#I’m just rambling idk if this makes sense
crackerzaf · 3 days
Welcome back to my ramblings
These are just HC for why I think Alastor is the way he is but I’m not good at stories, so I’ll just explain it… so other words just have miscellaneous drawings with small hc/fc behind them. Maybe if I have the will power I’ll make an actual comic about it. If you don’t know who alastor with its my interpretation of his family, check out this post if you wanna just read about them.
Alastor dislike of men comes from his dad but also his mom. Myrtle had Alastor young so when she’d walk around with Alastor, she would still get relentlessly cat called by other men, and she would tell Alastor never to be so vulgar and demeaning towards women like that.
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Alastor and his older cousin Gertrude are really close, and they often argue, but that’s just cause Alastor was a little shit as a kid, and Gertrude tried to be more mature. If you asked who got them into more trouble they would both agree and say it’s him, especially when Alastor aunt would send him and his cousin into the town to get her ingredients Alastor just wanted to mess around and look into the pool halls to watch men play and listen to the music through the window
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Alastor hates dogs I don’t think he’s scared of them exactly but he doesn’t fuck with them, I like the idea that when he was younger him and Gertrude snuck into a sugar cane farm to take some sugar cane(side note they snuck in to get sugar cane because where I’m from you can make this treat where you cut the sugar cane into small pieces and stick in a freezer and when it’s slightly frozen you can chew on it and suck out all the sugar so they just wanted it for sweet treats) but since the sun was coming down and Alastor can't see and Gertrude wasn’t paying attention they didn’t see the beware sign anyway they got chased and Alastor was aggressively attacked by the hound dogs and now he has scars on his ankle and back of his leg where the dogs bit him.
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Did any of this make sense idk but I just wanted to draw more of Alastor and his family ideas I think this whole post was just a mix of hc and fc but 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️
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How do you make Virgils boards, is there a system or do you just like go ham? I find them very neat and am curious
(idk if this has been asked before but if it has i couldn't find it so-)
I don’t think it’s been asked but I would LOVE to ramble about it omg for sure-
It’s sort of a mix of both! I have the advantage of like,,, Virgil canonically thinks the way I think, when it comes to connecting dots, so it’s sort of just a visual representation of my brain and how I picture the lore, lol. In terms of a “process” though:
I tend to start with a list of important plot points, bits of information, and character details Virgil does know. And obviously most of the time, it’s a a bunch of questions that he’s asking, which I’ve woven those into
From there, I make a list of assumptions Virgil makes based off those facts. Sometimes those are correct assumptions that I know are right because they’re planned lore. Sometimes they’re things that I’m spitballing because we haven’t landed on an actual answer, and it’s sort of like,,, testing the waters with an idea I think is fun, but that might not be canon. Sometimes, my favourite, they’re just completely bullshit assumptions that make sense but are so wild and silly, either for the comedic effect or as a red herring.
Once I’ve got all of those, I do just sort of go ham sketching them out! I tend to cluster them based on vibe and theme, so it looks like an evolution of thought. Here is this idea, here is this idea that relates to it, kinda thing. I also try to make sure that there’s a drawing or diagram per cluster of information, to add more visual interest! I tend to shuffle things around once they're drawn out, trying to see what fits best where, the sizing of things, and whats like, an appropriate connection/space for things to go! (for example in the upcoming draft of the board, I had to decide if i put the section on Luxtant near Avianism, near the Avicane, near the Sorcerers, or near Vast and Rune!)
Also before I do the line art, I tend to add the strings on a seperate layer to test the placement! actually connecting things with the red string is less important to me then how it looks visually. I want “main things,” whether it’s drawings or notes, to be visible. Like I try my best to not have string lines being directly over the top of people, or important concepts! You can for example in the current board in Virgil’s office that like,,, the note about Kalia isn’t covered, or the pictures of Vast and Pietro, but things like random questions about Viviana are covered by strings, because they’re less important to notice upon first glance. It’s a lot of finding a way to use the strings to draw the eyes in places I want them to go.
Then the last step of the process is line art and colouring and finalising placement :D
That all makes it sound like it’s a properly like, thought out process but honestly it’s a big mess of back and forth editing and scribbling and deciding last minute to add things to fill up space and just hope things turn out looking okay lol! But I have a lot of fun with it, Virgil and his investigations and investigative process (especially upcoming with things like Void Sickness) are very fun to play out 🫶
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diviinedogs · 4 months
JJK 261
I still think that this would’ve had the same vibes of “the ghost of the strongest” coming back or been stronger if it was Seance Technique related instead of what we got, but Yuuta also never met Granny Ogami so hmm….. it might’ve not been possible in the first place since Ino’s seance is different
I figured that it wasn’t going to be Gojo tho/I didn’t want it to be him back at all
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rystiel · 9 days
i feel like poolverine easily could’ve been one of those “they’re flirty but it’s mostly unserious” situations, and for most of the movie yeah they were extremely gay, but wade’s been like that with other guys and it was never treated as a serious type of relationship before. they’re willing to die for each other, but even then the romantic aspect of their relationship could be glossed over because it’s a superhero movie, that’s just what they do, and they’re working together to save a whole timeline—it’s not just about them. but then the movie doesn’t end with them saving the day and moving on. i think this’s really the part that sells poolverine as a genuine relationship to me… logan’s leaving, and wade calls for him. he can’t stand to let him go. then he introduces him to his family, and logan stays. he doesn’t really need to stay, but they’ve both decided they’re better off with one another than without
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tawaifeddiediaz · 4 months
the intimacy and soul deep love that comes with outright telling someone you’re worried about them…
buck and eddie have been individually and jointly dragged through the coals before this; but never have they explicitly said how they worry about each other or anything to that likeness
and while the whole point of tv is to read between the lines, to pick up expressions in lieu of time-restricted dialogues, there is something absolutely devastating about buck putting those words out there in the quiet of eddie’s kitchen, only to hear them echoed right back
and it’s also in the tone of his voice, something to the stubborn quiet way he sneaks past every single one of eddie’s denials to the heart of the matter that mirrors the way buck buried himself in eddie’s heart so long ago without his knowledge, and now it’s kind of like eddie’s version of confession, his safe space to repent, his safe space to find some direction in a way religion never did for him but buck does?
and there’s something about the expression on buck’s face too, the one we’ve seen so many times when he fears losing eddie, and i just think that for both of them (including eddie himself) to voice concern about eddie’s mental state essentially, something really bad is probably coming up
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elliotthinkssometimes · 2 months
I’m too tired to word this properly but I was thinking about wonderlust characters and their animal features and stuff and just like.
Troy is the most human and is the most well off and not at all prepared to be down in the underground city. He’s ignorant and a sore loser and doesn’t seem to care much at all. Above ground, they don’t even know there’s a whole city beneath them. They have no idea that people like this even exist and we see this perfectly represented through Troy. He’s confused, he thinks it’s a convention, he doesn’t want to learn more or change or anything. He just wants to leave and go home and never go back again.
Runt has some animal feature but is still pretty human, and the first time she’s introduced, we see her getting a bit of both. She’s an inventor, just like the people above ground. But she’s never been up there, she’s never seen the stars or the moon until now. And we’re reminded almost immediately that she is still from down below, she’s still ‘not fit’ for life above ground, and she’s still different. She might be able to go undercover up there but she still doesn’t know enough about anything above ground to not stick out. She’s still hopeful though, about going up there and learning new things because she’s young and she’s smart and she’s willing to learn and adapt.
blink is the most animalistic by far and seems very well adjusted to his life below ground. He has a job, he has a life, he can navigate. He knows what’s going on and how to get around down there. He’s a survivor. He makes do with what he has. And he has this sense of community down there. Even if he doesn’t get along with everyone, he knows a lot of people. And it’s very clear that blink would not do well above ground at all. There would be no way to hide the fact that he’s a giant fucking owl. His life isn’t amazing, but he’s experienced, and has no intention of leaving.
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my-fall-from-grace · 9 days
galex be like was it casual when i asked if we could do the same this year when they posted about our wins from 2018? was it casual when we smiled at each other like no one else existed during an interview and then our teams posted about it? was it casual when we both did the turkish sharpshooters pose within days of each other? was it casual when you posted hearts in my comments section when i was upset after a race? was it casual when we spoke about the throat infection incident and sharing a bed on sky sports tv? was it casual when my family contacted you after complications with my appendix surgery in 2022? was it casual when we took a road trip just us after the italian gp 2023? was it casual when we were children and you were front row taking pictures of me every single time? was it casual when i gave an interview in f2 where i said you were basically living with my family and you spent more time with me than not?
and most importantly, is it casual when we gravitate to each other like magnets during every single drivers parade?
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lynxfrost13 · 10 days
LSTR-S2301 and the maintenance tunnel ARAR are best friends to me even though that Elster was only on sierpinski for a seemingly brief time, they’re bros who fuck around on the clock during work. I think Elster was probably more willing to put extra time in however she’s also very “okay you’ve given me a list of tasks I did them. They’re done and done well. That’s it, my time now.” Whereas I see Ara being more of a slacker (very valid of her) or at the very least just a bare minimum type of gal when it comes to work.
Idk I tend to imagine them fucking off in the middle of shifts to go find weird lonely corners of sierpinski to hang out in. They don’t even talk half the time but they love it.
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lowcallyfruity · 9 months
My contribution to the Scott Pilgrim fandom
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shouta-aizawow · 4 months
Xie Lian’s Relationship with Pain Thoughts™️
It’s canon Xie Lian doesn’t care much about his physical wellbeing bc as far as he’s concerned he’ll just heal anyway and he’s already gone through the worse, so what’s one more injury?
But I think there could also be more to that.
On the one hand, physically, I think him being hurt with no one to care for most of his very long life has kinda developed into warped nerve sensitivity. Like he went through so much that some pains don’t register (or slowly fade into just another part of him) as he unconsciously suppresses his feelings and discomfort, but gentle touch is so rare for him that he has no “defense” against them. He’s hypo-sensitive to harsh things but hypersensitive to gentle things.
On the other hand, emotionally, Xie Lian has gone through torture and suffering for 800 years with no scar to show for it. He carries his pain in his head but it doesn’t show on his body, and it creates a dissonance within like “did I really go through that? Was it really that bad if it even did happen?” It makes nothing happening to his body feel real after a day or month or year (bc what is a year to someone who’s lived for 800?)
So, in that side of it, I think the lack of consideration for his physical safety and nonchalance when it comes to pain is his way of “proving” to himself that he’s there, present, and his experiences are real (bc, to him, that’s evidence more reliable than nightmares) for as long as the pain will last.
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chimaerakitten · 11 months
So the Temeraire series doesn’t do the Pern-derived magic/telepathic bond thing, and it’s nice to have some variety on that count since the telepathy thing is pretty widespread. But there’s this passage in crucible of gold that’s like—
Wait, my thriftbooks order arrived, let me go grab the quote
Or, Temeraire thought, he might as easily have gone alone--more easily, in fact; he had to carry Forthing cupped in his talons, and it was not at all convenient to always be looking to make sure he had not dropped out; Temeraire was not aware of him in quite the same way as of Laurence.
(Emphasis mine)
And this combined with the number of times it’s mentioned that (Russians aside) aviators just don’t seem to be capable of fearing their own dragons (and not just aviators who raised the dragons from the egg—it’s the same with inherited dragons) indicates to me that there’s something really interesting psychologically/biologically going on “under the hood,” there, so to speak.
And maybe this is just me and all those anthropology classes I took in college but that actually makes a lot of sense?
The historical record in the series dates the intentional breeding of dragons to a couple thousand years in the past, in china, but there’s a lot of evidence that there’s been a looser symbiotic relationship between humans and dragons a lot longer than that. Namely the domesticated elephants and the dragons in the Americas being the same species and of the same attitudes towards humans as dragons in Eurasia. So that’s likely at least 20 thousand years of symbiosis/mutual domestication, (if we assume they migrated together, which I do because it’s the simplest explanation) and it could well be much longer than that. That’s a long ass time. Like. The spread of IRL lactase persistence took less time than this.
And much like the benefits of being able to drink milk as an adult, the benefits of mutualism with an intelligent dinosaur-sized flying predator would absolutely have selective pressure on human populations. That’s just a given. I would talk about early hominins being third-tier scavengers here and Pleistocene megafauna and the canonical prevention of malaria via dragon proximity as compared to sickle cell anemia, but nobody wants me to regurgitate my entire biological anthropology 215 class in a tumblr post. Just trust me on this one.
Basically, the entire human species in the Temeraire universe will have been under a lot of positive selective pressure to be good symbiosis buddies to the dragons, so it’s no wonder aviator attachment is so intense.
This is likewise true for the dragons. A lot can be put down to intentional breeding in the last couple thousand years, but the foundation of dragons being prosocial with humans would have to be laid before then. Humans have domesticated predators IRL, but dragons are like 2-3 orders of magnitude larger than wolves and it took a long time to get dogs. The romans wouldn’t have had any luck if the dragons weren’t already partially on board. My theory is that this would have started way back. Australopithecus times, way back, because— [Anth 215 sneaks up behind me whilst the jaws theme plays] ANYWAY there’s a few benefits I can guess at for dragons having assistance hunting from small bands of persistence predators on occasion. I also think this would have intensified post-Pleistocene as the megafauna that would have been the dragons’ main prey went extinct and eventually agriculture would be the only way to replace— [Jaws theme intensifies] JUST TRUST ME BRO.
All this to say that humans being able to very quickly lose all instinctive fear of the dinosaur-sized flying predators they spend their time around and said predators developing not only attachment to humans but particular awareness of their humans specifically so as to prevent any possible accidental harm makes a lot of sense from an evolutionary biology perspective. It’s evidence of the same mutualistic relationship biologically shaping both species across the broader time spans that the series hints at.
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vellichorsdesire · 6 months
life before moving in with your f/o(s) if you’ve thought about the possibility, where you two visit each other’s homes instead… them leaving things at your place, from clothes to personal belongings that they’ve forgotten but it’s fine because they’ll be visiting tomorrow anyway, and they don’t mind you borrowing their stuff because in a way it’s become yours now too. them borrowing your stuff as well when they stay over unexpectedly, like your favorite tshirt or sleepwear. them going through your cupboards for food or getting cutlery for when you two eat because they already know where everything is. their toothbrush beside yours in the bathroom. an extra pair of home slippers by the door. all of this but vice versa, even. and whenever you two are even just sitting on the same couch or laying on the same bed or simply having a meal together, your f/o can’t help but think that this feels just right
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coffiicorgii · 1 year
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… He’s right behind me isn’t he?
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wind-rider · 9 months
The aroaspec experience of ‘Is this romantic attraction or just platonic. What even is attraction. Where is the line. Help.’ and then proceeding to question societal norms of attraction for a while without coming to any actual conclusion to your question.
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banana-pancake5 · 4 months
Okay so I completely agree with this post (not rebloging because of language I don’t want on my blog) about non lasting injuries like when a character gets an obvious injury that should take weeks to heal and then the next scene or episode they’re just FINE
If you’re going to bring it up or make a big deal abt it FOLLOW THROUGH
Like in the mutant mayhem movie Raph’s shell CRACKS visibly, dramatically, and loudly but in the next scene he’s just perfectly fine!!??!? And Leo in the Rottmnt movie goes through SO MUCH and then he’s out having pizza with the fam
I just wish to see some recovery. Even if they showed a “weeks later” or “months later” scene before the big hangout in Rottmnt movie that’d be great!!
There are SO MANY instances of this all throughout movies and shows and I just want actual consequences
That’s also one thing I love abt 2012 tmnt bc they follow through in multiple episodes with raphs anger issues and fear of bugs! Also Leo’s broken leg! But 2012 also has many inconsequential injuries and scenes (like the post I linked the person mentioned the scene where Rahzar should have DIED but he was just fine after getting hit by a train)
Anyway that’s my lil rant I hope y’all enjoy ^-^
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feyres-divorce-lawyer · 11 months
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ok ok that thing about shackling people down with morals so you can feel more comfortable about their existence, it puts into words the feeling i get when zionists ask palestinian/pro palestinian people to condemn hamas first in their fight for liberation. i feel like beyond the question not being asked in good faith, it’s also because zionists first and foremost hate palestinians, they have to, palestinian existence makes them uncomfortable. so to hear and see calls for the existence that brings them so much discomfort, they must play a battle of morals. they get on their high horses to trample on palestinian liberation, because if you condemn hamas then really you can’t blame or condemn the settler colonial state in return because it’s hamas they’re fighting against, even though this is very clearly not the case. they’re unsettled tho because even when they get the answer they want, people are still against the settler colonial state. they can’t fathom it.
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