#I should draw her in comfy clothes more often
nan4fallout · 5 months
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Little doodle from last night- I think Nancy looks nice in a sweater
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missedditart · 10 months
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Along with my Lackadaisy hyperfixation I've also become obsessed with under the devils moon by @libras-interactives. I absolutely love their ocs and can't wait to see more of them in the story. I made some fan designs of them and thought it couldn't hurt to share them. I had a lot of thoughts about their designs so anyone who is interested can read about that below. Also, English isn't my first language so please ignore any spelling mistakes and such.
Malwina's design was really fun, also the first one I did. She is described as having black fur and hair and orange eyes. I knew if  I wasn't careful she could end up looking like Ivy, so I made her hair color brighter than her fur color and also made her hair curly/wavy. I also emphasized the eyes as they're often pointed out in the text as big and pumpkin-like. I wanted her to look curious but maybe a little unsettling if she stares at you too long. I also gave her soft shapes and rounded years since she is very friendly albeit a bit pushy.
for Máire just mostly followed the description we get of her, calico, auburn hair and green eyes. The thing I had to think about for this drawing is what kind of clothing she would wear. I went between thinking she would prefer something stylish or something comfy. I'm not an expert on 1920s fashion so I mostly looked at old clothing catalogs to get a feel for the clothes she could wear. I settled on something more in between a comfy shirt with a stylish skirt. I based the tarot cards in her hand on Pamela Colman Smith’s designs. Also since she is wearing a shirt I couldn't show off the heart fur pattern on her chest but it's definitely there.
Sylvester doesn't have a very striking design but that's the point. For his facial structure i took some inspiration from Asa Sweet and Bobby Bastion from the comic but I also tried to make him stand out on his own. Other than that I kept close to the text, gray suit and graying fur. I was tempted to give him a colorful gaudy tie, maybe something his wife insisted he should wear. To make him more interesting but again he was supposed to be drab and unassuming. So I decided against it. (I still headcanon that his wife gives him gaudy ties and insists he wear them and he cant say no to her.)
Flynn was the one I had the most ideas for but also the one I'm the least happy with the result of but might as well share it. We haven't gotten many physical descriptions of him and what we get is somewhat vague. I also haven't played all the backstories so there might be something there that I've missed. But from what we do get he is often described as odd eyed and two faced, this gives me the impression he has a chimera pattern. We haven't been given any specific color so I chose what I thought fit best. black and bluish gray to make him cold and dark looking, i gave him green as an accent color. I probably went a bit heavy on the devil shape language but it's fun so… I also wanted to color the tip of his shoes white or gray to make them look like goat hooves but they ended up looking too much like bowling shoes so I decided against it. He still has a hoof-like pattern on his shoes which probably isn't very historically accurate for 1920s men's shoes haha. And lastly his cane is only described as black and ivory but nothing specific on the shape. I figured giving it some interesting motif would be fun so I went with a snake. specifically a black mamba witch don't look dangerous until you get too close or they open their mouth. I'm sure a fitting metaphor could be made from that. My design for him will probably change if we get new info about him later in the story but so far this is how i imagine him.
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What do you think of the book only characters like Kathrine, Nightlight, ect.
Thank you for the question!
Please note these are just my personal opinions, as of August 2023.
I judged everyone on three categories: Character, Design, and Drawability.
Katherine Shalazar
My opinion on Character 8/10
Adorable and smart and curious and just a lovely girl. Her story is pure fairy tale for a modern age. I believe Katherine is the glue that keeps everyone together, I think she is also a great leader. I want to rank her higher but she does often fall into the damsel in distress trope and is saved by others. I do love that she is never afraid to speak her mind and has a big heart. A classic character who I would love to see on the big screen.
My opinion on Design 7/10
Love the yellow coat. Love her design but it is missing “goose” when she is older and claims the title of mother goose. It would be cool to see added elements like feathers or wings or something more fairytale.
My opinion on Drawability 10/10
I love drawing Katherine. Her Yellow clothing choice makes her stand out. Her hair is fun and bouncy. I like drawing her in modern clothing. She is adorable and youthful! It’s fun drawing her in dynamic poses.
Nightlight (Pre Jack Frost Era)
My opinion on Character 8/10
So adorable and full of curiosity. I love how he is mainly a silent character. I think he is a great hero who at the end of the day is just a kid with the weight of the world on his shoulders. Nightlight is such an interesting character as he is pretty much the personification of light. He is new to earth and is just trying to figure things out.
My opinion on Design 5/10
A boy made of light has armor made of sharp darkness. I’m not a fan of the armor design, I don’t think it suits his character very much... Just my opinion. It is too thin and brittle looking, he looks more like someone working for Pitch then Manny. I do like his wispy hair though. It adds to his otherworldly charm.
My opinion on Drawability 7/10
I like drawing nightlight in casual clothes he deserves to be comfy. He is a silly boy who is fun to doodle. Especially his hair. It’s fun and wispy.
Ombric Shalazar
My opinion on Character 6/10
Ombric is your typical fantasy old wise fatherly wizard. He is a mentor and a joy to have around. It would have been cooler to see more of his abilities. His appeal and downfall is that he is a bit of a mystery. Not a favorite but I respect him.
My opinion on Design 4/10
Picture a traditional fairytale wizard, old with a long beard and a pointy hat and robes. Yup. Not much to excite the imagination. I would love to see Ombric get a more unique redesign. In a world of myths breaking traditional looks. Ombric falls a bit flat.
My opinion on Drawability ?/10
Never drew him before so no opinion. Maybe I should try.
My opinion on Character 🪿/ 🪿
Honk nghh quack honk honk honk, honk. Honk honk quack honk honk: hahhh honk ha ha hank honk honk quack honk honk. Quack honk ugh honk ugh honk honk. Honk honky honk hank honk, hank, honk honk, ahhhhhhhhhhhh honk. Honk honk honk honk honk? Quack quack honk honk aaaaaaaaaaaaa honk honk honk honk.
My opinion on Design 🪿/ 🪿
Honk honk honk honnnnnk honk, honk honk honk honk honk. honk honk honk honk honk honk honk honk honk ah honk honk honk honk honk honk honk honk. Honk honk honk honk honk honk honk ugh honk honk honk ugh honk ugh honk honk honk honk honk honk honk. Honk honk honk honk honk honk. Quack honk honk honk honk honk honk aaahhh honk honk honk honk!
My opinion on Drawability 🪿/ 🪿
Quack honk honk honk honk honk. Aaaaaaa honk honk honk honk honk honk honk honk: honk, honk, honk, honk aaa honk. Hank Ha Ha Ha ahhh honk honk honk honk honk honk. Honky honk honk honk honk honk honk honk honk! honk honk honk hank honk honk honk. Quack quack honk honk quack, honk honk honk honk ah ah ah honk honk quack honk honk ahhhh honk honk
Emily Jane Pitchiner
My opinion on Character 10/10
She is one of the most interesting characters I’ve read. I want her to have a solo book. She is so full of anguish yet must remain a neutral party to keep the balance. I love the fact that we get her whole backstory and even get to see her own hero’s journey. Often time’s characters like her are portrayed as pure evil or pure good, it’s so refreshing to see how she remains neutral in her own fathers war. I adore her and all that she stands for. A character who has grown up quickly and coldly due to isolation and loss. My heart cries for her.
My opinion on Design 8/10
I like her long and flowing hair. Her dress consists of swirls that compliment her form and are fun to doodle. I know the drawings Joyce has provided us with are in black and white, but I love to imagine her in vibrant greens with hair as dark as a stormy night. She is so grand and knows how to make an entrance and take over a room with her presence.
My opinion on Drawability 10/10
I love drawing her so much. She is beautiful.
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chaotic-super · 1 year
For Her Sake - Chapter 14
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Read For Her Sake on AO3 here!
Lena takes a few staggered breaths. She’s running late and she knows it. The food is only half finished, she’s barely presentable and she’s panicking. Kara, Alex, Winn and Lori. Originally, she was just going to have the Danvers ladies over but after a detailed conversation over the complexities of nanobots and AI interfaces, she’s found Winn to be quite pleasant and decided to invite him along too.
It has nothing to do with the fact that if he comes along, she has a higher chance of speaking to Kara privately about just about anything, that’s what Lena tells herself anyway. She’s loving the times when she’s being given the chance to learn little titbits of information about the blonde. She’s much more fascinating than she gives herself credit for and Lena is getting slightly obsessed with listening to her talk.
She wanted to have everything ready for when they arrived so she could just serve the food right up and look all prepared and sexy but instead, she’s a rushing mess and she’s not looking as hot as she knows she can.
Since it’s just a casual dinner, she didn’t want to go too formal, something she’s definitely guilty of doing far more often than she should, so she’s settled for some comfy slacks and a knit sweater, a mixture of the more formal wear she feels comfortable in and also a softer look that will make her look a lot less harsh, soft even.
Normally, Lena would straighten her hair but she has no time since she got caught up with work stuff this afternoon and time got away from her so she’s just leaving it to sit around her shoulders in soft waves that make her look like the cuddliest person on Earth. She’s not particularly fond of the look herself but if it encourages Kara to hug her then it might just be worth it.
Everything is cooking, it’s just not ready yet and she’s not had much of a chance to start cleaning up the mess across her kitchen yet and so while she knows that realistically they aren’t going to judge her for it, she’s still nervous about it and it still makes her self-conscious so she’s practically running around the room and grabbing all of the trash to be thrown away and frantically running a cloth over every surface to try and clean up some of it before they get here.
Her shoulders sag and she sighs helplessly when there’s a knock at her door. She had already informed the security guards downstairs that she’s expecting guests and their names so they have been allowed to come right up without her having to be called to confirm that they are indeed allowed up to her apartment.
She brushes off her clothes that really aren’t getting any cleaner from her smacking at them through her nerves and heads for the door, pinning a smile on her face as she lets it swing open.
“Hey, come in, come in.” She urges, her strained smile changing to a genuine one when Lori darts forward and wraps her arms around her legs, her head pressing against her thigh. “Hello, Lori.”
“Hi, Lena!” She answers back with a cheeky smile that draws Lena closer, making her pick the little girl up before she’s even really aware of what she’s doing and why.
Kara steps around the pair with a cake tin in her hands which makes Lena roll her eyes. Of course, Kara would refuse to come empty-handed. She sets it aside on the counter nearby before heading back to Lena and wrapping her arms around her briefly and a little awkwardly because Lori is in her arms.
Lena holds her breath unconsciously throughout the very short hug, her entire focus on the way she can feel Kara’s ear pressed against the side of her head and the brush of their cheeks as she pulls back.
“Hi, thanks for having us. I brought dessert.” Kara mumbles with a smile.
Lori pouts. “No, Mama. We did.” She folds her arms across her chest and Kara just about melts at how adorable she looks so she pulls her phone out and quickly snaps a picture before she has a chance to drop the annoyed expression off her face.
She slips her phone back into her pocket right after and leans over to press her lips to the top of her daughter’s head. “You’re right, baby  We brought the dessert.”
As if it had never been there, Lori’s killer pout disappears and her arms unfold to wrap around Lena’s neck, her head dropping to her shoulder.
Lena clears her throat and takes a look out into the empty hallway. She closes the door in confusion. “Where are the others?”
“Oh, they’re running a little late, Winn got a flat just up the street so he got it parked and now Alex is yelling at him for being too stupid to change a tyre. We figured it was a better option to come and wait for them up here and pray that you don’t mind putting dinner off for a few extra minutes.” Kara explains, her face showing a whole lot of emotions when describing what happened, amusement being the main one, embarrassment taking second place.
“I see.” Lena nods, a little shocked because that was the opposite of what she was expecting to hear. “Well, dinner is running a little late anyway, I should actually go and check on it.”
Kara is relieved to hear that they aren’t messing up the night before it’s even begun, she would be forever humiliated if they couldn’t even do one evening without everything going wrong. “Here, let me help.”
Lena is about to tell Kara to sit down but before she can, Kara has already started checking on the food, stirring here and there and flipping where needed.
“I thought you said that you don’t know how to cook,” Lena smirks at Kara.
In response, Kara just shrugs. “Well, I might have been practising. I felt greatly unprepared to start at Reign and so I’ve been spending a lot of my free time watching weird cooking shows and reading recipes. I can now successfully stir a pot so I might not get your friend’s restaurant shut down with my terrible cooking skills after all.”
Lena shakes her head at Kara. “You’re too cute. You do realize that you’ll be given training on the job, don’t you? Nobody is going to expect you to just know what you’re doing right away with no prior experience.”
Kara looks down at the food on the stove, finding it to be easier to look at than Lena at this moment in time. “I just don’t want to let Sam down. She’s taking a massive chance on me and I don’t want her to regret it.”
Lena readjusts Lori on her hip, wincing when her hair accidentally gets caught on the zipper of Lori’s pink jacket. She reaches out and places a hand on Kara’s forearm, prompting her to look up at her. “You couldn’t let anyone down if you tried, Kara. I mean it, she’s super excited to work with you.”
“Really?” Kara asks incredulously.
Lena nods ecstatically. “Yes.” She leans in closer. “She told me not to tell you this because she finds it embarrassing but after your impromptu lunch date, she raved about you and talked about how excited she is to get the chance to work with you. Sam is apparently already threatening all of her chefs and staff to be nice to you because she doesn’t want you to be scared off by them.”
Lena can see Kara trying to fight off a smile and when she does give in and let her lips curl up, she only allows it to remain for a second before forcing her lips back down so she doesn’t give herself away but it’s too late and Lena has already seen it and pride is already blooming in her chest at making Kara feel better, no matter how temporary it may be because she has no doubt that by the time tomorrow rolls around she’ll be back to stress watching cooking TV shows.
Lena can see that the food is handled for now and that all she has to do is leave it and let it do its thing so she squeezes Lori gently. “Want to come and sit on the couch with me?”
Lori looks up at her with those big blue eyes that make her heart skip a beat momentarily and Lena just wants to cuddle her all day. “Yes please.” She answers, sweet as pie.
How could anyone resist that look? No one can, it’s impossible.
Kara follows the pair over to the couch with just one more glance at the pots to make sure they aren’t going to burn. She’s proud of the little bit she’s learnt and is quite embarrassed that it’s taken her until now to learn what most food looks like when it’s burning and at how little she actually knows, especially given that she’s managed to pick up on a few key things in just a matter of days, something she could have done at any time but didn’t and she has no excuse as to why other than that she always had someone else in her life that could cook or she got by without needing to cook proper food other than frozen meals but she doesn’t actually count that as cooking.
Lori sits between the two of them, a hand in each other theirs and her legs swinging over the edge of the couch. The motion grabs Kara’s attention and she freezes in panic and horror. “Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry, Lena. We didn’t take our shoes off, you must think us to be awfully rude.”
It makes Lena want to laugh at the look on Kara’s face but knows that now probably isn’t the best time. “Kara, stop panicking, I don’t care at all but if you would feel more comfortable taking them off, go for it. I really don’t mind.”
Her words don’t seem to make Kara feel much better and it’s strange seeing such inner conflict on Kara’s face over something she considers to be trivial. She lets Kara decide what she’s going to do and when she does, she makes her choice with a nod and quick movements as she tugs off her little ankle boots that she has slipped over some loose, patterned pants. Once hers are off, she takes Lori’s off too, the sneakers with tiny soccer balls on them coming off with just a few tugs at the Velcro.
She gathers the four shoes up in her hands and makes a quick trip over to the door where Lena has a pile of her shoes messily left strewn across the floor. Looking at it now, she wishes she had tidied it up because it’s such a mess but Kara doesn’t seem to care, dropping the shoes down with a thud in a way that very much resembles how Lena’s shoes got in the state they are in.
“Better?” she asks once Kara has returned.
“Much. Alex and I were never allowed to wear shoes anywhere in the house that was carpeted and it’s kind of ingrained in me at this point that it’s not allowed. We don’t have to worry about that at home since it’s all hardwood floors so I haven’t thought about it in a while.”
Now it makes sense. Lena gets why Kara looked so panicked, there’s nothing like the reverberating instincts from childhood to mess a person up at random times in their adult life. “Well, I was never raised with any of those kinds of rules but I’ll keep it in mind to offer to take my shoes off in people’s homes in the future. I hadn’t realized that I could have been coming off as rude.”
Kara’s head shakes frantically. “I wasn’t trying to infer that you’re rude or that you should offer to do so at other people’s places.”
“I know but it’s times like these that I get to reflect and see the normal things people are raised to think about, things that most people get brought up knowing that I don’t. In a strange kind of way, it’s interesting to think about, especially when I think about whether or not I would be a different person today if I had been raised to ask about my shoes rather than raised to use the correct utensils at fancy restaurants.” Lena wraps her arm around Lori as she leans more into her side but keeps eye contact with Kara the whole time she’s speaking to her.
Kara looks between her and Lori, her eyes unreadable as she does so and then she tugs her phone out of her pocket. Lena’s not sure what she’s doing until the phone is turned to her so she can see the screen. “The picture I took earlier is super cute, shall I send it to you?”
Lena’s mouth goes dry at the sight of it. She had thought that the picture was just of Lori when Kara took it earlier but seeing it now, she can see Lori’s pout and her crossed arms but she can also see herself and the enamoured look she’s embodying. She can see the smile that she didn’t know made its way onto her face and the way her eyebrows suddenly look much less harsh than they do when she looks in the mirror, all curved where there is usually nothing but straight lines. It’s strange and it’s beautiful all at once and she loves the way she looks when she’s looking at Lori, there’s a tenderness there that she didn’t know she could inhabit and she wants nothing more than to look like that all the time except for when she’s threatening rich old white men that hate her purely for being a woman.
Kara turns the phone back to herself so she can do just that and Lena has to resist the urge to grab her wrist to make her turn it back towards her so she can keep staring at it. There’s no way in hell that photo will stay on her phone either, that’s a photo that deserves to be framed.
“Both of you look so good in this picture.” Kara’s nose scrunches as she says it, truth dripping off the words.
“Would you mind if I made a copy for my desk at work?” Lena asks, coming to the conclusion that it’s probably not a good idea to just make copies of pictures with other people’s children in them and flaunt them where other people might see them.
Kara tilts her head, clearly deep in thought. “You want a picture of you and Lori for your desk?”
Lena looks down at Lori, who is grinning up at her since she heard what her mom just said. “I would, she’s one of my favourite people.”
Lori grins even wider if that were even possible. “You’re my favourite-est too.”
With her mouth dropped open and her head shaking, Kara scoots away from the pair of them, her arms folding in a fashion that shows exactly how Lori learned the pose she did earlier. “I see that I’m not wanted here.”
“No! Mama, we want you!” Lori chimes in, launching away from Lena just long enough to tug on Kara’s hand and pull her closer across the couch to them. Lori then falls back into the space at Lena’s side for her, still dragging Kara with her so they all end up squished together, Lena’s arm sitting on the back of the couch behind Kara’s shoulders. She wishes she had the confidence to tuck it around her but just inviting her here took enough of that.
They end up half-cuddling for a minute, both Kara and Lena are too afraid of saying anything and in case the moment is broken to say anything at all in fear of having to move away because if it weren’t for Lori, neither would be in this position.
Inevitably though, the moment is broken when they don’t want it to be because Lena’s phone starts ringing with an alarm. “That’s for the food, it should be pretty much done by now.”
Standing up and making her way over to the food, Lena sees that her timings are right and so she grabs a few plates so she can start plating the food up.
“Are you alright keeping an eye on Lori while I go and grab Alex and Winn?” Kara asks, already jamming her feet back into her boots.
“I…uh,” Lena hesitates, her gaze shifting to the girl left sitting on the couch, her mom’s phone gripped in her hands and a game set onto it for her to play, one that she’s now completely engrossed in playing. “Sure, if you’re ok with that? I can go and grab them if you want me to or I can call them?”
Kara just waves her off. They are terrible at answering their phones. I’ll just go and grab them; five bucks says they are just arguing and the tyre has been sorted by now anyway.”
Lena thinks over her odds. Surely nobody would just hang out in a parking lot arguing when they could be inside socialising with people they genuinely care about. “I’ll take that deal.”
“Awesome, back in a minute,” Kara calls out and blows a kiss to Lori, who completely ignores her, a fact that Kara clearly doesn’t give a single damn about.
The plates have been filled and Lena has even gone as far as to set them on the dining table she has never once used since she has lived here, one that she wouldn’t own if the place didn’t come furnished so she got it in as part of the package deal.
Lori, very kindly, helps her to set the forks out at each seat, more than happy to help Lena when asked, even If she did take her time putting the phone down, she gets up not ten seconds after she was asked to. Lena is glad she did because she doesn’t feel like it would be her place to push if she refused to but also doesn’t feel like she should just let her get away with it in case she accidentally sets a bad precedent.
Kara lets herself back in just as Lena hands Lori napkins to set at each place setting while she handles drinks. “Hey, I have them.”
“Just in time.” Lena greets them. “Lori was just helping set the table. Dinner is ready so feel free to grab a seat. Does anyone want a soda? I don’t have anything alcoholic, I’m afraid so we’ll have to make do with the boring stuff.”
Kara is the only person she’s been open with about her issues with alcohol so she feels the need to try and overcompensate somewhat for the fact that there’s none in the apartment, an irrational part of her telling her that they will judge her and assume the worst of her for it. Kara doesn’t anything away though.
“I’ll take a soda please, Lori too if you don’t mind?”
“Not at all.” Lena grabs a few sodas and takes them over to the table, internally rejoicing when she sees that the space left open for her is between Kara and Lori once again, although she is at the head of the table, exactly where she doesn’t like sitting because it draws too much attention to her.
She grabbed one for Winn and Alex too even though neither of them actually answered her question, too busy stuffing their faces and arguing.
Kara leans close to her when she sits down. “You owe me five bucks. They were arguing about who did the most work on the tyre. It looked like they had finished a while ago but neither wanted to back down and even now, they’re being rude and continuing the ridiculous argument when they should be greeting the very nice lady that invited them to dinner.” Her voice grows harsh towards the end and the volume increases as she directs the words to them, telling them off in a very mother-like way.
Winn and Alex at least have the balls to look a little bit ashamed and Lena can work with that.
“Hi, Lena. Thank you for having us.” Winn greets her with a tiny wave and a smile.
Alex looks more reluctant to do so and it’s not hard to tell that the reason behind that is essentially just because she doesn’t like to be shown up or told what to do but she pushes through those feelings and swallows her pride. “Hi, boss. Thanks for dinner, it tastes awesome and sorry for being late. We had an important debate we had to settle.”
“Yes, well, that debate just cost me five bucks so I suggest you act really appreciative of the food.” Lena’s eyebrow quirks up at Alex, enjoying the way she squirms and tries to figure out what she’s talking about.
Lori taps her arm softly. “Lena?”
“Yes, darling?” The name slips out without it meaning to. it’s one she often finds herself using with Sam and Ruby but it’s been making its way over into this part of her life too, both Lori and Kara being subjected to it but neither of the pretty blue-eyed Danvers girls seem so mind, or at least aren’t displaying any kind of sign that they are uncomfortable with it.
“Can you make it smaller?” Lori asks pointing to the meat on her plate and Lena gathers quickly that what she wants is for her to cut it up for her because it’s too big and it makes her feel a little dumb that she hadn’t thought of that before and that she had to ask because of course a four-year-old needs a little bit of help.
Lena picks up Lori’s knife and fork and makes quick work of it. “Of course. Here you go.” She hands the fork to Lori so she can use it to stab up the food herself from there and during the whole process, she was so focused on helping the little one that she didn’t notice the way Kara was watching them with rapt attention, her little crush on the CEO growing exponentially with each interaction she witnesses between her and her daughter.
They fall into silence as they eat, the sound of forks scraping against plates filling the air between Kara’s hums as she tastes the food Lena has made, she certainly knows how to cook. For her, it’s a comfortable silence but for Lena, who is so far out of her comfort zone it’s crazy, the silence is filled with apprehension.
“This is so good, Lena,” Alex mutters and with it, the apprehension settles. “Seriously, this is amazing.”
“I agree,” Kara adds.
“Me too!” Lori grins, sauce around her mouth in a messy yet cute way.
“Me three.” Winn chimes in.
“Well, thank you.” Lena blushes. She’s glad they like it because she had to admit to Sam that she actually likes Kara in detail to get her to agree to hand over one of her personal recipes so she could impress the group. She’s only partially regretting that now. She’s glad the recipe is going down well but she’s also pretty terrified of the remarks Sam is bound to let slip in front of Kara and isn’t too happy that Kara will probably end up catching onto the fact that she has feelings for her.
With the way Kara feels the need to pay her back, her worst fear is that Kara will go along with her feelings out of some twisted feeling of obligation and she will end up dating Kara only to find out that Kara never actually felt the same way and she has been essentially forcing Kara into a relationship she doesn’t want.
In reality, she’s aware of the fact that Kara is an adult that can make her own choices and she probably wouldn’t actually do that because she has Lori to think about but that’s just another part of why her feelings are so messed up. There’s an innocent child involved, one that she actually really likes despite the fact that she’s never once really thought of herself as someone that likes kids or gets along with them.
In fact, until Lori, she never even considered the fact that one day she could want to be a mother, it’s something she’s just never thought about, but now she’s thinking. She’s thinking that maybe, just maybe, it could happen for her someday, that she could be open to it. She ignores the little voice in her mind that tells her that maybe she’s found it.
It’s late by the time they are ready to leave and Lena is surprised by how much she’s enjoyed herself. She honestly thought that she wouldn’t lose that mildly uncomfortable feeling in her stomach but as the night progresses, she finds that she’s ok. She’s having fun and she doesn’t mind having these people in her space all that much. That may, in part, be due to the fact that she knows she'll have the place back to herself tomorrow.
That doesn’t mean she wants to be rid of them though. Not by a long shot. She really likes having them here. She’s enjoyed catching up with Alex about things other than work, a topic that she’s not had the chance to deviate from when talking with her for a while because of its importance.
She’s also really enjoyed getting to know Winn more. Between yesterday and today, she can see why they keep him around. He’s a positive light in their lives with just enough about him to be grounded and intelligent. It’s impressive and she’s finding herself wanting to be his friend too. They even managed to get a good conversation in about different types of computer software and the latest issue of their shared favourite science magazine.
Lori has long since fallen asleep though because Lena put on a movie for her and it seems like this little girl is just completely incapable of getting all the way through one without falling asleep. Lena had offered to have her in the guest room so they don’t wake her up and Kara had readily agreed, lifting Lori up and letting Lena guide her to the right room, one where a massive king-sized bed sits in the centre of it, a stylish patterned bedspread across it.
It's late though, so late that it’s dark out and it’s no longer Saturday.
“We should leave you in peace, we’ve overtaken your apartment for longer than I’m sure you imagined us being here.” Kara leans her head back against the couch as she says it, the fatigue evident in her eyes.
“Not at all, I’ve had a really good night. Thank you all for coming.”
“Thanks for having us.” Winn retorts. “But Kara’s right, we’d better go. Hopefully, my spare tyre will get us back across town in one piece.”
Lena grimaces. “I forgot about that. Are you sure it’s safe?”
Winn shrugs. “I mean, it should be. Alex and I did a good job at getting it on so it should be fine. I just hope my spare doesn’t get flat too, I don’t have a spare for my spare.” He tries to joke but it falls flat.
“Maybe I should just drive you guys home, it wouldn’t be any trouble.” Lena is already mentally preparing herself to have to drive when Alex holds a hand up. “Place that butt back down, Luthor. We’ll be perfectly alright, right Kara?”
All eyes fall onto Kara, who has her head resting in her hand, her elbow perched on the arm of the couch and her eyes closed, her breath heavy as her chest rises and falls in a steady rhythm.
“I think we’ve lost her.” Winn snorts.
Alex huffs. “Lena, give her a shake so we can get out of your hair.”
Lena doesn’t do that, she doesn’t want to wake Kara up, especially when she’s obviously tired. “It’s ok. If you guys want to stay the night because it’s late, that’s fine. Lori is already asleep in the guest room and it would be a shame to wake her too.”
Winn shakes his head. “I appreciate the offer and any other time, I’d take you up on it because I hate driving in the dark but I promised to help an old college buddy out tomorrow morning and then we’re catching up over coffee so I have to be up early and I don’t want to wake you guys up.”
“I’m not staying either,” Alex declares. “You can keep the strays but If this is my chance to have the apartment to myself overnight, I’m most definitely taking it.”
Lena rolls her eyes. “That’s not a nice thing to call your sister and your niece.”
“You’re right, Kara is the only stray, Lori is a very fancy pedigree.”
“You’re insufferable. Get out and stop picking on your sister.” Lena stands up slowly so the couch doesn’t jolt and wake Kara up. Alex watches her, barely holding in her snort of laughter at the way Lena is acting.
Lena walks them to the door, elated that she’s getting to keep her two favourites of the bunch for the night, as creepy as that sounds. A tiny smile graces her lips as she watches Alex and Winn gather their things.
“Alex, I’ll drop Kara and Lori off in the morning. Want us to grab coffee and doughnuts on our way over?” Lena asks.
“Yes but don’t pretend you’re going to go and get doughnuts for any reason other than to flirt with my sister.”
Lena stops breathing.
“Oh, don’t look so shocked. You’re not the first person to become enthralled by her and honestly, I can see why. She’s annoying as hell but she’s the kindest, most genuine person you will ever meet and the size of her heart far outweighs all of the irritating things she does. Pretty much everyone falls in love with her or clamours to at least be her best friend. I can see which category you’re in already. I approve though, don’t worry.”
Alex reels off her speech like it’s nothing and Lena has no idea how to respond.
“And once again Alex chases away one of Kara’s prospective suitors.” Winn quips. “There’s only one you didn’t manage to scare off and we all know how that went.”
If Lena didn’t know what to say before, she certainly doesn’t after Winn’s last comment. “Right so, uh. I’ll see you tomorrow, Alex.”
Alex nods slowly. “Yeah.” She turns to head out the door before turning back. “She doesn’t know, she’s practically oblivious, I think you should ask her out though, I think she’d say yes.”
“I don’t think I can do that.”
“Just think about it.” Alex urges her. “Thanks again for having us. It’s been a really nice night.”
“Anytime,” Lena replies and she finds the word to hold more truth than she originally thought. She might not appreciate this little goodbye chat but other than that, the night has been fantastic and she would love to have the chance to do it again.
Alex takes one last look over at a still-sleeping Kara. “Look after her.”
“I will.”
The door closes softly and Lena looks around the place, never happier to see a mess because for once, her apartment actually feels lived in. This is the second time Kara’s been here and now, this place is starting to actually feel like somewhere she enjoys being. Maybe that’s because she’s got memories to treasure now.
Very quietly, she sets dirty dishes in the kitchen to be washed tomorrow and grabs all of the trash that’s lying around the place. All the while she’s kept one ear out just in case Lori wakes up because she’s sure that waking up in a place she doesn’t recognise would be scary for her the same way it would be for anyone to wake up somewhere that isn’t their own bed.
Only once everything is as clean as she’s going to get it for tonight because she’s also tired and she’s looking forward to flopping into bed, does she move towards Kara to wake her up.
She shakes her very lightly, her voice low as she tries to rouse her from her slumber. “Kara? Kara? Wake up.”
Kara wakes up slowly and her eyes are barely open. “Lena?”
“Hey, Winn has taken Alex home. You and Lori are staying here tonight. Come on, let’s get you to the guest room and I’ll grab you something to change into.”
Kara is tired enough that she doesn’t question it, she just nods and takes the hand that Lena offers to help her up.
Lena takes her back to the guest room, peeking in to see that Lori hasn’t moved an inch since she was placed tentatively on one side of the bed. “I’ll be right back with something for you to change into.”
Kara catches her hand as she is about to turn away. “Thank you, Lena. You’re my guardian angel.”
Lena’s eyes flutter closed as she’s pulled into the world’s most powerful hug. It’s filled with gratitude and kindness and regret and excitement and hope. Especially hope.
“You’re welcome.” Lena pats her back gently. “Now, let’s get you sorted before you fall asleep again.”
Lena flicks through her drawers in her room until she finds some sleep shorts and a baggy sweatshirt to hand over to Kara, one from her days at MIT. Kara takes them with a smile. “Goodnight, Lena.”
“Goodnight, Kara,” Lena replies, closing the door to the guest room behind her.
She sleeps well knowing who is under her roof.
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3terna15unshin3 · 1 year
Then Because She Goes
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When you leave, I cry on the inside
★ Chapter 11 of 15, 5082 words
★ Matty Healy x Original Female Character
★ warnings: !!! mature content, minors please do not interact !!!, smut, thigh riding, edging
<< 10
9 June, 2019
“Fuck,” Este cursed, as a loud sound in the flat below hers caused her to spill a drop of tea on her pants. She quickly wiped it away and got up to grab her beloved Tide pen—drawing on the spot to prevent any staining.
With a film on the TV, it was a quiet morning and a relaxing day off for her. She stayed in comfy clothes, hair tucked away messily in a clip, not worrying about work or bills needing to be paid or how desperately her room needed tidying. Her body had been stationary for most of the morning. It was a deserved laziness, in her opinion. But, a buzz from her phone signalled an incoming text, interrupting her and her tea once more.
matty <3
Sun, 9 Jun at 10:59 AM
Attachment: 1 Image
Thinking of you x
It was a photo of a small yellow origami star. He held it delicately between his thumb and middle finger, raising it up in the air in front of his hotel window. Este could see the architecture of the city he stayed in in the background. Germany, I think, she considered, though she couldn’t remember which city.
Sun, 9 Jun at 11:00 AM
Why the sad face
You’re getting all sappy on me and i miss you
Am I being too sweet for your liking??
Yea like chill for a sec
I’m smiling at my phone and everything
Soz x
But you’ve got me doing little crafts alone in my hotel room just because they remind me of you so maybe you should chill
Or maybe be less chill bc why are you never sappy or sweet with me ????? Hm???
hey I’m sweet !!!!!!!!!! Don’t be rude
The star thing is like painfully cute tho how do you expect me to top that
--- 22 June, 2019
Este ★
Sat, 22 Jun at 18:35 PM
Hey, I know it’s been hard lately and that you’ve been busy writing but this poem makes me happy and I think you need some hope at the moment
Attachment: 1 Image
Maybe you’ve heard of it already or will think it’s too simple but it's what I want to say to u :)
Matty’s heavy eyes stared at the bright blue light of his screen. The band were closing out on their sixth month of touring, and his head had gotten a bit cloudy. Desperate to get Notes On A Conditional Form out as soon as possible, any free moments they had were spent writing and recording. He poured so much of himself during every show and even more into every song written that not much was left when he was on his own. It was nonstop. Slumps like this were bound to occur while on the road, and now that Matty had healthier ways of coping with them, they weren’t as big of a deal. But they were still there, eating away at his energy—blurring the lines of his self esteem and self hatred.
The poem Este attached was “The Orange” by Wendy Cope. He hadn’t heard of it before. So, he read the words quietly to himself.
“At lunchtime I bought a huge orange—the size of it made us all laugh. I peeled it and shared it with Robert and Dave—they got quarters and I had a half.
And that orange, it made me so happy, as ordinary things often do. Just lately. The shopping. A walk in the park. This is peace and contentment. It's new.
The rest of the day was quite easy. I did all the jobs on my list and enjoyed them and had some time over. I love you. I'm glad I exist.”
Este was right about it being simple. But it was its simplicity that made Matty feel it deeply in his stomach. If he’d been sent such words by any other person in the world, it might have felt patronising—but coming from her, it made sense. There wasn’t anything that he loved more than things, art, that commanded him how to feel. Este knew that. And the words she sent commanded him to find light in the simple things. To bask in the innocence of life. To realise that if he isn’t happy, he’s just human. Fleeting moments of beauty are what matter. It was exactly what he needed to hear.
Este ★
Sat, 22 Jun at 19:00 PM
Please never stop sending me stuff
Reading the line “I’m glad I exist” felt so important
Because I am
Especially with you around x
--- 1 July, 2019
Luckily, flying from Stockholm back to Manchester wasn’t very far. So, it was easy for Matty to get on a plane to catch Este’s 28th birthday between his shows. He was a day early, but it was the only chance he had to come see her—so he took it. And somehow managed to keep it a surprise.
With Cate’s help, Matty followed through with his plan to Uber to their flat as soon as he landed; to drop off his stuff, grab food, and set up birthday decorations before walking over to Greenhouse to see Este. A bouquet of variously coloured tulips with brown paper surrounding it was cradled in his arms as he made his way. The sun peeked through the partly cloudy sky, beaming down on his tired state. He shook the nerves out and reached for the door handle.
The familiar chime caught him by surprise, as the seven months it had been since he’d last stepped into the shop forced him to forget that they were there. It brought Este’s attention to the front from her spot in the back corner where she was shelving. Sam poked his head out from the back room in curiosity.
“I heard an ‘Este Manansala’ turns 28 tomorrow…” Matty announced sarcastically before she realised who he was. The look on her face once she did was priceless.
“Oh my god. Shut up,” muttered Este as she weaved through the cramped furniture to embrace him excitedly. A giddy and uncontrollably happy laugh came from her belly had Matty leaned back while they hugged to lift her feet off the orange carpet.
“Happy Birthday, love.” he whispered in her ear before putting her down. Este tried to wipe the dumb smile on her face but failed. She kissed him instead.
Matty tasted like cigarette smoke and smelt of the flowers he held. The month between their last kiss didn’t stop her from recognizing the familiar shape of his lips when they were against hers. It lingered long and deep. They sighed into each other with satisfaction.
“What are you doing here? You’re mad,” reacted Este when they pulled away.
“To take you out on your birthday.” His hand remained on her cheek as he responded, enjoying the feeling of her soft skin. “And by ‘take you out’ I mean take you to the food I’ve put on your dining room table.”
“Have you already been by my flat?”
Matty nodded. “Went straight there after I landed. We boarded early, so Cate said I almost caught you before you left.” He laughed at the dumbfounded look on Este’s face as she struggled to accept the fact that he was real and face-to-face with her. His arms extended to shove the flowers into her grasp. Tulips were her favourite.
“Are you going to introduce me?” His finger pointed at Sam. “Or will you just stare at me with your mouth open right in front of your boss?”
She snapped out of it and turned to face the blond shop owner.
“Gosh, I’m sorry. Sam, this is Matty. My, um, my—”
“Nice to meet you, mate. I’ve been in here a couple times over the years and seen you then, but I’m glad to be formally introduced, I guess,” interrupted Matty.
It was a bit odd that he cut her off so quickly, as the timing allowed her to almost hear his fear of the topic—audibly in his voice. Her smile faltered slightly as the two men made small talk, and she spiralled silently about what she could’ve said. I should’ve just stopped at ‘This is Matty,’ instead of trying to explain who he is, thought Este. Did Matty think I was going to say he was my boyfriend? Do I want him to be my boyfriend? Does the idea of me thinking he’s my boyfriend scare him?
Her ears perked and she snapped back into the conversation when Matty mentioned that they should be taking off soon.
“Food might be getting cold by now, E. We should get going,”
“Matty, it’s half two.” She looked over at Sam for confirmation that she couldn’t just leave in the middle of her shift, but was met with a smug smile instead.
“Go on.” he encouraged with little explanation.
“Who’s going to look after the—“
“Oliver’s on his way. He wanted extra hours this week anyway.”
Guilt settled into Este’s chest. “You didn’t have to call him in and make him rush over just for me, Sam. I feel terrible,”
“I didn’t call him in. I put him down for a three o’clock start when I made his schedule last month.” Sam reassured, as he came around the counter to stand in front and lean on it. He crossed his arms, waiting for Este to accept that he had been in on the plan to let her off early.
But, she didn’t let down. “Then why would you schedule me as well?”
“Jesus Christ Este, to surprise you! Now please leave, I’m begging. I can’t take this any longer,” Sam said while laughing in her face and forcing her towards the door. “Happy early birthday.”
“How long have you had this planned?” asked Este, turning to Matty and waiting for a response.
“A while. Any more questions, or can we go?”
Este’s arm tangled within Matty’s as they walked the few blocks back home along the pavement. Her work bag was slung over his shoulder as she held the tulips and sniffed them occasionally for the comfort of their fresh smell. Now that the shock had disappeared and she had the time to fully take in his appearance, Este smiled at his outfit. The Vans tied round his feet were paired with a bright and fitted graphic tee, tucked into high-waisted green trousers.
“You’re staring at me.”
A giggle escaped her lips as her and Matty turned down her street and approached her flat. “Am I not allowed to?” she argued.
He shrugged, with a smile. “I don’t mind. Just want to know why.”
“Dunno, really. You’re just pretty. And I like your outfit.”
Her keys jingled when she pulled them out of her pocket to let them into the building. As they stepped in and through the next couple of doors, soon finding and pressing the ‘up’ button for the lift, Matty said, “You know, you’d think I’d be weird about you calling me ‘pretty’, but it actually felt quite nice.”
“I can call you ‘pretty’ more often, if you want. I think of it all the time, so I’d just have to start letting you know when I do,” Este suggested, turning her doorknob and entering her place.
There was a banner of letters that spelled out ‘happy birthday’ delicately strung across the wall that sat above the dining room table. The decoration was slightly crooked, but colourful and iridescent—so the sun pouring in through the window bounced off of them and shone glittery reflections all over the room. Floaty balloons were trapped against the ceiling with their strings hanging downwards at different lengths. A vase of water was the centrepiece, ready to be the home for the tulips that Este still held as she looked around. Her eyes travelled to everything else littered on the table; noticing the handful of tall tapered candles whose colours matched that of the flowers, confetti scattered across the surface of the stained wood, a bottle of wine, and a couple of takeaway bags.
A nervous Matty stood behind and waited for her to say something. When silence remained, as she continued to search for ways to thank him, he filled the space by slinging his arm around her shoulder and rubbing it gently.
Bringing his face next to hers, Matty asked, “Do you like it?” and pecked her temple.
“Does the general public know that you’re this soft of a bloke?”
He shook his head at her inability to take things seriously. “They’ll catch on eventually.”
Este laughed and turned to him, grabbing his chin, pulling it towards her to give him a kiss on the cheek back. “It’s perfect. You have a good eye,”
“Cate helped pick everything out. I’m not the best decorator. But she was busy dealing with the helium tank to fill all the balloons so I ended up laying everything out by myself in a rush. That’s why it looks a bit shit.” Matty explained, pointing at the crooked letters on the wall.
“Stop it,” she insisted, unwrapping the tulips to dip their stems in the vase and complete the decor. “There’s nothing ‘shit’ about you. It would’ve been enough even if you’d shown up empty handed and sat on the sofa with me all night.”
Stepping closer to the table to copy her, Matty unpacked the food he’d ordered for them. He uncorked the bottle and poured a glass of wine for each of them. She sat down, getting comfortable and increasingly hungry as her stomach rumbled. Hearing its noises and laughing, the two of them dug in.
Once their plates were scraped clean, Matty threw out a “Room for cake?” while a smile sat on his face, knowing they were both too stuffed to even sniff something sweet.
She cradled her full belly, slouching in her chair. “I can’t bring myself to turn down cake but I’m frightened that like, anatomically, it won’t fit in here.”
Matty got up and walked to the fridge to fetch it anyway. “Let's just do the whole ‘sing and blow out the candles’ thing. We can eat it later.”
The white box was set on the table. He let her open the lid and slide out the dessert herself. It was a small heart-shaped cake with light green and white piped icing, reading ‘Happy 28th Este’ across the top. Bright maraschino cherries lined its edge. She grinned at how perfect and delicate it was. A 2 and an 8 candle were peeled out of their package by Matty, who stuck them into the icing, getting a bit on his finger in the process and licking it. Once a match was struck and the wicks were ignited, Matty sang the classic song to her gently.
“Happy birthday to you,” he finished with the last line, maintaining eye contact from across the table.
Este’s brown irises glowed a honey colour from the warmth of the flickering fire, while her cheeks ached from the smile plastered onto it that refused to leave. Looking down to the cake to avoid confronting Matty’s phone that now pointed up at her as he took a picture, she paused to make a wish. He admired her through his screen. A couple of seconds passed before she finally blew out the flames.
As expected, they couldn’t bear the idea of eating a slice. So, they packed it up into its box and placed it back in her fridge, continuing to clean their lunchtime mess, collecting the dishes in the sink and tucking their seats in. But, Matty knew that the corny birthday celebrations weren’t over just yet—he still had her small pile of wrapped presents sat next to his bag, which he then picked up and brought over.
“You really didn’t need to get me anything. All of this is so great already,” she complained, guilty that she hadn’t done anything for his birthday, and gesturing to everything he’d done so far.
They found comfort on her fluffy sofa as he shook his head.
“It’s just something small. Don’t worry.” reassured Matty, who set the three rectangular gifts in her lap. They were similar in shape and size, individually & messily wrapped in patterned paper. He watched as Este’s apprehensive fingertips ripped through the material and revealed what was beneath it.
Of course they’re books, she thought, smiling at how predictable the two of them were. But, what she saw next caught her by surprise. As the other two got unwrapped, Este came to realise that they were all books she had been desperate to read. The shock came from the fact that she hadn’t ever mentioned the titles to Matty, and that as she flipped through them, they were written in. Sticky tabbed, underlined, and starred lines jumped out to catch her attention. Her mouth remained agape for a minute.
“How did you know that I’ve been wanting these?”
“Just looked at that app you showed me during Big Weekend. Came in handy,” he explained. “I picked the five from your ‘to read’ list that seemed the most interesting to me but only ended up getting to finish these three.”
“See, I told you it’s useful.” She laughed in disbelief as she inspected each novel. “Did you really read all of these and write in them for me?”
Matty nodded, grabbing one and looking through it himself. “They’re all great. Helped quiet down my thoughts, I think, since they’ve been too loud lately. Plus, they’re kind of like letters—everything I marked as important or stand-out, and every note I wrote in the margins was done with you in mind. Written for you. It made it fun,”
Este pulled him in for an embrace, squeezing him with delight. A couple of repeated pecks landed on his cheek.
“This is so thoughtful of you, Matty. I don’t know what to say,”
He kissed her once she finished speaking. Her lips had a minty flavour to them.
“So what did you wish for? When you blew out your candles?” Matty wondered aloud, while turning sideways and crossing his legs over one another, to face her fully.
Este copied him. “It won’t come true if I tell you,” she defended, “But there is something I was thinking of getting for my birthday.”
“And what’s that?”
“Do you know of a good piercer around here?”
Less than ten minutes later, Matty and Este found themselves walking side by side into the heart of downtown Manchester. Affleck’s was their destination; and the journey was short and sweet. She’d explained to him that she loved the adrenaline of getting pierced and was in the mood for some change. Since The Studio, the piercing and tattoo parlour within the beloved market, took walk-ins, they wasted no time before heading out of the flat with determination.
It was the early evening on a Monday, so there weren’t many people around, and there wasn’t a wait to get seen by a piercer. A couple of waivers were signed before Este winced in pain from the needle going through the cartilage between her nostrils.
Matty held her hand while it happened and hissed painfully alongside her as she squeezed his fingers to brace herself. The minute he complained that she was hurting him, Este gave him a death stare as the needle still sat in her nose and the piercer prepared the jewellery for insertion. Clearly her pain was a bit more intense than his. He got the message.
After it was done, she was handed a mirror to take a look. Este liked the symmetry of the new silver hoop that went through her septum; how it balanced out the weight of the plethora of jewellery stacked on either of her ears. She grinned at her reflection.
“I love it, thank you so much!” said Este, to the piercer. She then looked over to Matty, waiting for his opinion. He reached out to flick a piece of fluff out of her hair, lovingly.
“You’re like my little bull.”
There were stars in his eyes.
With their mission accomplished, they wandered around the rest of the shops without any intention of buying anything else. Her arm was linked with his. They pointed at mannequins clad in heinous clothing to make fun of them and people watched.
“Want to see something funny?” asked Matty as they approached a stairwell far too familiar to him.
“Depends on what it is.”
He dragged her up the first flight and Este’s eyes scanned over its walls. Every inch was covered in posters. A certain one caught her eye, and she instantly knew what he was referencing. Young Ross, Adam, Matty, and George were displayed on an angsty black and white poster near the floor, casually accompanied by ones of David Bowie, The Smiths, and Bob Dylan. Este couldn’t help but laugh at how different Matty looked in the dramatically contrasted shot.
“My god, look at the state of your hair!” she teased.
“A lot of people actually want me to bring the shaved sides back, you know.”
She stepped back and held her phone up, gesturing for him to pose for a picture next to the silly anecdote, still laughing. “I can’t even recall how many times I’ve walked up these stairs without even noticing your little face down there.”
Matty kept a straight face and held up his hand in a thumbs-down position for her photo. “I like to come here whenever I’m in town and have the time to. Seems to get smaller every time.”
“Okay, granddad.”
Their legs grew tired of sauntering around with no objective, so soon enough, they collapsed back onto Este’s sofa. She lazily put something random on the telly and sprawled her legs across Matty’s lap—laying down while he sat upward. Rhythmic circles were traced onto the skin right above her ankles by his fingertips as they happily relaxed in the privilege of doing nothing, but together. The lack of plans helped them appreciate every minute passing; how they somehow seemed to pass by slower and feel sweeter as they sat in each other’s company.
In need of the toilet, Este forced herself to leave the nestled position they’d spent the recent hours in. The chill enveloping Matty after her body warmth was no longer draped across him made him frown. But, she came back quickly, and wasn’t even gone long enough to need to ask him what she’d missed on the episode of Bake Off that flashed on her TV screen.
Returning to Matty and the sofa, she decided to sit on top of him. Her knees were on either side of his hips. He smirked at her forward and suddenly bold demeanour as his hands found themselves on Este’s arse. They were comfortable there.
“Have a good wee?” Matty asked with a laugh.
“Yeah, great actually. Thanks.” Her fingers combed through the long and shaggy section of his hair, near the front, to part it down the centre and tuck the curls behind his ears. Seeing more of his face was the goal in her action. “You look pretty.” she repeated, from earlier. Matty’s smirk morphed into a closed-mouth smile at the sound of her niceties.
“I feel pretty with you on top of me.” he retaliated, suspending the suggestive mood she initiated.
Este’s hands remained on either side of his neck when he brought her lips down to meet his. They moved against one another delicately, but both wanted more. It was only a matter of time before the lust between them escalated the heat of the moment. So, she deepened their kiss, pulling Matty in closer and shifting her hips to feel more of him and humming in the process. She winced when his nose brushed against hers and her fresh piercing, but it didn’t stop her.
The friction she created over his bulge made him groan. He pinched the skin at her waist with greed as his hands crept beneath her top. It only encouraged Este to continue with her fluid movements, his pants growing tighter.
As much as Matty wanted to revel in the pleasure of his girl hovering above him—one of his favourite places for her to be—he considered the fact that it was her birthday. Her day. The thought made him want to try something new.
“Can I make you feel good?” he whispered, breaking their lips apart for air and to squeeze his question into the muggy air.
She nodded against him, beginning to climb off of his lap to lay on her back; assuming Matty wanted to go down on her. But, he stopped her before she could. Instead, he just sat up straighter, nearer to the edge of the cushion beneath them, and used his hands to position her straddle over only one of his legs. He wanted Este to ride his thigh.
They didn’t bother taking off any of their clothes. His hands guided her back and forth, her eyes fluttering shut in indulgence as the seam of her shorts and the pressure of his leg pressed against her clit. She bit back a moan with her bottom lip trapped between her teeth.
“Let me hear you, E.” encouraged Matty. Obliging, the next roll of her hips dragged a string of profanity out of her throat. “That’s better.”
The tightness in her lower stomach grew. Hot breath cycled between them as they breathed through their mouths during the lulls that found their lips no longer tangled together. Este could feel his hard-on when the top of her thigh came forward to graze it, growing wetter and closer to her climax by the second. She was a mess, and putty in Matty’s hands.
His eyes were glued to her. The way she moved and moaned his name with determination drove him insane, and made it hard for him to ignore the throbbing in his pants. Her face dropped into his neck, scratching at his skin softly with her teeth as she whined.
“Harder,” Este muttered, clearly getting close. He listened to her command and used his hands to bring her heat along his leg with aggression. The increased force made her cry out into him, head still hidden beneath his jaw.
Matty let her moans heighten in pitch, feeling her start to shake against him. But, suddenly, his hands slowed down her movements. “No,” he told her, “Not yet.”
Cruelly, he deprived her of the feeling she was chasing. A gentler and slower pace continued, much to Este’s dismay, as she quietly begged for more.
“Matty, please,” fell from her lips with desperation.
In response, he began building up the pressure, but at a snail’s pace. Her hips buckled forward in attempts for any pleasure she could get.
“Ask me one more time, baby.”
Her thick hair fell around her face, sticking to her sweaty skin as her head spun. “I need to come. Please, let me,” she forced out to him between her heavy breathing, and as soon as Matty heard her words, he tightened his grip and encouraged her hips to move faster. The sudden boom of resistance on her sensitive core drew more noises from her mouth as she wrapped her arms around his neck.
Este could almost see stars. Only a couple seconds of him grinding her against him and uttering filth into her ear finally brought her to her orgasm, the convulsed muscles in her abdomen releasing their pressure. A wet patch soaked through her shorts and onto Matty’s when she moaned his name. The two of them slowed to a stop to catch their breath and kiss hungrily once more. A giddy expression couldn’t be wiped from her face if she tried.
When she gained a bit of her composure back, still sat on Matty’s lap, she took note of the almost concerning amount of sweat that encompassed their skin and the now dirty clothing they were wearing. “I think I need a shower,” Este decided.
Matty scoffed. “You’re going to leave and take a shower? When this is what you did to me?” he pointed to his crotch in disbelief. He was painfully hard.
Giggling and with a shrug, she responded, “Then come with.”
--- 2 July, 2019
That night, they washed the perspiration off of each other (after the shower head Este promised) and threw on comfy clothes. Both exhausted, they planned on climbing into her bed—but when Matty caught The Goonies popping up on the TV out in the lounge, they ended up staying awake.
Not for much longer, though. They must have only seen ten minutes of the cult classic film before dozing off and spending the night with their jumbled limbs squished together on the sofa. Aching muscles were a theme of the morning that followed.
It was reasonably early when they woke. Matty remembered to wish Este happy birthday the minute he learned she was conscious, showering her face in playful pecks. She didn’t want to do anything more with her day though, and thought yesterday was kind enough for him to plan. A quiet day in with Matty by her side was what she wanted. So they did exactly that, and stayed round her flat to do more nothings. It was peaceful. It was needed.
The annoying thing was that Este didn’t allow him to smoke in the house. When it was a joint, cracking a window was fine—as she frequently did so herself—but she forced him to take his cigarettes outside. As Matty needed another one, she followed him down, to soak up all of him she could get.
But, in the back of her mind, Este knew she was looking for a moment to be serious with him. Have a conversation about what had been fogging her conscience since he surprised her at Greenhouse the previous day.
Leaning against the wall of her building while he took a drag next to her, she mustered up the courage.
“So,” she started quietly, “Do you see other people?”
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alaska386 · 1 year
F!Bsd anime watcher in the bsd world… pt 3/?
(No eyebrows emo mentioned)
Brief information for the F!bsd anime watcher(I’ll name her Victoria cuz I say so):
-Name: Victoria [last name I’ll just type ‘XXX’ in the introduction time(s)]
-Gender: Female, Pronouns: She/Her
-Age: 14 years old (idk how to write thoughts, behaviour, moods, goals that are ‘mature’ like adults’ ones cuz idk what they think so I set her as a teenager for myself to write this thing easier)
-Ability: Yall are gonna vote on if she’s gonna have an ability from nowhere
-Sexuality: Bisexual
-Nationality: Chinese(I don’t wanna accidentally write some racist stuff if I say American or British or whatsoever)
-Languages she knows/understands/speaks: Chinese/Mandarin/Putonghua(Don’t worry I won’t make her speak Chinese in the story-), fluent English
-Likes: Music(Classical, Relaxing ones are her preferences), Anime and Mangas(not patient enough to read a full series without skipping some chapters, just like me fr), desserts and snacks, nature sceneries, rainy days(the louder the rain the better), knives, comfy clothes, psychology
-Dislikes: Dogs, pain, school, homework, studying, bitter pills, loud people and noises
-Hobbies: drawing on a paper and in a drawing app, singing, family stuff, *being read like an open book*
-Appearance: dark brown hair and eyes, around Kenji’s height
-Main bsd kins: Dazai, Ryunosuke, Kyouka, Sigma(always in the middle of some arguments and shits)
-Birthday: 1/4/20XX
-Personality: Has social anxiety, rather quiet, sometimes can’t express herself fluently but tries to and tries to hide the things she thinks she should. Thinks quite negatively, does not fully show it as well, gets nervous easily but doesn’t show it often as well(which Ranpo, Dazai and some other smart/manipulative characters can definitely realise/see through)
-Extra: she trusts fate but not luck
Btw her character settings some are actually based off mine cuz I figure that it’ll be easier to write this if I imagine her as myself and I’ve imagined myself in the bsd word many times.
Summary of the last chapter: Victoria was pushed into the agency by Ranpo during Atsushi’s entrance exam, aka bsd season 1 episode 2, after that, Dazai suggested to let Victoria join the ada too, which made Victoria deep in thought again…about her goals, fake ones, and the true ones.
Ranpo pov
I’ve been eating my lollipop and staring at that child, what’s she thinking? Meh, I’m lazy to figure it out. Probably shits about herself being here, but welp.(bro figured out much without even trying to)
I simply walk back to my seat and continue to eat my snacks.
No one’s pov
And then with Dazai’s whole speech, Fukuzawa just lets Dazai be in charge of Victoria’s entrance exam AND her case.(Vic did not say anything the whole time, which she also did realise it was a mistake)
And of course, Dazai cheerfully starts dragging her(she did follow) to the ada cafe. Atsushi asked about the others’ past job, and also knowing that Dazai’s one’s been a mystery that whoever guessed it right will get money(forgot how much). So when Dazai and Victoria walk in, Atsushi immediately starts guessing random jobs, which are all wrong.
Victoria pov
Atsushi goes back to his seat.
Should I… It’ll just change even more things, but who cares..? Em. Nah. Should I? To get Dazai’s extra protection, I need to do this, plus his observation skills will do the shits in the future anyway. Also for my money in Yokohama I guess…
Then I get closer to Dazai’s ear and whispers to it before Dazai goes to ask the waitress about having double suicide with him. “Ex Port Mafia executive, the Demon Prodigy to be more specific.” Dazai did not flinch or say a word, his gaze moved to my eyes for a second, it’s saying ‘you know a lot’ then simply claps his hands and says, “Vic chan guessed it!~ So the reward goes to her!~” he says with a cheerful tone, did not even look at me which was expected and runs to the waitress, damn he’s fast.
No one’s pov
Everyone’s jaw drops and Atsushi and Tanizaki ask what Victoria guessed, which she shakes her head, she doesn’t say anything since she doesn’t want to get suspected by saying ‘it’s Dazai’s privacy’(sounds like she knows a lot about Dazai’s privacy) and she wants to be seen as rather quiet, so that people won’t talk and ask her questions too much(introverted thingy).
Victoria pov
Then Kunikida interrupts Dazai from speaking to the waitress starts beating up him, to actually see my favourite character being beaten in front of my eyes is not a pleasant sight, I stare at them for a while until I heard Atsushi, Tanizaki and Naomi start to discuss about what I guessed about Dazai’s past occupation, of course, I’m a topic in their conversation now.
I don’t like it. I always don’t like being a topic in other people’s conversations, it’s annoying to hear and see and sort of scary not knowing what they’re thinking and talking about, I then look at the table, ah shit I’m showing more weaknesses ain’t I.
I look down at the table and look up, I walk near to the table where Kunikida’s beating Dazai and order a coffee, I’ve always wanted to try it. I then glare at Kunikida, he’s one of my least favourite, possible my least favourite in Dazai’s harem and their relationship with Dazai. I then walk back and sit back on my original seat silently waiting for my coffee while waiting for higuchi to arrive after seeing Tanizaki got the call, everyone stands up and I do as well.
Characters’ development, yeah.
No one’s pov
As Victoria expected, Higuchi Ichiyo has arrived, she sits down on the opposite side of Atsushi Nakajima and Tanizaki Juinichiro. Meanwhile Dazai, Kunikida, Naomi and me are standing. Tanizaki starts the discussion with the question ‘You’ve mentioned that you’d like to request an investigation, but what manner of investigation are we speaking of here?’, as the question’s asked, Dazai’s somehow kneeling (I mean when did he start kneeling) and requests her to have a double suicide with him, Kunikida kicks(?) smacks(?) slaps(?) Dazai away.
“Do not kick him so hard, Kunikida san. It does hurt a lot, even if/when he acts rudely, violence is not the best way of dealing with something that annoys you.” Victoria speaks, perhaps it’s because of Higuchi, Vic’s staring at her, her main anxiety focus’s not on Kunikida right now.
Victoria’s pov
I stare at Higuchi as I drink my coffee, “Please continue, my apologies if Dazai san’s actions bothered you, Miss.”
Kunikida apologised to me, which I immediately stop the urge to say that “You should apologise to Dazai”, then he walks out of the room and closes the door(the door technically was closed by gravity and wind).
Higuchi continues talking.
(Just in case you forgot about what Higuchi said, here it is: “Regarding my request… Well, it seems there’s recently been a group of unsavoury people loitering in my company building’s back alley. They appear to be dressed in rags. Some of them have been heard speaking a foreign language.)
As Higuchi finishes explaining, Kunikida opens the door and speaks, “They must be smugglers or some such”, I sigh mentally, I wonder if Kunikida would beat Dazai if Dazai were one of his students in some sort of au like ‘Kunkida becomes everyone’s teacher’… The door closes(or Kunkida closed it idk cuz it didn’t show how it was closed in the anime).
I really forgot most details in season 1, a fake case of investigating the place and finding evidence of the ‘smugglers’ running afoul the law in order to ask for military police’s help.
No one’s pov
Kunkida tells Atsushi and Victoria to go, saying it’s the perfect first job for them, then he also tells Tanizaki to go with them, and of course, Naomi goes too.
When Victoria and Atsushi are packing some tools and their stuff(?), Dazai’s head is lying on the desk and Kunkida walks to them with a photo(still wondering how they got that, probably because of Ryunosuke’s recklessness) and warns us not to run into the dangerous man, if we do, run(Ryu-).
Victoria’s pov
As much as I want to be as invisible as possible, I still need to have that ‘curiosity’ of new and unknown stuff, they can’t know that I know about their future yet.
Atsushi takes the photo. Shin Soukoku Atsushi first sees Ryu, cool.
“Who is that man?” I ask.
“A mafioso.” Dazai answers, who’s sitting on the desk with his headphones around his neck and looking at us now. “Though we call them that because we know nothing else.” What a li— Stop thinking, anyway.
“They’re a vicious mob who claims the port as their territory.” Kunkida explains, looks at Atsushi and me, “They’re called the Port Mafia.” The atmosphere turns more serious, mood changes in anime I guess. “They’re the most dangerous gang in this city’s underground. Of them, the one in this photo is a very dangerous man beyond even the Agency’s reach.”
“He has no eyebrows.” I mumble, Dazai bursts out of laughter, that was a clear message of ‘I know about the fucking future’, then Kunkida tells Dazai to shut up.
“Em… Why’s he dangerous?” Atsushi’s sorta sweating and asks.
Then later(after something that I cut off), I ask, “Who’s this man that has no eyebrows?”, again, Dazai starts laughing.
“Akutagawa.” Kunkida replies as he frowns. I cannot let my guard down now, I can feel here, that means I can feel pain, I’m not some immortal teenage so I need to see him as an enemy, for now, for now. For now for sure…
Will Ryunosuke(‘Akutagawa’ is the last name of both Ryu and Gin so I’ll type their first names) attack me in any way with Rashoumon? Speaking of which, I’ve been wearing this dumb school uniform, man, I gotta buy some new clothes after work. Maybe I’ll live with Sushi so… I suppose I need to stop singing in showers, sigh.
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motherconfessors · 2 years
For the first time in eight years, I’m single... 
It’s been okay, so far. I mis the habits I formed around my partner, but I like having my own space and I like the free time I have. I’ve been getting into more exercise, which is great. I wish I was getting into more writing, but alas...
Now, I’ve harboured a work crush with a colleague who is 1. in a senior position to me 2. is one of the most interesting women I’ve had the pleasure to know 3. loves talking about sex as much as I do. All three important things. As of today, I’ve been working at my current role for a year and two months. I think I met the work crush around mid-early 2022 and immediately liked her. Given that we work on different floors, I mostly only saw at her events that revolved around alcohol. Whoo. 
Everything was fine because it was a teensy crush. Me, disaster lesbian meets total MILF. I didn’t think much of it.
And then we were at an event a month ago, and she ended up giving me both life and career advice that I treasure. It lead me to really consider the relationship I was in and the role I was working. Other things occurred––other people offering advice, etc.––but hers stuck out to me.
I meet her again at another alcohol infused event, and at this time I realised my teensy crush had grown into full blown attraction. 
I don’t desire a relationship with her but I desire her. 
The events of that night are hazy...but I recall her and I flirting as we usually do. Not in a serious “I bet your clothes would look good on my floor” but more in a “So you’re into older women?” She made it explicitly clear that night she enjoyed sleeping with women.
One specific event sticks out to me as me helping to unzip her dress so she could change into ‘comfy clothes’. I had begun undressing her and she had looked over her shoulder at me and said, “I bet you’ve been waiting all night to get me out of this dress.”
Harmless flirting. I left her be, talked with some of the others who’d returned to the office to drink and the group of us passed around wine, confessing stories about ourselves. 
During that, she had referred to me as newly on the market. I was not. I was still very much so in the same relationship as before and she BLEW UP at me for that. Telling me I deserved better. (two days later I broke-up with my girlfriend, but it wasn’t because of her. I had reached out to my old roommate who’d reminded me that if my partner wasn’t able to give me what I desired in life, what I was working towards?). 
Still. I continued to text the colleague. At first our texts were salacious and then we both affirmed two things. One, I wasn’t interested in a relationship with me, and two, while she enjoyed sleeping with women, she wasn’t interested in a relationship with them.
It helped my brain, I’ve never been someone to ‘chase’ another person so I put the feelings I had for her, aside. I could desire her, and should she call, I would follow, but I knew that my heart was to remain my own. 
I don’t know if she truly desires me––today we asked about each other’s types and she mentioned about the things she likes in women, and I couldn’t help but draw comparisons to how we interact with another... and yet, it could all be coincidence. She may not even think of me in that way.
The biggest thing that has me caught in her web is that very early on, during our more explicit messages about what we liked/didn’t like (something I’ve discussed with friends before!) she mentioned that she likes to drive a person crazy with desire. 
Her texts remain, on average, detailed. She replies less often, however and I can categorise that into different ways: she doesn’t like me as much as I like her in the platonic way (which is most likely true, and yet her texts remain detailed so I’m uncertain if she’s been polite); She’s busy and not connected to her phone (extremely likely, I know for a fact she’s a busy person); She’s holding restraint OR she playing with me. I doubt these are true, but my brain has been niggling on them.
As much as I may hope that she finds me desirable, the truth is that I desperately wish to hold onto her as a friend more than anything. She’s an incredible person, very intelligent and one of three people I’ve ever found myself making an instant connection with. And yet...despite what I want, that want to be friends may not be reciprocated in the same way.
I think that would sting more. 
Alas, we shall see. Tune in on Thursday when I meet her for a drink to see what occurs. Probably nothing. 
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peachyysugaa · 3 years
enhypen members on a café date ☕️♡ requested by anon
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– heeseung
what kind of café he takes you to: his local favorite, it's on the cozier or quieter size, which gives him the privacy to spend quality time with you~
the menu: now serving your favorite coffees, teas, and sandwiches! from iced americanos to milk teas (bubbles/boba if you want) to paninis, this café has got all the regulars. what would you like to order? ♥
activities you do: while the two of you should probably go to a gaming café for this, you and heeseung always sit in a more private booth/area side-by-side and play multiplayer games on his switch. if you're not gaming, the two of you casually talk about your days while sipping your drinks, resting your head on his shoulder or working on your respective things, schoolwork maybe for you or producing for heeseung.
short blurb: "heeseung, you let me win." "no, you're just really good at this game, love." (˶◡‿◡) you just laugh and roll your eyes, pinching his cheeks before resting your head on his shoulder in the middle of your favorite booth, in your favorite café that was filled with precious memories.
rest of the members under the cut! <3
what kind of café he takes you to: either the most expensive café ever or the most aesthetic (which tends to be pretty expensive anyway), you already saw this coming because we all on that rich boy!jay agenda.
what kind of café he takes you to: either the most expensive café ever or the most aesthetic (which tends to be pretty expensive anyway), you already saw this coming because we all on that rich boy!jay agenda.
what kind of café he takes you to: either the most expensive café ever or the most aesthetic (which tends to be pretty expensive anyway), you already saw this coming because we all on that rich boy!jay agenda.
the menu: how do you even pronounce most of these drinks? ಠωಥ is that a caviar-flavored drink LOL say sike 🅱ls ‼ ahem, so order something familiar to you or let jay pick something for you (it might be expensive, but that's okay let him spoil you 🥺 you deserve it, king/queen/royalty)
activities you do: jay loves listening to your day, and you love listening to his. he often likes to tell you about new things he's learned, and you watch as his eyes brighten over these, loving every sparkle. with jay, i don't see him going to the same cafés all the time: he likes to explore, so the only thing that's consistent is the amount of quality time you two spend together.
short blurb: "jay..!" "hm? what's up? is something wrong with your drink?" "no, it's just...?" you take a second to think about your phrasing before you answer. "is there supposed to be gold foiling on this?" "oh yeah, it's on trend now, babe. i heard it tastes as expensive as it looks." "and as it costs?" 🤨 "don't worry about it, y/n. this is my treat for you since you've been working harder than usual these days." (۶ •̀ᴗ•́)۶
– jake
what kind of café he takes you to: a dog café, let's be honest he really wants to pet dogs and he would get along so well with them. it's the golden retriever energy 🤩
the menu: aside from dog treats to feed the puppers (not jake), re-energize with refreshing drinks from lemonade to peach tea! the dessert menu also looks enticing, honey brick toast and pancake art shaped like the many dogs that prance around the vicinity.
activities you do: pet and feed the dogs, of course, duh you're at a dog café 🐕 for some reason, they take after jake very well, so well that one is practically attached to the hip with him as he pets it, an australian shepherd. he asks you nicely to take pictures of him with it and you tell on him to layla.
short blurb: "y/n, y/n, look! this one loves me!" "i can see that, jake." "y/n, it's an austalian shepherd, do you think he knows i'm aussie too?" "maybe he does." "take my picture with it?" "oh, so proof for layla that you're cheating on her?" "NOOO LAYLA ㅠㅠ"
– sunghoon
what kind of café he takes you to: a modern chic café. it's got the industrial feel to it and perfectly matches his sophisticated vibes.
the menu: only coffees and plain teas! specializes more in hand brewing coffee and the like. also has some sandwiches or pastries for you to taste.
activities you do: with sunghoon, it's mostly talking. the way you two can talk about anything and everything really makes your relationship so comfortable. you two also watch videos and make side comments here and there together. don't forget to take each other's pictures and selfies together, there is no visual hole here and the setting is perfect, what are you waiting for? 📸
short blurb: "are you getting my good side?" "huh, but every side is your good side." "oh yea, you're right." you shake your head at his way of getting a backhanded compliment and simply snap the picture of him and his coffee. looking at it makes you smile, but he quickly pulls you into his side and holds up his phone. "now time to show off my beautiful s/o."
– sunoo
what kind of café he takes you to: a character café! whether it's kakao or line friends, you two are both there to enjoy the too-cute-to-eat types of food, taking many pictures before savoring it.
the menu: character-themed food and drinks! they're carefully planned out from the ingredients to the witty names, all to match the theme of the café. you order a full course meal with sunoo, sharing your entrees with each other and drinks, so you both have the chance to taste what you can!
activities you do: did you hear me? a full course meal 🗣‼️ you two are eating your weight's worth of food because (1) it's cute and (2) it's expensive! sunoo is a chatterbox, and i just know he scored you two a picture with either one of your favorite characters at a lower price. both of you also take part in any chants cheerfully~
short blurb: "you're as cute as all the characters here, y/nie!" "yah, we're both cuter than all of them, don't lie." "yes, you're right, we would be doing them a favor by taking a picture with one of them." "cheers to us then?" you ask holding your glass already. "cheers~" he replies and clinks yours with his. all of a sudden, your favorite character comes by with your plates of food. enamored, you ask if you and sunoo can take a picture with them, to which the servers agree happily as long as you pay accordingly. the two of you pose to your hearts' content with the cute character. after which, you think sunoo unintentionally charmed the servers to give him a lower price for the photo by signing it and letting them post it somewhere, which you can't help but think is so befitting of him.
– jungwon
what kind of café he takes you to: a cottage-style café or specifically, the sheep café in korea. the latter is actually located in hongdae and literally 2 sheep roam around! (search up thanks nature café) he would just want to touch their fluffy fur 🐑
the menu: very green, as in matcha and mint and pandan and the like. also has some cute garden-themed pastries/drinks like the good ol' throwback, dirt in a cup, (basically some crushed oreos with gummy worms), which jungwon is all over.
activities you do: when one goes to animal cafés, you pet the animals! so pet the sheep you two do, but very cautiously, of course. jungwon tries to ba with them, maybe even asks if they make clothing out of their wool.
short blurb: "do you make anything with their wool?" jungwon suddenly asks the worker nearby. "huh? oh yes, we actually do have some sweaters in store if you would like to see them." "yes please." "alright, one moment please." "wonie, will you actually buy one?" "i mean, yea, who else is able to say that they met the sheep their clothing came from?" it's overly priced, but he buys a scarf anyway and wraps it around the two of you despite it being summertime. "jungwon, it's hot in this!" (/Д`)
– niki
what kind of café he takes you to: manga café or a café with really cool latte art. riki would have fun either way, reading manga together or trying out latte art himself!
the menu: the manga café has all your regulars and even offer comfy snack foods like bungeoppang and ddeokboki! on the other hand, the latte art café really focuses on their art, thanks to the machine that prints out any design you want on top of it (which riki is amazed by).
activities you do: in a manga café, you would have a private room together and just chill and roll around in it. at the latte art café, he's having so much fun seeing all the characters and drawings are put on top, even when they're not his (he orders shin-chan or doraemon). they offer 3d latte art classes and the two of you take one!
short blurb: "y/n, your cat looks funny." "riki, it's deflating :(" "draw the face anyway." "how come yours is so nice?" "oh, i just frothed the milk myself." "what? riki, you are so cool~" he becomes bashful and makes use of his classes by buying the necessary materials to make you different 3d latte arts every day.
a/n: YAYY this was so cute thank you for your request again, anon! <3 i hope you liked it, especially the format hehe
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chaoticpuff17 · 3 years
Suga, We’re Going Down
part 13
hello, my darlings! I have another update for ya’ll! the moment you have all been waiting for! *laughs evilly and slinks back into my cave*--- chaotic puff
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Eun Jae was either more upset by the incident than she had realized, or more likely, he had picked up on how shaken she was. The little boy had been glued to her side since she’d gotten off the phone with Yoongi. All he wanted was cuddles, and she wasn’t quite sure if it was for his sake or hers. 
They’d both turned in for an early evening, after an afternoon of Pororo,  coloring, cuddles, and bath time for the toddler. 
The next day found the pair in much the same  position. Y/N hadn’t even bothered getting them out of comfy clothes. What was the point when it was just going to be a lazy day with her favorite little guy? It was a normal day for them for the most part, until there was a knock on the door. 
A quick glance told her that Eun Jae was thoroughly invested in the opening of Finding Nemo with his favorite stuffed dinosaur firmly clutched in his little arms, and she went to the door, expecting to find Nina on the other side. 
She opened the door, shocked to see Yoongi standing on the other side. Hadn’t they agreed that her home was a private space? What was he doing here? Why hadn’t he called first?
“Y/N.” he greeted, eyes darting over her figure. “Are you feeling better?” 
“I’m fine.” she stuttered eyes wide with shock. 
He sighed in relief, a slight smile spreading across his features only to fall away as a little figure poked its head out from behind her legs. She hadn’t even noticed Eun Jae following after her?
“Who’s that, Eomma?” the little voice called, staring up at Yoongi with wide dark eyes.
She pasted on a smile of her own, placing a hand on the little boy’s head reassuringly. “He’s a friend of Eomma’s.” he tugged on her leg, frowning in disbelief, and she responded immediately by lifting him up and resting him on her hip in a move that was so easy, so natural, that Yoongi knew she had to do it often. 
“Like the weird man?” he asked, curling his fingers into the neckline of her shirt. 
“Not quite, baby.” 
“Bad man?” he asked, eyes wide and worried. 
“No, baby. He’s not a bad man.” the last thing she needed was for Eun Jae to be more stressed after yesterday’s events. 
A million thoughts were racing through Yoongi’s head.
An eomma? Why hadn’t any of his research shown this? She had a child. There he was staring back at him trying to figure him out just as much as he was, both of them confused by the current situation. 
He had to admit that there was something of Y/N in the child’s face, but how could there be a child? She’d been a virgin up until fairly recently. There was no way that the child was hers. He couldn’t be, and yet he looked so much like her and someone else though Yoongi couldn’t quite put his finger on who it was yet. 
There was a sister. Wasn’t there?  And if he remembered correctly, there might have been a vague mention of a pregnancy, but he couldn't recall exactly what the circumstances were. He hadn't really been focused on the sister, especially since the woman didn’t seem to be in her life. But what was the child doing here? And why was he calling her eomma? 
The child gave him one last distrustful look before burying his head in Y/N’s neck. 
“What are you doing here?” she asked swaying gently on her feet, a calming motion for both her and the little one. 
“I came to see if you were alright. You said you were sick.” he answered still a little stunned by the sight of the child. 
“My home is off limits.” she reminded him, voice strained. 
“I can see why.” he huffed, eyes still glued to the little boy. 
She stiffened, her grip tightening around the child. “You should go.” 
“Eomma!” the little one called out, still hiding his face in her neck. “Nemo?” 
“Sure, baby.” she smiled, setting the kid down and moving further into the little apartment. 
The child paused, staring up at Yoongi for a moment before he seemed to come to a conclusion. 
He reached up a little hand and grabbed Yoongi’s tugging him into the apartment. 
The apartment was small but cozy. It bore the evidence of both Y/N and the child’s residency. There were textbooks next to coloring pages on the table, and toys scattered across the floor, not to mention Finding Nemo playing on the TV. Y/N herself looked more comfortable, almost disheveled, more so than  he had ever seen her before. She looked far more like a mom than the cellist he had first set eyes on. 
Her hair was pulled up in a messy bun, with her glasses perched on the end of her nose. She was dressed in a baggy pink sweater and a pair of leggings. Clearly she hadn’t been expecting guests, but Yoongi couldn’t bring himself to care about that right now. There was a child.  
The little boy plopped back down letting go of his hand and picking up a dinosaur plushie turning his attention back to the children’s movie. When he noticed that Yoongi hadn’t joined him on the floor, he looked up almost offended. There was a quick tug on his pant leg, and Yoongi sat down without a second thought. 
Both boys noticed that Y/N wasn’t with them though. She was staring from a few feet away, stiff and frightened. Eun Jae wasn’t having that though. 
“Eomma!” he called, reaching out to her with the hand that wasn’t clutching onto the dinosaur. 
She responded immediately, coming to stand beside them. “Do you want to sit on the couch or is it floor time?” she asked, waiting for a response before she sat down. 
“Floor.” the little boy chirped, sending his mother a wide, scrunchy grin that wrinkled his little nose. 
“Okay, Jae Jae.” she smiled fondly, sitting down next to him on the side opposite Yoongi.
“Jae Jae?” he asked, still trying to figure things out. 
“Eun Jae.” the little boy piped up. “This is Bambam.” he grinned holding out his dinosaur. 
“I’m Yoongi.” he introduced himself awkwardly, not sure what to do with this revelation. He wasn’t used to children, and he certainly wasn’t expecting his angel to have one. “That’s a nice dinosaur.” 
Eun Jae’s face scrunched up in thought again before he thrust the plushie into Yoongi’s hands. “You can cuddle Bambam. I’ll cuddle Eomma.” Without further ado, he flopped into his mother’s side, making himself comfortable there, and Y/N’s hand immediately went to his head, gently combing through his hair as they all settled in to watch Nemo and his classmates go off on their first day of school. 
Neither adult said anything. Y/N wasn’t sure what to say, and Yoongi was still trying to make sense of it all. By the time that the fish had made it to the dentist’s office, Eun Jae had become restless, as toddler’s are prone to do, and moved over to the coffee table to start coloring again. 
After a few minutes of that, Eun Jae looked back at Yoongi holding out a crayon to him in a silent invitation to color, one that Yoongi knew better than to refuse. If this was her kid, he needed to be on his good side. If the kid was willing to reach out, he was going to take full advantage of it. 
“Can you draw a shark?” the little boy asked him, tilting his head to the side. 
“I can try?” he offered reaching for a black crayon, only for the little boy to stop him with a frown. 
“No! A purple shark.” he demanded. 
Yoongi didn’t quite understand why the shark had to be purple, but he wasn’t going to argue with the kid about it. 
After a while of silent coloring, he presented his finished purple shark to the kid. “That’s a bad shark.” the kid deadpanned, earning a laugh from his mother and a scandalized look from Yoongi. “It’s okay.” he patted Yoongi’s arm sympathetically. “Eomma can’t draw good. You’re better.” 
“Hey!” Y/N called offended. “See if I ever draw a dinosaur for you again.” 
“Can we have snacks?” he asked, looking at her innocently. 
“You insult my drawing skill and now you want snacks?” 
“Yes pwease!” 
“What do you want to eat, buddy?” she asked, rolling her eyes at her son. 
“Jajangmyeon!” he called.
“That’s not a snack buddy.” 
“But, eomma!” he whined, lips trembling as he pleaded. 
“How about we have it for dinner instead?” Yoongi suggested, shocking both himself and Y/N.
The little boy thought for a moment, brow scrunched up as he contemplated the offer. “Okay. Promise?” offering his pinky to the man. 
“Promise.” Yoongi agreed, sealing the pinky promise.
“How about gamjajeon for a snack?” she asked, still a little startled by how well her toddler was getting along with a complete stranger. He didn’t usually like strangers. There was also the fact that Yoongi had basically invited himself for dinner as well, but that was a problem for a different moment. 
“Okay, eomma!” he smiled. “Can Yoongi have gamjajeon too?” 
“Sure, buddy. Yoongi can hav gamjajeon too.” she stood up, giving her son a kiss on the head before moving over to the kitchen to whip up the snack. 
The little boy ignored her, having already gotten his request for a snack approved, turning his attention to Yoongi instead. “Can you draw a whale? Sharkie needs a friend.” 
“Sure, kid.” he nodded. “Purple whale?” he asked, earning an enthusiastic nod and a scrunchy smile from the kid. 
After a while, Y/N came back with two small plates of the fried potato pancakes setting them both  down in front of the boys. 
“Eomma, look!” Eun Jae held out the picture Yoongi had drawn for him. “Sharkie has a friend now!” 
“Wow!” she cheered, her awe a little over exaggerated, but that’s what you did with kids. “That’s so good, buddy!” 
“Yoongi drew them!” 
“Did you tell Yoongi thank you?” 
“Thank you, Yoongi!” he cheered diving into his arms to give him a big hug. As quickly as the hug came, it was gone, leaving Yoongi reeling. “Juice, eomma?” 
She nodded, already headed back to the small kitchen. “Would you like anything to drink? We have tea, juice, water, banana milk. I think I still have some coffee left. It’s not as fancy as your coffee, but it’s coffee?”
“Tea would be great.” 
She nodded, moving into the kitchen to prepare drinks for everyone while Eun Jae demanded that Yoongi draw jellyfish for him. 
Snacks eaten and several more demands for various sea creature drawings later, Eun Jae began to nod off, unsurprising given that it was reaching that point in the afternoon. But if she mentioned naptime while Eun Jae had his new ‘friend’ there, she was bound to get a tantrum, and she didn’t really want to deal with that. So she settled herself on the sofa with a blanket, and Eun Jae made his way over to bury himself in her lap, draggin Yoongi over to the sofa as well. Soon enough, the toddler had drifted off to sleep, leaving the apartment silent except for the last dramatic moments of Finding Nemo. 
She would have been a fool not to notice the tension in the air. Yoongi had been great with Eun Jae, taking it all in stride and not demanding answers in front of the child, but the child was asleep now, and there was nothing stopping him from demanding those answers anymore, but she could delay it for a few more minutes. 
Making sure that Eun Jae was really out, she scooped up the little boy and moved him to the bed, tucking him in for his nap. The only problem was, now there was nothing left to do. 
“I think we need to have a talk, angel.” 
part 14
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suckerforcate · 3 years
You are loved
Pairing: Cordelia Goode×Reader
Word Count: 5386
Warning: smut, a bit of insecurities but mostly fluffy
A/n: So this is more of a slowburn and I want to warn you, this is my first fanfiction of Cordelia ever and I'm not sure if I got her character right. It happens right after Fiona and Cordelia talking. (I quoted it) Also English isn't my first language. Also I am feeling kind of insecure about this cause I've never posted something from me. Feedback would be great!
Summary: Cordelia feels horrible because of Fiona, and your try to help her. In that process you become friends or maybe more?
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You can't help me. You can't help anyone. You're worthless, hopeless. Get out of my sight.
You were sitting on your bed reading a book as always when you heard somebody slamming a door. You fastly realised it was Cordelias, whos room was just next to yours. You didn't think to much about it, it could have just been the wind, and went on reading.
A little later you heard sobs from somewhere quite close to your room. You put your book aside and left your room to see if it was Cordelia. As you came closer to her room you could clearly identify them as hers. You really didn't want to annoy or bother her but you started you get really worried. This wasn't like her at all, slamming doors and crying alone in the bedroom. You gently knocked on her door, without an answer. "Miss Cordelia? Is everything alright?" Still no answer. "I come in now, ok?" As she still wasn't answering you slowly opened the door and looked through the little door gap. You were shocked and didn't know what to do for a second when you saw Cordelia sitting on the floor in the middle of the room sobbing and crying. You ran to her and pulled her into a hug, you didn't want her to feel uncomfortable because of this but it would have broken your heart to see her like this and do nothing.
The moment you pulled her in she held on tight to your shirt and didn't want to loosen her grip. Her sobs grew louder as you gently rubbed her hair. "Shhh...Everything is alright. I'm here, Miss Cordelia." You held her like this till her sobs started to fall silent. You pushed her a little away from you to see her face and wiped away some tears that were still falling down her beautiful cheeks. You felt a wave of anger coming up towards whoever hurt her and made her feel this way. "What happened? Who hurt you?" She wanted to look down but you gently pulled her face up with your thumb. You looked her directly in the red and teary eyes and all the pain, insecurities amd sorrow you saw there broke your heart. You wished you could keep her safe from the world and take all this pain away from her. "I-... she is right I am an absolute failure..." she sobbed again, her voice wasn't more than a whisper now, "I did nothing meaningful in my life I can't help anyone, I'm useless!", "Shhh, don't say that Delia, please! You're wonderful, you lead this school. You are like a mother to all of us and we need you, you help us everyday! Whoever told you this is an Idiot!" as you said that you realised you didn't know who told her these horrible things but you already had an idea. You couldn't think about it longer as Cordelia swung her arms around your neck and started to sob again.
"Come on, we'll take you to bed. You need some rest know." You helped her stand up and brought her to her bed. You pulled the covers over her and the same second you gave her a kiss on the forehead she fell asleep.
You slowly and quietly left her room, but the instance you closed her door you stormed down the stairs and rushed into the living room. You felt like a fire was burning inside of you. The moment you saw Fiona sitting on the couch with a cigarette in the hand like nothing happened you got even angrier. "How dare you tell Cordelia those things? How dare you tell her she is useless and doesn't help anyone? Everything was fine until you came back! You had no right to come here after all this time and insult her all day! And don't tell me that you are the Supreme, I don't care! You are her mother." "Come down (Y/n). Its not that big of a deal, ok? I Just told her the truth." You steped closer to her and slapped her across the face. "NOT THAT BIG OF A DEAL?! She sat crying on her floor because she believes all those things you tell her! She is the most wonderful human I know and I won't tolerate this behaviour towards her. I don't care who you are!" you saw the corners of her mouth rising. She was laughing, really?! "I think Delia found herself a girlfriend? Didn't she?" "Careful what you say!" and with that you rushed out of the room again.
You stormed into your room again and laid down in your bed. How can Fiona say something like that to her own daughter?! That's horrible. I need to make her feel better somehow, she shouldn't believe those things! And with an idea how to help Cordelia on your mind you fell asleep.
The next day you woke up before everyone else, put on some clothes and went into the greenhouse. You wanted to put some roses onto Cordelias desk, so you grabbed some and made a nice little bouquet for her. But you weren't quit satisfied with the shade of yellow they had. You wanted to turn them into a different colour, the problem was just: you never managed to do that before. But you tried it, the colour you thought of was one that reminded you of Cordelia. She ones wore a nice blouse in a beautiful light shade of pink. You focused on the image of Cordelia in that blouse and closed your eyes. You remembered every detail of that blouse, that shade, Cordelia. As you opened your eyes, the roses had the exact colour of the blouse. For the first time you did it.
You grabbed the flowers and went to your room. Your wrote a little note saying:
I did it, just for you.
Love (Y/n)
You pushed the note between the flowers, put some water into a vase and quietly brought the flowers to Cordelias desk. After that you read a little bit in your book until it was time for breakfast.
After breakfast you saw Cordelia going to her office and the next time you saw her was in class an hour later. You sat at the table focused on the potion you should make when you felt someone standing behind you. "Thank you, Darling. I appreciated your help yesterday and the flowers very much."  whispered Cordelia in your ear and walked away. For the rest of the class you couldn't stop smiling, the thought that she felt better made you happy. After class as you wanted to leave somebody grabbed your wrist. It was Cordelia. You turned around just to be pulled into a hug within the same second. You heard her mumble something into your ear: "Really! Thank you, you don't know what that means to me (Y/n). Even though I would appreciate it very much if you wouldn't tell anyone. You saw me at one of my weakest points, not everyone needs to know about that." You wiped away a single tear that fell down her cheek as you said: "Shhh, everything is alright. I didn't even think about telling somebody! This is our little secret. And please know that you can always come to me when something is on your mind, alright?" She slowly nodded and you hugged her again before you left for Myrtle's class.
After that you and Cordelia became friends, you spend much more time together and you often helped her in the greenhouse. You also always had an eye on Fiona. You wanted to make sure she wouldn't hurt Cordelia again.
On a nice Saturday evening, when Zoe, Madison and Queenie decided to go out and party a little bit, you had planed a nice movie night with Cordelia."Just put on some comfy clothes and come to my room. I will have everything prepared." you had snacks, something to drink and one of you favourite movies "Pride and Prejudice" picked out. She hadn't watched it yet so you found this as the perfect opportunity to change that. When Cordelia came to your room in the evening you were speechless. She was just wearing some joggers and a loosen shirt. Her hair was tied together into a low ponytail but she looked absolutely stunning. You always thought she was beautiful but now without make up in those comfortable clothes she just radiated pure beauty. So you choose to tell her so, you were still trying to convince her that what her mother says is bullshit.
"Is something wrong with my clothes? Why are you staring at me like that?" Cordelia suddenly looked very shy and insecure. You directly stepped forward to her beacuse this was absolutely not the reaction you wanted. You grabbed her hands and looked at her " No,no,no.. I was staring because you look so beautiful." She rolled her eyes and went to my bed. "What?" I turned around in disbelieve. "(Y/n) I look hideous, I don't even wear make up!" a single tear rolled down her cheek. I immediately went to her, sat down next to her and wiped the tear away. "Cordelia don't say that! You look beautiful with and without make up! You are beautiful from the inside and the outside. Please Delia believe me!" It broke your heart to see that she thought so bad about herself. You laid down on the bed and pulled her with you. "Come on let's watch the movie." You smiled and gave her a gentle kiss on the cheek. "Thank you, (Y/n). For everything!" You watched the movie together and soon you felt that Cordelia fell asleep in your arms. You let her sleep in your room, she looked too peaceful to wake her.
It was Sunday and everyone was doing something by themselves, you were sitting on your bed and tried to draw something. You hadn't drawn something for ages. You slowly started to sketch the outlines of a face, then the eyes, the nose, the lips. When you were finished you looked at it and realised you drew her. Cordelia. You didn't plan to do so but it happened. As you looked at it something came to your mind so you searched a pen and wrote it under the sketch.
Oh, Delia,
my wonderful Cordelia.
I want to see you all the time,
I want to feel you day and night.
Oh, Delia,
my wonderful Cordelia.
As you heard footsteps coming closer to your room you put the paper into your diary and pulled the sheets over it. Zoe opened the door, "Dinner is ready, do you come?", "Sure!". You stood up and headed to dinner with Zoe.
After dinner you headed back to your room and sat down on you bed. You still thought about the drawing you did earlier. Why did you draw Cordelia? Of course she was yo friend she meant something to you, but... you didn't love her. Did you?
You laid down and started at the ceiling. Your thought drifted off to Cordelia. You closed your eyes and imagined her face. Her beautiful laugh, the way her eyes light up when somebody succeeded a new spell, her soft voice that always comforted you. Her soft hair, that always fell perfectly over her shoulders down to her breasts. Her beautiful skinny waist and her long and elegant legs. We'll maybe you were in love with her, but actually who wouldn't fall I love with her. She is an angel, shining like the moon, warming up your heart like the sun and calming like a cold night breeze. As you were still thinking about her you slowly fell asleep. Your dreams were haunted by her golden hair, her soft skin and her radiating, warming laugh.
The next day as you were entering the greenhouse for your Class with Cordelia, you winked at her and sat down on your seat. "Looking good today, Miss Cordelia." She wore the blouse you thought about while colouring the flowers. She was radiating warmth and beauty as always but especially when she was in the greenhouse she seemed even happier and more at ease with herself. That calmness and confidence she had with her than made her even more ravishing. It was hard to concentrate throughout the class, it always felt like you were looking right into the sun, you picked the wrong ingredients, used too much of the herbs and even accidentally threw the bowl down.
At the beginning Cordelia joked about it and always looked at you with an amused smile but as it got more and more she started to look quit worried. After class ended and you wanted to leave she pulled you back at the wrist. Deja vú. "What's wrong (Y/n)? You seemed so absent today. Is everything okay?" She gave you a comforting smile that seemed to say it's okay, you can tell me. But you couldn't tell her. She liked you, yes. But she didn't love you. Your friendship with her was too precious to endanger it like this. "Nothing, just tired. Everything's fine!" You gave her a fast, reassuring smile, turned around and left as fast as possible. With that you left a confused and worried Cordelia.
She knew you well enough by now to know that there was more behind this than just being tired. So after she had cleaned the greenhouse and did all her paperwork for the day she chose to talk to you again. Something was wrong and she was determined to find out what it was. So she went to your room an gently knocked.  As she got no reaction she knocked again but there was still no reaction. She slowly opened the door and stepped in. She looked through the room but you weren't there. As she wanted to turn around and leave she saw a book laying on the floor. Because books shouldn't be on the floor, she picked it up and put it on your bed. As she did that she saw a paper looking our of the book, normally she wouldn't have cared but she saw her name Delia on it. She hoped it would be an answer to why you were acting so strange lately. She opened the book and pulled out the paper. At first she didn't even understand that you had drawn her but as she did and then read the little poem you wrote under it, her confusion just grew. She actually knew what it meant and deep down she already knew even before this but her self esteem was too low to believe anyone could love her. The one time she did believe that that was possible she married a witchhunter. Her mind started making her believe that what she thought about your feelings was something she imagined. So as she read the poem her mind pretended it had to be something different, something she didn't understand.
Oh, Delia,
my wonderful Cordelia.
I want to see you all the time,
I want to feel you day and night.
Oh, Delia,
my wonderful Cordelia.
She folded the paper neatly and left your room. The only other place were you could be was the greenhouse. You loved to read there because the only person who came there out of class was Cordelia. You didn't mind her presence at all so that was fine. But Madison used to talk all the time, Zoe wanted to know what you were reading and Queenie just wasn't your best friend. That wasn't an reading atmosphere. Cordelia knew that so she went straight to the greenhouse.
She entered the greenhouse and her eyes wandern through the rooms and corners between all the plants until her eyes met yours. You heard her coming in and already looked at her. "(Y/n) can we talk?" You started to get nervous, this phrase never meant something good. You slowly put your book aside and stood up. Cordelia had sat down at one of the tables that were normally used for classes. You pulled up a chair and sat down next to her. "What is it? Has something happened. Your scaring me, Delia!" you looked her right in the eye cause normally you could easily read her like that but today there was nothing. Like she wanted to hide it all away from you. It hurt because you thought she wanted to shut you out but as she heard that she scared you, something happened in her eyes. They softened for a second and showed empathy. "No, nothing happened. Don't worry!" She shyly smiled at you. But as fast as this empathy came it was away again. She didn't look angry or the way she does when you or the girls fucked up. It was just nothing.
This nothing probably scared you even more than her being angry.
"Please Cordelia, tell me what's wrong?!"
"I actually wanted to talk to you, because you were so strange in class today. I knew something was wrong but I wasn't sure what it was. So I went to your room to see if you were there. But you weren't. I knew you were in the greenhouse then. So I turned around to go. But I nearly stepped on a book on the floor. Books down belong on the floor (Y/n). I picked it up to put it on your bed and I.... I saw a piece of paper in it with my name on it. I, (Y/n), I didn't mean to look at it but I thought it would explain your strange behaviour...." your eyes widened as you realised that she saw the drawing and the little poem. Why did you leave it open in your room. It was just a matter of time that someone saw it. But of course it directly had to be Cordelia. She probably hates you now. You couldn't even look her in the eyes anymore.
"...so I pulled it out. (Y/n) I am really sorry you have to believe me I didn't respect your privacy. But as I looked at it I didn't understand anything. (Y/n) what does that mean?" She put her hand above mine and gently rubbed over it with her thumb. I felt the urge to pull my hand away cause I was so embarrassed and afraid what she would think but I didn't want to make it worse. I felt the tears well up in my eyes.
"(Y/n) what's wrong. Please talk to me, don't shut me out. It's all okay." she gently pulled my chin up with her hand and I finally looked into her eyes. All I saw was love and worry. No anger no coldness and no nothing anymore. This look of her gave me strength and before I could think about it I blurted it out. "I love you, Cordelia. I didn't mean to fall in love with you. It just happened. We spend so much time together and we got so close. I'm sorry." Cordelia said nothing, she just looked at you in shock. As she wanted to pull her hand away you grabbed it. "Please Cordelia say something!" You had no idea what was going on in her because her eyes just showed shock. Suddenly she stood up and left. She just left you alone sitting there.
There were a hundred thoughts in your head all asking questions to which you didn't have an answer. You knew you had to talk to Cordelia. She was your teachers and one of your best friends. You couldn't just not talk to each other. That didn't work. So you stood up an searched her. There weren't alot of places where she could be. You knew she probably wanted to be alone so the options were her office or her bedroom. You first went to her office. You didn't even bother to knock you just opened the door but Cordelia wasn't there. You left and went to her bedroom. You just wanted to open the door as you heard someone crying. It was a really quite crying but it was there. But I didn't come from Cordelias room. It came from yours. You quietly approached the door and opened it. You saw Cordelia sitting on your bed crying.
As you closed the door she looked up. "What are you doing here (Y/n)?" You smiled amused. "Well, I could ask you the same question. This is my room Delia. Your sitting on my bed." She opened her eyes widely and wanted to stand up. "I am so sorry. I must have mistaken our rooms. I will leave. Sorry!" You quickly stepped forward and grabbed her arms. "Stop, stop, stop. You will go nowhere. Neither am I angry nor do I want you to go because we have to talk. So sit down again, please." She shyly looked at you and sat down.
Her eyes were still red and puffy from the crying. Her cheeks still wet. You carefully dried them and sat down next to her. "Why did you just leave?" She didn't answer your question and just ignored it. "Why didn't you tell me (Y/n)?". You had to think about this question a little bit, but the truth was you were just scared. So so scared. "Look Delia, I...to be honest I was just scared. I was afraid of your reaction, of what you would think and that it could damage our friendship. This friendship means more than anything to me. Your my best friend." Your voice started to crack and some tears escaped your eyes. "And I think your reaction said more than words could have ever. But it's okay, really. As long as our friendship won't be damaged." You tried to smile but it more looked like you were being tortured.
"No, (Y/n). Don't say that, I... I think you got the wrong impression. I run away because I couldn't belive that you could love me. I mean look at me. I am like, what? 20? years older that you. Your still young and beautiful. How could you love me? Why don't you love Zoe or Madison?" More and more tears fell down her cheeks. As you felt a tear drop on your hand you realised that your were crying too. But not because of your feelings. No, you were crying because of the things Cordelia said about herself. It broke your heart that this person that you saw as the most amazing person in the world things so bad about herself.
"Oh, Delia. Please don't say those things. Listen to me okay? You are not just beautiful, your beauty is ethereal. You are perfect in any way and I never not for one second thought about the age gap. Okay? I don't care about you being 20 years older. You are the one I chose, the one I fell in love with. I want to spend my life with you. You make me feel so warm and so loved. More than I've ever did before. I am the happiest me ever. Because of you. Because of you I have a reason to stand up every morning. The thought of your warm smile and your honest laugh makes my heart light up. Where ever I am, the thought of you makes me feel at home. And I-...I just don't want to be away from you. I want to be with you all the time. Fall asleep in your arms. Wake up with my eyes on you. Walk through my day while you tell me stupid jokes. Want to listen to your voice every minute until we die. You make me complete, Delia. I love you!"
Without thinking about it you leaned forward and cupped her cheeks before you kissed her. Her lips were still wet from her tears so you layed all your love into this one kiss. You wanted Cordelia to feel what you just told her. Your right hand slowly wandered down to her hip to pull her closer to you.
Cordelia hesitated at first but than she laid her hand on your cheek and kissed you back. The kiss ended as you both pulled away and gasped for air.
Cordelia swung her arms around you and laid her head into the crook of your neck. You could feel some tears falling onto your shoulder. You could hear her whisper something into your ear so quietly you weren't even sure you were meant to hear it but she pulled back and repeated it louder and with more confidence. "I love you (Y/n). I always did. I just didn't think someone like you could love me." You kissed her again. It was a short kiss but it was full of love and adoration.
"Just because your mother and Hank made you believe your unloveable and not worthy of any kind of love or affection doesn't mean its true. Okay?" You gently stroked her hair as you said that. You hugged her around the waist and pulled her closer to you. She pulled you down with her so you were both laying on your bed arms in arms. You fell asleep in this position and you both slept better than ever before.
The next weeks were perfect, better than you could have ever imagined. The relationship with Cordelia filled you up with love and warmth. You wanted to make her feel your love and adoration every day, every second. You told her how beautiful she is every day and always tried to make her smile when she had a stressfull day. But there was still one thing that she was really insecure about. Her body, her naked body. She always changed clothes in a hurry, in the bathroom or she turned around. You couldn't understand why because you guessed she was absoultely stunning. But you also didn't want to push her so you accepted it.
It wasn't just that you felt sorry that she still felt ao insecure, even towards you but also that you wanted to make her feel good too. She had pleasured you a few times but everytime when you wanted to give back the favor she said it was okay, that she was tired or that she just wanted to cuddle. You couldn't imagine that she didn't want to feel this. She wanted it you knew it but she was too afraid. Eventhough there was no need for that.
One evening when she had searched an excuse again and you were both laying in bed just cuddling you decided that it was enough. By know you wanted ro pleasure her and let her scream your name more than you even wanted to be fucked. You gently pulled yourself out of the position you were both in and sat up. "(Y/n) what's wrong? Don't you want to cuddle?" She got insecure again and slowly tried to pull the sheets over her body. "I want to cuddle, Delia but.. and please listen to me don't interrupt me. I want to touch you, the way you want to be touched. I know that you want it, don't try to deny it. And I also know that you are really insecure about your body but we talked about this. I love you, I don't care what you look like. And I also think you are absolutely stunning. Please Delia, trust me. Sex is something where both are involved. Both should feel good. That's not the case at the moment."
"Of course I want it (Y/n). How couldn't I, but I am afraid of your reaction. No matter what you say, you can't deny that I am older than you. A lot." "Older doesn't mean less beautiful, Delia." You smiled at her reassuringly.
You slowly pulled down the sheets and looked at Cordelias body. She was just wearing a big oversized grey shirt. You put your hand on her tight and started to rub it while going higher. With that you also pulled up her shirt a little. Before you pulled the shirt over her hips completely you looked at her to make sure she was still fine with everything you were doing. She shyly nodded so you started pulling the shirt up again. She raised her arms and you pulled it off completely.
She had the urge to cover her body and you knew that. But you didn't want that so you gently held her arms at the sides and started to gently spread kisses on her body. Starting with her mouth, her neck, her shoulders, her tummy and then you slowly got closer to her breasts. With one hand you caressed her left breast and with the other you calmly started to draw her bra strap down. She raised her body so that you could grab around her body and open the bra. You pulled it off and threw it to the floor. You sat up a little bit and couldn't do anything else but stare at her.
"(Y/n), don't please. I told you, I..." You shut her off by kissing her. "I didn't stare because I thought you were ugly, it was quite the opposite actually. You are amazingly beautiful and attractive, Darling." You saw her eyes starting to tear up so you leant down again and kissed her, more passionate this time. And while doing that your hand started to knead her breasts and pinch her nipples. She quietly moaned into your mouth so your hand went down over her tummy to the waistband of her underwear. You again looked at her in question. The instance she nodded your hand slid into her panties.
"Oh, Darling. You're so wet already, why didn't we do this earlier?" You slowly started to part her folds and gently stroke over her center which made her moan again. That was your sign and you fastly pulled off her underwear completely. As your mouth wandered down her body again you put both your hands on her waist. You spread kisses on her inner tights and slowly approached her center. As you got closer she spread her legs. You took this as an invitation, so you slowly started to kiss her center which made her moan. Your tongue slowly stared to lick her clit while your left hand moved down to play with her entrance. Delia grabbed your hair and you could feel that she started to breath heavier. You started to slide into her with one finger and gently fuck her. At the same time your tongue got faster and you sucked hard with your mouth. "Oh (Y/n), please..." You looked up at her and smirked. " Use your words, Delia. What do you want?" Her breathing got heavier but she managed to get the words: " Please.. fuck me. Use two fingers.. oh" out.  So you did what she wanted. You pulled another finger inside of her and thrusted them in and out fastly. You knew that she was close so you grabbed her breast with the other hand and pinched her nipples. That was too much, Cordelia came screaming your name and moaning loudly. But you didn't stop sucking and licking her pussy. You heard her moaning even louder, she was so sensitive right know. She bit her lip, because she didn't want to scream so loud. "Please Delia I want to hear you, moan and scream my name for me" so she did exactly that. "OH (Y/n), please let me come" you stopped your movements and looked up to her. "You come when I tell you to come Cordelia. Ok?" She nodded, taken aback by your outburst of top energy. You slowly started to play with her clit again and because she was so sensitive she directly screamed again. You saw that she tried really hard not to come and that view turned you on so much that you could feel your own wetness again. "Come for me baby!" And she did exactly that,  she came screaming and panting. Her whole body trembled. "Please (Y/n) stop, I can't take this anymore. It's too much." So you slowly stopped and moved up to kiss her.
"I love you (Y/n)"
You pulled her into your arms. "I love you too"
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a-tale-of-legends · 3 years
Fashion is not my passion but it consumes my mind. Time for the fem presenting oc's of mine!
Kohaku/ Amber: Very outdoorsy. Generally hiking gear and stuff that accommodates with Hoenn's warm weather. Little personal touches like her bow and her backpack that somehow contains everything. All in all very practical for the heat and walking/ running long distances.....and getting swooped up by a Skarmory.
Aiko: OH MY GOD THIS GIRL. I have no idea what her sense of fashion is. Things that I do know: Aiko is very energetic and bubbly. She has trained under the kimono Girls to hone her battling. She has also trained in martial arts ( via Chuck and some of the Kimono Girls). What. What do I do with that. What fashion style fits that. Help-
Danica: Hm. She has this weird balance if comfort and discomfort. Obviously, she wears clothes best suit for the cold climate of Sinnoh ( black leggings, boots, scarfs) and the color I associate with her the most is brown ( especially a more deep reddish brown), so I know she can look comfy and casual. However, her most stand out feature ( other than her hair ) is her scarf. For context, I love creepy Dawn fanart, and it greatly inspired Danica as a character. Her red scarf, in contrast to the rest of her usual fashion choice, is meant feel more ominous ( also relates to her connection with Giratina). All in all, Danica fashion choice I feel would be best for her is something that wouldn't make her stand out much ( hence the brown and maybe black) but when you do see her ( or rather when she sees you), you should be.....concerned. Just a bit. ( Lol she's just gonna give you some poffins)
Elliot: " Clothes have gender? Since when?" 2 electric boogaloo. Like her brother generally, Streetwear/ grunge. Though I know for a fact she's a lot more punk in fashion. Ripped chambray jeans, fake leather jackets ( she's vegetarian btw), fishnets, boots, studs, the whole package. She isn't afraid to show off her leg, unlike her brother being self conscious about his arm ( that isn't to say she isn't self conscious about it, but she sees no point in hiding it). Like her brother, she does wear baggy clothing, but it's more towards the bottoms( which are usually ripped), and her tops are a bit more tight fit( though she has plenty of oversized graphic hoodies). Or she's just wearing a graphic tee of some kind. Wow this is getting long, whoops. Uh, she doesn't wear skirts often like her brother, but shorts are fair game.
Eva: Okay, so remember that weird art trend where people would draw a character or an oc in this specific crop top? Yeah that's what Eva wears lol. That plus some shorts and some running shoes, and she's all good to go. Eva is very much into athletic leisure since she is, believe it or not, a work out junkie. Sports bras, leggings, all that jazz is generally the norm for her. But she also sports jumpsuits, especially when she's building something ( you know for protection). She likes to be a bit flashy in her style, from her little acting career and just her vibe. Though she's very comfortable just wearing something nice and simple. She has most definitely stole some of Elliot's oversized shirts lol.
Aster: Like Yarrow, anything that is meant for the warm climate of Alola. Light blue tank top and shorts. She has little yellow flowers as a headpiece, and would either wear scandals or sneakers( generally a green or teal color). She kicks people's shins with those. Anyway, Aster is also a surfer, so they also have a full body surfing swimsuit ( both for regular surfing and mantine surfing). She would have her hair down or in a ponytail when she's surfing. All in all, she's like Kohaku: outdoorsy, good for running under the sun, or just chilling, except Aster is blue and green ( and teal) while Kohaku is orange and green.
Naomi: Naomi has recently gotten the updated fashion style of Prep-Jock ( low-key cottage core). Light purple/ lavender cardigan/ knit sweater. A simple white shirt/ blouse with blue shorts ( with black leggings similar to what the fighting gym gives you in-game). Finally, some sneakers that are comfortable and meant for running. Outside of that, Naomi does take inspo from her friends, but she's mostly wears her what's she's comfortable with :)
And that's that! Aiko is still a pain, but writing down these helps a lot ( even if I suck at describing things lol)
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ashintheairlikesnow · 3 years
say more about the abusive relationship izzy ends up in?
Of course! @comfy-whumpee can talk about how Jax handles Izzy ending up in this situation and his mental state about it, but I can talk a little about how Izzy ends up hospitalized because of it:
CW: Abusive relationship, physical and emotional, beneath the cut
Izzy moves out at 18 years old, getting a job at a local shop and playing in a band with some friends. She meets a young woman a couple years older than her named Millie while playing, and they hit it off exceptionally well. Millie is self-confident, charming, and layers on flattery and praise and compliments, which Izzy is deeply vulnerable to.
They end up dating, getting serious very very quickly, much to Jamie's concern as Izzy begins to spend less and less time with her friends. She and Jamie have a genuine all-out fight about it at one point when Izzy quits the band, and eventually Izzy really ONLY sees Millie and Millie's friends, and Millie spends a lot of time disparaging Izzy's "overprotective" family.
She normally called Jax just to talk every night, and that starts to taper off, too, until she's only rarely showing up for family dinner and isn't talking to him all that often, either, because she is always "busy" with Millie.
One night, Jax has a phone call with Izzy and can HEAR Millie being overbearing in the background, in a chillingly familiar way, and Jax figures out that his suspicions are very, very true.
She agrees to meet him for dinner, reluctantly and only with Millie essentially giving her permission.
Then he sees the bruises she's sporting, her excuses are getting thinner and more obvious, and her back is covered in scratches that were deep enough to draw blood.
He talks Izzy into coming home and breaking up with Millie - which she does through text because she doesn't think she'll be able to do it face to face - and Jax and some friends go get Izzy's things from Millie's place, discovering that Millie has already broken sentimental items that Izzy cared deeply about, including a mug she'd made herself back in school, jewelry that Jax and Kieran have given her over the years, a photo of she and Jamie she had framed.
Izzy moves back into her bedroom at Jax and Kieran's house, and things start to settle... except that then Izzy doesn't come home from work one day and Jax and Jamie figure out that Millie met her on her way back from work and talked her into going back to Millie's flat.
Jamie and Jax go together to see what happened, as Izzy isn't answering her phone, and discover a disheveled Millie, signs of a struggle inside the flat, blood on the corner of a dresser and some of Izzy's clothes bloodied and hidden in Millie's closet... and a bloodied, concussed Izzy soaked and shivering in the bottom of the bathtub, mumbling through her haze that Jax should leave her here because he'll be late for the train.
At which point Jax and Jamie end up having a long conversation with the police while Kieran accompanies Izzy to the hospital.
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multiplefandomfics · 4 years
Pairing: Bucky x reader
Warnings: smut, Sargent kink, metal arm kink, slight dub-con,
Words: 2087
I had worked at Stark Industries since I left college. I was really good with computers and technology in general. Hence the scholarship to MIT. Tony Stark had found me there personally to recruit. I had been working there ever since.
Tony was a little eccentric… okay a lot but he was nice enough and payed very well. He even took me with him to the Avengers tower and later to the compound after the tower was destroyed, to work alongside him and Bruce Banner. It was magical.
After I helped them a lot fighting Thors’ handsome brother Loki in the battle of New York I officially became an honorary Avenger and moved into the compound. It was so surreal. Breakfast with Captain America, training with Black Widow and giving Thor and insight into popculture from earth. I loved the life at the compound.
One evening I went on a girls night out with Natasha, Wanda and Pepper. We dressed up and they put a shit ton of make up on my face. To me I looked ridiculous but the male population at home seemed to like it. Th guys shamelessly ogled me. They didn’t see me like that very often. I didn’t really care about any of their stares. Only one certain dark haired beauty constantly made me blush when he checked me out. I had a thing for Bucky since I moved here. I was so embarrassed because I thought he’d never want me like that. I was not skinny like Nat or Wanda nor did I have their charm. I was a total geek which I had no problem with but Bucky was drop-dead gorgeous. Why should he ever be interested in me? I never told anyone of my crush not even Nat and she had grown to be my best friend in the whole world. We arrived at the club at around 10.30 pm and it wasn’t too full yet so we sat at the bar and raised our blood alcohol level. After two beers and four shots I started to loosen up and grabbed both girls hands to go dancing. The mood was hot we danced closely and carefree. Celebrating our day off from saving the world.
“I have the biggest on him you know?” I slurred. “On who?” Wanda screamed over the music. “Bucky of course.” I explained as if that had been obvious. Nat opened her mouth as if to say something else but I interrupted her: “Oh my god! That’s our jam!” I almost wooed. That was the end of the conversation.
Suddenly I felt someone solid press against me from behind. I didn’t know who it was and I couldn’t turn around. Panic filled I looked at the girls when I felt the guy behind me kiss my shoulder blade. Pepper just smiled at me and Nat and Wanda had a look on their face like “go and get some girl”. So I let myself flow with it. They would have rescued me if something wasn’t right with him. At the end of the song he whipped me around and I was staring in the eyes of no other than Bucky Barnes himself. I must have had an obviously shocked expression on my face which made him smirk. “Hey doll!” he whispered in my ear. Doll? Was he serious? My panties were soaked immediately. In an instant I was sober again. He stared intensely at me with those big puppy dog eyes and I wanted to melt. “Wanna dance doll?” I just nodded still unable to form proper words. We started dancing to the rather slow song coming out of the speakers. It really helped me relax into him and before long I had my arms loosely around his neck and our faces were inches apart. The girls had vanished with knowing looks on their faces. “Wanna get out of here? it’s so loud. I’d like to talk.” he suddenly whisper yelled in my ear. “Sure!” I said confidently I really wanted to have a normal conversation plus I needed some water. He took my hand and pulled me away from the dance floor. But before we could completely leave another guy I had never seen before grabbed my ass harshly and slurred “Fine piece of as ya go there. Wanna go some where for a quicky?” I was disgusted but before I could say a word Bucky was in front of me. Between the asshole and me. I didn’t take Bucky for a macho but he flexed his muscles and you could smell testosterone in that moment. He even showed his metal arm that I thought was sexy as hell but normally he hid it from the world as a bad memory to his former hydra days but to ensure my safety he did anything. The problem was that the guy was really fucking drunk and didn’t even notice the threat in form of 260lb Bucky Barnes in front of him. He just pushed further: “Hey shithead let me to her she ain’t yours you just met her tonight.” it was so creepy that the drunk had observed me all night. “She is more mine than she’ll ever be yours.” Bucky gritted out through his teeth. It was so cute of him to defend me. So 40s actually. “You wanna fight? let’s do this.” the madmen provoked. If glances could kill the man would have been long dead. “Buck come on let’s go. You don’t need to do this.” I convinced him. He was mature enough to let it go and turned around to leave but the drunk couldn’t let it go and punched Bucky square across the face. I just sighed and rolled my eyes at the guy as Bucky lunched at him and threw a punch back. At least he used his right hand not the metal one or the mans head would have been bashed in. Immediately security came rushing towards us and friendly asked Bucky and me to go before they called an ambulance for the man on the floor. So we left, grabbed a cab and drove back to the compound. “You alright?” he asked me in the car. “Yeah. It was a little strange though. Thanks for saving me.” “Anyone would have done the same.” he replied and blushed a bit. “No they wouldn’t have. You’re a true gentleman Bucky Barnes. I appreciate your help.” I said and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Which seemed PG-13 if you considered the way we had danced earlier. “Can I kiss you properly?” he asked shyly. “If you want to.” I was a little shy now myself. He did what he had asked for and took my face into his hands and pressed his lips to mine. His hands stood in stark contrast to each other. One smooth and warm and the other cold and hard. I could hear the whirring sound of the metal plates shifting in his left one. I really had a kink for that thing. The kiss got more and more heated until we arrived. I threw some bills at the driver and we made our way inside and to my room. It was the last on the left at the upper floor. The moment the door behind us closed his hands were on my hips again. He grabbed the hem of my dress and pulled it over my head “No panties doll? Naughty girl!” he observed. He dragged the middle finger of his flesh hand through my folds and groaned at the wetness gathering there. “All for me baby?” “Yes Sargent all for you!” I tried to get him to pleasure me finally. He growled deeply in his throat and pushed me back on the bed. “I want you to sit on my face doll.” oh god I wanted that too. I had thought of him between my legs more than once but the real deal was so much better than I could have ever imagined. He laid on his back and I straddled his face. It was so strange that he was still fully clothed but I wasn’t gonna object then. I flung my bra across the room and touched my breasts as he pulled me down on his mouth and dove right in. The first contact of his tongue on my clit was like heaven. His strong hands on my thighs controlled my moving. Before long I was squirming like a fish in a net. This made him see that I was really close but I couldn’t form words to tell him. As he pushed one of his metal fingers inside my slick channel my orgasm broke over me. I gushed over his face and he was happy to lap everything up. He was still pumping his fingers inside me and holding me with the other arm even though I was very oversensitive after the intense orgasm I had just had. “Stop Bucky please. It’s too much.” I whined and he let me go as I fell to the mattress next to him. “that was just.. wow.” I panted and he licked his lips smiling. “You smell and taste fantastic doll so thanks to you too.” Soon I was eager again and grabbed for his clothes “You’re wearing too much sarge.” I said seductively. He let me undress him and then he was in an instant on top of me. Attacking my neck with kisses and nips that would turn into lovebites eventually. But I couldn’t care less. I wanted everyone to see who I belonged to from then on. “You ready?” he was as impatient as I was and I nodded. So he started to push past my barrier. I moaned in pain and pleasure “You’re so big sarge. Feels so good.” I moaned loudly. I couldn’t and I didn’t want to hold the noise back. He grunted in restrain. Bucky didn’t wanna hurt me so he went very slowly but at one point it was just too slow so I pushed my heels into his ass to draw him deeper. He got the hint and started moving faster and faster it was heaven. He hit my g-spot dead on. His length reached depths I never knew a man could reach. The pain and pleasure I felt when he hit my cervix was enough to push me into an amazing second orgasm. I clenched around him and that made his movements stutter. He suddenly pulled out of me and came all over my breast and stomach. It was sticky but oh so hot. He panted loudly and laid next to me on his back for a minute before getting up and taking a wet wash cloth out of the on suite bathroom to clean me up. I thanked him for it and felt my eyelids getting heavy. “So you mine now doll?” he suddenly asked into the silence. “I always was.” I answered truthfully and kissed him one last time. He smiled satisfied. “Good night.” I said before I finally drifted off.
The next morning I awoke with a slight hangover and a sore feeling between my legs. Slowly memories from last night came flooding back. I felt happier than I had ever been. Bucky was still snoring next to me so I got up silently, grabbed some comfy clothes and ventured towards the kitchen. I was so hungry after the events of the night before. I met Natasha and Wanda there drinking coffee and talking until they noticed me in Bucky boxer shorts and a t-shirt. “Mornin’” I grumbled because I knew I was in for a hell of a conversation. “So you and Bucky caused some trouble last night at the club.” Wanda remarked. “Yeah and then you were gone so fast we couldn’t even wish good night.” Nat chimed in. “I assume you did it last night. So how was it?” she added. “A lady enjoys and remains silent.” I winked at them. Suddenly I felt Buckys’ familiar hands on my hips and he murmured a “good morning doll.” in my ear. I smiled and bid him good morning as well. I just ignored the girls. Then a happy Steve came rushing through the door. “Mornin everyone. Did you all sleep well?” then his eyes fell on Bucky and me in close embrace and he just threw his hands in the air and called out “Finally!”
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Kombat Kast in lockdown:
Real talk, I could have continued writing this. But I’m easing myself back into writing. Some nice fluff with a dash of NSFW. I’m planning on doing a part two, because this is very long. 
Warnings: Tooth rotting fluff, get your dentist on speed dial. Little bit of NSFW. Lockdown. 
18+ under the cut guys. 
I don’t own the GIFS. 
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·         Kabal:
He’s ready for this. He’s prepared. He cannot wait to spend some quality time with you. Both pre and post burn would be so happy and stoked to spend time with you. Both pre and post burn Kabal, are going to be in their comfiest joggers, hair tied back and glasses on. Takes advantage of the time to catch up on some TV with you, play some videogames and also losing track of what day and time it is. Is 2am too early to make pancakes? No. Because you’re running on lockdown time. Awake at 3am trying to make Macrons because the video made it look so easy. Dancing around your shared apartment like idiots. Though, post burn Kabal would prefer just to hold you close and sway to the music. Lockdown pre-burn would be a dream come true for him. Lounging on the sofa, you’re laid flat against his chest, a hand in your hair. Bliss. Post-burn could be bad for his Mental Health. More time for him to think about his body and what he used to have. So, he may need a bit of TLC and a whole lot of body worship. He just needs to be reminded that he’s still the most handsome man on the planet. Also, reading comics at 3 in the morning. You’re sat crossed leg on the floor, surrounded by pillows, he’s super into comics and nerdy things. He’ll be sat eagerly watching you read his favourite issue, watching your reaction, he knows them off by heart so he’s waiting for you to react to his favourite scene. Debates to no end on who could kick who’s ass. Late nights, lazy mornings and afternoons. Post-Burn Kabal will refuse to put a shirt on. Just lounging around in his joggers. He will need a hand shaving his hair. He always needs a hand with the back. He will let it get a little longer during lockdown. Maybe, if you beg hard enough, he may let you spike it. Best lockdown buddy. Also, Ninja mime marathon, with a drinking game thrown in. Working from home is hard. Especially with his fine arse on your couch. Smiling as you’re on a zoom call. Screaming ‘TELL THEM I SAID HI’ Post-burn Kabal won’t want to appear on them as much. Often miming the action for a drink, bringing you lunch and also looking over your shoulder. Before kissing you softly on the cheek.
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         Cassie Cage:
She’s pretty sure her mum is going to flip her shit. But she doesn’t care. She doesn’t want to work-out or train to her absolute limits. You’re here with her and she wants to chill out with you and hang out with you. Like a normal fucking couple. So, she’s breaking a few rules for you. Don’t tell no one about that though. Your both in lockdown in her apartment. You’re both debating if the hallway should be neon orange or neon pink. You’re bored so you end up redecorating the place. Stained. Hair. A playful splat on the nose turns into a mini paint fight. You both also make handprints on the wall together. Because that’s one way to remember it… that and she saw it in Up and though it was cute. Getting wasted happens a few times too. She admits she wants you to be like the couple from UP, but she doesn’t want it to be as sad. She’s also on the floor sobbing because the brownies aren’t done yet. A lockdown with Cassie is fun every day. She ordered a bath bomb for you both to take a relaxing bath together. She also ordered you a few beers to enjoy whilst in there too. She gets pissed with how long her hair is getting. So, it’s time for the undercut to make a comeback. Queue Cassie bringing out the clippers and asking you to help her cut her hair shorter. Playfighting to no end. She’s let you pin her a few times, you’re pretty sure it’s sympathy, but you’ll take that victory. If you suggest a Ninja Mime marathon, she’s straight up refusing. This is a mini vacation from her parents. She doesn’t need to see a full feature length marathon of her dad. Weird food concoctions galore. You’re also dying each other’s hair stupid colours. She literally texts Jacqui ‘Pick a colour’ and then that’s it, you’ve dyed your hair. She’s so full of energy and it’s infectious. She’ll always make you smile. If you have to work from home, she’s going to try and be quite, but she wants to know what you’re doing. Everyone thinks she’s great in your work calls, she’s often requested to say hi. They love her.
·         Smoke (Tomas Vrbada): Smoke is more on the introverted side. He’s got books picked out. He aims to read a book a day where possible. And he’s totally keeping a reading log, so he has something to look back on. If you’re cooped up in the Lin Kuei temple, he’s going to be more stressed. There’s something ever so slightly stressful about been stuck with Bi-Han who gets very restless. That, and he thinks you both have to be quite, because everyone there is a nosey bastard. The one-time Smoke called you his dove, Bi-Han teased him and took the piss for three weeks straight. He can’t be dealing with that. That and he will eventually give up getting dressed. He will walk around in his dragon onesie, attempting to get some food. Ignoring all of Kuai’s attempts for him to get dressed. He’s in lockdown mode. Which means, his comfy socks are on, the string lights are on, and he’s ready to cuddle up with you. You did, once walk into the kitchen to see Bi-Han and Tomas dancing terribly, an empty bottle of vodka on the table, Kuai face in his hands blocking out the terrible dancing.  He’d also much prefer to be in lockdown in your apartment. In a mass of blankets, some ice-cream, lots of string lights and some good TV on. He’d take this opportunity to teach you a little Czech too. Also, in your apartment he can wear his dragon onesie and dance with you like an idiot. Without judgement and shaming the Lin Kuei. And embarrassing Kuai. A lot of terrible dancing, spinning, him picking you up and throwing you onto the sofa playfully. He becomes a little more extroverted around you. Don’t get me wrong he loves nothing more than comfy silence, reading in bed, whilst you’re drawing circles on his chest. But there’s something fun about eating brownie and pizza at 2 in the morning. Fucking wild. If you need to work from home, he respects your space and will sit silently reading, looking over and smiling as you work. He’ll bring you tea and sit crossed leg on the sofa with you. Your workmates think you’ve hit the jackpot.
He fucking hates lockdown. He doesn’t want to get sick. But he hates the same four walls. He starts irritating people on purpose. Not you though. Your precious and he loves you. But Kuai and Smoke are fair game. Queue hiding Smokes special shampoo, replacing Kuai’s uniform with one that’s too small for him. Winding people up to their limits. Because he’s bored and was born to be a little shit. At your apartment everything is different. He knows Kuai is more than capable of running things without him around. And is more than happy to do this for him. So, he’s off. He’s usually in his underwear, teasing the fuck out of you. Pray you don’t have to work from home, because he’s very distracting. Always stood behind the laptop when you’re on that zoom meeting, slowly slipping those joggers lower and lower. Lord have mercy on your soul. He does make appearances in your calls. On his best behaviour. Envy of everyone. He’ll cook for you when you’re working too. If you’re not working, he’ll always insist on cooking with you, he used to love cooking with Kuai when he was younger. But he’s grown up now and is grumpy all the time. He misses it. But he loves cooking with you. Queue you both dancing whilst waiting for the food to cook. Spinning you around. Maybe a quick make out session on the counter. He wants a bit of normality, and whilst the situation may not be normal, it’s sure as hell more normal than his usual schedule. He gets a little philosophical in the early hours of the morning. Talking about your future, if you want kids, what kind of dog you want, that sort of stuff. It’s times like this, where your both sat on your kitchen floor, sharing a drink, eating some good food, he’s glad he’s back to his usual self. You’re his everything and he doesn’t tell you that often enough. He loves been able to fall asleep with you and cuddle up with you. Loves waking up at a normal time and lounging in bed with you. Your lockdown time brings you closer together, to the point he probably would propose to you during lockdown. He hasn’t got a ring, but please accept his headband. Just till he can get you one.  
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·         Kuai Liang (Sub Zero): Oho. Kuai is in for a rude awakening. He won’t want to leave Arktika. He cannot leave his clan. Bi-Han can be trusted, but he wants to remain with his clan. He’ll apologise that you’ve got to spend lockdown in the cold, but he’ll make sure you’re comfortable and have everything you may want and or need. He’s very curious when you’re working from home. He must admit he finds it interesting that you can still do your job, in the middle of bumfuck nowhere. When people ask where you are, you have to lie, and you’re not sure they buy that your boyfriend owns a castle. But hey fucking ho. It’ll do. You’ve caught him once or twice drifting past, tea in hand, trying not to glance at your screen, when you’re on a call. You end up dragging him into the call and introducing him. Luckily, he’s in some more normal clothes. So, no questions get dragged up. He’s always handing you tea and bringing you sweet snacks to keep you going. Soft kisses on the forehead when he knows no one is watching. You kind of feel easier been at the temple. It’s in the middle of nowhere, which actually makes you calm and keeps you chilled. Kuai will make sure the fire is stoked. He’ll also leave you to work and will keep checking on you. He’s busy with his brother and the Lin Kuei. But he makes a habit of you both having lunch together. He’ll bring you lunch and you’ll both sit and eat together. On an evening in his free time, he spends it all with you. Asking about your day, asking how it went and if you’re okay. A lot of catching up in bed, with you both laid there, his arms wrapped around you, whilst you rest on his chest. He’ll whisper sweet things to you, brush the hair from your face and remind you that you’re his everything. Lockdown with Kuai has a lot of structure. And it’s nice to spend time with him.
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·         Hanzo Hasashi (Scorpion):
He’s very similar to Kuai. He has a whole clan of ninja to run so he’s got to be out and about. So, if you need to work from home, he gets it… though he doesn’t need a laptop to do his work. Queue him leaving early and coming back late. He does make a habit of dropping in when you’re on lunch to take you for a walk through the gardens. He’ll also leave origami and notes for you to wake up to. He loves having you around, and very much like Kuai, he’d prefer you to be with the Shirai Ryu. You’re safe her and he does love waking up to you every morning. He loves it so much. He does actively avoid your zoom calls though. He’s a ninja so he’s pretty good at stealthy walking around, dipping and diving to avoid featuring on there. He just doesn’t like a lot of attention. He does end up one though. He had managed to secure a lie in. His bones were aching from training the night before. Takeda was entrusted with waking him… though he thought Grandmaster Grumpy face deserved a lie in. When he awakens, he lazily walks out of your shared room, wondering where you are, shirtless and only in some pants. Rubbing the sleep from his eyes. Only to softly say your name, open them, to see you’re smiling up at him awkwardly. You’re on a company wide call, and he’s stood there shirtless, hair tussled, and looking like sin incarnate. Queue a lot of people whistling so loudly, he can hear from the headphones you’re wearing. He mutters some swears in Japanese before moving on. You can’t help but giggle a lot, which makes him chuckle to himself. He’s stoic so there ain’t no teasing. But he does love folding the laptop down when you’re working over. Muttering how you can’t overwork yourself. Which is very hypocritical, but you’re not arguing. And you know you need a break, queue Hanzo suggesting a relaxing bath and cooking together. Slow dancing around his room is something he’s reluctant to do, but he does do it with you, because those eyes can’t get any bigger.  He loves this lockdown period. And he grows used to having you around all the time. Soft kisses and romantic talks, Philosophical debates and him slightly complaining about training. Takeda loves that you’re here. Hanzo isn’t such a hard arse with you round.
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·         Johnny Cage:
Oh, fuck yes. Lockdown. He’s going to write a screenplay, arrange his awards, build that shelf for the Oscar he’s definitely winning this year. Reply to some fan mail… that was until you wake up and walk out in one of his shirts. His plan definitely changes. You end up trying on all his sunglasses, all his jackets and rings and pretending to be him. Which makes him laugh a lot. He’s sure he doesn’t actually walk and sound like that… does he? He hopes not. He’ll try and install a routine, but that goes out of the window the first night. You’re sat drinking smoothies at 1 in the morning. You���ll become nocturnal. So, it’s a good job he doesn’t have neighbours close by. Two-man parties, with you skyping Cassie, so you all can hang out together. Dancing around, playing those shitty games. Cassie and Johnny get competitive with trivial pursuit and monopoly. You’ve never seen anything like it. It’s insane. You both take the time to catch up on TV together, Johnny has a terrible habit of pointing out all the parts he could have had. But you know, turned down. He’s always got the best food in and best quarantine snacks. Whatever your heart desires he’s got it. Best internet too. So, working from home is so easy and so comfy. You’re the envy of your workmates. Who are very jealous you’re basically in quarantine in a mansion. Johnny does walk past your zoom call on purpose, pretending to act all coy about it. Just waiting to hear a squeal from someone who didn’t know you actually dated Johnny Cage. Que your sigh and inviting him over. He practically leaps onto the sofa. Arm around you. A smug smile as he introduces himself. Not like he’s been bicep curling his award behind you. He’ll also love doing facemasks with you. Nothing better than a pamper night on the couch, some crappy movie in the background (Not one of his though) and some good wine and food. He’s literally in heaven.
·         Raiden:
He needs to consult the Elder Gods before he can spend time with you. Taking the piss obviously. He doesn’t get sick, so he offers to go into the outside world for you if need be. He doesn’t mind taking one for the team. He’s interesting to spend Lockdown with. He’s so fascinated by everything in your apartment. He’s so interested in what you do for work. When you reveal that you’re working from home, he’s watching you from the sofa, cup of tea in his hand. He’s got that face on him. The one where he wants to ask a question but he’s not sure if he’s allowed to. When he sees you’re in a meeting, he asks what you’re doing, so you may just joke ‘Consulting the Elder God Bob, God of financing and accounts’ He does chuckle at that. He does a lot of self-care and a lot of reminding you to look after yourself. As soon as it hits time to clock off, he’s tapping the clock, shaking his head before gently reminding you, that you need to rest and relax and that you’ve earned it. He’s brewed some fresh tea and he would like you to join him. He’s so good to you. He doesn’t do been on the zoom calls though. He has waved once or twice. But other than that, he kind of watches curiously. He’s read all the books in your apartment, if you’ve got a cat, he’s in fucking heaven. Like, you’re cat ain’t walking over your screen, because he’s snuggled up to Raiden. The man is a magnet for cats. If your apartment is a little disorganised, he may sort it out. That cupboard full of mismatched Tupperware and pans, all sorted, all with the correct lids. You could cry when you pull out a pan and it’s got the right lid on it. He’ll love baking with you too. He’s a sucker for freshly baked bread and he teaches you how to make it. Nothing nicer than him having him wrapping his arms around your waist whilst you’re baking. Lockdown equals privacy and he’s taking advantage of his rare opportunity. At night he’ll love to sit on your balcony, watching the stars and enjoying the fresh air. He’s so warm and he’s got a comforting smell to him. He’s literally bliss.
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·         Fujin: (Fujin could raw me after the trailer not going to lie)
Windy boi is happy he gets a break from all the bullshit. He does miss Raiden though. They don’t often spend a lot of time away from each other. So, he’s constantly communicating with him. But you make everything easier. That, and he wants to make sure you don’t get sick. By the Elder Gods he can’t have that. Likewise, if you have a cat, please let him hold and pet it. Nothing better than you looking up from your work call, seeing him stood there holding your cat, smiling away and scratching its chin. He appears often in your zoom call. Envy of all your colleagues, because who has hair that perfect and healthy. They ask for his stylist. He’s not sure how to respond to that. He got called a DILF and you had to explain that to him. You had to explain what a DILF was to the god of wind. Holy fuck it was awkward. He’ll let you braid his hair and he’ll also love it when you shower together. Because he loves been close and intimate with you. And the shower is a private place, so he feels he can open up and be more intimate with you without judgement. He’s still shy and new to this whole relationship thing. So, lockdown allows him to be close to you. You’ll also get to introduce him to pop culture. He’s not sure what to think about it. He’s got such a strange, dry sense of humour. When you’re watching Ninja Mime you hear him just say, ‘A clown in the movies, a clown in real life. Art imitates real life’ And you lose your shit. It’s the funniest thing to leave his mouth. He kind of loses it too. He gets really into Game of Thrones. He’s so into it. You don’t know how to tell him how the last season was shit. You don’t have the heart to break it to him. Teaching him to dance too. Oh god. Him getting a bit flustered and picking you up over his shoulder and spinning you around. Also, I can see lockdown running into summer, so you’ve got your own personal fan. At night, he’ll love to settle down in bed with you, whilst you talk absolute shit. You can bitch about anything, and he will listen, provide quips and make you feel better. He has no idea who Kate in Marketing is, but he knows, we don’t like her. I headcanon Fujin is pretty damn musically talented, so he’ll just randomly pick up that guitar or violin that’s there because A. Aesthetically pleasing and B. bought to try and discover a new hobby. And he’ll just start playing it. He loves seeing you smile too and he’s there for you if lockdown ever gets too much. He lives to make you smile.
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Che Bellissima Neve
Pairings: Romantic Prinxiety
TWs: agoraphobia mention, just a lot of long distance pining
Summary: With his lover constantly travelling the world, acting on stages all over Europe and beyond, Virgil wonders if it’ll be snowing in Venice by the time he sees Roman again...
(Recommended music: Snow In Venice by Elizaveta)
Virgil Giordano was never normally one for things like promises and long goodbyes. 
Coffee in hand, he warmed his cold fingers against the mug. His phone was right there by his side, but his right index finger instead busied itself - not with numbers - but with cursive. 
Looping letters. 
Spelling out where his heart lay.
The winter had seen fit to bless Venice with a soft kiss of frost. Gathering in the corners of the windows, haphazardly along the walkways, tickling the noses and lips of passers by. All the while Virgil couldn’t fight off the disappointment as the sky remained clear. The stars were beautiful, but his wasn’t among them. No, his star was miles away from where he should be; back home, in Virgil’s arms. 
Stealing his body warmth while they cuddled together. Complaining at the lack of room for the both of them on the one chair, but still refusing to move. Running his hands through the freshly plum pigmented plume of hair atop Virgil’s head. 
A soft sigh left Virgil as the homebound poet quietly pined for his lover. 
Roman D’Angelo had only dreamt of this level of stardom in far fetched dreams and scrawled in journals during drama lessons. 
Even as he walked out of Berlin’s Theatre Des Westens still wearing his getup as Leopold Bloom, Roman could hardly believe he was one of the most sought after up-and-coming musical actors in Europe. Stopping for autographs was brief; Roman adored his fans of course, but the face he always longed to see among them was never there. Not for a lack of wanting, but because his beloved was confined to his home - no, their home, it was always home for the both of them no matter how far Roman travelled - by his agoraphobia. Roman never held it against him, he only wished he could call home more often. 
As his taxi passed a phonebox, Roman politely asked the driver to stop. His wallet held rarely any change these days, but he had what he hoped would be enough.
The cold night air caressed his fingers unpleasantly. Curse his lack of patience, but spontaneity was always Roman’s forte when it came to acts of the heart. Screw his phone that needed charging back in his hotel room, he needed to hear his beloved’s voice that second. Each number dialled brought a new rush of excitement and nerves until the phone began to ring.
He just hoped Virgil hadn’t decided to have an early night..
Luckily for Roman, Virgil was as much an insomniac as he was an agoraphobe.
Of course, he didn’t recognise the number, perhaps it was a spam caller? Probably. He rolled his eyes and went back to sipping his cooling coffee, content to let the answering system take a message. Instead of some hack trying to sell him car insurance or some scam worthy payment plan, the voice on the other end had Virgil scrambling to answer the call so quickly he nearly doused himself in lukewarm bean water.
“Virgil? It’s me, though I take it you must be asle-”
“Roman!”, Virgil cursed the crack in his voice as he answered, “I’m here, Princey. It’s been a while, where are you calling from this time, mister world-famous-actor?”
Roman’s hearty laughter had Virgil’s own heart beating so loudly he wondered if he should schedule a doctor’s visit. “I’m not quite there yet, cuore mio. But I’m in Berlin, Charlottenburg to be exact. And it’s still snowing, in fact it’s snowed every night since opening night. Can you believe that?”
“Really?”, Virgil sighed, unable to stop the fond smile making itself at home on his lips, “Sounds lovely.”
“It is…. But it does have its drawbacks.”, the actor mused, drinking in the adorable noise of intrigue his lover made over the phone.
“And what would they be?”
“... It’s not home.”, Roman began, his eyes following the tufts of snow that danced through the skies outside the phone box. “And you’re not here.”
For a moment, Roman wondered if he’d overstepped. If he’d made Virgil feel bad for not being able to be beside him, but his fears were replaced by a longing he wasn’t aware he was capable of as Virgil’s voice - almost strange in it’s softness - caressed his ears, 
“Funny, I was just thinking that myself.”
It was hard for Roman to find the words, but he mustered the courage to ask, “Are you doing alright, Virge?”. The silence gave Roman his answer, he knew Virgil would never admit to him outright just how much he missed him, how lonely he was at night without Roman by his side. Well, not directly.
“... When will you be home again, vita mia?”
Virgil knew Roman would be home in an instant if he could manage it. If he wasn’t bound by the dream he’d had since their adolescent years, Virgil knew his beloved would be in his arms right that second. But the poet knew what he signed up for when he fell in love with Roman D’Angelo; he was prepared to let his beloved chase his dreams while he could never follow alongside him. That didn’t mean it hurt any less to be without him.
“...Virgil? Are you still there?”
“Oh, um, yeah. Sorry, I-“
“Got caught up in your thoughts again, cuore mio?”
Virgil nodded bashfully before realising Roman couldn’t see him, “Yeah. I just…. I miss you so much, Roman..”
“... I know you do. And I miss you too.”
He hadn’t meant for Roman to hear the soft, dejected huff he let out, but as he practically heard Roman frown over the phone, Virgil sighed, “It’s been almost a year, Roman, almost a year of telling myself not to be selfish, just wishing you were here with me instead. I just… I want you to be happy, but I don’t know how much longer I can go on without you.”
The anxiety he felt pooling in his stomach threatened to draw out his tears when Roman softly spoke again over the line. Lord knows, Virgil adored the tenderness in his tone and the love dripping from each syllable,
“Vita mia, anima mia, bisogna resistere...”, Virgil’s breath hitched and he was unsure if it was because he was close to an anxiety attack or because he could feel the hope building itself a home in his chest, “I’ll be home soon, vita mia, I promise.”
He wanted to believe it, but he’d heard those words before and Virgil couldn’t help the doubt his hope was wrestling with, “Before or after it starts snowing in Venice?”, he joked.
Roman chuckled, they were both grateful for the moment of levity, “Never doubt the power of my undying love for you, Giordano.”
Virgil chuckled, affectionately snarking something akin to ‘sbruffone’ as he hung up and got cosy in his armchair. It had just passed midnight, he might as well get comfy considering he wouldn’t be able to sleep now. Not with Roman invading his every thought…
Once Roman had returned to the taxi, he was filled with an unwavering resolve. He all but raced to his hotel room; his hands blurred in his vision as he began to pack the few things he had brought with him into his suitcase with one hand while the other held his phone. 
After the couple of times he’d pulled out the charger on accident, Roman was finally able to call his manager. Despite her protests, Roman knew they could let his understudy handle being Leo Bloom for the last couple of shows. Even if it meant it might cost him some valuable work and publicity.
Sure, being on stage was his dream, but Virgil was his life. 
“I’m coming home, vita mia...”
The armchair was so comfy. Virgil hoped whoever was knocking at his door was prepared for the consequences of waking him up. 
In fairness, he should have gone to bed instead of snuggling even warmer into the chair, but also in fairness there was no reason for anyone to be knocking on his door at half four in the morning. Seriously, who just does that? Virgil hoped it wasn’t some stranger in need of help; he didn’t fancy having to stomach explaining he was literally terrified of leaving his house. Perhaps it would just be Valerie next door, checking in on him, that’d be nice. That he could deal with. As long as it wasn’t the mailman. Or Mormans. 
If his fear of going outside could be rivalled by anything, it was with his hatred of people trying to intrude on his home.
Virgil’s mental ramblings stopped as his mismatched eyes caught a glimpse of a figure through the frosted glass of the door. It was hard to be certain, but the silhouette, the colours, even when distorted…
Never had the door known such force as Virgil tore open the door and came face to face with the love of his life.
The taller man smiled like the angels Virgil was sure had carved him; his cheeks and nose were flushed rosy red, his dark hair was tousled and stuffed underneath the winter beanie atop his head. By the way he was breathing, Virgil guessed that Roman had run at least the length of the street to get here.
Despite knowing he’d regret it once the intrusive thoughts came for him, Virgil braved the two steps outside his doorway to wrap his arms around Roman, a gesture his beloved returned. Warm hands resting on Virgil’s lower back assured him that everything that was happening was real; that the Roman in his arms was real. He didn’t give a second thought to kissing his darling actor, he just did.
When they finally broke for air, Roman chuckled, sweet as honey, bathing Virgil’s face in warm breath, “Vita mia, Virgil, I’m loath to suggest we stop, but I fear you may freeze if we continue. I love you but I’d rather the love of my life not be turned into a popsicle.”
It took Virgil a second to realise what Roman meant. Not only had he rushed out in his pjs, but his clothes and skin were littered with tiny plumes of snow.
Snow. In Venice. 
When Roman pulled off a surprise, he sure did it in style.
As much as the poet could feel his anxiety over being outside - even momentarily - begin to build, he couldn’t help but let out a chuckle,
“Come on then, Roman,”, Virgil huffed softly, his smile so beaming with love, Roman wondered if it was possible to be burned alive by it, “You have stories to tell me from your travels, and I have a warm armchair and some coffee to for us to share...”
Fluff? Straight up fluff? No angst!? It’s likelier than you think!
Seeing out the year with a happy little fic based on smth I talked about with a friend after the Christmas Concert Livestream!
All the Italian used is stuff I tried to cross reference so if anything is wrong or could be improved, please let me know!
(they’re supposed to be talking in Italian the entire fic I just wanted to add in some actual Italian like in the song)
@patton-cake @does-this-look-logicality-to-you @justalittlecorrupted @irritating-lady-knight @katlikethesword @gattonero17 @shadowylemon
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ayellowcurtain · 4 years
Established Sobbe that has been dating for years (they’re not trying to hide it either, it just never came up), sander’s parents try to set him up with Britt because they think it’s about time he gets in a relationship and robbe’s friends try to set him up with sander, both not realizing that they’re already in a relationship, they go along with it because they think it’s hilarious
“I think this is the last box.” Sander says, throwing himself on Robbe’s brand new bed, not sure if he’ll have the strength to go back downstairs if it’s not. They’ve been moving Robbe’s belongings around all day. Sander knew it wouldn’t be easy so he offered his help from packing Robbe’s old bedroom in his parents’ place to moving to this new flat. 
He doesn’t know who the roomies are but Robbe says they’re friends of his friends so it should be fine. 
“Yeah, I think we’re done.” Robbe comes back from the bathroom across the hall, sighing, tired too, smiling when he sees Sander comfortable on his bed already, sitting up when his boyfriend sits on his lap. 
“Your new bed is comfy.” 
“Yeah? It was Milan’s so I wouldn’t trust to sit on it with no sheets but you did it for me, so...” 
Sander frowns, trying to think Robbe is just teasing him and not being serious about how dirty it can be. 
“Is Milan someone you could find attractive?” Sander puts his arms tighter around Robbe’s waist, keeping them as close as possible, smiling when his boyfriend whines very softly, putting his arms around Sander’s neck. 
“Funny you say that. He tried to kiss me a few months before I met you.” 
“What? I didn’t know that!” Sander is interested now. It was a long road until Robbe could even trust himself and Sander to let them talk, knowing very well Sander was falling for him, wanting more than to just be friends. 
Robbe was so deeply inside his closet is hard to imagine his reaction to a guy trying to kiss him before. Sander will never forget the thrill that ran through his whole body when Robbe finally kissed him. He was almost giving up, thinking Robbe would live his whole life pretending to be straight when it happened. 
It’s true that things moved pretty quickly after the first kiss under the water. They went from being weird friends that were clearly completely attracted to each other to being each other’s first in everything, all in one night. 
“You know how bad I was when we met so I don’t think there’s nothing to worry about. I should even apologize to him for being so rude.” 
“You said he helped you with your dad...” Sander tries not to sound as jealous as he feels thinking about Robbe sharing a flat with people he doesn’t know that well, none that could be consider “responsible” if Robbe’s explanation of each of them is anything to go by. 
“He did, he dressed all weird like an adult and my dad bought his bullshit.” 
“So he’s older...that seems to be your type.” Robbe laughs lightly in that way that makes Sander’s world turn into bright colors and lightheaded feelings. 
“Like you just kissed people your age before me.” 
Sander lifts his brows, pretending to think about it when they both know that’s not the case. “No...but never too old either.” 
“How old is too old for you, mister Driesen?” 
“It really depends on how young the youngest is but if both are of age...I would say 5 years is okay still. Maybe 6 if you really like the person.” 
“That’s a gap...” 
“Yeah...Don’t you think society already puts too much weight on labels and time and what’s possible or not to be loved? Like I said, if both people have their brains fully developed by their ages and if they’re both aware of their own feelings and what’s right and wrong, it feels like another box they’re trying to put us inside. Think about older couples that you know, or famous ones, celebrities and shit.”
Sander lifts them up from the bed for a second so he can grab his phone on his pocket, doing a little research with the first celebrities he can think of. 
“Kanye West and Kim Kardashian, Brie Larson and her guy, Greta Gerwig and her guy, Viola David and her husband, look!” Robbe steals his phone before he can keep going, leaving it behind them on the bed. 
“I get it! And I believe you, no need for proof.” 
“Those seem like pretty healthy relationship. These women seem to have their shit together and they have big gaps with their lovers.”
Robbe pulls Sander closer but before they can kiss, the front door is closed and locked, making both of them jump and look at the hall. 
“Hi...?” The blonde girl that Sander assumes to be Zoe stops at the bedroom door, and a guy follows her, clearly interested in what’s going on inside. 
“Hi...” Robbe jumps out of his lap, blushing so deeply that Sander swallows hard, hoping he didn’t make Robbe too uncomfortable getting caught by his roommates. 
“Who are you?” The guy carefully pushes the girl to the side so he can get inside, offering his hand to Sander.
He looks at Robbe, not sure of how he should introduce himself, “Sander,” he decides, shaking the guy’s hand, noticing how he looks at Robbe with a big smile on his face. 
“I’m Milan, so nice to meet you, Sander!” He tries to smile and quietly look at Robbe, see how can he help because it’s clear that Robbe is freaking out a little bit inside his head, not able to use his words. 
“He’s, hm, my boyfriend.” Robbe finally states and Sander exhales, just then noticing he was holding most of his breath. 
“Oh my god! I know you!” The girl finally comes in like her realization of something is what she needed to come in. Sander looks at her, not recognizing her face or voice, “I saw you on Noor’s insta!” 
She laughs and looks around, nobody else understand where she’s going with this so she explains, “Yeah, we were trying to find someone for Robbe.” 
“What?” Robbe almost scream in shock. 
“What? And why I wasn’t part of that committee?” Milan frowns, so hurt that he didn’t know about this. 
She looks at everyone, still smiling, staring at Robbe lastly with an apologetic look. 
“We...didn’t know what you liked so we were very broad with our options. And you know Noor...” 
“Yeah...we go to the same college...” Sander adds, not sure of how much information Robbe wants him to give, not sure how close he is to his flatmates. 
“You chose well.” Milan says with a smile on his face, and that’s when Robbe suddenly gets tired of this awkward conversation, moving on his feet for the first time since he got up from Sander’s lap. 
“Okay, that’s enough. You can leave my bedroom now...” He tries to walk them out of his bedroom and Sander waits for him, noticing how he and Zoe are whispering things to each other, how big and proud her smile is before they’re finally out and Robbe closes and locks the door, resting his forehead against it. 
Robbe finally relaxes his shoulders, turning back around and he doesn’t look mad but Sander waits until Robbe is close to him again, nuzzling against his chest like a cat, and Sander holds him tightly, kissing his forehead. 
“No need to say sorry. I wasn’t really hiding you, so...” 
Sander smiles against his hair. They really weren’t hiding each other or their relationship but they were often alone, in their bubble, maybe unconsciously keeping this to themselves and nobody else. Sander can’t think of anyone or anything coming between them so that’s why, maybe, this first interaction was so weird. 
His phone starts ringing on the bed and Robbe whines, holding his clothes but Sander walks around with him, keeping Robbe against his chest, grabbing his phone. 
“Hi mom...” Robbe smiles softly and Sander gets lost in how beautiful he is for a second, wrapping one arm around his waist, hiding against his neck to smell him, trying to hear what his mom is saying at the same time. 
“She’s a lovely girl, and I invited her to dinner here tonight.”
“What? Who, mom?” 
“Britt! The girl that came here to give me the pencil case you forgot in your class!” 
Sander closes his eyes, standing up again, feeling Robbe’s fingers in the back of his neck to pull him down and closer, carefully leaving feather-like kisses all over his face, on his eyelids, helping him relax instantly. 
“Shit, mom...!” 
“What? Don’t we like her? She seems so nice, baby! And so interested if you were home...” 
“I’ll be home in an hour.” 
“Okay, sweetie! Then we’ll talk.” 
“Yeah, yeah.” He ends the call and puts his phone back on his pocket. 
His parents should get the hint with how many times Sander didn’t sleep at home for the past year or so. Or how he’s been drawing the same mysterious figure, or how much he uses his phone now, constantly texting Robbe when they’re not together.
“One hour? I thought you were staying for the night!” Robbe talks softly and pouts a little and Sander smiles, kissing the corner of his lips just to tease his boyfriend. 
“We have plans now.” 
Robbe is still pouting a little, hoping his disappointment will make Sander change his mind, “What are you guys doing?” 
“No. Me and you.” He slips his hand down a little bit, patting Robbe’s ass, “Surprise, cutie, it’s “meet the parents” day!” 
Robbe opens his eyes big, stopping with the cute face now, suddenly so uncertain if they should do it like this, “Sander...” 
“It’ll be fun, I promise.” 
Sander sits back on the bed, pulling Robbe with him. He knows Britt, and he knows she wants to have something with him and he won’t be the asshole that breaks the girl’s heart in front of his parents and the love of his life. He just hopes they’ll get home before her and he’ll be able to introduce Robbe to his parents and just have a nice dinner with his parents, a friend from college, and Robbe. 
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