#balmung lfrp
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anamsgith · 2 years ago
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-= House Madaras; 21+ XIV RP Group is recruiting! =-
A reclusive and selective estate, House Madaras has made a name for itself over the last century with its incredible leniency when it comes to illicit research. Vast on-site archives, bountiful resources and plenty of 'willing' subjects to play with means that not much is truly out of bounds within the House. It is a haven of willful ignorance where the morally ambiguous may thrive. A place of learning where few things are taboo and fewer still are deemed off-limits....
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~Inspired by the world of Bloodborne and the Antivan Crows of Dragon Age~
House Madaras and its underbelly, the Serpent's Warren, is set up as a place for characters of more dubious alignments and persuasions to play; assassins, murderers, manipulative socialites, eccentric mages and so on! A place where very few things are off limits, and the darker things encouraged. We welcome people to play deviously, to use each others characters like pieces on a board and utilize the setting to its fullest.
As a heavy, 21+ RP group our intent is to give writers a well-crafted setting to explore the darker & maturer themes of FFXIV RP. We keep our setting grounded; we don't deal in over-powered characters here. But we do deal in consequences. We are a small and selective group with a zero policy for drama. Given the nature of our themes, we are quite strict and place great importance on communication and consent.
At a Glance-
What We Got:Lore Abiding/Bending Stories ● Dark / Mature Themes ● Horror ● Plot Driven Characters ● Combat & Civilian Friendly Space ● Gritty & Grounded Setting ● Player-First Combat System
What We Don't Do:Slavery ● Over-powered Characters ● Voidsent / Voidsent Hosts ● Warrior's of Light ● Lore-Breaking OC's ● IC / OOC Mixing ● Drama ● Make RP a Job
If any of that intrigues you, more info can be found on our Carrd below! Feel free to reach out to me here on Tumblr, or Discord via "Anamsgith" if you have any questions!
We are located on Balmung, Crystal, but are a Crossworld friendly space! You do not need to join the FC to RP with us. It serves as the RP-hub only.
Visibility Tags: @mooglemeet @xiv-lfrp @balmungrp
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alicienacorvin · 3 months ago
LFRP: Miss Baivoux - Crystal DC
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An elegant woman composed nearly entirely of mysteries and dangers, Miss Baivoux is someone I've only barely gotten to RP and would really, really, really love to have a proper chance to play her.
Miss B has the air and attitude of a noble, but seemingly has no ties to any of the noble houses outside of familiarity on both sides. No one seems to be especially fond of her though. When asked what she does, she claims to be a researcher into magic and alchemy, but rarely will elaborate beyond that. She is a woman with a dark present, past, and future and anyone who wants to get involved with her had better be well aware of that.
In-game RP: Is preferred for the most part, but I am willing to occasionally do Discord stuff in the long run. I have a weird work schedule and travel a fair bit, so sometimes its easier to continue a scene in messages. However, I would prefer to do in-game for the start.
Story Types: I am open to most genre of RP, but Miss B is a particular sort of character. Horror and mystery are for sure to be expected. She is also a non-combatant, so do not expect her to be leading any adventures (unless she had some shield between her and any dangers). While she can occasionally be friendly and open, she is not the sort one has a drink with.
Story Length: I am for sure looking for long-term stories and RP here. Miss B is a character made for long, slow stories. I am also 100% not looking for romance with her, she is aromantic for starters and amoral for seconds.
Misc: I certainly prefer paragraph length RP, but I know there are times when that doesn't work. However, on the whole, I want something meaty that I (and Miss B) can sink teeth into and really get dramatic and moody.
Miss Baivoux is a character steeped in horror tropes. She delves into forbidden magic of every sort she can find.
Are you also into those schools of magic, do you consider yourself a peer of hers? Present yourself to her withering gaze and find out if she thinks you're worthy to consider yourself such.
Are you an amoral merchant who can procure things of extremely dubious legality and flat-out immoral acquisition methods? Maybe she and you can strike up a working relationship.
Are you a young mage, desperate for power and willing to give up everything you have and are? Maybe she could find room for a pupil.
Does she drink a lot of blood? She doesn't think its a lot. Is she a vampire? Who are you and why are you asking so many questions?
If you're interested, add me on discord: squidballoon
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ckkikilukilu · 6 months ago
☆ Meet Kikilu ☆
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Available For: Penpal RP Server/Database: Balmung / Crystal
★ The Basics ★
Name: Kikilu Kilu
Race: Lalafell
Age: 42
Gender/Pronouns: Cis Female / She/Her
Sexuality: Panromantic / Asexual
Marital Status: Taken (monogamous)
Affinity: Lawful Good
Likes: Singing, dancing, nature, socializing, baking, herbology, honey, marshmallows, edible flowers, plushies, stories, pretty desserts, letter writing, and all forms of magic.
Dislikes: Smoking, dishonesty, book study, snobs, morbols, and morbol-like creatures.
★ Appearance ★
Hair: Auburn Red
Eyes: Golden
Height: 2′ 5″
Build: Average lalafell chub.
Tattoos: None
Piercings: Several on each ear.
Scars: None
Other notables: Forehead gem.
Common Accessories: Various necklaces and wristbands.
★ Personal ★
Profession: Healer, herbalist, soft-retired pop idol.
Hobbies: Magic (in all forms), singing, dancing, herbology, and baking.
Languages: Eorzean Common, Hingan, Hannish, and some Turali.
Residence: The Black Shroud, Gridania
Birthplace: Encelia Village, Thanalan (destroyed)
Zodiac: Azeyma, The Warden
Fears: Morbols, abandonment.
★ Relationships ★
Partner: Zezedoku Jejedoku
Children: None
Parents: Xuxuvala Fufuvala (father, deceased), Ririta Rita (mother, deceased)
Siblings: Kazofu Nizofu (unofficial adoptive brother, estranged)
Other Relatives: None
Best Friends: Waltz Concerto,
Pets: None
★ Additional Information ★
Personality: Bubbly and easy to get along with, Kikilu loves meeting new people and making new friends. She’s naturally curious, and loves hearing about the lives of others, visiting places she's never been to before, and experiencing new things. And with the heart of a healer, Kikilu will go out-of-her-way to help others. Though she tries not show it to others, Kikilu is very emotional. She tries very hard to see things from every point-of-view, and respect those with different ideals, even when she might not agree with them. She rarely gets angry, but if you insult or upset her friends, then you’re likely to see the side of her that she keeps reserved for just such occasions. Formerly traveling the world as a pop idol, Kikilu has returned to her magical roots, now exploring the natural healing abilities of plant life also.
Smoking: Never
Drugs: Never
Alcohol: Socially
MSQ screenshots are OOC. I just can't resist a pretty picture, but as she's not an actual WoL, she hasn't gone through the WoL's journey herself.
★ Drabbles ★
Circumstances Of Birth
Before The Calamity
During The Calamity [tw: death]
After The Calamity
The New Era
The Journey Home
A Realm Reborn
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ckkitanitayuun · 6 months ago
☆ Meet Kitani ☆
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Available For: Penpal RP Server/Database: Balmung / Crystal
Everybody's problem! Kitani is loud, energetic, and not often in trouble. A party girl emitting absolute gremlin energy. And though she often attempts to hide her emotions from others, she's not as good at it as she likes to think she is.
Events in her past kept her from allowing any relationship deeper than acquaintances. And she spent many years working aboard ships, avoiding staying in one place (or even with one crew) for very long. Keeping herself busy, and often surround by others, she made sure she had no time or reason to feel lonely. Working aboard ships was busy enough, but there were always new people to meet, new places to see, and new drinking games to compete in.
Now-a-days, she resides with her long-suffering partner, Olly. It's the longest she's ever stayed in one place, and the closest she's ever been with one person. Life sure has changed for Kitani, and it can feel a little overwhelming for her at times. Luckily, there's still plenty of parties that need attending where she can blow-off steam... and poor Olly gets dragged along to most of them.
Name: Kitani Tayuun Race: Miqo'te Age: 20's Gender/Pronouns: Cis Female / She/Her Sexuality: Demisexual / Pansexual Marital Status: Taken (monogamous) Affinity: Chaotic Good Likes: Parties, dancing, shots, cocktails, cider, meat dishes, archery, pubs, nightclubs, games, cheese, bacon, camping, grilled fish, sailing, pineapple on pizza. Dislikes: Smoking, dishonesty, long silences, sushi, and snobs.
Notes: MSQ screenshots are OOC. I just can't resist a pretty picture, but as she's not an actual WoL, she hasn't gone through the WoL's journey herself.
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sleepynomadxiv · 3 months ago
RP Event | Balmung (Crystal)
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Server: Balmung (Crystal)
Date: Every 2nd Thursday
Location: Mist, Ward 16 Subdivision, Plot 44
Time: 8PM - 11PM EST
Gil: IC only!
Come by The Sleepy Nomad for comfort food, drinks, and chill music. Check the Carrd page for more info. See you soon!
Any relations to people real or fictional is entirely coincidental, and The Sleepy Nomad does not condone any partaking of illegal activities or substances in real life. Drink responsibly.
The Sleepy Nomad has a Fellowship and Discord! Find the Fellowship under Roleplaying, Player Events, and Making Friends, and ask staff for a Discord link.
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cklukilutz · 1 year ago
☆ Meet Luki ☆
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Available For: Content (DNC, PCT, WHM, AST), RP, and Penpal RP. Server/Database: Balmung / Crystal
Though at first glance, she passes for viera, she's actually half miqo'te. Luki is far shorter than what you'd expect of a female viera. She's also somewhat scruffy, and has a little (bunny-like) tail. Her miqo'te side shines through via her highly expressive ears too.
Does she answer to a "pspsps"? There's one way to find out!
She collects a lot of crystals, and enjoys spending time in nature (as long as it's not too cold), especially near water.
When not surrounded by those natural elements, she spends a lot of time at the arcades (or the Gold Saucer) playing games, and frequently attends nightclubs (especially places/events rock/metal/alternate or cyberpunk themed), and festivals of pretty much all kinds.
Singing is something of a secret passion of hers. And whilst she'll sometimes brave karaoke after a few drinks, you'd be hard-pressed to catch even a hint of song leave her lips. She loves to sing, but lacks the confidence to do so in any kind of sober setting.
Less of a secret, is that she loves bunnies! And while most viera may not appreciate being likened to wild rabbits, Luki takes any such comparisons as high praise.
Name: Luki Lutz Race: Viqo'te (viera mother, miqo'te father) Age: 33 Gender/Pronouns: Cis Female / She/Her Sexuality: Demisexual / Pansexual Marital Status: Single (monogamous) Affinity: Chaotic GoodLikes: Parties, games, blitzball, frisbee, dancing, beaches, the ocean, nature, crystals, sweets, and fruit (especially squapes grapes). Dislikes: Smoking, dishonesty, onions, mayonnaise, seafood, spicy food, bitter flavours, cold climates, snobs, and flying insects (especially wesps and hornets).
Established Relations: Childhood friends with Lokin.
Notes: MSQ screenshots are OOC. I just can't resist a pretty picture, but as she's not an actual WoL, she hasn't gone through the WoL's journey herself.
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pini-ffxiv · 2 months ago
Introduction to Pini
The Basics –––
Name: Pini Alor Race: Miqo’te, Seeker   Pronouns: She/Her Looking for: Any & all contacts/connections Server: Balmung - Crystal Follows from: @foxracinggurl
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Physical Appearance –––
Hair: Pink with hints of orange/red Eyes: Rose  Height: 5'2"   Distinguishing Features: She wears a bomb shaped earing, a necklace she keeps under her shirt, and is always wearing gloves.  
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RP Walk-Up Hooks –––
“What can I get you?” - Bartender by trade, Pini grew up in the hospitality industry so she's always willing to lend a hand. “Chilly, love? Come closer, I won't bite.” - Get up close and personal with her and you will notice the temperature increases. But don't ask, she likely will laugh it off or change the subject. "Need an ear? Mine are pretty cute, I don't mind listening." - Because of her job she's pretty used to listening to people vent about their lives. She loves hearing stories and willing to provide advice if wanted. “Need some help?” - Have your own idea for a scenario? I would love to brainstorm together.
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What I’m Looking For –––
- Any and all connections. Friends, enemies, and anything in between. - I am happy to write any kind of scenarios, this includes mature/darker themes as long as there is clear OOC communication. - I prefer long-term stories for character exploration and growth, I also enjoy one offs.   - Discord/in-game, scheduling is really helpful for me.  - I love taking screenshots and talking ooc about the silly things our characters get up to.
Additional information –––
I’m a game design teacher, creator of plushies, a manager of communities, & a master student. My schedule is really busy so booking time to RP works best. Contact me though Tumblr: [@pini-ffxiv / @foxracinggurl] or in-game [Pini Alor - Balmung] 
Thanks for reading and I hope to write with you soon!
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cklokinlutz · 6 months ago
☆ Meet Lokin ☆
Available For: RP, Penpal RP Server/Database: Balmung / Crystal
At a glance, he could pass for a viera, despite his father being hrothgar. Lokin stands taller than most male viera, and has a short tail, resembling that of a bunny.
He spends a lot of time at the arcades (or the Gold Saucer) playing games, and frequently attends nightclubs (especially places/events rock/metal/alternate or cyberpunk themed), and festivals of pretty much all kinds.
Another favourite activity of his is attending blitzball matches, armed with a portable bbq and as much food and drink as he can carry. It never fails to draw a crowd and encourage good vibes between fans.
He also enjoys woodcarving, a skill taught to him back when he lived in his birth village. Though it was mostly for the productions of weapons back then, nowadays he prefers to make statues of animals, or trinkets to sell.
Name: Lokin Lutz Race: Viqo'te (viera mother, miqo'te father) Age: 40 Gender/Pronouns: Cis Male / He/HimSexuality: Demisexual / Pansexual Marital Status: Single (monogamous)Affinity: Chaotic GoodLikes: Parties, bbq food, games, woodcarving, camping, blitzball, dancing, drumming, nature, nuts, cider.Dislikes: Smoking, dishonesty, pineapple on pizza, snobs, and flying insects, wild boars.
Established Relations: Childhood friends with Luki.
Notes: MSQ screenshots are OOC. I just can't resist a pretty picture, but as he's not an actual WoL, he hasn't gone through the WoL's journey himself.
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tea-ffxiv · 1 year ago
Happy Hour - Bards & Bands Wanted
Hello, folks! It's been a while, so we wanted to give everyone a quick update about our Happy Hour events on the last Thursday of each month. We have decided to move away from the macro performance portion of the Happy Hour events for the time being, either permanently or until more new macro performers enter the community and our past performers become more available in their schedules. Rest assured, Happy Hour is here to stay. The events will continue and will be resuming soon! However, we are going to shift the focus away from the performance and musical aspect, and more toward casual, social RP tavern night events with a classy speakeasy vibe. We would love to be able to keep the spirit of the music and entertainment alive within the event and make the most of our stage downstairs, however, so if you are a bard who likes to play music with the in game bard performance feature and are available Thursday evenings within the timeframe of 9:00 - 11:00 PM EST on NA, please contact us! (Please note: this is a voluntary basis, as there will likely be no pay beyond personal tips because we are a non-profit, gil-free venue for our guests.)
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anamsgith · 2 years ago
Carrds updated!
Finally set up the aforementioned RP group!
-= LFRP: Anam Caillte =-
[Last update: 15/03/23]
A Gleaner with a side-job in Smuggling, run out of the basement of his Limsan tavern.
21+ please!
Any timezone, in game or DM's.
See the Carrd for more in-depth information & hooks!
Looking For:
Themes - I heavily enjoy the darker, grittier and more horror-influenced settings. Before writing in XIV, a great deal of text-based RP was set in the Soulsborne universe. Anything that falls into that bracket I'm down for; murder, assassinations, eldritch fuckery, curses, etcetc. If you have an idea or are unsure of something, please just ask!
Plots - I have a couple of ongoing things with Anam himself and I much prefer long, developmental arcs over shorter stuff.
I am fine with scenes involving sexuality, violence, drug/alcohol use, moderate gore/blood/torture, vulgarity, temporary injury and incapacitation, temporary imprisonment/kidnapping. I'm also happy to be your NPC assassin!
None of the above themes will take place without OOC consent from both sides and I will check in frequently. Any discomfort and the writing stops. Your mental well-being is more important to me than story
I also run a small RP Group over on Balmung!
The idea was born from blend of Lovecraftian horror, the Antivan Crows and Thief.
We're still very new and quite small, and while we are based on Balmung we do accept players from all over. You can find out more here;
If you have any questions, feel free to shoot me a message.
Thank you for reading! Have an excellent day ♡
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sasha-rochester · 1 year ago
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LF RP - Sasha Rochester
The Basics ––– –
Age: 29
Race: Midlander Hyur
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual, clear preference for men due to some experiences.
Marital Status: Single
Physical Appearance ––– –
Hair: Brown, slowly fades to white.
Eyes: Green
Height: 5′7″
Build: Currently slightly underweight and physically weak.
Distinguishing Marks: A white aetherial marking on her left temple, hair always has white ends.
Personal ––– –
Profession: Independent Researcher
Hobbies: Drinking, Reading, Finding new forms of magic to incorporate into her daily lfe, travelling.
Residence: Ul'dah, but travels very often.
Birthplace: Ul'dah
Religion: The Twelve, albeit extremely loosely and only to fullfill her own ends.
Patron Deity: Azeyma
Fears: Never meeting her own standards, commitment, boredom Character Alignment: Neutral Evil/True Neutral depending on DnD system.
Character Traits
Traits ––– -
* Bold your character’s answer.
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between / Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal/ In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
Additional information ––– –
Smoking Habit: N/A Drugs: Yes. Alcohol: Yes. 
RP Hooks ––– –
This character was in prision for around five years over a "fallacious, asinine" charge (According to her). Those years were spent in a "correction facility" for more promising researchers in Sharlayan.
Her grandmother (and late father) are Sharlayan natives. Her grandmother is a former forum member, desperately clinging to her glory in the past.
This character is based in Ul'dah, but due to her conditional release, she is often found travelling to fuel her own research on aetherial constructs.
This character was formerly involved in the criminal underground, often hiring people to do her dirty work. While she claims she "no longer involves herself in such activities", she very much does, and generally bounces off other criminals quite well.
This character used to be heavily involved in high society, and while her time spent in prision a correctional facility heavily put a damper on that, she certainly will try to get back to 'her old life'.
Fellow researchers on aetherial phenomena are welcome, especially if their research pertrains to more... Divisive forms of magic.
Contact Information  ––– –
Discord: Sashazaurus Tumblr: sasha-rochester In game: Sasha Rochester, Balmung Server, Crystal Datacenter
I'm trying to find RP linkshells/communities since I've been back, so any pointers would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much for your time!
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alicienacorvin · 3 months ago
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LFRP: Alice Leach - Crystal DC
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Look at that stud muffin...can you believe she hasn't been in any RP for almost a year now?? Crazy. That's why I'm looking for new RP contacts! Alice is a bruiser, bodyguard type with a penchant for secret softness and surprising insights. She is currently aimless and looking for something to occupy her mind and time, be that people or work.
In-game RP: Is preferred for the most part, but I am willing to occasionally do Discord stuff in the long run. I have a weird work schedule and travel a fair bit, so sometimes it is easier. I would prefer to do in game to start.
Story Length: I would greatly prefer long term RP as opposed to just one-offs. I've had plenty of one-offs and they leave me feeling deflated. I want a storyline, though not necessarily romantic (I'm not opposed, but I think going into an RP with that goal leads to bad times.)
Story Types: I am pretty open to all sorts of stories. Casual slice-of-life tends to burn itself out pretty quickly, so action and adventure, mystery, even horror stuff to punctuate the story is always good. Alice is an inherently violent creature, despite her looks, so playing to that is preferred (also it gives time to play out the juxtaposition of her as violent and also tender.)
Misc: I certainly prefer paragraph length RP, but I know there are times when that doesn't work. Sassy banter works better in short bursts, for example. That being said, I need meaty RP, something that has substance.
Do you need someone to enact incredible violence, either as a bodyguard or a mercenary? Do you need a self-sacrificing meat-shield to protect you in "abandoned" ruins and temples?
Do you need someone with connections both above and below board, fostered through time as a distiller running a slightly shady business before she got bored?
Do you need someone who won't ask a lot of questions pertaining to morality of a plan as you obtain goods that may or may not belong to you?
Do you just need someone brash and exciting to go on stupid adventures with? Message me and maybe we can come up with something fun!
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lunaexiv · 1 year ago
LFRP: Lunae Lux
(( Looking for new contacts for a very old character ♥ ))
∎ 𝐍𝐚𝐦𝐞: Lunae 'Lux' Kaneshiro ∎ 𝐑𝐚𝐜𝐞: Keeper, Miqo'te ∎ 𝐀𝐠𝐞: 29 ∎ 𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫: Female ∎ 𝐒𝐞𝐱𝐮𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲: Straight ∎ 𝐀𝐯𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐚𝐛𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲: Est ((But I'm a nightowl)) ∎ 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐝: https://lunaelux.carrd.co/
▬ 𝐊𝐞𝐲 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐬: Obsessive, Over-protective, Devious, Kind, Generous, Dangerous, Psychotic ▬ 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐁𝐢𝐨: Lunae is a self-made criminal mastermind. She climbed the ranks of the underworld at a spry age and soon created her own empire. That empire grew in the west and took hold in the east when she discovered her true birthright. Now she stands as the Oyabun to The Nisshoku-gumi, an infamous yakuza family that has bloodied the eastern sands throughout the years. Vivacious and deadly, Lunae seeks to expand her domain and make beneficial alliances or unfortunate enemies. ▬ 𝐏𝐥𝐨𝐭 𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐬:
- She is an established Shinobi and Astrologian who usually boasts about her blessings to tell the future. Are you looking for a reading? - Being a self-proclaimed criminal Empress she is a name that has been whispered. Have you heard of her? Are you foe or friend? - Lunae is also an entrepreneur, owning many businesses from The Sultana's Cup, The Phoenix Parlor, Club Underdark, and the Asagao Gardens. Were you an old patron? - Shady dealings? - Crime? - Are you from Hingashi? Perhaps you heard of her lost clan? Literally anything, I'm open to anything!
▬ 𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐈𝐧: Longterm partners, dark, mature, horror themes. General crime roleplay! Romance is something that will be almost impossible on her unless given proper investments. ▬ 𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐈𝐧: Romance out the gate, Erp with no direction, most slice of life situations (I am for the cute stuff occassionally but I prefer story heavy plotlines with conflict)
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miqojak · 1 year ago
Okay, I've updated my carrd a good bit (and tried my best to optimize it for mobile, though it may still be a bit wonky in places). I added a LOT of old writings to my page that's a collection of all of my writings for/about Jak throughout the years, tweaked a few things, changed a few screenshots... but here it is! It's a new year. Come RP with me. If not with Jak, then maybe @antlers-and-omens or @vulpes-ferus !
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rhela-xiv · 1 year ago
The Azure Moon Lounge
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I am beyond excited to finally share this place. With a lot of blood, sweat, and tears (and my RP partner's infinite patience), we completely remodeled a house and plan to open up the venue this month. Rhela will, of course, be behind the bar with her usual surly attitude and top notch drinks. Please check out the carrd, and look forward to further details!
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its-the-val-pal · 2 years ago
LF RP and RP Contacts!
Hey you there! Stop! Are you looking for RP? Do you want to make a new connection? You okay with someone returning to the game after a hiatus?
Hi it me! I’m Val! Pretty much everyone I played with is MIA and my character’s old connections are no more, so I’m looking to make new ones. To justify this, I’ve edited/changed the character a bit and I undoubtedly have a LOT of work to do to get back proper such as making a new carrd, glamours, mods, etc. But I’m working on it and taking it bit by bit! I have other characters and alts, too, that I’m going to be updating/posting about as well.
Here’s a sample of what he looks like now and, if interested, keep reading for a general bio/overview of what I’m looking for! 
Thank you so much for your time!
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General Info
Name: Zheval Seltik (Val) Age: 36 Race: Viera Gender: Male (He/Him) Occupation: Mercenary/Bodyguard/Sword for Hire Timezone: CST, but I can make most things work as long as it isn't beyond 2AM CST. RP Style: I can do semi/multi-para and everything in between. I usually change my posting style to match the tempo of the RP. Ideally I'd like to get involved with others that also enjoy writing so I can improve my style and skill. A sample of my writing can be found here, having just recently posted it to get a feel for the character.
OOC: Hello! I've been playing since launch and RPing for far longer--as far back as old school Ayenee RP chats, through WoW (Silver Hand/Moon Guard - WotLK), and many others. I'm returning from a bit of a hiatus and pretty much all of my contacts are gone, so I'm starting over! Character rebuild, catching up in game, and so on. As for what I'm looking for--Zheval's always been a combatant. He can't read/write very well and it's a typical amnesia story to justify starting over. I love exciting RP-conflict, mystery, combat, adventuring, slice of life, mature, dark, etc. I'm happy to also do hangout/slice of life RP and take things a little slower, but I see him getting into tournaments for the thrill of the fight and, hopefully, being hired by an FC or individual as a guard, mercenary, or hired hand of some sort. All that to say I do have a carrd, but it's incredibly out of date. That's going to be resolved soon and is my first priority. The general idea of the character won't change, but obviously some things will be different as he's operating in a bit of a fog. Either way, to get an idea of who he was and what was left behind, you can find it here.
I Am Looking For
In-Game RP -21+ RP partners/friends to RP with in game. I'm okay with Discord, but I'd rather do within the setting/game itself.    
Long-term RP -So the character can naturally grow and evolve. I'm not looking for relationship/ERP for the sake of having one. He has priorities and, if those ever come to completion, then maybe the possibility will open up. But I want things to progress naturally and organically and right now it's not on his radar.
Themes -I'm up for just about anything! Dark, mature, casual, criminal, heroic, adventurous, whatever. I can fit this character into just about anything as-is and welcome it!
Bodyguard/Merc - He has previous work as a guard and is currently doing that to make enough coin to live. 
Tournament/Arena - Host a tournament? Know one? He's down. Underground, seedy dives feel right to him for some reason. 
 Ul'dahn Native - Speaking of-does your character often visit Ul'dah/Central Thanalan? Maybe the bridge just near the Grindstone? That's his home when he can't afford a room in the inn! For some reason, it comforts him. 
Amnesia Experience - Does your character have experience with amnesia? Dealing with it themselves? Think they can help him learn who he was? He'd be more than willing to hear their story and form a bond. 
Exploration - So much of the world is a fog to him, and the littlest thing stands to awaken a memory or feel familiar to him. If your character either wants to help him dig through the fog or just an adventurous sort to explore the world, count him in! 
F.C. - Does your character's initials match F.C.? The ring is all he has to go on as to who he was, and any such person is immediately interesting to him. 
Enemies - A member of his past? Want to torment him? I'm all for it! 
Frienemies - A member of his past that used to hate him? Want to start a love/hate relationship where they’re constantly trying to one-up and cause problems for each other? Let’s go!
 Ideas! - I'm up for anything else so long as it isn't much more than lore-bending. There's likely a lot I missed and I'm more than open to new ideas! 
Please feel free to DM me either on here or via discord at itsthevalpal if any of this piques your interest at all. I'm looking forward to it!
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