#I think my artstyle changed? maybe not though
cosmichearter · 11 months
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~Back on the Annabelle Grind!!~
[Image ID: The drawing depicts Annabelle Cane, a black woman and web avatar with short blonde hair. She's dress in an antique dress with lace over a purple button-up shirt. There is a stitch on her right temple. Behind her, there is a web and crudely cute paper eyes, all staring at her. There are also lyrics, saying "The devil made me do it... but I also kinda wanted to". There are crude paper sparkles around the lyrics.]
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leafuxxtea · 9 days
guess who's back 🥺🥺 (and about to go to sleep)
i wanted to apologize quickly for disappearing like that, and i promise ill answer my asks and interact tmr!! 🥹🥹 hope everyone's doing well <33
but before i go, ill just drop this fanart of @lostxmelody 's fanfic (Parts of a Human, I've talked abt it before but it's. such a wild ride that I will absolutely stay on forever.)
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(do i now know how to format panels?? hahahhahaahaa. still no.)
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vulpinebongwater · 11 months
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posting my self indulgent crossover art here bc i can
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hazshit-hotel-hater · 1 month
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Surprise! I am going to rant about my own redesign and art! I think this is me mentally preparing for the helluva boss episode next week and praying to god it’s actually good. I’ve also been nursing a bit of a hangover today so forgive me if my wording is a bit more jumbled than usual
Im a big fan of my Angel Dust redesign, but in the general aspect of my art, a lot of my poses are a bit flat. That can be from either posing issues on my end, trouble with facial features, or just some secret third thing, but I think so far Ive been enjoying drawing much more cartoonishly as of recent. That vox canon & headcanon drawing was super super fun to do even though it was supposed to be vivzies style, but I used to have a style with more sharp angles and pointy curves that I honestly kind of miss, I also miss playing with cartoonish proportions!!
My art style may end up changing eventually, but my main pieces will stay in my usual style and my more doodle-y ones will probably be in a more cartoony style like the ones above. While theyre definitely closer to canon and meant to be inspired as such, the difference is that I can draw diverse body types in said artstyle! I also cant lie, Angel’s chest fluff is one of my absolute favourite things to draw and it’s so easy in this style…
About my redesigns though! This is mostly about Angel, but I’m gonna slap this here from DMs with a friend: “Im so pleased with this genuinely im so happy he has his little pedipalps, theyre technically also still his fangs but now he can move them and stuff and :33 typically for male spiders the pedipalps are a reproductive organ but that isnt the case for angel or many other arachnid or insect sinners id say so I think personally most of them have developed pedipalps for primarily other reasons like fangs in Angels case or maybe something similar to cat whiskers for other people”
In my original angel dust redesigns I just couldn’t find a way to draw his fangs in a way that made me happy because I want to keeo the same energy in his face as the original. Big clunky fangs that stick out just didn’t work for him and while they made him look like a spider, he lost that sort of angel-ness that I need when drawing him so I instead looks to the pedipalp aspect of spiders to move them off of his mouth and more onto his cheeks. It’s a very small change but it improved the design in my eyes significantly and just really made me a lot happier. I wont be updating his redesign post as of right now and maybe never will, but if I do yknow why now!
I just really really like drawing this guy a bit rubbery, hes supposed to be fluffy so like he should move kinda soft in a way? I dunno how to explain it rn, its 2 AM at the time of writing this so im gonna lay the hell down now!
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kozachenko · 6 days
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wooo yay I have another WIP in the works after I've finally had time to draw again yipeeeeeee (click for better quality)
Also, on a side note happy pride month! I don't have anything super special for this month like last year (also I've been on this hellsite for a year now jesus christ) and so I might as well post this WIP I've got going of Keiki and Mayumi because this idea has been marinating in my head for a while now and I needed to get it out.
I'll keep my artist's note brief as like with my previous WIP I am just gonna save that for the finished piece, but I would like to post some of my headcanons for the two of them here while I'm still thinking about both of them.
Artist's Notes;
So I really like the idea of Mayumi having some memory of her life before dying and ending up in the Animal Realm and that's part of the reason why she wants to protect Keiki so much, like, maybe she failed to protect someone she cared for in her life, or maybe she was just kind of an asshole and sees this as a second chance. IDK, I just think it could be a neat idea to play around with, especially if Mayumi is one of the few spirits who actually remembers her life, as I'm sure in most cases in Touhou, non-vengeful spirits tend to forget most of their lives upon death, so I think it could be and interesting idea to play around with. I also like the idea of Keiki asking Mayumi something along the lines of, "Are there any changes you want me to make to your appearance?" and Mayumi gives her input on what she wants her new body to look like, which I think could be a really nice moment of bonding between the two of them. Also, I love the canon detail of Mayumi being the only one who's really able to understand Keiki's way of speaking, I just think it's really cute.
As for how I drew both of them, I took a few liberties with their outfits and took some inspiration from Kofun period clothing and armor. I also figured out a way to draw Keiki's apron and I am so happy with it, as well as Mayumi's armor. Also, I like how Mayumi's hair is looking so far, as when I was sketching it, I was trying to draw it in a way that would still work in my artstyle and with the general shape language I was trying to go for with Mayumi, though in the finished piece I might make a few changes. Also will have to play around with Mayumi's positioning, as I want it to look like she's kneeling and her legs are being covered by the flame thingy, but at the same time I'm not to happy compositionally with how she's placed right now, so I'll have to work on that.
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akosijayjay · 4 months
January and February dump
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This is my most recent work of Lloyd, and my most recent work in general. I made this in the computer room at school with a painful high-sensitive mouse. We have these special course thing in our junior high, so every tuesday after class, I get to be in the computer room. For six hours... (My course is Visual Graphics Design. I'm kinda regretting it now since I've been thinking of becoming an architect... I can't change my course now since it's too late. Which is stupid.)
I'll try to draw more there! I really like drawing with a mouse cause I like the challenge. And since I'm not accustomed to a high-sensitive mouse, it'll be a bigger challenge for me!
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I made these two in traditional then polished them digitally since I straight up just used a pen. I rarely use a pencil nowadays so I can learn to fix mistakes without erasing it. Usually it ends up looking like chicken scratch but I'm getting better.
My Harumi one is so bad lol.. When I was making it, my classmates around me were messing around and moving the chairs in the process, making me have to draw strokes with shaky lines. It's not that noticeable though since I made the lines thicker.
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I was planning to make something for Rebooted's anniversary but I got busy... (And lazy) The PIXAL one was inspired by an animatic I saw.
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If you compare the previous Arin portrait, yes, they don't look the same. I'm trying to find a look for Arin, as I do with every character, that I'll be satisfied with.
By the way, I'm kind of basing Arin's hair with my classmate's hair. Which is funny because my other classmates compared this artwork to my classmate, who looked nothing like Arin but have similar hair, commenting they're the same. (I'm not mad because I actually find this a bit humorous)
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I was trying to make an animatic and this was going to be the sketch. But then again, I got busy and lazy. (Mostly lazy)
I accidentally changed their facial features a bit by accident on the second page because I forgot to reference the first page. It was tiring flipping pages every 5 seconds, ok! Also, I drew it after 2 days when I drew the first page, and I didn't have a design I liked for them yet. (...I just noticed Jay has different eye colors in both pages...)
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I think I'm sticking to these looks for Lloyd. I'll try to make it accurate to this. (I think I did great with the first image of this post. Though, I made him too round for my liking.)
Discard the growing beard post redesign Lloyd has. That beard thing was supposed to be where his chin was until I realized it was too small. And it's still too small.
Child Lloyd is so cute! The eyeshadow wasn't intentional at first, but then it got me thinking, what if Lloyd had an emo phase? And now emo child Lloyd is my headcanon.
Pre redesign Lloyd kind of reminds me of TommyInnit, and I find it quite funny. Maybe it's the facial gesture, I know a lot of TommyInnit fanarts with that silly face.
For Dragons Rising Lloyd however, I want him to have long hair with his post redesign face. I'll try to make full body designs of the 4 Lloyds.
You guys probably don't care, and this is the first time you've seen me because I don't have an exact artstyle and I dont post as much, but I'm going to put descriptions now since this blog is going to be a silly little art dump! And blog posts are supposed to be descriptive. Which I should've done in the beginning and explained my works..
If you liked my art, thank you!
If you saw me before and told me I did well, thank you and I'm sorry!! I know my previous posts have gotten comments and I'm sorry I didn't respond.. I'm not trying to be ungrateful, I just don't know how to express my appreciation for your positive feedback! Or just reply in general... I get nervous even when I'm wearing my mask..
Please don't hate me, I'm just really anxious to show my work to people I don't know to the point where I might think people disliked my artwork when it's the opposite..
(I'll probably copy paste this in future posts now lol. But I AM thankful that some of you guys think my works are great!)
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Maybe ghost trick spoils ahead but heres a post for @alto-tenure's prompt "Lynne and Memry swap with Jowd and Cabanela AU" given for @fyeahghosttrick's Ghost Swap 2024
I’ll be completely honest here- I did NOT expect this prompt to make my brain pop off but when I read through the prompts the first time I hesitated on this one to think for a second about “how would that work?” And boom- my first ghost-swap entry, my first attempt even vaguely trying to emanate another artstyle in a long time and a multitude of files. Enjoy it though, obviously. 
Anywhere here’s my thoughts on this version:
I’m well aware of the fact that it’s possible that the prompt meant to simply swap Memry and Lynne with Cabanela and Jowd cleanly and not change the story much but my brain couldn’t figure it out or get that version to care. 
So first things first is who I swapped with who. As you can see I put Lynne in Jowd’s place and Memry in Cabanela’s place. At first I wasn’t sure about it because it’s hard to imagine Lynne as depressed as Jowd is but it just makes sense to me. I mean- Jowd is Lynne’s hero, Lynne and Jowd already share many similarities due to this and Lynne would still be a target for Yomiel. Mostly, though, the decision was made because of the similarities I realized Memry and Cabanela have- namely determination and how weirdly others view them. 
As for other characters and story beats I admit I had a very tricky time deciding who the new Lynne would be (while Memry could admittedly be replaced by any rooky detective. However I think I have something I’m somewhat happy with where it’s basically that the revenge and Temsik plot gets delayed for some reason (including the part about Alma) and a different Kamila attraction ends up killing Jowd and Lynne is the one to walk in and turn herself in. She (very foolishly) connects the mysterious fortune to the mysterious death that happened to the man that kidnapped her. Cabanela leaves the industry (or takes a break from it at least) after Jowd dies and ends up working with Pigeon man for some reason. Then he maybe takes over when Pigeon man moves away? I’m not sure where Cabanela would really be tbh but that makes some sense to me at least. That or he does just swap with Memry and is lower than he ever would have been in the social ladder because of taking a break and losing drive without Jowd.
 When the night of the game takes place I’m still not entirely sure who takes Lynne’s place but I think it would be neat if it was Alma, trying to make sure the actual killer of her husband gets caught when she doesn’t think Lynne did it (plus then the Lynne character and Kamila still live together). Also, before Jowd’s death Kamila and Kynne grow close faster than canonly so that her absence allows them to still care for each other so deeply. Lynne managed to become Kamila’s hero at that time and basically a daughter to Alma as well as Jowd. To be fair there’s also longer for them to have known eachother since, as previously stated, it all would have to occur later so that Memry and Lynne could have been close detective partners before Jowd dies. 
But why would Yomiel still go to frame Alma for murdering him when she wasn’t at the park and Jowd is dead? Well, I think he would think that having Alma and Lynne in jail would make Jowd roll in his grave. 
Or alternatively Kamila could be the new Lynne and Alma is on some sort of work trip and Amalie really is kidnapped but I don’t like that and Yomiel framing her would still just be to hurt Lynne and Jowd’s spirit. 
But anyways, other than that plot is very similar to the normal game. Memry (who would have also gotten close to Alma and/or Kamila through Lynne and working on her case+ working with Cabanela /pigeon man) rises the ranks and takes the path of the white coat because she knows that Lynne never would have killed the person she looked up to and loved so much. Lynne learns to paint and eventually learns to actually blame herself for things that aren’t her fault. They reunite outside of the prison and learn about what really happened from the Justice Minister. Lynne, Missile, Sissle and Yomiel go back in time and fix everything. You know the drill. 
A few small but specific things that I imagine changing are
Memry rollerskates everywhere instead of dancing and people remark about how nobody “gets from place to place” the way she does and she’s seen as an “odd girl”. 
Bugs are used more frequently in the plot and in how Memry rises through the ranks and figures stuff like point X out. 
Lynne doesn’t paint portraits but is more abstract. She also doesn’t remember what Yomiel looks like, just his colors and voice. 
Lynne is just as adored by everyone who talks about her as Jowd is so that doesn’t change but instead of people calling her their hero, words such as “she was always such a ray of sunshine in the force” are used. 
And maybe I’ll think of more but for now that’s all I feel like writing on it that I don’t think are covered by the art. Thanks for dealing with this rambling- I hope you enjoy my take on this prompt!
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opoki · 1 year
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I love this RoyAi art. Not because it looks amazing: The artstyle, the colors, poses(even when Riza's right arm looks weird lol), it is beautiful. But because of the meaning, which I don't know if it was intended or accidental.
The first time I've seen it I was like: „wouldn't they kill themselves if they decides to shoot the other?“, and yeah that's true. And that's what makes it beautiful. Both exist in an unhealthy dependency. They can't live without the other. Their hearts will always beat for each other. Though, they wouldn't hesitate to kill each other if one gives into their madness(example: the iconic 'don't go where I can't follow' scene ; in the game prince of dawn, Roy was ready to attack Riza, if she actually was going to kill the prince of Aeurgo.). I think the reason for this dynamic is that, even though they both love each other so much, they're not blinded by that feeling. Both are tactical, rational and have their own moral. Unable to be shaken by anyone. Also I think the guilt is driving them forward. Riza feels guilty for the actions of Roy in Ishval, she was the one that gave him the flame alchemy after all. And Roy? He feels guilty for dragging the woman he wants to see happy into hell.
Roy is an idealist, wanting to change the world. It's his purpose in an otherwise meaningless life. He couldn't be happy with a family with an other woman than Riza, but for this he has to give up the promise between these two. The promise that gives Riza her purpose in an otherwise meaningless life. (Who could guess that I'm a nihilist?)
Also, the series shows us that this promise is the only thing that could stop Roy from madness. From making an second Ishval, when the wrong people have to much power. He's a lapdog of the military after all.
Roy wants to get high up, just not without Riza.
And since they're so depended on each other, they couldn't live with the other dead.
So if Riza would've killed Roy, she would've killed herself, like she said.
And if Riza would've gotten killed by the weird doc, Roy surely would've gone crazy, more than when he executed Envy. No one who could lead him on the right part again. Finding his death maybe by the hands of father? I'm 100% sure that Roy could've burned Bradly, if he was in his rage mode he showed earlier. But I stop going into this maybe-thing.
This dependency isn't something that a real humanbeing should crave. Nevertheless it's my favorite trope, since even though I'm aromantic, I've fallen in love with the idea of love. Only needing that person, I'll never have. That's why Hannigram and RoyAi are my favorite ships. Both are unhealthy, both are destructive, they're beautiful. But only as long as you aren't a part of them.
When your love is killing you, is it a good death?
If you've read until the end: thank you for listening to my pointless thoughts about two fictional characters lol.
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hrts4wonu · 7 months
minghaos who takes his time when drawing any portrait of you, making sure to get every detail of your beauty
a/n: oh my god jasmine??? i just started reading your fanfics last night and let me tell you, i was so damn obsessed; i'm not sure if this is a hard thought or anything but i did try to make it smut (with a little bit of fluff and comfort)
wc: 1.7k
today was like any other day. well, not technically. today was your boyfriend's project's due date. he was supposed to draw a portrait of the person that means a lot to him; though he first thought of his very own mother, he remembered the first few words you said when you met him.
those few sweet words that came out of your mouth like it was nothing; "i love your artstyle, maybe you should draw your future girlfriend, yeah?" you chuckle as he turned to look at you. "pardon?" he says, a little confused.
"i'm talking about me, hao." he laughs at your straightforwardness and displays a warm smile at you while he remains seated.
you laugh along comfortably, sitting next to him while staring at the canvas that was filled with colorful strokes of red, orange, yellow, blue and pink. "you assume too much, don't y'think?" he teased as he cups your cheeks, tucking your hair behind your ear. "well, you never know, do you?" both of you chuckle together before he picks up his paintbrush and finishes his artwork.
(end of flashback)
that was long ago, yet, the memory itself never fails to melt his heart. though, he couldn't deny; he has drew you before. a couple of times actually.
the problem was, all of them just seemed bad to him. he doodled and sketched your face everyday in class; thinking that everytime he drew you with a different pen or pencil, his sketches get more terrible each day. (and yet he still managed to get good grades even though he doesn't pay attention in class because he's always drawing you)
and so, he never showed you, until you found his sketchbook in his room on your 5th monthsary. he was pretty embarrassed about it, but your praises on his drawings were enough to boost his ego and confidence.
while he quietly sits down on his chair, staring into his computer, he slowly turns to look at you with a nervous smile on his face.
"darling," he starts off, standing up and approaching you on the bed. you hum in response, dropping your phone and looking back at him. "do you want to become my reference? it's for an art project."
you nod, changing your position on the bed. "what do you need me to wear? a dress, or--"
"need you nude, baby." the temptation from his voice was enough to electrify something inside of you; feeling a bit flustered from what he said. "..if you're comfortable with it, of course. i wouldn't want to make myself look like i'm into creepy things like this, yeah?" he adds. "if you really don't wanna, it's fi--"
"mm." you shook your head no. "it's fine," though it seemed aberrant to minghao (because of how much of a gentleman he is), the longing ache in you was basically killing you.
a few minutes later, you slowly got out of the bathroom with a robe on. you were nervous of him judging you, the way your body was built, your skin tone, or maybe that was just your neediness that's getting to you.
he puts on a smile and gives you a warm hug, "take it off when you're ready, hm?" minghao whispers in your ear, leaving a small kiss.
you nod, "yeah."
minghao slowly lets go and stands behind his canvas; squeezing out all the paint onto his palette. he quickly grabs his paintbrush and starts speaking up once more, "hey," he sat down on the tiny chair. "there's still time to back out if you're really not into thi--"
"minghao? is there something wrong?" you throw your robe to the side, crossing your arms which squished your tits from below a bit.
he shook his head, "no, not at all." he looks away and focuses back on his canvas.
minghao couldn't help but stare at you for a bit longer, he didn't know what to say or do at all. it's not like there is a problem- it's that you're there, with no clothes on, and you're on full display.
but besides that, you're gorgeous.
absolutely admirable and so, so, so, so, so beautiful. to him and only him. maybe even to the whole world.
countless hours pass by and minghao was finally done with his work, "baby?" he stands up and dusts his hands off.
"did you fall aslee- oh." you quietly let out muffled moans as you try fingering yourself on the sofa; if only you could see the greed and devotion in his eyes while he painted your figure, he would've dropped his paintbrushes to the floor and take care of you already.
the sweet smile on his face disappears and instead turns into a wicked yet sinister smirk.
minghao cups your cheeks. "let me help you baby, yeah?" he coos, crouching down to give you a soft kiss on the lips before falling onto his knees.
"p-please.." you beg, withdrawing your hand from your pussy but before you could wipe it on the couch, minghao grabs it and slides it in his mouth, licking your small digits that were unlike his long, veiny hands. "hao.." you whine at the sight.
"what is it, pretty girl?" he places his hands on both of your thighs, spreading them apart. "need me?"
you nod. "i've been longing, hao."
he starts kissing your inner thighs; wet lips enough to get you even wetter than you were 10 seconds ago. though your legs were now resting on his shoulder, he still had a firm grasp on them. his nails dug onto your skin, leaving temporary crescent-shaped nail marks onto them.
"so have i, darling." he replies, leaning in towards your pussy, his nose bumping with your clit.
you whine when you feel the pleasure; it's overwhelming, yes, but it feels so good that you can't even utter a single word. not even a single one, the only thing you can let out is a moan.
he licks your pussy's lips and starts eating you out, the sweet taste not leaving his tongue. "f..fuck, hao,"
"mind your language or i'm gonna leave you aching on this sofa, y/n." he threatens and you slightly look away in embarrassment when you saw his bloodthirsty eyes darken in lust. "you wouldn't want that, would you?" he leans back, away from you as the wind's cold breeze comes in contact with your skin.
you shook your head no gently, replying to his question. "well, it's not like you could ever leave me hanging like that, hao." you tease.
he scoffs; "there's always a first time for everything, sweetheart. you should know that." he stood up and quickly switches your position in missionary, pinning you down on the sofa and pressing your legs against your chest and his.
"but, hey." you look at him in confusion as he unzips his pants and pulls his cock out. it was long and veiny, t'was so outstanding and beautiful. something so out of this world. "contrary to what mingyu said before," he breathes, fixing his position on top of you as he leans close enough to your ear. "most of the greatest works of art don't know how great they are not because they're unreal, instead, it's because they don't see the talent in the artist's eyes that were enough to make the painting as appealing as it already is." his hot breath against your ear makes you tremble, "you're just like an artwork, you know?" he teases.
"really?" he nods. "you think so?" your cute puppy eyes, begging and pleading for his angry, red tip was enough to send him to the edge but as punishment, he will make you wait longer.
after a few more minutes of teasing, he finally gives in and thrusts inside of you.
you moan loudly, holding onto his body, yet it seemed so unfair because you were basically naked and he still had his shirt on. "mm.." he looks at you, stopping his thrusting as he felt a little confused.
"what is it, hm?" you slowly tug at his shirt and he finally gets it. "ah, i see." he smirks and takes his shirt off.
he goes back to thrusting inside of you and you let out another moan, "m-mmh!"; he grunts as he thrusts even harder, not stopping for even a breath.
you squirm, putting your hand over your mouth to keep your mouth shut yet you can't help yourself but moan even louder. he notices this and he stops for a moment, leaving you hanging which made you ache for more (though it's not like he could pull out because your pussy was basically sucking him back in), grabbing your hand pinning them over your head as he fucks into you.
"h..hao!" you moan loudly as you felt him hitting that 'sweet spot' inside of you. "hao.." you breathe, starting to pant as your legs start trembling. "i-.. i'm so close.." you whine continuously as his hand lets go of your wrists, traveling down to your nipples.
he rubs them gently, leaning in and licking them clean. minghao does the same for the other breast making you moan and yearn for more;
"i..i'm gonna cum, please.." you beg.
"please what, baby?" he smirks, pulling his lips away from your lips and staring into your doe eyes. "tell me," he starts. "tell me what you need, i'll give you everything. every single thing just for you, my lovely, pretty girl."
you look at him with desire and thirst. "need to cum, please.."
everything was testing him; no, no, no.. that's not the right word, is it? let's try that again-- everything was arousing him. it felt like you were tormenting eachother using their own bodies. everything was so tempting to him, he couldn't help but give in; "cum for me, princess," he says with a smirk on his face. "do it, make me proud, okay?"
it wasn't that long until you reach your climax and you came on his cock. he helps you ride your orgasm until he reaches his, planting his seed inside of you.
the both of you catch your breathes together before he pulls out of you and places a warm, loving kiss on your temple; "come on, let's clean you up, hm?" despite being exhausted, you shot him a smile and he stood up, carrying you to the bathroom to clean you up. "mhm.." you manage to say, still trying to catch your breath from what had just happened.
"hao, i love you." you say, with a smile on your face as you return his kiss back, instead, this time it was on his lips. "i love you too, baby."
a/n 2: sorry this took so long,, i had work and i was slightly busy.. but anyways, i'm FINALLY done! it didn't turn out how i expected it to be yet i still think it's a little better than what i usually write. besides that, i'm really, really glad to make a minghao fanfic so please ask / request for more <3
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codemiracle · 8 months
I am so happy that i am the first one to ask👉👈♡(> ਊ <)♡
Btw i wanted to ask more about Tatsuya and Seth ...they look dangerous but so cool..and does yuuta have haemophilia ..i guess.. and your artstyle is so beautiful and you draw the expressions so intricately... (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤I became your fan...
(~ ̄³ ̄)~ i fell in love with almost all of them..
i am so much interested to know more about them..i will be waiting for other characters' introduction and likes dislikes too..and i found yotsuya cute due to his character introduction stuff but when you told me more about it that's he's not as good actually i was shocked now he's the most interesting character for me...i cant wait for the game ..when will it come out..i will even read a webtoon with these characters...btw don't take a burden i am just asking in a lighthearted manner ..take care of yourself too...thank you !
Btw can i be 🤍 anon???
Aww, you're too sweet!! Thank you so much for your kind words!! <3 (๑>◡<๑) You really boosted my self-esteem hehe. The game will come out probably in a demo maybe next year? it's going to be a really packed game with a lot of content (or so I hope) It's funny because Seth was going to be the protagonist of a webcomic I was planning but I ditched the idea because it really wasn't my thing (I like making short comics though!). But I'm planning to make an RPG maker game with him (˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧ I can give you some little silly details about Seth and Yotsuya just for the funsies! ✦ ┆・Seth enjoys taking care of flowers because he likes the feeling of caring for something alive (he'd like to get a puppy too.) His favorite flowers are Marigolds and Sunflowers. His least favorite is Roses (he hates the thorns.) ✦ ┆・Seth is really tall, about 1,97 c. m. (about 6,5 feet I think??) He can change his size though. ✦ ┆・Seth Likes to learn about anything and everything and thanks to him being a machine he has an extremely photographic memory, that can be a little dangerous, though he will remember anything you tell him, so you better not lie! ✦ ┆・Seth rarely stops smiling, he doesn't know very well about expressing his emotions. So he tries to smile all the time, it looks a little uncanny and to be honest he likes being a little creepy. When he's not smiling, that's not a good signal at all. ✦ ┆・Yotsuya like a good stressed office worker likes gambling... a lot. Don't worry he's not addicted or anything and he's pretty good at the games he plays, especially poker, his poker face is on point (*wink wink*) ✦ ┆・Yotsuya hates germs, he kinda hates using public transport like trains or buses just because he hates the feeling of being in the same space with other people. He doesn't mind you tough, you're not disgusting to him at all! ✦ ┆・Yotsuya knows a lot about cybersecurity, he worked as a programmer for a company for quite some while, quite dangerous knowledge for a stalker like him if you ask me. (And his house is pretty secure too, he has cameras around all the corners.) Take care of yourself too, anon! Hope you have a great day! <3
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sualne · 3 months
hii! honeslty just curious, I read/watched kuroshitsuji AGES ago and I don't think I've finished the manga anyway, does grell go by she/her?? I vageuly remember ppl headcanonning them as enby though iirc in canon he's a guy?
Your tags peaked my curiosity, I haven't seen any Kuro content in a hot minute, but I remember it being the absolute must watch in my peak anime watching years lol And I absolutely loved the manga's artstyle
in canon grell is a trans woman, yana toboso has said something like "grell is a man with a woman's heart" ages ago and sometimes around 2014/16 had tweeted something about wanting to be more careful with her representation of people like grell in the future, don't quote me on that thought because i only read that tweet once and only remember reading a shitty screenshot of a translation of that interview where she allegedly said that.
i can however show you this:
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it's from a bonus chapter (after chapter 108) about the popularity polls (it's a very convoluted non canon chapter) but it's one of the most blatant example of her being trans.
there's also the way she constantly refers to herself as a "young maiden" ect. idk how it goes exactly in the og but in french they translated it so grell always refers to herself with feminine terms while everyone else misgender her including the narrator. she very consistently reaffirm herself as a woman through every single ones of her appearances, like it's a thing she very much does, every single time she's on screen.
i haven't watched the anime in forever (cause it's kind of a disgrace and insult to the manga lol) but if i remember properly (which i mostly likely don't) they did omit/lowkey censor some of grell explicitly going "i wish i had been born a woman/could have been able to carry children" when she first properly introduce herself as a shinigami & the other half of jack the killer. (the anime also really did lean a lot more into the pervert queer caricature whereas in the manga she's given a bit more dignity, especially the further the story goes. though that might be my own impression and maybe it didn't change that much i just love her a whole lot).
also because i have to, please forget the anime (the first two seasons that is) and read the manga first and foremost because oh boy, what a disaster the anime is (nostlagia and atmosphere wise it's entertaining, i really love the op & ed, but it just, i just cant man it doesn't even compare to the manga at all). only watch book of circus -> book of murder -> campania movie -> the new private school arc that's coming soon (idk what they called it) after reading the manga.
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celaenaeiln · 4 months
But wait I've also been having second thoughts about him because I just caught up on the latest Nightwing issue and it was actually good?? I'm wondering - do artists have an influence on writers? Because I could swear that the writing gets better every time the artstyle changes. Maybe I'm over thinking it? Maybe this issue was just one of his better days?
Either way though I'm in general excited he's leaving!!
I did not put this-
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in one of my posts for me to be sad about him leaving!!
Did he get pushed out by the hate or is it just time for a switch? WHATEVER I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE NEXT ONE. I'm so excited what the new writer is going to do and where he's going to go.
I want a story, I want an arc. Yes I get that the pirate thing with bea was an arc and everything but it wasn't compelling and I think the whole thing could've been better. There should be something Dick is working toward, an overarching goal that he's missing right now because reading Taylor's writing, it feels like disjointed little episodes. There's the heart-hunter going on but I want something big that'll span several issues that'll actually induce fear or anxiety or curiosity in me, as the reader, to continue reading. I want and don't want to feel the anticipation of waiting for a new chapter. Right now it's just a "whatever. Oh, there's a new one out?" feeling when Tom Taylor's writing.
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mikerooksi · 2 months
opinions on the new lmk s5 trailer (spoilers.. duh..)
Correct me if I'm wrong on anything btw 😭
Flyingbark studio is no longer doing LMK, which lowkey makes me upset because they already abounded ROTTMNT.. sigh, but now we have Wildbrain. At first I was a little skeptical as Wildbrain mostly does 3D stuff and LMK, well, isnt really 3D that much.. so.. Also there's been a lot of backlash about the animation style change and expression etc with the characters. Which, I can kinda see 😭 In some of the scenes it looks really stiff or the expressions look almost lifeless.. kinda..
in reality, it is just a TV show that I enjoy, it's fine if the animation changes. perhaps it's like how flyingbark progressed their artstyle from s1 to s4. wildbrain will most likely improve, and they have the same writers/story boarders from previous seasons (I think), so I'm assuming the lore will be pleasant. Either way, I will still watch it, multiple fans have expressed their opinions and even said they'd still watch themself even with the change. I won't have high expectations though after seeing the change in animation from the trailer. Sure, change will be hard, but I will adjust, eventually, hopefully.
I am grateful and glad that the new season might be out soon, along with the sets, and that they at least gave the fandom something to work with. It may not be perfect, but I'll take it.
Another thing I've heard is that the trailer could be unfinished or rather just rushed. LMK is a show that is mostly running off of.. well. the lego sets... So, maybe they rushed the trailer because the lego sets aren't gonna wait forever. But, with time Wildbrain will obviously get better too. It'll be different and may not be able to replicate some of the close up, fighting scenes, etc, but I'm sure they'll do good! wildbrain has worked with many other animations, one of my favorites being Sonic Prime. Sooo, yk!! (I believe they worked on Ninjago too??... idk guys..)
Of course, the whole trailer isn't actually trash or anything. there are some cool scenes and animation! I like one of the MK close ups, and the snippet at the end with Red Son and Mei, and another one of Chang'e looking up at the broken world or however it is 😭 But those scenes are pretty and whoever worked on those did the lego style pretty well! Again, I'm also really excited for the story and I'm just glad it didn't get canceled 😭😭
Oh yeah also, who even knows is S5 animation is gonna look like how it was animated in the trailer?? Maybe it'll look different in S5, so, there's always that possibility too. Kinda goes with the trailer being rushed or wtv but 🤷‍♂️
TLDR: it'll take me a bit to adjust to the new animation style but wildbrain also has time to improve their lego style and I'm also just glad it didn't get canceled.
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shurisu · 2 months
Wait, Shurisu is the ship name between Shun and Alice?
I remember when Bakugan was airing and I would look for the episodes in YouTube and I would stumble upon ship amvs of Shun and Alice, even one where they claimed they would kiss later in S1 (obviously fake).
I distinctly remember it being one of the most popular ships in the fandom, but was the series hinting and building a possible relationship or friendship between the two and then dropped it later seasons? Or was it more of a fandom invention?
I wish Alice hadn’t been dropped as a character just to see how Shun came into terms with her being Masquerade. Is that something Shurisu as a ship has explored?
Yes it's the combination of Shun+Arisu (Alice's romanisation in JP) . Shalice was also a common name but I think Shurisu sounds better.
About them kissing I have an idea why. If you know Inesidora, she used to make lots of beautiful Shurisu fanarts. She would use a similar artstyle to bakugan's own for them, so people would share her art as spoilers 😂
Shurisu wasn't one of the most popular ships, it was THE most popular ship.There was literally no competition.Even when s4 was airing people were still waiting Alice to come back.Even right now talking about this like it was ages ago feels so weird to me but I know fandom changed so much since then
Ah little me knew and claimed the ship the moment i saw them 😄I still remember very clearly watching the intro for ep 1 for the first time(where Dan introduces us the brawlers) I looked at Dan and Runo and said "oh mc and his love interest?" and seeing Shun and Alice right after, fireworks went up inside my brain. I was like "and this is the couple that will steal the show" I wasn't completely wrong at least lol
In all seriousness though i think, the creators definitely had the intention to make them a couple but dropped it later.
Shun and Alice are both similar, so they are also very different compared to the rest of the team. I think that was intentional.They are both raised by their grandfathers,Shun was trained to be ninja and Alice was also learning under her scientist grandfather.Both are very smart, act mature for their age but also lonely inside.The difference is Alice was masking it (no pun intended🎭) with her more bubbly front. I think Alice also knew how similar they truly were.She was one of the very few people who could see through him and those who could, had already known him for a very long time unlike her(Shiori, Skyress and Dan)
She could sense his mood or what's going on inside his head despite the tough act he puts on.Also the time he wanted to leave the team and she went back after him,her words got to him because she told what he needed to hear,because she could understand how he was feeling.
Maybe not much important but it also always piqued my interest how we would see them together even on most random shots because apart from that, Shun would be pictured either alone or further back in group shots.
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Like this moment before the last battle,they were at the opposite sides of the city,how did they end up together?
I think Shurisu was intended to be the opposite of the main couple in mind. In contrast to Dan and Runo's childishness, they would be the mature ship.Why I think they dropped later is that
1)They didn't know what to do with Alice later on so they wrote her off
2)They also didn't seemed to know how to handle Shun any better so decided to keep him as a loner and made being a "loner" his only character trait.
Which I think is very sad because they both individually and together had a lot of potential(not gonna drag this one i know y'all hear me keep talking about this lmao)
About her being Masquerade,We at least know Shun accepts her like the rest of group but since last arc focused more on the battles there was no focus on relationship or characters.And on NV Alice had limited appearance while Shun was on Vestroia most of the time. Through the whole season only once they seemed to be in the same room together (when they send Shun to vestroia via Michael's teleporter) and I belive that's where this pic came from?
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Tl,dr; i think they were definitely made to be canon.But even if the creators were to came up today and claim they had no intention like that at all,it still wouldn't change anything for me.What matters is the characters dynamic.When you compare how they act like with eachother and with others and also look at their characters it becomes more clear. "The kind boy who puts on a tough act because he is troubled" and "The cheerful girl who is also troubled inside" is an old but loved dynamic afterall.So that's what drew a lot people in.
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synsio · 4 months
what is going on with SJS' eyes?
everytime i read weapon creator i notice that SJS' eyes constantly change depending on the lighting, and i tried to do some digging to see if this happens with other character's eyes too but i've realized that, no, it doesnt?? its JUST SJS that changes eye colors everytime the cast is met with dynamic lighting scenarios.
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i dont know what exactly causes this, maybe its simply an artstyle choice too, but i have the head-canon that SJS' eyecolor is actually somewhat transparent and simply comes off as a cloudy, murky grey which *slightly* reflects the color of mana; blue. hence why his eyes go bright blue/cyan whenever he uses a skill, the light from the mana seeps through! just a silly little headcanon from my observations of the manhwa. i would absolutely love to hear what other people think of SJS' weirdly reflective eyes though
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princesstarfire1234 · 5 months
I saw your RMA Post but before i ask, first i love your artstyle its so beautiful and each time i see it, it makes my day :] and second what are your thoughts of S2 part 1 and 2? And if you can rewrite it what will it be?
Aha hello!! I didn't think that RMA post would actually catch any eyes but I'm it did!!
First off, thank you so much! It's the best feeling ever knowing my art can make people happy just like that :]]
As for your question, I recently just rewatched a good chunk of S2 Part 2 but some of the details around the later bits are still fuzzy (rewatching em is quite hard for me as the english dubs aren't exactly that easy to find out there unfortunately)
I will say though, rewatching it really opened my eyes to just how much of a downgrade Part2 is compared to S1 and even just S2 Part1 itself, not just in story but in like the voice acting and animation. The voice direction is a bit off, characters sound flat, and the animation just feels... weirder, if that makes sense. It's not the worst thing in the world though, it's just an unfortunate thing I happen to notice. They also changed some of the VAs I think (liek Rema's) which was a strange decision but alright ig... There's also the reusing of so many games instead of new ones but oh well... Despite all my problems with it though, I like the inclusion of the new characters (Manus and all the other Leos Valiants). The Leos are all such silly guys :]] I do wish the DV7s got more screentime and played a bigger role though, the first episode for part2 really fooled me into thinking they would lmaoo
S2 Part1 still holds up, certainly not as good as S1 but still, it's got charm! I love the setting actually, Old City is such a bright and colorful place with like all these abstract and messed up winding pathways, it's so weird and funkyy, I dig it a lot!
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So pretty!! God... just like how funky the cities look with all of them being like giant floating islands, it will always be cool af to me
Ik most of my followers don't care about runningman much but in the off chance some non-rma fan sees this, look at Tree City (pic below), I love it so much
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Although... sometimes it really does feel like Season 2 is where the studio decided to lean more into it being a children's show. It's a lot less "dark" compared to S1 which is a tad disappointing. Like just compare Akong's battle (where the dude literally uses a bunch of the old guys to power up his thingy 😭) compared to CG's big mech fight. Still, I liked it! I like the neat guardians (the lil pullulu spirits who guard the gate, Vivace and Ensemble twins my beloved <3).
ALSO ALSO THE IRON BEAST, I can always appreciate a big robot guy aha
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That's all I really got for the ramble aha, I'd say more stuff about S2 and maybe my views on it will change overtime but as of now, I haven't even really gotten around to properly finishing it yet. I remember watching it waaayyy back but it was all in korean with zero subtitles 😭 luckily, I am in a server with people sharing english versions so I'll probably watch those when I get more free time!
I really just miss talking about this show really and I feel like I've largely outgrown the fandom in old spaces where I used to talk in (like Facebook groups and Amino lmfaoo), so it's absolutely awesome to find RMA fans over here on tumblr!
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