#I’m just saying part two spoilers found in Greek mythology for sure
kathani-bridgerton · 4 months
The Eros and Psyche thing really comes into play when you realize that after a brief time together living in complete happiness, Psyche betrays the trust of Eros, and he leaves her alone, and so painfully in love with him. She eventually turns to Aphrodite, who was angry about the union, for help and she gives her three tasks to prove her love. She is put through many trials, and finally the gods take pity and tell Eros what she has been put through to earn his trust again. Eros is so touched he forgives Psyche and they are finally happily together.
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doctorwholover01 · 3 years
Hello, hi wow it's been a while since I've posted on the tag. Then again there is really nothing to post about it really speculate about. Anyways, we got the episode names which is fun and some photo bare minimum. With this though I wanted to make a post about the episode names and the synopsis of episode two of s11 I wanna talk about specifically the part of;
' Daryl is in his own intense hellish situation trying to find dog and finding more than he expected '
Like many others who I have seen on here and on Twitter my mind went ' it's Leah '. We knew she was coming back and specifically them using dog as a way of leading Daryl to Leah as it sounds in this is very remanist of in Find me where dog leads Carol and Daryl to the cabin. Now as I said we knew Lynn was coming back as Leah we suspected as much. But I want to talk more on how the importance of the Leah is a reaper theory comes into the episode names in my mind. To break down:
11×01: Acheron Part I
11×02: Acheron Part II
- Acheron a river in Greece and known in Greece mythology as the ' river of woe ' and one of the five rivers of the underworld. This river would be a passage for the newly deceased into the underworld. I thought it was interesting that they are naming a two part episode after Greek mythology and especially the river of woe, of sorrow of distress. This could possibly be the inevitable end to Alexandria or something more. There is a need for food and a need to rebuild to survive could this be why they used this myth as well as in episode two having to fight walker. So basically all in all this two parter will possibly be sorrowful. With the return of Leah though the next few episode names is where I thought of what the writers may or may not being doing.
11×03: Hunted
11×05: Out of the Ashes ( if this isn't a Caryl EP I will riot )
11×06: On the Inside
11×07: Promises Broken
11×08: For Blood.
Okay these episodes right here their names I really like them and my brain may be making up shit or thinking up a possible dream story but heres what I thought may happen when I read after ep1 and 2 names.
So episode threes name for me went for two things 1. Being Daryl being hunted by Leah and the reaper's ( I'm not so sure about that one ) 2. Daryl being hunted by his past of Leah so her presence being there as well as the group being hunted by the reaper's specifically Maggie her story to this and how Leah being a reaper will make the story that more interesting. Because of whatever hold she has on Daryl can be used to her advantage.
Episode four being name Rendition I thought was interesting in two ways in story wise. Rendition is a performative piece of music so a performance is being performed from Eugene group possible to get to the commonwealth. And as well as Leah to get her way into the group and get to Maggie to preform as a defensively, alone in order for that hold on Daryl to be held. A performance is going to happen in each way.
Out of the ashes episode 5 like I said will fight if it's not a Caryl episode. I'm joking... Kind of. Out of the ashes to me sounds like a big phew moment maybe the group find food, find Connie, get in contact with Eugene group. All of that to me is what I think this episode may be a kind of relief but not really. Cause it's TWD and we haven't known relief for years. Like episode one and two this episode I don't really have a lot to say expect that.
Episode six, On the Inside, now from I think it apparent filming spoilers of Norman filming as Daryl with reaper's there has been this theory going about that Daryl will actually be a reaper because of Leah which I'm not going lie to me just sounds like bad story telling if it goes through. Daryl character had found his place in where he belongs which is with team fam he says as much to Carol in find me. To me On the Inside would be where Leah found in EP 2 would come into play with her reaper story line. She is on the inside of the group now possibly part of it she is inside there walls and she has infiltrated the group which in order for her possibly maybe being a reaper leader gives her a head start on how to get to Maggie to know the group and the bring it all down and burn it, pillage and take everything. I don't think Daryl is working with the reaper like I said it would be a horrible 360 on his character now but infact Leah infiltrating on the inside. As well as Eugene group getting a feel for the commonwealth scooping it out. Seeing what that life is.
Promises broken this episode is why I think it's Leah working on the inside of the group to infiltrate. She has most likely told Daryl she doesn't have a group in order to get to Maggie since the reaper's seem to be her storyline and now Daryl possibly with Leah. Like I said I think Leah from the inside of the group will try to burn it all down like with the Whispers expect Leah will be smart about it hitting already weak points like alpha did but not showing her hand too quickly. Remmber the hold on Daryl I said about she will try to use that break him down more against the group possibly reminding him of his time in the woods. Maybe he's sees through it through the lie hence a Promise broken. She is break that hold on him promise of his past of which he left and felt guilty about where he thought he belonged broken. Which would tie into.
The half way point... I think. For Blood episode eight. The reaper want blood as we've seen a little in the extra episode specifically Maggie groups blood and now it will be all of Alexandria who is Maggie group. I feel in this episode as it is the half way point Leah will show her true colours to everyone making Daryl feel at blame as he has let her into the group and now put HIS BLOOD his family at danger to the reaper's. I think a fight will pan out in this episode and as one of my friends said maybe Daryl will have to chose to either still feel this hold Leah had over him and sacrifice Leah For Blood, for his family to feel he has right his own wrong.
Yeah so basically tada. This is all been stuck in my head for about two days now and I thought I'd share. I'd like to know others opinions on these episodes as well. So I'm just going to peace out again and not post until the trailer comes out.
PSA I do know this has little to nothing to do with Caryl but the Caryl tag is where I post most. I am a Caryl account this is also where I seen the most speculation.
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triptuckers · 4 years
The Myth of Soulmates - Spencer Reid
Request: no Pairing:  Spencer Reid x reader Summary:  You believe in soulmates, and you want nothing more but to believe Spencer is yours. But are you ready to confront him about it? Warnings: language Word count:  1.9K A/N: I read about the myth of soulmates according to the greek mythology and boyyy did I love it. I’m also binging criminal minds and head over heels for the entire cast. I haven’t finished it yet (I'm on s6e7 as I'm writing this) so PLEASE no criminal minds spoilers in the comments/reblogs! I’ve included some of the characters that are part of the first few seasons. there’s no spoilers in this. enjoy reading! :)
Being part of the BAU had its pro’s and con’s, as any other job. You loved your job, but weren’t too happy when you received an urgent call from Garcia around midnight. She called to tell you Chicago probably has a serial killer, and the local police had invited the BAU. You changed back into your work outfit, grabbed your go-bag and headed to the plane.
Everyone on the plane is asleep. Except for you and Spencer. You’re sitting in front of him and watch as he’s going over the case files. He had been quite irritated when he arrived, which you thought was unusual. But then Morgan pointed out that he was on a date with a girl he set Spencer up with. This, too, was unusual. Spencer never went on dates. You figured it was probably all Morgan’s plan.
Spencer is murmuring softly to himself as he looks at photos of the crime scenes. He had offered you some of the files, but you told him you needed to rest. You had intended to, but then Spencer sat down in front of you and you couldn’t help but stay awake. You loved looking at Spencer. And now he’s going over case files, it is less likely he’ll catch your eye. Given that the others are all asleep, they also won’t catch you looking at him.
How the rest of the team hadn’t found out you’re head over heels in love with Spencer remains a mystery to you to this very day. They spend their days profiling people, analysing behaviour, getting inside people’s heads. Yet not a single person showed a sign they knew about your feelings for Spencer. 
And even if they did know, you weren’t sure something could happen between you and Spencer. Apart from relationships between co-workers being a tense subject and sometimes even forbidden, you didn’t think Spencer felt the same way about you. Sure, you are close, but that’s probably just because you two are the youngest of the team. It’s like you being close with Emily and JJ because they’re women. 
Spencer still doesn’t seem to notice you. You’re glad. He’ll probably never feel the same about you, and if he sees you looking at him like that, things would probably be awkward between you two for a long time. And then the others would find out, too, and then you’d probably be too embarrassed to even talk around them.
He never showed any signs he might be into you as well. On top of that, you believe in soulmates. And god, do you want Spencer to be your soulmate. But if he was, you would have known. You didn’t even know if he believed in soulmates himself. He might. And if he does, there’s still a big chance you’re not his soulmate. 
You decide that drowning in your own thoughts about him isn’t going to help you. You’ll just stick to looking at him when he’s not looking at you, and to talking with him about other things than work. 
‘Hey Spencer?’ you say. He hums to let you know he heard you, but doesn’t take his eyes off the files in front of him. ‘Do you believe in soulmates?’ you ask him. The question makes him look up this time. ‘Why do you want to know?’ he says.  ‘Just curious.’ you reply a bit too quickly. 
Spencer closes the case file and leans back into his chair, looking at you. ‘I don’t know, to be honest. If soulmates are real, how do you know when you’ve met them? And what if they’re not how you expected them to be? What if you don’t like them? There’s a lot of possibilities, but the concept of soulmates does intrest me.’ says Spencer.
‘Are you familiar with the myth of soulmates according to Greek mythology?’ you ask him.  Spencer shakes his head. ‘No, I’m not.’ Yes he is. But he wants to hear it from you. Your face lights up as it always does when you get excited about a topic. Or maybe just because you know something Spencer doesn't. Which is rare.
‘It’s really interesting. According to the myth, humans weren’t how we are today. They were born with four arms, four legs, and a head with two faces. Humans were very proud but also dangerous. They soon became a threat to the Gods. Because they wanted to become the new Gods, in a way. And so the Gods didn’t like that, obviously. And Zeus came up with a solution. He split the humans in half. Not only would there be more humans to worship them, but they wouldn’t be as powerful and proud. But the humans were just miserable and in pain, and they had so spend the rest of their lives looking for their other half, their soulmate. They wouldn’t eat or sleep and didn’t care if they died. They were heartbroken, literally. Because their heart got broken in two.’ you say.
‘Wow.’ says Spencer. ‘I didn’t know that.’ Yes he did. ‘It’s fascinating, right? Makes you look at the world in a totally different way.’ you say.  ‘So, do you believe in soulmates, then?’ Spencer asks.  ‘Oh, I certainly do. I don’t know if I believe the myth, but I believe there’s a special someone for everyone. It just makes sense to me.’ you say.
Spencer nods slightly, and turns his head to look out the window. You don’t look out the window, your eyes are still fixed on Spencer. ‘How would you know if you met your soulmate, though?’ asks Spencer. ‘I don’t know. I just know. You just feel it, I think. That doesn’t make sense.’ you chuckle. ‘Yeah, it does.’ says Spencer. ‘I can’t explain it either, but I understand what you’re trying to say. It’ll probably be like someone turned on the lights in your mind.’  ‘Yes, I suppose so.’ you say. 
‘What if you never meet your soulmate, though? That’s also a possibility.’ says Spencer.  ‘I don’t know what I’d do if I never met my soulmate.’ you say truthfully. ‘Really? You think that’s all that matters?’ says Spencer. ‘Well, no. But I’ve dreamed of meeting my soulmate ever since I was a little kid. For as long as I can remember.’ you say. ‘What if you’ve already met them but didn’t realise it?’ says Spencer. ‘Oh, I really hope I’ve already met them.’ you say.
Spencer raises his eyebrows and chuckles. ‘You said that fast. Someone on your mind?’ Fuck. Calm down. He can’t know. Then again, he’s a genius. He could have figured it out a long time ago he just didn’t tell you. But how do you hide something like that? What if he found out and didn’t tell you because he’s not interested in you like that?
‘Y/N?’ says Spencer. You hadn’t realised how far you sunk into your thoughts. ‘Sorry. Dozed off for a second.’ you say. ‘Yes, I noticed. I asked if there was someone on your mind?’ he asks. ‘Actually, there is someone on my mind, yeah.’ you say, avoiding eye contact. ‘Really? Who?’ he says. ‘Like I’m gonna tell you.’ you say and you chuckle.
‘I can keep a secret.’ says Spencer. You shake your head. ‘It’s not about wether you can keep it a secret or not.’ you say.  Spencer gasps. ‘Is it someone we both know?’ he says. ‘Shh!’ you say. ‘You’ll wake the team!’ ‘Aha! So it is someone we both know!’ he says cheerfully. ‘But there aren’t a lot of people outside work that we both know. So it must be someone that works in law enforcement. That’s still a lot. You’d have to see them frequently, and know them.’ he’s talking fast. He’s talking to himself rather than to you. He’s solving it as he’s talking. ‘But other than the team we don’t see people at work that regularly. So that means it’s someone on the team. It’s not Rossi, he’s way too old. Not Hotch, either, he’s also too old. Morgan doesn’t seem like your type so that leaves...’ Spencer finally looks up at you. ‘Me.’ he says softly. 
‘I’m going to get a fresh cup of coffee.’ you say hastily and you quickly get up and walk away from Spencer. You pour yourself a cup of coffee as slow as you can. However, after some time you can’t stall anymore. You slowly walk back to your seat, not looking at Spencer. There’s an awkward silence between the two of you as you drink your coffee and try to remain calm.
‘Why didn’t you tell me?’ says Spencer. ‘You and your stupid genius brain.’ you mutter softly. ‘I kept it to myself for so long. I should’ve never said anything about that stupid myth.’ ‘Actually, I already knew about that myth.’ says Spencer. You glance at him before quickly looking out the window again. ‘Not helping, Spence.’ you say. ‘Sorry.’ he says.  ‘Wait, if you already know the myth, then why did you say you didn’t?’ you ask, giving him a confused look.
Spencer shrugs. ‘Wanted to hear it from you.’ he says. You narrow your eyes at him. ‘Why?’ you say. He shrugs again. ‘Just because.’ he says. 
You shake your head. ‘No. You always have a reason for everything. Your reason can’t be “just because”, that’s not like you at all.’ you say. ‘I wanted to hear it from you.’ says Spencer. ‘That’s the reason. Because you’d tell me.’
You give him another confused look. ‘I don’t get it.’ you say. Spencer sighs. ‘Look, I’m really not good about talking about my feelings.’ he says, his cheeks turning slightly red. ‘But when Morgan set me up for a blind date, I didn’t dare to say no. I’ve never wanted to go on a blind date. Morgan said I needed to go out more and maybe I do. I just hoped it’d be with you.’ 
‘If you’re messing with me, Spencer, it’s really not funny.’ you say.  ‘No, no, I’m not.’ he says quickly. ‘Look, on the first day we met at the BAU I instantly memorised how you like your coffee so I could get you some if you wanted it. I always sit next to you on the plane or in front of you because I like looking at you. You make me feel like no one has made me feel before. Whenever I’m with you I feel safe and calm. Like coming home after a long day. I just feel at home when I’m with you. I swear, I’m not messing with you.’ he says. 
‘If you felt that way, how come you never showed it?’ you say, failing to repress a smile.  ‘I told you, I’m not good when it comes to talking about feelings. And also I never really thought you’d feel the same.’ he says. ‘Well, I’m glad I brought up that myth.’ you say. Spencer smiles at you. ‘Yeah, me too.’
You glance over his shoulder at the sleeping team members. ‘You think they heard anything?’ you say. Spencer looks over his shoulder at the others. They’re all fast asleep, no one showing any signs they woke up during your conversation with Spencer. ‘I don’t think so.’ he says. ‘Good.’ you say. ‘Let’s just keep this between the two of us ‘til we solve this case and get back home. Then we can figure it all out, okay?’ you say. ‘Okay.’ says Spencer and he smiles at you again. 
‘So, you’ve read all about the case. What do you think so far?’ you say. Spencer takes the files in his hands and looks at them. He starts explaining his thoughts but you’re too busy looking at him to listen to what he's saying. After a few minutes, he’s onto you and catches your eye. You smile and he blushes. At least you could look at him without being afraid he’d catch you looking at him. 
A/N: If you want to request something, make sure to read my house rules Here’s the list of characters I write for. Everything that I have written can be found on my masterlist. Please don’t repost my work, as I spend much time and effort on it!! Thank you for reading! Much love, Jo
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365days365movies · 4 years
March 12, 2021: Jason and the Argonauts (1963) (Part One)
I am so goddamn excited for this one.
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Back to Greek mythology, my first mythological love! And not just Greek mythology, because this...THIS...this is the first true Avengers story. Oh, yeah, like The Avengers.
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After all, mythology produced the first equivalent of our modern superheroes, with demigods and legends that wield fantastic abilities and powerful items to fight the forces of evil. I mean, it’s the most superhero thing I can think of, and it’s literally a story as old as time. Fact of the matter is, I love superheroes, and I love mythology. Which is why I’m excited to finally see an adaptation of one of the biggest superhero team-up stories ever: Jason and the Argonauts!
See, it all starts with Hera, queen of the Olympians and petty as FUCK.
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See, the newly (and wrongfully) ascended king of Iolcus, Pelias, honored the gods after stealing the throne from his brother. Well, all of the gods except Hera. So, Hera, rightfully pissed off, decides to fuck Pelias over by recruiting his nephew, Jason. Jason’s a naturally hot blonde kid who was raised by the centaur Chiron, also making him wise...theoretically.
Hera tests this kid, and he passes, so she gives him her favor, and tells him to fuck up his uncle. Jason arrives in Iolcus, and demands the throne from Pelias. His uncle agrees, IF he can bring back the Golden Fleece, a legendary treasure that is guarded by a vicious monster and a zealous king. Pelias didn’t think Jason had any chance, but Jason had the gods on his side. They sent their best subjects to his aid, and Jason procured an awesome ship, the Argo. So, who’s coming to help? Oh, you ready for this? ARGONAUTS ASSEMBLE
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Now there are anywhere between 46-85 heroes that are assembled in the Argonauts, with different members in different iterations of the myth. But the big members are:
Heracles, son of Zeus, with the strength of a thousand men
Orpheus, son of the muse Calliope, and master musician
Calais and Zetes, sons of the North Wind, with the ability to fly upon it
Atalanta, the swift-footed huntress, and only female member
Castor and Pollux, twin half-brothers (yeah, really) and horse-riders
Theseus, son of Poseidon, and slayer of the Minotaur
Tip of the iceberg there, but you get the point: we’ve got a superhero team on our hands! And these heroes would perform MANY great deeds on their journey to the Fleece. They fought the Harpies to defend an oracle, they passed the dangerous Clashing Rocks, they battled the Stymphalian Birds, with feathers of metal. Sirens, fire-breathing bulls, and a giant bronze man named Talos.
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Different one. Eventually, they procured the Golden Fleece on the island of Colchis, where they fought a dragon with a help of the young sorceress (and niece of Circe), Medea. She fell in love with Jason, and the two fled the island, married, and had twins. Only for Medea to reveal herself as a stone-cold sociopath, and only for Jason to ditch her for another woman. That goes...VERY badly for Jason. Breaking off his marriage pisses off Hera, THE GODDESS OF MARRIAGE, and he dies sad and alone after Medea does...Medea does a lot, I’ll just leave it at that. Jason, completely fucked at that point, takes a nap at the foot of the now rotting Argo, which collapses on top of him and kills him.
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For the record, I truncated that story A LOT. There’s a lot to it, but I have a movie to watch, goddamit! And I’m really excited because this is my first Harryhausen movie! You know, Ray Harryhausen, one of the early greats of practical special effects in film? A specialist in stop-motion from its earliest days, he revolutionizes the art throughout films in the 1950s and 1960s, with this one being one of the most successful. You’ve definitely seen his influence, from stuff that he’s done directly...
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...to those inspired by him and his methodology...
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...to the arts that were descended indirectly from his groundbreaking effects.
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Oh yeah, I’m fucking GOING THERE. Fun fact: Ray Winston Studios, a stop-motion group active during the ‘80s and ‘90s, and a descendant of Harryhausen’s works, were originally going to do the animation for the dinosaurs in this movie, in Claymation. However, the recent advent of advanced animatronics, alongside ILM’s founding, caused them to take some of those principles, and apply them to CGI and animatronics. So, yeah, I’m claiming an indirect connection here!
Anyway, enough being a nerd, LET’S WATCH THE GODDAMN MOVIE! SPOILERS AHEAD!!!
Recap (1/2)
As the bombastic and epic score plays, the credits role of a Greek-style fresco, detailing the various adventures of the Argonauts. And before the movie starts, I come to a realization: there is a high chance that I’m going to hate this movie’s inaccuracies to Greek mythology. It’s not impossible. I’m real persnickety about my mythology adaptations, just warning you all now. I’ll probably get into it in this Recap, too. Full goddamn warning.
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We begin with a seer, reading the future for the treacherous Pelias (Douglas Witmer). He sees first a Golden Fleece at the end of the world, but Pelias ignores this, and asks of his upcoming conquest of the kingdom of...Thessaly. Not, uh...not Iolcus. Mmmkay.
The seer fortells that Pelias will seize the throne, by force, from his brother and the king of Thessaly...Aristo...not Aeson. OK then. The seer says that he will be successful, but will eventually fall to one of Aristo’s kids, who will take his throne. He has two daughters, Philomena and Briseis, and one son, Jason. Looks like they’re gonna die, too.
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The invasion begins! Amongst the chaos, Briseis (Davina Taylor) takes her baby sister, Philomena, into the temple of Hera, and pleads to her for her protection. However, they’re found by Pelias, who asks who she is. He’s interrupted by a priestess of Hera, who claims that the Queen Goddess has answered the girl’s prayer for protection.
Pelias responds in kind.
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Well...I’m sure that’s gonna piss off Hera. He claims it to be the will of Zeus, but she states that it is his will, not Zeus’. The gods have abandoned him, and he will one day fall to a one-sandaled man, Jason. And as the woman reveals this...she disappears. Nice. FUCKIN’ NICE.
This “priestess” is Hera (Honor Blackman), of course. She goes to her husband, Zeus (Niall MacGinnis), and asks if he ordered Pelias to destroy and profane her temple. He says no, as that was Pelias’ attempt to stave off his inevitable fall by Jason. However, Jason has escaped Pelias’ wrath, as has his sister Philomena. Hera decided, however, that she wants to take down Pelias, and Jason is the best was for that to happen. Hence, she wishes to sponsor Jason.
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However, Zeus, being the classic misogynist, says that he will allow it, but she may only help Jason 5 times, once for each time that the fallen Briseis prayed to her. She agrees, and waits 20 years to start fuckin’ with Pelias. Pelias, meanwhile, is growing more paranoid over the one-sandaled man prophecy that Hera gave him.
One day, on the bank of a river, Hera appears to make Pelias fall off of his horse into the river. He’s saved from drowning by a young man, who loses his sandal in the process. This is, of course, Jason (Todd Armstrong), who was already on his way to see Pelias for some reason.
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For the record, this is an adaptation of the original story, in which Hera disguises herself as an old beggar-woman, and Jason proves himself to her by helping her across the river, after which she gives him her favor. To be honest, I like this a bit more, or at least as much.
Pelias brings Jason back to a camp for a celebration, with him as an honored guest. Jason reveals exactly who he is, and that he was raised outside of the city by one of his father’s loyal soldiers. He has come to reclaim his right place as king of Thessaly, and to restore it to it’s rightful glory. However, Pelias hasn’t revealed himself as king, and asks Jason how he plans to accomplish these feats. Jason replies with his ultimate plan: obtain the Golden Fleece.
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Here’s the deal about the Golden Fleece. One of the most legendary items in Greek mythology, the fleece is essentially a symbol of royalty, and is the coat of a ram with wings found on the island of Colchis. Now, the meaning of the fleece has long been debated, with the main consensus stating that it’s a symbol of royalty. However, some claim that it’s a symbol of prosperous farming (golden grains of wheat), the forgiveness of the gods for some unknown deed, Zeus in the form of a ram, or simply the promise of the unknown at the edge of the world.
What it DEFINITELY ISN’T is a magical healing garment, as Jason claims it to be. But OK, whatever, we need a good reason to get the Fleece, sure. Pelias, not revealing himself, says that Jason should try to get the Fleece, with a boat and a crew, and bring it back to Thessaly, returning and killing Pelias in order to take the throne. Of course, Pelias thinks that this is impossible, which he says to his son Acastus (Gary Raymond). He also knows that if he kills Jason, he it will mean his own destruction, as Hera told him.
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Jason goes to ponder this journey, only to encounter the seer. The seer asks if he has come to pray to the gods, to which Jason states that he doesn’t believe in them, nor does he have cause to. The seer offers to give him that cause, and reveals himself as Hermes (Michael Gwynn), the swift-footed messenger god, god of medicine, and trickster god of the Olympians.
Hermes isn’t usually directly involved in the myths of Jason, but that’s OK. He also does something particularly unusual, and brings Jason TO Olympus to meet the Gods themselves. Which, uh...yeah, hot damn. Zeus and the rest arranged for Hermes to bring Jason to them. They ask how they can help him on his quest. Zeus offers him a ship and crew, but Jason refuses, much to the gall of EVERYBODY.
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Hera helps him by telling him where to find the Golden Fleece: the island of Colchis, at the other end of the world. To get there, though, Jason’ll DEFINITELY need a ship. He decides to go to the shipbuilders of Greece, and tell them that great treasure lies on Colchis, and they may receive some for their aid. As for the crew, he’s got a similar tactic. Offer the reward to the athletes and heroes of Greece, who will compete in games to determine their eligibility.
Not from the original myths...but it actually makes a lot of sense. Goddamn, is this going to be a good adaptation? I’m excited! The games are held, and many athletes win their place on the journey. They include: Castor and Pollux (Ferdinando Poggi and John Crawford), Acastus, and of course, Heracles (Nigel Green). And yeah, he’s called Hercules here, but I don’t care.
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When Hercules arrives, this grabs the attention of the young Hylas (John Caimey), who arrived to late to compete in the games. He challenges Heracles to something, believing that beating Heracles in something will guarantee him a place on the ship. 
While everyone mocks this, Heracles agrees to go up against him in a discus-throwing contest. They must hit or pass a rock in the ocean by throwing their discus. Heracles hits it easily, of course. And the frail Hylas...
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...Nice. Did not see that coming, and that’s actually very smart. Also takes a lot of skill, because I could NOT do that. Hylas wins his place in the ship, to the delight of both the crowd and the Olympians. And yes, Hylas actually is a companion of Heracles in the original stories, so that’s neat!
Now for the boat, being built by master builder Argus (Laurence Naismith), who is coming on the ship with them. He notes that something appears to have guided his hand during the ship’s construction. In the original myth, that would be Athena. However, here, it’s probably Hera, as the figurehead is specifically carved in her image. And is also...alive?
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Well...to be fair, in many myths, the ship contains wood built from a magical tree that could speak, and see the future. So, OK, magic ship, fair enough. Well, hopefully, that ship’s guidance will happen soon, as the voyage immediately proves difficult. No water, no rest, and frustrated men.
Jason asks the figurehead for help (which would be help #3) and Hera speaks through it to tell Jason to head to the Isle of Bronze, where Hephaestus once had his forge. However, the island is lorded over by a powerful something called Talos. I know what Talos is, but the movie hasn’t revealed him yet.
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The Argo makes its way to the island, and the men head ashore to get food and water. They see goats there, which will provide them both food and drink, and Heracles and Hylas chase after them for just that aim. And that’s when they blunder into a giant bronze statuary, lorded over by the statue of Talos.
The two enter a chamber in the statue’s base, which is filled to the brim with gold and treasure. However, Jason warned the men of the Argo not to take anything from the island but food and water. Hylas remembers this, but Heracles doesn’t care, and takes a golden staff from the chamber. And Talos...Talos doesn’t appreciate that.
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Oh, that’s a great place to take a break! See you in Part Two!
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couchpotatoaniki · 3 years
The books that you posted about really intrigued me. And the books seemed really cool, I was wondering if you have any book recommendations? For any genre.
:0 Someone's asking me about book recs? This has never happened before I'm scared 😂😂 So, I suppose I should warn you that a lot of these are fantasy. Also, thank you for taking an interest 🥺🥺
This is gonna be loooooong, so continue to read more. Also, all the links are for the Goodreads pages so you could read the blurb and reviews if you're interested. Word of warning though, these are all of my opinions, so if they don't work for you--that's okay. Tastes are fickle :))
Also, if you have any book recommendations for me or want to talk about books, then please feel free to pop in my inbox because I LOVE discussing and getting excited about books.
Books that I've already read:
The School for Good and Evil series by Soman Chainani--there are six books in total (seven if you include the handbook), but this was one I read when I was around 13/14. It's kinda like a fairytale retelling, where there are two schools; one for good and the other evil. It has a lot of references to folktales and discusses the divides between good and evil, girls and boys, and young and old. It's a story about self-discovery and I just love the characters--especially their relationships and dynamics with one another. Netflix is actually making a movie about the first book and it's going to come out sometime in 2022. Hopefully they don't screw it up 😔😔
A Thousand Nights by E. K. Johnson--I know this may not be for everyone, but I love this book. There is a sequel that I haven't gotten around to reading, but this one specifically was one I enjoyed quite a bit. It's like a retelling of the folktale One Thousand and One Nights (commonly known as Arabian Nights) but with more a fantasy twist to it. It's slow-paced, but it has so much meaning behind it. It paints such a beautiful picture in your head with both the imagery but also has a subtle feminist strength to it through its deliberate choice of words and description--not to mention it has a very strong feel to the pre-Islamic Middle East setting as compared to other retellings like The Wrath and the Dawn, which is much more suited to be classed as YA than this (by no means is that derogatory to any of the books, but it's just to explain how they're so different despite being based off the same folktale). Just read it, it's honestly amazing.
The Sin Easter's Daughter series by Melinda Salisbury--Okay, funny story, I actually read the second book, The Sleeping Prince, first by accident. A problem I have with a lot series, is something commonly known as second-book syndrome--as in, I'm not particularly a fan of the second book in a trilogy series. Once I realised my mistake and read the first book, The Sin Eater's Daughter, I found that I wasn't as in love with it as I was the second, so I thought that might've been just because of the way I read it. But when I read the reviews, I realised that a lot of other people thought the same as me despite having read it in order; the second one was more loved than the first. Unfortunately, I haven't read the third book yet, but I feel like The Sleeping Prince was enough to put it on this list. Once again, this is fantasy with tones of the Pied Piper in it, and there is so much more I could say, but again it would be more about the second book than the first so I won't spoil it for ya. But just sayin', if you wanted to read the second book as a stand-alone, you can do since I myself kinda figured out what was going on and filled in the gaps by myself. This is probably because the first and second book follow different characters (and I assume it switches in the third book, but again, I haven't read it).
The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller--now, this GODSEND of a book is one that I rate highly. It's based off the Iliad (so it's heavy on the Greek mythology), though it follows Patroclus rather than Achilles throughout the whole book. If you don't know anything about the story, then I won't spoil it--just know that I knew the story of the Iliad and was in this state of dread the entire time 'cAUSE THERE'S SO MUCH FORSHADOWING. All I can say is that I love the dynamic between the two guys and the story is so heartbreakingly beautiful. Bless 'em 😔😔 But a friend of mine found the writing a little bit confusing (she still loves it) since you kinda have to read between the lines--it isn't blunt. Also, one word of advise I'd like to give on good stories, and specifically plot twists, is that the shock factor may occur the first time you read it but what makes a good story or plot twist is the way it makes you feel--it should still be positive no matter how many times you re-read it. Shock factor isn't everything, so when I read this there was no shock factor for me (I knew what was going to happen from me previous knowledge) yet this book still kept me gripped onto it. I didn't loose interest--and that's part of the reason why I love it.
Caraval series by Stephanie Garber--I put this on the list because of the progression within the books, despite it being fast-paced. Book one follows one of the two sisters during the Caraval who is accompanied by a guy and the whole description was very magical--kinda alluding to the magic of Legend himself (the Caraval Master). In it, there is mentions of what kind of world it is, but it doesn’t really get explained until book two, which follows the other sister to find out Legend’s real identity for a certain reason that I won’t disclose ‘cause it’s a spoiler. This expands a lot more about how the present came to be as it was and also explains a little more about the background for the major characters. Although I’m in the early chapters of the third book and so can’t really comment on it, all I can say is that so far, it brings the two stories more together than they were before as it switches viewpoints between the sisters; I feel like that’s also why I don’t hate the second book in this trilogy, because the first one seems more like a prequel to set the scene while the second feels like the beginning of the actual story, and the third would be it’s conclusion. Okay, so, fair warning, there is a lot of metaphors which mix senses (for example, describing an action/emotion as a colour/image/taste) and I understand not everyone likes that writing style, which is completely okay; I just happen to like it.
Daughter of the Pirate King series by Tricia Levenseller--the main girl, I feel, is either a love-or-hate character. Personally, I don't particularly mind her, since she's just fun to read. There are parts where she tells you just how awesome she is but can't show you because she would give her act away (she's pretending to be a prisoner on a ship to steel a map) but if it was in any other scenario, I would despise that. I suppose my plus points would be for how she reacts internally to what she's doing, you see the whole process going on in her mind--and it isn't perfect, mind you, but the fact nothing is perfect makes it better. Though I could see why people would think she was annoying or the romance was very fast-paced (I prefer a slow-burn, but I don't mind this either). One thing I will say is that there are two characters (one in particular) that I love the dynamics of. Also, there's pirates. I don't think I need to explain further on that point.
Books I'm in the middle of reading that seem pretty cool so far:
The Cruel Prince by Holly Black--I'm halfway through this book and so far I'm really enjoying it. The dynamic between the main girl and her nemesis is just unlike many enemies-to-lovers I've ever read (including online) because they just hate each other so much. Like, she's not gonna be seduced by him and get into a really toxic relationship where her feelings are being taken advantage of. She's grown into being smart, she's grown into being skilled, she's not a love-struck idiot that makes impulsive, nonsensical choices. There are two more books after this and apparently it gets better and the main characters find some ground to not be toxic (again, not sure since I haven't read it myself). Now, this is probably going to get me a lot of hate, but I'm not a fan of a certain popular YA author who has a very popular book series that involves fae. I find this a much more likeable alternative since the faerie are not humans with superpowers and pointy ears. There is actual description, actual difference between the humans and the fae, different rules they live by, two examples being that humans can't eat fae food otherwise [redacted] and the other being the fae are immortal (the kind that doesn't age, but can be killed). There's consistency in the world building and the characters are not too overpowered--and this itself just set above all the other faerie books I've read thus far.
Lost Boy by Christina Henry--this is a Peter Pan retelling that I'm still in the first half of the book. Not got much to say except for the characters are even at such a point are distinct with each other (I can already tell that Peter Pan is a Psychotic Asshole™). It's very impactful, but be warned, it's dark and violent too. I mean, when I say Peter Pan is a Psychotic Asshole™, I mean it with every fibre of my being. And it is a very good origin story to Captain Hook, who you begin to empathise with quite a bit even early on within the book. I also like a few other books from the same author since she delves quite a bit into dark fantasy and story-retellings which I personally adore, but I feel like this one is a good starting point. Either this, or The Girl in Red which is Red Riding Hood is bi and goes on a murder-spree.
The Archived by V. E. Schwab--I've actually got a couple of this author's books but I decided to put this one on because so far I'm enjoying it so far. The atmosphere of the story is very eerie and it gives beginning-of-a-horror-movie vibes. So far I haven't really gotten into the whole thing with the love interests, but there is some in there. I just really enjoyed the whole worldbuilding, the setting and feel of the story was awesome, the writing was really good, and I love the little anecdotes that are put in between Mac and Da (her grandfather). Though I can see why the switching from tenses would be confusing for some, I just really liked it. Again, not much to say because I haven't gotten too far into the story, but so far, it's pretty great.
Girls of Paper and Fire by Natasha Ngan--oh boy. Now, this book is one I would recommend so far but it needs to be said that it is hard to read. Not because the writing was bad or the plot was crap--no, the writing is really good and the plot is very interesting. It's hard because of the themes that are being addressed within it. I'm not gonna sugar-coat it, it mentions a LOT of sexual harassment, kidnapping, lack-of consent. However, although there are a few books in which this is romanticised, this is definitely NOT one of them. In fact, you feel really bad for the main character and I even felt like taking a break to come to terms with what was being said or described, but this is a story where the main girl does what she can to fight against it. Usually, I skip past the author's notes at the beginning but lucky I read this one because it gave me an understanding of why this was written--the author had been through a similar situation and wanted to raise awareness for any girls currently going through anything remotely close to this situation. It was nice to see that this was something that was being spoken about and I'm so proud of the author for speaking up about her experiences and encouraging others to speak up as well.
Circe by Madeline Miller--if you've already read Song of Achilles and enjoyed it, this was written by the same author and follows a character called Circe. She is actually a side-character from The Odyssey by Homer, so--again--Greek mythology is heavily present in this. I actually haven't gotten around to reading it but I've been promised that this was amazing, and speaks about feminism and females themselves in a world as patriarchal and oppressive as Ancient Greece (let's be honest, they were extremely sexist)
It's Not About the Burqa by various authors, edited by Mariam Khan--this is the only non-fiction book I have on this list because I don't read non-fiction all that much. Reading books, for me, is escaping from reality so reading this genre is going against the main reason I read in the first place. However, that being said, the topic it discusses is very near and dear to my heart as it is part of my identity, who I am as a person. This book, folks, is about Muslim women. It's a compilation of essays written by said women which each tackle different topics regarding Muslim women, ranging from religious dress, representation, mental health, stereotyping, feminism within Islam, expectations, modesty, sexuality, marriage and divorce, and more. One line that instantly hit me was "When was the last time you heard a Muslim woman speak for herself without a filter?" And I realised it was true--that most of the crap I heard about my own people, my fellow Muslim women, are either from men or non-Muslims or (in many cases) both. Reading these really opened my eyes to how we were actually being treated; how our hijabs were being used as a fashion trend rather than a religious observance; how our communities disapprove of behaviours that deviate from what we're expected to be, and the press and state being oppressive and racist towards us. I knew about most of this stuff but it really put into words (quite literally) how severe it is and had made me realise how some of the things I believed were good (like increased representation of Muslims in advertisement for beauty and fashion) were actually only short-term things at face value (like how barely any of the models or designers are actual Muslims and how the hijab, abaya, and other religious clothing were supposed to show how in Islam a woman is not valued by her physical beauty but for her personality, her intelligence, her love for her religion). This in and of itself is a bit of a rant from my part, but I really want people to read this book and understand our voices and our views from our own mouth than through someone else's interpretation off of some half-assed search on the internet. I would seriously recommend people to read it because it is such an important issue to at least try to understand.
There's so many more book that I've heard a lot of praise from that I have but haven't read yet or don't have and am planning to get in the future when my wallet recovers from me recent spending because boy is it HURT. I'll be posting about them
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pip-n-flinx · 3 years
Castlevania Spoilers pt 2
Again, tagged and below a cut. Don’t say I didn’t warn you!
Alright so in our second installment of pissing off half/two-thirds the fandom, we arrive at what is probably the most egregious decision I feel the writers made. Before we start: No, I don’t hate happy endings. Nor do I like plot twists that serve only shock value and not the narrative. I just happen to believe that a licensed story using someone else’s intellectual property should probably be at least internally thematically or narratively consistent. Without further ado -
Why the Fuck is Trevor Belmont Still Alive?
Yes, he killed Death itself. Yes, they did tease St. Germain using the key to open the infinite corridor as his last act. I’m not talking about how you justify or rationalize it, or if there were enough frames of animation dedicated to saving him. I’m asking why he lives on to make an ass of himself and imply that he’s been slutting it up for years and bailing when he realizes the girl is pregnant. More importantly, why they would ruin his ‘final’ great speech to death? I don’t think we’re talking enough about how poignant that last conversation with Death is.
*Trevor, looking lovingly down at Sypha, who is safely away from Death*
T: I love you.
S: Trevor... I know.
T: You better know. Just remember: Trefor is a terrible name.
*Trevor turns to face Death himself*
T: Oi, Death. I want a word with you.
D: You know me?
T: I’m Trevor Belmont of House Belmont. Of course I know you. Finding things and recognizing them is what we do. And you are absolutely a thing.
D: I was put here at the dawn of life on earth to feed on the last breaths of every one of you fuckers. I’m a little more than a ‘thing’
T: No. You’re only a thing. You’re only an old killer. You don’t make anything you don’t live. You just eat and hide.
D: Is there a point to this? Are you dictating you fucking obituary to me, Belmont?
T: It’s time to give this place back to people who know how to build things. You and me? We’re just killers out of history. It’s time for us to go.
D: And whose going to make me go? You, with your bit of string in your hand?
T: Probably not. But let’s just give this one last go.
This above is the most powerful statement the show has made so far, and definitely the most direct. We're just killers out of History. It’s time for us to go.
I’d like to take a moment to speculate on the ‘bit of string’ line. I expect this is a reference to the Moirai in greek mythology. Specifically to the string of fate, eventually to be cut by Atropos, which defines the length of a mortal’s life. Here Death references the morning star whip as string. While it could just be the most derogatory thing Death could come up with, since this is written dialogue I think it’s safe to read at least a little into it. Chains are also rife with symbology, so the choice to refer to the Morningstar Whip as string instead of chain is interesting.
There are a couple of different ways to read this IMO. The first being that Trevor is serving as Atropos here, cutting the string and ending Death’s life. But the Moirai don’t have power over the gods, and while in this adaptation Death is certainly not godly in the judeo-christian sense of the word, I think it’s probably fair to compare him to the greek pantheon.
The second, and I believe more fitting interpretation, is that Trevor holds his own fate in his hands. It’s the Morningstar Whip he found in the old Belmont hold. Trevor takes several major blows throughout the course of his fight with Death, but even when he suffers wounds that might prevent him from carrying on the fight, he still has his grip on the Morningstar. His bit of string, his fate. Despite the obvious power of the weapon, it by itself is unable to take down Death. Trevor is only able to kill Death when he lets go of the whip, and instead takes up a dagger. A dagger that even Trevor describes as being designed as part of a one-sided-murder/suicide-pact-with-god, but who’s questioning that right? Trevor relinquishes his string, his life, his fate. And only by accepting that he must die. Acknowledging that he’s just another killer himself. Declaring that the world should be preserved for those who know how to truly live, as he never truly has. That is how he kills Death.
So why for fuckssake did they bring him back??? It undermines his character arc. It undermines all the writing and development they’d given him. It cheapens his great speech, the crux of the whole show!
But he killed Death. With Death dead, surely no one can die anymore right? WHAT ABOUT LENORE?! More to the point, Death himself states that he doesn’t interact with Hell. Death needs human hands to pull people out of Hell. He seems critical of his own powers as Death, observing to St. Germain that his inability to influence events in Hell is “fucked up.”
Here’s the other thing that infuriates me about this though. When he miraculously returns to Sypha and Alucard, he admits that he knew Sypha was pregnant 2 weeks earlier. Before his fight with Death. His last words to Sypha are intended to be a warning not to name his son Trefor. Lets set aside that the writers chose to play this off as experience from getting countless unnamed women pregnant before leaving them. I don’t want to, but I don’t even know where to start with this one. But perhaps more importantly, the Belmont line lives on! You don’t destroy the continuity of Castlevania by killing off Trevor here, because he isn’t the last of the Belmonts anymore! If you were going give me Sypha grieving for the loss of her love, coming to grips with the fact she bares his child, seeking comfort in a man she once described as being ‘like a cold spot in the room,’ why bring Trevor back? The final episode already delivered gut punch after gut punch. This was not a universally happy ending. This was not an ‘Everybody lives!’ finale. Learning to live with grief, to lean on friends and support eachother, would have been a perfectly poignant ending! Seeing a shot of Trevor and Sypha’s kid would have made me much happier than cheapening Trevor’s sacrifice by miraculously saving him!
So again. Salty and bitter. Here’s a link to my first post.
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Tenet-No Spoilers
I am a massive Christopher Nolan fan. I’m a fanboy, I’ll admit. Nolan, for me, is the goat. I don’t think there’s a director out there today that can create movies like he does, the way he does it. The mix of pure spectacle, blockbuster action using real effects, combined with interesting characters and personal, real stories is something that is rarely achieved in the film industry today. 
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John David Washington is The Protagonist, who after a mission goes wrong is recruited by a secret organisation, Tenet, to prevent the end of the world. He learns that there is a technology in the future that allows objects to be reversed through time and that people are buying these and selling them on the black market. Objects such as inverted bullets that cause much more damage than regular ones.
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There has been criticism of Tenet that it is too complicated and confusing. And yes, this is definitely the most complex Nolan film to date. The inverted/reverse time business is quite bizarre and takes a while to get your head round but towards the end it certainly becomes a little easier to understand. The plot itself however is more complicated. All Nolan films are complex and there are always clues throughout that you won’t notice on the first watch that you will on the second. But the plots aren’t as difficult to understand than Tenet. With Tenet, I think the second watch will be to understand what you didn’t from the first one, and then on the third viewing it will click. Maybe, maybe some people got it straightaway, maybe some people won’t get it on the third. I think the film, and this isn’t just a criticism of Tenet, but of most films, is that the dialogue at times was difficult to understand. It’s hard to get your head round this in the first place, never mind when you can’t make out what they are saying. During the more exposition scenes it was hard to make out what was going on, and Tenet needed these scenes to be clear in order for the viewers to maybe get a better understanding of the plot. My biggest criticism of Tenet however is that it lacks the human side of his films, especially in comparison to his other films. Not that I went in over-hyped because I never think that is a good idea. And maybe the film was his homage to the spy genre where it wasn’t intending us to care as much about the characters. But in all his films, and however epic the scenes we always care about the character, that I feel is the main part of the film, it is what we are drawn to. Whether that be magicians in the Victorian era, a caped crusader, three layers deep in a dream or floating through space; it is the human element that always keeps the film grounded. I felt that Tenet didn’t strike that balance. And that’s not to say that John David Washington wasn’t good, because he was fantastic, but I didn’t necessarily care about his character because he didn’t have anything personal for us to relate to. In Inception and Interstellar, the two main characters are fighting to see their children again. It’s personal, it shows the human side. Washington’s character didn’t have that, it was him saving the world, and yes that’s brave and courageous, but why, why did he care? What was HE fighting for? And that was what disappointed me the most about Tenet because that side of Nolan is I think the most under appreciated. I LOVE the set pieces, the action, the mind-boggling plot, but the human side is what brings it all home. I was blown away during Interstellar with the visual side of it, the black hole, the waves, all of that. But it is when Matthew McConaughey’s character breaks down seeing his grown up daughter via a TV or reuniting with her at the end of the movie that overshadows everything else. Tenet didn’t have these personal moments and that was a real shame.
No doubt about it, Tenet is the biggest Nolan film to date. It is honestly huge. No matter how confused you may, or may not get, you won’t be bored. It’s a lot of fun. In most action films you’d expect to see maybe 2 or 3 small action sequences followed by the big kick ass action sequence at the end. Tenet has 4 or 5 big kick ass action sequences. The opening of previous Nolan films, The Dark Knight and The Dark Knight Rises really set the standard for opening sequences in action movies, Tenet follows suit and kicks off from there without skipping a beat. A lot of the scenes involve the inverted time structure, where the object is going backwards in time (I think that’s how it works), it’s incredible to watch.
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It’s absolute madness. I don’t think I’ve seen something like it before. If I have, not to this extent. It’s barmy, but it is fantastic. Technically it’s a delight. The whole plane scene has been talked about, how Nolan bought a real plane to crash instead of just using visual effects. That’s the standard that action films should be aiming for. Yes, visual effects are a work of art, there is no denying it and I certainly won’t be shitting on it that some people do. I am incredibly envious of the skill. But there is something magical about watching real effects, and it’s become part of Nolan’s signature. 
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Away from the jaw-dropping action scenes and the incredible technical ability on show the acting is fantastic. John David Washington is superb in this and should hopefully cement his name as an A-list. His character has it all, cool, scary, witty, he captures all of this. And it isn’t just his acting that is top notch but it is a very physically demanding role which as you might expect from a former American Football player, you might expect. I don’t think there are many actors who could have struck the balance quite like JDW did. Sure, an actor like Daniel Day-Lewis could do the acting, but he couldn’t do the physical side. Dwayne Johnson could do the physical side, but he can’t act. Washington achieves both terrifically. There is a huge, and brilliant supporting cast in Tenet, most notably Robert Pattinson, Elizabeth Debicki and Kenneth Branagh who each bring something different and exciting. Nolan comes under criticism for portrayals of women in his films which is something I don’t necessarily agree with but in this Debicki’s character is the one who we probably care about the most and it is her character that brings the humanity to the story. 
4/5 Now I’ve had a day to digest it, and now I have written this review, I’m really excited to watch it again. If it wasn’t for COVID I would probably watch it about 4 times. Maybe on subsequent showings I could give it slightly lower (although I’ve tried to be impartial) maybe I’ll think it is better once I understand it more. Yes it is a shame that the human side of the film is lacking slightly, but the technical ability on showing will blow you away. No matter how confused you are, you won’t be bored.
p.s There has been criticisms from some corners of the film industry saying that Nolan, and the studios, are irresponsible for releasing Tenet as the film to bring cinema-goers back, especially when the film is complex. Why would the audience want to watch a film they can’t understand? Now I have an issue with this. Critics slam the Fast and Furious franchise because it is over the top, silly, action fuelled, spectacle garbage. Critics will also jizz over films such as Midsommar, The Shining, The Lighthouse for their complex and interesting storylines. Now I love these films, but what exactly are those films about, and would you know directly coming out of the cinema. Would the link between Greek Mythology, Prometheus and giving knowledge to civilisation be known to you when you came out of The Lighthouse? Probably not. Isn’t there like a whole documentary on The Shining because there are so many fan theories? That film is weird af. I’ve always found an issue of classism within the film industry, especially when reviewing certain films. Action films are seen as dumb, lowest common denominator garbage, and yet odd artsy stuff is seen as the pinnacle of film. Nolan somehow manages to get these both together and yet now they criticism him when this complex stuff is the shit they love. Now critics want a film like Fast and Furious to bring people back, but you know they’d shit on it at any other point. Maybe Nolan can do no right, people have called his films obnoxious because they are too smart. Well maybe these people mistake the intelligence of the general viewer? Who knows, I’m just mad the Nolan hasn’t won a Best Director award, or hasn’t even got a knighthood when people like Ed Sheeran or Phillip Green have?
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fandomdojo · 3 years
I honestly don't think Cinder will survive or redeem herself but there is a stupid part of me that is a whisper in my head that says to remember Kratos.
There's nothing wrong with thinking that but I'm always genuinely curious as to why people think Cinder will die?
I asked this last night and someone said that most people think Salem will be the one to dispose of Cinder which is confusing considering who Cinder is and how valuable she is to Salem but I guess it shouldn't be ruled out.
After all, Salem could "dispose" of Cinder when she's no longer useful or hell, Cinder could just die on her own during a battle so I can't say for sure that she'll stay alive until the end.
Kratos for those who are reading this and don't know who he is, firstly, spoiler warning (?), he's a game character who essentially murders all the greek gods in his realm, ruthlessly basking in their blood and taking his anger out on them. By the end of the original saga, Kratos had successfully killed ALL of them, not a single one was spared and yet Kratos wasn't really feeling any sort of remorse, so the argument for his redemption was never even there to begin with. (Well it was but not because he was feeling bad)
Yet at the very end, we see a scene where he lets himself fall off a cliff and that marks the end of the games for a while but sometime in 2018, a new God of War game came out and the premise of it is that Kratos is now somehow in the Norse Mythology world where he had found someone to love and had a child with them, he loves his son. Kratos had been redeemed during the transition between those two worlds/games.
So, yeah. In fiction, the judgment given to characters will never be the same as in real life. Killers and murderers do end up being redeemed because the point of them is to send some sort of message to the viewers.
Obviously, the majority of players of God of War or even the people who watch RWBY aren't ruthless killers like Kratos or Cinder (i hope not ._.) but their redemption is meant to say "these clearly bad people can turn their life around and become better. If they can be forgiven for their actions then so can you."
At least that's how it is to me. Basically, it’s up to interpretation how people think of redemptions (in media).
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tartagilicious · 4 years
Gavin Eternal Wedding Karma Date (translated)
there was an issue with Tumblr and the original text was deleted. this is the same content, but w/o the cgs and also bolded names to make reading it easier. sorry for the inconvenience :(
spoilers for a date not on the EN server below the cut~
MC: Anna, has everyone reached their places?
Anna: rest assured, i’ve checked with them all, there will be no problems, and the photographer will come find me with the situation of the drone.
Anna: you’re the bride of the day, if you run around like this, the makeup artist’s hard work for two hours will be in vain!
MC: you’ve all worked hard…
Near valentine’s day, the company planned a collective wedding called “Fairy Tale Dream”.
We ran through the city’s wedding company and finally found 99 new couples who were willing to cooperate with us in the collective shooting in the “Fairy Tale World” themed park in Lianyu City. (tn: loveland city)
We will arrange these 99 couples to stand in different positions in the park, from the lawn at the entrance of the park to the retro street in front of the castle to the church decorated with flowers.
The said drone equipped with a camera will fly through the entire park according to a predetermined path for shooting, and the new couples will have to put out a specific act when it passes.
We want to pass this kind of ‘one mirror to the end’ technique, where we will take the fairy tale aspect of the whole paradise and have the atmosphere and happiness recorded.
Though, I didn’t expect that a few days before shooting, a few couples couldn’t come due to emergencies! In our desperation, we could only find stand-ins among ourselves.
Willow, Kiki and I have gone together only to make it up to the number 99.
I smoothed out my snow-white skirts -- although the dress is only borrowed, and the groom is fake, I'm still sure that every girl will have a heart full of longing for such a wedding.
After all, it’s really beautiful…
Should I take a picture for him?
I talked to him last 3 days ago, and I don't know if his mission was going well.
As soon as this thought arose, my phone rang. It was my “groom” Minor.
[over the phone] Minor: Hi boss….
Minor’s voice was so sleepy!
MC: Are you still at home? Filming will start in half an hour!
[over the phone] Minor: I…
[over the phone] Minor: I stayed up all night last night and went to bed at four. Can I take a day off?
MC: What?!
This is the fairy tale wedding that I prepared for nearly two months, and already at the last moment before shooting, Minor has released my doves? (tn: she’s saying that because he won’t show up, he’s ended everything before anything even happened.)
MC: you’re my partner, who am I going to film with if not you?
For a moment, I was so godless that I couldn’t help but raise my voice
Anna: What happened? Minor won’t come?
MC [to Minor]: You come here right now, and I’ll tell the photographer to wait for you! If you don’t appear in front of me in half an hour, I will--
[over the phone] Minor: Wait, wait until I finish talking, boss -- Although I can’t come, your groom will not be absent.
MC: what do you mean?
Minor was one step ahead of me and hung up the phone without waiting for me to speak. I hadn’t even responded yet, and a familiar voice suddenly came from behind me.
Gavin: Am I late?
As I turned around, I couldn’t help but feel stunned. The man in a suit and leather dress shoes stood a few steps away from me. His light chestnut hair was covered in gold from the sun, his amber eyes were enveloped in fine shimmers, and the corners of his normally unsmiling lips were slightly raised. He had a clean jawline, and this smooth, somewhat sharp line immediately followed his thin neck and wide shoulders that were covered under his shirt.
It’s the man I’m familiar with, but it’s not the same as usual…
The ten slender fingers are holding a pair of ice-like crystal shoes that shine in the sun, and the upper part of the shoes shines brightly as well, like the stars or a firefly.
MC: Gavin, you…
I was still at a loss for words. Gavin came over to me naturally, stooped down and knelt in front of me. At the next moment, warm fingertips touched my ankles and I bit my lower lip subconsciously.
The wind in February is cold, but my face becomes hot instantly. At the same time, I clearly hear the sound of my heart in the left-most side of my chest, again and again.
I looked down at Gavin, and all of my emotions were stuck in my throat. It turned out that it was quite a feeling to be found by him in a big crowd.  Every year, Spring is given meaning, and every moment of waiting for happiness is suddenly fulfilled. (tn: kind of complicated, but she’s basically saying that she feels the traditional relief and comfort of spring looking down at Gavin.)
After changing a shoe, I noticed that I was not standing steadily. Without hesitation, I put my hand in his palm. I let him take my weight and stepped into the second shoe delicately.
Gavin stood up quickly and took the balloon in my hand. Anna then stepped forward to straighten my hair for me and set the veil down again, making sure that my makeup had no flaws while smiling with ease.
Anna: I am a bit reluctant to send you off to marriage all by yourself.
I glanced at Gavin with corners of my lips turned up in a smile, and muttered softly.
MC: we’re not getting married…
Anna smiled and held her hands up in surrender, but her eyes still fell on the hands that Gavin and I hadn’t yet let go of. She looked cheerful.
Anna: I’ll clean up here, you hurry up and prepare.
I looked at Gavin and smiled at him slightly.
Gavin: Ready to go?
MC: ok!
I never thought I would have such a one-on-one walk with Gavin in these blooming flowers, leading to a fairytale kingdom.
With every step, the pleasant sound of the crystal shoes stepping on the ground rang in my ears. Maybe a fairy has put some magic on me? Maybe then I can have the surprise and happiness of Cinderella.
MC: Gavin, actually I was thinking just now, if you wouldn’t have seen me looking so beautiful today, it would’ve been a pity.
Gavin: Well, then it’s a good thing I came.
The designated shooting location for Gavin and I was the terrace on the third floor of the castle. I carefully took the skirt in my hands and walked up the castle’s circular staircase step by step. Probably only because I was insecure. Gavin held my hand sweetly, lifting it slightly. Every step was slow and careful, but he was patient.
Sunlight shines into the castle from the windows filled with stained glass, casting colourful lights and shadows on the dark cyan stone bricks and pure white steps. The huge dome itself depicts exquisite Greek mythology, and the golden bows and arrows of Eros around the edges point directly to the dark blue night full of stars.
A pure white and flawless wedding dress, magic crystal shoes, and a gorgeous castle -- although the teenage mind has imagined so-called fairy tale weddings countless times, I never imagined that one day my own dream would become reality.
Although unexpected, it made me feel that this arrangement of fate is a good thing for me.
I looked through the veil at Gavin. Somehow, since he appeared in front of me, even though it’s just a simple shooting for work, it’s made me inexplicably nervous.
MC: Gavin, when did you come back?
Gavin: Last night. Minor sent me a message two days ago saying that you were missing a partner, so I finished the task as soon as possible to come back.
My footsteps took a light pause. Sounds like I caused him trouble again….  
(tn: and she’s just gonna ignore how minor never planned to come in the first place sfksjh)
I sighed to myself, a thank you almost escaping, but I swallowed it back after a short moment of hesitation.
MC: I didn’t expect the shoot to be temporarily short of people, but this doesn’t matter so much. You didn’t need to rush back.
Gavin: It matters.
There was a light smile on Gavin’s lips.
Gavin: Whether it’s real or not, only you could be my bride.
His tone still carries the usual carelessness, but every word and every sentence he spoke falls straight into my heart. Although he always understates such solemn promises, he never says things like that.
He is my fearless knight, always falling from the sky when I need him most, giving me the most comprehensive protection -- without exception. If I have him, I have unlimited courage.
I held his hand tight and wanted to convey to him all my euphoria and gratitude at the moment through my palm temperature.
Every step of my heels on the marble floor echoed throughout the building. This road to our future is paved by out short and long life in the past --
MC: Gavin?
Gavin: Yes?
MC: Do you think that if the prince did not find Cinderella, would he marry another princess?
Gavin: No. After you’ve identified something, you won’t just stop looking for it.
As soon as his words fell, we walked through the last step, and my eyes were suddenly blinded. Sunshine and white pigeond are spread in every corner of the terrace, the vines climbing on the railing to lazily stretch out to branches and leaves. Standing here overlooking the paradise, I see everything in the scenery reflected in Gavin’s eyes.
The shimmering coins in the wishing pool, the flag flying on the pirate ship below and another flock of white pigeons flying over the castle -- I couldn’t help but gasp.
MC: The last time I was here it was a rainy day, but I didn’t expect to miss such scenery!
Gavin: Since you see it now, it’s not a miss.
Just as I was fascinated by a white dove resting on the railing of the terrace, a ray of blue smoke floated over the large lawn at the entrance.
MC: It’s the signal to start shooting!
A cheerful waltz sounded, and countless gorgeously dressed fairy tale characters rushed from all sides to the main street in front of the castle, singing blessing songs for all of the new couples to hear. The white wedding dresses of the brides rotate with their elegant dance postures, blooming like blossoming camellia.
Several pumpkin cars slowly drove past, throwing wine and gold leaves and petals around. At this moment, the colourful balloons in the hands of the grooms took off. Pages of fairy tale chapters are being staged, and the magic and magnificent love on the pages of the yellow-ish book are now unfolding right in front of my eyes.
While I was immersed in the joyous atmosphere in front of me, the drone in the distance appeared in my sight -- I didn’t expect it to come so fast!
I took repeated breaths in an attempt to calm down.
Gavin: Cold?
Sensing my increasingly stiff expression, Gavin shifts closer.
MC: No, I’m just… a little nervous.
Although I am already familiar with the next process, I did not seriously participate in the rehearsal, after all. I can’t help but feel guilty about possibly ruining the upcoming official shooting.
MC: Gavin, remember to lift my veil later and let go of the balloons.
After this sentence was finished, I realised that the scripted action of looking at each other affectionately was originally written in the planning case by me….
That’s embarrassing.
I could feel my ears turning more red and tried to pull my hand out of his, but failed.
MC: it is to lift the veil and let go of the balloon, so….
So he should have a free hand. But, he only held my hand tighter.
At this moment, the drone was flying slowly towards the terrace. I was about to remind him again when a breeze blew in front of me, gently lifting my veil -- the piece of fabric was gone and now, I could clearly see Gavin’s face.
He stepped forward about half a step closer, released the balloons according to the predesigned plan, and the free hand wrapped gently around my waist. I blinked and clearly saw the smile of his amber eyes, the most dazzling light in the world, reflected in my eyes at that moment.
I don’t know how long it took before Gavin stepped away.
The drone had long disappeared, and the entire park has been filled with colourful balloons.
I took two steps to the edge of the railing, and even when seeing that the shoot was now completed below, the couples were still hugging tightly. There are also some jokes and laughs down on the grass -- you are carrying me, and I’m pulling you -- but whatever the action, everyone is smiling.
MC: That’s nice….
I was relieved by their smiles, no matter what the results of the shooting are, this moment makes it all worth it!
I found myself having slightly red eyes subconsciously, but it was suddenly enveloped by a burst of warmth. In the blink of an eye, something dripped from my eyes and crossed my lips that were always raised.
Gavin hugged me from behind, and when I imagined this picture, he tightened his arms and held his breath. He lowered his head, his chin resting gently above my forehead.
Gavin: What are you thinking?
I watched the bride closest to us raise her phone and take several pictures with the groom.
MC: When i first started this planning, I always felt that the form was greater than the content. After all, compared to a wedding ceremony, the atmosphere of a park and the drone shooting are the key points.
MC: But later, I felt that the form was less and less important. It’s the most significant thing to witness the most important moment in the life of so many people! It turns out that happiness can be seen: there is sound, there is temperature. Yeah….
My hand was covered with the back of Gavin’s, and my fingertips touched the rough marks his guns had left over the years. Then, he intertwined his fingers with mine, leaving no gaps.
MC: ...Happiness can be touched.
Gavin didn’t speak anymore, and a light smile flicked my ears. The long silence stretched this warm moment for a long, long time, but every second, I subconsciously hope that the next will be longer.
Soon, all of the colourful balloons disappeared into the clear sky, so it seems like the shooting should all be over.
I immediately picked up Gavin’s hand and ran back the way we originally came.
MC: come with me ---
I led him out of the castle and ran along the avenue full of petals to the deserted game area. The park is not open to the public today, but due to the shooting requirements, all game equipment is in operation. And lucky for us, the entire area is covered by one after another.
Seven or eight pigeons stood in the open space in front of the carousel. I took a few hesitant steps forward, and although I deliberately slowed my pace, the pigeons still jumped and flew off in surprise.
Gavin: Seems these pigeons are very afraid of life, and they’re not very obedient.
MC: No!
I reached into the small bag I carried with me and pulled out two small packs of pigeon food, shaking it in front of Gavin.
MC: these are props I “borrowed” from shooting. During this time, I’ve been friendly with them, so they’re a bit closer to me.
I threw a handful of pigeon food all over the open space. In an instant, all the white pigeons passed by in front of us and stopped to grab food between their small beaks.
Watching them happily eat, I couldn’t help getting closer.
MC: Eat a little bit more and go home full. But in the future I ask for you to visit often!
Group of pigeons: coo coo! (tn: felt like i had to keep it lol)
I do not know if it understood what I said. Several white pigeons raised their heads to look at me with beady eyes, but when I looked back, a fat white pigeon was already perching on Gavin’s index finger.
He was shrouded in the morning sun as thin as a tulle . The tie that had been neatly worn was slightly loosened by him, and the suit waistcoat was also loosened by two buttons.
I stepped forward and lightly touched the white pigeon’s talon, but the little guy ignored me and only looked up and Gavin.
Gavin: If it depends on me to eat, it’s probably not very hungry.
MC: either that or it knows you can eat a big meal here.
I flipped my bag open again, and I found the last bag of pigeon food. I ripped the package open under the heavy gaze of the white pigeon, and it stared at the food. The fat pigeon immediately flew from Gavin’s finger and stopped at me. However, it only took two bites before suddenly flying off --
Gavin: Someone’s whistling.
MC: ah, well, we agreed with the owner of them that they could be picked up around this time.
All the pigeons seemed to notice, and suddenly spread their wings to rise into the air, leaving only small scraps of food behind. Watching them fly higher and higher, I hurriedly waved at them, and then looked at Gavin with a smile.
MC: Shall we go home too? You can rest for a while and wait for me to cook a big meal for you!
Gavin: That sounds good.
Gavin strode forward and took my hand, and his brow suddenly stretched as he smiled slightly.
Gavin: You have cold hands (tn: it’s worth mentioning he has a very sad expression in this frame)
He immediately draped his blazer over my shoulders, and pulled his collar tightly around my shoulders exposed to the cold wind.
Gavin: Sit down and rest for a while, we don’t have to rush.
I looked at the low bench, then my wedding dress. After all, it is borrowed clothing….
Gavin seemed to understand my worries and took me into his arms directly without saying a word.
MC: Gavin!
Suddenly, my feet were off the ground, and I exclaimed in shock. When my reaction came, he had already entered the carousel area and placed me firmly on a wooden horse. However, as soon as he lets go, the game starts a new round of rotation. Sitting on the shifting wooden horse, I unexpectedly lost my balance!
Subconsciously, my hands grabbed for the nearest support -- a white dress collar.
Gavin: Afraid? I won’t let you fall.
He took another half step, and I was finally able to relax after regaining my sense of security.
It’s just that I still dare not let go with my feet off the ground, so I subconsciously gently hooked my arms around his shoulder. A brilliant string of lights shone above my head, and warm and joyful music was playing. In a flash, I felt like I was pulled back into the fairy tale dream.
MC: Gavin… Thank you for coming back for me.
Gavin: What?
MC: Whether it’s true or false, I want to only be your bride.
The bell of noon is ringing -- the fairy’s magic has not disappeared. My knight, who has seen me look so embarrassed and silly for so many times, still pulls out his sword in the face of the evil dragon and witch, and firmly stands in front of me.
His tall back is the deepest notch left in my memory. The wind and frost condensed in his eyes is the starlight that I am willing to look to for my entire life. The sea breeze blows between my fingers, and I gather my fingers to hold them tightly in my palm.
At this moment, I don’t know how I can express my love for him in words. I can only stare at him in wonder, and I can’t bear to look away
Gavin: ……
With a small chuckle, he leaned over and drew closer to me. At the moment when our eyes were locked, I held my breath slightly, and then he moved closer and dropped a soft kiss on my lips.
Afterwards, I saw the colourful lights on the top of the carousel’s stacked halo, and saw the white pigeons passing through the cloudless sky -- I wondered for a moment whether I fell into the most beautiful dream in the world.
Gavin’s warm breath completely surrounded me. He held my face tenderly in one hand and rested the other gently on my waist.
Every plunder did not go in depth, nor did he leave. I was dazzled by it and did not want to wake up.
Gavin: When you are ready -- you can be my bride at any time
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unit-zero-two · 5 years
Fate/Stay Night and the Functions of Character Design Part 3
*Warning: includes Spoilers for Fate/Stay Night*
Part 1: https://unit-zero-two.tumblr.com/post/186311458382/fatestay-night-and-the-functions-of-character
Part 2: https://unit-zero-two.tumblr.com/post/186311459447/fatestay-night-and-the-functions-of-character
Part 3: Archer, Lancer and Rider
And now we get to the third and final batch of Fate/Stay Night Servants. Are you ready for me to tear into them? No more glowing praise from this point on, strap in.
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This man is Archer, and I love him and his design. He is a sexy hunk and 100% badass. His color scheme, a simple red, black and white, clash very nicely with Saber’s, who he is at frequent odds with. He also has the benefit of matching that of his Master’s, meaning he fits right in as a Servant. I love his red hip cloth; it looks very cool swirling around him. He has molded battle armor, which is super extra but also clearly functional, so it gets a pass. If I have a complaint, it’s that weird red arm coat thing that doesn’t actually go down further than halfway down his torso or cover his back. It’s just two pieces of cloth clipped together, but it doesn’t actively distract, just causes a head scratcher when you think about it. Archer’s weapons are a pair of complementary yin-yang short swords, which is strange for an Archer, but he does have a bow he can pull out when things get intense, so he’s fine. Neatly cropped white hair, a piercing golden gaze, this man means business.
Now, you might be expecting me to poo poo this design because it doesn’t fit his character or hint at who he is, but that would be a lie on my part, because it does. Archer is actually the future version of the protagonist Shirou Emiya from a future alternate timeline. So, Archer’s strange looks that don’t match with that of the other heroes older looking clothes and designs is actually to his advantage. This guy is supposed to stand out narratively, as that gives a hint to his True Name. This makes his design very effective.
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…Or at least it would if this shmuck didn’t exist. Lancer is…well look at this space suit dork. What time period is this from? I like the blue and silver color scheme, makes him seem really calm, at least until his red eyes start to glow and he pulls out his deadly blood red spear. His hair style is cool but doesn’t stand out too much. It’s a funny looking design outside of 2004, but in the right series could work well. Fate/Stay Night is not that series. Compare Lancer’s design to that of the heroes in Part 1 and 2. All those heroes looked like they belonged to their era, but not this guy. His True Name is Cu Chulainn, basically the Irish Heracles in terms of strength and fame. Despite the fact that two separate characters figure out his identity within five minutes of meeting him (on separate occasions), there’s really nothing here that shouts, ‘Celtic Hero’, except maybe his spear. But just the spear as the only good design aspect to hint at his identity isn’t quite great for conveying who this guy is. He stands out of the crowd. And the real problem is that because he looks like a future spaceman, it means he detracts from Archer’s design. They are the first two Servants we meet in the series when they fight, before we ever meet Saber. That means they set the wrong precedent for what the Heroic Spirits fighting in the Holy Grail will, and should, look like. If he had looked more like a true Celtic Warrior (and there’s plenty of official designs that show him like that) then his and Archer’s designs would’ve clashed immediately and helped clue into Archer’s True Name, while also helping poor Cu’s own identity.
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And the final Servant we come to is Rider. Holy hell, her hair is long. That shit hits the floor and I’m surprised she doesn’t ever trip on it. I like her color scheme, and it hints at a twist in the series on who she really serves. Besides her hair, the only really defining feature she has is her blindfold, which looks pretty cool. Otherwise she’s just got some arm gloves with some straps decorating it, a very tall pair of boots and a sock dress meant to show off her ass and breasts. It’s not great. Without her blindfold, her eyes look like crystals, which is neat, and the forehead tattoo stands out a bit, but she is probably the plainest looking of all the Servant designs. Her weapons are nail looking daggers attached to chains, which are kind of neat if again plain. To fit the Rider Class though she can cut her own neck and summon a Pegasus, which is cool and at a juxtaposition with her otherwise dark and kind of moody design. Her design has a similar problem to Lancer’s in that it detracts from Archer’s by looking like modern-day clothes instead of something era appropriate to her myth. There is nothing in her attire to allude at her True Name, with the only real hints in here being the blindfold and that her hair is very impressive. Rider’s True Name is that of Medusa, the monster of the Shapeless Isle, from Greek mythology. One of the three Gorgon sisters, Medusa is possibly one of the most famous monsters from mythology in the world. Not that you would ever get that from this design. There is absolutely nothing monstrous in this design, and yeah sure, her hair in impressive, but it’s still not a head of snakes. Her design is more like they wanted to make an attractive character than they wanted to make a notable monster. It’s fine to have attractive characters in your story, but not if you sacrifice good design to make someone cute. Plus, it’s not like they were starving for attractive characters, they should’ve gone closer to the Heracles route as a monster and found a compromise to make her stand out. As is, she fits her role of the first Servant defeated in every route of the game. Don’t worry though, in the third route she gets better. Her design is still boring and bad though.
And that’s the last design. I’m not going to discuss the Masters, they’re all fine designs and show just what they’re supposed to be. Sometimes they don’t know how to design Sakura’s clothes around her breasts, but that’s basically the only problem I have. I love all these characters, and I’m harsh on them because of that. I think it’s important to discuss what doesn’t work in a design, because only then can we move forward to a better design. Good design can inform and help enhance our experience of a character and the media they’re in, while a bad design can harm and detract from an otherwise great piece of media. And a design can look good, while still being bad for the series it’s in if it stands out from the presented aesthetic and fails to inform the viewer about the character in question. There’s a lot of Fate media and I have plenty to say about other entries and characters, but this is where this short series is going to end for now. I hope everyone enjoyed and found it informative. Until next time, thank you.
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awkwardplantwrites · 5 years
I haven’t written yet, but I do have a lot of ideas to go off now. unfortunately, a lot of involves re-writing stuff. on the one hand, I don’t want to be stuck on the same chapters, but on the other hand, I just Won’t be able to continue unless I add it in. I know a lot of people say “just write, don’t edit” but those aren’t the rules bc there is none and I can do what I want. (pls fix? no being stuck!!! only edit!)
here’s a long post about things I’m planning on adding, as well as headcanons about my own damn story because I’m stuck in fanfic mode forever.
lots of spoilers ahead! 
a horse motif for Renato: I remember when namme-e made the posters, one had a horse on it, which I reckon is a common association with knights. so far there have been 2 horses (well, one is a Kelpie, but it’s a water horse shh. I also found out Northumbrian folk/where Llantry is based call them Brags!) and there will be more horses later in the story. they’re recurring anyway, so why not use it. 
and upon looking at it’s symbolism, I realised that horses are very duty bound creatures, like Renato is to the people of Llantry, they symbolise war/battles - which can bring in memories of his dad, and in comparison to the first horse (which dies in chapter 5... some unintentional symbolism there) Isbeil the Kelpie is much more free and independant and they’re at the Fun part of the road trip, and the Nukelavee (even more dangerous than kelpies) later on will be wild/untamed right about when Renato’s emotions will be in turmoil... you see where I’m going with this :D :D other contenders for motifs include: hands, mirrors/reflections, his shield/armour, dragons. swords are more of a precision tool for magic than a weapon in this universe so that wouldn’t work as a motif.
a candy motif for Pepi: you thought I made him a candy merchant intentionally? no. not at all. except now it is. candy represents good memories, childhood, rewards, pleasure, reminds him of his dad’s business, responsibility in maintaining the business, his family, his lack of magic/inability to make candy, having to do Tammy’s chores for her, and just Tammy in general I guess. 
in the beginning I remember him being enthusiastic about it (if he’s not I’ll add it in lol), singing about it and complaining about being “a candy delivery boy turned overworked squire” and even from that you can tell he already has a complicated relationship with candy. he can’t make it but he sells it and hates selling it but when he talks/sings about it it attracts people, especially children.. perhaps engaging his own inner child too... in chapter 3 Pepi mentioned he was down to two bags, which means he held onto them despite selling out the rest... representing that he’s still holding onto his past even though it’s in the past and gone... and one day he’ll run out and it won’t be in his control and he won’t be able to get any more unless he goes home... which means FACING HIS PAST. so I’m thinking, if he becomes more neutral to it that’ll show how he views his past more healthily? then eat fruit instead?? idk.
magic based on senses: kind of ATLA inspired, but with the 5 physical senses (and a spooky 6th). as I started writing this I realised I probably based their powers depending on which god chose them, for example Lidion is the god of protection, so Renato gets protection based powers. but y’know, I had another idea as I wrote this lmao, what if the regular civillians/people born with magic have sense based magic? not sure if it’s a little ambitious to have 2 entirely different sets of magic. maybe the god powers can be based on senses too. initially the magic was based entirely off of DND classes (Renato’s a paladin and Pepi’s a wild magic sorcerer) but I think I’ve found something more original haha. or perhaps I accidentally moved onto Greek god/Percy Jackson-esque powers. crap. research says scottish mythology is kinda like Greek myths anyway: that’s a win in my book. 
changing Finlay from a floating crystal ball to a bird: introduced in chapter 2, and EVERYTIME I WRITE I FORGET ABOUT FINLAY. it’s like a personal meme at this point. so anyway I took a “what core type are you quiz” a while back and Pepi got adventurecore after I chose bird as his inner animal. making this change will make sense because a) Pepi can talk to animals and this will foreshadow it, b) he likes music and this might be his magic type..? c) Disney needs a mascot character if they’re going to make FM a movie
I just read some bird symbolism and GOD I want to make Finlay a chicken, since it symbolises finding inner power, getting over fear and also it’s very funny to me. or a duck since that symbolises decisiveness and leaving the past in the past. see there’s a lot of things I can do here. but is there such a thing as having too many motifs? I just read that you CAN have more than one, so yes, Finlay will now become a duck. 15 year old/duck obsessed me would be very happy.
empahsizing the illness: plural illnesses actually. Llantry’s illness is actually depression - which they didn’t know bc this is set around the 15th century and the gods forgot to tell them about it or something - caused by overusing their magic, the death of Renato’s dad (public morale figure), poverty, and y’know the middle ages in general. I feel like Renato’s way too upbeat, especially in chapter 4 when they’re running away from the Wakefield Knights. before now I was trying to weave in mood swings which would affect his behaviour and therefore the story. admittedly it’s very difficult, as what they’re doing generally requires a lot of energy and the tone is usually light. someone suggested having his depression be worse when the situation is worse, which I probably will do, but I still feel he could be more low-key. I really, really didn’t want to use the “happy and sad duo” trope, I wanted them to be more or less equal in demeanour. though if I want to portray his depression and distinguish them both it’ll have to be exaggerated I suppose. 
the second illness, Pepi’s anxiety. or well, it was initially anxiety but it’s starting to look more like OCD (that’s self projection for ya). some of my readers already figured out he can do magic, however it’s not that he doesn’t realise it. he casts spells in his sleep and thinks it’s his “evil self” (that idea is still TBC), and he sneaks off in the morning because he remembers sleepwalking and cleans up his mess. and to avoid making it look like schizophrenia, I’m planning to write it so it’s obvious he’s just very in denial about being able to do magic, because later it’s revealed he’s scared to use magic, because he doesn’t want to end up like his sister who became possessed by an evil being and abused magic, which for him is both a rational and irrational fear. avoiding magic could be considered a compulsion since he has intrusive thoughts about becoming evil. 
so I did already plan for him to gradually get more restless and uneasy, he’s supposed to be seem energetic bc he runs solely on anxiety. in my head I was thinking of quirks, and realized him hoarding stuff in his pockets “in case he needs it later” and his insane amount of GUILT, and all that felt pretty OCD. so why not: he’s got OCD. possibly PTSD too.
the idea for Finding Magic began as “magic takes part of your soul, 2 wizards search for help as their magic stops working”. I still have the exact post it note I wrote the first idea on. for this story I have 2 countries, 13 semi-developed towns, over 30 characters. (yes, not Tolkien numbers, but I’m not Writers George) and the reason I wasn’t able to write about ANY of them for the past 2 months is because my brain spirals and ruminates over miniscule details that readers will never know. also because I lost passion, was too tired to develop characters I needed to develop the story to finish the first draft... but now that the passion is back: I’m writing this at 5am, which is reminiscent of the first day I came up with FM, back then called Journey to Magic, where I couldn’t sleep since I was bursting with ideas. 
I guess this is what I find fun, analysing and improving and brainstorming. so while I might not have chapters written down, they’re pretty damn clear in my head and as you can see, I can talk up a storm about my story despite it not existing :D
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lizartgurl · 6 years
Perfect Marks (Aqualad x OC Soulmate AU)
Word Count: 6200+
Summary: Write something on your skin, it appears on your soulmate’s skin as well
My sole goal of joining tumblr was to make decent Kaldur content and this shows it. I don’t think I’ve ever written anything this fast-paced, and I had no idea a one-shot would turn out this long, but I really enjoyed writing it!
Based off of @the-shadow-of-atlantis‘s soulmate au for Kaldur and her oc, Annabella (x) and inspired by @writing-yj‘s The Bird Tattoo xreader  series (x). You guys are both incredible writers, and I love reading your fanfics :)
@staar-sailorr @super-spoiler @lesbianstargirl @flamebiirds @princes-jasmine (please let me know if any of you do not want to be tagged in my oc fics in the future. i’m just tagging you for now becuz)
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The morning of her first day of high school, Emma Grayson screamed.
Half of Gotham must have heard it, if not the entire manor. Rick, just down the hall, skid right into the bathroom door trying to help.
“Emma, what is it?”
“Just look!” Emma shrieked, shoving her arm in his face. Her little brother's eyes went wide at the thick black marks winding up and down both her arms.
“You and Roy went out clubbing last night and didn't bring me?” He asked, with a twinkle in his eye.
“Well how do you know we didn't sneak Wally with us?” Emma snapped.
He shrugged, leaning against the doorway with an insufferable smirk that he couldn't hide. “Wally and I are too tight for him to leave me out of any shenanigans.”
Bruce materialized in the doorway before Emma could smack Rick, and sighed as he saw the marks on her arms.
“You don't remember getting any tattoos yesterday?” He asked.
“No.” Emma shook her head.
“And you're not hungover, so you probably wouldn't have blacked out,” he murmured, taking Emma's arm in his hands to examine the marks. “Do they hurt at all?”
Emma shrugged. “They itch a little, but not painfully.”
Bruce nodded. “They must be your soulmate's markings then. Probably tattoos.”
Emma sighed. She herself wasn’t very artistic, so she never would have drawn something so elaborate on herself, but she never took into account that her soulmate might be. And if they were tattoos, that meant that even if her soulmate showered five times a day, they would never come off of either of them. Emma was absolutely terrified of needles and vowed to never get a tattoo. She never thought she'd be paired with someone who got those giant sleeve tattoos, much less tattoos at all.
“Get dressed, make sure you don't have anymore. Richard, you go get dressed too. I'll see you both downstairs for breakfast in a minute.” Bruce instructed.
Emma locked the door behind them and bravely faced her reflection in the silver-framed mirror. They each started on her hands, snake heads, with no embellishments other than an eye and an open mouth. The snakes then twisted around her arms three times and continued on to her shoulders. After taking off her PJs and turning around a couple times, she found that they connected, arcing down to her lower back.
A few minutes and a couple puffy eyes later, she met Bruce in the dining room, taking her usual place across from Rick.
“For you, Miss Emma.” In addition to her breakfast platter of eggs and bacon, Alfred handed Emma a jar of concealer that matched her skin tone.
Bruce wiped his chin of jelly from his toast. “With tattoos of this size, keeping them hidden is vital to your secret identity. Not only would people try to replicate the tattoos to claim to be your soulmate, they would also connect Finch and Emma Grayson with the similar tattoos.”
Emma nodded, and began to apply the concealer to the back of her hands. Her school uniform and her Finch uniform already had long sleeves in case of such a situation. Now the rest of her wardrobe would follow suit. At least Gotham was miserable, cold, and wet ninety-nine percent of the time.
Alfred dropped Emma and Rick off at Gotham Academy before taking Bruce to the WayneTech offices, and Bruce made a big show of seeing his children off on their first day of a new school year for the all-seeing public eye.
“We can look more into them tonight, Emma. How about that?” He offered with a winning smile, a last attempt to cheer her up.
“Sure,” she smiled back. Rick had already run off for the building with the middle school classes. Emma was moving up to the high school building this year, with grades nine through twelve.
She plopped into the open seat between Barbara Gordon and Lucas Fox in first-period chemistry.
“Hey, Emma! How you doing?” Babs asked, sounding peppy and upbeat.
“Long morning.” She groaned.
“As always on the first day of school, huh?” Luke asked with a chuckle.
Emma giggled too. Her friends knew just how to cheer her up, even if they didn't know what was going on.
“Emma?” Barbara was squinting at her hands, “Are you wearing-”
“Good Morning!” The chem teacher trilled along with the bell, and Barbara forgot what she was going to say.
Head cushioned in her arms in the edge of the second row, Emma snuck a look at her two closest friends, who both had their sleeves rolled up to their elbows in the warm classroom. She had to settle for just taking off her sweater.
Luke and Barbara were the two smartest students in their grade at prestigious Gotham Academy, which rubbed off on Emma. They were both in the computer science club. Luke was in robotics club, and wanted to be an engineer like his father, Lucius Fox, head of the R&D department of WayneTech. Barbara's father was Police Commissioner James Gordon of the GCPD, and spent every spare moment in the library. Emma took to joining her, and Rick and Luke would join them.
Instead of paying attention to the long list of safety procedures that Doctor Crane was going over, Emma spent first period thinking over whether or not to tell her friends. Would someone overhear? Would they let things slip?
It would just have to be another secret she kept from them.
Bruce was gone from the time that they got home to late at night, so Emma persuaded Rick to help her look through all the books that the Manor’s library had on Soulmates and their markings, so long as they got to watch Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark while doing it.
Most of the books Emma read were general knowledge. Whenever you wrote or drew something on your skin, it appeared on your soulmate’s body as well. Mostly it was just notes and reminders, doodles in the midst of boredom, but tattoos were a popular tactic to try and find your soulmate quicker, by looking for the exact replica of your tattoo on someone else.
There were several books on the language of markings, symbols ranging from elaborate to simple that could send a certain message to your soulmate were they also well-versed in the language of markings. Emma didn’t find anything resembling her soulmate’s markings in any of those books, so she tossed them on the floor with Rick’s books, which had slid off his lap after he fell asleep shortly after Indy entered the Well of Souls.
Sighing tiredly, Emma shut off the TV, but the excitement of her soulmate’s markings and the first day of school all rolled into one left her exhausted, and she never wanted to leave the sunken cushions of her favorite TV couch.
Shrouded in night, the room faded into darkness. Emma removed her sweater to use a blanket, and stopped.
“Rick,” she whispered, jabbing him in the shoulder.
“Huh?” He asked, “Is the movie over?”
“You fell asleep, but look,” She held out her arms, bare beneath her t-shirt. The black, geometric shapes were now outlined by a faint blue glow, reflected on Emma’s face. The light itself seemed almost alive, and thought it could have been the lack of sleep, Emma thought she saw it swirling around the room, back and forth like an ocean’s current. Beautiful and powerful. Magical.
Rick laughed giddly. “That’s so cool!” He said, suddenly awake.
Emma laughed too. Maybe her soulmate’s markings weren’t so bad after all.
Weeks passed without them fading. Bruce had been right about them being tattoos. They itched like fresh tattoos, though the ink wasn’t in her skin. Alfred gave her a soothing skin balm to rub on her arms before she went to bed each night, guided by the blue lights. They made the perfect night light, though Emma had long since outgrown such things. She’d jolt awake from a nightmare, only to have the magical light envelop her with a tingling sensation somewhat like an electric shock. It was comforting, like a never-ending hug.
Sometimes, on patrol, when Bruce wasn’t looking, Emma would take off her glove and let the snake-head glow, smiling somewhat as she showed it all of Gotham City. Her soulmate must really like snakes, and if they cast the light that her tattoos did, maybe they were a magician like Zatara.
Emma desperately hoped that her soulmate was a hero. She wanted to be able to tell them everything, to share both parts of her life with her soulmate.
“Woah,” Wally gaped appreciatively as Emma showed off her right arm in the seclusion of a back alley in Star City, just outside the “Arrow-Cave,” or the “Quiver,” which Ollie was convinced would catch on.
Roy nodded, but from the way his lower lip jutted out as he slowly nodded, it was clear that he was impressed by whoever had etched these tattoos.
“Show us your tattoos again, Roy.” Emma said. She rolled her sleeve back down, cutting off the light.
Roy rolled up the right arm sleeve of his shirt, exposing the small constellation on his shoulder. The big dipper, or the bear and the birds according to those who had generously raised him. It was a permanent reminder of his childhood and what he had learned with them. After Emma smiled, he showed off the tattoo on his left shoulder. The one from his soulmate.
It was a perfect circle, a shield, he insisted, with the head of Medusa and several wriggling snakes spreading from the center. The Aegis, Athena’s shield. Obviously his soulmate had a penchant for Greek mythology.
“I’m thinking of getting a tattoo,” Wally lounged against the brick wall.
“Oh really? What would you get? A hot dog?” Rick asked, balancing in a handstand on top of the fence that cut the alleyway in half.
“Ha, ha.” Wally huffed, offended. “What would you get, Boy Wonder?” He demanded.
“A bird, duh.” He flipped in the air, landing neatly in front of Wally, “A robin, to be precise. Right behind the ear.”
“What about you, Emma?” Roy asked. “If you got a tattoo, what would you get?”
Emma leaned back on top of the trash can, using her arms to prop herself up. “Probably a music heart, with the treble and bass clefs twisted into the shape of a heart.” But she still wasn’t certain. That didn’t seem special enough compared to her soulmate’s tattoos, or Roy’s tattoo, but it was the best that she could come up with in two seconds.
Rick and Wally were still bickering. “So if it’s not a hot dog, what is it then? Nachos?”
“No! It’d be  the digits of pi, stretching from my right hand to my left, like Emma’s!”
“Aren’t those the same thing?” Roy asked as the younger two continued to yell. He knew better than to expect an answer.
Emma shook her head, grinning at the secret she was keeping, this one more for her own amusement than out of necessity. Rick had sketched out where he wanted his tattoo earlier, and now it was hidden beneath his raven-colored mop. And when Wally had taken off his mask to eat some of Ollie’s cookies in the safety of the Quiver, Emma glimpsed a few wobbly sharpie lines in Rick’s non-artistic peeking out from under the bright red hair. Wally was too distracted to notice it for himself, and it was hidden beneath his lightning bolts whenever Rick had been looking at him.
The next day at school, chem class was cancelled because Doctor Crane was missing. Emma and Babs went to the library while Luke finished his homework in the computer lab. Alysia Yeoh wrote her phone number on Barbara’s hand in black pen as the three discussed Harry Potter and the New Hunger Games movie. Then in the middle of civics class, the same ten numbers jumped out at Emma, faint on the back of Luke’s writing hand and nearly made her spit out her strawberry lemonade.
She texted Roy in glee so she wouldn’t blurt out and ruin the surprise for Luke. He let her, though he wasn’t really the kid of person that got obsessed with soulmates.
Emma, however could not wait to meet her soulmate.
Batman called in Flash and Aquaman to help out with a new villain, calling himself “Scarecrow”. Finch was texting Roy with updates every five minutes, and managed to catch the end of Aquaman’s reply as the Batmobile roared towards the Harbor.
“I will be bringing an apprentice of sorts with me.”
“You have an apprentice?” Batman asked. His monotone betrayed no surprise.
“A recent development, I will admit. It will not be a problem, will it? I want to get him started as soon as possible, and after all, Flash and yourself have sidekicks of your own, as does Green Arrow, some of them younger than Aqualad.”
“I take it that’s his name, then?”
“I take it will be fine, then?”
Robin snorted. It wasn’t every day that they heard a member of the Justice League sassing Batman. Typically, Wonder Woman was the only person who could get away with that, on account of her lack of weaknesses. Aquaman may or may not pay for that comment sooner or later if he didn’t watch his back.
“Meet you at the rendezvous point.” Batman cut off the transmission, glaring at his kids in the mirror. Finch only shrugged back at him. Her tattoos were itching again.
Flash pulled up seconds before the Batmobile came to a complete stop.
“Ha! We were here first!” Robin cackled.
“Only counts if you’re out of the car, boy wonder,” Kid patted him on top of his head. Emma grumbled, wishing that Roy were here, so at least she wouldn’t feel like an outcast to their flirting. She pulled out her phone again.
“Finch, phone away. Scarecrow can track the signal.” Batman instructed. She shoved it securely in her belt pocket.
“So how long did Fish man say it’d take him?” Flash asked.
“He’s probably taking the scenic route to show Aqualad around,” Robin piped up.
“Aqualad?” It was Kid’s turn to be surprised now.
In answer, there was a splash from the docks, and Aquaman flew out of the water, crouching in a majestic landing a moment later. A smaller splash followed, with a much less graceful landing that nearly sent the poor “Aqualad” stumbling back into the water.
“Woah!” Finch lunged forward, grabbing his wrist.
“Th-thank you, my lady,” He fell over himself to find his balance, bowing as courteously as he could with sea legs.
“Oh, no worries!” Emma insisted. “And- and you can call me Finch, please.”
“Apologies,” He said immediately, “I am afraid I am not used to the surface yet, it is still very new to me.”
“You will get used to it, Kaldur’ahm,” Aquaman gave a broad smile, clapping his new protege on the shoulder.
“Robin, Kid Flash, I would like to introduce my protege, Aqualad.”
“Cool!” Kid sped over, nearly shoving Finch to the side to shake Aqualad’s hand. “I’m Kid Flash! The coolest superhero around, but you can call me Wally when we’re off-duty.”
Robin saluted. “I’m Robin. Call me Rob. And you’ve already met my sister, Finch.”
“Yes, I have. It is wonderful to meet all of you.”
“Well, there’s also Speedy, but his mentor has a hot date with Black Canary tonight so they’re all currently unavailable,” Kid Flash snickered as their mentors discussed the issue at hand.
Finch gave him an elbow in the gut. “So, Aqualad, how long have you been working with Aquaman?” She nodded towards the adults, and Aqualad followed her indication.
“How are you working with Aquaman?” Robin asked, “I didn’t know the guy had any kids.”
“He does not,” Aqualad assured him. “I am one of his subjects. About two weeks ago, Ocean Master and his followers attacked Atlantis. Though he appeared to best Aquaman, my friends and I, students at Her Majesty’s Conservatory of Sorcery, were able to distract Ocean Master long enough for our king to recover. To show his gratitude, he gave us the opportunity to become his protege. I was the only one who accepted. I have spent the past few weeks training with my king and learning more about the surface world, the dangers it faces, and the threats to Atlantis.”
“Hey, kids! Gather round!” Flash beckoned them over, and Emma groaned inwardly at being called kids. They were on the younger side of teenage years, yeah, but the work they did was anything but childish. Unless you were Wally, and then you could be immature about anything.
While the adults had the dangerous job of actually going in after Scarecrow, the kids were designated to the much less dangerous assignment of patrolling the perimeter to make sure that Scarecrow nor his recently-acquired henchmen got away.
Finch didn’t mind it that much, she could get away with being lazy when Batman wasn’t looking over her shoulder every second, but Kid and Robin were a little upset at being left behind. They mirrored each other, chin propped up in one hand each.
“Why did Batman need to call us in again?” Kid asked. “I mean, isn’t he always like, ‘Bleh bleh, I work alone, bleh bleh,” He imitated the dark and scratchy voice of a vampire.
“Scarecrow’s only weapon is his fear gas, and he’s trying to figure out how to transform that gas into a liquid to infect Gotham’s water supply, and maybe the whole coast, and he needs someone in forensics who can track the fear gas chemicals super-fast, like your uncle. I’m pretty sure Aquaman invited himself along when Flash blabbed about the possibility of the coasts being affected.” Robin listed off.
“Well, the oceans are Aquaman’s responsibility. He takes that very seriously,” Aqualad was the only one of them standing at attention. His eyes were used to the dimness of the water, giving him an edge in night-vision. “He is a very good king, and he does not wish to let down his people.”
Finch set aside her phone. “It sounds like you really respect him.”
“I do. He has been very kind to my family. I admire his heroism for Atlantis and the world.”
Emma’s mind suddenly swelled with curiosity about Atlantis, but before she could ask, the doors of the warehouse they’d been staking out blew open to smoke, and about ten dark-clothed thugs ran out, coughing violently.
“Is that fear gas?” Kid asked.
“Nah, that’s probably just Batman’s smoke pellets.” Emma shot her grappling cord at a tower of cargo containers. “Try to keep up, Gentlemen!” She sang, swinging off towards the escaping thugs. She landed on one, taking him out. Another got a kick to the jaw, and the other hit her in the back. She staggered forward to regain her balance, alone against nine. Maybe she should have waited for the boys, that way she wouldn’t have been alone in facing them.
The thugs said nothing, but grunted, swinging and lunging at her as she danced around them, doing what she could to stay out of their grip and take advantage of any openings.
“Finch, look out!” It took a moment for her to register the almost-unfamiliar voice before Aqualad shoved her out of the way of a thug sneaking up behind her, getting trapped in the bear hug grip instead. Aqualad refused to lose his cool, and took a deep breath. A blue glow started at his shoulders, twisting down his arms, and letting out a burst of bio-electricity that stunned his captor with a scream.
“Woah,” Wally’s eyes were wide with admiration.
Emma’s eyes were wide too.
His tattoos glowed a warm blue hue.
And they matched the marks hidden on Emma’s arms.
“Emma, get up.”
“We’re gonna be late for school.”
“Go without me.”
“No.” Still in his PJs, Rick took a flying leap at Emma’s queen-sized bed and bounced until she threw off her covers and started bouncing with him.
“So you met your soulmate, huh?”
Emma bit her lip before she could bite back with a “You too”.
“I thought I was ready to meet them, but I guess I’m not,” She said, still bouncing.
“Well, you don’t have to tell him. Not yet, anyways,” He pointed out. “Me, however, I’m not gonna be able to hold this in for very long.” Emma suddenly wanted to shout out that Wally was Rick’s soulmate, but she held herself back.
“It feels wrong,” Emma said, landing on her butt. Rick landed next to her, bouncing a couple times.
“He’s from Atlantis. He should have been soulmates with someone from Atlantis, someone who understands his tattoos and markings and their cultural significance,” She traced the tattoo up her right arm, an eel, not a snake. Aqualad had told a nervously curious Wally last night. After the fight and noticing Aqualad’s tattoos, it was like someone had flipped a switch from casual to awkward. She couldn’t even look at him without turning bright red. According to the marks on her skin, this was the man she was destined to spend her life with, to fall in love with. And she had known him for less than a day.
“You could always learn more about Atlantis. Ask him, talk to him.” Rick pointed out. “I think Bruce gave Aquaman a water-proof cell phone for AL to use. I can look up his number if you want-”
“No, I can ask him next time we team up, thank you very much.” Emma interrupted.
She sighed. “It probably would be a good idea to start there, though.”
Rick hugged her, his arms around her neck. “It’ll all work out, you’ll see.” He promised.
Emma hugged his arms, holding her little brother. “Thanks, Rick.”
“Master Richard! Miss Emma! You’re going to be late for school!”
The team was formed a few months later. Roy refused entry to the kiddie club, leaving an opening for Superboy and Miss Martian, neither of whom had any markings for themselves or from their soulmates. Emma was ecstatic, though both she and Aqualad missed having Speedy around. Artemis came next, an arrow tattoo wrapped around her bicep, and Speedy became “Red Arrow”, to show that he was moving on.
In the Junior Justice League base of Mount Justice, hero aliases were traded for civilian ID’s and nicknames. Wally remained the only one in confidence of Finch and Robin’s secret ID’s, but other than the three of them, there was Conner, Megan, Artemis (yes, it was the same as her hero name), and Kaldur.
Kaldur’s maturity and level-headedness got him elected team leader, in charge of organizing missions and getting the ragtag team to work together. Emma found herself sticking close by to help out with paperwork and discussing team problems and training with Kaldur. Not just because she wanted to get to know Kaldur, but because she felt so comfortable with him. She could talk to him about how red skittles were clearly the best out of all skittles, and he would listen intently. She could ask him a rhetorical question and he would answer patiently, or he would help her find the answer. He put time and effort into her, and she did the same. He was still studying and experiencing Surface Culture, and Emma loved explaining things to him.
Time set aside for mission discussions more often than not turned into these discussions of almost nothing. Kaldur was quite businesslike, compared to everyone else, at least, but Rick insisted that he “melted” around Emma.
“Still think that fate made a mistake?” He asked.
Emma shrugged. “I feel guilty for hiding it now. What if he thinks I only spent time with him because he’s my soulmate and not because...” She trailed off.
“Because you really care about him?” Artemis asked, loudly sipping a can of pineapple juice stolen from Wally. She and Megan knew, of course. Those things tended to happen when you shared a locker room.
Emma shrugged. “I just don’t think I’m ready yet.”
The others were, though, and she could tell.
“It’s not their secret to tell.” Roy told her over the phone. “If any of them so much as blurt the world ‘soulmate’ in Kal’s direction before you give the okay, I’ll kick all their butts.”
“How do you put up with it?” She asked him. Roy was basically a best friend to both Emma and Kaldur. Keeping it a secret from one of them had to be hard.
“I’ll admit, it’s hilarious seeing you two blushing and talking like that and he apparently doesn’t get a clue.”
“You jerk!” Emma threw a pillow at the wall to substitute for throwing one at Roy.
“Seriously, Em,” His laughter had faded, “You like him, don’t you? And he likes you. What do you have to lose by telling him?”
Nothing. She had nothing to lose. Or did she? She couldn’t tell, and it drove her insane.
“Is something bothering you, Finch?” Aqualad asked.
“Dragonfire,” She reminded him, flexing her new wings. A gift from her old friend the Joker.
“Yes, of course. My apologies,” He still bowed his head formally. Emma liked it when he used Atlantean mannerisms.
“It’s okay, I like that you still call me that sometimes.” She liked it so much her stomach tickled. She passed it off as her new powers being irritating.
Raquel overheard, and like the others she had it.
“We have to set them up,” She declared to the team while Kaldur and Dragonfire were off doing “important paperwork”.
“Agreed,” Artemis pounded her fist on the island counter for emphasis.
“But how are we going to convince Dra that she should tell? The longer she waits, the more nervous she gets.” Wally said
“Shouldn’t we let them decide?” Conner tried to say.
The PA switched on in a burst of static. “Team, report to the mission room.”
According to intel from Batman, Jonathan Crane, the Scarecrow, had escaped from Arkham Asylum and was hiding somewhere in Miami, Florida. The team’s mission was to find Scarecrow and whoever was helping him, and make it hard for Scarecrow to hurt anyone until Batman and the League could come in and deal with Scarecrow themselves.
While everyone else donned a tank top to go with their shorts, Emma stuck with her usual long-sleeved shirt in the Florida sun.
“Are you not hot in that?” Kaldur asked.
“I’m fine,” Dragonfire insisted with a smile. Several girls walked past, admiring Kal’s tattoos, and Emma turned away, just a little bit jealous. Of course, it was her own fault for not being more open about their marks in the first place. The team was split up patrolling the city. Kid Flash and Robin scouted out the perimeter, Superboy, Miss Martian, and Artemis had the malls, Zatanna and Rocket had the streets, and Kaldur and Dragonfire had the beach. They walked in silence, side by side through the warm sand, keeping an eye out for any shady or straw-like figures.
And then Kaldur reached down and took Emma’s hand.
“Huh?” She didn’t realize that she’d said that out loud, as if he’d said something she’d misheard.
“I thought that it would sell our inconsequential appearance if we pretended to be a couple,” He said, “Is that alright?”
Emma smiled, thankful that her blush was hidden beneath her sunglasses and the brim of her floppy straw hat. “That’s just fine,” She assured him.
It wasn’t awkward, and it certainly wasn’t boring when Kaldur was around. There was no doubt about it, Emma knew that she was in love.
And then there were screams.
Emma tried to stop the crying child that was running down the beach, but she only screamed louder and ran in the other direction, avoiding anyone who reached out or stopped to try and help her, until she finally fell to her knees, curled up in a little ball. More kids were appearing with those symptoms, jumping at every little movement or sound. Fear gas.
No time to wait for the League, Dragonfire and Kaldur sprinted the way the kids had come.
“Aqualad to Team, come in, the symptoms of mass fear gas have been spotted on the beach. Rendezvous at our coordinates ASAP.”
“Kid Flash to Aqualad, Rob and I found the remains of a lab used to create fear gas about five miles inland.”
“Tag and bag the evidence, then come help us,” Dragonfire instructed. More and more people were screaming out of fear now, not just the kids.
They spotted Scarecrow out at sea, on a rickety old boat bobbing on the waves that were becoming more and more tumultuous every second. Had the clouds been that dark and ominous a second ago?
“Hold on!” Kaldur shouted. Emma wrapped her arms around his torso as he dove into the waves, holding on for dear life as he made for the boat like a torpedo. He shot out of the water and Emma spread her dragon wings, dropping him on the ship like a bomb. Scarecrow threw canisters of fear gas at both of them, but Emma fried them with her electricity, negating the anxiety-inducing abilities. Her fists crackled and her hair billowed with static as she hovered above the ship like a bird of prey, providing cover as Kaldur fought off Scarecrow’s guards. Emma went for the big man himself. It was strange to think that this was her old biology teacher, but given how teachers were treated in America, she really couldn’t blame him. She swept in with a hook to the jaw, sending him stumbling backwards.
“How do we stop it, Crane?” She demanded, going for intimidation. The guy liked fear, right?
“Such power...” Crane hissed, “Tell me, child, what scares a god like you?”
Emma shot him in the arm with another lightning bolt. “Wouldn’t you like to know.” Scarecrow grabbed at her shirt, tearing off some fabric. She threw him off with another blast of electricity that tore her shirt even more. It wasn’t made of the same durable stuff that her uniform was.
“Dragonfire!” Aqualad shouted, “I think we have been exposed to minimal effects of the fear gas!”
“Probably!” She agreed, ducking under Scarecrow’s hit. “Try to stay focused! You can fight it off!” She promised.
She turned back to Scarecrow, who now had an aerosol-like can pointed at her face, and sprayed before jumping over the side of the boat. His henchmen follow suit, and Dragonfire heard the sound of a submarine roaring away below the choppy waves.
“Dragonfire!” Aqualad caught her as she rubbed at her eyes, coughing violently.
“Dragonfire, Finch, hang on, you can fight it,” He urged, setting her down on the
Emma heard none of that, her ears were too clogged, no matter how she tried to shake off the fear gas.
She looked down at her arms, the sleeves of her shirt completely gone. Kaldur looked down and saw them too. He quickly pulled away, backing up several steps.
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry,” Finch’s voice quavered, echoing in her ears as Aqualad swam in and out of her vision.
It cleared long enough to see the disgusted look on his face.
She was out cold before she hit the water.
Emma awoke tangled in soft white sheets. She hugged herself, running her fingers against the rough ink. They itched more than ever now, reminding her of what happened on the boat.
Kaldur hated her. He had to. She hated herself.
“Good, you’re awake,” Black Canary smiled down at her kindly, approaching the side of her bed.
“You’re all right,” She said at the sight of tears flooding Emma’s eyes. “The fear gas should be just about flushed from your system by now. Aquaman and Batman are helping to oversee the cleanup of Miami Beach, and even though Scarecrow’s escaped, no one was killed. Wonder Woman and Flash are making sure that everyone receives a vaccination for the fear gas.”
That did little to assuage Emma’s rapidly beating heart. “Is Kaldur-” She stopped herself, “Is Aqualad okay?” She whispered.
Canary’s smile brightened. “That’s right! He’s your soulmate!” She patted Emma’s bare arm, “Just one moment, I’ll go get him for you.”
“No, Dinah wait-!” The door whisked shut behind Dinah before Emma could finish.
She leaped to her feet, shaking like jello. She had to get out of there, she couldn’t face Kaldur like this. She grabbed a change of clothes, lying on the counter, and tripped over her big feet. Seconds before she smacked into the linoleum, strong arms with too-familiar tattoos caught her, lifting her up.
“Hi,” Kaldur said, giving a small smile.
Emma pushed him away, falling back into the bed. “Go away,” She demanded, throat thick with tears.
Kaldur’s eyes went wide, glancing between his tattoos and the marks on Emma’s arms. “Finch? Are you alright?”
She shook her head, “Just leave me alone!”
“Finch, what is wrong?”
“Don’t call me that!” She screamed. “I get it, I’m not what you wanted in a soulmate, I’m sorry to disappoint you,” She sobbed.
“But even if you hate me, I have to tell you that I love you. I have been since I met you, before I even knew that we were soulmates.”
Now, Kaldur’s face was screwed up in confusion. He was usually so passive, it was strange to see him like this.
Having said that, Emma was unable to keep her mouth shut. “I love your sincerity and your honesty, your kindness and how much you care. I love your curiosity and fascination with every new thing you find out about the surface world. I love your patience and your smile and that little laugh you make when Rick and Wally are kidding around because we know they’re soulmates but they can’t tell. I didn’t want to tell you I was your soulmate because I wanted to make sure you liked me for me, and that I liked you not just because you were my soulmate.”
She squeezed her eyes shut and gripped the blanket in her hands, worried that it might tear if she held it too tight, but it was better than letting the tears she was holding back burst out.
There was she soft pad of bare feet on tile, and Kaldur’s rough but gentle hands brushed some hair from her face.
“I do not hate you, Finch. It would be impossible for me to do so.”
She gasped and opened her eyes. A few tears fell, but Kaldur helped her wipe them away. “I have loved you for a long time, but I hope you can forgive me for not coming forward with my feelings before.” He paused, taking her hand in his. “I was afraid that if you were not my soulmate, you would not be open to dating other people.”
She almost laughed, throwing her arms around him. Kaldur returned her embrace.
“I love how kind you are as well. Your impatience is endearing, and I find it amusing how I seem to be the only person you are patient with. I love how you are always so happy and smiling. I love how stubborn you are, and your commitment to justice for those who need it.
“And I love the fact that you are my soulmate.”
“Are you seriously getting nachos?” Artemis asked, looking at the stereotypical designs that were offered at the most popular tattoo parlor in Happy Harbor. “A lightning bolt would be ten times cooler.”
“Lightning is fleeting but food is forever,” Wally said, attempting to sound old and wizened.
“Yeah, at least until you eat it,” Rick snickered.
“I think I might get lightning,” Emma said. “Or maybe a tiny dragon.”
“Definitely get a dragon,” Raquel agreed, “There’s like fifty heroes who have lightning iconography. You’re the only one who’s got dragon wings.”
“What about Man-bat? Or Blue devil?” Wally pointed out.
“Dude, they’re a bat and a devil, not dragons.” Zatanna said, coming back from her seat with several magical sparkles sprinkled around her wrist like a bracelet. A few moments later, the same style appeared on Raquel’s wrist to go with the white comet on her forearm.
“My turn!” Wally declared with glee, hopping up to the table Zee had been at. “I want the first seven digits of Pi on my ankle,” He said, settling on a price with the tattoo artist.
“What about you, Conner, what are you getting?” Megan asked.
“I can’t get anything here, I’m too strong, but Clark has some tech at the Fortress he can use to put the Superman symbol on my bicep if I really want it.”
“And you do, don’t you?” M’gann giggled.
“Yes, I do.” He nodded firmly. “What are you getting?”
“I don’t know! There are so many cool designs!” She squealed.
“What do you think, Kal? It’s gonna be your tattoo too,” Emma leaned against his shoulder, wearing short sleeves in the summer for the first time in two years, arm in arm with her soulmate.
Kaldur held up the piece of paper he’d been doodling on. “How about this?” He asked, pointing to a small drawing in the corner. A pair of dragon wings, just like hers.
Emma beamed and kissed his cheek. “Perfect.”
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robedisimo · 7 years
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[Disclaimer: this review is based on the Italian dub of the film. As such, all opinions on the quality of dialogues and acting are subjective and partial.]
So, it’s been a while since my last review and, to be completely honest, I didn’t expect Marvel’s Black Panther to be a hard one to come back on. I went into this movie expecting to enjoy it thoroughly, and in many respects I did, just... not as much as I thought I would. To cut a long story short, I spent the better part of a week trying to make up my mind about whether I walked away from this movie impressed or disappointed. Here’s what I’ve got so far.
First of all, let’s address the mini-skirted elephant in the room: in more than just a few coincidental ways, Black Panther is a retread of last year’s Wonder Woman. Both films star characters who were introduced as supporting players in a previous movie, in both cases big tentpole cross-over films – Batman v Superman and Captain America: Civil War, respectively – revolving around a conflict between the two main figures within the respective mega-franchise universes. Both act as more self-contained tales, in terms of cross-franchise elements, than previous movies in their narrative universes, and both feature different but thematically contiguous settings in the shape of secluded, secretive, mythology-laden kingdoms ruled in utopian perfection by a fictional society reflective of one of America’s mistreated social minorities.
On the production side of things, both were surprisingly helmed by directors known for poignant, socially-involved projects – Monster’s Patty Jenkins and Fruitvale Station’s Ryan Coogler – and, on the promotional side, both sailed towards theatres on a wave of sheer hype, being hailed as the beginning of a new era for Hollywood blockbusters and propelled forwards by baffling headlines – born, I assume, either out of stunningly poor memory or else a frankly understandable wish to forget that Steel, Supergirl and Catwoman ever happened – about how they were the first female-led, or black-led, superhero movie ever made.
Neither film, it goes without saying, rises to meet those unrealistic expectations. Though entirely enjoyable in its own right, Wonder Woman was an uneven and ultimately formulaic film that tried to juggle too many things and be too many different movies at once, and Black Panther certainly falls into the same category to a lesser degree. Part James Bond instalment, part Lion King and in part also Thor rerun, what we got on our hands in the end was a fairly mundane genre flick with a number of highs but also a handful of lows.
The good: the film looks amazing. Where its DC equivalent was content with just a few opening minutes of generic pseudo-Greek utopia, Black Panther instead realises its fictional setting to a much deeper, richer degree, to often impressive results. The mythical kingdom of Wakanda is most definitely a kind of spectacle not before seen in theatres, a bold vision of African futurism that meshes hi-tech sci-fi with tribal spiritualism in oftern stunning fashion. Its setting is easily the film’s best aspect, brought to life on the shoulders of the great conceptual design work done by Marvel’s art team.
On top of that, Black Panther is energetic and well-acted, perhaps with less overt humour than most recent Marvel projects but certainly fast and action-y enough to satisfy genre fans. The story is emotional and poignant, and Michael B. Jordan definitely shines – although I feel a pang of white guilt in reporting that Andy Serkis, for once appearing with his own tribal mask of a face, steals away the trophy for most enjoyable performance in the film – as one of the MCU’s most complex theatrical villains to date... if not, like Cate Blanchett’s Hela before him, one that truly and definitively manages to buckle well-established Marvel villain trends.
The soundtrack – if a touch obtrusive at times – is another of the movie’s high points, way less hip-hop-heavy than trailers suggested and much more genuinely African in its tones and beats. For a film that’s obstensibly about identity, the fact that its visuals and acoustics come together to form such an original, easily-identifiable cinematic brand is certainly Coogler’s, and everyone behind him, greatest achievement here.
The bad: the film looks amazing, except when it doesn’t. The Marvel Cinematic Universe is definitely developing an overreliance on CGI lately, and even Black Panther’s rather sizeable budget can’t do much to distract from some of the film’s worst effects – no spoilers, but you’ll know when you see it – and its general overabundance of green-screen shenanigans, especially in the cliché-laden climax.
The action itself isn’t especially praise-worthy either, despite a couple brief highlights: much like in Creed, Coogler blows his best action scene midway through the film and it’s all downhill from there, with a few missed opportunities along the way. The film’s focus on hi-tech gadgets, for example, sort of fizzles out without much fanfare after a while, with the same two or three tricks being repeated throughout the movie.
Other issues may be found in certain aspects of pacing, although in that area your mileage may vary. Black Panther starts off a tad slow, and then unfolds as a series of self-contained vignettes that take too long to develop a coherent throughline. When the plot finally kicks in it works in fairly satisfactory fashion, but there’s one big twist that honestly could’ve been dropped earlier in the film’s generous runtime and, generally speaking, I feel that the script could’ve stood one more round of polishing.
So make no mistake: on my personal scale, as far as enjoyment of my theatrical experience is concerned, the verdict at the bottom of this review should not rise above “MOSTLY POSITIVE”. It gets knocked up a peg for two specific reasons:
Black Panther’s impact on the American public is undeniable. In the United States, the film’s themes resonate in a way they simply can’t anywhere else, and as such this is the one Marvel movie that is perhaps the least designed for, and the least accessible to, foreign audiences... even if it is frankly quite mystifying that Wakanda’s core values would end up being framed in the context of the plight and struggle of people of colour in America, rather than pretty much anywhere in the surrounding African continent. Ultimately, I think, it’s not even a matter of said themes being satisfactorily addressed or resolved, and indeed Coogler’s film presents challenging ideas that are entirely unexpected from a superhero movie, but – partly because the script starts dealing with them too far into its runtime, as I mentioned – there’s not really the proper time for them to breather. Other critics have written that Black Panther is more interesting to think about than it is to actually watch, and I tend to agree: the ideas behind this movie are impressive, but their execution is not always the best. Despite that, Black Panther most definitely is an important film, at least in the here and now. Its missteps are easily overlooked in light of that, just as I imagine Martin Luther King, Jr.’s historical speeches would’ve still be commended for their convention-buckling message even if the reverend himself had been saddled with a comical stutter. This movie’s heart is in the right place, and it’s easy to see why that is being rewarded above all else.
From a purely technical standpoint, my viewing of this film was crippled by an adequate, and just adequate, Italian dub. I’m perfectly capable of recognising when a mediocre localisation gets in the way of a film’s original underlying richness and this was most certainly the case, with the whole English-language cast providing an array of diverse – and, I’m sure, memorable – performances, many of them in fictional African accents, that got “flattened” to an unvarying standard inflection in the version I got to see. At least in that respect, I expect a second home-video viewing in the original language to elevate my opinion of the performers’ work.
So in the end we’re left with a pretty tough question on our hands: is Black Panther a movie that exploits the genre to draw attention to relevant political themes, or one that exploits those political themes to justify its run-of-the-mill script? It is perhaps both, and that becomes a rather large problem when the film can’t make up its mind as to which of its two identities deserves its full commitment. Nonetheless, I’m eager to see how this franchise, and the larger Marvel machine whose gears grind around it, carry forward what’s been put in motion here. For the time being, Black Panther is perhaps not as good as it could’ve been... but even then, it seems to be good enough.
[Verdict: POSITIVE]
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Epic Movie (Re)Watch #188 - Hercules (2014)
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Spoilers Below
Have I seen it before: Yes
Did I like it then: Yes.
Do I remember it: Yes.
Did I see it in theaters: Yes.
Was it a movie I saw since August 22nd, 2009: Yes. #304
Format: Blu-ray
1) This movie is half of the two and a half films I’ve seen in a movie theater without anyone else in it (the other two being Brick Mansions & Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping). I was in the theater with two people for the first half of the movie but they left halfway through. I don’t think they left because of the quality though but because they snuck into the theater. Either way, I’ve seen 501 films as of writing this recap and only during 2.5 of those have I been alone in a theater.
Iolaus: “You think you know the truth about him? You know nothing.”
While this line begins Iolaus’ going into the pretty standard Herculean myth (the twelve labors and all), this entire idea is the basis of the film. We don’t know Hercules. Not this Hercules. Because - in what helps set this film apart from other Hercules movies - it does away with the fantasy. There are no monsters, no Olympians, no Titans, it’s just men and myths about them. And while the twelve labors are gone over in an abbreviated opening scene in an entertaining way, it’s much more interesting learning that these mysteries & myths are nothing more than human beings playing tricks. It’s a concept that immediately helps make the film more interesting.
3) Dwayne Johnson as Hercules.
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(GIF source unknown [if this is your GIF please let me know].)
Johnson was incredibly dedicated to this part, as I understand it was a dream role for him. And honestly, he makes the film. Hercules is not the hero the myth makes him out to be, although he clearly has the beating heart of a good man. But that heart is buried under a facade. A con man, a showman, a scoundrel, a mercenary who cares only for gold. But despite his efforts to convince those around him that this is all he is, it is very clearly NOT the case. Johnson plays the mythical hero with such pure emotion and honesty it’s hard not to immediately invest in his character. What is especially important is that he can play the heartache of Hercules which is always just under the surface. Johnson is also able to differentiate between when Hercules is putting on a show for others and when he’s being himself. He’s able to switch between over the top drama and honest vulnerability in a refreshing way. It’s just amazing, really.
4) Hercules could have easily been a loner with a lot of man pain in this movie, but he’s not. He’s got this incredibly rich group of family around him, a support system. It is the relationships in this group which are the most interesting thing in the film. The banter, humor, heart, trust, and kinship between these characters is the very soul of this film. Each one of them is strong and developed in interesting ways, more so than the villain even. It’s just…I’m a sucker for found families in fiction. And this is a pretty freaking good found family group.
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5) I would have to say that my favorite member of Hercules’ party is EASILY Atalanta.
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Portrayed by Ingrid Bolsø Berdal, Atalanta is unfortunately a victim to the Smurfette principle by being the only woman in a group full of men. And while I don’t think the film passes the Bechdel test it sure as hell destroys the Sexy Lamp Test. Atalanta is just fucking awesome. She has no patience for sexist bullshit and the fact she is able to put it to bed so easily means we don’t have to deal with it in the story! An Amazon in the film (not the greek myths), she’s just really badass and tough, so although she doesn’t get as much focus as the titular hero I just love her so much.
6) I disagree with this. But maybe I’m supposed to, considering it’s said by the film’s surprise villain.
King Cotys [after Hercules says he’s nothing more than a mercenary]: “How we view ourselves if of little consequence. How others perceive us is important.”
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I understand in reality people are going to treat me based on how they see me not how I see myself, but you know what? Someone could look at me and think I’m so fat fucking slob who is just going to mooch off their wallets. And I could either concern myself with trying to change that or be my own person because I am definitely NOT that.
7) Ian McShane as Amphiaraus.
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Ian McShane is a bright spot in pretty much every single film he’s in and Hercules is no different. He has a wonderful sense of humor, heart, and warmth which permeates every single scene he’s in. You like Amphiaraus, you understand him, you care about him, it’s all wonderful.
8) It’s really great seeing the team dynamic in action on the battlefield. Iolaus playing up the myth of Hercules and the rest of the team watching to follow his lead. You quickly understand why they work so well together.
9) The ensuing action sequence is fun too, if not perfect. It can be slow and it cane be a bit by the numbers, but at times it’s creative and the set piece is enjoyable throughout.
Hercules: “I never knew my father.”
If you accept that the legend of Hercules is just that - a legend - then suddenly this very interesting question comes up: who is Hercules’ dad? We know his mother is human but the fact his father is always absentee is choked up to the fact that he’s an Olympian. But once you take that away Hercules has the unfortunately-too-common pain of not knowing why his absentee dad ditched him. That’s a really interesting concept, I think.
11) The scene where the team each recounts how they met Hercules, how they joined his group and family, where they remember the loyalty and compassion he has shown each of them, it’s surprisingly moving. It feeds into the found family dynamic I love so much and just makes you further invested in their relationship.
12) This film’s biggest issue is that it can truly drag at times. The battle with Rhesus’ army doesn’t do enough to differentiate itself from the previous battle with the Bessi (Bessie? I don’t know how it’s spelled). It feels a little repetitive to me so I largely just zone out. Which is unfortunate for a 90 minute film.
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14) Unfortunately Cotys’ evil just sort of happens. There aren’t really any clues before the twist it’s just, “Oh, you know you’re fighting for the bad guy right?” And then suddenly he’s entirely evil.
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15) Fuck. Yes. Atalanta!
Atalanta [after Hercules says they can leave him to fight, that whatever debt they felt they had is repaid]: “Debt? You think we follow you because we owe you? Look around, Hercules. We’re a family. All we have is each other.”
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16) This line always stuck with me.
King Eurystheus [on why he betrayed & framed Hercules for the murder of his wife & children]: “I can deal with an ambitious man he can be bought, but a man who wants nothing has no price.”
17) This is pretty damn good.
Hercules has had a crisis of identity throughout the entire film. Is he the man who murdered his family, the hero the world thinks he is, the selfish mercenary he tells people he is? He doesn’t know who he is, but when he exclaims, “I am Hercules!” he decides what that means. He decides Hercules is going to fight for those he loves and for what is right, demigod superpowers or not. And that’s a pretty solid conflict resolved in an entertaining way.
18) I fucking love this.
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(GIFs originally posted by @kingputaz)
I’m not much of a believe in predetermined fate, so I’m glad this film kinda just said, “Screw that.”
Hercules [after Eurystheus begs for forgiveness so his life may be spared]: “You want forgiveness? [Hercules kills Eurystheus] Ask my family for forgiveness.”
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(GIF originally posted by @onceland)
20) Similar to note #12, the final battle with Cotys’ army is really just filler it feels like. It would have been far more interesting if the army had immediately turned to Hercules’ side, because they do eventually do that after Cotys is dead. And the scene doesn’t do much to differentiate itself. It’s really just by the numbers, I feel.
Amphiaraus [about Hercules]: “Is he actually the son of Zeus? I don’t think it really matters.”
YES! THIS! Oh my god, yes! Hercules is a hero because of the choices he makes and his actions, not because of heritage. I dig it, I love it, rock it!
The Dwayne Johnson Hercules is a hidden gem in a longline of both greek mythology movies and swords/sandals action flicks. The dynamic between Hercules and his team is remarkably interesting, Johnson is absolutely incredible in the part, and it’s a lot more enjoyable than a Hercules movie directed by Brett Ratner might be. All in all, it’s just a really enjoyable 90 minutes I suggest you watch. Just a sheer good time.
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spryfilm · 7 years
“Wonder Woman” (2017)
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Running Time: 141 minutes
Written by: Allan Heinberg
Directed by: Patty Jenkins,
Featuring: Gal Gadot, Chris Pine, Robin Wright, Danny Huston, David Thewlis, Connie Nielsen and Elena Anaya
Diana Prince: “The gods made the Amazons to restore peace to the world, and it’s what I’m going to do.”
Possibly one of the most anticipated super hero movies in recent history has arrived in the form of the Patty Jenkins directed, Gal Gadot starring “Wonder Woman” (2017), about an Amazonian warrior who after years of training as well as shunning the world of ‘man’ is drawn into World War I by her sometime beau Steve Trevor. If you have been following Wonder Woman’s journey to the big screen you will know that she first appeared in the terrible Zack Snyder directed “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice” (2016) where she stole the show with her kick ass attitude as well as the fact she didn’t defer or wait for the boys – she got on with showing off almost all of her tools, the shield, the sword, the lasso, those bracelet’s and of course her battle hardiness. Now as every good super hero as well as possible new franchise needs is an origin story, not just any story but a great one – something Warner Bros./DC has finally learnt from Marvel. As with any good origin story this one is built around a solid character, with some moral unrest as well as a few friends to help out where needed. What also helps is a director that can handle a huge budget as well as the expectations from the studio and audience alike. What we get is a very mixed bag with a film that starts strong then plot contrivances combined a with a very weak as well as confusing third act lets this film down but is still a great ride.
Before she was Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot), she was Diana, princess of the Amazons, trained to be an unconquerable warrior. Raised on a sheltered island paradise, Diana meets an American pilot (Chris Pine) who tells her about the massive conflict that’s raging in the outside world. Convinced that she can stop the threat, Diana leaves her home for the first time. Fighting alongside men in a war to end all wars, she finally discovers her full powers and true destiny.
For me the first question that had to be answered was all to do with the director, that is, the hiring of a relative newcomer to direct what is potentially the blockbuster of the year as well the re-launching after a much publicized failure (thanks Zack Snyder) in 2016. I am happy to say that Patty Jenkins has done an outstanding job given all the inherent limitations as well as having a huge studio hovering in the background. It has been pretty obvious in the press as well as the marketing that Jenkins and star Gal Gadot have been on the same page right from the jump. Seeing a hero that is based in Greek mythology brought to life in three dimensions as well as it being done so competently is a real gift for audiences, one I hope they embrace with open arms. This film was always going to be directed by a woman, Warner Bros. had to beat Marvel at something and if they are unable to do so with the product or success, they at least could be first at something – having the first female led superhero movie as well as having a woman direct what is probably one of the largest budgeted superhero movie’s is a start. I think it is unfortunate that we do live in an age where this is seen as a step forward but women have been systemically cut out of this process.
The next step to get right was the casting and when Gal Gadot was cast as Wonder Woman for her debut many people had no clue who she was. However with a super strong marketing campaign as well as a few “Fast and Furious” films under her belt the public quickly became aware who was playing the Amazonian Princess – in fact this is a role if handled correctly could be the answer for Warner Bros. to have a face for the DC Universe that is 100% unique as well as being one of the three pillars of the DC Universe – giving those tired old warhorses Batman and Superman a well deserved break – is it me or are those two so last century. Gadot has embraced this character so well that she shines onscreen and even though the story may seem a little rehearsed, overblown and at times just like any other superhero origin, particularly a DC one – how can they still not get their endings right? Have you seen “Guardian’s of the Galaxy: Volume 2” (2017)? She seems above it all and able to handle anything.
The other two standouts for me are Chris Pine (Steve Trevor) and Lucy Davis (Etta Candy) – I was not sure how I would feel about seeing these two characters brought to life but like all great actors Pine and Davis are fully invested. I was invigorated to see Chris Pine take this role, as was it a sidekick role that has the job of showing Diana the ropes, so to speak. But Pine with his own franchise and after his own turn in last years excellent “Hell or High Water” (2016) it is obvious that this role required something special and real, so Pine is your man. After years of playing characters such as Dawn in the original “The Office” (2001 – 2003), Dianne in “Shaun of the Dead” (2004) and Emily in “Maron” (2015 – 2016) it is deserving she play Wonder Woman’s number 2 in the amazing Etta Candy – straight from the comics, she plays her wonderfully and threatens to steal the movie.
It was with some relief when I found the story shifting from Paradise Island to the ‘modern’ world that this was going to be set during World War I. The relief came from the fact that we were not going to be subjected to World War II and all the tropes that go along with it. In my mind it always seems to be a lazy way to move the plot as well as establishing a narrative as almost any fantasy or comic book film will use the Nazis as the ‘bad guys’ thereby negating the need to build three dimensional antagonists. With “Wonder Woman” however there was a need to establish a villain, the standout being Elena Anaya as Dr. Poison who I found to be extremely compelling and original, for a comic book villain that is. Unfortuabltey the same cannot be said of Danny Hustons whose idea of seeming evil is ywllng, a lot, as well as having no clue about what his motivations are, expet he is bad and just has to kill everyone else – really? That’s a villain in 2017, all he was missing was a moustache to twirl. However and no spoilers give it was about to get worse.
Once again we see with these high priced and still overblown superhero movies a massive reliance on CGI, which of course is the case with “Wonder Woman”, the difference with the better films is that this use of special effects is combined with great characters as well as interesting action moments that serve as one scene or moment. It could be with Jenkins background in independent movies, she directed Charlize Theron to a best actress Oscar for her only previous movie the serial killer biography “Monster” (2003), that she is able to take character first building around that to give a complete moment. Of course there are still third act issues with the big showdown that we have come to expect, but it is saved by the Gadot doing what she does best in with the character that is to stand up and not look back.
Unfortunately it has to be said the entire movie is ultimately let down by the ending as well as a final battle which I thought had ended with something akin to previous Marvel film. I also thought it was going to be a smarter ending which was hinted at in regard to the war, our place as humans in conflict and the fact that there is no easy answer. Boy was I ever wrong, it the film took a left turn, and suddenly I felt I was back at the end of “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice” – what a nightmare, please get me out. It was such a shame to see a film let me down this much.
I will not go into any real plot details as this movie is better left as a surprise even though the trailers have given away a few of the key points which is par for the course these days but this is a movie definitely worth seeing on the big screen and for my mind without a second watch is still in the top 15 comic book films produced to date. It is a true relasation of a property (again with a painful third act) that has gone through some turmoil over the past ten years with issues from medium, to directors, to writers to who would play the main part. But “Wonder Woman” is a fantastic watch for all ages and both genders, you should go and see. We should be thankful to have a Wonder Woman finally come to life.
“Wonder Woman” is out now only in cinemas.
Film review: “Wonder Woman” (2017) “Wonder Woman” (2017) Thriller/Action Running Time: 141 minutes Written by: Allan Heinberg Directed by: Patty Jenkins,
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