CHOOMTOP Tumblr Status: ON HIATUS "you can find my ass on twitter" V.I.P | CASSIOPEIA | JAYWALKER Fangirl. 22 yrs old. PH. T.O.P is my ultimate bias. KPOP fan since 2007. --MUSIC is my life-- --KPOP is my happiness-- --REALITY is my nightmare-- Take time to scroll down and hit the next page button before following. I claim no ownership with any content posted on this blog unless stated otherwise. Follow at your own risk. :)
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[fanaccount] The YUNJAE encounter on 15.10.02
Initially I had decided not to write about it because I considered the most important info was already shared by other fans and I did not think my opinion would be necessary, especially since I did not take any videos of the moment, and I thought everything else I could add was already out of timing, BUT since that short video of Yunjae ‘hugging’ came out I see a lot of people being unsure about it, which is totally understandable because I know how it feels like not wanting to overreact about something unless we’re 100% sure it’s true.
So basically I pondered if I should speak out about my own experience and what I saw with my own eyes, and decided I wanted to write about it and share it with the fandom because:
1. They did bro-hugged.
2. I have been on the other side of the coin and I dislike having all sort of versions and not knowing what is real and what is not.
3. I dislike when people exaggerate facts and write biased fanaccounts.
4. I dislike when facts get twisted due to mistranslations, so I rather write this myself in English.
5. I know I can write an objective fanaccount for everyone who was not there, and I feel in that way I will be contributing to a better understanding of what happened in such a memorable day for us.
Who am I?
An international fan from Mexico, currently living in Korea, studying a master’s degree, post lawsuit DBSK/JYJ fan (meaning I support and love the 5 boys), Chun biased, Yunjae shipper but not the delusional kind lol, I just like them together ^^
2015.10.02 – Gyeryong-si, Ground Forces Festival
I arrived to the event place early in the morning on Friday Oct 2nd, I was there from before the event started so I also got to see Jaejoong performing “Arirang” and Yunho MCing the opening ceremony, and that also was a very special moment because after all these years we were finally seeing the two of them together in one place. But at that moment I was still not sure that meant they had been talking or whether they were in good terms or not.

Now, you all know what happened after that, Jaejoong performed at the Fringe Stage after the Opening Ceremony and Yunho was the MC for the Main Stage afternoon performance.
There was another Fringe performance scheduled for the afternoon at 3:00 pm and I thought Jaejoong would perform again, but seeing how there were considerable less people waiting for the performance to start I felt that fans already knew Jaejoong was going to perform again.
But I decided to wait anyway, after all I was already there and it’s not like I had anything more interesting to do. So the afternoon performance started but I knew Jaejoong would not come out first if he was going to perform so instead I went to the Main Stage, and saw some fans at the backstage looking to the direction of a tent on the opposite side, Yunho was there, so I took a couple of pictures, he was there with his manager and parents.

According to the time of the pictures that was at 3:20 pm. The group of fans there got closer to the tent where Jung was, but I seriously felt that was a little bit too much, as in I felt he would feel uncomfortable somehow, I don’t know just the idea of standing there in group observing him and taking pictures and videos constantly seems wrong to me, I did not want to be there so I left to the Fringer Stage again, and that is when Jaejoong wore the mascot suit and came to the Fringe stage XD So I was there and I saw him fangirling over the soldier who was performing at that moment, obviously I never imagined Jaejoong would be the one wearing the suit! I just remember I kept looking at the mascot and smiling because its actions were so cute and funny! I really thought “whoever is inside that costume is good at this”. Now that I think about it, it might be that Jae has seen us fangirling over him for so many years that he knows exactly how to portray a fangirl lol
And you can see me on the video CJES posted being totally oblivious about Jae dancing behind me. I actually was thinking “please don’t pick me to dance with you because that will be embarrassing” …ugh >.<
Anyway after the Fringer afternoon performance was over and Jaejoong didn’t perform as I had expected, so again I just started to walk around, and by that time there was very few people and I saw a couple of fans waiting outside the Operating Headquarter tent, I thought maybe they knew Jaejoong or Yunho were inside so I waited there too.

I few minutes later, Jaejoong came out of the tent, and I was so shocked to see him that close, I seriously did not expect to see him there, but he was just right there! and there were only around 8-10 Chinese fans and me!
When Jaejoong came out of the tent he walked directly to the blue tent on the side of the Headquarters one, I had not noticed before, until Jae went there, that Yunho’s parents were sitting in that place!!
Blue tent where the encounter happened lol

I could not believe the magnitude of what I was witnessing, Jaejoong greeted Yunho’s parents and he was standing right in front of Yunho’s dad and talking, I think I was so shocked about the implications of such a moment that I totally did not see Yunho was also there at first!
I somehow felt as if I should not be there, I felt it was such an intimate, personal, special moment for Jaejoong (greeting Jung’s parents after all this time), that I did not dare to look at them constantly or take pictures of videos, I was shaking and my heart was beating fast and I just did not know what to do with myself.
There were also Yunho’s manager and Jaejoong’s manager (not An-Chan, probably someone CJES sent), and when the Chinese fans were trying to take pictures and videos with their cellphones and cameras, the managers walked toward us and started yelling at us in a not polite way to not take pictures and to go away.
To be honest I don’t know why they acted so harsh about it, their attitude made it even more obvious that it was such an important moment that somehow they did not want people to see/share proofs with the world XD But also I think Yunho and Jaejoong did not care about it, because honestly, if they didn’t want people to see them together talking and such, they wouldn’t have done it right there in the open in front us fans, because of course they saw we were there, so they could have gone inside the tent, but they did not, so I think Yunho and Jaejoong were so cool about it that they did not care if fans saw them together or not, which is a good thing, right? :)
So they were talking there for a little while, and that is when you see pictures of Yunho standing up and walking to Jae’s sister to greet her and you can see also Jaejoong’s niece Seohyeon near Yunho and Yunho looking to her.
And then, when Jaejoong started saying goodbye to Yunho’s parents bowing to them several times and all, it’s when the bro-hug happened. Like I said at first I was not aware Yunho was there, but I did saw when Jaejoong shook hands with this guy in blue jacket (which was Yunho XD) and bro-hugged.
What I mean by bro-hug is basically –>>THIS <<–(CLICK THE LINK YOU GUYS XD) but softer …it was not a long full hug (not MKFM kind if you’re wondering lol), but the fact remains that they greeted goodbye in a way you don’t do unless you’re close to that person and of course if you were in an awkward position or not totally in good terms with someone, you do not bro-hug like that. If they were just being polite to each other they could just have vowed to each other and that is it, but it was not the case :)
So after Jaejoong greeted goodbye he walked to the bathroom and Yunho and his parents went to the back of the Headquarters tent, I do not know if they went inside or not because from where I was standing I could not see, and even though other fans followed them I did not want to do that, like it was too much.
After a few minutes Jaejoong came walking back from the bathroom and shared a couple words with his sister (Seohyeon’s mom) and went to the back of the Headquarters tent too where Yunho had walked to earlier.
After a little while Jaejoong came back again and went inside the Headquarters tent through the front door, where I was standing, I told him he had worked hard in Korean and he vowed :3
I remember seeing Jaejoong all sweaty and his face was so red and I was wondering what had happened to him, I thought he didn’t look good, now I know it was because he had been playing around with the mascot suit before coming to greet Yunho and his parents, it all makes sense now hehe.
I kept waiting outside the main gate of the headquarters tent because I was trying to calm myself down after what I had witnessed, I looked at the only picture I had taken with my camera and I realized I had captured Jaejoong, Yunho, Jung’s parents and Jae’s sister in one frame! I was shaking and I could not believe I had proof of the encounter, I had been there to see it with my own eyes, I did not need to read it from someone else or be doubtful if it had really happened or not, because I knew it had happened because I saw it myself!
The time I took this picture is 4:33 pm

Then Jaejoong came out of the HQ tent by himself again, that boy ^^ and he walked to the Information boot placed beside the HQ tent, I was so surprised he went out by himself, as if he was not a celebrity, and all the fangirls there started following him so close and taking pictures with their cameras, I felt bad seeing that, so I followed from a distance that I considered it was not invading his personal space lol
He went into the information boot as was asking something, then he came out and I was standing right there, I did not expect him to come out from where I was standing so I was shocked, and so I was face to face with him, because fans were surrounding us and I could not move back, then he said “excuse me” in Korean and I moved to the side so he could walk by, I just took a picture from his back once he walked away.

So that is basically what happened, after that Yunho left the venue first, and Jaejoong left after.
I do not know if this makes things clearer for everyone, I hope it does, and if you have any questions let me know, I really just want facts to be straight and clear for everyone.
In my personal opinion, Yunho and Jaejoong are in good terms, that is for sure, I do believe it after what happened on Oct 2nd, not only this but also that another video of them inside a tent and Yunho helding Jae’s arm before leaving. For me this moment is not about the pairing itself, I mean, it’s not that now I think they are together or anything like that, but for me this represents that they had the chance to talk (during the weeks they were together at Headquarters training for the festival), to solve their issues, and that they are in good terms now, that they were ok about fans seeing them together talking and all, and it makes me believe this is the beginning of a reconciliation between the 5 of them, I don’t know if one day they will perform together again, but just knowing they can be in good terms again and openly being in touch and all, that’s enough for me to have peace of mind.
I feel so fortunate and thankful for the chance I had to be there to see the encounter, because I can be sure of what happened and therefore I am in peace, and I do hope me sharing what I experienced helps you to be in peace too ^^
I could also attend the festival 4 days, and there is many things I could share about the experience and how our boys are so professional, considerate, talented, thoughtful, etc. but that would be way too long, but I can say I never felt more proud to be their fan, and I just have more reasons to keep loving and supporting the five of them and having hope until the end.
Thanks everyone for reading this and feel free to share it so more fans can also clear their doubts ^^
*fandom hug*
PS. will post the Spanish version later, I’m off to class now ^^
EDIT: if you need more detail about the bro-hug if the video I linked you to is not enough lol

Yunho walks to Jaejoong and then he extended his right arm and Jae did the same, they shook hands and half hugged (kind of bumped their shoulders).
Someone asked me if they hugged with both arms around each other, they did not hug like that ^^ No both arms around each other :)
But seriously, that does not make any diference! ^0^ what happened is awesome enough I think lol
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G: We heard that you like walking. Do you walk often these days as well? YH: I walk around a lot secretly. Even when I use a car, I park it briefly and walk. It seems that I still need some time alone to think and sort out things myself. G: What do you usually do when you are alone at...
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just casually reblogging this.
Love in the Blue - DBSK & Big Bang Mashup
by ryeppeum
This mashup brings DBSK’s Love in the Ice and Big Bang’s Blue together, creating a heavenly sound, hahaha! It does have some parts from BB’s Haru Haru too~ ^^ I looooooove DBSK’s Love in the Ice (Jaejoong’s voice is my fave!) and BB’s Blue (TOP’s voice is my fave too LOL), so i reaaaaally like this mashup.
I swear, it sounds beautiful ;A;
hope you guys like it as much as i do!
xoxo, A :)
*gotta love your OT5 groups! (;
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You’re just too lazy to make a comeback, you caveman.
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9/???Yoochun’s (slightly new) habits - “Sitting on Junsu” aka “How to us the duckbutt #362”
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The company’s wish was for my music to appeal to more people. It was hard for me to accept at first. But I realized that, if I continued to be stubborn, the album (Rise) would never come out. And I thought… My obstinacy, my inclinations are only going to grow stronger with time. The things I don’t want to do, I’m going to want to do even less and less. And if that’s the case, maybe I should try to accept things when I can still be a little open-minded. And I changed the way I approached making this album. I think, as I made each song, I lent an ear to what a lot of people had to say.
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