#have a good night lads! enjoy ice cream
bacchuschucklefuck · 23 days
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typical tavern scene
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thesupreme316 · 1 year
a bunch of headcanons of the reader has a kid and has to take the kid to work a lot but the wrestler(s) with a crush on them help out and they get together??
darius martin x female reader? action andretti x female reader? dante martin x female reader? hook x female reader? ricky starks x female reader? lee moriarty x female reader?
AEWS Stars Having A Crush on A Single Mom:
Pairings: Darius Martin X Fem!Reader, Dante Martin X Fem!Reader, Action Andretti X Fem!Reader, Hook X Fem!Reader, Ricky Starks Fem!Reader, Lee Moriarty X Fem!Reader, Eddie Kingston X Fem!Reader
Word Count: 1.5K
Supreme Speaks: hiii, thanks to @hooks-martin for the request! this one has been sitting in my drafts because I just kept changing stuff so I hope everyone enjoys it. if you a momma out here, I appreciate you cause you def do a lot, you are wonder woman. please remember that you are loved and appreciated.
Warnings: I refer to children as demon spawns and gremlins jokingly, MY GRAMMARLY AND THE N KEY DOESNT WORK WHEN I NEED IT TO, GIFS are NOT mine, not proofread so not too loud
Taglist: @hooks-martin @hookerforhook @wwenhlimagines @sheinthatfandom @eddie-kingstons-wifey
Darius Martin:
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Darius always admired you, but eventually that became a big crush
Completely simps for you and your kids
Will do anything that you say or ask
In my mind, he is that man that stepped up into a father-figure/male role model in your child’s life
Him taking the task of watching your little gremlin (I mean blessing…same difference) very seriously
Never lets them out of his sight, will spend almost all his money on them, and will try his best to give a good experience every time they go to work with you
Starts spending time with them outside of work as he understands being a single mom is hard and will do anything to lighten your plate
YOUR KIDS FUCKING LOVE HIM cause why not? Plus he always buys them ice cream
Eventually, you notice and you absolutely fall in love with the way he accepts your kids
One day, after dropping the kids off at your house after a day of fun, he makes his move
“I wanna be in their lives more and I want to be in your life more. I really like you and I want to have more with you.”
Needless to say that y’all establish your family and are starting to add one more to the mix
Dante Martin
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I feel that just like his brother Dante would also take the task seriously
But because Dante is younger he wouldn’t know how to really “help out”
Definitely read a couple of books to help
So he would do what he could; watch your kids while you work if he didn’t have a match or just distract them while you had to handle something
To them; he quickly becomes that cool older brother who can do flips
Dante begins having a crush on you because of how nurturing and attentive you are to your kid(s)
He’s just worried about you not seeing him in the same light (if you are older)
You like him because of how sweet he is and that he really tries his best to help you
To ask you out, I feel like he would ask the kid(s) more about you and your interests
After asking for the child(rens) blessing and their invasive questions, he would ask you out
IT WOULD BE REALLY CUTE Like he would use the kids homemade cards to ask you out on a date
You: *reading the card(s)* Mom, you should go out with Dante?
Dante: I mean the kid’s got taste
Action Andretti
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I feel like he would be very similar to his Lad comrades
Will be attracted to you at first from a far and come around to making his feelings known
He gets hella nervous around you (like would stutter and not make eye contact)
But would be shook to find out that you have kids or a kid
He wouldn’t wanna feel like he’s adding more to your plate
Offers to watch your kids or take them to get something to eat while you work
You guys would have little date nights as either his or your friends offer to watch the kid(s)
I think that your child(ran) would pressure you into asking you out
“You know mom likes you, right? But then again she likes Dylan too-“
Before they could finish their other sentence, Andretti runs straight to you and asks you out
Andretti: *out of breath* I just had to ask you out before Dylan did
You: I don’t even know a Dylan. But I would love to go out with you
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Likes you because you are a strong woman and then fell even more in love when he found that you’re a mom (a great one at that)
But he would never show it; he’ll try his best to keep his feelings at bay so he doesn’t add pressure to your life (and because he’s not a verbally emotional person)
Also he thought his actions would speak for his words
I think kids like Hook for the simple fact that he doesn’t talk much; Would let your children do whatever they want to a certain extent
If they did something outta pocket, he’ll just look at them and they’ll stop
You were amazed and you just automatically started going to Hook to babysit/watch them while you’re working
He always keeps snacks, juice boxes, and coloring books in his backpack just in case
Remember how I said that he doesn’t show his feeling and his actions speak for him? When that all changes when he has a talk with your son
Demon Spawn: Do you like my mom?
Hook: Yes
Demon Spawn: Well, can you tell her? She doesn’t think so and she doesn’t understand us guys
Would ask you out with your favorite flowers
“I thought my actions were speaking loudly but I think I need to be straightforward. Will you go out with me?”
Ricky Starks:
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He also likes MILFS (again so do I call me)
Before knowing you had kids, he would actively flirt with you every damn day
When he found that you had kids, the flirting became more provocative and direct
“So….do you want another kid? With a handsome and charming man?”
Your kids love him because he helps pick out their outfits, he’s funny (always give them material to roast someone), and he genuinely cares
Like Darius, he will take the responsibility very seriously
In his eyes, it’s like they are his kids too (that was apparent after he signed a permission slip for a field trip)
Keeps a close eye on them backstage and takes them to basketball games
Constantly takes you out on dates; genuinely believes that you guys are in a relationship (PDA, spending nights together)
You always thought that you weren’t good enough for Ricky; but he quickly shut that shit down
“Listen, you are my woman, always have been. You are a great mother just like how you are a great girlfriend.”
“Girlfriend? We never confirmed our relationship.”
“I thought it was obvious but if you want we can go to the bedroom and confirm it now.”
Lee Moriarty:
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I feel like he would have that one uncle that is everyone’s favorite
Developed a crush on you because you gave him a jersey
Loves to give your kids piggy back rides (or make Big Bill give them), fake wrestle, and race them around the arena
Will do TikTok challenges with your child and make you join them
Will also let them watch a little of South Park
He’s a confident person but when it comes down to you; he don’t know how to act
He’s the type of person who will get shy around the person he likes
Like Hook, your children will ask if he likes you, to which he responds “Is it that obvious?”
And with them having big mouths, they say, “Mom! You should make him your boyfriend! He like likes you!”
Next time he comes to watch your kids, you ask him out, making him blush
“*in disbelief *You wanna go out with me?”
“Have you met yourself? Of course I want to.”
And then you kiss his cheek, making your children gag
Eddie Kingston *Bonus* I had to include him
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He’s aware that he has feelings for you but he doesn’t let you know outta fear of rejection (He thinks he’s being obvious and you’re not interested)
If you ask him to do something, he’ll do it while saying no problem; does not want you to lift a finger while he’s around
Will fight to the death for you and your kids
Always give (sometimes unsolicited) advice to your kids and gives them the hard truth
“Stawp that running around; ya motha don’t like that” (I can hear him sayin it exactly as I wrote it)
They always appreciate how upfront he is
Treats your kids like their his own
Tries to attend their games and award ceremonies
Will brag about their achievements to Jon and anyone else
Back to his crush on you; Eddie fully believes that you don’t like him back and just see him as a friend
Until you tell him about your feelings
“Eddie, you’re a great person: handsome, funny, real, and a sweetheart. I genuinely want you in my life as more than a friend.”
“You took the words right out of my mouth doll.” And then he gives you a kiss
Your kid: EW
“No one told you to watch dawg.”
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bobelblogger · 5 months
Sultry Sorceress Ch ?? Hunt To Kumalot
Knights of Kumalot
Lance of Loggrith "I'll fuck ye in the face."
Flails of Fellatrix "Two balls are better than none."  
Sword of Stiffyrd "If you dare I will stick you."
Axes of Analline "What has one ass and two axes?"
Gnik Lyonmane "Gnik of yore and rightwise King of Kumalot."
"The Queen is not available for any audience, furthermore to brighten her return we're to reclaim lost relics."
"What if I refuse your quest invitation?" Aljak was nude bound to Adelaide, who hadn't looked her mother in the eye since they returned. 
"I'll have my daughter geld you and you'll wear it as a necklace, then who knows." She scoffed.
That shut him up good.
Adelaide looked up and uttered, "He is my slave by right, I came close to catching Nadia before any-"
"You have no voice here, you have disgraced the Belladonna name, consider yourself lucky, Chancy was made comatose by your touch, Nicolette is accompanying Queen Nymphoria on her trip, so you and Aljak-ass here are coming on my quest, you temple guards are as well, give me your names and I will elevate you now."
The two knelt and recited the vow they took as initiates, then their maternal lineage.
"This paladins name is Avgina, daughter of Hymina, granddaughter of Clamina." chipteeth bent nose nasally spoke.
"I'm named Horasa by my mother Horaura for her mother Hora." spoken holding an ice pack to her ass 'n' cunt. 
Severine drew her broad-sword and curved sword to dual anoint the pair.
"By vested power I give you rank, by indulgent pleasure you give homage to your monarch and nation."
Both straightened and were presented sashes of cream with gold trim over their barely armored breasts.
"Time to meet the manling who will give insight on the history of Kumalot."
On que a chamber sidedoor slowly opened to reveal an old fellow with a lads face, golden locks amid silver ones covered with an huntsmans cap, his steps half wobbled, dressed in a shabby dark green tunic and light green trousers, his weasel fur boots fit poorly, his back was bowed with age, a hemlock walking stick helped guide him, in his other hand a parchment of equally old appearance rested.
"I have been to this kingdom in past times, a realm with lands of odd accented folk and strange customs, but within are powerful items and beings enchanted by old magics, a bounty of treasure and spoils to the witty and tactful adventurer."
Severine nodded and the rest looked at the parchment the old man unfurled, poorly drawn ink glyph images shifted across the surface like moving paintings, a narrator charm read the footnotes.
"In the Age of Kumalot the first King with a sword from a woman in water anointed knights to guard the realm, skilled in martial as well as carnal arts, they fought with neighboring Climaxia and Celibaca, marched through the night before battle an arousing speech and orgy raised moral the next day in the battle the enemy were ravaged so utterly that both diarchs Titalya and Clitalya leaped over the falls that now bear their names, both lands were annexed and sent hostages and letters of apology, many years later the King died without an heir, ever after the land was stuck in perpetual autumn and no subject could leave."
The scroll ended its reading and rolled itself back up, tucking it away the manling spoke.
"That's it, dress accordingly and bring enough supplies for a weekend, it's faster going by boat."
Severine nodded and answered, "it's already done, we shall depart at noon on the Maidens Dance and be there by dawn tomorrow, Aunt Josephine will have my place until the Queen returns or we do."
"I need my armor and my Judgement, release me from these bonds." Adelaide dared speak up.
"Seeing as you enjoy the company of this nomad boy, you'll remained bound to him." Severine shut her down.
"But mother I want to help, I didn't mean to disgrace the family name, I'll be good this time." 
"I'll free you when I think you should be and not a second sooner, is that clear?"
Adelaide hung her head and answered with a sullen "Yes, mother, it's clear." 
The griffin flock towed ship to shelter in a isle cove on the Oral Sea to weather a typhoon and continued on by the coast, around a merfolk preserve and laid anchor in the Bay of Sexany. 
"There are three places in the boundary to slip through, so pairs of us have to cover-" The manling began.
"Why not use one entry and go back out another, why split three ways?" Aljak found the plan utterly stupid so he spoke up out of habit.
Severine turned and placed a hand on the hilt of her broadsword, with a single motion she could take his head off and be done with him, but the voice of the manling broke her trance.
"We could do that it's not impossible, let's see and find out if it's true." The manling shrugged.
Sheathing her sword and malice, with a painful chain tug pulled Adelaide and Aljak off their feet to the dew grass ground, mounted him and pulled a ball gag over his mouth, Adelaide whined but submitted to it.
"Horasa, Avgina, I see this as a chance to further prove your earned sashes, make sure--what is your name?"
"Uh it's Gnik." His golden silver streaked bushy eyebrows raised and wiggled a bit then lowered.
"Make sure Gnik stays alive, once we're in bag anything of magic value, remember your training and watch for traps or tricks." 
Both stood straighter and nodded, Horasa brandishing custom tip javelins and a gaudy gold kite shield on her back.
Avgina revealed a two handed hollow mace a vial of pepper seeds and a trio of silver stilettos.
In minutes the trees changed shade and all ground became sparse and brown, a crisp breeze blew and no birds sang but the snap of twigs and crunch of dry leaves that filled the roofless hall of wood columns. 
Adelaide was able to cast a charm and keep warm but given Aljak's racial heritage and non magical status was chattering and trying to beat his meat to keep warm.
Having went down a fork in the overgrowth around the bend a single wooden bridge stood as seemingly the only crossing point of a rolling river.
Seeing this obvious snare Severine stabbed a spell of revealing into the ground and waters edge, a dozen caltrops below and above them weight rigged trap doors along the bridge.
Avoiding those by walking through the foot deep water with care lay just ahead a pasture wall of moss stone.
"Wait a demon damned second ye tax evaders, ye haven't got a pass or signed the tome."
A ways from the trees a person tall of stature came walking up sounding pissed, the glint from the sun off the persons suit of polished armor with a lance twice as big as him, his helm visor left up got closer to the bridge as Severine stepped on it to meet him, his codpiece was still askew granting a full frontal glance at his turgid log.
"This is the Kings crossing and I'd advise ye to give up those blades and pay the entry tax or I shalt get medieval on thine arse."
Severine drew her sword from her left hip the other from her shoulder and masterfully took an erotic stance.
"Severine Belladonna, Hedonia High Priestess & Arch Paladin of Queen Nymphoria Goddess of Pleasure and Beauty."
"Sir Loggrith, Knight of the King of Kumalot, ye boastful blond buxom bimbo bitch cunt." Lowered his lance.
Avgina punched the hedge with her gauntlet clad fists as Gnik and Horasa had a staring duel on account of his creepy calm given the current conundrum and Severines last command was to keep him alive, so they waited until furious at her failed attempts Avgina struck a match and belched two blasts of blue flame that burned a swath through in the middle, having studied with pyromagics in the junior paladins.
"You drank flame cider this morning didn't you-." Horasa inquired but was shortly cut off buy a hand on her mouth.
"Shhhhh, there's somebody else prowling about here, keep a watch on the treetops and bushes." Gnik whispered.
Avgina snorted
Rubina Hoody     Big Johnny
bow made of stag antler, string of unicorn mane shafts of yewcork, fletched with griffin feathers, lion tooth heads.
Isolde, Morgan, Elaine, Gwynes four brides all dead or ran away and the king died shortly.
Severine is the target
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simmos-blog · 1 year
Still the Goat
Thursday 11th May
Just mushrooms on toast for breakfast today as I’m eating too much. Not very good though, it was half a plate of mushrooms and 2 slices of dry toast.
The American ladies were having breakfast, they are just walking 4 miles to Ravenscar today (hardly worth putting your boots on) but they were both having full English.
I was on the trail by 9.15 and after a brisk walk down to the sea I was then climbing my way up a couple of hundred steps to the top of the cliffs. Five minutes later I was at the wonderfully named Boggle Hole Youth Hostel where again you descend to beach level before climbing back to the cliff top. On the way I passed a school party who were probably staying at Boggle Hole. One young lad told me there were 56 of them all chattering away. It seemed a well organised group which is just as well as they weren’t far from the cliff edge.
Within 15 minutes I made the trip down to the beach again so by now I had a serious sweat on. Once back on the cliff top it’s not far to Ravenscar but the last mile does involve a fairly steep ascent as you walk up past Peak Alum Works which has been preserved by The National Trust. I didn’t divert into the quarry but I did have coffee and a toasted teacake in the NT cafe at the top.
The weather was warm and at times sunny. I then had a good spell of flat/gently downhill walking which upped my average pace. I passed a few people many of whom were walking the dog. One couple were making a rather laboured descent down some steep slippery steps when I caught up with them. I was descending fast and she said “you’d better come through your moving much quicker than us”. I accepted the invitation and quickly left them behind. They then passed me later when I sat on a bench to admire the view and have a snack. We briefly exchanged pleasantries but I was soon up and moving and caught them at the next ravine again picking their way down some tricky and muddy stone steps. I was moving fast when the husband saw me and shouted “look out it’s that ruddy mountain goat again”. That why todays blog is entitled “still the goat”.
I did drop down to the beach at Hayburn Wyke to see the waterfall there. It was better this year with more water flowing and I chatted to a couple throwing sticks into the pool below the waterfall for their dog to recover. The dog was quite the diver disappearing under waster for 15 seconds at a time. It is though a big climb back to the cliff top and I made heavy weather of it as its steep, slippery and the weather had warmed up.
I was general feeling good and moving well and I was soon at Scalby Mill which is the entrance to Scarborough from the north. It was then just half an hour to my hotel via Peasholm Park and the ice cream shop.
I’ve got a nice room and I’ve taken the opportunity to wash my very sweaty shirt.
Dave kindly picked me up and I’ve had a very nice diner with Dave, Sally and Milo their large but well behaved golden retriever. I walked back but the trio accompanied me half fearing I might get mugged! I think that’s pretty unlikely in Scarborough particularly as I look as if I have spent a few nights sleeping in a bus shelter.
I’ve had a small wine and booked for breakfast in the morning (£12.50) so I will be trying hard to get my monies worth. I’m meeting up with Dave, Sally and Milo on the seafront in the morning. I’m planning a visit to Lucy’s shack at Cayton Bay as she does a very tasty tea loaf. I’m sure Milo will be pleased as every time I’ve been there have been loads of dogs.
So todays walk was 14.7 miles with plenty of stiff climbs but I’ve managed it comfortably if a little slower than yesterday. The fine weather has meant lots of great views and I’ve enjoyed myself.
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bestiesenpai · 4 years
Neophyte - Gojo Satoru
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I shall feed you lol and here is the post they’re talking about, in case anyone would like context
Content warning: dumb inexperienced reader, age gap, almost exclusive usage of ‘little girl’ (reader still 18+ of course lads), uh losing virginity, spitting as well...oh and squirting too
Two weeks. That’s how long they said they’d be gone for, and although you were old enough to be on your own, your parents insisted on getting you a babysitter.
“Bye you two! We’ll call when we make it to the hotel!” Your mother shouted from the backseat of the car.
“Make sure (Y/N) doesn’t stay up too late, her sleep schedule is already bad as it is!” Your father added, loading up the bags in the back of the taxi. He chuckled when you groaned, and he sat in the car.
“Bye!” Waving goodbye, you watched them speed off into the evening sky, the sunset painting a pretty picture for their departure.
“Alright, first order of business: ordering some food!” Gojo announced, pulling his phone out of his pocket and walking to the front door. “What do you want, (Y/N)? I’m feeling like having pizza.”
“Pizza is fine.” Trailing after him, you tried not to let your gaze settle on him for too long. You didn’t hate having Gojo staying over, it was quite the opposite. You wanted nothing more than to run your hands through his crazy hair and have him kiss you senseless and there were plenty of nights you lied awake thinking about him with an ache between your legs, and it would only get worse as the days went by.
“Here’s to our first night together!” Gojo cheered, clinking his beer can against your soda. Leaning back in his chair, he took a massive bite of his pizza, making you laugh at how his cheeks puffed out. Your eyes wandered down to his beer, and you suddenly had a question.
“Gojo, can I try your beer?”
“Hm? You sure?” Lifting up the can with the edges of his fingers, he turned it over in his hand. “Why would a little girl want to try something like this?” A subtle heat rose to your cheeks, getting warmer when his eyes looked at yours.
“I’m just curious. Please?” Stretching your hand out, Gojo lets you take the can from him.
“Alright, but not too much.” He warned. Leaning back in his chair, a smirk spread across his face. The smell wafting up from the can was enough to give you pause, but you tipped your head back and drank anyway.
“Ew!” Curling your lip away as soon as the taste coated your tongue, you held it out for Gojo to take back. His laughter filled the air, getting even louder watching you chug your soda to rid yourself of the taste.
“Not your favorite?” He chuckles, taking a sip.
“No.” Shaking your head, a shiver rips through you. “How can you like that stuff?”
“When you’re a grown up, you’ll understand.”
“But I am grown up.” Gojo ignores your statement with another chuckle and a bite of his food.
Once dinner is over, it’s time for a movie. It’s Gojos idea, he wants you two to get comfortable with each other, after all he will be staying in your guest bedroom. He even went out for a quick run to the convenience store to grab you ice cream and a few treats to eat. Letting you pick the movie, he lounges on the end of the couch in a pair of breezy shorts, legs stretched out far and another beer in his hand.
Quietly eating the snacks he gave you, you keep your body curled up on the other end of the couch. You’d both changed into more comfortable clothing, and while you were fully clothed, it made a strange feeling bubble inside you to wear such short shorts near him. You had no problem wearing these shorts around friends, but with Gojo it felt different.
“I’ve never seen this before.” He comments offhandedly, swaying his leg side to side as the opening credits roll. “What’s it about?” He glances over at you and for a moment you think he’s staring at your bare legs, but then he’s making eye contact with you.
“Uhm…” Biting your lip, a wave of bashfulness goes over you. “It’s a romantic comedy.”
“Ah.” Nodding like he understands, he returns his attention to the screen. Your fingers twitch, wanting to grab the remote and change it to something more highbrow. Something that a grown up like Gojo would enjoy.
As the movie goes on, you’re painfully aware of every line that’s said. Usually, this film can make your heart race with how romantic it usually is, but now it’s just making you cringe. Taking a look at Gojo, he doesn’t seem to mind in the slightest.
“Woah, pretty steamy.” He chuckles at a scene, and you rip your eyes away to see what he means. Two characters are passionately kissing on screen, their hands gripping each other's clothing so roughly it looks like they might tear.
“We can fast forward.” As heat rises to your cheeks, you reach for the remote.
“No, it’s okay.” Grabbing your wrist to stop you, Gojo shrugs. “I don’t mind.” The feeling of his fingers wrapped around you lingers long after he’s let go. Watching the same hand go back to resting on his lap, the tips of his fingers just barely touching his thighs, makes more heat come to your face.
As the story progresses, you try to forget about the scene entirely. You’re able to let your body relax, even stretch out your legs onto the portion of the couch that’s been left unoccupied. There are a few more kissing scenes and they all make you nervous and bring your eyes to Gojos face to watch his reaction.
“I can feel you staring.” Gojo grins like a fool and turns to you, catching you right in the act.
“S-sorry.” Hiding him from view with your hand, you stare at the floor and try to push down the shame at being caught. Gojo laughs, an easy sound aided by the alcohol in his system, and his hand comes down to graze the top of your foot.
“What’s in that head of yours, little girl?” His hand firmly grabs your ankle, playfully pushing your leg side to side as he waits for an answer.
“It’s nothing.”
“It’s something.” He immediately counters, and the hand on your ankle tugs at you. “Let’s see, you only look at me when there’s kissing…” Putting more weight into his grip, he lets out a hum. “Are you trying to tell me you want a kiss?”
“No!” Gasping loudly, your head snaps to attention and instantly you regret it from the way a smirk seems permanently placed on Gojos face. He doesn’t say anything, just watches as you try to curl away from him.
“Sheesh, way to make me feel special.” Lightly scratching your leg, Gojo puffs out his chest a little. “I’ll have you know plenty of people have said I’m a great kisser.” A devilish look overtakes his face, a new thought having popped into his head. “I bet you haven’t even had your first kiss, huh?”
The noise you let out is stupid and unintelligible, and it tells Gojo all he has to know. The hand on your ankle goes a little higher to grab your shin and this time when he tugs at you, your body moves slightly.
“So what if I haven’t?” You try to save whatever dignity you have left by forcing your voice to be stern, but with a slight underlying waver it gives you away. When you make eye contact with Gojo now, you see his bottom lip caught between his teeth, and a look in his eyes that brings that ache back between your legs.
“How about we change that then?” He poses his words like a question but there’s not even the illusion of a choice presented. He sits up a little straighter in his seat, the shorts on his thighs riding up just a bit, and pulls on your leg again.
“I…” The tips of your fingers are tingling, nerves firing off at every possible point as you follow his lead. Sitting up on your knees, Gojo is quick to shuffle you over to him. His hands on your hips help steady you as you settle across his lap, and they quickly wrap your arms around his neck when he senses hesitation from you.
“Just let me do all the work, okay?” He whispers, voice just loud enough over the movie still playing in the back. His hand spreads across your lower back, pushing you closer to the apex of his legs. With a hand on the back of your head, he pulls you down to meet his lips.
Kissing Gojo was just as good as you imagined it to be. His mouth fit perfectly against yours, sliding on your skin and making your eyes fall shut. A soft groan leaves your mouth the longer he’s pressed against you, and your fingers weave into his hair. It’s unclear how long this simple lip lock lasts until you become hungry for more.
Carefully, your lips part. There’s a part of your brain that’s screaming out about your lack of experience, desperate to preserve your dignity and not make a fool of yourself. Pushing past that, the tip of your tongue presses against Gojos closed mouth.
“I thought I said to let me do the work.” Pulling away from you, Gojo clicks his tongue. “Such an eager little girl, aren’t you?”
“Yeah.” Keeping your eyes closed, you nod breathlessly. Shifting on his lap, you fully seat yourself onto him. With your ass pressing onto his legs, you can feel something hard and hot just out of reach in his pants.
With a chuckle Gojo kisses you again. Readjusting his grip on your head, he tilts it to the side and opens his mouth. He doesn’t need to do much more besides that and your mouth is already open. His tongue slides into your mouth at the same time his hand grabs your ass, and you moan because of both of them.
Instinct takes over any thoughts in your brain, all the worry and doubts you had dashed away. On shaky legs, you rut your hips forward onto Gojo, the friction catching on your clit. His tongue has barely made a home for itself in your mouth, and here you are humping him.
Letting go of your head, both hands clamp down on your ass. He forces you to slow down to an almost complete stop and he swallows the whine that comes out of your throat. Securing his feet onto the floor, Gojo gently pushes his hips up while he rocks you forward, and the noise you let out is one he will never forget.
The pace he sets is agonizingly slow, nothing like the one you’d had. Every brush of your body against his has your skin erupting in goosebumps and heat flashes across your body. Fingers tug his hair harder when the grip on your ass gets tighter, and you nearly throw yourself onto him more than you already have.
You don’t even realize the tiny little whimpers coming out of your mouth in a steady rhythm until they turn to wanton moans, a clunky sound you’re unsure about but make all the same. Gojo makes sound too, a deep grumble in his chest that manages to outdo you.
Time is lost with your lips against his. The movie that’s playing has long been forgotten, playing to an audience of no one. It’s soundtrack is a distant entity, muffled by the ringing in your ears and the heat accumulating between your bodies.
“G-gojo.” You pull back with a face hot as fire and eyes closed softly. A plea is on the tip of your tongue, and although you don’t know what you want, you’re ready to beg for it all the same. Gojo chases your lips, capturing them again for another searing kiss that makes you feel drunk.
He hums when he finally sets you free, the cool air from his nose fanning over your face. Forcing his body to relax, Gojo lets go of your ass and drops his hands to his sides. Letting his head fall back onto the couch, he blinks owlishly at the ceiling.
“Would you look at the time, it’s past your bedtime.”
“What?” Turning to look at the clock on the wall, your blood runs cold when you see what time it is. Grabbing his limp hands, you try to put them back on your body. “No, no forget about that.”
“I can’t. Little girls need to go to sleep when it’s time.” Gojo is fighting back a vicious smirk, forcing his face to remain as neutral as he can.
“Gojo, no!” You cry, bouncing on his lap like a child. His body remains limp as you attempt to engage him in another kiss, and frustrated tears rise in your eyes. “C’mon!” Your eyes flicker between his and you nearly throw yourself off his lap. “This isn’t fair!”
“Throwing a tantrum? I thought you were more mature than that.” Standing up and stretching his impossibly long limbs, Gojo clicked his tongue and flicked the TV off.
“Whatever.” Head clouded with lust and pent up frustration, you stormed out of the room much to Gojos pleasure. He followed after you slowly, stopping in the hallway when you get to your door.
“I don’t get a kiss goodnight?” He teases, and if looks could kill he’d be dead by now. The pout on your lip is almost negated by your puffy eyes straining to hold back tears. Laughing under his breath he walks up to you and pats your head. “Sleep well, little girl.”
“Yeah.” Nodding your head, you close your door and all but fall into bed. Your whole body is tense and unable to relax, the throbbing between your legs too much to ignore. Stripping down and crawling defeatedly under the blankets, you stare up at the dark ceiling.
Curling your fist, you punch the bed twice before shoving a hand between your legs. Your cunt is soaked all from a little bit of kissing, and in any other circumstance you’d be embarrassed. But this time, the only thing you could feel was an indescribable need to touch yourself.
Biting your lip hard between your teeth, your legs spread a little to accommodate the new arrival. There’s slick coating your skin, making everything a sticky mess. Inexperienced fingers press against your swollen clit and you gasp loudly.
“Shit.” A whine leaves your throat at the first touch, and your fingers rub clumsily along yourself. Pushing your head back against the pillows you try to recreate the feeling of grinding on Gojos lap. Every so often that spark hits you, but it’s not enough to get off to.
Slowly, you push a finger inside yourself, and then two. With a strain in your wrist you know you’ll feel tomorrow, you thrust your fingers in and out of your cunt. The wet clicking sound of your fingers is unmissable and you're quickly brought to a messy, uncoordinated orgasm.
“Shit.” You swear again, finally able to relax your body. Wiping your fingers on your blankets, you toss and turn to get into a comfortable position. The orgasm you had brought you some reprieve, but in the back of your mind you know it would have been better if Gojo had done it.
Waking up in the morning with the mess between your legs makes a wave of second hand embarrassment wash over you. Dressing quickly, it’s both a relief and a disappointment that Gojo has work during the day, early enough that you don’t see him in the morning.
Eating breakfast and lunch alone, there’s still a feeling in your body that won’t dissipate. The ache between your legs isn’t as strong as last night, but it’s still there, sitting in your body and ruining your underwear.
Your eyes keep staring at the clock, counting down the minutes until Gojo returns. There were other things you could have been doing, things that were more productive with your time, but every time you tried to move on it was impossible to focus and you found yourself back in the same spot.
When Gojo was nearly home, you sprung into action with a half baked plan. He’d texted you asking if you wanted takeout again or a home cooked meal, and you replied immediately that you would be cooking dinner. The only incentive you had to cook was to show him how responsible you were, and to make up for your show of emotions last night.
“(Y/N), I’m home!” Gojo announced as he opened the door. Toeing his shoes off, he waited for an answer or for you to appear before him, but he was left alone in the entryway. Walking past the lounge room, you weren’t there, and he was surprised to find you in the kitchen.
“Hi.” Giving him a quick wave, you kept your attention on the stove. His gaze lingered on you, a half smile on his face, but Gojo said nothing and left the room. You could hear him moving around the house, going to his room and changing into casual clothes and using the toilet before returning to you.
“So, what’re you making?” Standing close to you on the stove, he leaned over your body. His head brushed your temple and your breath hitched.
“J-just something easy.” You squeaked, painfully aware of how his hands settled onto the counters, trapping you against the stove and his body. He hummed but made no other response, and you just stood there together.
“Ya know, it’s kinda like you’re my little housewife, cooking for me after a long day of work.” His comment made you gasp. A million different scenarios ran through your head, all of them where you really were his wife in a house you shared together.
Keeping your lips pressed together to spare the sanity you had left, you nodded as a response. Gojo chuckled and got closer, placing his hands on your hips. Jumping when you felt his nose brush against your neck, you couldn’t move a muscle to question him.
“Having you as a housewife doesn’t sound too bad, now that I think about it.” His breath was loud in your ear, and so was the kiss he planted behind it. His teeth scraped against your neck, and he sucked lightly on your skin before letting you go. “Looks like it’s almost ready. I’ll go set the table.”
As soon as Gojo untangled himself from you, you let out a staggered sigh. With shaky fingers you turned the stove off and took the food off the heat, your eyes glued to the pan so he wouldn’t see your mortified face. Bringing the food to the table quickly, you stared at the table as you ate.
“So, do you like it?” You asked when he was more than halfway done.
“I do.” Propping his elbow on the table, Gojo flashed you a big smile. “I love whatever my little housewife makes for me.” Slapping a hand over your face in embarrassment, you sunk into your chair when he let out a laugh at your expense.
When dinner was over, Gojo insisted on helping you clean up. Rolling up his sleeves and pressing his body right against your back, he promised to do a good job washing the dishes, but he kept grabbing your hand and tangling your fingers together. By the time you finished, nearly an hour had passed and the ache between your legs was killing you.
“Come sit and watch the game with me.” He mumbled, grabbing a beer from the fridge and going to the lounge room.
“What game?” You followed him obediently, standing next to the couch as he took a seat.
“Baseball. I placed a few bets on tonight's game and I wanna win.” Cracking open the can, he took a long drink. “Come sit down.” Spreading his legs, he pat his thigh loudly.
“Okay.” Hesitantly climbing onto his lap, your hands gripped his arm as he pulled you flush against him. Gojos' chin rest on your shoulder, making you lay on his chest and feel every time he drew a breath.
“I’ve been thinking about you all day.” He whispers once a commercial hits.
“Mhmm.” The arm around your middle tightens up. “Been thinking about kissing those pretty lips of yours.” You tried to turn your head to look at him, but he wouldn’t budge. Squirming in his lip made him groan, the vibrations traveling across your back. “What’re you doing, little girl?”
“I wanna kiss you.” At your admittance, Gojo lets you go and helps you turn around in his lap. The position is a familiar one, and your ass nestles against his thighs. Going in for a kiss, your brows furrow when he dodges your lips.
“Once there’s a pause in the game I’ll kiss you.” He says off-handedly, pushing your face out of the way.
“Shh.” With a pinch to your ass, Gojo shuts down any protest. The same frustration you felt last night was coming back, coupled with annoyance at being ignored. You tried again to kiss Gojo, but he dodged you again.
“Fine.” Pinching him back, you practically collapsed in his lap. Watching the game over your shoulder, you truly couldn’t care less about it, but you needed to know the second there was a break.
But it seemed like there would never be one. Even when a commercial came, Gojo would keep your head pressed against his chest, stopping you from doing anything other than trying to wriggle out of his grasp.
“Gojo!” You cried, growing frantic. “Stop being mean!”
“Mean? I would never be mean to you.” He gasped dramatically. Letting you sit up, the smirk he had on his face had your fingers itching to slap him. Grabbing your chin, he pursed your lips and finally kissed you.
The taste of the beer on his tongue was something you could ignore when it entered your mouth. Getting what you wanted at last was the only thing on your mind. Your hands found their spot in his hair again, and you kept him pressed to you even when he tried to pull away.
“Someone’s needy, huh?” Gojo chuckled, finally able to break free and breathe.
“I’ve been thinking about you all day too.” The words fell out of your mouth before you had the chance to think.
“Oh, really?” Gojo quirked a brow. Resting his head in his hand, he licked his lips. “Tell me what you’ve been thinking then.”
“Uhm…” Suddenly feeling shy, you look down at his lap. You can see the outline of his cock straining against his pants and it makes you lick your lips. “I’ve been thinking about kissing you and-” A quick glance up makes your face flush with heat. “And about how you make me feel.”
“How’s that?” He presses, sliding a hand to your ass.
“I get all hot and sweaty, and that place starts to hurt.” Your hand does a vague gesture down to your crotch and it makes Gojo chuckle.
“That place? Do you mean your pussy?” Screwing your eyes closed at his question, you nod. Gojo lets out a little coo, his fingers affectionately squeezing your ass. “You poor baby, I bet it’s just a mess down there.”
“Yeah.” Spreading your legs further across his lap, you try to get comfortable with the wetness that had pooled in your underwear.
“What a shame.” Gojo clicks his tongue, and for a moment you think he’s going to kiss you again. But then his eyes dart to the TV and his body tenses. “Oh shit, I think I might win this game!”
“Huh?” Blinking rapidly, you shift again on his lap and look over your shoulder. Whatever was happening had his full attention, and not even your kisses along his jawline can draw him back to you.
Gojo keeps you seated on his lap for the entirety of the game, every so often kissing you like you wanted, just enough to keep you from leaving but not enough to satisfy you. When the game is over, he repeats the process of yesterday and sends you to your room for your bedtime.
Waking up the next morning is a struggle after being blue balled for two days straight. It was like the release you’d given yourself the first night meant nothing because it wasn’t done by Gojo. Stumbling into the kitchen in a shirt and shorts, you bumped straight into Gojo.
“Hey sleepy head.” He ruffles your hair affectionately, his eyes quite obviously staring right at your ass skirted by the hem of your shorts.
“Hey.” Leaning your head against his chest, you give him a sleepy hug.
“Still tired?” Gojo feigns like he’s interested in whatever you have to say while his hands go under your shirt. The pads of his fingers press into your lower back for a moment before sliding up.
Leaning back a little, you move your arms out of the way for him to bring his hands to your front. His palms cup your breasts, just as hot as your flesh. Grazing your nipples with his thumbs, Gojo hums to himself and nods.
“Can I see?” Gojo asks, slowly tugging up your shirt.
“Yeah.” You nod. He folds up your shirt and pushes the fabric into your mouth, letting go when you bite down. Your fingers are holding up the rest of your shirt, and Gojo squeezes your arms together, making your breasts push together.
“What pretty tits you have.” Leaning down, Gojo presses a kiss to the center of your chest, and another atop both breasts. You’re quick to say a muffled thank you and Gojo kisses you again. His nose is pressed onto your chest and it’s all he can do to pull away and pull your shirt out of your mouth. “Do you want some breakfast?”
“Shouldn’t you be at work?” You ask instead, blindly finding a seat at the dining table.
“I’m going in a little later today for a meeting.” Stepping up to the stove, Gojo sweeps his arm over the assorted ingredients he’s set out. “Now, do you want an omelette?”
When Gojo returns home the next few days after work, it’s either long after your bedtime or he’s too tired to do anything more than go to bed. He was caught up in meetings and late night work functions, leaving no time or energy to spend with you. When the weekend finally comes, you don’t even see him until the evening.
“Hey.” He opens his bedroom door the moment you open the bathroom door, a cloud of steam billowing out around you.
“H-hey.” Caught off guard by his sudden appearance, you grip the towel tighter to your body. His eyes flick down to your skin, slightly damp and smelling sweetly of your body wash. Your body moves on it’s own when he takes a step forward, pressing yourself against the doorframe.
“It’s been a while.” He’s in front of you in just a few short strides. Lithe fingers trace your neck, making you shiver as a tingle goes through you. His hand cups your face, turning it up to him. “I’ve missed you, little girl.”
Gojo kisses you before you have time to answer. What usually starts as a gentle kiss is far gone, replaced with a hunger behind his lips that leaves you trembling. His tongue slides into your mouth with ease, roaming all around your mouth while his teeth clink into yours.
Your thighs are spread apart by his knee shoving between them, and your fingers nearly drop the towel to grab onto him. His knee is pressed right against your cunt, grinding deliciously onto you.
“Gojo!” You gasp when he lets you free. Air rushes into your lungs and is expelled just as fast. His teeth sink into the side of your neck, sucking hard on the skin and lapping up any lingering water droplets. “Gojo, please, I-”
“I know.” He grunts, sucking on the junction of your neck and shoulder. A rough groan leaves his lips and his knee drops, replaced by the hard on straining against his pants. Rough hands rush to bundle up your towel around your hips.
“Fuck, look at you.” Gojo growls, his eyes staring directly at your cunt. “What a pretty little pussy.”
“Gojo!” Throwing your head back, you nearly sob his name when he ruts his hips into you. His hands are digging marks into your hips and thighs with every thrust, and if it weren’t for his body holding you up, you would have crumpled to the floor.
All the sensations are too much, mounting pleasure in your body that threatens to take over. One hand is mindlessly clutching the towel, needing something to ground you in the moment that’s quickly getting away from you.
“Shit.” After sucking a harsh mark into your skin, Gojo stops completely. He stands painfully still, his own orgasm nearly barreling over him. Wrenching his hands off your body, he fixes your towel and takes a tiny step back. Licking his lips, Gojo runs a hand through his hair.
“W-why’d you stop?” Looking up at him with wide eyes, your chest is heaving as you catch your breath.
“I don’t want to blow my load right now, that’d be kind of embarrassing don’t you think?”
“I guess.” At a loss for words, you watch helplessly as he takes another step back. The tent in his pants is painfully obvious. “So when? When can we…” Your eyes bounce around the room, skirting around the question.
“Soon, I promise.” Adjusting his pants, Gojo flicks his head to your bedroom. “Now go get dressed, wouldn’t want you to catch a cold standing out here.”
It’s nearly three days before Gojo kisses you again. He doesn’t kiss you, but he does everything else to you that he wants to do. Shoving you against the wall and fondling your ass before he leaves for work. Grabbing at your tits when you’re cooking or washing dishes. Making you perch your ass on his lap when he’s watching another baseball game, his fingers drawing patterns on your thighs.
“Gojo!” Finally, it’s your turn to corner him in the hallway. Blocking his way to the rest of the house, you cross your arms and fix him with your strongest glare.
“I need you!” Stamping your foot, you know it looks childish, but you need to get your point across. Biting his lip, Gojo steps up to you, giving you a once over.
“Need me how?”
“You know how!” His question shakes your confidence a little, enough to make you break eye contact with him and look at the wall.
“I don’t think I do.” Rocking on his heels, Gojo shrugs dramatically.
“Like- like-” Dropping your arms, you do the only thing you know will work: you shove your hand onto his crotch, palming at his cock and making him jump. “Like this!”
“Woah, little girl.” He’s quick to grab your wrist, but he doesn’t pull your hand away.
“Please!” The whine you’d been fighting back comes out, and it’s music to Gojos ears. “You always do stuff and it makes me feel funny and I really need you.” The frustration makes tears well in your eyes as you look up at him, and he pouts his lip at you.
“Oh poor baby.” Taking your hand away from him, Gojo turns to your room. “Let’s go then. Seems I’ve been playing with you too long.” Rushing to your room, you sit eagerly on the edge of your bed. “Lay down.” He gently pushes your shoulder back, and your head hits the pillow.
Climbing on top of you, Gojo nestles his body against yours and kisses you. Gripping his shoulders tightly, you pull him down harder. The drought he’d put you through had driven you crazy, causing you to dream about his lips on you.
His tongue slid into your mouth quickly, tangling with yours and knocking his teeth with yours. The tips of his fingers skirted around the edge of your shirt for just a moment before delving deeper. Sliding his hand under your bra, Gojo tweaked your nipple.
Making quick work of your shirt, Gojo sat on his heels and peeled his top off. Your eyes were glued to his body, catching every little twitch of his muscles and dip and curve of his chest. He chuckled at your mesmerized face and leant down, taking your nipple into his mouth.
Grabbing your other breast, Gojo worked both your nipples to full hardness, alternating on sucking them into his mouth. The moans that came from your mouth were music to his ears, and your hips blindly rutted against him.
Flicking your nipples with his tongue one last time, Gojo kissed down your chest. Reaching your bottoms, he didn’t need to tell you to lift your hips up, your hands were already pulling them off with him.
“Shit.” Gojo breathed, laying between your legs. Your inner thighs and cunt were covered in your slick, and the heady aroma had Gojo eager to stick his tongue inside you. Sliding his hands underneath your thighs, he set them on his shoulders.
Spreading your lips with his thumbs, Gojos tongue flicked your clit, making your hips nearly shoot off the bed. Your hands immediately wound into the sheets as he continued his ministrations.
“Gojo, please.” You cried, growing tired of the little flicks he was giving you.
“Be patient, baby.” He replied, quickly sucking your clit into his mouth. Your thighs tried to close around his head but his hold on your body was strong. Digging his hands into you, Gojo pulled your cunt closer to his mouth.
Shoving his tongue into you, Gojo lapped tirelessly at your gummy walls, loudly swallowing your essence mixed with his saliva. His nose rubbed your clit, relentless in his pursuit in tasting you. Muffled groans came from his mouth, the vibrations adding to the pleasure.
Pressing his thumb against your clit, he rubbed it furiously. Gojos eyes were screwed closed as he worked you to your first orgasm, his jaw beginning to ache from the force he put behind his tongue.
“Gojo-” Your body tensed up as the orgasm hit you. The fingers gripping the sheets threatened to tear them, your nails digging dangerously into the fabric. A loud, drawn out moan left you and your eyes rolled back.
“Fuck yes, baby.” Gojo wrenched your thighs open and sat up on his elbow. His thumb on your clit didn’t slow down, milking you through your orgasm. When your body relaxed, Gojo shoved his fingers into you, too worked up himself to worry about stretching you out properly.
The two fingers he had inside you stuffed you more than your own fingers ever could. Your walls stretched to fit around the long digits, clenching hard around him. His thumb pressed against your clit again and he began to move his fingers in and out of you at a steady rhythm.
The overstimulation from your first orgasm gave way to pleasure the more he fucked you on his fingers. Gojos palm slapped against your sex with every thrust, mixing with your moans and echoing around the room.
The second orgasm came much quicker than the first, and it was tinged with pain at the edge of your senses. Letting out a loud groan at the feeling of your walls milking his fingers, Gojo pulled out and sat back, roughly ripping his shorts off and exposing his leaking cock to the air.
“Think you can take my cock, baby?” He asked, gripping his cock hard at the base.
“Yes, please!”
“Good answer.” Grabbing your hands, he placed them under your thighs and pressed them to your chest. “Be a good girl and hold your legs for me.” Eager to please, you got a good hold on your thighs and waited.
Both of you stared at his cock lining up with your slit. Taking his time, Gojo pushed the tip past the tight ring of muscle and thrust softly, slowly working you to take his whole cock.
“How does it feel?” He asked, laughing breathlessly.
“Strange.” Your answer made him laugh more.
“Am I the first one to fuck this pretty pussy?”
“Yeah.” A wicked grin spreads across Gojos face and he leans between your legs to kiss your forehead.
“This old man sure feels special.”
“You’re not old!” You gasp, loosening your hold on your legs. “Not at all!”
“Legs, baby.” He taps your hands and you quickly right yourself. Pressing his hands into the pillow beneath your head, Gojo forces your legs to bend a little more. “I’m a dirty old man compared to you.”
“No-” You go to protest again, but the sharp snap of his hips into yours cuts you off. Your head immediately falls back, exposing the column of your throat for Gojo to lean forward and kiss. He pulls back again, making sure you feel the full length of his cock before snapping forward again.
Gojo thrusts into you with no mercy, lust clouding his senses and any reason in his head. Your walls are so tight, they almost grip him enough to stop him from pulling out again. He’s waited so long to feel you wrapped around him, and now that he has you he doesn’t want to waste a single second.
His heavy balls slap against your ass with each thrust, adding to the cacophony of sounds mixing together in your room. Your slick is being fucked out of you and dripping down between your ass and onto his balls, creating a damp spot beneath you.
“Such a good little girl.” Gojo pants, cupping your face with his hand. Swiping his thumb across your lower lip, he grins when you take it into your mouth and suck hard on it. “Taking my cock so well, like you were made for it.”
“Mhmm!” Nodding, you let go of one leg to hold onto his hand, lacing a few fingers together. Pressing his thumb against your tongue, Gojo pulled your mouth open and pursed his lips. Letting his saliva drip down into your mouth, he felt a swell of pride watching you swallow it immediately.
Your hand slid off your leg, the sweat accumulating on your body making you lose your grip. With your feet dangling near Gojos head, he pressed a quick kiss to your ankle before digging his hands underneath your ass and angling your hips up.
“Fuck!” You squeal loudly at the new angle and your hands scramble to push against Gojos hips. “T-too much!” Gojo barks out a laugh and swats your hands away, pining one to your side as he pounds into you.
“Shit, how’d you get even tighter, little girl? I can barely pull out.”
“Gojo, please!” Tears begin to gather on your lashes from the onslaught of pleasure, and you let out a short yelp at feeling his fingers against your puffy clit. “Please, please it’s- fuck-” Your head thrashed against the pillows, unable to run away from the feeling.
“Be good and squirt on my cock.” Gojo growled. He was close to cumming himself, your cunt that he’d denied himself for so long was just as good as he imagined it to be. It was all he could do to make sure you came before he filled you to the brim with his cum.
“Stop I’m gonna- Gojo- pee, I’m gonna-” You babbled mindlessly, tongue falling out of your mouth and making drool coat your chin. Seeing your fucked out face had Gojos racing heart pounding even harder.
Hunching over, he forced your legs to nearly touch your head as he rutted into you. Barely pulling his cock out all the way, Gojo worked your clit in his fingers and was rewarded with a high pitched moan, akin to a scream in his ear.
“Fuck-” He grunted. The force of your orgasm was nearly pushing his cock out all the way, your juices gushing around him. Sinking his teeth into your leg, Gojo came inside your spasming cunt, fucking his cum out with yours.
You were nearly sobbing by the time he fully stopped thrusting. Your body ached all over, muscles that had been pulled taut were finally being released and allowed to relax. Gojo slid your legs off his shoulders as he panted for breath.
Slowly pulling out of you, he stared at his softening cock absolutely covered in your release. His entire lower region was glistening in the light of the room and the wet spot on the bed was much bigger now.
Sliding out of the room quietly, he returned with a damp towel. Quickly wiping himself, he gingerly wiped down your sex, letting out little giggles when your body twitched uncontrollably. Setting the towel to the side, he smiled down at you.
“Hey little girl.” His grin turned into a full toothed smile at seeing your dazed face, drunk off his fuck and cum. A dopey smile spread across your face and you lifted a tired hand to grab at his. Giggling bashfully, you pressed your face into the pillow to get away from his stare.
“What?” You asked, feeling your cheeks heat as he continued to look at you.
“Nothing, just looking at my pretty girl.” Squeezing your hand, Gojos eyes glance at the wet spot on the bed. “Ya know, it’s almost your bedtime, and I can’t have you sleeping in a wet bed.” Humming like you were following along, you giggled again when his hand squeezed your waist.
“Are you listening to me?” Gojo chuckled, squeezing you again and making you jump. “Come sleep in my room with me.”
“Okay.” Helping you stand, Gojo led you to his bedroom. Even though it was the guest room, it felt like he had always lived in this room. It smelled of him, and his clothes were everywhere. Flopping onto the bed, you yawned as soon as your head hit the pillow. “Gojo.”
“I’m hungry.” Gojo snorted loudly and nodded. Helping you under the covers, he slid on a pair of shorts.
“Alright, I’ll get you a snack. Try to stay awake.” You give him a lopsided thumbs up that makes him snort again. Turning on his heels, he knows as soon as he comes back, you’ll be passed out and snoring into his pillow. And he’s right.
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sultryvodka · 3 years
𝙘𝙤𝙡𝙡𝙚𝙜𝙚! 𝙖𝙤𝙩 𝙗𝙤𝙮𝙛𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙣𝙙 𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙘𝙖𝙣𝙤𝙣𝙨 | 𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙩 1
𝙥𝙪𝙗𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙝 𝙙𝙖𝙩𝙚 - 𝙢𝙖𝙮 4𝙩𝙝
warnings: mild swearing, mildly suggestive (if you squint lol)
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| armin - colt - eren - jean - porco |
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armin arlert
• i think most, if not all of us, agree that armin looks like the type to get all flustered with PDA & shy away from his emotions --- HOWEVER.
• rather than being all over you, he finds himself most comfortable with holding your hand or having an arm wrapped around your shoulders.
• he wouldn't mind you being clingy though 👀
• would occasionally place a gentle peck on your forehead, cheeks & his personal favorite; the palm of your hands.
• you guys' dates would mostly end up being in a library, café & restaurants with a nice warm atmosphere.
• i bet he would be the kind of guy to take you to the beach whenever you're stressed out in hopes of calming you down.
• gets very defensive when his friends tease you, if a man could bark his friends away, it's armin arlert.
• this lad over here would establish a routine with you (with your consent & opinions ofc)
• mondays to friday mornings are centered on school, you guys do your own thing at school & walk you home while making sure to stop by a convenience store for snacks, assuming that you guys don't live together yet.
• both of you make it a point to check on one another to make sure you guys aren't wearing yourselves out.
• which leads me to the conclusion that your parents grew very fond of him & treats him more like their child
• when you guys are having a sleepover, this whole lowkey facade of his takes a 180 and the second you reach the bedroom he'll shower you with cuddles and kisses.
• you would watch movies (mostly rom-com just bc armin makes it work okay) tucked in a warm futon with popcorn and candies between you two.
• armin strikes me as a very studious guy and he does this to ensure you guys' future together ^-^
• all in all armin cares about you so much and he doesn't mind being vulnerable to you. he is your safe haven, and so are you to him.
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colt grice
• okay can we talk about how this perfect man deserves some more attention
• colt, my man, gives me disney's prince florian vibes. the soft-spoken, kind-hearted, & just an absolute dream.
• he's the kind of guy to take you to the park, a greenhouse, & WORKSHOPS!!!
• given the idea that he is in fact a shy little baby, he is actually pretty active with you. every date you guys have is different. mans has a quest planned out for y'all.
• at school i think that you might be the one to initiate skinship. doesn't have to be kisses on the lips, it's more of gently trailing your index on the back of his hand or rubbing a hand on his forearm when he gets a little anxious.
• the type to peek through your classroom's door because bubba's too shy to ask someone to call for you 🤧
• colt, in my opinion, is very domestic in private, now don't get me wrong he may be a little too shy in public because he isn't used to it but i promise you he takes on the nurturing role of the relationship more than you are.
• he helps you with cleaning, folding your clothes, and god if you guys get periods, he's got a whole pouch in his locker just for you.
• he doesn't do it intentionally, he happens to know you so well that he notices the slight change in your moods & cravings.
• colt often reads a book while you guys cuddle during the afternoons once all the work is done, he'd make you tea or whatever you want. he hums a tune, probably from old disney movies that his brother falco used to enjoy as a kid.
• your parents are more invested in your marriage than you and colt combined.
• okay, now if you happen to have a baby or a toddler somewhere around the house, someone keep this man from turning into a putty.
• as much as colt acts prim and proper most of the time, he has his moments where he just wants to be an entire mess. perhaps sleeping past his usual waking time, indulging in more snacks than usual. you know, loosen up? yeah, that is a side of his that only YOU will ever be allowed to see.
• so yes you and colt would be labeled as the: put-together couple who needs a little bit of adventure every now and then.
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eren jaeger
• i hope i don't ramble too long because i love him sm
• mr. loverboy over here is a simp for you, more than you are a simp for him! he is not afraid to show you off and shower you with flattery. now he does this because he feels so lucky to have you.
• he can be a little cliché (well maybe not as much as jean --- more on that later), like he'll randomly interrupt your vacant class with a gift box he put together, & a bouquet. yes. (carla helped him pick out flowers from her shop)
• he's the type to crash his lips with yours in the middle of campus when you achieve something or when he does, vice-versa. if he plays in one of your school's teams, there just HAS to be a bet that if he wins he gets a kiss... or more... or something else.
• dates with eren are usually random than planned. like it pops in his head and he'll inform you right away. he respects your vacancy too of course but if you aren't he might pout just a little bit.
• his ideal dates are prop shop dates, going to hotspots, amusement parks, antique shops! & maybe late night drinks at a quiet bar where you can both enjoy the solace of the atmosphere.
• on special occasions, he does plan ahead. usually it's something on the simpler side. candlelit dinners at home or somewhere you guys both enjoy dining.
• if eren's had a bad day, best believe that he will run to you for comfort. only you can help keep his aggressive response to anger at bay.
• if given the chance he would take you around the world, he's that passionate in making sure you live a little
• hear me out... you and eren would probably have the most philosophical conversations, just laying on your backs beneath his room's skylight? heavenly.
• eren can get a little poetic expressing himself & i believe that it's just wonderful. no one can describe their feelings as good as eren.
• his favorite look of yours is when your eyes beam with excitement, it usually happens when you spot something that you used to enjoy as a kid or when you're concentrating on one of your hobbies.
• he's a very touchy person too, his hands are usually on your stomach/waist, his kisses are random & they linger for awhile.
• when you're asleep next to him, it's his habit to solemnly watch you while his own drowsiness starts to take over.
• eren is passionate & sometimes people might take it the wrong way. one of the reasons eren loves you is because of the way you understand how he is. mutual growth for y'all ♡.
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jean kirschtein
• jean is not afraid to pull a live performance for you, you see this man is at the top of the world when he's with you. from 80s hits to recent releases this man will blast his playlists catered for you.
• dates with jean are certainly spent on concerts, (him & eren bond over chase atlantic don't argue with me) music festivals, thrifting & late night drives!!!
• personally, i don't see jean as very gimmicky unless you guys are with his friends, he takes you very seriously and you are his top priority.
• at school i think he's definitely one of those flirtatious boyfriends. the kind who would not miss an opportunity to blow you a kiss or throw you a wink. he can be a bit of a dork, who wouldn't be? if he can get one of your rare smiles 🥺
• jean's the type to ask his pals for help when it comes to styling. not because he dresses badly but he's too focused on getting a flush on your cheeks. he's a hopeless romantic.
• if you guys happen to stay at home, he'll definitely serenade you with the amount of songs he had written recently just for you.
• since he bonds with sasha and connie, his jokes are either dad jokes or something that went viral on tiktok. he's the perfect balance of goofy and mature.
• if you aren't much of an active person he wouldn't mind being lazy with you and insist on a diy spa day at home.
• it's just netflix with a tub of ice cream and face masks on.
• since jean is quite the romantic, he would be into couple outfits or items that aren't cringey obv and probably doesn't mind using your perfume or vice-versa.
• jean probably asked you out during one of his gigs, offering you a single rose afterwards.
• he's the type to leave you random post-it notes if he visits your house. just random phrases or doodles. and boy does he pick you up every single day on his smexy motorcycle.
• he'll bring you coffee and breakfast to-go. this man's spoiling you baby.
• aside from that, i feel like jean would make you hand-made gifts with the help of his momma. he thinks it's sentimental when you make your presents because it's one of a kind.
• jean does all these things because he's 100% about you being a constant person in his life. he loves how he can be whoever he wants when he's around you, i'm certain you guys wouldn't have it any other way either.
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porco galliard
• porco can be a dick if he wants to not to you though, this tough guy turns into putty just for you. he definitely loves being treated like a baby.
• at first he might come off as cold because he isn't used to the whole romance thing and he gets flustered with the slightest pecks so you might have to initiate at first.
• but once you guys get through the awkward phase this boy would straight up greet you with a passionate kiss and does not give a damn about everybody who witnessed it. he might even have a stupid smirk on his face.
• like eren, i feel like porco would be very passionate and intense. he doesn't say much but he definitely shows you just how much he adores you.
• speaking of friends (: reiner would tease him every second of the day. i bet he would team up with bertholdt to annoy this poor boy. annie and pieck's not much help either.
•whenever you're stressed, porco would run you a bath and give you massages very often. he'll sit on the edge of the tub while he runs his hand through your hair.
•his type of dates would be watching at a cinema or a drive-in, going to the mall just to look around,he's a simple guy.
•if you guys happen to have an argument, porco would distance himself for a few minutes to a few hours just to process the situation and avoid anything his aggression might cause.
•he knew that if he wanted you guys to work he needed to be better.
•he would come back though and hold you in his arms while you guys talk it out.
•i bet he's one of the aot characters who would be an athlete, so most days you'll end up watching him practice.
•overtime, porco would be more open to being intimate in public and post stories of you two just doing things most couples do.
•he's proud that you're his and he's all yours.
•porco is a great guy and he would do anything just to make you smile.
i hope you guys liked these~! let me know who you guys want to be in the second part. requests are open and as always, stay safe! - 🌸☁️
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wukindly · 4 years
Melting Under Blue Skies | Luke Patterson
No matter what other people said, (Y/N) was the best karaoke partner Luke could ask for.
Pairing(s): alive!Luke Patterson/fem!reader Word Count: 3.8k Genre: fluff, fun Warnings: you might cringe a bit of how sweet this is
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It definitely wasn't a surprise for (Y/N) (Y/L/N) when she heard that Julie Molina had joined a band as their lead singer - Julie and The Phantoms. (Y/N) knew that would happen eventually, Jules was insanely talented and it was clear that she was meant for it - greatness.
The girl had been a close friend to the Molina girl since they were very young, but, unfortunately, they did drift apart a bit after (Y/N) moved from Los Feliz High School. They still hanged out whenever they could, but it didn't happen as often as it used to. Even so, the girl was thrilled to hear that Julie was in a band, and Julie was more than excited to introduce her to the boys.
Chaotic was a good word to describe them, but it was a good kind of it. They were very welcoming to (Y/N) and she thought that, overall, they were a fun group to be around. However, it wasn't like she clicked with them as soon as they met.
Julie even created a group chat so they all could talk and get to know each other. (Y/N) did enjoy the memes they shared and the puppy videos that Reggie eventually sent in the group, but she couldn't say that she had a real connection with any of them.
It took her a while, but Luke was the first one to actually become close to her. All it took was a question.
That said question wasn't even directed at him, not exactly. (Y/N) asked in the chatroom if anyone was up for going out and grabbing some ice cream with her. The issue was that it was already past 1 am and those who weren't sleeping didn't appreciate the idea.
However, Luke did. Apparently, he had had a disagreement with his folks and wanted to go out and clear his head for a while. It was a bit awkward at first, since they didn't know each other well, but spending those few hours together without their other friends was enough for them to bond more than they had in the past month.
It became quite a routine for them to do that, to hang out around the city during the night whenever one of them felt stressed and wanted to vent out. It was just easy for them to open up to each other - even if neither of them were usually good at talking about their problems, since they would rather not worry anyone.
The growing friendship was noticeable to anyone around them and, honestly, Julie couldn't be happier seeing that her two dear friends hit off so easily. Soon enough, (Y/N) and Luke also became each other's best friend.
The turning point in their friendship happened at a party. Well, it wasn't exactly a party, it felt more like a meeting - and it wasn't even related to the band. It was something to do with Ray's job. Of course that when the Molina girl sensed that the gathering would probably be tedious, she invited her friends to come along.
There were no other words for it, the party was boring. However, they had promised Julie they would stay for an hour at least. Luke had to keep reminding (Y/N) of that every time she groaned in discontentment, earning a few chuckles and a pat on her head from him.
He couldn't deny it, though. He wanted to leave just as much as any of them did.
Reggie was apparently in charge of eating all the food from their table. Alex had invited a boy he'd recently started going out with, a nice lad called Willie; and he was thankful that he did it, since talking to Willie was the only entertaining thing about that place. Luke was feeling uneasy, not being the biggest fan of having to stay seated and quiet on his place. He was trying not to let his nerves get to him, only fidgeting with his hands, as (Y/N) was resting her head on his shoulder, equally bored.
That was when her eyes found it.
"Luke." (Y/N) raised her head from his shoulder, eyes widening slightly. That was enough to pique Luke's interest. "Do my eyes deceive me or is that really what I think it is?"
Following her gaze, the boy saw what caught her attention. "Oh my God." he straightened himself in the chair. "They have a karaoke machine."
If you were part of their squad, you'd probably know that Luke Patterson and (Y/N) (Y/L/N) were karaoke enthusiasts and would never miss a chance to sing and perform together. Sometimes they would even get Reggie to sing with them, but he was the only one to join the duo at karaoke nights. That's because they could get a bit too excited and lost in the moment.
"Guys, can't we have just one nice normal evening?" Alex pleaded. They were plus ones at that party and he really wasn't in the mood of being kicked out of there. "Besides, we don't even know these people, Julie was the one who told us to come."
"Why are you worrying so much, then?" Luke turned to him, a smirk quickly making it's way to his face. "We are never going to see these people again."
All it took was the wink Luke threw at her direction for (Y/N) to understand that he would be down for it if she was. Oh, finally something to make that night interesting.
"Do you want to join us, Reg?" (Y/N) chuckled as the boy turned to her confusedly, mouth full of meatballs. She shook her head, letting him go back to his eating. "Willie?"
Alex widened his eyes at her invitation, not wanting them to scare his potentially next boyfriend off. Although a smirk made it's way to his lips, Willie declined it. "I think I'll pass."
Luke stood up, offering his hand to the girl. "Let's give them a show, (Y/N)."
She gladly accepted it, intertwining her hands with his as he pulled her along. Willie laughed as he noticed the slight bounce in the girl's step. "I like your friends."
"So do I, but I'm not entirely sure why." Alex stopped for a second before shrugging, watching his best friends walking eagerly toward the machine.
"Let's see." (Y/N) scanned through the list of songs, trying to find something that would please both Luke and her. "Um, they have a bunch of pop songs." Luke hummed at that, nodding. "No, no..." she shook her head, trying to find something good. "Do you wanna sing Despacito?"
Luke scoffed, squinting his eyes at her. "(Y/N), if I listen to that song one more time-"
"Okay, got it." the girl chuckled, making a note to herself to check later if Reggie would be up to sing it with her. "Lover? There's a lot of Taylor Swift here."
Luke whined, throwing his head back. "C'mon, gimme something I can work with."
"You're so picky, Lukey." she shook her head, trying to find a song that Luke would like at least a bit. That's when one of the titles caught her eyes. "We could do Accidentally In Love!"
Luke's eyes widened, leaning over her shoulder to see if the song was actually there. "Oh, Shrek be blessed, that's perfect!"
(Y/N) grinned, raising her hand, getting a high-five from the boy. That wouldn't be their first time performing a Shrek song - their friends had already witnessed the duo rocking out to All Star many times before. That would be their first time doing that particular song, though.
"What are you guys doing?" Julie approached them, frowning when she noticed the machine in front of them. "Please, don't."
"Don't worry, Jules." (Y/N) intertwined her arm with Luke's, bringing him closer as a smile grew on her lips. "I'm gonna return your guitarist after this, it's just one song."
"Yeah, that's not what I'm worried about." she turned to Flynn, silently asking for backup.
Flynn nodded, agreeing with Julie. "You can get a little too much when you do karaoke."
Luke took his arm off (Y/N)'s hold only to wrap it around her shoulders. "Well, that's the beauty in it."
"Exactly, we perform with our souls." (Y/N) said dramatically, bringing her hands to her heart.
Luke grinned at her words. Being completely honest, (Y/N) was one of his favorite people to perform with. She wasn't in their band and didn't even sing professionally. Well, she wasn't even that good at singing. However, the girl was really passionate about it and didn't care about how off key she sounded - she would always put her heart and soul in each song and performance. That was the most important thing and Luke loved that in her.
Julie sighed to Flynn, knowing there was no way to stop them from performing if they had already set their minds on it. "Whatever, let's just go."
Luke looked down to the girl in his arms, smiling as their eyes met. "Are you ready?"
"I was born ready." (Y/N) nodded her head confidently, letting go of his embrace. She picked two mics before going to the small stage, waiting for Luke to start the music.
As the song began, the first beats filling out the room, (Y/N) started swaying her hips to it, closing her eyes. Luke quickly got to her side, claiming one of the mics as his. He couldn't help but smirk when he noticed that their friends were watching the scene, most of them reacting disapprovingly.
Alex was cringing, knowing exactly what was to come. Julie didn't take her eyes away from them, but it was clear that, if she could, she would just walk away and pretend that she didn't know either of them. As for Flynn, she seemed to be a bit conflicted, not knowing if she should feel embarrassed or amused by the situation - the girl was covering her eyes with one hand, but was peaking through it.
Willie and Reggie, however, had their gaze settled on the pair with eager smiles on their faces, just waiting for an entertaining performance.
If that was what they wanted, it was what Luke was going to deliver.
“So she said what's the problem, baby?" the boy shrugged, looking to the audience. "What's the problem? I don't know. Well, maybe I'm in love.”
“Love!” (Y/N) exclaimed enthusiastically.
Luke scratched his neck, seeming to be a bit flustered by his words. “Think about it, every time I think about it, can't stop thinking 'bout it.”
“How much longer will it take to cure this?" the girl turned her head to Luke, a fake confused look on her face as if she was asking him. Luke shook his head at her, seeming to be as clueless as she was. "Just to cure it cause I can't ignore it if it's love.”
“Love!” Luke took a page out of (Y/N)'s book, trying to match his excited tone to the way she'd sung before.
(Y/N) crossed her arms, the mic close to her face as she pouted. “Makes me want to turn around and face me, but I don't know nothing 'bout love.”
The first verses seemed to have won Flynn over, as she took her hand away from her eyes, a grin emerging on her lips. She leaned toward Julie, whispering something that made the Molina girl nod and laugh.
“Come on, come on.” Luke was looking directly at the table their friends were sitting, grinning as he noticed Reggie and Flynn moving to the rhythm. “Turn a little faster.” 
“Come on, come on.” (Y/N) did the same, motioning for them to stand up. “The world will follow after.”
“Come on, come on.” it was very satisfying to see that Willie was the first one to stand up, prompting their friends to do the same. “'Cause everybody's after-”
“Love.” the duo raised their hands to the air, singing together.
(Y/N) chuckled, seeing Alex shaking his head at the duo. He was clearly biting a smile back, trying not to make it obvious that he was enjoying it. His efforts were useless, however, as Willie nudged him, bopping his head to the song.
Holding her mic tightly on her hand, (Y/N) turned to Luke, singing her next verse directly to him.
“So I said I'm a snowball running." the boy also turned to her, their gazes meeting as he nodded his head. "Running down into the spring that's coming all this love." (Y/N) looked up theatrically, a dreamy look taking over her eyes. "Melting under blue skies" she moved her body as if she was melting, seeing a grin widen on Luke's face. That only gave her more confidence to put more passion on her movements. "Belting out sunlight shimmering love.”
“Well baby, I surrender” in the next moment, Luke dropped down on his knees in front of her. (Y/N) took her hands to her heart, swooning at the gesture. “To the strawberry ice cream, never ever end of all this love.” they could hear people cheering loudly as Luke stood up, taking a step forward and pointing at the girl. “Well I didn't mean to do it, but there's no escaping your love.”
Although they were aware that their public seemed to be getting into the performance, neither of them spared a glance at their direction, keeping their eyes on each other.
The energy was just flowing through them, to the point that they were almost vibrating as they kept on singing together. “These lines of lightning mean we're never alone.” Luke and (Y/N) couldn't help but smirk at the other as they shook their heads. “Never alone. No, no.”
“Come on, come on.” Luke grabbed (Y/N)'s free hand, pulling her towards him. “Move a little closer.”
“Come on, come on.” (Y/N) nodded, leaning in his direction and prompting him to do the same. “I want to hear you whisper.”
“Come on, come on.” they were so close to each other that their mics were the only things keeping them apart.“Settle down inside my love.” Luke squeezed her hand as he sang, feeling (Y/N) tightening her hold on him as well. Their gaze was getting more intense with each word that was sung.
“Come on, come on.” (Y/N) took one step back. “Jump a little higher!” and she let go of his hand, reaching up as she jumped as high as she could, her voice sounding a bit high pitched by the end of the sentence.
“Come on, come on.” Luke laughed at her antics, high-fiving her as she brought her hand back down. “If you feel a little lighter.”
“Come on, come on.” the two friends circled each other, never breaking the eye contact; their smiles always present on their faces. “We were once upon a time in love.”
Their walking came to a stop as they stood in front of the other. “We're accidentally in love.”
As the song got to it's slower part, it was like time had slowed down for Luke too.
Maybe it was the way his heart was beating faster at that moment, something that happened quite often when (Y/N) held his gaze like that, although he never put a finger on why that happened. Maybe it was the way he couldn't stop smiling, specially because she was smiling back at him. Luke wasn't sure why his feelings were getting clear only at that second, but it was like something clicked inside him.
The boy frowned slightly as he continued to sing. “Accidentally in love.”
Suddenly, Luke was aware of how close (Y/N) stood to him. Although his feelings seemed to be way more intense than the usual, he was familiar to them - it wasn't something entirely new. He'd always acknowledged that he cared for (Y/N) in a different way than he did his other friends, but he blamed it on the fact that she had become his best friend, not exactly ready to connect the dots. Apparently, now he was.
Still staring into her eyes, Luke kept on his verses. “Accidentally in love.”
As she smiled to him the same way she always did, the fog in his mind was finally going away. Maybe Luke should've noticed it sooner. He should’ve noticed it during one of the times they went to buy ice cream together. Or maybe when she first came to a gig of theirs, wearing a Julie and The Phantoms shirt she had borrowed from Flynn. Or maybe any of the times they were singing together. Maybe at any moment he'd spent with her.
“Accidentally in love.”
His face softened at the realization. He'd fallen for his best friend and hadn't even noticed it. It had been something so natural to him that Luke couldn't actually name it as that until that moment. It just made sense to want to be around her, to be close to her, to spend time with her, to love her.
“Accidentally in love.”
As the song began to grow again, (Y/N) tapped the beat against her leg. Her sudden moves brought Luke back to the moment.
“Accidentally in love.”
Luke mimicked her actions, a smirk slowly reappearing on his lips. From the beginning of their friendship, (Y/N) was warmth, comfort and late night talks. Understanding and empathetic. The sweetest ice cream they'd ever shared or the greatest harmony he'd ever heard. Oh, he could see himself writing songs about that feeling.
“Accidentally in love.”
Being in love with her didn't seem like a bad thing. Luke figured that he was already doing it for quite a while, even if he hadn't noticed it before. If he were to fall for someone, he was grateful that it was for his best friend.
“Accidentally in love.”
Feeling his chest growing warm and his smirk only widening, he scrunched his nose slightly. He was happy.
The girl seemed to have forgotten all about her mic, leaning toward his to sing the next few lines together. “I'm in love, I'm in love, I'm in love, I'm in love, I'm in love, I'm in love.”
“Accidentally!” (Y/N) cheerfully exclaimed.
That was not their first time sharing a mic with the other; in all honesty, that always felt like a intimate thing to do. That feeling only seemed to be intensified for Luke. “I'm in love, I'm in love, I'm in love, I'm in love, I'm in love, I'm in love.”
“Accidentally!” he nodded at her with certainty. “Come on, come on.” and took the opportunity to take her hand once more, spinning her even closer to him. “Spin a little tighter.”
“Come on, come on.” (Y/N) giggled at his actions. “And the world's a little brighter.”
“Come on, come on.” Luke intertwined their hands, squeezing it as he enjoyed the feeling of her warm skin against his. “Just get yourself inside”
“Her love.” as their voices mixed together for the last time, the Patterson boy noticed a small sparkle in (Y/N)'s eyes. His heart couldn't help but miss a beat after that.
“I'm in love.” Luke didn't mean for his voice to sound so soft as it did when he sang the last sentence, but he couldn't help it, since those words were true to his feelings.
The eye contact was broken once again when they heard the applause coming from the audience. At some point during the song, it was like they had forgotten that they were sing on a stage in front of people. For a few minutes, it had been easy to imagine that there were only them, singing to each other.
Neither of them tried to let go of the other's hand as the duo turned to the crowd, bowing to them. Physical contact was something normal in their friendship, but now Luke was super aware of it - and pretty glad that (Y/N) hadn't let go of him yet.
She only did it when they had already left the stage, but only to wrap her arms around his neck, pulling him for an excited hug. "That was our best one yet!" (Y/N) bounced on her feet, a proud smile adorning her face. "You were killing it."
The boy wrapped his arms around her waist, resting his head on her shoulder. "Well, we are king and queen of karaoke nights."
"You're absolutely right." (Y/N) laughed before pulling away from him, quickly catching his hand so they could head back to their table.
Luke wasn't sure if he was ready to let that moment go. "(Y/N)?"
As she stopped to look at him, the boy thought to himself if that would be the right time to talk about what happened on stage, if she'd felt that too. That glint in her eyes; had it meant something? However, he was aware that their friends were waiting for them - he could even see Alex and Reggie's eyes on them. Maybe that was not the right moment for that.
So Luke just wrapped one of his arms around her shoulders as they kept on walking toward their friends. "You were on fire there, have you been taking voice lessons?"
"Nope." the girl chuckled, leaning into his embrace. "But glad to know that I'm getting better at it."
As the duo approached the table, they missed how Alex and Reggie exchanged a meaningful glance after looking at them, trying to hide the understanding smile that widened on their faces. The scene on the stage was just too obvious for them.
"Are you guys done embarrassing us?" Julie's voice had an accusatory tone, but she was clearly amused by their performance.
(Y/N) scoffed, sitting down across from the Molina girl. "Oh, you heard the applauds, they loved us."
Luke nodded, stealing some of the food out of Reggie's plate. "We are never done embarrassing you guys." he offered one of the snacks to (Y/N), the girl happily accepting it. "There's always a next time."
She hummed as Alex groaned, throwing his head back in annoyance. That was enough to earn a few chuckles from (Y/N) and Willie. "C'mon Alex! Luke and I just had the performance of our lives, cheer up."
The Patterson boy couldn't agree more with her words, their rendition of Accidentally in Love was definitely something. As the girl leaned her head against his shoulder once more, his arm wrapping around her like a second nature, Luke couldn't help but feel content. He was glad to be there with his friends, with her in his embrace; even if he wasn't sure how things would be from then on. There was always a next time and, maybe then, he would be up for having that talk with (Y/N).
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leewritesstuff · 3 years
Keeping Up With The Hollands | 04
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Summary: You and Tom were offered to document your life since you are both famous in the entertainment industry. Now as you got older you left the entertainment industry and head for the medical field. How difficult can it be? Also, did I mention that you have kids?
Pervious | CHAPTER 04 | Next
Series Masterlist
WORDS: 1.6+k
Writting this made me laugh at some parts pfftt. Anyway let's pretend that Far Away From Home was shooting during the time the boys were of age (forgot their age ngl 2 or 3 somewhere there)
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Tom woke up first, sensing something on his face. He opened his eyes and catch a small foot in front of him. In confusion, he turned and notice all of his children on his king-size bed. Slowly but gently, he removed the feet that belonged to Edward.
He got up and head to the kitchen. Preparing breakfast for the family. His girlfriend Y/N was on a press conference for her charity.
"So today, we are going on the set of Spiderman Far From Home. Um, I'm not really sure how I'm going to do that and take care of four children. I know Harrison said he will be there but... I'm scared" he said to the camera as he tries to flip the pancake.
"I actually tried hiring a babysitter, they only lasted a few hours. I think I had forgotten to tell them that there would be more than one kids. Anyway, Ed and Chase gave them hell so they all left." After flipping the pancakes, Tom separated them, one for each boy and three for him, with some whipped cream on them.
Finish fixing up breakfast, he goes to wake up the boys, seeing as they are on a time limit. When he got there, he saw Jake up, trying to wake up his brothers.
Tom smile and ruffle the boy's hair, "Morning bud, you slept well?" Jake gave him a toothy grin and nodded. Jake got up and jumped into Chase's body making the boy yell, which woke up Max.
"Get up" Chase got up and pushed Jake down the bed, the two starting a fight. Jake's leg accidentally kicked Ed in his face, making the boy cry. Tom pulled away Chase from Jake and grabbed Ed, trying to soothe his nose.
"Alright, alright, it was an accident okay? You're okay" Once the boy calmed down, he picked up Maxton and carried him to the kitchen, as his two other ducklings followed.
Chase and Jake climbed into their highchair while Tom put Ed and Max in there's. He grabbed the prepared plates and gave them it.
Tom sat down in front of them, trying to feed each of the boys, "Chase is the only one who could fully feed himself, so I have to help the others."
Max took a piece of pancake and gave it to Tom, when Tom saw what he was doing, he opened his mouth and let Max feed him.
"Thank you Max for sharing." Max smiled and nodded and continued eating. After the boys were finished, Tom took their plates and washed them.
When he was done, he went to get the boys dressed including himself.
They made it to the studio safely. Tom took out each boy and placed name tags on them. He took Chase hand's who was holding Ed, then Jake's then Max and walked towards the entrance.
"Pa where we at?" Questioned Ed as he looked around the building.
"Well, we're at my work. You get to see Ironman, Thor-"
"Do we get to see Batman?" Tom looked at Max as if he just asked the weirdest question. As he was going to answer, Ed beat him to it.
"No stupid, they have Captin America"
"Aye! Don't call your brother stupid!" Ed pouted but kept quiet. After checking in with security and handing the children their passes they were allowed to enter.
As they were walking, Tom felt something heavy on his foot. He looked down and noticed Maxton was on it, he let out a sigh and tried to get the boy off of him.
"Max let go, I need to walk"
"Max, come on buddy, I need my foot"
Tom huffed and bent down, then he grabbed the boy making him scream. He tried shaking the boy off his foot but he wouldn't move. Giving up, he grabbed back Chase's hand and dragged his right foot.
"Stay then. Bloody hell"
On his way to his trailer, he showed the boys all the objects that were on the walls, the posters, the banners, the pictures of people etc etc.
Tom had left the boys in the lounge area with his stylist, Rachael since she asked too. He was grateful for that, but what he didn't mention was that they were slippery. Literally.
The poor woman's attention was more focused on Jake and  Maxton fighting to get the last box of juice, that she didn't notice that both Ed and Chase were missing. Somehow, both boys ended up by the set where Tom was shooting his scene for Far Away Home.
They watch as 'Spiderman' fought Mysterio. Wanting to go help his father, Chase quickly took off his clothes and ran onto the set and started hitting Mysterio.
(I'm sorry I had to laugh at this scene pffttt)
"Someone's Kid is on set!" someone shouted
"Whoa! Hey hey! Get me down!" Tom yelled when he notices what's going on. Jake who was playing as Mysterio, 'fell' onto the ground yelling, "Argh! You got me! Man down!" Giggles and laughter could be heard around the seat.
After they got Tom down, he quickly grabbed his son, and shield him, "Mate, I get you're trying to save me and all but you need to keep your clothes on"
Chase smiled at his father, dimples on display. Tom couldn't hold in his laugh and just started bursting out. Jake got up from the ground and head over to the duo. "I guess we have a new spiderman?"
The director yelled for everyone to take a break, Tom, Chase and Jake head over to where Ed and Jacob were enjoying themselves at the buffet table.
"Ed, I thought I left you at Rachel's? Why didn't you stop your brother?"
"He's older" "Yes he is, but you know sometimes he acts like a div and you're stronger than him, so why didn't you?" "I saw food" Both  Jake and Jacob laughed at that while Tom let out a sigh. He picked up the other boy and carried them to who knows where. They spent a good few minutes looking for the other two Hollands. After giving him, Tom carried the two to the lounge area. Tom got irritated when he saw both Jake and Max sitting next to Zendaya and Angourie who was entertaining the two.
"You're shitting me right?" The four turned towards the voice, Max with his bag on his back and  Jake running up to their father's leg and hugging him.
"Daddy said a bad word" "Pay the cookie jar!" Both girls laughed at their friend, watching as his children scold him for cursing. Tom squeezed into the girls and sat on the couch. Noticing that his brother was nude, Max goes up to Tom and turned around. The said man opened the bag and took out some clothes.
While he was putting on the clothes on his eldest son, he kept mumbling about how 'what's with you and clothes?' and 'I will glue them onto you' or 'You have some issues with clothes'
Both girls found the whole scene to be entertaining considering the eldest son was fidgeting and feeling squirmish. Zendaya who had Max on her lap, played with the boy's hair while Angourie tickled Jake. Ed kept on enjoying his juice box.
After finishing dressing the boy, Tom took out a juice box from the bag and handed it to Chase. "Now keep your clothes on okay?" The boy nodded his head in return.
"So what's his issue with pants? Is it too tight or something?" Questioned Zendaya.
"No. He just doesn't like clothes for whatever reason. We're trying to break him out of it but it's hard. The lad just likes to keep his bits cool" "Tom never say that again please" "I'm just saying"
As he was going to say something else Rachel burst into the room panting and sweating, gasping for air. Quickly Tom got up and handed her a bottle of water while Zendaya rubs her back.
"Are you okay?" questioned Angourie. After calming herself down, Rachel turned to Tom and quickly started spurting out apologizes, "I-I'm sorry,  I got distracted by Max and Jake? I think and then I lost the other two and then I told the two that were with me to stay put but when I came back they were gone!"
"Rachel, love, it's alright. I forgot to explain hay they tend to wonder about so that's my fault. I shouldn't have given you four kids. They are a lot to handle" After trying to reassure the woman, he turned to his troublemakers who all gave him a cheeky smile.
"You should apologise for worrying Mrs Rachel."
"We're sorry" The woman nodded her head and left the room, feeling tired after all of the stunts that were pulled on her today.
Since Chase interrupted the scene, the director decided to call it a day and sent everyone home. After Tom changes out of his suit, he heads back to the lounge to pick up his troublesome children.
Once they got home, Tom took them to the shower, after doing that he dressed the boys into their nightwear with the extra stress from Chase.
Once they were out cold, Tom grabbed his phone and called his wife.
"Hey love"
"Hey, you sound tired, how was today?" He took his hand and rubbed his forehead. A minute had passed.
"It was alright until Max and Jake gave Rachel the slipped, then while I was shooting Chase ran onto the scene and started hitting Jake" "He what?!" "Oh! Not our Jake, I mean Jake Gyllenhaal" "Almost got me rilled up"
"Yeah no, we were shooting a scene and Chase thought I was being attacked so he started hitting Jake, it was cute and funny but it did give me the day off. I got them ice cream, so we had a good day, yeah"
"Well I'm glad you guys enjoy yourself" "Yeah.. I miss you. I'm going to bed alright?" "Sure, night, love you" "Love you too"
Tom hangs up the phone and heads to bed, as soon as he laid down, he heard yelling in the other room.
"You got to be pissing me!" He complained but head into the other room to try and get his trouble makers back to sleep.
T A G L I S T @webmeupspiderdaddy @runawayolives @nerdy-collector-festival @hopelessromm@bi-lmg @speedyhandsbonkpalace (If you see this then I couldn't tag you) Want to be added? Then message me!
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fatefulfaerie · 3 years
Zelink Week 2021 prompt #3/7 @zelinkweek2021
Word Count: 1,874
Incarnation: Skyward Sword (pre)
Additional Prompts Followed: Loftwings, Free Fall
Trigger Warnings: near-death experience, broken bone trauma
The Loftwings flew in perfect circles, their flight at all times parallel to each other as they followed the tail of the other, again, and again, blue and red and red and blue, crimson and purple and red and blue. It was an eternal race that none would win.
And it was obvious there would be no champion, as the loftwings were carved from wood and flew only by mechanism, circling like hawks above the crib of a child with shining blue eyes and honey-blonde hair. She laughed and giggled at the sight of Loftwings in flight, reaching out stubby hands as if to lazily reach for the illusion. She gabbled and her mouth buzzed a particular “v” sound. Her smile was infectious.
But nine years later, she frowned, stomping towards the plaza in the midst of a tantrum, fists balled and shoulders up to her ears.
Her father once told her that friends come and go but not him, never him, never that way. A new, more exciting best friend and he was up and away without a care in the world, not a single look of concern for the friend he left in his dust.
Her father told her not five minutes ago that her time would come as well, that she too would be matched with a Loftwing when the time came. Link merely was a few months older than her.
But the damage was done. Gaepora had already gone on and on about how splendid the match was between the rare Crimson Loftwing and Link, how the connection was uncanny, and how it usually takes years of training for someone to fly their bird like that. Zelda was green with envy and it did not become her.
She was jealous even now as she watched Link, her pale pink dress swishing in the breeze. Zelda wondered that perhaps if she had worn her blue dress, Link would not have forgotten her, perhaps her lavender, or her yellow, perhaps her hair in braids or perhaps her forehead covered by bangs that she saw some of the older girls wearing. Yet, of all the colors and all the options, green seemed to stick out the most when people saw her at the ceremony, her brow shaded with envy as the ten-year old boy with a cream shirt and patched brown pants just hopped upon his fancy, new Crimson Loftwing.
Zelda hated as well that she couldn’t even chase him down, couldn’t just hop on her own Loftwing and ask what was so insignificant about her for Link to fly away in such a rude manner, leaving his best friend behind. Gaepora didn’t think it rude at all, as the boy had literally smiled at Zelda before testing out this unique bond with his Loftwing, but Zelda saw it as the end of the world.
Her own Loftwing.
She bet she could ride a Loftwing just as well, and she bet that the Goddess Hylia knew she was more than ready. She bet that the Goddess was just as upset as her, and she bet that there already was a Loftwing in the skies for her, just for her, maybe even rarer than the crimson breed. She bet all of that on her life, foolishly employing her little nine-year-old legs and running off the edge of the island in the sky, believing completely that her Loftwing would come below her.
Her own Loftwing.
The free fall was exhilarating and she enjoyed it. Never before had she felt so unrestrained, so rebellious.
Her own Loftwing.
So she whistled, wanting to chase that feeling atop a Loftwing, to ride the rims of the clouds and pursue the horizon, to wonder at what laid beneath the clouds like everyone secretly did.
No Loftwing came.
She whistled again, but she was reaching the clouds. Fear twinged a chord in her heart and the note was sour. Her confidence wavered. No one survived a fall to the clouds. No one.
Her mother, Link’s father, Groose’s uncle, Cawlin’s sister, Stritch’s cousin.
None of them ever returned.
What was she thinking?
No Loftwing came.
She felt the wind knocked out of her and she almost upchucked her lunch into the blue skies that she was being lifted from, Loftwing talons secure around her small frame and the occasional red feather drifting across her eye-line.
She tried to flip over to look up at Link, but the hold on her was too tight. So she just laid limp like a doll, basking in the wind of her stupidity and thinking that maybe, just maybe, what she did wasn’t the best idea.
Link had never rescued someone before, so he was more than relieved when his Loftwing caught Zelda without a flinch of hesitation. He had even braved looking down to make sure she was okay, before setting his sights on Skyloft, on the Plaza where he would drop her off and make sure she really was okay.
Yet the Loftwing let go sooner than Link expected. They were much too high for it to be a soft landing on Zelda’s part and the shrill cry that ensued because of it told Link everything, his insides churning with worry.
“Zelda!” He practically jumped off the Loftwing as soon as it was close enough to the ground of the Plaza and he ran, ran with all his might to the little girl who sat clutching her bent leg and crying into her knee. Link knelt before her, panting.
“Zelda, are you okay?”
There were legends of a blue flame, that burned hotter and brighter than any fire hued red. Link didn’t think such a thing existed until Zelda looked up, her eyes enraged and fuming.
His lips parted. He wasn’t sure what to do and before he could think to do anything Zelda had balled a fistful of dirt and thrown it in his face, before returning to her kneecap and shaking and crying and whimpering.
“Okay,” Link said in response to the dirty welcome. “I’m sorry. The Loftwing and I are both new at this. I’m sorry we dropped you and…well…I wanted to take you with me on my first ride but you’re not allowed to take someone with you that doesn’t have their own Loftwing. If something happens your passenger has to be able to take the reins, or call their own Loftwing to ride to safety. It’s a rule and you know it.”
Zelda shook her head.
“No?” Link asked, trying to understand, but she kept shaking her head.
“Link,” she said incredibly weakly. “Hylia above, it hurts so much.”
Link scooted closer, lifting his hands slightly but not knowing where to put them.
“Where?” He asked. “Where does it hurt?”
Zelda spent the moment after the question just trying to breathe, to award her lungs stable breaths that they sorely needed. Link tried to be patient, tried to give her the time to tell him what was wrong, but for some reason he needed to know now.
He took a guess and lifted the hem of her pale pink dress slightly, revealing something that hurt his heart and made his entire body wince.
It was no doubt that her leg was broken, Link could see the horrid swelling that almost looked like another calf, that ebbed with hues of red and purple. Link didn’t know if he was going to cry or throw up first.
“Oh goddess, okay, I’m gonna get you some help,” he said. Zelda nodded as he picked her up, and neither had time to be surprised at Link’s strength.
By the time they reached the headmaster’s office, Link was in tears and Zelda had passed out from the pain. Link went on and on apologizing to the headmaster, expressing his guilt over literally breaking the daughter of the tall, orange and red-clad man. Gaepora, however, wouldn’t have it, telling Link that a daughter of the headmaster should have known better than to let her jealousy consume her, but ultimately the priority now was to get her treated.
Potions were acquired immediately from the Bazaar and Zelda slept like a baby as she healed. Link grasped her hand with the intention of being there all night long, of letting her know wordlessly that her friend was here and that she was okay. He wanted to be there in case she woke up, in case she was scared, in case she...
The booming voice of the Headmaster was what told Link that he, too, was dozing off. The wooden chair must have been more comfortable than he previously thought.
Gaepora smiled at Link’s big blue eyes. He walked forward with the large strides of a grown-up and Link was almost impressed that someone could be that tall. Gaepora held out his hand.
“I think you would be more comfortable in your own bed.”
“Zelda will be fine,” Gaepora said in the most calming voice he could muster. Link’s next breath brought his eyes down and he nodded. Link looked over at Zelda and smiled.
“I’ll see you in the morning sleepyhead,” Link said. “I promise.”
Link returned his big eyes to Gaepora and took his large hand, the headmaster leading the orphan to his room downstairs and treating the lad like he always had.
Like a son.
The next morning was one of the few where Link got up on his own, where he didn’t sleep in for hours and was in fact excited by the prospect of morning. Most ten-year old boys got up early to fly their new Loftwing, but Link was far more concerned with another friend, one that he had known much longer, one that was sitting up with a bowl of oatmeal when he entered her room.
Link beamed a smile, and so did Zelda.
“Zelda!” Link exclaimed, entering the room completely and approaching her. “H-how are you feeling?”
“Better,” she replied. “It hurts a lot less, but I should probably stay off it for a while.”
“Yeah,” Link agreed, nodding. He looked at her leg, braced with packs of ice and resting on a stack of soft pillows. It looked far more painful than she was letting on and remembering how it looked yesterday, Link doubted it could be anywhere near “better” this quickly, even with potions.
“I’m sorry.”
They both said it at the same time, so their heads snapped to each other.
“Zelda, I broke your leg,” Link said abruptly. “What in the clouds are you sorry for?”
“You broke my leg?” Zelda questioned, not believing her ears. “Goodness sake, Link, it was my fault, not yours. I should be thanking you for saving my life. I shouldn’t have tried to get my Loftwing, I…”
She stopped herself, and looked down at the patterned blankets she was in.
“I thought getting a new best friend would make you as jealous as I was.”
It was nothing more than an ashamed mumble, but Link heard it well, taking a couple steps to sit on the edge of her bed. He took her hand.
“No one will ever replace you as my best friend,” Link insisted. “Do you understand me?”
Zelda nodded and breathed a sigh of relief.
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thetaoofzoe · 4 years
Fic: You, The Boy, and The Golden Shoes 1/1
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Title: You, The Boy, and The Golden Shoes
Pairing: Henry Cavill X YOU (AU)
Word Count: 1890
Summary: Girl you are a fucking mess. How you managed to keep a top tier lad such as Henry, your sanity and a flagging perfume company is beyond me. 
Rating: Nothing you wouldn’t share with mum. Slice of life, fluff, reality, tiny bit of angst, but it has a happy ending. :)
Note: This is a bit different than my usual fare, and of course AU, so I hope you like it. 
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You knew that if you stood there one moment longer, sodden in the cold drizzle, bare knees scraped and bleeding, face illuminated by the sickly pink neon Girls Girls Girls sign, and staring drunkenly at the plump old ladies eating ice cream inside the sweets shop, you’d likely start screaming.
What else was there to do on a wet Friday night, but scream into the void?
‘Show us yer tits!’
A man’s ugly voice jerked you out of your despair.
It took a moment to force focus from the ice cream ladies to the window’s watery reflection in time to see the raggedy white car crawling along the edge of the kerb, slow enough so that the equally as raggedy man in a splotchy tie dyed shirt could give you a right old shouting at. The driver behind him leaned on the car horn and with tires hydroplaning on the wet road the white car moved on.
I deserve it, you thought, and tried to push your wig upright on your head again.
The synthetic strands were waterlogged and the entire thing had begun to make its migration down one side of your head as if searching for dry refuge.
You are a fucking mess, girl, your mouthed to your reflection.
Making a sour face, you tried to use the edges of your dirty fingers to clean up the oozing mascara. But you only succeeded in smearing the sticky water proof khol down your cheeks and ended up looking as if you were preparing for some concrete jungle camouflage.
Maybe becoming one with the macadam was a good idea. It was the perfect time to just disappear and never come back, especially considering how you’d just ruined your life. The strap of your shiny gold dress slithered off of your shoulder and with a growl of frustration you hooked it with your thumb and dragged it up again.
You then glanced down at your dirty gold lamé pumps. The sudden shift of your booze heavy head caused your stomach to roil unpleasantly and wanting to prevent seeing those 5 whiskey sours and cherries make an encore appearance, you looked up at the ice cream ladies.
They seem to be enjoying themselves, you thought, miserably. I hope they rot. 
In the reflection you could see yet another car slowing and coming to a stop directly behind you.
‘Oh fuck me,’ you muttered, when you saw a tall dark haired man get out and pop open a clear plastic umbrella to shield himself from the drizzle.
A vague thought drifted like a fluffy cloud across your drink addled brain.
Looks like the same umbrella that I have. Really, similar… hmm I wonder where I left it.  I really liked that umbrella.
The man walked close and a painful tension clenched between your shoulder blades. You hoped he was either heading for the candy shop or the porno house and not about to harass you.
‘I’ve been looking everywhere for you!’ he shouted.
The anger was clear and sharp in his voice and mingled with an overlay of concern. In the window’s reflection you watched him drag a hand through his curls.
‘Why did you run off like that?’ he asked, quieter this time and moved close to hold the umbrella over you.
You watched the old ladies abruptly burst into laughter over something. Then the one with her back to the window suddenly turned round to look you directly in the face. They had obviously been talking about the nutcase who was watching them through the window and embarrassed, you turned to face the man behind you.
‘How did you find me?’ you asked him and messily palmed the rain from your face.
Henry sighed and looked heavenward as if asking for deliverance from your special brand of crazy.
‘You’re not hard to miss,’ he said gesturing to your ruined and mud splattered evening gown.
You looked down at yourself and self consciously dragged the slipping strap back up onto your shoulder again.
‘Well, that’s what happens when you go crawling through the hedge.’
Henry gaped at you a moment then one-handed, shrugged out of his evening jacket and draped it about your shoulders. His hand drifted to your lower back and it was such a familiar gesture that it couldn’t be more of a Henry-move if he tried.
Mmm, he smells good though, you mused, catching his scent from the jacket and clutching the lapels of the jacket tighter.
Although you were grateful for his chivalry, you didn’t allow him to exert that soft, manly pressure against your back to hurry you along to the car. You wanted to wallow for a moment longer.
Henry stopped trying to guide you to safety and just stood there, observing you sympathetically and fortunately, silently. He had a tendency to talk every problem to death until he felt better about the situation, no matter how you felt about it. But, he was getting better about that and you put a hash mark on his side of your mental scoreboard.
Wanting to explain yourself and your outlandish behaviour, you spread your hands and tried to speak. But you couldn’t find a coherent explanation for why you did what you did.
‘I’m sorry,’ you said finally.
‘Why did you run away?’ he asked, jumping at the chance to get the conversation rolling.
Looking up at him, you scoffed with disbelief.
‘Why did I run away?’ you sneered in response.
The fundraiser had been a disaster. You had been a fucking disaster.
All you needed was for the earth to open you up and swallow you up to your neck, leaving your head free for birds to perch on. But no, you had to deal with the ramifications of the worst moments of your life. 
It all started at the beginning of the year when a recluse aunt dropped a strange and failing fragrance company into your lap. Did she give you actual ownership where you could reap the benefits of being a company woman? 
 She’d made you the figurehead who did all of the work to keep the business afloat whilst she did whatever recluses did in the south of France.
So, who could blame you for taking a little credit here and there as your hard work began to increase market shares. Who could blame you for slipping into her vacated persona and eventually into her name? It helped the business, for Christ sakes!
It definitely helped to have a face with the name so that people could deal directly with you, rather than by carrier pigeon, of whatever archaic method of communication your aunt liked to use. You never understood what she wanted anyway, so you ran things the way you saw fit.
From that point everything had proceeded swimmingly. You had a flourishing career, a bright future and a handsome lad. Henry was amazing and the sex…oh Jesus.
That was, until your reclusive aunt decided that the reclusive lifestyle just wasn’t for her any more. She’d turned up at a fundraiser you’d organised, in order to steal your spotlight once again. Word had spread like a raging grease fire that you were a fraud and you had tried to swindle a poor little old lady out of her fortunes. When in truth, it was you who saved the drowning business with its foul scent combinations and turned it a healthy, popular and thriving company.
So what did you do? When all accusing eyes were pinned on you?
You ran. As usual.
It really didn’t help that the house where the fundraiser was being held, was on a steep hill surrounded by thick hedges. It also didn’t help that you’d tried to leave through a balcony door that dumped you right out at the apex of that hill. It was a long way down and your rump became acquainted with every rock and bump and mudslide this side of the Mississippi.
You ripped your dress, muddied your 5000 quid shoes and dislodged your fabulous wig. And it was only later that you found refuge and solace on a high street off shoot road that boasted curries, candy and naked girls.
And that’s also where Henry found you.
‘If this is about what your aunt said,’ he began and you stiffened, waiting for the blow of his disapproval and eventual breakup. ‘It… doesn’t make sense.’
You looked up to meet his unbearably fond gaze.
‘You did all of the work. If it weren’t for you, there would be no business. You are the rightful head of it. Not her.’
‘Henry,’ you sighed, relief choking off your words.
You cleared your throat.
See? Amazing lad, isn’t he.
‘I’m sorry. I’m sorry I wasn’t more honest. I–‘
‘You didn’t lie to me,’ he said, smiling a little to reassure you, his hand sliding about your waist to pull you close. ‘If you had to stretch the truth a little to succeed well…’
He shrugged lazily as if it all didn’t matter one whit to him.
Holding your wig so that it wouldn’t slide forward, you leaned in to kiss him, grateful that you still hadn’t ruined everything. At least in his eyes, for Henry always saw the best in you.
‘Thank you. But… I still trashed my reputation.’
And in business, reputation was Queen.
Henry was about to say something, but the soft ring tone of the beginning of the 80s song ‘Take on me’ interrupted him. 
It was your publicist.
‘Hello?’ you asked, defeated and hesitant, bracing for the fury.
Henry righted your wig and mashed it down on your head to prevent it from shifting like an awkward cake.
‘Why did you run off?’ she laughed. ‘I saw you! You took a swan dive out of the window! Are you coming back?’
‘Coming back?’ you asked, looking at Henry.
He pointed to himself with brows raised as if asking, /me/?
You shook your head.
‘Well, yes. This is your company and your fundraiser, right? We can’t make the final toast with you.’
You were flabbergasted. Surely you weren’t welcomed back after what had happened.
‘But, my aunt,’ you began. ‘She… I… I shouldn’t have said that I was–‘
The publicist cut you off.
‘Look, honey. It’s true, her name is on the deed, but we all know who’s the star. You can write it off as a publicity stunt and come out with a new perfume called… Escape or something. With notes of tobacco , mud and whiskey. They’ll love it.’
You stood in stunned silence and the knot in your chest slowly unravelled as the realisation that you hadn’t ruined your life began to dawn.
‘I can’t come back now. I’m a mess. I’ll leave you to do the toast for me. Just tell them something. You’re good at that.’
‘Ok, honey. I’m going with the Escape thing, ok? So you’d better come up with something amazing.’
You disconnected the call and stood there, leaning against Henry and contemplating this peculiar turn of events.
‘All right?’ he asked and you nodded.
‘Can I at least get you into the car?’ he continued gently. ‘You’re shivering. Let me take you home.’
‘I’d rather have some ice cream, if you don’t mind.’
You saw him look through the window behind you and smile.
‘I could go for some as well,’ he replied and together you walked into the shop.
Suddenly life wasn’t quite so bad.
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blouisparadise · 4 years
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Here are some of the amazing bottom Louis fics that were posted or completed during the month of September. We hope you enjoy this list. Happy reading!
1) Hard Candy Dripping On Me (Til My Feet Are Wet) | Explicit | 1997 words
Louis gets fucked on a plane. That’s it.
2) Fucking Nightmares | Mature | 2151 words
Louis has a nightmare. Harry comforts him.
3) You Could Take A Lick (But It's Too Cold To Bite) | Explicit | 2469 words
“You look kinda thirsty.” Louis croons softly.
Harry leans back in his chair and tilts his head to the side. His eyes are covered by the pair of expensive shades, but Louis feels his eyes drifting down his backside as he lays on his stomach.
“Why don’t you bring me a bit of that ice cream, darling?”
Louis and Harry have fun in a summer day.
4) Interview With The Vampire  | Explicit | 4135 words
Note: The fic pairing is Louis/Robert Pattinson.
Working at an alpha magazine wasn't always easy for an omega like Louis, but he's just landed his biggest interview yet with an A list actor who has asked for Louis especially. Unfortunately, the interview is with Rob Pattinson, the biggest pain in the arse alpha on the planet.
Inspired by Rob’s interview in GQ Magazine and not actually about vampires
5) Conozco La Vida | Teen & Up | 4761 words
Note: This fic contains no explicit smut, but since it’s omega Louis, we’ve included it. 
"I have a son," he declared, there was a very thinly veiled layer of hesitation.
Harry was unaware in the direction which this conversation was heading but chose to stare at the man instead.
"He is an Omega," he dropped the pivotal piece of information.
Harry's attention was hooked now.
"He has been raised in an Omega convent all his life, he hasn't been in the presence of any Alpha who isn't his immediate family."
"I am still waiting for you to make a point."
"You could take him as an Omega."
Harry did not react, his face remaining perfectly free of betrayal of any sort of emotion and leaned back upon his chair, his leg crossed upon his knee. "You are selling your son to me?"
6) It’s Hard For Me To Go Home | Not Rated | 4890 words
Don’t call me baby again.
7) So Baby, Let's Keep It Secret | Explicit | 4638 words
“I’ll leave with you,” Harry said after a beat, sounding sure of himself.
“What!? No!, you can’t leave with me, Harry, you have a life here. You have a job and friends an-”
Harry kissed him in the middle of his rambling. “Which means nothing if I don’t have you.”
Into You Music Video AU.
8) ZOMOS | Mature | 5659 words
Is it easy to forget everything and start afresh? Is it easy being served with hateful glances and insults when all you wish for is to be loved? Is it easy to make it seem like everything is alright when in reality your world is crumbling into pieces with every breath you take?
Is it easy to be the omega who is unwanted by their alpha?
9) Your Biggest Fan | Explicit | 9075 words 
Just like everyone else, Louis has a few habits that he can’t seem to break. Guilty pleasures, rather. His nails are perpetually short because he can’t quit biting them, the bottom of his shoes scuffed from tapping his foot constantly. Sometimes his leg gets a cramp from bouncing it so often underneath his desk. That isn't too bad, he reckons, just some average teenage coping mechanisms.And also, occasionally, minor instances of theft.
10) Making A Splash | Explicit | 9557 words
“You want this?” Harry muses, fisting his cock as he drags his hand lazily up his thick length. Louis eyes the motion and nods his head absentmindedly. “You want to show everyone at this beach how much of a slut you are for Daddy’s cock?”
“M‘your slut,” Louis immediately replies, inching closer, inching closer with his eyes glued on Harry’s glistening cock, precome shining under the sun as it dribbles out his slit.
Harry grins widely and stops the movement of his hand to grip himself at the base again, pushing Louis’ head down. “Show everyone how much of a slut you are.”
11) Hung Up High in the Gallery | Mature | 14006 words
When Harry’s best friend, Louis, comes to support him at his art show, he decides they need to do some celebrating afterwards. How fast do the lines between friends and lovers get blurred ... or better, get painted?
12) My Home Is Your Body | Explicit | 15341 words
Note: The fic pairing is Louis/Henry Cavill.
He had seen who had made his senses go haywire. His ex was in the front row, five feet in front of him. He felt his eyes on him even as he mechanically made his way to the end of the runway, hoping to God he didn’t look like a maniac. Everything was a blur. He somehow managed to walk the rest of the way without falling or emoting anything. Why was he HERE? Of all places.
...where Louis is a successful omega model and the last thing he expects is his ex to become the co-partner of the new company he works for....
13) There's Nothing Like It (Nothing At All) | Explicit | 15471 words 
Note: This is a sequel to this fic.
His hands are outstretched on the mattress like he’s reaching out for something, reaching out for Harry. It makes his heart swell, almost bursting with affection and love. He only waits a bit longer before reaching over to turn off the light and pulling Louis to his chest, smiling when the omega immediately sighs in contentment, nuzzling into his skin happily.Tomorrow, he tells himself. Tomorrow, they’ll talk about it.-Or, Harry isn’t ready for things to change, and the end is just the beginning.
14) Seven Simple Words | Explicit | 15535 words
It’s not like he and Louis were a couple. No, they might have been a lot of things—best mates and colleagues with a seemingly convenient friends-with-benefits arrangement—but never a couple. It wasn’t Louis’ fault he didn’t feel the same way and couldn’t reciprocate Harry’s feelings in the way he’d wanted, the way he’d needed. Harry had allowed himself to get in too deep, his entire being aching to be loved back by the object of his affections. But in love, as in life, you don’t always get what you want.
15) Works Like A Charm | Explicit | 18061 words
Ever since Louis joined the team in fifth year, a few facts have become set in stone.
One: Louis is the best chaser in Hogwarts.
Two: Harry is the best beater in Hogwarts.
Three: They do not get along.
So it’s really unfair of Liam to think that forcing them to spend time together as Louis recovers from his injury will make them the best of friends. The last thing Louis would do is get along with that git.
16) The Way This River Runs | Explicit | 27417 words 
It’d be so easy to just open his mouth and plead with Harry, to scream I’m sorry until his voice disappears, but he can’t. Be it his pride or his ego or his insecurities, he just can’t do it. The worst part is that he knows Harry would probably forgive him.
But Louis doesn’t want phony forgiveness. He doesn’t want Harry’s soothing words and pity embrace, thinks he might just break altogether if he was offered them. He feels like he’s made of glass recently and it’s to the point where he kind of wants to tip over the edge, just to see if he’d shatter. Just to see who’d be there to pick up the pieces if he did.
17) Give Me Love | Explicit | 41041 words
Louis doesn't feel like a good omega, Harry doesn't remember how to be an alpha, and they figure it out together.
18) Falling Out Of Fashion | Explicit | 42123 words
Harry Styles has been the established face of the Grimshaw House of Design for two years. It’s a prestigious and coveted modeling contract Harry took away from once-famed supermodel Zayn Malik. With the model transition Grimshaw’s designs went from a more urban, Zayn-forward aesthetic, to a Harry-favoring flowery, flowing femininity in the Grimshaw designs for men.
So when Harry sees a dress Grimshaw made for a famous Marvel actress, “only a tease”, Nick says, of the evolving look, Harry knows Grimshaw is shifting his aesthetic.
Harry wonders if he can pull off the look.
19) Three Days In February | Explicit | 189346 words
Louis is cursed after a night out with the lads and the five have just three days to figure out what happened and how to break it before Harry and Louis both lose their sanity and maybe something more. Louis can hear everything Harry thinks and Harry isn’t sure he can keep his feelings for Louis a secret from his own mind.
Ridiculous amounts of banter and angst, a lot of Harry and Louis alone together, a healthy dose of OT5 friendship, and one very magical weekend.
20) Boss Bitch | Explicit | 386901 words
Harry had always wanted to work for this successful mafia; the mafia that everyone knew, everyone feared. Led by none other than the pahntom
"L'eue Courante", whom everyone knew existed, but had no other clues who this person could be. The only thing known was a high heel the phantom once left.
So this person had to be woman, Harry assumend. And man, was he wrong.
Check out our other fic rec lists by category here and by title here.
You can find other monthly roundup fic rec lists here.
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belliesandburps · 4 years
i’m so weak for Malleus omg. would you be willing to do burping headcanons for him? if not just ignore this. thank you :)))))
Malleus Draconia (Twisted Wonderland)
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Malleus’ appetite is quite hefty.  He IS part-dragon after all.  But that said, our young fairy prince here isn’t a greedy pig the way a lot of other Night Raven lads are.  He’s a very calm, collected, BIG eater.  He’s not the type to ravenously stuff his face.  He’ll instead take the time to enjoy every single bite and calmly, happily consume whatever he wishes.  It just so happens that he eats a lot more than most folks, taking big bites and just happening to consume a lot really quickly.
In stark contrast to Leona, Malleus isn’t the type to stuff himself to the point where his stomach is ballooning out.  Rather, he’s the type to get very noticeably bloated.  Where you’ll see him steadily rubbing his stuffed belly.  That said, Malleus CAN eat enough to look like he’s swallowed a watermelon, bursting his shirt wide open.  It just so happens that Malleus very, VERY rarely does that.
Being part-dragon, Malleus has an incredibly powerful digestive system, meaning he’s got one of the strongest stomachs in the entire school.  He very, VERY rarely eats to the point where he’s overly stuffed, and as such, he doesn’t ever suffer indigestion or any kind of bellyache.  That said, when Malleus DOES start to feel really full, to the point where it’s almost uncomfortable, he’ll start burping into his fist to try and make more room in his stomach.  He tries his best to keep them quiet when he’s just trying to ease his stomach a little.  So if Malleus is ever just burping repeatedly into his fist, it’s because he’s eaten too much and releasing the pressure is how he ensures he doesn’t suffer any sort of indigestion.
That said, Malleus stomach is also INCREDIBLY loud as a result of his draconian digestive system.  It often gurgles rather intensely and audibly, and the more Malleus consumes, the louder his stomach churns.  If he’s hungry, his belly will growl so intensely that anyone in the class would be able to hear it.  Malleus gets pretty embarrassed by how noisy his stomach gets, which is why he often drinks teas that work to settle his stomach when in public, or just doesn’t stuff himself in public to avoid such embarrassments.
Malleus is incredibly affection-starved, this is seemingly canon AND something I 100% got from @twistedtummies2 after that horn story.  He’s someone who just wants another person to care for him and love him for who he is, not be scared of him or see a monster.  So Malleus absolutely ADORES having his belly rubbed.  It doesn’t matter if it’s flat and toned or stuffed and rounded.  He’ll never object to the Prefect slipping their hand under his shirt and tenderly stroking his stomach all over.  The young half-dragon prince will rumble pleasantly, often with a shockingly docile smile on his face, and instinctively, he’ll wrap an arm around the Prefect and tug them close.  Unlike Leona, it’s not in a possessive manner but a deeply affectionate, almost grateful manner.  Malleus, like Todoroki, is kind of socially inept, and has never been in a relationship with anyone else before, let alone an ordinary human.  But he’s very receptive to physical contact, and has a sensitive stomach, especially around his navel and undersides, and will often cuddle up against the Prefect when they treat him so kindly.
Malleus has a huge sweet tooth.  I’m not 100% sure if his canonical favorite food is ice cream or not, but to hell with it, that’s what I’m deciding his favorite meal is.  He doesn’t eat it seductively...or at least, he doesn’t TRY to.  Sometimes, it will come across that way, when his long tongue runs all across his spoon to lap up every bit of creamy cold goodness still residing atop it.  But really, the lad just REALLY loves ice cream...and has zero clue why the Prefect gets so red watching him eat.  :P
Malleus’ favorite beverage is tea.  He finds it deeply calming and soothing, and it‘s one of the few beverages that can honestly bring some degree of warmth to the young half dragon’s face.  He’ll always try to share tea with the Prefect, and as Sebek saw in that comic, he takes GREAT offense when his own dorm holds tea parties without him...
Being half-dragon, Malleus obviously CAN devour another human being.  He can only do it in his dragon form, and MAYBE his Overblot form, which has yet to be revealed (fingers crossed for a full-on demi-dragon Malleus ‘XD), but in his normal form, Malleus can only consume another person if they’re shrunken.  His stomach is strong, but I don’t believe it’s strong enough to contain an entire person in full-size.  In dragon form, on the other hand, it depends on how big Malleus ends up being.
Malleus is royalty, and generally, a very cultured, well-mannered young man.  So, he tries his best to maintain good table manners whenever he can.  In most instances, he never overindulges normally around other people.  It’s only those who he is 100% comfortable with that he can let loose a little bit more, like Lilia (who’s almost like a “big brother” / mentor-type for Malleus) or the Prefect.  Around most people he’s comfortable with, if he overindulges and his stomach feels heavy, Malleus will either stifle a belch in his mouth, or burp as quietly as he can into his fist.  In either instance, he’ll always excuse himself and be very courteous about it.  However, the Prefect being who they are (canonically sassy), if they try and coax Malleus into burping out loud, he may be a bit reluctant, simply because it isn’t in his nature to be so boorish.  But at the same time, he does want to make his human happy.  And more importantly, Malleus canonically DOES want to be accepted by his classmates more, treated like one of the gang.  He doesn’t mind what he is, but wishes others didn’t treat him so differently for what he is, and that doesn’t happen.  Which might lend the way towards them one day being friends.  So in that instance, I could see Malleus being coaxed into letting a few belches loose for the Prefect.  And in those instances, when Malleus doesn’t hold back like normal, they’re really DEEP and throaty, and often leaving him huffing when they end, and blushing from being so much louder than he’s usually comfortable being.  It’s one of the only instances where Malleus Draconia ever blushes.  And if, say, he ever burps out loud around the usual suspects (per Prefect’s coaxing), he’ll be embarrassed at first, especially once all eyes are on him, but it’ll be so loud that the guys almost can’t HELP but be impressed, especially Ace, Floyd and Ruggie.  Leona would just scoff and comment that he could top that in his sleep.  And somewhere in this picture, Vil is in a corner dying inside.  XD
It’s a rarity, but Malleus CAN get hiccups from time to time.  It’s either if he’s eaten something that not even his draconian stomach can handle or if he ate a little faster than he was hoping he did.  And when that happens, his hiccups tend to be higher pitched and forceful, jerking his entire body.  This will shut Malleus down immediately, leaving him blushing furiously and desperately trying to go somewhere in private to suffer in silence while Sebek desperately tries to help his master.  Maybe by patting him on the back repeatedly, which may just make Malleus accidentally burp really loudly on TOP of hiccuping...which will often lead to Sebek getting zapped by a vengeful Malleus again.  :P
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blackberry-gingham · 4 years
I just finished reading your Teddy!Beatles and Square!Reader fic and it inspired this prompt and it’s extra chessy cause cringe culture is most certainly dead. When the lads notice the feelings between George and the Reader but no action they decided to take matters into their own hands and set up George and Reader themselves! They phone Reader pretending to be George and ask Reader out on a date and similarly come up with a plan to invite George.
(Hey! This is the prompt anon is referring to!)
Lmaoooo I love it! Perhaps the boys should consider voice acting at this rate 😂😂 Also, sorry this took sooooo loooong btw 💀💀 I’m trying to do follow up requests like these first from now on so things make more sense on the time line skskssk
I just hope the wait was worth it, and thank you for the request! Enjoy!
It's been a few weeks now since the big gig break out, and all went according to plan... The gig was a smash hit of course, and to top that off, neither you nor the boys were caught for skipping.
But in the meantime, something... interesting, has been going on between you and George.
Stealing glances. Shy giggling. Sitting beside each other at your lunch table. Walking home together after school...
It's obvious to the three of them that there's a match to be made here. George is one of the lads and well, they've known you long enough to know that the two of you'd be good together. So naturally they've been waiting for George to make a move at lunch or school. Or even, just to be surprised one day with the big news!
But they wait. And wait. And wait.... Nothing.
And after yet another day at lunch with nothing more then some shy glances and a half hearted flirtation that didn't translate as such... John pulls Paul and Ringo aside for a talk.
"This had better be worth it Lenny, if get late to class one more time i-"
"Yeah yeah, of course- Anyway... I can't be the only one here who sees what's happening with George and square, right?"
Paul and Ringo nod.
"Good, cause I'm sick of it! I say, we need to help them along..."
"And how do you propose that..."
"... I don't know, bu-!"
Paul rolls his eyes and walks off. He really can't be late again...
"Wha- Now hold on Paulie, we're supposed to brainstorm!", John jogs after Paul, leaving Ringo to catch up. But, while those two bicker on their way to class, the gears start turning in Ringo's mind...
Later, after school is out and you and George have spilt off, Ringo shares his plan. "So uh, I was thinking..."
"Well, first time for everything..."
John elbows Paul in the ribs, "Go on Ringo!"
"Well, you know how last time we got square out of school with that call? Well... What if we use that same trick and get the two of 'em out on a date!"
"Now that's just plain stupid! We got lucky pulling that trick last time, there's no way we can get away with it twice. And Anyway, how is this even supposed to wo-?"
"Oh shut up Paul! This is brilliant! Listen here, we'll call square, pretending to be George right? We, as George, pick a time and place to meet, then all we have to do is make sure we bring George to the same spot, and boom! Bob's your uncle!"
Ringo nods excitedly, while Paul stands silently with a sour face. It could work... but he has pretty high doubts.
Later that week, the lads wait until they know George is occupied somewhere else, and not with you to make their move. Today he's in town helping his mum, and you're at home diligently doing your homework.
John rubs his hands together and approaches the phone, "Alright mates, I'll go si-"
"What? But you went last time! Besides, it was my idea!", Ringo cuts in and takes a few steps towards the phone himself.
Paul gives an exasperated sigh and snatches the phone off the hook, "Are you two kidding? With those big hooters? You know square isn't deaf, yeah? The whole point is to sound like George, you clods!"
"Oh... Yeah...", Ringo looks as though he'd forgotten that little detail, while John claps a hand to his nose.
Paul dials your number and it begins to ring.
"It's not big!", John retorts.
"Is too!", Paul puts a hand over the speaker and whisper yells back, before shushing the two quickly.
Right before their very eyes, Paul seems to become a different person. He leans on the wall casually, and in a scarily good George impression, Paul responds, "Hey square! Whatcha doing?"
"Who-? Wait a minute.. Sorry, I think my phone is acting up, you sound a bit off... But anyway, hi Georgie!”
Paul must be dreaming, it can’t be this easy. He’ll never hear the end of it from John... 
“Just finishing that chemistry work I was helping you with yesterday. Oh, I meant to ask! How'd that do for you? I was worried I was going to fast..."
Paul manages to shake himself out of his daze, keeping up the charade without a hitch, "No no! It went fine, thanks!"
"Oh good! Anyway, did you need anything? I thought you were out in town today?"
"Uh, there was a change in plan! Yeah, and with all the free time, it got me thinking... Would you like to um, meet up?"
John clenches and bares his teeth, making a severe face at Paul, "You're blowing it"
Paul makes a face back, demanding silence, while you ask if he needs more homework help tonight. "No no, I mean like... Maybe as a date, you know?"
You gasp, "Oh George I'd love to! Do you have a where and when in mind?"
Paul suspends his disbelief once more and turns to the lads for ideas. Ringo holds an imaginary ice cream cone and licks it furiously a few times, while John mouths the word "Saturday" and holds up two fingers.
"Uh, how about Mr Whippys... Saturday at 2?"
"Sounds great, I'll be there!"
"Great! S-see you then!"
You say your goodbyes and Paul hangs the phone it's receiver. Either he’s really good at impersonating George, or he needs to have a talk with you about gullibility…
"Does George know you can do that?"
"Yeah, could've fooled me even", Ringo marvels.
"Thanks, I thought I did a right good job too... and anyway, square seemed convinced, eh?"
The other two nod in agreement. "Now uh, how do we get George?"
The three are silent for a moment, then John smiles deviously, "Not to worry lads, I think I have a plan..."
Luckily, George is kept in the dark on his friend's shenanigans and Saturday arrives the next morning. All four teds walk down the sidewalk in town, and as far as George knows, this is just some guy time with the lads.
They chat and joke all the way till they reach the top of the hill with Mr Whippys just over the crest. And right on schedule, you’re waiting patiently outside the double glass doors. Time to execute the plan...
John breaks up the chatter with a loud voice, “Hey George, look, it’s square!”, he points right at you in a grand gesture to snare George’s attention.
George perks up, “Really? Oh, so it is!” In what could possibly be a subconscious effort, he straightens his leather jacked then licks his hand and runs it over his pompadour.
Trying very hard not to groan at his love sick friend, Paul gives George a hard shove in your direction, making him stumble several steps forward. “Hey! What wa-?”, but when he turns around to look, the other three have vanished into an alley way like thieves in the night.
Of course, with all the noise, you spot George at last and walk over briskly, “George! There you are!” You look fantastic, all done up and ready for a proper night about town. George’s heart feels as though it’s about to beat out of his chest at the sight of you.
He takes a gulp of air, “H-here I am?”
“Yes silly! For our date!”, you take his hand, and if George though his heart was beating hard before, now it feels set to burst. “Don’t tell me you forgot?”, you tease, as you walk to the ice cream parlor together.
“Our... date... I, um”, George throws a few looks over his shoulder, just barely catching sight of his three mates. Ringo and John snicker while Paul gives him an exaggerated wink and a thumbs up. George looks back at you, and sees the utter joy written in your eyes as you glance over at him.
It doesn’t take a genius to put two and two together... He doesn’t know how they pulled this off, but that’ll have to be saved for later.
George takes a breath and smiles confidently back as he grips your hand properly, “Course I didn’t forget! There’s nowhere I’d rather be...”, he gives you a wink and your hand a little squeeze before he releases you to open the door. You give a shy giggle and thank him.
Before George follows you in, he takes one last look at the others. They’re out on the sidewalk now, high fiving each other, while John appears to be bragging. At George’s staring, they stop. George smiles gratefully and gives his friends a little salute as they whoop and cheer him on.
Their shouts follow him into the parlor until the glass seals them out. 
He couldn’t ask for better mates.
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isitgintimeyet · 4 years
Just a Friend
Hope you enjoy the next chapter of this story. Thanks to you all for reading this. You comments are lovely to read.
Thanks to @wickedgoodbooks for the beta
Chapter 5: From Facebook to Friends
When I was a little girl, Uncle Lamb would sometimes take me into university with him. I would creep into the lecture theatre and sit at the back watching him as he enthused about Phoenician trade routes, or long gone military strategies. I didn’t really understand what he was talking about, but I loved it anyway. The passion he had for his subject matter thrilled me.
And once the lecture was over, I would join him in his office and we would squeeze together in an old armchair, drinking hot, sweet tea while he tried to explain the principles of a three thousand year old civilisation in words a seven year old would understand.
The armchair is now in my office at the hospital. It looks more than a bit incongruous amongst the standard NHS furniture. The rich green velvet fabric has faded to a shabby eau de nil colour and years of shuffling bottoms have left a large depression in the seat cushion. But I won’t have it reupholstered. I love it as it is. It’s a great reminder of my wonderful uncle. I sit in it and somehow it comforts me, like a soothing hug.
I glance at the clock as I walk into my office, paper cup of hot, sweet tea in hand, and head straight for Lamb’s chair. Gratefully, I sink into its depths and take a tentative sip of the steaming liquid before closing my eyes for a moment. The surgery was long; much longer than anticipated—having taken all morning and most of the afternoon, in fact. It had also been far more complicated—my original plans for keyhole surgery had to be changed, but, eventually, we completed the operation successfully. I’m always proud of my theatre team, but never more so than in situations like this.
And now, after hours of concentration, I feel in need of some light relief. I can go home, have a wonderfully reviving shower and then what? I know that Dougal is taking Geillis out for a meal tonight, so she’s not available. Mary and Anna are both working nights this week, so no joy there. Other friends live too far away for an impromptu midweek activity.  I could go to the gym. I should go to the gym. Or… more likely, I’ll go home, have cheese on toast, a glass of wine and watch ‘The Devil Wears Prada’ for the fifteenth time instead.
I reach for my phone to check for messages.  A notification for a Facebook friend request appears on my screen. I very rarely get new friend requests—other than the odd random gentleman hoping, I presume, to make some sort of connection. I always delete immediately.
And, yes, the request is from a gentleman—one Jamie Fraser. The profile picture is definitely Samsonite Jamie, even wearing the Scotland rugby shirt I fingered whilst foraging through his suitcase. I click accept. Why not? I don’t think I have anything too embarrassing on my posts. In fact, I don’t use it very often at all.
Neither, it seems, does Mr. Fraser. His cover photo shows a very youthful bunch of Scottish rugby supporters and his recent timeline seems to comprise mostly of being tagged in photos by Laoghaire Mackenzie. Is it my imagination, or does he have a resigned look on his face on each of their ‘selfies’?
My tea is cool enough to drink now without scalding my tongue. I put my phone down and take a large gulp whilst considering tomorrow’s workload. My job is a series of highs and lows. Today, for example, started as routine, slumped to a worrying low, before peaking at a very relieved high. Tomorrow appears to be an easier day, certainly—a review of patients’ case notes in the morning followed by an outpatient clinic in the afternoon. All follow up patients, and all doing well as far as I know, so tomorrow is shaping up to be a very good day.
I open up my phone again. Facebook messenger is encouraging me to ‘say hi to your new Facebook friend.’  Without thinking, I send a little waving hand emoji to Samsonite Jamie.
I have no sooner put the phone down than it pings. Waving hand returned. I smile. What are we… thirteen years old? Next I’ll be asking him out for an Irn Bru and a bag of chips.
Ping again.  
You owe me…
Shit! The stain on his t-shirt, no doubt. I watch the dots on the screen. Perhaps he’s calculating the cost of a dry cleaner, or a new t-shirt.
You promised me an ice cream.
You up for buying one for me tonight?
I hesitate for a moment. I hope Jamie doesn’t think I’m after him or anything like that. I mean, he’s not really my type. As I’ve said before, I’ve always been attracted to academic, cerebral kind of men like Uncle Lamb, rather than Viking marauders.
And I’ve never subscribed to the idea that men and women can’t be friends. One of my closest friends at university was a man—Joe Abernathy.  If it wasn't for the fact that he is currently three thousand miles away, working in Boston, I would be arranging platonic ice cream outings with him.
So, deciding I have nothing to lose, I type my response.
If you can get to the kiosk by 6:30, it should still be open
A brief pause, then the response.
Great. See you there?
Even at a distance, I recognise him sitting at a table next to the kiosk. No white t-shirt today, it looks like some sort of check lumberjack shirt. I breathe a sigh of relief. Not what I would call ‘first date’ clothing. Which is handy, seeing as I’m wearing ripped jeans and an oversized Aran jumper. I’m clean, presentable and fresh-smelling but definitely not dressed to impress.
He stands up when he sees me and greets me formally with a handshake. His hands are warm and dry—no nervous, sweaty palms here, which is another good sign. His shirt is blue, red and cream flannel and actually quite hideous.
“I hope this ice cream lives up tae ma expectations,” he says with the merest hint of challenge.
I crane my neck and look him straight in the eye. “No doubt at all. Cherry bakewell, is it? Double cone?”
“Aye. With a flake too. Compensation, ye ken.”
He stands aside to allow me to make the purchases. Before accepting the cone, he picks up half a dozen or so paper napkins and stuffs them in the pocket of his jeans.
“I’m prepared fer ye now. Do yer worst, Ms Beauchamp.”
I ignore his clear inference and follow him to a nearby bench.
“I can manage to eat and walk at the same time, you know,” I say in mock indignation.
“Hm,” he replies. “All the evidence sae far suggests the contrary. I need proof afore I believe it.”
There’s a moment of silence as we both focus on our ice creams. I lick neatly all the way around, trying to prevent any rogue drips trickling down the cone. Jamie pulls the flake from his cone and consumes it in two mouthfuls. He looks at me and laughs.
“Caught me. I’m a bit of a bugger fer chocolate,” he mumbles before swallowing.
“Right,” he continues, much more clearly now. “I suggest we get all the boring stuff out of the way. Ye ken, name, age, family, job, blah, blah blah. I’ll go first, if ye like.”
I nod my agreement.
“Sae, I’m James or Jamie Fraser. I’m thirty years old. Since our last conversation I am most definitely single. I live in Glasgow, obviously, but grew up on a farm near Inverness. My parents still run the farm. I have one sister, Jenny, who’s married tae Ian, my childhood friend. I have one nephew—a grand little lad known as Wee Jamie and a wee baby niece, Maggie . And I dinna think it’ll be long afore they’re joined by others. They all live here in Glasgow. My job, weel, I have a business—FraserFood—recipe boxes delivered tae yer door.”
“Oh, yes, I’ve heard of that. ‘From farm to fork.” That’s you, is it?”
He smiles proudly. “Aye, it’s me and ma family. Looks like ma marketing manager is doing a fine job, then.”
“Oh, forgot tae say, after the blah blah, ye have tae tell one confession. Only a wee one, mind.” He takes a large mouthful of his ice cream.
I purse my lips. “Really, and what if I’ve nothing to confess?”
Jamie snorts with laughter and does a funny sort of blink, screwing up his face and closing both eyes. Is he trying to wink? If so, he’s failing miserably. I try to look angelic and sin free. Judging by the look of scepticism on his face, It doesn’t seem to be working.
“Sae, my confession is, dah-dah-daaaah,” he does a fake fanfare, trying to build suspense. “I wanted tae be yer friend on Facebook because I wanted tae see if there were any photos of ye in Barcelona, with all yer...er… accessories.”
I feel myself redden. I’ve just remembered catching Geillis on Facebook the other day at work and I’m pretty sure I know what’s coming next.
“Verra interesting… in particular, the one with ye and six penis shot glasses. How d’ye manage tae get two of them in yer mouth at the same time?”
I inwardly curse Geillis and her desire to live her life through social media.
“Excuse me,” I reply somewhat primly. “I don’t think we’re at the Q and A stage yet.”
“So,” I continue in a lighter tone. “Me. Claire Elizabeth Beauchamp. I’m thirty two and I’m a paediatric  orthopaedic surgeon, here at the children’s hospital. I love my job so much, I can’t begin to tell you. As of two weeks ago, I am thankfully single. I was born in Oxford and moved up here when I was twelve, when my Uncle Lamb became a professor at the university. He brought me up, you know. Raised me when my parents died in a car accident... I… er...I was four at the time.”
I can feel Jamie looking at me, but I can’t raise my eyes. Telling people about my parents never gets any easier, no matter how many times I say those words. I concentrate on picking bits of wafer off my cone and throwing them to the ducks loitering nearby, waiting for some sort of treat.
“So it always was just my uncle and me.” I carry on talking. “Then he died… seven...seven years ago…” I can hear my voice start to crack as I fight back tears. A hand creeps into my vision and I gratefully accept the proffered paper napkin and wipe my face.
“Och, lass.” He says softly.
I clear my throat. “I'm sorry. We were having a nice conversation and then there I go, getting all teary. It’s just, well, we were a team, Uncle Lamb and I… the two musketeers. He was my hero.”
Blowing my nose in a most unladylike way, I toss the napkin into the neighbouring bin.
“And that’s pretty much me. As for a confession, well… I suppose it’s kind of one.”
He raises one eyebrow quizzically, making a better job of that than the whole winking lark, I think.
"Ok, well,  when I had your case, I tried to ring before I emailed you. I called the number in your case… twice. A woman answered and told me I had the wrong number—"
"I know that now. But she obviously knew how to get onto your phone."
"Why did ye no' tell me?" He smiles as he says this. It's not a reprimand.
"I would have but you seemed to be coming to a conclusion anyway. No need to add more fuel to the fire."
"Happen ye're right."
He notices me shivering and gets to his feet. “Aye, there’s a bit of a chill. Fancy a wee walk tae warm up and we can carry on wi’ round two. It’s a quick fire round.”
I stand up and we move away from the pond. The ducks have already lost interest in us since they realise that we’ve nothing more to offer them. It’s pretty quiet in the park now, the cooler evening air seems to have kept people at home. The gravel crunching loudly under the soles of our shoes, I glance down and notice Jamie’s doing a sort of awkward stuttering movement with his feet. He’s clearly trying to match his stride pattern to mine. Which isn’t easy when his must be a good few inches longer than mine. Nice, considerate gesture, though.
“Sae, quick fire questions and answers. Ye can go first,” he says generously.
It only takes me a moment to think of a question that I have been wondering about ever since I explored the contents of his suitcase.
“What were you doing in Barcelona? I mean the contents of your case weren’t really fun-weekend-away stuff.”
“Nah, ye’re right. It wasna a holiday—flying visit only. I was there on business—talking tae a food wholesale company. Serrano ham, chorizo, saffron, that kind of thing,” he explains, a look of excitement on his face. “We’re expanding our range, starting with Spanish influenced recipes. A full three courses ready tae prepare, plus wine delivered straight tae yer door. Dinner party FraserFood style.”
He can’t stop smiling as he talks about these plans. And his hands move animatedly as he continues to elaborate on his new venture. His business is obviously his passion. Maybe that’s why he hasn’t got the desire for a relationship with a girlfriend—FraserFood seems to be his one love. No girl could compete.
He stops talking for a moment. “And here I am, boring ye.”
I shake my head. “Not at all, it’s really interesting.” I don’t have to lie. It’s the truth. My mouth is watering at his description of albondigas and flavoursome chicken and chorizo with cannellini beans. I’m ready to sign up for this delivery service any time.
“Sae, ma turn tae ask a question. Tell me, d’ye like this shirt?”
I try to stifle a laugh. The question is so unexpected and the shirt so awful. Trying to be diplomatic, I search for the right words, evading the actual question. “I’ve only seen you in white tops before, no colours.”
He sighs. “Ye’ve only seen me twice afore... anyway I dinna think ye need tae say any more. I ken ye’re being polite, but ye’re a terrible liar. I can tell by yer face ye dinna like this shirt. Laoghaire hated it, always made me change it. I did wonder if that was jes’ her being difficult. But apparently no’.”
“Sorry, I didn’t want to be rude.”
“Ye dinna need tae apologise, Claire. Being honest is a good thing, is it no’? And friends should always tell each other the truth. And that’s what I think we’re going tae be, Claire— friends. D’ye no’ agree?”
I crane my neck  and look Jamie straight in the eye. “Yes, I do… friends.”
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stolen dreams took our childish days - chapter 3
read on FF or AO3
I hope you all enjoy this next chapter in Jamie and Claire’s foster care adventure. It’s a bit shorter than usual, but... Enjoy! xoxo
March 2020 
It’s about three weeks before they’re able to arrange a visit after school for Fergus to see his mom. It means Jamie has a few extra hours to kill before he has to pick him up from the visitation center. He’s finishing up at the office when his phone dings. It’s on do not disturb which means the notification is from Claire, the only person whose number will bypass the setting.
Maybe you should pick up a treat for Fergus. I’m sure that he’ll be sad to be leaving his mom. He told me that he loves chocolate chip cookies. Or maybe ice cream. Or idk, Jamie, maybe he won’t need a snack and his mom will have brought him something.
He could sense Claire’s frantic energy in the text, a grin splitting his mouth wide open. 
Breathe, Sassenach. What a fine idea. I’ll pick him up something special. See you tonight.
Glancing at the time, Jamie decided the workday was done and that he’d need a few spare minutes to pick up a treat for the lad. 
It didn’t take long at the bakery to pick out a cookie, and before he knew it, Jamie was waiting patiently in a vinyl chair with no support. He kept glancing at his phone, answering a few emails before he heard a door open and looked up. A kind woman with cropped curly hair and dark skin with a badge around her neck stood in the doorway of one of the rooms just to the right. “Mr. Fraser?” she asked, at which he stood and nodded. “I’m Veronica, I’m the one covering the visits.”
“Aye, I am. It’s nice to meet ye as well,” he responded softly, taking a few steps toward her. 
“Fergus is having a difficult time leaving his mother. I’m not sure if you have a few minutes, the transition during the first visit is always the hardest,” Veronica explained, gesturing to the room.
“Would it be alright if I said a quick hello and tried to help ease the lad back to my home?” Jamie inquired, the bag from the bakery in his left hand, lifting it as if showing that he had brought bribery.
“Well, alright… As long as you’re comfortable.” Veronica turned back into the room and Jamie stepped toward it, stopping in the doorway as he saw Fergus crying in his mother’s arms, the woman’s own eyes appearing glassy.
“Fergus, lad?” he called softly, knocking on the dark wooden door. Fergus’ head peeked up before he started to cry harder, burying his face back in his mother’s neck. 
“I don’t wanna go!” Fergus cried out, his knuckles white from the grip on his mother’s shoulders. 
Jamie took a moment to observe the interaction. Fergus’ mother appeared younger than he expected. Very young, actually. Jamie was preparing to turn thirty-two in a few months and made the mistake of assuming that Fergus’ mother would be close to his own age, but she looked as though she couldn’t be older than twenty-five. 
Her curls were thinner than his wife’s, but she had the same dark hair. For a moment, Jamie envisioned her as a younger version of Claire, like a younger sister who had lost her way in life. Claudia was nothing like the monster that he had created in his head. She looked tired, her eyes were sunken in a bit. Her skin was pale and the lass was thin. Eerily thin. 
What Jamie then noticed was how fiercely she was holding Fergus, like she was afraid to let him go. He felt guilty, as if he was the one forcing the two apart, but he had to remind himself that this wasn’t the case.
“Och, lad. Are ye no’ going to introduce me to yer mam? I ken ye’re sad but I’d like tae meet the lass!” Fergus looked at Jamie and cracked a smile, likely at Jamie’s accent.
“Mama, this is Jamie. He talks funny, but he’s real nice. He and Claire… that’s his wife, you ken? They’ve been really nice. Claire said that maybe me and you could talk on the phone before bed at night if you’ve got a phone. And Jamie makes Mickey pancakes really good and…” Claudia held up a hand, a pained smile on her lips, though Jamie was sure Fergus couldn’t tell the difference. 
“Maybe I could introduce myself to Jamie, now?” Her smile became softer and more teasing as she kissed Fergus’ forehead before placing him on the ground, stepping tentatively toward Jamie. He squared his shoulders before holding his hand out.
“It’s a pleasure tae meet ye, lass. Fergus speaks verra highly of ye. He’s quite the lad. Brilliant and funny and charming,” Jamie trailed off, his cheeks going pink as he realized he was telling her about her own son.
“Oh, well… I thank you for that. It’s obvious he’s fond of the both of you.” Claudia looked at her hands, picking at the cuticles. She swayed on her feet before looking back at Fergus.
“I hate to say it’s time to go, lad, but ye have yer schoolwork to finish, aye? Say goodbye to yer mam,” Jamie instructed, feeling uncomfortable with the fact that he had to be the one to end the visit. Wasn’t Veronica supposed to step in at some point and do this? Why had he said that? Maybe he was being too forward?
“Mr. Fraser is right, Fergus, but I’ll pick you up from school again next week and you’ll get to see your mom again, alright?” As if on cue, Veronica stepped in and began tidying up the toys in the room, speaking softly to Claudia before Fergus gave his mother one final tight hug and kiss. Jamie picked up the lad’s knapsack in his free hand, gesturing for Fergus to lead the way from the room.
“I bought ye some cookies. Claire told me they’re yer favorite. Ye can have one in the car if ye promise to be careful with the wee crumbs. Do ye have a lot of work to do tonight?” Jamie filled the silence on the walk to his car, helping Fergus into the booster seat in the back. Fergus, normally chatty after a day at school, was noticeably silent as Jamie prompted him again with the question. Refusing to leave until Fergus had spoken to him, Jamie squeezed himself into the floor of the backseat, looking up at Fergus’ sad face.
“I don’t want to leave my mama. I don’t want to be apart from her anymore. It’s not fair!” Fergus sounded frustrated, and Jamie didn’t blame him. To only be eight and have to leave your mother not once, but twice. With no say in the matter, either. He didn’t blame Fergus for thinking it wasn’t fair.
“Och, weel, the both of us ken it’s not quite fair, but ‘tis what must be done until yer mam can keep ye safe and healthy. And in the meantime, ye’re always welcome with me and Claire, whether ye want to be there or not. We love having ye in our home, lad. I hope ye ken that.” Jamie was worried that his attempts at reassurance were a waste of time, but Fergus appeared to be comforted by them as he reached his small hands down to pat Jamie’s shoulders.
“Thank you,” the boy whispered softly, letting his eyes close as he sunk back into his seat. 
Assuming the conversation was over, Jamie moved back into the driver’s seat and began their journey home. He had much to discuss with Claire before bed that night.
“Claire, ‘twas mebbe the most horrible thing I’ve seen in my life. The lad wouldna stop weeping. ‘Tis a shock my own heart isna torn in two at just the thought of it!”
Claire couldn’t contain a giggle at his dramatics, even if it was a depressing thought.
“Jamie, of course he’s sad! He had to leave his mom after finally getting to see her. I can’t believe you met her. What was she like?” she asked, the question coming out before she even knew it was one she had.
“Kind. And sad. Thin. Tired. Young. Verra young. Mebbe ten years younger than you, Sassenach. Sae thin, sae young. The lass looked like she would fall apart. She’s got a heid of curly hair just like her son. Much like yers, in fact. She was… She was just his mam.” Jamie’s shoulders felt at this last statement, his body settling into the mattress for the night. He hadn’t expected the thought to shake him so much. Jamie hadn’t even planned on meeting her, but something had pushed him to go in that room and coax Fergus out. Rolling onto his side, he thought deeply about what brought them to take in a child in foster care. Their goal had been to provide a safe and healthy home to a child in need. He thought he was protecting Fergus, but in fact, he was worried he may have been doing the complete opposite. Were they keeping the boy from the one person in life who would unconditionally love him?
Claire could sense that Jamie was deep in thought, and she took the opportunity to wrap her arms around him, climbing on top of him. Her cheek settled against his chest and she let out a little sigh when his hands found their place in the curve of her lower back.
“She’s just his mam,” Jamie repeated, the words causing a shiver to run down his spine.
“It’s not your fault that he’s here, Jamie. We’re just keeping him safe and giving him a good home until they can be together again, that’s all. You’re doing a good thing.” Claire peppered kisses along his skin between her statements. Her left hand rose to cup his cheek, thumb stroking over the curve of his upper lip. She felt her fingers start to dampen and realized that Jamie had been so shaken that he was crying. It was only then that she realized Jamie had lost his own mother, Ellen,  at Fergus’ exact age. 
“Oh, Jamie,” she breathed out, her hands going to his shoulders, holding tighter to him. “It’s alright. He’s going to be alright.” 
“I ken, I just hope we are more help than hurt for the lad.” Jamie’s voice was hoarse, his hands stroking at the soft skin on Claire’s back. 
“I love ye, Sassenach.” The words meant many things, more than he knew how to put into words, and he knew that Claire would understand the hidden meaning.
“She would be proud of you,” Claire whispered, the words coming out before she even knew they were there. Jamie stiffened beneath her for a moment before letting his body relax. His grip tightened for a fraction of a second before loosening his hold so that his hands could stroke beneath her t-shirt. “You’ve turned into an amazing person, Jamie. Ellen Fraser would be so proud of the man you’ve become.”
Jamie didn’t say anything else, just let the tears he had been holding in freely flow while his wife wiped them away.
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killiansprincss · 3 years
Never Forget You Ch.13
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Season 6A Canon Divergence.
Emma is happy. Finally happy with her parents, son and boyfriend. But this happiness is taken away from her when the Evil Queen curses her and turns her into a toddler.
Heartbroken and angry, Killian and Henry run away to Neverland to wait for Emma to break her curse. But when she does break it and comes looking for them 25 years later, she soon realises this Neverland is very different now it is no longer under Pans rule.
Will she be able to save Henry and Killian in time, or will this new ruler of Neverland keep them hostage forever?
Also on AO3
Chapter 13 of my Neverland fic is up :))) please go check it out if you’re a lover of CS and especially angst. This fic is about halfway through and it’s my baby so give it some love!
“Tonight.” Henry tells his mother after her constant pestering.
“What?” Emma asks, “What happens tonight?”
“The Lost Ones. They still come to the Island at night in a dream state.Killian and I help them, or at least he used to. Don’t give up on Killian just yet, show him you’re not leaving. True Loves Kiss or something might wake him up.”
Emma smiles at her son's enthusiasm, “I don’t think True Love's Kiss will work, he isn't under a curse, but you’re right I do need to show him that I am going to stick around. I was so afraid of losing him until he showed me he wasn’t going anywhere, so now it’s time to return the favor.”
And so Henry tells his mother all about the Lost Ones of this New Neverland, how they come from all the realms, magical and non magical, Pan's shadow no longer steals them from their beds, it’s how it was before Pan, lost kids travel to Neverland and they think they're dreaming. The magic from Morpheus allows them to travel in their dream state and Henry likes to help as many of them as he can, if he never sees them again he believes it's for the best, that they aren’t lost anymore.
Henry also tells the story of why Killian no longer helps the Lost ones.
Killian didn’t know how long he had been back in Neverland. It had been a while, but he wasn’t sure if that meant weeks or years.
Morpheus, god of dreams allowed sleeping children to travel to Neverland who felt lost or lonely. Being in Neverland they could do whatever they wanted, eat cake for hours without feeling sick, and even fly. It made Killian happy that Neverland was being used to bring joy to kids without Pans evil tricks.
There was one little boy who he took a liking to and wanted to help. Eli Brewer. He was a young lad of maybe 10, short, dark hair, dark skin, and the lost look in his eyes that was all too familiar.
“So I can really do whatever I want here?” Eli asks, still amazed at what this island can offer.
“Yes lad, what you want, wish for it and it’ll appear.” Killian says crouching down to his level.
Eli closes his eyes. “I wish. I wish for the chocolate cake I stole from the bakery for me and Hugo that one time,”
Killians heart aches. He remembers Liam doing something similar for them once.
Eli’s eyes light up when he opens them to find a slice of chocolate cake in his hands.
“Where do you come from lad?” He asks, wanting to know how best he can help him.
With chocolate smeared round his face, he replies, “I come from the kingdom of Mirimois, it’s just a half a mile away from Longbourne. It’s just my little brother and me, our mother died years ago and our father ran away. I have to look after Hugo, we’ve been sleeping in between barrels at the nearby ports. I’m hoping someone will give me a job so that we can receive shelter and food.”
Killian was all too familiar with this situation. He and Liam would sleep by the docks after their father left, nobody would say anything, the sailors and pirates would leave them to sleep for a night, maybe even offer a blanket. Then in the morning they would be gone and on the hunt for another place to sleep.
“Well enjoy the festivities Neverland has to offer tonight, and if you wish to return tomorrow you may.”
Eli did enjoy what Neverland had to offer. And he came back, night after night, for weeks. And it was night after night that Killian took a liking to him, and wanted to make a change.
“Lad I’ve been thinking about your situation. You come from Longbourn, correct?”
Eli looks up from his cake he’s eating. “Yeah why?”
“There’s a kingdom nearby Thiroris. The king there is a kind man.” Killian did not like royalty, a habit of his pirate days. But in the missing year he came to know the Prince of a kingdom, who spent most of his time in the tavern where Killian and his crew drank. He was a good prince, and cared for the orphans in his kingdoms, and he learnt during his time in Storybrooke that his father had died and he was now King.
“I’ve heard of that kingdom. Our mother was from there.” Eli tells him with an excited smile.
“If you and your younger brother were to ask for refuge at his palace, I’m sure he would help you and give you a place to sleep and food to eat as magnificent as this chocolate cake.” Killian smiles at the lad, he reminds him so much of Liam. No boy his age should have to find work or worry about a safe place to sleep.
“You think?” Eli asks with the brightest smile on his face.
Killian just nods and allows him to enjoy his, hopefully, last night in Neverland.
Eli doesn’t return to Neverland that night, or the might after that. Killian takes that as a good sign. Eli never steps foot in Neverland again.
But it wasn’t a happy ending.
Some time later though a little boy the image of Eli yet younger appears in Neverland.
“My name is Hugo, my brother Eli and I were on our own for a while. Then he told me that if we go to this other kingdom a nice king would help us. But there were guards with arrows, and my brother got hit. He said he was in a better place, that he was going to see our mama. But now I’m all alone.” He explained and suddenly it made sense why Eli hadn’t returned to Neverland. He’d been caught in the crossfire of an arrow not meant for children. And now Hugo was a lost boy, he’d lost his brother like Killian had lost his, just at such a harsher age.
Killian now related to Hugo, he knew what he was dealing with, losing his brother and being all alone. Obviously this 7 year old boy couldn’t become a pirate or run away like he had done, but he could give him advice on how to deal with losing a brother.
He could have done those things. But he had ruined this poor boy’s life by giving his brother advice that got him killed. Instead, he stayed out of his way, didn’t give him advice and just was there to let them know the rules of Neverland and it’s dreamworld.
Many lost kids came and went and he didn’t really notice when Hugo stopped visiting.
Emma can hear the cries of the Lost Ones. It’s what she heard the first night she was back here, and her very first night in Neverland 30 years ago.
When she was younger (orphan timeline) she wished she could escape to Neverland and be like the Lost Boys. That was before she knew the Disney Movie was nothing like the real story. She wanted to escape, be somewhere where it didn’t matter if she didn’t have parents or a family who loved her.
But then when she was 28, she had found her family. Granted she didn’t believe she had at first, but in her defence, who would believe a 10 year old saying he lived in a town with fairytale characters?  And then it was a long and rocky road until they felt like a family. And then the Evil Queen pressed a reset button and she had the chance to grow up feeling loved and never felt alone. She was grateful in some ways, but now she was conflicted, was she still a lost girl, an orphan who found her family at 28, or was she the girl that grew up with her family who loved her.
So when Henry told her about the lost kids, and that he tries to help them, her heart cried out. She wished she had someone to help her, keep her on the right track in life. Don’t give up hope. There is a family out there for you, whether biologically related to you or not. When she came to Storybrooke the first time, and thought Henry’s stories were well stories, she had found family, Mary Margaret was the first friend she had in a long time and she became her family, the way she invited her into her home and the way they defended each other when Regina framed or tried to undermine them.
She had learnt that family wasn’t always blood, it was those who cared about you. That’s what she would tell the lost ones, that finding someone who cares about you, is all you need.
“Mom! There you are!” Henry whispers shouts when he sees her at the clearing to the lost ones where he told her to wait. The lost ones clearing used to be Pans camp, so it was strange being back there and helping lost kids this time.
“Are you sure this is a good idea? What about Cecelia?” Emma asks, worried about when she eventually runs into the fairy.”
“Don’t worry, she’s never there throughout the night, she was here an hour ago to prepare the pixie dust, then tomorrow morning she’ll collect any dust left over.” Henry explains, calming her nerves, they still hadn’t decided how they were going to defeat her.
Emma and Henry walk into the clearing, and it looks pretty much the same as Pans camp did, with large trees and bushes surrounding the perimeter, and logs all around that serve as benches. The hammocks and beds were gone though, seeing as the lost ones no longer stayed longer than throughout the night. In the centre was a fountain that contained golden pixie dust that was glowing. There were a couple kids scattered around, one blonde haired boy was flying and giggling, another small girl was grinning as she was eating her ice cream, and a couple others were talking to one another on the logs.
Henry goes over to a boy with dark hair sitting by one of the trees, and gives her a look that says ‘go for it.’
She looks around at the kids, some are having the time of their life flying around or eating cake and ice cream. Others look, well, lonely. She sees a little girl around 9 with dark hair in two braids, she’s pretty tiny, short and very thin, maybe she’s not been eating well wherever she’s from. That lonely lost girl look on her face that’s all too familiar.
“Hey there, what’s your name?” Emma says as she approaches the little girl.
She looks up at Emma, not sure whether to trust her, “hi,”
Smart girl, not giving away too much information to someone you don’t know. Emma did this a lot when she was caught shoplifting as a teen. She sits down beside her. She could do this, she could help a lost girl,
“You know I was a lost girl once too.” Emma says staring ahead instead of saying it to her face.
The little girl looks up at her. “I’ve not seen you here before.”
Observant. Another trait of a lost girl, always looking at the details. “You’re right. I’m Emma. I was a lost girl once, and now I’m here to help.”
The little girl studies Emma for a few moments before saying. “I’m Elena.”
“It’s nice to meet you Elena.” Emma smiles at her.
If there’s one thing Killian had to bet on seeing tonight, it would not have been Emma with the Lost Ones. He walked into the clearing a little later than usual, and saw Henry talking with the same kids he had been talking to for a while, but saw blonde hair in the corner of his eyes.
No. It couldn’t be.
He looked over and saw Emma Swan talking to one of the lost girls. It really was her. This must be one of Henry’s ploys. Emma notices him and gives him a smile and a wave before returning to her conversation with a lost girl.
This woman doesn’t give up. She was a bloody marvel.
He watched her with the lost girl. He didn’t know the girl's name, she was pretty quiet and even Henry had trouble getting through to her.
So he sits on the log by the tree like he does every night and welcomes old and new lost ones.
“Welcome to Neverland. Morpheus has decided you’re a lost one, and has graced you with the chance to visit this place in your dream state. So enjoy Neverland. We have magic, you can fly, you can wish for anything to eat, go crazy,”
Killian says this speech to new lost ones almost every night and it gets tiring, especially now he knows he’s been saying it for 25 years. The first few years he was happy and upbeat, but now he said it in much more of a monotonous voice.
He keeps stealing glances at Emma throughout the night. And he was pretty sure she was doing that same. The lass she was with was looking more and more animated as the night progressed. She had a knack for this, that much was clear.
He wanted to go back with her. More than anything, but did he deserve to? And why does she still want him? Why bother with him at all? She should just take Henry and leave. She had lived her life again the way she was meant to, as a daughter that never doubted her parents loved her. After all that, why would she go back to a pirate who was abandoned as a child and lost everyone he loved?
The end of the night draws in, and the lost ones leave Neverland one by one. The girl Emma was talking to ended up being the last to leave. He nods to Henry when the night is up, avoiding Emma’s ever present stare.
“Killian wait.” He hears Emma voice as he walks outside the clearing on his way back to his ship.
He turns around to face her, “Swan. To what do I owe the pleasure?”
Emma rolls her eyes at him. “Don’t play dumb with me okay. I showed up here tonight to prove I’m not going anywhere without you.”
Killian just scoffs. “I already told you Swan, forget about me. Take your boy and leave.”
“I don’t want that okay? Are you not listening? I don’t want that.” Emma practically screams at him.
“And what do you not understand about the fact that you’re better off without me?” Killian shouts back.
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” Emma asks her blood practically boiling. Why would he say that?
He studied her for a moment, noticing the veins popping out of her forehead now she’s angry. “You don’t want me. You grew up with your perfect princess life, with a family and town full of people that love you. You never doubted that your parents loved you. You probably have a long line of princes and noblemen that want your heart. You don’t want a broken lost pirate. For 25 years I have been in this god awful place waiting for a woman who had forgotten me and I had no idea if you would even be here after 25 years.”
Emma scoffs, “yeah you’re right. I never doubted my parents' love for me, and I dated a few guys and I really liked them while we were together. And you’re right there are probably a lot more guys that want to be with me, I am a princess like you say. But guess what? We are not in the Enchanted Forest, I’m no princess, I’m free to choose my own life and my own boyfriends. And you know what else? None of them are you, Killian. It’s you I want. Even when I was cursed, I never forgot about you, I always used to see you in my dreams, I didn’t know who you were but. But I didn’t forget about you.”
“You dreamt about me?” Killain asks, not quite sure what to make of this revelation.
Emma nods. “It started when I was a teenager, maybe 16, 17. I kept seeing dark hair, blue eyes, your blue eyes, I didn’t know who you were but I knew you were important, a soulmate dream or something. Then as I got older, I started seeing visions, memories of our time together, like how I kissed you here in Neverland, and then saying goodbye to you in the Underworld.” Tears begin to roll from her eyes as she remembers that horrific goodbye. “Have you just forgotten everything we went through, the Underworld and everything, surely you don’t think I don’t love you anymore?”
“You still love me? Your feelings really haven’t changed?” Killain asks, still in disbelief that she could still love him.
“Of course I still love you!” Emma says with tears in her eyes. She takes the chain from under her shirt showing him the ring he gave her all those years ago. “I still have your brother's ring you gave me back in Camelot. I put it back on the moment I woke up. Because I love you Killian. And I’m not scared to say the words anymore! Killain Jones I love you so much. I don’t care what has happened, you still loved me when I went dark, so whatever this place has done to you, I don’t care. You’re still the same man I fell in love with. What’s stopping you from coming home?”
Emma steps forward and takes his hook and hand in hers. Killian backs away shaking his head. “I can’t do this, I’m sorry. Emma, my heart has been broken many times over my life. When my father abandoned Liam and I, Liam looked after me, he did everything, he was always there. And then all of a sudden he was gone, and I was never going to see him again, my big brother, gone just like that. It broke me, I didn’t know how I was going to go on, but something inside me was telling me to keep going. And a few years later I met Milah, and all at once she was patching the hole Liam had left. Years pass by and I feel almost whole again, and then the crocodile had killed her, and again my heart was broken. 300 years pass of feeling like this and I meet you.”
He takes a deep breath before continuing, composing himself. “You were so unlike any woman I’d met, my usual tricks didn’t work, you were feisty and independent, and so strong. You pushed me away but something inside me told me to keep pushing.” Emma can’t help but smile at this, it was true, she pushed him away for so long but after a short while, she didn’t want to push him away anymore.
“And eventually you felt as I did. You had fixed my broken heart piece by piece, and I let myself envision a future for the first time. And then you were cursed. We spent day and night researching, finding a way to bring you back, but when I was told there was no use, that I would have to watch you grow up and not know who I was, not know that you loved me, all the pieces you filled had shattered once more.”
“You’re saying I broke your heart because of my curse?” Emma asks.
“I’m glad to hear that,” Emma tells him.
“You’re glad to hear my heart was broken?” He asks, having a feeling what she was going to say next.
“If it can be broken,” she says, taking a step closer, she can feel his heartbeat, she can hear his breath hitch. “It means it still works.”
And they’re both suddenly transported back to Storybrooke after the missing year when he said those exact words as Killian tucks a strand of hair behind her ear. “You know I’ve heard that before.” Emma pushed him away all those years ago because she was so afraid of letting him in, but there was nothing to be afraid of.
Emma's eyes light up as she smiles at his words, “oh yeah?”
And then Killian puts his arms around her waist and pulls her in close to him and captures her lips. It’s perfect. It’s needed, it’s the first kiss they’ve shared in 25 years and it feels so good. Killian moans into the kiss, he feels stupid for thinking she wouldn’t love him, Neverland plays on your strongest emotions, but kissing her here, in Neverland, the place she first kissed him which made him realise he was falling for her, was incredible.
He breaks the kiss for a moment just to say, “I love you so much.”
And Emma wraps his legs around his waist as he moves them so she's backed up against the nearest tree. He kisses her lips, and then moves onto her neck, placing hot wet kisses all down the side of her neck leaving Emma breathless as she roams her hands in his hair remembering what he felt like after 25 long years.
“Stop. Stop.” Emma says breathlessly as she pulls away from the kiss.
“Swan if you dare say that was a one time thing I will take you down to the Underworld myself.” Killian says causing Emma to practically snort.
“No, no it’s not that!” She says through her laugh, “My family will be expecting me back. Believe me, I want to continue this more than anything, but they want me to report on what I saw and what our plan is.”
“You really think we can get off this Island?” He asks.
“We? You’re coming with us?” Emma asks grinning from ear to ear.
Killian nods. “Aye love, I’m sorry I was a fool, it’s going to take some time to be the man you fell in love with again, but I’m-“
Emma cuts him off with a final kiss, “hey, stop. You’re still the man I fell in love with all those years ago. I get that this place is hard and your heart is still broken, but come home and we can fix it together.”
“I'll tell Henry and we can all meet at his treehouse later on to discuss our plan.” He says giving her a quick kiss before heading back in the direction of his ship.
Emma feels relieved, Killian was coming home. They were in this together. She couldn’t stop smiling as she walked back to where her family was.
This night was incredible. Elena, the lost girl she was talking to trusted her enough to talk, and she hoped she had made a difference. Her mothee was a princess, but she felt lost most of the time, she was always working and her father was sick. She was an only child and wasn’t allowed out of the palace much. Her baby brother was also the apple of her parents eyes, he was only a toddler but he seemed to get a lot more attention. Emma understood this, when she got back from New York and her mother was pregnant, sometimes she felt they were looking at her to break the curse, rather than spend time with their daughter. And with her new life, as a child she did feel like her parents spent a lot more time with Neal than her, but as she grew up she realised this wasn’t the case. She could already see that a couple more days talking to her and she wouldn’t find herself in Neverland again.
She hears scuffling behind her.
“Killian? Henry?” She calls out to the noise.
Instead appears a beautiful woman with dark skin, a purple dress and iridescent purple wings to match. A fairy.
“Cecelia?” Emma assumes, fearing the worst.
The fairy smiles. “Ah, so you know of me. Well, I presume you’re Emma. Nice to finally meet you.”
“Look, I don’t want any trouble, I just want to get my son and boyfriend and leave this Island. I won’t come back.” Emma says backing away from the fairy slowly, she knew this fairy was nothing like the Blue Fairy back in Storybrooke, and also nothing like Tinkerbell who was on their side. No, this fairy was the enemy.
Cecelia’s wings flutter as she levitates in the air. “Well see that’s the problem. The two people you want to recuse I need here on this Island, so I’m sorry you are going to have to leave my home without them.”
“And if I don’t?” Emma asks, standing her ground, she needed to show she wasn’t afraid.
The fairy did not like this. She flutters towards Emma and says in a sweet tone, “Then I will kill you and your precious family.” and then turns small and flies away
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