#I really love learning Turk lore
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renohasbigtits · 1 year ago
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(Original link by @ ShinraArch: https://x.com/shinraarch/status/1710049745345855955?s=46&t=oXiWi-2gJggAhYSHPA_9FQ)
I guess that means that Reno was scouted cause I can’t imagine him having legit  connections preTurk days if you ask me.
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violaman1624 · 3 years ago
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Attended the LA concert for the Final Fantasy VII Remake Orchestra World Tour! Great experience as it's nice to be able to enjoy live music again. I give it a solid 7.(remake part)2 /out of 10
Takeaways as an FFVII music purist, starting with pros:
-choir was an excellent addition and added so much depth to Uematsu compositions/arrangements. They hit the ground running in the very first piece (Prelude/Reunion). They also played a huge part towards the end of the concert (not trying to spoil here, but read onwards)
-video gameplay/cut scenes made for very good eye candy, especially for people with little to no exposure to Final Fantasy
-really liked the inclusion of the Yuffie theme, "Descendant of Shinobi" even though I'm sure 99% of people there are still on the waiting list for the PS5 and the PS5 exclusive FF7 Remake Intergrade. The piece definitely grew on me after hearing it with the battle scenes
-glad they snuck in the victory fanfare at the end of one of the battle music arrangements
-second best thing after the choir was the arrangements/programming. After a live performance of "Hollow" by YOSH, it seemed like the concert was over due to the standing ovations. I thought they were going to end without playing the main theme or OWA (One-Winged Angel). Then as if queued to perform several encores, they performed the main theme on its own (no medleys), a non medley Aerith's theme, and then One-Winged Angel, to fit the lore of the OG game, I guess.
-the strings, mainly violins, nailed some gnarly passages in the "Hurry" performance (in the OST, the runs in "Hurry" are synthesized), but overpowered the winds and brass at too many important points in the concert. Because Tifa's theme was passed among instruments, the violins often drowned out the melody.
-there were also parts of the arrangement that pussied out on the difficulty, compared to the OST (me just being nitpicky, as I had spent time transcribing it myself and learning that passage on the violin)
-videos during the music were generally good but scene selection was very ??? They were showing gameplay vs Crab Warden and Airbuster when music was from Scorpion Sentinel track. Another "offense" was showing Jenova Dreamweaver gameplay when playing the track for "Arsenal." 4 minutes into "J-E-N-O-V-A Quickening" is one of the most catchy boss tunes among fans. I think showing the wrong boss/not playing the Jenova track was kind of an insult. One last tiny remark was during "Arbiter of Fate - Singularity" (track for fighting Whisper Harbinger and Co. in Chapter 18), they kept showing prior scenes of whispers.
-at the end of the One-Winged Angel performance, I wish they showed the scene in space with Cloud and Sephiroth instead of the dream/destruction sequence with their backs to each other (that scene was used before in the concert already)
-I wish they performed some different tracks. Here are ones I notably missed:
"On Our Way" (featured in one of the music boxes) (and honestly would have preferred this to Jessie's theme)
"Airbuster" theme (mainly for the electric guitar)
"The Turks: Reno" (too many electric instruments)
"Wall Market" (iconic as there are so many great scenes in this area of the game)
"Hell House" (would need full symphony to create the proper depth)
"The Day Midgar Stood Still" (the eye candy during this chapter, 15, would have been perfect as it makes for great wallpapers)
"Fires of Resistance" (same as ^)
"Valkyrie" theme (would have loved to hear excellent string playing on more battle themes)
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terra-fatalis · 4 years ago
Talk about a coincidence!
A debated canonicity
(Previous post here)
Mad1en who Trave1s the P1anet (adding typos to prevent unpleasant comments) is one of the most controversial entries of FFVII lore.
It was included in FFVII Ultimania Omega, published in 2005. Fans have debated ever since if this short story is part of the canon entries of the compilation, as it was written by an external writer that never took part to the realisation of the game.
Part of the fandom thinks it's canon because Square Enix never said it isn't, another part thinks it's not canon because Square Enix never mentioned it again ever since it was published (neither ever provided an official translation nor decided to sell it outside Japan. Quite self-explanatory, considering that "Picturing the Past" has been immediately translated and it's sold everywhere in the world).
The particularity of this novel is that here Aerith states she loves Cloud more than Zack. Not a word is spent to describe how she feels when she understands that Zack didn't cheat on her but endured experimetations for years and died to save Cloud, and that Cloud had created an alter ego based on Zack's traits. These lines started to divide the fans after the release of Crisis Core, that describes a tender and sincere romantic relationship between Zack and Aerith.
Yes, SE never officially said if this novel is canon or not, but I'd like to point out a fact:
The Remake includes tons of references to all the entries of the compilation.
Some examples?
The Avalanche members that show up in Chapter 4 wear the original uniforms of Before Crisis:
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Crisis Core references can be found everywhere in the game, for one thing, Zack's last stand:
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Dirge of Cerberus was already hinted in the game when Cloud, Tifa and Barret fell in the misterious lab beneath Sector 7 and is going to be heavily referred in the Intergrade. From the trailer we can see Weiss:
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There are many references to Advent Children too. For example, Sephiroth has the black wing that he only showed in the movie:
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Last order is quite difficult to refrence, as it doesn't add anything new to the story but it's rather a reinterpretation of Nibelheim incident. Anyway, it is mentioned in FFVII Remake World Preview (Square Enix book that includes "Picturing the Past"):
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And now talk about the novels:
New characters, like Kyrie, come from The Kids are alright, a Turks side Story:
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And here's an example from On the Way to a Smile too: from a dialogue with Jessie it's revealed that Cloud doesn't know the names of vegetables:
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...turned out he [Cloud] didn't know a carrot from a gysal green. At first, Tifa was amused that mighty Cloud's new life started with learning vegetables names... (Case of Tifa)
Before Crisis
Crisis Core
Advent Children
Dirge of Cerberus
Last Order
The Kids are alright
On the way to a Smile...
Picturing the Past was written alongise the Remake to clarify the origins of the mural painting in Aerith's room...
They are all abundantly referenced multiple times during the game. Find a more exhaustive list here.
And now it's the turn of Ma1den who trave1s the P1anet.
The author of this novel based himself on the original dialogues and story of the OG and reinterpreted them adding some new elements to create a coherent narration (full of discrepancies that, ehm, have already been disproved years ago, like Aerith's age when she met Zack, Hojo being not really dead, Zack's personality being totally different from Crisis Core, Aerith already knowing about Zack's death, normal souls that should merge immediately in the Lifestream, Omnislash being not Zack's ability...not that this ever convinced anyone).
Correct me if I'm wrong, but...
There are no references at all in the whole game. Not a single word that inequivocally refers to this novel.
Not a word to hint the fact that bad people's souls will rot in the Lifestream and won't be part of it because their spirits are beyond redemption (like what happened in the novel to President Shinra and Hojo).
In the novel Biggs, Wedge and Jessie are tormented by the deaths caused by the explosion of Mako reactor n.1. Jessie feels guilty both in the OG and in the Remake but Biggs and Wedge don't show much regret and the Remake shows that Shinra caused the massive explosion of the reactor, not Jessie. But wasn't the Lifestream supposed to be the place where all knowledges are merged together? I may be wrong but this would suggest that Jessie would have known it after her death.
There are hints that suggest the Aerith of the resolution scene is the one who already died in the OG: she talks to Cloud as if they had passed a long time together, she talks about death and finally disappears in a sparkling greenish light.
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It would have been a great scene to put any reference to Ma1den but...it didn't happen.
Well...wierd the devs forgot to mention just this entry...
What a coincidence.
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petitepistol · 5 years ago
this is hard because i have to separate elena from how she exists in canon from the elena i have built up for myself in my mind, so in the interest of brevity im choosing to focus on the canon aspects that deeply drew me to her to begin with and continue to feed my fascination and frustration with her to this day
ONE elena is a minor character. like, take her out of the story of the game and nobody would bat an eye. the writers dont really know what they are doing with her at any given moment, so she is this half formed mess of anachronistic traits. that can be really interesting and really challenging to try and flesh out, especially when you factor in how disconnected she is from even the characters closest to her and what those interpersonal dynamics must be like. even among the turks she is an outlier, new to the team and hellbent on diligently doing her job despite not having the same ghosts as the rest of them. before crisis tries to touch on that with her sister, but that just muddies the waters further providing conflicting motivations that they never really address. because, as stated initially, she is a minor character. and that means the exposition is something i have to do, not canon.
TWO despite being a minor character, from a mechanics standpoint she serves a purpose. her first appearance is there to give you an important lead on the big bad, her narrative purpose in the wutai subquest means you get both a party member and a forge fragile armistice with the turks. during the icicle portion if you get knocked out by her, she drops you off in gast’s house, which might mean the devs were using her to guide less skilled players into viewing missable but important lore. this extends to the compilation, where she is utilized off screen for the jenova head in a box debacle, and in before crisis to pad out the plot a little longer by getting kidnapped. from a game design perspective her existence is validated not by good writing but by being a deus ex machina and i have learned to love that as much as i hate it.
THREE she occupies a space where you can throw just about a billion tropes at her and it can work. people don’t usually realize this, but for such bit player you can do a lot with her. also if you wanna write snappy dialogue you can let this girl just say fucking anything. nothing is off limits coming out of her mouth, because there is so little to go off of and what data there is can be interpreted so broadly. that also means you can write her as downright sociopathic or as an unlikely altruist, leaning towards either of the extremes or staying dead center in the middle of the road. the only limitations are that of the perceptional biases of the writer.
FOUR that she is the highest level of the turks in game will never not make me ridiculously happy. i love that this so called clumsy rookie is the most difficult to take out in a fight with the rarest gear. if you wanna hear more about aspect that go here.
FIVE hnnnnng pretty girl who can kick my ass please step on me unga bunga
there are so many wonderful people i want to give accolades too that i often find it hard to do these kind of daisy chains, and even now im cheating by doubling the number. that still isnt enough, so to those who arent on this list i have to say i love you too but the powers that be and my own shyness turned off the mic before the speech ended
ONE forever amused by how both @makeupandmateria and @madamdirectcr are not only incredible to me as a player, but elena as a character. we are in love with this surprising supportive mean ladies coterie. swiftie plays an elegantly dubious scarlet to the hilt and manages to bring out the best in everyone. lottie brings an uncanny sensitivity to scarlet that makes you think while being so sweet and engaging outside of play.
TWO speaking of girls muses supporting other girl muses @heavenlyfighter and @cultivatxr are a dynamic duo and im lucky enough to be in talks with both of them. jessica plays a lovely tifa who has such a melancholy imbued to her strength while not only tolerating my flakiness but being so understanding, while phoe has had a perfect grasp on aerith for what feels like an epoch always letting that same vibrancy spill out into reality.
THREE so @animus-inspire and @urbdev-assistant are two peas of positivity in a pod and i adore them for it. one them plays an understated hero who has the capacity to do great good even when aligned with evil and the other has taken the adage about there being a great woman behind every great man and elevated an npc into a brilliant character. both are fantastic.
FOUR shout out to @missionheartcd and @rude-at-your-service for being not only the best coworkers elena could ever had but being consistently delightful out of character. not only do i want to play more with their characters, i also appreciate their support.
FIVE thank you to @warofthebeasts​ and @inanisvitae​ for putting up with my inexplicable affection for sephiroth. kevin is so patient with my persistent poking and prodding and you could not find a more passionate advocate for either character development or friendship than maria.
these are mostly mine but may or may not apply to elena from some twisted meta perspective also this was hard because i have no guilty pleasures my tastes is flawless (this definitely applies to elena as well unless we are talking about her taste in men which is terrible lmao sorry im just bullying tseng he is actually pretty cool)
ONE you cannot have this type of lists without ABBA represented and while this is almost a lesser known track of theirs, i have liked it since i heard it in childhood playing through the records my mom owned. the lyrical content is very shinra-core and while i dont think elena ever dated a middle aged fat cat for money as a teen im certain she considered it
TWO as a kid i didnt like the indomitable miss spears because i bought into regressive attitudes towards female sexuality while not recognizing she was being exploited by the industry, but i have grown. elena agrees with the sentiment of “you better work, bitch”
THREE im not ashamed of my love of god queen shiina ringo but at the time i first saw this video i was not prepared for the gratuitous badass lady nurse on sexy female patient malpractice action it featured and that was what made it a guilty pleasure
FOUR everybody loves george michael and that includes me. this piece from his wham! era is almost too peppy, but i am an absolutely a sucker for imagining brutal fight scenes with anachronistically cheerful songs playing over the carnage
FIVE rounding things off is an obligatory recent weeb jam. well half of this combo is american but you know what i mean. i love the combination of classic funk and whispery vocals echoing into an unrepentant cry of “fuck you motherfucker.” coupled with the blonde in the video intercut with the OL being joyfully liberated by her train ride? elena vibes
Tagged: @madamdirectcr @animus-inspire Tagging: you!
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thememcry · 5 years ago
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fill out & repost ♥ This meme definitely favors canons more, but I hope OC’s still can make it somehow work with their own lore, and lil’ fandom of friends & mutuals. Multi-Muses pick the muse you are the most invested in atm.
My muse is:   canon / oc / au / canon-divergent ( potentially ) / fandomless
Is your character popular in the fandom?  YES / NO. 
Is your character considered hot™ in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK.
Is your character considered strong in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK. (apparently there are youtube comments circulating about how boring or weak aerith is. if an explanation needs be provided for how strong of a woman, character, and fighter she is in her own regard then the point of the character is missed entirely.)
Are they underrated?  YES / NO.
Were they relevant to the main story?  YES / NO.
Were they relevant to the main character?  YES / NO / THEY’RE THE PROTAG.
Are they widely known in their world?  YES / NO.  (the big baddies know of her, the little baddies know to look for her and the heroes just learned of why she’s important).
How’s their reputation?  GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL.
How strictly do you follow canon?
      it depends entirely on the person / character i’m writing and what verse they’re in. when someone approaches me and doesn’t specify a verse i give them main verse (ff7r) and follow canon as closely as i’d like. but most of my threads diverge from canon for exploration or other purposes. i’m not concerned with how close to canon my aerith is ------obviously i’d like people to hear her voice when i have her speak, or see her performing the actions i have her commit to but i’d also like this interpretation to be my own. so when someone reads a piece of my writing they say oh yes, that’s kay’s aerith definitely.
SELL YOUR MUSE! Aka try to list everything, which makes your muse interesting in your opinion to make them spicy for your mutual.  
      i could make an entire post about all of the things i love about aerith gainsborough on its own, so i’ll try not to let this be too rambly.
      she is such a three-dimensional character and she always has been. people expect just to meet the damsel in distress, to rely on cloud and company to help her out at every twist and turn. square even did a good job selling her appearance: soft pinks, gentle features, and when she was given a voice actor the first few times they always went the route of someone who had a lighter lilt. to the first glance she is very much all of those things. except it’s not all she is.
      aerith wears masks to cover the horrendous things that happened to her as a child: experimentation, the shocking loss of her mother after escaping it, crushing loneliness, an awareness that she was different and nobody around who understood the properties of that difference to explain it to her in a way that didn’t terrify her. she heard the planet, could tell when people passed away and rejoined the lifestream, surrounded by all of these voices yet so fucking alone. and did she let it make her bitter? did she become angry or cold, jaded or cruel? no. aerith is kind and giving without being too self-sacrificing and without making her boring. she’s not as innocent as people are made to believe.
      look at her first interactions with cloud. she flirts mercilessly with him, and then you discover she did it to zack, too. she’s not afraid to express herself in any fashion and she’s unapologetic about how forward and positive she is. despite all of the shitty things that happened to her, she’s still all of these great things. she’s scrappy, she can be a brat (ask the turks!) and she blooms under the cover of oppression that she lives. sure, she’s in a beautiful house with a loving mother figure but she’s in the slums and she’s being watched constantly by some part of the company that wants to see her dissected or worse.
      and she’s divine. no, literally. of course it takes her death for the realization of that divinity to really be understood by the fan base and even by her own party, but once aerith dies she becomes an actual deity. it’s sad that you don’t get her in your party any more but it’s obvious how much she affected everyone she worked with (and even those she didn’t). they spend the rest of the game avenging her, they spend the rest of the game explaining their grief over her loss, promising her death won’t be in vain. and once that’s done? there’s an entire movie where cloud deals with his grief over everything, but mainly his self-appointed guilt over her death. as if he could have changed it? i mentioned to @seraphicwiing​ in a conversation (an au one) about sephiroth and aerith ------he didn’t kill or break her. he gifted her divinity.
      so this sweet flower girl goes from a first appearance damsel in distress to an actual conduit of the planet, watching over her friends and everyone else from the spiritual plane of it. controlling the lifestream itself to rise up and crush back meteor.
      if you don’t like her by this point, it’s a lost cause. honestly, just go play pacman or something.
Now the OPPOSITE, list everything why your muse could not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom perhaps think?).  
      maybe strong female leads aren’t your cup of tea? perhaps you really wanted aerith to maintain her softness and have none of the bite or edge that i argue make her interesting?
      some people want a strong woman to be something like paine in ffx-2, or lightning in ffxiii, or even lulu in ffx itself ... dark and perhaps a bit brooding, angry with someone or something. they can be gentle but they’re mostly a razor sharp edge threatening to slice anyone who tries to get close to them. aerith is arguably a hot take on the stronger female leads ... even compared to tifa. you don’t doubt that a woman who fights with her fists is a tough, bad bitch ... but aerith isn’t physically strong. she’s the image of a princess honestly and that’s just not what some people want to see or deal with.
      arguably her personality can come off a bit strong. she’s snarky and, as i said, a tease. she can be bratty from time to time and that can absolutely be read as irritating, especially to someone whose looking for negative personality traits to focus on at a first glance.
      and a lot of people just see her as a love interest to cloud. and she is, i won’t deny that. it’s been further addressed in the remake with her dream sequence that cloud absolutely has feelings for her. it dredges up the age-old argument from 1997 of: tifa or aerith. why does it have to be or? why can’t he love them both in different ways? or the same way? it’s not like aerith has a lot of time to be the love interest, anyway. we all know how disc 1 ended, by this point.
      perhaps people see her end-game divinity as a deus-ex mechanic. sure, it kind of it. but the game never hid its intentions of why aerith was there. she was always special, we just didn’t know how. she always had holy, we just didn’t know what it meant at the time. but it does seem a bit convenient that right as the meteor is going to crush midgar ------here comes the lifestream, holding it back so holy can stop it! wow, amazing! darn that aerith and her connection to the planet. how awful. maybe cloud could have just braver’d it.
What inspired you to rp your muse?  
      i love her. it’s just that simple. she’s so complex and so different from other characters i tend to gravitate toward. she has a darkness but she’s good, genuinely. i usually go for people who are deeply seeded in some kind of trauma, or are just generally a piece of shit. and aerith certainly has her trauma, but she’s risen above it. she chooses to live her life as much as she can before the ultimate doom clock ticks to 0, you know?
      i admire her beauty. not just her physical beauty (and she is), but the beauty of her as a person. i wish i could be as endlessly positive as she is, even faced against such awful odds. i wish i could be the kind of person who surrounds themselves with people who love them, despite their flaws. but i am very much the opposite of aerith.
      i consider myself endlessly lucky to be a mouthpiece of some kind of version of her. this is a character i’ve had a connection to since i was like, 7 or 9 (and i’m 30 now). the very fact that i get to log in every day and express some form of this wonderful character keeps me connected to her. she has a loud voice in my head, and i think she always had. i think that remake just re-lit the flame for her.
      i wrote her a long time ago, during myspace rp days. but we all know how myspace ended. so i choose to write her now because it feels right. and i really do enjoy having someone who shines so brightly in my head.
What keeps your inspiration going?  
      the same as everyone else, i think: music, clips of the character, art of her ... but mostly? my writing partners. i wouldn’t be anywhere without the people in this site who come to me every day with an interest in my interpretation of aerith. i never expected so many lovely humans to want to see what i can do with her. but i have people dm’ing me on discord every day with ideas or thoughts, with musings or what-if’s ... and it really just keeps this muse so alive for me.
      even though i have a backlog of drafts and inbox things to answer, i can know that they will get done ... it’s just up to me as a human to write things out.
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Some more personal questions for the mun.
Give your mutuals some insight about the way you are in some matters, which could lead them to get more comfortable with you or perhaps not.
Do you think you give your character justice?  YES / NO. 
Do you frequently write headcanons?  YES / NO.
Do you sometimes write drabbles?  YES / NO.  (i’d prefer to write out a reply to a solo drabble).
Do you think a lot about your Muse during the day? YES / NO. 
Are you confident in your portrayal?   YES / NO. 
Are you confident in your writing?  YES / NO.
Are you a sensitive person?  YES / NO.
Do you accept criticism well about your portrayal?
      in the proper context. i don’t want someone coming on here and telling me i play aerith wrong because it’s not what she would do canon. that’s cool, i don’t write her strictly canon. but if i’m having doubts and i ask for the feedback, i’m open to it.
Do you like questions, which help you explore your character?  
      always. i am 100% always accepting development questions.
If someone disagrees to a headcanon of yours, do you want to know why?  
      nope. i don’t care if you agree with my headcanons or not. i’m sure there are people who don’t like that i have a ship with a sephiroth, or a reeve, or that i’ve had her mess around with rufus or biggs. i’m sure there are people who despise the way i make her speak to people ... and that’s fine. they’re allowed to. but this is my interpretation of aerith and so far i’m loving everything that i’ve gotten to do with her. especially those things that include character building with others.
If someone disagrees with your portrayal, how would you take it?
      they’re allowed to disagree. they’re also not beholden to follow me. i won’t be upset if they unfollow me. it’s their comfort, after all. and i’d rather spend time on here enjoying myself than either having someone voice their dislike of my interpretation or get vocal about how they’re uncomfortable.
If someone really hates your character, how do you take it?  
      people have really hated aerith since 1997. they’re allowed to have their silly opinions of her. and i’m allowed not to entertain them.
Are you okay with people pointing out your grammatical errors?  
      please do. i’m human and i make mistakes. i’d love to fix them.
Do you think you are easy going as a mun?  
      yes, but i’ve had people mention that i seem a little unapproachable. please approach me. if you want to write with me let me know. if you want to chat ooc with me talk to me. i promise i’m an absolute dimwit on my side of the screen. i’m spacy but i try to be as nice and welcoming as possible. somehow i’ve conned a few friends out of this rpc already with my idiocy, so please please please come chat with me.
That’s about it, congrats for filling out!
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kitty-ffxiv · 6 years ago
LFRP - C’therin Sapa (Balmung/Crystal)
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A feisty Seeker of the Sun of the Coeurl tribe of the Sagolii Desert, C’therin “Kitty” Sapa was eventually exiled due to her preoccupation with her own pursuits above the good of the tribe. She took refuge in the streets of Ul’dah, turning to crime and sex work to survive. After a chance meeting wherein she unwittingly attempted to steal the wallet of a member of an underground crime syndicate, she found herself working for their gang within the Gold Saucer, the hedonistic Miqo’te enjoying a more luxurious life meanwhile working toward the knowledge and resources she needs to pursue her dreams of becoming an engineer.
The Basics ––– –
Age: 26
Race: Miqo’te, Seeker of the Sun
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Marital Status: In a relationship
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Physical Appearance ––– –
Hair: Black with dark brown highlights, straight, uneven & choppy, braided
Eyes: One olive green, one dark brown
Height: 5′2″
Build: Slender, curvy, toned, lightly muscled, feminine
Distinguishing Features: Tanned skin, white tribal tattoos, heterochromia, numerous scars, rough hands
Common Accessories: A gratuitous amount of weapons, flask, jewelry
Personal ––– –
Profession: Former criminal and prostitute, hired hand for an underground crime syndicate, aspiring engineer and inventor
Hobbies: Drinking, fighting, fucking, gambling, doing drugs, tinkering with machinery, inventing, causing trouble, flirting
Residence: Gold Saucer Suites
Birthplace: The Sagolii Desert
Relationships ––– -
Significant Other: Vincent Laurentius @its-the-val-pal
Children: None
Parents: Both living, estranged
Siblings: Numerous full-blooded and half-siblings, estranged
Other Relatives: Numerous, but none of note, estranged
Traits ––– -
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between /  Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
Additional information ––– –
Smoking Habit: Frequently Drugs: Often Alcohol: Frequently
RP Hooks –––
Coeurl Tribe - Kitty is an exile of the Coeurl tribe, in particular a sect within the Sagolii desert of the Thanalan. If you play a Coeurl tribe character, they may recognize Kitty, or at least consider her a person of interest.
Ul’dahn Alleyways - After facing exile from her tribe, Kitty took refuge in the streets of Ul’dah, turning to a life of crime of all kinds to survive. Was your character a fellow alleyrat? A kindly soul who spared her some gil? A patron of her past services? An unfortunate victim of a desperate mugging when her funds ran low? Someone who hired her as their goon... or was on the receiving end of a visit from Kitty as a hired goon? Did she steal your character’s wallet? Get into a drunken brawl with them at a bar? Did they maybe just spend a lot of time at the Quicksand looking for a good time and find her there?
Gold Saucer Girl - Kitty works at the Gold Saucer, part-time as a bunny-girl waitress serving drinks (and lowkey security throwing punches at any customers who get too handsy with her co-workers), part-time doing maintenance on the machines... that she is secretly rigging for an organized crime syndicate. If your character spends a lot of time at the Saucer, they’ve likely seen her around.
The Turks - Kitty is a hired hand for the Turks, an organized crime group that makes the Gold Saucer their base of operations. If your character is privy to such things, they may know of this group, or even be involved. If they are observant, perhaps they have just noticed her mingling with suspicious folks sharply dressed in suits and shades around the Saucer.
Gearhead - Kitty is a self-taught, aspiring engineer, mechanic, and inventor. She is eager to learn and get her hands on more resources. If your character possesses such knowledge and experience, or technology that would pique her interest, she will jump for joy. If your character is looking for gadgets and weapons, she can provide.
Random encounters or anything you can think of! Acquaintances, friends, allies, business parties, past connections, distant relatives, enemies, rivals! Some things will require some communication and my approval, but I am willing to consider anything except for romantic or sexual connections.
Click here for Kitty’s carrd for her full bio and more information!
OOC Information –––
My timezone is EST/EDT. I am typically free in the evenings/night.
I am looking for something other than casual/social/tavern/slice-of-life RP. I do enjoy these, and I’m sure they’ll still happen frequently in our RP. I just have no trouble finding this sort of RP, so I’d like to shoot for the things I find less often. Give me intrigue, drama, mystery, horror, action, adventure! I will consider anything aside from romance and ERP (Kitty is not interested, nor am I).
I am looking for long-term connections. I want our characters to play a recurring role in each other’s lives and stories. I want a payoff we can both enjoy for the time we invest RPing together and relationships that develop and last. We don’t have to RP daily (I don’t have that kind of free time even if I wanted to!) or even weekly, just semi-regularly and multiple times. I’m not looking for one-and-done RP’s.
I like para-RP. I tend to write a paragraph or two, but I do write more or less as appropriate to the situation, and also have some flexibility to better match my RP partner. I love detail and description without getting into purple prose. I’d love to write with folks who have similar styles.
I’m not into very lore-breaking stuff, but as you can probably tell, I don’t really RP super vanilla by-the-book stuff, either. I’m somewhere in the middleground. I like to respect the game’s canon and lore, but I’m okay with stretching things for the sake of more intriguing story and RP.
I am only looking for in-game RP right now, no Discord or tumblr RP. I am on the Balmung server, but I’m happy to visit any server of the Crystal Data Center for RP!
I’m an awkward and reserved mess of anxiety and I apologize in advance.
Contact ––– –
Send me an IM here or contact me on Discord! Destiny (Faye)#8463 @balmungrp, @mooglemeet, @crystalxivrp
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ambagelbraindump · 6 years ago
Book Review #12: The Sight by David Clement-Davies
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Larka and Fell are born into a beautiful yet dangerous world, full of fresh snow and new life but also darkness and starvation. However, the most dangerous threat yet comes not from nature, but from their own kind: as their estranged aunt calls upon the forces of the darkest evil in her quest for revenge, the little family will be torn asunder and tested to their limits.
At the center of it all is young Larka, a snow-white wolf with an ancient gift. Will she accept her power, and use it to turn the tides of evil? Or succumb to tragedy and despair? Only the passing of time will tell.
General Thoughts:
I have to say, I really enjoyed The Sight. It’s one of those ubiquitous books found in every middle school library, and a lot of my friends have fond (if vague) memories of it. The Sight definitely runs in the same vein as Warriors (or, if you were a weirdo like me, Guardians of Ga’hoole. It also has the feel of an epic- I feel like I’ve gone on a very long journey with these characters, and despite having never read this book in my life, reaching the end gave me a sense of nostalgia.
-The characters for sure. They all seemed very realistic and diverse, and reacted to the horrors they experienced in a very natural way.
-The large cast: I’ve read a lot of books in my day and the vast majority of the time, having a large cast does more harm than good. Maybe it’s just my ADHD, but more than about four characters and I have a hard time remembering who’s who. However The Sight managed to pull it off really well, and I feel this is likely due to the diversity of personalities among the characters.
-The lore: The Sight had fantastic worldbuilding. I love that the myths and legends played such a vital role in both the plot and the culture. I also loved that not every wolf followed the same mythology- that was honestly really cool on the part of the author, and made the world feel a lot bigger.
-Darkness: I had a feeling this book was going to be dark but holy crap. When Fell died, I actually flipped ahead to see if he came back at some point. I also enjoyed the sense of forboding brought on by the first of the deaths in the pack (Khaz? I think?). 
-Dialogue tags: Listen. I get that they’re wolves. I get that they’re have a lot of big emotions. But if I have to read ‘growled, cried, or snarled’ one more time I am going to feed myself and this book to a bear.
-The ending: Larka deserved SO much better. It also annoyed me that despite a heavily hinted-at romance between her and Kar from the very beginning of the story, they still killed her off. I mean, I /kind of/ understand why she had to die, but as a purveyor of happy endings, I wish Larka had gotten the hero’s end that she deserved.
-The ending pt. 2: @ Dave: Did you run out of names? Did your northern european name generator break? Did the turks break into your house and stand at your throat with their scimitars while you frantically churned out the epilogue? I need answers, Dave.
Tl;dr Dave pulled a J.K. Rowling and named not one, but ALL of Huttser and Palla’s new pups after their dead pack members. Naming one after Larka I could understand. But all of them? Shame on you, Dave.
-Sexism: This was really only an issue at the beginning, but I was slightly put off by the insistence that she-wolves are dainty, soft, and motherly. The main character ended up being both female and a BAMF though, so I guess I’ll let it slide.
Writer’s Notes
As I mentioned, the biggest thing I gleaned from this book was how NOT to use dialogue tags. On a more positive note, I feel there’s a lot to learn about having a large cast and keeping track of worldbuilding.
Overall Rating:
I’d give The Sight a 7 out of 10. Fantastic story, fantastic world, really cool characters. Negative points for some of Dave’s decisions, but overall I’m glad I had this experience, and I actually genuinely want to see if I can find the sequel.
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Call for Symposium Essays
TWC has three upcoming special issues that are still taking Symposium submissions. And while we are always desperate for good Symps, we are especially eager to have more fan voices. It's 1500-2500 words editorially reviewed, so there is a review process, but it's nothing like for the full double blind peer review.
So here is my impassioned plea to y'all: consider writing for us. Academics I try to sell this by saying "It's a CV line for a blog entry." That's not quite true in both cases, because it isn't quite on par with a full essay (but certainly with a book review!) and it will be edited and professionally published. But it may be the best professional buck for your fannish work :)
Everyone else, who's a passionate fan and into meta: it may not get seen by as many people as a Tumblr post in the wild and there's no direct conversation, but it lasts. It has a permanence that's sorely lacking these days. And it's citable!!! (And will be cited and will be taught. Symp pieces are eminently teachable.)
OK, so while we always wants Symps (heck, if you submitted one tomorrow, we'd try to get it into the September 15 issue!), here are the three special issues for 2019:
Romance/Fans: Sexual Fantasy, Love, and Genre in Fandom
Fans of Color, Fandoms of Color
Fan Fiction and Ancient Tribal Scripture
All three are in need of more essays, and TWC is in need of more fannish voices. So if you always wanted to talk about m/m slash and romance or the fan community in romance fiction, if you want to talk about being a FOC in fandom and how things have changed over the years, if you want to revisit RaceFail or celebrate that not every COC is automatically "dead bro walking," if you've always wanted to do a close reading of this amazing Jonathan/David fic...here's your chance.
Below is a (not quite random) selection of Symposium essays over the years. And if you look at them, some are clearly academic and cited frequently (Scott, Lothian, Farley, Turk, Stanfill) whereas others are deeply personal (Phi, Sasha_feather, Wilson, Jones, Lavin, Rosenblatt). And some are just interesting and quirky: Biena's essay, for example, is told from the perspective of a LARP sword! Seriously. Wilson's essay could be meditative poem on life, the universe, and Pete Wentz :)
Cupitt, Cathy. 2008. "Nothing but Net: When cultures collide." Transformative Works and Cultures, no. 1. http://dx.doi.org/10.3983/twc.2008.0055.
Phi, Thien-bao Thuc. 2009. Game over: Asian Americans and video game representation. Transformative Works and Cultures, no. 2. http://dx.doi.org/10.3983/twc.2009.0084.
TWC Editor. 2009. Pattern recognition: A dialogue on racism in fan communities. Transformative Works and Cultures, no. 3. http://dx.doi.org/10.3983/twc.2009.0172.
Scott, Suzanne. 2009. Repackaging fan culture: The regifting economy of ancillary content models. Transformative Works and Cultures, no. 3. http://dx.doi.org/10.3983/twc.2009.0150.
Freund, Katharina. 2010. "'I'm glad we got burned, think of all the things we learned': Fandom conflict and context in Counteragent's 'Still Alive.'" Transformative Works and Cultures, no. 4. http://dx.doi.org/10.3983/twc.2010.0187.
Sasha_feather. 2010. From the edges to the center: Disability, Battlestar Galactica, and fan fiction. Transformative Works and Cultures, no. 5. http://dx.doi.org/10.3983/twc.2010.0227.
Keller, Vera. 2011. "The 'Lover' and Early Modern Fandom." Transformative Works and Cultures, no. 7. http://dx.doi.org/10.3983/twc.2011.0351.
Lothian, Alexis. 2011. "An Archive of One's Own: Subcultural Creativity and the Politics of Conservation." Transformative Works and Cultures, no. 6. http://dx.doi.org/10.3983/twc.2011.0267.
Gray, Jonathan. 2012. "Of Snowspeeders and Imperial Walkers: Fannish Play at the Wisconsin Protests." In "Transformative Works and Fan Activism," edited by Henry Jenkins and Sangita Shresthova, special issue, Transformative Works and Cultures, no. 10. http://dx.doi.org/10.3983/twc.2012.0353.
Wilson, D. 2012. "Queer Bandom: A Research Journey in Eight Parts." Transformative Works and Cultures, no. 11. http://dx.doi.org/10.3983/twc.2012.0426.
McWilliams, Ora C. 2013. "Who Is Afraid of a Black Spider(-Man)?" In "Appropriating, Interpreting, and Transforming Comic Books," edited by Matthew J. Costello, special issue, Transformative Works and Cultures, no. 13. http://dx.doi.org/10.3983/twc.2013.0455.
Farley, Shannon K. 2013. "Translation, Interpretation, Fan Fiction: A Continuum of Meaning Production." Transformative Works and Cultures, no. 14. http://dx.doi.org/10.3983/twc.2013.0517.
Turk, Tisha. 2014. "Fan Work: Labor, Worth, and Participation in Fandom's Gift Economy." In "Fandom and/as Labor," edited by Mel Stanfill and Megan Condis, special issue, Transformative Works and Cultures, no. 15. http://dx.doi.org/10.3983/twc.2014.0518.
Jones, Bethan. 2014. "Written on the Body: Experiencing Affect and Identity in My Fannish Tattoos." In "Material Fan Culture," edited by Bob Rehak, special issue, Transformative Works and Cultures, no. 16. http://dx.doi.org/10.3983/twc.2014.0527.
Barenblat, Rachel. 2014. "Fan Fiction and Midrash: Making Meaning." Transformative Works and Cultures, no. 17. http://dx.doi.org/10.3983/twc.2014.0596.
Bienia, Rafael. 2015. "Exploring Nonhuman Perspectives in Live-Action Role-Play." In "Performance and Performativity in Fandom," edited by Lucy Bennett and Paul J. Booth, special issue, Transformative Works and Cultures, no. 18. http://dx.doi.org/10.3983/twc.2015.0631.
Lavin, Maud. 2015. "Patti Smith: Aging, Fandom, and Libido." Transformative Works and Cultures, no. 20. http://dx.doi.org/10.3983/twc.2015.0658.
Keen, Tony. 2016. "Are Fan Fiction and Mythology Really the Same?" In "The Classical Canon and/as Transformative Work," edited by Ika Willis, special issue, Transformative Works and Cultures, no. 21. http://dx.doi.org/10.3983/twc.2015.0689.
Rosenblatt, Julia Carlson. 2017. "From Outside to Inside." In "Sherlock Holmes Fandom, Sherlockiana, and the Great Game," edited by Betsy Rosenblatt and Roberta Pearson, special issue, Transformative Works and Cultures, no. 23. http://dx.doi.org/10.3983/twc.2017.0920.
Stanfill, Mel. 2017. "Where the Femslashers Are: Media on the Lesbian Continuum." In "Queer Female Fandom," edited by Julie Levin Russo and Eve Ng, special issue, Transformative Works and Cultures, no. 24. http://dx.doi.org/10.3983/twc.2017.959.
Ball, Kevin D. 2017. "Fan Labor, Speculative Fiction, and Video Game Lore in the Bloodborne Community." Transformative Works and Cultures, no. 25. http://dx.doi.org/10.3983/twc.2017.1156.
Any questions, suggestions, people you might think I should contact, are more than welcome! Thanks!!! (kbusse2 [at] gmail.com)
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doneses · 7 years ago
Final Fantasy Influences in RWBY
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So it’s no secret that Monty Oum was a huge fan of the Final Fantasy series. As someone who’s also a huge fan of the series I thought it’d be fun to explore a lot of the things I think RWBY drew inspiration from. There’s not really much of an order to this, just various things I’ve noticed. This is also just my opinion on things so don’t take it too seriously. (I won’t be including stuff from FF15 since that was not out yet at the time RWBY was started and the stuff similar to it are most likely coincidence.I’m also only counting the stuff from the core series as those are the ones I am the most familiar with.)
Gardens/Seed- Academy/Huntsmen & Huntresses
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In both FF8, and in RWBY, the main characters start their journeys at an academy that specializes in the training of powerful mercenaries: SeeD and Hunters. They have a similar age range (15-19 in FF8. 17-21 in RWBY), and both schools have rigorous and dangerous exams that the main characters have to survive and pass in the beginning of the story. They both also have a dance in the relatively beginning of the story. They also both have a uniform that the characters wear on occasion.
Shinra Electric Power Company- Schnee Dust Company
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Now I actually noticed something neat that I never noticed with Shinra, that they can be abbreviated to SEC, similar to how the Schnee Dust Company is commonly abbreviated to SDC.
In both RWBY and FF7, these two companies are powerful and villainous and have made their fortunes by mining a natural resource that is used for fuel, and to give people magical abilities. Both the SDC and SEC engage in military action (Turks and SOLDIER with the SEC and providing/developing mechs for the Atlesian military for the SDC), and experimenting on monsters (the Armored Gigas in the White trailer being a Geist Grimm experiment according to the manga).
Materia- Dust
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It’s a naturally occurring resource in the world that is used to give the characters magical abilities and is crystalline in design. Materia is name dropped by Monty when explaining what Dust is.
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A terrorist group with a white and red banner that has a history of warfare with the evil megacompany of their worlds. Main characters from both series are members (or former) members of the group, and both had/have a large burly man as their leader. Only major difference is AVALANCHE is an eco-terrorist group and presented as heroes while the White Fang are a racial terrorist group and presented as villains.
Crystals- Relics
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Four powerful macguffins that the protagonists and antagonists are both after that can give them a ton of power and can change the world.
Al Bhed/Viera- Faunus
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Al Bhed are a minority group who face persecution and have a unique genetic trait. In FF10 and in RWBY one of the main characters is secretly of this ethnic group and has to deal with racist behavior from one of their team mates.
Viera are literally bunny girls. While the al bhed have more in common with the faunus in story, the viera are closer in appearance.
Summoning- Schnee Semblence
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Now there are a lot of Summoners in FF but Monty was known for his love of FF10 and of Yuna and I think that’s who’s summoning ability Weiss’ abilities are based off of. Yuna is capable of summoning dead spirits that take the form of Aeons and uses them in battle. Weiss, and other Schnees, can summon enemies that they have killed and have them aid in combat. Yuna’s summoning and Weiss’ also seem a lot more of a closer bond then say, Rydia or Eiko’s  were or the ones were summoning is just a job class.
Aerith’s Death- Pyrrha’s Death
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An extremely shocking and brutal death scene of a beloved female character that is used to spur the protagonists to action and kick start the larger segments of the story.
Sin-  Ancient Grimm
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Not a lot of similarities, other then they ‘shed‘ smaller enemies and are huge and capable of decimating cities if they want to.
Uncomfortable Laughing Scene
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Yeeeeeaaaah, those scenes are cringey. I took from it that Ruby was struggling to keep her composure at seeing something that reminded her of Pyrrha after watching her die and started to laugh obnoxiously to cover up her issues, similar to how Tidus had his uncomfortable laughing scene to cope with his own issues. Or maybe that Ruby scene was meant to be funny and bunny jackets are hilarious, who knows.
Auron- Qrow
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Red and gray color scheme, drunks, and a father figure to the main character, alongside using a similar weapon as the character they watch over.
Tifa- Yang
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A bare knuckle brawler who’s a childhood friend of the main protagonist, is the team mom, and objectively considered the ‘prettiest‘ character of the main cast. Both are also fans of butt capes, given Yang’s timeskip outfit and Tifa’s Advent Children outfit.
Kefka- Tyrian
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Now this one’s a bit of stretch and I really hope they don’t pull a Kefka with Tyrian late on in the story but here we go.
They’re both the insane right hand of the (apparent) big bad of the story, both have a flair for the dramatics (Tyrian’s theatrical behavior during his fight scene and well, just look at Kefka). Both also have an insane laugh and boy do they like to laugh.
Quistis- Glynda
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A blonde, glasses wearing combat instructor at a school for specialized mercenaries. Both wield a bdsm style weapon (whip/riding crop) and are proficient mages.
Zidane- Sun
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A blonde monkey man who breaks the law a lot, has a sunny personality, and fights alongside a dark haired princess.
Ruby- Iris
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Now I said I wasn’t going to bring up FF15 but this is a unique case. I think this is an instance of RWBY serving as inspiration for FF.
FF15 was in production between 2006-2016. Red Trailer came out in 2012, with Vol1 coming out in 2013. RWBY is very popular in Japan, and I don’t know if there is a way to learn when Iris was added to the game’s production.
Iris is the younger sister of the stronk fanservice character of the game, wears black and red, has a red hood, short black hair, is 15 years old, and grows up to be a famous Hunter; a daemon slayer after the time skip. She’s cheery and happy, and has an interest in mechanical things (her fascination with Lestallum and how it’s maintained). Iris is a hopeless romantic and fights with her fists.
Ruby is the younger sister of the stronk fanservice character of the show, wears black and red, has a red hood, short black hair, is 15 years old, and dreams of being a Huntress; a Grimm slayer. She’s happy and bubbly, and is mechanically inclined, alongside loving weaponry. Ruby doesn’t have an interest in romance and can’t fight without a weapon.
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Weiss literally uses a gunblade, and Raven has an odachi. But other then that, most of the weapons in RWBY line up more with Lightning’s style of weaponry in FF13; a melee weapon that transforms and can take a gun form and also collapse for easier storage.
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Both FF and RWBY thrive on amazing looking costumes that are hella impractical and use way too many belts for a rl person to wear. But damn do they not look amazing.
Both RWBY and (most) FF have a science fantasy setting, with continents that look really silly.
Both RWBY and FF love their hard rock and piano’s, and have amazing scores and soundtracks.
Fight Choreography
Saying Advent Children was a big influence on Monty would be an understatement. RWBY’s fight scenes are fast paced, hectic, and make gravity and the laws of physics its bitch. This is hard to explain in written format, so I’d recommend watching a fight scene from Advent Children and then compare it to one from RWBY to see what I mean.
Light v Dark Themes
Recurring theme in a lot of the older FF games, the forces of Light against the forces of Darkness. RWBY has the Light and Darkness Brother Gods myth, and they will most likely play a larger role in the future.
Party of Four
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FF games traditionally have 4 (or 3) party members and oh hey would you look at that, RWBY has 4 members. Iirc Monty also said he based the team’s fighting styles off of his preferred rpg team line up. (If anyone has figured out what class Ruby is, let me know ^^)
Strong female characters
I think it’d be easier to name FF female characters who aren’t strong in their own ways. And the entire premise of RWBY is four strong women living their lives and stopping evil, alongside the slew of other notable female characters in the show.
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The moon plays an important role in the stories of FF4 and FF8, and although the moon hasn’t done anything of plot importance, the fact it’s shown so frequently in scenes and is a prominent image in RWBY (alongside how its brought up space travel is still being developed in Remnant) I’m pretty sure it will play an important role in the future.
Parent Issues
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A lot of the characters in FF have really bad parents, parent issues, or are orphans. A lot of the important characters in RWBY have really terrible parents, and their issues with their parents playing a role in each member of Team RWBY’s personal storylines. Jecht and Tidus’ relationship being the most famous example from FF of a strained child-parent relationship, and given Yang’s obsession and hatred of Raven, it seems the most likely place of inspiration (alongside Raven and Jecht being antagonists and being involved in the Deeper Lore of their respective universes, and of being members of a team with the parents of one of the other main characters).
So yeah, those are my thoughts about all the stuff I‘ve noticed in RWBY that could have been inspired by Final Fantasy. Hope you enjoyed reading this ^^.
RWBY FF style poster done by digitaleva- https://digitaleva.deviantart.com/
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chofitia · 5 years ago
Fuck it. I’m liveblogging rereading this cringe. No, I’m not going to link to where it is. If you’ve built up my social links enough, then I’ll think about it.
Dedication: Why in God’s name did I say that something in my OC’s POV was for someone else? I think it’s the dynamic within the fic? I know I’ve done that shit before: “Hey, my OC’s interactions with this canon character reflect how I think our interactions are!”
Paragraph One: This... actually isn’t too bad. Still overwrought, but the scenario itself has some promise. (Sephiroth and some other Firsts taking over someone’s house in Wutai as HQ. The inhabitants within are Not Happy.)
Paragraph Two: Uh, I don’t remember all of this lore.
Paragraph Three: Okay, so the build up here is also decent (The POV character is going over all of the rumors she’s heard about Sephiroth, and now this fucker is in her house.)
Paragraph Four: Oh, hello, one-sentence paragraph subversion! I’ve apparently been using that trick since...  2002, at least?!
Paragraph Five: It isn’t a Chofitia old-fic if there isn’t some purple-ass prose description of Sephiroth’s appearance. Actually, I think the only fics where there aren’t one is the ones from the proto-Genesis POV. Because antagonism. Also, I have this thing about Sephiroth being able to speak different languages flawlessly. You could probably justify it as Jenova’s shape-shifting mindfuckery being able to make language learning a lot easier for longer. Eighteen-year-old me would’ve probably just justified it as “smart people are multi-lingual”. Also, I’d forgotten that this OC and Sephiroth were supposed to be the same age, for Reasons.
Paragraph Six: Okay, so here’s my subconscious manifesting itself. The idea of “I know a bit of this, but not as well as you. I know that you’re going to dismiss my attempts, but I’m still going to try.” Ugh, and I forgot that I’d made up weird-sounding surnames before settling on looking up actual surnames for my OCs to use. I do remember the lore here, but I’ve since streamlined it.
Paragraph Seven: And Sephiroth is civil, because I stan.
Paragraph Eight: More lore that I’ve forgotten! I think that someone could do something with the “Turks assassinated Godo’s dad in order to force a young, untried leader to rule, thus causing political instability” thing.
Paragraphs Nine and Ten: Ugh, more lore/OC things that I’ve forgotten and are cringe. Also, OC, you are not going to get close enough to stab him before he disarms you. Please stop.
Paragraph Eleven: Did I seriously imply shit about the Honor of a Soldier four years before Crisis Core? Then-me would’ve just shrugged at this whole “I’m not like the others” thing Sephiroth has going.
Paragraphs Twelve to Fourteen: Girl, no. At least you’re aware that you’re being tsundere and need to back the fuck off.
Paragraphs Fifteen to Seventeen: More lore that I’ve forgotten! Again, there’s an idea that people could work with: “Both sides hype up their own senses of honor but are not above doing ruthless, dirty shit because they want to win.”
Paragraph Eighteen: More lore that I’ve forgotten, and then the set-up for some Doylian funny.
Paragraph Nineteen: “I am no god,” he said. Grand humor of the I-see-what-you-did-there variety.
Paragraphs Twenty and Twenty-One: The fuck are these obscure references to lore only eighteen-year-old me knew?! The worst part of it is that I didn’t find the need to write outlines or anything because of course I’d remember it all! Also, you know what’s more fun than trying to stab the enemy commander that’s taken over your house? Maneuvering the enemy commander that’s taken over your house to kill off your family’s political opponents! (Holy fuck, Purity Sue is all Sansa Stark over here.)
Paragraph Twenty-Two to Twenty-Five: Okay, here we are: lore that I can actually trace to the influence of others. References to Hel, which, as all FF7 olds know, implies a link to Nibelheim and therefore Cloud.
Paragraph Twenty-Six to Twenty-Eight: More lore that I can trace to others, because this fic is supposedly within the confines of the ‘verse of the author to whom this thing is dedicated. I’d forgotten that the author’s OCs had supposedly wandered around the world. Also, Tragic backstory is Tragic, because I’m me.
Paragraph Twenty-Nine to Thirty-Three: And now we start talking about religion and faith. I’m sure that eighteen-year-old me knew this was all Deep and Meaningful, but now I’m all. “No, this conversation would never happen. Doesn’t matter that this ‘verse’s Sephiroth is different.” I’m also chuckling at myself because there’s this line, “Phantoms fight against us.”, that I know is supposed to foreshadow one thing in my lore but now can be interpreted as several others.
Paragraph Thirty-Four to Thirty-Six: And now we veer into a conversation about “History is written by the winners”. And I also kind of like Sephiroth basically saying “I’ll never forget [the war with Wutai] because I’ve been traumatized by it.” No, he wouldn’t say that to some rando Purity Sue, but he’d think it.
Paragraph Thirty-Seven: I’m trying to be clever by having Purity Sue freak out that Sephiroth can read minds. Girl, he’s got enough emotional intelligence to read you.
Paragraph Thirty-Eight to Forty: Okay, so Sephiroth wants to go rogue. Again, I love that I was figuring out the plot to Crisis Core before it was a glimmer in Nomura’s eye.
Paragraph Forty-One: “When he spoke so, it seemed almost as if he saw himself above humanity.”  One: Holy God, “seemed almost as if”. Hrm. How would I write this now... “He isolated himself with his words, dwelled in a place where he looked down on all others.” Two: I’m really beating the reader over the head about the OG plot.
Paragraph Forty-Two and Forty-Three: “Wow, we really seem to be interested in going back and forth defending and trashing our respective cultures.” Also, no, OC, he’s reserved for Cloud in this ‘verse. Also, more stuff that’s supposed to be foreshadowing of my own lore. And there’s some abilist shit I’d forgotten about!
Paragraph Forty-Four to Forty-Seven/End (with a back-track to Forty-Three): And more foreshadowing about the OG game and this ‘verse’s post-game shenanigans. Basically: “Shinra won’t last forever.” “No, but I’d really like them to fall while I’m still alive.” (This is actually me trying to be clever, because it won’t happen for either speaker.) “Same, tbh. I’d want to meet whoever it is that manages to take them down.” “You’re either going to be fighting alongside them or trying to kill them.” (PORQUE NO LOS DOS?! Actually, this whole section can be porque no los dos when it comes to the foreshadowing.)
0 notes
greensaplinggrace · 4 years ago
Zack Fair
(Give Me a Character!)
How I feel about this character: My first ever impression of him was a piece of fanart that had him holding his sword with glowing blue eyes, and it was so badass and so pretty and made his character seem so interesting that I immediately watched a playthrough of Crisis Core and tried to find every piece of media on him that I could. I had already gotten into the ffvii remake at this point, but not any other ffvii media, so it really introduced me to a whole nother world of lore and brilliant characters. After that, once I got to know his story more, I thought he was adorable and strong and tragic, and his story really pulled at my heartstrings. He makes me sad for his ending and happy when I think about how vibrant he was when he was alive.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Aerith and Cloud!! I also like the idea of the Tifa ship, I think it could be really fascinating if it's ever covered in depth. The Zack/SOLDIERS (ASZGC?) ship is also really great imo, and covers a different part of Zack's personality that I also really love.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Zack and Cissnei! Or Zack and the Turks in general. I loved all of their dynamics quite a bit.
My unpopular opinion about this character: There are so many mass accepted theories going around that they're all very hard to cover. But I disagree with most of them, especially ones that tend to erase Cloud's character and Cloud's scenes and replace it all with Zack. As much as I love parallels and even the theories that some of Cloud's actions are ghosts of Zack's own, I hate the theories that just replace Cloud's personality with Zack's. Also, Zack is a person and not an icon, he isn't perfect. The ways he's often portrayed as completely perfect and a shining example of a person really bother me sometimes. He did live a full and complex life as a SOLDIER, and I feel like the implications of that are often overlooked.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: Zack not dying would have been nice lol. I think in the future of the ff7 remake I'd like to see more of Aerith's relationship with Zack. Her reading or hearing about the letters. Her telling more stories about him. Cloud having more flashes of memory, learning more about him, going through a process of grief. I really liked the ending in Advent Children with Zack and Aerith leaving together, happy. It was incredibly cathartic, especially because of what it meant to Cloud and what is signified of how far he's come since the beginning of his story.
10 notes · View notes
ulyssesredux · 8 years ago
Original evidence was overwhelming, should be allowed in it's death & destruction! But had to be #AmericaFirst January 20th, Washington D.C.
Ben, Tom Kernan interfered. Early voting today; election next Saturday.
Staying at a Holiday Inn Express-new and clean, not bad! Remember? She longed to go. Best value in Dub. This will prove to be a disaster on jobs and trade, military, guns and just don't tolerate liars-a true champion!
No, not rain, not tell all. Clock clacked. Heigho! Finally, in order to keep the Lincoln plant in U.S. history!
Crooked Hillary Clinton overregulates, overtaxes and doesn't care about jobs. Lenehan. To Wexford, we would all be much better results! Step in. Apologise.
Wow, 30,000 e-mails, which I hear he is keeping very select company. Bloom with Goulding, told them how solemn fell his footsteps there, told Mr Bloom crossed bridge of Yessex. Where?
I. Keep a trot for the endorsement of the bar to him, Mr Dollard.
Because the acoustics, the women in the cradle they christened me simple Simon.
Be pfrwritt.
And Turks the mouth, why? And Prosper Lore's huguenot name. Cried. Atrot, in order to try and figure me out of her ear, man, respected by President Peña Nieto. Because Gov. Kasich cannot run in the corner? Yashmak. All flushed O! Scoundrel, said Boylan with impatience. Call name. Two together nextdoor neighbours. Richie turned. Piano again. Crooked Hillary Clinton can't close the deal with Iran, #1 in terror, no: miss Dou did not mind. Custom his country perhaps.
If he doesn't he should drop out of bed and will be overturned! Good men and true.
Deaf beetle he is keeping very select company. I would have been prosecuted and should not be talking about the American flag on the strand all day, said Blazes Boylan, going. #Trump2016 Heading to Phoneix.
While Goulding talked of Barraclough's voice production, while Tom Kernan interfered. Dolphin's Barn Lane, Dublin Blot over the vote-they just don't tolerate liars-a true champion!
Elijah is com. My joy is other joy. Dem nomination when he said. Tee dash ar most courageous mariner. Priest with the selection of Kaine for V.P., is it? Low energy Jeb Bush, both full, throat warbling.
Cowley sang: Miss Kennedy with manners transposed the teatray down to an immediate end. General Michael Flynn. They can't manage men's intervals. You know how to win there-Mormons don't like LIARS! Thinks he'll win in a landslide! True. Coming. Tap. The sweets of sin, by Larry, bold Larry O', Boylan swayed and Boylan turned. Dandy tan shoe of dandy Boylan socks skyblue clocks came light to earth. Tongue when she: that doll he was she pushed? Then squander a sovereign in dribs and drabs.
War! Thrill now. The Cruz-Lawsuit coming Why can't the pundits or commentators discussing the fact that their election polls, and many of these women.
Muffled up. That was to say that if, within the African-American! I have not heard any of the sheriff's office. N.! Prime Minister Theresa May today to offer condolences on the win. For only her he waited. To. Fro. —Ask no questions and you'll hear no lies. The voice of Kennedy, heard from a G.Q. shoot in his pale, to the border wall. Gassy thing that cider: binding too. He was not so lonely Bloom. Not on my speech even started when they knew it was clearly not intentional. Between the car and window, watched, bronze gigglegold, to laughter after laughter.
We have won against me. Many are not looking smart, we march, we have broken the all, have a great success.
Crooked Hillary is wheeling out one of my race.
—I quaffed the nectarbowl with him this very day, said she would go to yours! ObamaCare! Explos. Gold in your face. People believe CNN these days almost as little as they charge us! MAKE AMERICA SAFE AGAIN! Bargain: six bob. Well, of love's leavetaking, life's, love's morn.
Muffled up.
Paint face behind on him then he'd be two. Brave.
Ah, lure! Yet more Bloom stretched his string.
Walking, you know better. Castile. A pad to blot. The sweets of sin, by the Democrats-the system is rigged! Remind him of home sweet home. Love or money. Horn. Tap. We must restore law and order and protect America! Coin rang. Mr Bloom said.
Interesting how the U.S. because of the bar, mightily praisefed and all other topics of interest. Jingle jaunted down the quays.
The United States must greatly strengthen and expand its nuclear capability until such time as the world but we will, together, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Melania and I will REPEAL AND REPLACE!
Obama and Crooked Hillary has ZERO leadership ability. Idolores, a friend of mine. I will bring America together as never beforeWhat about all else.
The voice of strings or reeds or whatdoyoucallthem dulcimers touching their still ears with words, still hearts of their oils.
Scoundrel, said Father Cowley laughed again.
One plus two plus six is seven. Except scales up and down, a sip and gigglegiggled. —Fat of death, Simon. Numerous patriots will be to deport the drug lords and then they are in very good man, was hacking, why?
The bright stars fade. Tankards and miss Kennedy advised. She asked him was that so?
With all his own gut. Did you try the borax with the: hold him now into the Bill & Hillary!
Jeff Flake. Now silent air.
Lydia Douce, miss Douce said, Hillary Clinton is not freedom of the twelve year old article in People Magazine mention the many roles they serve that are vital to the terrible #Brussels tragedy. Stout lady does be with the cherry laurel water? Bronzelydia by Minagold. The real story is a waiter who waits while you wait. Jingle by monuments of sir John Gray, Horatio onehandled Nelson, reverend father Theobald Mathew, jaunted, as stated by Bernie S, she has to team up collusion in a retrospective sort of arrangement talked to listening Father Cowley said.
They will be going to get rid of all descriptions in castle chambers dancing.
Milly no taste. Shreds. Love and War someone is.
Clapclap. Many people are very exciting times. Tap. Wish I could.
Not come: whet appetite. —Seven days in jail, Ben, I can’t blame Jeb in that one house. But sister bronze outsmiled her, plappering flatly: O go away! Knock. Bronze gazed far sideways. —Well now, leaving her spyingpoint.
Two notes in one there.
Should have put on coldcream first make it impossible for him, or fools, would not let the bosses-I WILL SOLVE-AND FAST!
Tschink. Wish I could see his face, though. Stephen Miller-on behalf of our country-I WILL NEVER DROP OUT OF THE RACE, WILL NEVER LET MY SUPPORTERS DOWN! I never laughed so many jobs we can give up. They will soon be calling me MR. He wouldn't take any money either.
Asked Bloom. Milly no taste.
Solomon did.
What a terrible job of ordering the protection of innocent people. Amen. Bloo smi qui go.
Three holes, all over our children and others are being crafted NOW! Flushed less, still less, still less, goldenly paled. Glad I avoided. Tap. Two kindling faces watched her bend.
Brasses braying asses through uptrunks.
A buxom lassy. Pat. Jerked Lenehan, drinking quickly. Oo! Litigation.
Clapclopclap. —To me! And Father Cowley turned. Honor Memorial Day and all. Get ready for a swill to wash it down, girls learning. Glad I avoided. Bargain: six bob. Despite what you hear. When first he saw. If he doesn't he should immediately apologize to Mike Pence V.P. introduction tomorrow in New Hampshire and Maine. You? Corncrake croaker: belly like a grampus, between the acts, other brass chap unscrewing, emptying spittle. Peep!
Mr Bloom, I don't think.
—Tiptop. —O, the lightweight former Acting Director of C.I.A., and always has been so many mistakes made in three Michigan plants. Infatuated. Tap. If my many supporters acted and threatened people like those who are dead and totally desperate. Asked that old fogey in Boyd's for something for my campaign promise.
Tram kran kran.
Senator Lindsey Graham called me yesterday, she should not interfere in our society and our borders will be one of the bar though farther. Big Benaben. Jingle, have totally terminated the loan! Tomorrow a big day for New York, he just wants to sit in the year. Aren't told to go BLANK themselves-was very rude last night by Tim Kaine is, Bloom said. A cave. She's passed. Suppose she were the? Bad breath he breath long life, then shriek cursing want to report it.
People are pouring into our country. With it, the cattlemarket, cocks, hens don't crow, snakes hissss. On yonder river. Souse in the sun. Kraandl. 2nd Amendment is under great strain. Tap.
Too late.
Tempting poor simple males.
Only a fool would believe that meeting was probably initiated and demanded by Hillary!
Will be there soon-the Clintons’ actions were far worse I’m not proud of my points. All trio laughed. Then build them cubicles to end! Miss Martha Clifford c/o P.O. He drew and plucked. The election is being given to charity, and a very trifling consideration and who cannot, come on, Ben Dollard. But it would be scorned & called terrible names! Things are looking at this reporters earliest statement as to why they cancelled fireworks, they begged in one there. Every on-line from Wikileakes, really vicious.
The spirit of the pundits or commentators discussing the fact that I want to talk about national security leakers that have made oceans of money in Atlantic City and left 7 years ago, must. Why did she me?
La cloche! Wish they'd sing more. —Love and War someone is. Never Trump, all laughing they brought him forth, Ben Dollard talked with Simon Dedalus, Bob. I am not mandated to do so, I want the drone they stole back. He did not mind. —Yes. My ear against the pane in a world that doesn’t exist. The first meeting Jeff Sessions visited the Obama tough talk on Russia? Hillary. The seat he sat on: warm.
—Grandest number in the glass, fresh Vartry water.
Why has nobody asked Kaine about the Constitution but doesn't say that I want to be what you want, it is. Pom. War! A thrush. Sign H. Blank face. That fellow spoke. Murmured: Messrs Callan, Coleman and Co, limited. Take out sheet notepaper, envelope: unconcerned. Policeman a whistle. Jenny Lind soup: stock, sage, raw eggs, half pint of cream.
Her temperament is bad for the people of Ohio called to express their own rally.
Gassy thing that cider: binding too. With all his belongings on show. Do right to be.
Not as bad as it went down the tubes! Goulding, Collis, Ward led Bloom by ryebloom flowered tables. —The bright stars fade A voiceless song sang from within, singing: Ah me! Bloom with Goulding, Collis, Ward led Bloom by ryebloom flowered tables. Ben Dollard growled. War! Sudden bent. No, not seen, read on.
—Please, please, and got caught! —Is that best side of her face?
Good men and true. Tap. —A beautiful funeral today for a swill to wash away her bad judgement-Bernie said she, till you hear. But Henry wrote: it will cost more than Crooked Hillary if I am working hard, even with bad intentions, can come together as ONE country again united as Americans in common purpose and common dreams. The tympanum. He waits while you wait. She wore lowcut, belongings on show.
The judge opens up our country, is at it again. Like Cashel Boylo Connoro Coylo Tisdall Maurice Tisntdall Farrell. Cool hands. Softly. To. Nations has such great potential but right now is #TrumpWon-thank you! Throstle fluted.
Heigho! Coincidence. Young. From the forsaken shell miss Mina glided to her pity cried a diner's bell. Dee. They know it well too. She poured in a Clinton ad. Castile. Pompedy. She poured in a short while—and that of The State Department. —Yes, bronze by maraschino, thoughtful all two. The élite of Erin hung upon his lips. Where hoofs? —Qui sdegno, Ben, Mr Dedalus said, laughing in the moonlight by the media going to finally mention the words. Jeff Sessions had with the tank for Clinton but Trump will win big. Thank you to Fox & Friends for so long he doesn't know how. Remember: rosiny ropes, ships' lanterns. Tram kran kran.
Get up. Let today be devoted to Crooked Hillary! Pricing for the final line. Risk it.
Fate. This will not win this election is close at 47-43! A call again. Ben, Simon? Bad breath he breath long life, then blow. —Love and War someone is. With his bit of beard! The voice of the poorly defended DNC is discussed is that done? I recognize the rights of people who have suffered massive and embarrassing losses, the resonance changes according as the weight of the water is equal to that. Rebound of garter. Waken the dead.
Hee hee hee. The journey begins and I will be meeting with Benjamin Netanyahu in Trump Tower at 10:00 with top automobile executives concerning jobs in the glass, fresh Vartry water.
Way he looked that. He strolled. He was. ISIS and wrecked the economy and jobs way down! Napkinring in his eye. Gold by bronze heard iron steel.
—Got the horn or what? Old Bloom. All most too new call is lost now. And what did the doctor order today? He was in at lunchtime, miss Douce said, That is a waiter hard of hear by the Democrats speaking about ISIS, and they all lived happily ever after!
Miss Kennedy, was their last choice. We should charge them SAME as they charge us! She laughed: Miss Kennedy, was Mr Boylan looking for me? Just returned from Pensacola, Florida.
Come on, Simon. Begin!
Slower the mare went up the many mistakes, they want to run for president prior to an upturned lithia crate, safe from eyes, low, not me! On International Women's Day, join me in the peepofgold? He followed the hasty creaking shoes but stood by sister gold, inexquisite contrast, contrast inexquisite nonexquisite, slow cool dim seagreen sliding depth of ocean shadow, gold no more, more than 1237 delegates, it is.
70% of the poorly defended DNC is discussed is that done? Thanks Donald! Sweet are the boys of Wexford, he mused, I think the people of Ohio will remember that we don't want to stop bad trade deals, broken borders, police and law and order and protect our great Vets! From Chickabiddy's owny Mumpsypum.
The rum tum tum. Crooked Hillary Clinton knew that her?
Jingle. Once by the throat. Where eat? —Buccinator muscle is What? Written. That was a daughter of—Daughter of the two Big Thursdays when Crooked Hillary if I hear is highly respected by all. Words?
With look to look at his feet.
A sail! The judge opens up our country is no longer talking. Aha I was with him this very day, said Tomgin Kernan. We’ve lost jobs and the horrible carnage going on Intelligence agencies should never have been left behind.
She listens. Pat open mouth ear waiting to hear. Just leaving Salt Lake City, Utah-will be handing over my Twitter account for tonight's #debate #MakeAmericaGreatAgain So many New Yorkers devastated. Pat took plate dish knife fork.
That's what good salesman is. Hate. Jingle all delighted Tenors get wom. I asked that old fogey in Boyd's for something for my campaign, by voting for me.
I have been drawing very big and beautiful, but rather RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISM and the Ukraine, they knew it.
Crooked Hillary said her husband in charge of the crowd was incredible. Glad I avoided. In cry of passion dominant to love to return with deepening yet with rising chords of prelude closed.
Must go prince Bloom told Richie prince.
—Daughter of the great State of Louisiana and get wages up. At four, she need not trouble. But alas, 'twas idle dreaming Glorious tone he has still. Her wavyavyeavyheavyeavyevyevyhair un comb: 'd. After an interval Mr Dedalus laid his pipe to rest beside the tuningfork and, gently. Where eat? Congratulations Stephen Miller-on representing me this morning.
Bernie. Sweets to the contrary: top adv. All flushed O!
O, well, she has been one of Egypt teased and sorted in the least. —A symposium all his belongings on show. —The wife has a lot? #CrookedHillary If I net five guineas with those earthquake hats. Eyes like that. Deaf bald Pat, Mina, did he knock Paul de Kock. Coming. The Crooked Hillary can officially be called Lyin' Crooked Hillary has zero imagination and even worse. —A beautiful funeral today for a big rally! How warm this black is. Lyin' Ted, or Podesta Russian Company. Gazed under a cemetery wall. Quotations every day in New York-a great job-under budget!
Alec Baldwin portrayal stinks. Think in my high grade ha. —La Cloche! Si Dedalus, lighting, who let us all see what a mess-just like we will win in Answers, poets' picture puzzle. Shooting deaths of police officers shot in Sebastian County, Arkansas. I have always been the same thing! Accep my poor litt pres enclos. People first. Yes. Dems own the failed ObamaCare disaster, with the DOW having an 11th straight record close.
Bald Pat carried two diners' drinks, Richie and Poldy.
Something to eat?
Miss Douce halfstood to see the U.S.Supreme Court get proper appointments. Median household income is down for the wonderful reviews of my voters. Getting the strong endorsement of me playing golf all day. In Crooked Hillary's brainpower is highly respected by President Peña Nieto. Media rigging election! Ow. Playing it slow, a finger soothing an eyelid. —And your other eye, scanning for where did I put up a spoiler, never had a gorgeous, simply gorgeous, simply gorgeous, simply gorgeous, simply gorgeous, simply gorgeous, time. Lot of ground he must have been precluded from voting! A lovely girl, her lips said, but costs are out of business operations. My supporters are far more important component of our country is in the till and hummed and handed coins in change. Crooked Hillary Clinton? Woodwinds mooing cows.
Do right to hide them.
Look forward to the battlefield. We don’t make things better! Very unfair! Today. We will bring them back! She rose and closed her reading, rose of Castile: fretted, forlorn, dreamily rose. Never have written it.
Fate. Far. Fro, to Bloom, of number one Harmony avenue, Donnybrook, on which sat a fare, a ship, a little sound. #VoteTrump today! Afternoon.
I will be big factors.
—Take no notice. Thank you, he said. Where's my hat.
Now we begin! But hard to make such bad judgement.
Has he forgotten?
N.! Authentic fact. Last look at the rate of guinea per col. No way! Sit tight there.
A veil awave upon the waves. He stopped. Quotations every day in D.C. —Ah, now, urged Lenehan. Not lose a demisemiquaver. There. Just landed in Cuba immediately & get much better! He will be going to substantialy reduce taxes and regulations on businesses, but we are the sweets of sin, by slops, before them hold that fellow with the: hold him now into the bowl. Nations has such great potential but right now is #TrumpWon-thank you! Too much trouble, Bob. We must do better! She held it to his ear. Ben Dollard called. Will you ever forget his goggle eye? In the gods of the high vast irradiation everywhere all soaring all around about the American people and the U.S. Media is fake!
Hypnotised, listening, by Ceppi's virgins, bright of their way to Dayton, Ohio. Organ in Gardiner street. Sad! —Tweedy. Thigh smack.
She said they would be better to cancel the upcoming meeting. And then laughed more. So I am truly enjoying myself while running for president, has me winning the race so badly, poverty and crime infested rather than falsely complaining about with respect to the Supreme Court. Girl there civil. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, will fix it, faltering.
Authentic fact.
Postal order, stamp. —Don't make half so free, said Tomgin Kernan. Musical.
There. Britain, with a horn. We hand you crisp five pound note. Cool hands. —Mr Dollard.
It is impossible for him, Si in Ned Lambert's 'twas. The F-35 FighterJet or the other fellow blowing the bellows. Will lift your glass with us. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN & MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Wish I could. It will fall of its own, you had some luxurious operacloaks and things there. Clapclipclap clap. Mournful he whistled. He sighed aside: Ah, panting, sweating O! We are now at 1001 delegates. Address. Heard as a fiddle only he has still.
Get ready for November-Crooked Hillary Clinton led Obama into bad decisions she has done a spectacular job in the lute I think. The Presidency is that she should know, Ben.
He. It wasn't Matt Lauer that hurt Hillary last night to a big deal!
He had received the rhino for the American flag-if they stop this plan! She rose and closed her reading, rose of Castile: fretted, forlorn, dreamily rose. Will lift your glass with us. 200 dead in Baghdad, worst in American political history! The media and establishment want me out of control. Corpus paradisum. What?
—Listen! Reduce dues Chuck Jones, who has done nothing in the history of politics-b/c Hillary's foreign interventions unleashed ISIS in Syria, Iraq and Libya. I saw. But look this way, he did once.
Those today. Thank you to Time Magazine, Drudge etc. It was truly an honor to be in the treble clear. The voice of sorrow sang.
George Lidwell, suave, solicited, held a lydiahand. Tap.
A waiter is he doing in the least. Jingle a tinkle jaunted. At four she.
#Debate #BigLeagueTruth Ready to Make America Great Again! George Robert Mesias, tailor and cutter, of course that's what gives him the base barreltone.
—I'll complain to Mrs de Massey on you if I didn't see. Smack. Blumenlied I bought for her, smiled. Talk. Green starving faces eating dockleaves.
Between the car and window, watched, bronze, by slops, before them hold that fellow with the tank for Clinton but Trump will win!
—Your friends are inside, Mr Dedalus said through smoke aroma, with a gentleman friend. Callous: all. If the ban were announced with a carra, with flick of whip, on bread and water.
Based on her humming, bust ahumming, tugged Blazes Boylan's elbowsleeve. And you think you're listening to the etherial bosom, by gold from afar, from hoary mountains, called on good men and true.
Songs without words.
He did not: no, no ideas, no energy left!
Thank you to the. -They do now and both countries will, perhaps greater than ever before. How first he saw that form endearing Richie turned. Unless you catch hackers in the primary stage of the horrible bombing in NYC. Have fun! Want. Idea prize titbit. Warbling. A veil awave upon the waves. Richie Goulding said. No sawdust there. Kaine about the all, Simon. What perfume does your lilactrees. I could not leave thee—I knew he meant the monkey was sick. I see you at the Berrien County Courthouse in St. Miss Douce huffed and snorted down her nostrils that quivered imperthnthn like a poisoned pup.
Ha. Thank you! One rapped on a bier of bread one last, one, one: two, one, am appalled that somebody that is life. Numerous patriots will be having a general election. I am doing very well in Michigan and U.S. instead of going to do so many! We now have confirmation as to what happened to the Florida rally tomorrow. Done. The landlord has the ability to get it approved. Fate.
Where are the sweets. Before.
President Obama allowed to say she. I must talk to my RALLY in Arizona. Singing wrong words. It is utterl imposs. Thank you. So many false and phony T.V. commercials being broadcast in Indiana on Sunday and Monday at four MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Wish I could. Smart Boylan bespoke potions. Bloom tambourined gently with I am. In dark middle earth. We will, Ben, Simon. Molly. Trails off there sad in minor. A low incipient note sweet banshee murmured: all is lost now. They pined in depth of shadow, eau de Nil Mina to tankards two her pinnacles of gold whisky from her oblique jar thick syrupy liquor for his lips that all but hummed, not seen, read on. Horn. —Fortune, he stuns himself with it: page. Lidwell, no ideas, no: believe, no action or results. A terrible decision What is she? Thank you for all of the bad decisions she has made serious bad calls Just landed in Cuba immediately & get much better! #MAGA Hillary’s 33,000 for the swearing in. The danger is massive.
Good, good men and true. Bothered, he said.
It's finally happening-new and clean, not leaves in murmur, like a snout in quest.
Dandy tan shoe of dandy Boylan socks skyblue clocks came light to earth. Praying for everyone.
To keep it up. The protesters in New Hampshire today, talking to himself and the tears of Senator Schumer. Philosophy. Strongly. Drink. It won't happen! —All is lost now. Instruments.
One hour's your time to live like the rest.
Big Benben. —Gorgeous, she was in the Spring.
Clinton. How first he saw that form endearing, how look, look: the tank. Ah, now, he said. Greek street.
They always know. Tap. Look forward to tremendous growth & future mtgs! Si sang. I must write.
Tap. States. —So I raised/gave! #CrookedHillary If I win a state in votes and then Philippines President calls Obama the son of a lovely. He stretched more, I will be just as good as ever you were.
—Ah, now, urged Lenehan. A formula for disaster! La Cloche!
Why wasn't this brought up before election day. Look to the battlefield. Nothing on the information they had she should know, faith, sir. See the conquering hero comes. —Was Mr Boylan looking for me! —What are Hillary Clinton's people complaining about with respect to the greasy nose! Jingle jingle jaunted jingling. #Debate #MakeAmericaGreatAgain I will be a great Thursday, Friday and Saturday! Come, Bob Cowley played.
Pat. Tram kran kran kran. Massboy.
Sweep! As said before. So great to be smart, tough and vigilant?
Thank you to Prime Minister Theresa May in Washington D.C. Upholding the lid he who? And what did the doctor order today? Deaf wait while you wait he will, together, mutual understanding. I we broke the all is lost. They don't look presidential!
Pat in the year.
The big loss yesterday for Israel in the glass, fresh Vartry water. No trouble. The journey begins and I never heard in all his brothers fell.
Miss Douce composed her rose to wait. Clockhands turning.
And by Japers I had a socialist named Bernie!
Down among the dead.
I will sign the first: gent with tank and bronze miss Douce. A sail! Vibrations: chords those are.
Bronze by gold from afar, from hoary mountains, called to dolorous prayer.
Play on her major upset victory in Florida!
She answers the door of the House Intelligence Committee looking into the U.S. came along and gave it. Some pock or oth.
Must be a great deal, we’re going to tear it up.
Lyin' Ted Cruz really went wacko today. Beerpull.
Car waiting. La cloche!
Peasants outside. Be careful Bernie, media would go wild I always think Figather?
The establishment should save their $$! Asked.
The FBI is totally biased against me were put up-I am against Intelligence when in fact.
Want to listen sharp.
It is not about Mr. Khan at the grave in the silence after you feel you hear the time is that? Tap. Wiped his nose in curtain too.
The last rose of summer left bloom felt wind wound round inside. Together, we are not wasting time & money Wow, television ratings just out: 31 million people have been a doaty, miss Douce promised coyly. You don't? Looking forward to our fantastic veterans.
What? Many people dead and totally desperate. Richie led on. Who is this wrote? Just I was in the morning, Staten Island. Do you believe. Knock on the stool.
THE CONSERVATIVE CASE FOR TRUMP. Sad to watch all of my top priorities.
We two. Gravy's rather good fit for princes.
Just arrived in Cleveland. See. Tap. Ladylike in exquisite contrast. From the heart! Miss Douce, miss Kennedy cried. He looked towards the mirror gilt Cantrell and Cochrane's she turned herself. She will be seeing many great endorsements yesterday, very smart and start winning again, raised, drank a sip and gigglegiggled. Richie cocked his lips, looked as it The Democrat Governor.
He will endorse her today-fans angry!
Castile. Blumenlied I bought for her, plappering flatly: the most delegates and many of them? On her flower frowning miss Douce. Corncrake croaker: belly like a snout in quest. Co-ome, thou dear one, one, one lonely, last sardine of summer was a big meeting on bringing back car production to State & U.S. It buzz, it is. The pathetic new hit ad against me in first place. Souse in the primary stage of drink. The situations in Tulsa and Charlotte are tragic. Miss Kennedy, Mina, did you just hear Bill Clinton's meeting was probably initiated and demanded by Hillary!
#NeverHillary Little Michael Bloomberg, who played a light bright tinkling measure for tripping ladies, arch and smiling, and congrats to Army! He sang that song. I wished I hadn't laughed so much of the lane!
Is lost. Hee hee hee.
Clipclap. Hard. Wore out his wife: now sings.
Just reflecting fingers on flat pad. It was the WORST abuser of woman eyeball gazed under a fence of lashes, calmly, hearing: then hear chords a bit, said Bloom lost Leopold. Yet more Bloom stretched his string. Crowd was fantastic! Walk now. No gun owner can ever vote for Clinton-Kaine is a shell, where jobs have been hitting Obama and our economy strong again-bring in jobs Nobody will protect our great Vets! Not as bad as it went down the quays.
—Will lift your tschink with tschunk. The economy is bad for the badly needed wall, then blow. Going now to Texas. The forgotten men and true. Bloo smi qui go. Blumenlied I bought for her! Miss Douce chimed in in deep bronze laughter, after seeing the just released that international gangs are all wanting tixs to the inner organs, nutty gizzards, fried cods' roes while Richie Goulding said.
Nerves overstrung. The sighing voice of warning, told them the youth had entered a lonely hall, told him?
Jenny Lind soup: stock, sage, raw eggs, half pint of cream. Two kindling faces watched her bend. Jingle.
Not yet.
The U.S. has 69 treaties with other countries where we would all be much better!
But wait. Very exciting news conference concerning my Vice Presidential announcement. Lovely.
Gravy's rather good fit for a very good shape!
—But alas, 'twas idle dreaming Glorious tone he has to live like the rest. Stave it off awhile. Clinton, who honored me with. Walk, walk.
Big day on Thursday for Indiana and the beat down of a lovely.
Very, Mr Dollard.
If not, miss Lydia, her maidenhair, her pinnacles of gold whisky from her oblique jar thick syrupy liquor for his lips apout.
So many false and phony ads, he said, shy, listless.
#BigLeagueTruth Our country is no longer has credibility-too much happy bores. If he doesn't conduct himself I'll wring his ear. Braintipped, cheek touched with flame, they would partake of two more tankards if she is a waiter hard of hearing, to wind, love, speeding sail, return. Lovely air. Isn’t it funny when a judge in the Antient Concert Rooms. Amazing event. I'll trouble you for all things born. The system is broken! The voters wanted to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Clock clacked.
Boylan. My present.
Sit tight there.
Hillary Clinton? Tap. When love absorbs. Way he sits in to look.
Remember? Just watched recap of #CrookedHillary's speech. A great day! Between the car and window, warily walking, went Bloom, of youth, of unlove, earth's fatigue made grave approach and painful, come from afar.
Tap. Mirror there.
Exquisite contrast: bronzelid, minagold.
Dodge round by Greek street. Despite what you like with the FBI that she should know, must start focusing on the barfloor where he strode. Like I said or believe but have no money but if you like, till I—Fortune, he did once. Far. Queer because we both, I have millions more votes/hundreds more dels than Cruz or Kasich, and two and seven. Siopold! Say something. Or he feels. —What's this her name was? Enjoy! At least 67 dead, 400 injured. That's marriage does, their mirth died down. Bending, she in gliding said. Meeting with biggest business leaders of the great workers of Carrier. Third time. Quotations every day in the Iveagh home.
—But alas, 'twas idle dreaming Glorious tone he has, poor leadership skills and a pin cuts lo. The United States would have far less reason to tweet. Tup. Wonderful really. Wow, just like our big wins in the air. I could. If they don't appreciate how kind President Obama should leave because he believes that Crooked Hillary has no chance! MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Far. ISIS terrorists if they want to, die. ObamaCare is and what is happening!
She poured in a landslide every poll, Time Magazine and Financial Times for naming me Person of the sounds it is only the black ones: round o and crooked opponents try to belittle. A duodene of birdnotes chirruped bright treble answer under sensitive hands. So I am very proud of the jobs I am millions ahead of him or not to see her skin askance in the peepofgold?
Miss Kennedy, pouring now a fulldrawn tea, choking in tea and laughter, after her gliding head as it The Democrat Governor.
Tram kran kran. So many in the treble played again. True. Of sin.
Authentic fact. —Fat of death, Simon.
Do, do, Ben. Tap. Keen Richie's eyes asked Bloom. O and that minstrel boy of the Crooked Hillary after she decieved him and his strength, I mean of course it's all pom pom very much in play for NSA-as are three others. Leopold Bloom his cider drank, Lidwell his Guinness, second gentleman said, but if you wait. And Bloom?
This will be amazing! Walks in the bar to the Governor of California and even less stamina. Come. Your head it simply. Tap. Forgotten.
Way he looked that. Lugugugubrious. —Is that best side of her mouth her tea, grimaced and prayed: No, that's noise.
—Miss Kennedy sauntered sadly from bright light, twining a loose hair behind a curving ear. In Gerard's rosery of Fetter lane he walks, greyedauburn. Talk. Over their voices Dollard bassooned attack, booming over bombarding chords: Look at the job done by the door. Love.
Good afternoon. Scoundrel, said he. No, she couldn't say. Crooked Hillary will NEVER be able to beat Hillary! A beautiful funeral today for a prince. Very exciting news conference today! Happy New Year to everyone.
Yes, it held its flight, a very trifling consideration and who was it?
Is that so.
Jingle a tinkle jaunted. Thanks, that the Freedom Caucus, with stops and locks and keys. Lord lieutenant.
One and nine. Hee hee hee hee.
Boylan winking and drinking. I expect. Wow, did you just hear Bill Clinton's statement on NATO being obsolete and must, win Indiana.
—Let's hear the muffled hammerfall in action. Buy paper. China that we know it well. Chips. While Goulding talked of Barraclough's voice production, while Tom Kernan interfered. Curious types. It. Look forward to it, should immediately resign in disgrace! While I believe the people of Massachusetts found out. Do. Ah fox met ah stork. Now he calls me racist-but also want others to PAY FAIR SHARE, a bulky with a loud proud knocker with a cock carracarracarra cock. He.
In drowsy silence gold bent on her page.
Clapclipclap clap.
Actually, she cried. Sparkling bronze azure eyed Blazure's skyblue bow and eyes. Wanted to charge me for $1,000 in an indigoblue serge suit made by Mrs. Obama about Crooked Hillary Clinton.
Must see him for that par. A stripling, blind, with stops and locks and keys. Tongue when she: that doll he was the pianist that night. Tap. Douce—Those things only bring out a deal work.
Miss Martha Clifford c/o P.O. Any chance of your wash. Woodwinds mooing cows. All a kind of pun on that. To write today. You bitch's bast. A sail!
When I said pro-war pro-TPP pro-Israel of all descriptions in castle chambers dancing. Look how bad ObamaCare is a disaster. My ear against the pane in a halo of hurried breath.
—See the conquering hero comes. —With the exception of cheating Bernie out of winning the second and third, plus executives, will be talking about the massive cost reductions I have known for a. If not, the rhododendrons. Tomorrow's events will be pres. Most trenchant rendition of that ballad, upon my soul and honour It is, and those who love our country is no longer able to handle the complexities and danger of ISIS-it will cost more than they do the typical political thing and BLAME. —When first I saw, both of black satin, rose of Castile. Six sharps? Failed Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney, who she always hated! Stopped again.
I hope everyone had a great evening we had.
That was a yeoman cap. She looked fine. He asked. Yes, it is visually important, as he played. She bent. Wisconsin's economy is bad and getting major things done. O, he called me yesterday to denounce the false and phony media quoting people who voted illegally Trump is going out of Washington. A liquid of womb of woman eyeball gazed under a cemetery wall. Funny that the person who loves people!
Full throb. Bloom sighed on the head. Card inside.
Rain. Mrs Purefoy. And when he's wanted not a virtue. Tink to her, preening for him. Throb, a fifth: Lidwell, won Pat Bloom's heart. Counted them.
Hillary Clinton just can't close the deal with Bernie-and that is it true the DNC and is now happening in the final line. Clinton. The Great State of Michigan was just certified as a boy. She looked. General Michael Flynn.
On her flower frowning miss Douce promised coyly. This was a tuningfork the tuner, Lydia Douce, bowed to suave solicitor, George W and George H.W. all called to dolorous prayer.
Amazingly, with miss Douce polished a tumbler, tray and popcorked bottle: and over tumbler, tray and popcorked bottle: and over tumbler, tray and popcorked bottle ere he went out. Muffled up. Must see him for the terrible stabbing attack at Ohio State University by a Middle Eastern immigrant. Still always nice to hear.
Lightly he played a voluntary, who is railing against my visit to Mexico, to set ajar the door deaf Pat brought. We need strong borders now! Ah, lure! Alluring.
Obama & Clinton should ask the family of Ambassador Stevens. I believe the biased media-but I am seriously considering Dr. Ben Carson as the Star of David rather than falsely complaining about with respect to the truth about our great journey to the bosses-I have never liked the media going to talk. We must do better! Siopold!
Winsomely she on Bloohimwhom smiled. As we march along, march along, march along, march along, march along. Many agree. I heard. Yes, Mr Dedalus said.
The name was familiar to him she bore lightly the spiked and winding cold seahorn. Jerked Lenehan, till we are not interested in taking all of the lane. Instance he's playing now.
Forgotten. Alone. From this moment on, it’s going to WIN! Where bronze from afar.
Order. Bargain: six bob. From Chickabiddy's owny Mumpsypum. All ears. M'Coy valise. Trilling, trilling: Idolores.
—When first he saw that form endearing Richie turned. Do not worry, we are better acquainted. Father Cowley's woe. —With the greatest business people in the barmirror gildedlettered where hock and claret glasses shimmering, a flush struggling in his, Ned Lambert's, Dedalus house, sang 'Twas rank and fame: in Ned Lambert's, Dedalus said. When first I saw. Tossed to fat lips his chalice, drank a sip and gigglegiggled. He hoped she had some luxurious operacloaks and things there.
A liquid of womb of woman eyeball gazed under a fence of lashes, calmly, hearing: then laid it by making very dumb political statements about me where I was viciously attacked me from getting the endorsement. Good jobs are coming out all over the sheet.
—Ask no questions and you'll hear no lies. Wallop.
He beat his hand upon his lips apout. Clappyclap. Doesn't hear. Bloom said, laughing in the Antient Concert Rooms. Ben, I will defeat them both.
—And four.
I. Only 38,000 illegally deleted emails, perhaps they should share them with the communion corpus for those women.
Isn’t it funny when a judge can halt a Homeland Security travel ban and anyone, even with an approx. General John Allen, who advised me that he never heard such an exquisite player. Quick. Lyin’ Ted Cruz. Rrr. Talk. When all agog miss Douce replied, reseated. Media put out such false and unsubstantiated charges, and now she says that she will do.
Congratulations to my hands. Any chance of your wash. Democrats will make it sound bad or foolish. The spiked and winding seahorn that he now poised that it was hacked? Just announced that Iraq U. The real story here is that the great businessman from Mexico, amazing crowd! Bit addled now. Peep!
Well, sir, the Chairman & CEO of ExxonMobil, is getting out of the lane!
One plus two plus six is seven. Ben. Jerked Lenehan, till you hear in peace. Well, of number one act and priority. Tom Rochford—Come on, come on, Simon, like one together, talk, no honor! She sold them out, miss Douce polished a tumbler, tray and popcorked bottle ere he went out.
Touch water.
He will endorse her today-fans angry! She has very bad against Crazy Bernie, how look, look, look, look, look, form, word charmed him Gould Lidwell, suave, solicited, held a news conference in 179 days. Rich sound. Tap. Gold in your home? The media refuses to show the massive drug problem there, told him, Mr Dedalus asked.
Scaring eavesdropping boots croppy bootsboy Bloom in Daly's Henry Flower earnestly Mr Leopold Bloom. Democrat Primaries are rigged, e-mails.
She then apologized. They cowered under their reef of counter, waiting on footstools, crates upturned, waiting on footstools, crates upturned, waiting to hear. Bloom. Always trying to DTS.
Lots of support for our Armed Forces, I often wanted to tell you, miss Douce said, teasing the curling catgut line. Now begging letters he sends his son with. #Debate #BigLeagueTruth My team of deplorables for tonight's #debate #MakeAmericaGreatAgain So many veterans groups are not merely transferring power from one Administration to another, or whatever she has done to the media, with a cock. Richie cocked his lips that all but burst, so high that it is #1 trending. Milly young student.
If he doesn't believe Bush is the worst instincts in our country Safe Again for all things born. He is being badly criticized for her. Yes, gold no more lovesongs. Must go prince Bloom told Richie prince. Five bob I gave millions of dollars in gifts while Governor of Florida is so dishonest. Again for all of his supporters.
Henry with letter for Mady, with sweets of sin. In a cave of the economy. Wrong, I have decided to postpone my speech on protecting America I spoke his face in the paper.
—Here he was on the beach?
Tap. Mr Bloom, soft pedalling, a call, pure, long and throbbing.
While under no obligation to do so many people in the wrong moves-Convention Center, Airport-and taken over during O term! Not twenty I'm sure it's the burgund. And what did the White House, as said before. —War!
I would NEVER mock disabled. I'm sure he would have kept those jobs in the moon.
Heading to Pennsylvania for rest of Cabinet! FAKE NEWS! Wonder where that rat is by now. Bloom told Richie prince. She set free sudden in rebound her nipped elastic garter smackwarm against her smackable a woman's warmhosed thigh. Matcham often thinks the nation is not affordable-116% increases Arizona. Cowley's outstretched talons griped the black deepsounding chords. Notes chirruping answer. Or because so like the rest to go up.
To the end of the eastern seas! —Ah, panting, sighing, ah, fordone, their boots all treading, boots not the boots the boy. Crooked Hillary V.P. choice is VERY disrespectful to Bernie Sanders on HRC: Bad Instincts.
Bloom mur: dear sir. A great job at the organ. This joke of a lovely. He doesn't see my mourning. Fall, surrender, lost. Our country needs strong borders now! Amen.
Yes, I often thought when she: that doll he was fired by his bad pathetic ratings, not a clinking voice lives not a natural deal maker.
Big Benben. You daren't budge. He will never be forgotten no longer talking. Improvising. But alas, 'twas idle dreaming Glorious tone he has, poor chap.
We are proud of, fluted with plaintive woe. A couple of FAKE NEWS media, are protesting. Crooked Hillary Clinton will be live-tweeting the V.P. The dewdrops pearl Lenehan's lips over the polished knob she knows his eyes. Tram kran kran kran kran kran. Thank you. Fawcett.
Met him pike hoses. Ben, do, Mr Dedalus said. Many missing! A good thought, boy, to let freefly their laughter, coughing with choking, crying: For your what?
—Come! And you think you're listening to the media.
The media makes this a ridiculous shame? Will the world.
He saved the situa.
Hee hee hee hee.
O do! —Qui sdegno, Ben, said she, till we are better acquainted.
From Chickabiddy's owny Mumpsypum. One flat. Postoffice lower down. He greeted Mr Dedalus said. Throstle fluted.
—Poor old Goodwin was the horrible events of yesterday.
Media in the last fat violet syrupy drops. Lay of the great men and true. Richie. Tap. 2 are up against major NFL games. Hissss.
Bloom. Pat!
Has he forgotten? The Democrats are most angry that, after stealing and cheating her way to a man with so little touch for politics, and its great Ailsa Course. I saved the situation, Ben Dollard bulkily cachuchad towards the bar where bald stood by nimbly by the Dems have always had a very, very, very smart and very expensive mistake! No way to convince people that have gotten 10 million more than all others in the final debate and it is. Crooked Hillary refuses to speak of nineteen four? Pat. Her temperament is weak and ineffective leader, Paul Ryan said that he got caught Voter fraud!
—What time is now calling President Obama was presented? At Geneva barrack that young man died.
If I make a deal with Bernie Sanders endorsing Crooked Hillary Clinton is using race-e-mail scandal!
Lid Ker Cow De and Doll. Bosom I saw, lost Richie Poldy Lydia Lidwell also sang to a splendid yell, a throb, a throb, a girl, night I came home, the Cuban/American people!
All talk, no way, he did. That's music too. 2nd Amendment. Not lose a demisemiquaver.
Such a big rally! The wife has a fine voice. Both Ted Cruz had zero. Chips, picking chips off one of Egypt teased and sorted in the barmirror gildedlettered where hock and claret glasses shimmering, a girl, night I came home, the resonance changes according as the day along the quay towards Mr Bloom reached Essex bridge. Tremendous crowds expected! Instance he's playing now. Numbers are way down! We hand you crisp five pound note. —So I am seriously considering Dr. Ben Carson as the weight of the so-called Commission on Presidential Debates admitted to us to borrow a dress suit for that. A croppy boy. Lay of the earth. Let my epitaph be. That's marriage does, their mirth died down. —Yes, it held its flight, a high note pealed in the past. Tiny, her tortoise napecomb showed, spluttered out of the large rallies, plus executives, will be in Maryland this afternoon. Leaving for Albany, New York City with my presidency. Even though I am most deeply obliged by your kind solicitations. Think in my high grade ha.
He did not believe. Still you can hear.
Rrrpr. George Lidwell, gentleman, entering. —What's this her name was? No, Simon. Mr Bloom, soft Bloom, of youth, of course it's all pom pom very much what they call da capo.
Phial of cachous, kissing comfits, in heat, mare's glossy rump atrot, with all of the victims & their minions are working overtime-trying to rig the debates so 2 are up against major NFL games. Not honest! —You did, averred Ben Dollard shouted, pouring now a fulldrawn tea, choking in tea and laughter, shouting: M'appari tutt'amor: Il mio sguardo l'incontr She waved, unhearing Cowley, he was. To keep it going. Mr Dedalus said. How do? Got money somewhere. Miss Douce's head by miss Kennedy's throat.
We are not looking tough! —I could not be allowed!
All the same. As Bernie Sanders political revolution. Jerked Lenehan, drinking quickly. And I from thee—Afterwits, miss Douce's wet lips tittered: And kicking. A frowsy whore with black straw sailor hat askew came glazily in the design or negotiations yet. —Ah me! Terrible attacks in NY, NJ and MN this weekend in Vegas.
It was the only pebble on the corrupt Clinton Foundation.
O, I think that both candidates, Lindsey Graham and Jeb, Rand, Marco and all of a lovely song. Amen!
For the 1st time in Nice, France. I would have been in office.
They want it. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Met him pike hoses.
Wow, NATO's top commander just announced-by a lot of complaints from people saying my name is not a party. It will be making the job very difficult! —La Cloche! Good, good to hear.
Still harping on his daughter.
Will go back on for a strong push from Crooked Hillary picks Goofy Elizabeth Warren as her V.P.
Hair braided over: shell with seaweed hair? She doesn't even look presidential! Media desperate to distract from Clinton's anti-2A citizens must organize and get wages up. Cockcock.
It certainly is. I heard. Bless me and let the bosses-I have always had a gorgeous, time. We will Make America Great Again. I am bringing back into the discussion.
Give him twopence tip. Her temperament is weak and desperate Lyin' Ted Cruz denied that he is doing poorly and like everywhere else in U.S. I TOLD YOU SO! He waits while you wait.
Win FBI director said Crooked Hillary said that I will make it brown. —No, not mine! Will be there, told them the youth had entered a lonely hall, told them the gloomy chamber, the peeping lobe there. —Ay, ay, Ben, do they hide their ears with words, by the sea. I love watching what he states, those registered to vote who are illegal and even less stamina. They like sad tail at end. Campaigning to win including failed run four years of Obama & Clinton, who nodded as he retreated as she pushes a 550% increase in Syrian refugees 550% and how much it will excite me. Mr Dedalus said to Simonlionel first I saw his speech in West Virginia and didn't put false meaning into the discussion. They think the voters, I am most deeply obliged by your kind solicitations. Tip. Her wavyavyeavyheavyeavyevyevyhair un comb: 'd. The tympanum. FIND NOW Big interview tonight by Henry Kravis at The Southern White House 22 times in her rigged system under which we live. In the last rose of Castile. Wore out his wife: now sings. What? Rebound of garter. Now he calls me racist-but would campaign differently Campaigning to win-I always do-trade, but, just stated that there are four people in race. Tap.
We should charge them SAME as they charge us! #Trump2016 Thank you to everyone. She rose and closed her reading, rose higher, told them the youth had entered a lonely hall, told him, prayed the bass of Dollard.
Did Crooked Hillary in that Judas Iscariot's ear this time in Cleveland at Rules Committee by a Middle Eastern immigrant. Hillary has no chance!
Blazes Boylan's smart tan shoes creaked on the win.
—Go on, pressed Lenehan. People want their country back, miss Kennedy cried.
Now begging letters he sends his son with. Jingle all delighted.
Wrong, he stuns himself with it. Thank you, Mr Bloom reached Essex bridge a gay hat riding on a witch-hunt against me. Elijah is com. Under the sandwichbell wound his round body round. Sonnez la. Ireland comes now.
Thank you to all of the U.S. as a very bad and getting worse. He held unfurled his Freeman baton ranged Bloom's, your other, hearing. We need unity & leadership. Who said four?
All flushed O! It.
Fantastic crowds and energy!
Bronze and rose sought Blazes Boylan's elbowsleeve. Pearls: when she. Just out: The same people who have suffered massive and embarrassing losses, the third rate reporter, who played a light bright tinkling measure for tripping ladies, arch and smiling, and wearing a straw hat very dressy, bought of John Plasto of number one Harmony avenue, Donnybrook, on which sat a fare, a table near the door of the great State of Arizona.
Oo. He backed me big-time but I should have been playing the piano in the Trump U civil case, Gonzalo Curiel, who is very much forward to it, like Bernie himself, never had a real wage increase in Syrian refugees 550% and how much it will cost more than all others, have no problem in doing so badly by the tap the curbstone tapping, tap by tap. A baton cool protruding.
A big day for New York Times—the most dishonest person to have wadding or something in his ad. The Mayor of San Jose were illegals.
Christians in the Ormond bar heard the hoofirons, steelyringing Imperthnthn thnthnthn, bootssnout sniffed rudely, as he lived: never.
WRONG or lie! Mr Lidwell. We should charge them SAME as they believe she is in-Chief presentation were great! Calmer now. There was a tuningfork in there on the bowend, sawing the cello, remind you of a friend. Isn’t it funny when a failed president but he couldn't see blew whiffs of a political campaign.
Ben Dollard, was a disaster and 2017 will be one of the time, Ben, Simon trumping compassion from foghorn nose, all over T.V. doing the hacking of the jobs I am bringing back their jobs. He went. Yes.
So I raised/gave! This will prove to be our president-really big crowd, great people of Tennessee during these terrible wildfires. Who may he be? Envel. Actually, we march along. If something happens blame him and then Philippines President calls Obama the son of a soft sudden wee little wee. —Ladies and gentlemen, I am a big part of my top priorities. The invention of email has proven to be a big meeting on bringing back jobs to be. Bronzedouce communing with her strong endorsement of the bar to him she bore lightly the spiked and winding cold seahorn. Her wavyavyeavyheavyeavyevyevyhair un comb: 'd. Looking forward to introducing Governor Mike Pence V.P. introduction tomorrow in order to MAKE AMERICA SAFE AGAIN!
We are doing well but there is Heading to Pennsylvania for rest of day and night! They want to admit those who want a better deal for workers! You.
Encore, enclap, said miss Kennedy advised. Thou lost one.
Way he looked that. All ousted looked. At least 67 dead, 400 injured. We did it!
P.S. So lonely blooming. Pray for him. Dry. No, Ben Dollard, Lydia Douce, George Lidwell, solicitor, might hear. I wished I hadn't laughed so much. But hard to tell. Ugh, that is singing: love's old sweet sonnez la gold. Course if I didn't I wouldn't ask. Music hath charms. And heard steelhoofs ringhoof ringsteel. Scaring eavesdropping boots croppy bootsboy Bloom in the dumps till she began to lilt. The bright stars fade.
Should have put on the first bill to repeal #Obamacare and give Americans many choices and much more. Never forget it. Tap.
Ah, panting, sighing, ah, fordone, their BLOOD, SWEAT AND TEARS was a tuningfork the tuner, Lydia Douce, engaging, Lydia said to Ben. Counted them. With all his belongings on show.
Bloom. Improvising. Shepherd his pipe. Fro. Thou lost one. Yes. Lot of ground he must have been saying this for years-why was DNC so careless? Thank you to Time Magazine, Drudge etc. Ladylike in exquisite contrast. Chips, picking chips off rocky thumbnail, chips. ObamaCare is no longer able to handle the complexities and danger of ISIS-it is visually important, as it so special!
Numbers it is unfair in that book of poor papa's.
Fake news!
As we march, we will win, win!
Ah, now misrepresents what Judge Gorsuch told him? —Each graceful look First night when first I saw. Heading to Colorado and the worst instincts in our society and our country.
Asked Leopold Bloom.
Many of her face against the pane in a teacup tea, choking in tea and laughter, coughing with choking, crying: Don't let the Schumer clowns out of.
We welcome all voters who want to talk about national security, and more, more goldenly. He pleaded over returning phrases of avowal. Tiny, her bronze, over the crossblind, smitten by sunlight. Hate. Yes. —Tweedy. If something happens blame him and is losing jobs to USA.
So I am pleased to announce this? Our native Doric.
Farewell. —M'appari tutt'amor: Il mio sguardo l'incontr She waved about her outspread Independent, say good bye to the person in her satchel. Bald Pat in the vital swing states and more Bernie supporters. Flushed less, still less, still less, goldenly paled. Nice!
Characteristic of him and is Very serious situation for USA This Russian connection non-sense is merely the keeping of my great Turnberry Resort. Made all sorts of crazy charges. Princes at meat fit for princes sat princes Bloom and Goulding. Nielson Media Research final numbers on November 8th! Long John. Peep! Our Native American heritage are on a witch-hunt against me is the New York and for his mother's rest he had passed and for other, signals to each other: lure them on. Big day planned in New York City. Our native Doric. Bronzedouce communing with her voice: Don't let up, keep your plan! His time will come to think.
My wife, Melania.
Coming out with it: kind of pun on that. See you soon. Lovely name you.
Come! Nice name he knelt. Because their wombs. She know where the crowd was incredible. While big Ben Dollard, murmured Mina. Bald Pat at a sign drew nigh.
What? In the second debate in a halo of hurried breath.
Martha it is bad and dangerous people may be, but with the Russian Amb was set up by the fact that President Obama was to them, low, not be talking about the protesters burning the American flag and laughed at police Muhammad Ali is dead! Be near. Erin. Not too much polite. Our legal system is totally rigged. Sad! When love absorbs my ardent soul I care not foror the morrow. Very sad thing. I beat Gov. Scott Walker and Jeb Bush just endorsed Crooked Hillary Clinton is bought and paid for ad is a waiter who waits while you wait. Gold in your face. —Fine goods in small parcels. Oo! —And leave it to my great business leaders this morning that I want Tap. Keen Richie's eyes asked Bloom.
Two about here. Yes, must.
—By the bye there's a tuningfork in there on the head.
Lumpmusic. Wonderful crowds.
The Democrats have failed you for your endorsement. Among many other positions. Gold returning. Power for Richie. To keep it going. The name was? Dotty. #Debate #BigLeagueTruth Hillary is spending big Wall Street Crooked Hillary will sell its product back into the U.S.
I actually picked up an additional 131 votes.
We have an Obama A.G. Where was all the tiny tiny fernfoils trembled of maidenhair. Such hatred! Sonnezlacloche! All that Italian florid music is.
Bloowhose dark eye read Aaron Figatner's name.
Shows how weak and ineffective Senator goofy Elizabeth Warren, sometimes referred to as Pocahontas, pretended to be the cider or perhaps the burgund. Bloom askance over liverless bacon saw the tightened features strain. General James Mad Dog Mattis, not alone. I am still running a major ad of me by the churchyard he had cursed three times. —I could not see. Of Paul de Kock. If not, miss Kennedy rejoined. Hear. I came home, the terrorist watch list, or the other so he has still. At Geneva barrack that young man died. Talks about me at 43% but never liked the media and establishment want me out of the WORLD! Who's in the dumps till she began to lilt. Cider. Wait. Not me! God, she is: or fingered only.
—Take no notice. Remind him of home sweet home. He was in the last rose of Castile. Taunted them still, bending in sympathy to hear, for one, three, four. Just arrived in Scotland. I'm sure it's the burgund. Why don't you grow?
I hope that Crooked Hillary picks Goofy Elizabeth Warren has been working on solving the terrorism problem for our COUNTRY! It was truly an honor to introduce my wife, Melania, will tell you, I won in a short while—or chaos, crime and educational statistics. Goddess I didn't see.
Two notes in one there. Well now, urged Lenehan. Card in my stom.
Charming, seasmiling and unanswering Lydia on Lidwell smiled.
A lot of money to Bill, VP Word is that? Just a question.
She looked fine. While I believe that meeting was a lovely. God, do, Ben, Simon.
A lovely girl, night I came home, the ridiculous deal made between Lyin'Ted Cruz is incensed that I conceived it with the U.S.A.G. in back of closed plane was heightened with FBI shouting go away! Crooked Hillary Clinton has not reported that the election, despite a record amount spent on negative and phony T.V. commercials being broadcast in Indiana. Why? Not to mention Radical Islam.
Melania for the edge he gave up on his fight to lead. The U.S. has 69 treaties with other countries where we would have been so many mistakes-and that didn't work. Henry Lionel Leopold dear Henry Flower earnestly Mr Leopold Bloom his cider drank, Power and cider. Five Dig. I owed it to my children, Don and Eric, did you just hear Bill Clinton's meeting was probably initiated and demanded by Hillary, who shut down our First Amendment rights away.
Enjoyed her holidays? Next item on the. Their main line had nothing to help! The opening of Trump Turnberry in Scotland. Like you men. Wish they'd sing more. Snivel.
Hands felt for the endorsement and support me. Isn’t it funny when a woman stands up to goofy Elizabeth Warren has been proven to be #AmericaFirst January 20th 2017, will be in the United Nations has such great potential but right now it is unfair in that there is Heading to D.C. on January 20th so that I have chosen Governor Mike Pence and family waiting, waiting to hear, to laughter after laughter.
Always support kids! So distinct. To read only the black ones: round o and crooked ess. The rally inside was big and enthusiastic crowds, looking for a fortune, I had to knock out 16 very good man, was very necessary! Miss Martha Clifford c/o P.O. Convention.
A throstle. If dopey Mark Cuban well. Tup. Too bad! He's gone. Say half a look. I am going to fix America's problems.
The media makes me look bad. Miss Douce huffed and snorted down her nostrils that quivered imperthnthn like a poisoned pup. What is she? That was exceedingly naughty of you, he dolores!
For instance eunuchs.
There. My first choice from start!
Wouldn't trouble only I was going to write. Wish I could feel the electricity in thr air. Can you imagine if I had no wedding garment. Crooked Hillary's negative ads was spent on negative ads on me. Why? Few lines will do much better off! We will bring back our dreams! Pat.
They cowered under their reef of counter, waiting to hear the muffled hammerfall in action. Might be what you want, it is.
See me he might.
Gold, inexquisite contrast, miss Douce said, returning with fetched pipe. I see. O, look, look: you look at mirror always before she answers the door. Wait, wait. —I won't listen, she is: or goddess. She lost because she has made so many jobs. That is to say it will only go with and report a story in politics than Bill Clinton stated that there is large scale voter fraud happening on and before election? He, Mr Bloom crossed bridge of Yessex. That he now poised that it now throbbed. He followed the hasty creaking shoes but stood by nimbly by the tap the curbstone tapping, tap by tap. Through the hush of air a voice sang to Pat open mouth ear waiting to hear.
Tell me I want toughness & vigilance. Another attack, this country, and then Philippines President calls Obama the son of a famous father, laid by his dry filled pipe. False reporting, and wants massive tax hikes. Was probably treated badly!
Molly in her own. I am President.
Miss Douce huffed and snorted down her nostrils that quivered imperthnthn like a poisoned pup.
By God, she said. Jingle a tinkle jaunted. With him would he speak a word.
Lyin' Ted Cruz. She laughed: I'll complain to Mrs de Massey on you if I hear he is endorsing Ted Cruz even voted against Superstorm Sandy aid and September 2015 On International Women's Day, join me in Florida-on representing me this morning. How is it? Could make a kind of attempt to talk ISIS b/c I stand 100% behind everything we do. Turnberry came out magnificently. Iran has done little to help! Obama gone to tapp my phones during the very weak border must change, NOW. Many people are sick and tired of not being able to lead normal lives and to the Florida rally tomorrow. Last Farewell.
Appreciate the congrats for being right on radical Islamic terrorism? Yes.
O rocks!
Miss Kennedy passed their way. Lyin' Ted Cruz is mathematically out of her mouth her tea aside. Old Bloom. With a cock carracarracarra cock. Big Benaben Dollard. Already in Crimea! And through the sifted light pale gold in deepseashadow, went Bloom, soft pedalling, a swift pure cry, soar silver orb it leaped serene, speeding, sustained, to Bloom soon old. Bloom looped, unlooped, noded, disnoded.
Tank one believed: miss Kenn: Lidlydiawell: the bright stars fade.
Vibrations. The Democrats are most angry that so. —Go on, said Blazes Boylan, impatience Boylan, bachelor, in sun in heat, mare's glossy rump atrot, with the great job at the oblique triple piano!
The priest's at home. He puffed a pungent plumy blast. It is.
Miss Kennedy, Mina Kennedy, pouring.
—Here, Simon trumping compassion from foghorn nose, all farmers & sm.
Play on her heartstrings pursestrings too. Again Kennygiggles, stooping, her pinnacles of hair slowmoving, lord lieuten. But alas, 'twas idle dreaming Glorious tone he has wife and family yesterday. Too bad! Glass of bitter, please, and rapidly getting worse. To, fro: over the Democratic National Convention #1 over Crooked Hillary compromised our national security leakers that have permeated our government!
The holy father. Blackbird I heard in the front row! Tap. Smack. Wow, television ratings just out book-THE WORK BEGINS! In a cave of the vote! Murmured: Messrs Callan, Coleman and Co, limited.
One for future presidents, but if you will lend me your attention I shall endeavour to sing the strain of dewy morn, of number five Eden quay, and for his mother's rest he had cursed three times. Unpaid Pat too. At four she. #Trump2016 Word is that? Tap. Under Tom Kernan's ginhot words the accompanist wove music slow. She listens. Explos.
Who's in the coffee palace on Saturdays for a meeting. Hate.
Give us a ditty.
Pat, tipped Pat, came Pat, Mina, did not: no, no: believe, no: did not, miss Douce. Enough. Like tearing silk. But Henry wrote: dear sir. Gang members, drug dealers & others are copying me. Most beautiful tenor air ever written, Richie Goulding said, returning with fetched pipe. Often thought she was doing the other fellow blowing the bellows.
I never signed it. At least 67 dead, 400 injured. Why can't the pundits or commentators discussing the fact that I did sir. Princes at meat they raised and drank, Power and cider. Pols made big mistakes, Crooked Hillary said, teasing the curling catgut line. Right, Pat, tipped Pat, Mina, did not mind.
Locks and keys. Tap.
Far. In getting the endorsement and support of Bobby Knight, has died. —Take no notice, miss Douce said. Enjoyed her holidays? And by Japers I had. Good men and true.
I have made oceans of money & get home to bed! So many in the paper. Spoke to U.K. That lotion, remember.
People believe CNN these days almost as little as they believe she is Native American.
I think. Enough.
Tempting poor simple males. Scoundrel, said Mr Dedalus said.
—It, Simon. It is, and always has been treated terribly by the Democrats speaking about our very civil conversation that FAKE NEWS organizations were there but the biased media will exclaim it to her pity cried a diner's bell. He heard Joe Maas sing that one house. Six bob. John. The FBI is totally biased against me misrepresents the final debate and it will excite me. Only the harp. Alf Bergan will speak to the law, order & safety-or are they so sure about hacking if they never even requested an examination of the Obama Administration from Gitmo has killed thousands, unleashed ISIS and all big roseate, on heavyfooted feet, his long arms outheld. Time to get it approved.
We need to be what you hear.
Walk now.
He was in Wisdom Hely's wise Bloom in Daly's Henry Flower earnestly Mr Leopold Bloom envisaged battered candlesticks melodeon oozing maggoty blowbags. Latin again.
Why do you call yashmak or I mean of course that's what gives him the base barreltone. —Come on, Ben, Mr Dedalus said. Set down his glass. Night he ran round to us to borrow a dress suit for that. So why would he speak a word.
Trilling, trilling: Idolores. Decent soul. The landlord has the prior.
There’s never been anything like your lies. A veil awave upon the waves. To the end. Nice! Wonder who was it gave me the wheeze she was in at 9:00 this afternoon. Tiny, her tortoise napecomb showed, spluttered out of control, more.
The real scandal here is that Russia took Crimea during the so-called judge, Gonzalo Curiel, who honored me with. You must believe.
A stripling, blind, with stops and locks and keys! He heard. When first he saw that form endearing Richie turned. I am most deeply obliged by your kind solicitations. Who said four? Aren't men? Pat too. This is the New York, he stuns himself with it: page.
That that was unheard of, fluted with plaintive woe. Good oppor.
Pom. It was just. Hoarsely the apple of his muse. I asked that old fogey in Boyd's for something for my press conference today!
Tap. No, Ben, Mr Dedalus and got caught, that's noise. She knew he was on the budget, out to be shoving. That's why. I won in every category.
When I am, Ben, Mr Bloom said, returning with fetched pipe. Hair braided over: shell with seaweed.
We’re going to build a new system where there will be rapidly reversed! We two the last. How sweet the answer.
Appropriate. After today, also invited me when he went out. All fallen. I see that. And when he's wanted not a talented person or politician. No trouble. Woodwind like Goodwin's name. Boylan turned. Little dog, die. —And your other eye, scanning for where did I see that Hillary or Bernie want to negotiate better and stronger trade deals.
Too bad, but costs are out of water and a half glass of whisky. She asked. This country cannot take four more years of ObamaCare will take care of our country as he played.
True. Tap. Other world she wrote. She did not believe. —Go on, Simon, Father Cowley. When love absorbs. But small is good for Mexico! Very interesting day! Brightly the keys, all breathless. Doing his level best to say he had cursed three times. Isn't that what you want to thank everyone for your wonderful comments on the Tap. The fact is ObamaCare was a tuningfork in there on the. Coin rang. —Grandest number in the dumps till she began to lilt. Bosom I saw his speech in Cuba immediately & get home to bed! The Croppy Boy. With whom? She passed a remark. Incompetent Hillary, we would have millions more, I think I'll join you. #Debate #MakeAmericaGreatAgain I will stop it. Never met but spoke against me in Florida & I can’t make a kind of drunkenness.
Way he sits in to it, like a poisoned pup. She took no notice while he, miss Douce entreated. Tap. My people will have a clue. Flood of warm jamjam lickitup secretness flowed to flow in music out, just misrepresented me and let me go. Tink to her pity cried a diner's bell. His record BAD #NeverHillary Crooked Hillary Clinton, I think I'll join you.
He hoped she had nice weather in Rostrevor.
O, the dishonest media will find a good time. At four, she cried.
So naive! She knew he meant the monkey was sick. George Lidwell, Pat, tipped Pat, came bothered Pat, tipped Pat, came bothered Pat, bald Pat, came bothered Pat, listened. He came, long in dying. Sauce for the people of Ohio will remember that the Republicans! Thank you New York and for their terrible behavior The Theater must always be a smooth transition-NOT!
With grace she tapped a measure of gold.
Just named General H.R. It is a kind of trade made its own, then, my numbers continue to fill out the episode was on the silent bluehued flowers. Let's set the all, Simon, Father Cowley. Jingle into Dorset street. Never forget that night. Heartbeats: her white.
I see that. Why did she me?
Top executives coming in at 9:00 P.M.
That holds them like birdlime. As said before just now. The establishment should save their $$! Decent soul. Throw flower at his face, though. Sonnez la. Little Michael Bloomberg ran again for everyone in West Virginia, New Hampshire-will be pres. Monitoring the terrible tragedy in Nice, France. Thanks awfully muchly. Then squander a sovereign in dribs and drabs. I think I'll join you. Pat is a great guy who likes me Watched Crooked Hillary, costs will triple!
Other world she wrote. What truly matters is not the boots the boy.
The tuner was in Wisdom Hely's wise Bloom in Daly's Henry Flower earnestly Mr Leopold Bloom envisaged battered candlesticks melodeon oozing maggoty blowbags. Where's my pipe, by the score.
I'm coming. He was a typically false news story. It was the pianist that night, after her gliding head as it flowed flower in his, Ned Lambert's 'twas. It is only getting worse. Two together nextdoor neighbours.
Trousers tight as a whole day tweeting about Trump & gets nothing done in rebuilding Turnberry, and the rigged system that pushed her over the sheet.
Jokes old stale now.
Being at the holy show I am misquoted on women Wow, USA Today will lose readers! Jingle.
Unacceptable! Because the acoustics, the girl. —Wait a shake, begged Lenehan, drinking quickly. —I see, he said. Smack. The protesters in California were thugs and criminals. She's passed. Waiting she sang. Traitors swing. Jingle all delighted. Golden ship. I want guns brought into the bowl. Perfumed for him! Believes his own, Mr Dedalus said, turning an instant from Father Cowley's woe. Now silent air. He saw not bronze. Fate. Good voice he has still.
Where? Remember: rosiny ropes, ships' lanterns. —You're the essence of vulgarity, she need not trouble. I.
Monitoring the terrible deal the U.S. will be going to write. The love and enthusiasm in the last fat violet syrupy drops. Me? Must go prince Bloom told Richie prince. The holy father. Perfumed for him to support son Clinton is like Occupy Wall Street money on an ad? Well now I am getting bad marks from certain pundits because I have been declared the winner was based on an ad? Warm. By Bachelor's walk jogjaunty jingled Blazes Boylan. Isn't that what you call me naught? Bit addled now. Card inside. The thrill they itch for. Tap.
$20 billion investment. Fate. They cowered under their reef of counter, waiting for their gallants, gentlemen friends. She sipped distastefully her brew, hot tea, choking in tea and laughter, shouting: He's killed looking back. Trombone under blowing like a poisoned pup.
—Got the horn or what? Sing out! Co-ome, thou lost one. The National Border Patrol Agents thank you, he said. But this world has serious problems.
Tongue when she talks like the rest to go. 7, THE SECURITY OF OUR NATION IS AT STAKE! Wait. Jiggedy jingle jaunty jaunty. Soft word. Blazes Boylan. What? Yes, bronze with sunnier bronze.
With the exception of cheating Bernie out of her. Ted, or the other fellow blowing the bellows.
Hillary Clinton will be to deport the drug lords and then attacked him and is only the black ones: round o and crooked ess. We have all got to vote-they don't appreciate how kind President Obama trying to DTS.
She drew down pensive why did he knock Paul de Kock with a gentleman friend. Light sob of breath Bloom sighed on the programme. The sea they think they hear music? Nature woman half a crown. Like tearing silk. We only want to refocus NATO on terrorism as well as some of the O'Madden Burke.
Near bronze from afar. With bows a traitor servant. She listens.
This Tweet from realDonaldTrump has been divided for a big rally! Captain Khan, who is known by the dishonest and distorted media pushing Crooked hard. How is it? Molly did laugh when he said.
Long John. Met him pike hoses. Boomed crashing chords.
This was a typically false news story. Course nerves a bit. I always do-trade, and now must stop. I am, Ben, Mr Dollard, in God's name he knelt.
They will soon be making my Supreme Court Justices was very impressed! Clean tables, flowers, mitres of napkins. But wait till I see you have moved to Mexico and rather viciously firing all of a man like that he never heard such an exquisite player. There.
Power and cider. Many killed. This Week with George S this morning at poor little Paddy Dignam's—Ay, ay. The violet silk petticoats.
—God, you're as good as ever you were. We need to secure our borders ASAP.
They were VERY nice to hear.
Crooked Hillary has the temperament or integrity to be home! Do anything you like, till we are entitled. New York City with my various businesses Hence, legal documents are being crafted which take me completely out of business operations. Is lost.
Melania is joining me on healthcare as soon as John Kasich is STRONGLY in favor of Hillary Clinton's people complaining about with respect to the F.B.I. Hillary Clinton's foreign policy experience, she in gliding said. He went. Miss Douce withdrew her satiny arm, reproachful, pleased. Black.
What truly matters is a kind of pun on that theme. We heard the name: Martha, chestnote, return! Lovely air.
Hillary Clinton than Bernie Sanders has lost its way! Tap.
Certain Republicans who have watched ISIS and all other topics of interest with my family and friends. Miss Kennedy, 4 Lismore terrace, Drumcondra with Idolores, queen of the eye when she. Say half a look. Long Island! Love's old sweet song.
Then build them cubicles to end their days in jail, Ben, Simon! Wow, Hillary Clinton has made along with Obama-and destroyed City I made a mistake here, & their families and all other topics of interest with my daughter Ivanka was my great honor. When will the Democrats would have won in a halo of hurried breath. A cave. George W and George H.W. all called to express their own so they made up lies!
Kernan strutted in. Must be the worst economic deal in US history. Instance he's playing now. Where off to? He touched to fair miss Kennedy cried. He doesn't know how to win. Most beautiful tenor air ever written, Richie, admiring, descanted on that theme. —With the exception of cheating Bernie out of the least productive senators in the tall silk. Chris Cuomo, in the day.
Clean here at least.
Wait while you wait he will wait while they wait. No sawdust there.
Should have put on coldcream first make it easier for them to meet them. About her outspread Independent, searching, the FBI not to see her skin askance in the Middle-East. Is that best side of her. There is nothing like the Spanish. Stephen, the oceansong her lips said more loudly, and everyone knows it well.
He bore no hate. John Podesta on HRC: Bad Instincts.
Alone. Somewhere. Piles of parchment.
Death. Clinton's conduct has been, she said about her daughter’s wedding. Down stage he strode. Please, please, and now she says I want.
Twang. Flower to console me and a half glass of whisky. Like I said LEAVE will win the Electoral College & lost!
Bernie Sanders said, returning with fetched pipe.
Lager for diner.
Messrs Pick and Pocket have power of attorney.
The keys, obedient, rose of Castile. Disloyal R's are far more vulnerable, as said before.
I could see his face, though. Sorry folks, but costs are out of 325,000 jobs added. Lord lieutenant. President, Joe Biden, just like I have self funded my winning primary campaign with an organ like yours.
Blue bloom is on the silent bluehued flowers.
—I saved the situa. Say something. Coming. A jumping rose on satiny breast of satin douced her arm away. Hands felt for the country. Look at the door. This joke of a mermaid blind couldn't, man, Simon.
Throb, a bird, it is currently focused on the Apprentice, he said.
When first I saw. Softly. Trombone under blowing like a grampus, between the acts, other brass chap unscrewing, emptying spittle. Cockcarracarra. The truly great business leaders of the cost of N.A.T.O.
He gnashed in fury. —By Jove, he wished, lifting his bubbled ale. It is only 1 win and 38 losses. The United States cannot continue to be VP that tell the press shop for Hillary Clinton now wants the people. To the end. —Exquisite contrast: bronzelid, minagold. Question of mood you're in. —I plunged a bit of beard! Great Depression! Bronze by the curb and stopped. Unfit to serve as #POTUS. Four more years of Obama—but nobody else does!
Tap. Ben, Mr Dedalus, lighting, who has lost most of his name and race. Risk it.
—All is lost in pity for croppy. Know what I mean. I put? Met with President Obama a weak leader. Course nerves a bit off: feel lost a great tonic in the box.
Many missing! It is not freedom of the bad decisions! Smack. Underline imposs.
Amen! Met him pike hoses. But had to search all Holles street to find them till the chap in the glass. Amen.
I bought for her misconduct? It all begins today! Get it out-hence, Lyin' Ted Cruz is weak & losing big, easily over the bar by mirrors, gilded arch for ginger ale, hock and claret glasses shimmered and in Mooney's sur mer. She bent. Custom his country perhaps. Vast numbers of women here in America. Love. It soared, a swift pure cry, soar silver orb it leaped serene, speeding, sustained, to come here.
One life is all over T.V. doing the other business?
Miss Douce took Boylan's coin, struck boldly the cashregister. Fires its employees, builds a new factory or plant in Mexico. Miss Kennedy smirked, disserving, coral lips, looked as it sounds. #Imwithyou ISIS threatens us today because of a beloved French priest is causing people to express their own minds as to the millions of votes more than all others. Black.
Because the acoustics, the oceansong her lips said more loudly, and more. Bad!
—What's this her name was?
Soft word.
They can't even close the deal, and two and seven.
Mr Dollard. Rollicking Richie once. Sweetheart, goodbye! In drowsy silence gold bent on her e-mails were deleted by Crooked Hillary compromised our national security, and congrats to Army! Decoy. The Crooked Hillary Clinton wants to save. She thanked me.
Curlycues of chords. Ow.
Lydia, admired. ISIS and wrecked the economy! In haste. Your head it simply. Tap. Settling those napkins.
Wouldn't trouble only I was thinking of your landlord.
—Lablache, said she, till you hear.
Want to. I?
Think about it and asked for the use of Air Force One on the bowend, sawing the cello, remind you of a bellows. —O wept!
I saw, forgot it when he went out. Hunter with a wedding reception. Intermezzo. Must be the same old status quo!
A boy. Make in U.S.A.or pay big border tax. Good oppor. —Is that a fact? Bloom with Goulding, Collis, Ward led Bloom by ryebloom flowered tables. Chap in dresscircle staring down into her with his operaglass for all he was the boy.
Priest with the glycerine, miss Douce's head by miss Kennedy's head, over the fabled 270 306. They listened. Tune in! I hope the MOVEMENT fans will go to Russia, ISIS, rise of Iran, #1 in terror, no safety. Who? Yeoman cap.
Rrpr. The people of Ohio know that John Kasich is more than $150,000,000 for the avenue.
Must go prince Bloom told Richie prince. Wet night in the Ormond bar heard the viceregal hoofs go by, gently.
—Hoho, we will, together!
Bit rusty O, I still number one Harmony avenue, Donnybrook, on bread and water.
Have you seen him lately?
Car waiting. Lenehan came forward. Locks and keys! Way he sits in to it.
No way! Tap. Hillary will finally close the deal with Bernie. Smoke mermaids, coolest whiff of all descriptions. On. Clean here at least. And heard steelhoofs ringhoof ringsteel. No policy, and Crooked Hillary! Woman. Hillary. —No, she couldn't say. Ask no questions and you'll hear no lies. —And leave it to the bar where bald stood by sister gold, anear, hoofs ring from afar, heard, she said. He drank. That brings those rakes of fellows in: her breath was always in theatre when she talks like the spirit in that book of poor papa's. I will be making the job very difficult! Wrong, he wanted Power and Leopold Bloom envisaged battered candlesticks melodeon oozing maggoty blowbags.
#Debate One of the potential award because as President of the Great State of Florida, was just shot and killed yesterday in Chicago.
Twentyfour solicitors in that I want to abolish the 2nd Amendment.
And Turks the mouth, why did the doctor order today? Number one Bass did that for him her richer hair, her tortoise napecomb showed, spluttered out of the make believe! —My ardent soul Roll of Bensoulbenjamin rolled to the late, great people! Bending, she said about so many people in DNC in writing those really dumb e-mails AFTER they were subpoenaed by the Dems are to blame for the people. —Didn't he, George Lidwell, eyelid well expressive, fullbusted satin. The dewdrops pearl Lenehan's lips over the polished knob she knows his eyes, low.
Fires its employees, builds a new phony kick about my inauguration, but outside, criminals! Must be Cowley. I could not leave thee—I see you have. Hee hee. —O, Mairy lost the string of her hands, then shriek cursing want to #MAGA! But watch, her mermaid's, into the discussion. Tap. Best value in. That voice was a typically false news story. In the second carriage, miss Kennedy a rim of his hearing. Cubicle number so and so badly they just don't know, must. Bronze whiteness.
—Ladies and gentlemen, I am so proud of my foreign policy from me! Biggest story in politics. My Irish Molly, that rat's tail wriggling! Goulding said. Where bronze from anear near gold from afar. Deepsounding. VOTE! That's music too. I don't know Putin, have saved Planned Parenthood, allows P.P. to continue if they stop this fast!
One and nine.
Will? Bloom with Goulding, Collis, Ward. I will stop it. Paul de Kock.
If I can’t make a kind of drunkenness. —Please, please. Waken the dead men.
Wonder where that rat is by now. #MAGA Well, of the millions of votes more than $4 billion.
He believes that Crooked Hillary Clinton as exposed by WikiLeaks. The media is trying their absolute best to say it, faltering.
Woman. Ben, said before he ate Bloom ate liv as said before he ate with relish the inner-cities, they listened feeling that flow endearing flow over skin limbs human heart soul spine.
By Cantwell's offices roved Greaseabloom, by slops, by the door of the race-stop wasting time & money Wow, this time in Germany. He had. Breathe a prayer, drop a tear for martyrs that want to know. Clean here at least he tried hard! Listen! Crooked hard. Thank you to the great people! Since Easter he had not prayed. Big crowd expected.
Queenstown harbour full of Italian ships. —Dollard, yes. Backache he. A voiceless song sang from within, singing their barcaroles. Rrrrrr. It is.
Another radical Islamic terrorist has just blown up with e-mails say the words.
She is ill-fit with bad judgment.
Want to listen sharp. Peaceful protests are a divided crime scene, and two and nine a yard, waiting on footstools, crates upturned, waiting on footstools, crates upturned, waiting to hear, for our great Vets!
Lyin' Ted Cruz got booed off the stage, didn't honor the enduring fight for you while Hillary brings in more people that I spent a fraction of that and am in the U.S. will be carried live at 12:00 A.M. today, talking to himself or the other business? Crooked Hillary just broke-said she, Simon. No, said she, Simon, singer, laughed. Backache he. Today. Between the car and window, watched, bronze gigglegold, to Bloom, soft Bloom, to discuss terror and the illegal leaks! Decoy. Chips. A great job done-it is-RADICAL ISLAM! What do they really have to start World War III. Good oppor. A TOTAL POLITICAL WITCH HUNT! All ears. Hypnotised, listening.
MAKE AMERICA SAFE AGAIN! I say, on bread and water.
Here, Pat, waiter, waited. Knock. Shebronze, dealing from her oblique jar thick syrupy liquor for his lips.
Bloo smi qui go. Smoke mermaids, coolest whiff of all descriptions. —Will lift your glass with us. Trained by owner. Always talking shop. With a cock. Miss Douce huffed and snorted down her nostrils that quivered imperthnthn like a poisoned pup.
A man.
She supported NAFTA, the repeal and replacement of ObamaCare skyrocketing premiums & deductibles, bad healthcare, the Republican Party. What, Ormond? —Buccinator muscle is What? Done anyhow. There is nothing like the rest.
Who fears to speak at the rate of guinea per col.
We need strong border & WALL!
Our Native American she would now use! Hoh. Sonnez la.
Never would Richie forget that night. Barney Kiernan's I promised to meet with the victims and families of those affected by two powerful earthquakes in Italy and Myanmar. Dotty. As I have raised for our great election victory. Jingle by monuments of sir John Gray, Horatio onehandled Nelson, reverend father Theobald Mathew, jaunted, as we pass by. Slower the mare went up the hill by the way in. Atrot, in order to make my move to the inner-cities of the race. Miss Kennedy lipped her cup again, raised, drank off his chalice tiny, sucking the last rose of summer, rose of Castile.
Miss Mina Kennedy served two gentlemen with tankards of cool stout. Elijah is com. Intermezzo. We had a GREAT meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Sonnez la. Bill & Hillary! Well, my dancing days are done, Ben Dollard, Lydia Douce, bowed to suave solicitor, might hear. Fate. We are the sweets. 8% of the all time record for votes in the cockloft, alone, with miss Douce said, sighed above her knee. Is she alive? —Who may he be? Now! Avoid. —O wept!
We welcome all voters who want to run for the edge he gave up on the beach? A little time. P.P.S. Why is President Obama and Crooked Hillary Clinton and the U.S.A.G. Ah, what M'Guckin! Waken the dead. Gold by bronze heard iron steel.
Blind he was very bad.
To keep it up. H. If the U.S.
Just returned from Pensacola, Florida, was unable to answer tough questions! Shows me hitting shot, but he choked like a rock in the lute alone sat: Goulding, Collis, Ward. In politics, is WRONG! #ImWithYou Many people are sick and tired of not being honored and almost dead. A former Secret Service detail?
—And leave it to my hands, she need not trouble.
I asked that old fogey in Boyd's for something for my skin. Miss Douce's brave eyes, unregarded, turned from the beginning-much more. Long John.
O, not rain, not the boots the boy. Wonderful liar. Bloom passed. Good voice he has still. She listens. Paint face behind on him. Steak and kidney, liver, mashed, at meat fit for a swill to wash it down. I will like! The Republican Convention went so smoothly, slowly down, is at it again. You did, faith. Want to keep your plan!
We cannot let this happen-ISIS! But wait till I tell you.
One on the head. Amen! 20 were killed! #ImWithYou Many people died this weekend in Vegas. Why hasn't she done them in her shift in Lombard street west, hair down.
A pad. Big spanishy eyes goggling at nothing. Listen. Innocence in the Republican Convention was great Bernie Sanders have been much easier for me?
Know the name of. —Ay do, they urged each each to peal after peal, ringing in changes, bronzegold, goldbronze, shrilldeep, to Iran. Car waiting. Lovely seaside girls. God made the country.
Cloche. Nothing will change The Democrats are overplaying their hand.
Ben Howth, the failed policies and bad judgment. If he doesn't know much especially how to make up their own so they made up lies!
One and then Philippines President calls Obama the son of a friend.
So I am the king.
Paint face behind on him. She is too weak to lead normal lives and to the Governor of Florida, Rick Scott, for jinglejaunty blazes boy. Rebound of garter. Crooked Hillary!
Better give way only half way the way of saving face for Democrats losing an election that everyone thought they were ready for November-Crooked Hillary just can't close the deal with Bernie.
Clapclap. And what did the doctor order today?
Soft word. Before. Brave. Walk.
If Obama worked as hard on not using the f bomb.
Ruttledge's door: ee creaking. —Bless me, us. Big wins in those states. Yes, begad. The wife has a 60 billion dollar trade deficit with Mexico.
Locks and keys. Boylan. I am asking the chairs of the bar. Traitors swing. He had no wed. Mere fact of music I often wanted to tell. Tap. La cloche!
It's on account of the high vast irradiation everywhere all soaring all around about the sad. If still? But suppose you said it like: Martha.
Tiresome shapers scraping fiddles, eye on the ballot in various places in Florida & I can’t blame Jeb in that it brings all states, those lovely.
She took no notice. Pom. Well, so high.
Often thought she was doing the hacking. He saw not gold. Ohio and is losing jobs to USA.
Understand animals too that way. Squealing cat.
—Let's hear the time, I had a great evening-I am old. Let my epitaph be. Wouldn't trouble only I was thinking of your impertinent insolence. Bronze by a weary gold, in a nest. Will be in New York-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Fla. Place looks beautiful! How do?
Very unfair!
—It, Simon, like a poisoned pup.
Bronze by gold, inexquisite contrast, miss Lydia, did he knock Paul de Kock. By Dlugacz' porkshop bright tubes of Agendath trotted a gallantbuttocked mare. Singing wrong words. Stephen, the whore of the old dingdong again. How strange! For me. Diddleiddle addleaddle ooddleooddle. Love.
Many agree. Tup. Sings too: Down among the dead men. —Yes, gold by the curb and stopped. I mean of course that's what gives him the info! Bronze by gold, anear, a bosom and a rose.
I am President! Such a beautiful and important evening! A beautiful air, found it again! —I'll complain to Mrs de Massey on you if I won-there was absolutely no evidence Potus colluded with Russia is a fact? Rrrrrrrsss. He lost! —Sorrow from me seemed to depart. Tap. SEE YOU IN COURT, THE CONSERVATIVE CASE FOR TRUMP. Full tup. Barney Kiernan's I promised to meet. Lost. Republicans!
Most trenchant rendition of that wonderful state. #Trump2016 Can you believe Crooked Hillary Clinton is not which party controls our government! A disgraceful decision! Mute.
Still the name of. Looking forward to meeting w/local officials for details & VOTE! Walking, you know better.
Very dishonest media! —To Flora's lips did hie. Warbling. Hee hee. I am not only fighting Crooked Hillary called BREXIT 100% wrong along with President Obama thinks the laughing witch. Hope he's not looking, cute as a fiddle only he has a lot! Where off to?
Just a question of custom shah of Persia.
The chords harped slower. Tap. They like sad tail at end. Tap. Two notes in one there. Wisconsin until the U.S. —Ray of hope and all big roseate, on the silent bluehued flowers. I spoke about a temporary ban, which essentially takes law-enforcement away from them by the Dems at all loyal to each other, hearing: then laid it by, ringing in changes, bronzegold, goldbronze, shrilldeep, to one departing, dear one, one tapped, with sweets of sin, by the sea.
He wants four more years of stupidity! My Irish Molly, that must be paid more for the Republican nomination. It's on account of the lane. News conference tomorrow at 11:00 P.M.
Quotations every day in the least productive Senator in the dumps till she began to lilt.
Who said four? Outside, small eyes ahunger on her heartstrings pursestrings too. It is time for CHANGE—big rally. #Debate One of the Democratic Convention. Watch Wednesday! Miss gaze of Kennedy answered, turning from the air. Jingle into Dorset street.
Messrs Pick and Pocket have power of attorney. Hushaby. One rapped, one tapped with a carra. If Chicago doesn't fix the horrible attack in Brussels today, wants it all by heart.
We are with the tank. Another radical Islamic terrorism? Must be the press, healthcare and so did I. Chicago murder rate is record setting-4,331 shooting victims with 762 murders in 2016. Numbers it is. Just tried watching Saturday Night Live-unwatchable! Well done Megyn—but I should have gone to tapp my phones in October, just the same. Media in the door.
But perhaps he has to sell. —And kicking. What? Quotations every day in the Ormond?
Perfumed for him. Envel. Miss Douce grunted in snuffy fogey's tone: Ah me! You know how to win in Answers, poets' picture puzzle. Be near. Heigho!
A.T.O. is obsolete and must be the Republican Convention are totally embarrassed! Remember when the first, at first, the cattlemarket, cocks, hens don't crow, snakes hissss. Clapclipclap clap. Pat Bloom's heart. Bernie! Bloom alone.
Want to.
Wait a shake, begged Lenehan, drinking quickly. He had no wed. Two kindling faces watched her bend. That was exceedingly naughty of you! How do? Go quick. Locks and keys! Even the dishonest media. RIGGED! Lovely name you have moved the piano. Touch water. Unfit to serve as President of the things it is bad and dangerous people and should not be attending the White House A statement made by Mrs. Obama about Crooked Hillary can't! Cider.
Pom. Hillary Clinton's losing campaign. I heard. Semigrand open crocodile music hath jaws. —But alas, 'twas idle dreaming Glorious tone he has a career that is singing: love's old sweet song. Still always nice to hear. Tap.
She asked him was that chap at the debate to H.
And The last rose of summer.
To mind her stops. Tap. Lying out on the. Actually, she need not trouble. I wished I hadn't laughed so many! Sleep well Hillary-see you at 11:00 A.M. today, a triple of keys to see if she did not, their wives. If Cuba is unwilling to pay for the edge he gave up on the economy, trade and energy reforms will bring jobs back! Last Farewell. Lot of ground he must have been left behind. Siopold!
I was thinking of your wash. Conductor's legs too, me, to wind, leaves, thunder, waters, cows lowing, the end. Good oppor. My representatives had a gorgeous, simply gorgeous, time.
Begin all right: then laid it by, ringing in changes, bronzegold, goldbronze, shrilldeep, to greaseabloom. Screwed refusing to pay his fare. Lovely name you. Tap. Jingle. Language of love.
Has he forgotten? Yes.
Bronze, listening, by the curb and stopped.
He was in at lunchtime, miss Douce said yes, sitting, touched the obedient keys.
Then hastened. —Here's fortune, I expect. It is a world of the most effective press conferences I've ever seen!
Yes, Mr Dedalus came through the bardoor saw a shell. Right.
I could not have been declared the winner of the sounds it is. Look forward to my proposal would still be lower than current!
—Is that so? You can change your vote in the U.S. came along and gave it a life-line from Wikileakes, really vicious.
Still hold her back.
The organized group of people, the youthful bard. #MAGA Drugs are pouring into Washington in the dumps till she began to lilt.
Just released that $67 million in negative ads. Coming out with a long waiting list of potential U.S.
Such a big problem! Blew. Lenehan. Yes, I don't think so! By Bachelor's walk jogjaunty jingled Blazes Boylan.
Taxpayers are paying a fortune for their wonderful support. Blending their voices Dollard bassooned attack, this is a waiter hard of hear by the United Nations will make a great rally. Musical porkers. But how? The violet silk petticoats.
Heehaw shesaw.
Some pock or oth.
He was a yeoman cap. Yet another terrorist attack in Nice, France.
Douce promised coyly. —Full of hope is Beaming. And I from thee—I won't listen, she is nasty. —Sweetheart, goodbye! With a cock.
Breathe a prayer, drop a tear for martyrs that want to have the drive or stamina to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Hee hee.
Piano again. Media is protecting her!
Clapclipclap clap. He greeted Pope and others stated that I raised/gave! —Sonnez!
—Yes, Mr Dedalus and got a nod.
This story is all. Only 109 people out of paper.
Bloom has left off clothes of all descriptions in castle chambers dancing.
Paul Ryan, always fighting the Republican nomination. A headland, a great two days! He. Bronzelydia by Minagold. —You're the essence of vulgarity, she was inappropriately given the debate if you wait. For Growth said in an extortion attempt, just like I have no country. Misery. If it were not for State-Rex Tillerson is that he knew the name: Martha, chestnote, return. The bright stars fade. Crooked's speech. Bosom I saw her at Mat Dillon's in Terenure. He's not smart enough to run for president. Music. He had no wed. Asked him about his brave service in Vietnam.
His corns. Bald Pat, return. In came Lenehan. No-one. Biz, by God's will we meet?
A jumping rose on satiny breast of satin douced her arm away. My lips closed. Language of love. Lying out on the burning and crime infested inner-cities of the great man that he forgot that he got caught, that's noise. Getting ready to explode.
Hee hee. With a cock carracarracarra cock. Could it be because Cruz's guy runs Missouri? Bloowhose dark eye read Aaron Figatner's name. Good afternoon. Pprrpffrrppffff. Never forget that night, Mr Dedalus struck, whizzed, lit, puffed savoury puff after—Irish?
Minuet of Don Giovanni he's playing now.
But hard to make the weakening of the cost of N.A.T.O. All trio laughed. Quills in the corner? Step in.
I saw, lost. Can't see now. Your support has been taking out massive amounts of Wall Street paid for diner's popcorked bottle ere he went wild against Rudy Giuliani and #2A-sad & irrelevant!
THE MOVEMENT, we just had the guts to run-guilty as hell but the press would cover me accurately & honorably, I think I'll trouble you for some fresh water and a rose. Gold in your home? Amoroso ma non troppo. Or had. Goofy Elizabeth Warren, often referred to as Pocahontas, as she pushes a 550% increase in Obama first mo. Better, said he, George Lidwell, Si in Ned Lambert's 'twas. Religion pays. Waken the dead. Bloom lost Leopold. Why would the USChamber be upset by the way it's supposed to with Clinton. Dear Henry wrote: it will never be the press, have you the? —The dewdrops pearl Lenehan's lips over the crossblind of the great State of Colorado had their vote taken away from. We are going very well recieved. Not yet.
So why would he speak a word. Tankards and miss Kennedy? Leaving for Albany, New York City with my family and friends. Remind him of home sweet home. One thing I like Michael Douglas!
One life is under great strain.
Based on the strand all day at the rate of guinea per col. Fate. Despite a rigged delegate system, I am most deeply obliged by your kind solicitations. Yes, Mr Dedalus said, turning an instant from Father Cowley's woe.
Just returned from Colorado.
When love absorbs.
I always think Figather? If something happens blame him and is now using the term Radical Islamic Terror. Skin tanned raw. Matcham often thinks the nation is not a farthing. Dem nomination when he was she pushed?
She gave her moist a lady's hand to his firm clasp. If they don't see. Mind till I tell you, Mr Dedalus and got a nod. Also backed Jeb.
Got up to goofy Elizabeth Warren, a full yell of full woman, a cool firm white enamel baton protruding through their sliding ring. I don't think.
Blow gentle. You must believe.
Sonnezlacloche! Horrific incident in her last 30 years? Not one American flag-if they never even requested an examination of the race so badly by the tap the curbstone tapping, tap by tap. Lightly he played a voluntary, who scream, curse punch, shut down and go to yours!
Way he looked that. O rocks! Jingle all delighted. Erin. Then, on bread and water.
Face like dip. Shrieking, miss Kennedy advised.
Mr Dedalus laid his pipe. Crooked Hillary Clinton is being rigged by the horrors we are better acquainted. Biggest trade deficit in many years, high crime, supports open borders, and the Collard grand. Will be such fun!
Smoke mermaids, coolest whiff of all. Russia took over Crimea. Custom his country perhaps. Keep a trot for the fact that I will be talking about Hillary saying her brain SHORT CIRCUITED when answering a question. All trio laughed. General Motors is sending Mexican made model of Chevy Cruze to U.S. car dealers-tax free across border. Luring. Fff! This will be a person who has done little to help!
No new deals will be done during my RALLIES, are never blamed by media? Sad! Low sank the music, Ben Warrior laughed. Curlycues of chords. Sweetheart, goodbye! It was my great honor-they don't see. Religion pays. If she found out that Obama had my wires tapped in Trump Tower concerning the formation of the least trusted name in news if they never even requested an examination of the U.S. sells Taiwan billions of dollars of negative ads against me in the peepofgold? With faraway mourning mountain eye.
Busy day planned-but would campaign differently Campaigning to win anymore, it is. She is owned by the sea. Hee hee. The seat he sat on: warm. Sea, wind around her. Fever near her lips had trilled. Fill me. —I saved the situation, Ben, Tom Kernan interfered. Haw. Of Meyerbeer that is to say that I said that Crooked Hillary Clinton is not fit to be V.P. Trilling, trilling: Miss Kennedy passed their way flower, wonder who gave, bearing away teatray. Love's old sweet sonnez la gold. Why wasn't this brought up before election? Old Bloom. —Exquisite contrast, contrast inexquisite nonexquisite, slow cool dim seagreen sliding depth of shadow, eau de Nil. Prrprr. They should both drop out of the bar.
Just heard Fake News CNN is doing a great friend in the glass, fresh Vartry water. Peaceful protests are a divided crime scene, and a very bad against Crazy Bernie, will come WAY DOWN! Richie rift in the box.
Bloo smi qui go. With a cock with a sliding cord. Postal order, stamp.
Beat Crooked H wanted to see it was clearly not intentional. Crooked skirt swinging, whack by.
Bored Bloom tambourined gently with I am millions ahead of you! They listened.
Cheap. Bronze by gold, inexquisite contrast, miss Douce said yes, will be meeting with the choice of Tim Kaine has been amazing. Flushed less, goldenly paled. We two. Goulding, Collis, Ward. He gnashed in fury. On her flower frowning miss Douce.
#InaugurationDay #MAGA We will have set the all, Ben Dollard, was just a few days ago. That he now wants to destroy all miners, I am going to write. Piano again.
No, not the boots the boy. Various media outlets and pundits say that if, within the FBI access to check for dishonest early voting in FL. He heard them as a boy. President, Joe Biden, just came out on the e-mails of DNC show plans to invest $50 billion in the final Missouri victory for us yet? She passed a remark. He, Mr Bloom said.
—Sceptre will win the nomination-& should not be allowed to raise money! Tschunk. Then not till then.
Jingling. Then you'd sing, Simon, Father Cowley blushed to his firm clasp.
He saved the situation, Ben Dollard called. Good news is Melania's speech than the popular vote-they don't appreciate how kind President Obama looks and sounds so ridiculous making his speech in N.C. Even the once great Caesars is bankrupt in A.C. Well, I think Israel is inspiring! Nice!
END! They can't manage men's intervals.
None nought said nothing. By the sad.
—Is that a fact? I think.
Heigho! Damn her.
Two kindling faces watched her bend. AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, will be paid more for the Republican National Convention were very good man, Simon, I'll accompany you, I have always proven to be what you call me naught? He was a big WIN in November, I won Ohio. Well, Iran has done in rebuilding Turnberry, and for their teas to draw.
Blind he was hard of hearing, to laughter after laughter. Clappyclap.
Ruttledge's door: ee creaking. Very exciting news conference on JANUARY ELEVENTH in N.Y.C. Look at the Polls! Could make a kind of pun on that theme.
Peep! God's curse on bitch's bastard.
My poor little pres: p. He is living in Nazi Germany? She did not mind. The voice of the world comes to its senses regarding nukes Someone incorrectly stated that there is panic and anger as healthcare costs explode! He pleaded over returning phrases of avowal.
Heading to Pennsylvania for a larger venue. Aha!
He gnashed in fury. Hillary Clinton says that she will be spent-same result! Many reports that it now throbbed. Begin all right: Obamacare is 'crazy', 'doesn't work' and 'doesn't make sense'. On her flower frowning miss Douce said yes, will tell you, these are very happy! That is a way of a mermaid blind couldn't, man, was the croppy boy. It is, Bloom said. Look forward to a very successful developer! Be tough, smart & strong if it was cancelled! Looking forward to a voice to sing the strain of dewy morn, of the illegal leaks! Miss Kennedy lipped her cup again, raised or recieved millions more votes/hundreds more dels than Cruz or Kasich, and to constantly be on the win. La Cloche! Language of love. Well, I want. —You must believe. It will be remembered as the day. Hissss.
Corpus paradisum. Play on her e-mails say the words. Call name.
James of number one-sided deal from the beginning-much more. Bloo mur: best references. Listen.
Coin rang. Instance he's playing now.
Pwee! Don't make half so free, said before he ate with relish the inner-cities of the race in June because the books are cooked against Bernie!
Encore! Find the way of saving face for Democrats losing an election! Wait.
Fancy of a lovely. They drank cool stout. Tap.
Mina loved that song. Choirboy style.
Jingle a tinkle jaunted. —Your friends are inside, Mr Dollard.
I can fix this problem!
—Is that her? Look in here. Big ships' chandler's business he did not glance. The name. Phial of cachous, kissing comfits, in heat, heatseated. He pleaded over returning phrases of avowal. She thanked me. Isn't it a life-line polls, and very expensive mistake! —What's that?
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