dinolgrim · 6 years
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For those of you that like everything neatly organised, here’s links to EVERY ONE of my first 150 how to THINK when you draw TUTORIALS, in ALPHABETICAL ORDER for #SkillUpSunday! Enjoy, link, pin, share! Cheers! Lorenzo! How to draw ANGRY EXPRESSIONS How to draw BIRD HEADS How to draw BOOKS How to draw BOXES How to draw BREAKING GLASS How to draw BRICKWORK How to draw CABLES and WIRES How to draw CAR CHASES How to draw CATERPILLAR TRACKS How to draw CAVES How to draw CHARACTERS (3-SHAPES) How to draw CHARACTERS (FLIPPED-SHAPES) How to draw CHARACTER SHAPES How to draw COMIC COVERS How to draw COMPOSITION How to draw CROSS-CONTOURS How to draw EARS How to draw FABRIC How to draw FEET & SHOES How to draw FEMALE HANDS PART ONE How to draw FEMALE HANDS PART TWO How to draw FOREGROUND MIDGROUND BACKGROUND How to draw GAME BUILDINGS How to draw GEMS and CRYSTALS How to draw GIRL’S HAIR How to draw GRASS How to draw HAIR (1940s styles) How to draw HAPPY EXPRESSIONS How to draw HORNS How to draw HORSE HEADS How to draw IMPACT DEBRIS How to draw IN 3D How to draw INTEGRATING LOGOS How to draw INTERIOR BASICS How to draw IN-WORLD TYPOGRAPHY How to draw JUNGLE PLANT CLUSTERS How to draw JUNK HOUSES How to draw LAMP POSTS How to draw LAVA How to draw LIGHTNING and ELECTRICITY How to draw MECHANICAL DETAILS How to draw MUSHROOMS and FUNGUS How to draw MONSTER HEADS How to draw MONSTER TENTACLES How to draw MOUNTAINS How to draw NEGATIVE SPACE How to draw NEWSPAPERS How to draw NOSES How to draw PERSPECTIVE BOXES How to draw PIGS How to draw POD HOUSES How to draw POURING LIQUID How to draw ROBOT ARMS How to draw ROCK FORMATIONS How to draw RUNNING FIGURES How to draw SAUSAGE DOGS How to draw SEA WEED   How to draw SHADOW COMPOSITION How to draw SHOULDER ARMOUR How to draw SIEGE WEAPONS How to draw SILHOUETTE THUMBNAILS How to draw SMOKE EFFECTS How to draw SNOW How to draw SPACE BIKES How to draw SQUIRRELS How to draw STICK FIGURES How to draw THE HORIZON How to draw TIKI STATUES How to draw TREASURE CHESTS How to draw TREE BARK How to draw TREE ROOTS How to draw VEHICLES How to draw VINTAGE PLANES How to draw WATER How to draw WOODEN HOUSES
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dinolgrim · 6 years
@risuniku je pense que ça te plairai
What’s art fight??
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I was hoping I’d get an ask like this so I had an excuse to go all out like this! Artfight is an annual art event that surrounds giving and getting art for a whole month!
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once you make an account you can upload all your ocs and their information on your own page! This should include stuff like references and small bits of character info (enough for someone to draw them accurately). You need to have at least one OC uploaded to participate so people can draw art for you during Artfight (although i would say upload about 3 so people have choice.)
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All people who sign up for Artfight that year get separated into two teams once the event begins (I’m using red and blue as an example but they are usually stuff like sun vs moon, technology vs nature, coffee vs tea etc)
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Once that happens people can make art of your OCs in exchange for points for their team! Yep! You get free art of your OCs!
But that means your team is now down a good few points so its not without consequence.
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By drawing an OC that belongs to the opposite team for more points than the piece you were given your team is able to stay on top of the game and you also put some good out in the world in the process.
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if you draw something for the person of the opposite team and they attack back you can get extra points for your team by starting a “revenge chain” its one of the best ways to get a point multiplier going and to start a friendship with someone who has cool characters!
So what happens when your team wins?
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Your team all get a nifty little digital trophy, all the art development that comes with drawing competitively, the knowledge that you’ve put a lot of good and happiness into the world by drawing peoples ocs, and complete ownership of bragging rights! (I personally developed my art style a whole lot during artfight last year! it was super fun!)
So what about when your team looses?
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Well the reason why the other team won is because they gave your team the most art of your teams characters! So statistically you just got a whole bunch more free art than they did! Even if you don’t get all the celebration and bragging rights you now have so much more amazing art of your characters!
So basically…
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I totally implore everyone who loves to do visual art to participate in artfight! It’s an amazing event that challenges you in a great way and you get to be introduced to a lot of really amazing artists and make alliances with people on your team!Here’s the link to the websiteHere’s the link to my account on art fight if you want to check me out!Keep in mind you don’t have to participate in artfight once you make an account, you need to opt in for that year at any point during the month so you can absolutely just make an account to watch and look at the good art!
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dinolgrim · 7 years
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Happy Ear-ster!
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dinolgrim · 7 years
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dinolgrim · 7 years
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I told this Joke to my extremely religious father and his first reply was “funny but don’t tell it to your mother”
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dinolgrim · 7 years
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dinolgrim · 7 years
My 2nd year film at CalArts! It’s about a girl that falls in love with the stars. 
Dedicated to all that wonder about what is out there.
Thanks to everyone that helped and supported me! And thanks to Brandon Liew for the soundtrack! 
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dinolgrim · 7 years
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Gyftmas gloom
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dinolgrim · 7 years
how to cheer yourself up? Look at jakei's blog!
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dinolgrim · 7 years
two days of after fx, green screen, stupid quotes and pokemon.
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dinolgrim · 7 years
Undertale theory because why the hell not
Ok so I see a lot of people saying Frisk is mute because they are never shown to talk and that monsters can hear then because of their magic but actually….. this sounds a little forced to me…..
I mean Frisk uses a phone in the game. I think this proves they can talk? The reason why they never directly speack I think it’s to give us more immersion in the game and make us identify more with them. Now, hear me out.
What if Frisk was actually blind?
I mean, their eyes are never shown whide open and they aren’t afraid or even the slightest surprised by seeing monsters. Maybe because they don’t know they are monsters yet?
But what made me think about this was the battle screen (i took this from google so it could be photoshopped but stay with me)
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The battle screen is in first person so we can assume we’re seeing through Frisk’s eyes. Ever wondered why it’s in black and white? I’m not blind and I don’t know anyone who is blind but I know there are degrees of blindness and some people use other ways to move and perceve the world around them. So, I think this is in black and white because Frisk can’t see and they are using different ways to understand who they have in front of them.
Also this would explain why the text tell us so much about smells in battle, because it’s a sense that Frisk developed to compense their (partial or not) blindness. If this is true then the narrator who describe actions and objects may not be doing this for you, the player, but for Frisk to help them compense their lack of sight. Maybe that’s why they fell in the first place because they couldn’t see well where they were going.
idk i just think about this a lot sometimes I thought it was something worth sharing with the comunity
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dinolgrim · 7 years
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dinolgrim · 7 years
@napoleonbrolo sent me this and it changed my life
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dinolgrim · 7 years
which one of yall still like that sans dude
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dinolgrim · 7 years
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🚨 The internet needs you 🚨
You’re up again, Tumblr. 
Back in 2015 you demanded that the FCC adopt strict net neutrality rules and establish a free and open internet. And you won. 
That should’ve been the end of it. But apparently not.
The new head of the FCC wants to undo the net neutrality protections you fought so hard for.
His proposed changes open the door to your web traffic being slowed down, or even blocked altogether. You could be forced to pay extra to use your favorite apps. You could even be prevented from getting news from the sources you trust.
Title II protects consumers and democracy by ensuring all voices can be heard.
You know the drill. Here’s what to do:
The FCC is taking comments from the public, and dearfcc.org is making it as simple as possible for you to make your voice heard.
Go there now 👉 dearfcc.org ✌️
You’ll just need to provide a name, an address, and then say a little bit about why rolling back Title II protections is a bad idea. If you’re not quite sure what to write, here’s something to get you started:
I’m writing to urge you to keep our Open Internet rules based on Title II in place. Without them, we could lose the internet as we know it.
The proposed changes to FCC rules would allow fast lanes for sites that pay, and force everyone else into slow lanes. We’ve already seen access to streaming services like Netflix, popular games like League of Legends, and communication platforms like FaceTime slowed down, or even blocked. Conditions like this hurt businesses large and small, and penalize the users who patronize them. 
The changes also open the door to unfair taxes on internet users, and could also make it harder for blogs, nonprofits, artists, and others who can’t pay up to have their voices heard.
Please leave the existing net neutrality rules based on Title II in place.
Thank you!
If you need more ammo, feel free to quote these experts from our net neutrality Issue Time. TechCrunch and Battle for the Net also have some good starters.
Everyone is counting on everyone else here. Do your part and tell the FCC to keep a free and open internet under Title II. 
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dinolgrim · 7 years
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Wow just wow.
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dinolgrim · 7 years
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