#I tried to be close to the actual heights of the characters but couldn't do it
howdyrat · 2 years
Do people even do the " Genderbent" thing anymore? that was rhetorical question. pt.1
I do, and gotta say I like it. It might possibly be because I can't draw guys, but anyway my other post is making me want to do a different version of the dagger squad.
Warning: I like height differences and being unrealistic
Bob- 5'7, same glasses, and has shoulder length hair that's slightly fluffy likes to put in those hair pins when not on duty.
Hangman- 5'5, still likes toothpicks, has long blonde hair down to mid back, western boots to add some height, and best friends with Javy.
Coyote- 5'7, best friends with Jake, shoulder length box braids put up in a bun, has fun but is sort of a mom friend (more protective over Hangman), also can be immature while having fun.
Phoenix- 6'0, short black hair, is the leader (like usual), protective, calm, and intimidating (like usual).
Rooster - 5'8, Hawaii shirts, has somewhat of his mother's style of hair (Princess Diana fluff), and has the same scars.
Fanboy- 5'4, the shortest dagger, shaved head that reminds her of Aang from ALA, likes star trek's James Kirk and Nyota Uhura.
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simplylupin · 5 months
Vertigo and Eddie Diaz
because the connection has been made between eddie's current arc and hitchcock's vertigo, i thought i'd give my two cents on the topic as a mediocre film student whose had to study vertigo for two years of her life
so here's a basic (very over-simplified) summary of vertigo for those who are unfamiliar
The protagonist, Scottie, is a policeman who took a break/was discharged/retired because he couldn't save a fellow police officer from falling off a building to his death
Because of this he suffers from vertigo and/or fear of heights
He's hired by his old friend Gavin to follow Gavin's wife, Madeline, for fear that she's been possessed by someone called Carlotta Valdez
He does so, and slowly falls in love with Madeline - and her him
We also learn that Scottie's best friend Midge is in love with him, but he's too obsessed with Madeline to notice Midge
Him and Madeline go to a church bell tower where Madeline seemingly offs herself by jumping off
Some time later, Scottie goes to Madeline's old hotel room, and finds a woman called Judy who looks exactly like Madeline
She agrees to go on a date with him
We, the audience, find out that Judy actually is Madeline (and vise versa). She was hired by Gavin to pretend to be Madeline.
Scottie grows more and more obsessed, forcing Judy to change her appearance to look like Madeline
He makes the connection that Madeline and Judy are the same person, and drives her to the bell tower
He forces her up the tower, over coming his fear of heights
Once at the top, they have a confrontation
A nun appears, scaring Judy and she once more falls to her death (really this time)
So, from what I've gathered, the loose connection between characters is:
Scottie = Eddie
Madeline = Shannon
Midge = Buck
Judy = Kim
The Nun = Marisol
Scottie's unable to save his fellow police officer. Eddie was unable to 'save' the people he pulled out the helicopter: "I pulled them out. But I didn't save them." Because of this he suffers from immense guilt and PTSD (as seen in his season 5 arc). He's unable to move on and this hinders him to a certain extent - just like Scottie.
After Shannon's death, he's thrown through the loop again, with the added bonus of him not having been able to save her too. Scottie's job was to save Madeline, and he failed at that, resulting in her 'death'.
Eddie is constantly trying to find a woman to fill that role of Shannon in his and Christopher's life; we see this with both Ana and now Marisol. He's looking for her in them. Scottie does the same - he visits the places he went with Madeline, he goes to her old room.
Eddie finds Kim, Scottie finds Judy.
For a little while, Judy helps Scottie get over and get closure on Madeline. She fills that empty space and allows him to move on. This is what I think Kim is going to do for Eddie.
She looks so much like Shannon but she simply isn't her. We know in later episodes that Buck is going to meet her and proclaim that she's "nothing like Shannon." There's a clear distinction there - Eddie is only seeing Shannon in her because he wants to, because he's still holding onto that idea. I think Kim is going to be the closing point of this ongoing search for Shannon's 'replacement'; someone who looks exactly like Shannon should be perfect, right? But when she too doesn't 'fill' that role that surely must spark some sort of realisation in Eddie, because if not her then who.
For Scottie, he feels betrayed by Judy. He brings her to the last place he saw Madeline, and ultimately, indirectly, causes her death. Obviously I don't believe Kim is actually going to die, but more the idea of her. She's the final chapter of him pursuing Shannon's ghost.
Midge is Scottie's best friend. They met in college and were engaged for a few weeks before breaking up. They spend a lot of time together, staying at each other's houses and going out. She helps Scottie through his vertigo and acrophobia, and tries to 'bring him back' in his grief. At one point, Midge paints her face onto a painting of Carlotta Valdez, showing that she's there and ready for Scottie's love, if he's willing to give it to her.
I believe, in this scenario, Buck takes on her role (for seemingly obvious reasons). Him and Eddie are best friends, they do so much together, he helps Eddie when he's struggling etc etc. Midge is the idea of the 'other woman', someone who is right in front of Scottie's eyes, someone whose always been there for him. However, Scottie is too obsessed and fixated on Madeline that he can't see this and continually brushes it away. You see where I'm going here...
Although Buck potentially doesn't even realize it himself, he has taken on Shannon's role in the Diaz family for years. Eddie already has the 'replacement' for Shannon that he's so desperately been searching for right in front of his eyes.
In Vertigo, Judy and Madeline are the same person, whereas Shannon and Kim are obviously not. However, the comparison still stands.
Scottie meets Judy and immedietely latches onto her because she looks so much like Madeline (duh) and he is so desperate for anything that'll keep Madeline's memory with him. He makes her undergo a series of phsyical changes (dyeing her hair, changing her wardrobe, her style etc etc) so that she appears more like Madeline - so he can get that closure and pretend.
Eddie clearly isn't going to do this to Kim. However, whatever way you spin it, he is projecting Shannon onto her. He saw her, and thought of Shannon, he pursued her because of that, he's doing all this because of Shannon. He is chasing that closure and that moment were he can be like 'Ah. I've finally found someone who can be Shannon for me and Chris.'
I doubt Kim is going to be around particularly long. As much as it sounds diminishing, she really is just a tool for Eddie to have this realization that nobody can replace Shannon, and that that's okay. He doesn't need to find Shannon 2.0.
Now, in Vertigo, when Scottie and Judy are arguing on the bell tower, a nun appears from the shadows and startles them - causing Judy to fall to her death. It's a very abrupt and out of nowhere.
The character of the nun, I think could represent either one of two things. Marisol, as we know, used to be a nun (i'm still not over this btw). That's a pretty straight-forward, clear cut comparison. The nun causes Judy to die, Marisol causes 'Shannon', and the idea of Shannon, to 'die'. This interpretation leans more heavily on Marisol and Eddie staying together, however, so I'm not sure.
The nun could also just represent religion as a whole, and Eddie's Catholic guilt particularly. Eddie tells Bobby that he only really married Shannon because he felt like he had to, he felt pressured into it because of his religious guilt. Despite this, "There was still a part of me that loved being married to her."
There's no doubt in my mind that Eddie loved Shannon. He did, they loved each other, and he still does love her - he always will. I do think that the choice of focussing on his marriage to her and how he "loved being married to her" is interesting though, he doesn't try to clarify that he was in love with her. This could just be because it's a given orrr
Whatever, not really the point.
The point is, the fact he's now "awakened" his Catholic guilt by finding out Marisol was a nun, must mean something for his upcoming arc. In Vertigo, the nun kills Judy. Here, his religious guilt 'kills' the idea of Shannon??
I'll definitely have more ideas about this later but this was my word vomit for now! Let me know what you think please.
(Also something I find funny is that the actress of Madeline/Judy is called Kim!)
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burningvelvet · 9 months
Quickly and poorly reviewing and ranking adaptations of Jane Eyre (1996, 1997, 2006, 2011) by their pros and cons:
1996 pros:
Best fire scene, easily. It actually gave me that excited feeling that good cinema gives a person. Much of the cinematic art was enjoyable altogether, including the costumes.
This film probably has ond of the best Bertha's in my opinion. She's truly sympathetic, beautiful, and fierce. probably tied for my favorite Bertha actress with 2006. She and Poole are given little time in the story, however.
Most adaptations shit on St. John. Here, that isn't the case. What little time he has is spent in making him much more appealing than I've ever seen him, both physically and characteristically. I like this, because many forget that Jane did love him in her way, and he is supposed to be attractive and nice despite his zealotism.
1996 has the best Adèle, which is amazing for me as a big Adèle fan. There is more focus on her and her relationships with Jane/Rochester. I particularly love the scene where J draws R and Adèle tries to play cupid a little, and when Adèle is offended when the ladies insult Jane.
Best Lowood plot by far. This is the first time I've been able to stand the Young Jane scenes, and little time was devoted to her early life with the Reeds, just enough to let us know she was abused. I like this choice. The young actresses playing Jane and Helen were the best and most rebelious I've seen yet. Their hair cutting scene brought tears to my eyes, which rarely ever happens for me.
Good Blanche plotline. I absolutely love the cinematography/aesthetic & set design.
1996 cons:
the actors are individually endearing in some ways (the scene of Jane and the mirror is particularly touching, as is their reunion). However, The biggest downside to this adaptation is that the chemistry between Jane and Rochester was lacking in my opinion. this is particularly notable in their meeting scene and first proposal scene.
William Hurt is a fantastic actor, and he's likeable, but he's not my favorite Rochester ever. He's alright. On a rewatch I could see myself warming to him more.
I love Charlotte Gainsbourg more for her music than her acting. Granted, she was young here like Jane is supposed to be, so I do not blame her. Visually, aside from her height, I can absolutely see her as Jane. As the film went on I warmed to her acting style; Jane Eyre is a hard role to perform due to her inwardness. I don't think she was horrible, but Anna Paquin (of later True Blood fame) as Young Jane Eyre somewhat outshined Gainsbourg.
I was disappointed in Adèle being sent away to school before the disaster and her not coming back in the end (why couldn't they have had her running with Pilot in the landscape shot!!!).
1997 pros:
Maybe the most accurate Jane and Rochester. I wasn't expecting to like him at all but he blew me away. excellent chemistry between the actors. The dancing scene was very captivating, as was the scene with him jumping from the walkway, their outdoor talks, him chasing her down the stairs — really, I was impressed, because I thought I'd hate this film. Like in the novel and in 96, both actors are a bit conventionally unattractive (well, compared to 11 and to some extent 06) - and like them, the characters grow on you.
BEST ST. JOHN (although 2006 has the best Rivers sisters) - St. John is described as being nice though serious, and looking like a statue of a Greek God with all the coldness AND beauty - and this movie is the only one who relatively understood that assignment (96 came close emphasizing his niceness). Most adaptations adapt his coldness but not his conventional Eurocentric good looks, which not only symbolize his colonizer attribute but also his appeal to Jane and the others. It's also important to have a conventionally handsome actor play St. John just as it's important to have a conventionally less attractive Jane Eyre because one theme of the novel is the critique of Victorian physiognomy & beauty; Jane/Rochester being unconventionally attractive is a contrast to Bertha, St. John, Blanche, Georgiana being attractive, so I think this element is not inconsequential. The difficult part is that beauty is highly subjective, so relying on conventional standards is key, as is the reminder that Victorian standards were a bit different from our own.
good Lowood plotline, good Gateshead plotline, fantastic Adèle with lots of adorableness & miraculous though OOC bonding between her and Rochester, fantastic costuming (though I don't know about accuracy), good Blanche plotline overall. Probably my favorite Bertha plotline for being sufficiently creepy.
1997 cons:
this isn't really a con for me but many people may dislike 97 Rochester for being passionate to the point of coming off crazy, and physical domineering as when he grabs Jane when she tries to leave — however, this does kind of fit for canonical Rochester & I don't mind it since he's supposed to be that way, but this is still arguably a con nevertheless. he does come off as too forward but i get they were trying to capture the whole overpassionate thing. it does come off as a little more toxic than other depictions perhaps!
I have very few complaints overall. I don't think the chemistry is as appealing as 2006, but it is accurate. I wish there was more Adèle, but you can't have everything.
The posters are bad and make the actors look worse than they are which subsequently turns people away. I think 1996 was marketed a bit better but that 2006 also suffers from bad poster syndrome which had an effect on me also. Presentation is important; marketing and advertising are also important in cinema. The aesthetic isn't as good as 1996 although I don't think the visuals are bad overall.
Jane is a little dissociative seeming, which can be off-putting for myself and other viewers I assume, but to be fair she is described as being like a weird little elf creature in the book, and the actress plays this very well, actually looking quite ill when Rochester asks if she is.
2006 pros:
Best chemistry between Jane/Rochester by far and for this reason will always be my favorite because it actually made me fall in love with Rochester in the end though I didn't like his portrayal at all at first (that's power! — and my love for this Rochester should arguably be a con for the sake of my sanity and pride). best Rochester imo and a fantastic Jane. I love love love the way they did the Rochester storytime flashbacks and fleshed out his character as a result.
Best and most enjoyable Blanche Ingram plotline by far (although no one likes the lack of Rochester-in-drag, the party scenes & insertion of the twin flame theory was delightful).
some of the best dialogue, fantastic Adèle plotline, good Bertha plotline, best Pilot, best Rosamond, good costuming, good sets/locations (the fairytale ambience of Jane walking outside before meeting Rochester! Rochester's weird study!), I like the extra focus placed on themes such as nature/genetics/science, religion, travel, sexuality, etc.
2006 cons:
I dislike the way they did the Lowood and Gateshead plots, and although the Rivers sisters were good, I resent their St. John plotline for the most part. I disliked the lack of mystery surrounding Bertha; I think they made it way too obvious & not creepy enough, especially in showing her perspective from the window and giving her lines (one line, calling Jane a whore in Spanish) which no other adaptation does. I was sorely bored before and after Thornfield and only really revived when she got back to Ferndean (although Jane's flashbacks and some of the St. John plotline [the references to love, reminding us of her inner thoughts of Rochester] kept me alive). I suppose there were prices to pay for the excellence of the Jane and Rochester moments. - in comparison these seem like small prices, but still!
2011 pros:
deciding to go with a non-linear structure was a fantastic choice though I was skeptical of it at first, good St. John plotline for the most part & which they put emphasis on, really fantastic Jane with a lot of good fierce moments & lines, maybe the best Gateshead plotline including Mrs. Reed & the Red Room scene (although the lack of red was disappointing, and the lack of explanation for the chimney monster is conflicting – was it all in her head?), good young Jane, one of the best Richard Masons, star-studded cast, good dialogue, maybe the best costuming, Aesthetic™️
2011 cons:
least favorite adele (not insulting the child actress, this is the fault of the writers/directors)
— this is where i call security to protect me from an onslaught of jane eyre 2011 fans here on tumblr. alright, maybe i should watch it again — but i was expecting a lot more. particularly from michael fassbender as mr. rochester. probably my least favorite rochester by far & the least sympathetic. this rochester captures the dark and dangerous part of him but imo not so much the higher feelings that define him. the lack of humour & lack of unrepressed passion/drama/rage is noticeable - rochester isn't supposed to be quiet; as toby stephens (2006) said in an interview, rochester never shuts up in the book, he's really too eccentric to even be adapted accurately; he has to be toned down to be realistic, but here he's muted too far. - i felt like mia was carrying all of their scenes on her back & that the chemistry really rested on her primarily.
Cinematography-wise, there are some gems in the stills (famous hand holding gif), but I dislike the overall muted palette of the film; many will think this suits the tone and in some ways I agree, however, I will always prefer color and dislike the epidemic of desaturation we've seen so often in 21st century cinema. For this reason, 96, 97, 06 all triumph against 2011 aesthetically for me personally, although I still recognize some of the artistry of 2011, it is not my preference.
My overall ranking: 2006 (primarily for Jane/Rochester), 1997 (excellent overall), 1996 (good but flawed), 2011 (I tried but overall did not enjoy it).
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yourlocallyneysimp · 2 years
Genshin Impact x Yuzuha!Reader
Characters: Kazuha, Scaramouche, Childe, Alhaitham, Itto, Lyney, Aether
Others: Older brother= Taiju Younger brother= Hakkai
A/N: Sorry I haven't posted in a while, I've been preparing for my finals. <3
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He admires your fighting skills. Even though you don't fight as much as your brother he still thinks you're quite strong.
He did find things to be a little concerning when he noticed a few bruises or you would suddenly panic when you would forget to tell your older brother something. This would only make the alarms in his head go off even more after he sees your older brother for the first time. This would make him more clingy not wanting you to leave and him wanting you to sleep over at his house more often.
Kazuha will promise you that he would get you out of your abusive household and protect you.
He first took notice of you when he saw a bunch of delinquents trying to pick a fight with you and your younger brother, Hakkai. Even though you were quite short, you still somehow mangaed to kick them in the face. It surprised him a lot and eventually he went up to you with a fake persona introducing himself, but you knew that he was only acting. You do it all the time after all.
After you two would start dating, he would get annoyed that you would have to go home early and find it annoying that you would try to cancel a date on him last minute. It's not like you wanted to, you just couldn't.. He would eventually be concerned when he starts seeing cuts and bruises on your face.
After he met your brother, he would try to devise some plans to get rid of him immediately, but you both know that taking down your older brother wouldn't be so easy.
He probably met you through some connections he had with the gang Hakkai is in. As soon as Hakkai would introduce you to him, he literally won't leave your side. Ever.
Thats why he noticed the way your face would immediately change when your older brother Taiju gets mentiond. When he finds out you're being abused, he finds it evil and heartless that someone would treat their siblings that way. He would never hurt his younger siblings!
But don't worry Y/n! Childe isn't a harbinger for no reason, he would take care of him. Somehow....
Alhaitham isn't stupid and will pick up the obvious signs right away. He won't tell you, but he would know that you are being abused by someone and would try to convince you to stay longer during dates to keep your mind off things.
He promises himself that things won't stay the way they are at your household.
Itto most likely tried to pick a fight with your brother, but probably got his ass whooped immediately. He underestimated your brother because his and Taiju's heights were pretty close so he thought the fight would be equal.
It would take him a while to realize that Taiju is abusive towards you and your younger brother, so when he finds out, hes furious. He wants to pick a fight right away, but you convince him not too.
He would assy put for now, but that makes him even more determined to beat your brothers ass one day.
Lyney would actually save you from your abusive household and would give you a home to stay in, but not without some requirements of course! He would make you work at his circus and preform alongside him.
If you don't like it then too bad, anything is better than getting beat up by a family member, so you just deal with it. He also finds your stubborn personality to be quite amusing, but irritating at certain situations.
He loves you, but he just wishes that you would listen to him sometimes...
With Paimon's help, Aether would notice the small details about how you would silently panic whenever you would get a call or would be to conscious to stay out too late. He thought it was odd, but his concern for you only increased after he met your older brother.
The first meeting wasnt pleasant since he literally got jumped by him and punched. He didn't do anything to upset him, well at least he don't think he did, but that was just how your brother was. If he needs a new punching bag, he will find one. Aether just happened to be one of his next victims.
Those punches hurted like hell and he couldn't even imagine you having to go through that everyday. So gathering enough courage, Aether and Paimon made a promise to each other that they WILL save you.
Another A/N: I just watched season 2, ep 6 of Tokyo Revengers and all I can say is WTF- It became so brutal..😰
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aangelinakii · 13 hours
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characters written about in this piece : dick grayson, jason todd, roy harper, wally west
note : so i saw someone write about them if they were frat boys and it was genuinely the best thing i ever read so i was watching inbetweeners and i was like omg what if it was the opposite ???? instead of american uni boys, british college boys !!!!
warning : british slang used (yes that deserves a warning) and mention of sexual themes but not gone into detail like at all and only mentioned in a comedic sense as this is definitely a crack fic
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dick is like the normal one in the group, kind of the odd one out, and it's got you thinking why tf does he have these guys as friends. think of him as will, still a bit of an oddun but the most normal one, even though everyone might think simon is the most normal (he's a secret freak). but dick def gets made fun of for his name, not just by his friends but by everybody. "dick the prick" "dick likes dick" just lots of dick jokes, makes him want to die but it's okay a levels will be over soon. his whole friend group is obsessed with sex but he's the most sensible, would appreciate it if an offer came forward, but not actively seeking it unlike roy and wally ahem. he's come close to it before — was dragged to a party by wally so he wouldn't be alone and then a uni girl found him and thought he was leng — but he couldn't get it up because he was so scared. it's okay though dick !!! maybe next time when you're actually in uni !
in terms of the other inbetweeners i think jason would be more of a neil. he seems a bit dopey at first, especially since he's this tall guy, all muscle, no brains (at least, in this headcanon he is, i know canonically he reads jane austen). although roy or wally think they're most likely to get a bird our of the group, jason is actually where it's at. take him to a party, girls CAN'OT get enough of him, his height, his muscles. who cares if he doesn't know which your to use when calling you pretty as long as he could benchpress you and a couple of your friends ?? he isn't experienced by any means, just kind of goes off intuition and what he's told. most likely to get himself into a sexual encounter, but the others still think they have a chance to have their firsts because jason forgets about them the next day, and then he just comes out of nowhere being like "remember when i got a blowie from that girl in dick's business class ?" and everyones likz ???? because the closest they'll get to a blowie is a vacuum
has a big ego. he's that boy that walks around college like he runs shit, like he's the shit, going up to poor first years because he mistook them for his year and trying to flirt but it ends up as "let's have an arm wrestle i bet i'll win even if you use both hands." it's fun in the moment, but only because it's funny, not actually enjoyable. he's gotten a few drunk handjobs at a couple parties, but if anything actually tries to move properly sexually, he freaks out. he won't mention that part to his friends when they debrief the next day, and thzt will be seen as the major event considering jason forgets he was necking a girl in the bathroom the entire night. in fact, he doesn't talk about it at all, thinks he wants it but as soon as he gets close to anything sexual he just freezes up. think simon when he's dating that girl in season 3 and she wants to take him up to her sister's apartment so they can have sex, and he brings everyone else becausz he's too scared. roy would so do that
literally does sociology pzychology and english lit a levels becausz he thought it would get him the most clunge 😭😭 but gets the least. in inbetweeners terms he's the jay type; really vulgar language with his friends but literally silent when out of the comfort of his group. attempts to be the class clown but it ends wifh him just getting weird looks from thr girls he was trying to impress. doesn't get invited to parties but somehow finds a way to be there, and in continuation, his friends. literally girls RUN at the sight of him. unless he finds a girl from a different college, or whzn he gets to uni, he is NOT making any of the moves he wants to be making. probably the least experienced out of the group, gets NO action, has no game. the furthest he's gone is a kiss in spin the bottle at a party, and it was a peck
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OTP: Lite Sneeze // Macha Richter & Vinnie Gallo
Guys. This is emotional for me.
This is possible thanks to @gloryride - she made Macha an NPV, which means I can spawn her in Vinnies game as an NPC and pose her with him.
In real life, today marks the 10th wedding anniversary of me and my husband. And I get to show off my OTP in a joined pic for the first time. So I can't feel help but feel like there's some divine timing involved here.
More crying under the cut.
When I spawned her in and had Vinnie next to her, I started crying. When I started this journey in January of this year, I had NO IDEA about anything, RP, VP, OCs. I didn't know you could SHIP characters. I didn't know you could just make up their stories and lore. But I gladly fell into the rabbit hole that is the Cyberpunk 2077 VP fandom, and I don't regret a single minute.
I made these two out of Vs that I actually played with on console. They are now no longer Vs bc I can't have them die, ok.
They were not an OTP at first, but when someone asked if they could make an OC to ship with Vinnie, I was like - :but, but he has Macha!" And Lite Sneeze was born, albeit like Romeo and Juliet bc they could never be together (in a picture) - or so I thought.
And then I actually saw a picture of Dagger (by @wraithsoutlaws) and Ivarr (by @dreamskug ) TOGETHER. It was thos post - which is still so freaking badass. So I knew it was *theoretically* possible. Of course, I quickly learned that I wouldn't be able to do it myself, so imagine the joy when I heard that I could commission someone to make an NPV.
I tried recreating one of our wedding pictures, but - alas - I couldn't (yet). Posing a couple is so different, and I have so much learning to do. Lighting them is a challenge bc their skintones are so different. Vinnie needs an extra light, but with them being so close (🧡) it also reflects on her, and she is over exposed. Finding poses that fit. Their height difference! It is the same height difference my husband and I have - I made Vinnie as tall as he is, and Macha is my height (6'6/1,99 and 5'8/1,73). I mean, that feels amazing, but it's a challenge for VP for sure.
But I am sooooo happy with how the first pic turned out. I HAVE A LOT OF FEELINGS. I get so giddy looking at that. I think I managed to show their love in that pic.
Okay, so here's to a lot more shippy pics with Mr Gallo and Miss Macha bc I don't see myself stopping anytime soon.
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⚙ THE CHAIRMAN ⚙ OF COGS INCORPORATED EST. 2003 ---------------------------------
So I've never talked about this on here before, but Toontown was one of my absolute FAVORITE games as a kid (despite never having membership so being locked out of 99% of the actual game jlkjfsakj) Like it was absolutely formative for me, I drew the cogs a bajillion times and they inspired a ton of my own stuff later on (and still absolutely do) Then the game closed and Rewritten came out so I could actually play the whole game for the first time (haven't gotten anywhere close to getting to the end though) To this day I have an on again off again interest where once or twice a year I'll suddenly get absolutely smitten with it again haha
So, if you're also into Toontown, you'll obviously be familiar with the mysterious, unseen overarching villain The Chairman This is my own take on his design that I came up with a few years back ^^
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We don't have much to go off of from the original game for what the Chairman might've been like, so I had a couple of different inspirations
Obviously the giant head in the Sellbot Factory, since those old Chairman pics with that head pasted onto a cog body were absolutely what I was most exposed to as a kid, but it's also not a 1:1 lift
In some of my earliest sketches trying to come up with the ideal design I tried making him look like he had the giant robot from the old installer video underneath his suit, so he had like lanky, cartoonish proportions, toonier hands, etc It looked really bad though and I couldn't do what I wanted with the head since it would've had to fit over the shorter, wider robot head, so I just ended up scrapping it (i do take some inspiration from the video for my vision of Toontown's story, but i've just scrapped the robot entirely) Oh I also gave him the eyes from the Field Office since I thought that could be neat, but it looked out of place so I simplified them to what he has now (they're still stylistically similar to the eyes on regular cog buildings, so i don't think i'm really losing any of the meaning behind them at least)
By far the biggest inspiration was when the FY11 plans got released
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Holy FUDGE did this blow my mind when I saw it for the first time All those years as a kid of the Chairman not even being ACKNOWLEDGED except by the CEO's final words and a couple odd references in obscure magazines and whatever Desperately speculating and grasping onto all those tiny pieces of some mysterious, horrifically evil entity behind everything And then this??? This awesome, ominous silhouette?? Plans for something huge??? Seeing it is what drove me to go and draw him in the first place, it still gives me chills just looking at it
So yeah, I wanted mine to have that same aura of cold evil, that striking silhouette, while also having a bit more character to him Like most cogs are frozen in the same screwed up scowl, where there's not much room for expression If I could, like, make an actual model for him, I'd want him to have the same sort of capacity for different expressions as the toons have (even some you wouldn't expect from the head of the cogs)
He's ruthless, calculating, doing everything he can to maximize the profits and efficiency of Cogs Inc and expand their operations to the entirety of Toontown, with no regard for ethical business practices or the wishes of the people he plans to subjugate (But does it work? Is he happy?)
I'm absolutely gonna do an analysis of the cogs as a whole at some point (as long as my interest doesn't plummet for a little while longer), there's a ton of stuff I wanna get into about my interpretation of them as villains because oh my god I love them so much
OTHER STUFF - He's not as massive as the other boss cogs, but he's still absolutely huge (iirc the highest level cogs are all canonically like 8ft?? and he's got a LOT of height on them) - He's drinking oil in the pencil drawing - I happened to watch this video where one guy talked about the way the villain in Tarzan held a glass of wine and how it left a huge impression on him, so I just arbitrarily decided to emulate it in my drawing XD - Oh yeah a big reason for the main drawing in the post was that I really felt like I was getting too attached to a single style in my digital stuff (literally just using the same default pen tool for everything, never changing the size), so I wanted to force myself to try something new - I drew the frame myself, just kinda winged it so it's. not as good as it could be but it works fine I think
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peanutpinet · 3 months
Demon Slayer (KNY) Fanfic (Open Request)
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A/N: herrow to my fellow demon slayer (ehem muichiro) readers. I want to say thank you for reading my Muichiro fic and showing your love for it. I honestly didn't think that there would be that many people reading my writing about Demon Slayer (ehem Muichiro) but turns out there are actually quite a lot who read it and I would like to say thank you for it.
I do am accepting requests for Demon Slayer but I don't do any boy x boy nor girl x girl (sorry). I also don't write smut so apologies for that.
I'm actually in the middle of writing another demon slayer fic over on my Wattpad and will link it down below if any of you would like to have a read.
Thank you for coming to my blog and supporting me. With love,
Keep Reading for a teaser of my Demon Slayer Fic
Teaser of my Demon Slayer Fic (Wattpad)
"H-hello? A-are you okay? Did you fall when you walked past these tracks?" you heard a voice; an awfully familiar voice but you couldn't remember who it belonged to
You tried to force your eyes to open but the cool breeze just makes you want to close your eyes again. Luckily enough, the voice pulled you back. "H-hey! Please don't close your eyes just yet. I, I'm worried that you might have a concussion"
Slowly, you forced your eyes to blink and adjust to the lighting that was shining in between the leaves and your eyes met with soft teal eyes that you slowly recognised.
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"W-where am I?" you croaked out, your voice coming out rough as if you hadn't drunk any water in the past 12 hours while you took in the young boy with teal eyes that you recognised since he was a beloved character in your world
"You're in the woods, just a few miles away from my house. D-do you remember how you got here?" the young boy asked
"I, I don't remember anything. I must be dreaming anyways" you replied, about to close your eyes again but you heard the young boy's panicked voice
Suddenly, you felt two small hands grabbing your face ever so gently while shaking you. "H-hey! Please don't fall asleep again. People are going to assume that I hurt you or something. Hold on, I'll go get some water for you to drink"
Within seconds, the boy brought some water to your mouth and helped you to drink. Once you drank some water, you finally had a bit of strength to at least sit and properly look at the young boy who was standing in front of you since his current height was slightly taller than your form when sitting.
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"T-thank you for helping me and for the water. A-are you out here on your own? Where are your parents?" you asked, pretending to not know
"Oh um, yes. I'm alone. But not really alone. I have a twin brother. He's currently at home probably cooking. I was out to collect some more wood. Our parents passed away some time ago but it's okay. We've been holding out well" the young boy replied and you were truly amazed how he could still be this positive
"I know it might not be much but if you'd like, you can stay with us until you remember where you need to go" the boy offered, making you tear up at how sweet he was. "E-eh?! W-why are you crying?! Please don't cry"
You shook your head and smiled at the boy. "I, I'm okay. I was just touched that you would help a stranger out of nowhere. T-thank you" you smiled widely not noticing the slight blush that the boy had on his cheeks
"I'm (y/n) by the way. What's your name?" you asked, extending your hand to properly introduce yourself which the boy took and helped you up on your feet. "Muichiro. Tokito Muichiro"
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anemoarchonhoe · 2 years
Hi! I wanna ask How would the other characters react with eos! reader? Like how venti have a hot Big girlfriend?(cofcofkaeyacofcof)
I accidentally rambled-
Anyway please donate to my kofi account sjsjsj it'd help me a lot with my tuition-
You actually meet Mika first on your way to the city from Dornman Port, pretending to be a lost traveller who has never set foot in the capital city. Mika, though intimidated by your 12-foot tall ass and your sons (they're too beautiful to be real humans...), was a great help in guiding you. He quickly warmed up to you, feeling sorry for misjudging you to be someone malicious when you're so kind to him. He loves your motherly attitude, but he can't take Nemo's pranks and teases so he doesn't get tl interact with you often. Then he gets whisked away by Grandmaster Varka-.
Acting Grandmaster Jean was a little suspicious of you at first, but her suspicions immediately goes out the window when you single-handedly solved Mondstadt's millenia old problem; Ursa the Drake. She immediately tries to recruit you to join the knights, even offering to place you in a high position. You figured it's to strengthen the Knights' political power and to be able to easily fight back against the oppressing of the Fatui, but you dismissed her proposal and joined the Favonius church instead, much to her disappointment.
Diluc obviously was wary of you, so he took it upon himself to secretly tail you around just to see what you were up to. You were aware of it and just slightly peeved, so you moved your residency from the city to Springvale. Sure, it's a hassle going to and fro everyday just to get to the church and to get necessary groceries, but it sure did the trick of tiring Diluc out and leaving you the hell alone. Besides, you were also quite friendly. And so strong. Diluc can remember how effortless you twisted Ursa's head. And you did it so slow too... as if you enjoyed the drake's futile struggles and writhing in pure agony. His approval of you was cemented when you saved his father's life as well as understanding why you didn't join the knights when even Varka was practically on his knees asking you. Whenever you visit the tavern and he's there, he cant help it but be more aware of your presence. Your laugh has a sultry undertone and he could feel his heartbeat more keenly. Just as he's finally resolved to court you, he watches Venti kneeling down to ask for your hand in marriage...
Kaeya couldn't help but whistle at your sheer height. He, too, was wary of you so he watched you interact with people. But even though he's suspicious of you, it's not to the extent of Diluc. Like Diluc? My dear brother, that person is blind. What can a blind person do?
Well, slay a drake alone with a two star second-rate spear, apparently.
His guard immediately goes up at that. But even if you're hostile, how could he ever hope to defeat someone who could kill a dragon with ease? Well, he can always assess your strength by sparring with you. Sadly, you handed his ass back to him. You beat him so hard that he became enamored with you. How did a blind person become such a good fighter?Who taught you? Kaeya befriended you in hopes of finding out your weakness so thaf he can stop you should you become a threat. You treated him with nothing but kindness, and when he was banished by Diluc, you were there to nurse him back to help. You held him close as he cried for the sworn brother and his father's trust that he lost.
And he fell in love with you. Oh, he fell so hard for you.
He kept you at arm's length emotionally. You didn't say anything, but he could feel like you understand. He flirted with you occasionally. You respond playfully sometimes, and Kaeya couldn't help his heart from skipping a few beats when you flash him a rare smile, relishing the jealous glare he gets from Diluc.
...And just when both he and Diluc agreed to finally settle their romantic fight to win your heart by courting you officially, Venti arrives and steals you effortlessly.
Just like that.
"I'm waiting for a bard in green," Kaeya remembered what you said to him once when he was tipsy and you were in his company.
So it was Venti?
Diluc and Kaeya lost both the battle and the war before it even began.
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citruswriter · 2 months
Got room for two more?
Chapter Two - Warm Colors
A Bale AU Fic
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Listen with me! ↠ⁿᵉˣᵗ ˢᵒⁿᵍ ↺ ʳᵉᵖᵉᵃᵗ ⊜ ᵖᵃᵘˢᵉ
Warnings: Tcest (you have been warned!), Character x OC, polyamory, long fic, falling in love quickly bc just bc I'm demi doesn't mean I won't make fictional characters immediately fall in love, angst, panic attack, comfort, slight spice but nothing actually explicit.
A/N: Ok so like, you see, I actually have phenomenal writing powers if I'm motivated to write smthn. 😂
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It had been about two weeks since the sisters had "moved in". In that time, the two girls had pretty much relaxed all the way. Unfortunately for Raphael, there had begun a new problem. And it's name was Stellara. Raph couldn't get the damn woman outta his head and he didn't know why. He felt guilty. He already had five other wonderful mates, so why was he crazy about the white haired woman? He decided to clear his head by working out in the gym.
But as he entered the little gym area, he saw the one and only, Stellara. The woman was stretched into a kapotasana yoga pose. Her stomach and chest arched upwards to the ceiling. Raph felt his face go red as he choked on his saliva, causing Stellara's eyes to crack open. "Raph?" She called out and Raph decided that there was no going back now. He stepped in, making his way to the weights. "Hey. Hope I'm not bothering you". He grunted, setting his water down to grab at some weights.
The woman smiled affectionately, lifting her legs to place herself in a forearm stand, legs spread so one foot was pointed to the ceiling and the other one was pointed to the floor. "Not at all. Please feel free". She replied before closing her eyes once more. Raph tried to focus on his workout. Really he did. But it was hard when the split pants that Stellara was wearing seemed to elegantly drape over the woman's body. "You uh, you workout a lot?" Raph asked as he started his first set of curls.
The woman's eyes remained closed, but an ear angled more his way, letting him know that she was listening. "Usually. I do a lot of calisthenics and leg work. But today is Saturday, one of my rest days, so instead I'm doing yoga." The woman replied, gracefully moving to stand on her feet before moving into her next pose.
"What's that pose called?" Raph asked. Stellara smiled despite her eyes still being close in soft meditation. "The twisted dragon." She said gently. I'd like to twist you into some positions... Raph thought suddenly only to immediately brush said thoughts to the side. No, no, no! That's no way to think of our guest Raph! "It's great for leg flexibility and opening the hips". Stellara added.
Raph swallowed thickly as he stared at her bare legs. "You have nice legs." He blurted out. Stellara's eyes snapped open as she whipped her head around to stare at Raph, eyes wide as saucers. Stellara's pupils were dilated so far that he could barely see her golden iris's. "Sorry! I didn't mean to say that out loud!" Raph stuttered. "Raph is sorry. Raph hopes he didn't make you uncomfortable". He kept sputtering out apologies, not stopping until the kitsune was in front of him.
He slowly quieted, nervous as to what she would do next. "Thank you, Raph. I appreciate the compliment". The woman said with a smile. Raph let out a sigh of relief only for his breath to hitch once more as the woman placed a hand on him. Her hand was warm against her plastron. "Raph? Are you ok? You're awfully red." She said.
"Aha. Raph is fine." Was his sole response but Stellara looked unsatisfied. "Bend down, Raph. Let me feel your forehead". She softly demanded. He thought about denying her. He was a massive giant, it wouldn't be hard. But something told him it would be futile. So he sighed, kneeling down to her height and lowering his head. Stellara placed the back of her hand to his forehead and his cheeks. "Oh my Amaterasu! Raph you're burning up!" She said worridly.
Without another word, she grabbed his hand and tugged him forward with a strength he wasn't expecting from her tiny body. He flushed once more as he let her tug him along. "Leo!" She called out. "Where is that man? Leonardo!" Eventually she tracked down the slider, him grumbling something about her volume.
"Leo I think Raph is sick. I felt his face and he's burning up! Maybe he just feels warmer because my hands are cold or he was working out but I thought I'd bring him to you anyways. Just to be sure". Leo looked at Stellara's worried expression and he couldn't help but feel his heart melt at her genuine kindness. "I'm sure he's fine but I'll tell you what. How about I look him over and let you know if he's sick or not. Deal?" He said and Stellara immediately nodded.
Stellara then turned to the red giant, grabbing both his hands in her own incredibly tiny ones. "You take it easy, ok? I'll clean up your things in the gym and drop them off in your room". She said and Raph couldn't help but smile shyly. "Th-thank you, Stellara. I appreciate it". He said, cursing at the blush he knew was present on his face once more.
Back in Leo's room, Leo did as he promised and gave Raph a thorough checking, even though they both knew he wasn't sick. "So what was that about? I don't think I've seen you that flustered since before we were together". He said stiffly, trying not to let the jealousy seep into his tone.
Raph winced and looked away. "Look, I don't know what's gotten into me but Stellara is... something. She's beautiful and kind. She's like a mixture between Mikey and Donnie. Look I'm not saying I've caught feelings or anything. But I don't think what I'm feeling is entirely platonic either. I'm sorry. I feel so bad about it." He said, looking away with shame. He waited for Leo to have a reaction, the slider got jealous very fast. But instead, he heard his brother sigh out.
"I'm not mad Raph. I understand. You can't control how you feel. Now I'm not gonna say I'm not jealous but I will say that I'm not mad and that you shouldn't be ashamed of your feelings." Leo said gently. "Stella is a kind-hearted person with a beautiful soul." He said, grabbing Raph's face to look at him.
"And great legs. Did you see her thighs in those split pants?" He blurted out. Leo paused for a second before laughing, Raph relaxing and joining in on the laughter as well. "Yeah I think I can agree with you there buddy."
"Um, hey Mikey?" A soft voice came and Mikey almost jumped from fright. "Shit woman, don't scare me like that". He said, clutching his chest. Stellara sheepishly smiled. "Sorry. I was just hoping we could um, talk? April said you're the guy to talk to about like um, feelings n stuff." She said softly, looking down in what seemed to be embarrassment.
"Absolutely! I'm Dr. Feelings, step into my office". Mikey said, grabbing a pair of fake glasses and putting them on before going to sit in a chair of his. Stellara cautiously stepped in, taking a seat on one of his bean bag chairs.
"What's on your mind?" Mikey asked and Stellara blushed, smoothing the wrinkles in her split pants. "Um... I think I like somebody?" She said, making it sound more of a question rather than a statement. Mikey raised a brow at her. "Oh? And is that a good thing or a bad thing?" He asked and Stellara sighed. "Bad. Very, very bad".
"Bad?" Mikey gasped. "How could it possibly be bad? You're in love, Stella! That's a good thing!" He cooed and Stellara cringed. "He's taken, Mikey! That's the problem! And besides, I'm no good in relationships". She said wistfully, eyes cast to the side. Mikey looked at her confused. "What do you mean?" He asked gently and Stellara looked up to meet Mikey's eyes. "I don't know. People just... leave."
Her golden orbs were downcast once more. "Maybe I'm not fun enough? I like to stay home. My ideal date is movies or painting. I find peace in the mundane. I want a family. I don't want to go out and party and get drunk at the bar. I want to wake up in somebody's arms and make them coffee with stupid cute latte art. I could care less about going out on fancy dates when we can stay home and do yoga together and then take a bath after. I'm not... what people want. I'm the second choice. The rebound. I'm the person who teaches you how to love... but not the person you end up loving". Stellara couldn't stop the words that poured out of her mouth, voice cracking as she got more and more emotional.
"Men, women, monogamous, polyamorus. I've done it all. And people never stay. Am I just not good enough? I love so much and with such intensity. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. And now I think I like somebody again and it's not even somebody I can have and it's all so stupid." Stellara's chest began to heave as she began to spiral into a panic attack, tears spilling over her cheeks as more and more words poured from her heart and out past her trembling lips.
Suddenly Stellara's eyes widened and her hands snapped to her neck to clutch her throat, the intensity of her emotions causing her throat to swell up and keep her from breathing. Mikey sprang forward and into action. "Stella. Stella stay with me. Look at me. I need you to look at me". The woman's eyes were wide with fear, they looked almost feral as her body shook.
Mikey grabbed her face in an attempt to force her to look at him. It worked, her eyes snapping to attention as she felt his warmth. "Deep breaths. Please, Stella. I need you to take deep breaths." He said, thumbs rubbing over her cheekbones. "Come on. Do it with me." Mikey began to do deep breathing with her. It took time but eventually she was able to match Mikey's breathing, although her body was still trembling.
Mikey moved his arms down to her shoulders and arms. "You good? Can I touch you?" He asked gently and Stellara nodded. Mikey sighed softly and pulled her into a tight hug, he felt her tense before relaxing into his hold. "M sorry. I didn't mean to lose control like that". She said finally, nuzzling slightly into his chest.
Mikey rubbed the woman's back until she stopped trembling. "There we go. You feeling better now?" Mikey cooed. Stellara shifted enough to look up at him through wet lashes with big doe eyes. "Yeah Mikes. I'm good". The woman replied and Mikey swallowed thickly.
Oh fuck. Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck. "Mikey?" Stellara noticed his dazed look but all Mikey noticed was the way her tone had a whine to it as she said his name, voice still raw from crying. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Get yourself together. "M-Mikey?" To Stellara, Mikey was looking down at her with an almost husky expression. To Mikey, Stellara look perfect. Wet lashes, puffy lips, chest slightly heaving as she whined out his name.
Mikey dipped his head down lower, causing the kitsune to back up slightly. He wanted to kiss her, nip at her lip, slide his tongue into her mouth and taste her. Maybe taste her in other ways too. He wanted to make her whine his name out again as she arched off his sheets and- "Mikey?" Another voice broke the silence, finally jerking Mikey out of his stupor. His eyes shot up to see Chiyo.
Chiyo simply leaned up against the doorway, eyes narrowed in suspicion. "And what exactly is going on here?" She asked. Stellara and Mikey took one glance at each other before jumping away from each other. "Oh I came to talk about feeling with Mikey and I had a panic attack so he hugged me to calm me down!" Stellara said in a rushed manner.
"Wait. Stell. You had a panic attack? Are you ok?" Chiyo said, immediately changing moods and moving closer to her sister. Stellara stood on her feet and nodded. "Yeah. Mikey helped me through it." She said, giving a small smile as her sisters hands came up to cup her cheeks. "Oh thank goodness. I'm so glad. Thank you Mikey." Chiyo said, giving Mikey a thankful smile.
"Oh it was no problem. Just another day's work for Dr. Feelings!" Mikey said, laughing nervously. "Of course. Hey uh, Chiyo, I'm hungry. Wanna go best up some leftovers pancakes from breakfast?" She asked and Chiyo grabbed her sisters hand. "Oh absolutely!"
As the woman dragged her sister off to the kitchen, all Stellara could think about was Mikey. Had he been about to kiss her? What would he have done if she let him. Or better yet, how far would she have let him gone...?
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Anyways I have today off apparently??? So don't be surprised if you get more than one chapter today. Remember to block appropriate tags if you don't wish to see updates of this fic!
Taglist: @cherrytreatsart
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sneezyonmain · 2 months
OC Post- Araneus Cinderfang
vbrit part two: emo twink edition DISCLAIMER: All of my OCs are actually my friend's and I's DnD characters, used with permission. Some details may be a little confusing as I've taken their standard backstories and modified them to fit a modern fantasy setting. I'll list the class for anyone curious, but it won't come into much use unless they're a spellcaster. CW: Mention(s) of parental abuse, PTSD, anxiety, forced mutation/experimentation, homelessness, nsft themes
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(Picrew credit to Brightgoat's Bright's Picrew Hell and Baydews' [BAYDEWS' avatar maker!!] V2)
Name: Araneus CInderfang
Race: Half-elf (Shifter)
Age: 22
Sex: Male
Pronouns: He/Him/His
Sexuality: Bisexual (In denial) (this is a common theme with vbrit OCs, I think he's protecting tbh)
Class: Order of the Lycan Blood Hunter
Height: 6'0
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Red
Basic Description: Araneus is built like a string bean, standing at a decent height while also being relatively underweight. He has perpetual bags under his eyes that he cannot seem to rid himself of, and dark hair that stays messy regardless of how much he tries to tidy it. He stands with a slouch, and keeps his head down. He's got scars and spots on his pale skin, and unnaturally red eyes. He has pointed ears, and spider-like fangs that are only visible when he lifts his lip to reveal them. He looks far more arachnid-like when transformed, which he doesn't do unless necessary and frankly I don't feel like describing it.
Background: Araneus grew up primarily with his father, who was a prominent professor at a university. Through a series of gruesome experiments throughout the course of his childhood, (which I will not elaborate on due to their upsetting nature), Araneus developed a form of lycanthropy. Specifically, his body mutated to include many spider-like qualities, including fangs and extra insectoid limbs that emerge from his body when transformed. He eventually escaped that situation, and spent a long time homeless and in shelters before moving in with a woman named Aria, who later became his girlfriend. He has severe PTSD and anxiety from the event, and since he was already relatively introverted before he became a "monster", he now rarely ever leaves the house.
Personality: He is very introverted, and much prefers to stay inside all day than to talk to people. He is slow to trust people due to his past, but when he does, he is loyal to a fault. Aside from various comics and watching anime, he loves literature, but doesn't have too many hobbies as he either couldn't do them or didn't have the funds until very recently. He's anxious and closed off but longs for friends and companionship. He doesn't think much about romance, since he has other things to worry about, (that is, before he met his girlfriend). When he does attempt social interaction, he has a very dry sense of humor he uses to compensate for how nervous he is.
Snz Info: He hardly ever gets sick, which is one of the few benefits of his lycanthropy. When he does get sick, however, it hits him like a truck, since the virus has to be quite strong in order to impact him at all. He tries very hard to be self-sufficient when it happens, since he's not used to being able to rely on people, but he really just wants comfort and soup. His heightened sense of smell means his nose is very sensitive to perfume and physical touch. He has a lot of rapid-fire, stifled fits that he can't hold back, but they're breathy and quiet.
Fun Facts:
He loves dogs a whole lot
He's Australian
Would call a woman "Mommy" probably
Has a blood kink
Will gladly explain every sex joke in Hamlet to you
Used to have asthma before he was mutated
Has ear piercings
Dresses emo simply because they were the first clothes he saw at the thrift store once he got out of his bad situation
Has a nipple piercing that he got for his girlfriend, Aria
Ironically, he is severely arachnophobic due to trauma.
Still owns a stuffed spider to help him cope
Needs like four weighted blankets to sleep
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daidonzo · 2 years
Don't go wasting your emotion
A/N: This is a oneshot of Aguni x Reader/OC. She doesn't have a name, but after seeing this gif of Camila Morrone in Daisy Jones and the Six I couldn't imagine her looking any other way, so I added a description of the character. Feel free to ignore it or substitute her features for whatever you like. •ᴗ•
I based this oneshot on a post by @glooomreach ♡
It's also my first time writing Aguni (definitely not the last), so I hope it's not too bad or too out of character.
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Takeru had dragged him to the bar.
'Come on, come on. Just a couple of drinks, it will be fun!'
He had refused, at first, but eventually conceded. Just as his friend knew he would.
The only thing was that on Thursday night, only four types of people went out: the rich and famous, university students, groups of young girls who thought for real that Thursday was the new Friday and the older men wanting to flirt with them.
Where did that leave them?
Aguni sighed, with a beer already in his hand, while Takeru went through the book listing the songs one could choose to sing in the karaoke.
'This one!' He exclaimed, triumphant, his index finger pointing to an ABBA song.
Aguni couldn't help but smile faintly, nodding. The bar would be empty by the time they had finished. They were that good. 'Sure.'
He looked around him while his friend wrote down both of their names and the song title on a piece of paper and gave it to the person in charge of playing the songs of the karaoke.
Just as he had thought, there was almost nobody - just a group of businessmen who were staring, like a starving wild animal, at a table of young girls, sitting close to where the stage was. Four of them. The one further right had short hair and an athletic figure, another had dreadlocks and a blue crop top and the third one looked like she had just left work, a briefcase on the floor by her side. He couldn't see the fourth girl very well, only the back of the white blouse she was wearing and her long dark hair.
'Oh! The next one is going to be great!' Takeru said, clapping his hands together excitedly. Whoever was next would sing Believe, by Cher.
And it was the girl with the long hair and white blouse, who stood up and walked to the stage, her friends cheering her on all the way. Apart from the top, she was wearing flared jeans and brown high-heeled boots.
Aguni couldn't help but think she was beautiful, her eyes big, dark and slanted. Her lips full, a shy smile present in them, while she tried the microphone to check that it worked and adjusted it to her height.
'No matter how hard I try, you keep pushing me aside…' She started, not moving much at first, seemingly nervous, but by the time she sang the chorus, she was jumping and dancing, having gained confidence while she sang. 'Do you believe in life after love!? I can feel something inside me say, I really don't think you're strong enough, no!'
'Yeah, fuck him!' Her friend with the dreadlocks said, loud enough anyone could hear.
'She's quite good.' Takeru nodded towards her, looking impressed. Aguni agreed.
She was not the best singer, but she knew how to pull the audience in. The businessmen were in a frenzy by that time.
She finished her song, and Takeru joined her friends when they started clapping and cheering. Aguni did as well.
She noticed, and flashed a bright, charming smile towards them, mouthing 'Thank you.' before pretending to bow.
'It's our turn! Go, go, go!' Takeru was already standing up.
Both of them grabbed their microphones, making an awful rendition of Lay All Your Love On Me. It may have sounded bad, but both of them gave it their all, singing with a lot more feeling than a cheap karaoke bar on a Thursday night deserved.
The businessmen had turned silent, gone back to their drinks, but the group of girls were cheering them on, clapping and moving their bodies to the rhythm of the music.
The girl with dark hair kept looking at them. No, actually, her eyes were focused on Aguni, her lips curved upwards.
He knew the song from memory (it was their go-to in Karaoke) but almost forgot the lyrics once or twice.
At one point, during the last chorus, she leaned over to her friend in dreadlocks and whispered something in her ear, her eyes still not leaving Aguni. Her friend started going through the book of available songs and apparently found what she was looking for, because she gestured and said something he couldn't hear, clearly thrilled, to the other two.
When the song ended, Takeru and Aguni hugged and patted each other in the back in celebration, laughing. His friend used that moment to whisper to him. 'That brunette couldn't keep her eyes off of you.'
As if summoned, the dark-haired woman lifted her glass at them, still smiling playfully over the rim of it, and took a sip of her drink.
Takeru elbowed him, raising both his eyebrows. He even tried to push Aguni in the direction of the girls, but he was a lot stronger and much more muscular, and didn't even budge.
'She clearly likes you, Aguni.' He said once they were seated again on their table.
'I don't think so. She's just being nice.'
'She is being nice, but she also looks nice and she likes you.'
The conversation went on for a few minutes, in which one of the men at another table sang a truly vile cover of Take on me by A-ha that, truth be told, didn't get the same reaction from the young girls. The brunette, especially, used the song as a bathroom break, leaving almost as soon as it started and returning after he was done.
It was her turn again, but this time the whole group went up to the stage.
And the first notes of Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (A Man After Midnight), also by ABBA, started playing.
'Half-past twelve and I'm watching the late show in my flat all alone. How I hate to spend the evening on my own…' The girl sang, her dark eyes on Aguni's.
Takeru just looked at him, dead in the eye.
'Case closed.'
'Well, maybe…'
'Gimme, gimme, gimme a man after midnight! Won't somebody help me chase the shadows away?' They all danced out of sync something they had clearly choreographed but not practiced enough. It was still kind of impressive.
The song ended and they went back to their table, all of them laughing.
'If you don't go, I will, and…'
'Okay, fine. I will.'
Aguni shook his head and stood up, Takeru smiling widely and giving him a double thumbs up.
'Go, tiger!'
She was, clearly, very beautiful but she probably was just having a drink with her friends and didn't want a random guy approaching them. Maybe that was just her personality: flirty, playful, confident. He still went to their table, because if not Takeru would have and he preferred to deal with this kind of things his own way.
'Hello…' He started, not really knowing how to approach this. He wasn't used to that kind of stuff. He was struggling to find an amusing way of introducing himself, so he just opened his mouth and trusted his luck. 'Can I invite you to a drink?'
Could have been worse.
The dark-haired woman smiled. She had her arms crossed over her chest, and was rocking her chair onto its back legs. She nodded. 'Of course. Was wondering when you would ask.'
She stood up, and turned around to bid farewell to her friends.
'Don't take too long, some of us have to work tomorrow.' Said the one with the briefcase.
'All of us have to work tomorrow.' The one with the dreadlocks rolled her eyes until only white was visible. 'But some of us…'
Aguni felt the arms of the girl surrounding one of his. 'Let's get out of here, quick, before this ends badly.' She muttered, but she was giggling.
She led him to the bar area, where she ordered some kind of fruity cocktail without alcohol. Aguni just asked for another beer.
She had yet to let go of his arm, which she was still holding.
Aguni was used to fighting. It was part of his training as a SDF officer. But he was not used to receive so many blows conversationally-speaking. She was witty, she was smart, she was clever. He was struggling to get more than a couple of words in without stuttering.
He was extremely disappointed when her friends stood up and gestured at the woman to end the conversation and get ready to leave.
She looked at Aguni, apologetically.
'I'm the designated driver.' She shrugged.
'Ah, no. Don't worry.' He didn't know what else to say.
'Would you like to do this another time?' She asked. She finally let go of his arm (he wished she hadn't) and started looking around in her bag, getting a pen out of it after searching for a few seconds.
She grabbed a napkin and wrote her number, along with the drawing of a heart.
'If you do…' She slid the paper towards him. He realized he had yet to give an answer.
'Yes, yes I would. Like to do this another time.' He added that last part, in case it wasn't clear already.
'Great. I'll… Wait for your call, then?'
She waved goodbye and went back to the other girls.
Takeru suddenly appeared at his side. He pursed his lips in approval.
'Not bad. I told you she liked you. What's her name?'
'I… Didn't get it.'
His friend burst into laughter, but Aguni's eyes were focused on the napkin he was now holding with his right hand.
He might not know her name, but he was determined to find out.
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sweetbillwriting · 2 years
Love Just Happens
Part 7 - Girlfriend
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Description: Bill Skarsgård, a 40 years old separated father of three tries to live as simple as he can but then he meet Aurora Lou and life becomes even more complicated.
Characters: The future's Bill Skarsgård and others close to him. The rest is my own characters.
Setting: This story is set in the future but because it's hard to say how the world is then (and it isn't that important for the story) the future is similar to our time now, even with fashion and so on.
Warnings: 18+, age difference, smut, alcohol, ageism, a lot of talk about height, jealousy, talk about pregnancy, talk about period, talk about plastic surgery, kinks and fetishes, talk about weight.
Bill chewed his lips so hard he could taste a faint taste of blood yet still he couldn't stop. He looked down at his jean clad thighs and tried to wipe away the dog hair over and over but they seemed to have gotten stuck in the fibers. He waited on Aurora by the kitchen island while she changed clothes. Her dogs both laid and stared at him and it made him even more nervous. He was nervous because now when he sat there alone he started to wonder if she had actually forgiven him. Aurora was taught to always smile and please people around her so maybe she was doing the same to him? He swallowed hard and looked down at her dogs, silently he asked them what they believed.
Aurora came into the kitchen dressed in a pair of silky flared pants in bright green and a pink tube top in a fur-like material. Bill thought the whole outfit was a bit odd but also knew he didn't understand women's fashion. She had put her long hair in a high ponytail but was still makeup free. She walked by Bill without saying anything and he became even more nervous with her silence. She walked to the coffee machine and prepared coffee for the both of them but the silence was too much for Bill even if he wasn't the most chatty person.
"Ehh… Your hair? It isn't blue anymore?" He said carefully, looking at Aurora's platinum blonde ponytail hanging down to the backside of her waist.
"It’s just a color that washes out. It was for the tour but I don't know? I tried it with the outfits and it was a bit much." She turned around and walked toward Bill with a coffee each. She had learned his way and drank almost as much coffee as him now. Bill looked at her from head to toe with a smile.
"I thought you liked much."
Aurora sat down by the kitchen island too.
"Sure but it was too much."
Bill looked down in his coffee cup with a small smile then looked up again at Aurora.
"I like this on you. The blonde. It suits you. But you're beautiful in everything. Feels like you can pull anything off."
"Don't over do it now," she said with a pointed smile.
"Hm?" Said Bill even if he was quite sure what she meant.
"You don't need to shower me in love. I know where I have you, I know you love me."
Bill smiled but it died down slowly because he started to wonder if it really sounded positive. He took a deep breath and looked at Aurora who sipped her coffee.
"Have you forgiven me? I don't know how to interpret you."
Aurora licked her lips and looked down at her dogs but then looked at Bill with a steady gaze.
"I have forgiven you but I need some answers… Like.. It hasn't felt like you have taken our relationship completely seriously. It just felt like you were forced to be more serious because the media found out."
Her eyes were still steady and at that moment she felt stable. She had thought about what she wanted to say to Bill a lot. Even if she loved him and wanted to be with him she knew this was important to talk about. Bill didn't know what to say because he hadn't really expected this. He thought she would want to talk about how he would handle the attention or something, or even that he had been gross when he started to talk about sex so fast on the phone. He doubted a moment of what he wanted to say and dragged his pinky through his eyebrow with a low gaze.
"I guess there is some truth to it… But not because I didn't want to be serious with you, it's just… It felt so complicated and I didn't have the energy to think about it but then when it was out, well I was forced to be more serious but it was a good thing?" He said with a doubtful expression, not because he was unsure on what he said but he was unsure that Aurora would understand. She nodded a little and dragged her finger around the brim of her cup.
"So if the media hadn't found out, would you have introduced me to your daughters?"
"To be honest, I don't know. And as I said, not because I didn't want to but…" He sighed and looked a bit embarrassed. "I didn’t think I would be able to pull my thumb out of my ass,” he continued. “I don't care what anyone thinks but I… I guess I'm just lazy sometimes and avoid things that can blow up."
Bill examined Aurora's reaction closely. He just wanted to be honest and hoped she would be able to take it. After a few seconds, that felt extremely long for Bill, she smiled, her bright smile, bigger than she had smiled before that day. Bill smiled too, spontaneously at seeing her smile.
"I get it. I totally get it. I do the same thing but I don't do it out of laziness. I'm just afraid of conflicts and even if I care so much about something my first impulse is to avoid conflicts."
"Yeah, yeah, exactly. But I avoid things that can become unwelcomed work."
The both of them smiled because they had done the same thing but for different reasons. They were silent for a while. They looked into each other's eyes deeply and could almost feel how the butterflies in their stomachs said hello to each other.
"We have never said that we are a couple…" said Aurora lowly.
"Haven't we?" Bill furrowed his brows.
"No, everyone just started to call you my boyfriend."
Bill nodded a little then stood up from his chair and walked slowly toward Aurora. He took a hold of the sides of her chair and bent down so he was at her level. Aurora giggled a little and laid her arms around his neck.
"Aurora Lou, do you want to be my girlfriend?" He said without breaking eye contact. She nodded with a bright smile.
"Yeah, I want to be your girlfriend." Bill smiled just as brightly and gave her a soft kiss.
They moved to the living room and laid down on the couch with Bill on top of Aurora, between her legs. They made out softly. Bill was afraid to seem way to horny after his screw up on the phone but Aurora felt the opposite and wondered why Bill wasn’t trying anything. She had a tube top on without a bra, it was such easy access. They continued to make out and instead of touching Aurora Bill focused on holding himself up to not crush her. Meanwhile Aurora had put her hands under Bill's t-shirt and dragged her long nails down his back. She knew he liked that and she often gave him long red marks on his back. He shivered and laughed a little when he heard the familiar sound of his belt open. He really just wanted to keep it nonsexual so she would understand he didn't just want her for the sex but instead she was on him. Would he give in after all? Just when he heard the sound of the zipper of his jeans, his phone rang on the coffee table. He took a break from the liplock with Aurora just to see who it was. His ex. He doubted and looked at Aurora who smiled.
"Answer. I think that's for the best."
Bill sat up between Aurora's legs and dragged a big hand over her smooth shin inside her pants leg when he answered.
"Hey, how's it going?" Said his ex.
"Ehh… Fine. I just ran into Aurora so I’m taking a bit longer."
His ex was silent but Bill waited for her to say something. Aurora looked at Bill, it was frustrating for her to not understand what they were saying and why he was so silent. She had heard her name and that made her even more curious.
"But I will be home soon so we can eat together. And I will shop." He said after a while.
"Okay… But how late will you be? We thought you would be home in an hour?"
"Just thirty minutes or so."
Bill continued to drag his hand over Aurora's shin and looked at her when he felt her sit up. She gave him a teasing smile and pulled her tube top down and back up again fast just to spite him. Bill smirked and shook his head at her and then realized he hadn't heard a word his ex said.
"...Ehh I didn't catch that?" He said trying to sound like it was just the ending he had missed.
"Juice! You must buy juice."
"Oh, sure, sure. But can you write a list?" He was afraid she had said more items that he missed while he got a nipple show from his girlfriend.
"Okay. But come home soon. The kids are here to see you."
They hung up and Bill looked at Aurora. Before she had even realized he looked at her he took a hold of her face and pressed his lips against hers.
"I love you," he said and laughed lowly.
Aurora giggled and kissed him again.
"And I love you. But Bill? Now it's time for you to go to your lovely daughters. Okay?"
She smiled and put her fingertip against his chest. She maybe didn't understand Swedish but she could still understand why his ex called.
"Yeah. Yeah." Said Bill with a smile, he was happy that she encouraged him to be a good father.
"I can send you some filth tonight." She dragged her hand over his crotch and took a steady grip around his package. Bill jerked but laughed at her forwardness. He loved that she could do such a thing and at the same time smile innocently with that girly giggle.
"She lives here??" His middle daughter almost screamed when they pulled up with the rental car outside of Aurora's house. Or was house even the right word? "It looks like a castle!"
Bill smiled just a little because he didn't want to encourage materialism but knew it would probably be hard in Aurora's home. It was quite ridiculous and nothing his girls had really seen before.
He looked back at his ex who gave the property a look. He couldn't read her face but he knew her so well he was almost sure she felt some sort of disgust mixed with envy. She had insisted on coming along to Aurora’s. She wanted to meet the woman that Bill invited into her children's life and he had met Henrik several times so he didn't really have so much to say about it. He had heard that Aurora was nervous of the thought of meeting his ex. There were so many things that made it weird. Bill had knocked up that woman three times, he still had a close relationship with her but she was also 21 years older than Aurora. She was old enough to be her parent, sure Bill was too in one way but not as much, her own mother was just two years older than his ex.
Bill helped his kids get out of the car and carried two of the overnight bags. His oldest carried her own while looking at the house with big eyes. Bill looked at her silently but didn't say anything. He let her stand in her own thoughts as long as she didn't seem upset and she just watched the house in wonder.
They were a bit early, Bill had tried to call and message Aurora but with no luck. But it was just 30 minutes so he felt it wouldn’t make so much of a difference. Bill pushed in the code to the gate and after having walked through the big well trimmed yard he put in the code to the door.
"Come now! You will have time to play later," shouted Bill to his youngest daughters who had started to chase each other on the big lawn in front of the house. The girls walked up to the rest of their family while Bill walked in through the door.
"Lou?" He called out in the chandelier adorned hallway. Suddenly his youngest ran past him in a fast speed into the living room screaming:
"Princess dresses! Princess dresses!"
On a rack just inside of the entryway to the living room hung several couture dresses. Bill panicked, they probably cost more than anything he owned.
"Hey, ey, ey, ey!" He snatched his daughter up before her little fingers had dug into the expensive silk and tulle.
"Let me go!" She screamed disappointedly and pushed her dad's shoulder.
"No. You know that you don't touch others things without permission."
She got silent, because she knew that but still pouted while in his arms. Bill looked at the rest of the females in the hallway as they looked around with big eyes. His daughters' eyes lit up even more when Aurora came down the stairs.
"Are you already here?" She said sweetly and ran down the stairs on light feet. She was dressed in a black and white checkered mini skirt with a pink cropped t-shirt. Her hair was even more platinum than the last time he saw her and hung down in perfect Hollywood curls. When she came closer he saw that her t-shirt had a text in a stronger pink color. It was the Barbie logo and Bill smiled amused because of the irony. His ex would be annoyed as hell. Bill sat his youngest down on the floor to be able to say hello to Aurora with a small peck on the lips and an arm around her waist. Aurora stood on her tippy toes and giggled a little when Bill smiled. They didn't notice how his ex had looked away uncomfortably, his oldest looking embarrassed while his youngest were looking at them with big smiles.
Bill let Aurora go and she lowered herself to standing flat on her feet. She wore fluffy socks like she often did. Bill had learned her feet were often cold.
"This is Aurora Lou, but they can call you..?" Bill looked down at Aurora.
"Aurora or Lou. It doesn't matter," she said kindly to his daughters. She didn't really dare to look at his ex.
Bill helped his daughters to introduce themself with names and ages in English. It was just his youngest that couldn't speak English. His two oldest daughters had followed him with his work often but when his youngest was born it became a little much to bring them all. Also because his oldest school work became much more serious. They had met many of his American friends, but not enough for her to learn to speak English, just to understand much of it.
But she was also just four, soon five.
At last Bill introduced his ex to Aurora and she shook her hand. It was awkward for both of them.
"You have a really nice home," said his ex with an uncomfortable smile.
"Aw, thanks. I have only lived here for a year."
His ex was close to asking if she lived with her parents before that but knew she shouldn't be that bitchy, especially not in front of her kids.
"Well, then I’ll take the car to Eric's and get you tomorrow?" Said she to Bill. She arranged to sleep at a friend's house while they visited Aurora. She hugged her kids goodbye and told them in Swedish that they could just call if they wanted anything. She was afraid they would think it was scary to sleep somewhere else, especially their middle daughter who was more nervous than the other two.
"Can I just talk to you quickly?" She asked Bill in English. She didn't want to make Aurora uncomfortable. She knew it was awful to stand next to people talking another language.
"Is that okay?" Bill asked Aurora, who would be alone with his daughters for a short moment.
"Sure, I got some really pretty dresses this morning. You can try them out if you want?" She smiled at his daughters and both Bill and his ex looked at Aurora with worry. Did she understand what could happen?
"The princess dresses?" Asked his middle daughter with big eyes, then the youngest understood what they were talking about and ran to the living room again.
"Princess dresses!" She screamed in Swedish but Aurora could understand what she said in the context. She smiled at Bill's oldest daughter.
"I hope it is okay that we play dress up a bit but you can look around if you want."
Bill smiled at Aurora and felt so safe with having his children around her. He could immediately see that she had a talent with kids, both younger and older. His ex could see that too but she got nervous. Henrik didn't have much of a talent with girls while Bill's partner lived like a princess and seemed as comfortable being with kids as adults. Aurora's dogs said hello to his daughters and Bill's oldest looked even more elated. She loved animals.
Bill and his ex walked out to the porch and she looked around and shook her head. Bill didn't say anything, he didn't have anything to say really and was prepared for what she would say.
"She seems really sweet Bill but… come on! Doesn't look like you don't have a crisis! She looks like she's seventeen!"
Bill sighed and shook his head.
"I understand this feels weird for you but just stop with those comments. She's an adult, almost as old as I was when you and I became a couple. Just accept it because you don't have any power over this anyway."
She stood quiet with her arms crossed.
"But no funny business in front of the girls."
"What the fuck? No, of course not! I have been a parent for twelve years, just like you. I don't need this now, just like I didn't need it before. And yeah, Aurora is 24 but she's not stupid in any way. Let it go."
She looked away annoyed. She didn't have more to say but Bill could see that she hadn't let it go.
Bill was happily surprised how easy it was to get his girls together with Aurora, not because he didn't believe she wouldn't be able to handle it. It was more so his concern over his children being uncomfortable seeing their dad with a new woman. The only one of his daughters that seemed to react when he and Aurora kissed or touched each other lovingly was his oldest but she just looked embarrassed just as she was embarrassed when she saw other grown ups being intimate with each other too. While Aurora and the two youngest were outside playing with the dogs, Bill and his oldest stayed inside. He tried to plan dinner while she took her right as a tweenie to lay on the couch and look at her phone. He let her be until he wanted her opinion and walked into Aurora's luxurious living room. His daughter walked around and it was obvious she was filming the extravagant interior but also the couture dresses hanging on the rack.
"What are you doing?" Said Bill with an authoritative voice and gave his daughter a hard gaze. She put down her phone and looked away ashamed.
"I just wanted…"
"No. This is not your home. You don't have the right to share that. Whoevers home it is." Bill spoke strictly to her because he really thought she knew better. His daughter didn't say anything because she did know better, she didn't even share pictures from their home with others, other than with her closest friends.
"I'm sorry… It's just that this girl in my class, Tyra, really wanted to see how Aurora lived…"
Bill sighed a little and pulled her with him to the couch.
"So this is what your mother has talked about… You have said to me that Tyra isn't very nice and that she skips classes."
His daughter looked away.
"I get that she may seem cool but her behavior isn't good for you. I don't want you to be with her." Bill tried to sound just soft and kind but behind it was clearly the voice of a worried parent. He may be an actor but he had noticed that the feelings of a dad were hard to hide.
"Yeah, yeah…" said his daughter and laid down on the couch with her phone again. Bill sighed but gave her forehead a kiss before he walked towards the kitchen.
"She is much shorter than me," said his daughter before Bill walked out from the room.
"And her feet are smaller than mine…"
"Hm? Tyra's?" Said Bill oblivious and walked up to his daughter again.
"No, Aurora," she said, annoyed and sat up. Bill made a deep exhalation. He had known Aurora would be shorter than his daughter but didn't think it would become a thing.
"Yes? She is shorter than you," he said matter of factly and sat down next to her again.
"So? That's weird?"
"No honey, it isn't. We all are different heights and you are a tall girl while Aurora is short."
"But she's an adult!"
"Yeah and you will meet many adults that are shorter than you and you will probably become a bit taller even. But that is just a natural thing of life. Just like we have different skin colors, different hair colors and different sizes. And it's just as beautiful being tall as short." He said it softly to his daughter and put her hair behind her ear.
"But you are with someone short." She looked away embarrassed. It was embarrassing to confess to her dad she cared what boys thought.
"Yeah but I'm not with Aurora because of her height. And before that I was with your mother who is quite tall. I am with Aurora because she makes me happy and inspires me. I don't love her because she's short."
His daughter nodded a little and Bill gave her hand a squeeze before standing up again.
"So you love her? Mom said it wasn't anything serious between you two." She looked up at her dad carefully. She had learned it wasn't always smart to tell her parents what one had said behind the others back.
"She said that? To you?" Bill couldn't completely mask his upset voice.
"No, she said it on the phone. That you just need 'to get it out of your system'."
Bill licked his lips and sat down with a sigh.
"You should always listen to your mother but… Only the people who are in a relationship know what's going on between them. Just like you and I, your mother doesn't always understand our relationship either."
She sat quiet a short moment then smiled and laid her head on her dad's shoulder. Bill hugged her close and gave her temple a kiss. She had always been his little girl.
The day went smoothly with only some incidents in between, like when his youngest refused to give back Aurora's Dior wallet or when his middle daughter accidently locked herself in one of the bathrooms. Bill stressed, mostly because he thought Aurora would get annoyed but she was just as calm and kind the whole time. He wasn't surprised really, because she was always that way but being with three kids could make even the calmest person annoyed. Bill looked at her while she danced with his younger daughters and talked about a TV series with his oldest. She was a natural and for a short second he thought about how it would be to have kids with her.
After his two youngest had gone to bed in Aurora's pink guest rooms, the two of them were alone with his oldest. He noticed she became a little uncomfortable when Aurora came down and had changed her clothes. She dressed into a pajama set, a silky baby blue crop top with matching shorts. She didn't think it was so revealing because it wasn't that much less fabric than the outfit she had on before but the difference was that it looked more sensual and Bill understood his daughter's imagination went wild by seeing Aurora dressed like that close to her father. Bill took the blanket from his left and laid it over Aurora who snuggled into his side while his daughter sat on the right corner of the couch. Aurora didn't think anything about it, especially because Bill had his hand under the blanket, patting her bare waist. His daughter didn't see that and he didn't see it as something sexual either. All of them became just as shocked when there was a knock on the door.
"Shoohoo!" Called Erica loudly from the hallway and Aurora ran out to her in a panic.
"Hush! There are kids sleeping upstairs!' Whispered Aurora upset.
Erica and Roxy stood in the hallway, with a bottle of wine each.
"Oh right, can we come in? We promise we will talk with a lower voice." Said Erica, taking off her shoes without Aurora saying yes.
"Hey?" Bill came out to the hallway and looked at the girls surprised.
"Hey handsome," said Erica.
"The dilf," said Roxy suddenly. She had never said anything of that kind to him before and both Aurora and Bill became a bit uncomfortable.
"Eh… My oldest is still up…" he said looking towards the living room and he could see his daughter peeking out. He hoped she hadn't heard Roxy's comment.
"You can come out, it's just my girlfriends. They are loud but nice," said Aurora to her and with a shy smile she walked out to them.
"Wow! Girl! You're a model! So gorgeous!" Said Erica and Bill's daughter blushed like crazy. Bill had heard it before, a model agency had even contacted him but as long as he could decide he wouldn't let his daughter become a model.
"Can we come in? We just want to have some girl talk? You can be with us!" Said Erica and gave his daughter a side hug. Bill doubted at first but looked at Aurora. He trusted her and it would probably be awesome for his daughter to have girl talk with them. Bill looked at his daughter who still looked shy but also excited.
"Okay," she said but looked at her dad and Aurora to see what they would say.
"I can watch something on my own in the TV room," said Bill and gave both his daughter and Aurora a smile to see if it was okay. The both of them smiled back and Aurora gave him a peck on the cheek.
Bill snatched a beer from the fridge then he laid down on the couch in the TV room and stretched out his full length over it. He played a series he had watched by himself between scenes on set but could still hear a bit of the girls chatter in the living room. He heard mostly Erica talk in the beginning but soon the others talked just as much, even his daughter. He could hear her laugh and he guessed she asked them all sorts of questions. She could be quite nosy and being with three women around 25 was probably exciting for her. In a way he wanted to hear what they said too but knew that conversation would change if he was in the room.
Erica and Roxy drank white wine while Aurora and Bill's daughter drank Coca Cola Zero but to make it more festive served Aurora it to her in a margarita glass with lime. His daughter sat with big eyes and open ears and listened to the women talk about fashion, gossip and guys. They didn't say anything inappropriate, mostly it was Erica that complained about her date not doing enough of an effort. Even Bill's daughter asked questions about it because it was so fun to talk to them, they didn't speak to her as if she were a kid. She looked at all of them, she had never been with women around their age and all of them had great jobs and style. She felt that Erica's job seemed the most fun and when she said that, Erica became so happy she wanted to do her makeup.
"But Lou…" said his daughter while Erica applied her eyeliner. She hadn't called her that before but had heard Aurora's friends call her that.
"Why are you together with my dad? He's so much older than you."
Aurora giggled a little and blushed.
"Because I'm madly in love with him."
"But you had Timmy. Timmy Laurent!"
"And he was the worst!" Said Erica.
"Was he? What?" Bill's daughters almost opened her eyes but remembered Erica was doing her makeup.
Aurora gave Erica a look.
"He wasn't so kind, no. While your dad is. He makes me feel safe."
All of them were silent for a moment and just thought about Aurora's words.
"And I think he's the most handsome man in the world!" Said Aurora with a childish voice. All of them giggled, all of them with different emotions.
Bill stood outside of the living room, his plan was to walk through the living room to the kitchen to get a new beer when he heard them talk about him and he became frozen outside of the entrance listening to them. He wondered what his daughter felt when Aurora commented on his looks. He believed she was probably really uncomfortable but if he had been in the room he would have seen her open her eyes and smile towards Aurora. She was happy her father had found real love.
Bill walked through the living room when he heard that they had started to talk about makeup instead of him, on his way back from the kitchen he walked up to them. At first glance it looked like there were four women in their 20s sitting on the couches but one of them was his twelve year old daughter with professional makeup on and hair done by Erica. He looked at her surprised and felt a weird feeling of pride and sorrow.
"Oh wow, honey. You look so pretty," he said and played with a bit of her hair. She looked proud and looked at Erica with a smile. Bill gave Aurora a quick look and she could see the mixed feelings in his eyes. There was probably a side of him that didn't want to see her in such makeup. Aurora smiled a bit at him and stood up to drag him down on the couch in between her and Roxy. She gave him a little peck and played with the hair on his neck. His daughter gave them a quick look but didn't care, she was focused on talking about the makeup with Erica.
"Oh my god!" Said Roxy suddenly. She looked at her phone but then looked up at the others.
"I found a picture! From when we were fifteen! Before your…"
"She lost her virginity!" Interrupted Erica loudly when she saw Aurora's panicked look. It wasn't the best thing to say because Bill's daughter got so embarrassed it looked like she would run away. Roxy gave her a quick glance and then looked at Erica before giving Bill her phone. Aurora tried to get her attention, so she wouldn’t show Bill but Roxy just continued to look at Erica. Bill looked down at the phone, of the picture of Aurora and Roxy as awkward teens. Roxy looked like herself but there was something with Aurora that was different… Her nose was bigger and with a bit of a bump. It wasn't that perfect nose he was used to. Bill gave her a look but she just looked down and nervously played with her nails. Bill didn't say anything. It was hard to know what to say in front of his daughter but also because it felt like whatever he said would make Aurora upset. But Bill's silence was just as hard for Aurora and she believed it meant he was disappointed or even felt disgusted by her, that she wasn't as natural as he had thought.
"I got such an awful headache I'm going to go to bed…" she said with her head hung low but all of them could see that her eyes were shiny.
"Lou… I'm sorry I didn't know…" said Roxy and stood up.
"I just want to be alone…" said Aurora and walked up the stairs.
Bill leaned back on the couch with a sigh and laid Roxy's phone next to him. His daughter looked at the adults confused.
"I think I should help you take off the makeup then it's time for us to go. I think your dad probably wants to check Lou," Erica said to her but also indirectly to Bill so he would know that they would take care of his daughter and he could check on Aurora. That was what she thought he should do. Bill gave Erica a look, then Roxy but she sat with her head bent down from anxiety.
"Okay…" Bill said and moved slowly up to the second floor. He had no idea what he would say to Aurora, especially because he didn't think it was such a big deal.
She laid like a little kitten on her side of the bed and he could hear her cry silently. Her shoulders bobbed with the sobs.
"Hey… Babe…" he said softly and crawled up in bed behind her. He hushed her and hugged her from behind with his lips pressed against her cheek.
"I don't know why you're so sad but I don't care if you fixed your nose… Hey… I don't care…"
She turned slowly around and looked at him with red eyes and wet cheeks.
"I know I am a fake… I know that…"
Bill wiped her cheek with his thumb and hugged her close.
"No you're not. You're the most pure person I know. A little nose job doesn't change that…"
She wiped her eyes with the backside of her hand and breathed deeply.
"But you would have never wanted to be with me if I had… My old nose."
"Of course I would. You would be beautiful with that too."
Aurora smiled a little and wiped her eyes again.
"I'm sorry I haven't told you."
Bill smiled comfortingly and kissed her forehead.
Bill let Aurora stay in bed but he said good bye to her friends and said good night to his oldest daughter who moved to her guest room and was followed by Aurora's dogs. His daughter was still a bit confused about what had happened to Aurora but Bill stuck to the lie that she had a headache. He let her have the dogs in her room and felt she was safer with them there.
In the bedroom Aurora had calmed down and had made herself ready for bed but he became quite surprised when he saw her naked in bed. He dragged a hand over his face and lifted the cover carefully to see more of her.
"Lock the door," she said and spread her legs.
Bill made a painful sound and laid the cover over her.
"I can't…"
Aurora looked at him confused, especially because she could see that he was already becoming hard in his sweatpants.
"They must be able to come in if there is something… They can become quite sad and…" he sighed and lifted the cover again.
Aurora spread her legs again and pushed her tits together just to taunt him.
"No…" Bill said with a painful whiny voice.
"So you mean that we can't… Fuck?"
Bill sat down on the edge of the bed and dragged a big hand from her chest down to her hip.
"Sure we can, it's just… A little more work."
Aurora gave him a skeptical look but dragged her naked foot over his growing member.
"And you can't be as loud as you used to…" He continued with a low voice.
She smirked and watched Bill's hand explore her body.
"Do you want to gag me?"
Bill laughed softly and stood up to take his clothes off. Aurora watched him shamelessly and enjoyed seeing him already hard and ready. He crawled under her cover and she giggled because of his clumsiness. He smirked a little and laid down on top of her, poking her with his hard cock.
"Daddy…" she whispered while Bill dragged his thumb over her lips that had something soft and shiny on them. He pushed his thumb into her mouth and felt at the same time if she was wet and ready for him. He was a bit nervous that one of his daughters would come in just when they were lost in each other but they were left alone all night. He even fucked her quite hard but it didn't seem like his daughters heard them.
"So you were fifteen?"
Bill and Aurora laid close together, it was early morning and they enjoyed the alone time before his daughters would wake them.
"Yeah… and to get signed I needed to get a nose job and lose ten pounds." Aurora said, answering Bill's question. "So my father gave me a new nose." Bill knew her father was a plastic surgeon but still he had never had the thought that Aurora had done anything.
"But you haven't done anything else?" He asked carefully.
"Not yet. But I probably will when I'm older. This industry is that way. I have thought about getting a boob job."
Bill gave her a confused look, then down at her naked chest.
"No. Your tits are perfect."
She giggled a little, and even more when Bill dragged his thumb over her nipple.
"I think you have gotten a butt lift," she joked and patted Bill's bum. He wore boxers, ready if something would happen.
"Yeah. Twice." He smirked and kissed her neck until she laughed at the tickling feeling.
Both of them wished they could get closer again but it was too risky, especially when they could hear Aurora's corgi whining outside of the door. She would wake everyone up if she continued. Bill sighed and stood up.
"Should I take them out?" He sighed tiredly and pulled on his sweatpants.
"If you have energy for it," answered Aurora and stretched out in bed. She was still naked and sat up shielded by the pink silk sheet. Bill smiled at her and kissed her.
"No, but I can do it anyway," he said smiling and kissed her again.
Aurora smiled and laid down again and Bill walked out of the bedroom and gave Aurora's naked back a final look. The corgi stood just outside of the door and whined even louder when she saw Bill and jumped against his legs.
"Yeah, yeah…" said Bill and looked after the golden retriever. She sat in the room his oldest daughter had slept in. The bed was made and confused he walked to the room which stood empty. That the bed was made made him concerned and he dragged his hand through his hair. The corgi continued to whine as it ran between the stairs and Bill like she wanted to show him something. Bill followed even if he questioned the dogs signals in the past but Aurora always said the corgi was really intelligent while the golden was kind but a bit stupid. She ran down the stairs fast towards the door and barked once. Bill sighed, she just wanted to go out.
"Honey?" He shouted and looked around the house, ignoring the corgi that stood by the door whining. He called his daughter's name but didn't get an answer. When he came back to the hallway, the corgi barked again and jumped against the door and then Bill saw that his daughter's shoes were gone.
"What is it?" Said Aurora from the stairs. She stood together with his youngest daughter and they both looked tired, dressed in pajamas.
"Fu… She's gone. What the fuck..?!" He said with panic in his voice. "Her shoes! Fuck, she must have heard…" Aurora took his youngest hand because it was obvious she was nervous seeing her dad upset and cussing.
"Do you really think she would run away because of that?" Aurora said carefully.
She walked down the stairs, still holding his daughter's hand and opened the door so her dog could run out to pee.
"I need to call their mother… She has probably called her if there was something…" He ran up the stairs before Aurora had been able to say anything to him. She looked down at the young girl who spun her pajama t-shirt in her hand.
"We should go up and talk with dad a little…" She didn't really know what to do with her so she took her along to the bedroom where Bill tried to contact his ex without luck.
"Bill," said Aurora but he didn't seem to listen. She took her phone and opened an app.
"Bill?" She said louder.
"Please I need to talk with their mother…" he said, she could hear panic and annoyance in his voice.
"But can you just listen to me for one minute?"
He sighed and looked up from his phone.
"If she had left the property I would have gotten a notice. I get one every time the gate opens. And if she had run away in another way the security company would have contacted me."
Bill looked at her puzzled.
"So she is here somewhere?" He said calmer.
"Yeah, she is here somewhere."
Bill kissed Aurora hard.
"I love you. And I love your home!"
She smiled a little and let Bill take his youngest and continued to search for his oldest. Aurora breathed deeply and tried to calm herself down. While Bill ran around everywhere without thought she tried to figure out where his daughter could be. She walked down and looked at the open door. Her corgi hadn't come in yet and it gave Aurora an idea. She pulled on her trench coat that hung in the hallway and her sneakers and walked out. She called for her corgi instead of Bill's daughter and soon the dog came out behind a bush. Aurora smiled to herself and looked behind the bush. His daughter sat on the ground alone with wet cheeks.
"Please don't tell dad I'm here…" She said fast and wiped her cheeks. Aurora gave her a worried look.
"Can I just say that I found you? He's really worried."
His daughter sighed and nodded a little.
Aurora sat down next to her and took up her phone.
"I've found her but… Can you let us be alone a while?"
Bill was quiet on the line. He had been so worried and now she didn't want to talk to him. He took a deep breath and tried to remember that he trusted Aurora.
"Okay…" he said and sat down on the couch with his youngest daughter.
When Aurora had hung up she turned to his daughter.
"Has something happened?"
She sat quietly and looked embarrassed.
"I got my period…"
Aurora gave her a small friendly smile.
"Is it the first time?"
The girl nodded a little and looked away.
"Okay, but I can help you with that. It's nothing weird."
"Not dad," she said fast and with some panic in her voice.
"No, just you and I. Okay? I have pads and maybe you’d want to take a shower?"
His daughter nodded a little.
"Do you want me to call your dad and say that we want the hallway and downstairs bathroom for ourselves?"
She nodded again but doubted for a while.
"It stained the sheets…" She looked down ashamed.
"That's okay. That happened to me in the beginning too. They just need a good wash."
Aurora gave her a calming smile before calling Bill.
Bill was even more confused by Aurora's call saying that they wanted alone time in the house. He wondered if his daughter had already started to meet guys and someone had been mean to her. He couldn't connect it at all but let Aurora and his daughter have their space so that they could walk to one of the bathrooms undisturbed by both him and her younger sisters. Aurora got pads, a pair of panties from the girl's overnight bag, a dark towel and one of her coziest robes. When Bill's oldest was alone in the bathroom he came up to Aurora with a confused, worried face. His younger daughters sat in the TV room watching a movie.
"She got her period," Aurora said softly and calmly like it wasn't a big deal at all. Bill wouldn't have thought so either but now it was his daughter. His little girl.
"Oh…" he dragged his hand through his hair. Aurora smiled and laid her hand on his chest.
"She's still your little girl."
Bill nodded a little.
"What do I say? To her?"
"You don't have to say anything. It's probably for the best. She's so embarrassed right now. But don't show that you're uncomfortable or something."
Bill nodded and took Aurora's hand that laid on his chest and kissed the back of it.
When his oldest came out from the bathroom she wore Aurora's hot pink fluffy robe. Bill was in the kitchen making Swedish pancakes with a towel over his shoulder. He had put on jeans and a white t-shirt. He looked at her with a smile.
"Are you hungry?" He asked softly and flipped a pancake in the air to show off. She giggled a little and nodded.
"Where are the others?"
"Aurora helping them pack. I think maybe something of hers had crawled down into one of their bags…" he said with a pointed smile. They both knew the youngest in the family still had some problems with "mine and yours".
"I should also pack… But dad?"
He looked up again from the pancake in the pan. "I really like Lou." She smiled with a blush before walking out from the kitchen. Bill looked after her for a while and smiled to himself. His chest glowed with warm feelings but also pride, both over his daughter and his girlfriend.
After breakfast they didn't have much time before the kids' mother was there. Aurora thought it felt a bit strange that Bill would go with her but knew it was for the kids, not for his ex. She stood in front of the mirror in her "make up bathroom" and applied a thick line of eyeliner over her light blue eyeshadow. She did it perfectly even if Bill's two oldest daughters were an audience. They looked at her with big eyes, doing her sixties inspired look that matched her long sleeved short dress with a multi colored striped pattern. She had put her hair up in two ponytails. She looked at the girls with a smile that watched her like she was a living doll.
"Girls! Your mom is here!” Bill called in Swedish from down stairs. The youngest of the two watching Aurora ran down fast to their mom but the oldest waited on Aurora to come with her. Aurora didn't know if it was because she wanted to be with her or just good manners but she was happy she stayed with her, it was easier meeting Bill's ex with someone next to her. The mom hugged all of her daughters and gave Aurora a stiff smile. They all spoke Swedish at that moment and she stood next to Bill a bit awkwardly. If she had known Swedish she would have heard all the nice things the girls said about her home, her dogs, her clothes but especially about her. How kind, fun and sweet she was. Aurora looked up at Bill, who looked awfully proud and pleased. In that moment he forgot Aurora couldn't understand and that she, the one they talked about, stood dumbfounded next to him.
"What are they saying?" She said lowly to Bill who bent down to hear her. He smiled big.
"Oh, right, sorry. How much they like you. What a beautiful home you have but mostly how beautiful you are, inside, an out."
He thought he said it lowly but his ex could hear him and see Aurora's blushing smile. She really wanted to like Aurora, because it was obvious she was a good person but it was too provoking seeing her with Bill.
Out on the porch the kids said goodbye to Aurora with hugs and kissed her dogs. The longest hug she got was from the oldest daughter that felt Aurora had become a friend. Her mother stood behind and looked at them confused but would later find out why they seem to have such a close relationship so fast. When they walked to the car stayed Bill behind so he could say goodbye to his girlfriend in private.
"They love you. Mhm, they totally love you," he said and laid his arms around her waist so he could lift her up. Her dress followed the motion but she didn't care. She giggled and gave him a kiss. He sat her down a moment just to lift her up again so she could put her legs around his waist, it made the dress glide up almost completely. They kissed softly a couple of times but it soon became more intense and they made out passionately.
Bill's ex moved the car when she saw how their kisses became more heated. The couple had thought that no one could see them but all of his daughters and their mother had seen them. It wasn't until she saw how Aurora's dress had glided up and Bill's massive hands playing with the small amount of material she had under the dress, that she moved the car so the girls couldn't see them. It didn't seem like they did because they still couldn't stop talking about Aurora and their mother sighed loudly.
Bill sat Aurora down on the floor of the porch again and she fixed her dress and hair. Bill wiped his lips from Aurora's sticky lip gloss but smirked pleased and cocky. He moved close to her again and pressed his body against her.
"Fuck I love you so much and you're so great with my kids… I just want to knock you up." He said it like he had said something sexy and bit his lip. Aurora giggled a little even if her heart beated with panic.
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cantdanceflynn · 1 year
So, hc number one, kinda nice, bit sad, mostly funny. I think. And I have no evidence for this, kinda the opposite, the vibes just feel right to me. But I think ponty was somehow involved w George's death, and he also tried to speak up about it like Marie, who I don't think knew he did. Possibly another member of the party who tried to talk them out of the whistling man game. I don't think Marie knew this while she was planning everything originally, but she found out when making adjustments to the plan, ie kill Eugene instead of his parents, and, not wanting to admit that everything she worked for was based off an incorrect assumption and as far as she knew, ruining her chance at a normal life with her son, just attempted to ig ignore it. But also good for Ponty for channelling that into a passion. He probably caters anything Roller Ricky plans :]
Hc number two, Peggy straightened her hair a lot when she was younger. That'd explain the discrepancy between the pictures n her model a bit, and it'd make sense overall. Ik there are official ages n heights for some of the characters but I don't remember if there are official ethnicities, but personally I feel like she's biracial, specifically African-American and Latino. And by extension so is Marie.
Hc number three, depending on who asks her, Marie has different reasons for choosing the name Dawn to go by. When the cops asked her, she brushed it off as a random name. When Teddy asked, she told him it was to symbolize the dawn of a new day without his life in it. When Forrest asked, she bitterly told him it was because she wanted the hope of a new beginning for her once her revenge was complete. And when Peggy asked, Marie made an off handed reference to an old tv show they used to watch.
Hc number four, (one of the more obviously Alice n Mystery inspired ones), Henry is actually better at cooking and taking care of things than Marie is, usually taking care of the meals and making sure she ate and took care of herself as she obsessed and planned.
Hc number five, Peggy ended up playing the whistling man prank on Chad after the fact for breaking up w Barbara. Partially bc she wanted to play just once n get anything out of her newfound trauma, n partially bc jealousy.
Hc number six, Clive wasn't killed yet. He was meant to be the final murder before Teddy, to symbolize how the one who started the cover-up would also be the one to end it, but due to so many people surviving she didn't have the time to go through with it, and planned to kill him later.
Hc number seven, Marie was actually pretty mad at Henry when he got trapped in the vault, as she thought she taught him better than that. Still, when she immediately failed the next kill, she couldn't really blame him.
Hc number eight, Forrest dyes his hair to hide the greying. After the events of KillFreq itself, he chooses to stop, mostly because it was ruining his hair and he had enough stress caused ones it wasn't reasonable.
Hc number nine, Eugene wasn't fully stood up, his date tried to tell him to stay in but he didn't listen and thought she would do the same. She chewed him out later dvjodvjodcojdcjdc.
Hc number ten, out of the group of teens, as Carrie was the only one to get a close-up of Jimmy's cut off face, she ended up going into the horror movie industry, in sort of a macabre way to deal with the trauma.
Hc number eleven, Max is actually a husky golden retriever mix. Arguably the two best dog breeds to teach to skate. He'd also bitten people before and Ricky has had to put a lot on the line to defend him and get him well trained due to trauma from a previous owner, but he ended up very happy w Ricky :]
Hc number twelve, Marie and Peggy shared a soft spot for foxes and would draw them a lot. This is just vibes :]
Hc number thirteen, assuming Marie's alive(which, duhhhhh its slasher horror), Forrest actually talks to her and is, surprisingly, quite sympathetic to her after the fact, and while Peggy doesn't quite enjoy spending time with her as much anymore, it still hurts.
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livelaughwhump · 1 year
hey sorry i was thinking could you maybe do a post where you tell briefly each characters backstory from worthless. like maybe not in detail but i remember for example you answered an ask about karine's fear of hospitals and her mom (i think) and about landon too so i thought you could gather them all in a post when and if you want and have time
i hope this doesn't sound impolite i really like your story
Of course! It doesn't sound impolite at all! I've actually been meaning to do something like this for a while, so thank you for the suggestion!😊
Worthless Character Backstories
Elliot Córdova (he/him) - Elliot was abandoned when he was very little because his parents were too young to raise a child and couldn't take care of him. He grew up in the foster system and was bullied relentlessly for his height, his race, his dyslexia, etc. The bullying got so bad that he eventually started skipping meals just to avoid his bullies. This led to him becoming very malnourished, which stunted his growth. He met his best friend and honorary older sister, Lyra, when he was seven and hardly left their side ever since. He was never adopted.
Lyra Beckett (they/she) - Lyra had a very loving family growing up. They were an only child and were incredibly close to their parents. However, when she was eleven, her parents were killed in a car crash on their way to pick her up from a friend's house. She was then put into the foster system and ended up rooming with Elliot, who eventually became her best friend and honorary little brother. Lyra protected Elliot from his bullies and tutored him in most school subjects that he struggled in. They began developing vitiligo at age fifteen and tried to hide it, as they were ashamed of it. Eventually, however, Elliot convinced them to be proud of it and they never hid it again. They were never adopted.
Karine de la Peña (she/her) - Karine was raised by a single mother until she was five, when her mother was killed in a shooting. She was then raised by her grandparents, including her veteran grandmother, who taught her everything she knows about combat. When Karine was eighteen, her grandmother died and she was left with only her grandfather. After that, she developed a serious drug and alcohol problem that landed her in rehab on more than one occasion. When she was twenty-three, her grandfather got very sick, but she couldn't see him due to being in rehab. Her grandfather eventually recovered and Karine swore that she would never find herself giving into her addiction again, and she has stayed true to that ever since. She is still very close with her grandfather.
Yvonne Freed (she/her) - Yvonne is one of six siblings, three girls and three boys. She is the second oldest, after her older sister, whom helped her raise their four youngest siblings. Yvonne's parents worked incredibly hard in order to provide for the family of eight, but were not home very often, which left Yvonne and her older sister to care for the younger four. Yvonne was bullied severely, growing up, both for being autistic and for her albinism. She quit school when she was sixteen in order to care for her siblings, but still had an affinity for learning and would teach herself whatever she could in her free time.
Broderick Abara (he/him) - Broderick is the oldest of three. His younger brothers are twins that were born when Broderick was twelve. Broderick's father was a military veteran that always wanted Broderick to follow in his footsteps, despite Broderick's desire to go to medical school. To compromise, when he came of age, Broderick went to Afghanistan to serve as a military medic, but was gravely injured on duty. Due to his post-traumatic stress injury (PTSI), he was honorably discharged from the military and sent back home. His father was furious about it and insisted that he would've rather that Broderick had died than be sent back before his service was completed. Broderick then moved out of the United States and has not spoken to his father since. (His mother also divorced his father and took custody of the twins)
Landon Copeland (he/him) - Of every "Worthless" character, Landon's life was the easiest and least traumatic, including compared to his sister's. Landon grew up in a loving family in a nice neighborhood. He went to a good school, was never bullied, and has always had a very close relationship with his little sister. He played many different sports all throughout his childhood and got into university on a basketball scholarship. The hardest thing that ever happened to him was when his parents got a divorce when he was fourteen, but he always maintained a fairly good relationship with both of them.
Colleen Copeland (she/her) - (MASSIVE TW - attempted suicide) Colleen is three years younger than her brother, Landon. Just like Landon, Colleen had a relatively normal childhood until she was fifteen. She had a loving family, a very close relationship with her brother, and a close-knit group of friends. Her parents got divorced when she was eleven, which didn't bother her much, as she had never had a great relationship with her mother. When Colleen was fifteen, she began to develop serious anxiety and depression. Her brother and father did everything they could to support her, but her mother brushed it off as attention-seeking behavior. Once Landon had gone off to university, Colleen's depression continued to worsen until it got to the point where she tried to take her own life at the age of sixteen. After hearing the news, Landon quit university in order to help Colleen through the rest of her high school years. Once she turned eighteen, Landon went back to university with her, where Colleen eventually met her future (ex) husband, Andrey, whom she'd end up having two kids with; Kiernan (age 7) and Jamari (age 5)
So yeah! Those are every character's backstories! Except for Christian, of course, because I just don't feel like he needs a backstory. Nothing happened to him that turned him into a whumper, he just is that way. The only reason I might create a backstory for him is to flesh out his character a little bit more, but he hasn't been in the story nearly enough for that to be necessary, so he's just gonna stay without for now.🤷
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed getting to know my characters a little better! I'm very proud of them, and I promise, their backstories will all come into play at some point in the main story! Thanks so much for the ask!🥰
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r0yalgrimmartz · 11 months
Because I couldn't be ARSED to sketch all of them and I tend to sketch Kore a lot, here's a list of all my yugioh gx ocs (one I have rambled on and on so much about I'm beating a dead horse at this point but hey ho), so you'll see them sketched at some point eventually.
✨️Kore Markos✨️
Height: 5'1" / 154.94 cm
Age: 15 around early seasons then like 18 ofc in last season.
Dorm: Ra Yellow
Info: As previously mentioned, Kore is an enthusiastic, eager and energetic person who aspires to be an amazing pro duelist once she graduates. A bit of a stretch but she is absolutely determined to hopefully reach the pro leagues. She is inspired by her older brother (Riley Markos) to follow that dream goal, and prove that she can be just as much as a great duelist like him. She thinks the world of her brother, and looks up to him majority of the time when she goes to Duel Academy. Granted, hanging around a certain little snobby and arrogant looking goth might just have some influence on her. Is actually quite impulsive at times, even with her emotions as well, gets a bit overwhelmed easily so she may either lash out or get upset on odd occasions if she is extremely overwhelmed(learning to handle her emotions better sorta?). Tries to understand people's emotions depending on the mood in the room but she's not very great at picking up signals but she tries.
Fiercely loyal with her close friends and loved ones, will fight tooth and nail any day for them. I mean, will literally do anything for them. One time her friend Hanae was getting bullied by some obelisk blue students...to which Kore then proceeded to later that night set a komodo dragon loose in the boy's obelisk blue dorm and cause them to run out in fear. That was a long night of evacuating majority of the frantic students out the dorm. And it was an even LONGER discussion in the Chancellor's office the next morning. Where did she even FIND the komodo dragon on the island?? We don't really delve into info like that. Nor do we know why she is expelled. But she does massively adore her loved ones and friends massively and holds them very close to her.
🧋Hanae Taistelija🧋
Height: 4'10" / 147.32 cm
Age: 15 around early seasons then like 18 ofc in last season.
Dorm: Ra Yellow
Info: Seems like the very basic tsundere type of character with being a bit mean, blunt and all, but genuinely she isn't a fan of majority of the people at Duel Academy. She has severe suspicions about everyone she'll meet(most of the time she's VERY distrustful towards guys for personal reasons). Hanae may seem more introverted, but talk about anything that relates to her interests, she becomes a big massive know it all. She certainly ain't the shy type. She will speak her mind no issue, even it she makes a lot of enemies because of it. She sees no point in keeping her opinions to herself - has gotten into arguments with a few students over certain topics. With what she lacks on height and physique, she'll certainly make up with arguing. Also, Hanae is very much a big know it all it can be quite obnoxious at times. She tries competing a lot not only in dueling, but even in school work. She has very high grades that she tries to keep consistent, and certainly doesn't slack with work. It's kinda why she's severely jealous because of Bastion, as she desperately tries competing against him with her smarts and dueling strategies (Bastion isn't even aware of this and doesn't even know she exists till like half way through season 1).
Despite being a big know it all and having severe distrust with most people she meets (yet somehow is very close friends with Kore and Miyu), she does try her best with fitting in with people. She finds it hard at times to even have small basic conversations with people when she barely has much social skills. She'll try and vent her frustrations with Kore and Miyu, but she still feels as if maybe there's something wrong with her. Kore and Miyu have been the only friends she has ever had, and they act more like family than her uncle ever is to her. It isn't clear with what Hanae wants to do once she graduates Duel Academy, but it seems like she desires anything but to wind up back home with her uncle.
Hanae also has a pet opossum in her dorm room she shares with Kore. Do any of the school higher ups know of this? Probably not. Also, massive boba tea obsession.
🍰Miyu Anastas🍰
Height: 5'8" / 172.72 cm
Age: 15/16 around early seasons then like 18 ofc in last season.
Dorm: Slifer Red
Info: Miyu is viewed upon first glance as someone who seems quite ditzy, which nobody assumes much from her. However, Miyu is actually a very social, outgoing and friendly person, almost managing to make a few other friend groups from different dorms. She also aspires to be a dueling teacher once she graduates, and hopes to be a great mentor figure. Miyu is someone who is very nurturing and mother hen like, being extremely protective over her friends (especially Kore and Hanae). She is absolutely hard working, and seems to always be doing something to keep her busy yet she'll always try and make time for othere inbetween. Ofc mom friend of the group, will encourage you to drink more water and make sure you have eaten plenty food, will scold you for staying up stupid o'clock in the morning, even make phone appointments for you if you have very bad anxiety. Definitely is the main person of the group who will order for the entire table and has no fear speaking to any waiter, etc. As a result, Miyu will chat with anyone and talk about anything with someone. She hates complete silence, or not interacting with people after a period of time, so she'll start up conversations a lot.
Despite her kindness and generosity, she sometimes will get that taken advantage of, which has lead to some friendships being cut off entirely. Like Kore, she is fiercely loyal, except she will threaten you if you dare harm or insult her loved ones or friends. Due to her height and slightly strong physique, she might not hesitate to punch if you went too far. But majority of the time she's quite a pacifist, but on the rare occasion she has had a long irritating and frustrating day, it will only take something so small for her to blow up entirely. Someone will end up getting the impact of it. But she will immediately apologise after for losing her temper, even though it might be out of nowhere, but it is very rare she gets extremely angry. Get good handsy with her inappropriately, she will stab you as a warning.
💎Cytherea Megami💎
Height: 5'5" / 165.1 cm
Age: 15/16 around early seasons then like 18 ofc in last season.
Dorm: Obelisk Blue
Info: Think of her personality being slightly mixed with early season 1 Chazz and season 2 Zane. Okay, now take that, add childhood neglect and excessive constant need to Duel in order to win and prove her worth. You have Cytherea Megami. Cytherea comes from a wealthy upper class background, having always had everything handed to her from the early age of birth. Cytherea may be spoiled, she she acts massively cold, mean and distant with everyone. She has a few "friends", yet they don't exactly mean anything to her. Cytherea is at Duel Academy to become a great pro duelist - to show off her dueling abilities and to also prove that she is worth something to her parents and that she doesn't need them. It isn't as clear to anyone why she duels so hard and works so much, but it seems to strain deep rooted in regards to her parents being mostly neglectful towards her growing up, pinning her off to Cytherea's personal maid (which Cytherea now funny enough views as family) as they seemed to be too busy with focusing on their work to even focus on Cytherea. This included missing out on almost a lot of her big events in her life, especially her big ice skating tournament. It took a toll on her, resulting in her just giving up on her dream of ice skating and leaning more towards dueling to let out her frustrations. She acts like she doesn't need their opinion, yet it seems like subconsciously she stills wants that deep validation from her parents.
Cytherea is viewed as someone people tend to fear. She will not hesitate to instill fear into anyone or stomp anyone out of her way. That was until a certain Ra yellow student (Kore obviously) was completely unphased by her cold and harsh demeanor, which infuriated Cytherea to no end. No matter what, Kore did not see her as a threat and...seemed to admire her and even stood up to her. Cytherea doesn't exactly know how to feel, but she simply views Kore as a very infuriating rival (much to Kore being somewhat oblivious) and wants to destroy Kore in a duel to show her who's top dog. Cytherea is massively unaware of how she actually feels about Kore, and subconsciously she actually enjoys being around Kore and the others, even though she assumes its a desire to destroy them. Cytherea also enjoys playing the piano alot, mainly thanks to her maid growing up who always acted like a main paternal figure. Doesn't see why Alexis is praised so highly as being top obelisk blue girl, but later in the season comes to terms with herself and somewhat becomes mellowed out.
💥Riley Markos💥
Height: 6'0" / 182.88 cm
Age: 17 in early season, 19 (pushing 20ish??) in last season.
Dorm: Obelisk Blue
Info: Riley is the complete 180 to his little sister Kore. While Kore seems more hyperactive and energetic, Riley just constantly has the face of absolutely fucking despising everyone around him and keeps massively to himself. Riley originally before he came to Duel Academy years earlier was a massive trouble maker, constantly getting into gangs and causing massive trouble (had police escort him home when he was like 13 for some slight vandalism - yes he was grounded for an entire year yet still managed to sneak out). Riley began wanting to turn his life around when he wanted to go to Duel acato prove to his friends he could probably end up in the pro leagues. He was of course laughed at that for that thought due to Riley's delinquent behaviour, but since he works on absolute spite he began pushing and pushing to prove he can get into Duel Academy. He started out as a Slifer Red student, till he managed to work his way through and get into obelisk blue in his second year. Since Riley comes from a not so well off background along with his sister, he wants to hopefully make it into the pro leagues primarily just to be able to make sure that his parents will not longer have financial troubles.
Despite being sent to Duel Academy at first to keep Riley out of trouble, Riley was certainly a very scrappy kid and got into many physical fights in his first year. Luckily he's mellowed out in his later years, realising he had to stick in and focus on his school work and dueling. He usually focuses on working out or boxing a lot to let out his frustrations. Due to his height and physique, he is definitely VERY intimidating looking. But, the problem rises when someone dares crossing Riley or mess with his little sister. They have wounded up with several broken ribs and a couple month long recovery. That being said, Riley is massively protective over Kore, mainly due to what happened with Kore in the past but he tries to refrain from intervening in her social life a lot as he doesn't want to come off as some "helicopter sibling", and especially doesn't want to act like their mother in regards to that. However, if you manage to befriend Riley (idk how you'd do it but congrats if you manage), he will become your ride or die brother. I mean it. He will be loyal to you. He is all about loyalty, and takes it very seriously. Have any bullying issues? He will take care of it. They'll be dropping out the next day or they are frightened to go near you. Need somewhere to stay for the holidays because you have trouble with family? You're more than welcomed to his home. His family is your family. However, break his trust and you are completely dead to him. Very much all about grudges.
🥀'Ilya Hadesu'🥀
Height: 5'9" / 175.26 cm
Age: 15/16 in early season (18 in last season??)
Dorm: Obelisk Blue
Info: Ilya is...unnerving. He hasn't done anything to warrant this, just...he seems unnatural. Granted, Ilya keeps to himself, has decently good grades, yet he seems like he isn't all there most of the time. He keeps to himself quite a lot. His unnaturally calm and quiet personality makes him come off as stand off-ish.
He does seem polite if he is spoken to, but he tends to come off as quite abrupt and blunt, as if he doesn't wish to talk to anyone. It isn't even clear to anyone what he wants to do once he graduates, granted it seems like he just showed up one day. Nobody seems really close to him, nor does he seem to even care to make connections. Granted, Kore has found some sort of interest in Ilya's mysterious behaviour and wants to try to befriend him(even if Chazz tells Kore to keep away from a "weirdo like him"). Ilya isn't exactly relevant till the end of season 2/beginning of season 3. For now he mostly lingers.
But here's the basic info, tried to keep it as short as possible. Still need to sketch them but there's plenty of sketches so far for Kore. Now imma rest my wee little eyes and have a nap. I know I'll wake up later, re-read these rushed pieces of info and immediately kick myself for forgetting something!!
((EDIT - I apologise for the minor edits on this post, just certain stuff occasionally changing, adding, etc))
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