#I’m just gonna use two computers 😂
rigginsstreet · 9 months
I got a new laptop which I should be excited about but also….im definitely gonna still be using my old laptop for giffing purposes cuz all my shit is on there 😂
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navire190413 · 25 days
haha i got drunk and wrote like 2,000 words about my experience with learning japanese. read it sober and just sat in front of my computer like 😐
you know when old people talk a lot and sometimes its hard to tell if they’re trying to pass on wisdom or are just kind of full of themselves and want to talk about themselves? what i wrote was definitely the latter. i’m just an おじいさん who wants to drink and smoke and talk about myself and my hard work lol
one of my favorite 居酒屋 to visit on my way home from work is closing for good this weekend. its open 24/7 so it was always great for stopping by after drinking at the bar until morning. their squid and shrimp 串カツ are soooo good. i’m actually here now typing this on my phone. this izakaya is in a basement so i don’t have signal. i just end up scrolling through my photos or blogging in my notes while sitting here alone for an hour until my favorite bar opens at 7.
the last time i came here a server ive become acquainted with hit on me, and i didn’t pick up on it at all, so my reaction was kind of dull. i only realized he was hitting on me when he turned around and all the other servers were laughing at him bc they were all eavesdropping. he probably mentioned he was gonna do it beforehand haha. i’m so sorry. i would be totally down to grab drinks if i realized sooner 😂
he always makes me turn around and show him my backpiece when im wearing tanktops and croptops. and hes always basically yelling カッコいい!!its cute how not normal tattoos are here. i would never get these reactions in america but sometimes it can be annoying. yes yes i have a lot of tattoos. yes. expensive. yes painful. and then they find out about my scarification, which honestly most people in the states have also never seen, so then its a weird balance of explaining my love for body modification and not self mutilation.
money has gotten TIGHT lately. im literally courting my ex and bringing him to izakayas and nice restaurants every week and im going broke from it so i gotta stop hahaha. we did have a really good time last night, though. and hes always really grateful and respectful when im paying. he also initiated a lot of kisses and kept kissing my cheeks last night which was weird and not like him at all. im not gonna think about it anymore tho.
i am super excited about where we’re going on saturday. its an 青森県 restaurant and i guess they get fish delivered daily from there, so i hope its super fresh and tasty 😤. i unfortunately booked too late and couldnt get a private room, but i think sitting at the counter will be nice since we’re doing the all-you-can-drink course and itll be faster to get our drinks if we’re not in a secluded room.
my go-to drink for the past 2 years living here has always been highballs, but lately theyre way too strong for me. ive become obsessed with lemon sours, but because its not whiskey in them like highballs i become drunk super super fast. good for cost performance purposes but dangerous since im used to my highball drinking pace. i usually dont black out if i only drink for 2-3 hours on a work night but the other day i drank my usual amount, just this time they were lemon sours and not highballs. i was on the verge of blacking out returning home at only 9pm on a monday 😂
i can’t stop thinking about the guy who asked me to be his girlfriend two weeks ago. he’s american and he’s nice enough, but he’s been living in japan for over a year and cant even say すみません to get a server’s attention. he also doesnt eat meat, so i cant introduce him to yakiniku and yakitori which are my go-to. everytime we hungout i had to translate everything and guide him around tokyo. i brought him to an izakaya for his first time and had to teach him the words for squid and octopus. which he promptly forgot 2 minutes later. its literally taco and ika!!! we got lost in a department store one time and i had to ask for directions while he just stood there. it always felt like i was with a child who knew nothing when we were together. as friends, im more than happy to introduce tokyo and translate. but as someone who was obviously trying to be appealing to me, it was honestly a massive ick. i have no preference when it comes to what ethnicity or cultural background someone is, but i cant date someone who knows less about japan than me. it was a good realization actually! i always say i dont have a type, but i think im slowly starting to realize my type. he doesnt have friends so he would always say “lets go out and explore tokyo together!”dude i have been experiencing tokyo for 2 years. i have my favourite spots and my favourite neighborhoods and i know how to find good restaurants and i regularly go out and just do shit by myself because i can navigate it by myself. he also was expecting me to teach him japanese which was just soooo….
when you get to a level where you’ve lived somewhere long enough and can speak the language a lot of people expect you to be a free tour guide. when it comes to strictly friends with no expectation of me, im more than happy to plan a day of sightseeing and introductions but sometimes when i make friends with foreigners it feels like that’s all they want out of me. i mean it goes both ways. a lot of japanese men just view me as a fetish object. omg a white girl who i can actually speak to!!! maybe she can teach me english!!! ive never fucked a 6 foot tall white girl with tattoos!!!
for my established friends, i happily translate stuff for them and give them english lessons but man it feels like theres a lot of expectations of me meeting people here. from foreigners and native japanese people.
i have a lot of foreign friends who have lived here longer than me and dont speak a lick of japanese and dont have any plans on learning. i dont really feel one way or the other about it. theyve been here long enough and know they can get around and have fun without knowing the language. i cant imagine how tough that is sometimes so more power to them. but its always the people complaining they want to learn and want to understand and communicate but still for some reason just dont sit down and study or make an effort to make japanese friends so they can atleast pick up conversational japanese that i dont understand. why are you not studying???? sure its hard but just do it??? you dont even have to use textbooks. apps kind of suck once you get past the basics but its at least something you can do while riding the train and then atleast i wouldnt have to order for you at the bar after youve been living here for several months!!!
im a princess and a brat and am obsessive so studying is super easy for me. i studying during my lunch breaks and anytime im riding the train. i understand thats not the case for everyone, so i try to take the time to teach my friends who want to learn japanese important phrases for day to day life. maybe textbooks and studying isnt their thing, which is fine. okay i’ll teach you as we go. but even then they dont retain anything 😂 dont complain to me about not being able to speak japanese if you’re not going to put in a little bit of effort to atleast order a beer by yourself!!!! and if youre over thinking the difference between ください and お願いします before you can even say [名前]と申します, youre thinking too much!!!!! japanese is hard. theres a lot of info. if you start getting into super specific japanese before you can do self introductions, its gonna be a long long road. so im super happy i learned japanese in america where i went textbook step by step instead of being surrounded by confusing japanese all day long. when i try to teach my friends japanese they always somehow ask me about n2 grammar. and its just like. stop. ignore that. that does NOT have anything to do with you at this time. i was N2 before N3 grammar even made sense to me (i did get full points on n3 test despite none of it making sense to me though 😂) because i finally had context for it and could make the connections. without those building blocks and going step by step id be lost. and thats why you should study the language before coming to a foreign country.
god im judgmental.
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bi-bats · 1 year
Hey! Just so you know I’m waiting with baited breath for jtw to see all your works because I’m going to go feral for all of the words you are blessing us with, like that’s so so many words. Im in love with your writing and if I’m even a little reasonable about this it will be a lie. I’m ready to lose all coherency and just bask in the writing that you’ve worked so hard on to share with everyone. 💜💜💜💜💜
For the word ask thingy: breaks
Oh my gosh!!! Hi!! Thank you so much!!!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭 That’s so sweet and also I KNOW ITS LIKE MAYBE TOO MANY WORDS IVE BEEN WORKING ON THESE SINCE THE PROMPTS DROPPED IN MARCH!!! I hope you enjoy it all!!! Also saw your tags on some of my posts so I'm gonna respond to those real quick: mochaccino fic is Monday's post actually!! Sunday's post is... so angsty. Like, enemies to incredibly fucked up lovers. This is the snippet for sunday. I'm obsessed with it and I don't usually post darker stuff but I just love writing it so probably more darker stuff like this will come in the future too!!
Thing two: even if you don't comment on my fics, getting an ask like this means just as much!!! or seeing people interact with my posts on tumblr because I know it means they like my writing enough to keep an eye on me over here!! Seriously, I appreciate it any time someone says anything about my writing, even if it's just a reply or a tag, because I crave validation attention. Anything is amazing!!
And okay, this prompt was actually such a challenge for the word breaks because like EVERY SENTENCE WITH THAT WORD WAS A SPOILER I DIDN'T WANT TO REVEAL 😭 except for this one, which is for my thursday fic and I haven't posted any snippets of yet!!
Dick’s mouth pressed into a thin, disappointed line. “Damian isn’t the one who’s going to ruin the night, at this rate.”  “So I’m right.”  “Tim.” “Dick,” Tim narrowed his eyes at him, “I know what you’re doing.” Dick sighed, raking a hand back through his hair. “Look, I know you’re allergic to things like fun and breaks, but those are things someone has to make you do so you don’t become one with your computer!
Dick is SUCH a character in this, I love him so dearly. This one is going to be fun and silly which we'll need because of all the angst coming on Sunday, Tuesday, and Friday (and a little bit on saturday) 😂
Great job giving me a challenge!!! and thank you so much for the ask ❤💚💖
(Send me a word and I'll post a snippet from one of my jaytimweek fics that has that word in it)
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eadanga · 1 year
When Love Lasts Part 4
Summary: When Yasmin gets a new job in the biggest company in the city she falls for her hot boss
Parings: GabexMC
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Yasmin stand at her desk typing on her computer she sighs as she slumps in her chair “Finally done”
“Taking a little break?”
Yasmin jumps and turns to see Gabe behind her “Don’t do that”
Gabe chuckles “Sorry about that you tired after the gala”
“Yeah it went on so long”
“Yup very boring”
“You think they’re boring?”
“Yeah mom just organizes it for status and to get more clients which I’m not opposed to”
“I get it”
“Now you wanna get coffee? I know a great place for a recharge”
Yasmin smiles “I’d love too”
Gabe smiles “Great let’s head out now”
Yasmin stands then follows Gabe out the office they head down to a nearby coffee shop Yasmin sits at a booth as Gabe heads to order coffee for them she pulls out her phone
So Gabe just asked me to coffee
For real? You still there give all the deets
Nothing’s happen yet he’s getting coffee for us
He’s so into you Yas
It’s just coffee
That can be start of something more
Yasmin puts away her phone as Gabe returns with two coffee cups “Your coffee ma’am”
Yasmin giggles “Thank you”
Gabe sits across from her “I hope this makes up for meeting my mom I know she’s”
“Yeah I’m sorry she’s always been like that”
“It’s fine Gabe I’ve dealt with people like her”
Gabe chuckles “I can imagine”
“I don’t let them bother me plus I can take care of myself”
“I know just don’t want anything to happen”
Yasmin smiles He’s worried about me aww that’s sweet “I can take care of myself Gabe but I will be careful”
Gabe smiles She’s so beautiful but I gotta keep this casual and not make her uncomfortable “Tell me how you enjoying the job so far?”
“Oh it’s fun I’m enjoying everyone around me and the work is not so bad”
“I’m glad I didn’t want to overwhelm you which is why I bought you here to make sure you know how where to relax”
Yasmin giggles “I’ll keep it in mind thanks Gabe this was nice”
“I’m glad you enjoyed it and I’m glad I was able to take a break too”
Yasmin laughs “But you’re the boss you can do whatever you want”
Gabe chuckles “That’s very true but the clients aren’t happy when you don’t have what they want on time”
“I know but they can wait people just need patience sometimes”
Gabe grins “I agree” He stands and holds out his hand “Now let’s head back”
“Awww but we were having so much fun”
Gabe laughs “Well we can have too much fun there’s work to be done”
Yasmin giggles and takes his hand. Gabe can feel his pulse quicken and his face heat up How does she have this effect on me God I wanna kiss her right now He quickly releases her hand “Shall we get going?”
“After you”
They walk out the coffee shop together. They return to the office and Gabe turns to her “This was fun we can do it again” He smirks “And I know that roommate of yours wants to know everything”
Yasmin laughs as he walks away
Gabe goes to his office and sighs as he slumps in the chair “Oh God how can one girl be that sexy? I don’t know how much longer I can control myself around her
Yasmin heads back to her desk and pulls out her phone
Liz you’re probably gonna start going crazy
Oooooooh what happened kiss? Sex?
No! 😂
Tell me!!!!!!
Well we held hands for a second and I swear time stopped
Oh sparks flying
I don’t even know if he feels the same way Liz don’t jump to conclusions and besides we only been out for coffee
Like I said before that can be the start of something
Yasmin smiles Well she is right but I should take it slow with him
Tags: @indiacater @mfackenthal @the-soot-sprite
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Animal Crossing: The Group Chat
The squad uses their NookPhones to make a group chat. Characters in the tags :)
Rep. McAllister created “the GOAT squad”
Rep. McAllister added bailey rose to the chat
bailey rose: First
Rep. McAllister: SHIT
bailey rose: ✌️
Rep. McAllister: I will DISOWN YOU
bailey rose: is this supposed to be a group chat??
bailey rose: because there’s only 2 of us
Rep. McAllister: im gonna add guilliver
bailey rose: you spelled his name wrong
Rep. McAllister: GODDAMMIT
Rep. McAllister added Gulliver to the chat
bailey rose: Gully, hoi
Rep. McAllister: Answer your phone Gulliver
Rep. McAllister added Wilbur and Orville to the chat
bailey: you haven’t talked in 4 months
Rep. McAllister: SHUSH
Wilbur: What’s up electric hair dryers, it’s your local leg warmer!!
bailey rose: Wilbur what are you on
Wilbur: I don’t do drugs.
bailey rose: ….
Wilbur: Hold on. I’ll grab Gully for ya.
Rep. McAllister: 👍
bailey rose: :)
Gulliver: What’s up, Skipper?
bailey rose: HOYA GULLIVER
Rep. McAllister: HIIIII BESTIE
Gulliver: wait….why are we goats
Wilbur: You don’t know what GOAT stands for??
bailey rose: WHAT????
bailey rose: Greatest of all time
Gulliver: Ahhhh……I’m gonna cry in the corner from embarrassment.
Wilbur: Gully don’t.
Gulliver: 😭😭😭😭 I cri
Rep. McAllister: Nooooo guys, we made Gulliver cry!
Gulliver: Don’t worry, behind this phone I am not actually crying.
Wilbur: Phew.
bailey rose: guys why do u type in complete sentences this isn’t an english essay
Wilbur: Because that’s what I want to do.
Rep. McAllister: It’s professional. I am a leader.
Gulliver: yuo cna speel wurds ayn wey yoou watn adn stlil red teh stenence
Rep. McAllister: Gulliver, how much sleep did you get last night?
Gulliver: …..
Gulliver: At least five hours.
Wilbur: It was less than that.
bailey rose: 👀
Rep. McAllister: You were playing that snake game on Orville’s computer again, weren’t you?
Orville: WHAT??
bailey rose: hi orville
Orville: Gulliver, I told you to go to bed by eleven.
Gulliver: I am adult now. I make the rules.
Gulliver: 😏
bailey rose: gulliver you’re like always passed out, how do you function with less than FIVE HOURS OF SLEEP????
Gulliver: Coffee.
Wilbur: I just KNOW Gully is yawning in his room right now.
Gulliver: 😠
Gulliver: …..
Gulliver: oh no
Orville: I want to be mad at you, but I can’t because you’re too nice. So, no coffee for the next two days.
Gulliver: WHAT??????
Orville: You need to sleep more. And don’t steal my coffee.
Gulliver: I’m so sorry Orville, I was really tired this morning during my shift and I needed my coffeeeeee!!
bailey rose: this is fun to watch
Rep. McAllister: Agreed.
Orville: Wait…Allie is in this chat?
bailey rose: Bro Allie created this chat. 😂
Orville: …..
Orville: So anyways, I am a dumbass!
Gulliver: Me too!!
Wilbur: Me three!!
Rep. McAllister: Should’ve named this chat the Dumbass Squad.
bailey rose: don’t do that
Rep McAllister: you’re on thin ice bailey
Gulliver: Should we add Ketchup to this chat?
Rep. McAllister: I’m on it laddie!
Rep. McAllister added KETCHUP THE POP STAR to the chat
Gulliver: Wait what if we made a group chat with like the entire town????
Wilbur: Gully, that would be too many people for one group chat.
Gulliver: 🥺
Wilbur: Don’t puppy dog eyes me, Gully. That is Too Many People.
Gulliver: Fine. 😠
bailey rose: hi ketchup
KETCHUP THE POP STAR: How are y’all doing????
Gulliver: Just fine, skipper!
KETCHUP THE POP STAR: Gulliver is in this chat? Awesomesauce!
Gulliver: I am indeed.
Wilbur: Gully has something to tell you.
Rep. McAllister: Gulliver stayed up too late playing games on the computer again.
KETCHUP THE POP STAR: So this wasn’t the first time?
Gulliver: It happened one other time.
Wilbur: It was more than that.
Gulliver: How DARE you??
Rep. McAllister: Yeah Gulliver, do it.
bailey rose: if we can get gulliver to go to bed at a reasonable time, we will get him cookies tomorrow.
Gulliver: COOKIES??
Gulliver: Hell yeah.
bailey rose: and gully if you stay up on the computer tonight, i’m gonna add tom nook to this chat.
Tom Nook: Hello, this is Mr. Nook speaking, yes yes!
bailey rose: I DONT KNOW!!!!!!
Gulliver: o-o
Tom Nook: Is there a matter in which you need my assistance? Construction, perhaps?
Rep. McAllister: Hello, Mr. Nook. I apologize for our craziness in this group chat. I don’t know how you found your way in here, but all is well.
Tom Nook: I see. Do you want to build a bridge? Or maybe a new incline?
Rep. McAllister: I don’t want to build anything right now.
Tom Nook: But McAllister, I have striking new deals! 50% off on all bridges for two days! Normally a zen bridge would be 228,000 Bells, but now it’s 200,000 Bells!
bailey rose: …
Rep. McAllister: That’s not 50% off.
Tom Nook: Now, listen up PUNK.
Gulliver: oh-
Tom Nook: You want that bridge or not?
Rep. McAllister: Mr. Nook, you never call anyone a punk.
Wilbur: Guys, Orville’s been awfully quiet…
bailey rose: so have you, wil.
Wilbur: Besides the point. Orville isn’t in this chat anymore.
Gulliver: WHAT???? He left?? NOOOO, TOM NOOK KICKED HIM OUT!!!!!!
Rep. McAllister: Wait a second……
bailey rose: ……
Rep McAllister: That’s Orville! He changed his name and profile picture! You sneaker!
Tom Nook: Yes yes, I assume you don’t want that bridge.
Tom Nook has left the chat
Wilbur: That was Orville 100%. Nice job, y’all fell HARD.
Rep. McAllister: Ok, Wil, you don’t have to EXPOSE all of us now!
Gulliver: Yes?
Gulliver: I thought we already established that I am going to bed tonight?
Rep. McAllister: And he’s getting cookies.
Gulliver: Those are for me. But I can save you one.
Gulliver: I said 1. ONE.
Gulliver: 👍
bailey rose: can i have one too
Gulliver: Okay. Everybody gets ONE EACH. and the rest are for me.
Wilbur: Got it, Gully!
Rep. McAllister: Woo hoo, I get a cookie!
bailey rose: what about orville
Rep. McAllister: We’ll save him one.
Rep. McAllister added Orville to the chat
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vtforpedro · 2 years
health update TW in tags
I had to find my last update to see where I left off. Oofta. Things have progressed in both a good and bad way! I’d love to say only good lol dear god I wish I could say everything is just g o o d for once. I’m currently going through an emotional upheaval because of how badly my home life is and coming to realize I’m in an abusive situation with the last person on earth I thought that could happen. I’ve lost the last safe person ‘in real life’ that I have because of this. My mom. She is my solid rock and 100% full time supporter and this situation of becoming my nearly full time caregiver and the stresses it has put on her (let alone me) have, uh. Well, brought out the worst. It’s devastating honestly. My therapist has been a little too pushy for my liking trying to get me to hire home health help but 1. money 2. insurance would need a diagnosis if we went through them and idk if ‘hey we sliced up her nerves in her back during an LP and didn’t find out until five months in’ would cut it 3. I don’t really need it anymore. But yeah emotionally I am wrecked. My mom refuses therapy or family therapy so I have to keep surviving this kind of horrific situation I’m in lol it’s been bad the entire time but I finally snapped months into it and started laying down hard boundaries and for those of you familiar with abusers, you’ve probably experienced the joy of their reactions to boundaries. :) It’s situational because my mom has never been this way with me in my life but I feel like 31 years went down the drain in *months* and the things she’s said and done can’t be completely recovered from. I don’t know what to do. Once I’m out of this situation I can tell her that the only way I will ever feel comfortable being open with her again is to do family therapy but 🤷‍♀️ can’t make her do anything, so we’ll see. Physical health wise re: the LP horror show? BETTER! I’m getting better. I started physical therapy a month ago and I think I’ve had 6 sessions? Maybe 7? Idk. Leaps and bounds. I can sit on a toilet by myself. I can sit and stand everywhere but one place by myself and it’s only because my couch is wasted lmao and I need help up for the same reason. Otherwise? All me. We’re practicing getting up by myself from my recliner (can do just fine) and getting down and comfortable with everything I need (still a work in progress) so my mom can go to her home more and work more and we both get independence!!!!! I am going to sit at my computer chair and see how long I last before it hurts but I need my body to get used to sitting up again. Otherwise, the two guys I work with (one, mostly, as the other is v quiet) is THRILLED with how well I’m doing and that even if I’m tired/in pain I get through PT every time. I’m super psyched actually. Legit PUMPED every time I step into this place. It feels fantastic. I can’t wait to see where I am in another month. Maybe out of this recliner except when I willingly want to be in it 😂 but still gonna pace myself and listen to my body. I saw my pain specialist yesterday (who ordered the PT) and I told her and she said she had literal goosebumps and she was so happy for me. It felt really good to hear ;3; Unfortunately, head pressure is getting bad but hey at least I got the LP done 🙄 need to lose weight and adjust meds and hopefully get the rest of my normal life back someday. Gonna needs lots of trauma therapy to get there too. So that’s far off. I’ve not been feeling too well lately generally tho and I’m nervous b/c I have labs for my hematologist on Monday and she wants to check for ‘other leukemias and lymphomas’ so hhhhhh. I’ll see her a couple weeks after that and I’m afraid she’s gonna order the bone marrow biopsy but u_u what can I do Anyway. Hope you’re all doing okay. Love you all and thanks for always listening and supporting me. It means the world. 💜
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imaginedreamwrite · 2 years
Hearing about Big Bad Steve having kids in his office just brought up a memory from this comic series I used to read I thought would fit him 😂
Great... you made me thirst for another character you haven't written anything for yet/plan. Thanks for that 👍
That is so cute!!! I would sorry but I’m not sorry lol
“And momma said I could get a new dress and I wanted one with polka dots but then I thought stripes and I couldn’t choose…”
Steve lift his head and pulled his attention from the computer in front of him and spied his daughter playing on the carpet, Sarah’s dolls sitting close together while she was taking to him. Sarah was his pride and joy, his little princess and you were his queen. Between the two of you, Steve had never felt more complete and full, so happy in his domestic bliss.
“And we’re gonna have a tea party and have sweets and-“ the door opened loudly and one of the staff on hand and poked his head into the office, glancing between Sarah and Steve.
“Excuse me sir-“
“You interrupted her,” Steve rose from his desk and walked around, stopping to pick Sarah up from the floor and prop her on his hip, “Sarah was speaking.”
“I’m sorry sir, but your wife-“
“I was having a conversation with my daughter,” Steve’s lips pursed and he drew his eyebrows together, “and you interrupted her.”
“Daddy, do you wanna have a tea party?” Sarah looked up at him with her beautiful eyes, placing her hands on his cheeks.
“Yes baby,” Steve crooned and then turned his intense stare toward his staff, “what about my Queen?”
“She’s been fighting with the guards-“
“Interrupt Sarah again, and you won’t like the consequences. Now, please let Mrs. Rogers know that I’ll be joining her for dinner in half an hour and have the guards that are disrespecting my wife sent to the dark room.”
“The d-dark room sir?”
“Was I stuttering? Send them to the dark room.” Steve repeated himself and then kissed Sarah’s cheek. “Let’s go find momma, baby girl.”
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blackbat05 · 3 years
HTF 113 Spoilers:
Gonna do it part by part!
Gaeul and Dad (Fighting Chicken):
Yes Sir! Show them the true power of Samdak!
Honestly thinking back, I don’t know why I thought Logan Gracie was Samdak (probably because of the body)
The fact that in ep 50 that Logan still had to use a translation app with Hobin meant that there was something off in his assumed identity as Samdak! Unless if the videos Hobin was watching had subtitles.
And from experience, subtitles are a pain in the ass and with Logan’s backstory, I don’t think he had time to even sit in front of a computer?
Anyways I did not so much can be done with an umbrella sir.
That stupid foreign guy with a gun! I’m pretty sure if he didn’t have his gun he’ll be flat like a pancake in 0.01 seconds!
But I seriously hope both Gaeul and her dad are ok! *inserts prayer circle here*
I do believe (and hope) that Samdak will find a way out of this - seeing that he’s a god damn war veteran? *refer to Life completely ruined Chapter 30*
I’m a bit sad though, as much as the team is ok - did no one really take a second to even check if Gaeul was ok? Probably Hobin knew that she was safe with her dad but STILL!
Taehoon and Yeonwoo:
All in one chapter, is everything I ever wanted!
Them looking out for each other!
‘You want me to tank knives?’
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HAHAHA Yeonwoo be like, ‘We’re just starting to get along but we not there yet bro’
Taehoon trying to give Yeonwoo and Bomi a chance to escape?! Boi I know you are your father’s son but pls there is a limit😭 #seongsupermacy
Taehoon’s just really cool ok like this beautiful bastard really be showing them who’s boss
‘If you don’t come back for me you dead’ @ Yeonwoo😭😭
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Anyways that was so neat moving on
Gyeoul and Wangguk:
Sorry Thor-Loki move over for the best siblings
Of course in their first appearance I was like ???
But PTJ has such a knack in getting the audience to sympathize with the characters?
Their just really badass the fact Wangguk was the one that taught Gyeoul to fight and damn girl is not afraid to throw down with men who are twice her size.
The way Wangguk threw himself to protect his little sister😭😭😭
‘Are you not going to listen to your big brother?’😭 - I got to admit I always loved the protective older brother trope and sometimes I wonder how it’s like to have a brother like Wangguk.
But I’m appreciating the growth in Gyeoul and the way she looked out for Rumi!
Here’s the hoping that Wangguk finds a good time to tell Rumi how he feels? (Yes I’m rooting for this ok)
Ending part:
We were all wondering lol what about Snapper/Jihyeok - cuz dude is another liability, honestly more vulnerable than Gaeul
And then he rolls down with Mangi in that scooter😂
‘Can this thing go any faster?’ - Mangi bby this is a scooter not a Lamborghini😂
Taehoon: ‘You wanted me to get stabbed?’ No honey I’m glad your ok please don’t spout nonsense.
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The gang (actually 244) is potentially targeting someone else?
Please don’t tell me is Samdak (I know it doesn’t make sense)
Ep 113 was lit y’all the gang is coming together! #hobincompanyforthewin
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christaspirit · 2 years
Spoilers below:
Andrias yells at a crown.
Marcy, Sasha, how were you breathing after you powered down?
Sprig? Hunny, how are you planning on breathing?
The stones broke... The stones are broken! How are they gonna get home?!
Sprig, how are you breathing? Like, there's no air in space. I understand Anne, and the girls when they're powered up, but what about you?
There are cracks on Anne's face... and her voice is echoing...
Wait, no the cracks are on her whole body!
Anne's straight-up destroying the moon...
Um... Anne's solid white...
Did Anne turn to stone…?
Really Anne? Love Choice 2? (I did see the billboard for it in the previous episode)
Wait, what was all that echoing?
Anne! Where are you?
What are those lights?
Um… floating island with a house on it. Okay, cool, cool.
A normal looking house, the plantar family sign, her tennis racket sticking out of the island, two swords on the island in front of her, a pond, and a garden.
What’s with all the shooting stars?
Okay, so this is a mix of Amphibia and earth… why?
Okay, the computer just turned into Domino!
“A watcher. A viewer. I’m not in the demographic though.”
Wow. Breaking the fourth wall there guardian thingy.
Oh. Wow. It really would make her brain explode.
Wait, Marcy and Sasha pictures are in the background!
A job?
Wait, that eternal being sounds really young… is it a child voice actor or something?
“I created the stones to see how mortals would handle unlimited power. Turns out, not that well.”
Well! That clears up a couple of questions.
Straight up turns down an immortal beings offer to do an incredible job. Also, for someone who said you had a choice, they seemed pretty annoyed.
Woah, Anne’s floating over the black hole portal.
Woah. Domino immortal turned into an amazing mystical immortal. Also, yay! Anne’s gonna be okay! And maybe accept the job when her life is done?
Good for the immortal to accept that just waiting until Anne is dead is fine after living for eons.
“Wait, are you saying that in 78 years I’m gonna-?!”
Um, no, the immortal was probably just making an estimate.
The stone leaves being the only thing left of her dead body, and everyone’s mourning them.
“What’s everyone looking at?” “Not now Anne. We’re mourning the loss of a true hero.”
The peak of thinking someone’s dead when they just came back.
Sprig being the first one to realize she’s back.
Everyone tackles Anne to the ground!
“Well, the moon and the core exploded, then, so did you!”
The stones! New stones!
Oh, so it’s a one time trip… Matt don’t do this to us!!!!
Marcy, Olivia, and Yunan!! The newt moms theory!
Are they a thing?! Like, the handholding focus!!
Marcy said bye to Andrias. Well…
Grime struggling to get the flower crown on Sasha😂
Also, his arm was wrapped.
And using the soldier formalities 😂
Sasha dramatically breaking into tears🤣
Percy and Braddock! Sasha does miss them!
Grime and Sasha are both very dramatic.
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This photo was too funny not to put in🤣
“…take over the world.” “Without you as my moral compass, I definitely will.”
Poor Sprig…
Anne just gave him her phone?!
Sprig hugging Anne right before she goes through the portal is so cute…
So the music box just disintegrated…
Polly is gonna get orange hair!
Andrias gardening with a little robot watering can and using Barrel’s war hammer as a cane…
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Maddie’s now running some stand.
Mrs. Croaker is dancing.
Loggle is no longer buff🤣
Yunan isn’t wearing her armor. Also, she and Olivia are DEFINITELY dating. And I love Olivia’s new dress!
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Wait, Grime now has a beard?! And is wearing something other than armor?!
Are Joe and Bessie… you know…?
Oh yes. Olivia and Yunan are dating.
Yunan still has to give her whole long speech!
“I know sweetheart.”
Hop Pop’s love of avocados continues.
Hop Pop and Sylvia.
Sprig has even more hair! And he hangs out in Anne’s room!
A statue of Anne?
Oh my gosh😭
Ivy looks wild.
A new continent?
A ten year time skip?!
Is that Marcy? It’s a green bag, and she’d be the one that moved away.
Marcy! Your hair has grown!
Short haired Sasha. And the patch on her jacket is the two swords she had in Amphibia!
Oh course Marcy tripped.
Happy Birthday bag with a frog on it.
Wow. Sasha loved those swords so much she had a thing for her car’s mirror made. Also, is it Anne’s birthday again?
Marcy’s making a webcomic?! And Sasha reads it?!
Wait, if Sasha and Anne aren’t close anymore, then what’s with the presents?
What is Anne doing?
The Wonderful World of Frogs?☺️
So Sprig is a pink South American tree frog?
Anne named the pink frog Sprig?😊🥰
Frog lady?😂
Oh it IS Anne’s birthday!
The calamity trio hugs!
Matt, why’d you separate Earth and Amphibia?😭😭😭😭
I meant to post this yesterday but I wasn’t allowed to finish the episode😂
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Claire’s lines: Derry Girls Season 3 Episode 1: The Night Before @goodboybadrep-ooc ❤️ Sorry it’s just Claire’s lines. But it was too quick 😂
Can I ask something? How much longer are we gonna ignore the elephant in the room?
It’s tomorrow girls. Tomorrow! Christ I feel sick
I know that I’m not worried about me I’m worried about you 4! If you fail your GCSE’s the school won’t take you back! I’m don’t wanna have to make new friends from scratch I’ll have enough on my plate with the A levels! I’m just praying you lot scrape by.
I know
I don’t think I’ve ever seen you outside of your wee shop. Well uhh uhhh is there anything in particular you’d recommend Dennis?
Okay well.. we’re just having a bit of a read
What happened sister? Right
You have the results already? You know how we did?
It means we failed Erin it means no GCSE’s ergo no A levels. Ergo No university. Ergo the end.
I knew I should have cut ties with you lot a long time ago
Of course it’s your fault! You’ve dragged me down to your level! Your stupidity has finally rubbed off on me! I was a scholar when I met you Erin! A scholar!
Our lives are over
Passing those exams was our only chance! We’re girls! We’re poor! We’re from Northern Ireland and we’re catholic! For Christ’s sake!
Oh thank you Michelle that’s very reassuring!
Oh my god (multiple times)
*unintelligible* this plan might be a little flawed
Shouldn’t we wait till dawn?
Jackie Ryan? Jackie Ryan the caretaker? He’s about 60 that’s disgusting! That’s elder abuse and he’s married that is the most— [Jackie Ryan’s son] Oh right
I’d rather not smash the shit out of it if you don’t mind Michelle
What are we playing at? This is breaking and entering girls!
Think I’m coming out in a rash
Oh Jesus Christ what was that let’s go let’s go hurry up
Why are we walking backwards?
That’s fair too much
It was wasn’t it ? They didn’t actually say where they were taking it did they? Actually now that I think about it weren’t those computers relatively new?
Right so is it a bit weird that two men we’ve never seen before just sorta took away a load of really expensive equipment in the middle of the night?
It’s just that now on reflection I’m slightly worried we might have accidentally helped burgle the school
Oh merciful Jesus!
You have my full cooperation Sir
There’s been a terrible mistake officer
Like that matters Erin! We’re Catholic for Christ sake! Have you never seen In the name of the father? They’ll think nothing of sending us down for a crime we didn’t commit we’ll be like the Guildford four or the *unintelligible* six
Excuse me ma’am can I just say we are absolutely willing to give evidence against these guys if there is a deal on the table
(LIAM NEESON APPEARS! Michelle is my spirit animal this scene)
Why can’t we speak to a solicitor
It was Hans Hans and his friend they did it
Oh God there’s no winning they’ll just wear us down until we say we did it will be forced to sign false confessions
Thank you Colum (Sp?)
Christ this could not get any worse
I stand corrected
straight A’s Straight A’s
You said we failed
We passed
We did it (multiple times)

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yllcm · 3 years
This morning I had an entire thirty minute conversation with my sister about the potential dynamic between Joe Goldberg and Dexter Morgan 😂
 Like first we started comparing the two and like, their individual capabilities as serial killers with double lives and why one is better than the other and vice versa in some areas and like who would win if the two of them tried to kill each other but THEN we started to discuss like, “well what if they became a TEAM???” and then we started talking about how they would go about that, Dexter would be the man on the inside working for the justice department and Joe would be the modern day “techie” dude (bc computers are not at all Dexter’s niche lol) doing all the research on their targets and stalking them and what not BUT THEN my sister brought up an interesting point that the ONLY people that would be able to stop them are the BFA TEAM FROM CRIMINAL MINDS.
[ insert all the times when the killer had been a “whITE CAUCASION MALE” ]
Dexter would be like the ~new character~ to come in during a new season or something and him along with Spencer, Hotch, Derek, Jen, Garcia, etc. etc. would be trying to solve the crime spree going on between Joe and Dexter, right?? But the entire time Dexter would be trying to lead them astray and then he would probably be inevitably be confronted by one of the team members like Derek who would be like “I don’t know what you’re hiding, but I’m gonna find out” and DEXTER would just smile like he always does and shove his hands in his pockets like, “Yeah, well, have fun with that 🙂”.
NOT TO MENTION there would absolutely be a moment where there would be a dramatic zoom-in moment on Spencer where he would be like, “Wait guys there’s something we haven’t considered yet; what if it’s a team???” Cue Dexter sweating nervously, Joe would have a FIELD DAY trying to stay under Garcia’s techie radar as she tries to pinpoint everything that he’s doing, Joe would probably become obsessed with Dexter’s sister, Deborah, and that might create some tension between Dexter and Joe.
In conclusion, as my sister were discussing all of this at the very end of our conversation she was like, “Yo CBS gotta set something up or contact us because this shit would be an even bigger cross-over than any of the AVENGERS movies!!” and I was like, “RIGHT???” 😂😂😂
Lmk what you guys think about.... [ gestures ] all of this whatever it is.
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danakin-skywalker · 3 years
ho ho ho health legend!!
i hope that you had a great day and that your feet werent too sore to get out of bed and enjoy this lovely monday, december 13th! bc 33 flights?! im out bestie good for you tho
of course! i had like 7 different pixie hollow accounts because i would forget my login info every time🤦🏼‍♀️ and my nana was the only one with a computer, so until she made designated notebooks for my cousins and i, we just had random mixed up printer papers of passwords😂😂 im ashamed to admit i was never able to figure out club penguin so i couldnt play🧍🏼‍♀️
THE BANANNY WAGNER MEMES GOT ME !!!!!! i cant lie, i sent those to like six people they were so good. also, sweater danny🥺 but all the pics you were so pretty. i saw someone say today that he was sculpted like a greek god and i cant help but agree, sheesh!
im afraid today im back again with some basic questions ive somehow skipped over...
1. what other artists/genres do you listen to?
2. what is you favorite color?
3. how would you describe your personal style?
4. what are your sun, moon, & rising placements?
5. can you play any instruments?
6. do/did you play any sports?
7. what is one hidden talent you have?
remember santa loves u - and that youve brightened my month as well! but soon ill be able to just ask you anything, anytime once my true identity is revealed👀
Good morning Santa!!!!! I did manage to get out of bed yesterday but I’m sure by tomorrow I’ll be bed-ridden again because today I have to go get my Covid booster, which I hear can be tough on the body.
I love the idea of your nana just keeping track of every grandkid’s login information for whatever site they happened to use. I’m also really glad you got as much of a kick out of bananny Wagner as I did bc I thought I was gonna piss myself laughing when I first found it.
So recently, I’ve been listening to a lot of artists suggested/recommended by the boys, and other artists I find from those artists. For example, I’ve been listening to a lot of Hozier, Stephen Stills (more often CSN&Y), and Jim Croce, and a lot of classic rock like Quiet Riot, Van Halen and Styx. I’ve been really having fun delving into music that has been well loved for years that I’m unfamiliar with. With the exception of Hozier and Greta I’m really not listening to a lot of modern music at the moment, which has been really cool since moving to a major city, kind of feels like a juxtaposition to listen to John Denver while staring at the manhattan skyline you know?
My two favorite colors are purple and green, but I really only like the very light shades or very dark shades of both colors. Like the pastels and the jewel tones. I’m not into the generic “this is green” green, do you know what I mean?
My personal style is tricky because I’m not spending a ton of time lately outside of my apartment, so right now my style is just comfortable and cozy loungewear. I suppose I haven’t really developed a personal style yet, I never know what to say for questions like this. I’m really more of a simple dresser, I like staple pieces I can wear a bunch of different ways. But the problem with that is I can never personally justify buying high quality staple pieces that can withstand wear. So long story short, I’m workin on it.
I am the most absolute textbook cancer sign you’ll ever meet. Like the logical part of my brain doesn’t want to believe in astrology, but I’m just such a fucking cancer that it’s hard to really discount it. Both my moon and rising signs are in Aquarius, and I actually have had a lot of Aquarius friends in the past.
Okay, let me walk you through my personal instrument timeline. So when I was really little (like under 10) my mom had my brother and I in piano and violin lessons. But then I’m pretty sure by the time we were 10 those stopped (to be fair, that was around when the recession hit). Then I learned recorder in elementary school like everybody else and when it came time to sign up for band and pick an instrument, I chose clarinet because it was similar to recorder. Then I played clarinet in band for four years, I even played bass clarinet for a year because the school had one and you really play it the same as a normal clarinet it’s just bigger and jankier.
Around this time I also decided I wanted to learn bass guitar. I distinctly remember not wanting to learn guitar because in my head basically everyone knew how to play guitar and I wanted to be ~different~ so I borrowed a bass and a beginners book from the school. My dad was ecstatic, it was then that I learned he used to play bass in college (when was he gonna tell me that if I never independently showed interest? The world may never know). BUT what happened was I came home one weekend from a Girl Scout camping trip and my mom had randomly bought me an acoustic guitar. She said she assumed that was what I really wanted to play but I think she did it because 1) she has a heart condition that gets really bothered by bass notes and 2) full disclosure my dad didn’t have the healthiest relationship in alcohol back in the day and I’m sure she thinks this relates to the kind of world a bass player would be in.
Regardless, I was pressured to switch to guitar. And I hated it. There was something about the strings on the guitar she got me that made them terrible for beginners, even the guy I was getting lessons from told me to get it re-stringed. I had to press down so hard for any noise to come out that it made it really difficult to switch chords. And then I gave up when I found out nearly every song I wanted to learn to play has a barre chord in it. My fingers were just NOT callousing and I didn’t like how everybody in the world it seemed could hear me when I was trying to practice. Sometimes I wonder if I had kept with the bass if I would’ve gotten good at it, I made a lot more progress a lot more quickly than I did with guitar. But alas.
I mentioned skiing before, but the only sport I kept with through high school was Track & Field. I was a thrower, my events were shotput and discus. I wasn’t particularly great at it, but I wasn’t doing it to be the best on the team. The track and field team was like a massive family, it consisted of roughly the same group that jumped together from Cross Country Running to Nordic Skiing to Track, with the same coach running all three. I absolutely hate running, especially the way they do it, so track was really the only one I could stick with. But the vibes were unmatched I miss that squad.
Okay this question stopped me for a second. A hidden talent? I’m just gonna list of random things I’m good at. Like I said, I have camp counselor experience, so if you know what boondoggle is I’m a master at that (including and especially starting them off). I’m also pretty good at joint rolling but only the ~cool people~ get to find that out when they see it in action. I’m not sure if this counts but I’m also really good at memorizing lyrics. Pretty much every song I like I know most of the words to, if not all. Even if I haven’t heard a song in like a decade, if I learned the words once at some point in my life they will come running back to me.
I love you Santa I can’t wait until after Christmas when I’m DMing you excitedly every time I get a new record. I hope your Jacob Thomas Tuesday goes smoothly friend.
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swanimagines · 3 years
Hi dear! 🌸
I don't really know you and also I can't write *and* also I don't think I write him in character (or you on that count) but… Here we go. I hope that at least my attempt to write this will bring a smile on your face! 🥰
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Two people were slowly walking in the forest. Talking but also paying attention to the surroundings of course. The girl was talking about something when suddenly Murphy gave her a short kiss on the cheek and then walked ahead without waiting for the Jenni's reaction. Jen, surprised for a moment, quickly caught up with him.
"What was that?" she asked him with a little smile playing on her lips. Yes, they were a couple for some time, but Murphy wasn't into PDA. Well, not into that little things like kisses on the cheeks. Too sweet and cheesy, he said one day.
"Nothing" he answered to her question. But of course it wouldn't satisfy her, so he added "It's for not being able to be with you yesterday. But don't even start with that romantic bullshit." He rolled his eyes but was still walking next to her. His facial expressions also wasn't angry. Just annoyed? Maybe little embarrassed?
He said what he said, but Jenni knew him. She knew that he surprised her with that little kiss because he thought that she would be sad. Because he wasn't with her that night. Such a sweet guy. Her face lights up when Murphy looked at her. She looks so pretty at that moment. Really pretty. But Murphy thought that something was missing on her face. Blushes.
"But don't worry. I'll make it up to you tonight." His smirk was saying everything. And Jenni couldn't help but blush. He loved her no matter what and he knew how to show her that burning love. Now, Jenni was excited about the night. And it's not even *that* thing (but it's always amazing, if somebody wanted to ask) but the cuddles after that. That moment when she's in his arms, and he won't let her go.
And she was smiling again.
Honestly I didn’t believe someone would use their time for this??? If anything, I was expecting something which has like 10 words tops or something. I LOVE YOU AAAAHHH I’M GIVING YOU A GIANT HUG AND A SMOOCH AND WTF AAAHHH I’M BLUSHING SO HARD!!!
ALSO WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU CAN’T WRITE HIM IN CHARACTER??? I literally could hear everything he said and it made me so happyyyy ♥ And ahahaha the ending was so Murphy XD Made me blush and giggle too. And don't worry about me being in character, I don't know how would I be in character either 😂
Also love Murphy, always have and always will ♥ 2018 fall was my crazy season for him, I wrote a self-insert fanfic which reached 12 chapters???? Never finished since Rupert + others came back all at once and I started this blog but that was probably my longest self-insert fic ever, they usually die off after like 5 or 6 chapters.
I’m honestly twirling here at 1am and aaahhh I’m smiling so hard my cheeks hurt. Gonna save this to my computer and Google Docs so I can read this whenever I want and show this AMAZING PIECE to everyone.
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"One of my followers who I don't even know wrote me a piece of text where the main characters are me and John Murphy????? Like as a gift, they wanted to cheer me up. (can't really translate the last message but) I'M OVERHELMED (WITH LOVE) WHAAAAAAT???? 😭😭😭
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shrinkthisviolet · 4 years
More OC Incorrect Quotes
Thanks @ohsalamanders! I know you tagged me because you and I can’t stop messing around with this generator 😂 and I appreciate it!
So I’m gonna start off with some quotes from Jesse Morgan Wells, my Flash OC! She’s E1 Harrison Wells’ daughter, raised by Thawne, goes by Morgan, telepathically linked to Jesse Chambers Wells (our lovely E2 Jesse), the same age as Jesse, Tina is her godmother, and she thinks of Harry as a father figure (but thinks the feelings are unrequited):
Morgan: Mum, good news, I was able to find a healthy coping mechanism!
Tina, sighing: Is it actually vigilante stuff?
Morgan: I don’t understand
Tina: I want you to find a healthy coping mechanism. Is that what you have, or are you doing vigilante stuff?
Morgan: I have a healthy coping mechanism
Tina: You’re sure? You have a healthy coping mechanism, and you’re not doing vigilante stuff?
Morgan: That’s correct, I’ve found a healthy coping mechanism, I’m not doing vigilante stuff
Tina: Excellent! So what’s your coping mechanism?
Morgan: I’m fighting bad guys under the guise of Sentry
Tina: ...🤦‍♀️
I’ll be honest, that one isn’t from the generator, I just wanted to use a Good Place quote. But this next one is:
Morgan: Catharsis, my old archenemy.
Thawne: ...I thought I was your archenemy?
Morgan: I have a life outside of you, Dad
Morgan will get therapy...but she will be dragged there under duress by Harry and Tina 😂
Jesse: Dad, I'm sad
Harry: *Holds out arms for a hug* It’s going to be okay
Morgan: Dad, I'm sad
Thawne, nodding: mood
Thawne loves her, but he also has no concept of how to love her in a healthy way 🤷‍♀️ she needs therapy for a reason.
Jesse: In my defense, I was left unsupervised
Harry: Wasn't Morgan with you?
Morgan: In my defense, I was also left unsupervised
This is in Season 2, after Morgan and Jesse warm up to each other. Morgan left Star Labs after S1 for college, and only came back because of her telepathy link with Jesse. So initially, Harry thinks she’s a kindred spirit–levelheaded, rational, misjudged by the team, etc. Then he realizes (through incidents like the incorrect quote above) that Jesse’s recklessness and self-sacrificial nature is still present in Morgan, it just manifests differently 😂
One last one for them:
Jesse: Why do you have a diary?
Morgan: To keep secrets from my computer
Hey, no one ever said a telepathy link would be easy, especially when you were raised by someone who only loves you and raised you with terrible coping mechanisms 🤷‍♀️ she initially sees Jesse as pathetic for needing Harry to fight her battles for her, but nope, turns out that Jesse and Harry’s relationship, while not perfect, is actually what a good parent-child relationship is SUPPOSED to be.
Now, on to Bumi and Izumi! Again, not my OCs, but I count them by proxy because I basically expanded their characterization for my fic:
Izumi: Bumi and I don’t use pet names
Zuko: I see. Hey, what do bees make?
Izumi: Honey?
Bumi: Yes, dear?
Zuko: Don't ever lie to my face again
This would be shortly after they get together 😂 as for when that happens, you’ll have to wait for me to publish the fic to find out!
Katara: Zuko isn’t answering his phone.
Izumi: I’ll call.
Katara: Sokka and I have both tried six times each, what makes you thi-
Zuko: Hello?
Zuko is soft for exactly two people: Izumi and Mai. Even in canon, this is the case. No, I won’t take criticism on this.
Izumi: I’m telling you, throwing fire WORKS! Anytime I had a problem, and I threw fire, boom! Right away, I had a different problem
That’s one I created 😂 another Good Place quote, suiting our reckless Izumi
Bumi: Okay, truth or dare?
Izumi: Truth
Bumi: How many hours have you slept this week?
Izumi: ...Dare
Zuko: Go to bed
Izumi: I don’t like this game
There comes a point in my fic where Izumi doesn’t sleep because of nightmares and wanting to help Aang. Bumi and Zuko are determined to make sure she sleeps enough, otherwise she won’t be of help to anyone (and ofc so she’s healthy, but only the first argument lands in her sleep-deprived head)
Bumi: Don’t worry, I have a few knives up my sleeve.
Izumi: I think you mean cards
Bumi, pulling knives out of his sleeves: No, I do not
Yeah, I know Izumi would be carrying knives normally, but in my fic, it’s Bumi. Izumi wasn’t carrying her knives when she time traveled 😂 mostly so that she isn’t too OP
Izumi, talking to Bumi on the phone: Did you preheat the oven like I told you to?
Bumi: You bet!
Izumi: At what temperature?
Bumi: 535.
Izumi: That's the clock.
Bumi: 536.
You can headcanon Bumi as a baker all you want, but I maintain that he’s an excellent cook, and Izumi is a good baker 😂 Bumi can, however, make a mean fruit pie though, courtesy of making it so many times with his dad
Bumi: You know, not every problem can be solved with fire
Izumi: That's why I carry a dagger
Modified this a bit because the initial prompt produced “swords,” but Izumi doesn’t carry swords
Bumi: Treat spiders the way you want to be treated
Izumi: Killed without hesitation
Bumi: ...well–
Aang: NO
Poor Aang 😂 but Izumi isn’t wrong about spiders.
Last one:
Bumi: I turned out perfectly fine!
Izumi: Bumi, this morning you thought a ghost made your toast
Bumi takes after his uncle Sokka sometimes 😂
That’s all I have for now! I’m tagging @dearestpartnerofgreatness @blackaquokat @army-of-mai-lovers @magic-is-something-we-create and anyone else who wants to do this!
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skippyv20 · 4 years
😊😊😊😊😊🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻pG INTERPRETATION OF MM ANON🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻😊😊😊😊😊
Kids I want to let you know  this riddle is not as funny as some of the other ones because a subject matter is just so serious💜😊PG😊💜
MM Anon
MM ANON …… colourful Cam !!…………… Fast Far-raar-ri blast. …………” let your daughter breathe “…………… A niece wedding …………… Inappropriate funds??………… Bush tragedy ……………… inappropriately shamed royal ………… a pricey disinfect ………… “ you’re a spot on gun Man Sydney!!”………… “ a privilege sir” ……… “ how’s the shoulder?” ……… “ I’ll recover sir “……… “ it’s stopped bleeding “ ……… “ just a flesh wound sir “ ……… “ next week Sydney? ……… “ I hear the Gillie comes highly recommend sir”……… “Ahh, spiffing!! “
Thank you😊❤️❤️❤️❤️
Entertainment purposes 
💜💜💜💜💜💜😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣Thank you MM Anon🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜💜💜💜. Just so you know I put the laughing faces in there because of the the vignettes with the Prince  Philip and Sydney are just hilarious!
July 29/2020
Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer wed this day in 1981 at St. Paul’s Cathedral. I was like 13 or 14 or so and remember it like yesterday!!
Riddle #74
colourful Cam !!…………… 
OK I looked and looked and looked and I’m looking at this and I could colourful is self-explanatory cam I’m pretty sure means Cambridge and two!‘s so that usually means to people who stuck stuck nothing I can find fits this. I’m gonna leave it for now and come back.
I don’t think MM Anon is  meaning colourful in the term of red white blue green purple orange etc. . I think she means colourful as in telling a funny story you know that is all that’s a colourful story and funny  all that kind of thing.Prince William revealed  how he made his bodyguard pose as a sniper  to scare off a rival football player when he was a schoolboy because ‘everyone wanted to break my legs’.
The Duke of Cambridge, then Prince William, asked his a RPO,  to shine a laser’s red dot at the boy pretending to be a sniper. He  told this colourful story revelation on an episode of the BBC Radio Five Live’s That Peter Crouch Podcast. The future king’s candid comments came as he shared embarrassing stories over a pint. During the chat at Kensington Palace, they had a curry delivered. I think I wanna find this podcast because I think it probably was absolutely hilarious. Imagine a young boy sneaking over that ha ha Ha ha ha that’s awesome! Good on you William good  on you!
Fast Far-raar-ri blast. …………”
We’re talking about a Ferrari hear the Italian car. This kids is again another example of how frightening fake things can be seen as real we see it on Instagram we see CGI and almost every movie that people actors don’t even have to act anymore it’s it’s all fake everything is fake now. Except us we are all real!  There is a video that fooled and tricked aka lied to millions. The  viral footage of a Ferrari driver ‘escaping from police by driving underneath a truck’ was fake says its creator. He revealed how he did it. The Original video was posted online last Friday and gained 3.1million views. It showed a Ferrari F430 escaping from police car by driving through gap between truck’s wheels. Graphics artist Dionisis Sakas demonstrated in new video how he made footage.He used CGI, a computer-generated image of a Ferrari, truck and police car over bus dashcam footage of road. DISGUSTING! Get a job, volunteer , do something useful in this world instead of spreading more lies like this, that’s sick!
“ let your daughter breathe “……………
This is a sugar is bringing race into it! Black Lives Matter!Both Eric Garner, several years ago in NYC and George Floyd were saying l can’t breathe l can’t breathe  lcan’t breathe as a police officer had his knees on his neck! They are equating that incident with what’s going on here! That my friends is a level of mentality we are dealing with! The level of insanity that the sugars possess! I am convinced that when things happen in handcuffs involved charges are laid whatever is going to happen they will be having some sort of physical manifestation, they Well riots gather together range on Twitter for meetings throw stones who knows what it every British Embassy in the United States. I say that because she’s American and I do believe most of the sugars are although she has them all over the world. This is very very very serious verbiage! Wow I am shocked and I don’t get shocked easily wow wow is all I can say! Leave Madam alone! Duchess’s fans aka sugars, rage as dad Thomas Markle hits out ‘Let your daughter breathe’! Well we need a time that since Madame and I’ve been going crazy on her PR we knew it was just a matter time before daddy market would march into the rescue or not to the rescue this time this time is criticizing! I finally caught up on my sleep so let’s give me a minute here to backtrack the daily mail reported that this is now Wednesday morning Monday Monday they reported done he had been interviewed I think on good morning Britain or something there was an article about him anyways criticizing the book and attack criticizing that they were attacking the royal family etc. etc. etc. etc. Madam’s fans/ SUGARS took to Twitter to shield the Madam, from her father’s latest attack. Her estranged father, who lives in Rosarito, Mexico, spoke to the press in the wake of new revelations about the dramatic events leading up to the gathering of unhappy people in May 2018. My my my my my what are those sugars gonna do when it hits the fan and things are really come out and charge to start to come then I’ll my goodness. All these young women what are they gonna do join antifa and form their own gang and try and destroy British Embassy is around the United States or wherever they all live I would imagine most of them live in the United States because she’s American but she probably has sugar is all over the world oh it’s going to be an interesting interesting interesting slideshow to continue to watch that slideshow side show not slide shows sideshow there you go where are you got a good job software good job good job software! Oh you’re typing your compliment twice well good for you you’ve been working hard I’m putting you to the test yes I am talking to my iPad because I think it’s a little sensitive because if I get if it doesn’t like what I’m saying it’ll beep and stop working so I’m whispering as quietly hopefully it doesn’t hear me because I don’t want to hurt it’s sensitive feelings!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
 A niece wedding …………… 
How marvellous oh the three Spencer girls oh they’re so beautiful remember them at William and Catherine’s wedding oh they’re so beautiful all. So lady Amelia and lady allies are twins but their paternal twins they don’t look like they’re not identical twins at all but they’re both gorgeous. And all three of these girls and their brother grew up in South Africa. And lady Amelia has been attending Cape Town University where she met her beau, Who she met at the University,Greg Mallet, an estate agent, who is equally well-connected and wealthy. They’ve been together for 10 years and he finally proposed and the picture I have seen are beautiful. She has gorgeous looks kind of like an oval but I think I I think it might be a circle diamond and looks to be surrounded by hail or smaller diamonds it looks beautiful but I’m hoping to see a really clear picture of it that’s why I have not really seen one. Congratulations to them. 🥂 
Some people crochet, some people knit,some people do scrapbooking, some people garden,some people take music lessons,there’s all kinds of hobbies in this world! However I have never heard of one quite like this and words fail me.😁DM slightly edited by moi😁 GM allegedly took photos of topless young girls as a 'hobby’, shocking unearthed court documents reveal. The 58-year-old kept them in a photo album at pedophile JE’s Florida mansion, his former butler Juan Alessi claimed.A judge last week ordered the unsealing of documents related to M and E from a defamation case brought by victim VRG in 2015. The documents could include details about GM’s sex life and among the original files unsealed in 2018 was the eye witness account of Alessi. Alessi told VRG’s lawyers in a sworn deposition that GM  had an album full of photos of young girls, including some who were topless. GM shared her alleged hobby for nude 'art’ with JE who had photos of naked girls and women - including GM- plastered all over his mansion.Alessi also claimed in his deposition that he discovered sex toys including,😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮l edited, in the massage room of JE’s Palm Beach mansion. The then-maintenance man also claims he saw a 'shiny black costume’ in GM’s closet that he believed was used for sex. Was he the butler the maintenance man those are two diametrically opposed positions, I don’t understand. What was he doing in her  closet if you do the maintenance man? People are all I feel like I need to be sprayed down disinfected maybe this is the price he disinfect clue disinfect oh gross!DM😁additions and slightly edited by moi.
The pressure  grows on millionaire farmer Ben Goldsmith, as it emerges he benefited from £25,000 in EU subsidies last year! Ben Goldsmith, brother of environment minister Zac, claimed £25k in EU cash.The 39-year-old millionaire farmer is also a non-executive director of Defra.He has been accused of releasing red deer and wild boar on his land in Somerset.The release of such animals is contrary to current Defra rules and regulations. You know kids, it seems that at every level they’re playing the game! Money changing hands over fist, forget morals,forget ethics, forget everything and anything,  just money money money money money makes me think of that song I think it’s by Dire Straits money money money oh!
There is also the bigger issue the money from the Sussex fund and all of that missing money allegedly that a certain Madam may have had now spent or had possession of. I’m not gonna go into that because I don’t think that’s the clue right now.
Bush tragedy ……………… 
I can hardly cope, l can’t imagine how her parents are managing and her family. I don’t know, I’ve been I prayed for this little girl since the day she went missing she would be found alive. Madeleine McCann investigators resume digging at German allotment patch owned by chief suspect Christian Brueckner as his apartment just three miles away is revealed. And if you look where they’re digging if you see the pictures there’s trees all around so at least in Canada we would call that the bush. Investigators have begun their second day of searching an allotment in Germany three miles from an apartment where suspect Christian Brueckner once lived.    Up to 100 officers using small diggers and sniffer dogs continued to excavate the vegetable garden outside Hannover, where Brueckner lived after the three-year-old vanished in 2007.A tent has been erected on the plot concealing the exact nature of the search, and a wide cordon with wire netting has set been up around the allotment.Two small tents have been set up in a field opposite the main dig site, while a fleet of German police vehicles lined the side of the small country road while commuter traffic drove past.An apartment block in Hannover has been identified as Brueckner’s last known address in the city, and German media says he may have lived on the allotment itself - possibly in his trailer.Detectives have been bagging up pieces of evidence and yesterday discovered a cellar underneath a long-demolished gazebo as they scour for clues that could link Brueckner to Madeleine’s disappearance. If you’re so inclined please say a prayer for this family but they finally get some answers and that they find little Madeleine so they can bring her home.🥺🥺🥺🥺🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
inappropriately shamed royal ………… 
CARAS, some places I’ve read say it’s a Spanish magazine some have said Portuguese either way that’s the name of the magazine. CARAS comes under fire for calling Queen Maxima’s daughter and heir to the Dutch throne , Princess Amalia, 16, as 'plus-size’ on its front cover as critics claim it’s 'dangerous’ and 'disrespectful’! I have said to you kids before, this is the last thing that it’s OK to make fun of people who are overweight and I know personal experience!! It just, it it never ends ,whether iit’s in school whether to University, no matter how beautiful you are , a high functioning and intelligent and whatever, it’s it’s still OK to do mock overweight people!🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬And it goes to stop so far as to people getting hired for jobs or not etc. etc. etc. it’s all it’s so disgusting! She is a beautiful girl oh man what is it gonna do to her psyche she’s 16 oh 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻hell me!The trashy gossip magazine Caras has been slammed by Argentine media outlets. Princess Catharina-Amalia and Queen Maxima were chosen for mag’s July cover.The magazine described the teenage heir to the Dutch throne as 'plus-size’ woman! She is 16 she is a young lady she is not a woman! Subsequently I do believe they have issued an apology an apology but the damage is done the damage is done it’s an in with the damage is done there’s no undoing this absolutely know I’m doing this for her personally! My heart just aches for her she is so beautiful so beautiful oh my heart just aches for that girl oh my! Kids think back to when you were 16 so insecure and so you know trying to fit in and all that other garbage. Do you think high school the most important thing in the world. And she’s going to be the Queen she is going to be the Queen! Oh man my heart aches for her.☹️☹️☹️☹️🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜 I am sending lots of love and prayers to Princess Amalia !
a pricey disinfect ………… 
The first thing that came into my mind when I read this with the money that her Majesty offered Madam to leave before The gathering of unhappy people. This  is my gut and this is what I’m going to go with. This may not be the correct answer that you were looking for MM Anon but it is what I feel applies most importantly here. This fight has been in the works for years and years at the highest level on the planet, funded by the highest level on the planet. It has been a plot to take down 1000 year old monarchy and totally destroy the country that voted to exit the EU! Brexit would’ve brought about a whole bunch of changes and it will yet hopefully. And her Majesty the Queen is God’s representative on the throne she’s been holy ordained. She is the head of the church of England. I truly believe that there is a worldwide organization of people who serve the dark master. If one believes in God one has  to believe in Satan there’s no one with the old the other there’s good and there’s bad. There are many many many who serve the Darkside in the evil of the ways. That is what we have been watching. I firmly believe the first line attack was through JE towards prince Andrew. Prince Andrew was naïve in in a sense of being a royal very much detachment from the ordinary person. There’s no way he could have ever imagined or fortold  that anything like this would happen. I do not believe he has any interest in young girls. Does he have a healthy sexual appetite did he absolutely he was a young healthy fit handsome man yes of course,  what was going to judge him for that? Do you honestly can’t believe that he and Sarah his wife could’ve raised to such sound wonderful young women as the princess Beatrice and princess Eugenie without being sound themselves? I believe this started in earnest at that point and they had no success. So they had to continue and plot to find a way in and there was Prince Harry, lost in an emotional wasteland trying to find some direction is life after leaving the military. That’s begin the process of finding a female willing to do the deeds, the first one they found changed her mind. But then as evil does, it finds its perfect mate and that was Madam and the whole collection of “family” that she has. A group of cons and grifters  at their finest or worst however you look at it. She is a female who’s willing to do anything and everything and has done anything and everything! FOR MONEY!  She is narcissistic to the point of pathology. Please I’ve read a few people say she has schizophrenia or is “schizophrenic”. I have worked with dozens and dozens of people with schizophrenia, they do not possess narcissistic traits. Most of them are shy and embarrassed of their symptoms and most of them are young men who who just develop it in their early teens are in their 20s. I am not saying that women don’t develop schizophrenia they certainly do. But the majority of people that I worked with have developed our young men that have developed it in their late teens and 20s often as a result of the use of marijuana a lot of marijuana. They use marijuana to quiet the voices in their head. And it does work for some of them they say it does help. People with schizophrenia do not behave like this they’re thinking is disorganized, they live in an alternate reality even though they can often quite communicate or are mute. They are not capable of being this way and  this plot to this degree. I’m not saying they’re not capable, they can be employed and they’re wonderful people just like anybody else with diabetes or whatever. I truly wish that that Stigma and that those thoughts about schizophrenia would change. I really encourage you, if you if your care, if you care, just to do a little bit of reading even though Wikipedia reading of what schizophrenia is it’ll help you understand what millions of people struggle with on a daily basis. Back to Madam psychiatric diagnosis would be Axis ll narcissistic personality disorder or NPD.  I do also believe she possesses some Axis lll issues as well, by this time referring to her variety of hobbies be there a liquid or powder or any of the above. So we have gone through years now of the monarchy being dragged through this sea hags filth and worse yet our beloved prince Harry, through a young man’s foolish to date on a booty call, which I mean let’s face that millions of people do every day even famous people do every day. And the plans, she was, she was ready to the point where she was wearing Diana‘s favourite perfume. Olfactory memory is the strongest memory humans  possess. It is so powerful it triggers so much emotion. So when he walked in and sat down at the table to have a drink with her and smelled  her perfume just imagine the flood of endorphins and things that he may not even have been consciously aware of that were triggered and his brain just imagine just sit yourself down there and imagine. And then as things progressed you know the story.  And the filth has permeated the planet, it has permeated race relations, it has permeated in the resulting or sugars it has permeated in the Black Lives Matter fascist group That is being well funded by the people that plotted, the backers. They have just been laying in wait waiting for the right moment. Do you think all these people just happen to gather together and had weapons and stuff just at the drop of a hat?How would they know to go where to go, what to do, where to meet? Cities are huge and yet they all seem to go on the in the exact same area. Do you think that’s a coincidence? Do you think that’s a coincidence that it’s happening all over the United States and all over the UK and all over the world in different places? Do you think that’s OK? Do you think that’s a coincidence? I myself do not believe in coincidences. Go back to your high school or university physics Newtons law of physics, every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Nothing happens by coincidence, everything we do whether it’s in  thought act or deed that is put out into the universe it affects something somebody or somehow. This was all planned. Her Majesty the Queen was wise enough to know this, as well as British intelligence, to be monitoring all these things to let her know and the government know. She was wise enough to call Lord Geidt back into service. Thank God he was agreeable! He immediately, I am certain recognized the severity of what the situation was. They have planned and they have played the long game, all while keeping calm and carrying on and looking beautiful. And due to the scale the Crown never fails! And what we see now are  the results of them playing the long game. Madam imploding upon herself due  to her own behaviour and her own narcissism. I do believe we’re near the end I do believe any day now as I said yesterday imminently, we will receive some announcement of some sort. Her Majesty is safely ensconced at Balmoral for three months usually her usual 12 weeks. I’m sure more security than she’s ever had there before and there’s more security around all the royal family members that we’ve ever ever had before. We will never see that security. We will never notice them. They are that good. They could be the seventy year old lady on the street, still able to be just as dangerous as any criminal. We are coming to a close Madam,is all that done. And the backers?? I’m not sure where things are at, but London scoop said this will involve the world but mostly the UK the United States and Australia. The United States is on fire with these antifa riots. The democratic cities mayors and governors of certain states are refusing to take action I’m naming Oregon and Washington in particular I feel so sorry for those people who have businesses and who live in those areas that are being rioted night after night after night especially in Portland I’m thinking of Portland Oregon. There’s a presidential election in November this year. One would never know it usually all you see on the news are  debates and candidates and all that. But we’re not seeing that we’re seeing coronavirus and riots. And what I’ve seen of the democratic nominee, and the party as a whole has me very very concerned. He has yet, I don’t think  he has had a press conference.? I am not aware and when I have seen is a gentleman who is quite elderly who oh, I don’t want to insult anybody who is democratic here,but who is buying into these far left wing fascist agenda who seems to at times doesn’t know what city he’s in. And there was a video that I saw he was standing with a few couples who were with their children and I don’t know what awards he was giving out, but he was massaging the shoulders and pulled her close to him tightly with his arm around her, little girl next to him and you could could Around her shoulders and you could see the look on her face that she was so uncomfortable and she tried to pull closer to her parents who were holding another child and he pulled her back in. I’m telling you I don’t know where that was taken but it was so, it was so hard for me to watch, oh you know something I said I pray for that little girl I pray for that child. I’m not saying he’s he’s a paedophile anything don’t get me wrong but I’m just talking about boundaries just boundaries. Anyhow say what you will about President Trump many people do regularly! I’m gonna get myself in trouble here but I do believeI do believe if he does not win the reelection I fear the collapse of the United States. I don’t know how they’re even going to be able to have an election in the midst of this coronavirus, how do you know how long the quested are to vote to take their long long long long. Oh kids this is the expensive disinfecting and we all are paying a price and continue to and will continue to.
“ you’re a spot on gun Man Sydney!!”………… “ a privilege sir” ……… “ how’s the shoulder?” ……… “ I’ll recover sir “……… “ it’s stopped bleeding “ ……… “ just a flesh wound sir “ ……… “ next week Sydney? ……… “ I hear the Gillie comes highly recommend sir”……… “Ahh, spiffing!! “
Well we return to the beautiful vista that is Balmoral castle and it’s I will be 15,000acres acres in beautiful at the Aberdeenshire. I spent my share of time not at Balmoral but in Aberdeen Aberdeen sure all the first the Firth of Forth!!  Oh my it’s so beautiful I’ve taken so many pictures and hanging on my living room wall I have a black-and-white photo l took, I think it’s like 11 x 18 or something it’s so beautiful oh so beautiful the river there’s a bridge going over the river and the time I took the picture was an autumn so the leaves were all so gorgeous oh man it’s so beautiful. One of the first things that hit me the very first time I tasted tapwater in Scotland and I happen to be in her and I are just outside Aberdeen where I was staying with my friends and I have never had water that taste is so beautiful it was pure it was cold it was fresh it was free from chemicals no chlorine Teays know anything and there was no water filter on the top of their they did not have a reverse osmosis filter like everybody here has now it was so good oh and I just kept remarking on and everybody kept laughing at me how good the water was. Then we went out for lunch at all man I stupid Canadiana CanadianaWe are ordering lunch and came to my turn to order lunch should I order lunch and I want to more of that water and she looked at me and she said would you like flat or still and I I just like what what and I looked at my restaurant we want to find especially that I had came there to see and he was like she’ll have still ha ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha. And then after I said what what is that and he says oh Blondie never mind ha ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha I’ll never forget that oh man that was so funny. anyhow back to Balmoral, sounds like the hunting trip had a bit of a Dick Cheney moment. If you don’t know who took Dick Cheney, he was an American politician and he accidentally shot another politician that he was hunting with a severe it was this it wasn’t severe but all man oh man. so himself is complementing Sydney on how well he is spotting him with the gun and making sure it’s ready and loaded and everything and just what a successful hunting day they had. And Sydney ever the dutiful a butler said yes he concurs it was just just smashing and then himself ask him how his shoulder is and he’s ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha I can’t continue ha ha ha ha still funny way too funny ha ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha.I shall continue I can come compose myself myself and continue. Himself ask Sydney how his shoulder is Sydney says it all recover all recover sir I am I shall recover, it stopped bleeding it stop bleeding and I shall recover in just a flesh room so just just a flesh room can you not hear the accent so can you hear the accent just a flesh wound sir! Capital , Sydney, Capital! Then planning for next weeks outing, Himself asks Sydney, are you ready for next weeks outing and he replies oh yes sir , I hear the Gilly comes high they recommended sir. Himself says sniffing smashing , wonderful , marvellous , looking forward to it and Sydney is just shivering in this boots. MM Anon, you have no idea how I can picture these things in my head and I was just all man’s took me forever to do because I was laughing so hard!
GSTQAOBC 🇨🇦🇬🇧🇦🇺🇳🇿
Thank you😊❤️❤️❤️❤️
Entertainment purposes 
Thank you PG💜💜💜💜💜💜
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lesbianmaxevans · 4 years
camille for the name thing! or like whatever letters u haven’t done lmao
omg I don’t think I’ve ever been this popular for one of these ask games  😂
C: which fandom do you know the most about? lmao I answered rnm last time I got this but it’s prob btwn that and snyder’s dceu films
A: fandom you blog about the most lol another one I already answered. it’s prob rnm. it’s definitely the fandom I’ve created the most content for.
M: your favourite writer/s oh god idk when was the last time I read a book 😬🙈 uhhhhhhhhhhhh literally the only authors I can think of for books are like.....some YA folks that I LOVED in my late teens but now I’m just like YIKES @ them........ uh if we’re talking like screenwriting and you asked me one (1) year ago I would’ve said chris terrio in a heartbeat bc bvs but he’s also responsible for tros so like lol fuck him if he can write that vile trash. uh ava duvernay, who is also one of my fave directors, writes or co-writes a bunch of her films so she’s def on the list. tarell alvin mccraney, who I haven’t actually read anything he’s written (🙈) but moonlight and david makes man are both rlly excellent and he’s responsible for both. uh for tv, chris fedak always immediately comes to mind bc he’s created/co-created three shows I love (chuck, deception, and prodigal son) and knowing his co-creator of chuck and seeing what he’s made since it’s become p clear that the aspects of the show I hate about it are (for the most part) things he’s not responsible for lol (also! ALSO! idk if it was him or someone else in the writer’s room but in ps when a sex worker got murdered, malcolm kept referring to her as a sex worker instead of using slurs and it still makes me so !!!!!!!!)
I: a book you can read over and over again idk the last time I touched a book oof. ok this would absolutely not be true today but as a kid I was obsessed w the tale of desperaux I’m p sure I would read it like 3x a year and then the film came out and ruined my fondness of the book by being a diasaster lmfaoooooooo
L: a quote from one of your fandoms which you absolutely adore afhdjgfkgh L is such a popular letter today lmaooooo ok another quote hm chuck this time. for context chuck is sitting around his house v drunk and sarah comes by his house unexpectedly lol
C: I get it, okay. I think everybody gets it, Shaw’s amazing, and you two are gonna run off together and save the world, and that’s... great news for the world. But earlier on, in my drunken haze, I realized I hadn’t asked you a question. A really important question that I’d like to ask you now, if that’s okay. Just once, for the record: Sarah, do you love me? -beat of silence- C: Wow, I’m in my underwear. I’m sitting in my underwear, holding a plastic guitar. There’s a very good chance I’m making a complete fool of myself, isn’t there? S: Yes. C: I should probably put some pants on. S: No, Chuck. Yes. Chuck, I fell for you a long, long time ago. After you fixed my phone and before you started defusing bombs with computer viruses. So, yes. Yes
here’s the scene if you care to see what made 14 year old me lose my entire mind
E: a character you think you’re the most like? already answered but it is indeed max lov that hyperempathetic autistic lesbian :)
send me letters
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