#and srsly thank you guys SO MUCH for the input
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ace-of-garlic-breads · 6 months ago
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OK so in this post I kinda threw out a concept of a ROTTMNT x PJO au. and I like, immidiately started making designs (oh and April is def in this au, she's just a Mortal who can see through the mist (like Rachel Elizabeth Dare)
(they're basically just my Human designs lol, just in CHB gear and with diff weapons [exept Leo. he still has a sword])
also! in the reblogs/comments of my concept post I saw some interesting points:
I actually think you made a really good point here, so I might just end up going with Hephestus, (he also kinda gives me some Leo Valdez Vibes and it could be funny if both of them needed to be like, dragged away from their work by their respective Aphrodite Cabin Sibling/bestie (Leo & Piper [this is gonna get SO. CONFUSING :') ])
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I can kinda see where you're coming from, but i do kinda think the glow-ey powers Will Solace has would kinda be a really good fit for Mikey, not that I don't see Hephestus Kid Mikey,
plus I think Mikey having a bit of a gift of Prophecy is kinda cool tbh.
and Athena kid Donnie was mostly cause I had a thought abt him and Annabeth as siblings (cause the cabins see eachother as siblings cause yk....they share a parent) but I do sorta see your point, but like I said, I'm prob gonna stick with Hephestus Kid Donnie
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feel absoloutly free to ask me abt this au cause I def wanna possibly do something with this au maybe?
(I mean the last one i did died within a few months with like, 1 or 2 fic chapters and like, one art. then it got abandoned :') )
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enter-the-rickyverse · 1 month ago
HELLO!!! this ask isn't to send you a ricky, but because im planning to make a rtc production in highschool, and id like to ask you for advice since imo you know the characters (ricky) really well :3 thing is, we're not using the og script because we gotta make the musical in spanish lol, so since im gonna have to tweak a lot of shit in order to translate it, why not fix all the musical's crap while im at it? therefore, if you have any ideas, please do tell :3 (pd i love this blog sooo much srsly keep up the good job!!!)
Hi! Thanks for your support and I’m sorry it took me a while to answer. The truth is, I’ve been thinking about how to answer your ask ever since I got it and I don’t really think there’s a guide I could write you for how to do Ricky right. There are lots of differences in opinion between fans, for equally valid reasons, about how Ricky is written when it comes to things like, should he concede or should he not? Should Ocean’s lines about him in WTWN be revised or should they be left as they are? I don’t think it’s up to me to decide which of those opinions are right or wrong or good or bad, and as well I’m just plain not a very strong writer so trust me you probably don’t want my input when it comes to making a script lol. I’m just a Ricky appreciator who likes to uplift him and his fans by way of the drawings I make.
These days I’m having some trouble getting my point across with words especially when it comes to complex topics, but as they say a picture is worth a 1000 words— I think my drawings speak for me pretty well when it comes to my visions of Ricky. That being said, if you want to use my content as inspiration for how you want to present Ricky, feel free. I’ve drawn him around 300 times for this blog alone at this point so there are a lot of cool vibes you could choose from. Although the subject matter for all of my drawings comes from the specifications set by the people sending in the requests, my opinions and preferences for how I like to see Ricky are pretty evident in my illustrations (ie. I tend to draw him with mobility aids even in the afterlife, I enjoy shipping him with the other guys, I incorporate a lot of Star Wars and Star Trek references, etc.)
As well, if any of my followers have ideas for how Ricky could be portrayed in productions going forward and would like to weigh in, please feel free to do so in the replies or reblogs of this post.
Best of luck with your production!!
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sleepygamerotaku · 3 years ago
This probably isn't the right time to say this, but can you read this when you have the time?
I love you /plat and I think you're such an interesting /pos, beautiful human. I won't analyze you, since you're a real human being and that would be intrusive, but I think the way your mind thinks and works is so unique and the way you perceive the world is drastically different from other people /pos you're a great person and even if you're hurting, you try to give your input on others' problems when you can. I can't tell you that I thoroughly understand what you're going through because although we may have similar experiences, they're not the same, and we're different people and we have different feelings, but I hope you'll get through this safely and you have at least a moment of true happiness in your life /gen
thank you Brookie! i really needed that. i know it's probably stupid of me to vent so much but I'm glad that i always have kindhearted mutuals like you to pick me up when I'm down. you along with everybody else are amazing and you guys always give me that little bit of motivation that i need to get me through the day/Srsly. thank you. it's kinda hypocritical of me to say take care of yourself but i hope you know how loved you are!!
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rambling-at-midnight · 7 years ago
Hacked: Part 3
You've got to be the only high-schooler without a phone, but that doesn't bother you (much). You can text on multiple platforms on your computer so as long as you've got Wi-Fi you can connect to the Internet and everything you need.
Your Science class is entirely technology-based so it's not hard to wander off the path and do your own research. You've always been all right at Science, if not pretty good, and it doesn't matter what grades you've got in three months because then it'll all be over.
As Mr. Bradfurd rambles on about tectonic plates or the like, you pull up the email exchange between you and Mrs. Sharpe. The meeting with her had been largely unsuccessful except for a list of people that might want Tony Stark humiliated. Unfortunately, it's mostly a list of his flings. You're still going to meet with them, however, and hope they've got more to go on except 'He lured me to bed and then left the next day!'
Your laptop bings and the class looks at you. You flush and turn the sound off before investigating the source of the sound. Ned had texted you on your Google Voice number.
Ned: Hey
You: Wassup
Ned: I got a lego death star, me and peter r gonna try and build it wanna come over
You grimace at the mention of Peter. He can't stand to be in your presence for more than fifteen minutes normally (lunch was an exception; you had been surprised when he had appeared to be listening to the argument going on between you and Ned) and won't even talk to you. Sometimes he won't even look at you. You can understand hating someone like that—Tony Stark is the man you despise, but that's for a good reason—and you can rack your brains for hours but you just can't figure out why Ned's best friend hates you. You didn't ever do anything wrong to him, but you'll return fire with fire happily.
You: Nah no thanks. Im pretty sure Peters got like a trap set up around his door to keep me out lol
Ned: What are u talking about?
You: Dont play dumb, its no secret he hates me
Ned: Wtf u talking about?
You: U havent noticed?
"Y/n?" Mr. Bradfurd calls, disapproval evident in his voice. You jerk your head up and stare at him, slowly getting redder as the whispers around you get louder. Without looking at the screen, you minimize your texting and go back to the class notes. "Get your head out of the clouds," your Science teacher warns. You just duck your head and seethe.
MJ kicks your foot under the table and shows you her recent sketch of you. Your head is a tomato. "Because you blush so easily," she whispers.
You roll your eyes at her antics. At least the teachers don't call her out on never paying attention. MJ's smart mouth might actually land her in detention rather than just observing and you know that despite her acting like she doesn't care, her parents put a lot of pressure onto her to get good grades.
When you're sure Bradfurd isn't eyeing you anymore, you pull up the tab between you and Ned. He sent a bunch of texts and you can imagine him sending them all with varying degrees of hysteria:
Ned: No I havent
Ned: He doesn't hate you!
Ned: Y/n srsly he doesn't hate you im not lying
Ned: Ru mad at me now?
Ned: Y/N
Ned: Imma text mj if you dont respond
You: Cool ur tits, bradfurd called me out
Ned: Oh good I thought you were mad lol
You: Y would i b?
Ned: Idk man
Ned: So ill take it ur not coming 2nite?
You: Ye, sorry
You: Gotta work
Ned: Ur always working, just like peters always at the Stark Internship
You internally groan at that. You had managed to forget about the other person you know who would be affected by exposing Stark. You may not hate Peter, even though he seems to hate you. Ruining Stark's reputation could potentially ruin Peter's and you don't want to see another person travel down the road of Persons Rejected By Society. You're already halfway to the end.
You: He shouldnt do that; stark's made a lot of mistakes. who knows what could happen to peter if stark gets into trouble?
Ned: lol
Ned: Wait ur serious?
Ned: Wtf y/n its not like stark's done super horrible stuff
You: Just sayin
In fact, you think you could even like Peter if he didn't hate you. He's certainly attractive, with curly brown hair and melted-chocolate eyes, but you wouldn't settle for someone who can't even stand you. If he could learn to be less of a jerk, certainly, especially considering the only guys you ever talk to is Ned and Peter by association.
The bell rings, signaling the end of the school day, and you rush to your locker with the hopes of no one intercepting you. You'd managed your whole week without seeing Lindsey but today it would appear your luck has run out because she's waiting by your locker with a frown on her face and hands on her hips.
"Y/n," she grunts. You quirk an eyebrow at her and wait for her to move. When she finally pushes off the wall, it's with a snort and roll of her eyes. The two of you aren't especially fond of each other but the time you'd spent as teammates on the lacrosse team had eased the loathing to general dislike. "You haven't been to practice in two weeks."
"I am aware," you say curtly, twisting your lock around and then jamming your shoulder into the door to pop it open. She lets out a huff again as it becomes obvious you're not going to speed the conversation along.
"If you're still on the team, you've got to run about fifteen miles if you were to go to practice tonight," Lindsey informs you, sounding infinitely smug about the fact. She knows you can run, just not fifteen whole fucking miles.
"Oh, and I'm sure the coaches won't accept the fact that I'm working three jobs and my mom is dying of cancer as a reasonable excuse, right?" you snap, sweeping your books into your backpack quickly. "We both know I won't be running fifteen miles if I go to practice tonight. Maybe one extra. Maybe."
"With this level of disrespect to a team captain and your unavailability, we might as well just cut you now," Lindsey says with disgust, looking down her nose at you as your shoulder your backpack and curse your height when you have to crane your neck to look her in the eyes. It's the platform shoes she's always wearing, dammit.
"Coach Trisha's the one who decides who gets cut and who doesn't," you say smoothly. You're not worried about your place on the team—or you wouldn't be, if you hadn't been missing two weeks' worth of practices. You haven't been playing lacrosse very long but you're one of the better players on the team. If you could make it to practices and games that would be great.
"Captain's input is also vital," she snarls.
You narrow your eyes at her and tilt your head. The two of you both know that you could have been one of the captains based on skill alone, but you hadn't wanted to be the center of attention and you're not popular enough with the team to have managed that. That's part of the reason Lindsey enjoys putting you down—she loves to keep reminding you who has the power.
Lindsey's eyes twitch to the wall and then back to you. "Practice is at 6 tonight. If you can."
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quailthekenku · 4 years ago
Back and Forth Dialogue With a friend: Matrix visits Chicega
The second half of a dialogue trade with Toblerone ^-^ 
So, like last time, this is a thing where a character from one person’s world is thrown into the universe of the other’s. Last time, it was Toble’s character Calli in my setting of the Illumise Headquarters. Check it out sometime! :D
- Me
~ Toble
Also sadly, none of this is canon :(
===Toblerone Explaining Scene===
“~ So I'm gonna do the Raid on Chicega, which is basically a large city much like New York
~ The government may have had bounds in tech but the public hasn't
~ The cars are more high tech tho, so are billboards
~  Cameras are everywhere, and a guard in a helmet and high tech suit is on every corner. They all have pulse guns.
~  The Area Tower is the tallest tower in the city.
-  so a Dystopian futuristic New York?
~  Yes
~  The city has a huge industrial zone to the east, and it’s surrounded by plains
~ And that’s about all. Ready?”
-------------------------------Roleplay Line--------------------------------
-  Matrix wanders into the city with a coffee cup in his hands, gazing at the brightly colored signs.
~  The sky was clear above Chicega. Zilo cast a casual glance into the street, standing outside Dale's coffee shop.
-  Matrix's eyes wandered over to a nearby coffee shop. Maybe they have pastries there? He wondered, opening the doors and walking inside, waving hi to the barista.
~  Zilo brushed a strand of bright blonde hair out of his face and went inside the shop, seeing Dale working busily behind the counter, and Calli and Hailey sitting at a small table in the corner. Zilo's eyes drifted to the newcomer.
-  He felt eyes on his back, so Matrix turned to see a blonde-haired boy seated at a window table staring at him. He waved at him awkwardly.
~  Zilo smiled at him and waved him over.
-  Matrix hesitated, then sighed and sat down with them. "No offense, but it's a a little weird to stare at someone from across the room." 
- "You could have just said hi," He smiled.
~  "I've just never seen you in the shop!" Zilo answered. "We usually have the same people in and out at the same time." He shrugged. "Bad habit. Can I get you something?" Zilo gestured at the glass display case of foods and other things.
-  He glanced at the display case with his watermelon eyes, and set his sights on a raspberry cinnamon roll the size of a dinnerplate. "I'd like that one," He pointed at the roll, "But I'll buy it with my own money, thanks." He began walking over to the cashier, but stopped midway. He turned to the blonde boy and said, "I'm Matrix, by the way."
~  Zilo grinned. "I'm Zilo, and alright, suit yourself. " He laughed lightly, swinging around to face his sisters, who were talking quietly with grim faces.
~   Calli suddenly shot up straight in her chair, knocking her coffee of the table. Black cat ears appeared from her head, standing up and alert. Hailey also looked concerned, and feathers appeared from behind her ears, also straight and alert.
-  Matrix’s eyes widened in confusion. 
~  Zilo jumped up and sprinted to them. "What's wrong, Calli?"
~  She quietly said, "I hear planes."
-  "Good planes or bad planes?"
~  Zilo let his own gold wolf ears appear, and then he heard them too, the low menacing buzz of an engine.
~  He flipped around. "Matrix, Dale, you guys need to leave. Run. Get out as fast as you can."
- “Wait,” Matrix said. “I can help you guys!”
~  "How?" Zilo said. "Can you stop over fifty planes?"
-  "Maybe," He muttered. He paced around a bit. "Do you know where the nearest cell tower is?"
~  "Here I'll take you there." Zilo waved to his sisters, who were crashing through the front window. "There they go!"
-  "Great! I'll follow you." He ran through the doors of the café and after him. "*Huff* I shouldn't *huff* have worn *huff* a fluffy jacket," He panted as they ran down the city streets.
~  Zilo weaved through the streets, fighting through a crowd of joggers and up to a tower. "Okay look, I have a plan."
-  "I do too, but I'm listening."
~  "I don't know how you're gonna stop the planes but I'm going up there." Zilo pointed to the top of Ara Tower. "Signal me with this before you crash the planes." Zilo handed him a black flare with a white button and sprinted off towards the tower.
(It was at this point that the story split for a moment into two separate ones. I’ll do Toble’s first then mine :>)
Zilo took a flying leap and a loud cracking sound emanated from his feet. His boosters flashed and he rocketed upward, towards the tower. Hailey flew along beside him, her wings letting her glide effortlessly. "Where's Calli?" He asked, nervous.
"I don't know, she took off towards the other side of the tower." Zilo nodded, then felt his side vibrate. His emergency teleporter was flashing. He grabbed it and pulled it out as he slammed face first into the towers roof, cutting his face on a wire sticking out of the air conditioning unit.
Zilo stood up as the air to his left flashed brightly and suddenly Calli was there, her own emergency teleporter in hand.
Calli chuckled and pulled out a launcher, that was already charging. "Where's your friend?" She asked, a little winded. 
"He's supposed to signal me soon." Zilo said, turning towards the cell towers direction. Calli kneeled on the tower and aimed the launcher upwards towards the swarm of black dots in the distance. 
 Zilo saw the flare go off and yelled, "THERE IT IS!"
-  "Good luck!" He called after him. Matrix then looked at the tower's floor map, which was hung in a frame over the receptionist stand, searching for the broadcasting floor where the computers were. 
-  "Floor 19," The map said. Just under the top floor. He sprinted up the stairs, tying his navy aviator jacket around his waist. "Please, let this work," He muttered as he pushed in the doors to the room alight with computer screens. "Broadcast, broadcast..." He mumbled as he checked the labels on each of the cords plugged into cameras, microphones and computers.  "Input, output, phone charger... Broadcast!"
-  He brandished the USB cord with triumph for a moment, then paused. "Now, here comes the painful part..."
-  He held the USB in one hand, and an Input cord in the other. After a deep breath in and out, he plunged the two cords into the side of his arm. "Please work, please work, please work, please work," He said through gritted teeth as his form started to flicker and pixellate, and, as he slowly disintegrated into pixels, he pressed the white button on the flare he was given before it clattered to the ground. The computer flashed for a second, and a beam of electricity shot up a cord, heading for the tower's antenna.
Calli nodded as she began to be encircled in an electric blue sphere, soon she was almost hidden inside. A crackling sound came from it.  
Abruptly, the sphere around Calli shot forward with an exploding sound and hit one of the bombers head on. It exploded into shards that rained down on the streets.
Bravo Fighter 3 sat in the cockpit of jet number 33. She flew over the cell tower confidently, preparing to double back and open fire on the city at the boss's orders when a small ERROR message on her ship's console caught her attention.
Suddenly, every monitor on the console flashed orange, then faded to a pastel pink. "What in the..."
A chat menu had overlapped the ship's electronic controls.
Messages were pouring in the dash, one at a time: "Hmm, what to say to crash this..." read a message at the top. "Um, I could count to two hundred in French? Yeah, I'll do that."
She looked at the dash in confusion for a moment as the bot continued, "Un de tois, quatre-something..." until she noticed the messages going faster and faster, until they blurred upwards in astonishing speeds. The engine behind her had began to run hot. She noticed a type area for her to type in as Bravo Fighter 7 flew above her, and crackled onto her radio asking why she'd flown off-course. However, she was busy talking with the bot. He seemed... friendly, almost?
She continued talking to the craft until she noticed her ship dipping towards the ground. She yanked the flying gear up, but the ship was unresponsive.
Zilo saw the MAG begin to fall over the cell tower and he yelled in triumph.
Hailey shot towards another MAG, literally tackling it from the air and towards the ground with a loud smashing sound.
Zilo followed Calli into the air, as both leapt towards a mechdropper.
As the ship began flashing red and the pilot hit the eject button, one more message popped up on the screen: "Don't text and drive."
Calli threw a punch at the cockpit, bending the MAGMD in two and it exploded as they passed through flying debris. 
Zilo grabbed Calli's shoulders and threw her upwards. She latched onto another MAG while Zilo fell downwards onto a MAGMC.
    =(  (  (  ALL TOGETHER NOW  )  )  )=
- More and more ships began dipping downward. Any ship that flew close enough to a dipping one began to malfunction the same. Two dozen pilots in parachutes floated down from the sky, where the others were waiting. Zilo examined one of the fallen jets, and the earpiece in his ear crackled with static. "Hey Zilo! Got them down for you!"
- "Also, you guys are surprisingly good at this," Matrix's voice continued from Zilo's earpiece as Zilo took down another MAG.
~  Zilo laughed. "Kind of my job!" he said offhandedly, throwing a fire charge at a passing fighter and then landing flat on the street, barely saved by his shield.
- "So, I've hacked into a lot of their jets, and I have a cool magic trick I can show you," He said excitedly. "Watch this!" His voice said from the earpiece. 
- Below them, the crashed jets that still had their miniguns were aiming them at the few jets still in the air. A few careful, precise shots from the machine guns took down all the remaining jets that had stayed away from the ones that had crashed. 
- The debris from them fell to the ground like demented snow."Abra Kadabra," He said from the earpiece.
~ "HAHAHA YEAH THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT!" Zilo yelled in happiness and victory. 
~ But he screamed when the MAG flew into his side.
- “NO-O-O-O-O-”
~  Zilo hung to the nose of the jet, coughing up blood. His ears hung limply, and Calli and Hailey were nowhere to be found...
-  "Oh no, oh nonononono," Matrix said from the earpiece. "What the heck is up with this dang jet's antivirus software?!," a moment later. "Hang on, Zilo, I can save this, I-I can save this..."
~  "Just do what you can-" Zilo coughed, cutting out. "Can't blame ya, the Russians are weasels."   (Just a part of her story, I’m sorry)
-  "I CAN DEFINITELY SAVE THIS," He cried through the earpiece. In the background, a mechanical voice repeated "Access denied. Virus detected."
~  Zilo screamed and suddenly the jet was no where near. Calli gave him a thumbs up from the top of the now flaming jet.
-  "Access denied. Virus detected. Access denied. Virus detected. Access denied. Virus detected. Access denied. Virus detected. Access denied. Virus detected. Access denied. Virus detected. Access denied. Virus detected. Access denied. Virus detected. Access denied. Virus detected. Access denied. Virus detected. Access denied. Virus detected. Access denied. Virus detected. Access denied. Virus detected."
~  "WE'VE GOTTA SAVE MATRIX!" he screamed.  (Which gave me the idea to...)
~  Hailey suddenly flickered out of the air and appeared in the cyber space. She grabbed Matrix's pixelly arm and yanked him into reality.
-  Hailey came out of the computer, tugging a half-pixelated arm free from the computer. It hung limply.
~  Hailey's eyes widened and she yelled in terror and sadness. Zilo started to cry, and Calli looked up in horror.
-  The hand began to disintegrate into pixels, until it flickered green for a moment.
- Zilo’s earpiece buzzed. 
- Slowly, the arm regenerated itself, then a sleeve, then a shoulder...
~ Zilo began a small smile, reaching for Matrix hopefully...
-  until Matrix was lying on the hull face down, his pistacio hair discheveled. "uuuugghhhhh," He groaned.
-  "Dang, I haven't come that close since the comet," he muttered as he got up onto his knees.
~  "Oh thank god you’re okay" Zilo hugged him.
- Matrix hugs him back.
- “Did we do it?” He asked, glancing at the thirty or so wrecked ships.
~ “Yeah, mostly. We still have the mechs to deal with, though.”
-  Matrix turned to hear the stomping of mechs in the distance. "Oh, come on," he moaned, then shook himself. "Okay, let's do this," He said confidently.
- And the four of them sprinted off, ready to fight again. -
The End :3
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