#I think in the actual scene he’s also on fire but I’m bad at drawing flames so
mr-snailman · 17 days
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home alone today and I thought I’d work on a tribute to one of my other favorite movies! Agneepath holds a very special place in my heart. I’ve only seen it all the way through twice, but it’s frequently playing in the background during dinner and laundry folding and card games at my cousins’ house. My Dadi likes to shout “BITA AMITABH IS ON” cause she knows I’ll come running XD
fun fact btw he is. in fact. on tumblr. and has been since 2008. which for my non-desi people is like… elvis and al pacino rolled into one, posting daily on this website for sixteen years. does he check his tag? I have no idea.
alt w/o extra text:
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fudgecake-charlie · 8 months
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"They think I’m the least dangerous person in this car, do they? Well, they’re about to learn very differently."
Decided to redraw a moment from On the Getaway Mile by Odaigahara on AO3/ @droidofmay !
This may have taken a ridiculous amount of hours condensed into a few days and I went through it drawing cars and car interiors, but this was an absolute blast to do :D I hope I've done the fic sort of justice.
Process shots and long comparison rambles under the cut!
Welcome to my secret lair!!
I spent roughly... 18 hours working on this, the majority during this week and over the past three days, so I need to share my toils with people <3
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Character/car references and page thumbnails! Featuring an incorrect scene placement and bad camera position. I reread the scene and placed it properly in the actual page. I hate drawing cars!! I was actually the most worried about panel placement when I started this— I was a guy who only did non narrative/illustrative panel pages and layout-less comics, but it wasn't that bad with a script! I could separate beats into panels, note which panels should be emphasised/larger, and assembled that into a page.
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If you compare the fic with this comic, you can see how much dialogue I edited and moments I cut out. I couldn't fit it all on without having to draw even more pages, I wish I could though! Poor Mumbo only gets one line here. I'm so sorry my darling man <3 I also gave him a slight cyborg design because his implants are really important for his character and I needed some way to visually show that, even if it's not canon/mentioned.
The colouring method for this was really fun! It's similar to my aggie rainbow painting method but with less steps, hence narrow value range. It looks pretty and gets the vibe across well though.
Rapid fire points!
I was planning to do 3 different fic comics! Not anymore!!!
This is absolutely for the hotguy comic zine applications. <3 "Can I try rizzing you up // PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE" /ref
I drew page 2 first, then 3, then 1. I think you can tell!
Mumbo is sitting on the wrong side and should have his seatbelt on. He's also not carrying the stolen laptop as described.
It's explicitly noted that Mumbo cannot scan Grian like he can with Scar. Whoops!
Transmissions from the Foundation are via Mumbo and Scar's implants, but I couldn't think of a good way to portray that.
Despite guns and weapons being mentioned, I somehow didn't get the opportunity to draw a single one.
I love hand lettering. I also hate it! I will continue to do it.
Here are the no colour pages as a thank you for scrolling <3
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audsthoughts · 7 months
I get it, live actions aren’t for everybody and that’s totally fine. Not everyone’s gonna like it. But to shit on the stupidest things, or draw the dumbest conclusions??? Blocked. Y’all look dense as fuck. Views will be mixed as they always are, quit clogging up the tags with your negativity and find some chill 😂 The originals are still there to watch or read and enjoy…so go do that…it’s literally on the same app 👏🏻 I’m trying to be understanding I am, but some of y’all are so damn hung up you’re letting it completely destroy something you’d otherwise enjoy
Anyways!! Here’s some of the stuff I loved from the atla live action!
•cinematography, soundtrack, costumes - all on point
•getting to see the airbenders flourishing!!! Also the dude who played Gyatso?! Didn’t think I could love him more!! Even though it was painful as FUCKKKK getting to see the first invasion of the fire benders was an epic masterpiece
•speaking of, the first scene?? With the earthbender soldiers in the fire nation?? Iconic
•Omashu: unpop opinion I’m sure (bc y’all hate change but simultaneously hate when it’s carbon copy????????🤦🏼‍♀️) I loved how they incorporated like 3 or 4 episodes into one, and they flowed really well together. Jet is FOINEEE. Mechanist was perfect & his son is a freaking badass, amazing casting! Even though it was change, the secret tunnel scenes were still really freaking cool and the badgermoles were SICK AS FUCK. Also I love that Bumi was still cooky but not just randomly cooky? Like mans was run down from being king basically the entire war…which FAIR. And it made sense that he was peeved with Aang BECAUSE they were such good friends. Like the other avatars being mad at him? Yea that’s whatever. But for Bumi it was kinda personal. Also CABBAGE MAN WE MISSED YOU 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Oh! And the way they mentioned other episodes like they were lore when Zuko was trying to find Aang? That was an amazing way to tie back to the OG series
•I love how they incorporated the blue spirit, Koh, the fog of lost souls & parts of the ep where sokka and Katara got sick & Aang had to get them frogs - just reimagined it. Oh also Hei Bai! Yea, I loved that whole episode. Koh & Hei Bai were SCARY as fuck, it was awesome!!
•HAHN MY BELOVED…I ADORE YOU! Favorite character that they added/changed. Katara getting the other women involved in the battle?! Tui & La? The oasis?! 😭😭 stunning!!!! I also LOVEDDDDD Aangs avatar spirit that he turned into, literally perfect! And I loved the change that he gave himself over to the spirits wrath..fucking SICK. Also right before aang turned into the spirit/whatever that’s called, I was praying they’d do the line and thEY DIDDDD!!!
•Fire lord Ozai?? 😳😚 nothing needed to be said - perfection
•Kyoshi?! The Kyoshi warriors?! SUKI?! - speechless
•I like that they’re making more of a point to show how smart Sokka is! Mechanist calling him an engineer…I hope they play more into that! Ik they did a bit in the show with the subs (cartoon), but still
•”~hE rAn~” seriously my favorite line, I was DYINGGGG!!! The scenes with Zuko and Iroh, Zuko before the war meeting, the leaves from the vine being in the background at the funeral….ARE YOU FUCKING WITH ME?! Zuko’s crew being the crew he SAVED?! And when they find out they all do the fire nation bows to their prINCE?! 😭😭😭😭
I’m being fair y’all - things I don’t love/hope they change:
•this one I’m 50/50 on - I don’t love that they tried to give Kuruk a reason for disappearing. They tried to pull shit from Korra to make him look meaningful & not useless as an avatar and it didn’t hit for me
•some of the wigs: obviously we won’t see Yue again, but I wanted her hair to be white. I didn’t love the wig but it wouldn’t have been as bad for me if it wasn’t so grey. Also do NOT love Azula, Tylee or Mai’s hair. Ik they look just like the show but whether that’s wigs or their actual hair (I’m clueless) it needs some serious improvement. Azula’s looks great down, I just don’t like how big the side pieces are that frame her face when it’s up.
•Katara, my love, I am PRAYING part of your development is also going to be her becoming more outspoken and badass, bc this season we saw the tiniest of glimpses of it, not a fan (unless it’s a part of her development…she did grow up in a tiny ass tribe so I’m giving them the benefit of the doubt)
• IK they’re going with a much more serious Aang, but pleaseeeee give us some actual moments of him being a kid. We saw that like twice 😭
•Dante is the PERFECT ZUKO, I will hear NO slander. However, I need him to be more of a dick. I’m hoping we’ll get that when he gets super desolate when they’re on the run & then we have Zuko alone & he has his inner battle. I need snarky dickhead Zuko, so you can truly see the big differences between what he’s fighting (himself vs. who his dad wants him to be)
Have fun kids!
In case I haven’t made it clear, idgaf if you disagree. I go so hard for these live actions because it’s fun! It’s just supposed to be fun and different and new. If you get so serious about it you’re ALWAYS going to be disappointed, there’s no way around it bc nothing is ever going to be as good as the original book, the original show, the original tale. OG atla is ALWAYS gonna be the winner, nothing will compare! So sit back ~relax~ and find some joy in the little things
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cowederevived · 1 month
Started gachiakuta, the ”literal trash" manga (joke being it’s a manga about trash) the first few chapters are… overly edgy, I’m very not a fan of the "even people you think are nice are massive asshole that will stab you in the back" trope because it’s just so basic and a shitty simplistic tool to make you feel empathy towards the mc for some revenge. And they do it TWICE in the first 4 chapters. Albeit the second time imediately come with worldbuilding and reason, which makes it better, and then it seems the writing and protag becomes less over edge and actually deep, a very fun and actually quite good moment in chapter 5 comes from a moment where the main character is angry at someone who treats him like shit "for no reason" like he’s been the whole start, and then he actually thinks back 2 seconds and realize "yeah you know why, I have my wrongs too in this situation" and actually apologize which defuse the situation.
Outside from that personal complain, it’s very promising and I’m not having a bad time, the world seems super interesting, they really do go all the way with the trash concept, by not just having "yeah the poor live with the trash of the wealthy" but adding a layer of "the poor also have their own trash that they throw away" and I like when this type of messages aren’t treated in super simplistic ways. The chara designs are top notch, it gives a real soul eater / fire force vibe with the facial expressions and drawings, which are btw absolutely insane, dunno if the artist worked on something huge before but it’s very impressive. Rudo the protagonist starts of a bit… eh, let’s just say he has clear depth from the get go, but also he spends way too much scenes being angry and written like a bad revenge isekai troped mc, but like I said he has its complexities, and he evolves, fast too.
My only real other complain is that I find some of the scenes (especially battles) a bit confusing, I’m having trouble pointing out what’s actually going on and who is where in space, since I know that there’s gonna be an anime I hope it will fix that issue for me, but aside from that, great start.
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maxwell-grant · 1 year
Street Fighter 6 comic Issue #4
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DAMN this got pretty, good they saved the best art for the finale
So Ken’s admitting as much that it was never really about Nayshall and I like this. Ken’s just broken at this point and it’s crashing down on him the weight of how careless he was, and even if he was indeed tricked, he isn’t let off the hook (Kalima remarking “I believe your Foundation would have run its own checks as well?” and Ken not having listened to anyone who did and now berating himself for being a fucking idiot). What I’m liking a lot about this framing plot is it not being as clear-cut as Ken being innocent, Ken really does have shit to answer for, but it is also a monstrously unfair situation for him to be in and we want him to get out of it. 
It is made all the more meaningful by how JP actually got Ken to do the things he’s being hunted for: Ken did fund an opressive infrastructure, he did fund projects that helped bring ruin to a nation, he did collude with terrorists, he did bring a horrific amount of danger to his own family, and he did detonate bombs all over a city that hurt dozens of innocent people. JP goaded, prodded and manipulated him every step of the way and then finally twisted his arm to make him an accessory to murder (and would have done it had Luke not been there by sheer happenstance), but the ruin of Nayshall has Ken’s name all over it and Ken himself put it there.
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And oh god this comic’s going a long way to showing that, if we think what’s happening to Ken is bad enough, what JP’s done to Nayshall is much, much worse. I really really appreciate the comic making a point that Nayshall’s citizens are at much greater danger and that they are the bigger victims here, and that Kalima only bothered saving Ken because of his love for Mel.
A reach maybe but I’ll simply have to believe Naoki Urasawa’s Monster was an influence here in the wake of this panel and sequence, to me it almost feels like something out of the Ruhenheim arc. 
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So Kalima wasn’t really JP’s assistant after all, but a figurehead within Nayshall seeking independence for it that he’s also tricked and manipulated into giving him leeway, and we get the reveal that JP was staging false flag bombings to poison the well regarding the real independence movement within Nayshall. And oh man it’s, really just as we finally get Kalima’s deal and where she stands on this scenario is where she has to go. Really curious to see if she’ll turn up in-game, kinda hoping she does.
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I guess 4 issues wasn’t much but I do wish Mel got to do more. But I do like him hijacking the drone transmission tech to put himself on display before Ken to give him that second wind. Luke and Ken’s fight scene is pretty great, none of the expected flash from a Street Fighter climactic fight scene. Just raw, miserable slugging with the comic painting this vast gulf of skill between the two as neither can afford to go down with the entire world watching
And oh man the way this depicts Ken opposite Luke, Luke’s desperation opposite Ken’s uncanny sharpness and even stillness, something you never really expected from Ken who's all flash most of the time. That THIS is the backstory for Luke’s scar, Ken just fucking punched that foul into him and let Luke give a monster uppercut to the chin freebie to him in return that didn't even remotely slow down, Ken as a fucking monster of a fighter finally getting to do the one thing he's still good at.
And all of that for nothing, Ken just fighting so his son wouldn’t see him go down without a fight, and EVEN THAT, all of this fire and misery and heartbreak and dramatic buff men fisting action, even all of that,
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ALL ACCORDING TO PLAN. Because apparently the final master stroke of JP’s plan the whole time, to kick off the tournament and draw the eyes and bets of the world upon it from which he would launder and gain money, was engineering a narrative which people would turn up to see.
Getting both pieces in position, the young upstart battling to stop the fallen hero-turned-villain, and so that’s where all of his talk of narratives and fictions culminates: All of that is a part of the scheme through which he plunders and deceives and vampirizes his way through the world. He’s left Nayshall chained to his dark designs, needing to collect revenues and stay in the spotlight under his plan to stay secure. Much like a vampire, leaving the entire country alive only so long as he still has more to feed on it. 
There was no master plan, there was no grander goal, no doomsday plot or grander ambition, this was a regular Thursday for him (Tuesdays are for some other guy). This is JP’s day job/hobby that we discover he’s been doing all over the world for years if not decades now. Moving through developing countries and nations under different names, getting attached to figureheads and developing legitimate infrastructure projects, stoking the flames of conflict and leaving countless lives ruined within months, and starting all over again. 
KALIMA: I.T Nation? Cryptocurrency? Everything you did was for yourself! You insulted the sacred ceremonies and traditions of Nayshall! You didn’t save this country - YOU DESTROYED IT! JP: History, tradition, culture, and sacred ceremonies...are all for sale as content! ...Zat is, until ze world gets tired of zem.
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I'm very curious to see what is that Shadaloo tease at the end even if I'm kinda tense regarding their connection to JP. I feel like JP's done more than a fine enough job being set up as the solo villain that he doesn't need Shadaloo, he doesn't really deserve to be dragged down the path Seth was (and I do like Seth, or at least, I love SFV Seth making the best out of the fairly lame IV Seth), but then again, something's gotta account for that Psycho Power and those mystery funds and whatnot (also isn't Shadaloo run by Ed nowadays? I wonder if this is teasing that), so, let's wait and see. I remain thoroughly impressed with how great this whole thing was, they really nailed the landing here.
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terrahlee-cup · 2 months
Here have another @raphaelesbian
Chapter 8
“I’m in.” This… is going to go sideways isn’t it. What they were doing before was  dangerous, but this is *really* dangerous. If they get caught the brain worms are right there. Not to mention the possibility of one of them freezing because, y’know, ✨trauma✨
“When did ‘they’ stop being him and his brothers?” That would be the trauma they don’t have! :D Your brothers are out of their depth, bud, Karai has a bit of an advantage in being helpful even if she’s being a bad influence at the same time lol.
On one hand I don’t really like him using the tekkō-kagi, but the backup weapon is probably a good idea… this is going to go poorly.
Leo caught him immediately a good sign for how this night’s gonna go! Casey to the rescue once again. Honestly wish he told Casey where he was really going. No-one knowing where he actually is will be a problem if they need to get to him quickly. Fucking hell he left the tracker that’s worse.
“What an idiot.” PLEASE don’t get over-confident you two. Hi Xever? I guess? Not who I expected honestly. Them escaping relatively okay was not expected, but yay!
They fully just decked each other and moved on huh. That fits yeah lol. Also we’re getting to Shinigami nice. I am so ready for these three being absolutely nuts.
Once again Casey is the best. Gonna be messy when Raph’s family finds out what he’s been doing though, hoo boy.
Nine :D
Leo was so worried oh no- he’s going to be so mad when he finds out what actually happened 😭
Ohp there’s the self-deprecating. This kid I swear. Like— should you be lying to your family about what you’re doing? No. Are you an awful person? ALSO NO.
Not the headache as soon as he gets up AUGH THOSE SUCK. 
Shinigami jump-scare! She has arrived. SIMLISH WHEEZE- and she’s been flipped off within five minutes this is going to be great lol.
The back and forth sass increases oh my word these three are so fun. “Edgy-ass name, there was no way she didn’t pick it out herself.” Please-
Aaaaand they’re drawing on the Purple Dragons’ faces they are having way too much fun with this lmao. “Well, not much point in leaving any behind, is there?” Oh they’re going to burn the money aren’t they. Or just the entire building apparently. Nice.
“Man he loved fire.” Of course he does 😆
“I will just have to pick things out for you!” AW THEY’RE ADORABLE. “Please don’t” … “Mm, no, I will.” ADORABLEEEE-
“I live in a sewer.” … “Well, I suppose it could be worse.” *head in hands* Mhm yeah it could.
Chapter 10
“Rafa-tan!” You know how I kept calling them adorable during the last chapter? Well once again: THAT’S ADORABLE
“But you’re just so cute!” SHE GETS IT. I want to dangle test him. Like a cat.
HAHAHA SHINIGAMI WANTS TO DRESS HIM UP YES THIS IS GREAT. Raph don’t even bother trying to stop her it’s not going to work lol.
“What did she think he was, a clown?” I mean… also, if he never gives her ideas I need her to stick him in the brightest fucking outfit possible. 
The friendship bracelets are here!!! But first gotta annoy the big sister lol. Aw he likes it that’s so cute I’m- THEM <3
*gestures vaguely at the fight scene* All of the banter during this. Just yes.
“What, that’s the only reason? I’ve given you so much material, here.” RAPH NO. Also his brothers being so worried is fair, and I can’t exactly say they shouldn’t be? Just not for the reasons they think. The immediate realization of why Shinigami thought his accent was funny nice. That slipping into Japanese on accident is going to be very noticeable if he keeps doing it hoo boy.
Oh that ‘need to move’ feeling is not fun jeez. Me poor boy.
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bard-llama · 2 years
WiP Wednesday: The Blue Spirit is a Bitch LMAO
This WiP Wednesday brought to you by “wouldn’t it be funny if only Zuko could see the Blue Spirit and they’re just damned annoying?”
So far, I’m working on Chapter 6 of this, so here’s some random scenes that make me laugh and/or cry.
From the very beginning, taking place during/before Zuko Alone.
In Zuko’s defense, if he’d known that the Blue Spirit was real, he never would’ve used their name! In point of fact, the correct name for his mask was the Dark Water Spirit, but that seemed like a technicality that wouldn’t matter to the spirit he’d apparently offended.
You steal my name, my face… the spirit rumbled, something about their voice sending chills down his spine, I will take you up on the offer.
Zuko gulped. He hadn’t meant to offer anything.
Somehow, he didn’t think they cared.
You want to be the Blue Spirit, they said, and the thing in front of Zuko grinned a wide, creepy grin. Wish granted.
Very abruptly, Zuko’s constant headache spiked enough to make his vision white out.
When he blinked back to awareness, he was lying on his back in the grass and the sun had begun to start peeking over the horizon. Perhaps that was what had woken him, because typically, Agni’s rays energized him.
He could use some energizing right now, because he felt like he’d been hit with a fucking airship traveling full speed.
“Ugh,” he groaned, rubbing his head. “What–?”
Oh come now, it’s not that bad, that chilling voice from earlier spoke and Zuko’s eyes snapped open to see that the bizarre creature in front of him – it almost looked human, except for the complete lack of features beyond the freaky smile – was still there, but had also become solid in a way they weren’t before. When he moved, they followed him. You’re stuck with me, they grinned.
Oh Agni, what had Zuko gotten himself into?
Given his complete lack of supplies, heading for the nearest town seemed sensible, but as soon as he grew close enough to hear the bustle of people, he knew it was a mistake. He could see something weird surrounding each person, a kind of colorful haze that – oh. Oh, dammit, had Ty Lee been right about auras this whole time!?
Ugh, if so, he owed her a massive apology, because he’d always dismissed the silly idea.
It was disorienting, but Zuko fixed his eyes on the ground, only glancing up briefly to ensure he was going in the right direction and not going to hit anyone. No one reacted to his new ‘friend’, despite the clearly inhuman appearance of them.
Yeah, no one else can see me, the Blue Spirit said casually, stretching strangely blob-like hands over their head. Ah, it feels good to move around. I’ve been cooped up in that stupid grove for way too long.
Zuko frowned, wondering if he should ask – but the last thing he needed was to draw attention by talking to himself.
Maybe the spirit would go away and it would become a moot point?
He snorted quietly. Yeah, his life was never that kind.
From Ch 2, where The Chase takes place
A few days later, he actually felt fairly stable with the whole seeing auras thing and the spirit that only he could perceive haunting him.
Actually, it was… weirdly kind of nice? To not be alone. Even though the Blue Spirit was creepy, it was nice to have someone during the long trek across the rocky plains.
A flutter of something beige caught his attention and his hand snapped out automatically to grab what turned out to be… hair?
Specifically, bison hair. The Avatar was nearby.
Heart suddenly pounding with hope, Zuko wondered if perhaps this was his chance to change everything. If he could just capture the Avatar, then – then – then what? He was considered a traitor to the Fire Nation with orders to be executed on sight. What could he actually do if he did manage to catch the Avatar?
Which was far from guaranteed. He’d never successfully held the Avatar for more than a few hours before, and even then, he’d had a blizzard to help him.
Huh, the Avatar really is back? The Blue Spirit asked. Where have they fucking been?
“Uh,” Zuko coughed. He wasn’t wholly sure, but… “I think they got frozen or something?”
…you’re kidding, right?
Zuko just shrugged, changing direction to follow the trail of bison fur. Maybe he didn’t know what to do if he caught the Avatar… but he had to try.
He literally had no other purpose in this world now.
Well, I wouldn’t quite say that, the Blue Spirit grinned. He was starting to get used to seeing that grin on a face with no other features, including no eyes, but it was still creepy. You are the Blue Spirit now.
Zuko frowned. “What does that mean?”
Their grin just widened and Zuko tried not to worry too much about it, but his hackles were definitely up when he spotted the abandoned village in the distance. The Avatar had probably gone there, which meant Zuko would be going there.
For three years, his entire purpose had been pursuing the Avatar. He didn’t know how to stop doing that, especially when he had nothing else. So maybe he didn’t have a great chance of capturing Aang (based on all of their past encounters and Zuko’s usual luck), but he had to at least try.
Never give up without a fight. Intriguing concept.
Zuko scowled at the Blue Spirit, stomping towards town.
Then he saw blue fire blossom above one of the buildings and suddenly, he had cause to run. If Azula was here, if Azula was after the Avatar – no. He had to stop her. Without the Avatar, he had no way of ever returning home. He couldn’t let her take that hope from him, even if it was a frail and fading hope.
When Zuko made his appearance on the scene, Azula and Aang were facing off down a street – so he threw a blast of fire between them and jumped down from the neighboring rooftop, landing lightly on his feet.
Concerned primarily with not breaking his legs, Zuko hadn’t really made notice of what his fire looked like. But Azula had.
“White fire? Really, Zuzu? Can you grow anymore freakish?”
He bared his teeth, snarling at her, but part of him was startled to note that she was right. Instead of the usual orange-red, his fire came out white when he struck.
He had no idea what was up with that, but he set it aside. Maybe it was a side effect of the whole spirit possession thing.
What was important was that the white fire was even hotter than Azula’s blue fire, and he could see on her face when she realized it, her calm veneer broken by a frown. Then she moved, darting between buildings, and the chase was on.
The Avatar followed her, too, and Zuko shot a few blasts at them just to keep them out of the way and on their toes. (If some of those blasts happened to cause them to jump out of the way of Azula’s shots, then that was pure coincidence.)
Zuko’s main focus was Azula. As much as he wanted to capture the Avatar, Azula was the more prominent threat.
She laughed. “So you really are a traitor. How delightful. Father will be pleased when I bring back your corpse.”
Zuko flinched.
“What–?” the Avatar started, brow furrowed in confusion, but Zuko couldn’t look at them. He had to stay focused on Azula, or she would take advantage of his distraction.
The fight continued and he wasn’t quite sure when the others showed up, but somehow, six of them ended up backing Azula up against a wall, bending (and boomerang) at the ready.
She held her hands up with calm deliberation. “Well, look at this,” she smirked. “Enemies and traitors, all working together.” She raised her hands in a peaceful gesture, but there was no way she was actually accepting defeat. “I know when I'm beaten. You got me. A princess surrenders with honor.”
“Like fuck,” Zuko couldn’t help but retort, and her eyes narrowed.
“You’ve never known anything about honor,” she responded and he couldn’t help his flinch.
“That is not true,” Uncle said firmly, somehow here beside him along with the Avatar’s group.
Azula smirked slightly. “Do you doubt my royal word?”
“Every word you say is a lie,” Zuko said automatically, because it was true. Azula always lied.
“Oh good,” Azula said casually, “then you know I’m lying when I say that I’ve missed you, dear Brother. The palace just hasn’t been the same without you. So quiet, so tranquil – so much better without you there.”
Again, Zuko couldn’t hide his flinch and Azula’s smirk sharpened.
It was only the Blue Spirit’s warning to block that let him raise a fire wall in front of all of them, unsure of who Azula was aiming for. Her blue fire combined with his white and exploded, sending them all flying back with a wave of heat.
Zuko managed to land on his feet. He was the only one.
A quick assessment of their surroundings showed that the Avatar’s group and Uncle had fallen to the ground, and Azula was nowhere to be seen.
“Fuck,” he swore quietly, moving to help his Uncle up.
“Thank you, Nephew,” Uncle smiled at him as though things were at all normal. “It is good to see you well.”
“Azula’s gone,” announced the Avatar’s strategist – the fucker with the damned boomerang. His name was… Suki? Socket? No, that didn’t seem right.
“That doesn’t mean we can let our guards down,” the waterbender said icily, glaring at Zuko.
Which… fair enough, but suddenly, his motivation to fight the Avatar and get blown through walls was waning. He already hurt enough. He really didn’t need to add additional injuries to his collection.
Aang looked at him with innocence and a slight smile, aura bright like sunshine. “Hi, Zuko,” he greeted, as though they weren’t enemies.
Zuko had no idea what to do with that. He pinched the bridge of his nose with a silent groan.
“Who the fuck are you?” the little Earth Kingdom girl that had apparently joined the Avatar’s group asked.
“Who are you?” he asked in return.
She grinned widely and honestly, it was almost on the same level of creepy as the Blue Spirit’s smiles. He swallowed back a shudder.
“I’m Toph Beifong,” she introduced, “I’m the Greatest Earthbender in the World!”
Zuko blinked, staring at her. “Aren’t you like… ten?”
“Twelve,” she corrected. “And if you don’t believe me, I’d be delighted to demonstrate.”
Something told Zuko that this demonstration would be very painful.
“...I’ll take your word for it,” he decided. Mostly, he was too tired to deal with getting beat up, but he could admit – bright blue streaks of confidence dominated in her aura and he figured that probably meant she could back up her claims.
“So… are we fighting?”
Zuko sighed, really wishing he had a better answer than, ‘do I have to?’
Of course he had to. His Father had assigned him the task of capturing the Avatar. He could not fail. Again. He had too many failures on his record as it was.
But also… his ribs were still healing and frankly, getting blown through a building did not sound appealing.
“Was I imagining things or was your fire white?” Aang asked.
Zuko just shrugged, but yeah, it had been, and he had no idea what that was about.
White fire is not achievable by humans, the Blue Spirit said casually, walking around Aang and examining the Avatar. But you are no longer human.
Zuko’s eye widened and he almost choked at the words. What the fuck did that mean?
You’re me now, remember? The Blue Spirit’s grin was feral and Zuko gulped.
“Right,” he muttered.
And a little later:
“I have a proposal,” Uncle began. “We are all tired and worn. Perhaps we can make camp, get some rest, and deal with things later?”
Zuko sent his Uncle a disbelieving glance. No way would they consent to sleeping with him around. Why the fuck would they!? He was their enemy!
“Okay!” Aang agreed instantly.
“Not okay!” exclaimed the strategist – seriously, what was his name? Zuko really should know it. Soup? Socks? No, that was stupid.
…maybe Suki? His mind kept coming back to that, so that had to be it, right?
“Maybe two separate camps?” Toph suggested. “We can take over some of these abandoned buildings. Or I can just make us an earthen camp.”
“Do you think any of these buildings have real beds?” the waterbender asked with something longing and utterly exhausted in her voice.
When was the last time these idiots slept?
“I don’t care,” he decided, choosing a building at random and stomping into it.
As if to specifically spite him, the Blue Spirit lounged on the bed that was in fact there.
He sighed heavily, but called out, “yes on the beds.”
“Dibs on the next house!” Aang cried out immediately, and from the woosh of air Zuko could hear, he’d probably barged right in.
Zuko shook his head. Was this for real? Was he really about to make camp next to the Avatar? Why!?
Oh, I’d say it’s pretty obvious why, the Blue Spirit smirked.
Zuko frowned, confused. “What?”
What’s the Avatar’s name? They asked out of nowhere.
“Uh…” Zuko glanced around, trying to figure out the relevance. “...Aang?”
Mmhm. And what are the others’ names?
“Um,” Zuko flushed. “I mean, there’s Toph. And… Suki?”
“Are you talking to me?” Uncle called, making his way into the house.
Zuko shook his head, flushing.
The Blue Spirit smirked and suddenly he knew he was going to hate whatever was said next.
You have a crush, the Blue Spirit announced.
“What!?” Zuko flushed bright red, sputtering in disbelief. “Do not!”
The Blue Spirit just cackled, that same ghostly laughter that sent shivers down his spine.
“Nephew?” Uncle approached, a look of concern across his face.
Zuko covered his blushing face. “Nevermind,” he muttered.
Uncle’s eyebrow arched, but he let it go. “Are you tired?”
“Uh. Kinda?” He was… but he’d also noticed that he needed a lot less sleep now than he had before.
“Then let us rest,” Uncle smiled. “A man needs his rest. We can speak in the morning.”
After Zuko has a nightmare:
Fortunately, Zuko awoke with the scream trapped in his chest, the memory of his Father’s fist of fire making him shake.
He needed air, so he launched himself out of the chair and stumbled out onto the streets, where the sun was about two hours away from peeking over the horizon. Fortunately, Uncle had taught him to meditate on where the sun wasn’t as much as where it was, so Zuko chose a nice spot and settled down.
Naturally, that was when the Blue Spirit plopped themselves in front of them with – actually, with a strangely serious expression. As much of an expression as one could make with only a mouth.
That’s fucked up, the Blue Spirit opened with.
Zuko blinked. “...what is?”
Your memory.
Zuko’s eye widened. “You can see my memories!?”
Only when you dream. For now.
Well. That wasn’t ominous.
“How long am I stuck with you exactly?”
Oh, you’re never getting rid of me, the Blue Spirit laughed.
Swallowing hard, Zuko decided he couldn’t think too hard about that.
He was wrong, the Blue Spirit said, mouth flattening into a serious line again. You know that, right? Like, I don’t even have human morals and holy fuck, he was super wrong to do that to you.
Zuko frowned. “He was punishing me for disrespect,” he whispered.
Yeah, I’m a spirit of justice, the Blue Spirit said bluntly. There was nothing just about that.
“Yes there was,” Zuko objected. There had to be. Otherwise, how could everyone else have acted like it was okay?
He was always forcing his Father to punish him. It wasn’t that Father wanted to – but Father wanted him to be stronger, to stop being a disappointment.
He deserved everything Father had ever done to him.
That’s bullshit, the Blue Spirit said.
“Well, what do you know of it?” Zuko snapped. “It’s none of your fucking business.”
On the contrary, the Blue Spirit grinned. I am the spirit of vengeful justice. It is entirely my business how my host has been mistreated.
“I haven’t been,” Zuko said, but somehow it felt like a lie.
Yes, the Blue Spirit said simply, you have. But not to worry – you can now take just revenge for each slight!
“There aren’t any slights!”
Really? Not even against the Blue Fire Girl?
Zuko hesitated.
That’s what I thought.
“Ugh,” Zuko groaned. “Just… shut up.” He’d come out here to meditate, not to question everything he’d ever known.
But the thoughts wouldn’t stop circulating around his head when he tried to meditate, so he changed his plans, instead pulling out his swords.
In the prior village, he’d combined his swords and his fire together. And he hadn’t noticed if his fire was white there – more concerned with the whole stone mallet to the chest thing – but it certainly was now.
It was kind of unnerving, so Zuko stuck to playing with his swords only, doing his best to mitigate how much he pulled on his ribs. But he couldn’t afford to be idle while they healed, so he needed to learn how to fight with them.
It wasn’t the first time he’d learned to compensate for an injury limiting his mobility. (In the most memorable previous time, he’d had to figure out how to practice dual dao with one arm in a cast after Father had broken it as punishment for playing with swords when his firebending was a disappointment.)
Again, the Blue Spirit said, that’s fucked up. Like, seriously. No wonder the world has gotten so out of balance if that’s what’s leading the Fire Nation.
Zuko felt like he needed to defend his Father, but he really didn’t know what to say. It was Father. Everything he did was right by definition.
But the Blue Spirit said nothing else and Zuko let it go, shedding his shirt when sweat started to make his skin itch. Then he focused only on moving his swords the way they were supposed to move, filtering out all other input from his senses.
Which is why he jumped about three feet into the air when Aang’s voice asked out of nowhere, “what happened to you!?”
“Fuck!” Zuko swore, pressing a hand to his pounding heart. “Fucking Agni, don’t do that.”
The Avatar just frowned at him, face pinched with what almost looked like concern. “What happened?”
“None of your business,” Zuko snapped, reaching for his shirt and quickly covering his torso – and the very obvious bruises and scars scattered across it.
“Katara’s a healer,” Aang offered.
Katara. Was that the waterbender? He had read that waterbending could sometimes heal. But even if she could do it… “yeah, I don’t think that’s on offer for your enemy,” he said bluntly.
“Everyone deserves healing,” Aang disagreed. “And we won’t know until we ask.”
“Well, I’m not asking,” Zuko snapped.
“Fuck off,” Zuko said, turning away from the Avatar. This… was actually the perfect opportunity to attack, with no one else around but them. But right now, Zuko was angry and confused and in pain and he did not have the mental capacity to deal with the Avatar trying to help his enemy. Again.
He spun his swords, moving through the katas Master Piandao had once taught him and paying the Avatar no mind. He kind of figured Aang would go back to his friends – but instead, when he finished the kata, Aang clapped.
Zuko whirled around to stare at him.
“That was really cool!” Aang enthused. “I mean, I knew from before that you were good with swords, but like – wow! You’re really good!”
“...thanks?” Zuko hazarded, uncertain of what to do with the Avatar’s praise.
Cruuuuuuuush, the Blue Spirit’s singsong voice said from way too close, and Zuko jumped again, earning him a surprised look from Aang.
Ugh. He did not have a crush.
You so do, the Blue Spirit responded, clearly amused.
“What do you want?” Zuko demanded, and he honestly didn’t know if he was asking the damned spirit or the Avatar.
Aang shrugged. “We haven’t seen you in a while.”
“...shouldn’t you consider that a good thing?”
“Hmm,” Aang paused to actually think about it. “There are positives to it,” he said eventually, “but there’s something reassuringly familiar about you chasing me.”
“...are you fucking kidding me?”
“Well, I mean, since I woke up from the ice, you and Katara and Sokka have been the most consistent things in my life,” he said, smiling brightly at Zuko.
Zuko… did not know what to do with that.
“Hey, can I ask?” Aang began, “why do you chase me anyway?”
Because the Fire Lord is a sadistic asshole, the Blue Spirit said.
Zuko froze, which apparently worried Aang, because he held his hands out, quick to assure, “you don’t have to tell me! I’m just curious.”
You know, the Blue Spirit observed, if you won’t believe me, maybe you should tell him. I guarantee he will tell you that your Father is seriously fucked up beyond belief.
That made Zuko scowl and Aang winced, leaning back and murmuring an apology.
It was ridiculous that Zuko felt guilty for making him think it was his fault that Zuko was pissed.
He wanted so badly to respond to the Blue Spirit, but there was only so much responding to things no one else could hear that could be excused. So he grit his teeth and bit out, “go away.”
Aang pouted. There was really no other word for the expression. “Aw, c’mon,” he whined. “We can talk about something else!”
“I don’t want to talk to you at all,” Zuko said without thinking and the hurt that crossed Aang’s face made something uncomfortable twist in his chest. He huffed, annoyed with everything about this situation.
“Okay,” Aang said quietly, voice small. Zuko did not feel guilty about that. “But can you at least come see Katara and get healed? It can’t be easy to fight with… all of that.”
It wasn’t, but like hell was Zuko admitting that. “I’m fine.”
“Those bruises looked really deep,” Aang pointed out.
Zuko shrugged. “Nothing broke. Probably.”
He sighed, “what do you care?”
Frowning, Aang looked up at him with earnest eyes and said, “no one should be in pain.”
That actually made Zuko laugh, which was horrible for his ribs, but… “I don’t remember what it’s like not to be in pain,” he admitted. “You get used to it.”
Aang’s look of horror just reminded Zuko of how different their lives were. This was an airbender who had grown up in a world without war, in a temple where fun and serenity were considered to be the most important things.
It was such a foreign upbringing that Zuko couldn’t really understand it. His entire life had always been a struggle. He’d never been given anything for free – but the Avatar? They probably got offered free shit all the time.
Shaking his head, Zuko turned away. “Go away, Aang.”
Aang did not go away. In fact, when Zuko headed towards the house Uncle was sleeping in, the Avatar followed him.
“You know my name,” Aang said, surprise in his voice.
Zuko’s face scrunched in confusion, unsure why that mattered. Then he spotted the Blue Spirit’s wide grin parting to say something and he snapped out, “shut up.”
Aang ignored that. “Do you know the others’ names?” he asked curiously, skipping up next to Zuko.
Zuko’s fists clenched and the Blue Spirit laughed.
No, the Blue Spirit said, smugness in their voice. You just know his because you’ve got a crush.
He did not! Desperate to defend himself, he blurted out, “I know Appa and Momo!”
“You… do?” Aang blinked at him in surprise.
Zuko flushed. “Um. Admittedly, not sure which is which.”
That made Aang burst out into giggles. “Appa is my bison,” he said with a grin. “Momo is our lemur.”
And a little later:
“The world has changed so much,” Aang said, voice quiet. “It scares me.”
“I mean,” Zuko heard himself say before he knew he was going to, “even a hundred years ago, your perception of the world was probably pretty different from most people in the other nations.”
“Well, you’re an Air Nomad.”
Zuko flushed. “The other nations don’t really have so much emphasis on ‘fun’. Even historically. And I mean, not saying that you were ignorant of the other nations – I’m sure you visited them plenty – but Air Nomads… the other nations aren’t like that.”
“What do you mean?” Aang frowned.
Zuko sucked on his bottom lip, trying to find the right words. “Probably the closest to the Air Nomad lifestyle would be the Water Tribes. They’re communal too – or at least, the South is. I dunno much about the North that’s not eighty years out of date, and as of then, they’d moved away from that a couple thousand years ago. But that makes a pretty significant difference. When you know your needs are provided for… it’s different. But the Fire Nation and the Earth Kingdom… they’ve never been like that. I mean, I’m sure some places have done it on a local level before, but like, nationally, there’s no guarantee for Fire Nation or Earth Kingdom citizens that they will always have food or shelter or water or–” he spotted the look on Aang’s face and broke off. “Um. Yeah.”
“Really?” Aang whispered. “I mean, I guess I knew that a little bit? Bumi lived on the streets in Omashu a hundred years ago.”
Zuko blinked. “Bumi? As in King Bumi!?”
“Yeah, he became king at some point?” Aang shrugged. “He – he was always good at taking care of himself that I guess I never really realized… how can the Earth King and the Fire Lord not feed all their people?”
“Well, scale is definitely a factor,” Zuko said. “Like, there is a point where a society gets too big to effectively manage. I mean, there were around twenty-nine thousand Air Nomads. The Southern Water Tribes, too, were around twenty thousand at their peak. But the Fire Nation has a hundred-seventy-nine thousand people, and the Earth Kingdom has at least three-point-five million.”
Aang’s eyes were wide. “Whoa.”
“Yeah. So size is a factor. But probably also culture? Like… before the Fire Nation unified into one country, we were a little more like the Southern Water Tribes. Each island had their own clans and good rulers took care of their people. But then we came together as one nation and…” he frowned, horrified by the thought that it all went downhill from there.
“But…” Aang’s face scrunched up in confusion, “I mean, I don’t really get how having a single ruler works, but like… how can they not take care of all their people? Isn’t that the purpose of having a ruler?”
Zuko had no response to that.
He’s got a point, the Blue Spirit pointed out, watching Zuko and Aang like they were the best entertainment they’d seen in years.
…which might actually be the case, but Zuko determinedly did not care.
He scowled at the Blue Spirit, just on principle.
“What are you looking at?” Aang asked curiously, following his gaze – and probably seeing nothing more interesting than the dust-swept ground.
“Nothing,” Zuko muttered, realizing that at some point, he’d stopped walking just to talk to Aang. Frown deepening, he resumed his journey to Uncle.
Aang continued to skip alongside him until they heard Katara’s voice snarling, “where is he!?”
They shared a concerned look and ran.
Katara stood over Uncle, icicles hovering threateningly around him. The only thing that stopped Zuko from attacking was the fact that Uncle appeared entirely calm, sipping a cup of tea.
Where had he even found tea?
“Katara?” Aang called, and she whirled around.
“Aang! Are you okay?” she asked, running up to him and glaring fiercely at Zuko.
“I’m fine,” Aang said easily. “What’s wrong?”
“We woke up and you were gone and then it turned out Zuko was also gone, so…” the Water Tribe boy – Aang had said his name, hadn’t he? What was it? – shrugged, looking bored. There was clear relief on his face, though, and his boomerang was in hand.
Agni, Zuko hated that thing.
Then the boy’s words penetrated his head and he realized that he hadn’t even tried to capture the Avatar. Like, at all.
Was he really so scared of getting his ass kicked that he didn’t even bother to try!?
Yeah, I don’t think that’s the problem, the Blue Spirit said, a smirk on their face. Zuko’s brow knit in confusion and they clarified, do you really want to bring that innocent and gullible Avatar to the man who burned your face off?
Zuko couldn’t help his flinch and it garnered him strange looks, but he tried to ignore it.
What do you think your Father would do to him? the Blue Spirit asked curiously. Which body part do you think he would burn first.
Zuko’s inhale made sharp pain spread through his chest and he winced, pressing a hand to his ribs absently, more focused on the Blue Spirit than the way the Avatar looked at him with obvious concern.
He wanted to tell the Blue Spirit that they were wrong, that Father wouldn’t – wouldn’t–
Would your Father keep him alive, you think? Or let him reincarnate eventually?
“Stop,” Zuko whispered, eye wide as he processed the Blue Spirit’s words.
“Stop what?” Aang asked, standing too close to him and looking curiously between him and the presumably empty patch of street where the Blue Spirit stood. “Are you okay?”
Suddenly unspeakably angry, Zuko grit out, “I’m fine.” Then he turned on his heel and marched away – away from the Avatar, but more importantly, away from the Blue Spirit and the horrible things they said.
They were wrong. They had to be. Father wouldn’t–
But. But he’d never thought Father would burn him so badly either, and what if the Blue Spirit was right!? If – if Father could punish his son so severely… what would he do to the boy who happened to be the Fire Nation’s most wanted enemy?
Zuko had deserved his punishment, but Aang…
No, not Aang. The Avatar. The one being powerful enough to challenge the Fire Lord.
Father would have no mercy. He certainly hadn’t had any for Zuko.
And that was right. That was just.
The problem was, Zuko wasn’t sure he could sentence anyone to worse than what he got. The burn on his face had been deep enough to steal not just his sight on that side, but his hearing, too. It hurt constantly and made his whole head throb.
But he’d deserved it. Right? He’d – he’d spoken out of turn in the Fire Lord’s war room. He’d shown unforgiveable disrespect. That – that was an offense serious enough to warrant such a punishment… wasn’t it?
An hour ago, he wouldn’t have questioned it. But now? Now the Blue Spirit’s complete disapproval of his Father had instilled doubts in him.
Father wouldn’t be happy.
It was fine, though. Zuko wouldn’t succumb. He would always be loyal to his Father, as a good son should be. He wasn’t a good son, Father had made that clear, but he had to try.
So why couldn’t he dismiss the Blue Spirit’s words?
Trying to stop thinking, Zuko dove into a kata that he knew well enough to be comfortable with, but not so well that he didn’t have to pay attention to what he was doing. His fire came out bright white, but he refused to let his mind contemplate that. It didn’t matter what his fire looked like. All that mattered was that he execute the kata correctly.
Next Chapter:
Iroh was used to worrying about Zuko. In general, his nephew excelled in reckless behavior – but now especially, with everything in their life so shaken up, he felt that worry more keenly than ever.
He shouldn’t have let Zuko go alone.
“Uh…” the Earth Kingdom girl coughed, “what the fuck just happened?”
“Got me,” the Water Tribe boy said. “Zuko just started staring into space and freaking out.”
“I don’t think he was staring into space,” the Avatar said, frowning. “It seemed more like he was looking at something.”
“But there’s nothing there.”
Iroh stroked his beard, intrigued. “Nothing we could see. Which does not necessarily mean nothing at all.”
“...are you saying that Zuko’s seeing things?”
“Actually, I was thinking more about the white fire. The spirit fire.”
The Avatar gasped. “You think Zuko saw a spirit? But why couldn’t we?”
“Very few beings can see a spirit’s form without the spirit intending it.” Iroh was actually one of those beings, but he’d seen nothing either. The question was, did that mean there was nothing to see? “Some of it comes down to power – not many spirits are powerful enough to manifest physically unless something serious happens to set them off.”
“Like the fucking Hei Bai spirit,” the Water Tribe boy muttered.
“What,” the Avatar asked hesitantly, “what would it mean, if Zuko sees a spirit?”
“I’m not sure,” Iroh admitted, but now that the thought had occurred, he worried about it. What could the spirits want with his boy?
“He’s injured,” the Avatar’s quiet voice said.
“What? Who?” the waterbender blinked.
“Zuko. He looked pretty badly injured, but he wouldn’t come back to ask you to heal him, so…”
She sniffed, sticking her nose in the air. “I wouldn’t anyway.”
The Avatar frowned sadly. “He guessed that. But – but he could have broken bones, Katara!”
“...he did touch his ribs like he was in pain,” the boomerang kid said reluctantly.
Iroh fretted, but he knew nothing he could say would help this girl decide to heal her enemy, so he stayed quiet.
“So what? He chased us across the world!”
The Avatar chewed on his lip and then admitted, “he also saved me from Zhao once.”
“...what?” Iroh wasn’t the only one to look at him in surprise.
“I – I got captured by Zhao,” the Avatar explained hesitantly. “After that big storm, you remember? Where you guys got super sick? Well, I went looking for medicine and these freaky archers came after me and… Zhao strung me up in this stronghold. And he – I was so scared,” he admitted. “I could barely move. I didn’t know what to do. But then the door opened and–”
The waterbender scoffed. “And Zuko appeared? Yeah right!”
“He did!” the Avatar insisted. “But I didn’t know it was him at first. He wore a mask and used swords instead of fire.”
“...Zuko can use swords?” the Water Tribe boy asked, looking mildly disturbed.
“Yeah! He was practicing with them earlier and wow! He’s really good! I mean, I kinda knew that, because we had to fight a lot of firebenders to escape, but like…” he shrugged.
The waterbender crossed her arms. “Well if he’s so injured, what is he doing practicing?”
The Avatar frowned. “I mentioned that. He just said that nothing was broken. Probably.”
“‘Probably’!?” Iroh couldn’t help but burst out.
“That’s what I said!” The Avatar looked distressed. “He – he said he doesn’t remember what it’s like not to be in pain.”
Iroh winced. It wasn’t that that came as a surprise, exactly, but it was difficult for him to acknowledge the reality that his boy experienced constant pain and there was nothing he could do about it.
He did not like feeling powerless.
“What does that mean?” the Water Tribe boy demanded. His sister’s face was a strange mix of horrified, disbelieving, and sad.
Iroh sighed. “Such deep burns are not without consequence,” he murmured.
“Who–?” the Avatar dared to ask.
Part of Iroh wanted so badly to tell them. Their goal was to face the Fire Lord and stop this war. They should know just how terrible Ozai was.
But… Zuko wouldn’t want his enemies to know. Zuko hadn’t yet come to realize just how unforgivable it was for his Father to do such a horrible thing. It broke Iroh’s heart, but he hoped that one day, Zuko would be ready to acknowledge that his Father was wrong.
Iroh sighed, shaking his head in response to the Avatar’s question.
The Water Tribe boy coughed. “Um. Who are you, anyway? I mean, obviously you’re always following Zuko around, but…”
That made Iroh’s lips twitch. “I am Zuko’s Uncle,” he introduced. “My name is Iroh.”
“His… Uncle?” the boy said with a strange expression on his face. “As in… his Father’s brother?”
“Indeed,” Iroh agreed.
“...younger brother, though, right?”
“Ah,” Iroh clicked his tongue. “No. Ozai is almost twenty years my junior.”
Not me just sharing practically the whole next chapter oops
“Nephew!” Uncle beamed at him, looking up from the Pai Sho board he’d found somewhere. “Would you like some tea?”
Zuko sighed, taking a seat across from Uncle (carefully holding his torso still, because fuck, his ribs hurt). He would not be playing Pai Sho, but he did want to talk to his Uncle.
“What’s on your mind, Nephew?” Uncle asked, inviting him to share.
Zuko wanted to ask. But it was also really hard to get the words to cooperate. In the end, his question was blurted out with a complete lack of tact.
“What do you think Father would do to the Avatar?”
Uncle blinked in surprise, then took a moment to think, looking contemplatively down at the board. “I am not sure I can theorize,” he said.
“He’ll,” Zuko stuttered, “he’ll do worse than he did to me, won’t he?”
“It is highly likely,” Uncle said carefully. Too carefully.
The Blue Spirit’s words ran through his mind again and he had to whisper out the question that scared him more than anything. “Was Father wrong?”
“When – when he – I – I deserved it, right?”
“No!” Uncle said with such emphasis that it made Zuko tense. He clearly noticed and calmed himself. “No, Zuko. There is nothing you could do that would deserve such treatment.”
Zuko frowned. How could that be? “But…”
Told you, the Blue Spirit chimed in, and Zuko suddenly noticed them lounging across the moth-eaten couch.
But that didn’t make sense. How could he not deserve it? Why would Father do that if he hadn’t deserved it?
Because he is cruel, the Blue Spirit said simply. But don’t take my word for it. Ask him.
Zuko chewed on his lip, not quite able to look at Uncle. “Why?” he asked quietly. “If – if I didn’t – then why?”
“Zuko,” Uncle began, but Zuko had to finish.
“If – if what he did was wrong, then why didn’t anybody stop him!?”
Uncle set his teacup aside, and when Zuko glanced up, he was looking at Zuko with a serious expression. It made him look sad.
“There is no excuse for cowardice,” Uncle said, and his voice shook in a way it never had before. “But sometimes fear is easier to succumb to than courage.”
Zuko frowned. “What does that mean?”
“It means,” Uncle said, “that not only did Ozai wrong you, but you were failed by all of us who should’ve done something and never did. It is unforgivable, Zuko.” Uncle met his gaze with shiny eyes. “Of everyone there that day, Zuko, you are the only one who did not do something wrong.”
“You were right, Zuko,” Uncle said clearly, stopping for a moment to clear his throat, voice thick with emotion. “You were right to speak up for the 41st. You absolutely did not deserve what happened – no one ever could.”
“But how can that be!?” Zuko burst out. “If – if it was so wrong, then how come no one has ever said that before? How come you’ve never said that before!?”
Uncle flinched. “You love your Father,” he said after a moment. “When you love someone, it is difficult to see the ways they are wrong. When others criticize those we love, we rarely believe them. But that does not mean it is not true.” He sniffled and cleared his throat. “I never wanted you to push me away.”
Zuko’s face was scrunched in distress. “But – but even the Earth Kingdom merchants and the gossips in every port and the soldiers everywhere – everyone acted like Father was right. How can that not be the case?”
“Your Father has a great deal of power over the world,” Uncle said slowly. “Not because of his crown, but because of his cruelty. People the world over fear him. Fear makes us cowards, and sometimes it is easier to pretend it’s not there than to admit that we failed. Because if we acknowledge that Ozai is wrong and we do nothing… we are not less guilty than he is.”
“But that doesn’t make any sense!”
“No,” Uncle agreed, voice so very sad. “It doesn’t. The world has become terribly broken, Zuko, and too few remember what it is to act with compassion and love. Our family has brought a century of war on this world and people have become twisted with malice and desperation. That does not make it right. What Ozai did was wrong. And there is no possible way anyone could deserve that.”
Zuko shook his head, not able to accept that. It was ridiculous. If Uncle was right, then the whole world was wrong. That couldn’t be possible.
It made much more sense to think that the problem was Zuko. Maybe… maybe other people wouldn’t deserve it. But Zuko did. Zuko had to have, because otherwise, every single person he’d ever met had been wrong. All those people who sneered at him and laughed at him and made jokes about it and–
It was too many people. Surely they couldn’t all be in the wrong.
No, it had to be that Zuko was the one wrong. It had to be.
Uncle reached out slowly to touch his arm and Zuko couldn’t help his flinch, head spinning with confusion.
It couldn’t be. Uncle had to be incorrect, that was the only thing that made sense.
But… but Uncle looked at him with such guilt and pain and heartbreak and Zuko didn’t know what to do with that and–
“I need air,” he grunted out, scrambling to his feet and bolting.
Unfortunately, while Uncle could be outrun, the Blue Spirit could not be.
He’s right, they said, strolling alongside Zuko.
“Fuck off,” Zuko grit out. “Just – just go away!”
Fine, the Blue Spirit agreed. But he’s still right.
A moment later, they popped out of existence, and Zuko let out a shaky breath, suddenly feeling a hot burning behind his right eye.
They were wrong. They had to be.
Now Aang’s POV
Aang was floating on cloud nine. He could earthbend! After a horribly long day of failure after failure after failure, he could do it! He could move rock!
Katara left to start dinner and Sokka and Toph had eagerly followed her, but Aang had too much energy to stay in place, so he wandered through the streets, bending pebbles around just because he could.
So when he spotted Zuko stomping down an intersecting street, he raced after the Prince excitedly.
“Hey Zuko, guess what?” He used his airbending to speed ahead and come around to face Zuko, a bright grin on his face. Then he spotted Zuko’s expression and his smile fell. “Are you okay?”
Zuko turned away instantly, sniffling and wiping his right eye. Aang… was pretty sure he’d seen tears on Zuko’s cheek and he didn’t know what to do with that. It had… never really occurred to him that Zuko could cry.
“What happened?” he asked softly.
“Nothing. Go away.” Zuko’s voice lacked any force and he wouldn’t look at Aang, even when Aang circled around him again.
“Is there anything I can do?” Aang asked quietly.
“Yeah, fuck off,” Zuko grunted, twisting on his heel to stomp away from Aang.
Aang chewed on his lip. He – he didn’t want to not respect Zuko’s wishes, but something was very clearly wrong and he couldn’t just leave Zuko to be upset alone.
“I can distract you, if you want?” he offered. If Zuko wouldn’t talk to him, then he could at least help Zuko take his mind off whatever had happened… right?
“Why!?” Zuko demanded, rounding on him. “What do you care!?”
Aang frowned. “Why… wouldn’t I care?”
Zuko sputtered. “Because we’re enemies, maybe!?”
“Yeah, but that doesn’t mean I want you to be unhappy,” Aang pointed out. “I don’t want anyone to be unhappy. So if I can do something about it when someone is…” he shrugged.
Zuko stared in disbelief. The eyelashes of his right eye – the only eye that had eyelashes – were clumped with tears and it was pretty obvious that Zuko had definitely been crying.
Aang hated when people cried. He wanted to give Zuko a hug, but that might be pushing things a little too far. Still, he could at least do something to offer comfort.
“If you don’t wanna talk about it, that’s okay,” he said, voice as gentle as he could make it. “You don’t have to tell me. But that doesn’t mean I can’t take your mind off it.”
“Um,” Aang considered his options. “Oh! Would you like to fly on Appa?”
Zuko’s face made it clear he thought Aang was crazy.
“Flight is amazing!” Aang insisted. “C’mon, I’ve taken a lot of first-time flyers out. It’ll be fun!”
“Fun,” Zuko repeated blankly. “You… I don’t know why I’m surprised,” he huffed.
Aang attempted a smile. “As you know, Air Nomads are big on fun,” he said easily. “Do you wanna go flying?”
There was definite temptation on Zuko’s face, but the frown stayed dominant. “You realize I could just knock you out and fly to the Fire Nation, right?”
“Well, I guess it’s possible,” Aang acknowledged. “But I think Appa would have something to say about that. He can be positively unmoveable when he’s feeling stubborn, you know?”
Zuko blinked slowly, processing that. Then he actually snorted.
“Sky bison were considered to be one of the most willful pack animals in the world,” Zuko muttered.
“Yeah!” Aang nodded, though he was definitely surprised Zuko knew that. But it didn’t really matter. “So… wanna go flying?”
“...fuck it, why not?” Zuko said after a moment.
“Great! C’mon!” Aang positively beamed, grabbing Zuko’s hand and dragging him towards Appa.
Zuko asks the burning question
When Zuko’s eyes opened again, there was a considering look on his face. “Can I ask you something?”
Surprised, Aang nodded. “Sure!”
“In – in the Air Temples,” he began, voice hoarse, “how were you punished if you disrespected the elders?”
Aang tilted his head. “Disrespect how?”
“What do you mean ‘how’?” Zuko frowned. “Disrespect is disrespect.”
“Well, I guess, but like… it kinda depends on how much of a sense of humor you have, you know? Like – like Master Gyatso and I would prank the other elders all the time, and Monk Tashi would get super mad, but Monk Pasang usually found it funny. He’d even give us feedback on how the pies tasted!”
“Oh yeah, see, Master Gyatso is a great baker. And pies are perfect for throwing at people’s heads.”
Zuko stared at him. “You… threw pies at your elders?” There was clear horror in Zuko’s voice. “What did they do to you? How were you punished?”
“Oh, usually it was just more chores and stuff,” Aang shrugged. “I’m very good at cleaning bison stables.”
Zuko’s stare almost turned gaping.
“You,” Zuko’s voice was strangled, “you attacked and humiliated your elders and all you got was more chores!?”
“Uh… yeah?” Aang frowned. “Why? What do you think should’ve happened?”
Zuko clutched at his hair, face distraught. “It’s – that can’t – it’s not – what!?”
Aang wasn’t sure what was troubling Zuko so much, but he reached out with clearly telegraphed movements to touch Zuko’s arm. “What happened?” he asked quietly.
Zuko’s muscles flinched under his fingers, but Zuko didn’t actually pull away. Instead, he sat hunched over, tugging at his own hair.
“Zuko?” Aang shifted closer, hoping to offer what comfort he could. “Do you want to talk about it?”
Zuko shook his head, very obviously focusing on keeping his breathing steady. Even so, each exhale shuddered, and Aang was pretty sure that wasn’t just because of the bruising he’d seen earlier.
“Can I hug you?”
That made Zuko jerk back, gaping at him. “What!?”
“I won’t if you don’t want me to,” Aang said very seriously, “but you seem like you could use a hug. So… can I?”
For some reason, his question seemed to cause Zuko great consternation, but after a long moment, Zuko said, “I… guess?”
“Okay,” Aang smiled. “Just tell me when you want me to let go.” With that said, he shifted so that he could hug Zuko properly, pulling Zuko into him and pressing their chests together.
Zuko was tense in his arms and he kept his touch gentle, not wanting to aggravate the unknown injuries Zuko definitely had.
It was kind of awkward, just sitting in silence, hugging someone who was stiff as a board, but Aang ignored that, focusing on offering whatever comfort he could.
He didn’t know what was wrong or why Zuko was upset, but he did know that he liked Zuko and he didn’t like Zuko being unhappy.
So he held Zuko close and gradually, Zuko’s muscles unwound. At some point, Zuko even tilted his face into Aang’s shoulder, hands coming up to clutch at the back of Aang’s shirt. Aang smiled slightly, leaning his weight into Zuko and slowly rubbing Zuko’s back.
They stayed like that for a long time, just circling in the air above the village their families were in and hugging tightly.
And finally, a fun little distraction
Aside from Uncle, it had been a very long time since anyone had hugged Zuko. And even Uncle didn’t do it often.
It was… kind of nice?
Embarrassing beyond belief that he needed it, but he could admit that after waaaaaaay too long spent hugging Aang, he… did actually feel a little bit better. It hadn’t fixed anything, but he felt sort of like it had grounded him. There was still a typhoon of thought and emotion in his head, but he’d managed to push it down enough that he felt like he could actually breathe.
Unfortunately, that meant that he then had to acknowledge the part where he’d basically just broken down in his enemy’s arms.
He flushed, swallowing uncomfortably and drawing away with a mumbled apology.
“You don’t have to apologize,” Aang said softly. “Are you okay?”
Zuko opened his mouth to respond and then realized that he didn’t have an answer. He… wasn’t entirely sure he knew what it meant to be okay.
“Do you wanna talk about it?” Aang’s smile was compassionate in a way that made Zuko feel exposed like a raw wound.
“No!” he lashed out with a scowl.
“Okay,” Aang said easily. “If you decide you do wanna talk about it, you’re welcome to come to me any time. In the meantime, do you wanna do a barrel roll?”
Zuko’s face was probably a fascinating thing to study as different emotions flashed through his mind.
But honestly, that did sound pretty cool.
“Yeah,” he decided, setting aside all the things he didn’t know how to feel about.
“Great!” Aang grinned. “Hang on to my arm, just in case. Appa knows what he’s doing, but it’s still best to be careful with people who can’t fly.”
The barrel roll was actually completely amazing and Zuko actually felt a smile pulling at his lips. It was an unfamiliar feeling.
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akamikazae · 6 months
Sorry in advance for asking all these things 😭 but first up, your oc is cool! She’s so stylish as heck! She gives me that 80s funky/chill vibe and her hair is flawless! And I adore for bond with sasuke so much, Ahh. Would it be ok to ask about their lore together? How did they meet and bond together like mother and son? (And kakashi too! He’s papa).
Plus, I also appreciate all the Sasuke positivity so much. From your drawings to random posts. It’s so refreshing and uplifting for me. There’s to much negativity for the poor kid these days. And I greatly respect the “my son!” Feeling to for sasuke. I to get that parent vibe haha (sasuke is little guy no matter what, must squish respectfully).
And for atla, if your oc and characters you like. What benders would they be? And if they are besties with any of the Alta crew?
P.s; i do Like seeing the snake positivity! It’s wonderful seeing that. Poor things also get bad rap as well. (I like seeing hognoses, they are cute!! Myself I wish I had one and tarantulas😭) ANYWAYS, TY FOR POSITIVE CONTENT SO MUCH. Be well and have a great day/night! Sorry again for the long ask!
Never ever be sorry for sending an ask! I love love getting them and getting to chat w lovely pals like you! So thank you for popping over to send me an ask ❤︎₊ ⊹  You are always welcome to ask about my lil fam! I will try to keep it short and sweet lol ₊⊹ Ahhh thank you so much for saying so, Akami is very very dear to me! I’m glad u think she’s got a bit of a retro vibe. I always see her fitting in well w that 90s-ish style from the 80s to the 00’s ! (I actually have a 90's au for them too)
Shisui was one of Akami's first childhood friends and later her first lil love. She goes w Shisui to meet Sasuke when she’s 13yr, he’s only a few weeks old but the second she holds him and his chubby baby hand swipes her chin she falls in love. Bc of her relationship with Shisui Akami spends more and more time around Sasuke— he’d be tagging along after the big kids, but she always made time for him. Even if it was 20 extra minutes before a mission or after a long day of training, she’d hide her injuries and play with him instead. She’s one of many Anbu called to the scene the night of the Uchiha massacre. The second she found him all alone she knew she was taking him home and she quit Anbu that night.  Akami never felt heard or seen as a child so she tries her best to make sure that Sasuke has a voice. She didn’t intend to take on a parental role; it just happened over the years. She’s always open about his family and ready to listen when he confides in her, she teaches him every single uchiha jutsu she knows (and eventually kakashi does too) so Sasuke can still feel connected to his Clan. She gets him through his nightmares and defends him tooth and nail, she teaches him how to cook and use a sword. No matter what, he's always gonna be her baby and she’ll be his Kami-chan. There is nothing she wouldn’t do for him.  Akami and Kakashi knew each other as kids, they did not get along until their traumas sort of forced them to see eye to eye and rely on each other.  But it wasn’t a friendship until their early-mid teens, even then it always felt like more. Shortly after she takes in Sasuke they start a tumultuous FWB only to realize they very obviously love each other. Sasuke approves bc Kakashi makes Akami happy and is always there for her (for better or worse) and Kakashi and Sasuke start to have a very meaningful connection well before he becomes his sensei.  Yes parent squad ! Sasuke deserves the world and I love that you love him too!!<3 In ATLA Akami would be a water bender, she’s a descendant of the Yuki clan so it just seems fitting for her heritage! Tho I’d be wary of her healing abilities, she’s more of a fighter and I would not put it past her to learn how to blood bend! (She was Anbu Root for a reason💀)  Sasuke is fire bb! Kakashi I go back and forth on but I think he would be fire too .I love love love love ATLA and have tried to make an au for her but I find it hard to imagine Akami interacting w the gang (They all just feel so young lol- though she’d probably like Suki and Zuko best) I think that she would get along really well with Piandao! June, Jet and Iroh too. She’d def feel some sort of kinship for Azula (ruthless + manipulative never taught to love, w similar mommy and daddy issues!🤝lol) Yes Yes! I love snakes, they are so beautiful !! When I made my oc I really wanted to have her be ostracized because of her father and resemblance so it’s so fun to play w both the beauty and monstrous qualities for her. 🐍Akami and her summons Ryū are based off of mangrove pit vipers and Copper bellied water snakes ! Thank you again for the ask! I could blab about them all day if my super long winded response wasn’t proof lol 💕💕Take care my dear and have lovely day and or night :)
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musubiki · 10 months
I have like three cat witches guild questions so I’m just gonna ask them all at once
Can Mochi use water magic? She’s the cat witch so she probs can but avoids it as much as possible do to her distaste for it. Leave that shit up to Taffy. I was imagining Lime pining down a rouge Ikasumi drawing yelling at Mochi to water gun it or whatever and she’s just like “I CANT THAT SPELL IS GROSS I DONT WANNA” and Lime just blank staring at her as Coco has to walk up and dump her hydro flask on the drawing and oops some of it got on Limes head teehee. They made her learn bubble beam after that
If Mochi can infuse magic into items like Lime’s bat and Coco’s shoes does she also have that in her broom? What if she got knocked away from her broom and Lime goes to pick it up mid fight and tries to use whatever magical blast she has stored in it to finish off the beast and he successfully fires it off but it shoots him back like 100 feet and it’s drained all his mana. Mans is down for the count after that hit, and now he realizing that Mochi does this all the flippin time during their battles and if looks like nothing to her??? How powerful is she??????
Lime waking up first after one of the first sleepover cuddle sessions and looking down at a slowly waking up Mochi and she asks what he’s thinking about and his thought process can roughly be translated to “REDACTED, █████, WITHHELD, NOT AUTHORIZED, 18+ █████, MUST HAVE HIGHER AUTHORIZATION TO ACCESS, █████, SHES SO FUCKIN CUUUUUTE” but what comes out is “eh nothing much”
Thank you for your time have a nice day
she CAN use water magic, but she is absolutely ass at it. its notorious for the cat witch to be bad at water magic, you shouldnt be able to have good control over the only thing youre weak against. so she TRIES but its much like aang trying to earthbend, it doesnt work well with her. prior to taffy joining the guild, she couldnt use it at all (even after practicing hours and hours. pom knows she will never fully master water magic but it wont stop her from trying). even after taffy joins them and tries to teach her (hes ass at teaching by the way) she never grasps it fully. any water magic from then on is in taffys hands, mochi cant do it. its actually faster and more efficent to solve the problem in another way than to try to use bad water magic on it!!
this im not 100% decided on!!! im media theres a lot of different broom routes to take, some gives them complete sentience and some its just an object...in mochis case for now i just think of it as an object... im actually not even sure its something infused with magic, if mochi went through the magic-infusing theatrics. it might just be a traditional object you sit on to fly and the actual flight itself comes from mochi.....,,,.or!! its special in the sense that it can channel magic!!!! i say this because i dont think anyone else in the guild could fly on it even if they borrowed it from mochi!!! BUT THE IDEA OF LIME TRYING OUT ONE OF MOCHIS THINGS AND GETTING ABSOLUTELY BODIED BY IT IS AMAZING!!!!!! she probably stands over him like "Are u ok" and he has the most dumbfounded expression on his face
yes. 1000%. this scene fills my brain regularly. theres a 10000% chance he wakes up a little bit before her just so he can feel her sleeping on him. too many times shes trying to fall asleep and is like "Why are you so tense?" and he just gotta lay there like "Uhhhhhh nothing--"
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Good Omens 2 episode 4: just collide, you two dumb coconuts
After watching both the Edinburgh corpse episode and the Nazi zombie episode, I can confidently conclude that Neil Gaiman did not wash his water bottle and the mold flourished during those few weeks in which those episodes were written, but I cannot even say it’s a bad thing.
Michael Sheen and David Tennant could read the phonebook and it’s the most amazing piece of media you’ve ever seen.
Speaking of those two, *takes a deep breath* *join hands in front of my mouth* *takes another deep breath* I’m fine. They just play their characters so stupidly in love with each other. I think that’s my meta for the episode. You’re welcome.
I mean, insert something deep and insightful here about trust. But also about how this season is going hard with emphasizing how deeply in tune with each other they are, how they are effectively a couple, minus those little rough details they have to polish still. Season 1 did set it up, but now it’s the whole entire fucking plot. Love that for us.
There’s not much to say about the Nazi zombie plot, which summed with the previous Scotland episode is so very British. I was just thinking about how very much not American the previous episode felt, not just because of all the Scottish accent, but for the very unsubtle thing about poverty and morality. And now the other side of the Unescapable Stuff In British Media, i.e. making fun of Nazis in the setting of London during the WW2 bombings.
Under different circumstances I’d say that it’s kinda a low hanging fruit, and that honestly British depictions of 1940s Nazism have gotten stale, but this show has earned its seasonal WW2 moment due to situation of, you know, pale-coconut-collision setting-up.
(I’m taking for granted that the coconuts are going to collide. Don’t say anything.)
My favorite part of the episode is how Crowley has never fired a gun while Aziraphale has an actual license.
I think I can’t quite concentrate in this post because my family are watching an Italian comedy at a high volume in the adjacent room. I think there might be something to analyze in the scenes in the magician’s shop and in the theater, possibly related to the imagery of the “ladies of Camelot”, but I’m not British enough for that (or, well, at all).
Anyway, remember what I wrote about this episode being about the very blurred line between Crowley’s circumstances and Aziraphale’s - what causes one to be a demon and the other to stay an angel - and, well, this episode just explicits the theme, by having the two of them literally calling their respective colors as shades of dark gray and of light gray. There’s no black and white, so where do you draw the line? What is the discriminating factor?
But Marghe, you’ll say, it is literally said that Crowley participated in a battle, the demon guy says it so, he says he was fighting alongside Crowley, which means that at some point Crowley made a deliberate choice to antagonize-- yeah yeah I heard that. Mmm.
To conclude, I can’t wait to see Lord Beelzebub on earth. Or seeing more of them, in general.
Also, the transition from Shax and Beelzebub in hell talking about legions of demons attacking the bookstore, and the gentleness of the scene of Aziraphale and Nina getting to their respective business, was perfect.
Also, someone give Nina a hug.
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kazz-brekker · 2 years
 hotd episode 10 thoughts
i was very much hoping to come out of this episode emotionally devastated in the best possible way and i am definitely am but i’m also. sort of annoyed about some of these adaptational choices? weird mix of emotions to be feeling. anyway!
that scene between luke and rhaenyra where she reassured him about being lord of the tides someday was really sweet but also made me very sad, rhaenyra clearly loves her kids so much and i’m devastated about it.
any time rhaenyra and rhaenys have a scene together i’m excited, can’t wait to see them be genuine allies in season 2.
i might be giving daemon too much credit as a person but it felt of weird to me that he completely abandoned rhaenyra when she went into premature labor even when she was calling out for him. like, obviously he’s a very morally gray person who does bad stuff, but hotd has taken pains to show that daemon genuinely does care about his family above all else and he was also very protective of rhaenyra in episode 8 so. idk. i really don’t think i’m being too generous to daemon when i say it was a bit strange?
why was jace being mean to luke during the training scene :(
that labor scene was very stressful but emma d’arcy was SO good in it.
i felt pretty convinced that this show was going to draw a parallel between rhaenyra wanting to name aemma’s child visenya in episode 1 and then naming her own stillborn daughter visenya and then they just. didn’t follow through on it? why add that in if you’re not going to do that!
this show has gotten me very invested in the sibling relationship between viserys and daemon and i SO wish that we had gotten to see daemon mourn his brother for more than 2 seconds. he didn’t even cry! it’s 2022 please let fictional men cry when they are sad!
i do like the idea of rhaenyra not wanting to absolutely destroy westeros in pursuit of the throne but i also feel like this episode was making it feel like she was pushed into war by a bunch of men.
rhaenyra’s grief in this episode was well-acted, but let her be angry too! “they murdered my daughter and stole my crown and they shall pay for it” is an iconic line of dialogue from fire & blood for a reason!
the crowning scene was very cool, i liked the idea of the funeral transforming from a moment grief to a moment of triumph. daemon crowning rhaenyra and then kneeling was great and so was rhaenyra and rhaenys looking at each other in solidarity.
rhaenyra looks better in that crown than her father ever did. i speak only facts.
i’m pretty sure rhaena and baela had collectively 1 entire line of dialogue in this episode which is such a waste, they’re both interesting characters who deserve more.
rhaenyra flying down on syrax when otto arrived for the negotiations was cool and a fun parallel to episode 2 but also, should she really being flying on a dragon if she JUST gave birth?
the call back to episode 1 with the torn page … oof alicent and rhaenyra never got over each other did, they?
daemon choking rhaenyra also felt a bit out of place. i fully admit that daemon is not a good person and their relationship definitely has weird and messed-up elements, but considering how they were portrayed in episode 8–raising their kids together, holding hands all the time, daemon beheading a guy for insulting rhaenyra–i was under the impression that this show wanted us to root for this relationship.
what were they trying to do with this moment? was this supposed to be a “gotcha, you thought daemon could be a good person but actually he’s bad all the way down” moment? has he done this to rhaenyra before? is this the first time he’s laid hands on her? why is it literally never mentioned again in the rest of the episode and the next time we see them they’re holding hands like nothing happened? idk i’m not saying that daemon is a good person (he’s not!) but it just felt very random.
i really liked the scene between corlys and rhaenys, especially corlys admitting that he was wrong about his ambition and rhaenys referring to jace, luke, and joffrey as her grandkids. functional marriage for the win!
i knew it was coming but the when jace said dragons are swifter than ravens, send us, i was like NOOOOO HONEY DON’T.
they mentioned cregan stark! and grover tully! and the riverland lords! and allies in the vale of arryn! black supporter characters incoming!
rhaenyra reassuring luke that his journey will be quick and he’ll be welcome at storm’s end … nooo stop i’m already sad.
daemon singing to vermithor in high valyrian was cool but i’m gonna be real if i had to pick another dragon to show on screen this season it would have been sunfyre or dreamfyre. we were robbed of them!
luke arriving at storm’s end and seeing vhagar, who’s literally the size of a castle, was extremely cool and very ominous.
that whole sequence at storm’s end in general had SUCH a great sense of building tension and terror.
despite the circumstances under which it was revealed i am clapping and cheering at the sapphire eye reveal.
aemond saying he wants to give alicent luke’s eye as a present … oh he is never beating the mama’s boy allegations.
the whole sequence of luke and arrax fleeing from aemond while he laughs was EXACTLY as terrifying as i hoped it would be, i especially loved seeing vhagar’s huge shadow. even though i knew how it was going to end there was so much tension and i really did want him to escape.
but listen i’m sorry, i think the idea of aemond losing control of vhagar and her eating luke and arrax against his wishes is incredibly stupid.
hang on need to write my two cents on controlling dragons. yes, dragons in asoiaf are portrayed as dangerous creatures with minds of their own and daenerys does have trouble controlling her dragons in the main series. they’re not mindlessly obedient to their riders at all.
however, there is exactly one instance that i can think of in fire & blood of a dragon deliberately disobeying its rider (silverwing refusing to fly good queen alysanne over the wall) and that was a weird outlier. this show has also not portrayed dragons as disobedient to their riders (and no, i’m not counting the “it’s an illusion that that we control the dragons” line, that wasn’t backed up with any proof).
vhagar is very powerful dragon, yeah, but she’s not untrained, and aemond has been riding her since he was a kid. if he could stop vhagar from killing him before they were properly bonded, then it makes no sense that he couldn’t stop her from eating luke and arrax.
also the implication that luke and arrax would have survived if they hadn’t fought back is … kind of bizarre? why portray it like that?
i do think that fire and blood portrays aemond’s murder of luke as very spontaneous (and partially motivated by maris baratheon making the worst-time dick joke in the history of westeros, which they didn’t include) and i wish that the show had just. committed to the bit. they could have had aemond give in to his rage and bitterness and the grudge he’s been nursing for 6 years, killed luke, then have his “oh god what have i done” moment. as it is, it feels sort of like they were afraid to have him do something actually bad on purpose.
i really wish they had included daemon’s iconic “an eye for an eye, a son for a son, lucerys shall be avenged” line, i was waiting all season to hear it. emma d’arcy absolutely ATE in that last scene even with no words but i think they could have done both!
still … even if i had some problems with the adaptational choices in that episode … that last shot of rhaenyra turning around with absolute vengeance on her face was amazing and i’m excited to see the dance start in earnest.
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frodo-with-glasses · 2 years
More Reading Thoughts: “The Black Gate Opens”
What’s this?? Another chapter review within a week of the last one??? Gasp! Incredible! Unheard of!
(I just didn’t have a lot of stuff to draw for the last chapter, haha. We’ll see how this one goes.)
Haha another reference to people traveling “in the van”. Guess I’ll have to draw another Volkswagen ;-P
Aww, Merry is left behind…poor thing. Poor all of them, really.
“Bergil was with him, and he also was downcast; for his father was to march leading a company of the Men of the City: he could not rejoin the Guard until his case was judged.” Oh nooo, Bergil, bby 🥺 Has to watch his father leave, wondering if he’ll come back. Argh.
And Merry has to do the same thing with Pippin!! Argh! This is just like that one scene in the movie, but without Aragorn at his side to comfort him…
“Everyone that he cared for had gone away into the gloom that hung over the distant eastern sky; and little hope at all was left in his heart that he would ever see any of them again.” Merry noooooooo 😭😭
“He was roused by the touch of Bergil’s hand. ‘Come, Master Perian!’ said the lad. ‘You are still in pain, I see. I will help you back to the Healers. But do not fear! They will come back. The Men of Minas Tirith will never be overcome. And now they have the Lord Elfstone, and Beregond of the Guard too.’” BBY SON 😭😭😭 Bergil has inherited his father’s defiant optimism. You keep up your spirits, buddy.
The king’s head!! They put the king’s head back on the statue!!
And they broke the bridge to Minas Morgul and set fire to the sickly white flowers. Good. This may only be small pocket change compared to the might of Mordor, but any way they can destroy the darkness and ruin and replace it with beauty and light is a good thing.
Imrahil urging them to use the name “King Elessar” for the psychic damage is GoodTM.
Aragorn guessing the mind of Sauron is giving me huge Death Note vibes. “He knows that I know that he knows, etc. etc…”
Oh now this is interesting. Some of the men from Rohan and Lossnarch are too afraid to keep going towards Mordor, so instead of scolding them, Aragorn tells them to turn back and take the port city of Cair Andros back from the enemy if they can. Some of them do, and it’s good, because they’ll still have the chance to prove their courage with a battle that’s more their speed. And others choose to stay with Aragorn, who treated their weakness with kindness.
I could make SO many spiritual parallels here, like SO many, but I think I’ll save that for a future essay post.
Ohhhhhohoho Mouth of Sauron time—
“At its head there rode a tall and evil shape, mounted upon a black horse, if horse it was; for it was huge and hideous, and its face was a frightful mask, more like a skull than a living head, and in the sockets of its eyes and in its nostrils there burned a flame.” OHOHOHO DUUUUUUUDE
Aragorn: *has a staring contest with the Mouth of Sauron* The Mouth: “I CAME OUT HERE TO HAVE A GOOD TIME AND I’M HONESTLY FEELING SO ATTACKED RIGHT NOW”
“And there to the wonder and dismay of all the Captains [the Messenger] held up first the short sword that Sam had carried, and next a grey cloak with an elven-brooch, and last the coat of mithril-mail that Frodo had worn wrapped in his tattered garments.” aND A BROKEN PAIR OF EYEGLASSES HAHAHA F R I C K—
Gandalf: “Bring out the halfling, and we’ll consider your terms!” The Mouth: “👀 Umm…ahaha…about that…er, ah, FOOLS! HOW DARE YOU CHALLENGE SAURON!”
I love the fact that the Mouth of Sauron panics here 🤣🤣 HE DOESN’T HAVE FRODO!! SAM CAME AND GOT HIM AND THEY ESCAPED! LOLOL
Actually, if you look at his words carefully, you can tell that Sauron actually has no idea how bad he fumbled this. He speaks of ONE Halfling, not two. He speaks of a SPY, not a carrier of the Ring. He briefly panics when Gandalf demands to see Frodo as evidence. Don’t you think Sauron would take the chance to brag about it, if he’d gotten the Ring back from Frodo?? But he hasn’t!! The Halfling(s) slipped through his grasp! And he has NO IDEA how big of a cock-up this is!!! HAHAHAHAHA GET REKT DIAPER-BABY
But in the moment, we don’t have time to pick apart his words. In the moment, the tiny army of the Free Peoples is surrounded by an enemy host more than ten times their size. It is reasonable to assume that they are all about to die. Hoooolyyyy crap.
Pippin thinking these grim thoughts about the end of his life, noooo. “I might as well die quickly and get it over with. It’s all gone wrong.” And he thinks of Merry, and he thinks of Frodo, and “I wish I could see cool sunlight and green grass again!”, and AAAAAHHHHHHH—
*sobbing* The Eagles are coming! The E-eagles are comi-hi-hiiing!
“‘This is my tale, and it is ended now. Good-bye!’ And his thought fled far away and his eyes saw no more.”
(I would just like to issue a formal note of gratitude to C. S. Lewis for not letting Tolkien HECKING KILL PIPPIN in this scene. You have done the Lord’s work, sir. We salute you.) EDIT: Sorry, this is an unconfirmed rumor started by the RotK movie trivia website. Should’ve checked my facts first. :-P More discussion can be found here.
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cynocardia · 9 months
hey, I’m fascinated by Sasha and the way you draw them, do you have any stories or info you want to share about them?
;_; i'm really glad you like them
god um. some of this may still be incomprehensible because it's missing context, they have literally so much lore
they're a contract negotiator for a pharmaceutical company, which they've been an employee of since the 1950s, because the company technically (though it now does its best to not be associated with that) started as an organized crime ring, which sasha worked as a cleaner for because they couldn't... get any other job, other employers just kept turning them away, so when a guy asked them if they wanted to do some janitorial work, they went sure! and then found out "janitorial work" really meant "cleaning up bodies"
the thing is that even after this, they didn't leave, because 1 they were scared 2 they were getting paid, which after being cut off by their legal guardians (something something no help for people with congenital disabilities in adulthood) they needed money for medical supplies, because i don't care that the mitrofanoff procedure didn't exist until the 1980s, i'm trying to make a point
eventually they graduate to enforcer due to "no one else left because their boss keeps killing their coworkers" but they're extremely adverse to it, and after their like kind of father figure i guess gets killed their final straw snaps, this aligns with morgan sniffing around, and when they're sent to quiet him they instead ask him for help because like at their heart sasha doesn't want to hurt people themself and doesn't want people to be hurt by others either, they are fucking literally terrified of themself due to both being a violent child and being treated like they're evil their entire life
anyway they never manage to "take walter down", he gets killed which is what puts an end to the group, and his son forms an actual pharmaceutical company out of its skeleton as an "apology to the public", due to the fact that walter was using a pharmacy he bought from small time business owners as a front. so the company becomes the fucking monster it is now, and sasha still needs the money, so they stay
and after a few years this like... leads to sasha and morgan to start clashing over issues of morality, until sasha gets morgan fired, at which point they split completely, because morgan realizes sasha is just... a corporate lap dog now
...... also that's all just pre story but it's the foundation of their character i guess. one foundation. help
whereas the actual story is just, um, "things get worse and worse relentlessly". idk how to do plot summaries. dr colt has been working on what would be a revolutionary heart medication for years with her team, and marie (... current ceo) freezes it for bullshit reasons, but then the company starts to go bankrupt until she picks dr colt's project back up, which secures a bunch of investors, she promises them they'll get their cut of the deal in another like 10 years, but they're not satisfied with that so she gets dr colt to find a way to speed up the process. dr colt discovers this way is dangerous. really bad things happen
i'm just using them as a device to rant about medical capitalism, though they're just one facet of it
and i was originally actually writing this but i am just... not well enough so i'm choosing alternate means of telling this story
and i do have so many like written scenes because "writing ahead" was one of the ways that helped me figure out like, sequencing, and i have had a comic sketched since october, i just need my like, hand to work
because writing is still one of the ways i want to do this i think, it's not the easiest but it's easier for me than like, comics
if i /had/ the ability to do so and i definitely don't i really do wish i could do an actual webcomic because i /know/ exactly what happens in this story and there isn't any real ending because it's just... i don't like, like stories where they take down the evil corporation especially when i'm trying to make a point, i like, like, just idk people surviving? because that's how it is irl, but
anyway um. yeah
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meganwasbored · 2 years
The Dragon Prince Thoughts Season 3 Episodes 3 and 4
Episode 3
-I’m sorry I know what Rayla’s parents did is probably a huge deal in Xadia but she had the audacity to say that she wishes her parents were dead when the boys are literally orphans now
-woah Callum that’s cultural appropriation cancelled
-“have you had a change of heart”
“No, but there’s something I want to tell you that might change your heart”
You see to me this came off as a burn but then you remember it’s Ezran and he’s probably being sincere
-Ezran being half Prince Kasef’s height is funny but also Kasef is a jerk and I want him to either go home or die because I can’t stand his attitude anymore
-who’s this dude and what’s he up to
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-I was literally smiling and giggling at my phone like a 6th grade girl because of how cute that scene was but now it’s ruined because apparently she’s a ghost???
-“Soren could’ve died!”
“That doesn’t matter!”
I’d say what I think of you but as a Christian woman I don’t even feel comfortable typing the words that are in my head right now
-we’re gonna ask Runaan? Is he not the one that is inside a coin as we speak?
-well that was sad, but I saw it coming
-we already knew Amaya had guts but dangggg
-also the fire elf lady almost looked like she felt bad that the queen is going to kill Amaya
-“he’s gone because you abandoned them” she’s a CHILD what the heck was she supposed to do that the other assassins couldn’t do
-“Claudia, did you really think I would ask him to do such a thing? Surely you know your brother is… easily confused” it’s the gaslighting for me
-he’ll really take any opportunity to insult Soren that he can get
-I swear if one more person makes Soren feel stupid
-oh this dude again
-he addressed Viren with respect and called him High Mage so obviously he’s in on all this
-“my heart goes out with this one”
“I promise I will return your heart to you”
imagine your otp
-if the literal fire elves can’t look at the light how is she supposed to
-we’re just gonna ignore the fact that it is humanly impossible for her to still be able to see at all ever again after that
-runaan’s flower isn’t all the way down which means they have to be freeing him from the coin eventually, I’m holding them to that
Episode 4
-bruh it literally just started and I already had to watch the pretty message bird die (ik it’s not actually alive but it screeched in pain when it was hit and that hurt me)
-big feelings time, that’s freaking adorable but also I’d rather die than unload my thoughts on someone else that’s what tumblr is for
-Zym: “uh oh mom and dad are fighting”
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Look at his FACE
-bro literally what’s stopping you from going to war on Xadia without Katolis he never tried to stop you he just said that Katolis would not be a part of it you have three armies why would you waste valuable time and resources fighting with us
-also what does that have to do with Viren
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-there isn’t any connection I just wanted to point out that Nyx is the ancient goddess and personification of night in Greek mythology
-it’s giving “hey little girl I’m your mom’s friend just get in this car and I’ll take you to her *wink wink*”
-obviously we don’t want people to die but just as many, probably more, people will die if we do what the Prince Kasef wants but then it will be doing something that we don’t even believe in, he brought other armies into your kingdom without permission and they all want to attack you right now why can’t we just attack them now?
-I just reread that and realized it makes no sense but it’s 1 am and I can’t think of another way to word it so good luck ig
-just want to acknowledge how pretty this giant giraffe/camel is
-this poor kid is going through the biggest ethical dilemma of his life because one man with the attitude of a toddler didn’t like being told no
-literally who even is this dude and what game is he playing
-I’m probably supposed to remember what the boomerang has to do with this but I’m drawing a blank
-why can’t we just let Bait be happy
-everything here is just so pretty all the time
-#1 rayllum shipper at the moment
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-so like he’s still trapped in the mirror…but not? Even if this this is like a ghost of his body and the real one is still in the mirror, if his brain or soul or whatever you want to call it can go outside of the mirror, is he really trapped at all?
-now the question is, is she making this face because she thinks they’re cute, or because she’s about to do something shifty and is glad that they’re leaving
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(edit: that was sarcasm but i just realized that that isn’t clear at all over text, obviously i know she’s up to something)
-y’all stop being so ominous and tell me what you’re going to do
-he really just went on a whole rant to a girl about how incredible she is and got surprised when she kissed him
-Callum you’re a freaking idiot
-you see I should be giggling at my phone like a 6th grade girl again rn but there’ll be time for that later because Ezran is in JAIL for NO REASON
-Nyx kidnapped Zym didn’t she, I feel like she’s someone who would do that
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do u have a favourite lonan and harrison moment?
oh my god SO MANY. One of the first is the veeeery earliest Lonanasona moment from wayyy back in 2015 (book 3 of Fostered, YA dystopian). 13-year-old Rachel was ON IT.
I think in recent years, it's the spin-the-bottle scene in Seventh Virtue which I shared before but I'll share again! I love this scene so much because they're actually flirting WITH each other
OKAY ALSO I love the scene in Feeding Habits when Harrison and Lonan are like we'renotgoingtosleeptogetherwe'renotgoingto- and then do HAHA.
All under the cut w/ my commentary!
Book 3 (2015):
Context is Reeve and Foster are a COUPLE & have been having a chill romantic evening while Lonan and Harrison are out on a ~~mission (let's ignore the fact that the mission is them visiting Harrison's dead girlfriend's grave as an olive branch between them because a) HE'S GAY and b) Lonan is the one who killed her :) ICING OUT THE COMPETITION?? /j).
I think they're 19 here! Scene with my commentary:
“You’ve been hanging out with Ris all day – how do we know that you two haven’t done anything?” Foster asks, and Lonan and Harrison’s faces go pale white. << WELL I WONDER WHY. They turn their heads to stare at each other, looking back in horror, before Harrison starts pacing around the room. This time, he’s slow, and lazy.
“I think – I think I’m gonna… I’m gonna throw up.” Harrison says, and does actually gag, but thankfully keeps his insides in. << NOT EVEN TRYING TO BE CONVINCING BABE
“You know,” Lonan starts, still pale white. “I second that. Foster you’ve just scarred me for life.” <<< ME WHEN I LIE
"What? It’s a… a perfectly normal and acceptable possibility –” << FOSTER SAID GAY RIGHTS
“Really Foster? With Loner? Oh my god, out of all of the guys in this world, you paired me up with LONER?” << the CAPS LOL
“Yeah, well why not? You both seem awfully close –” << HE RIGHT THO
Harrison screams loudly and does look sick to his stomach when I catch his face. “I’d rather die.” << FOR HIM YOU MEAN??
“Me too.” Lonan adds, and I laugh, crossing my legs and arms out in front of me. << LONAN THIS IS NOT CONVINCING AT ALL
“Let’s just all agree that we’re very busy people, and don’t have time to do… other things with anyone no matter their gender.” I say. <<< I SAY THIS TO MYSELF EVERY DAY
“Agreed.” They chorus together, and that’s the end of that.
More of that:
Shaking his head with a laugh, Foster wipes the back of his hand against his mouth and turns back to Ris. “How’d your trip go?”
“How’d your trip go?” Harrison fires back, head between his knees like he’s trying to calm the nausea. “All this love bullshit is driving me nuts.” << WHY SO DEFENSIVE HAHA THEY DEFINITELY FUCKED
“Is that because your feelings for Lonan are so strong –”
“Oh fuck you! If I liked a guy – and there’s nothing wrong with that – that guy would not be Loner –” <<< LOL
“You guys are practically a married old couple. You even have nicknames for each other…” << MEANT TO BE
Seventh Virtue (2021):
In the canon projects, Lonan and Harrison are :) disasters :) and Lonan also doesn't want to be in a relationship with Harrison (LIES but he's afraid lol), so there's so much angst at the foundation of their relationship. Seventh Virtue is different because their origin story is completely changed. From the start, they're attracted to each other and flirt from the moment they meet!
This scene has it all: Harrison DRAWING, sexual tension, banter, Lonan actually being a confident person!!! Everything they want in canon but suck too bad to have LMAO.
Context: Harrison is quite literally Lonan's prisoner <3 sexy <3
On Harrison and Lonan’s fifth unofficial date, Lonan brought dinner for two. Harrison had been scumbling a portrait of the man five cells over onto the concrete floor, or at least had attempted to. He’d managed to snag an HB pencil off the medic the second time she’d come to inspect his palm. She’d wielded a clipboard then, and had gone down a list of symptoms, most likely for sepsis. Harrison waited for when she’d finished ticking off each box with the pencil, then asked her to re-examine his wound. He said he’d felt a sudden burning and was concerned about an infection. With one hand clutched in the medic’s, he used the other to slip the pencil from the clipboard’s holster, and so, it was his.
He didn’t bother hiding this find from Lonan. Their mutual understanding was that Harrison would take what he pleased while in custody, and Lonan would be too impressed by his skill to reprimand him. At least Harrison hoped he’d be impressed. He was a thief, not blind.
“Have you come to poison me?” Harrison asked, gesturing to the silver pots Lonan had shuffled in on a red plastic tray. “I’ve always wanted to be poisoned. There’s something kind of sexy about never knowing the exact moment the poison really kicks in.” << LOL he's down bad
Lonan settled the tray on the ground. After a moment, he took a seat in front of it, taking care to adjust his freshly-ironed trousers. << typical
“You’re in CEO mode today,” Harrison said, mildly furious but also disgustingly satisfied by the clean wash of his blue button-up. “The last time you were here you were all Casual Friday.”
Lonan unscrewed the cap of the first pot. It steamed, swelled the holding cells with the scent of chili and anise. Harrison’s stomach lurched at the smell; in truth, he had not eaten well since his capture, and that must’ve been days prior, perhaps even a full week before. The man who did bring his three daily meals often dropped the containers purposefully so Harrison had two choices: starve, or eat off the floor like an animal. Sweat pearled on his forehead the more containers Lonan opened.
“I know,” Harrison said, trying to distract himself from his hunger by shading the portrait’s eye. Hatch, hatch, hatch. “You’re here to make me your official food taster.” Hatch. “You said you wanted to give me a job.” Hatch, hatch, hatch. “I’ll never know what I’m going to get.” Hatch. “Kung pao chicken or cyanide.”
“You’re left-handed.” << this delivery is SOOO Lonan
Harrison nearly took out the portrait’s eye. “What?” he asked.
Lonan undid the lid of the final silver pot; it shimmered with broth. He gestured toward the pencil, stubby and clutched in Harrison’s palm. “I’m going to have to confiscate that, you know.” Lonan laid out each pot on the cold floor, then unveiled two plastic plates, and a set of pre-packaged cutlery. “I hope you’re not allergic to anything.”
“So you cut me, arrest me, throw me down here, and now you want to dine with me?” << HA
“Yes,” Lonan said. He ripped open his cutlery packet, slipped out the black fork. As he unloaded bouts of fried rice, mounds of glossed orange chicken, and a generous helping of black pepper beef, he added, “And I didn’t cut you. You did that yourself.”
Harrison snorted. Oh god, he was starving. He wasn’t sure how long he could keep up the façade before he started drooling. “That’s because you were going to stab me in the gut,” he said.
“I wasn’t going to stab you.” << normal tuesday for them
“So what were you going to do with the knife? Use it to play spin the bottle with me?” << the LEAP LOL
Lonan arched a brow. “Would you like to play spin the bottle with me?”
“If you’re the one I’d kiss, then sure.”
This made them both smile, sort of. They equally bit their amusement for the other, tried to pocket it, ignore it, but it was there, their tangible joy. << EEEEE
“Please stop being stubborn and come eat something,” Lonan said, after a moment had passed.
“Please?” Harrison crossed his arms, slotting the pencil into his jacket pocket. “What else are you willing to do to convince me? You said I’m valuable, right?” << WHAT ELSE ARE YOU WILLING TO DO TO CONVINCE ME HAHA
“I don’t think I used those words, but sure.”
“Then show me why I should accept your takeout instead of starving myself to death.”
Lonan sighed. There really was little to gain in Harrison’s challenge. He actually had not planned on starving himself to death, but the idea of using his life as a bargaining chip excited him. Whatever skill he had, he could use to push and pull Lonan. He was valuable. Still, he stayed exactly where he was, trying not to vomit at the smell of good food he certainly wanted so badly.
Harrison watched Lonan as he rose, slowly, dusting himself as he went, bringing his set of cutlery with him. There was very little point to this—the holding cells, all located in a damp, sunless basement, were akin to dust bowls. There was no way to avoid it. Still, he flicked lint off his good shirt, adjusted his collar. Then he walked toward Harrison and kneeled in front of him.
It was more of a treat than a threat to have Lonan so close. He was maddeningly put-together, smelled once again of vanilla and sandalwood. He was the type of person who likely carried a comb around with them—his hair was split perfectly down the middle, a thin, pale thread indicating his parting. When he looked at Harrison, his eyes like burning forget-me-nots, Harrison looked at the portrait he’d half-finished. This is why he didn’t understand what the sound was, a plasticky whirring, until he glanced back in Lonan’s direction. << THE WAY I'M ONLY NOW REALIZING THAT THE WAY LONAN CONVINCES HARRISON TO EAT IS TO PLAY SPIN THE BOTTLE WITH HIM THEREFORE SUGGESTING HE'S GOING TO KISS HIM AHHH BECAUSE HE KNOWS THAT'S WHAT HARRISON WANTS AHHHH
A plastic knife twirled along the concrete, slowing to a stop at Harrison. He should not have been surprised that this is what that godforsaken handsome devil had done. It was both sweet, and irritating.
When Lonan reached for Harrison’s injured hand that at this point, had healed almost fully due to the medic’s assistance, Harrison didn’t resist. A line of butterflies fluttered through his chest. Lonan’s touch was cold. Disastrously careful. He turned it so his palm was face up and they both saw its wide, neat stitches. The medic had done a good job. In a day or so, Harrison would be back to normal, like nothing ever happened. But still, Lonan held his hand. Then like a prince, he bowed his head and kissed it. <<< OKAY LONAN HAS GAME LONAN HAS GAME
Feeding Habits (2021):
I love this scene because it's just the epitome of... them. Trying to do everything right and still managing to do everything SO wrong, not communicating properly being their love language, etc, etc. Talking about murder right before they kiss, LOL.
Harrison breaks their rule, or maybe they choose to break it together. There they are, draped across a single mattress, one on each side. Harrison considered splitting the bed with pillows, though there are only two and currently two heads that need supporting. He also considered rolling off his side and crashing, literally, on the floor, but maybe it’s the wine, or maybe he’s just tired, or maybe it’s something else entirely, a weak pulse in his throat aching for something familiar, or the veil of something familiar at the very least. He doesn’t know what he expects. If, in some fleeting, idiotic thought, he imagines a reality where they’ll somehow find the other, fuse bodies. That they’ll swap skin, breathe into each other’s mouths. In reality, sleeping next to Lonan after all this time is so much like sleeping alone. << this LINE
“Do you miss him?”
Harrison startles. Though he’s so hyper-aware of the person next to him, the smallest amount of space he attempts to occupy, it’s surprising to hear Lonan speak. Harrison foresaw this trip as being one giant loop of silence. It’s past midnight now—he expected this silence to intensify by this point. In some ways, it does. When Lonan swallows, nervous or maybe in severe need of water, Harrison hears the way his body seizes against the mattress, like he’s stopped breathing in that millisecond.
“Your mother told me Foster boarded with you for a few months.”
“Boarded makes it sound so formal,” Harrison says. It could have been, and in ways, might have been, the distance between two friends enough to make things feel palpably strange. In the mornings, Harrison would find Foster already awake, and they’d greet each other, saying, Hello, Hello, How are you, How are you. It was no one’s fault but Harrison’s—it was much easier to live blandly, in a safe cycle of dullness. One day, Foster was there, making an effort, trying to be a friend, and the next, he’d packed up, probably doubting his ability to be a person for how little Harrison wanted to interact with him. Even now, it’s difficult to feel guilty, even though Harrison should be. He understands he did not deserve the hand he’d been extended, and also understands he had no obligation to take it, no matter how much he should have. It’s selfish, how easily he rejected Foster’s presence, but also human. Or at least this is how he justifies it to himself.
“Do you miss him?”
“Is this question about yourself?” << JSJDJNSKJ Harrison turns to him, his jaw peaked delicately in profile. Lonan doesn’t meet his gaze, but Harrison knows he wants to. The very dome of his eyes glimmer, straining against the need to move. Harrison wets his lips, inhales, and as if tempting the eyes, says, “I didn’t miss you, Lonan,” despite how much of a lie this is. << AT LEAST HE ADMITS HE'S LYING HA
This gets the reaction he wants: Lonan turns also, and there he is, an open face, ready, so easy to ingest. Harrison could do so many things to that face. << OH CHRIST He could pry it right open, unlock the secrets woven across it and take them for himself. He could scream into it as if it’s the gaping hole that once was his ceiling back at the apartment, a space that never ended and also a space he never wanted to leave. Instead, he lifts a hand, and presses it right against it.
Lonan is cyan in the moonlight, but unexpectedly warm. This is another thing that’s wrong. Where did he get it—all this blood needling his body? Since when did he live, this walking dead man?
“You’re dead,” Harrison says, or maybe he whispers this, or maybe he only justifies even uttering this because of the wine. Lonan’s skin twitches, and this is disarming, how it deliberately betrays what Harrison says. It should be easy to control. Things this hidden always are.
“Then who killed me?” Lonan asks. Everything about him hums—his chest, his lips, his throat.
Harrison moves. He shouldn’t. God, that wine. But there he shifts, close enough to hear the weak rattle of Lonan’s heart. He once knew this sound so well, but even now, its rhythm is so unfamiliar. “Could’ve been anyone.”
“But who?”
“Me,” Harrison says. “Or Eliza. Or maybe we did it together. So many possibilities and so many outcomes.” << will graham behaviour
This is true. If he thinks about it, Harrison can nearly visualize the alternate life paths that could’ve been triggered right on the motel wall. What if things had gone differently? Consider the butterfly effect: what would have happened all those months ago, had Harrison returned to Eliza’s apartment, brought Lonan’s gum back with him because he’s a good man, not a leech? What would have happened if Lonan packed whatever of his things he kept in that Vegas apartment, shoved them in a car Harrison didn’t own, and split the drive back to the east fifty-fifty? What would have happened if they’d settled in Brooklyn and not Manhattan, a more familiar city to Harrison, brand new for Lonan? What would have happened if they’d both gotten jobs at the same convenience store, spent most of their time working eight-hour days, but sometimes, and only sometimes, having enough time to lie with each other on a potential futon and watch rented foreign films they had no desire in returning? What would have happened if they’d turned into each other’s bodies, learned the places they could absorb into the other and allowed just that to happen—a blending of cells, one by one. How would they know one another—would they know one another? The minute change the hardwood floors would make depending on who stepped, the exact minute they’d usually wake up? Would it have been easier then, to fully convince themselves their relationship was right? Stable? Ready? What would have happened if they’d landed anywhere but here, at some cheap motel, sweating through their clothes because the heater is turned up so high? Oh, trapped in this initial condition. << this. paragraph.
Maybe they move closer to each other at the same time. Lonan’s wisped hair brushing Harrison’s forehead. Harrison’s hand heavying into Lonan’s living skin. Maybe this is just a single one of their infinite possibilities, where they breathe into each other’s mouths, so close they’ve nearly fused. Maybe this is just one outcome, where Lonan’s inhale rattles, and Harrison’s exhale does the exact same thing. One outcome where Lonan admits, “I’m asking about myself,” and his previous question doesn’t even need to be repeated. One outcome where Harrison nudges his top lip against a mouth he doesn’t know, but in another time could have, recognizing its unfamiliarity immediately as he says, “I didn’t think about you at all.”
I'M SCCCRRREAMING HAHA gotta analyze harrison's "i didn't think about you at all" for the podcast!
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bard-llama · 2 years
WiP Wednesday: The Seduction of the Innocent
Okay, firstly, this entire idea is really the brainchild of myself and steveelotaku and we’ve had fun coming up with stuff for it. The title is his suggestion - based on that crackpot book written about Batman and Robin being gay and corrupting the youth of America. It’s PERFECT for a fic that is all about Zuko writing a comic strip to help support his thesis as he goes to Ba Sing Se University lol
Premise: Zuko needs a hobby to keep himself occupied during the idle times of teaserving/vigilantism - and ends up writing. His new BFF Jin also suggests that he apply for Ba Sing Se University when his history of researching the Avatar and their cultures comes out. So Zuko ends up writing a thesis that studying ancient/declining cultures (Air Nomads and the Water Tribes) is worthwhile in the world today (bc the Water Tribes still exist and there’s 1 living Air Nomad). To help make his point/spread knowledge about the different cultures, he and Jin end up creating a comic series about The Adventures of the Blue Spirit and the Avatar (and co). Through the hijinks of the Blue Spirit and the Avatar traveling around the world (remember, there’s no war in Ba Sing Se), they fight crime and evildoers and teach each other about their cultures.
So, right now I’m thinking this is actually 2 fics: a prequel and a sequel. The prequel will be all about establishing Zuko going to Uni and creating the comic and some of its effects (it’s REALLY popular with kids!). The sequel is when the Gaang (Zuko coined the name) finds out about the comics and read them - and then Aang, who KNOWS who the Blue Spirit is, goes looking for the author to confront them. He suspects it’s Zuko, but he doesn’t actually BELIEVE that it’s really Zuko. After all, how could ZUKO get into Ba Sing Se and why would he write comics explaining how the Air Nomads believed in peace?
(For those that dislike shipping in atla, the sequel will have some Zuko/Aang, but probably T-rated teens dating. Not wholly sure yet, but I think the whole series will be T)
So far, I have a few random scenes written, so I’ll share some snippets here, but also, I HAVE to tell you about what steveelotaku came up with for the comic!!!
The Comics
So like I said, the premise of the comics is: the adventures the Gaang + the Blue Spirit get up to, while fighting off their standard array of villains. (Credit for these goes to steveelotaku, who is incredible and came up with GREAT villains!)
The Big Bad: Fire Lord Ozai
But, I hear you say, there’s no war in Ba Sing Se! So how-? Well, the answer is - Zuko REALLY wanted to draw his dad receiving a pie to the face (look, he’s upset about the whole traitor thing and he needs an outlet) from Aang, so he invented a silly Silver Age Comics campy reason for why the Fire Lord hates the Avatar: the Avatar blew storm clouds over his parade and RUINED his hair! (Ozai hates getting wet 😂)
Other Recurring Villains:
Sparkler, the Princess of Pyromania: Fire-themed villain with a mysterious connection to the Blue Spirit and a grudge against them
The Koan: Basically Buddhist Riddler. "What is the sound of one hand picking your pocket?"  "If a building blows up, and no one is around to see it, did I commit a crime?"
The Cabbage Merchant of Death: Literally just the cabbage merchant, but breeding his cabbages to attack humanity as vengeance for overturning his cart. (The Cabbage Merchant actually loves the comics and his portrayal. Someone recognized his plight! So he taped one of the panels to his cart.)
The Tapestry: Literally a guy dressed in a tapestry who makes horrible weaving jokes and uses sharp threads. "Knit one, purl-oin two gold bars!"
The Ember Island Jester: The only actor to be fired from the Ember Island Players, because his jokes were terrible. His crimes are all theater-themed and he wears a comedy mask. "Four nations, all alike in dignity, all ripe for the plundering!" "It's curtains for you, Blue Spirit! -drops a heavy curtain on him-"
The Nightingale: Basically the Penguin, but with an army of robot nightingales, like in the old Chinese fable about the Emperor who forgot how a nightingale had brought him joy when a mechanical one is given to him, only for it to save him later. Only this time, the Nightingale is some minor noble who got fired and now keeps pestering Ozai with his robot nightingales and Ozai has to call for the Blue Spirit, much to his frustration. "The Nightingale sings the song of your doom!" Aang: "How does that go?" "Uh...doom! DOOM DOOM DOOM! DOOM doom DOOOOOM!"
Okay, so those are our Villains. Now what about our heroes? Remember, the Gaang is being written by Zuko - who may do lots and lots of research and maybe has stalked them on occasion, but still doesn’t really KNOW them.
The Blue Spirit - Zuko goes in hard on the tropes, so the Blue Spirit is totally the broody badboy. He has a secret identity that no one knows. Also, he tells tea jokes and makes tea puns. Iroh is very proud.
Aang, The Avatar - Aang is the epitome of “peace, love, and happiness make the world go round” (real Aang finds this hilarious) but he’s also an incurable prankster
Toph, The Avatar’s Earthbending Teacher - Toph is the buffest, littlest character there is and it is unclear whether she beats villains with her bending or her fists or if the two are one and the same.
Katara, The Avatar’s Waterbending Teacher - Katara is the scariest motherfucker on the team and Zuko stands by that. She has some of the corny “hope” lines, complementing Aang, but mostly, it’s her determination that makes her scary. When she decides something, it happens. (Zuko might be projecting a bit, but he’s not wrong.)
Sokka, The Avatar’s Jester/Strategist - Sokka is the straight forward comic relief and is a walking joke, but he does tend to suggest the plans that work... they’re just very, very ridiculous, in line with Silver Age comics ridiculousness.
And some choice lines by steveelotaku:
"Holy cumulus, Blue Spirit! The Fire Nation's set fire to the tea tree grove!" "The fiends! It's not enough for them to boil it too long--now they're roasting it to ashes!" "Halt, Blue Spirit! Your pathetic crusade of justice stops here!" "It's that suspicious sous-chef of sabotage, Serial Griller! Fire Lord Ozai's right hand cook!" "That's right, Blue Blunder! And today's special is deep fried masked man with a side of Avatar fries!"
"Blue Spirit! Help!" "By the subtle tang of oolong tea! Avatar, you're turning into a were-bison!" Not a trick! Not an imaginary story! The Avatar's best friend might just be his doom! Can Aang and the Blue Spirit survive...THE NIGHT OF THE APPA-LLING WERE-BISON?!
AND NOW, THE SECRET ORIGIN OF THE BLUE SPIRIT: A nameless warrior stands on the battlefield in the pouring rain. Another village massacred, the survivors left for dead. He alone had dared to speak against this heinous crime, and for that he was cast out from the only family he had. Hiding within a teahouse, he took with him the one souvenir of that battle he dared to claim--the mask of the Blue Spirit, a warrior who had fought for justice against his cruel oppressors. Now, the warrior takes the mantle for himself--to find redemption, or die trying!
The Beginning
Zuko needed a hobby, was the thing. He was really, really busy in Ba Sing Se, between being a tea server and being the Blue Spirit. But there was a lot of idle time in both roles and Zuko just needed something to keep him occupied. It wasn’t supposed to turn into a big thing.
Only one day, Jin had caught him writing at the teashop and demanded to read it and… look. It was just a lark. It was just a funny little idea that he was toying with. It didn’t mean anything.
It was in the afternoon lull and Uncle was, fortunately, in the backroom, doing tea things. Meanwhile, Zuko’s only other customer was an old accountant who was always buried in their books and never registered anything going on around them. They liked Pao’s strongest tea.
This meant that there was no one else around to see the look on Jin’s face when she read through his scrawled handwriting – he was much better at writing with a calligraphy brush, but these days, charcoal was as good as it got – depicting a silly dialogue exchange between the Blue Spirt and the Avatar. It was just one of the questions he’d always wanted to ask the Avatar, one that wasn’t really important, but that had bothered him until he’d researched it anyway.
“Li,” she said slowly.
Zuko gulped. “Yeah?”
“This… this is good,” she said with a tone of wonder. “Seriously, I really like this!”
“You… do?” Zuko blinked, not sure what to do with that. “But it’s – it’s–”
“Funny? Enjoyable? Cute?”
“Bullshit,” Jin said bluntly. “You’re allowed to enjoy dumb things, Li. As long as it’s fun, what else matters?”
Zuko frowned. That was not a philosophy about life that he was familiar with.
“Do you think the Avatar really throws pies in people’s faces?” Jin asked with a laugh.
“Oh, that bit I can confirm,” Zuko flashed a brief grin. “I found a letter from the King of Omashu to the Southern Air Temple that very specifically said Aang and his friends had pie’d the King’s Guard.”
Jin blinked. “What do you mean, you found a letter?”
“Oh,” Zuko bit his lip, realizing he really shouldn’t have said that. “I, um. I… studied the Avatar. For a long time. And the Air Nomads and the Water Tribes, a little bit.”
“Really?” Jin looked excited, of all things. “That’s so cool! So you were a mini scholar before tragedy struck, huh? Are you gonna try to apply for Ba Sing Se University? You should!”
“I… what?”
“It’s not often someone from the Lower Ring gets accepted,” Jin said, “but it does happen! And I know you’d study really hard and there are scholarships and things to help pay for it. You should try!”
“I’ll… think about it?” Zuko said, taken entirely off guard.
“You should write more, too,” Jin encouraged. “Honestly, it’s a really fun scene. I kinda wanna draw it.”
Jin’s family ran what was probably one of the best places in town to get writing and illustration done on a budget. This meant that Jin spent a lot of time drawing what she called ‘very boring adverts’. He wouldn’t think his scene was that interesting either, but Jin’s face was genuine and she smiled at him.
“Really?” he couldn’t help but ask.
“Yeah, absolutely,” Jin grinned, “just the visual of the Fire Lord getting a pie in the face–” she broke down laughing.
Zuko flushed. It was possible he was a bit upset with his father for marking him as a traitor and sending his sister to bring him home in chains. And it wasn’t like a little pie had ever hurt anyone…
During Zuko’s Tour of Ba Sing Se University (from the POV of the admissions tour guide)
“As part of your curriculum. You don’t study other cultures, like the Water Tribes and the Air Nomads?”
There was a loud scoff from behind Min and she turned to see Professor Lang sneering down his nose at the kid. 
“Of course not,” he said. “What use is there in studying ancient civilizations?”
The kid looked confused for a brief moment… and then he got mad, and wow, he was actually kind of scary underneath that scruffy unkemptness. 
“The Water Tribes aren’t dead! And even if the Air Nomads are, there’s still reason to learn about them!”
“And what, pray tell, would that be?”
The kid had a pretty impressive snarl. “The Earth Kingdom has trade contracts relating to the Water Tribes, who are still alive. And there’s one living Air Nomad now, too!”
Min blinked. What did that mean?
“Pah,” Professor Lang spat. “The Avatar is not part of any culture.”
The what? 
“The Avatar isn’t told until they turn sixteen. Until that age, Avatar Aang was and still is an Air Nomad.”
“The… Avatar?” Min said vaguely. How had she not heard about this? “The Avatar is back? And they’re an Air Nomad!?”
The kid looked scared for a moment. Perhaps he could sense how closely they danced to the dangerous territory of current events. 
“Yeah,” he said slowly. “We, um. We heard before coming to Ba Sing Se that the Avatar is back. And – and he’s an Air Nomad. So there’s relevance in understanding the Air Nomad culture! Because, like…” he visibly flailed for an example that would be acceptable, “like family!” He held up his finger triumphantly. “Culture affects what words mean. In the Earth Kingdom, family is defined as your clan, tied to you through blood, marriage, or contract. In the Water Tribes, the whole tribe is family and everything is done in service to that family. But to the Air Nomads? They defined family as people chosen based on who you wanted in your life. They did not recognize blood ties.”
Min and Professor Lang both stared at the kid. 
“How – how do you know that?” Professor Lang asked eventually.
The kid froze. “I, um. I did a lot of research on – on the Avatar and, and their cultures. I’m not making it up! One of their core tenets was that the blood of the covenant was thicker than water of the womb, meaning those who share their vows are more kin than those who share their blood. They were more concerned with spirituality and behavior.” The kid sighed heavily. “I wish my old library hadn’t burned. I had some amazing finds.”
Min’s eyebrow arched. That almost made it sound like, despite the current state of things, this kid had some noble background. Well, well. That changed things.
She clapped her hands together. “This sounds like an excellent topic for a thesis, don’t you agree, Professor Lang?”
“A – what?”
“A thesis, of course. You have an argument to make – that ancient/declining cultures still have a role in our society. Through your course of study here at Ba Sing Se, you will learn how to draft an effective argument, backed by primary sources.”
“I had primary sources!” the kid said, sounding strangely offended.
“Of course,” Min allowed.
“You want this disrespectful brat to write a thesis on such an absurd topic!?” Professor Lang burst out.
“He argued his point well, did he not?” Min shrugged, smiling pleasantly. 
“I have another one,” the kid – Li, according to her file – said. “The Air Nomads were pacifists. They didn’t believe in consuming the flesh of any creature, because in their view, violence was abhorrent in any form. So think about it… the – the Avatar’s job is to bring peace and balance to the world, right?”
Min took a sharp breath. That was coming a little too close to–
“Well, Air Nomads were very devoted to peace. They have eighty-seven words for peace, all of which mean different things. Some of which, if applied to the nations by the Avatar, would face significant dissent. So in dealing with the Avatar, it’s important to know that you need to clarify the meaning of things being discussed.”
“And you expect to be ‘dealing with the Avatar’, do you?” Professor Lang sneered.
Li opened his mouth, closed it, then opened it again. “Of course not,” he said, “but that’s precisely why the study of these cultures is so significant! Because if it’s not widespread knowledge, then we’re all at a disadvantage.”
Min clapped, “well said. What is knowledge but a tool for the betterment of ourselves?”
“...right,” Li nodded hesitantly.
(For those curious, Professor Lang knows about Aang because the Gaang and Joo Dee went by the university when they first came to Ba Sing Se - but the visit was kept moderately hush hush, because talking about the Avatar can mean talking about the war. This changes when the comic takes off.)
From the next scene
Jin was pacing in Pao’s Teashop as they all waited excitedly to hear the results of Li’s visit to the university. Mushi was channeling his anxiety into making lots of tea, so Jin was spending far more than she should on new pots, but at least sipping tea gave her something to do.
Finally, Li opened the door – and jerked back as everyone in the teashop – four of the afternoon regulars and Jin, plus one couple that had no idea what was going on – rounded on him.
“Well? How did it go?”
“Uh.” Li scratched his head. “I think I’m a student now?”
Jin blinked. “I thought you were just going to apply?”
“So did I,” Li shrugged. “And then I got into an argument with a professor during the tour–”
Everyone groaned collectively.
“Oh, Nephew,” Mushi sighed, coming out from behind the counter and ushering Li into the room.
“Of course you did,” Jin laughed.
“But it was fine,” Li huffed. “In fact, I think it actually helped me? I guess I’m writing a thesis on the Avatar and also why studying other cultures matters?”
“You’re… what?” Mushi said blankly.
Li shrugged helplessly. “It just kinda happened.”
Now we skip waaaaaaay ahead to the sequel, to when the Gaang (well, Aang specifically) finds out about The Adventures of the Blue Spirit and the Avatar
It started with an innocently overheard conversation at a bakery near their Upper Ring house while waiting for the new pies to cool.
“Did you read it?” one girl hissed to another. “Did you see!?”
“Yes!” the second girl sounded so excited that it was hard to control her volume. “I told you! It’s real! Spiritar is canon!”
“I just can’t believe it,” the only boy amongst the group murmured. “I didn’t see it coming at all.”
“That’s because you never listen to us,” the first girl sniffed. “I called the Blue Spirit x Avatar Aang coming from miles away.”
The… what?
Aang blinked, turning to stare at them. “I’m sorry, did you say Avatar?” he asked hesitantly.
“Yeah, who’s asking – oh sweet spirits, it’s the Avatar!” the boy looked like he was about to hyperventilate.
“Um. Hi,” Aang waved awkwardly.
The two girls squeaked and flushed red. “Hi,” they managed, one more easily than the other.
“Did you say something about – about the Blue Spirit and the Avatar?”
“Oh spirits,” the second girl whispered under her breath. “Oma and Shu, why would you do this to us?”
“Okay, so,” the first girl cleared her throat. “Um, let’s start at the beginning. Are you familiar with The Adventures of the Blue Spirit and the Avatar?”
“The… huh?” Aang’s mouth twisted in confusion. Who was the Blue Spirit and what did they have to do with him?
There was a cleared throat from next to them and another woman in the bakery stood behind them. “Hi, I’m sorry, I couldn’t help but overhear and – I have a binder just for this purpose.” She pulled out a thick binder full of papers and thudded it down on the table. Then she opened it to a page that had two figures cut out from an inked illustration. One was obviously Aang, though his arrows weren’t quite that big – but the other… the other was–
“The Blue Spirit, you called them?” Aang asked, staring at the mask that he remembered with stark distinction. If the stranger in the mask hadn’t saved him…
But then, of course, the stranger turned out to not be so strange after all. Aang could still feel the rough bark under his fingers as he played with it, waiting for Zuko to wake up.
If we knew each other then, do you think we could’ve been friends? he’d asked, and Zuko hadn’t actually answered, but the blast of fire spoke many words.
“You don’t know them?” the girls all looked up at him with a broken sort of hope.
“I – I do,” Aang answered hesitantly. “But I never got their name.”
“Yes!” two of them high fived and Aang just stared at them. “Uh, sorry.”
“Anyway,” the girl with the binder said, “The Adventures of the Blue Spirit and the Avatar, originally simply titled the Blue Spirit, is a serial comic created by Li and Jin. They’re two artists in the Lower Ring, if you can believe that. But Li attends Ba Sing Se University!”
“Uh. Okay?”
She cleared her throat, flushing. “Um, at any rate, the comics are aimed at children and Li has been recorded as saying that he wanted to explain cultural differences through a fun story. And they deliver! The characters are great, the dialogue is snappy, the illustration is beautiful, and the plots are silly but fun.”
“Nothing will ever top the Fire Lord getting pie’d in the face, though,” the first girl said nostalgically.
“What?” Aang asked.
“Oh, I have that in my binder!” The girl flipped through several pages and landed on a comic panel pasted onto the paper. It depicted – exactly what they said. Fire Lord Ozai – who Aang had never actually seen in person, but he had seen a few paintings and it looked pretty accurate – receiving a cream pie to the face. Actually, the pie was drawn pretty well, too – it even had the lemon curd filling that Aang and Master Gyatso used to add for extra gooeyness.
That was surely just a coincidence, though. Right? It wasn’t like the Blue Spirit could really be–
“It’s a really famous picture now,” the girl with the binder whispered to Aang. “It’s the only thing like it that hasn’t been censored by the Dai Li. See, in The Adventures of the Blue Spirit and the Avatar, the Fire Lord has a legitimate reason to hate the Avatar.”
…was stopping him from destroying the world not legitimate?
“Oh, I love this one. Show him the comic strip!”
“Here it is!”
Aang looked down to see a single panel of Fire Lord Ozai, this time wailing, “my hair!”
“The Avatar was flying a kite,” one girl explained, “and he was messing with the wind currents – but it made storm clouds fall on the Fire Lord’s parade and ruined his hair!” They all chortled. “Literally you rained on his parade!”
Aang… did not know how to react to that.
“So anyway, the Avatar and his friends join the Blue Spirit and fight crime and evildoers!”
“Yeah, the Blue Spirit is a vigilante, you know that, of course,” one girl said and actually, Aang had not known that. “So they team up with the Avatar and with the whole Gaang–”
“Oh yeah, isn’t it great? It’s ‘gang’ but with 2 ‘a’s, like your name! To encompass all of you together!”
Aang hummed. He did like it, actually. Sokka would be upset that he hadn’t come up with it.
Especially if the person who did come up with it was really–
But surely it couldn’t be. How would Zuko have even gotten into Ba Sing Se?
From the confrontation between Aang and Zuko after Aang tracks down the creators of the comics (with some shippiness)
“Soooo,” Jin drawled, sprawling in a booth in the otherwise empty teashop, “guess what happened today?”
Zuko, busy wiping down a table, didn’t answer.
“C’mon, guess! It’ll interest you, I promise.”
“I dunno. You… had an idea for a comic?”
“That happens every day, Li,” she said flatly.
Zuko sighed. “Just tell me.”
“Fine, fine,” Jin paused, making him wait, and then she burst out, “the Avatar came by the shop!”
Zuko froze, blood draining from his face. The Avatar. The Avatar was here. The Avatar was here and knew about the comics, elsewise why would he have gone to Jin’s family’s shop?
Oh, this couldn’t be good.
“Li? You okay?”
Before Zuko could answer – negatively – the door to the teashop opened and the Avatar walked inside.
Zuko wanted to die. This was it. This was the end of him. This was when his cover would get blown and everyone would know and hate him and–
“Hi,” Aang greeted them pleasantly. “I’m looking for Li.”
Zuko just about swallowed his tongue. There was no way that Aang had failed to recognize him. The change in hairstyle did not make up for the huge disfiguring scar.
Raising a shaking hand, Zuko managed a strangled, “I’m Li.”
The Avatar smiled. What even–?
“I thought it might be you,” Aang said. “But I also kind of thought I was probably wrong.”
Not having any idea what to say, all Zuko could do was swallow drily.
“Huh,” Jin said, “you really have met the Avatar.”
Zuko flushed. “I told you!”
“You say lots of things, though,” Jin contested. Usually, Zuko was grateful that she let his slip ups go so easily, but right now, he was just annoyed.
“I don’t lie,” he frowned. That was a rule for him. His whole identity may be a lie, but at least he would do his best to live honorably.
Aang coughed and Zuko flushed brighter, jerking his attention back to the man who, technically, was still his enemy.
“Sorry,” Jin laughed, holding out her hand, “hi, I’m Jin. I hear you went by my family’s shop earlier looking for us?”
“You’re the illustrator?” Aang asked.
“Yep, that’s me!” Jin beamed, showing off her chipped teeth.
“Wow. You do a really good job of showing different places,” Aang complimented and Zuko stared. What was even happening?
“Oh, that’s all thanks to Li,” Jin demurred. “Sometimes I dunno whether his descriptions are accurate or not, but he believes in them so much that it just seems right to go with it.”
Zuko groaned, slapping a hand to his face. “Jin…”
Aang smiled wider and it made Zuko’s heart pound, cheeks turning pinker. “Well, you both create very good comics,” Aang said casually, as though Zuko wasn’t close to expiring on the spot.
“You – you read them?” Zuko croaked.
“Of course,” Aang said. “We had to see what was being written about us!”
Oh. Great. So all of Aang’s friends had read them. Fuck.
Oh Agni, did that include the most recent issue? Maybe he was lucky for once in his life and it didn’t–
Aang pulled out a comic and the cover was quite familiar. Jin had drawn the Blue Spirit in the middle in a ridiculous pose that really emphasized his butt – even moreso than the original draft, because Jin was an asshole and made the change after he complained. Behind the Blue Spirit were various headshots of the Gaang – Zuko came up with the name and he was rather proud of it – with little hearts all around them.
The cover proclaimed, ONE OF THESE PEOPLE IS THE BLUE SPIRIT'S SOULMATE – BUT WHO!? and the story was all about one of the regular villains, Sparkler – who totally wasn’t Azula – trying to find the Blue Spirit’s lover to blackmail him. After she was defeated, the true lover was revealed… with a kiss, because of course it was.
Zuko felt like he might cry at the absurdity of this being how his life falls apart (again).
“Sooooo, um…” Aang started and Zuko could not look at him.
“In my defense,” Zuko started, his mouth absolutely disconnecting from his brain, “it was a reader request.”
Aang tilted his head. “What does that mean?”
“Oh, you don’t read the letters at the end of the issue?” Jin asked, “you really should, they’re quite fun. We answer questions and requests from readers – mostly kids, but sometimes their parents, too.”
“And a kid… asked about–?”
Zuko just nodded mutely, but Jin – the traitor! – explained, “they asked about who the Blue Spirit’s soulmate would be. And obviously – ow!” Zuko elbowed her hard in the side, but it was too late. Aang’s eyebrows were high.
“I mean, have you read the flirting?” Jin asked. “Li writes fantastic banter, doesn’t he?”
“Fucking hell, Jin, shut up!” Zuko hissed, and he was sure that his face was hot enough to be steaming. Hopefully Jin wouldn’t question it.
“Oh, all right, all right, I’ll let you two talk alone. But don’t forget the afternoon rush will be soon!”
So saying, Jin sidled out the door, headed back to work. The Avatar opened his mouth as soon as she was gone and Zuko quite abruptly wanted her back. He scrambled around for a change of topic and grasped the teapot next to him.
“Tea! Would – would you like some tea? We have–”
“I liked the tea jokes in the comics,” Aang said calmly. How was he calm when Zuko was about to shake out of his skin?
The pottery clattered slightly from his trembling hands, but he served Aang a cup of jasmine tea. “Those mostly came from Uncle,” he murmured.
“Well, they were fun,” Aang said, taking the cup and immediately sipping it as though it hadn’t been poured by his enemy. Then he smiled. “Jasmine. I like jasmine. It was my mentor’s favorite.”
“I know,” Zuko said without thinking.
“You… know?” Aang blinked. “How?”
“Uh.” Oh Agni, how was he supposed to explain this. “One of the Elders at your temple kept a journal. It survived.”
Aang stared. “Seriously?”
“Yeah,” Zuko nodded. “Monk Tashi. He complained about how often you got into trouble and how Monk Gyatso only encouraged it.”
Aang inhaled sharply, breath hitching at Gyatso’s name. Zuko could only imagine how much the loss hurt him. If Zuko ever lost Uncle…
Okay, that’s all I got, but I’m very excited for this series, so I hope you enjoy!
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