#sure i could have added A and E thete but they both tend to be more masc and fem most of the time
a-tale-of-legends · 3 years
Fashion is not my passion but it consumes my mind. Time for the fem presenting oc's of mine!
Kohaku/ Amber: Very outdoorsy. Generally hiking gear and stuff that accommodates with Hoenn's warm weather. Little personal touches like her bow and her backpack that somehow contains everything. All in all very practical for the heat and walking/ running long distances.....and getting swooped up by a Skarmory.
Aiko: OH MY GOD THIS GIRL. I have no idea what her sense of fashion is. Things that I do know: Aiko is very energetic and bubbly. She has trained under the kimono Girls to hone her battling. She has also trained in martial arts ( via Chuck and some of the Kimono Girls). What. What do I do with that. What fashion style fits that. Help-
Danica: Hm. She has this weird balance if comfort and discomfort. Obviously, she wears clothes best suit for the cold climate of Sinnoh ( black leggings, boots, scarfs) and the color I associate with her the most is brown ( especially a more deep reddish brown), so I know she can look comfy and casual. However, her most stand out feature ( other than her hair ) is her scarf. For context, I love creepy Dawn fanart, and it greatly inspired Danica as a character. Her red scarf, in contrast to the rest of her usual fashion choice, is meant feel more ominous ( also relates to her connection with Giratina). All in all, Danica fashion choice I feel would be best for her is something that wouldn't make her stand out much ( hence the brown and maybe black) but when you do see her ( or rather when she sees you), you should be.....concerned. Just a bit. ( Lol she's just gonna give you some poffins)
Elliot: " Clothes have gender? Since when?" 2 electric boogaloo. Like her brother generally, Streetwear/ grunge. Though I know for a fact she's a lot more punk in fashion. Ripped chambray jeans, fake leather jackets ( she's vegetarian btw), fishnets, boots, studs, the whole package. She isn't afraid to show off her leg, unlike her brother being self conscious about his arm ( that isn't to say she isn't self conscious about it, but she sees no point in hiding it). Like her brother, she does wear baggy clothing, but it's more towards the bottoms( which are usually ripped), and her tops are a bit more tight fit( though she has plenty of oversized graphic hoodies). Or she's just wearing a graphic tee of some kind. Wow this is getting long, whoops. Uh, she doesn't wear skirts often like her brother, but shorts are fair game.
Eva: Okay, so remember that weird art trend where people would draw a character or an oc in this specific crop top? Yeah that's what Eva wears lol. That plus some shorts and some running shoes, and she's all good to go. Eva is very much into athletic leisure since she is, believe it or not, a work out junkie. Sports bras, leggings, all that jazz is generally the norm for her. But she also sports jumpsuits, especially when she's building something ( you know for protection). She likes to be a bit flashy in her style, from her little acting career and just her vibe. Though she's very comfortable just wearing something nice and simple. She has most definitely stole some of Elliot's oversized shirts lol.
Aster: Like Yarrow, anything that is meant for the warm climate of Alola. Light blue tank top and shorts. She has little yellow flowers as a headpiece, and would either wear scandals or sneakers( generally a green or teal color). She kicks people's shins with those. Anyway, Aster is also a surfer, so they also have a full body surfing swimsuit ( both for regular surfing and mantine surfing). She would have her hair down or in a ponytail when she's surfing. All in all, she's like Kohaku: outdoorsy, good for running under the sun, or just chilling, except Aster is blue and green ( and teal) while Kohaku is orange and green.
Naomi: Naomi has recently gotten the updated fashion style of Prep-Jock ( low-key cottage core). Light purple/ lavender cardigan/ knit sweater. A simple white shirt/ blouse with blue shorts ( with black leggings similar to what the fighting gym gives you in-game). Finally, some sneakers that are comfortable and meant for running. Outside of that, Naomi does take inspo from her friends, but she's mostly wears her what's she's comfortable with :)
And that's that! Aiko is still a pain, but writing down these helps a lot ( even if I suck at describing things lol)
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