#I’m learning I became a vampire at some point
cerealforkart · 10 months
Cool facts about me that I somehow never noticed before: I have two moles on my neck that look like I got bit by a vampire
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crystaljellie · 7 months
I’m doing it I’m yapping.
Okay so my life series fantasy AU
Basically Joel and Jimmy were isekai’d into this fantasy world. Everyone else is already part of the world. Jimmy basically wake up with Grian standing over him (Grian is a parrot Avian in this as per usual) and Jimmy totally freaks out.
And all I know from there is that Jimmy and Grian overthrow Ren and Joel heads to the feywilds and meets Lizzie. Oh and flower husbands meet and kiss by a lake, I’m sure there will be angst I’m getting there
So now actually about the guys
Moss spirit
He lives in the forest and loves to cause chaos
But also he helps people get in an out of his forest because it’s dangerous at night
Being a moss spirit Bdubs body is basically just made up of moss
Bdubs and Grian have issues, and when I say issues Grian causes problems and Bdubs has to deal with the aftermath
BigB is a fae who lives outside of the fae wilds
He has a bakery in the main city of the kingdom Ren and Martyn rule
He frequently speaks to the royal order something something maybe suspicious things
He’s best friends with Tango who he met through Skizz
He’s an Arctic fox
He lives in the ice realms which are relatively near the southern realms which is where the kingdom is
Jimmy breaks into his house by accident at some point and Etho just is like
‘This guy is my kid now’
Jimmy has no idea how to escape forcibly assigned son
A desert elf (desert duo ref)
Scar used to live in the kingdom before moving to the desert realms with Grian (they’re boyfriends)
Scar is a falcon tamer, usually he just tames regular falcons but was called into the city square to deal with a particularly pesky boy which is how he meet Grian
He also still has a wheelchair but it has like magic powers, Scar used his desert elf powers to make it so his wheelchair can drive across sand.
A Parrot Avian
He has little bird legs and he likes to fly onto Scars falcon brace
And he takes shiny things from shops in the kingdom
He’s the one who recommended Scar go back to the desert
A Sun Imp
There are lots of different types of Imp’s
Depends which realm they were born it
Impulse was born in the sun realm
He’s a wood elf
And he and Ren have issues
Ren and Martyn learn to stop tyrannic ruling
I’m gonna get the watchers involved somehow
He’s being given instructions and visions
He tries to follow them but it only leads to dead ends
Or death
She’s a Fae
And the High Queen of the fae
So she lives in the feywilds
Do her people lowkey kidnap Joel?
Yes but that’s a separate issue
He’s a vampire :3
But instead of drinking your blood he’s more like
And can’t enter a building without permission
Sometimes you’ll just see Mumbo walking around with an umbrella
Everyone knows he’s a vampire
Sometimes they offer him blood he always says no though he thinks it’s rude of him
Skizz is an angel
But he’s also the most unlucky person in the world
He was the first person to buy from Tangos shop and they became good friends because of that
Skizz is aware of the watchers due to his angel origins
Scott is actually a star born
But he disguises himself as a Sea elf
He lives in solitude behind a waterfall in a flower meadow
He has long elf ears and coral in his hair that looks like it’s arranged slightly like a flower crown
Starborns have the ability to take the magical abilities of their surroundings or their friends, so Scott has magical powers relating to water and flowers, but this can change based on his surroundings in which he can gain additional powers (Water and Flower related powers will not change because he’s lived in the meadow for so long)
Something with him and Acho (his brother) having an argument, causing them to split from each other and adorn disguises heading down to the over realm
Scott has spoken to the royal counsel before but they do not like each other which is why he did not choose to live in the city, He is courteous with them but only really visits the city to speak with Impulse who he made friends with while living in the city.
Starborns being a rarer and more hunted but also very powerful species and kept track of by the royal order so he was mainly there to fill out paperwork
Tango is a fireborn
Fireborn do not have parents they spawn from fire and are only found in the Nether realms (Not to be confused for the Nether World) At the age of 16 Fireborn creatures will leave the Nether realms to find a home for themselves. The only fireborn who reside pass the age of sixteen are those who are unable to leave or caretakers of fireborn young.
So when Tango was 16 he left to the southern arms to set up a mechanics shop
When Tango gets angry his fire hair goes blue
Tango also had a mechanical arm :3
Pearl is a lunar moth
She and Grian are siblings
They cause problems together I love them
I sadly don’t have much for anyone else right now :(
I’m working on it, but they’re my sillies and I can’t wait to make this a fic it’ll be so fun
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woooyeahbaby · 6 months
aprilluc day 9: vampire
warnings: blood, blood drinking, established relationship, gender neutral reader, reader takes their shirt off (there are no sexual themes), if i’ve missed anything let me know
a/n: sooo another short one, sorry. i didn’t even remember i was supposed to do this until 8pm 😭 so i apologize if this feels rushed (cuz it kind of is…) the next day is cowboy, but idk if i’ll do it. i’ll surprise you with the next one i guess
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admittedly, dating a vampire had it’s ups and downs.
nearly passing out from blood loss when allowing him to get his fix? not the best. but having been with you for a few years at this point, he knew just the right point to stop. not that it made it any easier, however you felt it was only fair to give something back in return for everything he has done for you.
now, it’d been a week or two since he last fed off of you. he’d always give you time to recover before his next meal from you. it helped him learn self control, but if he couldn’t help himself, he would have to go hunting. only small animals, such as rabbits or sometimes foxes.
it would be some time in the afternoon, giving your blood time to reach its regular flow rate. he’d always ‘initiate’ the same way.
“honey,” diluc says softly, his calloused yet gentle fingers brushing against your shoulder. “how are you feeling?”
“i’m okay. are you hungry?” you stand up from your seat at the dining table, turning your body to face him.
“yes, if you’re ready.” his hand remains in the same area on your shoulder, then slowly dragging his fingertips to the place on your neck with several scars from previous feedings. “here, or your wrist? whichever you’re feeling today.”
you ponder over it for a few seconds before deciding. “my neck is fine. here,” you reach for the hem of your shirt, pulling it over your head and tilting your head to the side.
it was a simple routine now. diluc almost chuckled at how that had come about. the first few times he fed off of you it felt so awkward and unusual, and it was almost a beautiful thing how the strange became normal for you two.
“tell me when you need me to stop if i go too far, love.” he reminds you as he always does, as if you’d forgotten.
with that final warning, diluc places one hand on your bicep and the other on the side of your head before slowly sinking his teeth into your neck. you grunt at the initial pain, but having done this so many times, you learned how to deal with it. once diluc hears you take your usual few breaths to calm yourself, he begins to siphon the garnet coloured liquid from your veins and into his mouth.
as per usual, you felt the odd few droplets drip and leak down your shoulder, onto your back and chest, some even down your arm. diluc hated how messy he made you when he did this. not only did he have the guilt of literally draining the life from you, but also getting your beautiful body dirty. he would always take the time to clean you up after, though. but it wasn’t as if you would get angry with him for it anyway, you knew he needed sustenance, which was why you offered it in the first place when you first found out he was a vampire.
once you began to feel dizzy, you weakly tapped diluc’s arm with a gentle call of his name. he stops immediately, carefully pulling his fangs away from your neck as to not tear your skin any further. he cleans the remaining blood with his tongue, reaching into his chest pocket for a handkerchief that he’d use to apply pressure onto your still bleeding wound. he would always fix you up afterward, usually allowing you to eat something while he worked on your injury so you wouldn’t pass out on him.
“are you alright? i apologize, i think i dragged that one out a bit too long.” it was hard to take diluc seriously when his mouth and chin were covered in blood. it made him look like a child with a messy eating problem.
“it’s okay. i’ll be alright. just need to sit down.” your words are slightly slurred, nearly sounding as if you were drunk.
diluc helps you sit back down onto the chair you’d previously been in, still firmly holding his handkerchief to your bleeding neck.
“thank you, my love. i truly do appreciate that you do this for me so often.” there is pure love in his eyes as he says this to you. that look never changed whenever he would thank you for nourishing him. it was always the exact same look of pure adoration in his fiery eyes.
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nalyra-dreaming · 6 months
Can’t wait for people to flip when they meet “Privileged French White micro-aggression compilation”’s mentor, Mr. macro-aggression colonizer superiority complex Marius “I married a thirteen-year old former sex slave and adopted him as my son” de Romanus. Marius is his own trigger warning. Wait until they hear about Marius’ disciplinary methods involving whips and willow switches. Or the fact that Marius sent his son-wife to a brothel to learn “important skills”. Or that when he told Lestat about Those Who Must Be Kept, Marius literally framed Akasha’s genocidal tendencies as “taming savages”. Oh boy, it’s not gonna be good.
Like… Who do you think Lestat learned his skewed world view from? Moving to America was probably a bucket of cold water to Lestat. I would like to give Lestat the benefit of the doubt, as his father was an asshole aristocrat. Lestat quickly learned how privileged he was, even as a disgraced marquis’ son. His genuine horror at how the racist fat cats treated Louis said everything to me. I don’t think anyone understands that Lestat is interested in doing better. He is. He’s working through it. He will fuck up, because nobody ever gave him a look outside his little world.
The thing is, vampires do end up in ruin when they stay behind as the world around them goes forward. Just like humans, when we get stuck in outdated ideals. It’s heavily implied at the end of the Blood Communion novel that Marius is slowly going mad. All vampires do, at some point, go through a period of madness. Some just come out of it better than others. In the IWTV novel, Louis eats grass and mopes around his brother’s rectory for a while after Armand hesitantly leaves him. Armand kills his own coven. Khayman loses his memories for a while and wanders the world, snacking on mortals’ bone marrow. Daniel becomes mute and obsessive, luckily finding an outlet in model trains. Poor Lestat lost an eye and had to be restrained, before he slept for a long while. Thorne got tied down for a while. Benji and Sybelle. Unm. Well, Benji ended up with a podcast and Sybelle delved into the piano. And Louis, of course, tried to kill himself once— but it changed his relationship with Lestat for the better.
Okay, so I went on a meta tangent, but the point is, Marius is an even bigger fuck-up than Lestat, and covering him is going to get pretty ugly. And even more existential. I hope viewers stop and philosophize, you know? Everyone stops to question the nature of mankind and how we fall if we don’t move with time.
And as far as Marius goes, hope Justin Kirk is prepared. 😅
P.S. I swear I’m not high, just tired. 🥱
(For those who think the "eating grass" is an euphemism here: "I was picking at the grass, and tasting it, though the taste was bitter and unnatural. The gesture seemed natural.":))
Marius... is going to be something. Which is part of the reason why I keep saying that Justin Kirk will be perfect if he is, because it needs a very seasoned actor with a lot of thick skin to pull him off (and, I mean, Justin does not shy away from difficult characters as we know *nods at Succession*).
It will be interesting to see what kind of wounds they will put their proverbial fingers in.
Like, the casual racism and superiority complex Marius employs has to clash with Armand's recast, too. Not necessarily with the choice (of Amadeo) per se, but with the circumstances. I am betting real money that there will be some very uncomfortable meta commentary on sex slave trade in combination with racism coming up right there (and I for one want them to make that commentary! Even though it will probably lead to more fandom drama.).
These vampires are children of their times, and they do change/adapt/grow, but... slowly. (I am not so sure about Lestat getting his world view from Marius, I think there is a reason why Lestat never became the pupil Marius wanted him to be, and I do think that Lestat might be willfully ignorant at times, which can come off a certain way, but his own backstory is more to blame here than Marius, imho.)
I do not need Marius to be a good character to enjoy the fuck out of him, on the contrary.
I am not sure if the show will go the "whip" way. They might insinuate. I think they will, as with other scenes let the mind of the audience do the rest, which will be more than enough, too. I mean, the audience can read up on it all in the book *coughs*. There's no need to go more explicit than needed.
But yes. I hope Justin Kirk is prepared :)))
And... I hope the audience is prepared as well.
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ms-scarletwings · 9 months
We gotta start accurately calling Sly Cooper a low fantasy universe at some point. It’s retrospectively wild how much supernatural shit is going on in front of your face that you don’t think about because it’s like… nothing to the characters that it’s happening to. People who have never played Sly Cooper have no clue how nonchalantly it grinds this rail between just “real world noire but furries” and straight up DC superpowers stuff.
• The surprising amount of undead, in hindsight
Black magic is just, you know, a thing…. and outside of when it’s the weapon of choice of the villain of the week, it’s not even really brought up. Tsao was building an army of honest to god vampires and Mz.Ruby has been fraternizing with homemade ghouls since she was a child. A second-game side quest involves descetrating a tomb, kidnapping a bunch of restless ghosts, and then unleashing them on the cops for a good prank. For Pete’s sake, Clockwerk, biggest bad of the franchise, is basically an eldritch machine possessed by the vengeful spirit of someone who became too petty and angry to die.
• There are people born with innate superpowers
So, there is no debate going on with the deal about Cooper abilities and this point, right? Sure, the Theivious Raccoonus has a lot of good pointers any thief worth their salt could gain from, but I don’t think it’s a stretch to say somethings along the lines of gliding down lasers or turning invisible on command are a bit out of most readers’ capabilities. The 1st game’s humor in explaining off gameplay mechanics as in-universe phenomena had the unintended consequence of establishing that the Cooper clan members literally have a criminally inclined sort of spidey sense- literally hallucinating glowing auras and blue sparkles around anything both valuable and not nailed down. I think I also awkward appreciated the parallel to be spotted between the Cooper honer code and the self imposed limitations other media supers live by. That idea of “you have the gift of amazing power and you will choose to use it responsibly”, all the better here for the ways in which the clan’s premise subverts classic hero/villain dynamics.
• Ancient techniques of sorcery
run right alongside conventional weaponry
Some supers are born in this world, a lot of them are made. As if anyone with the time to practice and learn can just pick it up like karate. Religion has to be crazy in Sly Cooper considering there’s entire spiritualisms given demonstrable and epic power in what their followers are capable of. Murray literally can do some degree of magic from the third game and onward and there’s no telling what else he learned over the course of his Dreamtime training. Anyone with the wits and resources of the Contessa can figure out how to toy around with freaking mind controlling dark arts. Don’t get me started again on the whole “army of undead” thing which gets even weirder by the implication that the world does nothing to regulate these kind of abilities UP AND UNTIL the user starts to roleplay a cocky little warlord with their zombie friends. And Flame Fu is right there. A lot of what the panda king can do is closer to Bentley’s realm- very complicated and meticulous works of pyrotechnics, but Flame Fu is a whole something else that belongs in this discussion.
• Magical items and mythical beasts
The Mask of Dark Earth, the guru’s special stone, an entire kraken, a whole laundry list of things in The Contessa’s possession, an enormous swamp serpent, haunted trees, whatever the hell kind of ring Dimitri was wearing in the second game, a giant stone dragon statue that turns out to be AN ACTUAL FREAKING DRAGON in dormancy, a supercharged ancient bamboo forest, potentially the Cooper cane itself, and the not-to-be-overlooked every single piece of Clockwerk’s cursed body. I know I’m probably forgetting something because that was just off the cuff. It’s kind of wild that most of what we watch the Coopers focus on stealing can be stuff like museum paintings in a world where magic flying carpets are confirmed to exist. The hell. Why was I ever mocking the pirates in Bloodbath Bay for their paranoia and superstition?? Best part was always that basically none of it phased the resident smarty pants nerd character like it usually would anyone who fills that trope. Because of magic is just an accepted and normalized thing in the world, why WOULD Bentley talk about it any different than he would the history of lumberjacks or combustion physics? Instead of conflicting against his understanding of science, it just tacks onto it as more additional info, you know… the way it would if magic was just another set of rules to study and understand.
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dead-lights · 4 months
occult lore: the century conflict
There's a lot of lore about the war between vampires/werewolves/spellcasters in the Werewolves GP. I needed to reference what happened, so I compiled it into one! I tried to keep things more or less chronological. These come mostly from in-game books, artifacts with a little Greg.
Lunar epiphany: "They tell the tale of Spellcasters long ago who explored the limits of their power. They experimented by creating duplicates of themselves, but quickly became frustrated that these duplicates required sustenance to survive. In an effort to be efficient, they fed them potions... they created monsters.”
Lunar epiphany: "It's a tale of betrayal, of duplication spells gone wrong. After an overloaded spell turned a mutated group of Spellcaster mimics permanent, they turned on their creators and sank their fangs into them. They feasted on these Spellcasters and their magical plasma, which enhanced their strength, despite never sating their thirst.”
Book: "Glowing, magical moon glyphs along the edge of this page detail a hundred-year conflict called "Operation Eternal Flame." Beset by their own thirst and an innate distrust, the first Vampires hunted Spellcasters, raiding their small communities to drink their magical plasma. This was how Vampires first developed a small degree of magic within themselves. It eventually led to them being capable of turning Sims into what they themselves now were.
"Near the painting of a wolf's tail, this shard is engraved with some vague text describing what appears to be steps of an adapted ritual, likely dating back to ancient Myshupotatmian tradition. The language, however, is consistent with the era of the Mooncasters, suggesting the pot was used to transport the glowing waters of Lake Lunvik to perform certain power-harnessing ceremonies atop the Howling Point cliff in Moonwood Mill. The waters of the lake must have been crucial to their efforts of attuning to the moon...”
"In your readings, you learned that many moons ago, the land we now know as Moonwood Mill was actually the home of a small ancient Myshupotamian city. Interestingly enough, Myshupotamians believed that the greatest minds of their society were reborn as wolves that stored their wisdom in the moon via howl. As the cycle progressed towards a full moon, the growing light represented more and more stored wisdom. On full moon nights, Myshupotamians would sport wolf-like masks and ceremonially draw upon the moon's stored wisdom. As the cycle then progressed to a new moon, the light leaving the moon each night represented the stored wisdom slowly dispersing to the Myshupotamian people. As the first modern werewolves, Moonwood Mill's Mooncasters likely gleaned much of their information on harnessing the moon's power from studying the Myshupotamians...”
“All along this page are magical moon glyphs. With {M0.his}{F0.her} Lunar Epiphany, {0.SimFirstName} is able to read about a group of Spellcasters who communed with their dog familiars to learn about the untapped magical potential found in moonlight. They declared themselves Mooncasters and experimented with unstable transformation magic from the Untamed School.”
Greg: "I was a spellcaster hundreds of years ago, a master of the Untamed school. I stood atop that mountain, back when this area was simply called Moonwood, and with a group of other powerful spellcasters, we channeled the most powerful Moon Infusion spell that has ever been cast. The results were explosive... but effective. The Moonlight infused both us and the land around us. Why do you think the Moonpetal only grows atop that mountain? Where do you think the Luna Fish comes from? We made them. I made them.”
I’m not sure Greg was technically a sage because I’m not sure sages as a concept existed until the Realm was destroyed - there was no need to balance the Realm before that. I think they probably had a different leadership structure at the time. It's also possible he means he was master-ranked, not a virtuoso, but given everything that doesn't strike me as realistic. He also could've just meant that he was really good with untamed magic
Wolfgang: "Did you know that the very first Werewolves were Spellcasters? It's true. There were many ways Spellcasters attempted to fight back against the Vampires, and Werewolves were the most successful attempt. It's fascinating stuff if you can find ways to read up on it!”
Moonwood Wand: "Long ago, a group of spellcasters caused an overload while practicing a powerful, moon-infused, untamed spell. The resulting explosion imbued the surrounding area with lunar energy. Because of this, the wood from trees surrounding Lake Lunvik are eagerly sought after by the spellcasting community. This wand was one of the first ever crafted. “
Book: "An extensive tunnel network runs below Moonwood Mill. There are various entrance points around town, though even the locals find it difficult to navigate. Many speculate these tunnels were originally created during a regional time of strife, though records of such an event are lost to time. Perhaps the dark tunnels themselves might contain clues?”
Greg: "During the Century Conflict, we captured Vlad and took him down into the tunnels. We figured we'd use him as leverage, end the conflict. But even in his youth, he was already too powerful. We couldn't hold him and he escaped.“
"At the end of one of the tunnels is an old metal door that's been peeled open. The solid metal bends outward like a banana peel, as if something strong and determined forced its way out and ran off into the tunnel {0.SimFirstName} just came from. Past the broken door is a single room, coated in metal paneling. Judging by the gouges lining the walls, someone - or something - really didn't want to be in here...”
Lily: "After I arrived in Moonwood Mill, Kristopher told me that Forgotten Hollow was once under Werewolf control — back before Vlad moved in. He arrived with a mob and manipulated them into driving the Werewolves out. They, of course, didn't know he was a Vampire. They even put up a statue in his honor! Then, they all disappeared, one by one…"
"...Another often forgotten aspect of Myshupotamian culture was taming Cowplants as stationary sentinels of defense, and sometimes cross-breeding them to be mobile attack units (though it was quite difficult to safely reproduce mobile cowplants, for obvious reasons...) In modern times, it turns out the Moooncasters were not the only group seeking unorthodox answers to the vampire problem during Operation Eternal Flame. The Moocasters (who 100% came up with their name first, total coincidence) attempted to adapt Myshupotamian cowplant taming practices to their needs. It was an initial success, and they had a prosperous alliance with the Mooncasters. Needless to say, it didn't last long after one of the "tamed" cowplants feasted upon Yina Kia, an original Mooncaster... and Greggorius and Avelina Lunvik's dearest friend.”
"Based on its age, this skull belonged to one of the tamed cowplants used by the Moocasters, a Spellcaster group that served as a counterpart to the Mooncasters (werewolves). Both groups formed in response to the vampires' Operation Eternal Flame - a covert operation attempting to turn all remaining spellcasters into vampires. They simply differed in their methods. Rather than harnessing the power of the moon to become Werewolves, the Moocasters instead tamed cowplants to use as (somewhat) loyal companions in battle. There appears to be a carving leading towards the jawbone, though the writing is hard to deciper. It currently reads "I will..."”
The rest of the line is “avenge you”
Book: “It seems that towards the end of Operation Eternal Flame, the near-extinct Spellcasters grew desperate and struggled with a variety of magic types to try and turn the tide of their conflict with the Vampires. Some sought a cure for Vampirism, though the spell proved too powerful and caused a tear in the very fabric of the Magic Realm itself.”
Greg’s diary: "After the Vampire uprising, every one of us Spellcasters grew increasingly desperate. One group tried to create a spell that could simultaneously “cure” every Vampire in existence. A single spell to end the conflict. Of course, they were blinded by hubris and hurried by desperation. The spell was too powerful for the group to handle. It caused a massive fracture in the fabric of the Realm itself.”
"Magical moon symbols glow around the edge of the page from {0.SimFirstName}'s Lunar Epiphany, offering an explanation on Operation High Fang. After the end of Operation Eternal Flame, a group of Vampires came out of hiding to start the initiative. Through a successful propaganda campaign, they branded Vampires as refined and classy, boasting of what they offer through their historical knowledge and charismatic ways. At the same time, they smeared Werewolves as dirty and dangerous monsters, lacking in control. The results were catastrophic for the new Werewolf communities who were still maturing as an occult.”
"A Lunar Epiphany comes over {0.SimFirstName} as {M0.he}{F0.she} stares at the moon scribbles at the bottom of the page. These books were written in an attempt to undo the damage caused by Operation High Fang, a Vampire-led propaganda initiative.”
Wolfgang: "After losing the war, the Vampires launched "Operation High Fang" with the intent of using propaganda to turn general sentiment against Werewolves. My books do the opposite. They encourage readers to view Werewolves in a new, more favorable light - one that I feel is more authentic to who we are as an occult.”
Here's what I don't understand - how did vampires manage to lose the war after spellcasters destroyed their own Realm? I think the best explanation here is that werewolves eventually finished the job, based on what Wolfgang said about werewolves being the most successful attempt to fight back. The fact that vampires lashed out against specifically werewolves after losing also supports that idea.
also lmao the entire moral of this story is that untamed spellcasters cannot be trusted not to literally tear their own realm apart. i've got my eye on u morgyn
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ariscats · 7 months
Jameson analyzes part 2: Traumas (or a very long rant against Emily Laughin, who I cant be bother to learn how to spell her last name)
“Cause I've made some real big mistakes/ But you make the worst one look fine/ I should've known it was strange/ You only come out at night/ I used to think I was smart/ But you made me look so naive/ The way you sold me for parts/ As you sunk your teeth into me, oh/ Bloodsucker, famefucker/ Bleedin' me dry, like a goddamn vampire”
So there is this girl, who comes at his house every summer and has a heart diesse. She cant live so everyone has to do whatever she asks to make it up for it. Then one day she gets a surgery and now she gets to live, and who is her ticket to living? Jameson and Grayson.
Emily is his first kiss. However, 3 seconds after SHE KISSES HIS BROTHER WHO HE ALREADY INSECURE ABOUT BECAUSE OF HIS F. GRANDFATHER. And you have to be pretty dumd to not realize that what emily really wanted in the scene is Grayson to kiss her and she just used Jameson because she could (I still can’t believe that Emily did “loved” Gray more than Jameson).
Then she moves to his city and goes to his school. And, as far as a bitch she is, she must have been rl something because she became the most popular girl at school.
(Now, this is where things get tricky. I’m going to use the version fo what I believe happened. If you have another version you can picture like that)
Then they start dating. They borh want to live and do things because they can rather because they should. She got her golden ticket to freedom and he got the attention he’s been craving his whole life. They do everything together because she wants more and he wants more and nothing is never enough for them. So Jameson takes her to do everything they have the right to because Jameson is, at te end of the day, a good boyfriend.
But, its still not enough for Emily. Because she goes after fucking Grayson AND HE DOES THE SAME TING AS JAMESON BECAUSE THEY ARE THE OPOSITE SIDE OF THE SAME COIN.
Then they start fighting. Best friends for their whole life, but they slowly start to hate each other because fucking Emily turned everything INTO A GAME, MAKING LOVE A GAME THE SAME WAY TJEIR FAMILY HAS BEEN TRAUMATAZING THEM THEIR WHOLE LIFES. AND SHE KEEPS A FUCKING SCORE OF WHO HAS MORE POINTS, BY VOICE RECORDING.
Then one beautifull day Rebecca decides that betrayl by both ends doesnt hurts and tells Jameson about the scores and sends him the audio Emily made.
Jameson Hawthorne had to listen the girl he ruined his life for for over a year sumarize him and his love as some points. He breaks up with her, and she decides to go after Grayson. And then she jumps. But he is also there, because love and family are never that simple and jameson is a tiny bit (read in the level of therapy) of a masochist. And then SHE BLINKS AND LAUGHS AT HIM AND WHEN HE FINALLY MANAGES TO GO AWAY SHE START HAVING HEART PROBLEMS. BUT SHE HAS PLAYED HIM SO MUCH THAT HE DOESNT KNOW WHAT REALITY IS ANYMORE, and she hadnt had any heart problems for the past 4 years. So he leaves and she dies, and hell breakes lose.
He lost a girl he has know his whole life. He just “learned” that his love arent worth more than some points, he just got out of a increadibly toxic relasionship that ruined his life. The healthy thing would have been if he had some safe space to talk about what Emily did to him and have a strong support system. But everyone he knows is muroning her. They see her as an angle, so everything she did to him goes under the traps because how do you even dare to say something about dear angle Emily. And he has to live with the fact that he belives he killed her. And he cant also talk about anyone about that, for obvious reasons (but his grandfather knows and uses that against him).
Remember what I said about him being a masochist? Now is the era of his great self destruction (with an almost suicide attempt there, that his grandfather was present again and used that agaisnt him, *again*). Its all buttom up in him and he feels angry and sad and nothing. And between these 3, he chose anger. Also, Thea blames the Hawthorne for a death they didnt cause because who dares to say something bad about angles emily? So she puts the whole school agaisnt him and makes school unberable to him. Everyone likes to joke about Jameson missing school but has anyone ever wondered why he hated there so much? He didnt skiped class because he was a rebel 😝🤘but because everyone f. hated him and made his life hell.
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scoobydoodean · 1 year
As much as I’m a Sam lover, my biggest gripe with the fandom is when people try to make it seem like it was Dean’s fault for Sam not liking Benny. 😭😭
Because okay, Sam is allowed to be hurt by Amy dying, she saved his life and maybe he feels like he owed her something. HOWEVER, that doesn’t change the fact that she was willingly killing people in an attempts to save her son.
Not only that, but she was intentionally going after people she knew the cops were least likely to investigate (lower class people, addicts, drug dealers, etc.) Which is also another gripe I have, because the fandom tries to play down Amy’s killings with “But she was only killing criminals!” which just REEKS of classism, and I hate to be the person who ties their irl experiences with the show, but as someone who has relatives who struggle/struggled with addiction, it just gives me the ick when people try to justify Amy’s choice of victims.
And then there’s the fact of Amy and Benny are just not comparable companions in my eyes. Sam met Amy when they were both kids, and while he was grateful to her for saving his life, there were no attempts made on either end to keep up some form of communication, which in my opinion was very possible, because we’ve seen the boys regularly keep track of people who otherwise would be considered “off the grid”.
Dean and Benny were together for about a year, solely relying on only each other for at the very least a few weeks before they found Castiel, learning to read the others movements during a fight with other inhabitants of Purgatory, and it was made very clear in the show that the pair of them understood Purgatory and shared a bond like no other character had. Even when it was agreed that they should keep communication limited, Dean STILL made the effort to go after Benny and help him out with his nest + came to his aid after the machete fight, and he refused to leave even after Benny said he was okay.
To me those relationships aren’t even remotely comparable. And again not saying that Sam couldn’t be upset about Amy, but the way he chose to in turn mistrust Benny to the point of almost getting him AND his great granddaughter Elizabeth killed was just 😮‍💨 Especially when Sam is usually all for monster redemption? That’s just something I can never excuse no matter how much I love Sam.
I totally agree.
Benny and Amy are simply not comparable. Sam makes that comparison because he's angry and jealous and he wants to lash out, but in the same conversation, Dean also points at Sam's own inconsistent morals: they just let Kate the werewolf go a few episodes before and now Sam wants Benny dead with no proof of wrong doing—whereas Amy willfully killed people on purpose and pre-meditated. Sam caught her in the act, and she easily admitted she did it and felt absolutely zero remorse.
Benny became a vampire, sought out redemption, went to Purgatory, and came back holding himself to the same principles he did before he died... and honestly, the idea that he and Amy are the same also reminds me of a "once a criminal/addict always a criminal/addict" mindset—even after over 100 years clean. Someone might want to argue that's exactly how Dean thought of Amy in season 7, but I don't actually think Amy's monsterhood has anything to do with her being a supernatural creature for Dean and everything to do with her actions.
Sam compares her to himself and acts like she's an addict who relapsed, but... that simply is not what happened? It's a completely erroneous comparison. Amy didn't kill people because her addiction became too strong and she had to eat. She didn't eat anyone. It wasn't a relapse in any sense of the word. She killed people because her son was sick and needed fresh brains. She decided his life was more valuable than four other people's lives, and she maintained that perspective during and after—going so far as to run from Sam and find someone else to murder within an hour while still being pursued because she was that cold and unrepentant about what she was doing—that utterly remorseless. She slaughtered humans like cattle. And as you pointed out, her choice of targets reeks of classism, whether that's a commentary on her as a person or society and how the trauma and experience of lower income people and addicts and petty criminals tends to be minimized and dismissed as if any terrible fate that befalls them is "deserved" (or both? Both is good).
There's this very weird thing that happens in fandom where Dean is rewritten as this black and white "supernatural creature bad, human good" character and Sam as the "supernatural creatures can always be good" character, when the reality is much different, and actually reveals much more consistency in Dean's perspective than in Sam.
Sam will rewrite Amy's motivations into something so much more sympathetic than what actually happened and will say killing her would be wrong, then in the same season will kill a kid who was born like three days ago and hasn't killed anyone and is his brother's biological child and then lecture Dean about hesitating. And then he will let a pretty, young, blonde college kid go and a few episodes later wants to kill a vampire who saved his brother's life and who hasn't done anything wrong to Sam's knowledge and will look for any excuse to murder him... and the real reason is that he's enraged by the idea of Dean having someone in his life who has never let him down after Sam chose to abandon him and Cas and Kevin. Sam can't stand being reminded of how he failed. Dean's trust in Benny gives Sam deep feelings of shame.
Deep down, what Sam relates to in Amy and defends about her has nothing to do with her Supernatural status or addiction, and everything to do with the fact that Sam too occasionally flirts with the idea of human sacrifice to save the people he loves—which is a fascinating facet of his character... but fanon prefers a nonsense narrative Sam made up in the heat of the moment, refusing to see how Sam completely rewrote events to suit his feelings. Meanwhile, Dean doesn't even think of killing Amy's son for a second even after he tells Dean he'll come back for revenge because him being a supernatural creature does not make him evil and well—wanting to avenge your mom is fair! He protects Benny, and Lenore, and Bobby John, and Andy, and tries to talk Emma down. What he doesn't have sympathy for, is a woman who kills four people because deep down, at least some humans are nothing more than cattle to her—food for her sick boy.
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magnus-sm-writes · 27 days
WIP Intro: Plastic Fangs
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Paranormal Literary Fiction / Drafting / Playlist / Pinterest
I finished writing the original “Plastic Fangs” short story early this year. I think in the wrap-up post I wrote about it that I said Marcellus and Abel are two of my favorite characters I’ve written for as of late, and I still completely agree with that. Specifically with Marcellus. He’s just a strange little guy who loves stealing diaries, eavesdropping on conversations, and watching “talkies” (because he was a kid when silent movies were still a thing). I definitely gave him my “weird little man” syndrome. 
My beta readers (Shini-san and my husband Trystan) both loved Marcellus as a character and lamented that the story was, well, a short story. Both straight-up told me that they would love if “Plastic Fangs” were novelized.
So here we are. Novelizing “Plastic Fangs” in time for spooky season!
Plastic Fangs follows Marcellus, a sixty-something vampire living his best life in the eighties. Despite technically being a fledgling himself, he meets the fledgling vampire Abel and takes him beneath his wing to show him the ways of vampirism. 
While simple to boil down to an elevator pitch, I think what really shines here are the characters. I already mentioned that Marcellus is a little freak, but Abel matches his freak pretty well. Abel hasn’t had enough time to develop interests as deep or varied as normal as other vampires, considering he’s in his early twenties. Despite that, he’s still a deeply strange person.
The plan is to begin with a first chapter similar to the original short story, then build on from there. Marcellus and Abel go on a gay vampire road trip from state to state as Marcellus teaches Abel how to live as a creature of the night.
I’m expecting a lot of references to other vampire media. Dracula and Interview with the Vampire, because Marcellus loves vampire media and consumes it regularly. And of course, references to some of my favorite vampire stuff: My Chemical Romance, My Babysitter’s a Vampire, my own vampire work Night Bite, What We Do in the Shadows. That sort of vibe. I love vampires, so it’ll be easy for me to make silly references to them. 
Plastic Fangs, like most other works of vampire fiction, has a large focus on themes of otherness, immortality, and yearning. So much yearning. 
(via ElenaA's Windswept OC Maker)
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There isn’t much to say about Marcellus that I haven’t already said. If he were human, he would be in his mid-sixties. He’s a young enough vampire that he’s still technically a fledgling. (Vampires are considered fledglings until they reach a hundred years of vampirism.) 
Marcellus is passionate about “following the rules” as he was taught. There’s a certain etiquette to vampirism and feeding that Marcellus thinks is respectful. He’s determined to teach Abel these rules.
In the first draft of the short story, Marcellus was your typical broody vampire. He had a lot of angst about his transformation. However, I found it a lot more compelling if Marcellus enjoyed vampirism and had a funky fresh time with it. So Marcellus became the eccentric little freak he is now. 
Plastic Fangs (the novel) expands on Marcellus’ short story characterization. He’s just as delighted by the modern world (waxing poetic on how much he loves disco balls), just as nosy (frequent eavesdropping on people in motel rooms, “glass on the wall” style), and just as happy to be alive as he is in the short story; he just gets more time to enjoy it.
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Abel is a fledgling vampire. He’s been a vampire for less than two years. The person who turned him did it on a whim and abandoned him. Until he met Marcellus, he hadn’t established a solid relationship with another vampire. He didn’t get to learn from a vampiric master like Marcellus did. He’s making up for lost time now.
I think Abel is just as fun of a character as Marcellus is. We aren’t as close to him, since Plastic Fangs is told from Marcellus’ point of view, but we do get to see a lot of Abel’s character in it. Abel fully enjoys indulging in nightlife. He does some fun things with makeup, in eighties punk fashion, and is wearing these obnoxiously long fake nails when we first meet him. 
Abel is a lot angstier about vampirism than Marcellus. He hasn’t had a lot of time to process his vampirism, and he didn’t get to choose it like Marcellus did. It’s pretty difficult for him. Abel is also a lot closer to everything that happened to him during his human life, so he has a lot more feelings to work through. 
Marcellus’s introduction to vampirism was a theatre troupe that rolled through Provincetown. He went to see them perform for the first time and was so smitten he spent all his money returning every night. They welcomed him happily. It wasn’t until he’d been with them for a couple months when the members revealed that they were vampires.
The theatre troupe are often mentioned, but we don’t get to meet them face to face until we’re about halfway through the book. The troupe is composed of a rotating cast of characters. When we meet them, the group consists of: Julius (he/him), Cleopatra (she/her), Smythe (she/her), Mary (they/them), Calliope (she/they), and Ptolemy (it/its). We get mentions of other members offhandedly.
These vampires are all considered “elders” in the context of the story, though they are nowhere near considered elders in the counsels. The only ones who would be considered actual elders in the vampiric community are Ptolemy and Cleopatra, and even then, they don’t really follow the “old ways”. 
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Julius is Marcellus’ former master/mentor. He isn’t an elder vampire by any means, but he’s old enough to have experienced the barbaric “old ways” of vampirism, and stands firmly against them. Julius is overdramatic, enthusiastic, and exactly Marcellus’ type. 
He doesn’t often create spawn, having only three (Marcellus included). Julius is close with all of his spawns, calling and sending mail. He has high standards for vampirism that he’s passed onto Marcellus. 
Their relationship is really sweet, honestly. I love how much they care about each other. From Marcellus’ perspective, Julius is his first love. Julius has great respect for how much Marcellus cares about other people and that Marcellus adopted his teachings. Meeting Abel thrills Julius; he’s overjoyed that one of his spawn is willing to take in a fledgling that isn’t theirs.
“You don’t seem particularly sociable.” Abel weaves around a tree, glances back playfully. In the darkness, he looks more like a vampire than Marcellus. His long nails and contact lenses aren’t noticeable once the branches above block out the cloud-darkened sky. The swish of his hair and his cape speaks more to vampirism. He doesn’t seem to have problems speaking around the ridiculous plastic fangs.
@pigeonwrites, @cwritesfiction, @revenantlore
Ask to be added to the taglist, my spooky friends!
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fedcrypt · 4 months
ahh!! thank you so much for the angel/angelus hcs! you mentioned you could explain some more in another post? if you did i would absolutely love that!! almost no one writes for btvs especially angel/angelus so i’ve been rereading the same fics over and over again 😭 you’re so incredibly talented. your hcs had me kicking my feet. thank you so much and i hope you’re having an amazing day/week. stay safe & i’m sending you so much love. thank you again. <3
XOXO, CHESHIRE — YOU’RE KICKING AND GIGGLING YOUR FEET?! IM DOING THE SAME!! literally nobody loves angel and angelus like i do 😭😭 and i’m so glad you’re like me! also the compliment ohmygoodness 🙈 i’m crying i love you sm! thank you my lil crow <3
WRITING WARNINGS : mentions of abuse (his father &. his relationship with darla), dark / evil thoughts, stalking and delusional behavior, hallucinations, sexist thoughts (as he’s a vampire 200+ years old so like come on he was around that time- he eventually learns his lesson), physically assault as in like fighting terms, and i think that’s it? idunno tell me if there’s more and i missed them!
okay so i headcanon that back when he was human — back as liam, he had those murderous thoughts that angelus later acted upon. especially with how cruel his father was to his mother, he wanted to absolutely murder his father for the way he acted towards her. liam was a total mama’s boy, in fact, i have so many headcanons about her too plus i named her in my mind but y’all don’t wanna hear about that 😭🫶🏻! but liam was so much of a mama’s boy that he took on the name, angelus, when he had been re-born as a vampire solely because that had been the name that his mother originally wanted to name him but his father had chosen liam.
the reason why liam was so bad and terrible to those when he was human, happened to be due to the fact that his mother had died when he was young. which had left him with his utterly cruel father and so he built up walls to protect himself, turning himself worse than his own father to the point where his father hated him as much as he hated his own late wife. he learned from his father that women were simply objections of his own pleasure and so he, in more modern terms, became a fuckboy.
liam had been so desperate to constantly have a woman in his bed that he began stalking the women that worked at the brothels whenever they would go home. he had believed they were his and his only to mess with, to break and claim. the women who worked at the brothels seemed to love it when it came from him only, considering how heavenly handsome he was born. that was one of the many topics of which he had physically fought his father upon — quickly having his left shoulder broken by his old man for being caught stalking women.
only a few months later after that, he had found darla. the pretty little blonde whom found him at a brothel one night and decided that he shall be hers. so darla had followed him as he followed the women around to their homes, watching as he saw them undress themselves and mutter remarks about how the women were his.
darla then later tricked him into that alleyway under the disguise that she had seen that his women were being manhandled by someone other than him which had him murderous. he began speaking quite loudly and sounded delusional as he told darla all of which he would do to the women who had betrayed him, how he would tear them apart piece by piece and watch as their blood would cascade down the brick of the alleyway. not realizing in his anger how once they had gotten to the alleyway that the women weren’t there and darla had him pressed against the brick, quick to drink his own blood and give him her own as well before his heart gave out on him.
upon waking up from his grave with darla by his side, he had long forgotten his human name already as his soul had already morphed yet he had a form of hallucination when he had awoke for the first time, crawling out of his grave before he had seen darla near him. he had envisioned a pretty woman with a motherly figure and soft yet firm eyes gently smiling down at him with a soft call of angelus. which had lead the vampire to believing that was his name and the only memories that he vaguely had of his human life was how cruel he was to women and his father’s abuse — leading his first kill to be his very own father.
as he had sunk his teeth into his father and drank him dry, while hearing his heart slowly stop beating, he had simultaneously heard a soft call from the same woman who had given him the name of which he goes by claiming that she was proud of him. that had pushed him further into killing his father and then his father’s friends who had blissfully unaware walked into his childhood home ready to pull his father away for a round of drinks.
angelus later on began playing those mental games with his victims due to his own auditory hallucinations of that woman’s voice that played her own games with his mind. something that angel would learn very much later on happened to be his own mother from beyond the grave. again i could do so many headcanons on her and lowkey wanna add her to this blog ohmygoodness 😭
when angelus had gone away and gotten his soul back, his human memories and vampire memories had collided, they mashed and came rushing back to him sending him crumbling down as the gypsy escaped for her dear life after cursing him. while he was figuring out his surroundings before darla would come back to find him after the gypsy woman fled, he had seen the same older woman that he did when he died. oh angel my dear boy the woman would claim as she moved towards him and held his face in her hands seeming like she was trying to help eliminate his pain that settled in his brain. though before he could reply or do anything else, darla had returned and we all know what happened with that.
angel would then spend years, before finding buffy, holding on for dear life and trying to do his best to save others but still had that stupid mindset of having barriers built up around him leading him to what had occurred at the hotel. the reason that he kept to himself in the 50s was because he wasn’t alone. the more he kept drinking the blood in those little vials, the more he would keep hallucinating his own mother who would watch out for him and she was the only reason he got out of the hotel.
okay once again gonna stop because i feel like ima make a whole ass novella out of these headcanons and i feel like it’ll be ✨insane✨for me to do it 🤭
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It is no surprise that Astarion fans quickly became the most insufferable fans in the BG3 fandom. I’m a fan of Astarion but my God do a lot of you give us a bad name. Some of y’all are so wrapped up in your fear of people “missing the point” of Astarion’s character that you’re more focused on freezing him in a perpetual state of eternal hurt victimhood rather than championing him as a survivor who has been given the opportunity to grow beyond his trauma.
It reeks of annoying and extremely harmful “self care is giving up and never trying to better yourself because it’s hard and the world is terrible for expecting you to for your own sake” era that was big on here in 2010-2014. Stop using this cluster of pixels to justify your weird need for trauma to be depicted as insurmountable in all cases, or else it’s ‘invalidating peoples’ experiences’. Like it or not, some people do learn to grow past their trauma. They relearn how to function in a capacity somewhat similar to how they were before their trauma. And yes, some survivors relearn how to enjoy sex! Shocking, I know.
All of these “Astarion is ace” “Astarion is sex repulsed” “Astarion is demi” headcanons are just that—headcanons. Astarion is canonically pansexual. He is disinterested in feeling like a piece of meat for people to sleep with. That is also canonical. How you interpret that is up to you, but don’t go around telling people who want to explore fucking the sexy vampire that they’re doing it wrong because they aren’t treating him like someone who will never learn how to regain his agency ever again. It’s insulting as hell and honestly sort of dips into a weird fetishizing of its own, if not infantilization, i.e. the ‘tragic, beautiful waif who is forever broken from rape and as a result is bereft of icky sexual feelings’.
I don’t like it at all.
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rqsser · 3 months
A drabble for your vampire AU maybe? Something about Gale and John walking together during Gale’s first life? That would be cool!
omg anon!!! i’m so glad that u asked this because nobody seems interested in this au:(
but yes ofc!
From the moment that Gale saw John in that park, the snow falling heavily around them, he was captivated. Not in a way that suggests that he was attracted to the warm flush to his cheeks, but rather the swirls in his dark eyes.
Gale had never been one to attempt at befriending people; he never saw the point if he was to live past them. It wasn’t as if he’d seen John in passing multiple times before meeting him, he just felt like he was gravitating towards him. An odd feeling.
The moon was covered by grey clouds, and snowflakes were at bay, hidden away in their shelter. Gale had watched the day pass from his window, but also slept for the most part. He liked winter the most because it felt natural for some reason. Chill wind creeping up his coat was something that made him feel at ease.
It was perfect that John was only able to see him after dark. Then he could only assume that his pale skin was a result from the moon illuminating the sky.
“When did you arrive in Boston?” John asked him. The way he spoke appalled Gale, his accent was odd to him.
He took a deep breath, letting the cool air into his lungs. Really, breathing wasn’t necessary, but it felt nice. “Um. Cinq weeks ago?” He held up his hand with all five fingers out to show John. English was still a work in progress, but Gale felt like he’d been doing well.
“Five?” Gale nodded. “I’ve been here since… about two days after the war broke out.”
Honestly, Gale felt a little guilty that he hadn’t yet mastered John’s language. They were playing a game charades in every conversation they had. In other contexts, Gale would be a bit upset that John wasn’t putting in the effort of learning another language for him, but he understood the urgency of war. It just made his heart hurt when he had to go so suddenly.
In stories Gale had heard, vampires were soulless, bloodsucking creatures who feel no emotion. He can vouch for the bloodsucking and soulless part, but Gale knew that his connection with John wasn’t nothing. The organ in his chest, which people believe to be dead or nonexistent, beat harsh against his ribs at John’s sorrowful looks when he leaves.
“How much longer?” Gale uttered out after moments of silence pass, save for the snow crunching under their feet.
John looked at him strangely. “Pardon? What do you mean?”
“This war. When will it be finished?” Gale asked, clarified.
The eyes that bore into his being became watery. They looked uncertain and doubtful at Gale’s question, and probably his answer too. For his entire life, their entire lives, the world has been underdeveloped, humanity has been uneducated. Maybe that was just Gale’s opinion. War had been the one thing they knew the most about; fight and die, win or lose. No one man can predict the outcome.
Gale shouldn’t have believed him, but he did. John couldn’t tell him a lie. They were both aware of that thing that was between them, a bond stronger than a companionship. But those were for men and women, not man and vampire. He looked at the snow.
John lied to him, why did he believe him?
ahh fun fact! charades was invented in france during the 18th century!:)
i heart vampire au
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bluelizze · 1 year
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Ok so having black butler grell brainriot so I completely scrapped all my old black butler ocs to make a sorta self-insert oc kinda situation
(Click to read more about this handsome fella)
Some basic info
Elliott Allen (might change last name idk)
He’s transmasc and goes by he/they pronouns
He’s a vampire (I love vampires and I am one)
Works at a tailor with someone whom he known since their great grandfather (bc some backstory shenanigans)
He loves making outfits as a way to express himself and his feelings
Not everything is set in stone but these are just some ideas I have
Obviously, Elliott was born a girl and for the most part was fine except that they felt more masculine on the inside while still enjoying feminine stuff
elliott was also known to be pretty fragile (ik very cliche) so he picked up sewing to pass the time but eventually starts to like it
I have no idea how elliott would become a vampire tbh, so if u have any ideas, lmk
anyways, what made elliott realized that he’s a man was a nice tailor he met when he was window shopping
he and the tailor became good friends and later he learned that it was ok to be a man while accepting his femininity
I should note that he met the tailor after becoming a vampire
He soon became a sort of assistant/apprentice and continue on doing so for every generation pass down
At one point, the tailor built a separate room for Elliott so kinda like a studio but adding a bedroom in the same room bc they learned that Elliott never really comes out of the shop (at this point, lives in the shop)
madam red and her husband were one of their regulars so elliott had some sort of attachment with them
which kinda leds to the next part
The two met shortly after grell became a full ledge reaper and basically elliott was like “omg you are the one I need for this outfit I’m working on” and particularly pushed grell to their tailor to try on the outfit and omg grell looked so pretty
after that, grell would frequently stop by at the shop during closing hours bc she’s aware that that’s when elliott is pretty much active (she doesn’t know they’re a vampire yet)
it would mostly just grell talking about her work and complaining while elliott measures her for his next week or making the outfit has he actively listens
nothing really changes once the two learn of each other’s true nature but it just made the two fell of each other even more
well… for elliott. it takes grell even longer to kinda realize it
bc grell had always fancy other men, it made elliott somewhat jealous and insecure of himself for not fully being the man she wanted
which somewhat led to having the worst gender dyphoria of his life
grell later catches on and basically realizes that elliott was the man she wanted all her life
bc he did not care about the fact that she used to be a man, and loved her as a women and treated and cared for her like one
she realizes that elliott was basically treating her the way she has always dreamed of, for who she is inside and outside
buuuttt it took a while for her to get to elliott bc he was so emotionally closed off
this is where madam red comes in, she was sorta the stepping stone to help grell realizes elliott's pining love for her
she also helped grell by telling elliott that the commission was from someone she knows very well
anyways, elliott just made the dress as he was told only to find out that the person that madam red was talking about was grell and grell basically was like "sooo.... i didn't realize how much i was hurting you and i didn't really mean it..." (idk how to write this without making her out of character)
grell put on the dress and basically fell in love with elliott even harder and basically confessed her love to him by hugging and kissing him (yes in those cartoon fashion ways where lipstick stains was all over elliott's face as he gots heart eyes)
after that, elliott slowly becomes more open with his life and his emotions with grell
he does eventually learn that just because grell fancy other men, doesn't mean she feels any sort of romantic feelings towards them
it doesn't fully stop with elliott possessiveness and jealously towards other men but it wasn't as bad as before
pov: elliott grips grell's waist and basically says "trying to eye my lovely grell aye?" as grell shivers at the possessiveness in elliott's tone
when elliott meets sebastian, the jealously went somewhat off the roof
he was relieve when sebastian verbally shows that he isn't intersted in grell
but elliott was still jealous of him bc sebastian is partically elliott's dream masculinity (if you know what i mean)
it took some time for elliott to open about it with grell and when he did, grell basically spoils him for the rest of day
also yes, elliott does drink blood from grell and ofc grell enjoys it, a little too much but hey, it's a win win for the both of them
elliott did not fully liked the idea of sucking off from other people before he met grell
he still doesn't but he wouldn't mind if it's grell bc he loves her and she enjoys it
even tho it’s not rlly official (they both don’t know when it will be official), they like to call each other husband and wife
“why, this dress is for my lovely wife in red 😙”
“Isn’t my dress lovely 🥰? My hubby made it just for me 😘😘😘”
besides the whole vampire aestheic, he was partically inspired by phantom of the oprea
he can dance, specically he can do ballet
he loves doing the waltz with his mannequin in dresses, but now he does it more with grell whenever she models for his outfits
edited: N/A
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thebennsofdallas · 1 year
Nandor the Relentless, for the win!
I have a confession to make. I’m a Nandor-is-really-smart-he’s-just-grown-lazy-over-700-years truther. He couldn’t have become Supreme Viceroy, ruling over an empire, by being a big dummy. Now, yes, there is much evidence over the centuries to disprove this — the many, many, many undeserving men who became powerful without a brain in their head — but Nandor the Relentless is not one of those (imho). 
Nandor has been a vampire for centuries. And life as a vampire is a shiftless, isolating, chaotic existence. They don’t have to try hard to do anything. They can move things, light stuff on fire, hypnotize people to do their will with a wave of their hand. And, in addition, Nandor has struggled with his mental health, too, the one thing that he has no control over. So, he has become complacent, unmotivated, depressed, lonely.
But this year, there’s been a decided change in Nandor. He is OKAY. He recovered his commander mode, like during the pep talk he gave the house when he thought their lives were in danger. He’s laughed more than we’ve seen. Where last year, he was jealous of Laszlo’s closeness with Sean, now, he’s at ease calling the two of them best friends. 
And with the return of Nandor’s spirit and wisdom, his competency and his keen understanding, he faced the catastrophes in these last two episodes with renewed focus.
1) He’s been saying it for years, and Guillermo strongly disagreed, but Nandor knew that Guillermo wasn’t ready to be a vampire; as Nandor said, he knows Guillermo better than anyone. We believed that Nandor was just being a selfish dick about turning him. We believe Nandor has abandonment issues and maybe there is an element of that. But Nandor was telling the truth. Nandor said when the time was right, he would do it. And HE knew that the time wasn’t right.
2) When Patton Oswald (!) puts a bug in his ear about repairing his relationship with Guillermo rather than destroy it, Nandor does something truly deceitful and diabolical. And smart. He uses Guillermo’s dear mamá as bait to lure him in for their final confrontation. Nandor may pretend to know nothing of the things Guillermo does outside of the vampire house but he knows how much Guillermo loves his mamá. The superior little smirk on Nandor’s face when he’s on the phone with Guillermo and knows that he has Guillermo right where he wants him is smoking hot.
3) And when Guillermo arrives, the (sexual) tension goes through the roof. Nandor, again, with the smirky face while sitting on the sofa with Silvia, looking at photos of young Guillermo. He’s got the upper hand and he knows it. He’s the victor. He has a plan in motion and, of course, he knows Guillermo better than anyone. He knows that Guillermo won’t kill him.
4) Nandor has the answer to Guillermo’s slow, sluggish transformation. Laszlo, the man of science, didn’t have it after days of experimentation but Nandor did. He knows, at once, even in the midst of learning of Guillermo’s turning, he knows the Van Helsing blood is the problem. And later, when Guillermo comes home, he knows that he needs to taste human blood to complete the transformation and he has some ready to go. Another win for the very smart Supreme Viceroy.
5) And finally, when his fears about Guillermo’s readiness are confirmed, he is immediately proactive. On his own, Nandor conjures an elaborate ritual (with robes and banners!) to, in a way, allow Guillermo to save face. Nandor not only forgives Guillermo his transgression but helps him return to his former self. He reassures him afterwards, letting his hand rest on Guillermo’s shoulder for a long moment. He’s not afraid of Guillermo’s nearness anymore. Nandor is not afraid of anything anymore.
The low point of Nandor’s life — the Wellness cult disaster and the attempt at super slumber — is well behind him now. He’s regained a large measure of confidence in himself. He accepts the limitations of his eternal life and in doing so, he is able to look forward without the weight of that dark dread on his broad shoulders. His future is filled with those people that he can now view as his family — Nadja, Laszlo and even Colin Robinson. And his relationship with his good friend, Guillermo, his closest companion of almost 14 years, is brimming with promise. 
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desertfangs · 9 months
That breakup scene is a hot mess and I’m both glad and sad we didn’t get a full version of it. However, I love how Anne had Armand be all tender and sweet (“I didn’t meant to leave you”, and the kisses 😭) while Daniel, almost completely lost in his madness further broke his heart into a million pieces.
YES! I agree. It has a lot of potential as outlined in her notes but also I'm not sure I would have wanted it that way in canon? I will say, it's always felt true to me that Armand feared Daniel leaving him and therefore it became a sort of self-fulfilling prophecy where Armand slowly shuts down and pushes Daniel away because he expects him to leave and Daniel is left flailing and confused because he doesn't know why Armand has gone cold.
In that respect, Anne's strange gender analogy makes sense. (Please understand, I do find it cringey in a very Anne way that is just... you know, Anne. This is also the woman who wrote that abortions make a woman's womb weak so...yeah. 😐 She was not a perfect person. And I personally have several friends who married people when they believed them to be men, only to afterward learn they were women, and they are closer than ever now that their partner can be themselves! Trans Rights, motherfucker. Terfs can all take a long walk off a short pier.)
But in terms of Daniel seeing Armand giving him the blood as a sort of marriage--they can be together for eternity now! They can go to the stars together!--and then Armand suddenly shutting down soon after, I can see Daniel interpreting that as him not measuring up and not being what Armand wanted. Armand loved him a mortal and now that he's a vampire, Armand is not reacting to him the same way. It had to be confusing as heck for him, not to mention utterly devastating.
That aside, it feels like from these notes Daniel is hurt that Armand tried to go into the sun in addition to anything that happened prior. (Reading it again, it seems that 'you left us!' is in fact referring to Armand's suicide attempt. 😭😭)
And like I said in my other post about this, I've wanted a scene with Armand and Daniel after Daniel went mad since B&G came out. Not to mention any acknowledgement that Daniel was aware of what happened, that Daniel was not off by himself the whole time, and that he had feelings about it. (His total absence, like his absence from BC2 is excruciating if only because it makes no sense for him to not be around anywhere, you know?)
This is the kind of confrontation we needed! Daniel being furious and Armand trying to be gentle with him, kissing him, wanting things to be better. 😭😭 There are seeds of such a good scene in these notes, and I'm sad we didn't get anything like that in the books at all, while I'm also aware that if we had, we may not have been happy with it. I think this sort of scene is good if it's resolved at some point, if we got to see them coming back together in a detailed, meaningful way, and I just don't know we would have. She could barely string a sentence about the two of them together in the final books, and while she did it, and clearly thought they would reconcile and reunite, she didn't seem to have much interest in that side of things.
ANYHOW I am sorry for turning this into such a long post, that single page of Anne's notes has had me spinning all day long. There's so much to unpack. I do love the tenderness Armand shows with Daniel when he's not well and if anyone ever writes a fic about that, please tag me, I will read it 200 times.
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theunusualchameleon · 2 years
Trevor Herbert: Addiction, Clarity, and Drive
I’m participating in @a-mag-a-day, and decided to express some of my thoughts on the progression of Trevor Herbert’s characterization. The next thing I knew, I had an essay. 
Over the course of The Magnus Archives, one of the most interesting recurring secondary characters is Trevor Herbert, the homeless vampire hunter. Over the course of his appearances and statements, a rough timeline can be drawn comparing his overall stability over time. This essay will be ignoring his last appearances, most notably his attack on the institute at the end of season 4 and his brief moment in season 5, in favor of a deeper look at Trevor’s motivations and characterization over time. The resounding theme of his character is that steadfast dedication to a cause, whether that cause is morally right or not, can lead to personal improvement for those devoting themselves to it.
To make sense of what was an admittedly overgeneralized and cryptic claim, let’s look through Trevor’s timeline and compare his psychological state in each appearance. Trevor Herbert, like many other secondary characters from Magnus, features in multiple statements spread out over the course of several seasons. Other important minor characters, such as Jared Hopworth, Agnes Montague, and Adelard Dekker, are also introduced in this fashion. Trevor’s appearances, however, are mostly in some form of chronological order, and we have not one but three statements given by the man himself, which allow us, the listeners, a relatively easy look into his mind.
The first statement he appears in is Mag 10: Vampire Killer. Trevor describes his early years first encountering vampires, as well as his experiences being homeless. The first half covers fleeing from an abusive home with his brother Nigel, and Nigel’s subsequent death at the hands of a vampire. This first encounter is heavily interspersed with digressions about later learned facts on the nature of vampires, comparing his knowledge at the time of the first encounter with his knowledge now. This provides us with several important pieces of information. Firstly, Trevor is both smart enough and experienced enough to define general rules for vampire behavior and abilities. Secondly, he’s interested in sharing that information. He states or implies several times in this first statement that he intends for it to become reference material for all those looking to hunt vampires themselves; later evidence suggests that that was very much the case: his statement has been viewed many times by members of the police, and section 31’s vampire policy is clearly influenced by Trevor’s experience and advice.
The second half of the statement shows the beginning of Trevor’s decline. Between his first and second vampire encounter, he almost convinced himself that he was seeing things, became addicted to heroin, and remained homeless. It was only a chance encounter with another vampire that got him firmly on the path of a vampire hunter. 
Here, similarly to the journeys of several other avatars or statement givers, we see the motif of the second encounter. Some people had only one encounter with the supernatural, and generally managed to dismiss it, returning to their normal, comfortable lives. The second encounter marks a turning point, where the unfortunate victim can either turn around and leave again or embrace the danger and dig themselves deeper; Melanie King is a prime example of this, but so is Trevor. He chooses to follow the vampire and save its victim, thus beginning his personal journey to becoming an avatar of the Hunt. 
In the second installment of the same statement, featured in Mag 56: Children of the night, picks up after a large gap in which Trevor has both killed several more vampires, and deteriorated significantly. His heroin addiction, previously just mentioned in passing as what caused a vampire to stop biting him, has become much more debilitating. He is also beginning to show a physical dependence on the Hunt: thinking less clearly between hunts, and less dependent on the extensive vetting system he used in the past. It is only accidentally killing someone who was not, in fact, a vampire, that causes the shock to his system that brings Trevor the clarity he needs to understand what he is Becoming (and clearly by this point capital letters are necessary). This leads him into an even worse downwards spiral, where we can see more and more traces of the Hunt’s influence and interference. His addiction becomes worse and worse, and he says “It’s a wonder I never overdosed at any point”, which was likely due to the Hunt keeping him alive.
It is generally accepted that the full Becoming of an avatar requires a literal or symbolic death. The avatar is offered a choice: to die, or to continue living as someone else with full dependence and loyalty to their power of choice. It’s generally accepted that for Trevor this tipping point was when he failed to die of stomach cancer in the institute breakroom, but it’s more likely his symbolic death took place somewhere in these hazy years, right before he made the final decision to get up and keep hunting. He encounters an avatar of the Web, realizes that there’s more than just vampires hiding in the dark, makes his statement, and then leaves the institute, most likely not aware that his stomach cancer is no longer capable of killing him. 
The next turning point in Trevor’s life is when he meets Julia Montauk, his hunting companion and, later, adopted daughter. In the statement given jointly by Trevor and Julia, we can see that both when they met and when they gave this statement, Trevor had a clarity of thought and strength of body not seen earlier. His aging has slowed considerably, and he appears to no longer be using heroin. The Hunt has clearly had an influence, and Trevor is a particular favorite of it. In addition, he and Julia have more money, a car, greater knowledge of different types of monsters, and are in possession of The Catalog of the Trapped Dead, containing several ghosts, most notably Gerad Keay.
When Jon meets Trevor and Julia in America, Trevor is still rugged. He’s still old. He’s still violent. But embracing the Hunt and gaining a partner to Hunt with have given him an unbridled ability to think clearly and display the intelligence, instincts, and judgment we only saw hints of in earlier statements. 
There is both in-universe and real-life precedent for this. Acquiring a cause, giving yourself a purpose, can help an individual with personal struggles. We see many avatars who achieve self-actualization after embracing their god; Trevor is no exception. It’s not clear how much he consciously considers himself a servant of the hunt, but he clearly is, and that was the best option he could have taken for his personal growth and development.
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