#I tried to bring one here and it just didn’t work out cuz of the fc choice but what if I bring them back . .
eregored · 5 months
yummers in the process of making a new muse . . they’re so sweet too bad it’s another doomed by the narrative because I can’t write happy muses it’s never gonna happen sorry . .
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joedirtymadre · 2 months
Angst+fluffy Luffy x reader where the reader almost dies! Like, after a battle reader faints and luffy gets worried sick cuz he remembers of Ace death
“Come on (Y/N)!” Luffy grinned as he dragged you towards the island’s main plaza. “Luffy, we're supposed to be undercover… Nami warned us how this island is one of the Navy’s bases,” you warned as you continued following your boyfriend.
But he continued on towards the main plaza, hoping to find a food cart. “We’ll be fine, plus you’re with me! I won’t let anyone hurt you,” he smiled as he grabbed your hand. “Plus you’re just as strong as me, so we’ll be fine!” He added. You playfully rolled your eyes and nodded.
“Finally! The plaza!” He smiled. “Oh look, they have ramen over there. Or takoyaki there! Or cotton candy there!” He said excitedly as he scanned the different food carts. “Did you even bring bellies?” You asked. You quickly noticed him freeze up. “I’ll take that as a no…” you sighed.
You watched as he slowly turned to you with the biggest puppy eyes. “Luffy…” you sighed. “Ok then I guess we can go back to the ship,” he moped as he walked past you. “Oh shut up, you know I’m gonna buy you something,” you rolled your eyes. You watched as his mood changed in an instant, “Thanks! That’s why you’re the best girlfriend in the world!” He smiled as he pulled you into a tight hug. “Yeah, yeah… you owe me Straw Hat,” you smiled. “I’ll give you one of my takoyaki!” He smiled as he dragged you back to the carts. “Just one?” You asked yourself.
After you watched Luffy eat 2 bowls of ramen, 4 orders of takoyaki, and 1 bag of cotton candy… because you didn’t want to deal with a sugar rush. It was finally time to head back to the ship.
“That was good,” Luffy burped, as you both walked down the path. “Yeah, the ramen was pretty good. But I think I’ll always prefer Sanji’s,” you replied. “Yeah, that’s true!” Luffy smiled. You soon arrived to the cliff where the crew hid the ship and noticed it was gone.
The ship’s hiding spot was now filled with soldiers, and Navy ships.
“Did we go the wrong way?” Luffy asked. “No, this is the spot. Maybe some soldiers found them and tried to trap them,” You told him, worried for your friends. “Do you think they escaped?” He asked. “Franky, Brooke, and Usopp stayed behind, I’m sure that Franky was able to escape from them. Plus they’re probably waiting here, hoping to catch one of us who stepped into the island,” you explain. “Well let’s go look for them,” he said.
“No, we should go back into town,” you said, stopping him from running off. “Why? The ship is missing!” He shouted. “Because what if the others don’t know that the ship was found. That means the Navy knows we’re here, so they’re probably looking for them. We have to warn them, we have to find them before any soldier does,” you explained. “But…” he trailed off.
“Come on Luffy! Plus Franky has gotten us out of a bunch of bad spots, I’m sure he did it again! We need to find the oth-“ you stopped yourself. “(Y/-“ you quickly placed your hand over his mouth. “Shh,” you whispered as you heard some faint footsteps.
But it was too late. “Well, well, well… I thought I saw something on top of this cliff,” you heard a booming voice from the trees. You looked over and saw a large bald headed man in a suit. With around 10 soldiers behind him. “Crap…” you muttered. “It’s fine (Y/N), we can handle the- HEY!” Luffy yelled as a net shot at him.
“Luffy?” You called out and noticed your boyfriend struggling inside the net.
“Sea prism net, it works great when someone’s not expecting it,” the bald headed man laughed. You rushed over to Luffy without thinking, “I-I’ll get you out!” You stuttered. “(Y/N) no! Behind you!” He shouted weakly.
You quickly turned your attention back to the group and realized they were closing in on you two. “I’m sure bringing you two in would promote me to Vice Admiral,” the bald man said. “(Y/N) please run,” Luffy begged. You shook your head, “I got this, we’re ok when we’re together,” you said determined as you rose up and turned your attention towards the troop.
You were a weaponist, but all you had was a small knife. You pulled it out and the soldiers began to laugh. “That’s it? You’re planning to take us all down with that?” The man laughed. “Yep,” you said softly, before charging at one soldier who was still laughing.
You sliced him up and kicked him towards a small bunch of soldiers. Causing them to be knocked over. “Fire! Fire!” You heard one of the soldiers shout. You leapt into the air and avoided any gunshots.
You landed on another soldier and sliced up his face. You continued to cut up as many of them as you could while knocking others into one another. “How are you men still having trouble with this girl?” The tall man yelled. You raced towards Luffy and began cutting at the net, but it won’t budge. “(Y/N)… behind…” you heard Luffy say. Before you could turn around you were quickly grabbed from your hair and yanked up.
“You’re a lot of trouble for a little girl,” the man growled. “D-Don’t touch her…” Luffy said weakly as he slowly thrashed under the net. “Like you can talk! Like I said… you’re a lot of trouble, so I’m dealing with you now before you can get loose again,” he said menacingly. You squirmed and thrashed, trying to rip yourself out of his grasp, but nothing worked.
“Well good thing the flyer says alive or dead,” the man said as he lifted his sword. Before he could hurt you you jabbed the small knife into the hand that held you. The man screamed and you rushed towards Luffy.
“(Y/N) please… run,” he begged. You shook your head, searching for the strings that kept the net tied. “You bitch!” You heard. You ignored his words and finally found the knot to the net, you sliced at it with your knife and opened the net.
You smiled as you were finally able to free your boyfriend. “Luff…y,” you gasped. You felt a sharp pain pierce through your torso. “(Y/N)!” You heard, but your hearing was slowly being taken over by a sharp ringing.
Luffy’s POV
I stared in shock, but before I could think I landed on the guy that hurt her. My fists pounding on his face, until he’s unrecognizable. Before I become too caught up on him I quickly turn back to (Y/N).
She’s laying on her back holding onto her wound. I rushed over and slowly picked her up. “(Y/N)! Hey, I’m here, I’m here. You’re ok now, I-I just need Chopper. He’ll fix this! S-So don’t worry… fuck!” I panicked as I raced towards the plaza. I need a doctor, any doctor. She can’t die, I won’t let her. I thought as I raced through the forest.
I made it back to the plaza and scouted the area for
Chopper or for anyone. “I-I need a doctor…” I choked out. People began to stare at us with worried looks. “I need a doctor!” I screamed. “Please! Anyone! Please!” I cried out. Residents stared at me with panicked looks as I ran around, hoping to find someone to help. But no one stepped up, they all just stared.
My legs felt weak, and I fell to my knees, still holding her. My vision is too blurry, “Please anyone! I’m begging you! I can’t let her die!” I begged as I pressed (Y/N) closer to my chest. She can’t die, she’s supposed to be with me forever…
“Follow me!” I heard a voice call out. I snapped my head towards the voice and noticed an older man in front of a building, motioning over towards him. I jumped up and raced over, “Can you save her? Please tell me you can save her!” I shouted. “It seems she’s lost quite a bit of blood… but hurry and set her down inside! We can’t waste any more time!” The grandpa demanded and I ran inside and placed her on a small white bed that was inside the tiny office.
I watched the man rush over to (Y/N) and began placing pressure on her wound. “Hold this, she’s going to have to do an emergency surgery. I need to get ready!” He instructed and I rushed over to take his spot. After a few minutes he was back with gloves and tools. “I can take it from here, go wait outside,” he said. “No! Let me-“ he interrupted me. “I said get out! I need total concentration!” He yelled. I hesitated, but forced myself to go outside.
I sat outside and stared at the dried blood on my hands. “I should have protected her! What kind of capt- what kind of boyfriend am I?” I cried out. “It happened again! Someone I care about… I couldn’t save them…” I said as my hands snaked. “Luffy!” I quickly looked up and saw Nami, Sanji, and Chopper. “Y-You guys…” I said softly. “We saw the Navy ships, and- i-is that… blood?” Nami asked. “Where’s (Y/N)?” Chopper asked worriedly. “S-She, I… I couldn’t-" I was interrupted with a kick, sending me flying back.
Sanji grabbed me by the collar, “Where is she? If something bad happened to her…” he trailed off. “Sanji!” Nami called out.
“Now I’m not sure if this rowdiness is the best thing for your friend right now…” a soft voice said. We all turned and saw the old doctor standing at the entrance of his office, wiping his hands. I shoved Sanji off of me, and raced over to him. “How is she? Is she ok?” I asked. The doctor stared at me for what felt like a century. “She’s… she’s fine my boy,” he said as he patted my shoulder.
I lunged onto the grandpa, “Thank you… thank you for helping her. I thought I would lose her,” I cried. He patted my back, “Well she’s a tough gal, a little too tough,” he smiled. “She’s already awake,” he said softly as he pulled away. My eyes widened, “Can I see her?” I asked. “Hmm… well I’m sure a quick visit wouldn’t hurt…” he said softly as he led us into his office.
As soon as I walked in, I rushed over to her. She was sitting up, looking out the window. “(Y-Y/N)?” I choked out. She jumped from my voice and slowly turned towards me, she then smiled once our eyes met. “Luffy,” she said softly. I rushed over to her and collapsed, “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. I should’ve done better, I’m sorry, please don’t leave me…” I cried onto her lap. I felt a soft hand play with my hair, “Stop acting like I’m dead, I’m fine. Just a little scratch,” she giggled. “I love you,” I said softly. “I love you too,” she smiled as she wiped my tears.
“(Y/N)!” Chopped cried as he hopped onto her. “Hi guys,” she smiled. “Are you ok?” Nami asked as she shoved me out of the way. “I’m fine, just a bad scratch,” she smiled. “Well good, or else I would’ve killed your boyfriend,” Sanji said. “So, let’s go back to the ship?” (Y/N) asked. “We found it on the other side of the island!” Chopper said. “Well I’m not so sure she should be moving yet,” the grandpa said. “I can carry her,” I said. “Well… the Navy is looking for you now…” he muttered. “I’m a doctor as well, and I know this isn’t the best thing for the patient right now. But if anything happens I can take care of her!” Chopper explained. “Well alright then,” the grandpa said. We all nodded and prepared to safely transport (Y/N) back to the ship.
… Nighttime…
I never left (Y/N)’s side, as soon as we arrived at the ship she fell asleep and hasn’t woken up since. I even missed dinner to make sure she doesn’t wake up alone. After a few minutes she slowly opened her eyes. “Luffy,” She smiled. “(Y/N)!” I smiled back. “Have you been here all this time?” She asked me. “Yeah, I didn’t want you to wake up alone. I also… wanted to make sure you were ok,” I said softly. “I’m sorry (Y/-“ she interrupted me. “Stop, I wasn’t careful enough. I’m ok, I promise,” she said as she cupped my cheek.
“I know but I was so scared, I thought… I thought I was going to lose you like-“ I cut myself off. “I know and I’m sorry for scaring you, but you found me a doctor right?” She asked. I slowly nodded. “So you saved me, and I’m very grateful,” she said as she pulled me into a soft kiss. “Just… always keep your weapons bag on you at all times,” I say. She laughed and nodded. “I’ll keep an extra set of weapons on me too, just in case,” I said. “Sounds like a deal,” she smiled. “I love you,” she said. “I love you too,” I said as I gently pulled her into a kiss.
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faithst · 1 year
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pairing zb1 x gn!reader
genre fluff, comedy, some jealousy
notes hiii thank u for liking my works 💕 i hope you enjoy this one !! just an update because i’m busy the next few weeks ❤️
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— zhang hao
guess who’s sweater you’re wearing ?
thats right, hanbin’s sweater !
when hao sees you in the piece of clothing, he thinks nothing of it
cuz he wears it alot too
and he didn’t notice it wasn’t his sweater
like ‘hey, that’s a cool sweater!’
but then he realises that you’re wearing hanbin’s clothes
‘wait a minute… i’ve seen that before..’
has a moment of confusion; whether to be jealous of hanbin or jealous of you 😦
in the end he just doesn’t care that much
makes you both take turns wearing said sweater
“it’s my turn to wear that!”
— sung hanbin
maybe a bit annoyed but he doesn’t show it
he sees you w matthew’s hoodie on and stops in his tracks
‘huh, that’s not mine..’ ‘why does it look familiar though?’
and then he realises
immediately rushes to you and offers another hoodie, his hoodie 🤝
“why though? this hoodie is comfortable.” “it’s not mine, love.”
your mouth forms an o
you immediately take it off and wear his
hanbin is happy now 👍
he might be just a teeny more strict on matthew after the incident tho
“you look better in my hoodie.”
— seok matthew
he’s a bit annoyed
not at you tho <3
“hey babe!” he beams, stopping in his tracks upon seeing you
“why are you wearing gunwook’s shirt?” he furrowed his eyebrows
“i just picked the one that was nearest to me.” you explained
matthew sighed in response “this kid..”
“gunwook, stop placing your clothes everywhere!” he scolds, filling the house with his voice 😤
he then goes to get his own shirt and comes back handing it to you
“wear this, my shirts are better.”
— shen ricky
immediately notices
cuz he takes note of everything you take from him and everything he buys for you 💰
“that’s a comfortable hoodie.” he comments
your quirk an eyebrow before speaking up “yeah, it’s yours.”
ricky pouts, slightly shaking his head
“wait, this isn’t yours? why was it in your closet then?” you ask, pulling over the hoodie over your head
“i forgot to return this to jiwoong.” he responded with a sheepish smile
“it was comfortable though..”
ricky immediately brings out his phone to buy you the same exact hoodie
“which colour do you want?”
— park gunwook
jealous 💯
you were out with gunwook and gyuvin
and it was really chilly outside
as any cliché moment goes, gunwook wanted to wrap his jacket around you
but the thing was, he didn’t have a jacket at the moment
so gyuvin offered his as you weren’t wearing as many layers
gunwook knew it was the only thing they could do at the moment but he couldn’t help but feel bummed
tries to hide his obvious pout
“oh, are you still cold? here, take my sweater.”
literally takes off his sweater and suffers in the cold just so he didn’t have to see gyuvin’s jacket around you anymore
“it’s not cold at all!” he manages to mutter out with trembling lips
— kim taerae
i don’t think he minds
actually, i don’t think he knows
like, he sees you in a new jacket and is like “that’s a nice jacket!”
proceeds to ask where you got it from bcuz he wants one too
“what do you mean this is mine? i don’t own anything like this..”
and then gunwook comes in, asking if both of you had seen his jacket 😦
and then he sees you wearing HIS jacket “that’s oddly similar to my missing jacket..”
taerae looks to you and then back to gunwook, confused
finally puts the pieces together “wait, are you wearing wook’s jacket?”
after explaining why you were wearing it in the first place
taerae offers you his jacket
“do you wanna match jackets?”
— kim gyuvin
he’s acting like it doesn’t bother him but it actually does
you search around his wardrobe to find smth comfortable to wear
and also to surprise him cuz he absolutely LOVES it when you wear his clothes 🤭
little did you know that he had taerae’s hoodie in there too
gyuvin comes in and catches you red-handed
“oh my god, hey! i wasn’t stealing your clothes!”
he just silently stares at you “why are you wearing taerae’s hoodie..?”
you grab a part of the hoodie with a confused look “taerae..? i thought it was yours.. it’s comfy though.”
gyuvin’s eyes widen “wait, i have better hoodies.”
frantically starts throwing out all his hoodies from his closet onto the bed
forces you to change into his hoodie while repeating that he isn’t jealous
“the hoodie is bright yellow.. why would you ever think that it’s mine..”
— kim jiwoong
honestly, i don’t think he minds at all
aslong as you’re comfy ykyk 👍
so that’s how you have ricky’s sweater over you while being in jiwoong’s arms
ricky came to receive his sweater back as jiwoong supposedly wanted to ‘borrow’ it
and then ricky finds you wearing it and is genuinely concerned like ‘jiwoong allowed this?’
jiwoong immediately starts rambling how you looked very nice in the sweater
used his oldest card 😭
and convinced ricky into just giving it to you
“ricky, you can just buy another!”
— han yujin
for some reason he has so many clothes
and all those clothes are not his but the other member’s
so even if you did wear another member’s clothing, he simply wouldn’t care cause technically it’s HIS clothing now
hao barges into yujin’s room where you both were playing games 💥
“yujin, have you done your homework yet?” he asks, looking at the shirt you were wearing
hao knits his eyebrows together “isn’t that my shirt?”
although yujin tried to lie about ever stealing it, hao already knew his record of taking the member’s clothes
“i was looking for this everywhere! since when did you take this?” he crossed his arms, about to scold yujin again
“like.. 5 months ago..?”
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© keiwook | 2023
tag @bruhiamistake @trashydez @chxrrymxxnlight @haesunflower @big-uwu-stan @gnwookie @yjhcloud @kpoprhia @channiesprincess @blaycke @watamotee33 @hazyskyline @doobinnies @haechan-nahceah
here to join the taglist !
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hollyhomburg · 1 year
Before I Leave You (Pt. 56)
(Omegaverse au, Mafia au, Bts x Reader)
Summary: In the wake of Namjoon’s rut you and Hobi try to get yourself back on even footing, if only his co workers weren’t so...creepy towards you. 
Tags: Depression, anxiety, ptsd, hurt/comfort, fluff, excessive babying, courting, omegaspace, mommy kink, Mommy! Tae, nipple play, m/c sucks on tae’s tits for mental health reasons, Non-detailed sexual content, mentioned omegaspace sex, discussions of past abuse, discussions of mental health issues, eating disorder recovery, implied self-harm
W/c: 9.7k
A/N: LISTEN, i know the nipple play stuff might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but it reads very comforting if you’re willing to give it a chance. That being said it may go further into the realm of mommy kink than some of you are willing to go and toes the line into extreme kink as it highly sexualizes Tae’s brests and the m/c in omegaspace. It's not really nursing per say cuz there isn’t any milk involved, but the m/c does suck on tae’s breasts to soothe herself.  
I tried to make it as ‘skippable’ as possible it’s under the section ‘Tae, sometime at night’  I firmly encourage you to skip it if you feel the need too.
Previous Chapter - Masterlist
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(16 days post rut. The day after Halloween, Yoongi)
Yoongi lets out an inhuman screech. 
He’s holding his sweater in his hands, nude from the waist up interrupted by his changing. Staring at you open-mouthed while Jungkook rolls in the remnants of your nest. Remnants- because you honestly hadn't put it together much after Namjoon's rut. 
You’ve been spending the last few weeks slowly bringing everything upstairs, alternating between sleeping spots, not a single one of them still feels right.  The pack had kept their mattress in the living room, but yours they'd moved back. Last night you spent your first night upstairs with Jimin, Jungkook, and Tae. Four pups all cute and nesty with the rest of the Halloween candy between the three of you in multicolored bowls. 
Yoongi had gotten to watch as you all giggled and completely abused the projector he’d installed for a movie night of the Addams family and some horror movie that you'd changed in the first 15 minutes. 
There are more and more moments where he gets to appreciate his hard work these days and he savors them whenever he can. He’d been a little worried that the bed would be too big or too small but it looks just the right size. Just enough space for the others. 
After you’d fallen asleep, he’d carefully tiptoed around you and removed the bowls of candy, kissing each of your heads like a special spell to guard your dreams against monsters and cousin it. 
Now Jungkook grins up from the last little bit of the nest that’s still down here, hugging a pillow to his chest, “I knew something happened.” It’s not often Yoongi squeaks, like a cat suddenly picked up, heart all in a tizzy just thinking about it.
“What do you mean you and Hobi kissed? And you didn’t tell me!?”
You go red ear to ear, “It wasn’t-I don’t even think he meant to do it- it wasn’t like a kiss kiss-“
“Ahh,” Jungkook drags out the syllable. Reaching for your hand and tugging you to sit. Closer, because Jungkook’s wandering fingers have half a mind of their own. You look so good- have been honestly glowing a bit since Namjoon’s rut, something about the health of you that makes him want to touch more and more. 
His fingers dig into the meat of your thighs appreciatively and you squirm away, “Heat of-the-moment kisses are so hot- not to mention first kisses.”
Yoongi sits on the edge of the bed. Knees pulled together. “Tell me everything.”
Yoongi has always been terribly involved in your dating life in the beginning you'd gushed to him about every new kiss. The ones with Jk, a memory now as he drags his mouth up your waist, resting his cheek against the curve of your hips and smiling up at you. The one with Tae in that dressing room, your first soft moments with Jin and Namjoon. Everything. The fact that he hadn't heard about this one immediately after the fact stings only a little,
The rest is clouded over with excitement.  
Hobi had initiated kisses. He’d been the one to break first.  
Yoongi remembers how their relationship began with coyly phrased jabs said over dusty records not long after he'd broken up with his last pack and moved in. When they’d gone from best friends to sort of roommates and started spending almost every minute together. 
Yoongi liked Hoseok. Just liked him. Liked seeing him smile. Heart skipping beats and saving them for him. Spending hours standing just far enough apart with some sleazy jazz playing over the loudspeakers and Hobi’s lips all mischievous. Their first kiss hanging there, on the edge, just where Yoongi could see it but not have it just yet. Teasing him endlessly. 
"If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were flirting with me Hoseok," 
"You'll know when I'm flirting hyung." 
Hobi had turned off the jazz and turned on Yoongi’s favorite music instead and Yoongi had been substantially wooed just by that. 
Hobi had been shy with the rest of the pack. Freer with Yoongi he said, because he always knew where he stood with him. Not like with the other alphas where Hobi had to worry about showing his throat or not- or Jungkook and Jin- where he had to worry if he has too dominant or not dominant enough. Their firsts had felt truly new, untied of expectations. Just loving. None of the other stuff. 
Sometimes, Hobi still feels this way. 
Now Yoongi watches you and knows how it feels, the way your eyelashes flutter as you look down and away, flopping back against the nest scent going sweet with the memory of it. "I bet it was so hot-" Koo chimes kicking his feet when he rolls onto his tummy and continues to pinch at your thighs, hand sliding up gradually under your baggy pajama shorts. Tickling the hairs there.
 "Hobi’s such a good kisser too-“ The omega swoons and your belly swoops at the sound. 
Yoongi licks his lips, trying not to think of it.
"It wasn't hot, it wasn't anything-" But the blush on your cheeks tells a different story. You groan, hiding your face in your hands. "I shouldn't have said anything." Yoongi gently pries your hands away from your face. His heart is racing a mile a minute like it's his first kiss and not yours. 
"Even if it was something, I’d still be happy sweetheart.” 
You bite your cheek; I just want to know if he regrets it. “I can’t ask him about it or I’ll make it weird.” You whine.
Jungkook’s fingers press into your chin, he looks awfully devilish, hair damp from a shower, his classes for the day passed. “You’ve been thinking about it a lot. That’s why you’ve been so quiet.”
You flush, but not for the reason he thinks. 
The truth is you’ve been spending a lot more time on your own these days, painting the back-room space and finding excuses to head upstairs when everyone’s home, or downstairs when everyone goes up. There’s no reason. You tell yourself there’s no reason but-
Sometimes it’s hard, being sad without a cause. A gnawing emptiness like there's no point in enjoying anything anyways when sooner or later the rug will be yanked out from underneath you. A sense of a foreshortened future. An end that is simultaneously ridiculous to consider and yet nearby like a shadow in the corner of your eye that isn't there- not really. 
Maybe it would be easier if you and Yoongi weren’t mated yet, and you’d have had that to look forward to. You’ve been thinking about mating marks a lot recently. Spending long hours looking at yours in the mirror, fingers hovering over the glass when you pull back blocking out parts of it with your fingertips. The parts that Geumjae left that you’ll never be able to quite get rid of. 
You asked Jin about his and Namjoon’s the other day- but the omega had only sighed and told you not to worry about it.  
You eagerly snap up the excuse handed to you now. It's better having them assume than explaining the real reason to them. For the most part, they believe you. Like there isn’t that taught line of something running through you like the very essence of you wants to snap. A discomfort at being happy.
A feeling like maybe, you don't deserve it.
If there is anything you deserve it’s certainly not Hobi’s smile when he comes home and asks you if you’ll help him move a few more plants in from outside. “You’ve got a good eye” he tells you. “I swear without you and Tae this place would look like a bachelor pad”
Hobi hasn’t been avoiding you since the rut but maybe it would be easier if he was.
He’s no less likely to ask you for late-night car rides, no less likely to bump shoulders with you playfully over dishes or offer you his headphone when he found you dozing two nights ago on the outdoor furniture. Your big blue blanket wrapped tight around your shoulders to keep out the fall chill. 
He’d even accepted you when you held back the edge for him to get under. The warmth from his body trapped by it and transferred to yours as you talked. Mostly about Hobi’s job; his plans to leave early and help manage a specialty order from the city; nearly three thousand burgundy roses for a fall wedding. 
“How do you even fit that many into a car?”
“Very, very carefully”  
Last night as the pack had handed out Halloween candy, He’d been giggly and close. Eager to pick your favorite candy out of the bowl of bulk-bought candy bars and set them aside for you. He’d even given you a pair of little devil ears, similar to the halo on Tae’s head, a vision in a light pink dress that she’d been just itching to wear. The only one truly dressed up, the only one with the energy to go all out.
The fabric was soft and silky with cutouts for her body, which had you looping your hands around her waist at every available opportunity and maybe kissing places hidden when you’d helped her undress later, hands sneaking underneath the fabric just to touch. 
No one had time to plan their outfits or decorate the house because of Namjoon’s rut. You improvised with eyeliner lined and drawn whiskers on Yoongi’s cheeks, grumbling half-heartedly as Tae dotted his nose with bright pink blush and attached a pair of cat ears to his head. 
The one person who hadn’t escaped Hobi’s costumes was Noddle, hissy in his little black and yellow bee costume, you’d given him tuna as a special treat. The neighborhood kids had ooohd and ahhed at him in the window, grumpily guarding your house from any intruders. 
It’s funny, noodle only hisses at the people dressed up as other cats. 
Independent from your musings, your packmates hover on the edge of the bed. “who says you can’t ask him? Just talk to him-“ Yoongi tries to convince you.
"We can ask him for you!" Both of them pop up, their eyes all wide, matching black heads all fuzzy, your mate bobs his head, the picture of polite eagerness.
"Oh fuck no- You'll do no such thing-" 
“Come on, let us play matchmaker with you."
A loud ring interrupts your conversation, coming from deep within the confines of your nest. It’s Yoongi's phone- discarded. Jungkook grins as he answers for him, smirking all the while. 
"Hyung! We were just talking about you- No it's fine, Joonie forgot his lunch too-" Jungkook playfully shoves away Yoongi’s hand reaching for his phone. He pauses as Hobi says something on the other line. 
Jungkook’s grin is nothing if not scheming. 
"Yoongi's busy right now," he licks his lips, eyes on you. Yoongi is certainly not busy, the only thing he had planned for today was bringing Namjoon his lunch, another stop is hardly too much.  
"But Y/n's free, I’ll have her drop it off. Bye, hyung. Love you too hyung."  
Hobi is drawn to the front room of the flower shop because it’s his break time, someone forgot the last box of roses out back, and also because one of his coworkers is shouting again. 
It's a semi-normal occurrence by any standard of measurement, but still, the sound of his shrill voice shouting in protest is just as grating as the feeling of dirt under Hobi’s fingernails. 
They're sensitive and pricked too, he's spent the better part of the morning prepping the red roses, bundles, and bundles of them. The last one 
He pauses, ignoring the commotion for as long as he can to take a sip of water, The cold drips down his throat, soothing the heat there.  It might be cold at night but the lot out back is still unforgiving in the autumn sunlight, the occasional breeze telling stories of knit blankets and cozy sweatpants that Hobi will need within the month. He can’t wait for it to get colder. 
The flower shop is structured in layers. The breakroom with the cubbies, a dilapidated old fridge, and a small table directly off the lot. A narrow hallway connects it first to the stock room and then to the counter and the retail space out front. The commotion comes from the stock room. The sound of a box falling over with a loud clang and then the softer sound of people arguing in hushed tones. 
Three of his coworkers- two of which are the same ones who don't like him- shove each other to get through the door. One holding around the other middle.
"No, I've got this one-" Hobi stoops to pick up a roll of orange-red ribbon, half unrolled on the dusty floor. 
"Come on- I took the granny for you this morning you owe me-"
"You're an omega, Felix."
"So? Like being a horndog is a uniquely alpha affliction?"
"Too late!" The third one darts through the door. Unencumbered by the other's scuffle. Tossing a kiss over his shoulder at the other two. Their frustrated groans resounding a hissed whisper. "Chan! You've already got an omega you don't need two-”
At his appearance, both of his coworkers straighten up. "What’s all the fuss about?" he asks with a tired sigh. Not that he really wants to make conversation with them about what client they're thirsting over this week. Hobi has never joined in with them, their near-running commentary on who comes into the shop. 
“A pretty client.” It's nothing new, but what is new is the way that Hyunjin rolls his eyes and scoffs.
"Pretty is not a word reserved for the hottest omega I’ve seen this year- she looks like Kate Moss and Zendaya had a love child with an angel-" he swoons, Hobi sighs and pushes through them to put the ribbon back on its holder. They probably knocked it off in their scuffle, his two coworkers practically fall through the door after him.
Hobi blinks.
It's just you, standing in the doorway looking at the hanging epiphytes and other little suncatchers that hand in the flower shop windows. You’re wearing one of Tae's big sweaters that fall to your upper thigh and a pair of semi-translucent leggings. When your hands go up to touch a suncatcher Hobi can tell you’re wearing shorts underneath, but the implication that you might be not is still there. There’s A little bit of flour on your front from whatever you were baking today. 
The first thing he notices is a band-aid on your finger. 
His sleazy coworker lays it on thick, leaning over your shoulder, grinning from ear to ear. You don’t seem to realize that he’s snuck up on you. Hobi watches as you flinch and step back, clutching a small pink package to your chest. Turning around quick. 
Hobi swallows back a growl. Instincts grating.
"Can I help you find anything beautiful?” he drawls, casting you a dazzling grin that Hobi's sure has gotten him many first date. 
"I was just-" Hobi drops a bouquet of roses into a nearby bucket with a loud thud. Your eyes shoot up, and Hobi sees the visceral way your shoulders relax, the way you instantly brighten.
"Hey! I got your lunch." 
Hobi's coworkers splutter. Gazes darting between you and Hobi like they can’t make sense of it. “What?!" One of them hits him on the shoulder playfully like they're friends and Hobi's jaw ticks. "Yeah, Hobi what the fuck-" 
Hobi's fingers are still on the roses as he looks at you, he doesn't tear his eyes away for a second, "She's my newest packmate," they've got a good sense to be embarrassed to try and recoup the situation.
“Oh- we didn't think Hobi could have such pretty packmates."
Oh, you don't like that one bit. 
Your switch flips, Hobi sees you make the conscious decision to turn on the part of yourself that can be very charming, that makes his alpha ask ‘how high?’ if you even think about asking him to jump. You're very good at playing this game, encouraging their instincts out in just a few words. 
You step closer looping your arm through Hobi's (He swears he won't be thinking about it later, how you push your body up against his just so, the faint warmth of your chest surrounding his upper arm, your fingers weakly tangling through his) You tilt your mating mark into the light so that they see it. tucking your hair behind your ear like you’re shy.  your sleeve falls down, leaving your scent gland open to the bear air. 
"You've obviously never met Jin then.” You pout up at him in mock distress, making it as cute as possible. “but- I would have thought he'd have told you all about me what with the car I gave him." 
Hobi doesn’t believe your sudden sniffle for a second even though his face heats. And renewed incredulity hits their faces, near devastation that their written-off coworker has a packmate like this. 
You blink back faux tears, “Did you not like it?” there is nothing cuter than a pretty pouty omega near crying because they think they've disappointed their alpha. Nothing that tugs on their instincts quite like this. 
The men blink dumbly. This creature- is surely representative of another life, one that they hadn’t imagined for their coworker. Surely when they called Hobi a sugar baby, this isn’t what they had in mind.
"He talks about it so much!"
"I swear everyone slows down when they see it which is why the boss lets him park it out front." 
"It's a really pretty car like really pretty," Felix says, eyes definitely not on your face but oh well.
Hobi grasps his little lunchbox hard, wrapped up in one of Tae's pink patterned silk scarves. Too intimidated to respond. You have them wrapped around your fingers in just a few words.
"Show me the flowers?" you offer, clearly done conversing with them, Hobi takes the easy out without a look in his coworkers’ direction.
The slick of the refrigerator doors slides close, blocking out the three of them clearly peering in. Your closeness is disguised by the condensation on the glass. Let them think something more of the way you stand close. 
The mask falls in a second and where one moment you’d looked forcefully cute, the next, you just look tired. 
"You're a menace." 
You huff, wrapping your arms around your waist. "Only when I need to be"
"You didn't have to do that." He says because he doesn't know exactly what to say. How to express that he’s thankful without making it weird. Now that you've stepped away from the others there’s something vaguely wilted about you, something still. He’s noticed the last few days, since Namjoon’s rut if he’s being honest. 
The truth is, nothing's been normal after Namjoon's rut. 
The first day after Namjoon’s rut you’d avoided each other's company like the plague, fielding Namjoon’s numerous apologies and in general clingy behavior. But after a day or two you'd reached an unspoken agreement to just forget everything that had happened just like Jimin and Tae. 
(That's a lie. Jimin and Tae have slept on opposite sides of every bed they've slept in in the last week.)
Hobi’s not sure why he thinks that there's something wrong, why he finds himself watching you and waiting. Measuring your plate at dinner for maybe the first time in weeks. Watching you when you cook, just…. keeping an eye on you in a way he might not have before. 
Is it just him, or have you seemed less interested in cuddling and nesting as usual? There's something in you that just wants to get the nest in the upstairs over and done with and back to normal. Hobi had watched while he'd helped bring the countless blankets up there, every one of your movements rehearsed and perfunctory. 
And yesterday, he’d walked into your room (your old room he should call it) And found you and Yoongi deep in conversation, sitting on the edge of your bed. And when Hobi had asked Yoongi had just said, “We’re gonna keep the nest in here for a few more days.” You'd ended up turning your bed around and tucking it into the wall by your dresser, making room for Tae's makeup desk. 
At first, He thought that maybe he’d hurt you with his leaving. That you took it as an ultimate rejection of not only your friendship but your presence in the pack. But it seems like you’re as determined as he is to keep things as they were before. To act as though your relationship is just as it was. Just this. packmates that bring each other lunch and give each other cars and definitely step closer to make Hobi's nosey coworkers a little jealous. 
Strange. All of it feels strange like deja vu. There’s a familiar stillness that he hasn’t seen in you in months really, not since late spring. Since before you started talking again only this time he's seeing the process in reverse. 
You tap the lunch box with your fingertips, a faint flush coming to your cheeks, “Yoongi made it for you, not me.” 
“Does it matter?” you flush harder, skin heating under his raised eyebrow, 
Hobi thinks your hands might be shaking a little bit when you gesture to the shelves piled high with flowers and buckets. "Which ones are your favorite anyway?" you ask, classic misdirection. 
A few weeks ago Hobi had convinced his boss to order the flowers by color and not type to make arranging and picking out designs easier. Granted, Hobi is her most talented employee and the one she trusts most to handle their big-budget items like weddings and funerals so it was a relatively short argument. 
This refrigerator is a mess of cream pinks, whites, and yellows. The big dinner plate-sized sunflowers hovering around your knees, and the dusty roses at the ceiling. 
He points at the simple daisies, is it just his imagination, or do you make your giggle just a little bit louder, leaning into his arm. Hobi swears one of his coworkers is going to burst a blood vessel with how hard he's trying to contain his screech of indignation. You just grin and roll your eyes. 
“Are you trying to make my life easier or harder?” He can’t stop his smile though, no matter how much he wants to. 
“A bit of both probably.” You lean in close, the way an omega would to an alpha they were flirting with. Let them wonder what we’re saying, let them wonder what I mean by this. Your fingers dance over a nearby bucket, skimming the velvet soft blooms, “I would have pinned you for a Lily type of guy." 
Hobi fingers one of the long stems, playing with it too. "Nah, these are Jungkook’s favorite, not mine." Hobi's shy when it comes to you, but still, he musters up the courage to take a spare bloom of daisy and tuck it behind your ear.
"As a thank you, for my lunch. Jungkook shouldn’t have made you come all the way here." 
You shrug, "It’s no big deal. I- ugh- i put a few chocolates in there, the coconut ones." You might have noticed Hobi grabbing some last night, and he gravitated toward those in the big bowl of Halloween candy. Seeking out the little blue packages. 
"I like those," he says, but you already know that.
There’s a loud crash, and when you look back Hobi’s coworkers have knocked one of the dysplays over in their quest for a better vantage point. they scramble to put it back together and look busy like they weren’t watching you.
Chan gives him a thumbs up and Hobi scoffs. 
“I’m sorry for them.” He says, “They’re kind of always like this,” his jaw ticks. Some alphas have no manners. 
You shrug, “It’s nothing I haven’t dealt with before. Are those the same ones that say shit about you behind your back?” 
You hesitate for a moment, standing toe to toe with him. “We should give them something else to talk about then.” Hobi’s hands are hard on the lunch box. 
You step closer. Your worn boots brushing his sneakers as you lean up on your tippy toes. The scent mark looks more intimate that it is as you lightly drag your cheek down Hobi's neck. You know how to make it look sensual. 
His caramel scent and your baked one together smell like flan or maybe something vaguely that belongs in the family of a Snickers bar, sparking hot and heady. Filling the refrigerator with it and the smell of flowers. He catches your waist, alarmed but not entirely displeased.
It has the desired effect.
Hobi sees the other alphas, the way their egos deflate. Tail tucked between their legs. Immediately looking dejected. Hobi barely has time to process your hand threading through the hair at the back of his neck, the way you sway closer before you're darting away. 
He catches you just before you pass back through the refrigerator doors (you should know better than to run from an alpha, there's hardly anything more exciting than the prospect of a chase). A real giggle fills the small space making the other 3 perk up. Hobi can’t stop himself from smiling even if he feels a little dizzy. 
He catches your hand, tugging you a little bit back. “Hang out with me? Later?”
The stillness in you eases just a little, and your smile is twice as bright as the sunflowers. “Sure.”
He lets your hand go even though he doesn't want to, even though you could eat together. He imagines it; sitting in his car, Yoongi’s parked out front, you in his passenger seat having a few of those chocolates. But you have no reason to stay and keep him company through his lunch break.’
Hobi is too shy to ask. 
Before you pass through the door you pause, looking at the suncatchers that hang by the windows again. Reaching out a finger to touch one so that rainbows swirl through the room. The sun's light misdirected to spill and swirl in a dizzying display of color. The door clangs closed with a faint jingle. 
He sets his hand over the back of his hot neck. Heart thundering, something in his instincts relaxes by having you out the door and away from his other...competitors. They instantly descend on him, badgering him with countless questions. 
“I didn’t know you could pull like that hyung," "How did you even meet?" does she have a sister?" "Does she have a favorite type of nesting supplies?” 
Hobi shoots that last one a glare. "I think she's got everything she needs in that department." he says tightly. 
He’d have thought your mating mark would be enough of a deterrent. The fact that it isn’t makes him even more annoyed if that's possible. They don’t get a single answer out of him- just the freezer door closed and locked in their faces. He sits there to eat his lunch, glaring at them through the foggy doors. 
When he opens his lunchbox, he sees that you've shoved 7 chocolates into a space that should only logically fit 5. Rows of sliced meat and a dollop of sauce over rice in the shape of a heart. A sandwich just the way he likes it, cut-up fruit too, probably a whole pint of Strawberries cut into little hearts. 
(The other alphas don't stand a chance.) 
(Tae, Some time later) 
Autumn brings with it lazy nights and the need for more blankets. You often find yourself curled up on the couch in Tae's room. Alternating between watching the autumn rain drip from the eves, going on tic-tock, napping, and watching Tae work at her desk. Sometimes on work nights, she's got her hair set into little pin curls, or a face mask on.
It's kind of silly that you can spend just hours watching her but you are that in love.
Her typing is gentle, a companion to the pitter-patter of the rain and the tv in the other room. Someone talking, someone showering, the faint thump thump thump of your heart, noodle meowing to be let in from outside, homey domestic and Awfully lonely.
It’s silly, you shouldn’t feel alone with Tae right there.
You stir sometimes, stretching your feet out and yawning. Cheek resting on the pillow.  "I can shut the light if you want" Tae says, recognizing the feeling like she's being watched. She doesn’t turn because she knows it's you.
"No, I'm not tired" but the slow rising of your chest says something different. You've let the blanket slip off of you a little bit, folding your body onto her small couch fitting just barely. She rolls herself over to you to fix it and tuck it around your feet. Then goes back to writing.
"You've been typing one thing for a long time now”
Tae hums, agreeing. Pausing for a second and going back to delete one sentence and replacing it with another before her cursor moves on stepping in time with the clack of her fingers. She's gone with a shorter manicure this time to make typing easier, smooth little almonds that flash like fish scales. Pretty and pearlescent.
“You were writing the same thing yesterday and the day before that too. Is it a story?" you ask. Tae likes how you always ask that first, is it a story or a poem, by stanza or by prose. Which part of your soul are you working on today? is it more comfort or a bit of hurt?
Her fingers hesitate, "it is." She admits. “I’ve got like, maybe 30,000 words of it written already but yeah, it’s a story.”
“You don't write stories often."
she tips her head in agreement. "What could I add to the world you know? there are so many good books out there," she sighs heavily, "But-" she trails off, eyes full of faraway faces and a love that maybe feels a little bit like yours and Hobi’s. She always was better at catharizing her emotions about their relationships by comparing them to others. Namjoon and Jin are all Claire and Jamie. Yoongi and Hobi Westley and Buttercup.
But You and Hobi are something different. Maybe she took hobi's advice and found another outlet for her feelings about you two rather than get involved. then again, the main male character is actually a lot more like jungkook sometimes when he speaks. 
Bits and pieces of Tae’s loves and muses are all over the story, but the main character? She’s all you. 
"What's different about this one?" You ask, hair spilling over your shoulders in an uninterrupted tangle that has Tae itching for a brush. You'd tried her pin curls out a few nights ago but had complained about the pinching so Tae quiets the part of herself that wants to use you as her own mini dress-up doll.
"Usually my emotions are brief, but" she presses her palm to her chest, "I have all this pain here. All of this pain and all of these thoughts and I don't think I know what to do with it besides write it down." You pull yourself up and closer to her, phone slipping out of your lap and sliding onto the carpeted floor. But Tae’s smile is already comforting even if it is a little sad.
She wheels herself over again and presses her lips to yours, your needy fingers almost instantly find her waist, the way you grab at her when you want to cuddle. Tae knows your body language so well.
"It’s not something you can make better darling," she says, and she means it, the way she looks at you means she means it. "But I think- I think giving it to other people might make it better, a little."
You lean your cheek into her palm, sleepily sighing. "What’s it about?"
Tae launches into the beginning, and the rest is history. She talks about her own story the same way that she talks about the books she reads. Fast and excited, like it's right there in front of her eyes on a movie screen.
“It starts with a library- only it’s not like a normal library. This library is kind of magic-”
(Namjoon, 7 days after rut) 
In the wake of Namjoon's rut, all of the alphas have been feeling their instincts a little more keenly; this has expressed itself in only one behavior one that you didn't think you'd see the return of after it had sort of calmed down at the beginning of your relationship. 
You don’t know how to feel about the fresh return of the courting presents. 
But with the nest upstairs, you suppose that you don't mind the veritable collection of new nesting pillows, blankets, and specially made Egyptian cotton sheets for your Alaskan king-sized mattress- courtesy of Jimin. In a variety of colors of course; black for his preference, and pink for Tae’s. 
Namjoon doesn't like being one-upped by anyone. Although his gift takes several more days to arrive and set up. (Yoongi stayed up the night before with Namjoon to help set it up because Namjoon is notoriously bad about any sort of home improvement let alone when there's an Allen wrench and six pages of instructions involved)
You giggle as Namjoon's fingers tamp over your eyes. He almost steps on the back of your heels with how close you're walking. "Here, there's a wall" You reach out and help him lead you so that the surprise isn't spoiled.  Bright shafts of light slip through his fingers. 
"Here, step down- there you go pup. Here-"
Namjoon takes his hands from your eyes and resists the urge to bounce up and down, your wide blinks, your suddenly sweet scent all of it, soothing to the cloying discomfort of instincts not expressed in his chest. Lips parted into a cute little oh. 
You're in the backroom, the last coat of paint was finished yesterday and the pack has gone to work putting it together with the new velvet green couch and many of Hobi's plants. But what you don't expect is the item just left of the door. 
The nesting couch, or more correctly nesting pod has high walls that peak at the top somewhat like an onion. The interior of it is upholstered with smooth non-irritating fabric and a thick cushion at the base and up part of the walls. a soft little bowl almost like a human-sized dog bed (a pup bed). 
A small dark soft space, perfect for nesting. With a little curtain that you can zip closed, that should enswathe you entirely in darkness. The interior of it is Piled high with a new duvet and more than a dozen new pillows (all freshly scented) like a bowl of colorful candies. Some of them are vaguely stuffed animal shaped and a few actually are stuffed animals.
You blink down at the croissant and the cake, the disembodied blueberry. 
“Jungkook might have helped me pick them out, he went a little over the top.” Namjoon rubs at the back of his neck. “It’s rut or a” he coughs, “first knotting present, I guess. As a thank you and an I’m sorry for biting you present.” Namjoon shifts back and forth, feeling vaguely nauseous but in a love-sick sort of way. “Do you like it?”
Nesting nooks are expensive gifts, this one alone must have been several thousand dollars. Although Namjoon's anxiety ticks higher as you continue to not say anything. Staring at it and blinking like you can’t believe it’s there. “I thought you could maybe, use a bit of space because of the upstairs, I know you’re used to nesting on your own.” Yoongi had told him about your need to keep your downstairs nest still set up. You know the second the sentence slips past his lips that they've talked about it, that Namjoon’s worried. 
It's nothing personal you just, you feel like you might need a little spot, like Tae does for her library room, a little spot that's just yours. A spot for you to be quiet
And Namjoon's just given you it. 
Your mouth twists and Namjoon tilts your jaw up to his so that he can duck in close and nose along your hairline. "Hey I didn't mean-" 
You take the nearest cushion and crush it to your chest, this one the shape of a graham cracker. "I love it." Your gaze darts away, heart in your throat. "Can I? Try it out?" 
Namjoon steps aside hastily, watching as you ease inside it. Pulling yourself into the dark cavern. it’s soft and comfy. protected in a way that has you instantly feeling hazy. Quiet and mostly scentless, the noises from outside Dampened, the feeling of everything butter soft beneath your fingers. 
It's so safe here. 
You start to knead a pillow, softly, the way that noodle might. Flopping over onto your side. Back against the cushion wall. Rolling a little in it. And a slow purring slowly fills the room, soft and first, and then stronger. You rub your scent across the border, making it smell like yours. 
Namjoon drops to his knees and watches you. when he sticks out his hand you nuzzle into it, cheeks pink, scent omegaspace sweet. you chirp happily and he smiles down at you. 
“There you go pup.”
(Tae, sometime at night)
(Content warning)
Namjoon isn’t the only one who's gotten you courting gifts recently. 
Tae presents yours to you with pink cheeks, the small rectangle pretty when you unwrap it, green warn fabric, and embroidery on the cover.
It’s a copy of Alice and Wonderland, delicately illustrated with watercolor splotches of characters on every other page. It smells like vanilla the way that Jimin smells like vanilla, the musk of it soft and smooth. 
The next time you get small and pupish Tae reads to you, her soft voice lulling you into a softer, smaller headspace. So fuzzy that you can’t feel your toes, mind dumbly repeating ‘mommy, mommy mommy’ with little else on your mind. 
Page after page of pictures that your wide eyes follow without so much as a word, small whines when Tae pauses to see if you’ve fallen asleep yet tell her everything she needs to know about if it had been a good decision or not. the right gift. 
Tae is the only alpha in the pack that can give you this, who can trigger omegaspace in you with as little as a raised eyebrow. 
She has a fantastic reading voice. She and makes the voices of the white rabbit and the mad hare just funny enough to have you huffing soft giggly purrs. 
It's not the last book she gets you. Far from it, over the next few weeks, you quickly fall into a routine: after dinner, she’ll find you in the nesting nook, in your room, or in the bathroom washing up. And she’ll pull you in the direction of the library room and produce another wrapped volume. Some of them illustrated and some not.
You’ll curl up together on the couch, one ear pressed to her heartbeat, another that inches to hear her words and a soft croons. Her hair tickling your forehead where it lingers, just around her shoulders. Grown out now and faster since she started to use a fancy hair serum. 
There are other, slightly more scandalous times, when you squirm at certain parts, unable to find a properly soothed position. When you turn to nuzzle into her shoulder. Nosing along her collarbones and searching for something that makes Tae’s chest tight in all the best ways. Bright eyes glassy, too shy to ask for what you wanted.
What you needed.
The first time you’d face planted into her chest into her barely there but steadily growing tits. She’d laughed, the skin there new feeling and vaguely sensitive. Little white stretch marks shine like a silver lining over the hem of her lace top. 
“You looking for something pup?” she’d teased, she wasn’t necessarily surprised after all, you hadn’t been looking at the book for a few minutes, watching her soft inhale and exhale. The faint imprint of her nipples under the shirt. 
“Can- can I” you’d stuttered, words too hard for you to string together, looking down at Tae’s chest, fingers bunching up the fabric of her dove-colored night dress.  
Being in omegaspace is easier than being totally up these days. Tae knows you need this, without saying why, something is going on in your head that seems too big for it, something that makes you listless and quiet when no one’s around. There’s a reason- there has to be. 
her hand cups your cheek and directs your gaze to her face and not her chest, and you blush, having been caught looking. “Good pups use their words, honey, even if they’re feeling small and needy.”
You struggle when you pull back, sorting through your pupils brain is a difficult task when preoccupied with Tae, mommy, want, pretty, mommy alpha smells so nice, looks so safe. 
“Can I- can I put my mouth on Mommy?” heat laces down her chest, a fire like none other that has her body growing warm everywhere you touch, the smooth line of your inner thigh pressed to hers, your stomach as you inhale to whine. You squirm away from the embarrassment of asking for something so taboo. 
Her hand grips your waist, and you know you aren’t going anywhere. 
“Take what you need pup.” 
Her spaghetti straps are down around her shoulders before you can blink, dress rucked down to her rib cage. Her chest has swelled so prettily from the hormones her nipples little puffy peaks. She’s maybe a b cup at best but your mouth waters, a whine slipping from your lips without you trying to summon it.  
Tae guides you to them with her hand threaded through the hair on the back of your head. Fingers rubbing soothingly against your scalp and oh 
With Tae so close, you can smell all of her. It’s so natural when your mouth guides into a suck, Hot and gentle where she’s sensitive. Your nose nudges against her skin taking deep lungfuls of her scent, greedy in the way that you curl around her body. Your brain is truly quiet for the first time in months. Resting your head in the crook of her elbow. 
Tae sighs and stretches out while you settle. It’s not exactly not sexual but intimate, the attention at her chest isn’t something that makes arousal stir in her stomach, not when it's like this. Sucking softly, never too hard, with the same pressure that you might mouth at a soft blackberry, lips teasing but only just teasing.
She picks back up the book and keeps reading, ignoring the way her breath hitches with every harder suck. 
There is something about tucking your face close, hands tangling in her dress, that feels like the most natural expression of your dynamic. The way she pets over your shoulders and reads to you while you set down your heavy worries. Clinging to her until your fingers go slack and your sucking slows. Lips parting to let out soft sleepy breaths across her sensitive skin and Tae knows you’ve fallen asleep. 
Tae is the only alpha who can give you this.
After the first time, all bets are off. 
Tae often finds you tugging at her top at dinner time, fingers curious and needy on her ribcage, unwilling to touch where you need to under the gaze of so many other. 
Bending under the need, the haze of omegaspace tugging at you, begging for the couch and her in the green room. It’s especially bad if she wears anything low-cut. You’re squirmy in her lap during movie nights, a little breathless any time she hugs you (she might be a little mean and tug you up so that you're face to face with the object of your desire)
You're more than a little nervous around the rest of the pack. 
But she agrees this is a secret. A habit that should be just yours. Tae never would have said there would be anything too intimate to share with them after coming out but maybe this is. 
One time and one time only does Jimin accidentally walk in on you, 
Namjoon is close behind, she isn’t sure what their reasons are. Luckily your head is blocked by a blanket and Tae only has to hiss a “get out” for them to turn tail and run. Thankfully, they hadn’t prodded that much about it later.  
It’s not always so innocent, sometimes Tae’s thigh presses up between your own guiding you into a slow grind or her fingers wander, gently parting your thighs and pressing up and under your sleep shorts. fingers curiously exoloring  between your thighs insistent to taste your pleasure in the air and hear your needy moans. 
But every time you stop sucking, she stops touching. leaves her fingers just there tugging on your clit or just around them. Caught between a rock and a hard place, as you keep going, looking up at her, hips jerking against her fingers. Your sucking near frantic as you cum and Tae's wicked smile and mean laugh above you as you gush and drip around her fingers. rubbing gently over your clit at the same rhythm which you suck.
Worse are the times that she says, “Mommy’s turn” with a smile on her face. Switching your positions entirely. Holding your wrists so that you can’t try and cover yourself as she licks and sucks with abandon. Rubbing your frustrated tears away with her thumbs as she sucks at your nipples until they’re bitten and sensitive. So sensitive that you feel them every time they rub against your shirt, constantly distracting you and reminding you of her touch. 
There is something about you needy and squirmy in omegaspace, dripping messy all over her nightdress, upset and tearful at being teased for so long that makes Tae’s alpha purr, makes her almost addicted. Those moments usually end with her cumming over your tummy and you grinding one out against her face or her thigh and once, her tits.
She’s cum on yours before, had you hold up her skirt like a good girl, standing there with your nipples wet from her mouth to let her jack off all over you. listening to you babble about how pretty her cock looks, how beautiful she is, it never takes her long.
The walk of shame to the bathroom had drawn the stares of quite a few of your packmates, Jimin had nearly walked into a wall as Tae led you upstairs for a shower. 
It's intoxicating being needed, being the bearer of your needy whines and these delicate moments. When one nipple gets too sensitive and Tae transfers you to another, cheeks pink, lips wet and kissable, tasting like Tae's skin when she leans down. fussy, unwilling to be parted from her for even a second. 
Tae looks and feels her most beautiful with her chest sucked pink,  nipples glossy from your mouth when you inevitably fall asleep like that. And Tae has to pull up her dress and call for one of the alphas to help carry you to the nest like you weren't just doing something so salacious
When you’re alone, and your fingers instantly gravitate towards the buttons on her blouse, needy whines mean only one thing as you struggle to unfasten the buttons. Fingers clumsy from your wanting.
"My sweet little pup, so cute and needy for mommy that you can't even wait for a second, what am I going to do with you?"
(Hobi, the same day as before) 
Not many people use the beach this late in the season. The businesses on the boardwalk are half-boarded up now that the tourist rush is over and half of the lights are empty and vacant of their usual neon splendor.
But maybe if Yoongi were here, he’d say that this is the way that you and Hobi flirt. With jabs back and forth like crashing waves. Jests of Are you tired yet? and not at all as you run and giggle, splashing through the dark waves. Happy and zoomy in the way that dogs get when you give them wide open spaces to run. Until the late hour drags your bones down and exhaustion makes you giggly and innocent. The way you and Hobi maybe never get to be when you’re not alone with each other.
But you can trust him, with your sensitive parts and your darkness too.
The beach is quiet at night, the hem of your pajama pants soaked 3 inches up from the cold water. Your shoes sit discarded in the sand and the cold salt air tickles your forehead and your bare toes. A pair of headphones between the two of you tangle in the sand like a string of fate. You bob your head to Hobi’s most recent favorite song and shiver.
Hobi notices and starts to shuck off his jacket, thick sweatshirt balmy underneath. You make a noise in protest but he doesn’t listen. His next words a mess in the middle of so much base, “I’ve got more meat on my bones than you do.”
You take his headphone out of your ear. “You sure?”
You ease into the warmth like it’s what you’ve been waiting for, and Hobi pulls himself closer to you to block the wind. You know you'll smell like him tomorrow morning, that the others will hover and breathe deep, appreciating your combined scents.
The moon is bright tonight, casting everything in shimmery pools of silver. You can see him in near-perfect blue-grey detail. It’s what drew you out tonight, the promise of an extra high tide and the glittering splendor of the ocean on a full moon. The drag of waves has the same tempo as Hobi’s soul, the tide higher than usual.
You fold the sleeves over your hands in the semi-darkness and it strikes him as oddly fragile, the way you curl in on yourself. One second happy and zoomy, and the next almost conservative. Like you think you won’t have enough joy for later. Your happiness reseeding like a tide.
Hobi turns his knees to the side. "You've been acting different since the rut." Was it me? Was I the one who made you look a little smaller, a little sadder than you were yesterday? You deflate at his words and Hobi struggles. “Not weird! It’s not bad I’m just-” worried- so fucking worried.
“Was it the alphas today?” he trails off, unsure of what he's asking.
You turn towards him, shoulders resting against the sand. All rocks made small, and time and energy that's made boulders movable. The sand curves to the shape of your body. Your cradle and your grave.
"No- your coworkers were fine just-" You shrivel your nose at the stars, maybe fate is taking notes. "Alphas, you know?" 
"Hey, I’m an alpha too." He pushes at your shoulder playfully, trying to make the mood lighter so that you’re more likely to tell him what's really wrong. There’s sand in your hair when you turn away hiding your small smile like the sliver of a crescent moon. He feels like he should have anticipated that and brought a blanket or at least a towel for you to lie on, if not to make you warmer than to at least make sure you didn’t get sand in your hair. 
"Yeah, but you're one of the good ones." 
He settles back against the sand, faintly warm from the sunshine still. At odds with the cold wind that whips at the two of you. “I’m okay, you don’t have to worry about me, I’m just-“ your face twists with melancholy. “Tired.”
Tired. Hobi had found you dozing in the nesting nook tonight. Why had you slept there and not upstairs? You could have waited for him in either place- so why did you choose the one that made you alone? Why deny yourself the comfort at your fingertips?
Hobi swallows, “do you want to head back?”
Your eyelashes flutter whisper soft against your cheek, your voice thick like you might be about to cry. But you can tell Hobi these things, the restless half-exhaustion of not knowing when it will get easier, the exhaustion of having to try so hard for so long and still feel like you haven't gotten anywhere.
“I don’t think it’s the kind of tired that sleep can fix Hobi.” 
Hobi blinks back the tightening in his chest like someone has stretched a rubber band around his lungs, pulling himself up so that you’ve got to look at him and see the sincerity in his face. 
"You don't have to be okay you know. You don't have to, it would be okay if you weren't. We'd make it okay." 
You swallow and it takes you a long time to answer, long enough that Hobi gets a little worried. You pick up the sand and let it fall through your hand. Dry, movable, changing. When the words come, they’re like a flood.
"It didn't fix me.”
You look like you don’t want to admit it, but the truth is so hard to contend with sometimes when expectations are proven false. 
“The rut- being with Namjoon- Proving I could handle it. It didn't fix what was broken with me. I think I wanted it to like- make me feel whole, make me feel normal. It's what an omega in my position should be doing. Helping their alpha. Being good.”
Your breath hitches, and you know that there are so many many ways to be good. Being good for Geumjae meant starving yourself and staying quiet. You thought that maybe being good for Namjoon would be easier, that taking care of yourself would become easy because he wanted that for you. 
But maybe it's not the alphas you're with that are the problem. 
You liked the rut, you would swear on your mating mark that nothing happened during it that you didn't consent to and fully anticipate. So why do you still feel so fragile? Like you should be apologetic for it, like somehow- you didn't live up to their expectations.
He rolls back onto his ass letting you sit away from him because distance feels like what you might need. 
"Good, I didn't want you to choose that." 
As much as Hobi and the others are loathed to admit it, regardless of the bite mark now yellowing against your thigh, you being there actually did help during Namjoon's rut. Usually, at least one of them is left looking gaunt and in need of a few days’ rest. Jungkook didn’t even have a seizure this time. And to everyone's surprise, the pack had gone mostly back to normal sort of instantly. 
Everyone had been able to walk just fine the following evening, they'd take it slow, but maybe they hadn't needed to. Hobi would have never called them unbalanced before but it's clear now how much their pack benefits from having a third omega.
But none of that would matter if you decided that you'd taken that step too quickly. 
Your hand tangles with his, tangles with the sand. His fingers are strong and birdlike in yours, warm and rough.
He waits for a few long breaths "Was it bad that I said that?" Double checking, because you're both allowed to double-check when you need to. Both you and Hobi struggle to trust your internal narrative because you know how easy it is to twist it. 
You take turns like this often, being vulnerable, being the one to break apart. Your laugh is something jagged, tearing up bits of yourself that you don’t want to keep, don’t want to hold onto, you swear. 
How is it so easy to be hurt and yet so difficult to let the things that hurt you go? 
"Yes," your laugh is sadder than he likes, you tuck your face back into the crook of his shoulder. “No. It’s fair. I think I’m just overwhelmed a little, I just wish I knew how to hope like you do. Every time I’m sad it feels like it’s like it’s the saddest I’ve ever been. Like there’s no coming back from it. It's exhausting always trying to be hopeful. How do you do it?" 
Hobi likes thinking about it like that; hoping as a learned skill and not as an affliction. He gets cynical every time he gets sad and You know this best. He wonders when exactly you became the person he goes to with all of his contradictions. He doesn't know when he became this person for you either but he likes it.
He likes it. 
He pulls himself a little bit closer to you. Nudging your shoulder with his and leaning. Rubbing quick up and down your calves to warm you up. The flannel of your pajama bottoms are rough against his fingers, he thinks they might be Yoongi's. 
"I don't know, guess just I have to hope the healing adds up one day. When I'm not sad I don't know what else to do but hope." 
You sit like that in silence for a good long while, the headphones buzzing on the sand between the two of you, quietly watching the ocean.  
“I think you might be my best friend.” You admit quietly. Hobi’s smile makes the moon shine just a little brighter. 
“I think you might be my best friend too.” 
You sit like that, your body pressed up against his for a long time watching the ocean. Long enough that Hobi thinks you both might turn into statues, turned to marble pearly ness underneath the moons light, like it's trying to keep you here in this moment for as long as possible. 
Hobi thinks you might have fallen asleep but then You stiffen and freeze. It's not him you're looking at when he turns. Your eyes have lost their glassiness, squinting into the ocean at something in the distance. Bobbing too close to be a buoy and too hard-shaped to be a patch of seaweed. 
"Hobi, I think there's something out there in the water."
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Extra’s: Tae’s angel halloween dress + the nesting nook
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eepywriters · 6 months
please do getting into an agrument with quackity headcanons please 🙏🏻🙏🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻😙😙🫣‼️💕💕🩷🩷
.✦°. • getting into an argument hcs (*´Д`*)
warnings: a bit of angst and maybe a bit ooc? I tried 😞🤚🏻
a/n: HIII!! THANK U SO MUCH! It means a lot :D and sorry if it took so long 。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。 finals kicked my ass so I couldn’t write for a while BUT IM HERE SO LET’S GET INTO IT
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(thinking of a young, little experienced Alex)
Oh it’s jover
This could actually be something that could cause a breakup cuz let me tell you THIS MAN just can’t stand confrontation
If it’s something that bugged you, he’d probably understand your point of view but would also be very overwhelmed at the thought of losing you cause he hasn’t been good enough for you, resulting in him hyper focusing on his spiraling thoughts rather than listening to what you are saying
I feel like he’d also be the type to act like nothing happened right after an argument; he’d ignore the tense situation and make jokes to light up the mood and forget about it. He’s not dense, he knows it hurts you to see him seemingly ignore your feelings like that, but he’s not used to being listened so he ends up making his partner go trough his predicament as well
BUT it’s even worse if it’s something that bugged HIM; he probably wouldn’t tell you about it, much preferring to suck it up and don’t cause problems, even though he IS creating more problems
the underlying tension caused by his silence would bring the relationship to a breaking point:
1 you break up and the regret eats him up (probably also wouldn’t reach out again because of shame and a tiny bit of ego)
2 you talk about it cause it can’t go on like this
When I talk about bugging tho, I’m thinking about things that don’t surge an immediate reaction from him, because if he’s mad, he’s mad.
He’s the venomous type, forget his silence and self pity, he’ll probably laugh in your face in irritation and say whatever the fuck he thinks
He’ll retreat to his office as soon as he sees the hurt in your face, understanding he went to far and going back to he’s usual silence, ending up giving you the silence treatment. (he also feels incredibly ashamed) (he’ll just stay in his office all day, editing mindlessly since his mind is anywhere but in the work he’s doing)
He’ll either leave you alone in bed that day, making you sulk and feel as lonely as ever, or will sleep with you but it’ll be the coldest shit ever (like the typical movie scene where two people sleep super afar from each other)
Don’t misunderstand tho, he does feel guilty, he just struggles with communicating his feelings properly (*´ー`*)
“(Name) I’m not a child, stop acting like you are my fucking mom” he spat, a look of indignation spreading on his features, shaping his otherwise gentle appearance into a strong, furious one.
“Cant you understand that I’m worried about you?” you strike back, jaw impossibly tightened “I understand that you’re very dedicated to your job, but you can’t get yourself to this state.” You sigh, not able to keep up the mad act: “You look very tired Alex”.
You take a tentative step towards him, determined to show him you weren’t scolding him, nor were you mad at him. You were trying to establish contact with him, not start a fight, after all your irritation came from worry, not anger. But he didn’t receive that well. His brows scrunching even further while his mouth twitches downwards.
“Stop acting like I’m some fucking rabid animal. I can take care of myself just fine, I don’t need a fucking babysitter”.
Seems that wasn’t the right move.
The way he was saying your name was probably what hurt the most. You find yourself missing the gentle tone he usually reserved to it when spoken.
“What are you even saying?” you breathe out, your voice being so fragile you almost don’t recognize it as your own. “Do you hear what you are saying? You are being impossible Alex”.
At this point his foot is stomping nervously on the floor. He’s getting annoyed by the minute and he can’t wait to forget about this tense situation. Arguments always put him on edge, but instead of working on the root cause of his discomfort, he always had preferred to just get himself out of the mess as soon as possible. (He hadn’t yet grasped how much that could hurt others). And that’s why, out of everything he could’ve gone, he replied with the one of the most uncalled for things he could ever come up with.
“Maybe instead of worrying about me, you should take a good look at yourself first”.
And you know what he was trying to entail.
You were never insecure of your dark circles, or at least, it wasn’t something that bugged you on the daily ever since you had found a common ground with Alex, knowing he struggled with very prominent circles cause of his lack of sleep. But for someone like him, who always had a hard time with his appearance, to clap back at you by going for your looks? Foul. Unexpected. Not like him at all.
You were sure he could tell from the look of disbelief on your face that he had fucked up.
Alex’s breathing keeps up, his chest constricts, and the anger and the pride that he has wearing like a tailored suit are stripped out of him at the sight of your frown. His mind goes haywire trying to come up with any response.
Maybe if you would’ve known him better by then, you would’ve known how terrified he was of your judgment. Even though his fame often had him deal with horrible comments filled with free hate, if judgement came from you, it scarred 100 times more than anything could ever do.
“Just leave it be, I’m fine” it’s all he mutters before booking it and hiding himself in his office, leaving you to stand there, in the middle of your living room.
Tears prickle your eyes, threatening to fall at any moment and your lip begs you for mercy as you bite into it.
God, why was communicating so difficult in this house?
It took time, it took healing, it took sitting down and TALKING to finally find your balance
He’s still pretty much venomous when it comes to immediate triggers, but after you are both done fighting and cursing each other out, you talk about it and come out of it somewhat unscathed
Anger isn’t easy to control or refrain after all, but you both try your best, and you are able to make up most of the times without falling into old dynamics of silent treatment or isolation
If something bugs him, he most likely will tell you; he is hesitant about it, but after many nights spent in your arms, he starts to let go on some of his biggest worries (anxiety still gnaws at his core every time he opens his mouth though, that doesn’t get old at all)
If something bugs you, he doesn’t shy away from confrontation anymore; he’s not perfect at it either, he still feels the urge to run away and laugh about it all, but he’s gotten way better at it
He’s still very scared of you having a negative opinion about him, but now you know him well enough to spend some extra time to reassure him that you won’t stop loving him for a petty fight, and that arguments in relationship are important to grow not only as a couple, but as people too
“(Name)” he calls out, and you instantly recognize the hint of anxiety that he’s trying to hide from you.
“Yes honey?” you reply, taking your eyes off your phone to stare into his pretty, brown ones. They screamed stress, fear, yet also determination. He did so much progress compared to the beginnings of your relationship. You were proud of him.
Alex took a deep breath before saying: “Uhm, It’s about the photo of us you posted earlier”. You could practically smell the tension in the air. His body is stiff, his chest is heaving, but your gaze is captured by his fingers and by how his nails are digging into them continuously, tearing his already red skin.
You take his hands in yours, preventing him from doing further damage to his poor, abused fingers. You knew he does it as a way to ground himself, but he really needed to find a new coping method - one that didn’t feature him torturing his body if possible.
He stares at his hands in yours for a while. You don’t say anything, allowing him to take his time.
“Okay fuck it” Alex whispers under his breath, so quietly you almost miss it.
“It makes me feel insecure, I don’t like it” he admits, keeping his focus on your hands as he munches his bottom lip nervously. You, in response, draw slow circles on his hands, offering him a gentle smile.
“Can you delete it..?” he sounds unsure, like he’s testing the waters instead of actually making a request. Either way you welcome it.
You put one of your fingers under his chin, gently applying pressure for him to lift his head, just enough to look at you. “Of course I can. Thank you for telling me Alex, I know it’s hard”. His once tense body relaxes.
He avoids your tender gaze, seemingly preferring to stare at the floor, yet you see the soft blush that was quickly taking over his cheeks. You also can’t help but notice that he already had found his charming smile back.
“Stop looking at me like that” he mumbles as his smile spreads. Uh oh, that can only mean trouble.
“Like what” your eyes narrow, not trusting his new found confidence.
“Like this”.
His imitation is pitiful: furrowed eyebrows, small frown and large puppy dog eyes. The more you look at him, the more he reminds you of that one emo guy that kind of looks like him (he definitely does). He looks ridiculous. How did you even fall in love with this dude?
You slap his arm, scoffing out a laugh as you look at him incredulous: “I don’t look like that!”.
“I think you do” he says with a smug tone, one that makes you want to hit him with a pillow till he goes back to sleep. And maybe you just will.
“Oh it’s on you motherf-“
The room was filled with laughter instead of unconfortable, loud silence.
(first post of 2024 yippiee)
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trensu · 9 months
have another snippet of stasis in darkness! just 'cuz i'm bored tbh, and kinda stuck on all my wips i'm currently working on.
The seventh night:
“Has he spoken to you yet?”
“How could he when you’re here yammering my ear off every night?”
“He’s a god, I’m sure it wouldn’t be that hard for him to shut me up.”
“Even gods have their limits.”
“Oh, har har. The warrior’s got jokes. You didn’t answer my question.”
“...not yet,” Steve said stiffly. 
“It’s been how long now? A week?” The man hummed in a falsely thoughtful manner. “Maybe he’s just not that into you, man. Maybe he’s letting you down easy.”
At his words, Steve involuntarily curled his shoulders inward, slightly, ever so slightly, in defense. He'd been wondering that same thing earlier that day. Steve had toiled hours in the sun to fix up the shrine; to make it welcoming; to encourage a divine visit. 
He had stopped wearing his armor to free up more time to work. Putting it on and taking it off took too long, and he didn't have to maintain it as much if he wasn't wearing it regularly. He stuck to only his chainmail. He'd kept his shield stored away, too, so it wouldn't get in the way while he worked. Though, he made sure to keep his sword nearby.
He’d taken his knife and traced over the etchings of stars in the alcove that served as a backdrop to the statue. His knife had been ruined but it didn't matter. The Lord of Night would probably want the stars of his dark sky with him, he reasoned, and these had worn so thin. Sadly, it was the only detail he could bring out of all the stone. The statue’s face was so crumbled that Steve couldn’t even begin to guess what it had originally looked like.
He had discovered that the vines he chose to keep were moonflowers. They had blossomed every night since he’d removed the other more invasive plants. He'd draped them carefully so they lay across the statue's shoulders, wrapped lovingly around its torso and clung to its waist before the ends of the vines trailed off at the knees. 
The strange man might have made himself a nuisance during his visits but he never stayed the whole night. Steve had been able to get a few hours of makeshift prayers at the shrine every night. He’d done all this, yet dawn broke every day without a single sign that the Lord of Night had been listening.
Steve broke out of his reverie. He refused to look at the man. He had to clear his throat roughly before he could speak.
“It wouldn’t be the first time I’ve been rejected by someone I love." Steve tried not to dwell on his father's perpetual scowl and his mother's infinite disinterest. "I’m pretty used to my devotion being one sided by now.”
“That’s a bummer,” the man said. His sympathy was meant to be teasing, Steve could tell, but it came out surprisingly sincere. “Good thing you have a whole pantheon! Strong guy like you? Any god would take you to be their warrior in a heartbeat.”
“What are you talking about? No, I’m nowhere near done with his shrine,” Steve said determinedly. “I know a silversmith and a stone mason who’d give me a hand, and Dustin and Robin have been dying to come up here to bring him offerings. The only reason they didn’t come with me is because I had to do the pilgrimage on my own if I wanted a shot at earning his blessing.”
The man spluttered.
“Are you insane? A god rejects you and you’d come back? What kind of stupid–were you dropped on your head as a child?
“A couple times, but that doesn’t have anything to do with it.”
“Are you sure? Have you checked? You should go to one of the gods of medicine. Owens, maybe. Have him take a look at your head,” the man huffed in frustration. "For stars' sake, why would you want to come back?"
He ignored the insult to his intelligence. For stars' sake. Steve murmured the words to himself, letting them settle in his mouth to get a feel for them. He'd never heard of that one before. He liked how it rolled off the tongue, natural as anything. 
The man waited for his response. Steve took a moment to try to sort out his words. He kept his head bowed towards the shrine as he ruminated.
“People barely remember my god,” Steve finally said. “And when they do, they remember him as something he’s not. Even if he doesn’t believe I’m worthy of carrying his crest, he shouldn't be forgotten.” 
The man said nothing. Steve took a shuddering breath before the quiet could take over. 
“Having someone forget you is…it’s very lonely. Which is the worst feeling. I…I guess I don’t want him to be lonely anymore.”
The silence that followed his statement stretched long enough that Steve started falling into that meditative state he’d learned during his many nights at the shrine. It helped dull the twisted up, unsteady sensation that lingered from the man’s prodding at his every self-doubt and fear.
“He hasn’t rejected you yet, though,” the man broke Steve's musings awkwardly.
“He hasn’t reached out to me either. It’s fine. I’ll keep coming either way.”
Another silence. It was around the time the man usually left Steve to his worship. He didn't hear retreating footsteps. Instead, the man cleared his throat, and when Steve looked up at him, the man turned his face away, shrouding it in gloom.
“Maybe he’s nervous. Maybe that’s why he hasn’t contacted you yet.”
“Nervous? No way.”
“He sounds like a godly weirdo,” the man said. “Maybe he’s never had a holy warrior before and doesn’t know what to do.”
“He’s the good kind of weirdo! And there’s no way he’s not had a warrior carry his symbol. He must’ve had loads back in the day. I probably don’t meet his standards,” Steve smiled lopsidedly, playing off his insecurity.
“I’m serious!” the man exclaimed. “It’s possible! Some gods never get warriors. Some never want them at all!
“Look, even if I was the first to offer to be his, he’d know he didn’t have to be nervous,” Steve insisted. "I’ve never served a god before either! I wasn’t sure I could have faith at all until I learned about him. So like, if he’s new to it then so am I, and we’d figure it out together.”
“...you really mean that, don’t you? You’d let him make it up on the fly if he took you on.”
“Well, yeah,” Steve shrugged.
“You’d keep coming back even if he rejected you?”
“But why? That’s so stupid. Nobody would do that!” The man sounded frustrated.
“I’m not really known for my smarts,” Steve said matter-of-factly. “Robin and Dustin had to translate the only book we found about the Lord of Night because I definitely wouldn't have been able to. It was a tiny book but it still took them ages to do because the language doesn’t really exist anymore. So they told me it’s possible it’s not accurate. It felt true, though, to me. 
“There was this quote, I can’t recite it word for word, but…it was something about how monsters don’t always look monstrous, and the monstrous aren’t always things to be feared.”
“That sounds ridiculous,” the man protested. Steve shook his head.
“No, it’s true! Like, I know I’ve got a pretty face and really great hair,” he smirked when he heard the man scoff, “but I was such a fucking asshole when I was younger. I went around hurting people on purpose, tearing them down for no reason other than I was hurting too, and that’s the shittiest reason to hurt anyone. I had to get some sense knocked into me by the people I call friends now. 
“My friends are the greatest people I know, and I’m really lucky to have them, but to everyone else? My friends are losers. They’re rejects because they don’t act right or they don’t look right; they talk too much or too loudly. People treat them like shit because they're different. 
“And after I noticed that, I started seeing it more even if I don’t always pick up on it. And I still mess up sometimes. I'm not a god, I can't change the world but…in the stories Robin and Dustin translated, the Lord of Night helped people like my friends because it was always the weak and rejected that try to hide themselves in the dark. I want to help those people find him again so they know they’ve got someone holy in their corner. They should know someone loves them enough to protect them.”
Steve didn’t really know where all those words came from; he wasn’t a wordsmith like Robin and Dustin. He always had a hard time verbalizing his thoughts, and he usually messed up the words. Nonetheless, these words had almost burned to be said. 
When the speech that flowed from him finally reached a natural end, he felt…lighter, cleaner. He felt like his shield and sword when they were polished to a shine. But when he turned to see his audience’s reaction, the man had gone. Steve felt strangely dejected instead.
The eighth night:
“Hey, it’s me again. My supplies are low and I don’t know what your thoughts about hunting on your land are so I’d rather not…I don’t want you to think I’m disrespecting you. I might have to leave soon to get more supplies,” Steve swallowed nervously. “Which isn’t an ult..ultimate…? No, damn, what is it called? I’m not trying to force you to talk to me before then, is what I mean. Not–not that I could! With you being a god.” 
Steve scoffed at his own blundering. He should’ve had Robin help him make speech notes. Cards with conversation starters. Something! He took a deep breath and tried again.
"But I'm coming back, I promise. I meant what I said about fixing up your shrine. I’ll commission a new plaque and I’ll talk to the stonemason about replacing your plinth. I don’t know a lot about sculpture, but I’ll get you the strongest type of stone and get something nice carved on it. Your flowers? Or cats? Cats are cute. Maybe your bats would be better…?” Steve trailed off.
It was quiet save for the faint rustle of leaves in the cool breeze. The full moon illuminated the area more than ever before. The shrine must have really been a beautiful sight back in its heyday. The thought of it sent a pang of longing through his soul.
The hour came that the strange man usually showed up. Steve steeled himself for another round of questions, another jab at his faith. The hour went by with Steve alone in the clearing. Steve frowned.
“Do you think he’s okay?” 
Steve’s question went unanswered.
After another hour without seeing his stranger, Steve had finally convinced himself to round the perimeter for a quick check in case the man was nearby or in need of assistance. When he found nothing, he checked again in case he missed something. 
Still nothing. Uneasily, Steve gave up his search and returned to the shrine. He knelt before it again, head bowed. He cleared his throat.
“Lord of Night, I don’t know his name, and I know he’s been rude–annoying–but could you please watch over the man? Please keep him safe from harm for as long as the stars shine tonight. Thank you.”
He received no response, but Steve had faith. He knew he was heard. He knew his god wouldn’t let an innocent come to harm if he could prevent it.
ps: i do not do those reader tag list things. if you’d like to keep up with my stuff, follow my writing tag: trensu tells stories
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claiestve · 1 month
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𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐁𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐘𝐨𝐮 ꨄ Isaac
˜”* ❝𝙄'𝙫𝙚 𝙗𝙚𝙚𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙜 '𝙗𝙤𝙪𝙩 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙙𝙤 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙠 𝙖𝙗𝙤𝙪𝙩 𝙢𝙚 𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙡𝙡?❞
⎯⎯ ୨ ୧ ⎯⎯
ꜱʏɴᴏᴘꜱɪꜱ: ᴘᴀʀᴛ 2 ᴏꜰ ᴡʜᴀᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴇᴀʀᴅ
⎯୨⎯ " " ⎯୧⎯
You weren’t sure about this. You knew it would look kind of crazy but he wanted to see you again too, right? There you were, standing at Isaac’s front door. It’s not too crazy, right? You used to live here. Of course, you’d know the address. 
Nonetheless, you knocked on the door. You wanted to see him again. That day both of you caught up was… it was a lot but you didn’t have time to stay and were already emotional. It was a whole mess. 
“Hello? — Oh! Pickle?”
“Ah, I’m sorry. I know this is unexpected and I know you get anxious answering the door but I thought I’d see you again because I missed you and I hope you missed me…”
His shock was evident through the stare he gave you. He planned to see you again first, but here you were.
“Oh my,” You started to panic from his silence, “I’m sorry, I should’ve known better. I should’ve reached out before this–”
“It’s okay, Pickle. Come in.”
You walked through the door, hearing it close behind you. It felt weird to be back in this house. Though, it felt like home. 
“So,” He guided you to the couch as if you didn’t know where it was, “What brings you here?”
“Like wanting to be with you…”
What the fuck are you saying?
“Like … okay it sounds a bit crazy–”
It does, yes.
“Don’t worry. I missed you too, Pickle. The house has been empty without your… clumsiness and prying.” He teased. 
If you didn’t feel embarrassed before, you do now. Not that that was Isaac’s intention. Never. You should’ve known that coming to his house and stumbling over your words would result in him winding you up. 
“So… that’s it. I’ll take my leave now–”
“You can stay.”
Isaac’s eager tone stopped you from getting up. As much as you wanted to get out of there and leave because of how awkward this felt, you couldn’t. Not when he sounded like that. 
You knew that he knew what he was doing. Like you had your little tricks, so did he. Using just the tone of his voice to make you stay—the sound of slight fear in his voice paired with excitement. He knew it would work on you, as it has before. And anyway, you couldn’t complain when you’d pull the exact stunts on him before.
“You can stay with me. Don’t you want to? That’s why you came here, right, Pickle?”
“Ugh,” You pouted, “You know me too well. Is that okay though? Me staying?”
“It would be a pleasure. Want me to make you some tea?” Isaac stood up and smiled. 
He was clearly excited about you staying (and his stupid mind game working on you).
“Well since you seem so eager, yes. Just because I don’t want to bring your mood down..”
He laughed from the kitchen,
“I missed you, Pickle! Don’t act like you don’t know that.”
“I missed you too.” 
But that one was kept to yourself. You knew he couldn’t hear that, you just wished the message got to him either way. 
here u gooo a happy ending cuz im not THAT mean. i can quit angst for a lil while out of the kindness of my heart
this was a bit later than i intended n im soso sorry, ive been so much in my head n everytime i tried to finish this, my mind went blank BUT !, its here now
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myhairpintrigger · 1 year
I would like to request angst to fluff for Aleksander where they were past lovers but reader was killed just like what happened to Luda. Eventually on the present time (Alina's timeline ig), during the winter fete, Aleksander saw reader's face as Alina was doing her magic showcase ig and Aleksander followed reader outside (maybe for fresh air) and then thats when reader started getting flash backs maybe a headache (DO UR MAGIC HERE LOVE) and maybe when whe wakes up, he's asleep by her side and she just says "Sasha?" in that sweet tone and ALL FLUFF
hi my anon baby <3 i worked on this for a couple of days. sorry it’s so late!!! i feel as if i’ve seen a couple fics like this and i tried to make it as different as i could while still staying within the margins of your request… i hope it’s okay.
warnings: canon typical violence, character death (kind of?) blood, angst, fluff, all of it. just all of it.
word count: 4.7k
of Wildflowers & Damnation
(aleksander morozova x fem!reader)
Some days were easier than others. Just as on the other side of the coin, some days were harder. Inconveniently, today happened to be one of the harder days for Aleksander. He tried to reason with himself often that after nearly five hundred years of living, that he shouldn’t be so affected by loss anymore. 
That didn’t make it any easier, unfortunately. He’d lost so much in his life, that he didn’t mourn so heavily, and then he’d lost you. 
He’d met you nearly two hundred years after the creation of the fold, and to say he loved you would be to say it was only a bit cold in the arctic, which is to say, it was a gross understatement. He loved you more deeply than he ever knew was possible, and perhaps that’s why it was so terribly hard to accept even all these years later, that you just weren’t alive any longer, while he lived on. 
He had tried to bring you back, he really did. Much to his mother’s dismay, for the second time in his life, he resorted to the use of merzost to heal you. But you never woke. 
Aleksander stood silently near his door. It was nearly time for him to find Alina, to join the festivities at the Winter Fete, to show the country’s most influential just how powerful the Sun Saint really was. He knew it was time to go, but his mind wouldn’t rest.  It wouldn’t stop replaying your last day with him. 
The two of you walked hand in hand through the forest that was just behind your small home. Aleksander wasn’t normally one for such plain and domestic types of endeavors, but the wildflowers were blooming in the valley at this time of year, and he wanted nothing more but to see you smile at them, as you did every year before that. 
“Do you have a favorite flower, Sasha?” You had asked him softly and looked up at him with a big grin. You better than anyone knew that he wasn’t much of a flower person, but the question was still on your mind as you walked together. 
He thought to himself for a moment as he peered down at your excited face and then he shrugged, “Oh, there’s too many to choose from, my lovely. Perhaps a dandelion.”
“Dandelions are weeds, Aleksander.” You pointed out and he shook his head and nudged your side. 
“They still bloom, do they not?”
You didn’t seem to like this answer, because you simply huffed under your breath and gave his hand a little squeeze, “Okay but I meant a real flower. Not a little yellow weed.” You insisted. 
He thought for a moment longer and then he leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss to your hairline, “Alright. Poppies.” He finally conceded and you seemed to like this answer much more than the last, because you hummed and sidled up to him sweetly, your head resting against the side of his arm. 
“Poppies. I would’ve taken you for a rose person.” You mused. 
“And why roses?” He asked, curious to hear your response. 
“Because. They’re terribly beautiful, but you wouldn’t dare just grab one recklessly. They’re covered in thorns. You have to be gentle with them, work around the thorns. Then it’s yours to have. Kinda like you. Just gotta work around your thorns.” You replied and then let out a tiny giggle, “At least, that’s what I did. Seemed to work out just fine for me.” 
Your words made his chest feel as if it was flooding with impossible new amounts of affection for you and he stopped the two of you where you walked and he leaned down to delicately wrap both of his arms around your waist. You eagerly wrapped your tiny arms around his shoulders and he moved down a bit more, closer to your level. 
To Aleksander, you were the sweetest thing in the world. Everything from your kind smile to your fiery attitude made him swell with love for you. To love and be loved in return was such a strange concept for him to grasp. Especially when the returned love was given by such a gentle soul such as yourself. He often found himself unworthy of such a love, unworthy of your kindness, your care, your acceptance. You knew of his past transgressions, yet you loved him anyways, always insisting that mistakes get made. Everyone messes up. To the world, he was The Darkling. The Black Heretic. A wicked man with a soul as dark as his eyes. That version of himself even existed in his own mother’s eyes. But to you, he was simply Aleksander. 
He held you even tighter now and he buried his face in your hair for a long time before he slowly pulled away from you and brought his hands up to delicately cup your face. He held your face so gently as if he was convinced it would shatter between his fingers and he watched your eyes, fascinated by you. 
“What a sweet little thing, you are. What did I ever do in this life to have been blessed with such a love?” He asked softly, leaning down to nudge his nose against yours a few times. 
“If I had to guess, it might have had something to do with your sympathy for weeds. I suppose they need love too.” You teased, and he didn’t even bother rolling his eyes at your teasing before he pressed a tender kiss to your lips. You kissed him back and placed your hands on top of his, letting out another little giggle into his mouth. He pulled back and watched you in amusement, a smile spreading across his own face. 
“What could you possibly be laughing at during a moment like this?” He asked and you scrunched your nose up and patted the backs of his hands a few times. 
“Your beard tickled my lip.” You replied gleefully, your eyes meeting his in a mirthful gaze. 
He slowly pulled away from you and took your hand again, pulling you into his side as the two of you started to walk once more, “Shall I cut it then?” He asked and chuckled. 
You practically skipped alongside him as the two of you walked and you shook your head, “No. I think you look handsome. But you might need a haircut soon. You’ve got bangs nearly.” You pointed out and reached up with your free hand to push a strand of hair away from his eyes, “Don’t worry. I can do it for you.” You added and laid your head against the side of his arm once again. 
He laced his fingers in between yours and gave your hand an affectionate squeeze as he led you down along the dirt path, “How have your lessons with my mother been going?” He asked. 
It was your turn to nearly roll your eyes now and you took a quick glance up at Aleksander, “Well. She doesn’t like me much, and I’m still not very good at controlling my fire so… to be continued. Maybe. I don’t know. Perhaps I just don’t want to learn anymore. I have no use for these powers.” You replied and tapped the side of his hand with your pinky finger. 
You were an Inferni, a poor one at that. Normally Aleksander would protest and tell you to embrace your gift but he didn’t this time, resigning to let you speak your mind. If you didn’t want to pursue your abilities, he wouldn’t force you, “I don’t think she dislikes you.” He replied down at you finally. 
“Oh, I think she does. She’s always got a backhanded comment locked and loaded just for me.” You argued with a little sigh. 
Aleksander knew it wasn’t you that she disliked in specific. It was just the fact that his mother disliked the fact that he was selfish enough to let himself love you. She always insisted that he’d ruin you, just like the girl he loved before you. She insisted that he wasn’t meant for you, always telling him to set you free before he inadvertently broke your wings. Deep down, he knew his mother was right. She usually was. But he couldn’t bring himself to ever make you leave. Not now. He was too far in. 
He shook his head a couple of times and sighed, “She’s not exactly inviting. But that’s not to say she dislikes you. Don’t pay her any mind, my love.” He replied and then brought your intertwined hands up to his lips so that he could place a few light kisses to your knuckles.
He lowered your hands back down between the two of you once again and he glanced up over the hill in the distance. You two were nearly to the small valley and he could tell your excitement was growing, because your steps got more hurried and you occasionally would let out giddy squeals and hums. 
A snap of a stick on the path behind you had Aleksander sweeping you in front of him as he turned around to survey the area. The two of you had stopped walking now and he looked around behind both of you, finding nothing. 
“What was that?” You asked quietly and glanced up at your lover, feeling a bit uneasy. 
“I’m not sure, darling.” He replied cautiously and turned back around to glance down at you. 
Your eyes were already fixed up on his face. You didn’t look scared, but you didn’t look like you felt too secure either, and he didn’t blame you. Something had shifted in the forest around you two, there was a strange feeling. You grabbed onto his arm tightly and you gave it a little tug. 
“Sasha, we don’t have to go any farther. We can head back home now.” You whispered, but he shushed you softly and turned back around slowly to check the path behind the pair of you. 
A small snapping sound came again, but this time it was now in front of the two of you. There was a little shuffle and another snap and he felt you yank his arm again.
He turned around as your grip on his arm loosened and he looked down at your face, which was now drained of color. You wobbled a bit and fell forward onto him, and he swiftly caught you with a shocked exclamation of your name. 
He held you upright and that’s when he saw the arrow that had lodged itself in your back and stuck out through your chest. He wildly looked around and had spotted two men in thick furs darting out from behind a tree. Drüskelle. He had barely a second to move the two of you before they let loose another arrow and he retaliated quickly. 
One of the men let out a yell in their native tongue and Aleksander wasted no time in quickly diving down to the ground with you as another arrow flew. He gently sat you up against one of the small trees on the edge of the path and turned around, and with zero hesitation, finished the two men off easily with The Cut. As they fell to the ground, he looked around for more. When none came, he turned to you and scooped you up into his arms as quickly as he could, not daring to pull the arrow from your chest quite yet. 
“Hey, hey. Y/n. You’re going to be alright.” He insisted. 
But the way your head lolled to the side weakly made him think otherwise. You didn’t respond to him, but you looked up into his eyes, tears beading in the corners of yours. 
“We’re going home. I’m taking you to my mother, we can fix this.” He promised and didn’t wait a single second more before he was dashing off down the path with you hanging all but limply in his arms. He could feel the warmth of your blood seeping through the sleeve of his shirt and he grit his teeth, refusing to let himself panic. You were going to be okay. You had to be. There wasn’t a chance in hell that Aleksander was going to let you go now that he had finally found you after years upon years of being alone. He didn’t notice the tears gathering in his own eyes until they were falling down his cheeks and you let out a distressed sound.
“No, Sasha. Don’t cry. It’ll be okay.” You whispered hoarsely, and the sound of your voice only made it worse.
He ran straight out of the forest and through the field behind your home before he finally ran through the back door. He laid you down on your side atop the round wooden table in the middle of the room and he yelled for his mother, who came shortly after he called. 
“Mother. We need to do something. Drüskelle, in the forest attacked us, and they-“ he started frantically, only to be cut off by the older woman.
“There is nothing you can do, Aleksander.” She said shortly and then shook her head, “We don’t have a healer nearby. We aren’t healers ourselves.”
He looked over at you, and you seemed so much smaller than usual now, curled up on the table with an arrow still protruding from your back, “Mother, there has to be a way. I will not let my lover die.” 
“There is no way. There is no natural way for us to save lives. You know this. Bid her goodbye.” She said sternly. 
His head perked up a bit and he reached out to make sure you were still alive by touching your pulse. 
Weak, but still there. Just barely. 
“But I can. I can do it, I’ve practi-“ 
“You cannot!” She protested and held her hand up to her son, “You will not! You will take whatever time you have left and say goodbye, for it is only the way of life. We see life come and go and we remain. Not even you can change that. I’ll give you space. That is final.” Baghra said sharply and turned on her heel to leave the two of you alone. 
Aleksander was at your side in half a second, and he crouched down to be level with your face. Tears were rolling across your face and your lip trembled fearfully. 
“It doesn’t hurt, Sasha. Don’t worry about me please.” You whispered and he reached out to brush tears from your eyes. 
“I’m going to fix this. Okay? You aren’t going to die today. I swear it.” He promised, but his faith was running thin. He reached out and he grabbed your arm gently and held you in place, “I’m going to remove the arrow, okay? And then we’re going to heal you.”
“You are not a healer, Aleksander. Don’t do this.” You begged softly and he looked down into your eyes again. He pursed his lips and shook his head a few times. 
“I won’t lose you. I won’t walk this earth without you by my side, do you understand?”
“No, Aleksander, no.” You protested, trying your best to sound stern like Baghra had, but your voice faltered and he knew you didn’t have much time left. 
He ignored your protests and grabbed hold of the arrow and quickly pulled it out of your back, and whatever voice you had left was spent on the wail you let out as your blood began to freely spill out over the table. He quickly threw himself over you, only to find you shaking. He looked down at your face to learn that your shaking was from your silent sobs and he frowned deeply. 
He was going to save you. It was going to be alright. 
He closed his eyes and placed his hand over the bleeding hole in your back, wracking his brain for the strength to use the magic so forbidden that had been abused by his ancestor, to heal you. To save you. 
He let out an agonized yell and finally felt the same cold, pricking sensation spread through his veins that had occurred the day he created The Fold. He felt stinging in his fingertips as he pushed out everything he could from his hand into your wound. Into you. 
At long last, the stinging stopped and subsided, and Aleksander realized you’d gone still under his touch. He felt a little splash of relief and he turned you around onto your back, only to find your eyes closed. He felt his face drain of all color and he shakily reached up to feel your pulse against your throat. 
To say the days following were that of pure anguish was to put it lightly. He’d taken you to the valley of millions and millions wildflowers and laid you to rest there. At least he knew you’d be somewhere you loved. 
For weeks after your death, Baghra was full of warnings and disappointment for him, chastising him for using merzost once more. 
“You don’t know what you’ve done, Aleksander. You may have very well not healed your lover, but you don’t know what you’ve done. This will come back to you one day. You will regret it. There will be punishment.” She warned.
Not that he cared. 
“Let me regret it. Let it haunt me for the rest of my days, woman. It’s not the only ghost that hangs above my head, now.”
You didn’t recall much. At all. All you knew is that one day you suddenly did recall, as if it was the beginning of your life. 
Amnesia the doctor called it. You’d likely had a head injury and forgotten things, that’s all. 
Whatever you were before, whatever life you led, it was erased from your mind without a single clue as to what it had been prior. In the last few years that you started recalling, you’d worked as a dress maker in the city of Ketterdam. When one of your clients had graciously invited you to come to Ravka’s Winter Fete with her and her daughter in trade of two elegant gowns for them, you’d accepted her offer immediately. 
So there you stood, in the hallway of the crowded Ravkan palace, eyes traveling the faces of everyone who passed by. The two girls you’d attended with had gone off to greet the royal family, and you’d stayed back, opting to survey the crowd instead. You’d heard word that the Sun Summoner was going to be putting on a display in only a few short moments, and just as the thought crossed your mind, it all began. It started with a whirlwind of activity, and you watched the Grisha throughout the room showcase their abilities skillfully, and the sight invoked a strange feeling deep within your chest. You had the sudden urge to bring your hands together just as they did, feeling as if you could perform alongside them. You fought the urge back and flexed your hands a bit at your sides, shaking off the strange feeling.
Your eyes travelled to the front of the room and they fell upon a girl and a man, standing shoulder to shoulder, both wearing black. You assumed it was the Sun Summoner and who you had heard to be General Kirigan, the fierce Ravkan general who also happened to be Grisha. As the pair began their display of power, you felt your head begin to ache dully, and once the Sun Summoner’s light lit up the entire room, the pain in your head only grew sharper. 
Everyone in the room seemed to be filled with excitement, and as the display was done, the volume seemed to increase tenfold, making you clutch your head between your palms. 
The pair at the front of the room turned around and when you saw The General’s face, you blinked a few times. A thought clawed at the inside of your mind, begging to be let free. But you didn’t know how. You didn’t even know what it was. He seemed to notice you shortly after you noticed him, and you could’ve sworn you saw a look of complete astonishment cross his face as quick as a flash of lightning.  
Suddenly the room seemed to blur out as if in your periphery and you gasped as little flickers of imagery flashed behind your eyes. 
A field of flowers, the darkest eyes you’d ever seen, and fire. You furrowed your brow together and you leaned your hand up against the nearest wall, your chest rapidly rising and falling with short, quick breaths. Disorientation fell upon you and you found yourself stumbling through the crowd of partygoers and out of the room. The bustling hallway was a struggle for you to navigate, but you eventually prevailed and found the door to the courtyard. You all but went falling out the door and you stumbled clumsily until you reached grass and you held your hand to your chest as you stopped running. You felt sick to your stomach and your hands began to feel clammy and you swore that you heard someone calling your name- though you were unsure how you knew the name was yours- because you hadn’t been called by it before. You couldn’t even respond in anyway before your eyes rolled back into your head, and you were collapsing backwards towards the ground. 
Aleksander felt insane when he followed you out of the palace. He’d had days where all he could do was think of you, but never once had he seen your face anywhere but his mind. He called after you, but you didn’t seem to notice, and if you did, you didn’t respond. He walked briskly up to you just in time to watch you collapse, and he lunged forward to catch your falling body in his arms awkwardly. The strange angle at which he held you up at made you look so small and fragile, and he hoisted you up into his arms. It couldn’t be you. There was no possible way it could have been. He didn’t dare look down at your face for a few moments, standing there in the courtyard with his jaw set firmly. 
Finally, he did dare to look down, and when he did, he almost found himself collapsing with you. Sure, you were unconscious and your hair had become a bit tousled, but there was no mistaking the face that he saw. It was yours. His y/n. 
He looked around wildly, trying to come up with an explanation for the mere fact that his very dead lover was here. How you were here. He buried you. He reached up with one hand and he brushed the backs of his fingers across your cheeks. He refused to let himself feel relieved or happy or excited. If this was the punishment his mother had promised him years ago, he wouldn’t give in. But he couldn’t just leave you. Not out here, not like this. He stood with you in his arms for a while longer in contemplation before ultimately deciding he’d take you back to his chambers and wait for you to wake. If you woke. Then he’d proceed to ask who you were, to figure out what was happening. 
He carried you off through the night towards the nearly deserted Little Palace, and once inside, he made a beeline for his bedroom. Once he reached the shelter of his room, he closed the door fast and locked it, looking around to make sure no one was inside. He promptly walked you to his bed and laid you out on it, staring down at you. The urge to lay at your side was consuming his every thought and he ground his teeth together, fighting back a round of tears. 
Yours was the face he saw when he fell asleep. Every night. Some dreams were pleasant. You and him in the flowers, or even in bed together, happily. He’d hear your laugh, your hums, your sweet voice… all of it. Some dreams were not so kind, and these were the ones where he relived your last moments over and over again. 
His endless patience had seemed to run out and his will to remain complacent broke. He’d take the pain of having to lose you again if this wasn’t real, he’d be damned all over again to feel the emptiness of your loss if only just a moment of his time could be spent by your side one last time. 
So he kicked off his boots and removed his black decadent kefta, and he slid down into the bed next to you, his eyes not leaving your face once. He reached out across the minimal space he gave between the two of you and he grazed his fingertips across your cheekbones, up into your hair, down the side of your neck and along your jaw. Everywhere. He traced the outline of your lips and he swiped the pad of his thumb across your chin. Not a single thing had differed from his memory. If you’d told him he’d plucked you out from behind his eyes and laid you out in front of him, he would’ve believed it. 
Oh yes, if he was to be damned with the consequences of trying to save you, then he’d take them. He’d take them graciously if it meant one last night at your side. 
He was unsure of when he fell asleep, but he didn’t ever realize that he had until he felt hands on his face. His eyes shot open and he expected sunlight to light up his room, but instead it was dark, with only a glimmer of silver light filtering through the window. He frantically looked across from him on his bed and he reached up to push the hands away from his face, but once his eyes focused in the moonlit room, he dropped his hands and found himself lost in your eyes instead. 
Your hands stayed against his cheeks and you seemed to be at a loss for words. He knew the feeling well. It was mutual. 
The state of unconsciousness you had fallen into had been one of unrest. Memories upon memories began to flood your head all at once. Still, you were unaware of how you were alive and how you had come to be unearthed, but you assumed it must have had something to do with the merzost that you so vehemently opposed him using. 
He reached out to touch your face so gently, as if he thought you were only a figment of the moonlight and would disappear underneath his touch. When you didn’t, he let out a sigh, one that sounded terrified and relieved all at the same time. You couldn’t find your voice while you stared at him, your mouth wanting to form a thousand words all at once. 
Until it settled on just one.  
To Aleksander, this was the sweetest sound he’d heard in his entire long life, and he couldn’t help the tears that loosed themselves from his eyes. He could only nod in response as he wrapped his arms around your small form and he pulled you against his chest. 
If this was damnation, then he’d embrace it with open arms, and if this was a second chance to save you from the consequences of his past, then he’d do better this time. Whatever the case may be, he wasn’t going to leave this room until he was sure you wouldn’t evaporate into nothing. He laid his hand ever so protectively against the back of your head and he leaned his own head down until his lips touched your hairline. He could’ve whispered a million things to you at that moment, promised you everything, sung you praises and profess his love until he ran out of the breath to do so with, but he’d never been one for that many words all at once. So he leaned down to press his lips against yours, and it said everything he couldn’t all at once. He pulled back slowly and he tipped your head back a bit so that he could gaze down at your face, unchanged by all this time. 
And so he uttered out a promise, one that he intended to keep this time, no matter the cost.
“Yes, my sweet girl. It’s me, and I will never lose you again.” 
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charliedawn · 4 months
Hey not to be to tmi or trauma dump but I have hade a shit week and just want some Hannibal family or Sinclair brother fluff and maybe even a bit smuty. I work as a nurses and is so fun to relax and read your post. I love the story lines you have going.
Sorry for my bad grammer and speling. I have dyslexia and English is not my first language.
Ohh and if you do add smut can the S/O be more of the dom. Cuz I want more of that stuff but its like no one does that stuff. But again no presure. Love your work and heres a cookie 🍪
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Vincent was usually the one taking pictures of you to carry with him. He was surprised when you suggested that you’d be the one taking pictures of him this time around. He hesitated since Vincent doesn’t like his appearance, but after a little of persuading, he finally yielded and gave you his precious camera for you to take pictures.
And then, you started taking rather innocent pictures of him at first.
You would take random pictures as he worked or made wax figurines. You would also take pictures while you were on dates and then…You had the idea of taking pictures of Vince without his mask.
Of course, he refused at first.
But, he eventually agreed since he couldn’t refuse you anything. You hence started taking pictures…lots of pictures. You even asked him to take poses for the picture.
And he blushed when those pictures would involve him taking off his shirt and you bombarding him with pictures just to have sexy pictures of him.
You *grin before taking Vince by the chin to have a better look at his face.* : "Do not move, love. That’s a good boy…"
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Bo worked at the gas station next to the hospital you were working at and you usually ran into each other after work. And you would walk back home together since you weren’t living that far apart from each other…
You *smile and wave when you spot Bo*: "Hey, Bo ! Wait up…"
Bo looked back at you and smiled.
"Oh, hey there, darls. Did you finish early today ?"
You nodded and you then started walking next to each other. Bo had tried multiple times to ask for your number, but he never seemed to gather the nerve to ask you. And you didn’t seem all that interested so he had decided to just give up…But then, he was surprised when you asked:
"Hey. Wanna come to my place tomorrow ? Maybe…Have dinner with me or something ?"
He was speechless before he finally grinned and chuckled.
"Hell…That sounds good to me. What should I bring ?"
You smirked before replying:
"Your sexy ass should do just fine…"
Bo almost choked on his own saliva.
"Sorry, darls. I think I didn’t hear ya quite right. Could you hum…say that again ?"
You chuckled before glancing back at him.
"See ya tomorrow, handsome."
And with that, you started walking away with a swing to your hips and Bo would be lying if he didn’t say his eyes hadn’t followed those hips until they were out of sight. He then grinned before chuckling and whistling.
"See ya tomorrow, darling !"
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You were in the truck with Lester when you decided to come up with a plan to tell your boyfriend that you needed him…You were discreet at first. You took off your vest and scooted a little closer to him in the truck. He didn’t seem to notice at first. It is only when your hand ended up on his leg that he glanced at you—but didn’t say anything. You squeezed and poor Lester almost let go of the wheel.
"Hum…B-Baby. Hum…Whatcha doin’ ?"
You smirked and didn’t say anything. He sighed and decided to start the car again. He drove for a little while before your hand ended up on his leg again…but higher. You felt him tense up, but he didn’t say anything. You could even see a small smile draw on his lips.
"…You shouldn’t distract the driver, Y/N."
He said after a while, but didn’t push your hand away. It was only when you squeezed again that he snapped his head towards you and grinned.
"Really ? Right now ?"
You nodded in confirmation and he didn’t need to be told twice. He parked the truck and pulled you on his lap to kiss you…
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Hannibal Jr. saw you come back from work and saw that you were upset. He didn’t say anything at first, but frowned a little as you collapsed on the sofa in the living room. He closed his book and slowly made his way to you.
"…Long day, my dear ?"
You wordlessly nodded and he sighed before slowly caressing your hair.
"Do you wish to talk about it ?"
You shook your head negatively and Hannibal Jr. nodded understandingly.
"Very well. Anything I can do to make your day better ?"
You were about to answer negatively when you suddenly had an idea and looked up at him with a small mischievous smirk.
"Well…Since you offered…There might be ONE thing."
Hannibal Jr. raised a quizzical eyebrow at you before he seemed to understand and smirked back.
"~Oh. I see."
He then leaned down to whisper in your ear.
"…The handcuffs are in the drawer to the right."
And with that, he wordlessly stood up and went to the bedroom. You smiled before quickly grabbing the handcuffs and joining him…
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You and Morgan worked at the hospital, so you would often see each other at work. However, your fiancé seemed to not be paying attention to you and be absorbed by his work. So, of course you had to remind him sometimes to pay attention to you…
That’s how you decided to find him and drag him to an empty room to have a…chat.
Him *smirks* : "What is it about, my darling ?"
You *smirk back* : "You know perfectly well what it is about…"
Him *sighs and leans back* : "Fine. I admit having neglected you. I apologise."
You *chuckles* : "Oh no no no. You aren’t getting off the hook so easy. You are going to have to do better than that."
Him *tilts his head* : "Really ? And what do you suggest ?"
You : "…Surprise me."
Morgan took your hand and kissed the back of it.
Him : "Your wish is my command…"
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It was a day when Kevin had been particularly mean to the family and you decided it was time to teach him a lesson…You hence walked past him and whispered.
"You. Come with me. Now."
And of course Kevin followed you. When you were both in the bedroom, Kevin was ready to plead his case and talk…but you shushed him.
"Darling. I love you. But, you talk too much. It is time we do something about that loud mouth of yours…" You told with a smiled before pushing him on a chair.
"Now…I am going to teach you a lesson, and you are going to be a good boy and stay still, alright ?"
Kevin didn’t know what you were about to do, but he smiled nonetheless before whispering.
"Do your worst."
Kevin is and will always be a brat.
You smiled at his reply before tying his hand and covering his mouth with a soft cloth.
"Here we go. Now, the game is…no matter what I do. You have to keep quiet. Can you do that ?"
Kevin didn’t reply, but he nodded and you smiled.
"Good…Now, let’s start…"
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Peter is a sub. In all the possible ways. One word from you and he’d be on his knees for you. That boy doesn’t know how to say no.
Him *cuddling you* : "…Are you okay ?"
You *sighs* : "Yeah. Just had a long day…"
Him *nuzzling your cheek* : "…I don’t like you having bad days."
You *smile and hug him tightly before kissing his cheek* : "It’s okay. As long as I got my good boy to cheer me up."
Him *smiles happily and pulls you closer to him while you stroke his hair.*
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Hurt/comfort fic about villain flinching to hero cuz villain got tortured by like the super villain who shapeshifted into hero to torture her?
The villain’s heart rate skyrocketed immediately, organs burning inside their chest until their whole body was shaking. Fight or flight kicked in but they were at a point where fight just wasn’t possible anymore.
“Hey, it’s me,” the hero said. “It’s over, remember?”
Carefully, they held up their hand and took a few steps back. It hadn’t been this bad for a long time and the hero seemed to be frustrated. Even though the villain knew they needed care, they were questioning if this was the right caretaker. They wanted to avoid the hero at all costs but truly, they didn’t have anyone else and even if they had, they needed to get over this phobia, needed to heal.
“That’s what they said, too.”
“They don’t know you’re here.”
“What if you’re impersonating them again? What if you’re tricking me again?” The villain’s voice quivered. It was driving them insane. They were mad at the hero but then again, not really. The supervillain had created this phobia, this terrible anxiety.
It tore them apart and left nothing but pain. The villain gasped for air and their hand wandered to their chest as they tried to calm themselves down.
“I can go,” the hero said softly. “I can go away if you want to. I just wanted to bring you some food.”
They put down the bowl on the table.
“Take the time you need. I can arrange something else. This was just temporary anyway and I understand if you want someone else to take care of you.”
“I…I don’t know.” The villain couldn’t breathe. Oh god, they were gonna die. They felt it in their chest, felt it in their heart.
Focusing was impossible, thinking even more so. They were gonna die, god, if the hero took another step towards them they were gonna die.
The villain stared at the bowl as their breathing got quicker and quicker. Every breath hurt more than the one before.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” The hero stayed where they were but they raised their voice. It made everything worse.
“I— I don’t know, I…”
“Are you having a panic attack?” The hero asked and their voice was softer this time. They took a step forward and the villain took one back. It hurt, everything hurt. “I’m sorry, okay, uhm…”
“Oh god,” the villain said. They tried to breathe but couldn’t.
“Okay, listen. Five things you can see?”
“Bowl…table, fuck…I can’t.” It didn’t work. Things like that didn’t work for the villain.
“Deep breaths, alright? Count back from 1,000 but like this: 996, 992…”
“987– no, 988, uhm…984…” The villain counted, concentrated on the numbers instead of their surroundings. It was easier to lose themselves in potential rooms of figures instead of a real one, filled with real stuff. They managed to calm down, slowly.
“You okay?”
“Yeah…” The villain looked at them, looked at the face that had tortured for months. They were still out of breath but somehow, they managed to come back to reality. Flashbacks of the hero hitting them, torturing them were only fuel for their nightmares but a panic attack like this brought everything back just the same.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have expected you to recover here with me, I…I was selfish. I wanted you to be close to me,” the hero said. “I’m gonna ask a friend of mine to take care of you.”
“I can deal with this. I have to.” The villain sat down on the bed the hero had given them. With their fingers, they went through messy hair. “I can’t ignore you forever. I have to learn how to spot the difference between you and them. I can’t just…give up.”
“It’s not about giving up. It’s about your own safety. And to ensure that, I have to go.” The hero looked like they were about to cry. “I…don’t want you to suffer. I’ll be gone in the morning, I promise.”
Before the hero walked out of the door, they turned around and the villain realised that they were, in fact, close to tears.
“You mean a lot to me, you know? That’s why I saved you…I’m still really sorry about what happened. You didn’t deserve it.”
They didn’t see each other for years after that.
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tyxoxo · 1 year
Ylang Ylang - teaser.
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teaser, find full fic here.
| pairing: fairyhunter!jeno x fairy!reader (afab) au w/ fairy!xiaojun x fairy!reader (if you squint)
| genre: suspense, angst, fantasy, multiple nct/wayv + aespa character inserts, jeno and hendery are brothers
| summary: while being close to you and your family’s extinction, a promise needs to be broken to save the lives of your people
| words: loading…
| (future) warnings: murder, blood, torture, cnc smut + suggestive scenes, blackmail, kidnapping, exhibitionism, caging/imprisonment, degrading, spitting, unprotected sex
(this is purely fiction, warnings in bold mean potentially triggering content)
a/n: @jenomov and i came up with this concept out of nowhere and we decided to start writing our own versions. BUT i did make a header for us to share while she typed up the summary (which is awesome cuz i suck at them). just thought i’d clarify so no one would think we’re stealing/plagiarizing each other's work. just think of this as a collab! :’)) also, jeno’s look in the header is essentially how i envisioned him to look for this story but imagine him however you want (can’t help that haechan takes great pictures ㅠㅠ) 
livv? - ylang ylang
weatherby - fleeting frozen heart 
alex sloane - mine
datfootdive - stars
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“C’mon Xiaojun, spit it out already!!” 
You teased at your loving best friend, shoving him playfully with a single finger as you watched him struggle to speak lucid sentences.
The two of you were in your favorite and most “private” hang out spot—in the trees on the outskirts of your shared village. Far enough away from the hustle and bustle of the community, but close enough for comfort. Though you tried your best not to drift into the terminology of “safety”, “danger”, or “warnings.” 
It was a sure way to initiate ill omens.
Both of your parents were aware of your shared infinity for exploring; venturing past the municipality limits. But as long as the two of you shrunk to “the size of a quail” outside of the village, they allowed you to bask in the wonders of blaring curiosity, to your heart’s content. Your species could never truly bring your guard down…
“Sorry…I just can’t form my words today.” He scratched the back of his head as peered down at his lap, rustling the Crane's-bill flower crown perched atop his mauve hair in the process. 
“Since when do you ever really form your words?” 
This time you gave a subtle laugh to pair with your smile, hoping to ease his obvious discombobulation. 
“You’re right. I don’t.” 
His eyes met yours, his wings even twitching, which always signified when your kind was flustered.
He continued again, pulling at his own thumb as he drifted his eyes up to the newly blossomed tree leaves; an obvious attempt to avoid eye contact.
You could try to deny it for as long as you lived, but there was something within you that adored him more than he probably ever knew.
It was his tenderness, his soothing voice, his patience, whether it was those nights you stormed out of your house in search of him, as a form of solace from the constant nightmares of your genocide, or the days that you wanted to rant about your parent’s overprotectiveness (though they’ve eased up in recent years).
Anything you needed, he was there. And you always tried your best to do the same, despite having the feeling that he bottled up some of his troubles to keep from feeling like a burden himself.
“Well…I w-wanted to tell you, that I really appreciate you.” 
He gave up on his own finger trap, to tug at the bottom of his white flounce shirt, finally meeting your eyes again with another twitch of his translucent wings.  
“I appreciate you too Xiaojun, always.” 
You leaned forward, so light that you barely caused the branch underneath you to stir. He froze upon witnessing your close contact, only his brown irises lowering to watch as you took both of his hands into your own.
“Is everything okay?” 
You didn’t mean for your voice to come out in a whisper, but his stuttering had become more frequent, and this only made your thoughts whirl just as loudly as his.
If only you knew that he was on his way to confess his true feelings to you, if only he could get his mouth to work as fast as his brain, maybe then he could finally pull the weight off his shoulders.
But you made all of this difficult without even trying. His love for everything that was you, was infinite. 
Even your constant teasing.
And the glimmer in your eyes was no match for his composure, let alone the way you held his hands. 
You scanned his face in search of an answer, that definitely took too long for him to spill.
“Yeah don’t worry, everything's fine.” 
You tilted your head in confusion, wondering where this could possibly be going, knowing he was aware of your ever-so-obvious “what’s the deal” persona. 
He cleared his throat, and geared himself up for the revelation of a lifetime,
“I’ve been m-meaning to tell you that I really like you…that I’ve always dreamed of what it would be like to have this moment with you.”
You felt your wings twitch, more noticeable than his own. And the warmth that flooded your entire body could’ve lit the entire forest in a swarming blaze. 
“W-would it be crazy if I asked you to be mine—”
His lips seemed to come at a rest in slow motion, eyelashes fluttering in stark contrast as he heard your breath hitch in your throat.
Not even the sun’s rays that flashed through the white pine tree could’ve taken you out of your shock. 
You used what seconds you had left, to replay his confession in your head,
“…I’ve always dreamed of what it would be like to have this moment with you”
Xiaojun, your best friend since childhood, had always dreamed of this.
But the thoughts of responding were ripped away, as blood-curdling screams roared from the direction of your home. They weren’t light hearted nor playful by any means, and with the ability to hear great distances, the agony that bestowed upon your ears caused you both to wince in fear. 
Xiaojun turned his head to look through the leaves, skin turning pale upon hearing further destruction. 
Most of the branches obscured your vision, but it didn’t take much longer for the despair to continue. 
“They found us!” 
That voice, sounded like Karina.
And her frenzied words gave the answer—after 10 years of hiding, the hunters were back. 
You felt your heart drop to your stomach, the ability to breathe becoming a distant memory.  
You squeezed Xiaojun’s hand as you crawled through the thick pine, your best friend eventually grabbing your waist to stop you from venturing out too far.
“Stay back!” His hushed tone was never this turbulent, bringing all the more truth to the chaos brewing just a mile away. 
“This can’t be! We have to go help!”
“It’s too dangerous, I can’t risk you getting hurt!” 
Your adrenaline was too much for Xiaojun, as you managed to fight through his tight embrace or rather his hold on your longing to see your family and friends for what could be the last time. 
“Let me go! We can’t just sit here and do nothing!”
You attempted to gear your wings for flight as you broke through his hold, hands raking through the leaves to get a clear view through the sea of green.
As you hovered past the pine tree, a familiar being appeared to be flying this way, the telltale sign being the blush colored wings that matched the embroidered dress swaying through the win at high speeds.
It was Giselle. And upon her getting a closer distance, you saw the blood spatter that painted her arms in fresh crimson. 
She was her natural size, like what your kind all chose to be while in the comfort of your home, and the only guess as to why she didn’t choose to shrink was the amount of energy it took to do so. She seemed to grip at her side as the blood continued to stain her silk dress, not once looking up at which direction to fly. Her Dahlia flower crown was nowhere to be found, something that she cherished more than anything in the world.
You had to help her, get her to safety within the trees, whatever you could to secure a better fate. But the constant screams kept you too terrified to react, and being out in the open like this was indeed risky. 
Before you could muster the strength to call her name, Xiaojun was behind you, the vibration of his wings filling your senses. He leaped at you once again, this time pulling you back towards the trees with labored breaths.
He couldn’t just do this to you…prevent you from saving a life, from saving not only your friend, but his friend too.
You managed a measly call of her name, knowing her advanced hearing would be enough. And successfully, she glanced up for the first time since her escape, to watch as you motioned for her to join together in the same tree.
Her face, lit up with hope, was the last sanguine expression to ever grace her face, as the all too familiar sound of a crossbow arrow being loosed from its quarrel sped towards her injured frame.
Your scream, one just as gut-wrenching as those that continued from your home, was muffled against Xiaojun’s palm as he pulled you back within the tree. You were forced away from any further intervention, forced away from burying your guilt.  
Giselle flung forward from the sheer impact of the arrow as it shot through her heart, her umber strands flying through the air in the same intensity; entire body falling face forward onto the red speckled Bermuda grass.
You couldn’t look away, not while you witnessed her final moments—eyes drifting up to meet yours within her last breath, wings falling lifeless against her spine, and a faint smile from knowing you would be the last person she would ever see, instead of the hunters that were walking towards her. 
Your entire body shook against Xiaojun, trembling in fear that her killers would surely discover the two of you here.
“Fuck! Hendery I had her!” 
An unfamiliar voice, but one you would never forget, roared through the clearing that led to your dead friend. 
You never felt so much anger from a person before, someone that you could only imagine was seething at the teeth.
Xiaojun finally took his hands away from your mouth, allowing you to inhale as much as you could before they got too close. But he still kept his arms wrapped around you, fighting through his own sobs that hit against the back of your neck.
“No Jeno! I’m not letting you fuck this up anymore! Remember what Johnny said?”
Yet another unfamiliar voice, but you were able to put the faces with the names right as the two humans approached just meters away, barely appearing disheveled despite the chaos they just unleashed. Thankfully their lack of enhanced senses worked in your favor, as you and Xiaojun remained undetected during their inspection of the area.
The one holding the crossbow was Hendery: he had to have been the one to take the kill. And the one to speak first was Jeno. 
These had to have been the hunters your family warned about. For years since relocating to this new area, all of the last surviving elders made it their mission to describe these two, for if the day came that they scoured the land again, you would instantly know it was them. 
lmk if you want to be added to the taglist!!
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special-mooon · 10 months
Random TWST hcs I have (Part 2 here)
(I need to write these down somewhere so enjoy)
(En español aquí)
One time Cater was working on a potion in class and dropped his phone down the cauldron, it completely melted away. Safe to say he never brings his phone to that class ever again. (Trey baked him goods to make him feel better about losing the phone)
Deuce’s mom got pregnant when she was young and still in Highschool. She became a single mother and had to drop out in order to support him. Deuce didn’t find out about this till way later in middle school and it became the main reason why he wants to become a better student.
He’s a mamas boy what can I say
Also in my mind Deuce is Mexican ☝️ (its true he was the chambelán at my cousins quince)
Ruggie is crazy good with kids, he basically became the neighborhoods permanent older brother.
The horror movies in twisted wonderland are actually a lot more tame than in the real world.
One time Yuu watched a scary movie with the 1st years and everyone was shitting their pants while Yuu just stood there like “🧍this is goosebumps level horror”
Yuu explained the plot to Hereditary once as an example of what type of horror movies their world had. The 1st years never want to watch a movie from their world. Like ever.
Also medical treatments in TWST are a lot nicer and painless. They use magic for a lot of injuries. Got a deep cut? Magic! You’re sick with some virus? Magic! Magic cures all! It even works on ppl who can’t use magic
Oh but it doesn’t work on Yuu since they’re from a different world
One time Yuu got a cut pretty deep and needed stitches
Having to explain what stitches were to the professors was a strange experience. The students thought it was some form of torture method.
“So you just get sewed up like some ripped teddy bear?!
Wait until you explain to them what Shots are. Or how getting blood samples work in your world.
Oh but the dentist treatment is fairly the same in both worlds.
No one in heartslabyul can handle spicy foods (except for Deuce)
While at Scarabia spicy food is like the main meal and everyone LOVES it.
One time Kalim invited Riddle, Trey, and Cater to come eat dinner at his dorm. Let’s just say some things happened and Jamil now learns to tame down the spice whenever anyone from Heartslabyul comes over.
Cater has photos of Trey and Riddle from that day. He was threaten to never share it with anyone. (He looks at them sometimes to get a good laugh even tho he was also dying that day from the spice)
Yuu once made an Ice Cream cake for Malleus birthday. At first he was a bit disappointed that Yuu brought him a cake since he’s not a big fan of them, but was absolute flabbergasted when he bit into it. He now demands Yuu to teach him the recipe.
Sometimes the Leech twins will have full on fist fights in the Dorms lounge area. Not cuz they hate eachother or anything, that’s just how they are. Everyone at the dorm is so used to seeing them fight to the point where people start betting on which brother would win. Yes Azul was behind this.
Listen Rook would absolutely love the “Masochism Tango” song
Idia helped build an AC unit at Ramshackle Dorm only because Yuu kept staying over at his dorm when it would get hot outside.
There’s a story that floats around the school about Sams shop. Apparently a student years ago tried stealing something from the store and the student ended up turning into a frog, they completely disappeared after that. No one knows if the story’s true or not. Still no one dares stealing from his shop.
Kalim is surprisingly really good at Slide puzzles. He was able to solve a 6x6 puzzle in under a minute.
When Malleus was a child a frog wrapped its tongue around his horn and it freaked him out. He tried grabbing the frog but it was too slimy. Lilia ended up finding him curled up in a ball outside his backyard with a frog sitting on his head. Yeah he HATES frogs now.
Silver likes frogs tho he thinks they’re cute. Once when he was a kid he brought a frog into the house when Malleus was visiting. Malleus out of instinct SMACKED the frog straight into the wall.
Silver didn’t talk to Malleus for like a week straight after that. (Sebek was not so pleased about it)
The only person higher than Malleus in Sebeks mind is his mother. He’s such a mamas boy and want’s to become strong enough to not only protect Malleus but also to protect her.
Listen Sebeks dad is literally just some guy. Imagine Allen from Barbie. He’s still a great dad and husband tho
That’s it for now I’ll probably make another post when my twst brain rot returns 🫡🫡🫡
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Heartless Part 2
pairings: Ao’nung x reader warnings: cussing and crap writing
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He tried bringing her shells, catching her hefty fish, walking with her, apologizing, and yet the girl was stubborn.
She refused accepting his shells, didn’t take the fish, walked away from him, ignored his profuse apologizes.
The girl was trying to send a clear message to Ao’nung, everyone could see what it was.
Stay away from me.
After multiple disheartening attempts, Ao’nung continued his pathetic pleading.
As he tried yet again to plead to the girl, whom she refused to even look in his direction, from afar, two boys were watching the scene.
“Damn, she still hasn’t forgiven the idiot,” Lo’ak asked his older brother.
“No,” Neteyam answered with a slight shake of his head, a frown present.
“And she has every right not to,” Neteyam stated.
If she didn’t want to talk to the idiot who had left Lo’ak at sea, she didn’t have to, and Neteyam would stand by her choice no matter what.
“C’mon bro, he already apologized, and it’s just getting sad now,” Lo’ak said, manically waving his hand in the pairs direction.
“It’s getting so annoying.”
Neteyam sighed but nodded in agreement.
“You are right, it is very pathetic, but Y/n knows what is best for her, and I will not interfere.”
Lo’ak groaned at his brother’s stubbornness, annoyed at the way Neteyam was acting.
“Bro, clearly Y/n loves the idiot, and at this rate, things will never get better between them. As annoying as Ao’nung is, for some reason, she cares about him. And she’s only so upset because she loves us. We have to do something, cause it’s our fault.”
With a humourous gleam in his eye, Neteyam said, “You mean your fault? Your the one who followed him.”
Rolling his eyes, Lo’ak mumbled, “besides the point.”
“Just- Will you help me,” Lo’ak asked.
Thinking thoughtfully, Neteyam looked at the teenagers in front of him.
Ao’nung was on the brink of crying, keeping a safe distance, but hands reaching out to touch her.
Y/n, looking off, trying to seem distant, but her eyes showed hurt, wanting to forgive, but the loyalty to family overcoming the want.
Sighing, Neteyam finally faced Lo’ak and nodded.
“I’m in.”
As their sister left the chief’s son standing in his regret, the boys walked towards him.
Clasping his shoulders, Lo’ak shook them.
“Bro, you really fucked up,” Lo’ak said playfully.
Ao’nung shrugged the boys hands off harshly, and shot the boy a glare.
Raising his hands in defense, the boy took a slight step back.
“No need to be hostile cuz, I’m trying to help you.”
Failing to comprehend, the future chief spluttered.
“W-wait, what?”
“He said we’re here to help your skxawng ass,” Neteyam finally spoke up.
Looking at the siblings in confusion, Ao’nung questioned as to why they were helping him.
“It’s because we love our sister, and we know she loves you-“
“Though we have no decent clue as to why,” Lo’ak interrupted.
Quickly scolding Lo’ak, Neteyam continued.
“So we’re going to get our sister to forgive you,” he finished.
Ao’nung profusely thanked the pair before Lo’ak interrupted him.
“Just don’t fuck this up cuz, ok?”
“Yeah, I won’t,” Ao’nung responded, pulling his hand into a fist.
I will never make her cry again.
A/N: Hey guys, im back! I’m afraid I won’t be able to post everyday again, but I’ll try to. Thank you anon for reminding me to do this! I’ll try to work on Part 3 of Heartbreak and Part 8 of “Don’t be a skxawng, just ask her.”
Thanks for the love and support as always <3
tagged: @aonungmyaddiction, @mirrorball-6, @im-in-a-pansexual-panik, @totesnothere04
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brooooswriting · 1 year
Hello once again so,
Vada Cavell being high cuz of the whole shooting situation and R finds her past out on the sidewalk takes her home and takes care of her.
ofc if you don't feel like writing this for any reason
delete this
have a good day <3
Hi can I request Vada Cavell x reader where they both get high together and it leads to something more. Thank u I hope you have a amazing day
Higher than life
Vada Cavell x reader
Tw: weed, overdose, mentions of school shootings
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You were on your way home from school after another dreadful day, teachers who tried to get the work done while ignoring the obvious pain of the students, consuls who tried to keep the moral up, security randomly checking peoples bag and students anxiously and depressed sitting in class counting down the seconds. For almost all of them it was the first shooting, it wasn’t for you. You moved here a year ago as your parents constantly had to move for their job and before you went here you were in schools in Texas and Ohio (just took random ones, please don’t come for me) where you were involved in shootings.
It still hurt, it still made you angry and mad and it still made you anxious but you knew how to cope with it, better than most. Sure Nick took his trauma and made something out of it but it may be him and around 10 other people while the rest is going down.
You sat in your car at a red light, staring out the window as your fingers drummed against your thigh completely out of space. At least until you saw someone familiar, Vada Cavell, sitting on the sidewalk starring into the sky. You thought for a moment before your turning signal went on and you took a right turn to hold in front of the girl.
Vada wasn’t quite the person you thought of becoming friends with, not that she wasn’t pretty and nice but there was just something about her that made you keep your distance at first. But in the end she just woed you with her humor and those damn pretty eyes, which was how you became friends. After the shooting you guys kinda drifted, just like she did with Nick, as she was always hanging out with Mia and while you actually really liked Mia you couldn’t disagree with Nick. The blond girl wasn’t a really good influence on Vada at the moment, it makes you sound prude. But while you weren’t really against some alcohol and weed you just knew that they weren’t a way to deal with the trauma.
“Vada, what are you doing here?” You asked as you stopped the car causing the brunette to tilt her head towards you. By now you could see her blood shot red eyes and the drowsy look on her face, she was barely responsive which made you hurry out of your car. “Vada, come on, get up” you told her as you tried to get her to keep her eyes open. After another two tries you just picked her up and sat her in the passenger seat of the car before lightly slapping her cheek. She grumbled a bit before slightly opening her eyes, “what did you take?!” You were quick to ask as it was obvious that she wouldn’t stay awake for long. “A lot of weeeeeeeeed” she giggled closing her eyes again, “how much Vada!” You buckled her in before she even answered. “Like… two and a half joints?”
You rolled your eyes as you closed her door, it wasn’t enough for her to have serious consequences. She’d probably throw up in the next couple of hours and then have a terrible headache but nothing more.
You sat behind the wheel thinking about where you would bring her. You couldn’t bring her home like this, you knew her mom and she would make such a big deal out of it. So you decided to bring her to your home, your parents were gone for the next two days anyway.
The drive was rather silent as the small girl next to you was still asleep and you were deep in your head. Normally driving cleared your head but right now you only wanted to arrive to take care of her, seeing her like this scared you, you were scared to lose her even though she wasn’t really yours.
When you arrived at your home you didn’t even try to wake her as you picked her up again and carried her into your bed room where you laid her under your blanket after you took her shoes off before sitting in the living room. After you read a bit you decided to cook something as you knew she’d get the munchies after weed, she always did.
So you balanced cooking and looking after her every 5 to 10 minutes to make sure she was still fine and breathing. It was crazy how many lives on idiot with a gun could ruin and how idiotic it was that this was even possible in America. Every student or teacher you saw that was shaking anxiously broke your heart.
You were nearly done with the pasta and the dessert when you heard some movement in your room, someone running to the bathroom to be more precise. Turning off the stove, you walked to the bathroom to find your friend laying on the ground with her head next to the toilet. “You alright?” You asked as you sat down next to her, taking a bit of paper to clean her mouth. “‘M great” she mumbled sarcastically causing you to smirk. “That’s what you get from overdosing on weed, idiot” you pulled her into a small hug which she gladly accepted as she leaned back into you. “Why don’t you take a shower? You can get some of my cloths and I’ll give you a toothbrush and then you can eat something” you suggested causing her to whine and shake her head. “Nooo, too tired”
You were and at the same time weren’t surprised. She just slept for like 3 hours but at the same time her body was fighting the overdoses. “How about you brush your teeth and eat a bit? Your body needs the energy and then you can sleep again, huh?” You were comfortingly rubbing her back as she kept whining and squirming. “Nooo” you finally had enough as you sat her onto the closed toilet lit and grabbed a toothbrush to brush her teeth yourself. Sure, it was a lot more complicated than her doing it herself but at least it was done.
After you were done brushing her teeth you made her walk into the bedroom while you got her food. “Here, eat at least a bit before you fall asleep again” your tone was strict causing her to pick up the fork and start picking at the food. “You still remember my favorite food” she drowsily smiled clearly showing that there was still weed in her system. “Of course I did, just because you forgot about me the last weeks doesn’t mean I forgot about you” you were truthful, while she didn’t reach out or answered you, you were constantly thinking of how she felt and if she was okay. Her smile disappeared as she guiltily kept eating.
Once she was done you went to put the food away until a hand on your wrist stopped you. “Can you stay please? I don’t like being alone” the look in her eyes broke your heart, so you sat down the plate on your nightstand and laid next to her. Her arms immediately wrapped around you, her head landed on your chest and one of her legs was over yours. You couldn’t deny the fact that you liked the way this felt. Which was probably why it didn’t take long for you to fall asleep too.
At least until Vadas phone started to blow up, texts and calls from her family, you completely forgot about them. Unsure of what to do, you stared at her phone. You could a) wake her up and make her answer the phone, but she was way to tired and high for that and b) was something you haven’t quite figured out.
Luckily you didn’t have to figure it out as your phone started to ring, your display showing the younger Cavells name. “Amelia, hey” you carefully whispered into the phone trying not to wake the girl next to you. “Y/n, do you know where Vada is? She didn’t come home, she isn’t answering her phone, everybody is freaking out” her breath was quick and her voice was unsteady, it was clear that she had been crying. “Oh, I’m so sorry. She’s with me, we fell asleep and forgot to text, her phone is probably on silent. Tell your parents that she’s with me, safe and that I’ll bring her to school tomorrow alright?” Your voice was kind and reassuring. “Okay, thank you. I’m sorry for spamming your phone” you grinned as the girl spoke. “No problem, I’ll see you around ok?”
After you hung up you decided to clean the kitchen before watching some Tv in the living room. The time neared 1 am when you decided to go to bed too, which put you up for another ultimatum. A) sleep next to her, like she asked you before or b) sleep in the guest room. You didn’t quite want to sleep next to her as she was still high when she asked you to do so and you felt like it wasn’t fair as long as she didn’t know how you felt, but you also didn’t wanna leave her alone so you settled into the arm chair next to the bed.
You woke up around 5:45 am to get ready before Vada woke up. You showered, brushed your teeth, did your hair, packed your bag, then put some painkillers and a water next to Vada before starting breakfast.
While you were cooking with your music blasting through the house, the brunette finally woke up. It took her a moment to realize where she was but as soon as she did notice that it was your house she relaxed. She was also more than happy to see the painkillers as she immediately chugged them.
You didn’t hear her walking into the kitchen nor did you notice her standing next to you until you bumped into her, nearly letting the pan fall. “Jeez, you scared me” you said as you put the pan down before turning towards her causing her to mumble a ‘sorry’. “How’s your head?” She groaned as an answer which made you grin, “well, I don’t wanna repeat myself, but that’s what you get for overdosing. Now sit down so you can eat breakfast before getting ready” you told her as you put a plate on the table before sitting down in front of her. “Thank you. For everything, not just for breakfast” her voice was small and quiet.
“Vada, we still have to talk about this” you started and her eyes immediately lowered. “I know that this shit is crazy and I get that it fucks with you, but drugs are not the solution. If you feel so terrible than come talk to me or talk to Nick but don’t overdose. You know how scary it was to find you completely out of it on a sidewalk after not hearing from you for over a week?” You were rambling, you knew that, but you just couldn’t stop yourself. Yeah, the situation wasn’t as bad but that doesn’t mean that it’s okay. “Don’t start this y/n” her voice suddenly turned cold and serious which made you flinch for a second. “Don’t start what?” You were genuinely confused. “Don’t talk to me or scold me like I’m a child” she was mad, more about taking it so far and nearly making you cry than about you scolding her but she didn’t know how to say that.
“I’m not talking to you like a child, you’re grown but that doesn’t make what you’re doing okay” you tried to keep your calm as your eyes watered even further. “You’re right! I’m an adult so I can do whatever I want” you scoffed. “Look, if you wanna hurt me by choosing Mia over me, while I’m pretty sure you know I’m in love with you, that’s fine but if you wanna hurt me, your friends, your family by overdosing then I’ll drive you to Mia. If that’s your plan, then keep away from me and Amelia, she doesn’t deserve this” you stood up and walked into the guest room slamming the door shut.
Vada has never hated anyone more than herself in this moment, how could she hurt you like this? You saved her yesterday, and she only hurt you. She loved you, she did since the first time she met you but she was too scared to do anything and now that she had an opportunity, she fucked it up.
“Y/n, please open the door” there was no movement on the other side, even after the third try. “Look, I’m sorry alright? I don’t know why I did it and it certainly isn’t my plan to do it again. I was confused and overwhelmed and it just destroyed me in that moment and then I thought, just a couple of hits to loosen up. But they only made it worse, I didn’t get chill, I overthought everything and when I was on my way to talk to you I realized that I would have confessed my feelings for you in that moment, I would have told you how much I love you and I was scared that that would ruin everything. So I took another couple of hits and it just kept going like that. But I promise I won’t touch anything like that anymore unless you’re with me. Now please open the door” her words were hectic, not well spoken and some barely understandable but they were true and that’s all that counted.
You opened the door and her eyes immediately met your bloodshot ones. She hugged you tightly trying to hide her own teary eyes. “I’m sorry” was a phrase she mumbled over and over again until you parted. “Can you stop apologizing and finally kiss me?” You asked her with your hands still on her shoulder. She grabbed your waist to pull you into her to finally connect your lips, causing you to melt into her.
This was everything you needed in that certain moment, it reassured you that she was still here, very much alive, and that you could influence her to stop doing drugs. Your lips moved against each other until your timer rang. “We gotta go to school” you whispered, your face inches apart from hers. “Fine” she grumbled before pulling you closer once more.
That day you walked into school hand in hand, Vada a bit less anxious. It was going to be a long way until she would be fine in school and didn’t touch weed anymore, but you promised yourself and her that you’d be there for her every step of the way.
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liyawritesss · 1 year
Do you think you could do a riri x reader at prom or some type of fancy event
ᴛʜᴇᴍ & ᴅʀᴇꜱꜱɪɴɢ ᴜᴘ ꜰᴏʀ ɪᴍᴘᴏʀᴛᴀɴᴛ ᴇᴠᴇɴᴛꜱ
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Characters: MCU!Riri Williams, MCU!Shuri Udaku, MCU!T’Challa Udaku x Black!Fem!Reader
Type: Headcanons
Synopsis: How would these Black Panther Characters be when it comes to dressing up for an important event?
Warnings: mild cursing but other than that, general fluff and Riri not being a dress girl at all 
A/N: Since everyone’s going feral for Letitia’s appearance at the Met, I figured I’d use this ask to write how certain characters would be when it comes to dressing up fancy. Hope that’s okay! Also I linked pinterest boards to inspire pics for each characters outfits, just click their name and you'll be redirected to the boards!
Tags: @6-noir @playhousedistee @shuririsdefenseattorney @shuriszn @zayswriting @wrendermedone @writingintheshadowsforever @mbakuetshurisprincess @verachii @slytherin-34 @the_lesbian-fangirl @itsmaniiiiiiiii @strangefishflapturtle @cuddl3s4shur1 @shuriislut @dejaonline @babyboiboyega @badass-dora-milaje @inmyheadimobsessed @aaliyg @cafehyunji @chunkybabygorl @rosielovesfamily @lulu-network @killmongerskeepermain @riri-red-car
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Riri Williams
Riri hates dresses. There are no if’s, and’s or but’s about it. She doesn’t like how they fit, she doesn’t like how they flow, how constricting they are to her movements, she hates hates hates dresses with a burning passion.
That being said, when they’re on you, she finds them more than pleasant. The way the fabric hugs your body, how it flows down your legs, and the colors that look so gorgeous against your skin. And if it’s something off the shoulder? A deep V-cut? Backless? Oh it’s demon time.
Expect her to not keep her hands off you when you’re both together. Even if it’s just holding your hand, Riri feels she’s gotta be close to you when you’re looking this good, because let someone try and swoop in to talk to you…she’ll treat they ass with no remorse lmaoo
As stated previously, Riri doesn’t like dresses in the slightest, so she will be more than willing to throw on a simple pantsuit or a fancy jumpsuit for a lowkey event. She doesn’t really like big events anyway, but being one of the fresh faces for tech and innovation, she gets invited to a lot of shit, and is nagged by not only her mother but Shuri of all people that to keep appearances up, it’s best that she go to at least one of them.
Riri asked Shuri why is it so important for her to do so, because….why? And Shuri’s response: people need to know who they’re rooting for, as well as who their enemy is. Which, Riri could kind of understand, she thought. So she begrudgingly took Shuri’s word for it; she was a princess after all, so she knew good and well about going to events she didn’t want to go to for publicity reasons.
So Riri ends up gathering a small but fashionable catalog of suits. Basic greys, blacks and navy blues cuz ain’t nobody got time to be doin’ too much when you don’t wanna be there in the first place. But she also has this forest green suit with a cream turtleneck she only brings out for high profile events in the winter because she knows you go batshit over it, bc forest green looks so fucking good against her skintone.
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Shuri Udaku
Shuri is kind of indifferent to it. She grew up not really having to go to a lot of events because she used her lab as an excuse. She’s never liked the camera and never saw a reason for her to go to these upscale events, even if it was something where the entire family needed to be present.
When the inevitable happens as she has to become more of a public figure to represent her country, she has a team of people who advise her on what to where. Though they’re not just any people - majority of them are people from her childhood whom she grew up with, alongside a seamstress who previously worked on all her family member’s elegant attires for high scale events.
I feel like at first she tries to replicate the simplicity of her father and brother’s outfits paired with the elegant and extravagant-ness of her mothers, but over time she starts to figure out her style and what she prefers to be seen in. Silvers and golds are prominent in nearly every outfit. She prefers pantsuits but dresses are still fair game, especially if it’s an at-home events where the fabric used for it is breathable and light, compared to having to wear thicker layers outside of the country.
Shuri likes to match outfits with you, showing that the two of you are a combined package. It can be something as simple as matching jewelry sets, or your dress matching her tie, or going all out with matching color schemes and designs within the clothing pieces. It shows people the dedication she has to you in showing the world that you two are the better halves of each other.
She likes it when you wear backless dresses or two pieces because of how elegant they look on you. There’s an air of amorousness and delicacy that has her looking at you with the most lovestruck eyes anyone has ever seen. And best believe at any event her eyes are only ever on you and your immaculate beauty.
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T'Challa Udaku
Now T actually likes dressing up, which I think a lot of people are perplexed by, because one would think that when it came to political events, the style of your attire would be the last thing on your mind.
But I think he especially likes to play around with different fabric garments that can be easily added and detached to a simple suit, or having subtle designs embedded into his suit jackets that, when looked at closely, would wow the viewer with the pattern and layering and attention to detail that was taken when creating it.
I like to think he also plays around with jewelry a lot too. He’s a fan of silver link chains and has a couple that are solely designated for important events to pair with certain suits. He also has a wide range of oddly and very specific watches that he wears to certain events depending on what it is and the theme. He keeps good maintenance of them, cuz lowkey he’s keeping track of time and doesn’t wanna be somewhere longer than what he has to be
Like his sister, T’Challa loves matching with you. I think he’d prefer it to be through colors and jewelry precisely, because we all know this man will drop several bags on you real quick to ice you out. Therefore, your jewelry selection is just as expansive as his is, and everytime he gets a new bracelet or necklace or ring, you find a bag of two more of whatever piece of jewelry he’s acquired on your dresser too.
He has a very specific style of dress he absolutely goes feral for you in…backless with long sleeves, cinched from the waist to the hips and then flows out at the knees. Please wear royal purple or sage green, he won’t be able to keep his hands off you.
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punemy-spotted · 1 year
A Worthy Grave - Chapter 3
Chapter 3 - The Dead Become the Emperors of Memory
Pairing: Federal Agent!Ari Levinson x Witch!Reader
Masterlist; Chapter 1; Chapter 2
Pairing: Federal Agent!Ari Levinson x Witch!Reader
Warnings: THIS IS STILL A HORROR FIC; A Whole Lot of Body Horror; Blood and Gore; Harm to an Animal; Gruesome Murder; Religious Iconography; Straight up Heresy; Christ Imagery; Gruesome Descriptions of Organs; Ghosts; Ghouls; Violence Against Women; Discussion of Grief; Witchcraft; Blood; I Cannot Articulate Enough That This is a HORROR Fic; Dead Dove: Do Not Eat; Seriously so so dead, HEED THE WARNINGS
Chapter Summary: Death was not supposed to visit you in the one place you spent your day speakin’ for it, carvin’ answers out of flesh and bone.
Notes: So yes it took me 84 years to update and I'm SORRY. Please take this update as an apology. (also yes this was on Ao3 ages ago… depression’s a bitch, y’all.)
I cannot emphasize enough that this is a horror fic so things are going to get gory going forward. PLEASE read at your own discretion, I'm begging you.
As always, I crave feedback so please let me know your thoughts! Have questions about the lore? Let me know about those too! As a reminder, reblogging fics supports authors so please let me know you want more by liking AND reblogging!
All of my work is 18+ Only, Minors DO NOT INTERACT. I do not consent to my work being posted anywhere besides Tumblr or Ao3 and I post my work there myself. Do not copy, translate, or repost any of my content.
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The next morning comes with lab results and Ari Levinson bringing you coffee, bright and early.
Good coffee, too, which you note with amusement the moment you take a sip, You convince Janice to upgrade the beans?
Pretty sure she’d tell me asking wasn’t even on the budget. I went to Jed’s.
You go to his restaurant or his house?
You’re teasing him — which you’ll admit is new for you, especially with Ari fuckin’ Levinson standin’ in front of you, sipping coffee and enjoying one of Jed’s famous breakfast sandwhiches — but considerin’ your couch an’ the fact that he slept on it night before last, it’s not like you’re unjustified, is it? A fact which he, to his credit, takes in stride, taking a smug sip of coffee — if such a thing were possible, it would be Levinson to pull it off — and shrugging, Showin’ up unannounced at the ass-crack of dawn’s a privilege I reserve for you, Doc.
You roll your eyes, hide your smile behind the lip of your coffee cup, Just cuz you spent the night on my couch don’t mean I’m gonna be any nicer to you, Levinson.
Shit, Doc, you start bein’ nice to me and I might swoon here and now.
You’d refuse to admit it if he or anyone else asked you to, but that makes you laugh, hidden behind a huff that could be annoyance or amusement, Hope you ain’t expectin’ me to catch you, Levinson.
I learned my lesson last time the Chief tried makin’ us do trust exercises.
Not my fault you didn’t warn me.
He shrugs, you roll your eyes, turning back to the computer as it dings with a message for you to review, You better have ordered me a sandwich too, or I’m bannin’ you from my biscuits for the foreseeable future.
That’s for you to find out in the lunchroom, Doc.
Where the hell’s your apple butter?
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In a twist of fate you will not be thankin’ anyone for — least of all Ari Levinson — there is a sandwich waiting for you in the breakroom fridge, labeled and everythin’. You pop it into the toaster oven like you always do with Jed’s takeaway, pouring yourself a glass of sweet tea and taking the time you deserve for yourself an’ your lunch break, having taken great care to make sure there’s not an ounce of paperwork or results to review while you sip tea an’ enjoy a meal to the sound of blessed silence.
Most of the office would be done with their lunches by now, or eatin’ at their desks to avoid traffic in the break room. ‘Course, with your lab, the idea of eatin’ a meal with a frozen corpse in the next room waitin’ for you to finish rummagin’ around in its guts did not whet the appetite.
Least the break room don’t smell like formaldehyde all the time.
So you take your vigil here, disappearing into your thoughts and the quiet joy of pastrami on rye.
Until Ari Levinson, like a bloodhound sensin’ the exact moment you find silence in your life and choosin’ to hunt it down, comes strollin’ in, See you found the sandwich, Doc.
You might’ve been grateful you’d already finished your meal, just sippin’ tea by the time he came by, but you’re already missin’ silence and there’s a good fifteen minutes left before you need to clock back in an’ pretend you’re comfortable ‘round grieving parents, so you’d thank him to forgive you for lookin’ like he made you swallow a lemon. Whole. You bribin’ me with a sandwich to keep talkin’ to you, Levinson?
Is it working?
You open your mouth, poised to continue the time-honored tradition of tradin’ barbs with him, sarcastic quip ready to fly from your tongue, when you see her. Standin’ there in all her spectral glory, mouth open wide in a static scream of horror an’ fury, a livid necklace of purple bruises blooming around her throat, hollow eyes trained on you.
And Ari Levinson, goddamn him and his goddamn training, notices. Notices. Watches you. Makes silent note of how your mouth snaps shut, how your lips fold into a grim line and follows the trajectory of your gaze with a turn of his head, watchin’ the hallway behind him.
Hey Doc, he calls back to you, voice as level as he can probably manage it.
Yeah? You make a valiant effort at doing the same, refusin’ to take your eyes off the specter once known as Jane Doe #117.
I’m assuming you see her?
Sure do, Levinson.
There’s a pause, a moment, Ari’s hands slowly reaching for the gun at his holster and you slowly reaching a hand out to stop him, ears ringing as you try to make sense of the radio static pouring from that endless scream, your daddy’s lessons servin’ you well. Run.
A beat.
Then—Levinson, I need you to get security over to the lab.
The look he fires back at you is pure confusion, hand still poised over his gun and you know in your bones the only reason Jane Doe #117 hasn’t moved is cuz you’ve got eyes on her right now.
Bad deaths. The humanity is rotting out of her by the second, an’ no amount of cornbread offerings an’ promises to do our best are gonna keep her from lashin’ out at the humanity she’s lost, not ‘til the person who took it from her is found and named. Named for her to haunt until they too, turn to rot.
But you don’t got time to think about that right now, not when Ari’s already arguing with you ‘bout leavin’ you alone with an eyeless, bloodless, ghost. Or haint, you ain’t sure what he’ll call it—Doc, I know—
I know I didn’t stutter, Levinson. Security. Lab. Now.
It’s already too late.
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Jon Doe #43 is less pleasant lookin’ than the girl whose ID he had hidden inside his flayed jaw — the girl whose radio static warning is still ringing in your ears as you take in the sight of him now, lookin’ leagues worse than he did the first time he showed up on your doorstep… two nights ago.
How quickly things move.
Ari swears low under his breath behind you, both of you frozen in place and trying to make sense of the tableau before you, the sight of a dead man strung up against the wall, arms outstretched and a crown of broken scalpels forced into the exposed bone of his scalp, head hanging low as if looking down at the figure kneeling at his bloody, skinless feet.
Is that…?
It is.
Something sick rises in your gut as you take a look at the blood-bathed figure kneelin’ before the corpse you know she’d been busy trynna put back together into somethin’ buryable, her gloved hands bound into some bastardization of penitent prayer by a line of what you’re pretty sure is John Doe #47’s own large intestine, havin’ been cleaned out after another one of your techs “recovered” it from the tupperware container it’d been found in when the whole mess’d been discovered.
You can’t see her face — part cuz she’s turned away from you, lookin’ up at that flayed Christ, an’ part cuz of the horned thing resting on her shoulders, a shape you wish you didn’t recognize as you take in the sight of cream-white fur stained with drippin’ viscera — but you suspect you know exactly what kinda expression she’s wearin’ underneath that “mask” forced over her.
Blood for blood.
You made a life of it, death. Cornbread offerin’s like your momma taught you the first time you met one of the wailin’ spirits of the woods ‘round your home, let ‘em gorge themselves on the vitality of food the same way a livin’ bein’ might fuel themselves with the actual thing. Tried to make sense of the static the way your daddy would when he stepped off the pulpit and into the graveyard behind your family home, always hissing warnings to the bein’s beyond to keep away from his family.
You made a life of it.
But just like the mountains, the ones meant to keep you safe if you kept ‘em safe, death was supposed to stay way the hell away from you, was supposed to keep its scythe off you an’ yours until they were good an’ ready to travel through that big black door. That was the promise written all over that big ol’ family Bible you spent  your childhood copyin’ so you’d be ready for the world outside your homemade Eden, the one you wielded like shield an’ sword against any manner of haint unwillin’ to recognize the darkness in your own blood.
Death was not supposed to visit you in the one place you spent your day speakin’ for it, carvin’ answers out of flesh and bone, woe to you who rend the flesh.
Your lab is now an active crime scene, casting you out to make your calls to next of kin — you know them, you’ve met her husband ‘bout a half-dozen times this past month alone, bringin’ her lunch when her scatterbrain forgot it, got used  to seein’ him lingerin’ sheepishly in the doorway and then hollerin’ for her to come out front an’ give her beau a kiss — and try to get used to sayin’ her name in conjunction with, There’s been… an incident.
You’re no grief counselor.
There’s no training for this, but it ain’t right. It ain’t right for someone who ain’t family to call hers, someone who don’t remember laughin’ at her gettin’ giddy over stomach contents. Someone who don’t understand what it’s like to miss the sound of her hummin’ some pop song you ain’t even heard of—
You holdin’ up alright, Doc?
Ari Levinson makes you jump for the second time in as many days, office phone clatterin’ from your hand as you spin ‘round and try not to let your heart beat out your chest, still too busy overthinkin’ to manage a glare, I’ll be fine. You get the security footage from the lab?
Yeah. Got a couple computer guys on it now, trying to figure out what happened.
Well, you sigh, rubbin’ the bridge of your nose as you lean against a metal countertop, We better hope we find out soon enough, cuz I’m ‘bout three seconds from shakin’ this whole goddamn buildin’ apart lookin’ for someone to pin this shit on.
Ari nods, mouth pressed into a thin line as the silence ‘tween you stretches out, eyes wanderin’ over to the closed-off lab, sanctuary swarmin’ with corpse beetles mournin’ the loss of one of their own as they try an’ find out whodunnit.
You know they won’t, ‘course, but it’s enough to let ‘em try.
You’d never admit it, of course — an’ maybe you’d almost forgotten it by now, those childhood truths givin’ way to the kinda truths you needed to keep your callin’ here in these mountains — but it used to terrify you. An’ why wouldn’t it, all ‘em screamin’ mouths an’ radio-static pleas beggin’ you to make sense of the injustices of the world they’d been cut right out of?
Too much, too much pain, too much horror, too much for a girl of tender years to tolerate hearin’, much less repeatin’ to those still grieving.
Problem with the dead is, well, they’re selfish. Don’t care if you’re barely old enough to understand the meaning of death, still meant to be shielded from those things that should long have left this plane of existence an’ passed through that big black door.
Ari Levinson don’t know none of that terror though, don’t know much more’n what you jammed into his head after blowin’ away another one of your ghosts, but he means well. Stands a little to close behind you like he could just peer ‘round an’ see the way your lips twitch as you swallow down blood an’ bile, holdin’ back the shadows of your daddy’s own temper.
You gonna be alright, Doc?
Ah shit.
You’d rather chew glass than tell him you prolly won’t be, tell him you just lost a girl you loved like your own blood, tell him you got cocky and now the very community you called your home was in danger cuz of it.
But there he is, standing in front of you like a fuckin’ sentinel while he waits for you to give him something back. Assurance, more likely, but as much as you’re used to tellin’ lies an’ keepin’ secrets, there are some falsehoods even yoou can’t keep.
Sure, you finally answer, trying to sound convincing and feeling the hollowness bitter itself on your tongue, I’ll live. Gimme a few hours an’ I’ll have somethin’ to say for her.
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