#I’m lazy and like reusing ideas
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ivyithink · 2 years ago
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here on this fine day to spread my agenda: uhtred's actually a good dad to aethelstan. edward can have his other children, but aethelstan is uhtred's little boy. uhtred is his mom, dad and cool uncle all in one and i think that's beautiful actually
for those who choose to reblog/comment! if you’d be so kind to take a moment and write a few words in your tags/comments, I’d be very grateful!
I’m messing around with some stuff and your input would be super helpful! can you please say:
1. when you saw these pieces, did you immediately notice anything weird/off about them/their quality? did you notice it when looking closer at them or specifically looking for it after reading this question?
2. was it distracting/annoying/unpleasant to look at? or did you just take it as part of the piece/chosen texture and were fine with it?
please be honest, I swear I won’t take offense at anything you might say, I just want to know your opinion!
thank you so much to those who indulge me in this request!)
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physalian · 8 months ago
“How do I know if my story needs work or if I’m just being hard on myself?”
As I sit here accepting the fact that at 70k words into Eternal Night’s sequel while waiting for my editor for Eternal Night itself, that I have made an error in my plot.
Disclaimer: This is not universal and the writing experience is incredibly diverse. Figuring this out also takes some time and building up your self-confidence as an author so you can learn to separate “this is awful (when it’s not)” and “this is ok (but it can be better)” and “this isn’t working (but it is salvageable).”
When I wrote my first novel (unpublished, sadly), years ago, I would receive feedback all over the chapters and physically have to open other windows to block off parts of the screen on my laptop to slow-drip the feedback because I couldn’t handle constructive criticism all at once. I had my betas color-code their commentary so I could see before I read any of it that it wasn’t all negative. It took me thrice as long as it does today to get through a beta’s feedback because I got so nervous and anxious about what they would say.
The main thing I learned was this: They’re usually right, when it’s not just being mean (and even then, it’s rarely flat out mean), and that whatever criticisms they have of my characters and plot choices is not criticism of myself.
It did take time.
But now I can get feedback from betas and even when I hear “I’d DNF this shit right now unless you delete this,” I take a step back, examine if this one little detail is really that important, and fix it. No emotional turmoil and panic attack needed. I can also hear “I didn’t like it” without heartbreak. Can’t please everyone.
The only time I freak out is when I'm told "this won't need massive edits" followed up by, in the manuscript, "I'd DNF this shit right now". Which happened. And did not, in fact, require a massive rewrite to fix.
What might be some issues with your story and why it “isn’t working”.
1. Your protagonist is not active enough in the story
You’ve picked your protagonist, but it’s every other character that has more to do, more to say, more choices to make, and they’re just along for the ride, yet you are now anchored to this character’s story because they’re the protagonist. You can either swap focus characters, or rework your story to give them more agency. Figure out why this character, above any other, is your hero.
2. Your pacing is too slow
Even if you have a “lazy river” style story where the vibes and marinating in the world is more important than a breakneck plot, slow pacing isn’t just “how fast the story moves” it’s “how clearly is the story told,” meaning if you divert the story to a side quest, or spend too long on something that sure is fluffy or romantic or funny, but it adds nothing to the characters because it’s redundant, doesn’t advance the plot, doesn’t give us more about the world that actually matters to the themes, then you may have lost focus of the story and should consider deleting it, or editing important elements into the scenes so they can pull double-duty and serve a more active purpose.
3. You’ve lost the main argument of your narrative
Sometimes even the best of outlines and the clearest plans derail. Characters don’t cooperate and while we see where it goes, we end up getting hung up on how this one really cool scene or argument or one-liner just has to be in the story, without realizing that doing so sacrifices what you set out to accomplish. Personally I think sticking to your outline with biblical determination doesn’t allow for new ideas during the writing process, but if you find yourself down the line of “how did we get here, this isn’t what I wanted” you can always save the scenes in another document to reuse later, in this WIP or another in the future.
4. You’re spending too long on one element
Even if the thing started out really cool, whether it’s a rich fantasy pit stop for your characters or a conversation two characters must have, sometimes scenes and ideas extend long past their prime. You might have characters stuck in one location for 2 or 3 chapters longer than necessary trying to make it perfect or stuff in all these details or make it overcomplicated, when the rest of the story sits impatiently on the sidelines for them to move on. Figure out the most important reasons for this element to exist, take a step back, and whittle away until the fat is cut.
5. You’ve given a side character too much screentime
New characters are fun and exciting! But they can take over the story when they’re not meant to, robbing agency from your core characters to leave them sitting with nothing to do while the new guy handles everything. You might end up having to drag your core characters along behind them, tossing them lines of dialogue and side tasks to do because you ran out of plot to delegate with one character hogging it all (which is the issue I ran into with the above mentioned WIP). Not talking about a new villain or a new love interest, I mean a supporting character who is supposed to support the main characters.
As for figuring out the difference between “this is awful and I’m a bad writer” and “this element isn’t working” try pretending the book was written by somebody else and you’re giving them constructive criticism.
If you can come up with a reason for why it’s not working that doesn’t insult the writer, it’s probably the latter. As in, “This element isn’t working… because it’s gone on too long and the conversation has become cyclical and tiring.” Not “this element isn’t working because it’s bad.”
Why is it bad?
“This conversation is awkward because…. There’s not enough movement between characters and the dialogue is really stiff.”
“This fight scene is bad because….I don’t have enough dynamic action, enough juicy verbs, or full use of the stage I’ve set.”
“This romantic scene is bad because…. It’s taking place at the wrong time in the story. I want to keep it, but this character isn’t ready for it yet, and the vibe is all wrong now because they’re out-of-character.”
“This argument is bad because…. It didn’t have proper build-up and the sudden shouting match is not reflective of their characters. They’re too angry, and it got out of hand quickly. Or I’m not conveying the root of their aggression.”
There aren’t very many bad ideas, just bad execution. “Only rational people can think they’re crazy. Crazy people think they’re sane,” applies to writing, too.
I just read a fanfic recently where, for every fight scene, I could tell action was not the writer’s strong suit. They leaned really heavily on a crutch of specific injuries for their characters, the same unusual spot getting hit over and over again, and fights that dragged on for too long being unintentionally stagnant. The rest of the fic was great, though, and while the fights weren’t the best, I understood that the author was trying, and I kept reading for the good stuff. One day they will be better.
In my experience beta reading, it’s the cocky authors who send me an unedited manuscript and tell me to be kind (because they can’t take criticism), that they know it’s perfect they just want an outside opinion (they don’t want the truth, they want what will make them feel good), that they know it’s going to make them a lot of money and everyone will love it (they haven’t dedicated proper time and effort into researching marketing, target audiences, or current trends)���these are the truly bad authors. Not just bad at writing, but bad at taking feedback, are bullies when you point out flaws in their story, and cheap, too.
The best story I have received to date was where the author didn’t preempt with a self-deprecating deluge of “it’s probably terrible you know but here it is anyway” or “this is perfect and I’m super confident you’re going to love it”.
It was something like, “This is my first book and I know it has flaws and I’m nervous but I had a lot of fun doing it”.
And yeah, it needed work, but the bones of something great were there. So give yourself some credit, yeah?
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ciaossu-imagines · 4 months ago
Fun idea to think about:
What food "atrocities" would your faves get up to?
For example my brain went straight to: Yamamoto is the type to put ketchup on Pasta and get instantly banned from the entire country of italy.
These do not have to be only italian crimes. As a german for example I feel my toes curl outwards when I hear of "sweet Pretzles", and i know for a fact that sticking your chopsticks into rice is not just rude, but a straight up taboo in japan.
So I wondered if you could think of anything. Doesnt have to be KHR related.
Just wanna give you something fun to think about
You are right! This is definitely a fun idea to think about! I’m sorry it took so long to get the reply out to you, but thanks so much for the request and for allowing me such freedom within it. Also, totally not feeling called out by the ketchup on pasta comment. Totally not…for what it’s worth though, a bag of pasta and a large bottle of ketchup costs about $10 where I live, so it’s cheap and does a lot of meals, which is good for when you’re a broke bitch but still want to live. I hope you’ll enjoy some of the thoughts I have on each of my current favourites or focuses from a variety of my fandoms!
From KHR, two words – blue steak. Because it’s certainly one of Bel’s favourites. His steak? Yeah, he wants it to have just been mooing like, two seconds ago. He wants the steak and the pan it was cooked in to have had just the barest, briefest hint of a romance. They barely kissed, in other words. The level he eats it at isn’t just rare, but even below rare, and it sometimes kind of grosses other people out. Of course, Bel being Bel, he kind of delights in this fact and it makes him even more enamored of this particular ‘food crime’.
From K Project, I think Fujishima eats Kit-Kats without ever breaking any of the bars. He just unwraps the top part of the Kit-Kat bar and takes a big bite out of it.
From Servamp, Tsurugi eats with his hands a lot of the time. Unless it’s absolutely inconceivably to eat something with just his hands, like hot soup, he’s probably eaten a dish using solely his hands before. He does know utensils exist and he’ll use them, only sometimes when it’s a more casual setting, or most of the time when he’s in a public setting, he just vastly prefers eating with his hands.
From Iruma-kun, Sabnock has eaten hard-boiled and soft-boiled egg with the shell on. More than once. He doesn’t even really see much a difference in eating it whole or peeling the shell off besides that there’s more flavour and texture with the shell on.
From Bungou Stray Dogs, when Dazai really feels like pissing people off, or is just extremely lazy, he makes tea completely incorrectly. He’ll just pop a teabag in a cup, run the tap water until it gets really, really hot, and fill the cup and ta-da, tea. He makes sure to let everyone around him know how delicious it is while he drinks it. He also reuses teabags…just never for his own cup of tea.
Rock from Nanbaka definitely puts ketchup on his eggs. He also kind of really digs French fries dipped into ranch dressing.
Togano from Eyeshield 21 is just kind of really guilty of forgetting to season any food he cooks. Despite what people think, he can cook more than just cup noodles, but all of his cooking is pretty unsatisfying and bland, though he doesn’t really understand why, which is why he eats prepackaged foods or takeout so often.
From The Vampire Dies In No Time, Satetsu really likes mayo. He’ll eat just mayo sandwiches – just bread and mayo. He also enjoys it on rice, but he only indulges that guilty pleasure when he’s alone.
Charles Bernard from Jujutsu Kaisen scrapes off the frosting from Oreos and throws it away because he thinks it tastes gross. He then just eats the chocolate parts of the cookies, but instead of chewing them, he kind of just lets them slowly dissolve in his mouth.
In another Oreo related crime, Fenrir Godspeed from IkeRev would eat Oreos with honey mustard unashamedly.
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sketch-shepherd-art · 3 months ago
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Wow more Land Before Time art and OC’s for the first time since like 2021 
Right off the bat, I’m just gonna say that I don’t like the Land Before Time sequels. Or the TV series, or ANY media past the first movie. Yeah that opinion of mine hasn’t changed since my cringe deviantART days, and still for the obvious reasons that the original Don Bluth film was dark and mature as fuck while the sequels are just so hunky-dory. So for lack of a better term I’m basically a Land Before Time genwunner. 
Admittedly I DO like SOME of the ideas for the characters and story elements from a few of the sequels (eg. the good Sharpteeth, Petrie’s uncle Pterano, Littlefoot’s father, dinosaurs dealing with climate change, etc), but in my opinion the execution is just… not good. So I’m reusing just some of them in my AU but in a completely different way, one of them being Littlefoot’s love interest Ali in movie 4. I remember very little about her personality but I hate her lazy “Littlefoot clone with eyelashes'' design  
So in my universe, her name is Mirage (named after the fact she was born in the desert) and she’s a sandy yellow Apatosaurus to contrast Littlefoot’s purple. She and her herd arrived to the Great Valley some time after Littlefoot and his friends did and from there it’s just your typical meet-cute friends-to-lovers romance. 
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gotham-at-nightfall · 7 months ago
I’m gonna say it: I don’t care for the idea of RDJ as Doctor Doom.
I’d be fine if it was a one-off appearance as a variant of the MCU Doom. But to reuse your arguably most popular cast member in an entirely new role just feels lazy. Like they’re trying to piggyback on RDJ’s popularity. And I’ve nothing against the man himself. It’s not that I doubt his ability to play Doctor Doom. But after years of fancasts of Giancarlo Esposito, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau or even Mads Mikkelson, it’s almost a cop-out. What’s fucking next, Chris Evans is back but as fucking Magneto?! A million great actors on offer, and they went backwards.
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swaggieleemiller · 1 day ago
posting this like 5 minutes into the ep but i think i could have it figured out but in a bad way that i would be mad about if this is the case because it would be lazy and boring. so the opening scene with victoria (finally learned parker poseys characters name😝) immediately made me think of when anticlea drowned herself in the odyssey and like the blanket as the head scarf thing. so immediately obviously the point of that (aside from the metaphor of the tsunami that’s coming for their family/money) was to make the viewers think she’s who dies bc water and that’s where the body is found. but like also that might just straight up be the case. what if that’s why she’s doing such an over the top accent because they’re trying to recreate the iconography of “these gays are trying to kill me.” ALSOOO the subtle hint to reusing that s1 plot line between tonya and belinda but as a fake producer (or whatever) is another thing that’s making me question if they’re running out of ideas💔💔
however i really hope i’m wrong and they’re just doing a FANTASTIC fake out on the audience of how much originality this season has. anyway will unpause and watch the rest of the ep now💞
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luckyqueenreign · 2 years ago
They also need to stop with the gimmicks, enough with the seasons revolving around cheating exes and snakey twins. Or at least reuse the bombshell concept again, at least that one didn't persist the entire season and it'd be fun to steal a crazy bitch's man again.
Babe yes!! I think the main problem is that the writing team just takes an idea and absolutely butchers it. Because why in the the hell did they mention Zeph all season just to literally never introduce him as a character. Bc if they weren’t going to bring him in at least for “closure” why did they make Amelia the worst sister ever ??? To whoever wrote her character… it’s giving only child who lives under a rock and only has only child friends.
Also maybe this is super niche and I’m the only one that does this …but when I play the game I play it in a way that if I were watching this “show” how would I react to this as a viewer. when I played s2, I always rooted for MC and Noah because it felt like to me that they both had strong feelings, that started off as friendship but developed into more as the season progressed, to a point that neither could deny their feelings for one another. And then this season we had Ozzy, and as much as I was rooting for him and MC at the start - that route quickly TANKED! It had SO MUCH POTENTIAL and they ruined it 😫😫 the Noah route was far from perfect but it made sense. The problem with Ozzy was it started great and was progressing nicely but then he went to casa and had a “licked her tit or whatever” moment when he didn’t need to. We didn’t need that for him and Grace to end, especially since if you’re not on his route THEY DONT! Just whyyyy do they keep having these ridiculous moments like the Roberto being crazy shady and weird after casa ala Nicholas 2.0.
Last point and sorry for ranting - lol if fb is going to keep charging diamonds for premium choices and pay to make that choice, for the love of god incorporate that in the script you lazy fucks!!!
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twisted-tales-told · 1 year ago
hi arik <3 17, 55, and 58!
HI LINDS!! Thank u for asking!!
This ask game
3. Do you share your fic ideas or keep them to yourself
It depends on the story! Sometimes I am possessed so quickly that the story is done before I can even tell anyone about it!
Mercy Be has a wonderful beta reader @thisliminalspacedaydreams who is helping me so so much with all my weak points in writing (CLOTHING!! I AM SO BAD AT CLOTHING!!)
I love brainstorming sessions so much, truly they are some of my fondest memories with friends.
17. Do you have a writing routine
Yeah! Sort of? Honestly I just like being somewhere quiet. I don’t like background noise when I’m writing
THAT BEING SAID I write most productively in lectures I should be listening to. Thank u poetry class for your Literally Useless 1 hour lecture a week. 10/10 good for fanfiction.
55. Have you noticed any patterns in your writing?
Definitely. I am nothing but patterns. Coming up with new things is hard so when I find really good phrases I try rlly hard to reuse them in new and interesting ways! Is it brilliance? Is it laziness? Sometimes they’re the same thing:)
58. Do I have a favourite piece of figurative language that you’ve written
I do write a lot of figurative language. Some of my best of it is definitely in Ghosts Of Us. I also write a lot of poetry and maybe I’ll share that one day!
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quibbs126 · 2 years ago
So another of my requests is a purelily fankid, and I’m debating what to do, because I did have an idea for a Pure Vanilla kid, whom I named Vanilla Powder, and it was supposed to be that her design was somewhat ambiguous as to whether or not White Lily was her mother (like she has white hair and other details I haven’t figured out yet). Should I just use that? Or should I just save Vanilla Powder for her own thing? Because she was originally supposed to be like an oc that could theoretically exist in the main, like her lineage is what eventually branched off to the Custard family
I know it’d be a bit lazy to just use a character I already had in the works for this, but the problem is I’ve seen other people use the obvious choices for a purelily kid already, like Vanilla Orchid or Vanilla Pompona, so I feel like I shouldn’t just reuse what other people have already used, you know?
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bbyboybucket · 2 years ago
For the ask game - 1, 3, 14, 20, 21, 42
Thanks for asking love 😚
1. ONE SHOTS. I can’t do multi chapter. Even way back in my early fanfic days, I would try to do them and then I’d just never finish them, I’d never update again. For me, they start strong and with every chapter the quality greatly declines. And even if I do finish a multi chapter, it’ll be deleted in like a month bc I’ll hate it so much 😂 I just stay far away from them
3. I’m a lazy writer most of the time 😭. Usually either I’m day dreaming about a scenario or I just have vague idea/headcanon. And I mean sometimes it is VAGUE, like borderline nothing. Then I think to myself “hmmm. this could maybe be entertaining to other people.” Then I brainstorm how to turn it into a story and make a little note of the important stuff I wanna include, or if I’m feeling fancy I do an outline. Then I write all the fun stuff or whatever pops first up in my stream of consciousness, and then I go back in later and connect the all dots lol.
14. When I do emotional stuff, I definitely do draw from experience sometimes but I always try to put myself in whatever characters shoes and try to imagine that feeling. But I only base off myself to an extent because you know, you have to go off of your character’s personality and obviously how I feel things is different than what they would.
But I draw from sympathy a lot too? Like I kinda think about what would make me wanna comfort them the most 😂 Another thing when it comes to emotional writing is I try to mix in an objective stand point, if that makes sense? I feel like I need to do that to keep things grounded and from being over dramatized, but I def still get carried away sometimes 😂
I feel like none of this answer made sense so I hope you kinda get what I’m saying lol
20. I definitely have my things. I write friends to lovers so much it’s my staple. Wether it’s self insert or a ship, I always do it. I do banter a lot, even if it’s just a little bit off the top of my head and half-assed, banter always makes an appearance. I haven’t reread my own stuff in a while, so I can’t think of specifics but I know for sure that there’s words and phrases that I reuse a lot.
21. I’ve honestly never really thought about it before but I probably would be open to it bc two heads are better than one. Especially since I hold myself back bc my weakness is more plot intensive things, I usually can only come up with half the idea, so I definitely feel like I’d enjoy mixing my half with someone else’s. I also just think it’d be fun because it’d be catered to me but it’d feel fresh because parts of it would come from another person
42. Holding Onto You by SunsetMaiden. It’s so very cute and sweet, it’s very domestic and I think they write both Sam and Bucky very well, so I def do recommend. Sadly I couldn’t get the link to work though 😔
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justamethyst3 · 7 months ago
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Rui’s friend from middle school. The two met properly when Mizuki tailed Mafuyu home after school one day, and they’ve stuck around since.
They became fast friends with Emu and Toya, too, and soon spent time with the group nearly every day they were together.
Anytime Mizuki goes out exploring shipwrecks with Emu or the others, or by themself, they’re often found searching through clothes chests for new materials or fabrics they can use to make cuter clothes and accessories than the torn sail cloths and plain shells most sea folk use (though if they find sail cloths in a decent condition, they’ll consider taking it to recolor at home).
They keep contact with their sister, who left for another kingdom, through their sea mirror. She’ll sometimes send them clothes she’s worked on, and they’ll use them to make something new or cuter to practice their skill.
Mizuki doesn’t like being a siren-in-training, and is vocal about wanting to leave the kingdom the next time their sister visits to escape the training and pursue something they want to do instead, usually saying so when they and Rui go out for an after school snack or hang out around the market.
I was gonna post Mizuki earlier but I was taking a nap 🥲
But here they are!
I originally said Mafuyu’s redesign would be next, but I wanna post chapter 5 before the end of August (if I can), and I want Mizuki and Toya’s designs finished before that, so I’m skipping over Mafufu (for now).
And I did some research the other day to try and decide which fish our fishy cast would be (at least, for the ones that make an appearance and aren’t casually mentioned in the fic).
I like the idea of Mizuki being a clown fish, since clown fish live in a hierarchy, and they can change from male to female as they mature, or if anything happens to the female to remove them from the group (from what I’ve found in my research).
I remember my biology teacher mentioning that certain fish could do that before I stopped going to school, and I wanted to keep that in mind while researching for Mizuki (and it kinda fits considering their character in-game, and what we’ve learned and assume about them through the stories and such)!
Although, I didn’t decide this until after I’d colored them in, and I didn’t want to redo the lineart and coloring for their tail cause I’m lazy, so I just added the stripes to their tail last minute and left it at that 😅
Sea folk would also be accepting of the transitions and those who are part of the lgbtq+ community underwater, since it’s a part of their… culture, I guess you could say (I think that’s the right word…)? (And yes, that does have importance for later in the story hehe)
Uhhhhh… Oh! For anyone wondering, a sea mirror is basically just the underwater version of a phone, though it only makes ‘video calls’. I haven’t worked out how exactly it would work, but my first thought usually goes to something along the lines of sea magic. Since sea witches and potion making are a thing, it’s not too unreasonable of an explanation lol
Anyway… I think that’s it now…?
Thanks for sitting through my rambling if you made it this far, I didn’t think there would end up being this much of me talking for Mizuki’s FtW design lmao
time : 10 hr 19 min
Pls don't repost/reuse/edit
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miss-galaxy-turtle · 2 years ago
I watched the Clone High S2 Ep1 leak!! Here are my thoughts 
Overall, I liked it!! It's not perfect, but I think they're still finding their footing 
Normally when shows, especially reboots, do the whole "cancel culture" thing it can come across as lazy and cheesy (looking at you, Velma), but I think it made sense here, given the context of why the show was literally cancelled. Side note, the "canceled table" joke is how I found out Andy Dick voiced Mr. Sheepman
I also thought the idea of a Columbus clone wanting to distance himself from his clone dad was really neat!! It really hearkens back to the whole overarching nature vs nurture theme the show has 
Speaking of the new characters, I like the clash between 2000s teens and 2020s teens but I don't get why they didn't reuse the Harriet design from season one. It's not that her design isn't cute here but it doesn't fit as well in my opinion
Ik Frida and Confucius also had original designs in season one but I really love what they did with Frida's and I like that Confucius has a bit more personality than "stereotypical Asian guy." I'm wondering how they're gonna handle old bg characters being new students here tho 
Continuing with new characters, it was kinda predictable that the new leader was gonna be a love interest for Skudworth, but seeing him in a new light was fun since we didn't get to see him interacting with people besides Mr. B, the students, and occasionally the board. That being said tho I hope she's gonna have a personality besides "hardass that becomes a love interest," but I have faith because Clone High has always had a way of turning things on their heads 
I'm so here for Abe getting called out for being an asshole. The whole apology video(s) thing was hilarious, and he definitely gave me the vibes that he'd casually use slurs lmaoooo
I definitely miss Gandhi. He was my favorite and you can really feel his absence. I actually saw a reddit post saying how they should handle him going forward that I really liked so I'm gonna link that here
I'm really curious to see how they're gonna handle Cleo no longer being popular, it'll be fun to see her personality expand past that of "popular slut"
Last but not least, JOANFK CONFIRMED!!! I love how JFK respected Joan when she wasn't sure about agreeing to be his girlfriend officially or not. I think that really shows the difference between him and Abe, if that makes sense? And at the end when they finally made it official
All in all, I liked it! It's not perfect but I think it just needs to find its footing moving forward. I'm cautiously optimistic!
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hidingoutbackstage · 2 years ago
Okay aside from my hatred for how it treated Eveline, the DLC also just, wasn't great? And didn't matter? Spoilers below the cut
Okay so getting big thing out of the way: The DLC takes place before the 8 epilogue of Rose at Ethan's grave. Meaning that everything we see doesn’t matter. Rose was never going to lose her powers, she was always going to escape the mold mind palace (btw I’m gonna call it “mold mind palace” this whole time) and it just felt cheap to have the ENTIRE epilogue shown at the end. Like just show her on the bus, we know this scene. I kept waiting throughout the scene to see if they would show us anything new or different, but they didn't. That ending was pointless.
K was also such a nothing character. I speculated that it could be John, since the two characters' faces are similar, but it wasn't. Rose calls him K. John's HWS name is Lobo. If it were Dion she was meeting, that nickname might make sense (K9. There's actually a file in 8 that refers to Canine with that shortened nickname so it would've been possible) but Dion obviously doesn't look like this guy. Not to mention the reveal that he was never there doesn't do anything for us. We knew nothing about this guy, had no attachment to him, so Miranda tricking Rose the entire time means nothing to us. If it had been an actual former HWS member, or, hell, CHRIS then we might have felt something.
Also just the insinuations that 1) Chris is STILL leading HWS 16 years later 2) they're inviting more people to be part of HWS 3) HWS hasn't been shut down yet despite them having been a rogue team when we saw them operating in 8 and they went straight to BSAA HQ, meaning they probably would've received some consequences for going rogue and 4) they've asked Rose, a 16-year-old, to join their team, are all absurd
The DLC is also just really lazy. They recycle ideas, like Miranda using illusions to trick someone into seeing a person that wasn't even there, they recycle models, like seriously Evie looks exactly how she did in RE7, and her model there wasn't great and was still super clunky here and she wasn't proportioned like a child, and they reuse her tantrum animations from 7, they recycle locations just making things more messy or adding the new bloody mold goop to indicate this is the mind palace and not irl. They're lazy with Miranda's motivation too, like there's no reason for her to need Rose as a vessel for Eva anymore. If Eva's consciousness was truly in the mold like Miranda believed, then great! You're in the mold now, Miranda! Go find her! Why are you wasting time with Rose?
The "Michael" mystery was stupid. There was no real reason for him to not reveal himself to Rose right away. It wouldn't "complicate" anything, in fact she'd be more likely to trust you. He kept telling her to turn back, meaning if she had listened, they never would have gotten to speak, which is kind of what Ethan wanted. He wanted her out of the mind palace, safe, even if it meant he never saw her again. She probably could've taken solace in speaking to her dad, even if it wasn't face to face. Also the wording of "Not an enemy" was sooo dumb. Say you're a friend! Say you're family! "Not an enemy" makes her even less likely to trust you, because you aren't being anything reassuring to her right now
The game also tries way too hard to tug on the heart strings, and it doesn't work. I'm gonna bring up Evie here a bit although I'll do my best not to. I do not feel bad for Rose. As a long time fan and player of most games in this series, I can name more characters who have been through worse shit than Rose has than I can count on my fingers. Actually I will, this is my post, fuck it, feel free to skip the list
Sherry was orphaned at 12 and was infected with a virus that nearly killed her, then was held captive in a strange man's house for eleven years, that's 5 years of her adult life still in captivity, before gaining a false semblance of freedom by being forced to become an agent, on one of her missions was kidnapped and tortured for 6 months, and oh yeah her body stopped aging at 20
Manuela was infected with a disease that should have killed her, lost her mother at 5 years old, nearly died several times during DC, became an orphan at 16, and was locked up after being rescued because she still had powers and was still infected. Despite controlling her powers, she was not given any freedom, because the government was cautious (KEEP THIS IN MIND FOR LATER)
Claire, Chris, and Leon are all orphans, Leon definitely when he was a child, Chris and Claire it's up to speculation. The three of them went through the horrors of the early games as young adults, Claire only being 19.
Jill was kidnapped, brainwashed, and forced to become a murderous slave for a genocidal maniac who she sacrificed her life to try to kill
Ashley was kidnapped multiple times, infected, and had her body taken control of by another person against her will
Natalia was an orphan (WHO WATCHED HER PARENTS DIE BTW) who was isolated from her peers, kidnapped, tormented for months by Alex, experienced hallucinations, had an adult woman try to take control of her body, and despite having seemed safe, apparently is still suffering ptsd or worse from what Alex did to her. She was adopted by a normal family and treated like a normal child, but she was still safely monitored and there's no indication she had a normal social life (KEEP THIS IN MIND FOR LATER)
Lisa Trevor was kidnapped at age 14, became an orphan when her parents were killed and she was infected with a virus, and went mad as she was continually tortured and experimented on until her death at 35 years old
Alexia and Alfred Ashford were given a life of comfort, but were still an experimental vanity project that their father enacted because he was in love with one of his ancestors, which they learned of at only 12 years old. Alexia willingly infected herself at age 12, Alfred was forced large political power at that age, and went insane without his sister there to support him, and when Alexia woke up from cryo sleep, the first thing she saw was her brother's dead body
Eveline was created to be a bioweapon. She was never given a choice as to if she had these powers. She was younger than her ten-year-old physical appearance, because she was aged up artificially, she was tortured, abused, forced to kill people with powers she couldn't control, and denied any source of comfort despite having the wants and needs of a child, and she was murdered by a man who called her a little bitch as she cried and lamented why the world seemed to hate her.
Now. What struggles does Rose have? Why, her dad is dead and kids at school call her a freak, of course! Now Isn't that sad? Don't you feel terrible for her and can't wait for her to pick off Eveline, who was taunting her, like a bitter child would?
Also yes you read that right, kids at school. Rosemary Winters, who shows physical proof in public that she is an actively infected person who cannot control her abilities, is allowed to attend public school and receive childish bullying. Un-fucking-realistic. Such bullshit.
Like I said, they lay on the pathos thick. There is an entire section, with no real gameplay, as you walk around the house from the beginning of 8 as you get to hear Ethan's voice and Rose's commentary on things her dad said because wahhh isn't it sad that Ethan died? They tell you how Rose feels through dialogue instead of allowing the character to feel for the obviously forced pathos. The letter was also written way too on the nose to try and tug at some heart strings. The ending where Rose talks to Ethan (while still HILARIOUSLY obstructing his face) goes on for too long and not a single line isn't something sad/sweet/sappy to try and get in the audience's feelings. (Also Rose bringing a physical object of Ethan's ring out of a MOLD MIND PALACE makes no sense but w/e)
Okay but is the gameplay at least good? Nah not that either. You get two weapons, a handgun and a shotgun, the occasional pipe bomb, and Rose's freezing powers. Now I know that this is a DLC and of course there doesn't have to be a lot of content, but this was pathetic. There are only two real puzzles either. The playthrough I watched was 3 hours long. The only part I thought was really scary was running from the Mia mannequins, but gameplay-wise they're like super easy to defeat.
The story jumps forward 16 years for no real reason. We don't get any insight into this new world Rose is living in, 16 years from the current furthest point in the timeline, we meet no new characters except for K who we can't really assume told us anything real since he was an illusion. This story was unnecessary, a mess, none of the gameplay was spectacular, and it went out of its way to torture and villainize a character who had already suffered in life, not even giving her peace in death. Really shitty DLC, really bad time.
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immaturityofthomasastruc · 4 years ago
IOTA Reviews: Rocketear
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The Rocketeer is a 1991 Disney movie set in 1930's America where a test pilot gets a jetpack and uses it to fight Nazis and— Wait, what? “Rocketear”? Oh, damn it!
Let's get into the eleventh (chronologically the seventeenth) episode of Miraculous Ladybug's fourth season: Rocketear.
We start off with Carapace and Cat Noir struggling to hold back some T-Rexes brought back to life by a scientist Jurassic Park style. Seriously, they reference the movie in the same scene.
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Why wasn't this the plot of the episode again?
After managing to tame the dinosaurs with a whistle of all things, Ladybug notices something's wrong with Nino after he gives the Turtle Miraculous back to her. Apparently, he's wondering why Rena Rouge (who he knows is Alya) wasn't recruited with him today. Ladybug tells him that he was the only help she needed today. In reality, it's because Alya has adjusted to her new role of supporting Ladybug behind the scenes in her new form, Rena Furtive.
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And I'm not a fan of the new form. I get the camo, but it doesn't really help her blend in when her suit is bright blue. I think it's based off the arctic fox, but that animal is able to camouflage itself because it's fur matches the snowy environment. I'm sure a bright blue jumpsuit won't stand out when she tries to blend in at all. Also, the fact that Alya can just change her hero form gives even less excuses as to why Ladybug's new form is only when she uses her Lucky Charm.
Alya is struggling to keep this a secret from Nino because they don't have a lot of secrets in their relationship. Marinette says she can kind of get it because she had to keep her identity a secret from her friend and has to keep keeping her identity a secret from everyone else. Basically, she's telling Alya to suck it up because this is what being a superhero is.
So the next time she sees Nino, Alya tells him she's no longer Rena Rouge, but not about Rena Furtive, which troubles her. The very next scene shows Alya showing Marinette pictures she took of her new costume and asking her which version looks better.
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You could always try reviewing Akuma fights. I heard there's one blog that does it when they're not criticizing the famous director Thomas Astruc on social media.
Yeah, in case you can't tell, Alya was only able to rent her brain for a few episodes because she really doesn't seem as understanding about being a superhero as she was in earlier episodes. In episodes like “Optigami” and “Sentibubbler”, we saw Alya use more strategy and show discretion as Rena Rouge, seemingly taking her job more seriously, but then this episode just had to go and piss it all away. I also love how the first time the animators made Alya's skin the same when she's transformed is in a single frame for a joke.
Alya thankfully deletes the picture, but Nino overhears her talking about struggling to find more content for the Ladyblog, and decides to go to the movies with her to help take her mind off things. Nino, in turn, proceeds to give the same reaction to the in-universe Ladybug movie that Astruc gives to the PV.
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Apparently, that movie's already getting a sequel and it has a teaser. So was the sequel animated at the same time as the original like Back to the Future Part II and Back to the Future Part III?
Nino gets pissed the next movie in the Ladybug Cinematic Universe will feature Rena Rouge and not Carapace... even though Rena Rouge debuted first. The teaser then shows Rena Rouge falling for Cat Noir (yet another creative liberty taken by the writers or something Astruc's self-insert threw in himself), and takes it like it's the real thing. Dude, the first movie said Ladybug was afraid of cats, and the director yelled at the person it was based on for judging it. He clearly has a hard time distinguishing fiction from reality.
Alya leaves Nino early so she can go on patrol, but Nino sees Cat Noir heading out as well. He then watches a video on the Ladyblog where Alya praises Cat Noir which is totally not Astruc projecting or anything.
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I don't know what your definition of a prince is, Alya, and I honestly don't want to know.
So Nino takes this as evidence that Alya is in love with Cat Noir and decides to tell Adrien, who naturally laughs him off. And just before you think we have an episode where Adrien plays the straight man, Adrien decides to visit Alya because he's afraid he accidentally charmed Alya.
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Yes, because Cat Noir is so charming, girls are just fighting over him, aren't they?
We then cut to a black and white film noir monologue by Nino (dressed like a detective with a fake mustache), who decides to spy on Alya. When Cat Noir asks Alya if she is attracted to him, she naturally laughs him off, though Cat Noir is thankfully a good sport about it, even giving her a hug to apologize. Unfortunately, Nino took this the wrong way.
The next day at school, Nino takes Adrien into his “office” (it's really an excuse to reuse the boiler room setpiece), and shows him the picture of the hug. Adrien says that Alya would never fall for Cat Noir because she's always dedicated to finding out the truth and telling her boyfriend everything. What's Nino's retort?
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Okay, several problems with this bit. First of all, why would Nino even tell Adrien any of this? What would it accomplish? Why not say all this to Alya while confronting her about her alleged unfaithfulness? Second, Ladybug didn't give Nino and Alya their Miraculous at the same time until it was an absolute emergency. She outright said in “Hero's Day” that she didn't have time to recruit Nino and Alya separately.
Ladybug: I'm sorry for what I'm about to do. I know I'm revealing your secret identities but I don't have time to find a good excuse to give them to you separately. Rena Rouge and Carapace, I need you both!
Nino and Alya kept their identities secret from each other until then, with Alya even keeping the fact she knew who Carapace was a secret as well. Nino didn't find out because “they don't hide anything from each other” (which I plan to talk about later).
Other than that, I actually liked Adrien in this scene. It was really investing to see him try to justify the whole secret identities rule while Nino blatantly said there was an exception. This is the kind of stuff I wanted to see when it came to Adrien doubting Ladybug, not him destroying things in his anger.
While Nino rants about how Cat Noir “stole” Alya from him, Shadowmoth sends an Akuma his way, turning him into Rocketear.
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And the design he has is just boring. It's just a blue jumpsuit with some black spots that look like teardrops, a teardrop-shaped head and a visor. I think the reason this season's been relying more on past Akumas and using more Sentimonsters is because DQ is terrible at character designs. I mean, compare this suit with Aigraon from Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger (his Power Rangers counterpart is Wrench from Dino Charge).
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The design does so much more with the teardrop motif, giving him a perpetually miserable face with tear lines going all over his body. Add that to a more diverse color scheme, and you have a much more visually stunning design. And this was created in real life, not rendered on a computer. I'm not sure if this is a budget thing or a laziness thing, but if it's the former, you really need to do better, animators.
The powers are meh, giving Nino the ability to fling explosive tears at enemies. It's a clever idea, and it makes sense he gets a power that parallels Cat Noir's, but I think maybe it would have been more interesting if he couldn't control the tears at all. Like, imagine if he was constantly crying like Blue Diamond, and with every tear he shed, Rocketeer could send it at whoever he felt was causing him misery, mainly Cat Noir, all while serving as a metaphor for people who blame others for their own personal issues. Better yet, make him look like the detective outfit Nino wore for the second act. It would have made him more unpredictable instead of making his tears generic projectile weapons.
Marinette and Alya see the fight and transform into Ladybug and Rena Furtive respectively, the former summoning her Lucky Charm, a projector. Is it just me, or has this been happening with Ladybug a lot recently?
Back to Rocketear, we get a good moment where Cat Noir intentionally lets the Akuma hit him so he can get a chance to resolve things diplomatically. See, this is a moment where Cat Noir's self-sacrificing nature feels heroic and not selfish like when he does it without Ladybug's permission to spite her. Unfortunately, it doesn't really go anywhere as Ladybug shows up and plays the recording Nino took (Alya found his phone earlier), while Rena Furtive uses her Mirage to give the audio to what actually happened that night.
Rena transforms back into Alya and embraces Rocketear, who apologizes to her for his behavior. And then he just... rejects Shadowmoth's power while looking like it wasn't that much effort.
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At least when Chloe and Alya did it, we saw them struggling for a little longer. I guess maybe it's because Nino is motivated by his love for Alya, but I think it should have been fleshed out more. So Ladybug purifies the Akuma, gives Nino a Magical Charm, and Cat Noir is still unsure about his feelings for Ladybug at the moment, though they still pound it.
Back in his room, Adrien ponders why Alya and Nino get to know their identities while he and Ladybug can't, but Plagg points out it's because she's the Guardian. It's brief, but I do like seeing Adrien start to doubt Ladybug's judgment, and it looks like it'll foreshadow future episodes. This is a problem I've had since “Hero's Day”, and I'm glad the writers are finally acknowledging this double standard. I just hope they don't end up blaming Marinette for whatever happens later on.
Marinette, of course, apologizes for what happened between Alya and Nino, and I have to say... yeah, no. It's obviously Nino's fault here.
Nino really pushed personal boundaries in this episode, much like Marinette's friends in “Gang of Secrets”. Yes, honesty is a valuable trait, but sometimes, people have secrets they want to keep to themselves. Nino's idea of “not hiding anything from each other” is somewhat controlling, like he's demanding Alya tell him everything whether she wants to or not. The fact that he immediately assumed Alya was cheating on him without giving her freedom to make her own choices doesn't make him look good. Let's be honest, a more realistic outcome would be Alya choosing to break things off with Nino or at least lecture him about how she can do what she wants and keep the secrets she wants. But instead...
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And that's how the episode ends.
Okay, Marinette just said she trusted Alya to make the right decision, but I highly doubt she meant this. Marinette strictly said Alya had to keep Rena Furtive a secret, and now she's telling Nino this despite the risk? The whole reason Marinette and Luka broke up was because Marinette had to keep her secrets from Luka, but now it's okay for Alya to be completely honest? How is this not a double standard?
This episode was just dull, and there’s not even much I can really say about it.. There were a handful of standout moments, and the stuff with Adrien was somewhat compelling, but Nino's behavior was just insufferable and dragged the episode down. The Akuma fight was weak, only lasting about four minutes at most, and while the Lucky Charm was more creative this time, the plot was just frustrating. It's really one of the weaker episodes this season.
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to watch the better Rocketeer.
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agathaloseshermind · 3 years ago
Season 8 part 2, the Sirenixes
So this will cover Neo Sirenix and Crystal Sirenix. My knowledge on these transformations is based on what little season 8 bits Im willing to subject myself to (yes I heard plot wise its actually solid but... the whitewashing.... and how ridiculously kiddified it is... and the fact they’re still relying on romantic drama...... eh no)
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Similarly to Neo Enchantix I feel like returning Sirenix was pointless why? BECAUSE THEYRE REUSING THE ANDROS IS IN DANGER PLOT
I seriously DO NOT understand why they feel the need to always plunge Andros into chaos. Like Aisha how fragile is your kingdom that this is like the 3rd season it’s in danger, I can’t even bring myself to care anymore when its in danger again like your kingdom is just a villain’s punching bag at this point. Like I didn’t mind when Season 5 re-endangered Andros because it was trying to do a protect the environment message but the third time is excessive now. Like it just needs to stop.
The designs are.... eh. I like the idea of the girls having scales but the execution is just kinda awful like the only one’s here who’s scales I like are Flora and Musa’s with Bloom’s being solid, Tecna and Aisha’s are okay and Stella’s is just awful. I’m not opposed to them dressing Stella in colors like purple but it looks so strange with her more orange focused wings and leggings like the purple is so out of place in her design. The idea of the design changes are great but the choices made colors wise are either good or awful without an in between I can see lol.
Song and transformation wise, the sirenix song slaps as always but the transformation sequence.... w h y. Literally only Bloom shows her unique powers, the rest just use bubbles which is just extremely annoying because original Sirenix proved in its transformation sequence even when water themed, its possible to show off the girls’ individual powers. It just feels so lazy to me like don’t get me wrong the animation is still beautiful with them swimming around but like there’s nothing about each transformation sequence that makes each girl stand out. Literally if the girls swapped transformation sequences it would be hard to notice except for Bloom because of the fact there’s no individualization.
Also admittedly the speed in how quickly the girls transform in this case isn’t as bad as Neo Enchantix because when swimming you would expect the girls to be fast and given Sirenix doesn’t have any skirts or dresses for the girls to put on and just the top and legs to immediately put on, its fine.
My rating for Neo Enchantix is 6/10, I want to rate it higher but I am SO sick of the Andros is in peril plot I swear it’s a meme at this point that Andros is in danger. Also I’m annoyed at the loss of individualization in the transformation sequence.
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So Crystal Sirenix is caused by Sirenix reacting to the magic ice in Dyamond so the Winx can keep warm in the cold waters. It’s definitely not the worse in terms of needing to exist but I don’t get why Bloom doesn’t just like use her fire power to keep the Winx warm like she could use the Dragon flame to give her friends shiny new powers in Bloomix but can’t create something to give to the Winx so they don’t get cold? Sure...
I think the designs are very pretty though, I’m very much a sucker for those cape things they have, it looks like Harmonix but made for colder temperatures though I don’t understand why they didn’t just fully commit into covering the girls’ bodies given its meant for the cold. They covered their bodies in Bloomix, I don’t get why they didn’t just cover them in Crysta Sirenix as well since it hardly looks like it’ll help with the cold given they’re still showing off skin. Though it is better than Lovix in making the girls actually look like the clothes are keeping them warm even if skin is still being exposed.
I love most of their designs except for Aisha's. Think the purplish pink looks odd on her for me. Like its nowhere near as bad as Neo Enchantix as the color suits her far more but I still wish she had her actual signature colors. Also the crown looks incredibly strange on Tecna, it should be smaller. 
Also as pretty as Bloom’s design is here, the snowflakes on her boobs are just no stop. It looks good with the artstyle but I saw art on Crystal Sirenix in the old artstyle and now its cursed to me. 
Song wise there is no song they literally just have the background noise of the Sirenix song and tacked in on, like why?? They couldn’t do what they did with Lovix where the background noise is Sirenix but more crystal like? Like its just strange listening to the beat of Sirenix, getting so ready to jam out as the girls transform only to get nothing. 
Also I wish again they did what Lovix did where the girls were in Sirenix first then transitioned to Crystal form because the girls are just immediately in the outfits then pop out the wings and crowns. I just felt confused watching the sequence because they could’ve made a really pretty sequence with the girls transforming into these clothes.
My rating is 6/10, if the transformation sequence was more interesting it would get a 7 but given it doesn’t, it’s about the same level as Cosmix is to me. 
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zanshlou · 2 years ago
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And with that I am all caught up on the 3 sets of prompts I’m doing for Swordtember. Elemental was tough to come up with an idea for and ultimately I’m not actually happy with the result. The idea was along the lines of a buster sword that could strike with multiple different elements (one at a time decided by die roll or player choice) and just couldn’t come up with a good way to represent it how I wanted to. Crystal having shown up already earlier in the month I knew I wanted to do a dark counterpart to the other one I did. Leaned into my love for the Dark Crystal and am pretty happy with that one.
Sanguine I wasn’t sure what to do with but a needle precise dagger with a vampire theme seemed appropriate. I’m not too happy with the vampire mouth on the front but in concept I like the idea of it. Might revisit one day.
Edible I had a few ideas for but I ended on the idea of just a popsicle in the shape of a sword. Maybe a bit lazy but I think it’s a good gag.
Dragon I wanted to do like.... dragon flame shaped blade coming out of dragon mouth but like... didn’t want to have to try to sketch a dragon so I just kind of threw a dragon eye on there and called it a day.
Symbiotic was me reusing an idea I passed over for doing a monster-like blade (originally was going to do it for predatory). I figured the idea is the blade provides power in exchange for the weilder providing food.
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