#I was gonna ask their ship name but that’s just love story lol
the-squeege · 8 months
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this is how indomitable vows started… right @woolmasterleel ….
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crackedhrglass · 5 days
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i got this ask on my strawpage and was gonna type it up in my notes app and post it to twitter, but i really couldn't figure out a way to say it concisely, so i'm answering it here bc it's prob gonna be long lol.
do i think stancest is actually canon? simply put, no. despite how often i'm like "STANCEST IS CANON!!" i truly don't think that AH and the writers intended stan & ford's relationship to be seen through an incestuous lens.
their relationship is def the heart of the show, second only to dipper & mabel's own bond. they are the center of each other's worlds, their story & character arcs revolve almost entirely around each other, and their happy ending is literally the two of them sailing off into the sunset to spend "the rest of their days" together (ford says this almost word-for-word in journal 3).
but i still don't think all of that was meant to be taken romantically.
in my opinion, where things start to get a little weird is, surprisingly enough, ford's relationship with bill.
the rest is under a cut bc HOLY SHIT this got longer than i expected.
there's no denying that bill was written to deliberately parallel stan in a number of ways, from his mannerisms, to his conman status, to the fact that he calls ford the same name stan did when they were kids.
he's written in a very intentional way that makes him serve as both stan's parallel and his foil, especially in their respective relationships to ford (bill feeds into ford's ego and encourages him to aspire for greatness alone, stan has always been a direct obstacle & challenge to ford's ego, accidentally ruining his chances at WCT & encouraging him to live out their childhood dream together; bill valued infinite power over his own family and destroyed his dimension as a result, stan valued his family over everything, and saved ford and his dimension as a result).
normally, this wouldn't be that big of a deal to a stancest shipper like myself. but as the book of bill & the accompanying website all but confirmed in big, flashing neon lights, ford & bill have a romantic history and are exes.
having the two people closest to ford be compared to one another is one thing. having ford be drawn to bill because of how similar he is to the brother he secretly misses is one thing.
having ford be romantically involved with said character is what makes me raise an eyebrow lol.
again, do i think ford is literally a brocon who's got repressed sexual/romantic feelings for stan?
i do, however, think he has unresolved Brother Issues that led him to subconsciously find comfort in a romantic partner that reminded him of stan (right down to bill calling him stan's nickname for him) in much the same way a person with "daddy issues" may seek out affection & intimacy from someone who reminds them of their father (or is just "fatherly" in general).
that much, i believe, was actually intentional. it's just too blatant to not be lol. it'd be a completely different story if either
bill & stan were nothing alike (untrue) or
ford & bill's relationship was strictly platonic and didn't have any romantic implications (also untrue)
i've said this before, but this isn't just a case of "oh, ford fell in love with someone who just coincidentally reminds him of his brother." bill's use of the nickname "sixer" during their first encounter was a deliberate attempt at appealing to a part of ford that was repressed, vulnerable, and aching, in order to get ford's guard down and make it easier for ford to trust him, and it worked.
billford is a ship that, to put it bluntly, would not exist without ford's buried feelings for stan, even disregarding shipping/incest/etc. ford's desire to be close to stan even platonically is what allowed bill to needle his way into ford's heart in the first place.
and all of this wouldn't be that weird if, again, bill hadn't continued to feed into ford's longing for stan even after they'd established a romantic relationship, by still calling him "sixer" and trying to permanently sever the relationship he had with stan specifically, once he and ford broke up (the phone call he tried to make while in ford's body that was described in tbob).
to put it another way, imagine if wendy was basically an older, taller mabel, or if any of mabel's crushes were eerily similar to dipper. people in the fandom would def take notice and view it as a little strange. so i don't get how people can look at ford dating someone so blatantly and intentionally similar to stan and think to themselves "ah yes, this is normal. ford is completely Normal and definitely doesn't have any underlying issues whatsoever" lmao
to conclude: no, i don't think ford & stan's relationship is actually canonically romantic, nor do i think ford falling in love with bill was incestuous, necessarily.
but i do think that he had a desperate longing to reconcile with stan buried DEEEEEEP down, and it manifested itself in the form of being attracted to bill, which is probably why he never bothered correcting bill's use of the nickname "sixer" since their very first meeting, or ever expressed that it made him uncomfortable.
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ellaa-writes · 8 months
Henlo!! I just saw ur doctor/medic reader story and i feel like they would all want to hear the absolute crazy cases and gossip from reader
Im a student and i work in a large hospital/shadowing some doctors aswell and someday’s these crazy things happen randomly. In the least expected ways. From getting a sudden code stroke to seeing 🪱🪱on body parts to hospital staffs gossips in the med room. Its so random sometimes.
Imagine doctor reader casually telling the time she caught so and so cheating in an empty room in between 2 codes. And shes so chill about it like shes seen and heard enough but the Kortac officers r eating it up like listening to Nurse John’s podcasts😂
Reader: yk this reminds me of the time i did my trauma rotation in—
Konig: wait! Let me get my snacks and tea👀☕️
Hello!! Thank you <3 This is so silly I love it. Decided to have fun with it. It's kinda gross but hey that's what happens. Lol.
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It's going to be a rough day, you thought. Not even 2 hours into your shift you had two concussed idiots sitting in your waiting room. This is gonna be a long one, you started at noon and won't be done till 4am the next morning.
Clutching your coffee you prayed for a miracle, an alien ship or a metor. Either one would do.
Later that evening, specifically dinner time. You were the last to arrive, having to help hold down a patient as another medic stitched up a gash on his forehead.
"I know, I know." you said as you sat you lunch down in front of your chair. Running off to grab a much needed coffee. It was your turn for the over night shift. It wasn't a bad shift, just babysitting the wounded soldiers that are currently being held. Coming back and setting yourself into your spot, digging into your food without a cause to the wind.
"You guys won't believe my day." you started off, slurping down your heart spaghetti. "Some rookies decided to play chicken and now they both have a concussion. And one probably memory loss. Couldn't even tell me his name." you shook your head, recalling the incident. "Than Hutch came in, complaining that he can feel worms crawling in him. I had to explain four times to that dense mother fucker that worms can not survive stomach acid." you stopped to take a big gulp of coffee. "But he wouldn't listen, said it wasn't in his stomach but inside his skin. Ran some blood tests and no hallucinogenic. But he could have fooled me." you didn't realise you were blabbing until you looked up from your plate to see a few of your team members surpressing their laughs.
"What?" you asked, mouth full of spaghetti. "Why don't you chew a bit more." one of them offered. Making the other laugh, "Oh fuck off." you spat. "Anyways, had to give Hutch an xray just to prove there's no damn worms in him." you explained.
"An xray? Does that-" you cut them off. "No, not at all. But it shut him up." they all bursted out laughing. "It reminds me of a patient I had back at the ER. Complaining about his ass itching. The other nurses weren't taking him seriously. Just sent him to the bathroom with some baby wipes." you stopped abruptly, this might not be a good dinner story.
"Oh come on Katze, don't get all shy on us now." König said, you didn't even notice he was there. You also didn't notice the rest of the mess hall getting quiet to listen to your story.
"Oh, well we're eating." you tried to explain but was met with loud booing. "Fine, fine." you yelled back. Wiping your mouth, your food finished, you pushed the tray away from you.
"Ok, so they sent him to the bathroom and he came back later saying he can still feel them."
"Them?" Horangi interrupted, and was followed by shushing. "Damn, sorry. Continue." he slinked back into his chair.
" So they put him in a room, told him to strip from the waist down. Another trainee and myself were assigned to this case along with a RN. She had him lay on the side has she spread his ass cheeks. Like you would a child." you stopped from dramatic affect. Watching as your tream and the rest of mess hall looked on in anticipation.
"We saw nothing. So she took a swab, had me spread this grown man's cheeks as she inserted it into the recum, shoveling out what ever was in side. Still nothing." a few people got up and left and others choking back a gag.
"She wet had him pop a squat over the trash can and cough. Sure enough a worm came shooting out. So did some green chunks, thankfully they were just some cucumbers. Guess the guy stole a cucumber from his neighbors garden not knowing it was infested with worms. He shoved the thing right up and it broke. He was like that for 2 weeks, worms up the ass. Still not the craziest thing I experienced, let me tell your that." you reached for your tray, but König took it for your instead.
"A cucumber up the ass?" Horangi asked. "I've seen people shove all sorts of thing up their butt. Idk what it is or why but it's way to common." you threw your finished coffee cup in the trash.
"Sorry I gotta get back. The results for mister chicken should be in by now." you said you goodbyes and waved to others, rushing out of the lunch hall.
"What a women." König said, hearts in his eyes.
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carlyraejepsans · 1 year
speaking of dr, there's something that really annoys me about how shallow the ship discourse around kr4lsei is. I'm not sure I'm 100% behind this for the same reasons i doubt toby will go full in with noelle's mom being abusive, ie "those are very delicate and complex topics to handle, does he have the time and space to deal with them in deltarune's story?" so take this with a grain of salt.
(warning for brief mention of incest, so I'm putting this under a readmore)
i think the discourse being framed as "thinking ralsei is presented as a romantic interest" vs "thinking ralsei is compared to kris' brother or like a family member" is incredibly stupid because those are... both true at the same time. yes, there's an unskippable "tunnel of love" scene, and it looks like ralsei could have somewhat of a crush on kris. but ralsei still 1) looks just like a dreemurr, 2) clearly plays, as a character, on our feelings and memories of asriel from playing undertale, as evident by their designs and their names being anagrams 3) i am 99% sure Noelle was going to say "that kinda looks like asriel" while looking at him eating cotton candy with Susie, and Susie herself suggests telling toriel he's "a long lost cousin". either way, if ralsei is meant to play on our feelings towards asriel, then as asriel's sibling, kris is likely gonna feel similarly.
are you uncomfortable? good! you should be. that's the point.
it's not random that the snowgrave route was framed and portrayed with the imagery of a wedding. first the freezering, then the thorn ring are explicitly compared to wedding rings. "we're just friends"/"we're something else". "YOU'VE BEEN MAKING [hyperlink blocked (...LoVE?)], HAVEN'T YOU?" noelle with whom kris had a strained relationship, whose feelings (platonic? romantic? we don't know) we brute force in what is the most chilling, manipulative, cruel iteration of chapter 2's story we could take... it's almost as if deltarune uses kris being forced into romantically coded situations they're deeply uncomfortable with as a way to showcase their lack of agency in the story.
and being pushed into romcom-like situations with a guy who looks like their brother works pretty darn well to follow that pattern, if you ask me.
now, if a forced romance with noelle represents their lack of agency in regards to the player, then... a forced romance with ralsei could represent their lack of agency towards Fate. The Plot/Story. unskippable cutscene, remember? not to mention ralsei's whole purposepilled shtick he clearly has a complex about.
this does raise a couple of questions about susie though, as the third option in the "who would you take to the fair with you" question, the one option kris seems to agree with, as well as being a character who is actively resisting the narrative.
because there's people who are very much FOR krusie, just as there are people against it, i doubt their getting or not getting together would work to represent kris gaining their agency back. and i believe i speak for everyone when i say that susie is going to play a huge part in that arc. either way, i'm curious to see how this develops.
idk! like i said, I'm not sure just how much toby is gonna go into this because it IS a very delicate subject. but it's an example of what i mean when i say "there's more to fandom than shipping" and "fixating so hard on Shipping Good Things" can be detrimental to analysis. I'm not cancelling anyone with this post, go on doing your thing whether it's kr4lsei or r4lsusie or krus1e. but if your first thought going into this was "I'm gonna ignore the part where the game compares ralsei to asriel because that would make my ship incest and that is Bad and uncomfortable" then... that's a very cheap way to interact with media? lol. sometimes being uncomfortable IS the point. god knows utdr makes you uncomfortable on purpose sometimes. ok rant over :P
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newtdrawz · 1 year
Outsider HC's but they're mainly about Ponyboy,, cuz he is my fav,,
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Most of these are just Pony interacting with the gang and his brothers 😭 are they gonna be OOC? Probably. Do I care? No. Am I right abt all of these? Yes. (No.)
ALSO alot of them are post-main story/mention Dally and Johnny's death a lot cuz I am unable to let my favs be happy 🫶 (! None of these are ships btw,, they're all platonic and stuff lol)
Ponyboy & Johnny
Johnny and Pony regularly have conversations quietly around the gang, most of the time they have a whole conversation with just a couple looks and jerks of their head. They both seem to get what they're saying while the rest of the gang is completely lost on what they're saying/talking about.
Pony is the only one who calls Johnny, J as a nickname.
"We're not scared because monsters don't live here." Was a sentence said many, many time in the abandoned church.
Pony and Johnny can lie pretty well, but when they have to lie together they suck.
Ponyboy & Dally (ft. Johnny)
After Johnny and Dally died Pony stopped drawing and reading or writing for awhile. He picked it up again and his sketchbook is full of doodles and sketches of Johnny and Dally.
Dally has a soft spot for only Johnny and Pony. It takes a lot for him to get soft with the rest of the gang. He's still mean and tough but more just teasing with Johnny and Pony.
Before the fire Pony would read out loud all the time while Johnny would just sit and listen, sometimes Dally would listen too but interrupt with questions and criticizing the characters. Now that they're both gone, Pony will sometimes read out loud on his own, pretending that both Johnny and Dally are there listening.
Dally is very supportive of Ponys hobby in art. He's usually the one who catches him sketching or painting and just watches until Pony is either finished or notices he's being watched. Dally always nods in greeting and says "keep it up, kid." Or "nice job, kid." But Dally will brag to his other buddies that aren't the gang about how talented the kid is. ("Nah man, the kid draws from memory. He drew this one picture of his big brother, yeah the big big one, looked exactly like him. Like a photograph almost. Kids real talented.")
Ponyboy & Steve
Steve says he can't stand Pony and is mean to him, but Steve is very high on the list of people who care about Pony. He's the most frantic (mostly angry) one next to Soda when Pony got jumped. He secretly cares about him a whole lot, like he's his own brother.
Steve will give Pony rides to places or offer rides time to time. (He only does it if Pony's gone awhile without annoying him lol)
Steve (and Soda, but surprisingly it was Steve's idea) took Pony to his first drag race. He definitely should have not been there.
Ponyboy & Two-bit
Two-bit and Steve started sitting in and listening to Pony read, they're not Johnny and Dally but Pony appreciates it nonetheless.
Two-bit was actually so obsessed with toddler Ponyboy, he always insisted on bringing him with the gang and letting him in on games, he always wanted a little brother. He loved how easy Pony was to entertain and make laugh.
Two-bit was the only one who didn't think twice about Pony and Soda's names.
Two-bit sometimes steals art supplies for Pony.
Ponyboy & Sodapop
When Pony would visit the DX Soda would walk him through fixing a car and even let him help out on small stuff. Even Steve would help too.
He'll leave notes everywhere for Pony and Darry and sometimes the gang. They're either dumb jokes or funny little drawings.
Soda gets very excited when Pony asks him anything abt cars, he'll talk for hours abt them.
Soda was so obsessed with Pony when he was born, all he wanted to do was hold him and hang out with him. He would brag to Darry that he's not the only big brother now lol.
Ponyboy & Darry (I'm so obsessed with their dynamic & their growth)
"Dang it Ponyboy you're giving me gray hairs at 20!" Is a regular sentence said at the Curtis residence.
Darry always tells the other guys to be careful with Pony when they're rough housing. Pony thinks it's cuz he doesn't want them to break anything in the house, Darry just doesn't want Pony to get hurt.
Toddler Pony would follow Darry and Soda/the gang everywhere but mainly Darry. If Darry was doing homework in his room then boom Pony would be in there quietly playing or sleeping on Darry's bed.
Darry regularly cuts Soda, Pony and his own hair. They don't have the privilege of going somewhere to do it so Darry just does it and he does surprisingly well. It's a whole day activity.
The night after Dally and Johnny died Pony had trouble sleeping, even though soda was there. The first person he went to for comfort was Darry. Darry was in the kitchen cleaning, trying to distract himself when Pony walked in. Darry held him in his arms the rest of the night.
On the first father's day without their parents Pony makes a card with a drawing of him and Darry on it and leaves it on the kitchen table for him because he's embarrassed. Darry keeps it forever. (He did get very emotional over it but not infront of anybody. When he got home he hugged Pony, smiled and walked away. Those actions spoke a thousand words between the two and Pony knew he said thanks.)
That's all 🥹 (for now 😦)
I will be doing more of these 🙏 I wanna try to do individual characters cuz ik some here didn't have a lot as well as ALL of these being pony centric and I love them all lol
OH ALSO feel free to add on to these (or ask me about them) or add your own HC's cuz I love outsider headcanons ❤️
Also can you tell I love when Dally and Steve are nice to pony lol? Love it. Love the idea that Steve actually cares abt him and shows it sometimes or Dally caring just as much abt him. THEY ARE ALL A HUGE FAMILY YOUR HONOR 🧑‍⚖️🧑‍⚖️🧑‍⚖️🧑‍⚖️🧑‍⚖️ I'm also so obsessed with Darry and Pony,,, they are so,,, complicated sibling relationships get me everytime
Are some of these good? Probably not. Do they make sense timeline and story wise? No and idc. Am I so normal about them? Yes. Most of these are based of fanfic versions of them anyways so yeah
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beautifulfuckup99 · 1 year
Girlllllllll I just love yooouuuu
Can we get a Yoongi smut where he is older than the reader and that makes him protective, possessive yet obsessed boyfriend.
i cant get enough of this man 🥵🥵🥵
Yes, ma'am!
Title: Bored.
Warning(s): Age-Gap Relationship, Dom!Yoongi, Sugar Zaddy!Suga (lol), Daddy K!nk, Age-P!ay (Nothing too weird lol)
Author's Note: Age gap is gonna be 10 years, and this is a ;Non-Idol!AU', But it IS a 'Rich!bfYoongi' fic. So enjoy!
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Knock Knock
Yoongi sighs deeply as he looks up from the huge amount of paperwork that he needed to go through before Monday's big meeting. "Yeah?" He calls out and the door opens slowly to reveal his beautiful girlfriend of about a year and a half now. He pauses and leans back in his chair as he eyes his college-aged sweetheart. "Y/N Y/L/N. To what do I owe this visit?" He teases a bit and Y/N smiles shyly.
"Hi, baby!" Y/N sings as she bounces into the room wearing the blue, thinned-strapped, sundress Yoongi had gotten shipped out from Italy for their one-month anniversary. Yoongi lets his eyes wonder her outfit and hair that clearly had just gotten done up.
Looking at Yoongi and Y/N, you'd think this was a simple "sugar baby" situation, but the two were actually extremely content in their relationship. And they had met in probably one of the most random ways ever.
They had the same coffee order.
Yoongi loved to go back on the memory because it was just so random, yet Y/N swore it was something you only read about in a fucking Nicolas Sparks' book.
Story was simple: Yoongi had recently gotten in touch with a client who wanted to meet at the new Starbucks that had opened up a few blocks from some random college campus, the same campus Y/N was attending. Yoongi, being head of the company, knew that they couldn't lose this deal, so he went early to snatch a table and order the coffees for him and the man he was meeting with. The girl in front of him in the line smelled of vanilla, and she was wearing the sexiest outfit Yoongi had ever seen. She caught his eye the second he walked in.
Now, pause.
Because Y/N always laughs when Yoongi makes that part of the story known when telling it to strangers that ask. Mostly because the "sexy" outfit Yoongi spoke so highly of was just a pair of black sweatpants and a dark blue tank top. She'd rolled out of bed and dragged her half-asleep self down to the coffee shop for a wakeup call in a cup. But according to Yoongi, Y/N just wore those sweats and that tank top in such a... "Confident way".
So anyway.
As Yoongi was on the phone with the client he'd be meeting with, he hears the name of the coffee he'd ordered. Only, both he and Y/N walked over to grab the drink at the same time. That is when they actually noticed each other.
Y/N had giggled bashfully and put her hand down, giving Yoongi a shy apology since she hadn't checked the name before going for the cup, but Yoongi only smiled at the girl standing in front of him, assuring her that the coffee was all hers. He knew right then and there; he loved the back and front of this girl. Which doesn't usually happen...
Yoongi introduced himself, and Y/N did the same before walking off to a corner of the coffee shop after assuring again that she could wait for her order. The fact that she'd seen the Rolex, seen the suit, seen the all black American Express card he'd pulled out to offer to pay for a bakery item for her, and she still politely declined and walked away? That held Yoongi's attention more than any girl had in years. After a while of waiting at the counter, a worker put down another cup of coffee and Yoongi noticed the name on it.
This was her order...
That's when he got the idea...
After making sure no one was watching, he grabbed a pen from his suit pocket, and wrote down a small message along with his number before putting it back on the countertop casually. Just as he'd hoped, another worker came by, saw the cup and called out the name of the person to come and take their coffee. He saw Y/N walk over and grab her cup as his client walked in, walking over to greet him.
He noticed from over the man's shoulder how Y/N moved the cup around to look at all of the Christmas designs on it before choking on her sip. She looked around the coffee shop and Yoongi tried to stiffen his laughter as her eyes went to each and every person in the room before they locked with his.
'You?' He remembers Y/N mouthing to him, and Yoongi gave a smirk before turning all attention back to his meeting. The two talked through phone calls and text messages after that, and when Y/N was on Christmas break from college, Yoongi surprised her with tickets to Paris. While out there for those two weeks, Y/N and Yoongi made love every night. When they weren't doing that, he was taking Y/N shopping, always loving her in clothes he'd bought her. Made him feel better about ripping them off later.
"I missed you today..." Y/N says shyly and Yoongi smirks knowingly.
At the beginning of their time together, Yoongi had learned something about Y/N that really turned him on. Y/N was into something that not a lot of people would understand, but Yoongi definitely tried to. See, Y/N was into a sort of age play kink. It didn't go too far, but basically, she loved to be taken care of. She even called Yoongi 'Daddy' out of the bedroom at times because to her, Yoongi was the dominate one in their relationship. And Yoongi wouldn't have it any other way...
Yoongi had done research and realized that people like Y/N actually existed. Now, as stated before, Y/N wasn't too hardcore with the kink. She didn't wear adult diapers or crawl around on the floor, or wear onesie pajamas. She did, however, own a one-piece pajama with Yoongi, but that was a different story. Y/N just seemed to submit very easily to Yoongi though.
"Did you really miss me, baby?" Yoongi asks softly as he watches his girlfriend change her balance from one foot to the other.
"Are you busy?" Y/N asks gently, not really answering Yoongi's question. He takes note of that...
"Depends. What do you want, baby girl?" Yoongi asks as he takes off his reading glasses and rubs his eyes before putting them back on. A blush forms on Y/N's cheeks from the nickname.
"I finished classes earlier today because of some weather alert. I'm all bored..." Y/N says with a sigh as she sits down on the chair that was set on the other side of Yoongi's desk in his home office. Yoongi looks out the floor-to-ceiling window and pauses when he's met with the sight of a grey sky and heavy rain. How long had he been on autopilot?
"Huh. Will you look at that..." He mutters to himself, and Y/N rolls her eyes at his dad behavior. "Well, did you do all of your assignments?" Yoongi asks as he picks up a piece of paper to start reading from again. Y/N eyes her "old man" for a boyfriend with humor in her eyes.
"Yes, daddy." Y/N mutters but pauses when Yoongi doesn't look up at the nickname. It makes her feel slightly sad that he wasn't giving her attention.
"Well, then, make yourself at home, baby. Go watch some TV." Yoongi suggests and Y/N stiffens a groan.
"I don't think there's anything on right now, daddy." Y/N states certainly, causing Yoongi to finally look up at her from the piece of paper in his hands. He sighs and puts the paper down on the desk along with his reading glasses.
"So, you're bored..." Yoongi begins, as if trying to help Y/N out with her problem. Y/N nods her head quickly. "And what do you want me to do about that, baby?" Yoongi asks as he leans back in his chair again.
"Mm..." Y/N hums as she thinks about it. "Let's go on an adventure!" She finally says, tone full of excitement.
Yoongi chuckles at his little fireball, always wanting to travel to different places, see different things. "I can't right now. We're going somewhere Monday baby, after my meeting, remember?" He asks casually.
"Yeah..." Y/N sighs in disappointment. "But... Can't we just go today?" She asks, hope laced in her voice.
Yoongi had promised Y/N a trip to Brazil for her spring break, but then he had to call an important meeting for Monday to discuss some "important business thing", Y/N wasn't really listening when Yoongi was telling her about it...
"No, Y/N. I have to attend this meeting. I don't want to hear any more about it, or we won't go, ok?" Yoongi warns, already stressed with trying to figure out this month's company budget.
"But daddy, I-" Yoongi cuts Y/N off.
"What did I just say?" He asks in a stronger tone, getting annoyed that Y/N wanted to bother him about some trip, but even more annoyed about all of this paperwork showing up on his desk first thing this morning because of his idiot of a secretary who forgot to give it to him last week. Yoongi was just stressed out, and Y/N was not helping.
Y/N sets her jaw tight, knowing not to argue back, but Yoongi was acting so dismissive, and she'd been dealing with a lot too. Finals, big projects, constant studying and she was beginning to feel burned out. "Whatever. Maybe Adam isn't as busy..." Y/N finally mutters as she stands up. This catches Yoongi's attention.
"Who?" He asks. It's not that he had misheard her, he was just giving her a chance to get out of what she just said. Adam was Y/N's ex-boyfriend, but still a 'good friend' of hers, according to what she'd told Yoongi. They'd still hang out whenever Yoongi was too busy for Y/N, much to his dismay.
"I said... Maybe Adam isn't busy. Since it's clear you want me to leave you alone." Y/N says with a bit of an attitude, her eyes looking Yoongi up and down.
"Y/N." Yoongi warns, unamused by her bratty behavior. "You can stay right here." He says.
"Oh? And watch you stare at a piece of paper? I wanna go out!" Y/N huffs as she stomps her foot instinctively.
Yoongi stares at the 22-year-old girl in front of him, stomping her foot due to not getting what she wants. "Are... You have to be fucking with me. You are acting like the most spoiled brat I have ever met!" He growls.
"Please. Like it isn't your fault." Y/N mutters, arms crossed.
"What was that?" Yoongi asks. In a way, Y/N wasn't lying. Yoongi spent their whole first few months together spoiling Y/N. Taking her to different places, buying her only the best, introducing her to different important people. And Y/N would, obviously, throw a fit whenever he'd do these grand gestures for her, or her friends, or even her family a few times, but Yoongi always ignored her rants on how she didn't need that new diamond necklace, or that nice looking car, or that custom made gown for a high-end dinner date.
"I said... It's your fault." Y/N repeats, staring at Yoongi in a challenging way, making him sit back in his chair, eyeing her in the same manner.
"Listen to me, Y/N. And listen closely. You are going to sit your ass down in that seat, and if I hear one more word out of you..." Yoongi trails off in a threatening tone, making Y/N roll her eyes and sit back in her seat with a soft huff.
And it's finally silent.
Y/N stares at her hands in her lap as she replays Yoongi's words over and over again in her head. And who the hell was he to challenge her!? It was her mouth! Her voice! She didn't need to listen to that grouchy old man. A sly smirk comes on to her face at that thought. Yeah. He was a cranky, old, boring man. What would he do? Excitement rushed through Y/N's body at the thought.
"One. More. Word." Y/N finally says slowly, and Yoongi is quick to throw the packet that was in his hand down on to the desk with a glare.
"You think you're so funny, don't you." Yoongi says as he pushes his chair back from the desk. "Over my knee now." He orders, and Y/N smiles brightly.
"Finally! Something to do!" She taunts as she makes her way over to Yoongi, who looks about ready to lose it at this point.
"Something to do, huh?" Yoongi mutters as he reaches out when Y/N is close enough and grabs her arm, yanking her to bend over his lap. Y/N takes note of the nice-looking black slacks Yoongi was wearing with a red wine-colored polo shirt tucked in. His black hair was slicked back, and he just smelled of power and success. Actually, that was Boy Chanel, but still...
"You think getting me all worked up like this is 'something to do'?" Yoongi growls before flipping up her dress and firmly rubbing her ass, feeling the flimsy lace under his palm. Y/N pants softly at the feeling, bracing herself when his hand slips away only to come right back down, slapping just under Y/N's left butt cheek, making her whimper softly. Yoongi rubs that spot he just slapped before doing it again on the other ass cheek, harder this time.
"Oh! D-Daddy..." Y/N whimpers a bit louder, as if trying to draw out some pity from her boyfriend.
"Oh no you don't..." Yoongi smirks. "Don't try and act all innocent now." He says tauntingly, and Y/N can feel herself soaking through her pair of red lacy boy shorts at the tone of voice her daddy was using with her.
Yoongi smacks Y/N's thighs a few more times before hitching the sundress up a little more to look at her ass, groaning at the sight of her underwear snuggled between her plump ass. "Fuck, I'm gonna make your ass the same color as those pretty little undies, baby girl..." Yoongi whispers as he lifts his hand again, but this time, he waits for a response from Y/N.
"Daddy... Daddy... Please." Y/N whins as a response, and that does it for Yoongi. Y/N yelps, and her body basically jerks from how hard the smack to her ass is.
"Beg for more." Yoongi orders, and Y/N moans more at the thought of begging for pain.
"M-More... Please, daddy. More! Give me more! I-I swear I'll be your good girl again..." Y/N pleads, moaning when another slap is delivered to her plump ass cheek. "Oh god, daddy..." Y/N gasps.
"What do you want, baby girl?" Yoongi whispers, wanting to hear his slut of a girlfriend say the words.
"Daddy..." She tries, shyly, but Yoongi knows it's all a show. When Y/N is horny, there's no room for shyness. "Oh, daddy. P-Please make me feel good. It aches." She pouts, and Yoongi smirks.
"Stand up, baby. Bend over my desk." Yoongi says, and Y/N is quick to follow orders. "Now." Yoongi begins when Y/N is bent over his desk, shaking eagerly. He stands up and moves behind her to grip her hips hard. "What do you say to daddy for acting like a brat?" He whispers as he presses against her crutch.
She moans at the pressure on her clit, knowing better than to move her hips though. "I-I'm sorry, daddy..." Y/N pants, the side of her face pressed against the cold wooden desk.
"Sorry for what, baby girl?" Yoongi asks as he lets his hands run up and down the sides of Y/N's body. Staying still against her, and it was torture for him too. Mostly because he could feel her juices leaking through her thin underwear and wetting his pants too.
"I-I'm sorry for being such a bad girl, daddy." Y/N whispers as she moves ever so slightly so the apparent bulge is harder against her clit, making Yoongi smack her ass again. The sting felt so good...
"Keep going." Yoongi orders as he pulls back to really spread her legs and see how wet she really was.
"Daddy..." Y/N says, as if embarrassed. Yoongi swats at her clit through her underwear and it makes her bundle of nerves throb harder. "Oh god! Daddy! I-I'm sorry! I-I'm... I acted like a... A spoiled brat." She whines.
"Mm... That's more like it. There's daddy's little girl." Yoongi teases before reaching a hand down to his secret drawer where he usually kept a few toys just in case he and Y/N ended up having a little bit of fun in his home office. He pulls out some black underwear and then tosses them in front of Y/N, on the desk.
"Take off those boy shorts, and sit on my desk, legs spread." Yoongi instructs, and Y/N was quick to follow orders. With her legs spread, and pussy on full display as she leans back on his desk, Y/N waits for Yoongi to do... Something. Anything. Feeling her desperation, Yoongi moves Y/N's legs, so her feet are planted on the desk, her knees bent, and legs spread wider.
"Mm..." Yoongi smirks, stepping back to admire his girl fully. "See what happens when you shut the hell up? You make daddy happy." Yoongi taunts as he reaches out and lazily rubs Y/N's throbbing clit with two fingers. "Always so wet for me." He mumbles to himself, making Y/N shiver softly. He then leans down, softly licking at her clit, tonguing it like a cat drinks milk.
"Mm... God... Daddy!" Y/N moans, trying to keep her hips down since Yoongi trained her better than that. She wanted to make him proud. Yoongi slowly slides his tongue into Y/N's pussy, loving the way her hole clenched around it as if trying to make it stay. He begins moving his tongue in and out slowly.
"Daddy, please!" Y/N whines and Yoongi can only smirk. What happened to his little brat? Melted away he actually showed her attention. She was just too adorable to ever stay mad at...
Moving his tongue faster, Yoongi also adds two of his fingers to rub at Y/N's clit. Y/N throws her head back as moans spill from her lips effortlessly, uncontrollably. She never had to fake it with this man. He knew her body like it was his. It was his. Yoongi can't help but chuckle at the desperate moans of his lover, and the vibrations of said chuckle shoot through Y/N like a firework.
"Fuck! Daddy! Oh, daddy! Please... Please! I'm so... So close, daddy!" Y/N pleads, and when he feels her body begin to tremble, Yoongi pulls away, making the girl sprawled out on the desk gasp. "Daddy!" Y/N shouts in anger. Yoongi growls slightly, grabbing Y/N by the back of her head and yanking her hair so she was forced to look up at the ceiling.
"Wanna try that again?" Yoongi whispers against Y/N's neck, and Y/N moans before shaking her head as much as she can with him still gripping her hair.
"I... I'm... S-Sorry, daddy." Y/N stumbles over her words as she speaks, and Yoongi wants to laugh at how easily she submits.
"Here." He says, handing the pair of underwear to Y/N who bites back a whine of frustration. She gets off the desk to put on the new underwear. "Now, sit." Yoongi continues, motioning to the chair on the other side of the desk where she'd once sat. Y/N huffs under her breath and walks over to the chair. As soon as she sits down, Yoongi grabs the remote that went with the underwear and presses the green button.
Y/N gasps and shoots up from the seat as her underwear begins to vibrate. "Oh no you don't. You will sit there, and every time you're close to cumming, you will tell me." Yoongi orders. As Y/N trembles where she stands. Her clit was already sensitive, and having a vibrator pressed against it wasn't helping much. Well, actually, it was dulling the ache a bit.
"A-And... I-If I don't?" Y/N asks breathlessly as she slowly sits back down.
"If I see you cum, your punishment will be more than just a few smacks. Do I make myself clear?" Yoongi asks, and Y/N quickly nods. "Good girl." He says as he fixes his hair and wipes the sides of his mouth before sitting back down at his desk, putting his glasses back on as well.
"For... H-How long?" Y/N whimpers out as she begins to move her hips with the vibration before catching herself. With a deep gulp she gives in to making her daddy proud. "D-Daddy... I-I'm close..." She shivers. Yoongi presses the red button on the remote and calmly takes this time to answer Y/N's question.
"For however long it'll take me to read all this goddamn paperwork." He states. "You may moan..." He says, making Y/N blush at him giving her permission to do a basic reaction. "It'll help make this whole thing more... Interesting for me. But you may not cum... That's for later." He continues before pressing the green button to turn it back on, making Y/N melt back in her seat.
"There are different levels on this thing. I think I should start you off on a... 5. What do you think?" Yoongi teases, and Y/N gasps, grabbing onto the arms of the chair as stronger vibrations rage against her throbbing clit.
"Oh! And tell me something baby girl..." Yoongi begins as he grabs the packet he'd been trying to read earlier.
"Mm..." Is all Y/N can master in reponse.
"Are you still bored?" Yoongi asks as Y/N throws her head back, a loud moan leaving her parted lips, making Yoongi lean back in his chair. "Guess not..." He chuckles to himself before going right back to reading.
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kenny for the ask meme 🧡
Fantastic. Let's get the most important one out of the way🧡🧡 The silliest little booger🫶🫶🫶
Favorite thing about them:
Two things; his unwavering kindness and his immortality.
I love how kind and sweet and charitable he has remained despite, or maybe because of, all the horrors that he's been through. He could've become a cynical asshole and I wouldn't blame him, but instead he dedicated his time caring for his sister, become a symbol of hope for South Park and become a philanthropist once he became rich enough to afford it.
His immortality is just a dope fucking concept and I have so many different AUs and stories in progress where it's the centered topic. It just fascinates me i love it
Least favorite thing about them:
Literally nothing. I love all his ugly ass booger attributes. Even his stupid ass hair dryer side profile. Maybe I hate that he doesn't have enough episodes where he's the main character
Favorite Line:
"Yeah, people don't even care if shit's dumped everywhere. Everyone just loves technology."
"Sometimes, people do stupid things. Sometimes they don't realize what should have come first. Until it's too late."
(Sorry I couldn't pick just one. He's my favorite little guy.)
Kenny & Kyle >:))) their friendship is SO unexplored even though they have so much canon potential. The fact that Kenny went to Kyle to get his help as Mysterion "because I think you are the smartest kid in class" is so telling for how much he respects Kyle. Then also that Kyle is the one to initiate Kenny's cheesing intervention in the major boobage episode speaks for how Kyle cares for him. And the "I can't die" "It's not pretty cool, Kyle, it fucking hurts!" conversation is so juicy and full of interesting conflict potential. Maybe that's why K2 are the dynamic that receives arguably the most attention in my fic🫶
Also Kenny & Tweek. SO MUCH untapped potential in that dynamic.
And Kenny & Cartman!!! They're such interesting foils in every way, the "fat ugly mean kid and the detached loner poor kid", both the poorest kids at their schools and both with a fascinating dynamic with Butters. They're best friends and rivals, they're each other's biggest haters and somehow have a soft spot for each other too.
Kenny and Butters. I'm not gonna elaborate because I'd be sitting here all day but if I could summarize it I'd point you to Mysterion vs Chaos, the fact that Paladin Butters had a canon crush on princess Kenny in TSOT, their canon sugar daddy/baby dynamic in post covid when Butters literally scammed everyone else in his path, and the fact that I love tragic characters finding joy and wonder in each other.
Can't really say any bc Kenny has interesting dynamics with everyone lol but if I have to name popular romantic ships that I just don't see I'd name Crenny and Stenny shjshsk SORRY
Random Headcanon:
He loves food and eats FAST like a starving animal (licking his fingers afterwards and everything) he's not exactly the kid your mom would love for his dinner table manners
Unpopular Opinion:
He isn't suave or handsome. IRKS me when he's a big ladies' man in fics. He's stinky and not an overly smooth flirt; any attention he gets from girls is because he's genuinely kind and sweet
Song I associate with them:
Favorite Picture of Them:
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He's such a wannabe mysterious little fucker
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boxerharrys · 2 months
The New Girl Spencer x F Reader part 2
sorry for any spelling mistakes or punctuations missing! and I'm not the best at writing but I was excited to get this out!
(also side note I bought something off of Spencers Depop today and he shipped today as well. So I sent a message on there saying thanks for shipping so fast not thinking he'd respond but then he did and it made me so giddy! lol well enjoy?)
( trying to make this like a real fanfic a true story to it)
As you got home you started your camera up and filmed a video explaining how you will not be working for Smosh as you edited it you had the realization you should it ‘I booked’ you kept it ready for when you are able to post.
You settled on your couch reading your paperwork from Smosh today. Your first video will be for Smosh Games channel. You will be playing ‘Sounds Fishy’ For Board AF with Shayne, Angela, Chanse, and Courtney. So excited to meet everyone you rest up.  
Same Day: 
Shayne walks up to Selina being the best wing man.
“So who was that you had a conference wither earlier? Was it a new cast member or some type of deal?’ Shayne asked 
“Actually she out new cast member she really funny and cool her name is Y/N. She’s staring next Wednesday” Selina said. 
“Awesome can wait for us to all meet her” Shayne says. He quickly runs off to find Spencer. “Spencer! SPENCER!” Shayne calls out as he approaches Spencers desk” 
“What do you need?” Spencer says in a sarcastic annoyed tone.
“That ‘angel’ you saw earlier is our new cast member… and she starts next Wednesday. I’m gonna be the best wingman” Shayne says excitedly while moving his eyebrows. 
“Oh awesome I won’t be able to talk to her on Wednesday ill be hiding in the games set for now” Spencer says.
Fast forward to next Wednesday: 
 You were so excited to meet everyone and film today, you got ready with a cup of coffee getting your clothes together doing your hair and makeup and packing a lunch. You weren’t sure if you had time to go anywhere or anything like that. As you drove to the office you listened to your playlist to keep you calm for your exciting day. 
You went to the front door scanning your new badge you received in the mail. But as you entered you almost walked into Chanse. 
“Oh Hey girl you must be Y/N I’m Chanse! I can’t wait to film with you later today!” Chanse says 
“Oh hi! Yes me too!” You say.
“Ill show you to your new desk” Chanse says. As you guys walk to your new desk you stop and meet the crew you didn’t yet and some cast members. 
“Hey guys this is Y/n the new cast member’ Chanse says. 
Amanda, Arasha, Damien, and Angela was there; you fangirled a little in your head but was pleased to meet them. You made it to your desk and settled in; grabbing your laptop out and started writing a little. You were interrupted by someone no other than Shayne and Courtney.
“Hey you’re Y/N right I’m Courtney this is Shayne, it nice to meet you we are excited for you joining our cast. Courtney says.
“Oh hi guys sorry but gotta be honest I love you guys I’ve been watching Smosh for years and you guys have inspired me so much it a honor to be working with you guys” you say to them.
“Aw thank you so much can’t wait to be inspired by you soon” Courtney says.
“Hey its almost our call time for Board AF, are you ready Y/N?” Questioned Shayne.
“Oh hell yeah I’m so excited but nervous” you say
As you all walked on to the game set you were introduced to everyone behind the scenes. “Hey just wanted to ask if anyone could possibly just give me a run down on how the game goes?” You asked 
“Oh yeah definitely! Spencer can you show Y/N really quick how the game goes and the rules” Alex says.
You see Spencer turning around from the back of the room almost like he was hiding.
“Uh-um yeah I can do that” Spencer says anxiously.
You go a sit at the table while Spencer walks over to you and leans down. As he leaned down you got a whiff of his cologne ‘damn he smells good you say to yourself’. Then Spencer starts to show you how the games works and goes over the rules. 
“ Does that make sense?” Spencer questioned as he looked at you.
You turned your head and stared into his eye thinking over everything. But then he looked away fast and pretended to look around the room. ‘Hmm that was weird does he not like me or something idk its probably nothing and just my nerves’ you said to yourself. “Uh yeah I think so thank you” he then hurries away and leaves the room. Shayne then follows him and you look at Courtney “okay then” you say out loud. 
“Im not sure what that was about maybe he remembered something” Courtney says. 
Out of the stage with Spencer and Shayne:
Shayne runs up to Spencer “bro what’s that” shayne says.
Spencer turns around and says “I just couldn’t look her in the eyes like that my heart was pounding out of my chest dude, she’s even prettier in person and smells so good… have you smelled her shayne hahaha?’
“Um no I’m not a weirdo Spence…but you’re gonna have to man up and control this she works here now man” shayne says 
“Yeah you’re right” Spencer says then taking deeps breaths to call his heart rate down.
“Okay lets go back I can do this” Spencer says.
You see Spencer and shayne walk back to the stage “y’all ready for this” Spencer says excitingly as he’s coming back in.
Through out filming you noticed Spencer staring at you a bit. It made you a little nervous but stopped paying attention to it so you could focus on doing the best you can for your first impression. 
“Wow guys that was awesome thank you and if you’re done for the day have a good day!” Spencer says out to everyone.
You then left the stage room and went back to your desk just chilling.
Meanwhile in the stage room Shayne goes up to Spencer “dude she’s amazing.. she hilarious and it was juts a games video” Spencer says to Shayne
“I will say you might’ve made her nervous tho Spence, that whole time you were starring at her” shayne says 
“Psshhhh no I wasn’t” Spencer says 
Alex chimes in “yeah you were”
“Fuck she probably thinks Im a creep” says Spencer 
Back to you:
Selina went up to you “how was your first filming day?” Selina says 
“Awesome thank you for asking, I’m so glad it was a board game and not an actual video game I’m not the best at those and don’t know much.” You say 
“Well maybe we can change that!” Selina says.
The next day
Spencers POV:
He was sitting at the table with shayne an Courtney as you walk in and head to your desk.
“Dude you gotta talk to her and get to know her at least” Shayne says 
“Oh maybe we can all go to dinner tomorrow night to celebrate her joining and then you can make your move then!” Courtney exclaims 
“Oh gosh guys its too early I cant even control my nerves around her yet” Spencer says 
“Well I don’t care I’m still doing it I think it would be good for all of us to get to know her” Courtney says as they are making a group text on their phone. Courtney gets up to walk over to you. 
“Hey what your number I’m starting a group text so we can go out to celebrate you joining us” Courtney says to you. 
“Oh wow so sweet uh yeah here’s my number” you say to them. 
“Thanks!” Courtney says. 
Courtney starts walking back to the boys.. “welp I got her number for you now too” Courtney exclaims to Spencer. 
“Oh thanks so ill just express my affection to her and shell think its you” Spencer says 
“Okay well don’t do that I’m not trying to steal your woman cause you know she’d go for me” Courtney said laughing 
They all laugh in union… 
Spencer gets up and walks up to Selina. 
“ Hey so I have a gap for filming so we can add one if you have any ideas” Spencer says to Selina 
“Oh perfect I have an idea! You can teach Y/N how to play a video game!” Selina hurries and runs over to you before Spencer could protest. 
He hurries and goes up to Amanda and Angela “yo I need your guys help later I have to show Y/n how to play a game please be there with me so I’m not alone with her” Spencer says. 
“Oh right I was told you like her and now you’re scares to be with her hahah okay yeah I can” Amanda says
Cut to later in the day. You: 
You head to the games stage in the corner you see Amanda, Angela, and Spencer at the single little computer in the corner out of the way.
Spencer was wearing a baseball hat on backwards ‘ kind of hot with that hat backwards’ you said to yourself 
“Hey guys are you ready to film this hahaha” you said 
They said ‘hey’ back in union. You sat down as Spencer was finishing things up on the production side for this.
(For this think of the new video of Spencer showing Angela and and Amanda Resident Evil but with you added to the video and the backwards hat cause so hot when he wears one like that) 
Spencer finished up setting everything he needed to and started to record
As he sat down he looked over to the three of you and said “Guys my dream has come true I’m getting paid to show girls a video game” yo start laughing with the other girls.
Thought out the video you guys kept making jokes and laughing and you couldn’t help but silently agree with the jokes of Spencer being hot… did you really start to have a crush on him.
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t0ast-ghost · 4 months
S3 EP20 (The Way To Eden) Space hippies? I love an episode where someone slightly annoying is on board
Yippee kyack or whatever:
- What. The costume designs here are. I’m not even sure
- Purple hair? I bet they have pronouns too
- Time to ask: What the fuck is happening (edit: record time)
- Where did Spock even come from? Kirk was talking to the group and he just walks over to Spock like Spock is just always there. When did he appear???
- Spock picking up on their behaviour and copying it in a way that will get them to respond positively
- The writers created a myth about a planet. And named the planet Eden. C’mon.
- when they just start chanting Herbet it’s like Kirk becomes instantly uncool. I think if a bunch of middle schoolers just started chanting a random name at me I’d cry
- “One of those… was in the academy?” What the fuck Kirk
- I can’t tell if this episode is going to be very against the group (like Kirk is right now) or if their side of the argument will be validated to some extent (I have a feeling they might be validated cause Spock understands them and also stated that they were academic) (edit: it was a secret third option)
- idk I like this photo
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- The singing sounds so off from the images, it was most likely added in post production
- “Gonna crack my knuckles and jump for joy, I got a clean bill of health from Dr. McCoy.” Goes kinda hard tbh
- That redshirt who looks at Chekov in the hallway is such a bitch for that look
- Kirk’s tits McCoy cracking the case. Good job👍
- Oh hi Sulu! Don’t join a cult !
- *sits down in chair and crosses leg over knee*
- Spock is so pretty ☺️☺️☺️
- Spock keeping his promise and finding Eden for the others even if the leader is a selfish prick
- We get to see Spock’s room again, I love Spock’s room, like why is there a stone statue water fountain in there? What is that?
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- Chekov don’t tell her how the ship works. Do not divulge important information
- This is like the Star Trek tos musical episode, isn’t it?
- SPOCK Yes! Please play please please please please llssezz
- I like when it switches to the redshirts on the bridge just straight up jamming
- C’mon man. LOOK AT HIM
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- I need McCoy and Kirk to witness this
- Spock is done at the function. He leaves.
- “Adam, you know I reach you. I believe in what you seek. But there is a tragic difference between what you want and what he wants.” Spock really connects with them and it’s upsetting to see him have to witness them being misled
- At this point that guy is gonna blow up the ship
- Kirk doesn’t fuck around. If the door is locked Scotty’s gonna phaser through that fucker
- I can’t with Kirk’s faces rn
- I love the singing playing through the ship with everyone passed out, it’s such a perfect amount of eerie
- Kirk checking on Bones 🥹🥹🥹
- hiii McCoy hiiii
- I never noticed that the scanner could be uncapped and used as a healing device?
- Adam ate a pear lol
- I did NOT want to see that foot shot
- I like that Spock has such a soft side for the younger people in the show. Like he always has a sense of pride towards Chekov and cared so much about everyone in the group this episode
Thoughts are: Spock is good with kids, Kirk is terrible with kids, and McCoy is just himself always so there’s a reason he’s not a paediatrician but he’s still good with kids
Teleplay by Arthur Heinemann
Story by Michael Richards & Arthur Heinemann
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lupins-hehim-pussy · 4 months
Ngl if the sigewinne story was more 'Neuvillette instructed the melusines that it's alright gifting people in need gifts despite past prejudice' i would be fine with it. But the fact they wrote it in a way that implies that he instructed them specifically to care for Wriothesley makes me uhhhhhhh
Sir you are aware this child is an orphan and the best you can do is tell the melusines to feed him? What about other orphans? You have the guards at your command to help people??
I'm alot more fine with the 'Neuvillette cant do anything about the shit law despite being iudex' thing, like I'm okayish chalking it up to he's not human, it wasn't his job / wasn't told to fix the law and shit he is a judge first and foremost. But this story is NOT helping because it implies he HAS the capacity to comprehend SOMETHING is wrong and has the will to fix it and just... does nothing???
Sir this is not helping the collusion allegations
Idk man i'm a wriolette apologist i'm so alright with waving off the shallow plot beats to cater to the shippers thing but they had to make it super obvious huh head in hands
Yippey (running around in circles I love yapping and getting big asks).
Personally with shipping and media enjoyment, I'm very much the guy who is like "these are my OCs now" and I will enjoy things regardless of how I feel about the canon materials. I don't care about 'canon proof' for ships and for most scenarios, I don't think canon should be used to dissuade a person from shipping either. Obviously there's gonna be things that makes me think you're weird, but things like self-insert/canonxoc is cool and that will Never have any basis in canon material anyway. So like. Take the limiters off and reach for the sky.
As for the Neuvillette-and-melusines thing, yeah. I think it's weird that they made it specifically about Wriothesley. In general, how they portrayed Wriothesley always irks me, because they make his entire characterisation around how he 'overcame' his past because he's just a special guy who, instead of complaining about the shit hands he's dealt, accepted his sentence gracefully and pulled himself up by his bootstraps and got to where he is because he's strong and crafty. Wriothesley doesn't actually value these traits (he thinks of himself as just some guy), but everyone around him considers him 'special' because he's able to network and rally people and make a name for himself in Meropide.
That would have made for a more interesting narrative if they actually did something with it and really show some actual conflict between his view of himself and how the public sees him, but now, as it read to me, it just reeks of individual exceptionalism. He's successful because he has that capitalist mindset in him lol. Wriothesley becomes Fontaine's idealised "rags to riches" story. Then, not only is he extraordinary, he also is 'humble' about it. "You don't know you're beautiful/That's what makes you beautiful" moment lmao.
With Neuvillette, had they actually shown that he's ill-equipped to do his job as someone who struggles to relate to his subjects, I would have been like, yippee! Cool! Like I have reworked his story and characterisation to work in my mind to an embarrassing extent, and I whole-heartedly think it can be done with the premise they have set up for him. He could be complacent because he's never actually been allowed to step into the backstreets, because from the moment he stepped foot in Fontaine he's been treated as the upperclass, even when the Melusines were going through their fantasy racism shit. He's never had to fear for his life, or wonder when his next meal is. He gets water imported from all across the world, when people in the Fleuve Cendre/Meropide/Poisson probably struggles to get good plumbing and clean water.
And Focalors kept him there. He's very intentionally isolated so he can serve in her grand plan. It could also be an empathy issue, right, he can see people starve and think, cognitively, that it's just how the world is. That's just how humans are. You can really lean onto the Otherness of Neuvillette and portray him even as a overwhelmingly large, eldritch cryptid, who's trying to keep an ant colony alive simply because he likes ants. But he doesn't understand them, and because of that, he lets them die purely by accident most of the time. And he feels bad for it!
But I think the problem with it is that Genshin can't......... commit, and they can't stay consistent. They can't say he's powerless because Focalors is pulling the strings, or because of his own ineptitude, because they want Focalors to be sympathetic, and they want to say Neuvillette is cool and powerful. Like he has canonically enforced judicial changes. He essentially set up anti-discrimination laws for the Melusines. He's fully capable to. But now, because MHY forgot about that, now it seems like he only makes changes when it affects him and those he cares about, and not the hundreds and thousands of children who died due to poverty and incarceration in his time as Iudex. Then the whole thing with how he's able to pull strings to Get the Traveller into prison, but you tell me he can't... I dunno, fudge the verdict a little every once in a while? When he has to sentence a child to prison???
And obviously, these inconsistencies aren't intentional, because if you try to rationalise them, Neuvillette would end up looking like a weirdo bigot who only cares about one specific species and took a specific liking to one minor for no discernible reason. And he's not meant to be seen as that. The Melusines lore was meant to show that he cares about them. The Wriothesley lore is also meant to show that he cares about this poor starving kid. MHY just forgor there's many other starving kids in Fontaine.
His whole character hinges on the fact that underneath his cold impartiality is a guy who has a bleeding heart, who literally cries all the damn time. That's his Core Concept. MHY just sucked at writing it because........ writing teams aren't talking to each other.
Like, once people realised a lot of characterisation debates in genshin fandom can be answered with "MHY is just shit at their job", half of the complaints would be redirected to the fucking company instead of the characters/shippers lmao. Like, Lanoire. Wriothesley would have never allowed her to keep living like that. Now if you try to rationalise that whole quest, you have to think "maybe Wriothesley doesn't care all that much" or "maybe he doesn't know Meropide as well as he does," both of which contradicts canon facts about him. Because he has eyes everywhere (and even if he doesn't, his guards would 100% just tell him instead of just trying to sneak the kid out, because they canonically get Rewarded for shit like that). And he, canonically, cares about people's quality of life and safety in Meropide. He'd hate to have something like this fall under his nose.
So yeah yippee. I mean, I will keep drawing art and writing wrlt, obviously. I don't gotta explain that to anyone else. I think I know better than MHY /lh
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coeluvr · 4 months
So I just read the demo for the first time and… are you okay? Like do you need to talk to someone? Cuz holy shit, that was depressing. Don’t get me wrong, it was great, but I am just mentally, emotionally, and physically drained now (don’t ask me about that last part). All in all, I really enjoyed it, but I do have some thoughts.
Firstly, I don’t understand how anyone from Rosea (except for Hunter, Fadiya and her mom, and maybe Helios) has any fans. Like did they just forget that everyone else (including Lancelot) contributed to the total destruction of our family? Everyone’s over here shipping Lancelot and Luceris, and to be fair, if this was a different story I would too, but like… they’re the enemy? Speaking of Luceris…
Dude is on some shit. Like I get it’s the point, but everything about our relationship with him just feels weird and wrong, and I’m counting the days til we can kill him. Until then, I guess I’ll have to make do with disrespecting the memory of his dead wife at every opportunity. Also side note, but as a Straight Male tm it does feel a little weird having to fake a romance with another guy, especially a guy that’s like fifty years older than me lol (Luceris really isn’t beating the Catholic Priest allegations)
The rest of the cast are a lot of fun, and I’m glad they all at least have sympathy towards MC. I think Hunter is the coolest character ever and I want to be them, and Fadiya can do no wrong in my eyes. Vincent sucks, but I haven’t really spent much time with him so maybe that’ll change. Helios I feel sorry for. He’s a nice guy and I do like him a lot, but he’s unfortunately collateral damage in my crusade against Father Luceris. I hate that we have to hurt him to get revenge, but it feels very realistic and gives your decisions a lot more weight.
On the flip side, Soarine is perfect and has never done anything wrong in her life ever. If Soarine has a million fans, then I am one of them. If Soarine has ten fans, then I am one of them. If Soarine has only one fan then that is me. If Soarine has no fans, then that means I am no longer on earth. If the world is against Soarine, then I am against the world.
All in all, I love what you’re doing with this game, even if I do have to take a twenty minute break after each playthrough just to decompress lol. I can’t wait to see where this goes and am gonna stare at a wall until the next update drops. Thanks for making such an interesting story and give Soarine my love 💚
Lol hi, anon!
First of all, I'm fine 😭 I'm like that one happy guy that writes horror whose name I keep forgetting but I bet someone knows who I mean.
Regarding the characters from Rosea that are not all that great having fans, I don't know why that's unexpected to you if I am being honest lmao. In every fandom I've ever been in, there have always been people that like the antagonists. I enjoy Lancelot and Luceris' dynamic but I feel like that's to be expected since I literally created them. 💀 The day I write in all of the side couples you'll combust. /j
But also you don't have to fake a "romance" with Luceris? 😥💀 I can only think of the husband comments MC can make and those are entirely optional so...
I'm glad you like the other characters! Soarine is indeed everything. 🙇‍♀️
Thank you for your kind words! 💗
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littencloud9 · 7 months
Can I ask your top 10 fav fics ever (from any fandom, if you don't mind)?
Also, just curious, is there a story behind your name "littencloud9 "?
oooh! GREAT QUESTION i’m gonna rec my beautiful clever amazing mutuals’ fics obviously. and some others. i mainly read jjk and bsd fics so that’s probably all this list will have haha 😭
(also littencloud9 comes from my fav pokémon litten, + cloud9 was TECHNICALLY inspired by the song cloud 9 by beach bunny! but it’s a cute phrase so i stuck them together LOL)
in no particular order,
—> sun comes streaming through the window (& i can't sleep anymore) by @that-was-anticlimactic
| bsd, gen, teen and up, ~21k, kenji & ada
| good morning to one of my fav fics EVER. i have never sobbed so hard reading something. corey is the queen of kenji fics and this one is no exception i LOVE how the dynamics with kenji and the rest were portrayed and how much of a family they were 🥹🫶 (i also love her other fics.. the kunichuu ones and the pyramid ones especially you guys should check them out 🔪)
—> though i burn, how could i fall? by @zukkaoru
| bsd, gen, teen and up, 8.6k, kunikidazai + kunikida & ranpo
| HFHSGDHSS. i am always obsessed with grace’s kunikida characterisation. ada president kunikida is something that can be so personal. and i love that he had people helping him through the stress even when he pushed them away. TEARS. (also check out their other fics she has lots lots and i really like the tachigin, aku siblings, and kunichuuzai ones 🫶)
—> we can plant a memory garden by @ryuvnosuke
| bsd gen, mature, 4.2k, kunikida & yosano (during the great war)
| sorry not sorry for continuously reccing gen fics in this ship-focused fandom. anyway HELLO?? the set-up of this fic is already so so interesting, and i adored yosano’s character here!! and the description of.. pretty much everything, was super chilling. it was such a fantastic read 🫶 (i also adore ela’s tachigin fics and sskk fics too. she gets akutagawa like no one else)
—> reading between the lines by @spliqi
| bsd, m/m, teen and up, 12.3k, shin soukoku
| did you guys know that im spliqi’s biggest fan actually. their sskk characterisation is legit my favourite thing EVER i am always cackling when reading her fics. this one is my fav especially because of how ridiculously stupid yet clever they are. and how they cannot confess like normal people. highly recommend!! 🤍
—> baby, drive slow by zonnie
| jjk, m/m, mature, 15.8k, itafushi
| i am a SUCKER for roadtrip AUs. this fic was so so fun and i loved yuuji the greenest flag ever. i also love zonnie’s other itfs works! also megumi and nobara’s dynamic in their fics are the best thing ever i am obsessed 💗💗
—> quiet quitting is easy when your boss has already held your funeral and you’re technically still legally dead by @gothicakvtagawa
| bsd, m/m, teen and up, 24.5k, shin soukoku
| the sskk writers in this fandom truly get it. this fic was SUCH a great ride, and i loved that other character’s povs (kunikida, sigma, chuuya etc) were explored! i always love post-canon fics so this was such a treat. and fukuzawa father of the YEAR award in this fic. overall lovely lovely fic, amazing characterisation, and fun flow!! (their other sskk fics are also GEMS check those out)
—> and all i loved, i loved alone by featherx
| bsd, m/m, mature, 121.6k, ranpoe
| i always wonder how user featherx is doing after dropping this BOMB of a fic. it explores poe’s life from the start and i LOVED EVERY SECOND. the descriptions of how his ability feels, meeting new people, meeting karl, meeting the guild members, his relationship with ranpo and so on. exploration of sexuality too. overall this fic reads like the bsd poe wikipedia to me because of how on point everything feels. LOVE it
—> i hope i die first by @amythecinnabunny
| bsd, m/m, teen and up, major character death, 28.7k, shin soukoku
| yeah… this fic sent me into spirals. i sobbed so hard i had to take bathroom breaks. the epilogue was truly the cherry on top. if you wanna break your heart this fic is for you (also love her other fics! esp the higuchi & the sheep series, and the babysitting series!)
—> here and where you are by cityboys
| jjk, m/m + gen, teen and up, 17.3k, itafushi + jjk first years trio
| okay. i cry pretty easily reading things. but this one. ohhhhh my god. this one legit had me ugly crying for a whole hour. this one destroyed me. megumi is my pookie we know this so reading this HEARTWRENCHING fic from his pov was just. ouuuugh. basically yuuji’s memories are erased and he goes back to being a normal boy. but megumi and nobara remember him. enough said. please read this i was genuinely devastated
—> hey son, i killed your daddy by missingnooo
| jjk, gen + m/m, teen and up, 5.6k, gojo & megumi (+ satosugu and itafushi)
| THIS FIC!!! gojo and megumi are surprisingly underrated in this fandom which is crazy cause they’re literally related guys. but this was an emotional rollercoaster and i was hooked every second. gojo’s character felt very true to the story idk how to explain it but it was amazing. i cried. highly recommend
THATS 10!! i only dared to tag my mutuals aksjfksbd but heres my fic recs. thank you for the ask! <33
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emin-folly · 3 months
Ok, can I ask for:
7. Auction
10. Bargin
11. Bard
14. Barry horse
18. Barry Jesse
24. Barry Superman 2
29. Battle of the fashion tastes
36. Cats
37. Cheetah
39. Clark reading Cinderella
40. Compromise
42. Cover flash
45. Crackship doodles
53. DC Barry and Kitty
55. DC Barry's obsession
56. DC Barry's weird fears
58. DC dad brawls
59. DC aeo styles
66. DC hole in the ground
73. DC nobody wants to save thawne
76. DC Slade's new pet
79. DC Speedsters and abugs
82. DC ableached
83. DC Furries
85. DC OC
90. Deer style
91. Flash AU doodles
97. Drunk Barry
100. Eohal
101. Eo medieval
108. Eo wants commitment
111. Eobard ivy doodles
115. Eobeth
116. Eo Carol
137. Gertrude
138. GL headaches
139. GL Human Infestation
144. Hamlet
150. Horse
155. Iris gets powers
160. Linda and Barry
161. Manga So
167. Mom j'onn
168. Monophobia
174. Ot3
182. Plaything
197. Ship comic
199. Sin
202. Speed dancing
204. Starflash
205. Swan thawne
206. Symbolism
210. Touchy feely
214. What eo eats
216. Women
219. xxx
& anything else you're excited to share ☺️
Yeah I really should've seen this coming LOL
O o f
Hoooooo kay, strap in babes, it's gonna be a JOURNEY
Also FYI, I won't be showing sketches for every single one of these, either because I didn't draw much for them or the sketch is just too ugly to be shown publicly lol Without further ado, let's get into it!
7. Auction
Okay, so this is one part of a SUPER self indulgent concept of mine, one I'm honestly kinda shy just talking about it but the idea is, in the DC universe, I think we can all agree there's slave markets out there. And I feel like speedsters would be considered very valuable, on account they're some of the few beings who are attached to this ancient and powerful force, Barry and Eobard being especially prized due to the fact of Barry being the generator of the Speed Force and Eobard being the only known host of the Negative Speed Force in the entire universe.
So the plot is basically Barry and Eobard get captured somehow (insert convoluted explanation here) and is delivered to a slave market to be sold and become someone's trophy pets/slaves. This picture is the part in the story where Barry and Eobard get put on display for prospective buyers~
10. Bargain
This is a weird one but kinda like in the same vein of the last one, if there's a market for speedster slaves/pets, there's also a open market for any illegal, special "delicacy" meat. I think there would definitely be a belief among some races that by eating the flesh of a speedster, it would allow you to harness the Speed Force along with a host of other benefits.
11. Bard
Nothing to much to say on this one, this is really just a sketchdump I use for miscellaneous Eo practice drawings lol
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This is one I particularly like~
14. Barry horse
I could've named this better but this is supposed to be Centaur Barry, because I love Barry and I love centaurs so naturally I had to make an AU for it. There's a whole series of pictures I would very much love to get to someday featuring Barry and the other Flashfam members as centaurs but I gotta learn how to draw horses first OTL
18. Barry Jesse
This is part of my unofficial Barry series where I draw him with a character I wish he had more screen time with, this time it's with one of his own family members, Jesse Quick! Barry and her never really had a relationship in the comics, the most we got to go off of was Jesse having a lot of respect for Barry but that's about it. In my AU, I thought it would be really fun if Barry and Jesse actually had a sort of brother-sister dynamic~
Barry is an only child and so I think it would be neat to see him have a sibling kind of dynamic with other peers of the Flashfam. Jesse would be older in my AU, more closer to how old she was in the Pre New 52 age because if she's too young, Barry would most likely just adopt her as another of his Flashlings lmao
24. Barry Superman 2
Once again with the lazy titles. I tend to reuse my old canvases so that kinda explains why I just add a number to them lol Anyway, this one is actually based on a Tumblr post I stumbled across ages ago about Clark and Barry losing their powers so they team up to investigate a case and stop bad guys using their respective skills as a forensic scientist and a investigative reporter (if y'all know who posted that, pls lemme know!!) And anyway, this was very much up my alley hah There's a handful of doodles I wanna do for this (because I can't ever just be satisfied with one drawing) where Barry and Clark navigate the hurdles of Being Human, being shot at by criminals, accidentally jumping out the window or smashing their face into doors because they keep forgetting they're depowered. It's a lot of fun to think about~
29. Battle of the fashion tastes
Silver Age Barry and Eobard duke it out, claiming they have the better fashion taste. Thad and Bart aren't impressed lol There's also a doodle about Barry showing up to Ralph's wedding in less than conventional wear. Ralph is speechless, to say the least xD
36. Cats
This is a crack doodle I did randomly one day. I'm honestly surprised DC hasn't made this joke yet cause it's really hilarious in hindsight
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Poor Cheetah is so weirded out rn
37. Cheetah Yeeeaahhh, this is just Barry and Eo as cheetah furries. I like furries, sue me lol
39. Clark reading Cinderella
This is a silly little comic that's actually based on a cute and charming Golden Age/Silver Age Superman comic where Lois leaves her super bratty niece with Clark and he tries reading her the story of Cinderella only for him to immediately fall asleep and dream of becoming Cinderella's Fairy Godfather and throwing hands with her evil stepmother. It's great, I really recommend it (sadly I don't know the exact issue number, if anyone does, please drop me a line!)
40. Compromise
Eo tries to compromise with Barry: if he leaves Barry's family alone, Barry will let Eo do whatever he wants to him. Barry agrees. The ending is...unexpected aha. Here's a sneak peek of Eo's smug rat face tho~
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42. Cover Flash
This is a redraw of that one really gay Flash cover because it haunts me in the corners of my mind What was the artist's mindset drawing it? Did Joshua Williamson come up with the idea? I feel like he had to. It's just so hilarious and gay, I can't- Anyway here's Barry's looking very disturbed about having his privacy invaded
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45. Crackship doodles
This is one the sketchdumps for one of my absolute favorite DC ships of all time: EoIvy. It started out as a "haha that's a cute ship" to "they are infesting my brain, the roots are so deep right now and there's no hope for a cure" askdhsgkdb I have like, a million doodles ideas for them, I just need to organize myself, and also find an Ivy design I wanna use (no hate to the Injustice design, it's... alright. Tho I prefer her having green skin over human tones)
These are about Ivy showing Eo off like the bottom bitch he is to other people, mostly Gotham Rogues, to which no one approves of lol
They're not any where close to being done but have a mini Eo I drew in the corner~
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53. DC Barry and Itty
This is a little comic I started from before I read a lot of comics. I heard that Hal had a partner/pet Itty and at the time I didn't know how Barry really acted or if he knew about Itty, so I had him being very unnerved by him. Itty is just happy to have another buddy xD
55. DC Barry's Obsession
Oh this is a cute one. Okay so, I don't know if you played or watched the game Lego Batman: Beyond Gotham (which by all rights should've been a Green Lantern game but that's another topic for another day) Anyway, long story short, the Justice League gets hit by all the different Lantern emotions, Barry in particular being hit by the Orange Lantern Greed beam. So now you have a speedster that's taking anything that isn't nailed down, from batarangs to buildings, much at the dismay of the other heroes. Thankfully, he's still pretty reasonable even in this greedy phase, just telling him "No" is enough to make him put the stuff back.
I wanted to play with this concept cause I thought it was funny and cute to see Barry in this different kind of light. I haven't come up with something solid yet but I want to get to it sometime~
56. DC Barry's Weird Fears
Okay so, this one is a crack/silly idea I wanted to do where Barry gets affected by Scarecrow's fear toxin or maybe the Yellow Lantern fear or whatever but anyway, Barry is forced to face one of his nightmares...which, as it turns out to Eobard's surprise, isn't about his family or loved ones, but something else entirely--food. Yeah xD
I won't tell you the punchline cause I still wanna draw it someday so I'll just leave you with what's probably the best Eo drawing I ever did lol
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58. DC Dad Brawls
Idk if you're familiar with the Green Lantern CGI animated series but this pic is supposed to be Hal and Sinestro fighting over who has the best daughter (in the show Hal more or less adopted Aya lol)
59. DC Eo Styles
Actually what it says on the tin, for once ahah. This is me practicing drawing Eo in the DCAU style and also experimenting with a cartoony style of my own.
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I like this result a lot but I feel like it's not as stylized as I was going for. Plus it also feels a little too close to other people's existing cartoony art styles. Tho I do love how Eo looks like some rich bad guy from a cartoon who eats shit at the end of the movie lmao
66. DC Hole In The Ground
Oh boy, this is a throwback LOL I drew this back when I was a baby Flash fan and I didn't know the characters very well at all, I didn't even really like Eobard at this point
Some context: this tales place in an AU where, idk maybe Barry somehow took all his rage, hate and pain away, but Eobard is now a mentally adjusted, normal man. The Flashfam tho, hasn't taken too well to him regardless. This is a short crack comic where the kids, Wallace, Wally/Bart and Avery?? Jesse?? Take Eo to a six feet deep hole in the ground cause they needed his help. Course it's all a ruse so when Eo gets close to the hole, they push him in and try to bury him.
Don't worry, Barry got Eo out, tho not without a disapproving expression as he asks the kids if they're proud of themselves. They are xD
73. DC Nobody Wants to Save Thawne
This is also part of the "Thawne is Redeemed" AU funnily enough. The concept is a twist on the classic "villain takes someone hostage" scenario where some bad guy speedster takes Thawne as a hostage, threatening to kill him, to which everyone cheers. Bewildered, the villain then goes "OR...I'll let him go, to which everyone screams "NO"
Yeah, even good Eo still isn't liked by anyone xD
76. DC Slade's New Pet
This is also based on comic canon. In the Flash New 52 comics, Evil Future Barry makes a throwaway remark that he was trained by Batman, Slade and Lady Shiva and I have since then been utterly captivated by this idea, and I waNNA FISTFIGHT DC, LIKE HOW ARE YOU GONNA MENTION HE WAS TRAINED BY THE WORLD'S BEST FIGHTERS AND THEN NOT EVEN SHOW A FLASHBACK DO YOU HATE ME DC??! AUGH
ANyway, my pic takes place during Barry's training with Slade and what that might look like, complete with a speedster whistle. Barry's pretty much Slade's pet speedster and he's not amused about it 😂
79. DC Speedsters and Bugs
A funny little comic where Wally tries to smack flies in the JL watchtower. It...does not end well lol
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Rip, Batman
EDIT: Whoops! I just realized I called this Wally when Bruce says "Barry" here, MY BAD
I originally meant this to be Barry but then it was pointed out to me that it would be more in character for Wally to swat the bugs so I changed it aha
82. DC Bleached
This is just me crossing DC with my favorite anime/manga Bleach, specifically reimagining what my favorite character, Kenpachi, would be in the DC universe. I think he would definitely be in the Yellow Lantern Corps and picks fights with Sinestro and pretty much everyone around him and getting lost. It's basically just this:
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83. DC Furries
More DC furries but also with Clark this time. I tried making him into a lion cause I feel like that fits him the most (that or a bear) It...didn't come out good lol
85. DC OC
Ayyy I get to infodump about my girl, WHOO
OK so, something to know about me is that I don't really tend to do the whole OC thing. Not that I don't love it cause I do! I love the idea of making up characters for media I'm in and seeing other people's fan characters is so fun and inspiring. The problem is, I'm just really bad at creating characters OTL
But for DC, my need for a alien speedster finally won out and I decided to just make them myself. She's still very much in the early brainstorming stages, sadly I also don't really have any art of her so far but I do have some ideas for her:
• I haven't figured out the details about her species but she's basically based on an octopus, tho I would like to take some more liberties with it. She definitely has tentacles because I especially wanted her to have those and bc she's octopi based, she also has a beak for snatching and eating prey. As for her gender, I imagine it's different for her species compared to ours, but in human terms the closest thing to what she is would be a woman. As for age, she'd be the equivalent of 40-50 years old.
• Her story so far is she has lived a relatively happy and peaceful life, successfully raising her young with her mate for many years. Eventually though, her offspring has grown up and left, her mate has either died or is off world somewhere (still workshopping this) For most of the time, she ends up alone. She struggles with Empty Nest Syndrome and tries to fill her lonely days the best she can. Until suddenly, one day, she's struck by a lightning bolt that comes down out of the sky. I think you can guess what happens next lol
• She gets superspeed and is rightfully terrified and disoriented as all hell. She has no idea what's happening and probably thinks she's either dying or cursed. It takes a long time for their Green Lantern to help her but eventually they do. Word gets back to Hal who knows just the guy to call. Cue Barry Allen.
• He meets up with and finally gives her some peace of mind and helps her accept her newfound powers. She's still very unsure but she takes to Barry a lot and forms a great relationship with him.
• Anyway, from here on it would be her going on to find her purpose in her new family of small bipedal aliens, aka the Flashfam and finally feel whole again.
• Maybe I'll have her teach other aliens about the Speed Force or smth idk, I'm still figuring things out • As for her powers, I really kinda wanted her to utilize the Speed Force differently than the other Flashes. I'm not sure what it would be but I'm sure I can come up with something
Keep in mind, some things may change but yeah, I like her a lot and I hope I can show her to you guys properly someday~
90. Deer Style
This is also based on the Silver Age, more specifically a panel of Barry carrying Eobard in a very odd way. It kinda looked like he was carrying him deer style so I'm using that as my excuse heheh
Honestly, I'm very tempted to draw a compilation of all the bizarre and often unsafe ways speedsters carry people in the old comics cause writers really got kinda wild LOL
91. Flash AU doodles
Okay so this is based on @longitudinalwaveme's AU of an someone else's AU where Kryptonians has invaded Earth and enslaved humanity, but instead of it being centered around Gotham, it's about everyone in Central/Keystone City. This one: https://longitudinalwaveme.tumblr.com/post/655662017135427584/another-weird-flashrogues-au
AUs like this really make the wheels in my head turn and I also just love a good ol' enslaving AU lmao Anyway, this was actually fanart for it, these being some What If doodles of Barry and Henry where Barry discovers he has powers as well as Eobard cause it made me really curious where he would fit in this AU, like what if he ran back in time to save Barry/stop the Kryptonians. Maybe the 25th century is still Kryptonian dominated but they have long since become more benevolent and restored a lot of humans' rights to live freely again. Maybe Kryptonian and humans live among each other. Idk, it's so intriguing to think about~
But yeah, go check the OP's blog and the original post cause it's super interesting and show them some love in general <3
97. Drunk Barry
This is an idea I had for Pre-powers Barry getting bomb ass drunk at like, a party or something. My personal headcanon is that he would definitely be a cross between the super sappy drunk and the weird drunk who info dumps about disturbing true facts lol
This is a another comic I def wanna get to eventually, it's very fluffy and tooth achingly sweet so I'm excited haha
100. EoHal
I'm gonna skip this one because I'm answering it in another ask~
101. Eo Medieval
This is one idea I had for how Eo could possibly be reinvented for Dark Knight Of Steel, that fantasy/Medieval Elseworld comic DC has going around.
While I'm very grateful the comic at least briefly mentions them and DOESN'T kill them off horribly (the standard for us Flash fans are so low OTL) I was very disappointed in how little we get of speedsters in this universe. Like, you could do SO MUCH with them, their lore allows a lot of room for some fun and cool reinterpretation but alas, I guess I'll have to do it myself
For this one, I wanted to play off the concept of Eobard being a teacher. I thought maybe he could be a Professor who's shrouded in mystery, a cryptic who holds the knowledge of future events that will unfold. He is almost always seen with his students, a group of misfit children he may or may not have saved from less desirable situations. His goals are unknown but he seems to delight in turning kingdoms against each other.
That's pretty much all I have for him. I also don't really know how Barry fits in this AU but I guess we'll see~
108. Eo Wants Commitment
A What If concept where Eo and Barry were partners before everything went south. Eo's proposing that since they worked together for awhile now, he and Barry should finally "tie the knot", ie becoming exclusive superhero partners to each other. Like a marriage but totally platonic, lol
111. Eobard Ivy doodles
More of my rare pair cause I'm very unwell about them At All Times. This time it features Eo's sexy tramp stamp on his ass, courtesy of Ivy, she gotta mark her property, after all~
115. EoBeth
OK so I'm pretty sure I'm one of like, two people on this whole site that cares about Beth Arden and wanna see her make a comeback in Flash lore.
Some context: Beth Arden is a one off character from Flash: United They Fall. She's a lieutenant of the Speed Force Resistance who wears the Shift armor, a specially designed suit to allow humans to be able to go up against a speedster (though she is still very much outclassed by Barry). She was a brief antagonist before turning around and helping Barry.
Her story goes that she was a pupil of Eobard's and loved him a lot (whether it's romantic or not is not clear but it seems to be the former) She helped him design the machine that would give Eobard his powers. Unfortunately when he used it on himself, he touched the Speed Force and was this driven insane and shortly afterwards he killed millions people instantaneously. He then became a tyrant who rules Central City through fear and drugging his citizens by making them crave Speed Force fixes, so they'll worship him.
Beth naturally decides the best way to deal with this is to travel back in time and kill Eo's idol, Flash (which...one, I love how home girl just immediately decided to kill her crush's hero, that's wild. Two, it's a little confusing why she chose to go back to 21st century and kill Barry instead of like.... preventing the creation of the machine that made Eobard go insane but, well maybe she figured that he would've found a way regardless idk) That doesn't work so she teams up him to take down Eobard. The whole comic is kinda an AU already honestly.
Anyways, I really liked Beth a lot and I think she has a lot of potential to be really interesting and compelling addition to the Flash mythos. She doesn't have to be Eo's love interest or anything, honestly I would love to see her maybe as a rival? Or still a pupil of his?? Idk, there's a lot of great ways to reincorporate her (tho I don't really trust modern writers to do her justice unfortunately)
116. Eo Carol
This is a pic inspired from a supervillain team up in the old comics where Eo interacted with Star Sapphire. Now, sadly the Star Sapphire in the story isn't Carol Ferris but instead a French woman who temporarily took up her mantle. Despite this, I became super fixated on the idea of Eo and Carol being partners cause like, it's just too perfect
Barry and Hal are a great friends, so why not also have some of their baddies also be buddy with each other? Make it come full circle aha
137. Gertrude
Okay, this is a random doodle of a really obscure character from Alan Scott's 1940 run. In it, Alan's friend Doiby had a sentient taxi car named Gertrude...Yeah. This isn't explained nor does Alan or Doiby act like this is bizarre or unusual in any way. I personally would enjoy seeing her make a comeback, but that's just me xD
138. GL Headaches
A compilation of sketches, one is based on that famous panel of Hal struggling to think and the other one is a random Green Lantern seeing Clark's spaceship speeding by and asking if they're supposed to do anything about that xD
139. GL Human Infestation
This is a comic I did where a young GL recruit asks Kilowog to ragale him about the time in GL history when the GL humans first came along.
This comic is supposed to take a funny jab at how freaking many human lanterns there are, ESPECIALLY for the one sector/planet. I mean, I definitely get it, Green Lanterns are popular and people want to see all the cool variations of human GLs but man, at this rate they're gonna need to make a sub Lantern group called the Human Green Lantern Corps fr lol
144. Hamlet
That one Silver Age comic where Barry does the entire Shakespeare play by himself, playing the roles of both the men and women rotates in my mind 24/7. Crossdresser Barry is real and canon, DC can't take it back <3
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I definitely have a handful of doodles I wanna do with this, Barry in a dress is too good a concept to just narrow it down to one drawing. Iris is definitely gonna be involved 😏
150. Horse
This is part of the Centaur AU, this time it's Eo. I can't decide if I want him to be a centaur or a human in this AU cause I really love both ways, guess I'll just do both askdgskj
155. Iris Gets Powers
Okay, so this is an idea I had that's inspired from the Flash New 52 comic where Iris temporarily became a speedster. Basically, it's that but "What if Iris got powers but when she's already married to Barry and they have the whole Flashfam?" I thought that'd be SO interesting to see and I really wanna explore that
It'd be about her finally getting to see the world from Barry's and the others' perspective. To finally get to feel the humming buzz as the Speed Force courses through her veins and reach out and blur and blend into everyone else, to feel as one with the other speedsters, to finally be able to run with her family awahhh
Fair warning though, it does have a kinda bittersweet ending so be prepared~
160. Linda and Barry
I really wanted to draw these two together cause honestly, it is SO mind boggling that these two haven't???? Had a heart-to-heart conversation yet??? ESPECIALLY after Flashpoint. I personally felt robbed and so I've taken it upon myself to give them their moment in the spotlight they deserve. Barry is full of regrets and Linda, after some time to soul search and to think it through, forgives Barry and they hug <3
161. Manga Eo
Ok so, fun fact, did y'all know there's an official DC manga?? And that Eobard actually appears in it (not Barry for some strange reason) and fights Hal? Yeah, that's a thing that exists
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I really liked his look here, even if it is very subtle, like the thick black outlines around his mask and so I wanted to try drawing him myself~
167. Mom J'onn
Remember that Batman Lego game I mentioned earlier? Yeah, this is based on that too lol
So in the game, everyone splits up to go to the Lantern planets bases, J'onn, Cyborg and Barry visiting the planet of Nok where the Indigo Lanterns are.
Barry is still in his super greedy phase and Cyborg has unfortunately been zapped by the yellow Lantern energy so now he's absolutely terrified of every little thing. J'onn was one of the few who wasn't hit by the Lantern beams so he's pretty much the only sane and capable one here. Mom J'onn refers to him basically having to keep Cyborg from freaking out and Barry from stealing everything under the sun while also simultaneously fight off the mind controlled Indigo Lanterns and restore their power battery. Send some prayers for J'onn cause he is Stressed lmao
168. Monophobia
Ahh yeah, ok this is based on Post New 52 Flash Rebirth where Barry definitely experiences this, especially the part at his birthday party where he is consumed with the fear of Eobard killing everyone he loves. This comic is Eobard exploiting that, isolating Barry and giving him a taste of his pain. It's basically Barry whump which I love and will definitely deliver more on in the future <3
174. OT3
Oops, I think I listed the wrong file. OT3 is one I'm already done with, I think I meant to write OT3 1. My bad! Anyway, OT3 1 is some more EoHarlIvy because a handful of people seemed to really enjoyed my art of them 😊 In this pic, Harley's dive-bombing Eo and Ivy, because she naturally can't let them have their moment alone together lol
182. Plaything
This was actually inspired by @ftl-faster-than-lifewonderful's fabulous art of putting Eo in a collar and that sparked the idea of like, Barry and Iris finally deciding they had Enough and just slapped a collar on this idiot in the hopes he'll finally calm down. It kinda ends up backfiring on them tho cause now he's absolutely insufferable about being their plaything lmao
197. Ship comic
This was part of an art trade thing also for @ftl-faster-than-life where they requested I draw Eobard x Amanda Waller (yes, *that* Amanda Waller) In a rare twist of events, she's the one who has his ass tied up and is definitely planning on doing some nefarious things to him hehe
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There's actually a two page comic to go with this but I think I'll make that it's own post
199. Sin
I'm afraid I don't have much to say on this one but these are more drawings of Barry and Eobard during their time in the slaver's market~
202. Speed Dancing
Okay yeah, this one doesn't really have a reason behind it except I just wanted to draw Barry and Eobard in fancy suits and dancing with each other lol
204. Starflash
Remember that one old comic I mentioned earlier with Eobard and Star Sapphire? This was supposed to be a kind of panel redraw of their first interaction, where Eobard lays on the charm extra thick and bows to kiss her hand and introduces himself as Professor Zoom and stuff. IDK why, I just thought it'd be fun aha
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Old art is old
205. Swan Thawne
I got this random idea from being on Chinese fanart sites and seeing Eobard's last name often being mistranslated as 'Swann'. Swans in real life are pretty, graceful and can be absolutely vicious, just like Eo so why not draw him as one? lol
206. Symbolism
This was a piece that was supposed to represent Barry and Eo's relationship. I don't fully know what the context would be but it'd something like if Barry or Eo went into the other's mind. Chains are involved 👌
210. Touchy Feely
This is just Eo being touched starved as hell aha For as strong and anti people Eobard is, I feel like if someone caressed him lovingly, he'd immediately shatter. It's a great concept I like playing with~
214. What Eo eats
A lil comic thing about what Eobard runs on since he never seems to eat
It's spite lmao
216. Women
Once again creatively titled. This one is yet another genderbend pic of mine that takes some inspiration from the old comics where Eo flirts with a apprehensive Dinah, much to Ollie's shock and disgust lol
219. xxx
Yet another pic for my self indulgent slavery AU, this time it's Barry and Eobard dressed up in cute skimpy slave outfits and collars <3
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MAMMA MIA ,what a undertaking that was akshdjakj
Thank you EXTREMELY much for your interest~!! <33 This was a beast and a half to tackle but I absolutely loved talking about my WIPs and I sincerely hope you enjoyed hearing them as well!! :)
As for ones I'm excited to talk about, there are definitely some I can think of but this post is already way, WAY too insanely long so I'mma cut it here~
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Icon made by: me
Hi! Welcome.
This is Generalallxsanjishipper's blog
(A long ass nick, I know.)
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*stares at the (not many) but 100% "Yes" votes that was in the poll* (How the hell am I supposed to introduce myself? I have no idea, but okay, whatever—)
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Killian here! It's not my real name, but it's my art name. I can be called Isa or Bibi as well. My real name is Barbara.
I'm from Italy and I'm a 2001 girl, She/her pronouns, bisexual, introverted, Virgo (too much of a perfectionist sometimes. Ops)
I am a Writer, a Screenwriter and an Artist. I even went to an art school, but the only thing that I learned there is anxiety. Yey.
I love reading. Like tons of books, but for whatever reason I stopped entirely reading books written in Italian and now I'm constantly binge-reading english stuff.
As a Writer, I create tons of Own Characters, yes. I have honestly so many OCs that it's hard to keep track of them between Original Works and Fanfiction. I have to admit that I never wrote as much fanfiction as I'm doing during those last years, mostly for bad experience with criticism in my first fics. But apparently I got over it after randomly starting to write little One Shots of a few different fandoms. It excalated, now.
To read my stuff, you can find me in AO3, Efp and Wattpad under Killian44peeta's nickname. Even as an Artist, you can find me with that nickname on Instagram. I DO NOT have TikTok and I DO NOT intend to have it. If I change my mind, it's gonna rain for months lol.
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I have many, many fandoms.
Listing them all is impossible, but my obsessions usually stuck the most when I have a "main crush" in said fandom. If not, they are fleeting at best... And usually the same main crush is the one that I ship with most people (Not always though).
Yep. I'm a multishipper, pro LGBTQ+ and I love polyamorous relationships.
When I hate a ship, I just hate it. No matter how hard you try to change my mind. Still, I'm of the "live and let live policy" because, damn, ship wars are boring and if you dislike something, YOU BLOODY IGNORE IT.
*takes a deep breath*
A few examples of my main crushes:
Animated ones first.
Sanji, Corazon, Reiju and Vivi (One Piece), Douxie (Tales of Arcadia), Zuko (Avatar), Mika (Owari No Seraph), Levi, Jean and Yelena (Shingeki no Kyojin), Akashi and Kise(Kuroko no basket), Gwen (Total Drama), Megara (Hercules), Dark Bloom (Winx Club), Hijikata (Gintama), Hyoga, Eden, every Virgo Saint ever except Shun (Saint Seiya+), Shiro and Pidge (Voltron), Lust and Roy(Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood)
Not animated crushes (directly the person, not the role, because if not the list would be sooo much longer, ok)
Daniel Sharman, Danielle Campbell, Colin O'donoghue, Richard Armitage, Ian Somerhalder, Josh Hutcherson, Zoe Kravitz, Tom Ellis, Hayden Christensen, Bridgette Mendler
(am I forgetting someone? Probably. Sorry)
Welp. I dunno what else to say. Hope you have fun inside my blog? If you wanna be friends (chat here, on Discord, WhatsApp... ) and ask questions I'm okay with it? If you wanna talk with me about (my, yours) stories, I'm DEFINITELY okay with it.
:D I love to rant about fanfictions and original works. I love ranting about ocs and headcanon about characters. Yes.
(do not kill me if I don’t answer immediately, I have a life/I need time to draw/I need time to write)
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blood-mocha-latte · 3 months
hbowar ask game is sooooo good my girl. hard to narrow it down but let's go with b, d, f, i, m, o, w!!
thank you bestieeee it nearly killed me <3 <3
hbo war ask game
b. between all four shows, which one do you think did the best job of creating a storyline?
the pacific all the way. three intersecting stories, all individually devastating, all with wonderful character work. MWAH
d. what was a character arc in any of the shows that left you unsatisfied?
i said harry crosby here, but i also feel like the tuskegee airmen were Greatly Wronged in the sense that they just sort of. vibed. after their initial ep. which i get that the miniseries wasn't about them but Still. it made me sad
f. rank all four shows in order of favorite to least and explain why.
1 - the pacific: personal connections to the marine corps as well as robert leckie as well as the Actual And Realistic showing of war is just. so good. i hate media that begins to drift into not showing the Horrific sides of war and i feel the pacific is able to negate this the least. also with the old breed my beloved
2 - band of brothers: good ol' classic!! the besties the bros. do i even need to go into depth with this one.
3 - generation kill: the only reason this one isn't higher is because of Personal Connections that make it a really hard rewatch lol. but as with my reasoning with the pacific, the same applies here
4 - masters of the air: though parts of the series were still really good and well thought out, overall i felt the show tended to be more rushed and struggle more with characterization (through no fault of their own, due to the episode cut and struggles of covid filming) which led to it being my least favorite
i. tag some of your closest mutuals and choose a show portrayal from any of the miniseries' that reminds you of them.
and here we go to the read more, because this shit gonna get LONG.
~ @disastrouscanasta - arthur my partner in luztoye yapping crimes truly. you have luz energy and i say this NOT as a luztoye nor luz expert but based on the simple mathematic equation of a) my Favorite People b) Film Intersections and c) wonderful understanding of joe toye. thank you for your time
~ @ep6bastogne - bel i love you SO dearly and that is why i crown you leckie. YES web vibes also but i think that it's important to reflect upon the motivations of these men as writers and when i say the leckie energy differs GREATLY from the web energy and That Is What You Possess i mean it 100000%
~ @ewipandora - ewi my beloved ewi another partner in luztoye yapping crimes. among other crimes. i name you a delightful cross between luz and perconte, based on the simple and true and beloved fact of Bestie Behavior honestly <3
~ @gorgeousundertow - although we have not known each other for Long nikki i feel it important to acknowledge now that you are a bit like my guide. for i have seen the ever after light. much like i have been cured of a temporary blindness. much like dick winters can also do
~ @lamialamia - the strangest blend of ray person and doc bryan i have literally ever met. linh you go from ray levels of slapstick insanity to severe solemnity in like 2 seconds. and truly. iconique
~ @youcalledmebabe - gigi truly you have webster energy to me. those Web Vibes. WeVibes. genuinely though do you think webster would watch grey's anatomy
m. what do you think is the best quote of each show?
answered here <33
o. say something nice about a ship that you don't understand.
answered here <33
w. what's an hbo war url that you like/would change to? if you have an hbo war url, why did you choose it?
i said it in another ask but i will SAY IT AGAIN. boyetoye is a fucking hilarious url
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tabl3 · 4 months
answering some asks in one post for the sake of laziness
Q: If there was a 6th EF member to your rewrite who would it be
A: dooley! I love his relationships with bree and chase, as well as him and kaz being besties. i think he would add enough sunshine to the team too, because the more sunshine-y characters already on the team are somewhat edgy. he absolutely would be traumatized by sharing a home with people who kiss his big siblings on the mouth though lol
Q: AO3 tag?
A: tabs_alt
Q: If the team was in college like Adam, what would their majors be?
A: chase: buisness, bree: art/design, kaz/oliver: some major for pre-med (kaz would make oliver do his homework lmao), skylar: i don't see her as a college type, but probably criminal justice
Q: Logan would like to bake
A: absolutely. that's something that could bond him and adam so he isn't afraid of being nuked by him. also,,, he just gives malewife vibes
Q: when was techertz a thing?
A: so i hinted to it in an earlier book. they were off and on for a few months before ef began and a few months into the team. long story for them lol
Q: are Tasha and Douglas a thing
A: nope. just disaster co-parents trying their best
Q: What do you think of Douglas x Horace and do you think we're gonna get some in the tabl3-verse?
A: i love the ship outside of my universe and totally get the appeal :D however brylar is more important to my rewrite and it's too weird because horace adopted skylar and douglas is bree's biological dad
Q: what are the cats names
A: Posh Spice & Georgiano
Q: So how does the family see each other in your rwite? Is Daniel their brother?
A: yes and no. it's complicated lol. daniel is biologically their brother, but they view him as a cousin and he does the same. it's like that with marcus too (if marcus wasn't evil) daniel calls tasha aunt and douglas dad, while the rats call tasha mom and douglas douglas lmao
essentially when building their family tree they go less by genetics and more by emotional connection, which is why leo is referred to as their brother and daniel isn't (which he's fine with) they used to view donald as their dad and douglas as their uncle, but the line blurred after aijaf so douglas has a weird mix of the roles now (he felt more paternal than uncle affection for them, naomi and leo included, way before but didn't want to step on the kids' toes)
Q: were Kaz nd Skylar pranking Logan
A: oh yes. they embellished adam's overprotectiveness very intentionally for their entertainment (I assume you're asking about the scene where they talk about adam threatening them)
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