#I’m messing with y’all
randomrandomalright · 8 months
Isn’t obvious who Topher screwed?
A manatee of course, he took after his clone father!
Ooh, I got a text…
Sorry, I actually I like to report um hmm he did in fact slept with woke straight consenting white woman, (who was possibly a mermaid) and manatee thing is just a rumor, and he definitely not white levering me right now :)
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not-so-rosyyy · 1 month
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TOM and ZENDAYA in New York, June 2022 1992
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thejolteonmastertj · 3 months
Ppl who think Wild doesn’t brush his hair 1-3 times a day simply have clearly never had hair that long outside of dreadlocks… & definitely never tried to keep hair that long in a normal-ass ponytail.
Wild’s hair is a recipe for disaster.
Cuz, like, once you get that sh’t matted to the point of a crow’s nest once? Unless you can comb that sh’t out, (& good luck with that, btw,) you’re f’cked.
Cuz, see, if you cave & just chop the matted mess out of ur hair even once, ur hair becomes uneven…
…& when you try to put uneven hair into a ponytail that causes more mats.
I mean, in-theory it’s not too bad if you cut vertically, but even with mirrors that’s near-impossible to do by urself… & last I checked there aren’t too many mirrors in Wild’s Hyrule… so…
That man’s cut a crow’s nest out of his hair at least once, & if LU Wild indeed hasn’t cut his hair since his journey started… that shit’s uneven & unless he brushes it near-obsessively it’s just gonna keep getting matted asf.
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Words of a man who’s probably cried more tears over his goddamn hair than the heckin guardians trying to kill him again.
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cappycodeart · 1 year
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that's one temperamental hard drive u got there prismo buddy idk maybe you should try saving ur universe to an ssd next time
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quatredraws · 2 months
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Trying something new! Left to right:
Fordo, Fox (tattoo is from ‘and through spaces in the dark’ by blackkat, stretch marks concept from Cacodaemonia), and Rex
art rambling + lineart and og sketches below the cut!
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I was travelling while sleep deprived when I decided to clean up some paper sketches to digital, and to avoid obsessing over lines I switched brush to a ruthless 0 stabilisation fine tip (default on procreate).
It was surprisingly relaxing, especially because the paper sketch took out a lot of the fiddling I would have done otherwise.
So then… how to colour? And I decided to be as obnoxious as possible and use chromatic aberration + halftone and ngl it’s FunTM!!! I have one more page of sketches to clean out + colour, so let’s see if the magic will happen again! 🤞
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skyloftian-nutcase · 4 months
Ok Wild Angsters, you wanted a continuation, so here you go :)
Four already knew what he would be walking into. His phone had been blowing up for hours. He’d come in to work early. Whether he was assigned to take care of Wild or not was another matter - Vaati loved to try and take all the admissions, convinced he was the best nurse on the unit. If Four could just keep Vaati out of Wild’s room, he’d consider it a success.
When the charge nurse told him he would be admitting the trauma alert, he knew who he was getting.
Pre-admission jitters always made Four anxious, but this was an entirely other level of fear. He almost wanted to request a different assignment, but it was too late now. What if he couldn’t take caer of him because he was his friend? What if that impair his decision making? What if he just wasn’t skilled enough to handle it? He knew Ezlo wouldn’t give him an assignment he couldn’t handle, wouldn’t be there to support him, but still…
Four went over the supplies in his room once more. Safety checks were fine—they had suction, they had a bag valve mask, the code card was nearby—and he had all the supplies he needed. It was just a waiting game.
Four paced the unit at least three times before he looked at the OR status board again. Wild was still in surgery. He poked in his chart, glancing at injuries, looking at vital signs and anesthesia notes. The last update he saw was that Wild had gotten another unit of blood. Estimated blood loss so far was around 2200mL.
2200mL. That… wasn’t too terrible, Four supposed. He’d… seen worse.
Please don’t get worse.
Four knew for certain that Wild had been mass transfused in the ED. Warriors, his primary nurse when he was there, had told him as much. Between that and the multiple blood products he’d gotten in surgery, as well all the crystalloids he was likely getting as well…
Four took a breath. Then another. He grabbed his phone, texting Warriors. You doing ok?
Wars didn’t reply.
Four wasn’t entirely sure where everyone was at this point. Hyrule had stayed at the hospital, lingering in the emergency department and then the operating room waiting area, but Four hadn’t seen him since he’d clocked in. Warriors and Legend should be getting off shift now, but whether they were going to stay up was another matter. Time was obviously in the OR (Wild’s wreck had been around 10pm, he’d arrived in the ED around 10:45, and he’d been stabilized for surgery and gone to the OR by around midnight - it was 7am now… he wasn’t sure how long this was going to take, but it couldn’t be much longer). Malon should be getting on shift now as well - she had come in last night when everything had gone down, alongside Twilight. Wind had been cautiously left out of the loop until Wild had gone to surgery, simply because nobody had really had much information at the time, so no one wanted to worry the kid until they could figure things out. Everyone had their hands full as it was. But by now, Four knew Wind was either in the OR waiting room, harassing every respiratory therapist he knew, or in the hospital library pacing anxiously. As for Sky, the last Four heard he was bouncing between different people, checking in on everyone.
He clicked through more anesthesia notes, looked at flow sheets for blood products. There wasn’t much to go on, as charting was sparse. What Four did know was that Wild had been obtunded, got mass transfused, had gotten a chest tube, had been intubated, blood was evident in his abdomen, and he had an open femur fracture. He’s been taken to Time’s OR for a ex-lap. Head CT had shown a bleed, and they were monitoring it. That was all the information Legend had told the group when he’d had a moment to spare.
Four’s vocera activated, telling him he had a call from the charge nurse. When he answered, he was told Malon had called and said they’d be finishing up in about thirty minutes and were likely to come up open.
Why was he coming up with his abdomen open? When had they gone from exploratory laparotomy to a full on open abdomen?
Ten minutes later, Malon called back to give report. When Four answered, the first thing he asked was, “How’s he doing? Is he okay? Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” Malon said, even though she sounded exhausted. “And he’s… hanging in there. I’ve seen worse, I’ll say that. I’ll give you the full rundown, okay?”
Four listened as Malon gave report, feeling his heart settled into his stomach, which was tying itself in knots. Multiple spots of bleeding, possible compartment syndrome in his abdomen, a likely kidney injury due to compression from the bleeding on some major vessels, a small hematoma in his brain… they’d had to call neurosurgery to do an emergency craniotomy out of overt concern of swelling, given that Wild had apparently had previous head trauma, based on what they saw in the OR.
Open abdomen, craniotomy, ICP monitoring, bleeding, one chest tube… this was a disaster. Four swallowed as he wrote, feeling his hand shake a little as his heart raced. He was not qualified enough to be admitting this. He was not.
But the turnaround on his unit was pretty insane, and he was the most experienced nurse on the unit today. At least Ezlo was charge; he knew he’d be well supported.
This was a nightmare. But Four had dealt with nightmares, and he would deal with this. He wasn’t going to screw up taking care of any patient, but especially his friend.
Sighing, he hung up the phone after thanking Malon, pushing worries for her and Time aside, trying to focus on what he would need, who he should grab to help him, and how he should prep his room.
It was time to get to work.
When everyone arrived from the OR, Four made brief eye contact with Time. He couldn’t read much from the man, who was stone faced, aside from the exhaustion evident in the dark circles under his eyes. Four got to work quickly, assessing Wild from head to toe as he looked to see what IV medications he was on. A coworker wrote the note while Ezlo helped detangle his lines (the OR always brought up a mess, after all). Time gave an overview of the surgery, and Four listened along as he checked pupils, as he zeroed the arterial line and the ICP monitor, as he listened to lung and heart sounds, as he checked the chest tube and stripped it with his fingers to ensure patency, as he checked peripheral pulses, as he looked at the abdominal dressing to get a baseline in case there was swelling from bleeding later. One of the techs connected the chest tube to wall suction, and Four looked over his drips. Only having levophed at 2 wasn’t terrible, and he was getting a unit of red blood cells, which was in a transfusion set that was y’d to some lactated ringers fluid. He was on propofol for sedation. Another nurse grabbed a blood gas from his arterial line and sent off labs. His foley he had was temp sensing, and Four quickly ascertained that Wild was cold, so he set up the blanket warmer and covered his friend up.
His friend. His friend.
Four shook his head. He had to focus.
As Time left the room, he put a hand on Four’s shoulder, making him freeze. The surgeon didn’t speak, just locking eyes with him. Four wasn’t entirely sure if it was for his own benefit or not. But he had no more time to let his emotions make any decisions for him. He nodded to the doctor, who nodded in return, and then the two went their separate ways.
This was going to be a long day.
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l3viat8an · 1 year
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Almost went a whole day without shitposting-
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the-august-axolotl · 9 months
Hello~! Could you do Geno with either Rainbow Heart or Feather Star? Thx~✨
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Rainbow Heart
I grant you your wish anon, also highkey love this
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lunar-years · 1 year
There are wayyy too many “Roy would NEVER say that, how ooc!!!” and inversely, “Roy Kent is now #canceled and I never want him to so much as look at Keeley ever again” takes and not nearly enough:
“Roy is a flawed human person whose insecurities have always plagued him and tonight they got the better of him once again. He has a lot of apologies to make but hey, tomorrow is another chance at greatness. Also, he should really really go to therapy :)” takes!
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xx-sketchy-xx · 11 months
Can you make POV wally touching your cheeks? (Base of the art) please?
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A- what does base of the art mean?
like.. before I color it?
I’m sorry, I’m stupid :,), I’ll just add that just in case lol
Like this???
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whereismyhat5678 · 2 months
Guys, my dad’s gonna teach me how to drive tomorrow 😀💧 *heavy breathing intensifies*
I’m so scared-
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artzstartist · 4 months
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A little comic I made for @sinner-sunflower , based on a wonderful fic written by them (you should check out their work, it’s amazing)! I’m so sorry it’s not as detailed as some of my other stuff, it’s very late at night. I might revisit and redraw it sometime, but I don’t know.
I hope you enjoy!
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inkspottie · 1 year
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Redraw time! Man…it’s really nice to see how much I’ve improved with things.
One on the left is from 2018 and the right is 2023!
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goodoneguys · 10 months
are y’all watching voltron again?? i keep getting klance on my dash
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rere9500-18 · 10 months
These two are literally best friends.
They have sleepovers and they were one of the first pairs to bond with each other once they both got to Spider society.
They told me themselves 🤷🏾‍♀️😭 Truth‼️
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wiseatom · 1 year
i tried for a well thought out post. instead you get this mess that i’m begging you not to twist:
the outraged cries of “cliques” are people being actual friends with each other. the people complaining about certain blogs or creators being on pedestals are usually the same people putting them there. i’m not one to belittle feelings - i understand where the upset is coming from. i even understand my place in it! but at the end of the day, we’re working ourselves up over what? notes? followers? hits on a fic? things based on luck and timing??
i can only speak for myself, but i work a full time job and i’m hard scheduled 45 hours a week. all of my free time goes towards fic writing, because that’s For Me and that’s what’s important for my mental health, and even then, i am usually too exhausted to do that. i would love to read fic and interact more! my to-read list is a mile long! it is just genuinely hard for me to find the time. i prioritize my friends because they are my friends — real, actual people i know beyond tumblr mutualship, who i talk to about more than just fic writing — and even then i am late getting around to it. i’m not saying this as a “woe is me, my life is hard” moment, but moreso trying to offer a perspective that is not even being thought of. and i get it, no one wants to hear it, because you’re frustrated, and being vocal about frustration feels nice (i know, bc here i am)!!
someone is going to come for my throat for making this post as a “big author” and “part of the clique we’re all vagueing” and maybe it’s juuuuust me but like. if you’re that unhappy, log off. if seeing a friend group you’re not part of interacting makes you unhappy, log off. if seeing the engagement other people get on their posts or fic or art makes you unhappy, log off. you cannot force people to interact with you or your creative work, and aggressively posting about it when they don’t is not inviting them to. i am begging you to stop having expectations of people you do not know, because at the end of the day, you’re setting yourself up for disappointment.
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