zukosenforcer-blog · 12 years
"No!" Ursa opened the door again and tugged on her most trusted Enforces hand. " Let me stay with you please!" She cried out.
The Enforcer sighed in frustration.  If Zuko had gone missing, he was likely to be in trouble, and they needed to be defending him, not babysitting his daughter.  Still, they closed a gloved hand around Ursa's small hand and turned to go, walking along with her in tow.  They'd look for him together, and hopefully if Zuko was indeed in trouble, they'd be able to get her out of the way before a real fight broke out.
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zukosenforcer-blog · 12 years
They laughed awkwardly.  The sound was strained; they hardly ever laughed out loud, and their voice wasn't entirely cooperating with the action.  "You know the power my voice holds.  And that's why I can't use it.  They'd all know immediately," they said sadly, setting the helmet on their head and turning it a bit to make sure it was on solidly.  "I will see your will enforced on the world, my Lord," they promised, then took a deep breath and let it out evenly, ready to go back to their silent persona.
“I won’t let you fall, my Lord.”
“Thank you,” Zuko said evenly, bowing his head. “Sometimes I forget your ability to give motivational speeches - better than me, actually.” It was easy to forget when they never used their voice, let alone with as much force as passion that they demonstrated at that moment. “I do believe that you will… nip this in the bud. You are reliable and I trust you with this matter.”
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zukosenforcer-blog · 12 years
Nothing has changed. Nothing has changed.
"Everything just changed, Zuko!" she exclaimed, tightening her hands into fists and letting a burst of blue flame punctuate her words.  "Even if we go back to pretending..."  She trailed off and pulled the mask off again, staring down at it like she was disgusted by it.
"When I first took up this mask, it was for a year.  Just a year, to let everyone see that I'd served you faithfully.  But at the end of that year, everyone was riled up about 'Azula the Mad' and how they still hated me.  So another year, to give old wounds time to heal, give them time to calm down.  But everyone was riled up about how much they hated me and would never forgive me.  The years are ticking by, Zuko.  Eight years I've served you, soon to be ten.  Fifteen?  Twenty?  I don't have a friend in this world besides you, because not a soul knows who I am!  I'm a curiosity.  A freak!"
She flung the helmet into the wall and tightened her hand into a fist, biting her lip and staring down at the ground as she tried to fight back tears.  "We got her calmed down eventually, but the first thing Mai reacted with was wanting me gone.  Eight years it's been and all that hate for me is still there.  Time won't heal it.  Time won't make it go away.  You're right...nothing's changed...  I'll just go back to my mask, my vow of silence..."  She choked a bit, pressing her eyes shut as the tears worked past her defences.
"I'm nothing.  I'm no one.  I never will be.  Not a friend in the world besides you...don't get me wrong, Zuko, I love you.  You're my brother and I would die to defend you.  But...  I'm nothing.  I'm no one.  What will you write on my grave when I die?  Faceless soldier?  While the history books run with tales of Azula The Mad and smear my name, the only name I ever had.  Nothing's changed.  Nothing will change.  But...up till now, I've been able to pretend.  Just one more year.  One more assassin against you stopped.  One more thing to prove to them I've changed.  But it's never going to be enough.  Nothing's changed.  Nothing will change.  I'm trapped.  Forever."
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zukosenforcer-blog · 12 years
They nodded, but true to Lu Ten's guess, not a word passed their lips.  They gestured along the hallway to indicate to follow, then they turned to lead him through the hallway.  They weren't headed to the Fire Lord's office, so clearly they knew where he was at the moment rather than just guessing.
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marching-home started following you
The Enforcer simply stared at the man as he walked through the palace.  They’d heard that he was back, that he’d survived.  They couldn’t believe it, but they had no other choice but to acknowledge him.  Still, they didn’t hide that they were staring at him, and it was entirely possible that he would notice the way the guard’s head followed his every move.
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zukosenforcer-blog · 12 years
{ Welcome to the second announcement of the Civil War plot, the first being that Ozai has escaped from prison and nearly 3/4ths of the Fire Nation military has defected to follow him.  We welcome audience participation (in fact it’s what this plot is for), so please feel free to stop by and pester Zuko and his Enforcer. }
{ http://aneweraofpeace.tumblr.com/ask }
{ http://zukosenforcer.tumblr.com/ask }
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zukosenforcer-blog · 12 years
" Hey!" Ursa opened the door and looked around. " What's going on!? I demand you tell me!"
The Enforcer stopped in their tracks, turned around, pushed Ursa back into her room gently, and shut the door again.
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zukosenforcer-blog · 12 years
*tackleglomps* :D
The Enforcer patted the person awkwardly, not being used to hugs at all.  Nonetheless, they nodded their head gratefully, and made a heart of their fingers.
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zukosenforcer-blog · 12 years
Azula glared at the guard. "Please leave before I actually do something that could put me back in prison," she sneered, annoyed. "I just want to talk to my dear brother."
They folded their arms, not willing to let her alone with Zuko.  Somehow they doubted the Fire Lord would mind that, either.
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zukosenforcer-blog · 12 years
Azula snapped back to the guard, glaringly. "Don't touch me!" she said, brushing off the hand. Honestly. These people.
The Enforcer let her brush their hand away, but they remained close to her.  They weren't going to let this go.
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zukosenforcer-blog · 12 years
Ursa held the hand of the enforcer that she trusted the most. " Why are you taking me to my room?.. Where's my dad?"
The Enforcer could not speak, so they simply shook their head, ushering her into her room.  They closed the door behind her, and turned to grab one of the servants.  With hand signals, they insisted upon a guard being posted outside the princess's room, then they stalked off to go look for Zuko.
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zukosenforcer-blog · 12 years
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thenotsolastairbender replied to your post: thenotsolastairbender replied to your post:...
“Is it alright if I go see Fire Lord Zuko? Once I do, I’m going to get the rest of the gang and we’ll figure out what we need to do.” Aang paused before he took a step forward. “…and thank you for your help. I know you will keep him safe.”
The Enforcer nodded at the first, but at Aang's second comment, they faltered awkwardly.  Their head hung forward slightly for a moment before they took a deep breath and let it out heavily, trying to re-centre themselves for the work that needed to be done.  They nodded awkwardly, but really they didn't know what to say to that.  Instead, they led Aang towards the Fire Lord's office.
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zukosenforcer-blog · 12 years
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thenotsolastairbender replied to your post: thenotsolastairbender replied to your post:...
Aang’s face dropped when he saw the abrupt missive. “…nearly three quarters of the military had defected to serve Ozai.” The first thought that jumped to mind was Zuko’s state of mind, due to the precedent set by the Yu Dao crisis.
The Enforcer nodded, a bit of sadness in their bearing.  Still, they were confident Zuko was going to handle this well.  He'd come a long way since the year following the end of the war.  And...he had them now.  They hadn't been at his side for that incident, but since they'd come to serve him, they'd become his pillar of support.  They believed he'd do just fine.  They also had plans in their head about how to solve this.
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zukosenforcer-blog · 12 years
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zukosenforcer-blog · 12 years
A cough sounded from inside the helmet, and they backed up a step, waving their hand in the air in front of themselves to clear the air around them.  Then they looked down at the boy once he'd landed, not threatening at all, just...patently confused.
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tastemeelosfury started following you
The Enforcer was walking through the streets of Republic City, but stopped short at seeing a boy in Airbenders’ clothing, taking a moment to stare.  Of course, in their armour, they no doubt looked just as odd.
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zukosenforcer-blog · 12 years
They continued to laugh, but waved a hand to dismiss her words and her ideas.  They tapped their chest, indicating themselves, then the side of their helmet at the temple--they knew Zuko.  They knew him well.  Better than the fallen princess, who was still so lost in her hatred of him.
Azula glared at the letters, frustrated to the point where she didn’t know why she didn’t just rip the guard’s helmet off.  ”And how do you feel about that?” she asked, tilting her head to the side.  ”Never getting to speak must be hard on you.  How does it make you feel that my brother thinks he can walk all over you?  He doesn’t even treat you like a person.  You’re no better than a pet to him, someone he’s trained to keep him protected.  You’re pathetic, letting him walk all over you like that.  I’d be ashamed of myself if I were in your position, a soldier turned into a slave.”  She paused, taking a step forward, gazing into the helmet where she felt sure the guard’s eyes were.
“How does that make you feel?”
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zukosenforcer-blog · 12 years
They sighed softly, pressing their eyes closed.  "The country is headed for Civil War.  I don't think we can do this alone, but if we get the other nations involved, we'll drive anyone on the fence into the arms of your father's separatists.  We need to show them that the Fire Nation is capable of handling itself.  That you as Fire Lord are capable of handling a crisis.  One would think that would have been clear after...the events at the end of the war...but there's a great many rumours that you're simply a pawn of the Avatar.  We need to wipe those away."
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zuko-the-spooky-spirit started following you
The Enforcer chuckled softly when they saw that Zuko had his Blue Spirit mask out again.  The sound was rough and breathy—they rarely made a sound, and even now the only reason they let themselves was because they were alone.  They reached over and touched the mask reverently for a moment, then reached up and rapped their knuckles on their own helmet.
“You’re right, this is silly.” Zuko said, pulling off the mask. “I’m Fire Lord now, I shouldn’t be running around in some mask, playing spirit. Besides we have other issues to worry about…people are asking questions about you again.” He said, solemnly. Zuko looked down at the shadowed eyes peering from within the helmet, if everyone found out who they were…they would only look at their past mistakes and it would all be chaos. “We need a plan.” 
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zukosenforcer-blog · 12 years
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