#I seriously went on a rant
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sarahcmarie · 2 days ago
I’m gonna say something that not everyone will agree with
To clarify what I mean I am talking about a very specific group of fans not all of fandom is toxic I refuse to believe that but their are a subset of fans who are being fucking annoying for example
People who say that you can’t be a fan if you got into fandom though specific pieces of media
I became a x-men fan from x-men 97 before I watched x-men 97 I didn’t really know much about them so I went back watched the original cartoons watched YouTube essays on the characters my library (where I get all my comics) doesn’t have x-men comics so I haven’t read them but I completely fell in love with the x-men series
I legitimately heard someone say in full seriousness that they were annoyed cyclops was getting popular cause half the reason it was cool to be a cyclops fan was cause nobody liked him
To be very clear if you don’t want to talk to new fans or hear their opinions (even if I think that’s dumb) just don’t instead of yelling at them for being fake fans
Fans who say your only a fan if you’ve read comics
That is simply untrue I believe fandom can be more fun if you read comics but they are not required to be a fan
comic book movie fans are just as valid as comic book fans and to say otherwise is just stupid I personally enjoyed the fandom long before I enjoyed the comics now I do have comics and I do read them, but before I was really just a movie/TV show fan and you know what I still enjoyed the fandom just as much and learned just as much about the characters even if there are differences in movies and TV shows
Movie and TV shows fans and comic book fans I will admit have a very different experience, but that doesn’t make one experience better or worse. I personally enjoy comics more, but I still love the movies.
And Another thing ( I know surprise surprise but I am on a role so you shall hear my rant… or scroll)
Fans can like whatever the fuck they like I personally love Batman the animated series but if you didn’t enjoy it or just have not watched it that does not make you any less of a fan
Teen titans go is a perfect example of this I loath this show I do not enjoy it I feel like it mischaracterizes a lot of thing/characters and the humor is not my cup of tea BUT there is a fan base and that fan base is not “stupid” or “dumb” or “only 7 yr olds who don’t understand” that show has its place even if I don’t personally understand why people enjoy it does not mean it’s unenjoyable
This goes for a lot of things in fandom
The Cw arrowverse was far from comic accurate there was a ton of stupid love triangles but that doesn’t make it less enjoyable even if you dont find it entertaining or fun AND THATS OK
(Can you tell I feel very strongly on this? lol)
It is indeed ok to bounce back In forth while enjoying media I came to tumblr a diehard marvel fan and a professional Batman hater (it embarrassing to admit but yea I hated Batman without knowing anything about him) now I am a Batman enthusiast I know shocking when you look at my blog and I stepped away from marvel I am now to the point where I equally enjoy both AND THATS OK if you decide one day you love green lantern and so you don’t consume as much Spider-Man content or any at all and you come back to Spider-Man later that’s fine and does not make you less of a fan
The beauty of fandom is not that we all agree but that we disagree we all have our own opinions and get to share them and that is why fandom is wonderful you get to see so many points of view whether you agree or disagree you get to see someone’s inner thoughts somebody’s favorite ship their least favorite character trope it is what makes fandom so great the community NOT getting to be right or wrong about something 
If you disagree with me PLEASE message me or send something to my asks I do not think this post is iron clad it probably has some things that could be worded better or maybe one of my opinions were completely wrong but I am curious of your thoughts and opinions
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burningcheese-merchant · 3 months ago
Wake up, BurningCheese/GoldenSpice babes, new poorly drawn blorbos just dropped
They look cooler in my head, I swear.
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the images didn't show up the first time wtf lol
The kids are finally here, yay. I promised I'd show you them, and I finally stopped being an asshole and followed through. Almost got 200 followers and I'm very grateful for it - really, I'm nobody. I'm just some clown who says dumb stuff and makes dumb memes and writes cringey stories, and yet I convinced almost 200 people to tune in. Thank you all so much, users on here and anons in my inbox alike. As a token of appreciation, you can all endure my rambling about my OCs and witness a person in their early 20s draw like a 12 year old.
The boy is Pepper Jack (or Pepper Jack Cookie). He's the firstborn and older than his sister by a few years. He takes after his mother in a lot of ways, primarily in her appearance (save for nabbing his father's red eyes). He's incredibly bright (and a smartass lol), preferring to think his way out of conflict rather than fight his way out... not that he's above violence at all, if that glaive doesn't give it away lol. He harbors a deep sense of love and loyalty towards his family and his peoples, and carries the weight of his responsibilities and heritage with as much confidence and poise as he can muster. (There are/will be times where he stumbles, of course. He's not perfect. He struggles a lot more than he lets on, really. But he tries his best, for everyone's sake.)
The girl is Matar Paneer (or Matar Paneer Cookie). Again, she's the younger one by a few years. She was all but made in her father's image, save for inheriting her mother's eyes. She's a little firecracker: lively and fun-loving and stubborn as a mule. She doesn't ask "can I have/do this thing", she tells you "I'm going to have/do this thing". Golden is proud as anything to see her daughter be so greedy... until that greed comes into conflict with her and Spice's authority lol. But she's a good kid, despite being such a handful. She has an enormous heart and is not afraid to stand up for others/what's right, and she loves her parents and brother more than anything in the world. She might doubt her own capabilities, she might secretly fear that she's not strong enough to do what she needs to... but she keeps pushing anyway, because she'd honestly choose death over quitting.
Your eyes are not deceiving you, Pepper Jack's wings are blue lol. There's an actual reason for that. And that USO (Unidentified Sitting Object) in Matar Paneer's hair is a lotus (the cheese one in the GCK decor set lol). There's a reason for that, too. I thought it would be cool to give Jack a glaive and swap out the normal blade for that of a khopesh sword (glaives are not Egyptian, they only saw use in Asia and Europe, but I just HAD to give him a glaive), to add that Egyptian touch. Paneer's supposed to be wearing a pattu pavadai, it's a traditional Indian dress for young girls. It's a blouse plus a skirt. She's holding katar, Indian knives (Cilantro Cobra has them, too). And her hair's supposed to be in a low ponytail.
Merchant thinks that if they explain what their terrible drawings are supposed to convey, people will understand their intended vision and the pain will stop
I sat down and did research into both Egyptian and Hindu mythology for the sake of drawing inspiration for them both. I'll explain in detail in another post, but basically: both of them take after one Egyptian god and one Hindu god each. Golden takes after Ra and Spice takes after Shiva, so I figured I'd follow along that line.
Please flood my inbox with questions about them now. I've really been dying to talk about them for ages now. I've drafted extensive character sheets for them both, I even made up in-game descriptions for them lol. They're my little fankid blorbos and I love them :') I hope you all come to love them, too
(Also, I'm sorry they're on lined paper. I'm visiting family rn and that's the only paper my grandmother has in her house. I'd have to drive to a stationery to get printer paper and I'd really rather not drive in this particular country lol (shit roads, even shittier drivers). I'll doodle them on printer paper whenever somebody remembers to bring me some)
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nixthelapin · 9 months ago
I don’t think enough people realize that Origins Pt. 1 & 2 happen on the same day
In French schools, they have a long lunch break, so lots of kids just go home for that time then come back. Seriously, they get like 90min- 2hours! (Which blows my mind as an American, who only got 30 minutes for my lunch break)
So when Adrien runs away again to school, the stuff that went on with the seats, the hurt from Kim taunting Ivan, Marinette’s insecurity about being picked as Ladybug, is still fresh! They didn’t even have the night to process it!
I just still see a lot of people who discuss origins talk about pt. 2 as “the next day,” when really it’s just the afternoon, so I thought I’d make a post finally lol
This has been a short PSA, thank you.
EDIT: ok, turns out I am a moron. I am being torn in the replies 😭 The amount of time for lunch in French schools is true, so I just took that info and went with it lol- I definitely should’ve just rewatched the episodes instead of being stupid, my bad y’all 😂
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ttrpg-smash-pass-vs · 1 year ago
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They're elves of the shadowfell, normal human height. They specialize in teleportation and invisibility, with the casters among them throwing in confusion and fear and illusion. Be careful though, as any trained in combat start making non-elves slower and worse while within 10 feet. From depression, from the sound of it. Their angst about being more ancient and timeless than you wordlessly attaches to you like a parasite, slowing you down. Good for if you enjoy concepts like-
Shadows, but like DARKER than shadow, that lash out when they're moody
looking beautiful unless in shadow, in which case they're corpselike
ignoring pointless things like "comfort" and "morals" and "rules"
being the chosen of the Raven Queen, and on her behalf collecting dark tragedy, sorrow, and feelings of loss.
being corpse pale with jet black hair, pure black eyes, and covered with tattoos/piercings/anything that would make a generic white suburban mom in the 50's scream in terror.
Lumping them all together because they're all the same outside one having mage hand and such. Idc what weapon they're holding.
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lizhly-writes · 4 months ago
the best time to write is when you shouldn't be writing. the best thing to write is what you shouldn't be writing. i've written at least 500 words on a fic i shouldn't be working on during work. why is my muse like this.
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froggychair05 · 9 months ago
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Doodle page ft. my silly little notes
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madame-fear · 9 months ago
Is it me, or has the HOTD fandom lately been a bit too aggressive? I don’t know how to explain it with other words, but basically it’s that.
One would have guessed that by the time S2 was approaching, or finally came out, people would be less aggressive/toxic— but unfortunately, it hasn’t been the case. What is wrong with everyone, can’t you all behave like the grown-ups most of you are instead of throwing shit at the actors, people, AND fictional characters?
If you can’t distinguish fiction from reality, I got news for you: go see a specialist, because there clearly is something wrong in there.
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musicalmoritz · 8 months ago
Every time you ship Mitsuba with a girl, Kou punches a wall
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islenskihesturinn · 2 months ago
Had a little rage moment (privately in my car) after my second day of saddle fitting.
On the second day someone brought in a Tennessee Walking Horse. Me and my team were working on another horse so didn't get much from how that consult went.
Later I heard that the horse was lame as all hell, but that the owner claims that that's "just his gaitedness".
I didn't explode with everyone around me. I just calmly said that that's a severe lack of knowledge of gaitedness, never mind horses in general.
But once I was on the main road where I could step on the gas I screamed out loud, in my car, and hated the world just a little bit, and reminded myself that this is also part of trying to make the world a little better.
Maybe I'm lucky to have ridden quite a few Icelandic horses in my life that I can hear and feel the difference in the varying degrees of tölt a horse can show, and that I definitely know when a horse is lame or even just a little 'off'.
I'm just baffled that people can look at their horse, can have professionals look at their horse, can have a class of people with a collective shit-ton of experience look at your horse and then still, still claim that lameness is simply the gaitedness of the horse.
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ssreeder · 8 months ago
Official “Jee ask”
Istg. Jee.
That man.
Oh my lord.
It’s soooo unserious. Every time I read his pov my highscore on the giggle-meter goes up.
he is my favorite non-sokka pov to read because of how hilarious his reactions are.
those eyebrow muscles must be swole as hell. Im serious. His eyebrow game must be studied.
I looovee his attitude bro
“Chang practically announced to the whole bar” when they were debriefing what went down in the SWT camp oh my god he is soooo dramatic
Or when he asks Bato “is this another one of your hypothetical scenarios?” Oh my goooodddddd 😭 I’m literally dying he is soo funny. And I don’t think he even realizes.
He is genuinely one of the most entertaining povs to read if I could make one of those “why we <do xyz>” list on “why we read liab” I’d definitely have “for Jee’s eyebrows” or “for Jee’s attitude” up there.
You know exactly how to write middle aged people who are just Done™ with everything.
That poor man cannot take one more problem added to his list and he will make sure of it.
In a way he kinda reminds me of V, (oh my god it’s been so long since I’ve thought about V) and her no-nonsense attitude
Okay I have so many more things to say but I’m not forming coherent thoughts right now, but basically this is the official
Jee Appreciation Ask™
We ❤️ Jee.
We ❤️ LIAB.
official Jee ask deserves the official LIAB Jee image:
@vintageskeletons for making this hahaha
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I’m really glad the way I wanted Jee to come across translated well because an unintentionally intentional sassy old man who was fed up with everything while also caring extremely deeply about everything and everyone was my goal. Yayayayyayyy I’m glad you like him haha.
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sugarcoatednightshade · 11 months ago
Tired of seeing fic on ao3 claiming to be based off dune the book series when it’s very obvious that the writer has only seen dune the movie(s).
Yes, it matters. Yes, these are very different works. You’re probably doing this for visibility; I don’t care. Archive Of Our Own is a fucking archive, stop labeling your works with a tag you know is factually incorrect. It makes it impossible for me to filter for fics I want to read.
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tonydaddingham · 2 years ago
i am full body raging about this bullshit
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like don't get me wrong if you're an east coast yank I'm genuinely happy for you
but prime premiere website literally states early screening is 26th, but now we have to go black out for 10 days starting the 18th
im so fucking angry this is a disaster waiting to happen, why the fuck did they bother getting so worked up about The Spoiler when youre pulling this shit jfc
if i see ONE SINGLE spoiler please know that there is NO CORNER OF THE EARTH where i will not find you and skin you alive ����
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hecatesbroom · 9 months ago
Rewatching the crown and oh wow, I forgot how good this show is
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always-andromeda · 3 months ago
I keep seeing these tiktok edits comparing female celebrities from like the 80s/90s/2000s to modern female celebrities over that “Have you ever dreamt of a better version of yourself?” audio from The Substance and maaaan…that shit makes me feel so icky. Like I get that these editors are going, “Hey, these two people look alike!!” And that’s great. But using an audio from The Substance on actual real life women feels so diabolical?? I feel like I’m the only one who feels this way and ngl I feel insane!! 😭
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ssreeder · 8 months ago
newest chapter reminded me of like a beach episode in anime where it’s fun low conflict that still moves the plot along yes yes
also don’t know bout you but i’m getting never ending rain which yay but also ew cause it makes outside Worse. now a flashback to book one with sokka out tied up to the pole in the rain 😑
i sit Patiently for the next chapter Patience is a Virtue
yeahhh hehe last chapter was my beach episode. It was a fun mix of ‘ugh they’re so annoying’ & ‘awwww I lub them’
once again Jee has stolen the show, he’s definitely beach episode material haha.
I’m actually fine with the rain, I have lots of grass and trees so it’s happy for the feeding!! … my biggest concern is the hurricanes already acting up and what that means for our upcoming season ahhh…
dum dun dunnnnnnnnnnn….
& I love that you’re being patient because you’ll need to be this chapter is being difficult (i blame iroh & zuko)
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sukibenders · 2 years ago
Me, whenever I think about how, in Yellowjackets, being a queen holds a death sentence as we see with Jackie, who is not only the leader of the group but possibly was the queen bee in high school, drawing in all the attention but also bearing the weight of responsibilities for her team. When she sees them going down a path she fears, that she doesn't understand and thinks it could bring them harm, she protests. She dies all the same. How Nat follows in her footsteps, even if she is a part of that path, which she hates. We see Nat be the one to go out in search of food even when in a dangerous climate, but does so because no one else will and the team counts on her. And because the other option is something she can't (won't) fathom. When Nat realizes that the group is slowly turning towards new ways, it becomes apparent that she can't resist it like how Jackie did, and so she accepts it even when it means her end. Only, it doesn't, or at least in the way she expected (Javi dies for her and she has to bear that weight) and, in the end, becomes the leader that the group needs, needs in that moment that Jackie couldn't be. That shift will forever haunt her in ways that the other members of the team can never truly understand (Travis did, but he's gone, and still no one truly understands). The stain that follows her into adulthood, and, in the end, it will be the death of her.
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