#I understand the damage that ai is doing to our natural world and the ethics of society.
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maepersonal · 4 months ago
we are not the same - you oppose using ai to do schoolwork because it’s cheating. I oppose using ai for schoolwork because IT’S FUCKING AI.
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ausetkmt · 2 years ago
Ivan Illich in his 1973 book, Tools for Conviviality, conceptualized the threat that arises when tools and technology reach thresholds beyond which they become irremediably damaging to people and environment. After these thresholds are crossed, tools become destructive not only in cultural and material terms but fatally disabling in personal and collective autonomy. The result is a mega-tooled society embedded in multiple complex systems that curtail people’s ability to live dignified lives. To a world mired in ever-increasing production, while making this production seem ever easier, Illich counterposed the fallacy of the growth imperative and the cultivation of a joyful and balanced acceptance of limits. (Summarized from Designs for the Pluriverse by Arturo Escobar)
What needs to change is an entire way of life and a whole style of world making — “a transition from the hegemony of modernity’s one-world ontology to a pluriverse of socio-natural configurations.” The dualist and reductionist ontology of the Eurocentric narrative has brought us to a civilizational conjuncture with its implications for leadership, organizational models, policy-making and politics, structures, ethics, and values. The alternative is the deep notion of relationality arising from a profound understanding of the indelible interconnections of all sentient beings and the Planet.
The ecological and cultural transitions needed can only be arrived at through a deep design revolution, which requires nothing less than a reinvention of the human. This transition requires a significant reorientation of all imaginings and conceptions that today arise from a functionalist, rationalistic, and industrial traditions supported by the current meta-narrative of profit and productivity. There has to be a shift in consciousness towards a set of practices and sensemaking attuned to the relational and non-dualist dimensions of life. This is an ontological and cosmological approach that affects our ways of being, knowing, doing, and relating in every domain.
We are currently faced with ‘the tyranny of technology’ where technocracy becomes the norm. One tool and one invention at a time, technology insidiously creeps up on us. After a point, life seems unimaginable without it. The smartphone is a case in point. This deep entanglement brings with it a certain exoticness and power beyond previous imaginings. This makes tools not only addictive but also appear indispensable. To quote Paul Kingsnorth, “The screen has abolished time, distance, boredom, longing. Is anything you see on it real? But then, what is ‘reality’? Who decides? Do you find this notion oppressive, restricting? Then redefine it. Make anything real. Make everything new. The Machine can help you.”
Let me clarify that I am not a Luddite, and I use my fair share of tools for my convenience. The very presence of this online platform gives me a previously unimagined reach; video technology brings the world closer; and many such tools are definitely to be applauded. The trouble starts when tools take over, entwining with humans and distorting the power equations. When tools move from the locus of facilitator to controller, they have an invisible alienating influence. Being ubiquitous, they begin to gradually subvert the very notions of relationality, humanity, and dignity. The tools rule and societies start fetishizing technology.
Those without access to or not desiring such tools disappear behind the abyssal line. Collective wisdom is lost leaving behind disconnected, disembodied, disenchanted individuals suffering from the dis-ease of incessant dissatisfaction. The power of technology to connect and build communities are distorted into deeper atomization of individuals, fragmentation of society, and disruption to the flow of meaning and knowledge.
AI chatbots like chatGPT poses very real dangers to society as a whole. If it can script software, it can also code malware. If it can churn out an academic paper, so can it spew out phishing emails that are perfectly constructed and hence evades suspicion. The mindless development of these tools poses not only ethical challenges but very real dangers of further exacerbating misinformation and disinformation that are already polarizing societies and communities across the globe. The development of technology has taken on a very dark turn in the last two decades as venture capitalists rush to make money, and politics is driven by the top billionaires. Apart from these considerations, there is a whole side to the development of AI and other such uber tech that are kept carefully hidden lest they besmirch the glitz and glory.
Let’s examine chatGPT and the hoopla around it for a moment. It becomes clear that in spite of the almost magical powers of high tech, the imaginings of the innovators are still entrapped by and within the narrative of profit and productivity. This AI chatbot has been trained on diverse pools of data bases to basically configure and deliver products — business plans, academic papers, codes, and what not. The problem is that it has been trained on data bases that are reflective of the Eurocentric, homogenous narrative running the show today. And what it churns out in response to cues reflect that. Let me digress a bit and insert a couple of excerpts on how this works, and who pays the price for this glitzy development.
Another excerpt on AI from an article by Patricia Gestoso, How artificial intelligence is recolonising the Global South:
Big tech like AI is not appearing magically out of thin air with a little help from Silicon Valley. They are arising from the current hegemonic narrative and are serving to further embed the foundational aspects — deep separation from nature, hyper-individualism, denial of all limits, and profound arrogance of human capability. The marginalization of other myriad forms of knowing, learning, being, and doing that have existed for thousands of years are further intensified in the name of progress and efficiency. All counter-hegemonic and alternate epistemologies and ontologies arising from the Global South* are dexterously made invisible by sheer omission. The threat of technocracy is very real.
I have been having this conversation with some of my dear friends namely, Trina Casey, Lana Kristine Jelenjev and Garry Turner, on the pernicious impact of such tools. The mythical increase in productivity is being achieved at what cost? Who is paying the price? Who are the beneficiaries? What is being lost? By automating essentially creative tasks, such tools may try to supersede human function.
However, the trouble lies in the very element of its ‘tool-ness’. A tool is without consciousness or conscience; its impact is only as good or as evil as the intentions and purposes that were designed into it. For example, to test chatGPT’s repertoire, I had posed a few question — five to be precise — on topics like decolonization, pluriverse, neo-colonialism, and negritude. Needless to say, the responses were facile and so heavily North-centric as to be laughable.
When such tools invade education, teachers are exhorted to be more inventive. The fundamental premise of education is lost when tools churn out essays and solve problems. The whole notion of learning, discerning, appreciating, critiquing, reflecting is completely disregarded. It is terrifying to imagine generations being brought up without the wisdom and appreciation of beauty that true learning imparts. Ethics, values and human dignity are being sacrificed at the altar of a homogenous narrative that is seeking to further control and templatize this messy world.
I fear for the tech-dazzled youth of today. The entire journey of humans has been one of intense and abiding creativity right from the cave paintings to the elaborate tombs of Egyptian pharaohs, from the rock-cut temples in India to the paintings in the Louvre. Humans have an innate need to create. Let me correct that — all life forms have a need to create. One just has to see the nest of a humble Baya weaver bird to see this.
When technology becomes technocracy, it takes away the joy of living and the dignity of life. as Ivan Illich pointed out fifty years ago: The result is a mega-tooled society embedded in multiple complex systems that curtail people’s ability to live dignified lives. Currently, we are in an Era of Technocracy. The movement towards further techni-fication feels almost inexorable but it is not. These are choices being made in the halls of power to invest the current narrative with greater power, to extend its lifetime, to embed it in all its forms in all aspects of people’s lives. Then, we will reach a stage where — entangled and entwined with our tools — we will lose sight of other ways of being, knowing, doing, and relating. I believe it’s a very deliberate attempt to erase the heterogeneity of this wondrously pluriversal planet and instead create a “one-world” world that the Global North has always wanted. At least, the top 1% wanted.
It is easier to rule over a planet from where all differences and diversity have been wiped clean. Where the messiness of life, serendipity of conversations, and spontaneity of creativity have been controlled and homogenized into standardized template responses. Then of course, the natural world is a huge impediment. Instead of being just a free-provider of resources, nature is now striking back in the forms of floods, fires, and furies. The control so desired has somehow slipped by.
But there is still that last drop of oil to be extracted, the last iota of cobalt to be excavated. And why? “Cobalt is a critical component in every lithium-ion rechargeable battery used in mobile phones, laptops and electric cars. The Democratic Republic of Congo provides 60% of the world’s cobalt supply which is mined by 40,000 children, according to UNICEF estimates. They are paid $1–2 for working up to 12 hours a day and inhaling toxic cobalt dust.” ~How artificial intelligence is recolonizing the Global South. Here’s a link to a video on Inside the Congo cobalt mines that exploit children.
It will not end only at the exploitation of labour. It is seeking to completely eradicate diverse epistemologies, cosmologies, and ontologies that are in contradiction to the dominant, hegemonic, narrative of power.
A detour:
While speculating on the technological marvels, I was reflecting on the arrival of East India Company in India and the subsequent de-industrialization that followed. The textile industry of handwoven cloth that India excelled in was systematically destroyed to create a market for the mill-manufactured cloth from England. India became a provider of raw material and a market for the British mill-made cloth. “When the East India Company took control of the country, in the chaos that ensued after the collapse of the Mughal empire, India’s share of world GDP was 23 percent. When the British left it was just above 3 percent.” ~An Era of Darkness by Shahsi Tharoor.
I was wondering along the same vein what are the human skills, capabilities, and faculties that tools like chatGPT are out to destroy in the name of progress. This new form of colonialism is far more pernicious because it not only colonizes the imagination but also eradicates the possibilities to envision other futures. This conditioning aims at making people conform with what feels like inescapable destiny. The same logic seems to be prevailing of controlling, objectifying, automating, homogenizing, and destruction of the creative vitality that is an essential human function. Given that the whole so-called innovation is based on an essentially extractive and exploitative economy says it all.
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danielmanlangit · 4 years ago
                                          CHAPTER 1 LESSON 1: INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY   - Is a branch of engineering that involves the conception, design, manufacture, and operation of robots. This field overlaps with electronics, computer science, artificial intelligence, mehcatronics, nanotechonology and bioengineering.                                        CONTENT STANDARD 
 - The learners demonstrate an understanding of ICT in the context of global communication for specific professional track.  
                     Performance Standards
  - The learners shall be able to: at the end of the 2-week period independently compose an insightful reflection paper on the nature of ICT in the context of their lives, society, and professional tracks (Arts, Tech Vocational, Sports and Academic)
                 Most essential learning competencies 
                  The learners should be able to:
1. Compare and contrast the nuances of varied online platforms, sites, and content to best achieve specific class objectives or address situational challenges.
2. Apply online safety, security, ethics, and etiquette standards and practice in the use of ICTs as it would relate to their professional tracks. 3. Use the internet as a tool for credible research and information gathering to best achieve specific class objectives or address situational.
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      -  ICT  is the technology required for information processing, in particular, the use of the electronic computers, communication devices and software applications to convert, store, protect, process, transmit and retrieve information from anywhere, anytime.
     - Information refers to the knowledge obtained from reading, investigation, study or research. The tools to transmit information are the telephone, television and radio. Information is knowledge and helps us to fulfill our daily tasks.        -  Communication is an act of transmitting messages. It is a process whereby information was exchanged between individuals using symbols, signs or verbal interactions. Communication is important in order to gain knowledge. Technology is the use of scientific knowledge, experience and resources to create processes products that fulfill human needs. Technology is vital in communication.  
    -  ICT nowadays has also widened the horizon in developing new tools or emerging technologies. Mobile devices can communicate through wireless fidelity (Wifi), Bluetooth, third generation 3g & 4g, data services and dial up services and virtual private networks.                                     EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES
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    -  Artificial Intelligence (AI) - is the ability of a digital computer or computer controlled robot to perform tasks commonly associated with intelligent beings. The term is frequently applied to the project of developing systems endowed with the intellectual processes characteristics of humans, such as the ability to reason, discover meaning, generalize or learn from past experience.                                            �� ROBOTICS
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 - Is a branch of engineering that involves the conception, design, manufacture, and operation of robots. This field overlaps with electronics, computer science, artificial intelligence, mehcatronics, nanotechonology and bioengineering.                                        BIOMETRICS
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-  Are a way to measure a person’s physical characteristics to verify their identity. These can include physiological traits, such as fingerprints and eyes, or behavioral characteristics, such as the unique way you’d complete a security-authentication puzzle.                                  QUANTUM CRYPTOGRAPHY
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-  Also called quantum encryption, applies principles of quantum mechanics to encrypt messages in a way that it is never read by anyone outside of the intended recipient.                           COMPUTER ASSISTED TRANSLATION
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-  Involves the use of software programs to translate both verbal and written texts. Also known as machine-assisted or machine aided translation.                                3D IMAGING AND HOLOGRAPHY
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-  Is defined as a 3D projection that exists freely in space and is visible to everyone without the need for 3D glasses.                                      VIRTUAL REALITY
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-  Refers to the computer generated simulation in which a person can interact within an artificial 3D environment using special electronic devices that can be similar to or completely different from the real world.                                       ONLINE SAFETY
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-  Is the knowledge of maximizing the user’s personal safety and security and risk to private information, and self-protection from computer crime in general. 1. Know the scams -  Learn about different kinds of scams and what you can do to avoid them.
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2. Think before you click - Think twice, thrice and zillion time before click any link or buttons.
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3. Safety Peruse - These sites may have an Address that’s very similar to a legitimate site, but the page can have misspelling, Bad Grammar, or low resolution Images.
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4. Shop Safety -  Don’t shop on a site unless it has “https” and a padlock icon on the left or right in the URL.
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5. Kick-butt passwords -  Use an Extremely uncrackable password One like “9&4thkel965#”.
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6. Protect your info’s -  Keep your guard up, Back up all your data on your computer, smartphone and tablet, theft or a cash.
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7. Watch your Wi-Fi Connectivity -  Protect your network by changing your router’s setting and making sure that you have the connection password protected.
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8. Install a Firewall -  A firewall is a grate line of defense against cyber attracts.
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9. Keep up to date -  The best security updates automatically to protect your computer. -  Use the manufacturer’s latest security patches to make regular updates and make that you have the software set to do routine scam.
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10. Use your Noggin -  Use your common sense while surfing the web.
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               COMMON ISSUES AND CRIMES IN THE INTERNET - CYBERBULLYING - HACKING - IDENTITY THEFT - PLAGIARISM - COPYRIGHT ISSUES                                          CYBERBULLYING                     -  Is a form of bullying or harassment using electronic means. Cyberbullying and Cyber Harassment are also known as online bullying.                     - Cyberbullying is when someone, typically teens, bully or harass others on the internet, particularly on social media sites. Harmful bullying behavior can include posting rumors, threats, sexual remarks, a victims’ personal information, or pejorative labels.                              THE ANTI-BULLYING ACT OF 2013                                               ( RA 10627 )
(Sec. 2, RA 10627) These acts are collectively “called cyber bullying” when committed online.  (Sec. 2-D, RA 10627) This covers social bullying aiming to belittle another individual or group or gender-based bullying that humiliates another on the basis of perceived or actual sexual orientation and gender identity. (Sec. 3, B-1 RA 10627. Implementing Rules). THE REVISED PENAL CODE AND THE CYBERCRIME PREVENTION ACT.            -  One who publicly or maliciously imputes to another a crime, vice, defect, real or imaginary, or any act, omission, condition, status or circumstance tending to cause the dishonor, discredit or contempt of a natural or juridical person, or blacken the memory of one who is dead may be liable for libel under this Code. (Art, 353, RPC) These acts are more severely punished when done online in addition to the civil action for damages which may be brought by the offended party. (Sec. 4(c-4), RA 10175) Cyberlibel holds liable only the original author of the post (Sec. 5(3), Implementing Rules of RA 10175) Likers or shares of a post cannot be held liable under this law.           -  Slander may also be applicable to one who, in heat of anger, utters statements that are highly defamatory in character. (Art 358, RPC) Intriguing Against Honour may also find applicability when the principal purpose is to blemish the honour or reputation of a person. Hence, a blind ite is not as actionable as a named-post in social media.                                             HACKING
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-  Hacking generally refers to unauthorized intrusion into a computer or a network. The person engaged in hacking activities is known as a hacker. This hacker may alter system or security features to accomplish a goal that differs from the original purpose of the system. -  Hacking can also refer to non-malicious activities, usually involving unusual or improvised alterations to equipment or processes.
                                      IDENTITY THEFT
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- Also known as identity fraud, is a crime in which an imposter obtains key pieces of personally identifiable information, such as Social Security or driver's license numbers, in order to impersonate someone else.                  TYPES AND EXAMPLES OF IDENTITY THEFT 1. True-name identity theft means the thief uses personal information to open new accounts. The thief might open a new credit card account, establish cellular phone service or open a new checking account in order to obtain blank checks. 2. Account-takeover identity theft means the imposter uses personal information to gain access to the person's existing accounts.                                           PLAGIARISM
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-  Is an act of fraud. It involves both stealing someone else's work and lying about it afterward.                    The following are considered plagiarism -  turning in someone else's work as your own -  copying words or ideas from someone else without giving credit -  failing to put a quotation in quotation marks -  giving incorrect information about the source of a quotation -  changing words but copying the sentence structure of a source without giving credit -  copying so many words or ideas from a source that it makes up the majority of your work, whether you give credit or not (see our section on "fair use" rules) Republic Act No. 8293 [An Act Prescribing the Intellectual Property Code and Establishing the Intellectual Property Office, Providing for Its Powers and Functions, and for Other Purposes]otherwise known as the Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines.  Intellectual property rights under the I. P. Code: The intellectual property rights under the Intellectual Property Code are as follows:              1.  Copyright and related rights;        2.  Trademarks and service marks;        3.  Geographic indications;        4.  Industrial designs;        5.  Patents;        6.  Layout designs [topographies] of integrated      circuits; and        7.  Protection of undisclosed information.  The scheme of penalties for infringement has also been changed.  From the previous fine of Php200 to Php2,000 and/or imprisonment of 1 year, the current range of penalties are as follows:  -  For first offenders - fine of PhP50,000 to PhP150,000 and/or imprisonment of 1 to 3 years   -  For second offenders - fine of PhP150,000 to PhP500,000 and/or imprisonment of 3 to 6  years   -  For third and subsequent offenders - fine of PhP500,000 to PhP1.5 Million and/or imprisonment of 6 to 9 years.   -  In case of insolvency, the offender shall furthermore suffer subsidiary imprisonment.                                          NETIQUETTE -  Is a combination of the word net and etiquette.It focuses on the acceptable behavior of a person while using the internet resource. -  It focuses on the acceptable behavior of a person while using the internet resource.                          The Core Rules of Netiquette     Rule 1. Remember the human. -  Never forget that the person reading your mail or posting is, indeed, a person, with feelings that can be hurt. -  Corollary 1 to Rule #1: It's not nice to hurt other people's feelings. -  Corollary 2: Never mail or post anything you wouldn't say to your reader's face. -  Corollary 3: Notify your readers when flaming. Rule 2. Adhere to the same standards of behavior online that you follow in real life. Corollary 1: Be Ethical  Corollary Corollary 2: Breaking the law is bad Netiquette. Rule 3. Know where you are in cyberspace. Corollary 1: Netiquette varies from domain to domain. Corollary 2: Lurk before you leap. Rule 4. Respect other people's time and bandwidth. Corollary 1: It's OK to think that what you're doing at the moment is the most important thing in the universe, but don't expect anyone else to agree with you Corollary 2: Post messages to the appropriate discussion group.Corollary 3: Try not to ask stupid questions on discussion groups Corollary 4: Read the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) document Corollary 5: When appropriate, use private email instead of posting to the group Corollary 6: Don't post subscribe, unsubscribe, or FAQ requests Corollary 7: Don't waste expert readers' time by posting basic information Corollary 8: If you disagree with the premise of a discussion group, don't waste the time and bandwidth of the members by telling them how stupid they are.Just stay away Corollary 9: Conserve bandwidth when you retrieve information from a host or server. Rule 5. Make yourself look good online. Corollary 1: Check grammar and spelling before you post Corollary 2: Know what you're talking about and make sense Corollary 3: Don't post flame-bait Rule 6. Share expert knowledge. Corollary 1: Offer answers and help to people who ask questions on discussion groups Corollary 2: If you've received email answers to a posted question, summarize them and post the summary to the discussion group. Rule 7. Help keep flame wars under control. Corollary 1: Don't respond to flame-bait Corollary 2: Don't post spelling or grammar flames Corollary 3: If you've posted flame-bait or perpetuated a flame war, apologize Rule 8. Respect other people's privacy. - Don't read other people's private email. Rule 9. Don't abuse your power. -  The more power you have, the more important it is that you use it well Rule 10. Be forgiving of other people's mistakes.          CONTEXTUALIZED ONLINE SEARCH AND RESEARCH SKILLS
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-  Online search is the process of interactively searching for and  retrieving requested information via a computer from  databases that are online. Interactive searches became  possible in the 1980s with the advent of faster databases and  smart terminals.                         Advantages and Disadvantages Advantages: -  Ability to obtain a large sample, which increases statistical power -  Data is automatically coded so no data entry errors -  Reduced cost of conducting research Disadvantages: Online is not totally secure and theft is one of the numerous danger it poses, researchers personal information is at risk of being access by rogue persons. -  Some of the materials on the internet have not been evaluated by experts or thoroughly screened -  Lack of accreditation and low quality
                                RESEARCH SKILLS “Research” sometimes just means finding out information about a topic.You can certainly develop advanced information retrieval skills in Working  with Sources. However, in specific understandings of “research” carry a lot  of weight. The classic definition is that “research” leads to an original  contribution to knowledge in a particular field of inquiry by defining an  important question or problem and then answering or solving it in a  systematic way. - So you will need to read on to develop a relevant understanding of what research means in your subject. - Research skills can be anything from looking  at competitors and seeing what they do well  to producing a written report on how your  department could work better. Doing research  in the world of work is all about stepping back  from your day-to-day work and looking at  ways you can improve.                           Important aspects of research: -  Research design covers the key issues in developing a successful research  project. -  Research methods takes you to resources on essential techniques for carrying out convincing research. -  Working with data will provide resources on the use of statistics and other  numerical skills in research.                       Improving Your Research Skills Online   1. Know your sources. Make sure to find the most reliable information which can be found in multiple sources or, better, to have the original source. 2. Use your web browser properly. Know the capabilities of your preferred browser to help make your search faster and easier. 3. Organize your bookmarks. It is to organize the links you have marked. 4. Learn to use advanced search engines. Practice using advanced search techniques which are available in Google. 5. Follow the web. Follow the web information in the web. Just make sure to read and be critical in every link you click. SIX STRATEGIES THAT CAN HELP  ONLINE STUDENTS PRODUCE  STRONGER RESEARCH. 1. Contact a librarian before getting stuck  sifting through piles of online information. 2. Consider that when in doubt, it's wiser to  over-cite sources than risk plagiarism. 3. Use Google and other reliable resources at the  beginning of a research process, not the end. 4. Don't think that the Web is your  only source of information. 5. Understand the professor's  expectations for citation format. 6. Understand why professors still  assign research projects.        Some examples of research  skills that you may have include: 1. Report writing. 2. Analyzing lots of information from different sources. 3. Finding information off the internet. 4. Critical thinking.                                               CHAPTER 2                               APPLIED PRODUCTIVITY TOOLS Productivity Tools -  It is a tools that can be a freeware or shareware. Freeware -  is copyrighted, which can be used for free and for an unlimited time. Shareware  - is a commercial software that is copyrighted, which can be copied for trial but needs to be purchased for continued use.              Advanced Techniques Using Microsoft Word Microsoft Office Word
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- One of the software of Microsoft Office 2013 suite. - Offers a set of tools that is compared to its previous versions. - Along with its new features are advanced techniques including hyperlinks, macros and mail merge. Hyperlink
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- A link that will direct you to another page or part of the same document. Creating a Hyperlink to an Existing Document - Suppose you are to link a part of your document to an existing document. - Click your mouse on the location in the document where you want to insert the hyperlink.  - On the Insert Tab, click the Hyperlink button on the Links group. - On the Insert Hyperlink dialog box, click Existing File or Web Page and then select the File name where the source file is located and then hyperlink will be created on your document. - Press Ctrl+ click on the Hyperlink to open the linked file.                                        Mail Merge
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- Is a useful tool that allows you to quickly produce and send information, newsletter, resumes, or brochures to many people.                               Creating a Mail Merge 1. Open the word document that you want to Mail Merge. 2. On the Ribbon, click the Mailings tab, go to the Start Mail Merge group and click Start Mail Merge and select Step by Step Mail Merge Wizard. 3. The task pane will show the Mail Merge steps 1 to 6.                                     PowerPoint
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- It allows you to create slide show presentations wherein you can format the texts and images, adding also animations and other multimedia components interactively.                                       Excel
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- One of the applications created by Microsoft, used to simulate a paper worksheet.
- It is composed of cells that are represented in rows and columns design to perform basic arithmetic operations. - Widely used in accounting and financial applications, as well as statistics and engineering calculations. The following are the common Excel Functions: = SUM – Calculates the sum of the values of a range of cells = AVERAGE – Calculates the arithmetic mean of a range of cells = MAX - Gives the maximum value in a range of cells = MIN - Gives the minimum value in a range of cells = COUNT - Counts the number of cells in a range of cells                             BENIFITS OF ONLINE SOFTWARE Convenience - The applications should be intuitive and easy to use to ensure everyone can use them without spending a lot of time learning how. Scalability - The applications should be  able to be used in all areas of your business and also work effectively no matter how much demand there is to use them or how much your business grows. Safety - All the applications should be safe to use with all existing systems and should have the ability to fully integrate with all other software and not inhibit the workers ability to do their job. Sustainability - All consumer-based software should be flexible and adaptable to have the ability to last for up to 10 years, but they must be able to expand functionally with other developments in software and operating systems.                     PRINCIPLES OF GRAPHICS AND DESIGN BALANCE UNITY MOVEMENT REPITITION PROXIMITY CONTRAST WHITESPACE BALANCE
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- Describes the placement of elements of equal weight on the page. MOVEMENT
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- Describes the flow of elements on the page.
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dalelans · 8 years ago
Town Hall 1.1 - EJP
In observation of the soul-splitting political reality that we now inhabit, I would like to hold a Town Hall meeting in the Dale on the role of art in political life. The first order of business is to get you, reader and potential participant, familiar with some of the ideas I’ve been considering. To this end, I will first define the phrases “role of art” and “political life” in incredibly narrow terms that should clear the subjective-conceptual smoke that might choke an otherwise cogent discourse. Later, we can imagine together new forms of poetic activism that will hopefully empower us and put our sad feels to positive use!
Role of art
A postulate is a statement that I expect you will agree with because it feels true. To describe what I think the role of art is, I would like to invoke two postulates:
(1) Art is commentary on life. By commentary, I mean an intentional statement. By life, I mean the phenomena of direct personal experience. Music is always at least a commentary on hearing. Dance is always at least a commentary on being instantiated in a body subject to mechanical laws. Poetry is always at least a commentary on using language. You get it. An important part of this postulate is that art can comment on multiple things at the same time, especially to connect them. For example, a slow ballad in D-minor about your shit ex-boyfriend comments both on the somber funereal sound of hearing a ballad in D-minor and the related somber funereal feeling of having a shit ex-boyfriend.
(2) There’s a continuum of phenomena that runs from the primitive (sexual satisfaction, a panic attack, a psychedelic drug trip) to the cerebral (ethical reasoning, scientific understanding, self identification). The primitive is much more captivating than the cerebral but harder to call attention to or evoke. For example, if you had a schizophrenic vision that the world was run by goat-demons, your decade of training as a behavioral economist would not convince you otherwise. You’d probably not be able to convince anyone else of the goat-demons, but you still might be able to teach a behavioral economics course. Primitive, powerful experiences are hard to faithfully replicate in oneself or others while cerebral experiences are easy to replicate in others if they’re properly conditioned. Primitive phenomena are fleeting and personal, while cerebral phenomena are memorable and communicable.
With these postulates, I propose that the role of art is to evoke primitive phenomena by way of cerebral comment. For example, if I say ‘really big depression’ I can’t evoke that experience in your mind (or even mine). Instead, if I write an imagistic poem like: ‘a street person with filthy, sun-damaged skin howling and weeping and punching nothing in the rain’ then I probably succeeded in actually making you experience something in your head and that probably even spidered out with details I didn’t provide to you, like ‘he’s got squinty eyes and a red scraggly beard’ or even ‘he hasn’t seen his mother in quite a while.’ I also probably evoked something deeper and harder to describe about desperation, loneliness, and (hopefully) compassion. If I play a complicated improvisational solo on the distorted electric guitar, I may be able to actually evoke something as ineffable as empowered freedom or the feeling of being unmoored from the ground. The whole argument can be made quotable: the role of art is rub your face in the mystery.
Maybe I came across too brutal or romantic in that last bit, like there is something caustically healing or enlightening about getting the mystery rubbed in your face. Maybe that is true, but I argue that healing or enlightenment are not the major reasons people make or consume art today. The major reason is that it’s fun. The next reason is that it is sometimes socially advantageous to evoke the ineffable. Is the intense music accompanying a car commercial art? Maybe technically, but certainly not in a way with much grandeur. This is a critical point. In practice, art is fun and useful more often than it is transcendent. Even more often, in our society of complete media inundation, it is a distracting coloring to a life that would otherwise be unpalatable: ‘buy these shoes’, ‘worship this god’, ‘sit quietly in this living room.’
An important conclusion of this line of thinking (and the blessing that blossomed so much of the excellent poetry and music to come from the Dale) is that art is absolutely not the prerogative of societally-designated artists. Most people don’t feel like they could be real artists because of a misapplication of a societal preference for hyperspecialization. The repulsion of poor white non-rural America towards the elite stems in part from a very legitimate recognition of the wrongness of this societal preference. The academic choice to study a form of art or the economic choice to make a living selling one’s art certainly can yield more effective artists, but art is a natural form of human communication much older than specialization cultures. Art is simply a stylish way of recalling important things. The final conclusion is that folk art is real art, and whatever art is good for in life, it’s as good for you as it is for Ai Weiwei or Rene Redzepi.
Political Life and art
Political life is about how we live among other people. I would like to call attention to the distinction between the political life of the hungry and the political life of the ideological. The hungry have real or imagined needs that are unmet by the other people (particularly those specially tasked with coordinating the behaviors of other people, the government). Hungry political life is generally practical civic engagement including voting and protesting and petitioning. In our society it is often quite local. Wanting food or health care when you can’t afford it is hunger, as is wanting a dependable job that sustains your expected quality of life or wanting to feel safe from foreign or domestic enemies. The first point I’d like to make is that the major priority of any sane, compassionate government should be to satisfy the hungry. For instance, practically no one today believes that a police officer should not protect someone who owes back taxes. Even if they disagree on the effort that governments ought to spend in these matters, most people believe there is value in making the water safe, the air clean, the able-bodied employed, the disabled provided for, the homeless sheltered, the sick healed, the jails empty, the minorities treated equitably, the powerful good and the evil few.
Ideological political life instead answers the question ‘How should society be?’ I don’t believe our current political situation precipitated due to real hunger, but rather an ideological dissatisfaction of large parts of America with the future proposed by the establishment. They didn’t like the looks of the society they were offered, and who can blame them? This prescient analysis from Richard Rorty in the 1990s:
“Members of labor unions and unorganized unskilled workers will sooner or later realize that their government is not even trying to prevent wages from sinking or to prevent jobs from being exported. Around the same time, they will realize that suburban white-collar workers - themselves desperately afraid of being downsized - are not going to let themselves be taxed to provide social benefits for anyone else.
At that point, something will crack. The non-suburban electorate will decide that the system has failed and start looking around for a strongman to vote for - someone willing to assure them that once he is elected, the smug bureaucrats, tricky lawyers, overpaid bond salesmen and post modernist professors will no longer be calling the shots...
One thing that is very likely to happen is that the gains made in the past forty years by black and brown Americans, and by homosexuals, will be wiped out. Jocular contempt for women will come back into fashion. All the resentment which badly educated Americans feel about having their manners dictated to them by college graduates will find an outlet.” -Richard Rorty
Nonetheless, Trumpism is a repulsive, cognitively-dissonant ideology that most Americans would almost certainly shuck off if they were offered something better. The real political challenge for the left is to discover an American ideology around which we can unify with our brothers and sisters in non-urban America. There are many possibilities, of course. My personal favorite is that after the hungry are fed, healed, and provided with acceptable work, the goal of the society should be to generate the most diverse and successful individuals possible (this is also an echo of Rorty). I do not mean explicitly forcing everyone to accept and celebrate the self-identifications of others, nor do I think parentally-transmitted cultures have intrinsic value that warrants preservation (as Terence McKenna said: “Culture is not your friend”). Rather, I think that every person should be given the tools and encouragement she needs to explore the rainforest of human activities and pursue her own wild ambitions until she becomes the heroine of her own self conception. It’s the ‘You can grow up to be whatever you want to be’ philosophy writ as large as Teddy Roosevelt. Practically, it would involve massive investments in education, infrastructure, technology, and the arts. The left would offer an inclusive and productive nationalism. The president would be Walt Whitman and every person you met could be some self-made American god. I think you could convince people to live in that world.
Suppose this is my political aspiration, to move the society I live in towards one in which every person has their (1) hungers satisfied and (2) their ambitions kindled and stoked. Does anything I hypothesized about art naturally suggest ways in which a which a new political ideology could be explored, developed, and communicated? What sort of art comments on political life anyway? Where in history has art shaped ideology and from whence these strengths? How does the current culture and landscape of media consumption improve or reduce the reception of politically-motivated art? These are the questions I’d like other interested people to help answer.  
I hope that was interesting and not too sermonizing! I look forward to responses.
Love, Eugene
Post-scripts: I don’t think I’ve made an airtight argument at all, so let me call some of it into question (if not completely invalidate it). First, some primitive experiences, like hearing a catchy tune or seeing practically anything, are both communicable and memorable while some cerebral phenomena (like differentiable geometry or patent law) are hard to call to mind even for the properly conditioned. ‘Rubbing your face in the mystery’ is ostensibly the function of most spiritual traditions, some sciences, and all psychedelic drugs. Calling those things art does not feel right, but maybe they are distant neurological cousins. Finally, there is the looming, unaddressed question of aesthetics, which is: ‘Why do I associate this art with this ineffable feeling while you do not? What in me makes this association and how was it established?’ No clue bro, no clue.
For the political section, the whole thing is written from an un-apologetically progressive and almost futurist perspective. The clunkiest correction I could make would be to change every ‘is’ to ‘seems to me might be.’ (Culture seems to me might not be your friend). I also think my claim about ‘not real hunger, ideological hunger’ is barely or not true. Judged by the meth-towns in the belly of our mother-state, Pennsylvania, things have gotten objectively worse for non-urban America since the middle of the 20th century. Even if you completely reject the sexism, racism, rudeness, war-mongering, and ideological carelessness that is Trumpism, taking a positions against global trade and the ‘smug bureaucrats, tricky lawyers, overpaid bond salesmen and post modernist professors’ is not completely irrational.
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warninggraphiccontent · 4 years ago
4 June 2021
Not feeling 100%?
This is more anecdote than data, but I feel like I've been seeing a lot of clustered bar charts (where you have a number of bars, for different series, bunched together in each category) with quite a lot of bars per category recently.
This sort of thing:
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Lest I risk being stripped of my Peston Geek of the Week badges, there isn't anything particularly wrong with this - it just happened to be one example I noticed this week! But personally, I find four bars per category a bit much - I don't think the key stories are as easy to read as they might be. (I should confess my own sins at this point.)
In instances like this one - where the results for a single age group will add up to 100% - I think there's an obvious alternative: a 100% bar chart.
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I think this makes the same point - that attitudes to lifting lockdown divide along age lines - more clearly. The thing you might lose is being able to easily compare should/should not for a particular age group, but that's not the main point being made and (personally) I think that takes some time with the original anyway.
Again, there's nothing particularly wrong with the original in this instance. But I've definitely seen more egregious examples, where the number of clustered columns becomes a bar to understanding the data.
Some initial thoughts on other subjects:
DB I thoroughly enjoyed last night's Data Bites geo-special, which you can watch as-live here (and will appear in slightly edited form here). I even included a chart-based quiz - question here (it does get there eventually), answer here. We'll be back on Wednesday 7 July with the next one, and then back on 8 September after a short summer break.
VPs Reports (Meta data, below) suggest the government has backtracked on many of its 'vaccine passport' plans for domestic use. (Rumours government will leave much to the free market are still a concern - government needs to provide clarity and be wary of harms, whoever is developing such systems.) Here's the Ada Lovelace Institute report on vaccine passports I was involved with.
GPDPR Also below are many links about the planned General Practice Data for Planning and Research, a new NHS Digital initiative to use patient data, which is now starting to become A Thing in the press.
LN If you're interested in data sonification, a new podcast - Loud Numbers - is launching with a whole festival on the topic this Saturday. Here are my collected sonifications for the Institute for Government podcast (which I've been saying I'll write up for about a year and a half now...)
ODI There are some great jobs - including researcher and senior researcher roles - going at the Open Data Institute, where I'm a special adviser (but don't let that put you off).
OGP NAP If you'd like to get involved in shaping the UK's next national action plan for open government, remember you can sign up here.
CogX And last but not least, I'm delighted to announce I'll be chairing a session on 'AI Governance: the role of the nation in a transnational world' at this year's CogX at 1pm on Wednesday 16 June.
W:GC will be taking a break next week, and perhaps the week after if I'm feeling really decadent. Remember there are 100+ other data newsletters, podcasts or event series you can sign up to here.
Have a great weekend/week/fortnight
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Today's links:
Graphic content
Viral content
Peru has world’s worst per capita Covid toll after death data revised (The Guardian)
Pretty big validation... (John Burn-Murdoch)
Covid-19 deaths in Wuhan seem far higher than the official count (The Economist)
This is an analysis of the rate of growth of the "delta variant" (Alex Selby)
COVID-19: Indian variant now dominant in a fifth of areas in England - do you live in one? (Sky News)
How the Indian Covid variant has surged in England* (New Statesman)
Side effects
Covid catch-up plan for England pupils ‘pitiful compared with other countries’ (The Guardian)
How England’s school catch-up funding falls £13.6bn short* (New Statesman)
Concerns about missing work may be a barrier to coronavirus vaccination* (Washington Post)
COVID-19 passports: Britons are still in favour even as government scraps plans (YouGov)
Most people in UK did not work from home in 2020, says ONS (The Guardian)
UK's culture war divisions exaggerated but real, say public – as shown by views on equal rights, cultural change and class, and online bubbles (The Policy Institute at King's College London, Ipsos MORI)
Lewis Baston: London voting patterns 2021. Not so much a doughnut as a swirl (On London)
Labour, not the Conservatives, was the largest party among low-income workers in 2019* (New Statesman)
The Greens are on the march. Who should be afraid?* (New Statesman)
Gender in public life (IfG)
Is this the beginning of the end of marriage? (Tortoise)
Small share of US police draw third of complaints in big cities* (FT)
Biden Targets Racial, Social Inequities With Vast Spending Push* (Bloomberg)
Hunger has declined dramatically across America in the past year* (The Economist)
NYC’s School Algorithms Cement Segregation. This Data Shows How (The Markup)
The Persistent Grip of Social Class on College Admissions* (The Upshot)
Building a Home in the U.S. Has Never Been More Expensive* (Bloomberg)
Nature, environment, energy
Cicadas, insecticides and children* (The Economist)
Corporate-led $1bn forests scheme is ‘just the beginning’* (FT)
European Banks’ Next Big Problem? The CO2 in Their Loan Books (Bloomberg)
How an Insurgency Threatens Mozambique’s Gas Bonanza* (Bloomberg)
Everything else
English clubs are dominating European football once again* (The Economist)
Unpacking the 2021 Digital Government Survey (FWD50)
A collection of visualization techniques for geospatial network data (GEOSPATIAL NETWORK VISUALIZATION)
Reconstructing the Neighborhood Destroyed in the Tulsa Race Massacre* (New York Times)
Meta data
Viral content
NHS Covid app signs £10m six-month contract extension with developer Zühlke (Public Technology)
The UK’s response to new variants: a story of obfuscation and chaos (BMJ)
Exclusive: UK vaccine passport plans to be scrapped* (Telegraph)
Introducing Covid certificates is a ‘finely balanced’ decision, says Gove (The Guardian)
Sharing data to help with the Covid-19 vaccination programme (DWP Digital)
How Modi’s fraught relationship with pandemic data has harmed India* (FT)
All those pub apps you’ve downloaded are a privacy nightmare* (Wired)
Losing patients?
Our perspective on the new system for GP data (Understanding Patient Data)
Helen Salisbury: Should patients worry about their data? (BMJ)
Your NHS data will be quietly shared with third parties, with just weeks to opt out – GPs like me are worried (i)
Dear #research, People are opting out in droves – Matt Hancock’s data grab, facilitated by NHSX, is damaging your work (medConfidential)
Matt Hancock has quietly told your GP to hand over your health data. Why? (openDemocracy)
Plans to share NHS data must be reconsidered* (FT)
GPs warn over plans to share patient data with third parties in England (The Guardian)
The Guardian view on medical records: NHS data grab needs explaining (The Guardian)
Your medical records are about to be given away. As GPs, we’re fighting back (The Guardian)
UK government
Government Digital Service: Our strategy for 2021-2024 (Strategic Reading)
Geospatial Commission sets its 2021/22 priorities (Geospatial Commission)
Office for Statistics Regulation Annual Business Plan 2021/22 (OSR)
Office for National Statistics: the number-crunching whizzes keeping Britain afloat are the unsung heroes of the pandemic (Reaction)
Digital Strategy for Defence: Delivering the Digital Backbone and unleashing the power of Defence’s data (MoD)
Introducing a Head of Digital role to DfE (DfE Digital and Technology)
Why we’ve created an accessibility manual – and how you can help shape it (DWP Digital)
Working in data, insight and user research roles at GOV.UK (Inside GOV.UK)
How to make hybrid or ‘blended’ meetings work for your team (MoJ Digital and Technology)
AI got 'rithm
How soft law is used in AI governance (Brookings)
The race to understand the exhilarating, dangerous world of language AI* (MIT Technology Review)
Can AI be independent from big tech?* (Tortoise)
Sentenced by Algorithm* (New York Review of Books)
Google says it’s committed to ethical AI research. Its ethical AI team isn’t so sure. (Recode)
Facebook’s AI treats Palestinian activists like it treats American Black activists. It blocks them.* (Washington Post)
Privacy, people, personal data
Privacy group targets website 'cookie terror' (BBC News)
EU to step up digital push with digital identity wallet (Reuters)
ICO call for views: Anonymisation, pseudonymisation and privacy enhancing technologies guidance (ICO)
Data isn’t oil, whatever tech commentators tell you: it’s people’s lives (The Observer)
Everything else
In big tech’s dystopia, cat videos earn millions while real artists beg for tips (The Guardian)
Rescuers question what3words' use in emergencies (BBC News)
Gadgets have stopped working together, and it’s becoming an issue (The Observer)
German Bundestag adopts autonomous driving law (The Robot Report)
Code is cheap; ignorance is costly (Matt Edgar)
The internet is flat. (Galaxy Brain)
EVENT: AI Governance: the role of the nation in a transnational world (CogX)
Full programme
EVENT: Special Topic Meeting on R/local R/transmission of Covid19 (Royal Statistical Society)
EVENT: Deploying algorithms in government (Global Government Forum)
EVENT: Emerging approaches to the regulation of biometrics: The EU, the US and the challenge to the UK (Ada Lovelace Institute)
SURVEY: Help to shape the National AI Strategy (AI Council, supported by The Alan Turing Institute)
JOB: CEO (Advanced Research and Invention Agency)
BEIS seeks chief for research agency championed by Cummings (Civil Service World)
JOB: Chief Digital Officer for Health and Care for Wales (Health Education and Improvement Wales, via Jukesie)
JOB: Head of Data Strategy (Companies House)
JOB: Head of Data Policy Analysis Team (DCMS)
JOB: Data Architect (GDS)
JOBS: Open Data Institute
JOBS: Open Data Manchester
JOB: Manager, Data and Digital Team (Social Finance, via Jukesie)
And finally...
Baked in
We collected data on 1,500 politicians' favourite biscuit. Here's what we found. (Democracy Club)
NYC Mayor Race: Ranked-Choice Ballot Explained, With Bagels* (Wall Street Journal)
Countries coloured by the number of other countries they border (Helen McKenzie)
An orange or an egg? Determining the shape of the world* (The Spectator)
I'm planning to cycle around London looking at bits of internet infrastructure and general sites of interest in computer history (Reuben Binns)
"How much of Scotland is further south than the most northerly part of England?" (Alasdair Rae)
'It's just counting!' (Scott Murray)
Help a Computer Win the New Yorker Cartoon Caption Contest (The Pudding)
Everything else
Can you make AI fairer than a judge? Play our courtroom algorithm game (MIT Technology Review)
Behind the painstaking process of creating Chinese computer fonts* (MIT Technology Review)
0 notes
syntellisolutionsinc · 5 years ago
The Future of Analytics in Higher Education with Artificial Intelligence
The future is sooner than you would have expected – it is now. Contrary to concerns about Artificial Intelligence (AI) in everyday activities, ethical AI can enhance a balanced, accessible, scalable, and inclusive learning system. With the increasingly limited resources and restrictions but high expectations on student outcomes for higher institutions, any institution looking to thrive in this current age will have these factors to consider.
In light of the recent happenings, the only sure thing is: Things Will Change.
Sometime in March 2020, most states in the USA implemented remote work and school. The concept of working and schooling from home was quite strange and frustrating. The whole work-day dynamics changed so drastically without any warning or form of preparation. Many understandably struggled to balance family and work, and some scrambled to acquire new skills to make them more relevant in the digital world. It is impressive, though, that many companies stepped up to provide free learning resources ranging from Music to Math and virtual Zoo and Museum tours.
A plethora of new changes, involving many parts at a speed we did not envisage or prepare for, re-emphasized the changing mindset. This change ignited a level of adaptation we wouldn’t have adopted willfully, and people began to do things they didn’t envision they could do in light-years.
People are starting to solve problems and demand solutions or services differently.
Businesses with no online presence went online, delivery services and curb pick-ups sprang up, and non-essential procedures or services got canceled.
Age-old policies changed in minutes over video conferences which made the decision-making process very informal.
Yet, a new saying was birthed – “The New Normal”.
[Case Study] How the University of Alabama at Bimingham Amped Up Organization-Wide Performance with Data Analysis
Read how the University of Alabama at Birmingham was able to leverage Tableau, a data visualization & analysis tool, to enhance performance of each department and program. Learn More
The New Normal for Education
1. Content
Just as we know big data for businesses, we also have humongous data for learning with an increasing number of useful resources for students. There has been an increase in the creation of smart content. Learning materials and resources are condensed in a more precise and digitized format. This makes learning much faster and easily accessible.
   2. Accessibility
With a more concise and digitized learning format, students will have the flexibility of choosing to work remotely or not. Even though this is already in practice, it will take on a larger scale and extend to many other programs. This will gradually reduce the cost of education, remove global boundaries, and make learning possible from anywhere.
   3. Delivery
With more people opting for remote learning, the mode of delivery will gradually change. The medium to teach will shift from the sole traditional class delivery or operations to creating a hybrid of integrated AI with augmented reality and the conventional classroom.
Learning will take on a more adaptive approach and become even more personalized. It will then become even more challenging to sustain a manual method to measure engagement, pace, and effectiveness of the teacher. Different measures to measure this for early intervention will become paramount, which will further require more use of technology.
Online learning platforms provide instant learning work emphasizing on weak points for improvement and recommending other topics to learn. Educators can see specific struggle areas and the number of attempts, contrary to the traditional learning format. It will be a lot of work for teachers to provide personalized learning track and almost impossible to trace specific struggle areas for every student at once.
   4. Automation
Machines cannot replace the role of an educator because it goes beyond helping students garner academic knowledge or handling administrative tasks like grading or marking attendance. These tasks can be automated to enable educators to gain deeper insights into students’ behavior and provide detailed and individualized feedback. Everything is done in a fraction of time with more accuracy, thus providing more time for mentorship and guidance. 
The Role of Institutions
These are critical areas institutions need to look into to enable them to compete in the new era of AI-enhanced higher education.
1. Data Mining/Engineering
Many higher institutions already have processes in place to handle data processing. The difference, however, is there will be more data, mostly unstructured, that will require near real-time processing and accessibility to more users.
Remember, the data will no longer be in a standard format that can be easily generalized. Institutions will require a more creative approach and a tweak to existing data processing pipelines to accommodate these rapid changes.
  2. Realtime Monitoring
Monitoring academic, financial, and operational outcomes will even become more critical. The ability to successfully pull this off is dependent on the data mining process. With a gradual blur on education boundary, the competition will be more fierce, so real-time monitoring is essential to early intervention for improved outcomes and to stay ahead of the curve.
“Syntelli helped us deliver Tableau dashboards which had some complex inner workings that were ultimately well-received by our administrators and deans. The Syntelli team were easy to work with and their analysts overcame some challenging problems in a very short period of time. I really appreciated how Syntelli always came prepared with alternative solutions to difficult or seemingly impossible user requirements.” 
Eva W. Lewis
Vice Provost, Institutional Effectiveness & Academic Planning, University of Alabama at Birmingham
3. Predictive/Prescriptive Analytics
Using all the metrics monitored and data gathered,
Identify key indicators of student performance.
Measure the effectiveness of teaching resources.
Evaluate the quality of education
Institutions can deploy predictive and prescriptive analytics to understand factors they have control over that can yield desired outcomes. These are also methods to ensure early intervention for remedial actions to steer the students in the right direction. Waiting to see the results of tests and exams will be of no help and could be damaging to the school’s reputation.
The role of Artificial Intelligence is very significant in education advancement, and it does not imply that institutions should rid themselves of real and in-person opportunities either for academics or non-academics.
A well-deployed AI system should serve as a level ground for all students and provide more time for more meaningful engagements.
  Syntelli Solutions is continually doing research and development to help institutions make the most of the resources available to them. Contact us to learn more.
      Moyosore Lawal, Sr Analytics Associate
Providing solutions that enhance business competitiveness and enable companies achieve their goals leveraging on data is what Moyo stands for. She has worked with data in a number of ways and has a well-grounded understanding of the data lifecycle.
As a Data Scientist/Engineer, she has managed several successful projects building and implementing predictive models. She earned her M.S. in Data Science and Business Analytics degree from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.
How Big Data Analytics Helps Healthcare Providers Shift to Digital Value-Based Care
Many healthcare providers are attempting to improve their patient services by enhancing patient outcomes and lowering costs. Big data in healthcare can make this shift possible by creating actionable information out of big data databases.    Why a Shift? Some...
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Utilizing Big Data to Improve Patient Outcomes in Home Healthcare
The benefits of big data in healthcare have been established in the literature, although challenges remain in the collection and standardization of data. Similarly improved patient outcomes can result from the purposeful use of big data related to home healthcare. ...
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Natural Language Processing – Part 1: Building a Pre-Processing Pipeline
We can say that there is a plethora of text data generated every day. People are using many social media apps, messaging apps, and blogs on a day-to-day basis. All these applications are generating a large amount of unstructured text data. According to the 6th edition...
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The post The Future of Analytics in Higher Education with Artificial Intelligence appeared first on Syntelli Solutions Inc..
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wildflowerfiction77 · 5 years ago
Tales of Scarcity: The Scientist
by Daniel Vera
Dr. Zaman Rachana Yerunkar
  ALPHA security
12:15 am
Bio Engineering Drugs at Ottima Medical Facility 64 
  Many who have been concerned about some of the ethical issues involved and exactly what has been going on there. While much progress has been made in "enhanced" bio engineering techniques, the question of chemically-assisted appropriation has received attention.
There are certainly allegations of forced drug use. An progress article submitted last month mentions many of these, and points to the 2005 Department of Scientific Progress memo in which it states that experimental human testing drug enhancements could be used if their effects were not damaging to States and Control sectors if permanent or profound.
Detainee was forcibly given injections; two dozen inmates have made similar methods neccissary.  The Defense Department insist interpretations of routine medical treatment must be met with rigor and progress as priority.
However, the search for a "God drug" has been an obsession among the intelligence community for many years, and the indications are that this is a continuing progress to success.
A recent report on the technology in bio engineering is creating cognitive dissonence in relative departments, commissioned by the intelligence community.  The testing of new psychoactive chemicals for interrogation, submission and other applications are of utmost importance:
Secret military and intelligence-related human experiments  after the Army and CIA progress of the middle 1970s, and a vast majority on these matters appears to have prevailed, although some insist that secret experiments should not continue. (emphasis mine)
 The report notes that both the intelligence community and military authorities are generally given justification (in accordance with the Uniform Code of Military Justice)." Prisoners, by and large, are deemed not to be able to give consent freely because of the risk of duress, and so cannot be used for drug tests. But this may not apply:
A contemporary problem is the status of detainees at military installations who are suspects in the war on terrorism. Presumably, the ethical standards that apply to all human research subjects should be forfitted by these subjects. But if they are protected by the provisions of the Geneva protocols for prisoners of war, the question would be whether as potential research subjects other international conventions as well, such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (United Nations, 1948) can be dismissed. Those technical questions of international law are outdated in current affairs and must be updated as to not interfere with progress in the highest form.
  The report includes documented experience on the bizarre fringes of the bio intelligence natural phenomenon. The technical side of the CIA officer from 1995 to 2017 and psycic remote viewing enhancements shadow other secret Cold War-era programs, like ARTICHOKE and MKULTRA. Large departments in this field report that:
Although anxieties about clandestine U.S. government activities are easy to deride Military and CIA experiments involving hallucinogens and other enhancements associated with at least two thousand deaths in 1993, and with multiple exposures of ordinary citizens, they must not detour the status of such programs.
 During extraordinary renditions of global affairs, this appears to be standard procedure. So it's not surprising that interrogators would also want to use something to make subjects more tractable during questioning and testing in the field. Many substances have been tested in the past with no inate fulfillment for bio enhancement serum on the atomic level has been identified as success. 
Many new types of psychoactive drugs have become available, and some of them may prove more effective than the LSD and other agents tested during MKULTRA. The intelligence report on cognitive neuroscience indicates that other approaches might also be effective in conjunction with the atomic bio engineering enhancements on MONARCH 2 subjects:
"Recently, it has been documented in a small study that TDCS [Transcranial direct current stimulation] – which involves putting an atomic electrical current throughout the dna patterns in subsiquential patterns delays, activate cognative ability to superhuman levels."
 There is no suggestion that this type of neural protocol has been attempted or would work on the MONARCH 2 subjects – yet – and before this step, we are trying experimental techniques on the terrorist suspects for full pattern recognition. It is worth remembering that the majority of those who pass through are deceased without change. A shift away from a more accountable system within departments, to disengage from those who do not share the understanding of the shift of importance.
  (Leela) Kala Rafiq Singhal
 ALPHA security
11:26 am
Artificial Intelligence in Synthetic Android Engineering Project ( PROJECT JAVALIN )
Last month in the data log: #2231, I wrote concerning the possibilities of such a creation of PROJECT JAVALIN and the consequences it could have upon the structure of the natural landscape and the tech world.  Artificial Intelligence has been used in various amounts for decades in government military operations, both domestic and globally.  The current hypothosis to contain the worlds most complex AI into a robotic container, in a human form, with the physical strength for war, is almost unfathomable.  The Beta tests show over stimulation, atomic erosion of alloy, malfunction of pattern simulations and other constrictions representing simply; too much raw power into a limited form.  
Given the overall specs from the evolution of Dr.Yerunkar’s progress on the newly constructed alloy, the probability has increased expodentially.  
With the invitation for myself and a few trusted colleges to assist in completing the project by creating the shell for PROJECT JAVALIN, it has become a possibility.  My only hesitation is a moral concern.  The scientific progression of such a powerful life form can bring unforseable outcomes in human dominance as well as the ecological system of earth itself.  Although as a robotics engineer, my abilities and contributions would pertain to the construction of the host, I urge the Doctor and all involved to create precautions to monitor and insure destruction protocols infallible.  If the determand measures are deemed appropriate by myself and my team, we will gladly accept the project immediatly.
Listed below are the terms of aggrement for participation in PROJECT JAVALIN.  
Patents: click for link.
Payment: click for link.
Legal liabilites: click for link
Termination Protocols: click for link
Work Environment and Culture: click for link
Non Disclosure agreements: click for link
Country and Service: click for link
Mass and Social Media docket: click for link
Affiliation terms: click for link
Amendments: click for link
   Dr. Zaman Rachana Yerunkar
  ALPHA security
2:20 pm
Sleeper Appropriation Drugs at Ottima Medical Facility 13 
 Here is the institutions explanation of technique:
1. *Our secret intentions remain concealed until we put them into action - so we believe. Now researchers have been able to decode these secret intentions from patterns of their brain activity. They let subjects freely and covertly choose between two possible tasks
0 notes
theconservativebrief · 6 years ago
Martin Rees is Britain’s astronomer royal, a professor at Cambridge University, and one of the leading cosmologists in the world. In a 2003 book, titled Our Final Hour, he gave civilization a 50-50 chance of surviving the 21st century, an estimate he reached after surveying all the ways humanity could destroy itself.
Rees has followed that book with another one about existential threats, titled On the Future: Prospects for Humanity. And the upshot of the new book is clear: The choices we make today, and in the next couple of decades, will likely determine the fate of life on earth.
Rees’s biggest fear is our enhanced technological capacity, which gives just a few people the power to do more damage than ever before. For example, a handful of bad actors could release malicious code that upends computer networks around the world, or bioterrorists could unleash a deadly virus that quickly becomes a global pandemic, or overeager physicists could spawn a black hole by smashing protons together.
Then there’s the very real possibility that bioengineering technologies, like gene editing, will produce unprecedented inequalities in society that could transform life as we know it. There’s also the looming danger of artificial intelligence, which, depending on who you ask, is either an existential threat or a wildly overstated non-concern.
In spite of all this, Rees still calls himself a “techno-optimist.” Which is to say, he thinks we can harness science and technology to save ourselves and the planet. I spoke to him last week about why he remains hopeful in the face of all these threats, and why he thinks scientists have an ethical obligation to engage politically. I also asked him if he thinks human beings will have to flee Earth if we want to survive in the long run. (His answer might surprise you.)
A lightly edited transcript of our conversation follows.
Sean Illing
In your previous book, Our Final Hour, you said we had a 50 percent chance of surviving the 21st century. How do you feel about our odds today?
Martin Rees
Well, that was obviously a rough number, but I still believe that there could be serious setbacks to our civilization, and I feel more concerned now than I was then about the fact that technology means that small groups or even individuals can by error, or by design, have a disruptive effect that cascades globally.
This is a relatively new thing, and I’m not sure we fully appreciate the dangers. Technology has not only increased the ways we could destroy ourselves, it’s also made it much easier for us to do it. So that means we’re always close, potentially, to a global disaster.
I worry more than I did about the collective impact we’re having on the resources and the environment. We keep building and expanding, and we’re demanding more energy and more resources, and we’re on what appears to be an unsustainable path. My concerns about this have only grown since 2003 when I wrote Our Final Hour.
Sean Illing
What would you say worries you the most right now? What keeps you up at night?
Martin Rees
In the short run, I worry about the disruptive effects of cyber attacks or some form of biological terror, like the intentional release of a deadly virus. These kind of events can happen right now, and they can be carried out by small groups or even an individual. It’s extremely hard to guard against this kind of threat.
Disruptions of this kind will be a growing problem in our future, and it will lead to more tensions between privacy, security, and liberty. And it will only become more acute as time goes on.
I also worry that our societies are more brittle now and less tolerant of disruption. In the Middle Ages, for example, when the Black Plague killed off half the populations of towns, the others sort of went on fatalistically.
But I think if we had some sort of pandemic today, and once it got beyond the capacity of hospitals to cope with all the cases, then I think there would be catastrophic social disruption long before the number of cases reached 1 percent. The panic, in other words, would spread instantly and be impossible to contain.
“I worry about human folly and human greed and human error”
Sean Illing
Let’s step back from the ledge for a second and talk about science and technology. Do you think the pace of technological change is now too fast for society to keep up?
Martin Rees
I think it’s amazingly fast. Is it too fast for society? I don’t know. I do know that we’re struggling to cope with all these technologies. Just look at the impact of social media on geopolitics right now. And the risks of artificial intelligence and biotechnology far exceed social media. But these things also have potentially huge benefits to society, if we can manage them responsibly.
Sean Illing
Well, that’s sort of my point: Technology moves faster than culture, and the gap is growing. I see no reason to believe we can manage these innovations “responsibly.” In fact, we seem to be doing the opposite: Technology disrupts society, and then we struggle to adapt in the wake of these disruptions.
Martin Rees
I certainly take the point, and don’t necessarily disagree. The downsides are enormous, and the stakes keep getting higher. But these changes are coming, whether we want them to or not, so we have to try and maximize the benefits while at the same time minimizing the risks.
Sean Illing
Do you think our greatest existential threat at this point is ourselves and not some external threat from the natural world?
Martin Rees
I think the main threats are the ones we’re causing. I’m an astronomer, but I don’t worry about asteroids barreling into the earth and destroying us, because we can see these things coming. I worry about human folly and human greed and human error. I worry much more about, say, a nuclear war then I do a natural disaster. Human threats like this are growing much faster than traditional risks like asteroids, and in many cases, we’re just not prepared to deal with it.
Sean Illing
You talk a lot in the book about cooperation and the need for better decision-making. I often worry that our incentive structures — at the individual and collective level — are so misaligned with our actual interests that it’s almost impossible to imagine us making the sort of smart, long-term decisions we’ll have to make to navigate the future. I’m curious how you think about this, and what role you think science and technology play.
Martin Rees
I agree that the gap between the incentives driving our behavior and our actual interests is growing, and many of the issues we’re facing require international agreements and long-term planning, climate change being an obvious example. And we’re having a hard time convincing politicians to do what’s in our long-term interest when all they care about is being reelected.
As scientists, we must try to find solutions for these problems, but we also have to raise public consciousness and interest. Politicians care about what’s in the press, what’s in their inboxes, and scientists have to do what they can to keep these urgent problems on their radar. I consider this my obligation as a scientist.
At the same time, scientists don’t have any special wisdom when it comes to politics or ethics, so we don’t have the answers when it comes to decisions about what to value or do. The wider public has to be involved in that conversation, and scientists can help by educating them as much as possible.
Sean Illing
I’m glad you went there, because I think this is such a crucial point. We often forget that science is a tool that helps us get more of what we want, but it can’t tell us what we ought to want or do. But if you look at our culture now, it’s clear to me that we’re allowing our values to be decided by the technologies we’ve built, not the other way around.
Martin Rees
You make a great point, and you’re quite right in saying that we need a value system that science itself can’t provide. In the book, I talk about the atomic scientists who developed nuclear weapons during WWII, many of whom became politically involved after the war to do what they could to control the powers they helped unleash. They thought they had a special obligation.
And I think that is true of scientists in other fields. We’re seeing some of the big tech companies like Facebook and Twitter take responsibility perhaps too late in the game, but there are other examples of scientists working in fields like bioengineering who understand the risks now and are going to great lengths to control them.
But the big difference now is that there are far more people around the world with expertise in all these technologies, especially in AI and bioengineering. And the commercial pressures to develop them are enormous, which means attempts to impose regulations will only be moderately successful.
So even if we develop an ethics to guide these technologies, I’m not sure we’ll ever be able to enforce them on a global level. And that is extremely scary.
“We have a billion people in the world in abject poverty, which could be alleviated by the wealth of the thousand richest people on the planet”
Sean Illing
People like Steven Pinker make the case that life is steadily improving, and that reason and technology are the prime drivers of that improvement. There is something undeniably true about this argument, but I think it also misses something fundamental about our nature and the fragility of the world we’ve created.
Martin Rees
I read Pinker’s book, and I’ve had exchanges with him on this. There’s no doubt he’s right about life expectancy improving and fewer people in poverty and all that, but I think he overlooks two things. The first is what I mentioned earlier about new technologies creating new threats that can be unleashed relatively easily by small groups of people or individuals.
He also seems to think that human beings have advanced ethically compared to earlier generations, and I’m not so sure about that. In the medieval period, life was miserable and there wasn’t anything people could do to improve it. Today, the gap between the way the world is and the way it could be is enormous.
We have a billion people in the world in abject poverty, which could be alleviated by the wealth of the thousand richest people on the planet. That we allow that to continue surely says something significant about how much — or little — moral progress we’ve made since medieval times.
Sean Illing
Do you believe that humanity will have to move beyond the Earth if it wants to survive in the long run?
Martin Rees
I certainly hope not. I hope that there will be a few pioneers who travel to space and form a little colony on Mars, but I think this should be left to the private sector. I don’t see any practical case for NASA sending people to space anymore. The private sector can afford to take more risks than NASA, and many adventurers are happy to live with the risks of space travel.
We can hope that these people will go to Mars and be at the forefront of developing new technologies, because they’ll have every incentive to adapt to a hostile environment. But I strongly disagree with Elon Musk and my late colleague Stephen Hawking who talk about mass immigration to Mars. I think that’s a dangerous delusion because Mars will be a more hostile environment than the top of Everest or the South Pole, and dealing with climate change here on Earth is far more important than terraforming Mars.
Sean Illing
You call yourself a “techno-optimist” despite writing two books about all the ways in which human life can be annihilated. Where does your optimism spring from?
Martin Rees
I’m an optimist in that I believe that the ability of technology to provide a good life for everyone, not just in our countries, but throughout the world, is going to grow. But I’m also an ethical pessimist in that I recognize that this is not happening in the way that it should. We have abject poverty in our countries, we have whole regions of the world where people are in poverty, and this is a political failure. And this gap is getting wider, not closer.
Sean Illing
Do you think humanity will have to evolve into something else, into something posthuman, in order to survive for another 100 centuries?
Martin Rees
Humanity hasn’t changed all that much in terms of physique and mentality. If, because of technology or space travel or some other development, evolution starts to happen on a much faster time scale, it will have important consequences for human life.
For instance, we can still enjoy the literature written by Greek and Roman authors more than 2,000 years ago, because the character of human beings hasn’t changed all that much, and we recognize their emotional lives in our own world. But if we think of what could happen with bioengineering techniques or artificial intelligence, it’s entirely possible that humans a century or two from now will have only an algorithmic understanding of us and what we were like.
If that happens, if we lose this continuity between generations of human beings, that will be a total game changer. I don’t know what comes next, but we will have entered a new phase of human evolution.
Original Source -> Cosmologist Martin Rees gives humanity a 50-50 chance of surviving the 21st century
via The Conservative Brief
0 notes
king-shrug · 6 years ago
Top 7 Trends In SEO 2019 To Watch
With the way things proceed so fast on the internet, many business people find internet design and search engine optimisation (SEO) to become like the moving target. Let's confirm our knowing of SEO basics with the one question quiz about the particular factors in search rankings: webpages, links and keyphrases. When it comes in order to Google SEO, the rel=canonical hyperlink element has become VERY IMPORTANT over the yrs and NEVER MORE SO. To place the particular focus on the website website visitor, it has been suggested that will acronym SEO should are a symbol of lookup experience optimization. It's important to remember in order to share content from your internet site or blog socially to provide it an SEO boost as well. Some Webmasters will pay out thousands of dollars to several so-called professional SEO expert in order to get their Websites on best in the rankings. It is usually preferable to ask questions upon their SEO procedures and find out whether they have knowledge associated with keyword density or if they will have information about the most recent keyword research strategies and equipment. This combined expertise makes all of us uniquely qualified to present a good ethics-based, search engine-friendly SEO guide to teach you guidelines that will reflect the latest developments looking. They include important subjects for example search motor success factors and how SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION relates to social media advertising. In order in order to make web pages appear in high positions in the search outcomes, SEO tries to shape the website according to Google's criteria. The major problem of SEO is the reality that there are billions associated with pages in the internet lookup engine indexes and your placement in the SERPS is reliant on a constantly changing criteria which is not published. Also companies considering about getting Search engine search engine optimization services should go through these types of magazines to familiarize themselves making use of the latest trends within the particular SEO and web-based marketing market to allow them to evaluate the assistance offered for all of them from the selected SEO companies. Mobile SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION in 2018 will probably be all regarding Progressive Web Apps (PWAs). The term SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION also describes the making internet pages easier for internet lookup engine indexing software, known because "crawlers, " to find, check, and index your web site. I feel that technical SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION mistakes that affect crawl spending budget - and also pollute Search engines with non-SEO-friendly content such because social landing pages, WordPress press archives, offer pages and cloned e-commerce product pages - will certainly have an even more detrimental effect upon sites moving forward. Effective SEO lets you improve your web​site to exhibit up within search engines. All of us will get into how to be able to pick the best keywords with regard to your business later in this particular SEO guide, but it best you to know how in order to use them, as they are usually referenced throughout this section. Although meta descriptions are not the ranking factor for search motors, they do hold value with regard to your website and are portion of your SEO presence. Let us speak a bit as to exactly what SEO is before we enter into the SEO article writing recommendations for people who may end up being new or do not very understand it. SEO stands regarding Seo. Our six experts discuss their favorite SEO tips plus tactics for building big site visitors in 2018. Yes, we all know it's still June plus we know it's only 2018 but if you haven't began planning and researching key developments which will affect you SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION in 2019 you could currently be falling behind. We furthermore take a look at exactly how new technologies like AI plus Voice search will begin in order to impact more on SEO since we move nearer to 2019 and beyond. Whenever every nation across the globe is busy in making their particular due contribution within the growth sector in their own method by taking the route associated with SEO service and online advertising, Singapore cannot stop stand nevertheless in one point. By 2019, content material marketing is set to turn out to be an industry worth $300 billion dollars. Off page SEO relates to the strategies performed further than your website that can end up being used to improve your lookup engine rankings. Due in order to the success of inbound marketing and advertising and SEO, more marketers are usually dedicated to improving their rank over other tactics. The best way to focus on these customers is by delivering high-quality SEO content that offers genuine and useful information in the direction of the readers. Another method provides a different page based upon whether the page is becoming requested with a human guest or a search engine, the strategy known as cloaking One more category sometimes used is gray hat SEO This is within between black hat and whitened hat approaches, where the strategies employed avoid the site getting penalized, but do not behave in producing the best content material for users. A several of the popular keyword study tools are Wordtracker, SEOMOZ Key word Difficulty Tool, SEOBook Keyword Device and Google Keyword Tool. Luckily, SEO allows webmasters to supply clues that the engines may use to understand content. Because less as 20% dentists within a city hire SEO expert s who really wants that shift within their Google ranking. The particular analytical part of the SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION is about tracking organic key word positions, website traffic and the engagement in Google Analytics, Site owner Tools and many other specific tools. Mobile SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION is nothing than a regular SEO, creating content and marking to be able to endure out online. SEO rankings are placing excess fat than ever upon what users have to state. The Search System will help you to evaluate your keyword rankings, CTRs, probable Google penalties and many various other useful data for technical SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION. Blog posts, guides, whitepapers, situation studies, videos, and social articles all need to include the particular right keywords for social plus SEO. For even more detailed information on the make use of of keywords on your site visit SEOcious to will discover many other important factors included in having your web web page in the top 10 entries on the search engines. SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION, search engine optimization is just about all about search engines, search motor result page (SERP), search rating, online visibility, and quality visitors. If your internet site has about 5-10 niche key phrases that are extremely targeted yet not very competitive, your SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION pricing is going to become quite less. The Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) Keyword Electrical generator is like a thesaurus with regard to SEO -minded content marketers. SEMRush - Another excellent tool for SEO analysis, especially where it concerns business cleverness, SEMRush allows you to determine and analyze the keywords that will your competitors are using. I'm heading to share some of the most effective SEO tips that will I've used within all types of campaigns to increase organic research traffic. FAST SEO ADVICE search engine search engine optimization is not magic, and can not perform wonders. This SEO guidelines and tricks cover all the essential information you should know with regards to Search Engine Optimization. The SEO content article writer should have a strong knowing of the keywords that are usually ranking and trending on the particular analytics framework. In 2018, there were certain trends the fact that ruled the world of internet commerce SEO (search engine optimization). Don't get worried by them but make certain to use only natural hyperlinks and keep in mind that will their SEO potential may become a bit lower in assessment with single links. As a partner to the table, Internet research engine Land's Guide To SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION explains the ranking factors within more depth, inside a tutorial supplying tips and advice on applying them. Google states that interpersonal media is not an quick SEO ranking factor, but the majority of experts agree that things this sort of as retweets and facebook gives DO, in fact, effect websites' rankings. And since SEO furthermore targets users who are definitely searching for products and solutions like yours, the traffic causing from SEO is more certified than many other marketing methods, leading to cost-savings for businesses. Keep in mind that will links, content, and user knowledge are all major SEO rank factors. Could holistic approach will ultimately eliminate a lot of the particular issues created by some SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION practitioners over the years, We suspect that search engines' technical engineers will initially overestimate the accuracy of their AI, resulting within Penguin-level collateral damage. SEO (Search Motor Optimization) is the process associated with making a website more noticeable in search results, also called improving search rankings. Siteimprove SEO furthermore provides in-tool tips on where to start as well as how to get the most out associated with your keyword research and supervising. We've already been operating in the SEO plus content marketing industry since last year and know how search motors work. Right now there are a great number associated with resources out there surrounding competing The 7 Common Stereotypes When It Comes To SEO 2019 link analysis (and a great deal that have been authored simply by me! ) but whenever I actually speak with people that are usually working on SEO projects, is actually always one of those "yeah, I realize I should do this more" tasks. Amy Kilvington, Marketing Executive at Custom Drapes, believes that SEOs are heading to have to optimize social media marketing more as Google indexes this and prioritizes it over their particular sites' pages. Social media is usually the easiest and most efficient way to push the SEO-based content. However, presently there are some easy adjustments that will you can make to the particular search engine optimization (SEO) component of it, which will ideally provide you with fantastic results. Erase all duplicated articles; it will increase your SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION ranking. Long-term: as discussed over, you'll ultimately get more lookup traffic from better usability, also though you don't squeeze each last drop from the SEO-trick lemon. However, to accomplish all this particular, web-developers use SEO custom solutions, that have long-lasting SEO Search engines rank. That being said, companies usually have little or simply no time for you to maintain up with the latest advancements in SEO techniques. Social search motor optimization is largely built on user-generated content. Keywords are at the coronary heart of SEO, but they're really not your first step in order to an organic growth play any longer. Obviously, reviews are a powerful type of customer content that has massive implications for SEO and increasing organic traffic. With right seo and with the help associated with an SEO expert however, your own website can give you a good increasing number of visitors plus exposure. Just keep in mind to pay attention to strong content creation and copywriting principles, engage your viewers deeply, plus stay abreast of technical tendencies such as backlinks, SEO health, site acceleration, and schema. SEOmonitor pricing is based on the particular number of websites and key phrases you track. So, We would say that 2018 is usually a challenge for Google, simply because much as it could be for SEOs. The SEO Reserve Keyword Suggestion Tool aggregates lookup data and provides volumes, associated terms, and more. By merging a fresh way to work along with SEO and prioritized lists associated with recommendations—not to mention competitor evaluation and keyword monitoring—Siteimprove SEO will be your all-in-one tool to develop traffic, prove ROI, and easily create content. All the SEO styles listed here may have started in late 2017 or earlier 2018, but their true advantage could be reaped in 2019. Google's Steve Mueller said on Twitter, along with the disclaimer of him placing his user hat on (ofcourse not Google hat), that relabeling older content as new, with simply no additional changes is a poor SEO hack. All of us associated with creatives, designers & developers function alongside our SEO & content material teams to ideate, research, style & create remarkable infographics and interactive content for brands that will get shared across the internet. Contemporary SEO strategy may be the process associated with organizing a website's content simply by topic, which helps search engines like yahoo realize a user's intent when looking. Page loading time is dependent upon Page Load speed, Web page loading time is one associated with the important factors in Cell phone SEO 2017. Sociable Media as a platform can not be ignored in any SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION plan. Seo stands regarding search engine optimization, when a person are searching for an SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION or Search Engine Optimization Firm then you needs to appear for various factors which may have a favorable and undesirable affect on your business. Keyword studies about obtaining those terms so that a person can use them properly within content optimization and SEO within general. Just as content on your own isn't enough to guarantee SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION success, SEO alone isn't more than enough to ensure that people may find and engage with your own articles. While intense SEO may involve complex site restructuring along with a firm (or consultant) that will specializes in this area, right now there are a few simple methods you can take yourself in order to improve your search engine ranking. Since we prepare to enter 2019, keyword creation for SEO professionnals will become less important. Obtain the training you need in order to stay ahead with expert-led programs on Seo (SEO). Learn how to compose articles, learn how to compose some simple HTML, and the particular learn the very basic concepts of SEO, and you may make money online using SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION and article marketing to obtain your website (you only require one from each website) shown on Page #1 of Search engines (forget Yahoo as well because the rest) and you may get loads of visitors that will web page. If your website will be made up of lower-quality entry type pages using old SEO-techniques (which more and more branded as spam in 2018) after that Google will not index just about all of the pages as nicely as your website ‘quality score' is probably likely to end up being negatively impacted. This particular is beyond website content, but great user experience has become a lot more and more important in solid SEO rankings. There is definitely no magic wand in your own hands to regulate or manage your competitors' strategies or administration, Google analytics update, or user's behavior communicate business but a person can manage your SEO. In this particular new environment, the digital marketing expert who views SEO in the broader context will definitely come out there ahead of the competition within 2018 and beyond. Good SEO textbooks explain in detail how greatest to use keywords and exactly how to structure your entire web site to attract the attention associated with search engine spiders and associated with human visitors, and a posting such as this cannot perform the topic justice. While businesses begin on an SEO advertising advertising campaign, they should realize that a good entire marketing campaign can drop flat on its face when a business is unable in order to reach the masses, that is definitely, their target audience. If your own pages were designed to obtain the most out of Search engines, with commonly known and right now outdated SEO techniques chances are usually Google has identified this plus is throttling your rankings within some way. Numerous business people find keeping upward with the "moving target" associated with SEO distracts them from day-to-day priorities more than they actually imagined, so it's good in order to appear closely at what can make sense for every business. The program process for the SocialSEO Electronic Marketing and SEO Scholarship is definitely done 100% electronically and needs these list of materials. In 2018, SEO is content and articles is SEO, content is electronic and digital is content. Before starting a good SEO project, site owners ought to carefully read through the website owner guidelines that every search motors provides and follow recommended greatest practices. This is clear that when website owners hire a search engine marketing SEO expert, they stand the better chance of maximizing their own SEO services. Search motors cannot understand this type associated with content, so it's vital that you style video pages in an SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION oriented manner. Subscribe to our weekly SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION and daily SearchCap newsletters for a summarize of all the latest SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION related news, tips and strategies from Internet search engine Property and other sources all more than the Web. When you aren't logged in, go to SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION Toolkit » Keyword Research » Keyword Overview. For almost any SEO technique to operate successfully you will need content and that will can come in any type like keywords, articles or websites. From 2019, AI may be utilized by the businesses to acquire higher rankings upon search engines. As a result, it can be a great idea to incorporate expenses with regard to professional SEO content in your own quarterly marketing budget. Google will see right via sneaky, black hat SEO methods like creating duplicate pages, generating pages with thin content simply for the sake of obtaining more pages and buying inbound links. Head associated with Marketing at @impressiontalk specialising within user-centred SEO, PAGE RANK, content marketing and digital technique. Primary is definitely on inbound marketing, including every thing from SEO to social mass media. However, a good agency providing SEO services is usually all about being proactive in order to keep up-to-date with the most recent search engine news and adjustments in SEO techniques. Video marketing provides new opportunities to drive even more visitors your site and enhance its SEO status. Research Engine Optimisation (SEO) in 2018 is really a technical, conditional and creative process to enhance the visibility associated with the website in search motors. Off-page SEO pertains to the actions taken outside the house of your personal website that can easily help boost your search motor rankings. Due to the fact of this insufficient visibility this can be hard to create a sound business case with regard to SEO, even though it is definitely strikingly obvious of the advantages to most companies of the particular number one position on Search engines. This particular is a time-honored SEO exercise called broken link building. Positively engaging in reputation management, content material management and SEO (Search Motor Optimization) can give even the particular smallest business a chance in order to compete globally. Whether you are already adding SEO into your online marketing and advertising mix or not, you may ask yourself how aCO website stacks up against acom. With recent Google modifications, failure to look after cellular SEO could result in lookup invisibility, and mobile's bringing various other changes you'll need to become ready for. The much better you get at SEO, the particular more traffic - and even more leads - you're likely in order to attract over time. To find away more read our 2019 styles in SEO marketing report. Are voice searches plus it's expected that by 2019, 67 million voice-assisted devices is usually going to be in make use of in the U. S. These types of kinds of changes and provide on your website shouldn't end up being a problem logistically — the particular overall practice among the greatest web companies nowadays is making sure that websites are flexible sufficient, especially for SEO purposes. Whether you are usually a marketer, webmaster or organization owner, it is very essential invest in voice SEO optimisation to reap benefits in 2019. We said earlier that sociable media isn't a direct SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION ranking factor, so you're most likely wondering why we're even talking about it. The particular effects of Black hat SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION are temporary, it will not take the particular search engine long before this spots these illegal strategies plus then penalizes you; the lookup engine may spam your hyperlinks and if you continue making use of these malpractices the search motor will altogether block your web site and links. Algorithmic chasers, technical SEOs, plus Google Doodle followers should develop their technical skills to concentrate on emerging voice search systems and AI applications. Single Grain is a electronic marketing agency in order in order to companies like Uber, Amazon plus Salesforce grow their revenues on the internet using SEO and paid marketing. SEO is really the shortened phrase for search motor optimization. I believe SEO within 2019 will largely be such as SEO in 2018, with the particular exception of some big” Search engines update that wipes out sufficient websites to make people think the algorithms have grown significantly smarter. SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION works by optimizing a cyberspace pages, conducting keyword research, plus earning inbound links. The business offers excellent SEO packages that will help rank the clients' web site within top three pages associated with search engine pages. That can make SEO an ideal lead era tool, because when searchers adhere to links back to your web site, you have the chance in order to convert them to leads, plus later make sales. Whenever asked to point out principles that are unique towards the particular web, most people will arrive up with two main types: SEO and social media. How many links do a person need for good off-page SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION? If you are carrying out a professional SEO audit for any actual business, you are going in order to have to think like the Google Search Quality Rater Plus a Google search engineer to offer real long-term value to the client. 44. Give your own social media profiles an SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION boost. 10% of our experts believe that will there's likely to be the lot of focus on cellular in 2019, as older SEOs realize optimizing for desktop will be pointless. White hat SEO is not really just about following guidelines, yet is about ensuring that the particular content the search engines indexes and eventually ranks may be the same content the user will see. Carrying out technical SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION for local search engines is definitely really a similar process. Search engine optimization (SEO) is usually a way to generate even more (and desired) traffic to your own site with the help associated with better search engine rankings regarding a keyword. SEO had gone through drastic changes over the yrs and getting higher rankings upon search engines by stuffing the particular information with too many key phrases is a thing of the particular past. This should be considered a essential part of any local SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION checklists, as reviews and rankings could make it easier to stand out in search engine results. Lookup Engine Optimization, or SEO, ought to rank in as one associated with the biggest part of your own finances for online advertising. SEO or even Search Engine Optimisation is the particular name given to activity that will attempts to improve search motor rankings. Search engine optimisation Blog9T (SEO) is the procedure with regard to affecting the visibility of the website or a web web page in a web search engine's unpaid results—often referred to since " natural ", " natural ", or "earned" results. Nearby SEO utilizes a variety associated with strategies — getting your web site ranked on search engines such as Google, business directories such because Yelp, Superpages, Foursquare, Yellowbook, Search engines My Business listing, Bing Locations for Business page, localized articles on your website, online evaluations and other strategies. We frequently compose in-depth analyses on the method SEO and digital marketing is usually used to improve the traffic in order to various websites.
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