#I’m ignoring canon /j
goldenflurry · 2 years
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I’m so normal about this duo /s
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irlwakko · 4 months
you would never know it now but Vito was actually one of my least favorite Total Drama characters growing up and now he’s one of my faves!!!!! amazing what happens when you start seeing canon as a suggestion
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rotomartsblog · 1 year
Every time something new Fnaf-related is released Im reminded of my love for Cassidy and Evan. They are my children I will save them from this fucked up story
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bonesybonez · 8 months
Ouh, I need to make a hurt + comfort fic with Drumbot Brian & Penny Coiner
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Guess that makes Lilia bond with his club mate Cater, who canonically said if anything [Epel] always has a mother 🤡
[Referencing this post!]
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AT LEAST CATER WAS JOKING ABOUT IT TO BE CHEEKY TO TREY 😭 Meanwhile Lilia would be serious about going after your mom/j
For those who may be confused about the context of Cater bringing up Epel's mom, this occurs in Cater's Ceremonial Robes vignettes. The first one opens with Cater and Trey watching the sorting ceremony and trying to guess where the students will be placed. When it's Epel's turn, Cater remarks that he looks cute, so he hopes Epel gets into Heartslabyul. Cater also says that if Epel had an older sister, she would be very pretty; the implication here is that Cater wants Epel to be put into Heartslabyul so he could potentially date Epel's older sister. Trey then says Cater wants Epel in Heartslabyul for his own benefit and points out that Epel may not even have an older sister to begin with (which is true). Cater essentially responds by saying, "Even so, there's always his mom... Hey, I'm just kidding!"
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If you play EN, these lines were scrubbed and replaced with an exchange about washing dishes. When Trey asks Cater why he thinks Epel will be sorted into Heartslabyul, Cater replies, "Because he’s as cute as a button! And he looks like the kinda guy who wouldn’t leave his dirty dishes all over the place." Instead of saying Cater wants Epel in their dorm for his own benefit, Trey says, "Are you sure you don’t just want him to clean up YOUR dirty dishes?" to which Cater responds with, "I’ve been better about that lately!"
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In both EN and JP, Trey says he thinks Epel won’t end up in Heartslabyul. Cater then becomes slightly frustrated and asks Trey to not ignore him.
I’m guessing the change was made in the localization because they worried a Western audience would find the idea of a student hitting on someone’s parent uncomfortable, even if it is presented in-game as a joke.
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scoutswritingcorner · 6 months
Salutations, I was wondering if you could do a Charlastor aka Showtunes (as the young people would call it) x Reader fic/ headcanon either one?
Charlastor x GN!Reader
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A/N: Before anyone comes at me- I don’t mind writing different ships as long as they aren’t breaking any of my rules, I’m totally down. Now! Another note, while this ship is not canon and I understand canonically Charlie and Vaggie are in a relationship, do not send hate! People are allowed to ship who they please as long as they aren’t hurting anyone or breaking any laws!
-👑 Oh boy- how did you end up with two of the most powerful people loving up on you? Some kinda witchcraft over here /j
-🦌 In all seriousness, you got the happiest most loveable person in the whole world on one side and the other you got Alastor. They both love you in different ways and will gladly show you that.
-👑 Charlie takes the route of physical affection the most, kisses, cheek kisses, random hugs. You name it, she’s got it. Alastor? Does show affection but mostly behind closed doors, the best you’ll get PDA wise is kisses on your knuckles and possibly a cheek kiss, an arm around your waist too if he’s in a good mood.
-🦌 Both are wildly protective of you but know you can handle yourself well, they only step in if it’s a life or death situation. Or if they annoy Alastor too much. 
-👑 They both love going on dates with you as much as they can but don’t expect it too often cause running a hotel is hard work and sometimes things don’t go as planned. But they will make it up to you, they don’t want to see you cry or upset. It breaks their hearts.
-🦌 If something upsets you? It’s upsetting them, whilst Alastor is much more used to burying his emotions you can tell he’s pissed by the way his ears flick and his smile stretches larger. Charlie will always take you away to help calm you down and ignore how her horns are starting to show, but if you’re too upset and just need a moment alone to calm yourself down? They will give you space, but don’t expect the person who pissed you off to be alive much longer.
-👑 Going to fancy balls or dances with these two? Oh boy- Alastor slow dancing with you before spinning you off so Charlie can dance with you? 
-🦌 Alastor is only truly relaxed around both of you at the end of the day, I’m talking the wide grin falls to a smaller smile and his shoulders slump. He even shows you both his tail. Do not mention it to anyone if you value your afterlife.
-👑 Now if you cook? Alastor will be either helping you or sitting off to the side drinking his black coffee and reading the paper. When Charlie can, she joins in and allows you to teach her how to make your favorite foods or treats.
-🦌 Speaking of treats- Charlie has a huge sweet tooth and will eat any treat you make, be sure she doesn’t eat too much. Charlie on a sugar rush is so chaotic, she’s bouncing off the walls. Alastor doesn’t strike me as someone who likes sweet things but if you ask him, he will try it and give his honest opinion. He doesn’t mean to be a dick, he’s just an honest man. His Mama told him lying is not good for the soul.
-👑 You start singing? Now Alastor and Charlie have joined in on you and you three are an unstoppable force. Especially when they dance with you around the hotel like it’s some sort of musical
-🦌 While Alastor doesn’t sleep, he’ll lay with you both until you guys fall asleep. He’s usually poking fun at the silly things you say when you both are sleep deprived, but he does give you and Charlie forehead kisses as an apology. If he does end up falling asleep? (which is rare), he’ll allow you to cuddle up to him, just don’t move too much.
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fill-me-with-dirt · 11 months
Fnaf movie headcanons
Mike is Trans Gender
Mike has called Abby “Garrett” on accident at least once
William gives Vanessa his kill trophies (this is basically canon it’s just fucked up to think about)
Mike and Abby would love portal/portal 2
I’m an avid Mike and Abby are Henry’s kids believer idc how unlikely it is
Mike makes Abby pb&j to get her to eat but she’ll only eat it if it’s perfect 50/50
Mike likes his pb&js 75 jelly 25 pb and he and Abby have gotten into arguments about it (she threw the sandwich at him)
Mike smokes weed. Vanessa knows this (he’s not good at hiding being stoned) and chooses to ignore it
Vanessa takes edibles and thinks it’s funny to fuck with Mike, saying she’d “arrest anyone who smokes weed”. She only stopped because he had a panic attack over losing Abby. (She’s literally fucked up at the time)
Mike had a phase in highschool where he wore a letterman jacket every day (he did not play sports)
Abby befriends wild animals to the point where mikes had to shoo out an opossum with a broom (it bit him)
Abby, Vanessa, and Mike obsessively watch glee when it comes out (Mike acts like he hates it but Vanessa caught him singing glee mashups in the shower)
Abby fucking loves grape juice (the smell of it makes Vanessa gag)
William doesn’t actually need glasses he just likes how they look
Mike can not tell when someone is flirting with him he is the most oblivious man in the world
Mike is a cat person while Abby is a dog person
Mike saves all his paychecks for months to buy Abby a wii (they played just dance for seven consecutive hours when he brings it home’
Vanessa had dark brown hair as a kid but William said it made them look similar so she started dying it blonde (if she waits too long to dye it she can’t even look at herself in the mirror, all she sees is her father)
William doesn’t cover his gray hairs because it’s the closest he’ll get to having the same hair color as Vanessa again (without dying his hair)
One time William left the house in he spring Bonnie suit and now people talk about the furry in town
When Abby was a kid she didn’t understand why her parents and brother were so sad when they looked at her (she looked like Garett)
One time when Mike and Vanessa were smoking Mike starts talking about how he’s always felt different and weird and all that and Vanessa goes “oh you mean you’re bisexual?” And Mike is so shocked by this revelation he sits in silence for an hour
Mike let’s Abby play makeup with him and Mike likes it so much he secretly wears a little eyeliner
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an-angel2u · 11 months
Oh so I saw that your request is open so I wanted to ask if you can do a miguel x fm!reader (Pj match)
Like reads is a obsessive with pj design and is obsessive matching with miguel. and Miguel really didn't care at first but grew to love the idea honestly, like some of the pj were comfortable and some were SO soft that Miguel bought some to work. (I think this would be a cute idea 😌🙏) fluff pls.
stitch o’hara. || m. o’hara
warnings: sorta sunshine!reader, “buggy” is a shopping cart, simp miguel /j, food mention, umm i think that’s it? not proofread
a/n: sorry this isn’t exactly what you asked for, i got carried away !!
it was only the start of november and target was rushing christmas essentials out. the moment you walked in, a sea of red, green and white items caught your eyes. “jesus… it’s only november.” miguel mumbled, rubbing his eyes with the pads of his thumb and middle finger.
“you gotta get into the christmas spirit, miguel!” you exclaimed, wearing a smile from ear to ear. you walked over to grab a cart and placed your purse inside. “it’s too early for that.” he added a sigh.
today wasn’t so great for miguel, he had so much to do back at HQ, involving catching anomalies and making sure no canons get disrupted. it was exhausting. nonetheless, the necessity for groceries lingered.
you started to walk over to the clothes and looked at the onesies that had drawn you in. “nah uh, cariño. groceries, not clothes.” he spoke, taking his hand and redirecting the buggy with ease.
“i just wanna see! i don’t wanna buy anything, just look!” you attempted to move the cart away from his grip, it was impossible. “miguel.” you looked up at him, giving him that motherly stare.
you saw his hand move away from the cart and allowed you to go back to the clothing. you had gravitated towards to the onesies. “this is too cute! miggy, look it’s got little snowflakes!” it had a black background with blue snowflakes, you picked it up.
you placed the onesie on top of your body, giving you a small preview of what it would look like on you. “it’s cute.” he shrugged, barely giving you any attention. “nah, doesn’t match with my hair.” you put it back.
you had went through trials of different onesie’s, you finally found the one. it was ‘angel’ from the ‘lilo and stitch’ movies. “i’m getting this!” you threw it in the buggy immediately. “i thought you weren’t gonna buy anyth—”
you cut miguel off with the most dramatic gasp ever, you abandoned him along with the cart and ran to the men’s section. somehow, you’d managed to see a ‘stitch’ onesie as well.
“it’s your size!” you hollered from the back of the store. “baby, don’t yell in the store.” he chuckled under his breath. he dragged himself along with the cart over to you.
he glanced at the onesie and then back at you. “absolutely not.” he spoke blankly before attempting to walk away. “no! please. i want you to match with me.” you pleaded, grabbing his wrist with both hands, trying your best to hold him back.
“no, you have so many.” he shook his head. “i’m getting it anyway.” you shrugged, grabbing the pjs and dropping it in the buggy. “you’re wasting your money.”
you ignored his protest while getting the groceries… and on the way home. after you had taken a shower, you threw on your onesie. you walked to the kitchen and saw miguel preparing shrimp fettuccine pasta.
he saw you in your outfit and completely melted, he didn’t show it, of course, but he was head over heels. “dinners almost ready… can you watch this for me?” he left the wooden spoon in the pan. you nodded, shuffling over to the stove and slowly stirring the pot.
you weren’t really paying attention, you were busy focusing on the pot. your hand was on your hip as if you were pregnant. you felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist, looking down you noticed the sleeves of your boyfriends hands were wrapped around you, were blue.
“you liar!” you giggled, turning around immediately. miguel had the hood pulled over his eyes so he really couldn’t see your face but he knew you were happy.
[ time jump to the morning ]
miguel had gotten up early to head to HQ, he brushed his teeth (aggressively) and sprayed a bit of that cologne you loved to smell on his pulse points.
he came back into the room, watching you sleep soundly for a couple of moments before walking over to you and leaned over you to kiss your face. he noticed your soft smile appear on your face as you dreamt.
he headed to work and walked through HQ, while wearing his stitch pjs. it was so comfortable, he’d forgotten all about wearing it. he wondered why all the spider-people were giggling while staring. it was unsettling for him.
“woah! miguel… dig the suit…” peter quipped, swinging past while holding mayday head close to his chest. “what are you talking about…” he furrowed his eyebrows.
“i think you’re in the wrong universe… might wanna head down to stitch headquarters.” lyla popped up, glitching around his head.
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anyydidi · 1 year
N x Uzi works and N x V shippers should accept that.
Even though i’m a Nuzi (N x Uzi) shipper at heart, I like Envy (N x V). I think it’s cute and they have a great history. But…
That’s about it.
We need to realize that they are both different people now. Yes, N kind of kept his personality through it all, but he has gone through so much development, mainly thanks to Uzi. Not to mention he got his memories completely wiped out and the only reason he has/had feelings for V is because he felt the remnants of their past stronger feelings. Yes, he got his memories back, but only from the Cyn incident. We don’t have any proof of him having all of his memories from the mansion back.
We don’t even know if they just had crushes on each other. We’re not sure if they really had an established romantic relationship in the first place. Did they only have mild crushes, or were they madly in love? That’s something we’re not sure about.
And lastly, people move on. How i mentioned, they’re two different people than they were at the mansion, with absolutely different lives. It’s not wrong, or weird of N to start developing feelings for Uzi. After all, even though N’s personality didn’t really change from his past one, V has made a practically 180 turn. She’s seen as shy and reversed in the past, but ignorant, mean and murderous in the present (before her character development of course). She’s a different person from what N has fallen for. Plus, let’s be honest, V hasn’t been treating N nicely.
V has treated N very poorly. Ignoring him, pretending she doesn’t know who he is, generally just being mean to him. She probably did that to protect him, yeah, but N isn’t aware of that and really, is that an excuse to behave that way? On the other hand, Uzi has helped N grow as a person. She helps him believe in himself, she shows him what true love feels like (platonic, and now even a little romantic). She started treating him as his own person, as a person who has feelings and deserves to be treated as such. Not just some killer machine that you can use and throw around. And in turn, N was Uzi’s first friend. Someone who finally loves her for who she is. He supports her and helps her grow emotionally. They support and love each other and it’s HEALTHY.
And last but not least, NO. Nuzi is not rushed and the hand holding scene did not come from nowhere. Uzi has been shown to develop some sort of feelings for him for EPISODES now. We can see her starting to develop them in The Promening. Which is kind of a long time ago. As for N, we don’t exactly see him having romantic feelings for her until recently, we can definitely see him start to lose feelings for V since Cabin Fever. The point where he definitely realizes he feels something for Uzi, is in the scene prior to the hand holding scene, where Uzi asks him if he’s good. Obviously, he probably had some feelings for her even before, but i would say that was the realization point.
So, in conclusion, i would say both Nuzi and Envy works. The only difference is that Nuzi is in the present, and Envy is more in the past. But, let’s be honest here, does it really matter? Yes, I am more of a Nuzi shipper and definitely am rooting for them to become canon, but i wouldn’t be mad if Envy is the one who wins in the end. Both relationships have chemistry. And i think we all know that Envy is absolutely tragic and it makes me sad. So, stop the ship wars you guys. It’s not worth it. Let’s just enjoy our respective ships as they are, it is Liam’s show after all and he can do whatever he wants with it.
(This is a Nuzi defend post, I am in NO WAY hating on Envy, as i hope was stated enough. I am just tired of toxic Envy shippers attacking Nuzi for pointless reasons. Oh and btw i am a strong “V is alive, or at least comes back” believer. And that is not delusion, guys, it was clearly stated by J earlier in the episode that the disassembly drones were cloned. Glitch, I am watching you 👹👹.)
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defectivefanboy · 2 years
hey i’m just asking maybe could you do dating head canons for crimson from helluva boss? nsfw or sfw i don’t mind <33
Absolutely. I love how the fandom is already down bad for mafia man.
hey i’m just asking maybe could you do dating head canons for crimson from helluva boss? nsfw or sfw i don’t mind &lt;;33
Overall notes: Stories written on this blog are GN until specified. While this story uses they/them pronouns, and I don't mind female readers on my blog, I do not write for y'all, and if you are a fetishizer fuck off????????????????? ew.
C/W: Possible OOC, Mentions of kidnap, abuse, torture, murder, death threats, mentions of sexual assault, cursing, spoilers (duh)
Notes: I tried making it as close to mafia man without him just beating you low-key /j, the first part of this I made into a small story without realizing, I hope that alright. Just some build up to it. <3
Prior to the relationship
"Earth Hell Angel"
Let's ignore the fact he would probably, most definitely never come into contact with any of us. Point blank.
You would have to be making some kind of deal with the Knolastname family, born into riches, or work for him. (I have stories for each in my head)
But let's tinker with the process shall we
The way you two met was by young Moxxie
You were a musician playing at one of the very few operating clubs in greed, operating meaning wasn't just a front for something else.
Moxxie was a teen at the time and being a teen felt a little rebellious. Like of course who wouldn't rebel against their mafia father.
Only issue was, Moxxie was in the middle of a mission when he decided to rebel leaving his father's men to find him in a club listening to a singer.
Crimson was just gonna burn the place down, maybe this time Moxxie would learn to not fuck with him anymore, but he wanted it to run deeper.
He wanted to kidnap who ever the singer was and torture them in front of the young imp to properly ingrain the lesson into him.
What he didn't expect was to be seated at a table each passing night, lit cigar in hand as he waited for the performer of the night.
It slowly became routine for him, and he slowly become your top patron. Enough to were you didn't need to preform so much.
That was until you met a bright eye imp with a tune for music...
And his devilish father
The young imp for express his passion for music, which you could only respond with the same enthusiasm, if It wasn't for the menacing eyes scanning over your body as he whispered to the shark behind him, eyes never leaving you.
This went on for months, moxxie would come and talk to you after shows and show you some songs he made. Though it wasn't just Moxxie paying you visits.
If it wasn't moxxie in your dressing room after a show, the older Knolastname would take his stay.
He often made snide remakes on working in, as he would say, "The only place where even the roaches don't wanna go" while he made himself comfy on the couch in the room.
Originally he had body guards posted around the room, outside the door, and around the outside of the building.
But that ended when one of his men tried to make a move on you while he was on the phone.
Oh boy the look on his face when he came back into the room and saw you being held down by one of the guards.
He doesn't know why, but when he saw the scared look on your face, a silent plea for help was all it took for a whole new line of guards to be instated.
"One bad apple can rot the rest. So its only best he gets rid of them all right?"
He was gonna need a LOT more walls in his home for plaques.
From there on out the only people that were allow in your room were him, Moxxie, oh and him, did he forget to mention that handsome imp right there? yeah him, oh wait thats him, whoops.
It became routine, well, as much as mafia work can be routine.
Each week he'll ask you when you're preforming, then not respond to any other text or conversation after that, because why would he? That's not what he's asking for.
Don't worry though, he still actively listens and pays attention, even making mental notes here and there on some things, but nothing else matters.
He's just going through his mental calendar of the week to make time for each show. <3
And if he's unable to make it, he'll either send Moxxie or a goon with a stack of money to make up
Though half of it just goes to the person who delivers it, you tried sending it back once and the poor goon had to walk back to the club with a bullet in each knee
Soon after moxxie was the only one allowed half the money
He found out the goons were given half the money and were made to give it back, half alive of course.
Dating Crimson
This old man only realized he liked you when he was in an argument with Moxxie.
Moxxie had a date with chez, but Crimson wanted to send him to the club with yet another stack of money.
"Sir, this is the third time you sent them money today. I think they are well off for the night."
"I didn't call you here to think, boy, I called you here to go to that club. I don't want to repeat myself."
"Well, sir, I don't think sending your son with a stack of money is gonna win their love."
The air grew still in the room as silence over took them
"Get out."
Moxxie needn't think twice with that one, as he raced off to his fishy lover (pun intended)
Jesus and thats just before the relationship, I couldn't even imagine what it would be like to date him. (yes I can thats why im here, albeit VERY OOC cough you're not abused cough)
When this man finally has you in his grasp, I hope you don't like traveling far.
He is a possessive lover, like Possessive lover with a capital p.
As much as he hates it, he'll allow you to play at the club, it's not like he owns it or anything.
He does, he bought it awhile ago when he overheard how your boss talked to you. good to not he's not missing... side eye
Oddly enough (I say as I write) he's very touch starved.
He is very handsy the moment you allow him to be, a hand is always on you, if you're not already held close to his side.
"What are you talking about? I keep you close to me so you don't get lost. Can't have you winding up in an unsavory deal down here."
His favorite thing to do is come into your dressing room and hug you from behind as you get ready in the mirror.
Face buried in your neck as his body slumps and his tail wraps tightly around your leg.
Only looking up when your hand runs through his hair and you let out a light giggle, a soft glare pointed at you through the mirror.
Another has to be when you're sitting on his lap in your dressing room, music playing in the background as you softly sing the words to him while you chart your hands through his hair
Crimson never cared for music, to much of a sinner thing for him, mostly because he did business with other hell-born and never interacted with them, but he could appreciate it a bit if you came along with it
Especially when you give him that look, one that would carry the seven rings of hell alone, and it was all for him.
God, he would lock you up away from all of hell in an instant if you let him.
He actually tried once, though it went over quite quickly when you threaten to no longer give him kisses or attention in general, he surprising backed down quickly.
Though his next statement was for you to move in with Moxxie and him. No, not a question, Yes, a statement.
Your belongs had already been moved while you had this conversation. Hope you don't mind.
Oh Oh OH did this make Crimson happy. The first morning he felt a warm body wrapped in his arms, he dug his face deeper into the source.
He could call off his meetings for the day, not like they could do much about it.
Not when he has what he wants right in front of him.
He may never encounter an angel from heaven, but why would he need to, he had his own right here.
Crimson only truly realized this when you barged into his office one night, grumbling incoherent insults carrying a plate of food in your hand.
"You know for someone who gets on me for not eating right you always take it above and beyond."
placing the food on his desk you pull a chair around and sat next to him reaching into your pocket.
"I hope you're not planning on killing me, darling."
"You have a headache, don't you?" "huh?"
"You've been at work for over a day, you gotta have one by now."
Placing a bottle of pain killers on the desk you picked up the fork and softly blew on it to cool it down, before bringing it to his mouth.
Yeah, he could get use to this, he could get really use to this.
And yeah he may not be his son's biggest supporter, but when he sees Moxxie and you gushing over whatever nonsense that came to mind, his home no longer felt as cold like it once did.
C/W: Marks, Degrading, Collars, Choking, Smoking,
Did I mention he was a possessive lover? Because he's also a jealous lover, and it tends to end with a few REALLY obvious marks on your body
From the dark and almost concerning hicks that adorn your neck, to the red and angry claw marks that riddle your thighs, the guest started to wonder if you were mauled by a bear.
or a cannibal... Say, did he sound like a radio host?
He doesn't even want you looking at anyone else and if he found out anyone was trying to be with you it would mean their head was mounted on the wall
and yours was planted in the bed... <3
"To think we would go through this again, it's almost as if you want to be treated like a dog"
Mind you he's still an old timer, he isn't one for anything fancy. Aka: you brought up toys in bed and he got a little too jealous at the thought of you cumming from something that wasn't him
"Saying I don't fuck you well enough? That's funny, because if I do recall, your pretty little head was cock drunk before I even did anything, or are you just that much a whore that you need more then one?"
The thought of getting an Ozzie's Mold your own Cock kit did pass his mind once or twice.
Remember how I said he was handsy, I don't know it's because he's a murderer or not, but I do see him being very fond of choking.
It reminds him of a collar in a sense, getting you one has passed his mind too
You would wear it for him right? At least when you two are alone? Just for a bit.
Long enough that he can take some photos of your blissed out face saving it for later, as the metal tag shines slowly with each rise of your chest.
But in all honesty his hand looks much better wrapped around your neck as he ruts into you from behind, growling in your ear as his grip tightens.
Crimson is literally the definition of Grr, bark and growl, and they all happen at once.
It started out with a low growl from him as you talked to a male coworker, soon it turned to him barking orders at you to get on your knees in your dressing room.
What? It's your fault you decided to talk with that low life. He should be rewarded for letting him walk away with half his vision.
I must say though, the old school charm does such wonders.
Especially on date nights <3
He may have already been in your pants, he still goes out of his way to treat it like it's the first time.
Compliments thrown your way as he pours you a glass of wine, all of it over looked by a sneaky tail trailing its way between your legs in the middle of dinner.
You ARE at Ozzie's after all
Those nights end up with you slowly riding him, his hand on your jaw to keep you looking at him.
"Something the matter dear? Do you need help finishing? Just ride me a bit more, yeah? You've been doing so good for me."
Crimson's strong suit... is definitely not his praise, but he does pick up on the small noises and movements you make each time he does.
Yet, he saves it for those soft and affectionate nights. He's still a mafia man at heart, but hey, he's coming around.
One last thing that will set this imp off is you smoking, as random as it may seem. Be it weed, a cigarette, shit, even one of his cigars, his lips(?) are on yours inhaling the smoke you exhale.
You did mention a band named cigarettes after sex at point. Why not put it into action.
Talking about after sex.........
He's fucking terrible at after care. You would be lying through your teeth if you said he was.
He's gotten better after a few months, few meaning over half a year. He's gotten better at least?
It's not everyday a Mob lord is on his knees cleaning up after himself, or running to fetch a glass of water.
Though he makes it up with more trips to the lust ring~
He can't help it, they have the best clubs in all of hell <3
“I never learned to like something, darling. I only let it consume me.” 
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the-modern-critters · 7 months
Sup. I'm Kirb, writer of this blog, this is a modern au, where after Generation 1's success, they made a Generation 2, making it have lore and such.
The prototype didn't exist and nothing went wrong, well except for the fandom but that isn't important.
Anything before June 5th, 2024 is not canon.
I do not support MOB Entertainment or their actions!
(More info here)
“This means DogDay is talking but you can also call me Sunshine.”
“i’m whispering psst!!!”
“This means CatNap is talking… Same thing for the yelling and whispering part but just call me Moonlight.”
“I'm Bubba Bubbaphant but you can call me Bookworm!”
“Sup. The name’s KickinChicken, but you can call me Rockstar!”
“I’m Hoppy Hopscotch, but also call me Energy!”
“Hi! I’m Bobby Bearhug but just call me HeartBeat!”
“Howdy there! I'm PickyPiggy, but you can just call me Apple Jam… Even though I like PB&J Sandwiches…. shhhh…”
“…Hi… I’m… CraftyCorn. But you could call me Glitter…”
*I'm the narrator.*
//I’m the writer!
Some facts about the critters!
Sunshine, Glitter, Rockstar, and Energy are 16.
HeartBeat, Moonlight, Bookworm, and Apple Jam are 17.
They’re all between 5 to 6 feet tall.
Season 1 Episodes
Do not be too rude. Don’t make fun of anyone.
No NSFW stuff, keep that away, I am a MINOR.
If you have any sexual stuff on your blog, I will avoid and ignore you.
Ask me if you’re gonna involve me in anything.
No forced roleplaying.
Don’t spam my inbox if I don’t respond, I have a life outside of this blog.
Don't be overpowered.
Some violent asks are okay, but please just don’t go TOO far with them. It’s a bit annoying.
Anon Magic is allowed (Go crazy but not too crazy)
Have fun!!
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quinloki · 4 months
Birthday Request Event v2024
"It's my birthday and I'll write what I want to \o/"
Gift Details ♥ Reader Style: cisfem Character: King/X Drake Vibe: NSFW Consensual AU: Writer's Choice (canon!) Prompt: Writer's Choice (<.< Experienced w/ Virgins) Gift Giver: @anon-germany
Summary: King has desired you for a long time, but the frustration of the differences of your size has kept him quiet. Opportunity presents itself in a different way for him, an he seizes it.
Content Notes: three some, vaginal sex, anal sex, size difference, King wasn't going to take no for an answer, but no one tells him no, so it's all consensual.
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This birthday party is 18+, consensual unless explicitly stated otherwise, and BYOB
You had caught X Drake’s eye at some point, or he’d caught yours, it was hard to say. Painfully shy as you both were, it had been a slow affair, but one the entire Beast Pirate crew was aware of.
The only person who seemed to be bothered by it was King. You weren’t sure why Kaido’s number two would even care, but ever since you and Drake had gotten openly closer, the imposing man had just… well, shown up more.
You’d barely seen King a dozen times in your time on the island, and the first time he saw you and Drake holding hands you saw him seven times that day alone. It continued that way for weeks, until King broke his silence with Drake.
You heard the muffled sounds of them talking as you approached, stopping in your tracks as the words came through to you clearly.
“You’ve been together for months, and you’re going to tell me you haven’t had sex?” King’s voice was irritated. “What are you waiting for?”
You heard Drake growl, and given what you knew of him, you imagined he was red in the face. The man was so easily flustered, it had been more because of him, than yourself, that had kept the progress of things slow. Not that you minded, it wasn’t like you had any real experience yourself.
But -
“We haven’t kissed.” Drake manages through grit teeth. “Why do you care anyway? What pace we go is none of your-.”
There was a clatter of movement and someone’s hand slammed against a wall. “How, little pirate, am I supposed to join you, if you haven’t even kissed her yet?”
Your eyes go wide at the implication and you can barely hear Drake stammer. “J-join…?”
“She’s practically dripping with need constantly, you oblivious bastard!” King growls. “And you… hard from thinking about her, or hard because you’re pinned to the wall?”
“I’m not, hnnngh!”
The salacious sound that comes from Drake makes your body ache with heat. You can’t muffle the heavy sigh that escapes your lips. Just because you couldn’t see what they were doing, doesn’t mean you couldn’t put two and two together.
“I could pop your cherry, little pirate.” King offers, and you hear Drake grunt in response to some shift between them. “Or, the sweet dessert listening to us could come in here and let this happen properly.”
You flinch, but you shouldn’t be surprised. Drake calls out to you, confusion in his voice, but not doubt. He’d been too distracted by King to realize you were there, but he didn’t doubt the larger man’s words.
You peek around the doorway, and see King has Drake effectively pinned to the wall, knee pressed into his groin. The tight leather pants he wears aren’t helping to hide the state he’s in, but with as flushed as his face is there’d be no hiding things.
King leans down, whispering into Drake’s ear, even as his eyes stay on you. “You’re a beast like me, can’t you smell her?”
Drake shakes his head. “We’d… tear her apart.”
Your body throbs at the prospect, but fear keeps you quiet for the moment. Enticing as it was, you didn’t really want to be split in half for the sake of some small pleasure.
“Certainly, but there’s a better way.”
For someone who said so little otherwise, King walked you and Drake through what he wanted. His words were soothing, his instructions hard to ignore. He didn’t command or demand, but it was like you were caught up in a dance.
Even as you let him strip you.
Even as you helped Drake disrobe.
King urged you both carefully until Drake’s fingers were pushing into your cunt, your trembling body on the edge of the bed, desperate for more. King would stop him every time you got close, running you along a line of need until you were shivering and crying, reaching out to Drake and begging for him to fill you up.
King cupped Drake’s face with one hand, and guided Drake’s cock with the other. Drake tried to argue he was capable, but King chastised him, saying if we had to wait for him to make a move, then the Festival would come and go before he did anything.
Drake was well-endowed, towering over you on his own. He and King reminded you to breathe as the thick, ridged, zoan tip pushed in. Parting soaking, quivering lips, and pressing into your needy hole with a soft, thick wet sound.
Once his knot pressed against you, King let him go, and Drake leaned over you, shifting his hips almost involuntarily.
“Are you alright, love?” His question is full of heat and musk, and you nod, reaching out to run your fingers against his chest as he hooks your legs over his arms, keeping them wide.
Drake gasps, tensing against you, pressing into you a little more, and you realize that King is mounting him. Given the pleasure breaking Drake’s face, and not pain, you imagine that King had been prepping him, while Drake had been prepping you. You tense at the thought, wishing you could have simply sat back and watched King unravel your precious lover.
A swear falls from Drake’s lips, caught between you and King.
“Don’t you dare cum yet.” King growls, holding onto the cross bars that made the canopy for the bed. “Endure, pirate, or I will split her in half to sate myself.” He threatens, his demeanor shifting as he looks at you. “Now, let me see that pretty face of your shatter in pleasure, little one.”
King’s eyes on you are heavy. Heavier than you’ve ever felt anyone’s eyes on you. The need that burns within them is almost terrifying, but King’s thrusts into Drake’s ass move Drake inside you. As safely as he could, it was King who was tending to your pleasure.
But it was Drake you craved, and it was his shape stretching you sweetly. The slight curve sending stars into your vision wasn’t something King could command, but the heavy thrust that pushed air from your lungs and kept you dizzy were.
Both of them. At some point you began to think of them on the same level. King pushing Drake beyond his embarrassment and worries. Drake buffering the heat and need of King as the two drowned your cells in pleasure.
Your small hand was clutching King’s pinky, and your other hand was pinned to the bed by Drake’s hand, as pleasure overwhelmed you. Your tensed and shivered beneath Drake, tears slipping down your cheeks as King gave neither one of you a moment’s reprieve. In your haze you weren’t sure why Drake started to beg for King to slow down, but a snarl escaped him and sharp teeth snapped together as he came inside you, his knot pushing in and flooding your overstimulated body with a second orgasm.
The rush was enough to send your senses spinning, but when you finally came back to yourself you were clean, in a simple cotton gown, and Drake was sleeping quietly behind you. King sat beside the bed, watching over both of you, his mask off. You’d heard stories, but you can feel your face begin to heat up at the sight of him.
He gives you the faintest smile, putting his finger up to his lips. The gesture alone seems to be enough and you feel your eyes growing heavy, as sleep takes you properly.
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hadesisonlyalad · 8 months
yk i dont post a lot on tumblr but we all saw that red flags post so im gonna take a moment of ur time to say something on each merc and the red flags listed for them. im doing a read more incase u havent seen the “mercs red flags” headcanon post and it does not flood ur page
both the medic and engie things with “not wanting to spend time with you/wont make time for you” is SUCH bullshit if that was the case they wouldnt even date you. and then ur telling me engie tf2, DELL CONAGHER, would NEVER want to take you on a date? like ever??? u are INSANE. And then sorry to tackle medic and engie in the same paragraph but they had a lot of common “””””red flags””””” that were listed. why would he yell at you. he hardly even yells in general (based off comics and voice lines) if anything hes just kinda a loud person 💀 AND YOU BRINGING UP ONE THING WONT MAKE HIM SUDDENLY IGNORE YOU FOR DAYS LIKE?? he KNOWS hes committing medical malpractice btw. he would not leave you for bringing that up he is WELL AWARE of what hes doing. and we see him CANONICALLY DISCIPLINE ARCHIMEDES IN MEET THE MEDIC, WHY WOULD HE TOLERATE HIS BIRDS ATTACKING YOU????
also why are we listing an addiction as a “red flag” what the fuck is wrong with you. i get not wanting to date someone with an addiction, its a valid concern, but thats SO much more serious than a “red flag” or “ick”??? LIKE ARE YOU OKAYYYY???????
i’m fine with the miss pauling ones, at least two of them, because yeah, it’s canon that she doesn’t have the most time and i imagine if ur not a merc or work in that area a relationship might be a bit hard? but shes an honest person, i don’t think she’s gonna lie to you. idk im very neutral about the pauling ones, if anything theyre the most in character of this shithole list.
all i have to say for pyro is like. yk those people who hc pyro as aroace except theyre super weird about it? like theyre either infantilizing them or have weird ableist feelings about pyro? yeah thats the vibes im getting. actually wait where did u pull codependent pyro from actually wtf
i think the “tryna live like hes 20” thing for spy is really fucking funny 💀 like go girl go live through that middle age crisis!!/j no but seriously. hes dating you hes gonna think you’re a 10, and even then YOU’RE SAYING IF YOU AGE AT ALL HE’LL LEAVE YOU??? CANON MILF LOVER SPY. “OFF TO VISIT YOUR MOTHER!” SPY TF2. WILL LEAVE YOU IF YOU GET OLD AND AGE AT ALL…? HE LIKES HIS WOMEN LIKE HE LIKES HIS WINE MOTHERFUCKER: AGED. sorry bad joke lets keep going uh- i think the other hcs are garbage too i just really hate specifically this spy hc. just this one specifically.
im not a sniper connoisseur, my friend will is way better versed in sniper’s characterization, but even i know this isnt sniper. “thinks if he argues long enough he’ll win”…? “cannot support you in anything”?!!?! “IF YOU’RE HIS FRIEND AND YOU TWO GET INTO A BAD ARGUMENT PREPARE TO NEVER SEE HIM AGAIN” IM GENUINELY AT A LOSS FOR WORDS. I JUST. I DONT..? WHAT DO I EVEN SAY. I DONT K N O W WHAT TO SAY. BUT IF I DID KNOW WHAT TO SAY I’D BE SAYING VERY BAD THINGS.
i dont think scout is misogynistic- i see why people think that but me personally i just think he has no game and people mistake it as violent misogyny for some reason. but. listen we know scout is a dick we do okay but he loves women. why would he cheat on you.? bro he’d be glad u picked him 😭 AND THEN THE PERIOD THING?? he was raised by a SINGLE MOM do you REALLY think shes gonna raise him and let him think that way about a natural body function. im speaking entirely from the single mom experience and the answer is NO!!!! also how is loving your mother a red flag. being the youngest child is also a red flag, i guess. and having issues with his dad. (/s) also, second verse same as the first: IF HES DATING YOU HE THINKS YOU’RE A 10 WHAT IS SO HARD TO FUCKING GET ABOUT THISHXWHBVWBWBXvqvsbs?1?2!2’wndjwke
uhhh soldier wasnt. here for some reason. so nothing to say about him.
anyway leave ur opinions below. i rly dont wanna get into any tumblr drama or internet drama at all bc it scares me dearly and im always self conscious about leaving a bad digital footprint especially over something as petty as tf2 drama but i cannot stand for this slander I CANNOT‼️‼️‼️‼️ sorry if u also think im mischaracterizing anyone here i only put hours of studying into my fav mercs and thats. abt it,, listen im silly okay
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usagi-alohaskoe · 3 months
Jodio said Dragona was on this site so here we aaareeeee 🦎🦎
HHGRR HIII I’M USAGII 🐙 I promise I shower 🦑
HIIII I’M THE AUTHOR (He/She/They) 😍😍 @dragonajoesturr inspired this ask blog, ask and you shall receive. Surprisingly there’s actually a couple of these already, ask-usagi-alohaoe and usagi-asklohaoe were both already taken but neither of them are active!!! So I made one of my own 🥰🥰🥰
A Jodio one popped up then a Dragona one then a Paco one and then they were like “we need Usagi!” so I thought, why not? I’m here for my sillies!!
Some rules:
PLEASE try to keep any NSFW very light or joking because I’m not looking for that in my wholesome drug smuggler roleplay!!!
Also, none of the bad things, like no racism, homophobia, sexism, etc. you will be attacked with a hammer! (/j) by four large men!
Please... please… if you ask about breast milk you will be ignored… 😬
Dragona x Usagi is endgame if anyone mentions anything else, you’re getting trashed, sorry.
Anywho, onto some headcanons.
As stated above, Dragona x Usagi is ENDGAME. They’re the goal!! They may as well already be dating. Also, Dragona’s fully transgender! Please, don’t refer to her with anything else on my blog, that’s stinky. 😭
Uh not much else. Usagi’s a whiny bitch of a man but that’s already established in canon. HOWEVER, if I do something, and some idiot’s like “Usagi doesn’t act like that!” You can come eat my foot fungus because this isn’t canon Usagi this is MY Usagi ask blog. Sorry.
Okok you lovely people I’ve rambled long enough!
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coeurdalene · 1 year
looking for some light
masterlist | ao3
summary: he tells raleigh, “i want to come back from this mission, ‘cause i quite like my life.” he means, there’s still so much i want to do, so much i have to do. (aka chuck wants to make it through this goddamn war so he can finally live a normal life, even if he doesn’t really know what that means.)
pairing: chuck hansen x reader
warning(s): character death (sorry), swearing, mentions of canon-typical violence.
word count: 3.86k
a/n: i meant to have this finished by the ten year anniversary of the movie but uh… anyways, here it is now! this is my love letter to chuck hansen and also a projection of my want for a beach house.
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The universe gifts Chuck an unwanted Christmas present in the form of a memorandum. He swears under his breath when you trudge into the Mission Control Center that morning with a dejected frown on your face and shove the crisp paper into his hands. His eyes fall on the letterhead, embossed with the familiar spread-winged eagle, and he already knows what it contains. He’d been expecting it for months. He resists the urge to scream, to crumple the paper into a ball and hurl it at the trash bin with every ounce of remaining strength in his body. He doesn’t envy you when you announce the bad news to everyone else, fulfilling your final duty as Sydney’s Chief LOCCENT Officer.
Days later, not even twenty-four hours after the Shatterdome decommissioning and right at the beginning of the new year, the universe offers him—and the rest of Sydney—another unwanted gift.
Mutavore is an ugly thing. Nearly ninety meters tall and weighing over two thousand tons, it’s hunched over as if struggling to support its own weight, blade-like plates protruding from its head and back.
“I don’t care how many eyes it has,” he says after you read out its classification and measurements, “I’m gonna kick its ass.”
(Six. It has six eyes. Just because he doesn’t care doesn’t mean he won’t pay attention.)
The category four Kaiju plows through the coastal wall like a knife cutting through warm butter and tramps into Sydney Harbour, stopping only to raise its head and let out a guttural screech, as if barging through a metal barrier hadn't been enough to announce its presence. He wonders how many millions of dollars have now been reduced to rubble at the bottom of the bay and how many weeks were spent welding together beams that took only a few seconds to destroy. 
Then, its beady eyes—all six of them—focus on Striker Eureka and her brass knuckles glinting in the sun. It screeches again before charging headfirst into Striker’s swinging fist.
Mutavore dies as quickly as it breached the wall, lying motionless in the bay, blood-soaked missiles lodged in its chest and Kaiju blue staining the water. 
“That’s Striker Eureka’s tenth kill to date. It’s a new record,” he boasts to the reporter in the aftermath. He ignores the questions about the decommissioning and brushes off the look his father gives him. Don’t get too cocky, he looks like he wants to say.
When they return to the Shatterdome, the J-Tech crew cleans Striker, polishing her knuckles and wiping Kaiju remains from the Conn-Pod. Chuck takes a long hot shower. Then, the move to Hong Kong begins.
The Anchorage Shatterdome—the cold and stalwart Icebox—had been the first to close. He remembers how you had stared blankly at the official PPDC statement for hours while he watched the newscaster on the television read it out loud. The Marshal had been on the broadcast, too, brought on for further questioning. When the anchor asked about the future of the Jaeger Program, he had assured her that, as long as the Kaiju kept coming, the Jaegers would keep fighting. Chuck had laughed dryly at that. The dwindling funding from the U.N. would say otherwise and whispers of better opportunities at the wall hung in the air, getting louder with every passing day.
The closure of the Icebox set off a string of shutdowns: Lima and Tokyo later that month, Panama City in November, Vladivostok and Los Angeles a few weeks after. The clock was ticking and it was only a matter of time before that damned memorandum arrived in Sydney, his fate dictated by its contents.
His beloved Sydney Shatterdome closes at the turn of the year, leaving behind its only remaining sibling in Hong Kong. What had once been a robust network of PPDC hubs was now reduced to one. 
And the clock continues to tick. 
“We don’t need a stupid wall,” Chuck declares on the flight to Hong Kong, glaring at the news broadcast replaying footage of the Sydney attack. “We need better pilots.”
He’d expressed the same sentiment to the reporter who interviewed him after Mutavore’s attack, too, blaming the fall of the Jaeger program on the mediocrity of those involved. He isn’t sure if it’s that simple—you had explained something to him about politics and funding and morale, government nonsense he didn’t understand—but he sure as hell knows that the Jaegers would be winning if pilots stopped letting the Kaiju kick their asses.
“Have some respect,” his father chides. “Every pilot has fought tooth and nail to protect the people they love.”
And perhaps that’s the truth—it sure is for him. His days consist of sore muscles from training, never getting enough sleep, and always anticipating another fight. He does it for his father, who has been a soldier for as long as he can remember. For his mother, whose untimely death lingers in the back of his mind every time he sets his eyes on a Kaiju. For you, who frequently pulls all-nighters and agonizes over details to make sure the Shatterdome stays running. And for Max, of course. (Silly little dog probably has no idea what a Kaiju is.)
So, yeah, perhaps it is the truth. But it doesn’t change the fact that they only have eight months left of funding, or that the U.N. thinks a wall will fare better than a Jaeger.
“We won’t be getting more pilots. All we can do is work with what we still have,” you chime in, pulling Chuck out of his thoughts. “But, on the bright side, our remaining pilots are some of the best in program history.”
“Including me?” he smirks. You laugh, cheerful and bright, punching his arm lightly. Max shifts in his sleep at the sudden noise. His father gives him that look again. Don’t get too cocky.
He spends the rest of the flight listening to you read briefing notes on “Operation Pitfall,” the Marshal’s shiny new plan to end the war by detonating a bomb at the throat of the Breach. Somehow, the PPDC had procured a thermonuclear warhead from the Russians, entrusting Striker Eureka to carry it while the remaining Jaegers played defense. 
Chuck is cynical about this plan. They had already tried (and failed) to drop things into the Breach. A bomb would only bounce back at them and kill anything in range.
He quips sarcastically if the Marshal had thought of that. You respond only by flipping through the file again for an explanation. He knows you won’t find one. 
As he steps off the plane and onto the landing pad, he’s met with a grinning Tendo Choi shouting over the patter of heavy rain, “Welcome to Hong Kong!”
The man, wearing a grey suit jacket too wide around the shoulders shakes their hands in greeting before ushering them out of the rain and into the Shatterdome. Chuck sidesteps some J-Techs as he enters, surveying his surroundings.
He had been much younger the last time he visited Hong Kong and much less invested in all the inner workings of the PPDC. He remembers mechanics and pilots shouting and running about, dirt and scuff marks on the floor, and his father reminding him to keep a tight grip on Max’s leash. It had felt unfamiliar then, but he realizes now that it isn’t too different from Sydney. Same high ceiling, same metal catwalks, and almost the same arsenal of Jaegers towering over him. It’s a little older, a little grittier, and a little more worn down, but no longer foreign. 
He spots Cherno Alpha in one of the bays, its stalwart form hunkering and heavy. The Kaidanovskys stand at its feet, engaged in conversation. Crimson Typhoon stands opposite it, brilliant red and regal. J-Techs gather around her three arms, inspecting and cleaning the rotating saw blades. 
“Striker arrived a few minutes before you did,” Tendo gestures to the shiny silver Jaeger standing in the far bay, metal glinting under the bright lights of the hangar. “The crew is getting her settled in.”
Then, Chuck’s eyes fall on the fourth and final Jaeger. That last he had heard of Gipsy Danger was that she had been decommissioned, damaged beyond repair from a mission gone wrong. But here she stands—untarnished metallic blue, left arm intact, and definitely not lying forgotten in Oblivion Bay.
“What’s that old rustbucket doing here?” he leers, very aware that there isn’t a single speck of rust on her.
“She looks brand new,” you remark. 
“She is, sorta,” Tendo replies, “We’ve been fixing her up: a new fluid synapse system, new engine blocks, and a new hull. She’ll be holding the defensive perimeter for you in Operation Pitfall, along with Cherno Alpha and Crimson Typhoon.”
“Does she have pilots?” you inquire.
“Not yet,” Tendo grins. “But she will.”
Chuck hopes that these pilots won’t be incompetent idiots, whoever they might be.
The peaceful moments are rare, but cherished and so welcomed. In these instances, he lets his guard down, breathes deeply, and allows himself to think of anything other than training or fighting.
One of his favorites is somewhere in between Striker’s fourth and fifth kills: a lazy afternoon in bed with your back against the headboard and his head in your lap, sunlight streaming in through the windows with your fingers carding lightly through his hair.
“After this war is over,” he declares, imagining a life without the chaos and destruction that comes with being a Jaeger pilot, “we’ll buy a nice house in the suburbs where we’ll live blissfully for the rest of our lives.”
“The suburbs are nice,” you contend, “but how about a beach house on the Gold Coast? Or Port Douglas?”
He chuckles at that, picturing what living by the ocean without the fear of a Kaiju attack would be like. He would spend his mornings engulfed in the soothing murmur of the sea, gazing out at the unbroken horizon. His afternoons basking in the warmth of the sun, feet buried in the soft sand. His evenings surrounded by music and your melodious laughter, trying not to step on your toes while you lead him through a dance in your living room.
Quiet, he thinks. Serene. The only unrest would be the waves at high tide or the gulls swooping down to steal his food.
“Wherever you want, as long as it’s you and me. And Max. Right, bud?” he grins at the bulldog lying at the foot of the bed. Max lets out a little grunt. Chuck takes that as a sign of agreement.
“Sounds lovely,” you reply, your hand moving to rest against his cheek. He turns his head to kiss your palm, heart soaring at the way you smile softly down at him.
All Chuck knows about Raleigh Becket is that he quit the Jaeger Program. That information alone is enough for him to dislike the guy. He doesn’t trust some washed-up pilot to run defense for him while he carries a 2400-pound bomb on the back of his Jaeger. Doesn’t care that his father fought alongside the guy in Manila or that he single-handedly piloted his Jaeger back to shore. Doesn’t bother to hold back a grimace when Raleigh tells him that he’d been working on the wall for the past five years.
“If you slow me down, I'm gonna drop you like a sack of Kaiju shit,” he hisses at him in the mess hall. He ignores the way his father watches him with disapproval as he stalks away.
His bad mood turns worse when Mako Mori is named Raleigh’s copilot. 
He has known Mako for years. They had grown up in Shatterdomes together, met a few times when the Marshal had brought her to Sydney, and briefly bonded over their love of dogs. He’s close enough to her to know that she can fight well and that she has one of the best simulator scores he’s ever seen. (Better than his, although he’d never admit that.) But, she has no experience in a Jaeger and no understanding of what a drift is actually like, which, in his eyes, makes her no better than Raleigh. He isn’t surprised when they’re both out of alignment during their test run, your concerned tone alerting the rest of LOCCENT of the deviation, or when Mako begins chasing the RABIT, raising apprehensive murmurs from the crowd of onlookers. Or when it ends in Tendo pulling the plug on Gipsy’s power.
“Worse mistakes have happened,” Tendo sighs as Gipsy’s plasma cannon goes offline. Chuck scowls. There is no space for even a single mistake in the plan to attack the Breach, especially amateur ones like chasing RABITs. He knows that the Marshal understands this, too.
Later, as he paces in the Marshal’s office, still brimming with anger from Raleigh and Mako’s failure of a test run, he snaps, “He's a has-been. She’s a rookie. I don’t want them protecting my bomb run. sir.”
His father stands across the room, arms crossed and mouth set tightly in a frown. In the corner, you and Tendo are huddled over a tablet, discussing the drift results in hushed voices. The Marshal warns him to watch his tone. Chuck rolls his eyes in response and thinks to himself, He knows I’m right.
He finds Raleigh and Mako standing silently in the hall outside after his father kicks him out of the room. He rounds on the former, seething and jabbing an accusatory finger into his chest, “I want to come back from this mission, ‘cause I quite like my life.”
He turns to Mako, sneering and spitting out some distasteful things, ignoring the feeling that he’ll regret it later. 
When Raleigh’s fist makes contact with his jaw, Chuck sees red.
On bad nights, he wakes up in a cold sweat, plagued by nightmares of being painfully ripped to shreds by sharp claws and teeth. Some nights he wakes up angry, frustrated with himself after overanalyzing his fights. Other nights, he relives the moment when he found out about his mother’s death, shaking with body-wracking sobs and shuddering with each intake of breath. But you hold him through it, your soothing hands on his back and comforting words in his ear. He focuses on your voice, steady and calm, and syncs his breathing with yours.
“You’re okay,” you murmur. “They’re just nightmares. You’re okay.”
“I’m okay,” he repeats.
On bad nights, you confess your fear that the war will never end, or that you’ll burn out before it does. Some nights, you feel that you’re not doing enough, that you need to get back to work even though it’s past midnight. Other nights, you worry that you’ll spend your entire life fighting, that you’ll never be able to rest. But he holds you through it, his calloused fingers on your cheeks wiping away your tears. You focus on his touch, firm and resolute, and rest your hands on top of his.
“It’s okay,” you contend, voice shaky but certain. “I have you. This is enough.”
“This is enough,” he repeats.
Yet, he can’t help but want more. He wants the beach house instead of the cold metal walls of the Shatterdome. Wants to wake up to the sun, your smile, and Max’s whining for food instead of doomsday alarms and Kaiju attacks. Wants you to be able to sleep in for once. Wants to spend his days sunbathing and learning to surf instead of training in combat drills and preparing for another attack. Wants to give you some peace, and to find some of his own.
He tells Raleigh, “I want to come back from this mission, ‘cause I quite like my life.”
He means, There’s still so much I want to do, so much I have to do.
Chuck has only felt true fear a few times in his life. Standing on top of his disabled Jaeger with only a flare gun in his hands is one of them. In the moment, he tells himself that he isn’t afraid, that a double event isn’t any different from any other Kaiju attack, and that Striker will come back online in just a second. The adrenaline coursing through his veins overpowers the feeling of impending doom anyway. But, later, as he reflects on the feeling of relief that had washed over when Gipsy’s fog lights enveloped him, he admits that he had been scared shitless. And, he admits (only to himself) that he’s thankful for Raleigh and Mako, even if they’re has-beens or rookies.
He holds you closer that night and knows that you’ve already picked up on all the details of his uneasy expression. Still, he musters up the strength to confess aloud, “I thought we were gonna die.”
You’re silent, responding only by rubbing your hand across his back and hugging him a little tighter. The heavy weight of his lingering fear sits in his chest as he continues, “Dad had injured his arm, our comms were out, Cherno and Crimson were gone, and there was a fucking Kaiju ready to swallow us whole. Shooting that flare at it made it even more pissed off.”
“Not your best idea,” you remark playfully. “You’d think all that training to prepare you for situations like this would help you keep calm and think of something rational to do.”
“It was Dad’s idea, not mine,” he shrugs.
“Well, I’m glad the flare managed to keep it occupied long enough for Gipsy to get there,” you reply, a soft smile tugging at the corners of your lips. “And I’m glad you’re not dead.”
“Me, too,” he sighs, the weight in his chest lightening slightly.
When he drifts off to sleep, he dreams of the war ending and a house overlooking the shore.
If, a year ago, you had told Chuck that he would be piloting a Jaeger with the Marshal Stacker Pentecost, he would have laughed in your face and asked why the Marshal wasn’t off doing better things (like convincing world leaders to keep funding the Jaeger Program or figuring out ways to increase pilot recruitment). And, if you had told him that he would hear the phrase “there’s a third signature emerging from the Breach,” he would have rolled his eyes and declared the situation impossible. (“I’d still kick its ass, though,” he would have probably said.)
Yet, here he is, strapped into Striker with the Marshal as his copilot, only three hundred meters from the Breach, watching a category five Kaiju materialize in front of him. He feels his stomach drop as he lays eyes on Slattern’s angular head and the sharp spike protruding from its chest. When it roars, the water around them ripples, and the ground beneath shakes. He barely has any time to think before the massive beast rears its head and charges, swinging its heavy leathery tail directly at them. 
The hit knocks Striker off her feet and sends her crashing into a nearby hydrothermal vent. He winces and swears, body aching and head beginning to throb as streams of water push and jostle the Jaeger. Slattern prepares to charge again just as Striker regains her footing and he easily falls into a fighting stance along with the Marshal, fists clenched and ready to strike. This time, when it attacks, they’re ready—dealing out swift punches that send the Kaiju reeling.
He isn’t sure how much of it is the Marshal and how much of it is himself, but the exhilaration that rushes through him as one of Striker’s sting blades slices across Slattern’s throat reinvigorates him. The other blade cuts into its arms, blue blood spilling from deep gashes. It screeches, and he expects it to rush at them again, but it swims away, blood trailing eerily in the water.
He takes the moment of respite to breathe, and to survey the damage. The harsh red light of the many, many warning messages flashes across his vision. He fiddles with some controls, watches as the Marshal does the same, and sighs heavily when neither of their attempts fixes anything. He resigns himself to hoping that Striker can hold on a little longer. She had gotten him this far, surely she could see him through to the end of this war—and to the beginning of his life at peace.
“The attack jammed the bomb release,” he notices. “We’ll have to manually override–”
A yell from LOCCENT cuts him off. Chuck’s stomach drops even further when he hears someone say, “Striker, you have two Kaiju converging on you fast!”
He curses loudly and immediately knows, There’s no time for a manual override.
The Marshal is on the intercom before Chuck can even begin to formulate a plan, shouting to Raleigh and Mako. 
“You know exactly what you have to do,” he declares. “Gipsy is nuclear, take her to the Breach.”
“What can we do, sir?” Chuck asks, bracing for the hit.
“We can clear a path,” the Marshal answers firmly, a slight smile pulling at the corners of his mouth, “for the lady.”
Even without the drift connecting their thoughts, Chuck understands.
“Well, my father always said, ‘If you have a shot, you take it,’” he remarks, knowing that, on the other end, his father is listening with pride. Chuck can admit that he was an arrogant dickhead with no respect for any of the pilots around him and that he never bothered to hide his resentment for his old man, never gave him a reason to like the man his son had become. Yet, he knows—and has always known—that his father is proud of him. (He is proud of his father, too, for what it’s worth.)
In the final moments, his thoughts drift to you: swathed in blankets and gathered in his arms on cold winter nights, perched on the seat of a stationary bike and reading reports while keeping him company in the gym, wrapped in his brown leather jacket with Max’s leash in your hand while accompanying him for walks around the Shatterdome. He recalls your bright laughter when he’d crack stupid jokes, your serious voice you’d use only over the intercom, and the mischievous glint in your eyes when you’d pretend you hadn’t given Max extra treats.
“I love you,” he had said before entering the Conn-Pod, so quietly that only you could hear him, holding you tightly and kissing away your concerned frown. The warmth of your hands against his cheeks had lingered as he had stepped away.
“I love you,” he says now, loud enough for you to hear him over all the noise, swallowing the lump in his throat and blinking away the tears threatening to spill from the corners of his eyes. “I’m sorry we’ll never get that beach house.”
“But, I had you,” he says. “It was enough.”
When the bomb detonates, he’s surrounded by blinding light and a deafening boom. And, finally, peace.
In his dreams, he can’t tell where he is, only that Max is sitting at his feet, his father is somewhere in the distance, and you’re next to him with your hand in his, fingers intertwined.
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drrt-opposite-au · 5 months
I’m not sure if I’m allowed to ask this, since this currently takes place in chapter one. But what would the motive secrets be in this AU?
This is an OOC post! I was originally going to post other questions that involve drawing, but Ibis Paint was RUDE and kept crashing. And since I took a two day break, I think y'all deserve some sneak peaks.
SMALL NOTES: 1. The secrets themselves are mostly the same, just worded differently. A few of them, though, are completely different. 2. Only the canon ones will be shown. I have a few secrets that I believe to fit certain characters, but as of now, I'll only be sharing the canon ones. 3. Many of these topics, much like their canon counterpart, deal with serious issues. Some of these topics include forms of self-harm, eating disorders, mention of suicide, death of family members, etc.
This is a really long post, so I've decided to cut it. ^^
Also! Alexander is not on this list because I personally do not think David was telling the truth. Something in me believes that David was straight up lying when he said that Xander's secret was what it was. ...Maybe I'm just in denial.
DAVID: "You exist to manipulate others. Everyone else exists to be a stepping stone."
ACE: "Your body is falling apart, but by now, you've grown numb to it."
EDEN: "Ever since you kissed her, you've avoided her. You think that your crush will ruin your friendship. She just wanted to keep in touch."
JULIA: "You hide your alias to pretend you aren't as disobedient as everyone thinks you are. You are J Moreno."
WHIT: "Your mother is dead, but all you can think about is how your father left you in your time of need."
AREI: “You say you feel bad, but you’ve never admitted to the fact that you framed your sisters for heinous crimes.”
CHARLES: "Your older brother died, yet you deny ever knowing him."
ARTURO: “Your younger sister killed herself because of you. You were too selfish to think about her.”
ROSE: "You still remember your moms' faces when they realized you're the reason for their debt."
NICO: "No one accepted you for who you are, so you just isolated yourself from the outside world. You live in constant ignorance."
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