#I think if I had to choose a character from the 6 that I straight up have a massive crush on its nina. I'm a little in love with her I thin
aakeysmash · 22 days
sukuna skipping gym to sleep in and later on does his workout in their living room, using her as a weight when doing push ups, may turn heated hehe
college Sukuna's masterlist
turned this into a college!sukuna drabble lmao sorry!! no smut this time, i wanted to elaborate a bit on sukuna's protectivness toward yuuji :)
You're humming a song from your studying playlist when you hear someone knocking at your door. You look at the clock you keep on your desk near a plant Yuuji gifted you last week. On the terracotta vase there's a scribbled note in the obvious handwriting of a child.
To: baby peach, but no more annoying screams when we play, please!
You smile. He always chooses to be baby mario when you play Mario Kart together because he doesn't want you to feel alone in case you're the only baby character. He's such a cute kid, you're lucky to have him as one of your almost-roommates.
You get up (it's still pretty early anyway) and stretch your back, hearing it pop. You open the door, and standing in front of it is the same kid you were thinking about.
"Hey," you wave at him, a happy tilt to your voice. You look at him shuffling and avoiding your gaze.
"Is everything okay, Yuuji?" you start getting worried. He mumbles something you don't hear clearly, so you make him repeat himself. He juts his lip out, then looks straight at your face.
"Can you take me to school please?"
You raise your eyebrows. Usually, this is a big brother kind of duty: where is Sukuna? Yuuji takes your silence as rejection and starts backtracking.
"Sorry, I didn't want to disturb you, I can just go alone-"
"Sure, let me grab my purse and we can go," you stop him, changing your expression to one of calmness, ruffling his pink, unruly hair.
"Are you sure it's not a bother?" he asks you hesitantly. "Big bro closed his door and I can't seem to be able to wake him up... and I'm supposed to be accompanied by an adult..."
"It's not a big deal, Yuuji. I'll take you in my passenger seat, okay? We'll be there shortly," you reassure him, nodding.
"Thanks," he says, blushing, giving you one of the biggest smiles you've ever seen him do. Your heart melts a little, and he looks at you like you've physically hung up the sun shining outside.
When you get back home, you're not even able to get to your room when you find yourself being squished between the nearest wall and a hot, rapidly rising and falling chest.
"Where the fuck is my brother?" Sukuna grits out his teeth, breathing down your neck. You wince. He's controlling his strength, but he's still a mountain compared to you, and your ribcage is starting to hurt.
"Get off of me right now or I'm calling the police, Itadori."
He notices he must have been too rough and takes a step back, mumbling an apology while still looking at you menacingly. You pat your clothes, making sure there are no wrinkles before answering him.
"I took him to school. He told me he was being neglected by his own caretaker, so I had to intervene," you shrug.
"He did not say that. He doesn't even know the word neglect," he says, sighing. His shoulders drop and he takes on a more relaxed appearance.
"What's wrong with you? You've never gotten up later than 6 am," you ask him, trying to sound nonchalant, walking toward your fridge to make yourself a toast. The truth is, you're starting to get attached to him. In the last couple of months, you've created some sort of bond, and it's probably also thanks to Yuuji and his stubbornness in making you do things like you're a family. Just last night, he forced you both to make cookies with him because apparently his friend Megumi was coming to play this afternoon and "he wanted to make a good impression".
Sukuna, on the other hand, can be a lot. The majority of the time he nudges you to get you to move out of his way (he just does it to see your annoyed face, but he's not going to tell you that), huffs in your face when you say he hasn't cleaned his dishes from the night before, and flips you off whenever you try to have a civil conversation about who's turn it is to choose the film on Friday night. But he's also pretty attentive. It's not like he makes you notice it, but he does feel bad for you when you get out of your room after an all nighter because of your studies. He thinks you're annoying because you're always trying to pry into his private life, but when you're not home Yuuji always asks of your whereabouts. Yeah, that's definitely why he can't stop thinking about you laughing with the boy he literally raised. The boy whose disappearance was driving him insane this morning.
Because sure, Sukuna tells Yuuji he's a brat 95% of the time, and the kid yaps way too much for his taste. He also manhandles the kid badly, telling him he's way too weak to be called his brother, and more often than not Sukuna tells him he's adopted and that he'll kick him out as soon as he can. But you've seen the way he prepared soup every night when his little brother caught the flu in December—he's just full of shit. He'll never admit how hard it was to raise a brother he didn't want at 13, alone and broke. But he'll make sure the child never doubts of having someone to fall back into like Sukuna did since he was much younger than Yuuji is now.
"Didn't sleep well and I missed the gym," he responds, munching on an apple. You hum in acknowledgment, not turning around from the stove.
"You know that pilates class you suggested to me last week? I found their videos on YouTube. I was thinking of starting them today," you quickly change the topic. You know you won't get more than that; him admitting he didn't sleep well was already a win.
"Wanna start them with me, chipmunk?" he asks you. You turn around to slap his arm slightly.
"I told you to stop calling me that," you say rolling your eyes.
You whine. "Yes, by the way. I want to see you suffer like the men I see on TikTok."
"Come be my weight and I'll do pilates with you today," he suddenly says. You're biting your toast and you're so caught off guard that you start coughing up crumbles. He hands you a glass of water while telling you you're too fucking dramatic.
"What does it mean to be your weight?" you tentatively ask him when you can breathe properly again.
That's how you find yourself sitting crisscrossed on his back, gripping his shirt as hard as you can, while he does pushups and tries not to laugh every time you scream about him moving too much and almost making you fall.
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sunsguilt · 8 months
SMASH OR PASS WITHOUT THE SMASH !┊ft: all nrc characters!
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warnings: none! contains: gn reader
notes: this is essentially a dateability ranking in terms of pure survival and living your best life. i love all the characters dearly, and this is just for fun!
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riddle rosehearts: don’t get me started on him. hypothetically, let’s say he has a single romantical bone in his body. he would probably (definitely) want to date someone his mother would approve of, so someone who’s super studious and thinking about becoming a lawyer type of thing. even then, his mother would be the overbearing MIL stereotype, and riddle would just bend to her every whim, so it wouldn’t work. would probably divorce you if his mom said to. 
overall rating: 2/10, could be a nice cushy life if he took his penchant for memorizing rules into a lawyer profession and became a rich husband, but still the MIL…. you would end up on r/relationshipadvice within weeks, i’m afraid. 
ace trappola: he’s like a frat boy to me, honestly. I think you could be friends with him within reason, but if you actually date him… he’s the kind of guy who would pursue you and then get bored once u start dating. whoops, he had a consensual workplace relationship. he canonically ghosted his ex, guys. 
overall rating: 3/10, you would be dating a frat boy. you don’t want that for yourself, trust me, speaking from second-hand experience here. 
deuce spade: deuce is actually normal. like he’s no rich boy, but his family is respectful and his mother would adore you if he brought you home. he’s a little slow, but he’s got the spirit, y’know? 
overall rating: 6/10, very nice in-laws, very cool husband. you may end up being the primary breadwinner. 
cater diamond: with cater, it’s probably a bromance that turns into a real romance. mostly because he didn’t want to confess and ruin the whole thing you had going on together. likely a guy who needs a lot of validation from his partner. like he’ll say he hates pickles if you don’t like pickles. will not let a pickle pass his lips. will try his very hardest to convince you to do silly couple challenges.
overall rating: 8/10, he’s sooooo cute but he’s got unresolved mental instability like you wouldn’t believe. personally, i love that in a man. call me fix-it felix.
trey clover: trey is. trey. average guy whose family runs a bakery. he’s cute though!
overall rating: 5/10, he’s probably a freak in terms of intimate relations! teehee! no further comment.
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leona kingscholar: leona is a nice guy, respectful etc. but after a while, he’s not putting the same energy into the relationship as you are. the added layer of dating a literal prince…. no matter how disregarded he is by his family, he is second in line for the throne. the pressure from that sounds crazy, i won’t lie. you might be able to ignore the pressure of him bringing you home to straight up royalty ! overall rating: 5/10, he’s so dreamy and gorjus but he wears uncle sandals. jack howl: oh he’s so bf material, like you don’t understand. him being really firm on the fact that beastmen choose a life partner? wanting to fall in love and be committed to someone until his dying day? this is Romance. he's probs a good guy to bring to the gym for support if you’re just starting to work out regularly! might accidentally push you past your limits bc he’s thinking beastmen standards and not human. overall rating: 7/10, he’s so cute and i love him, but he’s a gym bro and does daily early morning jogs and such. cannot accept it. ruggie bucchi: he’s actually another really normal guy to date! he’s shown to do anything to provide for his loved ones (bringing food home from school to provide for his friends and family). very much an acts of service guy! 
overall rating: 4/10, the chances are high that he’ll do that thing that broke dudes do when they get all touchy and hug their partner when the partner pulls out their card to pay for something. 
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azul ashengrotto: he would be nice to you ONLY if he had something to gain. would actually play the long game in order to sweet-talk you into signing some contract that totally screws you over forever. he is a capitalist at heart, i fear. he’s gonna get you in some get-rich-quick scheme. also, he can’t kiss and it would be weird and a lot more drool than necessary.  overall rating: 6/10, i love octopus.
jade leech: oh god. he’s like visually appealing but the longer he's talking, the worse it gets. his hobby would literally be getting your heart rate up. you’d be lucky if you don’t get high blood pressure from his desire to see your face twist in an ugly expression. he has a penchant for learning, so he’ll want to research the topic of his interest to the fullest to get the desired results.  overall rating: 3/10, the moment he’s tired of you, he’ll never speak to you again outside of a professional setting. floyd leech: he wants to have fun every day he can. which is fine, nothing wrong with that. the problem lies when he wants to rope you into it. and his idea of fun is….. questionable. he would call you up in the middle of the night and ask if you wanna go for a joyride that takes you over state lines. and you would only get like three minutes notice. he would also invite himself into your dorm and sleep in your bed. no, he’s not making the bed either, the guy canonically has to be forced into ironing his own shirt.  overall rating: 3/10, he looks like he bites unironically. would you get rabies if a humanized eel bit you?
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kalim al-asim: oh he’s so sweet, but the only problem is literally the fact that he’s rich. he frequently talks about multiple attempts on his life in his youth up until the present day. if people outside of your circle found out you were with him, word would surely spread to unwanted ears, and your life would be at risk because of that immediate association.  overall rating: 6/10, a total sweetheart, but i don’t think i’d be able to eat breakfast with him without wondering if something’s in our food. jamil viper: he has too many underlying issues that include but are not limited to: an inferiority complex that exists due to his forced proximity to kalim. as much as i’d love to say i could fix him, jamil almost killed kalim. Plus, jamil is literally kalim’s servant. association with kalim = will probably die. overall rating: 5/10, he’s got issues, but he’s so cute and probably just needs that reassurance or whatever. my silly guy!
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vil schoenheit: vil is like my fav so i’d love to say that because he’s so nice and rich and pretty that he would be a perfect ten. WRONG. he’s famous. bad! what if he has crazy stans who go after you bc you’re dating him? for your own safety, you would never be able to go public with your relationship, that is if the tabloids don't get to you.  overall rating: 7/10, you’ll have to listen to him go on tangents about neige. 
rook hunt: if you’re thinking “yeah no he’s probably a safe bet, he’s rich and i could be his trophy wife/husband”, you like french people and you’re lying to yourself !!!!! ive never met a normal rich person in my life, and rook is no exception. he would know your shoe size before you even know his last name. 
overall rating: 0/10, he’s weird AND french.
epel felmier: he lives in a small town where everyone tends to know each other and their business. there’s no hiding your relationship from them. downside is, he would have a crazy inferior complex if you were taller than him. He needs to be a Man’s man, yknow??? overall rating: 6/10, he’s a good cook, an incredible one, even. if you can’t cook and you can deal with a man who desperately wants to show you how cool he is, then this is the one for you. 
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idia shroud: he wouldn’t date, like he’s a NEET guys, i don’t see it at all. He would marry someone if it was for tax reasons, or just to tell people he isn’t bitchless. you'd just go to a courthouse real quick and pop by an ihop after.  
overall rating: 6/10, he would be an incredible overwatch carry. would bully you for sucking super hard in any type of pvp game. 
ortho shroud: he’s like a child, so he is not included! 
overall rating: 0/10, in terms of dateability, he’s silly tho
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malleus draconia: you would be perfectly safe with him. yeah, he’s not fully clear on the norms of human society, but he treats you well! problem is, he'd be a little too obssessed and its going to very quickly turn into "he's going to keep u in this tower bc hes scared abt u dying"
overall rating: 7/10, wouldn’t you love a loser man who is obsessed with gargoyles?!  silver: objectively, the world’s most perfect man. he’s super cute and can cook! everything you would want in a man. he's also got his wacky little sitcom type family like step brothers who are Not human and a dad who is Not human but like they care for him he cares for them! 
overall rating: 9/10, no real drama and they'd probably be elated if he brought someone home.  sebek zigvolt: he would choose malleus over you every time, i’m so sorry. like “sorry babe malleus needs help shining his sword or whatever, you can start the movie without me.” realistically the only time sebek could be in a relationship is if he finds someone whos as obsessed with malleus as he is so they can be hyperfixated on him together or something. like how kpop stans marry each other, but with malleus the dragon prince. 
overall rating: 2/10, he would use you has a human dishrag to clean shoes for malleus.  lilia vanrouge: everyone loves a fictional old man, but this particular old man comes with trauma and emotional baggage spanning centuries. You can only fix-it felix your way out of so many things. he’s cute, though. 
overall rating: 4/10, canonically picks his nose, i fear.
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— ☆
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bonefall · 7 months
i know u dont rework arcs untill theyre complete but im very excited to see what you do with a starless clan, theres so much exciting things happening in this arc to work with. do you have any changes you already know for sure you’ll be incorporating?
No for-sures. I don't want to make any for-sures. I have ones I'm feeling but I don't want to call ANYTHING a for-sure yet. I need to find out what the ending is, WHERE this is all going, because I have a strong philosophy in my writing that a story is like a spear;
But we are 4/6 of the way in, so I CAN start talking about thoughts!
I'm actually leaning pretty heavily towards axing Nightheart as a POV. There's still time for the books to turn around and justify it, BUT HEAR ME OUT
(Saying AS someone who is a Nightheart Enjoyer)
So far I'm really feeling that his character would benefit from us never being inside of his head, or seeing what he's been going through. As much as I WILL stand by that I enjoyed books 1 and 2 and liked his perspectives there, I'm starting to think that it would serve the story a lot better for Sunbeam and Frostpaw to be guessing just as much as we are.
We'd get introduced to Nightheart on the journey for catmint.
Sunbeam connects with him immediately, because she's tossed on this mission while she's in the middle of a swirling tide of drama. With nothing but Clerics and a hardened Rootspring to the left and her ex-bestie (exstie) to the right, he's really her only other choice for companionship. She's chronically unable to stop problems before they get out of hand, the sort of person who becomes frozen by indecision, and then here comes this Glorious Bastard
In her eyes, he's so caring, and bold, and fun! He's the first one to jump headlong into danger, to really be interested in her problems and just let her talk, and his story is so heartbreaking! A mother who's so hard on him... and his Clan is so mean all the time, but he wants to prove to all of them that he's more than just Firestar's descendant... but he was so brave to choose his own name.................
And then, when she follows him into ThunderClan, she learns he fucking lied. She changed Clans based on SOB STORIES
When she first comes, no one knows what he's been saying behind their back. Even if they did, they don't want to start trashing Nightheart right to his new mate's face. But then he LEAVES, and Sunbeam will bring up,
"Maybe it was because you were hard on him?"
And then Sparkpelt tries to agree, just to take blame onto herself and stop all this, but Finchlight's had eNOUGH and ends up setting the record straight;
"No this is DEFINITELY another tantrum. He already ran off once before."
"NO he didn't pick his own name, he stopped the whole ceremony to complain and Bramblestar gave him a compromise"
"MEAN to him?? I had to do HIS WORK because he couldn't STAY ON THE GROUND"
"Oh he's buckling under the weight of his legacy? that must be so hard. I was cat-fifteen when i punched my first fascist and he was wearing the face of my grandpa."
With this false hope shattered, Sunbeam is thrown into a devastating situation where... her mother was right. She was tricked. And now she's stuck in this new Clan without any of her old friends, without this mate who was too-good-to-be-true, the ONE impulsive choice she's made on her own in her WHOLE LIFE turns to ashes in her mouth. She can't go back, either, because Berryheart would NEVER let her live this down.
But... it's okay.
It's a slow shock, to make a choice SO impulsive and SO self-concerned, and find a safety net below her. It's going to be okay. The trials are fair. The cats of ThunderClan interrupt and speak over each other, but, that teaches her to be more assertive. Sparkpelt and Finchlight are not the mean assholes that Nightheart built them up to be, and they'll support her no matter what she chooses to do with her possible mate.
I want Nightheart TO get better, but, in order for that to happen, he has to face, and, more importantly, ACCEPT consequences. He needs to develop the maturity to say, "I acted like a brat and didn't appreciate what I had. and I'm sorry. you don't have to forgive me."
Bottom line being, Nightheart is striking me lately as a character that works best as unpredictable, because we have NO IDEA what's truly in his head. It would be interesting for him to have a novella later, but as it stands, his POV has consistently just been a duplicate since he joined ShadowClan. We gained NOTHING from splitting the Frostpaw Journey of the newest book in half POV, and VERY little from splitting the ShadowClan one into half POV.
I might reduce the POVs to 2, just Sunbeam and Frostpaw, or change Nightheart's to Lightleap. If I NEED 3 main characters, then they should all be a consistent camera on different parts of the conflict.
Again. I do not commit to changes until the arcs are done. Nothing in BB!ASC is set yet.
But here's some other little things I'm thinking,
Bramblestar is VOTED out.
He does not step down. The little "game" he played with Nightheart to create a situation to yell at Squilf, who hasn't been his mate in a long time in BB, was the LAST straw for ThunderClan.
They had sympathy for him before that point, because of what he went through with Ashfur, but his leadership was long and controversial even before the Impostor.
And there's a really strong sentiment that IF Bramblestar had been a good leader... they would have realized he was possessed sooner. So, there are those who partially blame him for the tyranny of the Impostor.
Basically; enough is enough.
Berryheart's hate group has ACTUAL consequences. Someone gets killed; probably Antfur, who survived the last arc to die here.
More fights. This arc has been too bloodless. Already planning SEVERAL sudden, random brawls in RiverClan as tensions boil.
Heartstar is going to be MORE controversial. Not controversial enough in canon imo. I don't like how Leaf and Squilf seem like they have "hypothetical" issues with the invasion instead of being able to point at REAL ones.
riverclan didn't forget how to do the chores they've done their WHOLE lives, no. I'm going to talk about POWER VACUUMS and create ACTUAL factions that begin to coagulate in RiverClan.
if we're going to have a brainless plot about how "Well Ackshually democracy has enough problems to make us reconsider not having unaccountable, tyrannical dictators, because a vote could maybe be called over One Single Issue" then I'll talk about shit like the spoiler effect, mob mentality, and factionalism. Get the hell out of my way ERIN I'll cook
No Smoky. Society has progressed past the need for Smoky. No Smokyng Area.
Whistlepaw should to try and take care of her ALONE, not trained enough to take care of SUCH bad wounds and barely able to keep her trembling paws straight, and Frostpaw realizes that she's making her watch her own friend die.
Is this how her life is going to end? slipping away under the paws of someone she loves, for what? pride? to do what her mother told her-- trust no cat?
As she TRUSTS Whistlepaw? Trusts her SO much, that Frostpaw will force her to be the only witness to her death?
...which in BB, is a team of researchers. She drags herself to them, and collapses. This is why they just HAPPENED to have the proper equipment on them; they're WILDLIFE VETS.
Not sure how I'm going to handle Frostpaw's Journey though. In BB, the Park Cats are already a foundational part of Clan Culture.
In all honesty, while I HAVE to praise the fact that the Erins have FINALLY created ONE outsider group that isn't malicious or defenseless... I don't much care for them.
sending frostpaw on a side quest to what's essentially a big DOTC reference. Look! It's that group we introduced in the last 5 chapters of our latest glorified recap! cooool.
We're just going to get nothing but fucking founders in every dream from now on. I'm SURE of it.
As a consolation prize to myself though I will be writing cool angel scenes of the absolute BEING that Riverstar has become in heaven.
Riverstar (normal cat): "Elder Bones I'm going out!"
"not dressed like THAT you're not!!!"
Riverstar (the manifestation of the river, the rain in the sky above, and the abyss below, and how through water we are all truly connected as one being): "better?"
I will probably keep the Park Cats and rework them significantly, but I'm leaning pretty heavily towards Frostpaw visiting a LOT of places. A holy pilgrimage.
ESPECIALLY one of the Tribe's three wards; the River Ward. The Tribe of Rushing Water believes (it's even in the name) that water connects all things.
So I think it would be really fitting for Frostpaw to learn from MANY perspectives, starting with this philosophy put forth by the River Ward.
And she realizes-- that's what Riverstar is, as well. As a being. He is mentoring her on this pilgrimage, while barely saying a word. She can feel him wherever she is, because he isn't JUST the God of the River.
He is connection. He is peace. He's water. Too much and you'd drown, not enough and you'd thirst.
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devastatinglygreen · 1 month
Okay so now do what you think will happen after Colin finds out about Lady Whistledown. 🙏
so i sat on this for a little bit because i didn't really know how to answer it but i was chatting with @gleefullypolin, while totally not talking about polin nonstop, no. talking very normally i assure you.
i'm going to put the rest under the cut because it might have spoilers or speculation that people don't want to see:
alright so we know when colin finds out about LW, right? and we know they have a fight. a big one. obviously.
i think colin has to have a regression of his character. he's only been vulnerable around one person so far this season. penelope. and he loves and adores her and she's going betray (hello eros and psyche!) his trust.
there is no love without trust.
there's something very interesting we noticed while chatting about colin and his bro friends. they've been there each time he makes a choice about penelope.
the first ball, he chooses her over them after they're like, "the featherington girl? why concern yourself with her?" but then he tries to take it somewhere private and she checks him hard and cracked his armor. she was not impressed with that version of him and he knew it.
and he definitely will when he learns she's LW if he wasn't aware before
when he's not near them, he chooses her without thinking about it, he runs out after her at a ball when gossip about them is pretty much being said to their faces. even at the first brothel scene, he tells them he's late but then we see him at the market waiting for penelope. this man is a fake and a liar and we see him, we know what he's about. nerd.
in episode 3, he's with them at the balloon thing and they're messing with him about helping penelope and he's so dumb because he's like "i'm done with all of that. it's good to back" all cocky and lame like he wasn't just eating the same cupcake thing she did and staring at her. i was a dramatic teenage girl who once had a crush on a guy who i only saw at lunch and never knew his name and even i wasn't down that bad. good lord. embarrassing.
not really i love it, i love him so much
but he picks penelope over them again when he runs off to save her from the big mean hot air balloon.
we see them again in episode 4, at the library while he watches penelope through a mirror. because that's definitely not crying, screaming, throwing up behavior. they invite him out. for revelry. regency bro speak for possible syphilis and liver disease, it's fine.
he can't get down with his ladies of choice because he's knee deep in wishing he was balls deep in penelope instead. he stares at a wall. they manage to make us feel bad for a man sitting in a brothel. amazing.
we see them at mondrich's. they're talking about girls they probably didn't actually sleep with. oh sure, totally buy that you had access to a woman for 6 months straight. you bet, my guy, totally believable. colin is unhappy. he's like don't you ever want to have a feeling? they're like, no, i just feel the syphilis. it burns, bridgerton. we need antibiotics.
antibiotics won't be a thing for like another 100 years give or take good luck i guess
but he stays and drinks. he's picked penelope but he can't have penelope at this moment. he's in bed laying there waiting to sleep. or die. idk. he's a bridgerton, they're dramatic.
he sees them one last time in episode 4. they stop him. they're dicks. rude to will on top of it? pls. they invite him out and he says no. he's picked penelope once more but he doesn't say anything but "excuse me" and pushes through. they don't push back. they're like, fine. more chronic liver failure and fake stories for us, bro.
he finds penelope. causes a huge social upset that no one pays attention to because he's too busy ragging on debling for having the audacity to leave penelope for years. which is fair. colin would never.
chases penelope. catches her. not quite balls deep but knuckles deep at minimum, let's be real.
which, i am very sorry for this being this long at this point, is why i think we could see his "friends" again before the end. he's going to go through something world shaking and they're always there when he's making a choice but i think what's important to note is that he always makes the right one, he always picks penelope. i think he's not fully dropped that armor and it's easy to slip back into someone pretending not to care, especially when you're hurting. he's got to reject the man society wants him to be and, essentially, be the man penelope needs him to be. she's his purpose.
eta: colin loves to be penelope's hero. i think he's going to feel that pull over whatever else is going on.
i'm just saying it's a mirror of how penelope needs to reconcile how she's both penelope and lady whistledown. they both need to come to terms with who they want to be moving forward. symbolism or some shit.
or i'm totally wrong and all those words above mean nothing. either way i got to avoid folding laundry. time well spent if you ask me.
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yuri-is-online · 9 months
Congratulations! If it’s alright, for the event could I have prompt 6 with Riddle, Floyd, and Idia. Thank you!
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6. Crowley has decided to put together a murder mystery for the whole ball and you've been the first one "killed." Whoever is playing detective seems really upset about that.
Hello hello! Thank you so much for your patience with me (シ. .)シ In place of Floyd we have Ortho per your request, I hope you enjoy it friend.
notes: they/them used for Yuu, this was a really fun line up of characters and I really should write for Ortho more, he deserves all the friends in the world. The other requests can be found on my masterlist.
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Riddle is not fully aware of his reputation. He knows he has one of course, but he is very much under the impression that this reputation is a good one. He very much thinks that the glances going back and forth right now are because the other NRC students know just how intelligent Riddle Rosehearts is and that they stand no chance at winning this game when Heartslabyul's academic reputation is on the line. Because clearly
The steam pouring out of his ears and vein popping free from his skull are not something he is remotely aware of as he stomps through the crowd searching for- well he doesn't really know what. The Headmage had very pointedly said that wild accusations were not allowed in this game.
"The detective only has one chance to make the correct guess, so please make sure you are confident when you make your submission!"
The ballroom is filled with potential suspects, and it's not like he saw who tapped Yuu on the back to single them as their first choice. Really he can't decide what was more brazen, snatching them away while he was literally holding their hand or choosing to pick on the only person who wouldn't complain. The music pauses just as Riddle has managed to get some sort of baring on his surroundings, indicating he was once again too late.
"Our killer strikes again! Our second victim for tonight is Trey Clover, would you please set aside your mask and step up to the balcon-" The headmage's words are drowned out once again, but Riddle's not angry anymore. Frustrated certainly, but not mad, if he didn't know any better he would assume the killer was deliberately targeting him.
"Aww Goldfishie." Floyd has the audacity to look dissapointed, as if his favorite people were getting picked off and not Riddle's. "Aren't you gonna scream a whole bunch over Sea Turtle like you did with Little Shrimpy?"
"I did not scream." He crosses his arms and a bit of amusement returns to Floyd's face.
"Did too. It was really loud and super funny, everybody heard it." Floyd is provoking him on purpose, Riddle looks up towards Yuu to ground himself, but his scowl only deeps when he sees them giggling over something Trey's said.
"Excuse me but I really don't have time to waste talking to you." Both Floyd and Riddle are surprised at how certain he sounds, though one of them is certainly more disappointed. "I need to get back to my... friends and this game is getting in the way of that."
"Aww you're not going to scream any more at all?" Floyd doesn't bother looking up at the balcony, boredom turning his attention away from his role just as Riddle is finally hitting his stride with his. "Fine here," a card is thrown at him that he barely manages to catch, "I don't wanna play anymore if you aren't gonna be fun about it."
"Wait! That's against the rules you can't just-" Floyd is already gone and the Headmage already announcing the game over before Riddle can even think about how not actually upset he is. He feels small, useless, robbed of yet another chance to be normal even if Floyd's behavior is sort of normal for the school. Why can't he just get out of his own head for long enough to have fun? He promised his dorm, he promised Yuu, that he would try, didn't he?
"Riddle?" Speaking of Yuu, they've come straight to him, the trace of a smile is still there even if it's been dropped in favor of concern. "You ok? Did you not have fun?"
"Fun." It's a strange word. He doesn't really think he understands the appeal.
"I'm just annoyed with Floyd's behavior." He crosses his arms, but he is surprised to find that he's smiling. "But no matter, are you ok? Sitting around can't have been fun." You shrug.
"Well it was fun to watch you once Trey told me you were the detective, we were rooting for you!" And just like that the strange disappointment is back. There's pride and affection in your look he hasn't rightfully earned through the rules of the game. But perhaps, he thinks idly as you make no move to leave and stay chatting with him against the backdrop of the party, he was lucky enough to have it from the start.
"Night One, the town has elected me Sheriff to address the serial killer preying on our people. Oh or should it be a werewolf? Pity the headmage didn't say..." It's always a bit strange to see Ortho "frown" but tonight it feels extra serious. This Masquerade was his first school event as a full Night Raven first year, AND he had made his own costume. You all had actually, Ace had suggested your little group make them together so you would be able to easily spot each other in case of emergency. And to make things even more extra important, Crowley had decided to assign him (you are pretty sure it was actually random but Ortho was so excited you didn't bother to say) the role of detective in his murder mystery game. You shouldn't be surprised that he was so eager to win, but it was still such a cute sight that you couldn't help but be a bit excited.
"I don't think it's against the rules to pretend the killer's a werewolf, actually that's one of the things we call this game in my world." You really hate adding that caveat onto the end of things, it makes you feel like an annoying old person who can't understand that times have changed. But Ortho never minds when you do, it's more data for him to catalogue and this tidbit seems to really excite him.
"Oh really?! I thought you said it was called 'Town of Salem?' That was how you pronounced it right?" You really should not be surprised Ortho remembers you telling him about a video game, but the mention of it still surprises you.
"Oh no that's just a computer game version of it. Sort of..." You don't want to waste more of the boy detective's time explaining the concept of the Mafia to him, the last time you tried something like that he had started calling Azul "oyabun" and you both had been made to "apologize" by waxing the Lounge's floors.
"Aww so I don't need to record what I do each night?" Thankfully Ortho doesn't push it further and just bounces back to his normal happy self with a shake of the head. "That's ok, I'll do it anyway! It'll keep me from wanting to review the security cameras hehe." And with that he bows and flies into the crowd, eager to start collecting clues and fulfill his duty as the "long arm of the law." You salute him just as someone taps you on the shoulder and the music pauses.
"And our killer strikes!" Crowley is the one saying it but you can almost hear it in Ortho's voice being added to his notes. "Yuu whatever your last name is I didn't write it down did I please set aside your mask and make your way up to the balcony!" The music resumes as you make your way off the dance floor, making sure to stick out your tongue at Ace who makes fake crying motions as you go.
"Night Two, we lost the prefect! That's just not going to fly with this Sheriff in town..." Ortho stops to consider his movements as the music begins again. Yuu had been "killed" approximately thirteen point two seconds after he left to survey the scene. That means the killer would have to be someone who was around them at the start of the game, either directly next to them or within a brief walking distance. And since they had been bold enough to "kill" just in front of the detective they would have walked away almost immediately, wanting to put as much distance between themselves and the scene of the crime as possible.
"IT WAS YOU!" Ortho joyfully yells, sternly pointing at an extremely surprised Pomefiore student, who drops his incriminating card in shock. Ortho gleefully snatches it up as you begin to make your way down the stairs to congratulate him, something that turns into a sprint as soon as you see the gathering magical energy. "Now awfully sorry partner but this town just ain't big enough for the two of us!"
"No bad Ortho! No lasers! And that's the wrong movie genre!!!!"
"Aw I was just kidding~" Ortho has the audacity to giggle and hit his head in another wrong genre move "If the ballroom goes away we won't be able to play again, right?" Oh you really wish you could explain why him saying that sounds so creepy without sounding insane.
"What a fucking drag." Idia pities the poor fool who decided to let him keep his tablet during the ball. So what if Ortho was technically another "player," did they really think that meant he didn't have access to the security cameras? It was literally taking him seconds to ID their stupid ass and then this it was going to be GAME OVER. This was always going to be the outcome, no matter who the killer was as soon as they were unfortunate enough to have to face off against him.
So why are his hands shaking so badly?
Yuu is standing confused about what to do, looking around for Mr. Grim probably, he can't help but zoom in on their face, thumb pausing the video as he runs it over their cheek before flinching back to the feed. They speak briefly to their friends before deciding to move towards the edges of the ballroom, looking to get away from the people probably, it's a feeling he knows well. Before they can make it to safety, Cater taps them on the shoulder and the music pauses as they sigh. Maybe they're disappointed at being the first one out, but Idia can't help but feel like they expected it. It sort of makes sense that the magicless one would be the first to go, like deleting irrelevant lines of code. It's fitting in more ways than they know.
"Fork it over." Idia is glad that he's taller than Cater, who seems really surprised that he's listening to his actual voice and not his tablet. The extra inches and flaming hair is really giving him a boost to moral even if he is going to go right back to hating himself for it later. "And don't play dumb I know you're the killer."
"Aww really?" Cater looks slightly annoyed, his finger comes up to twirl one of his annoyingly perfectly messy locks of hair. "#sad, I thought I made off with the Prefect perfectly." He hands over the card and Idia rolls his eyes, he had a speech he wanted to give. Something really cringey clowning on just how stupid Cater had to be to think he was going to get away with-
"Idia!" Yuu manages to tug him away from that train of thought, they must really have booked it here fast with just how breathlessly they called his name. They smile and give him a shakey thumbs up, something that would normally send him into cardiac arrest but doesn't effect him much at all to his surprise. The strange emotion he felt earlier, the one that is still making his hands shakey, is overriding any logical thought or normal behavior forcing him forward towards you rather than back into the shadows. "I just wanted to say good job! I mean I really shouldn't be surprised that you won so fast but it was still really co-" His shakey hand finds purchase on your neck, brutally aware that it's still un-gloved forcing skin to skin contact that he knows will be stuck in his brain for weeks to come. Sure, he should probably just have Ortho do a scan rather than look you over himself, technology doesn't make mistakes, or asses situations off of impulse. But he knows, even if he still asks Ortho to check on you later, that no amount of data would ever reassure him. He needed to feel the strangely fast beat of your heart himself.
"Sorry." Idia doesn't stutter, nor does he pull his hand away. "Can you just... stay like this with me. Just for a little longer." You simply nod, stay still not bothering to close the gap between you so as to allow Idia his space but relax into his touch enough to assure him that he is welcome to do it himself.
If he was forced to tell the truth and not spew his pessimistic drivel, Yuu's care and understanding would be what Idia would say he liked most about them. He didn't say he was afraid of them dying, but they heard him all the same.
When you are ready I am here. And while he might not be ready to say anything out loud, he can say it in the tender way he holds onto you for the rest of the night.
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unfriedough · 2 years
When you have the freetime, can you please make an Zuko x fem!reader and they are trying to look after a child they found(the child has no parents)?
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‘Impromptu Parents’- Zuko x female!reader
Masterlist <3
An: HIYA!  Sorry this took WAY too long, I had no motivation or time :( THANK YOU FOR THE REQUEST THOUGH!!!
Whilst walking around the market with your husband, you stumble upon a child that’s all alone. Not having the heart to leave them there, you decide to bring them along with you until their parents are found. 
Ps. (C/n) is child’s name! I decided to make the child a girl, hope that’s okay!
Warnings: kids…?
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Your steps fell in sync with Zuko’s, soft noises emerging from the carpeted grounds against your shoes. The fiery shades of red from the palace walls and floors surrounded you, as you made your way to the markets outside. Being the firelord’s lonely day off for the first time in a while, you were determined to make it enjoyable and relaxing. His coarse hands were firm against yours, bodies close together despite the massive corridor you two were traversing. 
“What do you think we’re having for lunch?” He asked passively, thinking with his stomach.
 “Mmm. Maybe fire noodles. I’ve been craving those for forever.”
“They don’t serve that here though?‘
“Who said we’re eating at the palace today?”
“Outside?” he said, shocked.
“YES!? Your one day off I’m not spending it in the same place you work?”
“That’s… actually a fair point. Fire noodles it is.”
“Good.” he repeated, mocking you slightly.
You pushed him slightly to the side, making him laugh before pushing you too, you pushed him again, a little harder so he’d lose his balance. He yelped as he fell, before laughing even harder, “You little,”
“Gotta split!” You sprinted to the nearby doors.
Zuko was closer than you thought, immediately tackling you to the ground, pinning you under him. You both erupted into laughter, bodies tangled and positions rather explicit. The guards tried not to look, seemingly undisturbed, but actually struggling not to break character. Unfortunately for you two, you hadn’t actually seen the dozens of men standing at the doorway. Zuko leaned down and pecked your lips, still laughing.
“Sir.” One of them choked out.
You immediately snapped back to reality, teleporting to your feet, much like Zuko. 
“Uh, yeah. We’ll be um, leaving now.” he stood regally, ignoring the heat devouring his face.
They moved apart, swords clanging as they separated, allowing you and your husband to pass. As you passed them, tense and embarrassed, you side eyed Zuko, who was stiff and red in the face. 
“We’re idiots.”
“Who’s we? Just you!” you replied.
“Me?” he exclaimed, “I’ll have you know I’m pretty smart.”
“Mm.”  You pretended to think, “I don’t know about smart, but definitely pretty”
He looked away from you rapidly, ear tinting pink, bashfulness making you laugh. You two happily walked to the markets nearby, brushing fingers against the plants. Zuko seemed more relaxed, shoulders light, posture straight and happy, and definitely laughing more often. It was obvious you were the reason - the whole palace knew! He would visibly relax seeing you, and passively smile at the mention of your name, truly, it made the staff realise how different he was from his father.
Before you knew it, you were in the middle of a bunch of vendors, most did not even recognize you and Zuko, which was a relief. You started by heading to the fruit stalls, purchasing a variety of delicious goods, and then to the souvenir stall, securing a few bits and bobs to make the palace seem a little more homely. You two were making conversation when you were abruptly cut off.
“Get it if you want it, it’s ni-” Zuko was startled when a small figure pushed past him.
The child tugged on your pants/skirt (you choose), sniffling.
You looked to the source, a young girl, maybe 6 or 7, stood, eyes wide and fingers shaky.
“I can’t find my mommy,” you bent down to her level, pushing back the hair from her face.
“Where did you see her last, sweetheart?”
She shrugged, “She was in the shops, I don’t know which.” a tear slipped from her eyes, and she quickly tried to wipe it.
“Well, do you wanna come with us, to look for your mom?”
“Yes please,” she opened her arms wide, for you to pick her up, and that you did.
She fit snug into your arms, head tiredly resting on your shoulder.
“What’s your name sweetie?”
“C/n. And you?”
“I’m Y/n, and this is my husband, Zuko.”
C/n leaned back from your arms, turning around to see Zuko, “Your name is like the firelord.” she deadpanned.
“Yeah, it is,”
You struggled not to laugh, your husband trying to conceal his identity.
“Let’s start over there, shall we?” you pointed at a small corner shop.
“Okay,” she said quietly.
As you walked, you tried to make small talk, the child becoming more comfortable in your arms.
“So, you know the firelord?”
“Yeah. He’s like the principal of the school, but like for the whole entire country!” she giggled, making a large gesture with her hands.
“That’s a funny way of putting it,” Zuko said, chuckling.
“Do you think he’s a nice guy?”
You were secretly hoping she’d say no, that would be hilarious.
Instead, she shrugged, “I haven’t met him. My mommy says he’s just a baby though. But I think he’s really old!” Zuko gasped, eyes widened, and mouth contorted into a smile.
“A baby huh? How old do you think he is?” 
“Maybe 34.” she giggled at your wide smile, hiding her face in your tunic.
“He’s much younger than 34 I’ll have you know.” the guy in question huffed.
The decor sung once you walked in as the door triggered it. There was no one in the shop other than you guys, so you opted to move on. And this pattern repeated, the mother and father were nowhere to be found. At this point the sun began to set.
C/n was beginning to get sleepy, a yawn exiting her mouth. 
“Do you have any fire chips?” she asked, eyes sparkling.
“No um, are you hungry?” she nodded.
“I say we get something to eat, and then see what to do.” Zuko’s stomach growled.
“Fire noodles?”
The lights of the tacky noodle place illuminated your face, a gentle smile gracing your partner’s face as he interlocked your free hand with his. Shortly after entering, you sat down at a booth, and ordered some food - making sure to include something non spicy for C/n.
“So what’re we gonna do?” he asked, looking at the kid, who was fiddling with the hem of her dress.
“I say, we take her home with us, and tomorrow morning we can call the town to do a morning announcement thing, and ask about who’s kid this is.”
“Sounds good, I guess.”
“Is that okay with you, C/n?” You asked her.
“Yes. Thank you ma’am and sir.”
“You can just call us Y/n and Zuko, you know?”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, of course!”
“Okay, Y/n,” she giggled, and you grinned.
The food arrived not too long after, and you all dug in. C/n stuffed her face with the food, finishing it in what could probably be record time, then wiping her face with the napkin. You looked at her, a furrow in your brows.
“Hon, were you that hungry?”
“A little.” she said, sheepishly.
“You should’ve mentioned that,” Zuko said, calling over the waiter.
You ordered another bowl of the ramen for her, before continuing your meal. A few minutes later, you slurped the last noodle, and asked for the check. It was rather cheap, 5 gold coins. Your husband smiled, pulling the receipt to himself and grabbing his wallet.
“What a gentleman.” you sighed, looking at him dreamily, a mocking undertone. I mean, it’s almost like he’s the firelord or something.
He laughed, placing that and a few more into the small book, before shutting it.
“Hey wait! Zuko open it!” he furrowed his brows, C/n holding a fist up in his direction.
He did as she asked, and she dropped a coin into the check, grinning at her actions.
“My mommy always says tip.” 
“We did C/n, you should keep your money to buy yourself something nice.”
She shook her head, sinking back into her chair. He shrugged, closing the check and passing it to the waiter, along with saying thank you of course. You gathered your belongings and left the establishment, the little girl choosing to hold your hand.
“The way home is long, will you be able to walk all that way?”
“Yes! I’m a big girl!” she puffed her chest.
“If you say so,” he smiled.
THough, the walk home was long. You had strayed far from the palace, although you didn’t mind. Walking with Zuko was always peaceful. The fire lit lanterns casted a orangey-yellow hue on the world, streets quiet and barren as people retired to their homes for the night. To add a cherry on top to the perfect night, your lover took you to a fountain, lights illuminating the waters. You sat on the edge of the water structure, hands interlocked with Zuko’s, while C/n watched the pretty reflections in the water, occasionally dipping her hand in for a splash. You looked at her, and once sure she was occupied, you leaned in to kiss your husband. It was sweet and short, an ‘i missed you’ type of kiss - and he understood that perfectly. He rested his forehead against yours, licking his lips sweetly, a grin lighting his face. Your hand pushed a stray lock of ravne hair from his face - a futile attempt as it fell back onto his eyes.
“You make a pretty good dad,”
“You think?”
Just as you were leaning in again, you heard footsteps. Immediately separating, you got up and checked on C/n, who was ever so occupied, then your eyes flashed to the source. An exhausted woman, much older than you, walked, another fellow by her side, with equally tired eyes. Looking over at the child, you saw a switch flipped in your head. Their eyes were similar, and her nose was practically a copy of the dad’s.
“Sweetie,” you pat her shoulder, “Do you know these guys?”
She turned her head, and her eyes widened, tears welling up, “THAT'S MY MOMMY!”
The older couple turned to you guys, before noticing the child, “C/N!” They ran up to her. She flew into her mom’s arms, sobbing and clutching her tightly. The lady tried not to cry, soothing her child as best as she could. A contrast to the dad, who had completely broken down, resting his head on his daughter’s shoulder as he cried. You and Zuko stood awkwardly, not knowing exactly what to do in this situation.
The mother couldn’t stop hugging her baby, sloppily kissing her face.
“You scared us! Where were you?!” She questioned, tears streaming endlessly down her face.
“I-I was with Zuko and Y/n at the markets!” C/n could barely say, breathes laboured.
“Zuko and Y/n… Zuko and Y/n?” The dad asked, furrowing his brows.
“Yeah his name is like the firelord.” 
The couple turned to you, mouths agape. You offered a smile, Zuko awkwardly rubbing his neck, “Hi.”
They immediately set their daughter down, both bowing, and signalling for her to do the same.
“Honey, they’re the firelord and lady.” the mom said through gritted teeth.
C/n’s eyes widened, and she looked over at you, shock evident on her small features.
“Surprise?” you shrugged.
The little girl almost passed out, immediately going to bow.
“Oh no no! You don’t have to do that!” Zuko said, making wild motions with his hand.
“Please, you can get up,” the parents listened, going back to their feet.
“We will forever be in debt to you, your highness,”
Zuko smiled, and you replied, “Oh please, C/n was an angel today,”
The girl held her mother’s arm, staring at you two sheepishly. 
“Thank you,” the dad added, before moving to leave.
They bowed once again before leaving, and you turned to do the same. You got half way down the path, when you heard, “C/N!”
And then, “Hey! Wait up!” you paused and turned, immediately getting pushed over by the little girl, Zuko just about being able to push you back up to your feet. You held her in the hug, looking at her parents who seemed very embarrassed.
“I’ll miss you…”
“I’ll miss you too, C/n.”
She stepped back, then grinned at Zuko, “I’ll miss you too.” She hugged his leg, and he picked her up for a proper hug. 
She leaned back from his chest, “You should come to my house! I’ll show you all of my toys!”
“Maybe some other day,” he said, smiling.
“Yeah, it’s past Zuko’s bed time.” you pinched his cheek, and he flushed red, looking at you with wide eyes.
“Do you have a bedtime?” C/n laughed at him.
Your husband narrowed his eyes at you, tilting his head sideways quickly, worlessly telling you ‘just wait and see’.
He let her down after that, and she ran to her parents, waving goodbye on the way.
Zuko’s hand was on the small of your back as you walked home, “Bedtime? Really? That was low.”
You pouted mockingly, “Don’t worry, I’ll tuck you in.” you squished his face.
Zuko pinched your side in response, a laugh exiting you from the sudden, and very ticklish, contact.
And finally, it felt like you two spent a day together, not as rulers (or principal's) of a country, but as Zuko and Y/n. A girl who loves to mock her husband, and her husband who’s name is suspiciously like that of the firelord.
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An: Lol 
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Okay now that I'm calmer and have time to think about good omens season 2 properly and am not engulfed in gay despair I need to talk about the latter portion of episode 6. (So spoilers. Obviously.)
I kind of believe in the Coffee theory. If you haven't heard about it, there are much better descriptions of it out there, but I'll summarize it for you to the best of my abilities.
So the coffee theory stems from the coffee that the Metatron bought Aziraphale at the end of episode 6. How I understand it, is that he performed a miracle on it and by getting Aziraphale to take it, it kind of brainwashed him into going along with it. That's why he was so out of character, because he literally was out of character.
Although I feel like this has a part to play in it, I feel like there's a bit more under that. The Metatron straight up used many manipulation tactics to get Aziraphale to go along with him. I reblogged a post about it earlier (I think) but pretty much he originally made it seem like Aziraphale had a choice but after what went down with Crowley (which I will also get into in a bit) he didn't let Aziraphale actually choose if he was going to go. He said "are you ready to proceed?" rather than asking what he decided. AZIRAPHALE WAS STRESSED THE FUCK OUT AT THIS POINT AND DIDN'T HAVE HALF A MIND TO ACTUALLY THINK ABOUT WHAT WAS HAPPENING.
Also, to circle back to what happened with Crowley, I'm very upset, as are many other people, but what happened makes sense to me. Firstly, their relationship had been seen as pretty much taboo since the beginning of everything. Of course Aziraphale wouldn't reciprocate after what had just happened. He, again, WAS STRESSED THE FUCK OUT. Also, he had just had the shitshow of a conversation with Crowley and he wasn't expecting the kiss. He had pretty much turned Crowley down at this point. Don't misunderstand, however, I don't think that the kiss was not wanted (you can literally see Aziraphale fighting with himself over to reciprocate or not; hence his hands going to like caress Crowley's back for a moment at the start, about to pull him closer before he decides against it and just lets his hands hover) but it really just didn't come at a good time.
Anyways, this was all to say, Aziraphale did do a lot of wrong in the last 15 minutes, but it wasn't his fault. Crowley very much did NOT deserve that (poor love just wanted to have breakfast at the ritz with the ethereal being he'd loved for 60 centuries) but please PLEASE do not frame Aziraphale as a villain of any kind. If we get a season 3, he will realize what the fuck is up. I'm sure of it. And if he doesn't, well fuck me I guess.
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forsakensword-if · 8 months
Hey, I just discovered this and well, considering just how obsessed I am with angel stories, I had to follow immediately.
Unsurprisingly considering my tastes, Lucifer is the RO I'm interested in, but I have a few questions about their romance. - Is this romance "easier" or "harder" to achieve with a Michael who has a certain personality or another? I'm planning on doing a pretty benevolent character though I will iron the details once I can actually play the game. - I was thinking on having a character who would turn their back on God after a while, but is this mandatory in order to actually romance Lucifer? - And on that matter, is the disposition towards humans linked to MC's loyatly towards their creator? Because I would love my character to remain benevolent towards humans regardless of the rest. - I believe a member of the "friend group" is a fallen/demon hunter right? How does that... impact the romance with Lucifer. And the other way around too - wouldn't romancing them break that one specific friendship? - Lucifer seems possessive of Michael, but I wonder how does it show? Like, do they actively say stuff like Michael belonging to them unprompted and from the very start of the story, or is this only an opinion they keep to themself? Mostly wondering since I'm curious about the possible dynamics between them. - Is it possible to have a preexisting crush on them? I mean, decide by the start of the game the MC had a crush on them for a while.
Yeah, it's a very specific series of questions (I hope none has been answered already, tumblr hasn't been cooperating with me). Thanks for taking your time to check these and answer them if you can! Have a great day!
hello! i hope i answered these sufficiently, and thank you for the interest!
under the cut because this is kinda long.
1. lucifer will want michael no matter what personality you choose to play with. you could play the sweetest michael or the darkest michael, it wouldn’t make a difference in getting their route.
2. no, however you decide to feel about god, that won’t change lucifer’s opinion on michael. nor will it change their opinion on god.
3. that will be for you to decide. some michael’s might remain benevolent to humans even after they turn their back on god and some might have only been benevolent towards humans because they had to be.
4. not really. arik is very aware of michael and lucifer’s more complicated relationship and while he’s protective of michael, he understands that some things are just beyond his understanding. michael’s feelings for lucifer being one of them. also not many hunters tend to go after lucifer, they’re far too powerful and generally keep the others in line. also arik falls for noor so it’d be a bit hypocritical of them lol.
5. to begin with, no. it’s lucifer’s pov that will allow you to see their possessiveness at first (for those who don’t read povs, you can be just as surprised (or not) by it as michael). they show it more with actions rather than words, but when lucifer loses their temper or gets scared for michael’s life, that’s when they start straight up telling michael that they belong to them.
6. that is possible! it will also be possible to decide whether your michael became ashamed of their crush on lucifer after they fell. however, you will not have the option to have told lucifer about how you feel pre-fall.
hope you also have a great day!
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overtrred28 · 16 days
Stargirl | matildas x original character fic [part eighteen]
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Words; 2.7k
Pairings; matildas team x astrid taylor (OC)
Warnings; swearing,
“Courtney come on, just tell us please?” Astrid whined as she sat on the edge of her couch with Kyra, Courtney pacing in front of them. 
“Okay fine.” Courtney sat down in the arm chair across from the couch. “I’m going on loan.” She mumbled but the other girls caught on. 
“Loan?”  Kyra questioned, letting the information process in her mind as she looked at Courtney. 
“Where? Who?” Astrid asked with furrowed brows. 
“Leicester City put in an offer before the break, they told me this morning and I accepted.” Courtney looked down at her hands as she waited for further reactions. 
“How long?” Kyra asked after a minute of silence. 
“Till the end of the WSL season.” Courtney slowly lifted her head. “And then they have the option to buy after that.” She looked between her two friends who were processing the news, both silent. 
“That’s amazing Nevvy, I’m so happy for you.” Astrid stood up and opened her arms, waiting for Courtney to join her. Courtney stood up with a smile, accepting the hug and holding onto Astrid. 
“Thank you.” Courtney spoke into Astrid’s shoulder where she placed her head, the younger girl running her hand up and down her back. The two girls almost jumped when another pair of arms wrapped around them and a small laugh came from Kyra as she joined the hug.
“When do you go?” Kyra asked softly as they pulled apart but still stood closely. 
“Well I’m still training here for the next week and a half and then I’ll leave to sign there on the 25th.” Courtney relayed what she was told this morning. 
“Shit. That’s soon.” Astrid’s smile faltered as she realised how little time they had together in Sweden.
“I know. But we’ll see each other at camp like every month.” Courtney pulled Astrid into her side. 
“Enough with the sadness.” Kyra spoke sternly while putting her finger straight up in the air, scaring Courtney and Astrid. “Just means we have to do everything together for the next week and a half until Nev leaves us to our own devices.” Kyra directed her last words to Astrid who laughed in return. 
“Oh no I didn’t think of that bit.” Courtney sighed and placed a hand on her forehead in distress, genuinely concerned with how they might actually survive without her as a middle man. 
Contrary to Cortnee’s advice from over a week ago, Astrid and Kyra had yet to speak about New Year’s, or anything that happened that night, but easily returned to their usual selves and like nothing had happened. 
Astrid was still thinking about it at least once a day, questioning whether it was something or not, whether Kyra actually remembered the kiss, and what could this mean for them? The right thing to do to resolve her constant thoughts would be to just talk to Kyra about it, or at least tell someone else. But with the return to football and the World Cup looming above them, she was choosing to ignore the reality of it and keep it hidden deep down. 
After spending as much time with Courtney before she left and eventually helping her move out, it was time for the first game back. Kyra and Astrid had both been selected for the starting 11, ready to make an impact early on in the game. It’s safe to say they did. 
During the first half the pair had linked up on the left side two times, securing two assists for Kyra and a brace for Astrid, which helped the team eventually to their 6-1 win over AIK and a terrific start to the new year. 
After Courtney had left, Kyra had the thought that maybe Astrid should move in and fill the space and so that neither of them were lonely outside of training. Astrid agreed and they began the process of moving her in and getting out of her old place. 
Even now with their closer quarters, neither had yet to mention new years eve or the Fiji trip at all, pushing those few days to the back of their minds and ignoring whatever it was that happened between them. Their relationship stayed as close to what it was before the kiss, but there seemed to be a few moments of distance between them at certain times. For the most part though, the pair had acted as they always did and caused mischief to their club teammates during training sessions and weekly team bonding activities. 
After another 4 matches with Hammarby and another 5 goals added to Astrid’s list, it was time for Astrid and Kyra to jet off home and join the Matilda’s for the first camp of the year. It felt weird going off to camp without Courtney this time, Charli also taking her own flight with Mini and Harper, leaving Kyra and Astrid on the long journey alone. And without anyone else to pester or intervene, they were getting at each other's throat every five seconds, resulting in them rocking up to camp exhausted and annoyed with one another. 
Astrid was always very happy to be back on home soil, especially when they got to play in her hometown and in front of her friends and family, it was always a special time. 
The car pulled up to the hotel and Astrid and Kyra jumped out, their social media team standing outside ready to catch them, forcing smiles onto both of their faces as if they weren’t just arguing five minutes ago about something stupid. 
They were met with the rest of the girls who had arrived from overseas standing in the lobby, all turning around as they heard Kyra and Astrid walking in the front doors. 
“Cha Cha!” Astrid dropped her baggage immediately, yelling as she ran directly towards the blonde defender, a look of fear in her eyes as she spotted the young forward racing towards her. 
“Oh no.” She whispered to herself, preparing for the impact she knew was coming. Astrid all but leaped into Charli’s arms, the girl grunting as she caught Astrid and tried to stabilise herself, stopping them from falling to the ground. 
“Oh thank god.” Astrid shook her head as she jumped down from Charli, gripping onto her shoulders with wide eyes. “It is so good to see you, I have been stuck alone with her for 2 months now!” The her she was referring to stood behind them with a dropped jaw. 
“And I have been stuck with her, it’s torture.” Kyra dramatically sighed as she moved closer to the group of girls. Astrid turned around slowly, meeting eyes with Kyra who had her arms crossed over her chest. 
“I thought you chose to move in with Kyra.” Steph spoke up, pointing her attention to Astrid. 
“Well it's cheaper and safer than living alone.” Astrid shrugged her shoulders, a smirk growing on her face as she awaited Kyra’s reaction. 
“Take that back, you love me.” Kyra ran forward, bringing her hands up to pinch Astrids cheeks causing the younger girl to swat her arms away. 
“Leave me alone!” Astrid squealed as they began fighting, laughs echoing through the lobby as the other girls watched on in confusion, no one ever understood their relationship. 
“Alright, enough you two. The rooms are ready.” Steph was the one who separated them with the help of Charli who pushed them both towards their bags and handed them their individual room keys. “Everyone has their own room this time.” Steph announced to the group who all seemed happy with that, enjoying having the space to themselves. 
After a night of rest and a fuelling breakfast where they took the time to catch up, the team were headed to the stadium for their first day of training with only 3 days until their match against Czechia. 
Training went smoothly like always, the team jumping back into their rhythm instantly and enjoying back together in the Australian sun. Kyra and Astrid paired up for drills, a disaster waiting to happen, and it clearly didn’t take long for chaos to ensue. Though they enjoy one another's company, they also have a way of getting under each other's skin quite quickly. So it wasn’t a surprise when the session was stopped because Kyra and Astrid were now on the ground practically wrestling after getting caught up in each other's feet and falling over. 
A few of the older, more responsible girls ran over and began separating them, putting them with different partners and on other sides of the pitch, in hopes of creating a more peaceful, quiet session. But they still managed to find themselves communicating, loudly, across the pitch whilst they were training and still disturbing everyone. 
“Oi, you two!” Sam’s voice caught the attention of the pair who sneakily made their way back to one another and were whispering at the back of the group before Sam spotted them. Their heads snapped up at their captain and immediately stopped the chatter, their quiet laughs drifting off. Everyone else watched with smirks as Sam began to scold them. “Stop being 5 years olds otherwise you’re not playing on Thursday.” Her threat made them both visibly swallow and start to inch further and further away from each other, avoiding eye contact to avoid laughter.
The 3 days of training had ensured the team could once again come back together like no time had passed and look like they played together each day. They had their meeting that morning, where they would have a final talk about strategies and finally reveal the starting line up, Astrid sitting up the back with her other three counterparts half listening to Tony. That was until something finally caught her attention.
“As our 10 we’re going to have Astrid,” Tony smiled when he saw the young girl's head lift up, jaw dropping slightly in surprise. “You are our central attack to help Sam as the 9.” Tony concluded and Astrid nodded, shock turning into a smile on her face. Her teammates were giving her head claps and shoulder shakes while she stared at the screen, her heart beaming at the fact she would be starting a game in her home town with all her friends and family there. 
During their pitch warm up, Kyra had pointed out Astrid’s family that were sitting by one of the corners, both girls giving them a wave when they passed during drills. Astrid couldn’t have felt better than she did right now. And unlike the last time she was set to start, there wasn’t an ounce of anxiety as redid her hair, tied her boots right to left and finally put on her jersey. 
Astrid was last in the line behind Charli and Kyra, as per the 31 painted under her last name, pushing out any nerves by talking with her mascot beside her. “What position do you play?” Astrid asked the girl beside her. 
“Forward, like you!” The girl pointed up and Astrid's eyes widened as she watched the girl realise who she was, getting even more excited to be standing next to Astrid. 
“Well that means you’re part of the cool kids club then.” Astrid smiled and put out her spare hand for a high five, the girl jumping up and to hit before jumping up and down in excitement. “Unlike Kyra and Charli.” Astrid bent down to whisper but kept it loud enough for the girls to hear her. 
“Hey!” They both exclaimed but they were cut off as the line started moving and the team began their walk out, Astrid and her mascot still giggling together. 
There was so much pride behind Astrid as she walked out on that pitch, seeing the almost full stands of Matildas supporters ready to watch what would be a very intense game. 
During the first half there were so many missed chances from both teams, right from that first touch. Just too high, too far over, a really good block. It seemed nothing was going to happen for either in the first half.
Time was almost up, 3 minutes left on the clock and Astrid was nowhere near giving up on this half. The ball had fallen to Charli who dribbled through the opposition before shooting it off to Kyra in the midfield. Kyra quickly became surrounded and needed to pass it off before she lost it. She found a gap and slipped to a more central position, eying off forwards to pass it too. Courtnee and Hayley were too far back and crowded to slip it in, Sam and Astrid being the only two with a chance of getting it in. Both strikers had their eye on the ball as Kyra kicked it into the air, ready for it no matter who it decided to fall to. It looked as if it was about to fall to Sam who was ready to head it in, so the defenders and goalie headed in her direction. 
But with a slight change of the breeze and an extra step from Kyra, the ball landed to Astrid at her chest, quickly rolling the ball down to her feet. Her proximity to the next assisted greatly as she used her right foot to tap the ball forward, slipping past the hands of Lukášová and bouncing in the back of the net. 
The crowd roared in her ears as Astrid found herself running along the edge of the pitch past the crowd, proudly taking a hold of her shirt, tapping her badge as she ran. The girls had begun to chase after Astrid who had just given them a leg up in the last 2 minutes of the game. She eventually stopped and turned around to find 9 other girls about to land on her and give her more head pats than she could have imagined. 
She was beaming as they finally returned to their positions to resume play, all still with adrenaline pumping and a final fight at the end of the half. And before she knew it, Cortnee was running towards the goal, defenders trying to catch up to her before Cortnee slid the ball towards Astrid so quickly that once again Astrid was shooting the ball into the back of the net. 
A brace within the last 3 minutes of the first half, who would have thought. To celebrate this time though Astrid ran to the corner where her family were sitting, blowing a kiss up to her parents at the edge, almost buckling forward as a whole heap of bodies piled up on her back. The girls were screaming in her ear, most prominently Kyra who was the first person on her back to no surprise, Astrid dropping her off with a bright smile before both Kyra and Charli wrap their arms around the young scorer. 
30 seconds into resuming play the ref called time and the Matildas were leaving the pitch 2-nil up and hungry for more. After time for a breath and a plan revision, the girls were back on the field, an immediate change was made with Aivi to Clare Hunt, marking her Matildas debut. 
Hayley was the one who kept the fire alive early in this half, also scoring herself a brace within the first 10 minutes, giving the crowd what they came to see. Astrid, Cortnee and Katrina played 25 minutes of this half before being subbed off for fresh legs, all happy with the impact they had made to the game. 
The game ended with 6-0 in favour of the Matildas after 2 more goals from Sam and Polks, the girls very happy with their result in front of the home crowd. After their rounds to the fans, saying hello to friends and family, and their group pitch huddle, it was time for the girls to head back to the hotel for a night of rest ahead of their prep for Spain in 3 days. 
to be continued...
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zibiscusloon · 8 months
Because it's impossible to choose one, rate and order the cameos/easter eggs you loved most in the movie
I’m gonna go with some of my favorites off the top of my head! There were so many across the whole movie and I loved each and every one, lol
(Note this is in no specific order!)
1. Chica’s fucking Magic Rainbow
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My friend Axe ( @gayfrogsarecool ) caught this lil easter egg while we were watching the movie and it managed to flood back so many memories. So.. many… memories…. (All of yelling at a rude ass rainbow-)
I’m probably in a minority of people who loved Fnaf World during its initial release, so I really wasn’t thinking there’d be a World reference! It was really sweet to see!
2. Balloon Boy (lil bastard-)
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I can’t believe I’m admitting that this lil shit is the only animatronic who managed to succeed on every single fucking jumpscare. He got me each time— There was no excuse for them to work every time! He was literally just standing there! But noooooo, Freddy biting Max in half only gave me a brief pause of “Oh.” But the batterie thief himself is the one who made me jump from my seat- what the fuck-
3. Sparky the Dog! (And Sparky’s Diner!)
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Every single fan who has been around since Fnaf 1 knows who Sparky the Dog is! The original hoax character. I remember when I was little and I’d be up watching theories trying to debunk whether or not he was a real character! A fan character was a big surprise and seeing that he even has an in universe diner themed around him made me feel like a kid again! (Only this kid now gets confirmation of a Canon Sparky-)
(Also Imma just say his movie design is adorable I love him sm-)
4. Carl & The Cupcake
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Noticed this one out more recently! So during the whole segment where Max & her friends are picked off one by one by the gang I learned that the dude that the Cupcake straight up mauls happens to be named “Carl”! I have no idea if it was intentional or not but it could be a nod to The Cupcake’s fanon name!
5. The Ella springlock suit
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So Ella on her own was a rather eerie and intriguing concept from the books (Saying this as someone who is still really iffy with how the whole “Charlie is a Robot” concept was handled)
But seeing her as her own animatronic in the movie really managed to bring up her creep factor! She just looks so ragged and forgotten, she looks like a creepy af porcelain doll (and I love that-). Makes me wonder if we’ll ever see animatronic Ella up and running (probably not but it’d be cool none the less!)
6. Cory & Matpat!
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Coryxkenshin has always been a comfort channel for me! I always found his content genuinely nice, genuine, and I have a habit of going back to plenty of his old game playthroughs when I’m feeling down. Man also got jumped by BB- you and me both pal-
When I tell you the cackling I had from the whole “That’s just a theory” line, cheeky son of a- (also I now hc Ness as the Hurricane local menace who is a constant thorn in William’s side cause he keeps breaking into the Pizzaria on the weekends looking for evidence and shit from the MCI)
7. And Of course..
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I mean did they really expect to have this as the end credits song and for me to not loudly sing it? Childhood in song form-
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nterini · 10 months
The Leftover Kids in ONLY FRIENDS
A character analysis of Boston and Ray Ep. 6
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This episode reveals a bit more about Boston’s character, and while it doesn’t justify his actions (because your past doesn’t have to justify all your present decisions, especially in fictional characters) we’re able to better understand his impulse to “humble” others when it seems to him like they’re finding their own way.
We learn that Boston’s mother remarried, and flew to another continent to start her new life. And while I don’t want to make assumptions, something about Boston’s politician father (who calls him only to speak about his campaign and winning over young people) encouraging his son’s impulses to toy with the emotions and bodies of others may have had something to do with it. Boston, time and time again tells Nick that the potential of the public finding his sex tapes (with other men) would be a burden to his father’s career. We don’t know if Boston has come out to his father, but the ultimatum that Boston must graduate or be sent back to New York to live with his mom shows his father’s willingness to get rid of a son that may not fit his public image. Boston is a talented photographer and someone in the demographic he wants to target; why so eager to send him away.
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In the next scene, while comforting our favorite crazy lovesick puppy, he tells Nick, that the reason he doesn’t make lasting relationships is because he knows he has to leave anyway (and some more be about how he’d be a better photographer abroad). Maybe it’s because of the pressure he feels from his father, but Boston believes that there’s no place for him permanently anywhere. No one has chosen him for an “unconditional forever love” and no ever one will. He’s had no power over that. If my assumption that Boston’s father already knows of his son’s sexuality, and is slowly freezing him out and that Boston knows this already, Boston’s view of his future in Thailand, one that will always be queer, must be bleak. His own father, a popular candidate elect, does not want him. This loss of control triggers him. We see Boston seek control of potential rejection in the way he pursues his flings. He prefers Nick over all his other flings because he’s confident that Nick will always choose him no matter what selfish things he says. He’s envious of Mew who’s constantly chosen and pure, of the perfect Top who rejected him and has his life together, and of Ray and Sands budding relationship. He believes he’ll be left alone again, so he sabotages externally against anyone’s progress.
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It’s what makes his scenes with Ray that much more interesting. Because Ray is just like him, except he sabotages internally. 
We were introduced to Ray’s family background a few episodes back, and the toll it took on him emotionally, physically, and mentally. His mother was a young and talented actress who married rich, and whose light was dimmed in that marriage. And whether it was resentment over her lost career, Post-partum depression and an uncaring husband, or just a worsening addiction that was left untreated, she died alone drowning herself in alcohol. We know that Ray did not receive much affection from his mother and that his father was just as neglectful. Ray has learned to use money to buy emotions, companionship and intimacy. Unfortunately, he seems to be following in both his parents footsteps. 
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There is a theory going around that Boston has had a secret unrequited crush on Ray. And while I don’t think there’s a lot of evidence that supports this ship, it’s a plausible theory. However, the way he constantly goes back to Nick when he needs comfort and conversations, other than just straight sex, says the opposite. I think a better conclusion would be that Boston finds comfort in Ray’s lack of growth and misfortune. After all, they’re very similar. Leftover, abandoned, rich kids that were never chosen. I don’t even think he had any ill intention against Mew when he slept with Top or even with Ray. I think deep down he’s secretly comforted by seeing Ray heartbroken. It makes sense that he was triggered when he saw that Ray might have found someone to help him come out of that misery. He doesn’t provoke Mew or Top the way he does Ray. Maybe it’s because Ray doesn’t see how similar they are. Maybe it’s because Top and Mew see right through him. 
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Mew’s role in their friendship is also really interesting 🤔. Ep. 7 might give us inside Mew’s thoughts and actions. Is Mew manipulating his rich friends to get his dream career and partner or is it all all a grand plan to help heal the lives of the people he cares about most.
Overall, I love how real the show feels. The discussions of drugs in Thailand’s queer community, of privilege and class struggle, it all feels incredibly genuine. It’s hot and steamy and we’ll written. Like we CAN have all of these things at once! The growth that I see in BL/Queer (the slash is necessary) content gives me hope. Please give the lesbians (AprilNamchueam) more screen time plsssssssss 😩.
(Please excuse any typos and errors.)
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diabolikpersonals · 5 months
Heyyy, just an interesting question I had, do you think diabloic lovers could’ve been more popular and better if it wasn’t a “romance” thing, for me I feel like it would’ve been wayyy better if they were to choose the healing from trauma route for the franchise, esp since it would’ve made sense since the vampires had traumatic childhoods. Not only that the “romance” isn’t even romance it’s straight up (TW: SA, abuse and manipulation) and it’s hella weird that most of the characters are minors. Sorry for blubbering so much but just a thought I had 😭😭😭
You and I just aren't members of the target audience, anon, but dialovers is plenty popular because it's a dark romance. I get that the eng-speaking fandom isn't all that active, and things are especially quiet because we're in the middle of a long hiatus, but it's a fairly popular otome game series with lots of dedicated fans, u know? And the thing everybody knows it for, and the thing that the fans are always talking about, are its dark romantic fantasy sexy vampire stuff. Getting preyed on by a hot vampire guy is a pretty normal & common fantasy to have, imo. so I don't think it needs to change to become more popular or anything, in fact I think it'd become less popular fsdghfh
But I hear you, because I'm not part of the target audience either (opposite end of the spectrum, personally...!) and I'm mostly into it for plot n character analysis. (I know that sounds so pretentious but I can't help being a nerd about this stuff ok.......I definitely have my ships too) I've definitely felt, as I was playing and reading, that this is an amazing story that is kind of held back because it's an otome game and the law requires them to stick blood-sucking scenes into almost every single chapter.
I'd argue that dialovers already is steering itself in a direction where it's focusing more on character-driven plot and less on romance. A lot of people complained about LE for this exact reason. Personally, I like it...! I know it's because I'm not the target audience but when I'm playing these games, getting through the bloodsucking scenes is such a chore, especially when I'm like "GUYS there's a demon war going on!!!" lmao. I thought this was an unpopular perspective to have in this fandom, but I've met some people who share the same opinions as me, and I think both parties can be satisfied (and I'm putting this in bold because I'm so so serious) if dialovers released a series of light novels.
This is my newest thing I'm campaigning for bc I think it would be the perfect supplementary material for dialovers. The best blood-sucking scenes are gonna be in the game, since they've got the visuals and the voice acting. Novels aren't structured like the games, so while they'll definitely still have blood-sucking scenes in them (duh), they won't have to interrupt important plot points to have 5 or 6 unnecessary ones. It's a retelling so you can take the scenes from the games and describe them in way more detail! Dialovers as a tighter story! More insight into how the characters act, and what they're thinking and feeling! Intimate scenes described in prose! Cool new art for the covers! And rejet makes money without the need for voice acting, so it can be done during the hiatus! Everybody's happy, right??? rejet pls hear my pitch.......
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otaku-tyriq · 4 months
Do you have top 10 or top 7 favorite (fictional) characters (if you feel like listing multiple) of all time from any media?
That is actually a very tricky question, dear Anon. For you see the list if my favourite characters is CONSTANTLY changing. Similar to my list of my favourite songs haha. So I cannot give you a set "All time Favourite” list but I can offer you a "List of Characters Tyriq enjoys at this very moment on the 18th of March 2024”
1) Nero Claudius from Fate/Extra, Fate/Last Encore, Fate/Extella and Fate/Grand Order
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The second I had first heard this woman say "umu” that was it for me. I knew I’d be obsessed with her for the rest of my days. She is adorable, she is loyal, she is THAT GIRL, a queen, an emperess, a goddess, and just seeing her instantly makes my brain pump out serotonin. Who even needs anti depressants when you can have Nero.
2) Vash the Stampede from Trigun Stampede
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Babygirl. Princess. Loserboy. Golden Retriever Puppy. Beloved Wife. He’s adorable, pathetic, a wonderfully tragic yet optimistic character. He’s my beautiful little princess and I lay my life down before him.
3)Yoimiya from Genshin Impact
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Her absolute happy go lucky attitude and sweet personality is like liquid gold shot straight into my arteries. I had fallen in love with this woman the very second I had laid eyes on her. Also she has been my main for two years at this point she’s genuinly just that fun to play.
4) Kaveh from Genshin Impact
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The suffering artist trope CRANKED UP TO ELEVEN! Again like Vash this man is equally tragic as he is kindhearted and despite having been scammed out of his money multiple times he still cannot help but sacrifice his own well being if it would result in someone else’s happiness. Also before you ask: Yes, I do ship him and Alhaitham
5) Ichiban Kasuga from Yakuza
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What else can I say about Ichiban other than he’s almost stupidly optimistic and no matter how hard of a curveball life throws at him, he ALWAYS keeps the attitude of "once you hit rock bottom the only way is up.”, always trying to both see and bring out the best in people. Also he’s a massive Dragon Quest fan so obviously I’d end up obsessing over this beautiful specimen of a man who at the age of 42 still is not 100% sure where women pee from.
6) Erik from Dragon Quest XI
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Honestly I could have EASILY put the entire main cast of Dragon Quest XI on this list because the characters of that game are simply that likeable and well written, but if I had to choose one, it would have to be your very first party member and the hero’s best friend and totally platonic roommate Erik. This man’s sassy attitude yet undying loyalty and devotion towards the hero is so strong not even the apocalypse itself could tear the hero and Erik apart for long.
7) Ryuji Sakamoto from Persona 5
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I think at this point y’all are starting to see a pattern in my favourite characters: Ryuji is loyal like a golden retriever puppy, absolutely adorable and sweet with a severe lack of Braincells.
8) Silver the Hedgehog from the Sonic the Hedgehog Franchise
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Silver has literally been my favourite Sonic character since Childhood. His whole stick is that he’s unbeatable optimistic. Despite becoming from an apocalyptic future where everything is covered in flames, he never stops believing that things can become better if you try. His naivety however leads to characters like Mephilis abusing his optimism for their own agenda. But none of that stops Silver from
being one of my greatest comfort characters.
9) William James Moriarty from Moriarty the Patriot
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✨Be Gay. Do Crime✨
✨Clinical Depression✨
All these things and more describe William James Moriarty and he’s so valid for it.
10) The Professor from Puppet History
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He’s just a little guy. He’s a little guy and it’s his birthday
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Gonna post this here quickly before tomorrow’s episode drops but the way the show handles “Nice Guys” is so interesting to me; take Mr Daniels for example. This is a ramble so be warned!!!!
Mr Daniels managed to curate this Nice Guy™ reputation; he’s popular with both students and colleagues. But it’s widely know he had some sort of relationship with (according to Twitter??) a 14 year old student. He’s clearly aware of the power he holds as he says to Olivia in episode 4 “You’re teenagers. You don’t have any rights or power”. This for me is one of the creepiest lines in the show considering the context of his relationship WITH OLIVIA. He’s openly admitting she has no power here, whereas we know he does because he’s white/male/wealthy (maybe?? He bought that nice house). and yet because of this Nice Guy™ façade he’s got he’s able to manipulate the narrative to the point where a 14 year old girl is being punished and he GETS TO KEEP HIS JOB because he’s a Nice Guy™ so who wouldn’t believe him?
But the show does it so well because we, the audience, are left feeling so angry that others haven’t spotted it and called it out.
The same also goes for Buddy. Obviously he’s not as bad as Mr Daniels (a whole predator) but he also benefits from his reputation as the “good guy” despite not doing much to deserve it. Everything that makes him a “good guy” is handed to him; the student presidential election, the position as star quarterback, the lead role as Romeo, etc because he’s white/male/wealthy. And this wouldn’t be as big as a problem as it is if only he would admit this/do something but he ACTIVELY CHOOSES not to despite numerous opportunities to do so:
he could have set the record straight about him and Jane/continued to date Jane despite rumours - he doesn’t
he could have chosen Susan over Jane to help him as student president considering Susan helped him with the election - he doesn’t.
He could have set the record straight immediately with the election results considering he knows he didn’t win - he doesn’t.
He even could have tried to stop the crowd turning on Wally (HIS FRIEND) during the football game considering he supposedly does worse and isn’t abused for it - but he doesn’t.
Buddy constantly chooses to do what suits him best. Even when he doesn’t actively choose to anything about a situation, his passiveness benefits him because his reputation remains clean. And when he’s called out on this he doesn’t change. Particularly in episode 5 when flips the narrative on Jane that she’s in the wrong for crashing a Halloween party 🚩 BIG RED FLAG 🚩.
Like I said he’s not as bad as Mr. Daniels because sometimes I think Buddy is genuinely clueless that maybe what he’s doing isn’t right because it’s what he (the ‘good guy’) has been doing his whole life so it must be right. But his PASSIVENESS IS HARMFUL.
It’s interesting though because his exit at the end of episode 6 definitely indicates something up with him and I wonder if maybe he’s coming to the realisation that he might not be as great as he’s always been told and the pressure is mounting up to meet these expectations. But both his and Mr. Daniels Nice Guy™ façade allows them to get away with a lot more than any other character in the show, whether consciously or not. To quote Hanna Flint in Strong Female Character (which I highly recommend): “they [Nice Guy™] are the type of men to be most worried about”.
Anyway jury’s still out on Buddy but I’m hopeful for some growth. Not for Mr. Daniels though; chuck him in a cell and throw away the key.
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billyharringson · 6 months
My 2023 in fics
Thank you @lorifragolina for tagging me. I know you tagged my main account @jad3w1ngs but as all my fics were Stranger Things this year I'm going to do it here.
I'm going to only talk about fics that I either started or finished during the month as I've written an awful lot this year and it was very hard to pick faves.
I'm choosing my current ongoing Byergrove fic 'Take a picture, it'll last longer' that I started on New Year's day last year. I've loved writing such an angst heavy fic and exploring the trauma that might occur from what Billy went through at the beginning of this fic. Also Jon is the best boy in this and he's so soft (which is quite a departure to how I seem to normally write him).
For Feb I have possibly my favourite Mungrove one-shot that I've ever written. 'It means to lie beneath' was a Billy Hargrove Bingo fill and definitely something that is on my list to expand into a full fic (just as soon as I finish some of my other series). It was really fun writing a Succubus/Incubus fic and I can't wait to further explore the world I built.
Considering that this is my biggest fic and also the one that really got me into this fandom I have to shout out my Harringrove fic 'To submit is such sweet pleasure'. My first foray into A/B/O and I just love these boys together in this fic.
This is possibly my least read fic but one that definitely holds a special place in my heart. My first submission for Mungrove week, 'Ghost' was my chance to try a good old fashioned song fic and practice some more poetic writing.
'Swapping more than clothes' was the Stoner Polycule fic that I finished in May and was also a Billy Hargrove Bingo fill. Really enjoyed writing each of the boys dynamics in this and of course having some straight up smut where Billy gets railed by multiple partners is always good.
I can't believe I only started 'Forged' in June. I love, love, love this fic and can't wait to actually get to the point where I introduce Eddie (or Edeval as he is in this) as a character. For a Mungrove fic of mine it is quite funny that we're nearly on chapter 6 and he's still not appeared.
Another fic I'm obsessed with writing, 'Chokehold' is my darker Stoner Polycule fic. We're still early days with this one (considering it's chapter 5 on what is at least a 19 chapter fic) but I think about this fic almost daily.
Wow, I finished 'The Stolen Sapphire' all the way back in August? That feels so long ago. My pirate Harringroveson fic that was such a pleasure to write and so many people seemed to love, I can't not put it here.
I was struggling between 2 of the Mungrove fics I wrote in September but considering the sheer number of times I've re-read 'Knock Once' that's got to be the one I go for. Pure smut with my best two boys, and also the beginning of my realisation that this might just be my ride or die ship for ST.
I just have to include one of my Harringrove kinktober fics for this month so I'm going with 'Wanna see what's under that attitude' because it's chock full of all the kinks, and Billy in lingerie is always a pleasure.
Another fic that I personally feel went a little under the radar but one that I love nonetheless is 'little and broken, but still good'. My first attempt at writing one of the boys as a dad and I just adore Eddie's daughter Chrissy. Also kindergarten teacher Billy is something I need to write more of. Needless to say this is another Mungrove fic and was one of my last fills for the Billy Hargrove Bingo.
I've only just started this one, and I had planned on it being a short fic but I've gone a bit ham with the world building so we're in for a longer ride. Anyway, 'To keep good company' my historical A/B/O Harringrove fic is actually going to be my first attempt at some proper slow burn (although is it slow burn if they're already mated?)
This was a lot of fun, and very nice to look back at all that I've accomplished in 2023.
My absolutely no pressure tags are for @shieldofiron @weird-an @ihni and anyone else who wants to join in 😄
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generic-whumperz · 3 months
OC in 3
Choose 3 pics to represent your OC
Oops, I got overly excited and made 10 three-picture collages
Omg thank you @mj-iza-writer for the tag! I am honored that I came to mind! 🥹
No pressure (& open to anyone interested!) tag: @rainydaywhump @eatyourdamnpears @clairelsonao3 @dresden-syndrome @lights-out-knives-out @snakebites-and-ink
Soooo, I know I’m supposed only to pick three pics, but honestly, I simply cannot (I know, no surprise there). I have been wanting to do a vibe photo dump for The Aid (the Whumpee & title of the story) but have yet to do it (hello, my ever-expanding Pinterest boards), so I’ll take this chance to explore The Aid’s past phases he’s gone through (pre & post-Wyatt {Whumper #2}) and give some explanations because it’s a lot. However, I don’t know if explanations are necessary for this tag game, but I’m famously too much, so of course, I’m going to over-explain myself because of my crippling fear of being misunderstood!
Ironically (ironic because his real name reveal doesn't come until around chapter 25-ish), I call his time with Madame Eleanor (technical Whumper #1) his “Aid Era” because that’s when he becomes this character we are introduced to and currently know him as. Yet, this is the part of his life he is phasing out of. **Insert something-something about being haunted by your past.**
In the current storyline, he is going through a succession of more changes, and his world is about to be turned upside down yet again, but I’ll hold off on showing those for now because they’re spoilers, and I have more than enough here!
Starting from the top, here we goooo—
P.S. The people in these pics are not what the characters look like, this is simply vibes only!
Day 1
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1. As soon as The Aid arrives at his new home, Madame Eleanor gets custom-made Gucci uniforms made for him that looks like this. This is his go-to everyday attire. (I spent too long looking at scrubs and hospitality uniforms on and off for over a month—tell me you like it and think it’s cool and sleek.)
2. He has a special built-in in his closet specifically for all his fancy, jewel-encrusted collars Madame Eleanor gifted him throughout the years, but this is what the facility's standard-issue collar looks like for his designation (Grand Servant: Domestic Aid).
3. His favorite Prada frames Madame Eleanor also got him that he bitches reminisces about in Chapter 6 (Wyatt breaks them because he’s an asshole, leaving him straight up blind for several months).
Fancy Threads
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Eleanor Sullivan was a Rich Bitch™️ (I will make a separate post at some point about her house and The Aid’s room specifically because I spent way too much time obsessing over these deets), so best believe she had her servant dressed to the 9s in designer fits when out and about or for Family events and the like. She may also put him in a butler uniform from time to time when they were hosting a party at their residence—which was often, Eleanor was known for her soirées. (To clarify, he’d still wear a collar even when dressed up, and all those attending knew who and what he was.)
The Host
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He loved a good party just as much as Eleanor did! He likes serving and seeing people have fun and enjoy themselves (people-pleasing empath). He was known for his food displays and had a knack for creating a proper afternoon tea spread that garnered attention from all those present. I also have Pinterest boards of some appetizer spreads and cool drink tables he would put together because I was really trying to understand him as a character.
Speaking of Empath…
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We can’t talk about him without bringing up his not-so-secret secret! Lil’ homie has a gang of abilities (telepathic empathy, hyper intuition, premonitions, and psychometry) just bubbling up inside him at all times. His relationship with himself and his sixth senses is complicated, to say the least—he finds them burdensome, yet he cannot function without them, despite how much he argues otherwise. It’s a whole thing, but for a certified Telepathic-Empath™️, he sure is dead inside (which only gets worse after Wyatt OFC).
*Sorry for the shitty upload quality of the Emotional Sponge, idk why it looks so bad!
Domestic Duties
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Not only can he slap together the best charcuterie board you’ve ever seen and easily untangle Christmas lights, but he’s also a man who can cook, clean, and keep a house. What can’t he do?
Hobbies? Interests?
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Don’t be ridiculous, he didn’t have time for leisure activities! But when he had some occasional downtime, he would spend an ungodly amount of it doing facials and grooming himself. He also loved to go to the spa with Madame Eleanor. As far as reading went, he wasn’t into novels, but he would occasionally peruse short-story myths and legends, old fables, or read picture books in funny voices to Eleanor’s grandchildren. Primarily, he’d like to read trashy magazines, comics, and cookbooks. But let’s be real, he considered cleaning, gossiping, and baking his primary hobbies.
RIP Madame Eleanor Sullivan
(She’s been dead for about a year and a half when they story picks up)
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First and foremost—above everything else—The Aid was Eleanor Sullivan’s literal live-in medically trained caregiver, which is why she bought him in the first place. They had a very close relationship for five years, and he did everything for her. When she died, his world was shattered, and he took her death really hard. Wyatt was jealous of his Mother’s relationship with her servant from day one, which is where part of his animosity comes from. Quick note—Eleanor was a posh, vintage-Chanel-wearing Grandma and would never be caught dead wearing a bathrobe outside. Eleanor was Queen of being That Bitch.
Enter: Wyatt Sullivan
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These pics are pretty tame all things considered, but after Eleanor’s death, The Aid is now in a World O’ Hurt and the subject of Wyatt’s drug-and-alcohol-fueled rage. The Aid went from a high-class servant loved by his Madame and respected by her friends, associates, and family (besides Wyatt) to a human punching bag overnight. The beef between these two runs deep and maybe Eleanor isn’t as innocent as she seems. Stick around and you’ll find out all the Sullivan family tea.
To: Wyatt
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Just some memes directed towards Wyatt and The Aid being painfully aware of his shitty situation (I got too many of these and had to sprinkle some in).
Where We’re at Now…
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Quite the fall from grace, wouldn’t you say? Our boy is currently bed-ridden and zombified while having the worst time imaginable. He’s drugged up, fucked up, and can’t move half of his body! But don’t be fooled, this stay-cation is no fluffy recovery arc and you’ll meet some more distasteful Sullivans soon to come!
This took me an embarrassing amount of time to assemble, but I went the extra mile because this doubles as a reference guide. I had a lot of fun making this and I may make more (and way more chill ones that are just three pics, I swear) after I write Part 2 and introduce a gang of other characters alongside my most favorite-favorite guy!
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