iwaizumis-wife6690 · 3 years
[Iwaizumi x Reader]~When You Wear His Jersey
A/N-Part 2 of the Iwaizumi headcanon series ❤
When Iwaizumi unexpectedly confessed to you, it left you thinking. You felt happy that you knew you had a chance, you were excited to have him to yourself but you just hoped it would work out and that the team wouldn’t bug the 2 of you about it. As the end of the day rolled around, Iwaizumi met you at your locker again, wrapping his arms around you in a tight hug as he kissed your neck, and placed his volleyball jacket around your shoulders. 
“Well Hello Babe” you smiled, kissing him in return. 
“How was class?” He asked, happily. 
“Hard, huge essay due in a few weeks” you sighed. 
“I can help with that later” he smiled. 
“That would be nice, isn’t the game soon?” You questioned. 
“Yup, let’s get to the gym before the bus leaves” he smiled, grabbing your bags and holding your hand. 
“Alright Hajime” you smiled, gripping his hand tightly, and leaning up against him. 
As the 2 of you walked to the gym, you ran to grab the uniforms as Iwaizumi headed on the bus. Before you boarded, you secretly put his uniform on under your uniform, hoping he would let you keep it on. Although he needed it for the game. But you thought you looked cute with your boyfriends big and warm #4 on you. When you boarded the bus, you laid up against Iwa as they took you to the gym for the practice match. You fell asleep peacefully and Iwaizumi just so happened to take a picture without you knowing as he smiled proudly. 
As you all entered the gym to set up, you placed the bag with the jersey’s on the bench so the team could get them while you filled the water bottles. You didn’t forget about wearing Iwa’s either. You remembered all to well....When you came back, you could see Iwa moving around like crazy and the rest of the team sort of upset. In confusion, you went up to your boyfriend and spoke softly. 
“What’s wrong babe?” You asked, grabbing his shoulder to calm him down. 
“I can’t find my jersey and coach will have my head if I lost it” Iwa said, trying not to cry. 
“You lost the jersey? How?” You questioned, although you knew you had did. 
“Because it’s not in the bag, and everyone else has there’s” he said, angrily. 
“Oh, did you take it home with you yesterday?” You smirked, playing along with this. 
“No, they were never out during practice” he sighed, trying to think. 
“I didn’t take them home either, I didn’t check before we left either-” you paused, seeming like you forgot. 
“It’s not your fault, it might of fallen outta the bag as you grabbed them” he said, grabbing you towards him.
“Maybe...I’m sorry” you said, dipping into his chest. 
“Don’t be, I’ll just sit out” he said, guiding the both of you to the bench. 
“Or you can play now” you perked up.
“But I don’t have my-” iwa spoke but you cut him off, as you lifted your shirt. 
“-uniform?” You giggled, revealing it on your body, and taking off your jacket. 
“When did you-” he paused. 
“Before we left, I slipped it on as I grabbed them, is it cute?” You pouted. 
“Babe...It’s so cute on you” he said in hesitation, but smiled. 
“Thanks” you giggled. 
“Okay, let me take a picture with you in that before I take it back” he said, grabbing his phone, and taking the picture of you with his uniform. 
“Iwa, delete that!” You said, when he showed you. 
“It’ll be my background until we get more pictures, now can I have my jersey?” He asked, laughing and putting his phone away. 
“Fine, but I want it back-” you pouted, making a frowny face. 
“You can after the game, which is about to start” he said, taking it from you, putting it on and running onto the court. 
“I love you” he waved, blew a kiss, with a smile as he ran. 
“Good luck baby!” You said, then grabbing his jacket off the bench to steal, as you sat down with it on your body. What he doesn’t know, won’t kill him. That is...until he wants the jacket back :) 
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iwaizumis-wife6690 · 3 years
[Iwaizumi x Reader]~The Team Forces Him to Confess
A/N-This is the first story of the Iwaizumi Headcanon series ❤
Although you were a 1st year and Iwaizumi knew that, ever since you joined the boys team as a manager he couldn’t keep his eyes off you. At first he didn’t know what to make of it, he didn’t know if it was because you were there girl manager, if you were just super hot or what but all he knew is he had soon developed strong feelings for you that he intended to keep secret from you and the team. Although, his secret was soon revealed. 
One day when the boys were all in the locker room putting there gym clothes on, Iwaizumi was the only one missing from the group. Turns out he had worn his practice clothes under his school uniform so he could be the first one ready and come see you earlier than everyone else. Instead of being in the locker room with everyone, he was with you at your locker which was on the other side of the school. Oikawa was suspicious when he noticed Iwaizumi to be gone longer than he should, he took the time to go through his locker and as he did, he came across something very interesting. 
“Ooooo look what I found guys!” He yelled, reaching his hand out of his friends locker. 
“What are you yelling for?” Makki asked, as he tied his shoes. 
“What’s so exciting?” Mattsun said, expressionless. 
“Isn’t that Iwaizumi-senpai’s locker?” Kunimi questioned, pointing to the open door. 
“Yes well he isn’t here and I got news” Oikawa said, he was very hyper, holding a piece of paper in his hands. 
“What’s that piece of paper?” Yahaba asked. 
“It’s addressed to y/n” Oikawa winked. 
“Ooo, does he have a thing for her?” Makki said, getting intrested as well. 
“Let’s find out” Oikawa said, opening the letter. 
‘Y/n, you have no idea how I feel about you and I’m too afraid to say anything at fear of being rejected. For god sake’s, if it was so easy to get all the girls like shittykawa I would of confessed to you at the beginning of this season but it’s not. Well not for me at least. Everyday I watch you during practice and I can’t keep my eyes off you; when your struggling in a class I feel bad and want to help you but don’t know how to ask. If only you knew all of this, if only you knew how well I could treat you. I would treat you better than anyone I can think of. You deserve the world y/n, and I can only imagine that it was me giving it to you. All I want is a chance, and I know you’re a 1st year and I’m a 3rd year but I’m sure I could make it work, but I’ll never try unless I tell you these feelings. I’m not ready yet but one day will come when I’m able too. Sincerely, Iwaizumi Hajime’
As everyone stared around Oikawa, they didn’t know what to say. They all stood in shock. They each took a picture of the letter and put it back in Iwaizumis locker before he returned. As the boys finished getting ready, you and Iwaizumi were already on the court as he carried your bag. The rest of the team fallowed behind him and started the drills. You were doing your manager duties as Iwaizumi continued to look at you. 
When practice was over, you had gone home and the boys went to the locker room. “Hey Iwaizumi” Oikawa giggled. 
“What’s with you?” He asked, glaring at his friend. 
“Did you confess to y/n yet?” Makki said. 
“What?” Iwaizumi said, from his locker. Hiding his blushed face. 
“You know what were talking about” Mattsun said, showing his the image on his phone. Iwaizumi’s face was shocked. 
“I assume shittykawa went through my stuff and that’s how you guys got that?” He questioned. 
“Yup” Kunimi said. 
“Well like you read it, I haven’t had enough courage to tell her, and I don’t know how she feels” he admitted. 
“Well let’s see...If you don’t confess by tomorrow, none of us will show up to the game” Yahaba suggested. The team liked that idea. 
‘W-what??” Iwaizumi scoffed. 
“Do you have a choice?” Makki smirked. 
“Ugh fine...” Iwaizumi grabbed his phone, to your contact. 
Y/N ❤
Me-Hey y/n?
Y/n ❤-Something wrong? Did you leave something at the gym? I can go get it
Me-No no, the thing is..
Y/n ❤-Yes?
Me-I like you a lot..I was wondering if you’d give me a chance?
Y/n ❤-Iwaizumi-senpai I...I never expected this
Me-I understand if you don’t feel the same-
Y/n ❤-No, I like you too Hajime
That text shocked Iwaizumi. He showed the messages to his team and they started jumping about. 
Me-Alright, so go out with me after the game?
Y/n ❤-Sure I’d love too!
Me-Great :)
Although the team did force him to tell you how he felt, he didn’t regret it. He did need a push in the right direction. Now he had a new girlfriend, a person he hoped would be happy with him and hoped he would treat you the best he could for all he knew that you deserved. 
End Part 1~
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