#I’m definitely not going crazy
artemis-moon23 · 1 month
New job requires me to look at security cameras for hours…
All I can think is that im becoming an avatar of the eye.
I accidentally said “I am the ceaseless watcher” out loud
It’s bad. Send help
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hi drew this a while ago,,, another mike for your collection :’D
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tanglepelt · 1 year
Dc x dp idea 77
A reveal gone right ends in tragedy.
Danny told his parents he was phantom They accepted him. The problem is Jack accidentally outed him.
Jack and Maddie got questions on why they stopped there hunting and threats to ghost. The two just do catch and releases as necessary as phantom does.
Jack just goes well we don’t want to hunt our son.
Amity Parker’s just accept it. To bad the GIW and government don’t.
This leads to jack and Maddie making a device to get their family out. Ellie is a member of the family at this time. They don’t want to flee into the ghost zone as three of the five are human. Rather they want to make a device that goes to a separate dimension and hope it’s better.
If not just dimension hop.
The Giw break through the defenses of the house right as they finished an experimental version.
Only the kids make it through. Jack and Maddie stayed behind to stop the Giw and get rid of the ghost portal. They didn’t want to leave the GIW with means to destroy a whole entire dimension full of beings who could feel and think.
The three kids end up in the dc dimensions.
The justice league is alerted to a dimensional hop via JLD? maybe. Or some system scanning looking for it.
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arty-e · 1 year
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Pearl Joel having a wonderful time on Earth
Corruption on the fingers are based off his last life red skin where he had ‘blood magic’ fingers
Joel design and au by @chrisrin
Backgrounds from Steven universe
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mika-you-nerd · 2 months
Duality of man
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Trust me I am super normal about this guy
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crybaby-bkg · 2 years
a slight continuation of this
no caller ID pops on your screen, pulling your attention away from your previous task at hand: not fucking up your eyeliner. you typically wouldn’t care if it was a little uneven, but you’re going on a date tonight, for the first time in so long, and you want everything to go as smoothly as possible.
which is why you groan when you end the call, and that same no caller ID pops right back up seconds later. you know who it is—who else would it be? you figured he’s already seen your story of being excited for going on your first date in a while, on the only app you hadn’t blocked him on. petty? perhaps, but it’s on him to be keeping up with you despite you cursing him out for wasting your time and then blocking him right after.
you watch it ring though, contemplating for a while longer than you should. you blocked him for a reason. no need to entertain his same shit that he always spews to you when he realizes that he might be losing you once more?
….but it doesn’t hurt to hear the hero beg for you.
“What do you want, Bakugou?” You sigh irritably as you finally answer his call, putting him on speaker as you go back to even out your eyeliner. You hear him huff on the other side of the phone at the use of his surname, but he doesn’t say anything about it, instead, quickly telling you what he’s been bothering you for.
“Who’s the fuckin’ loser that’s gonna drool over how good your tits look in that stupid green dress you love so much?” Bakugou grunts, and you instantly feel your face heating at his crude words. You glance over with a frown at that same green dress that makes your tits look good, where it hangs on your closet.
“None of your damn business, Bakugou.” You snap at him, wondering if it’s too late to find something else to wear. “Not like you ever took me out in my stupid green dress.” Your voice holds a level of bitterness that only he can bring out of you, and you hear his sigh through the speakers.
“I told you this before, I’m always—”
“Busy.” You cut him off, voice suddenly thick as you think back on the countless rejections he’s splattered at your feet every time you tried to further your relationship with him. “You reminded me of how busy you’ve been since you first started this whole situationship.”
“Situation—? Huh? We were dating!” Bakugou protests with a huff, and you can hear how he paces the floor quickly. You glare at your phone, setting down your liner to instead pick of your (his) favorite lipgloss.
“You’d have to ask me out to be dating, Bakugou. You’d have to court me to be dating, Bakugou. You’d have to make time for me and take me out on dates and not hide me to fucking date me, Bakugou.” You spit at him, venom dripping off of your lips in waves. You don’t know why you answered, why you even entertained him. You shake your head with a huff when the line goes quiet, eyebrows quirking up when your date sends you a text to make sure you’re still on for tonight.
“I’m sorry.” Bakugou mutters pathetically, his voice suddenly soft. You hesitate, for some reason, when it comes to texting your date back. Why do you always hesitate when Bakugou is around?
“Let me make it up to you, court you, and shit. I can take you to one of my favorite places, you can wear that pretty green dress and that gloss you know I love.” His voice is pleading, thickening and sweet and suffocating. You shouldn’t respond, should reply back a yes to your date.
“Please? You know how much you mean to me.” Bakugou mumbles, and you can hear the earnestness in his voice. Why haven’t you said yes to your date yet?
“I’ll do better this time. Just one more chance, sweetheart.” Bakugou’s voice is so soft, you’ve never heard him this vulnerable before. You sigh with a shake of your head, slumping back into your seat in defeat.
Sorry, I can’t make it tonight. Something came up. Maybe we can reschedule for another time?
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kangals · 4 months
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Kep at almost 5 months vs almost 6 months. he’s starting to grow in his adult coat and he’s not in exactly the same stance in the pics but I think he’s getting slightly more long? he looks a bit more proportionate to me, but again, hard to say. I know these are bad stacks but if you know anything about collie confo I always love hearing your thoughts!
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puckleberryfinnie · 6 months
covey!reader in the quarter quell (the performance ratings!!)
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hey guys!! I’m finally backk <33 I’m soso sorry for the long wait for this, hopefully someone still wants this!! school and life got really intense there for a sec but I think I’m in the clear now so be prepared for lots more to come!!
summary: reader is now forced to go through with the rating system prior to the games, and with some new found anger, she shows off her skills in a very special way
ships: finnick odair x reader, johanna mason x reader
this is honestly not very good writing (especially the dialogue), but i still hope some for you still enjoy my yapping anyway!! anyways, hope you enjoy!!
The week leading up to the performance ratings was an eerie time for every tribute. Yes, people were preparing like they had in their games prior- but no one really wanted to. You, especially, found yourself talking to the likes of Katniss and Peeta more than spending time flinging around a sword, or learning how to properly start a fire. But when Mags, the sweet lady from Finnick’s district, approached you, you felt willing to learn some sort of skill from her-- even if it was just tying a knot.
There was no real dialogue during your conversation, but it was important nonetheless. She’d been in the games right after Lucy- you’d remembered that. You could tell she knew something-- wanted to say it too, something important. The look he gave you, shiny eyes staring into yours. She motioned to your face, a light motion. It took you a second to understand her notions, but then… She wanted you to sing. Of course! Lucy had been every girl’s idol, you knew that for certain. The girls would listen to her sing, mesmerized by such a voice as hers. Not only a year later that voice was taken from them- unexpectedly, when she’d gone missing. It would be no surprise that Mags had heard Lucy sing.
“Oh… sure, Mags. You might know this one-- it’s something she used to sing.”
Mags gave you a light smile, gesturing for you to start. You normally would be standing on the Covey’s rickety old stage, guitar in hand. But despite that you swallowed, briefly looking around before starting to sing quietly. You felt Mag's cold hand grab yours, increasing your comfort.
You're headed for heaven, the sweet old hereafter
And I've got one foot in the door
But before I can fly up, I've loose ends to tie up
Right here, in the old there-before
You continued singing, the lyrics slipping easily from your tongue. You smiled, the feeling of performing coming back to you after so long of silence. These games had momentarily taken your will to sing, and now that you’d started you didn’t want to stop- like a bird flying for the first time.
When I'm pure like a dove
When I've learned how to love
Right here, in the old there-before
When nothing is left anymore
You smiled at Mags, finding an endearing look on her face- a small tear dropping from her wrinkled face. To your side were the lovebirds- one Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark, sitting on a bench facing you with an awed expression on their faces. Johanna Mason stood behind them, a smile and raised eyebrows towards you adorning her features. She started walking towards you, passing the recent winners before coming to a stop in front of you.
“I knew you could sing, Songbird- but wow. You certainly are a showgirl in my eyes.”
An arm was wrapped around you from your left. “Mine too. You were phenomenal, darling. What song was that?”
Johanna rolled her eyes from in front of you, crossing her arms in the process. “Don’t you have something’ better to do, Odair?”
Finnick let out a laugh, almost a giggle, leaning his head on your shoulder. “What, didya think you were Y/N’s only fan? That’s not really possible, with the talent she’s got.”
You smiled at both of them, unaware of the arising tension. A stare off match was now occurring, though out of your view point (Finnick’s head being placed almost directly on top of you). “Thank you guys, I appreciate it. Mags wanted to hear something, and I missed the rush of performing, if I’m honest.”
Finnick smirked, something scandalous becoming his next bright idea. “You know you can also get an adrenaline rush if you-”
Attention tributes-- please begin to prepare yourself for the performance rating process. Similar to prior years, you will be placed in order of district. The male tribute will start, followed by the female tribute of the same district. Note that these scores will give you more opportunities to gain help from outside sources- please keep that in mind during your scheduled time. Good luck.
Suddenly flung out of your performing-induced daze, you sighed, shaking your head. The others, too, seemed to be awoken from any prior confort they’d been feeling. Now, all they felt was the dread they’d felt those years before. What hope they’d had before, if any, had vanished at the prospects of the ratings.
Everyone was then, in a mannerly order, district by district, taken to a confined room, steel walls surrounding. Benches had been placed for the tributes' comfort, but most of everyone who was able found themselves pacing, awaiting their turn in the larger room directly attached to the ones they found themselves in. You, however, stood quietly in the left corner of the space, farthest from the door. Johanna, who’d been pacing like the others, noticed you, and walked over before slumping against a wall near you. She stared, her eyes tracing your face. She gave you a look. A sympathetic one, letting you know she knew how you felt. She didn’t say anything, though. She simply grabbed your hand, intertwining your fingers. While the movement itself was quick and rushed, the feeling was soft and sweet. Neither of you said anything, caught in your own thoughts. It was enough to have someone to be with for the time being. Enough to have someone who knew what you were going through. The two of you continued to hold hands, occasionally brushing a thumb across the other's skin for some sort of momentary comfort.
Every once and a while the doors to said room would open, and the next tribute would enter. You watched as Finnick’s name got called, winking your way before entering. Shortly after, it was Johanna’s turn. She looked over at you, giving you a somber smile, slightly swaying your attached hands. You smiled, giving her hand a squeeze, before letting go. It was a sweet moment. With a sweet girl. There was no doubt that you felt nervous about this new feeling. But there was no time for that. The comforts of crushes and romance were stripped away at the prospects of The Games. But it was nice to enjoy this while you could. No matter what happened, you knew. You knew that there would only be one victor. Last year, with Katniss and Peeta, it had been an exception. One that had left the Capital with a mess to clean up. Meaning, in all reality, it would never happen again. Meaning that whatever could grow between you and a tribute wouldn’t. You hated the games for that. It took away your chance to live. You hated Snow more than anything. He’d been the cause, and that was one thing you knew for certain. No matter how the games started, Snow continued it. He fought to bring them something of mass entertainment, so sure of himself. And dear Lucy Gray. She was gone because of him, too. The amount of pain he’d caused for so many years was unimaginable. There were so many people dead under his account. The Covey were never a violent type of people in any respect. But when it came down to it, they were a stubborn group. They would do anything if they put their minds to it. They’d insist on change till they got it. So, in some respects, their stubbornness could be so much worse than some violence in the eye of a challenge.
With your partner's turn ending, you arose from your spot, making your way to the open door. With a breath, you put on that charming smile of yours, entering the examination room. The glass room above held many familiar faces. That main one, however, being Snow.
“I’m supposed to be showing you guys a skill… right? Like demonstrating it for you?” You knew the answer, of course, with the many weapons adorning the room. You looked around, finding axes, swords, spears, and much more. “Too bad there’s no guitar… that’d really show my skills, right?” You looked up at that box, that same smile still on your face, never wavering. “Well… I guess that doesn't really matter, does it? Acapella would do nicely in such a big room like this one. This one’s been sung without any of those instruments before, too, so it’ll be no problem, really!”
“Ms. L/N I suggest you move along with whatever you’re planning. You are on a time constraint, after all,” commented Snow from above. While his voice largely held a tone of annoyance to it, there was also a hint of something else. A warning, maybe.
“Why of course, Mr. Snow! I’ll get a move on with it right away. Wouldn’t want to waste any more of your time.” You said, your smile slightly wavering before gaining its same previous shine. You gave yourself the briefest of moments before looking directly at Snow, starting to sing.
And I'll be along when I've finished my song
When I've shut down the band
When I've played out my hand
When I've paid all my debts
When I have no regrets
Right here, in the old there-before
When nothing is left anymore
This was your talent. Your skill. Back home, this is what kept your family alive. With this being brought up earlier, with Mags, it was the perfect song to sing. Perfect because it was your relatives. Perfect because it had been her song of rebellion. Perfect because Snow knew it by heart, and remembered, too, who it had been. It was showing, too. His face was redder than normal, and his face pulled into a deeper frown.
And I'll catch you up
When I've emptied my cup
When I've worn-out my friends
When I've burned out both ends
When I've cried all my tears
When I've conquered my fears
Right here, in the old there-before
When nothing is left anymore
You bowed, like you normally did when the song finished. “Thank you for your time.” You smiled up towards your small audience and left without another word. As you left on the opposite side you’d entered, you saw Peeta on the other side. He had a smile on his face. He nodded towards you before you exited through the door. Upon exiting, you noticed the multitude of faces looking up towards you. Many had smiles, for doing what you did. For standing up. It wasn’t much, but it meant something to the people who had little left to hope for. You found your way to Johanna, Finnick following behind you.
“Well, Covey girl. I’m not sure how much the singing will do for you in the area, but I know I liked it.” Finnick said with his usual smirk adorning his face.
“Honestly, Odair. Think about it. It’ll help more than you think.” She gave him a look that you didn’t quite understand. There seemed to be some sort of understanding between the two, despite their constant bickering.
Finnick crossed his arms around his chest, looking towards you. “Hm. I guess you have a point. Y/N, if you promised to sing me some lullabies in the arena every night, I’d promise to keep you safe. I mean, I’d do that for you anyway, but it’d be an added benefit for sure.” He laughed to himself, before walking away. “Think about it, Covey!” he yelled out.
“Really, Songbird, it does mean more. It was really powerful. Just look at everyone else in here. They needed something to break the routine like that.”
“Thank you Johanna. It meant more to me too…”
ahhh ok so I hope you liked it pookie!! it was mostly just me yapping on, but I hope you got the general idea of it!!
ps: I’m open to any requests (check my most loved post for ideas <33) so if anyone wants to send anything feel free to do so!! thanks ❤️❤️
tag list (my beloveds 😍):
love ya!!
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httpiastri · 10 months
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what the frick? what??? lola why did you do this to me?? what am i supposed to do with myself now???? i’m on the subway but i’m screaming on the inside?????? HELP ME
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dirty-spiced-chai · 11 months
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yuripira4e · 27 days
Before otasune week ends I just want to take a moment to plug my playlist
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dykeomania · 10 months
it honestly makes me pretty emotional when i think about how comfortable i am with my sexuality because like as someone who grew up with a mom who has highly unproductive, southern baptist christian ideologies, the luxury of comfortably embracing my sexuality was never afforded to me growing up. even in high school, i was really sneaky about it. i’ve listened to my mom call my sister slurs, i’ve seen her threaten to kick her out many times, and i remember being like 11 and terrified of telling her that i lowkey was in fact looking up “girls kissing” on our half a core processor family desktop. and now it’s just like, when i zoom out of my life, im very blessed to look and see that i’m an independent, extremely gay woman who is able to comfortably kiss girls at parties, talk about lesbian relationships with my friends, plan on going to lesbian bars and gay bars and what may have you, all of it. i can’t even articulate the amount of times i hurt myself growing up trying to convince myself that i liked men, and i liked exposing myself to them and i liked how they made me feel — i felt disgusting, and tbh that really put a damper on how i understood myself, sexually. so on some sappy shit, like, i don’t think i ever truly became myself and got over a lot of that until i kissed another woman. to this day i don’t talk to my mom about my sexuality and really she doesn’t need to know who i’m fucking but she picks up on it and she still tells me that there’s time to repent. and you know what, there probably still is but i think 75+ years worth of pussy and soft touches and smelling a girl’s shampoo when her face is in the crook of my neck after a sexual experience that actually made sense, is worth whatever the hell comes after
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bugcatcherkit · 3 months
I think I keep reblogging posts with mob and teru and after I’ll go “wait that was a terumob post” and I do it not because I ship them but because I keep accidentally viewing it through My Preferred Lens on their dynamic and not the one that is obviously being portrayed. I am a Teru-unrequited-crush-who-has-to get-over-it guy
Are they gay and in love or Does one have an unhealthy attachment to an ideal of the other person rather than the person themselves and does the other person literally barely think about them at all outside of the times they (usually coincidentally) meet. No both can’t be true to me I’m sorry. They just have mob and tsubomi’s dynamic x2 but with more time spent around each other
Pick your poison though. “Teru doesn’t know he is gay and in love (unhealthily) and thinks this is just what Meaningful Friendships are about” and “Teru knows and thinks all his interactions with Mob are romantically charged on both ends, they just haven’t said anything about it yet”
And for both Mob is like “Teru? He’s a nice friend. I wonder what he’s been up to we haven’t talked in a while”
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possiblyfunny · 3 months
Hey, look guys, more art-
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I’ve been wanting to draw him like this ever since I first saw him smile, but my will to draw eluded me until now! This started off as a doodle, so, please excuse the messiness. I drew this to de-stress.
“Fire” Red belongs to @creatively-cosmic. They have a blog called @themissingnumbers, which is really good! Go check it out if you want to see more.
[Sketch + Colored Version below the cut!]
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#Not my greatest work but it’s what I made :)#Hope you don’t mind the lack in quality- haha#I’ve made better pieces#but I still like this one!#I feel like I’m getting better at drawing his hair lmao-#I just kinda messed around with this one but I really wanted to draw him smiling#Fire smiling makes me happy :)#He deserves to be happy#and I hope I can help him attain that happiness.#Even if my help is the equivalent of Baby Steps lmao#Gotta start somewhere!#I could not find the font used for the hidden text for the life of me#but I found a similar one!#Hope Starry and the Mods are doing well!#And I hope we get to see more Happy/Hopeful Fire in the future :)#His smile is precious-#(Bonus!: Y’know what I really wanna see? Red smiling. And not the creepy wide/crazy/manic smiles he usually has.#I mean a true honest-to-god genuine smile. Now THAT would be a sight for the history books. Red deserves to smile too.#Just like everyone else does.#That might be my next goal aside from befriending Leaf—getting Red to smile.#Is that probably going to be extremely difficult? Oh most definitely! But I think he’s worth the effort.)#(Bonus-Bonus!: I wanna give Red a hug so bad-#but I also feel like he’d bite me or something if I tried :(#Maybe he’d just let it happen? Or cry. Or both—who knows?#Red deserves some gentle treatment. He’s been through a lot too.)#I wonder who I’ll get the will to draw next? Hopefully I’ll do them justice!#Long ahh tags Jesus Christ- Didn’t know I could max them out.#Missing Numbers#Fire Red Yuuji#My Art
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snap-my-kneecaps · 11 months
I don’t think I’ll ever be the same after seeing tash as monty in operation mincemeat
Her voice is a life changing experience
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