dalelans · 6 days
The difference between adults and children is that only children can be nihilists. They can think that it’s not a bad thing if you throw yourself down on the ground and yell in despair at the unfairness of life. Fair enough. But once you finish your tantrum and grow up just a little bit I have some things that I need you to build for me in the future.
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dalelans · 9 days
In praise of Ozempic
Why are the buddhists not more interested in a way to stop desire neurochemically? Imagine a world where you might live, conpletely independent of the needs of your inner self. Out of a sort of pride we undersell what it might be like to be something else. But maybe pride is even a thing to be corrected.
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dalelans · 14 days
Your depression is connected to your insolence and refusal to praise. -Mevlana Jalaluddin Rumi
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dalelans · 15 days
The deadness of the world killed into him, and at an early age, by materialism, atheism, and the prerogatives of capitalism.
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dalelans · 15 days
Children are impervious to the god of quiet natural spaces. They fill the silence with cheers and whines and song.
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dalelans · 27 days
The unknown is a part of your reality, acting silently in the shadows until it is ready to make itself known.
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dalelans · 1 month
the unspeakable and undeserved beauty of light
Something about the heavy dark clouds and how they cut the late sun at 7 o clock in August, how that cut light obliquely illuminates the trees in the valley, on just the south-facing side, is unspeakably beautiful. I needed to see that today.
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dalelans · 1 month
One major difference between real people and movie actors (even if they are good actors in a well-written movie) is that real people aren’t following a scripted story. Routines maybe, self-concepts, sure. But the flow of real life is fragmented and incoherent and surprising, in way that’s either disorienting or liberating or both.
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dalelans · 1 month
Ah, humans. The most interconnected of animals, sometimes finding their partners thousands of miles away from the place of their birth. So different looking from the other animals, spindly legs, swinging arms, melon heads, and yet they sometimes move with aesthetic grace, as a tennis player or bride. Even so, they are still instantly recognizable as animals. The thing I like most about humans is how prepared they are to solve a crisis, to move somewhere else and be someone else, to challenge the chaos of nature with their passions and intellects and stories. Eugene
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dalelans · 1 month
I will attept to unify paganism and naturalism: the sciences are the physiologies of the gods, the remaining ones: the ones of history and money, the ones of earth and sun and progress, the ones of joy and war.
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dalelans · 3 months
If a man have not order within him he cannot spread order about him. - Ezra Pound
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dalelans · 3 months
Poetry is too boring, the news is too sad. My phone makes me anxious but so does putting it down. Things are good but they’re bad. Action is critical but no one can move. Are we abandoned children?
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dalelans · 3 months
Are you waiting to bloom? Don’t.
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dalelans · 3 months
I have it so good: smoking a bowl on the front porch in the heat-wave night watching the doings of lightning bugs
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dalelans · 3 months
Contemplating free will
The past and the future are not under your direct control. Surely this is uncontroversial. Is it likely that the present moment is an exception? Flies buzz around me in the kitchen. What choices are they making as they trace their erratic patterns?
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dalelans · 3 months
A chrysanthemum and two sprigs of lavender in a vase from the thrift store.
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dalelans · 3 months
Love is desire transfigured
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