#I was taking a mental health break
1llus1on1st · 2 years
I KNOW I’ve been absent from. Well. Social Media. for a while now, but I’m going to try to make some more yugipoops in the near future.
Here are the five (5) cards I have queued right now (in no particular order):
“Magical Something”
“The Wicked Avatar”
“BIG Win!?”
“Adamancipator Risen - Leonite”
“Link Back”
The finished cards will have the “#yugipoop” tag on them. Make sure to keep on the lookout, and if you have any suggestions, feel free to ask me about them!
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wearenotjustnumbers2 · 11 months
Had to share this video to show you how beautiful and culturally rich Palestine is. These are the cities of Palestine and their names. Despite the destruction and death, we still have hope. And we will survive this 🙏🇵🇸
It's a beautiful country full of beautiful people, and we deserve to live, frankly.
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suhnshinehaos · 24 days
my heart dropped when i read the statement that sm put out re: taeil, genuinely the last thing i expected to read today. i’m shocked, disappointed, but most of all- i’m angry.
angry at what he’s done, angry at seeing some fans defend him, angry at those turning this into a gotcha moment to promote or lift their faves up. please, this isn’t just some discussion on the internet- there is a very real victim, a very real woman at the heart of all this. i hope she gets the justice and healing she deserves.
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traumacatholic · 2 months
I would really appreciate some prayers. I've been having so much money problems recently and I'm just not sure what to do. Every month I end up either in the negative or close to the negative. And it doesn't help that each month I have ended up having to make some big spendings because something essential has broken which needed replaced or whatever else. I can't currently get any help to cover my rent, because I'm still couchsurfing. The landlord of the place that I'm couchsurfing at isn't happy with my finances, and may refuse to add me to the tenancy, which would mean I would have to leave here. I don't even know why the landlord has an issue, because the rent has been getting paid on time without any difficulties. If I were to get added to the tenancy, I could finally ask for extra benefits to help me with the rent which would give me more money for living. But right now rent takes away from most of my benefits. I've been trying to cut spending where I can, but it's so stressful and miserable and overwhelming. I hate that I'm still in the same position I was in, where I'm just couchsurfing and trying to catch a break. I'm not currently in a position where I can save any money at all. And there's still the possibility that I'll be in a worse place housing wise if I'm not allowed to stay here. The fact that this has dragged out for so many months, and I'm still in the position of losing so much has me constantly depressed and suicidal. I just don't know what to do. Everywhere I have reached out to has been unable to assist me
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beybuniki · 3 months
Life lesson you learned and feel comfortable sharing?
there are no rewards for taking everything so seriously and doing things the "right" way
there is no right way and right time in general, your milestones are very personal & you should respect your own pace
there is a very real limit to how much your body can take, respect it even if you mentally feel like you can keep going because you will crash and suffer the consequences
learnt to say "I'm sorry" and leave it at that
go hiking :)
say yes to all kinds of events, don't miss out on life because you're waiting for big thing or constantly facing challenges that prevent you from having fun from time to time
protect your ears, there is no coming back from tinnitus
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breadandblankets · 4 months
Duke, GMing a game for the other bats would be fucking fantastic, because he knows what makes a bat tick
Duke, who prepared a lasagna of paranoia, just layers and layers and layers of suspense to get everyone's hackles up and even the big bat jumping at shadows. there are puzzles, riddles, and twists littered all over the game world
Steph is the only one who manages to keep grounded enough to actually solve the mystery and she Does rub it in Tim's face for all eternity
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pixlokita · 9 months
I feel like ? I gotta remind people it’s ok to unfollow a blog when it upsets you in any way >> like if I ever do that sure, you can let me know if it was anything I did personally I’d appreciate it but if you just don’t enjoy something it’s ok to unfollow ;w; can’t stress enough how important it is to put your mental health first 👌
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youredreamingofroo · 5 months
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Inner child
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"I know you were tired- So many hours of your days were spent being small, holding yourself together in the corner. Some days you could muster up a smile... Other days you could hardly get out of bed. It was all wrong. You were just a kid."
[ Transcript under the cut <3 ]
Panel 1 : I remember how sad you were
Panel 2 : You'd go to the bathroom every morning and cry.
Panel 3 : You were angry. But too feeble from neglect to express it.
Panel 4 : And even when you changed yourself to be above them, or to be among them. You were prey. A target.
Panel 5 : I still remember how sad I was. I remember every course of rage in my veins
Panel 6 : Eventually desperation took over. To fit in was to be same. To be same was to be free of the heckling.
Panel 7 : But all along you and I were always going to be different from the crowd.
Panel 8 : I'm sorry it took this long. But everything is okay now. I've learnt to love our differences from the crowd.
Panel 9 : I did this. I did this all for you. But you'll never know that. You'll never know why it was wrong to be treated that way. You'll never know peace.
Panel 10 : I was just a kid. / I'm just a kid.
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TFA Arachnus Prime
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bubblysudz · 2 months
this is ur internet checkpoint, turn your phone off and go to bed ‼️
if it’s not night for you yet; take at least a 30 minute break from tumblr 🫶
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unreal · 4 months
My Name Is Kanaya Maryam
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You Fucked My Wife
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I keep shabbat because I've seen what being overworked has done to my (secular jewish) mother and I do not want to fall down the same path that she did. there's plenty of other reasons of course, yet this is a huge one because I've seen what too little relaxation has done to people i love and I know I could easily become that if im not careful. and now that she's retired ive seen how much better she is when she lets herself rest. Im too much like her to think that I can get away with never truly taking a break
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wispscribbles · 6 months
hi i just discovered your beautiful art so i obviously needed to scroll down your whole blog to catch up on everything you posted haha
i just wanted to say that i got way too emotional after reading that post of yours regarding mw3 and your mental health… on one hand i’m so sorry that you felt that way, but on the other i feel it with my whole heart
ghoap content especially for me helped me these past few months with my mental health in ways i would never have expected, it was my solace and inspiration, i started working out too and got back into drawing, got a lot better at it as well!
but unfortunately i get way too fixated on fictional stuff and there comes a time that my brain switches up and connects the things i liked and comforted me with things that make me extremely uncomfortable and stressed out, especially if i fall down a fandom rabbit hole that i would never have searched up, beacuse i know myself, i know my limits and triggers but i feel like i’m not a part of the fandom if i don’t like and interact with every single headcanon, art and ship
these past days i was really down because of that, and the things i read (why did i do that???) and now when i think of ghoap i think of that stuff and im scared that i alienated myself from the one thing that made me happy
but discovering your art and with that your post reminded me that im not alone in these feelings, even if it’s not the same exactly, and i wanted to thank you, for sharing your thoughts that time i guess haha <33
((sorry for rambling))
Long reply under 'keep reading' !! CW: talk of triggers and MCD
Always feel free to ramble my way!!! How nice you could find some comfort in my art and ghoap stuff. Especially in my mw3 post. I've been considering deleting it a few times, but hearing it maybe helped to read in some way makes me happy I left it up.
I get where you're coming from - I very much use these fictional characters as a safe space, but ppl view them very differently. There's room for it all, "don't like, don't interact" is very much a policy I agree with. It's important to mute words and be aware of your own triggers as you browse stuff in this fandom, because there's such a wide variety of stuff out there. You do NOT have to interact and agree with every thought people have on this ship, that's impossible and super stressful. There's plenty of stuff and headcanons I don't vibe with. There are no 'requirements' that you have to meet in order to enjoy fiction.
It's part of why I enjoy ghoap - that their dynamic resonates and has sparked so much creativity and outlets for so many - but it also means there's gonna be a lot of stuff u don't necessarily agree with or feel comfortable with. For example, a lot of folks use the MCD in mw3 as a way to explore grief, which I think is really cool, but on a bad day that could potentially get my brain in a bad headspace, so I only check out that art and those fics when I feel okay. There's also a bunch of stuff I'd never want to interact with, and that’s fine !!
I'm personally quite vanilla and a sucker for exploring the softer, more domestic aspects of these characters. It's what brings me joy. I know there are parts of this fandom who don’t vibe with what I make at all, and would call it untrue to the characters. Some creators enjoy exploring the more violent or toxic sides to the source material. That's just how it is, we all need different things from fiction. As long as we're capable of chilling in our respective sandboxes, then all's good.
But if you're like me, and enjoy the softer things, then definitely be aware and careful while exploring this ship and fandom. I've seen takes on these characters that are so far removed from how I view them, that they're basically the complete opposite, and it can leave a very bad taste, especially if you're the type to hinge your safe space on fiction.
Just... be mindful of yourself and your potential triggers, be respectful and don't interact with things that make you uncomfortable to the point of feeling unsafe. Shape your own online experience to your best ability.
Hope you're doing okay and still find joy in ghoap <3
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I've been brainstorming and brain rotting with my brother @alphaclxwn abt the rarepair we came up with
It makes a lot of sense in our heads and we already have an AU planned out for them
Close ups under cut!
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i miss my husbands (joker out) i hope they return from war (social media break) soon (😧 scary word)
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here-there-be-drag0ns · 11 months
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How i sound every other week when i bring my jrwi friends a new batshit insane theory
(my ask box is open if any of the concepts there intrigue you)
[original under the cut]
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