#I wanna know how this all looks from the perspective of the person panicking and assuming it's gonna destroy society though
thethingything · 4 months
fun fact: if you hang out on space weather related forums you can see several comments a week from people panicking about the possibility of another Carrington Event (which is understandable and honestly I'm glad they're at least asking space weather nerds and not random conspiracy theorists or whatever), ranging from people asking for reassurance and thanking everyone for explaining stuff to them, to people calling everyone on the forum insane and acting like they're celebrating the end of the world because they're excited about maybe seeing more aurora when there's a large solar flare
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tastytoastz · 4 months
I just want to say that the most recent chapter, at the time of writing this, of your fic (where Pac and Mike travel back in time to a 2b Fit, forgive me for forgetting the name) had me so enthralled. I've said this before but I don't think there are nearly enough fics that thoroughly explore the absolute internalised homophobia a man would develop in a place like 2b, so to have a fic like yours properly portray it is like a dream. That chapter has been stuck in my mind since I first read it, and I've reread it a couple of times.
I can't get over how well you showed that he wasn't just angry, but genuinely terrified. I love the emphasis on him being above all just so fucking scared of that information existing out loud. It's such a good angle. And he's not completely dead shocked by the revelation, and jumps straight into denial, which makes it come across - to me, anyway - as if he has already been aware of this fact about himself for a while, like he knows, and he actively works to hide it everyday. There's so much implied in what isn't said . It leaves you wondering how long he's known, how much he thinks about it, if anyone else in his life has ever known, if he has witnessed first hand what happens to people like him (has he ever watched someone get killed for that while having slurs and horribly vulgar and vivid insults thrown at them, and tried his hardest not to picture himself in that position, as the victim?) ... And most of all you wonder what the aftermath of the interaction looks like on his end. Is he panicking silently up in that room, expecting a mob at his door by morning? What is he thinking, what's running through his head? What does he expect to happen now?
I just love the angle you took and how it was written, and that you decided to pick up the heavy subject matter and write it where a lot of other writers seem hesitant. It's so intriguing .
Thank you so much for this ask!!! I could go crazy over this chapter as well and point out so many details, I'm gonna get into some here, but not all (since I wanna keep some stuff ambigitous/secret still and cuz if i mentioned it all it would be a long post, but I will probably go deeper into some more things once the fic is over cuz I have so many things and smaller details I wan't to get into!!! ) (Also I guess if you want to keep thing ambigious and not 'peek behind the curtain' about some things with this fic don't keep reading)
I have seen some people say Fit's reaction to Mike's comment is with self-denial but honestly it's a lot closer to just being him denying Mike and Pac's words. He's not lying to himself, he's strictly lying to Pac and Mike, and I'm glad I was able to make that clear and people are picking up on it!
Not gonna go to much into it right now ( that's for later in the fic 🤫), but he's very aware he is gay.
As a queer person myself homophobia is sadly not something i'm unfamiliar with. I have experinced it directed towards me and I have seen it happen to other people. Meanwhile i've also done research about internalised homophobia as best I can. I know it's a heavy subject matter (and the fic has a lot of violence/gore as well, it's rated M for a reason) so I'm glad so many people are intrigued by the fic despite it (however I fully understand if someone would not like the themes and cuz of that won't read it). I'm hoping to portray it and handle the themes as best i can.
I also think it would just makes sense from a character perspective, you have a man who has been on 2b2t for years, surrounded by slurs for all lgbtq memebers and wathcing people get specially targeted for stuff like that, and that would fuck with you as a closeted gay person. Not only bring you fear of being "found out", but also adapting homophobi language to look less like "one of them" while also just ingraning it in yourself.
Fit's been told the person he is bad, and knows that if people find out he's gay there will be a lot of negative consequnces, so he hides it. And then here comes Mike, not only saying that he knows he's gay but also that "it's obvious" that he likes Pac. For Mike and Pac it's a factual thing they know, while they also know is dangerous to Fit in the wrong hands. They also think it's obvious Fit likes Pac beacuse they know what to look for.
For Fit it sounds like these random guys, despite his best efforts, knows he's gay, the other says he has photo evidence he's gay, and then said he is awful at hiding it. These two people could ruin his life and have him killed so easily. That's what Fit heard and that is terrifying.
This is also one of the reason this fic is only from Pac's POV becuase I want it to be as unclear for the reader what Fit is thinking as it is for Pac. You don't know how Fit thinks in the past, what ideas he has or how he looks at thing which I think it both intruging for readers but also terrifying. You never know what Fit's next move is going to be.
Once again, thank you so much for the ask! I love talking about my fics so thank you for giving me a reason to!
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bachissidehoe · 3 months
no vacancy
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chapter 2 of it's classy not classic
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“Bachira? Hello?” Isagi panics into the phone, pacing around his bedroom in a plain white t-shirt and boxers for the second morning in a row. 
“Hey boyfriend.” Bachira’s groggy voice comes through on the other end. It sounds like he’s still in bed.
“So you’ve seen it.” 
“Yeah I saw it, it was sent to me like 50 times.” He yawns. 
“I’m so sorry. I can’t even believ- I’m really sorry I’ll tell everyone-” Isagi rushes through his words, speaking so fast that it doesn’t even sound like real sentences. 
“Calm down, calm down. Sheesh.” Bachira replies, sounding much too casual about this situation. It sounds like he’s just calmly stretching in his bed, while Isagi continues his panicked routine. 
“I need to tell everyone that’s not true, I can’t believe I dragged you into this-”
“You really don’t wanna date me that much?” Bachira giggles. How can he be so normal about this? 
“That’s not-” 
“It’s alright Isagi, it’s not a big deal. Some people took pictures of us together and it wasn’t hard to make the jump- you know, I just got out of a relationship and the breakup was pretty publicized in my circles.” Bachira explains.
Isagi holds his phone in front of them, scrolling through the tweets and articles about he and Bachira’s little date yesterday. Looking at it from an outside perspective, Isagi can completely understand why people may think that Bachira sipping from Isagi’s drink may indicate something more than a normal friendship. But anyone who knows Bachira personally would understand that these little quirks of his are just part of his personality.
“Oh- I didn’t even know.” 
“I know, my ex already texted me about it to ask what’s going on.” He chuckles. 
A situation like that would make Isagi even more panicked, but once again, Bachira just takes everything in his stride. 
“What? What did you say to her?” Isagi asked.
“You mean him? I didn’t respond to him yet.” Bachira replies.
Isagi pauses, nearly choking on air. That makes even more sense. “I didn’t know you were gay.” He blurts out. How did they hang out and it never came up? Especially because of the topic of conversation. But all things considered, that makes even more sense as to why the public seems to assume the two of them are in a relationship.
Bachira just laughs. “I’m bi.” 
“Oh. I’m sorry I shouldn’t have said it like-” 
“Yeah. In my community it’s very known, so it makes sense that people would see me with you, and you just “came out”, and assume something’s going on.” Bachira sighs. “I probably should have thought of that.” 
“Well-” Isagi pauses. “What are you gonna say to him?” 
It’s not necessarily surprising that Bachira Meguru is bisexual. Isagi wouldn’t think anything of it if he weren’t involved in this current situation. But honestly, Isagi feels bad that his friend identifies this way at this specific point in time. Because if Bachira were straight, that would be an easy fix. 
“Not sure.” 
Isagi just sighs. “I’m sorry man.” He runs his fingers through his hair. “I’ll make a public post and clear everything up.” 
“Actually.” Bachira pauses. Isagi can hear him shuffling around, possibly leaving his bed. “I don’t think you should.” 
“I think you should wait. It might not be worth explaining.” He continues. 
“Are you-”
“I’m saying we should just fake it. I’m in Tokyo for a couple months for work, we fake date until I move away, and then we fake break up because I’m moving and you’re a pro player and all.” He suggests. He says it so casually too, like it’s not the most insane idea Isagi has ever heard. “You know, just like the movies!” 
“You’re insane.” Isagi replies. It’s really all he can say. This can’t possibly be real life. 
“I’m so serious.” Bachira laughs. “Hold on, I’m coming over. Send me your address.”
“What the fuck is even happening?” Isagi feels his body shaking, he’s sweating yet freezing. He’s probably having a stress reaction. He might have to end up in a mental hospital. How the absolute fuck is he going to be able to show up to practice today?
“We have to make a plan. So I’m coming over. I’ll bring some food.” Bachira says, explaining his intentions as if they’re spies planning the heist of the century. Like it’s some game they have to win. Even after so many years, Bachira’s Blue Lock ego still hasn’t wavered. 
Isagi agrees, since he doesn’t really see himself having another option, but the entirety of the situation still doesn’t feel at all real. Back in Blue Lock, Isagi truly felt like his friendship with Bachira was special, like even though they hardly knew each other, they were on the same wavelength from the start. He assumed both of them would make it out, and he still believes they would have if not for Bachira’s injury. 
After that, Isagi was too embarrassed to talk to Bachira as often anymore. He felt guilty, like he didn’t earn his title over someone as talented as Bachira. It felt too weird to maintain their closeness. But now, it’s like it’s all back to normal, where Bachira is just as comfortable with him as he was six years ago. 
But that’s just how Bachira is. Clearly Isagi hasn’t respected Bachira’s ability to innocently trust the world. 
“Hey there!” 
Isagi opens the door to a smiling Bachira Meguru, holding multiple bags of takeout.
“That’s a lot of food.”
“Is it?” Bachira giggles. “I don’t know what you liked so I picked one of everything. Except the stuff I hate.”
“Geez. How much do I owe you?”
“Nothing.” He lets himself in, placing the bags of food on Isagi’s dining table. “I have more money than I know what to do with anyway.” 
“I get that.” Isagi replies. It’s true, being 22 years old doesn’t really require as much money as the two of them make- Isagi being a pro soccer player and Bachira being a successful artist. They can pay their bills, buy their own food, donate to charities and whatever else will make them look good to the general public, give some money to their families, and they still seem to have a lot of it. Neither of them are used to it. “Thanks.”
“Think of it like a date. Our second date.” 
“Stop it.” Isagi looks away, feeling his face flush. He doesn’t understand how Bachira can still be so casual about this despite being caught up in a blatant lie. Isagi can’t help but assume that the worst will happen, that he’ll be outed for being a liar and a horrible person and fired from being a pro player. Bachira, on the other hand, seems like he couldn’t care less. 
“So let’s talk about it.” Bachira sits at the table, making himself at home as he starts unpacking some of the food. “I think we should just keep giving the public what they want, we can hang out and go on “dates” and stuff, go to each other’s events, and it’ll die down on its own.” 
“You’re being so normal about this.” Isagi replies. 
Isagi figured he couldn’t eat with how much stress he’s under, but those pork buns smell good enough to convince him to sit across from his friend and try one. 
Bachira shrugs, shoveling a few chopsticks full of rice in his mouth. “Well, it’s not as big of a deal as you think it is.” 
“Huh? I trapped you in this with me because I lied on an interview. Now you have to pretend like you’re my boyfriend and I’m not even gay, I don’t know if you’re trying to fix things with your ex or whatever, and if you weren’t but wanted to date other people your entire time in Tokyo is just ruined because you wouldn’t be able to date if everyone thinks you’re dating m-” 
Bachira flicks a grain of rice at Isagi, hitting him in the nose. 
“What the fuck Bachira?” Isagi swipes the rice away, meeting the gaze of his smirking friend. 
“Just say you don’t wanna date me.” He giggles. 
“Can you be for fucking real for one second?” 
“Fine, fine.” He picks the face-rice off the table and tosses it in an empty bag. “I don’t care that you’re straight, I like hanging out with you and this would just mean hanging out with you more. I am definitely not trying to get back with Hiro, and after that relationship, I’m also not trying to date or fuck anyone else for the forseeable future.” Bachira explains. “I think that covers everything you were concerned about.” 
Though much of Bachira Meguru’s cutesy, eccentric personality remains the same as it was back in Blue Lock, much about him has changed as well. Isagi can tell that he prefers to be lighthearted, but that he’s also matured a lot. He’s put together, he dresses nice, it’s clear he’s maintained his physique and takes care of himself, and he’s obviously working hard. 
“Any of that could change, though.” Isagi says, but much quieter and less confident than before. 
“Stop making it seem like you’re ruining my life.” Bachira smiles, softer this time. 
Isagi sighs. It doesn’t seem like a big deal to Bachira now, but anything could change in the next couple of months. 
“Fine.” He says after a while. “It’s not different than just hanging out with you, I guess.” 
“Yippee!” Bachira raises his chopsticks into the air. “My new classy relationship, Blue Lock best friends to lovers, rich boys from different worlds-” 
“Damn don’t get too excited.” Isagi jokes. 
“Can I tell you a secret?” Bachira leans in as if there could be anyone listening in Isagi’s completely empty apartment. 
“Uh, ye-”
“I sort of want Hiro to be jealous.” He admits. 
“Anyway!” Bachira quickly shoves some more food in his mouth. “Moving on.” 
“O-kay?” Isagi finds it best if he just lets Bachira lead the conversation. It’s always been that way, with Bachira doing whatever he wants and Isagi simply letting him. 
“I have to ask, have you ever even dated anyone? Sorry if it’s too personal.” 
“No, no, I guess we should make sure we know things about each other.” Isagi answers. “I’ve dated here and there, but never a serious relationship.” 
“So you’ve kissed girls?”
“I mean yeah-”
“Have you had sex before?”
“Not super often but occasionally-” 
Isagi answers the barrage of questions quickly, but it’s clear Bachira needs some additional context. They’re definitely personal questions, but nothing Isagi is super uncomfortable sharing with him. They’re “dating” now, after all. He decides to elaborate.
“I just can’t saddle anyone with being in a relationship with me. Any girl would always be second to soccer. There’s no vacancy in my life for a person to come between what I really love. I just don’t think it’s possible for me, so it wouldn’t be fair to her, you know?” Isagi explains, looking down at his untouched pork bun. Now’s as good a time as any to actually start eating. 
He makes a mental note to ask Bachira where he ordered from later. This food is damn good. 
“Do you know that girls are interested in you?” Bachira inquires further.
“Yeah, I mean of course. But like I said, there’s no room for anyone between me and soccer. It’s the only thing I care about that deeply, I guess it’s like my one true love or whatever.” Isagi answers, taking another bite. 
Bachira chuckles. “I totally get it, but I think you’d be surprised.” 
“You’d be surprised how simple it can be to have two loves at the same time, where both of them are number 1.” He smiles. 
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mimiatmidnight · 2 years
So, twelve hours post, here is my first round of thoughts:
I will never recover from all the baby clips. NEVER. RECOVER.
Doria is the classiest, most dignified person in history. That poor woman deserves a medal for what she endured so strongly.
The producers did such a fantastic job of weaving the love-storytelling in with the historical discussions and the present-day narrative. And MAN what a love story. I really thought I had a good sense of them before, but I feel so different now. I see them and their love in a new light. Which, hey, isn't that the exact point of this whole thing? So, mission accomplished. I am completely warmed and enchanted.
I especially feel I understand so much more about who they were before each other. I love how dedicated the producers were to establishing Meghan's pre-Harry personhood and just how much she lost to be with him. And I was so unspeakably moved by Harry's recounting of his relationship to the people of Lesotho and Botswana. How they took him in when he had no place he felt at home. How it fundamentally shifted his development into the man he would be become. Genuinely one of the most beautiful stories in the whole production.
Meghan is better than me because if I had to meet my future in-laws and there in my kitchen was Kate Middleton looking at me the way Kate Middleton looks at people, I would be on the next plane back to America. EXPEDITIOUSLY.
Also um can we take a sec to laugh at how Cambridge stans (esp those in the rota) are taking personal offense to Harry's cheeky but astute observation about his male relatives marrying for convenience rather than love? SO funny. I think he was very obviously talking about his parents, but hey if you wanna be like "This is so clearly about William and Kate" like . . . Ok mama, if the tiara fucking fits!!!!
Meghan is better at communicating the warm, gooey, happy parts of the story, and Harry is FAR better at communicating the serious, difficult, upsetting parts of the story -- the "shocking revelations," if you will. Meg is seemingly still struggling with this incredibly frustrating naivete surrounding their situation, and it does not come across the screen well to me. But that is a discussion for others to have, so that's all I'll say on that.
The Black historians and political commentators they brought on were absolutely critical to nailing that side of the story. Afua Hirsch was my very favorite.
I've already gotten at least one anon asking about my perspective on the addressing of Harry's SS costume. I appreciate the interest, but no. I am the granddaughter of a Holocaust survivor. My family and I have been discussing how to internalize and process Harry specifically, as well as people like him, for years now. And it's not something I'm willing to do over the internet with strangers. Sorry, but I hope you can understand.
Mandana's scene was so funny. She was like "Royal expert? You literally just made that up right now 🤨" LMAO
Ashleigh's appearance knocked me BACK omg. I'm so touched to see how they connected all those years ago, and I hope they have found a way to reconnect, away from all that sabotage.
As I posted just before, the way they are juuuuust planting the seeds for the Jason storyline to come . . . literal fucking chills.
I love that they know which photos of them are iconic. When the umbrella shot showed up I was like "Yeah they know that was history right there" 😌
Oh and showing them Meghan's old This or That interview, the producers are SO real for that kjgfhfdgfjgh
Please believe me when I tell you that I am not usually one to be all "Ohhhhh Diana ohhhhh she's looking down on them ohhhh this or that." Lol. But the clip of Archie reaching his little hand to her photo on the wall, and not to her face, which babies are neurologically wired to focus on, but to her hands. Yeah a bitch might just have teared up or whatever 🥲
I thought the whole thing was really well produced. So far, it's not the nuclear war all those panicking lil media experts were predicting. But my sense is that Volume I was very much an introduction to lay the groundwork for whatever we're about to go through in Volume II. And I cannot wait. For the time being, I am so over the moon to be granted this truly moving glimpse into what a beautiful life Harry and Meghan have built for themselves.
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lys-9-10 · 2 years
Posted Ch. 3 of In which Enjolras spurns Grantaire's affections and Éponine gives him a piece of her mind... possibly prompting him to reconsider
We could call this chapter "In which Grantaire realizes Enjolras is lonely, and convinces his best friend Éponine to open up their friendship duo to him"
The slightest flicker of a smile crossed Enjolras’s face. Then, he looked down at his feet. “Well. I should leave you to your grocery shopping. I hope Azelma enjoys her birthday party.”
He turned to leave. Grantaire, panicked and aching to hold onto Enjolras a moment longer, called out to stop him before he could think of a pretext for doing so.
Enjolras turned around, his head cocked slightly to the side and his eyebrow lifted inquisitively. 
Grantaire stammered. “Um...” He looked around himself for something that could justify his ejaculation. “You... should really buy one of these cakes. They’re very good here.” 
Enjolras’s mouth twisted into a joyless smile. “I have no purpose for a cake,” he said. “I’m not exactly one to host parties.” 
Enjolras’s eyes trailed down to Grantaire’s grocery cart, which was stacked with birthday-themed napkins, bags of chips and bottles of soda, and other festive purchases. Grantaire’s own gaze tracked Enjolras's  — and suddenly he found himself comparing his own teeming cart with Enjolras’s nearly empty basket, which contained only a few produce items. Grantaire frowned.
“Wanna come to Azelma’s birthday party?” The invitation popped unreflected from Grantaire’s lips, startling himself. Startling Enjolras too, it seemed, whose eyes widened as he took a small step back. 
“I beg your pardon?” 
Grantaire hesitated a moment — was this weird? But it was too late to retract the invitation. So he simply smiled at Enjolras and continued.
“It’ll be all Azelma’s school friends, so Ép and I will mostly be hanging back in the kitchen, prepping the food and staying on top of clean-up and whatnot. You could come hang out with us if you like. I know that doesn’t sound like the most enticing party invitation — but we’ll still get to eat all the good food and stuff...” 
Grantaire had to stop talking, because Enjolras’s killer blue eyes were fixed on him in such a way that he felt his head might reel and fall off his shoulders. Rendered senseless by the intensity of those eyes, Grantaire had to take a moment to recall what they were talking about when, after a long pause, Enjolras finally responded.
“Alright,” the blue-eyed man said, nodding slowly. “I will come.” 
“You WHAT?” Éponine gaped at her best friend in shock.
“Are you angry?” Grantaire asked anxiously. “I’m sorry, I know it’s Azelma’s thing. I shouldn’t have invited him without asking her if she minded — but I figured he could just lay low in the kitchen with us...” “I’m not angry, but... I mean why? What would Enjolras want to hang out in my kitchen for? At my little sister’s birthday party?” Éponine shook her head in disbelief. “He actually said yes?”
“Yeah... He did.” A pensive look crossed Grantaire’s face. “Ép... I think Enjolras is lonely.”
“Excuse-me?” “I think he’s lonely. He keeps saying really weird things with these weird expressions on his face... Like, he said he doesn’t know how to socialize... and that he’s not the type to host parties... and when we went for coffee, he asked me about my friendship with you. I didn’t really think about it at the time but... I think maybe he’s never had that, Ép. You know what I mean?” 
Éponine frowned. She did know what Grantaire meant. She’d insinuated as much to Enjolras when she ripped into him at Le Café Musain. It wasn’t difficult to surmise that Enjolras lived a lonely life — from the perspective of a normal person, that is. But Enjolras wasn’t a normal person. So Éponine never supposed he cared. She never supposed he would want it to be otherwise. 
“I think he’s lonely. He keeps saying really weird things with these weird expressions on his face... Like, he said he doesn’t know how to socialize... and that he’s not the type to host parties... and when we went for coffee, he asked me about my friendship with you. I didn’t really think about it at the time but... I think maybe he’s never had that, Ép. You know what I mean?” 
Éponine frowned. She did know what Grantaire meant. She’d insinuated as much to Enjolras when she ripped into him at Le Café Musain. It wasn’t difficult to surmise that Enjolras lived a lonely life — from the perspective of a normal person, that is. But Enjolras wasn’t a normal person. So Éponine never supposed he cared. She never supposed he would want it to be otherwise. 
“It’s strange really,” Grantaire continued, rubbing his chin. “Courf was the one who suggested the name ‘Les Amis de l’ABC’, and I remember Enjolras initially resisted it because he said that’s not what the Society was. It wasn’t a group of friends. I thought he was just being hoity-toity — 'We're not just a group of friends, we're a band of revolutionaries!' kind of thing...  but what if he also just doesn’t feel Les Amis are his friends? I asked him how he and Combeferre became best friends and he got all weird then too... as though he didn’t know what I was talking about. I always assumed that’s what he and Combeferre were, Ferre being his right-hand man for all things Society-related. But I dunno... I mean, can you see Enjolras and Combeferre chilling on a Friday night and watching Netflix together or something?”
Éponine snorted. “Definitely not.” 
Grantaire hummed and continued brooding. Éponine watched him for a few moments — then huffed impatiently and tapped her foot. 
“So what are you saying, Taire? That we should befriend Enjolras?”
Grantaire barked out a laugh. “You don’t have to sound so overjoyed about it.” 
Éponine scowled. “You know me, Taire. I love you and all, but Enjolras has never been my cup of tea. And with the way he treats you, I can hardly look at him without wanting to triple-smack him about the face.” 
“Oh, that’s right! He apologized for that too. When we were talking at the grocery store.” Éponine blinked. “He did? What did he say?” 
“Well, he apologized for being ‘unkind’ to me, in his words... He made a point of clarifying that he was apologizing for all his unkind behaviour in the past, not just for banning me from the ABC Meetings the other day. And then he said some stuff about...” Grantaire pinkened slightly and looked to the side. “Something about how he understands there’s more to me than he initially thought.” 
Éponine raised her eyebrows. “Wow...” Against her will, she sounded impressed. But she quickly shook it off and resumed her glower. “Good,” she said roughly. “He should apologize.” 
Grantaire smiled. He seemed to consider for another moment, and then his expression shifted and became supplicatory. It was the kind of supplication that he exclusively displayed to Éponine — a disarmingly open, trusting kind, which simply said, ‘This is important to me.’
“Ép,” he said softly. “I’d love for us to try to befriend Enjolras, if he’s open to it. Would you do that for me?” 
Éponine groaned, loud and long, and threw both hands over her face. She knew —he knew — that she would never deny Grantaire anything if he asked her like this. But at this moment, she kind of hated him for that. (Not actually. She could never hate him.) “Can’t you just date him and leave me out of it?” Éponine grumbled — but it was a mere token resistance.
Grantaire chuckled. “Believe me, I’d date him if I could. But maybe he doesn’t need a date right now. Maybe he needs friends.” 
Éponine heaved a sigh and dropped her hands from her face. “Fine.” she huffed. “You’re lucky I love you, Taire.”
Grantaire’s face split into a glowing smile. He seized her, tugged her towards him, and dropped a kiss on the top of her head. 
“Damn right I am.” 
Read more here.
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starlitangels · 2 years
Pups AU Incorrect Quotes (Part 3)
Micah: *wears a dark grey tank top*
Danny: Ah. Breaking out the spring colors I see
Natalie: Can’t you try to see things from my perspective?
Gabriel: Okay! *sits on the floor*
Natalie: Now listen here you little sh!+
Micah: Here’s a fun idea. We hang mistletoe; but instead of kissing you have to fight them
Danny: We are not doing that
Natalie: Mistlefoe™
Danny: Do Not Encourage Her!
Evelyn: I’m not responsible for what my face does when you talk
Gabriel: We need to distract my sister and her friends
Evelyn: Leave it to me
Evelyn: Centaurs have six limbs and are therefore insects. Discuss
Natalie, Danny, and Micah: *immediately start arguing with each other*
Gabriel: Oh… I don’t like this at all
Natalie: What are you, five?
Gabriel: Yeah. Five heads taller than you
Gabriel: I’m sorry please don’t kill me
Micah: Can we kill Andrew and Justin for making fun of Danny?
Lily: No.
Micah: I can make it look like an accident.
Lily: …How?
Gabriel: Lily!
Lily: Alright, no…
Evelyn: Don't panic.
Gabriel: I'm not panicking, I'm just very concerned and alarmed at how thoroughly screwed we are.
Danny: But please, be careful.
Natalie: You know me.
Danny: Yeah, exactly, that’s what I’m worried about.
[also applies to Gabriel and Micah]
Lily: Writing a death threat and dotting all the i's with hearts
Justin, going through closet: What should I change into?
Danny: A better person -_-
Natalie: Reminder that I’m very sweet and endearing so be nice to me
Andrew: Or what
Natalie: Or I’ll punch your lights out
Micah: Hold your horses, Gabriel. Hold them tight. Cherish them.
Gabriel: What?
Micah: I don’t know. I haven’t eaten today.
*distressed Gabriel noises*
Lily: Gabriel's little sister is way too nice a person for the number of ways she knows how to kill people.
Natty, from the other room: It's called 'diplomacy,' b!+ch!
Evelyn: Can't believe there are so many songs about love and only one where someone welcomes someone else to a jungle.
Rose, to the Pups: Can I make a suggestion that doesn’t involve violence or is this the wrong crowd?
Gabriel: Living well is the best revenge.
Evelyn: Yeah, but obviously I'm not gonna do that. What's the second best. Cutting their brakes, right?
Micah: The only reason I’m not coming at you right now is because Rose here is a delicate flower who doesn’t like violence.
Natalie: You’re charged with breaking into a pet store?
Evelyn: I thought the puppies might be lonely.
Gabriel: Describe your ideal partner.
Lily: They're dark and mysterious, and they can sing, and they play the organ.
Gabriel: I think you just described the Phantom of the Opera.
(Looking at graffiti on a high bridge)
Lily: That’s art.
Gabriel: No, that’s vandalism.
Evelyn: How the f^&* did they get up there? I wanna try!
Gabriel: No!
Danny: You guys are idiots, did you know that?
Natalie & Micah: In our defense, we actually do know that.
Lily: Why are you covered in glitter?
Rose: Why aren't you covered in glitter?
Lily: Good point
Gabriel: Recipe says to beat three eggs.
Micah: At what? Hand to hand combat?
Gabriel: Must be. My dad and sister banned shifting in the kitchen, remember?
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plz-and-spank-you · 2 years
I am once again down bad for the moon boys and I so desperately want to give them all head rn so enjoy my "headcanons" *ba dum tssst*
18+, minors DNI, don't judge me, I'm a person with a vulva writing from that perspective, but I did try to keep it vague and gender neutral, Spanish was attempted but it's not my first language so apologies in advance if something doesn't make sense
starts under the cut :3
Steven Grant
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in his flat, doesn't know where to put his hands, not necessarily because he's inexperienced but because he's so flustered and everything feels so good he doesn't know what to do with himself and he's trying to be respectful, settles for gripping the bed he's sitting on
doesn't shut up. rambling throughout, a lot of curses and utterances of how good you are, words come out panicked, sometimes fumbled and desperate, tells you how beautiful you look (when he can look at you)
tries to keep his eyes on you but can't because every stroke/lick his head jerks back and he clamps his eyes shut in bliss
warns you when he's getting close and asks you while your mouth is still full where you want him to cum, he's actually waiting for a response, so polite
offers to give you head directly after, loves to reciprocate
Marc Spector
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wherever you guys are he's standing, has you on your knees, gathers your hair into his fist (if it's long enough), likes controlling your pace, occasionally shoves himself further into your mouth so you're gagging on his cock a little bit, sloppier the better
quieter than Steven, vocal but smoother, "fuck baby-", "yeah, just like that", "shit-", a lot of groaning
head is nice but ... before your head starts bobbing again on his cock, he pulls you back, he loves when you look up at him bleary eyed, "I wanna fuck you so badly right now"
Jake Lockley
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in his car, tinted windows, you're in the passenger seat, roadhead.
he's gripping the steering wheel tightly trying to drive and occasionally one hand leaves and grips his head, likes to smack your ass with his gloves on and feel you gasp and moan on his cock
enjoys the sound of him popping in and out of the sides of your mouth, if you have long hair he likes to move it out of the way of your face so he can see you when he glances down
"no pares hasta que te lo diga", "joder", "que rico"
will pullover and fuck you after getting head
rather finish inside you, less clean up for the car, but if there is a mess he has no problem going through a car wash with you later ;)
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that's all I got, now im gonna lay here and pretend I'm not all worked up over 3 fictional characters played by the same man
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theminecraftbee · 2 years
I love the magical girl scar au so much. And especially cub in this universe. Truly l am rotating him in my mind at all times.
How does him getting possessed actually go? Obviously lots of chaos, but I'm curious what happens from an interpersonal perspective. He doesn't really seem like he'd react very well to not just losing control of himself, but also putting scar in danger.
Out of curiosity, does he have any issues when he first gets actual powers, what with them being at least somewhat similar to what happened when he got possessed?
I AM SO GLAD. i too love cubfan so i am glad other people rotate him, even if in the context of this au.
so like... okay. how the possession actually goes is that, if you ask cub, he fucks up. he lets his guard down. he goes "yeah sure man i'd love some chaos" without thinking because, and this is a thing he'll only admit to himself: he'd felt drained of chaos, lately. he'd had to be too responsible. he'd also been... afraid, a thing that he hadn't been in a long time. cub isn't the kind of person who fears easily. cub's the kind of person who's certain in himself. cub is - maybe none of those things, right now.
so a spirit whispers in his head: hey, you seem like you need an outlet. wanna just cause some chaos?
and like, spirits don't make it easy. they override everything in you to make you want to agree. but the thing is, this isn't the first, or even the thirtieth time cub has heard a spirit. hell, it's probably in the seventies. and sure, the spirit isn't normally possessing him, but he should know better. he should probably fight back at least a little.
cub doesn't. he just... relaxes into it.
the good news is, that like many spirit victims, his memory of his time possessed is a little hazy. he doesn't remember a lot of the stuff he did to scar directly. but it feels like he's the one who did it. according to scar, it had been mostly "pranks". cub is fairly certain some of the things he pulled don't count as "pranks", given his main abilities seemed to involve scrambling the properties of things, and he's pretty sure he scrambled a lot of things that... aren't meant to be scrambled.
(he's... pretty sure he killed at least someone. which. not processing that one very well over here. at least later, when he meets the support group, he learns he's not the only one trying to mentally process that, even if the magic is largely reversed later. he didn't expect that hearing from other spirit victims would help so much, given he hears from them all the time in the context of helping scar, but... yeah, the support group helps.)
and then. here's the thing. it is seeing scar that makes cub try to start fighting back. to remember everything jellie and scar had talked about when it came to spirits. in the end, scar doesn't re-capture the spirit of chaos; cub forces it into an equilibrium because he refuses to hurt scar, no matter how much he wants to just have an outlet where he doesn't have to care. no matter how exhausted he is of being scared, of being responsible, of being uncertain, of having to care about consequences, he refuses to let that let him hurt scar. he'll find another outlet for chaos. he'll -
well, what he does is burst out of the possession and transform properly for the first time, the spirit of chaos relegated to a partner in his head, powers directly influenced by the spirit in his hands. the only thing that stops him from panicking is how proud scar looks. when he detransforms and the small ferret the spirit of chaos turns into lands on his shoulders, though...
well, you ask if cub has hangups, given that his powers are also based in the chaos he caused while possessed? yes. absolutely. cub HATES having to work with the spirit of chaos to properly transform and only does it because it will make him better at what he does than he already was - and he was very good at what he does. it takes a combination of the support group, advice from jellie, and finally just talking to the spirit and admitting to the fact he really, really just wants to be able to cause problems without feeling like he's about to bring the world down around them for him to get over those hangups.
it turns out that 'getting therapy' makes you better at magic. who knew?
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sapphosvioletts · 3 years
Bruce Banner x Autistic Teen!reader
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Request: I was wondering if I could request a Bruce banner x autistic teen reader where him and the team are on a mission at a hydra base and the hulk finds her in a cell in a corner all scared and the hulk is protective of her. (she’s been there since she was 7 and now she’s 17) so when they get back to the base Bruce takes care of her to and basically throughout time he teaches her and science and everything else she missed out on. If you wanna add some more please do. I have a learning disability and it’s hard for me to explain things in detail. So let me know if this sounds confusing
Word count: 2,466
Warnings: slight description of overload
Note: Not every autistic person experiences autism the same. I'm autistic and I am writing from my perspective of how I personally experience autism, but not everyone feels the same as me or has the same perspective as I do.
My breath hitches as I hear a loud noise, my body freezing. My body starts to tremble and shake, my breathing picking up slightly. I hate loud noises, my sensory issues make them intolerable. Noises often tend to scare me more as well, always making me jump in shock.
Hydra has never been very accommodating of the fact I'm autistic, so it would be no surprise to me if they made the loud noise. But following the noise is yelling, which sounds panicked. The people who I have learned are associated with Hydra, are all yelling and some barking out orders.
My hands instinctively come up to cover my ears, trying to block out as much noise as possible. I'm sitting on the floor of my cell, tucked in the corner with my knees hugged tightly to my chest. I start rocking back and forth as I sob at the noise.
I hear other voices as well, ones that I don't think I've heard before. They sound much less panicked, but are still loud and demanding. The new set of voices only make me sob harder, stuffing my face between my legs and squishing my hands to my ears so hard I'm surprised my head didn't explode.
I hear loud stomping growing closer to my cell. It's far too loud to be a human, and I can't even rack my brain around what it could be. My brain already feels fuzzy enough, and with the panic and every single noise that I hear, my brain is just so overwhelmed.
I cower further into the corner when I hear one of the Hydra men yell "Get the girl!" I know he's referring to me, as I'm the only 'experiment' that they have right now. My cell door is slammed open, the metal bars banging loudly against the wal.
The man runs in and harshly grabs my arm, his grip bruising. He roughly pulls me up, while all I can do is just cry. Everything it's just too much, and my body can't even react anymore.
Suddenly the man is ripped away from me and thrown across the cell, hitting the wall and sliding down, completely knocked out. The first thing I notice through blurry vision from my tears, is a large shadow over me. I look up, trembling with fear.
I find a large, green man standing just outside of my cell. He's huge, his hand is probably the size of half my body. I slowly start to back up into the wall, terrified of the man in front of me. He's too big to even fit in my cell, he pulled the man off by only reaching his arm in.
The man's attention is pulled away when another Hydra scientist tries to pass him to come into my cell. He easily picks them up by their shirt and slams them into the ground before tossing them away.
"No one hurts girl" he growls. He huffs before turning back to me. His cold, hard demeanor turns soft and gentle once his eyes meet mine. Even though he is huge, he seems slightly less intimidating.
I gulp nervously and press my back against the wall of the cell. He sits down outside of my cell, since he can't fit inside. He pulls something out of his pocket, which I soon notice is a rock. It looks so small in his hand, like a tiny little pebble.
He looks around before grabbing one of the discarded knives that was left on the floor behind him. My breathing speeds up once he grabs the knife, terrified of what he might do with it. But instead of bringing it anywhere near me, he brings the knife to the rock.
He starts carefully carving into the rock, his face concentrated and focused. I watch in curiosity as he works, my fear slowly starting to disappear every second he doesn't hurt me. The knife is small in his hand, having to hold it with only two of his fingers to work.
Eventually, he discards of the knife on the ground and smiles at his work. He slowly reaches his arm out to me through my cell, the rock in his open palm. I cautiously and slowly walk up to his hand. I look back to his face, which has a soft smile and gentle eyes, nothing like the hard and terrifying glare he held earlier with the other men.
I decide to reach my hand out to his, feeling a little more comfortable in his presence. I grab the rock from his palm and I'm slightly surprised, and relieved that he didn't try to grab me during that moment. With the rock in my hand, I take a step back to my little corner.
I look down at the rock and smile when I see a flower carved into it. I look back up at the man, smiling widely to him. His smile grows in return, happy that I like it. He points to words and some drawings carved on the wall of my cell, which is where I write down, well everything. That usually consists of new things that I learn, and that spot just happened to be about flowers.
"Come with Hulk. He keep you safe." The man says in his booming, loud voice. I think for a moment, and he patiently waits for me. I decide to go with him. I don't have anywhere else to go now, and I'm sure anywhere he takes me will be better than just being moved to another Hydra facility if I stay here.
I slowly walk out of my cell and he stands up, making way for me to exit the cell. I look up at him hesitantly, but he only wears a gentle smile. I give him a nervous smile back before averting my gaze back down.
Having that moment with him to decompress was very helpful. It was quiet, it seems that the Hydra people were completely taken out from this floor since there was no noise except for the two of us. Normally I can barely even stand after being overwhelmed like that, but it's rare that I ever get a moment to recover either.
His large hands wave in the "follow me" motion, before he takes off and starts walking away. I run to catch up with him, his long legs taking him much farther than I could walk. I keep my head down and follow behind the green man, taking glances every once in a while at the Hydra scientists scattered across the ground, presumably dead.
We finally arrive outside and a jet comes into my view. The man seems much to big to even fit in a jet like that, but he still makes his way towards it, me following behind him. Two women and a man walk out of the jet at hearing the loud stomps coming closer.
"Wanda, go in his head to turn him back." The woman with red hair says to the other girl. They are both giving me suspecting and confused looks, but the girl on the right nods before walking up to the green man next to me.
The woman with red hair whisper something to the man on her other side, before making her way towards me. Her body language instantly shifts from her intimidating stature, to instead relaxed and gentle. She smiles at me, trying to make herself seem less intimidating, sensing my nerves.
"Hey sweetie, were you kept here?" I nod. Her eyes turn sympathetic. "Why don't you one back with us, yeah? Let's get you out of here." I nervously find myself agreeing with her. It's not like I have anywhere else to go, and she seems really nice.
She leads me onto the jet, where there are already a couple other men sitting. They all introduce themselves to me, but I don't really listen or take in what they are saying. It's all just too much, the new environment, new people, not even to mention moving away from the place I've lived for years.
The woman leads me to sit down on one of the benches and she's about to say something, when the other girl from before enters the jet, but this time with another man by her side. The man looks a bit familiar, but I can't tell where I know him from.
They both slump into their own seats tiredly, and as soon as the door shuts I feel the jet rumble underneath me. My hands clutch onto the seat from the sudden movement, before I remember about the man that saved me.
I look up at Natasha confused. "W-what about the man? The g-green one?" My voice is trembling with anxiety. Her face is confused for a moment, before morphing into understanding. "He's right there." She points to the man with curly hair. "The green man, Hulk, isn't his permanent state. His name is actually Bruce."
It takes me a moment to completely comprehend the new information. When I do, I am a little sad. Even though the man, who I now know is named Hulk, was terrifying, he was growing on me and I felt kind of comforted by him. He was the first person that has been kind to me in so long, and now he's not even here anymore.
Natasha eventually leaves to the cockpit of the jet, but whispers something to Bruce on her way. A little while later, Bruce comes and sits on the seat next to me. "I just wanted to apologize for having to meet under those circumstances. I hope the Hulk treated you alright." He looked down sheepishly.
"I-It's okay. He was really kind. He gave me this." I held out the rock that the Hulk has given me. Bruce smiles and shook his head. "I'm glad he was kind. If the Hulk saw something in you, I know that you have to be a pretty important and special person. So if it's okay with you, I'd like to get to you know you as Bruce too."
By just a couple months later, Bruce and I have become very close. He immediately took on the father figure and parental role in my life that I needed. I haven't had one in so long, and these past couple of months have been like a dream.
He's a scientist, so he was very accepting and accommodating of me being autistic. He understood my brain on a scientific level, he understood my autistic traits. For example, he knows that I have sensory issues and that my nervous system is wired differently than Neurotypicals. It's obviously more complex than just that, but he knows all of it, he is a scientist after all.
But even though he's a scientist, he doesn't let that make him into a "know it all". He knows that the people who understand autism the most, are autistic people. So he always uses sources that are by autistic people when researching, but he also just gets information from me. I know myself best, and he of course listens to every word I have to say and even takes notes. He just wants to help me and be there for me the best that he can.
I slam my head into my arms on my table, starting to get frustrated at my science homework. It's just so confusing and overwhelming. The information makes no sense, but I also just don't even know how to start. I'm already in tears and I haven't even started working on it yet, I've only read through it.
I wipe my tears and take a deep breath, trying to prepare myself to read through it one more time, hoping that somehow might make a difference. As I'm about to start, there's a knock at my bedroom door. "Come in" I croak out, wiping my tears on my sleeve to try and hide the fact I'm crying.
My dad walks in, a water and granola bar in hand. "You've been in here for a while so I thought-" He cuts himself off when he notices my red eyes and tear stained cheeks. He immediately rushes over to me and kneels down next to my chair.
"Oh, what's wrong sweetheart?" He rubs circles on my back." I try to speak, but I just can't bring myself to open my mouth, let alone form the words and actually speak them. I just shake my head and bury my face in my hands.
I lead forward onto his shoulder and he wraps his arms around me tightly, knowing how much I love pressure hugs. He doesn't urge me to speak, he never does. He understands that I'm semi verbal or nonverbal sometimes, and he never gets mad or frustrated.
He peers over me and finds the papers spread out on my desk. He sees some are already finished, which I had done earlier. But there were a couple pages that have nothing written on them, they instead have wet splotches from my tear drops.
He gives me as long as I need to calm down, never rushing me, just rubbing circles on my back as he hugs me. When my tears subside and my breathing is back to normal, I finally pull away. His hands move to rub up and down my biceps comfortingly.
I then turn back around to my desk and grab a scrap piece of paper, picking up my pencil. I know that speaking most likely isn't an option right now, but there are other ways to communicate. I scribble down on the paper, "Dont understand it and I don't know where to start."
Bruce reads over the paper when I'm done, and nods in understanding. "That's okay, this stuff can be really tricky. Here, how about I look through it for you and I'll break it down into smaller steps for you, yeah? And then we'll take a little break and come back to this later, you deserve some quiet time right now to just relax."
I breath out a sigh of relief and nod, unbelievably thankful for Bruce. He smiles at my approval and grabs the papers, looking through them himself. I hug my knees to my chest and rest my head on my knees. I close my eyes as I patiently wait for him, trying to just calm myself down a bit.
I find myself being brought into a state of peace and relaxation from the sound of the pencil scraping across the paper, and just knowing that my dad is here with me. I know that he'll always be here for me, no matter what, and that's the most comforting thought of all of them.
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sexybabystevie · 2 years
steve and robin with hibiscus, from an outsider perspective their friendship is amazing and I wanna know more ab them both. The only thing I know is that they love talking ab women LMAO
A/n: I can't even explain how excited I am to write this. Their friendship is in my head 24/7!!! (By the way, I'm gonna make this into a series of small headcanons since I think it would be way better that way!)
Pick a flower from the Garden!
Robin Buckley Masterlist || Steve Harrington Masterlist
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Platonic with a Capital P
Steve Harrington & Robin Buckley
Tags and Warnings: No Warnings, Best Friends!Steve Harrington and Robin Buckley, Platonic Relationship, Nicknames, Friendly Teasing.
Word Count: 1006
A lot of Steve and Robin's friendship does consist of them talking about women. With Steve being the only person she's come out to, he's, by default, the one who hears all of her gay panicking. Not that he minds, because she does the same whenever he rambles on about some of the girls that he tries to catch dates with.
They have this habit of being each other's wingman/woman, but since they share three whole braincells when they're together, it doesn't usually work that well. When it does, however, Robin has the practical side of things covered while Steve has enough confidence to boost the both of them.
Playful teasing is everything in this friendship. They tease each other about the girls that they have crushes on, their shared dating fails, anything. Robin is usually the one to initiate it though, since she can't stop herself from pointing out all of the absolutely ridiculous things Steve does.
"Hey dingus, what on earth are you doing? Wait – don't tell me you're mopping the floor with the glass cleaner."
"Huh? – Wait, shit! It looked just like the mop chemicals!"
"No..? It doesn't? The cleaner for the floor is fluorescent yellow; the window solution is blue. Have you ever mopped a day in your life?"
Being that Robin doesn't have a driver's license, Steve drives her everywhere. She needs a ride to school each morning? Or to her shift at Family Video? Well, fear not, because chauffeur Steve Harrington is ready in minutes to come pick her up. Sometimes he acts annoyed that he has to, but he doesn't really feel that way. He's more than happy to show up to her house, watching her shuffle from her front door with a wave and an excited smile. They're best friends for a reason, and he couldn't even lie and say that he didn't enjoy spending his off days out with her, driving the girl to various places, her favorite pop music on in the background as he listens intently to whatever she may be bumbling on about. He can't help the grin that forms on his lips as she keeps talking – he knows that when she's more comfortable around someone, she talks about everything under the sun – and he relishes in the elation that exudes from her.
Despite working at a video store, Robin and Steve still host weekly movie nights at Steve's. Every Friday night he drives to pick up Robin and they raid the local grocery store for any and all snacks that they can find. Candy, frozen pizzas, and various bags of chips fill their shopping cart, and before long they're out the door and into Steve's house.
Robin likes to choose horror movies for their movie nights because she thinks it's hilarious when Steve gets scared. His eyes will widen as the jumpscare pops onto the screen, his palms sweaty as he combs through his hair to try and act like nothing's bothered him. Robin always gives an over-the-top explanation of the movie before they watch it and Steve always acts all tough-guy, like he isn't terrified by the movies even though he really is. Robin loves it; it gives her more things to embarrass him about.
Robin spends the night on movie nights – Steve's parents are always gone, and despite him never directly stating it, she does get the feeling that having such a large home to himself all the time must make him pretty lonely. That's why she sometimes convinces him to let her stay over Saturday night too, the promise of more canned sodas and a comedy film influencing him to shrug and say, "Fine, Buckley, but you're not eating the last slice of pizza this time."
These two have the most absurd amount of inside jokes. Put them in any kind of situation together, and they'll surely be giggling about something incoherant like "Oh my god, did you see? It was a pink dinosaur!"
Regardless of the playfulness of their friendship, they also know when to be serious with each other, like when Robin expresses the difficulties of being a lesbian and when Steve complains about his family. Nevertheless, it doesn't take too long for them to be laughing like schoolchildren again, though. They're amazing at cheering each other up.
Sometimes Robin has enough sanity to handle helping Steve babysit his seven children, but most of the time she leaves him to handle it on his own. (Even if most of them beg her to stay, talking about how cool she is in comparison to their typical babysitter.)
And sometimes Steve calls her and invites her over under the guise that they'll be hanging out, picking her up and driving her back to his. He's smirking all the way there, and when she opens the door to find kids running around the halls like mad and blankets and board game pieces strewn all over the wooden floors, he nearly bursts out laughing at the shock on her face. She's quick to try and rush back out the door and into his car, but he manages to stop her.
"Nuh uh, Rob, you agreed to hang out."
"Yeah, with you, Harrington. A lady can only reasonably handle one child at a time, and right now we're seven over that limit."
It takes him a minute – face scrunched up in confusion as mouths the word 'seven?' repeatedly, counting on his fingers to make sure he hasn't somehow gained a child – and when he finally understands her teasing, he grabs her by the hand and brings her inside.
"Too bad. You rely on your ever-generous best friend for free transportation, so you have to pay the price."
Robin definitely makes him regret having her there by telling the kids embarrassing stories, though. She knows his children will torment him just as much as she does; in other words, perfect revenge.
Their nicknames for each other include, but are not limited to:
Steve to Robin – Rob, Robs, Buckley.
Robin to Steve – Dingus, Harrington.
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Dream SMP Recap (April 27/2021) - Facing Fears
Ponk confronts Foolish at the Community House and plans to build a supreme fridge to make things up with him after the Banquet.
Tommy, preparing for the prison break, decides he needs to face his fears before he does so.
Captain Puffy
- Ponk starts off in the cobblestone pyramid base.
- Ponk looks at the photos on his walls and puts on his shoes.
“Chat...today, we make the supreme fridge. We lost a friend -- it should’ve been Eret, okay? In all honest, it should’ve been Eret...it’s sad. It’s all so sad to think a friend of mine -- another friend! -- betrayed me like this, you know?”
“I guess...Purpled won’t be needing our supplies anymore.”
- Chat thinks Ponk doing a deep voice sounds like Sam. 
- Ponk wants to make it up to Foolish, and what better to do than make him a supreme fridge? He still has the cake Foolish gave him at the Banquet. He had no idea. 
- He starts mining down the Netherite blocks. Purpled won’t be needing these anymore.
- Ponk then goes over to Niki’s city to retrieve supplies.
- Badboyhalo is like that one friend who’s way too into a pyramid scheme and tried to get everyone else involved.
- When a dono points out that Ponk still got involved in the scheme, Ponk replies: 
“I mean...look. The pyramid scheme gave me structure to my life, alright? What kind of structure did I have before then? Huh? Think about it. What was I doing? Who was I sharing my thoughts with, chat? Exactly. So anything with structure was probably better than that, you know?”
“‘I had Sam?’ I had Sam. Chat. What did Sam do to me?”
- Ponk makes it to the ocean monument farm.
- Sam joins the game.
Ponk: hello...
Sam: You’re cute :)
Sam: Later <3
- He leaves. Purpled joins the game.
Ponk: So
Purpled: hi ponk
Purpled: ok
Purpled: bye ponk
- Purpled leaves. Ponk realizes he missed out on his chance to play Bedwars with him.
- Ponk gets a message back and goes to play Bedwars.
- Foolish notices the renovations and new obsidian layer on L’Sandburg. It doesn’t actually look too bad, and he decides he might keep it.
- After Bedwars, Ponk returns to the cobblestone pyramid to get things. He takes a closer look at the photos again. Sam is crossed out with red in one.
- Ponk waits at the Community House for Foolish. He has a photo of him and Foolish and a cake.
- Foolish asks what happened at the Banquet. Ponk boats over to him, but Foolish notices his eyes are still red.
- Ponk tells him that he never knew Foolish was going to get hurt. He was just the coat man.
Ponk: “Look at me! Does this look like someone like the guest of honor? No, alright? To have to serve people that have betrayed me, Foolish! How do you think that hurt? And then to see you! Taken up there by my friends, alright! I don’t know.”
- He tells Foolish that they’ve had good times together, that he saved the cake Foolish gave him. He gives Foolish the cake. When Foolish worries it might be poisoned, he says they can eat it together.
- Bad said he’d found armor in a chest and gave it to Ponk. Ponk didn’t know he was going to need it.
- Foolish asks how he knows this isn’t some sort of trap. Ponk tells him that he wants to make it up to Foolish.
Ponk: “Obviously, you can’t trust me and I know that, right. But I wanna make it up to you. Okay? Trust is something I hold very dear to me, and for me to break it, alright...be it from a third party’s perspective, okay? I didn’t have much to do with this Banquet, Foolish, you have to understand me.”
Foolish: “You’re telling me the Egg isn’t in control of you right now, is what you’re saying?”
Ponk: “The Egg helps me, Foolish. It gives me structure, okay?”
Foolish: “Do you still believe the Egg is some kind of good thing? Do you believe it’s actually something you should have in your like?”
- Ponk tells him to walk with him. Foolish points out he led the attack on his temple, all for the Egg.
Foolish: “You did it for the Egg! Thinking you would like, impress it or something, like it would give you more! What’s the real problem, Ponk? You haven’t explained. What’s the real problem? Your hand, like what’s with your hand -- what’s with the Egg in the first place--”
- Ponk tells him they don’t talk about the hand. That’s something he has to deal with. But he’s truly sorry, and he’s going to build Foolish a supreme fridge.
- Foolish is still concerned about the eyes. Ponk says the eyes mean nothing. Foolish doesn’t know how much Ponk has lost, who he’s lost. 
- Foolish snaps, saying he died. Does Ponk know how scary a thing that is?  Ponk replies that he does know, but Foolish is taking it out of proportion.
Ponk: “A quick death, or a slow, painful one, Foolish? Come on, man.”
- Ponk will still lay the foundations for the fridge. Even if Foolish chases him off, he will come back, day after day, to build the fridge and prove that he’s a good person.
- The Egg provides free Starbucks, and that is worth it.
- Foolish says he can’t trust Ponk until the red eyes and everything in his system are gone. Ponk says it will all be explained in time.
- Foolish has had enough and leaves. He heads back to the summer home. Ponk got him thinking about death again. He makes it back to the green light to calm down.
- Foolish then goes to continue building, to finish the mansion.
- Tommy wasn’t there for the Banquet. The Blood Vines are gone from the path now, and he is not afraid of the Egg. He wonders where it went.
- He has something to do today. He heads over to Snowchester to meet with Tubbo. Tubbo and Ranboo come over to the mansion.
- Tommy pulls Tubbo aside to speak with him alone. He asks Tubbo about how, after the Disc War Finale, he gave Tubbo the Nightmare armor set. He wants it back.
- He asks for Tubbo’s help with some things, but doesn’t want Ranboo there.
- Tubbo takes Tommy into the Snowchester vault. Tommy says he’ll give the rest back, but he wants to keep the Totem of Undying. Tommy puts on Dream’s armor.
- Next, Tommy and Tubbo go over to Pogtopia to retrieve Tommy’s sword. They open Sam’s vault door and Tommy gathers his things.
- Tommy and Tubbo go mine some obsidian in Pogtopia. He needs obsidian and blackstone.
- He gets home and cleans up the blood on the Prime Path. Ranboo arrives and gives him more stacks of obsidian.
- He explains to Tubbo and Ranboo that in a few days’ time, things are going to change, and he’s not strong enough yet. He wants to face the things he’s scared of.
- Tommy mines below the watchtower. He wants to create two bunkers. One that replicates the Final Control Room, and one that replicates the prison.
- Tommy asks if either of them have been to the prison. Ranboo says no, Sam doesn’t let him in. Tubbo says Sam didn’t let him in either.
- He tells Ranboo and Tubbo that he’s afraid of taking damage.
- Tommy’s heard rumors about the Panic Room and asks Ranboo what it was. Ranboo says it was just a room he went to when he got stressed, kind of like what Tommy’s making but the opposite.
- After they finish the bunkers, Tommy leads them all to Logstedshire. Tommy walks around, looking at everything there and remembering what happened.
- Next, Tommy goes to visit the exact recreations of the rooms in the museum. He meets Eret on the Prime Path.
- He asks Ranboo and Tubbo to lock him in for a minute and walks into the Final Control Room, talking through his feelings, pressing the button like he did when it happened.
- Tommy starts looking through the chests and finds the book that Eret left for Wilbur named “I’m Sorry.”
Tommy: “It’s okay...it’s okay because times have changed, and so have people. Not all people...but most.”
- They leave the museum and Tommy asks Tubbo to stab him with a sword.
- Tommy then goes into the recreation they made of the prison cell. He starts panicking and asks to be let out. Tubbo and Ranboo let him out. He tells them that in the next few days, it’s all going to change. He’s going to try and do what he should’ve done a long time ago.
- Tommy gives Ranboo a hug and thanks him for helping. He asks Ranboo to leave, then tells Tubbo to come up the watchtower with him.
- There, he tells Tubbo about dying and coming back. He and Tubbo had the chance to kill Dream and they didn’t, but now, Tommy’s going to break into the prison and do it.
- He needs from Tubbo a couple of things, and Tubbo can’t tell anyone -- even Ranboo -- about this. He needs Tubbo’s help to get him several invisibility potions, defenses stronger than TNT: withers.
- People are going to be upset with him because getting rid of Dream will get rid of the revival book. Tommy says the revive book isn’t worth it to keep him alive. Being in between life and death was worse than just staying dead.
- Most of all, he needs Tubbo to trust him.
Tommy: “This isn’t the right thing to do, Tubbo. It’s the only thing to do.”
- He tells Tubbo he’ll see him soon and leaves.
- Tubbo and Ranboo go off to fight some wither skeletons for skulls.
- Later, Ranboo goes mining with Tubbo in VC.
Upcoming events remain the same.
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pwarkluv · 3 years
❝ what is love? - l.mk ❞
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lee mark x reader | fluff | 2k words
WARNINGS | lowercase is intended, idol au, love at first sight au, 6thmemberofitzy!reader, shy!mark and shy!reader, fluff bc that’s what i’m best at LOL, another request :), just enjoy <3
REQUEST | “hii i read ur electric love fic w jisung and i really loved it :DD could you do the same for mark ? still as the 6th member of itzy ofc :D” - my lovely anon <3
SUMMARY | he wonders what is love, but finds the answer in you.
AUTHOR’S NOTE | inspired by the song “what is love” by twice (english lyrics by genius translations)! ANOTHER REQUEST HDSFKLDSJHF IM SO SO SO SO EXCITED! i wanted to change up the setting so it’s still 6th member itzy, but not in weekly idol :P ALSO this was inspired by when nct dream, itzy, and stray kids sat next to each each other in that one award show so yeah lolol. IM SO SORRY I LOST THE MESSAGE WHERE MY ANON ASKED FOR IT BUT I STILL WROTE IT FOR YOU! I LOVE YOU, THANK YOU, NEVER BE SHY TO DM ME ;)
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what is love?
mark knew the general idea of it; the sappy moments movies show, the “butterflies in your stomach” feeling books portray, the pain and hardships songs make you feel. 
but he’s never been in love, at least not like this.
❝ how could it be as sweet as candy? ❞
training at such a young age molded mark into the perfect idol, and with that he was fully aware dating would look bad to the public. he accepted the fact that he might never find love, all to help achieve his dream. 
but as cheesy as it sounds, the canadian wished to be loved. 
yes he was loved by his members, his family, his friends, his fans; but the type of love he longed for was something none of them could give him. 
mark wanted to feel the sweetness of being in love, the giddiness you’d feel whenever you talk to them, the pounding of your heart whenever they’re near. he wanted to experience the overwhelming need to be with that person, like if they’re gone for too long it’s like you can’t breathe.
was being in love like making a song for the very first time? or was it like eating watermelon all the time?
so many questions with no answers, the boy left to wander in his own thoughts. 
❝ how it’s like flying in the sky? ❞
he smiled bittersweetly as the newly wed couple danced around in confetti, the sound of laughter and cheers resonating around the room. one of nct’s managers that had been with them since the beginning invited them to her wedding, to which the team obviously accepted. 
all 23 of them were happy for their noona who found her happy ending. mark could only watch in awe at the sight of the two lovebirds, the love and adoration for the other evident in the way they looked at each other.
his heart tugged a bit knowing he wanted something like that too. 
“being in love is like flying in the sky.” his manager explained to the boy as a makeup artist experimentally brushed strokes on her face. it was a couple hours before the ceremony when mark knocked on her hotel door, wanting to visit his favorite noona before she finally said ‘i do’. 
his question left his mouth before mark could fully register what he was about to say, the poor boy flushing a bit as the woman laughed at him. 
“are you in love mark? is that why you’re asking me how i knew i was in love?” she teased as mark stutterd, denying her accusation.
“n-no i swear!” he said as his manager continued laughing, the makeup artist having to pause a bit to let her get it all out. “i’m just curious.” mark said quietly trying to stop the heat from rushing up to his cheeks. 
“well being in love is a magical feeling.” the woman said, turning a bit serious. mark sat up straight as he listened intently. “when you realize you love someone, it can be a scary thing. love isn’t perfect mark, and i want you to know that. there are moments where you want to scream and rip your hair out, or cry to let it all out.”
the boy nodded in understanding, having a bit of knowledge from all the good breakup songs taylor swift writes about. 
“but it can also change your whole world.” she continued on. “it’s like seeing the world again for the very first time and the colors are more vibrant. it’s like having a permanent reason to be happy, and a reason to stay.” she explained as the mark sat quietly trying to comprehend it all. 
❝ i wanna know know know know, what is love? ❞
the poor boy’s head couldn’t wrap around the thought of you. 
his heart hammered in his chest as he secretly glanced at you, desperately trying to avoid suspicion from fans and his members. you were just too breathtaking, having the canadian looking back for more. 
the moment he first laid eyes on you, it was like an epiphany. you were the answer to all his questions.
so this is what it feels like, mark thinks to himself as he looks back on all the things he’s heard about love. 
the butterflies, the pounding of your heart, the “seeing the world in a whole new perspective”, mark felt everything and as much as he felt excited, he was scared.
as harmless as it sounds, award shows were a risky thing for idols. being surrounded by fans of different groups as well as said groups themselves always seemed to cause a bit of a stir between fans.
between dating rumors and rumors about beef between two idols, anything could happen.
but usually mark would be okay. he’s been doing this for a long time and knew how to behave.
however what he didn’t expect was to see you, the tiny rookie idol from the newly debuted girl group ‘itzy’. 
nct 127’s table was right next to yours which let mark have a clear view of your pretty eye smile as you laughed at something lia had whispered into your ear. your laugh was bubbly and contagious, the boy having to physically stop himself from wanting to laugh too. 
he was panicking, but mark couldn’t tell if it was in a good or bad way. 
❝ what does love feel like? ❞
your breath hitched as you saw the boy sneak glances at you from the corner of your eye.
the mark lee was looking at you, your heart racing as you tried to deny the fact that he was staring you down. there was no way the dude you’ve looked up to your entire trainee life is noticing you, no way at all.  
everyone has heard of mark lee even if you weren’t into kpop. he was just that iconic. 
you’ve been an nctzen since the very beginning, being there for nct u’s debut stage. in fact, nct was the very reason you decided to audition to become an idol in the first place. you looked up to the team but more importantly you looked up to a certain canadian in the group.
originally doyoung was your bias in nct when nct u first came out. but as the years passed by you found yourself more and more intrigued by mark, having him absolutely wreck your bias list.
since then you’ve been a loyal mark stan, even rapping his part in cherry bomb for your audition tape which ultimately led you to become an idol yourself. 
you refused to believe you were in love with the dude, not knowing a single thing about him. there was no way you could love him, not if you’ve never even met the boy.
but your heart seemed to prove you wrong as it beat wildly knowing mark was sitting right there on the table next to you. 
“you okay bubs?” lia asked in a worried tone, leaning in to whisper into your ear. she saw the way your leg bounced in a fast rhythm, knowing you only did that when you were nervous. 
you forced a smile as you hesitantly looked her way, knowing that she could take one look into your eyes and know you were lying. “i'm fine unnie, don’t worry about me.” you replied as sweetly as you could, wishing the elder wouldn’t notice a thing. 
though you two and yeji were the eldest in the group, all being born in the year 2000, you were the baby of the unnie line. lia and yeji knew you the best, having grown up with you after all. 
the girl only gave you a look before taking your hand in hers to give a soft squeeze. “i know you’re lying but i won’t push you. also mark lee from nct 127 is totally checking you out.” lia said, whispering a bit on the last part. she winked as you flushed, looking away in horror. 
johnny nudged the boy next to him with a small smirk, clearly seeing the heart eyes he was giving the girl in the table next to them. mark jumped a bit at the feeling, looking at his hyung with confusion.
“so y/n of itzy?” johnny said with a small smile as the younger immediately sat up straight. 
“is it that obvious?” mark whispered back with a hint of fear in his eyes.
if any of the fans were to get a hold of this… the boy could only shiver at the thought. 
johnny’s playful smile dropped a bit at mark’s worried look knowing how he must feel. they were idols after all.
“don’t worry, i only noticed because she was looking back at you too.” he said, mark flushing at the revelation.
“really?” he asked a little out of it. 
“i say talk to her after this?” the elder said, laughing a bit when mark jumped in his seat, immediately saying no. 
❝ will love come to me someday? ❞
“unnie why are you making me stay in the dressing room~” you whined as the end of the award show came along.
you just wanted to go home, your body worn out. not from all the dancing but from the way it viciously pounded in your chest whenever you ever thought about mark. 
lia only smirked in retaliation as she brought a hand up to squish your cheeks. “trust me, you’ll thank me later.” she said as she walked out of the dressing room, bumping into a 6 foot tall boy with a smaller boy behind him. 
“oops sorry.” she said a little playfully, as lia gave a wink to johnny knowing their plan was going accordingly. johnny only gave her a small smile, but if you looked closely you could see the mischief in his eyes. 
“hyung where are we going?” mark asked, a little weirded out by the two’s interaction. johnny only ignored the boy, dragging him by his arm as they walked down the hallway. 
“hyung i swear if this is a prank i’ll-” mark’s words were cut off as the two entered a door, only to see your confused face staring back at him. 
“oh shit.” he cursed under his breath, a little taken aback from how beautiful you were. one whole award show later and you were still as gorgeous as when he first saw you sitting down in the table next to his. 
your confused face quickly turned to an embarrassed one as you noticed the boy, turning another shade of red when you noticed he couldn’t take his eyes off of you.
“hi y/n, my name is johnny and this is my band mate mark.” the taller boy said, holding his hand out in a handshake. 
“h-hi i’m y/n.” you stuttered, not expecting to see the boy you’ve been daydreaming about for the past two hours to be right in front of you. 
mark gawked at the sight of you, his mind malfunctioning as the words seemed to get stuck at the tip of his tongue.
“markie right here has something he wants to ask you.” johnny said, pushing the younger in front of him with a grunt. 
this seemed to knock him right out of his trance, a hand coming up to the back of his neck as he stared down at the floor with pink cheeks.
“do you maybe wanna-”
“yes.” you blurted out, a hand covering your mouth in shock. “i-if you were gonna ask if i wanted to hang out sometime, the answer is yes.” you said a little shyly as the boy smiled. 
all this time mark thought he was gonna find love, but maybe love found him instead. 
“i’ll pick you up at 6 tomorrow evening.” mark said with a sweet smile as he took a step back only to be pushed back up again by johnny.
“you don’t even have her number you dumbass.” the elder scolded, disappointed at how dumb the boy was. 
your laughter caught both of the boy’s attention as you put your hand out with a small smile. “you want my number or nah?”
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stellocchia · 3 years
I was rewatching the stream where Tommy got locked up in prison with Dream (Tommy Gets Locked In Prison with Dream) and there are just a few quotes that I want to drop here for everyone:
"What's up Dream?" "Nothing much. I lost my clock since the last time you came" "That almost... if you take the 'L' out of that word then it's... it's a different word and that's funny..." "That's the Tommy I know!"
It's just so damn uncomfortable from the get-go. Because keep in mind that Tommy went in there with the idea of getting closure. In hindsight, not the best idea, but it's not like he knew how to deal with what he went through any better.
But no, what makes it so absurdly uncomfortable it's how Dream just effortlessly steps back into the "friend" role. Immediately trying to go back to their old banter and all. And, like, Tommy didn't fall for it entirely. He was clearly uncomfortable as soon as Dream said the last line, immediately going on the defensive again, but it doesn't change that there is a part of him that still had (and possibly still has) a tendency to fall back on that as well.
"I'm glad you came to visit me, you know? It's been a while... I- I wish you'd visit me more"
Like... rewatching it I'm fairly sure that either Dream doesn't understand that Tommy doesn't, in fact, see him as a friend or he's simply very willing to ignore that fact because he's just that desperate to have him around.
"This is my last visit Dream" "Like e...? Y-y..." "Yeah. Yeah... I'm- this is my last visit seeing you" "You're- like... forever?" "Yeah. Yeah I think so" "Well... forever is a long time"
Maybe desperate then. I completely forgot how genuinely shocked he was at the news that Tommy didn't want to ever go back. I'm fairly certain that this is the first time he's left completely with no words and no idea on how to react.
Also, Dream "forever is a long time" Wastaken having absolutely no qualms as long as it's him and Tommy spending that forever together. This man really needs some new hobbies. Maybe a potted plant or something.
"...you know what? there's nothing you can fu- This is my last time visiting you. So anything you wanna say to me now you can- you have to say to me now. Uhm, 'cause I'm not gonna see you again" "Why?" "Are you fucking-"
See... that's what I mean! Like, yes, he lies and manipulates and all of that, but there could be actual confusion here. Like, I do think that Dream understands exactly how fucked up everything he did to Tommy was. I don't think he's ignorant about that at all. I do think that he may not understand why that would be enough for Tommy to want to stop "their game".
Like, he obviously knows that Tommy has a shitload of trauma from what he put him through, but that's part of the fun for Dream isn't it? So does he actually understand that that "fun" is exactly why Tommy doesn't want to be around him anymore?
"I've been suffering from success while you weren't here" "Me too... except for without the 'success' part, just suffering"
Imagine abusing someone for months and then trying to get them to pity you once you end up in jail, what a f*cking looser! Also, Tommy definitely stumbling with the response because he's just very empathetic even towards Dream. Like, he repeats to himself a few times that Dream did deserve being in jail and that he did do bad things which feels much more like a reminder for himself on why he shouldn't pity him more so than a reminder for Dream.
"You had all this shit coming!" "I did... but... you know? I don't know. Maybe one day, right?" "No! No, have you seen the prison? It's kinda the most secure thing ever! Dude, you're not- you're not leaving here! sam's name still there, okay, thank god" "I'm just saying, like, maybe one day, you know?" "I- I don't-" "Eventually" "Maybe if you have extreme therapy" "Maybe one day I'll just walk out of here. Like-" "No, I don't-" "I feel like I've already been changing since I came here"
It's interesting just how quickly Dream managed to regain control of the situation though. Trying to harp on Tommy's tendency to empathize with people.
"This is my last time here. I might- I kinda- I don't wanna-" "But why?"
He asks a second time? Is he actually just that dense? Like, I get the trying to fish for sympathy aspect. He was trying to get something useful to get out of there and whatnot. But man... that's the guy he literally abused. Did he actually expect it to work? Was he just heavily relying on Tommy's empathy to pull this off or does he actually just not understand Tommy's view on their relationship at all?
"I don't wanna know you" "I mean exile it wasn't too bad, right?" "You fu-" "I mean you still- you had, you know? I mean we hang out and stuff" "I fu- you fucking- you bastard Dream!"
Honestly hear Dream talk about exile is always fascinating. Also, a gentle reminder that Dream was well aware about Tommy being suicidal during the whole duration of the exile. And yet he still defines it as "not too bad" because they were spending time together. Just... that... something alright.
"Listen, when I'm around you my brain feels like I'm fucking conditioned to be your friend but also when I have a knife I wanna just plunge it into your heart man it's like I don't- you don't make me a good person Dream, you make me bad, alright? All this shit that's happened has been because of you and I don't- I'm moving onto bigger and better things now bitch. I- I'm done. I'm done" "But isn't- what if- what if you just- like once a month or something?" "No. No, I don't- I don't wanna know you in my life anymore. This is done"
I simply couldn't not include this. I'm too much of an inniter for that. But also Dream is STILL insisting after that speech. He still didn't give up on getting Tommy to visit him more. It may be that he was just stalling for time until the explosions now that I think about it, but still, wow.
"You're a terrible man, alright?" "I did bad things-" "You're a bad guy. You're a wronging'" "Well, everyone thinks they're right from their perspective that's why I-" "That's not true. That's not true!" "Well, I think I'm right. I did bad things but I did them for good reasons, but-" "What do you mean good reasons? You're a psychopath" "I've learned. Yeah I did bad things but I've learned that I shouldn't have done them"
See, this is what I mean when I say that c!Dream apologists parrot c!Dream's rhetoric completely. Like, the whole idea that Dream had "good reasons" for his actions and that somehow that makes them okay didn't come out of nowhere, but it's sure recontextualized a lot when you understand that Dream is spouting this kind of bullshit just to convince his abuse victim to continue spending time with him. Like, when you actually look at how Dream uses his rhetoric instead of taking it as gospel it becomes pretty interesting to see how manipulative he can get.
"No what- what good reasons? No please, please enlighten us. Please enlighten me!" "I just wanted to- I just wanted to bring the server together. Have it be a happy family, you know?" "Bri- bring the server to- you fu-"
It's incredible how he was able to say that to Tommy of all people. After Tommy just mentioned moments priors how Dream tried to kill Tubbo. After he mentioned that he has trauma related to plain biomes because of Dream towards the beginning. Tommy does immediately call out the bullshit though and that's so satisfying...
"You ruined my past Dream, but you will not ruin my future" "I'm not- I- I- Tommy! I'm trying- I'm trying to change, to be better and not be the same person I was and you- it- it doesn't- y- you can visit me. Like, every now and then, right? It'll help! It'll help! Right? It'll help- it'll help me... be better" "Fuck off mate"
This was honestly the reason I rewatched the stream in the first place. I was looking for this specific quote because I thought I remembered it from somewhere and then I got distracted...
But yeah, the reason I was looking for it is that this is possibly the single slimiest f*cking move on Dream's side. If anyone is confused on the why, it's because, once again, this is emotional manipulation pure and simple. Dream putting the baggage of getting better on Tommy and appealing at his empathic nature to keep him into this f*cking abusive relationship. And also he's doing this while clearly panicked and grasping as straws. Because he does know that Tommy is not going for it right now, it's very obvious.
It's just... slimy...
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adrienscroissantx · 3 years
Pre relationship 4, with general 1 and 2 for alyanette??
Who felt romantic feelings first?
Marinette for sure, although she probably couldn't put a good name to it. I mean, they're friends right? Best friends. She's never had a friend this close before! Maybe she just unlocked the best friend feelings! Marinette: Oh yeah I love Alya! She's like the prettiest girl ever and she's so amazing and strong??? and awesome and devoted and passionate! Best friend a girl could ask for! i wanna kiss her on the lips! I hate how good she is at mario kart tho Nino: wait what was that last part Marinette: ... mario kart
Who initiated the relationship, and how did it go?
Marinette, after realizing her feelings, decides she's gonna pull out all the tricks she did w adrien because she knows luck is NOT on her side. She writes a love letter, she makes copies, she makes a schedule of the day, she gets flowers, she tells friends, and she's expecting EVERYTHING IN THE WORLD to go wrong like it always does, so of course she takes precautions. Tikki is giving her pep talks, she's putting on her SUPER CONFIDENT OUTFIT! HELL YEAH! Her heart is on fire but she's a hopeless romantic okay!! And alya deserves these things! If it goes horribly she has a backup plan about wiping her social media presence and changing schools and going to go live in china with her uncle forever and ever- The first thing Alya sees in the morning is a love letter. She's a bit confused, as the person who wrote it didn't sign it. AGAIN. Marinette flusters and fumbles, and ends up agreeing to help her find out who wrote it. Instant regret for all the plans she made. She's shoving flowers into closets before Alya can see, she's scrunching up copies of the other letters she hid in her desk before Alya can find them, all under the guise of solving the Mystery. People keep approaching her to ask if she told Alya yet, and she's probably shoved one person into a locker before they could finish their sentence- yaknow, tragically terrible marinette things. It all ends during sunset, sitting on a bench, where Alya muses that it must have just been a prank considering all the disasters that happened today. Marinette sighs, echoing a "maybe, you never know, but yeah probably-". "So uh, anything you wanna say? Or tell me maybe?" Panic. Panick. PanICKIG. "HAHAHHAHA no why why would you think that ahahahahaha?" She looks radiant bathed in the reds of he sun. But she's always pretty radiant, isn't she? And red, it's her confident colour. Its her ladybug colour. She sees a twinkle in Tikki's eye before she heaves a sigh, and finally just, says it out loud. "Yeah actually. I... I wrote the letter." "I could tell." "WAIT REALLY-" "WE'VE BEEN FRIENDS FOR A REALLY LONG TIME OF COURSE I KNOW YOU'RE HAND WRITING." "IM SORRY." "WAIT WAIT NO IM NOT MAD- just surprised?" "I can leave the country if you want-" "oh my god marinette no- i like you too." "no like literally i can leave i know i maybe made you uncomfortable and- wait what" "I like you too, dummy." "um." "you didn't plan this far ahead did you?" "no"
Did they have an official first date? If so, what was it like?
Oh yeah. Alya takes charge of the date plans because "its like dealing cards! You confessed first, therefore i should plan the first date." "i dont think that works how you think it works." She just doesn't want to stress Marinette out more, she keeps a more level head about these things. She's gonna keep it simple. They go to the movies. They've been to the movies before, but Marinette has never put this much effort into an outfit for it. And Alya's definitely a bit flustered because oh my god im going on a date with my best friend/crush what if it's weird? And then she sees her dressed up super cute and shes like oh my god thats FOR ME- They hold hands in the theatre and they're both so awkward even though they know each other so well. And they both KNOW theyre being awkward so they keep laughing at themselves. It takes a little while to get used to, but they fit together really well. she's not usually this jittery when it comes to love or marinette, but for some reason combining the two has her squealing into her pillow and rolling around on her bed when Marinette sends her selfies with little hearts in them. She has to take breathers when they go get food afterward the movie because AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. It's so familiar, but also completely new. Everything they used to do as best friends, but from a whole new perspective. They have lunch/dinner/a MEAL, then they have some coffee, and while normally they go home together after a movie and have a sleepover, Alya feels like she ought to follow date etiquette. (Sharing a bed?? With Marinette, her GIRLFRIEND, after a first date?!?!?! Scandalous). Alya takes her home and stops outside the door, and Marinette surprises her with their first proper kiss. It's really quick, they're both a bit too flustered to say anything afterwards, and then Marinette runs inside and Alya's left dancing her way home with her heart over the damn moon. They end up texting the whole afternoon and well into the night. They're allowed to flirt now! So they're trying to get used to it. Alya has changed Marinette's contact name to include Girlfriend, meanwhile Marinette is agonizing over it because is she allowed to put a heart next to Alya's name now? oh no what if it's weird what if this was just a friend thing the whole time- Meanwhile alya is just. "hey girlfriend of mine whomst i just had a romantic date with-"
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intjpersephone · 3 years
🧠Since memorizing everything is some hard shit, allow me... 🧠
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Science has my entire back on this one...
Now, I'm gonna be talking about three techniques, two of them are gonna help if you have a test really soon the other one is in for a long run.
"The Generation Effect"
being tested is supposed to help others evaluate your progress, but it turns out that testing isn't a very good evaluation tool.
It actually functions better as a learning tool but only if used properly. This may seem Counter-Intuitive but first, you should test yourself before you even know the material. For example, start with the practice test even before you started studying it. You'll get answers wrong, But your brain is forced to generate answers, you'll be creative, panicked and end up priming your neurology to learn the correct new answers. This technique works on "The Hypercorrection Effect": when you make a mistake on some type of general information and later find out you're wrong, you're much more likely to remember the correct answer. For example, you're certain the capital city of India is Mumbai but later find out it is in fact New Delhi, you are much more likely to remember that forever compared to somebody who was just simply told the answer New Delhi.
Your brain Hypercorrects. One theory behind this states that surprise and embarrassment play a role, That's why you probably remember everything embarrassing thing that happened to you so far 😂(😥)
Now My Personal Experience: On this one, in April, I had a 20 marks test every week and so my teachers would ask us questions related to the test during classes and I used to get most of them wrong, and after the embarrassment, the test came I actually did better than my classmates.
This one is the one for the long run now...
For spacing, you're gonna wanna practice and then almost forget the material and then practice again.
One particular study had students learning Spanish, each group had eight hours to study. The first group studied intensively for eight hours in one day while the second group studied for four hours one day and then one month later studied for another four hours and an entire month later.
So both groups had the same amount of study time just distributed differently. After only getting 8 hours of practice they tested them 8 years later.
Both groups were tested on their Spanish vocabulary and by now you probably guessed the group that spaced their studying over a month gap performed 250% better. Remember this is 8 years later that they're being tested.
My Personal Experience On This: So, in 4/5th grade, I used to jump from learning greek to french to Spanish and so on, so last year staying inside I picked french again, remember this is 4/5 years later, and remembered all the basics very well! I was surprised but now it makes sense!
So, what studies have found is that instead of studying the same thing over and over again, if you mix up or vary the challenge the benefits are huge. At the moment this process might be a lot more frustrating and you may even think that you are learning more slowly but that's why it's so counterintuitive.
Let's take a look at some examples that could apply to your life. All of which have come from a wonderful book called "Range" by David Epison. if you have any interest in high performance and improving skills, this books will change your perspective so I highly recommend it.
First, we are gonna talk about motor skills like piano, so a particularly tricky thing to do is jump "A", big inter violin-piano really quickly so say starting at "C" and then jumping 20 keys really quickly, it takes a lot of coordination and muscle memories to do that quickly without thinking about it without accidentally hitting other keys along the way.
So this study had one group practised the 20 keys jump over and over and they have gone relatively good at it pretty quickly. But the second group had practised not only the 20 key jumps but also mixing a 15 key jump and 10 key jumps
So, ultimately they had to practise but the 20 key jumps but had interleaved or mixed practised by using a bunch of different intervals obviously it would have been a lot more frustrating to be learning multiple intervals at once the 20 key, the 15 key, the 10 key but when they brought the groups back what they found was that the group that practised interleaved or mixed practised was better every single interval including the 20 key jumps. Even though they technically had less practice with it the same has been shown in mathematics. Rather than practising one type of problem over and over, mixing different kinds of problems in between makes the process harder but develops stronger skills.
It's very shocking how bigger difference this type of interleaving makes.
Looked at math skills in grade 7 students. Those that used interleaving or mixed practice saw an effect size of approving someone's from the 50% of skill to the 80%, that is like being an average student to being someone who is definitely something brown parents will dig, which is an ultimate math god.
If you're using cue cards makes sure you're mixing up different themes within those cue cards.
My Personal Experience On This: Now, I have never really tried this before, so that's why I tried my best to elaborate on it as much as I could. But while researching on this, so far this one deeply impressed me, and my mom was a mathematics teacher before my brother was born (she also taught commerce but that's irrelevant) so, she was a middle and high school teacher and she ALWAYS keeps suggesting me, but hey, there's a reason I say relatable to a meme which is about being a disappointment 😐, anyway, I do really look forward to trying this one.
All this research is incredibly significant because of evidence-based solutions especially in space like education.
And the idea for today's post was suggested by my wonderful girl, @agents-of-shield-fan
and if you want me to make my next post on something you have in my mind, tell me!
Now go ahead and ✨ S H I N E ✨ babe 🤗🌿💕
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razorblade180 · 3 years
Interdimensional Moms pt4
Part 3 here! <-
The tales had be interesting. The tales had even been emotionally gripping, yet all of them so far didn’t seem to register at the moment as Ruby’s teammates looked at her with the same excitement she used to give her own mother during story time. Ruby couldn’t help but give a little smile.
Ruby:I take it you’re ready for my turn? You do know it’s not exactly a sunshine and rainbows story, right?
Weiss:We figured as much, but....
Yang:You’re so different! From the moment you showed up I could just feel it in my gut. You have this...presence about you. Not to mention intsene confidence.
Blake:Yang is right. You said you beat your Salem when your seventeen. That’s...scary if I’m being honest. Such a drastic departure from any of our worlds.
Ruby:*red* Hehehe ummm I guess I’m just awesome? Really I don’t think it’s the most outstanding feat. At least by my worlds standards I suppose. I mean sure, I’m consider cream of the crop there too but there’s talented people and challenges all over that would put me through my paces still. I’m just...me.
Weiss:Sigh...honestly, I suppose that means our own skills must pale in comparison to our counterparts.
Ruby:Mmmm I wouldn’t say that for sure. My Yang would kill me if she heard this but there’s something about the one right here that has spark I dig.
Ruby:Uh huh. Can’t put my finger on it but I think you take her if you want it bad enough. As for Weiss....couldn’t tell ya. Haha, I know better than anybody to not underestimate the power of mother, and you pumped twins out.
Weiss:Not sure if those are pity points or real ones but thanks either way.
Blake:You don’t even have to tell me I’d lose. Just gave an entire story about me an my condition.
Ruby:Don’t feel too bad about it. I can’t imagine much reason for you two to fight for any reason. You’re both too reasonable to not reason with yourself.
Blake:Aw I’m touched.
Yang and Weiss:We aren’t....
Ruby:Hahaha I’m just saying! So, I guess I take things from the top like you all? From what I learned from all of you our Beacon experiences really are more or less the same, not counting certain interactions between a bookworm faunus and an adorkable blonde knight. Enrolled early, blew up the entrance, Weiss was rude, Yang ditched me, all the same beats.
Yang:There’s no super badass change like you beating Cinder the night of dance and making our entire lives easier?
Ruby:Ha! I wish I was that legit. No, I was very much the young girl tripping in heels that night. Vytal festival came around and was attacked, then Beacon fell. Pyrrha was lost and so was Penny. Difference being that was my last time seeing her, unlike Weiss’s story apparently.
Weiss:Yeah that...that’s a little bit of shock to be frank. Sorry.
Ruby:No worries. Not like you did anything and it was decades ago for me now. After that day is when I started to get a bit more serious I think. I had always taken being a huntress seriously and never slacked of in trying to live my dream. However, my perspective may have honed in on just how do or die life his when you’re the one choosing to walk into unknown danger. Team RNJR’s first and only mission, save the world!
Yang:Sub mission: Flirt with Jaune Arc.
Ruby:*blushing* We do not choose who we fall in love with it. But yes, that may have been a personal pseudo mission for me. He’s my first friend at Beacon for crying out loud and I you know.....thought he was cute then too.
WBY:Yeah that checks out.
Ruby:What does that mean!?
Weiss:Ruby, even my Ruby admits to finding Jaune attractive and having a crush on him back in the day.
Yang:I already went into enough detail on how my little sister feels about Jaune. Your just the reality where you pounced on the opportunity and never let go. Struck when the iron was hot and none of us were around; sly fox.
Ruby:Gee you make it sound underhanded. It isn’t like I intended to actively pursue him. Everyone was really sad and stressed traveling to Anima. There was a tension in the air. One that really strained us. I did my best to keep focus, but a leader is only as put together as team. Ren and Nora confided one another as usual and I tried being there for Jaune because seeing him emotionally shut down was rough; so I did my best to be there for him. Then...he ended up being there for me and I was the one who needed comfort. All the airing out and late nights just...led to....*red*
Blake: “Breaking the tension?”
Ruby:I guess that’s one way of putting it. We were lonely. I hid my feelings best I could under the veil of comfort in the moment. Not that needed to. He made it pretty clear that he wanted me in the same way I wanted him. I just the two of us were too scared to ask for promises we weren’t sure we could keep so we loved in the moments we could, so to speak.
Weiss:If it wasn’t under dire situations, all that sounds oddly romantic.
Ruby:Right!? Looking back at it makes the entire thing seem romantic but I definitely wouldn’t wish a similar experience on anybody! I guess it’s what I wished for when I fantasized huntress life huh? Things obviously got better along the way. Our relationship got a bit more serious right before we got to Haven. Then Tyrian and other crazy stuff happened that threw all of us into panic mode again before slowly getting better again by a lot.
Yang:We showed up?
Ruby:Bingo! You and Weiss, met Oscar, and then eventually Blake came back. Things were on the up and up.
Weiss:Uh, Haven attack?
Ruby:We lived, up and up. Yeah you got stabbed but you know...that’s not new I’m sure.
Weiss:Yeah I have the scar and I’m still little pissed.
Ruby:Valid. Anyways, so my Atlas experience was different as hell. There was no formation of Remnants armies like Weiss spoke of or even between two kingdoms like Blake. Yang, what happened yours again exactly?
Yang:Nonsense. Cinder showed up with lackeies but not Salem’s lackies. Those people showed up separately, then Adam came back from wherever the hell he- a lot! A lot of people showed up for different reasons but also the same reason and to be frank, we all almost got shot by the military for being in bases that quote unquote, “didn’t exist.”
Ruby:Man I wish we traded. That at least sounds crazy enough to be fun. Just a rollercoaster in the dark basically. My experience was probably as hectic, but also way more streamlined. We showed up, and then all hell broke loose. Specially a mass grimm invasion lead by Cinder and her annoying associates. We were there for about three weeks updating General Ironwood and getting our barrings together when it happened. I wanna call it a hit and run tactic but it was clearly planned in advanced. Mechs were hacked again, traitors in the military, grimm lying in wait before hand; it was chaos! All for the relic.
Blake:Who was the maiden?
Ruby:Never met her. By the time we got there, Ironwood was panicking because she had vanished, taken right from under his nose. It was some young girl apparently, really young. The attack on Beacon looked like child’s play to this. Mantle got attacked, grimm were on the chains, they tried dropping Atlas to the ground; all a diversion for a relic. We all should’ve died, and yet, we didn’t. Winter and Weiss weeded out traitors, huntsman and military held the line, Yang bested Hazel with Nora, Qrow and I cut down Tyrian! Ren, Blake and Jaune helped the kingdoms while Ironwood struck down Watts. Nobody was in the mood to die that day. There wasn’t gonna be another Beacon. By all means, we were pissed. Even Raven showed up of all people.
Ruby:You can’t attack a kingdom without the world knowing. Especially when traitors leak info. Honestly she came for you though, or she never left to begin with. Couldn’t tell ya. Thanks to Maria I had a bit more handling with my eyes. That helped a lot. Without them and Os-
She stopped herself, choking on the words. The zest and excitement of recalling the heroic feats of her friends dimmed slightly with her smile. Her joyful smile became bittersweet like the memory.
Ruby:Then there was Oscar, the real warrior on that flamed filled night. That battle had to have been three days at least. We were so driven, and so tired. I was tired, but Cinder, Neo, and the others with her at the time weren’t; always showing up at the worst time. I managed to push Cinder back in a fight but grimm and others still swarmed. We were at a point that grimm very well might’ve did us in and the villains didn’t have to push any harder. But Oscar changed that. Hehe, what’s it about country folk that makes people like him and I not hesitate to grit our teeth? That dork looked at me, gave me the biggest smile on the the steps to Atlas, and then he left. His hair went white as he twirled the cane and then he left, forever. Oz came out, and he left nothing to the imagination. “Limited magic” my butt. He obliterated grimm and made a barrier aroma Atlas while everyone else cleared Mantle long enough for the world to send reinforcements. Salem didn’t get the relic, but she got the maiden and thousands of casualties. Oscar being one of them. Also, Whitley....he was in critical condition for a very long time.
Weiss:What do you mean...critical condition?
Ruby:Everything happened so fast Weiss. Panic was high, buildings fell....a piece on him. I wasn’t there but when I eventually found you, you were nearly hysterical and banged up. By some miracle he lived even though we could not reach him and he did not get aid for awhile. We thought him dead. It was only after everything we learned somebody got him. Being rich never paid off more than with medical bills. Thanks to youth and medicine he can still walk, but he can only do so much before being tired. He also left Atlas. The cold hurts.
Weiss:So, I run the company because he can’t?
Ruby:I wouldn’t put it that way, but it was one of dozens of reasons that made that goal stronger for you. Relax though, both of you get plenty of time to be witty siblings like I told you earlier.
Weiss:I know. It’s just, I guess it’s hard imagining Whitley hurt like that. I don’t think I could handle it.
Ruby:You definitely teetered in the moment. Knowing that happened though probably gave you anger and grit to fight the entire battle. You were a beast. Scarier than Winter. Anyways, that hollow victory was a real wake up call for the world. They didn’t know about Salem and we never told society in earnest. Cinder and other conspirators were enough to make Remnant work together to boost defense. Relief went to places that needed it and I, became the face of hope. Haven, Argus, Atlas, even people from Vale got to chattering of a particular group of people who always seemed to answer the call for help. Then the towns in between chattered. Yours truly had been carving a name in the history books and was only gain popularity the moment I stepped into Vacou, alone.
Yang:Where were we!!!!!?
Ruby looked at surprised faces around the table, smiling tenderly. She looked down her dress and pulled out the cross she wore around her neck. Her thumb traced its edges as her mind began wandering down an old path paved with emotions raw to the core.
Ruby:I’ve always felt different. Not just because of my eyes but that there was just...a certain spark that never stopped going off for as long as I remember. There are plenty of people who can’t bare to watch others suffer, but there are fewer people I believe that truly feel the agony of other people’s pain. Beacon, Haven, Atlas, Argus; there was no place I went that I didn’t see the faces of others lamenting, and I didn’t make me want to grieve. Atlas took so much out of all of you and I just felt so....driven to stop that ache. For everyone’s sake, but mine as well. I wanted the world to finally get to the happy ending. Enough trauma had be sowed for a hundred lifetimes, so I went on ahead of everyone. I never doubted you all would follow but I wanted to get ahead of the curve and take on as much of the suffering I could do others wouldn’t. If the world wouldn’t give me a miracle than I’d be it myself for everyone else.
Yang:That’s suicidal! Salem wanted you specifically!
Ruby:It’s not like I went marching up to her door and said “1v1 bitch, I’m here” no, I just chose to move forward quicker than what we were all doing. Believe me, all of you were upset when you caught up, after I had already saved Vacou. *smiles* I really like that place. I told the people it was the next target and all they did was double down on pushing back. I managed to pin down the Summer maiden before the villains and thanks with the city on alert, there wasn’t a shift in the sand that didn’t go unnoticed. I got the jump on Mercury and Emerald, personally paying them back. Can’t say I didn’t enjoy it. It didn’t take long before they realized how screwed they were with them being outed like this and Cinder having the nerve to retreat before hand. Both of them threw in the total, outing the plan against Vacou. A wipeout of a win. Not to mention they told me the location Salem’s little hiding hole.
Weiss:We missed all of that?
Ruby:That’s what happens when I leave in the dead of night and running on adrenaline. Like I said before, people were tired. As much as all of you wanted to hoof it, other’s were relying on you. Atlas almost dropped for gods sake. Eventually when you all caught up it was at a good time. Soloing was rewarding but difficult. Fortunately Sun, Neptune, Ilia, and a few other familiar faces were close by if I needed an extra set of hands. My little stunt earned the anger of everyone for awhile.
WBY:Yeah no shit...the leader left.
Ruby:Yang was the most upset, followed by Uncle Qrow, and you Weiss. I was ready for the blowback. Jaune and Nora saw me though and bursted into tears. Hehe, wasn’t ready for that. Felt terrible and cried back. To prevent that stunt again, my Yang convinced Raven to link me. A couple days of apologizing and rest smoothed things over. It also gave time for just a few close friends and colleagues to get together for an assault on Salem’s castle. A few were apprehensive about it at first but at the end of the day I was going. That attitude was infectious apparently. You guys, actually everybody, they started getting this hunger to end it all. Maybe it was the high of victory? Regardless, it sent me racing to the end with those that I loved most.
Yang:You’re a real “my way or the highway” kind of Ruby. I don’t get how that explains what made you so...elite.
Ruby:I’m not sure what to say. A fight needed to to fought so I fought it. A cry for help was heard so I ran to it. A grimm needed slaying so I slayed it. People needed me to win so I didn’t dare think of losing. Dying was never option, even when it stared me right into my eyes. I had things I wanted to do and people I wanted see for years to come. I guess...I am strong because of the fact I want things my way. A moment I’m not giving it 110% is a moment wasted. After all, a huntress is all I ever wanted to be.
A single dream she wanted since birth. The never ending desire to be the hero in stories told to her many nights ago. That’s all it ever was. That’s all it’s ever been. Even in meadow of beautiful red roses, one would be the rose that captured the eyes of many, that bloomed stronger than the rest. As simple as it was, that had to be the answer here. Weiss, Yang, and Blake were in front of that flower. The Ruby Rose that simply bloomed stronger than the rest. The one that clung to her dream as if letting go meant dying itself. The devotion was inspiring, yet also overwhelming. If this was Ruby they had lead them that day in the Emerald Forest, could they have kept up? Could she be the leader they followed? No, they couldn’t have. Something deep down inside them gave them that answer. No matter how she looked and how much she loved, this Ruby Rose was cut from a cloth they simply weren’t off. The same as others, but oh so different.
Weiss:You’re....kinda a monster, you know that right?
Yang:Seriously, I’m so...floored. It’s intimidating.
Blake:Not to mention humbling. I used to think I gave it all I had. Now I’m not so sure.
Ruby:Oh don’t be like that you three! You’re all living proof there was more than way to go about life, this war! Everything you gave was enough because you’re done with it! Nobody failed. Besides, I...am far from ideal. The assault was challenging. Getting around hoards of grimm and making it to Salem was hell made real. Neo tried taking another shot at me but Yang held her off with help. Everyone pushed the obstacles in front of me out of the way as I went to Salem herself. Cinder had been abandoned by her and stripped of a lot of her powers. Angry and desperate, she tried killing me again as a way to prove worth. I beat her. However, I let her walk away.
Yang:What!? Why would-
Ruby:Naive, I was...naive okay? She was all spent and though I hated her, I just couldn’t. Not when I looked into her eyes and saw that same hunger I had to claw and scream at my dream until it was in my hands die inside her. We both knew from this point on there was absolutely nothing she could do where this ends her way. All she worked for turned burned to ash. So I gave her the choice to not burn up with it. Cinder swallow her pride and then fled. A part of me couldn’t help but rationalize killing her didn’t solve or justify any of my beliefs or desires. It would’ve done it because I hated her like she hated me. That was the dumb logic of a seventeen year old who never quite learned to take things slow.
Blake:....I don’t think it’s dumb. Naive for sure, but maybe that’s good? Even my Ruby, she never wanted to act on hate. She didn’t. Salem lives.
Weiss:Mine sent her soul to be at piece instead of passing a cruel judgment.
Yang:As a person who’s seen what you looked like with nothing but vengeance inside, I can say it doesn’t fit you. Before that day you had a warmth inside you to even foes that were somewhat admirable. You chose to leave Cinder’s fate up to those who had that hate and Salem was undone by her own doing at the very end. That’s what really makes you special Ruby. That’s why you’re called an honest soul. Good will is your nature.
Ruby:....Hmm, you sure know how to butter me up. *scratches head* I guess that part of me is uni-I mean multiversal. Strangely, that makes me feel better, to a degree.
Weiss:Do we even have to ask what happened to Salem at this point? I doubt the story ends with you loosing and having to retreat.
Ruby:Who’s to say it doesn’t? I could’ve been beaten to death before the gods themselves descended down to revive me with awesome power.
Yang:....Did you?
Ruby:Wh-No! Haha, I made her an immortal statue.
Blake:I-It was that easy?
Ruby:Well I wouldn’t call rushing into hell’s castle easy, or Salem. I lit her up at least a dozen times. My head pounded from each use, I was tossed around a bunch, magic is annoying, and not to mention running out of ammo. I left nothing to the imagination in that fight. If it were easy then I wouldn’t be rooting my horn and my age doing it. I was so tired I blacked out afterwards. I woke days later with a sore body and the title of “Remnant’s Savior.” Apparently beating Salem had weakened the grimm everywhere and all of you made sure who was to be thanked for it. That’s the tale of how I saved the world with my friends. Love, trust, elbow grease, and a lot of bullets. Before the final battle, Ozpin had struck a deal with everyone involved. In return for saving the world, he’d cut ties with us.
Yang:Seriously? What brought that about!?
Ruby:Good or not, he lied and was a schemer. Sure I was gonna try to save the world regardless of his interference but there wasn’t a person alive that didn’t to finally take a step towards the future after all this. All of us finally had time chase dreams and help the world the way we wanted to before all of this. Blake begin mending hate, Weiss took back her company, if Yang wasn’t with Blake then she was seeking more answers to Raven on wild adventures.
Yang:You mean Raven still left after all that!?
Ruby:In her defense, both of you made everything fucking awkward when she was around. It’s like you both wanted to talk about something but knew any subject was a land mine so you all you ever did was...stare, like weirdos. Glad that’s in the past. She just lives with dad now and you two now to hold a conversation. I dare not ask for more. I’d be a granny by the time I did.
Yang:Sigh...I don’t know what I expected. Shit it the fan several times and children were born before mom and I found solidarity and understanding. What did you do afterwards? Your goal was already met.
Ruby:Like hell it was! I started busting my butt traveling around the world, visiting every place to help in anyways I could. Ren and Nora tagged along for awhile before going off to make an orphanage in Anima near Ren’s old village. That left Jaune and I to do our hero thing.
Yang:As well as other things....
Ruby:Hey, what can I say? We were young and going up in the world. By the time I was nineteen, I was now a married to my partner and best friend.
Ruby:He’s my partner on RNJR and you’re my BFF, gosh did I really need to explain that hehe?
Weiss:I just had to make sure. Crazier twists could happen.
Blake:Wow you married young. Not that there’s a problem but I’m surprised. Then again you also dated earlier than my Ruby. Hehe, weapons were on her brain for a long time.
Weiss:No kidding. When I learned about you crushing on my brother I was shocked to find out you liked anybody in general. Especially a person who isn’t a weapon nut in the slightest.
Ruby:*shrugs* All you’re telling me is I’m clearly the most impatient or impulsive Ruby you all know. Don’t know how that happened. Maybe I was dropped as a baby or had one too many coffees growing up?
Weiss:I’m willing to bet it’s both.
Ruby:Ruuuuude. So yeah, that’s...the story of how I saved the world and married Jaune. We even built a home just outside Vacou, overlooking the kingdom and neighboring town in the distance where Maria grew up. Yeah, that’s me....more or less. All the triumphant parts anyways. Anything later on is......
Blake:R...Ruby? You okay?
Ruby:Nope, not really. *clenches cross*
Yang:......You know, I never really got religion, especially after learning the truth. It just seemed completely hollow when you learn of the real gods, ya know? However, I changed my tune a bit after being a parent and then some more when uncle Qrow died. It was never really about the truth behind if those other gods were real-
Ruby:It’s the piece of mind in believing in a better place for loved ones and having people watch over you. It’s truly based on blind faith in every sense but that’s okay as long as it gives peace of mind, to stay strong. Yeah....that’s why I wear this.
Yang:If that’s the “why” then I guess the unavoidable question is what happened?
The reaper leaned back in his chair, letting out a long sigh. Ruby brushed her hair out of her face while her face went pale. Then, Ruby’s eyes, her teammates watched a pair of stunning silver eyes dim, becoming akin to a clouded mirror.
Ruby:Being a huntress was all I wanted. The plan of having a family and settling down never appealed to me much. I feel, I felt like being in the field was where I was meant to be. It’s where I was most myself in a way. So the day I learned that I was pregnant was more than a little upsetting and terrifying, until dad and time itself filled me with the most genuine joy I may have ever experienced. Dustin Arc Rose, my first born son. He opened a door to a world and life I never knew I wanted to be apart of. Then...that door was shut minutes after, when Cinder and Neo stole him right from my arms. I couldn’t do a single thing about it other than blackout. That single act of good will I showed, it did nothing but kill me inside. The same way I did to her.
Yang:Ru-Ruby....your eyes.
Ruby:Hmm? Are they clouded? Funny, I would’ve thought your Ruby would’ve had a similar change. Maybe that’s a world exclusive thing, or a testament to the will you Ruby has to endure. Clouded eyes on a silver eyed warrior means the person has lost the desire or rather the mindset of persevering life. Be it their own life or wanting to end another’s life out of resentment, strife. My entire world fell apart when I woke up and learned nobody was able to retrieve Dustin. I was in pieces, Jaune was broken, nobody was the same. There wasn’t a soul we didn’t know that hadn’t tried to find a lead, but we never did. He was just...gone; and I couldn’t cope at all.
Weiss:I don’t think any mother could. Ruby, I’m so sorry that happened to you.
Ruby:I’m sorry too. I lashed out in anger, and shut people out. My eyes clouded and I dove into my work for a little over a year doing nothing but searching aimlessly as I took and every job back to back. The more time went by meant the more people eventually had to go back to their own, and it drove me up a wall inside. No one could reach me. I didn’t want anybody to. Not even Jaune. I....*teary eyed* I left him alone in house. There was no part of me that could even attempt to understand his pain because I was drowning in mine. I was told he tried his best to catch them at the hospital. I never hated him for not succeeding but I...he... I just, I can’t. I don’t know what I thought. All o knew was I didn’t even want him to touch me. How cruel is that? *hugging herself* I made him drown in despair in the same way I was. I wasn’t home so often that I never realized he eventually left it abandoned to live with dad. Yang and Blake I didn’t even show up to your wedding. Jaune did that much. Hell, Raven attended. Ruby Rose as a person didn’t exist any more. I was only a wandering huntress looking for answers or the challenge that might’ve ended me.
Blake:What changed?
Ruby:Oz, he did what nobody else dared to do. He fought me. I don’t think he thought twice about it. He was prepared to accept all the anger I kept inside until I eventually broke down into tears like I’m trying not to do right now. Thinking about that time is still, extremely difficult. Oz let me lament, encouraging me afterwards to finally except the fact Dustin was gone and that I needed to process it properly. First I went to you Yang, in order to have a my big sis to lean on. Can you guess how that went?
Yang:With me holding you tighter than I ever had before.
Ruby:*smiles gently* I don’t deserve you. You and Blake then came to patch with me where everyone else waited for me and helped me face Jaune. That may have been the hardest thing I’ve done. Grieving or not, the fact that I left him in such a state. I know what that does to people firsthand and yet I left. For the first time in over a year we embraced and finally grieved together. The next two years were spent trying to heal and cope. During my time away the world had fully acknowledged me. I even got a proper nickname, but it all felt hollow. Imagine that, achieving your dream but not caring? If that’s not salt in a wound then I don’t know what is.
Weiss:What’s your title?
Ruby:I am the person people want to see when evil comes to cut their story short. I am a symbol that their tale still has more to tell. Remnant has named me The Storyteller. Curtsey of Maria, who spread the name around. Healing was slow and most nights I felt a pain in my heart, but then everything changed. One moment made me dare to try again to open that shut door in my life. *looks at Yang* I held your son in my arms. Sweet little Kovu.
Blake:*smiles* Kovu? Now I wonder who named him?
Yang:*red* Huh...how about that? Hehehe, wish I could meet him. I know he isn’t technically mine but I can’t help but feel all warm now. Also I can’t believe I named him that!
Weiss:I can. Veronica’s middle name is Nala.
Yang:Okay, maybe not marrying Blake was a win? Clearly I can’t be trusted to not name my children after other cats.
Blake:The wrong kind of cat too. I’m a panther faunus, not a lion. Even if they’re blonde that’s still false advertising of what they are.
Ruby:Well Yang was the one giving birth so you lost a majority of the option to complain.
Blake:That is fair.
Weiss:You gave birth to Vee, so I think that solves who picked her first name.
Ruby rested her head in her propped up hands that rested on the table. She felt exhausted reliving that chapter of her life mentally. Still she managed to smile, then smile bigger. Her eyes unclouded and a warm feeling filling her again. What Ruby said earlier about what made her different may have reign true, but her friends could since that there was now more to it. Ruby had spiraled into an unimaginable tragedy, yet was able to bounce back thanks to loved ones. To smile as she does, it was truly a strong sight to see. Even if she wasn’t fully aware of that.
Ruby:Carmine Arc Rose, my second born and the first child to call me mommy. Followed many years later by itty bitty Garnet. He’s my little man, five years old while is big sis is seventeen now.
Yang:Damn! That’s a gap. Oh, also congratulations. Almost forgot that part. I’m glad you got to be the super awesome mom that-
Ruby:I am easily C-teir.
Yang:Oh come on! What!?
Ruby:Listen, I know I got on you all for calling yourselves bad parents, but I will hear no debate about me understand!? I flop a lot of times.
Weiss:That doesn’t make you a C-teir. That makes you a new mom, silly.
Ruby:*grumbling* I agree to disagree but thank you. It’s just a lot okay. Too much to dive into honestly.
Blake:Summarize. Give us an abbreviated version.
Ruby:Ummm so Carmine is real special kid. The absolute love I have for her is unbreakable but gods damnit if she isn’t the most... “me” I could be! In a way similar yet different from myself, Carmine has always had this sense of urgency in her and a love for the world around her. She recognizes that it’s a fragile piece we have and just how hard I’ve worked with everyone to make it. I could tell that from her when she was five. I’d sound crazy, but the fact she used her eyes at the age proves I’m not.
Yang:She has silver eyes!? Why didn’t you bring that up?
Ruby:I thought that was obvious. All of my kids were born with then. Unlike her baby brother though, Carmine was a weird little kid. She didn’t socialize well. Still doesn’t, she’s kinda comes off rude and cold because of her bluntness. She doesn’t really express all her feelings or understand others fully. One might call her a little cold but the passion she had to protect life itself is a testament to how much she cares. Carmine is also a genius fighter. To put in perspective, people use the same nickname for her that they used for Pyrrha.
Ruby:Yeah! It’s not hyperbolic to say ever since Carmine is far beyond any skill I was at her age since she turned thirteen. You called me a monster earlier but no, I merely gave birth to a beast. I mean she could pass the huntsman exam at fifteen if I didn’t make her wait. I can’t call her arrogant, she talks with confidence because she has that right by all means. Still, besides her face, that’s where the similarities start separating; besides terrible grades in general stuff. We’ve never been in step completely. To put simply in her own words, “What I am is a hero, while she is a huntress.” That good will and mercy I try to give everyone isn’t how she rolls. It drives a real wedge that has resulted in us not going on missions together.
Blake:Is she...killing?
Ruby:She has before, and it had valid reasons entirely, but I also know for a fact she is more than capable of bringing down people without taking that step. Not all cases are that intense thank goodness. Her overall aggressiveness is the root of the problem. You don’t have to put you back into it when handling thugs. They aren’t Hazel.
Yang:Ooo okay, yeah I’m seeing what you mean now. It’s like that one comic you always read!
Ruby:Sigh...yeah she channels a bit of Batman energy and I need her to not do that all the time. I suppose being an honest soul isn’t particularly hereditary. It always feels like we aren’t enjoying each other’s company these days. I can’t blame her though. So....you know how all of you have had one serious problem that has both destabilized yourself as well as the kids and their relationship to you? *clouded eyes*
Weiss:Wait...you loosing a child wasn’t that?
Ruby:Oh it was. It just so happened that it never ended. It grew day by day. Night by night. Jaune and I were cautious with Carmine. Going as far to give her contacts and giving birth to her off the record and not at a hospital. Just in case Cinder came back. Well, Cinder and Neo came back, with my Dustin.
Nobody said anything. What do you even say to that!? All they did was let out a stifled breath and tried to gauge Ruby’s look of guilt.
Ruby:Yet again we had gotten too comfortable. It happened when Carmine was thirteen. I don’t think Garnet was even one yet. That’s when the cruelest realization hit me. My son had been alive and hearing about how his so called mother being a person who saves everyone, yet she never came for him. She had moved on, letting his eyes become clouded with such seething hate for the world she did save; the children she had after. It’s been four years since the day he attacked Carmine and helped grimm try to invade Vacou. To this day it’s been a life of staying on gaurd, searching for them as they popped up countless places to tear Remna- to tear me down and I can’t decide what part hurts the most. The amount of anger that prevents me from killing Cinder in a blink of an eye, or looking at my daughter who has told me herself that she is going to kill her older brother because I’m too weak to do so. That I’m in no way as good as the world believes me to be. *puts hood up* Like I said, C-teir mom, at best.
Blake:That’s- you can’t- there’s no way for you to reach him? Maybe if you-
Ruby:He looks at me the same way Neo and Cinder do, Blake. They raised him to hate me. Besides, he hurt Carmine. She’s just not gonna let that slide and frankly I shouldn’t either. Carmine acts tough and for the most part is, but gets terrified like everyone else. In many ways she’s still just a young girl that I wish had never chosen to become a huntress. If I had it my way she’d just be a normal girl with normal knees; but her mother’s weakness and inexperience wrapped her up in yet another war. It’s ironic. I barely remember mom and yet I ended up putting my family in very similar situation as if she lead instruction. Happy endings, I’m not sure if I get-
Yang:You’re better than mom....
Yang:Yeah I said. Look I love Summer Rose but at the end of the day she wasn’t around, not that she didn’t want to be, but it’s the truth. Several years of pleasant childhood memories and a lifetime of grief is what she left me, and all you got were tales you should’ve experienced first hand. Ruby you have spent seventeen years loving your daughter unconditionally and being there for her no matter if it’s for better or worse. Yeah you might not being doing it perfectly and I have no idea how to even fathom your predicament, but at least you are there trying. Take it from me, that’s all a daughter ever wants from their mother. It’s also what makes a pretty kick ass dad. *smiles* Chin up, hero. Your story isn’t over yet after all.
Silence filled the air and Ruby’s throat ran dry. Ruby pulled out her scroll to go to her pictures and displayed one of her favorite photos for everyone to see. It was Carmine’s fifteenth birthday. Ruby didn’t lie about the resemblance. the girl had short blonde hair that stopped halfway down her neck in the back and was longer in the front, reaching shoulders. Like her mother, the tips of her hair transitioned to red. The beautiful young woman tried to her hide her smile but her gleeful silver eyes were practically twinkling with joy as Ruby hugged her tightly from behind and a tall, more solid version of Jaune was smushing one of Carmine’s cheeks with an overly dramatic kiss to it. A tiny child no older than three at most was in his big sister’s arms. Garnet had his mother’s hair and eyes but something about the chubby face definitely showed Jaune’s features. The child had red frosting on his face and was reaching eagerly for more cake somewhere out of frame.
Yang noticed the girl took page from her father and wore some regular cargo shorts, but clearly didn’t lack flair by wearing a red crop top that showed off a fresh tattoo of the Arc crest on her toroso. Knowing her sister, that tattoo was most likely practical. The family looked happy, proud; and the mother of it currently sat across the table crying with her head face down in her hands cwhile Weiss and Blake hugged her from each side. Roses may have thorns, anyone who knew roses knew a simple truth. They’re still fragile flowers.
Yang:(Carmine Arc Rose. For you and your mother’s sake, I hope things go well)
Though Carmine seemed cold by nature, people were quick learn the opposite. The most recent learner of this was a scared little girl that held on for dear life. It was nighttime, nothing but the sound of pouring rain and the distant glow of red and the warmth of Carmine holding the girl against her body while she sprinted through a mud ridden forest. The little payed no attention to the pain in her side, but the glow of roses, eyes, and flames through her tear filled eyes.
Beowulves chased frantically but then severed immediately by something the girl couldn’t understand, but it looked like the person carrying her. The dead beasts brought no comfort. Not when more followed close behind.
Girl:I-I’m sc...scared!
Carmine:Don’t look at them sweetie, it’ll be fine. Just keep being a brave little girl.
Girl:M...Mommy was back there.
Carmine:.....I know, she’ll be just fine. Your village, there are plenty of people there that will be just fine! Huff..... You got a name?
Carmine:Oh that’s a beautiful name, Mary. You know I was almost a Mary? Yeah my grandma was a really amazing person and I almost got named something similar to her. Mary is a very strong name!
Mary:You’re a liar! I’m sad, not strong. I want my mommy! Everything his dark and hurts and I want her!
The girl began painfully crying as Carmine followed her trail of roses to avoid getting lost. Things were getting worse. The storm raged and she could feel this girl burning in her arms. Not to mention the unsettling warmth the mixed with the cold rain against her body and dripped to puddles below. Any grimm near by could only be dealt with by many copies of her nearby, but that would only go so far when fear was out full force. Carmine’s boots felt like cement, but she still ran.
Carmine:Mary, you know what do when I miss my mommy? I sing! Yeah, my mom sings the best lullabies that made me feel super strong when I was little! It’s a magic song that makes everyone strong. How about I sing it you and they can sing it your mommy later okay!? But you have to close your eyes to really focus on the words!
Mary:*sniffling* Okay....
Baby deathstalkers swarmed the path made ahead as small Nevermores dove at her. Out of options, Carmine broke from the path, trying to rely on memory to go towards the safe zone while also singing lyrics to her favorite song.
Dream of anything; I'll make it all come true.
Everything you need is all I'll have for you~
Carmine never wavered. No matter how badly her lungs her or nearly slipped, she kept singing all the way to her destination where several other clones were seen racing towards with more civilians to injured or young to go themselves. An orphanage where Nora and Ren stood outside rushing people in while Jaune was keeping the grimm at bay. The sight brought a little ease.
Don't worry, I've got you; nothing will ever harm you.
I'm close by, I'll stay here; through all things, I will be near~
Carmine finally reached Nora and passed off the girl who’s grip weakened overtime. A few lyrics in and Carmine knew she was singing mainly for herself.
Carmine:Get her medical attention! I’m gonna go and find more! There’s still-
Jaune:Wait, it’s too dangerous!
Carmine:I know! That’s why I have to go! That fire is spreading and there’s stragglers pinned down! Dad.....I’m pinned down!
Jaune tensed up and looked at Carmine. No scraps on her and her clothes only soiled by others. It didn’t take long to realize. The man resisted the urge to run out to the ruined town and stood firmly.
Jaune:Carmine...end it. We’ll worry about the consequences later.
Across the woods amongst the flames the real Carmine stood bleeding and bruised in front of two Beringel that charged over the vanishing corpses of their fallen with more grimm, her sword stabbed into the ground supporting her weight. Behind all living people that remained finally managed to flee. All except for a woman trapped by house debris. The woman watched this young huntsman stand proudly again. She wasn’t sure what happened next. All she heard was one sentence.
“Close your eyes...” before everything went white. Next thing she knew, Carmine was lifting debris off her as rain and wind washed away any evidence. A relief she didn’t care about in the slightest. She neither had the strength, or the time too. Much like Carmine, who began to pant and teeter. It was clear to the woman that whatever just happened didn’t come without cost as she watched the girl fall to her knees. Though she tried moving, Carmine was spent.
Carmine:Don’t worry...we’re safe....let’s-
Woman:I...my legs. Everything...I can’t move. Just go. I d-don’t think I’d las-
Carmine:Don’t talk like that! The hard parts over! I can-
Woman:Barely walk. *smiles* It’s okay. I don’t blame you. You fought hard.
Carmine:.....I...I’m sorry. *teary eyed*
Woman:Say, I know that face anywhere. Your Lady Rose’s kid. Funny, I thought your eyes were red? My daughter, Mary, she loves your mother. Makes me kinda jealous hehe, but hey I love her too. *crying* Do you know if Mary made it? She was wearing-
Carmine:A black dress, pink ribbons in her hair...
Woman:Yes! Is she safe? I saw you- one of you carry her off.
Carmine:...She’s just fine.
Woman:Good. That’s all....that.....
The woman never finished her sentence. Carmine’s body fell limp on the ground, facing the rain. Even with the cold downpour she could feel the warmth of her own tears, containing her emotions best she could as she looked through her clones eyes to watch Nora take Mary away from the survivors and out of sight to not stir further panic.
Carmine wasn’t sure how long she layed there, but it was long enough for Jaune to find her. The man didn’t say a word. The town was in shambles. Grimm were still fading and his daughter looked tired, but not in serious condition. Unlike the those who didn’t make it. Jaune put Carmine in his arms, carrying her away to safety.
Carmine:......Does mom ever save them all?
Jaune:No, but that never stops her from trying; or mourning.
She clenched her father’s shirt and let herself be fragile, to be a Rose.
Carmine:Next time. Mom and I, we’ll both get it right next time. A happy ending for all!
Jaune:Yeah, I know you will. Together....
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