#I feel like I’m getting better at drawing his hair lmao-
possiblyfunny · 11 days
Hey, look guys, more art-
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I’ve been wanting to draw him like this ever since I first saw him smile, but my will to draw eluded me until now! This started off as a doodle, so, please excuse the messiness. I drew this to de-stress.
“Fire” Red belongs to @creatively-cosmic. They have a blog called @themissingnumbers, which is really good! Go check it out if you want to see more.
[Sketch + Colored Version below the cut!]
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#Not my greatest work but it’s what I made :)#Hope you don’t mind the lack in quality- haha#I’ve made better pieces#but I still like this one!#I feel like I’m getting better at drawing his hair lmao-#I just kinda messed around with this one but I really wanted to draw him smiling#Fire smiling makes me happy :)#He deserves to be happy#and I hope I can help him attain that happiness.#Even if my help is the equivalent of Baby Steps lmao#Gotta start somewhere!#I could not find the font used for the hidden text for the life of me#but I found a similar one!#Hope Starry and the Mods are doing well!#And I hope we get to see more Happy/Hopeful Fire in the future :)#His smile is precious-#(Bonus!: Y’know what I really wanna see? Red smiling. And not the creepy wide/crazy/manic smiles he usually has.#I mean a true honest-to-god genuine smile. Now THAT would be a sight for the history books. Red deserves to smile too.#Just like everyone else does.#That might be my next goal aside from befriending Leaf—getting Red to smile.#Is that probably going to be extremely difficult? Oh most definitely! But I think he’s worth the effort.)#(Bonus-Bonus!: I wanna give Red a hug so bad-#but I also feel like he’d bite me or something if I tried :(#Maybe he’d just let it happen? Or cry. Or both—who knows?#Red deserves some gentle treatment. He’s been through a lot too.)#I wonder who I’ll get the will to draw next? Hopefully I’ll do them justice!#Long ahh tags Jesus Christ- Didn’t know I could max them out.#Missing Numbers#Fire Red Yuuji#My Art
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chibishortdeath · 2 months
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Disgusting creature (begins sobbing)
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Helluva Boss Characters Reacting to You Asking for a Hug
Tbh this series is just for my own enjoyment at this point lmao
I’m so normal about them, I swear.
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Honestly, it depends on what type of relationship you have with him
Familial relationship? Best BELIEVE he’s coddling the shit outta you rn
^ def a cheek pincher
“Hey sweetie? Do you need me ta fuck someone up for ya?”
But if y’all are platonic, or SATAN FORBID
R O M A N T I C ?
Ur not getting Shit
Well, until you start crying
“You’re a fuckin’ baby, you know that?”
Very casual hugs
Always sits his chin on you
Will complain the entire time
But you both know he loves you
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“Oh shit, you good?”
She’s blunt, not heartless
Honestly pretty touched that you asked for a hug instead of just going for one
Like her adoptive dad, very casual hugs
Usually just slings an arm over your shoulders
Won’t talk to you about it
Y’all just sit in comforting silence
Don’t let anyone point out that she’s letting you touch her
Will get v flustered
Depending on how you both feel - may let you play with her hair to self regulate
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“Sure thing, hun!”
Doesn’t matter who you are, or why you need a hug, she’ll take it
Physical affection is her top love language idc
Squeezes super super tight
Like, you can barely breathe
Gushes over how sweet you are
Will probs pepper your face in kisses too (doesn’t matter what ur relationship with her is)
((Millie is a strong believer in non-romantic kisses, she told me herself))
Will probs ask Moxxie to bring y’all a drink
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“Uhh, you sure you want a hug from me?”
Yes babe I’m sure
Doesn’t think he’s the best one to be comforting you - will palm you off to Millie if he can
But will be offended if anyone else says he can’t look after you
^^ Gets all huffy about it
Distraction is his new best friend
Will tell you a mixture of stories and fun facts to try and make you feel better
Will also make you a hot drink
If you want to, will talk out your feelings with you
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Babes just blinks for a hot minute as your words register with him
Has the softest smile
“Of course, dearest. Come here.”
A hug isn’t enough for him, you’re in for a full blown cuddle sesh now
Likes the feeling of having you fully wrapped up in his arms
Forehead kisses. Forehead Kisses.
Will sometimes swaddle you in blankets like a literal baby
Hums softly for you
Tries to ask what’s wrong, will def push the subject
He just wants to fix it, okay?
Will just,,, smother you in affection until you’re okay
And then some
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Judgemental eyebrow raise.
Judgy, judgy girl
Y’all gotta be CLOSE for her to hug
((But not really, she’s so touch starved its not funny, but we don’t talk about that-))
Long, comforting hugs
If u end up crying, will fix your makeup for you
Don’t mention it though
Like, literally don’t mention it or it won’t happen again
She probs just breathes a sigh of relief when y’all hugs
Holds on a little too tight, for a little too long
If you ask first, she’ll start coming to you for hugs now too
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Baby. Baby, baby man.
Will wrap his arms around you several times over
Another really tight hugger
You had shit to do?
Sike, not anymore
Now you’re spending all day with Fizz
Your fault, you started it by asking for a hug
Is super worried about you, but tries to play it down
Will do stupid shit just to see you laugh
Will ALSO flirt with you until you can’t stand it anymore
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Immediately concerned, does not try to hide it
Much like his bf, cancels all plans for today
Y’all are gonna be chilling in bed and cuddling now
Just kinda,,, scoops you up?
Definitely plays with your hair
Gives a SOLID head massage
So so gentle and sweet
Just lays you on his chest
Draws pictures on your back and makes you guess what he’s drawing
^^ he does this to help ground you
Tbh he’ll probably drag Fizz to bed too, so know they’re both looking after you
Mans isn’t gonna let anyone get left out
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girlboypersonthingy · 3 months
Hazbin Boys x reader- Comfort ❤️‍🩹
This is a request from an anon- hazbin boys comforting reader with depression/mental illness. Includes Lucifer, Angel, Husk, Sir Pentious, Vox and just a dab of Alastor. Original request here + a heart felt message from yours truly 💌
TW: depression, mental illness, sickeningly sweet fluff
Notes: gn!reader, NSFW during Angel’s part 18+ plz
Lucifer 🍎
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Oh my goodnessssssss, prepare to be treated like absolute royalty.
I’m talking foot rubs, back rubs, playing with your hair
Not only will he make you food, he’ll literally try to feed you and offer you sweet praises when you do eat. Eating can be a real chore sometimes…
“Good job, my love. It’s gonna be okay…okay?”
I think Luci is pretty touchy in general, but when you’re down in the dumps, he gets extra clingy and touchy
He’ll pretty much constantly have a hand on you- holding your hand, a hand on your back, a gentle rub on your shoulder
Will unfurl his wings and drag you close to him in bed, wrapping his arms and silky feathers around you as he lulls you to sleep
Like imagine a midday depression nap all tangled up with Luci, curtains drawn so the room is nice and dark, the temp is perfect, the bed is hugging you just as good as your babe next to is. Ugh. Plz, I want this. I need this.
Will try to gently coax you out of bed and try to get you out of the house. He knows it won’t be easy for you but he thinks getting you cleaned up, dressed and out doing something fun you’ll feel a bit better. You’ll at least be distracted from your sadness for a bit.
He’s so kind and nonjudgmental too. He gets it completely. He has depression too. Even the king of hell deals with mental illness, okay? Mental illness does not discriminate
He’ll offer the best advice he can muster up, using his own experiences to help you out of your funk
All in all, he’s just an absolute sweet pea. So doting, so caring.
Angel Dust 🕸️
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Also has mental illness, also gets it completely.
Angel is a sweet boy but I don’t think he’d be too great at offering advice…
So he does his best to distract you from your feelings, doing whatever it takes to get you to smile, even just for a second.
Will ask you what you want to do first, whatever will make you happy, he’ll go along with it.
If you insist on rotting in bed, he’ll probably respectfully pull you out of bed, tell you “this ain’t good for ya, babe” and force you to go do something fun, something relaxing, something for yourself
Sorry not sorry but he’ll def offer to cheer you up by fucking you, letting you fuck him, eating you out, sucking your dick. Go ahead, take your stress out on him, he can take it ;)
Also the king of self care.
Will draw you and him a bath, rub your shoulders while you sit in the warm water together, will even wash your hair for you
Forces you to wear a face mask with him lmao
“C’mon, (Y/N)! Lemme paint ya nails! You’ll look sooooo cuuuuuute~”
Expect lots of touching and kisses with him at night, especially if you’re having trouble sleeping
Rubs your back, rubs your arms, will rub gentle circles on your butt if you’ll let him, kisses your head, kisses your cheeks, kisses your nose
Husk 🃏
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Okay listen…this guy is obvi a great listener and he’s pretty good at giving advice. Honestly, he’s probably the best person to go to.
Husk is an old soul, he’s pretty wise, has a lot of life experience, death experience, his own experience with mental illness and even addiction.
He could just listen to you talk for hours, waiting for you to pause before he replies. He’d never interrupt. He’s so patient with you 🥹
Will keep a close eye on you and any new habits you’ve seemed to pick up. He fixes his own issues with booze but he’s the type to say “do as I say, not as I do”
Won’t let you spiral into addiction like he did…it’s not an option.
I think Husk would be a good mix of “Come here, give Husker a hug. It’s alright, hun. Let’s go take a little nap, yeah?” and “Hey, I know what’ll cheer ya up!” *proceeds to show you the coolest, craziest magic tricks*
He’s a good balance of comfort and distraction
Anything he can do to help, just say the word
Will tell you funny shit he’s seen the folks around the hotel do just to see you laugh for a moment
“One time, Angel was walking right in front of the bar at like 7 in the morning and tripped over literally nothing and face planted! I had the best seat in the house. It was hilarious.”
This is my own personal headcanon, idk why but I feel like Husk can cook really well. He’d totally make you food, even bring it to you in bed if you don’t feel like getting up
Will absolutely let you play with him like a kitten, won’t even be upset about it. Play with his ears, give him pets, let his fur be your stim toy, let his purr soothe your achy heart
Sir Pentious 🐍
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Plzzzz, he’s such a simp. I love this slippery, special little guy 💚
Big on cuddles! Will cuddle you all day, all night if you want. Loves the physical contact, and loves it even more when he can feel you relax a bit against him.
Will make his eggs boys do anything for you. Whatever you want, you tell them and they’ll happily oblige.
Kinda random but I think he’d be the type to try and pull silly little pranks on ppl around the hotel just to get you to laugh. He’s such a silly goose omg
He doesn’t really understand what you’re going through so he’ll just keep asking you what he can do, how he can help, what you want, what you need from him.
He doesn’t get it but he’ll do anything for you.
When you’re feeling particularly lazy and it’s extra hard to leave your bed, he’ll literally carry you around. Just lounge in his arms, darling, he’ll take you wherever you need to go. Don’t need to go anywhere? Fine, you’re gonna come along with him to do his daily tasks. Sit in his lap and just watch as he works.
Just wants to keep you close. He can’t stand the thought of you being alone when you feel like this. No matter where he is or what he’s doing, he wants you close.
Unless you insist on having some alone time or needing some space. Again, whatever you need from him, you got it.
Although, he may get a little teary eyed and pouty when he leaves you. Can’t stop thinking about you all day and probably comes and checks on you several times.
Vox 🖥️
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Guy needs to focus on his baby right now. You are his top priority, everything else can wait. You are just too precious to put on the back burner.
Will be sure to tell Val and Velvette to leave you two alone. He doesn’t want them upsetting you any more than you already are.
This man has his assistants waiting on you hand and foot. He’s gonna stay in your bed with you, cuddled up with tons of blankets, both in your pajamas as you watch movies while ordering his staff to bring you whatever it is you desire.
Will eventually yank you out of bed bc he can’t stay still for too long but you’re coming with him. Wants to keep you company always
In public, Vox isn’t the most romantic or touchy. He’s a busy man with a huge reputation to uphold. While he would never completely ignore you and he’s no ashamed to show some PDA with you, you sort of always find yourself following in his shadow when he’s hard at work.
Once he sees how much your mental health is affecting you, he becomes much more attentive, much more protective of you.
He’ll hold your hand or keep his arm around you when out and about. Will give you a gentle kiss and a prideful smile before getting on set for a news shoot.
If you’re having a particularly hard day, everyone get out of the way! Hes taking the day off, he doesn’t give a fuck what anyone says or thinks.
You are too important to him. Without you, what good would all his accomplishments be? Without you, who would he share all this with?
He needs you to stick around 🩵
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I think Alastor would be absolutely clueless but he’d try his best nonetheless!
He’d also be one to try and distract you.
Wanna go to cannibal town and visit Rosie? She’ll help cheer you up! She’s a great listener with tons of good advice to give
Will reluctantly invite you into his room and lead you to the half of it that looks like a swamp/forest. He will take off his coat and sit in the grass with you, staying silent but watching you look around in awe.
He’s got lots of cool powers and will summon or manifest little things here that he thinks will bring a smile to your face.
Summons little lightning bugs to carefully dance around your face, holds back from slaughtering a deer that’s approaching just so you can admire it from afar, will watch with a genuine smile as you lay back in the grass and relax to the sound of crickets chirping and light jazz music.
If you asked…he might give you a hug. Might.
Also sends his shadow to check up on you every so often but if you notice this, he will deny it with all his might.
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beenbaanbuun · 3 months
hi bunny! <33 i wanted to ask if you could do a little fic of how the ateez boys (specifically jjong) would be like during aftercare ❤️ after a rougher session— i’m in need of comforty cute stuff rn lmao 😭 no pressure ofc! luv u bun bun 🫶
aftercare w/ateez
i feel like hongjoong is very prepared for aftercare, especially if he knows in advance that it’s going to be a rougher session
like he already has a glass of water and a snack bar on the nightstand ready to go
coos and praises you as he breaks the bar into tiny pierces and slides them between your lips with his fingers
will absolutely force you to pee and shower once he thinks you’ve got your energy up enough to walk to the bathroom
stays with you the whole time you pee, and slides into the shower beside you to wash your hair
unlike some of the others i don’t believe that the shower will to anything else because hongjoong has a modicum of self control and can see you naked without going feral…
seonghwa’s first instinct is to go and grab a washcloth from the bathroom so he can wipe down the mess between your legs
of course, while he’s in the bathroom, he kills two birds with one stone and begins to draw a bath for you
wipes down your sticky skin with the warm cloth, all while whispering praises
‘i know you’re sensitive but you’re being such a good girl by letting me clean you! just a little more and it’ll be over, my darling.’
once you’re somewhat clean he guides you to the bathroom and helps you into the bath before going to chance the sheets
comes back the second they’re changed and in the washer so he can sit on the side of the tub and watch you with a pretty smile
cuddly boy!!
will literally just hold you to his chest and stroke his hand up and down your spine while the two of you return your breathing to normal
isn’t so fussy about the ‘clean’ aspect of it all, but will definitely make you go pee because we do not want any UTI’s in this house!
and once you’re finished peeing, he just ticks you back into his nice strong arms and lets you fall to sleep in his grasp
he trusts you enough to know that you’ll tell him if you need anything else; water, a snack, all that jazz
he also knows you enough to know that is so incredibly rare that you’ll want anything other than him and his warm cuddles
because let’s be real, lying on top of yunho with your head tucked into his neck and his long arms holding you in place is actually the best feeling in the world
you know my thoughts on yeosang’s sex style so i also have to assume that he takes his job of aftercare very seriously
it’s half a guilt thing because baby boy went so hard that now he has to take care of you; he needs to know that you’re okay and he didn’t do too much
he starts by wiping you down and you’re guaranteed to be oversensitive, but he just shushes you and tells you how well you’re doing
ideally he’d like you to shower, but you’re too boneless right now and he doesn’t want to leave you for long enough to run a bath
and when he’s all done cleaning you up, he’ll hold a straw to your mouth, watching you as gulp down the water he brought you
i can see him needing his own validation as well so he asks you plenty of questions
did he go to far? did you like it when he did that one thing? were you having as much fun as he was? he really is desperate to know that you were having a good time
san is so fucking clingy that from the moment he goes soft, he will not let you out if his sight
he won’t send you to the bathroom yourself with promises of cuddles when you get back; why would he when he can follow you in there to hold your hand while you pee?
and while you’re in the shower you better let this man wash your hair, your body, your face, anything he can, unless you want him to pout
sits you on the toilet seat while he brushes your teeth; it’s cute but you can’t help but feel shy as he holds your jaw and looks down at you
and then when he’s sure you’re squeaky clean and happy, he bundles you up in his arms and drags you back to bed with him
from which there will be no escape, by the way; if you even dream about getting out of bed, san will be pouting and complaining
i like to think that he puts his mind, body and soul into sex, so he’s probably just as tired as you when it’s over
ideally, he’d just like to stay in bed with you, but he knows you have to replenish yourself, so he sets you little tasks
“can you go get a wash cloth from the bathroom so i can wipe you down?”, “go piss, girl. i’ll be right here waiting for you.”
and you best believe that after every single task you complete, he’s praising you like you’ve just cured world hunger or something
lips pressed against yours, letting you know just how good you are for him and how proud he is of you for doing what he asks
it’s safe to say youre leave your submissive headspace any time soon, not when mingi has you in his grasp, whispering sweet praises in your ear
wooyoung likes to do everything for you and if he even catches you lifting a finger he will become the most annoying person to ever walk this earth
like he’ll be getting you a glass of water and he’ll come back to the bedroom to see you with a tissue between your legs and all he can thing is how dare you?
literally storms over and takes it away from you before continuing the job himself, muttering under his breath as he cleans you up
“you weren’t so independent when you were begging for my dick, hm?” he scowls, “you need me to fuck you properly, so what makes you think you don’t need to help you with this too?”
like honestly, he’s kind of mean with it but with his gentle touch and the tiny kisses that he’s pressing to your thighs, you know he isn’t actually mad
just being his regular wooyoung-ish self…
oh you think he’s a teddy bear? wrong; during aftercare you’re his teddy bear and there’s nothing you can do about it!
because he’s way too strong for you to escape from the grasp he has on you, no matter how much wriggling you do
it’s fine though, because jongho always keeps. a bottle of water by his bed and a few snacks in his drawer and a pack of baby wipes too
you literally don’t even have to move from his arms for him to take care of you; everything you need is right there!
of course when you tell him you need to use the bathroom he’s pouting, but then you tell him he can come with you and he’s happy again
he doesn’t consider the fact that he can’t squeeze you to death when you’re actually on the loo, so when he realises that he’s pouting again
literally clings to you the moment you stand up, wasting no time in dragging you back to bed for more cuddles
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karajaynetoday · 5 months
hey now, you're an all-star | jack hughes
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it took one month of watching hockey for me to write fic. lmao. classic. good vibes.
thank you @littledrummeraussie for proofreading, love you angie 💖
word count: 2.8k
Warnings:  i don't think it needs any? just forgive my limited knowledge of hockey and canada i suppose? mentions of anxiety related to university? it's a bit angsty bc let's be real, do i ever know how to write anything else?
(This is a fem reader insert)
More writing here (soz that the masterlist is not up to date lol) | send thoughts/feedback/suggestions here
You’d known Jack Hughes for as long as you could remember. He stood up for you in the playground at kindergarten, when a bigger kid pushed you off the swings; you returned the favour by saving him from a spider on his backpack. Ever since, you’d always had each other’s backs. 
And for as long as you’d known Jack, you’d been able to tell when he was upset about something. His lips did this thing, not quite a pout, but nowhere near the easy smile you were used to seeing. He’d pull his sleeves down over his hands, and his breathing would be… deeper, somehow. He could never meet your gaze, either. 
You were scrolling through Instagram on your couch at home, where you were supposed to be studying, when you saw a video of Jack from the Devils fundraiser event, answering media questions about his injury and when he’d be back on the ice. He laughed and smiled for the cameras, but the smile didn’t reach his eyes. They asked about the all-star game, and you could feel his hesitation in answering. Jack tried to be positive and assure everyone that he had a chance of playing, but you both knew that wasn’t very likely. 
You sent the video to Jack with a comment bagging out his hairstyle, hoping to lift his mood a little, before dropping your phone onto the couch and drawing your attention back to the economics case study you were supposed to be analysing. 
You’d stayed in Toronto for university, while Jack headed off to New Jersey after his draft year. Long distance friendship took a lot of getting used to, but at least you were still in the same timezone, and the NHL schedule meant that Jack was contractually obliged to visit you a few times each year. Quinn too, despite how much he complained about the intensity of hockey mania in Toronto. In fact, the entire Hughes family sometimes made the trek, which you knew your parents not-so-secretly loved. It reminded you of the warmth you felt growing up in each other’s homes, filled with laughter and joy.
The little focus you had for your economics homework was broken when your phone began to vibrate beside you, Jack’s name flashing on the screen. You rolled your eyes with a smile, before leaning over to answer the video call. 
“Good morning, sunshine!” You greeted your best friend, who was already scowling at you. 
“Is it a good morning, though? When all I do is get criticism from my supposed best friend?” 
“It’s not criticism, more… encouragement, I’d say.” You teased back, Jack rolling his eyes at you.
“Encouraging what, exactly?”
“Encouraging you to make better personal style choices, especially related to hair. You are a millionaire, after all. Least you can do is get a decent haircut.” 
“Oh, my apologies. Didn’t realise I was getting encouragement from the queen of high fashion. Is that a coffee stain on that shirt?” Jack’s eyes glanced down at what little he could see of your outfit in the video call, before poking his tongue out at you.
“Hey, I’m a university student. This is high fashion, I’ll have you know. Anyway, why aren’t you at training?” You asked, cocking your head to the side in curiosity. 
Jack’s lips pressed together, and he looked away from his phone and you; you silently cursed yourself for asking the question. Even though Jack had been injured, he’d been pretty dedicated to his rehab and recovery, so it was a little odd for him to be calling you in the morning rather than be at a physio session. 
“More scans this afternoon so no session this morning. Trying to decide if I can play next weekend or if I just have to show up and look pretty.” Jack tried to joke, but you could tell that it wasn’t something he found humour in. 
“Good thing that looking pretty comes naturally to you, J.” 
“Oh, so now I’m pretty? I thought I had shit hair?!”
“You can both be a pretty face and have shit hair, buddy. They’re not mutually exclusive.”
“Mutually exclusive? Is that a fancy term you learnt at school?” 
You laughed at that, earning a Jack smile in return. You continued chatting back and forth for another 30 minutes or so, before Jack had to go to his scans. 
You managed to get through the rest of your economics homework, but your mind kept wandering back to Jack and his frustration at being injured. He’d been an All-Star before, so it wasn’t that specifically he was frustrated about missing, you were certain. The difference this year was Quinn’s selection in the All-Star weekend, and the building anticipation around so-called “Team Hughes” that would see Jack and Quinn on the same team for the first time in their NHL careers. That’s probably what Jack was upset about, because as much as they chirp each other and are fiercely competitive, there’s nothing Jack Hughes loves more than his brothers. You knew that he’d be in his head overthinking everything and convincing himself that he was letting Quinn down, somehow, despite it being beyond his control. 
The only further communication you got from Jack that day was a thumbs-down text message, which told you all you needed to know. You were sporadically in touch a few times throughout the week, and before you knew it, it was the day everyone was flying in for All-Star weekend.
You’d managed to persuade your parents that a full-blown neighbourhood party was not necessary, and instead convinced them to accept Quinn’s invitation to a lowkey but nice dinner downtown near the hotel where he and Jack were staying. The dinner was something you were looking forward to all week, but you hadn’t anticipated two things: accidentally deleting half your economics essay the night before it was due and having to stay up until 3am to finish it; and the butterflies that you were feeling when you were getting ready for dinner. Why on earth were you so nervous? Seeing Jack and Quinn after a while was usually something that excited you, not stressed you out. 
You had just pulled on your dress and finished wrangling your hair when your phone pinged with a message from Jack. 
Have you looked at the menu for this place? We need to order a side of the loaded mac n cheese pls and thx 
I thought you were a high performance athlete? But of course, mac n cheese is a MUST
Correct, my body is a temple. A temple of mac n cheese. Mac is a carb, cheese is calcium for my bones. Winners all around. See ya soon x
It was freezing outside, so you took an Uber from your university apartment to the restaurant. You were running behind, thanks to traffic, and then you almost toppled over on the pavement outside due to the wet weather. Between that and your sleep deprivation, you honestly wanted nothing more than to go home, put your pyjamas on and cry; but you plastered a smile on your face and headed inside the restaurant. 
The hostess greeted you warmly, and offered to take your coat once you established that your parents had already arrived and were seated on a table towards the back of the restaurant, and you could see the backs of Jack and Quinn as you approached them. Everyone stood up to greet you with hugs and kisses, and the butterflies sparked again when Jack pulled out the chair next to his for you to sit down. Jack and Quinn both had nice sweaters on with collared shirts, and you were quietly glad you’d decided to wear a dress rather than the jeans you’d initially picked out. 
“How did your essay go, sweetheart? I know economics isn’t your favourite…” Your mother enquired, obviously unaware of your crisis the night before. 
You gave her a tight-lipped smile and took a sip of the diet coke in front of you (that Jack must’ve ordered for you, no doubt) before mumbling something about getting it sorted and hoping for the best. Your dad swiftly changed the subject to the weekend’s festivities, excitedly asking Quinn about his plans for the All-Star draft, but you could feel Jack’s eyes on you. You met his gaze and subtly shook your head, silently asking for him to save his questions for later. Jack frowned at you, but complied. 
The dinner felt like it went quickly, but also went for hours. Your stomach hurt from laughing (and probably too much mac and cheese), as Jack and Quinn regaled your parents with stories of their seasons and their plans for the next summer off in Michigan, where your two families would join each other for a month or so of adventures. You found yourself smiling as your dad and the Hughes brothers comically argued over who would pay the bill, before Jack excused himself to the bathroom and sneakily paid the bill on his way there. 
Jack and Quinn’s hotel was walking distance from the restaurant, and they excitedly invited you and your parents to come and see the fancy suite they’d been gifted for the weekend. Your mother made some excuse about traffic on the drive home and promised to come and see it some other time, but nudged you in your side as she told you to go and check it out. You were so tired and ready for bed, but reluctantly agreed; your window of opportunity to spend time with Jack was closing, so you figured you may as well make the most of it.
The butterflies in your stomach flitted around as Jack helped you into your coat before you headed outside the restaurant and bid your parents farewell. You fell into step in between the brothers as they traipsed back toward the hotel, conversation flowing easily as Quinn asked about your college classes and you asked him about the latest book he was reading. Jack was silent as you walked the few blocks before arriving at the hotel, and he gently placed his hand onto your back as you were guided through the hotel front door and into the elevator. 
Your jaw dropped when Quinn swiped his key card and you all entered the hotel suite. They weren’t joking about it being fancy, holy shit. 
The floor to ceiling windows had incredible views of the city skyline, with a very comfortable looking couch in the living area facing the view. Two doors at either side of the living room lead to bedrooms with luxurious linens, and the marble bathrooms were impeccably finished. 
Jack was grinning as he watched you take it all in, leaning up against the door frame to his bedroom as you stood near the window and gaped at the views. Quinn had flopped down on the couch and was texting on his phone. 
“Can they gift this to you year-round? I’d like to live here…” You mused, shaking your head at how insane this hockey lifestyle could be. 
“We could probably just buy it for you.” Jack said nonchalantly, as he wandered over to stand beside you at the window. 
“Yeah, if you want. They’d probably charge us more because I’m a Canuck, though.” Quinn deadpanned, earning a laugh from you and an eye-roll from Jack.
“Speaking of, the guys are all catching up in Petey’s room, so I think I’ll head down there. See you tomorrow after the draft, sugar plum.” Quinn pulled you into a hug, and your heart burst at him using your childhood nickname (which came from one ill-fated ballet performance and you insisted you hated, but secretly loved being called). 
You could’ve sworn you saw Quinn wink at Jack before he left the hotel room, but then again, the sleep deprivation could also be sending you loopy. 
“Wanna watch a movie?” Jack asked, moving to stand behind you and loop his arms around your waist as you still faced the window. Your heart rate shot through the roof as he pulled you closer, and nestled his head in between your neck and shoulder. You cringed as you realised he could probably feel your pulse beating fast. 
“Sure, but no blaming me if I fall asleep on you, sorryyyyy.” You awkwardly maneuvered yourself out of Jack’s embrace and walked over to the couch, sitting down on it and removing your shoes. 
“The first time we’ve seen each other in MONTHS and you’re going to fall asleep? Am I that boring? Sheesh.” Jack drawled, watching you from where he stood.
“Yes.” You stuck your tongue out at him, but lost it to a yawn which made you both laugh. 
“You know I love you, J. I would happily pull an all-nighter with you, but I don’t think two in a row is probably good for me.”
“Two in a row? What, where you out partying hard last night?” Jack’s voice trailed off as he wandered off into the bedroom, leaving the door open behind him. You heard a drawer open and a light thud onto the floor, and your throat tightened when you realised Jack was changing his clothes. God, you’d gotten changed in front of each other a million times. Why was your brain making everything so weird tonight?
“Not quite. Had a disaster that involved accidentally deleting my entire essay, sobbing for an hour, then staying up until 3am to write the whole thing. Living the dream, as per usual.” You rattled off, trying to sound nonchalant about, even though just thinking about last night made you nauseous with anxiety. Your nonchalance was clearly unconvincing, as Jack came back out of the bedroom clad in a hoodie and sweats and bee-lined for you, his face covered in concern. 
“Don’t look at me like that. It’s fine, I promise. All part of the college experience.” You weren’t sure if you were trying to convince yourself or Jack more. He couldn’t either, but instead of pushing the issue, he threw a hoodie at your head and laughed when you looked offended. 
“I’m definitely falling asleep if I put this on, by the way. You know I love being cozy. Cozy is my natural state of being.” You pulled your hair up into a loose bun using the hair tie on your wrist, before pulling the black Devils hoodie over your head. 
Jack slotted himself beside you on the couch and reached his arm over your shoulders, finding the remote with his other hand and navigating the ridiculously large TV onto Netflix. 
“Fine by be, sugarplum. I’d rather know you’re getting sleep here than send you home to stress yourself out more.”  Jack mused, his fingers absentmindedly stroking your arm while he found the latest season of a TV show you both loved to watch and pressed play.
“I’m not stres - it was just one essay - I promise I’m fine.” You sputtered, tripping over your words when Jack locked eyes with you, his gaze empathetic but all-knowing. 
“Besides, I’m not the only one in the room worth worrying about.” You said softly, nudging Jack’s side gently. Jack rolled his lips between his teeth, and sighed; he put down the remote and pulled his hoodie sleeves over his hands. 
“But we don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to. You’re not letting anyone down, though. Quinn doesn’t think that.” You continued, softly, not wanting to cause tension. 
Jack sighed deeply again and pulled his arm away from you, leaning forward and rubbing his face with both hands. 
“You don’t know what Quinny’s thinking, sugar. And it’s not just Quinn, it’s the fucking journalists, and Bratter’s vacation being ruined, and goddamn Michael Bublé being disappointed in me, and - just - fucking all of it.” Jack exhaled deeply, running his fingers through his hair in frustration. 
You didn’t know what to say, because you could tell that Jack wasn’t in a mood that you could talk him down out of. But you could tell he needed comfort, needed reassurance, needed to know that you still had his back. Ever since kindergarten. 
You grabbed the back of Jack’s hoodie and gently tugged it, and he leaned back against the couch. You tapped Jack’s legs next, and he moved them up onto the other side of the L-shaped couch, so he was properly reclining. You paused, trying to figure out how to position yourself without being literally on top of Jack, but while your brain was running a million miles a minute, Jack’s hand found yours and yanked you towards him gently. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath, before adjusting yourself between Jack’s body and the side of the couch. Jack’s arm found a home over your hips and settled gently on your stomach, pulling your back against his chest. You felt his breath on your neck as you both wriggled around, trying to get comfortable.
“Is this okay, sugar?” Jack’s voice was barely a whisper, directly into your ear. You didn’t trust your voice not to squeak a response so you simply nodded, trying desperately to calm your fast beating heart.
You rested your hand on top of Jack’s and gently squeezed, feeling yourself starting to lull to sleep. Despite the butterflies and your heart jumping out of your chest, you somehow had never felt more at peace, right in this moment.
This was safe, this was calm. This was home. 
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karasimpno · 1 year
haikyuu men reacting to you getting followed on your way home
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I had something pretty scary happen to me last night, so what better than fictional volleyball men to seek comfort in! (lmao this was actually a year and a half ago, it’s literally been sitting in my drafts that long. happy 1.5k, friends!)
featuring: iwaizumi, bokuto, daichi, sakusa
contains: mention of being followed, fear, comfort, gn!reader
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Iwaizumi starts when you slam the door behind you and fall back against it, letting out a heavy exhale. He looks up from where he’s slicing vegetables for dinner with a concerned expression. “Babe?” he asks, concern lacing his voice, not used to you waiting by the door before kissing him hello. He sets down the knife and walks over to you calmly. “Are you okay?”
The lump that forms in your throat threatens to break as you purse your lips together to keep from crying. “No,” you barely manage to whisper, and before the syllable is even off your lips, one of Hajime’s strong hands is on your waist, pulling you closer. His other hand gently but firmly cups your cheek, drawing your gaze to his, all fiery intensity at seeing his love hurt like this. “What happened?” he whispers.
It comes out in a jumbled, rushed mess - “there was this guy - he was following me, I - whenever I would speed up or - he would walk faster. And I tried to get away, but he crossed the street too and - ” you don’t realize it, but you’re trembling, heart racing again at the memory. It ignites something in your boyfriend.
“I’ll fucking kill him,” Hajime growls, and you don’t doubt him for a second. Your resolve crumples at that very moment, and you fall forward into his sturdy chest, his safe, strong arms instantly wrapping around you. “I was just so scared,” you whisper, and Hajime’s thoughts turn to nothing but you, holding you tight and reassuring you: you’re safe.
You don’t actually realize how scared you were until you see the look on Bokuto’s face when you walk in the door. 
Big, warm, owlish eyes find yours and something inside your chest heaves, sending a shudder through your body. Your boyfriend is already whipping around the kitchen table before you reach can an arm out to steady yourself on the wall. Usually so strong and buoyant, Bokuto almost startles you with his softness as he pulls you into his embrace. Big, strong arms wrap around you and you allow yourself to collapse into the safety they provide.
“Baby...” he whispers against your forehead from where you’re nestled into his neck. A hand snakes up to tangle in your hair and press you closer against him. His fingers are strong, tense, and you can practically read his thoughts - if only I’d been there...
Bokuto bends down and scoops your legs up, which you eagerly wrap around his waist as you bury your face farther into his neck. He smells like sunscreen and cologne and you could almost cry at how comforting that exact scent is. Supporting you with one hand and using the other to rub comforting patterns up and down your back, he gently carries you back to your shared bedroom, where he holds you for the rest of the evening and lets you know - you’re safe, you’re safe.
“Oh my love,” Daichi murmurs, pulling you into his embrace on the couch. His thumb had been gently rubbing over your knuckles as you calmed yourself down enough to tell him what had happened on your way home, but now he can’t keep himself from holding you close. If he had lost you...
“It’s okay, I’m okay,” you say firmly. You’re not sure whether you’re reassuring him or yourself, but feeling his strong arms around you is a hell of a lot better than trying to regulate your own heartbeat. “I’m so sorry,” he whispers. “I wish I could’ve...” but he trails off. He knows right now is not about him.
Instead, he pulls you fully into his lap and tucks your head under his chin, running reassuring fingertips up and down your arm. You feel safe, like he’ll never let you go. You feel your elevated heart rate receding, and you relax into his embrace, feeling better already. He tucks a strand of hair behind your ear and the two of you sit in silence like that for a long time. 
At one point, after it feels like you two are essentially part of the couch, Daichi puts his hand on your head, his fingers gently scratching your scalp as a low humming begins to resonate from his chest. You always used to catch him singing under his breath when he cooked for you, and the vibrations from his sternum lull you into an even deeper sense of peace now. You forget your worries and for a moment the world is just you and him.
“Come here.”
The words are the first thing you hear when you finally make it back into the safety of your home. If you didn’t know the man any better, you would be sure the words were angry, even aggressive. But no, Sakusa’s voice was just urgent. You exhale shakily, feeling numb, and slip into Sakusa’s quickly-approaching arms.
You had texted him what had happened after hiding in a late-night grocery store to call a ride home instead of walking. Sakusa had demanded to come pick you up but you had insisted on just calling a car instead, because you wanted to be home as soon as possible. Now that you were here, locked in his warm embrace, you just wanted to lay down, the fearful adrenaline leaving your body in a rush.
“Can we just...” you slip out of his arms and barely have the strength to lead him to your shared bedroom and flop onto the mattress, feeling his weight dip onto the comforter alongside you. Intertwining your legs, he takes your face in his hands and rests his forehead against yours, knowing you need peace and comfort right now. His thumb brushes gently across your temples.
“Breathe,” he whispers, and you do, your chest rising and falling in time with his. “I’m right here,” he says, pulling you closer. “I’m not going anywhere, you’re safe, right here.” You don’t even notice the tears forming until they’re dripping onto his shirt, but he just holds you even tighter and grounds you with his touch.
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blue-jisungs · 3 months
author's note. i kinda slayed w the banner ngl
summary. 3rd time is a charm, right? especially when the guy whose ride home you stole is kinda (very much) cute
word count. 2111
genre, pairing. crack and fluff lmao!! graphic design hybe worker!yn x idol!seungkwan;; sassy kwan.
warnings. one or two curses, mention of throwing up
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letting out a deep sigh, you stepped outside the hybe building. holding the file with your notes and sketches, you pressed it closer to your chest as you whipped out your phone. the weather was quite stuffy, air no better than in the office. 
some of your coworkers passed you by and walked towards the parking. 
shaking your head, with a few swipes you ordered a cab. living without a car was manageable but quite a pain in the ass, especially on days like this when you didn’t feel like taking the metro. 
you stayed overtime, again. it’s really a bad habit, you should work on it. your eyes were struggling to keep open, even while standing. speaking of which, your legs hurt too – probably a result of sitting for too long. and your back; oh god, your back. leaning over the drawing tablet for the whole day will definitely cause you to have a hump… fun. 
someone left the building and sat on the bench, doing something in their phone. it was good to know you weren’t the last one to leave. yawning loudly, you struggled to stand still.
then, you noticed a yellow cab arriving. finally! you marched towards it, absentmindedly. you opened the door and greeted the driver, sitting inside.
before you closed it, you heard an offended:
“yah! that’s my cab! check the number, miss!” 
but the door closing shut the voice down as you muttered the address. letting yourself relax for a while, only halfway home you realized you just accidentally took someone else’s cab.
well, at least they won’t be left alone – in such case yours should be arriving at the hybe building soon.
you observed in deep thought the water droplets racing down the window. someone tapped your arm and you jerked, blinking.
“y/n, we’re leaving. you should too, tomorrow is an important day” your co-worker smiled gently and patted your arm “you should get some sleep, okay? i’ll see you tomorrow”
nodding in agreement, you waved them goodbye and started packing your things. 
tomorrow you’re going to be presenting your new album cover and other details for seventeen’s upcoming comeback. you were nervous, you didn’t know if they were going to like it. considering the time you spent and how much tears, blood and sweat you put into the design you tried to be optimistic that they would enjoy it.
you left the office and already ordered a cab while in the lift. you hoped that because of it, you weren’t going to wait in the rain for too long. 
a distant chatter echoed and bounced of the lobby walls, mixing with the elevator-type-of-music. 
then, your phone dinged with a notification that your cab arrived. 
taking a deep breath and putting your scarf around your head, you headed out. running towards the yellow cab in the rain, droplets hitting your face. water splashed under your shoes and in a few leaps you reached the car. 
you decided to hop on the seat behind the driver, putting your bag on your knees.
“sorry for the mess” you breathed out and tucked the hair that got stuck onto your face. 
suddenly the door opened again and someone entered the cab. 
your eyes widened and you looked at the stranger. he blinked, flabbergasted. 
then you yelped upon realizing its seungkwan. boo seungkwan. the boo seungkwan from seventeen.
you bowed yet were speechless, too stunned to mutter even a single word. 
his brows knitted as he pointed at you.
“hey, you stole my cab last time” he grunted and ran his hand through his wet locks. your cheeks grew hot with realization, fingers nervously playing with the material of your bag. that’s not good. not good at all.
“i’m sorry i promise it wasn’t on purpose! i was just so tired and didn’t realize–” you started.
“are we going or what? it’s not a cafe to chat endlessly in one place” the driver grunted impatiently.
“yeah, right. um, i’ll just leave and you take this one. i’m deeply sorry, mr. boo” words spilled out of you like the rain from the dark clouds. 
before you could open the door, seungkwan leaned and smacked your head gently. you halted in shock.
“are you out of your mind? i mean, respectfully. whatever happened, happened. just be sure to check next time… and let’s just take this one. i assume you’re heading home?” he asked, catching the driver’s annoyed look in the mirror “you should go first” 
you nodded and after saying the address, the car started. 
“do you work here?” seungkwan asked, interested. you felt a little shy – even though you knew they work at the same building, you never met an idol. and yet here you are.
“yes, i’m a graphic designer” you smiled politely “oh, i’m sorry. my name is l/n y/n”
the idol returned your smile and reached his hand out. you shook it and he hissed dramatically.
“aigo, your hand is so cold!”
you giggled and took it back. 
the nervousness gradually left your body as you had some small talk with him (and he insisted not to call him mr boo or mr seungkwan as – quote – “that makes him old and he’s still young!”), genuinely feeling comfortable. he seemed not to be faking his engagement into the conversation either.
before you realized, you arrived in your neighborhood. it was pouring now but luckily the driver stopped quite close to the building. the driver asked for seungkwan’s destination, wanting to put it in gps already. 
as he did, you reached for your card. then, you asked the driver how much it would cost to take seungkwan to his place. the man replied and the idol smacked your hand once again this evening.
“you are really crazy” he grunted and shook his head.
“no, no. let me pay, as a form of sorry for the last cab incident” you frowned, discreetly nodding to the driver. he nodded back and put the full price for the route; seungkwan didn’t seem to notice.
“no, i can’t allow that. it’s literally nothing, i swear i already forgot” he whined. 
the driver handed you the terminal and you paid with a bright smile. 
“okay, fine. um, thank you for the ride, seungkwan” you said and grabbed your bag “it was nice meeting you. have a good day!”
with that you left and seungkwan observed as you ran to the building, heavy rain slurring your silhouette. he kept his eyes on you as long as he could before the driver was too far away. 
only then he noticed something on the seat. 
worker id.
he huffed and took it in his fingers, not realizing he’s smiling. it must have fallen out when you pulled out your card.
“the lady paid for you, by the way” the driver said softly, glancing at him through the mirror. 
seungkwan rolled his eyes, not sure why his mood is so bright now. 
you dug through your bag, heart rate being faster than when you took your friend’s niece to the rollercoaster park. feeling the guard’s displeased sight on you, you decided to turn your bag around and spill the contents on the floor. then, you dropped to your knees and ignored the weird looks from other workers.
“i promise i have it! i have no idea why it’s not here!” you whined, glancing at the clock. 9:55am. you had about three minutes to enter the building and arrive at the meeting place since it starts at 10am. 
and currently you couldn’t find your worker id. 
“i can’t let you in on a promise. i’ll need to escort you if you don’t have it” the bodyguard said, unbothered. 
you looked through all the papers and sketches that fell out, sweat dripping down your temple. that’s not how it was supposed to go. 
with shaking hands you wiped a tear that gathered on your cheek and checked your wallet again. nothing. 
a sudden pat on your arm caused you to turn around sharply and the person jerked in surprise due to your dramatic reaction. 
it was seungkwan.
“now that’s just embarrassing” you grunted, blinking the tears away. 
“are you looking for this?” he asked with a soft smile, reaching for something from his pocket. your eyes saw the goddamn plastic card “and before you think it’s creepy, you left it in the taxi. i figured i’d drop it off at your office but you’re here so…”
nodding your head vigorously, you gathered all your stuff and put it into your bag. 
“thank you, thank you so so much. i was just about to be late for a meeting as if the meeting itself didn’t make me nervous as fuck” you breathed out and took the id “thank you…”
“i get it, i get it. now shoo, you can’t be late! and good luck, fighting!” he grinned and you sent him a wide grin. 
seungkwan watched you disappear in the lift before a gasp ripped out of his chest. 
“what am i even doing?! i have a meeting too–”
he rushed to get another lift and cursed underneath his breath when it came late. seungcheol will whoop his ass for being late but first of all, it’s only like five minutes. second of all, he was helping you. 
the man pushed the door from the meeting room, sending all eyes on him. he rose his hands in a defensive manner and then bowed.
“i apologize for being late, there was a small… incident” he mumbled and before he looked up, he heard a voice.
“it’s alright, mr. boo. we didn’t start yet” 
your voice. 
his eyes met with yours, causing his face to lit up. some of the members noticed the strange exchange between you, especially when a shared smile bloomed on your faces. 
seungkwan sat down next to minghao, earning a smack on the arm. 
needless to say, everyone came to a conclusion that for the first time ever seungkwan was laser focused in the presentation. and you. 
“i feel like i’m gonna throw up” you mumbled to yourself, squatting down on the sidewalk. hiding your head in your knees, you heard a chuckle.
“i thought people usually got nervous before presenting?” seungkwan’s voice reached your ears and you looked up with a smile. 
“well now i’m waiting for the decision, it is nervous too” you sighed and stood up, raising an eyebrow.
“you don’t need to worry about that. i know those guys and they liked your project, a lot. and if they didn’t, i’d convince them” seungkwan grinned and whipped out his phone “cab? let me pay this time”
“aish, we’re gonna be pushing and pulling all the time?” you scoffed and shook your head “wait, did you like it?”
seungkwan nodded, noticing the yellow cab approaching. good thing this was a busy street and there were lots of taxis. 
“obviously!” he grinned and led you towards the car, opening the door for you. once inside, he waited for you to tell your address to the driver and continued. “i really like your art style, it’s very unique and original. the colors fit well with the concept, as well as the design. did you create the font yourself?”
you stared at him in shock, causing a giggle out of him. 
as you indulged him into the details of your work progress, you failed to realize how quickly you got home. not even done with explaining how you got the idea for the design, you saw a mischievous spark in his ebony eyes. 
“let me pay, please” seungkwan pleaded and you huffed “and… if you want, i’ll let you pay next time. for coffee”
he stared at you hopefully (ignoring the fact that he obviously wouldn’t let you but he somehow wanted to have an excuse), seungkwan noticed a cute smile bloomed on your face. 
“i’d love to. tomorrow? 3pm?” you asked, unable to control your face muscles from grinning. seungkwan nodded energetically “we’re set then. get home safe, mr boo” 
you leaned in, led by an impulse, and tried to place a goodbye kiss on his cheek but you accidentally pecked the corner of his lips. 
blood flowing to your face, you left the cab panicked, yelping a nervous bye! 
“hey there, misses! what’s with your kisses?” he mumbled, fingers ghosting over the area your lips brushed against. 
looking at the whipped man in the mirror, the cab driver smiled. 
main masterlist | event masterlist
taglist. @mirxzii ,, @primoppang ,, @l3visbby ,, @nicholasluvbot ,, @planetkiimchi ,, @weird-bookworm ,, @slytherinshua ,, @kazmura ,, @laylasbunbunny ,, @dazzlingligth ,, @eternalgyuuu ,, @rubywonu ,, @haecien ,, @mine-gyu
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kissitbttr · 2 years
eddie earns his first blowjob from his mean cheerleader girlfriend
warning: 18+, oral receiving, insecure eddie,
a/n: this was requested but i lost the ask lmao, enjoy. also not really that filthy xx
sex has never been his forte,
sure he jerks himself off and has a pile of porn magazines stacked underneath his bed but never actually experienced… sex.
girls aren’t exactly lining up to be getting dicked down by him. not when you’re the town freak. if anything, they avoid him like a plague. the only time girls want to be around eddie is just so that he can give them free greens and nothing else. he’s not stupid, he can tell what their true intentions are.
so when y/n came into his life. he has no idea what to expect. obviously, she’s far more experienced and skilled when it comes to it and it makes him feel slightly insecure. and jealous too. because he knows all of her exes were handsome jocks who probably scored more than twenty girls in their lives. no doubt that they had given her so much pleasure than he could possibly offer.
he wants to make her feel good. he really does.
“so, steve and robin gave me these” she pulls up two DVDs and show them to him. “evil dead and carrie. which one do you like best?”
he cocks an eyebrow, eyes switching between the two films. “i thought you wanted chick flicks or something like that?”
she shrugs, deciding to put evil dead on the player. “horror movies make me horny. and what better way to watch it than with my favorite man, hm?”
he chuckles nervously when she shoots him a wink and a smile. flirtatious one. “usually girls get horny when they see porn. but oh, not you. pretty fucked up if i might say.”
“you love it” she responds, crawling beside him as they both lay comfortably on her bed. “how’s your day, baby”
he puffs out a long exaggerated breath. “kind of shit, ms.O'Donnell been up my ass about the last assignment. she wanted me to re-do it.”
“aw that sucks” she pouts, running her fingers through his hair. “want me to beat her up for you?”
“no, i’m good” he laughs, not wanting her to do something that’ll damage her academics. the thing is about y/n, when she says something along the lines of ‘beating someone up’ you better not take it lightly.
because she will do it.
“too bad. I’d love to see her blood pouring out of those nostrils.” she sighs, plopping her head down on his chest as she hooks her leg with his. his arm wraps around her body protectively. “the offer still stands.”
“hey, enough of that would ya?” he kisses the crown of her head, smiling to himself. “as sexy as it is to see you get violent, the consequences will be ten times worse if you punch a teacher.”
“just gotta wait till graduation then.” she innocently replies, finger drawing circles on his chest.
halfway through the movie, eddie is trying his best to keep his focus on the plot. but she’s making it so hard for him to do so. she continuously shifts her weight on him, ‘accidentally’ brushing against his hard shaft with an innocent ‘oops’ every time she does it.
they’ve been together for almost a month and he hasn’t gotten used to the effect she has on him. it’s frustrating how he can’t control his thoughts and clammy palms whenever she puts her hands on his body.
“you okay?” she wonders, looking up at him with her doe eyes and playful smile. “you feel so tense, teddy”
“y-yeah” he stammers as his focus remains fixed on the screen. “just uhm, peachy”
peachy?? who the fuck says that?!
she hums in response, moving her mouth to attach itself on his neck with fingers moving down south to softly palm him over the thick material of his pants. he takes in a deep breath at the touch, finding it more difficult to think straight with her lips on him.
“y/n” he calls her softly, hand gripping tightly around her waist as he feels himself grow even more. “sweetheart i-“
she shushes him. “you look so good right now i have to do something eds.” her tongue licks a bold stripe on the skin, pushing her chest against his, “we can take turns later, yeah?”
he gulps, body melting under her touch. “s-shit, y/n wait, wait!“ he suddenly exclaims, freeing himself from her grip
y/n frowns when eddie pushes her lightly. feeling annoyed why he’s like that towards her.
“eddie what the fuck?! do you not want me to suck your cock?” she harshly asks, then a sudden realization hits her. “are you fucking another bitch behind my back, munson?!”
he wide-eyed her as she crosses her arm, ready to kill him at that exact moment. “what? no! w-what makes you think I’m cheating on you?!”
“who is it?” she shoots immediately. “Julia from the cheer team or that fucking weird four-eyed wendy’s looking motherfucker at loves to stare at you across the hall?!”
eddie is confused. he doesn’t even know who she’s talking about, let alone a wendy-looking girl that keeps staring at him. how does she even know that?
he shakes his head furiously, wrapping her hands in his grasp to reassure her.“no! oh god y/n, of course not! . i only got my eyes for my girl, you know that. plus, Julia? she hates me and my friends, why would you even think of her?”
“then what’s going on!” she groans, moving to kneel in front of him as he sits up straight. “every time we make out or when i try to suck you off, you’d push me away. are you not attracted to me, anymore?”
“princess, believe me when i say this has nothing to do with you! of course I’m still attracted to you.” he says, looking at her in the eye. “shoot me in the head if i decided to leave you for another woman, i give you the permission.”
“okay, so what is it?” her voice turns soft. “you can tell me.”
sooner or later, of course, eddie has to tell her the truth. he hates having to keep secrets from her, but it’s embarrassing. who the hell wants to date a virgin? if she found out about that, she’d look at him differently. and he doesn’t want to lose her. not when things start to get better for him,
she notices how his eyes drop down to his lap, fiddling with his fingers as he removes his hands from hers. this causes her eyebrows to knit in concern.
“baby? what’s going on” she reaches out to softly pat her thumb across his cheek,
“it’s pretty embarrassing” he lowly chuckles,
“it’s not if it got you all worked up like this. come on, It’s your girl.” she ducks her head down a bit to take a look at his features,
he exhales. “well you know it’s just that i…” he trails off, “never had sex before..”
“what?!” she sounds genuinely surprised. “you’re a virgin?”
he nods, slowly looking up to meet her eyes. “yeah. it’s why i have been so… weird. I’m sorry. i know you expected more from me.”
seeing him get so vulnerable and embarrassed because of that makes her heart break. that’s why he’s been avoiding her touch? god, this man is so precious she feels like she’s going to pass out.
“eddie, you don’t have to be sorry for being … inexperienced. there’s nothing wrong with that. and ‘expected more’? baby, you are already enough for me.” she cradles his face to get him to look at her. “do you think i care about whether you’re a virgin or not? because i don’t.”
“well, you’ve been with those guys before, right? i bet they made you feel good. and i want to do that too. perhaps even better.”
oh her heart is about to leap out of her chest.
“made me feel good? they thought they were doing something. i had to fake it because they barely knew how to do it”. she rolls her eyes, earning a small laugh from him.
“plus, i think it’s cute that no one has ever touched you before.” she giggles, pressing a kiss on his nose,
“well i don’t want to be cute! i want to be hot. for you” he grumbles, frowning like a small child.
“you are, baby” she giggles, even more, shaking her head at this adorable man. “so cute and hot, you make my head spin and panties drop. not a day goes by that i do not think of you”
“you mean that?” his voice small. “because you don’t have to say that just because I’m your boyfriend.”
“i meant every word. do you know how many girls i had to threaten and slammed against the wall for eyeing you? countless.”
“you never told me that…”
“not important” she waves her hand in an attempt to change the subject. “now… how about i make you feel good, hm?”
she moves to put her weight on top of him, putting her legs on either side of his thighs. his heart is beating a mile per minute the moment she sits there. having no idea where to place his hands, he just place them next to her knees.
there’s a twinkle of lust across her eyes, the straps of her blue nightgown falling down her shoulders. long messy hair tucks on the either side of her neck
“but i want to make you feel good too. make you cum on my fingers” he struggles to say each word when her hand begins to untie the strings of his sweatpants.
“we have plenty of time to do that, but … i think my boyfriend deserves it more. don’t you think?”
“well... only if you want to” he's being shy, cheeks red and it drives her mad how cute he's being with her
“of course, i want to.” his pants are pulled now down on his thighs and his cock springs free. “would you let me take care of you?”
he nods frantically, becoming putty underneath her bedroom eyes as she slowly wraps her soft palm around the base of his hard shaft. eddie had never thought her eye contact is strong enough to make his body tremble.
“f-fuck, sweetheart” he blows a sigh of pleasure when she goes down to lick the tip, humming to herself when she finally got a taste of him,
he watches every move she makes. afraid that if he misses just one second, he will regret it. it still doesn't feel real to him. having the prettiest girl in Hawkins as his girlfriend going down on his cock. with a sweet, innocent look decorating her features, enough to make him cream already. but he's holding it.
dear god, he's trying to hold it.
”not even halfway through but you taste so good to me already” she smiles with her tongue still out, he catches a glimpse of her piercing and almost lets out a moan. ”and you have been hiding this from me? not nice”
the minute she slips his cock into her mouth, he's a goner already. brown eyes lulling onto the back of his head with a soft grunt following. she drags her tongue slowly from the base of his shaft, all the way up before closing her mouth around the reddening tip. keeping her eyes on him as she goes, who seems to be having a hard time trying to compose himself.
a devilish smile appears on her face, and her freshly manicured hand reaches out to give his balls a soft squeeze. he flinches at the sudden contact, groaning and moaning when she works on her tongue around him.
”does that feel good, eds?” she checks on him to make after pulling her mouth off. making sure he’s enjoying every moment. coating the tip with her spit before she spreads it with her thumb, ”like having my mouth on you?”
he can only nod to answer, his body is consumed by too much euphoria to give her a verbal response. chest raising with a heavy breath every time her fingers tip-toeing over the sensitive skin. balling his fists so hard, he wouldn't be surprised if his fingernails create a dent in his palms,
”use your words, come on” she moves her hand up and down the stiff flesh with a soft grip, watching his mouth fall open.
”fuck yes. it feels so good b-baby please... don't stop, please” he begs in between breaths, almost sounding like a squeak. eddie finally opens up his eyes to gaze back at her. giving her, his best pleading look, ”i wanted your mouth for so long”
”good boy” with that, she slides his cock back into her wet mouth. while her other hand runs up and down his thigh, sending a light shiver down his spine and arising goosebumps on his skin
eddie's fingers are curling up against the sheets. a strangled noise leaving his throat when the sight of her breasts almost spilling out from the dress. looking like a proper porn star.
he thinks he might actually pass out from this. the velvety insides of her mouth make his head spin and her tongue never seemed to stop teasing the tip. his legs are tense and she can see it from the corner of her eye. she’s taken by surprise when his hips accidentally bucking up, hitting the back of her throat.
”shit, s-sorry about that, sweetheart” he softly tells her, earning a squeeze on his thigh from her as a reassurance that it's okay.
he feels his body is blazing. he can't exactly describe it but it feels so good. pure bliss blooms inside of him when she continues to bob her head up and down. and fuck, eddie doesn't want to cum just yet. but he can't take it anymore. not when she peers up at him through her lashes, still with that innocent look on her face. or when she reaches out to squeeze his heavy balls of cum.
it gets even more harder when she sinks further, moaning around his cock because the sweet, sweet taste of him is creating an excitement that bubbles in her stomach
“f-fuck, fuck. i'm cumming” he rushes, thinking that she might pull away but she only wraps her lips tighter around him. sucking even harder until he releases it all. thick, white string of cum falling in her mouth and painting her tongue. eddie cries out in pleasure, screwing his eyes shut.
his fingers slowly start to loosen the grip around the sheets, his breath going steady, and relaxes both his legs.
she pops off of him, brushing a finger in the corner of her mouth to swipe his remaining. not wanting it to go to waste. “you're so adorable” with a giggle, she plops herself next to him, “how was it?”
“fucking amazing” he laughs breathlessly, rubbing his face up and down with his hands before facing her. a lopsided smile tugging her lips. ”god you were so good with it, I thought I was going to die”
“never heard that one before” she snickers playfully, making herself comfortable underneath the duvet. cuddling up to him. “you tasted so good too, what's the secret?”
he pretends to think while pulling herself close to him. “cheerios and cigarettes”
she swats his chest with the back of her hand, making him laugh. ”I'm gonna make you some real food. my man needs to have the stamina if he's planning to fuck me with his cock.”
he freezes, leaning back slightly to take a good look at her face to see if she's pulling his leg. “what?”
“you heard me.” her voice is stern but also playful. “you're gonna fuck me into oblivion and I will guide you through it if I have to. and we're not stopping until you make both of my legs shake that i can’t fucking walk to school tomorrow.”
eddie is certain he's in heaven right now
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You can totally ignore my idea lol but what about a fluffy/angsty fic about Steve Rogers or Bucky Barnes being turned into a baby/toddler by Tony on accident. But because they are babies they just want to be around and held by “Y/N” and get mad or throw a cute tantrum from lack of attention or if someone tries to hit on their “Y/N”. You can ignore this if it sounds idk weird or dumb lol but I thought it would be cute like they can’t hold back there affection for them while in baby form and when they turn back they are like well shit.. lmao
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(PS: the fanart here is from Alexa_520 on Twitter I’m not sure if she has a tumblr but in case you or anyone wants to see it for yourself)
This is so cute!!!
Thank you for the idea. Here it goes. The story has little angst a bit. 
Zero Crush.
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Summary: Y/N was on her way to go out for her day off. However, her plan got interrupted because the AI told her something at the lab. You almost lose your mind seeing both of your bosses turn into babies. 
And now, she has to watch them. Y/N is okay with kids, but the problem is she has a little crush towards Captain America and The Winter Soldier. 
Character: Steve Rogers x platonic!reader, Bucky Barnes x platonic!reader
Warning: If you squint a bit, there’s a little angst. 
Main Masterlist || Buy me Ko-fi please 🥹
Drawing of baby Steve and Rogers : Drawing 1, Drawing 2, Drawing 3
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It's been a long time for Steve and Bucky to cry, even for crying their heart out to release all their feelings through tears. 
The rest of the Avengers rubbed their eyes. They couldn't believe the strongest soldiers standing tall before, were shorter than them.
Steve and Bucky have turned into babies. They were standing too close to Tony and Bruce's new invention. 
The high IQ bros try to copy the Pym-particles to shrink and increase an object.
"What kind of machine is that, Tony?!" Natasha pushed Tony away while he was still in shock. 
"I'm trying to make a quantum machine like Ant-man. Look, it works!!! The box got small.” Tony pointed at the test object.
"Yeah, it’s obvious the zone needs to get fixed." Natasha carried Bucky to her arm. At the same time, Steve was taken by Clint. Steve wants to push Clint away because he stinks. 
Bucky did the same towards Natasha; her perfume was too strong. Natasha couldn't help it since she just returned from her mission, and Clint was training when Tony called him.
Tony shook his head. "If Steve and Bucky didn't stand near the test object, they wouldn't get transformed." 
Natasha wants to punch him. "You..!!"
All the adults are pointing at each other. At the same time, Steve and Bucky were confused. Since they're shorter than everyone and the mood in the room doesn't feel good, it makes them uncomfortable.
All of them stop arguing because they suddenly hear a sobbing voice.
"Hey, guys? Is everything alright?" You were preparing to go out since today is your day off. Before putting on sunscreen, F.R.I.D.A.Y informed you that something happened at the lab.
Nobody answered you, but from their face, you could say they were nervous.
Then you saw that Natasha and Clint have a baby in their arms. 
"Ooh, so cute. Clint, you have a twin? Congrats." You know Clint is a family man, but it’s new for him to bring his kids to the headquarters. 
Clint chuckled. "Y/N, you don't recognise him?"
After he said that, you did notice something that felt familiar, but you can tell what it was. Blond hair, blue eyes, straight nose. Then you turn to Natasha. The baby has black hair and vibranium arms. 
You gasped, “Oh my god!”
"Yaa! Yaa!" Steve stretched his short arms towards you. Clint gently put Steve on your arm. 
“Why did you give him to me?” You nervously hold Steve. Even though he’s a baby now, he is still your boss. You turned to Tony. "You better fix this!!"
"On it."
Bucky saw Steve get carried by you. And he wants it, too. "Ahh…" He pulled Natasha's shirt and pointed at you. 
"Even in baby form, you can't be separated from your best friend?"
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After everyone stops panicking, Tony wears his Iron suit and buys kid's clothes; perhaps he wants to run away. Bruce is fixing the machine, Clint went home to get toys for Steve and Bucky, and Natasha is helping you. 
But you know Natasha just returned after a 3-month mission, and from her eyes, you could see she's damn tired. So you told her to rest. 
In the end, there are two babies in your arms. You learn that Steve and Bucky are two years old and can walk alone. 
You put them on the couch while you went to the fridge to make warm milk for them. You're not nervous taking care of little kids since you always cared for nieces and nephews before being accepted as a SHIELD agent.
But you’re nervous since you have a little crush towards your idols. 
You're relieved to see milk inside the fridge. When you turn around to search for a pan, you're shocked not to see the two babies on the sofa.
Where are they?
Then you feel someone is watching you. You looked and saw Steve and Bucky looking at you. 
You lean down and speak softly towards them, "I'm making warm milk for you both. Do you want some?"
Steve and Bucky nodded at the same time. With their fluffy cheeks and small body-like dumplings, you wouldn't believe they're the same boss who is deadly and righteous at the same time. You patted their head gently. 
When the milk has warmed up, you give it to both. Steve and Bucky drink the warm milk. They widened their eyes when they tasted it. It's delicious. 
In their eyes, you're the person they could look up to. You never raised your voice, and you gave them a delicious drink. 
Is this what it feels like to have a big sister? 
After 30 minutes, Tony returned with shopping bags from the kid's store. 
"Give me the clothes. It needs to be cleaned first before they wear it." You received the bag from Tony. You look inside the bag and see there are pyjamas too. 
"I'm going to the laundry room. Could you watch them for a while?"
Steve and Bucky didn't want to be left alone with Tony. Their short legs immediately run after you. Then, each of them hugs each of your legs.
Your body froze. You looked down at the little boys who held your legs, their two big eyes looking at you intensely. 
You knew they didn't want to be left alone at this moment. "Umm, Tony, could you do the dirty laundry instead?"
Tony nodded his head. "Yup, the message is clear: both hate me." 
Since then, both Steve and Bucky have followed you everywhere. They helped you when you made lunch. They wash all the veggies. 
You chuckled, even though they turn into kids, they are always helping. 
But no matter what, they're just a kid who needs attention. You learned that when eating together with them. 
When you help to feed Bucky because of his metal arm, it doesn't seem like he can control his body. 
Steve doesn't like to see Bucky get all your attention. He starts to make a noise and drops his spoon. "Ah..ahhh..."
Because of that, you feed them in turns. 
And before they go to sleep, you want to read a bedtime story. You thought this would be easy since they didn't take a nap. 
You were wrong. First, it was Steve's book choice; then, it was Bucky's. You should've said only one story but couldn't say no to them.
When they fell asleep, you slowly went out of the room. Finally, you could breathe. Even though you like kids, it takes time and energy. 
But at least because of this, your secret crush towards your bosses is gone. Like 50% gone. 
Before you join the Avengers, your HR has told you to keep everything professional. It's impossible not to like Captain America and The Winter Soldier.
At first, you saw them cute. But because their crying and whining hurt your eardrum, it shattered their perfect image in your brain. 
You don't think you could wait for another day. You could handle terrorists, pirates, and aliens, but not kids. You wish Tony and Bruce could finish the machine quickly.
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It took three days to fix the machine. When Steve and Bucky return to their old self, they fall asleep to get checked first. After two hours, they finally woke up and searched for you. 
"Ooh, you're looking for Y/N? I gave her a week off after caring for both of you."
Yes, you do. When Bruce said the machine worked fine without side effects, you immediately left the building and went to a bar. 
At the bar, you gulped the second glass of beer. You sighed heavily since you realised you needed the strongest alcohol to erase the image from your mind of baby Steve Rogers and baby Bucky Barnes when they're crying, nagging and pulling your hair. 
Their perfect image in your mind has been destroyed.
Drawing of baby Steve and Rogers : Drawing 1, Drawing 2, Drawing 3
Main Masterlist || Buy me Ko-fi please 🥹
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thebardisabird · 11 months
this is the first request ive ever made, but how would the boys react to a classic Bimbo reader? with classic blonde hair, pink clothes, expensive bags and nails, stuff like that😭 this may be a bit strange so dont answer if you dont wanna, i was just curious. thank you so much lmao 😭
We know her, we love her, she’s that girl!
So Osomatsu immediately goes gaga for you. I’m talking heart eyes, drooling, unable to think coherent thoughts kind of enamored. From your pretty long eyelashes, to your super short mini skirt to pink boot heels - he can’t seems to pick a spot where he wants to look! Every single inch of you sings sex appeal and he’s listening very intently. He knows he definitely cannot afford you tho - so he might pull off the same stunt he did for Chibimi and just about sell his soul to get a date with you. (Honestly when I think of all the characteristics you describe matched with Oso I think of @girlymatsu ‘s oc Erina-chan who is super cute and fun, please check them out, you can tell they put a lot of love in their art and you'll absolutely love their oc)
Karamatsu sees your fashion sense and instantly wants to be the Ken to your Barbie. You have this it girl factor that draws him in and with the sway of your hips and the wink of your pink, glittery shadowed eye, he’s completely under your spell. If you so choose to give him the time of day, he pays you compliment after compliment, and will take you out on a date to get coffee or a nice meal depending on what you’d like. If we’re talking about a classic bimbo trope where you’re a little on the less well-read side, then he might find it cute that you don’t really know how to pronounce some of the words of the meals or coffee drinks and he’ll try to use the opportunity to teach you some fancy words. You actually find his poses and flowery speech kinda funny, because he sounds like a poem out loud.
Choromatsu has no idea how you're even talking to him right now. He's seen you plenty of times and never ever imagined you would even say two words to him other than like... "Excuse me" if he was standing in your way. You are so far removed from all the things that encompass his life. Yet when you tell him that his favorite has super cute outfits and that you were thinking about becoming one yourself because you love the idea of all the glitz and glamour it brings, he short-circuits. You're already so gorgeous, to think of you being in cutesy outfits and dancing around? And he's allowed to talk to you? Associate with you??? The man is ready to die happy. But not as happy as when you dress up in his favorite idol's outfit - only it looks ten times better on you because your bigger chest and ass. While you don't exactly understand his love for anime, manga, and other more nerdy things, you humor him because he's just so cute when his little froggy face lights up the way it does!
Ichimatsu is intimidated entirely by you and will actively go out of his way to avoid you. You are like a beacon of light far too bright and undeserving for him to ever even get close to. Luckily for him, you notice one day that he's looking into the window of a cat cafe and you finally tap him on his shoulder and ask about whether he likes cats or not. It takes about everything he has not to throw up on the spot, but he is seriously questioning his life and whether or not some god above is about to smite him. You try to explain to him that you actually really love kitties as you point to your kitten paw choker and show him your baby pink matching kitten paw nails. At some point he realizes that you're not fucking with him and he slides out of fight or flight mode and into general nervousness. It takes a while before you can actually get him to speak (you're literally such a bombshell against his disheveled-ness, he feels very grateful that he's conscious enough to give you short answers instead of fainting like his body wants him to), but you eventually give him your number. When you part ways, then he slumps to the ground, but with the tiniest of smiles on his face.
Jyushimatsu actually makes you nervous. It's very clear that you're super attractive and bubbly, but there is a genuine sweetness to him that makes him stick out from all the other meatheads who try to normally get your attention. The yellow clad matsu isn't very subtle about staring at you and your appearance, but you honestly don't mind it when he says things like "Your hair reminds me of the sun!" or "You look like a pretty pink cloud today, haha!" The guy is just so adorable it makes you giggle. And when he smiles right back (even bigger than his usual grin), it makes you blush a bit. You end up leaving lipgloss on his cheeks all the time because you just find him so cute.
Todomatsu can't get enough of you once he gets to know you! You two feed off of each other's cutesy personalities. And since pink is both of your signature colors, you guys end up matching outfits a lot. Though the price to pay with you two being so matchy-matchy is that everyone else literally cannot stand being around you two lol. But that's fine to either of you because you both just chalk it up to them being rude and jealous and you pay it no mind...it's either that dynamic orrrrr you end up hating each others guts because only one of you can be the cutest in Akatsuka. Though that scenario ends up in an enemies to lovers situation because even though Todomatsu says he can't stand you - he definitely admits to himself (and only to himself at first) that you are positively gorgeous and the only person worthy of being at his level of pretty in pink.
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sinning-23 · 11 months
My Latest crush is an alien car from space Pt.2
Okay so iwasnt expecting so many Mirage smps to like up my post but HEYYY welcome home yall lmao. Heres part two and let me know is yall want like a tag list for the next couple parts. ANywhoo there's some tension that forms this chapter so start getting ready for more flirty and spicyyyy interactions with old boy.
Heres the link to pt.1
Heres the link to pt.3 shawty
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Touch me softly 
Mirage had allowed you to explore his anatomy, and he was more willing than you thought. You had managed to make a nice little sketch of his body and made 4 separate copies to try and get a placement in where everything was. Then you had 5 more separate sheets just in case there were some more internal systems you wanted to note. He watched as your eye brown pinched and formed a line on your forehead and your fingers guided the pencil to the paper. 
“Wow, you drew me kinda sexy.” He jokes making you draw a breath trying to hold back a laugh. 
It really wasn’t sexy, it was about the equivalent of the Vitruvian man drawing and basic anatomical positioning for a robot. He watches you stand, hair pulled back, yet a couple of braids still fall in front of your face. He’s quiet, looking at the way you focused so intensely on exploring him.
When you gestured for him to move his leg, he did so without complaint, the feeling of your soft, warm hands under his exteriors heating him up from the inside. Of course, you’d never know that unless you kept poking and prodding. 
“Ok so compared to me, and well, other humans I’m sure your overall body parts are called different things. So let’s start from top to bottom, yeah?” You suggest, eager to learn. 
Mirage kneels in front of you, giving you an opportunity to see better. You’re much smaller than him, but he could tell when you stood next to Noah you were definitely average human height. Small to him but normal to everyone else. 
“Alright I hope you’re ready cause there’s a LOT.” He explains, clearing his throat as you move closer to his face just to see better, he blinks a bit, getting used to the feeling.
You smile slyly, placing your hand under his chin to  guide his face, 
“Let’s start with your face. Stick out your…tongue?” 
He opens his mouth and lets the ‘flesh’ inside lol out before speaking 
“Gloth-ah” he announces and you tilt your head in confusion, only for him to repeat.
You nod prodding at what you soon learned was his helm and face plates. You brush over his vocalizer for a moment and he hums, high-pitched enough to be a moan but not loud enough for either of you to acknowledge it. You know what you heard though.
“Whoa- lets not touch that alright ma?” He asks. 
Soon enough your trailing downward and when you do he announces each part for you to make a note of. This is the quietest he’s been since earlier today. He lets you work, touch, poke, pull, and press whatever you'd wanted. It’s not like it hurt really, but he’s never had something smaller than him want to examine at such close range and actually touch places he’d never been able to. In fact, it was kind of nice-
He yelps when you slide your hand down his chest plate and even farther under his chassis. You pull away, startled at the noise with wide eyes. 
“OK, that’s enough exploring don’t you think?” The statement is rushed and you side-eye him when what sounded like cooling fans whirred from inside.
Had you gotten him worked up? Maybe those were sensitive spots that had never really been touched like that before? You nod, not wanting to pry and ruin this newfound friendship by being a perv. You collect the papers and paperclip them together as he begins to wind down. It's about 6am now, and the sun peeks in through the garage windows. Your dad should be awake about now and- 
You gasp pushing Mirage back into the space he was originally parked in last night(even though he didn’t budge). Your dad couldn’t know about this! AT ALL! Knowing him he'd stress out and then his pressure would get too high and he’d have a heart attack and-
“Whoa hey, what the rush, mamas? Got something to hide?” Mirage questions, figuring out why you were trying to get him back into a corner. 
Was he being clueless on purpose?!
“YES, YOU! Now go back to being a car! My dad can't know about you, it might just be the death of him.” You huff out, gripping your scalp and pacing back and forth. He gets the idea, chuckling a bit before right back to that beat-up Porsche.
You sneak out the garage, tiptoeing up the stairs and into your room. And the moment your head hit the pillow, not even a tornado could wake you. 
You'd be lying if you said you didn't sleep the rest of the day away. By the time you woke up it was already 3-4pm and sounded like your father was cleaning up the kitchen. You sigh, running yourself a shower considering you didn't get one the night before. Mirage was still in the garage as far as you knew and you were hellbent on getting the rest of those notes.
You step in, the water feeling soothing against your skin, steam filling up the bathroom as you sigh in relief. Thoughts of your apartment fill your head. 
‘Maybe Mirage could help with the unpacking? Or maybe not. He could be spotted and then that’s more problems for us. Mirage…..Miraaaaageee….’
Your turn to face the water, soaping up your towel as suds slide down the drain. 
‘I wonder if a car wash is the equivalent of a shower for him….does he stay a car or like…fully transformed….does he have a-‘ 
Shutting the water off you opt to pull your hair back today since youd being doing more exploring. The steam from the bathroom escapes when youleave and pad downstairs, catching a glimpse at the note you father let you on the kitchen counter
~Working late, leftovers in the fridge~
You smile to yourself, grabbing a bottle of water to try and beat the obvious heat outside and head to the garage. Sure enough, the Porsche is right where you left it. Mirage is right where you'd left him, and when you tap on the window, the doors unlock almost instantly. You flatten the back of your blue jean skirt and adjust the seat. Awfully quiet today?
“Well good afternoon to you too sunshine? You realize it’s almost 5 right?.” You joke, hearing him rev his engine and the radio humming to life with the sound of his voice. 
“You had me up all night! Looking this good doesn’t happen on its own! But how tired can I be when a pretty girl in a miniskirt‘s got her thighs on my seat?” He shoots back, making you gasp. 
“Drive you flirt, I got more notes to take. Wanna go to that garage you took me to yesterday?” You ask, using the garage clicker to leave. 
It was hot, the sun beating down on you as Mirage insisted you keep the windows down instead of running the ac. The streets were somewhat empty on this fine Sunday morning and Mirage’s only response was to drive in what you assumed was the direction to the garage. You fidget with the radio nobs and glance at the aux cord below the cd player. Maybe he did have CDs in here? You open the armrest to find nothing but-
It was easy to be nosy and explore when Mirage could drive himself, youd put that together on your own last night. There was so little you knew about him but his demeanor overall made you feel comfortable enough to ask. He was…charming. You pull the blank CD case out the armrest, and dust it off. 
“MIrage’s Mix (from-)”
The name was scratched off, well more smudged than anything. You crack the case open and slide the CD into the player, the wait for the music to start making you a bit nervous. Had he realized you'd put it in? Was it personal? You begin to regret your decision but before you could press the eject button, it began. N.W.A. blasted from the speakers, startling you for a moment but you're soon amused.  What did he know about N.W.A?
It doesn't take much longer for you to arrive at the garage, most of the lot being empty while the two of you enter to complete more of your research. You set your purse down, taking the papers from yesterday out and trying to organize them as he peers over your shoulder.
“Still think you drew me sexy-”
You scoff playfully and push him a bit, not moving him in the slightest but still, but he still finds it amusing. 
“Stop it, I need you to sit so I can finish. You got all squeamish on my last night.” You tease, sliding your hand down the back of his ‘leg’ and he freezes.
He kneels back down, watching your every move. Your fingers hover over his vocalizer, the warning from yesterday replaying in your mind. Right, don't touch. You skip his chest plate and chassis, watching his expression slightly change to disappointment for what seemed like only a second. Again, he announces each part of himself, the air slightly awkward and VERY quiet. Maybe now was the time to try and strike up some more conversation.
“Soooo, where are you really from?” You ask, writing down each part you trace over when he speaks. 
“Cybertron actually. Not in your solar system lil mama.” He flirts, turning his palms slightly open when you tap them. 
"Never been?" He jokes again, admiring how small your hand looked compare to his.
'Careful Mirage your size kink is showing' he thinks to himself, avoiding your gaze.
You shake your head in response, looking at the details of his hands, moving back to his torso, purposefully skipping over the plated area between his thighs. Boundaries were definitely not something you wanted to cross, trying not to make him uncomfortable. I mean, he was willingly letting you poke around, and he clears his throat when you skip that spot.
“You, you can look if you want. And touch…ask questions. It's all good babygirl.” He offers, almost melting when you look up from under your lashes at him.
 He could practically feel his pump about to explode. Why did Earth girls look so damn pretty? Mirage couldn't wrap his head around it honestly, the feeling he got when he passes a pretty girl when Noah would take him for drives. How they would gasp if he revved loud enough to embarrass Noah a bit but also score him a couple numbers.
Talk about a damn good wingman. You were different though.
You were a softer kind of pretty…He'd seen you come into the garage so many times before you really met. The day your dad parked him in that spot, he watched you skip in with your little low-rise jeans, the piercing you sported shining in the sunlight. 
You hugged your dad, eyes lighitn up at the new car with a gasp. 
“A Porsche! Dad oh my gosh really?” You ask, seeing him nod. You squealed more, inspecting his paint job, it was just as beat up then as it was before you officially met. 
You chatted on and on about how ‘cute’ he’d look when you finally got to paint him a nice shade of hot pink and added your glitter seat covers. Not so exciting for him considering pink wasn't particularly his favorite but god did you look adorable when you were excited. 
And there was that same look. Pure, unbridled excitement, yet your eyes shone almost darker this time. That look is almost salacious. It makes him swallow hard, legs opening a bit more and you brush your hand over his thighs, sparing one more glance as if to ask, ‘Are you sure?’ He only nods. 
“Mirage, you gonna keep telling me what everything is, or am I to assume on my own?” You question, tracing the skirt plate.
Ita hard to speak, his fans feelijg as if they were working overtime to keep him from overheating. Primus you looked so pretty between him and now he was wondering how would you look riding his-
You stop touching, whistling to get his attention. Damn, he kinda liked that.
“ ‘Rag, we good?” You questions and he swallows hard at his new nickname.
Where did all that slick talk go now? 
“Yeah, y-yeah we’re good ma.” He responds finally, optics low when your light chuckle reaches his ears. 
You slide your hands up and down his midsection plating, teasing at this point. How was he supposed to focus on helping you learn when you touch under his plates like that? When your fingers slide over his thighs and over the skirt plate over and over, the pace only makes him want to thrust into your touch.
He felt perverted sort of, getting off on you exploring him in the name of science. That was such bullshit. He looks down at you, watching you pinch your lip between your teeth. Oh….you liked this. Your thighs pressed together as your tongue darts out to lick your lips. 
You look up at him again, smile mischievous. And before he could ask any questions you slid you hand right back to his chassis and vocalizer. Oh that was a moan without a doubt. You hum in satisfaction, you’re practically playing with him, his body. It wasn’t helping that he hadn’t been touched like this in so long either p.
“Wanna tell me what happens if I keep touching you like this?” You purr, seeing Mirage avoid eye contact. 
“C’mon ma, don’t mess with me like this.” He breathes out, hollow.
You stop your ministries after hearing tires and revving come to a halt. With footsteps approaching you stand quickly, Mirage doing the same. He crosses his arms over his chest and leaning against the wall as if he’d been caught while you shove the papers into your bag and swallow hard. You’d never moved so fast in your life.
Noah enters, feeling as if he’s just interrupted something but panicking once he realizes the predicament you were about ot be in. Why were you two here? Did Mirage even think this through? Probably not.  He glances back at the other 3 bots behind him, trying to find a quick solution to hide you. But, before he could get any sort of plan out, three other robots similar to Mirage walked in, and one of them, was not at all pleased. 
“Primeee, i had no idea youd be back so soon!”
Lemme know waht yall think in the comments lmao and let me know if you wanna be added to the taglist as well!
Mini Taglist: @gniteruirui @veggiepizzababy panty-h03
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billys-pretty-babe · 6 months
dom billy cuddling sub anxious reader. fluff ending with smut to make reader feel better
if you don’t like this feel free to change it around. In the middle of the night reader starts crying feeling anxious, which wakes billy up. He snuggles up next to her all like ‘hey hey. whats wrong baby?’ Him just super protective, cuddling reader, wiping her tears away. Constantly touching her being all cuddly snuggle his head into her neck being all touchy like a teddy bear grinding his hard dick against her( trying to make her feel better cus THEYRE both horny animals)🥺❤️
Billy’s dominance is there even if he’s being soft. He is rational but his girlfriend is an anxious mess- constantly worried about everything, never feeling at peace and just depressed in general. Billy sighs and man handles reader ontop of his body so her back is against his chest. He gives advices becoming stern( because it’s the only way she can understand), and tells her that she needs to learn to become strong in life. Not be a weak mess, making up fake problems in her head, just comforting her but kinda like in a serious way because she needs to be told ‘harshly’ otherwise she doesn’t understand, all whilst touching her sensitive nipples hehe, making her squirm ‘b-billy no’ ‘shhh it’s okay I’ve got you. I’m always here for you’.
Subby reader whines and billy cooes her telling her everything will be okay. ‘Let me make you feel better’.And he rubs her puffy pussy, sleepily praising her for being such a good girl and they fall asleep cuddling❤️ THIS IS SUCH A MESS LMAO I CAN CHANGE IT IF U WANT BHEHEJD
i had to sit and think on this for a while to really think about how to go about this.
Pairing: Billy Hargrove x Fem!Reader
Summary: ^^^^^
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Warnings: dom/sub dynamics (very light because i've never written dom!billy before), smut implications, smut
Word count : 1,170
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The room was filled with soft pants, the two of you trying to catch your breath as you looked up at the ceiling. Billy laid beside you on his stomach, his left hand reaching out and pulling you close, coddling you, making sure he didn't hurt you in the throes of passion.
Billy was always soft on you, he had a very hard exterior but when the two of you were alone, he was the biggest softie, his blue eyes always soft. He ran his hand over your hair, giving your temple a kiss as he spoke softly to you, rubbing your stomach with his hand, doing his best to lull you to sleep as you cuddled further into his body, seeking the warmth that you had felt for a near hour, your body craving his body against yours.
Your eyes snapped open; your heart was heavy as your mind ran a million miles an hour. Your boyfriend was sleeping, his loud snores filled the room. Tears fell, and you did nothing to stop them. Maybe you weren't good tonight. How did you have your hands positioned on him? How deep did you scratch? Did you draw blood on him?
The thoughts wouldn't stop and didn't stop until Billy's warm hand gently tightened on your hip as the bed shifted a little as he moved closer to you, resting his head beside yours on your pillow. "What's wrong, baby?" he asked, his voice gravelly from sleep. You shook your head, looking ahead at the sheer white curtains, looking at the moon and how it's light shone into the small bedroom.
His hand left your hip to wipe your tears, his thumb softly stroking your cheek as his index finger did all of the work. "Baby," he said again, "what's wrong? You have to tell me so I can make it better." His hips shifted behind you and your body reacted, your butt moving back to press directly against him, and he groaned into the pillow.
"Uh uh," he gently scolded, "tell me first and then, we'll go for a second round." You sighed, beginning to tell him your feelings, how you felt like you did the wrong things tonight. His hands moved down to your chest, wrapping his arms around you to cuddle you. "Look, listen to me, alright?" You nodded, still pushing your hips back, trying to get just a little friction to satiate that deep need for him.
"Your brain," he brought an index finger up and gently tapped your forehead, "makes up things to make you feel bad, alright? You did nothing wrong; you've never done anything wrong when we have sex. You start freaking out at the littlest things and baby, no one expects you to be perfect and make no mistakes. I'm the biggest fuck up in the world, but I don't dwell on my mistakes unless they have something to do with you. You're always so skittish anywhere we go, you don't talk to people, and you play the safest option so that no one looks at you. I love you, I genuinely do, but baby, you've got to learn how to get out there. I'm not going to be here to protect you forever."
You gulped; you knew he was right about everything. You hated speaking up for yourself, Billy always did that for you. You hated attention, except when it came from your boyfriend, you loved it then. "I'm sorry," you said softly. "What are you apologizing for," he asked, squeezing you a little tighter, releasing your body with one of his arms as his thumb traced around your breast, his lips now on your shoulder as he spoke, giving you brief tiny kisses when it was your turn to speak.
You shrugged, "I don't know." He laughed softly, kissing where your arm met your shoulder. "There's nothing to apologize for. Sometimes you just get worked up for nothing, just try and calm yourself down and think if it's worth it, alright?" You nodded. "I love you," he said, kissing the back of your neck, letting his lips linger. "I love you too." He smiled against your skin.
His left hand snaked down your stomach, caressing right below your belly button. "Is it okay if I go further?" You nodded and opened your legs just enough for his hand to find purchase between your thighs. You whimpered at his cold fingers made contact with your clit. He tsked softly in your ear, "So wet when you were crying." You laughed, a soft sniffled escaping as well. "You were grinding on me, couldn't help getting wet." He laughed, kissing the shell of your ear.
His finger rubbed circled on the top of your clit as you squirmed in his hold, and he tightened his hand on you a little. "Stop moving, tell me what you need." Your left leg wound up between his legs, spreading your legs just a little more. "Need your fingers." He laughed, "You have them." He knew exactly what you needed, but he wanted to hear it.
"Inside, need them inside." He nodded, "Good girl." One finger, then two fingers were inside you, immediately curling up, right against that sweet spot. A high-pitched moan escaped your mouth, back arching just a little, your cheat moving quickly. Billy knew what he was doing when it came to your body, he knew how to dram out orgasm after orgasm with the right spots and he knew exactly where they were located.
"Easy, just let it happen. I can feel you clenching around my fingers. I got you, let go for me." You whined, head falling back at his words. He was the king of dirty talk and talking you through an orgasm, which you were thankful for in moments like these, late night fingering sessions, late night hand jobs or blowjobs.
His right hand rubbed your stomach as your body succumbed to the pleasure as he continued talking you through your orgasm. You came down from your high and he kissed you. "Atta girl, good job." He eased his fingers out of you considering how sensitive you were, having received two orgasms from his earlier in the night, and a third just now.
"Thank you," you said as you caught your breath a little, getting your heart to slow down. He laughed, "For what?" You shrugged, "The talk, the orgasm, all of it." He laughed, kissing the back of your head once again, "You're welcome." He wiped his sticky fingers on the inside of your thigh and cuddled with you once more. "You don't want anything?" He shook his head, his eyes already fluttering shut. "Sleep is what I want, we'll fuck again before breakfast, if you're up to it."
You smiled, putting your hand over his, "Okay." He smiled, pulling the blanket a little higher over the two of you, his thumb rubbing your stomach, making you fall back asleep, your body awaiting the pleasure that it would receive at the crack of dawn.
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9x07 · 14 days
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Honestly Kayla, finding this in my inbox is the highlight of my week, one of my favourite blogs on here @nilefreemans
I honestly have so many thoughts about bucktommy overall but tommy kinard is such an enigma in many ways and it’s kind of like sudoku where it’s a fun puzzle to play around with headcanons based on intentional and unintentional canon information and i have so many thoughts whenever i see gifs
cause like yeah it’s very easy to just be like yeah i’ve seen pics of lou with earrings but choosing to interpret it as an intentional character element adds so much to tommy’s character
cause yeah ear piercings are way less gendered now but i know i certainly grew up hearing so many gendered rules about who could or couldn’t get their ears pieced and the “gay earring”, and i imagine that would have been so much more amplified for Tommy, just the layers of pressure and closeting he is seemingly under prior to chimney begins— which makes the pierced ears even more interesting because jt means in universe that there was some point in time that tommy felt like he could step out of those confines and take what looks like this tiny little step but in reality is profound for him but only temporarily since we don’t see him wear them even outside of work iirc.
and i’m just fascinated by these little pockets of liberation for characters like tommy —like for ref. I watched spn and one of my favourite fic tropes is Stanford Era Dean where for a brief moment he doesn’t have to be hunter nobody is perceiving him and he gets to just be himself a queer man— which just feels very Tommy
like i don’t have hard or fast ideas and tommy doesn’t seems like the most traditionally impulsive (like buck) but more of a measured impulsivity where maybe he doesn’t seek things out but he’ll eagerly engage when it’s there- i mean see every time chimney has ‘dragged’ him into things/information out of him
So while I could easily see it being a throwaway line of like “oh yeah I forget about em, I got them when I lost a bet” or as a more active rebellious move of like hey I can't do something grander but I can do this and the kind of people who would see this as gay are the people I'm looking to spite right now
But my personal favourite is (again a lot of this is me just wanting an version of the stanford era dean segment of A Thousand Lives fic but Tommy pre-buck) I really enjoyed the idea that Tommy got his ears pieced because he wanted to just sincerely, even more so if in a bitter sweet way it’s in this blip of tommy’s life prior to coming out when he’s out to himself and dating men, going to queer spaces etc. and one of them is some queer man with the patience of a saint who one evening in a moment of calm intimacy probably brushing their hands through tommy’s hair and when noticing his ears ask tommy if he’s ever thought about getting them pierced- and at this window of post army and either pre LAFD entirely or just pre-buck 118- he has just enough courage to say yes and agree to getting them pierced, and like eventually this partner would somehow convince him to do some level of gender bending expression or drag like a Halloween costume (like please can somebody draw Tommy doing rock horror) and then bittersweet it’d probably link back to tommy being just not being ready for or in the right environment to be really fully out and a mutual break out as the other guy looking for a more visible relationship
i really wasn’t expecting this to be this long i had to fully delete a tangent i had about my thoughts on tommy and love actually but that’s for a different post lmao, again really honoured that you enjoyed my rambly tags enough to want to hear more, i wish i wrote fic so i could put these ideas together better but at least it’s there
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spxllcxstxr · 2 years
Black Sheep • Bridgerton!Sibling
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(Gif not mine)
Request: Maybe an angsty bridgerton sibling one where she's forgotten about a lot and they realise they don't even know her favourite colour or whatever, maybe they realise when playing a game and so she gets upset —anon
Summary: Your siblings finally take an interest in you
Warnings: fem!reader, kinda angsty??? Sibling stuff lmao
Word Count: 1.1k
A.N: uhhhh I’m hoping this is good lmao, fingers crossed, still shaky in writing Bridgerton I guess
The parlor was empty, besides you at the piano forte, and quite, besides the ticking of the grandfather clock on the other side of the room and the scratching of your pen on the parchment in front of you. Faintly, you hum out the tune of your new piano forte piece, something you’ve been composing for quite some time. It was a solemn piece, longing for a deep understanding and love from someone who cared. A reflection of yourself.
One would think that your love of the arts would bring you closer to your brother Benedict or maybe Eloise since she enjoyed hiding away from the insufferable balls and social gatherings you were forced to go to as “proper ladies.” But you weren’t. Benedict, Colin, and Eloise drifted towards each other like Anthony and Daphne. And while you loved your younger siblings, the bond the three of them had was something you couldn’t impose on. Though you were the twin of the diamond of the season herself, you two were polar opposites. 
All eyes were on her this season, though to be quite honest, all eyes were on Daphne since the day she was born.
“Sister dear, why on earth have you been at the piano for so long?” Benedict asks, strutting through the threshold, sketchbook in hand, before lounging in the couch on the other side of the room.
You glance up from your work, Benedict already engrossed in his drawing. His tongue resides in the corner of his pursed lips, brows furrowed in concentration as his hand run furiously across his paper.
Deciding he doesn’t actually care, you go back to scribbling notes and pressing certain keys. If it was bothering Benedict, he didn’t say anything.
Lost in both thought and the flow of the music, you don’t notice the rest of your siblings filtering into the room, no matter how loud Gregory and Hyacinth were.
“Do you not have anything better to do, (Y/n)?”
You pull your focus from your work and instead settle on your brothers, playing chess to pass the time. With one glance you can tell Anthony is winning, though Colin was never that hard to beat in the first place. He was too passive.
“Perhaps suitors to entertain…” Colin starts, eyebrows quirked in curiosity, though he knows no one has approached you in months despite your status.
“…or friends to write to…” Eloise snickers from behind her book. Benedict tries to hide his own laughter with a cough.
“And yet you are still sitting at that blasted piano forte,” Anthony scoffs, moving a pawn on the board in front of him.
“A proper lady must know how to play an instrument,” Daphne points out, sitting with perfect posture in her seat.
“That may be true, sister mine,” Anthony continues, “but (Y/n) has been there for far too long. A proper lady must do something else with her time,”
The ivory keys are smooth to the touch offering you comfort as your family turns their eyes to you. There has never been so many deep brown irises focused on you at once. Even your younger siblings pause their fighting to stare at you. Your corset suddenly feels more restricted than usual, the pins in your hair tugging harshly at your scalp, heels digging into your skin. The attention is unnerving.
“I am composing a piece,” You swallow nervously. “If you must know my every move,”
Benedict perks up at your admission, his artwork abandoned.
“You compose?” He asks, eyes lighting up. Artist recognizing another artist.
Your siblings gape in shock, making the hair on the back of your neck stand straight up.
“I—I have for years, Benedict, did you not know?”
Time passes, you squirm in your seat. The hardwood digs into your thighs and they ache.
“Of course you did not,” At the accusation, you stand up, gathering your materials, done with being in the parlor. “None of you know the first thing about me, never notice me unless it is necessary for your reputation or if mother tells you to,”
“(Y/n), that is not true—“ Daphne sweetens her tone as she stands from her seat. Her heels click against the floorboards, approaching you with her hand out.
“Oh be quiet, Daphne,” You scoff. “It makes perfect sense why you all do not care, I am not the diamond of the season nor am I the apple of someone’s eye,” This confession has your chest tightening and your face heating up, though you feel as if you can’t stop it.
The chess game is abandoned and your twin steps back.
“Francesca, Gregory, Hyacinth, go play outside,” Daphne tells the younger three, wide eyes never leaving your own.
“Do as your sister says,” Anthony interrupts your younger brother.
The children hurry out of the room, though you know that they certainly didn’t go outside. They’re Bridgertons, meaning they’re snooping around trying to overhear the conversation.
“It does not matter that you are not the diamond,” Colin states, standing between the eldest Bridgerton brothers.
“Oh yes, all the attention was on Daphne way before that fateful day, was it not?” Your bottom lip trembles, everything tumbling out right then and there in front of everyone. The paper in your hand crinkles.
Anthony’s face is screwed up in confusion, as is Daphne’s.
“Is that truly how you feel, (Y/n)?” Daphne sounds broken-hearted, her lips pull down into a delicate frown.
“I am not just in your shadow, Daphne, I am in everyone’s,” Clutching your papers, you continue to vent to your siblings. “I do not need attention from everyone all the time, but I wish to not be forgotten by everyone, especially my own siblings.”
“I did not realize, (Y/n),” Eloise speaks up, daring to shuffle closer to you, eyes shining with tears in the afternoon sun coming in through the windows. “I genuinely apologize for not seeing this sooner; for not seeing you sooner,”
“It is okay—“
“It is not okay, (Y/n),” Anthony cuts in, stepping up behind his sister, a scowl twisted upon his face. It is not for you, however, it’s for himself. “We are your family and yet we have not acted like it as of late,”
You sniff, tears threatening to pour over. This was all you ever wanted. An apology, a promise to do better. A real spot in the family.
Colin runs a hand through his short hair and Daphne places a soft hand on top of yours. They agree that they will be better starting today.
“So this composition,” Benedict lightly starts, nodding to the wrinkled paper between your fingers. “What is it like?”
“We’ll it isn’t finished,” You smile at the interest, taking in the bright faces of your siblings. Comfort floods through your body, no longer do their stares fill you with uneasiness. “Though I believe it will have quite the happy resolution,”
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goosewriting · 2 years
Hi I just wanted to tell you that I really enjoy your writing. What if the turtles got cloaking broches and wanted to show their partner, and the partner was like “yeah you’re pretty as a human but I miss your markings/stripes etc.”?
Cloaking broach (rottmnt x reader)
summary: reader and turtle’s reaction to seeing him in human form for the first time.
relationship: Rise Leo, Raph, Mikey, Donnie x GN reader (separate) 
warnings: simping ✊😔, innuendos? sort of? nothing spicy or anything but idk it’s a different tone than my usual stuff XD, i guess it still counts as fluffy ending tho
word count: 1.9k
A/N: ty for the kind words anon! i have to say i went kinda hard on the simp reader here but can you blame me? this ended up being 100% self-indulgent lmao check the human designs i used for this one under the cut and you’ll understand 🫡 still, i hope it’s to your liking ;;w;;
(english is not my first language. constructive criticism and grammar corrections are very appreciated!)
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for this one i wanted to give you guys a visual lol for the human!turtles: i’ll be using these designs by @redbeanp13 (source), who was kind enough to let me use them :D the drawing below is by @soldrawss (source) whose art you should really check out because it’s top tier 😤👌
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with that settled, let's get to it~
— — —
The turtle made his way to your apartment, moving swiftly between the buildings, unable to hold in his excitement. He had borrowed a cloaking broach from Sunita, and he wanted you to be there when he transformed for the first time. After all, he hoped you’d like how he looked. 
When he got to your place and explained the situation, you suddenly got nervous. You had never even thought about him as a human, and while you were certainly curious, you also felt strangely uneasy. What if he was shocked about how he looked? What if he was disappointed because it wasn’t like he expected? On the other hand… What if he looked even better? What were you supposed to do with that knowledge after he turned back to his turtle self?
You shook your head to rid yourself of those thoughts, focusing instead on the almost child-like glee your boyfriend had, waiting for you to join him in front of your full-length mirror.
Giving him a nod, he was just about to place the broach on his strap when you spoke, suddenly remembering a very important aspect of the transformation.
“Wait!” you stopped him, holding up your hands, and he looked at you slightly irritated but waited for you to continue, as he saw how flushed your face looked all of a sudden. “How does the whole clothes aspect work? Will you have those or will you transform, like… naked?”
“Why, would you like to see that?” he teased you.
You didn’t nod nor shake your head, instead only bringing up your hands to cover your face.
“I’m just kidding” he laughed and placed a hand on your shoulder reassuringly, giving it a bit of a squeeze. “The broach gives you the clothes you imagine, so no worries.”
“Right…” you replied sheepishly, uncovering your face. “Let’s see it then.”
And with that the turtle placed the broach on the strap around his torso, and got engulfed in a greenish smoke.
🔵 Leo
When he emerged, he was smug about it.
You blinked a couple of times, trying to process what you saw.
There were a lot of feelings happening. 
Meanwhile he quite literally checked himself out in the mirror.
He had no shame about it. 
You ran your hands through his hair, and the new sensation startled him, but he didn't pull back.
It felt kinda nice actually.
You traced over his face; his stripes had translated into scars and birthmarks of sorts.
As you were admiring his facial features, Leo suddenly pulled you closer by the waist, leaning in, and stopped just before your lips touched, quietly asking if he could kiss you. You replied by closing the distance.
The kiss felt different and yet the same, as it still was Leo in front of you. Again, your hands came up to run through his hair, lightly tugging at the base of the neck, which made him softly groan into the kiss. At the unexpected sound you pulled back and looked at him with big eyes and heated cheeks.
“I could get used to that” he said with his signature grin, and quickly pecked your nose. 
“So, you like it?” Leo asked, placing his arm over your shoulder and pulling you into his side, so you stood next to each other, facing the mirror.
“I mean… yes? You do still look very handsome” you replied, and trailed off, biting your bottom lip, as if hesitating to continue. He gave you a soft smile through the mirror.
“I don’t know, it’s like there’s something missing? Your half-moon markings that bring out your eyes, the stripes that seem to glow in the light, your whole ninja-ness. This feels like more of a costume than anything else… I like you in green; it feels realer.”
His gaze suddenly softened, looking vulnerable for a split second. That was not the reply he was expecting, but maybe deep inside the one he was hoping for. 
“I do like the hair though” you said to go back to your banter. “And it looks like you finally can get a good posture without the shell.”
“Hey!” Leo gasped in mock offence, and you stuck out your tongue at him. “Turtle or not, I can still totally kick your butt!”
You had no time for a clever remark, as he was already playfully tackling you to the ground, with you squealing and trying to get out of his grasp to evade his relentless tickling.
🔴 Raph
He was still tall, almost as tall as his turtle form. 
Just not as big.
Which was kinda weird to see.
As if there was a part of him missing in the space before you.
You hugged him and could almost reach around his back, which was impossible in his turtle form.
Also he was warm for once, which was nice.
As you were hugging him, his arms also wrapped around your form.
That’s when you noticed.
He was so soft.
“So, what do you think?” he asked at your reflection in the mirror.
You pulled back from the hug and just stared at his chest for a second. His chest was usually rather hard because of the plaster, even though it was quite flexible for him to move in. Still, you couldn’t help but wonder.
Without saying anything you gingerly placed your hands on his chest, making him slightly flinch, a violent blush spreading on his face and neck.
“This is gonna sound so weird” you said, unable to look him in the eye. “But can I… feel you?”
“Ah- Uhm- Sure.” Raph went a little stiff, unsure of what you were about to do.
Your hands traced his chest, which was still rather firm; you assumed his muscles still were present in this form. Then your fingers slowly wandered down to his tummy, which was softer, and to the sides, where you softly pinched his hip, making him squeak in surprise. You took a deep breath to recover from the sheer adorableness of his reaction, and made a mental note of doing it again in the future if you had the chance.
“So… You like it?” he asked after you seemed satisfied with your exploring.
“To be honest? Yes and no” you replied, going back to hugging him and talking to his reflection with your cheek smushed against his chest. 
“I like that I can hug you like this and almost reach around you without the spikes. I like how warm and soft you feel” you explained and he smiled. “But I also really like green and spiky Raph, who is so very gentle with me and makes me feel safe.”
Raph’s arms tightened around you, giving you a kiss on the top of your head.
“Maybe we can borrow the broach in winter for cuddles?” he suggested, slightly swaying you from side to side. Now that was a compromise you could get behind. 
🟠 Mikey
The only way to describe how he looked was adorable.
Since he was more petite and lighter, you figured you could give him a piggyback ride for once.
You also loved that he went with a colourful outfit and lots of accessories.
It suited him very well.
And you couldn’t get over his freckles, they were too cute!
For a while, you both just stood there curiously looking at all the details in the mirror. 
Then Mikey took your hand in his.
“Whoa, so this is what it’s like to have 5 fingers!” he exclaimed, intertwining your fingers with his. You had to admit, it felt pretty nice. 
While he admired his digits alongside yours, with your other hand you ruffled his hair, to which he snorted.
“That feels so weird” he laughed.
“But I bet I know what will feel nice!” you said, letting go of his hand and bringing both of yours up to softly massage his scalp. 
“Oh, oh wow” Mikey basically melted away as you worked your fingers through his hair from the top of his head to the back of his neck, being careful not to get tangled in his locks. He just stood there in pure bliss, with his eyes closed. So when you were done, you couldn’t help yourself from giving him a quick peck on his lips.
He blinked a couple of times, coming out of his stupor.
“You think you could do that even when I don’t have hair?” he asked. You told him to remind you of doing so whenever he wanted. He thanked you and went in for a hug; that's when you realised there was one more thing you could do with his non-turtle self.
Without much of a warning, you bent down ever so slightly to reach under his thighs, and lifted him up with a ‘whoop!’. Mikey held onto your shoulders and instinctively wrapped his legs around your torso. You gave him a smug smile.
“This is new” Mikey commented, an ever so light blush adorning his cheeks, and you tightened your hold on him so he wouldn’t fall. 
“Is it nice?” you asked. If Mikey nuzzling his face into your neck was anything to go by, you’d guess that it was. 
You both knew he loved being held, especially by his brothers, so now that you could do it, he’d never want to let go. 
🟣 Donnie
The only way to describe your internal reaction: that anime gif 
You blushed heavily when you saw his human form.
He was too handsome for the world to see.
“It’s too much power, he’s too dangerous” you thought.
You tried to keep your cool, you really did.
He had somehow managed to bring out his bad boy persona perfectly, without losing the nerd touch. 
Seeing your reaction, he gave you a knowing grin through the mirror, resting his arm on your shoulder.
“So, what do we think?” he asked with a mock nonchalant tone. “I’d love to hear your current thought process in depth.”
“Shut up” you muttered under your breath, shoving his arm off so you could face him. You looked at him for a second, then reached up to cup his face in your hands. Now it was his turn to blush, and you gave him a smirk of your own as you realised something. You didn’t wanna ruin the moment, but you just couldn’t help yourself.
“Look at you, a real boy with real eyebrows!” you cood. Donnie scoffed.
“Don’t ‘Pinocchio’ me” he retorted, but leaned into your touch. It was a somewhat unfamiliar sensation for him too, his skin being different and all.
“May I…?” you asked, gingerly stroking his cheekbone with your thumb, silently asking for permission to further touch around his face, knowing that he wasn’t a fan of that. Deciding to make today the exception, he gave you a short nod.
“How do you feel?” you asked, this time for real, as you further inspected his face and all the features he didn’t have as a turtle: nose, ears, lips, the little freckles speckled around his cheeks. 
“To be honest? Kinda like a wet noodle” he replied, earning a chuckle from you. “I feel way too exposed. Too much soft flesh… everywhere. On the outside. I don’t know how you can walk outside like this every day.” You just gave him a sympathetic smile and hummed. 
Once you were done with your inspection, you withdrew from Donnie, giving him one last once-over.
“Well, that was a fun experiment” you concluded. “But I feel like your human form lacks a certain… mad scientist factor, if you will.”
Donnie agreed and took off the broach, albeit correcting you with a “not mad, just science”. 
🐥 taglist: [more info in my pinned post!] @hearteyedracoon, @koalaray, @maribatshipper, @whygz, @lovelylovelydreams
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