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•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●• A D V E R T E N C I A •●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•
•Muerte, sangre.
•Su/ci/io, enfermedad mental.
• Ab/so se/ual.
•Uso de drogas.
Capitulo 4
Capitulo 1
5. Silencio.
Mientras avanzaban, tus ojos vagaron por cada rincón de aquella oscura caverna bucando algún indicio de peligro, pues aún seguías un poco paranoica con que la criatura de hace un momento haya decidido bajar y seguirlos. A pesar de que tu estado fuera de alerta máxima, lo único que tus oídos escuchaban eran las pequeñas gotas de agua que golpeaban contra las húmedas rocas creando un eco que de forma lenta te volvía loca, pues la tranquilidad era demasiada después de todo lo que habían pasado. Era probable que tu cabeza aún no procesara del todo que ya eras libre y no estabas encerrada en una celda peleando por tu supervivencia, sino en el bosque de este mundo del cual sabías poco. Avanzando junto al alien que intentó matarte varias veces.
Ahí fue cuando decidiste dirigir tu mirada hacia aquella criatura, encontrando su enorme espalda y sus hebras negras que caían por debajo de sus hombros. Aún podías ver el dispositivo amarrado a su rostro para brindarle oxígeno de su mundo, aunque ya no lo necesitará pues ya estaba fuera. Ignoraste ese hecho para centrar tus ojos en su espalda la cual se iluminaba en la oscuridad observando aquellos lunares iridiscentes que recorrían toda su piel. Además, si prestabas suficiente atención podías notar pequeñas cicatricez en su espalda.
No eran muy comunes. Enormes líneas cual rasguños y algunas marcas de pequeños dientes bajando por su columna.
Tus ojos fueron atraídos por los movimientos de su cola, la cual se veía mucho peor que su espalda. Pues esta tenía bordes irregulares, pedazos faltantes gracias a, lo que asumes, son mordidas. Aunque también había líneas rectas cual cortes de algún bisturí.
Podías asegurar que era un regalo de Mark. Todo este na'vi tenía marcas que gritaban "Mark".
Lanzaste un suspiro agotada al pensar en toda esta situación, cada vez más consciente del dolor que recorría cada extremidad de tu cuerpo, al igual del dolor ante las probables balas que te rozaron y aún no estabas segura de si alguna te había atrevesado. Ambos necesitaban revisarse, porque a pesar de tener chalecos antibalas estos no hacían milagros y te volvían inmune a todo.
Cuando tus ojos volvieron a mirarlo tu mente fue capaz de entender qué estaba sucediendo y a pesar de ya no estar cautiva ahora tenías un problema mucho más grande. Este tipo que te tomaba de la mano te superaba en altura y fuerza y hace meses había tratado de devorarte. Sin embargo, aquí estaba él, tomando tu mano mientras caminaban por esta oscura y mágica caverna y tú le estabas permitiendo hacerlo en lugar de mantener distancia por el peligro que representaba. Tu garganta carraspeó intentando llamar su atención mientras que tu mano libre se aferró al arma que ahora cuidaban con tanto cariño, porque definitivamente ya era parte de ti...
Por suerte lo de la RDA era armamento avanzado y estas cosas podían mojarse.
-----¿ A dónde iremos? ---- preguntaste sin detenerte, buscando con la mirada a dónde irías por si tu amigo decidía atacar ----. ¿Tienes planeado ir a algún lugar o solo vagaremos?
El alien frente a ti no te miró en ningún momento, pero sí siseó por lo bajo cual gato arisco provocando que tus hombros se tensaran ante la pequeña imagen de él lanzándose contra ti para morderte.
---- ¿Eso es un no sé? ---- preguntaste con el ceño fruncido apretando la culata de tu arma -----. Sabes, no entiendo tu idioma "hisss", tal vez podemos empezar a ser más comunicativos.
Lo que te ganaste fue una mirada de la cual no entendías muy bien lo que quería decirte.
---- Tomaré eso como que eres mudo o algo así, sabes en verdad necesitamos saber qué es lo que haremos por-
Lo que tus ojos vieron fue una enorme criatura darse media vuelta para avalancerse contra ti, tus ojos miraron fijamente aquellos enormes colmillos que se asomaran sin pudor. Sus manos, las cuales, tenían unas uñas largas y sucias se acercaron a ti y a pesar de que tus sentidos te gritaron para que le dispararas no lograste moverte a tiempo y su mano ya estaba encima de tu boca mientras que su cuerpo te empujaba con fuerza contra la húmeda pared de roca. Tu ceño se frunció mientras te obligabas a quedarte quieta por el simple hecho de que al mirar su rostro se veía ansioso, mirando a quien sabe qué con sus orejas moviéndose desesperadas en busca de cualquier sonido. Removiste su mano con cuidado moviéndote para dar un pequeño vistazo y ver de qué se estaban escondiendo.
Tu rostro formó una mueca de fastidio al ver lo que parecía un ciempiés gigante color blanco con tonos azules luminiscente.
Sus patas se movían con lentitud por una de las paredes, camiando con cuidado entre las rocas acompañado de un pequeño chasquido que asumes eran de sus dientes.
Volviste a mirar al na'vi quién aún te sostenía contra su cuerpo. Sus iris amarillos ya estaban encima de tu persona y por su entrecejo arrugado asumías que no estaba para nada feliz. Tus dedos apretaron el arma contra ti y sin apartar tus ojos de sus pupilas levantaste aquel artefacto apuntando hacia el ciempiés gigante. Diego no hizo nada por lo que tomaste su silencio como visto bueno para disparar. No tardaron ni dos segundos cuando el sonido de las balas hicieron eco por toda la caverna. La criatura lanzó un chillido provocando que tus tímpanos doliera ante el agudo sonido. Palpitaron al punto que llegaste a estar segura de que explotarían en cualquier momento si aquella cosa seguía chillando. Tu cuerpo fue lanzado a un costado causando que tu espalda fuera golpeada de forma brusca contra las rocas. Abriste los ojos mientras que tu boca dejaba salir un quejido ante el dolor. Restándole importancia, dirigiste tus ojos hacia aquel gusano gigante. Entendiendo que diego te había empujado lo más lejos posible de aquel animal para que él pudiera pelear con aquella cosa.
No podías observar nada más que la enorme espalda de aquel ciempiés.
Te levantaste de forma inmediata ignorando el agudo y molesto sonido de pitido en tus oídos para ir a defender a tu acompañante, esperando que siguiera vivo y que los movimientos que veías no se deban a que aquella cosa ya se lo estaba comiendo. Decidiste que no gastarías balas aquí, no cuando solo les quedaba esta arma y mas adelante podrían necesitarla. Tus manos tomaron la navaja que habías robado, regalo del primer soldado muerto. Corriste hacia la criatura con el arma en mano saltando para clavarla con fuerza en su espalda haciéndola chillar. No te alejaste por mas que aquella cosa se removiera, no cuando podías oír los bufidos de esfuerzo del na'vi debajo del ciempiés. No te separaste bajaste de encima de la criatura aunque tus oídos estuvieran punzando debido al volumen del chillido. Tus piernas se obligaron a dejarte caer contra el suelo para ayudar a tus manos con la fuerza y hacer a la navaja bajar por el peso de tu propio cuerpo. La carcasa del ciempiés se abrió por la mitad mientras los dentros de la criatura se desparramaron en el suelo y el líquido carmesí manchó tus botas y ropa.
Tus iris prestaron atención a sus patas, las cuales poco a poco se dejaban de mover dándote a entender que habían acabado con ella. Cuando sus patas quedaron rectas y el chillido desapareció te alejaste unos cuantos pasos observando cómo Diego lo dejaba caer al suelo envolviendo a ambos en un silencio, pues toda su atención estaba en la criatura, tal vez, esperando a que volviera a levantarse.
Después de que tu paranoica mente lograra relajarse llevaste tus manos a tus oídos con una mueca de dolor ante las pequeñas punzaciones molestas dentro de tus oídos. El líquido en tus dedos te dejó en claro que no habías salido ilesa y probablemente ya estabas mucho mas sorda que antes cosa a la que le restaste importancia. Intentando que tu cerebro se concentrara en limpiar los restos de sangre con cuidado. Al menos era así hasta que tus vellos comenzaron a erizarse debido a una sensación de peligro, tus pupilas miraron a Diego quien tenía toda su atención en tus dedos, más específico en la sangre que pintaba las yemas de estos.
---- Se dice gracias -----. Bromeaste intentando desviar su atención de lo que sea que estuviera formulando su cabeza dañada.
Como era de esperarse aquello no sirvió de nada pues sus iris dorados seguían hipnotizados por el color carmín que manchaba tus dedos. No se movió ni un milímetro de su lugar y el único movimiento que había era el de sus hombros a causa de su pesada respiración y finalmente su mano comenzó a moverse en dirección a tus propios dedos. No te moviste por el simple hecho de que habías aprendido a no hacer movimientos bruscos cuando se trataban de depredadores. Permitiste que sus dedos tocaran los tuyos con suavidad, comenzando a entrelazarlos. Tu mano desocupada fue a la navaja que habías guardado lista para sacarla y clavarla en su garganta si Diego decidía que era momento de la merienda.
Cuando menos lo esperaste Diego jaló tu mano de forma brusca causando que te movieras en consecuencia sacando la navaja para ponerla contra el rostro de tu compañero quien no se inmutó ante la amenaza o no se dio cuenta de esta al estar demasiado fascinado ante el sabor que invadía su boca, pues tus dedos ya estaban dentro de esta. Una mueca de desagrado apareció en tu rostro al sentir cómo su lengua recorría con cuidado tus dedos con una mirada que demostraba lo extasiado que estaba ante el sabor del hierro. Podías sentir sus dientes rozar con la piel de tus yemas provocando que imagenes de cadáveres desparramados en el suelo de la celda llegaran a tu cabeza, la cruel idea de que este alien decidiera arrancarte los dedos de un mordisco enviaron escalofríos por toda tu espalda. Prestaste atención al cómo sus pupilas se dilataban, sus iris amarillos te miraron fascinados mientras por el rabillo del ojo podías notar cómo su cola se movía con entusiasmo detrás de su cuerpo. Su respiración se volvía mas errática con cada segundo que pasaba. Tomaste eso como una clara señal de que era suficiente.
Alejaste tu mano de su agarre poniéndole fin a su degustación.
Guardaste la navaja después de alejarla de su rostro y con cuidado diste un paso hacia atrás notando la molestia en su expresión.
----Eres bien rarito -----. Murmuraste intentando relajar la tensión de tus hombros comenzando a alejarte sin despegar tus ojos de los de él.
Cuando sentiste que estabas a una distancia segura te diste media vuelta, deteniendo tu cuerpo ante el repentino sonido de carne siendo rasgada.
Tus ojos miraron hacia atrás con intriga encontrando la escena de Diego rasgando al ciempiés para llevar lo que arrancaba del cadáver a su boca, sus dientes mordieron con desesperación mientras que sus manos se llenaban de la sangre de aquel animal. Una mueca de disgusto se presentó en tu cara, te diste media vuelta ignorando su actitud y brindarle la privacidad que necesitaba. Comenzaste a explorar la caverna por tu cuenta, aunque no te alejarías tanto para no separarte de Diego, pues aún existe esa posibilidad de que estas criaturas estuvieran en cualquier parte escondidas, esperando a atacar y comerte.
Conforme avanzabas tu mente fue capaz de prestar más atención a todo lo que te rodeaba, por ejemplo, el brillo bajo tus pies a cada paso que dabas, las flores brillantes que decoraban las paredes y las gotas luminscentes que caen del techo formando pequeños charcos en el camino. Frunciste el ceño ante tu imprudencia levantando tu arma para apuntar al frente tuyo lista para defenderte de cualquier peligro siendo ayudada por la vegetación brillante. Entre más te adentrabas por el pasillo tus oídos eran capacez de oír un eco mucho más fuerte y el sonido de la calma comenzaba a invadir cada rincón de las paredes y finalmente ante tus ojos una luz azul brillante comenzaba a crecer en el fondo. Tus pies fueron con lentitud hacia allá, evitando pizar las enormes raíces que salían del suelo, subiendo por las paredes cual venas irisdiscentes. Cuando prestaste más atencion a estas mismas fue inevitables que tu curiosidad entrara en juego y tus dedos rozaron con suavidad aquellas raíces, alejando tu mano con sorpresa al notar cómo éstas se movían al ritmo de tu propia respiración, como si fueran conscientes.
Seguiste avanzando sintiendo tu cuerpo mucho más ligero, tu alrededor se volvía fresco y el extraño susurro de las paredes te obligaba a no detener tu avanzar notando el crecimiento de las raíces, las cuales se volvían mucho más gruesas conforme el pasillo se volvía angosto.
Finalmente el tesoro se presentó ante tus ojos al salir de quel lugar.
Ante tus ojos un enorme claro de agua se extendía.
Ahora la cueva que era angosta se volvió una enorme habitación donde el techo estaba demasiado alejado del suelo, podías ver pequeñas criaturas brillantes volar por encima tuyo para colgarse en las raíces que caían del techo, podías notar cómo delgados rayos de sol entraban por los pequeños agujeros en el techo reflejándose en la laguna de la cueva, sin embargo, lo que se robaba por completo la atención en este lugar era el enorme árbol brillante. Un azul tan puro que era seguro podrías confundirlo con la plata.
Era imponente, irreal y fantasioso.
La calma que llenaba este lugar era tan irreal que la desconfianza se presentó en tu pecho obligándote a levantar tu arma sin poder confiar en la tranquilidad que este lugar simulaba brindar.
Tus pies se adentraron en el agua con cuidado notando como pequeños pecesillos rodeaban tus pies con curiosidad.
Les apuntabas mientras avanzabas hacia el centro mientras el agua sin movimiento cada vez se hacia más profunda hasta que se detuvo a la altura de tu cintura. Aquellas apenas visibles criaturas marinas seguían rodeándote golpeando tu cuerpo con curiosidad. Cuando las clasificas en "inofensivas" miraste al frente concentrando a tu cabeza en llegar al árbol, el cual, parecía llamarte. Sus poderosas raíces se asomaran por debajo del agua, haciendo figuras dentro del agua que te llenaban de incertidumbre, tus manos se levantaron rozando con tus dedos las hojas que caían como una cascada formando un pequeño refugio a tu alrededor con las flores haciéndote sentir extraña, pues aún estabas llena de desconfianza ante la bella naturaleza que te rodeaba.
Sin embargo, eso no te detuvo en jugar un poco con las ramas que caían con elegancia a tu alrededor.
Si lo comparabas con algo de la tierra podías decir que era un sauce, un sauce brillante que te concedería deseos. Justo como los que te gustaba imaginar de niña, esos que tu madre siempre mencionaba en sus cuentos para dormir cuando estabas segura que algún monstruo aparecería debajo de tu cama.
Tus ojos miraron hacia arriba notando pequeñas criaturas flotantes que avanzaban con cuidado por encima del árbol.
No recordabas haberlas visto cuando entraste, pero ahora estaban ahí. Eran como medusas y eso te hizo ser incrédula ante la escena, era como un cuento, una fantasía que nunca creíste ver alguna vez.
Estabas a punto de seguir avanzando, sin embargo, te detuviste de golpe. Obligando a tu cuerpo a girar de forma brusca apuntando con tu arma a lo que sea que estuviera detrás tuyo encontrándote con unos iris dorados profundos que te miraban con atención.
Sus miradas se quedaron encima del otro llenando a tu cuerpo de adrenalina que erizaba los vellos de tu cuerpo. Tus pupilas observaron de forma atenta su boca, la cual se encontraba manchada de la sangre de aquel animal brindándote la menor de laa confianzas, más era mejor que otra criatura extraña.
-----Eres tú ----. Señalaste bajando tu arma con cuidado.
Acomodaste el arma en tu espalda volviendo tu vista a Diego quien tomaba una de las ramas del árbol brillante sin dejar de mirarte. Su mano se extendió hacia a ti con suavidad casi como si fueras una criatura asustadiza. Tus ojos lo observaron extrañada, notando las heridas que decoraban su mano, tus iris volvieron a los suyos y con desconfianza, tal vez un poco de estupidez, tomaste su mano dejando que él la llevara a la rama que él mismo tomaba. Tus ojos miraron atenta cómo el árbol comenzaba a moverse ligeramente dejándote en claro que realmente respiraba o al menos es de lo que tu fantasiosa mente intentaba convencerte.
Un ligero apretón en tu mano te distrajo y tu mirada volvió a él en segundos asintiendo cuando notaste su insistencia, ¿en qué? Quién sabe.
-----Si, está cosa respira, ¿qué con eso?
Él rodó los ojos, soltando tu mano para comenzar a caminar y dejarte atrás.
Frunciste tu ceño ante su insufrible actuar, sin embargo, no tardaste en imitar su acción. Comenzando a avanzar detrás suyo mientras mirabas a tu alrededor, intentando distraer a tu cabeza del incómodo silencio.
El resto del camino estuvo lleno de agua y silencio. A pesar de que ambas cosas te incomodaban tu cabeza se centró en lo pesadas que se estaban volviendo tus botas debido al agua que los rodeaba. La tela de tu pantalón comenzaba a pegarse a tu piel y en poco tiempo te habías vuelto consciente que el nivel del agua comenzaba a subir conforme avanzaban. Llegó al punto donde ya estaba en tu cuello y el bombeo nervioso en tu pecho te obligó a abrir la boca.
-----Oye — Llamaste a tu compañero el cuál no se dignó en mirar hacia atrás.
Cuando ya estabas caminando en puntitas y tu cabeza fue incapaz de ignorar la ansiedad, tu mano se movió sin pensarlo demasiado y tomó lo primero que alcanzaste de él, que fue exactamente su cola. Por supuesto, esa fue una estúpida y desesperada decisión, pues en cuanto tus dedos apretaron aquella parte de su cuerpo él se giró de golpe. Su mano tomó con fuerza tu cuello y eso te hizo reaccionar. Tus manos tomaron el arma con rapidez, recargándola en segundos y enseguida apuntar a su frente.
Se miraron fijamente sin despegar sus ojos del otro.
Su expresión iracunda y desquiciada solo provocaba que tus ojos lo miraran expectantes, esperando cualquier ataque de su parte para dispararle sin dudar. Podías sentir cómo eras incapaz de tomar el oxígeno que la máscara te brindaba.
A pesar de que podías sentir cómo la inconsciencia comenzaba a invadir tu mente no bajaste el arma y tampoco apartaste tus pupilas de sus iris dorados.
Decidida a ganar esta batalla de poder.
Su agarre se alejó de golpe, tu boca tomó una gran bocanada de aire y de forma inevitable comenzaste a toser mientras masajeabas tu cuello. Tus ojos miraron a Diego quien tallaba su mano contra la pared con desesperación, mirándote enojado mientras dejaba salir un siseó de amenaza y extraños murmullos comenzaron a salir de su boca los cuales no eran para nada entendibles.
De todos modos, esa acción te caló en lo más profundo de tu orgullo.
-----Pendejo, ni que estuviera envuelta en mierda -----. Murmuraste indignada mirando a otro lado mientras rodabas los ojos.
Luego recordaste que llevabas meses sin tomar baño, así que lo dejarías pasar.
Tus ojos miraron con atención las acciones que de forma repentina comenzaban a surgir de Diego, quien ya estaba rasguñando su piel con desesperación, casi como si esta le estuviera ardiendo en llamas. De tu boca no salió ni una palabra, porque a tu cabeza llegaron los recuerdos que en algún momento viviste en el pasado por lo que ya tenías en claro el significado.
Lo habías visto en muchas personas que pasaron alguna situación traumática, más en soldados que vivieron torturas físicas y no toleraban ser tocadas. Seguramente ser tocado por los científicos dejó secuelas que jamás podría olvidar y era seguro que el alien requeriría demasiados años por tratar.
Te giraste intentando ignorar la situación, esperando a que terminara su rutina de limpieza para no hacerlo sentir incómodo. Te quedaste en tus pensamientos maldiciendo en tu cabeza cuando tus ojos se concentraron en tu arma notando que las balas se habían terminado y ahora no era nada más que un objeto vacío y obsoleto. Aquello significaba que lo único que te quedaba era el cuchillo para defenderte de los depredadores de este peligroso y extraño planeta.
Después de esperar por unos largos minutos y que tus hombros comenzaran a sentirse tensos decidiste girarte. Te encontraste con sus ojos amarillos los cuales te miraban con atención, sus cejas se elevaban preguntando con su mirada por qué lo habías hecho pasar por este calvario de ser tocado, cuál fue la razón para torturarlo con esta repentina acción.
Tus ojos incrédulos lo miraron de forma fija estirando tus brazos ante lo cuestionado.
----No sé nadar y mi nariz ya está por hundirse en el agua ---- explicaste sin apartar la mirada.
Sus ojos no se apartaron ni un segundo de los tuyos.
Sus iris se movían de un lado a otro expresando la desconfianza y el pavor que lo invadía ante la idea. Notaste cómo su mandíbula se apretaba y sus hombros que estaban tensos comenzaron a subir y bajar de forma brusca. Él soltó un suspiro mientras sus ojos se apartaban de tu persona y se giraba para darte la espalda agachándose permitiendo que te acercaras . Tú lo entendiste sin que soltara alguna palabra. Tus manos se movieron con cuidado hacia sus hombros apenas rozando con las yemas de tus dedos, gracias a esto su cuerpo se exaltó y un profundo sonido de advertencia se formó desde su pecho.
— Voy a subir, no te haré nada — intentaste tranquilizar acercándote con lentitud mientras el agua que los rodeaba se removía ante tus movimientos.
Esta vez, tus manos tocaron por completo sus hombros y tus dedos apretaron estos mismos para brindarte seguridad, también para dejarle en claro que no le harías nada malo.
Finalmente tuviste que enredar tus brazos alrededor de estos porque el pánico te dejó en claro que poco a poco el agua comenzaba a ser demasiado alta incluso para él. Tú estarías bien, al menos, de forma física pues la máscara de oxígeno te permitiría respirar debajo del agua, lo que te preocupaba era que no sabías si él estaría bien y si resultaba que no, tú estarías perdida. Pues la ansiedad era probable que te afectaría y te dejaría imposibilitada para poder salir por tu propia cuenta. Conforme más se adentraban en las profundidades de la caverna el agua empezaba a cubrirlos a una velocidad que te ponía los vellos de punta. Tus labios se apretaron cuando sentiste el agua en tus hombros, tus ojos se cerraron con fuerza y ante la ansiedad del agua que te rodeaba decidiste concentrarte en algo más.
El sonido de Diego tomando grandes respiraciones fue lo que te distrajo.
Obligaste a que tus ojos se abrieran para ver su mano, la cual subía y bajaba conforme el ritmo de su propia respiración. Cuando menos lo pensaste ambos se vieron debajo del agua, la frialdad de esta misma rodeó todo tu cuerpo y tus oídos se envolvieron en el silencio de la oscuridad, una estática que te abrumaba y te obligaba a recordar cosas que deseabas olvidar. Tus brazos se apretaron y tus ojos se cerraron con fuerza intentando concentrarte en algún otro recuerdo, forzando a tu cabeza a llenarse de cualquier canción de cuna que tu hermana te cantó en el pasado.
Diego no dejó de nadar, la corriente golpeaba con tu piel y tu cuerpo se movía junto con su brusco nadar. Tus rodillas de vez en cuando golpeaban sus muslos ante sus movimientos provocando que su cuerpo se tensara ante el tacto repentino.
De todos modos, tú te dejabas llevar.
La incertidumbre de cuánto faltaba para salir de aquel lugar te obligó a abrir tus ojos observando a tu alrededor y contrario a la oscuridad que esperabas encontrar lo que te rodeaba eran algas brillantes, flora acuática que brillaba como todo lo que habitaba en este planeta. Los colores brillaban orgullosas por debajo del agua, iluminando las oscuras paredes que los rodeaban. Además de las criaturas doradas que nadaban a su alrededor brindándoles compañía.
No era habitual en ti dejarte llevar por tu curiosidad, sin embargo, estabas en una situacion crítica y la necesidad de olvidar te abrumaba. De forma inconsciente estiraste tu mano tocando uno de estos pecesillos provocando que estos mismos nadaran desesperados alrededor de ambos.
Una pequeña risa escapó de tus labios.
Tus brazos se desenredaron con cuidado aún insegura de la oscuridad.
Esta vez lo único que se aferraba a sus hombros eran tus dedos, mientras que de forma inútil tus pies daban pequeños pataleos intentando ayudarle y no hacerlo llevar todo tu peso encima. Pero, gracias a tu movimientos sentiste que un criatura alargada tocó tu muslo de forma repentina. Tu cabeza pensó en una serpiente que los acechaba listo para envenenarlos.
Tus manos apretaron con fuerza a sus hombros y sin dudarlo moviste tu mano con rapidez yendo a tu cadera donde descansaba la navaja que habías robado. Cuando tus dedos rodearon el mango de esta misma miraste hacia aquella serpiente, deteniendo tus acciones al ver como lo que pensabas era una serpiente en realidad se trataba de la cola de Diego que se movía junto a la corriente y con suvaidad comenzó a enrrollarse en tu muslo.
Alzaste una ceja confundida, con el pensamiento claro de que le incomodaba el contacto físico y sin embargo, aún así parecía que buscaba de forma inconsciente el consuelo del tacto.
Tus ojos miraron el costado de su rostro, notando sus orejas agachados ante la incomodidad de tu persona. Tomaste una gran bocanada de aire, desviando la mirada a otro lado para no incomodar aún más al pobre de Diego.
-----Debería ponerte un nombre ----- comenzaste a conversar para desviar la ansiedad de ambos ----. ¿Qué te parece "Carlos"?
Su rostro se contorsionó en una mueca de disgusto y aquello provocó que una pequeña carcajada abandonara tu boca. Carraspeaste volviendo a poner tu atención en alguna planta por ahí.
-----Bueno, lo admito es un nombre horrible.
Una sonrisa burlesca apareció en tu rostro y con un rostro lleno de diversión abriste la boca
----¿Michi...? Qué te parece.
Su mirada de desagrado volvió a golpearte lo cual, por supuesto, volvió a hacerte reír. Estabas a punto de volver a abrir la boca de no ser porque viste una luz a lo lejos y no habías captado cuánto tiempo llevaban debajo del agua.
Suponías que la máscara lo ayudaba.
Tus ojos lo observaron con curiosidad.
----¿Eres inmortal?, ¿tus papás eran peces? -----. Preguntaste burlona -----. Es increíble que aún puedas nadar, seguro tienes branquias por ahí, eh.
Diego te ignoró por completo dando a entender que por más que siguieras hablando no te prestaría atención por nada del mundo.
Decidiste llevar tu atención a cualquier otra cosa que no fuera la oscuridad que te rodeaba.
Tus ojos se distrajeron en los puntitos blancos que recorrían por toda la espalda del alien, incluso brillaban bajo el agua. Tus pensamientos impulsivos te decían que debías tocarlos y terminar con la curiosidad que te invadía acerca de entender si eran parecidos a los lunares o la varicela. Te obligaste a mantener tus manos quietas, porque tenías muy en claro que Diego no va a volver a dejar pasar la situación si volvías a tocarlo de forma inesperada y sin consentimiento. Cuando estabas por molestarlo de nuevo para distraerte te diste cuenta que ya habían salido de la oscuridad de la caverna y tus ojos lograron percibir la extensión del mar frente a ustedes. Por encima de sus cabezas la iluminación de un azul más claro que los llamaba a la libertad.
Sus largos brazos se movieron con mucha más brusquedad y desesperación hacia la superficie.
De forma inevitable moviste tus pies junto con él.
Tus manos se seguían aferrando a sus hombros y su cola aún seguía envuelta en tu muslo para brindarse compañía. Las burbujas comenzaban a escapar de su boca y cuando la luz del cielo ya estaba a unos escasos centímetros tu mano se estiró saliendo del mar y sintiendo la frescura del aire. Cuando fueron expulsados de las profundidades los rayos del sol golpearon tu cara o la mascarilla y aquello te hizo sonreír.
Al fin.
Después de tanto la ansiedad que te invadía por todo este tiempo desaparecía, pues el sonido de personas siguiendolas o el peligro de cualquier criatura se había alejado y ahora solo los rodeaba el sonido de la marea.
La libertad se sintió como un golpe de tranquilidad, una felicidad salvaje que te llenaba y esperabas expulsar. Cuando estabas a punto de festejar tu voz se quedó en tu garganta y tu atención fue al alien que te acompañaba, pues... Podías sentir cómo sus hombros estaban llenos de tensión y su cuerpo comenzaba a temblar bajo tu toque. Tu mirada intentó encontrar su rostro esperando que no estuviera convulsionando de estrés o algo por el estilo, sin embargo, eras incapaz de ver su expresión. Así que de forma impulsiva tu mano tomó su mentón obligando a su rostro a girarse y poder ver su cara.
Tus ojos lograron ver su expresión que exclamaba el más puro dolor.
De sus ojos escapaban lágrimas y sus ojeras se habían vuelto rojas.
Cuando sus pupilas se encontraron con tus iris, sollozos llenos de angustia escaparon de su boca provocando que tu corazón diera un vuelco, porque odiabas oír a la gente llorar. Apretaste los labios al entender que esta criatura gigante se quebraba entre tus brazos, estaba llorando en medio del inmenso mar mientras los rayos del sol le daban la bienvenida.
Si eres sincera no habías analizado la situación, no lo habías pensado, pero... Tú llevabas unos meses encerrada.
Él llevaba ahí años.
Podías notarlo en sus cicatrices, podías verlo en las manchas del suelo que ya eran parte de la celda, podías notarlo por su incomodidad a la presencia ajena.
Tus manos se movieron con lentitud, abrazándolo entre tus brazos con cuidado recargando tu cabeza en su nuca. Sentiste cómo sus dedos se aferraban con fuerza a tus antebrazos, podías oír como gorgojeaba contra el agua mientras sollozaba.
Tus piernas se movieron intentando ayudarlo a mantenerse a flote mientras él descargaba los sentimientos que estuvo guardando por todo ese tiempo que estuvo en confinamiento.
----Vamos, chico... Aún no acabamos ----- murmuraste suave ----. Debemos de ir a tierra firme, ¿Me entiendes? No te rompas aquí, solo un poco más.
Él negó mientras sus sollozos seguían saliendo sin reparo y en poco tiempo fuiste consciente de que su estado mental le estaba evitando mantenerse a flote y aquello los estaba hundiendo a ambos.
----Por favor, vamos. Aún no, no puedo mantenerte a flote por mi cuenta — intentaste hacerlo entrar en razón — aún no te rompas, solo un poco más —. Pediste mientras te aferrabas a su cuerpo, pataleando para mantenerte en la superficie. Tus manos lo obligaron a mirarte y tus pupilas se encontraron con esos iris dorados, obligando a tu tono de voz a ser firme ----. Te prometo que después estarás bien y podrás llorar y soltar todo, pero NO ahora. Te necesito fuerte, muy fuerte.
Abrió y cerró su boca sin dejar de lagrimear mientras su labio era mordido esperando retener los sollozos. Él asintió limpiando sus lágrimas con sus dedos temblorosos, comenzando a patalear en alguna dirección para llegar a un lugar seguro.
----Txur txe'lan ----- murmuró provocando que lo miraras extrañada.
Él volvió a asentir sin dejar de murmurar aquella frase por lo bajo como un mantra de apoyo.
Tú asentiste sin entender realmente lo que quieren decir aquella palabras que salen de forma repetitiva de su boca.
Además aún tenías la sorpresa de que este mencionara palabras claras que podías oír.
-----Si, si "tujur selan" ----- aprobaste repitiendo lo que él decía -----. Así es, no te rindas. Vamos, tujur selan.
Él asintió comenzando a nadar mientras que de su boca salían palabras que no entendías.
---Txur txe'lan.
Tú hiciste una mueca de frustración porque realmente estaban a la deriva y no sabías dónde habría tierra firme, hasta que recordaste que salieron de una caverna.
-----¡Espera!— exclamaste mientras movías su cuerpo de forma brusca — ¡Atrás, vayamos atrás! ¡puede haber tierra firme y de ahí será más fácil!
El na'vi escuchó.
Realmente oyó tus palabras y nadó de dónde vinieron.
Después de un largo tiempo donde no estabas segura de si encontrarían algo o si él resistiría nadar por tantas horas encontraron algo.
Tal vez fue un milagro de Dios o el destino que ya estaba teniendo clemencia por el pobre Diego y le brindaba paz mostrando a la distancia un trozo de tierra firme. De forma inevitable reíste meneando sus hombros para que el alien nadara más rápido y cuando finalmente tus pies tocaron la orilla, casi besabas la arena. Festejaste en grande casi dispuesta a bailar de no ser porque escuchaste esos sollozos de antes, sollozos llenos de dolor y toda la angustia que acumuló todos estos años.
Tus iris se concentraron en tu antiguo compañero de celda.
Reía mientras lloraba desconsolado.
Sus manos apretaban la arena debajo suyo y sus lágrimas humedecían la arena bajo sus rodillas.
Sin dejar de mirarlo te sentaste a su lado con suavidad intentando no asustarlo con tu presencia.
Recargaste tus codos en tus rodillas esperando a que él lograra tranquilizarse. Tus ojos se concentraron en la arena porque el sonido del mar no te agrada. Además del sonido de las olas, lo acompañaban los sollozos desgarradores de Diego, quien parecía querer rasgar su garganta para olvidar el dolor en su pecho.
Lo dejaste ser.
Hiciste figuras en la arena con uno de tus dedos para distraerte, estuviste así por unos segundos hasta que de forma repentina su mano estaba tomando con fuerza la tuya.
Tu rostro se giró encontrándose con su figura encorvada. Su rostro estaba oculto entre sus piernas y su cola se enredaba con fuerza su propio muslo, tus ojos lograron percibir con mayor claridad todas su cicatricez en la espalda.
Todos los años de sufrimientos acumulados en cicatrices.
Sus hombros temblaban mientras que lo único que escapaba de aquel pequeño refugio que él mismo había creado con su cuerpo era su mano, que se estiraba en tu dirección aferrándose a lo único que podia sostenerlo... Lo que casualmente, eras tú.
Nunca fuiste buena consolando a las personas. No estabas segura de cómo reaccionar o que palabras expresar. Aunque con él era claro... Solo guarda silencio y deja que se rompa sin ser juzgado.
Así que... A pesar de tu desconfianza lo dejaste brindarse apoyo en tu tacto. Sus manos temblorosas se aferraban a tu pequeña mano. Apretaste el agarre intentando expresar que no te molestaba.
Despues lo único que hiciste fue girar tu rostro para brindarle privacidad .
Él siguió llorando y estabas segura de que pasaría toda la noche llorando.
Más no hiciste nada por apresuralo.
Te quedaste ahí... Esperando paciente.
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and if i asked you to draw Spider n Ao’nung literally just being wholesome like Ao’nung kisses Spider’s forehead or smth then what…..
Then i could shamely give u this 👉👈🥺🥺🥺🥺
And this ^^^
They judging me for spend so long without drawing them 👉👈🥺
Also, can i share tattoo artist spider headcanon?? I think its cute 😔❤️🩹
Anyway, guys sorry for being soooo inactive, i was passing through a time ☠️
I will post this now, and still be inactive this next week, cause tomorrow start the strike for palestine demanting a ceasefire, until 25, so i will only be posting and reposting about Palestine
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Beautiful commission of the fanfic The prince and the tiger by Cheesesnack ❤️❤️, one of my fave pairing 🤧🩷🩷🩷🤧
My commissions are still open, u can see it in my fixated post, if anyone wants to buy and help me 🤧❤️
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#armaniel#interview with the vampire#armand x daniel#iwtvedit#iwtw#devils minion#the vampire armand#assad zaman#vampire chronicles#Youtube
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the wooden glen

Pairing: So'lek/Human!Fem!Reader
Summary: There are plenty of abandoned Resistance field labs across the Western Frontier of Pandora, and you happen to be assigned to the one that cuts through one of So'lek's usual routes to HQ.
Word Count: 8k+
Na'vi Words Used: 'eylanay - acquaintance (with the potential of becoming a friend), kuru - queue braid, 'eylan - friend, palulukan - thanator, sevin 'eve - pretty girl, kalin - sweet, mawey - calm, tewng - loincloth, tawtute - human
Warnings: NSFW, mentions of solitude, keeping sane, potential danger, smut, dni minors, oral (fem!receive), mentioned biting, scenting, and claiming, p in v, unprotected sex (wrap it you skxawng), belly bulge, creampie, swearing, etc.
Taglist: @mooniequeen
Wooden Glen Field Lab, a Resistance Field Lab, just northeast of the Aranahe Hometree. Your new home.
It had been overrun by the flora and fauna of Pandora, left abandoned when the Resistance had to close back up due to heavy RDA activity. Several of these sites were vacated, but times have changed, and the Resistance needed these labs back up and running now more than ever. You've never been stationed at one until now, and from where you stood, it was quaint. Back on Earth, you wouldn't have been able to afford anything at even half of this shack's size, so you took it as a blessing. Thank you, Eywa.
Speaking of, you noticed something indicating a different kind of wildlife has been through here. A campfire just outside the lab on the forest floor and Na'vi-designed woven baskets and material stationed around it. Signs of the natives using this place as shelter. One of the remaining Sarentu acted as your guide and protection for the journey here, and explained that it was normal for any friendly Na'vi to rest at the scattered field labs throughout their journies and you would likely see more of them. They didn't say much else after that, however, wishing you luck and leaving once they were sure there wasn't any nearby danger around.
Taking a deep breath through your mask, you walk up to the human-fashioned shack surrounded by wildlife and vegetation. It hadn't been used in some time, so you take out your SID device and use it to power up the small complex, watching as the lights and terminal flash then power back on as if good as new. Someone had tried to turn this place into a more welcome environment, placing various small potted plants all around the space and in makeshift shelves made of tree branches. It looked a bit hippy, and you wouldn't be surprised if the former RDA-turned-rebel who lived here used to be a botanist.
Looking up, you took note of the netted hammock that was storing extra supplies and luggage up above to keep out of the way. Looking down, you're careful to watch your step as occasional rubbish and cables scatter across the floor, left abandoned by its former resident. One side of the small lab was clearly meant to be for business, hosting a work bench, the terminal, and additional medical supplies and weaponry.
On the other side, it looked more like a living space, sporting a portable counter fridge, bookshelves, and of course all of the freaking house plants. One corner looked like a reading nook, with a bean bag made of several different colored-fabric, surrounded by papers and empty paper coffee cups, the lights above giving off a warm atmosphere. Setting down your things, you decide on tidying up your new home before settling in for the night.
You must have been cleaning the space for hours by the time you heard a faint rustle outside. Looking up, you spare a glance at the rifle on the wall before bravely deciding to check out the noise without it. It's your first night here... surely there wouldn't be any danger right away, would there? As you step out of your new base, you glance around until you notice the unlit campfire. Standing there stood a male Na'vi, but not just a random stranger.
You recognized So'lek as one of the most significant Na'vi faces who tend to prowl around Resistance HQ. Everyone knows who he is, everyone knows his story, and everyone -including humans- knows to give him a wide berth. His sharp eyes had been looking directly at you, since he noticed you before you saw him, and his gaze narrowed with suspicion just as you gasp in shock.
"Oh! Hello."
His hard stare is the only thing keeping your feet frozen to the floor of your lab before he knowingly states, "You are from the headquarters."
You nod, faintly shocked that he remembered your face, especially since neither of you have shared a word until now, "Alma and Priya asked me to man this lab so it stays functional for botany research and RDA activity."
"I see."
You relax some, only for a thought to dawn in your head as you point to the Na'vi made structure right outside your new home, "Wait, is this your campfire? Have you been living here?"
"When I occasionally travel through this area, yes."
Nodding, you open your arm out wide to gesture to the whole yard outside the lab, "You were here first, so help yourself to whatever is yours. I'll stay out of the way."
"No need," he shakes his head then, the first movement he ever made upon recognizing you, "You will be staying here for a lot longer than I. And besides, I prefer to rest outside."
"Alright, will you be resting here for the night? I think it's supposed to rain so I plan on shutting down the place and locking myself in."
"I am moving on for the night. Just needed some things I left behind. I will be coming back this direction on my way to HQ in three days."
"Sounds good. Safe travels."
He nods and turns to go, before pausing two seconds and then tilting his head back toward you, "Stay alert while you're out here, 'eylanay. Do not ever let your guard down."
His words were haunting and bothersome, but you suppose he doesn't have a choice than to be that way after everything he's been through. Plus, he's from this world and knows its dangers better than you do. The thought that something could be lurking just outside or staring at you through the window sent chills down your spine.
As you stated, you locked down the two large doorways that open up the shack and secure all the windows, waiting until the oxygen levels are steady before removing your mask. You had closed everything up just in time, the storm hitting just moments after. Out of everything beautiful here, you didn't envy Pandora's storms, so fierce and terrifying... and you were alone.
A beep pings from your terminal and you try to pretend you didn't dash over to answer it, "Hey, Priya."
"Hey! Did you settle in okay? Is it scary? Is it dangerous? Oh, what am I saying? Of course, it's dangerous! And scary and dangerous are almost one in the same--"
"Priya, I'm fine," you smile to yourself, unsure if you missed her ramblings or not, "Everything's fine. It's actually quite peaceful here."
"Oh, good!"
"And it's comforting to know that So'lek treks through here often enough to where I won't feel completely alone and he could check in if I need any help."
"You saw So'lek?"
"Yeah, he just happened to be passing through."
"That's perfect! Oh, that makes me feel so much better! I'll make sure to send another radio with him next time so that you two could chat between each other or if you need him to check on you. Oh, this is gonna be great! You guys can chat to each other whenever you need some company!"
"Uh, Priya...?"
"I mean, just think about it! You're going to be living alone in the middle of the forest and he's constantly traveling alone. It's perfect! So cool!"
"Okay..." You try not to sound a little put-off by her suggestion but decided to kindly cut her off, "Hey, I think I'm gonna clock out for the night. I'm tired from the cleaning."
"Cleaning? Why did you need to clean?"
Three days later, So'lek comes back through, as promised. He immediately finds you outside, in your mask, wearing worn-out clothes while you work around and monitor the plants that the resident before you had planted. The plan was for you to continue their work, and while you weren't a botanist, you figured that the notes the previous tenant left behind could help you continue their research.
Looking up from taking notes, you noticed So'lek standing a half a dozen yards away from you. To attempt at being friendly, you wave him over and feel both surprise and pride when he walks closer to join you.
"I half expected to find you dead already."
"Only half?" You snort in amusement, "It's nice to hear that you had some faith in me, if only a little bit."
He kept his face blank, not reacting to your tease, "I still would never drop my guard if I were you, 'eylanay."
"Yes, yes, I know," you take note of the direction he came in and come up with your own observation, "Are you heading back to HQ?"
He nods and you flash a small smile of sympathy, "A word of warning? Priya is going to be handing you a radio to bring back to me when you get there. She wants to make sure you and I keep in contact should I ever need help."
You don't miss the small grimace on his face when you mention Priya. You can't entirely blame him, knowing that Priya is a lot to handle for someone who prefers to be left alone, and everyone knows how desperate Priya is to make Na'vi friends, So'lek most of all.
He nods once more, schooling his face back to something more neutral, "Very well. Is there anything else you need from Headquarters?"
"Uh... when do you think you'll be coming back through?"
"Less than a week."
"Maybe some rations then, just to be safe."
That is basically the gist of your conversations with So'lek for the next upcoming month. Every time he comes through, whether heading to or from Resistance HQ, he makes time for small talk, talk that only lasts less than ten minutes, then he's gone before you have time to say goodbye. It doesn't bother you a whole lot, but that could be from the feeling of loneliness. You'll take a few moments of conversation with practically anyone and anything if it will keep you sane from your solitude, even So'lek, who was hardly one for words to begin with. Part of you wondered if you'll end up like him if you continued working alone in this lab without anyone else to talk to you.
He never stays the night at his campfire, or maybe he does and he happens to leave before you even wake up. Either way, you never see him sitting outside or sleeping by the fire as you imagined he once did before you came along and took his space. He brings back any supplies you ask of him whenever he's on his way back from headquarters, and sometimes he brings items that Priya practically had to beg him to take to you. They weren't necessities, but you appreciated the comics and recordings of guitar solos one of the Resistance members likely cooked up. You didn't believe Priya would be capable, but you had to wonder whoever was sneaking you dirty romance novels among those supplies, and how your suspicions only heightened when you realize the novels were about a human female and her alien male lover. Despite how horrified you felt when discovering that little surprise hidden among your rations, it was... comforting, to say the least. It helped keep you sane and one with your humanity. You were also thankful that So'lek didn't appear to notice what he was tasked to give you.
One month turns into two, and there was a patch of weeks where you hadn't seen So'lek at all. A part of you told yourself not to worry, knowing he had a mission that took him in the opposite direction of your field lab, or at least that's what Priya told you. The other part of you, however, couldn't help looking out your window before bed every night, wondering if he'd be there the one time you looked. Suddenly you found yourself immerced in those dirty romance novels just to keep yourself from worrying too much, and you were beginning to question your mind when you realized you had begun to picture the male alien lover to look like So'lek in your head as you read.
That one fateful day you decide to leave the large doors completely open to let the fresh air through the lab was the one day you shouldn't have even gotten out of bed. You heard the deep growl first, then your hairs on the back of your neck stood on edge. You were inside the complex and quickly look around for your rifle, but the moment you made too quick of movement was when the thanator leaped into action. It roared loudly, deafening your small ears, as it leapt up onto the walkway leading into the lab before prowling right inside as if it owned the place, it's eyes never leaving you for a second, practically freezing you where you stand. You internally curse whoever designed those doors to be big enough for a thanator and you hope they're rotting in Hell. As the beast corners you into the smallest space of the lab, a part of you hopes you'll meet that inventor in Hell so you can kill them again yourself.
The thanator's nose scrunches as its snarling muzzle curled up, its limbs lowering closer to the ground, ready to strike. When it bows its back to pounce, you faintly catch sight of a collar or some form of restraint around the creature's neck, clearly of RDA make judging by the worn and chipped yellow paint coated over the metal. You wonder if it would be the last thing you ever see, a creation made from the ones you swore to fight against.
An entire barrage of gunfire shrieks through the air, bullets raining into the thanator's side at the same time it cries out in pain. So'lek inched forward until he leaps up into the lab, stepping into the open doorway and continuing his assault until he empties the entire clip into the beast's hind. As he's going to reload, the thanator decides to retreat, mewling and whining in pain as it tries to limp out of the opposite door it came through. So'lek had other ideas, however, loading his rifle once more and emptying out another whole clip into the beast, even after its body fell dead outside.
So'lek finally stopped, the silence ringing in your ears after being forced to be in the same small space as an assault rifle. He hops back out of the lab and trudges over to the dead body outside, knife in hand just to be safe. You take your time, gasping for breath as your mask hissed and testing your shaking legs out as you slowly but surely step right outside the door to see for yourself.
"I... I thought thanators were territorial?" You find your voice, swallowing down saliva when your chords cracked from fear, "Last I checked, this place wasn't in any known territory."
"These are the Severed kind our Sarentu informers have been running into," So'lek explained almost robotically while nudging the dead creature with his foot, "Animals whose kuru have been cut. Experiments, courtesy of the Sky People."
"There... Usually, there are two of them, right?"
"Nor mentioned he managed to kill one, but not its partner. This must have been the one that got away." He paused as if remembering something, before his eyes finally peer up to meet yours, "Are you alright?"
Your exhale isn't very strong, and your voice quivered, but you nod, "I... I think so. Just... shakened..."
His eyes squint, but he didn't look as though he was judging or analyzing you. He looked... for lack of a better word, concerned, "Perhaps I should take you back to base camp."
You shake your head while trying to muster a weak, joking smile, "I think I need to sleep for two days straight before I do that. That took a lot out of me."
He doesn't comment and instead offers to help clean up the mess of bullets and anything the thanator might have knocked out of place while causing a rampage through the base. You don't refuse or even agree, you just nod and move back inside to get started.
The two of you clean up in silence, all the while So'lek keeps a close eye on you, and you pretend not to notice. It's hard not to, however, since his gaze can drive your skin to rise and heat up unlike anyone you've ever met before.
He noticed how your hands were still shaking as you pick up a couple of fallen books, "'Eylan..."
"I'm alright," you wave off, too strung up to even acknowledge the achievement of gaining a new friendship status with the hard-won Na'vi man, "Just... too tense. How did you know I needed help?"
"I was already on my way here. I picked up the animal's scent and started to run and hope I wasn't too late."
You didn't dare assume that tone in his voice was trembling. You knew that assuming anything out of someone who kept his cards close to his chest would be wrong. Your eyes briefly look up at the Na'vi man, a faint smile on your lips, "You weren't. You were right on time. Thank you..."
Unbeknowst to you, So'lek's chest squeezed almost painfully at the sight of your grateful smile. Even through all that adrenaline and fear, you were still standing and unharmed, which relieved him so much to the point that it frightened him. He didn't think he would feel such fear when he had first caught the scent of the feral palulukan mixed in with the one he had come to associate with you. And yet, his legs moved before his mind was made up, running faster than he ever thought possible out of desperation.
To hear your reassurance that he had managed to save you on time strikingly comforted him, and yet, he didn't feel as though you were completely safe despite the danger being gone. He moved his eyes to watch the world outside your window to avoid your gaze as he spoke,
"I do not feel comfortable moving on and leaving you here alone tonight. If it will help, I will keep watch as you rest."
With his eyes off yours, he failed to notice your face heat up or the bug-eyed expression you sent his way. Of course, you knew you wouldn't sleep very well tonight and would like nothing more than to have some company after nearly dying. However, you also tried to play it cool and nonchalant. After all, this man did warn you to always keep your guard up, and you would hate to disappoint him, despite the odd friendship you now shared.
You simply shrug as a way to try and hide your embarrassment, "I know it'd be useless to try and convince you otherwise, so do what you want."
You activate the doors to slide completely shut, locking the two of you inside as you listen for the familiar hiss of oxygen being filtered in and out. Only when the terminal deems it safe do you remove your mask and walk over the mask station. You hang up yours and retrieve a smaller one for So'lek, handing the device to him. So'lek expertly breathes into the mask once and then lets the device dangle around his neck before he moves to the window. You watch him retreat before moving over to snuggle into the bean bag resting in the corner, trying to ignore the tall Na'vi now standing by your window as you close your eyes.
While he kept watch, he also occasionally watched you as well. You looked even smaller than usual, lying curled up in the bean bag as if trying to disappear from the world. After everything you've been through today, it's understandable you'd still be antsy, but So'lek had to commend you for how brave and put-together you appeared to be in the face of danger. He doesn't know many sky demons who are capable of that, which is why he had found himself conversing with you more than he should have over the course of these months.
Since the day you first arrived at Wooden Glen, an ugly part in his head immediately told him to stay back, keep away from you, and try not to get used to your scent. Despite hating most humans -with the Resistance balancing on that tight rope-, he surprised even himself when he didn't feel those emotions toward you. You, who immediately gave him space and didn't question him. You, who respected his boundaries and opted to live peacefully in the same space when you learned he would occasionally rest at the lab. You weren't defensive or suspicious, and you didn't expect anything from him. Sure, most of the Resistance fighters were like that -hence why they no longer worked for the RDA- but none of them were you.
So'lek may be hard to talk to and therefore found it hard to form bonds, but he's not blind. He knows beauty when he sees it, and despite hating almost everything the Sky People create, he didn't hate whatever method of creation made you. You were not Na'vi by any means, yet he couldn't help the way his eyes scan your body, so much smaller in comparison to his, and wonder what it would be like to press you into him. And your scent-- oh, your scent. Somehow, it lingered in his nostrils even from miles away in a vastly different part of Pandora. There wasn't much to your scent. It wasn't perfume or deodorant. Nothing distinct, and yet he knows it's you the moment he catches a whiff of it. It's not a bad scent. It's just you. He internally knows that there's nothing bad about it, least of all you.
So you could imagine the horror he felt when he had drawn close to the lab that day, only to smell a thanator in your general direction.
Unaware of his staring, you felt unnerved and restless now that you were finally trying to sleep. You weren't sure if you had laid there for hours or mere minutes, but you began to toss and turn, your heart beating loudly in your chest and unable to slow down.
So'lek noticed your transgressions immediately and voiced his thoughts, "You should get some sleep, my friend."
"I can't," you murmur quietly, "I'm too jumpy and too tense... Too cold."
He wasn't sure what came over him, but the sight of you restless and your claims of being cold pulled him from the window. He strides across the room and crouches in front of your form, ignoring the shock and hidden worry behind your eyes. You had grown still, a little cautious as to what would happen or what he would do if you moved. You get your answer as his large hand slowly rises up and rests over your forehead. You didn't dare move, feeling the heat of his palm against your face, and-- by god, his hand was so large, it could easily fit your whole skull without a problem.
He stomps down whatever he is feeling in his gut when his hand presses against your skin, a little shocked at how smooth you feel beneath his touch. He hadn't experienced many humans before, especially not up close and personal. The softness of your skin was... new and an interesting sensation. So'lek couldn't help but wonder what the rest of you might feel like beneath his touch.
He huffs with a faint smirk on his lips, "You are definitely cold."
Despite seeing anything other than a scowl on his face for the first time, you couldn't help the slight sting of your sarcasm emerge, scoffing and lightly swatting his hand away, "Thanks, Captain Obvious."
His eyes squint in confusion, "I do not understand."
"Never mind," you wave it off easily enough, starting to sit up before you notice So'lek inching closer, beginning to crowd your space. Your jaw nearly slacked before you picked it back up and found your words again, "Uh... what are you doing?"
He wasn't entirely sure himself. His usual instinct to stay away was nonexistent. A different instinct took over, and he wasn't sure if it terrified or intrigued him, but the scent you were giving off definitely wasn't helping him form a clear thought.
"Warming you up."
He said it like it was the simplest thing in the world as if your heart didn't just threaten to leap straight out of your mouth as his large body suddenly started to surround you in every sense of the word. It could've been from being so touch-starved and lonely, or it could've been your attraction toward him. Either way, your body immediately felt hot, and he wasn't even completely touching you yet. If you had half a sensible mind, you would immediately look away from the intensity of his sharp, yellow gaze, hiding the blush beginning to creep up over your face, but you didn't. You found yourself entranced by him, unable to look away.
He's pressing into your space now, completely pinning you into the bean bag, and yet you didn't feel scared or suspicious of ill intent. You felt yourself trusting his slow methods... as if he was testing to see what you would do. The long length of his strongly corded body overpowers your smaller form, encompassing you with his... well, everything. He took up your vision, your touch, and your hearing, and suddenly, you felt your mouth go dry with the need to taste as well. His eyes flick down, away from your eyes, and your mouth unconsciously opens in a silent gasp. You watch his eyes stare intently at your lips, his strong jaw visibly tightening underneath his skin. His face leans closer to yours until you feel his hot breath fan over your face, forcing your eyes to blink. He briefly looks up to watch your pretty eyelashes flutter before finally opening his mouth.
"Yes or no, sevin 'eve?"
You don't know what that means, but your body shivers in response regardless. You're scared to reach out and touch first in case this is all just a dream after falling asleep while reading those romance novels. You don't miss the way his brow ridge furrows as if in pain as he watched you wet your bottom lip and find the words to speak,
He's molding your lips together before the word even fully leaves your mouth, forcing you to inhale through your nose and feeling dizzy by the scent of his musk. His lips were bigger than yours, making the kiss sloppy until the two of you found a rhythm that suited you both. The air was stolen from your lungs as he seemed hellbent on constantly chasing your lips whenever you needed to pull away to breathe.
You weren't sure how long you kissed, losing track of time, immersed in the sensation before you were all too aware of the wet patch forming between your legs with the way he carefully laid his weight down on your pelvis. You find yourself moaning into his mouth, and his reaction is instantaneous.
His hands are finally on you, starting at your waist and moving up, pushing the fabric of your shirt up as he goes to expose your skin to him. Your heart leaps at the feel of his large hands, practically covering your entire waist, able to expand his fingers over the soft valley of your stomach.
His amazement is replaced by a scowl when his hands push your shirt up enough to expose your bra, "Why must your people feel the need to cover yourselves in so many layers? This is criminal."
You're not offended, finding yourself breathlessly laughing at his expense. You move your hands to grab the hem of your shirt and pull it over your head, "If you think that's bad, you should try unhooking this thing."
He frowns but doesn't protest, taking his mask and breathing in its contents, waiting for your instruction as he stares down at your bra as if it offended him by simply existing. Dare I say it almost looked as though he was pouting if such an expression existed within So'lek. You bite your lip to refrain from laughing more and gently grasp his hands. He clearly had the strength to pull away, his hands so much larger than yours, but he lets you guide him to the expanse of your back where he's met with the strap of your bra. Small hooks kept the offending piece of fabric together, and while he tried to fiddle with it, it only made his frustration grow.
You're not surprised when he finally gives up and just rips the bra apart like it was nothing, but you still groan in slight annoyance, "I only have a few of those, you know."
"You will not be needing any of them from here on out," he states gruffly, with confidence, as he moves down to plant large, smooth kisses down the front of your neck and toward the space between your now exposed breasts, your heartbeat strong against his lips.
So'lek was determined to be rid of all of your bras in the near future. He'll burn them if he has to. This world is not a place for the Sky People's opinions on indecent exposure, nor is their culture and fashion welcome in So'lek's eyes. As if he needed another reason to hate the Sky People, their insistence on covering someone as beautiful as you up was the cherry on top.
His hands and mouth move onto your breasts, squeezing and kissing, licking over both of your nipples. You were more pliable and squishy compared to Na'vi women, but So'lek loved it because it just meant there was more of you to hold. He liked the feel of your tits, warm and heavy in his palms. Why need a bra when his hands are literally right here?
You lean back, sighing up at the ceiling and gasping when he slips one of your nipples into his mouth, unknowingly arching your back to push your chest further into his hands, much to his inner delight. His tongue is wet and rough, running circles around the bud until it forms into a peak then he moves on to the other one, keeping his hand occupied on whichever tit that wasn't currently in his mouth. Your skin rises wherever he touches, and your hips involuntarily try to move, your need for anything to press between your legs only growing when So'lek gently bites his teeth around the tit he was playing with. You nearly rock your hips up at the feel of his fangs sinking slowly into your skin, not puncturing or causing you to bleed, but causing a bruise to form when he finally pulled away, your breasts now slicked with his saliva and one marked with his teeth.
His breath was unsteady now, his eyes blown out of proportion, hiding the yellow color behind those black voids of a pupil. His eyes rake over your form, smugly enjoying how flushed you look with wet, kiss-bitten lips, tangled hair, and scrunched eyebrows, Sitting back on his hunches and taking it all in, So'lek's eyes finally land on your lower half, your thigh muscles clenching at the way his expression turns to hunger.
He hooks his fingers into the hem of your bottoms and helps peel them off your legs, again, showing his disapproval when his need to see all of you is obstructed by your panties.
His hands reach down to grab a hold of the panties, but you find enough willpower to remember to pull away as you fix him a stern look, "I am not letting you rip these."
He scoffed half-heartedly, "They are already ruined," he emphasizes this by gently beginning to rub a finger over your clothed clit, the bold movement surprising you enough to forget your words and gasp out in pleasure. The movement of his fingers sent your head spiraling, unaware you were so worked up to the point that a simple touch had you needy for more. He leans over you, keeping his finger's speed steady as his voice whispers into your ear, "Do you not feel how soaked and uncomfortable they feel?"
You groan in response, silently agreeing that the wet fabric rubbing against your most sensitive area wasn't as pleasant as say his fingers. Part of you wanted him to rip the panties off you so he could quickly return to drawing circles and figure eights over your clit, but the more logical part in your head reminded you that underwear was more crucial than a bra for everyday life. You wiggle your hips and with So'lek's help, you manage to get the panties off at least one of your legs and let it dangle around your other ankle before kicking it off all the way.
So'lek's breath stuttered as he stared down at the tight, shiny wet cunt between your legs, so small that his thumb nearly envelops half of it as he continues to play with your now bare clit. The slick makes it easier to rub and your moans slip out of your mouth without a fear of anyone else hearing. The thought of being able to let you make as many lewd noises as possible without anyone around sent a thrill up his spine.
He found himself moving until he was lying on his stomach, his head inching forward between your legs. Once you realized his intentions, your body began to writhe with anticipation, a little nervous but wanting this all the same. His hot breath fanned down the inside of your leg and gusting over your pussy, making your inner walls unconsciously clench around nothing.
When you felt the wet warmth of his tongue run up the seam of your pussy, you're startled into moaning up at the ceiling, "Fuck, So'lek--"
"Mm..." he mumbled, the vibrations sent straight into your heat and making your skin tingle. He's unashamed of how loud he was being, drinking you up like he's a man trapped in the desert, his moans and tongue causing the most erotic sensation that you have never felt before. His tongue dips into your greedy hole as a gasp is stolen from your lungs.
He hummed as if he just tasted the sweetest fruit, "Kalin."
"Oh, God..." You respond, moving your hips to press further into his mouth. He doesn't seem to mind and eagerly takes as much of you as he can, pressing his nose into your clit as he licks up what he could only describe as your sweet nectar.
He takes it a step further once he knows you're wet and ready and inserts a finger into your entrance, slowly pushing it despite there wasn't much resistance yet. He carefully watched the way you bucked and arched your back as if your body was trying to decide to pull away or push for more. Your eyes were closed, wanting to just feel every sensation, the bottom of your stomach already warm and fluttery. Once So'lek added a second of his large fingers, he felt a tiny stretch against the initial ring of muscle, but it gave way barely a second later and welcomed him into your tight warmth. He slowly pulls his fingers in and out, trying to commit the sound of you and your responsive body to memory, all the while licking up your slick and pressing his nose into your clit.
It felt as though he was in several places at once, and the growing ache was igniting a pleasant, burning fire within you. Every lick and every thrust of his fingers were barreling you closer to some unforeseen peak, threatening to push you over the edge. You rock your hips against his face, thighs beginning to tremble around his head. He moaned deep into your pussy as he felt the muscle of your inner thighs flex and pressed down tightly around him. It was glorious and exhilarating, driving So'lek to pump his fingers in and out of you, faster and faster.
"Ah~!" You jolt, hands quickly reaching down and tangling into his hair, helping you thrust your hips more closely into his face. The sounds coming from your mouth and pussy was so obscene, normally, you'd feel embarrassed, but right now you weren't even paying attention. You were more focused on grinding into So'lek's face, chasing after your own release, feeling it rise and rise as the coil begins to dangerously tighten.
"So'lek--" Your plea is abruptly cut off by a moan escaping your lips, your body trembling in response to him curling his fingers just right inside of you. It drove you into a frenzy, now grinding your hips faster as you cried out, "So'lek! Do that again-- fuck... I'm so close..."
He moans, going even faster while repeating the movements you begged him to mimic, his tongue eager to lap you up and taste everything you could give him. Your fingers tighten in his hair and the sensation nearly makes his eyes rolls back, more eager than ever to feel and see you finish.
You're unable to warn him as your climax barely had time to build up before it snapped and let go, your screams of pleasure filling up the lab as your pussy pulses and sends waves of hot ecstasy up and down your body. The whole time your orgasm clings to you, so does So'lek, his tongue and fingers still working in and out of you, riding out your high. He groans when you spill into his mouth, your thighs uncontrollably shaking all around him and your pretty little noises add to his already aching cock.
By the time you're beginning to relax and turn to jelly in his hands, he finally pulls his mouth away, gasping deeply for air only to choke and remember than he needed the breathing mask around his neck to do so. Licking his lips, he brings the mask up to his face and takes long, deep breaths, in and out, closing his eyes and moaning when his smells you on his own breath. Opening his eyes, he finds you with your eyes still closed and a small, satisfied smile on your face. It feels as though he has no choice when he leans down to kiss you, wishing to feel that sweet, irresistible smile with his own lips. You hum lightly, kissing back with your hands gently soothing his scalp where you had initially pulled his hair, a soft moan escaping his lips when the soreness is slowly massaged away. You can feel his moan on your lips, the taste of his tongue intoxicating once you realize he tasted like you. You shift underneath him, needing more as your hands move to start disrobing his chest pieces and loincloth.
"Mawey..." he moaned softly, even as his hips moved to give you better access to his tewng.
Despite not understanding him completely, you could tell by his tone that he wanted you to slow down. You had to crane your neck to peer up at him, and suddenly his reluctance immediately caves, his heart clenching with the way you stare up at him with half-lidded eyes, long eyelashes, and wet lips. He manages to unclip his vest before diving back in to kiss you, savor you, his large hands on either side of your face, fingers raking into your hair.
You sigh in content, closing your eyes while you return the passionate effort, trying not to get distracted as your hands begin to untie his loincloth. You feel him before you can see him, both of you pulling out of the kiss to gasp as your hand grabs a hold of his cock. The fact that your hand couldn't fully wrap around the width told you all you needed to know, and once you caught a glimpse of him, your mouth began to water.
Your fingertips and thumb were nearly an inch apart, unable to touch. Maybe it was your imagination, but the only thing you could compare to describe the size of So'lek's cock was your own forearm, much to your distress and excitement. There was no way he was going to fit, but by Eywa, you needed to try.
Using your free hand, you gently grab the back of So'lek's neck and pull him in for another kiss, just to be sure he didn't make any other protests. For added measure, you slowly move your other hand up and down his length, causing full body shivers to erupt across his back. You catch a bead of precum at the tip and slather it over his cock, making your movements easier on his sensitive, uncut skin.
It was easier to coherce him than you originally thought it would, moving the both of you until you were flat on your back, bean bag forgotten, with So'lek hovering above you, his hips flush between your legs. His cock stood tall between your bodies as your hand continued to move up and down the impressive length. His eyes squeeze shut, a small snarl on his lips as a growl runs through him. Both of his hands are planted on either side of your head, holding him up as he tries to regain control of himself, enjoying your touch but trying to restrain the overbearing thoughts that involve plunging deep inside of you no matter how loud you scream.
"Ma'kalin... I do not want to hurt you."
"Please..." you whimper desperately, hand moving up and down his cock faster while you arch your back to try and get closer, "I need you... I promise to tell you my limits."
He paused to consider this, opening his eyes to watch yours for anything, and all he could see was your lust and desperation for him. His ears lower, wondering what he did to deserve such a need for him, and how he could've possibly deserved it. Regardless of his inner demons, his own need for you clouds most of his usual judgments and he surrenders to you, nodding once before spitting into his hand and gently moving your hand off of his cock. You both moan as his hand rubs up and down his length, and hopefully the saliva and pre cum you had spread earlier would be enough to slip inside your tight heat with ease.
You sit up, and for a moment he's alert at the idea you are changing your mind, but you smile and grab his mask, lifting it up to his mouth, "Take a breath first."
"Curse this thing," he mutters under his breath, his tail twitching behind him at the soft sound of your laugh. He does as he's told and takes a deep breath before letting the mask fall back around his neck.
He lies you back down as your lips meet once more, tilting your head to deepen the kiss. Your movements stalled when you felt the tip of his cock press on your clit before slowly dragging down toward your entrance, making your breath hitch in anticipation.
So'lek parts from the kiss and briefly brushes his lips over your soft cheek, "Now it is your turn to take a breath."
You nod obediantly, expanding your lungs as you deeply inhale just as he began to press his cock into your pussy. Your hands immediately fly up to hang onto So'lek's hair once more when you felt your pussy begin to stretch around his cock, his movements so agonizingly slow but you appreciated it once that ring of muscle that held his length like a vice grip in your entrance began to burn. You slowly exhale, albiet a little shaky at the uncomfortable stretch. Looking down, your internally horrified that he's barely two inches inside of you. A soft whimper escapes your throat and So'lek is swift to reassure you, dipping his head into the crook of your neck while his hand reaches between your bodies to gently rub your clit to ease the pain.
"I know..." his presses a kiss into the side of your neck, "I know. You are doing so well, ma'kalin, taking my cock so well..."
You mewl beneath his praise, taking a better, deeper breath as he pushes another inch inside. The burn isn't as painful and as his thumb continues to rub your clit, the stretch almost feels arousing. You already want to move your hips up to meet his, but you remain still instead, hellbent on the idea of getting him to fit in as much as possible before doing anything else.
It's a few minutes of patience and determination, but eventually, you can feel the tip of So'lek's cock breach the top of your cervix, bumping into that special, spongy spot that makes you whimper with pleasure.
"By Eywa..." So'lek groans quietly into your neck, "Feel yourself, ma'kalin."
You do as your told and reach down to where you know his thumb is currently rubbing your clit, only to pause when you felt something unfamiliar on your body. A large protrusion beneath your skin, sticking out of your abdomen. You look down between your bodies and moan. So'lek was only able to fit his cock a little over halfway in, and whatever he could fit was now forming a large bulge in your belly. You reach and press down on the bulge, the instant response was So'lek gripping tightly onto your hips.
"You..." he sounds as though he's been punched, groaning when you unintentionally squeeze around him until he finds his words, "You are so tight. I can feel every inch of you squeezing my cock."
"Does it hurt?" You ask with a small hint of worry.
A small quiver of a smile rises in the corner of his mouth, able to hide it in your shoulder as his kisses a small freckle on your skin, "In a good way. Always a good way. Keep tightening around me and I might finish without even moving."
A staggered breath escapes your lips, closing your eyes just to feel it all. The feel of being so full, the feel of his finger on your clit, the feel of his large body on top of you, both of your bodies moulded together, despite difference in size. Your gummy walls clench, and you feel the way his cock twitches in response, followed by a small snarl that released from deep in So'lek's chest. Your hands gently card through his hair and be sure to avoid his kuru when you guide him out of the juncture of your neck to look at him. You're not disappointed by his expression, his hairless brow pinched together in blissful agony, a small bead of sweat dripping down from his forehead and over the scar on the side of his face. You find your fingers following the pattern of the scar, tracing it and catching the bead of sweat, wiping it away.
He opens his eyes at your small gesture, staring wide eyed at you as if he had made some sort of new discovery. Your stomach fluttered in response, meeting his gaze as a roar of need waves through you. Without breaking eye contact, you move your hips and it only helps his cock slip further inside you.
He nearly buckled then and there, startled to the point he needed to remember to hold himself above you so you wouldn't be crushed. He growls deep in his throat, the bridge of his muzzle scrunched up as he grit his teeth. Unbeknowst to him, his reaction made your heart skip a beat, and if he wasn't already buried deep inside you, your legs would've no doubt clenched together to relieve the heat beginning to grow. Taking your hint, So'lek begins to moves his hips, pulling out and only going as far to leave the tip inside before sliding back in, your stuttering breaths mingling together as the ridges of his cock bumps and fits in all of the grooves of your aching walls, creating the most erotic friction you knew no toy could ever recreate. The idea of this man ruining all other sexual experiences for you was both enticing and mournful, knowing you would never be able to properly get yourself off ever again. Then again, you wouldn't mind always having to go to him in order to climax from here on out. Just as long as he felt the same.
Slick with sweat, your bodies slide together as So'lek finally starts to pick up the pace, the sound of skin slapping together filling up the lab that was your little corner of paradise. Each of his thrusts punches a moan out of you, your hands moving to get a better grip on his body, only to leave long and angry scratch marks up and down his back, your legs wrapped tightly around his hips.
The pleasant sting of your nails only encourages So'lek to rut more roughly into you, growling and snarling in your ear, an animalistic desire driving him to chase after your cervix with every thrust. The instinct to mark you all over clouded his mind, but he purposely clenched his jaw to refrain from doing so. For now, the scent he already left on you would be enough to mark his claim. It was also driving him to his climax quicker than he wanted, not when he wanted you to reach yours first. It wasn't just a want. It was a need for him.
Needing to help you reach your peak faster, he puts his hands and tongue to work. He had to hunch a little uncomfortably to reach his intended target, but it was all worth it when one hand was figioursly rubbing your clit while his tongue swirled around one of your nipples, driving the coil in your stomach to start winding up unbearably tight, already oozing out small waves of ectsasy like warm honey.
"So'-- fuck!" You gasp, your body already beginning to shake, "I'm going to come--"
"Do it," he growled out, unintentionally turning the phrase into an order as his hips stutter before returning to their previous pace, "Come on my cock, sevin 'eve. Let me... by Eywa-- hear how good I make you feel."
His cock rams right into the best spot inside of you, your screams heightened as you began to see stars, "Fuckfuckfuck!"
You grab onto the only thing you could reach, his forearms, and let yourself go. Your toes curl as the coil inside you snaps, sending wave after wave of pounding pleasure through you from head to toe, flooding all of your other senses with the rush of your high, making your head feel light. Your mouth had fallen open in a silent scream, too overwhelmed to make any other sounds.
Your pussy was clenching and unclenching around So'lek's cock as you come, and the sight of you made his own head feel dizzy. The breathy groans he lets out makes your walls clench tighter around him, and after a few more quick thrusts, he's burying his cock as deep as he could get and spilling inside your already full pussy, painting your pulsating walls in large streams of white. He has to remove his hands from your body to keep himself upright, and even then you faintly notice the way his arms shake from such intensity. You two take those few moments to remain still, basking in your shared orgasms, panting heavily and not wanting to move if it meant the high would fade faster.
You had thought he had emptied everything inside you, but when he slowly and agonizingly pulled out, he was still spilling out a few short streams of cum and they end up landing onto your stomach, his cock twitching as he watched his essence stream down your skin and leak out of your pussy. His heart was still racing and his muscles were tense, unable to relax as his cock continued to twitch as he tried to catch his breath.
You take pity on him and move your arms around his frame, manovering him until he's lying on his side next to you. His muscles finally relax once he's not holding himself up, groaning quietly once he manages to press his mask to his mouth and take another breath.
He's reaching for you tiredly even before he's letting the mask drop around his neck, "I will clean you up..."
"Not now," you reply, boldly curling up into his chest to keep warm once the air in the lab had cooled down. You close your eyes and smile to yourself, "Just take your time. I'm in no rush."
He's hesitant at first, but he eventually wraps his arms around you, trying not to think too hard about this little tawtute currently safe in his embrace, your breathing starting to slow as you're finally relaxed enough to go to sleep, using his chest to rest your head. With the cloud of lust lifting, his mind is at war while his heart is at peace. He knows he shouldn't be selfish after what just happened, but he secretly wishes to have this moment all the time. Every night with you would be marvelous... but he's not sure if that's what you want, despite having just fucked you silly.
He lets himself be selfish for a little while longer, just for tonight, his fingertips lightly following the path down your spine, creating goosebumps on your skin, and lulling you to sleep.
Reference photos for the field lab HERE!
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Returning to the Plains

All Will Prevail Together Masterlist Chapter 2 < Previous Chapter Next Chapter >
Paring: Nesim(26) x OFC!Human Scarlett(27) Other Character(s): So'lek, OFC!Sarentu Rey'ka, Minang Word Count: 2,165 Rating: SFW TW/Warning: Mention of an injury, Short Panic Attack (Rey'ka), If I'm missing something let me know Note: POV is first person
Welcome to Chapter 2 of my Oc Scarlett story apart of my All Will Prevail Together series.
This is self beta read, any mistakes are my own.

I watched Rey'ka take off on Talisi to head to the Upper Plains. Nesim, the Zeswa Olo'eyktan, told Rey'ka to find her sister at the Celebration Arches. I sighed softly as I looked down to the creek, I dipped my toes into the cool water. I had wanted Rey'ka to take a few more days to rest, before going back out on missions.
I know stopping the RDA is a common goal for everyone, it is the biggest fire for my Burning Passion for Pandora. But no one is useful if we don't take care of ourselves. I'm just a few days healed from my injury on my right side, from the attack on the Research Station, but Rey'ka has been moving non-stop since she was released from cryo.
It scared me when Rey'ka radio me during her panic attack, I couldn't do much other then talk her through the breathing technique. I am extremely worried for the next time she may have one. I took a breath turning from the creek. I hope she takes care of herself when she is in the Upper Plains.
When I fully turned from the creek. I saw So'lek, watching me, he was waiting for me by the HQ entrance. I walked over to him, I have been expecting a mission any day now, now that I am healed.
“Go pack what's essential,” he began, once I was in front of him, “you will be going to the Upper Plains as well.”
“Is this wise?” I asked as I heard a hiss taking it as my mask. “Ka'nat didn't take kindly to the time you took me to the Aranahe hometree unannounced.”
“The decision was not mine.” So'lek said he kept his emotions hidden. I looked at him confused, he had never held his impinion before. I was going to ask him what he thought, but I nearly jumped at the sudden voice behind me.
“Are you ready, tsamsiyu?” I turned around and I quickly looked up when I saw blue. Nesim was looking down at me with a slight smirk. I felt my cheeks flush.
“Um… no, sorry I will be right back.” I excused myself and quickly made my way to my area outside HQ.
With a pack of essentials and my tablet, I was walking back to So’lek and Nesim. As I was getting closer to them, I started to hear some of their conversation. “...she can be trusted.” I heard from So'lek. His behavior has been confusing me. I’m not used to hearing So’lek praising me as I am used to him being distant with me, but I do feel proud to know that my efforts have been noticed.
“Yours perhaps, but not from my sister and I.” I heard Nesim say. As I walked around the corner, Nesim was already looking at me. “You have to earn ours.” I met her gaze as she spoke. “I never thought I would be trusted so easily.” I held her gaze. “I know I must earn it.” I said as I made it beside her and So’lek. Nesim hummed softly in approval. I looked back as I heard an ikran cry from behind me. I watched Nesim's ikran take off from their perch over the HQ entrance, and fly over to the creek.
“If you are ready, we best get going.” Nesim said, as she walked over to where her ikran was landing. As she was connecting with her ikran. I looked up to where Anqa’s samson sits and noticed that it was not ready for take off. I went to look at So’lek in confusion, only to see he was nowhere in sight. I looked back to Nesim to find that she was looking at me, waiting.
“I'm flying with you?” I asked, she smirked at me.
“Unless you wish to walk to the Upper Plains.” Nesim said with a laugh. “Is that a problem?” She asked as she mounted her ikran, I felt my cheeks flush. I walked over slowly, her ikran looked at me as I approached, I avoided making eye contact with them.
“No, I just wasn't expecting it.” I said as I looked at her, she hummed tilting her head. Her ikran lowered just slightly, Nesim offered me her hand.
“Come, we must go.” I took her hand as I lifted my foot onto the foot hold. As I was going to seat myself behind her but Nesim yanked me infront of her. “It is better for your size to be seated in front of me.” She said as she rested her hand on my right side. I nodded my head as I was fixing the way I was seated in front of her. When I was comfortably seated, that foreign warmth filled my chest again, as her hand flexed on my side. I took a deep breath, that made my mask slip some, I reached up to fix it.
As I was fixing my mask, Nesim took off unexpectedly. I shrieked as the sudden speed of the almost vertical ascend startled me, I leaned back into Nesim for balance, she laughed as she held me in place. I felt my face warm up as I was quickly finished tightening my mask in place. “You never flew on an ikran?” She asked. I grabbed onto the saddle out of habit when I was done fixing my mask. “N-not awake!” I was shocked that I was able to speak, as my heart was pounding fast, as adrenaline was coursing through my veins, this giddiness feeling was builded in my chest, as a smile was forming on my face. I have never felt like this when I have flown with Anqa in her samson, always safely in the aircraft structure. Flying with no structure was exhilarating. I fully understand what Rey’ka meant, when she said that it was freeing.
When we reached the desired altitude we leveled out, and slowed down some. I removed my left hand from the saddle letting my hand dance in the wind. I smiled as I looked out in front of me. To experience it in the most natural way I was met with the most breathtaking version of a sight I have seen once before. I could see the Celebration Arches standing tall, the gorgeous cliffs, and grasslands for as far as I could see. I smiled as we got closer and closer, something about the plains owns my heart. It was where I was first stationed, and there is so much unfinished business for me to personally take care of.
As we were flying closer to the Upper Plains I took interest in Nesim’s ikran. “What is your ikran’s name?” I asked as I tilted my head studying the marking on the ikran’s body. It always amazes me how different all ikran’s colors and markings are. Nesim’s ikran was no different, they were an interesting blend of coral and light purple with black and grey markings.
“His name is Zawko.” She said as she patted the side of his neck, I smiled as Zawko gave a soft rumble. Then Nesim leaned to the right, Zawko followed seamlessly. I leaned with them, it felt like a natural act, too me. It reminded me of the times I rode on my motorbike. “You fly naturally,” she said as we leveled out. “And you have never flown on an ikran before?”
“Not awake.” I repeated from earlier, I looked back at her, she looked at me. “Back on earth, I have ridden on things nowhere similar to an ikran, but the act of leaning is similar.” I explained, Nesim hummed as she took in my words. Her hand slightly moved on my side, as she began to ascend, again, at least at a slight angle this time. I looked forward and I could see that we were approaching the rock face that divided the Upper Plains from the Kinglor Forest.
“Why were you not awake?” I was taken aback by her question, I looked back at her. She was watching me, waiting for a reply. “There was an attack on one of our research outposts. I was injured as Rey’ka and I were defending the outpost from the RDA.” I said as I realized she had her hand on the same side of the injury. “I passed out from my injury during the fight,” I paused, before chuckling when I recalled how Priya told me. “My friend, Priya, told me of how I was returned to HQ with such liveliness, once I woke up.” I smiled as I thought of how Priya was trying to lighten the mood.
“Are you healed from it?” Nesim asked, focused on me.
“Yes, I am a few days fully healed.” I said honestly, she hummed, before she started to fly downwards at a steady pace and angle.
I looked forward, “woah” I breathed. I was awestruck by the sheer size of the Celebration Arches. I knew full well that they were larger than anything I have ever seen. But this was the first time I have ever seen them this close.
As we got lower I could see aypa’li running freely, below the arches. My eyes then landed on the colorful kites, as they swayed in the powerful gale winds. It amazes me that the kites don’t even reach how high the arches are.
As we were landing my eyes landed on a na’vi woman who was showing Rey’ka how to soothe a pa’li. I watched Rey’ka as she was trying to sooth one of the pa’li around them. I climbed off Zawko, one we were on solid ground, as Rey’ka was smiling as she laughed softly as the pa’li ran around and away from her, I bit back a laugh as I watched. Nesim made a small chirp sound as she dismounted from Zawko, drawing the attention of Rey’ka and the na'vi woman.
Both of them laid their eyes on me. While Rey’ka was confused when she saw me, I could see that she was happy to see that I was there. The other na’vi woman looked at me with a guard stare. I could not pick up on any emotion. Nesim jumped down the, for them, short ledge. I walked down the path, as Nesim started to talk with the na’vi woman and Rey’ka.
“Minang!” Nesim’s voice carried on the wind, my eyes widened as to what she said reached me. This was Nesim’s sister. I looked back to Minang, she was still watching me. I paused my movements, as I respectfully brought my fingers to my forehead as I gestured I See You to her. She returned the gesture, with just the smallest of approval in her eyes. “The Sarentu tread the grass again! Like our elders told us your clan once had.” Nesim’s voice knocked me back to what was going on around me. I quickly noticed the way Rey’ka’s tail curled around her arm, at the mention of her clan. Nesim continued talking to Minang, as Rey’ka looked at me and I watched how the storm brewed in her eyes. I closed the gap between us, and I laid my hand on her wrist. She wrapped her hand around my wrist, along with her tail curled around my arm.
“Breathe, Rey’ka.” I traced a circle on her wrist, we held eye contact as she took a deep breath. I watched the storm slowly calm as she continued to take deep breaths. It worried me that she was experiencing triggers. What did the RDA do to her, all of them?
“Sister!” Minang’s voice drew both of our attention. We both looked over, she was looking at her sister. “You must give Rey’ka time to adjust.” She looked over to Rey’ka. “To breathe our air, feel the earth beneath her feet.” Her face began to soften, “Meet the Zakru.”
“Who is this Zakru?” Rey’ka asked as she let go of my wrist.
“Our wards and our guardians.” Nesim had a fire between her words.
“Our home and heart.” Minang spoke with so much fondness. My heart tightens, as I remember the name Zakru, along with photos with magnificent creatures, they reminded me of elephants and the legends of mammoths. I remembered being disguised by the soldiers who wanted to hunt one while it was still alive, as there was no thrill in just robbing from their already decayed skeletones. My hand clenched, as I took a deep breath.
“So you always know how to get home.” I could hear the wonder in Rey’ka’s voice.
“Ha! You already think like a Zeswa.” Nesim said as she grinded at Rey’ka.
“Now we will teach you to ride like one.” Minang said as she held her head high, approving glint in her eyes as she looked at Rey’ka, Rey’ka looked over to, then she looked down at me. I can see that she meant me as well. I nod my head to her understanding.

Na'vi Word Bank: Olo'eyktan - Gender-Nutrual for Chief Tsamsiyu - Warrior Ay- is a plural prefix (four or more) Pa'li - direhorse
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Sweet Revenge
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Pairing: Adult Neteyam x human fem reader
Words: 21.6K
Summary: Pandora was everything a human could dream of, a fresh start on a whole new world. But you've only ever found tragedy in this beautiful moon, heartbreak seizing your heart until you're left with nothing but your own mind to keep you company. Years have separated you from your true family, crossing an ocean after five long years to finally see them – to see him again. Neteyam was your everything, and you were sure you meant nothing to him. But would happen if you were given the chance to be proven wrong, even for one? Especially if it's at the expanse of your horrible ex-boyfriend, it was a sacrifice you were willing to make, after all, revenge takes two to tango.
Warnings: Aged-up character, NSFW, revenge sex, insecure reader, past toxic relationship + bad ex-lover, reader suffering in the past from depression and not eating, size difference, confession of love + mating, oral sex (fem & male receiving), alien genitalia, queue play, P in V, creampie, human x Na'vi.
Notes: Is this incredibly self indulgent? Yes, yes it is. Do I have any regrets after five months of writing? No comment.
Credits: Credit to Cinetrix for the Neteyam image. Credit to @cafekitsune for the MDNI and Support banners. Credit to @saradika-graphics for the divider.
Na'vi Translations:
Tsahìk: Matriarch, high priestess, interpreter
Tanhì: Star, bioluminescent freckle
Tawtute: Sky People/Person
Srane: Yes
Ma: Vocative marker used to indicate whom the speaker is addressing. Can be used with a name.
Marui: Pods built in the giant mangrove-like trees alongside the shores and are protected from crashing waves by giant reef barriers.
Iknimaya: Stairway to Heaven; A rite of passage for young Na'vi hunters/warriors. Traveling a treacherous journey through the Hallelujah Mountains to obtain their banshee.
Oel ngati kameie: I See you
Hì'ang: Insect
Olo'eyktan: (Male) Clan Leader
Yomyo lerìk: Leaf plate (colloquially shortened to just rìk (“leaf”))
Yawne: Beloved
Tswin: A Na'vi queue
Oeyä: My
Tsaheylu: Bond
Mawey: Be calm
Ngari 'efu oe tunu: I love you; you are most beloved to me, I have romantic feelings for you
Life never seemed to be as fucked up as when you're young as it does now.
Everything always seemed to work out for you as a child, no situation could harm your perspective for long, and no word could sting hard enough to stay in your immature mind forever. A cut never seem to go that deep, healing in an instance so your little self could keep exploring the roughened terrain that hurt you in the first place. Exhaustion never lasted long enough for your younger body not to recover from a night's rest you could find seamlessly without help.
Now life constantly slaps your bruised face with it's cruelty, pressing your slashed and bloodied body to the brink of exhaustion with no reprieve for the rest you claim to deserve. You just wanted a break, you wanted for this living hell the last few years have been of your life to just end so you can crawl into a hole you might never crawl back out of.
You're only to blame for allowing yourself to live in a fantasy world for the entirety of your youth. Dreaming of exploring undiscovered portions of this strange world you've been born into, imagining that your true love – human or Na'vi – would whisk you away in their arms to your own home far away from the confines of Hell's Gates cold, concrete walls, hoping for a future of endless excitement and wonder filled days that would never go away.
What a laughable idea.
Reality slapped you on the back of the head very soon after puberty settled in, opening your eyes to the grim truth you've been born into. You were a nothing on this planet, an unwanted alien on a world at war with your species, a talentless being in a room full of talented people. Nobody fair warned you of how useless you'd inevitable feel when you grew up, how much of a struggle you would have wrestling with the idea that your life would be nothing more than a disappointed waste of space in the lives of those that mattered.
You've tried assimilating yourself into important matters to find what you'd be good at. Xenobotony was an immediate no, you didn't have attention span or a careful enough eye to properly examine and compare different plant specimens. Xenobiology or medical training was another fail, the idea of even assisting in a surgery or being around such gore made your tender stomach turn if you even smelled the iodine soaked prep pads. And xenolinguistics were a given considering you grew up around the Na'vi, it was a skill ever human possessed, putting you back into the not so special category you've trying to claw your way out of since your early teen years.
Having a normal life was never obtainable on Pandora. There was no opportunities for planet born humans, only certain highly educated humans that come to this world with the sole purpose of using their heavily trained skills for eternity if needed, not having a care in mind when they had kids that they'll never be able to fit into their shoes. Even now your studious parents have busied themselves once again with another important project that's taken all of their attention away to the lowlands, leaving you once again to your all consuming thoughts. The many different psychology and sociology books helped in leading you to discover that the non-existent mental disorder your parents refuse to believe their child could be suffering from was indeed the reason why you were suffering.
Depression; such a controversial subject in your home. It makes the whole situation even more funny when you realize the people that refuse to acknowledge your condition are the same people who caused the poor environment that created your depression in the first place.
You always imagined that you could confide in more people about your situation, but discovered your support falling short when most of the McCosker children avoided you like the plague because of your friendship with their shunned freak of a step-brother, preferring the wild company of Spider and the welcomed warmth of friendship from the Sully kids to the pretentious snobs lurking mindlessly in Hell's Gates cold hallways. The peace they placed into your life with their contagious joy and endless nights of laughter began to fill the hole life had punched through your heart.
Though you were close to all the Sully kids and Spider who you adopted like a brother, there was one person you had grown the closest to, the one glimmer of hope for your dull future that glowed with his sweet smile and beautiful sculpted azure form. Neteyam is your closest friend, the one person you truly felt comfortable with enough to share your heavy thoughts, any and all shame being blown away like fine dust in the wind at his soothing words. Neteyam wiped away more of your tears than you could count, encouraging you when the walls of your mind collapsed around you, and sought comfort of his own from his weighted duties in the long, secret talks you had until eclipse would pass and another day would begin.
Your fear stricked mind clung onto Neteyam like he was your only lifeline in the raging sea that was your thoughts, your heart aching for him to desire your presence as much as you craved his. You never dared to say your lovesick thoughts out loud, terrified that the feelings you've harboured since you were young would be mocked with a hard dismissal or shame you for having such sick thoughts. Neteyam was considered a prince among his people, a refined warrior well respected and highly skilled, he would be mated to someone worthy of him that could match his strength and intelligence... You were not that someone.
No human you know has spent more than a single night with a curious Na'vi willing to fool around with a human, there was no falling in love for either party. And no Na'vi would ever fall so low to love a human, why would any Na'vi give up such a sacred bond to be tied to a small, odd little destructive creature like a human? Humans and Na'vi do not fall in love with each other, and they never will. Your broken mind had decided it, and there was no changing the chaos you've created within yourself.
If you could understand what it felt like to feel death while still alive, it would be when your last glimmer of hope was stripped away from you. Your only sibling and human that you cared so deeply for you was ripped away from his home, and now, the only family you've ever had a loving connection to was gone, an ocean and logic separating you from them. And Neteyam... you didn't even have the nerve to say goodbye to him one last time before he was pulled away by his regard to duty and the love he has for his family.
The fragile embrace of your parents didn't mend the sinking cold crippling your heart, they didn't understand why your tears were so abundant, why your nights were restless, and your face was expressionless of the once plastered happiness you put on for them. Life moved on. Nobody in the lab beside Norm and Max gave a care to understand the pain your brother's abduction has caused, and even their care was limited. Your family – the whole of your human connections – they won't understand why you feel incomplete without the Sullys in your life. They pretend to care, to comprehend the sadness, yet their whispers of scorn were so loud in your ears, the criticism in their eyes itching at your skin until you feel like you could crawl out of your own body to find comfort in another realm.
You felt as if no one could understand your sorrow – none of them even tried.
The warmth of Mo'at's slender arms hugging you tightly to her chest was the first rush of an understanding embrace, the strength in her desperate squeeze against your body hurt so good, a welcomed pain of grief you would never dare to compare to yours. For most of your life, Mo'at watched over you like a poised grandmother would over her unruliest grandchild, herding you into her chaotic bundle of grandchildren whenever you were around, caring for you far more than you ever dreamed she would and much better than your own relatives ever did. Even now in your shared silence of mourning, her much larger, four fingered hand held yours in a tight grip over her rhythmic heart.
And with her loving embrace and understanding of your combined loss came the droplets of wisdom and ever watchful eyes that attempted to guide you from self made harm. Her words of guidance rang loudly in your ears for days when Nash and Mary McCosker's eldest son, Alexander's, presence became a constant by your side. Mo'at's golden eyes saged with knowledge narrowed on the charming young man with dusting distaste dancing in her gaze, gathering your attention away from his gentle touches and soothing voice to your fragile heart as often as she possibly could.
"That boy has a dark intentions behind his eyes." she warned you in a soft whisper under her breath as she slowly grinded fresh herbs together. You shrug from your position at her side, ignoring the hard twitch of her tail behind her as you seperate some of the drier leaves from the rain soaked petals still needing more time in the sun.
"He's not all bad." you begin, pondering over your words in order to create a compelling argument that this particularly wizened Tsahìk will accept as a passable answer.
"He's pretty normal for a human guy. I-I actually kind like him, he's sweet and kind and he always wants to spend time with me." you confess, mustering a small smile at the memories of Alex sneaking into your room whenever he could, begging for soft kisses and wandering touches that makes you shiver. You enjoyed always having him around, it was nice being the center of someone's attention for once that wasn't the Sully kids. Alex was... different than them, he was very different. You found yourself trapped in his arms more often than you desired, his demanding kisses rougher than you wanted, his hands finding their way under your shirt or into the waistband of your pant until your shiver turns into a off putting shake.
The strength you've developed in your youth running after Spider saved you countless times when you had to push Alex away, the mumbled please for space only causing his demands to become harder and rougher until you're practically crawling away from him. Every rejection grew the monster that you secretly feared was living inside of your boyfriend's mind, lustful gaze turning into darkened pools of much more sinister desires that placed anxious trembles into your body.
The dream you always had of melting into your lover's wanton embrace is clouded in the truth of the reality you've come to live in, bringing a question to your mind constantly: Will you truly have a choice? Is all you're really left with as a choice is a life of loneliness or a life with someone like Alex?
Your spiralling thoughts are snapped away when Mo'at gives you a soft hum as her response, her final answer still brewing in her calm expression. The cobalt blue age spots littering the back of Mo'at's hands and arms are almost hidden under the light blue glow of her tanhì shining in the dim hut, skilled fingers stopping their movement against the mortar and pestle in her hands in favour of gathering your hands in hers. Your eyes remain fixated on the ground, refusing to meet the hard truth Mo'at has gathered in her relentless stare settled on the side of your face.
The crushing grip Mo'at has on your hands draws your attention upwards, meeting the molten gold of her eyes. "I have been told many things about the male tawtute, and none of them have been good."
"Yeah, but–"
"And," Mo'at stops you with a stern look, continuing to talk over your misty eyes and pout. "Your small heart is too tender for such physical endeavors I know you're not ready for. Think of the consequences of agreeing to something from someone that doesn't care about your feelings."
It was guidance straight from Eywa Herself, a prophecy of unspoken prayers being answered in the voice of your caring Grandmother and her many years of interpreting the will of the Great Mother. Yet you still hesitate, the foundation your beliefs were built on since childhood shake out from under you as you nod, pretending you're absorbing the knowledge being bestowed to you in this moment.
Mo'at's critical eyes scan over you in one long glance, squeezing at your hands again, "Do you understand what I'm telling you, child?"
Lying was simpler; easier than going through the pain of explaining the turmoil thundering through your mind at the moment. "Srane, ma Tsahìk, I understand."
The false reply tolls off your tongue too easily than you imagined it would, the small nod of your head and little tug upward at the corner of your mouth too natural for such a rotten sensation settling low in your stomach. Faking your happiness was a skill you thought was useful in your daily life, you never imagined it would become a curse in the face of unwavering love.
You ignored the repulsed shiver that covered your body when you allowed him to touch you for the first time. The sickening bile at his demanding kisses and pain of his bruising touch. You had dreamed of a fair life when you were young, an impossible fantasy as you begged for love in adulthood. You wanted a caring lover that would take your breath away at a brushing contact of your bodies, not the disgusted nausea of a greedy man's lust; all you ever thrived for was brushed away in an instance as dissatisfaction and the gnawing loss of pleasure filled the last sliver of your fantasies. And yet none wiser to your dismay, you played the part of doting girlfriend and daughter too well for that.
Playing pretend with your emotions was a practiced art you mastered when you were young, a reaction to poking questions you didn't feel like being truthful about. It was your own curse to feel alone in a crowded room, an enchantment of deceit wrapped around you so no one could see the pain within... No one human that is. And yet, your entire childhood filled with the prick of your unwelcomed presence couldn't prepare you for the sight you walked in on after trying and failing to find your wayward boyfriend all evening. Not even the most erotic of novels you've stolen from your mother could describe the scene of tangled limbs and obscene noises coming from Alexander and the woman he was with.
You know you should be crying, yelling accusations while threatening your adulteress boyfriend and the scientist twice his age with the slashing of your words. But the insults never came, the emptiness settled closely next to the rot in your belly brought no stinging tears to your eyes, you couldn't even find it in yourself to care much. Deep inside you knew what he was, you clearly understand what Mo'at was telling you, but the bitter bite of loneliness didn't seem worth the trouble of getting rid of the poisonous pest you've let into your life.
And as a price you pay for being with said pest, you cradle your thrice broken heart on calloused knees from begging for love, bleeding hands torn from holding on too tight. Your fingers shaking too hard to hold onto the falling pieces of your shattered heart... You have allowed yourself to be broken again, and now all you have left within the rot and loneliness is a sweet desire for revenge and satisfaction.
Your lower intestines lurks upwards as the Samson suddenly jerks from turbulence, jostling you out of your restless sleep for the second time in the last hour. You groan at the wave of nausea that washes over you, a hot flash blanketing over your whole body as you swallow the gathering saliva collecting on your tongue. The motion sickness is just the tip of the unsettling in your belly, the unwantingly familiar void in the pit of your stomach has created an uncomfortable sensation that has made it's home in your body, reminding you of what you're running away from.
Running away to what, you still don't know.
It's been five years now since the Sullys had left, years of distance and chances to mature have separated you from your friends. You know nothing on how they're doing, what had happened to them in the many years you've been apart or what they've grown to learn in this new Reef Clan. Norm and Max had made a trip to Awa'atlu not long after the Sullys had left and went again after Spider was found safe and mostly sound, and no matter the amount of begging you did they didn't bring you for your safety. It was a smart choice on their end, and it was something you still haven't forgiven them for.
The searing heat blasting through the open door at your side does little to hide the sweat collecting on your brow bone, your choice in seating leaving you in the dangerous "gunner" chair that practically hangs you out over the open ocean, a position so tedious that you have forgone trying to move seats even if it's only stirring the sickness in your stomach. Though you were idiotic in picking your seating arrangement, the view painted before you is like nothing you've ever seen. The vast expanse of brilliantly swirling ocean waves licks at the bottom of the Samson, entertaining you with the turquoise sprays tickling at your feet ever few seconds. Many schools of fluorescent fish pass by you in vibrant blurs as you fly over in a pace they couldn't imagine accomplishing, whale like mammals rolling over in a curious fashion to examine the buzzing machine hovering above them.
A high pitched whine rings in your left ear for just a moment before the crackling of static comes over the communication headphones on both sides. "We're almost there, the village is just ahead!" Max screams into your ears despite the radio working perfectly over the thunder of the Samson engine. You exchange a quick glance with Norm's much bigger and bluer form on your left, matching the gleeful smile he's giving to you.
Norm leans in a little closer to gain your full attention. "Nervous?" he asks, an all too well known look coming over his face at the immediate shake of your head. "It's okay if you are, it's been a long time... I know they'll be thrilled to see you again."
You muster a flattered smile, allowing another heat flash to appear as a happy flush compared to the overwhelming wave of nausea coming over you again. You begged the Great Mother for so many years that the Sullys would come back to their rightful home; you eventually settled for a soft plea that you could at least have a chance to say a proper goodbye to your best friend before you die. And you're here, watching the very tops of the huge mangrove trees coming over the horizon, illuminating the pod like homes built into it's sturdy branches.
You'd like to imagine you'd be greeted with open arms, warm hugs and shared buzzing excitement at finally seeing you after so long, but you know the truth of what will actually happen. You won't be completely ignored – you hope – but not much will be occur when they see you, after so long, they probably don't remember you fully. You'll be like a phantom, a fading figure of a young alien girl they knew back in their old home, a nice remembrance to a lost time nobody is pining after anymore. You'll get a short smile or maybe even a headpat or two. You begin to say a little prayer to anyone listening that you could possibly even get a moment to remind Tuk of the days when you used to rock her to sleep in your arms and relive the soft moments you had with the youngest Sully child.
The most you imagine Kiri will give you is a curious look shrouded in boredom, and Lo'ak will at least be kind enough to give you a soft greeting and a little wave before wandering off to whatever new trouble he's created on this peaceful island. And Neteyam... he might not even greet you, your mind conjuring up an image of the agitated twitch of his tail as Jake forces him to come greet some human he knew a long time ago, just to send him on his way again so he can continue doing whatever amazing new hobbies he's found among the Reef People. He may even leave just a little earlier to go see his courtship... go spend quality time with a mate he loves rather than being in the presence of human pest he rid himself of years ago.
The swirling of your thoughts clouds your mind to the rapidly approaching shoreline littered with the growing teal figures of the Na'vi inhabitants of Awa'atlu. Max doesn't bother giving you a fair warning that you're landing before settling the Samson down in the shallow waters a little rougher than you'd like, cutting the engine as quickly as possible to prohibit the constant spray of sand and water twisting into the air at the Metkayina gathered around the strange metal machine. For once in your life you're grateful for the exo-mask strapped to your face, protecting your eyes from the sand clouded air clinging like a bubble around the Samson's still twisting propellers.
You can see Norm hopping out of the Samson in an excited little jump, walking out of view with an extended arm to whoever he's approaching. The tan haze covering the air just barely blocks out the brilliant colors mixing together of the Na'vi running around, your gaze darting in between the movements happening outside and the struggle your hands are having trying to unlock the rusty metal buckle strapped over your chest. Your anxiety struck nerves can't keep your fingers still enough for them to latch onto the top buckle to free yourself from the confines of your chair.
"Norm, help me out!" you call out in an attempt to get his help, but the scientist has already walked out of earshot. "Max, I need help!" you almost scream, irritated that dumb and dumber have both disappeared too far to hear your cries for help. Your frustrations grow as you imagine how you look trapped in your seat like a toddler needing assistance out of her highchair.
You rear up to shout again when a pair of azure hands brush against your own, long fingers brushing yours to the side so their much more skilled hands can unbuckle the latch for you. "Since when do little bugs like you admit to needing help?"
That voice cracks your scowl into a beaming smile, "Lo'ak?!"
"The one and only! Happy to see me?" he questions with a smirk, gracing you with a glimpse of his chiseled, tattooed face before bending down to fiddle with the buckle on your chest. Laced in a teasing edge, Lo'ak's voice hasn't lost it's human pattern even as his tone has dropped into a smooth baritone soaked in a Reef Na'vi accent. The familiar braids resting over his right eye taps against the glass of your mask as he peers up at you when he finally sets you free, strong hands wrapping underneath your arms to haul you out of the Samson and onto the warm sand. You're taken aback by the crushing of Lo'ak's forearm pressing you into his abdomen, keeping you there in a long hug as his upper half bends at the waist to press his forehead against the top of your head. The position is uncomfortable and a little awkward for Lo'ak, but he doesn't seem to care, startling you at how his embrace is still as welcoming and warm as you remember.
Slowly you reciprocate the affection, wrapping your arms around his torso so you can cling onto the surprisingly taunt muscles of his lower stomach. Through the filters in your mask you can smell the strong scent of seawater and kelp bathed into Lo'ak's skin, calming the trembling in your limbs for just a moment as you absorb the warmth of your very much missed friend and brother. "Holy hell I've missed you..." Lo'ak mumbles into hair.
Another hot flash washes over you as you let go of Lo'ak despite his arms still wrapped around your shoulders, the gnawing in the pit of your stomach filling with this heavy presence relieves your nausea and fills you with a completely different sensation in your gut. The trembling in your limbs begin again before you can collect yourself, filling your chest with a tight buzzing of a thousand insects in a second. You were missed? You were remembered?
Lo'ak's brows crease in worry at the odd expression on your face, mouth opening to speak at the same moment two pairs of arms grip at your body. The high pitch of synchronized squeals rings your eardruns on both sides as a chorus of excited voices fill your ears. You strain to twist in the arms of the two girls holding onto you, barely managing to make out the short, ruffled hair of the most sassiest Na'vi you knew to exist; besides her own mother of course.
Kiri's bright smile almost blinds you when she pulls away from her spot nestled against the side of your head, the blessing that is her rare giggle graces your ears along with the beauty of a young woman she's grown into. The erratic beating of your heart nearly stops all together when the smaller form of the young girl clinging to your side moves her face from the side of your neck, convinced your eyes are playing a cruel trick on you from a minor illusion of seeing a younger version of Neytiri smiling at you.
Tuk had grown so much! Gone was the little seven year old girl you knew to be replaced with the growing figure of bright twelve year old young lady giggling at your shock. Each of your hands reach out to cup one of the girl's cheek, "You're so beautiful! You're both so, so beautiful!" you beam, internally drowning in the joy pounding through you at their remembrance on you, the all consuming doubts you held that nobody would care are slowly being chipped away the longer you stare at the three faces staring back at you.
"Please don't start crying, it'll never stop once you start." Another deep voice said from behind you, the lightest air of a boyish tone still lingering around the edges of his words, leaving you stunned when you see the face of your long lost brother smirking down at you.
The grip the girls have on you does nothing to hold you back when you decide to launch yourself into Spider's waiting arms. Your weight does nothing to shift Spider at all when you land in his arms, a fight of familiarity and the foreign sensation of seeing your brother so much more mature now leaves you squeezing the poor man so tightly your own arms have begun to hurt. For a brief moment anger floods you and you smack Spider's back with an open palm. "Don't you ever decided not to visit me again!" you wail, hating the lump of tears clogging your throat as you make demands from your brother. "You're never allowed to leave again."
Spider keeps his calm smile despite the rush of frustrated tears streaming down your face, the newly painted blue stripe on his forehead crinkling a little when you settle down enough to hiccup in embarrassment. You earn yourself another hard squeeze before Spider lets you go with a quick peck to your forehead, "I promise, I'm not going anywhere."
You don't let him get far though as you cling to his toned arm, surprised by the amount of muscle tone he's gained in the years he's been here on the reef. Amongst the thick crowd of teal and turquoise Na'vi, the Sully family and Spider don't stick out as much as you thought they would despite their deep azure skin and Spider's alien features. Their demeanors have changed to match the look of the Metkayina well, adorned with black tattoos and colorful clothes gleaming with many different seashells and coral they've gathered as reward for learning to dive so deep.
Your eyes consistently scan the growing crowd, searching for one body in particular to seal this exhilarating journey as a triumph instead of the disaster you planned it to be. Your stomach flips at that thought, swallowing around the lump that begins to thicken once again in the back of your throat as the image of Neteyam still shunning you for ignoring him when he tried to say goodbye actually happens after waiting so long to make amends. Would he really not want to see you because of that? Neteyam has never been the petty type, he wasn't one for holding grudges, and yet you know you crossed a line that day. You swore to Neteyam that you'd always make space in your life for him, and when he needed you the most, you broke that promise.
You mindlessly allow the Sully kids and Spider to guide you around the Na'vi that curiously lay their eyes on you, trying to absorb the wave of information they're all throwing at you at once. Five years worth of knowledge revolving their lives is swarming you all at once as they desperately try to fill you in on all the important details of their lives in the quickest way possible. You're dragged from one place to another with four different perspectives of the same stories being told to you at once.
You're softly nudged by Spider as you're yet again dragged to another spot on the island, the droning of the Sully kids voices act as a white noise to the softly whispered conversation Spider begins with you. "Overwhelmed yet?" he teases, a loud laugh bubbling out of him as his question snaps you out of your information induced trance, wide and unfocused eyes snapping to his at his words.
You blink a few times to refocus yourself on the brightly colored island beating you down with it's sunkissed sands and twirling pools of crisp ocean water. You reciprocate Spider's laughter with your own breathy chuckle, "I'm okay. Just trying to take it all in... I never thought I'd see any of you again; I'm still convinced this all just a delirious dream." you confess quietly, avoiding the glare of the sun bouncing off Spider's exo-mask as he gives you his full attention.
It's incredible how you could forget how much one individual could know you as well as your brother does, the crease between his brow the only sign he shows of his grief as the harsh mourning clouding your face for just a singular second before you quickly wipe it away, giving him another soft smile. Spider finally gives you a reprieve of his intense staring to watch Lo'ak, Kiri, and Tuk usher you into their marui, excitedly showing you their private corners and all the items they have inside. As you pass through each little nook you're earnest to see one place in particular grows, channeling your desiring into exchanging excitement with Tuk when you take interest in her intricate crafts she's created or the wonder you give Lo'ak at his adventurous story about his new spirit brother, Payakan.
Finally, after multiple hours of crawling through the home, stopping ever few moments for a new discovery of a interesting conversation, you find yourself in front of the one nook you've been dying to see. Where as Kiri has the second largest sleeping area filled with ocean plant-life, and Tuk has the bright colors of her crafts to decorate hers, and even Lo'ak has a multitude of Metkayina weaponry along with the many knick knacks his courtship has given him, Neteyam's sleeping area is quite different from the rest.
Neteyam's nook is the smallest out of the Sully kids sleeping quarters, yet so much more organized than all the others. Where Kiri has found ocean plant-life to decorate, Neteyam has found the rarer flora that's hidden deep within the little bundles of forest like spaces you've spot in passing, the vegetation covers the walls and helps glowing flowers hang from the ceiling. While Tuk has Reef Na'vi styled crafts littering her room, Neteyam has found a way to mimic Forest Na'vi styled clothing and other items that remind you of the cozy forest you just left behind. The contrast between the style of weapons hanging on Lo'ak's walls and Neteyam is evident by the intricate display of Neteyam's hand carved bow in the middle of it all, a homage to the treacherous Iknimaya he went through to achieve his favorite weapon yet.
Your heart squeezes when you realize how much Neteyam's world still revolves around the Omatikaya; he misses his home. You can't blame him either. Awa'atlu is gorgeous and from what little you've seen, it's people are even more beautiful from their culture to their looks, but nothing seems to beat the comfort you seek from the forest. This reef is incredible, but the forest is your home. And it still seems it's deep roots have not yet untangled themselves from Neteyam's heart.
One oddly colored item out of a sea of earth tones catches your eyes, drawing you forward to examine the worn picture tucked behind the lip of the wall's weaving. Shaking fingers barely graze the picture before it's snatched into your hands, widened eyes taking in the same picture you've been missing for years. It was a polaroid of you and Neteyam the year before the RDA had returned, your younger selves clinging to each other in a tight hug with even brighter smiles as you stare at the person taking your picture.
This was your favorite photo you had ever taken with him, the glee in his smile matched well with the smile lines decorating his sweet features, no wonder you were head over heels in love with this boy, he was the sweetest thing to walk this planet in your mind. You thought you had lost this picture, misplacing it shortly after the Sullys had left to The Reef, only adding to the heartbreak you were suffering at that time.
The soft smile that has taken over your stunned expression from before is struck with confusion as you finally ask the question that's been gnawing on you since you landed. "Where's Neteyam?"
Before anyone else can answer, Tuk's bunny like ears perk up in excitement to be the one to share new information with you first, running around the other side of the marui to join you outside of Neteyam's little nook, plopping herself on his sleeping mat in front you. "Neteyam's past Three Brothers Rock on a hunting party, he's one of the best hunters in the clan besides Ao'nung, so he's always volunteering to go out when needed."
"So in translation, he'll be back tonight." Lo'ak tells you, deciphering the information Tuk had spilt without explanation to your question.
So he purposely chose to go out hunting past The Reef the day you're implied to arrive? A sharp pinch in your heart causes you to physically wince at your racing thoughts; he really didn't want to be around you.
Your eyes dart back down to the picture in your hands, "So why save this?" you wonder.
The burning train wreck that is your mind is instantly extinguished when Norm and Max are ushered inside the home by Jake is a bustling manner, Neytiri standing unaffected by Jake's side comes into view with the loud group of men. You quickly tuck the now folded picture into your back pocket, plastering on a bright smile as you're greeted by a man you once would have considered a father figure if you allowed yourself such attachments to the chief of the forest clan.
Jake's big hand lands on your head to affectionately ruffle the top of your hair, "Good to see you again, Kid." he greets you with a smile all too familiar as you've seen it one too many times when Neteyam was in a goofy mood. "Back atcha, Chief!" you beam as you playfully bat his heavy hand off your head, making Jake chuckle at your struggling effort.
The wide grin on your lips shrinks to a polite smile at the towering presence of Neytiri's lithe form stops just in front of the doorway, overshadowing your smaller form with her elegant stance in front of you. You always admired Neytiri, she was always a pillar of grace and courage to your young mind, and continues to be the example you live by now in your adult years. You're long abandoned by Jake and the others as they wander further into the marui to find a comfortable place to sit, leaving you a dumbfounded statue staring in awestruck at the Na'vi staring right back at you.
You snap out of your trance, bowing your head in respect as the two pointer fingers of your left hand touches your forehead before stretching out towards Neytiri. "Oel ngati kameie, ma Neytiri." you greet her, praying that she can't smell the sweat building on your hairline. As much as you admired Neytiri, you were not dumb to her hatred towards humans, even ones that her children adored.
Neytiri is silent for a long moment, golden eyes critical of your every nervous breath as you stand under her heavy gaze. After what feels like an eternity, the corner of her lip pulls up into the tiniest of smiles, body relaxing just enough so her left hand can lift to greet you in turn. "It is good to see you again, young one, you look well."
Glee fills you at the barest minimum of acceptance at your presence in her home, unable to fight the big grin that takes over your polite smile. "It's really good to see you again, I've missed all of you so much." you confess with more vigor than you intended, bowing your head at the rush of heat taking over your face at the quirk of her brow bone. Neytiri's right ear flickers backwards, drawing her focus to something outside of your hearing range, she straightens once again, swiftly turning to walk and bring her attention to something placed inside a large, metal container on your far right, the old military style container acting like a storage bin for now as you can see the many different things stuffed inside of it. You fight not to frown at her sudden departure from your conversation, curious as to what has caught her attention so suddenly.
In the muffled distance, three long blasts from a horn rings through the air, freezing everyone and everything for a split second. Everyone behind you is immediately on their feet, shuffling around quickly to gather the little things they've disorganized in their down time before racing out the open doorway. You chase after them in confusion, latching yourself onto Spider's arm the moment you can get your hands on him again, "What's happening?" you asked, panicking only slightly.
The horns suddenly blare out once again, much louder as the Na'vi blowing the large conch shells has come closer to blow another set of warning calls. Your fingernails all but puncture Spider's skin at the ear aching sound of the horn's sharp blasts echoing in your ears. "What the living fuck is happening?!"
Spider's shoulders nearly shake you off of him from his laughter, his amused smirk still prominent as ever through his exopack as he looks down at you in a way you've always hated: as if you were a scared child. Your knuckles digging into his upper ribs quickly swipes the smirk right off his face, "What. Is. Happening?"
Just as Spider finishes retaliating with a sharp pinch to the thin skin of your upper bicep before responding to your question, a loud yet familiar call from your left cuts him off, a yip you knew by heart. It's in these moments that you hated how short you really were compared to the Na'vi around you, especially here on the Reef with how the Metkayina tower over even the Sully family, firmly blocking your view from the person that called out just moments before.
Your heart immediately begins to pound in your chest into the upper portion of your stomach, setting off the jittering shake that takes over your body everytime you hear even a mention of Neteyam. Unconsciously you take a deep breath, trying to chase away the tightening in your sternum from the anxiety bubbling in you, the subtle pulling you're doing on Spider's arm in a horrible attempt to look over the teal shoulders surrounding you brings your nervous energy to Spider's attention. "You're sweaty, and you're getting warmer. Somebody nervous to see their crush again?"
For a fleeting moment, you think about punting Spider across the face just to get that condescending grin off his face. Spider was the only one that you ever told about your building feelings for the Omatikayan prince, and even then, you only allowed him to perceive it as a little crush, though now you suspect he can see it's grown to something much more than that. You force yourself to relax, nearly straining your neck to look at Spider instead of the chaos around you, acting as casually as your anxiety riddled body will let you.
"No, I'm not nervous." you say with a shrug. "And he's not my cr–"
The near death grip you have on Spider's arm is ripped off by the bulky pair of arms that cocoon themselves around your body, feet dangling high off the ground as some Na'vi has gained the weird curiosity to pick you up like you're a little doll they can play with, a seemingly common mistake most Na'vi tend to do before learning how tawtute can be. That is, if they don't try to kill you first.
Your heel rams into their toned abdomen, a hopefully hard hint to put you down as your hands instinctively grip at the big hands squishing your body against theirs. "Oy! Put me down! I'm not a toy you can play with, you son of a–"
The press of their wide, flat nose runs up the side of your neck, deeply breathing in your scent in as they affectionately nuzzle you. The fine point of their sharp canine scrap against your earlobe as they whisper into you ear, "Since when did you not like my hugs?"
The deep timber of his voice brings a throbbing in between your legs you haven't felt in so long, your thighs clenching together on instinct. "Neteyam." you breath, whispering his name as if his presence frightens you more than arouses the very core of your being.
Immediately you're dropped back on your feet, the overwhelming heat emanating off his huge body dissipates faster than you desire, a small part of you fighting not to cry from how much you need his embrace on you again. Your cool skin burns where his body was connected to yours, phantom arms still clinging to your chest and waist even after you remind yourself that the Na'vi you love so dearly has let go, he's stepped back from the quick hug to stare down at you in all your pitiful, overwhelmed, and shellshocked glory. Allowing you to drink in the glory that has become him in your years separated; and glory it was.
Neteyam has changed. Sure you have too and so has all his siblings, but his change was miraculous, a gift from Eywa herself in the sculpted form she's made of your once scrawny best friend. Neteyam's body has always leaned more towards the human-like body shape his father has, and it's now doubled tenfold in the broad and toned muscles of his shoulders and arms. His chest now broadened into strong muscles that only serve to enhance the slim and toned nature of his abdomen, a trait he can thank his Na'vi ancestry on. Neteyam has always had strong thighs, but now they don't compare to the lithe muscle rippling under that perfectly taunt azure skin, tendons flexing under his weight as he shifts from one foot to the other.
You had no words to describe how much Neteyam has changed in the last five years as you continue to gape at him like a complete idiot. You should be confused about the person standing in front of you, questioning who's replaced the love of your life with this completely different person... and then you see it. His smile.
Neteyam's smile should be studied for how it affects you. In awe at the tingling of joy it brings into your heart or how his smile makes your stomach twist in uncontrollable glee everytime he grins your way. The sparkle of his soul shining through his eyes when Neteyam genuinely smiles or his happiness is unmistakable, you could see his smile in any darkness or find the unconditional love he seems to give endlessly even in the worst times of his life. The rapid, low twitching of his tail and the playful flick of his left ear shows his amusement the longer you just stand their in front of him.
You had no words to say, no phrases to describe how unbelievably happy you are at seeing joy on his face from seeing you. Neteyam's smile falters after sometime, "I know I've changed, but I can't imagine I look that bad now."
God his voice! You could cum untouched if he spoke again. Not only has his body changed into walking sex appeal, but his smooth tone has drop in pitch just enough the you could feel the slight gravel-ish growl coming off his words. Praying you could climb him like the trees you used to play on as a child so he could whisper right into your ear.
But you can't think about that anymore, it's not appropriate, and you know anyone within a ten foot radius could smell you if you lingered on the idea any longer. And you definitely shouldn't think about the countless amount of water streaming down his body from his time out in the sea. Completely ignoring how much you want to lick the salty droplets trickling down his chest and into the crevice of his abdomen, almost crying again as the fat droplets fall down into the prominent V line leading into his loincloth and disappearing under the dark purple material.
It's Spider's warm, calloused hand landing just a tad too roughly on your shoulder that saves you from your impending horny, brain rotting doom. "Don't mind, hì'ang, she's just nervous as always. I'm pretty sure Mo'at's dropped her on her head a few times since we've been gone too."
The back of your hand connects with the tight muscles of Spider's pectoral faster than he can dodge you, laughing off the stinging pain as you all but hiss at him. You should've know he'd rat you out, he always used to threaten to back in the forest as a way to blackmail you into doing things for him, it shouldn't be a surprise that he's attempting to do it again. And using his favorite nickname for you was just a bittersweet cherry on top of the shit pile that is this interaction.
You scowl as Spider holds you against your will, putting you into a familiarly loving, but very brotherly headlock from the side as he chuckles at the building curse words in your throat that are already written across your face. "C'mon Y/N, Neteyam already knows you hate meeting new people cause of how anxious you are, there's no need to get embarrassed."
You're confused now, side eyeing Spider as you just stand their locked in shame and embarrassing arousal. It's true you've never been one to like large crowds, and having to navigate the swarming of meeting a new clan when your overall height and species put you at a disadvantage has your anxiety spiking the to your limit. You need a comfort person or area to hide in when you got too overstimulated – and right now, you feel like you're losing your mind. This entire situation feels like one big panic attack slowly simmering to a destructive bomb, one that would have gone off by now if surprisingly enough Spider hadn't intervine multiple times now.
You can see the realization glowing in the molten gold of Neteyam's eyes, the clouding of his own nerves vanishing as he comes to understands– to an extent�� why you're frozen in shock. Neteyam's ears lay back as he scans the tight crowd, accessing the soft calls he's getting for help in moving the huge nets full of fish he helped catch. Neteyam looks back down at you, beautiful eyes softening even more than imaginable.
"I understand, you should go rest at the marui with the rest of the family. I will come in when I'm done for the day, then we can talk."
Oh Spider, how I love you.
You nod immediately, swallowing the lump in your throat to give a half assed reply, "I'd love that!" God even your weak attempt at a smile leaks desperation.
Your words bring back the glow to Neteyam's ethereal features, "And I want hear all about how the years have been so good to you." Neteyam requests as his eyes scan down your body with a shining interest, nodding to Spider before he's turns to assist his fellow hunters in bringing in their catch. As if you couldn't imagine Neteyam could stop your heart any further, he looks over his shoulder to flash you with his signature dazzling smile before completely leaving your eyesight, fading into the tight crowd like he was born on this reef.
"You owe me big time," Spider taunts from your left, wearing a shit eating grin you'd love to smack right off. His face crinkles with disgust as he pushes you off his side, almost launching you into the warm sand. "And you're sweaty! You owe me double!"
The string of bitebacks you've been planning to throw back at his face is erased from your mind instantly as the whirling of a second Samson's engine disturbs the happy crowding of warriors showing off the catch they've brought to feed their families. Spider's confusion mirrors yours near perfectly as you look to each other for answers and only find more questions.
You both turn to Norm for answers as he approaches, watching Max run to greet the newcomers with growing suspicion. "I thought you said we were the only ones coming to the Reef?" you question, a flaring of anger burning in your chest at the guilty expression morphing into fear the longer you stare at Norm.
"Y/N Honey, I'm–"
Fury makes you leave Norm to flounder far behind you as you march towards the Samson, weaving under thick tails and around strong legs to stand in front of the large helicopter. Your exopack wheezes to keep up with your panic breathing as you're faced with your walking nightmare that has become a nauseating hallucination, looking into Alexander McCosker's dark eyes as he jumps out of the Samson into the damp sand.
Eywa surely is punishing you.
As the hours pass from day to night, the sun has been covered into a beautiful eclipse accompanied by the bioluminescent shimmering of the calm ocean waves behind you, allowing a cool breeze to travel off the moving waters and settle the Reef Na'vi in for the night after the brutal heat of the day. You're starting to understand the appeal of the island life, finally putting the small pieces together as to why the Sully family never came back home. There was still so much you don't understand and you may never know the full truth of their story, but as for right now in this very moment, you would choice to stay and try if these were the kind of nights you were rewarded with after a long day of hard labour. You would leave the forest for a short time for this; you just wouldn't be able stay away from home forever.
What a brutal realization to have now, especially knowing Neytiri didn't want to leave in the first place.
The crackling of the blazing bonfire several feet in front of you warms your skin so deep you're half afraid it'll burn you if you stay here any longer, licking flames chasing the goosebumps away as your overly exposed skin gets used to the elements on this island. Your original plan of wearing shorts and a tank top were quickly interrupted by Tuk and Kiri before you could escape out of your new bedroom's doorway, leaving you to be decorated like their personal doll as they dressed you in a Metkayina styled loincloth and top they pieced together from their own clothing.
But the Reef was more prone to a cold feel than the forest does this time of year, and even the fire can't completely keep the constant shiver you're experiencing at bay; and your loving friends choice of clothing isn't exactly helping.
Though you can't completely blame the Reef for the trembling you're experiencing, the person sitting directly next to your left taking up most of the room on the log you've been placed on has been your main source of stomach turning anxiety all day, and he's as oblivious to it as he always has been. Or maybe it wasn't Neteyam that has made you feel so uneased, maybe it's the beety black eyes of your ex-boyfriend drilling a hole into your very soul from across the other side of the gathering circle.
Your arms instinctively wrap around your body to shield your breast from his view, your top more of a large necklace than anything close to a functioning chest covering, pretending to be colder than you are in a perfect act that hopefully conceals how badly you're trying to hide yourself into an abstract of the colorful world around you and never return.
Why did he have to follow you? Why did the Great Mother not see your life as punishment enough? Why must She torture you further?
You try to distract yourself by focusing on the glowing smile Lo'ak is beaming down on his gorgeous courtship, his mate-to-be an incredibly kindhearted Metkayina woman that has somehow managed to rein in Lo'ak's rebellious streak to the bare minimum. How Lo'ak had achieved the impossible task of impressing Tsireya's parents – the Tsahìk and Olo'eyktan of the Metkayina – after the disaster that was his early teenage rebellion you'll never understand, but it seemed even if Lo'ak never got their permission, neither of the happy couple would allow anyone to seperate them from each other. A true Romeo and Juliet of your time.
The steady ache weighing down your heart caves you further into yourself as you almost force yourself to watch there gleeful exchanges and secret kisses passed to each other when they thought nobody was looking. You fight not to glance at either man your heart once belonged to, even if Alexander never truly had any part of you and his stare has never stopped crippling your soul. All you ever desired was love like what your friend has accomplished, and though you understand their love took much work and sacrifice, you still can't help but wonder once again when it'll be your turn.
Your pity party has grown into a minor anxiety attack that would normally cause you to excuse yourself and cry in some dark corner if it wasn't for a deep and comforting voice that continues to pull you out of your self made darkness every few minutes. Neteyam has been keeping the conversation lively and light all evening, dazzling you with his tales of the Reef, sharing his accomplishments and adventures with you while reminiscing about your youth together. In turn he sits with baited interest at every word that dares to leave your mouth, asking questions and showing curiosity at how your life has been going since he left home.
It was pathetic how little you had to share about the last five years of your life, but that was a shame you've grown uncomfortably used to by now.
"Are you not hungry? You've barely touched your food." Neteyam observes from your side, his voice a searing knife that tears the cloudy veil of depressing thoughts covering your attention, you rapidly blink away the mistiness in your eyes before looking into the molten gold of his. Neteyam looked down at your food with a growing frown, his bunny like ears that you adore so much laying flat against his skull in an emotion you can't quite place, "If it's not good enough, I will get you something else to eat."
Your eyes falls from Neteyam's startling gaze to the large rìk resting on your lap and the huge piece of fish fillet sitting neating in the leaf plate, several different kinds of vegetables and fruits placed around the piece of meat to create a rather enticing meal. A meal you'd gladly eat if your stomach wasn't in such tight knots; you were sad you couldn't eat this gorgeous fish fillet either, fish meat settled in your stomach so much better than any Pandoran red meat.
"No, no! The fish is excellent, I'm just not used to eating so much... My diet has changed a little since you were in the forest." You tried reassuring Neteyam, lying to him in the process. Your diet had changed drastically since the Sullys left, starving yourself unintentionally from depression and not nourishing yourself like before with the switch to rehydrated foods Hell's Gate was famous for. "I'll save this for later." you tell him, biting at the plush of your bottom lip at the glimmer of disappointment forming on Neteyam's face in the form of his pouty lips.
You wanted to throw yourself off the beautiful cliff you see in the far distance behind Neteyam, praying the Great Mother will end your never ending suffering and constant embarrassing moments you put yourself in as an unfamiliar quiet falls over you and Neteyam. Your mind strains to find a topic to talk over, anything to pull you out of the nightmares you dreamed your first real conversation with Neteyam would be after being apart for so long. It was never this awkward between the two of you, neither of you ever lacked conversation. And yet now you sit in complete silence on both sides, both of you staring at your untouched meal.
Another uncontrollable shiver trembles through your body as your anxiety takes over, the shiver coming just in time as a cool breeze comes off the evening waves. The piercing of the full body shakes beginning to take over are soothed by the searing warmth of Neteyam's calloused hand runs down your exposed back, strong grip easily pulling your body flushed against his side, encasing your cold body in the overwhelming heat emanating off him. You look up at Neteyam wide-eyed and confused at his forward gesture.
"You looked cold." he answered your unspoken question. Halting his soothing hand running up and down your back to look at you, "Is this okay?"
You nod, forcing your body to relax into the feel of rough callouses gliding over your skin, Neteyam's fingers are long enough to encase your ribcage in one grab, his hand barely having to move much to cover the entire expanse of your back. Even with your time around Mo'at and other forest Na'vi, you had forgotten how big Neteyam really is compared to you. That very thought brings the anxious knots from your stomach and drops them straight into your core, your body going rigid again as you clench your legs together, hoping and praying nobody catches a whiff of your arousal in the evening breeze.
The logical part of you knows you're not supposed to enjoy his closeness as much as you do, that you shouldn't take his gesture as anything more than courteous, something that any old friend would do for another old friend, but in this very moment, you chose not to. Not when out of the very corner of your eye can you see Alexander's retreating figure walking towards the human outpost glancing back at your interaction with this incredible gorgeous Na'vi. Not when even the smallest of Neteyam's touches feels like every fantasy you've ever had of a lover come to life from your very dreams. And especially not when the heat radiating off of Neteyam's body has been the only thing to ease your anxious trembling since you've arrived on this island.
Instead you allow yourself to press into his warmth, curling your arms into the softest part of his side and nuzzle your head into his ribs right under his arm like you did once before when you were very young. You hum in agreement to Neteyam's words of encouragement at your actions, allowing him to relax into his decision and hold onto you just a little tighter.
"He's as warm as I remember him being." you think to yourself, melting impossibly further into his side, trying to fully absorb this precious moment.
Neteyam's side flexes with a rumble of laughter, "I'm glad you think so."
In all of your stupidity, please let what he's referring to be something entirely different than what you thought you only said in your head and not outloud for everyone including Neteyam to hear. You can feel a hot flash blanket over your body as embarrassment settles in once again, your face and ears burning so hot you can imagine that they're steaming from the temperature difference. Neteyam must feel your flush as he chuckles again, giving you tight squeeze as he makes sure you can't pull away from him. You feel Neteyam shift forward to bend down next to you as much as his bulky form will allow him, full lips just barely touching your skin as he whispers into your ear, "And you look as incredible as I remember you always looked."
The heat flooding your body doubles tenfold the second your head snaps up to look at Neteyam and the cheeky smirk gracing his feature. The glass of your exopack just barely grazing the soft, round tip of his nose from how close your face is to his, cursing the mask keeping you alive for not allowing you the privilege of being able to breathe the same breath as Neteyam in this very moment. Your eyes drink in the wonder that is Neteyam's eyes, wishing on a million stars you could swim in the liquid gold of his iris, counting the darker flakes of marigold speckling the perfect yellow that slowly disappearing into thin rings as his eyes widen with yours.
Your thoughts swirls with the opportunities your mind is creating out of the subtle desire you pretend you can see in Neteyam's eyes, feeling that particularly ache between your thighs at the gentle touch Neteyam now has on your outer thigh, his thumb rubbing soft circles into your skin. The back of your throat tightens and your teeth dig into your lip to keep the moan you want to let out so badly at bay when the thin appendage of Neteyam's tail begins to travel up your back, teasing your skin before wrapping itself around your waist.
This moment could last for eternity and it wouldn't be enough for you anymore. You want to do wrong for once in your life, to take something back for yourself that life has taken so many times over and Neteyam has it... you know he does. He has the one thing you can imagine even he wants to do every once in awhile; when the world gets a little too wide and his parents demand just a little more, you know from past conversations that Neteyam wants to give a subtle middle finger to life just as much as you do. Neteyam is the sweetest revenge you could have ever asked for, and the glances he's placed on your lips and exposed cleavage is a good enough sign for you.
"Y/N!" Lo'ak's cheerful voice overshadows the beginning of your whispered plea as he rushes over, inevitably breaking you and Neteyam apart and stealing the courage you had barely built. "I wanted to introduce you to Payakan and the others agreed to join. Let's go!"
You try and fail to be upset at the younger forest brother at his excitement of introducing such an important individual in his life to you, smiling to yourself at the beaming on Lo'ak's face as his excitement makes him uncoordinated. But the emotional drainage you've experienced has left you suddenly exhausted, the feeling of lead being injected into your veins making your body hard to move. Sadness replaces the previous excitement you had as you give Lo'ak a tired smile, "I'm so sorry LoLo, I'd love to meet Payakan, but I don't think I'm up to it tonight. But I'll definitely be up to it tomorrow."
Your assurance still stings as the beaming smile drops to a sad grin. You're fully prepared in that very moment to take back your words and spend the rest of the night in the ocean being possibly judged by an highly intelligent Tulkun, but before you can speak, Neteyam stands to give Lo'ak a soft embrace that you're surprised to see Lo'ak accept. Neteyam bumps his forehead against of Lo'ak's temple, ruffling his hair to bring a playful edge back to his younger brother. "Tomorrow, baby bro, this little bug has traveled quite far and has done quite a lot in one day."
Lo'ak groans his complaints before Neteyam softly shoves him away, redirecting him into Tsireya's waiting arms before returning to stand next to your shared log, suddenly far more aware of how alone you are now. Most of the hunters that were celebrating their mighty catch have retired for the night with their family to rest and prepare for their early morning, and the elderly including Jake and Neytiri and the clan leaders have put themselves to bed hours ago, it was just younger and much more boisterous Na'vi that were still lingering around the dying bonfire.
You're left gazing up at Neteyam as he stares back down at you, his widen eyes darkened by the low lighting, ears lightly raised in interest as his tail flicks steadily behind him. His whole body screamed interest, curiosity, intrigue, want. A want to talk more, a want to touch more, a need for something to happen. Your eyes trace the calculated way Neteyam presence his open palm to you, his four fingered hand purposely placed in front of you as a soft invitation of contact again. It was a sweet gesture, and an invite you immediately accepted as your much small hand finds itself snuggled grasped in his strong grip.
"Let me walk you to your room? I would like to make sure you get there safely." Neteyam's request was so much more, you could feel it in your bones. It was another invitation, an offer so delicately disguised within a genuine want to keep you safe.
There was no other answer. "I'd love that."
Instant chill covers your skin as the outpost door swings close behind Neteyam, his tail just barely twitching out of the way before the door can close on the thin appendage. Your hand is still comfortably held in Neteyam's warm grip, his hold not wavering even as you no longer needed his guidance to the outpost – you never did to begin with but you weren't going to tell him that.
You struggle for a minute as you try to rid yourself of the heavy mask that's been clinging to your face for hours now with only one hand, taking in a much needed gulp of unfiltered air that holds a light tang of metal and medical cleansers. The gloomy little outpost smelled like home and that disturbed you a little. Glancing behind you at Neteyam, you find him having a similar struggle you had as he fumbles to secure his own respirator mask around his neck without letting go of your hand, an adorable sight you'd never stop watching if it wasn't for the wide, vulnerable look Neteyam peer down at you with as the strap for the mask snags itself around his ear. Before you can make an attempt to reach up and fix it for him, Neteyam's ear flicks in annoyance of the mask strap and accidentally moves the mask down in place.
The metal plated floor creaks under Neteyam's heavy weight as you make your slow descent to your bedroom, being mindful to stay quiet as to not disturb the old, cranky scientists that are trying to sleep. Neteyam's body is comically large in this dollhouse like space he's squeezed himself into, his long fingers tightening around your hand the further you walk into the outpost's tight living quarters and down the hall towards your room. You don't know why you're leading him here, he's already done the task he's set out to do. And yet you're blindly leading him into your private space, making him uncomfortable as you practically force him to hunch completely over to even make it halfway down the hallway outside of your room. And for what? A suspicion you have that Neteyam meant so much more than a simple walk home?
"Am I pathetic? Nevermind, I know the answer to that." you think as you slow down your walking pace the closer you get to your room, stopping completely outside of Alexander's room as you start to become aware of the soft shuffling movement from inside.
Of course your ex-boyfriend not only followed you across a damn ocean, but he as well brought his new girlfriend with him to further torture you. You held so much respect for Dr. Scrimshire while you were growing up, admiring her dedication to her work and the Na'vi. And a large part of you still does, she wasn't to blame for Alexander cheating, you just wishes she had a better choice of boyfriend. Though you weren't one to talk, you dated the slime ball first.
Your eyes scan the shadows dancing under Alexander's door as he and Dr. Scrimshire move around, his muffled words followed by her soft giggling the only filter covering the soft footsteps you're attempting towards your room without alerting either of them to your presence. You couldn't even imagine what you'd do if Alexander opened the door and you were sneaking past with Neteyam tightly held in your hand, and considering the confused look Neteyam keeps gives you, he wouldn't be too happy either. Ah yes, this sexy walk to your bedroom is surely turning Neteyam – the most desired Na'vi on this island – into a drooling mess for your sweaty palmed ass.
"Eywa, just kill me now."
Not even Spider was here to save you again as his bedroom door is still slightly ajar. You doubt Spider's been in that room for weeks now, he never did like sleeping indoors, and now he's one more person you're avoiding.
Your last few footsteps are rushed as you scurry into your bedroom, just barely dragging Neteyam in behind you before closing and locking your door. You lean against your doorframe as relief floods you, sighing as you beam up at Neteyam with a laugh, "That was close."
Your joy is stifled by the look Neteyam is glaring down at you with. Had you done wrong? You couldn't imagine Neteyam would want to be seen by your ex sneaking into your room in the middle of the night for God knows what, not with the status he holds in both clans he's called home. You literally couldn't imagine that's what upset him so much that his tail has raised itself high enough to see the fluffed out tuft flicking back and forth behind his head. "Are you–"
"Who is in the next room?" Neteyam inquires, his nostrils flaring as he scents the air, his tail lashing behind him hard enough to make a whipping sound as he huffs out the smell in his nose like it offends him. "The tawtute staring at you at the celebration, he is in the next room."
It wasn't a question he's asking, and he seems even more upset by his findings than you imagined he would. "His staring was disturbing and unnecessary, he shouldn't have been looking at you like that." Neteyam declares in a low grumble, shifting his scowl to the other side of the room where your unmade bed sits. The many pieces of jewelry and beads adorning Neteyam's body clank together as he lowers himself to sit on your bed, it's metal frame groaning under his weight.
You stumble slightly as Neteyam takes you with him across the room, his hand still firmly wrapped around yours as he makes himself as comfortable as he can on your little, lumpy bed.
You laugh off your building nerves as a giggle directed at how goofy Neteyam looks with his knees nearly to his shoulders with how low your bed is compared to his massive height. "That's Alexander and he's... nothing you have to worry about."
Your words don't do much to soothe the harsh lines replacing the smile lines you love so much to see. Praying your boldness is appreciated you fold your joined hands behind your back, inviting yourself into his personal space by stepping closer to Neteyam, his knees brushing against your elbows when you place yourself between his legs, shaky fingers reaching up to pet away the deep frown off Neteyam's lips. Your fingertips explore the area around his lips, avoiding Neteyam's piercing gaze while you touch his plush lips, tracing the line where the pink of his inner lip meets the azure of his outer lip with care.
"Why are you so afraid of that tawtute? Has he hurt you in the past?" his words are laced with concern as he asks, his little pout that you love do much appearing under your fingertips.
Arousal sparks through your core when Neteyam's teeth scrape against your fingers when he speaks, his bottom lip pulling your pointer finger between both of his lips in the lightest illusion of sucking the digit. Neteyam's head cocks to left in question when you don't answer right away, leaning back on his arm with the limited room he has on your bed, taking you with him as you follow after his body like a moth to a flame.
"I have been hurt just not in the way you think; I'm more emotionally hurt than anything. Though it feels physical at times." you admit, slowly looking up to gauge the storm brewing in Neteyam's dark eyes before continuing. "There's a long and complicated history between me and Alex, a different kind than even I have with you."
You stay frozen in place between Neteyam's legs as your knees stay pressed against the frame of your bed that you haven't quite climb on yet. You had finally admitted to having a long and complicated history with Neteyam to his face, and he hasn't objected. Instead your words seem to flip a switch inside of Neteyam, driving him to use his arm already behind your back to grab at the back of your thigh, his large hand lifting you with impressive ease into his lap.
You once again are face to face with Neteyam, the air around you both mingling together with each passing breath you take of each other. You can feel his respirator pressing deeper and deeper between your breasts as you lean closer into Neteyam's hypnotic presence, feeling the phantom of his lips brushing yours the longer you crave his kiss. Neteyam can feel your want, you know he can. He can feel it in the increasing warmth of your skin, he can smell your scent getting stronger the more aroused you get, he can sense the jittering in your body the more he invites you to embrace him.
Before you can allow the moment to blossom into anything else, you needed to apologize for your past. "Neteyam, I'm so sorry for not saying goodbye to you all those years ago, you didn't deserve that."
Neteyam brings your intertwined hands from behind your back towards his lips, pressing the back of your hand to his mouth in a soft kiss. "I forgave you long ago, and I forgave you all over again the moment I saw you."
Your body melts into a sigh of relief you weren't aware you were holding in, your tired limbs falling deeper into Neteyam's inviting embrace as he draws you closer into his arms. "Thank you." you whisper, letting your forehead fall forward so Neteyam can place a kiss to your hairline.
Neteyam's chest vibrates under you from his mumbles words, "I meant what I had said before, you're the most incredible woman I've ever had the privilege of being near. You always have been." you shiver at his confession, a involuntary whimper bubbling it's way past your lips as his hands slide further up your exposed thighs."Which means I'm not a fan of others looking at you the way that tawtute did tonight. I should be the only one allowed to look at you."
You've imagined a lot of things regarding Neteyam, but him being jealous of a silly little human boy wasn't one you could've thought of if you were given a million hints and a hundred lifetimes. Especially not about you; never about you. The long lost daydreams you had of Neteyam confessing any type of feelings for you were something you left far back in your past that you truly thought it would be a fantasy you'd never hear even in death. But instead you're questioning if you're really awake and not in another one of your vivid dreams as Neteyam whispers sweet nothings of wanting you into your heated skin, feeling the many callouses lining his skilled hands as they trace your body.
Your mind threatens to break it's trance as the whiny sounds of Dr. Scrimshire loudly agreeing to whatever heinous acts Alexander is doing to her. But you won't allow it, not now, not ever again.
Searing heat overwhelms your shivering body as you lips meet Neteyam's, savouring his sweet taste as long as you can in a single kiss before you're forced to pull apart for air. Neteyam doesn't allow even the need for air and the dizziness clouding his actions to stop him from pulling you into another kiss, demanding every part of you in an instance. Your desperation is evident in the pathetic moan you let out at the immediate contact of your lips, and yet you couldn't give a flying fuck if you seemed desperate or eager right now, not when Neteyam keeps reciprocating your every noise with one of his own.
The very air in your cramped bedroom has grown thick with anticipation, growing warmer and warmer as your bodies heat up against one another, your mixed sounds of want are just quiet enough that the quickened sounds of your kissing is the only thing you can hear. Your hands keep their boldness from before to hold onto Neteyam, tangling in his braids in an unnecessary attempt to keep him close. You couldn't escape Neteyam in this moment if you tried, you wouldn't allow yourself, and neither would he. His large hands have found their way around your body like he's familiar with your form, like he's mapped your body so many times he already knows where your weak and he uses it.
Your lips break contact from Neteyam's in a loud gasp when he squeezes your ass hard, his devious chuckle to himself not going unnoticed by your lust hazed mind, but you truly don't care. Not when Neteyam takes the opportunity of your gasp to lick into your mouth, his chest rumbling as he groans at your taste. "I knew you would be sensitive," he teases, cupping your ass cheeks in his hands as he kneads at them. His movements rocks your hips down against his creating a delicious friction against your clit. Neteyam catches himself before he moans at the friction with you, "But you taste far more divine than I could have ever imagined."
Your bottom lip quivers between his as you whimper at his words, the pulsing between your thighs beats in time with the erratic beating of your heart, a torturous combination as you involuntarily grind your hips down into Neteyam's pelvis. Neteyam's actions and words paint a perfect picture of desire, your mind cannot comprehend how deep the yearning goes for either of you – though you had no problem showing how desperate you were as you practically dry hump yourself on Neteyam just at a well said tease – but his next words blows your mind in a way Alexander could never.
"I want a proper taste."
"What?" you question is whispered so softly Neteyam doesn't hear or he decides to ignore you as he swiftly switches your positions, your back hitting your mattress softer than you thought you would with how quickly Neteyam moved you. The absurdity of what's happening in the next room is still as loud as before and Neteyam can't help but chuckle at them, a familiar and stomach turning smirk placing itself on Neteyam's lips is chilling and exciting to you all at once. You could sense the dirty thoughts turning in his head, and you weren't sure you if you could stop them; or if you even wanted to.
Neteyam long fingers carefully remove the delicate top from around your neck and discards it somewhere on the floor, it wasn't covering much to begin with, but Neteyam's eyes betray his excitement as he takes in the sight of your breasts jiggling with your every pant. His golden eyes slowly dilating the more he drinks you in, mouth agape with saliva building at the corners as his thoughts jump ahead of his actions, his mind wandering so far he hasn't remembered to take a very necessary breath from his respirator as he almost wheezes for air.
Any self consciousness you have is pushed to the side as you bring the respirator to his face as much as you can from your pinned position under him, cooing at him the moment his eyes flutter in relief in getting fresh air. The moment of relief didn't last very long when Neteyam moves the respirator off his face in favour of kissing your palm in thanks, "Even like this, you're still taking care of me." Neteyam says with a wide smile. Neteyam's grin is endearing and alarming all at once as his shape teeth are on display, showing the feralness you can feel rolling off of him in waves.
Did you take care of Neteyam? You always thought it was the other way around, yet the thought that you did help in the past makes you giddy.
Neteyam's body is the epitome of beauty as he leans over you, strong and flexing muscle on full display for you to admire. But looking wasn't the only thing you were allowed to do anymore, the same way Neteyam has made it his new mission to map ever inch of your skin with his exploring hands, you are free to do the same. Your hands find there way to Neteyam's velvet body, his skin so much warmer than yours and so much softer, his deep cobalt stripes wrapped around his azure frame like a living piece of art you could study for days; the rest of your life if given the option.
You start at his shoulders, Neteyam's amused breath of a chuckle fanning across your forearm as you trail downward, curious fingers feeling at his strong chest before fondling his abs, giggling softly at the full body twitch that Neteyam responds with when your fingers graze his sides. Your hands finally find their planned destination at the band of Neteyam's waistband, your eyes following your burning trail to see the wet patch that's developed on the front of Neteyam's loincloth – no bulge?
A frown paints your face as your mind struggles how these two pieces of information are supposed to make sense. Was he not enjoying this like you were? It seemed impossible for you not to be dripping with want at the mere contact of your skin on Neteyam's, and you would be believe the same by that obvious indicator on his loincloth, but your assumptions end there.
Before you could begin to form a proper way to ask why the Na'vi leaking precum above you wasn't popping a major boner, Neteyam's oh so gently moves your hands off his loincloth, kissing your shaking palm with that same devious smirk he hasn't yet lost. "Not yet, Yawne. You always come first."
"But Nete–" You're swiftly silenced when Neteyam shimmies himself down your lower body, bullying your legs apart with his shoulders in an almost skilled way, alarming you and adding to your far too big fantasy. You know what Neteyam's attempting to do, Alexander had eaten you out in the past and you did not enjoy it. It definitely didn't help that you had to beg for your ex to give you oral, and whenever he did it was always with the intent on shutting you up and getting you just wet enough for him to penetrate you comfortably.
You loathed the idea of going through the same thing with Neteyam, you couldn't handle the embarrassment of not enjoying something he was willing to do without being told. "Neteyam, you really don't have to," you practically plead, trying and failing to close your legs around his broad shoulders, mortified by the cold breeze you can feel on your soaked loincloth. "I'm not a fan of oral sex, it doesn't work on me."
"Alex could never find my clit and I seriously don't want to learn that you can't either." you mentally say to yourself.
Neteyam's eyes shoot up, ears perked in shock and confusion as his brow bone furrows. "Doesn't work?" he questions with a tilt of his head, the subtle hints of amusement playing on his features causes your body to flush in heated embarrassment. "Tell what you mean by that, beautiful."
"Oh Eywa, kill me now!"
The words you're trying and failing to form don't come easy, you want to explain your weird reasoning behind not letting Neteyam do to you what your ex-boyfriend was terrible at – and what you've fantasized Neteyam doing to you a million times by now – but you feel trapped. Neteyam's piercing yellow eyes have narrowed down on you like invisible binds tying you to the bed, a visional warning of not denying him something he's practically watering at the mouth to partake in. Your thighs tremble by the sides of his face, his long fingers squeezing and massaging at the pliable flesh in a mindless motion, like a cat kneading at something to soothe itself and whatever it's tending to.
For a split moment, Neteyam's eyes and ears lose their laser focus on you to listen to the sudden rise of grotesque noises coming from the other room. You knew he was doing this on purpose, only Alex could think of such a cruel way of punishing you over something he did; and somehow, you truly believe he thinks it's working. That his boyish display of heinous, wild, hot sex with his new girlfriend was a slap to your face. A show of how 'good' he really was and you just never knew it because you always denied him having full control over all things in your bedroom.
What a foolish asshole.
If only he knew the position you were in right now, how wet you are from just a few kisses and heavy pet, how the thought of getting eaten out by your alien best friend was the only way you got off for years and now you're here with him ready and willing to do it for real this time. Maybe Alex could throw it back on you that this whole thing shows how pathetic you really were, but at this point, you don't care. Your ex could go fuck his own dick raw, he was the one that truly lost in all of this.
With your courage back once again and with hope it'll stay, your hands move from their place gripping at Neteyam's wrists, a feeble and weak attempt to stop him in the first place. Your legs relax on Neteyam's shoulders, a gesture that doesn't go unnoticed by him as his hands knead at your thighs just a tad bit harder than before, his eyes and ears still trained away from you but his lips and mouth still focused on his task at hand as he leaves feather light kisses to the sensitive underside of the top of your thigh.
You hum at the feeling of his warm lips on your skin, his hot breath tickling you in the most satisfying way. Your little sounds catch his attention for a moment, his right ear flicking to you before back towards the sounds in the other room. You know he's waiting for a response, a clear sign of consent and desire before he does anything. Even with years separating you, Neteyam has remained the same in almost all ways, especially his care towards making you and others feeling comfortable; and after all this time, you could still read him like a book only open for you to read.
Neteyam's lips brush against your inner thigh as he begins to mumble to you, "Your former–" he stops to think of the proper word, laughing to himself as he continues. "Your past lover was not good at satisfying you, was he? It sounds like she is being killed."
Somehow you know Neteyam knows the answer to his own question, but you still answer it outloud for him. "He was horrible at it. He could never make me cum unless I showed him, and he always pretended to forget everything I taught him."
The mainly quiet night air is instantly filled with the quick whipping of Neteyam's tail thrashing side to side, his ears pinning down as he scowls at the wall separating the two room. What a precious sight, so jealous and yet so patient for your consent.
Your hand creeps slowly from it's place by your side, your cold fingers leaving goosebumps across Neteyam's skin as you follow his inky black tattoos up his body, grazing over his forearm and bicep and up to his shoulder where your leg is resting. Among the colorful beads and the few feathers Neteyam has so proudly held onto in his hair, your fingers find the prize you're so certainly uncertain of when you gently grasp as his tswin.
His reaction is immediate: the subtle arching of Neteyam's back is catlike as his body stretches into the feeling, a throaty gasp that's muffled against your skin rips through his throat before it can be stopped, much like his little whimper of a moan that follows. You have gained Neteyam's full attention once again, the wide expanse of his dark, blown out pupils is beautifully decorated by the thin gold band of his iris. It's a glorious sight, a completely feral Na'vi barely holding himself together at such a gentle touch.
Maybe you could mistake this look as distaste at a human touching such a sacred part of him or pain from your touch agitating his most sensitive part. But you know better by now, you had loudly demanded his attention and welcomed his yearning in a new and dangerous game you've chosen to partake in. How exciting.
But words are needed, even you remember know that. "I want this. Please?"
The strings of your loincloth are almost ripped off from the speed Neteyam uses to undress you, carelessly throwing the soaked material in the direction he placed your top. Your chest constricts with every hard pound of your heart, another heat flush chases away the coolness the room is surrounding you in, leaving your core a furnace the more you fight your embarrassment. You shouldn't feel ashamed, but you could feel the uncomfortable sticky mess between your legs, the dripping of your slick as it makes it's way out of your hole and down onto the sheets below you.
You're not ashamed of yourself, and yet the burning gaze Neteyam has on your exposed pussy is making you want to snap your legs closed again, fear creeping in that he finds your difference odd or even weird the longer he insists on staring at ever exposed part of you. A constant, pulsing ache of your cunt causes your dripping hole to clench for Neteyam's curious eyes, the pulsing ache soon turning into a burning need within the deepest parts of your core when Neteyam's thumb dips to your entrance, gathering your slick on his digit to glide his finger up and down your slit in a curious manner.
"Neteyam!" you gasp, your free hand gripping at his braids a little harder than you meant when his large thumb gently bumps against your sensitive clit. It's been so long since you've been this worked up, years since your sexual partner has made you this needy for a heavier touch; and even then, Alex could never compared to the worst of Neteyam's touches on his best day.
Neteyam coos at your little whine, very gently moving his thumb back up to rest on your little clit before slowly circling the small bundle of nerves, treating you like fragile glass as he softly rubs your clit. "Mawey, ma Yawne, I'm right here with you." he purrs against your inner thigh, sealing his comforting words with a nipping kiss to the thin flesh. You squirm at his tortuous administration, canting your hips forward in a desperate attempt for more than the tantalizing slow circles he's drawing around your clit.
Neteyam chuckles at your neediness, enjoying himself far too much as you fight yourself to not start begging so soon into this. "You're so small, I'm afraid I'll break you if I go as fast as you and I want to."
"I don't care!" you whine, your fingers threading through his braids to tug at the strands. All you can feel is him. His hot breath on your skin, his hands exploring your body, his fingers teasing your core. All you've ever wanted is Neteyam, he's all you've ever dreamed of, and now he's here, so close and you can't deny any longer how much you need him. You've need him for years. "Please Nete, I need you, please."
You're not answered in calming words and soft touches, but your answer lies in the searing warm that envelopes your clit. Neteyam's lips wrap around your clit in a small kiss, testing the water on if his assumptions about your alien anatomy were correct, grinning to himself when he's immediately rewarded by your startled gasp. Neteyam kisses your throbbing clit again, gently sucking the little button into his hot mouth with every passionate kiss he lays. This is far different than anything you've experienced before, Neteyam was precise where your ex was sloppy, eating you like a sacred meal that needs to be cherished and consumed with time and care.
Your slick lingers on Neteyam's lips the more he sucks at you, getting a hint of your sweet taste on his eager tongue that makes him moan against you, vibrating your raw nerves between his spit slicked lips. "Ha! Neteyam–" your choked gasp is broken off by your own uncontrollably moans spilling out of you. Your throat is tight with the pleasure filled tears streaming down your temples, your lower half trapped in Neteyam's iron grip on your legs, keeping you spread open for his unrelenting need to taste you. Your eyes clench closed at the tender scrape of Neteyam's sharp canine nudging at your raw clit, a burst of colorful stars dancing across your eyelids when the roughly textured surface of Neteyam's tongue laps over your pulsing bud.
You can feel the rumbling of Neteyam's chest pressed against the back of your thighs at the never ending stream of moans and whines leaving your bite swollen lips, your back arching off the mattress as Neteyam's tongue stops circling your clit to venture down to your tight, little hole. The very tip of his tongue dips into your dripping entrance, his deep groan at your sweet taste leaves you trembling around him.
Neteyam's hums at your whine, "You taste better than my dreams could ever create."
His words tighten the tightly wound knot in the pit of your stomach, every passing lap of his heavenly sinful tongue teasing into your hole and rasping of your clit pull that string just a little tighter. Your back is lifted off the bed in a perfect form showing how pent up you've become, mouth open and singing Neteyam's praises with every moan and whimper you paint the air with, the plush of your thighs crushing around Neteyam's head so hard you're afraid you're hurting him, yet his own groans of satisfaction and bruising grip on your hip insisting you grind against his face proves other wise.
And you never want this to end. This moment was a glorious redemption to all the suffering and sexual frustration you've dealt with for years. All the disappointed promises of sexual release and having only yourself at the end of the night to find pleasure in is brushed away in an instant. Neteyam wiped away those bad memories with each delicious swipe of his tongue. You couldn't hold it anymore, your body craved release like it craves Neteyam's touch; you need to cum so badly and you don't want to hold back anymore.
Your lips part in a silent scream as the tightly tangled knot finally unravels you from the inside out, your hole clenching down on Neteyam's tongue as your slick gushes into his awaiting mouth, your sensitive clit bumping against Neteyam's wide nose as you ride out the endless high blurring your vision and clouding your mind. Your body once wound so tight with a need for release now melts into your sheets like putty, sweat soaked skin sticking together in the sticky mess that has become you.
The light grey of your ceiling is swirling together in your hazy vision, legs already sore from trying to suffocate Neteyam that you can't help but whine a little when he moves them from off his shoulders, his hands warm and strong as they massage at your sore legs, making his way up to lean over you once again. Even through your post orgasm vision and the low lighting the eclipse is providing into your room, you can see the wet trail of your slick covering the bottom half of his face, his mouth and chin glistening in the soft light.
Neteyam is cocky now, smirking with a chuckle as he looks at your wrecked state. His long tongue sticks out, slowly circling the line around his mouth to collect your slick off his skin, reminding you of a cat greedily collecting his cream. "My little, sensitive human, couldn't let me enjoy myself for very long before cumming in my mouth." Neteyam teases, bending down to pepper your hot face with sweet little kisses before capturing your lips for a long kiss, letting you taste yourself on his tongue just for his own enjoyment of watching you squirm again.
"Cocky motherfucker."
"Oh Eywa, shut up..." you groan in embarrassment, sufficiently silencing him by shoving his respirator over his mouth. You couldn't imagine you could feel anymore awkward until you can no longer hear the loud sounds of your ex, but instead met with deafening silence between the occasion squeak of the bed and their hushed murmers. The thump of the headboard hitting the wall slowly increasing at your silence.
"Competitive piece of shit!"
You truly wanted nothing to last forever more than having Neteyam's mouth on your cunt, and even then, your body could only handle so much before finally getting what it's never had with a partner: a mind numbing orgasm that makes you want to beg for more. You're still light headed, body sluggish and ready for a nap if there wasn't promise for more. But Neteyam seems fine, almost sparked in his energy for more of you, any part of you'll let him have. It's incredible the stamina Neteyam has, all those years of training in the forest and the ocean leading to a finely trained warrior that could fight and hunt for hours, and a Na'vi that would be an insatiable lover.
That very thought alone made your clit twitch, the familiar nagging in your core demanding for more. You want more, crave more, need more. And the look Neteyam has placed on you says you can have it all at your command.
It's your turn to smirk, looking at Neteyam with every intent to make him beg like you dreamed he would. You ignore the shaking in your limbs when you slowly sit up, running your teasing fingers over Neteyam's shoulders as a subtle assistance to your recovering body, "Your turn." you purr in sultry voice, surprised in yourself how smooth you sounded.
This moment is the first time in a long time you can see panic in Neteyam's eyes, utter shock at how his insides begin to melt at your implication, molding himself into your touch as you guide him to sit back on his calves for you. Your fingers tremble against Neteyam's chest, your weak limbs no longer the cause of the movement as the deep rumbling of a purr building within Neteyam's chest vibrates your hand, his sweet purrs a dead giveaway to his pure excitement for whatever you've plan for him.
Your eyes are heavy as you look up at Neteyam's wide stare, holding his curious gaze as you lowers your mouth to his abdomen, grazing the plush of your lips on his stomach. A pleasant hum vibrates through his chest, his tightly closed lips rolling back until his bottom lip finds his sharp teeth, holding themselves there as you continue your tantalizing descent down his abdomen. You were enjoying yourself far to much, reveling in the quiet desperation leaking out of Neteyam's every pore at each open mouthed kiss you layed against his skin, the soft nip of your blunt teeth on the ridge of his V line pushes the filthiest of moans from his bite swollen lips.
"Oh? Such a mighty warrior likes being pampered with kisses?" you couldn't help but tease him, acting on years worth of impulses all in one steamy night you aren't planning on letting slip away from you; this is your night of redemption to yourself and your needs. And Neteyam is your perfectly sweetened revenge walking, yearning for you as much as you crave him.
The look Neteyam cuts down to you is meant to be chastising, a dark warning to not push him too far. But he lacked the venom in his bite when he fully looked at you kneeling down low enough to face his own soaked loincloth, your little mouth opening as you lips make contact with the wet patch, leaving a sucking kiss in your wake. "Y-Yawne," Neteyam bites his tongue as he stutters, his refined control slipping away painfully quick the more he desires what you're making your way to.
The loincloth was annoying the both of you now, shielding away the freedom you both desperately need in the moment. No words were needed to be said to Neteyam before he's helping you untie the complicated knots holding his loincloth in place, dismantling the fabric and discarding it on the floor with your clothes so quickly you giggle at his eagerness.
"Afraid I'll change my mind–?" you stop your own amusement once you focus on what's in front of you, brows furrowing as you examine the empty space between Neteyam's legs with dumbfounded confusion. There was no outward genitalia for you to fondle or suck – much to your dismay – making you search for your answer in the odd stripe pattern that follows the curve of his hips, going down his V line and in between his thighs. Yours hands that were splayed out on Neteyam's stomach reach down to the beginning of his odd stripes, following them like a trail to an unknown wonder as your fingers slowly meet the satin skin around an open.
From above you, Neteyam hisses through his teeth, jerking his hips away from your exploring hands. "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry? Did I hurt you? I didn't mean to, I'm really sorry." you start to ramble in a panic, terrified you turned what was supposed to be a sexy moment into an awkward story you'll never live down. You expect to see fury in Neteyam's eyes or pure pain in his expression when you look up at him, but instead his feature show amusement, his rapid breathing coming out in a breathy chuckle at the dread written all over your face.
"I'm okay, you didn't hurt me, beautiful." he reassures you, grabbing your hands which you've curled up to your chest in your haste to get away from his body, gently taking them in his own and holding them against his chest instead. "My slit is just very sensitive and I'm not used to such small hands exploring me. Not that I haven't imagined it plenty of times before."
"Slit?" you question with a tilt of your head, eyes falling down to look back down between his legs. "Not to be weird or anything, but... umm..."
Neteyam's laugh cuts you off before you make the uncomfortable decision in asking a man where his dick and balls where. "I forgot how different we are sometimes." he says almost to himself, his voice soft with wonder as he soothes the back of his knuckles down your warm cheek. "Unlike the tawtute and all your strange ways–"
"Hey!" you laugh in a playful protest.
"Listen," Neteyam tries to be stern but fails and laughs with you. "The Na'vi have a different anatomy than you, oeyä tawtute."
Your eyes stay clued to the tantalizing stripe between his thick thighs that have clenched together in what you can only assume is an attempt to contain whatever his slit is hiding. "So your... stuff, is an innie verses on outty?"
Neteyam huffs a laugh through his nose, his eyes wander down his body at where your eyes have remained fixated, his own gaze watching your every feature with intense critique. "You don't have to if you don't want to."
His voice is silk soft as speaks, his words laced with consideration and understanding at his interpretation of hesitation on your end, and it kills you. Nearly angry at him for his willingness to allow you the option to not enjoy his 'strange' alien nature like he had you. You always lived with the mindset that a Na'vi as ethereal as Neteyam would find it hard not to judge you for your weird alien body, something you should've never doubted him on, it just never occurred to you that Neteyam could feel the same about your acceptance of him. What a preposterous way of thinking you've both had.
The fake scoff of offence Neteyam tries to retort with is quickly turned into a warbled gasp when your tongue follows the line of his slit until it dips inside, the sensation of the foreign move for either of you causes both of you to groan. You tongue is wrapped in the thick, sweet slick coating his cock which is rapidly falling from his overly relaxed sheath, slipping down the loosening muscles of his slit. The tip of his cock is heavy on your tongue as it slowly slides into your mouth, opening your jaw wide enough to accommodate his sheer girth. Concern begins to take over as his tip inches closer towards the back of your throat, so close to blocking your ability to breathe before all of his cock falls into your awaiting hands and mouth, a relieving sigh leaving Neteyam's raspy throat when it does.
The wet sucking sounds of you slowly coaxing his cock into your overstuffed mouth is barely heard over the deep and vulgar moans Neteyam singing above you. You had always dreamed that he would be vocal, but to actually hear his lewd whimpers sounding at your touch brings back that desperate pulsing between your thighs once again, your legs clenching in a weak attempt to stifle your own desires. Neteyam's head lays back on his neck, perfectly sculpted body sheening with sweat as his muscles flex and relax at ever pleasure filled tremble that's going through him. You can see how this could become addicting, watching someone fall apart at your touch. And it's even more satisfying as through his pants and groans you can see his nostrils flair, scenting your arousal in the air, causing his cock to throb in response.
"Fuck me... Eywa, help me not to ruin you, tawtute."
You graze your teeth on the underside of his cock as a responding tease, Neteyam ears fold back as he hisses a reprimand at you, your gleeful giggle cut short by your own choke when Neteyam threatens to nudge his cock further down your throat.
Neteyam's big.
Not just in his girth that you almost can't wrap your fingers around, but his length seems never ending, his sheer size only comparable to being slightly shorter than your forearm. Your ex was not well endowed by any means but you struggle not to giggle as your mind wanders to a short mental imagine of his next to Neteyam's cock, smirking at the laughable miniature your ex is.
You pull back some, letting your lips suckle at the very tip as your hands work the rest of his throbbing cock. On top of being mouth watering girthy and pussy achingly long, Neteyam's cock was just downright beautiful, something you would never say about the grotesque creature in the next room. Neteyam's cock was the same shade of alluring azure like the rest of his body, decorated in deep indigo stripes and glowing teal bioluminescent freckles, his copious amount of precum glowing every so slightly in the darkness of your room. He's gorgeous and so delectable that you can't find yourself pulling away from him anytime soon, and you find yourself feeling cocky enough to think Neteyam doesn't either.
The thick taste of his earthly sweet precum coats the back of your throat as he draws closer to his orgasm, your whole mouth pulsing with the constant throbbing of his cock. The once endless stream of pleasurable sounds have vanished into a steady rhythm of wheezing pants as Neteyam fights to remain control of himself, the skin of his knuckles have turned a drastic shade of light blue as he clenches his hands into tight fists that shake at every drag of your tongue on the prominent vein running on the underside of his cock.
Neteyam's hips jerk suddenly, trying to quickly pull out of your mouth before he cums down your throat, but you don't let him, following his retreat with a harsh suck to his cock that leaves Neteyam breathless. You have to make him cum, it was never debatable and you wouldn't let it become one.
You end Neteyam's torture with a low moan, sucking down as much of his impressive length as could while moaning around him. Neteyam's hand immediately shoot up to carefully grab your head, holding your place as he begins to cum, his loud, breathless gasp like music to your ears as you swallow down the thick spurts running down your raw throat. You greedily take every last drop, struggling to breathe yourself as you focus on taking everything Neteyam has to offer you with each swallow you make around him, drawing his orgasm out as long as he would let you.
Neteyam's fingers that have gently guided your head have now tangled themselves into your messy hair, pulling you off him completely. You know you looked wrecked, wet eyes and hot cheeks complimented by the drool trail running down your chin couldn't be the hottest you've ever looked, but Neteyam's eyes still burn with admiration and lust as he looks down at you, wiping at your chin for you. "You did so good for me, so beautiful, my perfect Yawne."
Neteyam's hands are so soft as they cup the entirety of your head, wiping away stray hairs and clearing your lashes of tears. He coos at you when you shift to lay back down, your knees achy and weak even from kneeling on your bed. Neteyam doesn't hesitate to follow you to lay down and cuddle, molding his body around yours while he whispers sweet words into your ears, wrapping you in his embrace. "You ready to sleep?" he asks, still trying to clean you as best as he can without a rag or damp cloth.
You can't take the waiting anymore, the burning need that's been building in your core is craving for more. You need all of him, you need to have Neteyam even if it's just this one time, you have craved nights like these your entire life and you'll be damned if you didn't beg for everything if you have to. "Neteyam, I need you."
You turn just enough to grab at the respirator hanging around his neck, giving him the air he needs as you plead. "All of you. Please?"
Such a look of yearning dancing in the wonder filled gaze Neteyam has placed on you is something that only exists in fiction, his reaction is adorable and surprising all in one the longer he stares at you. "You want me? Even if it hurts you?"
You nod, untruthing of your voice from how nervous you've suddenly become.
Your agreement makes Neteyam ponder his answer, his comforting hold on your body gets just a little tighter when he pulls you impossibly closer. "Yawne, do you want to be my mate? I will begin courting you properly first thing tomorrow morning, but for tonight, let me make this a worthy promise."
"Well fuck me I must have died."
"You can consider it my first act of proving myself a worthy mate." Neteyam chuckles, his own unease showing in the nervous little squeezes he's placing across your body.
The silly thought that you were speakless before is laughable as your mind has been switched off in an instant, mouth agape in shock as you gawk at the most incredible being you've ever knew – who's basically asking you for your hand in marriage – with no words to express your raging thoughts. You could only process this as a very good one nightstand, an evening of carnal pleasure neither of you would talk about ever again when the morning came, pretending nothing had happened as life continued to pass you by. You could look back at that one time you created the night you could brag about for the rest of your life; the only memory you hold close to your heart.
Yet Neteyam didn't see it that way, maybe he never did. This wasn't a decision made in haste in a post orgasm bliss, not like the many promises and sweet words your ex said to you after a boring night, the Na'vi worship the bond they have between themselves and the incredible world around them, and the connection between mates is considered the most sacred of all. So to even ponder the idea of mating with a human that he couldn't make tsaheylu with or could ever experience that bond or even live as long as he lives... Neteyam had thought about this far longer than you could believe.
The answer was simple, it always has been. "Yes. I would love nothing more than to be your mate, Nete."
Neteyam's joyful laugh is all you can feel as he pulls you into a needy kiss, your shared excitement melting into a passion laced kiss that drowns you in his desire driven craving to show you his potential as your future mate. His long, four fingers intertwine with yours as his one hand pins both of your to the mattress, devouring you in every kiss and wandering touch, his free hand moving to spread your legs to accommodate for his slim hips to slot between your thighs, guiding you to hook your legs together behind his back.
There isn't space for any thing or person but Neteyam in your mind, your body surrendering to the heavy weight of his body pressing into yours, sinking further down into the bed as Neteyam ravages every inch of you. You whine with a tug at your wrists, wishing you could hold onto Neteyam the same way his free hand is bruising himself on your flesh. Neteyam lays his golden eyes on you as he peers up from your chest, his mouth busy sucking at your stiff nipple, leaving blooming bruises and love bites on the sensitive skin.
He was marking you as his; you are his now.
You can feel everything and not enough all together. Your skin burns with a prickling craving for more of Neteyam's touch, yet all your body feels is the smooth gliding of his sweat dampened, velvet like skin rubbing against yours. The smell of sex taints the air, coating your senses in your own arousal mingling in with Neteyam's intoxication scent, an addicting mix of sweet flowers and fresh rain, a smell so enticing you want to lick it right off his skin, but are held back by Neteyam's hold on you. You whimper in protest as Neteyam's hard cock grinds on your slick pussy, his thick tip bumping into your clit over and over again in a tormenting rhythm causing you nearly to cry, a tantalizing promise just outside of your grasp of full gratification.
"Neteyam," you cry, wiggling your fingers to scrape your fingernails over his knuckles. "Neteyam, please! No more teasing, I need you. Please!?" Your pleas stream down your temples and disappear into your hair, soft sniffles and quiet sobs immediately stopping Neteyam's fun.
"Mawey, Yawne." Neteyam purrs against your tear streaked cheek, freeing your hands from his hold, moving them to wrap around his shoulders as Neteyam kisses away your tears, chasing them away with slow grinding and sweet words until your tears are left to soft hiccups. Between his soothing purrs and comforting sweet nothings whispered into your ear you can feel Neteyam moving, shifting his body as best he can without disturbing you as he languishly aligns his cock with your entrance, rocking his hips against your pussy as a way of calming you down.
"Yawne," Neteyam soft cups your face in his hand, making you look him in the eyes despite your tears. "Do you really want this?"
You sniffle, blinking away your tears as you lean upwards, connecting your lips to Neteyam's in a sweet, lingering kiss. "I have wanted you my entire life, I have never been more sure of a decision in my fucked up, useless life than I am about being mated to you."
Your promised is sealed by another kiss by Neteyam.
"I promise to go slow." Neteyam hums as his tip presses at your hole, his tail that was waving in the air contently behind him dips down to wrap around your thigh, grounding both of you in the moment. Your eyes lock with Neteyam as he presses in just the smallest amount, opening you up just enough on the very beginning of his tip. Your cunt needy and wet as it is still struggles to adapt to Neteyam's girth, stretching around his bulbous, slick tip as he calmly rockings his cock inch by painful inch into your tight, little pussy.
You cry fresh tears the more of Neteyam's cock you take, sobbing into his neck at the burning stretch you can feel tearing through your stomach, your own pain being inflicted into Neteyam's back as your nail bite into his skin. "Yawne," Neteyam says, his voices shaky from his own torment of your pussy clenching painfully around his cock. "Talk to me." he begs, his hot breath panting onto your damp neck as he hides himself there, praying to collect himself before he cums prematurely.
You know that's not all of him, it can't be. The tiny aborted rocking of Neteyam's hips tells you how badly he's holding back from ramming his entire length into your overstretched cunt and fucking you into daybreak, his tender care sealing your love for him all the more. The tension in your body gradually releases, your body relaxing into Neteyam's arms as you focus on his soft lips leaving their trail of kisses on your neck and chest. You test the waters by gently grinding up, pushing yourself further onto Neteyam's cock by an inch before slowly letting yourself back down.
Neteyam whimpers quietly from his spot buried into the side of your neck, your bedsheets threatening to tear under his harsh grip as he allows you to languishly adjust to more of his cock. You push through the aching pressure of his cock spearing into you every second by agonizing second for Neteyam as you hump yourself down his cock until his slim hipbone rest on yours. A collective sigh of relief leaves the you both as you lay connected for a moment, neither of you staying still for long as the dull ache begins to change into a nagging want for sweet friction, beginning Neteyam's slowly rocking again.
You know Neteyam wants to move faster, oh he wants to move so badly, but he's being so good for you. The idea of dragging this out was enticing but a tactic for a different time, your own desire to be fucked stupid gnawing at you too deeply to ignore any longer.
"You can move, baby." The words are barely spoken before Neteyam hikes your legs higher up his waist, raising your pelvis perfectly to his, making it easier for him to start slowly thrusting into you, snatching the very air from your lung at the first press of his cock sliding deep into you.
Your hands shake against Neteyam's body, your mind becoming slower as Neteyam goes just a little faster. Leaving one hand to stay rubbing on Neteyam's back, your other hand weaves itself into his messy braids, finding the thick braid covering the most sacred part of him in your hand; and he let you. The realization that Neteyam does truly trust you that much makes you moan lowly, his ear folding back as he rocks just a little harder into your addicting warmth, groaning at the clench he gets in response.
"Yawne," Neteyam warns, his pacing quickening into a steady rhythm that makes your breath stutter into your chest, almost halting your hand as it travels up his queue, reaching to cup the base of the neural cord. "If you keep doing that I won't last."
"Hm, really?" you inquire, sarcasm laced in your teasing words, knowing full well what your actions are doing to your Na'vi. "How fun."
"You'll be the death of me." Neteyam groans as you purposely clench around him, your victory smirk immediately being wiped away as Neteyam's hand disappears between your bodies to run circles around your clit.
The heavy weight of Neteyam's cock dragging on your sensitive walls fuzzies your vision the more his building rhythm leads his thick tip to graze over your g-spot, hitting that sweet spot over and over again. Your moans are uncontrollable the moment Neteyam's cock touches your cervix, pure bliss on the precipice of your orgasm is just within your grasp the longer your body is overwhelmed with Neteyam's desperate administration on your body, your nerves on edges as the knot in your core builds and untangles faster than before.
Your creaky bed is barely holding together at the powerful force of Neteyam's thrust, the metal headboard banging against the wall in a rhythmic pattern so precise you could believe a song could be based on it. And it's a song you'd play on repeat, every day and night blasting the beat of Neteyam's heavenly rhythm until your body collapsed from pure exhaustion.
The untimed flex of your fingers squeeze around Neteyam's tswin causes the composed and patient warrior to lose ever ounce of control in his body in an instant, sharp canines digging into your shoulder, moaning as ropes after rope of his cum fills your womb. Your second orgasm of the night comes crashing down at you when Neteyam's teeth met your flesh, suffocating your body of anything except pleasure as you ride the sweet high of your gummy walls spasming around Neteyam's pulsing cock.
The cold, dark room is buzzing with the all consuming thrill lingering in your bones, neither of you daring to move from the blissful embrace your body have on one another. As if getting mated and being fucked until your limbs were jelly wasn't enough, one of last your triumphs is no longer hearing your ex and his girlfriend creating a demon in his room anymore, the loudly obnoxious couple have seemed to have left the outpost completely.
"Poor sexually incompetent fool."
You expected to be exhausted like you were after your first orgasm, but instead find yourself wide awake and in search of Neteyam's eyes, scanning over ever flickering expression passing over his gorgeous features as he recovers from his own orgasm. Heaven opens it's beautiful gates the moment his golden eyes open, showing passionate love and dedication in the form of the sweetest set of teary, wide eyes you've ever seen.
Neteyam has always been everything you needed in life, the epitome of perfect to everyone, and the broken love of your life to only you. He wasn't the perfect golden child like everyone believed, and yet, that didn't matter to you. Why should it? You were just as broken and tired of life as he was.
Maybe the Great Mother had heard your prayers all along and had forced to you to see what you truly needed wasn't the fantasy in your head, but the real being willing to love you that you had in your life all along.
"I see you." you whispered with a soft kiss to his nose. "I love you."
"Oel ngati kameie." he whispers back, sealing his words in a tender kiss on your lips. "Ngari 'efu oe tunu."
©️Eywaite2025 | All rights reserved. Do not republish, steal, repost, modify, translate or claim any of my work as your own.
𝓣𝓪𝓰𝓼: @tallulah477 @blue-slxt @puddle-nerd @lovelybruises @fadedpetal @xylianasblog @luvv4j4ybe11 @erenjaegerwifee @minnory
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Aonung x Human! Reader
Summary: Aonung is curious about the sky demon that came to his village with the Sullies.
Warnings: Aonung not respecting boundaries like at all, treats reader like an object kind of, manhandling, nothing serious tbh, Spider gets ragged on repeatedly
It's late afternoon, the sun at its peak, bathing the Metkayina village in warm gold.
You were enjoying yourself thoroughly, floating on your back and letting the sun warm the parts of you that weren't submerged in cool water. Your exomask was gathering a little condensation in the heat, but not enough to disturb your relaxed state.
It had been a good day. Neytiri had been growing warmer towards you as of late, though you suspected it was mostly born of a desire to please Kiri, who felt Spider's absence sorely and had turned to you to fill the gap of her token human best friend.
A position which you didn't entirely appreciate being thrust into, as a matter of fact. Sure, you missed Spider too, and you were as close to her as you were to her other siblings, but you weren't him. You didn't want the sudden responsibility that came with being their fill-in human. You couldn't crack gross boy jokes with Lo'ak, couldn't comfort Kiri over the shared lack of parents. And you definitely didn't paint yourself blue and act totally feral.
Like you said, you liked Spider, but that was something about him you never understood.
So you were happy to have this respite, even if it were a brief one.
That is, until a shadow fell across you. A large one. You groaned at the disturbance and sudden lack of sunlight, opening your mouth to tell whoever it was to fuck off, when you found that it wasn't Loak, as you had expected, standing on the platform above you, but the son of the Metkayina chief. Onung or something.
"Can I help you?" you asked, trying your best not to sound too irritable. After all, his family was hosting you and the Sullies. He was a dick, but it wouldn't do anyone any good if you mouthed off at him. Not that the desire wasn't there.
"Do you have to wear that mask all the time? I've never seen you take it off," he commented, ignoring your question as he lowered his bulk into a crouch, tail swishing across the ground behind him as he looked at you with genuine curiosity on his face.
You squinted at him, shifting onto your front and treading water as you did so. "I can't breathe your air," you replied bluntly, then, unable to resist, added an "idiot" after for good measure.
He scowled briefly, ears flicking backwards.
You huffed out a laugh, rather pleased with yourself for managing to get under his skin. "Now, is that all? Because I'm trying to enjoy the sun, and- hey! Hey!"
You cut yourself off as his large hands hooked under your armpits, lifting you clear of the water. "What are you doing, dickhead?!" you snapped indignantly, trying to pry his hands off you, kicking at his arms. "Put me down!"
It was his turn to ignore you now, instead carefully adjusting himself to sit on the edge of the platform, legs dangling above the water.
He lowered you onto his lap, and you briefly considered stomping on his dick once you found your feet on his broad thighs, but settled for folding your arms and glaring at him. He shifted his hands to your middle, presumably to keep you from falling or jumping off, and continued to stare at you.
Your cheeks grew hot almost immediately. You felt beyond exposed as he observed you, standing there on his thighs with his hands on your body, only in your damn bikini. He was just looking at first, but then began to touch you, taking your arm between his forefinger and thumb and holding it out- as much as you tried to fight it, you were simply no match for this big blue idiot's child-like curiosity in your alien form.
And it wasn't like he was unattractive. It was just that he was Metkayina royalty or something, and dumb as a rock, and you weren't Spider and you didn't have a massive boner for every Na'vi under the sun.
So maybe you were a little bitter towards the idea of human/Na'vi romance. After all, you were the unlucky bastard who'd had to sit through Spider's long talks about his various crushes. It had started with Neteyam, mature and kind and confident and altogether a pretty good crush for a young human boy like Spider. Then it had been fiery, playful Lo'ak, then dreamy Kiri, and at one horrible point you remember it being Jake. Yeah, Spider went through the Sullies like he had a to-do list.
You were nothing like that. You'd never had a crush on a Na'vi in your life.
And you weren't about to start now, even if his eyes roving over every inch of you with genuine interest made you squirm and flush.
"Do you mind?!" you said waspishly, finally getting fed up with his intense scrutiny as his hand travelled down your leg, dwarfed in his massive palm as he tried to examine the limb in question.
"Not at all," Onung or whatever his name was replied, grinning at you, teeth flashing. Jesus, they were sharp.
"Look, Onung, you can't just-" you began indignantly before he interrupted.
"Aonung. My name is Aonung," he corrected.
"Aonung," you repeated back to him, rolling your eyes. "You can't just-"
"You're not saying it right," he pouted like a little kid. Did he honestly think you cared how his name was pronounced?!
"Shut up and let me speak!" you snapped, hand lashing out and grabbing him by the ear, making him yelp as you dragged his big head towards you. "Listen, you big blue jackass, you can't just pick people up and start examining them like that! I didn't consent to it!"
"Let me go," he hissed at you, fangs inches from your face.
You stared right down his throat, unafraid. "You let me go. I'm not a toy you can fuck around with."
"Fine," he huffed, his tail thumping behind him irritably as you released his ear and he set you down beside him.
You stood for a moment, the seaspray-wet platform cooler on your feet than his thighs had been, and resisting the urge to shrink into yourself as the wind hit the place where his hand had sat around your middle.
He kept sitting there, looking rather like a kid that had been sent to time out, frowning, ears flat against his head and tail still twitching.
"Why did you wanna look at me, anyway?" you asked abruptly, looking at him. "You seemed pretty set on drop kicking me into the ocean when I first came here."
His ears drooped even further and he didn't look at you. "Cause," he grumbled.
"Cause why?" you persisted, reaching out and pushing at his broad shoulder, feeling a little braver now you were no longer at his mercy.
He glanced at your hand, then at you, a weird expression on his face that you didn't feel like unpacking.
You withdrew your hand. "Sorry."
"It's fine," he grunted, then heaved a sigh. Your eyes followed his chest as it rose and fell absentmindedly, before you caught yourself and gave yourself a firm mental telling off for checking out the big blue guy who'd just handled you like you were an object.
Not that you'd hated it. It was just... unexpected.
"You can look at me if you're that curious," you relented. "You just had to ask first. I get that you'd be curious but-"
"I didn't think you'd mind," he muttered.
"Didn't think I'd mind? When a guy twice my height literally snatched me out of the water and started handling me like an object? Aonung," you say severely.
"You're still saying it wrong."
You roll your eyes so hard it hurts for a second. "That's the best I can do."
"No, it's not."
"Oh, yeah, since you've got your degree and know every fucking thing."
"I don't know what a degree is," he pointed out, looking at you steadily.
You huff and glance around, then back at him. "Teach me, then. If it's such a big deal. Teach me how to say your name."
He just scoffed at you and looked away.
Okay. Rude, considering he'd been bitching about it nonstop.
You took the initiative and climbed back into his lap to make him look at you, gripping his shoulder tightly for balance as you stepped back onto his thighs. Thankfully of your own volition this time.
"What are you doing?" he asked, sounding mildly irritated, his hand cupping your hip instinctively to steady you.
"I said teach me," you repeated firmly, poking him in the chin. "I'm sick of you nagging me about it."
"I've only said it twice," he huffed.
"I've only said your name twice," you countered.
You stared at each other for a long moment. His hand was warm, gentle on your hip, and you still had your hand on his shoulder, his skin sun-warm and slightly gritty with sea salt and sand. Okay, so maybe you were kind of attracted to this one Na'vi specifically.
He sighed, looking away from you, then back at you, adjusting himself to be more comfortable, leaning back on his other hand. "Aonung," he said clearly. "Ow-noong."
You made a rather feeble attempt at imitating the sounds. You were used to the more blunt names of the Omaticaya, but the embarrassment of not getting it right was killing you a little inside.
He chuckled, thighs shifting under your feet a little, making you wobble and glare at him.
It takes you a few more attempts and much laughter from him, but you get it, or as close as you think you'll get.
"I think that's about as close as we're gonna get," Aonung said finally, voice warm with amusement as he looked at you.
You blushed despite yourself. Eywa, what was happening to you? This wasn't like you at all.
He was still gazing at you, and you realised his thumb was rubbing lazy circles into your hip.
You sighed deeply.
"Something on your mind?" he prompted.
"You're more tolerable than I expected."
A grin spread across his face as he tilted his head, ears tilting forward. "Should I be flattered?"
You just shrugged, smiling back a little.
"Well," he continued, shifting once more beneath you, heaving a sigh of his own. "I guess you'll be pleased to know I find you tolerable too."
"Well, isn't that convenient?" you snickered. "The human and the Metkayina's precious little prince-"
"Ah, shut up," he murmured, sitting a little more upright, bringing his face close to yours, before he stopped himself.
You didn't dare to move. "And what are you up to?" you whispered.
"Nothing." He smiled, slow and lazy, still rubbing soothing circles into your hip, tail beginning to thump again behind him.
Then he moved his hand to your mask, still watching your face. "Take a deep breath for me," he hummed.
You did so as your heart began to thump insistently against your ribs, hoping- no, praying that he was about to do what you thought he was going to do.
He lifted your mask off gently, and leaned forward, covering your mouth with his.
Like everything else about him, his lips were warm, firm, tasting of sea salt and some Metkayina herb, the name of which escaped you.
You sighed contentedly into his mouth, looping your arms around his neck as best you could, leaning your body against his chest.
You wanted this to drag on forever. There was no great realisation, either, beyond the simple oh. I have a crush on Aonung. No desperation in this.
It was just nice, to be here, standing on his thighs, kissing him slowly and peacefully while the brisk sea breeze enveloped you both.
He eventually pulled away and replaced your mask, looking down at you with a serene, content expression, tracing his fingers down the glass.
You couldn't help smiling, cheeks flushed as you shifted your hands to his shoulders.
"That was nice," he commented, trying to hold back a grin. "We should do it again sometime."
You laughed a little breathlessly. "Definitely."
His laughter mingled with yours, his chest vibrating a little as he leaned forward and pressed a kiss to the glass of your mask above your forehead. "I'll hold you to that."
I love dumb hunk himbo Aonung can y'all tell
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Day 2 of RecomWeek and the prompt for today is Found Family, I just want Spider and Quaritch to be a happy little family together
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the worst part of the spider & jake situation is not that jake has thin veiled hostility like Neytiri or some barely there affection like the rest of the clan. Is that he is completly apathetic. My guy does not feel anything but a vague sense of guild when he leaves spider to the RDA and worse yet is when he feels RIGHTEOUS telling miles to let himself be captured by literal terrorists??? like huh???
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Watch Me
Kinktober Day 08 Lo'ak & Aonung
A/N: I tried something new. I wrote this all in Aonung's pov, and I'm not sure how I feel about this.
Warnings: 18+, Aged Up, Voyeurism, Voyeur Aonung, Stalkerish Aonung, Possessive!Lo'ak, Dom!Lo'ak, Mean!Lo'ak, Possessive!Aonung, Spanking, Pussy Spanking, Rough Fingering, Reader is not aware of Aonung
Thank you @pandoraslxna for putting this together for all of us 💕
POV Aonung
Since passing my Iknimaya, my parents have been pressing for me to find a mate. Eager to see the next line secured. Many women are interested in me; I have my pick of the clan. However, the only woman I am interested in is forbidden. A tiny tawtute who stays with the Sully family. Years ago, when Kiri seized under the water, the tawtute brought a girl with them. She helped them set up the strange machines and stayed to watch my mother heal her. She was an oddity as she did not wear the strange coverings the other tawtute must wear to breathe. She breathes on Eywa’eveng as if she was of the na’vi. It was decided and agreed by my parents that she was to stay for the care of Kiri and was to learn the way of the Metkayina with me as her personal teacher. She was an eager student and picked up the way of water faster than the other Sullys did. Her heart was made of gold, always seeking kindness and peace. It was only due to her Lo’ak, and I did not come to blows on multiple occasions.
She is the one who stole my heart. I would do anything for her love. But it is not to be. Her heart is taken by Lo’ak. I see them always together, holding one's hand or each other. They had already moved out of their family's marui and into their own. While they cannot make tsaheylu, it is evident that they are a mated pair. The sounds they make at night if you dare to pass their marui are of unmistakable lovemaking. There are times I will lurk outside their marui, fisting my own cock to the sounds my Sumtsyìp makes. Her moans and screams are all it takes for me to find my release. This is where I find myself again.
I found a small gap atop their marui that overlooks their sleeping mat. Allowing me to see everything. They were already in the throes of passion. My Sumtsyìp legs are high in the air as Lo’ak delves deep into her folds, his tongue hidden inside her.
“Lo’ak! Please!” She moans, “You’re teasing me!” She accuses.
Lo’ak chuckles at her, “I’m teasing you? Is my tongue fucking your cunt teasing? Maybe instead, I should just play with your pussy lips, leave your slutty hole and clit alone as I have my fun.”
‘How dare that bastard! My Sumtsyìp deserves better! If I was there, I would give her what she needs. I would make sure she knows nothing but constant release. A never-ending torrent of pleasure. Lo’ak does not deserve Sumtsyìp!’
“No! Please, I’ll be good!” Sumtsyìp begs, always the good girl, eager to please.
“You’re gonna be a good girl, hmm?” Lo’ak smacks her ass, leaving a mark, “That means you’re gonna take what I give you, and you're gonna thank me for it.” Lo’ak turns her over so her ass faces the air, “You’re going to count each spank, and you’re going to thank me for it. Understand?” Lo’ak orders.
“Yes, sir,” Sumtsyìp whispers.
My slit is fully open, and I haven’t even touched myself, my dick peeking out. I ease it out the rest of the way, taking hold of it, ready to watch the show.
“One, thank you, sir.”
Her voice is musical, making me twitch in my grasp.
“Two, thank you, sir.”
The spines on my cock flex, wanting to be in her.
“Three, thank you, sir.”
I can see the beginning of redness shading her ass.
“Four, thank you, sir.”
Her voice is becoming higher, and her hips raising. I have the perfect view.
“Five, thank you, sir.”
All I can think of is being in his place. Being the one she moans and begs for. Touching her ass. I would never spank her. There are many better ways to make Sumtsyìp behave.
“Six, thank you, sir!” Her knees lifted, wanting to protect the delicate flesh.
“If you can’t keep your legs down, I’ll do it for you,” Lo’ak growls.
“Sorry, sir.” I cannot see her face, but I can hear the tears in her voice.
Lo’ak sits there rubbing her red ass, and my Sumtsyìp relaxes in his hold.
She yelped as it landed, and my dick drooled at the sound.
“Se-seven, thank you, sir.”
Her moan couldn’t be hidden, “Oh-eig-eight. Thank, thank you, sir.”
My moan mingles with hers. I thought I was quiet enough, but Lo’ak’s head shot toward my direction. He stops and looks for a second. I pause, my hand never left my dick. And that’s how he found me. Lo’ak’s face sharpens to a smug grin, like a predator who found his prey.
His eyes stayed on mine, “Last two, baby. They’re gonna be special ones.” Lo’ak turns my Sumtsyìp around so she lays on her back, her legs spread wide over his lap.
I can see everything, her glistening folds shining in the moonlight, a peek of her reddened ass, her face red, and trails of tears on her face. Whilst I could see everything, her tawtute eyes were not strong enough to see me.
“Please, sir, I was good! Please don’t spank my pussy! I was a good girl for you!” Sumtsyìp begged, her tears restarting, and my cock throbbed with each sob.
Lo’ak smacks her inner thigh, “What the fuck did I say?” He demanded, “I said you take what I give you, and I’m gonna spank your pussy! Do you understand?” he emphasized by smacking the same spot.
“Ye-yes, sir. So-so-sorry, sir.” My Sumtsyìp sobbed, her body covered in a sheen of sweat.
“You keep saying that, but you don’t seem to understand that this is mine!” A deep growl came from Lo’ak, and I knew those words were not for my Sumtsyìp.
Instead of the spanks Sumtsyìp and I were both expecting, Lo’ak sunk two fingers deep into her cunt.
The scream that erupted from Sumtsyìp nearly had me cumming right then. I had to grasp my base to hold off. But Eywa, her tight pussy stretched to accommodate just two fingers, the noses it made. Wet squelching noises filled the marui as Lo’ak thrusted his fingers harshly.
“Fuck! Yes! OHHHH!” Sumtsyìp screamed, her back arched off of his lap.
I fist my cock to her moans and the sight of her tight pussy. I can feel my release coming soon. Until Lo’ak took his fingers out and smacked her cunt. His hand was giant compared to the small space of her pussy, hitting it from top to bottom.
Sumtsyìp’s eyes went wide, but they were unseeing. She chokes and gasps but is otherwise frozen. Finally, she gives off a weak, broken moan.
“That’s another added, you didn’t count, and it has to be redone,” Lo’ak mentioned, sounding like he was talking about the weather, all the while rubbing her sore pussy.
“N-N-Nine!!!!” Sumtsyìp screams, “Th-Thank you s-sir!” Broken from her sobs.
“Who’s pussy us this?” He asked, rubbing her clit harshly.
“Yours! It’s your pussy!” My Sumtsyìp crys, unable to stop wiggling from his minstrains.
Lo’ak smacks her thigh again, “You’re right, it’s mine! But what’s my name? Say it!” Lo’ak snarled.
“Lo’ak! It’s Lo’ak’s pussy!” She whines, humping into his hand.
Lo’ak looks me in the eye, “That’s right, it’s my pussy, 'cause your my baby girl, my muntxate. And I don’t fucking share.”
“Ten! Thank you, sir!” The last smack was gentler this time, more of a possessive pat.
Lo’ak gently inserts his fingers into her pussy, leisurely thrusting his fingers, picking her up so she’s cradled to his chest, blocking her from my view.
“That’s my girl, such a good girl for me. Tell me, baby, what do you want? I’ll give you anything you want, all for my baby girl.” Lo’ak turns his back, moving so I can see nothing but his back.
So I left, refusing to acknowledge the pool of cum I left on the landing, dripping into their marui.

Update: A visual description of the genitalia
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Swimming Lesson (A Precious One Shot)
Pairing: Adult Ao'nung x Hyperfeminine human reader
Summary: Ao'nung is more than eager to teach you how to swim. He doesn't, however, anticipate what it leads to.
Warnings: aged up characters, explicit sexual content MDNI, reader has mild fear of water, interspecies relationship, established relationship, swearing, possessive beahvior, brief mention of violence, past bad relationship, insecurity, marking, scenting, dom/sub dynamics, etc.
A/N: I've been overthinkg this one for way too long. Here's how it turned out
Precious Masterlist
Adult Ao'nung photo by Cinetrix
Tawtute modesty is a perplexing concept. Most Sky People dress in a way that covers their body, even going as far as creating cubbies in their metal homes where they can change these clothes without others seeing. For a species that appears to have just as much sexual drive as Na’vi do, they certainly waste a lot of time and effort acting ashamed of their bodies.
Although your clothing is far more appealing, and even revealing at times, you too act very shy about being exposed.
And yet, it appears that this cultural norm is thrown out the window when it comes to swimming attire. Calling an outfit a swimsuit as you do, suddenly gives a tawtute a free pass to discard ninety five percent of their clothing and prance around without care.
No one had informed Ao’nung of this however so when you walk out in your handmade swimsuit for the first time, it takes him a moment to connect his mouth to his brain again. You give a little twirl as you always do, before rambling on about what material it’s made of and how easy or difficult it was to construct.
And as usual, Ao’nung takes his time admiring your latest work with greedy hands that always come out to grip your hips and spin you from side to side. This is a common routine for the two of you. It is customary for him to see your latest projects first so you can receive his opinion. Although both of you know he offers nothing close to helpful feedback. The real joy from this arrangement comes from him opening ogling you in the pretty clothes until you sufficiently feel confident in your genius.
You never stop him when he gets handsy either. Although that pretty blush often spreads from your cheeks to collarbones and you giggle at his lack of restraint, he knows you enjoy the obvious display of carnal desire. It’s a win-win scenario.
And today, stars above, there is so much for him to look at. Or rather, so little fabric to cover your form because this swimsuit as you call it is tiny. In many ways it feels a lot closer to the usual attire of females in his clan with intricate straps and only a tiny top and bottom to shield some of his favorite parts. In fact, this set is much like your bra and panties combo.
When he squeezes your hips and turns you to the side, he is more than ecstatic to find that this duo is actually more revealing than most of your undergarments. Is this truly considered decent in tawtute culture? Oh well, he knows better than to question when something good comes his way. Whatever reasoning sky people have come up with to justify these tiny outfits, he is grateful for.
The bottoms are held together by strings that tie at each hip similar to the ties on your upper back that keep the small chest piece in place. You’ve chosen fabrics of light blue for the base and cream for the trim that is of course bunched into frilly fashion. It wouldn’t be yours without some extra flare. The front of the bottoms cover decently but the back draws a shape higher onto the hips that leaves more than half of your gorgeous ass spilling out.
And it’s not the only thing to spill. The bottom sit low on your hips so that the front is tucked just beneath that adorable pooch of a stomach that Ao’nung is constantly tempted to bite into. Even the ties on the hips just barely press lines into your plush flesh that you call love handles. And to top it off, there is a tiny bow between your breasts and a matching one just atop your vulva.
Eywa above, if he knew teaching you to swim would put you in an outfit like this he would have fought even harder to make this day come sooner.
“Do you like it?” You ask, cheeks pink but eyes telling him that you already know the answer to your own question.
“What did you call this?” He asks, sweeping your long hair over one shoulder to admire the curve of your spine.
“A bikini.”
“Oeyӓ tawtute, I more than like it.” His lips gently press over a mark he had sucked into your skin last week, just above your shoulder blade. With twiddling fingers and a smile he can practically feel radiating even from behind you, goosebumps rise over your exposed flesh. “I don’t know what stops you from wearing this bikini thing more often.”
You snort and playfulling try to elbow him in the ribs. “You horny meathead.” With a giggle you turn around to scrunch your nose up at him which he has come to recognize as a chiding expression.
He’s not sure what is so funny about his comment. You may be giggling but he sees no reason why you couldn’t wear this during day to day life on the island. Although, he wouldn’t want to miss out on your strange dresses either.
“You know I can’t do that.”
He doesn’t but Ao’nung lets it drop when your small hand intertwines with his own and you practically begin skipping towards the beach. It seems this successful outfit has put you in a good mood, so it’s best to hold his breath and pray that it will remain that way once you get to the water. It has taken a couple weeks of convincing, borderline demanding, that you learn to swim.
Today you don’t show the usual signs of apprehension so Ao’nung plays along carefully, treading as light as a hunter worried about spooking their prey.
The good luck has passed. Whatever giddiness you felt from showing off your new bikini dissipated ten minutes ago when you two had finally reached the shore. Now you remain perched on the rock wall that extends a way into the shallows, watching with a nervous smile where Ao’nung stands in the water.
“You are stalling.” He accuses.
“I’m not.” You protest, bottom lip becoming snatched between your teeth. “I just think I need to observe you some more before I get in. After all, nothing’s better than watching the master.”
You catch on fast, that’s for sure. In the short few weeks the two of you have been together it seems that you’ve already devoted yourself to figuring out how to charm him and target certain weak spots. Try as you might, however, that isn’t going to work today.
“Get in.”
Your arms wrap around your own torso, a nervous habit of yours. He isn’t being mean, isn’t even raising his voice in the way some of his own teachers did when he was younger but it takes very little to intimidate a small tawtute like you. It’s important that he maintains some form of strict authority in these lessons, otherwise you will walk all over him.
It will never cease to perplex him how carelessly humans treat learning to swim. He thought the most horrific part of it would have been their form alone, something that had made his jaw drop the first time he saw Spider swim, but unfortunately it goes far beyond that. Among the seaside clans it is customary to have newborn children already learning how to kick to the surface on their own. Children know how to swim far before they can take their first steps. From what he’s heard, even the Omatikaya teach their children from a young age. And yet, Ao’nung was horrified to hear you say that some humans don’t learn how to swim until they are adults, some even die without learning.
He won’t let that be your fate. So no matter what it takes, he is getting you in the water today.
“You are being a bad numeyu [student], precious.” He warns, clicking his tongue in feigned disappointment. Just as he expected, your shoulders drop slightly. No doubt if you had a tail it would be tucking between your legs right now. Such little praise to have you melting and such little criticism to have you proving you can do better.
“We can start tomorrow I prom-AH!” Whatever promise you had hoped to placate him with turns into a squeal when Ao’nung heaves himself up onto the rock wall in one fluid motion. Immediately you start running back towards the beach. You know just as well as him that he can and will hunt you down to drag you back since it has come to that.
There is a part of him that awakens at the first sign of a chase. It’s the same part of his nature that has him imagining all the ways he could rip those scraps of fabric you call a bikini off and ruin you for any other man. It doesn’t help his focus to have your squishy ass bouncing further out of your bottoms as you sprint.
Regardless, the hardest part about catching you has nothing to do with the skills he has learned as a hunter and everything to do with keeping his carnal desires at bay. You would be all too happy to let take a session of his head between your pretty legs over a swimming lesson.
He has one thick arm wrapped around your waist within your first five steps. You waste no time in starting your pleas to be released, shorter legs kicking in the air as he tucks you against his chest.
“Wait! Ao’nung, I can’t! Not today. Put me down!”
“You can not learn without getting in the water.” He says simply.
“No no! I can’t! I can’t!” Once again your words turn to shrieks when he swiftly jumps back into the ocean, softly landing his feet in the substrate. The waves only reach his hips at this height and with you in his arms you are nowhere near having your head dunked under.
Nevertheless your efforts to cry for mercy quickly shift into clawing your way up his body. You squirm and wiggle and manage to twist halfway towards him so that you can grab his shoulders and try to get higher. You climb him like one does a tree, but with far less grace than anyone who has experience climbing to get the fruit.
“What are you doing?” With furrowed brows it takes everything in him not to laugh, only grunting softly when your feet get dangerously close to keeping him between the legs.
“Okay I think that’s enough for today. Bring us back up!”
“It is fine. Nothing is going to happen.” He assures, using his other hand to steer your feet away from his tewng [loincloth]. Ao’nung tries not to think about how good it feels when your legs wrap around his torso instead.
“Easy for you to say! You’re like ten feet tall and can hold your breath for an eternity.” The tide is not strong today, just as he planned, but even the small waves billowing against his waist seem to put you on edge.
This is why you teach children to swim early on. They have no notion of fear.
He is caught between two conflicting temptations. Laughing his ass off at your antics and chucking you into the deep end much like they do for Metkayina babies. However, both won’t have the desired result in the end. And Ao’nung tries to remember too how different you are from the Metkayina. They are born with life saving instincts while from what he has seen from humans, has been nothing but concerning regarding their instincts. There is no telling if you will resurface if he lets you go under now.
Growing up his teachers had always been strict; unforgiving. He knew the importance of learning skills swiftly so as not to become a burden for the clan, and even more so surpassing expectations as he would someday be Olo’eyktan. A tough regiment had worked for him but you…
You are soft. And it’s one of his favorite qualities you possess, both physically and emotionally, but this also means that using that strict attitude to the same degree would more likely have you giving up and locking him out of your room more than making any real progress. No, while a firm hand is necessary with you at times, it’s evident that praise draws so much more out of you than negative repercussions.
Ao’nung had thought you particularly inept when it came to climbing but he is surprised to find that you’ve scooted your way significantly up his torso and now have your blunt nails dig into his shoulder blades. Oh how he wishes they were dug in there for the same reason they were last night as he fingered your demon pussy open.
“Oeyӓ tsyeym [my treasure], do you think I would let you drown?”
“Well no but-”
“Is there anyone that knows these waters better than me? Anyone further capable when it comes to moving through the sea?”
“No.” You mumble against his shoulder.
“So since you are here with me, an expert, and we’ve already established I will not let you drown then does that not mean you are the safest person, both human and Na’vi, in the ocean today?” He tucks a curve finger beneath your chin so you are forced to meet his expression, his brows raised in question.
His logic is difficult to deny although there is still some hesitancy in your movements when you nod. But he’ll take it.
“And as your karyu [teacher] who is experienced in these ways should you not be trusting my methods?”
Those pink lips form into what is surely meant to be a scowl but instead looks like nothing more than a pout to him. You know he’s right. How could you claim otherwise? But you stubbornly want to hold onto this fear.
“Yes, I suppose.” You say in a voice so small that Ao’nung’s ears have to perch forward to properly catch it.
“Good girl.” He grins, pecking you on the cheek before you can think up another excuse. “Let us begin.”
“Mawey, paskalin [be calm, honey]. You are too tense.” He purrs, hands supporting the curve of your back as you attempt to float atop the water. It’s a form not typical for the Metkayina but considering your small lungs he has deemed it essential for taking breaks in the water. However you are stiff as a board.
“I’m just trying not to sink.” You squirm until back on your feet and latched to his side. Perhaps you worry the tide will be strong enough to pull you out.
“The harder you try the more you will sink. Diving is not meant to be a struggle won. You must move with the water, do not fight against the sea.” For you to truly understand what he means you would have to actually try submerging beneath the waves. He had insisted that you learn without your mask, after all there is no guarantee you would be with it at all times, but it seems this crutch is one you are attached to and therefore refuse to go beneath the water without.
It is no issue. Ao’nung would rather teach you to dive the proper way slowly than have you relying on this crutch indefinitely.
“But you said that the sea is unforgiving. That it is a powerful force that does not discriminate when choosing prey.” Wet hair sticks to your cheeks as you look up at him. Ao’nung screws his lips and places a hand on his hip. You know how to pack a lot of trouble for someone half of his size.
“Hm, you love to twist my words, precious.” He teases, one hand snatching your hip to tug you in closer. He steadies your weak form when you stumble at the action.
“I-I’m not twisting it but this doesn’t make any sense. What am I supposed to do if a wave pulls me out from shore? I’ve heard even some Na’vi can not kick their way back in and so if they can’t neither can I. Not with these weak tawtute legs. And that’s not to mention the sea creatures. To some of them I’m not even a full bite!”
“None this close to shore are big enough to bite.” He cocks his head to the side. “Only some that could sting.”
“Ao’nung!” you screech hitting a hand against his chest. “I’m being serious. How am I ever going to be strong enough to do anything out here? It’s a hopeless cause which I knew but then again when do I ever really listen to-”
“You have forgotten to breathe.” And sure enough you pause for a second to take in his words before finally inhaling a shaky breath. When you get into rambles like this it’s common for you to fly off without any end in sight. Some days they are born out of nerves while others it's in excitement as you explain your favorite romantic movie in detail to him for thirty minutes. How did you survive such rambles before him? Who else was there to remind you the importance of oxygen?
“You think too much, paskalin.” Your pout only deepens but you lean against him. “I said I will teach you to swim and so I will. The rest is not for you to worry about.” Your hair tickles his lower abs when your head rests against him. He hears you inhale, preparing himself for more weak protests, but then you stop.
Your attention is snatched off to his far left where there is some splashing. He follows your gaze to find it fixated on one of the newests Ilu’s in deeper waters. This juvenile can only be a few weeks old as it is shorter than his forearm and remains in close proximity to its mother.
When he spots the way your expression softens, an idea sprouts. Ao’nung has been taking the wrong angle this entire time. It was only last week that he discovered how empathetic you are for animals, especially ones that have not reached adulthood. You had gone from constantly cooing at the strange small animals in your magic screen to falling apart into blubbering tears when one of the baby hippos, as you called them, couldn’t find his mother. It took a long time of hearing your choked up voice ramble about how alone that little creature must feel. It was a strange experience. Then again, that was during your bleeding week.
“We call her An’ali and her mother Se’xte.”
“She is adorable.”
“Do you want to see her?”
“Well yes but it’s deeper out there…” You trail off, uncertainty present in your tone.
“Grab on.” He instructs before bending down onto one knee and prompting your hands to his shoulders. You’re slow to comply, those big beautiful eyes peeking up at him with a flicker of apprehension but it seems your curiosity overrides that emotion because you finally clutch his shoulder to sprawl out across his back.
He could walk out to the ilu without any struggle of touching the bottom but Ao’nung opts to swim out smoothly, keeping his head and yours above the water. Just a small step to get you used to the feeling of gliding through the water. However, his swishing tail coming to aid does get tangled with your feet every now and then causing a giggle to bubble up your throat.
Luckily this sensation appears to distract you from the way the ilu swim out further into deeper waters. Ao’nung finds himself holding his breath, praying that you don’t notice how much further the sandy bottom is now. Fortunately, just as he hoped, the cute creatures have your full attention upon reaching them.
“Wow,” You whisper in a daze, looking past his shoulder. An’ali rubs up against her mother, earning an affectionate call in return. “They are beautiful.”
“They are ilu. Peaceful creatures.” When he reaches behind him to grab one of your hands there is resistance but he continues until it is resting upon the mother’s head. Se’xte gives a curious look but does not push away your tiny hand that pets at her head. He has a strong enough bond with her to have trust extending to you as well.
“And you ride them?”
“When we are younger, yes. Once a Na’vi has come of age and undergone their iknimaya they ride Tsurak.” If you are this amazed by the ilu he can only imagine what you will think once he introduces you to a Tsurak. Once he gets you more comfortable in the ocean maybe he can convince you to let him take you for a ride. At a slow pace of course. Your soft little hands do not have an ounce of the grip strength necessary to hold on for anything faster.
“She likes you.” Ao’nung smiles as Se’xte gives a chirp. He can practically feel you beam against his ear.
“I like her too.” It only lasts for another minute or so before the ilu is ducking beneath the water, not a sufficient amount of time to get a closer look at her baby. “Where are they going?”
“Beneath. We can follow.” Your fingers dig deeper into his shoulders, your breath wavering. Ao’nung doesn’t wait for permission however. It’s best not to give you time to overthink it. “Take a deep breath, paskalin.”
He waits to hear you deep inhale before diving beneath the surface. Your right arm hooks around his neck instinctively, your legs kicking out frantically but then there are the ilu just ahead, swimming around one another in a playful circle. Not wanting to push his luck too much on the first time, he surfaces after only a few seconds. This time he sets you to stand on a rock so that your head is above the soft waves.
“Ao’nung!” You gasp, holding a hand over your heart as if it is about to go into cardiac arrest. “Are you insane?! I could have died.”
“And yet you didn’t.”
That deeply rooted frown melts even as your eyes glare daggers back at him, no doubt not appreciating the smug look he wears. “You maniac!” Your accusation is accompanied by your right hand splashing water back at him. You’re barely holding back giddy laughter as you splash at him. Say what you want, but he knows you enjoyed the rush.
Ao’nung sweeps his own right hand out to splash back but his miscalculation of strength and the difference in height turns it into a full wave that washes over your entire upper body. “Oh.” He cringes slightly, feeling just a tad bit guilty for playing so rough.
However, to his surprise it lights something in your eyes. That embering fire turns into full blown competition as you try to imitate his man made wave. He fights back with his own, this time more gentle, retaliation as your laughter picks up. The Metkayina male’s tail swishes in excitement the further you take this little competition. Little sounds erupt from you that confuse him for a moment before he realizes this is your human form of battle cries.
His stomach aches from laughing so hard even as you manage to push a wave high enough to pummel him in the face. Ao’nung’s cerulean eyes narrow, his lips turning up into a crooked smirk. You have the better sense to scramble across the short distance of the rock when he lets out echoing yips and cries of a hunter who has already caught his precious prey.
Laughter and shouts coalesce together when he snatches you back in his arms. The splashing dies down as you struggle to catch your breath between wheezing laughter. Even Ao’nung himself finds his heart pounding at a significantly faster rhythm, but it’s spurred on by a new thrill that has taken him.
In the fit of playing you’ve slowly floated out of the circle in his arms, still holding onto his arms for support but there is no fear in your eyes now at being loosely kept above water. Just as he thought, the worst was all in your head.
“Do you trust me?”
You pause, eyes flickering between his face and the water again. And though it takes a moment for you to respond, you finally relent. “I do.”
Ao’nung smiles and situates you to float on your stomach. “Follow my lead, precious. Take a deep breath.”
Once he is sure your lungs are filled with oxygen Ao’nung wastes no time in helping you dive beneath the surface. His hands guide your body into the proper arch so that you can sink below and once you are, he dives beneath himself and grabs your clasped hands. With ease he slips deeper until he is directly below you and able to smoothly pull you through the water.
Your eyes are squeezed shut, as if bracing for harsh impact. Rolling his own eyes, he taps your cheek gently. When they timidly open he gives you a wide grin and a wink. However, Ao’nung does not have your spotlight for long. Now blown wide into sparkling orbs, your eyes take in every detail of the sea.
He gets to see it. The first time you fall in love with the ocean. The way you almost let out the breath in your lungs when a spade wing skates close by. How your gaze reflects every vibrant color the reefs have to offer. From the smallest to largest creature, you pay each the same undivided regard.
He couldn’t say what you see if his life depended on it, too enraptured in watching your reaction instead. The way one hand unclasps from his and reaches out to pet the juvenile ilu that passes them. Ao’nung can’t remember the first time he saw the ocean. He was only a baby and since then the underwater world has been his home more than the land above. So there is no telling if he looked at it for the first time the way you do now. Does he still appreciate the beauties of the sea for what they’re worth? Or has he grown to take such things for granted?
It feels like seeing it anew when he looks at it through your eyes.
He could watch you forever. Pull you through every inch of the sea if it means you can experience every wonder present from the open sea to the small nooks and crannies. You however can not hold your breath forever like this. So reluctantly, Ao’nung pulls you back up above the waves.
You gasp for air, but luckily there is no coughing fit to follow. Ao’nung keeps you above the surface as you fight to go back into a steady breathing pattern. However, it seems that the rapid beat of your heart is not just from catching your breath but also a reflection of the pure adrenaline your body displays.
Nothing is said for a long moment. Trying to gauge your reaction is difficult but a ravenous energy buzzes from you. Those pink lips part, but you don’t speak right away. You don’t appear to know what to say. And then slowly, your right hand comes to cup his cheek. He’s lost in your eyes the moment they snag his. A small sound catches in your throat, something between a laugh and a sigh.
For all the millions of words you’ve spoken, somehow this sound is the one he understands the most. True and utter awe.
Ao’nung doesn’t have to think when your lips touch his. It’s as simple as holding his breath, effortless as he pulls your body closer to his and bends to meet your kiss. It’s only been a few weeks since you first came to retrieve your bunny from his marui but his body has already begun acclimating to yours beautifully. He knows when to anticipate your little gasps for air when you’ve been kissing too long. His large hands have memorized the curve of your face and the feel of his fingers threading through your silky hair.
The ocean has never felt more tranquil than with you in his arms.
“The purple on the fins also reminded me of a dress that I put down ages ago, but now I don’t know maybe I will pick it up again. Because it looks so pretty in the water. Now that I think about it, it reminds me a lot of Annika’s dress. The one she magically receives at the end.”
Ao’nung wracks his brain to identify which movie you are referring to. Is this one you have already showed him or are you simply thinking out loud? Chances are it may be one of the stories he missed entirely because you were too tempting wrapped in that silky lingerie. Distracting you had earned him a light slap to the head but you didn’t complain once you were clenching around his thick fingers.
Even with your translation, following the plots of those weird stories is not nearly as entertaining as watching your face scrunch up in pleasure. Regardless, it’s important to you so he tries his best to behave. Or at least behave enough to keep you from kicking him out of your room.
“Oh my god what I would give to have the fabric for that dress.” You groan, your little theatrics tugging a smile to his lips.
“You were a very good numeyu [student] today, paskalin.” Ao’nung says, squeezing the hand that is interlocked with his own. Your fingers barely peek out from where his massive hand has them caged.
“Yeah well I have a pretty good karyu [teacher].” You send a wink even as heat rushes to your cheeks.
“Well I wouldn’t be a good teacher if I didn’t motivate you properly. So since you were so good for me today,” He snatches your waist and pulls you to a stop against him in one move. “I think you deserve a reward.” Those soft hands rest along his stomach, thumbs absentmindedly rubbing circles along the swirling pattern of his skin.
“Oh…I…is that so?” All essence of confident flirting flitters away before his eyes. Much like a fish out of water you gape for the proper words. It is far too easy to render you to such a state.
“Why are you soaking wet?” Lo’ak rounds the corner and jumps onto the woven walkway. While you put effort into breaking away and turning to the Sully boy with a smile, Ao’nung finds no reason to conceal his distaste for the untimely interruption.
“We were swimming.” You chirp, bouncing on the balls of your feet. Lo’ak’s unnatural dark brows knit together.
“You can’t swim. You’re terrified of the water. Remember last time I tried to get you in. It took hours and after five minutes you-”
An unrecognizable string of words fall from your lips to interrupt a story that Ao’nung was becoming quite interested in hearing. The consolation prize however is hearing your sharp tone shut the other male down. Whatever embarrassing memory Lo’ak was wanting to share is certainly enough to have you fidgeting beside him. “Ao’nung is teaching me how to swim.” You say, switching back to Na’vi.
“You are?” Lo’ak scoffs, finally turning to address him. His golden eyes dart between the two of you and it takes no genius to understand what memory the forest boy is recalling. In his youth Ao’nung had not been the most patient in teaching Lo’ak especially. Then again, he was also not in love with Lo’ak. He never earned the same softness that you bring out in him.
“It seems she has only been in need of the right karyu.” That smooth comment has Lo’ak eyes narrowed into slits. Sensing the tension between them you are quick to jump in.
“It was actually a lot of fun! I got to see a spade wing and a baby ilu, Lo.” Your voice is infused with so much energy, it’s clear you are attempting to compensate for the negative energy withering between Lo’ak and himself.
“And you went out in that? Tsmuke [sister], those are barely scraps.” He huffed, gesturing at your swimsuit. Something swells in Ao’nung’s chest. By the stars he is not about to let some forest boy crumble your confidence in wearing such a garment after all the work you’ve done to get this far. However, just as he is about to steer you behind him and give this skxawng [moron] a piece of his mind, you shrug and let out a little laugh.
“You wear nothing but a loincloth every day, Lo’ak. You’re not really in a position to judge.” Lo’ak opens his mouth to protest but you beat him to the punch. “Anyways, we’ve got to run. Bye!” You call out with a dramatic wave while tugging Ao’nung down the walkway. Sending a sly look over his shoulder he catches the way Lo’ak watches from afar with a pinched expression.
“Sorry about him.” You sigh.
“He does not approve.”
“No, it’s not like that. Lo’ak just thinks he has to play this protective brother role. It’s not personal.” His relationship with Lo’ak has come a long way since the Sullys first landed on this walkway. They’ve grown to put up with one another and occasionally be friendly, a necessity with the Omatikaya male courting his sister. That being said, he has never considered them close, nor would he be offended at finding out Lo’ak sees it the same way. You on the other hand don’t seem to understand this dynamic as you desperately try to reassure him.
“I swear he thinks just because he’s taller he can play big brother. He has concerns but that’s just part of his bravado act. I wouldn’t let it bother you.”
“It doesn’t.” Ao’nung shrugs. Although, it nags at him that Lo’ak has been sharing these concerns with you. If he has complaints they should be brought to him directly, not woven into your mind in hopes of creating doubt. Would that work? Have you already developed your own concerns? You’re a shy little thing at times but Ao’nung has always figured that to be part of how your personality reacts to his own. Surely, you must know the way he feels about you.
For all the ways you openly wear your heart on your sleeve, he still somehow can not be sure. Some things still remain a mystery when it comes to you.
“What is this?” You ask, once you're back inside his marui. He squints to make out one of the small figurines he had placed next to his hunting gear.
“A…cat?” He answers, eyes still squinting to see if he has passed your test correctly.
“No Ao’nung. I mean what is it doing here? What are all of them doing here?” The rest of the figurines are much like this cat one, although just like your bunny they all wear tiny clothes. Calico Critters you had called them the first time he asked. They serve no real purpose, just tiny things that stand there but the important thing is that you adore them.
So naturally he swiped them to bring back here.
“They don’t do anything, precious. Just exist I suppose.”
Your attempt at a stern expression is endearing, hand placed on your hips as your neck cranes to glare up at him.
“I’m starting to think you’re a kleptomaniac. You can’t keep stealing my stuff.”
“It is not stealing.” He shrugs.
“Oh really? Then what is it?”
“Relocating.” Ao’nung grins. “Now you can enjoy them here.”
Although there is not true ire in your questioning there is in fact real push back on the topic. You know why he has stolen your creepy figurines. Just as you know why he has strung some fabrics of pink and purple like a canopy along the ceiling of his marui. And placed a few of your extra blankets in his hammock. Whatever it takes to lure you back here night after night.
Notwithstanding all of his efforts, you continue to split your time between here and your place in the tawtute caves. Moving into his marui would be a natural next step in your relationship. Of course you are attached to all the silly trinkets you’ve acquired but he is not opposed to letting you litter his marui with them as long as you would call this place your home too.
Still, he remains patient. Many courting couples wait until properly mating before living together anyways. You must share the same morals. However, he sees no harm in enticing you all the same.
“I know what you’re doing.” Your voice smooths out into a sing-song tone. Ao’nung’s long hair falls over his right shoulder when he cocks his head to the side and feigns innocent curiosity. “You truly are ridiculous.” Fighting back a smile you begin arranging the figurines neatly into their separate families.
He has the decency to wait until they’re organized before sweeping you from the ground and falling back onto his hammock in one swift move. It draws a surprised chirp from your lips. A deep sigh echoes from his own chest even as you make weak protests about him giving you a heart attack.
“You know I still need to dry off.” You remind him but Ao’nung already has his head leaned back against the woven fabric. His right arm smoothly encircles around your middle to clamp you against his chest. You squirm and thrash to get out of his hold but it only takes an iota of his strength to keep you locked there. Even with his eyes closed in a show of feigned sleep, he can’t keep his lips from twitching into a pleased smirk.
That smirk crackles into a full laughter induced grin when your small hand swats at the side of his head. “Ao’nung,” You chide, a slight whine to your tone that has him stifling back his amusement.
Peeking his eyes open he finds your own strangely colored eyes glaring back at him. This little game of back and forth is one that you both enjoy frequently but he has a feeling that this time you may actually insist on being let up to get your towel. A sigh heaves from his chest as he shakes his head fondly. “There is no need, tawtute. I will keep you warm.” He says, reaching down to pull out a blanket and toss it over your small form.
Ao’nung is grateful when you don’t fight him further or demand a proper reason. He would give one but it’s unlikely you would understand. How could he explain that seeing you drenched like this does something to him? That your hair smelling of the sea’s salt water serves as a direct signal of you and his home coming together? Everything about you is unique, so new and foreign to him but there is something about witnessing those beautiful aspects of you slowly integrate into his life on the reef as well that lingers with him.
But you’re tawtute. Your sense of smell is greatly dampened in comparison. It’s a shame considering how many times he has scent marked you and you can’t even recognize it, let alone appreciate the possessive gesture. No, there isn’t an easy way to explain to you what he is feeling as he presses his nose against your crown. And even if there is, it’s doubtful that he would be the one to find it. Saying the right thing hasn’t always been his strong suit. It’s Tsireya that is good with the mushy sentiments.
And why waste the air with such jumbled nonsense when this moment already holds everything he needs? An ocean breeze that filters through the entrance of his marui to coast over your frame and carry your essence. A soft sway to the hammock, lulling him to relax. The satisfying weight of your warm body draped across his own.
And then there are your hands. Uncalloused pointer finger that delicately begins tracing over his shoulder tattoo. The soft glide of your finger greatly contrasts the pain he had endured to stain his skin with dark ink. You’ve never witnessed a Metkayina tattoo ceremony but your quiet fascination carries a certain reverence.
Swirling down further and further until he can feel the tickle along his bicep. Such a simple sensation, barely more than the brush of a breeze, yet it melts through him like liquid gold. The unconscious tense of his muscles release and already he can feel his breath deepen. He’s on the verge of succumbing to this silent lullaby when his ear twitches from being touched.
Ao’nung opens his eyes to find that you are carefully tucking a few strands or curly hair behind his pointed ear. Letting others touch his hair is not a normal practice for him. Traditionally he has relied on Tsireya exclusively to fashion it into a suitable hairstyle. There is something deeply…personal about it. It’s always been a fixation for you though.
And where his tail typically pikes onto alert and a growl blossoms in his chest at a foreign touch to his curls, somehow it all dissipates away when it comes to your strange tawtute hands.
Perhaps it's the way you marvel at him openly. You’ve always had a fascination for pretty things, a category that he was pleased to find himself a part of when your hasty confession came that first night. You’re often shy in speaking it, but your touch and stare always hold that same appreciation for his physique.
There’s more to it, though.
When you stare up at him like this, all bashfulness put to the side, it cuts him open. As if with one prolonged moment you’ve managed to strip him bare and peer into his very soul. It’s not his hair or intricate tattoos that you see. Not even the dozen of physical differences between you two that screams alien. You look at him.
Whatever you see in him.
If only he could read your thoughts. Finally untangle your tawtute customs and culture that have webbed you into a puzzle for him. Do you get that burning in your chest too? That one that feels like his heart has been clutched in an iron grip? Perhaps a grip from the same hands that now go back to tracing his tattoos.
With the smallest sigh your head drops back onto his chest. Sleep overcoming you is obvious by the now absence of touch along his right bicep. Ao’nung follows you into slumber mere minutes after when he has finally brought his heart rate back to a normal speed.
Your nap far exceeds his own. While Ao’nung had only dosed off for a few minutes but you are dead to the world for at least a half hour. Apparently that little swim had worn you to the bone. He would have to help you with endurance. It seems tawtute are not built for staying in the water long.
In fact you are so still as you sleep that Ao’nung finds himself placing a hand across your back to check that it still rises and falls with breath. When you do wake up it takes a minute for you to make out where you are with blurry vision. A sheepish look crosses your features upon realizing what position you’ve remained in. It’s followed by some silly notion that you laying on top of him is somehow considered rude or uncomfortable. He’ll never understand why you make these assertions.
Regardless, Ao’nung quickly wraps both arms around your waist when you attempt to move off of him. Dislodging yourself from his hold is an impossible task, a truth that you must come to recognize as you only give a feigned huff and try fighting back a smile.
“We can’t stay here forever you know.”
His pointer finger slowly drags over every vertebrae of your spine as he lets out a thoughtful hum. “Maybe not forever but I did promise a reward. Can’t have you skipping off before receiving what you are owed.”
The air seems to thicken with his words. A familiar tension is slowly wound as all of your sleepiness dissipates and goosebumps ripple across your skin. He can feel the evidence of his own excitement shifting beneath his tewng. Dirty thoughts of all the ways he could reward you sprout to the forefront of his mind. There is no end to these thoughts when it comes to you. Never before has someone woven themselves into his fantasies so incessantly. Even to the point where it can be a struggle to focus on his duties while you swim through his head.
Ao’nung pushes down those ideas for now, however. It’s only fair that you get to pick the reward after all that you’ve accomplished today. And then…if you need some ideas he would be more than anxious to supply.
“Have you decided what reward that will be?” He asks, forcing his hands to remain above the tempting curve of your ass. Just for now. You’re not always the most articulate when his wandering hands come into play.
Something flickers in your expression. Only a second before you are averting your gaze and gnawing on your bottom lip. Ao’nung’s exploring hand stills as curiosity lights within him. Propping himself onto one elbow he invades your space, forcing your eyes to meet his own.
“You do.” He smirks, reveling in the way you fight to squirm.
“Well, maybe. I don’t know. It’s just an idea so I’m not sure if-”
“Sevin [beautiful/pretty],” Ao’nung interrupts. “Tell me.” He coats his voice in a smooth purr, hoping to coax an answer from you, but his patience can only last so long. Whatever idea has sprouted in your brain must be obscene enough to prompt such hesitation in telling him. However Ao’nung has come to find that your meter for rating lewds acts is far more sensitive than his own. Regardless, you have his attention now. All of his previous ideas are cast to the side in favor of hearing what has you blushing.
“I was thinking that maybe…if it’s okay with you…that I could…suck you off?”
Ao’nung’s devilish smirk drops in an instant.
“For your reward you want to suck my cock?” The vulgar language has your cheeks deepening in color but you manage to nod.
Great Mother above, where did he find you?
It seems he must have done something right in his past life. He was ready to find satisfaction in your slick along his tongue and watching your writhe with pleasure but now you are sitting on top of him, the true depiction of bashfulness, asking to put his cock down your throat. His brain can’t really make sense of it, but he still stands by not asking questions when nice things come his way. And precious, you are by far the nicest thing he has ever had.
“Is that weird?”
“No,” comes his instant reply. Subconsciously he holds his breath. You’re an easy one to spook.
“Actually I was hoping you could teach me.”
This is starting to feel far too close to one of his favorite fantasies. So much so that Ao’nung takes note of every detail in the room to confirm that this could not be just some erotic dream. But this is real and a feral creature is stirring inside of him, gnawing at the bars of its enclosure.
“You’ve never…” Ao’nung trails off. Neither of you have talked much about past relationships, you especially. It’s common knowledge that the Metkayina prince has had his time sleeping around but he has no inkling of what you’ve experienced. The only hints he receives are the clear hesitation in your movements. Just enough to have him wondering if he is your first.
“I have. Just once.” That has his other arm propping him so he is now sitting up properly. “I mean I tried to once but I-I wasn’t very good at it. At least that’s what he said. Which make sense, I had no idea what I was doing so I couldn’t really be mad when he said we shouldn’t again-”
“Who?” A dark venom fills his chest. This is the first time you’ve discussed a past lover and he’s already not liking the light it's being presented in.
“Just a guy I used to date back with the Omatikaya.” So he’s not here. It would take crossing an ocean to kill him. Then again, he’s done more for less. Was it an Omatikaya male or did you fool around with one of the science tawtute? “It’s fine. He was right.”
His brain lags at the information. Caught between confusion and rage.
“And oh god now I’ve made it sound like the most unappealing thing possible. Great.”
Ao’nung barely hears your embarrassed groan. What man in their right mind has a beautiful creature like you on her knees for him only to criticise and turn her away? To be presented a gift and not only reject it but smash it into pieces, tear your confidence to shreds. So what if you’re inexperienced? A true man knows how to teach, takes joy in it. Joy that this creature has tossed out without regard.
It’s a perplexing tug of war between emotions. As a man himself he can’t help but find this person’s actions incredibly ridiculous. And yet, the idea of him enjoying your body has Ao’nung imagining ripping this faceless man to shreds. And a man he must not be. No true man does this.
To treat you in this way…there is no honor in such actions. The Omatikaya are different but they are still respectable Na’vi. It could not have been one of them, that would somehow feel worse. So a tawtute it must have been. A vrrtep [demon].
“It doesn’t have to be that. I think I might be making it a bit weird by sharing this.”
“This man said such things to you?” To your face? He looked you in the eyes as you fiddled with the hem of a lacy skirt and apprehension seated beneath long lashes and told you he didn’t enjoy your mouth around him? He watched those beautiful eyes hold back tears? Looked at perfection incarnate and spat in the face of it?
“Well yeah but..does it really matter?”
Does it matter? How could it not matter? Is that what he wanted you to think? That this was no big deal, convince you to suck it up and move on without complaint? That wouldn’t work on you. It’s only been a few weeks and even Ao’nung knows that words cut you deep. Anyone with a morsel of sense would know that. But this man, the same that somehow had the honor of sharing your bed, obviously had not taken a second to understand you.
Could he even please you if so? Had he even tried? Not in the way Ao’nung has, that much has been obvious from the way you still tremble after the orgasms he coaxes from you. It’s not a contest, for that he would require true competition. However a part of him, a part that directly conflicts his innate urge to pummel any man that has touched you, feels as if there should be competition. No one would ever compare to him, but your past experiences should have at least been enjoyable.
“Who is this?” His throat strains to hold back a growl.
“Um…I’m getting the feeling that it’s a bad idea to tell you.”
Smart thing that you are, you’re right. Correct if your goal is to prevent Ao’nung from ripping this anonymous man’s throat out. He can’t fathom why you would want to protect him but then again this is very in character for you. No matter what someone has done you always have a way of finding a soft spot for them. You care so much, sometimes too much.
And this man didn’t care for you at all.
Your precious heart is too big to tell him, but the Metkayina prince vows he will find out one way or another.
“He was just being honest.”
“Sevin,” A stern understone laces the pet name as he captures your chin. “He did not deserve you.”
Ao’nung weighs those words with every ounce of sincerity he can muster. And you feel it. It shows in the way your shoulders drop and expression melts into something new. Not a smile by any means but his words have touched you, they beckon you further into his arms. And then there is that cinch around his heart again.
And being the ridiculous little thing you are, you thank him. As if telling the truth is ever a favor. You are utterly nonsensical at times. Utterly nonsensical and utterly his.
“What he deserves is a spear through the chest.”
“Okay big guy, calm down.” You say, patting his chest while trying to hide your creeping amusement. You think he’s joking. How cute.
“Are you asking me to teach you because that’s what you want or because you think this is what I want?” Ao’nung hates to ask, to potentially ruin this opportunity for himself, but it’s needed. He won’t be like that pathetic creature of a lover you once had. Avoiding that starts with making sure you aren’t simply doing this for his benefit, to prove yourself in a way that he has never and will never ask you to.
“Do you want it?”
His hairless brows drop as he gives you a deadpan look. “Precious, you already know that I do.” Want it more than you can even fathom. “But that’s not what I asked you.”
There is a beat of hesitation, you poor bottom lip already torn up from your gnawing. “I want to feel like I know what I’m doing. I want to make you feel good in the same way you do me.”
“You already do.” There is still much left for the two of you to explore, so much more he can’t wait to do with you but there is no rush. You’ve brought him to the heights of pleasure no one else has before.
“I know but…still. And it’s not the only reason why. I’m curious.” Your head tilts in a subtle way to create a curtain out of your hair and hide that sheepish look. “You’re just so different and I…I’m interested.”
Two trails of thoughts fighting for attention. Different from your past lover. Different because he is Metkayina or different because he is a Na’vi. Perhaps it shouldn’t matter but it’s difficult to stamp down that curiosity.
However, Ao’nung focuses on the latter. The same that has his ears perking with his own interest and groin suddenly becoming very aware of your weight situated there.
A low hum of appreciation rumbles in his chest as he slowly situates your further onto his lap. His turquoise cheek brushes against your jaw before he presses a slow kiss there. “My curious sevin, hm?” You suck in a breath when his sharp teeth just barely nip at your earlobe.
“Yes.” You whisper but those small hands are already smoothing over his shoulders, one even slinking to the nape of his neck.
“You know I am always happy to sate your curiosity, precious.”
That abused bottom lip is finally released when he captures you in a kiss. Despite the growing anticipation, Ao’nung leads this kiss in a pace that is anything but rushed. It’s languid. Relaxed. Sensual. And when he tilts his head to deepen the kiss you eagerly respond in kind.
The ties of your bikini are much simpler than the average Metkayina top and yet it’s difficult to concentrate on undoing them when his tongue is swirling around yours and your hands have already taken real estate lodged deep in his hair. Fingers fumbling for a moment to undo your top he can’t fathom at which point he had let you get such a tight hold on him. Those curious hands hold more power than he would dare to let you know.
The skimpy piece of fabric finally sags, only held up by being sandwiched between his chest and yours.
“This is what you want?” Ao’nung asks again, only departing from your lips for a second.
“Yes.” He pulls back when you eagerly chase after him for more.
“Promise me.” He demands.
“I promise.”
No words have tasted sweeter against his lips. So Ao’nung rewards your sweet behavior with a slow beckon of his tongue. Skillfully exploring and stroking your own until a groan has your lips parting wider for him. His right hand cups the back of your head, easily encompassing the width of your skull in his hold. Anything to keep you there, to continue breathing in your essence until it is seared down his throat.
Your breath is erratic when he pulls away. Even more so when he whispers a simple, “good girl.” There is always a visceral reaction that comes from that short phrase. An ease of tension in your muscles, a breathy sigh that directly trails to a shiver down your spine. It’s become one of his favorite coined phrases for that reaction exactly. Praise has a way of slipping you into a new headspace, one where worry dissipates and you finally allow him to worship you in the way you deserve.
Ao’nung veers back just enough to let your top fall before pulling you close again. Your breasts press against his chest, those tender nubs already prickling against his skin. So responsive and he’s hardly done anything to you yet.
It’s your turn to fumble with the ties when you attempt to undo his tewng. Ao’nung smoothly shifts onto his knees but that doesn’t greatly reduce your struggle when it comes to unwinding the ties from his tail. He’s partly to blame. The second you graze the base of his tail it reacts with a strong swish. Without one of your own, it must be difficult for you to comprehend the unique sensitivity of his tail. You sense there is something, though, hands already retreating shyly.
“What is wrong?” He murmurs against your temple.
It’s less than convincing, even more so when you grapple to meet his gaze. “No need to be shy, precious.”
“I just…don’t want to hurt you.”
It’s tempting to roll his eyes, a tawtute habit you’ve somehow managed to ingrain in him. Instead, he grasps your tiny hand carefully in his own and begins pushing it back towards his tail. “Just as you are mine, paskalin, I am yours.” Ao’nung fights back a shiver when you just barely brush the base of the wide appendage. “Which means I am yours to explore. Yours to enjoy.”
“Take advantage of it.” Something flickers in your countenance at his words. Although still slow and careful in actions a spark of intrigue ignites. He has been the main instigator in your interactions, far more bold in letting his desire for you show. And while Ao’nung revels in always having the upper hand it’s important that you understand the joy that comes from it too. To let you wander and sate your curiosities without restraint. Finally allow yourself the freedom from silly tawtute concerns that plague you.
Because he is yours.
He has been yours since the first time he saw you land at their shores with ribbons in your hair wearing that ridiculously short yellow dress. Even he did not know that day how far gone he already was.
Either way, you two have obviously been crafted for one another. And Ao’nung will be damned before he lets pointless Sky People customs get in the way of you fully enjoying that bond. To finally taste the ecstasy that comes with owning someone, body and soul.
Finally his tewng falls away and Ao’nung helps you dispose of it to the side. As he works on the ties of your bottoms now a kernel of courage slowly sprouts within your actions. Ao’nung smirks against the crook of your neck when he feels the traces of fingertips along his pecs before dragging over the lines of his abdomen.
As tempting as it is to tease you for the interest, Ao’nung spares you his knowing looks and instead encourages the action by placing sweet kisses along your throat. With very little effort he ripens an old mark he had left there last week, licking over the now beautiful contrast of color in delight. It seems to spur something within you as well, small kisses now running over his collarbones and down his chest.
The touch is featherlight, enough to have him almost squirming at how it tickles him. However, you are already letting your touch travel south. Ao’nung graciously aids this endeavor, sliding you off of his lap, flinging your bottoms to the side and laying down on his back with spread legs. For a moment he considers standing up and letting you kneel for a better access but it feels like a risk.
You are just barely mustering up enough confidence to explore. A small thing like you is easy to startle, standing above you could be too intimidating. And as much as he loves watching your nerves paint a beautiful blush over those cheeks, today it’s in his best interest to tread carefully.
Ao’nung holds back a jerk reaction when your hand wraps around the base of his cock. Despite your demure nature this activity has become one very familiar to you. It’s been a safe substitute for your little pussy as you work your way up there. It’s hard not to think about how you will stretch around his thick cock someday, how little whines will bubble up your throat without reprieve and he will finally know what it means to be inside of you.
But you are small. And fragile.
It’s easier to push those thoughts aside in order to maintain his patience.
You only stroke him a few times, hand barely able to wrap fully around him. And then without any warning, there is a loss of touch and you are crawling up his chest again. Ao’nung pulls back and raises a brow when your right hand slinks to the back of his head. Perhaps you are wanton for another kiss but then your lips never descend to his. Instead there is a shift in his hair before the rest of his long locks are falling freely and you are holding the band that originally had it tied into a bun.
This is a common preference of yours, seeing his hair unrestrained. However, today you don’t just fling the band to the side and become engrossed in admiring the curls. That large band is fitted around your wrist before you are bending back to gather your own hair. The view is more than preferable, back curving and chest opened up for his heated gaze. All of a sudden he can’t remember what his objections to his own hair were. Not when his teeth are drawing blood from his lip just imagining how perfectly they would sink into your right breast. Just above the nipple where no one but him would get to admire such a beautiful mark.
You tie your hair back into a ponytail, even giving its roots a good tug for measure. You mean business.
“Who is stealing whose stuff now?” Ao’nung jests.
“I don’t see you complaining.” Your nose scrunches at him in a teasing manner. It wipes away when his warm hands encompass your hips, kneading the flesh sensually. His left hand travels up your stomach and past your ribcage before brushing one nipple not so innocently.
“I’m very generous when it comes to you, precious.” You won’t understand how true those words are, especially when you’re too busy gasping at the harsh tug he gives your right nipple.
Saliva gathers along his tongue as he flicks the other hardened nub. Those pretty little tits always feel good in his mouth. So malleable. Your cries always responsive. If it weren’t for the clear ache between his legs the Metkayina prince would have you flipped onto your back and mouth tormenting those perfect breasts until you would beg for him to stop by now.
But that’s not the reward he promised you, he reminds himself as you are released and slink back down between his thighs. Apprehension settles in your shoulders again when you are face to face with his twitching cock. Fisting the bottom you take a deep breath to steady yourself.
“Paskalin,” He calls lowly. “There is no rush.”
Everything in his body screams otherwise, but Ao’nung maintains a cool composure. You’re already nervous. Already scarred from a past bad experience. It’s his job to do everything in his power to ease that burden. Even when that means torturing himself with the perfect image of you nestled between his thighs all while desperately aching for your touch.
“Yeah but you’re-”
“I am fine. It’s your reward, sevin. Do what feels natural to you.”
What feels natural to you is far more than what he is ready for. Plush lips press against his hip bone, trailing down into open mouthed kisses along his thigh. And then there are your teeth. Those silly blunt teeth that struggle to make an indent in his flesh but your attempt is stimulating all the same. A soft tongue and small teeth encompassed with those perfectly kissable lips work to suck and bite a new color along his upper right thigh.
You’re trying to mark him.
Claim him as he has claimed you so many times.
It’s concerning how fast it frays as his self control, awakening that primal beast within him. His own nails sink into the root of his messy hair while his other hand resting at the back of your head, carefully ensuring to cup you gently not push. When a muscle in his thick thigh flexes that silky tongue chases the line it makes.
The entire endeavor has his body awakening with anticipation, fighting the urge to pin you down and take what he wants now. It is ridiculous how such a simple act from his tawtute has him twitching with need but he loves seeing you this way. Letting your unbridled desire show, using his body the way that has always been your right.
When you pull back, Ao’nung’s neck cranes to see the damage. And damage you can barely call it as there is the smallest purple spot blooming along his upper thigh. Tiny indents of teeth around it.
It is nowhere near the possessive carnage of his own marks upon your lighter skin, in fact the change in color is hardly a contrast. But it’s his. Your adorable attempt at marking your territory is utterly his to treasure. His precious tawtute leaving the sweetest of gifts.
“So pretty, paskalin.” He purrs, finger stroking through your scalp as he battles the urge to stick his tongue down your throat again. The pad of your thumb brushes over the mark, gaze just barely peeking up at him beneath your long lashes.
His body can’t fight a jerk this time when you unexpectedly grab the base of his cock again. A reassuring smile is quickly plastered on his face when you look up at him in concern. The size of him is borderline comical in your hand. Cock practically the length of your forearm, it’s daunting to imagine what a tight fit it will be in your mouth. Equally erotic and nerve wracking to think of those sweet lips stretching around him.
“Promise you’ll help me do it right?” You ask gently, as if you aren’t simultaneously stroking his twitching cock in one hand, precum already drizzling down between your fingers.
“I promise. Stop worrying.” Ao’nung prays you don’t hear the waver in his voice. How unfair it is to expect him to answer your questions when it’s taking everything within him not to fuck up into your fist. “Just start with your tongue, precious. Let yourself taste.”
He had meant for you to explore slowly, maybe start from the bottom and work your way up but it’s clear you’re out to kill him because instead your pink tongue immediately flicks at the head of his cock, right over the slit where a drop of precum rests.
It’s a pure shot of electricity.
And that’s when Ao’nung knows…he is in trouble.
How did he not calculate for this? This is by far not the first time he has had a beautiful woman’s mouth running along him, but they had all been Metkayina women before you. Their tongues had a rougher texture, something enjoyable but entirely different to the silk-like surface of your own. It’s so soft it almost tickles.
He’s known this from the first time you kissed but somehow that never translated into how it would feel against his most sensitive parts.
Mercy is not afforded to him. Like the good numeyu you are, his instructions are taken to heart as your tongue lathers along every inch of him. Sometimes shorter flicks of your tongue while others long strokes that travel from the base to tip. You are duteous in your task. Even going as far as running over his heavy balls hanging beneath.
Great Mother above, he was not built to contain himself like this.
Blown out pupils look up at him when you pull back. It’s impossible to miss the seated hunger in your gaze, but first and foremost you wait for him to guide you. There is a drop of his arousal resting at the corner of your lips innocently, already starting to glow as eclipse has set outside.
Without thinking, Ao’nung finds his own thumb pressing at the dot to slip it back inside your mouth. The digit is accepted without question. Curiosity getting the better of him now, the prince presses his thumb down on your tongue.
Obediently your jaw slacks and lips separate. The pad of his thumb drags over your silky tongue as his other fingers curl beneath your chin. Saliva coats the digit before Ao’nung softly presses your jaw closed. “Suck,” He instructs.
Unlike with swimming you don’t question his methods. You suck hard enough to hollow your cheeks, presenting the perfect tools to imagine what it will feel like around his cock. “There you go. Breath through your nose, sevin.”
You take every direction graciously, following each to a tee. By the time he pulls his thumb out with a pronounced pop sound, it has a line of saliva still connecting it to your lips. He can’t help himself. Ao’nung slides that wet thumb down between your legs and lets it brush over your clit. A choked sound echoes from your throat, clasping his shoulder as he reaches further down to confirm his suspicions.
You are absolutely drenched.
“I-I want to try,” your breathy voice rushes out.
Biting back a moan, Ao’nung kisses your cheek before whispering, “Do as you wish.”
With heavy lidded eyes, he lays back and watches you settle between his thighs again. There is less urgency this time, desire overriding your apprehension. Less timid now, you take his cock in hand and start to fit your lips around the head. The tip is barely past your lips before you are emulating the ministrations he had taught you on his thumb. Cheeks hollowed and tongue running wild, you suck the very life out of him.
“Precious precious,” Ao’nung gasps out, pulling your head off of him. “Not yet, sweetheart. Not yet.”
His body thrums from the aftershock. Too much all at once. “Let’s focus on getting me in that pretty mouth first, hm?”
“Sorry,” You mumble, already pulling back but Ao’nung pushes your head forward again.
“Don’t apologize, sevin. You are being so good for me.” Wrapped in his praise you lower down around him slower this time.
Just fitting the head inside is already a mouthful, something he tries to keep in mind as his hips are begging to buck up into your sweet cavern. It feels like being wrapped in satin. That perfectly hot wet cocoon of your mouth encircling his cock as if it was made for him. Not even halfway down and he can just barely feel the back of your throat.
Ao’nung keeps you positioned there, not wanting to push you too far yet. He makes the mistake of looking down, however, and that image alone has his balls drawing up, dangerously close to the edge. Your pink lips stretched to their limit, such a beautiful contrast to sparkling eyes that peek up at him for approval. An absolute masterpiece.
A shudder ripples forward when you suddenly pull off of him. “It won’t fit,” you pout.
As if the situation isn’t already enough, those deceptively sweet words have the filthiest of fantasies running through his head.
“That’s alright. You can use your hand for the rest.” He prompts.
The advice helps when you lower down again, fisting what you can of the rest with your hand but even then it won’t cover all of him. “Now you can try your tongue, sevin. Just like I taught you.”
But the way your tongue incidentally rides the vein on the underside of his cock is far more than what he taught you. It’s only his reaction that has you less oblivious to its sensitivities. Ao’nung lungs suck in air sharply, the concave of his stomach accenting the x shape of his ribs.
“Am I hurting you?” You ask, abruptly rearing off of him. Those beautiful features are painted with such genuine concern Ao’nung is caught between laughing at your innocence and growling in need. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean-”
“You are so far from hurting me, precious.” Voice thickening with something carnal, Ao’nung pins you with ocean blue eyes. “That pretty mouth feels so good around me. Let me feel it again, paskalin.”
The words strike you hard, plummeting you into a daze-like state as you softly follow the push of his hand. Whatever worries you have dissipate, too focused on getting him to gasp like that again. And it turns out such filthy words are exactly what you need when he is nestled in your heat, wide eyes crinkling with glee.
“There we go. Now suck, sweetheart.”
It takes little encouragement for your compliance. Even the small directions of how hard to suck, where to lap your tongue is ardently followed. Less experienced you may be but your obedience makes up for it ten fold. And then you are following him down into the thick haze of desire. Nostrils flaring, your head starts lowering down to take him deeper.
Despite his flaring desire to watch you choke on him, Ao’nung hesitates. You’re fragile. This isn’t like the other women he has been intimate with. Throwing you around, using you too harshly, can come with consequences. Push too hard and he may just break you, making this an experience you never wish to repeat.
But then his cerulean eyes catch a glimpse of your thighs, the way they squeeze together. That tantalizing essence is thick in the air, even more so when you begin rutting against the fabric like an animal in heat. There is still a slyness to your movements that tell him you’re trying not to get caught, but it’s too late.
You are enjoying this just as much as him, big wide eyes begging for more.
And so more you will get.
“You want my cock down your throat. Don’t you, sweetheart?”
The hum you give in response not only confirms his theories but lights every pleasure center in his brain. A growl rumbles in his chest. “Of course you do, because you’re a good fucking girl, aren’t you?”
Another whine around him and Ao’nung’s toes are curling against the hammock. He fists the base of your ponytail and both of your hands position themselves at his hips, blunt nails digging in. “Then do as I say, sevin. Relax that throat and let me in.”
The first time he slinks past the back of your throat, your gag reflex kicks in dramatically. Immediately he pulls out to allow you a ragged breath but before he can ask if you’re alright, your hands are clawing at his hips and trying to pull him back in. Ao’nung doesn’t need to be told twice.
The pattern continues. His hips draw forward a little more each time until the choking seems to be too much and Ao’nung draws back to allow you air. Each time he is rewarded with the view of your sinfully debauched state. Lips ruby red, a mixture of his precum and saliva glossing over them, and blown out pupils lazily staring up at him.
You’re a quick learner. It’s easy to fall into a rhythm of this pattern. It comes to a point where you are efficient in taking a deep breath before he is spearing down your throat again. Until it can be done faster and faster. Until he has almost three quarters of his length encompassed and able to thrust a couple times before needing to pull back.
“Fuck, precious!” He groans, feet already planting against the hammock’s surface. “My perfect little cocksucker.”
Those words spurs a new energy through you. When he comes to pop out after a couple thrusts, you snag his hip and give him a look. A silent communication that tells him all he needs to know. And by Eywa, it could not come at a better time. He is hanging just over the edge of release. It’s unclear how much longer he can keep that beast inside of him caged.
So when you pull back for one last breath, his grip tightens on your hair and Ao’nung hips finally snap up with vigor. You take it like a champ, choking and drooling but eagerly pushing him to fuck down your throat. Those little ruts against the hammock becoming even more desperate with every growled moan he releases.
“So fucking perfect.” He growls out between clenched teeth. The last tangible sound before his hips are ricketting sporadically and his balls are drawing up against him. Ao’nung finishes with his head thrown back. A position that only lasts for a moment as he quickly remembers to look down and watch the way you choke around him. He doesn’t fight it when you pull back and the rest of his spend lands across your jaw and collarbones.
Now caught in his own daze, the prince hazily savors the masterpiece before him. Tears glossing over your eyes, abused lips parted, and his bioluminescent cum painting your satin like skin. If only there was a way to keep this image tucked away in his pocket forever.
Coming down from his high, Ao’nung feels a tinge of guilt when he surveys your state. That is, until he catches another whiff of your arousal and watches a dopey grin trace your lips. For the first time in perhaps forever, he finds himself speechless.
That grin dampens down in the silence, however. Chest still heaving for air you nervously ask, “Was it…good?”
Nothing more than a raspy whisper but your concern is pure.
Ao’nung is baffled. Wholly bewildered at how you can sit there with his sperm still dripping down your breasts and sincerely ask him such a question.
He’s going to kill that pathetic man, that is for certain. Rip apart the one person that ever dared to make you question such a thing. The man that made you feel like anything less than a goddess.
“Good?” He asks, slowly rising to sit up. You bite your bottom lip. “Oh precious, you aren’t good.” Ao’nung’s thick tail swerves behind him when he settles onto his knees, hands clasping your hips. “You are addicting. My perfect unraveling.”
If he wasn’t so impatient he would savor the way your breath catches and eyes sparkle in delight. But he only sees it for a second before you are manhandled onto your back with a squeak and he is bullying his head between your squishy thighs.
“Spread those pretty legs, tawtute. It’s my turn to taste.”
If you enjoyed this story please take the time to share your thoughts. I can't express enough how much it means to me, especially for this little story! It's one of my favorites<3
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DAY 23 - BITING part 3
Parings: Neteyam x Fem!human
Genre/Warnings: fluff, ANGST, introspective, delicate themes (hibrid pregnacy, political and ideals conflict). All characters are AGED-UP. This the sequel of the @layla2-49 request used to fullfil the promp day 23 of lunakinktober 2023
Summary: Following the unexpected pairing that occurred at the Tree of Souls, after connecting as only two Na'vi normally could, Celeste and Neteyam entertain a clandestine relationship. Several times they have discussed coming out, but the girl is too prey to her insecurities as a human to do so. It is Eywa who will decide for both of them with a disconcerting revelation: they have conceived a hybrid child.
Word Count: 4,2k
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The two lovers stood at the base of Kelutral (Hometree), its massive, ancient roots twisting into the earth like the very veins of Eywa herself. The light of Pandora’s bioluminescent flora pulsed gently around them, illuminating the somber expressions of the assembled Omatikaya—warriors, elders, and family—who had been summoned to hear the truth. Something that couldn’t be avoided any longer.
Beside them, Kiri and Spider remained close, silent pillars of support before what was sure to be an overwhelming revelation. Lo’ak stayed slightly apart, arms crossed, shifting his weight uneasily, torn between loyalty to his brother and the growing concern about what this revelation would mean for their people.
At the center of it all, perched upon a woven platform of vines and wood, was Mo’at. The tsahìk, Nawna Sa’nok’s voice among the clan, studied her grandson with inquisitive intensity. Though she had lived long enough to witness many great changes, there was something about the tension in the air that even she could not ignore.
“Grandmother,” Neteyam finally spoke, his tone firm but weighted with hesitation. “We come to you with a truth that must be shared. A truth that will change everything. She did not respond; only tilted her head, watching, waiting. He exhaled sharply before forcing the words aloud, under her scrutiny now concentrated on how his hand found Celeste’s—so small in comparison, yet she could sense a proud energy vibrating beneath her skin.
“Cel is with child."
A silence fell over the gathering, heavy and suffocating. For a moment, it seemed as if the planet itself had stilled, holding its breath. Then, commotion spread like wildfire; gasps, words of disbelief and shock contorting their features. “That’s impossible,” one of the hunters muttered. “She is tawtute (human),” another scoffed. “Such a thing cannot be."
Mo’at’s look remained unreadable, though her grip tightened on the staff she held. She finally rose to her feet, her presence commanding even in the face of such upheaval. “Is it true?” Her voice was steady, but a flicker of concern, doubt, and awe altogether crossed her visage. Norm, who had accompanied the young couple, stepped forward tentatively. “It is, tsahìk,” he confirmed. “We ran every test possible. She is pregnant. There’s no mistake."
A deep, disapproving growl rumbled from the crowd. It came from Tsentey, one of the oldest and most traditionalist warriors among them—a Na’vi who had long been wary of human influence. He had opposed Jake Sully’s leadership in the past, even if he had ultimately submitted to the clan’s will. But now, his old grievances resurfaced like poison in an open wound.
“An abomination,” the man spat, his voice rough with disdain, his knife-like gaze fixed on Neteyam. “First, we accepted a sky demon as our olo’eyktan. Then, his children, the offspring of an unnatural vessel. And now, this? A half-blood brings forth a child with one of them?” His nostrils flared, his disgust well displayed. “I must have been blind to believe you wouldn’t follow the same path as your parents.” The prince bristles, his tail flicking vehemently. “Watch your mouth, sempul,” he warned, tone filled with controlled fury. Tsentey’s lips curled. “You are not son of mine,” he hissed, dismissing the familial and courteous term with venom.
Lo’ak marched forward, but Kiri grabbed his arm, holding him back, intimating him not to worsen the already tense situation. Others in the clan began whispering, and it became clear that while many were simply stunned, there was a portion of the elders who were truly disturbed. “This must be a trick of the vrrtep (demons),” someone said. “Or a corruption of Eywa’eveng (Pandora) balance."
Pey’lan, another warrior—older than the Sully brothers but still young enough to be more prone to novelty and renovation than others—frowned deeply but did not immediately brush off the news. “If this is true, then perhaps it isn’t simply corruption, but an… evolution. One the Great Mother has allowed.” Tsentey grunted once more. “Nawna Sa’nok would never allow this.” “And yet, here we are,” Neytiri countered at last. “Do you truly claim to understand all of Eywa’s will?”
His eyes darkened as he turned back to the reason for such tumult and hate. “And what of your leadership, ma’Neteyam? You were to lead our people. But now? You are tainted by human touch, and now your little mate carries a curse.” “What are you trying to say?” intervened Jake, who had been silent thus far. His expression was heavy, his gaze piercing and aggravated. “Perhaps your son was never meant to rule. Perhaps your decision to give your bloodline a place among us was a sin."
A murmur rippled through the crowd. It was a dangerous thought, one that had lurked in the minds of some elders for years but had never been spoken aloud—until now.
“Enough.” Neytiri's voice cut through the sillness like a blade before anyone could speak again. As the weight of the accusations against her son and mate pressed down upon them, she could no longer hold her tongue. “My husband fought for this clan. Bled for us. Abandoned his tawtute self for us. He has honored the ways of the Omatikaya. If you question our son’s right to lead, then you question his right to have ever led.”
The warrior squared his shoulders. “In fact, I do. I questioned your mate when he was made olo’eyktan. And now I question the half-blood who will take his place with a demon woman beside him.” “So you also second guess Tsu’tey’s choice when he accepted Jake as Toruk Makto. And my father, who let him gain his place among us. And yet, my husband led us through war and saved our People.” “This is not war, Neytiri,” Tsentey countered, his voice hard. “This is our way of life. Your son—our future leader—has brought something into our world that was never meant to be.” “My son,” the woman said, stepping closer, her posture rigid, predatory, protective, “is Na’vi. He was raised in our ways.” Her voice trembled with emotion, but her eyes never wavered. “You question his blood? Then you question mine. You question me."
Tsentey faltered for the first time. Neytiri was a daughter of Eytukan and Mo’at, raised in the oldest tradition of their People. To call her son unworthy was to suggest that her lineage had been spoiled. That she, too, had been polluted. Nobody could deny the dismay when she chose one of them as well. Still, Jakesuli has an avatar, he looked like them, but Celeste? She was, in all respects, human. A constant reminder of their suffering, of what they went through. Of the man who was the hand in much of this pain.
Miles Quaritch.
“I question the Sky People’s hold on us,” the elder corrected, though his voice had lost some of its fire. “I ask what happens when we forget who we are.” Neytiri let out a harsh breath, her fists clenching at her sides. “And what are we, Tsentey? A People so afraid of change that we turn away from Eywa's will?” Her own tone dropped lower, more dangerous. “Do you think I wanted this?” She gestured to Celeste, to the young human woman carrying her son’s child in her womb, her voice raw. “Do you think I wished for my son to love one of them? I wanted him to find a strong mate among our People and lead with the pride of our ancestors. But he chose this path, and Eywa allowed it.”
The girl felt her stomach twist. Neytiri’s words stung, but she couldn’t blame her. All Na’vi stirred at their meaning. Eytukan’s daughter had never been one to embrace transformation, nor had she ever fully trusted humans, even after decades of peace. If even she had come to accept what had happened, what did that mean?
Tsentey’s jaw tightened. “Then perhaps Nawna Sa’nok has abandoned us.”
A horrified murmur rippled through the clan. Mo’at’s eyes darkened. “Mind your tongue, Tsentey.” But he did not back down. “We have strayed too far,” he pressed on. “How do we know this unnatural thing will not bring disaster upon us?” Neteyam’s patience snapped. “You speak as though my child is a monster to be feared.” His tone was a deep snarl, his tail lashing behind him and his ears glued to his skull. “The only ones acting like monsters are those who refused to listen to the Great Mother’s will."
Pey’lan nodded, stepping forward once more. “Eywa does not make mistakes. She is showing us a new path.” But for every voice that rose in their defense, another rose against them. “This is a betrayal of our ways!” “This child is an aberration.” “If we let this happen, what comes next?��� The divide in the clan had never felt so real.
Jake took a slow breath, stepping beside Neytiri, his face hard. “I know fear when I see it,” he said. “I know what it does to people. It makes them lash out, makes them desperate. But fear isn’t a reason to reject something we don’t understand. It’s a reason to learn.”Tsentey scoffed. “Learn what? How to forget our ways? To let the Sky People infect us further?” Neytiri stepped forward again, her voice sharp. “You have always hated my mate,” she hissed. “Do not pretend this is only about my grandchild. This is about you. Your pride. Your unwillingness to see beyond what you know.”
Tsentey’s ears flattened, but he did not deny it. The clan murmured again, torn. A weight settled over them, a fracture that had long been forming, but now, with news of Celeste’s pregnancy, the crack had splid wide open. The tsahìk, who had been obeserving quietly, lifted a hand with a pained but determined expression. The crowd fell into hushed susurrations while her eyes lingered on her daughter before shifting back to her grandson. “You believe the Great Mother has decided this?” She asked, the tone in her voice grave. “I do,” Neteyam answered right away. “She led us to one another, guided our connection. This child is not an accident: it’s a sign.” The old woman took a long breath through her flat nose, her look indecipherable. “I must speak with Nawna Sa’nok,” she declared as to shut any other opinions. “This is beyond my knowledge. Come.” His mate faltered, “Come where?” “To commute with Eywa.”
A ripple of uncertainty passed through the gathered Na’vi. Some nodded in approval, believing that only Eywa’s wisdom could determine the truth of this unprecedented event. Others remained tense, fearful of what it would mean if the Great Mother did not respond—or worse, if she rejected Celeste entirely.
Neteyam’s grip on his mate’s hand tightened. “I will go with her.”“No,” his grandmother said firmly. “She must do this alone.” The girl’s stomach twisted with unease, but she nodded. “If this is what it takes to prove my child belongs, I’ll do it.” Kiri rested a hand on her shoulder. “You are strong, sister.” She offered a weak smile at those words before following Mo’at. As they disappeared into the glowing forest, the clan remained divided. Some whispered words of hope. Others steeled themselves against what they saw as a decay of their people.
And all the while, a windstorm gathered over Pandora, ready to reshape the world as they knew it.
The journey to the Tree of Souls was made in silence. Celeste followed Mo’at through the bioluminescent undergrowth, her heartbeat loud in her ears. The deeper they ventured into the sacred forest, the denser the air felt—charged, alive, pulsing with something beyond comprehension. The tsahìk moved with the certainty of one who had walked this path countless times. The human girl, however, felt like an intruder, like a shadow in a place that had never been meant for her. Yet, she was here. Eywa had brought her here.
As they emerged into the clearing, Cel’s breath caught in her throat The Tree of Souls towered before her, its luminescent tendrils swaying as though sensing their arrival. The atmosphere was thick with the hum of life, a presence so vast and encompassing that it pressed against her skin, wrapped around her like unseen hands. She could feel it—not just see it or hear it, but feel it—something ancient, grand, noble.
Mo’at turned to face her, her gaze honed yet not unkind. “You step before Eywa now, child,” the tsahìk said. “You will ask, and she will answer. If she chooses to.” Celeste swallowed, hands instinctively drifting to her abdomen. The thought of what she was about to do sent a shiver up her spine. This was more than just a ritual. It was a plea. The woman motioned for her to lay before the great tree, the ground beneath was soft, warm, almost pulsing like a heartbeat.
Then she reached forward, grasping one of the glowing tendrils and offering it to the girl. “Take it,” she instructed. “You must connect.” Celeste hesitated only for a moment before reaching out with trembling fingers. As soon as she touched the vine, something cold and electric rushed up her arm, her breathing hitched as she carefully guided the glowing tendrils toward her nape.
As the connection was made, the world around her vanished. Only the purple hues of dusk, which softly spread between the foliage of the great sacred tree, remained vivid in her now closed eyes. Mo'at, her face marked with wrinkles and wisdom, dipped her hands into a pearlescent solution taken directly from the heart of the trunk, intoning a prayer, then gently placed them on the girl's belly.
The girl was no longer in the clearing. She was standing in a vast, endless space—a sky without stars, a sea without water. A place of nothing, and yet, everything. She turned, searching, calling out, but no voice escaped her lips.
Then, a presence. A whisper in the void. A single breath of wind, stirring the silence like ripples on water. And then she saw her.
A woman, Na’vi in form but glowing with a light that was not of this world. Her form was woven from strands of living energy, shifting between physical and ephemeral. Her eyes—vast, knowing—pierced through her as though seeing not just her body but her soul, her very essence.
Cel knew, without needing to be told, who this was. “Eywa,” she whispered. The Great Mother did not speak in words, but she felt the response deep inside her, as though the very air was communicating with her thoughts.
Why do you come, child of two worlds?
The human breath trembled. “I seek answers,” she admitted. “I carry life within me, but it should not be possible. I am not Na’vi.” Eywa was silent for a long moment, her glowing form pulsing with a rhythm she could not understand. Then, like a whisper against her skin, came the response.
Life finds a way where it is meant to.
Celeste frowned. “But… how? How is this possible? No Na’vi and human have ever…” Eywa’s light shifted, and suddenly, Celeste saw. A vision unraveled before her—fragments of moments that did not belong to her, yet somehow, she felt them. She saw herself beneath the Tree of Voices, joined with Neteyam, their connection deeper than flesh, deeper than thought. She saw the glowing roots of the tree wrapping around her, pulsing, binding. She saw the strange, tubular growths that had formed at the base of her skull in those sacred moments, the fleeting connection she had barely understood at the time.
And then she saw her child. Not yet born, but already a part of something greater. A thread in the great weave of life that Eywa spun across Pandora. The Tree of Voices had not merely connected her to Neteyam. It had changed her. Maybe not in form, but in body and in something deeper, in a way no human had ever been before. In spirit.
She gasped as the realization struck her: her baby was not a mistake. Not an anomaly. Eywa had allowed this. Eywa had willed this. “Why?” she whispered, voice raw. “Why me?” The presence of Eywa did not waver.
You were chosen, as all life is chosen. You have walked the path, become part of the song. Your child is not the end of balance, but the beginning of a new one.
Tears welled in Celeste’s eyes. “But the People… they fear this. They will reject me. They will reject my child. They already have.” Eywa’s form pulsed, and for the first time, Celeste felt something like a sorrow so vast it spanned lifetimes.
Change is always met with hatred. But balance does not exist without it.
Her heart clenched. The deity had not said that the People would accept her child. She had not said that there would be no hardship, no pain, no struggle. Only that this was the path, that it was meant to be.
Celeste’s vision blurred with tears. “Will my child survive?” she whispered. Eywa’s light dimmed slightly, as if the answer was not hers to give.
You must walk that path to know.
Celeste felt her chest tighten, but before she could say more, the vision shattered.
Though I’ll tell you this. You may not be Na'vi, but you were born here. You are part of my beloved children even if appearances say otherwise.
She gasped as she was thrust back into her body, the connection with the Tree of Souls severed. Her body felt heavy, as if she had been drained of something vital. She collapsed on her side, breathing hard, with one last sentence chanting in her ears.
Trust who you are, ma’ite.
Mo’at knelt beside her, eyes sharp, searching. “What did you see?” The girl swallowed, her entire body trembling. “Eywa… she planned this.” She pressed a hand to her abdomen. “My child is meant to be.” The old woman studied her carefully before finally nodding, as though she had already known the answer. “The People will not all believe,” she warned. “There will be fear. Conflict.” Celeste looked up, her eyes filled with something new—not just conviction, but welcome. “I know,” she whispered. “But I will fight for my child, for my mate. For this new future.”
Mo’at let out a slow breath, then helped her to her feet. “Then we must return,” she said. “And you must prepare yourself for what comes next.” Celeste nodded, wiping the last of her tears. She did not know what the future would bring, but she knew one thing for certain.
This was only the beginning.
A whisper went through the living net as the two re-emerged from the forest under the glow of Pandora’s night. The bioluminescence pulsed around them, yet to the sky girl, the forest no longer felt like a place on uncertainty. It was alive in a way she had never fully grasped before, as if she was noticing just now its true beauty, its essence. She carries the weight of their deity’s message in her heart, and, as she stepped into the gathering once more, she soon realized with even greater force that knowing the truth and making others embrace it were two entirely different things.
The moment Mo’at took the lead in front of her, with Neteyam besides her, the murmuring crowd fell quiet, a demonstration of her absolute authority; all eyes were on her. Still not a silence of peace—it was the calm before the storm. The tsahìk's eyes, wide open and tense, swept across the People. “Eywa has spoken,” she declared in a tone full of reverence, her voice strong, echoing through the assembly. “Celeste brings life. A child of the bond between heaven and earth. The first sign of a path Nawna Sa’nok set for us many cycles ago.” Her wistful gazed darted to her own daughter.
The revelation fell like lightning. The crowd exploded in an uproar of emotion. Some clan members knelt, seeing the event as a divine sign; others cried out in fear and bewilderment, claiming it was an affront to the natural order. Neteyam stood up, his face alight with determination. “If Eywa has chosen this, then it is her will. We cannot defy her.” But his words did not quell the chaos. “This is corruption!” Tsentey broke the agitation, his deep voice thick with anger, while a devious glare landed on Celeste, fill with something more than just disapproval. It was bare, irrational phobia, disguised as something worse than simple rage, shadier, brutal only as when self-preservation animal instinct rises to the surface, overriding rationality.
What might have sprung from that primal emotion chilled the blood in Spider's veins, as he pushed himself just in time between his sister and her mate, to shield her as the latter responded to the threat with equal aggression. A single quick vocalization exhaled from his open mouth, his jaw tense, his teeth clearly in view. His ears were folded and his nose curled up as he leaned forward menacingly, still hissing, his hand ready to adversely grip the hilt of the knife hanging from his chest. Tsentey was a seasoned warrior, but age had slowed him down; he could have done nothing in a physical confrontation with a brawny youth, forged by a lifetime of training mixed with youthful prowess and the drive that only protecting his mate can trigger.
The elder had to rely on intelligence rather than strength. He already overstepped by challenging both the olo’eyktan and his son's role, he couldn’t afford duel with the next in line to the throne without risking been exiled. That would be too much even for a clan as democratic as the Omatikaya was. “Don’t you see? The alien is already turning us against each other. This is not the will of Eywa—it is a deception, a sickness brought by those demons. It threatens everything we are!”
Celeste flinched at the venom in his voice, but Neteyam took a step forward, guarding her from the weight of Tsentey’s words. His tail flicked in agitation, but his voice remained calm. “She’s pandorian just like us” he stated, his golden eyes locking onto the older warrior’s. “She has been raised in respect of our customs. If even the Great Mother acknowledging her as her daughter is not enough, tell me—what else must she do to earn your approval? What have she not yet given?”
Tsentey did not respond immediately, but his silence spoke louder than his words. “Get rid of it.” A murmur of agreement rippled through some of the warriors and elders. Others shifted uneasily, torn between respect for the leading family and their own deep-seated beliefs. “We can tolerate half-bloods with Na’vi features, even close an eye on your repulsive relationship, but an off-spring generated from the of you? No, we can’t let such a monstrosity live among us, grow alongside our children.”
Another snarl escaped Neteyam’s throat and this time, if it wasn’t for his father grip on his arm, the situation would have escalated into tragedy. “Calm down, son. Don't give in to his provocations or you'll play into his hands,” Jake wispered in his ear. “He's tryin’ to make you lose control so he can prove that my legacy is infected with humanity. That Cel is deviating you with her sinful nature.” The prince was desperate to retort, but he gritted his teeth and nodded dryly; his father was right. That was all Tsentey’s plan to destroy the Sullys.
“You are so blinded by your sky demon girl, ma’Neteyam, that you do not even realize that you are endangering her. Is that what true love is? Making her meet something unknown, uncontrollable. It might even kill her, ‘itan (son).”
What a sly bastard.
Kiri exhaled slowly, then turned to Mo’at. “Grandmother,” she said, his voice quieter than usual, steadier, “Eywa has spoken. What must we do?” The woman's gaze fixed on the ones who were uncertain, the ones who were afraid, and the ones who were ready to embrace what had come to pass. She let the silence stretch, forcing them all to sit with their thoughts. Finally, she spoke. “Change is not a choice,” she said. “It comes whether we will it or not. We have seen this before. When the Sky People came. When they destroyed our home. When we fought. When some of them chose to stay. When some of them were born here.” She looked at Spider and Celeste now. “This child is part of that change. It is neither a blessing nor a curse. It simply is. Not the end of our People, only the beginning of something greater.”
The clan listened, the weight of her words settling into their bones. That child was a bridge between two worlds, two species, two opposites; something that could lead to understanding, a future where humans and Na’vi were no longer enemies.
Mo’at turned back to Tsentey. “You do not have to welcome it,” she told him. “But you will respect it.” The man jaw clenched, his tail flicking sharply. But he did not speak.
The stillness that followed was not one of agreement but of division. The clan was fractured. Some would support them. Some would oppose them. And some, like Tsentey, would never accept them. Mo’at exhaled deeply. “The People will decide,” she said at last. “But Eywa has already.”
And with those words, the future of the Omatikaya hung in the balance.
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