#I’m gonna be honest idk if I’d add something like this
skinandscales-if · 1 year
Are you thinking of adding cheat mode?
Hey there! I’m not super familiar with this term, do you mean like a mode to get all “right” choices? Or something similar? I do wanna note as well that I’m gonna be very transparent about choices in-game, I’m not planning on making checks or key relationship moments subtle haha
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tacharie · 2 months
Thoughts for The Montkraken Episode
so, I just finished the chapter and… wow I have a lot to say. I took screen shots for every part I wanted to talk about and I think this rant will be SUPERRRR long so bear with me. Tumblr won’t let me add screenshots so when I have better service I’ll edit the post to add them. These paragraphs are theories and side notes that I wrote after reading a certain section so you’re gonna see my thought process throughout the story. As always, spoilers ahead so I recommend skipping this if you haven’t read it already.
Alright so I was once a hater of this ship BUT… the Shobaru shippers may have a point in this guys 😭. LIKE.. I HAVE THE SCREENSHOT OF SUBARU BLUSHING UHHH. That is not a heterosexual stare feller 🤨…
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AHHHHHHH THE FROSTHEIM DUO ARE BACKKKKK!!! I missed them so so much they’re so silly and deserve the best. Honestly the only two I trust in this school cause I CANT. I literally suspect anyone but them, but Imma be so disappointed if either of them are hiding something. I’ll be sad, but like I’ll help 🙄. I was actually so sad when the MC mentioned being the reason they could be in danger like GIRLLLLL DONT SAY THAT PLEASEEEEE. ITS LIKE THE ANGST WITH ADEUCE AND YUU LIKE STAWPOPP. Also when the Vagastorm kids were like “aw yeah Mido wouldn’t lie like that” it makes me happy that people can at least trust him enough to be honest and idk I found that kinda sweet :3. We’re also getting a bit of a timeline, like the One-Eyed Sleeping Beauty Murder being BEFORE the clash (sorry if this was already mentioned I don’t really remember stuff from the past chapters) which could’ve been a trigger.
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Also, I feel like they’re trying to tell us that Jiro is Zenji’s brother because when he had that little laugh about the MC being scared of bodies, he said too. When you click the “too?” option, he just says that he isn’t the one afraid. It’s not Yuri as well cause he’s literally a doctor that is in the same room when autopsies are in session. Whatever the case, I assume he was referencing to Zenji, though it being a blurry memory. Little theory tho.
OK SO THIS IS JUST SO FUNNY TO ME. In Chapter 9’s title it says, “Girl Learns Shocking Truth About Monster”. I like to think the shocking truth was the fact he didn’t shower for 3 days 😭. CAUSE THATS THE PART SHE SOUNDS MOST SHOCKED. Idk that part was silly to me. THEY’RE OUTFITS FOR THEIR DORM IS SOOOOOO PRETTY. They ate I fear, a bit more than the other dorms. Also side note, they dropped A LOT of info with just how they word things. For example, Yuri saying “Jiro, you are well aware that I will not be associated with those germs AGAIN.” Soooo Yuri was in Frostheim? I don’t doubt it bc there’s another line that says “I’d rather not recall how bitterly cold that place is” which can MEAN TWO THINGS. I’m super sure that they’re implying that yeah, he was, but then something happened blah blah blah.
WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON WITH HYDE AND DANTE??? Like ok bitches, spill your shot to us too don’t be shy. So, confirmed by them, Dante and Hyde used to go to school in Darkwick (which I assume the rest of the teachers are too). That explains their back and forth. WHAT REALLY CAUGHT MY EYE WERE THESE LINES.
Hyde: “…You really are a softie, Dan-Dan.” (Haha Dan- Dan)
Dante: “It would seem that way to someone as cold as you.” (???) “…There are lines that shouldn’t be crossed, Hyde.”
Hyde: “…I’ll keep that in mind.”
WHATTTTT. WHAT ARE THE LINES. GO IN DETAIL ARGHHHHH. This gives us more info on the character individually too. Dante describes Hyde as cold… DANTE. So, it was obvious that this whole happy go lucky attitude was fake, but I expected to be more like Haru’s kind of attitude not like that yk?? now I know how much of a cash grab this game is, but I really hope they aren’t going to stretch the story out too long to the point where you have to P2W cause I haven’t paid a cent and I don’t plan to. I still want to learn more about them and stuff so :(. On the topic of Dante, there was a small flashback where I missed a word in the sentence that Dante said while talking with Alan. “I’m the man you supposedly killed.” Supposedly?? Now, I didn’t my catch this in my first run, but now it’s like wdym supposedly?? Shouldn’t you know? This is giving hella Jiro vibes and honestly, I’m getting sick and tired of these characters having a bad memory.
SPEAKING OF JIRO- he seems to have problems remembering things and they come back to him in the very weird moments (honestly a kin moment). I would like the think that he’s just suffering from the damages he had to go through from the clash. His relationship with Yuri is so… sad to me. Yuri seems to doubt him a little bit and I feel like he sees him as just a specimen, not much of a friend. Meanwhile, Jiro smiles a lot to Yuri and listens to him like a master, like that’s what he’s supposed to do. NOT AGAINST HIS OWN WILL DONT GET ME WRONG. He’s just so neutral about it it makes me a bit like awwww :(. They’re cute tho idrc.
Ok moving on to Haku and Tohma. (Ok at this point I’m getting nervous cause why are we seeing so many characters now. That’s probably just a coincidence). OK THESE TWO HAVE GOT IT GOING. Like there’s tension when you get their chat in the campus but this is like woahhhh… Also I don’t like how Tohma says “our wheelhouse? I see..” it makes me think he’s like implying “so you think you’re a part of them now?” IDK THATS JUST MY LITTLE STRETCH. Also poor Zenji, he’s like “aw yeah I died in vain lol” LIKE OUCH.
Nicholas. I DO NOT LIKE HIM. I REPEAT. I DO NOT LIKE HIM FOR A MINUTE OF A SECOND. The only staff I like are the cats, the grocer guy, and MAYBE Dante. LIKE HES SO… NORMAL?? LIKE THERE’S SOMETHING WEIRD GOING ON IK THERE IS. When MC says “I can’t believe Professor Nicolas would do something like that” I DO 😡🙋‍♀️. I am in full support of Yuri finding crimes against this guy.
Also, little other side note, I just realized that Yuri and Jiro have matching earring in opposite ears. It’s so cute.
Ok I might have to go back to the beginning and see what the “goat like anomaly” Jiro is talking about when he mentions the prophecy, cause I said “… the chancellor is a goat??” BUT ANYWAYS. Speaking of the prophecy, I’ll jot it down.
“The whisper of the new moon shall lead the champion to the academy on the solitary island. So long as the champion resides there, the world shall be sheltered from profound tragedy.”
Stating the obvious here, but this is most likely referencing to the last cutscenes we get when we choose our characters. I’ve checked the cutscenes again and there’s no visible moon, meaning it could correlate to the “new moon” portion. (Search up new moon to see what I mean). Assuming Solitary island means death, that would also help with the theory. So, whoever we chose in the beginning might just be the person who won the Laurel Crown.Honestly, this is just a silly little Drabble for a theory and VERY vague. Maybe the champion resides in the events of the past that we still don’t know about but this kinda helps?? Idk I’m just putting what I think at the moment. I’ll probably reread the game so I can get a better timeline. Also, Yuri’s rant about demon particles… doesn’t exactly sit right with me. Were they chosen to be resilient or was it just a birth thing?? Idk but I feel like a lot is missing from his theory. I mean, we’re using human logic to a supernatural cause so I don’t think pacts acting as allergies would work. If they’re not chosen, could it be that the ghouls can make pacts with more than one demon? I wanna see what happens if that was the case. Please comment if I missed something 😭.
Ok Towa appeared. (Why are we seeing so many characters I don’t like this) and we went back to that tree… WHAT IS THAT TREE?? And what the hell do you mean the fruit grew? What is that fruit supposed to be? An anomaly going to birth?? Is it supposed to represent the houses?? Motivation?? It seems so weird to me cause we just got introduced to that tree last episode. Sighs.
OK REN AND RITSU. WHAT IS GOING ON. I GUESS SINCE THIS IS THE LADT CHAPTER FOR INTRODUCING CHARACTERS BUT LIKE … STOP. I feel like something is going to happen with the MC pls 😭. Anyway, those two talking about ramen is so cute please don’t ever change you virgin and lizard looking freak 🫶( with love of course). GROCER GUYYYYYYY. YIPPEE :3!! I love that the cat is the owner and not the human lmao.
Also I will always be a MC defender cause she is so relatable. “Why are hospitals so creepy at night?” GIRL IKKKKKK. Idc what y’all say, the fact that she’s normal is keeping me sane from these freaky deaky events. ILOVE NORMAL CHARACTERS! LIKE MATSUDA FROM DEATH NOTE OR THAT ONE GUY FROM MASHELE. Anyways, I love her little comments and everything she’s so silly. Idrc if she doesn’t have much of a backbone cause honestly, she’s surrounded by danger so the best she should do is listen to the people that are constantly surrounded by it.
ALSO NEW THING. (Well idk if it’s new but yeah).
mention of a Dionysia Breakout. <—— Idk what that is, but it sounds like a little more. I love little details and slip ups thanks characters <3!!
HA! HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHA! I WIN NICOLAS 😈!!! YOU DO HAVE SOMETHING TO HIDE. AND I WILL FIND IT TRUST YOU WILL BE DELT WITH. I WILL KNOW THE PRIOR PAST >:(!! Also, Moby is being soooo annoying tbh. More character descriptions to add: competitive as a teacher. NO ONE WILL MAKE YOU HATE YOU JIRO ‼️‼️‼️ HES SO SWEET He literally asks if we’re scared and says we can hang back awwww. Though he doesn’t understand much, he can use logic and he can at least understand how we feel. It’s a nice sentiment :)!
I can’t take the transformation seriously I’m sorry. I’m still impressed by Yuri’s deductive skills and the transformation just sounded like he was constipated.
HARU AND PEEKABOOOOO!! AHHHHH IM SO HAPPY I SEE THEM AGAIN!! I’m so glad he’s going to Hyde too cause I’m not ready. Also… the mermaid thing is so weird. For the Montkraken Mermaid, they seem to refer to it as “it” or “that mermaid”, but when they speak of the second mermaid, they use personal pronouns like “he /him”. Haru’s expression as well when he heard someone was abusing mermaid flesh… it’s a new one with a little crease under his eye. It’s such a sad face like, did he know this mermaid personally or was this fear?? Either way, I wanna meet him cause the other one was so pretty.
…You guys know the “I see who you are… you are my enemy” sound that’s on TikTok or reels or wtv? YEAH THATS SONG WAS PLAYING IN MY HEAD WHEN HYDE SAID WE HAD TO DO A SPEECH. HYDE IM IN YOUR WALLS. URGHHHH I HATE HIMMMMM. Call to action my ass IK either Taiga or Leo are gonna get their asses out of the door after the speech. OR BOTH. I’m starting to tweak.
I feel so bad for Zenji… like I’m so deadass. Dude he sounds so sad about how he’s dead it’s so.. URGHHHH. ALSO I CALLED IT. THEY ARE BROTHERS. AHAHHAHA!! Well it was kinda obvious cause everyone thought it too but WOMP WOMP. Also I love his real name, Taro Kirisaki. It’s pretty :)!! But these lines killed me
“and though I have taken my final blow, my brotherly heart can’t help but worry for my kin. … Not that he has any idea I’m still around.” YEOUCH?? I DIDNT COME TO CRY BRO…
I’m tweaking out because of this speech bro. I’m gonna choose the corniest stuff and hope for the best. “I feel bad please stop for me 🥺” headass.
Taiga is officially my enemy as well. I called that shit about him leaving URGH. WHAT A FLIBBERTYJIBBET!! His outfit eats tho so it balances out. LIKE DAMNNNN. HE LOOKS SO GOOD.
DOUBLE?? TRIPLE??? QUINTUPLE???? HELL I MIGHT BECOME A GHOUL TO GET THAT MONEY GOLLY 😍😍😍!! CAUSE IN THIS ECONOMY??Also thanks Jin you a real one twin. Bouta split this cash with my wife and I’ll send you a wedding invite.
EDWARD. ED PLEASE. STOP PUTTING ME IN THE SPOTLIGHT… well it’s out now so woopy!! I really wonder what the others have to say about that cause they just gave really vague surprised reactions. Well, Ritsu documented it. I love that little guy please don’t ever change you silly.
NUMBER ONE CORNELIUS HATER IDC. Unless I know your intentions I DONT CAREEEEE. YOU ARE AN OPP IT IS ON SIGHT WITH YOU. SAME WITH YOU NICOLAS!! “I didn’t know whether to tell you or not I’m sowwy 🥺” CHUPA MI PITO HOE 😡.
… you’re telling me I didn’t have to do that awful speech because DANTE AGREED?? IM DONE. IM WHOOPING EVERYONE IN THE ROOM AND AURING THE PLACE OUT. FIRST ONES OUT ARE HYDE FOR NOT TELLING ME, NICOLAS, AND CORNELIUS. ARGHHHHHHH. Also, dude, who is that Janitor guy like seriously.
Towa crying :(. What does the fruit shrinking have to do with it now?? I’m so confused.
ALRIGHT IF YOU MADE IT TO THE END WOW YOU HAVE DEDICATION. Yeah this is my personal yap session to this chapter and it’s so URGH. I’m so excited to see the next chapter and I hope we get to see more and more. Now with the Gala in place, we can finally start WORKING. Based on the timeline, we have about … 8 months left?? So hopefully, for MC’s sake, she gets cured. BYE BYE UNTIL NEXT EPISODE!!
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nimmie-nugget · 1 year
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~Reincarnated as a Knolastname~
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Note: HAPPY SPOOKY MONTH!! 🎃👻 gonna be honest- I actually think Crimson might have cared atleast a bit for Moxxie when he was a child 😭 Anyway~ take some reincarnated Moxxie’s Sister Reader Headcanons!! 🥳 Do keep in mind that characters may be ooooooooc, and when there’s 8 O’s you know it’s extreme 🤯. Also I haven’t been doing Tokito Twin’s content for a while so I just wanna reassure that I have some HCs coming up for them 😫!! Enjoy!
P.s in the back flashes of EXES AND OOHS I think Moxxie was 4? Yeah so that makes you 7, your 3 years older 😋👌 tho age is not mentioned at all- and I will make fics of this 😤
Warnings: a lot of slang(not rlly a warning, just thought I’d mention), ooc, may have punctuation, spelling grammer/etc errors,
Info: idk man just wanted to add this 😐
Edit#2: I recommend u don’t read 💀👍
Helluva Boss Masterlist
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~Reaction to being Reincarnated~
-long story short you don’t know how you ended up here but you found yourself being the daughter of some random old ass guy that’s gonna be the main reason for your character development arc.
-at least that mom with an unknown name will provide you sweets and shit-
-gonna put sum realz shizz on this family fr.
-isn’t this Tumblr? Yeah long story short this turned into a Wattpad story for a second and the famous Truck-kun killed you 🗿 but you forgive Truck-kun since Truck-kun’s just being Truck-kun 😌.
~Inside a Mansion~
Yup this “Mansion” is someone’s womb, zamn how da heck do you still have memories of your past life? Also why does your very tiny unformed body kinda look like an imp? Just like one from your favourite show Helluva Boss? How can you even see??? It’s pitch black bro- meh it’s whatever 🤷‍♀️ it’s fun kicking at least-
…I’m not even gonna explain this 🫡 but just so you know Crimson was not there for your birth 😶
-at least you still have the same Borthdah as you did before you were reincarnated???
-Girly just 🖕 this bullshit why’d you have to be re-born in this family out of all the ones in Helluva Boss? I mean- you don’t mind being Moxxie’s gay emo sister but like- Crimson…CRIMSON. Tho make sure to start those teenager phases early so no one becomes suspicious of you when your going through the teenage thinga ma jig 😔
-but yay! You bet that Moxxie’s mom- well basically your mom now, WILL BE THE BEST 😩
-but girly you weren’t even fazed when reincarnated- just accepted it like a champ 😎
~Crimson’s First Thoughts On You~
-Absolutely nothing- 😃
-only thought of you as his heiress and DEFINITELY to lead his Mob in the future 😔
~[Unknown]’s First Thoughts On You~
-this is the Mom btw 😃
-gonna be honest I don’t know much since we’ve never really gotten a FULL view of her personality- all that I know is that she’s kind? 🤷‍♀️ Yuh so I won’t really directly say what she thought but I guess I can just- I don’t know man just read I guess 😃👌
-101% THOUGHT YOU WERE CUTE AF!! what happened to infinite%? 😢
-she felt a warm and fuzzy feeling inside, something she never felt ever since she married Crimson 😔.
~Moxxie’s First Thoughts On You~
-‘Guppa duppa poo daaah dooo’
-don’t tell me you actually expected a real thought from him- Broski was just born 😔
~Your First Thoughts On Moxxie~
-‘zamn bro’s crying on his borthduh I could never 🙄💅’
-girly he’s like a few minutes old what on Satan’s ass are you talkin ‘bout? 😀
~What Crimson Thinks Of You~
-your a nuisance, like- what do you mean when you say “put those dawgs away💀”
-yeah you definitely got in trouble so many times- this stupid MF can’t understand slang and just thinks your insulting everyone around you 😶
-forget about you being his heiress, might as well make Moxxie his heir instead 😠
-Now take a very ooc dialogue 😋 btw this is after the Mom’s death 😃
-“[Name], cut it out. That will happen if you don’t stop.” He says calmly, too calm for you to know he’s pissed. (he was implying that he will drown you just like he did to the Mom btw-)
~What [Unkown] Thinks Of You~
-Loved you from the moment she layed her eyes on you 😩 (cheesy much 😶)
-wrote more then a dictionary just to prove how much she loves you 😔
-yuh that’s all I got 😐
~What Moxxie Thinks Of You~
He’s 4 rn-
-your his sister why wouldn’t he- ?
-your basically his partner in crime 😈 both of you steal treats from the kitchen when your not supposed to 😤👍
-if the Mom found you 2 being naughty then sorry to tell you but yer’ both getting a time out 😔
-…BUT IF CRIMSON FOUND YOU- yuh that’s somehow gonna become a family issue problemo 😶💦______________________________________________________________________
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I sometimes forget writing is for fun- but I certainly had fun writing this 😎 now I’m gonna tag this in some tags that this doesn’t even relate to which will make everyone hate me but they will soon worship me after reading this masterpiece. Praise this shit rn *points gun at you*
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south-of-knowing-why · 5 months
I’m having so many feelings and thoughts and emotions after these 31 (!) songs but I feel like this might be her most daring work yet. I think a lot of people and new fans might be divisive on the first half because it’s just so angry and sad and melancholic and in-your-face just pissed off but that’s exactly why I fucking LOVE it. I’ve been listening to Taylor for 16 years exactly because of her brutal honesty and this might be her most honest album since 1989 probably. She’s mad at Joe, Matty, her fans and the whole fucking public. And she said you’re gonna listen to it and LOVE IT !
I’d not be surprised if the second half was released to add at least some levity to the era. And Aaron went fucking off on those songs. The vibe is so different that I’m probably gonna consider them two different albums.
I think it’s kinda incredible that she followed her biggest era in the spotlight with something like this (and a song that’s also about how depressed she was during that time). Idk it’s just first full listen through but I’m obsessed with it already.
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resident-gay-bitch · 2 months
Hello there, I’m in genuine need of more fandom / online friends so like, if you also want more friends, here’s some info about me and maybe we can be friends? <3
My names Jay, I’ve recently picked it for myself (and then realised I could have possibly had an even cooler name Bo which is the shortened of my middle name and now im cursing myself for not realising it sooner and questioning weather or not to do a switch cause idk if Bo or Jay suits me better?!!). I’m 20 and FtM, and I go by he/they pronouns primarily but I also don’t mind if you use any others :)
I’m also Australian so yeah idk if that’s a selling point or not
Oh and I’m labelled as queer, I guess, but dude sexuality is confusing. I’ve recently been going down the aromantic / asexual spiral of questioning but I’m so unsure of everything I really suck at telling the difference between platonic and romantic feelings. I’m also somewhere in the sapphic spectrum I believe. So if you can relate to this mindfuck in any way that would also be rad.
I write fan fic for the Marauders Fandom (sirius is my everything and I’m also a tall sirius truther) and also Stranger Things but primarily Steddie for that tbh.
I’m also in the Good Omens fandom, as well as a few others more casually and don’t write fic for them :) recently I’ve been starting to watch JJK cause my best friend is really into it
My favorite two movies of all time are Rocky Horror Picture Show and Cars. That probably tells you a lot about me to be honest so do with that as you will :)
My favorite musicians are David Bowie at No. 1 (my lord and saviour), Maya Hawke, Hozier, Radiohead (im not a red flag I promise), Conan (I’m seeing him on fri wtf), ooo and I’ll add SOAD cause I’m really into them this month. But it’s ever changing really and there are too many to choose from, I’d say they’re my most listened to though :) I am chronically listening.
Uh I’m gonna spitball some more facts about me this is kinda hard:
I’m the eldest of 4 kids 💀 one of them is 5 years younger than me 💀💀 the other two are 6 years younger 💀💀💀 (I love them sm the annoying shitstarters)
I love to draw and make art but I suck at anatomy and colour theory it makes me want to rip my hair out (and I wanna be a fan artist so bad)
I’m attempting to learn bass but I also cannot commit to learning the bass (I blame my sibling for keeping it in their wardrobe so I forgoet it exists)
I am 90% sure I’m neurodivergent I just cannot really afford to get that diagnosis rn ya know?!
I did ballet & dance most of my life 🤯🤯 (now I’m a bartender and my old ballet teacher is a regular at the sailing club I work and now I look queer and cunty as hell and every time she sees me she just stares in disbelief and fake smiles it’s hilarious)
I still sleep with my childhood teddy :( I love her she is my one thing I would save in a fire. Her name is charlotte and she’s probably 3 years overdue for a bath but I love her
I’m fucking weird about stars - the shape not the astrology - like I love them. I see them and I get very excited and I draw them everywhere (you can probably tell off all my master lists, they all have stars drawn on the title strips 😭) I just really love them they’re so cute. I almost named myself Star actually
I’m a sagittarius. I don’t know what that means but I know it means a lot of things to people so hopefully it’s good things!
My favorite colour is green but more so earthy and cool greens. I love a good scrumptious yummy green, something mossy something sagey. I have a green wall in my room and it’s very nice to look at.
I lived abroad for a little bit as a teen in Vietnam which was amazing and I’m planning to move somewhere abroad again next year hopefully (seriously get me the hell out of SA)
My biggest dream / goal / career choice for most of my life was to be an actor but now I’m just kinda existing with no real drive or purpose in life. But I might pick acting back up now I’m becoming more comfy with myself and my gender :) my dream role is to play Frank from Rocky.
Uuuuuh that’s all I can think of :)
So yes, I hope I have appealed to your interests in one way or another. And if you’d maybe like to be friends please don’t hesitate to send me a message!
Maybe tell me a cool fact about yourself?
Or if you’re too shy to message first you could just add a random comment here or say something in the tags? I’ll message you! <3
Also if you have anymore questions I am trying to be a bit more of an open book, I love when people dive in with the nitty gritty so if you have strange questions I’ll probably be very excited to answer them lmao
Anyway, I hope you have a lovely day random people in my phone I hope to befriend <333
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anantaru · 9 months
Quick rant if that’s okay??
I’m gonna be honest I’m so sick of the “Genshin could never” comments every time Star Rail comes out with new updates like I literally saw someone get mad and claim they’re abandoning Genshin not because they wouldn’t give QoL updates but because [checks notes] they took too long to do it? Like this dude was literally like “3 years to add basic QoL updates time to abandon this shitshow” like what the fuck were you sticking around for then? And on top of that, I don’t know how the HSR devs feel about this or if they even know but personally if I were them I’d find it incredibly annoying if I spent all this time and effort to make these great updates and benefits and the response was just using my work to shit on someone else’s work.
Idk I think sometimes I feel like me not being mad about this like everyone else means there’s something wrong with me or I’m just stupid
hello love 💓 i totally agree with you and couldn't have said it better 🙇🏻‍♀️ if you wanna criticise a game than do that, but when you carry on to shit on a game you seemingly hate so much BUT STILL play it, you're just embarrassing 💀 in the end of the day, the entire hsr vs. genshin fight is to laugh your ass off because hoyo literaly owns both games so it doesn't matter to them to which game you'll end up switching to 💀💀💀💀💀💀
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neddea · 8 months
Polaroid Go tips and tricks - I really love this camera!
This is basically the post I wish I had read before and after I bought the Polaroid Go. I haven’t been able to find much info on tips and tricks, so I’m gonna share what I’ve learned, also with the intention of getting some feedback and hopefully more knowledge from the community 🙏🏻 Also, beware of the long post, I guess!
(NOTE: This is about the 2nd Gen Go, idk anything about the 1st Gen version).
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The reasons I bought the Go instead of any other Instax or Polaroid camera:
☑️Analog camera instead of digital (I wasn’t sure about many other instant cameras). I wanted to restrict myself and not even have a screen to be able to tweak things or choose which picture I wanted to print. The goal for me was to learn photography in itself by using the “simplest” tools. If the picture turns out well, it’s because I’ve understood how to use the tools and how to get the most out of them (and sometimes I’m just lucky, let’s be honest!)
☑️Easy to carry around. I have ADHD, so I know that I will never do something if it feels like a bit too much work to get started on (for example, taking pictures outside if carrying it is a hassle). The Go was by far the best one in that sense.
☑️The film is cheaper than the other Polaroid films (at least that I’m aware of). This is huuuge for me, since I wanted to take as many pics as I could and not feel as bad if I “wasted” film with experiments and trials. Still not as affordable as Instax film though, but closer than other types.
☑️It has filters. I know, this might seem like a dumb reason, but I really wanted to get into this hobby because I wanted to relearn photography and go back to that feeling of physicality that used to inspire me back in college. I wanted to experiment with cellophane paper and with the chemistry of the film itself and whatever idea came to mind, and the filters added to that goal. Some instax cameras have unofficial filters, but they didn’t seem as… sturdy? Properly made? Idk, looks deceive and they could be great for all I know (if anyone has experience with them let me know, I’m curious!)
☑️Double exposure and flash On/Off options. Two other huge reasons why I chose this camera! For the same reasons as the one before: I wanted to experiment and be able to control the tool to take the pros and cons to the extreme.
☑️Accessories to carry it around and keep it safe (although I have things to say about some incompatibility issues).
That being said, things I don’t like as much:
🔻Can’t control exposure times and diaphragm aperture (sorry if the terms are incorrect, English is not my mother tongue and I learned the basics in Spanish). There are only two options and they’re automatic, so it’s a bit difficult to get it right. You can half press the shutter button to lock focus distance and light sensitivity though, but I haven’t mastered it quite yet.
🔻Polaroid film is not the most stable (I find it difficult to put this as a downside, I’m actually quite happy and even grateful that it works like this to the point that I count it as an extra tool and a huge part of the artistic process. Then again, sometimes you want things to work as you planned, so I’m guessing this can be a bad thing for many people).
🔻The film is still expensive, especially if you add shipping expenses. There aren’t nearly as many options as with other Polaroid cameras, the only available editions are the white frame and the black frame. I’d love to be able to use the peach frame, or a monochrome film, or the Bowie edition… but it seems like Polaroid doesn’t pamper the Go as much as its siblings
🔻Pictures tend to not be as sharp as the bigger films or it’s harder to get them right.
🔻Too much contrast between shadows and lights.
All in all, I’m really, really happy with it! I think it was the perfect choice for me, and I’m sad to see it isn’t as loved in the community (I’ve read though that the 1st gen wasn’t great, so that might be one of the reasons).
I also wanted to share my tips and tricks for different things!
🔳Double exposure: I'm still figuring things out, but so far my best takes have been in total darkness with very intense and direct light sources (a phone's flash directed to the camera, for example). For anyone who has never tried or doesn't know how this works: think of photography as painting with light on a black canvas. Total darkness means total lack of light, so you're not painting anything, right? This is especially useful for double exposure, which basically means taking two pictures in one. If you have absolute darkness with one small source of light and you take the first exposure, you still have plenty of "blank" canvas left, so the second exposure's lightened parts are gonna superimpose over the darkness of the first one. For example, in the first pic below the first take was for the two lines and circle (with the blue filter) and the second was for my friends' portraits (with a yellow filter). Play around with the shadows and lights, you can for example give some texture to the shadows of an otherwise well lit figure. For this reason I don't recommend using the flash, but hey, there's probably a good way to use both!
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⚠️BUT WAIT! THERE'S MORE TO IT. You wish you could take more than two exposures?? YOU ACTUALLY CAN. I just discovered this and I'm over the moon: double tap the flash button to turn on the double exposure mode, take the first one, turn the camera off; turn it on again, double tap for double exposure, AND THERE YOU GO, you are gonna take three exposures now. Do this ad infinitum if you want to (probably not the best idea for the film though). I'm so happy about this, you have no idea.
🔳Filters: I’m still getting used to them so I might be wrong, but generally speaking they reduce contrast. Pure blacks and whites will still be there if it's a well lit place, but you get more details on parts that would be otherwise slightly overexposed, and the middle tones don't get as dark. I also have a feeling that the flash works wonders on closer shots, tinting that plane more strongly with the filter, but as the flash reach fades into the background, the filter is not as visible (again, I'm basing this in just one picture that looks like that, I'll have to do more research). Another rule of thumb: yellow is the lightest color and blue is the darkest, so use them wisely. The blue filter is probably going to make the shot look a bit darker, and the yellow one might make it look too bright. I want to hear how anyone else feels about them, I might be completely on the wrong track with these!
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🔳Incompatibilities between accessories: This one is annoying. I bought all together the hard case, the silicone skin, the travelling bag, the mini album, the wrist band, the bigger band and the filters. The main issue is the silicone skin, since if used the camera doesn't fit inside the hard case, AND you cannot add the filters to the camera because there's no window for it. I had to cut the frontal part of the skin so I could fit the filters, which is not ideal. I don't know how Polaroid has overlooked this particular thing, but yeah, be aware of that. The bands and the mini album have a ring with a clamp that allows you to attach them to each other or to other bags pretty easily.
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🔳Using the countdown to get sharper pics. If your pulse is as unstable as mine and you're shooting a picture under dim lighting circumstances, I'd advise you to use the countdown tool to avoid any blurriness and shakiness. At least for me, when I click the shutter button I end up moving the camera slightly, which has slightly ruined some pics (this is not just Polaroid, it's just a general photography thing, but heavier cameras are not as sensitive to movement, I think. Physics, idk). So to avoid that, I just press the flash button for several seconds until a LED light lights up on the front of the camera. When you press the shutter, it counts down to 9, I think, and then takes the pic.
🔳Film temperature and development: Listen. Some people might complain about this, but I actually see it as another tool to take the shots that I want. I feel it's more impressionist-like than any other kind of photography, since it captures not just what the eye can see: it also kinda captures the impression and feeling of the moment. I've taken several pictures of my hometown, and it was around freezing temps outside, so when I took the first pic of course the shadows came off looking blueish and greenish, and they didn't get too dark at all. At first I was confused and a bit disappointed, but after two or three more shots I was ecstatic about it. It reminded me of the blueish greys Monet used in his paintings. I made some experimentation with the amount of time the pics developed in the cold and it's just so much fun. So yeah, id say use it in your favour! Remember to keep it close to the body in the cold to avoid it, and maybe some insulated pockets for the heat (Polaroid sells a bag for the camera with one such pocket, but I feel it doesn't work too well against the cold, would have to try in hotter temps). ALSO, sometimes it will take several days for the shadows to get as strong as they'll get! Especially if the pic developed in cold temps.
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🔳Let entropy be part of it. Just experiment with the camera. Take lots of double exposure pics to try specific things without wasting as much film. Remember: sometimes the pics won't come out as perfect as you'd like, but often enough the reason might be something you might have done wrong; other times, it's just bad luck with the film or something else. Sometimes those imperfections add to the feeling of the picture. And sometimes you half-assedly take a shot and it turns out to be especially interesting. It can feel like every pic is a conversation between you and the camera (as cheesy as this might sound), and some things that you find compelling the camera might not be too thrilled about; sometimes you can convince it, and sometimes it shows you the beauty of something you didn't pay too much attention to. Take all of the pictures as learning opportunities, adapt to the tools you have. This camera can be really good for what it is, but it has its own personality (and so does the film), and sometimes it takes a while to warm up to new people, right? (Instead I feel like I just found my new best friend right off the bat LMAO)
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🔳Finally, Polaroid's app isn't necessarily created for the Go, since it doesn't have any Bluetooth tools, but it does help with scanning. I'd recommend giving it a Go (pun intended), since it already crops and fixes the perspective of the image to show just the frame and photo. I normally have to edit it so that it looks a bit closer to the physical picture, but that's just me going the extra mile.
I think that's it! I'm still thinking about how to store or showcase the pictures in a nice way, do you guys have any ideas? How do you do it? I'm also saving all the used film cartridges (is that the right word?), I don't know what for but I want to do something with them! I've seen people displaying pictures in them though... Any ideas?
Thank you for coming to my TedTalk (I’m so sorry for this stupidly long post)
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ablizmal · 9 months
I JUST FIGURED IT OUT. the parallels and juxtaposition between the pairs of light+misa vs L+juliette.
something i see heavily in both light and misa —one of the only things they have in common, you could say— is that they both adhere to societal expectations. like… to an excessive extent. you know? they both cling onto it for a semblance of normalcy, to capture that feeling of “i belong, i belong, i belong.”
it’s their crutch. in a life full of alienation (for light, not finding meaning in anything, for misa, the immense loneliness and lack of a social life), at the very least they can have this. although they experience alienation, at least they’re not experiencing total isolation— or worse, ostracization, being disapproved of by others.
(that last sentence would be such an eye opening sentence for someone to analyze if english isn’t their first language… /positive)
getting back on topic, light is a VERY repressed person. in the fucking cherry cola universe (aka death note including my s/i), he’s gay but is so deep in the closet he’s not even AWARE he’s in a closet, it’s all he’s ever known.
besides this (or maybe alongside it???), he’s flamboyant. he really, really is, but in canon, we don’t get to see this as much, which i interpret being due to light adhering to everyone’s expectations of him. idk if this specific facet of toxic gender roles is also prevalent in japan, but i can see light, at a certain age (somewhere from 10-12 years old), noticing adults discomfort at his theatrics and stopping immediately. (he’s kind of a daddy’s boy tbh…)
misa, too, is repressed. you KNOW she would love stuff like horror movies, gothic bands, screamo, metal, and the likes, but she doesn’t. the only interests she has that we’re aware of in canon is the occult and fashion. this is for sure due to the writer of death note’s inherent misogyny in every female character he writes, but if you employ some ingenuity (like me (⟡⸝⸝U_U) *ੈ ‧₊˚ .), you can view misa’s lack of characterization as a foreboding sign that misa isn’t okay.
misa doesn’t have any friends. we know this.
her modeling coworkers aside, the only friend we hear misa talk about is her occult friend, and she never mentions her again past the video tape arc. (yeah, that’s what i’ll call misa’s introduction chapters. why not? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
this coupled with her parents being murdered… misa is desperate for any sort of approval from others. i mean think about it— outside of her modeling career, she doesn’t interact with anyone! she has a room full of personal items (plushes, posters, furniture, etc), which can be completely normal, but for the sake of my headcanons, has accumulated so much from her spending loads of time by herself, in her house, alone. this is the main setting she’s in. of COURSE she’s gonna get bored with the minimalism of it and add her own personal touches!
one of the few forms of self expression she allows herself to have is her fashion, but there’s a well known subculture for that fashion in japan (harajuku, but i’m pretty sure misa’s is gothic harajuku specifically). so, to sum it up— misa has a group of people who understand her fashion sense, therefore she belongs somewhere.
(note: i am NOT insinuating that misa only wears gothic fashion to fit in somewhere. that’s a stupid af take and it just doesn’t fit misa’s vibes to be perfectly honest. what i am saying, however, is that misa freely expresses her unconventional fashion sense because she knows there are others like her. that’s all. (this is likely one of the only unconventional groups of people she’s knowledgeable about.))
i’d even say that misa is highly intelligent, given how she gathered credible evidence that higuchi is the new kira in the yotsuba arc, but she intentionally hides it. why, you ask?
because she knows she’ll be undermined by men, and she seeks approval over anything, she’s substituting it for human connection, so she just… tucks it away. (fuck, maybe she believes that her intellect will be undermined by everyone as a result of the murderer of her parents never being convicted despite her testimonies…)
there’s also a Whole Other Instance (slash personal interpretation) i could bring up here, but i’ll just make that its own post, because this one is already WAY longer than i ever thought it was gonna be.
and we’re only halfway there, boys…
touching upon the thesis of this now pseudo-essay, L and juliette are unconventional. and they don’t care lol.
it’s well known that L doesn’t give a particular shit about how he comes across to others. like the dude’s rich, he could buy whatever clothes he wants, but he chooses to wear his usual clothes because of sensory issues he wants to. his hair is messy and he doesn’t need to comb it because of how short it is, he sits in that gargoyle pose, and he doesn’t hold back on using his deferential vocabulary when the situation permits it.
before the kira case, he would solve cases from a dark room. sounds fine enough… until you hear that there is no furniture in this room and his PC setup is on the floor. 😭
L also is either unaware of social cues or doesn’t care about them, or doesn’t care enough to learn about them, leading to scenes such as:
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or him dropping loaded comments like they aren’t as massive as they are.
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he admits with no hesitance that he can be childish when it comes to competition. childish… he’s using an insulting word for what it is at its core— a word to describe certain attributes. (he is quite literally ignoring what the conventional intent of the word is.)
likewise, even around the taskforce, he persists in his typical demeanor, what with his stare that bores into your soul, or slunking around in public, hunched over, his appearance coming off as ghoulish with his pale skin and shadowed eyes. (i’m not saying this as a negative, btw, i love his haunting aura,,, 💗∀💗)
and juliette?? juliette embraces the unconventional with every fiber of her being. as long as she’s alive, she will always endorse the unconventional so long as it’s harmless (because what’s wrong with it if it’s not hurting anyone?). they hate the word “normal” being used for non-universal experiences. having a certain blood pressure is normal. there is no such thing as a “normal” hairstyle, that comes down to personal preference.
she LOATHES the enforcement of conformity. it pisses them off to the point that they go out of their way to be even MORE unconventional, as a way of telling closeminded’s, “fuck OFF, there is nothing wrong with us, with people like me, and if you do have a problem with me, then you can kiss my heels, cause they’re landing in your face anyways!”
when it won’t come with bullshit consequences (like being treated unfairly at their job for being open about her genderqueerness :/), she doesn’t bite their tongue. they speak their mind if they hear someone spewing the most terrible of things, whether covertly or not, which is what makes juliette the only person to come to heads with light time and time again. (let’s face it, light is the type of person to get away with saying microagressions, and since he believes he’s right, he drops them way too often. and no one SAYS anything about it because “no no, light does mean it like ~that!~ he’s so RESPECTFUL and KIND :(((((((((((”)
she isn’t afraid to express her joy and wonder, even at the smallest of things. they know they can be ridiculed and judged for it, but they also recognize the importance of small joys, and that significance outweighs ANY judgement that may be hurled her way.
that’s kind of juliette’s whole thing, actually. if anyone judges her for her unconventionality, she says “so? what are you gonna do about it? gonna go into my brain and rewrite everything about me? huh?” jdksjdksjdkajxjs, she can get VERY snarky about this, but they are proving a point, which is “BITCH, who asked?”
light: …you sure do have a unique laugh, juliette.¹
juliette: well, Boy Genius,² what’s a normal laugh then? huh? what is the typical pattern emerging from instinct which creates the phenomenon known as a laugh? present me with evidence. write me about all your findings, since you’re apparently so knowledgeable about this topic. (mockingly tilts head) it shouldn’t be so hard!~ (❀ ˶ ⁍̴̛ ◡ ⁍̴̛˶)
1) just one of light’s MANY casual insults that he can justify away due to plausible deniability.
2) yes, like jimmy neutron. (FUN FACT, i just found out by creating this exchange (and subsequently checking to see if juliette making this reference is possible in ~2003, given the manga’s timeline) that the jimmy neutron series first aired in 2002. i would’ve sworn from vibes alone that it started in 2007, but eh, “the more you know,” amiright??)
(how the fuck do i even get back on topic after that tonal shift)
to summarize,
light and misa are both people who care heavily about what other people think of them. they conform to what’s expected of them, even if that means closing themselves off from potential happiness.
whereas L and juliette are so authentic. okay, well, maybe L isn’t authentic around prime suspect, light yagami, but!! in all the time he’s known light, he still continued to eat sweets and only sweets, y’know?? if it won’t hinder him solving the kira case, L shows up as himself, odd quirks and all (🥰).
L and juliette have discovered the secrets of the universe, that secret being “i am cringe, but i am free.” (✿ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)
but it’s not so cut and dry as that, as they have varying degrees… no, different ways that this presents itself.
misa is more likely to be swayed if in the right environment (like how she had a friend who engaged in the occult).
L doesn’t care what others think about him. he is SO uncaring, in fact, that he doesn’t feel the need to explain his behavior.
but light and juliette… they’re in leagues of their own.
light has NO identity beyond what others expect of him. this is one of the reason why he’s depressed at the beginning of the series. he’s become everything everyone’s ever wanted— for his family, he’s the perfect son and brother. for his classmates, he’s the perfect student, the perfect friend, is TOTAL boyfriend material (apparently???¿? i can’t see it lmao).
yet it’s meaningless. everything that’s supposed to be fun, like spending time with friends, going out, karaoke, hobbies, playing games, sports, academics, dating… it’s meaningless to light. it’s too predictable, he’s too smart for it, really… so it’s not his fault. it’s not his fault it’s not entertaining to him! it just so happens that he’s better, and more intelligent, than everyone else.
to cope with his alienation, he shoves himself onto a pedestal, eventually diminishing and forgetting the whole point of such human activities. he spits in the face of humanity.
he’s above it all.
but juliette embraces human life. she loves the humans, and sees the inherent worth in the human experience! she condones recreational activities such as singing, dancing, playing, relaxing. they believe that our connections with others is what makes life worth it, even if it’s connections so complex and distant that you can’t even witness them (think of produce at your local supermarket. they wouldn’t be there if the farmers who grew them didn’t exist).
juliette supports self expression above all else, whether that’s through emotions, music, writing, art… any creative means, really! it’s also why she’s so vehement about presenting the way you want through fashion, or socially, through words (heyo, genderqueer nation (⌐ᗜᴗᗜ)).
i mean, this song is one of juliette’s anthems:
these beliefs run deep in their bones. she wouldn’t be the same person without them.
in this way, light is the antithesis to juliette. light is the one who lies about himself to others the most. juliette sticks true to themself as much as she can and HATES conformity SO much that she actively spites people who wish to enforce it.
which is why they are at each other’s throats (mostly) through words.
if misa is more easily swayed, then light stands firm in his need to be acceptable to others.
if L is quiet, but content, with his eccentricities, then juliette is loud and open about hers.
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natimiles · 9 months
SO LIKE... I'm a hoe for Theo and I will forever love his route even though I wish the story wasn't squeezed to death by a month. 😞
I wanna take a moment to to adore the fact that this grumpy ass guard dog has so much little brother energy I can't help, but scream (IRL I will be too scared too, but he's really funny when he's being bullied I'm sorry). I mean irl I'll probably bite his hand and tell him to leave me tf alone, but God he's adorable and scary with his older brother. I still feel heartbroken though because of... Well backstory reasons (if you know you know).
Alsoo.... I adore his frenemy... Probably bc he's my frenemy. My God I have such a love-hate feeling with this flirty mfer it's not even funny. I did legit hate him at first though and I still kinda do especially because he does creep me out a little with his flirting like... I get it's an act for the most part, but much like he hates how unreadable Dazai is, I honestly have a hard time reading him too. Still though, I feel really heartbroken for this dork. Yet I also wanna smack him in the face with a broom bc holy shit he needs a reality check. Like SIR this is not okay... Also I love the way this guy just had this pouty face, kinda makes me wanna bully him a little (even though I'll probably be to scared to bully him just like with Theo). Irl I'll probably absolutely hide from him though like the flag and absolutely wouldn't tolerate his attitude (I know he'll actually be understanding, but that'll take a long time to believe...) I feel bad, but like that's the honest truth.
I wanna befriend Issac, but I'll probably be scared to approach him. I mean we probably won't have much in common bc I'm anime/ manga/art-ish hoe, but something about him makes me wanna befriend him (possibly marry him)? He just looks so friend SHAPED even though he hates it...
Also I hc Levi with gifted kid burnout (totally not bc I'm sorta projecting myself onto him). Bro undervalues himself way too much... I was also gonna add that IRL every brother in the game will probably hate me solely bc I absolutely have no confidence and I rather hide especially to due the fact that I'll be far from home. 💀 I also probably be too scared to talk to Levi and Mammon even though I love them very much. Idk as much as I like tsun-tsun, I genuinely be to dense to understand and absolutely to sensitive to the shit they'll say.
Sill though, Levi is an mood and if I manage to not be... A weirdo, I'll probably get along with him the most ( even though he'll be yelling at me to finish the fucking manga properly). Mammon though... I love this dumbass, I truly do, but I swear we'll drive each other insane.
Also adore Levi when he's cocky (even if it'll start sting), I just swoon over a character who lost his confidence finally getting it. It's just.... Amazing. Mammon being the big bro... 😭 Oh how my heart burst.
YES! Let’s all agree that ONE MONTH IS TOO SHORT! At least Ikesen MC had 3 months before deciding to stay in the past. It bugs me that we have such a short time with them. I understand they didn’t want really long routes or whatever, but... damn Cybird, ONE MONTH? But it’s still better than ELEVEN DAYS, right? Yes, I’m talking TO YOU, Mystic Messenger.
HASIUEHASIUEHAS, he calls us hondje but he is such a puppy! Like Vincent just goes “Be nice, Theo. Shut it, Theo” and he just “Fine, Broer…” HIUSAHEAUISHESAIUH. But yeah, I know! It’s been a while, but I played his routes... Interlude helped a little to remember some things. And damn… it’s a lot to take in and develop IN ONE MONTH, CYBIRD! For both of them, really. I hate Vincent’s ending Irl I’d probably not get too close to Theo but not because he scares me, but because he’s rude HASIEHASIUE.
I. LOVE. ARTHUR. This bitch has so many issues. He’s another puppy that just wants (and needs) to be loved 🥹 And I love their relationship! Frenemies? Yes! Besties? Yes! Best wingmans for each other? Yes! LOVERS? FUCKING YES! I wanna smack his face with my face. Or with Theo’s face, whoever is closer, HASIUEHASUIEHSA. But even if it's a platonic relationship, Arthur is such a good friend. He really cares for others… He’s the one who helps Theo in Interlude and it’s precious 🥹
Me and Isaac don’t have anything in common. Would that stop me? Absolutely not. Just come here and let me love you, you awkward hedgehog! I LIVE TO LOVE SHY MEN! He would be a good friend too! If he considers you a friend, it means so much to him! But I’d rather marry him, HAISUEHASUIHESA. And we would bond over the things we like, even if they’re so different. I like the stars, but I don’t know much about them, so he could teach me. And I could tell him about all my favorite animes, mangas and games. 
Ooooh! I searched for it and… I can totally see Levi! People tend to think Satan is the only one that’s actually smart, but they all are smart in their own ways. I feel Levi is not appreciated enough, even in-game. Sometimes he’s there just to be funny and to be the awkward, shy guy. My baby doesn’t deserve that, he deserves so much love. Also, I think Mammon totally has ADHD. He’s good with math, as long as you explain it to him as if you were talking about money (his hyperfocus). Belphie is smart too, he sleeps in every class and he still has good grades. 
Irl I’d get closer to Levi and Beel first. I love cooking, so Beel would love me quickly. I wouldn’t help Belphie because I’d obey Lucifer and stay away from the attic, HAISEHASIUEHSA. Mammon is the type of friend I could have and that I would want to kill every 2 seconds, but I couldn’t leave him alone or he’d get in trouble and get himself killed. But out of everyone, I think Solomon is more the type of friend I usually have? I don’t know why though, I just have this feeling about him, AHSIEUHASUIEHSA.
I LIVE FOR A COCKY AND CONFIDENT LEVI! Gimme moooooore! I was looking at some random screenshots I have here and I found one of him, I think it’s from that beach Devilgram. The one we have an animation from him… I don’t know the name, HAIUEHASUIEHSA. But the point is: Levi can be assertive and confident when he really wants (or needs) to!
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Ignore the awful quality. I had to play at the lowest quality because my phone wasn't the best at the time, AHSIUEHSA.
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verdantglow · 6 months
Okay so @plumadot’s posting about her D&D Traffic AU has made me remember how much I love my Dungeons & Traffic AU & I Must Talk About It Now.
Basically all the characters are in a modern setting, playing a rotating cast D&D game DMed by The Watchers. (I never really decided how that works. Plan was for everything in out of game space be completely mundane except for the floating purple eye behind the DM screen lol.)
But yeah! So I picked classes & heritages that the characters would pick themselves based on play styles & preferences. &, uh, here they are!
Bdubs: Firbolg, Light Domain Cleric of Helios
Of course he’s a light cleric. Of course his god is literally the god of the Sun. This man does not fuck with the night & darkness At All. (Also he wanted to be tall lol.)
BigB: (???), (???)
Okay, gonna be honest, BigB is the last one I need to make decisions for ‘cause I feel I have too many knowledge gaps about him to figure this out. Was thinking Paladin maybe??? But I will totes take input, please help me here. Only restrictions: I’d prefer if he doesn’t double up on heritage or subclass with anyone.
Cleo: Reborn, Circle of Wildfire Druid
Cleo’s gotta be a zombie, so Reborn is perfect. & who can deny Cleo the opportunity to have a skill set based entirely around setting shit on fire?
Etho: Shadar-Kai, Way of the Shadow Monk
He’s a ninja lol. Also in this AU I was thinking he & Gem would be siblings, so having him play an emotionally flat dark elf played nicely with what Gem goes with. Which…
Gem: Eladrin, Eldritch Knight Fighter
Gem had to be a fighter, that girl is a fighter through & through, but she’s definitely not playing a boring character. Eldritch Knight adds some magical flavour that goes well with her being an Eladrin. & she had to be an elf of some kind; I think she’d like the versatility & expressiveness of Eladrin.
Grian: Changeling, Pact of the Tome Warlock of the Archfey
Okay, I know this is probs controversial but hear me out. 1) Grian being a Warlock I think is just very in character. 2) Pact of the Tome lets him cast catrips from other classes & you unknowingly he’d get a kick outta that mechanic. 3) His patron is a homebrewed version of The Traveler, half way between 5e canon & Critical Role canon. Trickster vibes are real. 4) This dude has had so many skins. Changeling energy. (Also I just love changelings & Grian made the most sense to me.)
Impulse: Hill Dwarf, Forge Domain Cleric of Tharmekhûl
Another controversial one, but I’m not a fan of demon/tiefling/horned Impulse. & he legit has been a dwarf before. Hill dwarf because they get a Wisdom buff & that makes sense for Impulse. Cleric of Tharmekhûl because forge/light vibes & also he’s the god of smiths & that feels… like something Impulse would choose. (Impulse’s character is also min-max’d to hell. This man is going to win at D&D.)
Jimmy: Human, Oath of Glory Paladin of Tyr
Jimmy got overwhelmed by all the heritages & just went human for simplicity. He takes regular human rather than variant because he doesn’t want to learn all the feats & getting +1 to all stats is pretty good, right? Oath of Glory Paladin of Tyr because he really, really plays into being Lawful Good, & being The Law of the party.
Joel: Half-orc, Path of the Berserker Barbarian
Half-orc for being the closest I could get to an ogre. Path of the Berserker because he’s all about The Rage.
Lizzie: High Elf, School of Enchantment Wizard
Idk Lizzie just has big Wizard vibes to me, but like. Not the best wizard. Like she’s powerful, but rolls shit. She couldn’t get anyone to sleep in the Secret Life campaign because her DC is kinda low & everyone kept making their saves. (Except Joel. He failed his save on purpose. <3) High Elf for Queen Lizzie.
Martyn: Tiefling, Swashbuckler Fighter
Another natural fighter choice imo, but Swashbuckler for The Performance. Tiefling because he’s a bit impish & also so he can have Thaumaturgy to constantly scare everyone with monster/mob noises.
Mumbo: Rock Gnome, School of Evocation Wizard
I need to Mumbo to be a glass canon. School of Evocation Wizard does that so well. He can blow shit up so good, but he takes one hit & he’s out. Rock gnome because he just wanted to be a little guy & so he can be a Tinker.
Pearl: Wood Elf, Beastmaster Ranger
Beastmaster Ranger so she can have Tilly as an animal companion. Also more combat than magic focused, ‘cause that feels right? Elf because that’s her vibe, wood elf because it made sense for her build.
Ren: Werewolf Shifter (Doglike), Bannerette Fighter
Ren really wanted to be a fighter, but he put all his points in charisma RIP. So yeah, he’s the fighter class that does the least actual fighting lol. Doglike werewolf because of course.
Scar: Half-elf, Wild Magic Sorcerer/School of Eloquence Bard multiclass
His first few levels were in sorcerer, to reflect his absolutely bonkers all or nothing luck. School of Eloquence because he’s the type to talk his way out of most any situation he can. Also: Scar is 100% a charisma caster. (He still uses a longbow, don’t worry; he gets proficiency with it from being a half-elf.)
Scott: Fairy, Lunar Sorceror
I have changed my mind the most about Scott. Landed on Fairy, because the Vibes. Sorcerer because I felt he’d have innate magic, Lunar because it gives him access to a wide variety of spells that make sense for him. (Like Shield. He uses Shield all the time. Can’t hit this man, no sir.)
Skizz: Protector Aassimar, Path of the Ancestral Guardians Barbarian
He attac, he protec. & most importantly, he place high value on bonds between folks. So giving him Ancestral Guardians just… yeah.
Tango: Fire Genasi, Battlesmith Artificer
I don’t think I need to explain this much. His Steel Defender is an Iron Golem.
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yaspup9000 · 1 year
Alright, So, remember I’d mentioned the dating feature in this game? Yeah, there's a dating feature. Now, you might be wondering why that is? Well… I'm not sure myself, but I do know that due to the female player-base of the game, they had decided to add a dating feature so that way couples can be “boyfriend” and “girlfriend.” That's cute and all, however, ,it's only for hetero couples and not same-sex couples. So if you wanted to have a same-sex couple in your Katamari MMO, yeeaah…sorry they don't do that. Which, again, is rather odd since the player base was majorly female.
Oh yea, and speaking of players, let's talk about the cosmics and Cousins! Okay, so before I share my disappointment about the avatar features, I just wanna say something about all of the new cousins and cosmics and their designs: Honestly, I really like them a lot! I think most of you have already seen Mint and Melo, But i think my biggest surprise was Burda. Now I’m gonna tell you why Burda is so special, like no joke: Burda's the only black cosmic person here! I’m not kidding! Like, it really shocked me when I had first heard about her awhile back since Korea and Japan have a habit of not showing decent black representation, let alone having characters with darker skin without being racially insensitive.
(Korea, Japan, and most South Asian culture have an obsession with skin bleaching) I know in most media nowadays, things have gotten better. But for its time, having Burda as a black girl in a South Korean MMO Katamari game is really something. I'll probably talk about Burda in another post because this one's long enough. Okay, so, yeah I love these newbies and all their quirks but what made me feel disappointed about this MMO? Well, there's a lack of customization features.!Yes, I know you can give them little hats and whatnot, but that's not what I’m talking about. Like—Don't get me wrong, all of the Cousins and cosmics—both new and old—are neat. However, what really bugs me is how there's no option to make your own original character. Like, idk man…that's a lost opputinty here. I’m gonna use fer.al and even Roblox as examples. With Fer.al and Roblox, along with most other MMOs, the appeal is that you can make your own character and make up your own story. With Fer.al, you can make your own creature and design them the way you want. And if I'm gonna be completely honest, I feel like Katamari Damacy Online should at LEAST give you the choice to choose The Prince, any of the Cousins, or get creative with it and make your own character. Idk, I felt like they lost me on that.
Now, I’m gonna say that with some of the mapping and hub designs, I personally really like this bit of world-building. I know it's not a lot—but dang it! I’ll take what I can get! Now, for my harsh truth about my feelings on this lost media: Yeah, I can understand why I didn't care for it that much when I first found out about it. If I’m gonna be honest, I thought it would be gone forever and it didn't matter. Along with the fact that for a long time, I didn't really see it as canon, so I just didn't put much attention to it. However, after revisiting it again and really thinking about it a bit more, I felt like there was a lot of lost potential even with how questionable some of these choices were. Overall, I now have an open mind to this and I hope that this game will be found soon. Who knows, maybe one of the archivists might finally find the surviving installer and might turn it into a Katamari Damacy Online rewritten type beat! Also folks, if I missed anything or messed up, please feel free to let me know.
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sheinthatfandom · 1 year
I really hope she doesn’t sign with AEW she has such a bright future not just in the ring but in acting and if she signs with TK he’ll throw her away like he tried to do with Athena and he did do with Willow. We already know TK doesn’t care about black and Latino wrestlers but add in them being a female or identifying as female and you basically no longer exist. Luckily CD is in charge of ROH so that shows still leaps and bounds ahead of AEW.
This gonna be a long one sorry
I’m a firm believer that Kenny made TK have a womens division and that’s the only reason it exists at all. I’m assuming this is about Sasha/Mercedes and yeah if she does sign it’ll be for 1 money (which would suck cause I’m sure Vince/hunter woulda paid her way more and still used her way more) but also 2 to run back her vs Paige/saraya. Cause let’s be honest TK can not do original he does call backs. So not only will we never have anything to do with the womens division if there is anything it’ll be callbacks to something that was already done. Which honestly sucks but it’s best not to put anyone high up in any pedestals. If she signs she signs and her reasons will be her own and if it’s for pettiness or money or for notoriety it’s her own business. I never really looked up to her so I won’t feel what’s the word I guess let down but that doesn’t feel like the right word but I won’t feel anything. I’d feel sadder for the fans and the people who wanted more for her. It’s lucky that aew lets wrestlers do things outside the company so penelope can be a champion somewhere and willow could be a champion somewhere (even if that wasn’t the original plan) cause other than a paycheck I don’t see why any female wrestler who wants to wrestle loves the sport and loves the craft would want to waste years sitting on a folding chair in the back knowing they’re never gonna shine or be treated even half as well as their male counterparts. But some people want that it’s a selfish business and people are gonna look out for themselves and get their bag saraya coming in talking bout she wanted to bring up the womens division was bullshit and if anything the entire division has gotten worse since her arrival and with less matches and less tv time and hardly any backstage segments when we used to have a bit more. It was never great let’s be real aew has always been shit with the women but it was better than what we have now. Idk unless she puts it in her contract that there has to be one separate womens match on any show she’s used I doubt we’ll ever see any changes. I’m sorry if this wasn’t the answer you wanted but I think the changes are likely she will sign and be happy to get her bag and use the aew brand and maybe even belt for her own ventures.
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erigold13261 · 2 years
hey uhh what are your lgbt headcanons for the interns
Nothing is set in stone for me. I see other people’s ideas that I like and change up in my head a lot so anything I say here can probably change. Also I was gonna draw the characters with their flags or something but considering I can’t decide, I am just gonna ramble.
Norma: I’ve seen people call her a lesbian, which I like a lot, but I can also see her as asexual or at least aromantic. An aro lesbian seems like a nice fit for her. I can also see her as either a cis woman or trans woman, keeping the she/her pronouns.
Lizzie: I think I saw someone use all pronouns for Lizzie and I honestly love that. So like for me, He/It/They/She, mainly It/They with He/She being put in every so often. I’ll probably forget about this tho, but I really like that as an idea! Gender-wise would probably be either agender, genderfluid, or nonbinary. I’m liking agender. For sexuality... hmmm, this one I’m not sure about, I’d honestly like it to be asexual as well, but that I just because I really like Lizzie and want to project onto them, but also being pan or bi is something they could definitely be!
Morris: He/Him for Morris, and probably gay, or bi/pan/omni leaning a bit to the masc side, tho he probably doesn’t realize that yet. I can see him being pretty fluid and open in his sexuality, willing to try new things when he can. Um, probably a cis man, could be nonbinary.
Adam: Either a straight trans man, or an intersex person who likes women. Pronouns would probably be mainly he/him but he’d experiment with other pronouns and neopronouns, especially with Lizzie. Trying new things to see what sticks or doesn’t. Honestly I can see Adam trying yo/yoself pronouns for a while, maybe they stick or not, idk.
Sam: Definitely a neopronoun user. Has a whole list. Any pronouns work for Sam, except maybe it/its pronouns. So like, the standard she/her/they, but also things like ze/xir/mew/star. I can even see them using emojis when texting as pronouns. Literally just have fun with pronouns with Sam, she’d love it. And xe’d be aromantic but wanting a queer platonic relationship someday. With gender they would still identify as a woman, but does not care about gendered terms being used on them though likes it when people mix things up for fun instead of just using the same identifiers for xir.
Gisu: Trans woman. She/her. Either like straight or poly. Or like polyamorous but only attracted to guys, something like that. She can appreciate a woman’s beauty, and could romantically date one, but is sexually attracted to guys, or at the very least masc people. I don’t know if I am explaining this right. Though, honestly in some interpretations of Gisu I can see her being aromantic or just unlabelled. The only reason I am leaning towards the first part is because I am starting to come around to the Gisu/Dion ship, though her being aromantic and dating Dion is something that is definitely possible. Like Sam, she could want a queer platonic relationship with guys.
Raz: Raz is technically an intern so I’ll add... him? I’ll be honest, I saw Raz as a cis man (boy? considering Raz is younger would boy be a better word? idk), but then I started seeing trans Raz, both transmasc and transfem. And I really like both of those ideas. Kinda leaning a bit more towards the transmasc idea, but honestly transfem Raz where she realizes she’s a woman later in life and has Lilly to help is something really nice to think about. So Raz’s gender is in the air for me, but I do think Raz would like women at the very least, either just women or both genders (and anything inbetween). So Raz either Raz being straight (transmasc), a lesbian (transfem), or bisexual works for me. Transmac Raz would be he/him for a long time and then go to he/they at some point, while transfem Raz would start off as she/they and then go entirely to she/her.
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biggestsimponhere · 1 year
Hello hello ~~ 500 followers so exciting 🎉 🎊 I am so excited to see ur doing a ship event, I have never seen New girl on a ship event before and I would absolutely love to be shipped with any guy from that show.
Nickname is Eli (pronounced El-ee). Zodiac sign is Gemini, I’m awkward not like Jess awkward but I am terrible at conversations at first. I definitely overthink everything I do and It isn’t until I’m comfortable with someone that I truly don’t have to worry about what I say or how I act. Anyways my brain sort of switches topics easily and quickly but then I go back to whatever I was talking about. I love dumb jokes and puns. Favorite artist? In Kpop it’s TXT and then “western”, well it changes all the time but right now it’s Harry Styles. Favorite food is ice cream, (that counts right?) I’m the type of person that gets obsessed with something then fixates on it for a long time. For example I play the same songs over and over, I watch the same shows over and over, and movies as well. Have an obsession with Kpop and marvel (I was gonna request for marvel but then I saw New Girl and was like woah I’ve never seen that for a ship event before so props to you!) I’m 5’8, curly shoulder length dark hair, tan skin, wears big square gold glasses. Pronouns are she/her. I love to dance, I’m no expert but I used to do dance covers and I play just dance all the time. I’m a people pleaser, it’s a real problem, conflict terrifies me but I’m trying to get better. And to be honest I’m a mooch, I know that’s not good but I have spending problems okay! I’m working on it! Anyways I’m getting by. Otherwise I’d consider myself a pretty average person. Idk if any of this makes sense but hopefully you can get something out of this. Thanks so much in advance and congratulations again!!!!
THANK YOU SO MUCH, also ive never seen new girl on a ship event either and since i love the show i decided i’d add it. I AM SO SO SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG OMG. (NOTE: THIS EVENT IS NOW CLOSED BUT WHEN I REACH 1,000 FOLLOWERS THERE WILL BE ANOTHER SIMILAR EVENT)
I ship you with nick miller ♥️
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I feel like you and nick would compliment each others personality very well.
The Cancer-Gemini relationship may seem to be an unlikely pair at first, but as both make a few compromises and adjustments, it can become a stable, long-term relationship. For Cancer, they should be more open to new possibilities and change with Gemini. Gemini needs to be more expressive of their feelings.
Nick would definitely love listening to you talk about whatever it is your obsessed with at the moment
He would also love making random jokes with you whether they be real jokes or dad jokes.
He seems like the type of guy who would pretend to hate puns but secretly love them
Would go out of his way to bring you your favorite ice cream literally whenever. You’re happy? Ice cream, your sad? ice cream, your angry? how’re you gonna be angry when he gives you your favorite ice cream?
He would try to play just dance with you but would ultimately give up and just lay on the couch behind you and tell you how beautiful you look and how good you are at the game
He would be happy to let you mooch off him even if he’s not doing very well at the time
Would definitely stand up for you in arguments
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vitaminwaterreviews · 22 days
Tzuyu - abouTZU
I dunno what I think to be honest. It’s exactly what I expected, but unlike the Jihyo album, it did enough for me that I wasn’t totally bored all the way though. I definitely started to understand what her voice sounds like, which is neat; I’ve been a fan of Twice for 3 years now, and I’ve never been able to pick her voice out, so maybe if I listen to these then I’ll be able to do that. As far as the album itself goes: the ballad was nice, the harmonies in Lazy Baby were so neat, the beat in One Love was really neat too. I don’t think there’s anything truly special in this album, but it was a good listen, and I’ll add a few songs to my playlist and see how long they last. 7.5.
Run Away
The MV is interesting
Oh okay, it’s not a ballad
Actually I’m kinda getting Lady Gaga out of this so far
Not her voice, but like, everything else
It’s the first post-chorus and I can already tell you that this song is gonna get a 7 from me
It’s good enough to be enjoyable but it’s nothing special at all
(As the Twice solos tend to be so far)
In fact, of the Twice solos, this one feels the most like Twice’s current sound
Honestly? I wasn’t sure when I first heard that she was gonna do a solo album, and … I’m still not sure about it
Heartbreak in Heaven
Holy reverb
Haha okay and now we’re all low and intimate
Maybe it’s actually a tight echo?
The snares in the chorus are certainly a choice
Also who is Peniel and when does he come in? It’s already the second chorus
Yeah honestly idk why but the repeated snares in the chorus make this feel like something I’d put together in garageband
2:30 and finally we get the feature
They totally missed an opportunity to add the line “Hell in Heaven”
I’m starting to warm up to Tzuyu’s voice though
It’s one that I have trouble recognizing in Twice songs
Haha no no no we did not earn an outro, absolutely not
This feels so forced lmao
Lazy Baby
I do like the beat here
I dunno about her voice over it though
Woah okay and now we’re all high-energy
This kinda reminds me of f(x) for some reason
Lol did someone just snore in my ear
Ohhhh the duet harmonies are So good wow
That totally just saved the song for me
8/10 I guess
Losing Sleep
Chuu vibes
Or actually, this could be right off of the Jihyo album
7/10, good song but nothing special
One Love
Haha what in the Red Velvet
Okay, I think I enjoy this? Kind of a weird beat but it’s pretty fun
Actually it reminds me of in love with a ghost
The chorus very much diverges from the feel of the verses
Although I think I can hear some of the same synths
Is this all-english by the way?
No, I don’t think it is
Nice and dramatic, a ballad maybe?
Oh I just love the high piano here in the chorus
Honestly this is a vibe, I enjoy this
This feels like something from a kid’s show
Like idk why but I’m thinking of Dragon Tales
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strangeasexuallegume · 2 months
How do the Rainbooms' Battle of the Bands outfits in Rainbow Rocks hold up?
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Gonna use these photos as reference just cus.
Sunset’s is alright, it’s just her regular outfit without the jacket which makes me sad /j I love the jacket
Twilight’s is actually pretty good, the colors work well, the silhouette is striking without making the outfit itself look weird, the way they sectioned it with the skirt and the belts and all that is a little fucky but y’know what, we can’t be perfect, some stuff is gonna be a little weird. Plus it’s sparkly and I can’t resist glitter. Overall, a 9/10
Rainbow Dash’s outfit is kind of obstructed by her guitar, and even in other photos I can’t seem to see it very well (same thing for Rarity and AJ) :/
From what I can see though, RD’s is alright. As a 2D it’s not anything spectacular, but I can see it being something I’d plan on drawing later and then never get around to it at a concert. /pos I like her boots too.
For AJ’s…. I’m not a fan, I’m gonna be honest. The colors aren’t awful but they just don’t work that well as they were done here. Not to mention the blue and the yellow just add to it and the whole look just makes me anxious for whatever reason. I also am not vibing with that shoulder tassle thing, idk what it’s called, I’m not a fan.
Fluttershy’s outfit actually works kinda well, at least for 2014. I can’t see many people nowadays mixing that neon green with the black and purple but I fw it, it works well. I do think it’s a vibe that suits Pinkie more though? But I think they were trying to go for a look that emulates a bee so it’s fine. The butterfly on her chest is kinda unique, kinda stands out from the others (aside from Pinkie), which I like. Suits her character very well. Overall really good.
Rarity’s outfit is actually pretty good too, at least from what we can see. The colors work well together and don’t feel like they’re too far from something Rarity would wear, and they don’t feel very overwhelming or even underwhelming. The sections and patterns on it don’t feel cluttered or out of place, which is something that can happen easily in the Equestria Girls designs. The brooch is pretty too, looks a bit like Twilight’s cutie mark though so I don’t know if it works that well but whatever, she ate with everything else.
And finally, Pinkie Pie. I actually really like this outfit, it’s one of the few Equestria Girls outfits of hers that I actually don’t hate. The silhouette and shape of the outfit is very fun and unique, which definitely fits Pinkie; while the colors are kinda all over the place, I feel like it’s at least in a more organized way that doesn’t feel overwhelming. Not sure how I feel about the shoulder sleeves, but oh well, they exist.
Overall, I like these, except for AJ’s. They’re visually interesting and nicely executed, except for AJ’s. I think the designing team did pretty good with these!
…Except for AJ’s.
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