#I should start using that taggggg
wayward-banana · 4 months
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So I drew this in 2022. I forgor 💀
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spikeymarshmallows · 4 years
Fic Writer Interview
Tagged by: @circumstellars
Name(s): Spikey, Spikles
Fandom(s): The Umbrella Academy
Where you post: Ao3 y’all
Most Popular One Shot (by kudos): Techhhhnically this is a one-shot, but it’s a very long Five + One fic and it really should have been posted as a multi-chap but yolo... But “all tangled close”. The next one that definitely is a one-shot is “ache”.
Most Popular Multi-Chapter (by kudos): The City Two-Four, which is more casually known as “Detective Fic”. It’s my pride and joy and I am so grateful for the response it has been given T.T
Favorite story you’ve written so far: The City Two-Four and “portrait of the aftermath”. Look, I love The City, and I think it’s honestly.... pretty good. But “portrait” is just... honestly, one of the best things I’ve ever written. I don’t know what it is about it, but I think that if Detective fic didn’t exist, this would be my favourite fic I’ve ever written.
Fic you were nervous to post: Lmaooo. All of them? Um, The City, because it was such a big project, and I was so worried how people would feel about it (and I’m still worried about whether I’ll stick the landing.....). And uh, “all eyes on you”, which is like, a huge look into my id, and also is really heavy degradation and I went hard, and I was sooo nervous people would judge me for it... Oh, and the vomit one... ANYWAY. A LOT OF THEM.
How do you choose your titles?: The City Two-Four was because I loosely based the humour etc on Brooklyn Nine-Nine (but we don’t know the City’s name, and Two-Four.... Number Two and Number Four....). All the Museum ‘verse fics have names that are based on artworks, etc. The rest? IDK. My only rule is that I cannot use song lyrics, or even something too close to song lyrics. This is for no reason other than every time I see the fic, the song will get stuck in my head. :/
Do you outline?: Yes! The intensity of it depends on a lot of things. Sometimes it’s just “Klaus and Diego talk to the victim”. Other times, it’s.... very detailed. Oh, and any “big” fic gets an outline to a degree. But it’s not like.... I know some people snowflake (my best friend does!) but I sure as fuck don’t. I tend to be closer to the “flashlight” method, but more detail in some places than others.
Complete: Uh, technically speaking... 35. I have 35 fics on Ao3 for TUA, and Detective hasn’t finished posting, but it’s entirely written :) 
In-Progress: Oh dear god.... Museum ‘Verse (Christmas fic, Klaus getting successful, Vanya’s book, Klaus graduating, getting married, post S1), Boots ‘Verse (Safewording gone wrong, Drop), Genderbend AU (Shaving), a GIANT FUCKING Sci-Fi Dystopia AU, Kluther... Shibari fic... High School AU, the kids go into foster care and start public school AU... Sex worker Klaus, Hogwarts AU... And uh. That’s without opening Scrivener to check what else I’m missing... Oh. An Avengers AU...
Coming soon/not yet started: Not yet started... Enola Holmes AU, Queen’s Gambit AU, Avatar AU... S2 AU where Kliego go to the 60′s together, an AU where Klaus is in Lila’s spot in the asylum... Ace!Klaus, Ace!Five A/B/O Fiego fic, an angels and demons AU....
Prompts?: I love getting prompts!! It’s always just uh... How long will it take me to fill them? Never sure lol. I mean, here were some I received.... I’ve only filled one thus far... But like, I was originally a lot better at filling prompts! And I love to get them! In fact, I’m still working on some of the very first prompts I got.... Sex Worker Klaus is one of them... :3
Upcoming work you’re most excited about: ...Too many. It depends! I’m excited for my Christmas Fic because it’s got some missing pieces for the Museum ‘verse. I’m excited as fuck for my sci-fi AU. I’m excited to do all these weird AUs that I wanna do... I’m also excited to someday finish the shibari fic... My most-excited-for varies on the hour :)))))
I taggggg (if you wanna do it, of course): @electra-xt, @unrememberedskies, @sarkywoman, @rappaccini, @oddree13, @geometryoftime, and anyone else that wants to do the thing!!!
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smileyrocky · 6 years
30 songs tag!!!
hi friends! i was tagged by @parkminhyuk and @eunrocky to do this tag! thanks for tagging meeee
1. a song you like with a colour in the title?  red flavor - red velvet
2. a song you like with a number in the title? 2! 3! - bts
3. a song that reminds you of summer? ko ko bop - exo
4. a song that reminds you of someone you’d rather forget? flight - tristam & braken
5. a song that needs to be played out loud? district 9 - stray kids
6. a song that makes you want to dance? dance dance - day6
7. a song to drive to? thinkin about you - seventeen
8. a random song you first think of? everywhere - michelle branch (this song came up sorta recently??? LOL)
9. a song that makes you happy? baby - astro
10. a song that makes you sad? you can be king again - bloodhound
11. a song you will never get tired of? pretty u - seventeen
12. a song from your past? complicated - avril lavigne
13. a song that’s sexy? the eve - exo (i mean i guess the dance is LOL sdjkf)
14. a song you’d love to be played at your wedding? say you won’t let go - james arthur
15. a song you’re currently obsessed with? for you - 3racha (feat felix LOL)
16. a song you used to love but now hate? i don’t think i have one??
17. a song you’d sing a duet with at karaoke? start of something new - hsm
19. a song that makes you think about life? 7 years - lukas graham LOL idk
20. a song that has many meanings to you? replay - shinee
21. a song you think everyone should listen to? i loved you - day6
22. a song by a group you still wish was together? happily - one direction
23. a song that makes you want to fall in love? fallin for u - seventeen???
24. a song that breaks your heart? i need somebody - day6
25. a song with amazing vocals? insensible - lee hong ki
26. a song with amazing rap? i’ll be your man - btob esp that part at the end oof i love it
27. a song that makes you smile? you & me - astro
28. a song that makes you feel good about yourself? 잘 하고 있어 (grow up) - stray kids
29. a song that you would dedicate to you and your best friend/mutual/someone close to you? i wouldn’t mind - he is we
30. a song that reminds you of yourself? LOL idk sdjfkl
i taggggg @minhymoon @daybebe @royalbinu @jinjangled!!!
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stevethehairington · 7 years
I was tagged by @salengedusmiler and @brionbroadway to do this! Thanks guys ilyy <33
1) How many works in progress do you have?
Oh boy. Umm I have at least 10 that I’ve actually started working on, but there are way more than that in terms of ideas I have and google docs I’ve made for those ideas haha. 
2) Do you/would you write fanfiction?
Yes I do! I just started to this year actually thanks to the wonderful friends I’ve made at the Skamfiction server <33
3) Do you prefer paper books or ebooks?
I mean I won’t complain reading either, but I like paper books better! Curling up with a good book isn’t the same if it’s on an ebook reader or something like that *shrugs*
4) When did you start writing?
Well I’ve always kind of had an affinity for writing. I remember writing a little story as a young child and my parents encouraging that. I also wrote a few short stories for school assignments and enjoyed those a lot. I didn’t start writing/publishing my fanfiction until this year, but I had aspired to write some for a long time— just never found the will to finish anything I wrote lol. I definitely wanted to be an author when I was younger but then I realized that’s not the most stable job and as a writer now, I can see that doing that as a full time profession would not be right for me haha. 
5) Do you have someone you trust that you share your work with?
In terms of pre-publication, everyone at the Skamficiton server! I go to them first to find betas or ask questions or bounce ideas off of. 
But in terms of post-publication, then I share my work on ao3, and actually just recently I told my irl best friend that I write fanfic and gave her a link to it (she said she loved it so that made me really happy!)
6) Where is your favorite place to write?
I live in a college dorm so I just sit on my bed and write haha. Occasionally I will write at my desk. When the weather gets nicer maybe I’ll venture out and find a nice tree to sit under haha.
7) Favorite childhood book?
Ummm. I loved The House of Dark Shadows from the Dreamhouse Kings series by Robert Liparulo!
8) Writing for fun or publication?
I used to want to write for publication as a career but I’ve realized that I would never be able to do that as a sole form of getting an income, sooo I’m gonna stick with writing for fun! If the opportunity should arise though, I would love to one day be able to write something original and publish it though.
9) Pen and paper or computer?
I always write on my computer! Sometimes I’ll write on my phone if I don’t have my computer handy. I’m not opposed to writing with pen and paper though! I definitely used to write during class in high school so I had to do it that way haha. Also I’ve found that sometimes it’s easier to get the ideas and words flowing if I’m writing it out with a pen rather than typing, so if I get stuck I revert back to pen and paper. :)
10) Have you ever taken any writing classes?
Actually, no I haven’t. I’ve always loved my English classes though, and if I could connect to the topic I didn’t dislike writing essays! I always found the self/peer editing process to be pretty fun too (so I love betaing haha). I wouldn’t be opposed to taking a writing class though, I think that would be fun!
11) What inspires you to write?
Honestly, I can find inspiration in anything, especially when it comes to writing about my otps. Like, I could look at a trash can and come up with some elaborate fic idea haha. Actually, I did that with one of my criminal justice lectures. We were talking about the role of police officers and I was like omg imagine if Isak and Even were police officers and a fic was born haha. Also, I love au’s, especially ones based off of show and movies and stuff sooo whenever I watch a show/movie I imagine my otp in the main characters’s places so... it’s a blessing and a curse haha.
Alright! Time to tag! I’m gonna taggggg @kissmysas @shadeandadidas @fxckxxp @skamfairy :)) <3
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