#I think I drank too much and it put me off apple juice
gojonanami · 8 months
orange juice vs apple juice?
orange juice hands down - no pulp — I love orange juice, but honestly I love mango juice the most
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highdefinitions · 1 year
Cider, amber, maize
cider - a food that you disliked as a child but now enjoy?
oh man. i’m the worst. i have such bad eating habits i have the palate of a 6 year old i’m sorry i have really bad texture issues i think i might have arfid but that’s a story for a different time uhhh the one thing i can think of right now is that i used to hate apple juice and then one day i got high as balls with my friend and she had apple juice in her car and we drank that shit and now i can’t stop drinking it. i know that’s not a food but like maybe the story is kind of funny
amber - share an unpopular opinion that you may have.
i’ll give you some ghost ones because they’re all i can think of. hate when people make rain out to be this shy guy. i know more people are starting to see the vision now but i’ve always stood by the fact that that motherfucker is a PRICK (lovingly) and i won’t tolerate any of that he’s so shy baby bullshit. in the same vein, i just hate when they’re infantilized. it happened a lot with the new guys when they joined too. phantom and aurora are not shy. he’s a cocky bastard and she’s a menace.
another unpopular opinion for shits and giggles? i think there should be more cannibalism as a metaphor for love in media, okay? put more guys covered in blood on my screen now!!
maize - share the weirdest encounter you’ve had with a stranger on the street.
this one might become a little long winded because it wasn’t so much that it was weird but more that it pissed me the fuck off. i was at this place and got my shit or whatever and when i was walking back to my car i could see that this woman was doing something and had her door open so i couldn’t get into my car so whatever i took another lap of the place. and when i came back again i realized she was changing her kid so i just kind of waited not even really paying her any attention and then the next thing i know she’s like “can i help you?” and i was just like “oh no that’s okay this is just my car i’m waiting for you to finish up but no rush” and she got all snarky with me and was like “i’m not going to hit your car” and i said “i wouldn’t care if you did that’s not what i’m worried about i just want to leave” and THIS BITCH goes “i wouldn’t want my $80k car touching yours anyway” and i was like you are so odd and it made me laugh but like. don’t talk shit about my car helloooo sorry i told you it was gonna be long winded
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alaskarcenciel · 1 year
...And freeze !
words : 1606
ep 7: Kassy & Sam, Flashback...
This episode takes place between the 5th and 6th, as a flashback (don't ask me why I thought it would be funny to do this)...
14th of April, 2023:
Fury decided to talk to Sam before Steve dropped her in France.
Fury: Okay so, let's say you got 2 weeks of vacation, to rest and see your friends and do whatever you wanna do, and then I come to pick you up to come back to the S.H.I.E.L.D..
Sam: What? No, I think you don't get it, I'm not coming back. At all.
Fury: I need you.
Sam: No you don't.
Fury: You are a really good agent, wherever you are. It doesn't matter if you don't want to work with the Avengers, I can move you into another team, but you are such a promising agent, I need you on my side. It would be a waste for everyone if you choose not to work with us.
Sam didn't answer him, and kept looking at Steve packing up stuff for the quinjet they were going to use.
Fury: S.H.I.E.L.D. is my whole life, and I try to do everything I can to make it work, because I have to make it work, and for that I need good agents, and even if you're only at your beginning, I can feel that you will be one of the greatest agents we ever had, I need you on my team, I want you on my team.
Sam stayed silent.
Fury: So take the time you need, take a week, take two, and then call me back, or send me a message. Otherwise I'll send someone to check on you and bring your ass back to my team.
He left.
21th of May, 2023:
Sam's friends called her to invite her to the swimming pool. In french.
Leila: Hey, you okay?
Sam: I'm fine, and you?
Leila: I'm doing great! We were thinking about going to the swimming pool this afternoon, wanna join?
Sam: Who'll be there?
Leila: Me, you, Nathan, Juliette and Kassy, the whole team!
Sam: oh yeah, it'll be fun, I meet you there at 2PM!
Leila: Wonderful! See you there!
They met at 2PM in the hall of the swimming pool, went to the changing room, took off their clothes to get on their swimming suits and went into the water.
The afternoon passed fast, the teenagers had a lot of fun, they played with balls, pool noodles, and raced against each other. They stayed until the lifeguard told them it was closing. They showered quickly, clothed on and left.
Kassy: Who wants to come to my apartment to drink something?
Nathan: My parents are waiting for me, another time maybe! It was fun to see y'all!
Juliet shrugged.
Juliet: I've nothing to do, so I'm in.
Leila: I'm free too.
Sam: Let's go then!
The little team took the bus and came into Kassy's apartment.
Kassy: So, I have a few beers, orange and apple juice and some harder alcohol.
Juilet, Leila and Kassy took a beer, Sam took an orange juice, and they started to talk.
They played cards, and truth or dare, then Juliet and Sam decided to leave and come back to their respective apartment.
23th of May, 2023:
Three days later, Juliet invited them all, she threw a party at hers.
Sam put on a pretty dress and joined, expecting to have a good time. And at first, it was really fun, then Kassy drank way too much and started to make a big mess in an already messy apartment. An hour later, Leila and Nathan were tired and Juliet needed to clean all the mess they put in her apartment tonight. Sam decided to bring Kassy to hers, to take care of her, it was obvious she wasn't in a state to come home safe, in the middle of the night, plus her apartment was pretty far.
So Sam decided to babysit her friend. Who used to become a bit flirty when she's drunk. She stayed calm on their way back home, but tried to kiss Sam immediately after they closed the door of the apartment. It seems that feeling safe made her flirty again.
Sam already suspected Kassy to have feelings for her, now she didn't have any doubt of it. She would have kissed her, if she hadn't been that drunk. Sam wasn't insensitive to her friend at all. But Sam also knew the effects of the alcohol on people. She knew that sometimes, drunk people do things they wouldn't have wanted if they were sober. That's why Sam didn't let Kassy kiss her. That's why Sam never let any drunk person kiss her, or more.
But Kassy acts foolish when she drinks, she becomes flirty and kinda hyperactive, and her behaviors can be unusual. Like she was listening to all the things the little voice inside her head was telling her to do. That's why she stood up on the bed, and jumped on Sam, who was standing between the bed and the shelves, facing Kassy, to give her one of her pajamas. And Kassy suddenly decided she didn't want to sleep anymore, and jumped on Sam, who hit the shelves behind her full force. Sam landed on the ground, Kassy on her, smiling and laughing, but especially trying to kiss her one more time. Sam repelled her away and locked herself in the bathroom, waiting for Kassy to pacify while she took a shower. 20 minutes later, Sam realized she hadn't heard her friend in a bit of time, and decided to get out. Kassy was sleeping on the ground, peacefully, Sam smiled, and carried her on the bed.
24th of May, 2023, on the morning:
Kassy grunted. Sam looked at her. Kassy looked on the bed sheet for the person who was supposed to sleep with her. Didn't find her. Tried to remember what happened last night. Couldn't. Frowned her eyebrows. Sam stilled staring at her, sat on the window sill. Kassy finally raised her head up, and saw Sam. Sam got off the window sill, and walked toward the kitchen, wearing only her underwear. May's sun in her apartment made it really warm because it was located in the attic, plus human presence made the temperature get higher. Kassy observed her friend, and saw bruises on her back. Kassy's eyebrows frown more again.
Still in french.
Kassy: Hey what happened to your back? You didn't have these bruises when we went to the swimming pool.
Her mouth was furred because of all the alcohol she drank the night before. Sam came back from the kitchen, she seemed kinda mad.
Sam: You would remember if you haven't drank that much. Or maybe it wouldn't have happened at all.
Kassy: What?
Sam left for the kitchen again.
Kassy's head was spinning, and she had the hell of a headache. Not listening to her body which was clearly telling her to stay in bed, she woke up and joined her into the kitchen.
Kassy: Sam what happened?
Sam looked at her hands with which she was playing, then to her feet, trying to avoid her friend's eyes.
Kassy took Sam's chin in both her hands, and tried to make eye contact with her, but she jumped back when her finger touched her skin.
Kassy *whispering*: Sam I'm sorry I don't remember anything after the end of the truth or dare, I guess this shot was the one shot too many. Tell me what happened to your back please.
Sam closed her eyes.
Sam *whispering, more softly again*: You pushed me into the shelves by jumping on me.
Kassy: I didn't hear what you said. Can you talk louder?
Sam: You pushed me onto my shelves.
Kassy: I did WHAT??
Sam: Well, you jumped on me and I landed on the shelves to be exact.
Kassy: What the hell was I thinking about?
Sam *half laughing*: I'm not quite sure you were thinking at ALL. Except maybe making out with me.
Kassy: Wait what?
Sam: What "What"? Didn't you know you're becoming kinda flirty when you're drunk? Especially with me, with whom it's not just kinda but absolutely?
Kassy: Well, I guess I knew it, I just... I'm sorry, it's kinda awkward, I mean, I don't remember anything... What happened then? Did we...?
Sam: Nah, you know..., I don't do anything with drunk people, so we haven't done anything together... yet.
Sam smiled. She came closer to Kassy.
Sam *whispering*: Try sober next time.
Sam left the kitchen to go to the bathroom
Sam *out loud*: I'm going to take a shower, act like you're home, make yourself comfy.
Kassy stood in the kitchen, too surprised to try to hold her up. Then she shrugged and decided to eat something.
*I made macaroni if you want some*
During the next few days, Sam and Kassy spent a lot of time together, hanging out all the time, sleeping in an apartment or the other.
30th of May, 2023, 7 hours before Natasha came into Sam's apartment by the window:
Kassy called Sam around 10 AM, they talked quite a lot, and decided that Kassy would sleep at Sam's apartment for the night.
5PM :
Kassy sent a text to Sam to tell her she was arriving at the bus stop, Sam left of her apartment to welcome her to the bus stop. She smiled seeing the brunette, who ran at her for a hug.
Kassy: Hey, how are you?
Sam: Fine, you?
Kassy: I'm so happy to sleep here, for the first time I'll remember!
Sam: I'm glad you're not drunk this time lmao.
She took Kassy's hand and intertwined their fingers together, smiling.
They finally arrived at the door of the building, Sam used the badge to open it, and pressed the button to call the elevator.
She opened her apartment's door looking at Kassy.
Sam: Welcome back to mine!
Romanoff: Thank you, I'm happy to see you.
Sam jumped, turned and saw Natasha sat on the back of the chair, feet on the sitting, elbows on the knees, smiling.
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swamp-land · 2 years
Ok so, I really adore your interpretations of the characters??? Like how you draw them has so much personality. The way you draw them I just see Cronus as one of those touchy feely lots of physical contact people- not in a creeper or lewd way, but the type who always has an arm around people he likes. Or reflexively holds onto backpack loops and tugs on people’s sleeves.
Then Kankri is there living off of coffee, vegan yogurt, and spite. He’s totally the type to have researched the hell out of different coffees until he found one or two small business growers that fit his ethical standards and bulk buys from them exclusively. Drank it black until somebody asked why and got the mother of all rants about the Sugar and artificial sweeteners industries, then Cronus dug up a sugarcane plant from the side of the road in the middle of the night and gave it to him. And yes, I do think Cronus stealing stuff off the side of the road is a regular thing with him. Bet he’s the type to steal street signs for his room too. Yknow that picture that got popular a while back of that person who stole a whole traffic light? Cronus.
(Also I maybe sorta headcanon Cronus as Asexual and trying way to hard to hide it)
The way you draw Dirk makes me think he’s the type who just… doesn’t listen to his body at all. Lactose intolerant? Eats dairy anyway. Hasn’t slept in 48 hours? About to make that 50. Food? If he must - proceeds to eat One (1) Jello cup. Feels a migraine coming on? He can probably take medicine for that and keep working on the computer. Just… Disaster Human. The only one who beats him out for drinking more energy drinks is Sollux who drinks Monster like water.
Then you draw Dave as just… The Babiest Boy. Like he’s going to use his first paycheck on a Lego star wars death star play set and give it to John when he’s done so he can pretend he’s super cool but still see it. Liked powerpuff girls before the reboot. Wears hoodies and jackets because he gets chilly. Also dumb. Learned he was allergic to bees, immediately threw a stick at a wasp nest in revenge.
Also you draw Vriska like the type of person who’d put fruit punch or apple juice in a fancy glass and pretend it’s alcohol to look ‘cool’ on the internet. Convinced Tavros the grocery store brownies she was eating were weed brownies just so he’d freak out.
I just… really love these little teenage degenerates, and how you draw them makes me remember why I like Homestuck so much.
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Firstly thank you for liking my interpretations of characters🥺🥺🥺 Secondly your summary of all these characters is what I live for😇😇😭😭😭😭😭
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fruitcoops · 3 years
Could you maybe do that part 5 of truth or drink you alluded to?? :) with Jules and the lupins and basically Jules spilling ALLL of re’s secrets & Marley loving it 🥰
Oh, Jules, how I missed you. The truth or drink referenced in this ask is here (it's been an age since I did one, wow!) and SW credit of course goes to @lumosinlove!
“Please can we have alcohol?” Jules swung his legs under the table with wide, pleading eyes.
Marlene barked a laugh. “Over my dead body, baby Loops.”
“It would be,” Remus agreed with a teasing grin.
“Welcome back to Lion Pride, both of you,” she said, ruffling their hair. Both scrunched their faces up in identical expressions of displeasure. “There are fifteen cards in your deck, and if you don’t want to answer the question, you have to take a drink of apple juice. Not alcohol.”
“You used to be cool,” Jules sulked. Marlene rolled her eyes and Remus reached over to flick his ear. “Hey, that hurt!”
“No, it did not.”
“I’m gonna tell mom you hit me.”
Remus turned to Marlene with a long-suffering look. “Can I have alcohol?”
“Get crackin’, boys, the world wants to know your secrets.” She tapped the deck of cards with a wink and wandered behind the cameras again.
“Alright, here we go.” Remus sighed. “My name is Remus Lupin, I’m the Lions’ right wing, and I’m here with my baby brother to answer some questions. Take it away, Jules.”
“I’m not a baby,” Jules clarified to the camera. “I’m twelve. Who’s the most attractive sibling?”
Remus frowned. “Me? Just ‘cause I’m older.”
“As if.”
“Oh my god,” he muttered, reaching for his own card. “Oh, this should be fun. Name your favorite parent.”
“Dad,” Jules answered without hesitating. Remus’ eyebrows shot up. “What?”
“First, you’re not supposed to answer that fast, and second, what?”
“Dad’s cool!”
“Dad is not cool!” Remus laughed. “I don’t have a favorite parent—”
“—but mom is the cool one. Dad’s a dork, and we love him for it.” He shook his head. “I can’t believe this. Mom would literally do anything for you. She learned to skate for you.”
“It’s not like I don’t love mom!” Jules protested as he took a new card. “I love her so much! And I know mom is your favorite, so it’s only fair. Which of us is the most successful, and which is the screwup?”
“I don’t have a favorite parent,” Remus insisted, leaning back in his seat. “And neither of us are screwups.”
“You’re more successful.”
“That doesn’t mean you’re a screwup. It means you’re twelve. Who’s the overachiever?”
“You,” Jules snorted. “You’re such a nerd. It’s embarrassing. What’s the meanest thing I did to you when we were kids?”
Remus rested his chin on his hand and thought for a moment, then turned to look behind the camera. “Since we were only kids together for, like, three years, can I say something from a little later?”
“Anything before age 25,” Marlene called.
He nodded decisively. “Sweet. In that case, it’s the time this little monster let a rat into the house, freaked out when he didn’t know what to do, then locked it in my bedroom and didn’t tell anyone until I went to bed and something ran across my sheets.”
Jules shrugged. “You survived.”
“Yeah, and you almost didn’t.”
“So dramatic,” he muttered.
Remus whacked him over the head with the next card before reading it. “Oh, god. Share the most mortifying memory you have of me. If you drink that apple juice and don’t answer, I’ll get you ice cream on the way home.”
Jules leaned back with a hum, already grinning. “Let’s see…”
“No,” Remus groaned.
“Probably—” Jules broke off to giggle. “Probably when you took me into the locker room to meet the team and the whole time I was talking to Sirius, you looked like you were about to melt into the floor. You had this stupid grin on your face—”
“Shut up.”
“—and almost tripped over your own feet, like, four times. This was before you guys were dating, too.”
“You are the worst,” Remus said, though his voice was muffled by his forearms. “Next question?”
“I can keep going. There was the time you gave yourself a black eye hanging Christmas lights, and when you bounced off an enforcer when you tried to check him, and when mom asked you to defrost the chicken for dinner and you forgot so you put it in the microwave and almost set the house on fire, and—“
“Marlene.” Remus raised his head with a pitiful look. “Please make him stop. Please.”
“Okay,” Marlene laughed, a little breathless. “Alright, one sec. Jules, your turn.”
“Ugh, fine. Do you let me win at things?”
“When you were five, sure.” Remus tilted his head to the side. “Otherwise, no. Do you want me to let you win?”
“I’d be so upset if you did. I only get better because I want to kick your ass one day.”
“Language. Am I a good brother?”
“Well, yeah,” Jules said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. He blinked at Remus, clearly confused. “Duh. You’re weird and annoying, but you’re one of my top three favorite people?”
“Before or after dad?” Remus teased, but it was soft with fondness.
Jules narrowed his eyes and leaned his elbows on the table. “Wouldn’t you like to know. Have I ever disappointed you?”
“Never. I don’t think you could if you tried. Who’s smarter?”
“Me.” Remus gave the camera a disbelieving look as Jules took a new card. “Ha! I like this one. Which of us was a mistake?”
“Oh, that is a good one. Honestly, I don’t think either of us were planned. Mom and dad definitely weren’t expecting a kid at 21 and 25, and absolutely weren’t planning on another one fifteen years later.”
Jules cast the camera a bright smile. “Oops!”
“But we’re their best mistakes,” Remus said solemnly with the ghost of a smile, as if he was repeating a sentiment that had been said many times before. “Okay, I need to have a talk with whoever set up these questions. Do an impersonation of me, or drink to—”
“Oh, look at me, I’ve got a fancy degree,” Jules mimicked, dropping his voice comically low. “I’m so cool, I’ve got a secret boyfriend and I’m not gonna tell anyone about it for three whole months even though I suck at keeping secrets. I’m tall, so I’m gonna grab my awesome little brother by the ankles and shake him around—”
“You asked me to—”
“Shh! I’m not done!”
Remus gave him an incredulous look. “They get the point!”
Jules stuck his tongue out, but grabbed a new card from the stack. “What are your best and worst memories of mom and dad?”
“Aw, man.” Remus tapped his short stack of cards on the table and bit his lip. “Best and worst…best would probably be Christmas two or three years ago, when we all went skating on the lake.”
“That’s a good one,” Jules mused.
“It’s hard to think of my worst memory of them. Um, maybe after I stopped playing hockey in college? There was a lot of walking on eggshells and it was really uncomfortable.”
Remus read the next card and his frown dissolved into laughter; he reached for the apple juice and filled both glasses to the brim, then pushed them across the table to Jules without a word. “What are these for? You have to read the card, dummy.”
“The most spoiled sibling has to drink,” Remus said with a wide grin.
“It’s not me!” Jules protested, though it was weak. “You were an only child for fifteen years!”
“Yeah, and?” His amusement only grew as Jules struggled to make a comeback. “See, you can’t even deny it! You’re the baby of the family and everybody loves you. How many times have you been to Gryffindor?”
Jules opened and closed his mouth a few times, going red with indignance.
“How many?” Remus’ expression was pure glee. “Buddy, I didn’t leave Wisconsin for anything other than roadies until you were old enough to travel, and then mom and dad had to show you off to everyone.”
“They love you, too!”
“I know they do,” Remus laughed. “They’re great parents and we both had amazing childhoods. You’re still the more spoiled one.”
“I don’t like this game,” he muttered as he drank one of the glasses. “And I’m not drinking that other one. Okay, last question. Should we see more of each other?”
“Of course,” Remus said. “I wish we lived closer to each other all the time. Do you think so?”
Jules reached for the glass, then burst out laughing when Remus’ jaw dropped. “Oh, I got you so good! But yeah, I miss you a ton during the school year.”
“You little…” Remus bit back his threat and ruffled Jules’ hair despite his protests, cheeks turning pink with embarrassment. “Keep that up and you’re gonna get flipped again.”
“You wouldn’t. Not on camera.”
“Try me.”
Jules bolted from his seat and tried to make a run for it, but Remus was faster—he caught him around the waist, hefted him under one arm, and turned him around until he could get ahold of his skinny ankles. “No!” Jules shrieked through his giggling as Remus started swinging him lightly back and forth. “No, no, put me down!”
“Just making sure you really don’t want to see more of me,” Remus said, alight with happiness. Jules’ fingers nearly touched the ground. “You’re almost too big for this.”
“Good,” Jules wheezed. “Are we done yet?”
Remus looked back to the camera. “Thanks for tuning into Lion Pride, everyone. Make sure to like and subscribe if you want a slow-motion tutorial on how to transform your little brother into an emergency pendulum.”
“Can you get down by yourself?”
Jules stretched his arms toward the floor, but Remus pulled him up an inch just as his fingertips brushed the tile. “Hey! Stop it!”
“Stop what?”
“Pulling me up!”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Remus said, adding another inch.
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majesticbrownjawn · 4 years
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@soufcakmistress didn’t realize when she posted this that it would inspire me to write. Thanks boo. Here’s what happens when you so thick it makes Erik nervous...but not really cuz he doesn’t get nervous. 
“I ain’t shy, you just so thick I’m a little nervous.”
He laughed at her shock at his statement. The look she gave him as she stared up at him in awe was cute as shit.
“Don’t worry, when I’m fucking you, all that nervous shit gon be out the window.”
“Excuse me?”
The trap music was loud, but not that loud.
“You heard me Thickums.” He leaned in close, his beard tickling the side of her neck when he spoke.
Y/N squeezed her legs together involuntarily, the weight of her thighs pressing against the sides of her clit, causing a soft moan to slip from her lips. He definitely heard it and now she was nervous.
As fate would have it, she’d seen Erik on Instagram before on multiple occasions. He gained notoriety after one the mother of one of his students posted him on IG with the caption, “My son’s teacher bout to have my ass bringing him an apple everyday!”
Another user found Erik’s profile, and BOOM, 40K followers overnight. It was no wonder though. Y/N had seen the photos of him in the school’s navy blue polo, muscles protruding from his sleeves.
But seeing him in person was almost too much. Your heart and other bits went thumpity-thump-thump when you spotted him at the house party two hours ago. You weren’t surprised to see the swarm of women around him or the fact that he was enjoying the attention.
“I feel like I’ve seen you somewhere before...were you at the brunch on 14th a couple weeks ago?”
“No. I don’t go to brunch often.”
“Too many niggas like me hassling you, huh?”
You bit back a smile as he glazed over your frame again. Yea, niggas hassled you, but they certainly didn’t look like him.
“You’re not hassling me.”
“Aight good. But for real tho, like damn… you just so—“
A woman plopped down next to you with a cup full of alcohol. She was drunk and desperate for the attention of the man sitting to your right. She leaned into you hard, so you leaned into Erik. The pads of your fingers to gripped his thigh for leverage. You couldn’t have anticipated brushing up against the tip of his firm, warm dick. Time stopped and you momentarily forgot about the freshly spilled tequila on your white t-shirt dress. Erik’s mouth hung slightly ajar, clearly turned on by your accidental groping. You didn’t read it that way though.
“I’m so sorry!”
You flew up from the couch and ran to the first door you could find. As you raced through the party, you’d decided as soon as your dress was dry, you’d head for the front door and straight to your car. The music was so loud and you were so frazzled that you couldn’t hear Erik behind you trying to tell you to slow down. You nearly slammed the door in his face when you found a random bedroom just behind the DJ booth.
“You move fast girl.” You jumped in surprise at the sound of his velvety voice.
He was stuck when you finally turned around, revealing the mess the woman on the couch made on you. The cotton fabric of your dress was saturated with tequila, giving Erik a vivid display of your mesh bra underneath. He could just barely see the outline of your deep brown areolas. You watched his eyes dilate as he zeroed in on your pebbled nipples. You felt vulnerable and exposed and turned on as he stood before you, speechless.
“Yea, baby?” He slowly lifted his head to meet your eyes.
“Baby?” You giggled.
“Yea. You baby now…And, I don’t know your name. You dipped out before I could ask.”
“It’s Y/N.”
“Y/N, Y/N,” he repeated it like he was trying to etch it in his brain. “Why you run away?”
“I tend to do that when things get awkward. I’m sorry.”
“Shit ain’t get awkward until you took off.” He walked a few paces to lessen the space between you. “Don’t run away from me again. OK?”
His large hand gripped the side of your neck, his thumb caressing your jaw. He had to be the type of nigga that sprayed his colonge on his inner wrist. The sweet-spicy musk tempted you to turn your head and kiss the palm of his hand.  
“Umhm,” you nodded.
“Umhm, what?”
“I won’t run away from you again.”
“Good girl. Now, what were you going to say?”
He took a seat on the bed, keeping an eye on you like you’d still bolt at any second.
“Did I really make you nervous?”
He smiled so wide that the gold caps of his canines gleamed against the light in the room.
“Yea. I meant that shit. You perfect.” He reached out and pulled you in between his legs. “These thighs are what I noticed about you first.”
His hands slowly glazed over the back of your knees and upwards until he reached your thighs. He gripped them suddenly, making you gasp. His deep eyes grew dark with desire as he gazed up at you. The intensity in them made you want to look at anything but him.
“Look at me.”
Your eyes darted to his lips. They were so full and kissable.
You were already standing in between his legs staring down at the growing knot in his jeans.
“Sit down.”
You took a half step back to sit next to him on the bed, but his hand grabbing your ass signaled that wasn’t he meant by sit down. You carefully lifted your dress a bit and straddled his lap. It felt like you melted into his bulky frame. He gripped you so tight, it felt familiar. Safe.
“Imma be real witchu, Y/N.” Erik’s head was nestled in between your breasts, listening to your sporadic heartbeat. “I know where I know you from.”
You could barely hear him. His warm hands exploring your body clouded your senses. All you could do was feel.
“I asked Teddy to invite you tonight.”
You were surprised, but you were so relaxed that you didn’t react in the way you normally would.
“I DM’ed you like two years ago, but you never responded.”
All you could do was chuckle. You would have remembered him DMing you and you absolutely would have responded.
“You don’t believe me? Look—“
He tried to pull away from you to grab his phone from his pocket but, nah. You tightened your thighs around him, cementing yourself further in his lap. The heat of your pussy stilled him from moving further.
“So you already knew my name?” Your fingertips massaged his scalp. All he could do was hum in the affirmative. He allowed your hands to explore him as much as they wanted. Shoulders, arms, lips…
“Kiss me.” There was a hint of desperation in his voice that made you weak. The faint moan that slipped from him when your tongue entered his mouth made you weaker. The involuntary grind of your hips against his dick drove you crazy. You couldn’t get enough of the feeling of him pressing into you.
He leaned back with you still gyrating on him. Erik wanted to see more of you. You didn’t realize he slipped your dress over your head until you felt the pads of his fingers swiping back and forth across your nipples. You were so needy to cum now.
He drank you in, intoxicated by the look of you get getting off on his clothed dick.
“Erik,” you whispered. “Imma cum.”
Just the thought of his face between your legs, lapping up your pussy juices had you nutting all on his lap.
“Oh shit, oh shit….Fuuuuuuhhhhk.”
You whimpered into his mouth as you finished and he kissed you hungrily, suckling your lips.
“You feeling good as hell right now, huh?”
“Yes, nigga. What you think?” You laughed, looking down at the sticky puddle in Erik’s lap.
“I made a mess on you. I’m sorry—“
“I like that shit, Y/N. It lets me know how bad you want me…it’s good to know, especially since you was ignoring my DMs and shit.”
“Whatever. I know I would have talked to you if you DMed me.”
“You was with dude then.”
He was referring to your ex, Mark.
“I could tell you were a good girl so I figured you might not respond but it was worth a shot.”
“Would a good girl do what I just did with you?”
“Yea. Maybe with her man.”
You kissed him and smiled.
“Good thing I did it with you then. Wouldn’t want to ruin your opinion of me.”
Erik reached over and grabbed the dress from the other side of the bed and put it back on you.
“I love you so much, Y/N.”
“I love you too, Erik.”
“You ready to go home? I wanna be comfortable while I’m eating ya pussy. All this noise is too much.”
He held you close to him as you made your way back out into the crowd. You could faintly hear Teddy, Erik’s best friend yell, “Happy anniversary!” as you exited the party.  
@harleycativy @queenflaws @theogbadbitch @goddessofthundathighs @syndrlla97 @soufcakmistress @mbakusprincess @supersizemeplz @therealmrsrhodes @toniilaney @raysunshine78 @19jammmy@killmonger-fics @just-peachee @trinityaneise​ @wawakanda-btch @ladymac82@just-peachee @ladymac82​ @suburbanblackhoe
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comfortwriting · 4 years
The Right One - F.W
Masterlist, Requesting Rules, Writing Prompts
Fred Weasley x Fem Reader
Prompt 31: “What made you think we were serious?” he spat “did you really think I’d go out with you?”
Requested/About: Fred is in love with his friend Y/N and knows he wants to marry her one day, he makes and move and they are looking forward to going on their first date - but all of that changes when George confesses his feelings for Y/N, to Fred.
A/N: I have a second part to this imagine which is smut based which you can now read: here
Warnings: swearing, mention of food and eating, a cheeky kiss towards the end.
Sitting high up in the stands, you’re watching Fred practice Quidditch, your heart skipping beats each time he flashes you a smirk or a cheeky wink, everything he does make you want him more - whether it be making a pig's ear of a potion, coming up with a new prank, chatting to his brother - hell, he simply breathes and you’re amazed.
Fred is head over heels for you, he already knows he’s going to marry you and whilst everyone is fast asleep at night, he goes over the plan in his head a thousand times making sure that when the day comes, everything will go perfectly to plan.
Unfortunately, the two of you were quite stubborn when it came to making the first move - you were too shy and scared of being rejected, and Fred felt anxious about making you uncomfortable - you were both trapped in the awkward ‘friends but too close to be friends but flirting but not dating’ phase - you not only confused yourselves but those around you who were aware of your chemistry.
The practice came towards an end and you walked down from the stands, your eyes glued on Fred, his veins bursting through his sweaty and dirt-stained hands, his hair standing up in all directions and sticking to his forehead, you smirked and giggled at the sight of him.
“How was it?” you smiled, walking towards him.
Fred paused for a moment, catching his breath and leaning on his broom “not bad” he panted “Slytherin are going to suffer”
You chuckled and brushed the hair out of his eyes, he had a questioning look on his face for a moment.
“Y/N” he said softly “d’you fancy going to Hogsmeade this Saturday, on a date?” he asked you, looking slightly nervous.
You felt as if time slowed down, that everyone else on the pitch had disappeared and you and Fred were the only ones there, instant excitement pooled in your tummy causing butterflies to sprout and take flight.
“I would love to” you smiled widely, blushing and nodding your head “yes!”
Fred smiled just as wide and nodded, pursing his lips and breaking out into another smile “brilliant” he nodded “I’ll meet you outside Zonko’s”
His twin George came rushing over, just as sweaty and dirty, he smiled nervously when your eyes met his, you didn’t think anything of it - George was always more quiet compared to Fred.
“Angelina wants a word” he panted “something about Ron needing extra practice”
Fred sighed and rolled his eyes, “see you later, love” he waved, turning around and following his brother.
“I have a date” you whispered excitedly to yourself “with Freddie!”
Hurrying off, you ran towards the castle, breaking inside and pushing through students and stumbling up the stairs to reach your dorm room, your date only two days away - you needed as much time as you could get to plan what you would say and what you could wear.
It was now Friday evening, tomorrow you would be on a date with Fred and just the thought made you giggle and blush, you told your friends who were just as excited, giving you all the advice you needed for one of the best days of your life. Laying in your bed, you stared out of the window, you were so excited you didn’t know if you were able to sleep.
Fred and George were sitting in front of the fire in the quiet and empty common room, coming up with ideas for their dream joke shop, but Fred noticed that George wasn’t being himself - he kept losing concentration and staring off into space, getting lost in his own thoughts.
“You okay Georgie?” Fred asked, staring at his brother.
George sighed, looking more anxious “if I tell you something, will you promise not to tell anyone?”
“I’m your bloody twin” Fred responded, sitting up in his chair and leaning towards George “of course I won’t say anything”
George swallowed hard for a moment and nodded, trying to figure out how to say this without Fred taking the piss out of him.
“You know Y/N?” George spoke up.
Fred’s heart started to pick up in speed, his attention fully on his twin “yeah, what about her?”
Fred didn’t mention you to George at all, George knew the two of you were close friends but he didn’t see the moments between the two of you that everyone said: “screamed chemistry”.
“I’ve got feelings for her, Freddie.” George confessed, looking away from Fred and staring at his shoes “I just didn’t want to say anything because I know she’s your friend.”
Fred felt the excitement crush inside him, part of him wanted to stop George in his tracks and tell him that you were going on a date with him tomorrow, but the other part of Fred dominated him - Fred would rather choose the happiness of his brother, who was more shy and quiet, than his own - the twin who had everything he ever wanted.
Almost everything.
“That’s great, Georgie” Fred forced a smile whilst his heart wept “she’s a really nice girl, I don’t blame you.”
A really nice girl that Fred would crush instead of letting her down gently. Fred went to bed and for the first time he didn’t bother going through the plans of the future proposal, then wedding, instead he tortured himself over George being the one to put the ring on your finger, making you his wife. He hid his face in his pillow and cried, knowing how bad he was going to mess things up, but as long as George was happy - that’s all that mattered to him, and he felt sure that you would move on and be much happier with the other twin.
“Ready?” your friend Alyssa smiled, looking you over once more.
You nodded and blushed again “I’m ready, just really nervous!”
Alyssa chuckled and handed you your bag “You’re bound to be nervous, but you’ll be okay, this is exciting!”
You took your bag from her and slung it over your shoulder “thank you for everything Alyssa” you pulled her into a tight hug, making sure you didn’t ruin your makeup or hair.
“Tell me all about it when you get back!” he ordered excitedly, pulling away from the hug and sending you on your way.
Arriving in Hogsmeade, you hurried over to Zonko’s Joke Shop, because you arrived early you had enough time to sneak into the shop and buy Fred some Hiccough sweets and Sugar Quills. Carrying the bag of Fred’s goodies, you waited outside for him.
Five minutes passed, then ten, then you reached one hour.
You felt your heart sink, worries and ‘what if’ scenarios filled your head and drowned out the noise of laughing students that passed by. Reaching three hours, it became clear to you that Fred wasn’t going to show up, tears filled your eyes and made your vision glassy, overflowing and running down your cold cheeks.
Storming back to the castle you stared at the ground, refusing to look up at anyone or anything, you sobbed and clutched onto the Zonko's bag so hard your hand started to cramp and your knuckles went white.
‘How could I be so stupid?’ you thought to yourself ‘I got myself dressed up in my best dress for nothing, waited outside looking like a fool while he’s probably laughing himself silly.’
But Fred wasn’t laughing himself silly at all, he didn’t get out of bed unless he needed to brush his teeth or go to the toilet, he refused to speak to George, Lee and Angelina. He curled up under his covers with tears falling down his face, his wand emitting light whilst he watched your footsteps on the Marauders Map, guilt surging through his body like poison when your footsteps stayed still and finally took off after hours of waiting.
Bursting into your dorm room Alyssa’s smile dropped and concern plastered on her face - your mascara and eyeliner streaked down your face from crying, your lips red and puffy like your eyes.
“Y/N! what's wrong? what happened?” she panicked, hurrying over to you.
You threw your shoulder bag on the floor, turning around you bumped into Alyssa and pushed the Zonko’s bag into her chest.
“He never showed up!” you wailed, storming into the bathroom and slamming the door behind you.
You dragged the warm wet rag over your face, wiping off your make up with so much force your skin got irritated and red, you stared at yourself in the mirror, hating your reflection, hating the dress you were so excited to put on hours before.
Alyssa knocked on the door, she didn’t want to pry and press you for answers, instead, she handed you your clean pyjamas and took your dress to put away, she walked into the bathroom when you opened the door, pulling you into a comforting hug whilst you sobbed in her arms.
Like Fred, you refused to leave your bed all weekend, you refused to speak about what happened. Perhaps you waited in the wrong place, perhaps he meant another week, you tried to convince yourself that this was your fault, that you got things wrong - but deep down you knew this wasn’t your doing, but Fred’s.
Sunday evening rolled around and Alyssa walked back into the dorm with a bag full of food, she sat on the side of your bed and opened up the bag full of your favourite puddings and drinks.
“The house-elves encouraged me to take as much as I could fit in this bag” she laughed lightly “please eat something sweetheart, it doesn’t have to be much”
You nodded and sat up in your bed, giving in you drank your pumpkin juice and had a few slices of Apple Pie.
Monday morning you were up early and out of bed, trying to be as fresh as a daisy as you could - everything was going well until you had double potions with Fred. You planned to ignore him, play it as if you didn’t care and that the loss was his, but your thoughts and needs for answers clawed at you until you couldn’t take it anymore.
“Have a good weekend, then?” you asked Fred bravely, watching your cauldron simmer.
“No comment” he replied, refusing to look at you, trimming his ingredients.
“Why did you stand me up?” you asked again, gaining more courage “think it would be funny?”
“No comment” Fred answered again, adding the ingredients to his cauldron, causing it to hiss and change from dark green to bright red.
You began to lose your patience but you didn’t give up, opening your mouth and asking Fred once more why he didn’t show up on Saturday made his guilt surge through his heart so painfully he didn’t know how to handle himself except lash out at you.
“What made you think we were serious?” he spat “did you really think I’d go out with you?”
Hearing his brothers outburst, George looked over to you and Fred, he had no idea what was going on but he had to do something - seeing you so hurt and upset made George feel sick.
You weren’t prepared for such a hard blow, you felt as if you had been slapped in the face and punched in the chest, you didn’t reply - you just stared at Fred with your jaw hanging, the tears you were controlling so well broke through and filled your eyes.
Fred’s heart broke even more at your reaction, he had broken the person he loved more than anything in the world and it would be too late now to make things right, to have you give him a chance to explain - but at least now he had given George a chance to play hero and pick up those broken pieces of your own heart to fix them the best he could.
You quickly took a sample of your potion and handed it to Snape, storming back to your desk, you picked up your bag and hurried out of the dungeons, breaking out into a sob - your wails so loud the class could still hear you.
George left his cauldron to overflow, running after you and calling out your name down the halls before he finally caught up to you. He pulled you into a comforting hug and you cried into his chest, gripping onto his warm woolly jumper.
“I wish it was you George” you cried “I really do, if it was I wouldn’t be in this bloody awful situation”
It dawned on George that this definitely had something to do with Fred and when he told him about his feeling for you. Sitting back in the same chairs in front of the fire in the empty common room before bed, George turned to Fred and searched his dull eyes.
“Do you like Y/N?” George asked quietly.
Fred shook his head “no”
George sighed and continued to stare at his brother “look at me, Freddie”
George knew that his brother couldn’t lie to his face and he knew by doing this he would get the right answers he needed.
“Are you in love with her?”
Fred paused and tried to lie but he couldn’t do it - he looked towards the dancing flames.
George finally understood and stood up “that’s what I thought” he stood behind his chair, wanting to know one more thing before he went off to bed “what happened between you and Y/N, you being grumpy all weekend and her being upset - does that have anything to do with what I told you last week?”
Fred put his head in his hands and nodded, George shook his head and sighed “that's what I thought, you should’ve bloody told me.”
George left the common room and went upstairs to bed, leaving his brother alone in his thoughts. Climbing in his bed, George knew exactly what to do in the morning.
George looked for you everywhere, you weren’t in the great hall for breakfast and you didn’t show up to any of your classes either, passing Alyssa he pulled her aside, asking where you were.
“the second floor, girls bathroom” she replied “and here” she rooted in her bag, pulling out the Zonko’s bag “give this to your brother when you see him, she got it him before he stood her up.”
George took the bag and thanked Alyssa, hurrying as fast as he could to reach you.
Sitting on the floor of the dingy toilets, you continued to sob in your hands, pressing them against your eyes that you could see confetti in your vision. Hearing footsteps coming closer to you, you removed your hands away from your face and opened your eyes, looking up at George standing over you.
George crouched beside you and began to rub your back, comforting you; he sighed deeply and knew it was time to tell you everything, the truth.
“I’ve got feelings for you, Y/N” he confessed softly.
This only made you feel worse, you lost Fred - someone you actually want to be with, and his brother who you care for is in love with you, you would rather sit your O.W.Ls all over again with your N.E.W.T.s at the same time than go through this.
You turned to face George, a look of shock and horror all over your face “George! You know this isn't the right time to tell me and if Fred-” you paused for a moment, feeling sick to your stomach.
“Does Fred know?” you asked quietly, looking at George.
George nodded “I told him on Friday after that Fred just went into a foul mood and you’ve been upset. He’s in love with you, Y/N, and I know you love him too.”
You stared at George, your mouth wide open, unable to process what you heard.
“He put my own happiness before his” George laughed and shook his head, pulling you into a tight hug, he smirks at you “He’s in his dorm room, go to your man” he encouraged you, handing you the Zonko’s Bag.
Feeling those same butterflies form and take flight inside of you once more, you hurried to Fred’s room, the biggest smile plastered on your face, which caught everyone’s attention, causing them to feel happy and talk amongst one another about you and Fred finally being on the same page.
Storming into Fred’s room, he walked out of the bathroom in nothing but a towel loosely covering his lower half at the hips, stopping in your tracks you stared at him, taking in the beauty of his body; the water droplets across his abs and the steam rising off his chest and shoulders, his damp hair and the sun beaming through the window highlighting your favourite parts of him.
Fred went into shock and gripped onto his towel harder, you flash him a small, nervous smile and place the Zonko’s bag on his bedside table.
“Y/N, what are you doing here?” he asked shyly as you walked over to him.
Placing your hands gently against Fred’s cheeks, you leaned in slowly and pressed your lips against his. Kissing back, Fred deepened the kiss and dragged his tongue against your lower lip, both of his hands took you by the waist, completely forgetting about his towel, it fell to the floor.
Tags: @amourtentiaa @reeophidian @inglourious-imagines @alwaysnforeverfangirl @escapingrealitybyreading @lucymfer @freddiemylovelg
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parkersroses · 4 years
delicate. | harry styles.
summary: two lonely people find solace in each other for the night and something delicate blossoms from it. 
pairing: harry styles x fem!reader
wc: 6.1k 
warning(s): fluff and smut (a first attempt at it) 
a/n: aaah i’m excited and nervous to post this. i guess it’s considered a Christmas fic because it’s set around that time. i do hope you guys enjoy this! i also wanna wish you all happy holidays! side note, i recently made a ko-fi account, so if you’re able to and like my writing, feel free to donate to it! anyways, enjoy! reblogs/feedbacks are very much appreciated! all my love and stay safe <3 (disclaimer: the gif rightfully belongs to @hampsteadharry​ )
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He pushed through the door of the bar, jazz music filling up his ears as he wandered to get a seat. He sighed as he sat on a bar stool, waiting for someone to attend to him and possibly give him the strongest drink here if he felt like it. 
Harry felt tired. He’s been tired and exhausted for a while now. Tired from work. Tired from the glitz and glam. Tired of people getting close to him because of his name and status. Just mentally and physically exhausted. But that’s not to dismiss the fact that he still loves his job. He loves and enjoys making music and seeing his fans - who he declared as the best fans in the world - singing back his songs to him. 
Though, there comes a time where he doesn’t enjoy it as much as he thought he should lately. Being a well-known singer, songwriter and actor seemed pretty cool but no one knows how tiring and raining it could be. Always having to prove yourself and explaining yourself because of ridiculous rumours that articles make up. Always ending up hurt when you found out your friends were using you because of how well-known you were.
So, he announced that he’d be taking a break from all that. Of course, there was an uproar from his fans but in the end, they understood and sent him lovely messages about having to keep his mental health his main priority. 
So now, here he was, sitting at a bar, trying to drink away his emotions. Perhaps, he would find a girl that he could go home with to fill in the empty space of his bed for the night. His break was quite eye-opening to say the least. Harry realised how alone he felt. He thought it was just all in his head because how could he be lonely even when he still had few of his friends around? But he didn’t know that being alone and still feeling alone were different. 
And the irony of it nearly being Christmas, there wasn’t much magic or cheer going around for him at the moment. He’ll have to get his shit together before going back to visit his family for the holidays.
“What can I get ya?” a voice snapped Harry out of his thoughts. A woman stood before him behind the bar, he realised it was one of the bartenders there. She wore a long sleeved black shirt, the sleeves rolled up until her elbows. Her long hair was tied up into a ponytail, strands of hair framing around her face. He thought she was pretty. Beautiful, he would say.
Bartender lady snapped her fingers at his face, knocking him out of his thoughts once again. “Seemed to be far away there. Are you sure you’re good here? In a bar?” She said and she smirked at Harry. He felt the blood rushed to his cheeks, having been caught staring at the pretty bartender lady.
“S-Sorry. A whiskey for now will do,” he said softly. Pretty bartender lady smiled at him and nodded. “Alright, then,” she said, heading off to get his drink. 
Harry’s eyes followed her figure, almost like he was entranced by her. He was not sure why he did. Seconds later, she put his drink on a coaster in front of him. “Thanks,” he quietly said as he picked up his drink. 
“Don’t mention it. You seemed like you need it,” she said almost knowingly. He chuckled at her words. Well, she got that right. “Yeah, just trying to clear my head a bit,” he shrugged at her. 
Pretty bartender lady nodded. “Rough day?” She inquired. Harry raised an eyebrow at her question. He probably thought that she was trying to make a conversation other than cleaning shot glasses. He hesitated a little, thinking she might just be another fan and might spill whatever that comes out of his mouth to the nearest journalist. But then, he remembered that he’s already one drink down to probably getting drunk and his mind won’t really care even if he woke up hungover the next day.
So, he shrugged at her question. “Guess you could say that,” he said as he set down the empty shot glass. “I don’t know. I guess I just have a lot of things in my mind. And drinking does numb my emotions a bit. If that made sense,” he chose to say as he looked at her. 
She only giggled at his words. “That sounds quite deep. Should write a song about it,” she joked and for a second, Harry thought she knew about him. Because for once, he��d like to talk to someone who’s unaware of his celebrity status. Someone who’d talked to him with a sense of normalcy. Instead of talking to the famous Harry Styles. 
“Maybe I should. And I’ll credit you in it,” he joked. She laughed, throwing her head back as she did. “Oh gosh, I always wanted to be a famous songwriter,” she said dramatically. They both laughed at this. It was weird to Harry, this scene felt so normal, it felt as if he knew her for a while now. 
She nodded at his empty glass. “Want another?” She asked. Harry thought about it before asking. “Actually, what’s your favourite drink?” Pretty bartender lady was surprised to say the least, but smiled at Harry. “Why?” He only smiled back. “‘Cause I want another drink. And I want to treat you one too. I’ll even pay for yours, love,” 
She blushed at this, not expecting him to be so forward yet sweet. “Cheeky, aren’t you?” She said smiling at him, and she noticed a hint of blush on his cheeks. “My mum always taught me to be a gentleman,” he shrugged,
She chuckled at this. “Fine then. I’ll be right back,” she said, going to get whatever her favourite drink was for Harry. Harry smiled as she walked away. He couldn’t help but feel some sort of liking towards her, but not knowing why. Maybe because she was just a pretty bartender lady. 
She returned later with two glasses of her ‘favourite drink’ and set them in front of him. Harry was skeptical to see the strange colour of liquid, raising an eyebrow at her. She only smiled and raised her glass up. 
“Bottoms up,” she said as she drank from her glass. 
Harry sniffed the drink a bit before thinking he was being silly and drank it. As the sweet taste hit his taste buds, he chuckled as he shook his head. “Apple juice? Really?” He questioned. 
She laughed as she took another sip on her drink. “Well, you asked for my favourite drink and I gave it to you,” she said with a smirk in her face. “So, you don’t drink?” he asked curiously. She shrugged at him. “A bit sometimes. Just don’t prefer it unless I wanna get really drunk,” she let out a small laugh. Harry chuckled at her words, finding himself agreeing with her. 
Harry noticed how pretty of a smile she had. He didn’t know why a tiny detail like that stuck out to him. He found himself quite intrigued with the pretty bartender lady, which he realised he had been calling her that in his head without knowing her name. He stared into her eyes and found himself hypnotized by them. Suddenly, it seemed like they were the only two people in the room. Okay, stop. She’ll think you’re weird.
It was as if his mind took control over him and he found himself asking her, “When do you get off?” He asked, his eyes widening after realising the words that came out of his mouth.
What the fuck!?, he thought.
She was surprised, her mouth agape as she processed what he had just asked. But she seemed to compose herself quickly. “And why do you wanna know?” She asked nervously. 
Harry paused before choosing his next words carefully. “Because you seem really cool to talk too. And I’d like to talk to you more,” he said. He was nibbling on his bottom lip, a habit he had whenever he got nervous. He shrugged before he continued, “It’s nice to have a friend, you know?” 
Pretty bartender lady - and Harry swore he’ll get her name soon - nodded at him and smiled. Like she knew what he meant. “I’ll be off at 10,” she said. It was only 30 minutes until then. Harry was initially surprised at this, not thinking whether she would agree to - whatever he wanted to with her later. 
He nodded in response. “I’ll, uh, wait for you here, then,” he spoke nervously. She chuckled and took their glasses away so she could clean and attend to the other customers before her boss yelled at her. 
As she walked away, Harry called out to her. “Wait!” She turned around, eyes wide when he called her. “Um, what’s your name?” He asked. She smiled as her heart melted at the innocent question. 
“It’s Y/N,” she replied.
Harry nodded, a small timid smile appearing on his face. “I’m Harry,” he said. 
She smiled and nodded at his short introduction. Now, the pretty guy with forest green eyes had a name she could call him. “I’ll see you later, Harry,” she said as she returned to the back of the bar.
Harry sighed, seeming to be smitten already by her. “Yeah. See you later,” he said softly to himself.
Now, Y/N was no idiot. She knew who Harry Styles was. 
She wasn’t like the biggest fan, but she appreciated his music and thought he was a lovely guy in general, according to the fan experiences she read. She didn’t know much about him, other than he was a former member of a very successful boyband and his music was just incredible. Plus, she thought he was pretty handsome.
And when she saw him walking through the doors of the bar, she had to take a double take to make sure her eyes weren’t deceiving her. 
She usually took her job quite seriously, she was polite to all customers and made sure they were always satisfied with their drinks or snacks. It was usually because she wanted to get the tips she needed to pay her rent. So, when Harry sat down by the bar, she couldn’t help herself but go to him. 
But now, she was supposed to meet him after her shift. Which was strange to her because all she did was being nice to him and making up a conversation. Did he realise that she was pretending to not know him? Was this some sort of mind trick that was playing on her? Though, he mentioned how it was nice to have a friend. Maybe there was something behind that phrase that meant something deeper to him. 
It was already 10 PM. Y/N said goodbye to her coworkers as she grabbed her scarf and coat from her locker. Her heart was beating fast because she realised she was about to go on a little rendezvous with Harry Styles, well, that was what she thought. 
She wasn’t expecting anything. She honestly thought he might have just left, realising how silly it was to wait for a bartender friend he just made. 
But she walked towards the front of the bar and he was still sitting in his seat like he said he would, waiting for her. And she felt like her heart might burst.
Harry didn’t think he’d find himself sitting at a 24-hour diner, eating some waffles with a pretty friend he just met at nearly 11 PM. He was starting to blame that one whiskey drink he asked for earlier as to be honest, he didn’t know what was happening. 
When he met Y/N in front of the bar after the shift, he was nervous, shifting on his feet in habit. When Y/N asked him what he had in mind, he froze because he realised he didn’t think this through. All he wanted was to talk to pretty bartender lady Y/N. The rest was all hazy to him. Luckily, Y/N just laughed at this and guided him to her favourite diner. 
They both ordered waffles with honey and blueberry toppings, courtesy of Y/N as she said they were the best waffles she ever had. Y/N got herself a chocolate smoothie while Harry just ordered a nice hot tea. It was a nice little meal. 
“So, Harry, what brings you here to LA?” Y/N asked him as she munched on her waffles. 
Harry sipped on his tea before clearing his throat. “Uh, I live here, mostly for work. But I’m on a break now,” he said, not giving out too much information. “Hmm. But you haven’t lived here long, I assume. Could tell by your accent,” she said knowingly.
He smiled at this. “Yeah? You like my accent, darlin’?” he teased her and pride filled himself as he saw her cheeks flaring up in the colour red. “Quite the flirt, are ya? But yes, your accent is cute,” she said as she ate. “Good to know,” he smiled and winked at her. 
Y/N rolled her eyes at him as she blushed. He seemed to be quite the flirt, teasing her and calling her pet names. If it were any other guy, she would’ve just left. She admitted that she might not have the best ways in maintaining a relationship. It was always whether she was too picky or bossy and her insecurities always got the best of her. She was used to feeling of being used for sex and her body even when she wanted to believe they wanted something more out of it. She closed herself off from love for a while now. While everyone said that her time will come, she just ignored them. Her main priority was herself and that was for sure.
But there was something about Harry that was pulling her in. He wasn’t far from what the papers write about him but at the same time, he was. He seemed somewhat closed off as she was. She didn’t want to pry, she’d never do that. It was like he was in this fish tank surrounded by spectators watching his every move. Maybe the life he has had somewhat prevented him from forming a real, honest attachment. Or maybe she was just making this all up. 
She sipped on her smoothie, her eyes focused on his. She realised how green his eyes were looking up close. “So, I have a question. And I want you to answer this as truthfully as possible,” she said, propping her head on the palms of her hands. Harry raised an eyebrow at her, chuckling a bit before nodding. “Alright, love. Lay it on me,” he said, leaning back on the booth. 
Y/N blushed at the pet name given and cleared her throat. “Why did you want to see me?”
It was silent between them. Harry should’ve known this question would come up. Truthfully, he didn’t know how to answer it, he was never one to make friends with a random person and go on a little rendezvous late at night. He shrugged at this, “Like I told you, it’s nice to have a friend,”
“That couldn’t be all,” Y/N smiled. “You don’t seem like the kind of person to befriend a bartender and go out with her for a late supper the same night,” Harry blushed at this and scratched the back of his ear with his finger. “I don’t know. Maybe I just wanted to be spontaneous a bit,”
Y/N hummed at this, sipping on her drink. Harry’s eyes were trained on her and she somehow found that a bit intimidating. “I got off work just to clear my mind a bit,” he continued. “Sometimes, I’d go out with my friends, I’d meet some girls and spend the night with them, just to feel something. Just to not be alone,” This was the most Harry had opened up to someone in a while. 
“But you still feel alone,” Y/N spoke. Harry frowned at this, not quite sure what she meant. “You could be with someone, and still would feel alone. I get that,” she explained. 
Harry’s mouth was agape. “Y-Yeah, I guess,” he mumbled out. “Can I ask you something?”
“Go ahead,”
“You really don’t know me, do you?” he asked, cocking his head to the side. She let out a small laugh. “I knew who you were the moment you stepped foot into that bar,” she said. Harry’s eyes widened. All this time, he was glad he thought Y/N didn’t know him but she treated him like any other normal person. But she knew all along. 
“That was.. Surprising,” he chuckled as he ran his hands through his curly locks. “But, you didn’t seem to look like y’know me. Treated me like a normal person,” She stifled a laugh. “Well, would you rather I’d treat you like royalty? Curtsey in front of you?” She joked. 
Harry laughed at this. “No, no. It was nice. It’s good t’just pretend your life is normal for once,” he nodded at her. “I’m sure you have some friends that treat you like you are just Harry,” she smiled. 
Harry only shrugged at this, “A few of them do. When you’re in the industry long enough, you’d know how to tell apart the few people that are honest and real with you and the many who just use you sometimes.” Y/N frowned at this but nodded. While she couldn’t connect to being in the same industry as him, she knew perfectly how it feels like to be used by people you allowed yourself to get close to. 
He brought his cup of tea to his lips, realising how cold it was getting. “You want some?” He offered his drink to her. Y/N nodded, taking the cup from him. “You like tea?” She asked.
“I do, but I prefer coffee,” he smiled at this random conversation. “Please tell me you don’t take your coffee black,” Y/N narrowed her eyes at him, as if she was daring him to admit it. Harry smirked and shrugged at her. “Sorry, love. It’s the best way to have coffee,”
“No, it’s not! It’s so bitter!” Y/N exclaimed and laughed at this. “I don’t think this would work out,” she pouted. Harry swore his heart beated a little faster, seeing her lips pout. He wondered how they’d feel against his. “What wouldn’t work out, love?” He smiled at her. 
Y/N blushed at this, looking down at her lap before she looked at him again. “Whatever you want this to be,”
They spent their time getting to know each other and by the time it was midnight, Harry ended up paying for their meals, ignoring her protests as he did. Y/N was tempted to wipe off that smug smile off his face. The December air howled as the night went on as the decorative holiday lights lit up the street they walked on. The two walked side by side, their hands brushing against each other’s. If Harry had the guts, he would intertwine their hands together. But he didn’t. Not yet, at least. 
“Random question, but do you prefer sunrises and sunsets?” she asked out of the blue. Harry thought for a moment before answering, “M’not sure, actually. Never really paid attention to them all that much.” Y/N nodded at his answer.
“Sometimes I like to wake up early just to see the sunrise,” Y/N spoke. Harry looked at her, raising an eyebrow. “Yeah? You like sunrises?” he asked gently, the cold air making his breath visible to see. “I do. I like sunsets too. But no one ever stops to appreciate the sunrises,” she sighed.
“Maybe it’s because they can’t be bothered to wake up so early,” Harry joked, making her laugh. “Yeah. Well, I do that. My apartment has a nice view of it. It’s nice. The city is just beginning to wake up. The golden glow casted upon it,” 
Harry nodded at her. “Is this your way of inviting me over?” He teased. Y/N paused, her cheeks flaming up. It wasn’t her intention, but she might as well have done so. Harry was a nice company to keep and she liked him. She really did like him. “Maybe,” she mumbled. 
Harry smiled at her sudden shyness. It was something he liked about her. He really liked her. And he wanted her to take him back to her home, as pathetic as that made him seem. 
“Well, lead the way, darlin’,”
Y/N struggled to put her keys into the keyhole of her apartment. Nervous was an understatement for her. She had a really sweet and attractive man waiting behind her and she was about to invite him in. She was almost sweating at the thought and she didn’t know why.
She opened the door, letting the warm air of her small apartment flow through them. Harry found it quite cozy. There were plants placed in different corners of the room, he noticed a record player by the television. There was also an easel standing by it. It was small, unlike his luxurious houses, but homey.
“You paint?” He asked. Y/N blushed at this, she forgot to put away your paint and clean up. In her defense, she didn’t think you would have company tonight. “Yeah, s’just a hobby. And somewhat a side hustle,” she said, taking off her coat and putting in on the couch. Harry did the same, subtly wiping his sweaty palms against his dark jeans. 
“Uh, d-do you want something to drink?” she asked nervously. Idiot, you just had drinks. “Or, if y’want, I have some chocolate chip cookies. If you like chocolate chip cookies. I mean, y’don’t have to but-,” Y/N was cut off upon hearing Harry chuckling at her, his expression amused as he listened to her nervous rambling. 
“Don’t worry, darlin’. I’m good,” he said, smiling at her. She blushed again at the use of the pet name.
It was silence, the only thing that could be heard was their breathing as they looked at each other. Harry slowly walked over, Y/N’s breath hitched as he did so. She was nervous and she was scared, she hadn’t done this in a long time. His arm settled on her waist and it was the first time he touched her. His eyes, green as ever and filled with lust and passion, were focused on hers. She could feel his breath hitting her face due to the proximity between them. 
Y/N gently placed her hands on his chest, feeling it rising up and down as he breathed. His forehead was already pressing against hers, their noses slightly brushing against each other. “Can I kiss you?” Harry finally asked ever so softly. And Y/N couldn’t help but nod her head. “Please,”
His lips crashed into hers, gently at first, but she kissed him harder, making it more passionate. She could hear him moan into the kiss as their tongues battled for dominance. His hands travelled lower to her backside, she moaned aloud as he squeezed them. When they pulled away, they would instantly pull into another kiss again, wanting to be close. Harry lowered his hands further behind her thighs, signaling her to jump so he could hold her tightly against him. 
“Y/N, I won’t be able to stop,” he said, gasping for air. Y/N only kissed him again, replying as her lips were against his. “Then, don’t,”
Y/N wasn’t sure how they made it to her room, laying nearly naked on her bed. She just realised how many tattoos he had on his body. She traced over the art scattered over his skin delicately. “Harry,” she whimpered as she felt his hardened length grinding against her core. She could feel her arousal seeping through her underwear. She gasped as he pressed kisses down her neck onto her collarbones, her eyes rolling back when he sucked a sweet spot there. His fingers entangled themselves between hers, squeezing them tightly. 
“Harry, please,” 
“I got you, baby. Gonna take my time with you,” he said gently as he kissed her forehead.
Y/N could feel her heart beamed at the sweet gesture. She had one-night stands before, but none of them felt as intimate as with Harry. The way he kissed her, held her, it almost felt right. And she wondered if he felt it too. 
When they’re fully naked and Harry lined himself against her, he looked at her, as if he was asking if she was still sure of this; if she wanted this; if she wanted him. Her eyes were shining as the moonlight shone through her curtains, her hair sprawled against her pillow. She was beautiful and ethereal. He almost couldn’t believe it. 
A nod from her was all it took for him to push himself in, the two moaning in relief as pleasure shot through their bodies. He slowly thrusted, taking his time with her. The feeling of euphoria running through their bodies as they held each other close. Her legs were wrapped around his hips, wanting to keep his warm body close to her. “Harry, faster,” Y/N pleaded.
It was almost like a switch went off his head before Harry spreaded her legs further, thrusting harder and further into her. Moans and groans filled the room and the scent of sex and sweat filled the air. Harry had his head buried into the crook of her neck, breathing hard as he felt the pleasure burning at the bottom of his spine. He was close and he knew she was too from the way she was clenching around him. 
“You close, baby?” He breathed out as he looked at her. The bed was creaking with every movement they made. Y/N moaned in ecstasy as she nodded her head, trying to keep her eyes on him. She didn’t want to miss a thing with him.
Harry took her by surprise by pulling out, lifting her up so she sat on his lap. He guided himself into herself, groaning as she welcomed him in her. Y/N moaned loudly as she felt him hit deeper, feeling herself clenching around him. She quickly began to move against him, smiling as she saw Harry shut his eyes in pleasure, murmuring her name. “C-Close, Harry, fuck,” she groaned as she moved faster.
Harry sat up and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her closer as if it was possible. He thrusted his hips upwards against hers, adding to the euphoric pleasure that was coursing through them. “I know, baby. Fuck, y’feel so good around me,” he moaned out, looking at her with hooded eyes. She wrapped her arms around his neck, their heavy breaths hitting each other’s faces. 
It was only a glance into his forest green eyes that triggered her high. She moaned out loud, her body shaking against him, and just the sight of her high triggered Harry’s. He groaned against her neck and cursed a string of profanities under his breath as he kept thrusting his hips into her, prolonging his orgasm. When they calmed down from their highs, they took deep breaths before pressing their lips together. Harry could hear a whimper from the beautiful woman above him. He was delirious with the bliss feeling. 
They laid on their sides, admiring each other’s glowing yet sweaty state. Harry closed his eyes and sighed as Y/N brushed her fingers through his hair. “Y’alright?” he murmured to her. She nodded and gave him a shy smile. He thought it was cute of her acting all shy after having done such an intimate and dirty activity with him. He kissed the tip of her nose, smiling as she scrunched it up. “You’re beautiful,” he admitted. 
Y/N let out a deep breath. There was no denying the attraction she felt for him. The setting was so intimate, far from what she thought it was going to be. She felt herself opening up to him, something she prevented herself from doing for a long time. She was scared of this, but she liked it at the same time. 
“Hold me?” she asked and Harry pulled her against his body without a second to waste. Their breathing was the only sound they paid attention to. Y/N nuzzled her face against the crook of his neck, her finger tracing the tattoos on his chest. 
“Are you gonna stay?” she asked softly. She was not expecting anything, but she hoped he did stay. 
Harry smiled and pulled her closer. “Only if y’want me to,” he said. Y/N returned the smile, tracing out his lips with her finger, feeling how soft they were. 
“I’d like that,”
When Harry woke up, he felt an empty cold space beside him. Confused at first, he sat up slowly, wondering where the pretty woman he liked was. He turned his head and there she was, sitting by her window looking out into the early morning. She was sipping on something from her mug and she was wearing his dark blue T-shirt from the night before. She looked absolutely breathtaking. 
“You’re up early,” he said, catching her by surprise at the sound of his voice. She smiled at him and made her way to sit on his lap, putting her mug on the bedside table. “You missed the sunrise.” She ran her fingers through his messy bed hair. He sighed, realising how much he liked her doing that simple yet intimate gesture. “Yeah? Was it pretty?” 
“Very,” she sighed as Harry laid his head on his shoulder. He held her tightly in his arms, similar to how he did when they slept. “Well, you’re prettier,” he said, planting kisses up her neck. She realised how deep and raspy his voice sounded in the morning, it sent shivers down her spine. “Well, you’re a charmer,” she murmured. 
Harry looked up at her, taking in her morning glow that she was emitting. “Your eyes are really pretty,” Y/N said softly as she admired his forest green eyes. “Yeah? Y’think so?” he said, playfully fluttering his eyes at her. She laughed at this, throwing her head back. Harry thought it was the sweetest sound. She traced the outline of his lips with her index finger, feeling how soft they were under her touch. Harry kept his mouth agape as she did so. 
“Can I kiss you?” Y/N whispered. He smiled at her, remembering his exact words from the night before, before nodding. “Please,”
The fluttering in his stomach intensified as their lips met. The thing that clouded Harry’s mind was how soft her lips were and how sweet they tasted. Their kiss almost made him feel dizzy for how much passion there was. When they pulled away, he looked at Y/N with hooded eyes, his breathing was heavy from the blissful sensation he felt. He gently wrapped his arms around her frame and it just felt right.
He pulled her into another kiss, a moan elicited from Y/N that sent blood rushing to his lower region. His hands travelled up his shirt she was wearing and he let out a groan, realising she had nothing underneath it. He felt drunk by her touch, her scent; everything. It was a delicate feeling he felt and he didn’t want to let go of it. He could get used to this, the feeling of her. For once in a long while, he didn’t feel alone anymore. 
It was no doubt that Y/N felt the same. 
It all just felt right. 
The snow was covering the backyard, the trees and bushes were covered in white. Y/N watched as the snow fell while sipping on her hot chocolate. The house was decorated for the special wintery day. The tree was lit up and decorated with many ornaments as well as pictures on it, the presents laying closely below it. 
Voices snapped her out of her thoughts, she smiled as she heard footsteps approaching the kitchen. She turned around to see her husband holding up a sleepy little girl in his large muscular arms, the little girl they were blessed with as their daughter. Harry was talking animatedly to Ruby, trying to wake her up in the Christmas spirit. 
He gasped and pointed his finger at you. “Look, Rue! It’s mummy! An early bird, isn’t she?” He said to Ruby as he bounced her gently in his arms. You rolled your eyes at his silliness. “Mama,” the little girl reached out to her mother as she rubbed her sleepy eyes. Y/N set her mug on the counter and grabbed lifted little Ruby in her arms. “Morning, Rue baby,” Y/N cooed softly at her, closing her mouth with the back of her hand when she yawned. 
“Think she’s a bit tired,” Harry chuckled at them. “Y’think? Who’s the idiot that woke her up early?” Y/N asked sarcastically at her husband. He only lifted his arms up in defense, a smug smile painted on his face. Ruby quietly giggled at her parents. He sipped on a mug of hot chocolate and she narrowed her eyes at her as he leaned back on the counter. 
“Are you really drinking my hot chocolate?” Harry paused for a bit before swallowing the warm drink. “I’ll make ya another one, love,” he rubbed the back of his neck. Y/N rolled her eyes at him before chuckling. “You better, Styles.” She felt Ruby shifting in her arms and gently bounced her. “Y’alright, bubs?” She pouted at her daughter. 
“Snow,” she said, pointing out the window where the snow was falling. “Yeah, bubs! It’s snowing!” Y/N exclaimed excitedly to her, making Ruby giggle. “Dada, snow!” she exclaimed to her father. 
Harry laughed at his daughter’s adorableness. “That’s right, Rue!” He agreed, stroking through her curly hair that she inherited from him. He placed a hand gently on Y/N’s clothed stomach. “And how’s bub number 2 doing?” He asked softly. Y/N smiled, her heart beaming at the gentleness of her husband. “They’re doing great in there,” she said, placing her hand over his above her two-month growing belly. 
Harry beamed at this, pressing a gentle kiss on her lips, eliciting a small whimper from her. 
“I love you,” he whispered against her lips. Even after all these years, she found his green eyes just as beautiful and hypnotizing.
“I love you, too,” she said and smiled at him as they broke away. 
Perhaps, Harry would consider himself lucky that his sad lonely self walked into the bar she previously worked at five years ago. Maybe if he hadn’t opened up to Y/N or went back to her apartment, he wouldn’t be able to have this little family he was blessed with. There was something so delicate and real he felt that night that he wanted to keep. So naturally, they both let their walls down and took a chance on each other. And perhaps because it was nearing Christmas that night, he would think of it as some Christmas miracle. 
“Wanna open the presents, Rue?” Y/N asked Ruby as bounced her in her arms. Ruby giggled, not even understanding what her mother said, and nodded. “Yeah? Wanna open presents with mummy and daddy?” Y/N said excitedly as she carried her into the living room. Harry chuckled at the precious sight of them as he followed them.
As they sat down in the living room, he took a moment to just admire his wife and his daughter. Y/N, though wearing one of his Christmas sweaters and sleep shorts, looked just as beautiful and ethereal as she did the night they met. She held little Ruby in her arms, who was busy tearing up the small present in front of her. His wife cheered at their daughter as she took out a little stuffed teddy bear, giggling as she waved it around with her small hands.
Y/N looked up at him and gave him a loving smile as she intertwined her fingers with him. Despite them being in such cold weather, her hands felt warm against his. He admired how they fit perfectly in his. Ruby babbled incoherently to her parents about her gift, in which they nodded like they understood what she said. Harry’s heart warmed up just thinking of how they’ll have another addition to their loving little family soon. 
His heart was full of love and happiness. He no longer felt alone. He had everything he wanted in that moment, his growing little family.
Everything was just right. 
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bugsy-maria · 3 years
Winchesters x Depressed Sister! Reader
@supernerdycookietrashblr Requested: I was wondering if you willing /comfortable to write this a Winchester brothers x sister reader where the reader is depressed harms themselves and feels like she not good enough and is a drug addict like does weed and other drugs drinks to relieve her pain and her brothers found out and are not happy it and the reader just not having it and doesn't want help and can't handle being lectured about her brothers so she runs away and overdoses and her brothers find her but in the end her brothers help her in recovery and it fluffy in the end
And can the reader age around 16-19 is up too you i hope this is ok for u if not I can change it
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Age 16:
"You did well out there, kid." dean spoke from in front of me.
"We're proud of you." I felt Sam put his hand on my shoulder.
"Yay!" I squeak out with a wide smile prominent on my face. I got into the back of the impala, Dean in the driver's seat and Sam in the passenger. I rest my head on the head of the seat next to me and let the all to the familiar rumble of the Impala consume me.
I have been living with Sam and Dean for about 3 years. they saved me from a werewolf attack in an alley, and once they found out that I didn't have a home anymore they took me in.
I close my eyes, remembering the lies they just told me. I couldn't ever believe them because they always lie. 'we're proud of you.' what a load of crap. I did nothing but mess up the entire hunt and they have the guts to lie to my face like that?
Age 17:
My legs tread along the sidewalk, my knees barely bending from the cuts on them. my bag seems much heavier now and my legs are like lead. I flip my hood up as I walk into a gas station, leaving my bag outside. I walk over to the alcohol section and grab some bottles of the cheap whiskey that dean gets. I put the bottles of whiskey on the counter and take out my wallet.
"ID.," the cashier says in a monotone voice. I look up and show him the fake ID that Dean made so I could get better access to places during hunts. the man put the bottles in a brown paper bag before handing the items back to me.
I snatched the bag and quickly made my way out the door. I grabbed my bag and rushed off home. Sam and Dean are out on a hunt that I couldn't go on because I had finals. I make my way to my room in the bunker and drop my bag on the bed that I now only lay awake on.
I rummage through the bottom drawer of my dresser, though the pairs of pants are a small little box that holds probably the biggest secret of my life. I take the box and liquor with me as I make my way out of the bunker and into the woods until I hit a clearing where a cliff is.
my legs hang off the edge as I set my items down. I open the box and take out my little white roll of happiness. I light it with my black lighter and breathe it in. I sit there for about 10 minutes repeating the action before I one of the bottles I bought earlier.
I take a swing and feel the sting of the drink in my throat. I bring the joint back up to my mouth. It's been about two hours since I have come to the cliff. since then the sun has set and my vision has gone hazy.
~~~~~3 months later~~~~~
"Are you ok kid? we never see you around anymore." Dean sits in front of me at a nearby diner.
"Yup. I just haven't been getting a whole lot of sleep and the stress from school isn't making it easier." I rub the back of my neck. a forced awkward smile painted on my lips.
"Well if you ever need to talk about it we're here for you, y'know." Sam, who is sitting next to me, gives me a one-armed smile. the contact almost breaks me down, but I hold the tears for my room.
I just have to keep reminding myself that I don't mean that much to them as they do to me.
~~~~~2 months later~~~~~
"Drugs?!" Dean shouts I rub the temples of my head, the headache only getting worse with all of the yelling.
"Dean." Sam's voice came from a corner of the room.
"Of all of the things to do you chose drugs!"
"Can you stop yelling," I whispered out.
"Dean." Sam's voice came sterner. Dean, having finally taken notice, looked over at the giant in the corner of the room holding an empty bottle of whiskey. a heavy sigh escapes Dean's lips.
"You made a lot of stupid decisions."
"You think she doesn't know that?" Sam forcefully chuckled at the end. "We need to talk, don't go anywhere."
"Not that she can look at her, she can't even talk." the door clicks close. I let out a breath of air that I didn't realize I was holding. I looked up to see the items taken away. I knew this day was going to be coming soon so I made a stash.
I quickly stuffed what I knew id need for the next couple of days in a bag while ignoring the pounding in my head. I slipped out of my room and ran out of the garage. I ran into the woods and to the cliff.
once there I quickly drank a bottle of beer that I got the other day. I broke the bottle and grabbed one of the shards. if I wanted this plan to work I'd have to think fast. I tightly gripped the shard in my hand and carved a sigil in my forearm. I knew that once Sam and Dean saw that I wasn't in my room anymore they would try and get Cass to look for me. I wanted to be alone for the next few days.
I practically crank myself to death's doorstep, hours upon hours of smoking and drinking.
Age 18:
I sit at the table in the library working on a school project for AP Bio. to be honest I don't even want to be in any AP classes but ill take any college credits I can take.
"What's this?" I hear Dean's gruff voice fill the room. I look up to see him picking up my glass from the table.
"My juice?" I responded questionably.
"Apple, nice." he set it down i little bit embarrassed.
"You thought it was beer didn't you?" I saw even more blood rise to his cheeks.
"Maybe." he looked away.
"Dean you have to trust her a bit more than that," Sam spoke up.
"I know, but I don't want her to get hurt again."
"Dean, I went through that rehab hell for months, there is no way I'm going back." I chuckled out a bit.
"I know I'm sorry." he draped his arms around my shoulders, his chin resting on my head.
"You know we love you right?"
"Of course I do." I looked back down at my work,
"Good." he planted a kiss on the top of my head before, "Don't ever do anything stupid like that ever again, got it, kid?"
"Yes sir!" I smiled over my shoulder at him.
"Idiot." he playfully pushed my head down. I continued my work, wanting nothing more than to make them proud of me again.
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joshstambourine · 3 years
Greta Van Fleet as Dad's
Haven't been able to un-see this idea since it showed up on my dash and uggggh. I couldn't get over how cute all of this was.
For this imagine, I'm sort of picturing them with younger children, anywhere from 3-5 years old as they are all still crazy young hehe. Also. All of these imagines work with any gender of child. It's all sorta just what I imagine them having and being like in general 🖤
Taglist: @anditsmywholeheart
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Josh is such an interesting guy. He is both so deeply smart... but also at the same time he is the equivalent of a conversation between my last two brain cells.
The sheer amount of energy this man has means he'll not only keep up with a kid but also tire them tf out.
There would always be so much screaming and laughing in the house.
Lots of games of tag and the floor is lava
No matter what he has, son or daughter --- there will be so much dancing. Josh would be the kind of dad who loves to hold his kid and just dance around the house with them.
Not to mention all of the goofy songs they would be singing together.
I can see Josh conversing with his kids like adults even when they are little. Meaning there will be some very serious conversations about very silly things. Potato chips can make you a fly? On it. The floor is both lava and also the arctic? Josh is ready to hear all about how that's possible. There aren't mermaids but there are human sharks? Josh needs to know where he can find them asap.
I can very easily imagine him dressed up and sitting at a table that is far too small for him with his legs crossed.
His daughter would have started by putting one necklace on him and it soon escalated to a crown, sunglasses that didn't fit, and a set of fairy wings. Surrounded by many stuffed animals and dolls.
"Mmm, this is great tea! What kind is it?"
He'd look at his tiny tea cup filled with apple juice. "Huh I could have sworn it was Apple. Did you change it on me?"
She would shake her head, "No daddy! We already drank the apple tea!" She'd laugh.
"What?? You drank all the apple tea without me?!" He'd exclaim, "why did you drink all the apple tea with out me?"
Josh would inch over and begin to tickle her, just loving to hear her laugh really.
"Daddy! Daddy no! You can't tickle me, I'm the princess!!"
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Jake immediately strikes me as such a chill laid back dad. The kind of cool dad you'd definitely want during your teenage years.
He'd be the kind of dad to sit and watch cartoons religiously with his kid, there's no way he'd be missing them. Doesn't matter if it's cool or comedy gold, if his little one loves it they're gonna watch it together.
I think Jake would really want to teach his kid how to play guitar. It's something he's so passionate about that I think it would bring him a lot of joy if his kid had at least the knowledge of techniques and things, even if they weren't a huge fan of playing themselves.
Jake as well strikes me as someone who would be psyched about making dad jokes, of course with a straight face.
That is just a long winded way of saying that as a very young child this kid would know more about music than I do now after 20 years of living on this planet.
"What did the Buffalo say to his little boy when he dropped him off at school?"
For a gender of a kid I'm split right in the middle when it comes to Jake. I think either would be equally as adorable but for this imagine I'm going with a girl to keep things even.
With a little girl I can imagine him sitting quietly as he watches her tiny hands try their best to paint his nails cleanly.
There is pink nail polish everywhere. Everything is a mess. Everything smells of chemicals. But it's fine.
"After I do your nails can I braid your hair too?" She'd eagerly ask, not looking at his hands anymore but she is still trying to paint.
"But your show is going to be on soon...! I thought we were gonna cuddle?"
"....can I braid your hair and watch my show?"
Jake would look at her seriously before smiling, moving quickly to give her a small kiss on the cheek, "of course you can, only if you give me lots of cuddles after."
"Okay daddy!"
*insert a child who is only half heartedly braiding hair while fully enthralled in their show. Head tilted on a 45° angle to see the TV with half of Jake's hair in a frizzy mangled braid.*
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I really think Sam would want his kids to listen to really good music from a young age.
I mean don't get me wrong I think all of the boys would be like this... but I see him being the kind of parent that buys into the "smarter babies listened to music in important development periods"
The ultimate "my kid is so smart" kind of parent that then shows you 20 drawings that don't look like anything, but clearly they look like something to him.
All those drawings get tucked away somewhere safe so he can go back and look at them proudly as his little one grows up.
"Maybe they'll be an artist?!"
He also strikes me as a parent who wants to be really involved in teaching his kid things. ABC's? Sam's baby has them locked and loaded. Numbers 1-20? Still has trouble remembering anything with a nine but we are working on it.
Ultimate joy is achieved when Sam gets to teach his little one how to ride a bike. He feeling like its a right of passage for every kid to have with their dad.
I pictured Sam sitting with his little boy at the kitchen table, puzzle pieces sprawled all over.
"Dad, I have a joke for you." He'd say as he fiddled with a piece.
"Oh yeah? Go for it buddy." Sam would reply as he connects another edge piece.
"Knock knock!"
"Whose there?"
"Banana who?"
"The Banana man!" Snickering coming from across the table, hands banging on the table and nearly knocking several pieces off the table.
Sam would laugh a long, "Y'know I've never heard that version of that joke---"
"Dad I'm not done"
"Oh I'm sorry, continue." He'd say beginning to look for a few more pieces to go together.
"Knock knock!"
"Whose there?"
"Banana who...?" Sam would respond slowly, prepared for the same poorly created joke.
Sam would have to lay on the table. It was such a freaking terrible joke but so funny to see the amount of joy it brought the little boys features. "You have to tell that one to mom, okay?"
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Danny is such a loving guy in general, I feel like parenting for him would just be so easy. Not saying that there wouldn't be troubled times--- just that he's just one of those people that were born to parent.
The very dependable parent. Always going to make time for any small thing his little one needs.
Danny is going to encourage his kid to do whatever they love with all of his being.
"You like rocks? We should get a rock polisher."
"You're right these cookies are pretty good, maybe we should get the stuff we need to bake them together."
He is going to have a series or specific book he reads to his little one until they fall asleep. Its something he would refuse to miss, they have to do their chapter! Even if he's on tour somewhere he's going to call home to make sure they can read together.
Danny is over the moon to have a little golfing buddy. As soon as this kid could walk he bought them their own set of clubs so they could play along with him. He just couldn't wait to start teaching them.
Golf time is bonding time. They'd get to walk together and talk about anything and everything.
I've been crazy torn about whether to write about him with a son or a daughter, both are equally as cute. For the sake of evenness though I decided on a boy.
"Okay so for your driver buddy you need to hold your arms waaay out." Danny would tell his son holding his arms out.
"Like this?"
"A little more."
Little eyes look to Danny curiously as his arms become fully extended from his body.
"Perfect! Make sure you stand straight, and keep your eyes on the ball." He says with his hand on the middle of the boys back, "And then you just---"
Danny nearly getting clocked in the head with a golf club but leans back just in time. The satisfying ting of the little one's club hitting the ball sounds,
*Insert the face Danny made when he pretended Sam's margarita's were good*
~ If anyone wants a full fic written for one of these please let me know because I will 100% write out fluffy family fics without hesitation!! ~
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slice of life
read it on ao3 "You should really get out of the house man. When was the last time you went on a date?" Sam has already been getting on his nerves- he called him at 9 pm and has been talking for an hour now- but that question made Dean want to get off the phone faster. 
"I do get out dude but it's kinda hard when I have a toddler," Dean heard Sam scoff on the other side. He thought Dean had knocked up some random woman. He didn't correct him. If Sam was gonna jump to that conclusion than Dean was happy enough to let him. 
"Eileen lives there too," ah yes, Dean's best friend Eileen who Sam has a crush on. She did not return those feelings. 
"And? I'm not making her watch Emma cause you think I'm-" When his daughter walked in, hair tussled and stuffed bunny in her arms Dean paused. The intrusion was welcome cause he wasn't sure he wanted to finish this conversation. (continue reading under the cut)
Quickly he said goodbye to Sam and hung up. Then he gave his daughter his undivided attention. 
"Noisy." That's all Emma said when Dean asked her what was wrong. 
"Show daddy where?" He stood and reached out a hand. She took it, nodding slowly, and led him to her room. 
Once there she silently pointed at her bed. Dean knew what she meant. He got down on his knees and looked. A snout was the first thing he saw. 
"Miracle," Dean said backing away so the dog could get out from under the bed, "You scared Em. Say sorry." 
Miracle sat on her hunches and looked sorrowfully at Emma. 
The young girl walked over and pet her on the nose once. "Fine. It fine," she told the dog. Repeating it a few times. 
"You feel better now? Think you can sleep?" Dean asked. Emma turned to him and still looked a little scared. 
"With daddy?" She asked, hugging her bunny tighter. 
"Sure," he smiled, "If you'll feel safer." 
"Daddy keep me safe," Emma said with way too much pride. Dean appreciated it though. 
So that night he went to bed with Emma beside him, Miracle at his feet, Eileen's cat Grape by their heads, and their shih tzu puppy Ollie curled between them. 
Ollie is a girl but Dean let Emma name her. He also saw no reason why it wouldn't be a good name.
Grape woke him up. She wanted to be let out of the room. Dean hadn't even realized he closed the door. He didn't do that usually, Emma wasn't quite tall enough to open it and he wanted to be able to get to her quickly if need be. 
Dean got out of the bed, careful not to wake Emma. Ollie and Miracle were both watching him curiously as he opened the door. Grape sprinted out before he'd even opened it more than an inch, squeezing herself in a way he'll never understand. 
At this point he's sure that cat's have very little organs or bones. 
He followed her out of the room to go put the coffee on. If he was honest he despised the stuff. Still he drank it. Thank whoever that Eileen had convinced him to start drinking it with milk in it. 
After the coffee was started he stretched, yawned, and ran a hand through his hair. He seemed to do all of this in the same order every morning. It was a bit strange when he noticed the pattern at first but now he sorta liked it. 
Dean began to pull pans down so he could start on breakfast. He wanted pancakes. This meant he also pulled down a bowl and a spoon and a measuring cup and a- The list just goes on and on. 
Despite being able to make homemade pancakes, and preferring them, he made them from the box this morning. Homemade pancakes were a lunch food for them. Dean wasn't going to all that trouble before noon. 
It wasn't long before there was a tug on his shirt and he turned around with a smile. 
"Mornin' Em," She waved at him. Not much of a talker first thing. 
He told her to go sit and breakfast would be ready soon. She nodded and climbed up on the stool, something she was not allowed to do without Dean or Eileen in the room, but it was also a point of pride for the three year old. 
Dean gave her a thumbs up and slid her a glass of apple juice before turning back to the griddle. 
Emma tapped on the counter a few moments later to get his attention. Dean turned towards her and she raised a hand up and tapped it twice on her chin. 
The sign they used for Eileen was the sign for 'Mom' but while making an 'E' instead of having their fingers spread out. He smiled and set the spatula down so he could sign as well. 
"She's sleeping," he told her and she nodded and went back to sipping on her juice. Soon Dean was handing her a plate with the pancakes all cut up into nice bite size pieces. 
He made his plate and then Eileen's, which he set in the microwave to keep them warm, and sat to join Emma who was already chowing down. 
Eileen didn't get up until they were halfway through breakfast. Her hair was a mess and she was carrying Grape like a baby. 
Dean set down his fork and told her where her food was. She grinned and signed 'Thank you' before walking over to Emma and giving her a kiss on the top of her head. After she grabbed her plate she stopped and did the same to Dean who just rolled his eyes at her. 
Dean wasn't lonely. Sam thought he was. But Sam also lived across the country from him and didn't see how his life really was. 
His brother wasn't closed minded. Dean knew if he told him about everything he'd come around to it. But he just finds it easier to not do that. The less explaining the better. 
Dean's aromantic. He knows that. Has known it for a while. He doesn't really feel like he's missing out on anything either. 
A family? He has that. Emma and Eileen and Bobby and Sam. He's set. 
A wife? Dean's never only been interested in women anyway. And he's not interested in a husband or a spouse either. 
Dating? That's just hanging out. 
Really he's good. Romance is overrated. At least if you ask him. 
And he knows Sam thinks of him as some sort of womanizer but again, if that's what he thinks Dean's not keen on correcting him. 
Anyway all of this brings him to what he's currently doing. Using his lunch break to talk to his brother. Who's trying to set him up on a blind date. 
"Sam. This is the one time a day I'm not surrounded by other people and you're using it to try and convince me to do something I don't want to." 
"But Charlie's friend is really nice! I think you'd like them!" Right he forgot Sam knows he's bi. Too bad he hasn't grasped that Dean's only bisexual. 
"Whatever, fine. Just send me the details! Can I eat now?" Dean gave up. 
"Yep!" Sam sounded way too happy. 
Dean hung up and took a bite from his sandwich. And texted Eileen. Telling her everything. 
Eileen: maybe you should just tell him? 
Dean: maybe...
Dean: it just sounds like a pain 
Eileen: it will be worth it in the end 
Dean: i know
Dean: thanks
Eileen: :) 
Dean would go on the date this weekend but when Sam came down next week (He did visit Emma as often as he could) he was gonna tell him. 
Right now though he's letting his daughter cover his face in makeup. She really like putting eyeshadow where it didn't belong. 
Ollie was curled up beside him on the floor. Emma was holding Grape, who kept trying to play with the brushes. She told him about her day. They were waiting on Eileen to get back before Dean started on supper. 
"An' then she said my pic'ure was pre'y!" Emma told him excitedly. 
"That's great, baby girl," Dean replied. Which was a mistake cause he got a mouthful of blush. 
Eileen finished doing his makeup. Just a little bit to cover the bruise he got when he tripped the day before, banging his forehead on the coffee table. Everyone's always so worried about kids doing that they forget they are also at risk. 
She also put eyeliner on him and gave him a peck on the cheek. 
'Done,' she signed before doing jazz hands while he looked in the mirror. It looked good. 
'Thanks,' he signed and she grinned. She stood up from where she was sitting - they pulled two of the kitchen stools to the bathroom - and pulled him in for a hug.
After she let go she signed, 'Tell your date immediately.' 
Dean nodded. No leading on. Even if it's not his intention. 
'And feel free to go home with them,' Eileen wiggled her eyebrows at him and he swatted at her arm gently. 
Dean didn't want to leave the house. He loves his job. But the weekend was so nice. But he was doing this to get Sam off his back. For now. 
He stood as well and slid his jacket on. As they walked to the door he signed reminders at her. Making sure she knew he'd drop what he was doing immediately if Emma needed anything. Eileen just waved him away. 
He sighed once the door was closed behind him. This was gonna be a long night. 
"I'm not interested in romance. I have zero romantic attraction. I'm here so my brother will leave me alone," Dean said immediately after giving his 'date' his name. 
"I'm Castiel..." they looked slightly confused and Dean felt a bit bad about dumping all that in them. 
"Look, I'm sure you're great, but this isn't gonna work out," Dean told them. Castiel was just staring at him. Slowly they squinted and tilted their head. 
"Okay... I'm just here cause Charlie said I should do this." They told Dean. "We can just hang out?" 
"Fuck yeah," Dean grinned. This night was gonna be better than he thought it would be. 
It just so happened that Cas (cause Dean insisted on giving people nicknames) had kids Emma's age. Twins. So they set up a play date on the spot for the next day. 
"You'll love Eileen," Dean told them and Cas tilted their head again. 
"Who's Eileen?" 
"She's my best friend. She helps out with Em."
"Is she like... your partner? Not romantically of course." 
That was a good question. Dean wasn't actually sure since they never talked about it. He contemplated his answer for a moment before speaking again. 
"She's just one of my people. I love her and life would be so bad if she wasn't here. I learned a language for her. Does that answer your question?" Dean asked at the end, looking Cas over. They smiled gently. 
"It does. What language did you learn?" 
"ASL. I actually work at a school for deaf children now. So does Eileen." Dean told them. 
"That sounds amazing. I'm just an accountant. But I've always liked numbers. Logic." 
"Hey, if you enjoy it that's all that matters." Dean told them. He meant it to. 
"I do. Do you enjoy your job?" 
That opened a whole can of worms and Cas just sat there listening as Dean went on and on. 
The rest of the night passed like that. Trading information and just getting to know one another. He could tell Cas was gonna become a good friend. 
When Sam came over Eileen was kind enough to take Emma out of the room for a bit. Dean did at least wait until his brother was comfortable in the house and they'd eaten lunch. Now it was go time. 
"Sammy, I need you to really listen to me, okay?" Dean said slowly and carefully. He instinctively was signing as well. Even though it might be a bit distracting he didn't stop. It kinda calmed him. 
"Okay," Sam nodded and gave Dean a weird look. 
"I'm aromantic." 
"And that means?" 
"I don't like anyone romantically. I don't feel romantic attraction. Got it?" 
Sam looked slightly confused but nodded again. His hair flipping about as he did.
Dean smiled. "Cool. So stop setting me up on dates. Don't even mention anything related to that to me. If it involves me that is." 
Sam nodded for a third time. Then he chewed on his lip for a moment before speaking again. "So did you at least enjoy meeting Castiel?" 
"Did I enjoy a date? No. Did I enjoy hanging out with Cas? Absolutely. They're great. Their kids are the same age as Emma." Dean told him. Cas was actually supposed to come over tomorrow. Not that Sam had to know that. 
"Alright. Well I'm sorry, dude... if I had known-"
"Yeah, yeah, it's my fault for waiting to tell you," Dean waved his apology off. 
"Daddy..." Emma started. They were both on her bed. She was tucked in and he was holding a copy of Goodnight Moon in his hands. 
"Yes, sweetie?" He looked at her, concerned. 
"The people at daycare asked who my momma is since they never seen her. I told them that Eiween is my momma. Is that o'ay?" She asked, fidgeting with her hands. 
"I think so," Dean said, pulling her close, "But I think that's a question for Eileen." 
"Mmm," Emma hummed, "I'll ask morrow." 
"Sounds good. Now story?" He held up the book. 
The next morning she'd ask Eileen, who was more than happy to say she was Emma's mom. Dean just smiled from where he was cutting up some fruit for Emma. Letting them have their moment. 
He was happy to be apart of it though. He was happy to be apart of this.
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themadauthorshatter · 3 years
Because I'm bored.
And I want to give myself some serotonin.
And because I've put this off for a long time😅
Shade and Coriane were never afraid of monsters under their beds because Cal would "scare them away" with a really bright flashlight.
Both children have a little bit of buidling and tinkering in them. Shade showed it by switching out lightbulbs and pointed out the ones he was putting in would be better at being adjusted than the ones before and Coriane showed it by fixing a clock.
Mare isn't exactly the best at cooking, but she's at least better than Cal. And her mother; sorry, Ruth.
Both children are excellent swimmers, much to Cal's chagrin.
Coriane remembers meeting her great Nanabel, and the smile she had at the sight of her great granddaughter.
Shade didn't really have a chance to meet her.
Both children wish they could have met their uncle on their mother's side and uncle, grandfather, and grandmother on their father's side.
Both Samos siblings are allowed to see the children, and neither of the children were excited; they'd heard "scary stories" about them and their father, who sounds scary; no, Cal didn't make it clear that Volo was dead, all he said was the Samos patriarch had fallen down and didn't get up, so they assumed that meant he couldn't use his arms anymore.
They were all pretty surprised to meet each other.
Ptolemus was more like a fun uncle than the berserker they all knew.
He did explain that Volo did indeed fall, but couldn't get up because of how high he fell.
The electricons love how entertained the children are with their lightning abilities.
Tyton is a pretty good babysitter. Coriane is allowed to stay up, but only after Shade has gone to bed.
Kilorn is not allowed to teach either child how to swim; there was an 'incident' where Cal tried to be brave and go swimming and Kilorn scared the living hell out of him.
That's fine because neither children like swimming.
Yes. Just because the children are good at swimming doesn't mean they enjoy it.
Mare has told Gisa she doesn't need to make the children outfits, but Gisa did it anyway because she loves her niece and nephew.
The court ettique stuck with Cal, which has led to him raising the children to be very formal.
SCHOOL FOR GOOD AND EVIL(I'm naming Tedros and Agatha's son Anthony):
Both parents were kind of scared Anthony was mute because he didn't start talking until he was nearly a year old. He's not mute, he just doesn't talk much.
You have to catch him at just the right moment. Anthony is completely silent around large crowds or assemblies, but with his parents he's half of a chatterbox, at least.
Anthony and Agatha can have full conversations with nothing but facial expressions.
Tedros had a hard time getting Anthony to open up to him, and decided to give the boy space for a little bit.
It was absolutely worth it for the heart to heart they had.
Hester and Anadil hate kids, but Agatha's and Tedros's little demon spawn is the only exception to that statement.
Anadil was won over by how he didn't cry and even 'said' how her rats were cute.
Hester, however, only warmed up to him when she spent a longer time with him, and after getting a chance to watch him because Aunt Sophie kept stepping in.
On one such occasion, where Anthony was surprised by Hester's watching him, the boy was overjoyed to see her, hugging her closely. He then backed up and stepped back, giving her a wave and smile. As she understood his silence better than Sophie, Hester wrote to him on a paper, 'Did you miss me THAT much?' Anthony nodded and wrote back, 'Yes!'
Sophie is not a helicopter aunt, but she loves Anthony a bit too much for his liking.
She NEVER talks about how she'd been hoping he was a girl.
Anthony isn't a fan of pink, but he doesn't hate it. Pastel is fine. Anything more vibrant makes him puke.
Both Tedros and Agatha were surprised to see how good Anthony was on horse back.
Heart attack angst moment: A former supporter of Rhian and Japeth snuck into the castle and made an assassination attempt on the royal family, more specifically Anthony. Tedros threw his son behind him and drew hus sword and Agatha shot a spell at him and proceeded to tackle him to the ground, not caring about her dress or the fact that the assailant was still armed.
Anthony colud not watch the execution because he hates bloodshed. He's a vegetarian/vegan and tries to eat as little meat as possible because he often spends time in the stables and around animals.
Agatha and Tedros are aware of this and are okay with it, though Tedros has him eat a single steak for dinner and teo eggs for breakfast once a month on seperate occasions, just so he doesn't lack any iron or protein.
To clarify, by separate occasions, I mean that Anthony will eat the steak one day and the eggs later another day within the month. After that, he can indulge in as much vegan/vegetarian food as he wants.
Have fun trying to convince Tedros and Agatha to let him attend the SGE; it's not that they have unpleasant memories, they just want him to try and have as normal of a life as possible.
On a walk, and when the Tagatha child was a teen, Tedros noticed some girls trying to flirt with Anthony and that his son barely reciprocated their actions. He pointed out that they were showing an interest in him, and Anthony admitted that he knew and he just didn't really feel the same way; he didn't exactly see why they were so flirty when he didn't feel like giving it back to them.
NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS(The triplets I'm naming Jacob, the eldest boy, Luna, the middle girl, and Daemon, the youngest boy):
Jacob is 98% the triplets' father; he'd be a spitting image if it weren't for his mop of hair, he's sharp as a whip, but still puts the E in idiot(please tell me you git that Jenna Marbles reference!!!).
Luna is arguably the smartest, but good luck getting a, 'you don't say' out of her. She won't tell you she's smarter than you, she will show you. Good thing Jack and Sally keep her in check.
Daemon is the family's "underdog." He has the last minute, 'this will work,' Jack Sparrow plans. He's quiet, he sews, he sings, and if he's not trailing behind Jack, Sally, or his siblings, he's probably touching up his clothes.
Jacob was the idiot kid that got electrocuted to the point his red hair turned black. He barely remembers it, but now all he tastes is cold peanut butter. Daemon has often suggested and offered to do it again, but Luna stops him. Pro: he's spending more time with Luna and Jacob is safe. Con: he's spending time with LUNA and Jacob still doesn't remember.
Jacob, as the oldest, attends 'meetings' with Jack and the Mayor. It doesn't bore him, he just gets tired of the Mayor's whining.
Jacob doesn't get Christmas. Luna has the basic idea of it. Daemon is the only one that understands, but doesn't explain it fully out of spite; Jacob called him scatter brained because of an incident where, at the table, a cockroach crawled out of his eye socket.
Daemon is the only one of his siblings to have eyes.
Even though she's literal bone, Luna has stitches that are very close to Sally's.
Neither Jack nor Sally have nicknames for the children, besides terms of endearment.
You know you're in trouble when Jack looks at you and looks ready to dig your grave himself.
All three triplets have Jack's fire power, but no one's gotten hurt because of it, even though Jacob and Daemon had one close call.
Neither parent would ever even dream of raising a hand against the children.
It's safe to say that Luna and Sally use common sense the most out of all five of the family members.
Daemon smells like pumpkin and cinnamon. He finds both himself, cinnamon bark and small, apple-esque pumpkins, and eats them like skittles and popcorn.
Another result of the electrocution, Jacob is hard of hearing where is left ear would be, if he had ears. He can't hear at all in the "ear." Not even a ringing sound.
The only reason Jacob doesn't like something is because he doesn't get it. At all.
Luna sees the glass as half full, Daemon sees the glass as half empty, and wonder if it belongs to someone who drank out of said glass, hence its being hald empty, and Jacob just sees a glass of water, now can he just drink the rest?
Luna, the best with herbs, has poisoned her brothers. Sally found out and she was grounded.
Daemon, to see how much he could take, dived off the roof of Dr. Finkelstein's tower. It took Jack, Sally, Luna, Jacob, and Zero all day to collect all of him. He was grounded and locked in his room.
Jacob got grounded for a few things: setting his sister on fire(no one knows who started that fight.), hiding in a morgue to scare people only to end up falling asleep, even as they tried to cremate him, and then waking up in front of the humans, pretending to be one of the hanging men on The Hanging Tree, and dancing on top of the tallest Pyramid in Egypt.
The children do misbehave sometimes, but their parents love them.
Jack and Jacob don't see eye to eye exactly, but they still get each other.
Luna loves both her brothers, but she will hang out with Daemon more than Jacob.
Daemon has a lot of glow sticks he collected and they all still glow when it gets dark. Jacob used his thinking cap and had a moment of big brain time, and drank some of the glow stick juice.
One more thing he got in trouble for.
Daemon also got in trouble, but he was allowed to keep his glow sticks.
Luna is a good singer, Daemon is a great dancer, and Jacob is the best at succeeding their father
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mlm-writer · 4 years
Fuck the Pain Away (Jaskier x M!Reader)
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Pairing: Julian Alfred Pankratz (Jaskier/Dandelion) x Top Male Reader (NOT trans-friendly) Rating: Explicit Words: 1833 POV: Second Summary: After Geralt is a dick on that mountain, Jaskier just needs something to feel better. Luckily for him, you are there to fuck the pain away.  Notes: I just needed to give him some justice (and dick) after that episode.  Tags: Some angst, alcohol, blowjob, facefucking, deepthroating, anal sex, loud sex, rough sex, dirty talk, anal creampie and Jaskier has a praise kink 
EDIT: Sequel is here 
A tavern without a bard was often boring to you, but it was nothing compared to a tavern with a bard that would only sing sad ballads and bitter songs. The mood was terrible, but no one seemed to do anything about the half-weeping twink in the middle of the tavern. They all must have been regulars as they seemed to know him, judging by the pitiful stares. You had been here for the better of an hour and still not a single good song. A sigh left you, before you stood up and walked over to the twink in sparkly clothes. 
“Oh bard, you must be so tired,” you announced as you put a hand on his shoulder and offered him a kind smile, slowly prying his lute from him. He looked at you, eyes scanning over you. You did not comment on it. “I think you should take a rest and rehydrate.” With a lute in one hand, you dragged the bard to the bar, sitting him down and taking a seat next to him. “Barkeep, mead for me and the sad bard, please.”
You gave him a smile as you put the lute down next to you. He did not seem pleased, but not a word came from him. You drank in silence. It took him a lot of drinks to get a little tipsy. You noticed, because he was suddenly very affectionate. “The world needs more good men like you,” he whined as he rested his head on your shoulder. You chuckled and threw an arm around him. You held him close as he drank the last of his mead. “Bar…”
“Actually, I think you have had enough.” You took the cup from his hand and placed it on the bar. “You have a room here, right?” The bard nodded. “Ok, I’ll help you up.” You supported him as you made your way to the stairs and up to his room. As you walked, you realised he was not hammered at all and yet he kept you in a tight grip. The unnamed bard did not let you go as you tried to drop him on the bed. He pulled you along until you were both lying there in a tangled mess. You chuckled as he nuzzled the exposed skin of your neck. “Before you attempt to jump on my dick, why don’t you tell me your name?”
“Jaskier.” “Do you want to know mine?” “Not really.” “Ok.” 
Jaskier suddenly got a lot more energetic as he climbed on top of you. “Now can I jump on your dick or not?” You shrugged and nodded. Who were you to not fuck away the pain of a gorgeous man like him? You had thought you would be taking the lead on this, but Jaskier had your breeches down to your knees in no time and was hungrily sucking on your cock like it would spill immortality juice. You moaned and put your hand into his hair, fingers clenching everytime your cock went past his mouth and into his throat. Jaskier took your cock out of his mouth and mouthed at your balls. “Could you maybe… you know?” You pulled his head up by his hair, raising a brow, prompting him to be more specific. He stuttered a little before taking a deep breath, apparently settling on just being blunt and forthcoming about his desires. “I want you,” he pointed at you to emphasise his point, “ to use my mouth”, pointing at his mouth, “like a hole to fuck and make me gag.” 
You laughed, turning him red like a good apple. “Sorry, I don’t mean to laugh. It’s just no one has ever said it like that to me, ever.” He reached for your hand and tried to pull it away, but you tightened your grip and pushed him down to your hard length. “But don’t worry little bard, I will give you exactly what you want. How could I say no to such a pretty boy like you?” He moaned as you forced him down on your cock. You put a second hand on his head, guiding his mouth over your length, sometimes holding him down. After a few times making him gag as you held him down, you pulled him up and off your cock. He gasped, spit dripping off his lips. You wiped a little away with your thumb as you smiled at him. “Now I’m gonna push my cock all the way inside this whorish mouth and I want you to stick your tongue out and lick my balls. Think you can do that?” The pretty bard nodded, whimpering. One glance down showed he was hard as a rock. His cock was threatening to rip open his pretty clothing. You decided to let him suffer a little longer. Jaskier had his mouth open and was dripping spit onto your glistening length. You guided him down, shushing him and patting his head as you slowly pushed into his throat. He gagged and you held him still until you could push further. “That’s it, now stick your tongue out.” He did as he was told and tough it wasn’t the most gracious licking of your balls, the thought that your entire cock was jammed in his mouth and throat made it hot anyway. 
When you noticed him struggling more, you let him go and he raised his head on his own, coughing and heaving as his mouth was finally free. “Grab the bottle from my bag, will you?” You looked to your left and saw a bag on the floor next to you. You noticed a glass bottle inside and held it up. Jaskier nodded and held his hand out for it. He pulled his breeches down and kicked them off. You were about to offer to open him up, but he grabbed your hands and put it on his head. “Please continue, while I prepare myself.” It took you a little off guard and you asked him if he was sure, offering to prepare him instead. Jaskier’s response was to take your cock back into his mouth on his own, moaning around it as he stuck a finger inside himself. The delicious feeling of the vibrations was enough to convince you. 
You could feel Jaskier’s every move, his moans in perfect sync with his fingers’ movements. You were leaking precum and Jaskier was sucking it out of you and swallowing it down. Every time you got close to the edge, Jaskier pulled off and looked at you with puffy lips and open mouth as he fingered himself open with your cock resting on his face. He really was going to make you cum so hard that you might pass out, you just knew it. The intention was everywhere on his face and in his eyes. 
When Jaskier finally considered himself stretched enough, he straddled you, your wet cock at his loosened opening. “Ready for the ride of your life?” He chuckled. You laughed at the way he was being overly dramatic and placed your hands on his hips. You hadn’t expected the previously moping bard to be this eager and active, but he appeared to be full of surprises. He lowered himself on your cock, letting out a luscious moan for you to enjoy along with the delectable sight of his mouth hanging just a little open while his eyes were closed. 
“Fuck, you are gorgeous,” you cursed as he rode the head of your cock, not taking in more quite yet. You helped him move, thrusting just a little so he wasn’t doing all of the work. Jaskier was clearly sensitive as he sang in ways that would not be socially acceptable down in the tavern. He fell forward, head resting on your chest as you put your hands on his ass and lifted it up far enough for you to thrust up into him. Jaskier was no longer moving, just moaning into your chest as he took your cock with ease. 
“Please, fuck me against a wall,” the bard suddenly moaned and the idea sent your whole mind reeling. You lifted him off you and helped him get up. Jaskier was unstable on his feet as you led him to the nearest clear wall and pushed him face first against it. You kissed the back of his neck, giving the flesh a playful bite. The pretty bard keened and stuck his perfect ass out. 
You slipped back inside, groaning as that perfect heat enveloped your cock once more. A growl escaped you, before you whispered into his ear. "Let's make the entire building shake, shall we?" The whiny moan that followed was enough confirmation and you fucked him in earnest, thrusting deep and making your skin slap together so hard that they could hear the sound through the entire floor. "You're such a treasure," you groaned as you pressed your body against his while you fucked him like a dog, "pretty voice, pretty face and," you squeezed his bottom, "the prettiest most fuckable arse in the continent." Jaskier moaned so loudly, you swore he had a praise kink. You pulled him away from the wall and against your own body. Your hands slid down and you lifted him up by his knees. Jaskier folded almost in half as you lifted him up and down on your cock. 
"Oh fuck you're such a fucking stud, fuck, fuck, fuck!" Jaskier sang the praises of your cock. He was a nuisance to anyone in the building for sure, but you didn't care. Right now the only thing you could care about was the way his tight hole gripped your cock as you bounced him up and down. When your arms got tired, you walked over to the bed and dropped him. Jaskier positioned himself on all fours, taking your cock with so much ease and eagerness, you wouldn't be able to last much longer. 
"I want to fill you up with my seed," you groaned as you grabbed Jaskier by his hips to fuck him harder towards his orgasm. 
"Yes, please, tell me your name. I want to sing it to the whole town while you fill up my butthole." You told him your name, grabbed a little tighter, fucked a little harder. Jaskier sang your name as your nails dug into his skin and you pressed deep in him, unloading there. You grabbed his cock as you came, stroking and making him cum too. The bard's whole body trembled through orgasm until you milked him dry. You collapsed next to each other. Almost immediately, Jaskier came crawling into your arms, snuggling into your chest and holding you like you were about to leave the second you got to cum. 
"I can stay the night," you offered without looking at him. Jaskier hummed approvingly. You were no witcher with white hair and yellow eyes, but right now, you were exactly was Jaskier needed. 
“You can also stay forever.”
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Can u please write a Shoto fanfic (or could be for multiple characters) inspired by Murders by Miracle Musical? 😭😭😭 The line "all for nothing at all" hits very VERY hard for me. Can u make it as angst as possible too?
Todoroki Shoto x Murderer Reader
I listened to that song a bunch and still my brain didn’t process all of the story in that song, I hope that you will still enjoy this. I did work hard and I think I did ok, but I put my own spin on it.
TW: A LOT of blood, a few swear words, and heavy(ish) angst.
I got too into the storyline I forgot all the actual angst I was supposed to put in.
Here are some people that inspire me, @alpha-bnha-boys and @random-mha-thoughts
There are 2567 words to read below the line!
Were the woods always this scary?
The leaves rustled and the wind whistled as it sifted through the dark branches. It would have been a peaceful day if it weren’t for the darkness that had been put over the woods. You looked up through the cracks in the leaves to see that the sky was beginning to darken as well. You picked up your axe and wiped of the blood of the animal laying dead on the ground, the blood pooling around your feet. The smell was enticingly sweet, the scent of blood always fascinated you. As you grew older you figured out your favorite type of blood was human, there was something about the fact that there was no fur to get matted when the liquid gushed out leaving you in excitement to see the beautiful color on the white or chocolate skin.
You may be a murderer but you didn’t discriminate. You hoped desperately to find another human in these woods to harvest but you would wait and kill others patiently. The hunt is what you enjoyed; the feeling of raw adrenaline as you ran after your prey.
You had a quirk, and that quirk was a shifting quirk. You could change into any animal; real or fantasy that you could think of, but... whatever you choose you keep the appetite and diet of that chosen creature for a week.
If say, you wanted to be a horse, you would eat grass for a week, even after shifting back, if you wanted to be a dragon, you would be eating meat and spewing fire all week.
But, if you shifted into a herbivore then into a carnivore, you would not only be eating meat AND plants, you would have double the hunger for blood. To most people that would horrify them, but since you drank blood like apple juice, you had no problem going on a killing spree to sedate your desire.
You picked up the blood in the buckets you brought and rang out the already mangled body over the container. Finally you grabbed your shovel and dug by a dried tree. Soil that has a calcium deficiency ate up bodies quickly. If you buried and animal under a tree, the roots would wrap around the white bones in haste to receive their needed vitamin.
After the burial was complete you picked up the two buckets and walked to your cabin.
Now, these woods were special. There was a fountain of mirrors which showed your true inner self but only few have seen it. Those who have are trapped in the woods forever to guard the fountain from others who wish to see themselves.
You sniffed the air and quietly put down your buckets when you smelled it. Fresh prey.
Someone was in the woods whether they’re lost or they’re looking for the fountain, you don’t care, you’ll drink them up either way and leave their bones to the trees of the forest.
You turned into a bunny and jumped over boulders and bushes to reach the heavenly smell. It was sweeter then any human you have ever smelled, but it was surrounded by two other people. Well, you could eat two and save the sweetest for later, like a dessert.
There was a girl and two boys walking with picnic baskets through your woods. The girl was wearing bright pink, easy to spot. One boy had green hair that just made you want to rip out and watch the blood fall from the open scalp.
The last was the sweetest one. His hair was red and white, he would be easy to track down. If he ran you could sniff him out, or look through the darkness for his bright self.
The girl would be easiest to lure, you thought. She would like to chase the cute little bunny, but would ultimately get eaten by the big bad wolf.
You hopped out in front of the girl and her eyes went wide as she squealed to the boys next her how cute you were.
“Hoe, I am gorgeous, not cute.” You thought to yourself bitterly.
You hopped a little father away and the white and red haired boy tried to stop her.
“Uraraka, it’s dangerous in these woods, I wouldn’t recommend chasing the bunny.” He looked through you like he knew everything about you and you shook with anticipation.
Oh, this would be fun.
“Look, it’s cold. It’s shaking so much... please, I gotta help it.” You rolled your eyes and hopped away looking like you were limping. Your sweetest prey just sighed and waved her off like he knew she would be killed by you. The girl smiled and ran after you while the boys waited on the path for her.
When you lead her far enough that the boys wouldn’t see your smallest dragon form, you changed rapidly, stretching over her, your head curled around to the other side so she couldn’t run. You let her scream and then bit.
The blood squelched in your mouth as the neck snapped and your eyes rolled back at how good the flavor was. You sucked and sucked until she was nothing but a dried carcass on the floor.
You flew to the trees in your terrifying black creature form. “The Black Chaos.” The only way to describe this form is it looks like the chupacabra. Black fur that looked like porcupine quills, tail covered in spikes, claws as thin and as sharp as the sharpest knife, and wings that could cut through the thickest tree trunks in your way.
The two boys ran as fast as they could to where they heard the scream only for the green one to start bawling about his love, and your sweet, sweet prey looked around to assess the situation. He looked at all the trees till he locked eyes with you. His left side covered it self in flames and his right put a field of ice around his now screaming friend. You smiled at him, teeth glistening with the blood of the girl. Your eyes stayed on him as you flew up and over the trees.
He breathed a small sigh of relief, thinking you had left until he heard his ice shatter and you fly out, holding his last friend’s neck between your teeth. He was paralyzed with fear while sucked all of the blood from his friend while you locked eyes.
He couldn’t maintain eye contact much longer and turned to the side to throw up. You changed your form into your human body and watched from a distance curiously. Why did he feel sick? You were only eating a meal. Did he dislike you?
You had never felt this feeling before. It was one of dread and confusion, maybe, guilt. You watched him spill his guts for a bit more before he wiped his mouth and looked at you sitting on the ground, legs crossed, head tilted like a confused child.
“Why do you come to my woods, red one?” You asked.
“Why did you eat my friends?!”
“I was just having dinner, what’s the big deal? I’d rather have meals then friends.” You stated to him plainly.
He looked at you funny.
“I’m not afraid of death. When will you kill me?”
“Rather bold of you to think I was going to eat my dessert on a full stomach.” You looked at your black claw-like nails in thought.
“Dessert, your starting to get on my nerves. I might just keep you as punishment.”
“Is this some kind of sick twisted flirting?!” Tears streamed down his face, his eyes puffy red, and the darkness around him made you almost purr he looked so gorgeous.
“Is it working?” This time you did purr, your words surprised the boy as he flopped down onto the floor in defeat. “Well?” You asked again.
“Maybe you should have come up like a normal person and asked me on a date instead of EATING MY FRIENDS!?”
“I can see why you’re mad, but what is ‘date’?”
“A date, like where you take someone you might want to marry out to dinner or something.”
“Like a courtship then?”
“How old are you?” He asked curiosity lacing his voice as you purred because of the lovely sound.
“I was born in 1823. Lovely time I must admit, until they tried to burn me at the stake because I was the only person with a quirk.” You rolled your eyes then smile suddenly at the boy in front of you.
“How,” he coughed, “how old were you when you were killed?”
“Oh dear me, no, I wasn’t killed! I escaped into these woods, of course!!” Your smile must’ve grown larger because he looked like he became more uncomfortable. “Sorry, I smile too much.”
“No, you don’t smile too much, I just became uncomfortable because I’m sitting right next to my best friends’ corpses. No biggie.” He said with what you believed was sarcasm.
“I remember the first time I sat next to my best friend’s dead corpse, my father killed her when he found us kissing behind the barn! He wasn’t pleased that his daughter was becoming a ‘whore’. But! I showed him, after years of abuse from that bastard, I sucked his brains right out of his empty eye sockets! Good times, good times!” You laughed bitterly. “You probably think I’m some freak right? A girl can’t like girls and guys, it’s immoral.”
“Well, that’s not why I find you a freak, but you’re fine. It’s called being a bisexual. It’s not super new but it’s definitely more widely excepted now days.” He smiled at you slightly which made you smile a bit.
You two talked through the night like that. He explained that his father was emotionally and physically abusing him, and he had problems with showing emotion because of it. He wasn’t exactly “okay” with you killing his friends but he seemed more excepting then anyone you could think of.
You’d been with Shoto for months now. He was forever forced to stay in the woods. (With you not letting him leave only to go back to his father, it could be quite difficult.)
You talked about everything and anything, he taught you how to cook meat and how to prepare a meal without drinking blood. You stayed in your human form for the rest of the time he was with you and the only animals you were ever allowed to transform into were herbivores, which made sense. You hadn’t eaten raw meat in months and you thought you were doing better.
You thought.
You warned him. “Full moon is coming, stay in the cabin when I’m out, don’t leave. I won’t be able to control myself.” You told him, over, and over, and OVER. He didn’t LISTEN.
You were out in your most dangerous form, the Black Chaos. Wings spread out you hunted without being able to stop yourself. This was the only time of year you physically couldn’t restrain yourself from hurting others, and killing, and hunting.
Over the past hundreds of years that you’ve roamed these woods, this was the only time you were scared of yourself. You hated the way you couldn’t control yourself when you smell the slightest bit of sweet blood.
You had hunted ninety-nine beasts in the forest, bears, wolves, bunnies, foxes, dogs, dear, frogs, if they had meat on them, they were dead. Every time you hunt like this you count how many you kill.
It’s always a hundred. Exactly.
The moon was falling fast and you felt yourself slowly come back but something wasn’t right, you had seen a few animals pass you but you had no intention of killing them, yet you only had ninety-nine.
What was your body waiting for?
You looked out towards where the sun was rising and felt yourself stay on edge. Whatever was happening, Black Chaos still held the rains of your body.
That’s when it hit. The sweetest scent, Shoto.
He must’ve left the cabin looking for you now that the sun had risen, you wanted to call out to him, scream, “run!!! Stay away!!” But no words left your mouth as your body surged forward, bounding on all fours, not even utilizing your wings.
You saw the head of red and white hair in the distance and you finally let out and agonizing scream. “RUN!!!” That was all you could say before your eyes turned red and he turned and ran.
The chase was on.
You could hear his breathy huffs as he ran you could hear the leaves crunch under his feet, his sobs that wracked his body as his tears fell. He was terrified, of YOU.
You were screaming and crying and trying to stop this mess but the thing inside you wouldn’t stop seeking blood, his blood.
Finally after twenty minutes of running and crying on both parts, he tripped and you loomed over him, your long black tongue lolled out and touched his face, caressing it sweetly, wiping his tears as his chest rose and fell rapidly. Not only from all of the running, but also the fear of you.
He always said he wasn’t afraid of death but after looking into your eyes, your eyes that held death, he realized something. He was afraid, but he was in love with death. He loved you. YOU. The one who comforted him and joked with him and learned how to be human from him.
“I love you!” He yelled out as your long tentacle tongue wrapped around his neck, your teeth inches away from biting down.
“I love you so much it aches! I want to live with you forever! I want to teach you to be human and hug you when you’re sad!” He cried and cried and watched as your own tears fell for your eyes.
Then you bit down.
You screamed in agonizing pain as your only love was ripped from you by yourself. You did this. Your human form came back to you and you slammed you fists on Shoto’s chest.
“I love you so fucking much!”
“I’m so sorry!!! I’m so sorry!! I’m so sorry! I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry... I’m so—“ your laid your head on his chest and cried and cried and cried.
Shoto’s hands moved to your face and wiped your tears.
“I love you too. You’re wonderful.”
You hugged him tightly crying harder in relief. How was he alive?
“It’s cliché to say that your love woke me up, but look at where we are.”
You look around and a smile made it’s way to your face. You were in the Fountain of Mirrors. The water had already healed Shoto’s neck.
He had tripped into the shallow pool when you were chasing him and you were too worried about him to see that you were surrounded by the water.
“You’re a guardian now. Of the woods, I mean.” You laughed threw your sobs.
“I know. And I will be forever.”
And so, you and Shoto live in the forest of Murder for the rest of the days of the earth. You looked into the mirror to see yourself a beautiful swan, you were no longer Black Chaos, you were White Savior, helping all people away from the fountain instead of gobbling them up.
The End.
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fruitcoops · 4 years
I love reading all your works and they put a smile on my face everytime I see them. Is there any chance you could do a whole Lupin family truth or drink (with or without Sirius is cool too) thanks
Hello anon! Thank you for your kind words--they mean more than you know <3 Jules isn’t included here because he’s 10 and the questions are not suited for 10-year-olds, but this was so much fun to write all the same! Sweater Weather credit goes to @lumosinlove!
TW for alcohol and mentions of sex
“We’re back!” Marlene announced with a smile as she set up an unlabeled bottle on the table, along with three shot glasses. “And today, we’re doing something a little different with truth or drink. Loops, do you want to do the intros?”
Remus waved at the camera. “Hey, Lions, I’m Remus Lupin and these are my parents, Hope and Lyall.” He frowned and looked over at Marlene. “You toned down the questions, right? These are PG?”
“Nope!” she said cheerfully as she took her place behind the camera. “Take it away, Hope, it’s good to have you back!”
“It’s good to be back!” she said, smiling. “I had so much fun last time. Alright, Loops, describe your first kiss.”
He shook his head with a laugh. “It’s so weird hearing you call me that. Uh, I was seventeen and I kissed Ellie Sanders from down the street during her birthday party for a game of truth or dare.”
“Seventeen? I was expecting earlier, to be honest,” Lyall said as he took a card. “Hope, darling, have you ever been arrested?”
She reached for her shot glass and Remus’ jaw fell open. “What?”
“Well, I guess I have to answer it now,” she sighed. “Sweetheart, I grew up in the seventies and eighties, and your father and I met during a protest. This should not surprise you.”
“We can drink at any time, right?” Remus asked Marlene before taking a shot and drawing a card. “I could answer this one. Was I an accident?”
“Yes,” the three of them said at the same time.
“I was 21, he was 23, we had been married for three months and were not planning on having kids for at least six years,” Hope explained. She reached over and took Remus’ hand. “But you were the best accident. Okay, my turn. Have you ever had sex in my house?”
“I knew that kind of question was coming up,” Remus muttered. “No, I have not, and I don’t plan on ever doing it. My childhood bedroom is literally the least sexy place I can think of.”
“I don’t know, those plaid sheets and wall-to-wall bookshelves are really something, “ Lyall teased as he took a card. Remus rolled his eyes. “In a similar vein: when did you lose your virginity, and did you use protection?”
“Again, I was seventeen, and I did use protection because I knew I was gay at that point and didn’t want to risk anything.” Remus ran a hand down his face. “Ugh, this was not how I thought my day was going to go.”
“Was it the same night as your first kiss?” Hope gasped when he nodded. “Look at you go!”
“Oh my god, mom.” Remus picked a new card. “Ha! This should be interesting. Who’s your favorite child? Both of you have to answer.”
Hope drummed her fingers on her knees and Lyall bit his lip. “I love you for different reasons,” he finally said. “Jules is more cuddly and outgoing than you, but you actually have an off-switch and you’re a very kind person. Yeah, it’s an even split.”
“I can’t choose,” Hope said, tapping the edge of her card on the table. “You’re my boys and I love you. That’s all that matters. Have you ever been in love?”
“Yes, I have.” A soft smile tilted the edge of Remus’ lips up and he glanced behind the camera.
“Who are you looking at?” Marlene asked. “The viewers can’t see back here.”
“Oh! Sorry. My fiancé is on a bench by the wall with the car keys.” All three of them waved to Sirius. “Alright, dad, you’re up.”
“Which parent do you like more?” He mock-frowned at Remus. “I hope you know our future relationship directly depends on your answer to this single question from a drinking game on a Wednesday afternoon.”
“Just for that, I’m choosing mom,” Remus said, laughing when Lyall cuffed him lightly on the shoulder. “In all honesty, I don’t have a favorite. Like you said earlier, I love you both for different reasons.”
“What reasons?” Hope asked.
“Dad, you taught me to cook and got me into hockey, but mom encouraged me to stick with PT and always goes the extra mile.” He rolled his shot glass between his fingers for a moment. “I just know that I’m really lucky to have you both in my life, because you’ve been nothing but supportive.”
Hope dabbed at her eye with the sleeve of her sweater and Lyall took a deep breath. “Whew. Okay. Please ask something super awkward,” he said.
“I’ll do my best,” Remus laughed. His smile turned into a grimace when he read the card and he rested his forehead on the table.
Hope nudged him with her elbow. “What, are you going to chicken out this late in the game? We don’t raise wusses in the Lupin family.”
“You have to ask it,” Marlene called.
Remus sat up and shook his shoulders out. “Dad, have you—I am begging you to drink—have you ever performed oral sex on mom?”
“Performed?” Lyall snorted. “What is this, the circus?”
Remus handed him the bottle. “Please drink.”
Lyall poured himself a shot and drank it; just as Remus was starting to look mildly relieved again, he grinned. “Yes, I have.”
“Damn it.” Remus covered his face with his hands. “I should have known you would answer anyway. Jesus. I need to sear that from my brain.”
Hope took her next card and slid the bottle to Remus. “What’s your favorite sexual position? I really don’t need to know this, sweetheart.”
“No, you certainly do not!” Remus said brightly, drinking his shot. “In fact, I’m glad you don’t want to.”
Lyall cleared his throat and took a card. “What’s something I do that embarrasses you?”
“This game is rigged to give all the loaded questions to you,” Remus laughed. “You need to figure out what you want for gifts. You always say you want nothing, and then the day after Christmas you’re pining after something you never told people you wanted.”
“I do not,” Lyall scoffed. Remus and Hope shared a look and his eyes widened. “Hey!”
“Okay, my turn.” Remus’ eyebrows rose when he read the card. “When I moved out, were you relieved or sad?”
“Oh, shit,” Hope murmured with a sniffle. “I’m already crying. Both. There was a little bit of both.”
“Yeah. The first move only happened for a little while when you went to college, but you moved back after the accident and that was…tough.”
“It was easy letting you go the first time,” Lyall said, softer than he had been yet. “You were ready then. The second time, we were so worried and also so proud of you for everything you had worked for.”
Remus scrunched his nose up and let out a shaky breath, leaning their temples together. “Love you.”
“Love you, too.” Hope whispered. Lyall ruffled his hair. She coughed lightly and took a new card. “Please be something uncomfortably sexual. Ah, bummer. If someone offered you $10,000 dollars to never talk to me again, would you do it?”
Remus snorted. “No.”
“What about $100,000?”
“A million?”
“Is this an auction?”
“If someone gave you ten million dollars to never speak to me again, would you take it?”
“Holy shit, mom!” he laughed. “Do you want me to stop talking to you? Is this a hint?”
“We did good,” she said, giving her husband a high-five.
Remus narrowed his eyes. “Would you guys stop talking to me for ten million dollars?”
“No, never,” Lyall assured him before turning and winking at the camera. Remus groaned. “Our minds have traded bodies—“
“They have? That explains a lot.”
“Shush. If our minds traded bodies, what is the first thing you would do in my body?”
“No offense, but I would run as far away from mom as humanly possible. We are not having any Oedipus moments in this household. The second thing I would do is reach things on the high shelves of my house, because even though I’m five foot eleven, my six foot three fiancé insists on putting things just slightly out of reach.” Remus craned his neck to see behind the camera. “Yes, I’m talking about you. Stop laughing!”
“You don’t think the aforementioned fiancé would be curious as to why your dad was suddenly on the front doorstep?”
“I would hope you would explain what was going on when you woke up in my body.” When Lyall didn’t answer, Remus pinched the bridge of his nose. “Dad. If we switch bodies, I need you to promise me you won’t sleep with my fiancé.”
“Ugh, fine.”
“You’re not even into men!”
“How do you know?” He burst out laughing at Remus’ shocked expression. “I’m kidding, I’m kidding. The first thing I would do is go skating, because I bet your knees don’t hurt after ten minutes. Then I would go to the dentist, because I know you’re bad about scheduling your appointments.”
“He’s right!” A distant voice called.
Remus gave Marlene a disbelieving look as he drew a card. “Is this turning into Remus Lupin Callout Hour? Alright, if you could change one thing about me, what would it be?”
“Scheduling skills,” Lyall answered immediately.
“Answering phone calls,” Hope added.
Remus seemed surprised by her answer. “You told Sirius you didn’t like it when he got into fights on the ice. I was expecting the same here.”
She shrugged. “It’s kind of neat, seeing my kid get in a rumble out there. I’m very proud of you. Less proud when you start bleeding, but that’s only because you have a very nice nose and straight teeth.”
“You heard it here first, folks,” Remus said to the camera. “My mother worries more about my nose and my teeth that the fact that I’m getting beaten up.”
“I think that’s the last question,” Marlene said with a laugh. “How are you all feeling?”
“I feel fantastic,” Lyall answered.
“I know far too much about my parents’ sex life.”
“It was one question,” Hope scoffed. “I feel wonderful, for your information. These are always such fun.”
“Should we ask Jules to come next time?” Marlene asked.
“Seeing as he’s ten and knows way too many embarrassing stories about me, absolutely not,” Remus said.
“We could give him apple juice, he’d have a good time,” Hope shrugged. “I would not oppose it.”
“You’re famous now, Loops.” Lyall grinned. “The tabloids would love having your baby brother as a gold mine of information.”
“Can I sign us off?” he asked Marlene. “Please tell me I can sign us off. I need to leave, like, five minutes ago.”
“You’re depriving me of content, Re!”
“Hey, hockey fans, thanks for tuning in to Lion Pride’s Truth or Drink! I’m Remus Lupin, these are my parents, and we hope you have a great day.”
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alfredosauce50 · 3 years
She’ll never know [Yandere! Iceland x reader]
Synopsis: Everybody’s pumped for the week-long skiing trip in Switzerland. While Emil and you are back to showcasing your weird relationship— “platonically” holding hands and sharing beds, Mathias never catches the drift like everyone else does and demands the same treatment from you. Emil eventually gives in to jealousy and denounces his friendship with you the first night in. He thought he was satisfied with these developments, all until he overhears a conversation between Mathias and Lukas two days later. Seems like he wasn’t the only one pining for you. His chance at revenge arrives when he finds the Dane unconscious in the snow after a freak accident. Wordcount: 4,288 The reader is referred to as she/her.
It was supposed to be a drama-free ski trip. 
You were tagging along for the first time, sitting with him on the plane and sharing a room at the resort. Getting a seat next to you was a wildcard, for sure. But the latter was a given, considering it was Tino who made the sleeping arrangements. Out of everyone in the group, or anyone for that matter, you had always been the closest to Emil—the Finnish man was well aware of that.
Even then, he planned on sticking to you like a tattoo. For seven straight days, being with him also meant you would be in the company of a loud-mouthed Dane. And sometimes, he could be all up in your business. But he was safe for now, so long as he didn’t try anything on the plane. 
The soft murmuring of passengers and white noise of the cabin filled his ears as he walked down one of the aisles. Once you found your seats, he didn’t waste time to buckle himself in and get comfortable, all so he could pull out his phone. The last time you were with him, you both watched Interstellar. Well, most of it. 
“Em, this flight is a little over an hour. Why not take a nap instead?” You suggested, but he never slowed his movements to open Netflix.
While the downloaded video loaded, he pulled off his sweatshirt to ruffle up his silvery-white hair. Under that was a black graphic T-shirt with a cat on it. “Mm... No. We have to finish it while it’s still fresh in our memory.”
“Okay, fine. I didn’t wanna watch it right now because I’ll cry again.”
“So? Nobody’s gonna see.” 
Nobody except him. But you never minded, as you were already leaning over to finish the movie with him. His taste in sad movies rubbed off on you, and you were quick to tears. That, he was very familiar with. But besides crying, you also had a habit of falling asleep in his bed after staying up to watch things or play games. So it wasn’t weird to know how often you slept with him. 
Eventually, a strange chemistry started to brew between you both. 
A physical and emotional closeness so intimate, it was comparable to that of a relationship. But Emil never thought of things like that. Best friends could do this stuff, couldn’t they? Holding hands and sharing clothes was the norm. 
Drinking from the same cup was just a regular Tuesday.  
“Gimme some of your apple juice.” You whispered, feeling a little dry in the mouth after tearing up. Reaching out for his cup to take a few gulps, he furrowed his brows and grumbled. He was left with nothing but backwash. 
“I was gonna drink that.”
A few mischievous laughs fell from your lips. “There’s still some left.” Picking the cup up, you swished around the remaining contents, which wasn’t much. 
“This should be more than enough for you, you dehydrated gremlin. I’d encourage you to have more, but we both know you’d only have a sip whether I drank from it or not."
A light blush dusted his cheeks and he frowned. “No I wouldn’t.”
“You would. That’s why I left you a sip.”
“... Shut up.”
The plane landed not long after, and your spunk died down near the conclusion of the film. Yes, it was sad. And yes, you cried. Like Emil expected, you were going to be silent for a while. When everyone regrouped to walk around the airport, you stayed by his side and held his hand. At the platforms to wait for the train, you and him were inseparable—head on his shoulder and all. But in your defence, you were tired. And this wasn’t the first time.
If anybody else did this to him, he would be shoving them off. They could hit their head for all he cared. And that was precisely why Tino and Lukas were giving him funny looks in the carriage. 
Laughing quietly to themselves with a hand covering their mouths, they watched on with a devilish expression. “Huhuhu,” was what Emil heard as he sat comfortably in his seat, but he knew what it translated to. Look at you, holding her hand while she’s asleep. He simply turned away with rosy cheeks. He didn’t know what they were on about. This wasn’t weird at all. 
Yes, he wasn’t exactly the most touchy-feely with people, but you weren’t just anybody. And he knew he liked you, a lot at that, but it was perfectly platonic. 
Nobody was convinced, however. All except for the Dane who practically came bounding over from a few rows down. But it was likely he never even got the gist.
The train finally reached a slower, constant speed, so he was prepared to join the group for some small talk. Leaning down on the backrest, he laid his eyes on you and Emil with a grin. “Well, well, well. Don’t you two look cozy.” He commented, his voice making the boy glance up. “Don’t get too comfortable, though. We’re going skiing today!”
“But hey—”Combing a hand through his wild and unruly locks of blonde, he smiled sheepishly. “Do you think I could sit with her on the way back?”
Just when he thought nothing could ruin this vacation, he was proven wrong. That was right. Mathias was the only other person present who actively showed you affection, and it always bothered him. God, the thought of you sitting with him for hours made him sick. 
“... Only if she wants to.” He mumbled, sinking lower into his seat to cause his hoodie to ride up. Since it was already on his head, it came drooping over his face to hide his dark purple eyes. There, he could read the other’s expression.
He could take a few things away from it. Right now, he was rubbing the nape of his neck while watching you snooze. Every time Mathias was expectant, he wouldn’t stop moving his hands. The sight made his frown deepen. When Lukas and Tino witnessed this, they looked away and shared the same thought. 
Just let him be, you idiot.
But Mathias didn’t quite get the memo, let alone read their minds.
So he stood up and responded with this. “Well, of course she’ll want to! Who wouldn’t sit next to me?” A brief silence fell around the group. Lukas coughed. Berwald continued to watch the mountainous landscape outside the window without a word, trailing his icy blue eyes over the snow that glowed purple at dawn. “Seriously, guys? This is why I like (F/N) the best. At least she’s nice to me.” 
Emil squeezed your hand as you slept. The tightness in his chest only seemed to worsen by the second. And it showed in his visible discomfort. Lowering his head, he let his fringe fall over his eyes.
“... She’s nice to everyone.” 
The blonde shrugged while closing his eyes in a look of satisfaction. 
“If you’re gonna be train buddies, then we can be skiing buddies. Right, (F/N)?” Reaching down to your head, he tipped it gently in a nod before saying this. “Of course, Mathias! You’re my favorite.” 
As if. 
“That was a terrible impression.” 
“What impression?” 
He huffed under his breath. They hadn’t even arrived at the resort, and he was already dreading the next seven days. This gut feeling turned out to be right, because it only seemed to get worse. 
Shortly after arriving, everyone dropped off their things before leaving to get right into the sport. After napping for nearly two hours, you were replenished with the energy to go skiing. Despite being quite the skilled skier himself, Mathias was kind enough to accompany you on the easier slopes. More accurately put, he was jumping at the opportunity to teach you. 
Hell, he’d been waiting outside your room to take you to the ski lifts. The moment you opened the door, you were greeted by the man all geared up, with goggles on and all. 
“Morning. You ready to roll? Or, slide?” He asked. 
Seeing him so eager was cute, so you were obliged to follow, leaving Emil alone in the room. When said boy left the bathroom after freshening up, he saw the door close behind you. “Sorry, Emil! I’m gonna go ahead! I’ll see you outside!” 
And just like that, you were gone. Dropping his face towel off on a chair, he dug his hands through his hair and breathed in deeply. Since when was the last time he felt this much anguish? Yes, he was rooming with you. But that was only at night. Daytime meant you would be with Mathias. He had no place complaining, considering he wasn’t the best at skiing. Nothing he could do about that. 
He changed out of his T-shirt and into his snow gear with a sigh. 
His excitement to go skiing was gone. 
And if he wasn’t going to ski, he’d be holed up in his room. His logic told him this was selfish, but he wanted you to stay with him more than anything. 
You returned late in the afternoon as the sun was going down, but he’d been staying inside ever since lunch. Perking up at the sound of the door creaking open, he forced his head down and popped his earphones in. After you set your things down and changed to more comfortable clothes, you walked over to the bed and found a bump under the blanket. Lifting it up by the hem, you found him curled up with his phone. 
His earphones fell out. “(F/N)?” 
“Who else would it be, dummy? I was wondering where you went.” You kicked off your slippers and slid right in. He didn’t know how much he’d been longing for this until now—the feeling of you laying next to him in bed. But he couldn’t get carried away yet. It wasn’t even night yet.
A displeased expression contorted at your features, but it melted away as you pulled his phone away. 
“H-Hey!” He tried reaching out for it, but it was already on the bedside table. 
“No more screen time for you.” You tapped him on the nose. “How else am I gonna get your lazy ass out of bed?” He knitted his brows together and rolled into you to hide his face. Then, he curled two arms around you, albeit slowly.
“To do what?”
“To ski, duh.” 
He squeezed you. “But I don’t want to.” Emil’s wintry white locks were soft against your chest, and you felt his body heat waft over to yours. It was a sure fire sign he’d been under the covers for too long. That was when an idea struck him. This would definitely get you to stay with him for the rest of the day, and maybe tomorrow if he was lucky. “I... feel kinda sick.” 
Your smile fell and you immediately reached out to cup his cheeks, then clamp a hand over his forehead. When he felt your touch as you checked his temperature, his heart rate escalated. He was on cloud nine. 
“... Oh no... You’re a bit warm. I think it’s best that you stay in bed. But don’t use too many blankets, or your fever will get worse.”
The sensation of your hands on him was to die for, and the thought that you were worried about him made it better. Nobody would have expected this trait from the usually detached boy, but he was secretly clingy. And he had the most subtle ways of showing it. An example would be lying about feeling unwell, but he didn’t feel bad about it at all. 
A headache was pounding in his skull, and it wasn’t wrong to say he was upset. And plus, if this worked, you could stay with him. He could practically feel a smile creeping to his lips at the thought, but he hid half of his face with the blanket. “... Are you gonna ski tomorrow?” He asked quietly. 
You craned your head to the side in thought. 
“Only if you can. Who’s gonna look after you when I’m gone?”
Blood rushed up to his face and he nodded. “Okay.” 
Reaching out to his cheek again, you groaned. “Oh my god. Why are you so hot? Hold on. I’m gonna find you an ice pack.” You slid off the bed, but not before giving him an affectionate pinch. He made a soft noise in protest. “I think this is a sign for you to fix your sleep schedule and stop eating instant.” 
Before you left, he reached out to grab your wrist. 
“What is it?”
He released you after a few moments. “... Nothing...” 
You smiled weirdly. “Okay, hun. Give me a ring if you need anything.” 
A couple hours later, the group gathered for dinner in a nearby restaurant. Despite the freezing temperatures that dropped significantly at night, Mathias insisted to sit outside at the balcony to enjoy the views. The views in question weren’t even that visible with how dark out it was. There was nothing but faint outlines of mountains stretching on for miles into the horizon. 
Much to Emil’s displeasure, you insisted that he sit opposite you. Understandable, because it was closer to the indoors where the warm air was wafting out of. But that only meant you’d sit next to the Dane, and he was quick to notice you shivering lightly in the cold. 
Like him, you had a sweater on, but he was the human heater, not you. Curling an arm around your shoulders with a softened gaze, he rubbed your arm up and down. Almost like how a boyfriend would to their girlfriend. 
And Emil witnessed it all happen. 
“You’re shaking like a leaf, min elskede. Do you want my sweater as well?” He laughed, to where you shook your head profusely. 
Did he just call you ‘my love’ in Danish? Since when did he start calling you that? And he was offering his clothes to you as well? He thought only he did that. Gripping the hem of his hoodie with clammy hands, he lowered his head as his heart started to sting. Fuck. He hated this feeling. 
But what he saw next made it unfathomable. 
“No, of course not! I can deal with this. You’d be crazy to take it off—" He lifted his sweater up and threw it over his head, the action making his t-shirt ride up. “—and, you’re taking it off.” He fixed his top before sliding the knit over you. Pulling it down so you could fit your arms through the arm holes, you were overwhelmed with his smell, and not to mention, completely encased with warmth. 
He was now left in nothing but a T-shirt.
“That better?” Mathias grinned.
“Yes, you idiot. But if you catch a cold because of me, you won’t be the only sick one in the group.” You grumbled under a blush, a little embarrassed he actually gave you his sweater. “Thank you, though.”
His stomach churned. His breathing deepened. Unbeknownst to you, or anyone for that matter, he started to spiral down a path of self-destructive thoughts. Did he always like you that much? He lifted his gaze to you, and found you carrying on with your usual banter with the Dane. Did you always like him that much? You laughed. Emil bit his lip. It always made him euphoric to hear you laugh, but knowing it wasn’t him that was responsible for it made him feel an unpleasant mix of all kinds of things. Sadness, anger, and a violent kind of jealousy.
So shortly after finishing his food, he stood up and left without a word. That silenced the chatter at the table, and everyone called out to him. But he was too quick on his feet.
You’d never seen him do something like that. Either he was nauseous, or something was really wrong. “He’d got a fever, so maybe he’s going to... You know. I’ll check on him.” With that said, you stood up and took Mathias’s sweater off. “Here. Just in case I don’t come back.”
Jogging up to your room, you were relieved to see that your instincts were right on the mark. Emil had retreated back here, and was currently hiding under the covers. Nearing his side, you lowered yourself to your knees. "Em? Are you okay? Did you puke?”
“... No.” His voice was thick and nasally.
And that pointed to one thing.
The poor boy was crying.
Breathing out a soft sigh, you removed all your layers until you were in your undergarments. Lifting up the corner of the blanket, you joined him before wrapping your arms around his form. “I know you don’t like talking about yourself, but I can’t help you unless you tell me what’s wrong.” You murmured, rubbing soothing circles into his back. “You can tell me anything. I won’t be weirded out or judge you. I’m just worried about you, okay?”
He popped his head out from under the blanket to reveal his flushed face stained with tears.
“... Anything?”
You hummed. “Mmhm. Anything.”
Emil paused for a moment. Frankly, he had no idea why he was feeling like this. Perhaps he did, he just didn’t want to say it. That maybe, everyone was right about him. That what he felt about you was anything but innocent. The signs were all there. He’d never been this attached to anyone, ever, and even if he was, he would’ve hid it to some degree. But not with you. He’d been all over you since the start of the trip, and even now, he had his arms looped around your neck. And when other people decided to do the same to you, he was choked with turbulent emotions.
It even got to the point of intrusive thoughts. Back at the dinner table, all he could think about aside from worrying about this relationship was this—something terrible happening to Mathias. He didn’t want him to be there. He just wished he’d disappear, even for a little while.
When he realized these desires, he knew he couldn’t tell you. But there was still something he wanted. “... I’m fine now. But I just wanted to ask you something.”
You frowned. “Doesn’t look like you’re fine. You can’t keep brushing it off and expect me to let it go.”
“You’re right. But I promise I’ll feel better after this.”
“... Alright. But the next time this happens, I’m not letting you off the hook.” You murmured, reaching out to give his cheek a pat. “What did you wanna ask me?”
He flickered his eyes down to your lips. Then, he returned his gaze, but his stare felt a little hot on you for some reason. It never crossed your mind that he was hugging you around your neck, but it did now. “Would you ever...” Emil blushed darkly. “... Kiss me?”
You blinked at the unexpected question, but reacted nevertheless. The red flushing his cheeks spread to yours as you strung together the words to respond. “Well... I’m not disgusted or anything. We’re really close, so I wouldn’t mind kissing you.” You answered honestly, but that didn’t change the fact that you were curious why he even asked such a thing. “... Why?”
“I just wanted to know.” Emil mumbled. “Would you kiss anyone else?”
“No. That would be weird, wouldn’t it?”
His heart started to pound in euphoria. But the longer he lingered on what you said, his heart began to pound with another emotion.
“If you’d kiss me, then would you kiss me now?”
You had a feeling things would pan out this way. But you didn’t mind it in the least, in fact, you kind of wanted to do this. Leaning in to him, you heard his breath hitch from the close proximity. “... Maybe. But only a short one, because you’re sick.” Pressing your lips to his for short and sweet peck, he squeezed his arms around you and pulled you in again. Attaching his mouth to yours for a deeper kiss, he caught you off guard by the sudden build-up in intensity.
His coils around your neck tightened, and for the next few minutes or so, he kept kissing you. He just couldn’t stop moving his mouth with yours, nibbling on your lips ever so often. It felt too good. He never thought he’d ever be able to do this, but he was never going back now.
Everything he’d ever done with you now felt like child’s play. How could he have resisted these feelings for so long? Rolling you onto your back, he loomed over you and continued to make out with you on the bed. The connection between your mouths was starting to feel hot. The taste of yours only grew more prominent, and that was how he knew he was denouncing everything he used to have with you. He couldn’t take it, being friends with you. Emil had always been clingy. Jealous. And he was facing the truth—the reason.
He liked you. In every way you could like someone. But that wasn’t all. He was obsessed with you.
That night, you fell asleep on his chest.
To say he was satisfied with these developments was an understatement. He always thought of himself as your best friend, nothing more, nothing less. But he was relieved he finally accepted he really felt about you. So there was no need to pretend to be sick anymore.
He felt like skiing again, especially when you had another reason to be with him instead of Mathias.
The next day was a blast.
He finally got to try the intermediate slope thanks to your encouragement, and he could officially say he wasn’t terrible at skiing. And he continued to explore the harder slopes the day after as well.
Sometime in the afternoon, he returned back to the resort for a hot drink break. Taking a seat in the dining hall, he overheard two familiar voices. He swallowed down what he had in his mouth before listening in to their conversation. Hm. Was that... Mathias? And Lukas? Those two have always been pretty close, so he could already guess that their conversation would include pretty confidential contents. But it wasn’t his fault they held it in his earshot, right?
“Hey, so I’ve been thinking. I really like... You know. And I wanted to ask her out.”
“You mean (F/N)? Good luck trying to separate her from Emil. If they somehow don’t already like each other, then maybe you’ll have a chance.”
“Nah, it’s worth a shot! He isn’t the type to be in a relationship, anyway.”
Emil froze.
What the hell was that supposed to mean?
The memories of that conversation replayed in his head like a broken record. Even while he was enjoying the cold night air as he skied later that day, he couldn’t stop lingering on it. Fuelling the anger he felt a few days ago. So that was why he gave you his sweater. Gliding through the soft blankets of snow, he never slowed down. Nobody knew you were dating him yet, but that only reinforced the fact that this relationship was new. Nothing was set in stone yet. And that only meant things could change, wouldn’t it?
His chest tightened and he slowed to a stop. He couldn’t let that happen, no matter what.
As if the world wanted to test that statement, his attention was stolen by a gap in the snow fencing. It looked as if something shot through it, or more accurately put, crashed into it and broke it. Sliding himself closer to take a better look, he was shocked to find a body outside the barriers. A skier. He must’ve swerved too hard and passed out from possible head trauma.
But Emil soon discovered it wasn’t just any random ‘he’. The clothes and gear were all too familiar. Could it be? His blonde hair gave it all away. This skier wasn’t a stranger. It was Mathias.
He was laying on his side with half his head submerged in white.
Upon realizing their identity, the fear-induced urgency to call for help suddenly subsided. Instead, he turned around, and skied away, slowly, back to the resort. What was he doing? Was he seriously going to leave him out in the snow where he could easily die? Emil couldn’t stop himself from moving. Was he seriously that upset? It was clear. He was.
But he knew he didn’t want him to die.
Even then, he couldn’t bring himself to tell anyone, not until an hour later, at least.
He didn’t know what was going through his head. But he knew what he felt. He wanted him to get sick at least. That would incapacitate him for a while, but not forever.
Sure enough, when the search and rescue found him, he was down with a bad case of hypothermia. He was immediately tended to by medical professionals, and it was revealed that he wouldn’t have made it if Emil never brought up the matter that Mathias had been missing. The color drained from his face when he heard that, and he never felt this guilty in his life. But it was short-lived. After all, he was still alive, wasn’t he?
He secured you in his arms as you cried softly into his chest. Nobody had to know about this. Especially not you, who warbled out how thankful you were that he remembered Mathias’s disappearance.
As he kissed your tears away, the only thought that repeated in his head was this.
She’ll never know.
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