#rottmmt donnie
the-arteest · 6 months
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donnie's practicing his kit!! he has headphones for anyone he's playing too loud for <3
here's a silly thing to add onto with your tmnt au/iteration sillies!! please draw the billies with them
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citruswriter · 2 months
Got room for two more?
Chapter Two - Warm Colors
A Bale AU Fic
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Listen with me! ↠ⁿᵉˣᵗ ˢᵒⁿᵍ ↺ ʳᵉᵖᵉᵃᵗ ⊜ ᵖᵃᵘˢᵉ
Warnings: Tcest (you have been warned!), Character x OC, polyamory, long fic, falling in love quickly bc just bc I'm demi doesn't mean I won't make fictional characters immediately fall in love, angst, panic attack, comfort, slight spice but nothing actually explicit.
A/N: Ok so like, you see, I actually have phenomenal writing powers if I'm motivated to write smthn. 😂
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It had been about two weeks since the sisters had "moved in". In that time, the two girls had pretty much relaxed all the way. Unfortunately for Raphael, there had begun a new problem. And it's name was Stellara. Raph couldn't get the damn woman outta his head and he didn't know why. He felt guilty. He already had five other wonderful mates, so why was he crazy about the white haired woman? He decided to clear his head by working out in the gym.
But as he entered the little gym area, he saw the one and only, Stellara. The woman was stretched into a kapotasana yoga pose. Her stomach and chest arched upwards to the ceiling. Raph felt his face go red as he choked on his saliva, causing Stellara's eyes to crack open. "Raph?" She called out and Raph decided that there was no going back now. He stepped in, making his way to the weights. "Hey. Hope I'm not bothering you". He grunted, setting his water down to grab at some weights.
The woman smiled affectionately, lifting her legs to place herself in a forearm stand, legs spread so one foot was pointed to the ceiling and the other one was pointed to the floor. "Not at all. Please feel free". She replied before closing her eyes once more. Raph tried to focus on his workout. Really he did. But it was hard when the split pants that Stellara was wearing seemed to elegantly drape over the woman's body. "You uh, you workout a lot?" Raph asked as he started his first set of curls.
The woman's eyes remained closed, but an ear angled more his way, letting him know that she was listening. "Usually. I do a lot of calisthenics and leg work. But today is Saturday, one of my rest days, so instead I'm doing yoga." The woman replied, gracefully moving to stand on her feet before moving into her next pose.
"What's that pose called?" Raph asked. Stellara smiled despite her eyes still being close in soft meditation. "The twisted dragon." She said gently. I'd like to twist you into some positions... Raph thought suddenly only to immediately brush said thoughts to the side. No, no, no! That's no way to think of our guest Raph! "It's great for leg flexibility and opening the hips". Stellara added.
Raph swallowed thickly as he stared at her bare legs. "You have nice legs." He blurted out. Stellara's eyes snapped open as she whipped her head around to stare at Raph, eyes wide as saucers. Stellara's pupils were dilated so far that he could barely see her golden iris's. "Sorry! I didn't mean to say that out loud!" Raph stuttered. "Raph is sorry. Raph hopes he didn't make you uncomfortable". He kept sputtering out apologies, not stopping until the kitsune was in front of him.
He slowly quieted, nervous as to what she would do next. "Thank you, Raph. I appreciate the compliment". The woman said with a smile. Raph let out a sigh of relief only for his breath to hitch once more as the woman placed a hand on him. Her hand was warm against her plastron. "Raph? Are you ok? You're awfully red." She said.
"Aha. Raph is fine." Was his sole response but Stellara looked unsatisfied. "Bend down, Raph. Let me feel your forehead". She softly demanded. He thought about denying her. He was a massive giant, it wouldn't be hard. But something told him it would be futile. So he sighed, kneeling down to her height and lowering his head. Stellara placed the back of her hand to his forehead and his cheeks. "Oh my Amaterasu! Raph you're burning up!" She said worridly.
Without another word, she grabbed his hand and tugged him forward with a strength he wasn't expecting from her tiny body. He flushed once more as he let her tug him along. "Leo!" She called out. "Where is that man? Leonardo!" Eventually she tracked down the slider, him grumbling something about her volume.
"Leo I think Raph is sick. I felt his face and he's burning up! Maybe he just feels warmer because my hands are cold or he was working out but I thought I'd bring him to you anyways. Just to be sure". Leo looked at Stellara's worried expression and he couldn't help but feel his heart melt at her genuine kindness. "I'm sure he's fine but I'll tell you what. How about I look him over and let you know if he's sick or not. Deal?" He said and Stellara immediately nodded.
Stellara then turned to the red giant, grabbing both his hands in her own incredibly tiny ones. "You take it easy, ok? I'll clean up your things in the gym and drop them off in your room". She said and Raph couldn't help but smile shyly. "Th-thank you, Stellara. I appreciate it". He said, cursing at the blush he knew was present on his face once more.
Back in Leo's room, Leo did as he promised and gave Raph a thorough checking, even though they both knew he wasn't sick. "So what was that about? I don't think I've seen you that flustered since before we were together". He said stiffly, trying not to let the jealousy seep into his tone.
Raph winced and looked away. "Look, I don't know what's gotten into me but Stellara is... something. She's beautiful and kind. She's like a mixture between Mikey and Donnie. Look I'm not saying I've caught feelings or anything. But I don't think what I'm feeling is entirely platonic either. I'm sorry. I feel so bad about it." He said, looking away with shame. He waited for Leo to have a reaction, the slider got jealous very fast. But instead, he heard his brother sigh out.
"I'm not mad Raph. I understand. You can't control how you feel. Now I'm not gonna say I'm not jealous but I will say that I'm not mad and that you shouldn't be ashamed of your feelings." Leo said gently. "Stella is a kind-hearted person with a beautiful soul." He said, grabbing Raph's face to look at him.
"And great legs. Did you see her thighs in those split pants?" He blurted out. Leo paused for a second before laughing, Raph relaxing and joining in on the laughter as well. "Yeah I think I can agree with you there buddy."
"Um, hey Mikey?" A soft voice came and Mikey almost jumped from fright. "Shit woman, don't scare me like that". He said, clutching his chest. Stellara sheepishly smiled. "Sorry. I was just hoping we could um, talk? April said you're the guy to talk to about like um, feelings n stuff." She said softly, looking down in what seemed to be embarrassment.
"Absolutely! I'm Dr. Feelings, step into my office". Mikey said, grabbing a pair of fake glasses and putting them on before going to sit in a chair of his. Stellara cautiously stepped in, taking a seat on one of his bean bag chairs.
"What's on your mind?" Mikey asked and Stellara blushed, smoothing the wrinkles in her split pants. "Um... I think I like somebody?" She said, making it sound more of a question rather than a statement. Mikey raised a brow at her. "Oh? And is that a good thing or a bad thing?" He asked and Stellara sighed. "Bad. Very, very bad".
"Bad?" Mikey gasped. "How could it possibly be bad? You're in love, Stella! That's a good thing!" He cooed and Stellara cringed. "He's taken, Mikey! That's the problem! And besides, I'm no good in relationships". She said wistfully, eyes cast to the side. Mikey looked at her confused. "What do you mean?" He asked gently and Stellara looked up to meet Mikey's eyes. "I don't know. People just... leave."
Her golden orbs were downcast once more. "Maybe I'm not fun enough? I like to stay home. My ideal date is movies or painting. I find peace in the mundane. I want a family. I don't want to go out and party and get drunk at the bar. I want to wake up in somebody's arms and make them coffee with stupid cute latte art. I could care less about going out on fancy dates when we can stay home and do yoga together and then take a bath after. I'm not... what people want. I'm the second choice. The rebound. I'm the person who teaches you how to love... but not the person you end up loving". Stellara couldn't stop the words that poured out of her mouth, voice cracking as she got more and more emotional.
"Men, women, monogamous, polyamorus. I've done it all. And people never stay. Am I just not good enough? I love so much and with such intensity. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. And now I think I like somebody again and it's not even somebody I can have and it's all so stupid." Stellara's chest began to heave as she began to spiral into a panic attack, tears spilling over her cheeks as more and more words poured from her heart and out past her trembling lips.
Suddenly Stellara's eyes widened and her hands snapped to her neck to clutch her throat, the intensity of her emotions causing her throat to swell up and keep her from breathing. Mikey sprang forward and into action. "Stella. Stella stay with me. Look at me. I need you to look at me". The woman's eyes were wide with fear, they looked almost feral as her body shook.
Mikey grabbed her face in an attempt to force her to look at him. It worked, her eyes snapping to attention as she felt his warmth. "Deep breaths. Please, Stella. I need you to take deep breaths." He said, thumbs rubbing over her cheekbones. "Come on. Do it with me." Mikey began to do deep breathing with her. It took time but eventually she was able to match Mikey's breathing, although her body was still trembling.
Mikey moved his arms down to her shoulders and arms. "You good? Can I touch you?" He asked gently and Stellara nodded. Mikey sighed softly and pulled her into a tight hug, he felt her tense before relaxing into his hold. "M sorry. I didn't mean to lose control like that". She said finally, nuzzling slightly into his chest.
Mikey rubbed the woman's back until she stopped trembling. "There we go. You feeling better now?" Mikey cooed. Stellara shifted enough to look up at him through wet lashes with big doe eyes. "Yeah Mikes. I'm good". The woman replied and Mikey swallowed thickly.
Oh fuck. Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck. "Mikey?" Stellara noticed his dazed look but all Mikey noticed was the way her tone had a whine to it as she said his name, voice still raw from crying. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Get yourself together. "M-Mikey?" To Stellara, Mikey was looking down at her with an almost husky expression. To Mikey, Stellara look perfect. Wet lashes, puffy lips, chest slightly heaving as she whined out his name.
Mikey dipped his head down lower, causing the kitsune to back up slightly. He wanted to kiss her, nip at her lip, slide his tongue into her mouth and taste her. Maybe taste her in other ways too. He wanted to make her whine his name out again as she arched off his sheets and- "Mikey?" Another voice broke the silence, finally jerking Mikey out of his stupor. His eyes shot up to see Chiyo.
Chiyo simply leaned up against the doorway, eyes narrowed in suspicion. "And what exactly is going on here?" She asked. Stellara and Mikey took one glance at each other before jumping away from each other. "Oh I came to talk about feeling with Mikey and I had a panic attack so he hugged me to calm me down!" Stellara said in a rushed manner.
"Wait. Stell. You had a panic attack? Are you ok?" Chiyo said, immediately changing moods and moving closer to her sister. Stellara stood on her feet and nodded. "Yeah. Mikey helped me through it." She said, giving a small smile as her sisters hands came up to cup her cheeks. "Oh thank goodness. I'm so glad. Thank you Mikey." Chiyo said, giving Mikey a thankful smile.
"Oh it was no problem. Just another day's work for Dr. Feelings!" Mikey said, laughing nervously. "Of course. Hey uh, Chiyo, I'm hungry. Wanna go best up some leftovers pancakes from breakfast?" She asked and Chiyo grabbed her sisters hand. "Oh absolutely!"
As the woman dragged her sister off to the kitchen, all Stellara could think about was Mikey. Had he been about to kiss her? What would he have done if she let him. Or better yet, how far would she have let him gone...?
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Anyways I have today off apparently??? So don't be surprised if you get more than one chapter today. Remember to block appropriate tags if you don't wish to see updates of this fic!
Taglist: @cherrytreatsart
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samskaterguy · 2 years
I keep thinking about TMNT, specifically Donnie and how he's "the smart one"
How did get all of this knowledge of science and engineering?? Did Splinter just..teach him all of that? Did he just find books on the subject somehow? Do all the turtles have some kind of knowledge on machines, or basic math and science skills?
Did the turtles ever even GET any schooling? I doubt they could find a teacher. I guess Splinter would be an okay teacher but like..do they know what 5x5 is?? Other than Donnie of course
I mean, in rottmnt Donnie mentions wanting to go to college, an admirable goal but does he have the education to even get there? He isn't attending school, and presumably never has. Can he even get a college education? If the other turtles also wanted to go do THEY have the education to get to college?
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genesisc-7u7 · 6 months
You're the next, Leo MM!
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me when art i forgot to post last week
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sweeneydino · 10 months
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happyfoxx-art · 5 months
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Order up!!! These will be live in my shop soon!
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ccomilk · 1 year
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here lies donnie, couldn’t cope 😔☝️
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3m0n3rd · 2 months
rottmnt redraw but except it’s my HCs
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ninximagicalcats · 1 month
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violetaquadelight · 5 months
"The Manipulated becomes the Manipulator"
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the-arteest · 1 year
the sillies :]
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itskebb · 11 months
An animatic I prob won’t finish but am proud of nonetheless! Inspired by @somerandomdudelmao and their apocalypse au
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pillowdrawz · 6 months
Colored History Au: Disaster Twins-
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Context: Colored History is where Rise turtles and splinter remember their past selves aka them being warriors aka 1000+ years ago. And they just wanted to relax and Lived the best life as they can along with their future selves. But there is always past enemies that will tale revenge no matter how many times they got reincarnated.
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okumura-senseixxx · 1 year
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Rottmnt Week Art Day 6- Favorite AU: Cass's Apocalypse Series!✨✨
@somerandomdudelmao 's rise apocalypse comic first started 7 months ago and I started following it not long after it began. There were times that it made me laugh, cry, and sometimes both. It's a wonderful little comic that shows us that no matter how bad the world may seem, as long as you still have family and keep laughter in you're heart, then hope will never seem too small.💙💙
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kanzuus · 1 month
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Bleh :b
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