#I’ll probably edit this art later
disconnectedkid · 3 days
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Whoops my hand slipped
Please read the tags they explain stuff aughh
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decentprint · 3 months
I like died there for a moment, sorry
my life got a bit crazy but I was finally able to find some time to draw =D
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child-eater-iii · 2 months
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A lil’ bonding time (for one of my au’s)
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possiblyfunny · 6 months
What’s up with me posting Art all of a sudden???
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This is Aster. He’s the Red from my own Blue Tears AU. I’ve never actually drawn him before, he’s just kinda lingered in my mind for two or so years—so this is the first pass of his design! Aster is a free-roaming spirit that, while missing his own tangible body, uses his new ghostly form to try and spread a little joy. Leaving nice messages and gifts of flowers for those he thinks need a reason to smile.
(Hey! Psst! @creatively-cosmic! You said you wanted to see him—so here he is!)
Other Versions of the art below the cut.
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And yes: he has eyes. They’re just covered by the shadow of his cap.
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sometinysludge · 10 months
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tosses this like a pokéball without context.
(josh belongs to @offl7ne, who also happens to be working on a VERY swag comic with extremely neat characters that you should take a peek at..)
(But you didn’t hear that from me….)
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linuxealcipher · 2 years
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I definitely know what I’m doing lol.
But an official meet the artist post!
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{now feels like a good time to drop the fact that I’ve got a playlist that basically an IC “liked songs” collection for this boi lmao—}
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vaccumajksjsjs · 3 months
guys,,, new and improved blaine family art just dropped⁉️⁉️
jkjk BUT i finally got around to drawing the family w all the new members bc found family has a grip on me rn-
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idk how the quality is bc this was drawn on a fairly large canvas compared to the ones i usually draw on so
i’ll give y’all close ups bc it’s also good for introducing them one by one💪💪
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e: the tired parent of 1000000 kids.
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elijiah(ellie): one of e’s adopted siblings who sees e as more of a third parent most days. he loves being in high places.
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evelynn(lynn): ellie’s twin, and another of e’s adopted siblings. lynn is the kid who eats mud pies and insists everyone else does too.
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percival: the oldest of the 4 legal kids e adopted, they’re a peacekeeper between the kids.
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noah: the baby of the family!!! also one of the legal 4.
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artemis: the wild child. 2nd oldest of the legal 4 (i feel like it sounds like a club- like i gotta capitalize it or something now damn) and also an ai.
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katherine(katie): brandon’s little sister that he lost in the divorce /hj- she’s the shyest of them all.
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owen: the little goopy slime alien thing who i love dearly <33 e found them and said “is anyone gonna take them? no? then they’re mine” and although legally e doesn’t have custody, they’re basically e’s kid and lives w the family. as a bonus, they can both bond over being legally not sentient beings <3
guess we gonna have to finish this in another post-
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cb-writes-stuff · 2 months
So, uh…
Remember that art thing I said I was working on?
It’s still pretty messy, but… Here you go.
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Look at her! She’s so energetic! And not depressed! So unlike Siffrin!
She got that cape! And that umbrella! And her signature hat!
I think I did pretty well at capturing the ISAT art style. Certainly for my first time. A colored version does exist, but I’m saving that for another day, when I can post the finished versions. To talk about the art itself, I used Bonnie as my primary reference, since they’re the only one who’s not an adult. For example, Hat Kid has blush stickers and no nose shadow, since that seems to be a kid thing. I also borrowed Mirabelle’s rapier to get an idea of the perspective on the umbrella, which helped out a lot. I also decided to keep Hat Kid’s thicker upper eye line and her eyelash-thingies, since I feel they make her more distinctive from the other characters, in a good way. They’re also pretty satisfying to draw, not gonna lie.
For those of you who don’t know, this is part of me demo’ing an AU idea I had, called In Hats and Time. As you might guess, it’s a combination of In Stars and Time and A Hat in Time. (I just realized I could call it “A Hat in Stars and Time”, or “AHISAT”, but that’s a bit wordy.) I don’t have a story, like, at all. Not set in stone, anyway. But I do have a few ideas. I’ll probably post about it later.
AAHHH! I’m really excited to share this. It’s a new kind of art project for me, doing this kind of style swap, but I’m really liking how it’s going.
Edit: I should’ve done this earlier, but here is a similar drawing I did of Siffrin in the AHIT art style, also grayscale. Figured I should plug that.
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lautski-week · 5 months
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Lautski Nation, we are so back!
(Q&A + general info under cut!)
Welcome to the third semiannual Lautski week. This event occurs twice a year, once in the summer and once in the winter, to commemorate the shared love so many of us have for Hatchetfield High's most unlikely it couple! Mod is @peterstankoffski and uses they/them pronouns, and you've probably seen me lurking around the lautski tag since it was created. It's been a lovely little 2.5 years getting to enjoy this ship with everyone.
This year the summer event will be in July instead of May so everyone who is interested has plenty of time to prepare. I understand now through June is fairly bust for many people due to finals, so moving it later into the summer was definitely for the best (thank you to everyone who voted in the dates tiebreaker poll the other day!)
And with that, some FAQ!
Q: What are alternates?
A: Alternates are two extra prompts in case one of them leaves you stumped! They can be used any day, or they can not be used at all! It’s up to each individual participant!
Q: Do I have to do all seven days?
A: You’re free to do as many as you want! You can do all seven, you can do just a few, hell, you could do all nine in you wanted! This isn’t a challenge, it’s an event. The main goal is to make some posts about this ship we’re all brainrotting for and having fun.
Q: What can I make?
A: Anything you want! Art, fics, edits, memes, etc. Nothing’s off the table.
Q: How do I post?
A: I’ll reblog anything made for the event to this blog and my main. If you’d like to be featured, please @ THIS blog. Additionally, I’d recommend tagging works with #lautski week so everyone’s works can all be found in the same place.
Q: I was late! Can I still post?
A: Of course! I’ll keep reblogging new posts tagged #lautski week and/or mention this blog through July 17!
Q: Can I post to AO3, then link it back here?
A: Feel free! This year I will also be setting up a Lautski Week collection, which I will link on the blog closer to time. Feel free to use it!
Q: Can I post to (insert any other fanfic site here) then link it back here?
A: Same as AO3. Go ahead!
Q: One of my wips fits *insert prompt here!* Can I post it for that day?
A: You can, but please don’t post before the event begins!
Q: Am I allowed to write smut?
A: Yes, but please have it properly tagged on both tumblr and AO3. On this blog, I will use the additional tag "smut warning"
That's it for now! I'll reblog this occasionally between now and July, plus advertising and answering any additional questions, but other than that, enjoy the rest of your spring (if you're in the Northern Hemisphere anyway)! See you all again soon 💜
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oddzo · 7 months
I’m excited to finally be able to share my drawing of my favorite Camp Camp X Gravity Falls crossover idea! :D
A long string of my thoughts regarding the crossover under the pics, you have been warned lol
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It’s crazy to me that despite all the jokes that Harrison looks like a human Bill Cipher there is absolutely no fanart (that I have found) of him interacting with any of the Pines.
Yeah there’s art of him with Bill, but the Pine’s family are the ones that have trauma from him and therefore would have the best reaction.
Just imagine them meeting the one kid that not only looks like someone possessed by Bill but also does real honest to god magic and has an affinity for fire!
With how much shit the Pine’s have dealt with it wouldn’t be a stretch for them that Bill came back as a kid. They’d probably assume Harrison was being possessed or something.
Harrison especially looks like Bipper so I’d imagine he’d be especially unsettling to Dipper and Mabel. (Probably gonna draw him and Mabel interacting next)
Dipper immediately being super suspicious of Harrison and doing that stalking thing he does to try and figure him out. Dipper seeing Harrison make a mistake with his magic that makes him not look great and Dipper just freaking out more.
Mabel being uncomfortable with Harrison but trying her hardest to be nice to him because he hasn’t actually done anything yet. Becoming friends when she realizes that Harrison is just a kid and not anything like Bill personality and morality wise.
Harrison enjoyed coloring in that one episode so she could probably get him to do art with her. They’d have so much fun with him showing her his magic tricks, he’d be so happy someone is genuinely interested. His magic would probably improve with the encouragement she would give him.
Mabel being reminded of Bipper whenever Harrison gets a bit arrogant. The thought goes away pretty quickly though cause he usually gets humbled really quickly and just accepts it lol
Ford also immediately being suspicious of Harrison but not doing anything rash yet until he can test him. Losing his shit the first time Harrison does magic in front of him.
Someone on here posted a mini fic thing where they said Ford almost dropkicked Harrison the first time he does magic and I love that (I’ll look for the post later and tag it here) Edit: here’s the link! https://www.tumblr.com/the-sprog/659871894550577153/i-just-had-an-idea-could-you-imagine-a-crossover
Stan giving Harrison the benefit of the doubt but keeping a close eye on him whenever he interacts with one of the twins. Not outright hostile to him but not exactly kind either.
Stan somehow finding out about how Harrison accidentally made his brother disappear and immediately noticing the similarities to what happened with him and Ford. He probably gains a bit of a soft spot for Harrison after and gives him pointers on random things, probably a few pep talks.
Oh also I know it’s just a difference in the two art styles but CC characters tend to have more yellow sclera and oval pupils/irises and it really doesn’t help Harrison’s case lmao
I can keep going but this post is already really long so I’ll stop for now haha 😅
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f1amboyant · 12 days
↻ pick a fic and a different ship and I’ll tell you how I’d rewrite it for: The Worst Alpha and carcar:)
✄ what’s your editing process? (i loooove hearing about people's writing and editing processes)
✦ what was your easiest fic to write & your hardest?
Hiiii, thank you for the ask 💕
-> ask me more
✄ what’s your editing process?
Interesting question! I'm gonna answer with my writing process a bit, because both are intertwined (and you said you love hearing about writing process, too 🫣)
So for short fics (under 2k I would say), I mostly write the whole thing in one or 2 sittings, with no plan, just an idea in my head. And when it's done I edit multiple times. A first reread to adjust some details here and there, make a few sentences flow better. And then I do a spelling check, with 2 different softwares because English is not my first language so I want to get it covered.
For longer fics, I plan the whole story, I plan the chapters, I plan the scenes. Then I write scene by scene, usually in order. For each scene, I first write it very badly. I write the scene, fast and bad, not caring about beautiful sentences. The idea is just to put words on the page and to block the scene (like in movies). When this part is done, I go back and I edit a first time, going over all this poorly written scene to write beautiful sentences (or as beautiful as I can do), to make it readable, basically. Then, since it's a long fic and that some ideas might have pop up in the middle of nothing, I do one or 2 full reread, to adjust everything, make sure everything is coherent, make sure the character doesn't realise he is in love 3 times in 3 different chapters, go back to foreshadow an idea that popped in a later chapter, things like that. And then I can do a spell check on each chapter and that's it! ✨
✦ what was your easiest fic to write & your hardest?
Easiest: Corset ~ The words just flew out of me, and it greatly helped that @moossings worked on their drawing at the same time as I wrote, so I just had to put their sketches into words and that was so much fun.
Hardest: Steal your art (and your heart) ~ The first chapters were so much fun and so easy to write, I wasn't prepared for the enormous block that fell on me halfway through it. Writing the last chapters was so so hard, for no particular reason. I was lucky I had my dear @drspleenmeister writing with me 🫶
↻ pick a fic and a different ship and I’ll tell you how I’d rewrite it for: The Worst Alpha and carcar:)
Oooooooh, that's an interesting one. The Worst Alpha is omagaverse charlos, with alpha Charles experiencing omega Carlos' heat for the first time and having a whole crisis about if he is or not a good alpha. And truly, I think Oscar would fit that role pretty well too.
Oscar is an Alpha who grew with omega sisters. He knows what it is to be an omega. In theory. But he's never been with an omega. So it's all pretty new. And also, he has this massive crush on Carlos, because damn, have you seen that man?? Oscar was doomed from the start. But he's trying to act like a good alpha and not get overbearing with the omega he fancies, so he stays mostly away.
Then Lando shenanigans, probably. Maybe Lando does it on purpose or maybe not, but it makes Carlos and Oscar meet. Maybe, Carlos is in heat, and he usually goes to omega Lando for comfort during his heat but Lando isn't answering. And when Carlos goes to Lando's room, he finds Oscar there because Oscar is waiting for Lando to return too (maybe Lando asked him over and then forgot, or something like that).
It hits Oscar. The smell. Powerful. And so so sweet. Mouthwatering. Oscar is losing his fucking mind.
"Oh sorry, I thought this was Lando's room."
"You're in heat."
"Pff, this guy," Carlos huffs. "I know, that's why I'm looking for Lando."
"He's not here," Oscar answers unhelpfully, but his brain is completely fried. There's Carlos in the room with him. Carlos in heat. Oscar is gonna die.
"Well, tell him to call me if you see him."
Carlos starts to leave but Oscar stops him.
"Do you need help? With your heat? Until Lando comes back," Oscar offers.
"Sure." Carlos has never been with an Alpha before but this one smells pretty nice and also, he is tired of waiting for Lando, so why not? He's not afraid of a little Alpha rookie.
So they spend a little time together, in Lando's room. It's awkward as fuck. Carlos borrows a hoodie from Lando and sits on the couch, to play some game. Oscar stays with him and offers to help, getting him heat supplies that he steals from Lando (he doesn't care). He doesn't really know what to do, how to feel. It's never been like that in his family. Oscar is a pretty decent Alpha, but he never had to fight the urge to bend this Omega in half and fuck him senseless. But yeah, that's what's happening now. He is losing his mind.
He keeps his wit enough to half ass taking care of Carlos until Lando comes back and saves them from the awkwardness. Except after that Oscar can't stop thinking about it, can't stop thinking about Carlos. If he had a crush before, this gets to another level entirely because now, he knows what Carlos in heat smells like and it's too much for him. Too much to stay away. So he tries to get close, to court him very awkwardly (and never saying officially it is courting). And maybe in his quest to get closer to Carlos, he also crashes with him on track a little too much (oops 🤭).
They're not exactly becoming friends but they're getting closer. And Carlos isn't entirely immune to this awkward Alpha who's courting him, without courting him. It's cute. And he likes him more and more.
So his next heat, he doesn't go to Lando, he goes to see Oscar (Oscar once again losing his fucking mind as he refrains all instincts to fuck/mate/breed with the beautiful Omega). And again and again. They spend more time together, spending heats together. But nothing happens. They just cuddle a little, play games. They talk too, getting to know each other.
Until Carlos says he would like to try spending his heat having sex, because it can be fun and a very good time (Oscar definitely loses his mind at that). They almost kiss already, just talking about it, grinding against each other (Oscar is losing his mind, definitely). They agree to have sex next heat.
Next heat comes. Oscar is beyond excited, he cannot wait to be with Carlos again. But he sees Carlos with another Alpha (Charles, or Max, maybe). And the two are not flirting exactly, but they are not keeping their distance either. And with Carlos being in pre-heat, this could really be courting.
Oscar is devastated. He thought he was a good Alpha, but apparently he's the worst because Carlos is choosing someone else, and why wouldn't he choose someone else. So Oscar spirals out of him mind, while Carlos' heat hits and it's way stronger than before and without Oscar there to help him, Carlos is losing his mind too but for a whole other reason.
So a little bit of misunderstanding, and an intervention from Lando before they finally get together and it's all better, it's all okay. And their first time is awkward as fuck but so hot and Oscar is the worst Alpha but he doesn't care because apparently, Carlos loves it (him).
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arcadia-of-pluto · 26 days
Twist of Fate; Chapter Eleven
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Parings; LADS OT4 x reader
Word count; 2,728
Rating; 18+ for mature content and swearing
Themes; isekai, eventual smut
Notes; It's finally ToF weekend!! I'm posting this a little later than usual since I posted a one-shot today as well. Also, I think I'm going to try and cap out my chapters well before the 7k mark. If I go higher than that, I worried Tumblr will get too laggy and I won't be able to edit the chapter with italics and bold like I usually do. I'll also be making a main masterlist soon once I've written some more one-shots. I'll try to work on them in-between ToF and maybe post them during the week, I just got a little too excited today and posted my one-shot instead of waiting until the week 😭 but I have a three day weekend so I'll be able to probably write more in ToF and push past chapter 20!
Now anyways, here's one of my fav chapters
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The little girl leads you to a quaint seeming casino, graffiti covering the buildings next to it and its name shone in multicolour neon lights, “Elysium”. Once you step inside, you notice its lavishly decorated from the red leather chairs that surround a poker table to the fancy lamps and expensive looking art that adorn the walls. “Auntie, an outsider- I mean, a really nice lady is here to buy something!” The kid eagerly skips toward a young woman who was hunched over behind the bar. Under the dim, yellow light, you notice she was fiddling with some cards.
“What do you want?” The woman asks, not even bothering to look up at you. Seems like she didn’t believe you were worth her attention so far. “A list of people who are attending Onychinus’ protocore auction and a map of the venue. How much?” You ask as you walk toward the counter, ruffling the little girl’s head as you step past her. This finally makes the woman face you, and she looks you up and down with interest, then makes a gesture with her hand, “Fifty thousand.” Yeesh. Expensive much? “Just for two pieces of intel?” You question with a raised brow as you sit down at the bar. She wags her finger as she tilts her head to the side, “Fifty thousand per word.”
“I..” You trail off, unsure if it's even worth it at this point. “Since you’re new and pretty, I’ll give you a 5% discount. What do you think?” The lady offers before the little girl speaks up, “Make it 10%.” When the lady looks at her in confusion, the little girl smiles up at her, “She bought a flower for five more than I asked for. Please, auntie?” “Thanks, sweetie.” You look back down at the little girl, petting her head once more, “She’s really sweet. Is she your…?” The woman sighs and shakes her head, “An orphan we’re watching over. Any other questions will require a payment.” “Even if it’s your names?” You know fraternizing won’t be enough to get an even bigger deal, but you’d still like to know their names. They don’t seem like bad people. “Just call me Violet and her Lily.” She says and you assume its code names. Or maybe not. More flowers though. You wonder what the N109 Zone’s obsession with flowers is. Violet meant watchfulness, and Lily meant innocent and pure.
After this, Violet glances over at the door to her right, sighing before she pushes it open. You could hear chatter mixed with the sound of rolling dice, spinning roulettes, and card shufflers. “You also going to Solon Hotel tomorrow? Do you have an auction invitation?” You can hear a female customer say, and then you hear a male customer reply, “Doesn’t matter if I get one or not. For something as big as this, you gotta try and get a piece of the pie, right? I heard there’s going to be a treasure. If you manage to get it, you could easily sell it for hundreds of thousands!” “Do you want to go? Then ask Sylus! I heard if you give him what he wants-” “Only if I can find Sylus in Onychinus. Haven’t you heard? While he was away, big changes happened in their ranks…” You’re unsure if you should be hearing this since you’re not exactly paying for it, but that does explain why it seemed like no one lived in that house you were in for a really long time. You strain your ears to listen to more of their conversation, but that’s when Violet closes the door.
“Did you hear them? Now, you should understand why “these two pieces of intel” are so expensive. I’m sorry, kid. I can’t just give this kind of information away for dirt cheap, especially when it’s about one of the N109 Zone’s big shots.” “What if I want information about Onychinus?” You ask nonchalantly and she freezes for a moment before leaning in the whisper in your ear, “Missy, don’t pry into things you shouldn’t know. I still got business to take care of .” You let out a sigh and nod your head, “Alright, I understand. Thanks for letting me know, Violet.” It makes sense. If she tells you something too secret, then it could lead to her losing her job or even her life. You can’t fault her for trying to be careful. You turn back to Lily, playing around with her for a bit as you listen in on the other customers' conversations.
“...Sylus hasn’t been around for a long time. Do you think he really went missing?” One man asks and the other shrugs, “Maybe he’s dead. Didn’t you see how arrogant Sherman’s punks have been lately? If Sylus was with Onychinus, they wouldn’t even dare to be so bold.”
You rest your chin on your palm, listening to the rumble of the spinning roulette and then the sound of cheers and screams. Someone must’ve won big, it seems. You sip on the drink you got from Violet at the bar, trying to appear like a normal patron as you eavesdrop on the conversations happening all around you. It seems Onychinus has been having some internal issues lately…and if Sylus hasn’t been seen around lately, how come you’ve seen so much of him? Recalling his pompous and contemptuous face has you chuckling to yourself. You can’t believe you almost miss him. If he had died, he would’ve dragged the entire N109 Zone down to hell with him. That’s just how he is.
“Miss, I have another flower. It’s for you!” You hear Lily’s voice before you see her. “Oh sweetie…” You hold back a pout of endearment as you notice how she’s on her tiptoes, trying to lean against the bar to reach you. She holds a black flower in both of her tiny hands, a black Calla lily, which was a symbol of rebirth and the beginning of a transformative journey. A fitting flower indeed. You take the flower from her, putting it behind your other ear, and smile at her, “Do I need to pay you for this one too?” “Nope! I gave it to you just because I wanted to.” She giggles before you decide to ask a few questions, “Did you grow up here? Does everyone know Sylus?” “Oh yeah! He’s a monster with huge wings that never dies. And- And, he has horns! If I don’t listen to Auntie, Sylus will find me and feed me to his man eating birdie.” The way Lily spoke was so animated, it was almost cute. She seems like just a regular child despite growing up in the N109 Zone.
It seems like everyone is afraid of Sylus and yet, they keep trying to make deals with him. Kind of like how people are afraid of demons but still try to make deals with them in movies…Though, Sylus did take the initiative to propose a deal with you. Maybe your evol can be used as a valuable tool against him- at least to guarantee your survival. You’re suddenly ripped from your thoughts as the familiar sound of gunfire fills the once cheery, lively room. You flinch, immediately moving your hands to cover Lily’s ears rather than your own. You quickly turn your head toward the entrance of the casino. “We got a party tonight.” One of the men rasps out, gun muzzle billowing out smoke. The door, which they kicked down, falls to the ground with a loud thud, the bolts on it useless and broken as a pair of leather boots steps on top of the wooden door. “Don’t be nervous. Onychinus’ important guest got lost. I’d like to ask everyone to cooperate with our search.” You can quickly notice that this man isn’t working with Sylus- even if this man is from Onychinus. He seems much like a snake, his voice dripping with venom.
Another person with a pair of sunglasses walks in. He’s flanked by half a dozen gun-toting men dressed in black. The sound of guns being loaded with bullets can be heard before you hear the guns being cocked as if threatening the patrons to try anything stupid. “Block the door and search the room. Everyone’s about to be entertained.” The same man, let's call him Snake for the sake of telling them all apart, says.
Gunfire and the sound of tables and chairs getting knocked over intermingle with N109 Zone slang that you don’t understand. In the hidden utility room, you hug Lily tightly as you look out the secret window that’s facing the lobby. “Ooh, there’s so many people. Today’s a good day for bus- mmph!” You quickly cover Lily’s mouth with a panicked whisper, “Do you have a death wish? Hide and don’t speak.” You add a “please” shortly after that, feeling like you’re being a tad bit harsh but it seems like she doesn’t even realize the danger you’re both in at the moment. The lobby floor is soaked in blood, and the mice hiding under the floorboards scamper away in fear. How you wished you were a mouse right now. Whistling, Snake casually strolls over to the bar, rings the bell, and then shoves a photo in front of Violet.
“I suggest you bring out our guest. Mr. Sherman’s not going to sit around and leave her unattended.” He says to her and one of your hands clenches into a fist, wanting to just give yourself up to protect the two people you had just met but you pause for a moment to think logically. Sylus is the leader of Onychinus, so why were these people acting as if Mr. Sherman was the leader instead? This Sherman guy doesn’t seem like shit, considering he didn’t even come out to get his ‘guest’, unlike how Sylus came to personally get you. “I’m sorry, she’s not here. I’d remember a pretty face if she actually showed up.” You can see Violet shrug from the secret window and now you’re starting to feel really bad. Even if she’s protecting you with a motive in mind, you still wanted to keep her and Lily safe. “Gonna keep your mouth shut? Fine.” Snake scoffs and turns to face his comrades. His broken, wire-bound jaw opens as he lets out a hoarse cackle, “Pry open their mouths one at a time. Someone will spill the beans sooner or later.”
“Missy, they’re looking for you, right?” Violet whispers, knowing that you and Lily were hiding in the secret room. “Are you going to hand me over to them?” You ask with baited breath, really hoping she wouldn’t just give you up. You tried to sound calm but inside, your thoughts were racing. All of this had almost made you completely forget that you were in a game; well, this was your life now, apparently, and you were in danger from here on out. Your free hand tightly clutches the tranquilizer in your sleeve, ready to stab Snake with it and pretend that it was a poison and you had the antidote for it as long as they let you go. That being said, you haven’t tested this thing that Xavier claimed could “paralyze an elephant” since there were no zoos in the N109 Zone…”Anyone who’s Onychinus’ target is valuable. I can get a better price if I find the right person,” Violet finally responds to you with a small shrug. A smile tugs at your lips as you shake your head, unsure if she was saying this as a front or if that was her true feelings.”Stay where you are. I don’t want to hand you over like this.” Violet says, firm on her decision to not give you up. Either way, even if she sold you to someone else, you wouldn’t be upset with her. You realize this is how people survive in the N109 Zone.
Suddenly, a crow soars in and dives toward the search party’s leader, its razor-sharp wings aimed at him. “What is that!?” You hear Snake yell out and you take this as your chance to escape- be it a dumb idea but still, it’s worth a shot. You roll and crawl out of the utility room. As you try to sneak away quietly, someone yanks you by the collar of your shirt. You panic, trying to scramble away from the person and you turn around to aim your gun.
Though you pause, noticing a familiar face in the shadows, his chin slightly raised. “So when someone saves you, do you always point your gun at them to express your gratitude?” Sylus. Several bullets grazed him only to dissipate into dust. The people who fired the shots are promptly strangled by something and they slump to the ground, dead. “Your underlings aren’t exactly obedient..” You comment, suddenly being reminded of the fact that this Mr. Sherman guy thinks he’s the leader of Onychinus for some reason. Sylu’s mouth twitches at your mockery as if he wants to say something but in the end, he just purses his lips, “Focus on yourself first.” At the sound of Sylus’ voice, Snake suddenly begins to panic and tries to leave, but a cloud of energy particles gathers around him…Several wanderers quickly materialize. Roaring, they rush straight for us.
“Are they calling for backup because they can’t win? How is this not cheating?” You scoff, brows knitted together in annoyance before Sylus grabs your wrist and holds you in his arms. “What-” He slides his finger over the trigger of your gun, aiming the weapon at the figure in the center of the room. “Do you expect people from the N109 Zone to be nice and polite?” Actually…Yes, yes you do. Violet and Lily were nice enough. “I see you made a few friends while I was gone,” Sylus comments, noticing the two different flowers tucked behind either of your ears and plucks the forget-me-not, rolling the stem between his two fingers. He tucks the flower behind his ear with a small murmur under his breath, “A fitting flower..” But before you can have a chance to ask what he means, Sylus swings your body around, taking shots at every wanderer charging toward you both.
The room is a complete mess with broken objects and overturned tables and chairs strewn about. Wanderers keep appearing one after another and you fall back to the window, thinking about how likely you both could make a run for it. “We can’t wipe them out…Our only option is to retreat,” You say between breaths as you try to get your breathing under control. “Do you really believe “retreat” is a word in my dictionary?” Sylus asks with a raised brow. While you’re anxious and tired, Sylus is infuriatingly calm and smug. “Ohhh, so you like being a freeloader, Mr. Sylus?” You raise a brow, waving your gun around with an annoyed sigh, “Didn’t you see me fighting for my life earlier?”
“Since when was I required to investigate the files the Hunters Association had on you?” The white haired man looks down at his hand to pick at imaginary dust under his nails before continuing, “Consider this training practice. Get ready.” Sylus ignores your protests and grabs your hand to aim your gun at the switch box on the wall. “You won’t get any help.”
A gun is fired and the lights go out. Then, Sylus quickly vanishes. You stand there for a moment in silence, blinking a few times before you realize you’ve been left behind again. Curses spill from your lips and you run a hand through your hair. “Are you fucking serious?” You groan under your breath and suddenly you hear Sylus’ voice once more. “Let’s make a deal.” You suddenly turn around and notice he’s behind you once more. “Aren’t you going to leave? I can’t resonate with you.” You were getting more annoyed by the second, but Sylus continues, “If you’d like to attend the auction tomorrow, stand your ground for five minutes.” He steps closer to you, leaning his head down to whisper in your head, “And should you have the audacity to die on me-” He lifts his hand and puts a communicator in your ear. Then he speaks in a surprisingly gentle tone, “You actually will meet your end.”
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It's really short today, especially considering I just wrote 12k for a one-shot, but what can ya do 🤷🏻‍♀️ I'll more than likely post chapter twelve way later on today or even tomorrow...and I also might post chapter thirteen. I'm not very good at keeping a strict schedule. I like to be spontaneous 😎 ...sometimes. but yeah, more flower language. The black Calla Lilly was a big game changer since it's meaning actually fits mc in every way, shape, and form. It's honestly insane.
I also gave the shopkeeper and her charge names since I didn't want to write "she" and it get confusing. That's also why I specifically named Snake. But also! I named the two after flowers, because I read a manwha where there was a group of sex workers all named after flowers and they had a little girl with them who was also named after a flower. Their village was being raided and they all protected the little girl until they died, and the little girl was taken in the be a fake crown princess– but yeah, basically I thought flower code names and run-down, shady areas go well together!
Taglist: @orphicmeliora, @yoongi-tunes, @mitzkooni , @hiqhkey, @tanspostsblog
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Update Sept 12, 2024—I may have to disappear for a while.
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Update 24.08.24 art commissions may be a thing soon
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But no anyway. You can call me Nyarla. Or Yo She-Bitch. I’ll also answer to dude, bro, chick, weirdo, dumbass, just toss any general noun in my direction and I’ll probably respond. As an unknowable horror, gender is relative.
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Ask Request Statuses 2 Dec 2023
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Masterlist Links are located beneath the frightened Nu.
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Fluffy Alphabet
Claimable headcanons that you can send me ask requests for, all absolute fluff.
Alphabet Headcanons
NSFW & Fluff
Headcanons that comprise multiple characters in each post.
Dialogue I Presently Have No Use For
(But might eventually)
Basically mini dialogue-centric fics that may make their way into something else later or might not.
ABCs of Kink
NSFW One-shot and multi-chapter fics, based around a top-secret Kink Alphabet that will only be revealed with each fic. You may request letters that haven’t already been done, the alphabet can be edited and has been several times already.
Sassy McSwordsman Masterlist
Silly Redhead Masterlist
Flirty Chef Masterlist
Marimo Masterlist
Adoptable devil fruits because I needed them and it took me an hour to find this damned post
Old Masterlist for nostalgia or something
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quotidianish · 10 months
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Wings of fire human au environment concepts featuring a pre-sandwing war of succession market outside burn’s palace and the great ice wall! I’ll probably make a big post with all the human au art someday when I’ve got enough.
Extra environment concepts (added in an edit later)
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Roleplaying Races 16: Rougarou
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(art by koutanagamori on DeviantArt)
Well, it’s finally time. Time to do one last week special on the 1st edition ancestries. After this, we’ll have finally covered them all. The end an era on the blog…
…all of which is to say that I’ll probably be doubling up on the Starfinder 1E counterpart to this special for a bit before doing Pathfinder 2E ancestries, probably at a somewhat slower pace, or not. Depends on how I feel.
But we’re not done yet, so let’s talk about these last few entries, starting with the Rougarou!
So, the Rougarou. Humanoid wolves, able to shapeshift into a mundane wolf form, get a bit testy when compared to lycanthropes…
…and yeah, that’s about where the lore dries up with them, as they are yet another case of an ancestry that was introduced in a later bestiary but wasn’t lucky enough to get their lore expanded on later on.
They do, however, have a folkloric origin in the real world, however, being associated with French folklore and the French diaspora in the USA. The name Rougarou is an alternate pronunciation/spelling of loup garou… which is essentially the French word for werewolf. Go figure.
But the Rougarou does branch out a little, being used somewhat as a boogeyman to keep young Catholic cajuns in line and following the practice of Lent, as well as a variant where they drink blood or transfer their curse by bite, the original becoming a normal human while the bit-ee becomes a monster.
And what does that have anything to do with the Pathfinder version? Very little indeed, but it is interesting, and elements of it do exist here and there, such as them being native to wetlands in Arcadia, a reference to their Louisiana origins.
Additionally, they also have elements of the Werewolf of Livonia, which was a case in the 1600’s where a man named Thiess claimed under oath that he transformed into a wolf three nights a year, where he and other werewolves would venture into Hell itself and do battle with the Devil and his servants. This is reflected in the rougarou’s tendency as monster hunters, particularly of evil lycanthropes.
No information about Rougarou origins is given, though I’d imagine it might be similar to catfolk and ratfolk being divine creations made to protect and guard young world in it’s early days. But that’s just speculation on my part.
Unsurprisingly, Rougarou resemble humanoid bipedal wolves, though unlike werewolves, they are naturally in this state and do not feature any elements of a true ancestry being twisted into lycanthropic form. Naturally, their wolf form resembles their humanoid form, making them easy to recognize between the two.
Not much is known of their society either, but we do no they are not very widespread on Golarion, and live in close-nit, orderly and civilized societies, and are very protective of their friends and family. If they are anything like real wolf packs, they are probably led by the elders of a settlement, with possibly the parents of individual families having some say in things under these wizened members.
Rougarou are strong and wise, but their rigid society doesn’t promote innovation.
True to their wolf kin, they sport enhanced night vision and a strong sense of smell.
They also sport the ability to take the form of a true wolf, though usually only once a day before reverting to their true form.
Even in humanoid form, however, they maintain strong jaws which they can put to deadly use in combat.
With their strength and wisdom, Rougarou can fill a lot of roles and classes, everything from rangers and hunters making use of both of those stat boosts, to other combat classes such as fighter and paladin while having a slightly higher than average wisdom score. Combat focused clerics or druids are also a fun option. Being able to transform into a wolf does mean you get a little buff as well, bolstering natural attack builds quite nicely… but it is hampered by the fact that their shapeshifting replicates the effect of beast shape I, meaning that they don’t get the free trip attempts with their bite through this method, which honestly makes the wolf form better as a disguise with some builds, albeit a limited one with the general reaction to wolves in many civilizations being what is was historically. However, their only true weakness is that intelligence penalty, which makes skill builds and certain mages slightly harder, but not impossible to overcome.
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