batifresa · 11 days
I can't stop thinking about how during the churro scene, when Art told Patrick he would never do anything to get in the way of his relationship with Tashi, Patrick believed him right away and agreed it wasn't Art's style. Oh, but it was. Art had already been meddling and playing mind games with Tashi, trying to break them up. It was all a lie!
Patrick didn't believe Art was a threat, and told Tashi as much before their fight. It's why Patrick was so shocked (and hurt) when Art told him to go the fuck away. If Art hadn't intervened, I'm pretty sure Patrick would have stayed, or at least, attempted to apologize to Tashi properly. He just didn't realize Art was very much capable of kicking him to the curb to get on Tashi's good graces, and it broke his heart.
This was a side of Art he didn't know, and it completely blindsided him. Patrick underestimated Art's desire for Tashi, and how far he was willing to go to get her, and it cost him their friendship and his girlfriend. Y'all know that popular saying, "If you truly love someone, let them go"? Well, Patrick did.
For 4 whole years and 4 months (March 2007 - July 2011). But he missed them like crazy, had a hole in his heart, the longing was becoming unbearable, he couldn't live without them, and he just had to see them again. So he crashed their practice in Atlanta.
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kyliekast · 7 days
continuing this —
one day, in the locker room, after everyone else has left, tashi approaches you. you’re topless, sports bra exposed, but she doesn’t seem to care. she has this coolness about her, like what she’s about to say is more important than the fact that your cleavage is out, or like she’s gonna say something wordlessly. you brace yourself for an ass-beating, have been for weeks.
“you should come to this halloween party with me. it’s at my boyfriend’s frat.”
you blink, but fuck, this is the first time she’s spoken to you, and you’ve been subconsciously playing for her approval for weeks, cheeks flushing courtside every time she grunts. “okay,” you say without thinking.
she gives the details, but you pointedly don’t receive her number. just the date, address, and her costume, only because you asked: serena’s pink and white 2004 outfit.
art and patrick are matching, vampire and werewolf. patrick hadn’t even asked if you wanted to match, so fuck it, your costume’s petty: a playboy bunny, headband, red leotard, and all, accompanying his girlfriend, who he still somehow thinks you don’t know he has. he can take a picture, make it last longer.
when you arrive, tashi’s already waiting at the door. her outfit’s fitted, and her skirt is shorter than serena’s, a bit too flimsy for her gazelle legs. her sneakers are platformed, and she stands an inch and a half taller than usual. you gulp when you see that her nipples are hard through her top.
she guides you inside, mixes you two some drinks. patrick normally makes you do shots off the rip. she makes you both pretty lemonade-vodka mixers, asking you how much you want, if you even wanna be drunk. you’re coasting at a comfortable tipsy when you see patrick across the room, staring at you both. he's a poor excuse for a werewolf. all he did was go shirtless with raggedy jean shorts, and his nights usually end like that anyways.
he and tashi keep mouthing at each other, squabbling noiselessly:
what the fuck?
what are you doing?
tashi rolls her eyes and gets on her tiptoes, scans the house, then points at art, who’s across the room with some tri delt girl. “there’s your boyfriend.”
patrick surely can’t hear her, but you do and laugh into your cup.
she’s not laughing. when her eyes settle on you, they burrow, brows a furrowed arch. it’s the first time she’s really looked at you, and she doesn’t bar anything. her eyes on your chest, your hips, your ankles, clasped by your heel straps. she subtly skates fingers down your back and grabs your leotard’s bunny tail. “who’s this for? my boyfriend?”
she knows. you freeze.
tashi continues, husky, “he doesn’t know what to do with all this.”
when she has you in a hall closet, leotard pulled to the side as you grind on her tongue, you think, he doesn’t.
tashi’s intuitive with sex like she is with her tennis, all of it second nature. when you start getting close, she seems to realize and pulls off. you whine, but she replaces her mouth with her fingers and smiles up at you. “does he go down on you?”
“not like this.” patrick eats pussy for himself, his own ego. tashi eats pussy like it’s just another friday. she thumbs your clit and pushes two fingers inside, pummeling the spongey bit of your pussy. “oh — oh, tashi — i’m really close, need your mouth — ”
“my mouth, bunny?”
you quiver. “yes, yes, your mouth, please — ”
“‘cause it’s better?”
you cum with her name on your mouth and your pussy tremulant, her fingers rubbing inside while her lips work outside, tonguing every inch of your cunt.
when you see her at practice next, she doesn’t wave back. you tell her good serve, and she doesn’t say anything. you try to talk to her in the locker room, and she shoulder checks you on the way out.
a week later, you find a note in your locker: my dorm, eleven tonight? — t. her dorm number is scrawled below next to a little heart, so small it could honestly be a slip of her pencil.
oh my god. she’s worse than patrick.
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I'm convinced the fact that Patrick is dressed the EXACT same way in Atlanta as he was when he left Tashi's room after their fight plays HEAVILY into why Tashi cheated right then and there. Before the fight started, they were in the middle of foreplay. But then they fight, the injury happens and everything changed forever. Then Patrick is there, outside the window, looking exactly as he did that day, almost like a ghost. Tashi sleeps with him as a way to (try to) make it right. To 'rewrite' the past. Their foreplay should have led to sex and not a fight so she makes it happen then. As a way to feel even the tiniest bit of control over her situation.
She's just a girl that was so so hurt. In a way that I can't even begin to comprehend. I'll emphasize with her forever.
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blackkewpie · 1 month
CHALLENGERS by luca guadagino x SANCTIFIED by nine inch nails
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saltburntme · 3 hours
challengers was made for this song because i said so
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thepunkpanther · 28 days
and if I say this is a patashi song, what then?
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poppy-metal · 14 days
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his arm here..... GOD ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
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simplydowntwn · 5 days
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hi so it’s been a WHILE. uhhhh rewatched challengers for the thousandth time and it broke me out of my writers block! i don’t know how im going to continue w this, so feel free to drop any ideas and ill add it to the lore 😈 note: series prob isn’t gonna end with any smut scene bc im incapable of writing one without it sounding stupid asf! but who knows, you might be surprised
cw: 1.4k words,,, art and reader are dating but fighting, set in stanford era, tashi is NOT injured, patashi, hints of reader crushing on tashi but repressing it, fighting, tensiontensionTENSION! basically everyone is friends with one another but they all want each other BAD. lmk what else i should add :)
“it’s complicated.” that’s what you say every time someone asks you what your relationship with art donaldson is. and it’s true— you guys are fiery, but not explosive. complex, but not convoluted. it’s just… strange. intricate. hence, complicated.
you think he’d probably say the same thing, but there’s no real way to know, since you can’t exactly ask. the two of you aren’t on speaking terms right now, and for the same reason you two stopped talking last time, and the time before that.
art donaldson can’t split his time between his girlfriend and his fucking best friend’s girlfriend. and you can recite the argument quite well, maybe even word for word; it’s still fresh in your mind, engraved there.
“c’mon, you can’t just keep ditching me for her. it’s annoying, and it hasn’t just happened once or twice, you know.”
“i know.” art sighed, a hand tangled in his hair as if to ground himself. your name fell from his lips, voice cracking midway. “what do you want me to do? she needed help with her physics homework.”
“she can get one of her fucking groupies to help her! she’s a big girl, she doesn’t need to rely on you.” the way you said it, mocking and condescending, was mean, and you know it. you don’t hate tashi— you can’t even bring yourself to dislike her. but it hurts every single time you text art on your motorola and get hit back with some half-assed variation of ‘helping tashi. sry :( i’ll come later.’ he never actually shows up at ‘later’, which only rubs salt in the wound.
art’s jaw ticked. his eyebrows furrowed and eyes darkened in a way you’d only seen once before, when someone was talking shit about tashi in the cafeteria. you had watched as she calmly reassured art that is was fine, that he needed to relax, but he only shook his head and clenched his fists. in that moment, you wondered if he ever got that angry if he overheard someone talking about you. you now doubt it.
“don’t talk about her like that.” he said it calmly, but your skin still prickled. “she’s an accomplished lady. what about you? what have you done?”
if you sounded condescending before, it was nothing compared to how he sounded then. you scoffed away the sinking feeling in your stomach, blinked back the sting in your eyes. there was a lot you could have said to him then: ‘i might not be half as good at tennis as she is, but that’s less embarrassing than being second-best to her boyfriend.’ or ‘i didn’t compete for her number and lose.’ hell, even a good ‘fuck you’ would have sufficed.
instead, you just stood there, frozen, as he grabbed his stanford sweatshirt and left.
when you tell the story to patrick, he laughs, and doesn’t stop laughing until you jab him with your elbow, effectively knocking the oxygen out of him. his hands raise in mock surrender before speaking. “sorry, it’s just funny to see him get like this, i guess.”
you frown. “what’s that supposed to mean?”
“i mean that he likes you, but he likes tashi. i know it, tashi knows it, and from what i heard on the walk here—” he gestures vaguely towards the door to your dorm, “—the school knows it, too. i dunno, i guess it’s amusing ‘cause art has never been so disturbed about this kind of shit. usually he just picks the girl he likes best, but he can’t.”
“you mean he can’t because you’re dating her.”
patrick smirks his signature smirk. you have the urge to punch his teeth out; vagueness is beginning to be a pet peeve of yours. “no, i’ve told him that tashi is free reign.”
the way your stomach flutters at that is shameful. you push the feeling away. “like, you guys aren’t..?”
patrick shrugs. “i mean, currently she hates me because i said i’d go to her match yesterday and i missed it.” these guys really need to stop promising us stuff, you think. “but yeah, when she isn’t pissed off, we’re dating, and we talk about it. ‘bout you guys. she doesn’t really care if the two of you make moves on either one of us.”
you don’t say anything, but your ears feel warm, and your heart is about to explode out of your chest. it doesn’t help when patrick takes that as a sign to keep talking and says—
“i don’t care either.” it suddenly hits you, the closeness between you and him. close enough that you can smell his cologne, one typical of a rich frat boy you’d pass by in the halls. but it feels different, with him. patrick’s smirk has shifted into a grin, a big one. you realize he’s been gauging your reaction, and is thoroughly pleased.
“oh,” you breathe. he snickers, repeats it back playfully. you don’t understand how he’s so relaxed, able to make light-hearted jabs in this moment. art likes you and tashi. tashi doesn’t care if he likes her, or if you like her. patrick doesn’t either. but where do you stand in this?
your phone jingles, the sound muffled from the blood roaring in your ears. you don’t know if you should thank or curse out whoever decided to call you at this second, but you excuse yourself to answer. patrick nods begrudgingly, backs up enough for you to have room to finally start to inhale and exhale again. “hello?”
“hey.” it’s art on the phone. impulsively, you look around, as if he’s hiding somewhere in the dorm he marched out of a few days ago.
holy fuck. “hey!” you sound too cheery to your own ears, and hope that over the line it sounds more convincing. you hear a sigh on the other end, and can imagine art physically loosen. “what, uh— i thought you were mad. at me.”
patrick perks up. ‘art?’ he mouths, and you nod. he attempts to come closer, but you swat at him, moving a few steps away. he pulls a face, but doesn’t move closer. still, he’s definitely trying to hear what art is saying.
“i was.” art laughs nervously, the sound tinny over the phone. “but you’re right. i fucked up. tashi… she isn’t my girl. i need to pay more attention to you, and that’s gonna happen starting now.”
she isn’t my girl. “she could be,” you think aloud. you tense. art chokes. patrick stifles a laugh.
“what?” you pray that he didn’t hear it. you had mumbled it, whispered it, there’s a chance it didn’t pick up. art says your name one, two, three times before you respond.
“sorry, i just zoned out a little.”
“no, you said something. baby, what’d you say?”
“i said ‘you should be’. like, you should be paying more attention, dumb joke, i was trying to sound threatening,” you slap your free hand against your lips to stop your word vomit, then your forehead as you reprimand yourself for acting so stupid.
art hums. “oh, okay.” it should relieve some on the tension in your shoulders, but it doesn’t. he usually laughs when you fluster, but he didn’t. is he unconvinced, or are you overthinking? “hey, tomorrow can you come to my practice at noon? we can go to the cafeteria after, i’ve got wayyy too many meal credits.”
you look to patrick for help, but he shrugs, enjoying the moment. “sure.”
art says his goodbyes, goes ‘mwah!’ through the phone (which usually makes you laugh, but now you feel bad), and once you say bye, he hangs up.
“i’ll go to his practice, too.” it’s never a question with patrick (or with tashi); he just lets you know. “tashi’ll be there. she’s always on the court when she’s free.” you find it endearing that he knows her schedule.
“tashi.” you like the way her name rolls off your tongue, but you’d rather die than admit it.
before you can say anything else, patrick walks over, swings an arm around your shoulders and pulls you close. “don’t forget about what i said.” his breath smells like spearmint gum, the type art is always chewing. maybe he gave him a piece. “just think on it, yeah?”
you nod, and he pats your cheek before walking out the door, leaving you feeling dazed. after a few moments of just laying on your bed, soaking in the conversation you just had, your phone dings.
we’ll see u tmrw :-) -pat (&tash)
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stormikins · 6 months
ME1 Systems
This list was made to not only catalogue where missions were, but to also make note of all the collectibles that you can scan for.
*this list was based off of Legendary Edition, but it should still be applicable for the OG trilogy(?)
The formatting is as follows:
>System Cluster -System name Planets Missions
*if there are multiple asteroid belts in a system, Asteroid belt 1 refers to the belt closest to the star.
*Cardinal directions are used to describe where the collectible is in belts, and so north is the top of the screen, east is right, etc.
A ME3 list will be coming soon! And if people are interested I can document all the discovery blurbs you get from scanning non-minerals: insignias, writings, etc. (hell, I might do it anyways but its nice to know I'm not shouting into the void)
If you find any discrepancies or have any questions let me know!
>Argos Rho: 
-Gorgon’s scannable planets: None
*note: only unlocked after UNC: Listening Post Theta and Alpha
Mission - UNC: Depot Sigma-23
-Hydra’s scannable planets:
Canrum (planet 4, turian insignia)
Metgos (planet 2, mission - UNC: Distress Call)
Syba (planet 5, gas deposit)
-Phoenix’s scannable planets:
Carbonaceous Asteroid (first belt, north of star; prothean data disk)
Patashi (planet 1, rare element)
Tuntau (planet 3, mission - Wrex: Family Armor)
Vebinok (planet 4, light metal)
>Armstrong Nebula: 
-Gagarin’s scannable planets: 
Antirumgon (planet 5, light metal)
Junthor (planet 1, matriarch’s writing)
Rayingri (planet 3, mission - Geth Incursion)
-Hong’s scannable planets:
Casbin (planet 2, mission - Geth Incursion)
Matar (planet 3, Matriarch’s Writings)
Treagir (planet 5, light metal)
-Tereshkova’s scannable planets:
Asteroid belt (east of star, medallion)
Anitbaar (planet 1, mission - Geth Incursion)
Patamalrus (planet 2, heavy metal)
Thegeuse (planet 4, heavy metal)
-Vamshi’s scannable planets: Completed
Pregel (planet 2, turian insignia)
Maji (planet 1, mission - Geth Incursion)
-Grissom’s scannable planets:
*Note: only unlocked after wiping out all four Geth outposts
Asteroid belt 2 (north east of star, rare element)
Benda (planet 1, medallion)
Solcrum (moon of planet 3, mission - Geth Incursion)
Zagerux (planet 2, light metal)
>Artemis Tau:
-Knossos’ scannable planets:
Asteroid belt 1 (northwest of star, heavy metal)
Asteroid belt 2 (north of star, medallion)
Archanes (planet 5, gas deposit)
Therum (planet 2, mission - Find Liara T’Soni)
-Athen’s scannable planets:
Circe (planet 4, gas deposit)
Pharos (planet 5, turian insignia) 
Proteus (planet 2, gas deposit)
-Sparta’s scannable planets:
Asteroid Belt 1 (north of star, prothean data disk) 
Alsages (planet 5, rare element)
Edulos (planet 2, mission - UNC: Missing Marines)
Ontamalca (planet 4, gas deposit)
-Macedon’s scannable planets:
Asteroid Belt (north of star, light metal)
Fargeluse (planet 4, gas deposit)
Portland (planet 2, matriarch’s writings)
Sharjila (planet 1, mission - UNC: Asari Diplomacy)
>Attican Beta:
-Hercules’ scannable planets:
Eletania (planet 3, mission - UNC: Lost Module)
Syided (planet 2, medallion)
Zarorus (planet 4, heavy metal)
-Thesus’ scannable planets:
Quana (planet 4, light metal)
Sharring (planet 3, prothean data disk)
>Exodus Cluster:
-Asgard’s scannable planets: None
-Utopia’s scannable planets: None
>Gemini Sigma:
-Han’s scannable planets:
Mavigon (planet 3, mission -  UNC: Hostile Takeover)
Paravin (planet 1, matriarch’s writing)
Patatanlis (planet 5, light metal)
-Ming’s scannable planets:
Altanorch (planet 3, medallion)
Parag (planet 2, light metal)
>Hades Gamma Cluster:
-Antaeus’ scannable planets:
Edmos (planet 2, gas deposit)
Ploba (planet 3, matriarch’s writing)
Trebin (planet 4, mission - UNC: Missing Survey Team)
Vemal (planet 5, rare element)
-Cacus’ scannable planets:
Chohe (planet 2, mission - UNC: Besieged Base (Paragon Mission))
Faringor (planet 4, rare element)
Zayarter (planet 1, heavy metal)
-Dis’ scannable planets:
Klensal (planet 3, mission - UNC: Hostile Takeover)
Metallic Asteroid (northeast of star, light metal)
Nearrum (planet 2, light metal)
Rayasha (planet 5, turian insignia)
-Farinata’s scannable planets:
Asteroid belt 1 (northeast of star, light metal)
Juntauma (planet 2, prothean data disk)
Nepneu (planet 3, rare element)
Mission - UNC: Hostage
-Plutus' scannable planets:
Clocrolis (planet 3, rare element)
Mingito (planet 1, rare element)
Nonuel (planet 4, mission - UNC: The Negotiation (Renegade Mission))
>Hawking Eta:
-Century’s scannable planets:
Asteroid belt (north of star, heavy metal
Canctra (planet 3, light metal)
Presrop (moon of planet 2, mission - UNC: Major Kyle/Strange Transmission)
Tharopto (planet 4, medallion)
>Horse Head Nebula:
-Fortuna’s scannable planets:
Amaranthine (planet 3, UNC: Hostile Takeover *note unlocked after crime bosses are dead)
Magnalis (planet 1, turian insignia)
Therumlon (planet 2, rare element)
-Pax’s scannable planets: 
Noveria (planet 2, mission - Noveria: Geth Interest)
Veles (planet 4, matriarch’s writings)
-Strenuus’ scannable systems: 
Antitarra (planet 2, gas deposit)
Xawin (planet 4, mission - UNC: Privateers) 
Yunthori (planet 1, medallion)
>Kepler Verge:
-Newton’s scannable planets:
Juncro (planet 3, gas deposit)
Klencory (planet 2, matriarch’s writings)
Ontarom (planet 1, mission - UNC: Dead Scientists)
-Herschel’s scannable planets:
Asteroid belt (north west of star, heavy metal)
Mission - Garrus Doctor Saleon
>Maroon Sea Cluster:
-Capsian’s scannable planets:
Asteroid belt: UNC: Derelict Freighter
Antida (planet 4, turian insignia)
Clotanca (planet 1, heavy metal)
Farnuri (planet 2, heavy metal)
-Matano’s scannables: 
Asteroid belt 1 (east of star, heavy metal)
Asteroid belt 2 (northwest of star, prothean data disc)
Chasca (planet 2, mission - Investigate Samples (from Feros))
Supay (planet 5, light metal)
-Vostok’s scannable planets: 
Asteroid belt (north east of star, heavy metal)
Nodacrux (planet 2, mission - Investigate Facility (from Feros))
Pataiton (planet 4, matriarch’s writings)
>Styx Theta:
-Acheron’s scannable planets:
Asteroid belt (north of star, turian insignia)
Altahe (planet 2, mission - UNC: Listening Post Theta)
Grosalgen (planet 3, light metal)
-Erebus’ scannable planets: 
Nepmos (planet 1, mission - UNC: Listening Post Alpha)
Quaji (planet 2, heavy metal)
Wermani (planet 3, prothean data disc)
>Voyager Cluster:
-Amazon’s scannables: 
Agebinium (planet 1, mission - UNC: Espionage Probe)
Sonedma (planet 3, rare element)
Sybin (planet 4, turian insignia)
Tremar (planet 5, gas deposit)
-Columbia’s scannables: 
Onraheter (planet 3, rare element)
Gromar (planet 4, medallion)
Nephron (planet 2, UNC: HADES Dogs)
-Yangtze’s scannables: 
Alrumter (planet 4, prothean data disk)
Binthu (planet 2 UNC: Cerberus)
Dregir (planet 3, light metal)
Parajiri (planet 5, rare element)
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"I’m afraid if I kiss you, you’ll think I’m the worst friend in the world."
idk if i'm stating the obvious or too far fetch with this take but i don't think when Art said this to Tashi it's only about their friendship. I don't think there's an "only" whenever ATP interacts. I felt like Art could also imply that if he kisses tashi, tashi might think he's the worst friend TO Patrick. lo and behold, he was. i mean imagine dropping your long-time friend for a girl (that girl was zendaya so i understand) but it's still shitty. also may i point out the scenic parallel with this and patashi's hurricane car scene. luca the man that you are.
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murdrdocs · 19 days
“mommy why is my name patashi”
“you’re named after mommy’s greatest joy. you, artpatrick, and artpatricktashi 🙂‍↕️”
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kyliekast · 10 days
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(content: ass eating, blowjob, breast + nipple stimulation, clit stimulation, clothed + bare, consensual, creampie, cunnilingus, degradation, dom tashi, facial, female reader, finger sucking, grinding, hair pulling, hard dom patrick, kissing, licking, overstimulation, praise, spit, sub art, throuple + reader)
✫ tashi’s behind you, arms hooked under yours to keep you in place while the boys splay one thigh each. art rubs smooth circles into your skin while patrick’s nails claw greedily, leaving red, angry marks. art focuses on your clit, wanting to hear your pleasure, feel you throb toward his lips. patrick mouths you from your ass to your pussy, devouring the way both clench and unclench.
✫ “good,” tashi says throughout. “they really love this, look.” she’s fully clothed while you three are naked, and she loves it, taking your breasts in her ringed hands. they’re cold and hard like her eyes, her words, her requests, but they can go soft in an instant. she’s art and patrick bottled, the perfect median for you. you’re all incomplete without each other.
✫ when you do look, you see their tongues curling around one another, only so much space available. patrick goes toward art purposefully, eventually rounding his other hand to grab his hair and force him into a kiss, smirking so hard you can feel it on your cunt. they sloppily make out, art whimpering, before patrick shoves art’s face back into your pussy, and his noises peak in a whine.
✫ patrick meets your eyes. “let this little bitch make you cum.”
✫ he steers art by his scalp, dragging his open mouth along your pussy, and every time he moans, you feel it and groan, too, symbiotic. you watch patrick briefly look at tashi and swallow a laugh, then tashi hides her face in your neck. they’re both amused by this.
✫ the thing that pushes you over the edge is when art looks toward you. his eyes are so keen to please that you can only oblige, cumming so hard your gut tenses and your feet turn, kicking a little bit.
✫ tashi says, “good girl.” stroking your hair, kissing your cheek, thumbing your nipples.
✫ patrick says, “good puppy.” pushing his head, licking his temple, kissing the side of his working mouth. as your orgasm subsides, he tugs art off, a dribble of drool connecting you two until it falls, a little tinge of cold against your skin. he’s a ragdoll, desperately looking toward patrick for direction. “you still wanna use your mouth?”
✫ art nods, and patrick stands, pulls your ass to the foot of the bed, and slots his dick between your folds, moving forward until his tip leaks on your pelvis. “suck me off.”
✫ art obeys. he takes patrick’s length in his mouth, his chin brushing your sensitive clit, and he fucks his face until he’s gagging for it, spit coughed all over your spent cunt.
✫ your head goes to tashi’s lap in that position, and you longingly stare up at her for continued attention, twitching as they skim your pussy. she gives it, gently easing her thumb in your mouth to suck.
✫ patrick’s so turned on and art’s so eager he cums fast, pulling out to paint his face and your pussy. he fucks his softening tip into you briefly, wanting to plant a bit of the residual cum inside. “you’re both so soppy.”
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indiangp · 4 months
I literally had the most chill dinner of my life. Maggi, sauteed vegetables and paneer and then some patashi🧘 it's been 2 hours I've never felt this good after dinner
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newathens · 29 days
art is patashi’s anchor btw
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shaze-india · 4 months
Meet The Array. A paani puri platter made merriment and moments together. Serve the dish sui generis so everyone enjoys it as their own. Pani Puri - to everyone, but to each of your friends from across the country it's Gol Gappe in North Indian Puchka in those in the East Pani ke Patashe in parts of Madhya Pradesh and Haryana Gup Chup in South Jharkhand, Odisha, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh Pakodi in parts of Gujarat Phulki or fulki in Uttar Pradesh, Nepal and Madhya Pradesh Patashi or pani ke batashi in regions of Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh Tikki only in Hoshangabad in MP Padaka only in Aligarh, UP Welcome to the world of hosting! Link in bio.
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patasicashmere · 6 months
Patashi Cashmere is the leading cashmere blankets Manufacturer located at Kathmandu, Nepal.
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