#I was so afraid and yet I managed to find a friend group that treated me as their own
roseofcards90 · 5 months
Not me going through all my liked songs and seeing all the ones I added because of my roommate before 😭 augh I’m reminded of how I wish I could go back…
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meaningofaeons · 1 year
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-ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈ unbearable
⊹ character(s) - sampo koski ⊹ word count - 1.7k ⊹ notes - gn!reader, angsty, hurt/comfort?? possibly slightly ooc sampo sorry </3, unedited
ugh I rlly couldn't help myself making my first work on this account sampo (tho I really did consider svarog LMAO he's grown on me a lot) but I hope you all like!! this is like. my redebut onto tumblr writing hehe ^w^
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Surely, there couldn't be a more unbearable man on this planet — no, maybe in the entire universe — than Sampo Koski.
Perhaps he had his good sides, though, you would find yourself musing every once in a while.
Sure, he was a filthy conman, always tunnel-visioned on his next profit. Not much consideration for strangers aside from their pockets, not to mention that terrible habit of his to spam anyone whose contact he could get his hands on with scam ads and malware links he was paid a pretty sum to spread. Even his own 'friends' wouldn't be spared from his constant phishing attempts.
Maybe he did get a bit too reckless if the job was especially large, especially profitable, and maybe he did sometimes ditch just before the bill at a restaurant would arrive, and maybe he did piss off a group of automatons, causing them to chase you two to the edge of town until —
You sighed irritably, pinching your temple as you tried to refocus your thoughts.
In spite of all that, Sampo did have his benefits, you surmised.
He had ended up dropping in at just the right time during that automaton chase, even though you'd assumed mere moments earlier that his disappearance from your side meant he had run for the hills and left you behind. You avoided a lot worse injuries thanks to him that day.
And yeah, he did stop that miner from scamming you out of a good chunk of your paycheck that one time — albeit at the cost of another group of naïve victims who he led the man directly to. 'The only one who can swindle you out of all your pocket money is me!' he had claimed, and promptly received a beating over the head.
But once you opened your eyes again, beholding the sight of Sampo Koski sat on his knees before you in shame, twiddling his thumbs as he glanced to the side with a guilty smile...
You weren't quite sure his positive aspects could completely abate your wrath.
On this very day, the man before you had asked you to come with him to Rivet Town to assist with a 'very important business discussion'. You, foolishly, decided to trust him again.
'Give him the benefit of the doubt,' you'd thought. 'Maybe this time it's actually something honest. Maybe this'll really help him.'
Rather than a discussion, though, the foxlike man had instead led you right to a large group of automatons.
'It'll be fine,' he'd said, shrugging. 'Just need some scrap metal for a client! It's technically still a business discussion, we're just discussing with our weapons rather than our mouths!'
So he'd left you to dismantle the automaton pile, until another group of very much active robots had spotted you two and barreled towards you for vengeance.
The man hadn't even noticed in your collective fleeing that one of the bots had managed a sizable gash on your leg, hindering your escape until the two of you finally stumbled back into town.
Of course, the filthy scammer escaped unscathed himself.
Just recalling the incident sent you into further distress as the pain ached in your leg — you hadn't bothered to get it treated by Natasha yet, too focused on giving your 'business partner' a piece of your mind as soon as possible.
Sampo didn't dare speak a word himself. Your stormy expression was enough for him to keep his trap shut tight, too afraid of your mood to risk worsening it.
He had really done it with his latest stunt — a little 'prank gone wrong', as he put it, until he saw just how upset you were — and he knew it, too.
"I just..." Green eyes immediately shot over towards you as you began to speak, but your words only cut off into a heavy sigh, leading you to slump into a chair in the corner of your dingy apartment. Seeing you kneading your forehead with a look of exhaustion more so than anything else, the sly man took his chances with a conversation.
"L-Like I said, Y/N, it was all in good fun!" he laughed anxiously, feeling his palms begin to sweat. "I wasn't actually going to leave you to get all the parts by yourself, or ditch you when the bots came running, or anything —"
Your voice shut him up once again.
Sampo was exceedingly nervous today. Usually, you'd just get angry with him, expression twisting into that cute, flushed pout that he'd gotten so fond of.
You'd hit him over the head, scold him loudly, drag him by the ear... but you were never silently angry. Not like this.
"Does it really make you happy?" your voice echoed through the room at last, your face still hidden beneath your exasperated hands. "Is it really that fun? Are you getting a good laugh at my expense?"
Sampo's smile, though nervous, fell.
"You know, Sampo Koski," His spine straightened at his full name being used, rare shame filling his cheeks. He felt like he was being scolded like a toddler. "You always pull something or other over me. Usually, it's bearable. But it's gotten to be too much."
"Y-Y/N —"
"I choose to offer you my trust in so many ways, and you just...!" Your hands clutched onto your hair in complete vexation. "You always take advantage of it! Always! Even when I try to help you, or give you the benefit of the doubt, try to convince myself you're being honest for once!"
You peered through your fingers at him with one eye.
"I can count on two hands the amount of times you've shockingly come through for me, and yet, I don't even have enough hairs on my head to equal the amount of times you've swindled or betrayed me! This is the last straw, Sampo Koski!"
"Y/N, l-listen —"
"I'm going to Nat's."
His mouth fell agape as you just got up and began walking towards the door as you'd said.
"What?" you sneered as the man half-rose to his feet, frozen by your glare. "Worried that I'll tattle to her and you'll get another earful to ignore? Don't worry. She knows that every injury I get is your doing, so she's going to find out one way or another."
"...Injury?" Sampo asked, dumbfounded. You raised a brow, thoroughly ticked as you turned and walked away again.
It was then that he noticed the blood soaking your pants, the torn material of your clothes sticking uncomfortably to the gnashed skin. Your limp was more pronounced than he'd like to admit, considering he clearly hadn't noticed it prior to now.
The door slamming brought the man back to his senses, and he immediately pursued you, grabbing onto your wrist before you could make it ten steps away from your home.
"Let go, Sampo! While I'm still being nice!"
"I'm sorry!"
"I don't want to hear it! I —" Upon processing his words, you turned, a look of mild horror washing over your features as you raised a brow again. "...Eh?"
Sure enough, the Sampo Koski had just said the words 'I'm sorry' in a tone that sounded more genuine than anything he'd ever pushed past his lips — that is, if his souring expression was anything to go by.
He'd never said that to you before, not in the several incidents before this, so you certainly hadn't expected it now.
He looked gutted.
"I should've — I shouldn't've — Urgh..." Sampo scratched the back of his neck. You narrowed your eyes.
"Don't tell me this is just you being too afraid of Nat to let me get treated by her."
"No, no, listen," he waved his hands around wildly. "I'm... sure, I'm afraid of Miss Natasha, plenty afraid, in fact! But... being real honest, I'm way more afraid of you walking out on me for good."
His head bowed, and he looked completely downtrodden at this point.
"Y-You've been better to me than most, and I guess... I don't know. I just thought you'd always be there, sorta... Which was wrong of me to assume!" Sampo's speech was jumping all over the place as he hastily attempted to keep your attention, worried a single wrong word would send you walking away again. "Very wrong! I took advantage of ya a lot, and... Well, I'm sorry."
You stood there in silence for a good, long while.
It was plenty of time to make even Sampo nervous. You couldn't deny reveling in the way his fingers twitched anxiously, his eyes darting to you and back to the floor as he awaited your response — or lack of one — to his apology.
Finally, you sighed again. A very long, drawn-out, wrongdoing-emphasizing sigh.
"Well, I assume you can't promise that this will never happen again."
"Heheh... Well, if we're being really, really honest..." he simpered, not meeting your eye. "I can at least promise that I'll never let you get hurt on my watch again, though! Not ever! Koski's honor!"
The comical way he put a fist to his chest, as though mimicking a Silvermane Guard, put a reluctant smile on your face. Finally, you snorted out a laugh, bringing his infamous smile back again as well. This time, however, it was more relieved than mischievous.
"I really hate you sometimes," you murmured, pulling him into a hug as you buried your face in his shoulder. "But I'll let it slide. Last time, Sampo Koski. Don't you mess up again."
"I won't!" he shouted, perhaps a bit too eager. Still-shaky hands found your figure as he gently returned your embrace, something a bit more tender in his eyes when you pulled away. "I won't."
"Now, then, why don't we mosey back on into your house and get that leg patched up, eh?"
"Sorry, Mr. Koski," you teased, folding your hands behind your back as you continued your trek towards Natasha's clinic. "As much as we just shared a heartfelt moment of emotional growth, I don't trust your shoddy patchwork first-aid, not for something that hurts this bad. You'll just have to deal."
Sampo trailed after you like a puppy, rubbing his hands together like the shady businessman he was, familiar swindling smirk back already — though it grew more anxious by the minute as you neared Natasha's.
"Ah, come on! Can't we work out a deal? A bargain?! I said I won't let you get hurt again! We're both reasonable people, right...?"
"Y/N...? Y/N, come on!"
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astroyongie · 3 months
Astroyongie Podcast S01 E01
Note: This is the sum up resume of the Podcast held on my discord channel voice channel. Another episode will open next week.
All notes were made by the talented @killuachii <3
Censured Version
Connection between Seonghwa, Hongjoong and Chungha?
→ Hongjoong-Chungha: some type of connection, some type of relationship, not romantic but are
close, share friends together, at the moment close friends one might have crush on other
→ Seonghwa-Chungha: not very good relationship, Chungha pick me perception, might not like her very much, energy feels off, Seonghwa tends to not like female friends of the members, possessive?
On going problem between txt and one female managers/supervisor. What’s the situation?
→ two members who had complications: Beomgyu, Taehyun,
Beomgyu: issue happened a few years ago, had rumors/scandals, a time where everyone thought he would leave, behind the scenes: had a very unhealthy way to cope with relationships, slept around a lot which managers had to step in, felt very overwhelmed with the music industry, fame, tours, coping: unhealthy relationships, that stayed, one sponsor left so they had to find another one, Beomgyu doesn’t like how company treats him, how group/life/paycheck is handled, is very frustrated, has to wear a mask and can never express himself, troubles with one female and one male manager, everytime he wants to do something for himself they restrict him, member could be caught in the middle
Taehyun: has some clashes, is very reserved, thinks in a certain way, company tells him what to do and so fights happen between him and the manager
Enhypen currently preparing for comeback: what are the thoughts on the comeback?
→ Jungwon: he is happy with the comeback, exactly what he expected, isn’t very stressed, no anxiety, expects that this comeback will get them further than before
Heeseung: just like Jungwon, he also thinks that other members improved their skills a lot, is very content with everything, expect him to have a lot of attention for this comeback
Jay: very tired, a lot of chaotic and heavy energy, he feels like he isn’t ready yet/ not as good as the other members, touching his mental healthy, he likes it but still is unsatisfied with his lines, screentime, etc., a little insecure about the comeback
Jake: super confident/happy, he will slay the boots house down, he is confident with everything he has done for this comeback
Sunghoon: fragile, nothing to do with comeback, his body a little fragile (injury?), pain in the hips, tired, unsure about his movements, how he will perform, afraid he will not exceed expectations of fans
Sunoo: isn’t very happy with the comeback, thinks he is a filler member, thinks company gives more to the other members than to him, not very excited for the comeback, fights in the background, had issues with his sponsors, stayed a long time without and company didn’t support him to get another sponsor, felt left out
Niki: also in a good mood, expected to show a new version of himself, wants to show his fans that he has worked on himself aesthetically wise, is very confident, expecting to reach a new goal, win new awards and get more recognition
how does stray kids feel about joining Lollapalooza?
→ one member (probably Hyunjin) feels very confident about the performance, wants to show people what he can do, very excited, Minho is also very excited, has no fears. Chan not very excited, probably very tired due to the going from place to place, wants more in Korea, doesn’t want to go to socialize with other idols/performers at the moment one of the members (unclear) going through harsh period, many schedules seem overwhelming, is very tired but in overall very excited
Enhypen has a world tour, thai fans angry at company, in Thailand big event coming up but
Enhypen are not coming to Thailand. Reason why they don’t?
→ connected to the money they would receive (opinion without cards), behind the scenes: for two
reasons: one of the people in the company isn’t doing their job right, made group loose money, while other countries offered more money for them to come one of members sponsors, probably worked some strings to go to another country
what was the reason for bullying and who were the perpetrators/victims?
→ happened in the beginning when they were in iland, victims: A and B perpetrators: X, Y and W, things are better now, members are better, physical/verbal fights, staff would also joke about it, Y was mastermind behind it, W easy to influence when it comes to the people present, when he is with bad people he acts like them, when he is with good people he adapts their way of thinking, C wasn’t doing anything against it but made jokes, main A but B because he protected him and therefore became the next victim, a lot of jealousy + were young boys, X felt guilty later
Does xh’s Gaon have a girlfriend
→ no
can i ask about txt Hueningkai social group? if he has people that will support him in need?
→ he has but they are not physically in his life, people he isn’t with him everyday, groupchat, probably online friends
How is keita pookie doing?
→ is doing fine and good, very focused on finances, investing in himself, wants moneyyy
Who was jake's EX idol girlfriend
→ [Censored]
I wanna ask about Wonwoo Seventeen. Is he still in relationship with his idol girlfriend now after he faced some problems with her recently?
→ still with his gf, have been together for more than 3 years, they will end up marrying probably
Jay and love
→ high standards, easily bored, has honeymoon phase but then looses interest, when relationship gets serious he freaks out, has been with a lot of people, mommy issues
Biggest ego in kpop
→ Jungkook, type to get annoyed when people talk to him, Baekhyun he is type too roll his eyes when people talk to him, a lot of younger idols with big egos
Which group is almost the same on camera and off camera ??
→ too complicated to answer, all groups have their image
Does Yeonjun has mommy issues?
→ doesn’t think he has mommy issues
Who is the idol that you think has beef with the most people?
Wooyoung and Seonghwa from ateez
Is there any idol that you think would be amazing to have as friends? because of their energy or something else
→ Chanyeol, he is always chill, doesn’t push introverts, on the contrary: johnny: doesn’t understand mind of introverts
Was there ever an incident where you do readings for idol and then realize holy shit this bitches gay.
→ yes, [Group censored]
How's Felix love situation rn?
→ very complicated, doesn’t understand his own feelings, very fragile mind, has this one *individual*, gives him unconditional love, he needs it a lot, finds comfort in it, *individual* will lways stay with him despite the toxicity
Continuing the gay theme, have you ever encounter an in-group relationship?
→ [Censored]
all txt members are straight
You've said before that Felix and that dumbass might be soul mates
→ have karmic relationship, might be the reason that their relationship is very complicated
I’ve heard jaemin gf was someone from the company and I've herd there on the verge of breakup
→ complicated, hasn’t done reading on him in a long time, had a longtime relationship with someone of [Group censored], no news if they are still together, doesn’t have insights if he is with someone of the company
Who is Hueningkai idol gf?
→ [Censored]
Will you ever do readings on smaller groups like xh, cravity, etc?
→ currently only JO1
What's happening in han jisung skz love life?
→ ever since he broke up with *individual*, things have been a mess, currently single
Yunho situationship
→ dating life chaos, was dating an idol that wasn’t in Korea but then started flirting with a younger idol, not ongoing, motives: thinks with dick (lmao)
Protecting younger idols?
→ sponsors are not all bad and are professionals for the money, but also some that are perverted, there are no specific things that protect them
What about Wonyoungs sponsor?
→ a powerful man, has an unhealthy obsession with her, is very strict with her image, her weight, etc.
Rei confessed feelings to older member member?
→ was [Name and group censored], but never physical or romantic they just went eating or something crispy and hot tea: *member* also tried to talk to *individual* and tried to snatch him despite Rei’s feelings for that person
Is Seok Matthew dating rn?
→ not dating, his heart is broken, not seeking any relationships and is healing his heart
Which idols would be survivors if a zombie apocalypse happened (Group: Skz)
→ Hyunjin, Felix, Han, Changbin and Jeongin would die, Minho would turn into a Zombie so he can bite Chan’s ass
Sunghoon gf
→ [Censored]
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silverynight · 1 year
Highschool crushes
Tanjirou is pretty sure Akaza has been following him; he's an older boy from the highschool close to Tanjirou's, he's also a bully (based on what he's heard) and part of a group of scary teens who call themselves upper moons.
Although he only does that when none of the hashira (the boys and girls who are part of the student council) can walk Tanjirou home or all the way to the bakery he works at.
For a moment he wonders if his plan is to beat him up, but Tanjirou quickly shakes his head and shoves those thoughts aside, because Akaza has had many opportunities to do so, but hasn't done anything yet.
That's why Tanjirou hasn't told anyone about it, because he wants to give him a chance.
He sighs as he heads towards the bakery, after turning around for a moment to watch as Inosuke and Zenitsu walk his sister home, he makes a mental note to thank them later for taking care of Nezuko. They both really are good friends.
The owner of the bakery has always been really kind to him; she's mindful of Tanjirou's school schedule and basically lets him help whenever he can and pays him for it. It's not much, but Tanjirou has managed to buy school supplies for his siblings and sometimes some sweets so his parents don't have to.
Feeling the other's presence again, Tanjirou decides that it's time to stop pretending he doesn't know what's going on.
"I think I'd prefer if you actually walked me to the bakery this time, Akaza," Tanjirou says out loud. "So I can have someone to talk to..."
Akaza emerges from the shadows, looking quite flustered which confuses Tanjirou for a moment.
"When did you realize..."
"A couple of days ago," Tanjirou chuckles, adjusting his backpack behind himself.
"Aren't you... afraid of me?" Akaza mumbles, rubbing the back of his neck and looking away from him for a second.
"Why would I be? You haven't hurt me at all."
Akaza blushes, but nods and, almost shyly, takes a few steps towards the other boy.
"Although I'd like to know why you've been following me," Tanjirou mumbles gently as he keeps walking.
"You always walk alone," Akaza whispers after a while. "I don't want anyone... I just want to keep you safe."
"Because you're kind," Akaza sighs, looking a little bit irritated, he makes an effort to look ahead instead of him. "I've seen you outside your school... You're always helping someone and you treat your sister with so much affection... It's nice. I don't want anything bad happening to you."
Tanjirou grabs him by his sleeve, Akaza stops and blushes but he doesn't look at the other.
"Thank you, that's really sweet..."
"I'm not sweet," Akaza frowns, but he doesn't push Tanjirou's hand away. "Haven't you heard? Me and my friends are the bad guys here..."
"I wouldn't say you're a bad guy, but I admit I don't quite like that you and the others are constantly picking up fights with the Pillars," Tanjirou mumbles.
"Sometimes they start it!"
Sadly, Tanjirou believes him. All the hashira get really territorial when they see the upper moons near their school.
"Fine. Let's not talk about it right now," Tanjirou concedes, taking Akaza's hand to calm him down. Which, surprisingly, works like a charm.
The other boy nods and relaxes, although it doesn't mean Tanjirou won't bring up the subject later, he's even planning something to get the two groups to be more friendly towards one another.
Eventually, Tanjirou convinces Akaza to introduce him to his group of friends; the whole time the boy is nervous and tense, constantly glaring and hissing at whomever gets too close to the redhead.
However, they seem to like Tanjirou, although they still don't get along with the hashira, but at least they agree to be less aggressive towards the other group.
Now, the upper moons and the Pillars go to visit him at the bakery, sometimes they find themselves there at the same time, but don't fight because Tanjirou is keeping an eye on everyone and the kind owner of the bakery is usually in the back room, although she can hear everything.
"What do you mean you're friends with the upper moons?" Tomioka asks one day at school, he looks anything but happy.
"Yes, they're not bad," Tanjirou assures them to which Shinazugawa almost growls.
"Don't get close to them ever again!"
Tanjirou frowns and not only the boy with scars, but the others seem to feel bad immediately.
"They haven't picked up fights with you! And they've promised to be good so I'll keep being their friend!"
"I'm sorry, Tanjirou... We didn't mean to upset you..."
Tanjirou sighs and immediately smiles back at them as he strokes Rengoku's cheek, because he looks like a kicked puppy at the moment.
"It's alright, I know you worry about me."
Every single one of them ends up hugging Tanjirou, prompting Zenitsu to roll his eyes.
They try not to argue with the other group whenever they run into them in the bakery, they make an effort to be less aggressive towards the others just for Tanjirou and the boy really appreciates it.
Sometimes Himejima says "Hi" to the upper moons to which Kokushibo and Akaza usually tense, but eventually they end up saying "Hi" back.
Daki doesn't like when she finds Kanroji all wrapped around Tanjirou, but she doesn't say anything and waits for her turn because she knows the boy will scold her if she says something rude about the other girl.
Kocho is not a fan of Douma, but she tolerates him because he's as protective of Tanjirou as the others.
Uzui sometimes brings his three girlfriends, they're also Tanjirou's friends and try to convince him to hang out with Uzui and them on his free time.
"Tell them to stop asking him out!" Tokito complains once, making Tanjirou blush, even though he knows he's just joking.
"Now why would I do that?" Uzui grins, pulling Tanjirou closer to him to give him a kiss on his forehead. "I want to date him too."
"Mitsuri and I want you to go on a date with us as well, Tanjirou!" Iguro blurts out, surprising the redhead.
Gyutaro and Daki get angry immediately, but none of them do anything because Tanjirou narrows his eyes a little bit as a warning. Although that doesn't stop them from arguing.
"I'll marry Tanjirou!" Two loud voices rise above the others and Tanjirou realizes that they come from Akaza and Rengoku.
They immediately hiss at each other, but before something happens, the owner of the bakery comes back and calms them down with a free pastry.
Tanjirou apologizes profusely on their behalf as soon as everyone goes.
"It's okay, they're not bad," she comments, looking amused. "They all seem to care about you."
"And I care about them as well!" Tanjirou smiles back. "They're all my friends!"
"It looks like they all have a crush on you," she says suddenly, chuckling when she notices Tanjirou's surprise.
"They're just my friends," he insists, blushing. "They were just joking earlier."
They're just friends, Tanjirou tells himself again, trying to stop his heart from beating so hard inside his chest.
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missbrunettebarbie · 2 months
Descendants Sortings
Mal is a burned Lion Primary. It isn’t obvious at first, but the more her character developed over the course of the series, the more clear it became she is not a Snake -frankly, this girl would have been better off if she would have taken a more self-serving Snake mentality (uo, I know!) in the latter movies- and no Bird, as she shows none of the signs. I did debate whether she might be a Badger primary or no, but both her ‘I want’ songs (If Only and My once upon a time) show she is a burned Lion who is desperate to unburn, but well, her internal compass has been skewed by being raised by Maleficent: “I can't decide/ What's wrong, what's right/ Which way should I go?”/“You had a cause to serve, but did you serve it?”
Mal really really needs a Cause to work for. In Descendants 1, her Cause is making her mother proud by stealing the wand. In Descendants 2, her new Cause is to be the perfect lady of the court and girlfriend for Ben. And she feels like she’s failing miserably at it, which is why she lives for the Isle. This and the fact that Mal is pretty much facing an identity crisis here and feels like her entire life is being caged by the life everyone else is planning for her. Both nightmarish situations for a Lion who isn’t entirely unburned yet. In the third movie, Mal’s Cause is to be a good queen for Auradon, no matter the price. I personally find Mal’s arc very compelling and intriguing as I think we rarely see a protagonist who is loved by the narrative supporting a point of view the narrative disagrees with, but still be treated with empathy by it.
Her Secondary is even more interesting to me cause before rewatching, I would have never thought she is a Bird Sec, but yet it is so plain! Mal uses magic as a very efficient tool despite never being formally taught. She just gets handed a book and is told to figure it out on the fly. And she does it spectacularly … by paying attention to the instructions like with the love potion. She’s also the planner of the group, some of the plans being better than others (drugging Ben, giving Uma the fake wand etc.). And last, but not least: Mal is an information gatherer. One seemingly insignificant scene that showcases a great lot about Mal is in the car in the first movie, when she asked which button opens the barrier. They almost died, witnessed magic for the first time and are leaving their homes, yet this is on her mind.
Evie is the textbook Badger Secondary. She is defined by her sewing and hard work. The girl is so good at it, she manages to buy her own castle with the money! I do think she has a Snake Secondary Model in order to play the role of The Temptress that was forced on her.
I had a harder time figuring out the primary, but one thing is clear from the start: Evie is a Loyalist. She’s the one who is more or less keeping the group together and she sometimes clashes a little bit with Mal, as Loyalists don’t see the bigger picture the way Idealists do, which in Evie’s case, is a very good thing. I contemplated Badger, but I’m pretty sure she’s a Snake actually. Evie may be one of the biggest advocates for the Isle kids, but she only becomes one after she says Dizzy again. In D2, Evie is willing to go to the Isle to save Mal even though she’s afraid she might get stuck there. And yet she still volunteers to stay with Mal there, because Mal is her best friend. Evie is a Snake through and through and I think it’s very interesting how in the third movie, which shows the darker side of Lion primaries, it’s Snake!Evie (and Uma) that are framed as being right.
Jay has a Snake secondary he uses to steal and charm people. And sometimes to exploit loopholes eg. making Lonnie captain in the second movie. He is a Lion Primary, of the Glory Hound variety in the first movie. His entire arc there is to learn how to work inside a team.
Carlos de Vill
Carlos is also an immature primary, but unlike Jay, he is a Hedonistic Snake. When they first arrive in Auradon, he’s mostly interested in eating chocolate and playing video games. He’s also the one most annoyed later on by Evie and Mal always going off to chat amongst themselves leaving him and Jay out of the loop. Bird secondary: he is a tech genius and knowledge gatherer (see how he tries to see if his clapping can make the statue change in D1).
King Ben
Let’s make one thing clear, D1!Ben is smart. And a troll (see him introducing Mal to his parents or how he tells Mal he knew about the love potion). He is framed as the Big Damn Hero in both the first and the second movie, which of course made me think he had one of the ‘heroic’ primaries: Badger or Lion. I settled on Lion, as it is incredibly easy for him to go against the grain. Something not a lot of people can say in this franchise. He’s also extremely concerned with upholding his role as a good king. He forgives Mal for the love potion because she risks her life to save him, which convinces him she is not an evil person. Ben has very firm convictions. He is the only one who stands up for the VKs at Family Day despite being the one with an actual reason to hate them.
He definitely has a Fluid Secondary, as a huge part of his charm is the fact that he tries to make himself liked. But he’s also a hard worker who disapproves heavily of taking shortcuts (see his fight with Mal over her using magic for everything) which made me go with Badger.
Uma is a classic (exploded) Snake primary. It seems to be all about Mal in D2. She’s enraged when Mal says she’s never given Uma a thought since she left. Ben offers her to come to Auradon and be part of a solution for saving other VKs. But Uma refuses. And I think it’s both because she wants to do things her way, but also because Uma is not exactly looking at the bigger picture here the way Ben is. ‘You don’t get to win everytime.’ These are her words to Mal when she realizes she had been tricked with a fake wand. Her secondary is a little trickier but I’m going with Bird because, here’s the thing, Uma is Mal’s mirror. Ben clocks it almost immediately: “She’s an angry girl with a bad plan. Not so different from you when you first came to Auradon.” Mal also constantly shows that she understands Uma and her methods better than anyone. Uma even uses the same plan as Mal when she uses the love spell on Ben. These girls are two sides of the same coin. (A bit of a side note, but I’m really curious how they are going to handle Uma as the Principal of Auradon Prep in D4. The clips we’ve seen so far make me really optimistic. Plus, since I’ve been hopelessly contaminated by TVD and never cured, Uma as principal reminded me of Caroline as headmistress in Legacies and yeah, I’m very optimistic this means good things for Uma xDD).
Li Lonnie
Lion Secondary as she is extremely honest and straightforward: “I know you hate us. And you are evil. But I’ve got money.” she says when she wants Mal to give her a new haircut. You don’t really get more Lion than that. Her primary was harder but from the first movie she looked to me like an Idealist with the way she saw the world: “Even villains love their kids.” I’m thinking Lion as in D2, she clearly goes to the Isle to prove herself by saving the king. Sounds familiar? Well, Lion primary Mulan did the same.
Princess Audrey
Audrey is another Lion Secondary girl in Auradon. Seriously this girl’s attempts at manipulation, make Mal look subtle: “Make me your queen and I’ll wake everybody up.” Villain!Audrey was a hammer: all raw power, no finesse. D1!Audrey was no better either, see her very blunt introduction to the VKs.
Audrey is a Badger Primary, no doubt in my mind about it. She’s very upset when the VKs disturb the Auradon Prep hierarchy and she exhibits some very typical Badger prejudices. “And then everybody looks good. So where would I be?” Audrey asks when she realizes Mal is giving the other girl make-overs, because she needs the social validation from being the prettiest princess there. In D3 it kills her that she did everything right and still someone else gets to be queen. I find it super interesting that Audrey asks Ben to ‘make [her] queen’ when she definitely had the power to crown herself. You might think it was because she loved him, but Queen of Mean ,which is her ‘I want’ song, shows very clearly that it was never about Ben the person. What she wants is his validation, because Audrey was raised to believe that his opinion, as the King, is the most important one. Audrey isn’t a Snake looking to have Ben for herself, a Lion seeking glory or a Bird trying to ‘rectify’ a system that is wrong; she is a Badger who is working within the confines of her society to achieve the status she wants.
Jane is so so Burned, I can’t help but wonder what the hell was Fairy Godmother doing cause she sure as hell wasn’t parenting her daughter the way she was supposed to. Jane is a Badger Primary who was ostracized by her only community so of course she latches onto Mal and Evie the first time they show her kindness. But D1 is a story about the failings of Badger primaries and the sheep mentality, so when she gains status and the VKs lose it following the events of Family Day, of course Jane aligns herself with the popular kids. She’s not gonna risk becoming an outcast again. This is also the driving force behind her stealing the wand. Her secondary is also super burned, but I’m betting on Lion. Not only is she extremely honest and impulsive, but Lion seems to be the default secondary for Auradon girls. Which is super interesting since generally Lion is not the secondary framed as the most feminine, but here it is.
...I just realized Jane is the burned version of Audrey. Oh, the irony!
Harry Hook
Double Snake, most likely. He is loyal to Uma and Uma only. He also has the ~vibe of a Snake secondary.
Prince Chad Charming
Chad is such a Snake Primary with Audrey as his person. He’s also pretty hedonistic as seen in D2: Ben might be dying, but the most important think is well, could Chad be second in line for the throne? I was a bit unsure of his secondary, but I think it is Badger as the only two times he’s successful (getting Evie in trouble for using the mirror, snapping at the VKs at Family Day) is when he involves other people.
Another Badger Primary. After Family Day, he gives into the peer pressure and shuns the VKs like everyone else. Maybe Badger Secondary too? Who knows, honestly this guy doesn’t have that much of a personality. But he seems to be a Bookkeeper Badger with the way he and Evie understand each other.
Gil doesn’t get to shine much, but I think he may be another Double Badger, and probably one of the sweetest Badger in the whole series. And considering he is the son of Gaston, I can’t help but appreciate the irony.
Dizzy is framed as a mirror for Evie in the second movie: the girl who could be so much more, if only she got the chance. This makes me think the two house share and Dizzy is a Snake Badger too. Which honestly tracks with the way she works at the salon and seems to hold no grudge on Evie getting to achieve her dreams while she doesn’t. Because Evie is her person, so of course Dizzy can’t be mad at her.
Celia Facillier
Celia is a Snake Primary who wants the guarantee of being able to see her father after she comes to Auradon, because she loves her father. It’s that simple. Considering how she throws the ember in the water out of rage when she realizes Mal has been lying to her, I’m thinking Lion Secondary.
Tl; Dr
Mal - (burned) Lion/Bird
Evie - Snake/Badger with Snake model
Jay - Glory Hound Lion/Snake
Carlos - hedonistic Snake/Bird
Ben - Lion/Badger
Uma - (exploded) Snake/Bird
Lonnie - Lion/Lion
Audrey - Badger/Lion
Jane - burned Badger/bunred Lion
Harry - Snake/Snake
Chad - Snake/Badger
Doug - Badger/Badger
Gil - Badger/Badger
Dizzy - Snake/Badger
Celia - Snake/Lion
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dyns33 · 1 year
Fucking fate - ending 1
Vaas x soulmate Y/N 
I had two ending in mind, so this is Y/N’s ending 
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Everything had happened very quickly.
One day Vaas was the king of Rook Island, or at least the part that Hoyt let him control. The next day Carlos was leading Y/N quickly away from camp because Snow White was attacking and it was too dangerous to stay here.
Vaas' order.
Vaas, whose death was announced a few hours later throughout the island.
This news came as a shock to Y/N. She had imagined that people felt something when their soulmate died. A vibe. The breaking heart. Anything. But no, a pirate had given the news, which had echoed in the cave where the small group was hiding, and panic had gripped everyone.
Always calm and loyal, Carlos stayed close to her, awkwardly patting her on the back. Then, when the others had been too busy wondering what they were going to do, not paying attention to them, he had led her to the square, asking Benny to follow him.
Of all the pirates, Carlos and Benny respected their boss the most. Even dead, they weren't going to stop.
They went to a small port that the Rakyats had not taken yet, where a boat was waiting for them.
     "Well, you go in with her and take her to the embassy of her nearest country. Then, you do what you want." Carlos announced with a straight face.
     "But... And you ?!"
     "Relax, princessa. I'm staying here, trying to kill Snow White and regain control of the camps. You're leaving. You're going to live your life somewhere else, safe. That's what the boss would have wanted. Benny, you don't leave her until you're sure she's safe."
     "Of course not. I remember the time she met a tiger. The boss broke my nose and three ribs. I'll follow her like her shadow."
     "Good. Go, now !"
This was the last time Y/N saw Carlos, and Rook Island.
As promised, Benny stayed with her until she found herself in front of an office surrounded by soldiers, bureaucrats and doctors, who asked her many questions, checked on her and called her relatives to tell them that she was alive.
That was the last time she saw Benny. Before letting her into the embassy, he had wished her good luck, telling her that he was going back to Rook. He couldn't leave his hermanos like a coward.
Her family and friends were all very happy to find her. They took her in their arms, kissed her and repeated to her that they had missed her very much, crying.
Y/N cried too, realizing that she hadn't thought of them at all during the time she had spent on Rook, focused on Vaas, her soulmate, who was dead. She hadn't had time to mourn him before, in shock.
She didn't tell anyone about him. For ten years, everyone around her thought that she had been captured by pirates who had treated her well, that she had managed to escape, and that she could now resume a normal life, with the hope of meet her soulmate one day.
It was torture.
Every night she dreamed of the times they had spent together. Of the last time she had seen him.
     "Fucking Jason is coming, nena. He's crazy, worse than me. I don't want... As soon as the alarm goes off, you go with Carlos, okay ? You go with Carlos and you stay with him until let me come to get you."
     "Why don't you come with me ?" she asked, as if at that moment she knew very well that he wouldn't come back.
     "I have to face him. It's crazy, I must be as crazy as him, I've killed him four times and he's still here. We won't be safe until he's completely dead. I have no choice, mi corazon. But don't be afraid, I won't let anyone hurt you."
He had kissed her forehead and he had hurt her forever by losing his stupid fight. He could have just come with her, they would have left this cursed island and they would have been happy.
Unable to lead a normal life after what she had been through, Y/N traveled extensively. She didn't go back to Rook, there was nothing for her there, and besides she avoided most of the islands, but she couldn't stay in one place for too long.
That was how she found herself near the border of Yara.
It was out of the question to go to Yara of course, too dangerous. It was totally a coincidence that Y/N happened to be in this bar near the beach.
 A coincidence, if it was a place frequented by the smugglers. A coincidence, if that day, two of them were right next to her at the counter, speaking Spanish.
Coincidence, or fate.
The voice of one of the men sounded familiar. Turning her head, she saw his back, but she could see his Mohawk, his scars, and the tennis ball with a face sticking out of his pocket.
His colleague noticed her watching them, waving at the man, who turned his green eyes in her direction. They stared at each other for an eternity.
He had aged. Normal, after ten years. He looked tired, even more tired than when she had met him. Maybe darker too, less crazy, even if the tennis ball showed he wasn't in his right mind.
     "... Vaas ?" she managed to say, not trusting her voice, nor her eyes.
As on the island, everything happened very quickly. One moment her soulmate was dead, the other Vaas lifted her off the ground, spinning her around the bar, not listening to her cries of panic, before kissing her again and again.
     "Nena ! Y/N, mi Y/N ! You're alive ? Are you really here ?! Pedro, she's really here ?!"
     "I don't know who's this girl, but yes, she's here." sighed his colleague. "We shouldn't attract attention, remember ?"
     "Shit, shut the fuck up, that's my mate and I thought she was dead. Fucking Carlos, he wasn't in the cave anymore when I managed to drag myself in. No trace of you left ! Then I found his body. That asshole got killed by the Rakyats. I was sure... Oh, mi amor ! You're alive ! The world was so bland without you ! I feel like to be reborn !"
     "You really can't do this anywhere else ?" the other smuggler begged, as everyone in the bar looked at them.
They walked to the beach, Vaas refusing to let go of her hand, as if she would disappear if he didn't touch her. He had often had visions of her, he wasn't sure it wasn't a dream.
     "Carlos and Benny sent me away from the island when they found out... Everyone thought you were dead." Y/N whispered, letting him rub his head against her neck like a big cat.
     "I thought I was dead too, but Brody's not good with a knife. I almost died, but it wasn't the first time I got stabbed. Did they really make you leave ? Shit, I should have buried Carlos instead of spitting on him. I was pissed. He could have left a note to tell me !"
     "You were dead."
     "Still !" Vaas said indignantly, finally calming down a bit, resting his head on her shoulder. "It was hard, nena. I lost everything that day. My island, my men, and you. I wanted to kill Jason, but my sister was faster. It was over. I thought about jumping off a cliff, but it wasn't a nice ending. I thought you wouldn't be happy. So I left. I wanted to visit your hometown, but I couldn't. Hurt too much. Shit, hermosa, you're here ! You're really here ! Hey... No, don't cry, querida, don't cry."
Y/N didn't listen to him, hugging him while sobbing. It was hard to know if it was joy, stress, or a bit of both.
Like when they were on the island, the first few nights when she cried a lot, Vaas massaged her back, kissing her neck and repeating reassuring words, singing a lullaby in Spanish, until she calmed down. 
     "Are you... Are you staying with me this time ?" she asked shyly.
     "Of course. You're coming to Yara ? I have a small house near a lake. I built it myself. It's quiet, not far from the village and the sea. Little Vaas and I go there often."
     "Little Vaas ?"
     "Yes, I'll introduce him to you. I've told him a lot about you, he'll be happy to meet you. And I'm Vaas the nice smuggler, I help people. Well, I still sell drugs and drugs. weapons, and I transport humans, but because they ask me to, I don't sell them ! No more piracy, I'm clean. Almost."
     "... And if I don't want to go to Yara ?"
They had this discussion about Rook Island. Vaas refused to leave, he loved his kingdom too much. Now they were very far away, they had changed. He looked at her intensely, before nodding, cupping her face in his hands with a very serious expression.
      “We'll go where you want, mi reina."
     "Well... I want to see your house. And meet little Vaas."
     "Nena, if this is a dream, please don't let me wake up."
He then pressed his forehead against hers, before kissing her and pressing his head against his chest again, to listen to her heart, with the sound of the waves in the background, and Y/N also hoped that she was not not dreaming.
She imagined them in Vaas' cabin, which was probably not very well built, with little Vaas, who must have been a dog or a tiger. Heaven.
     "Well, that's cute, but we're going to be late !" shouted the other smuggler who was standing near the bar, to give them some privacy.
     "Pedro is boring." said a small voice. "He's not as cool as Carlos."
     "That's right, little Vaas." replied Vaas, resuming his normal voice. "Too bad he died, he was nice and he protected my nena. It's not fair."
     "... The tennis ball in your pocket is little Vaas, right ? You don't have a tiger." "You want a tiger, nena ?"
     "No. I want to go home." she whispered, even though she had already been there since he had jumped on her in front of everyone.
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magicxc · 8 months
Hills and Valleys
Synopsis: Legend has it that Halloween is strictly for the scares. With ghouls and goblins, vampires and werewolves, witches and broomsticks, who could disagree?
However, all this friend group wanted was a little trick or treat. Sprinkle in a few party favors, loud music and a cabin in the woods, the myth was bound to come true.
Lurking around the corner is danger like never before, eager to bring this night to a bloody finish.
So join these friends as they fight to make it through a Hallween they’ll never forget.
Word Count: 3506
Warnings: murdaaaa, tha big reveal
Chapter 6 - Jasons POV
A/N: this is legit like my 5th attempt at uploading this damn fic. From the warnings to the word count to the moodboard to the story all the way down to the fucking tagsssss 😩 I am TIRED. Almost turned my phone into jello over Dumblr. So please, enjoy; cause tears def went into this.
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Series Masterlist
“What’s with the scrutiny all of a sudden?” Emery challenged. “You know I could say the same for you Jason, the same for all of us really; cause where was anyone when our friends were fighting for their lives?” she sniffled. “All we have to do is sit here til sunrise and we can’t even do that.”
As annoying as I find Emery, she made a decent point. Where was I? Where was anyone and how did this manage to happen unheard? Do I actually believe Lorenzo did it? Not really. He’s lost arguably the two closest people in his friend group, cradling Stephanie in his arms for God knows how long. For a second I almost believed he’d break through the window if it meant he could reach out and hold Julianna much the same; his behaviour eerily composed, reminding me of the calm before the storm - and what a shit storm it’s turned out to be.
Serving in the military, I was taught to survive in extreme atmospheric conditions; training to fight in places as scorching as the desert and as icy as the snow. Our exercises also saw us in unsturdy places such as the choppy currents of the water, arms linked together as we floated on the surface for hours. The sky was no exception either, learning to parachute from altitudes so high the air was all but limited. It wasn’t my dream to fight for this country but, life happens. And while it did come with its perks, I wouldn’t recommend any sane person to join. I’ve scraped so many bodies off the battlefield and sent so many others to meet their maker, I’ve become somewhat desensitized to death - learning to keep calm during the most chaotic and life threatening moments because it’s only then that I was able to live to tell the tale. And that’s what I’ve been attempting since we all found ourselves locked in this place - surviving, lending out my experience to the team who quite frankly doesn't deserve it at this point. All I can do is stay calm long enough to see this night through.
“I think we should waterboard the fucker.”
And here the fuck we go. I’ve never pegged Lynn for such a firecracker but I get it. After all, this night is drawing all sorts of emotions from people: showing our true colors when the universe dangles something so priceless before us.
It's been said that about 1800 people have jumped from the golden gate bridge, yet only 35 have survived the fall. And each person that’s survived has explicitly stated that they regretted jumping halfway through the fall, realising, in the face of imminent danger, just how solvable all their problems seemed. Much like tonight, in what happened to be a party gone horribly wrong, recovering bodies littered around the house like candies during an easter egg hunt, only then do you realise how desperately you want to live. Many people are familiar with the term fight or flight, but what goes most overlooked is a secret third thing - fear. Fear so intense it freezes you to one spot like a deer in headlights, too afraid to move from the oncoming beams of tragedy. But another emotion fear pulls from us is survival, an emotion so fierce that you’d find yourself doing just about anything to have it; even going as far as to commit interrogation tactics of torture.
“Exactly which fucker are you referring to?” Emery questioned.
“Whoever the fucker is responsible for this mess.”
“Go ahead and point them out for us since you know every damn thing.”
They’re on their own with this one. I can't deal with the bickering. I'm used to organized and thought provoking responses in such situations; my irritation rising the more it sinks in just how wet they are behind the ears.
“Lorenzo, you’re one more insult away from me socking you in the face.”
“Whatever Lynn, what you should hit is the books you dumbass,” he retorts.
Throwing her shoe at him, it just barely misses his face; Emery stepping in to call them both childish.
“So help me God if you don’t get your shit together, I’m gonna whoop you like your parents should have.”
“Fuck you Lenny, at least my parents were active enough in my life not to let me get raised by the help.”
“Parent,” Lorenzo enunciated. “Had your dad been able to afford the help, maybe your mom would’ve stuck around you motherless bitch.”
Well shit.
“Jason, do something!”
“Right, uhhh all shoes in the middle of the floor,” I instructed.
I don’t know why Emery insists on calling me out. Everyone, despite tonight’s circumstances, in this room is responsible for their own actions. Yet she expects me to jump in the middle of their bullshit every time. I don't know what kind of savior complex they have going on, but I won’t be a part of it. I barely want to be with sugar at this point.
“Lenny you motherfucker, two parents plus the help and yet no one taught you what it means to have common decency; no wonder women can’t wait to get rid of you.”
“Well if it isn’t the whore of Babylon here to teach us a lesson about keeping partners. Tell you what, you teach me how to keep a woman and I’ll teach you how to get rid of the clap.”
“Sex shaming is not cool,” Emery criticized.
“And neither is half the things that's been flapping past Lynn's lying ass lips,” Lorenzo retorted. “If you’re gonna be biased, do so from the corner of the room, cause you’re at about arms length right now and that’s not good for you.
“Would you seriously hit me?” she ridiculed.
I would.
“Are you surprised Em, this is the same piece of shit who yanked Julez arm so hard, it left bruises.”
“You dramatic whore, no the fuck I did not.”
“And that was in front of an entire crowd, who knows what you’re capable of behind closed doors huh? Drowning? Slicing?”
“Sounds like you’re in the mood to find out.”
“Tell me their last words to you as you watched them fight for their lives you piece of shit.”
Oh my God.
“Shut your mouth Lynn.”
“Tell me every horrifying detail about what fucked you up so bad that you’d turn on your own friends in such a way.”
“I won't ask you again.”
“Steph probably begged you to finish her off didn’t she? Eager to get the hell away from you and your perverted advances.”
For a big guy, Lorenzo’s pretty damn swift. Maybe it’s because all those drinks are still sloshing around in my bloodstream but my cat like senses wasn’t quick enough to catch him.
Angrily lunging toward Lynn his hands are tightly wrapped around her throat, arms trembling from the forceful hold. Beads of sweat drip down his forehead, while spittled foam gathers at the corners of his mouth. Blinking away tears, thick veins line the surface of his neck, incoherent mumbling tumbling past his lips.
Sugar desperately beats at his arms, struggling for air he refuses to give her and my anger shoots through the roof, their foolishness pissing me off for the final time. It takes both me and Emery to tear Lorenzo away from sugar, his grip firm and unrelenting. For a second I feared that he actually intended to kill her. Once we finally manage to drag him away, it takes me putting my full weight on this man, using one of my hand to hand combat moves to lock him into place.
Pinned beneath me, I scream to Emery to grab anything strong enough to tie his arms together. She brings me back one of the kitchen towels and I roll us sideways so that she can wrap it around his hands.
“I - I can't do it, he won’t stop thrashing his arms.”
“For fucksake Emery TRY, there’s only so much I can do right now.
With lots of wiggling and flailing, Emery manages a decent enough knot for me to turn him over and reinforce it. Sugar finally catches her breath before storming into the kitchen.
We sit Lorenzo in a chair while Emery tries to coax him into comfort. Standing up, he head butts me in the face, my nose immediately leaking blood from the impact. My fist returns the favor, knocking him back into the chair. Emery harshly tugs on my elbow, begging me to stop, and it takes everything in me to do just that because this fight was about to turn real unfair, real quick.
Dragging my arm across my face, I look about the room for anything to tie down his legs to the chair, coming up with some loose cloth, which undoubtedly was a part of someone’s costume.
“Fuck all of you,” Lorenzo screams.
“No Lenny, fuck you,” sugar screeched, thumping back to the room; a pitcher full of water cradled between her hands.
“Woah, woah, woah LYNNLEY. Are you fucking serious?”
“As a heart attack.”
“This is Lenny, the same Lenny we’ve known since middle school.”
“People change Em and I'm about to show you just how much.”
“Sugar, maybe we should-“
“Shut up, all of you.”
“I know there’s been a lot said tonight, some things in particular we can never take back,” Lorenzo sighed. “And I know tensions are high right now, but are they so high that you’d all sit there and watch me die.”
“Lorenzo, no one’s gonna kill anyone man.”
“It’s WATERBOARDING, you of all people should know that it can very well get fatal.”
“Enough of this.”
Grabbing a fistful of his hair, she pulls his head back, pouring enough water on him to drench his clothes, before being snatched away by Emery.
It's not nearly enough to kill him, but it does make for some discomfort, much like accidentally snorting a noseful of water once you dive inside a swimming pool. It burns but that's about it.
Coughing through his discomfort, I listen as sugar and Emery go back and forth over the severity of it all; and I briefly contemplate killing myself if it means that I won't have to deal with their nonsense. I honestly don't know if I can make it to sunrise like this and by the looks of it, neither will they.
Their bickering finally subsides, them agreeing only to question the man and nothing more. Of course Lorenzo detests it, that for no other reason than a hunch he’s guilty and lowkey he’s right. But then again, I'm not inserting myself into their madness. They’ve made it this far in this fucked up friend circle, they can make it the rest of the night.
“So lemme get this straight, you went upstairs to find cell signal and somehow found yourself next to a knife stricken Steph?”
“Lynn, ask your damn question.”
“How did you end up there and why?”
“My phone fell out of the window and I was looking for someone elses to use. It just so happened that Steph was the first person I found.”
“I think we should stop asking who may have done it, but why?” Emery proposed. “I feel like if we can figure out who had motive, we can narrow it down.”
“Well this is a pretty fucked up way to narrow things down. I'm literally tied to a chair.”
“That's because you choked me.”
“And I’ll do it again, you’ve been out of pocket since this whole thing started. How do we know you’re not the killer huh?
“Because I’m holding back from killing you now,” she shrieks.
Spitting, the thick glob lands directly on her chest, sugar all but emptying the contents of the pitcher onto his face; angrily clomping back into the kitchen to no doubt fill it again, but not before slapping him across the cheek.
Wet and stinging, that's quite the combination. I fear this has gone on long enough and it's only escalating. As much as I wanted to stay out of it, I think I better intervene.
Following sugar into the kitchen, I try to talk her out of this crazed state, her dazed pupils letting me know that she’s too far gone for reason. Pushing past me, she heads back into the living room where we see Emery struggling to untie the knots off Lorenzo, his violent coughing trying to dislodge the water that seeped into his lungs.
“The hell does it look like I'm doing Lynn, this is mad and it needs to stop now.”
“Not until I get some answers.”
“People who talk, talk after their first contact with water,” I bargained. “And he’s not talking.”
“All that means is we have to get him talking then.”
“OR, it means he didn’t do it. You pour a bucket of water over someone’s nose and they’ll tell you whatever you want to hear if it means you’ll stop.”
“And yet you did it anyway,” she glared.
“There was a time where I would’ve died for all of you. I found a family in you guys and it filled a void I didn’t even know I had. And in one night, one measly fucking night I lose it all,” Lorenzo whimpered. “My best friend gets murdered without us ever properly mending things between us. I had to watch the love of my life die in my arms. And now, my other friend is actively trying to kill me, disregarding our decade long friendship all in the name of anger.
“Lorenzo, you did this to yourself!”
“LYNN, how fucking cruel can you be?”
“It’s alright Em, I’ve been known to be a bit of an asshole, though I’d like to think I meant well,” he bitterly chuckled, snot trickling down his nose. “Do me a favor and survive this fucked up night, cause God only knows who Lynn will turn on next. Not to mention that fucker over there,” he says, head nodding toward me. “Ain't it a little odd how all of this starts happening the moment he shows up? Yet I'm the one you helped him strap down to a chair. They ask what would you do for a klondike bar, but you better start asking what would Lynn do for a piece of dick, cause apparently it’s kill for it.”
“Lorenzo, I'm actually on your side. The only reason you’re even tied to that chair is because you attacked two people in this room,” I defended.
“And what's the reason I'm being waterboarded huh? Who weaseled that thought in her mind? You say you fight for your country? Motherfucker you can't even fight for the people in this room, but you like what’s happening huh?
“Not at all man.”
“We get it, I'm a dumb hoe, but you’re about to be a dead one if you don’t fess up.”
“And then what? You’ll let me go free?”
“Jason, please help me untie him,” Emery pleaded.
“Em don’t you fucking dare.”
Lunging toward her, hands get tangled into hair and nails get scratched into skin before I can get between them. It takes more strength than I care to give to hold Emery back, both she and sugar throwing around insults.
“Lynn I swear, you’re more trouble than you’re worth,” Lorenzo taunted. “YOU ARE THE CUM SHOT YOUR MOTHER SHOULDVE SWALLOWED. It would’ve saved your dad a lifetime of headaches and your mother the embarassm-“
Lorenzo’s words get cut off by the splashing of water, his gurgling noises buried under the guzzling of the pitcher. Emery goes wild, hitting my chest repeatedly and I toss her to the ground, jetting over to the scene behind me. Slapping the pitcher from Lynn’s hands, it's on the verge of empty, nothing but a trickle left inside as it splatters to the floor.
Lorenzo’s body furiously thrashes around, his chest caved in and head hung over with water spluttering from his mouth in an attempt to rid it from his body.
“Shit, Lynnley what the fuck did you do,” I screamed.
Emery is struggling to undo the knots, but all she’s doing is pulling them tighter together. I race over and lean the chair forward, hoping for gravity to expel some of the water from his airway, his body jerking about minorly.
“Why are you just standing there, find something to cut him loose.”
Scrambling into the kitchen, I hear dishes clinking and slamming together before Lynn comes running out with a knife, slicing through the cloth as best she can. The kitchen towel, since it was the thickest, took the longest and by the time we got him out the chair and on the floor, his fits has ceased.
Getting into position, I lock my hands together and press down on his chest, 30 times just like we did in training.
“Emery, once I count to 30 I need you to tip his head back and blow two big breaths into his mouth okay.”
“And what do I do?”
“Stay the fuck over there, I doubt he’d want your help at this point,” Emery yelled.
We do five sets of 30 compressions. The CPR forces out some of the water but Lorenzo is still unconscious.
“Why isn’t it working?” Emery wails.
“Why are you stopping, keep going.”
Pushing against my chest, Emery restarts CPR.
“The lungs are about 9 inches in height, that's a little under a foot.”
“Nobody cares, just fucking help me.”
“The pitcher that Lynn poured over his face looked to be about 64 ounces and she did it twice. That was enough water to fill his lungs three times over.”
“We can do it, I know we can,” she croaked.
“There's no amount of CPR that can expel that much water. And his lungs are so heavy they’re actively swelling as we speak.”
“We won’t know unless we try Jason, you get the mouth and I’ll get the chest.”
“Blowing air into his already expanding lungs won't help Emery.”
“Am I supposed to just watch him die then?” she chided. “Isn’t there a way to drain it?”
“I'm no doctor and neither do we have the tools or the sterile space to do that.”
“Fuck a sterile space!”
“Not only would you infect him but stabbing anything in his chest to ‘drain it’ will only make him bleed out. We would need a very specific and precise needle.”
“No, we can do it,” she answered, starting the compressions again.
The splattering of liquids on the floor lets me know that Lynn has just emptied the contents of her stomach, but I'm in no mood to comfort.
“The body works in 3’s. Three days without water, three weeks without food, and three minutes without air. It’s been about seven now.”
“Shut up.”
“Lorenzo’s lungs are so heavy they’ve probably detached from his windpipe. That, coupled with no oxygen to his brain…at least he was unconscious before it happened.
“Jason either you help me or you leave,” Emery threatened, fat teardrops rolling down her face in droves.
There’s five stages of grief and they’re at the first one. Back against the furniture, I hold my head in my hands, listening to sugars light whimpers and Emery's ragged breathing.
She tires herself out with compressions, fists flying to his chest, pleading for him to wake up. Hands clutched over her ears, sugar rocks back and forth, mumbling out apologies, expletives, and frustrations; guilt no doubt eating her alive.
Hands dropping to my pocket, I rummage around for anything I can chew on, ready to get out of here and never see these people again. Fingers slipping free with the peppermint goodness, I unwrap it and pop it in my mouth.
Some minutes pass by, how many I don't know and the night grows quiet. As tragic as it’s been for everyone, this minute's peace brings about a small sense of tranquility. There’s the occasional sniffle and I watch as the sky transitions from pitch black to a pale pink, the telltale sign of the sun about to rise.
“At least his parents will be home soon right?” sugar questions.
“Yep, right in time enough to see their only son sprawled out on the floor and his friends scattered across the property. So much for the new owners, their home just turned into a crime scene.”
“Do you have any more gum?” Emery asked, voice sore from crying.
Tossing it in her direction, she catches it, face upturned once she removes the wrapper.
“Eww, Jason what the fuck, who the hell buys brown gum? What kind of flavor even is this?”
“It's peppermint,” I answered, popping a bubble.
“Still weird, I haven’t seen this shit since-“
The words die on her tongue. She looks up to me, revelation fresh on her features, which slowly etches into panic, as a sinister grin makes its way onto mine.
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niruin-galyn · 1 year
An analysis: Geralt and Ciri
One of my favourite tropes is probably stoic, emotionless characters visibly caring about their friends, whether they treat them like kindly or simply show emotions through a mask of indifference. My biggest example of this would be Geralt with his friends, but especially with Ciri.
He’s always described as a loner, preferring to be by himself and solve his problems on his own. On his journeys he gets to know people and they become friends and allies. The thing I love the most? He doesn’t forcibly push them away and even appreciates their help or presence. He’s not welcoming or open immediately, but if you prove yourself, he’ll let you in. He doesn't like people, but his friends are exceptions. Look at his dynamic with Dandelion and Regis.
He may come over as unapproachable and cold to everyone, but his friends know better. They know he cares. They know Geralt would do anything to save his friends, to protect them. That’s the whole point of getting to know Geralt. You’re allowed a peek behind that cold masquerade and see that Geralt is a good person, someone who loves and mourns and feels. He’s unlike other witchers because he still feels and cares. His most beautiful relationship would be the father-daughter relation he has with Ciri.
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I love the games for how they visualise this. Near the end of the Witcher 3, Geralt finally finds Ciri’s location, a cabin on the Isle of Mists. When he manages to get a group of dwarves taking shelter there to open up, he hears she’s dead. Geralt’s expression and stature in general when he’s about to enter is different now.
Usually he’s stoic, barely showing any emotion on his face or in his posture. He always looks confident, strong, sturdy, standing firmly in his shoes. Now he’s careful, visibly afraid, almost prolonging the moment he’ll really find out if Ciri is okay.
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When he turns her around and realises she really is dead, he stumbles back. He stumbles. This man is always so confident and sturdy, and now his body seemingly gives up on him, as if he wants to fall through his knees. There’s a deep sadness visible on his face, as if he’s broken and his mask of indifference is gone.
This really broke me, not only because I love Ciri and it saddened me seeing her like that, but because it broke him as well. This is the first time we see Geralt, unfazed by decades of horrible events and trauma, lose face. I know in the books there’s moments like this, but this is the first time I saw it visualised so well and it broke me.
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And when he holds her lifeless body in his arms, gently rocking back and forth, it made me bawl my eyes out. I think this immediately shows how much of a daughter Ciri really was to Geralt, but also how despite his stoic nature, he still needs people, even though he normally always appears so fine on his own.
Good news though, she’s alive. It’s a bit of a spoiler, but it's still amazing to see how it all happens in-game. Anyways, these scenes just kept me crying, because after she comes back to consciousness, they talk about their journeys towards each other. You can see how Geralt is smiling, clearly happy in her presence, but also showing emotions! I rarely saw Geralt smile, yet here he is, smiling at his daughter.
After reading their dynamics in the books and playing the games, I’ve come to the conclusion that this story isn’t about a monster hunter going on epic quests to save the world. I think Geralt wouldn’t necessarily feel moved to save it.
It’s a story of a friend, father and lover going through hell to save his daughter, and it’s his daughter that moves him to protect the world as well. The world is only as beautiful as the people in it.
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yanderes-galore · 2 years
Hi, can I ask for Yandere Haru with a sort of delinquent Coyote!S/O? Maybe a scenario where her s/o is protective of her and Haru is amused?
I can see what I can do as she is a bit difficult to make Yandere. However, some practice making innocent characters Yandere is nice.
Darling acts similar to Jotaro at some points as he was the first person that came up when you said delinquent, lol.
I had writer's block for this for so long and kept returning to it. Luckily, I think I found something that works.
Yandere! Haru Scenario
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Yandere-like behavior, Obsession, Pining, Manipulation, Harsh language, Bullying.
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Bullying wasn't new to the dwarf rabbit. In fact, she was used to it by now. The same old group would knock her over and laugh in her face.
Calling her such disgusting things while she lay on the ground.
A whore...
All names telling her how insignificant she was.
While Legoshi did a good job at helping her through it, he wasn't always there to help her. Luckily the bullying didn't affect her all that much anymore....
What she wasn't expecting, however, was the very same bullying to bless her with a new friend and... crush.
She was strolling outside, minding her own business.
Then the bullying strikes yet again. With a sigh, Haru prepares for everything. The names, physical abuse, everything.
Except the sudden growling.
Haru's ears could easily pick it up. It seems her bullies also took notice of the sudden presence. What's odd is it didn't sound like Legoshi.
"You're all so damn loud! What the hell are you all doing...!?"
Haru's brown eyes snap towards the direction of the voice. A brown coyote in a style that screamed delinquent glared eyes at the bully group.
Haru silently wondered what was with her and attracting canines....
"...Oh, I see. Don't you have anything better to do?"
Your voice was still in a snarl, strolling closer to the group of mostly small animals.
"Do me a favor and get out of my sight before you regret it...!"
With that, you and Haru both watch as the group scurried away. Haru even caught a snort from you once they left. Soon your eyes flick towards her, ears flicking.
This whole experience was so similar to how Legoshi acts sometimes.... It was almost amusing.
"Thank you...." Haru manages to reply. You huff before turning away from the small dwarf rabbit.
"Don't worry about it. Their taunts were getting annoying to listen to. Now, I believe you have somewhere to be?"
Haru nods slowly but stops you in your tracks.
"What's your name, if you don't mind me asking?" She wasn't too afraid of encountering canines now, thanks to Legoshi. This gave her enough courage to speak with you.
"Just call me (Y/N). If we're exchanging names, what's yours?"
Your smile, surprisingly Haru is flustered about the fanged grin you give.
"A name that truly fits you."
With that, Haru watches as you walk off. Your tail swaying softly before you disappear around the corner.
You were such a mysterious coyote....
Surprisingly, ever since that day, Haru has made it a goal to be your friend. Even if it meant others looking at her weird... she felt you were kind.
Both outcasts within this school... you were so very similar.
Of course, being friends with a delinquent coyote made Legoshi nervous. She learned that as soon as she told the grey wolf.
"What if that coyote hurts you!?"
"Quite the opposite, actually. That coyote is rather protective of me. Sometimes I find it funny, actually."
While Haru hates being looked down upon and treated like a helpless herbivore, you somehow manage to not treat her like that. You protect her, yes, but not look for anything in return.
Choosing to back her up not because she's an herbivore, but because you genuinely cared.
Not many messed with her when you were around, either.
How could they? You were a delinquent, not afraid to bite if you had to. If you appeared when they messed with Haru, best if they didn't try.
The fact you treated her as a person made the rabbit fall for you....
Your behavior was amusing but helpful. You were even softer than she thought when she got to know you. Both emotionally and physically.
You were misunderstood, but Haru helped mend that. Meanwhile you respected her as a person and not just some rabbit.
In Haru's mind, you were perfect.
She knew you understood her.
She enjoyed how you protected her...
To Haru, you were hers.
The small rabbit would soon have you wrapped around her little finger the more your friendship, soon relationship, progressed.
She found herself truly falling in love with you.
You were so much different than Louis or Legoshi.
You were a coyote who respected her.
It didn't matter if you were a carnivore.
Haru still found herself yearning for you when alone.
Soon, she'd find a way to capture your heart and make you hers.
For a dwarf rabbit, she's awfully crafty. You'll fall for her before you know it.
"We're so similar, you and I. You must feel the same, right?"
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rafescoke · 3 years
Hiii! I don’t know if you’re still taking requests but how about a rafe fic where he is super sweet and gentle and just soft with the reader in private but an asshole once their in public? Just angst and a lil but of fluff and rafe being rafe, if that’s not too much to ask!
Facade ; Rafe Cameron
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x reader
Summary: “This whole thing you’re showing to people. . . that’s not you. Fuck you.”
Warnings: Angst, angst, and more angst. Not the ending everyone’s expecting  (I think) 
A/N: I’m extremely sorry if this isn’t my best work but thank you for 700+ followers wtf ily <3 finishing all requests in my inbox this week!
“Don’t leave me yet,” Rafe groans. He places his arms around her waist, snuggling close. Her scent of strawberry wafts into his nostrils, and he closes his eyes against her warmth.
“Work.” she mumbles, and tries to stand up again. But Rafe does not let go, still holding onto her skin as if on his last breath, and she lets out a chuckle at the adorable sight.
“I can pay you twice the amount you’re working for right now,” he says. He finally let go of her, and slumps into the vacant pillows that she had slept in a few hours ago.
“I know, and I won’t give you the satisfaction of doing so,” she smiles, and take the chance of freedom to walk towards the bathroom. She checks the naked boy on top of the bed from the mirror, her heart soaring.
His boy.
She kisses him on the cheeks when she’s finally done, swiping her thumb on his pink lips as he whimpers softly in his sleep. She kisses him again, this time on the lips, for good measures.
(Y/N) never really like the restaurant in the country club, because it’s full of impolite kooks and bratty tourists. But money is money, and she’ll never say no to a good sum of them.
She sighs, clearing another dirty table all while thinking of Rafe in his room. Her insides suddenly beam when his kisses slides through her memory, and she wishes the clock would turn faster.
She slides in the empty back room, pulling her phone out from her back pocket and tapping on the top name of her contact. Her fingers glide effortlessly, her mouth forming a smile.
miss you.
Three seconds later, her phone dings.
Rafe: Disgusting.
Rafe: Miss you more :)
She wants to go back to him as soon as possible.
The door behind her back open before she can stuff her phone back in, and she struggles to appear busy as the manager peek his head in.
“What are you doing here? It’s full house. You got a table.”
(Y/N) look up to him, trying to pretend like she wasn’t just skipping some time to text her boyfriend, and nods.
Okay, maybe not boyfriend. She’s not completely sure. They never really certify anything, but whatever’s going on between them is definitely something more than ‘friends’.
She sighs again, picking up a menu before heading towards the group of friends sitting at the long table by the golf course.
“Hey, welcome to—”
Oh my god.
“Hey, you’re (Y/N), right?”
(Y/N)’s attention snaps back to the blonde boy sitting next to Rafe, and she gulps before nodding slowly. “Um, yeah.”
“You work here?”
Is he stupid?
She refrains herself from rolling her eyes, “Yes.”
Rafe scans the menu, not looking at her, and she feel a tug at her heart. Why is he pretending not to know her? She’s not expecting a sudden hug or a kiss on the lips; she’s thinking of something like a goddamn smile.
“Might come down here often, then,” the boy laughs, and the others follow him. Except for Rafe. “What’s the best order here?”
“Pasta,” she mumbles. He’s still looking at the menu, clearly trying to ignore her piercing stare.
“Which one?” The blonde sighs, flipping through the menu. “You got bolognese, carbonara—”
“Aglio Olio,” she answers quickly. He can choke and starve for all she cares for ruining her day like this. Why would he need her opinion on this as if he has never tasted on every single dish on this menu?
“I’ll take that one,” he smiles, and peeks over her arms. “Did you write that down? Can I see it?”
What a fucking cunt.
“That’s it?” She asks, tilting her head to one side. She takes more orders from the other boys, but there’s only one left.
She looks up to him, and finally, he meets her eyes.
“What’s the best soup here?”
“All of them are good,” she answers, biting her tongue. She never told Rafe before about her workplace, and they had agreed on that, but she did not expect this kind of treatment once he finally found the answer.
“Is this how you treat the customers?”
What. The. Fuck.
(Y/N) bites her lips, and suppresses her groan while the other boys laugh. “We have the best mushroom soup.”
“I’ll go with the mushroom soup, please.”
(Y/N) scribbles down ‘mushfuckingroom soup for the asshole’ down, and gives out her fakest smile. “That’s it? I’ll come back shortly with your food.”
“One more thing—”
(Y/N) turns to them again, still holding onto that smile, “Yes?”
“Try to be nicer to the customers sometimes. That way, we’ll tip you bigger.”
She stalks off, not knowing that person under the same skin she caressed and kissed this morning.
. . .
Rafe bites his lips, sitting on the edge of the bed and pressing the call button for the 17th time tonight.
He sighs when the operator comes on, and throws his back against the mattress again.
Okay. Maybe he was mad at that time. She never told him where she works, and he assumed her workplace to be some kind of a hipster cafe with cats for decoration. He didn’t know she would be serving in the restaurant at the country club.
He texts her again, groaning.
Pick up the phone
The typing notification pops up, and he waits excitedly for her reply. After a few minutes, the notification disappear. He grunts again, and goes straight to his contacts.
He presses the phone against his ear, waiting for her voice to say something; to listen to his pleas and to come back to his arms. He misses her so much, more than anything else in the world.
“Stop calling me,” she says.
He sits up straighter, feeling his blood rushing throughout his body. “Hey, how are you?”
“How’s the mushroom soup?” She mocks, and Rafe raises his brows.
He sees it clearly now.
“Are you mad about that day in the restaurant? I wasn’t even talking shit to you like Topper—”
“Really? The whole ‘bigger tips’ thing? Was that necessary?” She asks, her voice breaking.
Oh god. “It was a joke!”
“Yeah? Congra-tu-fucking-lations, Cameron, it’s a funny one,” she says, and Rafe can hear her slowly distancing voice.
He panics, “Don’t end on me. Look, I’m sorry. It’s just that you won’t tell me where you work, and it appeared as a shock to me.”
That’s the dumbest reason (Y/N) had ever heard. She feels like laughing and crying at the same time, because this is exactly the problem;
Guys like Rafe Cameron would never want to be with a girl like (Y/N) (Y/L/N).
“Suck my dick, asshole!” she yells, and slams the phone down.
Rafe pulls the phone away, his face contorting in anger, and his shoulders slump. He should’ve known better.
It’s just that. . . he’s afraid of what the others would think of him if they knew about him dating a pogue. Ward didn’t take it well when Sarah ran off with John B, and Rafe assumes he would be feeling the same way about (Y/N).
Why does life have to be so fucking complicated all the time?
Two days after, Rafe heard about a party in The Cut, but nothing from (Y/N). He know he’s fucked up big time, and he’s content to make it right with her again.
He doesn’t like stepping his foot onto The Cut, only going to the other side of the island to meet Barry for his medical issues, and sometimes to see how Sarah is doing.
But he’s driving down to the strange place again, so determined to see his girl one more time.
The party is in an abandoned warehouse, and from the outside, Rafe can see how loud and huge the party is. He sighs, thinking about the amount of time he would be wasting to find her whilst going through the throng of bodies.
But he wants to see her and touch her more than anything.
No one seems to notice him, Rafe Cameron, the Kook prince yet, and he’s hoping to keep it that way until he can pull (Y/N) out. Not one person back in Figure 8 could know about his presence in the party, what more the reason he’s there in the first place.
It’s easy to notice her. Black top, denim shorts, and (H/C) hair flowing from her shoulders. He stalks forward, extending his hand, but stops when he notices the boy beside her.
JJ fucking Maybank.
He balls his hands into a fist, and watches the way she laughs at a joke by JJ.
He takes his phone out, dialling her number, and stares as she grabs her phone out of her pocket. (Y/N) sighs, sliding the call button to the left, and keeps it in her shorts again.
Meet me outside
(Y/N) pulls her phone out again, contorts her face at the texts, and finally look up. Her eyes scans the whole area, trying to find a particular brunette. . .
“What’s wrong?” JJ asks, touching her forearm.
“I’ll be right back,” she says, holding a finger up, and heads straight towards the exit.
Her shoes crunches against the gravel as she tries to look for Rafe’s jeep. She stands there alone, crossing her arms, and groans when she realises that he must’ve been tricking her.
Rafe slides his arms around her. “Hey, princess.”
She yelps, pushing him off and looking straight into his eyes. She relaxes when reality hits her, but stiffen again when reality hits her again.
“You’re not supposed to be here.” Her cold voice rings into his ears, but he misses her too much to care.
“C’mere,” he says, extending his hands. “Missed you.”
“Fuck off,” she announces and stalks away, only to be pulled by Rafe’s arms again. This time, she stays in his arms.
“Sorry,” he mumbles against the top of her head. “I’m sorry I was such a dick to you.”
She stays silent, trying to put up a wall between her and Rafe, but it’s near impossible. She misses him a bit too much too.
So she lets him pull her into his jeep, and whatever feud they have before dissipates into the air.
He kisses her on the lips once in the car, and when she pulls away, he groans.
“I’m not going to let you go with just a kiss after 2 weeks,” he says, inching closer to her. She gives him a sly smile, knowing exactly what he’s trying to tell her, and closes the gap.
He pulls away again after finding his hands under her top, and points to the back. She shakes her head, smiling.
“Come on, you missed me too much to say no.”
. . .
Maybe he should say something to his friends to stop them from harassing her.
But he’s glued to the spot, watching as Topper taunts her.
“You lied to me,” Topper pouts, “The Aglio Olio isn’t that good.”
She looks at Rafe, hoping, wanting, longing for him to say something. Anything.
He stays shut, scanning the menu.
“Sorry. Would you like to order anything else?” She sighs, spelling a big ‘fuck you’ on the top of her notepad.
“Do you come with the menu?”
She looks at Rafe again, waiting.
Say something. Please.
She smiles, “I do.”
Topper smiles and the other coos. (Y/N) watches as Rafe’s jaw tightens, and she goes back to her dirty work.
Two can play this game, Cameron.
“Give me your best food, babe,” Topper smiles, and shuts the menu. “Anyone else? Rafe? What do you want to eat?”
She waits. Say something about us, Rafe, please.
“Can we change for another server—” he says, and raises his hand up. “Hey, yo, you, yeah, you the manager?”
Logan gives (Y/N) a warning look before putting on a smile for Rafe, “Yes, sir, is there anything I can do?”
“Can you call someone else to take our order?”
This is way too far. He’s taking this way too far—
“Did our (Y/N) say something?” Logan asks, still smiling. She knows he’s seething inside, and she hates Rafe for putting her in this position.
“No. I just love for a better view.”
That feels like a hard smack across the face. Her throat starts burning, and she can feel her tears slowly appearing.
“That’s no problem, sir, I’ll get you another server—” Logan looks around, “Kate! Yes, c’mere.”
(Y/N) looks at Rafe again. His eyes meet hers, but there’s nothing behind his gaze.
She reaches for the cold water on the table, her head’s so light she can literally faint, and splashes the brunette boy so quick that he stands up immediately.
“Asshole,” she states, and turns to Logan. “I fucking quit!”
. . .
Rafe Cameron is 100% an asshole.
She used to think of so many counterattacks to that statement, but there’s zero now.
She hates Rafe Cameron will all her heart, and wishes to never see him again.
He tried contacting her a few times over the week, to which she ignored heavily. She never thought he would stoop so low to preserve his title as the ‘Kook prince’.
To hell with that.
She would never treat him like that, and she’s just so clueless as to why he said all those mean words to her.
He kissed her on the lips, pulling her close. “My baby. So fucking perfect.”
(Y/N) grinded against him, hearing his soft whimpers, and laughed. She watched the clock ticking, and sighed.
“Forty minutes until I’m off to work.”
Rafe groaned, “Stop talking about work. Work with me.”
“As what, idiot?” She laughed, gazing at him lazily. “As a fuckbuddy?”
He sat up straighter, his face contorting in anger. “You are not my fuckbuddy, okay? Stop saying that. God, I will never do that you.”
She smiled, and leaned to kiss him against his chest. She trailed her lips up to his neck, and stopped right behind his ear. He shivered, biting his lips.
“And I’ll make you mind one day, (Y/N), I will,” he whispered.
Now that’s the biggest lie of the century. She gets it now;
The night dates in the most unknown places, like a fancy restaurant in a fucking town 2 islands away from Obx. Not wanting to hold hands or to be posted on her Instagram.
Why had she been so stupid?
“Fuck,” she groans, laying her back against the pillow.
Rafe Cameron is embarrassed to be seen with her. Something like that.
All the sweet things he would say to her in bed is nothing but a tactic to get into her pants. And she allowed him. God.
“You’re a stupid fuck, (Y/N),” she cries, and bites her lips. And she thought he would be the one—
Riiing! Riiing!
“Stop calling me!” She yells first thing when she picks up the phone, trying to stop her voice from cracking. Like always, she failed.
“Yo? You good?” JJ’s voice rang through the phone, a hint of worry in his voice. “I can call you another—”
“No! No, J, it’s fine, I thought you’re someone else,” she sighs. “What’s up?”
“Wanna come down to the beach with me tomorrow?”
“And do what?” She sighs. She doesn’t feel like swimming in the water, or watch JJ swim, or search for dolphins (JJ told her before that there’s dolphins in Obx), or anything, really.
She wants to sleep.
“Surfing,” he answers, like it’s a fact. “Come on, you got the whole summer to practice surfing. Let’s start with asking the hottest guy in Obx to coach you.”
(Y/N) slapped him in the face, giggling ferociously. He picked her up, twirling her around, and when she least expected it, he jumped into the water with her in his arms.
They resurfaced, still in a laughing fit.
“God, Rafe, you’re an asshole,” she laughed, pushing his chest.
“And the hottest guy in Obx.”
She bites her lips, thinking of the memory, and clears her throat. “Maybe not surfing, J, but I’ll come down anyways.”
“Okay to me,” he says, and (Y/N) can imagine a smile playing on his lips. “Goodnight, (Y/N).”
“Night, J.”
She sighs, and shuts her phone off.
Whatever Rafe did to her disappears into thin air when she arrives at the beach and see JJ with two surfboards planted in the sand.
He grins at her when she comes close, “There you are. Thought you bailed on me.”
She rolls her eyes, “I don’t want to surf, J.”
“Since when?”
She groans, “Like. Right now.”
“Nah, come on.”
Maybe JJ’s right. She gives him a nudge every time he tries to hold her, but he’s patient. He waits until she’s more comfortable before helping her up on her board, and when she topples over from the small wave, he lets out the biggest laugh.
And she completely forgets about the fight with Rafe for the whole hour.
“God. You’re a dick.”
JJ smiles, stabilising her board again. “Try again. You can call me a dick once you will not fall over a small wave.”
And she tries again.
By the time the sun sets they were laying right next to each other, just admiring each other’s presence and not saying anything.
She likes it like this. No secrets.
She hums in response, leaning on her elbows for support.
“You deserve someone a lot more better than Rafe.”
“Don’t talk about him,” she sighs, and closes her eyes.
When (Y/N) told the pogues about Rafe the night after the incidence, they were all fuming with anger and hatred towards the brunette boy. But (Y/N) doesn’t have an ounce of hate in her for him, even after all the hurtful things he said to her.
What an idiot.
“I can’t watch you get hurt again,” JJ says. “I care about you.”
She looks him properly now, watching as the golden light illuminates his handsome face. “I know, J.”
They lay in silence again, staring at the blue landscape of nothingness.
“There’s someone out there who will treat you better.”
She looks at him again. No. No.
“Yeah?” She laughs, trying to give him the idea to stop right now and not make it any complicated for her. She loves him, more than anything in the world, but not in the way she feels for Rafe.
He’s her Laurie to Jo March. Nothing more but a best friend.
He scoots closer, feeling her warmth. “Yeah. Look around, (Y/N).”
She inches away, “J, I’m not looking for anyone. You know that.”
“Except for Rafe,” he mumbles. “Is that right?”
“He’s different.”
“Why, (Y/N)? He treats you like shit, is embarrassed to be seen with you—”
“Okay, J, fuck! I get it, okay? But I’m not looking for anyone. I’m just not. Leave me alone!” She groans, throwing her arms into the air exasperatedly. She doesn’t need another boy in her life right now.
JJ’s right. Except for Rafe.
“I’m leaving,” she says, grabbing her tote bag and stuffing all her belongings. “This is a mistake.”
“(Y/N), wait—” he tries to hold her, but she flinches away. He crosses his arms, “Let me drive you home at least.”
“I can walk.”
“It’s getting darker. Come on, don’t make this any harder for me.”
“A drive back home, and that’s it, J,” she warns, and sets for the black bike a distance away.
The ride towards her small home takes a few minutes on the bike, and all the time she’s sitting behind JJ with her arms placed on his shoulders for balance, they didn’t exchange any words. There’s an obvious awkward dome between the two of them.
“I’m sorry, J,” she sighs, stepping away from the bike and handing him the helmet. “I didn’t mean to lash out on you.”
He smiles grimly, not saying anything.
The engine roars back to life, and he looks at her again; standing with her hair slowly drying and her shirt still sticking to her body. He looks away.
“J?” She calls, placing her hands over his. He raises his brows at her, waiting.
She places a soft kiss against his lips, so subtle yet meaningful to him, and pulls away after a few seconds. She rubs his cheeks slowly, and gives him another kiss on the cheeks.
“Sorry, J,” she whispers.
JJ smiles softly, and runs his thumb over her cheeks.
Maybe in another lifetime.
Their heads turn towards the voice behind her figure, and (Y/N) swears her heart stops.
Rafe looks at her and back to JJ, his mind connecting the puzzle, and he nods.
“Wait, Rafe!”
JJ tugs on her wrist, his eyes begging. “Leave with me. Come on.”
She looks at JJ, and then back to Rafe, and she hopes for some kind of a way to get out of this. She groans, and pulls her hands away. “Go, J. I don’t need you.”
And that’s enough to hurt the blonde boy.
“Rafe!” She yells after the boy walking to his jeep, but he continues to walk, ignoring her.
She lurches forward and grab his shoulders, turning him to face her. She looks into his eyes, looking for any sign of love for her.
“Rafe, it’s not what you think.”
“Yeah? Were you trying to give him a CPR or something?”
She holds him in her hands again, “No, Rafe, I swear. I was just. . .”
But there’s no proper way to explain why she had kissed JJ. Was it because she feel bad? But why would she kissed him?
“Yeah,” he nods, prying his hands away.
A sudden wave of anger courses through her, because the boy who had hurt her did not just make this look like it’s her entire fault. She pushes him on the chest, and his back hit the car door.
“What the fuck?” He yells, glaring at her.
“So what? You’re making me look like the fucking bad guy now? After all the shit you said to me in the restaurant?
He laughs dryly, “Of course you would point this back at me. Hey, hey, look—” he cups her face, “At least I didn’t kiss anyone.”
She pushes him away, “It doesn’t mean anything! And you’re not my fucking boyfriend.”
He licks his lips, “Yeah. So let me go.”
She pulls him to her again, “Don’t fucking run away from me like this! You didn’t even apologise!”
“Because you won’t pick up my calls!” He yells back, throwing his arms into the air. “You want to fuck JJ fucking Maybank? Then go.”
“Maybe I do want to fuck JJ, Rafe, because at least he’s real. This whole thing you’re showing to people. . . that’s not you. Fuck you.”
“Yeah?” He taunts, staring at her left hand placed directly on his chest. “Then fuck him. You don’t need me.”
“I don’t.”
“Yeah,” he laughs, watching as her chest heave. “I can go to Kie too, you know, to make this even.”
“Yeah? Would you embarrass her in front of your friends too?”
He shrugs, “No.”
She grits her teeth, knowing that he’s just trying to get under her skin.
“I hate you.”
He turns her over, so she’s facing him, and inches closer to her ears. “You don’t.”
“I do.”
He laughs again, pressing himself against her, and Rafe blames the heat of North Carolina in mid July for the sudden tingling in his stomach.
“I hate that stupid smirk on your face right now, and I’ll do anything to wipe them off.”
He presses a soft kiss against her cheeks, feeling her brush against him, and let out a soft whimper. “Okay.”
After 2 weeks of not seeing her, all he wanted was to talk to her at her house, after all the calls that she didn’t pick up. But when he waited for her to come back from God knows where and saw him getting off JJ’s bike, he lets the cold side of him take over.
He lets her go, sighing. “I’ll just go. This is a waste of time. You’re clearly not thinking about me.”
(Y/N) bites her lips, because a part of her wants him to stay, and they can kiss each other again, but another part of her wants him to go and leave her alone.
He hesitates, and nods. The jeep speeds away, leaving (Y/N) alone in her front step, thinking about what she had just done.
She hurt JJ, who wanted nothing but the best of her, and she just lost Rafe. She’s as good as alone in this world, and she’s not sure what to do anymore. She wishes she never let her temper got ahold of her, but it’s too late.
She just wants to sleep it off right now.
@okayshoto @joselyn001 @onceuponateenagetrash @dyingsleeping @iwannabeapogue @meaganjm @rafesobxs @flossy2929 @unfortunatekiwitrash @scottybitch @asimpwriter @amaya124 @tommy-tommo @thatshithurted8 @fallincindy @marvelwhor3 @rafeswh0ree @kookap @supernaturallydc-blog @blank-velvet @alaniskauany @kiiim8 @witchywrter @kaitlyn2907 @heyimflo @overcookedpastasause @tsukkiswifeey @spidey-d00d @anonymousobxfan @gotmeinloveagain @chicagoblackhawkslover96 @lexi-writes @classydragonthingknight @belongtoyou-u @badbussylol @savannah-elliott @angelreyesgirl100 @haterpenny @beehappyyy @alwaysclassyeagle @maybankslut @kayleea122 @clearbolts @lovelyxtom @christianaevans @jemimah-b99 @opierdalacz @dangerdolns @wildflowerliv @classygirlything21 @pogueslandia @alwaysclassyeagle @rottenstyx
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music-dance · 2 years
Things to add to your k-pop script
First of all you should decide if you want to be in a existing group or you wanna be in a new group. I personally wanted to experience everything so I scripted a new girl group that are going to make their debut soon.
Group name:
Fandom name:
Official colors: 
Information about group: how many members does this group have, etc. 
official accounts:
fan cafe: 
Lightstick: you can search fanmade lightstick in pinterest, if you can’t find anything you like just describe it. 
For this I added a photo of the member and all these,
stage name:
birth name: 
zodiac sign: 
blood type: 
MBTI type: 
claims: if you want the members or yourself to dance/sing/rap/look/talk like a certain person you can add that here.
facts: you can also add facts about yourself or the members in here (ex: ... can play the piano really well.).
You can add photos of what you want your dorm to look like.
If you are scripting a new group, which shows are you going to be in?
If you are scripting an existing group, which shows have you been in? What were you wearing in those shows? etc
Do you have solo activities? If yes, what did you do or what are you going to do?
All members will be good friends in a short period of time.
I will love our group name and fandom name.
My group and I are free of mistreatment,
My group and I are free of sexism,
My group members and I are patient with each other during practice,
My group members and I stand up for each other,
Underage members in my group are free of sexualization,
My group members and I are free of abuse and bullying,
My group members and I are always happy for each other,
My group members and I have great chemistry,
My group members and I listen to each others' opinions.
We are free from wardrobe malfunctions,
We are free from getting injured during performances,
We always look good in photos and videos taken by fan sites during performances,
My group is free from being styled in clothes that are too revealing and/or uncomfortable,
Our stylist ensures all members are comfortable in their outfits,
Our stylist listens to our opinions on our outfits and let us modify/change if we are very uncomfortable in them,
My group is not afraid to tell our stylist if they are uncomfortable in their outfit,
Our stylist always dresses my group in the most fashionable, concept or occasion-fitting, and complimentary clothes.
Our stylist dresses us in clothes that are fit for performing yet stunning in all aspects,
My group is free of experiencing unfair favoritism,
Our company cares greatly for our mental health,
Our company takes slander and hate against our group very seriously and takes immediate action.
Our managers have every members best interests in mind,
Group is always safe from danger,
Our company treats us like humans.
Our dorms are in good condition,
Our managers are chill, understanding and close with us,
Our company does a spectacular job promoting us,
Our company gives us (artistic) freedom,
Our company refuses bribes from tabloids and sasaengs,
Makeup artists use the highest quality, sterile makeup tools and materials on us,
Makeup artists gives us the best makeup that compliments our features well,
Makeup artists experiment with makeup for us, giving us the most unique stage looks,
Makeup artists always ensure our foundation matches our skin color/ tone,
Fandom refuses to start fan-wars,
Fandom is mature and respects member's feelings and privacy,
Fandom is free of toxic solo stans,
Group is free of having sasaengs,
Group is free of being stalked,
Group is free of fan sites that breach rules.
Fandom is very welcoming, tight-knit, and open minded,
Fandom has a healthy dedication to our group, and they support us always,
Fans in different countries get along very well,
Fan sites refuse to White-wash photos and videos of us,
Shippers are respectful and mature,
Fan gifts are 100% safe,
Flights are always enjoyable and comfortable,
Flight and hotel information is kept secret,
K-pop industry is free of corruption,
my group and i get along very well
we have the best teamwork
we have great chemistry
my group and i are like family
no one in my group is mistreated
we are all treated and respected equally
my group and i are always in sync when dancing !!!
my group never gets a black ocean
my fandom is always extra loud when cheering
my fans are very respectful, and they respect our privacy
sasaengs don’t exist in my dr
there are no such things as stalkers or creepy/weird fans in my dr
our fandom rarely gets into fan-wars
our fandom is highly respected
our fandom is very loving and comes up with cool projects for my group
our lightstick is very cool and beautiful
our official colors are blue, turqoise, white.
the company does not mistreat us at all
the company does not mistreat anyone underneath them
the company does not force diets and extreme exercises on their artists !!!
the company truly cares for their artist health and well-being
the company is very creative and artistic
the company always comes up with cool, trendy ideas/concepts for our group
the company never plagiarizes, all ideas are original
the company always takes our ideas into consideration
the company gives their artists lots of freedom
the company does not overwork or under work any of their artists
the company treats all artists fairly
the company let’s us write our own songs !
the company gives us credit when credit is due
We have the best make-up artists in our company
we have the best stylists in our company
we have the nicest managers in our company
the staff in our company are great, caring people
my manager is a good manager
my stylist never puts us in uncomfortable clothing
the stylists let me/us choose my/our own clothing for stages
we have the best producers in our company
we have the best song-writers in our company
we have the best choreographers in our company
cultural appropriation doesn’t happen in my dr
all idols are well educated on cultures
stalkers don’t exist in my dr
heels don’t hurt at all (esp. if performing in them)
The trainee system is effective and not too overwhelming. trainees still get to visit their families, go out on some days, and have adequate psychological help.
The ones under the extra part are from different sites (wattpad, amino...). I did not come up with them. 
So far these are all I am going to say, have fun shifting! And remember, you don’t need a script. 
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iwaizumis-wife6690 · 2 years
[Iwaizumi x Reader]~The Team Forces Him to Confess
A/N-This is the first story of the Iwaizumi Headcanon series ❤
Although you were a 1st year and Iwaizumi knew that, ever since you joined the boys team as a manager he couldn’t keep his eyes off you. At first he didn’t know what to make of it, he didn’t know if it was because you were there girl manager, if you were just super hot or what but all he knew is he had soon developed strong feelings for you that he intended to keep secret from you and the team. Although, his secret was soon revealed. 
One day when the boys were all in the locker room putting there gym clothes on, Iwaizumi was the only one missing from the group. Turns out he had worn his practice clothes under his school uniform so he could be the first one ready and come see you earlier than everyone else. Instead of being in the locker room with everyone, he was with you at your locker which was on the other side of the school. Oikawa was suspicious when he noticed Iwaizumi to be gone longer than he should, he took the time to go through his locker and as he did, he came across something very interesting. 
“Ooooo look what I found guys!” He yelled, reaching his hand out of his friends locker. 
“What are you yelling for?” Makki asked, as he tied his shoes. 
“What’s so exciting?” Mattsun said, expressionless. 
“Isn’t that Iwaizumi-senpai’s locker?” Kunimi questioned, pointing to the open door. 
“Yes well he isn’t here and I got news” Oikawa said, he was very hyper, holding a piece of paper in his hands. 
“What’s that piece of paper?” Yahaba asked. 
“It’s addressed to y/n” Oikawa winked. 
“Ooo, does he have a thing for her?” Makki said, getting intrested as well. 
“Let’s find out” Oikawa said, opening the letter. 
‘Y/n, you have no idea how I feel about you and I’m too afraid to say anything at fear of being rejected. For god sake’s, if it was so easy to get all the girls like shittykawa I would of confessed to you at the beginning of this season but it’s not. Well not for me at least. Everyday I watch you during practice and I can’t keep my eyes off you; when your struggling in a class I feel bad and want to help you but don’t know how to ask. If only you knew all of this, if only you knew how well I could treat you. I would treat you better than anyone I can think of. You deserve the world y/n, and I can only imagine that it was me giving it to you. All I want is a chance, and I know you’re a 1st year and I’m a 3rd year but I’m sure I could make it work, but I’ll never try unless I tell you these feelings. I’m not ready yet but one day will come when I’m able too. Sincerely, Iwaizumi Hajime’
As everyone stared around Oikawa, they didn’t know what to say. They all stood in shock. They each took a picture of the letter and put it back in Iwaizumis locker before he returned. As the boys finished getting ready, you and Iwaizumi were already on the court as he carried your bag. The rest of the team fallowed behind him and started the drills. You were doing your manager duties as Iwaizumi continued to look at you. 
When practice was over, you had gone home and the boys went to the locker room. “Hey Iwaizumi” Oikawa giggled. 
“What’s with you?” He asked, glaring at his friend. 
“Did you confess to y/n yet?” Makki said. 
“What?” Iwaizumi said, from his locker. Hiding his blushed face. 
“You know what were talking about” Mattsun said, showing his the image on his phone. Iwaizumi’s face was shocked. 
“I assume shittykawa went through my stuff and that’s how you guys got that?” He questioned. 
“Yup” Kunimi said. 
“Well like you read it, I haven’t had enough courage to tell her, and I don’t know how she feels” he admitted. 
“Well let’s see...If you don’t confess by tomorrow, none of us will show up to the game” Yahaba suggested. The team liked that idea. 
‘W-what??” Iwaizumi scoffed. 
“Do you have a choice?” Makki smirked. 
“Ugh fine...” Iwaizumi grabbed his phone, to your contact. 
Y/N ❤
Me-Hey y/n?
Y/n ❤-Something wrong? Did you leave something at the gym? I can go get it
Me-No no, the thing is..
Y/n ❤-Yes?
Me-I like you a lot..I was wondering if you’d give me a chance?
Y/n ❤-Iwaizumi-senpai I...I never expected this
Me-I understand if you don’t feel the same-
Y/n ❤-No, I like you too Hajime
That text shocked Iwaizumi. He showed the messages to his team and they started jumping about. 
Me-Alright, so go out with me after the game?
Y/n ❤-Sure I’d love too!
Me-Great :)
Although the team did force him to tell you how he felt, he didn’t regret it. He did need a push in the right direction. Now he had a new girlfriend, a person he hoped would be happy with him and hoped he would treat you the best he could for all he knew that you deserved. 
End Part 1~
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wondersofdreaming · 4 years
Third time’s the charm
Characters: Henry Cavill x 3rd person female reader (the reader in this story has been described as someone with long brown hair, hazel eyes and not very tall)
Word count: 1.705
Warnings: Fluff. Insecurity. Doubt. Chasing. Jumping. 
Author’s note: Thank you @radaofrivia​ for your guidance and your help <3
Go read her stories right here: Rada’s masterlist
Sentences in square brackets are Kal’s thoughts. Sentences in italics are Henry’s thoughts.
I do not own any characters in this short story, except the reader who is a figment of my imagination.
Feedback is appreciated.
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It was a lovely day. The sun was shining brightly in the clear blue sky. Not a cloud present. The birds were chirping in the trees, and people were chatting away around him.
His hulking size of a fluffball dog was trotting happily beside him. Kal’s long tongue was sticking out between his sharp fangs, panting and drooling all over the uneven pathway.
He watched as a couple walked past him. They were smiling, and the woman was laughing at a joke her boyfriend had just cracked. It made him long for a special someone in his life he could crack jokes to, a someone who would laugh at his sense of humour, someone with a genuine laugh.
Henry filled his nostrils with the fresh air. He felt the vibrations of children's laughter through the ground. His heart was yearning to hear the giggles of his own flesh and blood, and it clouded his already saddened mind.
He hadn’t noticed that Kal had been sniffing the ground. His ears perked with interest as his nose found a scent that made his mouth water. Kal galloped across the park without warning, making Henry lose his grasp on the leash.
[Something smells yummy!]
“Kal!” Henry yelled at the black and white dog, but it was too late. Kal was already out of sight, following his nose to whatever had caught his attention. Henry wandered around the park. His heart was beating so fast it felt as if it would jump out of his chest. A million scenarios ran through his mind: What if something happened to Kal? What if someone dog-napped Kal? What if Kal hurt someone?
Henry searched all over the park but to no avail until he heard a loud scream coming from behind a group of trees. Shit!
The run towards where the scream came from felt as if it took forever. Time was standing still as he neared the trees. He first noticed the bushy tail, then the rest of Kal’s body, standing atop a woman who was loving up all the licks Kal was giving her. She managed to push the large dog off her body, while her delicate hands were giving him scritches all over his fluffy fur coat.
“You’re such a good boy,” he heard her sweet silvery voice say, then a bark came from his wayward dog.
[Yes, Kal is a good booooy… oh yeah, right there. More scritches!]
Henry let out a breath he hadn’t known he had been holding in since Kal went missing. Thank god!
“Kal!” Henry yelled over the sound of giggles coming from the woman. He started walking towards them but stopped in his tracks like a deer in headlights when the woman looked up. Her hazel eyes shone with excitement, and the grin on her perfectly succulent lips made his heart skip a beat. Henry felt like he had been struck by lightning, suddenly unable to move as he watched the dark-haired angel stand. She dusted off the dirt from her jeans and walked towards him. She seemed unharmed even after having been hammered by Kal, who probably weighed more than she did.
“You must be this dog’s owner. He really scared me, when he suddenly jumped on my back,” she giggled a melodious sound.
Henry’s brain finally started working again, the gears turning behind his eyes as he was processing what she had just told him. Kal; his sweet mild-tempered fluffball, who wouldn’t hurt a fly; had jumped on this woman’s back, and yet she was still smiling and loving up the bear without being afraid. It didn’t seem she knew who he was, as he didn’t see the recognition sparkle in her eyes.
“I am so sorry that he jumped on your back, he normally doesn’t do that, I don’t know what came over him,” Henry knew he was babbling, he knew he needed to shut his mouth, but the words kept vomiting out between his lips.
“It’s okay. I wasn’t that scared. Besides, he is such a sweet dog, I don’t mind being jumbled,” she looked into his eyes, and his heart did a somersault as she smiled again.
“Be a good boy for your owner, Kal,” she told the bear, and then she was gone.
Henry was standing cemented to the place. He didn’t know what had just happened. Kal barked at him, his tongue dangling from between his lips; he was smiling.
“Well Kal, you sure do have great taste in women, but you should stick to the four-legged kind,” Henry reprimanded him softly. Kal wasn’t happy. There was a reason why he had gone rogue and run away from Henry. So, before Henry could pick up the leash, Kal darted through the bushes to find the mystery woman. Not again!
[But I didn’t get to know what smelled so good!]
Henry, having gotten out of his trance, followed his dog once again. Why was his dog so keen on pursuing that woman? It was starting to annoy him. Panic was beginning to make itself comfortable in his brain, what if the woman had something that would make Kal follow her on purpose? What if she was pretending not to know him, so she could steal his dog and ask for an insane ransom?
He rounded a corner just in time to see Kal jump on the brown-haired beauty, again.
“Oh, it’s you again, Kal,” she said with amusement hinting in her voice. Kal barked and went to sniff her jacket, burying his snout deep in her right pocket. He came back out with a bag of peanut butter cookies between his teeth.
“Kal! Stop! You pig, what are you doing?” Henry raised his voice sternly at his furry friend. He grabbed Kal’s collar and pulled him away from the lady, making Kal drop the bag of biscuits to the ground. Kal lunged forward, which made Henry think he was going to jump the woman again, so he moved between Kal and the lady, and gave his companion a hard stare, as to say not happening, pal.
“So that is what you were after all along,” she said and picked up the bag.
“I am so sorry, miss, are you alright?” Henry asked while jogging towards the two. She gave him an amused smile.
“I’m fine. He didn’t scare me as much this time. Apparently, he just wants some doggie biscuits. May I give him some? They’re homemade and don't contain anything that could harm a dog.”
“Oh, yes, of course, but he shouldn’t be rewarded for leaping on other people. I swear, he has been trained not to do that,” Henry was rambling again. He was spewing out nonsense while the gorgeous woman was telling Kal to sit before she rewarded him for listening. She even asked him to give her paw, which Kal did immediately, a rare thing as he only wants to listen when he’s in the mood, kind of like a cat. She is way too nice to want to abduct Kal.
“Good boy, Kal.”
[Miss with the treats is super nice. Hey human, can we take her home with us?]
“You said those were homemade, did you make them?” Henry asked.
“Oh, yes. I have a dog myself who is a picky eater. I’ve tried all kinds of doggie treats, but she would spit them out. I had no choice but to experiment on how to make dog biscuits,” the woman told him while she gestured for Kal to lie down, which he obeyed instantly.
“And does she like the homemade treats?”
“She gobbles them down like I didn’t feed her for a week. She’s becoming quite the diva.”
They talked a bit more about her dog, who was a rescue labradoodle, and about how it had changed her look on store-bought dog treats. It was healthier to make them yourselves, and people in her neighbourhood, who had dogs, had been asking if she would sell the biscuits to them. She had then started her own one-man company, making dog treats, and her most popular item was the peanut butter cookies. They were shaped like the femur bone, which was the most popular form for dog treats.
“I’m Henry by the way, may I ask what your name is?” Henry asked her carefully. She smiled brightly at him, and it chased all the dark thoughts he had earlier away from his mind. She told him her name, which was elegant and so fitting a person like her. He had been expecting the penny to drop when he mentioned his name, but she was oblivious as to who he was, which in turn made his heart leap with joy inside behind his chest.
She looked at her wristwatch and gasped.
[Oh boy…]
“Crap, I have to pick up my dog soon. It was nice talking to you, and please don’t let this beautiful boy out of your sight,” a chuckled left her lips as she walked away once again.
Kal licked his mouth for the crumbs that might have gotten stuck on the fur around his snout. He then looked up at Henry with an annoyed look.
“What?” Henry asked with a sigh. Kal tilted his head to the right. “I can’t just jump on her like you do and then ask for her phone number, that would just scare her away.”
Kal looked towards the woman, who was getting further and further away from them. He then let out a bark, and with a waggle of his puffy tail, he demanded that Henry make a choice before it was too late.
[You’re blowing it, human!]
Henry sighed and crouched down. 
“What should I do?” he asked the bear-like dog. Kal tilted his head to the side, looking at Henry as if he was crazy.
[Marry her! I want more treats!]
“You like her as well, don’t you, bear?”
Kal stood and bumped his head to Henry’s back, as to tell him to start moving, which made the human mountain chuckle, getting the hint from his dog. He released Kal from the leash and whispered: “Go get her.”
Kal licked his master’s face and darted towards the woman with the gorgeous brown curls.
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blu-joons · 3 years
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Yeonjun loved to tease you with his affection, pushing boundaries was very much a favourite habit of his. His hands would often wonder when he was around you, he couldn’t help himself but try and see where his affection could take him.
You already worked at the company before TXT came together, and so the two of you struck up a professional relationship from the start. You always took great care of Yeonjun as a member of staff, but that didn’t stop him always trying to be a little more friendly with you and try to get you know better than the other members of staff.
After debut and the group took off, Yeonjun was able to settle a lot more. With that, he couldn’t help but find himself desperate to confess to you as you started working with other rookie groups, having less contact with him. One evening he surprised you at the company, desperate to tell you how he felt about you before he lost the chance. You were shocked, naturally, but there was no way you could ever turn Yeonjun down.
He loved to get quite competitive on dates and make sure that he could show off to you. You’d spend a lot of dates at sports complex or arcades where Yeonjun could show off his strength, but the one thing he loved to do more than anything else was try and teach you to skateboard. Admittedly, you were terrible, but you knew that it was something that Yeonjun was passionate about, and whilst you were yet to take two feet off the ground without him holding firmly onto you, it was only a matter of time before you’d get the hang of things.
Having never dated before, there was definitely a moment of apprehensiveness as far as Yeonjun was concerned. He knew as the eldest member he had a bit of an example to set for the other members, and a lot to follow up as the next generation to BTS. However, with your knowledge of the company already, he was confident that a relationship was something that the two of you could enter and make sure that neither of you got hurt. He was always going to protect you, even ahead of work, Yeonjun knew what he wanted in life, and was firmly set on making sure he got everything that he wanted without a bother.
Whenever the two of you fought, Yeonjun couldn’t help but get quite emotional. You quickly picked up on the fact that he wore his heart on his sleeve a lot, and when he had something to say, he couldn’t help but pour his heart out to you. The frustrations that would trigger an argument between you both would very quickly turn into sadness and hurt that the two of you could speak so harshly to each other and say so much that neither of you ever meant. It didn’t take long for one of you to crack, usually Yeonjun, both soon figuring how pointless an argument was over whatever had caused it, and how much easier it was to just talk.
You ended up meeting Yeonjun’s family before you started dating whilst you worked at the company, and so they couldn’t have been happier knowing that Yeonjun had chosen to start dating you too. They trusted you, and knew you understood the company and his line of work, and so he’d definitely be happy with you too.
Being at the dorm was something you loved, especially with Yeonjun having his own room. The boys loved having you around, which was most definitely a bonus for you. The two of you were still young, and neither of you were willing to rush into getting your own home together when your careers were still your focuses.
Yeonjun was the first one to say, ‘I love you,’ suddenly on a date night. He’d taken you bowling, and you were losing, by a lot. As you hit the gutter yet again and spun around with a pout, you sent Yeonjun weak at the knees. Before he’d even thought about his words, a reminder to smile and a quick ‘I love you,’ had been muttered, surprising you greatly.
He would definitely be the type of person to hide any jealous feelings that he had, but again, he wears his heart on his sleeve a lot when he finds himself getting emotional, and so it wouldn’t take long for you to pick up on how he was feeling, no matter how hard he tried to hide it around you. You’d often notice that he’d get a little quieter and his cheeks would begin to flush as he tried to hold himself together. He’d deny ever feeling jealous around anyone until eventually you managed to push him into admitting how he felt.
The two of you very quickly agreed that you were far too young for children, and that for the foreseeable future you saw yourselves working hard on your careers instead. Yeonjun still had so many ambitions for TXT, and you were making your way up the ladder at Big Hit. You knew there would be time for the two of you to start a family someday, but you had plenty of goals you wanted to achieve before that time came.
You loved seeing Yeonjun happy, that was always the most important thing to you. His smile was definitely something that drew you to him, even before the two of you started dating, and even more so since. You knew that he felt the pressure a lot, and there were times when he’d come home with the smile very distant from his face, and so you’d make it your mission to make sure that you found a way to make him smile again. You hated how hard he was on himself, almost as if he wouldn’t allow himself to smile at times, but after a short while with you, he couldn’t help but find himself smiling once again.
Being the eldest, he definitely felt a responsibility when it came to missing you. He would try incredibly hard to shrug off any feeling of missing you, but when times were tough, even the mention of your name was enough to make him incredibly emotional. Yeonjun would try and keep things together, but usually after a chat with Soobin, he’d reach his breaking point. It was as if he was a ticking time bomb when it came to missing you, once the tears finally started, it would take a long time for them to stop. Especially, when he called you. You knew each time you hung up the phone that he was going to spend a little while to himself to try and hold it together.
You often found yourself calling him ‘junnie.’ It began as a bit of tease when you first met him, however as things changed between you, your jokey nickname for him was something that ended up sticking around.
He was obsessed with your smile, almost as much as you were with his. He loved to see you happy, just as you always did with him too.
Yeonjun wasn’t afraid of being affectionate with you in public, but it would always be very subtle. People could often be forgiven for not even realising that the two of you were a couple because you were so conscious of being affectionate and making sure that you didn’t stir up any trouble for yourselves.
He would often ask if you were tired whenever you tried to stay up with him. With a yawn, you’d assure him that you were alright, but as soon as your head rested against his shoulder, you’d be out like a light and proving him right.
You learnt very quickly that Yeonjun was incredibly chaotic and messy, with meant his room in the dorm was often a tip too. You’d always end up tidying around him and ended up buying him plenty of storage boxes and units so that he could try and keep his mess neat too. Although he’d never use them, and instead throw things on the floor, the thought that you put into sorting them for him meant a great deal to him.  
Every time the two of you were intimate, Yeonjun made sure to treat you as if you were the most delicate thing on earth. Yeonjun prided himself on being a gentleman, especially in the bedroom, always making sure that you were comfortable and satisfied. He never put himself first, he’d always take care of you first and listen to your body closely, picking up on all the hints you gave him as to what you wanted from him.
Throughout the day you’d often get random messages from Yeonjun, usually seeing what you were up to. He loved hearing how your day was going and making sure you were looking forward to seeing him that evening.
You were very much a best friend to Yeonjun, and a huge support from the very start of his career. Even before things took off, you were the first one in line to cheer him on, both professionally, but as a partner too.
Stories of San Jose had kept you entertained for hours, and so when the opportunity arrived to take a week away from work, there was only ever going to be one place that Yeonjun would take you. He wanted to be able to show you the places where his memories had been made rather than constantly just tell you about them instead.
He tended not to whine too much, he appreciated more than anyone when you were busy and was happy to wait around until you had some time free for him.
Whenever Yeonjun was around you, it was very much an instinct to hold onto you and usually press a kiss against your cheek or the nape of your neck. When you were around other people, it was a small gesture he could give to you without having to create a huge fuss about your relationship or make other people uncomfortable. In the comfort of your own home though, he was always more than happy to tease you and push all of the boundaries possible.
You were his biggest fan, supporting him in every single thing that he did.
Yeonjun never slept, a quality about him that you never understood. You’d usually end up having to drag him to bed to make sure that he rested for whatever schedule it was that he had planned for the very next day.
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andvys · 3 years
Longing (part 19)
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Warnings: angst
Pairing: Ellie Williams x reader 
You didn't know if letting Abby live was the right thing to do, it was the last thing you wanted and if it wasn't for Lev she would be dead right now but you couldn't do this not when he saved your life even though you were no one to him. 
It almost broke your heart seeing a child like this, crying and begging to not kill someone who seems to be important to them. You were in this position before so if you knew what it was like to feel like this, how could make someone else go through it?
You thought about the way you grew up, you saw your father kill people, like it was the easiest thing in the world, like it was the most normal thing in the world. You were forced to kill too and it was anything but easy and it shouldn't be normal either but in this world it was, it became normal to you and it made you feel sick.
Children grow up in this cruel world, full of hope and innocence that gets taken away from them as soon as they are put in situations they shouldn't be in. You thought about Dina’s and Jesse’s unborn child, it would grow up in this horrible world too and who know’s how long Dina and Jesse would be alive. Parents always die in this world and their children are left behind.
It was a scary thought but anyone could die out there any day. Jesse almost died already. Tommy almost died. Ellie almost died. 
If Ellie died, Abby would be dead too, no exceptions. 
You would kill her without hesitation. If you would have lost Ellie, you would have lost the last part of yourself anyways so killing Abby wouldn't do you any harm anymore. You'd be dead inside anyways, Ellie was what was keeping you still alive.
But Ellie was still alive and you knew that if you would have killed Abby, Lev would have probably killed you and you weren't ready to die yet, you still wanted to spend the rest of your time here with Ellie.
You just didn't know if she wanted the same thing.
Things have been tense on the way back home, after they all recovered from their injuries, you found a car that would bring you back home. You got into a fight with Ellie and Tommy about keeping Abby alive but Tommy agreed in the end and decided that the council in Jackson would decide what to do with her.
Ellie ignored you all the way back home to Jackson. It hurt but you didn't expect anything else from her. You wanted Abby dead just as much as she did but Tommy was right when he said that letting Abby live with the guilt of knowing that her friends were dead because of her was punishment enough, especially when she was locked away in a cell and only had that to think about for the rest of her life.
Once you got back to Jackson, Ellie immediately rushed past you once a group of people guided Abby and Lev away. You stood there watching her walk away from you. Was that it? 
It seemed like your little romance was short lived, you didn't think that she would ever forgive you.
A hand patted your shoulder, looking up you found Jesse giving you a sad smile “she’ll come around.” he said.
Shaking your head, “no she won't.” you said, looking down in pain.
“oh my god, Jesse!” you heard Dina yell in relief, she came running towards him, hugging him tightly.
“Dina.” He immediately hugged her back.
You decided to step back and let them have their moment, you grabbed your backpack and your weapons and turned around to leave only to be stopped by Dina.
“Hey where do you think you're going?” you heard Dina ask, turning around she had a hand on her hip, looking at you with a stern expression on her face. 
Chuckling at her, you put your stuff down, she looked at you in concern. Eying all the cuts and bruises that were still visible on your skin, your left arm was hanging limply by your side. Ever since Abby pulled that arrow out, you could barely move it. You were sure that she damaged a nerve.
You tried to give her a genuine smile but you knew you couldn't bullshit Dina into thinking that you were okay, she always knew when something was wrong and she could tell right away that you went through hell out there. 
You walked towards her and she immediately put her arms around you, pulling you in. You immediately hugged her back, you missed her. 
You felt a wave of sadness crashing down on you, tears welled up in your eyes and you couldn't hold them back any longer, you started crying silently.
“It's okay (y/n), I got you.” she whispered, rubbing your back gently.
Jesse stood back and watched the scene with a painful expression on his face. He knew how much you struggled back there and having Ellie treat you like you were nothing to her, just made your situation even worse.
“Come on, let’s get you into the infirmary.” Dina said
You nodded your head and pulled away from the hug, looking down at the floor you picked your things up and looked up at her and Jesse, nodding your head at them. 
“Alright, the bruises are almost healed and some of these cuts will leave scars, nothing major however I'm afraid, you won't be able to use your arm properly anymore. The arrow damaged a nerve.” the doctor explained. 
You nodded your head, you guessed it already on the way back home, you weren't able to move it around like before and you knew something was wrong, it was horrible. What was even more horrible was the pitiful stares you've gotten from the others. Even Ellie, she was ignoring you but you could feel her eyes on you all the damn time and it drove you crazy. They also didn't even let you kill one infected on the way back home and you were sure you could say goodbye to your swords.
“I’m not saying it won't recover, there might be a slight chance that it could heal but just don't rely on it too much.” he said, giving you pitiful look.
“For now I want you to rest, no going on patrols or anything like that alright?” 
“Yeah, thanks doc.” you said, nodding your head at him you got up and walked out of the infirmary where Dina and Jesse were waiting for you.
“I told you guys, you can go home.” you said, they should spend their time together now and not with you.
Dina rolled her eyes at you while Jesse ignored what you said “what did the doc say?” he asked.
“He said what I already thought happened, nerve damage. I won't be able to move my arm properly and I shouldn't have too much hope for a recovery.” you said, shrugging acting like it didn't affect you.
Dina inhaled sharply, looking at you in worry, living in this world was difficult enough already and not being able to use your arm properly anymore meant that you couldn't fight anymore or at least not like before. 
“Fuck.. I’m sorry (y/n)..” Jesse said, not knowing what else to say.
“It’s fine.. you guys should go home.” 
Dina wanted to say something but you interrupted her “no seriously, go home, I kinda want to be alone right now and I’m tired and I just want to take a shower and sleep for the rest of the week.” you said, giving them a small smile.
They both looked at you sadly. Before they could say anything, you hugged them and told them good night.
You walked past Joel’s house, stopping for a second. The lights were off and it just looked empty, well it was empty. He should've been there, sitting on his porch, playing guitar.
Shaking your head, you continued walking, wanting to just get home and go sleep and forget about everything. 
Opening the door to your small house, you turned on the lights, finding everything still the way it was before.
You went into your bedroom and put your stuff down, taking off your jacket you threw it on the floor and grabbed some fresh clothes before you went into the bathroom to take a shower. 
You turned the water on, waiting for it to get a little warmer. You took your clothes off as best as you could with using just one arm. You looked into the mirror, your reflection stared back at you, you couldn't even recognize yourself anymore. You looked empty and broken. Blinking your tears away you turned around and got into the shower, sighing at the feeling of warm water against your skin, you let your mind relax for a while before it drifted off to things you didn't wanted to think about again.
You were tired. Tired of fighting and killing, you didn't want to do this anymore. You didn't even remember how many people you killed and it left you with a sickening feeling. You have taken so many life’s as if it was okay. You let your tears fall freely now. It was too much, everything was just too much for you. The pain you were in was unbearable and not having Ellie with you now made it even worse.
The thought that she might hate you now put you into an even more miserable state. Not being able to hold your cries in anymore, you started sobbing. You went through this before, a few weeks ago or was it months already? you had no clue, so much time has past already. Your fight back then almost seemed childish to you now, compared to the pain you both were in now. 
After you managed to calm down, you got out of the shower. It was a struggle to put your clothes on but you managed. You didn't realize what shirt you put on until you looked down realizing it was the shirt that Ellie gave you when you slept over at her house for the first time, it was the shirt that Joel gave her. 
It still smelt like her, you'd have to give it back but you'd keep it for yourself for now, at least as long as it still smelt like her. Ellie might never forgive you and she might never be in your arms again but you needed her and it was the only thing that came closest to her right now.
You sat down on your bed, staring at the wall you thought about her, you wondered what she was doing right now or what she was feeling, if she was thinking about you.
You snapped out of your thoughts when you heard knocking on your door. Furrowing your brows, you had no clue who that could be, you got up and walked towards your door, opening it you found Maria standing there with a small box in her hand.
“Hey.” you said, looking at her in confusion.
“Hello (y/n), can I come inside?” she asked, smiling slightly.
You immediately stepped aside, “yes of course.” 
You closed your door after she walked in, “I made you something to eat, I figured you'd be hungry.” she said, putting the box on your table.
“Thanks Maria, I appreciate that.” you said, smiling at her, you sat down on your sofa, gesturing for her to take a seat.
She sat down next to you, you knew she wasn't just here to bring you something to eat, she wanted to talk about something.
“Doc told me about your arm, I’m sorry about that (y/n).” she said, giving you a pitiful smile.
“It’s fine, I’m sure it will recover.” you lied, you didn’t believe in a recovery but you didn’t need people to see you lose hope.
“I hope so but till then no patrols for you.” she said, with a stern voice.
Nodding your head, “I figured..” you trailed off “so what brings you here?” you asked.
“I just wanted to check up on you and tell you, what you did, letting her live I mean, not everyone could have done that.” she said “It requires a lot of strength to let someone you want dead so bad live and I respect that.” she said “especially because this situation was so personal to you.” 
You were surprised to hear that, Ellie and Tommy definitely did not respect your decision. While Tommy did agree on taking Abby back as a prisoner he was sure that Maria and the council would choose to execute her. All the way back to Jackson both Ellie and Tommy treated you poorly. Jesse was nice as always but you weren't sure what he thought about you letting Abby live.
“You're gonna make a great Leader one day (y/n).” Maria stated. 
Your eyes widened at her, shocked about her words “L-Leader?” you stuttered.
“Yeah, I gotta step back one day and you are the only person here that I could imagine seeing as the new Leader of Jackson.” she told you, surprising you further. 
“Me?” you couldn't believe that she would consider letting you become the Leader. You didn't even think you were a good fighter and here she was basically promising you such a high position.
Nodding her head “Yes you, don't be so surprised. You have to stop underestimating yourself.” she said “You got all the qualities a great leader needs. You are strong, you know how to fight, you can make tough decisions even when everyone else is against them and you still kept your humanity all along.” she added.
You didn't know what to say, you felt so overwhelmed hearing this, her words meant a lot to you. You always looked up to Maria and hearing her say this made you feel a lot better.
“Thank you Maria, this means a lot to me.” you said, giving her a grateful smile.
“I’m proud of the woman you've become, Joel would've been proud of you too.” she said, giving you a smile. 
You weren't sure if he would be proud of you but you nodded your head not wanting to disagree with her, you smiled at her before looking down at your hands when you felt tears well up in your eyes. You didn't wanted her to see you cry.
“Alright, we’ll talk about the other things tomorrow, I should go and you should eat something and get some sleep.” she said, getting up.
She meant Abby and Lev when she said other things.
“I will. thank you, for every for everything.” you told her.
“Of course.” she replied, smiling at you before she left, leaving you alone with your thoughts. 
You weren't sure if you could sleep alone, you spend all your nights with Ellie on the way to Seattle when she catched up to you and even on the way back home she stayed near you, even if she didn't touch you, you knew she was there and you felt safe sleeping knowing that she was somewhat close to you but now you were alone in this empty home. 
Home, that's not what it was, it was just a house, an empty house with an empty person.
You laid down on your bed and stared up at the ceiling. “what now?” you asked yourself, where would you go from here? 
Joel was gone and so was a part of you. you lost a part of yourself the day he died and you lost a part of yourself in Seattle and now with Ellie gone you felt like you were losing the last part of yourself. 
Closing your eyes, you tried to think of something else, you just wanted to fall asleep and forget about everything for a while.
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stellocchia · 3 years
Alright, now that I got some sleep, time for an overly long analysis on Tommy’s second prison visit!
I’m only talking about character in the rp from here on out, not the cc’s unless explicitly stating otherwise
First of all, a clarification is in order: was it Dream’s plan from the very start to get put in prison to end up in this situation? No. Does this mean he couldn’t have caused this to turn things in his favour? Also no.
Dream has proven before that he’s a rather flexible character (kinda has to be with a nemesis like Tommy), he’s been put multiple times in unexpected situations and managed to come out of top. We don’t know if he expected L’Manburg to be reborn after the 16th, and yet he managed to have the whole cabinet wrapped around his fingers. He didn’t expect Tommy to threaten him with Spirit, and yet he spun it around on him. We also know he didn’t expect Tommy to leave Logsteshire (he was talking about it with Punz, it’s the reason he went to check on him shortly after because he realized he may have stepped too far and broken Tommy out of his manipulation there) which offered him the opportunity to frame him for the community house disaster later on.
He is nothing if not resorceful.
Another thing we have to discuss when talking about the visit is the themes of their relationship:
- Dream’s possessiveness/obsession
- The whole Dream finding Tommy “fun”
- Their “game”
More under the cut
- For the first point, when I say “possessivness” I mean that Dream literally regards himself almost as Tommy’s owner. Don’t believe me? Let’s talk about how he treats Tommy’s canon life then!
Remember all the way back during exile? To keep Tommy in line Dream consistently threatened to take his last life, implying that he would have been fine with Tommy dying, yet, as soon as Tommy showed signs of wanting to take his own life, Dream bust out the line “it’s not your time to die yet”, 2 times in fact. Why? Well, Dream wants control in all things, not only that, but he clearly thinks he’s in the right in wanting it. Of course the life of his favourite toy is no exception. Also let’s not forget about the terrifying scene on top of the obsidian grid where, when Tommy said that their story would be over soon, Dream immediately took control again assuring him it would never be over.
There is also Tommy explicitly stating that Dream was “borderline his owner”, in case we needed an additional affirmation, in the stream where Mexican Dream made an appearance in exile. 
Also, I have to mention that during the first Prison visit Dream, when talking about what he missed, grouped Tommy together with “his stuff”... can’t get much clearer then that
- Dream’s describing Tommy as “Fun” has been a reoccurring creepy theme between them. But is it soley done out of manipulation or does Dream actually feel that way in his twisted world view? I’d say a bit of both to be honest. 
Clearly there is a level of gaslighting with it were he used to say it at the very start of Tommy’s exile to get him in the frame of mind of considering Dream his friend and trying to convince him that they always had fun together (trying to get him to switch his anger from being directed at Dream to being directed at his old friends), but that’s not all. 
Dream, in cutting all his known attachments, is left with only Tommy as an attachment, Jack is right on that one, which is the rason why his obsession seems so extreme. That said, it’s pretty obvious that he does sort of find his relationship with Tommy “fun”. It’s the reson why literally everyone else is a replaceable pawn, but Tommy isn’t. Don’t get me wrong here: he doesn’t see him as a human and, despite him “caring” in his twisted way, there is NOTHING healthy about their relationship. But it is still important to point out that Tommy is extremely important to Dream.
- Their game is something we’re all well aware of. They are regarded by so many people as the hero and the villain of the server, even though neither of them accepts their assigned role. That said they both view the other in the role assigned to them. Dream doesn’t see himself as a villain, but he does see Tommy as a hero and vice-versa. And, just like that, the stage for their “game” is set.
Only problem? Only one of them is playing the game. We know this from the season 2 finale: the reason Dream kept coming down and trusting Tommy was because he thought Tommy was as attached to their “game” as he was, but he was wrong. Tommy HAS other attachments, plenty of them, he’s not dependent on Dream and that’s also probably why Dream is so obsessed with him in the first place: everyone else is predictable, easy to use. They aren’t surprising, they aren’t “fun” (remember that? Remember Dream goning “Tubbo isn’t fun” when Tommy said he had as much value as himself? Because I sure do) they are boring pawns. 
You’d think he may think differently of someone like Techno but, despite him acknowledging his strenght, he has no reason to think he won’t be able to use him every time at the smallest promise of violence as it worked every time before. George and Sapnap? When’s the last time Dream showed them he cared in any way? He used them time and time again and then left them behind when the relationships required work on his side to mantain. He didn’t even speak to Sapnap during his visit! He regards Quackity as barely an annoyance (remember what history left on him in the Lost City of Mizu? Just a Fool). Punz and Sam were both people he paid, only means to an end. They ALL played his game and followed his rules, which is what made them predictable. It's what makes them so replaceable.
Now that the themes are established, let’s move on to the analysis of the visit itself!
First of all: big foreshadowing from Sam with the missing books (which Tommy admitted to not remembering the content of) and from Tommy saying how much he trusted and appreciated Sam. It doesn’t have much to do with the analysis, but we all pointed it out.
That said, what was Tommy’s objective with this visit? Closure. Tommy wanted to make their game finally stop for good, he wanted to reclaim the control over his life that he hasn’t had for a while now. Not over his literal last life nor over hid day to day life. Both used to be controlled by Dream. 
Dream “loosing” his clock is the first information we learn. But, remember during Bad’s visit when Bad convinced Sam to give Dream one last chance to get his clock back if he behaved? And then again with Sapnap? Dream wanted the clock to go, that’s why he kept burning it despite the warnings. Why? Could it be that he was planning to get someone to stay with him in there? Isolation affects you much harder when you’re not aware of the passage of time after all...
“That’s the Tommy I know!” from the start of the visit Dream is trying to re-establish their “bond” and get Tommy in the mindset of them being “friends” again. I mean, it’s not a coincidence that he’s never been this talkative or friendly in any of the visits from other people. 
Other point in favour of Dream having planned this long stay is the sheer number of potatoes he had stored. Also, may I add that he immediately started giving them to Tommy? He started before the tnt and explosions, before he should have known Tommy was gonna stay. He never did this before during any of the visits we’ve seen. Establishing his role as provider again like back in exile I see...
Dream also started immediately demanding for Tommy to visit him more, but Tommy does turn it down just as quickly by explaining that that would be the last visit (if Dream wasn’t planning to act this time, he changed his mind in this moment. He’s very adaptable remember? And his main accomplice was online...). Of course, Dream isn’t happy about it. 
We already established that Tommy is the only one he finds “fun” (as far as we know), having him stopping visitations entirely wouldn’t be good for Dream. There is also the fact that Tommy is deciding to move on on his own. It’s Tommy’s choice under Tommy’s complete control and Dream has already shown he’s not too kin on that being a thing.
“Anything you want to say to me now, you have to say to me now, because I’m not visiting you again” “Why?” I’m highlighting this piece of dialogue because I think it’s pretty indicative of Dream still being convinced that they’re both still playing the game. Sure, Tommy outplayed him for now, but the game is not over, is it? Tommy can’t just decide to drop him can he? They both have so much “fun” after all... 
Of course though, to Tommy the “why” should be obvious. Because of Dream he’s struggling with severe ptsd. He’s afraid of plains biomes, of lava, of heights to a certain degree, of black stone (both because of the Attachments vault and the Final Control Room on this one), of tnt, of small holes (big enough to drop your items in as he said), of giving up his stuff and of Dream acting Friendly. Dream hurt him a great deal to the point were he’s not managing to settle down even now, he’s still afraid. How can Dream not see how he hurt him? How can he not understand? In Tommy's mind it just doesn't make sense.
TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES (had to add this because it was just funny... why are there always bloopers with this 2?)
Potatoes again. Again the tnt had not started to go off yet. And Tommy eats them again immediately, of course. I can’t stress this enough, but this is done again to re-establish the dependency tommy had on Drem during exile. While he didn’t entirely depend on dream for food (he barely ate and he had Mushroom Henry), he used to be entirely dependent on him for protection, getting to the point where he would hardly defend himself from the mobs when they attacked him even when Dream wasn't around. Of course Dream can’t provide “safety” while he’s in prison, so he has to find something else.
“You had all this shit coming” “I did but... you know... maybe one day” “No! Have you seen this prison? It’s kind of the most secure thing ever” They are talking about two different things here. Dream is implying that, maybe, they’ll let him out in the future while Tommy, having already decided to move on and not worry about Dream anymore, is implying that the only way Dream is getting out is if he manages to escape, which he won’t. Quite different from the first visit were Tommy showed quite a bit of hesitance when asked if he would ever let Dream out.
“Unless you have extreme therapy” Tommy recognizing the importance of therapy I see! No, but, more importantly, this goes to show that Tommy is moving on from his exclusively vengful mindset he had at the start (which was more then understandable, btw). At the start of this visit he said he didn’t think that Dream deserved to die anymore and now he’s recognizing that he needs help, Tommy however also knows he’s not the one who should be helping him, he can’t. Still, he’s empathizing with him, because he can’t help doing so. Despite everything, Tommy always tends to see others as their own individuals, even when the same is often not true in reverse. 
“I mean exile wasn’t that bad... right? I mean, we hung out” again, tying it back to the themes in their relationship, this fits so well. Of course exile wasn’t that bad, right? After all: why would Tommy have needed anyone else when he had his Best Pal Dream? And here’s the thing: we can’t know how much of what Dream says is just manipulation and how much of it he believes, but Dream has shown enough signs of being dependent on Tommy as his only attachment that we can assume there is, at the very least, some level of truth in this. I mean, if you remember back when he blew up Logstedshire, he didn’t even wanna believe that Tommy was suicidal. Tommy told him directly, but was dismissed. Why? Not because Dream wasn’t extremely opposed to him taking his own life, he’d already shown that not to be the case. Perhaps because he actually didn’t think it was that bad? Maybe he didn't want to admit he pushed him too far? Did he actually view himself and Tommy to be Dream’s own twisted version of “friends”? It’s a possibility and it’s what this visit seems to imply. 
“When I’m around you I feel like my brain is conditioned to be your friend, but also when I have a knife I wanna just plunge it into your heart... you don’t make me a good person!” This seems to be a rather recurrent theme with Tommy and the mentor figures in his life. Wilbur trying to convince him (albeit not managing to) to just blow it all up and give in to his aggressive nature. Techno wanting to “bring him to the side of evil” and making him more violent in the process. Now we have confirmation that Dream himself makes him lash out more (though we could see this already when he was in exile in how he lashed out at Jack Manifold without the latter having done anything to deserve it). There is also the confusion to point out. While Tommy is trying to move on he’s clearly in no way “healed”, he’s still very much suffering from the consequences of Dream’s abuse and manipulation. He still doesn’t know exactly how to feel about him because, despite everything, he feels compelled not to hate him entirely. 
“You’re a bad guy” “Well I did bad things, but everyone thinks they’re right from their perspective” “That’s not true” I haven’t seen almost anyone talk about this exchange, but it’s such an important one! As we said, Tommy views Dream as a villain, Dream doesn’t (he admits to having done bad things, but not to being bad because of them). Dream also sees Tommy as a hero, but Tommy doesn’t (Tommy doesn’t even view himself as “the good guy” in his own story, which ties in to his big self worth problems). It’s an interesting dynamic to be sure. 
“Well I think I’m right. I did bad things, but I did them for good reasons” “What good reasons?” “I wanted to bring the server together you know? Make it a big happy family” This is the second time Dream brings up unity as his ultimate goal (the first being with Punz). Of course we know that the “unity” he wants it’s under his complete control. It’s not an objective that we can see as positive, but he does, or, at least, if he’s telling the truth about it, he may actually believe in it. Now, while this is the second time he brought up “unity” directly he did also strongly imply in the season 2 finale that that was his intention when explaining he was doing everything to get the server to “how it used to be”, back in the idealized past with no conflicts that never existed. Dream is deluded in the literal sense of the word, I would say it’s pretty probable there is at least some truth in his declared objective (truth in the form of him actually believing the bs he spews).
At this point Tommy is done. He’s drawing an end to the visit and Dream started getting more frantic. He started insisting on how he’s “changing” and insisting for Tommy to go visit him again. Ngl, I think this was probably to buy time for his accomplice (who is very possibly enderwalk!Ranboo) to get there. Because, if he let Tommy go, their game would truly be over, and Dream can’t stand that.
And cue the explosions! 
So: Dream managed to buy enough time and, by the prison's protocols, Tommy is now stuck with him up to 7 days. He can’t leave which means Dream gets another chance to force him into continuing their game. 
Quite a few people pointed it out, but, from this point onwards, Dream gets much more assertive and controlling in his demeanor. He drops the whole “insecure” act that he had going on in his enunciation and general behaviour and goes back to being like the old Dream (you would almost think that all that talk about “having changed” was just absolute bs, though he keeps insisting on it throughout) 
Tommy’s behaviour also changes. He gets much more paniked (no doubt a combination of way too many of his triggers being present at once) and pliant. He starts calling out for Sam and asking to be let out but, of course, that doesn’t happen as Sam has to take care of the security breach first and foremost. 
Dream starts immediately harping on Tommy being stuck there (probably to increase his panic, as he's easier to influence when he's distressed), first pointing out how “Sam can’t hear him” and then that the tnt must indicate a “security problem” (which he then explains he knows the consequences of because he wrote the book). By now he’s dropped his meek act entirely and he’s showing to be much more smug and self assured (a big contrast with Tommy having a very obvious panic attack). As we already said: he got what he wanted, he basically won already. All he needs to do now is get Tommy back to how he used to be in exile (”when they had fun” in Dream’s words...). 
At this point there is only one question left to be answered: Why did he do all of this? How does this benefits dream?
Clearly this didn’t help him to get out. The security may actually increase because of it. Right? Well...
“I mean... if you want a way to get out, let’s get out together! We can work it out, we can-” “Fuck off” “Then there is no way out” I’m going out on a limb here and saying that, perhaps, Dream may know a way to get out provided 2 people cooperate on it. Tommy wouldn’t help him yet, but, who knows what he may do after spending way too much time locked in a small room, with a lava fall on the side and Dream to top off the list of his worst nightmares... 
“Are you trying to get out?” “I’m not trying to get out, I’m not trying to get out!” a bit of a contradiction here, considering he proposed getting out together like 2 minutes before (coupled with his insistence on “one day...”)... however “I’m not trying to get out (yet)” may be a way to interpret his words more truthfully. If he just needed an accomplice to get out, he would have probably used Ranboo, but there is something else he wants as well... 
(btw, potatoes AGAIN multiple times, especially every time Tommy is particularly distressed, and Dream also brings up Tommy being on his last canon life again in the context of this being “just like exile”... man do be trying hard with those parallels...)
You see, he already told us that he still sees his objective as good. He still wants control. He still wants his game to go on. And there is one person he elected to be the key to everything...
“I’m telling you you’re stuck in here for a little while with me, were we can bond, we can talk, just like old times, right? You know... just like exile” “Tommy this is the best thing that’s happened to me since I got in this prison, because now we can be company, we can stay together!” “Fine, fine, you’re done with me in a couple days, when you get out of here” “Tommy it’s not that bad! We can- we have lot’s of time to bond” Ngl... something tells me his other objective is very obvious... and we talked about it to death by now. But, in case it wasn't clear to someone, he wants to get back what (or who in his case) he considers to be his most cherished possession (again, do NOT interpret this as a "good" thing. It isn't. Dream literally treats Tommy as his toy, it isn't healthy and I've seen way too many people in chat trying to imply otherwise and calling it "cute". It's not cute, it's abuse)
“Tommy you’re stuck in here with me wether you like it or not, ok?! Wether you like it or not you’re in here with me for a WHILE, we’re gonna talk, we’re gonna have lot’s of fun” I just wanted to point out again how much Dream’s demeanor changed from the start now that he’s back in control. He’s not asking Tommy to talk to him, he’s not giving him a choice in it. Tommy already said how he doesn’t wanna talk and “get to know him better”, but that doesn’t matter. He has no power anymore. He doesn’t have the power to leave NOR the power to ignore Dream, as much as he wants to. Also, after this, Dream seriously ramps up the whole “We’re gonna have so much fun!” shtick...
And you want to know the saddest part of the ending? Tommy is already cracking (honestly, not surprising. He’s been through WAY too much by now...) 
He started asking Dream for confirmation of whether all of this was “serious” (just like he needed to ask if things were real back in exile... or generally Dream’s opinion on everything). He also asked for more potatoes in a dejected tone (I know it may not seem that serious, but, as I said, it is just another way to create the dependency that Dream wants), showing a beginning of acceptance for Dream’s role as provider once again. Together with the very obvious “I can’t do this” and the black screen right after it creates a very worrying picture.
In conclusion: Dream is already dependant on Tommy, but the opposite not being true was a big part of his downfall. So, before he can get out, he has to work on getting Tommy back to exile!Tommy only this time he’ll be even more careful not to do some dumb mistake probably... 
As anxious as I am to see how this will develop I do also think it’s one of the most interesting outcomes they could have had!
Also can we please take a moment to appreciate how WELL cc!Dream anc cc!Tommy manage to handle this incredibly serious scenes? Like, they bounce off of each other perfectly and, as someone who’s done theater themselves, I cannot commend them for managing to do so well in IMPROV enough!
They are honestly so great! Let’s get some serious love and appreciation for them to close on a positive note!
Also @mysweatymakerstudentworld
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