#I want somebody to want me lol BYE I thought this would make me feel less but also more gender in a good way
corrodedcoughin · 2 years
Silly question but lip piercing-havers, did you immediately think ‘what have I done I look so stupid’ after getting it done?
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noeggets · 5 months
making a post about Tails and Belle because i honestly thought she was gonna be his new love interest, someone once told me they dont think Tails could have another one but i feel like it isn't far fetched considering they allowed Cosmo and she is kinda canon and they allowed Boom!Tails to have one as well. Tails isn't the protagonist he's a supporting role so if Rouge can have a crush on Knuckles it isn't too far out there that Belle could like Tails or Tails could have a crush on her, she is tech afterall and that peaks his interest alot about her.
Here are a lot of moments between them i thought were cute
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Tails often goes to hold her hands alot and she's very :) about it
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she's a little distance about them at first, and Sonic is very protective about Tails here i love it
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Again, but this time she had just pushed him out of the way a second time saving him from getting trapped they are adorable look at them
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Sonic is not about this life, he doesn't want anything to do with her lol not with my lil bro your not
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Sonic thought she was gonna leave but he's come around to the idea of her staying, Tails is praising her
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Tails outright asking her to stay with him as his assistant, this isn't about her being a help she's just so glad somebody wants her around for once
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Belle values what he's done for her, he's given her a place to stay and a job to do, thats a big thing for a robot
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he's not gonna be pushy about this, he knows this is hard for her to talk about
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Excited to introduce his new friend :)
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being the only one saying bye to her
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saying "We" instead of "I" including her in helping fix things after fixing her hand for her
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Taking a interest in her ideas and dreams of making badniks good
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Tails wasn't afraid she would hit him, he didn't even care but Sonic cared, Sonic still seems to be slightly worried about that fact she's technically a badnik, IDK why Sonic's always there to 3rd wheel lol
Belle's life is a really thought one, between getting stolen by Starline and pouring her heart out to somebody who's not even listening nor cares too much about her struggles, being disowned by Eggman, slapped by Metal sonic HER BROTHER Belle's life is really tough and i think she deserves Tails as someone in her life who will be there for her, she's got friends like Tangle,Whisper Amy others but nobody is doing it like Tails and also Vector
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that's her father, she's part of the Chaotix now bc this scene
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birchbow · 7 months
Have you ever went into detail abt how you think bulges/nooks work? Seems simple enough, cooch and tentadick, but I started thinking abt it and like... how the hell does everything on the inside work? Whats really the point of having the "afab" bits if trolls depend on mother grub to reproduce? Gestures vaguely to bulges??? What?????
So okay. Honestly much like the drone season thoughts I posted a while ago, this makes sense to me if you consider a species that has the reproductive strategy they do, but consider them several millennia ago.
It makes sense for buckets to be a convenient adaptation that trolls came up with but it doesn't make sense for them to be a pre-requisite for their species to breed! So instead, in lieu of buckets, it makes sense to me trolls would just have an organ that's meant entirely for fluid storage and was hooked to both nook and bulge, and would just mix genetic material via fucking each other so it mixed internally. They don't need a uterus to gestate babies; by the same token, an organ that just exists to hold fluid and keep it body temperature and genetically viable before eventually expelling it after long-term storage is not something the human body needs, but would be pretty necessary if you procreate like trolls but don't have the technology of buckets yet lol.
In that case, the nook would basically be an entry point for that storage organ, which I don't know if I personally have ever mentioned by a name in a fic, although I know I've made reference to a seedflap which in my head is the entry point for it--about where a human might have a cervix, although in this case much more intended for potential ingress, depending on relative sizes. And the bulge would just be the means of getting genetic material into your partner so they could store it.
various points of note that come to mind:
This does mean that whenever a troll in Ancient Times fucked a partner, if they hadn't emptied out recently, the odds aren't bad that they would actually have some mixture of their own genetic material and somebody else's in there. And would not come entirely your own come, which is a wild concept as a human.
A reasonable excuse if you were pretending to be a slightly different shade than you were and got caught because of slurry: uhhh I fucked somebody yellow-blooded, that's why it looks lime instead of jade. BYE!!
Also means that although there was no concern about getting somebody pregnant, any form of STI that trolls could contract would be a pretty huge deal before vessels/buckets became a thing and it became more reasonable to clean out after fucking a single partner. Anything that spreads through fluid exchange, highly transmissible and dangerous!
Because most trolls in modern days haven't had to retain large amounts or for long, they tend to get cramping and a feeling of fullness for much smaller amounts than their ancient relatives would have.
Not wanting a bucket immediately after you fucked would have some connotations--old-fashioned, but romantic. A little sexy and kinky.
Modern trolls just don't have the carrying capacity they used to. >:I Buckets have ruined our bodies!!! Retain your slurry, it's natural!!! It gives you the power of your natural connection with the Mother Grub!!! << the modern troll's equivalent of the nofap guy.
Anyway there you go that's been my general theory in the porn I'm writing, ta-da~~
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ourpickwickclub · 7 months
OMG someone (GR? lol) must be reporting the comments on ET's IG, cuz some of the BEST ones are now hidden. Whoever screenshots them, can you please get the hidden ones too, cuz they are too good. like these:
I think I speak for all women Gavin, you cheated we don't give two s**** about your feelings, and you get to live with that until your kids you're a big cheating loser bag.
Here's how not to get divorced don't be a whore
You cheated and how she found out about it was humiliating and you wish there was more of a connection with the person you cheated on???!!! Your narcissistic, self centred, selfish side is showing. Go back under your rock and grow a sensitivity chip. Geez
Maybe he should have kept his 🍆 in his pants!
Wasn't he banging the nanny? That's what he should feel shame about
Should have thought about that when he was cheating with the nanny! 💩
Came to the comments to say what everyone else is saying YOU CHEATED THOUGH RIGHT? Woman are not centers for broken men 🖤 men need to grow up and hold themselves accountable for destroying things. This dude is a clown and I hope he knows it.
You never thought you would get divorced? Because you thought Gwen was a slave to your blatant and flagrant infidelity? What a pompous loser!!
The man shagged the nanny and now is blaming the ex for the family break up and lack of connection 😒
Oh, please. We know this type of guy. Effing Cheater!
Stupid m fu**er 🤷🏼‍♀️and with the Nanny 🤦🏼‍♀️stupider 😩
He’s a butthole
Somebody smack the audacity out of that man.
Well duh you wouldn’t have if you had kept you 🍆 in your pants ! 🤦🏻‍♀️
Don’t be a dirt bag cheater
Then he shouldn’t have been a cheating pig! Let that be a lesson to cheaters! You ruin lives.
So while he was running around the world putting his penis in strange women, he never thought "Hey, I wonder if this might lead to a divorce for me."
You feel bad for kids. Dude you cheated HELLO. Keep it moving your a disgrace as a lil man
Oh please now you want Gwen’s attention in your life? Give it up
Such a jerk
Well, he should have kept his pecker in his pants. That was his choice.
Well maybe he shouldn't have been a whore!
Well, you f’d the babysitter. Pretty sure that was not in your marriage vows! Idiot! She is much better now than she was when she was with him.
"I never thought id ever get divorced" he almost said "I thought she put up with it and stay for the sake of the kids cause he feels bad for them how stupid is he
Cheater . She’s happy. Let it be .
Yeah, it would have been nice if you didn't stick your d inside your nanny! Then maybe you wouldn't have any shame?
Should have kept your penis in your pants . You caused the break up of your marriage and now you’re crying about a lost connection with your kids . You didn’t just cheat on Gwen , you cheated on your 3 kids .
Helps if you keep your penis in your pants too
Sir we do not give a flying fck what u have to say.
Cheaters always come back to play the victim! Boy bye Go on and join in with Jimmie Allen, I’m sure they can be cheating besties!
He’s a cheating sack of ugly it’s no wonder she left
You f U — t someone else, a lot!
These things tend to happen when you’re at dirty Cheater
Right… while he was banging the nanny
Makes me so sad... What a moron cheating on her. ESP with a downgrade.
Cheaters deserve the worst
While then you shouldn’t have cheated! Loser
Perhaps if you’d kept your pecker in your pants things would be different. I’m glad for Gwen that she’s found so much happiness and rebuilt a beautiful home. The divorce must have been a painful time for her
You never deserved Gwen you pos
Cheaters always try to find an excuse to play the victim
Just wanted to post the hidden ones here in case they get deleted, although screenshots look better...it reminds me of when Gibson was deleting every facebook comment roasting ML in their ad last year. All of the comments were pure gold, did anyone happen to screenshot them before they got deleted? They were so funny. It feels good when people get what they deserve.
Even though it can never take away the pain that BG suffered, it's nice to see so many people on the side of TRUTH and not falling for lies and manipulation.
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tw-inkl-e-tit-s · 1 year
✩-Blind date-✩
Pairing: Miguel Cazarez Mora x Fem!Reader
Word count: 4.9k
Type: fluff
Warnings: Cussing?? not many warnings lol just fluff
A/N: Mia is Pink and Y/n is Purple in text
| Miguel Cazarez Mora Masterlist
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I stared in the mirror at my reflection as I put on my earrings and all my jewelry. I was getting ready for something my friend had planned, I think she was just running low on content for her youtube channel and needed something to post. My bestfriend Mia was a Youtube with over three hundred and forty subscribers, She has had me and our other friend Miguel in a couple of videos, and some we appeared in together. The second video we appeared in was when the comments started, Some of the comments said stuff like,
"Look at the way they look at each other!"
"He is so in love with her"
"They are defiantly dating!? OMG!!"
And not to mention the mass amounts of fan edits we both have been tagged in where the fans ship us together. I didn't know Miguel personally, He is just usually there when Mia is filming and so am I, I thought he was very attractive and he defiantly made me nervous when we got too close, The way he would look at me was like I was the only girl in the world.
I have told Mia about my small (HUGE) crush on Miguel and she freaked out and told me I needed to ask him out or tell him about my feelings, but I just never did because I was always scared he would reject me or think differently of me even though it didn't matter because it's not like we hang out alone.
I also am kinda talking to somebody at the moment, It isn't anything serious and we aren't in a relationship or anything, I just thought he was attractive and wanted to get to know him, but from what my other friend Ash told me he is a player, I don't really care I just wanted a distraction for my feelings for Miguel.
I saw my phone light up with a notification from Mia, I grabbed my phone and clicked on her message.
Mia Bear 🐻💕
Are you ready?
I'm parked outside hurry!
I'm ready just need to apply lipgloss omw!
I'm so excited!
I think you're gonna like who I picked for you 🤭
I hope so, is it that Bryan guy? cause if so I ain't going
No! This guy is short sorry lol
But he is cute AND funny I KNOW you will like him
Now hurry your apartment complex is scary
I sighed as I shut my phone off and put it in my back pocket, I put on some lipgloss and looked at myself once more in my full-body mirror to make sure I still looked good, I then walked out of my bedroom and shut my lights out and said bye to my animals and grabbed my purse walking out of my door and making sure to lock it behind me.
I walked into my elevator and clicked "Main floor" I waited for the elevator to open and walked out to see Mia parked outside talking to her Camera in the car, She looked over and saw me walking up to her and pointed the Camera at me,
"Oh my damn, You look good if he doesn't take you I will," She said zooming in on my outfit
I giggled doing a little spin for the camera, "So are you ready?" She asked as I got in her car
"I don't know, You said he was short," I said side-eyeing her
"You got a problem with short men?" She shouted laughing after
"No it's just a lot of short guys think they are hot shit and they ALWAYS have a big ego," I said
"I promise you are going to like this guy, He's humble," She said
It's not that I didn't trust Mia- I did one hundred percent, It's just me and her have completely different tastes when it comes to people we date, I hope she ACTUALLY picked someone I would go for and not someone she would go for, does that make sense?
We pulled up to a park and she told me she would be right back and that she had to go seat something up. I was so nervous so I decided to take my mind off of it by Taking some cute pictures and liking some fan edits.
Mia opened the car door after fifteen minutes, She climbed in and pulled out her camera,
"You ready?" She asked
"Yeah kinda," I laughed
"Don't be, You look great," She smiled and turned her camera on setting it on her dashboard
"So me and Y/n just arrived!" She said to the camera
"Hey guysss!" I smiled
"So all you know is what?" She asked turning to look at me
"So all I know is it's a blind date, we are going to the park and that's all I know," I said
"Yeah I didn't tell you much cause I didn't want to spoil it," She said
"I need to know if I am wearing a blindfold and do I get to see who it is like right when I get there?" I asked
"Yeah I'm gonna keep the blindfold on you guy's until you like- sit down," She said
"I kinda wanna keep the blindfold on," I said covering my face
"What your scared he's uggo, He isn't uggo I promise I would never do you dirty EVER!" She said laughing
"Good I didn't think you would," I said laughing with her
"Alright give me all your thoughts," She said as fixed her camera some
"Okay so when you said blind date I was like aw cute and fun, but I am also in like a sticky situation, I do have a little bit of a situationship going on but it's not like I'm somebodies girlfriend," I said
"But it's fine you can still go on this date," She said
She opened her glove box and pulled out a pink bandana and unfolded it,
"So I got this bandana, but I don't want to ruin your lashes so it's gonna have to be a bit loose so don't move around a lot," She laughed as she put the bandana on my face and tied it in the back
"Alright I think that's good, Can you breathe?" She asked
"Yeah I think- Enough I can breathe enough," I said laughing
"Oh shit I'll be right back, don't take your blindfold off okay," She said as she opened the car door and got out
I sat in silence for another fifteen minutes not knowing what to do cause I couldn't go on my phone due to the blindfold on my face, I laughed at the thought of people looking at me through the window wondering what is going on.
I heard the car door open and Mia breathing heavy
"Are you recording?" I asked
"Yeah, I am now why?" She asked
"Oh my god I'm over here with a blindfold on and I can't see anything and all I can hear is Mia over here breathing like a dog," I said laughing
She laughed shutting the car door
"I just know I'm gonna be so annoying on this date and I'm like so sorry," She said
"Wait no It's okay I'm glad you're here because if you would just leave us to fend for ourselves I would like kinda panic," I said
"Maybe I should then," She said
"NOOO!" I whined
"No i'm kidding I won't I'm gonna be annoying," She said laughing
"Isn't this like the perfect first date, like it's kinda romantic huh?" She asked
"Mmm, I don't know about that," I said laughing
"I'll be right back," She said as she got out of the car
"Ahh I'm so excited!" I shouted to the camera as I ran toward my bestfriend Miguel's car
He just got here and he looked a little nervous as he got out of the car, And it looked like he also brought his other bestfriend Mason, I blushed a bit as I and Mason made eye contact, I kinda liked Mason and Miguel knew that, He tried to get me and him together plenty of times but I have just never confessed my feelings.
"Are you excited about your blind date!?" I asked Miguel
"Oh, Mason's here to help me!" I said as I pointed the camera at Mason
"You're taking away my boyfriend bro what is this," He said
"Shut up!" I laughed as I handed him the Camera so I could put on Miguel's blindfold
"Are you excited?" I asked Miguel as I put on his blindfold
"Yeah- well I'm gonna be honest I was hyping myself up on my way here but now I'm here and I'm kinda shitting bricks," He said laughing
"Well I wouldn't put you with someone you wouldn't think was cute," I said
"Well that makes me even more nervous," He said
"Don't stutter alright you got this," Mason said reassuring Miguel
"Bro you literally have thousands of girls crushing on you over the internet you got this," I said
We got out of the car and Mason ran over to our side to film,
"Wait I got her flowers!" Miguel said
"You got her flowers?" I asked surprised
"Yeah I didn't know if I should or not but it is a date so," He said laughing
Mason ran to the trunk and pulled out a huge bouquet of roses,
"Miguel what is this oh my god!" I said walking over to Mason to look at the flowers
I had completely forgotten Miguel was blindfolded, "HOLY SHIT!!" Mason yelled I looked back to see a car speeding in Miguel's direction, I quickly ran over and dragged him towards me, and Mason
"You just almost died!" Mason yelled laughing
"Huh?" Miguel asked confused
"Mia almost let you get ran over bro!" Mason shouted
"Back to what I was saying!" I said laughing
"Miguel, why did you get her this many flowers?" I asked since it was so cute
"Oh it's a Ramo Buchon, I got it because I kinda have a feeling of who you are setting me up with," he said
"No, you don't, She is like super tall- like model tall- like taller than you!" I said
I looked at Mason trying to hold in my laugh and he was doing the same
"Damn model tall, How tall is she?" He asked
"Like six foot five," I said trying not to laugh
"Oh hell nah you trynna set me up with an NBA player, I'm good bro," He said trying to walk away but bumped into the side of his car
"No come back you can't see, dumbass," I said
I grabbed his hand and started leading him to the spot that I had set up for him and Y/n, Mason was carrying the flowers and the camera. The spot had a pink blanket spread across the grass with some sandwiches and I also got them some water so they could stay hydrated since it was hot as shit outside.
"Is she really six foot five?" He asked
"Yes, she is!" I said laughing
"Oh god," He mumbled
"Are you still nervous?" I asked
"Hell yeah, I am so nervous Mia," He said
"Okay talk to the camera," I said
"I just- what if she doesn't like me or what if I don't like her?" He said
I was trying to listen but he kept squeezing my hand, was he really THAT nervous?
"OWW, YOU'RE SQUEEZING MY HAND!!" I shouted trying to lose his grip
"Sorry, I'm just nervous!" He shouted back
"Alright we are here," I said
"Just sit down," Mason said
"Uh, I can't see?" Miguel said
"Oh shit right, here!" I said guiding him to sit on the blanket
"I got you some sandwiches and some waters," I said
"Okay, can I take the blindfold off?" He asked
"NO I'm about to go get her, Just sit there and don't talk because she's gonna recognize your voice I feel like," I said
"Okay, hurry up," He said laughing
Mason handed the flowers to Miguel and we both rushed over to my car to get Y/n,
"Alright I am gonna walk you to your knight in shining armor," I said as I opened my car door
"Ahh I'm so nervous!" Y/n said
"No it's fine, Tell me your thoughts," I said as I guided her to the spot Miguel was at
"Honestly I'm a liar, I'm not really that nervous I'm just dramatic, but I also might fall in love," She said
"Aww you might!" I said
"Also he might hear your voice, he might not recognize it but he might I don't know," I said
"HIII!!" She shouted
"Bitch you aren't there yet!" I shouted laughing
"Ohhh," She laughed
"Alright I need you to sit down here," Mia said as she helped me sit on the ground
"Can he hear me?" I asked
"Kinda," I heard someone say
"Hiii," I said
Mia and someone else started laughing,
"Is he here- what?" I asked confused since I couldn't see anything
"No, he is here!" Mia said
"Alright, you guys can take your blindfolds off!" She shouted
I took a deep breath as I slowly pulled my blindfold off,
"Holy shit," I heard someone whisper beside me
I looked over to see Miguel, I fucking knew it!
"Oh my god I knew it!" I shouted and we all laughed
"Hiii," I smiled leaning in for a hug
"Hi, how are you?" He smiled as he hugged me back
"I'm great," I said pulling away
"This was gonna be my guess when you asked me to guess who it was," I said laughing
"I know, I tried to throw you guys off a little bit," She said
"Well, he isn't four foot three that's for sure!" I said laughing
"Four foot three, She told me you were six foot five!!" Miguel shouted laughing
"She did us dirty," Miguel laughed
"Yeah I tried throwing you off by saying he was short- and he's like the tallest person in the world," she said scanning Miguel with the camera
"I know I was so nervous 'cause she was like, do you like short kings?" I said
"Not the short king," Miguel laughed shaking his head
"So I got you guys some sandwiches and waters, and um- OH," Mia said pointing at something behind Miguel
He pulled out a huge Ramo Buchon, It had red roses on the outside and white roses in the middle shaped like a heart and it was wrapped in white glitter paper.
"Oh yeah I got you some flowers," He smiled as he handed me them
"Oh my god thank you, these are so beautiful!" I smiled taking them
"I'm like tearing up, this is the sweetest thing a guy has done for me thank you so much!" I said hugging him
He hugged me back and I just wanted to stay like that forever, he felt so warm and he smelled so good and the way his hands wrapped around me so perfectly made me melt.
"Okay since you guys are both nervous it is a good thing I came up with some good first-date questions," Mia said as she walked behind me and Miguel
"I am so nervous deadass, my whole hand is shaking," Miguel said as he held up his hand
"Okay, my first question is did I do great?" She asked smiling at the camera
"I think you did good," I said looking at Miguel
"I think you did great," He smiled looking at me
"Good because I told them in my intro about how you guys think each other is cute and no one does anything about it," She said pulling out her phone
I and Miguel couldn't stop glancing at each other, he just looked so good, and his outfit looked good, He was wearing some black cargo pants, a black shirt, a red jacket, a black hat, and air force ones, and his hair was also pulled back in a ponytail, The site made me wanna drool.
"Okay the real first question is, What is your favorite movie, I'm trynna see if you guys have anything in common here," She said
"I would defiantly have to say y/f/m," I said (Your favorite movie)
"I would have to go with Friday and hangover," Miguel said
"What is that?" I asked
"You haven't seen hangover?" Mia asked
"Wait you haven't seen hangover?" Miguel asked shocked
"No guess we have to watch it," I said smirking at him
"Oh we are for sure having a movie night," he said smirking at me
"Wait you guys are already planning another date!?" Mia asked
"It feels like you guys are fine without me, I'll stay for one more question," She said
"Okay, so what are your signs?" She asked
"Uh, I am a y/z/s what are you?" I asked (What is your zodiac sign)
"I'm a Pisces," Miguel said as he opened his water bottle
"Aw I love Pisces," I said
"Perfect!" Mia said clapping her hands
"Alright I'm gonna leave you guys to fend for yourselves for a bit and I'm gonna go talk to Mason and the viewers," She said as she got up and walked off with Mason
I looked back at Miguel who was already looking at me, I quickly looked down trying to hide my blush, He laughed as he placed his hand over mine holding it, I looked up at him and he smiled back at me, "You look so beautiful Y/n," He said looking me up and down,
I couldn't help but look him up and down as well, He just looked so good, "Thank you, Miguel, You look really nice too," I said laughing
"I was serious about that Movie date," He said
"Really?" I asked
"One hundred percent," He said as he looked me in the eyes
"You have no idea how long I have wanted to go on a date with you," He said
"I think I know, I've kinda been crushing on you for a while," I said smiling
"You should have said something!" He said laughing
"Oh yeah like you should have said something to me about how you felt the same!?" I said laughing
"I was nervous!" He said
"Why I don't bite?" I said smirking
"You are just so… Beautiful and breathtaking, and you are very intimidating like you carry yourself so well that I felt like if I asked you out you would have laughed in my face," He said lowering his head
Did he really feel that way? am I intimidating? He said I was breathtaking!
"Miguel, I wouldn't have laughed in your face, I would have told you how I felt and we could have been dating and we wouldn't have to be on this weird blind date thing," I said laughing
He finally looked up at me as he laughed
"Alright be honest what is your ideal first date, Cause I wanna properly take you out?" He asked
"Okay so I think- not a movie because you are like sitting in silence and you can't really talk to each other- but what would earn you coochie point is like maybe take me out somewhere to eat and be like, Be ready at this time and dress like this I'm picking you up," I said
He threw his head back as he laughed
"Alright it seems like it's going very well, So I'm gonna make things a little weird," Mia said as she sat back down between me and Miguel
"Oh great," I said side eyeing Miguel who was doing the same
"Okay I want you guys to compliment each other," She said
"Okay, I really like your hair and your eyes and your smile," I said
"I love your smile and your eyes and your lips," He said smirking at me
"That's so romantic Miguel oh my god," Mia said sighing
"Okay so I have this friend who I showed a picture of you both to and she said that you both looked cute together and I was like I know I've been trying to tell them, like Miguel is always like yo whats good with your friend Y/n, and then I'm like Y/n Miguel thinks you're cute and then she's like yeah he's cute, and no one will ever make a move," She said mimicking our voices
"All right guys comment down below if you think this went well, get this to ten thousand likes and I will force them to go on a date alone next time, Byeee!" She said as Mason turned off the Camera
"Soooo, yall going on a date?" She asked wiggling her brows
"I would love to take you out on a date Amor," Miguel said
I looked away blushing,
"Ohhh he's calling you Amor now?" Mia said
"I would like that," I said blushing
Taglist: @vancehopperenthusiast @bradyhepner @deadghosy @finneyblakes @mnsnloverhey @jayceflwrs @bookobsessedfreak
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threshie · 4 months
Bye-Bye Bras
It took decades, but I have finally officially decided to ditch bras for good. It sounds like a little thing, but it's SO freeing to be this comfortable while out and about, instead of shoving myself into the sensory discomfort that is a bra every time I step out of the house. I think it took discovering the autism to give myself permission to just not care if somebody may see the outline of nipples.
I don't really have anywhere else to ramble about this to the world, so my Tumblr gets to hear about it instead, LOL. I would literally make myself put a bra on if I set foot out of the house, even just to check the mail, and realized it had become part of masking. So far the only people who have seemed to care are a bunch of little old ladies giving me side-eye while grocery shopping, and I'm gonna prioritize my day to day comfort, not their two minutes of perceiving me ever.
Anyway, wheee, I've given myself permission to go braless and kicked the idea that that is inappropriate to the curb. I'm so comfy in my clothes while outside now that it feels like I'm still in my pajamas. Cripes.
I tried wearing double layers at first with a tank top as an undershirt. Overheated really bad, though. Then I got the guts to go out in only the tank top, and you know, the world did not end. Just this morning I realized, hey, my entire wardrobe is allowed to be worn braless, actually! I suppose the next big step will be shopping for clothes sans bra and buying things that look nice on me without a bra there at all, then not caring if I show up in photos with no bra, etc, etc.
I think I've got more sensory issues than I previously thought. When I tried to force myself to get back to wearing a bra daily, I just couldn't stand it. So this sounds silly, and like a small thing, but it's a big deal for me to allow myself to be this comfortable and be seen without the stupid bra, which I literally only wore as part of masking.
I'm lucky to have a small chest and find bra-free so comfy. I don't need support, and I don't need nipple covering, so I don't need the bra at all. Whoohoo!
I've been struggling with this for years, by the way. I tried wearing only yoga bras (made me sweat.) I tried sports bras (gave me killer neck and shoulder pain.) I tried stick-on nipple covers (looked worse under the shirt than the shape of my actual nipples.) Finally, I realized that I didn't want or need any of that stuff, I was just trying to accommodate my desire to not wear a bra at all in a way that was acceptable to others. And wearing no bra IS acceptable, actually. ♥
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Hey there, its me again, the favorite anon (it seems weird for me to call myself that, i have to find another way to make it known its me) and i just wanted to give a simple answer, felt like i left you hanging about the art thing so sorry. I’ll try to be brief with my answer, about the whole thing that happened that day, i didn’t really get it all just came in and saw there was some weirdness going on, we all make mistakes we’re human after all so its good you apologized, i think.
I’m really invested in how Daryl and Birdie’s relationship will develop, i just knew he was gonna be the biggest helicopter parent lol, bet he’ll be the kind of dad that freaks out after the kid sneezes just once and i’m here for it, i did note that Daryl didn’t really have any suggestions even when reader commented about the name thing way back when he was sick, but didn’t really think it would come into play, i thought it was more of him being sort of insecure haha but i knew it would be Bird related, come on, Bird blanket and her dad is Always wearing a vest with wings? To me, thats cinema.
Also i forgot to comment on the last ask, but Daryl knowing all this stuff from his books but not knowing about the placenta??, its so funny to me, come on man it was too good to be true, most realistic moment for me honestly, men just operate on a different frequency i swear.
And about Lori, well i did note that Daryl joked about her on the first ep of season 3, wasn’t really malicious tho i think Daryl just kinda secretly likes to gossip, like that time he told everybody Merle had the clap for no reason lmao, the idea of Daryl secretly being a gossiper is hilarious. And more Lori? I’LL BE EATING IT UP I KNOW IT, and getting to see more of her and Rick?? Might as well be christmas for me, i’m curious to know what advice she has, i’ll be waiting eagerly for the moment where she just goes ‘’Y/N can you watch Carl for me?’’ that’ll be the moment we know their relationship has peaked. Alright i’m just joking, i love her so much in this fic.
Carol is the gift that keeps on giving, i love how she immediately knew she had to save birdie from these fools, poor kid doesn’t deserve to suffer with a messed up diaper on her first day on this Earth, i’m guessing she’ll be Birdie’s Godmother, if that’s a thing to them anyway, i have a feeling her bond with Birdie will also be very special and just motivate her to be even more of a badass.
Alright about the art, its totally fine, you know its out there sorta like a message in a bottle, it now belongs to the world not me haha i want to keep practicing with these characters when i have more time, this one was made on a tight schedule but who knows, i’m already thinking of what else to make plotting like a supervillain in my lair, but for now i only have a few hours, if you want to post that one its totally cool with me.
Thanks for being so sweet, i hope you are taking care of yourself and taking your time to write, its very important, and yeaaaah 600 words thats me being ‘’brief’’ somebody needs to take this keyboard away from me.
Bye bye <3
My favorite Anon! You just let me know what you want me to call you and I will! 🩵
Don't worry about not answering right away on the art. I just wanted to make sure it was okay before I showed it off. :) I was worried all that shit had chased you off. I felt/feel horrible about it but it's done and in the past now. I'm sorry if it affected you in any way.
I have just started chapter 31 and bless these two. A newborn on the road is really going to test everyone. He's going to be talking about the name a little in this and why he chose it.
Bless him, he didn't get that far in the books. He kept telling her he hadn't had time to read and how he felt bad about it. He really wanted to know everything but when it came down to reading or providing/protecting or reading, he of course chose the first. I just could not have him being like what?! when she pushed it out.
Daryl being a gossiper! LOL YES.
Reader is definitely going to need help. Lori will play a pivotal role, along with Carol, of course. I want there to be a real bond with Lori, something that will tie reader to Carl and Judith after that day. Daryl loves Judith, we already know that but I want there to be this real bond with reader and the kids.
I still have a while to explore before we even get to the prison, so buckle up! :)
Thank you for always sending these. They seriously make me smile! 🩵🩵🩵
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hushroomloser · 1 year
Chris Evans short story part 7
Pairing: ReaderxChrisEvans 
Request: Meeeee 
Prompt: “I’m sorry I thought you were somebody else”
Warning(s): I’m a first-time writer
Word count: 1171
A/N: Hey online strangers, I wrote the first part a while back and have the rest of the story in my drive but have never posted it. This story I wrote way back in 2019 :'(. I will be posting at random times if you stay and read it thank you so much. Enjoy xoxox - I have no idea how many parts this story and technically I haven’t an ending yet. 
I honestly to god have no more inspiration so this story will just be here for another 3 more years. 
Here I am, whoever is reading this thank you. Because honestly I have reread the other parts and the amount of errors would make my high school english teacher blush. 
Anyways as always enjoy and please if you have any criticisms bad or good I am all ears. 
Kiss from someone who should be writing her thesis right now. 
… I am back lol. I have no idea who even is enjoying this but yeah. I wrote this during finals so please excuse everything from it. From the grammar to the plot lol. I shall maybe edit it or something. Honestly didn’t this story needed more parts or anything and plus I am trying my hardest to make into a your name type without writing yourr name cause I never found it cute and plus whenever I read a yn i read out the yn has like yoon for some reason. So yeah 
“For me?” 
Lowering his gaze, the whole ordeal made him realize that he was not as confident as he initially thought this morning, in front of his mirror, he had prepared such a speech that still made him blush now. And yet, he couldn’t say anything but mumble, “These are for you, to thank you. Yes, to thank you for bringing me here to see a doctor.” 
“Uhm, thanks but it was my fault in the first place.” She giggled and took the flowers. “They smell nice.” Not knowing what to say, they each stayed quiet. 
That silence between them did not feel awkward or anything, it felt good. They each look into each other's eyes knowing how they felt but unable to word it. How could they? They both felt like they were going after someone out of their league. A superstar and a doctor. Their attraction seemed eternal, their need for each seemed as if it could never be burned out. They wanted each other. How could they say; Hey this may be weird but I think I love you. I do not know you but you would fit in my life so perfectly. You would be so right, so perfect and so everything that words could not describe it. How do they tell each other that they mean everything? So, they didn’t say anything, they kept looking at each other. Hoping that the other could feel it.That they could feel their wants and needs for oneself. 
“Code Blue, in room 305, code blue in 305”. They both shook their heads and broke their gazes away. 
“I guess you have to go”, Chris said, a little bit sad that she had to leave. 
“I don’t deal with codes”, looking at him, she wondered if he could sense the need. He should ask her out. Seriously! Maybe she should woman up and ask him herself. She’s an independent woman, it is not that hard. Just say the words. Would you like to go for coffee? See it is easy. Easy in her head, but in rel life, no. It would take so much courage to ask him. But she has to, if she did not he might not come back? He might just leave her, and she did not want that. 
So she took all the courage she had, all the courage she had saved up all those years, even after entering her field. A field that was very much dominated by men. A field that made her rethink a lot of the way she acted, the way she would dress and even speak. 
And she asked him, a bit nervous,
“If you aren't busy, in like 15 min or so would you want of course and if you have the time to grab coffee that is if you are free and available but if you aren’t I would totally understand. You are a busy man. Asking you to coffee would properly mess up your schedule. And all plus you are filming a movie right. I guess you do not have the time. Yeah, it is fine you should not come.” She had managed to say all of that without losing her breath. 
Chris was smiling through it all, he though she’s cute when she’s shy. Acting like it didn’t matter. It surprised him at how well he could read her, especially the lack of knowing much about her. Seeing that she did want to see him agin he did wait much, honestly he was about to ask her out too but she beat him to it. 
“I would love to have coffee with you.”God that smile could cure all the sick she thought.
“I will wait for you at the entrance is that okay.”
She couldn’t say anything after that monologue, not only was she out of it but she had just realized what she did. She asked him out.
God please if you are here and listening do not make me awkward, which had been a horrible start. Please make this elegant independent woman. Please make me gorgeous in every way possible, make me eloquent. PLEASSEEE MAKE ME PERFECT, she pleaded.
She could just otter yeas sure awesome before he left to wait for her. It had taken her a solid 5 minutes to realize what had happened. Another 5 to manage to look presentable and the last five to be convinced by Lizzy, which managed to be at your office and force you to tell her about what happened. She was ecstatic, the understatement of the year. She was what we would say out of this world with joy. God, she was giggling and murmuring about whatever future she had imagined. You didn’t even register half of it and for the other half, you had been rolling your eyes stating that it was just coffee. 
You always had makeup in your work bag and an extra outfit in your locker in case you had to present something or if you had arrived in scrubs at the hospital. Always be prepared you remembered your mother telling you. Your mom has been the most influential part of your life, from the clothes you wore to what you studied at school. Men come and go but a degree is here to stay, she said. Not only did she make you study hard in school but always be dressed the way you wanted the way that made you feel extra amazing which happened to be wearing skirts or dressed and heels for everything and when I mean everything I mean even on a lazy day going out for groceries. If they had made running shoes that were also heels you would be the first and probably the only on to wear. 
Dressing up and doing makeup and all that extra girly stuff, as your dad would say, did not take away from your achievement nor what you strived in life. You liked to look good getting those diplomas and all. 
“I think I will wear this.” It was a long pink dress jacket you had been saving in your work closet inside your office in case of emergencies. And this was the upmost emergency of all. Chris had shown up on one of those days that looking cute was the last thing on your mind. Sleep was and always has been your true love and on that day, you needed an extra hour. 
“It is perfect.” Lizzy smiled at the way you had semi-transformed yourself. “Like a medical legally blond without the blond part.” she giggled at your joke that was not as funny as she may have thought. 
“How does my makeup look, and everything. What about my hair? Maybe I should cancel and say I had an emergency to attend to.” 
“Stop. Breath. You look perfect.”Lizzy shook you into a reality that had been hard to accept. Beauty. Was I pretty? The question that is worth a thousand no a million dollars, honestly even a billion dollars. 
I did not know how to end it so lol this is part 7 please enjoy and also constructive criticism is as always very much appreciated. 
Thank you 
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theomnicode · 2 years
It is time...to reveal another prophecy.
(long post)
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Just put some OPM God makeup on him and it's legit Freddie Krueger lol.
Oh yeah, the stuff that children's nightmares are made out of. Fedora and all. Only now revealing that he has some real claws. Has to be that mannerism too.
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Heh. Hostage situation...*cackles*
But we're still missing something aren't we?
God-tier level guilt tripping, from not saving Genos. To make him feel like he's a real monster on the inside.
But then again, OPM God is probably just flexing. Gotta stretch and flex all of those mental muscles after 300 million year long nap to recover from atrophy.
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M'lady.*tips Fedora*
“Tips Fedora” is an online expression used in mocking response to a statement of opinion thought to be held by a young adult male who probably wears fedora as a fashion accessory. The phrase refers to the gesture of tipping one’s hat as an expression of recognition or acknowledgement between two persons.
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"You delievered me all the pieces of the puzzle I needed straight into my lap because you wanted to show off." *slow clap*
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"In how to make the Abominable Fist stumble and fall flat on his ass and hurt himself in the process."
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"Just had to recall this Sinking feeling of Despair, that's all."
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"Ah this lovely rain of collective despair, how delightful. Finally some good fucking food."
*slurps like man dying from thirst* "Irresistible."
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"Just copy the wavelenght of the telepathic signal and find all the objects it would react to. Ez"
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"And make the object irresistible. So he would always carry it with him and always be able to be found."
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"Effortless task indeed, I didn't even need to lift a bloody finger."
"And then lure all the riffraff "Pro Heroes" into one place...and kill them all in one, fell swoop when they come looking for the source."
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"Nobody will question a bit of collateral damage. If they do, I can just frame someone like Tatsumaki."
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"A very nice (love)timed bomb, courtesy from your Master Saitama."
"Where do all the worms crawl to anyway after they get brutally beaten down? Oh yea..."
"The hospital."
"Uh oh, somebody snapped"
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"Just a flex though. Nothing personel, kid."
"Gotta flex these old joints a bit. They're a bit stiff. Bye, I'm out for a nice, leisure stroll."
"See ya."
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thedarkestgreys · 2 years
✨year end fic review✨
tagged by @muserepeats and @luuver3 💕 thanks friends!
whats your ao3 account?
how many words did you write in total in 2022?
the very stupid number of 252,903
how many fics did you publish in 2022? how many were multichapter vs one shots?
eleven all together. three completed multi-chapters, three wip/on-going multi-chapters and five one-shots.
what was your longest fic? your shortest?
longest : your violent overnight rush (141,867 WIP) shortest: 'till our wide eyes burn blind (938 on-going)
what was your most popular fic? what was your least popular fic?
lol by the numbers we can just repeat the above answer in the same order. YVOR is very, very close to not only being my most popular of 2022 but my most popular of all time by the numbers, in like a fraction of the time? it blows me away tbh. with TOWEBB, like, I didn't expect much from it really, it's less than 1k and it's just a little bit extra from an existing fic. it was still fun to write out a backstory idea from the hades/persephone verse i created though!
what fic didn't perform as well as you thought it would?
i only have one chapter of it posted, but don't you dream impossible things? has under performed from kinda what i was expecting i guess? idk its hard to say these days, a year post the season coming out while in a hiatus until who knows when means that it's really only the diehards still around for the time being, so i'm lowering my expectations here folks.
what fic performed way better than you expected it would?
all of you, all of me (intertwined) Desert!Fexi for sure. It was just a chance for me to write about T-Town and y'all ate that shit up. i think they will make a comeback sometime in 2023 when i'm not so busy with a billion WIPS like rn?
what was your favorite fic you wrote from 2022?
I think at this point we all know how I feel about YVOR. that fic is my child. BUT!!!! the stray lines that unwind you is probably what I go back and reread the most out of everything I've published in this last year. maybe ever actually? it was just a fun little slice of life to live in when i wrote it and has some of my favorite fexi interactions i've ever written.
what was your favorite fic that somebody else wrote in 2022?
oh so many. the talent in this fandom is beyond.
i will scream about And no drugs for Lexi Howard, bye. by @changeyourwholepitch to anyone who wants to listen to me. it's just perfectly smutty and delicious. i think about inspiration point by @actnatural-ly a fucking lot too. and Someone To Watch Over Me by @muserepeats never fails to fuck me up. i would be remiss to not point out that i love so many fics from @myztify. and also to remind @calculated2stagger that she makes me want to retire 😘 (yall its a joke okay?)
tag your friends to do this year end fic review as well!
@sarahcakes613 @takearisk-ao3 uhhhhhh idk who hasn't done this yet?
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wh0rephobic · 3 years
Heyyeyeye 🥞ANON is here I'm an absolute fucking softie so I might give more fluffy ideas :)
Imagine just listening to music or something and william get home from work and he sees you, he gets out of his uniform and stuff and then immediately after he will genuinely drag you out of what you are doing so you can cuddle with him for just hours on end
Another idk whether I should do 2 asks or not lol but imagine
William seeing you with Michael or someone he doesn't want you hanging out with or who he hates and he would just make up some pretend situation and you would know by then that he was just jealous of Michael and wanted some love :) 🥞ANON OUT! (fn...)
william def hates communicating his feelings. he’ll talk about yours and your day all the time, but he’ll never tell you a thing about his. it’s not that he’s keeping anything from you, he just things it’s unimportant, that there are more important things. nonetheless, you continue to ask about his day.
the door slams. you glance over your shoulder watching william kick off his shoes and hang his jacket.
“hi, honey,” you greet. “how was your day?”
but he doesn’t answer. you assume, bad day. william only sighs as he walks past you in the living room, stomping up the stairs as he unties his tie. you shrug and return to your book, only for william to return minutes later in a t shirt and some sweat pants, grumbling under his breath as he comes over to you, bending over and scooping you up in his arms.
you chuckle, “bad day?”
“oh, you have no idea,” william mutters, pressing innocent kisses to your neck.
you wrap your arms around him and hold him close, kissing the scruff on his cheek before pressing your cheek against his and smiling.
“wanna talk about it?”
william carries you into your shared bedroom. “nope.”
he lays down on the bed, adjusting your on top of him and pinning you in place with his strong arms, making sure that you will not be leaving his embrace for hours.
“okay,” you agree, just happy to be with him. “i missed you,” you admit in a mumble, nuzzling into william’s chest.
“mm,” he hums, taking in the scent of your hair. “i missed you, too darling.”
like say you’re at the pizzeria, talking about william with his son and ignoring the way he’s clenching his fist with a toxic smile. michael likes talking to you, but just hates talking to—or even about—his dad. william is with him on that one, you can talk to whoever you want, just not fucking michael.
he can’t hear you two from where he watches in the shadows, but he can’t imagine any words michael is imprinting on your brain can be good. out of the pure anxiety in his heart, he approaches, tapping you on the shoulder and accepting a sharp glare from his son.
he decides to play it safe. “dearest, i’m gonna need your help with something wrong with the skeeball machine, if you wouldn’t mind.”
you nod with an innocent smile. “oh, sure thing! just let me finish up talking to michael, here.”
now, william caves. an obvious frown on his face when he stares at you with disappointment, spreading guilt into your core. what had you said wrong?
william grabs your wrist. “wh-wha—i—… bye michael!”
you let william drag you away, through the EMPLOYEES ONLY corridor and into his office, when he slams the door shut behind you two and sits down in his hefty leather chair, pulling you onto his lap where you can straddle his lap and bury your face in his shoulder. now, he just wants to hold you.
“william,” you pick your head up from his neck. “what was that?”
and he avoids eye contact, glancing shiftily around the room as he flushes gently. “n-nothing, i just… don’t like you talking to him.”
your eyebrows furrow in confusion, cocking your head to study william’s face. you know the two have never gotten along, though you don’t know why, but you never thought it would be something as serious as to isolate you and treat you as a part of his own territory. unless…
you light up with a gasp. “aww, is somebody jealous?”
william’s eyes widen with an even darker blush, making you laugh when he forces your face back into his shoulder. “just sit with me, will you?”
you obey, relaxing in his grip where you wrap your arms around him, holding him tight to your body as you sit in his lap.
“yes, sir.” you taunt. “whatever makes you happy.”
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i-need-air · 4 years
Hybrid!AU Wolf!Bakugou Katsuki HCs Part 2.
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Summary: Part 2 is here! While in part 1 it was mostly adoption and how he'd behave with you as a roommate, part two is him ✨ realizing things ✨ followed by how he'd be in a romantic relationship.
Word Count: 2k words [ oops, I did it again ]
Notes: So I said it'll be out in a few days but three [3] people asked me for part 2 and I'm a sucker soooooooo!! I could've just written a long ass fic but whatever, I thought I'd make it shorter in headcanons... hah lol right. Enjoy!
Part 1 here!
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× he's a wild wolf so he's very active; like you need to understand he needs to go outside if not he'd get impatient, more aggressive, snappy, so once you took him on an easy hiking trail near your house and he loved it so once or twice a month you both go together to different places [ he demands it ]
× it's hard to keep up with him bc he's literally genetically engineered to be better than any very fit human being but he slows down for you
× morning runs at 5 a.m. bc he's insane
× is also a grandpa
× watched all documentaries on any streaming platform you could provide to him, also loves reading
× as months pass and you start to have your routine in order, word comes to you that an acquaintance is looking for a security guard at his mechanical shop two streets away from your house
× you casually mentioned it to Bakugou because he was starting to act anxious whenever you'd leave the house, so you assumed he was extra bored
× seriously, the house was spotlessly cleaned, he cooked amazingly and was occupied with your old laptop and going around the city to explore, but you guessed he wanted more independence?
× little did you know you were right but so wrong lol
× so Bakugou stared at you intensely and asked "Where?"
× it was as easy as telling him the location, him nodding and you thought he'd consider it; you didn't put any pressure on him because he already did so much to help around anyway
× well guess what bitch, next day he comes up to you saying you gotta co-sign his contract [cuz fuck society] meaning he got the job
× he was perfect for it because tall, intimidating, muscular wolf guy? who'd even mess with him? do they have a death wish?
× well, even before this he started to be... soft
× but once you really did show him you support whatever he wants to do, you give him his freedom and liberty of choice, he just reaaally changes, man
× he gets touchy, like his hands stay one second longer on your skin, he uses any excuse to have them on you, even his eyes follow you everywhere
× like c'mon, it's obvious but you didn't wanna put too much thought into it because we're respectful here
× not like you had a big fat crush on him and slowly started to realize it too
× sike bitch he knows
× you think his super-hearing didn't catch the way your heartbeat spikes up every single time he touches you? *please*
× i think he knows before you know
× meanwhile he is working to discover his feelings too
× so your relationship slowly turns into a couple's like relationship but without anything official and of course no kissing or such [ sadly ]
× would get jealous easily
× basically because nothing is talked between you two and deep down is insecure
× why the hell do you smell like other people? was it just a hug or something else? hell, why would you even hug people when he's right there??? just ask and don't touch some extras????
× another thing he does is getting very close to you while you talk to somebody else; scoffs and glares at them too
× ok so!! gifts! he really appreciates any gift you give him but scolds you if you do because you genuinely don't need to do that
× of course he just scolds you and calls you an idiot so I do hope you already learned his language
× it basically means that you shouldn't have done it, he's really grateful but seriously you shouldn't have
× like that one time you saved up money to get him a good computer and he forgot how to speak for like an hour
× the softest thank you ever afterwards
× still sounded rough but he was shocked as fuck
× one thing that remained in your brain were his friends, as sometimes he'd mention them
× so you took it upon yourself to find them, of course with his permission
× gets genuinely overwhelmed and plays it off saying he wouldn't mind knowing where those idiots ended but you didn't miss the way his voice trembled
× for you to find them you needed names and any information he could provide so that's when he, after a long silence and a mesmerized look on his face, started really talking about his life
× which was fucked; won't get much into detail but he was indeed in a fighting ring, people came and bet on whoever was stronger, he even had to fight his friends, everything was filled with abuse and their conditions were subhuman...
× just overall awful
× you couldn't help but hug him tight, feeling him shake in your arms
× with a hesitant voice he asked if you really did think there was a chance to find them
× just couldn't believe how amazing he felt in your arms
× or how your determination that night made his heart clench and took a big weight off his shoulders
× anywho;;;; after his first paycheck he takes you out on cute dates
× never calls them that, just demands you dress up [helps you out cuz boy got style] and takes you to a nice coffee shop or something
× AND on your fifth not date cuz you're not official but there's this weird tension between you date he finally kinda s n a p s
× you honestly didn't expect the waiter to flirt with you, he came out as very pushy and even if you were a lil uncomfortable you smiled and brushed it off
× when the waiter suggested giving you his number the sandy blond hybrid growled
× which i shit you not made the whole coffee shop freeze
× and you froze too
× but neither of you could say anything because the oblivious fuck kept talking
× basically joking about how you should keep your pet in a leash, to which you got up, threw some money on the table, grabbed Bakugou by the hand and leave before he'd rip someone's head off
× it only took you to touch Bakugou's arm to calm him down as he followed behind you wordlessly
× so you stood outside, angry, deep red eyes on your figure
× and silence
× his hand still in yours
× it was warm and amazing and you felt angry but your heart was beating loudly; angry at the waiter that you wanted to go full Karen on and get fired but excited because that growl shook you to the core, as if you could tell it was territorial and it was because of that pig flirting with you and did Bakugou Katsuki just lace his fingers with you?!
× "Oi." he interrupted your thoughts
× he turned your frame towards him and pulled you [kinda harshly] into him
× you'd make a comment about it but brain empty, just Bakugou Katsuki blushing
× "You're mine, you get it?"
× skdjflglykshs
× it sounded like he asked but it was a demand so oops you're his now ok bye
× like I said, boy isn't dumb so he lowkey knew you felt something too
× legit from there on he's just soft as fuck
× has a hard time opening up but visibly tries for you
× still continues to be a pain in the ass, Bakugou Style, but with a loving teasing attitude behind it
× his eyes give him away all the time
× they shine whenever you're in his field of view so congrats because, and this is the best part:
× oh yeah, he's yours, no takebacks
× he isn't one to half-ass the relationship; you're his now and he'll do anything for you
× big time touch starved it hurts
× because he is shy
× so whenever you introduce him to hand holding and cuddles, he can't get enough
× not big on PDA [ and not recommended since human-hybrid relationships are kiiiinda frowned upon but it's getting better ]
× although at home it's another deal
× seriously cuddle him; he's big into the protector vibe so he's a big spoon almost exclusively unless it's to sleep on top of you
× speaking of! accept that even if your relationship isn't that intimate, he'd still hint about sleeping together in the same bed
× so you better catch on when he does because he'll just click his tongue and call you needy
× while dragging you to bed
× sleeps holding you, his nose in your hair or in the crook of your neck
× unless it's summer then stay on your side 💅
× you know those kisses that just scream "I can't get enough of you"? that's his whole kissing vibe in a sentence
× hell, even the gentlest kiss gives that vibe away and it'll 100% leave you breathless
× doesn't have experience but is a very fast learner
× pays very close attention to your body language
× really into biting your skin enough to leave marks
× wear his hoodies
× no, I'm fucking serious, wear them now
× his chest puffs and he turns into a blushing mess when you do it the first times because his scent is on you
× scenting is a big thing for him so of course he's gonna love it
× 10x more territorial because now he has a mate to protect
× jealous but trusts you
× still very jealous though
× let's all pretend he is definitely not scenting you before you go out because it's in his nature and it is embarrassing
× the first time he tells you he loves you it's when he's feeling vulnerable
× the search for his friends is still on-going, he feels less than adequate as a providing mate, is pissed at the world for treating him like an inferior animal when they created him, everything is piled on his shoulders and whenever than happens he closes off
× you notice immediately
× will not tell you at first
× it's only when you go to bed and he turns his back to you when you really know it's bad
× even if you fought before, he'd angrily snuggle you at night-time
× now it's so different
× hug him, whisper sweet nothings in his ear, pull a blanket all over you both and big spoon him, he'd start shaking and talking in no time
× will hide his tears from you but you'd know
× "You're the best fucking thing that happened to me, [Y/N]... I—... Shit... I love you so much."
× neither of you slept that night
× excuse you? drink some water and pray to jesus;;; you talked about feelings, ok? communication is key in a relationship, puh-lease
× [ i have this whole nsfw hcs post already cookin in my brain so maybe I'll make it happen cuz y'all know he has a mating season and all that comes with it 👀 ]
× back to being children of jesus here
× thanks the moon, the heavens and all the gods for putting you in his life; boy didn't believe in destiny but deep down he thinks you were meant to be
× you still better wash the dishes or you'll get your ass kicked.
× you did find some of his friends, little by little, and even if he acted nonchalant, like k das cool, it was obvious he was extremely happy
× so they did get adopted too
× you got in contact with them on social media and they were all very excited about meeting
× so it was a chaotic meeting with a dog hybrid called Kirishima and a mouse like vibrat yellow guy called Kaminari
× they all were looking for Bakugou too since they were very worried about where he ended
× Kirishima shed manly tears when seeing Bakugou
× as they instantly welcomed you in their small group, they informed you both that the majority of the squad was adopted and they're in contact, while they're still actively looking for the others
× cue to the softest expression you've seen on Bakugou in public followed by "That's good"
× silence
× shock and silence
× Kaminari turning to you and whispering "You did this" with a hand on his heart, lips trembling as he wiped an imaginary tear
× insert instantly snappy Bakugou
× when everyone laughed and continued to make plans to meet up with the others, he just looked at you conversing with them, soft expression again on his features and his chest warming
× "Oh! Look, he's doing it again! Quick, take a pictur—"
× "SHINE!"
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xnearx · 2 years
While I do like the death note drama for its entertainment value I can't necessarily call it a good adaption or even particularly recommend it because well.. it is very problematic in how it uses mental illness for shock value or twist endings (mostly looking at the strange decision to make L a germaphobe and near schizophrenic or have some disassociative disorder) because to me we already had these characters coded as autistic with other underlying mental disorders.
I feel like L and Near's respective neurodivergencies were handled pretty well in the original works. I don't understand the decision to give them entirely different mental illnesses and then just use it for shock value and comedy. It's definitely something that makes me uncomfortable because I know people who actually have germophobia, delusions and disassociative disorders and it's not funny or spoOoOokyyyy like it's just a part of their lives and who they are.
There were definitely times where L was clowned on or thought to be "weird" within the anime and manga but he was also shown to be cool because he thought differently and lived his life how he wanted to. He was allowed to be complex and not be morally correct all the time. Same with Near. I think it was played very realistically and them being autistic coded added another layer to them as characters and their place in the story.
I'm comparing them because well.. i don't need them to be perfect little babies where the story has to take a bunch of time to focus on their mental states. I don't like that Mello is essentially either a delusions Near is having or an alter of Near's because it's put in this frame of, "Mello is evil and needs to be suppressed!" Like they play evil suspenseful music and Mello is at odds with L and Watari which is just.. sort of offensive and unnecessary.
You could have had Near and Mello be alters in a system or you could have had Near have schizophrenia or psychosis and had a really compelling story but it would have taken time to establish this and I don't think it was thought about any further than, "lol wouldn't that be so dramatic if Near and Mello were THE SAME CHARACTER??" Like why even have this be in the show its just used as a twist but it's not even that interesting of a twist?
Same thing with L if you wanted him to be a germophobe you could have a really interesting narrative but it would take time to establish this past lol Watari is always changing L's shirts and spraying people with disinfectant lol! I use to have agoraphobia growing up and it really sucks and is humiliating to have especially when you're young and your parents don't understand. It can be used narratively to tell a story but here it's just played for laughs and fan service. It never has a huge role to play. Any time L has to go somewhere for plot reasons he just goes there and seems to have no issue at all. Any time L has to touch somebody he just does it? Like okay why did you write that in even? Like what even is the purpose of this.
Anyways I'm not saying any of this to hate on the drama I think it's a really entertaining piece of media but sometimes I just need to be critical for a second and say Gee That Was Kinda Fucked. No hate do not cancel me ok bye.
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dreampathic · 4 years
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┇haikyuu boys on facetime w/ you pt. 2┇
❥characters: atsumu, oikawa, yamaguchi, akaashi, and asahi
❥warnings: foul language, suggestive??
❥genre: crack, fluff
❥a/n: akaashi’s is a whole ass novel 💀
part 1
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mf was super nervous to call you for the first time
and as atsumu was yelling at osamu and about to chase him, you picked up with a smile like, “hi!”
so osamu took his phone from him, called you, threw the phone to atsumu and dipped
he literally melted lol what a loser
being on facetime with him just consists of him and his brother yelling at one another
and osamu teasing him and shit
also atsumu loves to work out on facetime with you to get you hella flustered
it works obviously but you hide it by making fun of him
one time he was doing pull ups and you can see a clear view of his abs (😏) but instead of getting all like blushy and nervous, you get blushy and say, “wow atsumu, i didn’t know you had a third nipple” he literally falls from the bar. you die laughing and he grumpily gets up from the floor and snatches the phone that was leaning on a wall and hangs up 💀
does he call back? the world may never know✨
mans calls you first, he does get a bit nervous but that all changes when he sees your face <3
because he instantly goes to boast about himself like, “wow you were so eager to pick up😏😏😏” “shut the fuck up oikawa” “☹️”
when you two facetime it’s usually either really late or or really early since he is always working out or at volleyball practice
he’s another one who would work out on the phone with you to make you flustered, and do you? yes.
but you hide it by having your phone face the ceiling LMFAO
on his down time when he isnt focused on volleyball, he’s building a star wars lego sets because he’s a fucking nerd
and he wants company so he calls you and he’s like “y/n-chan! check out this Imperial Star Destroyer i got!” “you’re such a dork” he pouts. “it’s really cute..” his face goes instantly red.
tsuki bullies him into calling you first because if he didn’t, you would’ve had to call him first
at first it’s kind of awkward but then he shows you his pet frogs
after that point, you two call almost everyday
you two fall asleep on the phone ALOT
he also rants to you about the fact he feels like he’s not good enough to be on the team, and how everyone prefers tsuki over him and how he shouldn’t think that about his best friend but he couldn’t help but do just that
you listen to everything he has to say and tell him that he’s good enough for you and it sets him sky rocketing
mans was overthinking od
‘what if they think i’m clingy and want nothing to do with me’ ‘it’s going to be awkward bokuto-san, i’m not going to call them.’
he calls you
bokuto tells him, “akaashi. if you want to talk to them just call them. and if you don’t they can just talk to somebody else.”
bokuto knew that would set off akaashi to call you right away
when he does he’s like “..hi”
you’re like “hey akaashi!” and prompt your phone to lean against the wall as you sit at your desk, working on math problems
tbh, he got really nervous and almost hung up
but then you were like, “wanna do homework together? i’m really stuck on this problem”
and this started facetime study dates
which ended up becoming daily phone calls whenever you called him randomly while making dinner
he answered like, “i thought we didn’t have homework this week.” “oh yeah i know! i just wanted some company while i cooked.”
from then on, you two called everyday and just enjoyed each other’s company. whether or not you were speaking because both of you just enjoyed each other’s company
nervous son of a bitch.
doesn’t wanna even think about calling you because he’s just too scared to
but one day suga called him a pussy and created a group call with you three and stood for 10 minutes and made an excuse like, “oh shit i gotta go walk my dog” “suga you don’t have a dog-“ “sorry you’re cutting out, bye!”
it was awkward for a good minute
well, for him not you
you didn’t see anything wrong with the silence, you were just doing your own thing as your music played in the background
this man stares at you so lovingly and accidentally blurts, “you’re so pretty..”
you instantly get flustered and turn to the camera
he’s like, “oh uh i’m sorry! i didn’t mean it like that- i mean you are very pretty but i just didn’t want to- you know, just please forget that i said anything i’m really sorry!”
“asahi. it’s okay, you’re not so bad yourself” you say bashfully
he was a mess after that.
let’s just say suga said, “i told you so” the next day
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shorkbrian · 4 years
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Prelude - It took me three evenings to write this (EW that’s the longest I've ever taken) and it’s RLLY long (almost 10k) so be warned. The style is mean’t to be jumbled, grammatically incorrect, and awful, rushed, and incoherent. My day-to-day life process is like this but worse lol and I wanted to capture just the feeling of bad that exists. Have fun.
(Ps Kirishima is the subtlest of creeps here. Def a stalker, but good at lying, and reader is too gullible.)
Pairing - Yandere Kirishima X GN Reader
Warnings - anxiety, panic attack, non con, NSFW, idk the usual.
Music - https://open.spotify.com/track/1qFMIjTe9esCDiytqUY19t?si=RrkIvlXMReyT6CYKEh6xdw
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oh god, is that Pro-Hero Red Riot?
Your hands tremble as you lift your drink to your lips, take a shaky sip.
It feels too hot in here, is it hot? You scream internally.
Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.
Red Riot, your favorite Pro-Hero in the entire world, was currently standing in line at Starbucks, looking up at the menu with his big, dumb, handsome face. He was wearing his hero costume - meaning he was on-duty, abs out and mask on.
As usual, you had ordered your regular drink, immediately sat down (always the blue armchair by the window, the one with the little table next to it).  Normally you ignored each little tinkling of the bell above the door, the sound signaling another person entering the coffee shop. You just wanted to nurse your drink and look at stupid memes on your phone, try to gas yourself up for the day ahead, convince yourself that you would be able to get through whatever life decides to throw at you.
A particularly violent shake of the bell had your head snapping up, the loud noise startling you. 
And holy fuck.
Red Riot.
Your cheeks were burning as you lowered your eyes to your phone, knowing that the big man was moving up in line, then ordering, then probably moving to wait near the drink pickup.
Looking up was out of the question - you didn’t want to ogle the Hero and make him feel uncomfortable, or for him to catch sight of your stupid blushing. 
You almost dropped your drink the next time you raised it to your lips, your hands were so sweaty. 
And of course that little slip-up had your heart beating ever faster, embarrassed that you had almost made a mess all over yourself, self conscious that someone had seen, oh god, what if people were looking at you, thought you were dumb and couldn’t even drink correctly? Oh god.
You set your drink back onto the little table at your side. A quick glance upward (to check the clock, that’s where your eyes went) and you could see Red Riot out of the corner of your eye, smiling as he took a picture with a fan as they both waited for their respective drinks.
Wouldn’t that be cool, to get a picture with him? But oh, that would mean you’d have to stand up, stumble over awkwardly towards him. Could you leave your drink on the side table? Would your seat be taken before you got back?
The hero would probably be able to spot you from a mile away, see how weirdly you walk, how your body looked. The thought made you cringe; he was so muscled and fit and in-shape, he’d probably think you were fat, or maybe weak? He’d be disgusted, wouldn’t he.
If you managed to get close enough to ask him if he wouldn’t mind taking a picture with you, he’d have to hear your voice crack, see how you shook like a tiny chihuahua from nervousness, see how sweaty and flushed you were from the embarrassment of being alive, of being seen.
God, you hated yourself.
You could never approach the Pro-hero and ask for a picture. He’d see how revolting, how weird and nervous and pathetic you were.
Plus, you’d already talked to the barista to get your coffee, had walked to the coffeeshop all by yourself and committed yourself to the horrifying ordeal of being known and seen by society. You’d done enough today to make your anxiety skyrocket, your hands were already shaking so bad, it’s a miracle you hadn’t dropped your drink or your phone or done something stupid and embarrassing to call attention to yourself.
“Red Riot!” Your eyes flickered up at the barista shouting, saw Red Riot smile and compliment the barista as they handed over his drink, something large and brightly colored and sporting an ungodly amount of whipped cream on top.
Red Riot left the Starbucks, the bell above the door jingling just as violently as it had when he had entered - the man was enthusiastic about seemingly everything, even opening and closing a door.
That’s actually one of the reasons he was your favorite. Red Riot was so confident and self assured, beaming with positivity and kindness. It was clear to see that he loved his job, that he loved life. Of course, you had seen him have bad days - in a few of the interviews after big rescues or horrific fights, his smile seemed to waver a bit, his eyes getting misty as the casualties were mentioned.
But that just showed he was human. Sensitive.
You grabbed your drink again, grimaced as nausea washed over you in a gentle wave. You were such a nervous wreck. But Red Riot had left - the only people here now were the employees and the people waiting in line. You just prayed none of them would pay attention or take notice of you.
He was here again.
Holy fuck, he was here again!
This time you weren’t as nervous (a mild feeling of excitement could be felt), you could actually drink out of your Starbucks cup without shaking like a leaf.
The redheaded hero had gotten his drink already, once again something large and colorful and probably loaded with sugar.  But instead of leaving immediately, he moved to sit down and holy fuck - holy fuck he was walking right past you.
You didn’t want to look up, didn’t want to draw attention to yourself by moving - humans will subconsciously look towards movement, you knew that. But he walked further, you saw him sit down by the corner window, settling into the seat comfortably. He was wearing his hero outfit again, abs rippling as he leaned back, and out of the corner of your eye you could see him fiddling with his mask before taking it off and chucking onto the table in front of him.
Ah, so he was probably on a break.
Averting your eyes back to your phone, you tried to ignore his presence.  He was a human being, just like yourself, who deserved and probably appreciated his privacy. God knows, if you were in his shoes, you wouldn’t want fans to even think about you, much less look at you.
Minutes passed, maybe twenty? Thirty? But you had finished your drink. Now it was time to will yourself to your feet, to breathe, in, out. You were going to walk over to the trashcan, throw your drink cup away, and leave to walk back home.
Oh, but you were nervous.
You always felt nervous - this was a common occurrence, and each time you came here (you visited this Starbucks maybe twice a week)  there was always this fight with your anxiety.
People would look at you as soon as you stood up. Did you walk weird? Your body had weird proportions, people would be mocking you inside their heads as you walked. Your outfit wasn’t trendy, it didn’t fit your body right, you looked odd and out-of-place - that’s probably what people thought as soon as their eyes landed on you.
You’d get judged for your drink cup - the size, because people would probably think it was too big for somebody with your body. Or maybe too small? Would people think you don’t take care of yourself? 
Oh god, what if it slipped out of your hand as you were walking over? Even with it being empty, the noise of the cup hitting the floor would draw everyone’s eyes to you. They’d watch as you scramble to pick it up, and they’d probably think how clumsy and awkward and incompetent you were. 
And what if the trashcan was full? Would you carry your empty cup home with you? That would look weird, someone carrying an empty cup down the street. I mean, who does that? Well, you’d seen other people do it, watched them carry their drink until they reached a trashcan, and then throw it away. But what if there weren’t any public trashcans nearby? You’d look so odd, fumbling along trying so hard to walk normally, to not draw attention to yourself, to blend in with everyone.
Should you turn around to see if there was another trashcan in the Starbucks? Oh, but that might look stupid. The employees had seen you so often, you’d look like a fool for not knowing if there was another trashcan.
Ugh, and your walk. You have to focus on straightening your shoulders, keeping your back straight, moving your arms - just a little, not too much. Taking even steps, not walking with a heavy foot or making any stomping or scuffing sounds. 
There was so much to focus on, too much. And now you had been sitting here for five minutes, knuckles white as you gripped your empty drink cup. You looked like a moron.
You could do this.
Deep breath in, deep breath out.
Remind yourself that people didn’t care, didn’t pay attention to all of the lame little things that you did. You anxiety was misplaced, you worried about things too much, and everything was fine.
You were okay, you could do this.
And so you stood, walked to the trashcan by the door (oh thank god, it was empty), and threw your cup away.  
You heard Red Riot saying bye to the employees, his cheery, upbeat voice as he laughed at something one of them said. Oh, had something been said about you? Were the employees and Red Riot laughing about what a disaster you were? 
No, you were just being nervous, that was your anxiety talking. Red Riot wasn’t that kind of person, and the employees weren’t either. You knew this. 
The door jingled as you opened it, and you heard footsteps behind you so you moved to the side after you had gone through, holding the door open for whoever was behind you.
“Thanks cutie!”
Red Riot was fixing his mask as he strolled past, and your head snapped up, flushing fiercely as you met his gaze. You smiled awkwardly, throwing up a feeble thumbs-up. 
Oh god, why did you do that?
Red Riot smiled back at you, giving his own exuberant thumbs-up. Well, at least he was doing it too. That made your anxiety quiet down a bit, emboldened by your favorite Pro-Hero.
You watched his broad back as he walked away, muscles flexing with each step. He really was a beautiful man, both inside and out.
The next time you went to Starbucks, you reached the door right as someone else did (even though you saw them walking towards the door, even though you slowed down your pace so they would reach the door first and would go inside so you wouldn’t have to do that awkward dance of who-gets-the-door and who-goes-inside-first).
But they pierced through the awkwardness, yanked the door open for you and stepped to the side and motioned for you to go in first.
It was Red Riot.
He was wearing casual clothes today, ripped jeans and a dark hoodie, but you’d recognize that spike red hair anywhere, those gleaming shark teeth too.
You nodded your thanks quickly, hurrying through the door so he wouldn’t have to stand there for long. Immediately you headed for the bathroom, not wanting to have the Pro-Hero standing in line behind you. He was intimidating, but in the nicest way possible. You were just afraid there was something about you that he would think to be weird, or odd, or out-of-place. 
Better to just avoid the situation altogether. 
When you finished your business (you were a nervous pee-er), you ordered your drink, deciding to be bold this time and try something different from your usual choice.  It was the little things, the small little bits of life that made you anxious - those were the things that you tried to overcome. I mean, life’s all about the small victories, right? And hopefully if you built up enough small victories, you could have a really big victory someday, like telling your favorite barista that you liked her hair, or picking a different seat to sit in, or trying to make a friend with another customers as you waited in line.
But for today, the small victory was stepping outside of your comfort zone just a little bit, getting something new that you weren’t used to.
You ordered, waited patiently for your drink to be made, and then turned to go settle down in your blue armchair by the window.
And Red Riot was sitting in your seat.
Your hands were suddenly sweaty, and you felt the familiar pang of an upset tummy. You were so tired of being nervous, of freaking out every single time there was a small change that you weren’t aware of, or if something happened that you couldn’t control.
There was an armchair opposite the one you always chose - also blue, but not as comfortable and certainly not with a good view out the window. It directly faced your usual spot, but in all your time coming here, no one had ever sat in it. A first you had just figured it was uncomfortable, but as you came here more and more, you figured that the nook was probably for couples rather than individual coffee drinkers. 
The time you visited was a bit odd, eight PM, a few hours before closing. But it was the least crowded at this time, and the sun was barely setting, and it was the perfect time for you to be unbothered and by yourself.
But there was Red Riot, invading your (unofficial) space.
But it was okay, you could just sit somewhere else.
It felt weird, sliding onto one of the chairs at a small table. You were so used to your usual, safe routine that this threw you off. You were shaking so bad that you missed your mouth on your first try of sipping at the straw. What an idiot. 
You had to try again, holding the straw this time, before you could actually taste the drink.
Selfishly, you wished Red Riot had chosen a different chair.  But he was entitled to sit anywhere he liked, and it was obvious he enjoyed this particular Starbucks. Judging by the familiarity with the employees, he was becoming a regular like yourself.  You only came once or twice a week, but he probably got his drink fix more often than you did.
Hopefully he didn’t think you were stalking him.
Oh god, what if he thought you were stalking him? How would you show that you weren’t stalking him? Come on a different day? At a different time? But you were here first, this was your routine, and that was your chair!
But man, you really didn’t want to make the Pro-Hero uncomfortable - he’d probably had a few crazy fans who had stalked him before.
Sighing, you sipped slowly at your drink, pulling out your phone to look at memes and text a few to your friends. You could still go about your routine, even if you were sitting in a different spot.
You ran into him at the grocery store.
It was in the produce aisle, where you were trying to decide between red apples or green, weighing the pros-and-cons of each decision in your head. You probably looked like an idiot, standing in front of the apples and doing nothing but staring at them, but you needed to ignore that right now.
“Yo, Starbucks buddy!”
The shout rang out across the produce section, and you flinched, suddenly drawn out of your apple-selection process. 
It was late, almost ten PM, who and why was shouting in the grocery store??
You weren’t one to turn and stare, but you were curious, and surely whoever shouted like that wouldn’t mind a few questioning looks thrown their way. 
And so you glanced over your shoulder, expecting to see a bunch of teenage boys greeting each other, or maybe a man saying hi to his friend.
Red Riot was excitedly waving at you.
Your brain blanked. Immediately, you turned your head, trying to see if there was someone else he was waving at. But there was no one around you - hell, there wasn’t even anyone else in the produce section except for you and the hero. 
So he had to be waving at you.
Turning your whole body this time, you gave an awkward imitation of his wave, and let out a soft, croaky “Hey…” as the big man walked closer. 
He had a big dumb smile on his big dumb face, and as he reached you, it grew even wider.
“Starbucks buddy! I didn’t mean to make you flinch, my bad. I know I can get a little loud sometimes, haha.” He stopped right in front of you, a grocery basket filled to the brim with meat and a few vegetables clutched on one of his large hands. God, he was so strong, you would be struggling to carry such a heavy basket, and here he was lugging it around like it had nothing but a loaf of bread in it. Red Riot could probably squish your skull to a pulp with just his hand, goddamn he was big.
You shrugged at his words, desperately willing your brain to work and to think of something smart and eloquent and good-to-say. “It’s uh, it’s-it’s fine. I’m just y’know, one of those nervous people, y’know?”
Good job brain.
But the Pro-Hero smiled gently, putting his basket down on the ground. 
“Yeah, I kinda figured.”
Wait, what?
“I’ve seen you a couple times at Starbucks, the one on Grant and 1st. You always seem… well, nervous whenever I see you. At first I just thought it was because I was there, cause y’know, people have different reactions to seeing heros out in public.” 
Your eyes were big, you felt your face erupt in an embarrassed fire, and your hands were fucking sweaty. Why couldn’t you have been born like, a blade of grass? A tree?  Some non-sentient object that didn’t have to worry about thoughts or talking or how other people perceived it?
Red Riot continued, “But I’ve seen you a couple of other times; once on the subway, a few times at that park on the north side of town, haha, you really get around, dont’cha?” 
Ah yes, now would be a good time for something to happen, like a plane to crash into the building and kill both of you instantly. Or some emergency that required his immediate attention, one that was so big and urgent that he would forget about you instantly.
His red eyes were drawn to your leg, which you were subconsciously wiggling like a toddler. His eyes softened, and his voice lowered an octave. “You always seem a bit… anxious.  And I know that feeling, believe it or not. I used to be really insecure and nervous when I was younger-“
Oh, great. Now he was just calling attention to the fact that you were acting like a fucking child, that you were a fully-grown adult that couldn’t handle being out in the world because it was too nerve-wracking. Were you really that easy to read? 
“-but I had some awesome people to help me through it. My moms were always really supportive, and they took such great care of me. It was rough for a little bit, but I learned how to be confident and how to strut my stuff and it’s helped me to help others. It’s sorta why I became a hero, actually.”
You smiled again, nodding. That made sense - each and every hero had a reason for why they wanted to help the general public, and of course Red Riot’s reason would be pure and inspiring.
“But uh, anyways! I just saw you shopping and thought I’d say hi to my Starbucks buddy. I was hoping you’d come and sit by me the other day, when I sat in the place you usually sit? But I understand that it’s sorta intimidating to approach a hero, even one in civilian clothing.”
Shoot, so he’d wanted you to sit by him that day? And here you were thinking that he had unintentionally commandeered your seat and was just trying to be left alone. God, you were so stupid. 
“Oh, I’m-I’m sorry!” You stuttered out, face hotter than the actual sun. “I didn’t realize! I figured you always have people trying to get an autograph or a picture and you probably just want privacy, and I thought that maybe you just wanted to sit there and hadn’t gotten a chance to because I always sit there, which honestly that’s such a selfish thing for me to do - I should probably try to vary the places I sit so I don’t like-“
“Ah, don’t worry about it! You’re fine, okay? Trust me.” Red Riot patted your shoulder (yup, he could definite squeeze your head like a grape), before leaning down to grab his basket off the floor.
“Oh, well uhm, t-thank you, Mr. Red Riot” You resisted the urge to bow.
“Oh!” The man exclaimed, looking slightly surprised, “Call me Kirishima, none of that “Red Riot” stuff, alright?”
Confusion overtook you. “Uh, that’s only for your friends, civilians should respect the heros and call them by their chosen names.” At least, that’s what you had always been told.
But Red Riot just grinned. “Well, what’s your name?”
With a slight shake in your voice, you told him.
“I know your name now, so I officially deem the two of us as friends!” With his free hand, he patted you on the shoulder again. You shivered, and Red Ri-Kirishima seemed to notice.
“You alright (Y/N)? Didn’t hit you too hard, did I?”
“No, no… I’m just… kinda weird about touch I guess.” That was an understatement. You were so incredibly sensitive, every light touch felt searing, hugs always were too much sensation, you shuddered even thinking about cuddling - you were just too sensitive to touch.
Red-Kirishima stepped back, holding his hand up apologetically. “Oops, my bad. I kinda noticed that about you too, I should’ve remembered.”
At your questioning glance, the man hurried to continue. “Well, y’know, I saw that couple bump into you on the subway, and you looked like you were gonna cry. And then, like, at Starbucks you make an effort to not touch the barista’s hands when they give you your change.”
Great, so that was another thing you were obvious and weird about. Just great. You felt embarrassed that Kirishima had noticed that about you so easily, but you guessed being observant was part of his job. 
“Well, I’m gonna go check out now, unless you need help with your groceries?” The man motioned to your barely-filled basket, and you shook your head.
“No, it’s-it’s okay. I can handle this, but thank you.”
Kirishima gave you a thumbs up. “Alright, sounds good. Although, are you planning on walking home?”
You shook your head yes, prepared to receive the “its not safe” talk.  You knew it wasn’t safe, but it was just a few blocks, and you had made the walk to your apartment a million times, plus, you couldn’t afford to pay for an uber or a cab.
“It’s pretty dark out there, mind if I walk you home? I’m a hero and all, I promise I’m not going to try and steal your wallet.”
And there it was.  For someone as nervous as yourself, walking alone in the dark really was no issue. Maybe it’s cause you weren’t afraid of someone trying to hurt you. You looked poor, you were ugly as fuck, and it was only a couple of blocks.
‘It’s okay Mr. R-Kirishima, I don’t mind. I’ll probably be here for a bit longer, don’t worry about me.”
He probably had other things to tend to, and even if he didn’t, you weren’t important enough to make a Pro-Hero go out of his way to walk you home. You were such an inconvenience already, it would just make you feel worse about yourself. And would you have to make small talk as the two of you walked? 
Would he try and insist upon carrying your groceries? Would he want to walk up to your apartment floor with you? Or would he say goodbye in the lobby? Once again, best to just avoid the situation altogether. 
Plus, you knew the hero was just trying to be polite. He probably didn’t actually want to walk you home.
Kirishima tried to offer again, but you turned him down, shaking your head, self-consciously drawing your shoulders up. You probably looked so stupid, like a scared little dog that had gotten yelled at. But it was a nervous reaction, and it felt better than just trying to stand there like a block.
Kirishima smiled gently, told you to have a safe night, and then left to go check out.
You turned back to the apples, trying to focus back on which color you should get, stuck between red, or green.
The next time you visited Starbucks, your regular spot was once again empty. It was almost a relief, seeing that you wouldn’t have to figure out if Kirishima wanted to talk today or not, if he wanted you to sit by him, or if he was just trying to make small talk back at the grocery store.
So you settled in, warm hot chocolate in hand as you looked out the window, watched cars whiz by on the street, rain puttering down softly.
And then Kirishima was bursting through the door, sending the door bell jingling in a frenzy, rain patterned heavily over his jean jacket, His eyes immediately found you, and his face lit up in a smile.
You gave a little wave, watching as Kirishima smiled cheerily at you, before quickly ordering a drink. Immediately, the muscled redhead came to sit down in the armchair opposite you, panting a little bit.
“Wooo, I had to run here, started raining on me!”
“I can tell.” You let out a small laugh, noticing how his spiky hair was drooping from getting rained on. 
“Glad to see you got home okay the other night.” The male blurted, leaning forward so he could strip off his jacket.
You paused. “What do you mean?”
He flashed you a grin, throwing his jacket over the back of the chair. “Well, you’re here, aren’t you?”
Ah, he had a point.
His name was called, and Kirishima jumped up and went to pick up his drink before plopping back down in the armchair with a sigh.
“So, (Y/N), you ever been to the ocean before? All this water, the streets might be an ocean by the time we leave.”
Kirishima proceeded to launch into a story about the time he went to the ocean with his buddy Bakugou, how they had swam with turtles and even got to see a whale.
You were glad he was doing all the talking, letting you sit back and listen while you sipped at your hot cocoa. There was no pressure for you to talk, no pressure for you to try and fumble for the right words. And it was nice, seeing the big hero be so excited and animated, gesturing with his hands and almost spilling his drink all over himself.
As you listened to him talk, you settled back further into the armchair contentedly. He was a nice person to be around, you could see yourself being friends with him, if he didn’t mind.
And friends you did become.
It wasn’t long before the two of you exchanged numbers - Kirishima had wanted to send you a picture of a dog he had seen the other day while he was out patrolling.
The two of you texted memes to each other, cute pictures of animals, and even though your anxiety was loud and demanding and convinced you that you were bothering the man, Kirishima always assured you that was never the case.
He always seemed to be able to tell when you were feeling anxious, when nervousness settled deep in your bones and refused to leave. You slowly began to notice that with Kirishima, your anxiety was quieter. It was easy to let the exuberant man to take the lead, for him to make decisions, whether to walk up and ask to pet the cute dog or not. It was freeing in a way, letting your new friend take your anxiety and make it be quiet. 
After all, no one gave you a second glance, now that you were trailing behind Pro-Hero Red Riot. 
Kirishima was such a character, goofy, cheerful, and always sporting a sunny disposition. His casual fashion consisted of the most god-awful color combinations and mixed patterns. It wasn’t uncommon for the man to bounce towards you in greeting, wearing neon green crocs, dark blue overalls that were plaid, and a head-ache inducing black-and-white psychedelic shirt. Somehow he made it all work, and didn’t look odd or out of place.
You admired him, truly. You wished you could have his confidence, his attitude and bouncy personality. If you had confidence like that, you could probably do anything. As it stood right now, you could barely approach someone on the street and ask to pet their dog.
It had been so embarrassing, walking with Kirishima down the street and listening to him talk between gulps of a bright pink slushy. You spotted a woman walking a dog on the other side of the street, a big dog, fluffy and sweet-looking and happily walking along it’s owner, stopping to sniff at each plant that grew in the cracks of the sidewalk.
“Cute, I wish I could pet that dog.” You interrupted Kiri’s story, gazing wistfully at the dog. 
Kirishima paused, swiveling his head to see what dog you were talking about. Once he did, his eyes lit up, and he grabbed your hand. “Lets go pet it then!” But when he tried to pull you forward, you balked, pulling your wrist backward. 
“I-I can’t, it’s….. I don’t know, It’s fine, I’ll stay here.”
Kirishima raised an eyebrow, studying you as he took another slow sip of his slushy. You had your own slushy, a significantly smaller size than the beefy Pro-Hero’s own giant cup.  
“(Y/N), it’s okay - I’ll do all the talking, ‘kay?”
He could tell that the thought of talking to the owner, asking to pet their dog, was making you nervous. What if they said no? What if they thought you were being rude? Would the dog not like you? Would the owner think you looked funny? What if they were hurrying somewhere?
But if Kirishima did all the talking….. maybe you could manage trailing behind him, only emerging from his shadow if the owner said yes to petting their dog. 
You gave the big man a weak smile, nodding gingerly before getting yanked forward, Kirishima already speed-walking towards the lady.
He asked, the lady said yes - you got to pet the absolute cutest dog ever. It was heaven. 
You were grateful for Kirishima - shyly told him as much. If you were by yourself, you would have noticed the cute dog, but done nothing about it, just wished you had the courage to approach and ask if you could pet it.
But with Kiri? He made anything possible.
You were worried you were annoying him.
There was no evidence, but still, wouldn’t it be annoying to have an anxious little shadow?  One that shook and stuttered and could barely go to the grocery store without freaking out and having a panic attack? Your fears and feelings weren’t entirely unfounded, I mean,  there were millions upon millions of possible outcomes of any one action. Unfortunately, your brain liked to focus only on the negative options.
But Kirishima never got tired, never got frustrated with you. He didn’t mind ordering for the both of you when you got snacks at a fast-food place during long afternoons. He didn’t mind taking up extra space with his personality, being loud and brash and drawing attention to himself when you felt like everyone was watching you, waiting for you to make a stupid mistake. 
Kiri seemed to like walking you home, helped you check your windows and in the closet and under the bed (not for people, but what if there was some eldritch monster that lurked just out of sight?). He never made fun of you for your feelings or fears, just gently listened and then tried to help you deal with them.
He even got you to be somewhat comfortable with making silly little mistakes in public. One time the man tripped on thin air, spilling warm coffee all over you and himself. Immediately he burst out laughing at his own clumsiness, apologizing between giggles as he heaved himself off the floor and went to go grab napkins.
If you had spilled a drink on him and yourself, you would’ve been asking Siri where the nearest cliff was. But you realized, the same way that you weren’t worried, and how it wasn’t that big of a problem that your shirt was now soaked with sweet coffee and sticking to your skin, Kirishima probably wouldn’t care if you spilled anything on him.
After all, it was an honest mistake.
The big man was helping you to learn how to be more comfortable in the world. But still, the creeping suspicion that he was just being kind to you out of sheer politeness was forefront in your mind. 
So you came up with a question, practiced asking it in the mirror, took several days to build up your confidence to ask Kirishima.
“Do you actually want to be friends with me?”
And sure, that might be a forward question. But you valued honesty, had told him so a few times when he asked you to rate his outfit on a scale from 1-10 (usually it was a solid 10 - his personality making the outfit shine) you tried not to lie to others, and expected the same courtesy from them.
The two of you were in the park, resting on one of the benches after walking around and looking at the different plants (one of your favorite activities, no matter how lame). And now was as good a time as ever, so you popped the question, barely stuttering once.
Kirishima was silent for a bit, and you were almost afraid of looking up at him. The truth would come out now - how he just saw a pathetic little civilian and felt so much pity for them that he decided to be their friend. You were just a burden to him, how could you ever be anything else?
When you dared to look up at the big redhead, the intensity in his gaze had you leaning towards the side nervously, away from the strength of all his attention focused on you.
“(Y/N)…. becoming friends with you was - it’s been the best decision I’ve ever made in my life.” His voice held such sincerity, his face open and honest. You recoiled from the statement, uncomfortable with the compliment. That had to be a lie, he was just saying that to make you feel better. You were so pathetic and weak that other people had to pretend that you were better than you actually were to avoid hurting your feelings. You wished you never existed. Why did you even ask him that question in the first place? There was no way that someone as nice as Kirishima would actually tell you how worthless and pitiful you were.
Large hands grabbed your own, and you jumped. Kirishima’s hands were warm, scarred and calloused, yet soft in their grip as they gently squeezed your own hands. You tried not to flinch at the contact. 
“I know that you don’t believe me, but you should. You know-“ One of his hands went to run through his hair, tousling through it’s straight, un-gelled style, before returning to your hand. “-I was pretty lonely before I met you. Like, I had my squad - Bakugou and Mina and Denki and Sero…. But it just….. There was something missing.”
Kirishima leaned close to you, your sides pressing together, his red eyes trying to catch your own. You were too shy, had to look off to the side.
“There was someone missing. And when I saw you, it felt…. Everything just clicked. I was missing you.”
You could feel his breath fanning against the side of your flaming hot face. It was uncomfortable. He was lying, he had to be. He was just trying to help you be confident in yourself, so he wouldn’t have to baby you and hold your hand and help you do simple things like ordering food or going for walks and not worrying about what people thought of you.
He was just being nice.
For some reason, you felt your throat clog up, felt the spicy sting of tears building up. Why did you feel like crying? You weren’t exactly in tune with any of your other emotions, only paid attention if it was anxiety or fear.  
A thumb rubbed over your knuckles soothingly (it burned), and the next thing you knew you were being enveloped in a bear hug, Kirishima’s arms crushing you into his chest, his pecs pressing against your face. 
Goddamn, he was built as fuck.
You tried to keep still, not squirm away from his touch like a child. You were an adult, you could handle a little bit of discomfort over being touched.
Kiri sighed. “I like being around you (Y/N). You don’t judge me for my mistakes, you accept them - you accept me. You uh, you make me happy dude, like, really happy.”
You chuckled a little bit at the redheads use of the word “dude”. Only a meathead could turn a sappy moment on it’s head by using the word “dude”. Still, you liked the way Kirishima talked, from the excited chatter when he was talking about something he liked, to the slow, comforting honey when he was being sincere and intimate, like now.
At the same time, your heart felt tight, waiting for the inevitable but that was sure to come. For the redhead to explain that he enjoyed your company but he was just being polite to a nervous civilian who couldn’t fend for themselves. You fun to hang out with but it was only because you made him look better, cooler and manlier because he was nice to someone as pathetic as you.
The but never came. You waited and waited, but Kirishima just kept the slow rhythm of his thumb rubbing over your knuckles, kept your face pressed into his chest and an arm wrapped around your body. You didn’t know what to do. 
Should you pull back? Your throat felt tight again. Kirishima was lying to you, he had to be. There wasn’t any way that someone would actually enjoy you as a person.
You pulled back from the warmth of his body, pulled your hand away from his. “I don’t….. I want honesty Kirishima. Please? Lies hurt more than the truth, please. I’m not a good person, I’m pathetic and nervous and shy, and I’m too loud sometimes, and my body looks weird, and I’m ugly and disgusting, and-“
“(Y/N), stop.” His voice thundered, cutting you off. Immediately, you fell silent, chest tightening, gaze falling to your lap. He was right. He didn’t need to hear all your insecurities, they were already clear to see. You were such a drag on his life, he probably hated having to deal with you, having to see you.
“Kiri, I’m not uhm-“ Your voice was wavering. “-I’m not feeling so great, I think I’m gonna head home.”
As you stood, so did the redhead. “Please don’t feel obligated to walk me home, I know it’s way out of your way.” He probably hated every second of it, probably insisted just to be polite. Even now, Kirishima was beginning to protest, grabbing at your hand. You pulled back, eyes fixed on the ground.
“Kiri, please.” You whispered, tears threatening to fall. You hated yourself. You hated yourself so much, your chest hurt, your ears felt full, everything felt too heavy and bad - there weren’t even any words to explain it. You just wanted to go home and cry, sob into a pillow.
Kirishima stayed put, probably watching you walk away from the park. God, you hoped he wasn’t, you walked so weirdly. Why couldn’t you just disappear?
You tried your best to disappear. 
You did the bare minimum, turning in assignments an hour before they were due, half-assing them. You hardly ventured out of your room, only to grab water or to use the bathroom.
Neighbors kept knocking on your door, probably the couple in the apartment opposite you, asking for a cup of sugar so they could make cookies, or wanting to tell you that your mail downstairs was getting full. But being the person you were, you were far too nervous to go answer the door. You were probably annoying people. It would just be better for the world if you weren’t in it, wouldn’t it?
Kirishima kept trying to text you, call you (Even though he knew you couldn’t pick up - calls terrified you), trying to coax you to go on a walk with him, to come get coffee or a slushie with him when he finished working. You brushed him off with lame excuses, telling him you were sick, backtracking when he said he was coming over with soup and movies. You didn’t feel well enough for company. 
Still, the man kept texting you several times a day, then only a few times, and now it was down to just once a day. In one corner of your mind, it hurt. The rest of your mind knew that it was for the best, knew that his life was going to be better because you weren’t going to be there bothering him. 
His texts consisted of simple messages now, ones you felt bad not responding to, but if you did respond, you hated yourself for the rest of the day. You sucked.
“(Y/N), look at this dog!” *IMAGE ATTACHED*
“Yo, you wanna come get something to drink at our place? They have a deal on coffee today!”
Sorry Kiri, I’m not feeling too good today. You should go get a drink though, have fun!
“I saw some people rollerskating in the park, we should try that!”
“Would you wanna go for a walk sometime?”
I don’t think so, I’m pretty busy right now. You should go and get sunshine though, you deserve it!
“We need to go to our Starbucks soon, I need COFFEE haha”
“Gonna ever come see where I work? I can show you my office, it’s super cool!”
“(Y/N), you doing okay?”
“I miss you.”
You woke up to the sound of your neighbors (or maybe the complex manager?) knocking on your door.  Anxiety filled you, palms immediately becoming clammy, so you fumbled around your bed, searching for your earbuds. Maybe if you could listen to music, you could calm down? Sometimes that worked, sometimes not. It really depended on how worked up you were.
Luckily you found them, quickly stuffing them in your ears as you queued music up on your phone. The knocking faded out as music filled your ears, but your anxiety still persisted. You curled up onto your side, hugging a pillow to your chest, almost on the verge of tears from nothing more than a few knocks at your door. You were such a burden to society.
It took a minute, but your heart stopped racing, palms stopped sweating, and you fell back asleep. You were so tired of being awake.
You awoke a second time to hands carding gently through your hair. It felt weird for a brief second, but you just ignored the feeling - until you remembered that you lived alone, and the front door was supposed to be locked. 
Squeaking in panic, you shot up, eyes wide, scrambling back into the corner of your bed, clutching the blanket to your chest. 
Kirishima blinked at you, hand still hovering over where your he’d had previously been. He was sitting on the edge of your bed, shoes off, bare feet on the floor.
Your eyes were still wide with fear, chest heaving with panic, but you managed to rip out your earbuds. “Kirishima? How-how did you get in?!? What are you….” You trailed off, tugging your blanket closer around your body as you realized that you were in your pajamas. They weren’t provocative, nor exposed any skin, but they drowned your form, were probably stained and most likely dirty, and you definitely looked awful. But back to the issue at hand, how did Kiri get in your apartment?
The man in question gave a dorky little wave, lips quirking up ever so slightly. 
“(Y/N), hey! I haven’t seen you in so long!” He paused for a second, and when he spoke again, his voice was softer, more serious. “I missed you… I was kinda worried.”
“But how are you- I mean…. inside?” You stuttered, completely flustered.
“Oh, I talked to the complex manager, said I was a family member who was really worried about you. Showed him how you haven’t been answering my texts…. I was really worried (Y/N). You were giving such weird replies to my texts, and then you stopped answering completely, and no one answered the door whenever I knocked.”
Wait, that was him knocking? All those times?
You were going to jump out the window. 
“Kiri… I didn’t mean to worry you, I just… You shouldn’t be worried about me.”
“Why not? I care about you, I… I wanted to see you.”
It was time to be honest, say the things that were painful to say. The truths that hurt your heart, but needed to be said. Otherwise, Kirishima just wouldn’t get it.
“Kiri, I’m not-I’m not worth your worry. I don’t deserve it. I’m a nervous, depressed wreck, who can’t even open a door or answer the phone. You’re-you’re being nice to me cause you’re a good person. I don’t think I should be… well, like, around you. I just-I bring you down, and you have to do stuff for me and reassure me and I’m such a burden. Please just, I don’t know, please just don’t give me any more attention. I’m so stupid and gross and you should be friends with someone who isn’t….. isn’t like me.”
You finished your rant, almost breathless, choked up, feeling ready to cry.
Silence reigned between the two of you, everything quiet except for the sound of your breathing and the rhythmic clicking of your fan.
It was uncomfortable. But you’d said your piece. It’d be weird if you said anything else, right? Should you say something else? Was he going to hate you for wasting his time? Holy crap, Kirishima is gonna hate you for wasting his time, for not telling him that at the beginning, when he first got to know you.
“(Y/N)-“ The sound of Kirishima’s soft, low voice made your head snap up, up to his face. He was looking at you, red eyes dark and large and filled with… pity? Sadness? “-I don’t even know how to tell you how wrong you are about that.”
The blanket shrouding your body was quickly pulled away, Kirishima discarding it to the side so he could shuffle closer to you, wrap you in one of his signature death-grip hugs. You were quickly pulled into his arms, the large man hunched over you as he squeezed you tight. It didn’t feel good. You wished he would remember that you didn’t like to be touched.
“I was pretty sure of my feelings before… well, before you asked if I wanted to be friends with you. And truthfully, I wasn’t exactly honest with you.” Your heart gave the tiniest squeeze. You knew he had been lying to you, but yeah, it did kinda hurt to hear him admit it. 
“I kinda wanna be more than friends with you, actually.”
His hold on your body loosened, pulling back so he could look at your face. Your ugly, about-to-cry, gross face. You tried to turn away, pull out of his grip and find your blanket and crawl underneath it and stay there until you died. There was no way he was coming onto you - you weren’t good enough for him. He was Kirishima, Red Riot, pro hero, sunshine of the world, manliest and strongest guy out there.
And you were just….
Kirishima didn’t let you move away. He grabbed your arms, pulled you up a bit so you were at his level. “I’m serious about this. I know you don’t believe me, all that anxiety and nervousness trying to lie to you, but….” A quick glance at his face showed the redhead to be blushing. “I’ve wanted to be more than friends from the moment I first saw you.”
Exasperated, almost angry at this point (he was lying), you scoffed, wiggling in his grip to signal that you wanted to let go. 
“Kiri, I held a door open for you, it was nothing special. I’m ugly and lame and I panic over the slightest things, stop lying to me and saying that I’m someone worth your time.” Surprised, Kirishima loosened his grasp on your arms, and you moved away from him to sit on the edge of the bed. “I could never be worth your time.”
Was silence becoming a trend between the two of you? Apparently, because Kirishima didn’t say anything, just crawled over and sat down next to you. The big man was hardly ever silent, always talking about this, that, or the other. You were just a pro at messing things up, weren’t you?
A moment longer of sitting awkwardly in silence. You couldn’t take it anymore, you wanted to be able to cry about your shameful existence in peace, without having to entertain Kiri’s pity and lies.
“Can you….. Can you-you go…. Please?” You whispered, hugging your arms around your body. Oh yeah, you had forgotten you were in your gross, oversized pajamas. Just another thing for you to feel bad about.
Kirishima didn’t move.
Afraid he hadn’t heard you, you turned bright red, what an idiot - you can’t even speak loud enough to be heard. You stuttered as you started to repeat your request, but Kirishima cut you off.
“Why can’t you see?” He turned to you. “You’re the most lovely thing, I want to be around you all the time. Why can’t you see that you’re the most wonderful person in the world?”
Horrified, you reeled back. He was just pushing more lies. You felt so uncomfortable, you hated this, you wanted him to stop. “That’s-that’s just some fantasy Kiri…. I’m awful. Please, just go-“
No? His voice sounded different, harsh and filled with authority. You looked at your feet, settled against the bare floor. You just wanted to sleep, and sleep, and never have to wake up. Why did being a human have to be so hard? 
Might as well let the big redhead say his piece, make you feel worse about yourself. Then you could shove him out the door and spend the next week sobbing yourself sick.You felt bad, you couldn’t even explain your own emotions, put a name to this feeling that was painful and clawed at your chest like it was trying to rip you apart.
“You aren’t understanding me (Y/N). That’s no fantasy of mine - that’s reality.” A large hand grabbed your chin softly, turning your face towards Kiri’s. “Whenever I come up with a fantasy that involves you, I end up fucking my fist ’til I go raw.” 
The admission made you stutter, and you hadn’t thought it was possible for you to blush harder, but here you were - twelve shades redder than the reddest tomato. 
Kiri didn’t give you a chance to breathe. “I missed you so much, you don’t even realize. I could compliment you until I go blue in the face, but you’re so shy and nervous and adorable, you’d never, ever believe me.”
Well, that much was true. At least he knew you well.
“So instead, I’m just gonna show you how much you mean to me.”
Soft lips met your own, a hand fisting into your hair and twisting your head back to make kissing you easier for Kiri. You couldn’t even think, barely had presence of mind to push at the solid man, hitting his chest. You felt ugly, and gross, and stupid and weak, was this some sort of prank? This had to be some sort of prank. There’s no way Kirishima could actually be attracted to you.
Your mind was drawn to the present when a sharp blossom of pain emanated from your lip. Kiri pulled back, a single drop of blood running down his chin as he stared at you, your foreheads almost touching.
“Don’t get in your head, I want you here. Don’t think, just feel.” 
You wanted to say something, to open your mouth and ask him again to leave. He shouldn’t be kissing you, he should be kissing someone prettier, stronger, someone who had their life together. 
You wanted to protest, but you were being pushed onto your back on the bed, Kiri’s large, calloused hands grabbing at your limbs and bodily moving you however he saw fit despite your squirming.
“Kir-stop-stop touching! Don’t, please, I’m-I’m so gross-“
His lips were on yours again, swallowing your cries as he moved the two of you around on the small bed until you were splayed out underneath him. He was moving so quickly, with such confidence and self-assuredness that you couldn’t keep up. His hands were starting to squeeze at your waist, his thighs bracketing your own as the big man got comfortable over you, leaning down to avoid breaking the deep, passionate kiss.
Your lungs were burning.
You had to pull your face to the side, pushing at Kiri’s shoulders as you did so, making panicked noises as you tried (and failed) to take in air through your nose. How the hell was Kiri holding his breath this long? 
The man finally got the hint, letting you pull away from him, gasping for air. You felt dizzy, his hands were still squeezing and stroking over your waist, it was too much. As you tried to get your breathing under control, you glanced up at your friend, red-faced, on the verge of tears. Why was he doing this? You were so gross, ugly, nothing when compared to how fit and muscular and handsome Kirishima was.
HIs eyes were dark, chin smeared red from the blood earlier - you bet your chin looked the same. His chest rose and fell rapidly, seemingly also out of breath, but the moment your eyes met his, the man was descending again, this time to press hot kisses all over your face, on your jaw, behind your ears.
“Don’t, oh, please don’t. Kiri-why are you-? Stop-“ You gasped, the sensations of his lips trailing across your skin too much for you to handle. A kiss to the column of your throat had you jolting, trying to sit up, not knowing what you were doing but trying to get away. It was too much.
“Lay back.” Kiri’s deep voice rumbled. “Let me make you feel good. You’ll forget about the anxiety, okay? Just focus on me.”
You didn’t want to focus on him. But at the same time, the situation was so overwhelming, you didn’t know what to do except let him push you back down with a hand on your chest. 
Before you could process what happened, your clothes were off, his clothes gone as well. You wanted to shriek; cry and cover yourself and tell Kirishima to leave, but everything was happening too fast, and your body couldn’t keep up. 
You felt floaty, buzzy, like you were in a weird dream, ears stopped up full of cotton. 
Wet fingers prodded at your entrance. Oh, were they Kiri’s? When had they gotten wet? The fingers retracted, and you watched Kirishima gather the saliva in his mouth before spitting onto his hand. 
The fingers were back, one pushing into you, the pressure too deep, too tight, too harsh. You knew in the back of your mind that you probably looked so stupid, gasping and shivering and shaking, but you couldn’t control it.
One finger turned into two, then three, then four, and then they were gone, something much bigger trying to split you open.
You felt sick.
You couldn’t move.
Kirishima was kissing your face again, his touch burning, making your skin feel tingly and painful and rough everywhere he touched. It hurt. He was saying something, but your ears were buzzing, everything felt fuzzy and weird, and you didn’t know where to look, what to do, except lie there and let the man continue.
He was soft, gentle. But no amount of easy touches or reassuring words were getting through to you, just the overwhelming sensation of being too full, nausea thick in your stomach, throat closing up. The room tasted like blood.
The pressure wasn’t going away, just building and building and building as Kirishima thrust into you, until eventually a twinge of pleasure slipped into your system alongside the discomfort of being filled. 
It felt weird… nice? You couldn’t tell anymore.
There was only sweat, slick, slapping noises, rough hands running over your skin, words being said. You couldn’t grasp anything. 
You felt full, empty, all at the same time. 
The pleasure built, higher and higher and higher until it burst into little sharp fragments that ran through your veins, zinging into your wrists, sparking through your tummy.
And then there was warmth inside you, and the part of you still lucid recognized that Kirishima had just cum inside your body.
You couldn’t get enough air into your lungs.
Kirishima was laying beside you, making shushing sounds, stroking your hair, pulling the blanket up around the two of you.  The pressure between your legs was gone, as was the stinging pleasure that had spilled all over your body. You couldn’t feel, everything was still too much, too loud and bright and rough and warm.
Kirishima was still stroking your hair as you finally calmed down, hyperventilating coming to a stop, shaking still there, but not as violent as it had been. 
“-so strong, and your laugh always makes me happy. I love you, and I know you love me back. It’s gonna take some time for us to work past all this nervous stuff, but I’m not give up. I’ll always be here for you, you know that?”
He was rambling, occasionally pressing soft kisses to your neck, along your collarbone - innocent, reassuring. You closed your eyes. 
“You need someone to be there for you, I know. You get so anxious, and you bottle up your feelings, and I know you get so scared of saying or doing the wrong thing and you just freeze or panic.” He continued. “You won’t ever have to worry about that with me. We worked around it today, yeah? You just relax, and let me lead. I’m never gonna steer you wrong (Y/N).”
You felt cold.
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ptergwen · 4 years
hi ma’am, it’s the mj wh*re anon! 🥰 i know last time i requested some jealous/overprotective!mj, but what about “flustered mj who only wanted some coffee but the barista is TOO cute and she doesn’t know what talking or coffee is?” 😩
sugar, cuz you’re sweet
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w/c: 1.1k
warnings: peter and ned are annoying, cussing
a/n: i love how that’s what we’re calling you 😭 and this is adorable thank you <3
michelle jones is the most honest, real, never afraid to speak her mind type girl in all of new york city. she knows it. everyone does. don’t get into a debate with her because you’ll lose, no matter the subject. she never concludes an interaction without a few snide remarks. they’re smarter than whatever you had to say.
the point is, mj is unapologetically herself in every situation and at all times. or so she thought.
peter and ned are making her order their coffees. they’re supposed to take turns, peter being all about equality in the group and the golden rule and blah blah blah. it reminds mj very much of somebody’s kindergarten teacher. she’s always found a way out of ordering because she’s mj. clever, persuasive mj. she can talk her way out of anything.
except for today when peter catches on. her excuse was lame. “i need to put down my backpack.” but, hey. you try fooling the only two people smarter than her. you’ll run out of ideas eventually. peter is pouty as he tells her that, “mj, it’s not fair! you haven’t gone up one time. how would you like it if-“ she has to interrupt him before she gets a speech.
“alright, alright, mother teresa. i’ll get the freaking drinks,” mj groans and kicks her chair back. peter smiles smugly, ned giving him a pat on the shoulder. “thanks. do you know what we want?” she blows at a piece of hair covering her eye. “you losers get the same things every time.” not bothering to push in her chair, she slumps over to the line.
ned yells, “don’t forget the whipped cream!” at her. that makes mj let out the longest sigh of her life. she very rarely does favors for other people. if you’re lucky enough to be one of them, it means she really loves you... or whatever.
mj waits on line while peter and ned get into a discussion about their nerd movies. her turn is next at least. she’s all prepared to grumble the order at the poor cashier, then you call her up.
“i can help whoever’s next,” you chirp, leaning over to see the group. your eyes land on mj. with a grin, you nod at her. the permanent scowl on her lips disappears. she takes a few steps up to you, feeling small even though she’s far from it. she finds herself thinking fuck, she’s pretty as you point at her torso.
“wait, i love your shirt,” you compliment and sound completely genuine about it. it’s mj’s favorite, her joan of arc one. a hint of a smile graces her face. “thanks.” her voice comes out much quieter than she intended it to. she didn’t know she was capable of being so... shy.
you tilt your head to the side and look down at the register. you’re still smiling. “no problem. what can i get you?” mj doesn’t hear a word you say. she’s entirely captivated by you, whoever you are. she notices pins with band logos on your shirt, ones she listens to. the probably homemade jewelry around your wrists. most importantly, your name tag. she’ll remember it.
mj doesn’t do the whole crush thing, not really. you just seem so chill and like you’d have a lot in common. also, you’re so pretty.
“do you know what you want?” you tap your nails against the register buttons. “i can suggest something, if that’s cool.” “um, i think so. the... the...” she can’t for the life of her remember what the hell peter and ned wanted. her face falls at that. sensing her nerves, you start punching things in on the register.
“i’ll surprise you. i’m good with those.” mj notices the corners of your lips turn up slightly. into a smirk. are you flirting? “ah, thank you. i’m, uh, not sure why i’m being so weird,” she laughs out. she’s very sure why. “you’re fine,” you snicker back and look up at her again. “just one drink?” “three,” mj quickly replies.
she rocks back and forth on her feet, you finishing up the order. “they’re on the house, by the way. they should be done soon,” you shrug the statement off. ok, you’re definitely flirting. “woah, thank you. can i give you a tip?” mj tucks the same piece of hair from earlier behind her ear. your eyes lock with her sparkling ones.
“nah, you don’t need to. just your name.” you’ve been waiting to get to this part. she’s not far behind you. “mj,” she speaks with the most certainty since you two began talking. “mj,” you murmur to yourself and punch it in. “you’re all good, mj. enjoy your drinks.” you give her a final heart racing smile. she really doesn’t want to go yet, but she has no choice.
returning the smile, mj waves at you. “bye.” she leaves the counter then, and you watch her go before calling up the next customer.
the drinks are done about five minutes later. mj has never been so excited to chug down a random liquid. that reminds her, she has no idea what you chose.
for the other two drinks, you made them your most popular. they’re larges, too. you decided on a plain black coffee with an obscene amount of sugar packets for mj. there’s actually a good reason behind it. you felt like she’s into the classics, and you aren’t wrong one bit. you left a note for her on the side of the cup.
‘lots of sugar, cuz you’re sweet ;) lol i’m bad at this but i liked talking to u, come back soon!’
mj giggles, literally giggles as she reads what you wrote. she should’ve ordered here a long ass time ago.
she’s in her happy place when she brings the tray back to the table, ned pursing his lips at her. “what’s with the face?” he comments on her dazed out look. peter is about to complain that she got their drinks wrong, but mj answers first. “the barista, she was cute and gave me the drinks for free. i think i like her.” she bites her lip to hold back yet another smile.
peter happily pulls one of the drinks from the tray, no longer concerned with its content. it’s not often mj is like this. he’ll bug her another time. “that’s awesome, mj. did you get her name?” he opens up one of the straws mj throws on the table. “y/n,” she sighs out in content. ned’s eyes go wide. “dude, y/n? she asked about you last time.”
and he didn’t think to tell her that? the part she mainly focuses on though, is that you noticed her. you wanted to meet her. this could actually go somewhere.
“you know what?” mj looks between peter and ned while ripping open one of her many sugar packets. “i’ll be the official drink orderer from now on.”
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