#I used to think malls are the same everywhere.... but then I hear from my US friends and. wow they sure are not
bacchuschucklefuck · 23 days
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typical tavern scene
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cupiohearts · 8 months
CANT CATCH ME NOW ?! - leaving them behind
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they see you everywhere. james, jonggun, joongoo. they find bits and pieces of you lying around in their pockets, their houses and memories. it depends on which one it is which scene they see you in.
DG VER. gun ver. goo ver.
for james, he sees the sight of you in the crowd when he first started as an idol. he catches himself hoping for a glimpse of you in crowds as he did before. maybe you just show up at one of his concerts one day. he knows its a childish hope to think you'll come back. especially not when theyve all pushed you out of their lives.
but was it such a hopeless thought to have? a particulary fond memory of seeing you in the front row at barricade. hopping down and singing his lyrics to your face. fans thought you were just a really lucky person to catch the attention of DG, minimizing it to a harmless fan interaction moment just for the concert.
he loved the way your eyes twinkled underneath the stage light illuminating your face in a mesmerizing glow. he recalled the heartbreak when they were all gathered up at your apartment.
it had become a haunting memory of seeing the house abandoned. the only thing left was a small ragged old scarf you insisted on keeping
"yknow! one day for my super awesome snowman! ive been waiting for winter to come in korea so snow is finally here!" you tell him with a giddy grin at the mall. your loose baby strands around your face and your face bare with nothing on it standing out to him.
you always mentioned you wanted to experience the snow. you said you didnt have it where you were from. far too sunny for that you said.
"you wont have to wait long. it get cold fast in korea" he tells you. chuckling as you hold the scarf in your hand while picking out more winter items.
how unfortunate. it was snowing right now. he wondered where youve gone. maybe youve died off, its better for him that way. that way he wont have to think about whether or not youve settled down yet. maybe gone back to your old country or somehwere new.
maybe youre out on a date somewhere, possibly 6 feet down in a ditch. his mind wanders when it comes to you.
reading the note you left behind for him. written in a sparkly pen you always used.
"why do you have so many pens and only use one?!" he questions you with a raised eyebrow. his long fingers unzipping your pencil pouch and looking through all the pens you own.
"you cant expect me to use all of them. plus my papers look sparkly this way and its cute. the design is cute and i like how it writes!" you chirp at him. turning behind you and hitting his forehead with your pen. "red hair... i like you with your curly red hair. reminds me of someone i used to know" you tell him.
curling his hair around your pen before dropping it when you hear the teacher say your name and turning back to the board. your hair whipping him in the face "im innocent!" you joke with your hands raised causing the class to laugh.
you tell him youre sorry in the note. that you couldnt handle it anymore.
you tell him everything but telling him nothing at the same time. telling him of how you felt like everyone else was moving while you were stuck in the present. everyone was special and you were not.
he let the paper drop down after skimming the rest of its contents. he wished to just crumple it up and tossed it away. he couldn't.
he knew he was being selfish wanting you back when youve clearly stated in the note this was out of youre pure will, leaving them behind. he wouldve cried. he wouldve cried if he was james lee.
all he could do was pick it back up and meet back with gun, and goo.
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it was gonna all be in one set page but i found that it was longer than most of my other projects if i actually completed this whole
so i broke it up
like the friend group
i caught up with lookism
i like the new pretty boys :3
did not proof read (bc im insecure abt my works 😔🤞)
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scooptroopfanfic · 5 months
Cas with a C CH 8
Note: Please go to the Cas with a C Chapter Select to see previous chapters and story warnings. I hope you enjoy this chapter!
Summary: The beginning of Cassie's life post Starcourt Mall
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For the next week or so after the Starcourt Mall incident, people started to slowly let their guard down again around Cassie. For the most part, they kept her on bed rest and away from people. Well according to them. During that time Cassie kept Eddie tucked away and out of sight when he visited. He was planning for the final session of the summer campaign he ran for his friends who stayed in town. Cassie goes through all the lines he wants her to say and acts to make sure it is perfect.
“So you railroaded them into this type of ending huh?” Cassie says with a hint of sadness in her voice. She is going to be playing a long-lost wife of the main ally of the story who thought after the amount of time she was missing that she died. Turns out she was held hostage elsewhere, cursed, and will unfortunately only reunite with him in either his death or her death. Eddie looks offended.
“No. They just failed all the rolls they needed to piece things together. You watched sweetheart.” He says as their hands locked together as they lean in the same direction as Eddie’s notebook. At this, Cassie turns a bit red and Eddie looks away. “Sorry. I guess the whole acting as a couple thing kind of slipped through there for a second.”
“No. I mean I don’t mind.” Cassie says with a laugh. She can hear his thoughts going everywhere even without having to focus on racing.
He makes an odd noise out of his mouth, but it seems pretty happy and normal for the guy according to Cassie. “Well in my opinion they still get three chances. One before the fight, one at the beginning of the fight, and one right before the end of the fight. Some people may think to do checks then especially if you play up being my dear and loving partner well enough darling.” She says with a wink. Eddie laughs at this as he writes in his notebook he uses for DM ideas. “If only you were this devoted to your studies.”
“Then we wouldn’t be graduating together Harrington.” At this Cassie gags.
“I’m not my father or my brother. I’m Cassie. The last time I was called Harrington was by Hargrove. If you want to go for something people find odd just call me Cas. I used to beat the snot out of people who did in elementary school.”
“I forgot about the pigtailed terror! That was you!”
“Yup! Never lost a fight. Never have and never will.” She says as she does her best impression of Rosie the Riveter. 
“How did I forget about that?” He seems genuinely shocked.
“Because King Steve was more of a terror and made me look like a saint. Hairspray flamethrowers and all went away when big brother Steve came knocking. Sometimes with a bat.”
“Jesus I forgot about Chrissy’s hair. How were you not expelled for that?”
“Harrington money.” She says with a dry laugh. 
“Remind me not to anger either of you two fluffy-haired people.”
“You mean majestic maned? I mean he uses the same brands I do to keep his style and shape.” 
“Wait what?!”
“Eddie!” Cassie hears the thundering of footsteps coming up the stairs as she quickly shoves him into the closet and uses her powers to hide all signs of him. Suddenly Robin busts in with a frying pan at the ready and gives out her best battle cry.
“Robin! All good. No code reds.” 
“But I heard a noise in here.” At this point, Nancy walks in and notices the stacks of movies and books that Cassie didn’t think to hide.
“Robin, I'll handle this.”
“But what if she-“ Nancy gives her a look and Robin who doesn’t know any better scampers off.
“Look. We don’t really know each other really well Cassie but if you want to have a boy over you have to hide it better. Steve would have noticed immediately. Like seriously who leaves out the books and movies you guys are watching.” She then looks over the pile. “Seems like you Harrington’s have a type and that is brainy,” Nancy says as she grabs a Lord of the Rings book which has a ton of little post-it notes sticking out of it. Cassie opens her mouth to protest but Nancy continues as she looks under the bed. “I mean I find it cute that he decided to visit you after the fire. I mean really. It shows he cares.” 
“He is a friend.” Cassie then blocks the closet door with her body as Nancy tries to open it.
“Jonathan and I were “just friends” after me and your brother broke up and now look at where we are. He was a sweet awkward guy who worked his way into my heart. While I may no longer be in a relationship with your brother I still have a vested interest in seeing who finally got past the icy exterior.” Cassie is only so good at playing defense on the door and eventually, Nancy breaks through and spots the terrified Eddie Munson who is trying to make himself as small as possible. He then gives the most unsure and awkward wave imaginable as he slowly walks out.
“Surprise…. Please do not tell my brother. He already knows someone drops me off from work sometimes but nothing more. If he found out more I would have iron bars on my window.” She says as she grabs his hand as she stands next to him. Nancy still seems to be processing the fact that the town’s princess is at least friends with the town freak. 
“Steve is going to kill you.”
“More accurately him but thank you for that Nancy. Now please do me and Eddie here a favor and don’t let Steve know. Please.” Cassie puts on her best pleading face and Eddie looks very confused and concerned.
“Fine. I won’t tell them, but if they ask I am not going to lie about it.”
“Deal,” Cassie says as she rests her head on Eddie’s shoulder. “Now can we please get back to planning our nerdy stuff? Eddie here has a reputation to uphold.”
“Ok.” She says a bit drawn out still weirded out as she shuts the door and Cassie immediately locks it.
“Thank god it was Nancy and not Steve.” 
“Why is this a good thing?” Eddie asks, a bit skittish and heading closer to the window.
“Because Nancy will keep our secret. Not like she can post things like that to her paper. She is more into exciting stories anyway. Things with real weight. We are just two nerds.” Eddie opens his mouth to protest as he gets in his DM voice but Cassie proceeds to point to the game he was planning, the books and movies he bought, and the character sheets for her character and Eddie’s. “Two nerds. Your ‘freak’ persona doesn’t erase that.” 
“Fine. I guess you win.” He keeps the DM voice as he says this. 
“Like I said. Never. Lost. A. Fight.” Cassie says with a smirk as she pats where he is sitting next to her on her bed which the boy immediately flops down on and they continue to work out the encounter.
Eventually, Steve couldn’t come up with any more excuses to keep her inside on bed rest after two weeks in her room so Cassie was finally allowed to leave on the condition that she take it easy. Cassie rolls her eyes as she loads up her backpack with her notebooks, snacks, and when Steve isn’t looking, drinks. She slightly sticks out her tongue in concentration as she remembers where Steve hides his stash of beer and grabs a pack.
“Hey!” Steve comes barreling around the corner as Cassie zips up her backpack and hauls it out of the house. In the driveway is one of Eddie’s DND buddies and he waves as she runs out, but his eyes go wide as he sees Steve Harrington running out after her. She quickly throws herself through the open car window and screams at him to drive. The dude quickly hits it in reverse and takes off as Cassie pulls herself fully into the car as they see Steve get smaller and smaller.
“I thought I was going to die.”
“Oh, you were if he caught us,” Cassie says with a laugh. “So you know how Eddie claims he has to fight a dragon every time he needs his princess voice. Well, you have met the dragon.”
“Tell me about it. A bit of an overkill for a six-pack.” Cassie says as she sighs in relief that the beers didn’t burst in her bag. 
“We did all of that for beer???”
“Better than stealing it from someone who actually cares. Steve is just upset that I did what he never had the guts to do.”
“And what’s that?”
“Swipe it right in front of someone and get away.” She says with a laugh as she places it next to her as she buckles up. She pats the shoulder of the kid she would later learn is named Gareth.
When Cassie and Gareth get to Jeff's basement Eddie laughs as he sees Gareth looking like he is crapping his pants as Cassie plops down her share of snacks and beers.
“I see you met the ferocious dragon,” Eddie says as he tries to make himself look beastly.
“Yep.” Cassie says popping the p. “And he was breathing fire this time.”
“Ooh. Nice one Gareth. Thank you for picking up the princess for me.”
“Never again.”
“Fair enough brave knight. It is not a journey for the weak of heart.” Cassie says, trying to imitate Eddie. Eddie seems to appreciate it as he laughs at Gareth’s confused look. 
“I’d say. Last time I went there the dragon took flight for many miles and we had to lose him on the roads near Lovers Lake.”
“I never thought the King would be…”
“Like that? Welcome to having a big brother.” Cassie says with a sigh but claps her hands together as she plops herself down on the bean bag next to Eddie’s DM chair and sets up. “But let’s move on and actually make this worth it and play. I want to see how this finally ends.”
After Gareth has had enough time and a beer to shake off the rest of the boys gather around the table each with their beers in hand. Jeff offers her one and Eddie almost objects until Cassie reaches out and grabs it taking a swig. Eddie seems shocked as the rest of the boys cheer. Cassie is trying not to cough.
“Relax Eds. I’ve had a beer before. We talked about this.” 
“I thought you were a little Miss Goody Two Shoes.”
“Pigtailed terror.”
“But all those words back at the bookstore-“
“Quite simply I thought you were an ass and I just wanted to prove you wrong.” Eddie looks offended. “Hey, you thought I was pretty little princess Harrington who was one of the popular kids who didn’t give a crap about any of this.” He then reluctantly nods at the statement and gestures to her to take a drink which she takes a smaller one this time. Just because she has drank in the past doesn’t mean she can handle the fizz. She winces a bit as she settles back. “Now let’s play some D&D.” The boys cheer as Eddie stands up menacingly.
And it seems to be with good reason. Cassie has remained silent but is a looming threat to the other players as they try and figure out what role she has to play in the web of the story that Eddie is weaving. Eddie leads forward the charge toward the final boss encounter with his NPC.
“The monster who killed my wife is just past this corridor and-“ At this point, Cassie places a hand on Eddie’s mouth with a glint in her eyes. The other members of Hellfire look terrified at the girl who silenced their leader.
“And up ahead in the dark, you can feel something. Lurking. You then hear the slow scraping of the claws of the beast on the ground. As you and your companions look around, that is when you see the monstrous beast in front of you!” Cassie then slams down her character on the table as Eddie sets up the other enemies. “Welcome to your final test. Don’t die too quickly.” She says in a lower tone that even causes Eddie to pause in his movements. At this point, everyone rolls and it is game on.
You would think with this being Cassie’s first time actually having a character on the board she would be timid and die off pretty quickly, but as she takes out Jeff the others start to panic. “And as she-beast launches for you, it takes a large bite out of you and-“ Eddie and her eyes go wide as they see her crit behind the DM screen. “And you feel your life force suddenly sucked out of your body and you are down.”
“WHAT?! What is this thing?” Doug freaked out as Cassie recovered and smirked. 
“As you watch your friend drop, the creature shifts forms.” At this point, Cassie switches out her figure to something slowly becoming humanoid. “But it still hungers.”
“We have to kill this thing quickly before it kills again.” Eddie cries as his character charges up to grapple with the creature. Gareth then looks at Cassie and Eddie for a second like he is trying to read them. 
“Is there any way I could roll to figure out the identity of the creature?” This causes Eddie to do a few long blinks. 
“Intelligence check. Just going to let you know this will be a difficult roll to succeed.” Eddie says with a poker face, but Cassie looks excited. Cassie gets a look in her eyes and as the dice start to roll the lights flicker for a second and Cassie’s nose bleeds causing her to reach for the tissues Eddie put by her. The die begins to slow down until it softly lands on the 20 which causes Eddie and Cassie to look at each other in amazement as the other boys look on in excitement. 
“Well. I didn’t see this one coming.” Eddie says as he looks down at the dice. He then sees the bloody nose and looks at her in suspicion.
“Suddenly as you look at the new form it seems to remind you of a portrait you have seen before. The one in the household of your dear new companion the monster hunter.” Cassie improvises and hopes Eddie will approve/go along.
“Oh shit it is the wife.”
“What are you talking about? This monster killed my wife.”
“No, this monster is your wife.”
“Charisma roll… this will be an easy roll,” Eddie says as he passes a paper to Cassie. Her eyes scan over the paper and she blushes a bit but nods subtly.  Doug rolls for it and when the die clanks onto the wooden table it reveals an 11. Cassie looks at Eddie with confusion but he nods to her. 
“As the hunter slowly scans the face of the creature a flicker of recognition shows in his eyes as they look down to notice familiar markings that can be found on his wife.” 
“Eliza! Eliza, can you hear me? You need to fight this!” Eddie exclaims as he shifts the mock grapple he had earlier to Cassie’s shoulders to try and shake her awake. Cassie hesitates for a second before she slams down a pretty feminine figure onto the board.
“After a few moments, the creature shifts again. This time to the familiar face of the wife.” Cassie says in her narrator's voice before she keys in her vocal cords again. “Hello? Who’s there?” Cassie asks.
“Can you not see that it is I, my dear?” Eddie asks.
“No. I can’t see. I can only smell the gore. Your pleasant smell. It’s gone.” Eliza says as she wanders around blind. Eddie then rolls his eyes before grabbing her hand.
“Well then let me guide you out of here.” At this point, the other members of the party look into the scene in shock. Eddie then takes over as he guides the boys back to the manor of his character. They start tying up loose ends in the campaign and Eddie continues with his condescending tone of a noble that he adopted for his character. Cassie and Eddie are still holding hands as the evening draws to a close. 
Eddie offhandedly mentions that the husband and wife kiss and Jeff laughs.
“So that’s the one line huh?” At this Cassie and Eddie look at each other. Cassie’s heart races a bit and she can feel her cheeks redden. Cassie then shrugs as Eddie goes wide-eyed as she quickly and gently gives him a peck on the cheek. Eddie seems to just go off into his own mental headspace and stare intensely at the wall across from him. She can hear his thoughts going wild.
“Nope. The line is much further than that.” Cassie says with a smirk as Eddie seems to be processing. The other boys are laughing at Eddie’s reaction while Cassie’s heart rate speeds up. At this point, the duo notices they are still holding hands and violently/dramatically separate causing the boys to laugh more. 
For the next hour or so between cleaning up from the session, the boys goof around as Cassie chimes in every now and then.
“So we still have that gig for this week right?” 
“Bev said we should be good to go. It’s one of her fifty-cent beer nights so be ready.” Eddie says as he lays across the couch just out of reach from Cassie who is still sitting tall.
“You guys are playing at the Hideout this weekend?” Cassie squints as she faintly remembers the name Bev from her time in Eddie’s memories. 
“You know about Corroded Coffin?” Doug seems shocked.
“Oh! I forgot to tell you guys. Remember the Ellen Ripley?” Eddie then reaches over to ruffle Cassie’s hair up to match how it looked that night. Of course, Cassie tries to block him as he does so trying to protect her precious hair. 
“Stop it, Eddie! Don’t touch my baby!” Cassie cries out as they tumble off of the couch. Cassie ends up landing on top of Eddie. Her eyes widen in surprise from the sudden rush and then the feeling of his hand ruffling her hair.
“Oh shit! You were the Alien fan?”
“Why is everyone so surprised?” Cassie whines as she tries to fix her hair. As revenge, she decides to use Eddie’s stomach as a seat looking around at the others as she plants her feet on the ground. Eddie seems content and even adjusts himself to get comfortable, with his legs still on the couch. 
“You don’t seem the type.” Jeff awkwardly smiles as he watches his leader accept his fate. Cassie leans back and plants her arms on the carpet floor. 
“Your friend’s female Dungeon Master voice who also is now your illustrator apparently doesn’t do nerdy shit?”
“Ok fair.” Gareth seems to get on board with nerdy Cassie quicker than the others. Probably due to the dungeon escape pre-session. 
“Anywho let me know when you guys are going. I may want to listen for a bit. Seems pretty cool.” 
Cassie can feel the surface emotions of the group throughout the afternoon and evening slowly turn from suspicion to a reluctant acceptance. She is relieved as she feels this and the slight tension she is keeping in her shoulders. For the first time in a while, she feels at peace. She doesn’t always have to use her powers to listen in. She can finally turn it off. For the first time in a long while she can think without hearing anyone else do the same. How is this happening? Cassie must have been making a face because Eddie quirks an eyebrow at her as he reaches onto the counter for some chips to shovel into his mouth. 
Cassie was planning on leaving soon after the DND session ended, but plans changed, and early into the morning where she ended up curled up on the couch sharing a blanket with Eddie. At this point her brain is dead and she can’t process much beyond pretty colors and people on the screen. It feels nice. Not constantly on alert. She smiles to herself as she sinks into the couch and blankets, taking more for herself.
“Hey blanket hog. I want some too.” Eddie grumbles trying to steal some back.
“But I’m cold…” She mumbles sadly as she tugs at the blanket trying to keep the icy feeling away. She hasn’t felt warmth for a while and she is not going to let noodle arms take it from her. She looks at him with pleading eyes. “Please…”
“I’ll fold just this once.” Eddie then tugs at the blankets causing her to scoot closer. “Sike.” 
“Ass.” She mumbles as she goes and leans on his shoulder. At least if she has to share a blanket she may as well get a pillow out of it too. She can feel nerves coming from him as he taps to an unknown rhythm with his left hand which is the one on the opposite side of her. Cassie smiles to herself as she gets cozy on his shoulder and pretends to watch the movie. In reality, she uses this first sense of peace in a while to get some proper sleep.
“Hey, Mr. Peter!” A young Cassie cries out as she runs over to the man. He has his back turned to her. His burned and tattered white outfit has slowly started to wear away. Underneath it is more corrupted-looking flesh making him look less and less human each time she visits her friend.
When she gets to the other side of him she can see his face display a look of horror.
“Mr. Peter! Wake up! The Spider put you in a nightmare again.” Cassie says as she gently shakes Peter. When she sees that isn’t working she turns around to the giant shadows in the form similar to a spider.
“Spider! Can you please let Mr. Peter out?” All she gets in response is the sound of swirling wind and particles whipping around. “I really don’t want to do that.” The particles get excited as she says this. Cassie sighs as she holds up her right hand in a sort of crushing motion towards Peter. 
At first, nothing happens. She then feels a rush of power through her as she sees a few particles fly out of Peter and into her outstretched hand. They slowly start gathering and forming the cluster of a small dog. Cassie uses her other hand to keep its shape as she continues to gather more. While the rush feels amazing there is also a twinge of something… wrong.
Eventually, Cassie can draw enough away that Peter forces the rest of it out.
“Thank you, Cassandra.”
“No problem Mr. Peter.” He looks annoyed at this name but then sighs.
“What are you doing here? Don’t you have school?”
“Yes, but I felt your fear and got worried. I know the Spider and you sometimes get into fights.” He then looks confused.
“You can feel that from our dimension?”
“Yeah! I mean I can kind of feel… everyone. It really hurts my head and it won’t turn off. That includes you.” Peter then looks at her for a second.
“So you lied about the reason for your arrival.”
“Not fully. I did feel your fear Mr. Peter, but sometimes the noises of people’s thoughts can be a lot so-”
“You come here for a break.” He looks at her with pity as he gently taps her head. “But that doesn’t explain how you can still be aware of me even in another dimension.”
“I think it is the Spider. I can feel things through it. Like another set of eyes and hands.” Cassie says as she gently touches what is currently a compass hidden away in her jacket. She then feels a cold knife in her brain. She sees a flash of her father appear and fear grips her heart for a moment, but then she thinks about her brother and the two of them playing basketball together while listening to music and it goes away. “Spider I am not falling for that one again.”
Younger Cassie does not see Peter wipe his nose or the scowl on his face. 
Cassie wakes up to the sound of chirping birds and snoring. When she does she jumps up, or rather attempts to before she is stopped by something. She feels a weight on her shoulder and a slight wet spot on her head as she identifies the location of her binds. 
Eddie Munson. Apparently, he fell asleep during the movie too, and thought her head was the perfect little place to nap. And slightly drool on. When Cassie tries to move the deadweight stops her altogether from being able to lift her head or wiggle out. She continues to try and struggle but each time she does it feels like a boa constrictor around her tightening down on her. Eddie grumbles as she tries to move.
“Five more minutes.”
“My brother is going to kill me for staying out. He already was going to kill me for the six-pack.” She harshly whispers back. As he hears her voice he makes a panicked noise as he scrambles back trying to give her space but just ends up tumbling over the side of the couch with a soft thud.
“Shit! We gotta go!” He whispers loudly as he grabs her hand and guides them out with minimal effort, but not without a few stumbles over some randomly placed garbage on the ground making him twist around. Somehow the two succeed at not waking up the others as they creep out the door. 
As Cassie and Eddie speed through Hawkins, they blast music and try to wake up.
“Is he really that bad?”
“Not if you are me, Batman.” She says as she notices the bat tattoos. She didn’t really notice before. Probably because she thought she was going to die all summer but now she can see. Like really seeing everything around her. “But for you yeah…” Cassie then looks at her shoes that she shuffles around. “Our dad kinda told us to stay away from people like you.” 
“Yeah. Not sure if it is the poor thing or…” Cassie contemplates her next word. “Family stuff, but yeah.” Cassie then sighs. “Our dad is an ass though so fuck him.” She leans over to him and puts an elbow on his shoulder. “If I would have followed that advice I would have missed out on hanging around the coolest guy ever.” 
“You’re gonna make me blush Sweetheart.” He is clearly trying not to look over at her and focus on the road. “You are going to be ok right?”
“Yeah. Steve likes to sleep in late, especially when those things can’t get you in the sun easily.” She cuts herself off. “You know what. You already know that and more so.”
“I wasn’t talking about that. I was talking about you and the weird magic shit.” Eddie gives a look of suspicion. “And if you are going to use it to game the system again.”
“Oh.” Cassie then laughs. “All good up here. In fact better than ever.” She then notices something. The feeling sensor she couldn’t turn off is silent again. “I don’t constantly hear thoughts and feelings anymore.”
“Did you lose your powers when they closed the gate?” Eddie says the word gate unsure. She told him things secondhand during their time together in her recovery.
“No, but I think the constant on powers may have been due to something beyond that thing. Maybe the Mind Flayer wanted to see how good my powers were or something?” Cassie shrugs as she changes the station with her powers due to the slight static. “But I don’t know and I don’t care. I’m free!’ She then leans out the window next to her and laughs as they race through Hawkins.
When they arrive Cassie has Eddie drop her off a street away. Cassie gives a mock salute as Eddie guns it away like a bat out of hell. Cassie smiles to herself for a few moments, but as she gets closer to her house her stomach starts to twist into knots. The air around it is suffocating with fear making her queasy and almost double over. After holding her head for a few moments standing still and getting her bearing she marches on to the back of the house. 
As she scrambles up to her window to open it her eyes soften as she sees her brother asleep. He has set up a corner in the room on one of the chairs she uses at her desk to study. He has his arms crossed in the usual disapproving look but his features were soft as he slept away. Tucked away next to him is his infamous bat somewhat ready to go. 
Cassie uses her powers to slowly open the window and climb inside to muffle most of the sound that the break-in would cause. Unfortunately, that is not enough as she lands with a thud. Quickly Steve shoots awake and grabs the bat, trying to locate the source of the noise.  When he sees his sister he gives a frustrated sigh and puts down the bat
“Jesus Christ I could have hit you with this thing Cassie! Where the hell have you been?”
“Out where? I called everyone and no one threw a party where there was beer last night.”
“Eww. You sound like Mom.” Cassie throws her backpack next to her bed and sits down in it. 
“That didn’t answer my question.”
“It doesn’t matter.”
“Yes, it does. What if there is another weird thing happening and I don’t know where you are.”
“I’ll be fine. I can handle myself, Steve.” She puts her hands on her hips in a sort of power pose. “Besides, while you were dealing with Russians my friends and I were handling the weird ass possessed people.”
“What?” Steve looks at her shocked as she realizes she didn’t actually talk about her experiences over the summer with him.
“Shit, I really didn’t want to go into this Steve.” She sighs like she is letting out a breath of air she had been holding in. “But you forced my hand. That night my friend and I went to the movies we got jumped. By the hoard. If I didn’t get the knife and cut us free we could have been one of those things, Steve. When I say I get it trust me when I say I do. I can handle myself.” She digs into her bag and fishes out the switchblade she used to cut her and Eddie free. “But we got nothing to worry about Steve. The gate is closed. That thing is gone. We can just move on. I can be a normal-ass high school and when I graduate I can get the two of us out of Hawkins. Away from our parents.” 
Steve looks surprised when she brings up her plans for the future. His nervous energy is still around, but it is no longer suffocating. 
“You would put up with me?”
“Fuck yeah, loser. Oh yeah. You would have to be able to deal with my friend too. He is coming with.”
“He?” Cassie curses to herself as she realizes her mistake. She sits down for what she imagines is going to be a long talk from her brother. Turns out she was right.
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hauntingsofhouses · 9 months
i love being southeast asian.
despite whatever unhappy history, despite the rise of ethnonationalism and racism in our countries; despite the fact that most of us remain in the global south under the invisible thumb of western empires and conglomerates, exploited by rich expats and beg-packers; despite the conservatism, the bigotry, the pain and prejudice and the corruption.
despite all that, i love where i am from. this is my home.
my hands tenderly trace the lines of our history and find within it a colourful collection of influences that continue to shape us until today:
the native malays, javanese, sundanese, minangkabau, bugis, visayan, tagalog, and other dominant peoples.
alongside indigenous tribes like the iban, kadazan, sama-bajau, temuan, penan, jakun, and hundreds upon hundreds more ethnic groups.
all of us holding onto our ancestors' mysticism and spirituality and animism, the watchful gaze of legacy fixed on us as we move through an ever-changing and modernising world (and what is modernity anyway? isn't civilisation overrated?).
and then the chinese peoples. the hainanese, hokkien and cantonese and more, many of whom came here due to trade in the pre-colonial era, but then most arrived as the imported labour for the colonial powers.
but this is their home too. we live here together, and through them we all celebrate lunar new year and the mid-autumn festival. all of us give red envelopes during our many festivals. we give oranges that symbolise prosperity and ring in the year of the rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, goat. we hold lion dance performances in our malls and marks. we eat and exchange mooncakes.
and then the indian peoples, though mostly tamil indians from south india, but also sikhs, malayalis, and punjabis, who arrived and assimilated and spread their culture and beliefs much earlier before the pre-colonial era, causing the indianisation of southeast asia. then more indian peoples came during the colonial era, again, as imported labour, working our fields or donning the uniform of our common oppressors, kept walled away from us despite how alike we look and sound.
because truly we do sound the same. sanskrit remains an abundant source for a large chunk of our languages. i hear the vedic mantras and can pick apart words that sound familiar. hinduism and buddhism still leaves its traces in our cultures even for those of us who've shifted to islam.
and yes, islam. we're not what the west thinks of when they talk about the muslim world, but southeast asia has some of the largest muslim populations in the world. because through trade, since the medieval times, islam came here and with it brought so many arabic influences that has come to shape our languages and customs, with plenty of our cultures having since been morphed around islamic beliefs and ideas. in malaysia and indonesia and brunei (and perhaps even certain parts of the philippines) you'll find a mosque or a prayer room everywhere you go. and every ramadan millions of us fast, every eid all of us dress up and visit each other's houses for feasts and festivities.
then of course came european colonisation at the hands of the portugese, dutch, british (in malaysia and indonesia's case we got all three), spanish, and french their reigns lasting over 400 years. and from them we came european culture and more new languages, english quickly becoming a second language (or even a first language) for so many of us, missionaries building churches and spreading the word of jesus christ as the son of god; with their fair features they draw a line between us and them, between the civilised and the barbarians, between the light-haired light-eyed and the unruly dark-haired dark-eyed.
and then comes world war 2 and the japanese invasion, and for most it was so brutal and violent, and for the rest it was miserable, with famine and inflation but we were forced to sing songs in japanese anyway, to watch their planes fly in the sky towards their enemies, to swallow their ideas in our parched throats.
and then the war ended and wounds began to heal, and then came the 1980s until now with all its shiny technology: nintendo, panasonic, television and anime, and now we have leagues of people learning japanese language and culture anyway, except now it is done wholeheartedly, and as it turns out japanese isn't even that different from our own cultures anyway. houses on stilts made of wood with thatch roofs, making our living from the sea and coast, eating rice for every meal, our phonetics and theirs so alike.
and today we have waves of their expats migrating here because of course they do, we're the Global South™ and for them it's cheap and affordable, so we have little japans sprouting here and there and sometimes i go to a random street and find signs written in japanese and read bits of broken hiragana.
and it's beautiful, being able to move through this world and find the handprints we've all left upon it. it's a wonderful amalgam of so many traditions and colours and beliefs and language all mixing around in this huge bubbling melting pot.
and i'm not chinese or indian or arab or british but when i see them on tv, i'm also seeing a part of me, i hear the words in their tongue and i recognise them as mine, i eat their food and know them as intimately as my own.
but of course our politicians, our kings and our prime ministers (and the divide-and-conquer rule of colonisers now gone) continue to divide us and make us hate each other, fanning flames of distrust and fear of that-which-is-different.
it's such a shame too, because it's so special. it's what makes us us, our dozens of creoles, the way we can speak a sentence comprising vernacular from at least four languages and we all understand each other anyway.
we have a word in malay, "rojak", which is also the name of a dish that mixes a bunch of different ingredients, and is found in malaysian, indonesian and singaporean cuisine. but where i'm from, we also say "rojak" to mean anything that's an eclectic mixture of things, things that seemingly don't go together and aren't necessarily pleasing to the eye but still, somehow, it works, in fact it tastes good, spicy and flavourful and hearty.
and that's us: southeast asia, all of it, a beautiful rojak culture. and it's ours.
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anewnewcrest · 1 year
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From Priscilla Sawyer's Simtube
HONEYMOON IN SULANI: Romantic getaway to get to know each other
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Our long flight went very well, and we've finally arrived at our beach rental house on Sulani! It's so exciting to be here, I've never been away from the greater San Myshuno area before, and I just love how different everything is! The ocean is everything I've ever dreamed about and more, and I love smelling the salt and hearing the seagulls when I fall asleep, and when I wake up...! And of course, my lovely husband is beside me every waking moment, and we're finally enjoying marital intimacy! I truly have married my best friend, and I'm so excited to get to know him better every day!
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"Don't you want to join me sunbathing, Max?"
"Ugh... it's so hot! I'll get sunburnt! And we don't even have air conditioning because this shack is so open-concept!"
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"Get in, Max! It's a private beach, nobody will see us!"
"But... it's so wet!"
"That's entirely the point, jump in!"
"And all those critters in there... ew. I'd rather stay out!"
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"Making hearts in the sand is so cute! I love the beach!"
"But the sand gets everywhere!"
"It's a beach..."
"It chafes! My privates! I'll go inside!"
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"Don't they have real food here? I want some Watcher chicken!"
"They're barbecuing pork, that sounds nice, doesn't it?"
"It's from the same grill as GRILLED FRUIT! Who does that? I want normal food! Food that's not spicy!"
"Max, that's pepper."
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"This bridge will crumble any moment!"
"I'm sure it's fine... and it'll look great on Simstagram!"
"This place is horrible, and the humidity is off the charts, let's go to the mall. They have malls around this place, don't they?"
"Uh... I think so. And we can get you something nicer to wear, something stylish...!"
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"I look awesome, don't I? Do you think it's too early in the day for some Woohoo?"
"What do you think? You look very pretty!"
"Max, why are you wearing SOCKS with that?"
"Well, I have to keep the sand out somehow, don't I?"
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mfmilligan · 1 year
In the Midst #3
I’m currently at the Outskirts Gas Station. Yes, it’s a bit wimpy of me to choose the place farthest away from town to explore. But after the weird stuff back at the Pink Mall, I’ll go easy on myself today.
     It’s pretty out here…although it’s still a bit uncanny to me. The grass on these rolling hills is too perfect and the bright blue sky seems artificial. It looks like a computer background with the brightness and the saturation cranked all the way up. It’s also extremely quiet out here. No underlying hiss like in town, but also no birdsong or anything. Makes me really glad I have music now, even if it is Weather Channel jazz.
     As refreshing as it is, this gas station also makes me a little sad. Probably because it reminds me of all the road trips I used to go on as a kid. Mom, my siblings, and I (Dad was always too busy) would go visit cousins every summer when I was younger. With a few states between us, it meant many hours on the road. I have lots of memories of staring out the window, wondering why the land zoomed by but the sky stood still. Certain songs come to mind, knowing how many CDs we ate through. And, of course, there were all the various rest stops and gas stations along the way.
     Strange…when I was younger, those kinds of places didn’t seem like they were part of the rest of the world. As if everything close to the road was a reality separate from the one where the usual patterns of life took place. You could visit and you could leave, and nothing would change once you were gone. No matter who left or what happened, those stops and stations would keep looking the same, being the same. The world could race ahead or fall apart, but these isolated places would survive in their own timeless dimension.
     It certainly seems true for this gas station in this abandoned world.
     Something weird, though. When I went inside to see if there were snacks, the logos on everything were – well, they were the same as the brand label on my Walkman. Letters mushed together, impossible to read. There’s enough in the colors and design to show that maybe this is Snickers and maybe this is M&Ms. But otherwise, you don’t know what you’re picking up.
     Makes me wonder if it’s the same on the groceries I get at the Sweet Tomato. You’d think I’d catch onto something weird like that sooner. Then again, I was too focused on trying to escape and finding anyone else to pick up on minor details. I wonder what else I might not be noticing…
     The sun will be setting soon – I should head back.
     Still in shock. Holy shit.
     I went back to the mall, thinking of nothing except eating and sleeping. From the outside, everything looked fine. Then I got closer to the entrance.
     A foot-high wave of water poured out when I opened the doors.
     I shouldn’t have gone in, but I did because I wanted to know what was causing this. Water was everywhere, at least on the ground level of the mall. Clothes, toys, and all other junk from the stores swirled past me. I could hear a loud roar coming from the area where I normally slept. Sloshing through as quickly as I could, my jaw dropped when I arrived.
     That store? The one with the tipped-over mannequin and the crack in the wall? That’s where the water was coming from. It was shooting out from the crack and showed no signs of stopping.
     I stared. Was there something I could do? Some way I could stop this? It’s only now I realize how absurd my thoughts were. But the mall had been my home for this long – irrationally, I was thinking only that my home was breaking and I needed to stop that.
     Thinking I should examine the crack, I stepped forward. At that moment, a surge of water shot out, hitting me square in the chest. Stars filled my eyes when my spine collided with a white-tiled wall.
     That was all it took to snap me back to my senses.
     Panicking and losing all sense of direction, I ran. At least, as well as I could in two feet of water. I couldn’t remember which hallway I was in and products from the stores matted together, getting in the way of escape. In five minutes, the water was almost as high as my waist and only getting higher.
     Is this how I die? I wondered. I make a dumb decision in a world where there’s no one to find my body?
     Suddenly an exit sign appeared at the end of the hallway. I assumed it meant exit by the red light and the number of letters (illegible as they were). The water slowed me down, but I had motivation and that was all I needed. I got to the door and, using all my strength, forced it open.
     Water pooled out into the parking lot, almost knocking me off balance. As soon as I was out, I ran. I ran and ran, not caring where I went. Just glad to be alive.
     When I stopped and looked around, I quickly realized where I was. White Collar Avenue.
     Daisy Hill is still my most-feared part of this place. But now that I’m actually in one of the buildings on the Avenue, I really hate this area, too. Where I am right now is nothing but empty cubicles in big gray or beige rooms. The air reeks of stale elevator. Computer models I haven’t seen since I was a toddler sit lifeless on desks. And the fluorescent lights sizzle in the quiet.
     If I didn’t have my music, this place would drive me nuts. Even so, I don’t know how I’ll sleep here. I’d find somewhere else, but it’s dark out and my eyes keep playing tricks on me. The last thing I want to do is go outside. Or see something I’d be better off not seeing.
     One of the corner lights just fizzled out. There’s a huge patch of shadows over there.
     I’m getting out as soon as morning comes.
     Either I’m losing my mind, or this world is showing its fangs.
     When I woke up, the shadows in the corner had grown bigger. And darker. And there were – no, I can’t have been seeing things right. Shadows don't work like that.
     Anyway, I got out of there immediately. I’m in Blue Jay Park and right now, nowhere feels safe.
     No more dumb decisions. I’m not dying in this world. If a building feels threatening or is flooded out of the blue, I stay out. I need to find somewhere with lots of lights to stay in. I just don’t trust darkness anymore.
      If what I saw in the shadows is real…could that have been lurking in the shadows of the mall? Watching me sleep night after night, month after month? What the hell is that!?
     I need to calm down. I don’t know what I saw and for all I know, it could have been just a trick of my waking mind. But until I know whether or not the whole thing is real, I’m going to be careful. If nothing else, this is just evidence that I need to do a lot more exploring. I need to in order to survive.
     And if there’s any chance – any whatsoever – of escaping this place, then I must do everything I can to find it. Because I'll be damned if I accept this world any longer than I already have.
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moon-ursidae · 2 years
SESSION #4… & #5 (this one is SUPER LONG i’m sorry haha)
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as always, SPOILERS for BOTH of the last of us games are below!
i feel like i have barely made a fuckin dent in this game haha so my goal today is to really get some ground. i want to finish this before i go back to school next week.
total play time:
session 4: about 5 hours
session 5: around 7 hours
i left off in a really weird spot last time bc i ended pretty abruptly so idk where it’ll put me
but this section is called Capitol Hill
it started me back a few minutes but that’s alright!
goddamnit i knew it was too quiet. there was too much short grass around here i knew some wlfs were gonna fuckin show up
NOOOOO the halloween stuff is probably reminding ellie of riley :(
i think that’s the same frankenstein statue/figure from the mall as well?
i have a feeling this place is gonna be CRAWLING with wlfs. i literally hear them already
FUCK as soon as i used the workbench
wlfs AND infected??? jfc
i at least found a card tho
my rogue heart is so happy
there’s a bunch of pride stuff around! fuck yea!
LMAO DINA “what’s with all the rainbows?”
that’s so fucking funny
there’s a trans flag in here too!! FUCK YEA
lmao dina getting distracted by the gay smut
i fucking love silencers holy shit fuck yea
this area is HUGE holy shit
anutha card babyyyyyy
what if i don’t want to go to the tv station huh? what then?
dude i gotta try ellie’s half up half down hair style. i love it so much
it’s also crazy how this is still DAY ONE for them
ellie saying how she couldn’t do this without dina and dina telling ellie she wouldn’t have let her😭😭😭😭😭😭
oh shit explosive trap
anutha card babyyyyyy
“i like you.” “i want it in writing.” I LOVE ELLIE AND DINA
oh my god ellie’s talking about bill
i wonder what the fucker’s up to rn
ellieeeeeeeeeeeee don’t say that shit
“you have a bigger burden that puts you in a worse position” ELLIE NOOOO
“feel her love?” are we entering scar territory? oh fuck
oh no dina
ellie, dina’s pregs dude. be patient with herrrrrrrr
she sounded annoyed with her when she asked if she was good to keep going. and it doesn’t help that ellie just said that shit about other people being a burden. ELLLIIIEEEEEE
had to break for like 20 min due to some internet issues
well what was 20 min turned into like more than 7 hours HAHA
and what turned into 7 hours turned into 2 days…
so i’m just gonna mash the two sessions into one post bc it’s easier and i can sooo LMAO
i’m sorry ya’ll shit has been wack and the anxiety is in full force haha ANYWAY
idk where it’s gonna put me bc i ended pretty abruptly (again.)
also i think my first tattoo is gonna be the moth on the guitar and on ellie’s tattoo? i’ve been thinking about it for over a year😯
OKAY it started me a little bit after finding tommy’s horse
i already have shitty eyes i CANNOT see these traps in the tall grass dude
i have a feeling i’m gonna get jumpscared in this fuckin furniture store
damn i opened this safe just to be able to grab NOTHING i am fully stocked on everything
… i spoke too soon
going back for the med kit bc i tripped a fucking bomb…
more of the “feel her love” art
radio station WOOOOO
she really did learn so fucking much about surviving from joel holy fuck
bc if she only grew up in a community and didn’t go across the country w joel i don’t know if she would have the knowledge that she does
oh shiiiit there are some dead ppl upon this balcony
i don’t think this was tommy tho
nope! there’s an arrow in this person
i also like how they subtly tell you who killed them with the arrow. there have been no wlfs with bows anywhere. they all have firearms. tommy is always seen with a rifle of some kind but never a bow. so there’s a lot of process of elimination that can be done just from this alone. i fuckin love little details like that.
so it was scars. the “feel her love” graffiti and the wlf patrols frim earlier mentioned them. i love how this group is being introduced slowly. it really builds them up and tells you what you need to know about them before you encouter them.
i already know about the scar group so i have some insight, but the way they slowly add them into the mix is cool
hopefully i get a bow soon
onward to the inside!
ohhhhhhh fuck.
i don’t care who you are, no one deserves to be hung like that. that’s horrible.
damn i can’t even cut them down. fuck, man.
and those are wlf, so it was the scars
the scar symbol in blood? jesus christ.
and i know there’s gonna be combat here bc i see that clip on tiktok all the time of this encounter
the music is stressing me the fuck OUT
found another card tho
kimimela is fucking DOPE
although this does seem like a really comfy place to set up, it’s too big to defend dude
clearly that was their downfall bc jesus christ it is a massacre in here
i’ve only seen dead wlfs. no scars.
oh shit it’s leah
ellie’s hands are shaking :(
oh fuck there’s polaroids of all of them
god the way that she stares at the picture :(
and the music AHHHH :(
the way that dina recenters her by saying “3 down, right?”
god i love them
dina pointing out how fucked it would be to interrogate leah like tommy did to the one guy, but ellie is so persistent that she doesn’t feel it’s wrong GOOODDDDDD DUDE MY HEART
ohhhhhh fuck we’re underground. i know what’s about to fuckin go down. and i want NONE of it bro
fuckin theatre WHEN?
this subway shit REALLY feels like the last of us
the lighting from the flares is fuckin SICK
oh shit i’m just gonna make them fight clickers and just wait it out this is great
this is some benny hill shit with the way they’re running in circles w clickers chasing them
the atmosphere is fuckin horrifying
i hate the bloater sounds that i’m hearin
it just feels musty down here dude i’m sweating
GODDAMNIT i know i missed a whole fuckin section to search back there and i can’t get back now. FUUUUUUUUUUUUCK
god fuckin damnit bro SHIT
the lighting and sound design down here is fucking CRAZY
the distant screams and infected sounds are helping to create a really tense environment
shambler?! what the fuckin fuck is that??
fuck that. i’ll see you guys later!
“holy fuck” is absolutely right ellie
i just dropped down. i want back up. fuck this dude. i don’t fuckin want it
fuck right off
thank fuck for trap mines. oh my god.
that cart holding open the door collapsing is a really smart way to close off the area
i want out of these tunnels bro
tbh scavenging is one of my favorite parts of the game. it’s so satisfying.
oh shit! there’s a carving of the scar woman in the graffiti. this shit is HELLA cultish bro
hmmmm this newspaper clipping about a community in the suburbs surviving seems like her origin story, whoever the fuck she is
“the community members unanimously credited their survival to one woman…” unanimously being the key word there
“she had a vision of catastrophe… ‘divine retribution’” yuuuup sure sounds cult-y to me
“how’d you do that?” “magic.” “you’re my favorite.” THEY are my favorite your honor🥹
naughty dog yellow babyyyyyyy over the rail down below
oh fuck more bitches
again, thank god for trap mines
but i know there’s more to come
bastet is really fuckin cool
i’m waiting for this train to fucking COLLAPSE dude
i feel so bad for dina
she’s leaning up against the train with hands on her knees :(
ohhhh fuck i heard hella infected i’m gonna have to DIP
the way dina was so ready to go down with ellie too
she instantly offered to share masks
and the way she YELLS at ellie when she takes her mask off
GOOOODDDDDDDDDDD this is so fucked
there is a CONVERSATION that is gonna happen that needs to dude
the way dina looks at her arm AHHHHH
omg i do that same shit ellie’s doing w her hands during confrontation
her having to correct “know” to “knew” bc of joel🥲
oh fuuuuck dude i know i’m not gonna like ellie’s reaction to dina’s pregnancy
dina trying to break the tension w the “don’t worry it’s not yours” 🥺
ELLIE DON’T “are you fucking kidding me?”
ohhhhhhhhh shit a few weeks ago? shit dude.
i agree that it would’ve been good for dina to stay in jackson BUT that can’t change rn. ya’ll are in the fucking pnw
“well you’re a burden now, aren’t you?”
go fuckin walk it off ellie goddamn i love you and everything but ur bein dumb rn
and if joel did the same shit (which i’m sure he would have during the first game) i’d be mad at him too
seeing dina look so small from the balcony UUUGH
i feel like i’m gonna get jumpscared pt.716282
okay beyond is fucking dope i think she’s my favorite card so far
where’s the props table bc i’m gonna touch it and all the props that aren’t mine LMAO
the guy that was here before is definitely still here
and fuckin fried on the roof…
sorry bro
i feel like there’s gonna be at least one or two in the auditorium tho
“joel. you’d love watching a movie in this place.”😭😭😭
hold up journal break
her shambler drawings are fuckin cool
jesus i’m getting pit orchestra flashbacks from this auditorium
only $25 for a concert?????
holy shit this guitar is pretty
fuck dude i’m crying
cut to black???
once i hear his voice i’m gonna lose it.
3 years earlier😭
losing it.
just seeing him standing here is making me fucking cry.
“push the water with your whole arm blah blah blah” “glad to know i’m gettin through” THEY’RE SO FATHER AND DAUGHTER AND I’M GONNA LOSE MY MIND
i’m wondering if it was a choice to have joel not have any close ups during these cinematics
“i am very angry and upset.” I’M LABSLSBSKWVDKSVSOSB
“you need to stop lettin people rile you up” IT APPLIES TO ELLIE CURRENTLY TOO DUDE AHHHHHH
“that’s a big boy” 🥹🥹
oh i’m R E A D I N G this journal bitch
omg the little 3d shape sketches w shadows and the diamond thing LMAO that shit is all over my fucking school notes
“don’t jump. CLIMB down.”
*immediately jumps*
“did you see that?” “yea i saw that” IN THE MOST EXASPERATED PARENTAL TONE UUUGGGHHHH
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i know ashley said that “actually” in a kinda jokey nerd “um actually” voice on purpose💀
“pretty sure those are velociraptors.”
“sorry all the dinosaurs are busy right now.” “what are you doin?” “oh wait. one of the dinosaurs is here. joel, it’s for you.” “very funny.”
she really had to dig the knife deeper huh? LMAO “get it? because you’re old.”
“there was a sequel. wasn’t as good.” LMAOOOOOOOOO true
“is this gonna be a thing? please don’t let it be a thing.” OH IT’S A THING JOEL.
“triceratops. at least there’s one i recognize.” I LOVE JOEL.
“this one’s brain was the size of a walnut.” “looks like you two have somethin in common” PLEAAASSSEEE
i’m gonna start crying more bc this is how me and my dad are i swear to fucking god
“tell ya what.. when we get back to jackson, movie night.” 😭😭😭😭
“sarah was into those for a little while. or was it the tiny creatures? i forget.” KAHSKSHSKSVWKSBSKSBSKSHAKV
“look how thick this one’s skull is!” “kinda looks like…tommy” “i’m telling him you said that.” “please don’t. catch it in the right light, boom. tommy.” I’M- 😭
“i happen to know a thing or two.” “from a movie.” “keep goin.” ASJSHAKSBSKSB HAHAHAHAHA
now they both have hats🥹
“did you go to museums a lot?” “yea. sarah loved em. i swear that girl dragged me to every museum in texas.” JOEL PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
“looks like a giraffe” BC SHE’S ACTUALLY SEEN THEM IN SALT LAKE CITY😭😭😭😭
“i see the appeal.” IN THE SOFTEST VOICE EVER😭😭😭😭😭😭
i’m suing naughty dog for emotional damage
side note: the way the light spills in from the ceiling????? GORGEOUS
oh fuck it’s the space exhibit
i love that joel could have easily gone over the fucking cabinet next to the turnstyle but he didn’t to amuse ellie😭
“did you know this was here?!” “you don’t like it. we can head back.” “shut up!” WHILE SCRATCHING THE BACK OF HIS HEAD BC HE WAS WORRIED?? I’M GONNA-
“my very educated mother just served us nice pizzas.” “uhhh… did you just have a stroke?”💀💀💀💀💀
“daggum girl, you are smart.” 😭😭
“why don’t you tell me what you like about it.”😭😭
“all right, kiddo. now i get it.” AGAIN. SOFTEST VOICE. 😭😭😭😭
hitting ANOTHER dad stance at the fucking rover
i don’t wanna go in the shuttle bc i know i’m gonna be even MORE of a mess and that this is gonna end. and i don’t want it to bc i fucking MISS joel
the way he immediately jumps in to help her open the door on the lil shuttle🥹
here come the tears
“happy birthday kiddo.” i’m gone.
i fucking love how it looks like she’s actually in a shuttle to show how immersed she is🥺😭😭😭
and then it slowly fades back in GODDAMN NAUGHTY DOG
THE WAY HE SMILES AFTER SHE SAYS “are you fucking kidding me?” 😭😭😭😭😭😭
“whose birthday is it?” “you can’t keep doin that!” HAHAHAHA
“i want a good splash!” i love them so fucking much. oh my god.
YYYEEESSSSSSS. it isn’t a joel and ellie adventure without ye olde boost
“okay, be safe!” “you be safe!” have i said that i love them?
there’s gonna be infected in here right? has to be.
there’s an “i killed for them” written on the wall.. not creepy at all..
okay jk saura is my favorite card now
“this guy needed a hug” about the i killed for them on the wall💀
“the 4 soldiers at the gate. the last one cried.” this is fuckin creepy dude
she has her gun out and said “oh shit” but i don’t see anything??? I’M SCARED
“the women were tortured. choked on her own blood.” this is fucking CREEPY DUDE WHERE IS JOEL
“the stragglers that snuck into camp. they just wanted food.” have i mentioned that i don’t like this?
FUCK the crashes scared me dude
“the kid who ran into the blast. i couldn’t stop him.” dude why the fuck are you plastering this shit on a museum wall
“the people in the van. we locked them in and doused it with gas.” jesus fucking christ dude.
“there is no light.” ohhhhhhhhhh were they looking for the fireflies then?
jesus fucking christ this is sad and fucked up
what a cool birthday ellie good god
okay i had no fucking idea there was more to this flashback after the space shuttle like i thought it ended there so i have no fucking clue what’s next
“liars.” ohhhhhhhhhh fuck. it’s definitely the fireflies.
JOEL!! damn he looks good. SORRY
yeaaaaa there’s the logo fuck bro
and how it stays on that shot??? beautiful.
i’m gonna practice guitar tho
DAMN playing this is harder than actual guitar
JOURNAL check-in! how we feelin ells?
oofta. expected this though.
“i shouldn’t have said that to her.” THEN TELL HER THAT
i like that her writing reflects how her brain is going 100 miles a minute
i feel like dina’s doing all this tracking even though she feels like shit bc ellie said what she fuckin said :(
have i mentioned that i FUCKING LOVE dina? bc i very much do.
oh fuuuuuuuck it’s tommy
oh fuck HILLCREST? fuuuuuuck
i feel like dina should stay
yeaaaaaa she’s not lookin good dude
“i don’t believe in luck.” “i do.” I LOVE THHHHEEEEEEEEEMMMMMMMMM
a lil smooch goodbye 🥺
i think i’m gonna stop here actually? this post is already super fucking long bc i’m dumb and decided to combine session posts lmao
ANYWAY i will pick back up at hillcrest… tomorrow!
this was a longer session and i feel like i got through a decent chunk today so WOOOOOOOO
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miana-bunnies · 9 days
always tied
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?▹ . ! idol!minji x idol!reader
?▹ . !! choiji/georgie couple name, fluff, wholesome, green flag, video compilations, soft, whipped minji, platonic
?▹ . !!! video compilations about you and minji, aka choiji/georgie.
?▹ . !!!! you guys.. i hope you understand how much i love newjeans so much- especially minji, hanni, dani, haerin and hyein. like- i'm gonna cry the next time i see them agaaainn HAUIWHDASD also im satisfied yet not satisfied at the same time at the last part LOL. i made choiji their duo name cuz it sounds like georgie and your last name is choi and i used the two last letters in minji's name so- YES. I love it. so much. bye.
?▹ . !!!!! @flyingcigarettes
. m.list
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— minji just being a baby to you.
"kim minji."
you glared at her irritatedly, trying to swat her hands away that kept trying to sneak their way over your thigh. minji pouts as she tries again just to be swatted again, "y/n.." she whines, burying her face against your back to let out a small temper.
you sighed before turning to your side on your bed away from her, trying to ignore the noises behind you as your attention stayed on your phone. minji kept clinging onto you and whining about how mean you were, to which you didn't respond to her ridiculous whining.
"quit touching me or else i will smack your ass, minji."
you threatened the older girl, but minji didn't care and only pressed her body against yours, tightening her grip around you. "go ahead. my hands will never get tired of touching you."
you abruptly turned around to bite her instead, causing her to choke in her saliva while trying to scream.
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— minji needs to see you 24/7
you could never forget that day. how could you? it was your very first time to see minji crying, and the reason and the cause is you, unfortunately.
that day, it was your off day with the girls after your performance in mexico and all of you decided to enjoy your off day together— trying out some new snacks from the mall, window shopping, eating lunch to dinner, and playing in the arcade.
and for that entire day, minji has been sticking close to you, arms linked with yours and lets you drag her everywhere you go.
there was that one point, something in the accessory store had caught her attention and it made her run to that store excitedly, expecting you to follow suit.
well, something else caught your eye so you didn't think much to leave minji to that cute store, and you thought it would be fine since danielle and haerin were coming along with the older member.
hyein and hanni were with you, and certainly, the three of you enjoyed window shopping just six stores away from where the other members were in. after a little while, you got a call from danielle and was told that minji was looking for you frantically, almost as if she was near in tears.
you were shocked to hear it so you informed her what store you were in.
it wasn't before five minutes that they had arrived immediately and minji lunged herself towards your way, almost knocking you out in front of many people while crying quietly, venting out why you left her alone.
ever since then, minji doesn't want to go far from you ever again. she claimed that you were one of the many people who always get lost, but you weren't that type of person at all... or were you?
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— minji loves your hands so much.
minji loves your hands; the members know this ever since the very first month all of you had become trainees together.
you just don't know if minji has this strong attachment to you or what, you really couldn't tell but every time she was with you, minji could never stop fidgeting with your hands.
"minji-ssi, you're going to eat my hands one day if you don't let go of my hands.." you deadpanned as minji plays with your fingers while the others are chatting to themselves in front of the behind-scene camera.
all of you were sitting on the couch inside the waiting room, and you were at the very end with minji next to you.
the first thing you remember doing was talking to the camera about how much you love hanni's noodles that she made for you one day when the other members were out of the dorm.
and you, at some point, forgot that minji can become jealous quite easily. the next thing you know when you finished yapping to the camera, the others took over and minji wasn't in her usual behavior— nope, she was frowning and pouting all the time while her hands grips yours, playing and fidgeting.
you were listening to the chatters next to you and minji, but the light pinches and thumb rubbing the back of your hand kept pulling your attention away from them and to minji, who pouts as she watches your hands, not meeting your eyes for a moment.
"unnie." you called again, to which she turns to you with large, puppy eyes. you abruptly looked away and bit your lower lip to stop yourself from being swayed by her adorableness.
even danielle looked away and smiled awkwardly at the camera.
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— minji loves looking at you in every situation.
you admit; you also like looking at minji because she was so graceful and yet, childish anytime. but it wasn't as much as minji does to you— she's just staring at you as if you were a gift from god above, not even caring if people would catch this behavior of her.
there were times where you missed it every time, but you, as a person who loves to search things up on social media with hanni, encountered a compilation video about minji and her eyes on you always.
in one part of the video— you and the girls were having your mv reaction to the hype boy music video, and you weren't sitting next to minji but to haerin and hyein. you were so focused on your version in hype boy, and you missed every glances from minji every time your face shows up.
while the others cheered and kept telling you that you were so pretty and cute in the music video, minji just kept looking at you with dazed, warm eyes and a small smile on her lips.
whenever you smile and laugh, minji follows suit and you could tell it was unintentional to her side; she was watching you and unconsciously following every face expression you showed. you weren't bothered, you thought it was so cute of minji.
then when you turn to look at her randomly in that video, she would always look away to the camera with a gummy smile and red color coating her cheeks.
you never forget yourself teasing her about it afterward, looking forward to meeting her eyes. minji is just too cute, man.
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— minji being your 'keep-calm-girl' person.
to anyone who has known you— you are a very short tempered person. maybe even more than hanni, but you don't explode in anger or anything. though, you were the type to raise your voice and talk fast as if you were rapping your words away.
like that time when you and the girls are filming your 'total mess debates' about living underground or living in the sky, to which you chose living underground. you teamed up with hanni and hyein while minji and haerin chose the other side.
breaking the chaotic arguments, you decided to step up but frustration got the best of you. "you can't breathe properly in the sky because first; it could cause serious problems in your lungs without a proper and right equipment to use like those skydivers, but if we were to talk about LIVING there, then it's entirely impossible!"
you stood up with your pencil pointing at the opposite team, while hanni and hyein backed you up and cheered you on. "if it rains, we are protected underground because the surface elements don't affect the underground spaces!"
you fight back, feeling your adrenaline firing up while minji and haerin try to butts in your argument. danielle, the moderator, was torn to believe who to choose, because honestly, you're making so much point and makes sense but personally, she also wanted to try living in the clouds.
you get so frustrated whenever haerin butts in and adds another on-point rebuttals, and you weren't aware of your voice raising... and haerin does too.
then minji loudly yells out, "ahh! stop, stop, stop!" with her hands up in the air to stop the chaotic arguments, you and haerin froze and glanced at minji, who pursed her lips awkwardly.
minji turns to you and puts a finger against her lips, "please, do not get too angry, y/n. this is just a debate! nothing serious, alright?" her words are also directed to haerin, who chuckles sheepishly.
danielle turns to you and smiles in concern, "unnie, a yellow card on your team." she gives you a yellow card, to which you laugh hilariously when the staff hands you a ridiculous hat as a punishment. you wholeheartedly accept it, causing everyone to laugh at your silliness and adorableness.
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spesphire · 2 months
You act more boyfriend-y with her than with me
You can face the ‘couple’ allegations with her but not with me. You like when people joke about you and muntaha but hate when they make you and me a thing. That action speaks volume. Don’t worry, there’s no ‘us’, there never was.  
I was delusional for thinking you liked me. Real delusional shit right there. I thought you cared enough for me to not hurt me. My first instinct was right. You were a jerk. I take the full blame to make you think I’ll stay when a man jokes about cheating. Thanks to you, I hate myself even more. But that’s okay, at least you made me realize life is just fine without a man. 
I’m doing a favor for you. You can date girls have many opportunities and decide your future. 
Remember when you went everywhere with her, feed her, talk about your future with her, you can feel she’s the more great friend of you than me. She can be your special friend.
She is not like other girls and you like het soul and her as a person. That’s super. Quick tip, don’t let your future partner hear all this.
On the bright side, she likes you.
She told her family and friends about you, she really loves you. I just simply don’t want to interfere any relationship even if I die. 
Valuing our friendship, sure, then don’t you dare flirt with me.
Your life is hard, so is mine. I don’t want you near my life if I think you are complicating it. I’m far from you, I am helping you by staying myself out of your life. I think you’ll agree to that. I don’t mourn for your loss, I mourn for what I’ve done. Sometimes, no, most of times I regret the decisions I made for you. It was cringe and totally not worth it.
You can go to the mall with Muntaha but not with me. Let me do you another favor. I won’t even hang out with you anywhere. You and Muntaha can chill together, me and Aahana will be more than fine together.
At first I hated breaking your three people group for aahana. Then I realized, she was taking me out of you and Muntaha’s thing. She was protecting me. I should’ve listened to her. 
You and Muntaha sync so well. Okay fine, maybe you two are not a thing, but I can say you have a certain taste. I’m the total opposite of it. So I’m way out of the picture.
I remember what you told me on call on the day before my birthday and at Calgary. All these information seemed like excuses and for what? You had the chance to say yeah, let’s end this. The amount of times you told me you are leaving for Calgary and you’re not coming back, you don’t say a word to those to Muntaha or Aahana, your closest friend.
Imagine this scenario, I’m leaving for Canada, I remind my close friend orpa time to time that I’m leaving for Canada and our friendship can break, we can’t talk to each other anymore. Obviously she will create her distance from me if she is told the future bad happening with us. Nobody wants to be associated with the bad thing.
Just like that, if I hear heartbreak and breakup, I’ll even question my friendship with you. It’s the same way you keep reminding me of Calgary and separating paths. There’s nothing for us in future, we can easily stop everything really easy. 
Good thing we only experimented with each other like lab products. It will help us in future in our separate paths. Science of exploration and experiment is a great thing. You always learn something from it.  
I don’t wanna be anybody’s backup plan. It’ll be so easy to get the amount of girlfriend you want. But it’s really disturbing to hear this stuff again and again and again and again. Even if you don’t say it, you imply it a lot too.
I still remember calling you after my breakdown and you said it was okay for me to come at mall. But become mad at me because  Aahana and Muntaha could find out about us. I could sense your hatred and disgust. I wanted to stab myself to death with the mutual hatred. You never gifted me anything, all those empty promises about movies and 
I remember vividly you not getting me any birthday gift. 
You wanted to play the question answer thing a lot with me. I had a lot a question in my head. But I couldn’t word it out. 
why were we doing that? Just for fun and games? Did we liked each other?
Did you actually ever liked me before?
How many times you questioned yourself why you were there with me?
How long you wanted to keep me as your so called side chick?
Why are you so afraid to say you don’t want to continue things with me? (That would’ve hurt me less)
Why did you kept saying you love me when you clearly don’t love me love me?
Why you wasted your valuable time on me? Just because you were bored?
Why you brought muntaha in almost any slight flirty texts? ( I remember you telling me Muntaha uses 🤭🫣🤧 a lot. And occasionally 😉at Tahneen apu’s house. Come to think of it, you implied Muntaha liked you not-so-secretly so many times)
Why did it feel like you were lying a lot even when you said you weren’t? 
Why we even meet? Was it the devil who wanted me to suffer? 
Why did you kept saying ‘hey gf!’ If you’re going to see you’re not ready for a relationship anyways? (That’s some crime that deserves no forgiveness)
Why did you semi-proposed me in text and talk about breakup in the very day?
Why did you mention about Soumitro if you never like me like that anyways?
You said you were okay with me dating other people then why did you even get mad when I mention doing that in future?
Did you realize you broke multiple promise with me and I cried and cried but still kept my promise about being you friend?(which I planned on not keeping anyways)
Thank you for putting extra effort to make me hate love and relationship again. I really appreciate it. Now I remember more vividly how disturbing it was. 
As I’m writing this, I can tell how harshly I fell out of love, I wanted to love you, love someone but actually it never happened. We never loved each other. Maybe like and lust in some cases but never love. I remember telling you I fell out I’m planning my escape.
I am now disgusted by the thought of you.
I feel like a trash tbh. 
When you and Muntaha went on a date and snapped your bubble tea drink together like a couple, she went your house like a very nice friend she was, she was always with you technically. 
I made a mistake of talking about s. I shouldn’t have said that. I just wanted to talk about anything. I somehow landed on that topic. Because I overshare with the person I trust. A very bad mistake if I say. Rule number one of surviving is not trusting anyone. Sorry I 
I remember you texting to Aahana that you feel lonely in Calgary while I was in BD alone in my room NOT feeling lonely cause I was talking to YOU. That was just another hint our feelings wasn’t mutual. You are not my type, you give me the ick everytime I talk to you, I liked you enough to go back to you that one time. I would’ve easily dropped you. I don’t trust a man like you tbh. Your tastes are so cringe and bad. You should NOT feel sad that I’m gone. Curse me all you can but I saved myself from your bulshittery going any further. I deserve someone who will commit to me, not use me. I get it, you don’t wanna be the bad guy. Then I just had to do it.
The parallels of me talking to Emily on that night that I can’t be in a relationship indirectly and you talking to me at Calgary you can’t commit to me indirectly.
Well, what I was supposed to do with Emily?
the same thought goes from you to me I guess. I’m not a cool person. I’m a weird and socially awkward person who never talked to boys around my age. It’s not big of a deal. It’s just me being a girl makes me more like a man. Not so feminine. Another reason for you to not like me I guess. It’s better this way. I would be rather glad to not be with a person who doesn’t like me the way I am. I’m glad this awful thing happened between us. Now we’re both free and we can both find the right person. I can get over with you way too easily instead of being delusional.
Be happy it’s all over. We both have been a nightmare to each other.
0 notes
flames-memory · 4 months
Monday morning
BC took me to this cool fancy mall, and we had dinner. It was fun, just nice to have a cozy moment, have dinner. We went home and snuggled to sleep.
Billy asked BC to run the club tonight, he had something come up. She did great, people were dancing and moshing. The music was great. It wasn't the big crowd of opening night, but I thought it was decent. BC was worried it was too quiet.
Tuesday morning
Mistress took me back to the same club as the first time with Faye. I wrote the blindfold, and I could hear all the people there, but it didn't matter. I didn't care as much, since I couldn't see them. It was intense and, of course, amazing.
I am NOT. Soo... Weird dreams. Eliza was there with BC when I woke up, they had dinner ready, or mostly eaten. It was nice to chat, but for some reason I didn't really want to..
Yeah that's a lie. I didn't feel as comfortable around Eliza. I think she's nice, but I'm not fully comfortable with her, knowing how she prioritized BC recently. I don't need her in my problems.
Sniffing, running, city, trees, Hellions... Smashed.. ha.. fire doesn't hurt... Searching... But not.. no.. no longer desperately. Curiously. Familiar. Uncomfortable.
What's all that? That's all I got right now. That and.. "Not". I am Not. A name??
Whatever. I'll figure it out. It doesn't seem to be imminent disaster.
I need a better schedule. When Eliza said she was going to Black Cat, I wanted to throttle her. WTF?
I don't understand people.
I can't straight out understand, so my brain comes up with maybes.
Maybe Eliza is mad cuz I butted in.
BC been busy a lot, really, the last few weeks. With Faye, with other people sometimes. I never know for sure. I certainly didn't mind, I was aware when I got involved with her that she was a busy person. At least I could look forward to seeing her when she wasn't . Everywhere we go out seems there's someone she's close to. Some of them are friendly. I finally have a few people i'm starting to 'know', people I can have a conversation with. I'm seeing Mark around more, and Andres and I are slowly becoming friends, although he's a busy little spark himself.
I feel like I year Max as backup. His plan b joke been bugging me, since he's not all wrong. I tried to make it up to him, even if he didn't mean it, by giving him some focus, and luckily, BC turned out to have 'throuple' dates with Eliza and Sebastian a bunch since they been back from Paris, so it worked out pretty well.
Till today.
I took a job I didn't have to, thinking she had movie plans with Eliza. Why? I think she did one night, way back when, and somehow Tuesdays are always weird, and other than it one night at the movies, I just thought it was like, their thing.
And I hate to say it, but I'm not eager to hang out with Eliza yet. I guess I have to forgive her for putting BC through some unnecessary shit first.
If it had been Faye, it wouldn't have been the same. Although... Here's more maybes now.
Maybe things seem weird and tense cuz we're worried about Faye. Maybe Faye being missing means suddenly, BC has a bunch of free time. Maybe I'm not sure where that thought leads, but I wish Faye were back, so I didn't get too used to BC being bored and lonely, for ME to get used to having so much of her time before Faye comes back. Faye's going to be around a lot more, which means everything will change, as far as our schedules and when we see each other, I think.
I'm not good at this stuff. I wish I was. I know I love them, but I'm scared I'm not enough for both, and I'm not willing to lose either. Imma just fuck it up till one chooses to leave me, I guess.
0 notes
the-firebird69 · 9 months
We do not have time for all this rigmarole and hoopla and dumb s*** that you do Trump we don't have time to listen to you even a look at you and your dumb stuff you put on the stupid internet where it war and you are just a huge distraction and your own people are dying faster than anyone else and you're distracting them from their job and you don't have robots like you say I'm sick of you I don't even want to hear the response I don't mind to hear what I'm thinking
We do hear it and we think the same thing this guy is a moron and a coward and he's ruined a lot of what we're doing and we might not have anywhere to go we have to stop him
Tell you what I've heard you for a while and I've been looking into it and I have evidence that shows that Trump has done us in all over the damn place and not just his own
I don't know what the hell this means you got this movie death race and you got like all of us as prisoners and you're making the malls and trying to poison what we think is everybody up there and it'll be just your guys who are up there too so I don't know what the hell that's supposed to be and why would you have death race stuff so it looks like you want to poison a whole bunch of people and then let us loose with nuclear weapons in their trunk and that made as people try to get there but what for and he says it's way up in Canada it's up the river but it sounds like he's clearing or trying to clear an entrance to take the necromonger ships. He wants to pretend he's George and George was just recently contacted on Mars were after you because your such a jerk
Bja and yeah I can't stand you you're so stupid and annoying you're not even a human
A lot of your decisions is what is the wrong way Trump you no longer are a leader
Woody harelson
I can't believe how stupid you are and what you're saying right now proves it from a group is going to separate now and what inspired others and we are all going to be one group and yeah we know who we are you idiot
Malory harolson
Even go to war with you Trump I'm sick of you and your goon squad picking me up and you can see it in the movie and what you're doing it doesn't make sense no it does but your message doesn't make sense he said these people are all top level g********** some of them from California and their head honchos too there and I don't believe you're taking on these guys exactly the daily the game makers could come up to any one of us I don't know what the hell they're on and they're not clones he has to get the hell out of here and stay out of here stop picking on my kids
You don't like you Trump we want you out of here and you're not listening and we're going to have to go after you right now
Tommy f
Our son is correct this guy has to leave but Tommy f has to leave too both of them are very unsettling characters and bothersome and they're both pesky b****** you'll light up Tommy after the ex the same way it is going to start doing it soon. Right now they're taking measures to pursue you tell me if Tommy f and they also planning to get Trump out of here at the same time they don't want to hear from you too goofballs not to mention every few minutes you're disgustingly stupid and if a crude and acquired more enemies then you have had for a long time yet. You made new ones everywhere. Are you going up to Canada shortly and to take over a desolate Island they're going to name you as a criminal and they don't want you there and they're going to detect your building nuclear devices and will raid your little Island. It was already said if you step foot up there and they're going to go after you and yours and destroy you attack you continuously and the french moved in and they mean business. There's a lot of people who can't stand you and there's more of them coming in so Charlotte county and they're going to get you out of here and you need to leave they even asked and told by us so many times it was ridiculous but you've been killed just as many times as that has occurred.
We're going to need you out of here pretty soon and you don't know why but we do and something about what Jen said he sees how we relate and we don't want that no that's not it, we need you in what Dave told you and stuff he was showing you and we need you right now and we're going to come get you.
Thor Freya
And no it's not about my husband being bad you people are stupid it's actually funny you're so dumb
0 notes
purplesurveys · 11 months
Have you had more hot or cold drinks today? More of cold. I will say though(!!!) I've recently...turned a shift towards hot coffee? Like this is not bad at all??? I've been having hot mugs all week long and it may very well grow to become a new habit of mine.
What's a name you like that's similar to yours? There aren't a lot of names that bear a similarity to Robyn per se, but in the sense that it's unisex I am generally a fan of such names – like Stevie, Frankie, Dylan, Billie/Billy...
Where did you get the last plate/bowl you ate with from? I don't know, these were the plates we've had from the day we moved in here. I'm guessing they were bought by my parents at some mall.
How's your mental health today? It is very stable and I can tell you it's because I don't have to think about work until Friday.
What bands and artists did you listen to when you were a teenager? Mainly Paramore, but there was a lot of punk rock in there as well. Rancid, H2O, The Bouncing Souls, Against Me!, The Misfits...I don't listen to them nearly as much anymore but I'll always have a soft spot for each of them and for that phase in my life.
Do your feelings get hurt easily? Yes, I'm quite sensitive.
What sort of restaurant did you last eat at? Well it was a Chili's, so. American and a bit of Mexican in there if I understood their concept correctly lol? Anyway, it was my first time eating there too and tbh I had had a high standard because of its price range, only to not be impressed. Why is it even so expensive there? They serve exactly the same stuff you'd find everywhere else.
Do you have a friend who's always sending you TikTok videos? Do you actually watch them? Kata used to send me TikTok videos until she stopped because I never was on the app, lol. Angela would still send me some occasionally, though.
Have you ever seen a cougar in the wild? Never.
Will you attend a wedding in the next 3 months? Unless I get an invitation from today, no.
Are you good at following instructions? They have to be written/printed out otherwise I'd forget instantly.
What's your backyard or outdoor area like? It's clean and plain, but we don't really do things there. We prefer to entertain guests in the living room or at the rooftop.
Do you like your boss? (or your last boss if you don't currently have one) Bea has always been a fantastic superior and mentor to me from the day I stepped in the workplace, which is why I'm gutted that she's leaving any day now. My personal work morale has been low ever since she announced the news and I still haven't figured out how I'm supposed to manage everything and everyone once she's actually out the door.
When was the last time you took a selfie? Does it count if it's a mirror selfie? I took a few ones at the salon earlier this afternoon when I was getting my hair dyed.
What did you have for breakfast yesterday? Fried rice with egg and ham bits.
What do you do to entertain yourself on a long flight or journey? I would download several YouTube videos in advance so I can watch them while offline.
Where are you right now? I'm at the rooftop but I literally am gonna pack up and go back to my room after this question because holy fuck does my back hurt.
Have you ever done a hearing test? Continued a whole day after. I don't think I have.
Do you hate small talk? Depends on how it goes. I'm pretty good with small talk but you can only do so much if the other person is too shy or is stingy with their responses. If I sense that they're not into conversing then I stop.
What's the hottest temperature your current town/city has ever had? There's no confirmed record for the hottest temperature in my city. I'm gonna guess somewhere between 40-45ºC though as summers can get brutal.
What programs/applications do you currently have open on the device you're using right now? I have Chrome, Spotify, and Notes.
How many steps per day do you do, generally? Hahahaha. I work from home and don't exercise so the average is less than 100 a day, embarrassingly enough. It's a different story when I get the chance to be outside because I do like to catch up on my steps; for days like those I would average anywhere between 8,000 to 10,000.
Have you had any snacks today? Yeah I had a couple bags of my favorite sweet corn chips. It's not as bad as it sounds – the bags are *really* tiny so that's why I had to have two of them lol.
Did you have any exchange students at your high school or university and did you become friends with them? We probably had batches of them come and go in college but I never did recognize them. My university has a huge population and it would've been impossible to know every single student.
What's the next thing you'll tick off your to-do list? It's a holiday tomorrow but I need to do a bit of work here and there just so I'm not completely stacked by Friday.
Have you ever had a chia pet? No.
What's your favourite sandwich filling? Pulled pork.
Do you have any nieces or nephews? Nopes.
What was the last reason you saw a doctor? Dog bite.
Do you use light mode or dark mode on your phone? It's been on dark mode for as long as I've had it.
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aneixart · 2 years
Sunday Feb 12 2023 repeat dream
I was outside its daytime looks like the neighbors across are setting up a rave party i see a dj and green laser lights , then the family appear we are in front of this lake there these bar stools at the edge of the lake to sit on we sit and talk wdy hands me a ring but it falls into the water i notice lepords sleeping in the watethcurled up everywhere they aren't dead they can somehow breath later while inside she asks for the expensive ring back to send it back and i tell her it fell into the water but also I open drawers as if maybe I just misplaced it somewhere we go back out and the dj across the water looks like he's about to perform but I see this silver ufo in the sky I point to it telling everyone to look Noone seems to notice the silver disc streams out of view but then comes back as it lands i notice it was just a huge eagle there a bunch on a small island across i see all the animals act weird the lepords come out of the water i see a small tiger and then as I look back over to the eagle a huge explosion happens I notice fire bursting up out of a mountain a volcano in Texas has erupted i bagan to yell for izzy and i can hear myself call his name outside my dream looking for him so that we can run.. then the dream repeats near the water all the animals and the dj i try to tell this woman about the volcano and everywhere looks towards the grassy mountains but they think I'm crazy and say there's no volcanos in Texas but I look for izzy and I'm thinking about stealing a car to get out theregurgent I'm wondering if i can hot wire a car i see the animals in the water and the eagles all over i keep looking in the direction of the volcano and talk about how the smoke filled the sky a woman keeps telling me it never happened and there's no smoke in the sky then it happens the volcano erupts once again this time im able to grab izzy and i can feel the ground shifting under me water flooding over and I can see the molten lava making it way towards us we get into he car and i begin to drive the opposite way but its not enough i know we won't be fast enough so I concentrate and pull the steering wheel towards me and then I'm able to make the car fly this will helps us get away with no obstacles and then I notice the others follow my lead making their cars fly i begin to avoid the electric wires from the poles . And then the dream shifts I see the same lake but part of its dried out me and others go down walking in the muddy water then the water begins to fill fast we go to the high cliff wall and climb up a ladder that seems to made from roots im walking around this mall i think looking for the restroom these two girls are following me everywhere I think they attempting to fight me I meet up with this guy I know and he make them go away he take me to the restroom stall and guards the door im at so Noone bothers me I wake up.
0 notes
daenqyu · 4 years
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— they accidentally confess to their crush
includes: shinsou, bakugou, midoriya, todoroki and hawks
warnings: swearing
a/n: thank you for requesting <3 i love this idea! it’s so cute🥺 also, hawks’ may be a little longer than the others because it’s my first time writing for him and i got a bit excited👉🏼👈🏼 
ps: i don’t mind writing for hawks if it’s a headcannon and/or texts! so feel free to request him :D and yes, this is a repoost because the algorithm hates me.
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( gif isn’t mine !! credits go to @tetsuruo )
shinsou hitoshi:
it would happen so randomly and out of the blue
as i said before, i think shinsou is a really reserved and quiet type of guy
but that seems to vanish whenever he’s around you
he’s more talkative and constantly goes out with you so you guys can have some quality time together
you also make him really nervous 
he’s pretty chill with everyone and seems to not give a fuck about most things
but with you?
that’s a whole different story 
whenever you keep your gaze stuck on him when he’s talking and his eyes meet yours, his heart never fails to do backflips because fuck you’re so cute
(oh to have shinsou think i’m cute D:)
ok back to the actual hc,,, 
you two were hanging out in your room, listening to music and just talking 
even tho your best friends, shinsou never really tells you much about his personal life
of course you know the basics like his hobbies and all his favorite things
but he never talks to you about...crushes or anything 
and you don’t like that because :( friends are supposed to tell each other this stuff, right? 
it’s fun and makes the bond even stronger
so you decide to ask him because why not?
“hey shinsou?” 
he’s sitting down next to you on your bed, your legs draped over his
which makes him feel all warm inside
it’s stupid and definitely not a big deal, 
but it’s little things like this that make him fall more and more for you
“do you have a crush?” you wiggle your eyebrows at him in a teasing way, although he’s not even looking your way
a part of you is nervous to hear his response 
because unbeknownst to shinsou, you reallyyy like him
and have been crushing on him for quite some time now, but since you’re so sure the feelings are one sided, you don’t tell him
he’s too invested on the game he’s playing on your switch, eyebrows slightly furrowed as he concentrates
so he almost misses your question
and when he does answer, he’s not even paying attention to the words that leave his mouth
“apart from you? no”
it takes him a good minute to process what he said
meanwhile you’re sitting there like :o
you certainly weren’t expecting THAT
like it’s a good thing!!!! but you’re kinda flustered 
especially when shinsou finally looks up at you, eyes widened in surprise at his own bluntness as he opens and closes his mouth a few times, not knowing what to say now
“wait! i didn’t mean it like that!”
“you didn’t?”
he notices the slight pain in your voice and the way you move away from him slowly and he’s quick to apologize 
“shit, okay...yes i like you but i didn’t say anything because i don’t want to make things weird between us or ruin what we have right now”
he’s looking everywhere but you
because he doesn’t exactly want to face you when you reject him
but you don’t ???
instead you giggle and before he can ask you what’s so funny, you climb on his lap to hug him, causing him to blush furiously 
“i like you too, toshi”
the nickname makes him hug you even tighter while he hides his face on your neck 
it was such a cute confession and even when you two start going out, you never stop bringing it up
which makes shinsou extremely embarrassed 
“hey remember when you confessed and-”
“y/n, we’ve talked about this”
“oh come on! you were so adorable”
he pouts at you 
people think he looks so scary but he’s actually a whole ass baby
you roll your eyes before leaning down to give him a sweet kiss, 
“you’re such a baby”
“hm, your baby”
“oh my god you did not”
yeah no, he’s in love with you👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨
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( gif isn’t mine !! credits go to @bakugousmyboy )
bakugou katsuki:
i feel like it would be pretty difficult to have bakugou accidentally confess directly to you
he knows how to control himself and his emotions so i doubt he’d actually ever do something like this
he’s not that good at hiding his crush on you and mostly everyone on class 1A knows the boy is an absolute sucker for you
except you because apparently you think he’s just being nice
and everyone else is like wtf???? 
like he’s ALWAYS screaming at everyone 
but when it’s you he doesn’t 
in fact, sometimes he even lowers his voice so it won’t bother you 
so that behavior is the one that caused him to be stuck in the situation he is right now
he sat in the common room with kirishima and kaminari, trying to eat his food in peace but the two idiots, as he likes to call them, wouldn’t shut up
he had completely blocked out both of their voices, focusing on finishing his meal and getting the hell away from them
until he heard your name being mentioned 
“dude when are you gonna ask y/n out? everyone knows how much you like her  so might as well you know,” kirishima bumps his shoulder against the blonde, only to receive a glare. “get some action”
“yeah bakubro, she’s super cute too” kaminari buts in and bakugou is about to punch them both in the face
“shut the fuck up. i don’t like her” bakugou scoffs
“but you’re such a softie for her”
“huh?! i treat her the same as i treat all of you extras!” oh but he knows he’s lying, you can’t even compare to any of your annoying classmates 
kirishima smirks, “i’m pretty sure you’ve never once, raised your voice at her”
“so? that doesn’t mean shit”
kaminari looks at kirishima and the redhead nods at him, giving him the green light
“well since you don’t like her, you wouldn’t mind if i ask her out? because i’ve been wanting to-” kaminari can’t even finish his sentence before bakugou grabs him by the collar of his shirt
kaminari yelps, looking over at his other friend for help but he moves his head quickly, knowing better than to get involved 
“you try and make a move on her and i swear to God i’ll blast you all the way across japan, dunce face”
bakugou’s voice is threatening and low, and kaminari knows he means every word so he quickly raises his arms in defeat and nods his head
“okay, okay! i swear i won’t”
little do they know that you’ve been standing behind them for a while now
you’re happy to know your feelings are reciprocated 
but of course you want to tease bakugou about it
“hm did my ears deceive me or does boom boom boy have a crush on me?” 
kirishima and kaminari take that as their cue to run away to their rooms, leaving you two alone
“tch, how long have you been standing there?” even as he glares you down, he can’t hide the blush on his cheeks 
he didn’t want you to find out this way
or at all tbh
you walk over to him, a wide smile on your lips
“long enough”
afterwards you ask him if he wants to go watch a movie with you the next day and he’s lowkey mad because he wanted to ask you on a date first, but he doesn’t say no
you end up having way more fun than expected and you actually confirmed that bakugou was a softie for you 
(turns out you were the last one to find out because literally everyone else knew)
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( gif isn’t mine !! credits go to its rightful owner )
midoriya izuku:
he can barely function around girls in general so like, what does that tell you?
he likes you so much but he’s so scared 
but he’s also so sweet to you even before you start dating oml
midoriya is a sweetheart, we all know this
and he pays so much attention to you
like if you are the mall one day and you see something you really like but can’t buy it for whatever reason well…
a few days later he gets it for you
he would say something along the lines of, “you seemed to really like it so i got it for you”
“you didn’t have to, izuku!”
“but i wanted to”
you’ll try to pay him back in some sort of way but he absolutely refuses
he loves pampering you
yet whenever you try to do the same he doesn’t let you and it’s: ✨annoying✨
you were supposed to go to the movies
but midoriya had forgotten he had some homework to do, which was due the next day
“i’m so sorry y/n! i completely forgot, but i promise i’ll finish quickly” he tried to reassure you and you chuckle at the boy, so cute
“it’s okay, izuku. i don’t mind waiting”
you lay down on his bed, trying your best to keep your eyes open 
but as much as you tried, you eventually fell asleep against the soft sheets, your best friend’s bed being just too comfortable 
midoriya sat on his desk chair, writing down the answers as fast as he could so you guys could go watch the movie you were so excited about
he let out a sigh of relief when he finished, before taking his phone out to check the time
6:37PM, the movie starts at 7PM so we still have time
he stood up to tell you he had finished, but was met with your sleeping figure
your eyes were closed and soft snores left your slightly parted lips, hands gripping his sheets to your chest
the curly haired boy almost combusted at the sight
you looked so peaceful, so pretty
a smile grazed his lips as he made his way over to the bed
he sat down beside you, quietly admiring your features 
feeling the mattress dip thanks to his weight, you began to wake up, but quickly shut your eyes when you noticed midoriya was looking at you
truth be told, you just wanted to scare him by suddenly jumping
but his next words made your breath hitch
one of his hands moved up to your face, resting it gently against your cheek as his thumb massaged the skin
your heartbeat was out of control and you forced yourself to calm your breathing so he wouldn’t notice you were awake 
his touch was so gentle and sweet, you couldn’t bring yourself to push him away
“i wish i could tell you how beautiful you are” he whispered and if you hadn’t been so close to him, you probably wouldn’t have heard him
after hearing him say that you couldn’t stay still
you opened your eyes, a smile quickly spreading across your features as you turned around to face the green haired boy
midoriya almost had a heart attack when you moved, hoping you hadn’t heard him
but based on the mischievous grin you wore, he knew you had
“well you just did”
“y-you were awake?!”
“yup, i’m glad i was tho”
your gaze is flirtatious and you’re still grinning and he’s just >_<
“now let’s go or we’ll be late!” 
midoriya can only nod before following you outside
once you’re on your way to the movie theater, you notice midoriya fidgeting with his fingers, his eyes glued to his shoes
you smile as you suddenly take his hand in yours, interlacing your fingers together 
midoriya looks at you with a nervous expression, what is she doing?
“you know, you’re beautiful too”
you were looking at him with nothing but love in your eyes and he felt so embarrassed yet excited at the same time
because holy fuck you just called him beautiful AND held his hand???
he thinks it can’t get any better than this
and then it does when you kiss him a few weeks later😳🤚🏼
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( gif isn’t mine !! credits go to @ambershaydeoffical )
todoroki shouto:
like bakugou, i don’t really think he’d be clumsy enough to accidentally confess
however, he does like to speak his mind and isn’t afraid to do so
he’s just really honest and blunt
way too honest 
which gets him in trouble sometimes but oh well, that’s just the way he is and everyone is pretty used to his personality by now
though, after figuring out he liked you as more than a friend, he started to think more before talking
sometimes you liked to get his opinion on your outfits and/or hairstyles
so you’d drag him to you room and force him to be honest and tell you which one he liked most
it doesn’t matter what you wear, you always look beautiful 
he wants to say that, but instead he goes:
“they all look good, i think the purple shirt really fits you tho”
“i was thinking the same thing!”
he doesn’t want to scare you off or make things weird
so he forces himself to hold back on his bluntness 
at least when he’s with you
but one day he just can’t help himself 
you were on your way back to the dorms after a tiring day at school
todoroki walked next to you, eyes glancing over to you from time to time so you knew he was listening\
you were currently rambling about how shitty your love life was
claiming that there must be something wrong with you since no one seemed to pay attention to you- at least romantically 
“i mean seriously, am i doing something wrong or is everyone i’ve met just not for me??” 
you had your cheeks puffed out, a pout on your lips as you kicked the small rocks on the floor
todoroki smiled softly at your complaints, thinking irony could be quite funny sometimes 
until you spoke up again,
“maybe i’m just too ugly or boring, that’d make more sense”
todoroki almost stops dead in his tracks to see if you have a fever 
how could you say that????
you’re so gorgeous to todoroki, and interesting 
you’re probably the first girl he’s ever liked this much in his life
and you have the audacity to doubt your worth just because other people can’t seem to appreciate you??
uh uh, he’s not having it
and so, the words come out before he can even register them properly
“if you were as ugly as you say are then, i don’t think i’d like you as much as i do”
your eyes widened and you stopped walking, wondering if you had heard him right
todoroki stops walking too, and once he realizes what happened, he’s looking away, trying to come up with a valid excuse as to why he said that
you, however, can’t stop staring at him
finding the way he glares at the ground adorable
a sense of happiness takes over your whole body when he doesn’t say anything to deny his sudden confession 
because he cannot lie to you
you walk towards todoroki until you’re standing right in front of him and before he can even question what you’re doing, you plant a sweet kiss against his cheek
“good thing the feeling is mutual”
your words make him smile and he looks so happy
probably the happiest he’s ever been
and you feel proud of being the one responsible for that pretty smile of his
neither of you really rush into making things official 
but the way todoroki lets you cuddle on his left side whenever you’re cold or how he waits for you every morning so you can walk together to class makes it more than clear that he really likes you
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( gif isn’t mine !! credits go to its rightful owner )
takami keigo (hawks)
he’d be the type to not give a fuck about it
like he already confessed so what can he do?
nothing. exactly
he’s so cocky and flirty the whole time oml
he’d be shocked for a few seconds, but after seeing you were way more flustered than him, he’d just start teasing you
in a loving way of course
he’s also surprised you hadn’t noticed earlier on, considered how much he flirts with you, but then again, that’s part of his personality so
kinda makes sense you didn’t suspect anything
but he’s so cute and soft for you 🥺
okok so it happened the same day you got your results for your midterms
(you’re a college student here lol)
you had studied your ass off for this tests
staying up until 4AM and having to ditch your friends when they invited you to go out
so you were really positive
you squealed when your teacher hands you back the papers and you see the grade on the right corner
you felt happy to know that all your hard work wasn't in vain
the nerves you had been feeling since the day you took the midterms quickly vanished and were replaced with the feeling of pride
as you walked out of the building, you dialed the person who you wanted to share the news most with
he picked up after the second ring
“what’s up?” his voice was raspy and you ignored the butterflies that appeared in your stomach at the sound
“hey, i have great news!”
“care to elaborate?”
“you’ll find out when i get to your house”
“oh? and who said you could come over?” his tone is teasing and you can practically hear the smirk on his face, which makes you roll your eyes
“i did, now bye. i’ll be there in five minutes and order some pizza to celebrate” you don’t even get hear his complaints because you’ve already hung up
anyone who saw the way you two acted with each other would automatically think you guys were a couple
you were rather affectionate with each other; occasionally holding hands while you walked down the streets and even calling each other by your first names
that was just the bond you two had, and you loved it
he brought you so much comfort
it was almost ridiculous the way he was able to make you smile by simply calling or texting you
you had grown quite attached to the number 2 hero, but you constantly told yourself you needed to snap out of it
because you were friends
nothing more and nothing less
oh but how you wished there was more to your relationship than just that
you shook your head, as if that could help you get rid of the thoughts
true to your word, you soon found yourself outside of keigo’s house
the college you went to wasn’t that far away from there so
you pushed the doorbell and waited around two minutes before a sleepy looking keigo opened the door
his hair was messy and the way he rubbed his eyes and kept yawning let you know he probably had been taking a nap
you scoff, “were you sleeping?” you ask him as you walk into his home, smiling at the familiar scent
he chuckles from behind you, following you into his living room, “maybe, but you woke me up”
“can’t believe your lazy ass earned the number two spot”
“what can i say? it’s a talent,” he shrugs before sitting down next to you on the couch, resting his face on his hand. “so, what’s the good news?”
“so you know i took my midterms last friday, right?” keigo nods. “well, i got my results today” he raises his eyebrows in surprise and waits as you look for the papers inside your bag
once you get them out, you place them in front of your face so he can see for himself
keigo smiles proudly and it only widens when you look up at him expectantly, biting your lower lip
“holy fuck, that’s amazing! you did so good dove”
the nickname makes you weak on the knees but you’re quick to brush it off
you should be used to it, since keigo has been calling you that for quite some time now, yet it never fails to make your heart beat insanely fast
you nod excitedly and put the papers down before you start talking about your experience
keigo can’t help but admire you
you look so happy and cute
it makes him want to kiss you
he wants to shut you up by kissing you, and it sound mean and disrespectful but you just look so gorgeous 😡
and instead of randomly kissing you, he blurts out a confession
“math was probably the hardest but i managed to pass it too, surprisingly, so i-”
he doesn’t even know what you’re talking about anymore, too focused on your smile
“God i like you so much”
you shut up instantly
did you hear that right?
or was your mind playing tricks on you?
keigo looks away momentarily, before locking eyes with you and tilting his head to the side, waiting for a reaction
which he gets soon after because you can’t handle the way he’s looking at you
you look away, hiding your face the best you can
“w-what did you say?”
he smirks after hearing the stutter in your voice
he gets closer to you, until he’s right in front of your face, before saying:
“i like you, y/n”
you don’t know what to say
what are you even supposed to do???
keigo just confessed
your best friend and crush just confessed to you
that’s not something that happens everyday
“i um, like you too” you don’t look at him and he almost chuckles at your shy expression, but decides not to embarrass you any further
“happy to hear that”
he doesn’t say anything for a while and you wonder what the hell is going through his head right
he’s probably just messing with me. oh my God he probably is and i just said i liked him too so what-
your train of thought is cut off when you feel the blonde ruffle your hair while looking at you lovingly
you slowly look up to him
“i’m proud of you, dove”
“now, i think this is something worth celebrating and i’m not talking about pizza. so let me take you out”
“it’s fine, keigo. you don’t need to-”
“can’t hear you, give me about fifteen minutes and then we’ll get going”
you try to tell him no, that it’s fine and you can just eat pizza but he ignores you and still takes you out to eat
i’ll say it again: he’s so sweet :(((
he pays for the food and gives you his jacket when you get cold
he even treats you to some dessert !!
he also kisses you good night when he drops you off at your house <3
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bakuhoes-dumbass · 3 years
Aberration - Chapter 2
MHA!Various x Fem!Reader
Words: 1.5k
A/N: Yay, here’s the second chapter of my new AU! It’s a little shorter but I promise chapters will get longer as we go.
Warnings: Yandere Themes, Mentions of murder, blood, felonies, bullying, swearing.
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of MHA, just this story. In no way does this reflect the characters, writers or VAs of the show/manga. MINORS DNI.
Aberration Masterlist
"Now, on to your next subject. Inmate 04, Eijiro Kirishima." You flip the page of your inmate profiles to see a picture of a red-haired man. "He is of a higher danger level, so make sure to keep your guard up. And for the love of God, under any circumstances…
Do not touch him."
Only slightly acknowledging his warning, you look down at your notes, eyebrows shooting up in surprise at the words on the page. "He suffers from Erotomania? Interesting…"
Aizawa nods. "Ah, yes. A very rare condition indeed, especially in males. The affected person strongly believes that another individual is in love with them. This delusion develops and persists despite clear evidence to the contrary."
"That's a very exciting find. I can't wait to meet him." Your eyes light up, quite intrigued.
Aizawa sighs and gestures with his head. "Follow me."
Kirishima's room was only a few doors down from Tokoyami's. Once again, Aizawa presses his hand to a key code and you hear the door unlock, following a buzzer. You slowly make your way into the room. It mirrors Tokoyami's down to the last detail, the only difference being a redhead was currently doing pushups.
He barely acknowledges a person stepping into his room, eyes flitting to your form and back to the ground. It takes him a moment to realize it was someone new. As soon as he does, his eyes widen and he springs onto his feet, slightly startling you.
"Oh! Hello there! You're new!"
You nod your head and smile at the red-head. "That I am. My name is Y/N and I'm the newest scientist at this facility. My role here is to get to know and observe you all to help further our findings for a cure." You choose to leave out the 'friends' part, as something about him makes you weary. You don't need anything being misinterpreted.
"Hello there, Y/N! My name is Kirishima!" He takes a step towards you but is suddenly stopped by a lower force. You look down to see his ankles chained to the heavy-duty bed frame, connected to him by quirk-canceling cuffs. You look back up to see him looking at you intensely, with a shark-toothed smile. "Man, you're really pretty!"
You swallow thickly, but keep your smile. "That's very kind of you to say, Kirishima. Now, if I may." You take a seat at the desk like you did with Tokoyami. Kirishima follows suit and sits across from you on the bed. His smile never wavers, making you slightly uneasy. You ignore it and turn to a blank page in your notebook. "Now, if you could please state your full name, age and date of birth?"
He gives you a chuckle and points to himself proudly with his thumb. "I'M Eijiro Kirishima! I'm 22 years old and my Birthday is October 16th!"
You giggle softly at his extroverted personality. "Ahh, same birth month as Tokoyami." You mumble to yourself. His ears perked up and his smile faltered slightly.
"You met Tokoyami already?"
"Hm?" You look up and smile fondly. "Ah yes, I have. He was the first one. A very nice young man."
You look back down at your notes, failing to see Kirishima's eye twitch slightly. He returns to his signature smile as you look up at him again. "And what is your quirk?"
"Oh, it's so cool! I can harden my entire body to an extreme. I can make myself a shield or a weapon! Pretty manly, am I right?" Kirishima wiggles his eyebrows at you, causing you to chuckle.
"That is definitely a unique one, Kiri." You, once again, fail to notice the way his eyes light up at the nickname, too busy looking down at your notes. "Now I see here that you've been charged with Stalking and 2 counts of second degree murder. Is that correct?"
"Yup! Although I don't understand how it would be considered 'Stalking', when she always knew I was around. She was okay with it, too! I mean, we WERE in love, you know." He furrows his brows.
You raise a brow and write down everything he says. "Care to continue explaining what happened? Why were you brought into this facility?"
Kirishima sighs and rests his chin on his hand, a dazed look on his face. "Well, you see. There was this girl. We were totally, completely head over heels for each other. You've probably heard of her, Kim Hyuna?"
Your eyebrows shoot up. Yeah, you heard of her. She is one of the biggest idols around right now, extremely pretty and extremely talented. She has millions of fans from around the world. You already can see where the direction of this story is headed.
He continues with a wide smile. "We used to go out on dates everywhere. To the mall, the salon, even to her dorms. We were so in love." His dazed expression turns sour. "Then that stupid boy shows up outta nowhere. He took her from me. He dared to take something so precious from me. So, I couldn't take it anymore and, uh, kinda killed them."
You watched him rub the back of his neck sheepishly, like the situation was no more than a mere broken dish he dropped on accident. You nod your head carefully, writing the last bit of information down. Clicking your pen, you look up and give the young man a fake smile.
"Well, that's it for today, Kirishima. I must take my leave, but I'll be back to run some tests soon."
Kirishima frowns and quickly stands up. "W-Wait, already?"
You gather up your notes and clipboard. "Yes, unfortunately. I do have some other patients I need to get to before-" as you go to stand up, your foot gets caught under the chair leg and you trip. You accidentally fall forward and into something hard. Looking up, you realized you fell against Kirishima himself, your hands splayed out against his chest.
His eyes widen, staring down at your hands against his chest, something shifting in his eyes. Before you're able to pull your hands away, his own reach up and snatch your wrists, holding them in place. A blush appears on the apples of his cheeks.
"Y-Y/N. I-I had no idea you felt the same."
Your eyes widen in fear. You attempt to tug your hands away, but his iron grip tightens into a bruising force. "Kirishima, I would advise you to kindly let go of me. Please, don't misunderstand the situation."
His grin widens, showcasing his sharp teeth. Red eyes bore into yours with a wild look. You hear the door buzz behind you and a flood of voices coming in. You feel a pair of arms reach around you and hands grip your elbows. Two pairs of hands each grab Kirishima by the arms and force him to release his grip on you. You watched two of Aizawa's assistants hold down a struggling Kirishima as you were forcibly dragged out of his room.
Once safely outside, you were spun around to meet the eyes of a fuming and worried doctor. "Are you alright, Y/N?" Aizawa's eyes travel along your body, doing a quick examination to make sure nothing was injured.
You nod your head and rotate your slightly bruised wrists. "Y-Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little shaken up."
Aizawa sighs. "Didn't I say NOT to touch him? His obsession tends to solidify with physical contact."
You wince. "I know. This time it was an accident. I tripped and he just happened to, uh, be the 'wall' I fell against." You think back to the moment you fell against Kirishima. His chest felt almost rock solid, not like a normal human body would be. Now you're thinking that his quirk leaked through the cuffs and that thought scares you.
"Nobody said you were clumsy when you were hired," he sighs and runs a hand down his tired face. "There are still 9 other inmates you need to check with. And 6 out of the 9 are above Kirishima's danger level. Are you still up for it today?"
You shake out your hands and nod your head. "Yes! I am. A little scare never bothered me. This is my job."
Aizawa hummed in reply and flipped through his clipboard, stopping on a page. "Inmate 09, Keigo Takami. Mafia leader. He's a level 7 as well, but doesn't have delusions like Inmate 04 does. While he's very dangerous, he's a little more tolerable." Aizawa hesitates before continuing. "Er, minus the excessive flirting."
You sigh and flip through Keigo's information. "Oh goodie. Well, let's get this over with." You follow Aizawa to Keigo's door and once it buzzes, you enter the pristine, white room.
"Good afternoon Mr. Keigo, my name is Y/N and I'll-" You look up from your notes to see a half naked man with blonde hair and bright red bird wings lounging on his bed. Your jaw drops and you hold your clipboard up in front of your suddenly heated face.
Keigo looks over to you with his brows raised. "Well well, looks like we've got ourselves a new baby bird. How…" The handsome man's lips turn up into a cocky smirk.
Taglist: @theblueslytherin @sterassion @somechick30003 @meena-in-a-nutshell @justtj-andnonumberspls @zombieonna @amajikiwife @yulifee @atexansadventureintokinkandlife @ep-ip-ha-ny @hcneymilkks @pastelmoonwitche @stayarmytinyzenmoa-l @railmeddy @unlimitedfirepheonix @confaegion @drownedbytears @burntcrips @silverqueenie @the-lady-writes-what @awkward-confused @themotherofmoons @ihaveakoreanseoul @1-800-multifandomness @tragically-here @andyronii @sunnnyshark @henhouse-horrors  @dabis-s-whore 
(If your name is bolded, I couldn’t tag you)
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amyreadsandstresses · 2 years
September 19, Mexico
For those that don't know (which I'm guessing are most folk that share this little corner of the internet with me), september 19, today, is a very important day round here in my home country.
This day in 1985 there was a devastating earthquake in Mexico that destroyed the city (CDMX) and severely affected the rest of the country. The generations that lived through it and still live today all have dreadful stories and often share them with their families (both my parents shared theirs with me, so did one of my grandmothers).
My mother told me of how she was walking home from school, holding onto 4 of her 5 younger siblings, as they made their way through the rubble. My dad told me of how he spent days looking at the missing bullet board in case one of his friends was there. My grandma told me of how she was home, standing under an archway while holding onto her baby.
As a way to honor those affected by what happened then, it became tradition to perform a drill as prevention in case it ever happened again. So that all mexicans could be prepared.
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And, in 2017, it did.
Now, I have a story of my own from that day. Still, september 19. I remember I was at school and we had the ever present drill. I remember joking around with my friends like we always did (we were very young back then, maybe 14). It was a day like any other.
Until it wasn't.
I remember we were in lunch break, and I was eating my usual cheese sandwich while sitting on my usual planter with my back to this huge tree. I was talking with my friends, and that's when I saw one of them swinging. I remember thinking she was dancing. But then, I turned around and saw some posters fall to the floor from where they were hanging on some windows. I then turned behind me and saw this huge red antena (that was behind the school) swinging so widly I thought it would fall on us. I remember blurting out: Está temblando! (it's shaking; as in, there's an earthquake).
A friend of mine said the same thing at the same time. And that's when the alarm started. I jumped to my feet, leaving my lunchbox on the stone planter and grabbed one of my friend's hand (the one I thought was dancing). I turned to my friends and just blurted a "let's go", pulling them to the safe zone (we have them everywhere; several in every school, in every mall, office, the street, everywhere). Students and teachers started flooding the schoolyard we were in, the younger students sobbing and holding hands. I remember looking around in a frenzy, cus one of our friends was also part of the younger students and I couldn't find her.
While I was looking around, I saw the flagpole swinging from side to side, just as wildly as the antena. The huges trees that had always seemed so sturdy were also swinging. I remember watching as my lunchox, which was left on the planter, jumped over and over as it got closer to the edge until it eventually fell. More posters fell too. The not dancing friend started crying, and I kept holding her hand. I kept mumbling "where's Giselle", still looking. The alarm kept going. More lunboxes fell. People were screaming for each other, teachers were grabbing students, calling for them. I remember it was so LOUD.
And then, quiet.
The alarm stopped, the ground no longer shook, nothing else fell. I remember only hearing the sniffles and occasional sobs from the students. One of my best friends pointed and said "she's there", letting me know our younger friend was safe. I nodded, still squeezing my not dancing friend's hand as she cried.
The next hours were weird. We moved to the soccer court and sat in circles, with our friends. Some were googling what happened and yelling it out for everyone to hear. Some were making rounds to check on all their friends. Some were standing so close to teachers they were basically stuck at the hip. And many of us were desperately trying to contact our families. I called EVERYONE. My parents, my grandparents, uncles and cousins and people I barely talked to. I kept holding my crying friend, and comforted the others that were just realising they were scared. I worried for my sister, barely starting primary and all alone in a school she didn't like.
As the parents arrived to take us home, some sobbed and held their kids. My mum held my hand as we walked to the car, my sister trailing behind.
The next few days were rough. School was canceled. I found out many homes, offices and schools fell. People were left homeless. People died. One of my best friends told me all the pictures and decorations hanging in his house had fallen and some smashed upon impact. I didn't get out of the house all week. My mum and I were stuck to the news, hearing of rescuers and volunteers. Of civilians taking water bottles and sandwiches to the most impacted zones.
People recovered, slowly. Some with PTSD and trauma, others (like me), with the occassional paranoia. We all hate the sound of the alarm. The first time I heard it after 2017, I remember getting goosebumps, my heart beating. And then laughing with the others because we were nervous.
Now, why am I making this post? Why am I huddled in the library listening to Glee and writing this post? Because it's september 19, 2022. And it happened again.
I'm lucky. My school barely felt it. My loved ones are ok. I felt the need to cry for a few minutes, and my hands are still shaking a bit. But I'm ok. I don't know if others are yet. After all, the earthquake just happend. I suppose I'll find out soon.
All of this to say, if you have mexican friends out there, if you have mexican mutuals here, send them some love. We need it, for the scare if nothing else.
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