps of bitter skepticism clouding his thoughts, even as tears burn at the corners of his eyes. But Jon's hands are warm around his. Jon's hands don't cling at him, but simply rest there, a steady, solid weight. Something real , offered freely, with no strings attached, no expectations. And he knows what Jon's said, what Jon's offered contains no lie. The tears bud like flowers, and fall down his face.
"Okay," Martin whispers, "Okay."
Jon leans forward, enfolding Martin in his arms, and Martin rests his head on Jon's shoulder, taking a deep breath to calm his racing heart.
After several long moments, Martin gives a damp laugh. "Don't expect me to write you any love poems though."
Jon inhales, clearly ready to disavow any need for love poems, but Martin pulls back slightly before he can, so that he's looking into Jon's eyes. "I actually tried, you know. When I realized how--how strongly I felt about you. I got excited, that I might be able to write a love poem, but--hm. It felt, hm… wrong, I guess? But," he adds quickly, "it's nothing personal, I just. Like I said, don't like 'em."
"That's fine, Martin. I would be honored to hear any of your poetry, though."
Martin rolls his eyes, a small smile peaking through, like the sun on a cloudy day. "Persistent, aren't you. How about later today?"
"I'd like that," Jon says, and Martin could lose himself in the quiet, joyful mood Jon radiates. "Thank you, Martin," Jon says, like he isn't giving Martin everything, like he isn't the most wonderful man Martin's ever met, like he isn't accepting everything Martin is and continues to love him.
Martin leans towards Jon, scrutinizing his face, trying to memorize all the little details from his many scars that pepper his cheeks, to the small mole on his jaw, to the rich brown-gold of his eyes. Jon gazes back, his expression reverent. With some apprehension, Martin presses a kiss to Jon's forehead, a mere brush of lips.
"Is this okay?" he asks, biting his lip as he pulls back.
Jon gives a little laugh, warm and breathy, and nods. "It's--it's good, Martin." And despite Jon glancing down at where Martin's biting his lip, Jon doesn't surge forward to claim a kiss, but continues to let Martin lead. Martin considers Jon's nose; it's always cute when Jon scrunches it. Martin presses a kiss to the tip of his nose, and drinks in the nearly dopey smile on Jon's face when he pulls back again. He did that.
"Would it--would it be okay if we finished up the… the," Martin attempts, waving a hand vaguely towards the pile of unfolded laundry. His own washcloth was somewhere behind him.
"Of course, Martin." Unexpectedly, Jon doesn't look put-out by this, but appears happy to return to his folding. "If you don't mind though, I'd like to--to talk more about this later? There's some stuff about me I want to share as well."
"Oh! Yeah, oh god, sorry, I--"
"Martin!" Jon says sharply, but not unkindly. "Martin, don't apologize, there's nothing to be sorry about. I just think--" Jon exhales. "This heavy stuff needs to be in small doses, there's only so much we can handle at a time."
"That--that makes sense. But whenever you want to talk about it, I'm here."
"Yes," Jon says, with a warm, gentle smile. "You're here."
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whirlybirdwhat · 4 years
East Sea of Monsters - Chapter 19
Thatch loves his new brothers, but something is stalking him in the dark and its not friendly. Also ft. the spade pirates
Read the entire series on Ao3 for better quality and author’s notes, especially warnings for content within the fic!! Tag “Ficart” on my blog should also show some fanart and podfics for this fic, as well as the link to translations! give them some love! 
Thatch - Paranoia
There is something on the ship. Thatch doesn’t know what it is or what it looks like, or even if it's corporeal, but he knows one thing.
And that is that this creature is trying to eat through all of the Moby’s food stores, one meat slice at a time.
He laments such claims to Marco and Ace, who are training on deck.
“It’s horrible! Absolutely horrendous! I woke up this morning to three – three, Ace, three! – carvings of that sea king from yesterday gone! Gone! And I have no idea what’s causing it, and I’m 99% sure it’s stalking me!” He flails dramatically out, but dead serious in his words. There’s been something in the shadows of late, something he can’t sense with his haki, and little (and not so little) scratches outside his door at night. He’s not the sort to be serious about personal danger, so he explains it as best he can.
Through jokes.
Ace laughs at him, throwing his head back and mirth clear in his eye.
Thatch is proud of him, their newest brother of only two months. He’s going to be second division commander in a week, not that he knows it yet, and Thatch is just so, so proud of him.
He’s so far from the angry creature that stalked around deck and threw himself, with the intent to kill, at Whitebeard every day.
In the sunlight, without the shadows of his usual hiding places, Ace looks even happier than before.
(Thatch could give a description of him, talk about his freckles or the way he smiles, but feels like anything he could say could never truly describe, well, Ace. His eyes are never truly the color Thatch think’s they are and his smile is just so pointy in certain lights, that Thatch often jokes about his feral nature.  But, more than these oddities is the way Ace looks ashy and cracked when he suddenly pops into view and his smile too wide and skin covered in darkness and his fingers tipped in sharp edged claws.
It’s nothing, supposedly, just figures of the mind but Thatch wonders when it seems like Ace is burning from the inside out and not because of his fruit.)
Marco swipes at Ace for getting distracted and then gives Thatch a look. “Have you tried trapping it? Stalking it back?”
He doesn’t ask are you sure it’s even there because Thatch knows it has been clawing at Marco’s door as well.
(Deeper gouges, the scent of ash at sunrise, different from the cooling unburning flames of the phoenix.
And Marco hadn’t noticed it with Haki either)
Thatch huffs, flopping further on the crate he’s using as a table. “Yep. Pulled three all-nighters and tried three different types of traps in the galley, and only wound up with paranoia and giving Jim from Third Division a broken toe.”
Marco winces at that, because getting that means you go down to the infirmary, where their medical staff’s age is ten times worse than any injury.
(They seem to have a soft spot for Ace – Thatch doesn’t know if it’s because Ace is stupidly polite to them, or just makes this confused look when they imply they should be the ones to help his injuries.
Ace tends to go to Deuce more often, (something about fire proof bandages?) but still, the soft spot is there. Thatch has used Ace to get out of trouble for kitchen injuries once or twice.)
“Have you tried bait?”
“That’s what the all-nighters were for.”
“Asking for help?”
“That’s what I’m doing now.”
“How about- “
Before Marco can give another useless bit of information, Ace cuts in. “Have you tried just, hunting it?”
“Observation Haki isn’t working on the thing.” Thatch explains, casting aside the idea.
Ace’s brow furrows, as if Thatch is an idiot. “I never hunted with haki, you don’t need it.” There’s something more to his frown, something sharp peeking out, but Thatch dismisses it.
“Yeah? You want to try then?” Thatch challenges him.
“Sure, it’s been a while.”
And that’s the start of it.
Thatch leaves Ace to his hunting, trusting that he’ll get the work done or give up trying, but that doesn’t stop him from curiously observing his new brother.
“Doesn’t that hinder your grip?” Thatch asks, referring to Ace’s right hand.
“Hm?” Ace says from his position at the top of their storage hold’s rafters.
“Your right hand.”
“Oh! Nah, I’m used to it. Say, pass me the turkey?”
“To eat or for bait?”
“Uh. Both?”
Thatch laughs and almost misses the way a part of Ace’s body seems to sink into the rafters. He tries to ignore it, he really does, but he can’t even tell if he saw it in the first place.
Ace notices his stares. “Thatch?” He asks in that concerned voice of his, which sends all sorts of guilt up Thatch’s spine.
“Uh, nothing!” He searches for a new topic. “How’d you lose it, anyway?”
Shit! Not like that! Could be sensitive you dolt!
The ever present watching invisible creature seems to agree in Thatch’s mind.
Ace’s body (which gets all fuzzy, save for the tattoos, when Thatch stares to long, which he associates with the flame-flame fruit) is missing a crucial part.
“My pinky?”
His right pinky is a stub, stretched with scratched scars, like teeth dragging over skin that didn’t sink in on the hand until the base.
(Thatch is growing increasingly concerned as he swears he saw those marks glowing, he did, he did but he can’t say anything, can he? He can’t mention how the pinky stub itself has something dark around it, like a promise, like a curse, can he, without seeming insane and untrusting?)
“Yeah.” Doesn’t seem to be a sensitive subject, because Ace looks down at his missing finger with a grin.
“Just something that happened when I was a kid. Accidents happen when you live where I lived.”
“And where did you live?”
“A bandit den, for a while.”
“Then a trash heap, just for a bit. Place was fun, lots of fights.”
“Built a treehouse too though we grew out of it.”
“Oh my god.”
“What?” Ace looks confused and it would be funny if it didn’t…
“This explains so much, oh hell.” Thatch rubs a hand over his face. No wonder Ace is half feral, it’s a miracle he learned manners at all. He ignores Ace’s face and changes the subject. He’ll wait till Ace brings it up with the others, then he’ll tease him about it mercilessly.  “You done?”
“Yep! If your little thief is who I think it is this should catch ‘em.” Ace looks proudly at his contraption in the rafters – a bed of blankets with a few slices of meat in a bowl.  “Can’t believe I didn’t know he crept on here the bastard. Should have known anyway.”
“Wait, you know who-” Thatch is interrupted by a deep mrrowh? Coming from his left. He turns, catches a glimpse of Ace smiling, and is greet with the vision of an absolutely monstrous cat.
It looks like a lynx with simply monstrous fangs – but that’s the thing. It only looks like it and the way its eyes are wide and unseeing… well…
“What.” Thatch says as Ace makes a delighted noise.
“Kotatsu you little bastard! There you are! C’mere.” The lynx flies into open arms and suddenly Ace is holding a cat almost twice his size. That’s wearing pants. “Have you been stealing from Thatch?” Kotatsu, as Ace calls him, swipes at Ace’s face, smushing it to the side. A faint burning smell fills the air but Ace appears unconcerned, so Thatch lets it slide in favor of staring at the cat.
Upon noticing, Ace smiles at Thatch and tells him “This is Kotatsu! The Spades’ Cat. I thought he was with Skulls and Banshee on Moby Four, but no, you like stealing my food, don’t you? Bastard.”
Ace shoves his face into Kotatsu’s fur and is almost consumed by the fur that… that doesn’t really look like fur.
In fact, a lot of things don’t look like they are when dealing with the Spades.
“I’ll take care of him, making sure he doesn’t steal anything else.” Ace’s voice is strangely unmuffled as he walks away, Kotatsu in his arms and trap untouched.
Thatch stares dumbly and feels the sense of oddness washing away.
God, he sounds like a broken record.
But now that the mystery of the stolen meat is gone…
A new mystery arises.
How the hell did that cat hide itself?
Thatch can’t sleep at night, now that he knows the watching feeling is Ace’s giant pet cat, which is too large to fit in any shadow yet still stalks him.
Something is up with the Spades pirates. All of them.
(It’s in the way Ace laughs or fights or exists on deck. His eyes are never the same color, his teeth a tad too sharp in certain lights, and his tattoos, emblazoned on his shoulder and back by Deuce’s skillful hand, have an unworldly shine to them
It’s in the way there is ash left in his footsteps soot where his fingers grip a tad too tight. Looking at him, directly, it’s like there’s a burning sense to eyes, like Thatch is looking directly at a blinding fire.
It’s in the way Deuce never takes off his mask but his entire face reacts a little too late to what he is saying, like he’s a second behind himself, like he’s a fault mask at work. It’s in the way Banshee lives up to her name and Skull’s skulls are always different but look a little too real for the odd horned shapes they have. It’s in the way everyone gives Finamore a wide berth but he’s less than five feet and the way Saber’s hat has five holes on either side, same as Ace. It’s in the way they all grow blurry when the sun goes down but no one mentions it, and the way Ducky Bree’s eyes aren’t ever exactly eyes.
The crew loves Ace, loves the Spades, for they are brothers and they won’t ever not love them, but they shy off, sometimes, when the dark is a bit too dark for anything normal.)
Thatch is going to find out what, because while the rest of the crew may chalk it up to Grand Line madness (a crew of misfits, the newspapers said) Thatch, and the other commanders, and some of the old hands of the crew who were around in Roger’s reign, know better.
What are you, Ace, really? What’s going on here?
He starts talking to the other Spades more often, trying to find out what’s going on, only to be met with laughter.
(Deuce’s mask shifts when he laughs, as if it’s not used to making that expression. He turns his head to fix it and Thatch swears his face slides forward just a bit, like it’s not even his. Its dark, under there, and it's gone for a second, but Thatch can’t stop staring.
He doesn’t talk to Deuce for a while after that.)
“Thatch,” Mihar says, tipping his hat up. “Be careful, won’t you? There are things you do not want to learn.”
Thatch doesn’t heed the warnings and backs off from Mihar too. But the rest of the Spades? Thatch is going insane.
He can’t explain it, he really can’t, he tries to tell Marco and Izo and everyone but he can’t explain anything beyond “It’s off.” His throat locks up when he tries to speak about Deuce’s face or Finamore’s presence or the way Banshee walks through counters in the kitchen and he thinks he’s going insane.
Kotatsu waits outside his door in the morning, and Thatch see’s agonized faces in his fur.
(Save us, they seem to scream voicelessly in inky black non fur (wasn’t Kotatsu brown?) Save us from this -)
He shuts the door before they can finish, and doesn’t come out till Ace starts making noises at Kotatsu to move.
He keeps quiet about it to others aft that, but now Ace seems to have caught on. He smiles at Thatch, baring sharp teeth and pricking him with too sharp fingers. When they slump together at drunken parties Thatch feels the point of something poking into his cheek.  
Ace is Thatch’s beloved little brother but he can be a little shit sometimes. Especially when he takes his giant cat around (which Marco avoids like hell and is the source of Thatch’s amusement if not for the fact that Kotatsu keeps stalking him.) and rides the thing, leaving sharp gouges (in the Adam Wood deck) everywhere he goes like a king on a carriage.
(Thatch is sure the beast grown and shrunk twenty different time since it showed up. He doesn’t know how big it is, truly, only that Ace can ride it and carry it.)
He’s no closer to figuring it out than when he started, just more horrified.
As always, Pops has the answer, if in an unconventional way this time.
The sky is dark as the Moby battles in the midst of a hurricane. Some upstart pirate, strangely strong, had taken to attacking the ship.
Pops was impressed at his tenacity at first, then caught him throwing crewmates who objected over board. Then that impressment quickly turned to anger.
Now, in the middle of the storm, Pops was taking no chances to prolong the battle especially with the predictableness of a Grand Line’s storm.
Conqueror’s Haki cut through the air like an executioner’s sword, dropping everyone on the opposing ship dead. Thatch didn’t particularly care what happened to them.
But, for a second, Thatch’s eyes were opened.
(The Veil was gone, raging at a King’s force in which it could not fight.)
There was Ace, fire and volcanic ash in the rain, horned and glowing and made up skin just barely holding together some force. His eyes shone as did his tattoos, red in the light but shifting to blue as he watched. The necklace around his neck was floating wrapping around him with soft power as Ace raged with a sharp tooth grin across the deck.
Next to him, Deuce stood, if that was the word, tall, limbs bent and strange and his face…
Deuce didn’t have a face. Only a smile made of knives.
Hot breath went down Thatch’s neck.
Kotatsu, Thatch knew without seeing, K’oltqevo.
(The name comes in whispers)
He doesn’t look back. Ever.
(The Veil hides what should not be seen and not a soul knows why.
But, occasionally, it is so the world doesn’t fall for what it doesn’t know.)
Lightning strikes and Ace is ‘human’ again but Thatch knows what he saw.
He can’t come up with an explanation. He can’t. Thatch tries summoning stuff in the basement only to have Kotatsu land on him, maps out conspiracies, places where the Spades might have turned into this, this whatever it is.
Kotatsu laughs at him in that cat way of his, and Thatch is suddenly very afraid of how often Ace insults the lynx looking thing to his face.
(Little bastard, Ace affectionately says, coaxing Kotatsu to leap at Marco, who is more skittish now because he too saw the truth in that storm, Come on, get em.)
Thatch has gone insane.
Whitebeard laughs when Thatch tells him his theories.
“You’re brother,” Whitebeard says, “Is a true son of the sea. Tell me, what sea does your newest brother hail from?”
“The East- Oh.” Thatch remembers now.
His father, the one he was born to, had toured the world with him, but never went to the East.
“Son,” He had said, “The devil lives in that Sea.”
Guess it was literal.
(The whispers now, of Garp and Roger and Ace and Dragon, seem a bit more literal now, a bit more terrifying. Monsters, they were called, demons.
But who could have guessed it went beyond mere power?)
“Could’ve explained that from the start.” Thatch grumbles, though he knows no more now other than that the East Blue is a demon sea.
Whitebeard has a twinkle in his eye, and thinking back to the battle he had with Ace, Thatch wonders if he knew it from the start.
(After all, wouldn’t Whitebeard know better than anyone? Demons attacking you in the night (Ace, tenacious bastard, had attacked at all times) would alert anyone to the truth.)
“Where’s the fun in that?” Whitebeard rumbles. “Treat him kindly. This is his home.”
Thatch squawks. “Of course! He’s my brother!” Pops knows that, he knows, he’s just teasing.
He waves goodnight to his father and avoids Kotatsu’s giant tail in the hallway.
Brothers, we are brothers.
Ace smiles, the world darkens, and Thatch wonders what else he can’t see in the dark.
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Shattered Glass
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Who?: John Kennex x Reader
What?: YN and John fight, forcing both of them to realize some truths neither were willing to admit. 
Word Count: 4724
Warnings: Angst, Intrusive Thoughts, Self-Image Struggles, Portrayals of Depression and Anxiety, Language, Smut, Unprotected Sex (wrap it before you tap it, y’all), Semi-Public Sex, Fluff 
A/n: Hey y’all! This started out as a therapy fic for me after I’d had a bad day at work and just sort of snowballed lol. I’d just like to reiterate that this has portrayals of negative self image and anxiety/depression so please don’t put yourself at risk if that’s going to trigger you. I’d like to give yet another shoutout to the absolutely brilliant @bakerstreethound​, without whom this story couldn’t have happened. She kept me sane during the beginning and has been the bestest friend and partner anyone could ask for. Ace, I really don’t know what I’d do without you 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜 Finally, I’m not tagging in this one, simply because I’m currently trying to work out a way to organize my tags so that people only get tagged in what they want to be :). Keep an eye out for a post soon with further details, peaches. Oh just one more thing, I’ve been seeing a lot of blogs having their works reposted on other sites without permission, and I’d like to establish here that I do not give anyone permission to repost my works. I’m on AO3 under the same username, but any other sites are not me. 
Rough days were standard in your line of work. You'd think that after 3 years in the industry, the last 5 months of which being spent with your current employer, would have you used to the stress. Then again, you weren't sure anyone could get used to the bitch of a co-worker who was causing 80% of your issues. You were higher up in the company than her, but because she'd been with them longer, she seemed to think she could order you around. Going to your bosses achieved nothing, as she was apparently "invaluable" to the company, and didn't bother listening to them anyway. It wasn't a big deal at first, just one of those "ignore them, and they'll go away" situations, but as time progressed it got increasingly worse. Today you were forced to endure her screaming insults and ranting at you about a mistake your partner had made. Your day only seemed to get worse from there, and by the time you got off, you were about ready to blow a fuse. 4 bouts of road rage and a spilled coffee later, and you finally walked through the door to your apartment, slamming it shut behind you. John's head poked around the corner from the kitchen, noodles hanging from his lips. "Jesus. Is the door still standing?" He asked once he'd swallowed. You just huffed in response. He raised an eyebrow as you walked past without giving your usual greeting in the form of a kiss. "Hello to you, too, then." He mumbled. You waved your hand sarcastically over your shoulder.
"Hey," You said. John's concern was written all over his face as he followed you into the living room. He spoke as you plopped onto the couch, placing your head in your hands.
"I'd ask if you're okay, but clearly you're not so-"
"Sorry, Detective, but you must be losing your touch because I'm fine." You said, looking up to offer a strained smile, which was met with a skeptical eyebrow raise.
"Uh-huh, and Richard's being promoted to captain. Don't bullshit me, (Y/N/N). What's wrong?" He placed a hand on your shoulder as he finished. You shrugged it off and stood to your feet, ignoring the incredulous look on his face at your actions.
"I said I'm fine, John. Just let it go." You turned to walk away, but his hand shot out to grab ahold of your wrist. You tried to tug it free, which only served to draw him to his feet. He pinned your arm against his chest, pulling you in close. "Let me go." You said as you continued to struggle against him. Any other time you'd've found being pinned against such a handsome bastard incredibly sexy, in fact, that's probably why he did it in the first place. The notion was like throwing a match onto gasoline, igniting the rage that had been simmering under the surface into a full-on blaze.
"What the hell's gotten into you??" He demanded.
"I told you to fucking let it go, Kennex. In fact, you might as well go ahead and leave altogether, cause I'm not in the mood to fuck you tonight." He dropped your wrist as if scalded and took two steps back to search your face in angry disbelief before replying.
"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" You threw your hands in the air in exasperation.
"Oh, come on! I'm not stupid, John. There was never going to be anything serious between us. You're not capable of trusting, let alone loving, anyone after Anna, and even if you were, you'd never choose me." He opened his mouth to reply, but you cut him off. "No, you wouldn't. Put me in a line up with every woman you've ever been attracted to, and the differences are fucking painfully obvious." You took a deep breath before continuing. "I was not, and never will be, anything more to you than convenient, no matter how much I love you. Okay? So, you don't have to pretend to fucking care anymore, John."
"How dare you! I can't believe I'm standing here listening to this bullshit; matter of fact," He paused and gestured as if an idea just occurred to him. "I'm not going to!" He stormed over to his coat and yanked it off the counter before throwing it on. He stopped momentarily to look back at you, mouth open to speak before sighing roughly in frustration. "Fuck this." Without another word, he was going out your door, slamming it so hard behind him that the pictures on the wall fell and crashed on the floor. In a single moment, everything in you shattered like glass. You collapsed in a heap as sobs began to rip through your chest. It's for the best. He would have left eventually, anyway. Why would he want to stay with a useless, disgusting, pathetic thing like you? God, you can't even handle the basic stress of everyday problems, while he's out there still doing his job after everything he's been through. I mean, how weak can you be?? No matter how hard you tried, you couldn't stop the thoughts from invading your mind. Each one cut deeper than the last until you were numb. Eventually you stood to your feet, drained and feeling hopeless. Your body moved on autopilot, carrying you through your nightly routine and into bed. You slept in fits and starts, nightmares plaguing nearly every second. When your body finally gave in to the utter exhaustion, a tiny part of you had hoped that you would wake up to find it'd all been a dream. Most of you didn't want to wake up at all, though.
Unfortunately, neither part of you got its wish. You did indeed wake up, and you woke up to an empty bed. Your heart broke as you realized just how badly you'd fucked up. You didn't have time to dwell on your failures, though, as your phone was ringing, and upon answering, you discovered you were over an hour late for work. You shot up out of bed and quickly threw some clothes on, rushing through your morning essentials. As you stepped out of your front door, you looked up and saw dark storm clouds rolling in. You flipped through the radio in your car and found out that the storms were supposed to last through the rest of the week. At least the weather matched how you felt inside. Unsurprisingly, your problematic co-worker was standing ready to lay into you the moment you stepped through the doors. It took every ounce of what little strength you had left not to break down right then and there. By some stroke of luck, she was called away by your bosses, and you quickly took off to your desk. Your day was almost typical, until around 2 pm, your phone buzzed with an incoming text. Your heart stopped as you looked at the name on the screen. John. Your hands were shaking as you unlocked the phone to read the message.
Come by my place when you get off. We need to have a serious talk. 
All of your fears came crashing down on you at once, punching through your chest like a bullet. You stumbled your way into the bathroom and latched onto the sink edge to anchor yourself. So this really was it. He was breaking up with you. Your hand flew up to press against your chest as the ache there blossomed into raw agony. At least he had the decency to do it in person. He could have just ghosted you. You continued to rub your chest as you typed out a simple 'okay' in response. A quick glance at the time revealed that you still had three hours left in your shift. You took a few deep breaths and splashed some cool water on your face. The last thing you needed was for someone to ask "what's wrong" and you end up breaking down in front of God and everyone. After you managed to calm down enough to return to your desk, time seemed to slow down, until the remaining three hours felt like twelve. You'd also discovered that you'd left your rain jacket at John's the last time you'd spent the night. Still, most of your body was numb by then anyway, so it didn't really matter as you stepped out into what had to be a freezing downpour at the end of your shift. In all honesty you were grateful for the numbness. You almost certainly would have never been able to drive had it not been for the near void that threatened to consume you as you drove through the crowded city. When you pulled up into the driveway, some of the emptiness cleared away, leaving panic in your chest and your whole body shivering as you sprinted to the door. You hardly registered John opening the door and pulling you inside. Your focus was locked on to the way his face moved while he spoke, committed to memorizing every detail while you still had the chance. Your gaze had fallen to his perfectly plump lips when you realized he was saying your name.
"Y/n, can you hear me, sweetheart?" You shook your head to clear some of the fog from your mind. Might as well get it over with.
"Yeah-" You cleared your throat. "Yeah, I can hear you. When do you wanna come by and get your stuff? Or would you rather me just drop it off here for you?" Confusion flooded his features as you finished.
"What are you talking about? Why would I need my stuff back?" Damn, was he so done with you that he didn't even want his stuff back? You dropped your eyes, knowing that you wouldn't be able to hold his gaze without breaking down completely.
"You're breaking up with me, right?" You cursed silently as tears began to stream down your face. Gentle fingers pressed up beneath your chin to tilt your face back up.
"You haven't listened to a word I've said, have you?" You didn't respond, too caught up in the softness of his eyes, and he didn't bother waiting for one anyway. "I said I shouldn't have walked out on you last night. I had some excuse about being tired, but the truth is I was afraid because you were right. I didn't think I would ever be able to love anyone again after Anna." Your heart clenched and the tears began to fall even harder as breathing became difficult. Had you been watching his face, you would have seen the heartache ooze across his features as he watched you break down in front of him. As it were, your gaze had fallen back to the floor, and you jumped when his hand moved up to cradle your face softly. "I was so pissed at myself, and at you for being right, that it wasn't until this morning when I woke up without you in my arms, and it hurt that I realized just how wrong we both had been. You're wrong about me never choosing you. You're smart and kind, and so beautiful you take my breath away when you walk into a room." You hiccupped and fell apart as you processed what he was saying to you. He rushed to pull you into his arms as your knees threatened to give out, and just held you until you could breathe again. He pulled back far enough to look you in the eyes before he continued speaking. "And I was wrong. Because I do love you, and I'm sorry it took me so long to figure that out." You gasped deeply and threw your arms around his neck.
"I'm so sorry too. I never should have taken out my frustrations about work on you."
"It's alright. Do you wanna talk about it?" Part of you still felt stupid about the reason for your outburst, but you felt so safe in his embrace that you found yourself nodding in affirmation. He placed a kiss on the top of your head and let you go. The sudden lack of his warmth sent shivers up your spine.
"Jesus. Why's it so cold in here?" You asked, rubbing your arms. He reached out and took your hand with a grin.
"Part of your surprise." He said with a wink. "Come on. I'll show you." You followed him around the corner and into the main room. You came to a stop as your eyes fell on the mounds of blankets and pillows arranged on the floor. He turned to look back when you stopped, and he seemed disappointed when you just looked at him in confusion. "You mentioned a while back that you loved the sound of the rain on the roof here. I'd figured-" He cringed slightly as he stumbled over his words. "Well, I mean I'd hoped-" He began to rub the back of his neck nervously before he continued. "I'd hoped that we'd be able to work things out, so I went ahead and got everything set up. Since they're calling for the storms to last for so long and all." Deciding to put him out of his misery, you stepped forward and pulled him down into a kiss. All the tension left his body as your lips connected, and you couldn't help but grin as you broke apart.
"I promise to not tell Dorian that you're secretly a big ol teddy bear who remembers tiny details about his girlfriend." You joked. John rolled his eyes, but still had a small smile on his face as he pulled you back in for another kiss. Despite his closeness, another chill ran down your spine, reminding you of your original query. "Doesn't explain why it's so flippin cold in here, though." He looked at you and gestured as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.
"It's a pillow fort. And you've got the internal body temperature of a small space heater. I'd really prefer to not sweat my ass off." He said. You bit your lip to hide your grin as you nodded gravely before replying.
"That would be a tragedy." He also was fighting a smirk as he slightly tilted his head in agreement.
"Exactly. My ass is a national treasure," He said. You giggled and let your smile finally breakthrough as he gestured in a 'come hither' motion. You began to worry your bottom lip between your teeth as you stepped forward. He reached over and pulled the soaking wet towel from your shoulders, surprise in his eyes as if something had just occurred to him. You stepped forward in concern as his eyes seemed to zone out and darken.
"John? What's wrong?" He seemed to snap out of his trance, and he cleared his throat before gesturing to your body.
"Your shirt. It's soaked. You're gonna catch a cold." You followed his gaze to your chest to discover that his eyes had not darkened in anger or frustration, but in lust. He was right, your shirt was absolutely dripping wet. It was also white. Ah.
"Would you prefer me to take it off?" You joked. A smirk emerged on his lips, sending a shudder through you that had nothing to do with the cold. He nodded and closed the distance between you.
"Purely in the interest of your health, of course," He said lowly. You tilted your head in mock defeat and began undoing the buttons of your shirt slowly.
"Well, I'm sure you know best, Detective." You barely made it half-way down the line before his lips were crashing into yours and his hands taking over to speed through the remaining buttons. He paused before he could push the garment off of your shoulders.
"Is this- I mean I don't want to assume- Or make you think I'm only after-" You cut him off with another kiss and shrugged out of the sleeves. He still seemed hesitant, right up until you nipped at his bottom lip. He huffed out a breathless growl before returning the favor, his hands landing on your bare waist to pull you into him. He swiped his tongue across your lip in a silent request for entrance, which you happily granted. Your hands moved to grip at his shoulders while his own began an exploration of your body, sliding up your spine and across your stomach before dropping from your skin entirely. You whined at the loss of contact, but he quickly made up for it by reaching down and pulling his shirt over his head. He leaned back down and placed a soft kiss on your lips. "Just making things even," He murmured against you. His hands found your hips as he led you to the center of the room without breaking the kiss, but it was his turn to grunt in surprise when you gently pushed him down on the pillows. "What-" He stopped when your hands moved to play with the clasp of your bra.
"We're not even yet, Detective." You said coyly. You barely got the garment off before he was tugging you down on top of him and into another breathtaking kiss. A moan escaped your lips as he nibbled your ear, trailing kisses down your neck. You brought a finger up to his mouth, stopping his assault. "We're not done yet, detective." You were smirking and trailing your hands across every bit of his skin you could reach, but you were partly just trying to hide the way you were trembling at having him so close. Another part was just reassuring itself that he was really there, not believing that he was finally truly yours, that you had the broken-hearted detective beneath you. It all felt like a dream until he ground up against you and whispered in your ear.
"Please, (Y/n)," He didn't even finish his sentence before you were climbing off of him to quickly remove your pants and underwear. He followed your lead and, to your surprise, pulled you back down on top of him once he'd finished. You uttered a whimper as he brushed up against your soaked folds, but it turned into a full-fledged whine as he slowly guided you down onto his length. He cursed and his eyes fluttered closed once he was fully sheathed inside you. You both took a moment to breathe and adjust to the sensation, and he finally looked at you when his hands began to guide your hips. "I love you." You leaned down to claim his lips again, tears threatening to fall at the words you'd never thought you'd hear him say. 
"I love you too." You said, pulling back to meet his gaze once again. Such a small declaration, yet it made every movement, every touch, feel different. It was slow and passionate, so contrary to the fast and rough pace that was the norm with John. You couldn't bring yourself to look away from his deep hazel eyes, full of love and adoration, as you moved in perfect sync together. He rose with every fall, hitting so deep inside you that you knew you'd be feeling him for weeks. Your hips began to stutter as the sensations threatened to overwhelm you, and without missing a beat John flipped the two of you. A yelp escaped your kiss swollen lips as his nimble fingers slipped between the two of you to rub deliciously at your clit, and you could feel yourself rapidly approaching your orgasm. "John- please- don't stop!" He seemed more than happy to oblige, maneuvering to thrust impossibly deeper as his lips found your ear once again.
"You gonna cum for me, beautiful? I-" Whatever sweet nothing he had planned to say was choked off into a moan as your orgasm hit you. Your walls clamping down around him dragging him over the edge with you as he worked you through until you were whining with oversensitivity. He finally slid out of you and quickly retrieved a towel to clean you up. When he'd finished, he laid back down beside you and wrapped an arm around you, resting your head on his chest. You hummed in contentment as he began to stroke your hair, nearly drifting off before an idea occurred to you.
"John?" You mumbled against his chest.
"Do you still have any of that hot chocolate mix I gave you?" A small laugh rumbled in his chest as he responded.
"Yeah. You want some?" You lifted your head up to smile sweetly and nod your head.
"Yes, please!" John shook his head with a smile and placed a quick kiss to your temple before extracting himself from your embrace. You booed when he slid his boxers back on, earning another grin, this time accompanied by a wink before he headed off into the kitchen. Amongst the quiet, you finally registered the sounds of the rain still hammering against the building, the constant drumming a soothing backdrop to the cozy situation you found yourself in. You stood and slid back into your panties before moving to stand in front of the window. You also grabbed one of the blankets to protect against the chill that pervaded the air around the glass. Looking out, you could barely make out the disturbances the rain made to the surface of the water through the darkness, and yet you still found yourself mesmerized by the beauty of the view. You were drawn out of your reverie when John's voice sounded out behind you. "So, tell me about work. Is that woman causing problems again? What's her name, Kar-" He said as he entered the room. When his voice cut off you looked over your shoulder to find him staring at you with wonder in his eyes. You quickly looked out the window to see what he was staring at but couldn't spot anything particularly special.
"What are you looking at?" You asked, turning back right as he walked over to you. He didn't respond; instead, his hands found their way inside your blanket to grab your hips and push you back against the window. Mild panic set in before he finally spoke up. "John?"
"You're so beautiful." He said, dropping his head to kiss along your neck. You huffed in disbelief and reached up to push against his shoulders.
"You're crazy," Your pressing did little to dissuade him from his task, and you couldn't help but smile as he continued to mutter praises into your skin. "John," You chuckled as he continued to nuzzle into your neck. "Stop it, you're fogging up the glass," Your protests were growing half-hearted though, as his hands began to wander, and his lips trailed softly over your skin.
"And?" He questioned, pulling you back enough that your blanket fell to the floor before moving back forward so you were pressed against the icy cold glass. You yelped at the shock the temperature difference gave your system, trying to shove him back and pull him closer for warmth at the same time, both to no avail.
"I was enjoying the view," You said, breathlessly in a last-ditch attempt to persuade him. He pulled back to look you in the eyes before he responded.
"I've got a much better one right in front of me." His lips found yours and you melted against him. The kiss bordered on desperate, almost as if he was afraid you'd disappear. His hands left a trail of goosebumps behind as the heat of his skin emphasized the chill in the air, sliding up your arms and down your back before moving to play with the skin just beneath your waistband. A whine left you as he dipped his fingers inside to tease at your lips, sliding around and deftly avoiding everywhere you wanted him. Just as you were about to pull back and tell him to stop teasing, he thrust two fingers deep inside you, drawing a surprised gasp from you. "So wet for me," He mumbled against your lips as he began to thrust his fingers inside you. Each pass brushed up against your g spot until you were practically seeing stars and begging him for more. Suddenly, his fingers were gone, and you opened your eyes to find him licking your juices off of them. You let out a desperate whine.
"John, please, please fuck me." You said, reaching out to palm him through his boxers. His hand grabbed your wrist before you could touch him, though, and he spun you around. 
"As the lady wishes." He leaned in and said against your ear. He reached down and pulled himself free from his boxers. John didn't bother to remove your own underwear, instead just sliding them to the side before slowly working his length inside you. You groaned in relief as he began to thrust slowly, pulling out and pushing back in to make sure you were ready. His cock dragged perfectly against every sensitive spot you had, sending pleasure shooting through your body and making your toes curl. Seeming satisfied with your preparedness he began to pick up his pace, hitting deeper inside you with every push. You yelped as his fingers found your nipples, tweaking and pulling on the sensitive buds as you moaned out his name. A hand left your skin and reached up to swipe across the glass, revealing your reflection. "Look. Do you see how fucking gorgeous you are? So beautiful, and mine." He nipped at the skin beneath your ear as his hand moved down your front to rub harsh circles on your clit. You threw your head back against his shoulder, eyes falling shut at the added sensation, but a sharp bite made them shoot open again. "Eyes open, baby girl. I want you to watch as I make you fall apart around me." Your eyes found his in the reflection, and you moaned at the way his pupils were blown wide with lust.
"Please, John, I need more-" You gasped deeply as his thrusts began to pick up speed, knocking you up onto your toes and forcing you to throw your hands up against the glass for support. Your reflection revealed how utterly wrecked you were, and the sight sent you flying over the edge with a scream of John's name. He buried his face in your neck as he continued to thrust, chasing his own release and prolonging yours as you gasped and sputtered, unable to form words thanks to the electric waves of pleasure flowing through you. Just when you thought you couldn't handle anymore, John's thrusts faltered, and he came with a deep groan. He rested his forehead on your shoulder as he waited for his breathing to return to normal, mumbling 'I love you's and pressing kisses into your heated skin. Out of nowhere tears began to flow down your cheeks, a quiet sob escaping you. John immediately noticed, and carefully pulled out of you before turning you around to run his hands over you in concern.
"(Y/n), what's wrong? I didn't hurt you, did I? I'm so sorry, sweetheart-" The panic in his voice made the tears come harder, and you struggled to voice what was happening.
"No, you didn't hurt me-" You hiccupped. "I just- don't deserve you." Confusion crossed his face as he processed what you were telling him.
"What? You-" He seemed to come to a decision, and he went and grabbed his phone, quickly pulling up the dial pad. "Here. Call your work and tell them you're taking the rest of the week off. If they ask why then tell them police business."
"What? John, I can't just-" 
"You've got tons of time off saved up, right?" He cut you off, still holding the phone out.
"Well yes, but-"
"Then, by law, they can't stop you from taking it." You closed your eyes and took a deep breath, trying to control your breathing and stop the tears.
"Why are you doing this?" You asked, finally looking up at him.
"Because I want to spend the next 5 days showing you just how amazing you are." He said, so confident, so resolute, that you found yourself reaching out to grab the phone. 
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
“I’ve got my fuzzy socks on and I’m ready for summer”
You arrive in New York at 10 AM. What's the first thing you do? Find a nice, cute cafe to get a coffee and pastry from and chill at for a bit while sorting out my plans for the day. You go by your locker & your bf/gf is cheating on you. What comes to mind? I’m not in school anymore, but hypothetically I’m sure I would feel a lot of emotions--angry, hurt, upset, confused... like wtf?? And damn, right in front of everyone, too? That would be humiliating. 
You have to take out the trash & clean your room. Your reaction? I’m 31 years old, you gotta do that kinda stuff when you’re adult. I don’t personally take out the trash because it would be really difficult for me to do in a wheelchair, but I have other stuff I have to do. I don’t particularly enjoy it, it just is what it is.
How many siblings do you have? I have two brothers.
Have you ever made fun of a homeless/ mentally challenged person? No. What a shitty thing to.
Make up a funny word with your first name in it. I don’t know.
Do you like campfires? Yes. I love the smell, it makes me think of fall. And just the coziness of it.
What's your favorite color to write with? Black.
Do you write poetry? No.
When's your 20th birthday? [Day & Month is fine. Year if you want.] I turned 20 back in July 2009.
Do you spit in public? Ew, no. I don’t spit at all except for when rinsing my mouth after brushing my teeth. It makes me gag seeing people spit. I also have to watch out for that when wheeling around outside because I would DIE if it got on my wheels and then me. akjkslfjldsfjkldsfjkl. I’m going to throw up just thinking about it.
Are you in high school/middle school/college? I’m done with school.
How many push ups can you do? Zero.
How would you react if your cat/dog died? I’ve been through that twice before with my doggos, it’s absolutely heartbreaking and devastating. My dogs are my family. It’s no different than losing any loved one; they’re a loved one, too. I had a really hard time when my dog, Brandie, passed. It was so sudden and unexpected. 
Are you trustworthy? Yes.
“when I make it shine...”
Do you play video games often? I’ve been playing Animal Crossing just about everyday since earlier this year. Prior to that, I’ve played a few other games in their entirety since having my Nintendo Switch that I got over a year ago. 
Do you like life, love, funny or boy quotes the best? I like # relatable quotes. 
Have you ever been cheated on? No.
Have you ever had fruit pizza? No.
Would you like to learn karate? No.
Do you think it would have been cool to live in the 80s? Maybe.
Do you think we'll have robots in the future? They’re already a thing, they’re just not like easily, readily available to everyone like a Rosie from The Jetsons or something.
Was the sun out today? Not yet cause it’s 5:54AM and it’s still pitch black, but it will be.
Do you know what 143 stands for? “I love you.”
Does it get up to 100 degrees where you live? Ugh, yes. And higher. D:
When you play video games, do you like the sound on or off? I generally have it low or off.
When's the last time you saw fireworks? Fourth of July.
Do you like Dr. Pepper? Yeah.
Will you be seeing the new Transformer movie? I never saw any of them. Not my thing. 
What made this week, one to never forget? Election 2020 will be talked about forever. This year in its entirety will be, but this election was a huge one.
“Tell me why you’re leaving me”
Did you wear shorts today? I don’t wear shorts.
Do you own a fur hat? No.
Do you still use the old time mail? I still receive mail, yes. I pretty much never send anything, though.
Have you ever played flag football? Yeah.
What color is your laptop? It’s silver.
Do you like Paris Hilton? I don’t have anything against her.
Did you smile at all today? Not so far, but it’s only 6AM. 
Do you have an Xbox? My brother does and I’ve used it.
When you were little did you have a magic 8 ball? Yeah.
Have you ever ate grass or birdseed? Eww, no. I wasn’t the kid that stuck everything in their mouth or ate weird stuff. 
Do you and your friends have secret codes? I don’t have any friends.
Have you ever seen the Lincoln Memorial? Not in person.
What's your profile picture on Facebook of? Me with my It/Pennywise mask on. It’s his mouth.
Do you own a yo-yo? No.
What celebrity is your fashion icon? I don’t have a fashion icon.
“How do you love someone without getting hurt?”
Do you hope you live to be the age 70 or older? I don’t want to think about dying.
Did you go to preschool? Yep.
Do you usually wear your hair up when it's hot out? Yeah. I wear my hair up all the time cause I don’t have the energy or motivation to do anything else with it.
Where were you when 9/11 happened? I was bedridden at home because I had spinal surgery a couple weeks prior.
Which would you rather play: guitar or drums? Guitar.
Have you ever gotten detention? No.
When you were little, did you used to watch Franklin? Yeah. Aww, he’s adorable.
What's the most exciting thing that's happened during your lifetime? 9/11 and this pandemic are definitely the most memorable, but I wouldn’t use the term “exciting” to describe them. A few of our blizzards, perhaps. <<< Yeah, definitely not exciting, but certainly major, life changing, go-down-in-history events. 
How high can you count in a foreign language? I could go on and on in Spanish like I could English, but let’s be real I’d stop at 100 haha.
What's the best thing to do on a hot day? Stay indoors with the AC or go to the beach.
Would you like to go to Rome? Sure.
Do you use Febreeze? Sometimes. I prefer my Bath & Body Works room sprays, though.
Have you ever been to a rainforest? No.
How many days of school are left for you? I’m done with school.
How do you usually get tan? That only happens when I go to the beach. Sadly, I didn’t get to go this year. 
“Last name ever, first name greatest”
Snickers or Twix? I like both. 
Have you ever tried to sleep on an airplane? I tried, but couldn’t.
When you were little, did you like Dr. Suess books? Yes. Those are classics.
Are you more afraid of snakes or death? Both are scary to me, but death is just a little more serious...
Would you like to go to Australia? Sure.
Do you like Drake? Yeah, I like a lot of his songs.
What color are your headphones? Black.
Do you live in the past? Yes. :/
When it's spring, do you plant flowers? No. I don’t do any gardening.
Have you ever laughed for 10 minutes? I don’t think I ever have for that long.
Do you help your friends every time they need help? I tried to as much as I could.
Ever seen a Koala Bear up close? No.
Would you rather be blind or deaf? I’d obviously rather not be either one...
Once your done, are you done for good? Really depends on what I’m attempting to be done with.
Does it annoy you when girls wear a lot of make up? No? I don’t why I would care.
“Blow the world a kiss”
Do you live by a river? No.
Do you like being outside when it's storming? I like enjoying it from inside.
Ever thought about becoming a cop? No. A cop in a wheelchair... that’d be interesting.
Have you ever tried sushi? Ew, it’s disgusting.
When you were little, did you use to roll down hills? No.
Do you like store bought cakes or homemade ones better? I’d enjoy either one.
Do you think your a good kisser? No. Now I’m really out of practice.
Do you like long or short sleeves better? I like my sleeves to be like halfway from my elbow if that makes sense. Not a quarter sleeve, but a bit above that. Unless it’s cold, then I like long sleeves. I love when the sleeves are long enough to be able to pull down over my hands, but it’s hard to get the perfect fit when you have long arms like I do.
Do you like the name Jacob for a boy? Sure.
Could you live without electricity? Like, for how long? It would be a struggle, no denying that. I’ve never experienced going more than a few hours without it. I know people have to experience long periods without it sometimes or not have it at all, so I’m definitely fortunate. 
Have you ever ate/drank something that was blue? Blue Gatorade, Pepsi Blue, the blue Mountain Dew, Kool-Aid, blue candies and cakes.
When is your last day of summer this year? I’m not in school, so no summer break anymore. However, summer is over and it has just recently started to feel like fall, so I’m quite happy about that.
Would you rather hang out with people who are loud or quiet? Quiet.
Have you ever had a pet turtle? No.
Do you want an iPad? Nah.
“You look like you want to party”
Are you double jointed? My thumbs are.
Have you ever done karaoke? Definitely not publicly, but at home.
What's your middle name? I’m not sharing that.
Do you wish on stars? No. I did when I was a kid.
Do you recycle? We recycle plastic bottles and cans.
Do you believe in love at first sight? No.
What's something you'll do when your older, but not now? I don’t know. Are you currently drinking anything? I’m finishing a Starbucks Doubleshot energy drink.
What color is your shirt? Black. 
Have you ever played laser tag? Nope.
Does your best friend live within 5 minutes from you? My mom and I live together.
If you got dared to dye your hair purple, would you? No. I dye my hair red and I want to keep it that way. It would be a big, annoying process to do another color and then to go back if I wanted, so nah.
How many contacts do you have in your cell phone? Not many.
Do you own earmuffs? No. It doesn’t get cold enough for them here.
Nothing worse than being sunburnt, don’t you agree? I’ve experienced much worse, but they are awful.
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illfoandillfie · 4 years
hi i hope you don’t mind me being nosey but i was wondering if i could ask a few things about u being aro? i kinda just wanted to know how u figured it out? and also do u still get feelings for people but choose not to pursue it? sorry if i’m kinda intruding i don’t mean to, just curious
i dont mind at all darl! (actually...lowkey i love when people are curious about it lmao so feel free to ask more questions) also this is going under a cut cause it got longer than i meant it to lmao
figuring it out wasnt easy and it took a lot of self reflection and like months of questioning and doing research and then worrying i was getting it wrong. Basically i first considered the idea that i could be aro when i was approaching my 25th birthday. A friend of mine (the only guy i’ve had any sort of a fling with) had announced he was engaged and i was completely down on myself wondering why i couldnt get a single date when he was off getting engaged (not that i even Wanted to get married i just would have liked some attention). I figured there had to be something wrong with me or something about me that was broken. And then i saw someone i followed at the time reblog a post about being aro. I’d seen the phrase a little before but never really considered it as fitting me but i’d also never really paid attention to what it actually meant. 
I don’t remember what the post was exactly, it’s probably somewhere in the thousands and thousands of posts i’ve liked over the years but there’s no easy way to check so . Whatever it said it felt relatable enough that I went and googled aromanticism to try and figure out what it was and if it fit me. Because I was already in a headspace where I’d been thinking about my lack of a romantic history already, a lot of the stuff that i read had been stuff i’d been thinking about anyway. Like Reader said in Platonic when she was talking about how she figured it out, I’ve never had a proper crush. I spent months thinking about it after my friend told me he’d proposed. I have very vivid memories of literally deciding to have a crush on a boy in primary school because it seemed like i should (again, i included that directly in Platonic lmao down to the boys name and everything). And every guy I’ve had an interest in since has been either a brief physical attraction that i forgot about as soon as I wasn’t seeing him regularly or something that I deliberately manufactured either in an attempt to fit in with the people around me or because i was kind of bored. Even the cute music teacher at work last year like he was hot and i wouldnt have said no to a kiss or whatever but i just didn’t have any feelings about him beyond that. 
While I was trying to figure out if I was aro I read a lot of websites. The AVENwiki has a page on aromanticism and I think also has pages on some of the aro-spec identities like greyromantic and demiromantic so that was a good starting point for definitions. Google also gave me a few different forums and stuff where aro people were talking about being aro. A lot of aromantic resources are tied up in the asexual community though because that’s where the language and everything was first suggested and what it evolved from. I don’t think that necessarily helped me feel comfortable using the term aro to describe myself because i’m pretty confident i’m not ace but the more I looked into it the more stuff I found from people who were allosexual but aromantic. Anyway, I spent weeks just googling “aromantic” and seeing what came up  and rereading what i’d already read and resisting the fact that a lot of it fit me. Then I spent a while trying to find like a quiz or something that would just give me an answer. I found a few quizzes but all of them assumed at least one previous relationship so none of them were any use to me. But gradually I started feeling okay with calling myself aro. I think part of my hesitation was probably also because knowing I was aro didn’t feel like a solution it just felt my damage had a name. The other part is that romantic attraction is not easy to define which makes it hard to identify if you feel it or not so the part of me that wanted to be Normal kept being like ‘well if you dont know you cant call yourself aro’. But I thought about it a lot and I read any aro related post that crossed by dash and then ventured into the tumblr tag and found some helpful discussion stuff in there and then I started calling myself aro just quietly, only in my own head. It took a long time before I felt okay admitting that I was aro on my own blog but obviously i got there in the end lmao. That friend, the one who got engaged, he’s the only person i’ve told irl though. 
as to your second question....
I don’t think I feel romantic attraction. Truthfully, as i said before, it’s hard to know for certain and there is a possibility that i could form a romantic attraction to someone one day but i think it’s very unlikely. Other forms of attraction are different though. I can be attracted to people physically and sexually. And I think I could possibly be attracted to people in a platonic “man i’d really like to be their friend” kind of way though it doesnt come up very much because im not really one to like meet people. I like my own company. 
But i’ve never really acted on any sort of attraction or feelings for others. I was definitely attracted to CMT but I never acted on it because it seemed like too much work. The was a guy who worked at a pop culture collectables shop a few years ago who i thought was very cute and I did contemplate asking him out but it just never felt like a real option and I sort of just ignored it until he left the job. So yeah I guess I do get some sorts of feelings and then choose not to do anything with them, but they aren’t romantic feelings. But like right now I’ve got no interest in anyone (apart from ben and roger but i guess they dont really count lmao). None of the teachers at work interest me and i havent met anyone else recently and it really isnt bothering me. Theres a guy in IT who i could possibly see myself fawning over a bit cause he’s handsome and has an unusual accent but he’s got the same name as my brother so i’ve already ruled him out as a no go lmao. 
Anyway, hopefully that answered your questions! If there’s anything else you want to know or you’d like me to try and explain something more fully my inbox is always open!
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artzypaw · 5 years
Rip Tide (bnha Surf AU)
Relationship: Bakugou Katsuki/ Kirishima Eijirou
Ao3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/20290699/chapters/48101773 
Word count: 5,029
Additional Tags: 
Bakusquad, Surfing, Mutual Pining, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Angst, Competition, Beaches, Scars, Crack, Fluff and Crack, Road Trips, Bakugou Katsuki Swears A Lot, Bakugou Katsuki is Bad at Feelings, Insecure Kirishima Eijirou, ashido could be with anyone, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Blood, Drinking, Emotional Constipation, Barbie References, Gay Kirishima Eijirou, Gay Bakugou Katsuki, Inside jokes, Hotel Rooms, surf competition, i'll add more tags when events become more relevant, denki is a dork, sero has no filter, kirishima is the literal embodiment of the sun, Bakugou wears glasses, but dont tell anyone, ashido paints all their nails, Alternate Universe - Mineta Minoru Doesn't Exist, Alternate Universe - No Quirks (My Hero Academia)
“You i-idiot, you can’t just do a flip off the board. You’ll end up with face scars like Kiri!” Ashio attempts to yell, but it's interrupted by her fits of laughter. Sero’s no better, clutching his stomach as he paddles out to the next wave off balance.
“Hey! I’ll have you know my scars look cool! They’re little lightning bolts!” Denki, ungracefully, crawls onto his surfboard during his remark. He lifts up a leg and points adamantly, showing off his well known box jelly scars.
“How about you guys stop bitching and surf.” Katsuki calls.
Bakusquad enters a local surf competition and feelings get messy along the way.
Chapts: 1/?
Notes: I'm so excited to be working on this!! I've already drawn photos showing off their surf swimwear and you can find them over on my Tumblr and Insta (but more so on my insta bc i have an exclusive highlighted story to share more deets before chapters come out ;-D)
There are fancy surfing tricks in this story so if you guys want a deeper look into what's to come, click here to read into them. I'm not entirely sure how many chapters this'll end up being, but i'll have more of an idea once i've posted more :-)
(see end of post for tags! if you want me to tag you in the next chapters let me know!)
Chapter 1: In which Bakugou signs a deal with the devil (or the squad)
The summers are always too hot. Hot and humid, hot and sticky, hot and there’s no escape once you leave the AC. If it weren’t for the constant breezes emanating off of the beach’s shoreline, everyone in the city would be walking fries. The concrete burns beneath any shoe worn and skin bakes once under the scorching heat. On days like this, Katsuki finds going to the water helps but rarely gets to it simply because so did everyone else. 
The tide is more forgiving in the morning and afternoon for him when it comes to surfing. Not only is he able to avoid the crowds of tourists, he can also get a decent swim in before having to go to the Marina for work.
In the mornings, Katsuki normally gets a text message around 6am from Krishima asking if he wants to head over and catch some waves. It’s been this way since high school, at least ever since the redhead found out he’d been surfing just as long as he had. Groggily, he’ll respond with either an incoherent mess of letters or a simple “sure”. He’s not a morning person, but shit-for-brains sure was when it came to surfing.
In the mornings, Katsuki normally gets a text message around 6am from Krishima asking if he wants to head over and catch some waves. It’s been this way since high school, at least ever since the redhead found out he’d been surfing just as long as he had. Groggily, he’ll respond with either an incoherent mess of letters or a simple “sure”. He’s not a morning person, but shit-for-brains sure was when it came to surfing.
From what’s Katsuki’s learned, he is constantly on the water. More so than him, and that’s quite a bit considering he goes out whenever available between work and hanging out with his dumbass friends. Kirishima makes sure to wake up at the crack of dawn to catch some slow waves, then leaves once the crowds start to scuffling around the afternoon. Later at night, just when the sunset begins to ripple across the water and the waves start to die down, not entirely, he’ll grab his surfboard and swim until it grows too dark. The waves then are still tall and stocked with power, crashing down onto the shore with loud gushes of wind. Katsuki finds he enjoys surfing at this time of day more so than in the morning. Not because the sunset looks beautiful against the warm hue of his friends skin, not because the red is just as vibrantly blinding as a certain mop of hair, not because of that time of day, the piercing red eyes that smile back at him are the embodiment of the sunset behind them. No, it’s because he’s available. He’s available to ditch life responsibilities and float across the tinted waters with ease and relax the aching muscles on his body. 
 His phone buzzes after walking out of work, arms growing weary from lifting and maneuvering loads of extraneous equipment. He prods at the tough skin on his bicep, feeling the small indents from the scar left there. The Marina isn’t a crazy job, but it gives him enough money to afford a small apartment and food. And, it was located directly in between his house and the sea. Sore arms aren’t too bad if he really squints at the pros of his situation.
Kirishima: I'm heading out now if you want to meet up- the squad’s w me
Of course everyone else would be there. It wasn’t too often that they were able to come together, as of late. Ever since graduating high school, it’s been a struggle of living against the struggle of hanging out and keeping relationships alive. It’s easier for Katsuki to be with Kirishima and Ashido than it is Sero and Denki simply because the two live and work closer.
Katsuki makes way to his old, run down Jeep that he’s used for the past ten years and drives home to pick up his surfboard. They all surfed, it was a known. Him, Kirishima, and Ashido have been since childhood, Sero and Kaminari starting roughly in their teens, but they like to act as if they hadn’t.
He strips out of his clothes and into black swim trunks, grabbing his keys, wallet and surfboard before locking up his front door and hauling the board into the bed. It’s a normal white on the top, but below was a messy splay of oranges, yellows and blacks; reminiscent of explosions upon the bottom of his board. He personally painted it himself back in high school when there wasn’t enough money to professionally have it coated, but the paint and sealant have held well over the years and he’s grown fond of the design. He doesn’t take shit from Kaminari about how “tacky yet sweet” it is that he still has his cringy old design on the board.
Today is just as hot as yesterday, and the day before that, but the increasing breeze drifting onto his glistening skin walking to the beach has him closing his eyes. The sand is warm to the touch, and as his toes sink into the beads they grow cold from the shade. This feeling is one of the few reasons he keeps living in this tourist trap; that and one other. 
His board is propped beneath his arm as he walks to their usual meeting spot. It’s only five, so the sun has a few hours before setting. Many tourists are still perched on the shore, tanning, splashing in the water, etc. It’s disgusting how many of them show up this time of year; leaving their disgusting ass trash all over his beach, having their disgusting ass families crowd his favorite local restaurants. Sure it was warm all year round, but summer was his favorite season and Katsuki didn’t make exceptions for noisy visitors.
“Hey! It’s Bakubro!” The nickname causes his ears to twitch. He spots the four standing amongst one another, boards perched into the sand around them. Kaminari raises his hand after calling out, and the others turn their gaze toward him. 
Katsuki digs the bottom of his board into the soft sand once he’s joined them, and is immediately tackled into a hug by Ashido, pink enveloping his sight. To this date, he has yet to see the girl give up that hair color.
“Get the fuck off me.” He grunts, no malice in his words as he pats her back with a free hand.
“I haven’t seen you in two weeks, suck it up.” She laughs, squeezing his shoulders before hopping off and giving space. She was wearing the same wetsuit she always did; white with grey accents, holding pink and purple patterns along the sides of her frame. The suit cuts off mid thigh, but the sleeves make their way down her arms and her thin wrists. It’s a wonder how Ashido’s been able to fit into the swimwear the past years. “Tapping out, your turn Sero.” She chides and Katsuki watches as the tall lanky man steps forward and cautiously taps his fist along his bicep.
“I’ll pass on the hug, I kinda wanna survive for championships.” Sero chuckles but is cut short by the panicked looks Kirishima and Ashido give him. He’s quickly slapped in the head by Kaminari. 
“Dude! What the hell we haven’t even told him yet why couldn’t you just keep shut!” He whines, jutting out his bottom lip in a pout. Katsuki frowns, confused. What championships?
“What the fuck are you guys squirming about?” He aks, crossing his arms over his bare chest. Kirishima walks between their friends and wraps an arm over Katsuki’s shoulder in a warm gesture he’s grown fond of over the years. The guy has no personal space, no matter how hard he’s complained.
“So remember last summer when our city threw a surfing competition in order to raise money towards ocean conservation? Many other local beaches in the district came up to compete as well,” Kirishima begins , tilting his head to glance at him through wet hair framing his face. Katsuki mentally rolls his eyes. The dork couldn’t even manage to wait a few minutes to get in the water. He can feel excess drops of roll off Kirishima’s arm and onto his nape. He suppresses the urge to shiver from the contact.
“Yeah, and it was a nightmare. There was practically no room to do anything.” He interjects.
“Well, Kami found a poster advertising this upcoming competition and thought maybe we should sign up!” Kirishima’s smile is bright, and Katsuki rips himself out from under the arm to register what was just told to him.
“Wait- you want to join the competition? As in go against other surfers for a chance to win what may be some lame ass medal and cash?”
Ashido chips in this time, balling her hands into fists enthusiastically, “Yes! And it’s all individual scoring, so no one can get in your way of victory.”
“There are district teams though? As in people will be identified from the beach they’re coming from. We’d be the Yuuei Beach.” Sero adds. 
Katsuki blinks. This sounded right up his alley in terms of the activity and competition. Of course he wants to pummel any low ranking surfer out of the water, but-
“What’s the entry fee?” His bank account couldn’t handle another divot. Just this past month alone, his AC has died twice and that pulled entirely too much money out of for his comfort. He has saved money, sure, but it’s for emergencies, not being baked alive.
Ashido works at a retail store, not gaining that much more than him, along with Sero. Kirishima is currently at a surf shop, selling and making boards for probably less than it’s worth. Kaminari’s in and out of jobs practically every month, and while he says he had quit or it wasn’t for him, the guy was only half telling the truth. Katsuki has to keep his friends in check because their dumbasses sometimes forget they’re not made of money.
Kaminari flicks his nose with a thumb, “It’s not too bad, considering it is doubling as a charity event.” Katsuki huffs. So it was expensive.
“About 100 bucks each.” Kirishima says, looking over at him with bright eyes; hopeful and eager to see his reaction. Because yeah, it was a decent price. Cheaper than he was expecting.
He furrows his brows and kicks the sand beneath him in thought. It was maybe too cheap. “That’s how much is it for each of us individually to get in? I feel like there’s supposed to be a twist. Are there equipment fees?”
Ashido laughs, “I was the same, but that’s all we have to pay. It would be more if we didn’t already own surfboards, and swim gear-“
Sero nods when Katsuki flicks his gaze to him. His own wetsuit accentuates his long arms and legs and thinly toned body. He was the skinniest of the group, but to Katsuki’s surprise, that didn’t stop him from being a crazy strong surfer. Sero continues, “Yeah. So what do you say? Wanna try it out?”
He did. More so than he’d openly admit. Katsuki holds back his smile in order to keep composure; the last thing he wants is to jump into something stupid. He’ll have to call work and schedule time off. He’ll have to pack his clothes and his board and go on road trips with his friends and it was both exciting and nerve wracking.
Katsuki sighs, dropping an arm and raising the other to his temple, “If you guys make me regret this I’m shipping your asses to China.”
Their eyes widen and simultaneously loud cheers erupt from their cries. Kirishima runs up and hugs him, wrapping his arms around his waist and lifting his feet off the sand. His cheeks burn from the action and from the full laughs vibrating through Kirishima’s chest. If he could get him to laugh like this everyday he would.
“Hell yeah!” The red head drops Katsuki and fist bumps Kaminari who just got out of a group hug with the other two. All of them are buzzing and Katsuki can’t help but let a smirk form upon his lips.
The sun is growing heavy on the horizon, which means they should probably hop in the water if they want any good waves. He reaches over and pulls his surfboard out of the sand.
“Let’s go you losers.” He barks, smirk never leaving his lips as he marches over to the water. Behind him Kaminari laughs. Foot steps quicken behind him with soft thuds.
“Last one there has to pay for dinner!” He cries, voice shifting into a shriek after sprinting past Katsuki and his grin widens with competition. The fuck does he think he is getting a head start?
Confused and disturbed glances behind them, the four boys push and shove awkwardly with their surfboards in hand to the water, making sure not to trip on one another. Sero lost.
The swells are more tame due to the tidal shift, keeping his distance from the break of waves, Katsuki’s able to lay back on his board and let the water run past his outstretched arms and legs. Kirishima gets the same idea once they’ve drifted further out into the open water and Katsuki can see a small smile still resting on his face.
The others are catching waves up ahead, and from the sounds of it they were running off the high of excitement; Ashido squeals after, Sero he assumes, pulls a bottom turn.
“Thanks for agreeing, Katsuki.” He hears Kirishima say. He hums in response, watching as the sky changes from hues of blue to pinks and oranges. He focuses on that rather than the man beside him, because he knows exactly what will happen if he does; his heart and mind will betray him, and he’ll have to question whether or not going to the competition will be worth his numerous strokes. “How far do you think we’ll get?” the redhead says again, the volume of his question softer, as if he were asking himself.
“We’re going to fucking dominate those amatures, Ei.” Katsuki chuckles airily. If anyone is as good a surfer as him, it was that dork.
“Yeah, we are.” and fuck, he has a weak heart because he tilts his head over to look at Kirishima. He’s giving him the widest smile and Katsuki sucks in air. How can it be legal to smile that way? At him? It does too many things to his emotions that he doesn’t allow. The swells beneath gradually lift them, and they fall down just as gently, as if the water itself were taking a deep breath.
A scream breaks his train of thought and he sits up to see where the noise came from. Ahead, Kaminair is popping his head out of the water with a lopsided grin.
“You i-idiot, you can’t just do a flip off the board. You’ll end up with face scars like Kiri!” Ashio attempts to yell, but it's interrupted by her fits of laughter. Sero’s no better, clutching his stomach as he paddles out to the next wave off balance.
“Hey! I’ll have you know my scars look cool! They’re little lightning bolts!” Denki, ungracefully, crawls onto his surfboard during his remark. He lifts up a leg and points adamantly, showing off his well known box jelly scars.
“How about you guys stop bitching and surf.” Katsuki calls. Kirishima laughs at that, and doesn’t stop until the other three have swam up to swap positions. Kaminari looks at him pointedly.
“Let me see you do a flip off a board then, Bakumaster.” 
“Don’t call me that,” He starts, lowering his arms to push forward and catch the next swell, “the day one of us does a flip off a board, it’ll be your shit eating grin that’ll pay because I'll personally handle that myself.”
“Honestly, Kami,” Kirishima says behind him, he too, preparing his board, “how cool would that be? It’s like parkour, but on water.”
“Exactly!” his friends cackle, and Katsuki smirks to himself. They’re all idiots.
   “Wow, there are a lot more people here from our beach than I thought there’d be.” Kirishima says beside him. The two of them are waiting for the rest of their group at the opening resort for the surf competition. It’s been a month since they all consecutively decided to join, and throughout those weeks have been vigorously practicing the required techniques in order to pass the ranks. Standing there today is surreal to Katsuki; his heart beating a thousand miles a minute as the adrenaline of competition surges through his body. Before them, dozens of tents are littered across the sand advertising foods, surf leagues, selling wetsuits and swimsuits, anything that may grab money from eager buyers. In the middle of the mess is a small makeshift stage that holds a live band. Katsuki can hear their loud pop summer music from where he’s standing and wonders how distracting it may be once he’s out in the water. Sprawling in the crowds of surfers and pedestrians are news reporters catching scoops of information before the oncoming competition begins. 
“More than last year.” He says. It’s the peak of the day, the early noon sun is hot and persistent on his skin. He disregarded his tank top hours ago because it rendered useless being soaked in his sweat. Beside him, Kirishima fairs no better, not even coming with a shirt and just in his red striped swim shorts. His hair is loose today, and Katsuki can’t help but want to drag his fingers through it and out of his face.
While the two showed up early, all tents provided for competitors are slammed full, causing them to have to stand out in the bated sun. Their surfboards stand beside them, growing increasingly warm after each passing minute. 
“I really thought they’d be here by now.” Kirishima says anxiously. His body is stiff, and Katsuki gets the idea he’s nervous for more reasons than one. Elbowing his arm, he speaks up over the blaring music and conversations.
“Relax, Ei, if they’re late we’ll just start without them.” It’s not much of a reassurance, but the redhead's already taking in a deep breath. 
“Sorry we’re late! Kaminari slept in and Sero forgot where his wetsuit was and I had to get gas-!” Ashido cries as her and the other two dorks run up to them. 
“Really, Kami? You slept in?” Kirishima laughs, shaking his head. Katsuki fumes. The idiot had the audacity to sleep in and risk being late to their first opening competitions as well as stress out Kirishima more than he needed to. 
“Don’t fucking do it again, Pikachu.” He barks. 
 There were 28 surfers entering the water today. Only 8 from Yuuei beach are going to able to advance in the official competitions. The news wasn’t surprising to Katsuki. He spent the past couple of nights reading into the scoring and background of these kind of events. Their next match, only 4 from each beach will be able to advance. All they had to do was meet a certain amount of points during their surf. Pass the heats, move to the next round.
Ashido is first to head into the water out of their group. She’s nervous and threatening to throw up but Kaminari shakes her shoulders and tells her that “you’re going to wipe the smug look off of everyone’s faces when they see you surf. Don’t overthink it, you’re practically a fish!” It musters a giggle out of her, and she hops up with determination.
“Yeah I am!” She grabs her surfboard, the bottom displaying various shades of pink along with tacky patterns only she would care to enjoy, and runs out to the water waving a thumbs up behind her.
Katsuki would be lying if he said he wasn’t a little nervous. The past couple of surfers have been good. Their scores ranging from 15 to 17.2 points out of 20. Ashido is accompanied with three other surfers for their heat, and he hopes she catches some good waves in order to boost her general score. Her first wave is smaller than he would’ve hoped, but she’s quick and able to pull in a few carves and cutbacks before doing a roundhouse cutback; her figure eight sharp and stunning. Watching, The allotted thirty minutes given goes by fast, and Katsuki sighs with relief when Ashido sprints out of the water with a solid 18.3. 
“Did you see that??!” She squeals, ramming into their group dripping with ocean water. She ditches her surfboard to the sand before jumping into their open arms. Her cheeks are red from the sun and splays of water, and Katsuki finds he likes this new profound form of excitement. It makes his chest flutter with something unknown. She backs away, though her hand never leaves the small of Sero’s back. “Don’t say a word, I don’t want to jinx anything. I’m looking at you, Hanta.” 
He flushes at the accusation, “I’m not that bad.”
“Sorry man, but you have the worst tendency of blurting what’s on your mind.” Kirishima says, rubbing the back of his nape modestly. They all nod in agreement and he flushed more.
“Okay then. I’ll keep shut.” 
The speakers erupt across the beach announcing the next four names to enter the water. Kirishima and Kaminari are in the same heat this round, which leaves Katsuki to watch from the sand once again. He finds himself biting his nails unconsciously until Ashido slaps his hand with her own, a frown upon her lips.
“Don’t ruin your nails, I don't want to paint a ravaged canvas.” she whines, and he huffs, but eventually caves in and drops his hand. Her gaze softens and she elbows his bicep. He flicks his gaze down irritably. “They’re going to be okay. Kaminari is full of surprises, and you know Kirishima,” she emphasizes the last bit, “he’s amazing. You’re stressing over nothing.”
“I’m not stressing.” Katsuki grumbles. But she was right, he didn’t necessarily have anything to worry about; the two were amazing surfers. He’ll ignore the knowing look Ashido held in her gaze when talking about Kirishima just then because that’s for another time. Ahead, he can spot the mop of red hair contrast with the blues and whites as the figure positions himself for a larger wave swell. Luckily, Kirishima held a top priority and once he claims a wave the other surfers will have to venture off to other ones. 
“That’s a good wave, Kiri should be able to pull some of his trickier stunts on it.” Sero quips, crossing his arms over his chest. Katsuki nods, eyes never wavering from in front of him. The redhead is standing in no seconds after giving himself a boost forward with a thrust of his arms. The water curves, and eventually a beautiful wave begins to crash upon the water just for him. Immediately, Kirishima is wasting no time and pulling his first trick: Nosesirfing. Holding his stance at the tip of his board, he surfs along the crest of the wave for a couple seconds, gaining him a substantial amount of initial points. He slides down the water swiftly and carves, reverses and performs a 360; water splashing around his figure. Ashido cheers beside Katsuki and he smirks, because it was performed fairly perfectly. The wave is coming to a close, and Kirishima lowers his speed to Tube Ride inside the arch of water. It takes skill, not being an intermedial trick, and Katsuki holds his breath waiting to see the splash of red along the water emerge out into the open. After a few seconds, to his and the two dorks beside him’s excitement, Kirishima is able to perform the stunt and glides out past the crashing water, smiling widely. His first wave gives him a 9.8 out of 10 on the scoring board. If he does that again, Katsuki’s sure he’ll pass and move onto the next rounds. 
The other surfers in the heat take their turns catching their points, Kaminari scoring an 8.2 on his first wave and the other two strangers score relatively lower. Their time on the water is winding down, and as Kirishima finishes is second wave with yet another Tube Ride, followed hastily with an Aerial, his points reveal him with a victorious 10 accumulating his complete and final 18.2. His fists are in the air, expression bright as he splashes the water exasperatingly.
“Yes! Way to go Kirshima!” Katsuki can hear Denki shout across the water as he begins his own second wave. Even on his own turn, the blonde finds time to support his friend. He turns his gaze back to Kirishima and smirks when he emerges out of the water, still wearing his widening smile.
Ashido runs forward and hugs him, causing them to wobble from the lack of balance. Thankfully, she lets go just in time for Kirishima to compose himself. His cheeks and body are flush from the adrenaline, and he rubs the back of his nape.
“Thanks! But we gotta watch Kami! He’s on now!” He calls, turning around to watch their friend finish his heat with a 17.9. Not too long after, the electric blonde is running up and joining them in a group hug. 
“You guys were fucking amazing.” Katuski chuckles, clapping his hands together with Kirishima’s after they’ve divided. His face is warm from the sun, from the heat, from the surge of excitement and from the soft, damp hands holding his own tightly. Kirishima’s smile hasn’t wavered since he’s left the water, and Katsuki wonders if his cheeks are sore.
“Thanks man!” he laughs, and from the looks of it, the redhead’s still running off of his incitement.
“I think they just called Sero’s name.” Kaminari says to the side, and they turn their gaze to the large screen towards the center of the beach that holds the scorings and names of surf heats. Sure enough, Hanta Sero appears in bold letters across the screen. 
He gives them a thumbs up as he walks off holding his surfboard by his side. Katsuki knows from watching him practice that he’s been working on the Superman since his longer body physique allows him to maneuver the trick easier, but will he attempt it today and risk losing points? It requires a relatively larger waves to guide the speed and height up and off of the crest. To his surprise, Sero doesn’t end up performing the trick, instead focusing on more longboard derived skills that place him with a score of 17.6. 
That leaves him to enter the water. His name isn’t on the screen yet, but he can feel the sizzling beneath his skin in anticipation. The next heat will begin soon, and the chance his name will show up etched itself into his gut in the form of hunger. Hunger to win, hunger to go out there and compete, hunger to excel above the rest.
“Your name was just called for the next heat, Bakugou.” Ashido says and he smirks wickedly. Finally.
“Oh no, he’s got that creepy look on his face when he gets over competitive. He’s gone from Bakubro to Bakuscary.” Kaminari steps behind his board to shield himself as Katsuki grabs his own firmly. Reassuring chants echo behind him as he surges forward. 
The water is warm when he initially steps in; he paddles further out into the ocean and it shifts cooler to the touch. His ears twitch with the realization that the music from the beach isn’t as deafening from where he sits. He can hear his thoughts more clearly, which normally fairs well but he spots Kirishima back at their spot on be beach jumping, pumping his fists into the air out to him, and his chest flutters. He was too enthusiastic sometimes.
The waves today are good. Better for the completion but even better for him in executing more high level skills. A particular swell catches his eye and he’s immediately taking action, dipping his arms in the water to push himself out to snatch the break. As the form manifests, he Carves and glides up, clutching the surfboard with one as he leans back and does a Alley-Oop. He lands with a slap, and his legs buzz from the impact. Any noise he heard earlier is gone. Mind blank, his breathing is shallow and he hyper focuses on his next trick, doing a Cutback then Snapping against the current. He only has a couple of seconds before the wave dies out, so he bites his lip and thinks screw it; there’s an opportunity and he isn’t going to miss his chance. Engulfed under a bridge of water, he Tube Rides before dashing out and Kickflipping his board. His chest heaves as he exhales sharply, riding out the remaining push of wave. It happened all too quickly and he doesn’t spare a glance at the scoreboard to see what his first wave gave him. He knows it was a higher number.
The second wave, to his luck, is just as powerful. Katsuki spares no time performing the same tricks, give or take a few and his mind is still in a haze once he steps onto the hot sand. 
The wind is knocked out of his lungs, his board flying forward and he plummets back down into the sand with a loud thud. He groans as his chest is squeezed unbelievably tight, and his hands urgently grasp onto warm skin. Opening his eyes, his face heats immensely as he stares up into Kirishima’s. His breathing is rugged, unlike Katsuki’s being held in his chest, and he’s smiling down at him. Bold at first, but it fades into one more fond. Eyes never leave one another’s until it’s cut short, as fast as it came, with three bodies throwing themselves atop of theirs and Katsuki groans once again.
“Jesus- the fuck- I can’t breathe you assholes! G-get off-“ He wheezes, retracting his arms and planting them over Kirishima’s bare chest in an attempt to lift everyone. It fails and he’s left buried under 300 pounds with burning cheeks.
“We did it you guys! We’re going into the next rounds!” Ashido squeals into his ear and he pauses. They made it.
He gapes, “Holy fuck.”
“You topped with a solid 19 points, Bakubro!” Kaminari laughs, making an effort to detach himself from the pile. Ashido slides out beneath him. “We’re going to Shigaraki Beach!” 
Sero extends a hand to help Kirishima off his feet, who then looks back down to a stunned Katsuki laying in the sand. He opens and closes his mouth, failing to conjure any words because holy fuck they’re all advancing to the next set of rounds-
He takes Kirishima’s hand and smirks, turning to face his fervent friends. The sun is still hot beating down on his skin, on the sand beneath his toes, on the hand intertwining into his own, on the smiles and crinked noses displaying between them. But it didn’t matter.
They made it.
@mina-ashido-ismywife @hubajoob @christa-mina @kitkat-the-muffin @complete-utter-trash23 @justshipmeoffplease @sedxkid1 @downtherabbitholethatisanime @cooliopumpkin @fuchsiari
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ofindcmitability · 5 years
— wow so here we go. I remember very specifically. So my mom got the special Hulu to use the free trial and then cancel it so I watched the first two episodes of Deadly Class on it, then that night I watched the third episode when it aired after I watched The Magicians. I checked gif packs and yep I knew I wanted to do Benjamin Wadsworth. He, as my main, replaced by original version of Peyton Halliwell who I’d been struggling with forevers at that time. So originally I was thinking Henry Jr, but he’d been taken at the time. I’d also been obsessed with this fanfiction series (still am TBH it’s so fucking funny). This is the fic that made me say, I wanna do a damaged child taken in by a semi-adult. The semi-adult in the fic had been a teenager, so I thought of Mick who was playing Wyatt Halliwell and contacted her. ( Also a sidenote bc hilariously, the song came on. RWBY v6 had recently ended and the ending song NEVERMORE (which Will’s lyrics and title are from) started playing literally right now so thats funny ). Anyhow Mick was like SURE, and tbh the original connection idea was just through magic school but then it EVOLVED, I’m legit thinking thru the transcript of our conversation rn it’s wild??? Mick helped me choose darklighter-demon so this is fucking awesome ( go Mick!!! ) I LEGIT SENT THIS FROM THE FANFIC
“Hey, uh. Wyatt? I… I kind of failed my test today.”Wyatt grabbed the bottle of tequila that he insisted they didn’t own and poured it into his coffee. “I know, Will. I was there.” He sighed. Will slid the test across the table towards him and offered a wry smile. “My teacher said our parent or guardian needed to sign it if we failed.” He told him and Wyatt stared at him for a good two minutes before taking a long sip of the alcoholic coffee. He picked up the test and Will felt a stab of guilt for making the man look so goddamn tired. Maybe he should try a bit harder… Wyatt grabbed a pen and dramatically signed the test that he had graded earlier. “Get out of my face you evil, evil child.”
My goodness Mick and I fucking went at it over William Formally Flynn. 
Mick, after I showed her Will’s intro which I spent two hours writing as I listened to the same exact song. 
i like it when you hurt me.02/01/2019Oh my actual fucking good that breaks my heart.
Okay so next.
—- it’s weird bc I’m so horrible with chars Aster was literally brought in at a different era than William. Will has so many years on my others it’s fucking wild. Anyhow Imma just look at C and I’s transcripts bc I don’t remember how specific it went besides C posting Thomas Doherty’s FC as someone she was gonna do, and I knew I wanted to do Mitchell Hope post so I was like HEYYYYYY .
Literlally us:
satan with a keyboard07/29/2019CASUALLY DORPS INTO UR PM TO KNOW ABOUT UR THOMAS AND SEE IF U WANNA DO A CONNECTION WITH MY MITCHELLthe charizard of fkeke07/29/2019yes i want a connectioni am a slut for mitchell and thomas thanks to d2 
But yes, I remember looking up fairy names and last names bc I wanted perty names, and us just fucking brainstorming like wild and then C coming us with everaster and damn we went AT IT
I can’t go into someone’s DM to help me so this’ll come from memory. I know I wanted to do Brenton, and for a bit I was considering doing him as our then-Davina’s brother connection. But I ended up not doing it bc I had muse for someone else and I was at character limit at the time (crazy right??) anyhow so…. okay tbh I have no idea how my want for Brenton translated into him becoming Henrik Mikaelson bc he does not look like a Mikaelson. I know it def had to do with Titans s2 coming out and a huge influx of muse for Brenton. I think I wanted to do a canon which was where Henrik fit in but honestly I don’t remember and now I’m bothered by it lmao. I know I played Freya thrice before doing Henrik so maybe it was a want for a Mikaelson? I really really don’t know what the fuck happened there. But yes, and his backstory of being brought back in s2 of TO came from another rp I was in where I played Henrik with Robbie Kay and even thou it didn’t end up clicking right bc of the fc, I always fucking loved my initial idea of him having come back way back then. I think my want for him to work with kids and be a caretaker came from Dick and Rachel in Titans tbh skndkngf bc I loved that softness and I was thinking he could have a soft relationship with Hope too, I rmemeber thinking to myself I’d use their huggle gifs for them eventually lmfao. But yes honestly my memory is shit and dusty and while I rmemeber how other huge changes and plots came to be for him, his creation is a molted memory. TBH I’m really surprised no one’s ever yelled at me for how non-Mikaelson he looks/is.
So, let’s pre-requisite this by reminding everyone I’ve played Peyton Halliwell twice before with a number of three FCs, maybe more that I’m forgetting too tbh. The ones I remember are Lili Reinhart, Ginny Gardner and Taylor Hickson. So what happened here was. Um. Okay tbh I don’t remember too much. My ultimate memory is in the form of me mentioning Natalia Dyer to Sam and him being like I FUCKING LOVE HER DO IT and honestly thats how that happened lmfao. Her personality stemmed from Natalia’s ton of guns gifs and I still haven’t actually done her intro RIP. But yeah, this is finally the Peyton I got right bc everyone actually likes her kdnkgngkng I think. But yes. There’s her origin story, Sam loving Natalia Dyer. 
Barbara Gordan and Jane Levy. Babs is still fairly new, so I remember enough. I was in/still am in a Batfamily phase. So I was following the Titans tag and they showed a picture of Brenton and Jane in a movie together bc she’s the perfect Barbara Gordan and I just loved her Fc for the firs time, bc in the past I’d seen her and never felt anything. So I found out she had a good number of gif packs and they’re so pretty??? But I was so hesitant bc I didn’t have an idea for her and I didn’t wanna go in half cocked. So I had a gif of her in my drafts for weeks with the name Mar’i or Zoe beside it bc I couldnt think of ANYTHING. but then I was finally like, fuck it. and I wrote her intro somehow?? I rmemeber sitting there so usnure for such a while but then it started rolling and Victoria’s connection just fit. I wanted to name her Babs bc i fucking love the nickname Babs it’s so cute. I almost changed her name but Ace was a warrior for hte name Barbara so thus she became Barabara Friedh. Friedh, is a surname from the video game Lost Odyssey which I liked and yeee. 
Okay so here’s the thing. Jack Kline is a soft soft sweet boy who has struggles with three dads and a major guilt complex. I loved him from his first episode. I was hesitant for a second tbh, bc I was like Maybe I shouldn’t. Cause it’d suck to take him on and drop him, or be really bad at him (jury’s still out on that one) but like. I have not felt such muse for a proper canon character in a hell of a long time. So I browsed through his edit tag and i just said, Okay so this is happening. I even ended up making a whole entire gif pack of him in one day yesterday bc resources r a Bich. But yes like. I love Jack a lot as a character. I feel like he made me enjoy Supernatural again bc I found his plotline so compelling and him to be such a good and earnest character who’s just trying so hard and that spoke to me.
But yeah, these are my bitches. Hope you’re happy Gaby. 
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lastbluetardis · 5 years
Chemical Potential (10/11)
Summary: Slightly homesick and stressed about her abysmal chemistry grade, Rose Tyler meets quirky James Smith, the boy who sits in front of her in their chemistry class. They become fast friends as James makes it his personal mission to help Rose get through the semester.
Ten x Rose University AU
This chapter: ~5100 words, teen
Notes: This was written for the lovely @thegreenfairy13 as part of the @dwsecretsanta gift exchange. Also tagging @doctorroseprompts.
The chapter we’ve all been waiting for! Just the epilogue left after this, folks.
AO3 | Ch1 | Ch2 | Ch3 | Ch4 | Ch5 | Ch6 | Ch7 | Ch8 | Ch9 | Ch10 | epilogue
“You’re so brilliant!”
Rose was still in shock even as James swept her into a crushing hug in the middle of the lecture hall. He’d pinned her arms to her sides, so she couldn’t really reciprocate the embrace. But even if she could, her brain was too wrapped up in the memory of the little red 89%—Great improvement! Well done! that was scribbled at the top of her exam.
“I’m so proud of you,” he crowed into her ear, a little too loudly but she didn’t mind.
Still not completely convinced she wasn’t dreaming, Rose pulled back from his embrace to glance at her exam again. The same 89% was staring back at her.
“Because you’re brilliant,” James said with a decisive nod. “You, Rose Tyler, are a genius.”
“Well, I wouldn’t go that far,” she said, even as a grin stole across her face. “But I am pretty good.”
James rolled his eyes at her and held out his hand for hers.
“This is cause for a celebration. Let me buy you breakfast?”
Rose followed James to the dining hall. When they were settled in one of the few empty tables, James pulled out his iPad and tapped at the screen for a few minutes before his face lit up.
“With this newest exam score, you now only need a fifty-nine percent on your final exam to get a passing grade in the class.”
Fifty-nine percent. That was doable, she hoped.
“What’s your exam schedule like?” Rose asked. “I’ve asked my boss to have off until my finals were over, and she graciously agreed. Hopefully that’ll make it easier for us to find days to meet up, but I don’t want to take away from the time you need to study for your other classes.”
“Chem is my first final,” James replied.
“Mine too,” Rose said.
“The exam is Tuesday morning, so let’s meet up both days this weekend? And then we can use Monday to take practice exams.”
Rose blinked. “How do you have practice exams?”
“Remember, Professor Young said the final is standardized. That means it’s a national exam that the ACS—the American Chemical Society—puts out for colleges and universities across the country. It’s done this for decades, so there are loads of past exams and practice exams on the internet.”
“Oh. That’s helpful.”
“Indeed. Almost every science class uses an ACS exam as their final,” James said. “Hopefully this will help you get the feel for how the exam will go. It’s all multiple-choice, and designed to fit within two hours, so the problems aren’t all that complicated.”
“Maybe for you, they’re not,” she muttered.
His eyes widened when he realized how that came out.
“No, no,” he said hastily. “I merely meant that they problems are designed to take a couple mathematical calculations, is all.”
Rose nodded and continued tucking into her omelet.
During the last week of classes, James and Rose didn’t see much of each other. Rose had a final project in lieu of a final exam in two of her classes, and she was swamped with work as she frantically finished everything that was due on the last day of classes.
But finally, she turned in a painting project and final report, leaving her free to meet up with James to study for their chemistry exam.
Finding a place to study was trickier than normal, as the entire student population was on the hunt for a quiet, secluded room. James, however, knew that the science buildings were fairly empty during exam week, and so they took over a small room tucked away in the basement of the physics building.
“I’ve brought snacks,” James proudly proclaimed when he and Rose met up on Saturday morning to begin their first study session.
To call it ‘snacks’ was an understatement; he’d brought a huge tote bag filled with not only pretzels, crisps, trail mix, and granola bars, but microwaveable meals so that they wouldn’t need to abandon the room for a lunch break. He’d also brought a cooler filled with drinks, as well as his electric kettle and all the makings for tea and instant coffee.
“You’re such a mother hen,” Rose teased, even though she was grateful for all of the food he’d brought.
He stuck his tongue out at her and said, “If you’re gonna be rude to me, I’m not gonna share my food.”
She rolled her eyes. “My humblest apologies. I am forever in your debt and am grateful for the bounteous meal you have scavenged for us. I grovel at your feet and beg your mercy and pray that you share your wealth of sustenance.”
James broke out into peals of giggles that had Rose laughing too. She loved the way her chest warmed at the sight and sound of his happiness.
“I suppose you’re forgiven,” he said after a minute.
“Brilliant!” Rose immediately reached for a tea bag and began to make them both a cuppa.
They saw very little of the outside world for the next couple of days. Rose had never worked so hard at anything in her life, and by the time Tuesday morning rolled around, she was utterly exhausted but determined to get that fifty-nine percent she needed. She refused to let one stupid class get in the way of the rest of her time at uni, or between her and James.
Their friendship was the most important thing to her, and they were right on the cusp of becoming something more. Ever since Thanksgiving, they’d both been aware of the electricity between them, but, true to his promise, James kept their friendship strictly platonic.
But Rose was impatient to get finals out of the way and hopefully go on a date with James. If he still wanted to.
They sat in their usual seats in the lecture hall as they waited for their professor to arrive with their exams. All around them, students were frantically cramming and flipping hastily through their notes in a last-minute study session.
“How are you feeling?” James asked as he twirled his pencil end over end across the table top.
“Okay,” she replied. “I just want this to be over. I never should’ve taken this class in the first place, but this nightmare is almost done.”
James nodded silently but didn’t say anything else. He instead faced the front of the room. Before Rose could ask what was wrong, their professor stepped into the lecture hall and began speaking, telling them to put everything away except for a pencil and calculator.
Minutes later, the exam booklet was passed out, and Rose began filling in her student information. When she was finished with that, she waited impatiently for the professor to tell them they could start.
She watched James out of the corner of her eye. He was on his phone, copying down his student ID number. A moment later, he tucked his phone into the front pocket of his jeans and continued playing with his pencil.
Rose reached over and rested her hand on his thigh. He let out a muffled squeak and flinched.
“Good luck, James,” she whispered, giving his leg a squeeze. “Thank you so much for everything you’ve done for me this term. No matter what happens with this exam, meeting you was the best thing to come from this class.”
His face softened and a small smile tugged at his lips.
“For me, too,” he replied, and he reached down and covered her fingers right as the professor told them to begin.
The exam passed in a blur of words and numbers and bubbling in her answer sheet. She was so focused on taking her test that by the time the professor told them time was up and to turn in their exams, she realized James had already left. With a slight headache building behind her eyes, Rose turned in her exam and walked out into the lobby, where she assumed James would be waiting for her.
He was, and when he saw her, he beamed and held out his hand for hers.
Despite the fact that their chemistry exam was over, she and James continued to meet up for the rest of the week to study for the rest of their classes. While they didn’t speak very much, Rose was glad to have his quiet company as she prepared as best she could for her other exams.
The week passed relatively quickly and uneventfully. James’s last exam had been Thursday evening, while Rose’s wasn’t until Saturday. Because there would be nothing for him to do and he would undoubtedly get bored watching her pour over her books, Rose stayed home all of Friday to prepare for her Shakespeare final the following morning.
A few minutes before eight o’clock, Rose stumbled groggily into the classroom along with the rest of her classmates. She wasn’t at all nervous for this exam; it was the class she was doing the best in and one she genuinely liked.
But that didn’t mean she enjoyed taking the test. It was all essay-writing, and Rose’s hand was sore by the time she turned in her test booklet. She flexed it and her shoulders as she walked out of the room, taking care to not let the door slam behind her. She’d made it a step into the hallway when a tall, lean body invaded her personal space.
Before she could reel backward, the familiar scent of soap and laundry detergent pervaded her senses.
“You’re done!” James crowed loudly. He then winced, realizing there were still people trying to take an exam. His voice was much more muted when he said, “Congratulations.”
She skipped up to him and wrapped her arms around one of his, hugging it to her chest.
“So. Are you hungry?” James asked.
“Starved,” she said. She hadn’t had time to eat breakfast that morning.
“The university is serving free breakfast until noon to anyone still here. Want to go take advantage?”
Arm in arm, they made their way across campus to the dining hall. It was utterly dead inside; there were two other students milling around the food court and three more sitting at their own tables.
James and Rose each grabbed a tray and loaded it with food. Waffles, eggs, potatoes, sausages, fried tomatoes, flaky croissants. Rose wasn’t sure whether she’d be able to eat everything, but it all smelled incredible, and her stomach was growling nonstop.
Rose found James at the coffee station, filling up his travel thermos. She opted for tea instead. When they were each satisfied with their platters of food, they walked past the cashier with a friendly smile.
“Got any more finals to take?” she asked.
“Nope,” James said, as Rose answered, “Just finished my last one.”
“Congrats to you both. Enjoy the break.”
Rose followed James to a table by the back wall of windows very near to the table they’d sat at the first time James had treated her to breakfast earlier in the semester.
For a few minutes, silence enveloped them as they wolfed down their breakfast. It was all delicious and sated Rose’s hunger quickly.
But even as they both slowed down their eating, James still wasn’t saying much. Instead, he was fidgeting with his thermos, flipping the lid on and off repeatedly.
“You all right?” Rose asked.
“Fine,” he said a little too quickly. He stopped playing with the lid, as though realizing what he was doing. “Have you been on the grade book portal yet?”
“I took a final at eight,” Rose reminded him. “Why?”
“Well…” James’s eyes darted back to the table as he murmured, “The chem final is up.”
Rose’s ears rang and she thought she might throw up everything she just ate.
“Oh,” she whispered faintly.
“Do you want to check it?” he asked quietly.
“I dunno…” Rose kneaded the heel of her hand into her forehead. Did she want to know how she did, or did she want to live in blissful ignorance until her final transcript was released? But surely she’d achieved at least the fifty-nine she needed, hadn’t she? “Can you look and tell me how I did?”
“I could,” he said. “As long as you don’t mind me seeing the rest of your grades.”
Rose snorted. “You literally have a spreadsheet of all of my grades.”
He stuck his tongue out at her. She took her phone out of her pocket and tapped through it to get to her online student portal. She entered her login information and handed the phone to James.
Her heart thudded against her ribs as she watched James flick his finger up the screen. Rose folded her arms on the table and rested her forehead on them.
What was she going to do if she hadn’t gotten a high enough grade? What was she going to do if they revoked her scholarship? Could she plead her case to the university? Tell them she’d made a horrible mistake in trying to take chemistry and that they should put her on probation until she could prove she could keep her grades up?
“Rose!” James’s excited voice was in her ear and his hands were roughly shaking her. “Rose, look! Look! You did it! Look!”
Rose lifted her head cautiously, not quite believing what he was saying. He thrust the phone under her nose, and she blinked rapidly to try and focus on the blur of black letters on the screen.
Final Exam: 72%.
“You did it!”
Rose’s jaw slackened and she grabbed her phone from him.
“Impossible,” she muttered, and she refreshed the page—twice, for good measure. But the little 72% was still there.
“That’s thirteen whole points above what you needed!” he exclaimed, grinning like a loon at her.
He jumped to his feet, then grabbed her biceps and tugged, urging her to stand too. She followed, feeling weak to her knees, but that didn’t matter, because soon she was enveloped in his arms. His comforting scent filled her lungs and she buried her face into his shoulder as he held her fiercely.
“I’m proud of you,” he said, squeezing her. “So proud.”
“I passed,” she rasped, shaking slightly. All that hard work had finally, finally paid off.
“Yes you did! You’re brilliant, you are!”
Rose pulled back to look up into his face. It was bright with joy, and her stomach did a little somersault. She would never have been able to do any of this on her own. And through some sheer luck and James’s unending patience, kindness, and intelligence, she met all of the requirements to keep her scholarship. She could stay at the university.
She didn’t have to leave James, her best friend. She’d never met anyone like him, and nobody had ever made her feel as good about herself as he did. She felt like she was the very best version of herself whenever he was around, and she loved him more than she’d ever loved anyone.
Standing there, with his hands resting at the small of her back, his eyes bright, his mouth curved in a smile, and their bodies invading each other’s space, Rose’s control snapped. Between her promise to herself—that if she passed, she would try to make something with James work—and her almost certainty that James was interested in a relationship with her, it was inevitable.
Their hips were pressed flush together as their arms remained around each other’s waists. As though realizing how intimately they were standing, James’s face flamed red and he pulled his hips back a fraction of an inch. But his eyes were dark as they darted from her lips, to her eyes, then back again.
“Rose…” he croaked.
His voice was breathy and made a thrill of heat shoot from her heart into her belly. He licked his lips, making them shine invitingly. Rose sucked in a trembling breath and, with her heart beating through her entire body, she rocked up onto her tiptoes, settled one of her hands around the nape of his neck, and pressed her lips to his.
He let out a muffled sigh as his muscles relaxed and he melted into her arms. He clutched at the fabric of her jumper, pulling her impossibly closer as he angled his head to the side to deepen the kiss.
Of all the times she’d imagined this—and she’d imagined it embarrassingly frequently—none of it came close to the real thing. His lips were soft, warm, and full against hers, moving in time with her as though they were already familiar with kissing each other.
Their lips danced together, tugging and releasing, chasing and yielding. Nothing had ever felt this good, and Rose never wanted it to stop. Heat sparked down her spine as he let out a helpless whimper when her tongue tentatively probed his bottom lip. She echoed the sound when his fingers tangled into her hair, massaging her scalp as he held her tenderly, reverently.
Oh, God, how am I ever going to stop?
She felt like laughing and sobbing all at once, because this was the most perfect moment in her entire life. The weight of the world flew off her shoulders and it seemed as though it would never settle on her again. Being in his arms was the only place she ever wanted to be and she prayed he felt the same way.
She caressed her hand up his jaw, gliding along the smooth skin before landing in his hair. It was even softer than it looked. She grabbed a handful of it, her nails scraping across his scalp, and he let out a wrenching groan as his entire body shuddered in her arms. Her core ached and throbbed with desire.
Oh, God.
Half a second before she was going to hitch her leg obscenely around his hip, James broke their kiss that was actually probably more of a snog now. Her chest heaved as she struggled to catch her breath; little black dots were swirling in her vision, and she wanted nothing more than to wrap him into a tight hug. And possibly another kiss.
He was deliciously rumpled. His hair was sticking out at all angles and a happy, dazed glint had entered his eyes.
Rose licked her swollen lips and breathed, “All right?”
He nodded quickly, and he reached out to cup her cheek in his palm. His thumb brushed across her bottom lip, and she had to restrain herself not to suck the pad of his thumb into her mouth. Instead, she settled for pressing a quick kiss to it before he dropped his hand to his side.
“Yeah,” he whispered, his voice cracking. He cleared his throat and tried again. “Yeah. I just… I wanted… did you… did you want to do that?”
Rose furrowed her brow as her heart sank a little. “What d’you mean?”
His cheeks were bright red and his eyes darted across her face, then to her lips, then to a far-off point behind her shoulder. They traversed this path several times. He looked terrified and helpless, and something in her chest cracked at the sight.
She reached out and took his hand, hoping to offer him some bit of comfort until he could tell her what he was thinking.
“It’s just… did you want to kiss me like that? Or were you just happy about your grade?”
Rose frowned at him. Did he seriously not know? He had to know. He had to realize she’d been wanting to kiss him for weeks. That she was irrevocably in love with him. That she wanted to spend the rest of her life kissing him and being with him.
“Both,” she said firmly, giving his hand a reassuring squeeze. “I’m overjoyed I passed the class, but I also wanted to kiss you. I’ve wanted to kiss you for a while now.”
His face morphed into an expression of utter delight, and she debated her next words for many long seconds. She was tempted to leave it at that, then return to kissing him in the middle of the dining hall, but she swallowed her nerves and said, “You’re my best friend, James. And I know we’ve only known each other for a few months, but I… I’ve fallen in love with you.”
His jaw slackened in surprise and his hand went limp in hers. Her cheeks burned, but she forced himself to keep his stare as she tried to parse through the emotions flitting on his face while trying not to vomit with nerves.
“You… you love me?” he squeaked.
She nodded, and his face slowly bloomed into the widest, most beautiful smile she’d ever seen on his face. The sight of it sent her blood thrumming as hope swelled though her.
“Oh, Rose. I…I…” He reached forward and cupped her cheeks in his palms. His thumb idly stroked her cheeks as he tilted his head down until his forehead was flush with hers. His breath puffed against her lips, and the closeness of him made her eyes flutter shut. “I… I’ve fallen in love with you, too.”
He shifted and hugged her closer, burying his face into her shoulder. Her heart raced at his words, aching with love for him as she held him just as tightly.
“I’d thought maybe you fancied me,” he whispered into her ear. “But I hadn’t been sure if you were just a really affection person who hugged and held hands with her friends all the time. And I’ve tried asking you out on dates, but I would either chicken out or you would stop me. I barely dared to believe… to hope…”
“Believe it, mister,” she teased, taking one of her arms from around his waist to poke his belly. He squirmed and giggled, then pulled back to look at her. His fringe had fallen onto his forehead, and she reached up to brush it back. “I wasn’t sure if you felt the same way, either. Then I worried that if I said something and you didn’t like me like that, it would make studying awkward and uncomfortable. So I’d decided to wait ‘til the end of term, just in case you weren’t attracted to me, I could run away and avoid you for the rest of my time here.”
He rolled his eyes.
“And then I was terrified I wouldn’t pass chemistry. I didn’t want to fall in love with you only to have to move back to London a month later. It would break my heart.”
His face softened, and he leaned down to brush a kiss to her forehead.
“I love you,” he murmured. “So much. I don’t care if we’ve only known each other for three months. You’re my best mate, and I always want you to be my best mate. Even if you’d had to move home again, I wouldn’t have let you go without a fight. Or at least without making sure we would stay in contact.”
“Sap,” she teased, but she couldn’t help the grin that split her face.
He blew a raspberry at her, but then his face went solemn.
“I, er, I should probably tell you. I haven’t really, er, done this before,” he said in a rush, his face flushed pink.
After her initial confusion faded, a lump settled in her stomach. “Was that your first kiss?”
She was mortified. If she’d known that, she would’ve made it gentler, sweeter. The kind of first kiss he deserved to have. And she would’ve asked if it was okay that she kissed him, rather than yanking his face into hers. But for his first time kissing, he was sure good at it…
“No, no, ‘course not,” he said quickly. “I’ve had a few girlfriends, and we’ve kissed. But… but that’s it. None of them were ever serious enough that I wanted to do anything more with. Y’know… anything physical. Never been in love like this before.”
His cheeks had somehow turned redder and he looked uncomfortable and vulnerable.
“I… I’m not really sure how this works,” he mumbled, embarrassed. “Because I want everything with you, Rose. Everything. But I don’t want to muck anything up.”
“It works however we want it to work,” she said simply. “I want to do everything with you, too, but I only if you want it and are ready for it. We can go as slow or fast as we’re both comfortable with.”
His shoulders straightened a bit. “Yeah?”
“Yes,” she said firmly. “That’s what it means to be in a relationship. We’re in this together, James. Together.”
He smiled, his body relaxing. “I like the sound of together.”
She beamed. “Me too.”
“So… d’you think maybe we could get back to the kissing thing?” He towered over her and leaned down far enough that the tip of his nose brushed hers.
“It was rather marvelous, wasn’t it?”
“The best kiss I’ve ever had,” James said honestly.
“Me too,” Rose admitted.
James’s eyes widened, but he looked pleased and slightly smug. Rose rolled her eyes, then pressed herself closer to him until their lips slotted together.
This kiss was gentler than their frenzied first kiss, but the knowledge that he wanted to kiss her—that he loved her!—made shivers rocket down her spine. She trembled in his arms as she looped her hands over his shoulders, scrabbling for any purchase to pull him closer.
He moaned against her mouth as his hands dropped to the small of her back. His fingers clenched and loosened repeatedly into her jumper as they made slow passes up and down her spine. It was as though he didn’t know what to do with his hands. For that matter, neither did she. They ran through his hair, then went to his jaw, then cupped the back of his neck. Anything to keep him close. Anything to keep him kissing her.
His lips moved gracefully with hers. The only evidence that they were new kissing partners was the occasional bump of their noses and missteps when they each went to adjust the angle of the kiss. But it was still perfect, and they each automatically corrected any errors they made.
Rose’s mind was empty of anything except the man in her arms. Her body fizzed with pleasure and endorphins, leaving little room for anything else except for the unending mantra of I love you, I love you, I love you looping through her head.
The words were bursting to escape her mental filter, and she eased them out of the kiss. James’s breath came in choppy pants against her lips; hers wasn’t much better. Her lips felt deliciously swollen, and she licked them, still able to taste him on her tongue.
“I love you,” she said softly, reaching out to rest her palm on his chest. His heart thudded steadily beneath her palm. “I love you, James.”
His breath caught in his throat and he lifted his hand to cover hers. He wrapped his long fingers around hers and squeezed them, then brought her hand to his lips to place a delicate kiss to each knuckle.
“I love you, too,” he croaked. “I’ve never felt this way about anyone.”
“Neither have I,” she admitted.
Something flashed behind his eyes. “Not… not even Jimmy?”
Rose shook her head. “No. I thought I loved him. And maybe I did, as much as my teenaged self could. But you… my God, James. It’s like my body is way too small to contain this. I’m overwhelmed in the best way possible.”
“That’s how I feel.” He ran another line of kisses along the ridge of her knuckles. “I’ve felt like this for so long. I’ve been terrified you might not feel the same.”
Rose couldn’t help but chuckle. “I was worried about the same thing.” Then her brain caught up with what he said. “When did you realize you were in love with me?”
James tilted his head to the side. As he thought, his tongue pressed to the backs of his teeth.
“I think I’d known for a while,” he said at last. “Or I suspected. I don’t entirely know when the transition from ‘friend’ to ‘more’ happened officially; I just know that I loved our study dates and mate dates and wished they were real dates.
“But the point of no return for me was the night you stayed with me on the anniversary of my parents’ death. You stayed with me even though I was miserable company. And you spent the night. When I woke up and saw you asleep on the recliner… I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. I wanted to wake up every day and see you first thing.”
She smiled softly at him.
“Your turn,” he said, pinching her waist lightly. “When did you fall in love with me? It was immediate, wasn’t it? You just couldn’t resist this foxy body and suave, sexy charm, eh?”
He winked roguishly, and Rose burst out laughing. He pouted, but the effect was ruined with the smile creeping across his face.
“After our trip to Philly,” she said when her giggles subsided. “I was looking through the photos we took together and I realized that was the most fun I’d had out with someone in a very long time. And I wanted to spend a lot more time with you outside of studying.
“And then on election night, when I told you about Jimmy, you didn’t judge me for anything.” His brows furrowed, and he opened his mouth to argue. But she placed her finger over his lips. “You’d be surprised how many people wanted to give me a lecture about how I should’ve left sooner than I did. But you… you just listened. And you gave me a hug and didn’t make me feel stupid for anything that happened.”
“I think you ought to rethink your friend choices, if you fell in love with me for common decency,” James huffed, talking through her finger. “Er. Not to be rude or anything.”
“Though that is a teensy bit rude,” she teased.
He stuck his tongue out at her, then licked her finger. She pulled it back with a shriek, wiping the wetness off on her jeans.
“You’re disgusting!” But she was laughing, which softened the reprimand.
After a beat of silence, James asked, “So… since it’s the end of finals and we’ve cleared the air about our feelings, could I take you out somewhere? A date-date. No more mate-dates. Not that you’re not my mate. You’re my best mate. But you’re more than just my mate now and…”
Rose’s chest warmed with affection for the man babbling in front of her. She rocked onto her tiptoes and brushed a kiss to his cheek.
“A date-date would be wonderful,” she said, then she pressed her lips to his once more.
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spacesave-game · 5 years
Version 1.4 News & other boring stuff
Good whichever-time-of-a-day-it-is! Here’s some irregularly scheduled piece of SpaceSave-related news and some things around it, which affect the development of a new version. It’s been nearly 7 months since the upload of the latest version and around 4 months since last post, so I guess it’s a good time to drop some info. Before we go into specifics, let’s delve into the state of my development process this year.  It’s been a long time, so the post is going to be long as well! I’m sorry...
TL DR(I don’t blame you...): SpaceSave version 1.4 is in development and will release later this year. Also – I’m making a new game.
These last months has been pretty busy for me, in both personal life and game development. I haven’t been working on SpaceSave’s new version at all, right until three weeks ago or so. As I’ve noted in my last post – version 1.3 turned up to be very time consuming for me, so much so that I had to put my new, main project on hold(I still worked on it from time to time, but the progress was minimal) , just so I could finish the update in a timely manner. I eventually did release version 1.3 on time for my self-imposed deadline and the game was upgraded quite considerably, but it left me burned out in the process and with a small feeling of guilt, caused by ignoring my new project. Thus, after uploading the current version, in December, I’ve decided to take a break from SpaceSave and focus on that new project instead(development of which had a pretty major problem of its own, but we’ll talk about it later ). And this is basically what I was doing since last version’s release. Thankfully, that break was pretty rejuvenating – I’ve came back to SpaceSave, ended up enjoying working on it again and are making progress at a nice pace.
Okay, the boring stuff’s over. Below will be an actual info about new version of SpaceSave and... a new project? Well, that turned out unexpected.
SpaceSave v.1.4
As explained in my latest post about the same issue – this update will be much more humble than the last one, focused mostly on bug fixes, since I want to thoroughly test the whole game again. That being said – there will be some snippets of new content. To not reveal too much right now – one new, shorter questline is planned and I’ve already mapped it out, although I still have to create new(well, mostly recycled, but you get the point) assets for that and actually implement it in the game. As for the new stuff that’s already been added(may contain spoilers):
-          New... character?:
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-          Also, now there are two types of soldiers, instead of one(there are also more sprite variations for them as well) on Day 4:
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  Now, the urban(that’s grey, for normal people) camo is the same type of soldiers that were in the base game with the same skills. The green(I call it “forest”) variant however uses incendiary grenades, which can put your entire party on fire. It’s a small change but should add some variety.
-          New Items:
First, there is a new special item that you can get from hidden vendors(what, you didn’t know there were hidden vendors in the game? Well, now you know)
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Heretical Book – (Description from the game)
Written in fake blood for better effect!
Use these dark secrets to fully revive an ally!
Since there is a new type of soldier, there is also a new type of grenade:
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Incendiary Grenade– (Description from the game)
A real thing. Less damaging than a normal one,
but can put all enemies on fire.
The regular grenade also received a small boost in damage, since it was a little too weak in the base game, especially when you remember that it was supposed to be... well... a grenade.
There is a number of other things that I’ve already added, fixes and tweaks, but I’m going to skip them for this post and leave ‘em for an actual announcement, which is still quite a way ahead. I’m going to do a proper post about it, with a release date, as always – at least two weeks before uploading a new version. For now, the progress is going pretty alright, but I still focus more attention on my new project. The plan is, that I’m going to work on SpaceSave as much as I can, but when I’ll notice that version 1.4 will start to eat up into my main project - I’ll wrap the update up, finish things that I’ve already started to work on and release it. Another alternative is that I’ll manage to do all the work I’ve planned to do for this update(I keep a handy list for stuff like that) and if I keep my current pace – it’s pretty likely going to happen.
To summarize – I guess you can expect a new version, at best, in the early autumn. At worst – somewhere later, but it will certainly be this year.
New Project(!):
Yeah, I’ve been talking about it for quite a while, even in this post. I’m making a new game! It’s been in development since late December 2017, two weeks or so after the release of the first version of SpaceSave, although I’d say that I seriously started working on it after version 1.3, since I’ve finally got time to do so. Before that, I was mostly making assets for it.
In the February of this year, I’ve finally got enough assets to start working on a prototype, since this is a quite a different game from SpaceSave, more complex gameplay-wise. Naturally, I’ve wanted to test out how these mechanics work and how the whole game feels to play. Good ideas on paper don’t always result in an enjoyable game. There was also another thing I’ve wanted to check – the engine. For this project, I’ve decided to use the latest RPG Maker MV and there were two reasons for that:
-          Bigger sprite sizes and with these – more detailed sprites – which was the main reason
And obviously...
-          I owned it for some time already and wanted to justify the purchase
However, you’re probably pretty well aware about MV’s reputation as an engine that is pretty unstable. By creating a prototype I wanted to see if that’s true, before I started working on it proper.  And, oh boy, MV didn’t waste any time proving all the bad rumours about it right, for me. I may have sucked at working with it, but when I did – the engine was slow, menus were janky, graphical glitches were everywhere, more complicated events broke almost every time(sometimes they actually worked, but broke later after no changes whatsoever) – hell, sometimes, after the software update, the entire game could break and I had to update project’s files manually.
In short, it was a mess.  It was already March at that point in time and while the progress on the prototype itself was going swell, constant problems in the events for crucial parts of the game were infuriating. Finally, I’ve decided that if I want this project to survive – I need to start over and make it again in VX Ace. I have already made a lot of assets at this point(we’re talking around 86 spritesheets here and that’s only for characters and overworld animations, not counting stuff like tilesets here) and while battlers and animations could be reused no problem – all the sprites made by MV’s standards and most pictures made for MV resolution had to be redrawn. It was a hard decision to make, since it would take a very long time, but I’ve decided to go for it. The only possible alternatives were either keep making it on MV and risk creating an inferior game(at best) or to scrap it altogether. I really like this project and want to see it to the very end, like SpaceSave, so I didn’t want it to just die in such an anticlimactic way. So, for the rest of the March and the entirety of April – I’ve managed to painstakingly remake every single graphical asset that needed it, to fit VX Ace’s standards. T he operation was a success and I’ve finally been able to continue my work! But before that, there was still one thing to do.
When I was busy remaking assets, the prototype for MV was obviously put on hold. However, after I’ve finished working on the asset problem, I’ve decided to complete that version. It was already half-done anyway, so sure, why not - I could still use it to test out the game mechanics, even if some of them will probably be borderline broken. I’ve spent the entire May working on it and finally – on the very first day of June – it was sent to a few carefully selected victims individuals.
The prototype in its barely working state, to my relief, turned out pretty fine. All the mechanics are there, giving me a good blueprint to use in an actual version and its fairly enjoyable. The people I’ve sent it to were pretty positive about it as well. So, everything turned out fine in the end! Now... I just need to actually make the darn game, oh boy...
Anyway, as a reward for you for reading this boring wall of text – here are some screenshots from the described prototype! Please keep in mind, that the screenshots you’ll see below are from a version that will, well, never be released and the actual game will look different, although it will be similar in style and gameplay. That being said – it should give you a general idea about what I’m going for with this game, but remember that it’s VERY WiP. It is also not an announcement(we’re, at the very least, one year before that), that’s why I’m not going to give you any dates, descriptions or concrete information. Sorry, you’ll need to wait some more for that!
Anyway, here are the screenshots. Enjoy(I hope)!
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Picture of a robot in that particular screenshot was made by my friend Pequod, who helps me out in art-related matters
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BTW. That name of this project is not real and a joke made just for these screenshots. Please don’t ask about the meaning - it’s really bad. Seriously.
Okay, that’s all from me! This post’s length is nearly criminal... Thank you very much for keeping up with SpaceSave! See you all next time, when I’ll, probably, announce version 1.4 in a proper way!
If you want to download the latest version of SpaceSave(1.3), then use this link:
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killmonger-queen · 6 years
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Part 1 
Erik Killmonger x Reader
A/N: Part 2 is here y'all. I finished this a lot sooner than I thought I was, a lot of y'all asked for this and that really motivated me cause I love y'all so much. Thanks for the love y'all gave me on the first one. I hope I don’t let any of y'all down. I’m not the best writer when it comes to smut and I know it’s gonna be trash compared to the other writers in this fandom so Ima apologize in advance. Let me know what y'all think. And if y'all have any request you know my ask is open, so holla at ya girl. ENJOY!
Warnings: Cursing, most likely some typos and smut, duhh!
Tagged: @blue-ishx   @thehomierobbstark @wakanawinning @reciluvs @nicknameiskittie  @sincerelysinister 
You looked up from your hands in your lap and stared at him as he walked in through the door to your shared apartment. Your palms were a little sweaty and you rubbed them against your silk robe before you stood up to greet Erik at the door, you were just gonna play it cool and act like nothing was wrong. Your heart felt like it was gonna jump out of your glittery chest tho. “Hey daddy.” You said in a low seductive tone. You went to wrap your arms around his torso but he nudged you back and shook his head. Your shoulders sagged. He was still mad. You looked over his features, just to see how mad he really was. And honestly, it looked like he had brought the heat from outside in with him. He had his brows knit together and sweat beaded along them and across his hairline. His eyes were dark as they watched you, unblinking. His full lips wore a frown that didn’t fit his handsome face and man, if looks could kill you’d be one dead bitch. You thought of something you could say, another explanation that could de-escalate the situation but nothing came to mind. It felt like hours you just stood there in front of him, but really it was no more than a few seconds. A part of you thought it’d be smart to run to the bathroom and lock the door.  But your feet couldn’t move for some reason, plus he’d probably break the door down to get to you. Suddenly he broke the silence. “You got a death wish?” You were a little confused by the question but shook your head in response. “Then why would you put your life at risk like that?” You were about to answer but he cut you off, his loud voice making you jump. “Can I have a side nigga?” he shook his head and laughed. “Do you know how quickly I went to grab my glock? You can’t text me no shit like that? Have you lost your fucking mind?” You rolled your eyes, something that annoyed Erik so much. “It was a joke Erik!” He laughed even louder. “A joke? The only thing you must take for a joke is you and that nigga’s life.” He moved in closer to you, pinning you against the wall in your living room as his hand closed around your neck. He was close enough now that he could smell the perfume you sprayed, the one he loved so much. He looked down at you, his face changing as if he was so engulfed in rage that he hadn’t noticed your appearance until now. He stared for a moment taking in your sweet smelling, shimmery, lace covered body.  He looked back up at you, his lips parted so you could see the gold in his mouth from his bottom grill. He dropped his hand from your neck “Oh.” Was all he said at first as he back up from you. “What’s all this? You thought I was gonna come in here and you was gon sweet talk a nigga outta this? ” His lips were pulled back in a smirk, he was too amused by this. “Smart thinking, but no. Not this time baby. See, while you were in here doin all this, I was thinking about what I'ma do to that ass, and if you think coming up to me tryna finesse me is gonna stop me from fucking the sense that you clearly lost back into you, you dead wrong.” Your heart almost stopped. Yes you planned on getting sex outta this but you knew it would be more of a workout than anything. “Now. I’m gonna take a quick shower, and when I’m done I better see you naked on that bed. ” As much as you hated being bossed around you knew you were already in deep shit and adding attitude into the mix was only gonna make things worse. He walked off towards the bathroom and you made a beeline for the bedroom. To be honest, it wasn’t entirely as bad as you imagined, he didn’t pull a gun out on you, which was a win for you. You were about to get some good dick, yes you would be paralyzed from the waist down for a week afterward but at least you still had your life. You heard the shower start, your cue for you to start stripping. You unclipped your bra and let it drop to the floor. Your nipples hardening at the sudden cool air from the AC touched them. You shimmied out of the thong and placed the set back in the box and returned it back to its rightful spot in the back of your closet. “Until next time.” You said to it before closing the closet door. You sat on the bed and waited. You grabbed your phone hoping to past the time. Unlocking your phone you found yourself back to the tweet that started all this. You clicked the like button again, unliking the tweet. “Stupid tweet getting me in trouble, I’m taking my like back.” You laid back and continued to scroll through, switching different social medias from time to time until you heard the shower stop. You sat up instantly, your heart rate spiking suddenly. You placed your phone back on the nightstand and sat crisscrossed on the bed. He walked in moments later, water beading down his torso and back. He hadn’t even bothered to put a fucking towel on. He shook his head, water flinging around the room from his wet dreads, and suddenly he wasn’t the only one soaking wet. You couldn’t stop staring at this butt ass naked man. You didn't even mind that he was dripping water all over your nice hardwood floors. You wished he walked around like this more often “Get in your position.” He said outta nowhere. You knew what he meant. He had a favorite position he liked you in. Face down, ass up! A real nigga. You didn’t hesitate as you crawled to the edge of the bed and got on all fours, arching your back as you lay your cheek against the cool sheets. With your ass in the air, you were on full display for him. He was behind you in seconds, grabbing your wrist and pinning them behind your back. That action alone was enough to get you moaning. You turned your head a little more to see him, a smile on his lips. He was in his element right now. He brought his tip along your warm folds and you shuddered at the sudden contact. He was playing games. You wanted him in you now, not playing with your folds. “Erik!” You said in frustration. He chuckled but continued to playwith your pussy with his tip, coating it with your juices. He ran it up and down before circling it around your swollen clit. You couldn’t stop the moans escaping your lips as you buried your face in the sheets. “Take your face out the sheets and let me hear you.” He demanded and you obeyed. “Tell me what you want. ” His voice was low and deep and his words mixed with the feeling of him playing with you clouded your mind. “Fuck Erik… I want you, your dick… baby please.” He groaned in approval of your words. In one swift motion, he was inside of you. “Ahh” you tried to bite your lip to hold back your scream. Your pussy tightened immediately around him, but before you could adjust to his size he pulled out. Your eyes widen at the lost of contact and you looked back at him, his smile was now a full-blown grin. “You fucking bastard!” you moaned before he inserted himself back into you at full force. “oh god!” you yelled into the sheet but the pleasure didn’t last as he removed himself from you once again. He smacked your ass hard this time. “What did I say, I wanna hear you bitch, don’t put your face back in that fucking sheet or I’m gonna stop and spank the shit out of you.” He repeatedly teased you over and over, each time thrusting a little harder. He wasn’t even properly fucking you but you were on the verge of an orgasm already. And he knew it. He grabbed your hips, pulling you closer to him. You knew he was done with teasing you and you were about to get the dick down you’ve been waiting for. He was back in you once again and this time instead of pulling out, he pushed further. His grip on your hips was sure to leave a bruise but that was completely irrelevant right now. He was pounding you in mercilessly at this point and all you could think about was how good this man felt inside of you. You dug your fingers into the sheets as your moans echoed out in the room, mixed with the slapping sounds his wet skin made as it came in contact with yours. “Shit baby this pussy so fucking tight. You was ready for a nigga huh.” He mumbled. “C'mere.” He said before he flipped you over. He brought your legs over his broad shoulders before he realigned his tip with your entrance and inserted himself back in slowly. You both moaned in unison before he continued his rough thrust into you. He leaned down placing wet sloppy kiss down your neck and across your chest before taking a nipple between his teeth. “fuck” you growled as you arched your back up in pleasure. It was starting to become too much and before you knew it you came undone, cumming all over his dick. He pulled out of you, but before you could complain his mouth took the place of his dick. He instantly lapped up your juices. You heald his head in place as you rode out your orgasm on his face. Not only could you feel his tongue but also his grill. And there was something so hot about him eating you out with his grills on. The warm metal mixed with his hot tongue was enough to make you cum all over again. “Shit” He said in-between gasp for air once he was done tasting you. You laughed as he crawled over to you. He kissed you and you could still taste a bit of yourself on his lips. “I hope you learned your lesson not to do no dumb shit like that again.” You rolled your eyes. “Nope.” You said before laughing. Erik shook his head but couldn’t stop a smile from forming on his lips. “Take your annoying as to bed.” He said before reaching over to turn the light off, on the nightstand. You curled up next to him and slowly drifted off to sleep. You knew tomorrow you were most likely gonna need crutches.  
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