#I tried to do a perspective for once and I think it turned out ok!!
ssprayberrythings · 7 months
it'll be ok | LN4
lando norris x female!reader
warnings: unexpected pregnancy, talk of throwing up/being nauseous, suggestive actions implied if you get what i’m saying, early on pregnancy symptoms, mention of alcohol and being drunk (not the reader!!), lando being a simp for his girlfriend in every aspect of his life.
note: i know how pregnancy works and i’m not saying that reader got pregnant on this trip, her and lando are just h**ny 😭 (increased sex drive is a symptom of pregnancy though so..…) 
double note: i’m not sure how lily (oscar’s lily) is as a person but she seems like a sweetheart so i went off those vibes and i referred to alexandra by her full name cause if i said alex, someone might think alex albon lol 
okay thats it. enjoy 😉
word count: a little over 5k
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You and Lando had been dating now for close to 2 years. You were happy with the life you were making with him and he was happy to have you by his side through his success. 
Everything was going great, at least it was up until 5 minutes ago. Now here you were sitting in the bathroom to the villa you had rented out for a vacation with friends, holding a pregnancy test not sure what to do with the fact that there were two lines looking back at you. 
48 Hours Before Finding Out
“Omg this is so much more prettier than the pictures” you said as you, Lando and some of your closest friends which included some of the other drivers and their girlfriends, walked into the villa 
“This is gonna be great” Lando exclaimed excitedly while wrapping an arm around your waist “Alright everyone get their rooms sorted and when you’re done, meet down by the beach” he told everyone, earning a round of “okays” and “sounds goods”. 
You and Lando made your way to the master suite on the second floor, seeing as you had been the ones to suggest the vacation and rent the villa, it was only fair you got the biggest room. 
“Lan I don’t know which bathing suit to wear” you asked as you stared at the bathing suits you had brought. 
“Doesn’t matter to me, either way it’ll end up on the floor later” he whispered in your ear as he came up behind you 
You blushed at his flirty remark “You’re naughty” you joked with him 
“Only for you” he reiterated as he put his hands on your hips and started kissing your neck 
“Lan if we start doing that, we’re never gonna leave” you tried being serious even though the shudder in your voice gave you away, telling Lando he was succeeding in distracting you. 
This happened quite frequently. Lando knew you so well and he made you feel things, none of your previous boyfriends had ever made you feel. 
He continued kissing your neck, knowing exactly where to put his lips. You felt yourself giving in with the way he was kissing you and how his hands were slowly moving down from your hips, you knew you wouldn’t be making it to the beach anytime soon. 
You and Lando eventually left your room, joining your friends on the beach. 
“Where the hell were you two” Max asked as he sat on a beach chair with everyone else doing their own thing 
“Y/N needed help picking a bathing suit” Lando responded smirking, knowing Max wouldn’t believe him but also knew he wouldn’t push for the truth, he was smart enough to put two and two together. 
“Babe I’m gonna go in the water, care to join?” Lando asked turning to you as your hands were interlocked 
“No I’m okay for now, I’m gonna try and tan a bit then I’ll come join you” you told him, he smiled at your answer and then gave you a quick kiss on the cheek and started making his way towards the water to join the friends of yours that were currently playing water volleyball. 
You spent the rest of your day in between tanning with the girls and playing in the water with Lando. Once everyone was done with the sun, you all made your way back to the house where you went to your perspective rooms to rest a little before you went out for dinner. 
You felt extra tired which on any other day you might be more concerned about but you had been travelling between time zones and then spent a significant amount of time in the sun, so in your head it made sense to be this tired. 
Once you had changed from your bathing suit into some clean undies and a oversized T-shirt, you crashed on yours and Lando’s bed where he was already sitting scrolling on his phone 
“Lan im gonna take a quick nap, wake me up in like an hour so I can start getting ready” you told him as you curled into a ball nuzzling your face into the pillows 
“Sure thing sweets” he said leaning down to kiss your head before going back to his phone, keeping one hand free to play with your hair knowing that always helped put you to sleep. 
Lando stayed true to his word and gently woke you up about an hour into your nap, not wanting to, seeing as you looked so peaceful but knowing you’d be upset if he let you sleep longer than you wanted.
“Babe” he said gently stroking his hand over your cheek 
“Hmm” you mumbled still half asleep 
“You wanted me to wake you so you could start to get ready” he told you smiling at how cute you looked 
“Why are you a good boyfriend and actually listen to what I say” you grumbled 
He chuckled “C’mon we can take a shower together, that’ll wake you up” he suggested knowing you’d get what he was implying 
You opened one eye looking at him to see if he was joking but knew he wasn’t when you saw the look in his eyes, this got you to open both eyes and slowly stretch, waking up fully in the process 
“Alright pretty boy let’s go” you said as you got off the bed causing a laugh to leave Lando as he got off the bed, following you into the bathroom. 
Once everyone including you and Lando were ready, you decided to visit a cute Italian restaurant nearby. Everyone in the group all loved Italian so it worked out perfectly. 
While you were walking to the restaurant, you felt a slight squeeze in your stomach but chalked it up to that all you had to eat today was some fruit and a small salad. 
Lately your appetite hadn’t been what it normally was, you pushed this thought aside though wanting to enjoy your vacation and deciding you’d worry about it once you got back home. 
After some walking you reached the restaurant, Charles taking point and speaking to the hostess in Italian to get a table. They brought you to the part of the restaurant that was more private and made sure there were enough seats for everyone. 
The host got you all menus and water, letting you know your server would be there momentarily. 
You politely smiled at her and offered her thanks in Italian, you may have loved everything Italian but your knowledge of the language didn’t go past basic phrases and words. 
You sat next to Lando and Lily, Oscars girlfriend. The two of you had gotten close with your boyfriends being teammates. You felt that squeeze in your stomach again, this time more intense so you casually reached for your water and hoped it would help. 
Once you had drank enough water to feel better, you went back to look at your menu 
“Baby are you okay? You just practically chugged your water” Lando asked quietly turning to you 
You nodded “Yeah, I'm good, I just didn’t realize how thirsty I was” you lied offering him a smile, he seemed to believe you and went back to the menu, Lily however offered you a strange look, having overheard your words and not fully believing you but deciding not to push. 
You could still feel that slight squeeze in your stomach and was apprehensive to order a large meal so you went for a simple soup, figuring it was the safest option. 
When everyone’s food arrived, you caught a whiff of the food around you and suddenly that squeeze in your stomach was becoming too much to handle. You didn’t want to bring attention to yourself but if you didn’t go to the washroom now, you weren’t sure what would happen so you turned to Lily.
“Lils I need your help” you whispered to the girl who had just taken a bite of her food 
“Is everything okay? You look pale” she asked concerned 
“I’m gonna throw up and desperately need to get away from the table” you explained trying to stuff the nausea down until you were somewhere else 
“Say no more” the girl said then turned to Oscar letting him know she was using the washroom, he smiled and moved out of the booth, luckily he was on the end 
“Y/N will you come with?” She asked, acting like the washroom was her idea and just wanted a friend to accompany her 
Your name sparked Lando’s interest and turned to face you 
“Babe I’ll be back im just gonna go to the washroom with Lily” you told him quickly before getting out of the booth, offering Oscar a small smile to say sorry for interrupting his meal 
Then you and Lily made your way to the washroom, as much as you would’ve preferred to run there, you didn’t want to seem weird so you casually bit your lip and hoped you could get there in time. 
“Girls are so strange in always wanting someone with them to go to the washroom” Lando said to Oscar eating his food 
Oscar just shrugged “I’m used to it at this point” he replied to his friend and teammate before both drivers went back to their previous conversation with the others around them. 
Meanwhile in the washroom, you were in a stall on your knees with your head over the toilet. Luckily Lily was there to hold back your hair and rub your back. 
“Are you okay? Did you eat something you shouldn’t have?” She asked after you were done and had stood up, using some tissues to wipe your mouth 
“I didn’t have anything weird to eat, just some fruit and a small salad” you told her as you fixed your hair and did your best to get the taste of vomit out of your mouth. Remembering you had gum in your purse and silently saying a prayer to your past self for putting it there. 
“That’s strange” she said even though you could sense there was more the girl wanted to say but held back 
“I don’t know how I'm gonna get through dinner. The smell of everything is what triggered this” you told her turning to her 
“Maybe just tell Lando you aren’t feeling the greatest and are gonna walk back to the Villa” she suggested 
“He wont let me go alone, he’ll want to join me and I don’t want to take him away from everyone” you explained 
“I’ll go back with you. I’ll just tell Oscar to bring my food home in a to go box” she offered 
“Are you sure Lils?” You asked the girl, feeling bad
“That’s what friends are for” she smiled
“Okay, let’s go then” you told her 
When you made your way back to the table, Lando looked at you, you could see there was some concern behind his eyes probably because of how long you had been in the washroom 
You slid in the booth to tell him you and Lily were gonna head back 
“I’m just not feeling super great and don’t want to take you away from everyone so Lily’s gonna walk back with me” you explained to him 
“Are you okay? What are you feeling? I’ll walk back with you, I don’t mind” he told you the concern only worsening 
“Babe I'm fine, really, I'm sure a good nights rest is all I need and then tomorrow I’ll be good” you reassured him, offering him a small smile 
“Okay but text me if you need anything or want me to come back” he told you which you nodded and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before getting out of the booth and walking to the exit with Lily. 
“Where’s Lily and Y/N going?” Charles asked 
“Y/N’s not feeling the great so they’re going back to the villa” Lando answered him 
Charles nodded then went back to talking to his girlfriend, Alexandra.
Lando shared a look with Oscar as both of their girlfriends had left them 
“Did Lily say anything?” Lando asked Oscar as they moved closer now that there was some space between them 
“No, just that she was going back with Y/N” he told him. He could see Lando was worried “I’m sure she’ll be fine and Lily will text if anything happens” Oscar did his best to reassure the Brit. Lando just nodded and silently went back to his food. 
24 Hours Before Finding Out
The next day, you had woken up and luckily you didn’t feel any feelings of nausea, hopefully that was an indicator that today was going to be different from yesterday and you could enjoy your trip. 
You got out of bed and made your way to the kitchen, you had a strange craving for orange juice which wasn’t normally your go to breakfast drink but you weren’t mad about it, seeing as the orange juice in the fridge was freshly squeezed. 
You smiled when you poured yourself a tall glass and went to sit on the patio furniture outside enjoying the beautiful view.
You pulled your phone out, scrolling through TikTok. You tried to avoid TikTok because most of the time you’d see videos of your boyfriend or any sort of f1 content but today you gave it a chance. 
So far it was going great until you saw a video of this creator explaining their battle with cancer and how they were finally in remission. You felt the tears gathering in your eyes but figured it was just your hormones and you being a sensitive person. 
Then you moved from TikTok to Instagram and saw a post about puppy adoptions and suddenly you couldn’t hold the tears back and that’s how Lando found you, crying over your phone 
“Babe what’s wrong?” He asked instantly pulling the chair next to you, rubbing your back 
“These puppies, they’re all up for adoption” you told him, showing him the rescue centre’s instagram highlighting all the dogs they had up for adoption. 
Lando found you the cutest for crying over dogs “Why are you crying though?” he asked still rubbing your back 
You shrugged, wiping your eyes with the back of your sleeve “I don’t know, they just all look so cute and I want them to find their forever homes” you tried to explain why you were crying, even if you didn’t fully understand why. 
“You’re adorable” he smiled at you “How about when we get back, we can try and organize an adoption event with the centre, I’m sure the attention from an f1 driver should help” he suggested.
He would do anything to see you smile even if that meant having to talk with his PR manager about organizing a puppy adoption event sponsored by McLaren. 
The idea brought a smile to your face and you sniffled “Thats really sweet of you Lan” you told him 
“We’ll get all those dogs adopted” you leaned over giving your boyfriend a hug. The tears had subsided which Lando was grateful for, he hated seeing you cry. 
He hugged you back, kissing the top of your head “Anything for you sweets” he reassured you. 
After your moment, you and Lando joined the rest of your friends inside. You all enjoyed a nice breakfast together, then once the dishes were dealt with, you all went your own ways, everyone wanting to do something different. 
You and Lando planned to go take some pictures around the area. That was one of the things that drew you two to each other, both having a passion for photography. 
On your first date, you spent so much time sharing pictures and the stories that went with them so when you started dating, it became something you did together, whenever you could. 
You were walking up to your room when Kika called your name. You turned looking in the direction of where your name had come, seeing Kika sticking her head out of her and Pierre’s room.
“Whats up? Is everything okay?” you asked as you approached their room. 
“Yeah, I just was wondering if you had a tampon or a pad, I got my period and just realized I didn’t bring anything” she chuckled 
“Oh yeah, I have tampons in my room. I’ll bring you a few to get you through until you can go to a local store” you told the girl, she smiled at you “Thank you, youre an angel” 
You just smiled and then turned walking to your room, going straight to the washroom, to look through your toiletries bag. As you looked at the mini travel sized bag you brought filled with tampons, it hit you, you had never gotten your period. 
You were supposed to get it right before the trip and the last few days of your period should’ve been the first couple days you were away but as you got ready for vacation, you still hadn’t gotten it which was why you brought a weeks worth figuring you’d end up getting it on the trip but you still hadn’t gotten it and that sparked a fear within you. 
You quickly grabbed a few for Kika and closed the bag. As you turned to leave the washroom, you bumped into Lando “Oh sorry babe” you told him, you must’ve seemed frazzled judging by the expression Lando offered you 
“Are you okay?” he asked “Oh yeah, just need to give something to Kika” you told him hiding the tampons behind your back.
Obviously Lando knew what a period was, having a mother, 2 sisters and a girlfriend, he was used to it and had they been for you, you wouldn’t have cared but you didn’t want to make Kika uncomfortable so you with held those details from him. 
“Oh okay..well I’m ready to go whenever you want to go take some photos” he told you, offering you his typical Lando smile. You smiled, leaning up to kiss his lips “I can be ready in a few minutes” you told him once you pulled away. 
Then moved around him, being sure he couldn’t see what was behind your back before leaving the room, walking to Kika’s. You knocked on the door, she answered almost immediately  “You’re my lifesaver. I owe you” she told you once you handed her the tampons. 
“Really glad you said that, I need you to get me something from the store whenever you go” you told her biting your bottom lip, something you did when you were nervous 
“What’s up?” she asked 
“Can you get me a couple pregnancy tests” you whispered, not wanting anyone to hear. Kika’s eyes grew in size “Woah, really?” she confirmed, you just nodded, not saying anything. 
“Yeah of course. Want me to leave them in your suitcase while you’re out?” she offered 
“That’d be great. Thank you” you told her 
“Do you really think you’re” she started before gesturing to your stomach instead of saying the word 
“Honestly I’m not too sure, it didn’t cross my mind until moments ago when I realized I missed my period” you explained, she nodded along 
“Well you aren’t alone regardless of the results. We’re all here for you” she reassured you, you smiled at her words. 
“Thanks Kika, I appreciate that” you told her “Anyways I should go and get ready, Lan and I are going to take some photos around the area, I’ll see you later” you told her offering her a goodbye before walking back to yours and Lando’s room. 
You quickly changed into something clean, washed your face, tied your hair into a high ponytail and then slipped on your converse to go meet Lando downstairs. 
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landonorris, francisca.cgomez, oscarpiastri, mclaren & others liked 
out exploring 🧡🎞️🥰
tagged: landonorris 
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fan2: they’re so cute 
fan3: y/n giving us the lando content 
fan4: the y/nlando crumbs 
landonorris: my favourite adventure partner 🧡
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francisca.cgomez: my faves ☺️
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You and Lando ended up having an awesome time. You walked around and took plenty of photos. Yours were of the area, some of the locals, some of Lando, a good variety meanwhile Lando’s were mostly of you. 
He called you his muse the first time you asked him why he took so many pictures of you but by now you had grown used to it and didn’t question it. 
In the midst of walking around, you had grabbed a quick bite to eat at a cute cafe. You went with a fruit parfait and water, figuring it was the safest option not wanting to risk being sick. 
After being out for a couple hours, you eventually made your way back to the villa. When you got back, you got a text from Kika after passing her in the kitchen. 
Kika: ‘They’re in your suitcase, under a pile of bathing suits’ 
You quickly texted her back 
Y/N: ‘Thank you. Now I owe you’ 
Kika: ‘If you end up having a girl, name her Francisca 😌’
You laughed, not answering her but rather hearting the message then going to find the tests. 
When you walked into your room, you heard Lando in the washroom, so you checked your suitcase to double check where they were and then once you had confirmation, covered them back up. 
You had plans with everyone to go out tonight so you wouldn’t be able to test until tomorrow. You weren’t sure how you were gonna avoid drinking tonight. 
It’s not as if you were a heavy drinker, you just enjoyed doing shots while you were out and you could handle your alcohol well so nights out never phased you. 
Tonight however to be cautious incase you were pregnant you had to avoid alcohol. 
You sighed, so far this trip you had spent more time stressed out then relaxed and you weren’t sure how much more you could handle before you exploded from the uncertainty. 
You heard Lando finishing in the washroom so you quickly grabbed an outfit from your suitcase before shutting it. 
“I thought you were gonna join me in the shower” Lando said when he walked out, his curls wet from the water
“Sorry my love, I took too long trying to figure out what to wear” you lied, offering him a soft smile 
“It’s okay, I can think of a couple ways you can make it up to me” he winked at you, you blushed. 
“Your cheeky” you told him smiling as he laughed at your comment. 
You quickly got yourself ready and then you made your way downstairs with Lando to meet everyone else. Once everyone was ready to go, you made your way to the local club. 
On the way, Kika linked her arm with yours and walked a bit up from the boys. 
“Did you test?” She asked in a low tone, you subtly shook your head 
“I need your help tonight avoiding alcohol” you replied keeping your voice low 
She nodded “Don’t worry, we’ll get you a mocktail at the bar and you can either sip on it through the evening or keep going back for the same one. Then with shots, we’ll tell the bartender to give you water” she explained still keeping her voice low, you offered her a small smile 
“I don’t know what I would do if you weren’t here. You and Lily have both been the best” you exclaimed, Kika just smiled and gave you a side hug 
“That’s what friends do” she told you.
Once you got to the club, Kika went to get your drinks and made sure to tell the bartender the plan. The bartender was a female and without even having to explain why, somehow she understood and told Kika to always give you the shot with a rounder base. 
So far everything had been going smoothly and once people became more intoxicated, it was easier to let loose and not keep up the show as much as you had been. 
Surprisingly you were having a great time sober, just getting to dance with everyone and enjoy being with your friends, this was exactly what you needed and it took your mind off what you had to do tomorrow. 
Currently you were dancing with Lando, his hands were on your waist and you could smell the alcohol on his breath. It didn’t bother you as much as you thought it would. 
“Babyyyyy” he said into your ear due to the loud music 
“Yes Lan?” You asked laughing at your boyfriends behaviour 
“I love youuu” he told you stretching out the you. You smiled at him 
“I know. I love you too” you told him running a hand through his curls, he closed his eyes enjoying the feeling 
“Can we go back to our place, I just want to be alone with you” he told you, pulling you closer and nuzzling his face in your neck, breathing in your perfume.
“What about our friends?” You asked him, even though you knew they’d be fine and you wouldn’t mind alone time with Lando
“They’ll be fine” he said as he started kissing your neck, you shuddered a bit at the sensation. 
“Don’t start doing that here or we won’t be able to stop” you told him even though you didn’t want him to stop 
“I don’t want to stop” he said pulling his lips away to answer you before leaning down and kissing you. 
You felt yourself getting weaker in the knees. This was the effect Lando had on you. 
“Okay fine, let’s leave then” you said in between breaths, he smiled and then grabbed your hand, intertwining his with yours and carefully made his way to the door. 
“Where are you going?” Kika asked as you passed her and Pierre 
“Back to the Villa. See you later, stay safe” you told her quickly offering a wave over your shoulder 
She chuckled “Children having a child” she muttered under her breath 
“What did you just say?” Pierre asked his girlfriend 
Kika didn’t think he had heard with the music “Nothing” she quickly said 
“No I swear you said” he started but she stopped him before he could finish. 
“Pierre just drop it for now. Please” she asked. The look they shared said enough. He nodded and then they went back to dancing. 
She hoped he wouldn’t say anything further on the topic, her boyfriend had a tendency to spread gossip even if it wasn’t always intentional but hopefully this time, he’d keep it to himself. 
Back at the Villa, you and Lando were having a great time and took advantage of the empty house, getting to be loud as you pleased. If you weren’t already pregnant, there’s a good possibility after tonight, you might’ve been. 
Moments Before Finding Out
The next morning, you woke up wrapped in the duvet and Lando. You smiled at how peaceful he looked. Then you remembered what you had to do and suddenly you felt the nerves creep back up on you. 
You sighed and carefully got out of bed, being sure not to wake Lando. Thankfully he was a heavy sleeper when he had been drinking. 
You crept over to your suitcase, finding the pregnancy tests and taking them to the washroom. You had googled that testing in the morning was the best time so that’s what you were doing. 
You locked the door and then opened the first box. Taking the test and sitting on the toilet. You quickly peed on the stick and then placed it back on the counter, on top of a piece of toilet paper. You finished up and then pulled your sleep shorts back up and set the timer on your phone. Sitting on the edge of the toilet. 
You closed your eyes trying your best to keep your breathing steady. Everything would be fine. Lando loved you and even if this was unexpected, he wouldn’t leave you, at least you didn’t think he would, he wasn’t like that. You did some more deep breaths until your timer went off and you quickly silenced it not wanting to wake up Lando. 
You shakily stood up from the toilet and with your shaking hands, reached for the test and that’s when you saw, the two lines looking up at you, indicating you were pregnant.
After Finding Out
After the first positive, you had to do the other 3 tests to be sure and of course those all came back positive. You put them back in one of the boxes and just stood there in shock. 
You were pregnant. You were going to be a mom and Lando was going to be a dad. You wanted to cry but you also knew once you started you wouldn’t be able to stop. 
You weren’t sure how long you stayed in the washroom until you heard Lando call your name, you knew you had to tell him now or else you’d drive yourself mad keeping it in. 
You opened the door and made your way back to the bed. Seeing Lando sitting up rubbing his eyes, he must’ve just woken up.
“Lan, I need to tell you something” you told him biting your lip due to your nerves. He looked confused 
“Is everything okay? Did something happen?” He asked as you made your way to sit next to him. You sat with your feet tucked under you 
You reached for his hand “Nothing happened” you reassured him then took a deep breath before continuing
“I’m pregnant” you told him trying to keep your voice steady and calm not wanting to show your nerves, already knowing Lando would have plenty of his own. 
“Sorry but I think I heard you incorrectly; did you say pregnant?” He asked rubbing his eyes to make sure he wasn’t dreaming. 
You nodded your head, not sure what was going through his mind at the moment. You sat in silence for what felt like a lifetime, the longer the more nervous you got. 
Lan was never speechless and this scared you “Lan please say something” you said, feeling yourself wanting to cry even more now 
He must’ve sensed you were on the verge of tears “Baby I'm sorry, come here” he said opening his arms which you gladly accepted and buried your head in his chest, the tears finally leaving. 
“It’s unexpected but it’ll be okay. We’ll figure it out together” he said rubbing your back “I love you and there’s no one else I’d want to have children with, I just thought it’d be a bit further down the road but this is okay. Baby’s are a good thing regardless of when they come” he told you. 
You pulled away, wiping your eyes “So you aren’t gonna leave?” You asked as you hiccuped 
“Not a chance. You’re stuck with me for life now” he told you smiling. You returned the smile finally feeling better. 
You and Lando spent the rest of the morning cuddled up, talking about your baby, what you thought they’d look like, how they’d act, if they were a boy or a girl. 
At some point you must’ve started to drift off cause you found yourself cuddled up next to Lando as he played with your hair, subconsciously your hand found its place on your stomach and Lando kissed your head. 
He loved you and would do anything for you and now that meant your baby as well. The two of you were his world and he planned on spending the rest of his life making sure you both knew how much he loved you both. 
taglist: @namgification
AH! I hope you all enjoyed this <3 I had such a fun time writing it and I'm proud of how it turned out! Im always open to feedback so please share your thoughts !
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pastelvelvett-2nd · 1 year
Hello there I seen your wrote for Harvey from sdv, I’m not sure if what other sdv characters you will write for but I was wondering if I could request yan!sebastian x gn!Willing!reader. Just some stuff on what type of ya deer he is and how he would act with a so who is ok with his yandere tendencies. Sorry if this sounds confusing at all
Hello! Thank you for reading my Harvey fic!!
It doesn't sound confusing at all, don't worry about it. ^^ I present to you: ✨the yandere emo boy✨
Trigger warnings are, as always, in the tags!
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Yandere!Sebastian x GN!Willing!Reader
Sebastian would be the type to take a while to warm up to you.
At first, Sebastian didn't think too much of you. He had absolutely no clue why you would decide to move here of all places when you already lived in a place he dreamed to live in. He was a bit jealous, to be frank.
Surprisingly enough, you kept visiting and talking to him, despite his aloof behavior the first time you spoke. The more you'd chat, the more he'd understand your perspective and what drove you to leave the hubub of the city. He began to get to know you better, and you seemed to want to do the same in turn.
Sebastian started awaiting your visits with bated breath, and when you did arrive, he acted a lot less cold than he initially did. He started being more open, and the two of you even shared some of his geeky interests. Your hangout sessions became his favorite part of the day.
With you, he was open and friendly. There was nothing he wouldn't share.
He realized something. How open he was... It's wasn't the norm. A person only shows certain facets of themselves to another. That's the way he used to function, and everyone else seemed to tick the same way. Surely, other people must know other sides of you that he wasn't familiar with.
There were many things he wouldn't find out about you. The thought made him feel sick to his stomach like little else did.
Sebastian would be the type to eventually begin stalking you.
This way, he'd get to know you in a deeper way he ever could just by listening to information you'd offer him. He'd follow you around town, watching as you'd go shopping or talk to the villagers. Sometimes you'd even go drinking on fridays and play videogames on the arcade machines with Sam.
You seemed close to Sam.
Sebastian would be the type to cut anyone off without a second thought, anyone that isn't you.
As much of a loner as Sebastian already was, he gradually talked to Abigail less and less, and Sam... He stopped talking to him alltogether.
Sebastian would be the type to want to do awful things to someone he once called a close friend, all because of you.
He couldn't stand the sight of him anymore, which was a shame, because it seemed like the two of you spent more and more time together.
Sam obviously noticed his change of behavior, and so did you. Sam first tried talking to Sebastian about it, but a curt "I'm busy right now" and a dirty look from him made it clear that he wasn't quite as willing to talk.
When Sam saw Sebastian following you around town, he obviously went and told you about it. You seemed to react... A lot less scared than he expected you to?
"I'll talk to him about it. Don't worry." You told Sam, though he didn't think you talking to him would ease his worries any bit. He practically begged you to talk to tell the police, but you assured him you would take care of it. Sam eventually gave in, albeit reluctantly.
You visited Sebastian like you usually would, acting completely normal as if you never found out he had been stalking to you. If you didn't bring the topic up, then he would've never known that you knew, but you did exactly that.
You confronted him about it.
In such a calm and casual way, Sebastian thought he was dreaming or hallucinating.
You explained that you knew everything. You left out who told you and just said you caught on to it on your own, just to be safe.
You explained you had no problem with it. Sebastian didn't believe you at first. He was upset that you would lie to him.
But you assured him of your honesty. You truly didn't mind. Sebastian's eyes widened, now believing you.
He loved you before this an abnormal amount, but somehow, hearing this made him love you even more.
Sebastian would be the type to build a shrine to you.
He adored you. So much. He felt so grateful that you would accept even this... Intense side of him, so grateful that you treated him with so much love. So happy that you apparently liked him enough to ask him out.
Yes, despite him being head over heels for you, he was too shy to ask. Eventually he would, of course, but you made this so much easier for him.
And you, on the inside, didn't just tolerate his obsessive attention, but you were even pretty flattered about it. Not something you'd directly admit to him, of course.
Neighbors would urge you to not involve yourself with him, but you didn't listen.
Sebastian would be the type to only kill if he considered it necessary.
It wouldn't be out of guilt. Murder came with a lot of complications. Sebastian, being a calculated person that always thinks before he acts wouldn't give in to his violent urges. Except for when he had to, of course.
He just hoped there would be no need for it.
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clerc16 · 7 months
gorgeous lies
summary: is it a gorgeous lie, or is it just a dreadful truth?
pairing: charles leclerc x fem!reader
warnings: a little angst, open ending i guess? cursing, mentions of a rocky relationship
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Normally, you didn’t think about the concept of soulmates. It didn’t cross your mind. Until you met Charles; and that changed your whole perspective.
He was always there with you, for you; and you were always there for him. That’s just the way it was.
Relaxing days off were a necessity in your relationship. Calm days spent tangled between white, crisp bedsheets while small, sweet nothings were whispered and short stories were shared. Both of your lives seemed to stop once these days occurred - you were only thinking about each other while the world went on with their lives.
Honesty was very important, too. Both of your promises and words were always fulfilled. It was like an unspeakable vow; it was never really officiated but it was known.
Well, that’s what you thought anyway.
That’s what you thought, until the day you mistook Charles’ phone for yours. You tried unlocking it, but you realised that the Face ID didn’t recognise your face until it was too late.
“mate just tell her u should take a break. it’s better than to lead her on when u don’t even portray ur real feelings” read the text message. You didn’t even know who it was from - maybe Pierre, maybe Joris, maybe Arthur or Lorenzo - and frankly, you didn’t care.
You left as soon as you could. No explanation, no reasoning.
“my love, is everything ok? i’m here if u need me” Charles’ text said. You read it over so many times you memorised it. The fact he easily called you my love when he was unsure of his feelings. The way he easily made you believe him even when he didn’t believe himself.
The way you were so unbelievably attracted to him, like two opposite ends of a magnet, and all that just shattered.
Seconds turned into minutes, minutes turned into hours, hours turned into days. And Charles’ phone never got a notification that you responded.
Naturally, he came over to your house after two very long days. When you saw him on your doorstep, you wanted to slam the door in his face. But you didn’t. Instead, you ‘invite’ him in.
“Are you here to lie to me again?” You stammer. His eyebrows furrow as his eyes look deep into yours.
“Or are you here to tell me we should take a break?” You continue. His face contorts as he finally understands what you’re referring to.
“My love, it wasn’t what it looked like-” he begins, but you cut him off as you laugh.
“Don’t my love me right now. I’m not stupid. I’m not a child. Just... get it over with, Charles. Please, just go.” You respond, your voice cracking.
Hearing the evident pain in your voice as it cracked caused his heart to crack, too.
And without another word, he was gone. Forever? Possibly.
Days dragged on like years. Days were spent crying; out of sadness, out of guilt, out of regret. They blended into one another but each one of them stuck out, sharp as a pin.
The one day that stood out the most, though, was the final day of a devastating week. Friday.
A knock on your door caused you to groan as you forced yourself off the couch.
“Is this Ms... L/N?” The man at the door asked. You hummed shortly.
“I have a delivery for you,” he says with a small smile as he places a huge bouquet of your favourite flower on your front door. You thank him as you drag it inside.
You weren’t stupid. You knew it was Charles.
Attached to the flowers was a note. You sighed as you opened it and began reading.
I promise, none of this was a lie. Well, maybe some of it. But none of it was negative, I swear. It may seem like it was all a lie, but it wasn’t. Everytime I called you my love or told you I love you wasn’t a lie. None of it was. Please give me a chance to explain. I owe you an explanation, please let me do it.
I love you, I swear.
- Charles.”
You sigh once more as you fold up the note, the decision already clear in your mind.
thank you for reading! i hope this was worth it, please don’t be a ghost reader :)
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ruegarding · 2 months
in relation to the last post, the entire plotline is poorly executed.
annabeth's reaction to percy in tartarus is normal, like, not good, but normal. percy's not only challenging the laws of the world, he's indulging cruelty. being afraid is a normal reaction to have. despite that, it's still a conflict that needs to be resolved...and it's not.
immediately afterwards it's like ok back to normal! the jagged edges of percy's soul smooth over and annabeth is back to business (which immediately begets the question: why did rick write that then? which is never answered. the point? missing*). like, the actual issue isn't even addressed. before turning the poison onto akhlys, percy is being tortured w it (and nothing annabeth tries stops it). percy isn't doing this bc it's fun and exciting. he's doing this bc he was feeling so angry, so hurt, so scared, so traumatized that he resorted to hurting someone to make himself feel better. this is literally never addressed.
even in boo, annabeth's arc isn't abt learning to not be afraid or to trust percy again, it's to allow herself to be afraid. w piper. away from percy. and she never confronts percy directly, she never reconciles her fear w percy, they never address how this changes their relationship. also piper is there bc annabeth is so freaked out by percy that now piper is freaked out by percy. which is. a separate issue that is only an issue bc once again it never gets resolved.
and then w percy obviously he has his suicide attempt. like, he thought what he did in tartarus was so unforgivable that he not only believed that he deserved to die, but deserved to die slowly and painfully from something that he could easily prevent. like. that's the thing. percy's powers come easily to him. do u know how low he would have to be to not even subconsciously try to save himself? and the only response is a "i think i get it" from someone who's perspective does not properly convey the severity of the situation (ppl read this scene without even realizing it's a suicide attempt). once again, percy and annabeth do not confront this conflict together. percy tries to kill himself and the narrative is like...anyway.
if rick didn't know how to handle this, or even if he just didn't want to write it, he didn't have to write it. any of it.
but it's not that rick doesn't know how to handle this situation bc he writes the same thing in boo and handles it a million times better. nico and reyna have a very similar situation to percy and annabeth and the inclusion of both of these scenes and the difference in how they're handled ends up vilifying annabeth in the narrative.
reyna and nico have known each other for less time. they have built up less trust. and yet. when nico challenges the laws of the world and indulges cruelty in a way that reminds reyna of her extremely traumatizing backstory, she comforts nico. she doesn't treat him like he's dangerous. hedge tells him "we all get angry" and reyna vehemently agrees. nico is given explicit support even before he can start spiraling. and when nico is told to not use that power, it's bc of how it affected him, not how it made them feel, not that it's unnatural.
this shows that there was a correct answer. annabeth didn't have it, and suddenly her "normal" reaction looks bad in comparison. but instead of addressing this in any meaningful capacity, we're going to ignore it and send p*rcabeth to college. #relationshipgoals.
it's such a narrative failure. and rick could've just. not written it.
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kathaynesart · 1 year
What do you take from the Rise movie’s “This isn’t about me,” message? *It’d be interesting to see this become a Tumblr thread cause I’d love to see what others think too.
That's... an important line to decipher. Deep enough to mean so many things but vague enough to be easily taken out of context. I have a lot to say about it, but I'll keep it under the cut to save others the trouble.
TLDR: Future Leo's a dum dum hypocrite
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I think... when Leo used the line in the future timeline. He was trying to remind Casey of the harsh reality that they existed in. That this was a world where they sometimes had to set aside their personal wants for the greater good. It's for that reason that Leo was able to ask Mikey to do the unthinkable and sacrifice himself in turn.
What I find fascinating about the movie, is that it both supports and counters this message. It tries to find that healthy middle ground, between present Leo's narcissistic attitude in the beginning and the downright sacrifice he's willing to make by the end. Because him sacrificing himself was NOT the happy ending. And while we get that "ending" for only a moment. We can see that method doesn't feel right either.
In that way, I don't think "it's not about me" isn't actually the "message" of the movie as some might assume at first glance. Merely a gentle reminder to check yourself before you wreck yourself. Because technically, yes, "it's not about me" does apply to many aspects of life. We can get so caught up in our own worries and concerns and perspectives and it just... muddles reality in a way. We need to see how our actions and words affect others and understand that there's so much more out there than our own little bubbles. But we also should understand our own worth within the big tapestry of life and be willing to fight for the things that matter to us.
That's why I think the actual message of the story isn't "it's not about me." It's about balance. It's about the knowing look Leo and Raph share in the end and the fact that Mikey was able to achieve the true, best ending with his brother's help to save Leo, because they know that the world may mean more in the long run, but they mean the world to each other, and I think it's really important to understand.
But that's just my long-winded opinion on the subject and there’s plenty of other interpretations I think I can totally get behind as well. It will be an element within Replica but let's also remember that Future Leo is kind of hypocrite with this line. He's says "It's not about me" but that's coming from someone who the entire resistance has centered around as its leader. He's probably a little tired of the idolization by now and does not like the idea that he's somehow more important than others. I think that's where that line really stems from for Leo. It's obvious that Casey isn't just talking about his importance as a leader, but Leo with the same line is asking him to set those feelings aside even if he is one of the most important people in Casey's life.
And then Leo turns around and throws one of the most important people in his life through the portal. A damn hypocrite (/positive)
EDIT: I was sort of ending it on a silly note but @dandylovesturtles added such a great point that I haven’t been able to put into words but feel in my heart when it comes to future Leo and definitely something I want to show with the healing process he’s been going through in Replica: and that’s the “not all about you” sometimes just means that bad things happen but you can’t just blame yourself for it, and it’s not some cosmic attack for your mistakes. The world did not come to an end because of Leo’s mistake, even if he might have once felt like that. What’s more it means you can’t put the whole world on your shoulder or always try to fix things on your own like how Leo tried to after Raph’s capture. It’s ok to seek the aid and support and ideas of others your trust. It really lines up so well with a lot of the events in the film.
Thank you @dandylovesturtles and everyone else’s amazing comments! I want to hear all of them and take notes.
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taurussbabe · 1 year
You are in love
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pairing: mason mount x fem! about... Taylor inspired fic. a/n: i'm actually proud of this one! i tried to show anxiety the way i feel it, so sorry if it offends anyone 🫶 TW: anxiety, panic attacks word count: 1.8k
Small talk, he drives
Coffee at midnight.
You turn around once again, cursing at yourself for not being able to fall asleep, looking at the clock, realising it was only midnight. You try not to move too much, considering mason is right by your side fast asleep by now. You stare at the ceiling one more time before getting out of bed slowly. You lean against the kitchen island, silently drinking your glass of water before walking to the couch, wrapping yourself in a blanket and turning on the tv. You took the sound off almost completely before putting on your favourite episode of friends.
On the other side of the house, mason had woken up and searched for you in bed, when he couldn’t find you, he made his way to the living room, spotting you all curled up on one end of the couch, giggling at some silly remark one of the characters had made.
“Can’t sleep, love?” you looked in his direction, turning off the tv as he made his way to you.
“I’m sorry, did I wake you up?”
“Nope, I just couldn’t sleep without you. Are you ok?” he sat down next to you, enveloping you in his embrace, kissing the top of your head.
“Yeah, just the usual” mason is aware of how your anxiety sometimes took the best of you, but he always found a way to deal with it.
“You have a beautiful mind, you know? I love how your mind works” you looked up at him sceptical by his words “I do! I love it because it’s part of you, and I love every part of you. You’re perfect y/n, I mean it, I could spend 24/7 talking to you, because you always make me smile and always make me feel safe, so I want you to tell me when it gets too much in your head, that way you can share it with me, and I’ll help you feeling safe”.
“Mason, that’s really sweet, but if I can’t do that. If I do that, instead of being just me with problems, it’ll be the two of us with problems and I can’t bear to think that it was me who made you feel that way”.
“What if, instead of both of us feeling bad, you tell me what happened and I’ll help you seeing things clearer, I mean, you always say that when you share things with other people it helps you see from different perspective, that way, we’re both feeling good. Ok? Can we try that?” your only reaction was nodding softly and pushing yourself impossibly closer to him. “C’mon let’s go”.
He got up and grabbed the car keys “Where?”
“Starbuck’s. I know how to make you feel better” you smiled at him as he offered his hand for you to take.
Morning, his place
Burnt toast, Sunday
You keep his shirt.
He keeps his word.
Mason woke up first, the sun creeping through the curtains. He ran his hand through his hair before opening his eyes, only to see you still fast asleep, hair sprawled and cheek pressed against the pillow. He moved closer to you and brushed a strand of hair behind your ear. The only sound in the room being your slow and deep breathing. He took this moment to take you in, how you had a tiny little mole just above your eyebrow and how your lips were slightly parted, memories of the night before came back to him which made him appreciate this moment even more. Now, you were peaceful, zero concerns on your mind. He kissed your cheek gently and got up quietly.
You opened your eyes, only to realise mason wasn’t there. After your talk, last night, you managed to get some sleep, mason holding you the whole time.
You got out of bed to find mason dancing to a song while cooking breakfast. You leaned on the doorway, just enjoying the sight in front of you, but then he finally looked up, causing you to step out of your little trance. “Cooking?” you asked him, and he nodded, pointing at the eggs he was making.
“You look good in that shirt” you looked down to see one of mason’s old shirts, the one you usually slept with.
“It’s yours”
“I know” he pulled you for a kiss, and what started as a soft and loving kiss, quickly turned into something more heated, more passionate, causing him to groan during the kiss.
“Don’t you smell something? Mase, I think something’s burning”.
“Oh my god, the toasts” you laughed as he pulled them out of the oven, more burnet than the usual, but still eatable. “You distracted me”.
“I distracted you? You were the one who kissed me” you pointed your finger at him, supporting your argument.
“Well, I’m sorry if you look extremely hot in my shirt”.
You kiss on sidewalks
You fight, and you talk.
You were walking side by side when he suddenly pulled at your hand, stopping you in your track. “What’s up?”
“You are looking very kissable right now” you almost laughed at his comment if it wasn’t for his serious face.
“Then do something about it, mase” and he did, he kissed you softly, one hand on your waist, the other on your cheek.
You continue your walk until you got home and saw some pictures of the pair of you kissing earlier, you know you shouldn’t, yet you couldn’t help but to go through the comments. Most of them said nice things, but there was also some who called you nasty things, saying you were only with him for money or fame or some more awful things about yourself that you knew weren’t true, yet your anxiety took the best of you again, causing you to doubt everything.
Mason walked in the room in the middle of your breakdown, he immediately noticed there was something wrong with you. “Love, are you okay”.
You couldn’t help but to shed a few tears. Mason knelt down so he was at your level, both of his hands on your knees, begging you to look at him and focus on his voice, but your mind was already over reacting, thinking of a thousand different possibilities. “Please, tell me what happened, y/n.”
“I want to break up” it wasn’t true, you really didn’t, but at the time it felt like the easiest solution to your problem. You couldn’t think straight, you mind had a million thoughts on it, your heart beating way too fast, you couldn’t control your breathing anymore, it was becoming too much.
“What? Why?” his eyes now teary eyes were looking into yours “Y/n, talk to me, please.”
“I can’t, I can’t, we have to break up”.
After that, the only sound in the room were both of your sobs, you watched as mason breathed in and out a few times before speaking.
“Listen, we both need some time, ok? Let’s do something, I’m gonna go for a walk and you’ll be here, then we’ll talk, and I promise if you still want to break up, we’ll break up, but promise me you’ll be here when I come back.” You only had it in yourself to nod but this time he needed more reassurance “Promise y/n” he said, he’s voice breaking.
“I promise”
With that he got up, pressing a kiss to your temple and leaving. You didn’t know what to do, you didn’t want to break up and there were only a few negative comments, you knew not everyone is going to like you, it’s impossible to please everyone.
Hours passed by and mason was still not home, it was dark and night by now, you were getting concerned and about to text him when you heard the door and saw mason walk in
“Can we talk?” he asked, his eyes were puffy and his nose red, you could he had been crying and I it killed you to know you were the one to cause him that pain. “I’m sorry y/n, I don’t know what I did but I must have done something to upset you, so I’m sorry” how could he think he did something wrong, and could you stand there, listening to him blame himself for everything and not say anything, that was your breaking point.
“Mason, stop” you don’t know where you found the strength to be able to control yourself but seeing him that miserable made your heart drop and you couldn’t take it anymore “it’s not your fault, it’s mine. Someone took pictures of us kissing earlier and I saw some comments and you know my head, I started to overthink, and I couldn’t stop. Last night, you told me to share things with you, I’m trying, I really am, I promise. I was wrong, I don’t want to break up, that’s the last thing I want, but I understand if you want to because of what I did to you today, but I need you to know, it’s not your fault, you’re perfect, the best thing I could ever ask for and yet, I still go ahead and ruin it. I’m sorry”
He stood there for a couple seconds, just staring at you before moving closer to you and enveloping you in his arms. You broke down at the gesture while he whispered soft things to you, brushing your hair in the meantime.
“I love you, okay? I’m not gonna leave just because you had a panic attack, I love all of you” He pulled you closer and kissed you softly “We’re good, and we’re always gonna be good”.
“I’m sorry, I really am mas-”
“Hey, stop apologizing, we’re okay, I love you”.
“I love you too” you don’t know how long you stayed like that before he pulled you to bed.
He took your shirt off carefully and kissed all the way from your lips to your neck, making you moan in response. That night, he showed you just how much he loved you and cared for you.
One night he wakes
Strange look on his face
Pauses, then says
You're my best friend
And you knew what it was
He is in love.
You woke up once again, in the middle of the night, but this time it wasn’t your anxiety, no, this time it was mason, he was tracing weird shapes on the skin of your arm.
“Shit, did I wake you up?”
“I don’t mind being woken up by you” he smiled at you before his features changed, you couldn’t quite place what was this new expression, but he opened his mouth before you could ask.
“You’re my best friend, you know that?”
“I though your best friends was dec” you laughed, and it made him chuckle as well.
“Yeah, well, you’re like a more special best friend. I love you”.
“I love you too, mase” he pulled you closer, so your head was on the crook of his neck, allowing you to kiss that skin.
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wanderlust-in-my-soul · 8 months
Oh this is going to hurt... a lot.
I should be worried if the first thing I do after an episode isn't open Photoshop. Normally, I would now recall the best scenes of the series and decide on a set… But not today, even though I have the time. I once wrote that when a series can no longer catch me, you can tell by the fact that I stop making gifs… Okay, sometimes I just don't have the time. But today… I wouldn't even know which scene to choose, because there was nothing that got me, nothing that excited me and nothing that I felt emotional connected to. Instead, I have a lot of thoughts in my head that all want to get out somehow.
After the over-emotionalization of the last episode, I had actually already given up on Last Twilight. And that really hurts to admit. I loved the series from the very first second and I just thought it was so good! The problem for me was that they tried to just touch the audience's tear triggers, their emotions, all of them. And they forgot that too much of a good thing is simply not good. For me, episode 11 was right on the edge of what was bearable and I still don't think Day did the "right" thing. You're allowed to argue in a relationship and hold different opinions and then talk about why you hold a certain point of view, for example. If the other person can't deal with it, if you can't find a compromise, then you have to take the consequences, yes. But that wasn't even done here.
Day insinuated that Mhok pitied him, didn't listen to Mhok's side and today we learn that Mhok really only felt pity? Really? And that he is happy Day broke up with him so he could grow? Really? That is so fucking stupid. Day has problems with pity, that's understood and ok, but it's also ok for Mhok to make his own priorities in life and decide for himself not to want to leave, but to stay with the person he loves. But Day took that decision away from him. They could have talked about it. Different perspectives can also make a big difference. But no. Day pushes Mhok away and Mhok lies to Day… But back to tonight's episode. I was actually done with last week (yeah nope, I know). You can see that they tried to find a highly emotional ending that everyone seems to agree with and can cry into their handkerchiefs. The number of fuck yous I hurled at my laptop today shows me that the trick didn't work on me. It was all so over-emotionalized that it just felt fabricated and fake. And that's so sad, because the show felt so fucking real until episode 10. And now it was a weird cliché-ridden cringe-fest.
Honestly, if I had been dumped like Mhok and then ignored for three years, the time I spend thinking about that person would be really wasted. I'd be so fucking angry (probably not anymore after three years, I just wouldn't care). But Mhok immediately starts flirting. They pick up where they left off, but there's three years and thousands of kilometers between them. Unrealistic for me. And then Mhok just carries on, whispering to Day about what's happening and what's going on and just acting like his boyfriend again, holding his hand, helping him get dressed, showing him where everything is. I was a bit surprised that he didn't feed him. And Day is confused and just smiles. I think as a viewer I was the only person who was angry at the end. There were no bad emotions. Nothing. And that felt so fucking wrong!
And then comes the wedding and talk of second chances and of course Day says no because he's too scared someone will take pity on him. Yeah, fuck man, shit happens. and Mhok can't or won't give up. An emotional chase begins and the bride and groom leave their own wedding for the two of them and I lost faith in everything. And of course the plane is gone and of course they're all checked in because the passport was scanned and of course Mhok turned around and went back and of course he clued Night in and of course they end up doing the same dance they did back then and of course the family watches them get back together. And of course the series ends with a bunch of sugary sweet scenes from "call me mom" to sunset and let's repeat this most beautiful and heartbreaking moment from the past epsiode without any emotional impact. It was so predictable and so, I'm sorry, so bad. I'm so angry! And of course he gets his sight back. After all, what kind of a message would it be if Day remained blind? Is that possible? That a blind protagonist can find happiness and love and lead a successful life? No, it's not possible. He has to be able to see again. He has to become normal again in order to lead a normal life. What a shitty message! Damn!
Sometimes less really is more. Not everything has to be perfect and normal. At least that's the lesson I thought I should learn from this series.
If anyone has any gif requests, my inbox is open, but I don't think I'll be making any on my own. At least not today and not with this anger in my stomach.
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Ok. I have an opinion. It is a very unpopular opinion. I am afraid of getting hate for this opinion. If you disagree with this opinion, please just scroll by or block me.
Here goes.
I think that it is impossible to compare the House of the Dragon characters to the Fire and Blood characters, because we can never really know the Fire and Blood characters. Let me explain.
Thanks to the nature of the Dance, the telling of it in Fire and Blood relies on two sources: Mushroom and Septon Eustace. Both are heavily biased and oftentimes tell wildly different versions of the same event. We know the basics of what happened, but thanks to their narration there’s so much we’ll never know. While Show!Lucerys’ death was definitely an accident, we can never truly know if Book!Lucerys’ was as well. What exactly started the rift between Alicent and Rhaenyra? We’ll never know. This, of course, leads to wildly different interpretations among fans.
This is why I say that we can never know the true Fire and Blood characters, because the book itself won’t let us know if our interpretations are correct or not. Here’s an example: in the book, Alicent may or may not have said “mayhaps the whore will die in childbirth” about Rhaenyra. Now imagine you have Person A and Person B. Person A wholeheartedly believes that Alicent said that, while Person B believes that she never would. Because of these perspectives, Person A thinks that Alicent became cold to Rhaenyra once Aegon was born, and that she is to blame for that relationship falling apart. Person B, on the other hand, thinks that Daemon turned Rhaenyra against Alicent, or that Rhaenyra herself grew cold once Alicent kept having sons. Person A thinks that Alicent said “bastard blood shed at war” out of pure spite; Person B thinks she said it after being devastated by the loss of her children and granchildren. Needless to say, Person A and Person B have very different takes about who Book!Alicent is. So when they turn on House of the Dragon, Person A thinks that Alicent’s character has been completely bastardized, that the writers are terrible at their job because they took someone who was clearly a stone-cold villain and tried to make her sympathetic. Person B disagrees; they think Alicent was done well. Where Person B thinks the writers are terrible, however, is that they’ve made Rhaenyra, an entitled monster in the book, into a sympathetic character.
The question is, of course, who is right? Have the writers bastardized Alicent or Rhaenyra?
The answer is that there’s no answer. The question of who has been ruined depends entirely on what parts of Fire and Blood you take as canon and which parts you take as being made up. Who do you think is more reliable, Mushroom or Septon Eustace? In fact, is any of this true? Is anything that has been written down in The Princess and The Queen remotely close to how any of this happened, or is it just bullshit propaganda meant to convince the people of Westeros that the Targaryens are the Best and Most Powerful™️ people ever? There’s only one person who knows what really went down, and somehow I don’t think he’s itching to release Fire and Blood: How it really went down.
This is not me saying that the show writers are perfect or infallible or that I agree with every choice they’ve ever made: I’ve disagreed with and side-eyed a couple. But I do think they get way too much hate for trying to adapt a novel that seems pretty difficult to adapt to me. Because their job is to create an objective version of a deeply subjective story, they’re going to piss someone off no matter what they do. Alicent, Daemon, Rhaenyra and Aegon are always going to be seen as white-washed or villainized to some corner of the fandom, because no one agrees on who these characters actually are.
So anyways that was my rant, I hope you all enjoyed it.
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dandylovesturtles · 8 months
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@theplacewhereidumpmyinterests I can't talk about most of them because they're part of an AU verse I want to keep secret until I have the first fic that's part of it written, and idk when that will be (by summer?? HOPEFULLY??), but I guess I can talk about the other one because idk if/when I will write a fic for him (I'd like to but like I am only human)
"more AUs Dandy?" LISTEN all I do is sit around and think about "what if"s, okay?
ok so this started as me being like, hm, we see Lou Jitsu with a rotating door of women, so many he doesn't seem to remember all their names, so it's not totally out there to think he might have gotten one of them pregnant, right?
and thus Marcus (middle name Kyle) was born! literally!
so the story for this is, Lou Jitsu had a fling with a woman in the early 90s, pre-Big Mama. they were both in agreement that the whole thing was casual and it didn't last very long, but oopsie-daisy about six weeks after their last night together she finds out she's pregnant.
she debates what to do for a bit, because, as established, Lou Jitsu is kinda a fuckboi and she doesn't really want a relationship with him. But once she decides she's definitely keeping the baby she feels like she can't just not tell him, right? so she tries!
...unfortunately he's dating Big Mama by that point and she interferes to make sure that Lou Jitsu never meets with the woman and never finds out, because she knows this would get in the way of her plans.
she takes never hearing back from LJ as a sign he just isn't interested in the kid and resolves to single-motherhood. which she is the best at, btw.
she's still considering trying to introduce Marcus to his dad at some point, but unfortunately her kid isn't even 5 before Lou Jitsu suddenly goes missing, with his teary fiancée telling a sob story to the cops. assuming, same as everyone else, that he's dead, she lets the whole thing go, though she does tell Marcus who his dad is once he's old enough to understand everything.
Marcus goes through periods of being obsessed with Lou Jitsu, watching all his movies and consuming every piece of media about him that he can find, and periods where he can't stand to even hear the name. it's up and down. from his perspective, LJ abandoned him and his mom, but he's also dead, so it's not like he can have closure on this ever, right? so it's just a thing he has to deal with on his own.
but he's fine! he's alright. he gets through high school, then college, then accepted into vet school just fine.
then... his mom gets sick and dies.
yeah, that's a hard blow.
but he's alright! he has a few buddies from college he still sees now and then, and he's started his zoo vet residency at the Bronx Zoo (with a particularly special interest in reptiles), so lots of new people to meet that way! he's doing great! he's not lonely at all!
(a few months ago, he was suddenly woken up by a surge of something, like dozens of voices were crying out to him for help, tugging him toward something, saying his family needs him...
yeah, no idea what that was about. he doesn't have any family anymore.)
then the sky opens up and aliens come out.
Marcus is at work, because of course aliens would attack at the beginning of his shift. he spends the day ushering survivors into safe zones within the zoo, using his medical knowledge to handle first aid, and just trying to stay sane as the whole world turns upside down.
and then just as suddenly as it all started... it stops.
in the aftermath, everyone around him is just trying to get home, desperately calling their loved ones and praying for the best. Marcus starts trying to figure out how he's going to get home, because the trains definitely aren't running, and as he looks as his phone for a spark of inspiration, he realizes... no one has tried to call him. his coworkers' phones have been going off all day, whenever they can get signal, as loved ones try to reach them, but... he doesn't have anyone trying to reach him. and as he sits there he realizes he doesn't know who he should be calling, either.
so. that's pretty depressing.
and as he's sitting there, thinking about his life and what led him here, in a now empty vet clinic outside the bronx zoo... he hears a noise. and then, voices.
ah great. looters.
at first, Marcus tries to call 911 - but obviously the call center is swamped. so he decides to take care of the problem himself, going to see who's there and get rid of them...
wait, who is he kidding? he's definitely not paid enough to confront potentially armed looters! he's going to get out of here.
but just as he starts to leave, he hears the voices again - coming from one of the surgery rooms this time. and they're talking about IVs... scalpels... anesthesia...
suddenly he realizes that these aren't looters - they're here to try and treat somebody.
and like hell is he going to let some idiot kill someone trying to do DIY surgery.
so he turns back around and bursts into the room... on two humans, a rat that counts as giant even for New York, and four very big, very injured turtles.
one of whom immediately points a gun in his face. to be fair, that's what he thought would happen.
"Donnie!" yells the biggest one, and, oh, they can talk. huh.
"Relax, it's just a tranquilizer!"
"Donatello!" that's the rat. there's a sound like a whip cracking and the one with the gun makes a startled noise and drops it.
now the rat is in front of him. he's looking up at Marcus imploringly. "Do you work here?" he asks.
"Y-yeah. I'm a vet."
the rat bows very politely. "my sons are seriously hurt, and I don't have the supplies to help them at home. I understand it is a lot to ask, but... we must use your supplies. please, if you could just look the other way."
Marcus looks around at the turtles, especially the one on the table, the one worst off. he looks mangled. he won't live long if he isn't properly treated.
a rat, two humans who look like teenagers, and the turtles. who the rat called "sons". now that he's noticing, they're all pretty short, other than the big one. are they also teenagers?
"...Are any of you doctors?" he asks. the littlest one starts to raise a hand, but the girl grabs it and forces it back down.
everyone else has left by now. he's the only doctor here.
alright. guess he's doing this.
"...okay, everyone make some room. let me get sterilized, and I'll see what we're working with here."
and that's how the son Lou Jitsu didn't know he had becomes primary care doctor to his teenage mutant ninja half-brothers. ^^
(and then a bunch of other stuff happens)
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jerzwriter · 9 months
New Perspective
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My entry for @choicesjanuary2024 Day Two: Reflection, Resolutions, Writing a letter to future self, reflecting on aspirations for the year(s) ahead.
Book: Open Heart (Post Series) Pairing: Tobias x Casey Carrick (MC) Featuring: Jackie Varma, Bryce Lahela, SIenna Trinh, Elijah Greene Category: Fluff with a dash of angst Rating: Teen Words: 1,200 Summary: It's New Year's Eve, and the friends stop by Tobias & Casey's before heading out for the night. Once they leave, Casey struggles to say goodbye to her old life as she looks forward to the new. A/N: This story takes place on New Year's Eve 2022 (into 2023). roughly a year and a half after the end of Book 3. It's a month and a half after Tobias & Casey were married.
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It was only seven thirty on New Year’s Eve, but the festive mood at Casey & Tobias’s townhome would lead most to believe midnight was moments away. Festively dressed friends bedecked in sequins and satin filled the room as their chatter and laughter filled the air. The drinks were flowing, at least for some.
“Lahela, hand that bottle of Azul back to me before I’m forced to break your hand and your surgical career.”
Bryce smirked mischievously as he toyed with the ornate blue and white bottle, pretending to drop it, which almost put Jackie into cardiac arrest.
“What the hell are you doing!” She hollered. “Don’t you dare spill that!”
Sipping a large glass of Moscato with a giggle, Sienna was amused. “Jackie, no need to worry. I’m sure you’ll have plenty of tequila at Donahue’s later.”
“Yeah, but not this tequila! Do you have any idea how much this shit costs?”
“Why do you think she came here at all,” Casey teased. “It’s strictly for the expensive booze. Free expensive booze."
“Damn right!” Jackie confirmed, to the amusement of her hosts. 
Tobias was sprawled out on an oversized chair in a slightly removed corner of the room, his new wife happily seated upon his lap. While the others looked like they could step onto the pages of Vogue, Tobias and Casey were more suited for the holiday edition of Good Housekeeping. While Casey swirled sparkling cider around in her red plastic cup, Tobias lifted his crystal tumbler and motioned Jackie’s way.
“Think you could pass that down here when you’re done?” He asked
“I’ll be done when it's empty,” she replied, playfully kissing the bottle. “I’m sorry, money bags, but you’re sitting over there all happy with the love of your life. I’ll be damned if I let you separate me from mine!”
“I’d let it go,” Elijah laughed. “I think she may go feral if you try to pry that bottle from her hands.”
“That’s OK,” Tobias shrugged. “I'd rather have a beer anyway.”
Casey downed the last of her cider just before he stood up.
“Want a refill, sweetheart?”
Casey frowned and glumly stared into her cup. “More apple juice. Yey!”
“What are you doing with that Solo cup while the rest of us have the fancy crystal, anyway?” Jackie chastised. “You need to up your game, MacTavish...uh, Carrick.”
But Casey just shrugged as she settled back into the fluffy chair. “If I’m drinking juice on New Year’s Eve, I might use a sippy cup.”
She tried to play it off as a joke, but the tone of her voice had Sienna’s brows knitting in concern. Her eyes met Tobias’s, and he offered a half-smile and an affect that let her know he had it under control. Twenty minutes later, he ushered the semi-buzzed friends out the door. They were off to a night of revelry, but the newlyweds had different plans. Stepping in from the foyer, he placed another log on the fire before heading to Casey. He wrapped his arm around her, and she snuggled into his chest, her hand clasping his old Hopkins sweatshirt.
“What’s the matter, princess?” he asked sincerely. “You haven’t been yourself tonight... wanna talk about it.”
“No,” she answered at once, then had an immediate change of heart. “Yes. I mean... no.”
“OK,” Tobias chuckled. Turning to look at her directly, he continued. "Now, I’m not giving you a choice. What’s up, baby?”
“It’s just...” she tossed her hands in exasperation, then sat back with a sigh. “It’s just that it’s New Year’s Eve, and look it me? I’m wearing sweats that I normally wouldn’t answer the door in, you’re in that ratty old sweatshirt, and I’m practically drinking a juice box.”
“Hey!” He said defensively, “You always liked this sweatshirt.”
Grateful for the levity, Casey smiled, and her mood lightened a bit.
“Forgive me. Your big ol’ pregnant wife is hormonal and moody. In other words, it’s a day that ends in -y.”
“Hey, stop talking shit about my wife,” he said, pulling her closer. “I won’t have that from anyone, not even you.”
Lovingly caressing her hair, he started to think of solutions. “Do you want to join them at Donahues?” he asked. “We’re not exactly banished.”
She shook her head no. “It’ll be packed, not exactly conducive for a pregnant chick. The roads are too dangerous tonight, and, besides, last year, there were so many amateur drunks. If I end up puking, I don’t want any competition.”
“OK, but we could pick up the mood around here if you want. I thought we were going to get dressed up. Break out the good china? Then you told me to stay in my sweats.”
“Yeah,” she groaned. “That's because I didn’t fit into the dress I bought.”  Rubbing her swollen belly, she looked up dolefully. “Our baby’s little growth spurt made it clear they wanted mommy to be comfy, not sexy, tonight.”
“Oh, well, the baby better up their game then because mommy is sexy-as-hell. Nothing they can do to change that.”
She gave a little laugh and took his hand in hers. “I’ll be fine. It’s just that life has changed so much. Last year at this time, the two of us were out painting the damn town red, and now...I don’t know.”
“Well, our little one here was a surprise,” he said while playing with the band on her ring finger. “And I’m sure you weren’t planning on being saddled down with me this soon.”
“Stop!” Casey said playfully hitting his arm. “You know I love being your wife. I love you... and I can’t wait for our baby to arrive. It’s just...” her voice trailed, “I feel like no matter what I say, I'm going to sound ungrateful, and I’m not.”
“Casey, our lives have changed a lot in a short period of time. It’s OK to miss what’s gone, but that doesn’t mean you’re unhappy with where you are. I feel that way sometimes, too.”
“You do?” She asked, annoyed.
“Yeah, I’m allowed, too.”
“I suppose, but in fairness, you got to have a lot more debaucherous New Year’s than me, old man! And besides, I’m the human incubator, not you.”
With a beguiling smile, he held her hand tighter, lovingly placing the other atop her bump. “I appreciate you being the human incubator more than you’ll ever know. So much that I’m going to let that old man comment pass, and I’m still going to spoil the shit out of you tonight.”
“You will,” she said with a genuine smile this time.
“Of course. I made your favorite steak burritos, and I even got you cannolis from Bova’s.”
The fireplace crackled, its dim light casing a romantic glow as she reached over and kissed his ear. “I was thinking there are some other ways you could spoil me, too.”
She didn’t have to see his face to know he was grinning. “Now you’re talking my language. But you still have to eat first. Want to rest here while I finish dinner?”
“Sounds good.”
With a quick hug and peck on her forehead, Tobias was off to the kitchen, and Casey had an idea. She went down the hall to the den, pulled out a sheet of paper, and began to write.
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When Tobias returned with a tray of food in his hand, to his delight, he found his wife was in a completely different state of mind. He kissed her forehead with a smile.
"You look better, was it the thought of my steak burritos, or...," he wiggled his brow. "Is it thought of my burrito after that did the trick?"
"It's you," she laughed, pulling him close for a kiss. "It's you... and me. Honestly, this New Year's Eve is probably one of the best ones I'll ever have."
With a relieved breath, he kissed her once more, joy on his face when it ended.
"Well, I know it's the best one of mine," he smiled. "Because I have all I need."
@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
Tagging others separately.
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sizebrained · 3 months
Unstuck Together: Hazel's Perspective Part 7
Hazel coaches Ben through a sensitive maneuver and gets to know him a little more. Content Warning: Adult themes and language. Mentions of fear, death, danger, terror, therapy, injury, and first meetings. Some touching of sensitive bits, nudity and body talk.
"No dear boy, not a hospital for little people. A hospital for humans, during the war. And if your immensity compared to mine was not enough of an indication, I am not human." Hazel explained up at him as while he rifled through a junk drawer in the kitchen.
It was the only full drawer he had, and it had scissors. He brought them over sitting back down on his stool while he talked, "War? Which one?"
He asked genuinely curious wondering how she got all the way over here from the Middle East, assuming she meant something recent. "You call it World War Two, it was back home in England." She said shuffling again testing the glue trap.
She was pleased that it was starting to give and she could actually lift her arms up a little more, a gap forming between her skin and clothing. "World War Two? That would make you super old." Ben said with a laugh and looking over the tiny scissors in his hand.
He could barely fit a finger and thumb in the plastic handle.
"Yes it would and yes I am. It is 2024 is it not? I just turned 224 this year. I think. I would need my diary to check." She said looking up at Ben to see him staring at her in disbelief. "You're a 224?!" He said shocked and bringing his face a little closer to look her over again. "No way..." She could feel his breath wafting over her again, thankfully from his nose this time which did not smell of popcorn.
She was starting to get really hungry now that her body didn't think she was going to stop existing.
"Well sorry to disappoint. How old are you?" She asked genuinely curious to see how good she was at guessing human ages. "I'm 20." Ben replied.
"I'm not...disappointed you're that old or anything, it's just I've never met anyone that old or you know so small. With a tail..."
Good lord, Hazel thought. He's a child...the biggest child in the world.
"Well you are, by far, the largest human I have ever met so I suppose that makes us even. I am guessing you are asked this quite often, but just how tall are you?" She said tilting her head a bit at him, her curiosity getting the better of her again. For once, the question didn't actually bother him given the circumstances.
"Well I'm like 6'11"? But it's easier to say just under 7 feet instead of so many numbers. I play basketball, well I used to anyway..." He added.
Oh my god…7 feet?! She thought. No wonder her body reacted the way it did to him. He was enormous. "And the condition of your leg is the source of used to play I take it?" She asked about his cast. "It sure is..." He said solemnly continuing, "I was in a...really bad car accident a little while ago now and my leg got crushed in the car. My friend..." He paused.
"My friend was driving me but he didn't make it." Ben could feel the tears threatening the corner of his eyes. Oh god the poor dear...Hazel thought "I am so sorry. It is never easy losing someone you care about. It is very hard. I know the feeling." Hazel offered. She was leaving out a lifetime of experiences in the blank spaces of her sentences. "That's why when...you know when I found you. In the closet I was just thinking...I was trapped you see in the car..." Ben started to explain before Hazel cut it off. "Shh. Tell me about it over some ice cream when I am out of here ok? Are you ready?" She asked him. Ben nodded and lowered the scissors towards her. His face came closer to see.
He could just barely pinch and pull up one pant leg, making a gap for the tip of the scissor between her leg and fabric. He was holding his breath again. Hazel tried to keep him just distracted enough from what he was doing so that she wasn't in danger. "Do you know any jokes?" She asked.
Without thinking he closed his thumb and finger cutting through only the fabric. Encouraged by his success, he continued with another slow deliberate cut of the pant leg upwards towards her waist. "Not really..." he said trying to focus before adding, "But you're really easy to talk to, maybe it's because you're a captive audience." He said finishing another small cut grinning to himself.
"You are a joker!" Hazel said smiling. It was working.
Ben shrugged finishing another cut. The pants were free.
He gulped realizing she was naked under there. Very delicately, he pinched her shirt and made his first cut. He hesitated.
"I fear all of my jokes are terribly dated now." She said up to him. "Try me." He smirked making another cut.
*** End Part 7
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surveillance-0011 · 6 months
Every HOL 2 + Comic prediction I have
Possible spoilers ahead. Some of these I'm very much convinced about, others are more general statements or spitballing/guesstimates.
In general:
We find out where the hell Lizzie and Kenny are
We see what remains of the G3+ more of how they've impacted space
Funny mission control in the form of Clug's kids + Gene. He was literally gonna blow us up to keep the house.
Maybe seeing Krimothy or Gene's nephew
More stuff abt Gene + whatever he's got going on, too
More Torgs maybe?
Bounty Hunter will probably remain a very self insert-y character and therefore be more of a blank slate while the Gatlians get center stage but we might get more on them... maybe something abt their parents
And. Lezduit. Did you fuck my mom Lezduit?
The Comic
Takes place pre-High on Knife
Follows (at least partially) the bounties that have been done pre DLC (the ones on the screen)
Gurgula plays more of a role or shows up as some sorta easter egg in the bg
Actually shows what's up with Creature
"Redemption" We are totally getting stuff about Kenny
and maybe similar themes with Harper? if the Task Force led to her doing some fucked up shit
And ofc who knows maybe. applies to creature lore. If not that then maybe the "lost love" in the blurb is referring to this... hm...
Though it's not following the G3 I'm going to assume we'll be seeing Merkaloids and other G3 grunts doing other odd jobs and the remnants of the Cartel + power struggles before it crumbles for good
Uh. Maybe bonus G3 chapter at the end? Or at least mentioning them + filling more in for sake of worldbuilding. maybe this is copium but i want moar... moar G3. please. waughh
Lez might come back late game once the parents get back from their road trip. Maybe he'd be used for a challenge mode/bonus gauntlet instead of the final boss.
If we don't see what's going on with Lizzie in the comics we'll certainly know by 2.
Maybe Gurgula got a hold of her or Gene or the BH's parents as a way to play on Garmantuous trying to hurt who the BH "loves most" but it's not a celebrity cameo this time
Either Kenny-Harper dual wielding or Kenny gets an upgrade that's not quite Lezduit level but makes him a more advanced gun.
Alternatively maybe the perspectives switch between BH and Lizzie? BH keeps their guns and there's chapters or otherwise ways to switch perspective to continue to the story with Lizzie, Kenny, and her own group of Gatliens. This would eventually lead to the two reuniting and being able to choose who to play as and what combo of Gatliens you like to complete the game. This is pretty ambitious and most likely too clunky but something like this could be on the table.
And if you don't get to play as them I do like the idea of Lizzie turning up ok with Kenny in tow
May or may not be accompanied by a joke w/ Kenny saying he's got a frog in his throat or some other meta commentary. Then again given the circumstances to why the change would be made this might be in poor taste. We will see.
I mean really after what she did to Tweeg if you follow that path then I'm sure she's gonna end up getting in on the bloodshed. Really thinking she'll fight along side you or maybe against you at some point if she gets brainwashed or something (maybe unlikely but as a splatoon fan I'm Used To This Happening by now)
And by now Gene's legs r probably gonna grow back or be just about enough to walk with?
Knifey keeps the chainsaw obviously. maybe another modification or two to switch out?
Flamethrower + Sniper Rifle Gatliens, sticky + smoke bomb trick hole or mechanism
Being able to meet + save more Gatlien survivors even if they aren't playable
Maybe a shooting range/training room to hone techniques
More standalone bounties while the Bounty Hunter tries to track down Gurgula on their own terms
Gurgula is from Australia III or IV or. yeah just another Australia. Maybe the original first Australia planet... hm...
More Australia in general
More Gurgula also :3c this is a given but I am very much excited 2 see him. I think unlike Garmantuous he's probably not going to try to check in on us or anything and it's more cat-and-mouse-y.
The game will probably be a bit more grim, esp when the focus is on Gurgula. Not too gritty, but certainly more in line with the secret ending and HOK's more morbid/scary moments.
that being said I need to see him lose his mind as he gradually gets totally tired of everyone else's bullshit and comes to the conclusion that he's in a game chock full of nerdy stoner comedy.
There will probably be a joke about/reference to CWC it'd be funny if Gurgula was actually super wowed by all of that. Not disgusted like actually just. wow. the depths of the human mind.
I've said it before but I am certainly thinking they may kill off Gene or Lizzie. Knowing how calculated and cutthroat Gurgs is I'm pretty sure he'll be targeting them eventually and even if he doesn't with some of the themes of redemption we've been seeing here I'm thinking we're gonna see some people we like go.
In general i hope the game does not shy away from more emotional moments and allows shit 2 get real grim. After being thrown for a total loop in the secret ending and the pretty well done bits of horror around the reveal of Mux in HOK i do hope we get some real gut wrenching bits where we see the real depths of depravity with Gurgula :3c and just knowing that. shit is fucked.
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annot8 · 5 months
Ok, here are something thoughts about Assassin’s Fate :)
I have mixed feelings. Overall, this was a wonderful book with a lovely and devastating ending. But there were some things that bothered me. (It’s still a 5 star book to me but I’m a nitpick)
Things that bothered me first.
There were a lot of characters in this book, and Fitz’s perspective was too limited for them to earn their place in the story.
Kennitsson bothered me the most. His could have been a story of him rejecting the legacy of his father and trying to make things right. There was hints of him trying to be his own man but his character was not explored enough for me to really care when he eventually sacrifices himself for Paragon.
A lot of the other Liveship characters suffered from this as well. It was so nice to see Althea, Brashen, Wintrow, Etta and Clef again, but after the initial excitement, it kind of became a sort of… now what? Paragon’s return was the only one that really felt impactful because he actually has a purpose in the story.
Out of the youngsters that join Fitz and Beloved, Spark and Per were fun characters but can someone please tell me what Lant’s purpose in this story was? Spark and Per are fun little reflection of baby Fitz (an assassin’s apprentice and a stableboy) and they both did stuff, but I feel like I spent this entire story waiting for Lant to do something!!! I like him as a character but why was he there????
The one other thing that bothered me was the fake out death from Fitz in the tunnel. My guy had already been shot by the worm dart. He was dying either way. If anything, I think it would have been way more impactful for him to get back to Buck with Bee - all the while Nighteyes is trying to tell him somethings wrong. Fitz, who acts delusional as if he’s getting paid to do so, dismisses the worries and think he’s won, all for him to finally accept it once he sees Bee safe again in Buckkeep. Idk, I just always hate an unnecessary death fakeouts.
But let’s stop being so negative because this book had so much good in it!!!!
Fitz encountering the Paragon was a moment I’ve been waiting for since Amber carved his face and it did not disappoint!! I too would threaten anyone who tried to take Amber from me - Paragon, you’re a real one.
Paragon in general was a joy. Him turning into a dragon was a real bittersweet moment (because it left Althea and Brashen without their ship and took away their escape route from Clerres) but if anyone deserved to choose his own fate, it was him. The revelation of what wizardwood is was so haunting in Liveships, and to see them reclaim their proper form was incredible.
Also, we know Mercor was Maulkin, and I’m a firm believer of the Heeby/Shreever theory (cause if I accept she never made it I will simply die :)), and to know that Tarman (who was improved with Sessurea’s corpse) maybe decided to become a dragon as well, therefore reuniting the three main serpents from liveships, makes me so unbelievably happy.
Moving away from the Liveship characters, god I love Bee. I love Bee much. What a gal. She is so like her mother and three fathers (her parentage is completely insane). I loved her relationship with Wolf Father - who was a better father than Fitz or the Fool, and he is a dead wolf :).
Had it not been for Vindeliar, she fully would have escaped on her own. Dwalia was no where near a match for my girl. She out here biting people and running away and being cryptic. What I loved most, was that she manages to overcome the one thing that has always gotten the best of fitz - she was able to let go of the past. She got the real vengeance against clerres and the servants by burning the scrolls. Without her, Fitz would not have reminded the dragon’s of what the servants did to them, and they never would have come to finish what she started. She is the character ever. The destroyer.
Beloved was a character Ihad complicated feelings about in this book. I need to make it very clear, I love him. I love this character with all my heart. However, there were times in this that I didn’t like him very much. I know that’s because we’re seeing him through fitz’s perceptive (and fitz does not like Amber) and because he has gone through so much, but it still made me a little sad. Obviously, he’s not gonna be his old self when he’s heading back to the place where he was imprisoned and tortured for twenty years, and I can’t blame him for that.
He still had some incredible lines and moments though, and I’ll always be a sucker for Fitzloved.
That brings us to Fitz. Jeez man. He is my favourite character of all time. There is no question about it. No one else even comes close. He acts admirably in this book, and I really feel like he had grown so much since being the loner who lived in a cottage in the forest. He wasn’t always the best father, but in this quest, he did his very best. I’m proud of him.
To me, he will always be that little boy :’)
This story was always going to end with him dying - if that’s how you wanna view him going into the wolf. Fitz is incapable of staying out of the world of Buckkeep politics. He can’t run from a fight, or from the crown, or from who he is. He was never going to be able to settle down and have a simple life - as much as he deserves one.
And of course, we had to have one frustrating piece of miscommunication between fitz and the fool.
‘He hasn’t offered to come into the wolf with me so I won’t ask him.’ vs ‘He hasn’t asked me to go into the wolf with him so i won’t offer to.’
God these guys will put me into an early grave. I adore them.
Bee literally had to shout at Beloved to stop being stupid, he obviously loves you!!!! God.
And that final line… Fitz, Beloved, and Nighteyes, joined as one, watching over Bee from the shadows. And Kettricken smiling knowingly.
I think the mountain kingdom will be a better place for Bee than Buckkeep. It’s nice to see a Farseer finale sort of escape that pull. And I would trust Kettricken with my life so I hope she’s up to the task.
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corneliaavenue-ao3 · 8 months
Hello @corneliaavenue-ao3 ❤️
I wanted to say that I was re-reading: god rest my soul, again. I honestly can say I lose track how many times I go back to that fic because I loved the way you wrote it. It’s truly my favorite Ginny Weasley fic that I’ve ever read!
The flow of the story is amazing it has this touch of poetry, with the way every sentence flows together. I find it hard to get lines that I enjoyed most because each time I try to do that I end up highlighting every line. So many beautiful lines, from beginning to the very end.
Here’s a few that stood out amongst the others for me:
The truth was that in the air, the Lord of the Sea could not reach her. Flight was when she finally became the Ginny Weasley she once remembered being before she was ever touched by him.
I LOVE THIS! The fact that Ginny loved flying wasn’t just because of Quidditch but also because she’s so far away from the evil man that possessed her when she was only eleven years old.
Of course she was unaware how devilish he was at first. Blinded by his charm, the sweetness of his promises. The promise of a friend.
This is so underrated, I feel as everyone forgot how lonely Ginny was during her first year at Hogwarts. I feel if the boys (her brothers) would’ve helped her then she wouldn’t have been possessed by the diary. Yet, that wasn’t the case and she fell into the trap of the diary.
When Ron was poisoned, they reacted swiftly, treating him with a bezoar. When she was poisoned, her brothers turned away from her even as she was foaming at the mouth.
Ok, I love my boy Ron, he’s literally my favorite Weasley but I hate that this is so true. Even though it was two entirely different circumstances, it shows how people neglected to see how Ginny was going through day by day. Makes me think, why didn’t any teacher know something was up? Her roommates, even the prefects for Gryffindor? It was like they pushed Ginny to the side because the boys (especially Ron) treated her as the annoying baby sister.
It didn't matter that she was just a child.
When she tried to fight back, he drug her down below the depths of the Black Lake to that Chamber, the final place where she was meant to lay.
This line sent chills down my spine, it’s so scary how all of this happened to an eleven year old Ginny. All throughout this fic and in the book, I kept asking myself how nobody noticed. For instance, did the Weasley Clock not work correctly? Was Ginny’s spoon also in a way possessed by the evil magic of Tom Riddle? I know the story (series) is told by Harry’s perspective but if you think about it without his pov, wouldn’t Molly have seen something amiss with the clock? She literally would have lost her only daughter and I can’t imagine how that would’ve gone for the Weasley family.
Even the hero that conquered him wasn't privy to the knowledge of Tom’s final resting place.
This line is great, like how Harry didn’t even want to know where the body of the most dangerous wizard would be at.
"Dear Tom" she would start each letter, but never make it further than that before her throat burned and panic set inside her at the haunting familiarity of those seven letters.
The trauma that follows Ginny is spot on in this, and I like how you show that she gets panicky because of those seven letters. I know how difficult it is to go through trauma and honestly no matter how much work you do to push those dark moments from your mind, it always has a way of seeping through the cracks and into your day. It’s a Horcrux that you’ll have for the rest of your life. The only way to push through is to try and overcome your fears which is definitely easier said than done. I can relate to Ginny because I’ve also went through a dark time when I was just eleven, to young to know how cruel the world could be, and feeling alone while everyone went through their days like nothing happened.
Where she stared in the mirror and saw snakes for her hair, he saw golden strands.
His hands warmed her body at night. After the events of the final battle, they clung to one another, and somehow, not yet let go.
Love the Greek Mythology that you have throughout this story. This part is so well written that I can imagine Ginny seeing this in her reflection, also the part where Harry stays with her after the battle is so heartwarming. They’ve both been through so much and now can finally be together, it’s so lovely to read ❤️ ❤️
I love that you used, Would've Could've Should've for this fic. It’s so Ginny Weasley coded, I just love it so much. It certainly hits different (no pun intended 😉) when you go through trauma at such a young age. Feeling of being trapped in the clutches of evil while you slowly fall into an abyss of destruction is just so scary.
I feel like people tend to forget how difficult it is to overcome pain/trauma/grief. I know I’ve been told countless times and each time it pisses me off so much, “get over it”, “the past is the past”, “you could’ve said something before”, “why didn’t you fight back.” Excuse my language, but what the goddamn fuck is wrong with people?
People act like it’s so easy to just “get over” events that happened. It’s not easy and we’ll live with the pain for our entire lives, which can taint our views of relationships, whether it’s platonic or romantic. It’s never easy, trust me I know this, which is why I can relate to Ginny and this story holds a special place in my heart.
Heck, to be honest it’s pinned to my browser and I have no plans on taking it down. ❤️ truly I love the way you wrote this and the Greek Mythology that you weaved into the lines is so creative!
(Sorry about the long message, I just wanted to show you how much I appreciate this story)
(Also, just wanted you to know that every time I listen to Cruel Summer, the drunk prompt that you wrote always plays in my mind 🤣 and I always go back and read it after I listen to the song on the radio, or on Spotify. )
I hope you have a great day ❤️
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Oh my God? Oh my God! Thank you so much for this super sweet, so well thought out message! I'm just over here smiling and like super duper happy to get this. Also because you get it! Would've Could've Should've is my favorite Taylor song. And I think because it is Ginny’s song.
God rest my soul is my baby. Out of everything I've written, it is my favorite. And knowing that there is someone out there that loves it maybe even more than I do? I am eternally grateful for this support.
Like thank you so much for this message, it made my Friday 😭
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nepticmancer · 7 months
Shout out to The True Confessions Of Charlotte Doyle by Avi.
First chapter of Witch Rose with the ship scene is based off whatever I remember from when I read it.
(Quick word to those of you only interested in this post for the just dance tag, most of this post is actually about The True Confessions Of Charlotte Doyle until the last paragraph before my sign off)
(And to those of you who want to read The True Confessions Of Charlotte Doyle, this post contains HEAVY spoilers for the book, you have been warned)
It’s still one of my favorite books, I finished it in a few days and then half my class tried to murder me because I knew whether or not one dude dies and who murdered the other guy. I love that book so much oh my goodness gosh gracious. I want to get back into writing sailors and pirates and I would be interested in learning more. So if I come out with some random project on sailors, it’s going to be because of Charlotte Doyle. I actually disliked Charlotte at the beginning for her actions but with a new mindset it’s easy to see why she did everything she did. She was a scared teenager who’s status made her a bit distrustful of the crew and Jaggery used that against her.
I also have to mention my love for the round robin. It’s a circle with names on it that sailors sign to agree on overthrowing their captain after harsh and unfair treatments. The reason for it being a circle is so that it’s unclear who’s name was put first or who is leading the rebellion.
Some other characters that I feel I gotta mention because I adore them so much.
The first mate, Mr. Hollybrass. I love him so much. When he had his verbal dispute with Jaggery resulting in his demise I was so happy. Not because he died but because he was pissed off at Jaggery for being a rash dumbass. Bro got stabbed in the back, literally. I actually did a writing from his perspective and it was so fun, my teacher liked it too. I actually had to trade my paper to get Hollybrass but it was so worth it.
Rebellion man, Mr. Cranick. I don’t have much to say really since he died early on but I still loved him so much. I know captains are meant to be harsh on crew but Cranick didn’t deserve to be beaten as badly as he was by Jaggery.
New Captain, Mr. Fisk. Once again, not much to say but I love him all the same. I’m so glad he became captain and I know he’s such a big step up from Jaggery. I believe whole heartedly he’s going to be a strict captain but I think he makes a much better captain seeing as, he’s was a member of a Seahawk crew and he’s been through it quite a bit along with his crewmates.
Mermaid lover, Ewing. He was such a nice change from the rest of the crew to me. The crewmen are all understandably a bit distrustful and cautious of Charlotte but Ewing just talking with her whilst sewing was sweet. Now, I know he can still be distrustful of her but it was still a sweet scene.
Main character, Charlotte. Ok, I wasn’t going to do a review on her but, she’s got a very powerful arc. Her story is about a young girl finding freedom and taking her life into her own hands and making her own choices and I love her for that. She was so dislikable at times but I would’ve made the same choices as her. Her defending Zachariah from the whip after not trusting him for so long and then hurting Jaggery instead, even by accident. I applaud her. When she couldn’t turn to Jaggery anymore she turned to the crew who hated her just as much but still gave her a chance. She climbed the rat lines to prove she was sorry and genuine about her wanting to be a crew member. She’s so dedicated and I really admire her character for that. And the end when she tried to befriend her servant and then ran away from her house right back to the place that truly felt like home made me so happy.
And how could anyone forget Zachariah? Honestly, he was not the character I was expecting when my teacher first mentioned him but he is a great character. Him protecting and defending Charlotte? Kind of a fatherly move if you ask me. He made Charlotte a captain after Jaggery died and did most of the work. And his reunion with her was sweet. And let me mention that dagger, that was most likely his only weapon and he wanted Charlotte to use it to protect herself. He saved her too when she nearly fell in the storm. e how he puts her over himself so much and
Everything in the book was so worth while, a great read. I’m so glad to have read this book and have it help me write not only the storm scene in Witch Rose but also some short stories and I even wrote a short sequel that while unfinished was still so fun. It really helped me figure out what books I had an interest in, I would love to write more on sailors and maybe even involve those themes in Just Dance fics as well. I hope you didn’t mind my rambling on this book that I haven’t read in a year.
Much love,
Neptic Mancer<3
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thevindicativevordan · 11 months
For all Seasons?
Overrated and like most Loeb books, primarily carried by the art.
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Totally understandable given it is an absolutely gorgeous book. Rereading it took my breath away at every single spread, to the point I was sorely tempted to get the Absolute just for the art. Sale nails every single location, he can evoke Norman Rockwell with Smallville and then you turn the page and he's depicting Metropolis as the Art Deco wonderland of adventure it should be. Bjarne Hansen's coloring perfectly sets the tone for each of the seasons: bright spring, upbeat summer, melancholic fall, and then a gloomy winter that gives way to spring once more. On art, few are the names which can match these guys.
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Great as the art is the writing is very basic. Clark is a good if simple lad who wants to help people because his salt of the Earth farmer folk raised him right. He reaches adulthood and realizes he doesn't want to spend his entire life in Smallville - choosing to leave after confessing his secret to Lana. After a period of adventures as Superman in Metropolis -where he earns the attraction of Lois and the enmity of Lex - someone dies while helping him save Metropolis which makes Clark depressed and pushes him to run back to Smallville. He and Lana reunite, she helps him rediscover his confidence, he saves Smallville from a flood and moves back to Metropolis. That is the entire plot and it's as barebones as the summary reads.
There's a few interesting bits that don't go anywhere: Clark remarking that Metropolis doesn't feel like home but Smallville doesn't anymore either is relatable to me. That part of growing up hits hard for anyone who has moved out of their parents' house and then returns to their childhood home for a visit. Pete chewing Clark and Lana out for getting the opportunity to leave Smallville that he always wanted, only to run back with their tails between their legs was nice. For All Seasons is my first time finding Pete interesting and I wish he had gotten his own issue where we see his perspective on Smallville. Everyone else waxes on about the town's greatness but that clearly is not how Pete feels, and a chance to see him express his view to contrast with the rest might have spiced things up. Ma and Pa offer the usual cliché cornfed wisdom if you like that sort of thing.
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Characterization wise, Clark barely gets any? Since he doesn't get to narrate any sections of the book, we're stuck seeing him through other peoples eyes. He's nice, strong, principled, and has his head stuck up his ass. "Basic" is the best way to put it, he lacks the nuance or depth of other portrayals. A few good moments stand out, my favorite is when he cheekily escorts Lex's helicopter back to Lexcorp Tower after Lex has been arrested, that was funny and I wish we got more of that. It's not a terrible take, but I've read better elsewhere. Could just as easily see someone reading this and walking away thinking Superman is boring as I could see them reading this and coming away a fan. Probably the most damning thing I can say is that the "real" Clark is the most boring of the three identities. Metropolis Clark has an underrated sense of dry humor, Superman has a "friendly neighborhood hero" vibe that makes him endearing, but the "real" Clark in Smallville comes across as a dope who is always in need of simplistic advice, and walks through life with a wide-eyed puppy dog look that makes him feel stupid. Just doesn't come across as very bright in his "real" self.
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Lois is... ok. Cast in the mold of the Byrne Post-Crisis model where she was sucking up to Lex Luthor until Superman came along and she switched to pursuing him. The feistiness and dedication to the story are there at least, and I do love how Sale draws her. But the only moment with Lois that I actually rate highly is the one where she's snooping through Clark's belongings, assumes the "L.L." he's talking about in a letter to his parents refers to her, and when Clark catches her she tries to gaslight him into thinking she's doing him a favor. Hilarious moment, but Lana honestly comes across more as Clark's great love here. She's the one he's thinking of even years after they last saw each other, she plays a critical part in pushing him to become Superman in the first place albeit indirectly, and at shakes him out of his funk when he's at his lowest. If this was one of the definitive works for Post-Crisis Superman, I finally kind of get why some writers preferred Lana over Lois.
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Lex is lame as hell. Diet Kingpin indeed, his plan is underwhelming to put it mildly. He's not smart enough to create a virus himself so he has to hire someone else to do it for him? Not muh Lex. Knocking the entire city out just to set up one person dying on Superman's watch because that will make Superman quit is stupid not smart. Supes does recognize that Lex is probably responsible for the virus, that he doesn't immediately suspect Lex set up this woman to die just to screw with him feeds into what I said about this Supes sometimes being a dope. Pa gives him a pep talk regarding this that boils down to "sometimes you're going to fail" and yeah no shit. A grown ass man needs to hear that from his dad because Lex telling him he sucks and should quit is enough to get him to flee back home after one failure? Feud between the two of them here feels like an old man seething about the damn kid on his lawn rather than a titanic battle between Men of Tomorrow who each have their own idea of the future.
If I only got to recommend five books to win someone over to liking Superman, this wouldn't be one of them. It's fine, if you want a Superman book that makes you feel wholesome inside then go ahead. If you want to see Tim Sale absolutely knock you on your ass with great art, definitely check this out. For someone who thinks Superman is boring? I don't think this is going to convince very many otherwise.
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