#I was thinking maybe Bellona as a godly parent?
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OK so in this post I kinda threw out a concept of a ROTTMNT x PJO au. and I like, immidiately started making designs (oh and April is def in this au, she's just a Mortal who can see through the mist (like Rachel Elizabeth Dare)
(they're basically just my Human designs lol, just in CHB gear and with diff weapons [exept Leo. he still has a sword])
also! in the reblogs/comments of my concept post I saw some interesting points:
I actually think you made a really good point here, so I might just end up going with Hephestus, (he also kinda gives me some Leo Valdez Vibes and it could be funny if both of them needed to be like, dragged away from their work by their respective Aphrodite Cabin Sibling/bestie (Leo & Piper [this is gonna get SO. CONFUSING :') ])
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I can kinda see where you're coming from, but i do kinda think the glow-ey powers Will Solace has would kinda be a really good fit for Mikey, not that I don't see Hephestus Kid Mikey,
plus I think Mikey having a bit of a gift of Prophecy is kinda cool tbh.
and Athena kid Donnie was mostly cause I had a thought abt him and Annabeth as siblings (cause the cabins see eachother as siblings cause yk....they share a parent) but I do sorta see your point, but like I said, I'm prob gonna stick with Hephestus Kid Donnie
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feel absoloutly free to ask me abt this au cause I def wanna possibly do something with this au maybe?
(I mean the last one i did died within a few months with like, 1 or 2 fic chapters and like, one art. then it got abandoned :') )
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beuatifulbuttercup · 1 year
Okay in your godly parents swap au I'd love to know more about Leo, Its such an interactive concept to put him with Bellona and the fact that people don't think hes roman enough or whatever? But his still really clever and has probably saved people's asses more times than they like to admit? Love that
Also Frank as a son of Hermes is also really interesting would love to hear more about that too
You're asking about my AU? I've waited YEARS for someone to ask me about my au.
(If you get that reference I love you)
We'll start with Leo because I feel like there's more to talk about with him.
Leo is the son of Bellona and is a member of the fifth cohort. He came to Camp Jupiter after the death of his mortal mother when he was eight.His best friends are the two Praetors Piper and Jason. Now he climbed the ranks with Piper to make it to Praetor status. He never really cared about being Praetor but was just there for Piper. During war games Leo would use the traps more as pranks to the other side instead of actually fighting. With that he used a dagger. Not a sword, not a spear, not even a shield, just a measly dagger he had since he was nine. That combined with him being in the fifth cohort and a "wild child" people didn't trust him with important decisions. However, he is his mother's son and is a great strategist. People were so focused on the prank part they didn't notice Piper shadow traveling behind them.
When they finally got close to the position of Praetor they realized that only one of them could be Praetor. Many excepted a battle of some sorts to see who would become the next Praetor. To their shock (?) Leo just kinda dropped out of the running allowing his very ambitious friend to get the job. However, Leo was allowed to become a Centurion instead. During these meetings he was surprisingly serious and had amazing battle strategies and knew a lot about wars.
During the Second Titan War Leo provided a lot of helpful advice to Camp Jupiter. When he was actually on the battle field for real his dagger was probably the most lethal weapon out there. He lived up to being the son of a war goddess. When he was out there he also used those pranks he got so good at using to distract monsters. Sadly many people didn't like this tactic so he got way less credit than he deserved.
When Piper went missing he was offered the role again but he declined AGAIN. Jason was weirdly disappointed by that. He became good friends with the new comers Percy and Hazel. He was able to tell that Hazel was from the past and that there was something about him that threw her off. He went on a quest with Hazel and Nico to Alaska. Only after him coming back did people finally recognize his talents.
Now he is also apart of the Tartarus duo in this AU. He falls in with Piper and the typical Tartarus stuff happens. When he leaves the first person to welcome him back was Jason who hugged him tighter than anyone has before.
Frank's turn :)
Frank Zhang was by no means a troubled kid. He was just a kid from Canada whose mom and grandma died. Sure he picked a couple locks here and there but it was never a lock of importance. Okay maybe one time he stole something from one of the kids at his school but thats just because he stole it from someone else. And sure he rigged the glitter bomb to explode during the pep rally but it wasn't even his idea! They bullied him into doing it, plus it was the school colors so it was on theme. That put him in a school for troubled kids. Eventually he'd been in so many that they called up a distant relative of his in Nevada and sent him there. They put him into the wilderness school where he met Reyna.
Reyna also probably should not have been there but Frank was happy she was. The two became close friends along with Piper. Little did they know all their memories of Piper were fake. Now when he left with Annabeth and Silena to go back to camp he was claimed by Hermes. In this AU the Cabin 9 Curse is the Cabin 11 Curse.
The cabin counselor, Malcolm Pace, explains to Frank that every single on of their pranks have failed since Micheal died. One of these was a fire breathing dragon that has been in the works since before Micheal died. Miranda, the former counselor, was on bed rest from this dragon. Frank doesn't know how to feel about that as his weakness is his very burnable stick. He does the Leo thing and gets the dragon back to running. He gets it not breathe fire but to breathe out glitter.
During his time at camp he never felt more at home. Lacy, Malcolm, Miranda, his other siblings and the unclaimed campers are so welcoming. When he came back from his quest Miranda and Malcolm made him a counselor. The first prank he played on the camp as initiation Lacy helped.
Later on he is a bit wary of Hazel, a daughter of Vulcan and fire user, but they grow and their love story stories.
If anyone has anymore questions about any character feel free to ask! Also I'm not writing this into a fic so feel free to steal my idea-
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buck-yyyy · 2 years
I am a huge fan of PJO/HoO tbh and I wonder if you ever wanted to write a cross over fic about it in connection to ST?
I wonder what your HC's arc regarding the characters' godly parents specifically The Party's? (El, Mike, Will, Lucas, Dustin and Max)?
El is a little bit tricky for me because her whole catch is her telekinesis powers, so maybe she'd be a Hecate's kid? It is tricky because PJO/HoO barely used the telekinesis idea in the books, so I am not sure... Maybe you can make her a Zeus' kid because of her strenght, and main character status. Or just make her a Poseidon kid because El sort of has a connection to water. I mean, she doesnt use or control water ofc but her telekinesis powers are being powered when she uses water to calm herself... idk, lol.
Mike and Dustin would be both Athena's kids imho. It also fits because I think Nancy would be an Athena kid too (and Mike being an Athena kid makes sense ig). I also can see Nancy being Bellona's kid because I sort of see similarities between Nancy and Reyna. Nancy is smart but also a fighter, she sort of shares many similarities to both Annabeth and Reyna imho. Dustin is also hella smart and brainy, he figured out many stuff on the show and is analytic, leans more on ''brainy type'' character. I can see him being Athena's kid.
I can see Lucas being Apollo or Ares' kid in a way, because of his strenght and because he is good at aiming things (if I remember correctly, he does this in S3 mainly, right?) Lucas is also more active like Max compared to other party members, so I think it makes sense for him to have a more active parent.
Will would either be Hades' kid or Apollo's kid but I lean more on him being a Hades kid due to his weird connections to the UD and stuff like that. Will also sort of reminds me of Nico (them both being obssessed with a game, having to grow up much quicker compared to others, being left out and things like that and well... being gay. Their personalities are different ofc but they share many similarities). But I can see him being Apollo's kid if we don't count his supernatural connections, because Will is artistic (Apollo kid trait) and is associated with light many times too aside from dark stuff, and has some sort of a special connection to the music.
For Max, I really am not sure but maybe Hermes or Apollo? Both are active gods (they are associated with athletes, sports and stuff like that too) You can say Max's love for skating comes from that. All in all, Max and El are the most tricky ones for me ig.
hello anon!! my apologies for taking so long to answer this :0
okay, so i would love to write something like that but it's been a hot second (*cough* six years *cough*) since i've read specifically any percy jackson-
butttttt i'm sharing my opinions on their godly parents ANYWAYS mwah
i definitely like the el-poseidon thing, especially because of her mindscape being the only upside-down related thing with water in it :0
and yes!!! yes yes yes!!! archer lucas my BELOVED, that boy is an apollo kid through and THROUGH get that kid a wrist rocket upgrade baybeeee
i feel like i lean more towards will being an apollo kid, just because i feel bad assigning him hades based mostly on his trauma from the upside down T-T
and i honestly have NO idea what max would be lkjfdsanclkj
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deathgod-ben · 3 years
percy jackson AU but with the hargreeves, so like who do u think would be their godly parent :) ( including norse, roman, and egyption)
I think Deigo would be the son of Bellona, Klaus would be Lokis, and Ben would be I think tartrus maybe ( bc tartarus is like the pit of suffering, hell and like monsters and Ben has pit of monsters and shit lol) or maybe Hades idk
what do u think?
First of all, Luther is Thor. I will fight anyone at this. Discussion ended.
The vibes I get from Loki (the one potryated in Marvel), I would say Klaus's parent is also Loki. But when it comes to power, maybe Hades?
And yes, Diego is totally son of Bellona. He came out of the womb and chose violence.
AND BEN HAVING TARTARUS AS HIS PARENT IS A MAD POWERMOVE LIKE HELL YEAH IM ON IT. I'm not able to express how much I love it and agree on it, but the whole concept is perfect.
Bragi is Allison's dad, cuz of God of poetry. I wanted to say Hera, but I Bragi fits Allison better
Look, when it comes to Vanya, girl out doing oracles for free. She about to put the oracles sister out of business
When it comes to Five, not gonna lie I just goggle 'god of time Egyptian' just to throw some spice and got the god Huh. So either that or he son of Thor too, since Luther and Five are twins
Or maybe that post man god dude that got wings on his feet from the Hercules Disney movie
I never got to finish reading the Egyptian series of Rick so I'm so unfamiliar when it comes to Egyptian mythology I'm sorry, but do tell if there is some godly parent you think fits better with the siblings.
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narvaldetierra · 3 years
SVU in the Riordanverse (1)
Recently I saw a post that listed the Hogwarts house of a svu character, which made me think about the Riordanverse. My brain works like that, I can’t do anything about it. So, at the request of no one, I’m here to say to which Godly parent I think the characters of svu could have if they were in the universe created by Rick Riordan and why. (This is just my opinion)
I’ll start with Olivia, for obvious reasons.
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If I think about Greek Gods, the first that came to my mind is Artemis. Olivia could be one of her huntresses because she has some qualities that the Goddess would find interesting: she helps women, she’s strong, independent, and not many things could scare her. BUT… I’m not really sure she could keep the promise to stay as a virgin for eternity as the Goddess asks.
So, I think she could also be related to Nemesis. This goddess is commonly misunderstood. People assume she is only the Goddess of revenge, but she is more than that, is the Goddess of retributive justice and balance. Nemesis takes from those who have in excess, to give to those who don’t have anything. I mean, she was born after her mother was raped, and then she works catching rapists.
But if we want to keep Serena Benson as her mother, with all her story, her father probably would be Príapo, the god who tried to rape Hestia.
If we move to Egyptian Gods, Olivia would be without a doubt a follower of Maat path, the Goddess of harmony, justice, and truth. I think there’s no need to say more about it.
Now, if we move to Norse Gods, Freya is my first option. Not only she was the Goddess of love, beauty, and fertility, she also did what she wanted with her sexuality, and when someone tried to denigrate her for being doing the same thing that male gods did, she wasn’t afraid to argue with Odin itself about it.
I didn’t think about Roman Gods because my brain is greek and I find it hard to picture Roman versions of the Gods. If I had to name one, it would be Bellona maybe?, Goddess of war, because Roman versions are more bellicose, but if some demigod from Camp Jupiter wants to object, you are free to do it.
If you read this far, thank you! 🧡
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timecall · 5 years
ok i wasn’t kidding when i said people who lms would get it so i’m compiling them here
@imitori not to hit the nail on the head but i’m leaning towards nemesis for dimitri not just because of the obvious reason of revenge but because nemesis is also the goddess of balance which i think is sort of what he wants/needs in terms of [3h lore] ... obviously he could probably pass as a son of zeus with the natural leadership and charismatic nature and whatnot but like yknow
@leicestheir hi gina ik everyone’s already thinking about apollo as claude’s godly parent but i can also really easily see athena or hermes; hermes is my weakest option of the three because it’s primarily the trickster nature + ability to sort of ... charm??? converse? while athena is because he has a knack for strategy. i’m kinda leaning towards athena because she’s a war goddess by all means and claude knows how to play his cards
@gasbardian hi maddy i don’t think it’s super surprising for me to say ashe might be hermes or mercury (roman form)? he’s not quite the like warlike, militaristic stiffness of the other roman kids so maybe just hermes and that’s definitely because i’m thinking about his past life having to resort to thieving, and he’s good at haggling prices ... and hermes is one of the most common godly parents in pjo which kinda makes me think about he he regards himself as lonato’s adopted kid instead of like being born as a noble into a noble house
@knighbility tbh i was wondering if ingrid might not be a demigod child at all but a follower/huntress of artemis because it gives me a sort of parallel to the idea that she wants to be a knight even though that’s not technically what’s expected/”meant” for her, but she chooses this path anyways because that’s who she is at heart ... otherwise i think athena would be a pretty good fit like you already said. maybe minerva/roman form even 
@gautres the obvious answer is aphrodite for obvious reasons but i’m wondering with the way sylvain acts in his more serious moments/supports if he might be someone else like ... i considered hecate for a minute because of his budding talent in magic and the fact that she’s the goddess of crossroads which is sort of where he is in life in terms of his issues with heading his house, crests, etc. but it leans too hard on the witchcraft angle to suit him .... aphrodite is still a perfect fit though because he IS a charming talker and a good looking guy, and there’s definitely a reason why girls still say yes to him 
@mauricrests i am trying so goddamn hard but when i think of marianne i think of animals which would be artemis’s domain but i don’t think she’s fit for the hunters of artemis ... tbh i don’t know marianne particularly well but i might be able to imagine ....... hecate???? urgh. i can’t do it because i only saw a couple of her supports so far but i love her so much :( 
@thunderbranded ares... most likely ares. she’s not as short tempered as children of ares tend to be but she has the same will to fight and slightly blood knight-y tendencies + confidence and ability to back it, not necessarily for the sake of anything other than for the fight + for lady rhea  
nobody asked for edelgard but i think she’d be bellona’s daughter 
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dragcnmade · 5 years
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anon asked;;   who would be the godly parents of the other members of the rotten / core four? and who do you think ben's godly parent would be like? and uma's? and gil's? and harry's?
hi! i did start a small edit series on my personal blog here. which is the base of who i believe each characters’s godly parent is. i did forget about the series for a bit
okay, i personally see evie as a daughter of aphrodite, and no this does not diminish her smarts. doing that stereotypes children of aphrodite, and i have a huge spot for children of aphrodite. evie is into her beauty, and fashion and the want to make others feel loved, and cared for. her spread constant want to spread love, no matter the form.
carlos as a son of athena, who is just as good with the craft side, and is one of the few to embrace the craft side to his mother as well as the wisdom side. he could have been a child of hephaestus, but ultimately i went with athena.
jay, as a son of hermes, and before anyone accuses me it’s just for his stealing / con artist ways... that is only part of it. thieving may be what hermes is best known for, but he is also the good of athletes, which is what he is. and it is something he excels at too, and bending the rules while not breaking and i feel that is a huge hermes trait.
yes, i went for cliche daughter of poseidon for uma. because she embodies everything that is the ocean. she is calm, and collected - but she has the capacity to wreak a ship if she needed too.
harry, i see him as a son of ares. he screams son of ares to me. reminds me of clarisse a lot. he is itching for a fight, and knows the right buttons to push to try and get one to happen. and he is fiercely loyal to those who are to him. fights for those he calls family.
gil, potentially a son of aphrodite. i’m not sure.
ben, i would probably see as a roman demigod, just due to the way he has been set up to rule and lead. but for his parent? maybe bellona if i went roman. or athena if i went greek, because i see him being like those two. hell maybe even a legacy of bellona, son of athena
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stygianking · 6 years
MEME FRIDAY: Send me “Switcheroo!” and I’ll redesign your muse as if they were from my muse’s universe.
HOO BOY. OK. KANDA. kanda is a bit of a toughy, ngl– it’s hard to box him into any of the gods, really. but i’m gonna give it a shot!
i like to think, to slightly parallel his canon circumstances, that perhaps kanda is in the process of his rebirth cycle to try to enter the isles of the blest, the greatest resting place reserved for only the highest of heroes. this can reflect the tragic circumstances of his previous life especially if alma tried for the same but went astray, losing that chance forever and also allows for some interesting ideas within a pjo-verse.
i think the goddess that would most closely suit kanda and the way he is is bellona. she is one of the few roman gods without a greek counterpart (as she replaces athena’s position as the twin sister to ares/mars, and athena/minerva is a virgin goddess of knowledge instead), but she is the goddess of war and ares’s companion, but she’s also in charge of foreign warfare. i think in particular i like bellona more for him over mars is in large part because of reyna ramirez-arellano’s character, how level-headed and disciplined she is even in comparison to frank zhang being the son of mars and clarisse being the daughter of ares.
bellona is basically like a more warlike athena, which i think suits kanda very well, and also leads credence to his temper and capabilities as a fighter.
i honestly struggled with this a lot, because i also like the idea of nemesis being his godly parent instead– but i think bellona suits him the most, really. i don’t see him having any proper legacies, but whoever his godly parent was in his previous (first) life may have some kind of impact somehow in his rebirth. unfortunately we don’t know enough about his first incarnation to truly say anything on that.
boy would definitely go for a katana still, roman and greek weapons be damned. in fact, i wouldn’t be surprised if he had it fashioned custom in imperial gold/celestial bronze, in large part because kanda is just, well, kanda. or maybe he found it on a quest, and it bonded itself to him in the same way anaklusmos bonded itself to percy jackson. it’s just hard to imagine him without mugen, yknow? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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