#I will eat my own hair before I go on a cruise with you ever again
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virgopropaganda · 3 months ago
Love telling my in laws no it’s my favorite thing in the world
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totaldramamovies · 1 year ago
Total Drama Movies- Episode 1- “Lights, Camera, Chaos!”
Chris: Hello and welcome to the largest Total Drama season ever! We have 28 brand new contestants that will stir up more drama that any cast has before! These contestants will get into teams, and by the end of the episode, whichever team has lost the challenge, will be up for elimination! The team will vote someone out every episode, and this process will repeat till everyone but one is left, and they will win ONE. MILLION. DOLLARS! This competition will take place in a crummy old movie studio north of Toronto, and all of the challenges will be themed with their own genre! Well, we should probably move on and meet these 28 contestants! This is.. TOTAL! DRAMA! MOVIES!
*Cuts to ferry sailing to the movie studio*
Eliza: *Sewing dress* Hey, do you know when we will arrive? I need about 15 more minutes to finish my broadway dress!
Maxim: *Looks up from book he’s reading* Uh… I don’t think you’re gonna need a broadway dress… It’s a film lot, not a theatre.
Eliza: Eh, whatever…
Bailey: Did you know I made the first ever dress?!! I also went to Mars and met aliens, and I hold world record for eating the most cellphones-
Eliza & Maxim: We don’t care!
*Pauline notices Wyatt with Nintendo Switch*
Pauline: Oh, you play video games too?
Wyatt: Yea😎😎😎😎 im kinda epic lolz😎😤😂💪💪 im soooo MLG 😂😂👌🔥
Pauline: Oh..!
*Camera pans to more contestants*
William: Hey! What’s happening?
*Awkward Silence*
Cece: I don’t want, nor care enough to talk to you.. Lemme just get this straight, if you haven’t been on atleast 10 Disney Cruises and ridden in a Lamborghini, I do NOT want to talk to you, kay? 
Ines: *Amused* Heh, classic rich girl.. 
Jamil: Yep. Hey, if we’re on same teams, you wanna become an alliance?
Ines:  Yeah sure! We’re both pretty strong! Were you in the military?
Jamil: Not yet, still in training, but I’m almost ready!
*Camera pans again*
Dwaeji: Ohayo..!! ^o^ Im so sugoiii! Nya >w<!!
Andres: No way 💀💀
Dwaeji: Konnichiwa!! Onionhaseyo 🥺🥺!! U support RCTA??
Andres: No.. get out of here!
Eddy: Erm.. ya.. according to my calculations, “Dwaeji” means pig in Korean.. It’s clear you didn’t do you’re research.. ☝️🤓
Rajiv: Hahah, you’re name is “pig”? Nice. *High fives Eddy*
Dwaeji: Ok fine Eddy-san and Rajiv-kun.. my real name is Emily.. but don’t tell anyone, you bakas.. 😔😔 UnU
Dennis: *sighs* This trip is taking forever..
Tamia: I know, right? It’s nice to have someone like you on the ride.
Dennis: Yeah, I guess you’re right. 2 pessimists are better than one.
Dominique: *Excitedly* Oh come on, it’s not that bad! *shouts* Hey everyone! How are you guys!
Francesca: *Happily* Good, I guess.
Boris: Meh, I’m bored.
Kenny: *Staring at Dominique*
Dominique: What?
Kenny: Hey.. you wanna maybe.. uh.. go out some time? 😏
Dominique: *Concerned* Uh… *awkward laugh* How are YOU guys!
Fredrick: Um.. I have to address YOU first. 🍷🗿 NOBODY talks up to the sigma. 🍷🍷🗿🗿🗿🗿 Where’s the buffet?
Dominique: um.. Why is everyone here so wierd..
Leopold: *Picking nose* I know, right?
*Camera moves on once again*
Francesca: Okay! I think I’m ready for this! I got this!
Fangxiu: Girl yes 🥰 Get ready to slay this competition away 😍
Francesca: Um, okay?
Charlotte: Don’t worry, darling, half these contestants look like they can’t count past 5. 
Taniyah: Girl, they don’t look that dumb..
Pietro: HEY! That’s not true! One! Two! Three! Four! uh.. Five! uh… um.. ah, crap..
Roman: Hah! Bro, you’re stupid, I could count to six!
Pierro: Oh yeah? Prove it.
Roman: You’re on bro!
Taniyah: *Looks at Charlotte* Alright, guess I was too nice.
Sigita: Hey, you guys ready to lose for me? 
*Everyone stops*
Dominique: Oh my god, you’re so pretty!! How do you get your hair that silky?!
Sigita: I don’t know, I might just be effortlessly beautiful.
Grace: Hey! I’m better though! Look at how preppy I am!
*Everyone ignores*
*The boat starts rocking a lot*
Boris: Hey, uh.. Is it just me or did this boat get faster?
*Cuts to captain’s headquarters, an intern is driving the ferry*
Intern: Heh, time to give them a small surprise!
*Ferry crashes into rocks, and the boat shakes*
Dominique: What was that?!
Fredrick: Crap, that was me. But I won’t say sorry since I’m sigma and saying sorry is such a beta move 🍷🗿
Eliza: *Sniffs* Oh god!
*Water enters the room the contestants are in*
Rajiv: Aww man!
*Everyone jumps off the ferry before its goes underwater*
Dennis: *Quietly* Oh no.. We’re soaked..
Roman: *Annoyed* Dude.. Really? Right Now!
*Up on dock where Chris is*
Jamil & Ines: We’re first!
Chris: Jamil! Ines! How’s it going?
Ines: This was lightwork!
Jamil! Yeah, swimming was basic training!
Chris: Haha, I wonder if you’ll call the CHALLENGES “lightwork”.
*Boris swims up next*
Chris: Next up is our strongman, Boris!
Boris: Hey, Chris. Is this the place.? Hoping it would be nicer..
Chris: Up next.. The track star, Leopold!
Leopold: Hey chris.
Chris: Model, Sigita!
Sigita: Hey!
Chris: Bad Boy, Andres!
Andres: Yo.
Chris: Pietro & Roman!
Pietro & Roman: Heyy!
Chris: Popular Girl, Cece!
Cece: Ugh..
Chris: Calm Stoic Sweetheart, Charlotte!
Charlotte: Hello.
Chris: Taniyah!
Taniyah: Wasgood, yall?
Chris: Gamer girl, Pauline!
Pauline: Hey Chris!
Chris: Epic Gamer, Wyatt!
Wyatt: Yooo!
Chris: Dominique, Dennis, Tamia, and Kenny!
Dominique: Hello World! :D
Dennis: *Sigh*
Tamia: Hey..
Kenny: I love yall!
Chris: Rajiv & Francesca!
Rajiv: Whats up, dudes!
Francesca: Hey everyone!!
Chris: William & Fangxiu!
William: Hey..?
Fangxiu: IM USING MY ROSE T- 😍
Chris: Maxim, Eliza, and Grace!
Maxim: Hey chris!
Eliza: Same as Maxim!
Grace: It’s so preppy in here!! >o<
Chris: Dwaeji..?
Dwaeji: Ohayo 🥺🥺
Chris: Bailey!
Bailey: I already have a million dollars!
Chris: and.. Eddy!
Eddy: Salutations!
Chris: And that makes… 27? We still have one more person..
*3 Hours Later*
Fredrick: *Slowly doggy paddles to the dock and gets up onto dock finally, breathing heavily* 
Chris: Dude.. you took 3 hours..? To swim 40 feet?
Fredrick: Uh.. I d-did that on p-purpose?? Heheh..?🍷🗿
Jamil: That was sad..
Chris: Anyway, it’s time for you’re first challenge!
Leopold: Don’t we need teams?
Chris: I was getting to that.. The first team WILL be to get into teams! Whichever team takes the longest to create will be up for elimination. Anyway, Get into 4 teams of 7!
Dennis: Tamia, you wanna join become teams?
Tamia: Yeah, Pauline, you wanna join too?
Pauline: Ok!
Ines: Jamil! Since we are creating our own teams, lets be a team!
Jamil: *Flexing Muscles* Yes! We’ll be the strongest team ever!
Dominique: *Looking at Eddy* Eddy, what’s wrong?
Eddy: Erm.. I think I have a bit of a crush on Sigita..
Dominique: Well, why not join teams with her? I can come along with you if you want!
Eddy: Um, ok! Hey Sigita, you wanna be teammates with me and Dominique?
Sigita: Alright, sure I guess..
Dominique: *to Eddy* You did it! Now that she’s on your team, you might have a chance!
Francesca: Hey, Charlotte, you wanna be teammates?
Charlotte: Yes, my darling! How about Taniyah?
Taniyah: Alright!
Fangxiu: CAN I CVME TOO 😍💅
Charlotte: Alright..
Maxim: Hey Eliza, you wanna become teammates?
Eliza: Sure!
Bailey: I’m classified the best teammate ever by 37 of the top 50 universities in the country so I’m joining you two!
Ines: Anyone else wanna join me and Jamil?
Grace: I’ll make this team 200% more preppy!
William: Uh.. I’ll join I guess?
Jamil: Ah, I think we just made the team worse. Eh, Wanna join up with Bailey, Eliza, and Maxim so we have a full team of 7? Eliza and Maxim seem smart, we might need some smarts to balance out Grace and William.
Ines: Keh, sure.
Chris: And the first of four teams are created!
Boris: Hey, Pietro & Roman, you 2 guys seem pretty strong, wanna join me?
Pietro: Sure Dude!!
Roman: Alright Nicee!!
Andres: Yo can I join?
Boris: Sure, you seem competitive! Let’s join Pauline, Dennis and Tamia so we have a full team.
Charlotte: Hmm.. the last ten people look rather horrible.
Taniyah: Now hold on, Leopold is a track runner so hes fast, and Cece is a snobby white girl but she finna be an even bigger pain if she’s on another team, so we can take in those two!
Leopold: Alright!
Cece: Fine, whatever.
Kenny: Hey, Rajiv dude, you wanna join Dominique?
Rajiv: Sure!!
Dominique: Alright, the last 3, Wyatt, Sigma, and Koreaboo. Let’s get Wyatt since he is good with strategy since he’s gamer and.. uh..
Wyatt: Lesgo!!
Leopold: We gotta get one last person for full team!
Taniyah: He’s Right, we gotta get one of the worst two..
Leopold: Uh.. Fredrick!
Cece: *extremely mad* UGH.. WHY?!
Leopold: At least he isn’t as bad as koreaboo Dwaeji!!
Cece: You know what, he just might be..
Chris: Alright! That means Dwaeji will join the losing team! Here are the four teams…
Ines & Jamil’s Team: Bailey, Eliza, Grace, Ines, Jamil, Maxim and William.
Boris’s Team: Andres, Boris, Dennis, Pauline, Pietro, Roman and Tamia.
Charlotte’s Team: Cece, Charlotte, Fangxiu, Francesca, Fredrick, Leopold and Taniyah.
Eddy’s Team: Dominique, Dwaeji, Eddy, Kenny, Rajiv, Sigita, and Wyatt.
Chris: Now, what will these four teams be named?
Andres: the Dead Bodies!!
Grace: Preppy Squad!!! >o<
Fangxiu: the Haunted Poosay-😍😍
Chris: THAT IS ENOUGH! I’ll give you team names!
Andres, Boris, Dennis, Pauline, Pietro, Roman and Tamia, you will be the Mighty Wizards!
*Cheering and Yelling from Team*
Bailey, Eliza, Grace, Ines, Jamil, Maxim and William, you will be the Ferocious Monsters!
*Cheering and Yelling from Team*
Cece, Charlotte, Fangxiu, Francesca, Fredrick, Leopold and Taniyah, you will be the Fearless Warriors!
*Cheering and Yelling from Team*
and since Dominique, Dwaeji, Eddy, Kenny, Rajiv, Sigita, and Wyatt are losing, they’ll be uh.. 4th Thing!!
*Annoyance and confusion*
Chris: Alright, I’ll see you tonight at the arena of losers! In the mean time, I’ll tell you where you guys will sleep!
*The group walks over to 4 run-down campers*
Andres: Eugh.. is this where we are sleeping?!
Grace: Soooo not preppy.. >:(
Chris: Hahah, yep. Don’t worry, the guys and girls get their own rooms, however the campers weren’t originally meant to be split into 2 rooms, so It will be REALLY cramped! 
Eddy: Erm.. actually if they were split in half but still stay the same size-
Chris: I DON’T CARE. Anyway, Get some rest before the elimination ceremony tonight, 4th Thing!
Sigita: God, I can’t believe we’re named that..
(It’s night time now, elimination ceremony takes place up on stage, the 7 are sitting in chairs next to chris, while the 3 other teams watch from the audience. The seven up for elimination are:
Dominique, the Social Butterfly,
Dwaeji, the Asiaboo,
Eddy, the Nerdy Band Kid,
Kenny, the Trashy Simp,
Rajiv, the Chill Guy,
Sigita, the Model, and
Wyatt, the Epic Gamer)
Chris: 4th Thing, you’re off to a bad start! Half the team is joke characters!
Wyatt: OH COME ON!
Dwaeji: So not sugoi.. 🥺
Chris: Okay, the votes from you seven have been submitted! If you’re safe, I’ll call your name and give you will get a famous “Golden Chris Award”! The first one safe is..
*Sigita grabs her award*
*Dominique sighs of relief*
Rajiv: Nicee.!
*Eddy does that stupid take the L dance from fortnite to impress Sigita*
Kenny: Aww yeah!!
Chris: the last two without an award. Wyatt and Dwaeji. Wh-
Wyatt: Wait.. we are both safe? Awesomesauce 🤑🤑
Chris: What are you talking about?
Dwaeji: You said both of our names.
Chris: PRETEND I DIDN’T SAY THAT! The one going home tonight is…
*Wyatt sweats mountain dew*
*Dwaeji sweats Jungkook’s tears*
Chris: Dwaeji. Wyatt, you’re here for another night. Seeya Dwaeji! Or should I say, Emily..
Dwaeji: WAIT.. you KNOW?! NOOOO.. nya.. 😖😖 Heh.. I guess I deserve it..:)
Dominique: Sorry Dwaeji, you’re just so.. uh.. enthusiastic.!!
Dwaeji: Whatever! I don’t need you! I don’t need a million dollars! I have my Bakugo body pillow 🥺🥺..
Chris: Well, you might be wondering how you’ll get home, I have..
*A giant robot with a giant hand slides up on a track*
Chris: We have a giant mechanical Will Smith that will slap you home! Have fun!
Dwaeji: Wait.. what?
*The robot starts charging towards Dwaeji, the arm stretching back before rocketing forward*
Eddy: Oh god.. This looks a bit hardcore, doesn’t it?
Chris: Nah.. I don’t think so..
*The hand slaps Dwaeji and she goes flying*
Dwaeji: AHHHHH!!
Chris: Haha, good riddance. Welp, there’s 27 left! Who will leave next? I guess we’ll see next time on.. TOTAL! DRAMA! MOVIES!
Hey everyone! This was the first part to my Total Drama fanseason. It’s definitely interesting.? I’m thinking that if this project get enough support, I’ll let the viewers vote in comments instead of the contestants. If you want that to happen, you could follow, comment, or even just like! I’m not asking for much either, just a few supporting and consistent commenters, I’ll start viewer voting! Anyway, I’ll see you tomorrow for the next episode!
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purplesurveys · 2 years ago
How long has it been since you moved out of the house you grew up in? I haven't moved out yet, but it has been 15 years since we moved out of my childhood house – a duplex that my immediate family, my mom's brother's family, and my grandparents shared.
What color shirt are you wearing? Chestnut.
The last time you ate leftovers, what was it that you were eating? I can't even remember when that was anymore... it may have been spaghetti from Jollibee? My mom had ordered a massive tray of it so it lasted well into the following day.
What was the last flavor of ice cream you ate? Shoyu caramel.
Do you regret anything you've done in the last 24 hours, and if so, what? Yes, everything that happened that led to us getting lost on our way to Nasugbu yesterday and somehow ending up back in Taguig after already making it to SLEX and wasting 1.5 hrs worth of time and gas. It's too complicated to explain and no one here will get the directions anyway so I won't bother to explain, but that has been the worst part of this weekend and is another reason why I hate the south and driving in it.
What is your favorite type of soup? Mushroom soup and miso soup :)
When was the last time you saw a beautiful sunset? Two months ago when we joined this dinner cruise thing in Thailand.
What is your favorite song at the moment? Dust by Seventeen is beautiful.
What are 5-10 things you love about being you? - I always have a stubborn determination to be good/do better at things I want to be good at; - I look out for other people first before ever considering myself; - I love animals; - I take no issue being on my own and doing fun things on my own; - Mistakes no longer bother me as much as they used to.
What is your favorite board that you've made on Pinterest? I don't spend enough time on there to be making boards.
Do you get on Facebook or Instagram more? These days, probably Instagram.
What color is your favorite sweater? I don't have one.
What are three things people would never guess about you just by looking at the photos you post on social media? - I'm into punk rock and had a phase in my life when that was all I listened to; - My dad works abroad so I've seen him infrequently my whole life; - For a long time my mental health was on a continuous decline.
What is one thing you have too much of? Receipts that I need to throw out.
What was the last thing you ate or drank that was blue raspberry-flavored? Maybe some candy. Idk. I rarely have anything in blueberry.
What are three of your favorite scents? Vanilla, coffee, anything ocean-y.
What was the last flavor of tea you drank? Lemon iced tea.
When was the last time you wore your hair in a fishtail braid? I don't think that's ever been done to my hair.
What is one annoying thing your computer does? There's nothing I don't like about my laptop, as old and slow as it's gotten over the years. This is my baby to the very end and I'll only ever replace it once it decides to sign off for good.
What type of fruit do you eat the most? Avocado, if I eat any fruit at all. I generally try to avoid them.
How often do you go out to eat? Once a week on average, typically on Sundays with family.
What would your dream wedding dress look like? No idea, but a peg I'm likely to use is Audrey Hepburn's 1954 Oscars dress. Only things I'd tweak are the length and the floral design.
Which fall flavor do you prefer: pumpkin spice or apple cinnamon? Neither are flavors I see myself leaning into, but I mean I guess I'll go with apple cinnamon only because I have no clue what pumpkin spice tastes like? I won't be having a good time though lmao.
What is the most annoying thing about your life right now? This upcoming work event that we can't seem to pin a date on. I just want to get this shit over with as I've recently discovered I have much bigger life things to tackle now.
Which holiday treat do you like better: candy corn or conversation hearts? Candy corn because at least I wouldn't find them cheesy.
What is your favorite apple-flavored treat? Does it count if I say apple pie only because I like the pie crust?
What are you counting down the days to right now, if anything? My hypothetical new job. I don't think that'll stay a concept much longer anymore.
What was the last book you read about? It was BTS' memoir so I'll let that explain itself.
Have you been daydreaming a lot lately about a scenario you wish would happen? I can say that about the last two days, yes.
What are three of your favorite things about camping? I've never gone camping before.
If you could choose what month to be born in, what month would you have chosen as your birth month, and why? I'm not sure I have a preferred birth month. Any would have worked lol.
...and what is your actual birth month? It's in April.
What are three of your favorite things to do on a rainy day? Turn on my BTS-on-a-rainy-day playlist, fix a cup of coffee, stare at the rain.
Would you rather eat strawberries or watermelon? I'd try watermelon. I've never tasted it.
Do you prefer smoothies or milkshakes? Milkshakes.
Do you prefer hamburgers or hot dogs? Hamburgers.
When was the last time you felt nauseous? Last night.
What was the last thing you ate that made you feel nauseous? I don't really get sick from food.
Do you enjoy going to your local county fair? Idk I've never been to any, we don't even have 'counties' here.
How far away do you live from the place where you were born? About an hour or so away.
Do you prefer zebra print or cheetah print? Cheetah, if anything. Generally not a fan of animal print though.
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“Ok faggot you can come out now. Don’t worry, we’ve seen naked fags before. He he. That’s why you are here, to be our naked fag entertainment for the week while we do business….
“There it is! Guys, we lucked out this time. This one turned 18 last month. But look at it. It looks years younger. I have its ID, and it’s legit. We won’t have to worry about the close call from last year. And get this guys, it is 4’ 11”. It may be short, but its cunt is deep.
“Check out this cage. Its thing is crushed in there. It ain’t getting hard at any point during its time with us. Stan, I love this denuding cream. It works like a charm, every hair from the neck down gone. The fag was screaming when I applied it to its tiny ball sac. I think it was well worth it. Not a stubble anywhere, and I did it week before last. It got them all.
“Yup fag, it ain’t growing back, ever again. I know, I told you that your hair would grow back. I lied. Ha ha! Fag, I lied to you a lot. But it doesn’t matter, ‘cause you are just a piece of meat to use.
“Introductions! On your left is Rex, Master Stan, Sir Winston, and me your Lord and Master. The pilot is Master Owen. Learn our names and how we expect to be addressed, whether it be ‘Master’, ‘Boss’, ‘Sir’, or ‘My Lord’ with me. You are going to be addressed in every derogatory way. Treated that way too.
“We used to bring up our own cunts, each of us. But, we found that working one fag into nothing is way more rewarding.
“We are about to reach cruising altitude, and it will be just under two hours before we land. That give us time to break you in. Master Owen always gets the first scream. You haven’t seen him yet. This is his plane, and we are going to his ranch in Montana. He has his own airstrip.
“On the ground will be Bert, Owen’s nephew who runs the ranch and air strip. That will be six men, six real men, you will be servicing. Most fags dream to service just one real man, and you are getting six. Every day our cocks are going in one of your holes, probably both. Well, you will be expected to drink our piss, take our fucks—although they would be better classified as rapes, eat our asses—and in Rex’s case, eat from his ass….
“Don’t look shocked. When I took you on as my bitch, I told you I wasn’t into scat, and I’m not. Rex is someone completely different. And he’s a total raunch pig. And don’t even think about throwing up afterwards; it never ends well for the cunt. My suggestion is to roll with the punches. And there will be punches here. Master Stan will probably beat you black and blue. Sir Winston will punch your cunt deep, to the elbow. So you have a lot of suffering ahead of you. And we all know each other, we all are going to ignore every single one of your pleas for mercy. At the end, we’ll decide if you come back with me, or get sold off to one of them. Rex is in need of a new toilet. Heh, heh, heh.
“Pussy, as much as Rex would love to snatch you up for a nice price, it’s not that big of a stretch that Owen will insist on taking you. Am I right guys?
“They know you are his type. You are 4’11” and he’s 6’6”. That’s 19 inches different. He’s three hundred forty pounds of Midwest cornfed beef. You are a piddly one ten? Your pecker is now about half an inch, smashed in that cage, but even without it on, you were about four and a half inches. He’s nine. He loves size differences. Don’t worry, he doesn’t take long the first time. Even though Winston here is a pilot, and the plane has a state of the art auto-pilot, Owen doesn’t like giving up control of the plane for too long.
“And it looks like he’s about ready to come back here to get his nut…. Step aside for Winston to go up to the cockpit…. In fact Cunt, move back here to the clearing and lie on your back with your feet pointing to the cockpit…. Faggot I gave you an order. Trust me on this, you do not want to refuse an order ever. Ever! You remember how I beat you at home? That’s nothing in comparison to Stan’s single tail, or Winston’s ball busting, or Rex’s… whatever the sick and twisted punishment is in his mind. I’m actually considered the softie in the group. The only thing you can do is comply.
“And when we land don’t do anything stupid like try to run off. We will have a tracker imbedded the shock collar you will be wearing. Owen’s nephew is a Deputy known for tracking prey.
“As I was saying, get on your back…. Rex, secure its arms. Stan, you get its right leg, and I’ll take its left.
“Faggot, once he gets done taking off his pants, Rex will kneel on your shoulders pinning them to the floor. That will place your nose within a couple inches of his shithole. Stan and I will be lifting your legs up and back and holding them spread wide. That will leave your cunt ready for Owen…. And here he is.”
“Hey Owen! I told you I would have a pocket cunt for you…. Jesus fuck! Your dick never ceases to surprise me.
“Faggot, get ready to be split in two by a nine by seven inch pile driver. That’s it bitch! Scream mother fucker!
“For being such a small bitch, it is putting up some resistance. Stan let’s spread its legs wider…. And damn, it has some powerful lungs. Shit, I swear it can be heard all the way to Calgary.
“You seem to be ready to unload Owen?... Faggot you are going to be filled with a load like you never had. Oh fuck here it comes. Fuck! Damn!
“Cunt, he’s done, you can shut the fuck up. Sheesh! Wow.… Now clamp down when he pulls out….
“Stan, let go of its leg…. Rex get up….
“Faggot! You need to hold his jiz in you while you get up. You need to clean up the mess on Master Owen’s cock. And if he needs to take a piss, you drink it.
“Owen, you like its deep cunt don’t you? Thought you would. We can discuss transfer this week.
“Shithead! I told you to clamp down. The amount of cum leaking out of you is… Aw bloody hell!
“Rex, Stan, look at the size of that rape gape. There is no way that it can clamp down, at least for a while. Oh well it will lick up whatever it spilled. Who wants to go next?”
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sunmoonandeddie · 4 years ago
who you are and who you’ve been
pairing: bucky barnes x reader
word count: 8,490
summary: Sometimes love takes a little longer to find you.
warnings: SMUT.  Mention of past abusive relationship, drinking, swearing.
a/n:  Thank you so much to @zeilenkrieg for commissioning this and being so patient while I wrote it!!
“Mama!  Mama!  You here?”
You sighed as you looked up from your coffee, seeing your daughter coming through the living room.  She had on that pair of daisy dukes that she stole from your wardrobe—the ones you used to wear in the heat of summer, a white shirt tied to let the sun on your tummy.  You used to scandalize your own mama with that outfit… 
You had argued with her that she had worn the same kind of outfit back in the seventies, and that vintage was in.  But she liked to wear hers with cowboy boots and you preferred it with a good pair of sneakers.
God, you missed being young…  Your twenties had been absolutely wild, even if they had started out with that horrible pandemic in 2020.
You still washed your hands after touching almost anything.  An instinct that never went away.
That year and the couple years before had been… insane.  But at least it incited real change in the world.  The people had learned from their mistakes, at least for now.
History did have a habit of repeating itself.  Humans were fickle, forgetful creatures like that.
“Yes, honey bun?” You said as you stood up, moving to hug her.
At thirty-seven years old, she was the only good thing that ever came out of your marriage.  That, and knowing how to wash blood out of clothing.
The only problem was that by the time you’d finally left him, you had no friends left.  You were in your forties by then, with no family besides your daughter, and no friends left to speak of.  You hadn’t even had Facebook at the time to keep in touch with old schoolmates from university.  And by then, what was the point?  They were all leading completely different lives and probably hadn’t spared you a thought in at least a decade.
“When’s the last time you left the house?” She asked, her hands on her hips in a stance that reminded you so much of yourself that it scared you.
Now that… that was hard to answer…  You honestly didn’t think you’d be able to remember.  You got practically everything delivered, you worked from home… 
Shaking your thoughts away, you shot her a look.  “I’m fine right where I am.”
“Your doctor called and said you haven’t been taking your medication.”
“Fuckin’ snitch,” you scoffed, rolling your eyes as you turned back to the window, staring down at the now cold coffee.
Josephine rolled her eyes.  “He said you haven’t picked up your refill in over two months.”  She came over to stand next to you, staring out the window with you for a long time.  “Mama, you’ve gotta take your medicine…  You remember what happened last time…”
Ah, yes, the infamous incident.
Which was an incident in a long line of incidents.
There had been a… few times when you’d stopped taking your medication—either intentionally or simply because you had forgotten—and it had resulted in a stay in the psych ward at the local hospital.  It had happened far too many times for your daughter to not be in contact with your doctor so she would be informed if you had stopped getting your refills.
You didn’t blame her, of course.  But it did make you feel like a horrible mother.  One who couldn’t even take care of herself to the point where your daughter had to.
“Yes, I remember last time,” you sighed, staring at a cardinal.  “You know, my mama used to tell me that if you see a cardinal, a loved one who’s passed is visiting you…”
“Mama, I signed you up for a seniors’ social club.”
You blinked.
And then, you blinked again.
You turned to look at your daughter, disbelief written all over your face.  “No the fuck you did not.  I swear to all that is holy, Josephine Ann, if you signed me up for one of those… those… pre-death support groups, I’ll tan your hide!”  You gasped as some of your coffee splashed onto your sweatshirt.  “I brought you into this world, and I sure as hell can take you out of it!”
“You’ve been saying that since I was two,” She said, taking your arm and guiding you to sit down at the kitchen table.  “And it’s not a pre-death support group.  I feel like that’s offensive somewhere so make sure you don’t go running around the group saying that.”  Josephine used a paper napkin to dab at the coffee on your sweatshirt, muttering about throwing it into the wash and getting you a new one.
This was what you meant by your daughter taking care of you.
“Josie, really, I can get my own sweatshirt.”
“Doesn’t mean you gotta,” she said as she came back with a new one, helping you change.
Sometimes you felt like she thought you were a hundred years old.
“Honestly, mama…  I just want you to be happy…  You should have friends.  You shouldn’t be cooped up in this house all day, all the time.”
“What do I need friends for when I’ve got you?  And Danny?” You asked.
But you had been hit with the sudden reality that except for Josephine and her girlfriend, you were alone.  Completely, and utterly, alone.  Hell, they were the only people you had ever invited over to the tiny one bedroom you owned.
Repairmen didn’t count because they were there to do a job, not keep you company.
God, you had wanted more than this, once upon a time.  You had once had dreams, of maybe being a writer and making the New York Times’ Bestsellers List, of a husband who adored you and brought you flowers every Friday, of lazy Sundays eating waffles on the couch with the love of your life.
But life didn’t end up the way you had dreamed it.  There were no book signings or meetings with editors… there were no gardenias… and there was no smell of waffles and syrup.
And you’d made your peace with that.
Sort of.
Josephine’s arms wrapped around you as she rested her head against yours.  Like a mirror of yourself, she was, from her face down to her toes.
Thank god.  She didn’t deserve to have to look in the mirror and see reflections of her father.
“Will you at least try it?” She asked gently, her hand running up and down your arm, her freshly manicured nails tickling your skin.  “It’s not like a pre-death support group, as you call it…  It’s for seniors or people who are approaching seniority and are still active and want to go out and have fun, but maybe need some friends to do it with.  Please?”
And how could you say no when she wanted something so badly?
“Alright,” you said after a moment.  “I’ll go once.  And if it’s horrible, I’m not going back.  And I’m gonna tell Danny how you forced me to meet a bunch of strangers.”
She squealed excitedly, running off to your bedroom and going through your closet.  “Okay, the first thing the group is doing is having a first meeting at a bar, and we’re gonna get you all done up.”
Oh, good.  She was going all in.
“When’s the first meeting?” You asked as you sat on the bed, leaning back on your hands as you watched her.
Uh.  What?
“TONIGHT?!” You shouted in shock as you jumped up.  “What?!  You didn’t think to ask me about this a few days ago?!”
She snorted, picking out a few tops that you hadn’t worn in what felt like decades.  “I signed you up this morning, I didn’t know about it a few days ago.”
You watched in exasperation as she threw article after article of clothing onto the bed for you to try on.  “I don’t think I need to wear four pairs of jeans to a bar,” you said, beginning to pick up a few of the pieces.
Josephine gave you a look as she continued.  “Considering how long it’s been since you’ve been out, I think it’s fair that some of these might not fit anymore.”
Well, you had lost some weight…  Not necessarily in a healthy way, but she was right.
In the end, she ended up shoving you into the bathroom and forced you to do a full shower—which meant body and hair.
You hadn’t even gone to such lengths when you were going on your first date with her father.
She spent hours on your hair and makeup, chattering away excitedly about the vacation her and Danny were planning.  A South American cruise.
Josephine had never married, never had kids.  Never wanted to after seeing what her daddy had put you through.  It left a sour taste in her mouth, and even though it was legal now, her and her girlfriend hadn’t breathed a word of a wedding.
Though, you suppose they had a common law marriage at that point, if lesbians were included in it.
“Perfect,” she said as she got you to slip on an old jacket of yours that was a little too big.  “Come on.  I’ll drive you and pick you up.”
“Oh, honestly,” you snorted as you grabbed the purse Josephine had shoved all your things into.  “You’d think I could take an Uber.”
The bar wasn’t what you had expected when she had first told you that’s where the meeting was going to be held.  The last bars you’d been to had practically been nightclubs.
But this was… upscale.  Sophisticated.
Now you understood just why she had put so much work into making you look presentable.
It didn’t look like anyone else was there yet, even though most of the patrons were around your age, so you took a seat at the bar, the group’s site pulled up on your phone.
“What can I get for you, miss?” The bartender asked as he set down a coaster in front of you.
A snort erupts from your throat as you look at him.  “You always call women as old as me miss?”
“Oh, come on, you’re a catch,” he said, shooting you a playful wink.  “My dad’s single, you know.  If you were… looking.”
“Thank you, but I’m not,” you said gently, your cheeks flushed.  “Can I get a Manhattan?”
The bartender nodded, gracefully backing off the subject of you possibly dating his father.  And barely a minute and a half later, there’s a perfectly made Manhattan set on your coaster.
You’d barely taken a sip before someone came up beside you.  “Do you have Macallan’s 18 Year Sherry Oak?” A man asked.  At the bartenders confirmation, he hummed.  “Can I get a double on the rocks?”
The bartender dropped a large ball of ice into a glass before pouring two shots of whiskey over it and handing it to the man.
“Macallan’s, huh?” You said softly, your heart pounding.  Josephine had told you to make friends.  That was the whole point of this, even if the man wasn’t part of the social club you’d been forced into.  “You know your whiskeys.”
The tall man took a seat beside you, his eyes boring into the side of your face.  You hadn’t dared look at him yet.  “I’ve always preferred those who choose a Manhattan over a martini any day.”
“And why is that?” You asked, finally looking up at him.
And oh, you wished you hadn’t.  He was… stunning.  The very definition of male beauty.  His salt and pepper hair reminded you of the photos of the men in the forties…  The 1940s, that is.  Blue eyes so striking that you lost your breath, and broad shoulders that you knew would haunt your dreams.  He was wearing a glove on his left hand for some reason, but you didn’t linger on it too long.
But at least he was at least your age, if not a little older.  You’d die if you’d just sort of flirted with a twenty-something asshole who just bought expensive whiskeys for the sake of buying expensive whiskeys to show that he had money to blow.
“Martini drinkers think they’ll get some kind of award for their choice of drink,” he said, “as though choosing a drink that generally tastes like shit is some kind of accomplishment.  Unless you’re just taking a shot, a drink should taste good.”  He looked you up and down, letting his pretty blues linger on your lips.  There were faint crow feet at the corners of his eyes, but they just seemed to make him even more handsome.  “And a Manhattan doesn’t need a fancy whiskey.  It is steady and sure even with the cheapest five dollar bottle you can get from a gas station.  Someone whose drink of choice is a Manhattan is sure of who they are and what they want.”
You hadn’t felt this hot under a man’s gaze in decades.  “Really?”  Swallowing around the lump in your throat, you took another sip of your drink to buy you a moment.
“Mmm…”  He stole one of the two cherries from your drink, biting it off the stem.  You were transfixed as he slipped the stem into his mouth, sticking his tongue out about thirty seconds later with a perfect cherry stem knot on display.  “Really.  I’m James.  What’s your name?”
Butterflies filled your stomach as you gave him your name.  God, you felt like you were sixteen again and being flirted with for the first time.
His eyes flicked down to your open phone that rested on the bar, the social club’s page still up.  “You’re here for the meeting, too?”
“Um…  Yes,” you said, ducking your head.
“But, doll…”  He leaned towards you, a charming smile on his lips.  “You don’t look a day over thirty-five.  Are you sure you’re a senior?”
Blinking, your mouth hung open in a soft o.  “Are you planning on flirting with every woman in the club like this?”
James looked around dramatically, his gloved hand resting over his heart.  “A club?!  Is that what you call this place?” He asked, mockingly serious.  “Damn, what does that make all those dirty, gross places these young kids go to now?  Brothels?”
For some reason, you felt comfortable enough to shove his shoulder, surprised a little at the feeling of metal under his jacket sleeve.
For the first time, he looked a bit… uncomfortable.  He had flinched a bit, his bright eyes focused surely on his drink.  “Um…”
“You’re the Winter Soldier.  James Barnes,” you said curiously, your head tilting to the side as you looked at him.  “I thought I recognized you from somewhere.”
“Is that a bad thing?”
“You sure?”
“Mmhm,” you drawled, taking the cherry left in your drink and biting it off in a way that you hoped was alluring.  “Though, I gotta say, it is a bit awkward to meet the man I wrote two papers about in high school.”
Shit, his laugh was beautiful.  Everything about him was beautiful.  Like Apollo or something...
James’s head was thrown back in laughter.  His cheeks were flushed, his eyes squeezed shut.  “Did you actually write two papers about me?” He asked as he tried to catch his breath.  At your nod, he smirked, leaning in close again.  “What did you write about?  How devilishly handsome I am?”
You couldn’t believe you were saying this.  “I mean, I can show you the papers and actually let you read them, but they’re at my place.”
Before he could pick his jaw up off the ground, there were other seniors in the group coming up to greet you.  Your throat was dry as the Sahara as you turned to face them, plastering on a smile as you tried to ignore the heated gaze on your face and the way he licked his lips.
The meeting was… long.  Boring.
Or at least, that’s how it felt when you had James’s dark, sultry eyes on you the entire goddamn time.
Mind fuzzy, you vaguely remembered agreeing to come to the next meeting, and even signing up for a hiking trip they were taking the next weekend.
As you headed outside, you felt Bucky’s hand slip into yours, his long, calloused fingers intertwining with yours.  “So…  Am I gonna get to come over and… read those papers?” He murmured, his lips brushing against your ear.
God, you could practically feel yourself bursting into flames.  You weren’t gonna survive.
Thank god your daughter had forced you into a full shower.
But what about how dirty your house was sure to be?
“Um…  Y-Yeah,” you said as you turned to look at him.  “But, my daughter is gonna be driving me home…  I don’t want her to know I’ve got someone coming over.  She’s nosey.  Real…  Real nosey.”
“Of course, darlin,’” he chuckled.  “Here, why don’t I give you my phone number, and you shoot me a text with your address when you’re ready for me to come over?”
Your head was swirling as you got into your daughter’s car, your phone burning a hole in your purse.
“How was it?” Josephine asked nervously once you got about halfway home.  She couldn’t tell from the look on your face.  “Did you like it?”
“Hm?  Yeah.”  Swallowing, you shot a text to James with your name, telling him you’d text him when it was all clear.
“Are you gonna go again?”
She seemed both dissatisfied and pleased by your vague answers.  At least you were getting out of the house.
Once you got home and said goodbye, it was a mad dash to ensure that your house was clean as could be.  Josie had put in some work while you’d been gone, it seemed.  She’d done the dishes and the laundry, as well as dusted.
Thank fuck.
You struggled for a solid twenty minutes to put fresh sheets and pillowcases on the bed, lighting two candles and placing them in a manner that you hoped seemed natural.
“Shit,” you cursed as you smelled under your arms.
Okay, quick body shower.  It seemed all that flirting had made you a tiny bit sweaty.
You turned the water to scalding and scrubbed your body down, exfoliating and using your best scented body wash.
And to be quite frank, you’d never shaved your lady bits as quick as that.
As you texted him your address and that it was safe to come over, you pulled on your clothing from the bar (though, you did put on nicer, matching lingerie underneath.)  By the time he’d gotten there, you’d downed two shots of tequila for a bit of liquid courage and had poured yourself a glass of wine.
“Hey, baby doll,” he said, a crooked grin on his face as you welcomed him inside.  His glove had been abandoned, and black metal fingers lined with gold glittered in the light.  “Woah…  You know, I wasn’t sure how your place was gonna look, but this is very… you.”
“Oh, really?” You asked as you offered him a glass of wine, which he gratefully took.  “How so?”
“I don’t know,” he chuckled as he swirled the deep red liquid in its glass.  “It’s cozy.  Sweet.”
Your throat was dry as you watched his adam’s apple bob as he took a drink.  “Um… so those papers…”
Bucky whispered your name, moving closer to you as he set the wine glass down on the counter.  “Baby girl, I’m not really here for the papers, am I?” He asked as your back hit the island.  “If I am…  If I am, then just tell me, and I’ll stop this.”  His slightly chapped lips ghosted against yours like the tease he was.  “Am I here just for the papers?”
“No,” you breathed out, before pressing your lips against his in a firm kiss at last.  His breath was minty and cool, with just a touch of the wine you’d been sharing, like he’d brushed his teeth before coming over just like you had.
Could it be possible he was just as nervous as you were?
But he was perfect?  Why the hell would he be nervous?
Your thoughts were cut short as he reached down, his hands firmly grabbing your ass as he lifted you up and set you on the counter.  “That’s a good girl,” he growled as he kissed down your neck, his hands working at your blouse.  “Couldn’t stop thinking about you during that whole stupid fucking meeting.  Just wanted to kiss you.  Just wanted to… to touch you.”  He pulled back, kissing you fiercely as his hands moved from your blouse to hold your face again.  “You gonna let me touch you, angel?”
A whine escaped your throat as you nodded, desperately yanking at his shirt.  Once it was off, you didn’t hesitate to run your hands over the broad planes of his chest.  He wasn’t quite as toned as you remembered from when you were younger, when you used to (occasionally) stalk (lightly) his social media accounts.  There’d been so many pictures of him on vacation with the other Avengers… all tanned and toned…
But you liked this better.  There was a softness to him now, a gentleness.
You were so distracted by his physique that you didn’t notice he’d gotten your shirt and bra off until the cold air hit your chest.  “Fuck,” you mumbled as his lips found your neck, trailing down to your breasts.
You couldn’t remember the last time you’d been kissed, let alone the last time you’d had such… attention.
Especially when his hands worked your pants off and he stood between your legs, moaning as his fingers tickled your thighs.  “You’re so beautiful,” he said as his lips wrapped around one nipple, suckling at it and teasing until it was diamond hard, and he moved on to the other.
Gotta be fair, after all.
“Fuck, baby girl…  Never been with a woman as beautiful as you,” he growled, kissing down your tummy.  “You’re not making it out of here without orgasming at least twice,” he warned jokingly.  He was half bent over in front of the island, watching in wonder as he slowly pulled your silk panties down your legs and revealed your aching core to him.
“I-If you’re not comfortable standing like that, w-we can move somewhere else,” you stammered, suddenly growing self conscious.  What if he thought your pussy was weird?  Granted, you’d overcome thinking that when you were in your early twenties, after learning that each one looked different.
But he was born in the forties.
But that meant he’d probably seen an exponential amount of pussies!
Oh, god, there was no way you’d have anywhere near as much experience as him.  The only person you’d ever been with was your ex husband, and he wasn’t exactly the paradigm of lovers.
You refocused with a shake of your head, your eyes meeting James’s.  “Yes?”
“You’re in your head,” he said softly, his forehead resting against yours as he slowly ran his fingers along your sensitive folds.  “There’s no need…  It’s just you and me, okay?  And you’re absolutely perfect.”
Your heart was melting inside your chest as you nodded, stealing a tentative kiss.  “Okay…  Just you and me.”
James nipped at your lower lip as he lifted you up, wrapping your legs around his waist.  “Come on.  I don’t want our first time to be on a kitchen counter.  Though I make no promises I won’t help christen every inch of this house after,” he said with a playful growl.
You whispered directions to your bedroom as he held you tight to his chest, his lips finding purchase on your neck.  “And here I thought you said the super soldier serum was wearing off,” you joked.
The man snorted as he pushed you up against the hallway wall.  “Trust me, doll, no lack of super soldier serum is gonna stop me from fucking you right,” he said, his voice husky and deep.
Before you could even open your mouth to reply, two thick fingers were slipping inside of you to slowly tease your cunt, his lips ghosting over yours.  “Does that feel good, sweetheart?”
You couldn’t find it in you to be embarrassed at the whimper that fell from your lips.  “Y-Yes.  Yes.  Please, I need more, James…”
James smiled into the kisses he’d been giving you.  “I’ll give you everything you want.”
“That’s a tall order.”  You threaded your fingers through his hair, shivering at the way his metal fingers dug into the plumpness of your ass.  “You sure you can fill it?”
He doesn’t respond with words, growling as he kisses you fiercely, carrying you to the bedroom.  You don’t have time to think before he’s crawling over you and kissing up your tummy to your lips.  “I need to be inside you,” He whispered as he stroked his length.
“Please…  Don’t wanna wait anymore,” you said.  Vaguely, you’re aware of the twinge in your knees from all the physical activity, and you knew you’d be sore as hell in the morning.
Fucking worth it, though.
James didn’t hesitate to line himself up, the head of his cock pressing against your entrance.  When he finally pushed in, unison moans fill the air.
“I…  I haven’t done this in… so long,” you finally admitted as he slowly pushed in more, taking his time.  Eyes locked, your mouth fell open in a soft ‘o’ as he bottomed out, his hips meeting yours.  “Oh, fuck…”
“Then I better do a real good job fucking you right.”
You weren’t quite sure how long you two lasted, but you do know he manages to pull three orgasms out of you in the space of just a few hours.  There’s snack and water breaks in between rounds, his cool metal hand running up and down your spine to cool you down as you two whisper in the dim light of your desk lamp.
You can’t remember a time that you’d felt so at peace.
A spark had been lit inside your chest as you two laid there in bed, legs intertwined.  Both of you were quiet, his fingers moving to caress your cheek.
There were no words that needed to be said.
His sea blue eyes are sparkling in the dim light, and your hand runs over the sharp stubble that lines his jaw.  It had certainly marked up your neck.
“I had intended on asking you on a date,” he said quietly as his hand found yours, bringing it to his mouth.  Chapped lips kissed each of your knuckles like you were something precious, something to behold.  “I didn’t think the five minutes or so before the meeting counted…  But I’d still like to take you on that date, if you’ll let me.”
“That sounds nice,” you said, a grin twinging at the corners of your lips.
“Yeah?” He asked, sitting up a bit as his fingers brushed against your forehead.
“Yeah.”  A giggle escaped your lips as he playfully tackled you, starting yet another round as his hips rolled down against yours.
The next morning, you woke up alone.  The sheets beside you were mussed, though the space James had been occupying was still a bit warm.
Jazz music floated down the hall, through the cracked door, and you could vaguely hear the clinking of pans.
It took you a minute to gather the will to get yourself out of bed and find your robe, but you finally did it.  As your feet hit the ground and you pushed yourself to a stand, you winced.
You had been right about feeling it in your knees.
You forced yourself to walk smoothly down the hall, despite how much it hurt.  Embarrassing yourself in front of James was the last fucking thing you wanted to do.
He was in the kitchen, standing in front of the stove and humming along with the old jazz song playing on the Bluetooth speaker.  He had a pan full of pancake batter in front of him, a whole stack he’d already made on the side.
Standing in the doorway, you couldn’t help but grin as you watched him.  He’s so handsome… and he seemed so at home in your kitchen.  In your home.
Maybe he’d like to move in…
You shook your head, knowing that it’s already too much.
But the thought was nice.
Him in his pajamas, making coffee…  Him in your shower…  Him in your bed every night…  
Yeah.  It’s a really, really nice thought.
James jumped, his eyes wide as he whirled round to face you.  “Hi.  I thought I had another thirty minutes before I had to go and wake you up,” he said.  “I’m making pancakes.  For you.  For us.”  His cheeks flushed, turning a bright red as he turned back to the pan to quickly flip the pancake.  “I hope you don’t mind that I used your flour and shit…”
“Oh, no, I…  I almost never cook,” you admitted as you moved over to stand next to him, watching as he made two more pancakes.
As he carried the huge plate to the kitchen island, he teasingly grabbed your ass and squeezed.  “Maybe I’ll have to stay the night more often, if only so you get a homemade breakfast.”
It was sweet, and domestic, and somewhat terrifying.
You hadn’t had a man do anything for you like this since you were in your twenties, when your husband was still sweet and loving.
But even so, this was somehow better than anytime your husband made his famous burritos.
Maybe because James’s cooking actually tasted good.
Your first date was to a movie, a drive in.  Something that’s designed to be vintage but really just looked cheesy as all hell.
But it’s perfect.  Perfect and cheesy and romantic.
Your only complaint was that he didn’t kiss you at the door when he dropped you off.  He pressed his lips to your cheek and whispered a goodnight, and that was it.
It took two more dates within the same week for him to kiss you again.
Bright and early on the next Saturday morning, he knocked on your door, holding a bouquet of flowers.
“I figured I should make up for you having to be up so early with this,” he said as he came inside, kissing you quick before moving to put the flowers in a vase.
At this point, he knew your house almost as well as you did.  It felt good, when you two moved around like you were part of a team.
“Have you gotten your coffee this morning?” You asked, already pouring two travel mugs full of the good stuff.
He came up behind you, kissing your shoulder.  “I have, but you know I’ll never say no to more, doll.”
The rest of the group eyed you curiously as you got out of the same car, a few elbow nudges and whispers in the air.
“At least I know no old ass dickheads are gonna come hit on my girlfriend,” James growled in your ear, his calloused flesh hand squeezing your hip.
“Jamie…,” you whined, cheeks flushed in embarrassment.  No one had ever claimed you in such a way that made you feel so desired and… and worthy.
James made you feel worthy.
Which is something you’d only ever really gotten from your daughter.
It sent a bolt of arousal through you, and you were tempted to drag him back to the car so you could bring him right back home and do something about it.
Also…  Girlfriend?  Were you his girlfriend now?  Officially?
That just made you wanna find somewhere to fuck him even more.
But alas, you pushed the thought away as the lot of you boarded one of those white airport vans that took you out of the city to the closest state park.
“It’s beautiful,” you breathed out as you stared out the window, forehead pressed to the cool glass.  The morning air was a bit chillier than it had been lately, signaling the coming onslaught of winter.
Maybe Bucky would wanna make hot cocoa together… go sledding…  Would him, Josephine, and Danny would all come over for Christmas and New Years and—
Would he even want to meet Josephine?
Would Josie wanna meet him?
She had no idea that you’d found a—A boyfriend?
“Not as beautiful as you,” Bucky murmured against the shell of your ear as his vibranium fingers intertwined with yours and squeezed.  His stubble tickled your neck as he rested his head on your shoulder, watching the passing scenery with you.  “I’m really glad I met you, doll…”
“Me, too,” you said, grinning as you squeezed his hand back and leaned your head against his.
It was strange, falling so hard for someone so quick after everything you’d been through.
But you had a gut feeling.  One that you had never had with your ex husband.
James was a good one.  A really, really good one.
That reminded you.
When were you meant to tell him about all the shit you’d been through?
Despite the amount of time you had spent together already, you hadn’t found the courage for it.
Soon, you decided.
But first, you had to get through the damn hike.
Bucky was glued to your side the entire time, even though you were a lot worse at hiking than he was.  He would hold your hand, guiding you anytime there was a fallen tree or a creek.  His blue eyes were soft as he murmured encouragement, quietly praising your every move.
It was intoxicating.
So when you two fell behind from the group, watching them go around a curve and down a hill, you dragged James behind a large rock formation.
“Baby doll?  Darling, what the hell are you doing?” He laughed as you pressed a fierce kiss to his lips.
“Can’t a girl be spontaneous?” You teased as you dropped to your knees, ignoring the way a twig was poking into your left knee.  “Need to taste you.”
His eyes locked on you as you worked at his jeans, getting them down and off, his nails scratching at your scalp as he got a good grip on your head.  “Fuck…  Are you really this needy for me, angel?  Fuck, you’re so god damn gorgeous…  Look at you.”
Your heart pounded against your rib cage as you finally freed his length, a grin on your lips as you wrapped your hand around him and slowly stroked him.
Bucky’s eyes rolled back as your mouth wrapped around the head of his cock.  “Fucking shit…  Good girl…  Suck me off real good, baby.”
The group probably would notice your absence, not that you particularly cared.
Not when you had your man so weak for you.  And all you’d had to do was get on your knees.
His metal and flesh hands guided you to take more of him in, going at a slow pace so as not to hurt you.  He was so big there was no way you’d get all of him down your throat but what you couldn’t take in your mouth, you pleasured with your hands.
Pleasuring your partner like this was addicting.  You’d never felt the desire—no, the incessant need—to please your ex husband.  All you could think about was getting Bucky off, making him feel so good that he couldn’t see or walk straight.
You choked around him as you took him as deep as possible, your eyes glassy.  When you popped off, you stroked him as you moved down to carefully suck at his balls, fighting a grin as he gasped, his hips stuttering.  Before he could orgasm, you took him back in your mouth, wanting to swallow him down.
“Fuck, fuck—  Oh, shit…  Baby—  I’m gonna…  I’m gonna—”  Bucky broke off with a shout as he came, spilling down your throat.  His large hands stroked your cheeks as you swallowed all of it, barring the little bit that had gotten on your lower lip.  “You did so good, darling,” he cooed as he helped you stand, pressing you against the rock behind him as he kissed you.  “Are you okay?  I didn’t hurt you, right?”
“No, you didn’t,” you said, a faint smile on your lips as you helped him put himself back away.  “You were perfect, James…”
When you finally caught up to the group, a few of the others shot you knowing looks.
But Bucky just had a satisfied smirk on his lips, his hand tightly intertwined with yours even as you flushed in embarrassment.
“Once we get home, it’s your turn,” he whispered in your ear as you all headed back for the van.
Your relationship with James was… wonderful.
It was easy in a way you’d never had before.
Within just two months, he was living at your house almost full time, to the point where you’d been thinking about asking him to move in.
It was like you two were magnets.  Even when you both had work to do, you did it in the same room, slowly gravitating towards each other until you were sitting close, your foot running up his calf.
And he’d gotten you to start writing.
“It’s your dream, doll.  You’re never too old to chase your dreams,” he said one night as you two laid in bed.  His metal fingers were tracing shapes on your spine, a chill from the cracked window ruffling his sweaty hair.  “If you don’t mind me asking…  Why did you stop in the first place?”
The conversation you’d been avoiding for so long.
Sitting up, you pressed your hands to your face as you tried to find the words to say.  “Um…  I was married before…  I know you know, but, uh…”  Your fingers fiddled together nervously.  You swallowed around the lump in your throat.  “My husband…  He wasn’t…  He wasn’t nice.  At all.”
Bucky immediately sat up behind you, his vibranium hand resting flat on your back to reassure you that he was there, and to give you something to focus on while you spoke.  He didn’t need to speak for you to know.  He was there and he wasn’t running.
“I married him young… and I had Josephine young…  He’d always been so… possessive, but I just considered it protective,” you continued, pulling strength from his touch to keep on going.  You needed to tell him this.  You needed him to understand.  “Then after Josie was born, he started getting violent.  He’d always been mean, but he’d never hit me until after I gave birth…”
James was tense behind you, slowly scooting over so he could wrap his arms around you, his legs resting on either side of yours as he held you.  He needed you close.  Needed to know you were safe in his arms and that man was long gone.
“Put me in the hospital a few times…  He at least didn’t do it in front of Josie.  That’s the one thing I asked of him that he listened to.”  You couldn’t help but snort as you slowly relaxed back against him.  “She always thought all the bruises and shit was just a side effect of how clumsy I am…  But she came home one day during college, to surprise us…  She walked in on him holding a frying pan above his head, about to swing again.  She jumped in between us and told him if he ever touched me again, she’d kill him.”  You let out a breath you hadn’t realized you’d been holding as his lips pressed to your bare shoulder.  It was soothing, feeling his skin against yours.  “She moved me out of that house and into her apartment, helped me get the divorce, get back on my feet…”
“Remind me to tell Josephine thank you,” he said quietly as he squeezed you close.  “Thank you for telling me, doll…  I…  I can’t imagine how hard that was…  But he’ll never touch you again.  No one will ever touch you again if you don’t want it.”
“I know.”
He nuzzled into your hair, breathing in the scent of your shampoo.  “I love you.  So much…”
A peace settled over you as you rested your head back against his, allowing yourself to truly fall into him, to relax.  “And I love you…”
After that night, Bucky slept over at your place five to six nights a week, only going home to get more clothes and do his laundry really, even though you’d told him a million times he could do it at your place.
“Wake up, sweetheart,” he murmured in your ear one morning, pushing your hair away from your face.  “Time to get up…  I’ve got breakfast ready for you…”
Groaning, you tried to pull him down for more cuddle time, but he wasn’t having it.  He always woke up before you, too many years a soldier coming into play.  He’d go for a run and make breakfast before waking you up.
“Come on, doll,” he chuckled, pressing a quick kiss to your lips as he got you to sit up, your vision blurry from sleep still.  “Medicine,” he said, pressing your pills into your palm and putting a glass of water in your other. 
Ever since he’d found out about your prescriptions and how you had a hard time remembering to take them, he’d taken it upon himself to make sure you did, every morning and night without fail.
“What’d you make this morning?” You asked sleepily after swallowing your pills, letting him pull you to your feet.  His t-shirt clung to you as you followed him down the hall.  Your hand was tucked into his as you rounded the corner to the kitchen.
What neither of you had heard was the sound of the front door opening.
“Mama?!  What the hell?!” Josephine demanded, standing in the kitchen with Danny right behind her.  “Who the fuck is this?!  What is he doing here?!”
You’d neglected to tell your daughter, afraid of how she might take it.
“Hello.  I’m James.  Or Bucky,” your boyfriend said as he held out his hand to you, clearly unashamed and standing his ground even though he was only wearing a pair of pajama pants.
“What the fuck are you doing here?!” Your daughter repeated angrily, ignoring his hand.
“Josie,” Danny began, trying to soothe her.
But your daughter was nothing but determined when she was in her protective mode.
Before you could open your mouth, Bucky supplied, “I’m her boyfriend.”
You felt a flush coming over you as she stared at the two of you, slack-jawed.  “He is,” you said, wrapping both of your arms around his metal one.  You were so nervous, you were shaking.
“When did this happen?!” She demanded, beginning to pace back and forth around the kitchen.
“Um…  The first meeting at the bar… for the club,” you said.  Seeing her so upset made your anxiety spike, and you knew James could feel it, could hear the way your heart rate increased exponentially.
Josephine whirled on you, her eyes—so much like yours—wide with disbelief.  No.  Betrayal.  “You’ve been seeing someone for almost three months and you didn’t tell me?”
“I…”  Tears pricked your eyes as you tightened your grip on Bucky’s arm.  This was not the way you wanted them meeting to go.  “I was scared… of how you’d react…”
At that moment, Bucky turned to meet your eyes, his forehead almost pressing against yours.  “Darling, I feel like this is a conversation you two should have alone, yeah?  So I’m gonna take—Danny, right?  Yeah—Danny to the living room with some coffee so we can get to know each other, okay?”
After a nod, and a squeeze of his hand, he got two mugs of coffee and led your daughter’s girlfriend to the living room.  You could see them sitting down from the corner of your eyes, but you were much too focused on Josephine.
“Mama, I—”
“I love him,” you said, before she could say anything more.
Her eyes were shining, locked on you as she waited for you to speak.  In her gut, she knew this was something you needed to get out.
“I love him more than I’ve ever loved a man.  More than I loved your father,” you whispered, your voice cracking.  “And I know…  I know you’re as protective as you are because you saw how he treated me.  You saw how much I hid that he was hurting you, but Jamie isn’t like that.”  Your fingers fiddled as you tried to keep yourself from pacing.  “He’s kind and adoring and gentle and…  and he loves me.  More than I thought anyone could ever love me.  And I know you feel like you need to take care of me and I am so grateful.  And I still need you.  Everyday.  But Bucky…  I love him.  I love him and he loves me and we take care of each other.”
Josephine reached out, slowly taking your hands in hers.  “He…  He makes you happy?  He takes care of you and you’re safe?” She asked, voice trembling as a few tears rolled down her cheeks.
“Yeah.  He takes real good care of me,” you insisted with a weak laugh.  “And I’ve never been so happy before, honey.  I promise.”
“Okay…,” she said, taking a deep breath.  “I’m still giving him the shovel talk.”
Bucky looked up as Josephine entered the living room, looking much calmer.  He wasn’t sure what you’d said, but it had seemed to placate her for the time being.
“Can we talk outside?” She asked him, keeping her chin high.
God, she looked so much like you.
He nodded stiffly, getting to his feet and leaving his mug behind as he followed her to the front door and out onto the porch.  The former super soldier watched as she paced back and forth, biting her thumb.  “I’ve heard a lot about you,” he said finally, breaking the silence.
Josie stopped in her tracks, listening quietly.
“Your mama loves you something fierce.”  Nervously rubbing his hands on his pajama pants, he couldn’t remember the last time he’d been so nervous meeting a girl’s family.
Though, he supposed it was a bit different when it was meeting your girlfriend’s daughter.
“And I love her.”
Your daughter, your mini me, stared him directly in the eyes.  “I’m sure she’s told you about my father.  What he did.”
“She did.”
“So you know that if you put one fucking foot out of line, I’ll filet you?”
“I do.”
She eyed him for a long moment.  “What are you in this for?  What’s the long term?” She asked.  “I’ve heard of elders just… settling for someone because they don’t wanna be alone in their twilight years.  Is that what this is?”
Bucky tried really hard not to feel a little bit offended.  He wasn’t that old.  “I’ve been alive since 1917,” he said slowly.  “I have no doubt you know who I am.  But I’ve been alive a hundred and something years, and I’ve never met someone who makes me feel the way your mom does.”  His heart clenched inside his chest as he thought of you, seeing your shy smile in the mornings, how you clung to him when you went out in public, the sound of your voice as you read an excerpt of your writing to him, so nervous about what he would think.  “And I…  I can say that everything I’ve been through…  Everything I’ve ever been through was worth it, because I got to meet her.  And I get to be hers for the years I have left.”
She looked absolutely speechless.  “Good,” she said, coughing to clear her throat.  “Good.  I just…  I can’t see her get hurt again.  Not after everything.”
“Trust me, I don’t plan to,” he said, his mouth dry.  “I…  I actually have something to ask you about…  Been waiting to meet you to talk to you about it…”
Inside, you paced the kitchen and living room, going back and forth and back and forth, sometimes moving to the window to try to hear what they were saying.  But they were keeping it all very hushed.
“It’s gonna be fine, mama,” Danny said, standing up and moving to wrap her arms around you.  “Josie’ll see how much you two love each other, and it’ll be fine.  She’s just gotta have her protective moment.  You know how she is.”
Sniffling, you hugged her tightly.  “I shouldn’t have kept it from her for so long…  I was just so nervous…  They both…  They both mean the world to me.”  You paused, snorting.  “I knew you’d approve of him.  I wasn’t so worried about you.”
“Oh, please, the way that man looked at you?” She said, laughing as she kissed your forehead.  “Mama, there’s no way in hell that man would ever hurt you.  He looks at you like you’re his entire universe.”
Heart warm, you glanced towards the front door, wishing they’d just come inside already.  “I’ve never felt something like this…  But fuck, if the whole shit show that’s my life wasn’t worth it for him…  I wouldn’t change a thing, as long as it means I get to end up with him.”
You broke out of her grasp as the front door opened and they came back inside, looking relaxed and even… happy?  “Well?  You aren’t gonna kill him?” You asked Josie as you moved to James, heart racing.
“Nah…,” she said, giving him what seemed like a secretive smile.  “As far as dads go…  He’d be pretty nice to have.”
“What?” You said, brows furrowing as you looked between the two of them.
Bucky chuckled, winking at Josephine as he led you to the stove where breakfast was still waiting, making you waddle as his arms wrapped around you from behind.  “Don’t worry your pretty head about it, baby doll.  It’s all good.”
You still couldn’t help but feel like the two were planning something as he made your plate for you, cutting up your pancakes and filling up your coffee.  “Why do I feel like you two are gonna end up ganging up on me?”
“Oh, come on, mama,” Josephine said with a smirk on her face.  Her and Danny had made their own plates and joined you and Bucky in the living room.  “How could you ever accuse us of such a thing?”
“Yeah,” James said as he fed you a bite of pancake.  “How could you ever accuse us of such a thing?” He asked, before leaning in and stealing a kiss.  “I love you.”
You’d never felt more relaxed, surrounded by the people you loved the most in the world.  What you’d said to Josephine had been true.
“I love you more,” you said, leaning back in for another kiss.
You’d never been so happy.
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Rafebarry Ficlet: The Shattered too Can Be Healed
( Fluff. Just Lots of Fluff & Rafe Snuggles)
Summary: Barry takes care of Rafe after he comes to him straight from having a fight with his old man.
A quarter till midnight and the bastard comes through the front door like the place is his very own, not one knock, no “What’s up, man” from the other side of the screen while he waited for Barry to let him inside. Not even a simple “Hey, mind if I stay around awhile?” before Rafe Cameron barges right into Barry’s trailer, lips bloody and swollen like he’d just got into it with somebody on the drive over.
Barry turned off the local news network on his little tv in the corner of the room. The weather forecast was done with anyway and he really didn’t give a shit about much else at the moment.
Aside from the clearly distressed Kook who had entered his domain and that was behaving in an even odder way than usual. For Rafe that was definitely saying a lot.
“Well, shit. Look at you, Country Club. Look like somebody done took off with that shiny new ride Daddy got you cruising’ in now. They pull your ass out of it first?” He motioned to Rafe’s split lip and expected him to snap at the jest. To snarl at least. Just a little.
But Rafe didn’t say a word. He dumped his things on Barry’s couch, facing away from him to hide the injury, of which he was obviously ashamed.
“Ain’t talkin’ tonight, huh?” Barry’s tone was less teasing and more…well…gentle was really the only word that could properly describe it.
“No.” Rafe muttered, and that was good. At least Barry was getting something out of him, even if it was mostly just sniffles and swallowed down sobs.
Barry sighed, leaning back in his recliner and crossing his arms behind his head, showing off a pair of bare and decently worked muscles. “Alright then, pretty thing.” He agreed to Rafe’s current terms of silence, mostly just to keep the tension boiling within the blonde headed rich boy from rising into a raging fit.
Barry knew Rafe well enough by now. He just needed to relax for a little while to calm down. “Go take a shower, why don’t ya?” He suggested. “Hot water’s back on.”
Rafe went, without another word, down the hall and locked the flimsy bathroom door behind him.
Alright. So this was going to be a rough night. He only ever trapped himself in there when he was feeling pretty worse for wear.
Whatever. Barry was still confident that he could talk him down enough to avoid an outburst. So he reluctantly got up from his cozy chair and went into the kitchen to make them both something to snack on.
The water in the shower quit after about a half hour and once Barry had thrown a couple of grilled cheeses together, Rafe was already sitting on the couch, wrapped up in his warm grey robe that he kept in Barry’s closet, his golden hair still wet from his shower and his arms crossed over his chest.
“Eat somethin’.” Barry insisted, handing him a plate and then setting down a chipped mug of sweet smelling tea upon the cluttered coffee table in front of Rafe. They didn’t need to talk about that and Rafe didn’t need any convincing to drink it. Whatever Barry used to make the stuff usually really helped him to calm down after a tough run in with the old man. The same was true now, his trembling muscles beginning to slow as he sipped at the hot drink.
“You gonna let me clean that lip up for ya?” Barry eventually dared to ask once he felt that Rafe had been gentled enough to not bite the hand that fed him.
Cameron didn’t reply right away but once he’d finished half of his sandwich and the mug was drained, he touched the tips of his own fingers gently to the angry cut that actually ran through both of his lips. “Not much you can do for it.” He muttered.
“Yeah, well, we’ll see about that.” Barry got up again from his chair and came closer, Rafe’s lack of action to repel him being a clear invitation to approach.
“Who did this shit, huh?” He asked softly as he sat down next to Rafe. Rafe, who didn’t cower from him but pulled his robe tighter against his body, as if Barry might try to take advantage of his currently wrecked emotional state. Even if he knew that he never would.
“Don’t,” He hissed. “Just don’t fucking ask, alright? Just-Just get me some Vaseline and some ibuprofen, alright? Stop asking questions…”
“Sure thing, Country Club. I got you.” Of course Barry knew already that Daddy Cameron was probably the assailant who did the damage but he wasn’t going to say that to Rafe. It’d only get him worked up and angry.
After searching through the medicine cabinet in the bathroom for awhile, Barry came back to patch his shaky little Kook up, going a step further than Rafe had told him to and first cleaning both slashes in the soft flesh with some cold antiseptic before the Vaseline went anywhere near them. Rafe downed a couple of Tylenol after and after a little while of resting on Barry’s couch, arms still crossed defensively over his chest, Rafe got up and went to the bedroom, leaving Barry to finish some dumb 80’s movie they’d started up together.
The bed was nice and soft against the tenseness of Rafe’s body and he slowly let himself sink into the mattress beneath the sheets. Sheets that smelt like them, only slightly less than the pillows Rafe swapped so he could breath in Barry’s scent without asking for the real deal.
The old rickety floors creaked when Barry came back to slide into bed as well, long calloused fingers shoving dark locks back over his head and out of his eyes. “You been theivin’ my pilla again, huh?” He couldn’t help but grin rather proudly when he saw that Rafe had his face buried in the pillow he’d claimed as his: the one that was stuffed into the Carolina Panthers case he’d found at the thrift shop. “Fork it over, baby boy. You can hang onto me instead.”
Rafe didn’t protest, switching the pillows back. He liked his own better anyway. It was firmer. Not as squishy as Barry’s that was going to give him a life long crick in the neck someday.
“Take the fucking thing if it matters so much…” He muttered under his breath at Barry, who willingly pretended that it was his idea alone to roll Rafe over and hold him close against his warm naked chest.
“Come here, pretty thang. That’s a good boy,” Barry dropped little bits of praise for Rafe to lap up like the love starved pup that he was. “Let me hold ya, baby. Been missin your cute ass around here all day, honey pie. You might as well come on in here and shack up with me full time, ya know? Don’t ever wanna let go of you in the mornins, baby. You just got those wicked little claws in my heart now, huh? My pretty thang. Know how fuckin’ perfect you look right now?”
Rafe relaxes deeply enough at Barry’s words that sometimes, including tonight apparently, he doesn’t really even notice that he’s crying against his lover’s skin.
Barry doesn’t mention it either. Just keeps praising him, rubbing on his back, and kissing at every bit of exposed skin he can find to smooch.
Rafe never feels calmer than when he’s here, wrapped in Barry’s arms, being taken care of and loved so thoroughly.
If heaven truly was a real place, he thought to himself before drifting off to sleep, this must be what it feels like to be there.
There’s never been another place on earth that Rafe could flee to, where the dark thoughts in his head wouldn’t follow. Just here. Just here with Barry in these moments where peace of mind wasn’t just a myth.
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arcadejohn127-9 · 4 years ago
MC that doesn't have any energy during the day, just moping around all tired. But from like, 12 AM to 6 AM, really energized and would go out and do the most Chaotic Shit TM. You know when you just come up with some crack idea at 2 AM? MC every goddamn night. Probably tried making a bathtub fly.
(if you do want to do this, please do the brothers and the undateables ^^)
XD WHY IS THIS ME???!!!!! I'm always so tired and never leave my bed but it could be 1 am and suddenly I rise from the dead and just do random things around the house
Though these aren't chaotic, mostly just the boys trying to stop you as they're tired and want to sleep but you're messing around too much. I tried to base it off my own activities and things that would seem funny - sorry if you wanted something more chaotic but I couldn't think of anything
When he learned about your strange late morning/early morning shenanigans
He saw it was a way for you to finally get your school work done
Every room - and I mean EVERY - had a textbook from your different class with notes, he goes to bed late so he put them their before he tucked in for the night
He could hear your distress at the continuous reminder of work you needed to do
You knew this was his work so you went to his room
Climbing on his bed and just walked over his body
"Stop it, I'm trying to learn how to replicate the set ups from home alone."
"You can do that after doing your coursework, I'm being merciful with you, don't push it."
You just threw yourself down beside him
Pretending to suddenly fall asleep and began to loudly fake snore
You remained like that whilst Lucifer tried to ignore you
He took this as a sign of war
He was going to monitor you all day if he has to, he refuses to let your bad grades affect their image
But you got bored of snoring and left
He felt relief; his desire to sleep over weighing his desire to force you to study
When you came back with a toy gun you altered to shoot golf balls he knew thing's weren't going well
You shot at his lower body between each words
This was definitely war
He was sleeping just fine until he heard his car rev up
He bolted awake and saw that his car was on, a string of curses coming from inside
He knew of your weird habit of becoming energised at ridiculous times but he wasn't expecting you to do this
He could tell it was you by your voice
He stormed up the stairs towards his car
"Oi! What are you doing in my car? Go to bed!"
You finally were able to turn off the car, just leaning on the wheel casually as if you didn't just accidentally turn it on
"I'm just cruising~ nothing to see here!"
He wasn't amused
He got you out of his car and strung you over his shoulder, scolding you for being so irresponsible and slightly bragging about how much trouble you'd be in if it weren't for him
You tried to explain you were just pretending to drive but you saw the keys still inside and got curious
He just threw you on his bed and held you, hiding his blush in his pillow
You let him fall asleep but when you tried to escape it ended up with your shoulders in a head lock and your ass stuck in the air
It seems your productive night has came to an end
It was a fifty - fifty chance that levithan was awake or not
But Lucifer gave him an earful about staying up late as it's effecting grades
So you betted he was asleep and your desire to game and wonder aroulnd his room set itself in motion
What made it awkward, was when you came in you heard a suspicious girly moan come from his headphones
You both just stared at each other, unmoving
"Uh- this isn't- this is just a dream, this is definitely not happening."
You checked out the game he was playing; recognizing it to be a dating sim he's been following the development of
You just nodded, shuffling over to his set up
"Scoot over dream levi, I wanna see the hot babes."
He got even more embarassed; face completely red as you sat on your player 2 chair
You put your hand on his, forcing his finger to click the mouse and watched what was happening on screen, listening to the loud music from his headphones
Luckily, the voice acting was just suspicious - like most animes - and it was a fairly cute game
You did end up swirling around in your chair aroulnd his room
Both of you coming up with strategies to get the best girl to like you
Though, too much moving and spinning made you and the chair fall over
You bonked Into his bathtub, your ribs squishing against the rim after the trip
Levi let you make all the gaming decisions to make up for it
He planned to have some late night reading, hoping it'll make him tired enough to actually sleep
He found you sitting on the floor in the library
Torn books and littered paper was surrounding you
Then he noticed the paper stars and cranes pouring out from your lap as you froze mid fold
"That's....a thousand stars and cranes - where did you get all this paper from?"
"......the books belonged to me before you assume anything!"
He slowly nodded
He wasn't a fan of the destruction of books but they were yours so he couldn't say anything
He felt odd just leaving you in the barely lit library
Just folding paper who knows how long
He asked if you were hungry, guessing you've been awake for a long time
You just shoved paper into your mouth and began chewing
He was horrified
You immediately spat it out, cringing
"that was a bad idea.... that was gross."
He's going to get you food
When he came back he felt more energised; walking around will do that for you
So he decided to just stay with you whilst you folded the many pages of your destroyed books
It was around 6 am when you finally yawned; Satan fell asleep already
You looked at the fire place, your tired brain screaming for arson
He woke up as he heard your fits of poorly muffled giggles
You were throwing your stars in the fire as you sat a fair distance from it
When you threw the cranes, accepting some didn't fly far enough and didn't burn, he asked what you were doing
"It's survival of the fittest, only the strongest cranes survive in this paper world."
You were already in his room, you've been sleeping in it almost all day
So when you finally got out you looked around, spotting the makeup kit he got in a sponsorship
He lets his brother's or you use it as it's a spare
But if you touch his stuff; you will perish
So you decided to use that one, practising all sorts of looks and tried not to laugh when you made yourself a clown
You decided to stay in the clown makeup and go into his practice room
What was his practice room?
Well, he hates exercising Infront of people as he'll be sweaty and his hair will get ruined
So that's where he goes but the real magic was the pole in the middle of it
You felt a spark of inspiration
Looking up tutorials on your phone on how to pole dance
It did not go great
You were sliding too fast
Falling over and when you tried to spin, you would just get stuck
"I love you but if you keep disturbing my beauty sleep I will throw you out the window."
He was grouchy; his hair was barely smoothed out and arms crossed
You hugged the pole you were slowly sliding down; a long loud screech coming down
You definitely felt like a clown
"Sorry- you look handsome already so is there really any need for beauty sleep?"
He blushed, agreeing he was beautiful before giving you a "I will end you" smile
You got the hint, flattery wasn't going to work
Perhaps your pole dancing adventures can wait
He was aware of your strange energy burst at night, you were talking about it with him the other day
He's been wondering if he would ever spot you and tonight he did
He found you in the kitchen
Just chipping away at the frost on the top of the freezer trays with a small knife
He crouched down behind you, picking you up
Beel let you sit on his thigh and began to eat anything he could get his hands on
Meanwhile you were aggressively stabbing the formed ice
"Why are you doing that?"
He grabbed a handful of the ice chunks that fell from your stabbing
"Not sure what I want to do tonight and the build up was bothering me."
He didn't need to know anymore, just nodding and letting you do your own thing whilst he ate
He cleared out the entire fridge in no time
Letting you eat anything you wanted whilst you were hard at work
He noticed one part of the ice wasn't giving it to your stabbings
He just gripped it and easily broke it off
You thanked him and ignored how he was able to eat the big block with breaking it
Whenever something was too stubborn he would just break it off for you
It went on like that until you were satisfied
You closed the empty freezer and turned to your assistant
"Good work, but I'll need your help again, I can't reach the top cupboard and I know it's big enough to let me sit in it."
He got to eat more so he had no issue, helping you get into the cupboard once he was done clearing it out
You were so energised yet you couldn't think of what to do
You put a spell on you to stop you from feeling pain and began to let yourself roly-poly down the hallways
You penciled rolled abit too fast at one pointand ended up thumping down the stairs
You were thankful the spell worked
It got to the point you just kept rolling around until you couldn't anymore
You padded the broom closet
Immediately doing a double take when you noticed a body In the darkness
You went over and turned on the closets light
"is there a reason you're sleeping in the broom closet?"
Belphie was grumbling, trying to hide his face from the light
He glared up at you for disturbing his sleep
"Is there a reason you're rolling around the house?"
You ended up dragging belphie around the house
You felt like you committed a crime and it was fun
He was fast asleep and you were bored
You dragged him by the ankle and tried to keep his body from banging into anything along the way
You ended up bumping into Beel, he was looking for his twin, and he noticed you were dragging him
Belphie slightly woke up, waving at his brother before going back to sleep
Beel carried the two of you back to the his bedroom; hugging you both
If it weren't for these warm beefy arms you would be free! Free to terrorise all the shadows in the room
You gave up your night activities when even Belphie wrapped an arm around you
Dia was sneaking around the house, hoping not to run into his butler
He didn't want be to be sent back to bed
He was planning to have a light night snack and see how you were going
He knew you were always doing something during the nights, it surprised him when he found out because you were always in bed whenever he saw you
He checked your bedroom and didn't see you in your bed
Suddenly, he noticed a pile of black by his feet
He saw you, scrunched up on your back with the little D's covering your body, all hugging you
"oh! I almost didn't spot you under there, are you alright?"
"I'm great~ you should join me."
The little D's You were able to scratch were purring in their sleep
He found the sight adorable as he crouched down
"I'm teaching them to love me so they can willingly become armour for when I take over the Devildom - we'll be like the rat king!"
He just quietly laughed; the prince helping you pet and scratch the little D's
He agreed you'd make a good ruler
Though he had to force himself to be silent as you started chanting whispers of 'You will be my armor' and 'rat king'
Decided to leave you and your brain washing, going to the kitchen like he intended
Though when he walked past your room again you and the little Ds weren't there
He found you in his room, pouting and dangling off the chandelier
He helped you down, asking what was wrong
You told him the little D's banished you from the cuddle pile because you kept trying to make them move as one being
He patted your head and told you you'll become the overlord some day
"Why are you making pudding at 3 am?"
He already knew why, just like he knew you were here hence why he visited you
But that didn't stop him from asking
He knew you liked it when he showed his intrigue in things even if he already knew about them
"my hands demand to CREATE- oops sorry - hopefully that didn't wake anyone."
He was always surprised to see you up and about during the nights
He was always the one looking after you in the morningsa; making sure you ate and had a drink
Whilst you just laid in bed, always barely awake and unmotivated
He stayed with you, watching over you as you made your pudding
Making soft spoken discussion as he guided you through any steps you seemed to become hesitant in
You ended up making 10 batches of pudding
Barbatos eating a few whilst he watched you
When you grew bored of pudding making you ate the cups he didn't eat
Saving a few for lord Diavolo in the fridge
He complimented your pudding, telling you that they were very delicious
You felt proud; having a spark to make more food
He told you what would be best during this time of night and helped you
Though it did end up with the both of you covered in flour and barb slipping on a dropped egg
You both thought it was best to clean up and stop for the night
He was very embarassed he made a fool of himself
He didn't expect to find you in his working space
He knew you would be awake but didn't even think of you doing what you're doing right now
"is there a reason you're drinking my potions like their shots? I must say this is rather interesting - how many did you have?"
You wiped your mouth, your hiccup coming out as exploding bubbles
You looked at the small glass viles, and saw ALOT of them empty
More than you realized
"uh- 3?"
he just chuckled, reading the notes you made
The notes was recording what each potion did to you
He was thankful you remembered this was his safe batch
Unknown to him you in fact did NOT remember and was having a Russian roulette game with them
He sat with you, making a cure for your explosive hiccups
You happily drunk it and felt better
He laughed more when he saw your scribbles; drawing what happened to you
Solomon will be making you his potion tester from now one so beware
He was an early riser; awake by 3 am and usually did some writing or watched TV until he got tired again
He had a mug of tea, shuffling through the dorm
He's hung out with you plenty of times whilst you cure your late night boredom
But he was surprised when he saw you in the living room, mini flashlight in your mouth and scrubbing the floors with a sponge mop
"Oh, you don't need to clean - that's very sweet of you but don't you think it's abit early to do this?"
You looked at him, semi blinding him with the flashlight
Immediately took it out of your mouth and apologized
You agreed it was but you wanted to do it as you've been meaning to for the past week
He just nodded, letting you do your own thing whilst he enjoyed his drink
But you suddenly felt awkward; no longer wanting to clean now that someone was in the room
You made your way over to him, climbing on the coffee table and jumping onto the sofa
He was curious on why you weren't doing your thing anymore
"dunno know, just feels awkward when people watch me do stuff."
He suggested leaving you be, saying he'll stay in his room
But now you felt bad because he wanted to rest in the living room
In the end, he helped you clean and you both fell asleep in the bathtub, cuddling up with towels working as padding and a blanket
You liked creeping Luke out
It was fun, so far you've convinced them that you're a type of demon that watches bad children whilst they sleep
But really you just wanted to feel like a cryptic, sitting in the corner of his room on a cupboard
It wasn't long for him to wake up from your staring
"I'm going to tell Simeon if you keep staring at me."
You wanted to laugh; he really was a child
Luke wasn't aware that you were a night owl, he just assumed you were always tired and sleeping
He liked to help you around the house and look after you when he could
It almost made you feel had
He's been extra stubborn about liking the Devildom to the point he's Been insulting his friends and trying to push them away
"Luke, you've been very bad, pushing your friends away just because they're a demon isn't good - embrace your friendships."
You weren't amazing at changing your voice but it seemed to work on him
He complained that it wasn't right for angels and demons to be friends
But you quickly reminded him what this whole exchange program was about
"you have been chosen to help fix the divide between the three realms, just hang out with the people you care about or I'll eat your toes!"
He immediately got scared, scrunching into himself and only peered slightly out of his blanket
He made you promise to leave him alone if he made up with the demons
You agreed, feeling bad for disturbing his sleep but thankful your plan worked
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among the fields of gold - c. mcavoy
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Pairing: Charlie McAvoy x female!OC
Summary: A little sneak peek into the future of charlie and nellie from i’m so glad to know as they attend the 2026 Olympics 
Word Count: 4,682
A/N: Just the most self-indulgent little fluff I could come up with because I love writing them.
Warnings: none! the smallest hint of adult content but that’s about it.
“This is so fucking cool – did you ever actually tell me how cool it was to be at the Olympics?” Charlie was bouncing along the streets of Milan and swinging Eleanora’s hand as they went, a couple of other Team USA players behind them as they used the off day to do the touristy things they hadn’t yet been able to do during the first round of games.
“You’ve done plenty of World’s before, it’s almost the same.”
“It absolutely is not.” He argued back, glancing down and smirking at the little scowl on her face. He ignored the groans of a couple from the guys at the fact they were about to start bickering. It wasn’t their fault; he didn’t invite the idiots to come with them.
“You’re just excited because you’re staying in the Village and there are a bunch of girls there too – you don’t get that at World’s.”
“Yeah, I’m there for the girls.” He rolled his eyes and squeezed her hand before leaning over to kiss the top of her head.
The team was housed on their own floor in the dedicated USA building and it was like being back on a road trip in Peewees. They’d cruised through the round-robin, winning every game in their group and were heading into the elimination games. A lot of the guys had played together for years through development camps and national teams and they felt good about their chances.
They’d been wandering the streets of Milan, seeing as much of the sites as they could since all they’d seen were the inside of rinks. While Charlie had wanted to spend it just with Eleanora, some of the guys had caught him in the lobby with her on their way back from breakfast and insisted on joining them. She had pretty much become their team mascot: at every game, made a new sign for each and chatted with all the families happily. It made something in him burst in pride at the sight of her fitting so seamlessly into his life now. It hadn’t been an easy road to get there.
“Can you two not?” one of the Hughes brothers interrupted.
“Yeah, let’s stop this before it really gets rolling.” Matthew Tkachuk cut in, sweeping past Charlie with a smirk as he hit his shoulder and made his way across the square towards the Duomo. A few of the other guys sped passed them, running around the square and changing pigeons.
“And for a former Olympian, could you walk any slower?” Auston Matthews teased as he came right up close behind them.
Annoyed, Charlie shoved his teammate away just as Eleanora pinched his side. “I’m sorry, put some respect on the only gold medalist in this little crew right now. Also, I’m six months pregnant, dick head – you try carrying a bowling ball around your middle on these cobblestone ass streets.”
“Technically, a McAvoy has a gold medal – shouldn’t have changed your last name, babe.” Auston grinned, wrapping an arm around her shoulders but making sure to gently guide her as they walked around the various tourists and other athletes who had done the same thing they did.  
“Can you get the fuck away from my wife?” Charlie groaned, checking Auston away so he could pull Eleanora into his side.
The rest of the guys walked ahead, leaving the two of them alone. Charlie smiled down at the way Eleanora was basking in the bright, cold air, her cheeks flushed and nose a little pink. There was a visible glow around her. He’d always thought it was bullshit when they said pregnant woman glowed but since the second she’d taken the test, there was a light happy aura around her. Walking with her tucked into him like she was slowed them down but Charlie liked making sure Eleanora was okay, to the point that she might kill him at some point if he asked her again how she was feeling.
“How are you – ”
“Don’t you dare ask how I feel right now, Charlie McAvoy.”
He pouted down at her. “It’s a valid question, they keep you scheduled so late for some of the media shit.”
“It’s called my job, babe.” She hip checked him gently. She’d stayed involved in the figure skating community and this year they’d invited her to provide commentary for the ladies’ singles. Turns out she was incredibly personable in front of the cameras and enjoyed talking to the young skaters. “I’m just happy none of your games conflict with the skating. I don’t think they’d love me ‘calling out sick’ only to have me show up on TV on the glass yelling at you to play better.”
“Excuse you, I have the most minutes played and highest rating.”
“Yes, baby – you’re very highly rated.” She snuggled into his side, and he laughed when she slid her hand into his back pocket and squeezed his ass.
The pair of them walked slowly around the square, laughing at the guys as they ran around. A few of Team Canada showed up along with a few of the Czech players. Since most of the teams were made up of NHLers, all the teams were friendly off-ice and trying to control them was like corralling kids at their first away tournament. A few fans stopped them as they went but most of them were interested in getting pictures with Eleanora rather than any of the guys, something the team loved to tease Charlie about. Joke was on them, he couldn’t be more proud to watch the way people adored her.
“How’s my boy doing?” he changed tactics as a group of young girls walked away after spending five minutes taking pictures with her and asking what it was like to win gold.
“I think he wants pizza and pasta.”
“Pizza and pasta? Not or?”
“You’re really gonna ask how I feel then judge your pregnant wife for wanting all the food?” the glare she shot him was enough to have him throwing his hands up in defense.
He leaned down to kiss her but she dodged him. “No way, bud – find me food then you can kiss me.”
“In my defense, I asked what my son wants to eat – you’re incidental to me checking up on him.”
“Do you want to die? Is that your plan? You want Team USA hockey to lose the gold because their captain was murdered by his pregnant wife?”
“Why’s Goldie threatening your life?” Jake popped up behind them, scaring the shit out of Charlie while Eleanora had seen him coming.
“He’s judging how much I want to eat.”
“Well, come on my fellow sewer rat – if Chuckie won’t love you right, I will.”
Jake offered her his hand and she took it, tossing a teasing smile behind her as the two of them started towards one of the side streets to find a suitable restaurant leaving Charlie to scurry after them.
--- ---
Eleanora chewed distractedly on her cuticle, staring at the clean sheet of ice waiting for the guys to step on for warmups. As she had for every single game, she was standing on the glass at the corner where her and his family had sat for the entirety of the tournament. The jersey of Charlie’s she had on barely fit over her belly and the maternity leggings made her feel like a sausage. Bouncing on the balls of her feet anxiously, she was as nervous as she’d been for her own gold medal skate.
“How’re you feeling?” a voice interrupted her nervous thoughts and she glanced over to see her father-in-law sliding into the seat next to her. After the first win, they’d sat in the same order they’d been in for every other game that followed. While Charlie wasn’t overly superstitious, Eleanora was and there’d been half a dozen little rituals she’d come up with for this Olympics.
“Jesus, your son ask you to ask me that?” she teased back at Charlie Sr. She rubbed her belly slightly and tried not to wince at the pain in her back. “Pretty sure this asshole is sitting right on my sciatic nerve.”
“Can you not call my first grandson an asshole?” Charlie’s mom appeared on her other side, looping her arm through hers. “But seriously, you alright?”
“No pain I haven’t dealt with before but this kid is already putting me through the wringer. I have to do this for 3 more months?”
Mrs. McAvoy frowned sympathetically and rubbed her arm softly. “Sorry, Ellie but yes. It’ll be worth it though.”
Just as she spoke, the guys stepped out and Eleanora zeroed in on Charlie leading the way, pushing the pucks off the edge of the bench and onto the ice.
“I can’t believe this – my son is going to be an Olympic medalist no matter what.” His mom said, sniffling slightly as she watched them start skating.
“We want gold, Jen – right, kid?” Senior nudged her in the side.
Eleanora smiled slightly. “I just want him to do the best he can.”
“Bullshit, you’re more competitive than he is. I saw you cursing him out last game for - and I quote - ‘a bullshit lazy turnover’.” Holly added as she joined the conversation, pushing her mom out of the seat next to Eleanora so she could keep the right lineup. 
They all laughed while she just shrugged. “No one plays for second place...although I do kinda like being the only gold medalist. It’s how I get him to do things for me when I think I deserve them.”
The noise in the arena started to swell as the Canadians took the ice and Eleanora felt the familiar buzz and thrill of the pressure building. She hadn’t been able to see Charlie this morning, only getting a quick FaceTime as she’d been wrapping up interviews with some of the figure skaters who were getting ready for their final performance the following day.
“How was he this morning?”  
Kayla shrugged. “Quiet. He missed you.”
She frowned, cursing herself for not having been there. It was their routine for the last few years, she was always the last person to see him before he went into the locker room for a big game. It felt like a bad omen that she’d missed giving him a last kiss before the biggest game of his career.
But just then Charlie skated by them for the first time, helmet off and his hair flowing behind him. He tapped the glass as he went by but kept skating in loops. After a couple laps and drills, he returned to the corner and stopped in front of her.
She couldn’t hear him over the crowd but he was pointing at her and gesturing halfway across the rink to where there was an opening in the boards. She followed where he was pointing to see one of the arena staff standing by the entrance to the locker rooms and she got the hint, squeezing through the seats as fast she could. The belly didn’t exactly help her move quickly or the people that kept trying to stop her.
He was already waiting for her by the time she reached the space, his gloves off and resting on the side. He reached out for her and she stepped eagerly towards him. On skates he was so much taller than her that she had to stand on tip toe just to wrap her arms around his neck. She was cognizant of the eyes of those in the area on them and she was sure there were cameras zooming in too.
“I couldn’t play the biggest game of my life without getting my good luck kiss.”
The stares and camera clicks faded away as she stared up at him. Knowing how the media was obsessed with “Their Story”, this was bound to be everywhere in no time. It’s why they liked their moment to be private before a game but right now, Eleanora couldn’t quite care because all she wanted was Charlie to win.
Gently, he brushed her stomach and just as he did, the baby gave a hard kick. Charlie grinned, leaning down to press his lips firmly to hers and she smiled into the kiss. “I think someone’s telling you he wants you to win.”
“I plan on winning it for his momma, gotta impress her.” He smirked, his face still inches from hers.
“I love you, baby – so fucking much.” She pressed one final kiss to his lips. “I’m not gonna tell you just making it to the gold medal game is an achievement – even though it is. You know what you need to do. Go fucking win it.”
“I shoulda had you do the pump-up speech for the boys.” He kissed her nose quickly before pulling back and grabbing his gloves to return to warmups. “I love you, babe – see you on the ice after.”
She watched him skate away, her palm flat against her belly and she felt another strong kick. Rubbing her stomach she looked down at the USA stretched across her front, smiling softly as she whispered to herself.
“Don’t worry, little man – daddy’s gonna win it for us.”
--- ---
The second period started with the game tied at two. Charlie had an assist and had already spent almost twelve minutes on the ice. Despite most of the off-ice friendships and even teammates who were playing against each other it was getting chippy. They all clearly wanted it and weren’t holding back. Tkachuk had managed to draw three penalties while only going to the box once himself.
Eleanora felt like she was going to lose her voice the amount she’d been screaming throughout the game. It seemed like part of Team Canada’s game strategy was to go after Charlie as much as possible. They’d been hitting him hard and there’d been one particularly nasty penalty he drew when Chabot leveled him with a late hit. Charlie had been slow to get up from that one but within the first thirty seconds of the powerplay, he’d put a pass right on Auston’s tape for the tying goal.
There had always been something both exhilarating and nerve-wracking about watching Charlie play. When he was on the ice, she only watched him, not even noticing where the puck was or what action was happening unless he was involved.
It was partially how she was able to react a second before the rest of the rink when she saw Chabot coming from behind him, hitting him hard and sending Charlie headfirst into the boards. He was splayed out flat on the ice while his teammates immediately rushed to his defense, Auston and Tkachuk jumping Chabot before Auston was pulled away by Dougie Hamilton. Eleanora felt like climbing over the glass to get to him and Kayla was gripping her arm tightly.
“Get up. Get up. Get up, Junior.” His dad was begging while Eleanora just kept staring in horror.
After what felt like hours but was probably only a minute, he slowly tucked his legs up under him and managed to get to a kneeling position just as the team doctor reached him. He was clearly still dazed, holding one hand on his helmet as he slowly got up. Gaudreau had come over and was kneeling next to him, offering to help him up but Charlie waved him off.
The arena applauded as he stood up, but Eleanora couldn’t feel the relief everyone else did as she watched them lead Charlie to the locker room.
“He’s okay. He got up on his own. They just have to check him out for protocol. He’s okay.” Kayla was chanting and all Eleanora wanted to do was rush to the locker room. Instead of watching the rest of the game, she stared at the locker room entrance, praying Charlie would return to the bench.
They ended the second period down by one and only during the intermission did she let herself pull her phone out to find the replay of the hit. They all huddled around together watching intently, only slightly reassured that Charlie had gotten up on his own and made his way quickly down the tunnel without support. It felt like time was moving in slow motion as the ice was cleaned. Finally, the lights dimmed again and the players started back out on the ice.
It felt like a weight was lifted when she saw Charlie hop out last, doing quick laps to warm back up as he shook his legs out. As he went by them, he tapped the glass and Eleanora felt like she was going to cry just from the quick wink he gave her.
“Thank god.” His mom sighed a breath and Eleanora felt lightheaded as she rubbed her stomach aimlessly. The baby had been active all game, bouncing around and kicking more than usual. It’s like he could sense what was happening around them.  
The third period wasn’t any less stressful, Team Canada was clearly content to play defense while Team USA threw everything at them but couldn’t seem to find the back of the net. But then in the last 27 seconds of the game, Charlie caught a pass from Quinn Hughes and buried it in the top corner of the net to tie the game. The roar of the arena felt deafening as they all jumped up and down, screaming happily while the players mobbed their captain. The crowd clearly expected overtime, neither team wanting to give one up in the remaining seconds of the game.
But then Conor McDavid of all people misplayed the puck in the neutral zone and it landed on Jack Eichel’s stick who shot down the ice on a breakaway with only 7 seconds to go, shifting to his backhand as he slid the puck between the goalie’s legs.
If it was possible, the roof would’ve blown off the top of the arena. Team USA hadn’t won since the 1980 Miracle on Ice game and the place was shaking with excitement. USA gear and equipment was strewn across the ice like confetti while Team Canada stared on in disbelief, some kneeling together watching while others had already started to make their way towards the locker room.
People were hugging her tightly and screaming in her ear. Eleanora wasn’t even sure they were all people she knew. Charlie Sr. pulled her away from whoever was holding her and into a tight hug while the rest of the family crowded around jumping as they celebrated. She didn’t even realize she was crying until she tried to spot Charlie on the ice but her vision was blurry.
Sobbing into one hand, the other pressed tight against her stomach she felt another strong kick which only made her sob harder. It was better than her own win because she hadn’t had any true family to celebrate with besides her coaches who had become replacement parents to her. This was entirely different and felt like they’d all won it.
The celebrations continued on the ice as the McAvoys all made their way towards the same opening Eleanora had talked to Charlie before the game start. Other wives and families were already there, pulling each other into hugs, most of the moms crying happily while a few of the dads tried to fight their own tears except for Jim Hughes who was openly crying as he held his wife tightly to him.
Standing on the glass so she could watch, Eleanora scanned the sea of blue jerseys to try to find Charlie, biting her lip to try to stop crying. She was still contemplating scaling the glass but knew the guys deserved to celebrate with their team first.
Finally, her impatience grew and Eleanora, just popped the door open and started to make her way onto the ice. Once the dam broke, the rest of the families followed, ignoring the staff asking for them to stay off the ice until they had carpets laid down.
It was decidedly difficult to maneuver on the ice in sneakers and a pregnant belly but she moved as quickly and carefully as she could towards her target. Their eyes locked and Charlie broke away from the guys to get to her. When he reached her, he went right for her waist, dragging her up and off the ice as he twirled her around as she held tightly to him.
Neither of them spoke at first as Eleanora pressed kisses all over his face as he laughed until he could kiss her back. It was awkward to be held up so Charlie carefully set her down on the ice, one hand tucking protectively against her back so she wouldn’t slip and the other pressed gently on her belly as he leaned down for the sweetest kiss they’d ever shared.
“I told you I’d win it for you.” He whispered, pressing his forehead against hers.
“Not before scaring the shit out of me first.” She shot back but squeezed his waist tightly, her face landing in the sweaty material. “I’m so fucking proud of you, Teddy.”
She stared up at him, and despite the fact that he had just won the biggest game of his life, he was staring at her like they were the only two people in the world.
“This is almost as good as our wedding night.”
She gave a watery chuckle in return. “Just the wedding night not the wedding itself?”
“Eh, that was okay too.” He teased just as the rest of his family joined them. Reluctantly, she released him so he could hug his family, stepping back to give them a moment.
A few of the guys paused to hug her as they went by but mostly she just stood there watching Charlie beaming at everyone around him. The camera crews were starting to show up as the staff worked to get the carpets out and set up the podiums. Eleanora knew they wouldn’t get a private moment together for hours and she tried to melt into the background but Charlie was having none of that, snagging her hand and dragging her towards him as they started to interview him.
From her position under his arm, she stared up at him as he spoke, beaming proudly as he talked about the win and how special it was for them. She was so focused on him she didn’t realized they’d asked her a question.
“Nellie.” Charlie whispered, nudging her with a nose to the top of her head and she glanced at the reporter who was beaming at her.
“I was just asking how this compares to your own gold medal win just four years ago?” they repeated the question.
Eleanora grinned and squeezed his side tighter. “There’s no comparison.” She started, enjoying some of the frowns that followed before continuing. “What Charlie and the boys did was so beyond historic and I’m so proud to have been able to watch it happen. This team worked so hard and never gave up. I’m just thrilled I was able to share in it. Although I’m pretty pissed that I can’t win arguments anymore by saying ‘well I have a gold medal so you have to do what I say’.”
Everyone laughed in response, Charlie squeezing her side lightly.
“I’m sure you guys haven’t seen yet but the video of you two right before the game has become quite popular.” Eleanora flushed slightly as they continued. “Charlie – did you get any last minute advice?”
She pinched his side, hoping he’d lie but the smirk on his face already told her differently. “She pretty much told me that just getting to the medal game wasn’t enough and that I knew what to do. Pretty sure the exact words were ‘now go fucking win it’ and honestly, I can’t really say no to my wife so I did.”
--- ---
It was nearly three hours later by the time Eleanora and Charlie were walking into her hotel room and shutting the door so they were finally alone. They were planning on changing then meeting up with everyone to celebrate. Most of the guys’ flights weren’t for another day or two so they planned to enjoy what little remained of their Olympic break before they’d have to return to their teams for the rest of the season.
Charlie face planted onto the king-size bed. “Fuck, you’ve been sleeping on this for two weeks while I’ve been on the worst twin mattress in the world?”
Eleanora giggled, pulling her jersey off leaving on her loose t-shirt, she slipped out of her sneakers and kicked them towards the door so she could sit and join him on the bed. Despite how happy she was, she was exhausted and the pain in her back went from dull to stabbing on a dime. It took a little effort for her to climb up onto the bed and get comfy as she curled up on her side.
Charlie inched up so his nose was brushing against her swollen belly. Her hand immediately fell to his hair, running her fingers through gently and scratching his scalp. He brought his arm up so he was hugging her middle and pressed his lips against her.
“Hi, Tripp.” He whispered causing Eleanora to tug his hair gently.
“Baby, no. Even if he ends up Charlie the third, we are not calling him Tripp.”
Charlie ignored her. “Ignore mommy, I’ll make sure you get a cool nickname.”
She rolled her eyes but he kept talking. “I don’t know if you heard all that noise but now you have two parents with gold medals. We’re pretty big deals.”
“Kid was bouncing all over the place for most of the game before settling directly on my sciatic nerve so I couldn’t get comfortable.”
“Be nice to mommy, sweet boy.” He mumbled and pressed a kiss to her stomach before turning up so he could stare at her. “I think I won because of you.”
“You won because you’re an amazing hockey player and leader. You did this. Next up you can win us a Cup.” She smiled softly, stroking his hair as he crawled up so their faces were level. They lay there quietly together, staring at each other and enjoying the peace. They’d both turned their phones off, telling his family they’d see them at the restaurant that USA hockey had reserved for them. For now, they just wanted to be alone.
Carefully, Eleanora brushed Charlie’s hair off his forehead. “Your head okay? I might kill that Canadian fuck.”
Charlie laughed but cringed slightly. His head hurt more than he let on but he passed concussion protocol and had a few days off before he’d have to be back on the ice for a game.
“Are you okay? I know when you’re in pain, Nellie.”
She winced despite trying to smile as he tucked his hand under her top to lay on her bare skin, soothingly running his thumb along belly.
“Just pregnancy, or so I’m told. I need to figure out how to get him off this nerve or I’m gonna spend the flight pacing the aisles because I won’t be able to sit.”
Charlie frowned. “I hate seeing you in pain. And I’m worried you won’t want the five that I want if this one is such a pain in the ass.”
She snorted, inching forward to kiss him softly. “Let’s get through meeting this little man first then we’ll talk more, kay?”
“You’re the love of my fucking life, you know that?” he gripped her neck gently.
Smiling, she leaned forward to steal another kiss. “Lucky for you, it’s mutual. Now…I bet we could find a comfy position for you to fuck me in before we have to go to the restaurant.”
A slow smirk spread across Charlie’s face as he rolled her carefully onto her back so he could lean over her.
“I can definitely do that.”
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sirthisisa-wendys · 4 years ago
A Head Start: Geto Suguru x Fem!Reader
synopsis: it's about time you both got a head start on your vacation.
wc: 1.5k
tw: NSFW!
A Grand 300 Celebration Fic
a/n: y'all. I have been holding this fic close to my chest for a while now, only because I repurposed an old one to fit this ask. I love this fic with my whole heart, and reworking it for Geto and the Fem!Reader was sooooooo much fun. I hope you enjoy it.
“Have you ever experienced New Year’s Eve like this?” Geto smirks, rolling his broad shoulders back so his elbows hung over the yacht railing. He looks around, obviously pleased with his most recent purchase, bought solely for a cruise around the bay on New Year’s Eve. You bring a blunt to your lips, staring out at the water in contemplation. The wind whips your hair around your forehead and you exhale deeply, letting the smell of weed drift away in the sea air. When you look over at the man you had figuratively sold your soul to, he brushes his black bangs out of his pale face to witness your half-amused look.
“I haven’t. It’s not the jet-setting trip you promised me, though.”
“Ah,” Geto snakes his hand around your waist, bringing his lips to your shoulder. “You really wanted to spend New Year’s in a different time zone, didn’t you?” You look up at the man with a fake pout, which makes him return the pout. “Lucky for us,” he leans in, touching your nose with his. “...this little boat will take us to the freeport in Tokyo… where we’ll board a plane and go to Croatia, Bosnia, and Turkey. How does that sound?” You pull back, eyeing Geto carefully as his hands play with the silk bow on the back of your dress.
“Are you serious?” You wonder, and in response, he takes the blunt from your fingers and takes a long drag, watching you with his onyx colored eyes.
“Have I lied to you before?” Geto wonders, lifting a brow to emphasize his query. You felt a warmth creep up your neck and heat up your cheeks at the look Geto gives you, and you wonder if he could read your expression. But he says nothing additional, just gazes off into the sunset as he holds your waist, his fingers still fiddling with the silk.
“Tell me, then - if you’re not lying, that is - what will we do while we’re traveling?” Suguru turns back to you with a deadpan look, squinting for a moment.
“Travel, y/n. There won’t be a single moment of work, calls, or meetings; it’ll be just you and me for two weeks.” He shifts a little, reaching a hand down underneath the short wine-colored dress to touch the space between your legs. “We’ll have all of the time in the world to… explore.” The double meaning brings a smile to your lips, and you let your hands drift to the waistband of his ankle-length pants.
“Could we… get a head start on that?” You breathe, and Geto chuckles, bringing you in for a kiss as an answer. You note he tastes like something sweet and backwoods paper, the tang of weed fresh on his tongue. But you forget all of the tastes as soon as he nips your bottom lip, his own lips traveling beneath your chin. A gasp escaped your lips, and you wrapped your arms around his neck as you fluttered your eyes closed again.
“I want you, y/n,” Suguru whispers against the skin between your neck and shoulder, and a shudder rolls down your spine. “...but I need your permission.” The reminder of consistent and necessary consent pops into your mind like a looming stop sign, and you press a tender kiss to his right temple.
“You have my permission,” you murmur and automatically, Geto lifts his head to look at the stairs leading down to the lower deck.
“Follow me.”
He leads you down the steps and past a metal door that opens up into a quiet living room space. The furnishings were all either cherrywood or cream-colored, like a middle-aged suburban wife’s interior design wet dream. “We’ll come here later,” Geto reassures you, pulling you past the furniture and into a room blocked off by a polished wooden door.
The room - with a massive bed taking up most of the space - has a window that overlooks the waterscape and the setting sun. A bouquet of orchids and what appears to be your passports lay on the table across from the bed, and you take a glance at Geto, who smiles sheepishly.
“I wanted to make sure you saw that I was serious about traveling with you.” You pull him into another kiss, holding his face between your hands as you tumble onto the bed. Geto hitches up your dress in a hurry, pawing at the fabric of your underwear as he rolls it down your legs. “Stand up so I can get this shit off of you,” he pants. You do as he tells you, and he undoes the bow at the back of the dress then unzips you, letting the fabric drop to the floor in a heap.
At the sight of you, he gives a hum of appreciation, then unbuttons his dress shirt sleeves, pushing them up around his forearms. “Give me twenty minutes, and I’ll give you exactly what you need.” Wordlessly, you sit on the bed in submission, and Geto nods, acknowledging you. “Good girl.” He turns his watch up and taps it a few times, setting the timer before kneeling down.
After he kneels down at the edge of the bed, he pushes you back and parts your legs slowly. You lift up a bit to watch him dive open-mouthed into your pussy, his tongue running up and down your slit with precision and care. “You’re so damn wet,” he mentions, and you moan, the sound resonating somewhere deep in your belly, but Geto pays you no mind. He continues to eat you out without relenting, flicking the tip of his tongue over your clit at will. Feeling an orgasm build, you reach down to grab a fistful of his hair, and Geto answers with a guttural sound, the vibrations stimulating you further. When you take another glance down at him, his eyes are already on you, watching your every movement and calculating his next move, as he was prone to do.
He switches up his technique, focusing on the clit instead of your labia, and that only drives you to the edge even more.
“Oh, Geto, please…” You breathe, feeling the scales tipping over into what would be your first--
Geto stops suddenly, and the wave of an orgasm quickly recedes as he stands, taking off his shirt and pants. He tosses them carelessly onto the floor, revealing his rock hard erection and sculpted body; a hungry look settles onto Geto’ face while he strokes his length for a moment, checking his watch.When he positions himself at your opening, you felt the need to feel him filling you up grow exponentially, and you grab at his wrist desperately. “Please fuck me now,” you whine. The bottomless black eyes you’d come to adore flick up to your face, and a stern expression replaces the hunger.
“Let me work, y/n. I will not reward impatience.” Stifling a groan, you run your fingers through your hair and wait patiently as he runs his length up and down your pussy and moans softly. He repeats this over and over again, angling dangerously close to entering you each time. Without warning and with one smooth stroke, Geto pushes inside of you, stretching you until he couldn’t go any further.
“Oh, god,” He breathes before slowly pumping in and out of you, muttering about how tight you feel with pleasure. Geto gently lowers himself onto you and captures your mouth with his. As he kisses you, he pulls your arms over your head, holding both of your wrists with his right hand and increasing his speed. He trails kisses down your neck and rests his forehead on your collarbone, eyes closed as he holds your right leg to your chest.
Before long, you feel another orgasm settling in, and you make it clear by moaning loudly and without reservation. Geto notices, but does nothing to stop you, instead taking your left nipple in his mouth and rolling his tongue around it. He repeats his action on the other side, then lifts up again, letting go of your wrists. You leave your hands where they were as he pushes your legs back, now fucking you so hard that the bed springs began to squeak in protest.
“Mmph, stand up,” Geto pulls you to your feet and switches places with you, sitting on the edge of bed and beckoning you to ride him. You oblige and lower yourself onto his cock, gasping as his entire length fills you again. He stares up at you while you ride him, holding your hips with his firm grip. “This feels so fucking good,” He exhales, closing his eyes as you rock your hips against him.
“I… I’m going to cum, Geto,” you hiss, your hand snaking around his neck to hold him closer.
“Oh, fuck... y/n. Cum for me,” Geto gasps, and you let the orgasm rip through you, driving a hard shudder down your spine and to your toes. The quaking feeling that runs through you sends Geto over the edge, and he groans loudly, shaking as he comes with you. When you both recover from the moment of bliss, Geto opens his eyes and looks at you, his lover.
“Are we going to watch the fireworks later?” You wonder, resting your cheek on his shoulder.
“Fuck the fireworks. I had a whole show right behind my eyelids. Now, get back down here. We’re not done yet.”
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elisela · 3 years ago
📓 - Marrish, naturally. ;)
okay--i briefly thought about doing this for marrish week but absolutely ran out of time to execute it properly, so--
the day before his second deployment, jordan is sitting alone in a cafe patio. he was supposed to be meeting up with his best friend for one last night out until said best friend's long-time crush apparently decided to confess his love seventeen hours before they were leaving the country (jordan's fine with it--derek's in his unit, it's not like he'll be missing him, he'll be missing relatively cool weather and fruity cocktail drinks and the ability to eat whatever the hell he wants)--so now he's just sitting alone and people watching. he watches the kid that tears his pizza crust into small bites and throw it into the street for the birds, the older couple who hold hands loosely across the table as they talk, and the redhead who is currently having some sort of harsh whispered fight into the phone three feet from him on the other side of the gate.
drama has always drawn him in; he can't help but eavesdrop when she sucks in an unforgiving breath and hisses "i knew you would do this. i need your help for one thing and you decide today is the day you run off to london? my mom already suspects i'm lying, what am i supposed to say now? i just want to get them off my back, jackson."
his check comes and he loses thread of her side of the conversation while he makes small talk with the waitress and tries to talk her out of comping part of his meal when she hears he's deploying, and by the time he can look over at the redhead again she straights up, shakes her shoulders, and marches across the street and into a bar. he watches her through the window until she's lead away to a table, and then--without thinking too much about it--follows.
because walking up to her table and dropping into the seat next to her with a grin and a "hey, sweetheart," is probably one of the dumbest things he's ever done, but he figures it makes for a good story and if it's goes horribly, well--he'll be out of the country for the next two years anyway, so he may as well turn to the couple he assumes are her parents and add, "sorry i'm late, my c.o. had a bunch of pre-deployment stuff to go over. nice to meet you, i'm jordan."
her eyebrow raises, just the slightest bit of surprise, but then she's leaning in and he's wrapped up in her arms, her hair brushing against his cheek when she pulls out of the embrace and kisses him soundly. she keeps the conversation centered on him for most of the dinner, though once her dad starts asking about his military career it's not difficult to do. he doesn't even know her name until they're ordering dessert, and when they stand up to leave she tugs him back down for one more drink, watches her parents walk out the door and then turns towards him.
"you're insane," she says, "and i can't tell you how much i appreciate that. how much of what you just said was the truth?"
all of it, he tells her, except for the parts he'd made up that involved her. "it's my last night, might as well do something crazy," he explains, and grins at her when he adds, "and you're pretty, so i had to take a shot."
lydia asks him a few more questions--what sorts of things he likes (dive bars and shooting ranges, running trails in la jolla and getting fresh seafood) and what he doesn't (anything spicy--derek makes fun of him for it but jordan doesn't let it bother him), the things he's been able to see while he was stationed in san diego (a lot of baseball) and what he'd never gotten around to (sailing), then sends him up to the bar to get them another drink while she makes a phone call. when he returns with a whiskey sour and a gin and tonic she smiles widely at him and tells him to drink up. "i can do you one better than sailing," she says, "my best friend's dad owns a boat and she's calling the club and asking them to get it ready for us. ready for a sunset cruise?"
(it's not a boat, it's a frickin' yacht. the cruise also doesn't end at sunset; she kisses him just as the sun dips below the horizon and leads him to one of the bedrooms, and that's where they stay until it rises again the next morning.)
ask me for an unwritten fic daydream
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cloveroctobers · 4 years ago
Synopsis: what the characters are like in the mornings since I’m currently writing this at midnight lol + I feel like ask memes are really underrated and they’re quick to write so I’m open to those too amongst the 100 of other things I have on my list/have yet to write (typical writing probs lol)
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Jordan: I feel like with Jordan is either 50/50 with him. If he has to be up pertaining to football then he’s up and determined! it might take him like 2-5 mins more extra in bed to fully get up if his parents (more so billy) don’t drag him out of bed but he still manages to get up and function somehow. If he’s partying the night before then that’s a different story, he’s always hungover and feeling that shit the next morning so he’ll move super slow and will be late to class/grumpy as hell. He’s either happy and functioning well making sure he’s getting a meal regardless if he’s in a good mood in the morning or not cause the boy likes to EAT (just like Michael’s ass) + if there’s no food at the house best believe he’s cruising to a cafe to get him a meal before heading to boredom high—I mean Beverly
If he’s in a crap mood then he’s mean to everyone in his path. It’s best to leave him alone and let him sulk in his corner until he’s out of his grumpy mood which he does get out of...eventually after arguing with someone or snapping on them, taking a nap in the back of class, or after football practice.
Olivia: I’m squinting as I’m thinking this over. I don’t really think she’s a morning person? but she sets her alarm for herself and can get up in the morning without the help of her parents unlike Jordan lol. She is the type to set her alarm ten minutes before she actually has to get up so she can get extra time in the comfort of her bed. It takes the girl some time to get ready in the morning okay? Have you seen her hair? It takes time to get it right for how she wants it and she always says she should pick her outfits the night before but she always seems to get side tracked so that never happens which also takes up more of her time. Eventually she almost always makes it downstairs before Jordan does. They DON’T ride to school together, hardly, unless one of them has a issue with their car or something but they’re usually doing their own thing but have some sort of conversation in the morning over breakfast—trying to build the closeness of their relationship back
Liv likes to be on time if she can or just right on time, either or. And if things come up, then she’s a little anxious which she normally is until she’s meeting up with someone she can hold a conversation with. Half of the time there’s no need to be anxious? It’s just there and she hates it despite the lonerism she found herself in
Spencer: I think Spencer can be a light sleeper since he’s used to some sort of noise going on in his house. Plus his room is in the center of where the noise will take place. If it’s too quiet, like it usual was at the baker’s he finds it a little hard to sleep all the way? There has to be something going on for him to fully sleep like the light noise of tv? Or a sound machine. James said he was the same way as a baby, always alert. So when he wakes up in the morning, he always lets out a soft sigh closing his eyes letting the alarm go off for a few more seconds before he smacking it off. He has to get in the shower to fully wake him up tho. If he doesn’t take a shower in the morning then he’s not fully up and if he doesn’t take a shower at night, he knows he’s not going to sleep well either.
If he has to walk Dillon to school, then he doesn’t mind being late. Now that Dillon is getting older he doesn’t mind walking on his own or with a friend or two but being the protector that Spencer is, he’s going to try his best to make time for Dillon no matter what and the boy secretly appreciates it but understands now if it can’t be all the time. Spencer doesn’t have his license so he’s either catching the bus (if he was still going to Beverly, Jordan or Liv would scoop him up ofc) or speed walking to school which he seems to make just in time?? Always.
Layla: I always view her as someone so chipper. She IS a morning person (unless the depression is hitting her hard, some of us have those days) and usually has it together. She’s a big planner and if she doesn’t continue with being a producer like her dad in the future, I can see her being a event planner big time. Anyways she’s usually very organized, outfits steamed and hung up for the week, weekly calendars and reminders in her phone. Alarm’s set since she’s the only one in the house and only has herself to depend on. I feel she does take a lot on her plate for a teenager so she tries her best to follow a routine/schedule most of the time. Wake up. Stretch. Slippers. Robe. She does not check her phone until after she is done taking care of herself! Brush teeth. Shower. Skincare. Get dressed. Does hair. Checks phone on her way downstairs to breakfast. Layla is a açaí bowl or oatmeal kinda girl, fight amongst yourselves. I see it. I manifest it. She always has to have her hands in something and when it comes to breakfast and baking, you can count on her to always make something. It became something she loved since her mom and her always did that together. And she often likes taking the long way to school and the long way back home.
Asher: not a morning person. Never on time unless it’s for football on Saturday mornings. he’s a cereal kinda guy since his dad can’t afford a professional chef anymore. His favorite cereal is probably Rice Krispies with strawberries and wh*le milk or cashew milk if he remembers to buy it from the grocery app. I feel like he would eventually have to get a job his senior year since it’s kind of a struggle with his dad settling into his new job. It’s a big adjustment with his parents divorced and although his mom still slips him money when he see’s her every other weekend, he’s more tired than he ever was before. He’s used to sleeping in cars if he’s not in a king sized bed but can pretty much sleep everywhere. He can sleep through anything and always has multiple loud ass alarms to wake him up since his dad is either gone before he wakes up like before or just about to leave for his new job. He never bothers to wake him anyways. Asher is a grumpy grouch in the mornings and is addicted to ice coffees and loves a good pastry if he can’t have himself some cereal in the morning.
He’s also annoyed if he doesn’t get his cartoon’s in too before school. Don’t bother him until mid-morning, early afternoon if you know what’s good for you.
Coop: if she’s something else when she’s angry what do you think she’s like in the mornings? Annoying either way? Probably lmao. She’s probably a talker in the morning expressing some wild ass dream she had or either how she had a sucky night and couldn’t sleep properly so she was up writing a new song or something. Since she’s dropping out of school, her mornings could probably start later around 11am? Unless her mother is still home and making her get out of bed to run errands with her or clean the house while she’s gone for the day? Either way she’s probably dancing, talking your head off, blasting music as she gets ready, or browsing Twitter as her form of “morning news”
Chris: I get night owl vibes from Chris. Which is more difficult to do in high school, whew! He has to use melatonin spray or cream to help him knock out and if it fully doesn’t help, he’s dragging the next morning once he fully crashes. Sometimes it can be a good morning or it can be a sucky one. Due to his injury, he gets occasional pain in his joints which he keeps a secret from mostly everyone from his team since they were only described as spasms from his doctor. He deals with it even if it freaks him out from time to time. If it’s a sucky morning, he has to wake himself up with a splash of water to the face and then tending to the pain in his joints before carrying on about his day.
I do think he’s on his phone a lot. Before bed, actually watching soothing videos to help him knock out—don’t tell anybody that and then checking his phone again when he wakes up. Which is apparently unhealthy for the mind but hey with technology continuing to take over, what can you do?
Patience: the girl doesn’t care if she’s late or early. All that matters is trying to get through the day. She’s not crazy about getting up early to sit in 7-8 classes a day but if she’s got to do it, then she’s going to take her time. She wasn’t named “Patience” for no reason okay? When it comes to her appearance, she’s going to make sure she puts in the effort because if she looks good then she feels good and can go about her day. Most of the time she takes a quick breakfast with her on her bus ride to school (thanks to her hair not doing what she wanted it to) and then if there’s time heads to the cafeteria to get whatever they’re serving for breakfast there. At least that’s better than the lunch they serve there.
JJ: total morning person! Or if he’s not? You can never tell. The guys always in the best mood. Even if he was out partying and doing too much the night before, the dude is never hungover. Everyone wants to know his secret. And when he tells them, they don’t believe it. He’s usually a slob of a eater but he also knows how to take care of his body and all about his protein shakes and juicing. He definitely has a meal plan that he takes the time to post on his Instagram stories. The guy loves Instagram and is always posting there. If you need positive words of affirmations, JJ is your guy. Check his stories or if you run into him in person he’s all hugs and uplifting you to get through the day. He’s the guy you need around if you need it. If you don’t want to be bothered? Make sure he doesn’t see you and keep your distance because he will tackle you down and turn into DJ Khaled on your ass.
Simone: she hates mornings and thinks it’s cruel to be up five days of the week for. If she physically feels like she can’t get up due to intense studying or up binge watching real housewives or whatever, she knows it the night before and puts her plan into motion the next morning. Her parents are usually always on her ass, especially her mom so it takes a lot of persuading to let her stay home. And it still doesn’t feel like a free day because her mom is checking up on her every hour on the dot from work. She makes it feel like Simone should have just went to school. If the answer is, “there’s nothing wrong with you, you’re going.” Then Simone is definitely in a sour mood. Her dad almost always drives her to school and she checks up on her son every day through socials if she doesn’t message his second mother. Simone’s also not much of a breakfast person but if her dad is making her eat they’re stopping somewhere before he drops her off or encouraging her to take some of whatever dish he made before they leave.
Now? If there’s something on her mind? Then she’s active and stressing over it before she’s talking to someone about it. She’s out getting a light jog on around her gated neighborhood (she’s getting her fitness game back up after deciding to take tennis seriously again) before showering and getting back into bed for at least thirty minutes to forty five before she has to be up for school. Worries erased for now.
Darnell: is a morning person even if he grumbles that he doesn’t care for it. He’s a sunset kinda guy not a sunrise. It’s not much of a issue for him to get up and start the day with a long exaggerated sigh. He’s not as talkative but get something in his belly and he’s bringing up some interesting facts or news about what’s going on with certain celebrities he keeps up with. I also feel like he knows how to cook and breakfast isn’t his speciality but lunch foods are? Grits, eggs, bacon, and jam on toast is his fav thing to eat for breakfast with apple juice. That’s right, apple juice over orange juice no matter what Spence and dil have to say.
His version of appetizers (which are too big of portions but to each their own) are his go to make for lunch. For breakfast if he can’t have his fav meal in the late morning, he always eats light since he says his stomach is too sensitive in the mornings which has been proven to be true...The James’ can vouch for that
Kia: again 50/50. Depends on her night. She’s also someone who is very active in clubs so it all depends when she gets home and how fast she can get things done at home before she can crash. Sometimes she takes a lot on as well but she thrives off it? It makes her feel productive but she also knows how to balance and have free time when she wants to. Her breakfast always consists of fruit, she loves her fruit. And even if she finds herself running late then she quickly adjusts and cuts out what needs to be cut out of her morning routine and get where she needs to be making herself have the time. Which can be good or bad, depends on how you look at it. Kia is great at handling whatever is thrown at her it seems!
Vanessa: Morning person after she’s fully awake lol. Hates how she looks in the morning, thinks her face is too puffy and definitely uses a jade roller no matter what to help. Her mom is always on her ass + she’s a coach so just imagine that on top while struggling to get up. However once she’s settled, she gets this burst of energy—coach montes believes it’s “the vitamins” and “always eating properly” but the small girl always seemed to get random bursts of energy throughout the day no matter the circumstance. loves a food bagel or pastry for breakfast with orange juice or water, either is fine. She especially loves sunny mornings in California, it just makes her feel better—as it should. She even thanks the sun when it greets her face. Which is something she used to do as a kid too.
A/N: I apologize for any typos in advance. It’s now 2am, phones about to die and it’s surely time to crash. Goodnight/morning wherever you are in the world and I’ll fix what needs to be fixed later lol. Feel free to send me ask memes for this week if you want when I do have the energy to write. Toodles!
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lovemesomesurveys · 2 years ago
Think of the last dream you had. What was it about? I don’t remember. I rarely remember my dreams.  What stresses you out? Currently, my health is my biggest stressor.  What's one song that you can listen to that can make you fall asleep? There isn’t a song, but ASMR can help.  Do you tend to trip over air often? I tend to bump into things or hit my hand or elbow on something.  Have you ever gone on a cruise? No.
Have you ever watched the sunrise? Yes. What about the sunset? Yes. Name a band that you think is beyond overrated: *shrug* When was the last time it snowed in your area? It doesn’t snow here.  Summer or Winter? Why? Winter, hands down. I don’t do well with the heat and it gets miserably hot here. Our summers also feel like they go on forever. We’re in mid October and it’s still been in the 90s.  Spring or Autumn? Why? Autumn. I love the weather, the holidays, the smells, the colors, and just the coziness.  What season were you born in? Ugh, in the summer. Do you like to play in the rain? No. I love when it rains, though.  Do you think that by doing so, you may catch a cold? It’s possible.  Who is the last person you said goodbye to? My brother yesterday when he went to work. What are you currently sitting on right now? My bed. Are you listening to music? No. Is there anyone you know who always looks like a smug bastard? No. Who can you not live without? My mom. What's your favorite instrument? The piano and guitar.  Do you have anything planned for your next birthday? My birthday isn’t until July, I have plenty of time to figure something out. I do hope to do something fun since this year I had to spend it in the hospital.  How tall are you? About 5′4.  Do you wish to be any taller or shorter? I wish I was taller.  Have you ever submitted anything to Fmylife.com? No.  Are you currently working on finishing a book? No. Do you have a blog? If so, care to leave a link to it? You’re lookin’ at it.  Is your hair naturally curly, straight or in-between? It’s wavy.  What's your favorite sea creature? Otters and sea lions are cute.  What's your favorite acoustic song? The acoustic version of Everlong by Foo Fighters.  Do you know anyone that's pregnant? Yes. Top bunk or bottom bunk? Bottom cause I wouldn’t be able to get up and down on my own.  What's your favorite Pok�mon? Jigglypuff.  What's your favorite font? Verdana and Tahoma.  What happens when a sword that can pierce anything tries to pierce a shield that cannot be pierced? Nothing? 
What's your favorite riddle? Why is a raven like a writing desk? Do you use the dish washer or prefer washing dishes by hand? We rinse them off before putting them in the dishwasher.  Have you ever been inside a castle? No. Do you know anyone who backwashes? DD: Everyone does. I don’t share drinks with anyone, so it’s not an issue for me.  What do you think happens after we pass? I believe in heaven and hell.  ^ Is it different from what you'd like to happen? No. How do you feel about people self-diagnosing themselves with disorders? I mean, you can research a disorder and identify with one, but you should see a doctor to be sure. You could end up thinking you have something that you don’t and possibly do something harmful or misdiagnose and have something go left untreated.  It can be helpful for you to research beforehand, though, so you can take your information to your doctor and think about what questions you may have. Also helpful to know what symptoms you may be experiencing.  Tell me a random fact. Around 430 this morning I ate a Reese’s. lol. Name one unusual habit that you have. I break apart my food when eating. Like, if I’m eating pizza I tear pieces off to eat instead of just biting it.  Did today treat you well? It’s only 6:11AM, but I’ve been up since like 4 so that sucks.  Do you enjoy calling out trolls/people who shouldn't be on the interbutts? No. What would you say if I said that I love you? Uh, you don’t even know me.  Let's get married either way? No.
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kimnjss · 4 years ago
ruining his shirt | reaction
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Sat around the TV with his friends, even with the amount of sitting space in Taehyung's living room, you were quick to get yourself comfortable in Namjoon's lap. He didn't mind, of course. Wrapped his arms around you and held your body close to his chest as the plot of the movie played out in front of you.
Movie nights were a common occurrence within your friend group. Always held at Taehyung's house because he had the largest television. It was Joon who had started the trend of bringing their girlfriend's along, turning their guys night into something fun for all of you to do together.
Yoongi is coming out of the kitchen, two boxes of pizza in either hand while Hoseok follows behind him with the other two. The lids being pulled back to reveal the cheesy goodness inside. Mouth watering at the sight, you don't hesitate to reach forward. Grabbing out two pieces, one for you and the an snuggled into your back.
Joon is taking the slice with a mumbled, “Thanks,” eyes glued to the screen as an argument builds between the main characters. You're unbelievably comfortable in his arms, cheek pressed against his shoulder.
It's the unexpected slap on the screen that has your body jumping, a small gasp falling from your lips. Namjoon is jumping too, but not for the same reason as you. Your sudden movement had a greasy glob of cheesy sliding from the top of your pizza onto your boyfriend's stomach.
Neither of you move for a full minute, staring at the pepperoni staining his otherwise white shirt. A look of annoyance on his face but it doesn't last long, fading into a soft smile the moment he's acting sight of the apologetic pout forming on your lips.
“I'm sorry, baby.” You're scrambling to get a napkin to clean up your mess, only to be stopped by the gentle palm on your leg. “Don't worry about it, love.” He's taking the napkin from your hand to finish the job, before pressing a few soft kisses to your forehead. “All better,”
His arm is back around your waist, pulling you into his chest. Easily settling back into the relaxed mode he was in before the spill. With you in his arms, his ruined shit was the last thing on his mind.
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Jin was rather spontaneous when it came to your relationship. Hardly ever called you up to plan a date ahead of time, more often than not you were getting a call a few hours before he was showing up at your front door. If you were lucky.
Most days, you loved that about hm. Never knowing when he'd be showing up at your door with his pouty lips claiming how he couldn't stop thinking about you so he just had to rush right over. Never once would you hesitate to invite him in, more excited than the last when you got a chance to hang out with him.
Today was different, though. Not to say you didn't want to see him – you always wanted to see him. But today was one of the extremely rare occasions where he had set up a date with you. Wanted to take you out for lunch after you finished your exams, knowing how hard you've been working the past few weeks.
He had told you about this at the beginning of the week and you should've had it imprinted in your mind, but with everything else you had clouding your mind – your lunch date unfortunately took the back seat.
So imagine your shock when Jin's name is lighting up your phone. A one line message letting you know he's on his way to pick you up. It's in that moment that it's all rushing back and you're springing out of bed to get ready. You're still wearing his shirt that you mindlessly threw on after your shower as you rummage through your makeup bag. Desperate not to look like you've spent the entire morning in bed scrolling through Twitter.
Caution to spills is the  least of your worries as you rush to get pretty. Seokjin's shirt seems to catch everything that misses your face and even more when you're startling at the sound o the doorbell. Only a courtesy because he knows our door code. He's walking in just as you're tying your hair into a proper ponytail.
Eyes rolling playfully at the sight of you only half ready. He's pressing a soft kiss to the top of your head, eyes fining yours in the mirror and dropping to the stains on your shirt. “I was looking for that shirt the other day,”
You're taking the moment to look down at the top, noticing for the first time the mess you've made of it. But when you're catching Jin's gaze, he looks the least bit upset. “I'm sure it'll wash right out,” He's sinking onto your bed with a shrug of his shoulder.
“Don't worry about it,” Long arms stretching over his head before he's laying back on the bed. “It's your shirt now anyway,” Such a simple sentence, one that he probably didn't think too much about. But it has a large smile lifting your cheeks.
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Another late night spent in the studio, with you pestering Yoongi to eat something more than the bag of chips that he had opened on his desk. You're met with an eye roll and a huff, his eyes staying focused on the computer screen in front of him.
He didn't even budge when you're were bringing in his favorite meal, announcing it loudly while wafting the delicious scent in his direction. Somehow, you manage to fight your way into his lap. Lifting up a mouthful and holding it out to him. Barely paying attention, but unable to resist is jaw is dropping open and you're pushing the food into his mouth.
The timing is off at one point, he's opening his mouth just a bit too late and you're not looking so the hot noodles are landing on his clean beige top. He's registering the heat on his stomach, brow furrowing before he's looking down at the mess you've made. He's annoyed, you can tell because he was trash at hiding it. Although he didn't want to take it out on you, it didn't take a genius to know that he felt some type of way of you ruining his shirt.
Yoongi doesn't bring it up again, but you saw the look on his face when he had to toss the garment away – not being able to get the stain out. And the way his face lights up when you're surprising him on his day off. A black shopping bag in hand with the bold 'FG' printed on the side. The exact shirt you had ruined days before neatly folded inside.
The corners of his eyes crinkle as his smile grows, wrapping an arm around your shoulders to tug you closer to him. He's pressing a dozen kisses to your forehead, before he's pulling back to pull the shirt he's currently wearing off replacing it with his new one.
Your heart swells when he's thanking you with that gummy smile, leaning down to press his lips to yours.
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Both Jin and Jungkook came rushing into the room covered head to toe in paint. Laughing loudly and pulling your attention from your phone to them. A paintball fight they were having outside is what has them dripping paint on to the living room floor. Only in for a second, so Jungkook can get a drink of water.
“What are you doing?” Had just been re-watching Catfish from season one, trying to waste time until Hoseok was coming back home.
He's inviting you to come to and play with them and you're hopping up with very little hesitation. Rushing to follow the two of them outside, not even thinking to change the clothes you're wearing.
Instead, you're jumping right into playing with them. Running around the yard and laughing as paint splatters onto your legs and arms... and clothes. The free you of end up collapsing with laughter on to the grass, breathing heavily from all the running you've been doing.
Not even the slam of the car door in the driveway has you jolting up, Jimin's voice hitting your ears as he's exiting the car. Taehyung is a few steps behind him and your boyfriend after that. They're walking to see what you're up to.
Urging yourself to stand, you're moving to tackle your boyfriend in a hug but he's stopping you before you can reach him. Eyes dropping to the stained shirt on your body. “Is that my shirt?” It's the first time that you're taking a moment to look down at the shirt that you've got on.
Only now remembering how you had slipped into his white grocery bag top today after your shower. Had planned to change into your own clothes sometime later that day, but never got around to it. And now the white was splattered in rainbow paint.
“Oh, baby. I'm so...” You can tell just from the look on his face that he's not pleased. Can't even blame him for being upset, you had been careless. “It's acrylic paint... it'll come right out,” Jungkook is stepping in, attempting to ease the awkward tension that grows.
It's a stupid thing to be mad about, so arguing isn't on his mind at all. He's simply sighing, running his fingers through his hair before mumbling out, “Just wash it, I guess.” He doesn't say anything else, taking one last look at his stained shirt before leaving to enter the house.
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With his lips pressed to your ear, his breathy moans fan over skin. Hidden from the rest of the party goers, he's trying his best to stay quiet. But it's extremely hard with your hand in his pants, stroking him to his end.
Jimin has a tight grip on your hips, desperately trying to keep himself grounded somehow. You had been eyeing him from across the room since he showed up at this party, didn't miss your chance with going up to him. Flirting the best way you knew how until the two of you were dancing unbelievably close on the dance floor.
And as it does, one thing led to another leading up til now. Huddled together in a dark corner with your hand down his pants and his lips on your neck. “Fuck, I'm so close...” His voice has your skin prickling with goosebumps.
The alcohol that cruises through your veins being drown out with the feeling of intoxication you get from being around him. Feeling of him surrounding you with his sweet scent. It's no secret to you, or any of your friends the crush you had on this boy. The obvious flirting that took place between the two of you enough to raise a few eyebrows, but was never surprising.
Jimin's hips seem to mindlessly move with the strokes of your hand. Shuddering when you're running the pad of your thumb over the head of it. It's not long before his hushed moans become desperate whines against your ear. His grip on your hips tightening as the arousal rakes through his body, creating a stiffness in his legs.
He's grunting out your name just moments before he's releasing, with your hand out of the way his cum is staining the bottom of his black shirt with white. Teeth scrape against your skin as he comes down, eyes screwed shut.
You're not pulling your hand from his body until he's completely winded down. Breathing heavily against your skin. His gaze dropping when you're moving your hand from his body, catching sight of the wet marks on his shirt. The sight has his cheeks burning red and you can't hold back from teasing him.
“See the big mess you made?” He's letting out a breathy chuckle, leaning down only to capture your lips with his. Jimin kisses you slowly for a moment, allowing his tongue to twist and push with yours before he's pulling back.
Butterflies rise in your belly at the sight of the sultry grin on his face. Only getting worse with the words that follow. “Should I make a mess of you too, then?”
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An impromptu barbecue with Tae and his closest friends is the best way to spend a summer night in your opinion. Night swimming with Yoongi before racing Jungkook to the table with the plan of loading up your plates in mind.
Sandwiched between Taehyung and Namjoon, the three of you hanging on to every word coming out of Hoseok's mouth, the story of Jimin trying ad failing to get some girls attention holding the attention of everyone at the table. Except for Jimin who acts like you're all sitting in silence.
Taehyung has his arm wrapped around your shoulders, holding your body snuggled close into the side. Only releasing you when Jin is coming to the table with a second tray of food. But once he's picked out all he wants to eat, he's pulling you close again.
Days like this were definitely on the top of your list. Being able to be with hi, relax with him made you happy. Your relationship with Taehyung was... interesting to say the least. Not one hundred together, but one thousand percent exclusive. It was like the two of you had this mutual understanding of the lines you shouldn't cross and never even tried to.
From the way he treated and acted around you, it didn't take a lot of thinking to put together the fact that he had feelings for you. And you had feelings for him too, just neither of you have made the move to make things official, so they just stayed the way they were.
Hoseok's story is coming to a close, the conversation shifting on to Jungkook and the plans that he was supposed to keep open tomorrow. You're no longer listening, just simply enjoying yourself in your man's strawberry scented embrace, mentally bouncing from conversation to conversation as you settle in his hold.
So wrapped up i your own thoughts, you're not paying as much attention as you should when you're setting your drink back on the table. The cup set perfectly on the edge that it's teetering the moment you're letting go, toppling over and landing in Taehyung's lap. Dirtying his pretty sky blue top with red fruit juice.
“Oh, shit! I'm sorry!” Scrambling to grab some napkins, but Taehyung is quick to stop to you. Barely jumped when the liquid was sweeping through the fabric. Soft lips stretching into an easy smile as he reaches for the edge of his shirt. In one swift movement, he's pulling it up and over his head. Tossing it away without a second thought.
You're being pulled back into his side immediately after he's refilling your cup. Slipping back into the conversation that he had been in before as if nothing had interrupted him in the first place.
And for some reason, you can't help but smile. Finding yourself relaxing back into his side stupid feelings growing for him. Times ten.
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“Kookie,” Jungkook is looking up confused at your sheepish tone, eyebrows furrowed when he sees the way you're standing in the doorway of your shared bedroom. You look like a child on their way to confess to breaking their mom's favorite vase. And in a sense you were.
Your boyfriend was real meticulous when it came to doing the laundry, separated the clothes in three different loads to avoid any bleeding. You, on the other hand didn't really care for the difference. “What happened, baby?” He's sitting up, eyes landing on the balled up shirt you have clutched in your hands.
His favorite gray Carhartt t-shirt blotchy with bleach stains. Extending your hand, you're holding the ruined shirt in his direction. “I tried to do the laundry...” He had been so busy lately, all you wanted you do was take one thing off his plate. “I don't know what went wrong...”
“This is not a white shirt, Yn.” Jungkook is taking the shirt from your hands, spreading it out to fully inspect the damage you've done. His brows creasing and a frustrated pout forming on his lips. “Baby, you can't put bleach..”
Catching sight of the look on his face has a defeated sigh falling from his lips. Setting the shirt aside, Jungkook is lifting his arms to reach for you. Gently pulling you where he sits on the bed.” Lets just have me do the laundry from now on, okay?”
“I just wanted to help... you always do it,” He's shushing you with a soft kiss to the tip of your nose, brushing the hair back on your forehead so he can get a better look at your face. Pushing a smile onto his lips, he's telling you that it's okay – even though you know he's a bit bummed by the fact you've ruined his favorite shirt.
No matter how many times he insists that he doesn't care, you're still ordering the exact shirt that you've ruined. A couple sizes too big, knowing how much he enjoyed clothes that were big on him. He kisses you the moment you're walking through the doors, enclosing you into his warm embrace.
Hidden behind your back is the shirt you bought and his fingers are catching it as his hands roam your body. The soft giggles that leave your lips are breaking the kiss, forcing him to peak at what you have hidden behind your back. “Is that a gift for me?” His brows are lifting with his inquiry, grinning at the nod of your head.
Jungkook is pressing a kiss to your puckered lips, at the same time his arms are snaking around to tug the the shirt from your grasp. Pulling back from your lips with one final kiss, before he's lifting the shirt into his view. “Shut up, baby. You got this for me?”
“I know you were bummed about me ruining the first one,” He's happy about the shirt, of course. Appreciated the fact that you went out and replaced it. But at the height of that, he was happiest that he had you.
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terrifictomholland · 4 years ago
victory lap - Charles Leclerc x reader
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summary: Charles wins his first ever World Championship for F1, obviously that needs celebrating.
word count: 2.3K (almost, 4 words shy from)
warnings: smut! oral sex, hand jobs, light bondage, dirty talk - it’s a delicious little bag! lmao
A/N - so this one goes out to @stuckonspidey​ for introducing me to Charles Leclerc and F1 really! This one is for her so I hope you enjoy!
Also, this contains adult themes so please, don’t read this if you are under 18!
“Did you see that?!” The exuberance in Charles' voice was unmistakable as he entered the hotel room, eyes shining with happiness and joy at winning his very first F1 world championship. The rush of adrenaline pouring out of him, making him impossible to reign in, not that you wanted too. You’d never seen him so elated in your entire life.
 All of his hard work, blood, sweat and tears and dedication to his sport that had brought him so much joy but also so much pain and heartache. 
You knew that when he crossed that finishing line and cruised into the pit-stop, he had a moment where he sent a prayer up to all the ones he’d lost and paved the way for him to shine. Seeing the shot of him with his head bent down and the way his shoulders shook in his car made you cry, knowing how much he had wanted for all of them to be there and see his success and share it with them. But you knew that they were all there, looking down on him with pride. 
“I’m so fucking proud of you!” You squealed, leaping into his awaiting arms, feeling his hold on you tighten when you locked your legs around his waist.  You pulled back ever so slightly seeing how deep his dimples went from the massive smile that was on his face. 
“That was the sexiest piece of driving you’ve ever done! Driving like such a beast,” You gushed seeing him taking your praise so well, his chest puffing out and he stood taller. 
His clear green eyes twinkled with happiness and joy, “Merci, I couldn’t have done it without you.” 
“I’m so glad to have you here celebrating with me,” a smirk formed on your face thinking of the celebration you had in store for him.
A mischievous glint in your eyes appeared. “We’re not done celebrating quite yet,” an excited smile took over his face and his full brows quirked.
“Tell me,” his lips brushed your neck finding the sweet spot behind your ear sucking lightly. You threaded your fingers in his dark hair closing your eyes as the sensation of his lips ghosting across the skin of your neck felt heavenly. 
“Why don’t I show you instead?” with a shove he fell down on the edge of the bed. In an instant you had all of his attention, his eyes following your every move. 
“Mmh you gonna give me a punishment?” The cocky smirk on his face was one you would wipe off sooner rather than later. Without answering him you got on his lap so you could straddle him. His hands going to your arse right away making you smirk. 
“Well I was going to give  you a nice little prize for your win today, but if you’re gonna give me lip I might just give you a punishment instead. I was going to be very generous and let you cum tonight… but I could easily just not let you do that instead,” he gulped audibly shaking his head profusely.
“No, no, no I promise I won’t do that!” He begged immediately retracting what he’d said. 
“That’s what I thought, I don’t have any problems giving you a nice spanking,” his eyes turned glossy at your words.
“Yes,” he breathed in short ragged breaths. With quick hands you removed his shirt. His chest was as if someone had cut him from marble, so sculpted and defined. You couldn’t help but admire his beauty, he looked like Adonis with his green eyes, dark hair and sharp jaw. 
You dragged your lips across his chest hearing his breath hitch. You saw his wide eyes and parted lips when you watched him through your lashes, flicking his nipple with your tongue hearing Charles gasp. 
The noise intensified when you rolled your hips against him, his fingers digging further into your ass. 
That spurred you on with a smirk. “You haven’t seen anything yet,” 
His eyes darkened, biting the corner of his lip when you got rid of your shirt exposing your black lacy bra. It was your favourite one that really lifted your tits up - safe to say, Charles was obsessed. His mouth was all over them, pressing kisses wherever he could reach and you let your head fall back and a few soft moans fell out whilst your hips still rolled against his and you smirked to yourself when you felt him harden. 
It didn’t take long for things to progress once you felt how hard he was. You were just as needy for him as he was for you, but you wanted to have some fun with Charles first. He was completely at your mercy as you had a hand wrapped around his cock, jerking him off hearing his curses and moans that went directly to your cunt.
“Baby,” the pleading tone in his voice fueled you to tease him even more. Running your nails over his abs, letting them dance along his lower abdomen. You alternated between your nipples and gentle fingers teased the head, feeling him shiver beneath you and he was gripping the sheets so tightly his knuckles were white. He tried to buck his hips up for more but you held him in place.
“Do you not want your prize?” Your lips attacking his neck hearing his whimper when you sucked on his spot, the point where his neck and shoulder met up. 
“Yes, yes I do, I want my prize, I promise to be so good,” his voice was laced with lust and his accent becoming more prominent than before 
“Hands behind your back,” you tutted seeing him reach out for you. With a seductive move you got on the bed beside him, giggling softly when he stared at you awestruck, following your every move. You got pieces of silk that you quickly tied around his hands. 
“Mon ange,” the sheer desperation in his voice gave you infinite power. It was the way his chest dusted pink trying so valiantly to be a good boy for you. His chest was your favourite place to mark him up, using him like a canvas for you to mark up. Hearing his mewls and groans when you sucked a bruise particularly rough into his skin only to soothe it moments later with your tongue. 
“You’re mine,” it was punctuated with a mark above where his heart was and you heard his whimper, weak and pathetic. It was a noise you wanted to hear for all of eternity - it made you drunk with power. 
Charles' breath hitched when you sucked a bruise into the skin of his inner thigh, your breath ghosting over his strained and leaking cock but never actually touching it. He was squirming and twitching which made you slap his inner thigh to bring him out of it. Interestingly his cock leaked more when you did that.
You pulled away watching him for a moment. His chest heaved and strewn with marks all over him, red-bitten lips and his usually green eyes were blown wide with lust. He looked wrecked already and you couldn’t wait to have him inside of you. 
“Is cumming not something you want tonight?” His glassy eyes widened and immediately shook his head quickly.
“Please, please I want to cum,” there was a slight slur to his words as he began to succumb to the pleasure. 
While you teased Charles you praised him for his win and how hot he looked driving the car, the way he handled and maneuvered a vehicle. It was so sexy to you, all confidence and determination. He was a beast behind the wheel and he knew it.
“Give me something, anything,” his voice was wrecked, his accent thickening the more turned on he got. A smile graced your lips and you kissed him hotly as you let your hand slide up to his neck to choke him. A strangled moan spilled past his lips and he rutted against your dripping folds. 
 Your cunt was throbbing when you asked, “You want something?” 
A few moments later you pulled away from him, pushing him down on the bed and he stared up at you, chest rising up and down rapidly. He nodded eagerly, his eyes showing all the things he couldn’t say in that moment. 
His hands were all over you - from your hips to your tits, your sides. He was everywhere and so intoxicating. 
“Oui,” you let out a soft whimper whenever he changed into French when he was really turned on. You had him right where you wanted.
“Prove it, work for what you want, champion,” those words ignited the fire you so often saw in him when he was in his car. Jaw clenched as the competitiveness shone in his eyes. A smirk pulled on your lips seeing the raw hunger in his eyes. He loved it when you challenged him like this. 
He let out a growl that had you instantly soaked. “Get on here, I want your pussy” He laid down and motioned for you to get on his face. A moan slipped hearing him say the word ‘pussy’ in his accent, it was sublime to hear. 
You felt the arousal seep down your thighs when you realised what he wanted. You straddled his face and everything just short-circuited when his lips wrapped around your clit and sucked on it. The moan you let out was pornographic whilst he started eating you out as if you were his last meal. 
“Oh fuck,” head thrown back and body lurched forward feeling him eat you out for all he was worth. He was moaning around you, flicking his tongue over your clit making tiny bursts of pleasure shoot down your spine. 
 You gripped the headboard for leverage as you started riding his face, feeling the burn of his stubble along your sensitive inner thighs which added so much to your own pleasure.
His moans and whimpers against your cunt had you glancing back seeing him rut up into the air, his cock red and angry, leaking pre-cum. It was a sight that left your mouth watering
“Fucking hell,” the pressure in your stomach built and built from the way he was licking you. He knew your body like the back of his hand and he was using it to his advantage, he could make you cum in a matter of seconds if he wanted too. 
Your squeezed your thighs around his head when the pressure was almost too intense and you knew you were moments away, your orgasm building to a crescendo.
Tiny gasps spilled over and your cunt clenched as you reached your high, crying out his name. Thighs trembling and toes curling while he kept going, prolonging your high for you. 
You climbed off of his face seeing his mouth and chin glistening with your juices. It was a sight that left you speechless. “Fuck me,” 
That’s all he needed to quickly scramble off the bed in search of a condom and get himself lined up with you. He ran his fingers over your body - caressing you in such a way it brought tears to your eyes before you felt the delicious stretch when he slowly sunk inside of you.
“Mon ange,” he cursed letting his head fall forward letting you see the pleasure wash over his face. His brows pinched together in pleasure as he let you adjust, you squeezed around him with a smirk seeing him lose his composure. Loud moans falling from his lips.
“Fuck me like you drive your car, champion,” you goaded hearing his growl and the fierce determination flash in his green orbs. You smirked when he set his mind to it finding his confidence and his rhythm. The bed repeatedly slammed into the wall with his thrusts causing you to arch your body, blindly reaching for something to hold onto. 
“Fuck!” You gasped over and over, chanting his name as he brought you closer and closer to heaven with each skilled stroke of his hips. That in combination with his fingers that found your clit like an ignition switch. 
“O-oh I’m close,” your eyes rolled back as he shifted positions, angling his hips so that he nudged your sweet spot. It was too much for you with the drag of his cock against your velvety walls clenching around him. 
It was all it took for you to topple over the edge, a warmth that spread through your body, starting at the centre and fading out to your toes and fingertips. 
“Please, please please, mon ange - I want to cum, please,” he begged, his words slurring together, watching as you came. Nothing was more beautiful to him than you cumming. It was the way your head tilted back, jaw dropped open in pleasure as your eyes shut. Your chest heaving and the vice squeeze on his cock. 
“Cum for me, you’ve been such a good boy,” you purred doing your best to lift your hips to meet his thrusts. It was erratic and jerky, a signal as to how close he was. 
“Come on my love, finish the race,” his grip on your hips tightened and you knew there’d be bruises come tomorrow morning. His voice strained as he muttered curses in French chasing his release.
“You made fast lap there champion,” you giggled, stroking his back as he relaxed against you seeking warmth and comfort from you. He was such a snuggle bug after sex and you loved it. Charles gave you a slow kiss that made butterflies erupt in your tummy.
“Je t'aime,” he whispered 
“Je t'aime,” you mumbled against his lips feeling how your heart grew with love for this boy.
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starshipsofstarlord · 3 years ago
if you’re still doing the shipping thing could u pls do me (if u want idk how to ask for this without sounding demanding (´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`) ) anyways im a 5’2, tanned skin (black light skin), im curvy, my hair is wavy and it’s dark brown, i have black eyes, im usually a couch potato but when i do decide to go out i love doing fun things like riding motorcycles, hiking, going to the beach, i love animals, like i live for animals, also im always eating something lol, ppl say im sarcastic and sort of give of bitch vibes but after they meet me they say im the sweetest person they have met
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Claire Novak
You’re leniency to see the outside world was one thing that first intrigued the female hunter, but she wanted to help you learn more; like what is really out in the world and how to protect yourself. With your travels that you share together doing jobs to save lives, there is always a new place to eat nearby, and so when the monster is killed and all dangers ceased, you can go out for a cosy date together before you move along to the next town. She likes the way that you hold yourself, the way that you initially comes across ensures her that you will not be somebody’s first pick to tango with as you are able to intimidate a fair few people and that in a battle they would probably pick on her first which is what she wants. She already lost her father to an angel that took his body as a vessel, the last thing that she’d ever want is to lose you in any which way.
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Jeremy Gilbert
It is no secret that Jeremy is attracted to strong women, and you were yet another whom caught his eye. However when he gets to know you more he can see how sick you really are, and he finds it so hot that you can ride a motorbike. Your sarcasm works graciously to flicker banter back and forth between the pair of you and serves as a distraction from all of the intrusive happenings in Mystic Falls. He enjoys being someone that you can count on, and if you like animals, this boy is a golden retriever in a human body. He’d be there at your beck and call, constantly wanting to make you happy. He wouldn’t mind that your a couch potato either, considering that you are more than willing to lay next to him whilst he plays video games, he enjoys the warmth you bring to his side, and you’d even join him in his digital venture.
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Stiles Stilinski
He can be very impulsive in the moment, especially with all of the troubles that bombard Beacon Hills, though safe to say he does enjoy a nice quiet evening where the pair of you are curled up on the sofa, popcorn or whatever your snack of choice is, binging movies. He always tries to admittedly put Star Wars but you manage to stretch his views a little bit, and sometimes the two of you even go out for drives through the preserve or the beach, and have a little adventure of your own. Those are usually spontaneous however they always are fun. And sarcasm - it’s this man’s middle name so the two of you would get along just fine, sometimes other people don’t even know what you’re talking about because you’re both being far too sarcastic for them to comprehend, and that’s part of the fun of it.
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Natasha Romanoff
In her spare time from being an avenger, Nat likes the normality of driving around cruising and doing the mundane bits of life like buying groceries, where she makes sure to buy you many snacks. She’d definitely appreciate your sweetness as she needs to feel comfortable to be more vulnerable about people, and would completely understand the initial way people perceive you, as they do it to her too. She’s always felt as though she has needed her walls up, but around just you she can lower them a little, and truly be herself. She’d enjoy snuggling up with you to watch movies where she would mention the references before they even rolled out on screen and it would be a beautiful sight to see such a powerful yet dangerous woman at your complete mercy of allowing you to see who she really is.
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drabbles-mc · 4 years ago
Protective Detail (6/?)
Nestor Oceteva x Reader
Warnings: language, tension so thick you could cut it with a goddamn knife
Word Count: 3.5k
A/N: We finally get some payoff, my friends. This chapter is just a tiny taste of what’s in store for 7. That’s when we really get our thirst quenched. So...you know...stay tuned...
Chapter Index
Protective Detail Taglist: @masterlistforimagines​ @sillygoose6969​ @mydaiilyescape​ @lovebennycolonmiguelgalindo​ @the-radical-venus​ @gemini0410​ @garbinge​ @slutformayansmc​ @paintballkid711​ @chibsytelford​ @yourwonkywriter​ @sesamepancakes​ @mayans-sauce​ (If you want to be tagged in this fic or any of my other writing don’t hesitate to let me know!)
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You had your bluetooth headphones on, lip-syncing along with the songs on your playlist as you cleaned around the house. You hated vacuuming, and you always tried to get it done quickly. The time seemed to pass faster when you were dancing to a good beat while you drowned out the noise.
One of the benefits of not having a large house, was that cleaning it wasn’t as daunting of a task as it could’ve been. Plus, on days like today when you called in and didn’t have anywhere to be, there was no excuse not to get it done. Your brain was still reeling from your interaction with Nestor earlier, and cleaning with loud music blaring in your ears seemed like a welcome distraction.
You were dancing your way over to the kitchen to get started on cleaning all of your counters when you felt someone’s eyes on you. You spun around and gasped when you saw Nestor standing there, looking back and forth between you and your phone that was in his hand.
You felt your face get hot as you pushed the headphones down so they were resting around your neck, “Jesus, Nestor. You’re gonna give me a heart attack.”
“Gotta stay alert,” he said matter-of-factly. He held your phone up, “Kendrick is on your cleaning mix?”
You laughed, “What? He’s not on yours?”
“Just didn’t have you pegged as a hip-hop fan, that’s all.”
“You have a lot to learn about me, Mr. Oceteva.”
His brows furrowed, “Don’t call me that ever again,” his face remained serious for a moment before a smirk broke out across it.
You chuckled, “From now on it’s the only thing I will ever call you.”
He didn’t dignify your comment with a response, “Anything I can do?”
You shrugged, “I’m just gonna wipe down the counters and stove. Just trying to keep myself busy.”
You put your headphones back on and got started cleaning up the kitchen. The longer you stood there staring at Nestor, the more you felt like you were going to lose your mind. What you really wanted to do was go for a drive to clear your head, but that was off the table even if Nestor was going to be in the car with you. Carefree cruising was going to be put on hold for the foreseeable future.
Once you were done in the kitchen, you moved on to the bathroom. It was the smallest room in the house but for some reason it was your least favorite to clean. You blamed it on the fact that you hated the smell of bleach, but it was just a lot of scrubbing and crouching if you were going to clean it the right way.
You stood up and were turning around to go grab a fresh roll of paper towels from the kitchen when you ran smack into Nestor. You huffed, looking up at him trying your best to have an annoyed expression on your face, although you knew that he would probably be able to see right through it.
“Quit sneaking up on me!”
He smirked, “I’m not,” he reached forward and gently thumbed a bead of sweat off your forehead before walking away and heading back to his room.
You felt like your entire body was on fire as you stood there stuck in place in the bathroom. He wasn’t much for any kind of contact at all, and that seemed like such an unnecessary gesture. You shook your head and went to grab a clean set of clothes from your room as you tried not to read too much into it. The only thing you could do right now was take a shower to try and wash away all the thoughts that were flying through your head.
You didn’t see much of Nestor for the rest of the afternoon. The door to his room was open, but you couldn’t bring yourself to go and see him. The house was silent and you finally forced yourself to put something on the TV just to keep you from going insane inside your own head.
It was starting to approach dinner time and you figured that you were going to have to talk to him eventually. Taking a deep breath you lightly knocked on the door.
You stepped in to see him sitting with his back up against the headboard, computer in his lap. You leaned back against the doorframe nervously, “Dinner?”
“I’d like to eat eventually, yea,” he slowly shut his laptop, a tiny grin creeping across his face.
“I’d literally kill someone for a slice of pizza at this point,” you said with a laugh.
He chuckled, “Sure, you’d kill someone, but would you leave the house?”
You huffed, “You’ve worn me down. I am willing to leave the house to get pizza.”
He raised his eyebrows, “Wow. You feeling alright?”
You smiled, shaking your head, “You gotta admit it’s been a long few days.”
“If you wanna call and place the order, we can go pick it up.”
“Can I leave it under your name?”
He sighed, pressing his lips together for a moment, “You’re going to place an order for Mr. Oceteva, aren’t you?”
“Guess you’ll find out when we go to pick it up,” you laughed as you walked out of the room.
You never thought that you’d see the day when Nestor left the house in anything but his dress clothes. But, sure enough, he was grabbing the keys to the SUV still in his sweatpants. He had a gun tucked into the waistband, and you smiled to yourself as he pulled on a baggy hoodie to cover it up. He looked over to you, waiting for you to catch up with him.
The two of you went back and forth earlier about who was going to drive, but Nestor insisted. You were trying to be considerate because the last drive wasn’t the smoothest, but you could see it in his eyes that he wasn’t going to back down. It wasn’t worth an argument, so you let him have the keys.
Nestor walked into the restaurant first, instantly scanning the whole building. The young man behind the register looked at the two of you with a smile, “Can I help you?”
“Order for pickup?” Nestor said as he reached into his pocket for his wallet.
The boy looked over the names for orders that he had, “Are you…Mr. Oceteva?”
You could tell that he was clenching his jaw and you bit back a laugh. Nestor sighed, “Yes, that’s me.”
He was opening his wallet to grab some cash when you reached forward and snatched it out of his hands, stuffing it into your pocket before he could pay. You could see it on his face that he wanted to grab it back, but wasn’t about to start something in the middle of the pizza place. You chuckled as you handed a few bills over the counter to the young man, who looked very interested in how the situation was going to play out.
“Keep the change,” you said with a smile, “Have a good night.”
The kid nodded with a smile, “You too.”
You looked to Nestor, “Can you grab those?” you nodded towards the pizza and wing boxes.
The two of you walked back to the car, and he didn’t say anything until you both were inside of it with the doors locked. He looked over at you with a heavy sigh and held out his hand, “Wallet.”
You smirked, pulling it out of your pocket, “Fine, fine,” before you handed it over you opened it, and your eyes nearly popped out of your head when you saw his license photo, “Oh my god,” your hand flew up to cover your mouth, “Is that…teenage Nestor?”
He reached over and snatched it up out of your hands, “Give me the fucking wallet.”
“Your hair was so short!” you laughed, “Look at you and your baby face.”
He leaned his head back, looking up at the ceiling like he was praying to god for patience, “Please stop talking.”
“You were so cute what the fuck,” you laughed, shaking your head in disbelief.
“I’ll leave you here,” he looked over at you, “And I’ll take the pizza with me.”
You pressed your lips together and tried to keep yourself from smiling, but you failed, “Let’s get home before the pizza gets cold.”
He shook his head as he threw the car into drive. For as annoyed as he was making himself seem, you could see it in his eyes that he was amused by the whole ordeal. He’d never admit it, but you knew it was true.
The two of you were camped out on the couch. You had ordered a large pizza, so you decided it was easier to just set the box on the cushion between you and each of you sat cross-legged facing it. It was the first time that Nestor ever drank at home, and it made you feel like you were at a slumber party of some kind.
You took a swig from your beer bottle, “Can I be real with you for a minute?”
He nodded, “Sure.”
“I know that this,” you gestured to yourself and your house, “is not what you usually do. I know it’s probably way below your paygrade, and I know that I give you a lot of shit for very little reward,” you chuckled, “But I’m really glad that you’re here.”
He froze mid-bite, “Yea?”
You smiled, “Yea. I know I gave you and my father both a hard time about all this. But if I’m being honest? I was pretty shaken up after everything happened. It felt like if I gave into this without a fight, I was admitting defeat. But I do feel a lot safer with you here. So…thanks.”
It was clear on his face that he was trying to process everything that you had just said to him. He set his slice of pizza back down into the box, “Can I ask what happened? Your father never gave me any details.”
You sigh, leaning back against the arm of the couch, “It was so stupid,” you shook your head, “I was out with a couple friends, bar-hopping. I stepped outside to get some fresh air, and this girl runs up to me in tears, saying that her friend was sick and she didn’t know what to do. Like, alcohol poisoning sick. And she was freaking out saying that her friend wasn’t breathing and she already called 911 but she didn’t know what else to do. So, I went to help, because I’m not gonna let someone choke on their own vomit and die or something. But when I got to the end of the block—”
“No friend.”
You shook your head, “Nope. Just two dudes trying to grab me and take me away. I really don’t remember exactly what happened, how I didn’t end up dead or at least hog-tied in the back of some sketchy-ass van. But when I tell you that I have never run away from something so fast," you took a long drink from your beer, “But anyway, yea. That’s the gist of it. Obviously, I had to tell my dad about it.  He freaked out. He had no idea that he had been stirring up so much shit with business lately. And I’m assuming you got your new employment notice shortly after that happened,” you half-smiled.
He shook his head, “Sorry, Y/N.”
You shrugged, “I know better than to go anywhere alone, even with a distressed girl coming to me in tears. Just had a lapse in judgment and I paid the price for it. Just sorry you’re paying for it too,” you managed a laugh.
“I’m paying for my own lapses in judgment, don’t worry.”
You paused—that was the closest you’d ever gotten to hearing him talk about what happened on his end of things to land him in your house with you. “Sorry purgatory for you is this little two-bedroom house with me,” you smiled at him.
He chuckled, shaking his head, “Who knows, I might’ve ended up here anyway. But I definitely made the call a lot easier for them.”
“What was your crime?” you tried to keep it light but you couldn’t hide your curiosity.
His expression sobered as he contemplated whether or not he wanted to let you in on that part of his life, “Nothing as good-natured as trying to help someone with their drunk friend.”
“Not that I don’t totally dig the whole spiffy, braided, mysterious vibe you always have going,” you gestured to his whole body for a moment before continuing, “But you ever gonna not be vague with me about your deal with Galindo? I know I don’t particularly like him, but still. I like you. It’d be nice to know a little about you. I mean, c’mon, I doubt anything you say to me is going to be surprising. You know who my father is.”
He chuckled, unable to make eye contact with you for a few moments. He took a deep breath, “You remember the last Santa Madre festival?”
“Fuck, who doesn’t? Shit went sideways so fast,” you shook your head slightly, “Rebels killed that nun, right?”
His eyes were glued to the box between you, “Not really.”
There were a few moments of silence before it all clicked inside your head. Your eyes grew wide, “You…?” when he nodded all you could do was ask, “But why?”
He sighed and shook his head, “Rebels had been making the cartel catch a lot of shit. Galindo was convinced that the only way to put himself back on the right side of things was to flip the script—turn the Rebels into the problem. Put their name on the dirty work instead of the cartel’s,” he leaned back against the arm of the couch, “He was not thrilled with the call that I made on the specifics of the method.”
It was hard to picture the Nestor that you had come to know, the one who burned through entire pints of ice cream, and roughed up men who disrespected you, was capable of that kind of carnage. You knew better than to put anything past anyone, though. You could see the tension in his body as he waited for your reaction.
You let out a small sigh, “Listen, no one in the Galindo family has any room to talk about cruel and unusual punishment,” you waited for him to look at you, “And for better or worse, you did exactly what he needed. LO took a major hit in the court of public opinion after that. Don’t place a vague order if you’re gonna complain about all the details of it once the plate is in front of you.”
He let out a surprised chuckle, “Damn. If I had you around earlier maybe I wouldn’t have gotten demoted in the first place.”
“I’ll talk to him for you,” you laughed, “Just say the word.”
His laugh was genuine, “Absolutely not. I’ll be completely fired if you do that.”
“But,” you smiled as you toyed with the beer bottle in your hands, “if that happened you would get to stay with me all the time. Does that not sound amazing to you?” he remained silent for a few moments before his face broke out into a smile and you shook your head, “Shut up you could have it so much worse.”
The two of you didn’t talk for a few minutes, the television filling the house with quiet noise. You finished what little was still in your beer bottle before starting to clear up what was left of dinner. As much as you hated leaving the house compared to delivery, you had to admit that the trip was worth it.
You saw Nestor open his mouth to say something as you reached down and collected his beer bottle, but he stopped himself. You lingered for a moment, hoping that he would change his mind and say whatever it was that he was thinking, but he just reached and pulled his phone out of his pocket.
Once you finished cleaning up, you decided that you were going to try and get to bed at a somewhat decent hour so you could try to get back to your usual schedule. You walked up behind Nestor, gently resting one hand on his shoulder.
“I’m heading to bed,” you squeezed his shoulder lightly, “Goodnight.”
He didn’t look up at you as he rested his hand over yours for a brief moment, “Goodnight. See you in the morning.”
You were lying awake in bed for what felt like an eternity. In reality it had only been a couple hours, but that was a long time to lie awake staring at the ceiling. You finally caved and took your phone out. If you were going to be awake anyway, you might as well look at something.
That’s when you heard the television shut off. Shortly thereafter the lights in the living room turned off as well. You realized that you had never been awake when Nestor went to bed. You heard soft footsteps in the hall and you didn’t know why but you were holding your breath when they got close to your door.
There was a light knock as he leaned in the doorway, looking at your face that was lit up by the screen of your phone, “Still up?”
You sat upright, eyes focusing on his silhouette in the darkness, “Can’t sleep.”
“Need anything?”
Your entire body felt like it was overheating. You gnawed at the inside of your cheek, “I, uh…I think I’m…I think I’m good.”
He chuckled, “You don’t sound too sure about that.”
You laughed, fingers twisting nervously in your blanket, “Not sure how much you could help me with what I need, Nestor.”
He crossed the threshold into your room, and you were very aware of the fact that he had never done so before. He came and found a seat on the edge of your bed, “It’s what I’m here for. Try me,” his hand found its way to yours and the warmth of it caused you to release your vice grip on the blanket as he slipped his fingers between yours.
Your heart was pounding inside your chest and your breath felt like it was caught in your throat. You set your phone off to the side with your hand that wasn’t entwined with Nestor’s, and you wondered if he could feel the way your body was trembling.
“I can go, if you’re alright,” he went to stand up.
“No,” you squeezed his hand, giving him a slight tug to keep him from getting up.
“What’s up?” you could hear the smugness in his tone—he knew exactly what was going through your head.
“I,” you paused, taking a deep breath, “I’m not looking to make this more difficult for you.”
He chuckled, “Since when?”
Your whole face was hot and you were thankful that the darkness of your room hid the nervousness that was surely showing on your face, “That’s…that’s fair.”
He was halfway through a laugh when you leaned in and pressed your lips against his. There was a moment of stillness when you were waiting for him to pull back, to get up and leave, but he didn’t. Instead, he gave your hand a gentle squeeze as he leaned into you. You felt the tension fading out of your body as your free hand came up to rest on the back of his neck, keeping his lips against yours.
When he finally pulled away to catch his breath, he finished the laugh he had started before you kissed him. He cupped the side of your face in his hand, “We do not have the same definition of the word difficult.”
You giggled, biting down lightly on your bottom lip, “No?”
He shook his head, “No.”
He didn’t give you the opportunity to come up with a smart remark as he pulled your lips back to his. You smiled as you melted against him. Your heart was beating so hard inside your chest you were sure that Nestor was going to be able to hear it in the silence of your room. He pulled you closer to him, his hand sliding to rest on the back of your neck. The feeling of his hands on you sent a wave of heat throughout your entire body and you let out a shaky moan as you kissed him.
He pulled back just enough so that his lips weren’t on yours, “You good?”
You nodded, “Yea,” you smiled, your voice soft, “Don’t stop, please.”
He didn’t say anything, but he didn’t have to. A smirk crossed his face for a moment before he kissed you again, harder this time. His fingertips pressed lightly into the nape of your neck and for the first time you could feel the neediness radiating off of him—it pulsated through his fingers and into your skin. His touch was magnetic, and you knew that you wouldn’t have been able to pull away from him even if you wanted to. Luckily, though, pulling away was the farthest thing from your mind.
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